#i probably shouldn’t say this but i have to help my mom with something after work
midnightcoward · 2 years
i’m on the third audio book of a series i really enjoy and they mentioned one of my favorite beatles songs (i don’t care for them), so i’m going to be writing a one-shot focusing on alpha mom.
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waitimcomingtoo · 6 months
Sugar And Spice
Pairing: Peeta Mellark x reader
Synopsis: Peeta gets jealous when a guy keeps coming into the bakery to flirt with you
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“Can you watch the bakery for a second while I frost a cake?”
“I can do it but I have to warn you. I’m super charming so we’re probably gonna get a bunch of customers and sell out immediately.” You said and held up your hands in defense. Peeta couldn’t help but smile as he watched you tie an apron around your waist. Something about you wearing something that had his last name on it made you even more endearing. He knew he shouldn’t be thinking about his best friend like that, but he couldn’t help it.
“I don’t doubt your charm but we haven’t had any customers all day.” He reminded you.
“That’s because you’ve been keeping me in the back. Go frost your cake. This place will be packed when you return. Just watch”. You said and shooed him okay.
“Okay.” He replied sarcastically.
You were only alone in the bakery for a few minutes before someone came in. It was a guy around your age wearing a hard helmet so you could only assume he was a coal miner.
“Hello.” He smiled at you as he walked up the counter.
“Hello.” You replied. “Welcome to Mellark Bakery.”
“Do you guys sell bread?” He asked you.
“Here? At the bakery?” You asked and stepped to the side to give him a full view of all the baskets of bread behind you.
“Okay, it was a dumb question.” He admitted.
“It’s okay. It’s probably the only question you can ask that I could actually answer. I just learned what yeast was a little while ago.”
“Oh, so you don’t usually work here?”
“I don’t. My best friends family owns the place. But his brother gave his mom a cold and then the whole family caught it. I’m just filling in until they’re better.” You explained.
“That’s a shame. I thought I’d have two reasons to come in here now.” The boy said with a coy smile.
“Two reasons?”
“For delicious bread and a chance to see the pretty girl working the counter.” He replied. You raised your eyebrows in surprise at his flirting before smiling. You’d never had a boy flirt with you so boldly so it made you feel good.
“Well, thanks. How can I help you?” You asked him.
“My mother sent me to get that brown bread but I keep forgetting the name of it.”
“Isn’t all bread brown?”
“Well, yes.” He realized. “But she said this one is browner than the others.”
“I actually think I know what you’re talking about. Is it pumpernickel?” You asked and pulled out a loaf of pumpernickel bread.
“Yes! That’s the one. Look at you being smart. I’ll take a loaf of that.” The boy said. You didn’t really like the way he acted like it was shocking you’d say something smart but you didn’t say anything.
“Surely. Anything else I get you?” You asked as you handed him the wrapped up loaf.
“How about your name?” He smiled as he handed you the money.
“It’s Y/n. You?” You said through a nervous laugh. You weren’t entirely sure you liked the attention anymore.
“Hi. I’m Lycan.” He said and extended his hand.
“Nice to meet you, Lycan.” You smiled politely and shook his hand.
“It is nice, isn’t it? Will you be filling in all week?”
“Most likely.” You told him.
“Then I’ll be back. Thanks for the help.” He winked at you just as Peeta came out from the back. He saw the much taller and stronger looking Lycan leaving the bakery and stopped in his tracks.
“No problem.” You called after him. Peeta caught the way Lycan’s eyes lingered on you after he left the shop and he didn’t like it. He got a weird feeling in his stomach when he noticed that you were flustered.
“Who was that?” Peeta asked.
“That was Lycan. And he bought the last loaf of pumpernickel so we knead to make more. And that was a baking pun, by the way. But it would’ve worked better on paper.”
“Oh. Do you always learn the customers names?” Peeta asked as the weird feeling in his stomach grew. He was feeling jealous already and now that he knew you learned that guys name, it was even worse.
“Not always.” You shrugged. “But he asked my name so I asked his.”
“He asked your name? That was nice of him.” Peeta said through a forced smile. He didn’t know why it bothered him so much that you had caught the attention of the attractive stranger. Maybe because you’d caught Peeta’s attention years ago but still hadn’t noticed.
“Yeah. I guess he was nice. He called me pretty.” You said and looked at Peeta as if you were expecting him to disagree with that statement. Peeta clenched his jaw but kept a straight face.
“You are pretty.” He insisted. “Why do you sound so surprised?”
“I don’t know. I guess because no one’s ever just called me pretty before. Except maybe my mother. But I’ve never heard it from a boy. It was kinda, I don’t know, nice.” You said as you stared out the window. Peeta was kicking himself for never vocalizing how beautiful he found you because now you had to cling to the compliment of a stranger.
“I think you’re pretty.” Peeta said quietly. Your head turned to Peeta and you had a surprised smile on your face. Peeta turned a deep red as he waited for your answer.
“You’re pretty pretty yourself, blondie.” You replied as you passed by him. You started to rearrange some of the baked goods but Peeta was still hung up on this stranger who called you pretty.
“Did you like that guy?” Peeta asked you and feared for the answer.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged. “It was nice to be noticed. But I don’t him enough to know if I like him.”
“Right.” He nodded and desperately tried to take his mind off it. You noticed the far off look in Peeta’s eye but didn’t understand what was bothering him.
“So how’s your cake?” You asked.
“Not good. I made the frosting a weird color. Can you go look at it and tell me if I should scrap it or not?”
“Sure. But if you go check on it later and there’s a piece missing, it wasn’t me.” You teased.
“Very funny.” He said sarcastically.
“I know, right?” You laughed and went to the back. Peeta laughed as well but his smile quickly dropped when the door to the bakery opened. Lycan walked back in and Peeta gulped. He’d only seen him through the window before so now he got to see just how tall and handsome this guy was. Peeta nervously fumbled with the tie on his apron and felt a little insecure to be wearing it when this guy was covering in soot and dirt from being down in the mines.
“Hi. How can I help you?” Peeta asked him. Lycan was visibly disappointed to see Peeta there and was ignoring him as he looked around the bakery for you.
“What happened to the girl that was working here just a few minutes ago?” Lycan asked.
“Who’s asking?” Peeta asked without dropping his cheery smile. Lycan looked Peeta up and down and scoffed a little.
“I am.” He replied. “I wanted to ask her where she lives.”
“Why would you want to know that?” Peeta frowned.
“So I could see her again. I was planning on stopping by sometime. I figured she’d like that.” Lycan answered with a smug expression.
“Well I know her well enough to know she wouldn’t want me telling a stranger where she lives so…” Peeta trailed off and let Lycan fill in the blank.
“Hm. You must be the friend she mentioned. I guess I’ll just have to ask her myself. But why don’t you do me a favor and tell her I stopped by?”
“Surely.” Peeta replied. Lycan recognized the same word you had used and narrowed his eyes at Peeta.
“Thanks, baker boy. Bye.” Lycan smirked and left the bakery. Peeta blinked in surprise at the unexpected rude tone. If he was feeling insecure before, he was feeling even worse now that Lycan made it obvious that he looked down on him.
“Who was that?” You asked when you came out from the back.
“No one.” Peeta lied. “How’s the cake?”
“I actually like the grey color. You should leave it as it is.” You told him.
“But it was supposed to be a wedding cake. Won’t the customer be mad?”
“If I was getting married and my cake was baked by you, I wouldn’t care what it looked like because I would already know it was delicious. But you don’t have to worry about that because the cake looked great. Your cakes always look great. You’re the best cake decorator I know. So stop worrying about it.” You said and playfully smacked his chest.
“I’m the only cake decorator you know.” He said with a shy smile.
“That may be true.” You agreed. “But even if I knew more, you’d still be the best. You’re an artist. All your cakes are lovely. I promise.”
“Thanks for saying that.” He blushed. “We can have a grey cake at our wedding then.”
“Oh? Our wedding?” You raised your eyebrows.
“Your wedding.” He quickly corrected. “I meant your wedding. I will make you a grey cake for your wedding.”
“What if my groom wants a white cake?”
“He’ll want whatever you want.” Peeta said confidently.
“What makes you so sure?” You asked skeptically.
“Just a guess.” He said quickly. He wasn’t about to tell you that if he was the groom, you’d get whatever and however many cakes you wanted.
“Well he better. My mother is already on me about finding someone and settling down. That’s all she thinks I’m gonna be apparently. A wife.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
“Oh, yeah? Is there anyone in particular you’re thinking of?” Peeta asked without looking at you.
“I mean, I wouldn’t be against running off and eloping with you to get her off my back.” You joked. Peeta blushed at the joke and hoped there was some truth to it.
“Or maybe I’ll just marry this Lycan guy to shut her up.” You added, making Peeta’s smile drop. He was definitely jealous now and it was only gonna get worse.
The next day, you went to the bakery again and helped Peeta run the shop. He had you handling the customers while he stayed in the back to bake. Even though you had said it as a joke, you actually were bringing in a lot of customers and selling through baked goods fast. Unfortunately, you brought in Peeta’s least favorite customer.
“Oh no.” Peeta said when he saw Lycan through the windows.
“What?” You asked just as the door opened.
“Hello again.” Lycan greeted you and didn’t acknowledge Peeta in any way.
“Oh, hi, Lycan. What can I get for you today?” You asked him.
“How about you get me your favorite thing in the shop?” He asked with that smug look Peeta hated. Peeta rolled his eyes at the lack of manners but held his tongue.
“Well, that’s hard to pick. Peeta bakes everything and it’s all delicious. He’s an amazing baker.” You said and patted Peeta’s back. Peeta and Lycan made eye contact and gave each other tight smiles.
“Oh, so this is your friend who runs the bakery? Did he tell you I stopped by yesterday to see you?” Lycan asked knowing full well Peeta didn’t mention it. You looked at Peeta in surprise and Peeta gave you a sheepish smile.
“Must’ve forgotten to mention that.” He said quietly.
“Right.” You laughed awkwardly. “Well, I love the cinnamon buns Peeta makes. And we just frosted some so I’ll go grab one from the back.”
You went to the back to grab a cinnamon bun, leaving Peeta and Lycan alone together. Peeta kept his eyes down as Lycan stared at him with a smug expression.
“So how come you had her running the shop all alone yesterday?” Lycan asked with judgement in his voice.
“She was fine. She was only alone for a few minutes but she would’ve been perfectly capable of running the shop all day. She’s great at this stuff. She’s better than me and I grew up in this bakery.” Peeta defended you.
“I could tell.” Lycan snorted. “But running a business is no place for a lady. She should’ve been doing the baking while you handled the customers. A girl like that should be able to sit still and look pretty while you man the place, you know what I mean?”
“Um, no, I don’t know what you mean.” Peeta smiled tightly. “She’s not the type to sit still but you wouldn’t know that because you don’t know her. And we “manned”the shop together all day. I just happened to be in the back decorating the cakes when you came in.”
“Oh, so you make all these? Where did you learn how to do that?” Lycan asked with a condescending smile as he looked at the cakes on display.
“My mother taught me.” Peeta said quietly.
“Oh, I see. My mother taught me that a man’s job involves getting your hands dirty but hey, what does she know?” Lycan shrugged.
“Clearly not how to teach her son manners.” Peeta mumbled. You came out from the back and Peeta relaxed.
“Here. One hot cinnamon bun.” You smiled kindly and handed the treat to Lycan.
“Thank you. It looks almost as good as you do.” He said with a much kinder tone than he had given Peeta.
“Oh. Thank you.” You laughed in surprise and looked over at Peeta. Peeta was too busy staring daggers at Lycan to notice.
“See you tomorrow?” Lycan asked you.
“See you then.” You waved as he left the shop. Once he was gone again, Peeta could finally breathe.
“I don’t like that guy.” Peeta shook his head.
“What? Why not? He’s so nice.” You said. As much as Peeta disliked that guy, he wasn’t about to burst your bubble and tell you Lycan had implied you could not and should not run the bakery by yourself.
“He’s too nice.” Peeta insisted. “And I don’t like the way he was looking at you.”
“How was he looking at me?” You frowned.
“The same way every guy looks at you. Only he looks dumb enough to try something.” Peeta mumbled. You let out a laugh and Peeta was confused.
“What?” He wondered.
“Nothing. I’ve just never heard you call someone dumb before. Here I was thinking you were all sunshine and flowers.” You shrugged with an amused smile.
“I can be tough. You don’t think I can be tough?”
“Well, I’m sure you can be. I’ve just never seen it. I’ve only ever seen your good side.”
“I can be tough. I can be a real tough guy.” Peeta insisted but it sounded unnatural coming out of his mouth.
“Okay, tough guy.” You chuckled. “Show me what you got.”
“What do you mean?”
“Say something mean about me.” You said and gestured towards yourself.
“What? I would never do that.” He laughed but meant it.
“I knew it. You’re too sweet. You don’t have a mean bone in your body. You’re all sugar.” You said and squeezed his arm. Peeta blushed at the contact and felt a little better about himself.
“Here’s something mean. That guy just tracked mud all over the floors. Why are coal miners so messy?” He scoffed and grabbed the mop.
“Maybe because they’re in dirty mines all day? Just a thought.” You teased as Peeta cleaned the floor.
“This is just gross.” Peeta huffed. “And did you see his hands? They were filthy.”
“I didn’t notice them.” You shrugged.
“Yeah, cause you were too busy flirting.” Peeta grumbled.
“Flirting?” You laughed. “I was not flirting with that guy.”
“Yes you were. I’ve never seen you bat your eyelashes like that before. And when’s the last time you warmed something up for a customer? You did that to flirt.” He half joked, half meant entirely.
“That wasn’t me flirting. I was just blinking because of all the dust he brought in.” You said simply. Peeta stopped mopping and looked up to see if you were serious.
“You really weren’t flirting with him?” Peeta asked hopefully.
“With a stranger? Who do you think I am?” You scoffed and grabbed the mop from him. You cleaned up the rest of the mud tracks before handing the mop back.
“Okay.” Peeta smiled. “Good.”
“Why’s that good? You didn’t want me to be flirting with him?” You asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Psh. No. I don’t care who you flirt with.” Peeta quickly explained but even he didn’t believe it.
“Don’t you?” You asked and took a step towards him.
“I don’t.” He gulped.
“All right then.” You smiled sadly and went back behind the counter. Peeta looked over at you and wondered if you had wanted him to say that he didn’t want you flirting with anyone else.
The next day, Peeta was hesitant to leave you alone in the bakery in case Lycan came back to ask you out. If he actually made a move on you, Peeta knew he didn’t stand a chance. There weren’t a whole lot of options for dating in your district so if he asked you out, you’d probably say yes. But Peeta couldn’t stay in the front forever and eventually had to go to the back to frost cakes. And as soon as he was gone, the wolves descended.
“Good morning.” Lycan greeted as he came into the bakery. Your heart started to beat faster when he came in but it wasn’t from excitement. His presence was starting to make you anxious and you didn’t know if you liked the attention anymore.
“Good morning. What will it be today?” You asked politely.
“Some more pumpernickel please. But only half a loaf. I had some of my worker friends over last night and we went through it. We just get so hungry being down in the mines all day. You know how real men’s work is. It’s brutal but hey, someone’s gotta do it.” Lycan shrugged and leaned on the counters that you had just cleaned.
“Right.” You said sarcastically. “Anything else?”
“A smile. From you.” Lycan added. You gave him a tight smile back and realized you really didn’t like the attention. At least, not from him.
“Have a great day.” He said as you handed him the loaf and he handed you the money.
“Thanks. You too.”
“I already did. Because I got to see you.” Lycan said and pointed to you. You forced a smile back and watched as he tracked mud on the floor as he left. Peeta came out from the back a little while later and saw the mud.
“I see Lycan returned.” He said stiffly.
“He sure did.” You replied. Peeta rolled his eyes and grabbed the mop before looking at you.
“Don’t give me that look.” You laughed. “It’s not my fault Mr. Muddy Boots keeps coming in here.”
“Yes it is. I heard him telling you to smile. He likes you.” Peeta mumbled and mopped the floor. His jealousy was back and in full force so he kept his head down.
“Maybe he was just being friendly.”
“But he wasn’t being friendly to me. Only you.” Peeta pointed out.
“Okay, true. But that still doesn’t mean anything. He might just want to be friends.”
“No way. No guy wants to be just friends with a girl as interesting and funny as you.”
“What about you? You just want to be friends, don’t you?” You asked and smiled at his words but he didn’t see it. He was too busy keeping his head down so you couldn’t see how much he was blushing over what you asked.
“There. Finally clean. But if he comes in here and gets the floors muddy one more time, I’m gonna ban him from the bakery.” Peeta said to change the subject.
“Maybe he’s had enough of your baked goods and won’t come in anymore.” You shrugged.
“He’ll be back. Although he might stop buying things and just start coming in to stare at you.” Peeta grumbled, making you laugh. When your laughter died down, you thought about what it would mean if this guy actually wanted to be more than friends.
“Do you actually think he likes me?” You asked quietly.
“Of course he does. And I can’t blame him. But I can be annoyed about how often he comes in here.” Peeta said and continued to avoid eye contact with you.
“But him coming in here means you get more customers.” You reminded him. “And what do you mean you can’t blame him?”
“Him coming in here means I have to look at his dumb face while he bumbles around and tries to flirt with you. All while making the bakery muddy. I wouldn’t mind losing him as a customer.” Peeta replied and conveniently ignored the second half of what you said.
“Well we should probably bake another loaf of pumpernickel in case he comes in tomorrow.” You shrugged and started to gather the ingredients. Peeta froze and watched you tie on an apron as jealousy burned a hole inside him.
“What?” You asked when you saw Peeta’s face.
“You want him to come back?” Peeta asked in a soft voice.
“I didn’t say that. But if he does, which I’m assuming he will, we should have bread for him.”
Peeta was quiet again for a minute as he looked at you. He didn’t think you liked this guy back until he watched you gathering ingredients to make something specifically for him.
“Do you, um, do you like him back or something?” Peeta asked you. He didn’t sound angry or anything, just sad.
“What I like is earning money. Which customers bring in. Customers like Lycan.” You said and headed to the back where the oven was.
“Fine. But just don’t bake that with love, okay?” Peeta called after you. He heard you laugh and felt a little better because it reminded him that no one made you laugh quite like he did.
“I’ll try.” You called back.
The next day, Peeta was ready for anything. He asked you to bake some muffins in the back while he dealt with the customers during the evening rush. He had made it through almost the entire day before he saw Lycan coming in to the bakery. He looked around for you as soon as he walked in before walking up the counter.
“How can I help you?” Peeta asked with a forced smile.
“Actually, I was hoping Y/n could help me. She here?” Lycan asked and peered behind the counter.
“She’s busy with the baking in the back.”
“Really? I thought frosting cakes was your job? Tell me, how do you make them look so pretty?” Lycan asked in a mocking tone.
“It takes a steady hand. And a clean one.” Peeta said as his eyes dropped to Lycans dirt covered hands.
“These are workers hands. But you wouldn’t know anything about that would you, baker boy?” Lycan said in a low voice as he leaned on the counter. Peeta gulped but was determined to stand his ground.
“I know about hard work. Just because my work is different from yours doesn’t mean it’s any less important.” He replied.
“Are you serious?” Lycan laughed. “I risk my life everyday to get the coal that you use to bake your pretty little cakes. You’re not important. I mean, your work isn’t important. I know that, and she knows that.” Lycan whispered so only Peeta could hear. His words were getting to Peeta and he wasn’t feeling as confident as before.
“She’d never go for you.” Peeta said quietly.
“What other choice does she have? You?” Lycan scoffed. “I asked around about the two of you, you know. Everyone had the same thing to say. That the bakers boy absolutely adores her but isn’t man enough to do anything about it.”
“I could do something about it.” Peeta insisted.
“Oh really? Then why haven’t you?” Lycan asked him. Peeta opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He had no answer to give.
“That’s what I thought.” Lycan snickered. “She’d never go for you either.”
Peeta looked down at the ground and believed what Lycan was saying. You came out from the back and immediately sensed the awkward tension. You first noticed Peeta’s sad expression and then Lycan’s smug smirk.
“Oh, hi Lycan. Back so soon?” You asked as you looked between the boys and tried to figure out what had just happened between them.
“I just needed to get some bread. And seeing your pretty face never hurts.” Lycan said and switched to a nice smile.
“Aw, thanks.” You said with a fake smile.
“You know, being a coal miner is really dangerous. Nothing like the easy job this guy has.” Lycan said and nodded towards Peeta. “When the boys and I go down into the mines, we never know if we’re gonna get to come back out. So I try to take a minute and appreciate the beautiful things in life as much as I can. And that includes you.”
“Aw, thanks.” You repeated in the same uncomfortable tone. Peeta looked up and saw that Lycan was staring at him with a puffed up smile. In other words, he thought he ate that.
“See you around, doll.” Lycan winked at you before leaving the shop.
“That was painful.” You said once he was gone.
“For us both.” Peeta mumbled.
“I think you were right. I think he may be more than just friendly.” You laughed nervously.
“What gave it away?” Peeta smiled sarcastically.
“I just don’t understand what he wants from me. I don’t even know what to say when he talks like that.” You said and grimaced at the memory of his little speech.
“He probably wants a wife. And he wants you to say it can be you.”
“A wife?” You laughed in shock. “He doesn’t even know me.”
“But he wants to. That’s why he keeps coming in here. He probably wanted to ask you out today but wouldn’t with me in here.”
“Well I wouldn’t say yes even if he did. So there’s nothing to worry about.” You shrugged.
“Don’t tell me there’s nothing to worry about.” Peeta snapped. You were both surprised by his tone and stood in awkward silence following his exclamation. Peeta was too embarrassed to look at you so he kept his head down and played with the ties in his apron. He heard your footsteps coming over to him and suddenly, you were lifting his chin to get him to look at you.
“What’s this about?” You asked quietly. Peeta sighed and looked to the side.
“He works in the mines and risks his life. I work in a bakery and decorate cakes. He’s covered in soot and dirt and I end the day covered in flour and sugar.”
“So?” You laughed.
“So, he’s a real man.” Peeta insisted. “And that’s what you deserve.”
“Do you think I don’t see you as a real man?” You asked and wrapped your arms around Peeta’s neck. He turned bright red and finally looked at you.
“Look at me. And look at him. We’re not the same.” Peeta said softly.
“Just because he works down there and you work up here doesn’t make you any less of a man.” You assured him.
“It feels like it does. Especially when…”
“When what?” You asked when Peeta trailed off.
“When I thought you liked him. I assumed he caught your attention because he’s all big and tough and I’m just…soft.” He shrugged and gave you an embarrassed smile.
“He caught my attention because he’s annoying and dirty. And I happen to like that you’re soft.” You told him.
“You do?” Peeta asked skeptically.
“Of course I do. I like that you never have a mean thing to say about anybody. I like that you decorate cakes and smell like cinnamon all the time. And I like that you stop to pick flowers that you like. But you know what I don’t like?”
“That guy. I don’t like how he thinks I shouldn’t run the shop by myself. I don’t like how he can’t compliment me on anything but my looks. I don’t like how he thinks his job makes him superior to us. And I don’t like that he made you feel bad about yourself.” You said. Peeta looked into your eyes and saw how serious you were. A smile tugged at his lips as he believed that he didn’t have anything to worry about.
“He made fun of my cake decorating.” Peeta added with a coy smile.
“What? Now that’s too far. Let’s ban him.” You played along. Peeta laughed and pulled you into a hug.
“I never want you to think you’re not good enough ever again, okay?” You said as you rubbed his back.
“Okay.” Peeta reluctantly replied. You pulled out of the hug and rubbed his shoulders.
“If he comes in here again, I’ll tell him to back off. Of both of us.” You assured Peeta.
“Good. Because I’m not much of a fighter.” He said through a relieved laugh.
“I know. You’re a lover. Thats what I love about you.” You told him and went to go clean the counter. Peeta watched you for a minute with a content smile on his face.
“It is?” He asked in a soft voice.
“Amongst other things, but yes.” You replied.
“There are a lot of things I love about you too.” Peeta said without looking at you.
“Are there?” You asked with piqued interest.
“Of course. Dozens of things.”
“Dozens?” You pretended to gasp and looked over at him.
“Uh huh. A bakers dozen.” He replied with a coy smile.
“Hey.” You laughed. “Baking humor is my thing.”
“I know, I know. But I think that’s another reason Lycan bothered me so much. I thought he was gonna take you away before I got a chance to tell you any of them.” Peeta said simply. Your expression changed but he didn’t catch it as he went to change the sign on the door from “open” to “closed”.
“Well. It’s quitting time.” Peeta sighed and looked the front door.
“Right. We should go.”
The next day, Lycan came in bright and early in the morning. He was the first customer and walked in before you had even arrived yet. Peeta gulped when he saw him and hoped you’d get to the bakery as soon as possible. Then he remembered what you had said about what you loved about him and felt a little braver.
“Hey, Peeta. Just you today?” Lycan asked in a condescending voice.
“For now.” Peeta answered calmly.
“These are nice. You pick them yourself?” Lycan asked as he flicked one of the flowers Peeta had in a vase on the counter.
“As a matter of fact, yes. I did.”
“I thought so. Just when I thought you couldn’t get anymore pathetic. It’s no wonder Y/n doesn’t want you.” Lucan snorted. He hadn’t heard you entering the bakery from the back so when you appeared behind the counter where Peeta was, he gulped.
“Oh, hi, Y/n. Good morning.” He said nervously and hoped you hadn’t heard what he just said. You gave Lycan a big smile before turning to Peeta.
“Good morning.” You greeted Peeta before pulling him into a long kiss. Peeta was stiff with shock at first but then kissed you back as his hands found their place on your waist. Lycan watched this with a dropped jaw and angrily cleared his throat when he felt like it was going on too long. You pulled out of the kiss with a big smile and patted Peeta’s red cheek.
“Sorry about that.” You chuckled as you wrapped an arm around Peeta’s shoulders. Peeta and Lycan were both silent as they processed what had happened. You made your choice loud and clear to the both of them and they were both too stunned to speak. Peeta finally smiled and took one of the flowers out of the vase to place behind your ear as a little thank you. You smiled in appreciation before looking at Lycan.
“So.” You shrugged. “What can we get you?”
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starkwlkr · 1 year
annoying little brothers | f1
female driver x f1 drivers (platonic) (same age as daniel so 33)
part 2 part 3
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The video starts of with a press conference from the United States Grand Prix. Y/n was seated with Charles, Pierre, Daniel and Sebastian her being in the middle of all the men who she considered her brothers.
She was listening to all the questions the men were receiving from how they thought they were going to do, how’s the team doing, etc. But when a reported finally asked her a question, she completely blanked.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about my son. We were supposed to get breakfast together and he hasn’t texted me back. I haven’t seen Lando all day.” Y/‘ said making the drivers and reporters laugh.
“When did you adopt Lando? I wasn’t aware.” Daniel played along.
“2019. He was actually lost when I met him. It was during the Australian Grand Prix, his first f1 race. I found him and we did the Melbourne walk together and I’ve just kind of adopted ever since. So if any of you bully my son, I’m coming after you.” Y/n explained.
“He’s probably texting you right now saying ‘stop embarrassing me, mom!’” Sebastian went on.
“Wait, he’s over there!” Pierre spotted the Brit rushing towards their direction.
“He’s alive!” Charles cheered.
Finally, Lando arrived to their interview area with a box from a a bakery in his hand. “Sorry, I have to drop this off. We’ll get breakfast tomorrow. I got you pastries.” Lando gave Y/n the box and a hug then he was off since he was late for his interview.
“You’ve raised your son well.” The reporter joked.
“That was all me, I needed no help.”
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The next clip was a fan video from 2021. Y/n had just finished her date with a guy and now she was signing autographs and taking photos with a group of girls. The girls had just finished their meals at a restaurant when they spotted the f1 driver leaving with a guy. The politely asked for a photo, which y/n was more than glad to take. Her date stepped aside to give them a moment.
“Sorry to interrupt your date.” A girl apologized for her and all her friends.
“Nothing to be sorry about, honey. I’m actually nervous because I don’t know how the date went. I’m horrible at first dates so this is kinda making me less stressed.” Y/n admitted. The girls laughed as y/n signed a girls phone case.
“Has he met Lando?” Another girl asked knowing how close y/n and lando are.
“Not yet. I’m afraid that Lando might scare him off. Everyone on the grid might, especially seb. He will definitely give him one of those ‘treat her right or I will run you over’ speeches.” Y/n signed another phone case.
“Does he knows you’re famous?”
“Oh god, no! I told him I was unemployed and that a sugar daddy was giving me money. I’m surprised he still agreed to come on this date with me.” Y/n chuckled.
Months later, the guy ended up being y/n’s boyfriend. He even attended the British Grand Prix where he finally met Lando, who was actually the one to tell him to treat y/n right or he would run him over.
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The next clip started off with the intro to grill the grid. The challenge was to guess the driver’s numbers, something that y/n was semi confident about.
“So we start off with my man, Danny, number three.” She wrote down on her clipboard. “Four, my son, Lando. Also ever since I met Lando I’ve been seeing the number four quite often. It’s scary actually. Can’t decide if Lando put a curse on me or not.”
“Would he do that?”
“He shouldn’t,” y/n raised her voice slightly. “Anyways, next is … oh! Seb! I don’t know why I couldn’t think of him right away. Then we have latifi at number six then kimi at seven.” She continued writing down the names.
“Nine ….Mazepin.” She fought the urge to roll her eyes since her and the driver were never on good terms.
“Ten, my favorite frenchie well one of, we treat everyone nice here, gasly.” Y/n winked at the camera. “Eleven, the mexican minister of defense, Perez. And then we have me! Thirteen!”
“Do you think Lando got your number right?”
“I don’t doubt him ever.”
“Thirteen, my mother! Everyone better get that right.” Lando pointed at the camera menacingly.
“Fourteen, Alonzo. Sixteen, Leclerc Charles. Eighteen, stroll and twenty two!” Y/n sang the number in the tune of taylor swift’s song. “Yuki! Thirty one, Esteban, my other frenchie. Thirty three, max does he have a middle name verstappen.”
“Have you noticed that you haven’t gotten any wrong yet?”
“I’m just the best, that’s why.” Y/n laughed. “Forty four, the seven time world champion, sir lewis hamilton. Fourty seven, mick mick mick. I love to say his name.”
Y/n had completely forgotten she had to be writing the names down. She was having too much fun.
“Fifty five, carlos smooth operator sainz jr. sixty three, the man with two first names, russell george.” Y/n said as she looked down at the numbers on the paper.
“Do you know his middle name?”
Y/n gasped. “Is it another first name?”
“I believe it’s William.”
“Three names!? It sounds so british.” Y/n chuckled. “Um, seventy seven valtteri, right?” Y/n saw the interviewer nod. “I was getting worried my streak would be broken. And ninety nine, antonio!”
“You got all of them!” Everyone in the room cheered.
“Did anyone else get them all?” Y/n asked.
“Daniel did.”
“Of course. He’s good with numbers.”
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The next clip was from the same grill the grid video but it was a blooper. Lando had arrived right as y/n finished filming and handed her a water bottle.
“Did you get my number?” Lando asked curiously.
“Yeah, ninety five, right? Cause you’re a McQueen fan.” Y/n teased as she grabbed the bottle from lando’s hand.
“Yeah, you remembered!” Lando played along “how did she really do?” He asked.
“She got them all right.”
“Really? I’ve got a smart mother!” Lando high fived the woman.
“It’s because I’ve got a photographic memory.” Y/n nodded with the most serious face on.
“Do you really?” Lando asked. He was surprised to hear that.
“No, I just love to lie.”
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The next clip started with Daniel and Lando standing next to boards with their 2022 rankings. As predicted, Daniel and Lando’s part of the interview was mostly filled with them drawing over each other’s pictures.
Daniel them knocked over Lando’s rankings to the ground. “That’s how I feel.”
“That was the worst timing ever. Y/n is walking this way.” Lando told Daniel, who immediately picked up the board.
“Are those your rankings?” Y/n asked as she approached the duo. She then noticed that the setup and quickly apologized to the camera man. “Sorry, I’m just curious now.”
“Are you proud of me?” Lando asked, standing next to her and throwing his arm over her shoulder.
“When am I not? Wait, except that time you pushed me into my birthday cake.” Y/n pinched his side. “Can I see the pen?” She asked the guys, Lando gave her his.
“She’s adding to our masterpieces. This piece will be worth millions years from now.” Daniel said.
Y/n then scribbled little stars around Lando’s head and then signed it at the top. “Actually you both look great in your pictures. Did they use photoshop?”
“Excuse me, this is all natural.”
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“Y/n! Hi, hello. What’s going on here?” Martin brundle asked the woman as she walked with her mom and pr manager, Lucy.
“Martin! It’s been a while, nothing much. How are you?” Y/n hugged the former racing driver. “This is my mom, she’s been wanting to meet you.”
“Mrs. l/n, hello. Welcome, how are you?” Martin greeted the older woman.
“Great. I’m here supporting my girl. It’s been a wonderful weekend.” Y/n’s mom smiled.
“Are you aware that you have a grandson that drives for McLaren?” Martin asked making all three ladies laugh.
“Yes, Lando is a very lovely young man.”
“How does it feel to have a daughter and grandson in f1?” Martin asked in a serious tone.
“Amazing. I’m super proud of both of them.”
“Thank you ladies for your time. Have a wonderful day.” Martin smiled at them, but before he could leave, y/n gave him a hug goodbye.
“Take care, Martin!” Y/n waved to the man and left with her mom and Lucy.
“She wins everything. Give her all the trophies. Everything is hers.” Martin said to the camera.
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The final clip was consisted of y/n after a race getting interviewed.
“Do you often see your father?” Someone asked from the back.
“No, actually we’re just good friends.”
“What’s your opinion on the president of the United States?” Asked the same person.
“I don’t think about him.”
“What’s going on between max verstappen and lewis hamilton?”
“I don’t know, I just work here.”
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bunji-enthusiast · 4 months
Closer And Closer
Note || as requested by many, here is the sequel! This was a ton of fun to write 🤲
WC || 2,535
<(Previous Part)> <(You are here)>
Sypnosis || With your new friend in hand, you begin earning some unexpected honesty—and new understandings.
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Once, there was a dream. Sometimes it would recur, coming back to you in the encroaching depths of your mind no matter how much you wanted to stop dreaming this very same dream. It was always on and off, how it can always come back–like a nightmare–just how can one describe it?
People can forget their own dreams long after they wake up, lest they be lucky to want to write down the dream. So you were one and the same, the trepidation always sneaking upon you, like an approaching danger that will never fail to make your nerves stand on end. 
“Mommy,” You tugged at the hem of the woman’s dress, a baby trapped within a limited consciousness; yearning for love, curiosity and just always wanting to be around your parents. It’s natural and in nature for a young child to always want their parents. “Why are you gonna be gone for so long?”
Oh, that sweet, sweet voice. How adorable could you be? The woman just looked down upon your small form with a smile, so very reminiscent of motherly love. Only a mother could bring a kind of peace like that to their child, the woman thought. She crouched down to your level, patting the crown of your head with a gentle hand, so very gentle as you remember her even gentler heartbeat. A voice came from her mouth, words carried with a saccharine tone. “My little sweet apple pie, it is only a work trip!” She giggled, then wrapped her arms around you and held you close. Causing you to giggle as well, laughter so joyous even the woman holding you now couldn’t help but feel such joy because of you alone. “I’ll be back before you can say Poppies!”
You look up at her, strangely the woman’s face was misty, enshrouded by black shadows. As if reality didn’t want you to see her, your own mother. Still, a smile remained upon your face as you nodded at the woman. “Hehe! Okay, mom.”
Slowly you blinked, the world suddenly began disappearing from sight, the environment twisting upon your peripherals. 
You groan audibly, cursing to yourself under your breath. “Of-fucking-course.” 
Slowly, You remember where you are now. A hand comes into your view and holds you steady, a very familiar one. 
“Don’t get up too quickly, you will get weary Angel.” His voice warns, it still seemed so strained and worn worse for wear. Just what kind of things had Catnap done to DogDay? Perhaps you shouldn’t worry about it, something like that is a very personal thing to ask about, no doubt. 
You coughed, pounding on your chest as you slowly rose awake. Your companion had been waiting calmly for you to collect yourself, but that had made him a little worried as he winced when you coughed. Slowly enough, you ease yourself into standing with DogDay’s help, all that jumping and landing seriously hurt your body a great deal. No wonder you were exhausted as hell right now.
Right, no time to worry about that now. It was time to be more worried about what to do next, “DogDay, you think you can handle being carried around by me in that state?” You asked with an airy tone, you didn’t want to be too loud and accidentally attract any nearby toys who are under Catnap’s influence. DogDay slumped for a moment, most likely still very worn out from probably the way he had been hanged. He let out a heavy sigh, feeling everything coursing through him, he was very much here and alive.
He always had been continually reminded of this very thing.
Reminded of Catnap.
“No need to worry about me, Angel.” Your companion spoke, his fur ruffling about in his movements. You probably were gonna have to do something about that later, DogDay sorely needed some cleaning up. “I am tougher than you think.” 
It seemed his words carried a half-hearted weight, carrying no affirmed meaning to them. You looked at DogDay incredulously, clear as night and day that you knew this well; worn out, tired and cramping for a plan to end the Prototype. You’ve never gotten a good look at the Prototype, only a few times you have gotten a good look at the Prototype’s hand–there must be a whole body from beyond the shadow’s.
Awaiting, no doubt terrifying too. But, you dealt with adrenaline rushes and terrifying monsters from the moment you stepped foot into the abandoned Playtime Co. 
“Ah, well, just tell me if anything is bothering you.” You nodded at him, patting down your clothing, the dust falling in your wake. DogDay was quiet for a moment, taking a hand-step back as he looked around at the environment once more. He was considering something, considering how to go about the next phase of the way. 
“No safe places here, nothing good.” For a moment, you swore that you had seen his mouth contorting into a frown–though in every Smiling Critter, they always are smiling–So this was completely new, different somehow. “My apologies Angel, safe places are rare to find.” DogDay sighed, he in a sense was habitually instinctive to keep his loved ones safe; going so far as to make sure they have a good sleep. Even if it meant at the cost of his own health. 
He cared deeply for his friends, but they were gone now. Catnap was someone he could not recognize anymore, that wasn’t his friend.
DogDay’s only focus was making sure you are alive and safe.
Something of which is admittedly difficult to do, knowing all the horrors that had occurred in Playtime Co. but it wasn’t too troubling for someone like you. DogDay was glad for you about that, impressed even that you had managed to survive thus far before you had met him. 
You patted his head, causing him to look back at you. “Nothing to apologize for! Everyone’s just… a little too crazy nowadays.” You mutter, walking over to a dusty pile and finding a tape. There seemed to be thousands of these tapes all around the Factory, some of which you could’ve sworn recording yourself. 
Being a former employee for Playtime Co. is one thing to say, but being an engineer was a different process. You were only involved in the works of designing and constructing, not once had you ever really got hand in hand with actually building things. But you were highly proud of the work you had done and completed alongside your fellow co-workers, looking back on it now… all it had done simply saddened you.
How it seemed to be the way that the toys seemed to be so lifeless, once so full of joy, love and empathy for everyone in this place all together.
You wouldn’t mind turning back the clock and doing good for once more, the right way this time. When everything was said and done, the toys you came across were well justified in their anger for being abandoned–but you weren’t looking to be on the top list of being killed either. Considering how you had gotten lucky apparently by quitting the day before your co-workers had all disappeared.
Getting through this place was no trouble, you remember some good places of this Factory like the back of your hand. Huggy Wuggy, Kissy Missy of whom is his spouse, was rather different to the likes of the tall-blue furred beast. Rather inconceivable in behaviors, Kissy Missy was a perturbed ally, one you didn’t expect. All the toys you met so far, (save for Poppy, and Kissy Missy) had full intentions to kill you from going any further.
This Factory is a whole goddamn amalgamation of mysteries you weren’t sure you wanted to solve anymore. Let alone having any trust in every being you come across now too, how disturbing must this get? You sure as hell weren’t Elliot Ludwig. 
“I simply wish I could be of more help.” DogDay recounted with a mournful tune, breaking you out of your thoughts and consolation. You frown at him, wanting to offer comfort: the words could not come through. He shuffled around to begin looking for things too, but now something had crossed your mind. 
You still couldn’t piece together almost everything between DogDay and Catnap, some things he had said back at the heretic altar had stuck with you. Until now it was dismissable, out of sight and out of mind you supposed. Though you recounted some thoughts that had warmed you in ways you didn’t expect, at first meet he already was of great character–someone you truly wanted to be around.
The repugnant smell that had always seemed to be invading your senses was gone now, this particular area was an untouched one. “DogDay… do you mind if I ask you something?” You spoke, stepping over the rubbish and noting the sound footsteps that echo in your wake. Don’t walk too much, this area may be empty but it didn’t mean that Catnap wasn’t watching. That cat was terrifying to you. Permeating nightmares had run endlessly through your mind, and his gas before when calling back on previous close counters with the obsessed follower of the prototype were far too close. 
Continually he had gone about looking for anything that may be of assistance to you both, still he had spoken in reply, “Angel, I will answer anything. You deserve as such.” DogDay recounted, noting what he had said to you before you fell to the slumbers of sweet, sweet sleep. 
Cool, cool cool… that was dandy and nice of him. You just weren’t sure how to articulate the very question that lays burning in your mouth, for fear of the fact you might be gazed upon with ranicid and covert questioning, like an ornery old bitch. Pointedly you stepped around the rubble, in turn you came across an old set-up, as if there used to be children here. A blanket laying upon the ground and the ravaged pillows, still in condition that you could say that was okay to be recycled for use. Still quite in a-okay position to sit down on, waiting for DogDay to finish scrambling around.
“So,” You began, lacing your fingers together and intertwining them purely out of your nerves spiking in your body as of right now. “What’s… the deal between you and Catnap?” Abruptly, at those words, his very being felt as if he tensed up. You couldn’t read him right now, suddenly incomprehensible to understand. 
“I suppose you should know about it, in order to really understand Catnap.” He motioned, steadily crawling over to where you sat. “Catnap was someone you could get along great with, quiet and not much of a talker, but actions speak louder than words Angel.” 
Then, there was a lapse in his words; DogDay was doing his best to keep himself steady and calm. He certainly couldn’t allow himself to fall apart in front of you, that is not very leader-like of someone such as DogDay.
“Oh, his actions spoke so much more for him than one little word.” He nodded, laying his head upon his crossed arms. DogDay had made himself comfortable as he shifted to a proper position. “But, things happened. Very bad things.” You were albeit surprised he was willingly sharing such information with you, as personal as it would appear. 
Still, you had remained muted, this was something that could conceivably help you in dealing with the nightmare cat later on. “Something had happened to him, something I wasn’t aware of. Angel, he.. wasn’t the same Catnap. He wasn’t my friend anymore.” Now, you could understand this well.
You yourself never had a good trade off within all your relationships, no matter what kind of relationship it was… be it; platonic, romantic, friends even! Humans are odd and sometimes indescribable in nature, but it simply has always been this way. But friends change, sometimes partially and even supernaturally.
In DogDay’s case, it was gruesome and religious. Catnap by no means was someone to act fool with, something you could pick out with merely just from first impressions. In passing, this was no offense whatsoever–personally that cat looked scary as hell.
“All my friends just,” Then, DogDay allowed himself to breathe again once more. “I wouldn’t wish it even on my own worst enemy.”
“The Prototype?” You snorted, shifting your weight from one end to the other as you gave him a benign quizzical look. 
“I'm messing with you!” 
You waved him off, then put your hands in your lap. It was oddly endearing in how you behaved, the normalcy around here is rare, DogDay would admit. “So it seems, Prototype is his god. I don’t understand every detail, but The Prototype saved him.” He beckoned, recounting the mention of the Prototype from not even two minutes ago. 
“So Catnap began viewing this, Prototype as such?” You finished for him, tilting your head. Your companion nodded, lifting his head to recover proper eye contact with you. 
“Poppy, the rest who are on your side want nothing more to end the terror of the Prototype’s reign. Come to save me Angel, I thank you so much for that.” Honesty was a fickle thing for DogDay since recalling recent events, but had it come to you? The fearless dog didn’t mind. 
“Oh it’s nothing to be thanked for,” You grin at him, ever so slightly. But he’ll take that, “You were in so much pain. That’s a position no innocent person, or toy deserves to be in.”
DogDay had to consider this for a moment, so much consideration had been done lately. Yet, it was all done to simply understand the chaos underlying this factory, no doubt it had caused a lot of trauma (to many in this place) alone. “You're right about that, Angel, I suppose I had gotten too comfortable in all my reckless decadence.” Willfully, he was well aware of his actions as a leader. Some of which he had questioned why he had made them.
Your hand on his ragged-torn furred head had snapped DogDay out of his conscious thoughts, “We all deserve peace, that means you too DogDay.” 
You were right.
It seems there are still many things to be learned.
“You are far too kind to me.” He sighed, leaning into your hand. You never moved your hand away from him. 
“Though we should probably get you cleaned up.” That sentence alone suddenly broke the comfortable atmosphere, still much rather comedic however. 
“Right,” DogDay barked, as if he really was laughing. His whole body shook, it was rather a wave of happiness. Something he had not often felt, it had almost shocked him a little. “I believe they would have some bandages and towels nearby, water too.” Your companion then noted it would most likely be at a medical station somewhere.
You raised a brow at this, causing DogDay to nod with an air of laughter about him as he spoke once more whilst you had hoisted him over your shoulders. “I worked with children quite more often than not, you would be surprised at the amount of things that happen during playtime Angel.”
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[Taglist: @zacklover24 ]
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atzfilm · 7 months
the leaders. (m)
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pairing/wc; woosan/f.reader, 14.7k summary; you wake up in a rusty cell, an oddly familiar helping you out. once you step out into the world, it hits you – this is in fact the wildwest, and somehow, the singers you adore are cowboys? content; wild-west au, violence, guns, murder, smut. overuse of cowboy terms/slang, obsessive behavior note; again, may seem familiar since i have written this before on a different blog with different characters ♡
You gasp, eyes flicking around. Bars surround you, dust underneath your fingertips. You move forward, tugging on the iron that prevents you from leaving. A groan leaves your lips.
“How the hell did I get in here?” You grumble.
“Pretty ladies like ya aren’t supposed to be cursing,” You hear a voice say behind you. You roll your eyes at the words and turn, eyes widening. He wears a long brown trench coat, leaning against the bricks behind him as he looks up, before his gaze meets yours. You could remember those bright eyes which are now partly covered by the shadow from his hat.
Choi San. And here he is, odd sounding and covered in dirt and grim, probably from trying to get out like you were just doing. But there’s something different about him. He doesn’t resemble the man you remember from the shows. More country is the only way you can describe it.
“I think you would curse too if you wake up in a cell,” you murmur. “Why are you here, anyway? Shouldn’t you be at a show or something?”
He laughs, shaking his head. “I ain’t no puppet, darling. And my boys will be here soon.” He stops talking, listening to the shouts outside. “Speaking of which…” He moves away from the wall, leaping forward to bring you into his arms. You shove against his chest, ready to cause a scene before the loud sound of a bomb exploding breaks your eardrums.
The walls blow down, San covering you with his body as debris flies. After a few more seconds, he kicks open the jail door with remarkable strength, running out. Before he jumps through the hole, he looks at you. You can see the gears running through his head as he thinks, before dusting off his black hat.
"We don't have all damn day, S!" A voice rings out, bringing you both back to reality. San rolls his eyes.
"Well, my chucklehead pal W over there could use some explaining to do, but he's not the ripest apple in the bunch," San points over to a man too far away for you to spot, his hand holding out for yours. "But I always have room to help a lady. Take my hand here, and I'll be off your back in a jiffy."
You stare at it for a moment before he takes in a big gulp of air, pulling you from the ground. You yelp, tumbling into his arms.
His smile widens as he sees how close you're pressed to his chest, a wicked grin plastered on his cheeks. "Ah, I don't seem to remember the last time a fine lady like yourself fell into my arms." He holds you back, tipping his hat once.
"S, I swear on my mom’s grave—!"
"Ah, I'm coming ya deadbeat!" He looks back at you sympathetically.
"Unfortunately, I don't have time to be more gentlemanly, my partners get a bit under the weather whenever I delay. I gotta hop on outta here before the sheriff comes and see what’s the hustle and bustle, but I do think I'll be seeing the likes of you soon enough." He nods his head once at you, before hopping onto his horse.
"See you in a hog killin' time, pretty lady!"
He coaxes the horse forward, yelling out a loud yip before galloping off. If you squint hard enough, you can see a few more horses running off into the sunset. Your mind runs miles per minute, glancing around. Old stables and buildings surround you, too real and old to be just an amusement park or a movie set. You walk slowly into town, glancing over at a poster that’s nailed into the side of a tree.
$10,000 REWARD!
Mischief group of bandits called “The Leaders”
Bribery, Murder, Thief
Please contact Sheriff Kim Hongjoong if spotted.
Portraits are displayed below, but one sticks out to you. One smile that you’ve seen just moments ago, busting you out of your prison cell that you have no idea how you got into. You blink slowly. Shit. Shit. You pinch your skin, wincing at the pain. So this isn’t just a dream. They are actually in the Wild West, and you’re… well, what are you?
"Hey there!"
Your head whips over to a man that's slowly walking over to you, his hands on his waist as he takes you in. Your eyes widen as you trail over his fingers. Spokes on the back of his boots, slacks dirty from wear and tear, pronounced belt head that still barely manages to keep his pants up. Best tucked into that, a silver sheriff's badge hanging on his shirt pocket. Your eyes flick up to his face, eyes popping out of your head as you realize who's standing in front of you. Hongjoong stands there, eyes narrowed as he takes you in.
"You don't look like you're from 'round here, young lady."
Young lady? There's barely a difference in your ages, not enough for him to speak like that to you. But you clear your throat, trying your best to sound at least a little like them.
"Howdy." Shit. For effort, you'd give yourself an A+, even though the grinding teeth and wink probably drops that down to a failure. His hand slowly wavers over his gun, and you could imagine this now. Being killed by Kim Hongjoong? Not sure if that's your life goal, but it's not a bad reputation to have. "What if I told you that I'm from the future?"
"I'd think you're trying to play games with me, miss," he says simply, slowly taking his hand away from his waist. "Where you from?"
Taking your chances and saying you don't remember is the best bet. If you even explained that he was from a popular band and you have no clue why you're suddenly transported into a wild west, starring them as if this is a horrible, yet fascinating dream. Amnesia path it is.
"I don't remember. I just woke up in a cell, and then this guy kicked me out of jail with dynamite? And he said something about having to leave and—"
"Wait one second!" Hongjoong holds up his hand. "You were involved in that escape that yahoo just did? Do you know each other?"
Yahoo. This man, with his full chest, really said yahoo. Trying to stifle back a laugh, you shake his head.
"I've never seen him in my life, and if I did I don't remember it. But," you gesture to the wanted poster next to you. "I'm assuming he's a notorious criminal."
Hongjoong paused, eyes flicking between you, your outfit, and the poster. He moves his hand away from his belt, crossing his arms as he sighs. "We've been trying to catch him and his group of bandits for months and we've just caught up with him. But yet again, he slips through our fingers." He runs his fingers through his hair, eyes moving to yours. "You couldn't be part of them anyway, too soft and they wouldn't be leaving any strays behind."
Wow. You don't know whether to be offended or pleased that he believes you. At least that gun of his isn't being pointed at you.
His gaze is focused on the destroyed wall behind you. "Why did he help you out, do you know? Because I don't even remember you being kept in there, but it's strange that he'd take the time to rescue a lady. Those men don't have any morals, at least any that I can see. Do you mind coming with me, miss...?"
He waits for your name expectantly.
"y/n. It's y/n. And I wouldn't be able to tell you why he helped me either, usually I'd say it's from the kindness of his heart but since he's a criminal..." you trail off.
He clicks his tongue, nodding once. "Ah, yes. Don't remember hearing your name round these parts neither. But your talk is a little fancier than mine, maybe you're from some town far away. I can bring you to the town doctor, but I'd rather we go on foot. Just in case you got something wrong with your organs or whatnot."
Hongjoong gestures in front of him, and you walk alongside him. "Do you know anything about our little town? Ah, wait," he rubs the back of his neck, a soft blush creeping on his cheeks. "You wouldn't know even if you did, since that memory loss of yours. We here are in a little town of mine called Mist."
"Not many folks pass by and stay, so most of these people you see walking down these streets are their mama and pop's third or fourth generation of family. We are a crop growing town, not a mining one. We aren't the richest or the poorest, just right in the middle. My pap and his pap before him were corn crackers, but I ended up being the sheriff, much to their dismay." He smiles down at you, his teeth shining in the burning sun. You'd never thought you'd be standing this close to him, but you'd rather not dwell on it.
It looks like Mist is ripped straight out of the history books. Streets lined with a saloon, a library, small homes and other knick knack shops. Rust covers most surfaces, horses neighing as you walk by. Your hand itches to pet the glossy fur, feel their hair between your fingers. But you know you'll just scare them off, and being kicked by that brunt force isn't on your agenda.
Hongjoong talks on and on about the history of his home, explaining that San used to be a citizen of it as well. "Strayed. Found that being here wasn't his cup of tea, wanted to make a name for himself. We were good pals back in the day, some would say brothers. But I wanted to walk the straight and narrow, and that was too good for him. Wonder what could've happened if I arrested him that day he robbed the general, what would've become of him." Hongjoong sighs.
"I still wanted to fix our friendship, you see. Even now, I still see the good in him, between his robbing and stealing. I see the Choi San who wanted to be a farmer when he was younger, before he banded the Leaders."
"Do you know the other people who are a part of it?" You ask, and Hongjoong shrugs.
"All we know is that there's many of them. W, a few others, and San. Our people haven't been able to identify anyone but San and a few others, since they are the face of the group. Know him enough that he'll keep the people he cares about hidden. Kept away from the public eye. Which makes me think why you aren't someone special to him," he smiles at you. "Not sure if you'd want to be, miss. Being with him only leads down a treacherous path. Full of murder and blood on your hands."
"I'll keep that in mind," you nod softly. Is this what San would be like in an alternate world? In this alternate reality? Dangerous, full of anger and greed? You just can't imagine the kind man being that cruel. There has to be more behind it, more than Hongjoong even knows.
He clears his throat, standing in front of a door. He knocks once, glancing down at you. "Doc should be in."
The door flings open, showing the town doctor. You should be used to it, seeing the members hanging around. But seeing Choi Jongho in all of his glory, standing in front of you only makes you smile, your mouth struggles to hold back your squeal of delight. He smiles at Hongjoong, before looking at you.
"Ah, what do we have here? Another one of your one nights, Hongjoong? Have you slipped up again?"
Hongjoong hits his arm, his ears burning red. "You know I'm a gentleman, doc. Don't make miss y/n assume things about me!"
Jongho grins, leaning against the door. "Ah, but you’re known as the town heart breaker. So many of our ladies throw themselves at you and you don't budge. Some even thought you swing the other way," he winks. "Not that I would mind. Patient room's always open for you. And for you, miss y/n. What seems to be the problem?"
Whiplash. The only way you can describe it as pure whiplash. This man is a mystery in itself.
"I'm at a loss," Hongjoong mumbles, scratching his head. "She ended up in a cell, next to San and he let her go? Can't recall anything before that."
"Ah, amnesia." Jongho opens his door wider. "Mind taking a seat? Just want to make sure your head is screwed on okay and you don't have any injuries," his eyes flick to your arms. "Although I already see some bruising on those pretty arms a' yours."
You walk into his office, Hongjoong following as they shut the door behind the three of you. So much for doctor-patient confidentiality? Did they not practice it here?
“Usually the sheriff wouldn’t be with a female patient,” Jongho explains, walking over to his tool table. The list of items there are very limited; bandages, an assortment of drugs, syringes, and a few knives here and there. He grabbed what you can only assume is a stethoscope, turning to you. “But this is an extenuating circumstance, is it not?”
He glances over at Hongjoong for a moment, before asking you to breathe in and out as he listens to your heartbeat, looking for any oddities. Hongjoong looks away, his ears burning red. The only thing this sheriff could do is blush, but you don’t mind it. It’s endearing, how he hunts down criminals but turns red when he’s watching you being examined.
“Are you nervous, doll?” Jongho asks, raising a brow at you. “Your heartbeat is rapid, like you just chased a herd of rabbits!”
Hell yes, you’re nervous. Jongho is literally inches away from your face, measuring your heart rate. Who wouldn’t be jumping out of their socks? Oh no. Your thoughts, they’ve turned cowboy and it’s only been a little over an hour.
“A bit,” you confess. “Not really sure where I am or how I got here. Just want to go home, wherever that is.” A small white lie. If you’re really dreaming, hanging out with the men in the wild west isn’t such a bad experience.
“Ah,” he mumbles, resting the scope on his neck. “Does your head hurt? Any throbbing feeling in your limbs?” You shake your head. “Hm, well this is a bit odd, if I think about it.”
“What’s odd?” Hongjoong asks, finally turning back.
“Don’t see any signs of injuries besides her physical cuts and bruises,” He grabs the homemade bandages off the counter. “But this could be something we can’t quite see from our eyes, Joong. Might be some brain disturbance. Can tell she aint lying about the amnesia,” he crouches in front of you, wiping your arm with the antibiotic, lightly wrapping the gauze around your arm. “Has those honest eyes. Bright,” Jongho smiles at you. “Reminds me a bit of Hwa-”
“Ya know not to mention him,” Hongjoong utters, Jongho sighing softly.
“Times are different, you know. Maybe he’ll come back to Mist, see the brighter sides of things…”
“He won’t. San manipulated him. His parents are still in a rut over it.” Hongjoong rubs his neck.
Seonghwa. So he’s part of San’s rebel squad as well. You’d like to ask more about it, but prying into their lives would only make you look suspicious, and you’d rather stay under the radar. Even though Jongho believes you, not everyone will. You’d end up in one of their hospitals rather than home. Somewhere you’d at least want to see one last time.
“But we should bring y/n to the motel. Yeosang owes me a favor, anyway. At least until she recalls her home.” Hongjoong glances at you. “A ways away, it would be better to take Angel.”
“Angel?” You ask, and Hongjoong’s eyes light up.
“My lady. You’d like her, she’s the sweetest gal in this town.”
Jongho rolls his eyes. “Stubborn. Can’t get her to listen to a word, gets all ruffled up. But she might like you, she prefers women.” Jongho clears his throat, stretching his back. “Time for a nap, don’t you say? Keep mind of your head condition, and I’ll give you some bandages. Nothing really happens ‘round here, so we have a large supply.” He passes you a roll. “Fixing to see you ‘round here more often, yea? Maybe Joong will have a more special lady.”
Hongjoong scoffs, his hair growing as red as a tomato. You’d definitely not get used to it. “Ah, shut your mouth, Jongho. Let’s go, ‘fore he makes up some more nonsense.” Hongjoong opens the door, gesturing for you to go ahead.
You hop off the stool, “Thank you, Jongho. Hopefully, I see you without bandaids.”
His eyes sparkle. “Please do. It gets lonely ‘round here without some company. Leave Joong behind, I’ll show ya a good time.” He winks, watching as you go.
Hongjoong stands in front of a horse, patting her coat softly, feeding her a carrot. “Hey there, Angel. How’s it goin’, beautiful lady?” He whispers, his smile the widest you’ve seen it. “This here’s y/n, a visitor that’ll ride me with you, so don’t be too mean. Can’t have her runnin’ to the Leaders.”
Hongjoong looks at you, a teasing glint in his eyes. You roll your eyes. Tentatively, you run your fingers along her coat. She whines, moving closer to your touch. Hongjoong nods appreciatively. “She likes you, so that means you're a good one.”
“You’re beautiful, Angel,” You said, and she neighs, pressing her face into your cheek. “How did a lady like you end up with a scruffy sheriff like him?”
A groan falls from Hongjoong lips. “Hey, I grew up with her, mind you! Took care of each other, feeding each other. This’ my best friend, right here.” Hongjoong presses his lips to her coat, before tugging on her saddle, leaping up onto her back with ease. He holds out his hand for you, and you stare at the height.
No fucking way.
“Never hopped on a horse before?” he teases, but you nod. Shock crosses his face. “Wait, you ain’t kidding?”
“I’ve never been this close to a horse.”
He blinks quickly. “Ah, you must be from the city, then. Everyone for miles has been on a horse since a babe. Give me your hand, miss. Won’t be too hard to help you hop on her. You’ll be sitting in front of me, so make sure you don’t fall off the saddle.”
“… Can’t we just walk?”
Hongjoong’s eyes almost boggle out of his head. “What? Did I hear that correctly? It’s a long walk, miss. Too far. And you just been in a traumatic accident, can’t have you falling to the dirt from lack of breathing. Easy once you get the hang of it. Trust me, you'll be clean and clear.”
You grab his hand as he instructs you to put your foot into the stirrup, pulling you up with his full strength. You’re surprised at how strong he is, the lack of effort shown on his face as you sit in the saddle with him. You're partly sitting on his lap, and you’re thankful this time that you don’t have the chance to see his face.
“Keep your self pressed against me, alright? And hold on to that horn- yes, that. We’ll be going slower for you but once you get used to Angel, we’ll gallup the rest a’ ways.”
Hongjoong flicks the straps, and Angel walks forward. You yelp, your hands clawing into his thighs. His breathy laughs tickle your ears. “Ah, you’re definitely gotta be from one of those fancy places. It’s cute.”
“Don’t patronize me, Mr. Sheriff,” You grumble, only causing him to laugh louder.
“And the fancy words too. You'll be fine, I’m here for you, and we won’t be burning the breeze so you needn’t worry ‘bout that.”
You hold on tightly the rest of the way there, Angel slowly going into a steady gallop. Hongjoong chats your ear off about everything and anything, and you’re grateful for his presence. The stardom away, he’s just like anyone else. At least, in the cowboy sense. He’s funny and charming, and you’re a bit curious as to why he hasn’t snagged himself a partner in life yet. From what Jongho says, he’s popular. Popular enough to reject everyone that’s ever appeared.
“Are your standards high?” You ask after a joke of his.
You can’t see his face, but you can only imagine his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Pardon, miss?”
“Doctor Jongho was talking about how you reject everyone that’s interested in you, and I was just wondering why, as all. I mean, you seem like a good guy from what I can see, I just don’t understand why you haven’t picked someone special for you. Even Jongho was interested.”
Hongjoong quiet as Angel walks on the grassy path. You quickly think you’ve overstepped, opening your mouth to apologize.
“I didn’t mean to- pry.
“No need to say any sorries, miss.” You hear Hongjoong rub the slight scruff on his face, thinking. “All of their advances felt disingenuous,” he confesses. “They wanted to be involved with me because of my position, not my personality. As you can see, I don’t lack in that department.”
You laugh, not seeing the smile that graces his lips.
“Haven’t gotten along with any people except for long time pals a’ mine. Kinda hard to meet new folks when you're in a town like ours, you see. Same folks and same faces day to day. Gets a bit dry.”
“So I assume that you’re happy that I’m here,” You joke.
You don’t see the panic crossing his face, the gulp as he looks away from your head for a moment. “I am, miss y/n. You bring bit a’ spring to my step… Ah, we’re here!” He reigns in Angel, resting her at the stall slightly away from the building. It’s only two floors high, but it’s long, probably home to a dozen or so rooms. Hongjoong hops off of Angel, holding out his arms as he helps you down.
You trip a bit falling off, landing in his arms. He steadies you easily, the usual pink on his face. “Should be more careful, miss. Some men aren’t as kind as myself.”
“Oh, you kind?” You hear a laugh, and turn to the new voice. Blond hair tucked into a hat, he leans against a pole that holds up the building, looking between the both of you. “Not used to seeing the Sheriff entertaining traveling folks. Assuming that you’re y/n?” His eyes flick to you, and you nod. “Ah, the woman spotted with one of those Leader men. Surprised you didn’t arrest her immediately, Sherriff. Loose ends don’t end up tied ‘round here as of late.”
“Ah, Yeosang, be nice for once, will you? She’s not involved with ‘em. Can’t even think back to before today. One of those fancy folk, you know? Probably came from the city.”
Yeosang’s eyes trail over your figure, narrowing his eyes as he takes in your clothing. You’re wearing a t-shirt and jeans, completely different from the corsets that you’ve seen the women wear around there. You wished that Hongjoong offered something so you didn’t stick out like a sore thumb, but to no avail. And you’re a guest to this town, so asking for something when you’re already unwelcomed would be pushing the little luck that you have.
“Didn’t think to give her a new pair of those? She’s practically in the nude in that wear.” He leans up from his spot, walking over to the both of you. His walk is lazy, stare matching. He holds up a bit of hay to Angel, her eating it out of his hands as he eyes Hongjoong. “No wonder you wanted to ride Angel over here. Haven’t felt another in a bit, hm?”
“You and Doctor Jongho seem to like to tease,” You say, earning a raised brow from him.
“Joong here grew up with us. Feed the same bread and wore the same trousers. Families closer than two peas in a pod. Joking is in our blood. Would ya like a new pair of clothes? Get you in something that won’t make the men ‘round here ogle you , their minds aren’t that pure as you can see.” He gestures to Hongjoong standing just feet away from you. “Didn’t even bother offering, his dirty mind.”
“I would like that, thank you. But, could I wear some trousers instead? Those skirts are too tight fitting and I can’t move in them.”
Yeosang’s grin slowly spreads across his face as he looks at you. “Thinking that I’ll like you more than the other misses he brings ‘round. Anything you need, miss y/n. Speaking of needs, Hongjoong. Why’d you bring her in these parts? It’s not the calmest area in our town. Could get hurt.”
Hongjoong glances around, seeing obvious sketchy people walking around. Some spot him and turn in the opposite direction. “Need a favor. She needs some place to stay-”
“So you thought it would’ve been an excellent idea to waltz over here and give her to me. Have enough of those skum walking through my doors, don’t need more eyes to cover an innocent virgin.”
You scoff at him, and he looks at you sympathetically. “In their eyes, you are.”
“Please, having her at my home won’t be proper, you know how the townspeople talk. City slicker in my home will only lead to chit-chatting.”
Yeosang places his hat back on top of his head, thinking. “How long?”
“I can’t quite tell ya that. Don’t know when her memory is going to come waltzing back in and saying howdy. Give her a few weeks, give or take.”
Yeosang grumbles, but nods. “Favors gone now, sheriff,” his eyes move over to you. “Let’s get you set up in some proper cow-poke slacks. Wouldn’t mind seeing you in some fancy clothing, though,” His grin widens as he looks at you.
That was flirting. That was definitely flirting. Your face warms as he tips his hat to Hongjoong, gesturing for you to walk ahead. You turn back to Hongjoong, and he nods once, lifting his hat up slightly.
“I’ll be in contact with you, keep your ears clean and your eyes open. Those bandits could be anywhere, and Yeosang’s place is prime time for their kind. Won’t be surprised if they slip ‘round here, causing a ruckus.”
“Not in my place,” Yeosang grumbles.
“Thanks, Sheriff Hongjoong. For bringing me here, and trying to keep me safe.”
Hongjoong flushes, “Ah, no need to thank me, miss. It’s only my job, even if you’re a city slicker.” He teases. He gets back on Angel, whistling at you once before disappearing down the dirt path.
Yeosang clears his throat next to you. “I’ll show you to the back. Can't quite find your size, but pick off these racks here and sure enough find something."
Yeosang holds the door open for you, gesturing to the racks in front of you. "Don't quite trust you by the way, miss y/n. Popping up 'round here out of the blue and yip yapping about some amnesia. Jongho a doc, but he ain't the brightest tool in the shed."
He eyes you. “You don’t even talk like a city-slicker or country folk. Can’t quite pin you down yet. Just don’t bring no trouble ‘round here, and we’d be peachy. Got that?”
“I do,” You say, Yeosang completely reading you. He’s even analytical in the wild west, but you shouldn’t have expected anything less. You’re surprised Hongjoong or Jongho didn’t peep a word about your accent. Maybe they think you’re from some far off town, a place where no one speaks in their slang. “I won’t cause a ruckus, either. Thank you for your hospitality.” You try speaking like him, a grin on your face.
He only rolls his eyes in response. “Nice try. I’m leaving your key hanging on your door, just outside. Grab it whenever you’re ready and your room will be prepared. Some gal will be bringing you more clothing for your stay.”
He gives you a wave as you thank him, closing the door behind him. You stare at the racks in front of you, grabbing whatever looks close enough to your size to wear. You tuck your feet into the boots and stare at the hats. It tempts you, your mouth watering, thinking about living out your cowboy dreams. But you sigh, giving them one last, longing gaze before leaving.
You’re already an eyesore, everyone looking at you wherever you go. Wearing a hat would only cause more people to ask questions, many you can’t answer. Where did you come from? Why do you speak like that? Wait, you don’t know what “insert term” is? You shower everyday? Endless questions that’ll only leave you in a stuttering mess, palms sweaty. You should probably grab a dress and corset and shove yourself in one, but who do they think you are? Walking around uncomfortable from day to day?
You grab the key that’s hanging outside your door, walking slowly down the hallway. Thankfully your room isn’t too far. You insert the key and unlock it, glancing inside. How the lady or man came into your room quick enough and dropped off clothing is beyond you, but you thank them silently, sitting on the edge of the mattress. The room couldn’t be more than ten by ten, a small window with the thinnest panel you’ve ever seen. You run your fingers along the quilt, humming softly.
What do you do now?
You remember seeing a bar just off the hotel, and nod. Sure, this couldn’t be scary. Just a normal bar in the Wild West. Probably some gunfights and glasses thrown everywhere, but that’s normal enough, you suppose. Maybe you’ll come out with an honorary bloody nose. You walk out of your room, locking the door behind you.
You turn, bumping into a body just outside your door. The impact is rather hard, making you stumble on the rug that’s on the floor. Before you can fall back, a hand grabs you, holding you steady. Your eyes look up, ready to thank the mysterious stranger. Dark eyes stare down at you, thick brows just above them, His hair is long, brushing against the nape of his neck. You never thought during this time there were piercings, but you can see them tracing up his ear, small gold studs. He pulls you up, eyes never leaving yours. You can recognize that man from anywhere, his face so distinct.
“Are you alright, sweet pea?” Wooyoung asks, his deep voice resonating in the quiet hallway. You nod, as he lets you go. He wears black from head to toe, boots shining with a line of silver around the heels. His hat rests on a string, hanging on his neck. He tilts his head, wavy hairs falling to his forehead. “Don’t remember seeing a gal as beautiful as you ‘round.”
You don’t know how to respond, and you can tell by his face that he knows the effect he has on you. He chuckles slowly, ring covered fingers running through his hair. “Fine night, isn’t it? Too dangerous out there for a sweet pea like you to be alone. Where you going?”
You purse your lips. “It’s dangerous out there, like you said. I can’t tell strangers where I’m going.”
He laughs. “Ah, you’re a slick one. I like that.” His eyebrows flick up slightly.
Fuck. The charisma from this man is dripping from his every word, every flick of his eyes. But you keep yourself grounded enough to roll your eyes, giving him your back. You’re not here to flirt.
Well, you aren’t sure why you’re here.
“Never had a lady give me her backside,” Wooyoung walks next to you, arms resting on his back. “Haven’t told you my government yet, and you’re already running. Let me at least say a bit more before you make me into a bad egg. Didn’t see a ring, so assumed you were an Angelica.”
His eyebrows furrow for a moment. “Ah, must be small-town lingo. Not tied down, I presume. No lover.”
“Why does that even matter?” You know. You can feel the heavy flirting between his words, the smirk on his lips. And you’re tempted, but something is different about him. There’s an aura around Wooyoung, more than the flirting. Mysterious, intimidating. Something you can’t quite point out. You reach to open the door, but he opens it for you, gesturing for you to exit. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you. You make any cowboy balmy.”
He walks along with you to the bar, no longer trying to start a conversation with you. You embrace the silence, but his mere presence is intimidating in itself, his looming finger just behind you. As you make it to the outside of it, he opens the door for you once more, his smile hidden on his face.
“Came here to bend an elbow as well. A bit glad I didn’t go to the bed-house, found better sights here. See you ‘round, miss…” He waits for you to say your name, but you don’t give him the pleasure. “Hard to get, I see. Admire that.”
You walk in, him just slightly behind you. The bell rings, eyes of the patrons looking over to see who entered. Their loud talks slowly dissipate, an audible hush falling amongst the crowd. You notice that they’re looking behind you, so you step to the side, letting Wooyoung walk in front. He looks back at you, an evil glint in his eyes.
“Name’s Wooyoung. But you’d’ve learned soon enough,” he takes your hand, lightly pressing his lips against the back, intense gaze on yours as he flicks his eyes to your lips, letting go. He seems to ignore the stares as he walks to the corner of the bar, a familiar silhouette there as well. But you can only see their back from where you’re standing.
You walk to the bar, sitting on an empty stool. Some of the men next to you eye you but don’t utter a word, probably assuming that you’re with Wooyoung. You don’t mind it at all, trying to figure out how to get back to your time is what you’d rather do. Although, hanging out with them isn’t half bad.
“Joong’s gal?”
Your eyes look up into softer ones, his contagious smile and plush cheeks easily recognizable. He holds a glass in his hand, cleaning it slowly. He leans against the counter. “Could tell by your trousers. No lady ‘round here would dare.”
You snort. “And what does that mean? I’m not a lady?”
Yunho looks at you in shock, his lips in the shape of an o. “Absolutely positively not, sweetheart. You’re different, bettermost from the others, makes you more fascinating, you see. Make any get one hellofa brick in his hat. Makes you a target as well, but you’re safe enough.”
“How so?”
He grins. “You’re with me. Talk more after I get these men outta da way.” He tips his head, walking over and sliding people their beer.
The saloon is bigger than you expected, probably about fifty or so people hanging out and about. There’s few women around but Yunho’s right; all of them are dressed to impress, makeup perfect on their faces. You spot Wooyoung, and finally, get the chance to see who he’s with.
San slides laid back in his chair, legs manspread as his eyes lazily trail along the crowd. You can't move, knowing that if you even tried his eyes would immediately land on you. So you try your best to keep attention away from yourself, sitting on the edge of the barstool as Yunho makes a drink for you.
The hairs on the back of your neck raise, knowing the heavy gaze that now rests on you. You thank him for the drink, using it as an excuse to down it quickly, eyes flicking over to where San is. His gaze is focused on you, a sly smirk slowly forming on his lips. He drags his tongue along them, eyebrow raised slightly, as if he's challenging you.
"Involved with a fella like him?" Yunho interrupts, forcing your eyes away. "Could only lead to bad endings, sweetheart. Only keep you on your toes long enough to say hello. Throw you right into the dust."
"Do you know him?" You ask, and Yunho laughs.
"Know him? We part of the Leaders together." He watches as the shock slowly crosses your face, his smirk rising. "Too bad he don't like to share."
"Share what?"
Yunho only winks.
The Leaders. San, Wooyoung, and Yunho. All of them are part of the bandit group. You’re a bit shocked that Yunho is, why would he be a bartender? But now you’ve figured out why Wooyoung feels so off. He’s a criminal, his dark gaze filled with more than just lust. He’s seen things you can’t imagine, things you’d rather not think about. San probably has blood on his hands as well as Yunho, his eyes taking you in as you think deeply.
“Never thought I’d see the likes of you again, darling.” His voice is next to you now, one you’ve just heard earlier today. “Can’t say I’m disappointed. W was just chatting about you, telling me about this daisy damsel, a city-slicker. Got me curious, I reckon, but when I saw you eyeing me, dead giveaway.”
“Was it a coincidence,” you mumble, not daring to meet his gaze. He doesn’t smell like alcohol at all, not even slightly. You’re a bit surprised, but don’t comment on it. “I didn’t expect to see you again either.”
“Ah, it’s not a bad thing,” San nudges the man next to you. The man grunts, ready to start something. But once his eyes scan San, a frightened look crosses his eyes as he stumbles from his stool, moving far away from the two of you. Hongjoong talked about how notorious and dangerous they are, but it didn’t sink until you entered the bar. They’ve made a name for themselves here, and not in a good way.
He rests on the stool, half sitting. “Never told me why you were in the calaboose. Don’t really look like the doozies that creep in there. Much calmer, strange.” He sees the look on your face, and chuckles. “In a positive way, darling.”
His eyes grace over your figure, a teasing glint in his eyes. He slowly brings the glass to his lips, eyes unblinking as he watches you through the blurry glass. His lips wrap around the lining of the glass cup, before placing it down to the counter. "You’re quite a mysterious one, miss y/n."
Your blood runs cold. You haven't uttered your name around him, or Wooyoung. How did he even know it? He sees the puzzlement in your eyes, gaze moving away from you to Yunho, a few feet away serving someone else.
"Town's small and townspeople chat. Hard not to figure out who you were. Cant get the details on your background, no matter how much pig digging. Not even your sheriff knows, and seems like you don't know either. Don't believe that in the slightest." He waves over another bartender, their quick pouring of the drink showing you in the simplest ways San's power in this town.
The shaking hands of the man as he pours, the laser sharp gaze of San as he watches, as if he'll jump over the counter if the man makes the slightest mistake. Wooyoung and he command attention and obedience with their presence. Completely different from the soft energy around Yunho, flirting smiles as he continues to intoxicate the saloon customers.
"We own this here saloon, love. The Leaders. Imagine my shock in seeing you stumble through those doors, W just behind ya. I saw the looks he was givin' you, that poor bastard..."
"Ah, talking about me while I'm not here to defend, sir? No wonder my ear was itching."
You're so absorbed in San's every word, ignoring the slow walk of Wooyoung behind you. He doesn't even bother asking the man in the opposite seat to move, the person leaving on their own accord. Unlike San, he molds his body into the stool, letting out a soft sigh before moving his eyes to you. A small grin teases on his lips, an eyebrow slightly raised.
"Care to share?"
"Not interested. In either of you." You clench your ice tea, alcohol free. You don't see the looks they exchange over your head, wordless communication.
"Heard you talking to the sheriff," Wooyoung says.
"Wondering if you told any tidbits about our encounter. Isn't wise if you did," San adds. "Could be life risking, if you ask me."
You can feel the intense stares they give you without even glancing their way. Your eyes move to Yunho, who watches you from the other side of the bar. It's too loud for him to hear what you're saying to them, but you can tell that he knows. The blank expression he gives you is enough to know. Are they going to kill you? There isn't even any information to give Hongjoong, even if you wanted to.
"What could I say to him? He knows who you are, what you look like. And you barely exchanged three sentences with me before riding off into the sunset," you sip slowly on your drink. "Is that why you came over here? To bother me?"
San chuckles dryly. "You’re a smart one, hm? Think we can put you in your place?" He moves closer to your ear, a breath away from his lips touching your skin. "Can tell you’re flustered, your fingers are all shaky. Scared?"
Wooyoung leans on the counter, head resting on his hand. You notice his arm covered with tattoos and bracelets. His gaze is heavy, eyelids hushed as he licks his lips, flicking between yours and your eyes. "Pretty gal like you may be thinking 'bout something different though. Could tell right when we met, the look in those beautiful eyes of yours. Full a' wonder, and... ah." He reaches out, inches away from your hand, before pulling back.
"The things I want to do."
From the thumping in your ears to the breath of San tickling them, to the seductive look Wooyoung is giving you, it's overwhelming. You leap from your stool, ignoring the chuckles falling from their lips.
"Leaving so soon? Haven't even heard our proposal to you," San pouts. "It's worth a wild."
You hesitate in your steps, glancing back at the two of them. "And what is the proposition?"
Wooyoung leans back on the counter, legs outstretched in front of him. "Distract that sheriff. Tell him falsehoods, get his nose away from us. In exchange..." His heavy gaze moves up your body, before flicking to your eyes. "Join us."
"...join you? Why in the living hell would I ever join you?"
A dark look passes through both of them. San jaw clenches, fingers straining against the glass in his hands before he takes a breath, closing his eyes and opening again. He looks at you calmly once more.
"We need a lady in our ranks. Some things a man just can't do. You’re already a criminal, can't judge us."
You blink rapidly. "How am I...?"
Your mind trails off to your first meeting with him, in prison. He's assuming that you're as bad as them, that you'd break the law. But the worst thing you've ever done is kick a ball into someone's face, and you cried after doing that. Breaking the law? You could barely break a pencil, let alone the law.
"No." You say briskly. "I've changed, I think. Started anew. My past is behind me."
Wooyoung snorts at that. "Oh, is it now? Every soul in here sees you talking to us. Probably got to the sheriff already. He must be suspecting by now that you’re in cahoots with the Leaders."
They're trying to bait you. You've watched enough movies to know the moves. The evil glint behind the friendliness. The way Wooyoung's fingers rest on his hip, inches away from his pistol. It's subtle, but you know if you deny, they'd probably retaliate somehow. But Hell, you’ve dealt with men like this before.
"You're underestimating him. See y'all around." You tip your invisible hat, earning a chuckle from Yunho who watches. You turn your back to them, push the double doors open and leave.
Wooyoung goes to stand, but San grabs his forearm, stopping him in his tracks. He looks at him in confusion. "We won't stop her?"
"No. Sooner or later, she'll come crawling to us."
"Not too sure 'bout that," Yunho says, walking to them. "Gal seems independent. Can't see her listenin to you."
San quirks his brow. "She'll learn who I am soon 'nough."
You close your eyes, taking deep breaths just outside the bar. Your eyes flick to the sound of heavy panting, seeing a black stallion in the darkness. Its eyes glow faintly, focusing on you for a moment before huffing again. You try to calm your heart rate as you take in its calming presence, a soft neigh echoing in the night.
Your head is filled with several emotions; fear, confusion, lust. You can barely keep up with the heavy waves. The beating slowly drops into a more steady thumping, your eyes flutter as you take another breath, walking through the grass to meet it. It stomps its feet, warning you with gestures. You hold your hands up in surrender, showing it that it shouldn’t be afraid. It slowly stops moving, letting you stand next to it silently.
You don’t dare run your fingers on its coat, too afraid that it startles easily. You stare off into the night, eyes on the sky. The stars are the brightest you’ve ever seen; they glow their own lights in the small town. You glance around, seeing the flickers of torches and stakes, loud voices of people entertaining themselves. The horse neighs softly as you pout, running your fingers through your hair.
“I don’t belong here,” You say softly, glancing at the horse. “I have no idea what to do, how to get back to my home. But I have to admit, it’s nice being around here. The fresh air is completely different. Feels more natural out here.” You hear a crash behind you, but don’t even give the sound the light of day, continuing to hum softly.
“It’s a bit chilly out here too, and all I have is this shirt,” You pull at the material, frowning. “It’s barely thick enough to cover my boobs from showing through.”
You jump at the sound, turning to see a man, hair wild as the wind blows through it. He wears a dark blue outfit, cowboy boots shining in the darkness, probably from the flickering of the candle in his hand. He cocks his head, eyes watching you curiously.
“Is that the fancy way of saying bosoms?” You can hear the innocence in his voice, although the scars across his face tell a different story. “Strange city slickers.” He grins, walking to you. You’re not sure how he is compared to the rest of the bandits you’ve encountered, but you don’t take any chances.
“What do you want?”
Confusion is drawn in his expression, before he mumbles something to himself softly. “Ah… you’re with my horse. Seems a bit suspicious, don’t you think?” He points to the horse next to you, patting it softly. “Surprised he didn’t try to kick you. A feisty one, he is. Probably thinking about doing something to you.” He grins again, winking at you.
You move away from the horse and Seonghwa takes a step to it, pressing his lips against it. It nudges against him softly, and he giggles. You blink rapidly. Him. He is in a bandit group, an infamous group. You don’t even feel the dangerous aura around him, not like the other three. He’s much softer, calmer. He looks at you, still petting his horse lightly.
“Heard ‘bout you from the others. Potentially joining’ our ranks,” he looks you up and down in thought. “Don’t know why they’v’d even consider, don’t look impressive to me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Ah, pardon my behavior. It's true, though. You’re light on the eyes, but that’s all I see. Don’t look like you’ve even held a pistol, and from the looks of it, probably run your bazoo and snitch,” he wrinkles his nose. “I ain’t as trusting as the others. For good reason, too.”
He lets go of the stallion, leaning next to him as he watches you. “San trusts you, though. We aren’t what you think, what the chit chatting be saying about us. Hiding among the willows, filled with bug juice. It’s nothing of the sort.”
“Then why don’t you defend yourselves? Everyone is convinced you’re the worst criminals there are, that you’d shoot before anything else.”
There, you see it. The flicker of fury in his irises, the locking of his jaw, the dark glow to his eyes. But as quick as you see it, it fades away. He smiles again, and this time it doesn’t seem as genuine.
“Some of those rumors are true. Don’t be so beef-headed, miss y/n,” he tilts his head as he watches you. “Standing in front of this bucket of blood. Right where you stand, Yunho murdered a man.” Seonghwa flicks his gaze to the grass, pursing his lips. “Speaking of that, being alone is risky. This town ain’t as safe as the sheriff makes you think. Better to get to your home, something’s going down in a few clicks or so.”
Another shout comes from the bar, and Seonghwa sighs. “Go ta Yeosang’s place. Lock your doors, and don’t go by those windows.”
He kisses his horse’s face once more before walking around you, his arm brushing lightly against yours. He glances at the spot, eyes focused on yours. His expression is unreadable, and he nods once before, pulling his gun from the holster, kicking open the bar doors. You take that as your cue, half running, half jogging to the hotel. You ignore the whistles and shouts from the people standing not too far away from the front, running to your door and shutting it behind you.
The gun shots ring around you as you cover your ears, shaking as each one shoots through the air. A deadly reminder that you don’t belong here, that you should be home in modern society. That no matter how cool it is to be in the wild west, it isn’t cool to think about one of those gunshots ending up inside of you.
You need to get home.
“Won’t be that bad of an idea,” he says, brushing off her coat slowly. You lean against the tall pole next to his stall. He eyes you for a moment, scanning your skeptical expression before sighing. “We need to arrest them, y/n. Take them in for their crimes.”
“And why do you need me? I was in that jail for a reason, one that I don’t know. You’re being so harsh on them, and easy on me.” You flick off a leaf that falls, waiting for his response. You might be digging yourself into a hole, but it’s the only thing that you could think would stop him from this crazy idea of his. There’s no way you’d try to infiltrate their ranks, the risk is too high. These men aren’t like the ones back home.
“You’re not a threat. Don’t sense the bad mojo on you, can tell by looking into your eyes. You'll be safe; no harm will come to you. Bet a cat’s foot on it.” He snaps his fingers, winking at you.
You narrow your eyes. “Bet your life.”
Hongjoong widens his eyes as he looks at you. “I… no, miss y/n, that’s-”
“Yea yea, superstition and all.”
“You don’t believe in that?” He asks, watching as you shake your head. “Gotta be careful, miss. You’re a good one, that I know.
“Do you?”
“Mama ain’t raise no fool,” He says simply, patting Angel. “Be careful, you hear? Those men aren’t as kind as they may show you. Killed too many to consider them friendlies. Those men ain’t nothing but trouble. Don’t want to see you hurt. But if you don’t accept their invitation under the eyes of me, they might insist in ways I cannot help you with.”
You purse your lips. They’re walking freely through the town, through the darker sides that you don’t see right here. It’s a bit strange; shouldn’t they be put in jail? You’re sure that Hongjoong knows that’s their bar, and yet he hasn’t stormed it and arrested them. Angels neighs softly, stomping her feet. Hongjoong mumbles something against her fur, brushing hairs away from her eyes.
“Why don’t you just arrest them? You know where they’re at, right? Or is there some law that doesn’t allow you to?”
“Ah,” Hongjoong nods slowly. “Forgot about that place. Can’t arrest them if that town doesn’t want me to. You see, they’re infamous bandits in Mist, but not there. I dropped you off just outside of Mist, a smaller town called Halazi. Because the laws are different there, those slickers didn’t cause any ruckus there, so they ain’t going to be arrested. Deputy doesn’t allow me to’ even arrest any bodies there, especially those men. Brings in money to their town. Ain’t going to give that up anytime soon.” Hongjoong’s eyes flick to you.
“Assume you've seen them? Have they spotted ya?” You don’t respond, and he sighs. “Ah, you have then. Just… don’t get too close then. Please. And if you do, at least let me know before something happens. So I can keep an eye on you.”
You nod. “Of course, I won’t.”
“Joong’s paranoid. You’ll be fine. These boys don’t mess with no innocents, only the likes of them,” Jongho says, cleaning off a tray with mysterious blood on it. “Can’t believe he didn’t chain you to a fence, in all honesty. That Sheriff is a good one, but scared of a fly.” He clicks his tongue, washing his hands before looking at your wound again. “Ah, it’s healing well, ain’t it? Your skin is going to be pretty again, miss y/n, don’t you worry ‘bout that.”
“Thanks, Doctor,” You say, smiling. “But I think he has reasons to worry. I didn’t exactly tell him the complete truth.”
Jongho raises his eyebrows. “Hm?”
You rub your arm, looking at the healing cut as you speak. “I met the guys. All of them; San, Wooyoung, Yunho, and Seonghwa. They wanted me to join their ranks, something about me being alluring. I refused, but then they responded that I won’t be refusing for much longer? I have no idea what that means, but in my honest opinion-”
“Sounds like a threat,” Jongho whispers slowly, and you nod. “Joong ain’t tell you ‘bout their crimes, did he? Nothing except the little flyers he has hanging round town?” You shake your head.
“San can tell his own story; it’s a big one, one that’ll take too long,” he grins. “The others joined after he decided to leave. Joong and them, friends for a long time. Since they were little ones, until he left. Yunho used to be my assistant, until he went away. Wooyoung is a mystery; lived here his whole life but decided to leave when Yunho did. Seonghwa was Joong’s partner, unofficially. Glued to his side like a worm in the gravel on a hot day. When they had a falling out, he was distraught, choosing between his two friends. Joong ain’t never going to forget when Seonghwa left him.”
“Their crimes are not as serious as it seems. Yes, they burglarized and murdered, but thestories behind each of them are cause for protest. They ain’t ever raised their pistols to an innocent, that’s why Joong ain’t that worried about you in that regard. Only murderers and people who gone against them but for good reasons, in my humble opinion,” Jongho begins cleaning off your cut.
“Then why does Hongjoong want them arrested? If they didn’t actually do anything horrible?”
Jongho thinks for a moment. “In a way, it’s ‘cause he’s heartbroken. But also, just because a person is bad don’t mean you go ‘round killing. There’s due process; jail, and from there punishment.”
He grins as he looks at you. “Like Wooyoung, for a teeny example. He killed many, but all of their crimes were dark, too explicit to even tell ya. Seonghwa hasn’t killed, that I know of but most of the others have. Yunho usually sits in the bars at night, though. More of an informant if anything.”
“It’s a good thing I didn’t tell Hongjoong then,” you mumble to yourself, Jongho listening along. “He has a grudge and rightfully so, but some things should just be kept to myself. I think he’d take me out of Yeosang’s hotel immediately if he found out,” You tease, causing Jongho to chuckle.
“He would've, My lips are sealed, swallowing the key. But I’m still keeping an eye on you, don’t you forget that. Keep your ears cleared and your eyes open, miss y/n. Them guys ain’t that bad, but there’s trouble always surrounding them. Don’t join them, not even under fallacies. Those boys can sniff a rat amongst the willows.”
He taps your arm as he finishes. “Come back again, no one ever comes to see little ‘ol me.” He leans against the counter, looking at you. It looks like he wants to say more, but he doesn’t do anything but give you that signature grin. “Tell them, especially Yunho, I said howdy if you ever come ‘cross again. Big part of me thinks you will.”
He winks.
You’re not sure how you ended up here. In the middle of a field, flowers and other plants are seen for miles. Taking a small hike, you only expected more dirt and pesky bugs. You’re not sure if any diseases from the mosquitoes are actually cured by now, but it frightens you whenever one of them lands on you. You hum to yourself softly, letting the soft breeze swirl around you. It’s been a few weeks in between Mist and Halazi. You’ve seen San, Wooyoung, and the others more often than you’d like, their words enticing you more and more. But you’ve resisted for the most part, avoiding them whenever you turn the corner.
San and Wooyoung have been particularly insistent. You already moved out of Yeosang’s hotel, and into a room and board, farther away from the bar. But it seems like every time you step out of the doors, those two aren’t as far away.
Despite your very thinning resistance, you’ve ignored their requests for the most part. Even though Jongho told you that their crimes aren’t as bad as you may think, you don’t want to involve yourself with them. Hongjoong is happy as well, hearing from you that you didn’t dare join them. In a weird sort of way, it feels like a mouse and cat game, the duo dropping their cheese in front of your nose, and you running away from it.
“Didn’t expect to see you out here,” A voice behind you hums lightly. You yelp, turning to the voice. Wooyoung stands there, hands tucked into his slacks as he looks at the peonies around you. He tilts his head, eyes flicking to yours. “Thought you left, S was a bit ruffled.” He hums softly, leaning against a rock.
“Did you follow me out here?” You ask sternly. “I told you two I’m not joining your little crew of bandits-”
Wooyoung clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “Ah, watch your words, miss. Just ‘cause we been nice, don’t mean we can’t stop.” He motions his hands in a scissor motion, winking at you. “And I ain’t follow you. Here’s my resting place, ways away from commotion of Halazi. And it’s my mama’s land, so you’re intruding, not I.” He grins at you. “Could get yourself shot, miss y/n.”
Your heart drops to your stomach as you scramble to your feet, panic in your eyes. “Shit- I mean, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-”
Wooyoung wiggles his fingers, shaking his head. He reaches back, putting the hat on his head as he watches you. “Mama ain’t so easy to forgive, lucky she ain’t see you out here. But, since I did catch you,” He taps his finger against his pouty lips, pretending to think deeply. “You owe me now, don’t you?”
His eyebrows raise as his lips slowly curl into an evil grin. You mentally slap yourself. What were you thinking? All land must have been owned around here, it is a small town after all. And look at what you’ve gotten yourself into. Wooyoung watches as you go through the hoops in your mind, your nose scrunched up as your eyes flick back and forth. He rests on the rock easily, humming again.
“What do you want me to do?” You ask.
He shrugs. “Can’t think of any at this very moment. Get back to you?” He says, “But we gotta shake on it. Can’t be having some white lies told, you know?” He holds out his hand. If you looked closely enough you could have seen the slightly wicked look in his eyes, the pure lust as your fingers curled around his for a shake. He lifts up your entwined hands, pressing his lips against it lightly.
“Best get a move on, Mama be home soon enough. Can’t be having any daisies ‘round, she carries the big guns.” Wooyoung flicks his head, “Unless you’d like to stay. I have enough room for a visitor.”
You’re at least fifty percent sure he’s asking for you to twist the sheets with him, as they say. Or in your language, fuck. Your face warms furiously as you pull your hand out of his, shaking your head.
“As you said, I need to get moving.”
He watches as you walk past him, eyes struggling to keep them on only your head, nothing lower. It’s not common to see a lady dressed in tight-fitting clothing, and little did you know, they were luring away the men who dared to creep on you. Stares are fine, but the words that Yunho heard in the bars... Speaking of that, his eyes move to look in the distance, at the cowboy that’s been watching you as of late. Wooyoung moves away from his rock, fingers lingering to his holster as he begins his approach.
“They’ve killed again,” A voice says softly between the crowd. You don’t pay any mind, knowing who they’re talking about. You can’t quite keep up with the drama that happens with the Leaders, their names constantly at the edge of people’s tongues. Instead, you push your way through and stay in the library, also owned by Yeosang.
He sits in the corner as you read through books, trying desperately to find a way back to your time. You think you’ve had enough of the sand in places you’d rather not mention, and the lack of water to take showers in. You’re sure someone saw you trying to clean yourself in a pond. Oddly, though, the guys didn’t smell bad. But you’d rather not dwell on that thought.
“You've been here for three days, miss,” Yeosang says, glasses sitting on the edge of his nose. “Can just ask what you're looking for, youknow.”
You shake your head. “What if I told you I’m trying to figure out a way to go to the future, where you’re part of a boyband?”
Yeosang stays quiet for a moment, before he chortles to himself, shaking his head. “Spent too long with Jongho, sounding just like him. Boy band? Is that some sort of Sheriff department?”
You hold back your laughter, “Maybe I have been around Jongho too long.” These books in front of you could barely help you, most just telling you about folk tales, things you don’t need to know about right now. You put the books back on the shelves, thanking Yeosang before walking out. You hear a loud crowd in the distance, and squint, seeing men wearing black, surrounding someone on the ground. Your stomach drops once you recognize the figures from this distance.
Stay away, you say to yourself, keep under the radar. They already want you a part of them, and involving yourself in things like this would only entice them more. Make you tied up in drama you have no business being in. You look away, despite the growing yelling. This isn’t Hongjoong’s town; he’d never show up. But some part of you tells you to look, and you see someone running up to them. A shotgun is in their fingers, the Leaders’ backs to him.
Your eyes widen. He’s going to shoot them. He’s going to kill them with their backs to him. Your body immediately starts running, barely keeping yourself on your two feet as you breathe through your nose, pushing through randoms walking around. The man is so close, so very close. You might be too late, you might see one of them being killed -
San stands just over the man on the ground, an angry sneer on his lips as he aims his gun at him. Wooyoung stands next to him, Seonghwa on the opposite side with Yunho staring down at him. They don’t see the man aiming his gun, eyes narrowed as he adjusts his shot.
“San, move!” You scream, feet away. The shotgun man turns around as you yell, but turns back, finger slowly pressing on the trigger. You leap, shoving your body against San as the shot rings through the air. You’re not too sure where the others are, too focused on getting him out of danger.
You both fall to the ground in a loud thump, his body somehow rolling on top of yours. You hear commotion behind the two of you as you take heavy breaths, eyes on one another. He looks between yours, flicking around your face. A hand reaches out, brushing your hair away from your eyes.
“Shit, you got a cut. What the fuck were you thinking, funning in front of a shot like that?” He curses, anger in his voice. But you can only see the worry reflected in his eyes as he looks over you. “Don’t be stupid,” he hisses.
“If you paid more attention to who’s around you maybe I wouldn’t have to be stupid, stupid.”
He narrows his eyes at you. “Stubborn gal.”
“Quit kissing faces and get up,” You hear a voice above the both of you, anger dripping from his words. You look back, seeing Wooyoung staring down at the both of you. “No time for flirting. Gotta show them no mercy.”
San looks down at you, a silly grin on his lips. “W sounds a bit cheeky, don’t he?” He lifts himself away from your body, holding out his hand to help you up. Reminds you of the first time you’ve met him, saved from the prison. But this time, Wooyoung helps you up from behind, San slowly dropping his arm.
Wooyoung glares at the blood dripping from your forehead, ignoring the scowls his partner gives him. “S is right, you know. Keep yourself outta trouble, you here? Ain’t want you to join us this way.” He grabs something from his back pocket. It’s a roll of cloth, he wraps it around the small wound, whistling.
He secures it with a metal clip, smiling lightly at his handy work before straightening his back, looking at the others. Yunho and Seonghwa stay silent, exchanging looks, while San’s fuming, his glare having the potential to melt any man who receives it. You can tell that Wooyoung knows he’s furious but chooses to ignore it, eyes moving to the man on the ground that attempted to kill them.
Some people that you don’t recognize hold him down. San crouches over, narrowing his eyes at him.
“Lucky this darling here is watching,” San stands. “Hwa. Take care of him, have other matters to tend to.” His eyes look at you. “Follow me.”
San paces around the room, Wooyoung sitting in the furthest corner. He watches you silently, darker eyes blinking rarely. His trenchcoat that drapes to the floor is oddly terrifying, making your eyes look over to him every so often. A part of you itches to speak up and ask exactly why he isn't blinking, but now seems like the wrong time. Yunho and Seonghwa are dealing with the man who tried to assassinate San, somewhere in the Halazi station. You bite your lip nervously, wondering why they insisted on you coming with them. They gave you room to refuse, of course, their gentlemanly cowboy ways superseding their need to speak with you.
San finally stops pacing, stopping a few feet away from you. "You’re strange." He says softly, eyes looking through his hair. "Can't seem to' wrap my noggin 'round you. Cold Cool as a winter's morn' but warm as Mama's sweet apple pie."
"You tell us to stay away, and we do for most parts." San nods at that. "Keep them sleazy men away from you since you insist on wearing revealing wear." He eyes your pants, before looking away. If you squint, you can see a slight color change to his cheeks.
If they call your pants and very thick shirt revealing, you could only imagine them in your time. Seeing short sleeve shirts and ankles. They'd go mad.
"But you saved me," he mumbles softly, rubbing his bottom lip. "Woo," his eyes flick to his partner. "Don't you think it's awfully strange of miss y/n to help us? Aught to make one wonder.“ He strokes his chin, humming to himself.
Wooyoung’s brows raised slowly, clicking his tongue. “You’re right. Why she helping us? Could’ve just left us for dead. Let the vultures pick off the bones. Seems like this lady cares ‘bout us.”
You can’t help but scoff at them, eyes-rolling. You don’t catch the clenching of Wooyoung’s jaw, San’s eyes narrowing at your action. “Talk about being full of yourselves. If you were anyone else I’d still do the same thing. Don’t try to stroke your ego.”
Wooyoung’s rings glisten as he moves away from the wall, taking slow steps closer to you. “Can’t help but talk like that, hm? It’s been a few now, you should’ve learned.”
“Learned what?” You say, keeping your voice steady. You hear a slight crack in your tone, hoping that they don’t notice. But from the slow curving of their lips, they know.
“Learned that the Leaders are called that for a reason, sweet pea. Learned that we only tolerate so little, and you crossed the line more than once,” he raises his fingers, flicking each one up as he counts. “Too many to even add up, you see.” He slowly tucks his hands in his pocket, chain glistening against his neckline.
San nods along. “That pretty face a’ yours only seems to get you in trouble. You know how many men we’ve fought off? Your feet are golden, darling. And you still walk around here like you own the town. Makes us look weak, and we can’t have that, hm?” He tilts his head, earring brushing against his skin as he eyes you. “Heard you owe Woo a favor.”
You don’t know whether to be frightened, scared, or a third thing. You watch as Wooyoung places his hat to the side, loosening his jacket. Your eyes glue to his exposed skin like you’re a deprived man from the 1700s seeing ankles for the first time. He reaches for his rings, but stops himself, smirking.
“You like the rings on me, don’t you?”
You swallow slowly, and San raises his eyebrows at you. “Answer the question, darling.”
“I do.” You say, seeing Wooyoung glance back at you. He slowly takes off his vest, leaving the loose-fitting shirt the only thing covering his chest from the both of you. San’s eyes drift over Wooyoung’s figure, an unreadable emotion in his eyes. But you can see the piercing gaze that Wooyoung gives him, the need dripping from his pupils as he looks back. Your heart pumps in your chest, quickly realizing what’s happening.
“I have the favor ready,” Wooyoung says softly, loosening the first few buttons. You see the golden shine of his chest as he moves closer, now inches away. “Ready to hear?” His voice rumbles in his chest, surly. His eyes lazily slide to your lips, before moving back to your eyes. San slowly approaches, taking off layers of his skin as Woo stares you down.
He sneers, finger slowly trailing over the curve of your chin, stopping at the corner of your lips. He presses lightly on the skin, “Here’s my favor. Try not to scream, sweet pea.”
“Doubt that, don’t you think? Lady looks like a faucet,” San’s tongue trails over his lips as he watches Wooyoung’s fingers slowly go down your arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Your eyes flutter through trembling breaths as the rough pads of his thumbs dig lightly into your hips, slowly sliding you closer to him.
“There’s always room to say no, sweet pea,” Wooyoung says, barely above a whisper. “We love our ladies rough, but we always respect them. Like true gentlemen,” he snickers lightly. “Well, the gentle part isn’t as true.”
“Remember seeing you for the first time in the calaboose,” San says, watching as Wooyoung’s hands slowly slide underneath your shirt, rubbing lightly against your skin. He keeps his eyes steady on yours, biting his lip each time you twitch under his hold. “Thought you were an owl hoot, there to serve your time, but I suppose not?” He throws his hat to the side, fingers gracing over his pistol, before he lays it on the counter of the saloon.
Wooyoung distracts you, pressing his hips into yours. He slowly brings your body forward, light moans each time you rub against his hard bulge. You try to concentrate on San’s words, but Woo is taking up most of your attention, head leaning down and peppering kisses against your skin.
“Too pretty to be in that place, covered in dirt. Didn’t think I’d see you again, but look at what we've been through! Pistol whips, visits, bumping into one another. Don’t believe in soul’s meeting, but,” San walks to the door of the bar, locking it behind him, putting the closed sign on the outside.
It was open this whole time? Anyone could have walked in, seeing Wooyoung pressing himself against you as San watched. You tremble at the thought, Wooyoung biting your skin lightly.
“You smell too good, sweet pea,” he whispers against your skin. “Wonder if you smell good in other places.”
“Ah, you're spoiling her, don’t you think?” San nudges Woo’s arm. He presses one light peck to your neck before moving back. San stares at you, tilting his head in thought. “Wanted to see you like this for a while now. Didn’t expect to have ‘nother in the room, but that only makes things interesting.”
“Take our time?” Wooyoung asks, glancing at the clock on the wall. “Bar opens in less than a nick’s time. Can’t have any ol’ seeing her like this.”
San sighs, running his fingers through his hair. “Choices?”
Wooyoung rubs his chin, glancing at you. “Wait ‘til tonight, might be-a few hours, passed drunk fighting. Or, have sweet pea here and now, tonight can be round two.”
San nods slowly, eyes moving to you. “Your choice, darling.”
“Now.” You say simply.
San’s lip twitches in the corner. “Now? Can’t wait for us, can you?”
Wooyoung snickers, “Look at our sweet pea. She’s trembling just thinking ‘bout what we’d do to her.”
“Or that you’re taking too long to even start,” You say softly, eyebrow flicking in challenge. “Two boys in front of me but neither are even trying.”
You hear a low rumble from Wooyoung’s chest, taking a step forward. San stops him, quirking his brows. “Can’t stop that mouth of yours, hm? Still haven’t learned.”
You reach for your vest, slowly unbuttoning each one. Their eyes trail to your fingers, watching each one come loose. Once you reach the bottom, you toss it to the side, your smirk mirroring there’s from earlier. San moves first, pressing his lips against yours. It’s in no way gentle, feverish as you let him pull off your shirt. Your teeth clash against one another as he loosens his belt, throwing it to the side. You hear a crash, your head slightly turning to the sound. But San’s wandering hands feel your breasts, a soft moan falling from your lips.
“You’re a pretty thang, aren’t ya?” He whispers. You’ve forgotten about the other for a moment, at least until you feel his ring covered hands slowly moving underneath your trousers, tugging them down. San leans back slightly away from you, lifting you up against the counter as Wooyoung takes them completely off, leaving your bottom bare against the counter.
You shiver at the cold of the counters. San slowly spreads your thighs, flicking below. “Ah, you’re soaked, darlin’. Gonna make my bar all dirty.”
You feel the metal of Woo’s fingers press against your core, a low growl falling from his lips as San flicks your nipple, squeezing your breasts. He slowly presses kisses into your skin, covering your nipple with his lips, lightly sucking. You wrap your fingers in his locks as Wooyoung slowly inserts two fingers into you.
“Sucking me right in,” He mumbles, a featherlike kiss pressed just above your clit. You moan as he chuckles, tongue slowly trailing over the nub. Your hips lift forward at the touch, his fingers moving in and out of you quickly. “Feel you squeezing around me, sweet pea. How can I even fit if you’re already this tight?”
He sucks on your slit, enjoying you trembling at his ministrations. San takes your other breast in his mouth as Wooyoung increases the pace, another finger added. You feel him pressing his thumb into the other hole, slightly spreading your ass. You widen your eyes as he uses your slick to press two fingers into it.
“Shit,” You gasp. The buildup to your high is quick, Wooyoung’s eager growls into your cunt, skilled fingers sucking him in with little resistance; San’s soft lips, teeth biting lightly. Plump lips wrap around your slick as your cunt sucks in his fingers with little resistance.‌ Your eyes roll back as you spasm against his fingers. You push him away as you slowly reach the point of overstimulation, his head moving away. You can see your slick covering his cheeks, fingers covered in you.
“As sweet as a pumpkin pie, sweet pea,” he says softly. “Would give Mama a run for her money.”
San rolls his eyes, “Talking bout ya momma right now?” He strips off his pants, your eyes immediately flicking between his thighs. His cock springs out onto his belly, dripping with precum. You groan at the size, until you hear the ruffling of another pair of pants. Their eyes scan your body, too clouded with lust to think of anything else. San’s eyes scan yours, waiting for your consent.
“Both of us, at the same time. Think you can handle that?” He rubs his length slowly, enticing you.
“Think you can handle me?” You say, smiling up at him.
His eyes go dark, your face reflects his eyes as he leans down, pressing his lips lightly against yours. “Lift up for me, darling. W is gon’ take your behind, I’ll take you right here…” he cups your cunt.
You get off of the counter when he lets go, Wooyoung replacing you. He looks at the clock, worry in his eyes. “Less than cooking time now.” He looks at you. “Your words say a lot, let's see if we can prove it true.”
You slowly move forward, San slapping your ass as you press your lips against Wooyoung’s. His fingers curl in your hair, kiss much more gently than San’s. His tongue plays with yours slowly, before he pulls back. Through the lust, you can see the tender look he gives you. Something you haven’t seen from him.
“You’re doing so well. Can’t wait to see you sitting on me.”
You roll your eyes, turning around as he laughs. He helps you sit on his lap backward, his cock twitching against your ass as he groans, licking the curve of your neck. “Ready for me, sweet pea?”
You slowly sink on his cock, fingers digging into his thighs at the stretch. His descent into you is slow, his lips pressing against your neck as you groan, trying his best to distract you from the burning feeling. You sit there for a moment, the overwhelming feeling of your ass being filled distracting you from San for a moment. Wooyoung continues to press kisses into your skin, until San clicks his tongue.
His cock looks as if it's almost vibrating, waiting. “Ready for me, darling?”
San watches as you nod for him, moving towards you. He wastes no time; rocking his cock a couple of times before sinking into your cunt with vigor. You didn’t realize how long he is; the head of his cock nudging at your cervix. You moan, his balls resting at the entrance. You feel more full than you’ve ever did before, your mind consumed with only them.
Wooyoung moves tentatively, fingers digging into your hips as he moves.
“Relax up, y/n,” San mumbles, rubbing your arm softly. You wrap your arms around his neck, forehead pressing against one another. “Can feel you movin’, W.”
“Move, fuck… move, or else I’ll cum right into her,” Wooyoung says through clenched teeth, moaning every time he feels your rim squeeze against his cock. San lets out a breath as he slowly drags his cock out of you. His gaze moves between your legs, watching as Wooyoung’s cock moves, his disappear in and out of you.
“You look so pretty underneath me,” he mumbles.
You open your mouth to reply, but he takes that chance to sink into you quickly, pressing lips against yours. Your combined moans echo in the room as they move in sink; San in, Wooyoung out. Wooyoung pushing in, San moving away. The rolling of San’s hips hitting yours with ease, skin pressing against your clit each time he pushes in. Wooyoung’s hips move with the force of San; not stuttering once.
“Faster,” You encourage, causing Wooyoung to laugh behind you.
“You’re real different, y/n,” he says, but his body agrees with your request, picking up the pace. The feeling of being moved between both of their bodies, Wooyoung’s shirt covered chest pressing into your back, San’s sweat dripping onto you makes you weak, your breaths stuttering.
You hear a knock on the door. San’s pace quickens, hips becoming bolder as he collides with you, the squelching sounds echoing in the small bar. Wooyoung’s grip is so tight, you’re sure he’s going to leave a mark. They don’t seem to care about how loud their being, the knocks disappearing quickly.
San groans as he slowly reaches his high. “Gon’ empty in you, y/n. Tell me no, if you don’t want it.”
“San,” You struggle through your gasps, and he grins at you, your eyes moist and head thrown back. “Please.”
“You’re doing so well for me, y/n. Look so pretty underneath me. But I n-need to know-”
“Cum in me,” You say through gasps. “Both of you.”
His groan makes your body tremble. Your fingers are probably putting cuts into Wooyoung’s thighs as you scream, cunt squeezing against their cocks as you finally cum.
Wooyoung’s muscles strain as he holds you up, veins popping out on his arm as he revels in the feeling of your cunt around him. His hips seem to only go faster and faster, trying to hit his high. But once the squeeze of your rim tightens against his cock, he groans, pressing in once more. His hips sputtering as his cock-squeezing out his cum.
San isn’t too far away, desperate gasps as he slams his balls against your cunt. He pushes in once, twice, before his hips sputter, his balls slapping against you. You feel the hot of his cum hit your walls, his warm body pulling you into his chest, pressing kisses into your forehead. Wooyoung wraps his arm around you from behind, your pants echoing around the room.
“Let’s get you cleaned up. We got five,” San mumbles, his cock popping out of you. The smell of sex surrounds you all as he quickly grabs a piece of cloth from the side, slowly cleaning you off. He grins at the mess they made between your legs, Wooyoung taking his cock out. San presses the fabric into your holes as you whine, pushing him away.
“Can’t have the children on the floor, darling,” San winks. “W, bring her to the back. Can’t have her ‘round when the doors open.”
Wooyoung wastes no time in picking you up with a yelp, holding you gently as he carries you to the doors behind the bar. He looks at you, pushing your hair away from your face.
“Haven’t seen you more beautiful than now, sweet pea.”
He lightly places you on the bed, looking around for a water bucket. Once he finds it, he slowly cleans you up, humming softly. You don’t know what to say. What’s your relationship now? Are they going to throw you away right after this, a one time thing? You’re not even sure if you want to continue it, but the thought of never seeing them again makes your stomach twist.
Wooyoung seems to see the conflicting emotions on your face, because he stops bringing the pants up your legs, lightly cupping your cheek with his hand. “We ain’t gon’ give you up that easily, sweet pea. If you want us, that is.”
You widen your eyes, holding back your smile as you look at him. “So, this isn’t a one time thing? You’re not gonna toss me away?”
He laughs, shaking his head. “When you hit gold, do you just throw it away? No, you cherish it, keep it as your own. We want you as ours, sweet pea.” he looks into the distance. “All of us do.”
“…All of you?”
Wooyoung gives you a lopsided smile, eyes crinkling in the corners. “You thought we two were the only ones?”
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lovelaetter · 2 months
thoughts on fucking stepsis!winter in front of stepmom!taeyeon 🤭
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CW: DUBCON, MANIPULATION, STEPCEST, no actual incest but if we consider that taeyeon watches her daughter getting fucked… i don’t know what to tell you.
wait you got my attention there, fucking mom and daughter??! both of them being your little secrets?? that’s a yes for me. and it’s also so fucked.
you obviously fuck them for different reasons: taeyeon because she’s just too hot for you to handle and you can’t understand how your dad got her but you know he’s not treating her the way she deserves so you use the excuse that you’re helping her with her frustrations. she’s a lot harder to convince than minjeong, though, you had to go little by little but you do get her on your bed. minjeong on other hand is so sweet and baby and the act she puts up in front of people pretending to hate you… you couldn’t resist her! a girl’s night is all it takes, she drops the act, it was her way to deal with her attraction for you.
i keep thinking about planning a way to make taeyeon see you and minjeong together? knowing damn well how desperate the younger is to touch you whenever she founds you two alone so one day that your father isn’t at home and taeyeon leaves too you’re quick to take minjeong in your arms, pretty girl a little hesitant fearing her mom could return but you swear she won’t, she told you she was going to visit a friend and minjeong instantly lights up, not knowing you’re lying, that her mom said quite the contrary, that she would just pick a few things she forgot for dinner in a grocery store near and come back soon.
sweet minjeong straddling your lap, holding her dress up to get it out of the way, underwear simply pushed to side and hips back and forth making a mess on your clothed thigh, all while you suck one of her tits. she would be so lost in pleasure, tossing her head back and calling your name between gasps, unaware of the fact you left the bedroom door slightly open and that you’re staring at her mom who stands outside at the corridor, in shock :( smirking at taeyeon when you realize she doesn’t walk away, a hand coming between minjeong legs and two fingers sliding easily into her, encouraging her to cum for you. all the lazy kisses and whining as she comes down from her orgasm, not knowing you made her put on a show for a third person that definitely shouldn’t see you two…
taeyeon probably doesn’t have the guts to confront you and tries her best to act normal but avoids you, except you find a way with her after a few days one late night and she doesn’t know if she cries or if she screams at you when your hands grab her waist and begins kissing her neck. tries to push you away but it’s so weak because she doesn’t really want to, she missed your touch, but her mind is a fucking mess, the things she saw, where your hands have been… :( calls you sick, disgusting, but then you’re saying that you “can’t have what i really want all the time, i had to look for something else” and she folds because that means you want her but it’s also awful as you’re basically admitting to using your stepsister, her daughter, like she’s a thing of some sort to play with when you have nothing better to do. comes in your mouth, biting the back of her hand to muffle her sounds and cries as you remind her she doesn’t have to cry, there’s no competition, you like her better.
don’t fuck your stepmothers… or stepsisters.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Steve very rarely gets sick. He prides himself on it.
But when Eddie spent three days in a row in bed with a fever, puking every time he got up, and coughing everywhere he could reach, Steve had no choice but to stay and take care of him. Which meant he spent three days in direct contact with whatever virus decided to leave Eddie bedridden.
Halfway through his shift at Family Video, he turned to Robin and said he was going to pass out.
She didn’t believe him, laughed it off like he was being dramatic. “You’ve been hanging around Eddie too much lately.”
So when he passed out five seconds later, she panicked. He opened his eyes to her frantically trying to move him onto his side.
“Robs, ‘s not a seizure.”
“Right, but what if you puke?”
“I’m just dehydrated.”
He wasn’t just dehydrated.
He was dehydrated and feverish and exhausted.
He was sick.
Robin called Eddie to come pick him up, rambling nervously over the phone about his symptoms. Steve couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation, but he knew Eddie was probably laughing at the situation.
“He’ll be here to get you in 10 minutes. Can you please not pass out again because I don’t think I can handle it.”
“Sure, I’ll just tell my brain to hold off until Eddie’s here.”
Steve rolled his eyes as he settled on the floor behind the counter. Robin wouldn’t let him stand up again in case he fell and hit his head, which was actually probably a smart move.
When Eddie arrived, he took one look at Steve on the floor and sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.
“I warned you, Stevie! I said ‘you’re gonna get sick, you shouldn’t stay’ and what did you do? Mommed yourself right into the flu.”
Steve didn’t dignify that with an answer, mostly because it would take too much energy to give one. He stood on shaking legs and made his way to the door.
He felt so weak, he barely registered when his knees started to buckle. Strong arms wrapped around him from behind and held him up.
“Jesus, Steve. Were you feeling this bad when you left home?”
Steve shook his head and let out an embarrassing whine. His head was throbbing, a dull ache set in shortly after he got to work, and only got worse after he passed out.
“Can you make it to the van or do you need me to carry you?”
“I can make it, just…help?”
Eddie kept an arm wrapped around Steve’s waist, supporting most of his weight as they walked to his van. He opened the passenger side door and helped Steve get seated and as comfortable as possible.
Steve let out another small whine when he realized he would have to move to buckle himself in.
“What’s wrong?”
Eddie was so nice. Maybe he could buckle him.
Eddie wordlessly reached for the belt and buckled Steve in, his hair brushing along Steve’s cheek and chest as he pulled away.
Steve repressed another whine, though for a different reason, when Eddie’s hand brushed against his thigh.
His thighs were sensitive, even in jeans. Sue him.
Steve nodded off during the drive to his house, barely aware of Eddie singing along to something on the radio.
When they arrived, Eddie unbuckled Steve’s seatbelt and helped him out of the van. He was saying something to Steve, but his brain wasn’t processing any of it.
He could barely keep his eyes open while Eddie got him upstairs and into bed.
He could feel Eddie’s rough hands gently pulling off his jeans and shirt, but couldn’t offer much help.
Passing out really did a number on him.
“Yeah, I think it did.”
Oh. Steve said that out loud. Interesting.
“You don’t do anything halfway, do you? Get sick and it’s like your brain’s melted out your ears.”
Steve let out a giggle before relaxing against his pillow.
Eddie started to tuck him in, pulling his covers up to his chin and brushing a piece of hair away from his face.
“I’m gonna get you some water. You hungry?”
Steve felt his stomach turn at just the thought of food touching his mouth. He used all of his remaining energy to shake his head.
“Be right back, Stevie.”
When Steve opened his eyes again, it was too dark to even recognize his own bed. It’s been so long since he slept with no light, he felt disoriented and scared that the power had gone out.
Just as he was struggling to sit up, he heard a grumble from the floor followed by a groan.
“It’s okay, Stevie. I’ll get the light.”
Before Steve could process who the voice belonged to, his bedside lamp turned on and covered him in a golden glow.
The room started spinning around him before he could say anything. He closed his eyes to avoid the disorientation, but it only made it worse.
“Open your eyes, sweetheart. I’ve got ya.”
And he did. Eddie’s arms were wrapping around Steve and pulling him against his chest, solidifying his presence in one place despite everything else in the room moving.
Steve melted into Eddie, breathing in the faint leather and smoke smell that never failed to make him feel safe.
“You just have no filter when you’re sick, huh?”
Eddie laughed softly, brushing his lips against the top of Steve’s head.
Steve didn’t give a response, not able to actually produce words when he wants to, apparently.
“You’re burning up. I got some Tylenol for you while you slept. You should take some now and try to rest.”
Eddie didn’t respond, just moved to grab the water from the table and hand it to Steve. He watched as he took the Tylenol, telling him he did a good job before putting the water back on the table.
Just as Steve settled against Eddie’s chest again, he was moved away by strong hands.
The whimper he let out stopped Eddie in his tracks.
“Are you in pain? Robin said your migraines get so bad sometimes you can’t move. Is that happening?”
Steve shook his head, immediately regretting doing so when the room started spinning again.
It only took a moment for Eddie to adjust them both so they could lay down together. Steve wasted no time in curling into Eddie’s side, and Eddie’s hand found it’s way to Steve’s hair.
His fingers gently pulled through some of the tangles, smiling to himself when Steve couldn’t hold back a shiver.
“Feel okay?”
“Can’t believe you let me get you sick.”
“‘S worth it.”
“You’re ridiculous. Go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Eddie only hesitated a moment before dropping a kiss to Steve’s forehead.
They hadn’t acknowledged the way Steve had acted when taking care of Eddie. They hadn’t talked about the cuddling and small kisses to his hair or cheek or nose. They hadn’t even been around each other since Eddie was feeling better.
But this felt like a turning point - no more ignoring the way they felt about each other. If Eddie was reading things right, Steve wasn’t just like this because he was sick and slightly delusional.
They’d have a talk when he was better, but for now, Eddie let Steve suction himself to his side and take the comfort he needed.
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spicycinnabun · 3 months
pt. 1 2 3 5 6 7 💐
When Steve first started working at the flower shop, he had only been helping customers and taking their orders over the phone. Their small family business had grown quicker than anticipated, and Steve’s parents had needed the extra set of hands.
The shop had been a gift to his mother. It had been something she’d always wanted, but his dad had never agreed to, until finally, he had fucked up badly enough in their relationship and had funded it out of guilt.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise that it turned out to be as successful as it was. Steve’s mom, Linda, was passionate and talented. She loved flowers and celebrations of any kind and maintained a big, beautiful garden at home.
It also helped that his father and mother were socialites. They had a lot of friends to support the business, spread the word, and make it b(l)oom. They had a great location in the mall with little competition around.
For good or bad, weddings, anniversaries, sickness and death, flowers were always there.
Steve had mostly helped after school, but it became his full-time gig once he’d graduated and hadn’t gotten into college. Due to the sheer volume of orders, his mother could no longer make the arrangements alone, so she’d taught Steve everything she knew.
From watching her over the years, Steve knew how to care for the flowers. He could prep them and nurture them. The creativity that came naturally to his mother took Steve a bit of time, but he eventually realized what looked good. Usually, it was the simpler arrangements. He was good at that.
Linda was very kind in general, always giving him positive feedback and encouragement instead of criticism. Steve was lucky to have her, especially since his father was so hard on him. She loved and cared for him unconditionally. While his father constantly tried to make him feel inferior, her belief in him built him up to be the strong, confident man he now was.
When his mom had to step back even more from the business to travel abroad with his dad, Steve suggested they hire Robin. Scoops hadn't been fun for her, probably ever, and Steve had missed her since graduating.
At first, Steve didn’t think he’d like working at the shop, but like a flower, it had grown on him. He liked helping people, talking to them, and most surprisingly, he liked the flowers and what he could do with them. While he liked roses—after he removed their thorns, of course—his true favorite was sunflowers.
Working there suited him. It was simple. It let him use his hands and mind in ways he hadn’t tapped into while in school or doing sports. He enjoyed the additive and subtractive aspects of flower arranging. His favorite part was the pruning. It was almost cathartic. He loved pulling and clipping off all the unnecessary parts and making them look perfect.
It took Steve a minute to recognize the man walking around the shop.
Last month, when he was working on the big window display, Steve had seen him for the first time. Guitar case, long rocker hair, enough rings and piercings to set off a metal detector fifty miles away… but Steve remembered it most because the guy had tried to say something to him through the glass. He had left before Steve had gotten the chance to go out and ask him what he’d said.
The second time, Robin had waited on the mystery man. Steve had just caught him walking out with a dozen Black-eyed Susans while he stood there, disgruntled, in his soil-stained apron.
This time—the third time—it was late, and Robin had already clocked out for the night. Steve was sick. He was in the middle of a cold and just wanted to go home and crawl into bed. But even though he wasn’t feeling good, he knew he still had to do his job. There were flowers to be sold.
So, mustering up a charming smile, Steve approached him. "Can I help you find anything today?"
this part written by my stevie, @batty4steddie (psst, go check out her gorgeous st gifs too) 💕
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lilislegacy · 3 months
Firefighter Percy! - Telling his mom
What if Percy wanted to become a firefighter? How would Sally Jackson react?
~3 to 4 minute read (short)
21 year old Percy Jackson sat at his old kitchen table in his parents’ New York City Apartment. Next to him was Annabeth, his girlfriend of almost 6 years. On the other side of the table sat his mother, Sally, his step-dad, Paul, and his 4 year old sister, Estelle, who was coloring.
Percy was nervous. He had something to tell his mom, and he had no idea how she was going to react. Annabeth told him it would be okay, but he truly just had no idea what to expect.
They’d gotten through dinner and were now talking and catching up. He loved his visits to New York. Him and Annabeth had considered moving back, now that they’re almost done with New Rome University, but they decided that they are going to get a place in New Rome. That is, assuming his mom doesn’t kill him tonight.
“Percy, you’ve been quiet tonight.” Sally glanced at him with concerned eyes. He hated how easily she and annabeth could read him. How do people do that?
He took a deep breath and sipped his soda. “Uh, yeah. I have something to tell you.” He felt Annabeth squeeze his hand from under the table.
Paul and Sally looked at him expectantly. Estelle continued to scribble in her coloring book, having no interest whatsoever in the conversation.
He glanced at Annabeth, and she gave him an encouraging nod. He took a deep breath. “Okay, here goes. I want to be a firefighter. I’m going to be a firefighter. Not forever. Just while I’m figuring out what I want to do with my life.” He looked her in the eyes. “I just- I can really help! I’m fire resistant. I can control water, so I can help put out fires more quickly. I’m tall and athletic. I’m really fast. I’m strong, too. And I think quick on my feet in dangerous situations. I’m perfect for the job, especially given my powers. I can really do good by this. And I- well- what do you think?” He looked at her with uncertainty.
Sally stared at him blankly, for what felt like several minutes, but was probably just a few seconds. Paul didn’t say anything either. He usually did this: waited to react until Sally did so first. When it came to Percy, he always followed her lead as his parent.
When his mom finally spoke, his stomach dropped at tone of her voice. If sounded like pain. No… worse. It was betrayal.
“You want to run into burning buildings? On purpose? Not becasue you’re forced to for a quest, but becasue you want to? You want to risk your life on a daily basis? You’ve survived all that you have and- are you trying to get yourself killed?”
His heart broke at the wounded look she was giving him. “I- No! No mom. I want to help people. I want to use my abilities for something good. And like I said, I can’t really be burned. I’m way safer than-
“I don’t care that you can’t be burned, Percy! You could die from smoke inhalation! Or toxic gasses! Things explode. Buildings collapse. I watched from right down the street as hundreds of firefighters ran into the towers and never came out. Firefights die! You could die, Percy!”
Percy felt sick. His heart raced. He couldn’t even look at his mom’s face. He all of a sudden felt guilt beyond belief. After all he’s been through - after all he’s put her through - he felt terrible about even considering it. How could he put her through any more than he already has?
The room was tense. Everybody was unsettled. And it was completely his fault.
“I won’t do it. I- I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I’ll call them tomorrow and tell-
“Oh be quiet.” Sally dismissed him. She seemed to be at war with her own emotions. “I said I didn’t like it, I didn’t say you shouldn’t do it.”
Percy was now confused. A feeling he was very familiar with, being the boyfriend of a daughter of Athena.
Sally looked at him, carefully considering her next words. “Is this something you really want to do?”
Percy looked his mom in the eyes, channeling every bit of sincerity and determination that he had. “Yes. I really think I need to do this, Mom.”
Sally closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She took a minute to compose herself, and seemed to be willing her mindset to change. He’d seen it before - when he had asked her for her blessing to bare the curse of achilles, all those years ago.
She let out a sound that was something between an exasperated sigh and a laugh. She shook her head in a way that said I should have expected nothing less from you.
“Well okay.” She said with a new - slightly forced - confidence and optimism. She reached across the table and took his hand, looking at him with a mix of emotions: uncertainty, fear, love, and tremendous pride. “You’ll be a firefighter, then.”
He squeezed her hand, and she gave him a small watery smile.
“I better get lots of pictures of you looking all handsome in your uniform.”
Annabeth laughed. “I’m already on it.”
Percy felt relief flood through him. Usually he would roll his eyes at that exchange, but he was so happy that he found himself smiling.
Paul chuckled and lifted his glass. “To Percy, and to his safety as he begins this new adventure.”
Everyone raised their glasses.
Estelle finally looked up from her coloring book and gave percy a very serious look. “Are you gonna get a polka-dot doggy?”
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asimpwithfreetime · 1 year
What if the sickly born reader went behind her families back and bonded with an ikran and maybe got hurt in the process. What would they all do after finding this out?
I love the ideaaaa! Let’s do this!
Caught red handed (Yandere! Platonic! Sully family x sickly born! Sully! Reader). [ Our baby part 2 ]
General warnings: Yandere! Behavior, cursing, violence, all the yandere warnings you can imagine, guilt tripping.
Content warnings: English isn’t my first language and this hasn’t been proofread yet
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[ 3rd Person POV ]
Eclipse had fallen upon Pandora, the bioluminescent plants shone with their bright colors.
Y/n had planned this for a while. She felt tired of having her family always with her, treating her like a baby. The real baby was Tuk not her.
She sneaked around her house. Trying not to wake anyone up. She didn’t want to imagine how her family would react to this. She went towards the Ikran hive, determined on getting one. She didn’t want to always fly with Jake or with Neteyam.
She tried to be silent, some of the Ikran were sleeping and probably startling them wouldn’t be the best idea.
Walking around she found the one, it was a beautiful (your favorite color) tone. The Ikran was wide awake but unmoving, looking at her closely.
Soon he started running towards her, she had been chosen. This is something she hadn’t planned. The part were you have to fight the Ikran to be able to create a bond with it.
She rushed through the hive trying to avoid getting bitten. She jumped and squirmed. Once she didn’t move so fast and the sharp fangs from the Ikran pierced her thigh. “Shit!” She wailed. She felt pain go over her, but as the Ikran was moving his head, she formed the bond with it. “Ha, gotcha, bitch!” She laughed wholeheartedly while softly whining. She got on top of it and it took a few minutes to be able to have a connection with it.
She flew until dawn. “How am I going to hide this?” She thought to herself while looking at her leg and stoping her ikran close to the hive again. She went to her grandma’s, the Tsa’hìk would help her.
“You shouldn’t be here” her grandma hissed as she fixed Y/n’s leg. “Your mom will skin you, then skin me, then skin you again!”.
Y/n smiled softly at her grandmother. But suddenly, the tent flew open. “Y/n!” Neytiri’s voice sounded strong and terrifying.
Neytiri hissed at her daughter “where have you been? All of us were worried sick” she hollered when she saw the bandages on her leg. “Y/n!” Jake screamed too. He came in and scooped his baby in his arms, angrily.
“You shouldn’t have done that!” Jake said, looking at her. “What have you done!” He was really mad. It scared Y/n. “Dad, please don’t scream at me”.
Neytiri hissed “it is making me use all of my strength not to pluck your eyes out!”. Y/n shut her eyes close, a few tears sliding through her cheeks.
“She bonded with an ikran” the voice of the Tsa’hìk took both adults by surprise. “Grandmaaaa” Y/n whined.
“She did what!?!?” Neytiri hollered, Y/n retracted more into her dad’s arms, trying to hide her face on his neck. “We will talk later” Jake said, his voice dangerously low. Y/n shivered as Neytiri walked past them hollering blasphemies.
Once they got home Y/n whined. “Hey guys, where were yo-“ Neteyam cut himself mid-phrase when he saw his parents’ faces. “What happened?” Lo’ak asked.
“Your sister bonded with an ikran and hurt herself in the process” Jake said coldly. Neteyam’s and Lo’ak’s looks darkened as they heard that. Where was she trying to go? Did she try to escape? Would this all end?
Neteyam decided on taking a soft approach, seeing how scared his sister was. This would give him point with her and maybe she would come to him instead of taking an ikran. He could almost imagine how it would feel to have her undivided attention.
Once Jake put Y/n down on the floor, Neteyam went and hugged his sister. He didn’t say a thing, knowing full well that their dad could find a way to blame him. Y/n sniffled softly and tried to hide her face in Neteyam’s chest. Even though she was scared and the situation was not good, Neteyam felt satisfied seeing her reaction.
He knew she would always count on him.
Jake grunted and hissed before leaving the tent and talking outside with Neytiri. “I am so sorry! I just wanted to have an ikran like all of you” Y/n sniffled. Neteyam patted her hair. “Hush now, Y/n. I am here with you” his sweet tone and soft touches made her feel better.
Lo’ak hissed under his breath, muttering insults at hos brother before he got up and also hugged her. “We are here for you”. The girl was startled by the sudden voice behind her but she turned around a little bit to hug both her brothers.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Kiri appeared. “I heard mom and dad talking about you right now”. She went straight to her sister, pulling her in a hug and trying to calm her completely around. “The world out there is dangerous, they are so mad because you know how fragile you are! They don’t want to loose any of us.” Kiri explained, making Y/n’s behavior change.
She suddenly felt guilty of causing pain to her family. “I am so sorry” she started crying again. Kiri smiled at her brothers knowingly. Neteyam nodded while Lo’ak didn’t understand what was she doing.
Later on, all of them expressed their fear of loosing her, making Y/n feel more and more guilty. She wouldn’t plan on doing anything anytime soon, that’s for sure.
Jake and Neytiri, once they calmed down, saw what their kids had done and they were very proud. Neytiri still punished Y/n with doing more chores and Jake also guilt tripped her into feeling bad for what she had done.
Taglist: @maxinej
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
Airport blurb! For any of the Hughes brothers or Trevor them accidentally hitting their girlfriend with a puck
you would think that after spending the past few months playing hockey, the Hughes brothers would spend their few day christmas break relaxing. but no.
instead i currently watch on the side of the outdoor rink as my boyfriend and his brothers play a game of 3 person hockey. no goalie, just them trying to get the puck away from each other and into the net.
Quinn tried to get me to play goalie, but Luke assured him that that’s a bad idea, and i have to agree.
i keep my eyes on my boyfriend as he gracefully skates across the ice, handling the puck. but it’s not long before i’m broken out of my trance by a yell of my name. i whip my head towards Quinn but his face is morphed in horror. it doesn’t take more than a second to realize why, as something smacks straight into my nose.
i hear a crunch and searing pain spreads throughout my face, starting at my nose and working its way throughout the surrounding area. i drop back, falling on my ass on the snow behind me, and i can hear the sound of skates scraping against the ice as the boys rush over to me. tears fall from my eyes, dripping onto my cheeks as Luke drops down beside me. my hands grip my nose and i can feel the blood quickly coating them.
“baby, i am so sorry. are you okay?” Luke’s hands come up to cover my own, pulling them away so he can assess the damage. “shit.”
“ahh fuck, that’s definitely broken.” Quinn hisses. i glance over to find him wincing.
“oh, that doesn’t look good.” Jack cringes. “i’ll go get mom.”
“i’m so sorry, babe. i didn’t mean to, i swear! it was an accident! i- i-”
“it’s okay, Lukey. it happens. i probably shouldn’t have been standing so close to the ice.” i tell him through tears.
“no! don’t try and blame yourself in order to let me off the hook. not this time. it was all on me.” Luke assures me, holding my face in his hands. “fuck, i feel so bad.”
“being a hockey girlfriend has its risks. i didn’t necessarily think this would be one, but it’s okay. i promise.”
“here comes mom and Jack.” Quinn exclaims, and Luke drops his hand from my face as i look over to find Ellen.
“oh, honey.” she coos, holding out a hand to help me off the ground, which has now effectively soaked my jeans with melted snow. “let’s get you to the hospital.”
Luke groans at the word ‘hospital’, obvious guilt eating away at him.
“she’ll be fine, Luke. maybe just a couple stitches.” Ellen tells him. “it’ll all be okay. why don’t you boys go inside and do something more calm while us girls take a trip to get her fixed up?”
“no, i wanna go with.” Luke tells his mother, and Ellen looks towards me, an eyebrow raised in questioning, silently asking if that’s okay.
my hand reaches out to clutch Luke’s, pulling him towards me.
“i want him to come.” i say.
“hey, wait! i wanna come too! i’ve broken my nose several times, maybe i can be some help.” Quinn chimes in.
“well if you’re all going then i wanna go to!” Jack pipes up, obviously not wanting to be left out. Ellen sighs at her sons, shaking her head a little before speaking up.
“fine. Jack go run and grab my keys and everyone’s wallets. Quinn, Luke, take your skates off and we’ll all go get in the car.” Jack takes off running towards the house, being the only brother with his skates already shed.
i stand by Ellen, waiting for the boys to unlace their skates, slipping into their shoes that were waiting for them by the ice. we meet Jack by the car, who holds six wallets. handing them to each of us as we get in the car.
“why do you have your fathers wallet?” Ellen questions as she starts the car.
“you said to grab everyone’s.” Jack shrugs, sticking Jim’s wallet in his own pocket.
“why would that mean- nevermind.” Ellen shakes her head, pulling out of the driveway and starting the route to the hospital.
“how did you even get that from him?” i wonder, turning in the passenger seat to look at my boyfriend’s brother.
“took it from his pocket while he slept on the couch.”
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Ghost!Robin Part 13
THE DINNER ENDS!!!!!! Dear god, I need to write something that has less than seven characters present in the currently-being-written scene. This segment will be a bit longer than most previous ones simply because I was so close to the end.
Story Summary: Danny was invited to dinner at Wayne Manor to meet Jazz's boyfriend and his family for the first time. He worked hard to make sure no ghost business would interrupt the evening. But when he arrived, all he could focus on was the ghost of the dead Robin that seemed to haunt Jason. Looks like he was breaking his promise.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.9k
“Look, I’ve faced both an evil future version of me and have had to deal with mind control.” He looked to Bruce and, serious now, said, “As soon as the Anti-Ecto Acts are repealed and the Guys in White disbanded, I will help you write those plans myself.”
Bruce gave a single nod. “Do you know what caused you to turn evil in the alternate time stream?”
Danny sighed and nodded. “Believe it or not, I cheated on a standardized exam.”
“Okay, what?” asked Tim, incredulous. “What sort of 2000s PSA life do you live? How did that lead you down the path to evil?”
Danny frowned. “I got caught, my teacher met with Jazz, my partners, and my parents at a local restaurant to discuss it. There was an explosion and the entire place blew up killing every single person I was close to. I was then sent to live with Vlad where things got worse.”
Duke let out a low whistle. “Damn. I think I’d go evil, too, under that pressure.”
Robin flew over to him and draped himself over Danny’s back, hugging him as tightly as he could. Jazz reached over and gripped his hand. He gave her a smile and squeezed back.
Bruce nodded. “But it sounds like a future that is unlikely to happen again.”
“Grandpa says the same thing. And since he’s the Ghost of Time, I try to believe him.”
Tim made a noise of agreement. “Be glad you have that assurance. I’ve an evil future self as well. He’s such an asshole.”
Danny forced a laugh, recognizing the attempt at levity. “I’m sure. How’d you get yours to go away?”
He shrugged. “The obvious way. Threatened to kill myself so I could never grow up into him.”
Dick spluttered from his spot next to Damian. “I’m sorry, you did what? Tim! How could you?”
Tim shrugged. “Better than having an evil, gun-using Batman running around.”
Bruce was now sitting with his head in his hands. The rest of the table also started yelling at Tim, the references and names making no sense to Danny who looked over to Jazz. She just shrugged at him.
Leaning over, he whispered in her ear, “At least your in-laws won’t be too freaked out when weird things happen around you.”
She laughed. “Yeah. Honestly, I’m glad this is how the evening ended. It means no more secrets between Jason and me.”
“Guys, enough!” shouted Tim. “Look, I’m fine. This happened ages ago. But I promise I’ll update my incident report so you can all snoop on it later. Now, if you’ve all forgotten, we have guests. And ones who can help us with our League troubles. Danny, you had questions about the Lazarus pits?”
“Yeah, uh, you said it can be used to heal people? How does that work?” To Jason, he added, “And how did you interact with it?”
“I was dunked in it,” said Jason with a shrug. “After I’d been revived. I wasn’t in my right mind and Damian’s mom thought it might help.”
Robin nodded and signed something.
Dick translated for the ghost. “Baby Jason says the pit tied him and Big Jason together, but also prevented them from actually combining into one person again.”
Danny looked between them. “You were submerged in a pool of bubbling ectoplasm? How the hell did that not kill you? That shouldn’t be possible for a human. I doubt it’d be good for a ghost!” No wonder his future brother-in-law was split in two. That was probably the best that could be expected.
Danny hadn’t even realized how hard he was projecting concern until Robin trilled back at him to calm him down. Danny took a deep breath and pulled in his aura. “Sorry, Robin. I do think I’d like to get you both in to see my doctor as soon as possible, though.”
Jazz cleared her throat. “We can discuss that at home.”
Bruce stared at him. “Do you think they can help Jason?”
Danny shrugged. “He knows the most about ghost-human hybrids of anyone. If anything can be done, he’ll know.”
“I will go with you,” Bruce said.
Danny immediately shook his head. “Nope. I won’t bring anyone from Earth into the Realms until the Anti-Ecto acts are repealed. And only Jason can invite people to his private medical check up.”
Steph pouted. “But Jason is from Earth. Sure, he’s got some weird thing going on, but why does he get to go exploring other dimensions?”
“Cause he’s dead. He belongs to the Infinite Realms just as much as he belongs to Earth. I’m not gonna block someone from accessing their home.”
“I’m not dead!” yelled Jason. “I’m alive.”
Danny winced. He’d have to talk to Jazz about that. Death wasn’t really a thing that could be recovered from. Not fully. But it wasn’t his place to tell Jason he was still dead if he wasn’t ready to hear that. Jazz or Frostbite could have that conversation. “Of course you’re alive. And Earth is your home, too. But you’ve got one in the Realms if you ever need or want it. Think of it like dual citizenship.”
“I don’t want it.”
Danny sighed. “Look, then the part of you that is manifesting as Robin has a place there and you two can’t be separated so you’re allowed to follow him. It’s the only way I’ll be able to get you in to see the best doctor to help you out.”
“Jason,” Jazz spoke gently and rested her hand on his forearm, “you’re still alive. Nothing about your situation has changed. You just have some more information and more help. Which is a good thing.”
Jason frowned and didn’t answer, choosing instead to glare at his dinner plate.
No one else spoke up until Alfred cleared his throat. “Well, I believe that we should wrap the conversation up here. We’ve all received quite a lot of information and will need some time to review it and consider our next steps.”
Danny nodded. “Yeah, I think— Wait, um, before we end this, would you have a sample of the Lazarus Water I could take to Frostbite?” At the confused looks he was given, he added, “The doctor I mentioned. I think it’d help him figure out how best to help Jason and Robin.”
Bruce exchanged looks Danny couldn’t interpret with Damian and Tim before speaking. “We’ll have to discuss it. Would we be able to give you our answer in two days? At the very least, we’d like to have the report from your friend first.”
Danny shrugged. “Sure. The sooner the better, though. I’ll call Tucker on the way to Jazz and Jason’s. We’ll put something together for you tonight. I’m not sure exactly how long it’ll take, though. Depends on how much sleep Tuck’s running on.”
Bruce merely nodded.
Dick laughed and got to his feet. “Well, it’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know you. Welcome to the craziness of the Wayne family. It sounds like Jazz and you will fit right in. Let me walk you out.”
His words seemed to be a signal to the rest of the family. Most of whom also rushed over to try and insist on walking them out.
Until Jason shouted, “Enough! We don’t need a crowd to follow us to Jazz’s car. You can say goodbye from here just as easily.”
Dick pouted but acquiesced. Only after pulling Jason into a hug, though. Jason forced Dick to let him go only for Robin to rush in and take his place to Dick’s delight. After separating, they signed something to each other that had Jason blushing and scowling.
And then Dick moved on to hug Jazz, then Danny. “Come back anytime,” he told Danny. “Whether or not those two are with you. B meant it when he said you would have a room here.”
But then Steph was pushing Dick to the side to give Danny a hug as well. “What’s your phone number? I so want whatever blackmail you get on Jason. And I’ll share some of what I have.”
Danny laughed, but did agree to exchange numbers before the Duke was in front of him.
“Dude, you have to come by more often. It’s so annoying being the only meta around here.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Danny promised.
When Tim came over, he insisted on adding both Danny and Jazz to some of the family group chats. “If you give me your sister’s number, I’ll add her in, too.”
Jazz shook her head. “We’ll have to confirm she wants to be added in first. And ask her if she’d like an introduction to Superboy.”
“His name’s Kon. Kon-El. I’ll message him tonight, too. I’m sure he’d love to meet her.”
“Dani will say yes,” said Danny, “but she doesn’t always reply right away. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear from her.”
Then Tim was being pushed aside by Barbara who wanted to make sure he knew how to send them the information about ghosts and the Realms. And Cass was waving goodbye.
Bruce was the last of the group to approach them. “Remember, if you ever need a place to stay or want to lay low, you can come here any time. Even if you just want a warm meal. Your sister as well.”
“Thanks, Bruce,” said Jazz. “We do really appreciate that. You don’t have to offer it.”
“But I want to. Jason…” he trailed off before trying again. “I would like it if you kept me informed with any updates to your condition.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Right, because you want to know how much of a liability I am.”
If anything, Bruce’s face became more closed off at those words. “That’s not… Hn.”
Robin rolled his eyes, somehow visible despite his mask, and flew over to hug Bruce around the waist. Danny couldn’t make sense of the expression Bruce wore as he looked down at the ghost and though his arms twitched, he didn’t return the hug.
Alfred smoothly stepped forward before anyone could say anything. “Well, now that the goodbyes have all been said, I will walk you four out.”
Jason shook his head. “You don’t have to, Alfie. I know the way.”
“Of course you do, Master Jason. But I insist. We’ll stop by the kitchens and I’ll send you home with leftovers.”
Danny tried to hide his smile as Jason merely turned and walked in the direction of the kitchens. It seemed no one argued against Alfred. Once in the kitchens, they were given so much food to take home it required all three to carry it, then Alfred was leading them out a side door which brought them to the drive where Jazz’s car was parked.
Jazz nudged him and nodded her head towards the car. Danny nodded and followed her in while Jason, Alfred, and Robin remained outside to talk for a minute.
Danny took the back seat and met Jazz’s eyes in the rear-view mirror.
She gave him a wry smile and said, “What a night, huh?”
Danny snickered before bursting out into full-on laughter, Jazz joining a breath behind him.
Tim totally spilled the beans about Gun Batman to get people distracted from Danny. He's just being a good new friend.
I'm thinking I'll put this on a temporary hiatus as I work through how I want arc two to go. I know the story beats, but the pacing will absolutely have to change. Not gonna spend 16k words on a single evening again! (Did you guys realize it was that long? I certainly did. XP) In the meantime, I'll keep working on Bring Me Home and rewriting the Wrong Number AU.
Bonus points to anyone who can guess my favorite line from this segment!
And sorry for not replying to comments on the post from two weeks ago. I got caught up in irl stuff and wasn't able to get around to it.
Tag List Part 1
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @emeraldcorpral, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @flyingpansaurus, @akintoabitch, @marivictal, @8-29pm, @justreadingthefanfics, @happybear135, @kisatamao, @spoopyspoony, @adorablechaos, @sara0055, @screamingtofillthevoid
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nburkhardt · 8 months
59. “H-How long have you been standing there?”
ILY 🥰 sorry it went a little angsty
“Maybe being here isn’t the best idea but I can’t handle not knowing, okay? And- and I need to know, even though we, we aren’t friends and I just needed to be here. To know if you’re good and when, when you tell me to leave- I’ll go, I swear” Steve is pacing and rambling, not making any sense but it’s okay sort of.
He’s the only one in here right now, besides well, Eddie. Who can’t respond because he’s not awake, and that’s why Steve’s even talking out loud and pacing like a worried partner. And truthfully he is worried, he’s just not Eddie’s partner.
Not even Eddie’s friend.
Letting out a sound that’s definitely a sob, he continues to pace and shake his head. Wrapping his arms around himself, “you just, you can’t die, Eddie. You’d be making Henderson sad and I can’t handle that and, and i- we need you, man. Gotta have another adult around. I, I’d like to get to know you to need you.”
He whispers the last part out, wanting it to be a secret even if Eddie is clearly out cold from the medication the doctors have him on and probably will never hear this.
There’s movement from the door and Steve spins around to freeze in his spot, coloring draining from his face.
“H-how long have you been standing there?” He chokes out and wonders if he was being too loud again, he can’t tell what his volume is sometimes. Hopes he wasn’t just yelling his thoughts out.
Wayne Munson steps further into the room and he pats Steve’s shoulder as he moves to sit next to the bed, “Long enough to wonder if I should get ya something to relax, sit down”
Automatically, he finds the other chair and sit down with his back straight. Avoiding looking at Wayne, focusing his gaze at Eddie’s hand.
He hears Wayne sigh, “Boy, just hold it. Here, press your fingers right at his pulse point,” he follows it and slowly grabs hold of Eddie’s hand, pressing his fingers along to feel, to know, that Eddie’s heart is beating.
“How, um, how much did you hear?” Steve asks, gaze still locked on Eddie’s hand and now his, moving it to properly hold Eddie’s. “Was I loud?”
“Enough to know you care about my boy, ain’t loud either.”
Steve nods, taking a moment to breathe before looking up at Wayne, “I’m sorry, Mr. Munson, if he- I shouldn’t-” he drops Eddie’s hand and stands up to leave, he should leave.
“Boy, Steve, sit down” Wayne’s voice is rough and he’s shaking his head, sighing, “Ed will be fine, and he’d be throwing a fit if you just left”
“What? How” Steve’s eyes widen and look at him, “we aren’t- he doesn’t, why”
“I know my nephew and who he wants around, you might not know much about each other,” Wayne looks at Eddie a twitch of a grin on his face, “might’ve even just met, but once he knows you, he wants you around. Especially if that person helps save his life”
Steve drops back down and leans his head against the bed, his tension falling as he does, “I’d like to stay, I’d, I’d like to know him”
The room grows quiet, only the beeps from the machines is heard.
Steve shifts, getting more comfortable with his arms crossed on the bed and his head on top to look at Eddie. Wayne nods with a smile, despite Steve not looking at him, leans back in his chair to get comfortable.
In the morning, they’ll talk more. They’ll get coffee and spend the day waiting for Eddie to wake up.
This wrote itself, it actually wanted to go on longer butttt I don’t wanna. I WILL say this is after vecna and Steve definitely carried Eddie to the hospital and refused to leave his side. The only reason Dustin’s not there is because his mom has him under house arrest to let his ankle to heal ✌️
Tag list under the cut:
@spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you @grimmfitzz @estrellami-1
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honestly sometimes i wish that people didn’t try to treat being aroace as something to fix or something super limiting
mostly i’ve just been having issues with my mom who, when i came out to her, just kept repeating stuff about how I shouldn’t get so attached to the label and keep my options open because i’m still young (i’m not that young, especially not when it comes to being interested in relationships ).
I personally know that my label may change at any time, but I just don’t want it to be the first thing I’m told.
also i am on birth control due to medical stuff and she had a conversation about what if I went off of it and after digging at her reasons for a while she talked about how she had less motivation to try in relationships when she was on birth control and i should try to see if anything’s changed. I know realistically she’s probably trying to help or something but still 🥲
you're absolutely right about your labels, just because it may change in the future doesn't invalidate it now! i'm sorry to hear about what your mum is saying, hopefully she comes around eventually.
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
platonic soulmates eddie and nancy getting high and steve being Responsible; ty for the help @spectrum-spectre and @username-i-guess <3
The door swings open a few seconds after Steve knocks hard. (Probably a little too hard given the time of night, but someone down the road from Eddie’s trailer is playing music that Steve would be able to sing along to if he knew the words, so he didn’t worry about it.)
Nancy’s hair is frizzy, and her cheeks are flushed, her eyes glassy and red. A smile is teasing at her lips. Steve’s stomach twists as he looks at her. She’s wearing a Slayer t-shirt, wrinkled and too big for her, falling to her knees and hiding whether or not she’s wearing shorts underneath.
“What the hell’s going on?” Steve asks sharply. It’s cold out, and it’s late, and the last thing he was expecting while staring at the ceiling was to hear Nancy’s voice over the phone, sluggishly telling him to come over to Eddie’s as soon as possible. (And if Nancy is telling him something so pressing, of course he’s going to listen.) But as she grins up at him, flushed and sleepy-looking, he wonders why the fuck she’d invite him over for this. Which is something he really never would have seen coming. Nancy and Eddie.
“We’re high,” she says, and he blinks.
“He’s higher than me,” she says, and Steve’s never heard her voice like this, mumbly and slow and almost childish. Her lashes flutter as she blinks, gesturing with a lazy hand. “But ‘m also high. But you’re not.”
Confusion tangles with frustration in Steve’s chest, and she can see it on his face as he looks her up and down again, his eyes skimming deftly over her bare legs and Eddie’s fucking t-shirt and her tangled, frizzy hair.
“We didn’t fuck, Steve,” she says too loudly, looking at him like he’s being ridiculous, and he splutters out, “You can’t— You can’t blame me for thinking that!”
“Oh my god,” she says, exasperated, and he huffs.
“Why am I here? It’s like three in the morning.”
“Look,” she says, looking at the ground, holding a hand up. “I made brownies. We had one each, and then we shared two blunts, and then Eddie got hungry and forgot there’s pot in the brownies. And now he’s too high.”
“You made… pot brownies,” he says slowly, his mind reeling. Her expression changes, shifting into a terrifying combination of annoyance and frustration.
“Focus, Steve,” she says loudly. “He’s too high. I’m too high to help him.”
“Why’d you call me?”
“You’re, like— the mom!” she says, tossing a hand in his direction, gesturing aimlessly.
“Wha— Why?”
“You were a lifeguard.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“What, would rather I call Mike?” she asks, throwing a hand again.
“Why are you shit-talking your little brother?”
“Everyone else does.”
“That’s why you shouldn’t, he’s your brother.”
“Steve,” she almost shouts. “You’re not focussing.”
“Oh my god,” he says, exasperated, trying to push past her. “Where is he?”
“Sofa,” she says, pushing the door open further and moving aside so he can come in. “I can’t move him, he’s too heavy.”
Steve steps inside. The smell of weed hits him hard, and he holds back another Oh my god.
Eddie is laying on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling blankly, his eyes glazed over and unblinking. One of his arms is up against the back of the sofa and the other is hanging down, his fingertips brushing the ground.
“Eds,” Steve says, crouching by the sofa and nudging his shoulder. “You in there?”
Eddie stares at the ceiling, silent for a moment before, “…Steve?”
“Yeah, I’m here.”
“…Where are you?” Eddie asks lightly, his eyes searching the ceiling like he’s going to find Steve on it.
“Turn your head,” Steve says, begrudgingly amused as Eddie turns his head slowly to face the back of the sofa. “Other way, Eddie.”
Eddie’s bloodshot eyes widen when they find Steve, and Steve suppresses a smile as Eddie breathes, “Wow.”
“How you feel?” Steve asks softly.
“Goo-o-o-od,” Eddie slurs, grinning deliriously. “Nancy’s a baker.”
“Is she,” Steve says dryly.
“Mm. Nancy baker. Good ass baker. I’m a baker. I’m baked. Steve, I’m baked.” He giggles, his whole face lighting up, eyes squeezing shut as his cheeks squish up, the lines in his skin deepening beautifully.
Nancy is giggling behind Steve, and without turning to look at her, he calls, “Nancy, don’t you touch those brownies.”
There’s a moment of silence, except for Eddie’s giggling, and then she huffs and there’s a clatter of a knife on the counter.
“Mom,” she calls back, and he rolls his eyes.
“Steve,” Eddie stage-whispers. “Do you wanna bake?”
Steve blinks at him.
“No, Eddie,” he says calmly. “No, I don’t.”
“But it’s so fun-n-n…”
“I know, Eds, but someone’s gotta keep you in check.”
“‘S nice of you, Stevie.”
“Eddie!” Nancy calls from the kitchen, and Eddie beams at the sound of her voice, his eyes closing as he lifts his chin and says her name back. “Steve thought we fucked.”
“Nancy,” Steve snaps, looking at her with wide eyes as Eddie gasps dramatically.
“I would never,” Eddie says loudly. “Nancy Baker is a beautiful woman, but she is not my type, ‘m afraid.”
“Nancy Baker,” Steve repeats under his breath, turning back to Eddie as Nancy laughs in a way Steve’s never heard her laugh, open and loud and childish.
“Why?” Nancy says, her voice teasing. “Why am I not your type, Eds?”
“You be quiet,” he says to the ceiling, closing his eyes, his face red.
“Tell him!”
“You can tell him!”
“I’m not gonna,” Eddie sings loudly.
Steve huffs.
“Nance, leave him alone,” he says. “Eddie, you don’t have to tell me anything.”
“Eddie,” Nancy sings back, ignoring Steve. “Tell him!”
“I am not telling Steve Harrington I’m gay, Nancy.”
Steve’s breath catches in his throat, and Nancy claps a hand over her mouth.
“You said it,” she says gleefully after a moment as Steve stares at Eddie, his stomach fluttering, because Eddie’s gay. Because he didn’t want to tell Steve.
“I didn’t tell Steve, I told you.”
“Steve is in the room, you dumbass.”
A few seconds pass before Eddie’s eyes widen at the ceiling, and his face flushes darker, and he looks at Steve, his eyes shining with a fear that Steve fucking hates.
“It’s okay,” Steve says quickly even though he’s still reeling. “It’s cool, Eddie, I don’t— I don’t have a problem with it.”
Eddie blinks at him.
“It’s okay,” Steve says again, nodding. “‘S fine.”
“I told you,” Nancy says from the kitchen.
Eddie rolls onto his side, hiding his face with his hair, groaning, and Steve takes a moment, lowering his head to the sofa cushion and exhaling shakily. He can feel Nancy watching him, but he can’t even bring himself to care.
“Okay,” he says after taking another deep breath. “Bedtime, Eds, come on.”
“Don’t wanna.”
“Come on, Wayne’s gonna be here in a few hours,” Steve says. “He doesn’t wanna sleep in your bed.”
“…You know Wayne’s schedule?”
“Yeah,” Steve says softly. “Of course.”
Eddie is quiet, still hiding from Steve.
“Eddie, get up."
“Can’t move,” Eddie mumbles into the sofa.
Steve sighs, rubbing his cheek as Nancy snickers.
“Come on,” he says, standing and wincing as his knees pop, tugging at Eddie’s shoulder. Eddie just groans loudly, and Steve sighs again. “I’m gonna help you, Eds, c’mere.”
He leans down and picks up Eddie’s arm, pulling him up so he’s standing, and he’s heavy on Steve as Steve wraps an arm around his waist. He’s soft.
Steve stumbles down the hall with Eddie, whose head falls forward as he groans, his hair hiding his face, and Steve calls to Nancy to not touch the brownies. He smiles when he hears her blow a raspberry at him.
“Oh no,” Eddie says when they sway together, and Steve stops before the doorway of his bedroom.
“You feel sick?”
Eddie stares wide-eyed at the floor, unblinking, unmoving.
Eddie hums quietly, standing still before his head turns in Steve’s direction slowly, his eyes following behind after a moment.
“You gonna be sick?” Steve asks when he doesn’t say anything.
“You okay?”
Eddie exhales, his glassy eyes skimming over Steve’s face.
“Yeah,” he breathes.
“Bed,” Steve says. “Come on.”
“‘M coming…” Eddie mumbles, and then he giggles. “Coming.”
“Jesus,” Steve mutters, his cheeks flushing.
He gets Eddie into his room and into bed, carefully lowering him so he doesn’t flop, and Eddie writhes, pushing his face into his pillow. The room is dark, lit up by the hall, and Steve flicks on a lamp.
“Where’s Nancy?” Eddie says, his voice muffled by his pillow. “Nancy. ‘S a pretty name. Nancy Wheeler Baker. Nancy. N’ncy…”
Steve gets up to call Nancy’s name down the hall, and she appears after a moment, after flicking off the lights in the living room.
She climbs onto the bed next to Eddie as Steve watches. Eddie wraps an arm around Nancy’s waist, hugging her and grinning as she looks down at him, poking his cheek.
“Nancelot,” he slurs, and Steve scoffs, raising an eyebrow. “Pretty lady.”
“You are so high,” she says, emphasising every word with a poke to the tip of Eddie’s nose.
“You make good brownies,” he mumbles, his eyes fluttering shut as she keeps poking his nose. “Chef Nancelot.”
“It was a box mix,” Nancy giggles, leaning over his head as he snorts.
“But I could taste your lo-o-o-ove…”
She snorts, snickering and running her hand over his face.
“Are you guys set?” Steve asks, still watching from where he’s leaning against the doorframe. “Am I free?”
“Don’t go,” Nancy says, whining, reaching out and making grabby hands at him as Eddie groans. “Sleepover.”
He stares for a moment, hesitating, and then Eddie says his name, dragging it out dramatically, desperately.
Steve sighs, glancing at the dark window, and he gives in, kicking his shoes off as Nancy cheers, clapping happily. He climbs onto Eddie’s bed on his other side.
They’re all too close, Eddie laying partially on top of Nancy’s legs, and Steve leans against the wall next to Nancy, their shoulders almost touching.
Eddie rolls over, against Steve’s legs, and Steve looks at him. His eyes are closed, his lips curved into a happy smile, and Steve can’t help but reach down to the top of his head that’s at Steve’s waist. His hair is messy, tangled, and Steve pushes his fingers into it. Eddie hums.
“Didn’t know you guys were so close,” he says softly to Nancy.
“‘S my best friend,” she says lightly. “You know… your whole thing with Robin?”
“Platonic with a capital P,” Steve says softly.
“Mhmm. ‘S Eddie and me.”
“Soulmates?” Steve says softly. Nancy nods, smiling. “Never would’ve thought.”
She giggles quietly, scrunching her nose.
“Valedictorian and super-super senior.”
“Eddie Munson,” she sings softly, reaching to play with the end of one of Eddie’s curls. Eddie is still smiling, head tilted up into Steve’s hand, and Steve can’t tell if he’s asleep or not.
“Eddie Munson,” Steve repeats like he’s agreeing.
“Never would’ve thought,” Nancy says quietly, almost pointedly, giving Steve a look.
“Thought what?”
Her gaze lowers to his hand in Eddie’s hair, eyebrows raised, and she reaches out to poke the back of it. (Nancy pokes a lot when she’s high, apparently.)
“I’m just…” Steve trails off, unable to find an excuse, and his cheeks flush.
“‘S cool,” she says lightly.
They’re quiet.
Steve listens to Eddie breathe, and as he scratches at his scalp gently, he thinks he doesn’t mind that Nancy called him as much as he did when he arrived.
“Steve,” Nancy says quietly after a while, after shifting and slumping against the wall. She’s resting her arm across Eddie’s chest.
“Yeah,” Steve whispers.
“…You’re too hard on yourself, you know that?”
He blinks, his eyes looking across the room at the mess of posters that are covering Eddie’s wall.
“Oh,” he says.
“You, like…” She sighs heavily. “You’re not… the same. But you keep all that guilt inside you. And you… act like you’re this whole new person, this… this nice guy. But you’re still a bully.”
His chest clenches, and he looks at her, his eyes burning.
“Because you’re so mean to yourself,” she adds after a moment. “I think… there’s a little part of King Steve still inside you, you… beat the shit out of him every day.” She’s mumbling, talking so softly that it’s almost like she’s talking to herself.
“But if you’re— if you’re gonna be Steve Steve, our Steve, the— the Steve that’s best friends with a dorky lesbian and a fourteen-year-old nerd, you gotta… forgive yourself. Let King Steve go.”
Steve blinks tears back, swallowing thickly, exhaling shakily, because she’s right. King Steve lives inside him, like he’s hiding in his ribcage, and Steve won’t leave him alone. He torments him, bullies him. Even though King Steve is just a kid, just a scared, lonely kid without a clue about what or who he is. Even though Steve knows King Steve was pretending the whole time. Lying. Wearing a false crown.
“…You know about Robin?” he asks weakly, his voice wobbly, and Nancy smiles a little bit.
“I know well.”
He looks over at her, and she looks up at him, seeing the confusion in his watery eyes.
“Like recognizes like,” she says softly.
His lips twitch into a smile, and she grins.
“Who would’ve thought?” Steve murmurs.
Nancy smiles so brightly that her eyes squeeze shut, and she leans so her head is resting on Steve’s shoulder.
Steve tilts his head to rest on hers.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t love you like I was supposed to,” Nancy says after a while, her voice soft.
“You weren’t supposed to love me, Nance,” Steve says, closing his eyes. “You can’t… You can’t make yourself love someone just because you think you have to. It’s okay.”
“I wanted to,” she whispers.
“It’s okay,” he says again.
She’s quiet again, and he thinks she’s fallen asleep until she speaks again.
“I do love you,” she says quietly. “Just… platonically.”
“With a capital P,” Steve murmurs, and he can practically sense her smile.
“‘S cool, Nance,” he says softly. “I love you too.”
He drifts off as she falls asleep, feeling her head become heavier on his shoulder, and at some point they both shift in discomfort on the wall, sitting up straight and groaning quietly. They glance at each other in the dark lighting of the room, and Nancy shifts to lie down on the bed next to Eddie, wrapping her arm around him and sighing. Steve follows, moving slowly so Eddie can shift with him, still laying on top of him on the small mattress.
Steve falls asleep.
He wakes up to Eddie climbing on top of him, and he winces, cracking his eyes open to squint in the bright sunlight that’s shining through the room. Eddie’s legs wrap around his hips and he buries his face in Steve’s neck as he sighs, and Nancy shifts closer to Steve in her sleep.
Steve sets a hand across Eddie’s back, holding him, and Nancy finds Steve’s other arm before he can wrap it around Eddie, hugging it to herself and nuzzling into his shoulder. Steve smiles.
Eddie rubs his face into Steve’s neck again, taking a deep breath, and then he lifts his head, his body tightening and trembling for a moment.
He’s squinting when he looks down at Steve, brows furrowed adorably. He blinks blankly at Steve, whose smile widens.
“You still high?” Steve asks softly.
Eddie stares for a moment before his lips curve into a smile, and he shrugs.
“‘M on top of Steve Harrington in my bed,” he says, his voice rough. “Might be.”
Steve laughs lightly, closing his eyes. Eddie shifts to touch his face, poking his cheek and tracing the bridge of his nose and outlining his lips.
“Feels real,” Eddie murmurs.
“‘M real, Eds.”
“‘M gonna go back to sleep,” Eddie mumbles, sticking his face back in Steve’s neck. His breath is warm.
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justmeinadaze · 9 months
Head Filled With Demons Part 5 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: I bare you...this final part. <3. I can always come back to them as I'm sure they have many more stories to tell now. When I wrote Maeve I pictured her looking very much like Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia from Buffy). I think she's a gorgeous lady :).
Warnings: Demon Steddie X Human Fem Reader, SMUT, slight over stimulation (they are enjoying her and each other), DP, and everything else that comes along with these three. FLUFF, LOTS of mentions about how much they love her and vice versa, ANGST, final murder (brief), sassy evil Henry is back, mentions of their past summoners and what happened with them including their murders, Reader meets the woman that trapped them and makes a deal. I think that's everything.
Word Count: 7954
“Fuck!”, you screech into the sunrise as you march along the wooded path. 
“Oof someone’s angry.” A beautiful young lady dances past you towards a tree you feel like you’ve seen many times before but can’t pinpoint where. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I’m, um, trying to save the… men… I love.”
“How so?”, she asks without looking your way as she does a pirouette.
“Um…They’ve been stuck somewhere they shouldn’t have been in the first place. They deserve to live a normal life and be happy.”
“What an odd word choice. What IS a normal life for a demon?”
Your eyes narrow in her direction as you try to follow her while she continues to do ballet steps you saw your own mother do numerous times. 
“Do I know you?”
“Let me ask you something, Y/N.” She twirls around a tree and when you chase after her, you find her standing at the edge of the hill looking off in the distance. “If you could take their place, would you?”
Your eyes snapped open, meeting Eddie’s worried look. 
“Are you alright? You were tossing and turning a lot.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Is it normal for your summoners to have dreams?”
“What kind of dreams?”
You lay back against your pillow as you try to gather your thoughts. 
“Since I met you, I’ve been having dreams about Hawkins on fire.”
“I mean, yeah, I’m not surprised.”, Steve sighed.
“Sometimes…unique dreams come through though. One night I had a dream that you two died with me here in this house. I told you to go to Oblivion and you both refused with Eddie telling me that…he wasn’t going to lose another princess.” The demon’s fingers reached out to caress your cheek. “The morning my dad died, he talked to me and then disappeared somewhere with my mom. She told me to go easy on you because what was about to happen wasn’t your fault.
Steve blinks as he exhaled heavier this time. 
“Last night, I had a dream that I was trying to save you from your stone and this woman kept dancing around me, asking me questions.”
“Did you know her?”
“No, I don’t think so but she was gorgeous though. She had long brown hair and piercing brown eyes with caramel skin. She had on this pretty red silk, lace dress that was probably decades old.” Their eyes shot up to look at each other. “What?”
“Y/N, did she have any jewelry on?”
“Um, she was moving around a lot so I couldn’t see but she did have like a ring with a clear stone and some red in it, I think.”
Eddie gripped your cheeks a bit roughly and turned you to face him. 
“What did she say to you, Y/N? Did she ask you any questions or try to make a deal with you? THINK! We need to know?!”
“Why? Do you know her?”
Steve grabbed his friend’s wrist and motioned for him to release you. “No, baby.  We just… want to make sure it isn’t someone that can hurt you.”
Your gaze shifted between them both and you could tell they were both obviously upset about what you had seen. 
“Don’t do this again. Don’t hide something from me that could help.”
“It won’t help. Trust me. She can’t and won’t do anything.”
“So you do know her?” Neither of them answers and it infuriates you. “Fine. If you won’t tell me, I’ll find the answers myself.”
“What is this thing you’re using?”, Eddie asks with genuine curiosity.
“This is called a ‘microfiche’. It amplifies the tiny print on the paper.”
“Huh. Kind of seems like a waste of effort since you won’t find anything.” You and the demon beside you turn towards Steve as he sits behind you with his arms folded. 
Since they wouldn’t answer your questions, you went to the only place you could think of that may help, the library. You told the librarian what you were looking for and after glaring at you like you were insane, finally guided you to some newspapers and documents that may help. 
You were honestly surprised how enthralled Eddie was by what you were looking at. Maybe he thought you’d never find out anything about the stone so he wanted to learn what he could. As he sat beside you, he leaned his head on your shoulder while placing his palm on your knee. It was a comforting feeling; one you wanted to have for longer than the week timeframe you had left. 
“Oh shit. That’s Arthur.”
You paused the machine and made the image as big as you could. A man in his early twenties was being handcuffed and placed in a cop car. Steve suddenly appeared next to you as you read the information. 
Arthur Leeman (23), shown above, was arrested after being found near the body of rich aristocrat Michael Jameson (50) with a knife in his back. Jameson was found by his son Kevin Jameson (24) and swiftly notified the authorities. The young Jameson stated that Leeman was unhinged, claiming demons told him to kill the elder Jameson or the world would end.
“Fucking idiot.”, Eddie sighed. “We told him NOT to kill Michael because all fingers would point to him.”
“Plus, it wouldn’t help his situation. Kevin loved his dad even though he didn’t approve of his sexuality. But…Arthur was desperate.”
“Does it say what happened to him?”
You scanned the article until you found the answer. “He was found guilty and died in jail.” Glancing at their sad faces, you reached out caress them. “I’m sorry.”
They shrug and you continue your search. After about thirty minutes, you feel like you’ve hit a dead end until a drawing catches your attention. You recognize her from the memories they provided you and how she’s displayed in the image. Men are holding her arms behind her back as flames surround them. 
“Fuck me. They made her look like a crazy person.”
You point to the article underneath as you speak. “She did kill 20 people in the fire she started. It says they, um… they made an example of her by killing her in the town square.”
Steve growls as he stands and begins to pace. “She wasn’t crazy. She was a good woman before she met us. Before she found that fucking stone. Y/N, stop. Please. Don’t look for answers. Just…Just enjoy the time you have with us and let us fucking go.”
“I can’t.”, you whisper. “Even if I could, your summoners didn’t do research and their lives still got complicated. At least this way, I can find out if we have a chance.”
“Y/N.” You turn back towards Eddie, who had been absently flipping through the machine while you and Steve talked. “This thing says Lizzy’s belongings were given to her nephew. When her nephew was older, he struggled financially and sold her things to a museum.” He pointed to a photo of a group of people outside the building, posing for its grand opening. The person cutting the ribbon was Michael Jameson. “Arthur told us his boyfriend had given him the necklace as a present. He stole it from the box so I guess—”
“It was never documented as being sent there.”, you finished for him as you sat back down and searched through the paper. “The museum was closed in 1975 and was a vacant lot until…oh shit.”
“Until the mayor bought it and built the mall.”
Grabbing your bag, you quickly throw on your jacket and head to your next destination.
“Hey honey. Haven’t seen you in a while.”, Paul grins from his spot at the security station. 
“Yeah, I’ve been taking some time off after my dad…”
“No, hey, I completely understand. He was a good man. I was glad to have known him. What are you doing down here today then?”
“Paul, that necklace you gave me…you said it was just outside of my stores cage?”
“Yes? I mean the box it was probably nestled in got knocked over but…”
“I read somewhere this mall was a museum for Hawkins before it closed down. Do you know what they did with the stuff inside it?”
“A lot of it was sold to other places. What they couldn’t sell I thought they junked.”
“Shit. Ok. Thank you.”
“Not a problem.” He glances at you worriedly as you turn to leave.
“Not that you asked but he IS a good soul. When they were in high school Paul Cassian and his girlfriend at the time found out they were having a baby. They decided adoption would be best since they were so young and couldn’t afford anything. Two years from now his son will reach out to meet him. Paul will find out he’s a grandpa and spoil his granddaughters rotten.”, Eddie grins.
Smiling up at him, he gives you a little wink as you enter the elevator to leave the basement. Something catches your eye and your hand shot out to stop the doors as you step out again. 
“Paul!” His footsteps bang against the floor as he comes skidding to your side. “No, I’m sorry if I scared you. Just…where was this picture taken?”
He follows your gaze to the image of the mayor outside with some construction men smoking a cigar with wide grins. Behind him was the tree from your dream.
“Um, behind the mall, I think.”
Steve continues to stand there looking disgruntled as Eddie leans against the bark you were looking at. 
“I don’t get it. Why this tree? Why was she dancing? Why—”
“Why what?”, Steve asked. “What does it matter? She probably did it just to get your attention and it seems to have worked.”
“Why are you fighting me so hard on this?!”
“Because I know how this story ends, Y/N, and I refuse to feel hope where there is none.”
“How do you know there isn’t any?!”
“Y/N LET IT GO!”, he roared causing Eddie to rise to his feet but you didn’t move. You continued to glare at him as his eyes stared daggers into yours. 
“Oof someone’s angry.” Both demons abruptly came to attention as the woman from your dream appeared in front of you, winking as she walked by. “We weren’t formally introduced, Y/N. I’m Maeve.” She reaches out to shake your hand but Eddie quickly pulls it away and pushes you behind them. “Boys, now come on. If you can’t play nice and let me talk to the lady I’ll have to send you away for a bit.”
They both growl as she moves closer to the tree in front of her. “It’s been so long you both probably don’t remember meeting me here. I mean everything has changed!” Maeve playfully smiles as she sighs. 
“This is where you found them?”
“Technically, they found me.” She gestures towards the stone in your pocket. “It was so many years ago and the world was different then. It was much more…angry and violent.”
“Said the woman who owns a stone that requires someone to kill three people or their world ends.”
Maeve gives you a big, beautiful smile as she continues to absently move around you three. 
“I like her, boys. Honestly, I’m kind of impressed you actually followed your dreams; metaphorically of course. Usually when people call them, they don’t even care about what they see when they sleep.”
“So they are real?”
“When you meddle in the abstract, sweetheart, some things retain. It seems you have a gift. I bet you got that from your mother. She’s the one that got you into auras and stones, right?”
“Wait, does that mean they’re going to die? That the world will end?”
Her head tilts to the side at your questions. “Interesting. ‘Will they die.’ Not will I die. You really are selfless, aren’t you? Have you given any thought to what I asked you?”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, I would take their place.”
“Y/N, no! Don’t you say that. Do you hear me?” Their pleas flooded your ears as she continued to watch with a small smile. “You need to live your life. You deserve a good life, baby. We don’t. We’ve done enough fucked up shit.”
Maeve snapped her fingers and just like that they were gone.
“FUCK!”, Steve shouted as he continued to bang on the door of their home within the stone. “Come on, Edward! Get off your ass and fucking help me.”
Eddie sighed from his place on the arm rest of the couch as he shrugs. 
“What’s the point, Steven? It doesn’t matter. We can’t get out.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?! Of course it matters!  She WILL take that deal and she’ll be stuck in this hell forever! Fuck!” The demon stomped towards the corner his bat was in and tried to smash the windows to no avail. 
“You may as well just give up.”
“I can’t give up on her if I know I can save her! I have to try!” Steve froze mid-swing as he what he was saying finally sunk in. You had been saying the same things repeatedly but he ignored it feeling like it wouldn’t make a difference. Now he understood…
Eddie came over to wrap his arms around him before leaning back to cup his face in his hands. “Trust me, I get it. I don’t want to hope either because even just being here reminds me what we’d be coming back to but now it seems emptier without her. I know it’s going to fucking hurt when we leave but if this is what she needs then let her try. If she doesn’t, it’s just going to kill her. She’ll always blame herself… like I did with Chrissy.”
Steve kisses the demon’s lips as he tugs him back in his embrace before a wind blows and they appear again in your world. 
“Y/N, are you ok?! What happened? Please tell us you didn’t take her deal.”
When they looked around Maeve was already gone and you had your arms folded starring out into the distance as you waited for them. 
“I’m alright. Come on. I have one more person I need to kill.”
Steve grabbed your arm as you turned to leave, your flat tone frightening them both. His voice shook as he took your face in his hands and searched your eyes for an answer.
“I-I— fuck—I can’t see what…what you did. Please, Y/N. Tell us you didn’t. Please…”
You softly smile as you lean up to kiss his lips before doing the same with Eddie. “Everything is going to be ok. I promise.”
“Hey, Y/N.”
“Detective Hopper. How can I help you?” 
He stepped away from his car outside your house as you headed for your front door. 
“I wanted to talk with you really quickly about some things, if that’s alright.”
“Of course, come in.”
The officer blinked as he apprehensively walked into your home. What he wasn’t able to see was your demons do the same. They had no idea what you were up to and it made them extremely nervous. 
“You’re not going to kill him right? Killing a detective isn’t exactly smart, princess.”
“So, how can I help?” You ignored him as you addressed the man who took a seat at your table. 
“Where were you a couple of nights ago around 9pm?”
“Um, I went to The Hideout for a date.”
“With a man named Noah Strong?”
“I believe so. I never got his last name. He asked me out on a date and then invited me back to his apartment. I left around…eleven or so. I wasn’t feeling so well. I’m still kind of shaky after my dad.” 
Hopper nods as you take a seat across from him. 
“You haven’t tried to call him or anything?”
“No, sir. We didn’t exactly click but what do I know. I haven’t been on a date in over a year so…” You force a giggle and he smiles. “If I may ask, why are you here? Is he alright?”
“Uh, no ma’am. Noah was found dead in his apartment. It was…it wasn’t pretty.”
“Oh my god. Oh my god! I…I didn’t notice anything odd or out of the ordinary. He did mention he worked with the mayor. Could that have anything to do with it?”
“Careful, Y/N.”, Steve warned.
“We are looking into that but I’m not too sure. We did have witnesses say they saw him with you at the bar so I just wanted to do my due diligence.”
“Oh, no worries. I completely understand. I wish I could be of more help.”
He nods again as he stands and places his hat back on his head. “Thank you for your candor. If you think of anything, you still have my card, right? The one I gave you after that first death.”
“There was another death?”
Your eyes meet before he scans you over. 
“Good catch, baby.”, Eddie smiles. 
“I didn’t tell you that the first time did I? Yeah, just…just continue to be careful and I’ll be in touch.”
After walking him out, you exhale heavily as you peek out the window and wait for him to leave.
“You handled yourself really well, honey.” Hastily, you turn away and head for your room to change your clothes. “What are you doing now?”
When you don’t respond, Eddie grabs your bicep and turns you around to face them. “Y/N, your acting odd and being cryptic. What’s going on? What happened with Maeve?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Because I promised her I wouldn’t.”
“And? Who gives a fuck about her?!”
“You took her deal didn’t you?”, Steve grumbled. His fingers reached out to grip your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. “Tell us.”
“I can’t…because we both know you’ll try to intervene.”
Their eyes widen but Steve’s are the ones that glow before releasing you with a rough shove. “You stupid little girl. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”
“I’m saving you.”
“We didn’t need nor ask you to save us. Now there’s no point in you killing your last person because I assure you, Y/N, if you get sucked into that stone instead of us when this is over we will burn this world and any other one we need to, to set you free.”
“I already lost one princess. I’m not losing another.”
At Eddie’s words, your eyes closed as a strangled cry left your throat and you fell to your knees.
Steve fell with you and collected you in his arms. “Please, Y/N. Talk to us.”
“Do you trust me?”, you whisper.
“I trust that you would do anything for us, baby girl, but we won’t allow you to take our place.”
Wiping your eyes, you pushed away from him and got to your feet. 
“Let’s go. I have a job to do.”
“Hello, sir.”
“Jesus Christ!”, the mayor jumps, placing his hand over his chest as he tries to catch his breath. “You, uh, scared the bajesus out of me, sweetheart. You can’t be doing that.”
“I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to startle you.”, you grinned as you playfully twirled your index finger in your hair. “I just HAD to meet you. I’m such a huge fan of yours, Mr. Kline.”
“Oh, well aren’t you precious. Call me Larry, please.”
“Ok…Larry.”, you giggle as he seductively scans your body.
“This must be what hell is like for humans.”, Eddie growls. “You sound ridiculous by the way.”
They both stand on either side of you with their arms folded as they watch the display in front of them. 
“Maybe one day I can come work for you, Larry. I’m so good at taking care of people and doing what I’m told. You can tell me to do anything and I’d do it!” Stepping closer to him, you place your hand on the mayor’s chest. “Anything.”
“Well…I…um…how about this, honey? Why don’t you come with me to my house? It will just be us and you can tell me more about what your good at. Maybe give me a demonstration.”
His eyes glow with lust as you obnoxiously jump up and down and clap your hands. 
“Oh my god, I can’t wait!”
Your smile drops as you turn to head for your car so you can follow him in his. 
“You should have considered becoming an actress.”, Steve sasses. 
“Or a prostitute. Sounds like you’d be good at either or.”
“Don’t be jealous.”
After you climb into your car, they appear in your back seat. 
“Why would we be jealous of two-pump chump up there?”, Eddie gestures towards the mayor’s car as you begin to drive. “Maybe, you should fuck him. At least get a laugh or two before you’re sucked into your purgatory.”
“You know, I’m starting to think you two lied to me when you said the stone wasn’t a prison.”
“It will be for you because you will be by yourself. When we’re there, we have each other. What will you have?”
“The knowledge that you both are safe.”
As you stopped at a stop light, the interior of your car illuminated a bright red before a rough feeling palm reached out to lightly touch your forearm. 
“Honey, look at us.”, Steve cooed in his deep demon voice. 
When you did what he asked, they both couldn’t help but sigh when you didn’t flinch at their normal appearance. They were bearing it all to you for you to really see. When they were fighting, they had been moving around all over the place so you weren’t able to get a good look but now as their red eyes stared at you with empathy…you couldn’t ignore it. 
You weren’t afraid of them in this form anymore. To you, they were beautiful; perfect. 
“This is who we are, Y/N. We’re evil, murderous, violent demons. We don’t deserve the luxury of being safe or even happy. You on the other hand, have helped so many people.”
“Even a few who didn’t deserve it.”, Eddie chimed in.
“It’s time for you to live your life, baby. Not spend eternity trapped in your old one.”
The light changed to green and as the car began moving you tried to hide the tear that escaped from your eye.
“Wow, Larry. Your house is beautiful!”, you obnoxiously exclaim as you pretend to be enthralled by the things around you. “Who is this? Your wife?”
The mayor saunters over and yanks the photo you were holding out of your hand, placing it back on the end table. 
“Yup but she’s out of town for the next few days. She’s always leaving me alone to fend myself.”, he pouts. “Would you like something to drink, Y/N?”
“I have some amazing wine here.”, he boasts as you follow him to the kitchen. “I save the expensive stuff for extremely special occasions and I think a special little girl like you deserves—”
Hitting him over the head with a nearby vase, he slumps heavily to the floor. Dragging him by his feet, you move him back to his living room, and begin tying him up with the rope you brought from the house.
“Wait, Y/N. Before you do this, please, tell us what you did with Maeve.”, Eddie pleaded. “If you didn’t make the deal then…then this is goodbye, princess.” 
Back in their human forms, he reaches out to caress your cheek. 
“If you did, then we aren’t letting you kill him.”
“I love you both so much. You changed my life and showed me things…you may think you don’t deserve happiness but if you could see things through my eyes…even just your memories… I did make a deal with her and I’m afraid you can’t stop me because he won’t let you. Will you, Henry?”
As soon as your eyes glance up, they follow your eyeline to see Henry slowly descend the stairs.
“Very good, Y/N. I’m not going to lie; this whole thing has been incredibly amusing to me. Watching you three run around as she tries to solve the riddle of your make shift hell. Seeing and listening to you pathetically beg her to stay.”, he chuckles. “Even I was riveted to see if she made that deal or not.”
“You can’t see it, Mr. I’m More Powerful?”, Steve spat.
“A ha, no, I can’t. While I AM strong, Maeve is way more powerful than I could dream.”
As he spoke, you had slowly shifted away from them towards the mayor and reached into your bag to grab the knife you had hidden there. 
“Now, I get to watch you both lose the girl you love WHILE she takes care of my kill for me.”  They both growl as Henry laughs. “What is that…two now Edward? May want to stop while you’re ahead.”
Eddie charges at him but the evil demon saw it coming, punching him so hard he flew into the adjacent wall. Steve came at him with his bat but he caught it mid swing allowing the nails to dig into his flesh as he pushed the demon back. 
“Hey Henry?” He turned to look at you just as you were throwing something his way that he promptly caught. “I said I made A deal. I didn’t tell you which one.”
Opening his hand, his eyes widened as he starred down at the stone that was now smeared with his blood.
“I guess they didn’t know but only demons can be placed into the stone to do the work Maeve needs done.”
“I think it’s commendable and beautiful you would switch places with them. I’ve watched them for years and never saw them connect to a summoner the way they did with you. To be fair, all the summoners were selfish.”, she rolled her eyes. “I’m afraid, my love, only another demon can take their place.”
“Then why did you show me that dream?”
“IIII didn’t show it to you. I just came through the door. I imagine your mother was trying to tell you something.” She smiles as she does a pirouette. “Maybe draw your eye to something? Something you missed.”
“Fuck me. Maeve what if I know another demon that you can have?”
Maeve blinks as she nods. “It will most likely be hard to get them. The only reason Edward and Steven were easy was because both their blood leaked on my stone. They had just escaped another sudden run in with people from their realm. Demons can heal pretty fast so you would have to time it perfectly.”
“I can do it.”
“If you don’t, they will get sucked in and the demon you are left with will most likely kill you.”
“I said…I can do it.”
She nodded in agreement as you turned to stare out into the Hawkins skyline. 
“I wouldn’t mention your plan by the way. They may try and stop you.”
With that she snapped her fingers and disappeared.
You sliced the mayor’s neck and he slumped to the side as he quickly bled out. 
“Now you’ll finally be in a cell, tortured forever for what you did to Chrissy and all the pain you caused!”
Henry’s eyes glowed as he ran towards you but as soon as he was inches away, Maeve appeared in between you two, stopping him in his tracks. Her eyes shifted towards the boys who were still on the ground watching everything with wide, confused eyes. 
“It’s been a pleasure working with you.”
Winking in your direction, white light abruptly blinds everyone as you hear Henry scream and her chuckles before both disappear. The sound of the gem hitting the floor startles everyone as you try to comprehend that you succeeded. 
“Edward? Steven?” You hurriedly run over to check on them. “Are you ok?!”
Eddie’s hands roughly reached up to grab your face. “That was so fucking stupid! I can’t believe… how did you…”
You own hand reached out to move his wild hair away from his eyes. “I told you. I had to try.”
His lips crashed to yours as he scoped you into his arms. 
“Steve, are you ok? We have to get out of here, NOW.”
The other demon ran over to grab the stone and made sure nothing else was left that would tie you to this murder before you three fled out the front door. 
As you stepped out of the shower, you were surprised they weren’t still in the bathroom waiting for you like they had done the previous times. You guessed since they weren’t technically tied to you anymore they were free to move about wherever they pleased which made you a little sad. You enjoyed having them so close. 
With a towel wrapped around your dripping frame, you found them sitting at your dinning table staring at the gem. 
“It, um, it changed.”, Steve murmured in your direction. “It says 001 on it. Maybe because Henry didn’t exactly have any weapons he used.”
“What should we do with it?”
“We can take it to another realm. A realm that is far enough away from this one he can’t come back to it and hurt you.”, Eddie sighs as he leans back in his chair. “I don’t think he can since he’ll be attached to the summoner but better safe than sorry.” His friend nods in agreement. 
“O-Okay. Um, how long would you be gone?”
“What do you mean, honey?”
“I just…I assumed that you two would want to travel alone for a while and this would be a good reason to. I can wait here or if I know how long I can come back…”
They were both staring at you now like you had gone crazy. 
“Y/N Y/L/N. You just risked your life to save us and gave us our freedom from a place we spent over 3,000 years alone in. What makes you think we would fucking leave you for one second?”
You grinned at them as Steve got up and walked over to you making it spread wider across your face. 
“What? No more poofing to places?”
“Poofing? That is the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever heard for us appearing somewhere.”
“Is there somewhere particular you wanted to poof to?”, Eddie asked when your face scrunched in thought.
“Can you still create an image from memory without us actually going there?”
“I think so. Where did you want to go, pretty girl?
“Take me home.” They both glanced at each other at your request and you immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad or anything. I was just thinking…I could see where you come from…without it physically hurting and without you guys getting captured.”
Your arms wrapped around Steve as you pressed your head into his chest. The atmosphere shifted around you as the wind blew and you pulled back to not only find yourself dressed but in a room you didn’t recognize. 
“I lived in this room.”, Eddie sighed heavily as he looked around. “This is how I remember it the last time I saw it.”
It was a pretty bland room that reminded you a lot of the barracks you saw in the war movies you used to watch with your dad. 
“Was this where all the soldiers lived?”
“Yes, ma’am. I hated all the fucking white so I covered up what I could. I was able to keep and collect more guitars so…”, he gestured towards the wall. “I doodled on the rest. Steve’s dad fucking hated that but what could he say. I could keep up with his son so I got a bit more free reign.”
You laughed as Steve rolled his eyes and Eddie playfully shoved him. Your fingers grazed the literature he had on his shelves, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion when you tried to read the titles. 
“Ah. Um, our written language is a wee bit different from your own. This half here is stuff people had published, I guess you could say, and this half are things I wrote.”
“You wrote books?” He nodded. 
“Some of the kids liked when I told them stories so I wrote them down for them to enjoy.”
“And perform.”, Steve chuckled. 
“Yeah, yeah. We had fun.” Their eyes followed you as you moved towards his dresser. Beside it was a mannequin style rack that held his armor for when he was on the battlefield. It had some dings and scratches but all in all still intact. Noticing the pictures, you saw a couple of faces you recognized. 
“I saw this person is one of your pictures at the house in the stone.”
“My uncle. He took care of me the bulk of my childhood. After my mom died, he did what he could…even more so after my dad was captured and I took his place. I hope he’s doing alright.”
You reached to run your fingers along his cheek when you heard his tone change to a sadder one. He leaned passed you to grab the photo he had of Chrissy by his bed. 
“At least now I know what happened to her.” Wrapping your arms around him, you felt him put the picture down as he held you tighter to him. “The last thing your dad said to me, Y/N, was that it was ok for me to open my heart and that I wasn’t replacing her. I seriously never thought I’d fall in love again but I also didn’t expect you. Hell, I wasn’t even expecting Steve!”
Eddie smiled when he heard you giggle.
“I love you, sweetheart. Thank you for saving me.” Pushing up on your tip toes, you kiss him as he holds you to him. “Come on. Let’s see Steven’s obnoxiously clean and organized room.”
“Calm down, Ed.” The demon rolled his eyes as they opened the door and walked across the way. “My room was actually on the other side of the building near the kids but I thought this would be easier.”
“Why did they put you in charge of them?”, you asked as he opened the door. 
“Honestly, I think my dad assigned it to me as a punishment to humble me. My stats on the field were better than anyone else and he said that was why but… I ended up really enjoying it. They were all good kids.”
Eddie wasn’t far off in describing his friend’s space. It felt more or less barren with nothing seemingly out of place. In the corner, he had a desk with maps and notes written in that form you couldn’t read. 
“You see, Henry and his people were there…”, he pointed. “…and our people were over here. They used to sneak in over here so my father would have people stationed here. He always had me studying strategy.”
“I assume these books are about strategy and war to?”
“Uh, yeah, except…this one.” Steve yanked a book out and handed it to you. 
“Hey, I wrote that!”
“Yes, you did.”, he smiled. “It was about a warrior whose heart was broken after the girl he loved left him for someone else.” His smile faltered a bit as he took the book back and placed it on the shelf. “Eddie wrote me that right after the girl I fell in love with left me.”
“For the demon slayer?” He nodded at your question. “How does it end?”
“The warrior focuses on himself and his friends, the musical master, the sweet princess, and the strong but clumsy knight.” Steve reaches towards his nightstand shows you another picture you saw with him and another beautiful girl pointing their swords at the camera. “Robin. Fought a lot of battles together. I miss her.”
You circle him in your arms as he leans down to kiss your forehead. 
“I love you to, Y/N. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully thank you properly for what you did.”
A soft smile flickers across your lips as you look up at him with nothing but love.
“Yeah but…you can try.”
He laughs as he tilts your chin up so he can kiss you. As it steadily grows more passionate, you walk him backwards with the intention of pushing him onto the bed but you both are startled when he lands on your dinning room table. 
“Are you ok? What happened?”, you ask as your fingers run through his hair. 
“I, um, sorry. That was a harder memory to pull so it’s hard to maintain especially when you’re distracting me.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
Steve smiles as he lifts you up, spinning you around, and placing you down on the table as he continues to kiss you. This time instead of snapping away his clothes, he allowed you to remove them off his body as he did the same with you. 
“We have so much time now.”, he whispers as his hands roam your skin, down your back making your body tingle. “We can go as slow as we want to. Baby, you have no idea what you’re in for. Eddie and I spent hours even days exploring each other because we had all the fucking time in the world.”
As he spoke the other demon’s palms traced up his spine and around to his chest making Steve groan against your lips. 
“I wish you could touch me with your real hands.”, you murmured as your fingers clung to his neck.
“What if…what if I meet you halfway?”
You tilted your head, silently asking him what he meant and in response his mouth traveled down your neck to the valley of your chest to your breasts. A small, pleasure filled gasp left you as his tongue flicked along your nipple. It wasn’t his normal organ you come to know but his demon one that had your core clenching and your legs trying to pull his waist closer to yours. 
Your palms tangled in his hair as he alternated between them, wrapping his lips around the erect bud, and running is tongue along the sensitive skin that had you desperate beneath him. 
“Please, baby. I—fuck—I need…”
“What do you need, honey?”
“I need your face between my legs.”, you pleaded. 
Lifting you again, he carried you back into your bedroom and placed you on the mattress.
“Honestly, I’m loving the sounds you make when I play with your tits. Let’s let Eddie take care of your pussy. Trust me. He’s amazing with his tongue.”
The long-haired demon winked at you as he removed his shirt and climbed between you till you felt his breath hit your sex. Steve had undersold his friend’s ability because as soon as his long demon tongue licked between your folds, not only did you see stars but the whole goddamn universe. 
Steve’s palm roughly massaged one breast in his hand as mouth continued to slurp and lick the other. 
“It feels good, doesn’t it, baby?”
All you could do was nod while your eyes rolled back as Eddie flicked his tongue in and out of your entrance while his thumb massaged your clit. With hooded eyes, you watch the other demon rise and go behind his friend, grabbing his hips and yanking his ass in the air. 
“Keep your legs open, Y/N. Do you understand me?”
“Y-yes. Y-yes, I understand.”
Red light blinds your eyes as they change into their demon form. Steve takes hold of the demon in front of him, spitting into his hand before pumping his cock a few times and guiding himself into Eddie.
“F-fuck, Steven.”, he moaned as he began devouring you again. With Steve aggressively thrusting into him, he was now like a man possessed, his tongue reaching deeper inside of you and touching places you never thought possible. 
“Yes! Fuck…I’m…can-can I touch your hair?”
Focused on his task, Eddie didn’t answer but the other demon nodded as he heavily panted. When you fingers curled into his long locks between his horns, he hummed in ecstasy, the vibration being that last little push you needed as you came hard on his lips. 
Twitching beneath him, you felt the bed dip on either side as he carefully climbed as far up your body as you could. 
“Come…come here, princess. Careful.”, he warned as you slid lower underneath him till he was hovering above you. Craning your neck, your lips met his as they mingled together and he whimpered against them as he was nearing his climax. 
“You’re both so fucking beautiful like this. I love you. I know you feel like I saved you but…YOU saved ME.”
Eddie grunted loudly as he came, leaning back to passionately kiss Steve as he followed. They changed back into their human forms and fell onto the bed as they lifted you further up towards the pillows.
Steve wasn’t joking when he mentioned taking their time. Their hands and lips roamed every part of your body while one or both would stop to devour your cunt or thrust their fingers into your now dripping hole. Sometimes while they played with you they played with each other. 
While Steve was trying to make you cum his mouth for the fifth time Eddie deep throated him till he shuddered and spilled into his mouth. While Eddie was holding you to his chest, kissing and sucking on your neck, Steve was pumping his thick fingers into him as he nibbled on his shoulder. 
“Baby are you still here?”, Eddie chuckled as his lips ran along your jawline. 
“Y-Yeah. I…I here.”
“Hey, honey. Come on. You got one more in you. We haven’t even had our cocks inside of you yet.”
They smile as Steve grips you in his arms and rolls you on top of him. “Don’t worry, Y/N. We can take care of you.”
Your body suddenly came to life as you felt him guide himself into your core. Pressing your hands against his chest, you slowly grinded your hips against his making him groan. 
“Fuck baby girl. That’s it. See? We told you… you could do it.”
Eddie’s palm gently tilts your forward, teasing your ass with his tip before gradually pushing into you. Once again you were overwhelmed by the full feeling of them inside you at the same time, your mouth going slack with a silent moan as you tried to make any sound at all. 
“It-It’s ok, sweetheart. Let go and scream if you want to. Jesus… you earned it.”
“You’ve be quiet for too long, Y/N. Let go.”
They both thrust into you, matching each other’s pace as you threw your head back screamed so loud it probably woke your neighbors. 
“Fuck! Fuck, yes! You both feel so fucking good! Please…please make me cum.” They growled in pleasure as both sets of hands gripped your body and pumped into you roughly. “Fuck…I love you. I love you so much. Please, please, please…”
Your voice trailed off as you whimpered their proper names till your felt yourself quiver around them as the coil snapped and you collapsed on Steve’s chest.
“Good girl. That’s a fucking good girl. We’re going to fill you up, honey. Such a good girl.”
The demon’s arms held you tightly to him as he thrust his hips a few more times before you felt him warm your insides. Eddie soon followed, gripping your hair in his fist as he pounded into you till all of his release was inside you.
“P-Please…I can’t…I’m only human.”
They laugh at your joke as they carefully pull out of you before Eddie lifts you in his arms and carries you to the bathroom. As he starts to lean towards the shower to turn it on, you stop him. 
“Why don’t we take a bath?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“I don’t think we’ve ever taken a bath.”, Steve muses.
“Ever? Not even before showers were a thing?” After they both shake their heads, their eyes watch you with intense focus as you explain to them smells and how baths can help with certain things. This time you were the one to guide them in, smiling as they slowly sat down and you leaned against Eddie while wrapping your legs around Steve. 
Reaching for your wash rag, you handed it to him and showed him what you needed, wincing when he began cleaning between your legs. 
“Shit. I’m sorry. Am I doing this wrong?”
“No, no. I’m just sore.” Grinning, you watched him continue before finishing and leaning back to relax. 
“This is actually really nice.” Eddie sighs happily behind you. 
“I’m surprised you’ve never had one. Not even in your home?”
“No point. I mean we can snap ourselves clean.”
“I guess you didn’t notice when you where there that we didn’t have a bathroom.”, Steve smiles but it falters a bit when he sees your eyes get a bit glassy. “What are you thinking about, honey?”
“Just how glad I am that you’re still here.”
Eddie holds you tighter in his arms as the other demon caresses your cheek. 
After the water starts to get colder, you three get out and they help you dry off. As soon as you enter your bedroom, you feel the past couple of days hit you and you quickly crawl into bed with them following after. 
You feel them gently running their fingers along your face and down your arm as you fall asleep. 
“Nothing’s going to change.” Eddie states causing Steve to turn and look at him with confusion. “With us I mean. I can see it in your eyes, Steven. That worry. We already crossed that boundary and I care a lot about you…the same way I care about Y/N.”
“I thought maybe because we were free…we wouldn’t…need each other like that anymore.”
Eddie’s hand reaches over to grip the demon’s chin as he runs his thumb along his bottom lip. 
“I’m always going to need you. I love you to, Steven.”
He nods as he tenderly kisses the pad of his finger. “I love you to, Edward.”
“Oh. Hi there. I’m Detective Hopper.”  The officer scans Eddie up and down as he tries to get a read on him. 
“Hey there. I’m Eddie, Y/N’s friend.”
“Ah. Good, good. She needs some company after what happened. Is it just you or…?”
“Uh, me and our other friend Steve, sir. Would you like to meet him?”
“No, no reason to. I just came by to let Y/N know that it seems like Noah Strong’s death IS related to something having to do with the mayor so she doesn’t need to worry about something happening or anything like that.”
“Oh, don’t worry, Detective. Even if there was we’ll always keep her safe. Thank you for letting us know.”
The gentleman tips his hat before walking back to his car as Eddie closes the door. 
“Yeah, that will take some getting used to; being seen.”
“What did he say?”, Steve asked. 
“Y/N is in the clear more or less.”
“Yay.”, you grin as you come out from your bedroom with your suitcase. “It’s not going to look suspicious right? If we go on this vacation.”
“Who cares. If all else fails we can just run to another realm.”
“Eddie… Let’s keep that as a last resort.”, Steve sighs. “I’m kind of curious about this one and all the things we haven’t seen.”
“Well, where would you like to go first?”
“As long as we’re with you, princess, we’ll go anywhere.”
############# @tlclick73 @iaminlovewithdilfs @tiannamortis @steeldaisies
@goodhappyfriday @paleidiot @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes
@strangerthings64 @howlingco @hellfire—cult @eddiesguitarskills
Entire Series here!
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