#i realized he survived and just fell apart because i was so relieved
tending-the-hearth · 5 months
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the genuine disbelief I’m still feeling when i realized he actually survived… he’s ok, and he’s safe…
the last domino my beloved
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The one thing he wished for
This was the story I had to rewrite, I rewrote it very early in the morning so this isn't completely proofread.
Atlas, the kingdom itself, is beautiful, but the people are another story. If you have less wealth than some, they’ll treat you like an insect under their shoe, but that’s mainly in the upper city. Mantle has those who can be kinder, but many only wish to survive, with the occasional Grimm attack and the soldiers patrolling the city causing unrest, which brings more Grimm. After Beacon fell, that unrest grew more and more, which brought more Grimm and more soldiers. This was the first time a huntsman academy had fallen. Then the news of Haven got out, as did the death of Leo Lionheart. It felt like Remnant was tearing itself apart at the very seams, and no one knew who was pulling the strings—well, no one but the four main headmasters—but now two of them had been killed, and the other two didn’t agree with each other’s methods.
The headmasters each had scouts: huntsmen and huntresses who graduated from the respective academies; Qrow reported to Ozpin; Lionheart had his hunters, but they all died; Theodore had many; and James had you. Those scouts watched over many things: the White Fang, which was now under the control of a more peaceful Faunus; the movements of the Grimm; and Remnant’s secret enemy, Salem. Reporting to James was a fifty-fifty thing. You two had served together in the academy before graduating, so you were close, but stress existed, and the war against Salem did, too. While he was always so sweet and civil with you, he allowed stress to overtake his mind, which caused Mettle to activate and throw things out of his control.
This was one time when you went to report the movements of the Grimm and Salem to him, and while you had news to give him, you couldn’t help but rush to see him. Every part of you wanted to see him to make sure he was okay. A smile graced your features with how quickly you were allowed in Atlas because of your status as one of General Ironwood’s most trusted. You held your scroll close to your chest as the elevator took you up. All you wanted to do was see his face, look into those beautiful blue eyes, see his smile, and maybe be gifted with one of his adorable chuckles. The sound of the elevator doors opening forced you out of your thoughts as you looked up and saw some of the Atlesian soldiers guarding his office. You showed them your huntsmen identification, and they allowed you to enter.
James didn’t seem to realize it was you when you entered his office. His tired expression broke your heart. He was swamped with paperwork, his eyes were sunken from many sleepless nights, and you also saw how his hands trembled slightly from his lack of self-care.
“Please tell me why you’re here.” James spoke softly, the sound of his pen scratching paper as he wrote, “James, it’s me.” That got his attention. It made him look up to meet your eyes. Your heart fluttered when you saw it, seeing his eyes light up with relief. “I wanted-”
You were cut off from finishing your sentence by James quickly jumping up and embracing you, holding you tightly to his chest as he stroked your hair. With you here, it felt like he could finally relax and let go of the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
James smiled as he held you close. How long has it been? When was the last time he had been this relieved to see someone and hold them in his arms? He was holding you close, just like how much worry he held over his people and the potential fall of Atlas. He ran his hand up and down your back, feeling your body—a sensation he missed so much. It was calming. It felt right. It was… It was home.
In this moment, he was yours and yours alone; if it wasn’t for the war against Salem, he would never let you go. If it weren’t for the war, then he would have you by his side all the time. If it wasn’t for the war...
But the war existed, and he wished it didn’t. That was the one thing he wished for.
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iguana-eyanna · 2 years
We Were Just Kids
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Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Summary: Trained at a young age and losing everyone you looked up to, you thought you had everything taken away from you. It's not until you met a boy your age and find out you two have a lot in common.
a/n: [08/11] I made a new ending for this one because I wasn't satisfied with it. I'm kinda hoping that this would become a series if I have time on my hands.
You can't remember a time where you felt normal.
Sure, you didn't have powers or was from an alien planet, but you had a not-so-normal upbringing.
Your mom was one of the finest agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. She was the only family you had, and you always looked up to her, wishing that you too would be an agent just like her.
Then, everything changed when S.H.I.E.L.D. fell in 2014.
You were at school when it happened. Everyone gathered around the windows, screaming at the helicarriers plummeting down in the city. You realized that your mom was working that day and you called her on a burner phone she gave you in emergencies, hoping that she would pick up.
She did on the last ring, and you were so relieved that she wasn't near the catastrophe.
"Mom! Where are you? I'm scared" you said on your phone.
She hesitates before replying, and you could tell that she was beginning to cry.
"I know, honey. It's ok." she said.
"Please come get me, mom. I don't want to be here." You cried in the phone.
"I can't." she said.
"I know you need to help others but when you're done-"
"No, honey. I can't be with you."
"I don't understand, please mom I'm so scared." you begged.
She draws in a breath and said her last goodbye.
"You'll understand soon. I love you." she whispered as she hung up on you.
You stare at your phone in disbelief. You then fall on your knees, crying in the middle of your class as they were too busy watching the destruction around them.
It wasn't until a couple hours later, you were the last kid to be picked up at your school. You were sitting at the outside of your principal's office, waiting for someone... or anyone to take you.
You then look up to see Agent Maria, a friend of your mom's, go up to you as she knelt down to your level.
"Hi sweetie." she said softly.
"Where's my mom?" You sniffled out.
She takes a deep breath and looks at you with sad eyes.
"There's something you need to know, but for now... you're going to stay with me for awhile." She said. You got out of your seat and hugged her tightly, not knowing what going to hit you.
Once Agent Maria took you in, she explained what really happened at the base of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Alexander Pierce was apart of HYDRA and planned to kill anyone who'd tear them down. Captain America and a few others were able to stop their plans at a cost. Natasha Romanoff exposed every HYDRA agent in the world.
And one of them was your mother.
She fell off the face of the Earth, leaving a broken-hearted 8 year old behind.
You swore from then on, you'd find your mother and bring her in.
Even if Maria wasn't a formal agent, she taught you self defense.
Fury came from time to time as he was visiting old friends (which you learned that Agent Phil Coulson was alive, thank God.) Fury taught you valuable skills on how to survive.
Those skills worked in handy as you were left in the middle of the street, seeing the people who took you in fade into dust.
You had no where else to go.
The avengers were somehow a mess and you didn't want to bring yourself on their doorstep. What are they going to do with a teenager?
The government placed you in a home and it was hell from there. You were so angry at the world that you decided to run away. You still had a mission to fulfill. Sure you weren't at the legal age to own an apartment or drive a car, but nothing was going to stop you from getting justice.
So by 13, you lived on the streets, surviving any way you can. Pickpocketing wasn't an honest way of getting by, but it made due. Unfortunately, you chose the wrong person to steal from:
Happy Hogan.
You didn't recognize him as first as he was always next to his infamous boss. He was alone at first, and you noticed that he was wearing suit.
Fancy suit meant big wallet.
Sly as you could be, you "accidentally" bumped into him and stole his wallet from his suit. You then made a run for it, but you felt yourself being knocked down by an invisible force.
"See? I told you your wallet wouldn't be away from you five feet away." a voice chirped out.
"Better than the electricity one, the last guy almost went into shock."
You then see Happy stare down at you, his eyes squinting as he doesn't believe who stole from him.
"Tony, it's just a kid." Happy said as he retrieved his wallet from your hand, releasing you from the invisible force.
Tony bends down to see you, and his thoughts settle in as he remembered you.
"Not just any kid..." Tony said, feeling his heart pulled by the strings.
He recognized you, as you sometimes stopped by the office with Maria. He then took you out for lunch at a nearby place, as you were probably starving.
You dug in your food, then suddenly realized that Mr. Stark was staring at you.
You wiped your mouth, feeling a bit judged by how starving you were.
"I read your file, I'm sorry about what happened to you."
You don't reply as you leaned back in your chair.
"It's not ideal but I've been getting by just fine."
"You don't have to." he replied.
"What, you're going to adopt me or something?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest.
Tony doesn't say anything.
"Oh god, you're serious." You said as you straightened in your seat.
"Look, I don't know how you've lived in the system. But I know a thing or two about being alone growing up. I don't want another kid growing up without guidance."
You look at his solemn state "It sounds like you had experience bringing up kids."
He chuckles bitterly and stares off in the window.
"Yeah, something like that."
From then on, you were fostered by Tony and Pepper. You all moved to a cabin in a peaceful forest when Pepper became pregnant.
It was nice being brought up in the countryside. Tony personally taught you everything he knew. For once, you found normalcy again, not worrying about your next meal. You finally became apart of a family.
But it wasn't the same after Tony sacrificed his life for the people who lost theirs.
You weren't there when it happened, you promised Pepper you would protect Morgan when she flew to the battle. You also thought that Tony wouldn't forgive himself either if the same thing happened to a kid he looked out for.
A kid like Peter Parker.
Tony didn't like talking about him like he past on. You often saw him crying over a picture frame he had by the sink, and tries to get over it with a quick joke.
Now, you really need a laugh. Especially on this day.
Everyone came to the cabin to hear the last words of Tony. All of the avengers came to say goodbye to their friend, to their brother.
Fury was in the back, silent since you've seen him. Maria tried to talk to you but you weren't ready. To her, she saw a little girl who was overcoming the grief of a parent just hours ago. Now, you were almost 17 and just lost another person in your life. You'd think you would get used to the loss, but it still hurts.
You were the last one that stayed by the river, sitting on a bed of grass as you saw the sun about to set.
"Excuse me?" a voice said out loud.
You broke out of your trance and look up to Peter who had a small plate of food in his hands.
"My aunt May thought you'd like some food if you're hungry." He said.
You give him a small smile.
"Thank you." you said in a small voice.
He sat by you as he gave you your plate, already taking a bite. You turn to see Peter staring off in the sun. His eyes still looked puffy from crying all day. He looks back at you and wipes his face, conscious that he still looks like a mess.
"I'm sorry, you probably want to just be by yourself. I totally understand if-"
"Peter." you interrupted his rambling.
His eyes widen. You know his name.
"I'd like the company if that's ok with you." you whispered.
He nods his head as you both look forward.
"He talked about you, you know. Told Morgan and me stories, like the time you chased after a guy with alien tech and almost got hyperthermia."
Peter chuckles, looking down.
"Yeah, that was a stupid thing to do." he says to himself.
"We were just kids. It's not like we're going to listen to people." You said to reassure him.
"I wish I'd listen to him. If I wasn't on that planet..." He said, already reliving the memory inside his head.
"Regretting doesn't do much, Pete. I've learned that the hard way. But by the looks of it, you still have so many people to love. Don't let that stop you." You said, looking over your shoulder.
Peter does the same and sees his aunt comforting Happy. they didn't talk, but she just held his hand.
At the same time, Maria walks out from the cabin and looks at you.
"By the looks of it, you have someone too." he says.
You turn away slowly, bringing your knees up to your chest.
"Yeah, I do." You said, trying to convince yourself.
"Sissy?" a young voice calls out to your nickname.
You turn to see Morgan walking toward you.
"Hey Morgan." You smiled, letting her sit in your lap as you hugged her. Peter is in awe of her.
She whispers something to you, making you smile.
"She's asking if you're Petey, the one in dad's stories." You said.
Peter smiles, chuckling.
"Yeah, I'm Petey. It's nice to meet you, Morgan." He said, lifting his hand for her to shake.
She takes his hand and shakes it, smiling at him. Morgan asks him a lot of questions, making Peter raise his spirits. Soon when it got dark, the little Stark begins to fall asleep in your arms. You decide to get up from where you sat and walked with Peter.
You walk up to Pepper who had her arms out for her, and also gives you a warm hug, kissing the top of your head.
Soon, you were walking over to say goodbye to Peter.
"What are you going to do now?" You ask.
"I'm going back to school. I want to see my friends again. How about you?" he asks.
You inhale, then quickly releasing a breath.
"I'm not sure yet, but I'll figure it out. I realized I have unfinished business with someone else. Don't worry about me." You smirk.
Peter's lips turn into a line as he shifts in his stance.
"You know, if you ever find yourself in Queens, don't be a stranger."
You smile at him, remembering how Tony said that Peter was always bright light for others.
"Yeah, I'll give you a call sometime"
You two exchanged numbers and said your goodbyes as him and his aunt drove out of the driveway to head to a hotel nearby. You walk inside as you see Pepper holding Morgan to go upstairs to tuck her in.
You then turned to see Maria sat by the couches and Fury by the kitchen island.
"Judging by your faces, you're leaving again." You said, crossing your arms.
Maria looks down in her lap as Fury speaks up.
"There's a lot at stake right now, and we're talking to Carol Danvers about our plans."
You make a face as you cross your arms.
"You guys are going to space?" you ask.
"Told you she'll figure it out." Fury side glanced to Maria. She stands up and goes up to you.
"We're sending two friends to fill our places. They'll give you intel about our mission, so you can trust them."
You roll your eyes at her. "And here I am thinking that you wanted me to live with you again." You said.
Maria doesn't say anything, but she feels a bit hurt from your words.
"That's not the only reason why we wanted to stay and talk."
"Your mom resurfaced." Fury said, ripping off the bandaid.
"What?" you ask.
Fury goes up to you, giving you his phone. You look at your phone and see her on a patio, looking outward. She looks older, her features sharper than before.
This wasn't the mother you knew.
"Apparently, she was found in Venice. We believe that's where she's been residing for the past few years. No one knows what she's up to now, but we need someone to find her. It may take some months, so we're trusting you to do it."
You try to muster out words.
"But, Pepper and Morgan- I can't leave them behind. Not when Tony..." You couldn't even finish your sentence.
Maria looks at Fury, almost like she was discouraging this, but he marched on.
"You're the only person that can reach your mom. No one knows what she's been doing and we need to know if we need to bring her down."
You look up to the steps of where your family went up. You know they'll be safe and they'll have each other.
"Okay. I'll do it." You said, giving back Fury his phone.
"We will form a task force from our choosing, including someone to help you on your mission." Maria said.
"Who?" you ask.
"You just met him." Fury said.
You were about to ask again, but your eyes widen, turning your head to the picture frame Tony always looked at with his best intern:
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writing-on-the-wahl · 3 years
What Are The Odds Part 5
So fun story I wrote a continuation MONTHS ago but then realized I needed more to happen before that scene…. So i wrote this… PART 5 🤗
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
The knock sounded at the door several hours after Hero had shut herself in the guest bedroom. She’d tried to fall back asleep, but their conversation and her childish flight from the room had kept her from slipping into a peaceful rest.
“What?” The word was harsh and sharp. Apparently it hadn’t been long enough to let her anger dissipate.
“Make a list of things you want my sidekick to pick up from your apartment.”
Hero’s heart sank at the unspoken message: you’re going to be here for a while.
Her back slid down the door as she sank to the ground, running the odds of surviving a jump out the penthouse window.
Tears welled up in her eyes, and she pressed her hands against them, hard.
If only she hadn’t asked Villain to kidnap her.
If only she hadn’t gone to the gala.
If only she hadn’t stumbled across those files.
If only, if only....
But the only odds she could see were in the future. There was no point looking back.
She ran the odds of Villain killing her today.
Not bad.
She ran the odds of him catching her if she tried to escape today.
Not great.
Hero sighed and pushed off the floor to find a pen and paper.
She had a list to make.
Hero shifted from foot to foot in the entry of the Villain’s penthouse apartment as Sidekick gave Villain all the updates on the campaign and how many points Politician had lost in the polls thus far due to his association with and donations from Billionaire. Villain was leaning against the kitchen doorframe, a satisfied smirk growing with each bit of news. She couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes kept flitting to her.
She’d avoided speaking to Villain all day, hiding in her room and ignoring his frequent attempts to lure her out with the promise of food and company.
Unnerved by the attention, Hero focused on the bag still clutched in Sidekick’s hand. Her own hands were uncomfortably empty as she stood there, unsure if she was supposed to be overhearing the conversation.
As Sidekick switched to discussing the declining quality of Politician’s speeches, Hero checked the odds of Politician winning, then couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. Serve him right.
The hair on the back of her neck prickled, and she ran the odds a certain golden-eyed villain was looking at her.
Her heart fluttered for the briefest moment before she remembered why she was here. The smile fell from her face.
Hero shifted backwards, wondering if she should just return to her room and come back for the bag later.
Villain caught the movement and lifted a hand to cut off Sidekick’s breathless spiel. “Thank you, Sidekick. We can continue this in the morning.”
She nodded in understanding as she looked between Villain and Hero before extending the strap of the bag towards Hero. Hero slid the strap of the duffle onto her shoulder, shifting under its weight while Sidekick assured Villain that no one had seen her sneak into the apartment. Hero wasn’t sure how anyone could not see her in her six-inch stilettos and bright pink pencil skirt, but she kept that to herself.
Thanking Sidekick, she began to turn back down the hall that led to her room.
“Why the shampoo?”
Hero froze, the blood draining from her face at Sidekick’s query. She’d made sure to specify on her list that Sidekick bring her drugstore brand shampoo and conditioner.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Villain looking on with raised eyebrows as she mumbled something about liking the way it smelled. Heart racing, she excused herself to take a shower.
She placed her bag on the bathroom counter and pulled out her vanilla-scented shampoo, pretending not to notice expensive salon-brand shampoo in the guest bathroom.
Sometime later, she cracked open the bedroom door, her rumbling stomach relieved to find it unlocked. She slipped down the dark hall in socked feet, passing the the living room, where the half open door spilled the colorful lights from the TV into the hallway.
She kept her eye on the living room as she turned into the doorway of the kitchen.
Where she promptly collided with Villain.
Hero stumbled back against the doorframe, grasping the edge of the wood as her heart raced.
“Running away?”
The low voice sent a shiver down her spine, and her eyes shot up to where Villain’s face hovered mere inches from hers. One hand rested on the doorframe above her, trapping her in.
“No! I was just going to the kitchen.” She glanced beyond him towards the granite countertops, mahogany table, and her least favorite chair.
Villain was looking down at her with an inscrutable expression on his face.
Hero dropped her head, cheeks burning with shame as she remembered all the times Villain had knocked on her door today, offering food, sending Sidekick for her clothes…
He was unexpectedly considerate.
And she’d given him the cold shoulder all day.
She wasn’t angry anymore. She just felt hollow.
In truth, she hadn’t really been angry; she’d been afraid. Politician had made it very clear what would happen if she revealed what she’d stumbled upon. But it was easier to be angry than afraid.
“I’m sorry I was so angry,” she whispered, studying her fuzzy blue socks. It was the best she could do.
“It’s okay.” Warm fingers softly tilted her chin up. “I promised not to press you for answers and then I did. I’m sorry.”
His face was sincere, his voice regretful. Warmth spread through her.
There were questions she wanted to ask, odds she knew she should run. But all she could think about was the way his hand slipped from her chin to gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“I- what??” Hero’s brain struggled to make sense of Villain’s quiet comment because somehow he was standing even closer than before.
“Your shampoo.” He fingered a strand of her long hair. “It’s nice.”
Her stomach was a menagerie of butterflies as he continued to twirl her hair between his fingertips.
She drew in a sharp breath as his smoldering eyes met hers.
His handsome features softened. “Hero…” the quiet murmur faded as his gaze moved down to her lips. His other hand slid up her shoulders and into her hair, gently cradling her head as he slanted his mouth down towards hers.
Hero leaned forward, and her eyes fluttered closed as the distance between them shrank.
A cold rush of air greeted her as Villain abruptly shifted away, his hands falling to his sides.
His voice was flat as he gestured to the kitchen. “Dinner is on a plate in the fridge.”
Then he strode past her, his bedroom door shutting with a deafening click in the silence he left behind.
It was a long time before Hero was able to drag herself to the fridge and collect the perfectly arranged plate of food.
@im-a-wonderling @shieldmaiden-of-gondor @watercolorfreckles @distance-does-not-matter @onestopheroxvillain @lolafaiy @chaoticgoodandi @1becky1 @tobeornottobeateacher @himynameisorla @superherosweet @brekker-by-brekkerr @crazytwentythrees @great-day-today @sunflower1000 @ill-eat-you-if-you-cross-me @selectivegeekwithstandards @chibicelloking @trantolette @sapphiques @jinpanman @genesissane @wish1bone1 @amongtheonedaisy @distractedlydistracted @kitsunesakii @glitterythief @jinx1365 @cherrychewingbrat @in-patient-princess
✨ Special thanks to @im-a-wonderling and @shieldmaiden-of-gondor for reading/editing ✨
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Passive aggressive (Spencer Reid/Reader)
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Requested: Yes!
Warnings: Cursing, a little angst, a lot of fluff. Spencer being an asshole.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Category: A little angst with a fluffy ending.
Summary: Spencer and his girlfriend don't know if they will survive their first fight.
Word count: 3.5 K
A/N: Hello my favorite people!! how are you doing? hope you are all safe!  here's a little "angsty" request. I had to pick between Gubler and Spencer, but I think Spencer suits better for this request. Hope you like it!
When (Y/N) fell in love with Spencer Reid, she couldn't think of anything wrong about him. Sure, she knew the man had flaws, but honestly, none of those actually bothered her. Not his rambling, not his lack of social cues. Neither his previous trauma nor how he kept moving his hands as he spoke, and how it gradually increased when the subject was about something he loved.
She liked all those things about him.
Spencer ignored all the flaws people pointed out about (Y/N), 'cos he was in love with her. He didn't care that she had a hard time sharing her feelings and that he had to basically profile her to get to know what was, in fact, going on with her. He didn't care that she was a little bossy from time to time, 'cos he loved making her happy.
All those things he could deal with, 'cos he loved everything about her.
But people don't warn you when you are dating for a long while. All those little things that don't matter can turn into a bunch of flaws that start driving you nuts. And after eight-month dating, their perfect honeymoon was over. Spencer Reid and his girlfriend were about to get into their first official fight.
No one prepared them for it.
- "Spencer? Can you help me, please?"- (Y/N) was in his room, folding bed sheets and towels.
- "In a minute!"- Spencer replied and didn't take his eyes from the book he was reading.
- "You said that twenty minutes ago"- (Y/N) frowned and dropped the clean sheets on their bed- "Please, Spencer. I'm tired, and I wanna go to bed. I'd finish folding the clean clothes if you helped me."
- "In a minute."- Spencer repeated and didn't even pay much attention to his girlfriend's annoyed tone of voice until it was too late. She was standing right next to her in the living room.
- "Spencer! Please! Fucking help me now!"- he raised both eyebrows and stared back at her, her cheeks red in anger and her hands clenched into fists.
- "Why are you talking to me like that? I haven't raised my voice to you."
- "'Cos I'm fucking tired, and you've been relaxing here for over an hour, while I do everything in the house, and you don't cooperate!"
- "Excuse me?"- Spencer stood up and took a look around- "Who cooked dinner?"
- "You did! and did you do the dishes? And cleaned the kitchen afterward? 'cos as far as I remember seeing it, it's still a mess!"
- "I'm gonna do it in a minute!"
- "No, you won't! You always do this! You make a big mess, pretend you'll clean it in a minute, and then you just leave it there until I do it!"- Spencer frowned and looked at (Y/N)'s angry face.
- "No, I don't! If anything! I am the one cleaning all the messes you leave around here all the time!"
- "What?!"- (Y/N) shriek, feeling almost insulted- "Which messes are you talking about?"
- "Top of my mind, all the hair you left in the shower! It was fucking disgusting!"
- "What?!"
- "If maybe you used all the freaking bobby pins you keep leaving everywhere, maybe the shower drain wouldn't get blocked!"
- "I didn't block the drain!"
- "And by the way, I told you I was going to help you with laundry. You didn't wait for me to it with you."
- "If I wait for you to help me, I'll run out of clean clothe, and I'll have nothing to wear tomorrow for work."
- "You do have a lot of clean clothing at your apartment! Maybe if you spent some time there, you'd see it. But you are always here!"
(Y/N)'s heart dropped. Since they had started dating eight months ago, they had spent most of their time in Spencer's apartment. She never overanalyzed it. They just did. (Y/N) loved Spencer's apartment 'cos it felt like home, and he always made her feel welcome.
Clearly, Spencer didn't feel the same. Not anymore, at least.
- "Sorry for intruding on your space, Spencer. I just thought you liked having me here!"- (Y/N) whispered with anger, trying not to cry, as she gathered all her things and put on her shoes.
- "I love having you here, but it's my house, and I don't appreciate you bossing me around, telling me what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, all the fucking time!"
Spencer kind of yelled, still mad, and not seeing the painful look in his girlfriend's eyes.
- "Well, enjoy your space. I won't tell you what to do anymore!"- and after those words, (Y/N) stormed out of the apartment, and Spencer sighed, staring at the empty space around him.
How did things get so out of hand? He had no idea. He didn't mean to hurt her, but the truth was that she was smothering him with all the nagging about the housework she kept doing. He didn't want her to do all the chores alone. He just had his own way of doing things, and he hated the fact she was imposing hers.
Could it have been said in a better way?
Yes. But Spencer didn't see that at that minute. He didn't realize how much he had hurt her. Why? Spencer didn't mean wrong, but he had no idea how hurtful his words could be when he was angry. And that night, Spencer was beyond angry.
Now, what's worse than having your first awful fight with your boyfriend? Having your first fight with your boyfriend, seeing him the day after at work, and having to act like everything is ok, 'cos you gave Hotch, your unit chief, your word your relationship wasn't going to get in the way of your work.
Bullshit! Of course, it was going to get in the way. Hotch knew it, (Y/N) Knew it, Spencer knew it. But the three of them pretended they had no idea what was going to happen.
Hotch thought Spencer and (Y/N) were going to be a mature young couple, 'cos he could see how much they loved each other. They had been in love with each other for so long before actually doing something about their feelings. Hotch thought they were never going to have any kind of trouble or argument.
He was so wrong it hurt.
The following morning, (Y/N) walked into the bullpen holding a black cup of coffee and headed straight to her desk. She waved at Emily and JJ and sighed, relieved, when she noticed Spencer was in the kitchenette with Morgan. That gave her the chance to casually ignore him and wait a little before dealing with him.
The truth was, (Y/N) was scared after their fight. She had known Spencer for over seven years, and she knew he had been honest about everything he had told her the night before. Everything. Sure, he yelled and hurt her. He didn't sugar-coat anything when he was mad. But he wasn't lying, and that was scary.
(Y/N) also knew Spencer was very passive-aggressive when he was upset. That was why she knew she had to be the bigger person and avoid him as much as possible while they were at work. Because, whatever she could say about the subject, or related, was going to trigger Spencer.
She remembered when Spencer got mad at JJ when he found out Emily wasn't dead. Spencer was hurtful when he was angry, and you don't want to be the target of his anger.
Spencer reached his desk and noticed his girlfriend was sitting all alone, practically hiding underneath a pile of files. His heart ached, staring at her for a second, fighting back the impulse of walking over and kissing her.
How long since he had kissed her? 14 hours, 17 minutes, 22 seconds. And counting.
But no. Spencer wanted to make a point, and he was still mad. He didn't want to cave in and lose that argument. Yes, it was their first fight, but he wanted to make a point. He didn't want her to boss him around in his own place and change his schedules. He had his own way of doing things. Like Paula Anka and Sinatra said: I did it my way.
Spencer had no idea, but his silence was slowly breaking (Y/N)'s heart more and more. She looked at him for a second, but he paid her no attention. Maybe it was better that way, she thought. She could focus on all the work she had to do.
But no. Of course, it didn't help.
When Penelope walked over and announced they had a case, half the team had already realized there was something wrong with their love bird. Spencer hadn't walked over (Y/N) with her favorite pastry soon after her arrival. She hadn't kissed him good morning. He hadn't spent half of the time staring at her from his desk. If anything, they had been ignoring each other most of the day.
Emily, JJ, and Derek looked at each other when (Y/N) stood up and walked alone to the conference room. Spencer didn't follow, didn't hold her hand. Didn't even look at her. He just gathered his things, put them in his satchel, and waited for a few minutes before standing up, just to make sure he wasn't alone in the room with (Y/N).
It was crystal clear: things were not going right.
Spencer ignored (Y/N) during the briefing at the jet, and he was relieved Hotch had paired him with Emily. (Y/N) focused on the case, and she was also glad she didn't have to see Reid during part of the day. She had to go to the last murder scene with Derek. It was sad and disturbing, but directing her attention to the case gave her a break and even some peace of mind.
- "What happened between you and pretty Ricky?"- Morgan was driving the SUV, and (Y/N) kept her eyes glued to the window.
- "We had a little argue"- she whispered- "Thank you for making me realize we are not subtle."
- "You are not glued to each other. That's weird. I haven't seen you two apart since you joined the BAU."- Derek chuckled and looked at (Y/N). Her arms were crossed on her chest, and her eyes were teary.
- "Wait, pretty girl. It was just a silly argument, right?"- Derek didn't even consider the couple could break up. Ever. For Derek, his best friend and his girlfriend were it for each other.
- "I don't know. I know I have to give Spencer a little space to cool off, but the more I think about it, the worst it feels."
- "But, (Y/N). He loves you. You can't let that go."- she cut him a short smile and nodded.
- "I love him too. Sometimes you wonder if that's enough, though. Maybe it was better for us when we were platonic."
- "You can't be serious"- Morgan frowned, and (Y/N) just shrugged- "Spencer is crazy for you. No matter what he said, he loves you."
Morgan was right. Spencer loved (Y/N) more than he loved himself. But he wasn't ready to let that one argument go just yet. Besides, the doctor focused on work that week. That case occupied 99% of his mind during the next couple of days.
(Y/N) knew that's how he usually worked. And the frustration that the case caused them, plus the anger he still felt after their fight, didn't make a good person out of Spencer. If anything, he was looking for a reason to start an argument with pretty much everyone, especially with (Y/N).
- "We have to consider this unsub is not acting on a fantasy. He is looking for revenge, and he is escalating quickly."- Hotch said, going over the files again.
- "But if the murderer spends time with them in their houses and kills them with something they own, something that actually means something for them, I think we might be looking for a woman. This is too personal, and at the same time, it feels domestic"- (Y/N) analyzed, staring at the latest murderer's scene pictures.
- "Perhaps the Freds didn't help her fold the clean sheets."- Spencer whispered and shook his head. (Y/N) held her breath and stood up. She had to move away from Spencer to avoid answering that kind of comment.
Unlucky for her, Spencer wasn't close to being done. And for the rest of the night, he whispered hurtful comments and kept breaking her heart over and over again. (Y/N) knew Spencer was mad, but she didn't imagine how much. Maybe she had pushed him too hard. What if that was it? If that fight meant the end for them? She was actually scared to ask.
After catching the murderer and solving the case, (Y/N) sat on her own on the jet back home, hugging her legs on her seat. Emily looked at her from behind her book and decided her friend needed some love. She poured a cup of earl grey and walked to her with a warm smile.
- "You are my hero, Emily Prentiss."- (Y/N) whispered and held her cup.
- "Well, it comes with the job. I can read it all over your face: you need tea, a warm bath, and fix things with Reid."
(Y/N) closed her eyes and sighed. Spencer was at the other side of the jet, asleep. Or well, pretending to be asleep just to avoid talking to her. She knew it, and it didn't make her feel better at all.
- "I don't know what happened, Em. But I think this might be it" Prentiss wide opened her eyes at those words and held (Y/N)'s hand right away.
- "No way. He is crazy for you."
- "Yeah, it's funny 'cos Morgan said the same a few days ago. But after this week, I think I actually drive him crazy in a sick bad smothering way. I really think I fucked things up"- (Y/N) was fighting the tears back and looked over the window to avoid human contact, though Emily still held her hand.
- "(Y/N), you have to talk to him. He loves you. He is not good with social cues and facing people. You know that."
- "Yeah, I know. But I thought it was going to be different with me. It's me, it's him. This was supposed to work easily. I guess I was wrong".
- "Nothing worth doing comes easy, (Y/N)"- Prentiss whispered and squeezed her friend's hand- "Don't give up on Spence."
(Y/N) didn't want to give up. But she was scared Spencer had already decided. It looked that way after his cold and mean attitude those days. When the jet landed, she tried to walk to him and talk, but he avoided her and just left.
(Y/N) walked to her car and sat behind the steering wheel. Finally, alone after a rough couple of days, she burst into tears. She was scared and frustrated, and most of all, anxious to know what was going to happen. That was a terrible mix of feelings.
She knew that she didn't want to push Spencer to continue a relationship that might make him miserable. That's why, after taking a few minutes to calm herself down, she texted him.
- "I'm sorry things got till this point. I didn't mean to make you feel so bad. I understand if you want to break up. I'll pick up my things tomorrow."
Spencer felt his cellphone hum as he walked into his apartment, holding a box of tandoori chicken. He thought for a second it might be Hotch with another case, and sighed annoyed just at the thought of missing the chance to relax on his own again.
But when he read it, it was actually worse.
He left the food on the table and read the text over and over again.
What had he done? Why did (Y/N) think he wanted to break up with her? That wasn't his plan at all. He just wanted to prove a point. Not end with their relationship.
Did he push things too far?
Did he act like an asshole?
Did he ruin everything?
Spencer stared at his apartment, and his heart ached. He didn't care if (Y/N) changed everything around. He just wanted her there, with him. Always. He could do laundry whenever she wanted to. He could fold sheets whenever she asked him to. He could be as domestic as she wanted him to be if that meant that she would stay with him.
(Y/N) drove back home. She thought about getting something for dinner, but honestly, all she wanted was to get into her bed and try to sleep. Spencer didn't reply to her text, which somehow surprised her. A part of her was waiting for him to tell her he didn't want to break up. But that silence was the confirmation she didn't want to have: it was over.
The young agent did her best to remain calm as she drove back home. She didn't want to cry. She could listen to Spencer's voice at the back of her head giving her some statistics about people crushing their cars when they drove under emotional distress.
(Y/N) made it to her building, parked the car, and literally dragged herself upstairs. She was about to reach her apartment when she saw him. Spencer Reid, waiting for her, sitting on the floor, his back resting against her door. She froze for a few seconds, looking at him, confused. He stared back at her and held his breath. Her eyes were puffy and red, her face was pale, and yet, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever set eyes on.
- "(Y/N), I'm so sorry."- Spencer whispered and stood up. He walked to her and held her hands. She didn't follow, so she stayed in silence. Spencer lifted her hands until they reached his face and caressed himself with them carefully for a few seconds, tears falling from his eyes.
- "I'm so sorry, I was an asshole."- he murmured and kissed her hands over and over again as he sobbed.
- "Spencer..."- she whispered and stared at him confused- "I'm sorry."
- "No, I am. I was mean to you, and you didn't deserve it. You have to know how much I love you. How deeply in love I am with you. I love spending all my time with you. I don't want you to live twelve and a half blocks away from my apartment. I want you there all the time. Or I can be here all the time. I just... don't want to lose you."
- "I don't wanna lose you either"- (Y/N) managed to say- "I'm sorry I was so bossy and that I invaded your space."
- "No, I'm sorry I was an asshole and so passive-aggressive with you. I love you. I promise I will never act like that again"- Spencer hugged her and hid his face on the crook of her neck. (Y/N) hugged him too and breathed in his smell, feeling at home right away.
- "I missed you so much"- Spencer held her face with both hands and kissed her sweetly, rubbing his lips against her with such love and tenderness, (Y/N) felt her heart skipping a beat.
- "I missed you more"- she sighed into the kiss and held him closer.
- "I swear, I'm never going to hurt you again, buttercup."
- "I'm not going to nag you again. I don't care if you don't fold sheets, chipmunk"- (Y/N) smiled and rested her forehead against his for a moment.
- "You are doomed, (Y/N), 'cos I'm gonna do whatever you ask me to do from now on."- Spencer leaned in and kissed her again, feeling her smiling against his lips.
- "I just want you to be happy with me, Spencer"- she murmured- "I never want to make you feel like I'm invading your space or being bossy."
- "Then move in with me"- he said and smiled like a mad man- "I don't want it to be my apartment anymore. I want it to be ours. Let's find a place for the both of us, so we can make it our home."
(Y/N) stared into Spencer's eyes, and all she could read was his excitement and adoration. So she giggled and nodded.
- "Yes! I wanna have a home with you!"- she answered and nearly started jumping- "Come on, let's go inside so we can start looking for a new apartment. Or a house!"- her excitement was contagious, and it made SPencer chuckle.
- "Or we can have make-up sex first,"- he suggested, and (Y/N) dropped the keys she was holding. "Did you know when we argue, post-powerful hormones are released? The rush of adrenaline, noradrenaline, and testosterone triggers a state of extreme arousal. The perception of threat combined with the influence of the hormones on our brains is what takes us from seething with anger to seething with desire..."
- "I love it when you talk dirty to me, Spencer Walter Reid"- (Y/N) opened the door, and the couple rushed in. They hated to argue, but at least something god had come out of it.
Spencer Taglist
@calm-and-doctor @all-tings-diego
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xlonelysoulxx · 3 years
Being a Mermaid and Jacob’s Imprint Would Include... {2}
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You had disappeared for a whole month. You had only sent Leah a few messages after the incident, to give a sign of life and reassure the pack... which hadn’t helped matters when Jacob found out. "WHY didn't you tell me?!” “You acted like a f*cking jerk, why should I have?" The tension was so overwhelming, to the point where the other wolves must have come between them that day. Leah wanted to protect her friend, and Jacob wanted to get his imprint back. But he couldn't.
You hadn’t planned to come back, not so soon... this is what you had entrusted to the pretty wolf. You wanted to get some distance... away from Forks, from La Push... and from Jacob. You couldn't take it anymore. It was already hard that he treated you so coldly ‘cause he loved one another, but seeing him tear himself apart with his brothers... because of you? It was too much. It had gone way too far.
Grudge and worry kept growing among the wolves even when Jacob were gone, wandering god knows where near the Canadian border. Guilt and pain had kept twisting him from the inside ever since, and hearing the thoughts of his pack... especially when it came to you, had become torture. Even Jared, who had felt at fault at first, only felt annoyance now. Jacob was a ball of nerves ready to explode at any moment, while he was the one who had behaved badly in the first place. Fuck... he could have hurt you?! All because he had let himself be overcome by his emotions, emotions that he wasn’t yet ready to assume out loud.
The feeling of lack linked to the imprint was so strong that it sometimes prevented you from breathing, but that wasn't the worst. It was at that moment... that you realized how much you were in love with Jacob Black.
Even the pull of the bond wasn't as strong as the crack forged in your heart. A gash already wide open over the past few weeks (consciously or not) by the constant presence of Isabella Swan - hunted by Victoria - and now gaping as you left the Quileute... and Jacob, behind you. It was clear, the difference between these feelings - as if your heart and your guts were going in two distinct directions. How stupid you were... as if fate wasn't cruel enough like that.
You were quite surprised to see Alice and Jasper appear at your workplace one morning, a small neighborhood library near Port Angeles. It was brand new, no one knew about it. No one except Alice. Obviously... What were they doing there? You weren't particularly close to the Cullens, but you liked the lil’ brunette quite a bit. Did something happen? Did he... no, Leah would have warned you. Right..?
“He's stupidly stubborn, and guilty. But he's fine... for now.” You no longer understood anything, since when did Alice appreciate Jacob? She didn’t. But she couldn't control her visions. Time was running out. An army was approaching, Bella was once again the center of attention... and the future had darkened. The two clans who called themselves enemies had decided to unite reluctantly, to protect her - but what was your role in this story?
“Don't get me wrong, Alice... I don't wish Bella any harm.” You were boiling from the inside, but Bella wasn't the reason of your pain... Jacob was. You had no animosity towards the young girl, the shapeshifter was mature enough to make his own choices. It was between you and him, and yet. “But you came here for nothing.” You didn't look her in the eye anymore, busy sorting through the same books over and over in your hands. You couldn't believe she had come here just for this. She wanted you to come back to him, so he could come back to her... come back to Bella. To protect her.
Jasper hadn't moved from his place since their arrival, standing proudly straight behind his beloved. He could easily sense your anger, mixed with pain and incomprehension... and just like that, your eyes met his for a long second. “You should listen to her, Y/N.” You could feel a wave of appeasement sweep over you, immediately glaring at the vampire. "And you shouldn’t try to manipulate my emotions, Jasper."
“He won't survive it, Y/N... I saw it.” You could feel your blood running cold through your veins. What was she talking about?? Jacob was actually back in Forks, for more than a week now. But he was a freaking mess. He made sure to stay away from the pack, irritable... unpredictable, and more closed than ever. Quite the opposite of who he really was. You could feel your heart skipping a beat... Alice had glimpsed the impending confrontation, and the outcome had been fatal for the brown wolf.
No, no, no... it couldn't happen. It. Couldn't. The information was too much to handle as you began to hyperventilate like an idiot in the store, Jasper immediately moving to your side. You couldn't let him get killed all this because he was distracted by the whole "imprint thing”, no... you could never forgive yourself for it. You would leave your pride aside without any hesitation for him, everything for him... no matter the welcome you would receive in return.
The car ride was terribly quiet. The battle would take place in three days, so there was no time to waste. Your boss had been accommodating enough to give you your afternoon (he seemed to be pleased by your work, good for you) and this is where you were now... on the road back to Forks, sitting in the back of Alice's car. She had insisted on taking you there given your emotional state, and you were silently grateful for that. You could feel the anguish mounting as you approached the Quileute reserve, unconsciously wriggling in your seat.
“Stop the car.” The air was too thick to breathe, and you felt like you were drowning... there was only one way to fix it. You were close enough now, you could join the reserve on your own... but not right away. You quickly thanked the couple before slamming the door, taking the path to the forest under the worried gaze of the petite brunette. You ran, unable to stop before reaching the impressive cliff... not thinking twice before jumping.
You felt like you could finally breathe again as the icy water came in contact with your hot skin. You haven't been back to the ocean since the incident, and you had missed it - terribly. You could feel a pinch in your stomach as you rose to the surface, quickly looking up as your eyes instantly fell on the huge brown wolf that stood high on the rocks. Jacob. He was there... how?
You dived again after an endless exchange of glances, taking longer than necessary to reach the shore. A part of you feared your reunion, while the other was just relieved and excited to see him again. Jacob had reached the beach at an impressive speed, the shapeshifter dressed warmer than usual while a large jacket and boots complemented the usual shorts specific to all Quileutes. His heart was pounding as he observed the surface, impatiently waiting to see you reappear. Were you even going to do it..? He couldn't believe you were really there.
And you did. Your feet sank into the wet sand as you left the sweet comfort offered by the waves, your long hair sticking to your skin like a second skin. You were completely exposed as the cold wind whipped through your entire body, Jacob's eyes never leaving yours as he took off his jacket… wasting no time wrapping it around you. The distance between you was ridiculously thin now, the silence heavy and comfortable at the same time. There was no room for shyness here, it was Jacob. And despite everything that had happened you had full confidence in him.
None of you dared to speak first... almost like it's going to shatter the present moment, and bring bad memories to the surface. “I was afraid I had hurt you.” He finally confessed, almost shamefully. Start at the beginning, yeah... it was good. “I'm sorry I disappeared... I just panicked.” You answered briefly, but he cut you off almost immediately.“You don't have to feel sorry for anything, Y/N. I should. For everything.”  He really was. He wanted to tell you how sorry he was, how much he had missed you... and how much he loved you. But he didn't have the right. Not now, and maybe never. But repeating it to you, showing you how sorry he was and how much he regretted the way he had treated you... seemed like a good start. He wanted to be the best imprint for you... a friend, a protector. If you wanted him to be. He didn't want to be separated from you like that anymore. Never again.
You could hear the sincerity in his voice, the erratic changes in his breathing… and the heat radiating from his body which was enveloping you like a soft blanket. He meant every word. You were sure of it. And it was, indeed, a good start... yes. It was like a silent acceptance, like a secret language between the two of you... your throat tightening a bit before you wrapped your arms around him.
Jacob automatically tightens his embrace around you, selfishly accepting the gesture of affection you both needed so badly. He trapped your body against his, resting his chin against the top of your head as you stood on your tiptoes... inhaling his scent. There he was, alive and safe in your arms... and that was all that mattered right now. And you were going to make sure that it stays that way, no matter what.
But fate wasn't so lenient, you should have known that... it didn't rest only in your hands. Cruel reality exploded in your face that day, Jacob's scream echoing through the entire clearing at the same time as the sound of his ribs being broken by the newborn vampire. It all happened so fast. Leah had found herself trapped in the deadly embrace of one of them, Jacob had intervened... and now he was writhing in pain on the ground.
You had joined him in a few strides, stumbling alongside him as your heartbeat echoed through your ears. Carlisle stood by your side, examining the extent of the damage before the other members of the pack arrived in turn. His voice was twisted in pain as he tried to pronounce your name, squeezing your hand in his before the other wolves surrounded him to pick him up - Paul reluctantly pulling you away from your imprint. Tears filled your eyes, so much so that you hadn't even seen Bella arrive… the obvious horror on her face. How could this have happened? You thought you could change Alice's vision, you really believed you could... but you obviously failed. Literally.
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zmayadw · 3 years
'Goodbye', but not 'the end'
- a Duskwood based (Jake x Mc) story - PART THREE (final part)
„Maybe not all goodbyes are the end – and that's what makes them good.“ - Gwendolyn Heasley
In the time that followed after she learned of his fate, Mc tried, and god how she tried hard, to survive day after day without falling apart. The process of trying to heal her shattered heart was no fun at all.
She would move around her apartment in daze, eyes swollen, wondering if the tears will ever stop. And in the rare moments when they did, she would break down and cry again over silly things, like spilled milk or a broken nail. She would force herself to eat, swallowing every bite with disgust and try to keep it from coming back. Night after night, she would toss and turn in her bed, just to be awakened by the same nightmare, with those cursed words echoing in her head long after it.
Those days quickly turned to weeks, weeks became months, and in the blink of an eye the seasons changed, too.
Then one morning, dragging herself tiredly through the apartment, she stopped at her window and stared through it in awe. She just stood there motionlessly not daring to blink, afraid that if she do, this breathtaking scene she was seeing would disappear on her. She situated herself dreamily on the window bench, and for the first time in months her shattered heart jolted in excitement, as her eyes once again got lost in the beauty of her cherry tree.
Its soft pinky-white blossoms were long gone, foliage in mesmerizing shades of red, orange and gold taking their place. They moved playfully with the wind, the sun illuminating them giving the illusion of a thousand tiny flames dancing before her eyes. She was hypnotized.
Her tree looked so vibrant, its grief over lost blossoms erased by this new emerged beauty. With that thought, she cried one last time, that thought stirring up a trace of hope in her, that maybe, just like her tree she, too, could feel alive again. And once again, the sight of her beautiful tree helped calm the restless spirits inside her, to make her pain begin to lessen, and allow for her shattered hear to slowly, but surely begin with the process of healing.
Week after week, she began to feel better. The pain of his loss was still much present within her, but it was no longer unbearable or threatening to break her again. Each new day brought more peace to her restless mind, and she slowly returned to her usual routine. But there was an unexplainable and constant feeling deep inside that something was still holding her back, that there was something she still needed to do to really be able to move on with her life. But she couldn't quite figure it out.
Walking back to her apartment from the store, Mc shivered. The fall was coming to its end, the branches of just recently colorful trees almost completly bare by now, and the hint of winter slowly creeping in was felt in the increasingly colder air. Impatiently waiting for the green light to cross the street, her gaze fell on the headline in the sports sections of the newspapers the man in front of her was holding. "Goodbye to another first division team" For some unknown reason, she lingered thoughtfuly on that first word, not realizing that the man started crossing the street.
„That's it!“ she suddenly exclaimed out loud, noticing the green light and hurrying across. That's what she needed, a goodbye. She never said a proper goodbye to him, and that's what was missing. She needed a definitive closure, the end, before she could truly move on. But how to do it? How was she suppose to say goodbye, when the person who she needed to say it wasn't here? How to do it meaningfully, so it won't just seem like empty words spoken into the wind? As if hearing her thoughts, the wind whistled in her ear, making her tuck her hands deep inside her pockets and quicken her steps.
When she reached her apartment, she was still contemplating on how to do it. And when the evening came, she was still completely clueless. And frustrated. How hard can this be? she thought, sitting down on a sofa with a heavy sigh. She got up again, pacing frustratedly around the room. She suddenly stopped, turning around and hastily moving to her desk. She sat down opening the drawer, and with a shaky hand took out her light green letter writing set.
Emotions stirred up in her, thinking of all those letters she wrote before. All the feelings she poured out in them resurfaced back, but exactly because of that the idea of writing one more letter, one last letter to say her goodbye with it, appealed to her more and more.
And so she decided to do it. At least she tried. She started with the letter so manny times, but each time after writting just a few lines she would crumple the paper in frustration throwing it on the floor. And after a while, she ended up just staring numbly at the blank paper in front of her.
Suddenly it dawned to her why she was struggling with this so much. She was doing it wrong all this time, constantly trying to write down something that was completely unneccessery. Shaking her head she chuckled to herself and reached for her pen. At the end, she wrote down just three words, before neatly folding the paper and placing it inside the envelope.
She began to feel lighter looking at the envelope in front of her, as if some invisible weight was finaly lifted from her shoulders. The pain was still there deep inside her, and some tiny piece of it will probably stay there forever. But she was happy, managing to find a way for the end she needed to move on. And she found her perfect ending right there at the beginning of it all.
„Oh come on, Nym, don't look at me like that! I'm not doing anything wrong here!“ A little black pup tilted his head sideways as a young man spoke to him. „And besides“ he started again raising his eyebrow at the pup „Didn't we agree at keeping an eye on her? Just out of precaution?“ The pup barked in response, happily wagging his tail. „Mhm, I thought so.“ he said smiling and scratched Nym behind the ear. He turned his head back to his laptop, to a live feed from a CCTV camera on it. The smile slowly left his face, looking at the girl sitting at the window table of a coffee shop.
The reality of not being able to be close to her and hear her voice, to move a loose strand of hair behind her ear, or not being able to feel her warm touch on his skin, or savour in the sweet taste of her lips – the reality of it all hit Jake hard as he watched her, he hasn't noticed when the tears started falling down his face. The little pup suddenly jumped at him, calling for his attention. He looked at the pup with teary eyes, lifting him onto his lap. „Don't worry, Nym, I'll be all right.“ He hugged the pup, his little muzzle finding its way to his face licking at the tears. He closed his eyes with a chuckle „All right, all right, I get the hint, Nym. No more crying, I promise.“ The pup licked at his face few more times, then jumped from his lap running off, happily wagging his tail. Shaking his head after him, her turned back to his laptop.
Mc was now in a company of a friend. And after so long, her face was finally smiling, the trace of agony of the past events nowhere to be seen. After what he put her through, seeing her like this made him a little bit relieved. But that devastating pain he felt when he decided to fake his death, and knowing the effect it will have on her with the cognition of it, was still much present at him. But it was crucial for her to belive in it, to truly belive in what happened to him. He couldn't risk the tiniest possibility for her to know anything about it, then all of this would be in vain. Like this, with time, they will leave her completely at peace and she will be safe again, her life returning to normal.
His gaze then turned to the light green envelope lying on the desk next to his laptop. It was the last letter she sent, the one that contained only three words, but those words were the saddest and most painful ones he ever read. Nym suddenly barked next to him, Jake turning to look at him. The little pup had his leash in his muzzle, impatiently pacing in the spot. „All right, Nym, lets go.“ He said with a chuckle, taking the leash from the pup. „I did promise you we'll go explore our new place of stay.“ Nym barked excitedly before rushing out through the doors leading to the yard of their new place. Jake got up, glancing once more at the envelope on the desk. 'Goodbye, my love.' That was written on the paper inside it. Just three words, but they were more than enough to break ones heart.
Stepping outside, Jake welcomed the warmth of a winter's sun hitting at his face. Nym was eagerly waiting for him, wagging his tail so fast from the excitement upon seeing him, scattering snow all around him. He started walking towards him, and even though the pain in him was going strong, he couldn't stop a mischievous smile coming to his face. Ofcourse, the consequences of what he have done are no joke, nothing to laugh about there, and saying goodbye is never an easy thing to do. But then again, if you really think about it, some 'goodbyes' don't mean 'the end', you know?
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It’s Always Been You ~ 149
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Word Count: 2,820ish
Summary: Y/N sacrificed herself to end it all. But is she really dead?
Notes: You must read Out Of Time in order to understand this. The chapter numbers continue from Out Of Time.
Once the blinding white light subsided, the heroes all looked around as the enemy quickly turned to dust. Strange let Tony go from his magic hold, the two men watching Y/N collapse onto the ground.
“Y/N!!” Tony cried, rushing over to his wife. As he lifted her up to cradle her in his arms, he noticed the Stones were still seared into her arm and blood was trickling out of her nose and ears. “Honey, come on.”
Steve was the next to notice the scene. “No!” He exclaimed as he ran over, causing others to see as well. “Y/N!” He fell to his knees beside the couple. Tears ran down both mens faces, creating pathways through the dirt and grime covering them.
“She’s not breathing….”
“What?” Bucky gasped, suddenly appearing near them.
“She’s not breathing…” Tony rocked back and forth, Y/N held close. “Don’t do this… please… I can’t— You can’t—“ He sobbed into the base of her limp neck as he clung to her and begged.
Clint was the first to get down on one knee in respect, the other heroes slowly following. Some bowed their heads, others shed tears, but they all felt an immense amount of pain and sorrow. Their hearts cracked a little more each time they heard a sob, whimper, or sniffle from one of the three men that loved Y/N the most.
With a hand on Steve’s shoulder, Bucky collapsed next to his friend. “No…” he cried. “Doll…”
“Mom!” The boy’s voice was worried. It sounded like it was underwater. “Mom! Wake up!” She groaned as someone began shaking her, still not opening her eyes. “Come on, mom! You did it! Wake up!”
“W-what…?” She rasped. She slowly blinked, trying to get her eyes used to the light and the orange tint around her. When her eyes finally focused on the boy leaned over her, she gasped. “AJ?”
“Hey, mom,” he smiled.
“Where…” Y/N pushed herself up, with AJ’s help. She studied her surroundings. She was at the cabin, laying on the grass. But it wasn’t the cabin. “How did I—“
“You used the Stones. You did it, mom.”
“I did it,” she breathed out.
“Now you have a choice,” the Ancient One’s voice said. AJ and Y/N turned their heads to see Phil, Natasha, and the Ancient One standing there.
“Phil, Natasha?”
“Hey, Y/N,” she greeted. “You did good.”
“You did,” the Ancient One agreed. “And now the Stones have given you a choice.”
AJ helped Y/N to her feet. “What kind of choice?” She asked.
“Whether to stay here or go back… there are consequences, good and bad for either choice.”
“I can’t make that call,” she shook her head. “I have family—children on either side of that equation. Why are they giving me a choice?”
“Because your journey is not over with the Stones, but they want it to be up to you.”
“What do you mean?”
“If you choose to go back, you will be granted certain abilities. That you will not need the Stones to use. You will not be as powerful as you are when you channel all the Stones, but you will still be very powerful.”
“And if I stay?”
“Your daughter would lose her mother and your husband, his wife. The whole team would be affected. But, there are many significant events that would still play out. They will just be harder—longer, without your help.”
“Mom,” AJ tugged on her hand, turning Y/N’s attention to him. “If you’re worried about me, I’ll be fine. I have Uncle Phil, Auntie Nat, Grandma and Grandpa Rogers and Stark!”
“Stark? Like… Howard?”
“Yes.” The boy nodded. “He didn’t want to be here just incase he could be a distraction. Said something like you always had a thing for Starks.”
Y/N laughed. “He wishes.” She took a deep breath and looked around. This would be a hard decision either way, but she knew what she had to do. She looked at her son before looking back at the Ancient One. “How much time do I have?”
“You have until they take the Stones back,” the Ancient One responded.
“Okay,” she nodded. Y/N gazed down at her son, grabbing his hand. “How about we go for a walk AJ?”
“Tony,” Rhodey gently called, coming to a stop a foot or to away from the three men. “We need to get her to a hospital. Or home.”
The man shook his head. “I’m not letting go of her,” Tony replied. “And I— I can’t… Morgan needs her mother.”
“She also needs her father.”
“Mr. Stark?” Peter called, coming up beside Rhodey. It was clear that he had been crying as well. “You don’t have to let her go… you—you can carry her the whole way.”
“They have a point, Tony,” Steve agreed through the tears. “We need to get her and the Stones out of the open, just in case.”
“They asked too much of her,” Tony mumbled as he continued to rock. “Too damn much…”
Steve stood up and walked around to help Tony stand, Bucky joining him. Tony didn’t resist, standing and fixing Y/N’s position in his arms. The other heroes watched, their hearts breaking further as they realized how limp Y/N truly was. But upon further observation, Wanda noticed something.
“She’s being preserved,” she whispered.
“What was that Wanda?” Clint asked, standing beside her.
“She’s dead, but she’s being preserved. Her coloring is too normal.”
“Are you saying there’s a chance we could bring her back?” Sam asked, joining them.
“Not we,” Wanda shook her head. Her eyes were glued to Y/N as she was carried away. “It’s all her… it’s all up to her…”
AJ lead Y/N around, talking her here off about anything and everything. And she was enjoying every minute of it. Eventually, the two came to a stop at the edge of the pier. They sat down, letting their feet touch the water.
“AJ… You know I love you, right?” Y/N nervously said.
“Yes,” he answered with confidence.
“And that I would never want to leave you?”
“Mom,” AJ looked at her, firmly, “you need to go. Morgan, Dad, Uncle Steve, and Uncle Bucky need you more than I do. I’ll be fine.”
“Uncle Bucky?” Y/N chuckled.
“He’ll be okay, mom. He will… Bucky understands that he kept you waiting too long, too many times.”
She pulled the boy into her side, kissing the top of his head. “You’re so much stronger and wiser than me… I love you. So very much.”
AJ hugged his mother. “I love you too.” 
Happy and Pepper immediately sensed that something was wrong when the quinjet landed and Rhodey was the first one out. He walked to the house and simply asked them to keep Morgan away from any of the windows and the garage. They didn’t question it, already knowing they weren’t ready for any answers that may come.
Rhodey went straight to the garage, Bucky and Steve joining him. They cleared off desks and tables, putting them together. Steve grabbed blankets and a pillow, laying them out on the large table they created. FRIDAY then informed Tony that he was clear to bring Y/N in. Bruce was with him as Tony carried Y/N in, having noticed how much the man was trembling. Bruce was scared that he’d have to carry two bodies in.
Tony gently laid Y/N on the table. He began pulling a blanket up to her chest, pausing when he noticed the Stones still seared into his wife’s arm. He clenched his teeth and let out an angry, grief-filled cry. Tony raised his hand had shot around the room, everyone having to duck.
“Tony!” / “Shit!” / “Woah!”
“Tony, you need to—“
Everyone froze at the little voice. Tony was breathing heavily  as he clenched his eyes closed, unable to turn himself around and face his daughter. Morgan was being held by Happy, clinging to his neck as she stared at Tony’s back. The others quickly moved so that Y/N’s body was blocked from Morgan’s view.
“Get her out of here, Hap,” Rhodey ordered. “We’ll all be in soon.”
“No, Daddy,” Morgan pushed. “Where’s mom?”
Tears cascaded down Tony’s cheeks as he thought about having to tell his daughter that she had lost both her auntie Nat and her mother in the same day. Steve, trying to hold strong, quickly took control of the situation.
“How about we going inside, Mo?” Steve suggested, stepping up. He was still all dirty from the battle. “I’ll hurry and clean up while you and Pepper get dinner situated. I’ll come join you after.”
“But dad—“
“You’re dad… He just needs a moment. Okay? He’ll be in soon too.”
Though a bit hesitant to, Morgan agreed. Steve let out a sigh a relieve before following Happy back inside. He couldn’t fall apart, not when Tony and Morgan needed him. 
“You should get out of the suit, Tony,” Rhodey said. “Get cleaned up.”
“I…” Tony spoke quietly, still not opening his eyes. “I can’t tell her… I can’t bare to see her face about Nat. I can’t imagine telling her about—about Y/N…”
“You won’t have to do it alone.” Rhodey set a hand on Tony’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up."
“You shouldn’t have done what you did,” Y/N told Natasha as they walked allow the edge of the lake together.
“If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t have gotten everything back,” she responded. “It was worth it.”
“As long as you believe so… Morgan will be devastated, so will the Bartons.”
“They’ll mourn, you all will. But it will make you all stronger. Individually and together.”
Y/N grabbed Nat’s hand and stopped her. “You are the sister I always wanted. You were always there for me, basically since I left the ice. Thank you.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Natasha wrapped Y/N up, pulling her close. “Thank you.”
“I’ll keep your memory alive.”
“You better. And I’ll keep an eye on AJ. He’s a great kid.”
“I know… I only wish that I had more to do with that."
Everything around him was muted. Color, light, sound. Everything, as Tony finished dressing himself after his shower. He didn’t want to believe it—he couldn’t. Y/N could not be gone. Not his wife… After everything they had survived—she had survived. How was he now suppose to go on without her? How was he suppose to help his daughter do the same?
A soft knock sounded on the bedroom door, before Pepper peeked her head in.
“Tony?” She called. “I’m just checking in on you. Do you need anything?”
“Where’s Morgan?” Tony’s horse voice was quiet as exited the bathroom.
“Downstairs with Steve, Bruce, Happy, and Rhodey. They’re putting dinner together.”
“Where’d Barnes go?”
The redhead sighed. “He won’t leave Y/N’s side.” Tony inhaled sharply as his eyes closed. “Tony…” Pepper slowly made his way over to him. “What do you want to do?”
“I want… I want my wife back… I want Morgan to have her mother…” A tear slipped through his closed eyes. “And I— I would do anything to trade her places…”
“I wish that I could bring her back, I really do, Tony. And I know that you need time to grief, but Morgan needs her father. She’s confused and those men downstairs keep staring at her with pity. She’s smart and has started questioning it.” Pepper moved so that she was standing in front of Tony. “Just go down and hold her.”
“I need to see Y/N first.”
“Okay. Let’s go then."
“Why must we always say goodbye?” Y/N asked Coulson as they sat on the steps of the cabin.
“I don’t know,” Phil answered. “But it seems like we always say hello again.”
“It does,” she nodded. “Thank you for taking care of AJ.”
“He’s a good kid. Though, too much like you and Tony.” He chuckled. “Always finding some way to get into trouble.”
“And you’re always there to help get him out of it, I’m sure.” Y/N laughed. “Some things never change.” She sighed as she moved closer and rested her head on his shoulder. “Are the others okay?”
“They’re great… they miss us though, that much is clear.”
“I miss them too.”
“I check on them every once and awhile. They’ve all gone on their separate ways, but they’re still a team. They’re still our team.”
Bucky couldn’t bare to leave Y/N’s side. Not like this. Never like this. It wasn’t suppose to be her. She had a daughter, a husband. For a few moments, he let himself hold her hand and cry. But then be decided to put himself to use. Bucky found a few towels and wet them. Gently, he cleaned off any skin he could see, being extremely careful around the Stones still imbedded in her arm.
He then brushed her hair out. Bucky couldn’t stand the thought of Morgan seeing her mother untidy. Tony entered the room not too long later. The men stayed on opposite sides, focusing on the woman in the middle.
“I forgive you,” Tony said quietly. Bucky’s head snapped up to look at Stark, who was still focused on Y/N.
“Wh-what?” Bucky stammered. “H-how… I… I killed your parents…”
“Trust me. I tried to hold it against you, and Steve for keeping the secret… But… Y/N… she never held it against you. Even though it was Howard. She never did.”
“I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”
“Don’t say that too loud. Y/N might come back and smack some sense into you…”
“I wish she would… She, uh… we ran into each other before the fight… I know that it was always going to be you. You’re good for her.”
Tony scoffed. “No I’m not. She’s too good for me.”
“That might be true,” Bucky nodded. “Your, uh, your daughter… she’s pretty.”
“She is. You know, Barnes, we don’t have to make small talk. We can just sit here and wish for her to wake up, together.”
“Good, cause I was running out of things to say.” Tony sat down. “Thank you though… for forgiving me… I’m still working on forgiving myself for it all…”
“You’re welcome.”
Coulson, Natasha, AJ, the Ancient One, and Y/N were all gathered together in front of the cabin.
“I guess this is it then,” Y/N said, nodding as she tried not to cry. “I don’t want to have to say good-bye to y’all again.”
“It’s not good-bye, mom,” AJ smiled. “We’ll see each other again.”
“You’re right… you’re always right. I love you, my son. I’ll see you—“
“You think you can leave without me actually making an appearance?” A voice came from behind Y/N.
She gasped, slowly turning around. “Howard?”
“Hey, Y/N,” he stepped forward. He was young, the Howard that Y/N was most used to. “Seems like my favorite Rogers is still getting into trouble.”
“Always.” They stared at each other for a moment before Y/N brought him into a hug. “Oh, Howard.”
“I remember,” he whispered. “I died and it all came back to me.”
“What?” She pulled away slightly.
“You erased my memory when you appeared in 1970. After I had talked to Tony.”
“You know.”
“I do. Way to not lie to me. You wouldn’t have met Tony without me, for multiple reasons. And I did end up knowing him.”
“I couldn’t lie to you. I just couldn’t tell you the truth either.”
“I understand. I guess I’ll let you go back now. Tony and Morgan need you.”
“Yeah… they do.”
“Can you… uh… can you tell Tony how proud I am of him?”
“Of course.”
Howard leaned forward and pressed a kiss on her cheek. He smiled before he turned around and headed over to a woman standing near a tree not too far off. Y/N knew that must’ve been Maria. She waved, Maria waving back.
“Okay…” Y/N breathed out. “It’s time…”
“How is she?” Wanda asked, coming into the garage.
“How do you think, Maximoff?” Tony responded, annoyed. “She’s dead.”
“No she’s not.” Both me sat up straighter and looked at Wanda.
“What are you talking about?”
“Haven’t either of you noticed how her body isn’t acting out a normal dead body would?”
The two men shared a look before focusing back on Wanda. “No,” Bucky replied. “We haven’t.”
“Well, the Stones are—“
Y/N gasped, head lurching up before coming back down to the table again. She coughed as she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings.
“Y/N!” The men exclaimed.
“And just when I was beginning to explain it all,” Wanda mumbled.
next chapter >
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sir-subpar · 3 years
Fangs And Fur (Bf x Pico oneshot)
Werewolf Au. Because I want to. This was somewhat inspired by an animated short called "Dirty Paws"
*Warning: Swearing and Blood/Gore/Violence. (It's not that bad, but just in case)
Bf and Pico shared jokes and friendly banter as Pico walked Boyfriend home. It was dusk, just barely any sunlight illuminating the neighborhood. The two of them had just finished a dinner date, still laughing and flirting as they walked along the sidewalk on Bf's home street. Some of Boyfriend's neighbors were greeting the boys from their yards as the two passed by. 
Carol, whose house was directly to the left of Boyfriend's, was finishing up watering her yard when she saw her neighbor and his date. "Hey Boyfriend!" Carol greeted them happily. "Hi Carol! How are you?" Boyfriend replied, he and Pico stopping in front of her new painted fence to talk. "I'm good, just relaxing after putting in this darn fence. It took forever, but it's worth it though to keep my little Cocoa Puff safe." Carol gestured to her mini poodle, the little fuzzball had brown curly fur, hence the name Cocoa Puff. "You should probably get a fence too, Bf. There's been a lot more animal attacks happening lately." Carol warned, Bf and Pico shifted with unease. "Yeesh, has it been getting that bad?" The bluette asked nervously. "It's been really bad, Sunday's cat got attacked the other night. Poor little guy was really chewed up by some big animal.." "Oh no! Not Bubsy!" Bf had a soft spot for animals in general, even though he didn't have any pets of his own, he always loved animals. Pico, too, felt bad for the little cat. "Did the cat survive? How bad was it?" Pico asked, never having met Sunday or her cat Bubsy, Bf told him about them before. Sometimes Sunday would ask Bf to babysit her cat when she was on tour, he was really good with Bubsy. Carol gave a look of sympathy, knowing the cat's condition. "He's alive, but it's a long road to recovery." She said dejectedly. "I've been hearing that people are setting traps around here, so keep an eye out for those too. Okay?" "Will do, thanks Carol." Bf replied, Pico only nodded in response. "Anyway, moving on to lighter news.. Are you going to introduce me to your friend here?" Carol lightly teased, tilting her head in Pico's direction. "Oh yeah! Right. Carol, this is Pico!" Bf wrapped his arm around the redheaded man's shoulders, making Pico's face turn pink. A look of recognition flashed onto Carol's features. "Ooooh, so THIS is the boyfriend you're always talking about. It's nice to finally meet you Pico." Carol teased, holding out her hand. Pico felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment before shaking Carol's hand. It was flattering to know that Boyfriend talked about him. "Y-yeah. You too." 
Carol giggled a bit. "Alright, well I'll let you guys enjoy your evening. Have a good one!" Bf waved at her while he and Pico walked up to his porch. Bf held the door open for Pico, but he declined going inside. Bf of course took notice of this, as well as Pico's nervous demeanor.
 "Are you okay, Pico?" 
"Yeah.. I just- I should head home. I had a nice night. Let's go out again soon." Pico gave him a smile that was somewhat forced. "Oh… okay. Well, I'll call you tomorrow then." 
"Yeah, sounds good." Pico gave Bf a kiss on the cheek, then he left. Bf closed his door, he was a little disappointed, if he was honest. He had hoped Pico would stay the night, but it was Pico's choice. It wouldn't have been right to stop him. Bf just decided to chill instead. Sweets and videogames were the perfect cure for disappointment. 
Pico rushed home, the sun had already gone down, he didn't have much time. He felt bad. Not just for leaving an obviously dejected Boyfriend, but for being so secretive with him. But he didn't have time for that! He needed to get home and lock up. It was only a matter of time before the moon would show it's Damn face. He dashed down the street , finally getting to the cul de sac he lived on. He ran onto his porch, swinging open his door and slamming it behind him. Just in the nick of time. He collapsed on the floor. His transformation was already taking place. His breathing was heavy, he couldn't help but shout in agony as his body reconfigured itself into its new form. Before he was lost to the lycan curse, however, he had one last horrifying realization. 
He forgot to close the window.
It had been a couple of hours, Bf had changed into some comfy clothes and was watching tv on his couch. He couldn't help but think of Pico. It was weird how nervous he suddenly was. Pico had been fine all day, but suddenly he ran off after talking to Carol. Was he really that flustered? It didn't seem like it was a big deal. Surely it was something else, but what? Bf sighed, it wasn't really his business, but he wanted to know what was up. He decided to text Pico. 
Bf: Hey. I had a lot of fun at dinner :) I just wanna see if you're alright, you seemed off earlier. Everything ok?
Thirty minutes went by, and he got no response. 'Maybe he's already asleep?' Boyfriend thought, sure it wasn't super late, but it wasn't unusual for people to sleep at this hour. Boyfriend shut off the tv. Maybe he should just get some air. It was nice out. A nice warm summer night. A walk would do him some good. Sure he was basically in pajamas, with a mismatched t-shirt and sweatpants but who cares? He put his phone and keys in his pockets, and left the house for a walk. His neighborhood was fairly close to a nice wooded area. It wasn't really a forest, but there were wild animals around. Like coyotes and rabbits. He decided to hang out around the trees. He sat down on a stump that had once been a huge cottonwood tree, and he just listened to the noises around him. Crickets and other bugs were chirping and buzzing around. It was oddly serene.At least, it was. Until some rustling in the bushes caught his attention. 
He was startled, frightened even, but then he felt relieved once he realized it was a rabbit. Just a little rabbit. But his levity was short lived when noticed the rabbit was limping. He used his phone's flashlight to get a better look. The poor rabbit was barely able to move, its flesh had been ripped apart, blood soaking its fur, and one of its legs was missing. It trembled and struggled. Boyfriend's heart sank when the realization set in that the poor thing wasn't going to make it. It was suffering, and he hated to see animals suffer. He decided to try and comfort it. The rabbit collapsed, he gently brushed his fingers on its soft little head. The rabbit's breathing was still panicked, but it was too weak to do anything. He considered killing it to end its misery, but before he could, he heard snarling coming from the bush. He quickly shined the light on it, just in time to see the snout of a larger animal swiftly bite the rabbit. 
Bf jumped back in fear. The animal stalked out of the bushes that had hidden it, revealing a large orangish red wolf.  The rabbit, the wolf's prey, was still in its jaws. The small rodent fell limb as the wolf's fangs sunk into its body. Bf could hear the bones crack. It didn't take long for the wolf to completely devour the rodent. Bf froze. Should he run? Would the wolf want him? He couldn't help but tremble at the large beast before him. Then it looked at him. Its eye bore into his soul. Focused. It watched him intently. Bf stayed still. Maybe if he didn't make any sudden movements, it would move on. It approached him slowly, circling him. It then got closer, inspecting him with its nose. It seemed particularly drawn to his pocket. Bf slowly reached into his pocket, the wolf allowed it, watching him. Bf pulled out a small bag of chocolate chip cookies. He had forgotten that he put those there. The wolf's ears perked up a bit, and it tilted it's head. 
"Is this what you want?" The Wolf kept its eyes locked on the bag. "I'm not sure if you should have this, it has chocolate in it. Pretty sure dogs can't have that." The wolf growled, seeming to not take "no" as an answer. "Okay okay! Fine! They're yours!" Bf reached into the bag, then tossed a cookie at the wolf. The treat hit its nose before falling on the ground. The wolf appeared displeased with the assault on its nose, giving a huff before eating the cookie. "Well sorry, it's not my fault you're clumsy and didn't catch it." Bf said sarcastically. The wolf looked at him again, it wanted more treats. Bf tossed another cookie, this time aiming in front of the wolf so he didn't hit its nose again. The beast seemed content with that. So Bf kept doing it until he ran out. 
The canine's demeanor had thankfully shifted, it seemed more docile after being fed. Boyfriend had calmed down significantly, no longer fearing for his life. "Well, it was nice to meet you… wolf. I'm gonna go home. I've had enough excitement today." Bf turned away from the orange/red animal, trusting that it wouldn't pounce on him while his back was turned. As he walked away, he could hear two pairs of footsteps behind him. He looked back to confirm that the wolf was following him. When he stopped, the wolf halted, when he moved, the wolf followed. "I uh, think you should stay here. Where you live. I'm going home." Bf tried again to leave, the wolf followed him anyway. "No. You stay. I go." Bf tries using hand gestures to get the animal to listen, but to no avail. Bf picked up a stick and threw it. It didn't seem to interest the wolf, but the stick accidentally hit some small animal Bf hadn't noticed before. That got the wolf's attention. As the large mammal attacked the unfortunate stick receiver, Bf took the opportunity to run home. He managed to make it to his house and close the door. Bf leaned against the wood, sliding down till he hit the carpet. He let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. After he had calmed down, astonishment took over. He just fed a wolf. And he didn't die! He was like Snow White! Holy crap!
Bf eventually stood up and moved to the couch. Deciding that maybe he should relax for a bit. He started channel surfing on his TV, settling on a random cartoon that was on. He could feel his tense muscles relaxing a bit. He let out a sigh of relief. 
He had gotten through a few episodes when he heard something. Something outside.
He muted the tv. No way. There's no way this was happening.
It followed him home. 
He could hear the clawing getting faster. Impatient. Instead of following common sense, he decided to open the door. His motion triggered porch light shone on the wolf's red/orange fur. It's white eyes bore into his soul again. Bf stepped aside, allowing the beast into his house. The wolf strutted in, immediately smelling anything and everything it could. It didn't seem aggressive, just curious. Bf filled a bowl with water and set it on the floor. Might as well hydrate his new houseguest. Eventually his fears dissipated. He went back to the couch, watching the wolf as it wandered around his living room. He watched the tv again, laying down across the sofa comfortably. 
And, before he could prepare for it, he was suddenly smothered by orange fur. The wolf had kept onto the sofa, laying on top of the blue haired man. He tried to push the wild dog off of him, but he couldn't budge it. This was his life now. He was a man-sized dog's couch cushion now. He didn't know wolves could get this big now that he thought about it. But it didn't matter. He was stuck. This was the predicament he was in. He gave up. The dog had won. Despite the animal's weight, he managed to fall asleep. It was warm and fluffy, so it wasn't so bad.
The rising sun peeked through the blinds, illuminating Bf's face, waking him up. He shifted a little, still feeling the warm mass on top of him. He yawned, his eyes still closed. He petted the wolf on top of him, his fingers gently brushing its soft skin- wait a second. His eyes shot open. 
The man jolted awake after hearing his name. Pico looked at Bf with wide eyes. His face turned almost as red as Bf's signature hat. The two stared in silence for what felt like forever before Boyfriend broke it.
"You owe me an explanation."
"Can I borrow some clothes first?"
"Please do."
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cjsinkythoughts · 4 years
Birthday Memories
Word Count: 1591
Warnings: A little angst, a bit of fluff, some recovery Bucky
Summary: Bucky figures out why birthdays are so important.
A/N: This is just a little something I put together for one of my favorite characters of all time to celebrate his birthday. It hasn’t been beta’d and I wasn’t planning on writing it, but my finger slipped. Oops. 😇
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He didn’t tell anyone. 
He didn’t want them to know. He didn’t want to be reminded that his life was taken away. He didn’t want to be reminded that he was over a century old. 
He didn’t want to remember that the last birthday he ever had was in the midst of a war he never wanted, among friends who became brothers, and whom he’d never see again. 
He didn’t want to remember the “party” he had with his family. How his sisters would give him something meaningful of theirs since they didn’t have money, usually a stuffie or a toy. How his mother would stay up all night decorating their small apartment with everything they could afford - streamers and a couple balloons, usually. How his father would work overtime to make him something at the shop; a small wagon he got for his eighth birthday, a wooden gun for his tenth, and a new baseball bat for his thirteenth after he broke the one he had for years. How his parents would scrape and save all year so that he could have that stupid chocolate brownie cake that he loved so much, but was extremely expensive, form the bakery down the street.
He didn’t want to remember how Sarah Rogers - one of the greatest women he’d ever met, a second mother to him - always came over early, dragging little Stevie along, to make those delicious blueberry pancakes she concocted, even though she was busy enough without stressing over him and his birthday breakfast. Even though she always had a new hat she made him every year and didn’t need to make food with a hard to come by fruit. Even though she was alone with her own sick son to worry about.
And Steve. He didn’t want to remember how he always stayed over for the night. How they would talk for hours about their dreams and aspirations. About where they were going to be by the time the next birthday hit. The blonde used to say that his birthday present from him was not having to bail him out of any fights. He always kept that promise; no fighting on Buck’s birthday. It wasn’t the only thing he got from his best pal, though. Steve always kept a sketchbook - a journal of sorts - illustrating their adventures throughout the year, starting the day after Bucky’s birthday when they always went to Coney Island, and ending on his birthday, whether it be a sketch of Bucky blowing out candles, or a drawing of the stars they looked at while talking later in the night.
He didn’t want to remember, because it hurt to do so.
Sometimes he wished he never remembered. It was a cruel thing. A life that he could never go back to. One that he wasn’t ready to leave, no matter how many times he told himself he was while sitting in muddy ditches with bullets flying over head.
Sometimes, on his bad days, he wished the experiments didn’t work. That Steve never came. That he was never “rescued” by that Soviet soldier. That he never survived the fall.
It just so happened that his birthday was one of those bad days.
He missed his life more than he let on. He missed his sisters. He missed his ma. He missed his pa. He missed when it was only him and tiny Stevie against the world. When they could do whatever they wanted, curious and innocent, exploring the big wide world as they knew it.
Turns out, the world is a lot bigger, and a lot scarier, than they thought.
He missed it, and he didn’t want to remember because it hurt, so he didn’t tell anyone, and he didn’t want anyone to find out. He stayed in his room all day, until he got too hungry to ignore around dinner time.
So he walked into the common room of the newly built Compound.
He froze as confetti was shot out of those little hand-held cannons, balloons were dropped from the ceiling, and party horns were blown. His team - his friends and family, he had to remind himself - were beaming at him with party hats on their heads, frosting and flour on some of their cheeks. A banner reading, “HAPPY 107th BIRTHDAY, CYBORG!’ was hung up, no doubt courtesy of a certain birdbrain, along with streamers that looked like they were just thrown randomly.
He blinked, trying to process what was happening, before Sam had an arm over his shoulders, dragging him over to the table and sitting him down. Wanda set a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of him as Tony blasted music from the speakers overhead. A pile of gifts sat at the other end of the room, and the island counter was filled with all kinds of treats.
The team gathered around, laughing and teasing while eating the breakfast dinner that Bucky swore came straight from the 1920’s. Once they were done, a familiar chocolate brownie cake was placed in front of him, a gazillion candles on it, which he blew out in one breath to spite Sam, who said he couldn’t do it. Turns out, however, they were trick candles. Bucky rolled his eyes when Tony, Sam, Clint, and Pietro started laughing way too hard, but he couldn’t fight the small smile on his face.
He had yet to say more than a few words by the time they were done with the food and opening presents. He had gotten more books, a telescope, new boxing gloves, a teddy bear, a newsboy cap like the ones they used to have, and a wooden baseball bat along with a new glove (among other things). Tony even booked Coney Island the next day for the team to have it all to themselves. 
It was too much; his brain was still processing all that had happened so suddenly in the past hour or two.
They knew. About everything. They knew about his birthday. They knew about the blueberry pancakes. They knew about the brownie cake. They knew about the hat and the baseball bat and Coney Island. They knew it all.
He didn’t have to question how. He looked up from the bear in his hands when something was placed in front of him. He met the ocean blue eyes of his best pal, and instantly knew what he’d done. How could anyone else know? How else could Wanda make blueberry pancakes that tasted just like Ma Sarah’s? How else would they find a hat that looked just like the last one she gave him when he turned 19 in 1936? How else would they know he, one of the most deadly assassins in the world, would want a teddy bear? How else would they know how much the silly decorations and the simple brownie cake meant to him?
Steve gave him that mischievous smile that never ceased to make Bucky chuckle, pushing the book he set on the table in front of him closer. “It’s a little more than a year…”
His icy blue gaze fell to the table, jaw clenching as he realized what it was. A sketchbook. Bigger, better quality than the ones he used to get, but that was to be expected. It was still torn up a little bit, the edges fading, the pages separating.
With shaky hands, he tugged the book closer and flipped through the pages. The Potomac River in DC. His little apartment in Bucharest. The airport in Germany. The Citadel in Wakanda. His hut in Wakanda. Him with his goats. Him and his new arm. Him and the team this past Thanksgiving when everyone came back. Him ice skating at Rockefeller Center during Christmas. New Years. Valentine’s Day. Snow days. Training. Watching movies. Playing games. 
The very last couple pages were something he wasn’t expecting though; his family, new and old. Headshots of his smiling parents and sisters and Ma Sarah. The Commandos, laughing despite dirt on their cheeks and tears in their clothes. The Avengers doing signature poses with smirks and winks and cheeky grins. All perfectly drawn, safe in charcoal and ink, hidden protectively within the worn out sketchbooks covers.
“They’d want you to celebrate. So…happy birthday, jerk.”
Bucky’s eyes, prickling with unshed tears, making his vision slightly blurry, wandered up from the pages of black and white to the team, all smiling at him, before landing on Steve.
So maybe he missed the past. And maybe it hurt to remember. But he had Stevie with him, and he had his new team - his new family. And the blonde, as much as it hurt to admit it, was right. His old family would want him to celebrate. To remember them and, instead of getting upset and angry at the world for what it took away from him, would want them to cherish the memories he has. To be glad for what the world gave to him.
A few tears slipped down the curves of his cheeks, but he didn’t mind. They weren’t out of frustration and sorrow. They were good tears. Relieved tears.
“Thanks, punk.”
Maybe birthdays shouldn’t be about holding onto the past and wishing you were back. Maybe they’re about letting go and celebrating everything you’ve accomplished, how you’ve grown. Maybe they’re about being grateful for the people you’ve met, the places you’ve been, and where you end up.
And James Buchanan Barnes was glad to be who he was. A son, a brother, a friend, a teammate, a comrade…a hero.
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bored-storyteller · 4 years
Anon: Hello! Um... I don't know if you write for Tokyo ghoul, but if you do, I might have a one-shot human reader x uta, where he kills someone to defend them so they find out he's a ghoul? Maybe even if they're scared they understand that they can trust, and they hug him or at least touch him though he's all covered in blood or something... I don't mind if you do it a little macabre.
If this is not possible or does it seem too ooc to you, please ignore this. Thank you
I finally finished one of the one-shots! I'm taking a long time with them, sorry.
And thanks Anon for asking about Tokyo Ghoul and especially Uta!
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32 - Tokyo Ghoul - Uta x human! Reader
"Keep death away"
You could have known it long before, of course you could. Yet you were too stupid to understand, weren't you? Or just, you pretended not to understand. You didn't want to understand, it was easier.
It was a thousand times better to keep hunting in the meanders of your mind the doubt that occasionally arose when he never took off those damned sunglasses in your presence.
"Maybe he has some kind of disease, it would be inappropriate to ask, right?"
You always repeated it in your head as you watched him talk leaning against the counter in his study. In short, not that he didn't have his oddities, one more or one less what suspicions could arise?
Yes, indeed. Why were you so surprised that Uta was a ghoul? It was just one of many oddities about him.
You always knew it, but now you have been forced to face it.
You had to face that the security he gave you from that occasional first meeting was just a lie created by your mind. After all, who could ever find such a person reassuring?
God, the smell of blood was so nauseating, so terrifying, you had never felt it so strong before, nor had you ever seen so much blood. Could a human body really contain it?
Your hand went to your neck, where a slight red trickle burned in a thin scarlet crack that opened above your collarbone. The knife that gave it to you was lying helpless a few steps away from you, you could still distinguish it from the slight sparkle that emanated under the crimson cover that dipped the asphalt.
Now it seemed such a trivial weapon, so ridiculous.
You almost wondered how you got hurt by something so insignificant, to still have a sore wrist from the grip of a miserable human being. In front of the spectacle before you, the previous danger seemed only a bad joke.
But that joke was now literally being devoured. Eaten like you would have eaten a donut for breakfast.
The man who attacked you was literally being eaten. Not just killed, not just torn apart, eaten.
His flesh was ripped off, chewed under voracious teeth, and ran down a still too dry throat. His blood was licked, drunk, his bones shattered, pulled out like his organs, as if he were a fish to be cleaned.
Was it the liver he was now biting?
Did you have a chance to escape? To survive?
You remembered feeling a wave of relief when you saw a familiar figure in sight in your tears, however ...
You wanted to scream, but it would have been worse. You wanted to escape, but who could have escaped from such a creature?
He seemed to have forgotten you, bent over his meal as he was. Bloody predator, hungry, too absorbed in his hunger, in his desire for hideous food.
Yeah, he was hungry. Sure. Hunger, he was hungry. That's why Uta had dismissed you so quickly that evening.
And you were almost worried as you heard him close the doors of his shop behind your back as you left. You thought you did something bad, thank god.
Wait, what? Thank god?
No, no. You couldn't feel relieved. In short, you'd be dead soon, you should find your panic again, the one that blocked you until a moment ago.
He, that boy, would have killed you. He was hungry, he would eat you… right?
Your gaze was now fixed on the demon's pupils. The red irises surrounded by the black sea had slowly turned to you, as if he had heard your question.
Even his back, which until then had been bent in an animalistic position, was slowly straightening up again.
He had nothing left in his jaws, neither flesh nor bones. He was just… red. Splashes of living sap tinged his ageless face up above his nose, his tattoos almost disappeared under the blood of others.
And the silence spoke, it screamed deafeningly among you.
You asking him how much harm he would do you, and him asking you when you would condemn him, destroying the life he had built.
You did not have the courage to move a muscle, you remained there, curled up on the ground, with your hands clasped around your neck almost in the hope that he would not perceive your wound, your being alive. Your clothes also wet with blood and yellowish liquids whose origin you did not want to know.
For a moment, you thought you were going to stay there forever. He staring at you without expression from above, and you, ready to become food for beasts.
Your gaze dropped slightly, focusing on the background behind his legs. It was red there too, dark red. Red that stretched along the road in horrible wakes and crimson splashes.
There was no longer any sign of the human being who had attacked you, or rather, the signs were very little human.
You wondered if you felt sorry for him. Frankly, you didn't know what to think. It was awful, but at the same time how could you have saved yourself from what he was about to do to you?
"Have you been watching the whole time?"
Uta's voice suddenly roused you. God, you forgot that there was that voice of him; so quiet, so peaceful with you.
He knew it too, seeing him eat like that, it had to be traumatic. He didn't want you to see him, he hoped you'd never even have to imagine it. And yet you were there, and this was him. He couldn't change it anymore.
You watched him as a child watches his teacher as he searches for the right answer to a question he couldn't answer. What was the answer? Which would have made you survive if there was a chance?
"I ... I won't tell anyone ..."
What idiocy. Why would he have believed you? But what other choice did you have but that? You would have buried everything, just to survive. You would have buried everything because, it would have been easier. It would have been as it had been until then, you ... you could have done it.
"I won't tell anyone, Uta."
His gaze seemed to relax, but you couldn't be sure. Even though you could see him full face he seemed so good at keeping control over himself.
Was he believing you? Did he trust you enough? Why didn't he speak? You needed to know.
"If you talk, you know ..."
He didn't say anything else. His voice in the midst of delirium was almost reassuring, while he held back the scariest words and simply brought his palm to rest lazily on his abdomen, now full after who knows how long.
A warning that meant a thousand things, a thousand threats but he had the delicacy not to let you hear.
"Did you get into trouble at the right time ... your wound?"
Your lips parted, but all you did was gasp for a moment, not knowing what to say. Your head was spinning, you were dizzy and everything about you was shaking. You couldn't have stood on your legs.
You repeated his words, as if you were unable to think for yourself. You realized it. Well, it meant that at least you were still aware of yourself.
He seemed to accept your status peacefully, and simply gestured with a light gesture of his tattooed hand to his neck, which was also so uniquely branded in black and now dyed red.
"You are hurt."
It wasn't a question, Uta just knew it.
Your hands slowly slipped from your neck until they fell into your lap. Of course, of course he knew. He felt it, that's why he was there.
You were in trouble at the right time, of course, because he was hungry. He wouldn't eat you, if he wanted he wouldn't send you away. If he had wanted he would have done it in his shop, safe. Now you knew it, and the sudden relief hit you like an electric shock, unexpectedly bringing tears to the edge of your eyes. Not the panic, but the relief almost made you throw up, and the awareness of the situation poured on you like a frozen waterfall.
Your mind, drowsy with questions, woke up suddenly, taking note of everything that had happened, of what was around you.
Death and gratuitous violence. Not Uta's, but the one you might have suffered without him.
Nobody guaranteed you that, without the tragic intervention, you would get out alive, and certainly not unharmed.
You had really come close to death, and where the knife had cut you it was now burning wickedly, taking you back to the instant before the devil's executioner arrived.
You did not even remember if there was a reason why you found yourself so tightened by filthy unknown arms, you did not remember if you were able to speak, but to pray yes.
God, you saw death. There was death, you touched it, it was all around you. You saw it, it was colored red, a dark red illuminated only by cold emergency lights that hung almost lifeless and wobbly from the walls of uninhabited alleys. Death flowed under your knees, like revolting rivulets accumulating at the bottom of the dead end.
Wherever you looked there was only death, or soulless things.
Where was the life?
Your forefinger and middle finger pressed desperately on your neck, looking for the place where your heart could testify that you were still alive, that no one had killed you. You were alive, you would have seen tomorrow.
And the figure of the ghoul looming over you senselessly returned to being reassuring.
You watched his infernal eyes peer at you patiently, luminous in the darkness. Oh, he was alive too, there with you.
"Uta ..."
You called him, like a newborn bird.
He took a step toward you for the first time, without threat, only in response to your plea.
"Uta ... Uta ... let me hear your heart ... please ... please ..."
You needed to feel him alive. You needed to feel the life in him, as you felt it in you, to know that in the midst of death you were not alone.
This time his expression betrayed him. His dark sclera widened just below the lids which opened slightly more. His black hair fell soft and long over his shoulder as his head bent slightly, scrutinizing you questioningly.
It was normal that he didn't understand. You were just a human, what a bizarre request was that?
Yet, still, it was you. The human he did not want to eat, the human he ran to as soon as he smelled their blood. The human who occasionally slipped into his shop, spying on his new masks and always asking him a thousand curious questions. The human with whom he went out for a coffee, to forget for a moment how much the world hated those like him.
Yeah, made by you, it wasn't such a crazy request. You've always been weird, so weird that Uta felt the need to save you, despite that ridiculous world that always ran too fast around his stillness.
His arms branded with tribal tattoos relaxed along his sides, opening slightly with his palms facing you. Not an invitation, but a permission to do what you wanted.
"If you are sure ..."
The only words spoken, perhaps slightly more insecure, and his calm voice, slightly broken with uncertainty, and at the same time so sweet in that deadly silence.
An adrenaline rush ran through your legs, and despite your exhaustion you got up, driven by the desire to reach that living creature.
It was not a hug, it was just you with your palms and ear delicately placed on his chest, searching for that desired sound. Like a lullaby it lulled you, his heart beating lightly fast against your cheek.
Under his ribcage you could also hear the organic sounds of the digestive process raging on what had been your tormentor. It wasn't as scary as you imagined, that body that was now keeping death away from you, was destroying it right under your touch.
And while you listened to the consoling heartbeat in the monster's chest, you didn't care about the blood that now ignoble dirty even your face. You were simply there, enjoying the warmth of a living body, while a thank you slipped under your breath that the ghoul's ears didn't expect to hear.
It wasn't a hug, but his hands leaned lightly like ghosts on your hips, holding you there, while the red irises more beautiful than blood rose to the black sky cut by the gray skyscrapers.
And as you listened gradually easing your fear, he felt your weight on his chest, more present with each breath. You miserable human being seeking refuge in the carnivorous beast, how grateful he was that even in the worst revelation he could make to you, you were still there, scared but understanding, and yet you were able to make that world around him seem less cruel.
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bbangsoonie · 4 years
creker academy
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member: eric genre: fluff (ft some angst), fantasy au word count: 6,182 synopsis: after finally triggering your hidden powers, fate lands you at creker academy, a special boarding school meant for shapeshifters. there, you learn how to control your abilities and that opposites do indeed attract.
The day you found out that you were adopted was the day your life fell apart. The secret was hidden from you until your uncle coldly drew the line at your parents’ funeral. He told you that he had no intention of taking responsibility for his brother’s actions and that you were no longer a part of the family.
That was how you ended up living alone in a tiny half-basement studio. You barely managed to afford the deposit and rent with the consolation money you received from the funeral.
Every day, Hyunjoon would come knocking at your door and every day, you would turn him away. It had only been a month since you became independent and the scar of losing your parents was still fresh. You were also too ashamed to face your friends. You didn’t want their pity and so you hid away in isolation.
On the night of your birthday, the pain became too unbearable. Although you aged another year, you were still only a teenager. Granted, you were in your last year of high school but you were still a minor. Having to fend for yourself in this harsh world was too much for you to handle.
As you cried yourself to sleep, you could feel a cold coming. The heat from your headache spread to the rest of your body and you felt yourself burning up.
After you bought some medicine from the pharmacy, you slipped into a deep slumber. Your dreams were wildly vivid. You dreamt of an enchanted forest that enticed you to take refuge in its comfort. There, animals of all species ran free and in harmony. It promised you acceptance and a home.
“It’s time you learn of your identity,” a soft voice spoke.
As soon as the whisper tickled your ears, the entire forest was up in flames. Strangely, you weren’t struck with fear. Rather, you felt empowered.
“Y/n, you need to learn how to control yourself,” the voice warned.
It was only then that you started to panic. The flames were engulfing everything in sight and all the animals were running for their lives.
“Y/n, you have to wake up. Now,” the voice commanded.
With that, your eyes shot open. To your horror, the scene in your dreams reflected the view in front of you. Your house was on fire and you were slowly getting cornered by the heat. Frightened, you look to the door only to see it consumed by the blaze.
“Trust your instincts, Y/n,” the voice in your head cooed. “Let your body take control.”
Bewildered, you had no idea what that meant. All you knew was that you had to get out of there. You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping to think of a solution. When you reopened them, the room seemed to be a lot bigger than normal. At that moment, you saw the window cracked open. It was your only hope.
Your body felt different when you stood up.
“Why am I so short all of a sudden?” you wondered.
You looked down and almost screamed when you saw paws instead of your feet. Except a meow came out of your throat instead.
You didn’t have time to freak out about it. Feeling something hot graze your tail, you jumped up and landed on the window sill. Your innate desire for survival kicked in and you squeezed through the opening to escape.
Once you felt fresh air in your lungs again, you ran. And ran. And ran. You didn’t know why or where you were going, but something in you told you to run. Your legs kept sprinting until they reached the forest that appeared in your dream. They came to a slow stop when you realized where you were.
“What is this place?” you pondered.
“This is the border between our world and the human world,” a woman in white suddenly emerged from the trees. “You are now about to cross into our territory.”
It was the same voice from your dream. Trying to grasp the situation, you opened your mouth to ask a million questions. But again, a meow replaced your voice.
“It’ll be easier for you to transition back once you're on our grounds,” she assured. She bent down and gestured for you to jump into her arms.
Not seeing any other option, you hesitantly took her offer. With you safely in her embrace, she passed through a translucent wall that revealed what looked like a huge campus. Your jaw dropped as you observed your surroundings. There were students walking around the magical place. You saw a girl tending the garden and gasped when her hands hovered above the flowers to revive them.
The woman brought you to an office you presumed to be hers and placed you in front of a mirror. Your shriek came out as a cute yelp and she chuckled.
“I-I’m a cat!” you thought.
“There’s an outfit you can change into once you return to your human form,” she pointed at the black dress neatly prepared on the table.
The second she finished her sentence, you felt a bare sensation. Looking down, you screeched at your naked body. Embarrassed and horrified, you quickly clothed yourself with the dress.
“W-What’s going on?” you asked, relieved to finally hear your own voice again.
“I’m sure you felt different from others your whole life?” she asked. It sounded more like a statement rather than a question.
She wasn’t wrong. All your life, you never felt like you fitted in anywhere. Maybe your body knew you were adopted before your mind did and ostracized itself. Or maybe you truly were different. You had weird talents that other kids thought were freaky, making you hide them and become introverted. For instance, you were suspiciously good at starting fires from scratch at summer camp and didn’t feel any pain when your shirt accidentally caught on fire.
“I know this must be shocking to you but you’re special, Y/n. We’ve been waiting for you. Waiting for you to trigger your powers to bring you here,” she smiled.
“My what?” you gaped.
“Your powers. What you just did back at your old house and right now. You’re a shapeshifter, Y/n. A shapeshifter with the element of fire,” she explained.
“I’m a what now?” you scoffed in disbelief.
“Creker Academy is a school and home for students just like you. It’s a place meant to train you how to control your powers. Without our guidance, you’ll lead down a path of self-destruction.”
Baffled by her words, you stared in silence. There was no way any of this was true. Surely this had to be a dream.
“This isn’t a prank or a dream, Y/n. You’ve finally found where you belong,” she clarified.
Belong. You had never felt like you really belonged anywhere. But now, someone was telling you that you belonged with them. That they wanted you there. That they had been waiting for you.
“I understand you must feel overwhelmed. But there are procedures to follow so I’m afraid you will have to begin your tour first. A fellow student will be arriving soon to show you around.”
As if on cue, a boy around your age knocked on the door and came in after receiving the woman’s permission to enter.
“Hello, Headmaster,” he bowed.
“Eric, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is Eric. He will be helping you adjust here,” she introduced.
Eric was bright eyed and eager to meet a new friend. You, on the other hand, were quite reserved and uncomfortable in your new environment.
He was excitedly pointing out the purpose of each room you passed by and rambled on about the social norms of the boarding school. You learned that on top of academics, there were classes on virtues and physical training. And of course, classes that taught you how to properly use and contain your powers.
The use of magic was strictly prohibited inside any and all buildings. Students could practice their skills outside but were forbidden from any acts that could potentially put someone or something at risk. That was the one rule that was rigidly enforced and obeyed.
“So what animal and element are you?” he curiously pried. “I’m a dog with the element of water.”
“I’m… apparently a cat,” you felt ridiculous saying it aloud. “And control fire.”
“Ah, you’re a member of the fire element,” he nodded. “What that means is that your element rivals with mine. Some people see fire elements as hotheaded, impulsive, and extreme. Water elements are sometimes emotional, sensitive, and antisocial. But those are all just stereotypes, of course. Not everyone fits into the standard. I, for one, am very outgoing. And your animal obviously plays a role in your personality. I guess the dog in me overpowers the water.”
You had moved on from the indoor portion of the tour to the outside part. He was showing you the garden you had passed by earlier. It was full of flowers that wouldn’t be in bloom this season in the normal world.
“I’m a strong believer in that there are good traits about each element. For example, fire elements are passionate, inspirational, and expressive. They’re arguably the most fun people you’ll ever meet. Water elements are empathetic, imaginative, and loving. But again, all this is relative and doesn’t accurately describe each person,” he reminded. “The only reason there’s still a stupid feud is because some people love sticking to the status quo and labeling others.”
“What are the other elements? Air and earth?”
“Yup! Air elements are independent, talkative, fickle, and nonconformists. Most likely social butterflies. Earth elements are disciplined, loyal, organized, and judgemental. Oftentimes the leader.”
Eric greeted a male student who was passing by with two other boys. He exchanged smiles with the three of them who offered you a kind nod of acknowledgement.
“That was Sangyeon. He’s a bear. On his left is Jacob, a rabbit. The one on the right is Younghoon, who’s also a dog like me. They’re all earth elements,” he disclosed. “Sangyeon is the class representative of our grade. Definitely fits the leader stereotype.”
You couldn’t get over how thrilled he was to be your tour guide. He was filling you in on even the little details of the social life at the academy. He told you about how transfer students were rare and that it was his first time seeing a new student.
His vibrancy contrasted your somber aura. If he noticed, he didn’t comment on it. He was having too much fun getting to know you.
“Oh! That’s Hyunjae and Juyeon,” Eric suddenly pointed at a pair of boys on a morning run. He waved at the two who waved back before speeding up.
“The one with brown hair is Hyunjae, a wolf and fire element. His real name is Jaehyun but he changed it to Hyunjae once he got to Creker Academy. Juyeon’s the one with black hair and is a cat like you. Except he’s a water element like me,” he grinned. “They’re my best friends. Oh, and this guy named Sunwoo who’s a raccoon with the element of fire. As you can see, water and fire elements can get along fine and well. So don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise.”
By the time he was done showing you around, a bell rang and students began to convene inside. Eric explained that the bell was signaling the beginning of classes and brought you to his homeroom.
“Breakfast is buffet style and self served. It’s up to you to wake up and come down to eat. The cafeteria remains open for an hour until that bell rings and we have to get to class,” he said you entered.
Looking around for an empty seat, his face lit up when he spotted one. He sat at his desk and tapped on the one behind him to let you know that it was yours to take.
You still hadn’t processed all that’s happened since dawn. Everything felt like a haze. Nevertheless, you found yourself paying attention when the teacher walked in. He scanned the room to find a new face and smiled when he made eye contact with you.
“Alright, guys. I’m happy to announce that we have a new student that will be joining us starting today,” he beckoned for you to come up to the front of the classroom.
You wanted to shrivel up and crawl into a hole. Feeling your classmates gazes on you, you gulped and began to sweat. You were never a fan of attention. You quickly introduced yourself before rushing back to your seat, eliciting giggles from a few students. Your cheeks heated up and you felt that burning tingle again.
The awkwardness made you transform back into a cat, making your classmates gasp. Their intensified stares made the tips of your fur ignite, alarming the teacher who tried to calm you down.
“Well I guess she’s a fire cat,” a girl snickered.
Eric shot her a glare before leaning in to ask if you wanted him to put the fire out with his water. Not knowing what else to do, you nodded and the next thing you knew, you were drenched.
So much for your first day.
You ran out of the room before you could change back into a human. You fled but didn’t know where to go. You grew anxious, desperately hoping you wouldn’t end up flashing anyone.
“Hey!” someone called out. You turned around to see a male approaching you. Panicking, you dove into a bush.
“You’re the newbie, right?” he asked, taking something out of his bag. He dug out a large t-shirt and a pair of shorts and placed them in front of you. “I usually carry around a spare outfit in case of emergencies. I hope you don’t mind the fit.”
You were still in your animal form so you peaked your head out to look at him.
“My name’s Chanhee. Air element penguin,” he squatted down to meet your eyes. “Everyone’s first day is rough. You’re not the only one who’s had incidents like this so try not to feel so bad about it.”
He stood to go back to class, leaving you to change in privacy once you returned to your normal body. Your hair was still wet as you dragged yourself back to the headmaster’s office.
The headmaster looked at you with pity when you walked in looking worn out. You didn’t have to tell her for her to know what happened.
“How about I show you to your dorm?” she warmly suggested. Anything was better than returning to the classroom.
Due to your late enrollment, you were assigned a single room as opposed to the traditional double rooms. You were glad you didn’t have to go through the process of meeting and getting used to a roommate. It was a small but cozy space and the closet was filled with clothes.
You realized all of your belongings were probably burned down in your old home. Now you really didn’t have anything to go back to.
Before the headmaster left to allow you to settle in, she insisted that you join your classmates for lunch later. You wanted to say that you just wanted to stay in your room but her stern look had you close your mouth.
So you begrudgingly made your way to the cafeteria and gawked at the amount of students packed inside. Feeling them stare at you, you tried to ignore their whispers as you grabbed a tray of food. To your relief, you saw Eric motioning you over and went to go sit down next to him.
His group of friends was fairly large. You saw the boys he had named earlier that day and were surprised to see Chanhee again.
“Hi! I’m Changmin,” one enthusiastically waved. “I’m an air squirrel.”
“Haknyeon, air pig,” another raised his hand.
“My animal is a hamster and my element is water. You can call me Kevin,” the last one smiled.
After shyly exchanging greetings with everyone, you poked at the rice on your plate. The food was undeniably better than the food served at your old school. However, thinking about your old school made your stomach drop as you thought of the friends you left behind. You were sure Hyunjoon was worried sick about you.
“Do you hate water? And have you always hated water? I would assume you don’t like it very much as a cat and fire element,” Changmin looked at you with sparkling eyes that displayed his curiosity.
“Yeah I actually never learned how to swim. I guess that explains why. I never had a reason when my friends asked me about it,” you mused. In hindsight, your unreasonable hatred and fear of water made sense.
“Interesting, interesting,” he nodded.
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Like that, the next couple of months flew by. You were put on an intensive program to catch up with your peers and received one-on-one tutoring to help you learn how to shapeshift at will. You could now easily turn into a cat but still had trouble returning to your human form.
To your dismay, you were denied communication with the outside world. The headmaster was very much against risking having the academy and everyone’s identities exposed. Which meant that you weren’t allowed to contact anyone from your previous life.
One good thing was that you were no longer the hot topic of the school. People’s interest in you died down when you didn’t reciprocate theirs.
You grew close to Eric and his group of friends. They were an interesting bunch. Each of them were uniquely chaotic.
Eric was the exact opposite of you. Literally. As a water element dog, his personality contrasted your fiery cat. Everything from your food tastes to fashion style were different. Yet, you felt the most comfortable with him. He brought light into your life and made adjusting to your new school easier.
You were also always at odds with Juyeon. Although you were both cats, he was everything you weren’t. He was sweet but you just didn’t match on so many things. This meant for a very awkward but pleasant friendship.
You got along best with Chanhee. His air side complemented your fire and he quickly became your closest friend. He was both sassy and caring and you appreciated his endless concern and support for you.
Changmin was a wild card. He and Sunwoo wrecked havoc everywhere they went as Younghoon and Haknyeon incited them while Kevin and Jacob were trying their best to prevent them from destroying the campus. Sangyeon and Hyunjae, who were usually busy with student council matters, were the only ones who could calm everyone down but sometimes chose to enjoy the mayhem.
“Did you guys hear the rumors?” Sunwoo bursted through the classroom door panting. “The headmaster is considering an overnight field trip for the seniors!”
Jaws dropped and gasps spread throughout the students. The room was immediately in a buzz as everyone was shocked and excited at the possibility of leaving the sealed territory. It had been 5 years since students were allowed a trip in the outside world.
The homeroom teacher came in and hushed everyone to quiet down. He couldn’t hide the smile that forced its way onto his face after seeing how happy his students looked.
“Is it true we might get a senior trip?” Haknyeon impatiently asked.
“I cannot comment on that. An official announcement will be made later today,” the teacher said.
“That’s not a no!” Younghoon squealed.
True to his words, the headmaster’s voice was heard over the PA system before the dismissal bell. She congratulated the seniors on their hard work and announced that they would be given the opportunity to sign up to spend 3 days and 2 nights on a cruise.
The entire floor of students erupted into cheers and you heard footsteps run across as they barged into classrooms to find their friends and rejoice together. Changmin came into your classroom dragging Kevin and Juyeon behind him.
“Guys, I can’t believe it! It’s been forever since I last saw humans,” Changmin gushed.
“The whole point of us going on a private boat is to ensure that we don’t have any run-ins with humans,” Kevin reminded.
“Yeah but I’m sure we’d pass by them on our way there,” Changmin rolled his eyes.
Sangyeon, Hyunjae, and Jacob strolled in, greeting your group of friends with a nod of acknowledgment. They waited as the rest of you gathered your stuff to leave together.
“Everyone’s going, right? Y/n, you too?” Eric asked.
“Umm,” you hesitated as you looked at their expectant eyes. “I honestly don’t know if it’d be a good idea… I’m still not in complete control over my powers.”
“Aw but Y/n! You can’t miss out on this once in a lifetime trip with all of us!” Sunwoo whined.
“Yeah, it’ll be your last time leaving campus before graduating! Plus, it’ll be your first and last major bonding experience with our class,” Younghoon pouted.
“I know how hard fire can be to control. If you want, I can stay with you and try to help you detect signs of distress before it manifests itself,” Hyunjae offered.
“And I‘ll be next to you to put out any accidents!” Eric beamed.
“You know I always have extra clothes in my bag,” Chanhee added.
You couldn’t say no to the 11 pairs of pleading eyes. They all so desperately wanted you to go with them that it warmed your heart. It hadn’t even been long since you first met them but they always treated you like you were with them from the start.
So you added your name to the list of students and that was how you ended up dragging your suitcase to the giant cruise ship. Haknyeon was bouncing in excitement next to you as the throng of high schoolers slowly made their way inside.
Room assignments were the same as back at the academy, which meant that you were in a single by yourself again. Changmin expressed his envy as Chanhee happily pulled him into their shared room.
Once you were unpacked, you headed to the deck and admired the seascape. The ship was already sailing into the vast ocean and the endless horizon felt so freeing. Leaning on the handrails, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. The salty smell brought back memories of visiting the beach with your parents.
You felt someone join you but didn’t open your eyes. You could tell by their footsteps that it was Eric.
“Enjoying the change in environment?” he asked.
“Makes me a bit nostalgic,” you said as you opened your eyes.
The wind was strong and the waves were violently crashing into the sides of the boat. With the sun glistening in the water’s reflection, you squinted a bit to appreciate the scenery in front of you.
“Isn’t the view so pretty?” you sighed in content. You didn’t notice that he wasn’t looking at the sea. Instead, he was staring at you.
“Yeah. Extremely pretty,” he found himself saying with a soft smile.
To Eric’s slight annoyance, Sunwoo came and tactlessly interrupted the moment to tell you two to meet everyone else at the pool. He was raving about the jacuzzi next to it and eagerly tugged at Eric’s sleeve to hurry him up.
Younghoon was already shoving Hyunjae’s head underwater when you arrived. Jacob waved at you from the chaise lounge and you sat down next to him. Giggling, you watched Sangyeon climb on top of both of them as Juyeon egged him on. Changmin and Chanhee were relaxing in the jacuzzi while Kevin and Haknyeon were piling food on their plates at the snack bar.
Eric was thrown into the pool thanks to Sunwoo’s push and he emerged to the surface screaming and laughing. Using his powers to add more pressure, he splashed Sunwoo with water, who ran off shrieking.
“Do you not like the water as well?” you turned around to face Jacob.
“I don’t necessarily dislike it but I don’t really like it either,” he shrugged. “I don’t mind jumping in if the guys tell me to join.”
“Do you hate the water or are you afraid of it?” Haknyeon asked as he and Kevin took a seat next to you.
“I guess both?” you answered.
“You know, contrary to popular belief, I’m actually not that fond of large bodies of water either,” Kevin said as he offered Jacob a bite of his pizza. “Pretty weird for a water element, huh?”
“Hey, hey, we don’t stick to stereotypes. We are all individuals with personalities and preferences unique to our own character,” Jacob chided.
“Oh how I love confirmation biases,” Haknyeon joked.
You had to admit it was pretty interesting to see how each person matched and defied their element and animal characteristics. It was like taking a personality test and fervently agreeing with the parts that were true and blatantly ignoring the parts that weren’t.
The rest of the day was spent fooling around and playing games. There was never a dull moment with the boys. They were always in high spirits and full of energy.
Even at dinner, your table was the loudest one. Juyeon had been sneakily stealing a few bites of fish off of Haknyeon’s plate, who took great offense when he finally noticed. Meanwhile, Eric was bargaining with Younghoon for his chicken. At the mention of chicken, Hyunjae joined in on the negotiation of the last piece of meat.
So far, you haven't had a risky moment with either your element or animal. You were in complete control and didn’t need guidance—although Chanhee remained by your side just in case. When you made it back to your room to call it a night, you were relieved and proud that the trip was going smoothly without any hiccups.
Perhaps you spoke too early.
In one of the rooms down the hall, a girls’ night had turned awry. One of the girls, a water element, began crying and started a waterflow that got out of hand. The more she panicked and tried to stop it, the higher the water rose. It quickly seeped into the hallway and into other rooms.
With her friends screaming at her to make it stop, it only escalated with a loud whoosh as the door broke open from the pressure. Now in full panic mode, the girls shrieked and realized that the place was flooding from the inside out.
They trudged through the rising water to flee, banging on doors on their way out. Doors swung open as students woke up from the commotion.
By the time Juyeon finally managed to wake Eric up from his deep sleep, the water was nearly up to the bed. The roommates freaked out, wondering what the heck was going on. Juyeon quickly grabbed his bag and hurried Eric to leave.
On their way out, however, they saw that your door was still closed.
“Shit, Y/n can’t swim,” Eric gasped.
“The water’s not that deep yet. Let’s get her out while it’s still walkable,” Juyeon said as he threw his bag down and started walking towards your room.
Meanwhile, you were still sound asleep. You were startled awake by the pounding. When you registered the situation, the fear made you shift into a cat before you could get up and unlock the door. You anxiously glanced at the closed door as the water began to climb up your body.
Outside, Eric felt a pit form in his stomach. Getting worried, he decided to break your door open. With the help of Juyeon, he barely slammed the heavy wood down by mustering up all the strength he had.
“Y/n!” he yelled when he finally saw you.
You were struggling to keep your head above the water and it was getting harder by the second to not breathe in the liquid. He rushed to pick you up and kept you afloat even when he stumbled. The waves were now reaching his chest.
Juyeon transformed into his cat form to swim as Eric trekked through the hall. You were clinging onto him and Eric was holding onto you tightly as well. You could feel him pant and his heart beat fast. Tucked under his arm, you looked up to see beads of sweat falling from his forehead.
Your own heart skipped a beat at the sight. You could tell how much he cared for you. He made you feel wanted. Needed. Important.
You two were polar opposites but still complemented each other so well. He was the optimism you lacked and you were his rock. You kept him grounded and he made you laugh.
When you finally escaped to the deck, Juyeon stepped away to change back into a human and put on clothes. Your friends crowded around you, Younghoon drying you off with a towel and Chanhee placing a clean outfit next to you.
“Alright, everyone, settle down,” the headmaster called out, turning heads. “I’m glad you’re all safely out but it’ll take some time to drain the water. Please calmly stay in groups until we sort everything out.”
Thanks to your months of training, you were now able to sense when your transformation was about to occur. You grabbed the clothes with your mouth and ran off before you could flash anyone. You sheepishly returned wearing one of Chanhee’s pajama shirts and with water still dripping from your hair.
“Y/n!” Sunwoo dramatically whined, jumping you for a hug. Displeased, Eric peeled him off of you and handed you another towel.
“Thanks, Eric,” you smiled. “For… everything.”
“No problem,” he grinned as he ruffled your head.
“Thank God these two got you out safe and sound,” Sangyeon sighed in relief. You apologized for worrying everyone, to which Hyunjae insisted that you had no reason to feel sorry.
Luckily, the next day was not as eventful. A dinner party was prepared for the last night on the cruise and you got to dress up and have fun. You enjoyed a relaxing time in the ballroom with music playing from the speakers and the boys embarrassing themselves on the dance floor.
You giggled as you watched Changmin ask his crush for a dance after Chanhee quite literally pushed his friend to approach her. It was sweet to see both of them all shy in each other’s arms.
Juyeon nudged Eric and nodded in your direction to ask if he was going to ask you to dance as well. When Eric pretended not to know what he was talking about, Sunwoo joined in to tease him.
“Come on, bro. We all know you like her. Just hurry up and make a move already,” Sunwoo snickered.
“Ooh are we talking about Y/n?” Hyunjae came after eavesdropping.
“I hate you guys,” Eric rolled his eyes as he tried to hide his blush.
Learning from Chanhee, Sunwoo shoved his best friend towards you and fled after he bumped into you. Shooting him a glare, Eric silently swore at him with his eyes. He cringed before turning around to face you.
He felt his breath being stolen away when his eyes met yours. You were absolutely stunning. The glimmer of the chandelier shining on your enhanced your features and he found himself lost in your orbs.
From a few tables away, Kevin and Jacob had joined the other three guys to fanboy over the interaction. Juyeon whispered “he’s totally whipped” to Sunwoo who failed to hold back his laughter. Eric, however, didn’t even notice. He was too busy gaping at you.
“Uhh is there something on my face?” you asked, bringing your palm to your cheek. You were slightly self conscious at his intense staring.
“Beauty,” he blurted. Trying to play it cool, he acted confident and ignored the burst of laughter from his friends. You felt your face heat up at his comment and awkwardly coughed as you looked away.
“Y-You look great too,” you stuttered.
On his way to pour himself some more punch, Chanhee loudly told you to just dance with Eric. He passed by and continued to walk towards the drinks without a care as to how flustered he left you two. Your friends were practically doubling over in laughter at this point.
So Eric boldly held your hand and gently guided you to the dance floor. Feeling your body heat up, he applied his cooling powers on you to prevent you from igniting flames.
“I guess we could say there’s a spark between us,” he joked.
The rest of the night flew by in a blur. You hadn’t felt so carefree in so long. For the first time in a while, you weren’t hung up on the past or worried about the future. You simply appreciated the moment as you were living it.
You never expected things to turn out the way it did. With the death of your parents, you lost a lot of things. But your new friends made you feel complete again. They healed you in ways you couldn’t have imagined.
The revelation of your true identity also brought you peace. You no longer felt like the odd one out. Your own powers didn’t scare you and you felt safe learning about them at the boarding school.
However, you began to doubt all of that the second you docked back on land. You were chatting with Eric about his favorite ramen brand when an all-too-familiar voice made you freeze.
“Y/n..?” he carefully called out. He slowly came up to see if it really was you and gasped when he saw that it was.
Eric didn’t know why he suddenly felt uneasy. Maybe it was because an unknown male had made a reappearance in your life or maybe it was because he recognized the way he was looking at you. It was the same way he looked at you as well.
Chanhee, now protective and defensive, slightly pushed you to the back to ask who he was.
“It’s okay, Chanhee. He’s my friend,” you assured, stepping forward.
Juyeon scowled, not liking that you were interacting with people from the human world. It was borderline going against the rules.
“Hey, Hyunjoon. Long time no see,” you timidly greeted.
“Are you kidding me? You disappeared after a fire burned down your house and that’s all you have to say to me?” Hyunjoon fumed.
You winced at the pain evident in his voice. It had hurt you to ignore your best friend and there hadn’t been a day where you didn’t miss him. Guilt-ridden, you were unable to meet his eyes. He took you by surprise by pulling you in for a hug.
“We thought of the worst, Y/n,” he murmured. “I forgive you for going M.I.A. on me. It’s okay. Everything’s fine as long as you’re here.”
You choked back tears but couldn’t stop one from falling down your cheek. You heard the headmaster gathering the students to get on the bus back home and knew that you didn’t have much time before you had to leave him again. Sangyeon patted you on the shoulder and ran ahead to ask the headmaster for leniency.
“I-I have to go soon,” you stammered as you broke away from his embrace.
“Go where? You’re not coming back home?” Hyunjoon asked.
“I… have a new home now,” you gulped. “I can’t tell you where and I can’t promise that I’ll be able to see you again. But I’ve missed you. I still do.”
“Are you safe?” he whispered after staying silent for a bit. “Are you happy?”
You took a glimpse of your group of friends that was unconvincingly pretending to not listen to the conversation. It almost made you chuckle despite the situation.
“Yeah,” you trailed off. “I’m doing well, Hyunjoon. And I hope the same for you. I’m sorry.”
“Then that’s all that matters,” he forced a smile as he hugged you one last time. “Bye, Y/n.”
“Bye, Hyunjoon.”
It pained you to see him watch you walk away. Your heart broke with each step you took. On the ride back to the forest, you stared out the window. Eric, sitting next to you, softly squeezed your hand to offer you some comfort.
“I made the right choice, right?” you asked, leaning on his shoulder.
“Do you regret it?” he cautiously asked.
You thought about it. You definitely missed Hyunjoon and all of your other old friends. You also definitely felt bad that you left them behind without a word and still couldn’t provide an explanation. But at the same time, you’ve grown to love your new school and new friends. You no longer had to be on edge without even knowing the reason why. Creker Academy made you feel confident. The boys made you feel accepted. Eric made you feel loved.
“No,” you answered with certainty. “Not at all.”
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a/n: for the eric to my sunwoo, @sohnhorizon​
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mochegato · 4 years
Chapter 8 – World War MDC
Chapter 1     Chapter 7
**Spoilers for Knives Out!! I forgot to warn people**
Tim knocked on Dick’s door and waited impatiently for Marinette to answer.  Dick was supposed to get home from his shift soon, if a development on one of his cases didn’t pop up at the last minute, and Tim would be able to take Marinette out for their date.  After a wait that lasted forever, about 3 minutes, Marinette opened the door for him.
Tim looked up at her with a smile and immediately flinched back.  “Jesus Christ! Holy Crap!” he screamed out seeing her face.  He grabbed the fabric over his heart in an attempt to slow down his racing heart.  “What the hell happened to you?” He started examining her face in confusion. Marinette’s face was caked with different colors of lipstick and eye shadow and Tim was sure there was more but he didn’t know what.
Marinette narrowed her eyes at him warningly.  “I know you’re impressed with the amazing work Mar’i did to get me ready for our date tonight, but please don't curse in front of her.”
“Ahh, that explains…” Tim walked over to where she was and crouched down to look her in her eyes.  “Mar’i, you did that?”
“Yep I did.” She answered excitedly.
“It looks beautiful, cupcake. You did a great job.” Tim assured her, ruffling her hair.
Mar’i grinned proudly and skipped away.  Tim leaned against the back of the couch and grabbed Marinette, pulling her closer to him, his hands resting on her hips.  He looked over her face again with an amused smile, “You look like a victim in a zombie apocalypse movie.”
Marinette laughed and looked down self-consciously. She ran her hands through her hair nervously.  “Why thank you.”  
Tim hooked his finger under her chin, which he was fairly sure was unmarked, to get her to look at him.  “I meant the hot one that survives and kills all the zombies.” Tim smiled at her.
Marinette stared at him for a few seconds unsure how to respond.  She finally started giggling.  “You say the most flattering things to me.”  
She pushed up to give him a quick peck, but he leaned back out of her reach.  “Nuh uh. You’re not getting me.  I’m surviving this apocalypse.” Tim laughed, dodging her attempts at a kiss but refusing to lean too far away from her or let go of her hips.  Marinette pouted at him.  Tim’s face turned to mock solemnness.  “I will mourn your loss of course.”
“I thought I survived!” She cried in pretend outrage, gently slapping his shoulder.
Tim cringed.  “I didn’t want you to know.  I wanted you to still have hope.  But, unfortunately you fell to the hordes.  I’m the only one left.”
“So you’re the hot one that survives and kills all the zombies?”
Tim shrugged and smirked at her. “You think I’m hot?”
Marinette narrowed her eyes and puckered her lips. She leaned away and looked toward where Mar’i had run off to.  “Mar’i, don’t you think Tim would look amazing with a makeover for the date, too.”
“Noooooo,” he called out quietly, collapsing his head on her shoulder.  “So close to surviving, but it’s total annihilation.”
“I have the makeup!  Come on Uncle Tim,” Mar’i insisted pulling his hand toward the kitchen island.  Tim gave Marinette a mock glare as he let Mar’i pull him away.
After twenty minutes, during which time Marinette had prepared a snack for Mar’i and cleaned up the mess they had made playing earlier, Mar’i finally deemed Tim’s makeover complete.  “Marinette!  Marinette, look!  I made Tim so handsome!” she proudly crowed to Marinette.
Marinette made her way over and took in Tim’s appearance. There was long red streaks marking his face from forehead to jaw.  He truly looked like he had gotten attacked by someone with long, thick nails.  “Oh, he looks so handsome.” She gave him a smirk as she gently tilted his head from side to side to get the full effect.  Tim tried to give her an annoyed look but couldn’t help smiling instead.  “You are so talented, Mar’i.  It looks so good.”
Mar’i looked away shyly. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome, sweetie.  Now, can you start putting the makeup away and then I have a snack ready for you.”
“Okay.” She jumped up and grabbed the first container of makeup and headed back to her room.
As soon as she was out of the room, Marinette turned to Tim.  “Welcome to the apocalypse.” Marinette giggled at him and giving him a few comforting, patronizing pats on the back.
Tim smiled back, pulled her between his legs, and ran his hands through her hair to avoid the makeup that was caked on her face, neck, and the parts of her chest left exposed by her shirt.  “The apocalypse doesn’t seem so bad.  I’ll get to spend it with you.”
Marinette giggled and almost laid her head on his shoulder.  “Sorry about that.”  She wiped imaginary marks off of his shoulder.  “I was so mesmerized by your flirting I almost lost myself.”
Tim pretended not to notice the sarcasm in her voice.  “Good. I’m glad to hear it’s effective.”
Marinette opened her mouth to respond when Dick finally came home.  “Sorry, sorry, Marinette.  Something happened and I had to write it up before I left.”  He finally looked up at the two and did a double take.  “You two look like a rouge attack gone wrong,” he said quietly.  He turned toward Mar’i’s room to call out loudly, “Mar’i, honey, did you do Uncle Tim and Aunt Marinette’s makeup?”  He smirked at the double squeaks Tim and Marinette let out in response.
“Daddy!” she exclaimed happily running out of the back room to fly into his arms for a hug.  “I did!  Don’t they look amazing?”
“They certainly do,” he chuckled and shook his head.
Tim cringed.  “Yeah, we should probably clean up before we leave.”  Marinette scoffed at him and shook her head pityingly.  He looked at her curiously.  Surely she didn’t plan on leaving the apartment looking like this.  There was no way.
“You can’t take my makeup off!  It’s for your date.  Don’t you like it?” Mar’i looked up at him with wide, wet eyes.
He looked over to Marinette who gave him a knowing look that let him know she knew exactly how this was going to play out. They were leaving the apartment with this makeup on.  “No! Yes, of course I love the makeup. It’s gorgeous.  It just maybe isn’t right for a first date.” Tim gave her a strained smile.
Mar’i looked down and sniffled.  “Okay.”
“I meant, maybe I need a bit more makeup?” He tried instead.  “I’m not as naturally gorgeous as Marinette is,” he looked over at her with a smirk, “I need more help than she does.”  Marinette rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop the smile that formed on her lips.
Mar’i brightened up immediately and started sorting through the container of makeup she hadn’t put away yet.  “Okay!”
Dick clapped him on the back and leaned in to whisper, “Smooth recovery.  Got on both of their good sides with that.”  Tim shrugged at him and sat back down so Mar’i could make him look even better.
It only took Mar’i a few more minutes to make Tim look even more handsome.  Marinette and Tim thanked her again for her help and were finally able to leave for their date.  Tim looked at the time as they waited for the elevator.  It was now too late for them to go home, get ready, and make it to the restaurant on time.  He sighed and studied her, more specifically her makeup, for a few moments.  He leaned against the wall and pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her.  “Hey, what do you say to staying in for our date instead?”
She grinned cheekily at him.  “What, don’t want to be seen in public with this?” She motioned to her face and neck.
Tim chuckled and tightened his arms around her waist.  “I wouldn’t want to start a panic of people thinking there was a new rogue out there tearing people’s faces off.  We already have Black Mask for that.  But I was thinking how nice it would be to cuddle with you on the couch without worrying about Mar’i waking up or Dick walking in on us.”  He gave her a chaste kiss pulling away just far enough to talk.  “No dressing up, no pretentious restaurants.  Just order food, watch a movie, cuddle under a blanket… I can show you my apartment this time.”
Marinette sighed and relaxed into his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck.  “That sounds amazing.  But you do realize, even if we went out it wouldn’t need to be to a fancy, pretentious restaurant.  I just want to spend time with you.  It could be a coffee shop, a corner diner, a picnic in the park.  I don’t care.”
“Yeah, I know,” he sighed out happily.  “It’s one of the things I love about you.”
Marinette blushed and took a few seconds to gather her thoughts.  “And just because we couldn’t take the makeup off in front of Mar’i doesn’t mean we can’t take it off now.” She pulled a few face wipes out of her bag and offered him one.
“Thank you,” Tim smiled and started rubbing vigorously as they walked onto the elevator.  He groaned when he saw his reflection in the elevator doors.  “I don’t think this is going to be enough.” Marinette giggled and helped him wipe off his makeup, standing closer than strictly necessary to accomplish the task, which Tim did not object to at all.
“So, this is my place,” Tim opened the door to the townhouse and held her hand to guide her in.  “Did you want the tour?”
Marinette looked around in awe.  “Tim!  What the hell?  This isn’t an apartment.  This is like a… oh my god.  This is amazing.”
“You like it?” he asked nervously.
“Like it?  Tim, this is amazing.  I…” her eyes kept darting around the multistory, open concept, sleek townhouse, “I’m speechless.  It’s beautiful.”  Tim let out a relieved breath and smiled at her.  She looked at him incredulously.  “You couldn’t have actually thought I might not.”
He shrugged at her and stroked her cheek. “I just… want you to be impressed.”
“Oh Tim… you already impress me.” She shook her head gently and looked at him with sincerity and adoration.  “I already think you’re amazing and I still would even if you lived in a crappy, walk up studio apartment.  I didn’t fall for you because of your money.”
Tim beamed at her.  “Oh no?  What was it then?”
She grinned up at him cheekily.  “Clearly, your post-apocalyptic good looks.”
Tim barked out a laugh and gently rubbed his thumbs along her cheek.  “Speaking of, do you want to wash your face first or want me to go first?”
Marinette leaned into his hand, enjoying the feeling of his hand on her.  “You can go first.”
“Okay.  Go ahead and make yourself comfortable.  I’ll just wash my face and be right back.  The remote is right over there if you want to turn on something to watch.”
She nodded to him and started looking around his home taking in all the decorations and the enormous saltwater fish tank. “Fucking rich people,” she muttered to herself with a small laugh.  She stopped in front of some of a few large photographs hanging on the wall.  She studied them for a few minutes before laughing so loudly, Tim came hurrying in to see what was so funny.
He looked at her questioningly and she shook her head, unable to stop laughing, the bewildered look on his face making her laugh harder.  “You weren’t even trying to hide it were you?” she finally managed to get out through the laughter.
He gave her a completely baffled look, “Hide what?”
“Your identity.”
“What do you mean?” He whipped his head around looking for the source of her comment.  He was careful.  Exceptionally.  He didn’t slip up and leave weapons around.  He did NOT leave his suit in his closet.  There should be nothing here to give away his identity.
She motioned to the pictures she was standing next to.  “This is clearly taken from the top of Titan Tower.  These look like they were taken mid-swing.  Who can do that but a hero?  Who could get those but a hero?”
Tim looked between the pictures and her a dumbfounded look on his face.  He’d had a number of people in his home before that never even gave the pictures a second glance.  He’d had Titans in his home before and none of them had even noticed.  He was again struck by how incredible she was.  
He chuckled and pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her waist.  “You ever thought about being a hero?  Because you would be amazing at it.  You can already kick ass.  You’re smart. You’re observant.  You notice the details nobody else does.  You try to help others.” He looked at her adoringly. “You’d be amazing,” he let out breathlessly.
Marinette froze for a moment and gave him a nervous chuckle, pushing hair that hadn’t been loose behind her ear.  She looked down, avoiding his eyes.  “Thank you.  I don’t think I’d… I’m honored you think so.”  She steeled herself and looked back up at him with a faked coy smile and took a step closer. “That means a lot coming from a hero like you.”
“Vigilante,” he quietly corrected.
“I know what I said,” she answered just as quietly, pulling him down to meet her lips in an affectionate and insistent kiss. He pulled her closer, deepening the kiss, making it hungrier and more passionate.
He pulled away after a few minutes.  “I’ll order the food and get a movie set up while you get cleaned up.  Sound good?” he asked quietly, his breath fanning over her lips as he spoke.  She nodded mutely, still recovering her breath after the kisses that stole it, thankful Tim was holding her up.  She was pretty sure her knees would have given out if he hadn’t been.
After she had washed her face and reapplied her makeup herself, she emerged from the bathroom that was larger than her apartment, feeling refreshed and a little less scary looking.  She found Tim lounging on the couch, looking through movie listings.  Her breath hitched slightly at the sight.  He looked so handsome sitting like that and she couldn’t believe he had chosen her.  She bit her bottom lip to keep her smile from becoming too wide, but it didn’t work. There was no holding it back.
Tim looked up from the television and gave her a beaming smile.  “Hey, the food is on its way and I think I found the perfect movie,” he said motioning to the spot next to him for her to sit.  His expression was too innocent though.  Marinette eyed him suspiciously, but still sat in the spot he indicated and cuddled up to him.  He grinned mischievously and hit the select button to bring up the movie’s details.
Marinette groaned good-naturedly and buried her head in his shoulder.  “It made me think of you,” his grin widened as the theme for World War Z played in the background.
Marinette pulled back to give him an unamused look. “You’re terrible and I don’t know why I like you.”
He shrugged smugly.  “It’s the fish tank.”
Marinette scoffed and rolled her eyes.  “I assure you it isn’t.”
Tim gave her a mock pout.  “That hurts.  Okay so, World War Z?”
Marinette hesitated and gave him a nervous look. “Can we… not?  I get the joke, but it gives me flashbacks.”
Tim gave her a confused look.  “Flashbacks?”
“Yeah.  Zombies.” She shuddered at the memory.  
“Yeah, let’s discuss that one a bit more. Zombies?”
“Zombies,” she confirmed with a curt nod.  “It was one of our akumas.  One of the more effective ones.  Almost everyone in Paris became one.  They passed it by kissing.  Then you became mindless kissing machines.”
“I’ve known a few people at some galas like that,” he tried to joke to lighten the mood.
She let out a mirthless chuckle appreciating the awkward attempt to change the subject. “Yeah, me too.  And a few frat parties.”  
“Okay, no horror movies,” he nodded, returning his attention to the movies listing.  “What about the Majestia movie that just came out?”
Marinette froze and quirked her lips to the side thinking about how to respond.  She loved Majestia.  In fact she and Adrien had just gone to visit her a few weeks before, but the movie was sooooo not a realistic representation of her.  They got so many details wrong, including every detail about Knight Owl. She could not in any way sit through that movie without criticizing it ruthlessly, revealing she knew them and knew everything about the movie was wrong.  “How about a murder mystery?  Or do you figure them out too quickly to enjoy them?  Oh!  Have you seen Knives Out?”
Tim shook his head and started navigating to the movie.  “I have not and I take it as a challenge to see how quickly I can figure it out.”
Forty minutes later, the food had arrived and been eaten and they had just gotten back to cozying up to watch the movie.  “So we agree Captain America is the killer, right?”
Marinette snorted, “Well, obviously.”
“So,” Tim angled his face to look at Marinette, “we’ve already solved the mystery and there is about an hour and a half left of the movie.”
Marinette leaned her head back to look at him. “Yes?”
“I’m just saying we don’t really have a reason to pay attention anymore,” he pointed out suggestively.
“I see your point.” She nodded sagely.  “So what you’re saying is you want to play a game.”
He smothered a grin at the game she was playing. “Of sorts,” he confirmed.
“Want to get out Chess or Risk?”  Her voice was innocent, but her hands running up and down his arms and shoulders were anything but.
He shook his head at her as he turned her around to fully face him.  “I’m not allowed to play Risk anymore.” She raised her eyebrow at him encouraging him to explain.  “Something about taking world domination too seriously.”
She giggled.  “So Settlers of Catan is out too then.”  Tim let out a frustrated huff and nodded.  Marinette giggled harder and traced the edge of his jaw.  “So you were thinking a video game then?”
He hummed as though in thought as he pushed forward, forcing her to lean back.  “I was thinking something more physical.”
“Oh!  Like DDR?” She looked up at him through her eyelashes and wrapped her arms around his neck.
He moved his face closer until his nose was ghosting against her jaw.  “What about something more about making each other feel good than scoring points.”
“Ahh, an exercise game,” she offered breathlessly.
“Something like that,” Tim nodded before closing the gap between them.
“That was a great movie,” Marinette whispered against Tim’s lips an hour and a half later as the movie credits rolled up the screen.  She looked up at him coquettishly as his face hovered over hers.  “We should watch it again soon.”
“Or at all,” Tim chuckled.  He brushed Marinette’s hair out of her face and gazed at her face flushed from kissing through the entire movie.  He gave her a quizzical look.  “Are we… No.  That’s not what I meant to say.”  He frowned at himself and looked away.  
Marinette smiled at him and caressed his cheek. “What did you want to say?”
He looked back up at her with a nervous smile. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Marinette’s smile widened until it was beaming. “Yes!” she exclaimed excitedly before pulling him back down so they could miss the next movie as well.
Chapter 9
@timari-month-event  @ichigorose @stainedglassm @better-toast @theymakeupfairies @trippingovermyfeet @demonicbusiness @maskedpainter @ladybug-182 @a4-machete
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waitineedaname · 4 years
It was Tommy Coolatta’s birthday, and Gordon Freeman was shaking in a Chuck E. Cheese bathroom.
He hadn’t planned to end up there. He hadn’t planned to be in many of the places he’d been in the past… god. Week? Weeks? Month? The realization that he couldn’t remember how long he’d spent trying to escape Black Mesa made him grip the cheap tile of the bathroom countertops and shake even harder.
He’d tried to make it through the party as long as he could, he really had. He’d danced with Bubby and Coomer and tried his hand at the arcade machines and eaten what pizza he could stomach. But it was just… so much. He wasn’t sure how the others could party like that after everything they’d gone through. Everyone coped differently, he supposed.
He should probably go back out there soon, for Tommy’s sake. It was his birthday, after all, and after everything Tommy had done for him, he owed it to him to at least celebrate with him. He just… needed a minute. Maybe none of them had even realized he’d left yet.
“Mr. Freeman?”
“Hey, Tommy.” Gordon offered Tommy a weak smile, though he could see in the mirror that it was more of a grimace. “Sorry, man, I’ll be back out there in a second. It was just… a lot.”
Tommy nodded, a sympathetic look on his face. “Do… Is it okay if I join you?”
“What? You don’t have to keep me company dude, it’s your birthday. Don’t stop having fun on my account.” Gordon tried to wave him towards the door, but Tommy was shaking his head before he’d even finished his sentence.
“No, I… It’s a lot for me too. The-” Tommy gestured vaguely as if searching for a word and failing to find it, “All of it.”
“Oh.” Gordon blinked. “Then, yeah, pull up a chair, I guess.”
Tommy gave him a small smile and shut the bathroom door behind him. He leaned his back against it and let out a sigh that Gordon echoed.
They stood there in silence for a while, Gordon doing his best to get his shaking under control. With anyone else, he might have felt awkward, but this was Tommy. Tommy had been the one to practically carry him through countless tunnels and vats of questionable liquid when he was delirious from blood loss. If there was anyone he trusted to not judge him for having a breakdown in the bathroom, it was Tommy.
The metal of the HEV suit clinked against the linoleum of the sink, and suddenly it struck him how much he wanted this thing off.
“Hey, uh,” Gordon spoke up, clearing his throat. Tommy hummed in acknowledgement, “You’ve read a bunch of manuals, right? Did you read the HEV suit manual?”
“Uh, yeah!”
“Think you could get this thing off me?”
Tommy’s eyes widened like he’d only just realized how long Gordon had been wearing the suit. “Oh! Yeah, I can- I think I can do that.”
Tommy approached him slowly, as if approaching a skittish cat, then became more confident in his movements when Gordon gave no sign of flinching away. He began working on the back of Gordon’s chestplate first, slender fingers working deftly on the bolts and buckles that held it together. It was slow work, but with each piece Tommy lifted off him, Gordon felt he could breathe easier. A literal weight was lifted off him, and it only made him more aware of the ache deep in his bones. Every few minutes, there would be a loud noise from the main entertainment area of the Chuck E. Cheese; Gordon would flinch away from the sound, and Tommy would freeze in his movements, but then they would hear Coomer’s loud laughter or a snide, muffled comment from Bubby, and they would relax and resume their work.
After what felt like eons, Tommy finished unclasping the last buckle on Gordon’s boots, stepping back to let him toe them off himself. The HEV suit was a pile of orange rubble surrounding them, and Gordon suddenly felt exposed in nothing but his socks and the dark jumpsuit he’d been wearing under the suit. He felt like he could stand up straight without straining for the first time in weeks, and the feeling of the overpowered Chuck E. Cheese air conditioning seeping through the sleeves of his jumpsuit left him feeling flayed raw. 
Tommy was staring at him with an unreadable look on his face, hands flexing and unflexing in a nervous stim. He reached out a hand, hesitated, then laid it on Gordon’s left forearm. Gordon’s skin burned under his touch. When was the last time he’d felt someone else’s body heat?
“Can…” Tommy’s voice was quiet and sounded as fragile as Gordon felt, “Can I hug you?”
Gordon didn’t trust himself to speak around the lump the size of a tennis ball in his throat, so he just nodded. Tommy outstretched long arms, and the two of them fell into each other. 
Gordon’s whole body felt like it was buzzing right down to his core. He was lightheaded as everything hit him in that moment. All he had gone through. All he had survived. The fact that he was out, and he was alive. The fact that this was the first time he’d touched someone and felt it on his skin since he’d dropped Joshua off at his mom’s the week of the test. And it was Tommy who got to hold the title of the first person to hug him in far too long. Tommy who had been kind to him even when stress was making them all snappish, and who had made jokes with him when things felt grim. Tommy who had been the only one he trusted when everyone else left him for dead, Tommy who fought by his side so loyally and who removed that horrible suit with such impossible tenderness. 
Gordon pressed his face into the shoulder of Tommy’s filthy polo shirt that smelled like sweat and blood but was warm and had probably been soft at some point, and he let out the loudest sob in his life. His voice shattered on the noise, and then he suddenly couldn’t hold it back anymore, sob after sob wrenching its way out of his throat. 
He wasn’t sure he’d ever cried like this. Not when he was in labor with Joshua, not at any point during the Resonance Cascade, not even when his arm was being cut off. Nothing compared to these deep sobs that seemed to claw their way out of somewhere deep in his soul to burst out of his chest as everything crashed into him all at once.
He could feel Tommy’s fist balled in the back of his jumpsuit, and he could feel and hear Tommy weeping quietly into where he’d pressed his face into Gordon’s hair, and the raw sensations of it all only made him sob harder.
They stood there, clinging to each other until Gordon’s knees couldn’t hold him up any longer, and then they both sank to the ground, still holding onto each other like they were each other’s life lines. Maybe they were.
Eventually, Gordon simply couldn’t cry anymore, his tear ducts emptied, leaving him with a dehydration headache and a sore throat. He didn’t extricate himself from Tommy’s hold, though, and Tommy didn’t seem like he was going to let go any time soon either. He’d cried himself empty sooner than Gordon had, and now he was just stroking his fingers through Gordon’s knotted curls. Gordon didn’t want to think about how nasty his hair must be right now, caked in blood and sweat and god knows what else, but Tommy’s hand in his hair felt more soothing than aloe on a sunburn. 
He snorted quietly when the simile occurred to him. He’d maybe been spending too much time with Tommy. He then immediately shoved that thought away and squeezed Tommy tighter. No, he had not spent nearly enough time with Tommy. Now that they were out, he could let himself think about spending time with Tommy when they weren’t in mortal danger. He couldn’t wait to watch Tommy’s favorite shows and listen to him infodump about them, or walk Sunkist in the sunshine, or take Tommy to his favorite restaurants, or introduce him to Joshua-
Fuck. God, he really liked this guy, huh.
Tommy pulled back ever so slightly, though he didn’t go far. Just enough to be able to look down at Gordon with those kind, intelligent eyes, and Gordon thought he might pass out. He moved his hand from Gordon’s messy ponytail to cup his cheek, and Gordon was certain he was going to pass out.
“Are you okay?” Tommy asked. Gordon laughed despite himself.
“No,” Gordon said, tilting his head to better fit against Tommy’s hand and giving Tommy the tiniest smile, “I don’t think I am.”
Tommy gave him his own sad smile. “That’s okay. I… I don’t think any of us are.”
Gordon snorted. “That’s for damn sure.” 
Tommy was still staring down at him with more tenderness than Gordon was prepared to deal with, “Do…” He paused, licking his lips. Gordon wasn’t embarrassed to say he stared at the motion, “I think I’m done with the party. Do you want to go home?”
“Yeah,” Gordon sighed with more exhaustion than a man his age should feel, “I would love that, bud.”
It took some maneuvering to get them both off the floor without tripping over the chunks of HEV suit on the floor, but neither of them seemed willing to let go of each other more than necessary. Eventually, they made it out of the bathroom, Tommy’s hand warm and solid in Gordon’s own. Dr. Coomer looked up from where he’d been punching apart an arcade machine when they entered the room.
“Ah, hello, Gordon!” He said cheerfully. “You appear to have been peeled!”
“Uh, yeah, Dr. Coomer.” Gordon huffed out a laugh, relieved that that was what Dr. Coomer was pointing out opposed to the fact that his face was definitely puffy and tearstained. “Tommy helped me get the suit off.”
“You look very sporting in your jumpsuit, Gordon!” Dr. Coomer said, returning to his destruction of Chuck E. Cheese property. Tommy smiled down at Gordon, and he was suddenly struck by the realization that the HEV suit had given him a couple inches of height because wow, Tommy was tall. Tommy squeezed his hand and looked up to flag down Gman.
“Hello, son. Dr… Freeman.” Gman greeted them both. Gordon nodded at him. The dude still gave him the creeps, but he could appreciate the parental fondness he’d seen him demonstrate for Tommy over the course of the afternoon.
“Hey, dad.” Tommy gave him a slight wave with his free hand, the other still holding Gordon’s. “I- um, this was a really nice party!”
“I’m… glad to, hear it. I, pulled out all the stops.” 
“I can- I can see that! But, uh. I’m pretty tired. I-... Can you open a portal to Mr. Freeman’s apartment?”
If Gman thought there was anything strange about Tommy asking to go to Gordon’s home and not his own, he didn’t say anything of it. “Of… course. I, will begin to… wrap things up here before, our, friends can cause too much… property damage.”
He gestured to the nearest wall with very little flourish to show them the glowing green portal that hadn’t been there a minute earlier. Tommy gently tugged Gordon in its direction. Behind them, he heard Coomer call out “goodbye, Gordon!” and then in a flash, they were standing in his living room. 
Were this any other situation, Gordon would’ve been embarrassed to show someone the messy state of his apartment without tidying beforehand, but he simply didn’t have it in him to care when his bed was within reach for the first time in weeks. It was his turn to tug Tommy up the narrow stairs and down the hall to his bedroom. They both collapsed on his bed, neither bothering to change out of their bloodstained clothes, which Gordon was sure they’d regret in the morning, but considering he could barely summon the energy to pull the sheets over their shoulders, he decided that was a problem for future Gordon. 
Tommy pulled him into his arms like it was the most natural thing in the world, like this wasn’t the first time he’d ever been in Gordon’s apartment, like they hadn’t met less than an hour before the worst disaster of their lives. Gordon felt the soft flannel of his sheets brush against his skin, and he felt the softness of his pillow under his head, and he felt Tommy’s warm body all around him, and he fell asleep solidly for the first time in weeks.
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Hi Anna! How are you? Can I request a Poe x reader please? Poe went on a mission and surprisingly got himself in trouble. The reader is at the base, besides Leia when the info comes and she's losing her mind because he's trying to get out that situation being reckless again. Once the X-Wing touches down at the base, she's running to him, and then she slaps his face for doing stupid shit and then kisses him because she's tired of pretending there's nothing between them and she almost lost him a thousand times and she's done holding herself back. Very fluffy ending. But only if you're up for it. Thank you anyways, I love your blog 💜
Hi! I’m doing okay! Of course you may! You’re so sweet <3 I’m glad you love my blog, and I hope you love this story <3
It wasn’t supposed to be a dangerous mission. Poe had reassured you several times before he left that it was going to be one of those in and out jobs. It was supposed to be so quick that he had even made dinner plans with you, promising to catch you up on everything as soon as he got back. 
He knew how anxious it made you when he went on missions, so he always tried to make them seem less dangerous than they were when telling you about them. Of course that never worked, because as soon as he was gone, you were glued to the comms. At first you had tried to find excuses, anything you could think of, to hover in the background, listening and anxious for the sound of Poe’s voice, but soon enough, everyone caught onto what you were doing, and General Organa had started saving a seat for you by her side. 
Your fingers tapped on the tabletop in front of you in an erratic rhythm, your eyes flashing back and forth between the clock and the light that should be blinking. He should have made contact by now. You had heard as much from the other Rebels in the background who were trying not to show how nervous they were in the presence of you and the General. The anxiety in your chest was making it hard to breath, and you were hoping that no one noticed how heavy your breaths were when you forced yourself to take them. 
A hand closed over your own tapping one, and made you jump. You turned to see the General smiling at you with a look that said she knew all too well what you were going through. “You know as well as I do that Poe doesn’t have a perfect sense of punctuality.” She said, giving your hand a squeeze and then pulling away.
That did manage to bring a smile, however brief. “Never on a mission anyway.” You added. In fact, the only time that Poe ever seemed to be on time was when he was meeting up with you. 
Almost as if she knew what you were thinking, she spoke again. “What plans do you two have when he comes back?” 
“Dinner. Then our usual catch up.” You answered, but then you realized something, and your brows furrowed. “How did you know that we had plans? Did Poe tell you?” You asked, unsure how she would know that because you hadn’t mentioned it to anyone. 
The General shook her head. “You two always do something after he gets back from a mission. I guess we all like to be around the people we love after we’ve come so close to losing them.” 
Love? Did you love Poe? Of course you did. He was your best friend in the galaxy. From the way she had said the word though, it had a different connotation. A connotation that you had always been too afraid to even consider during this time of War. 
“You know it’s a sad thing.” General Organa spoke up again, bringing your attention away from your thoughts and back to her. “People are so frightened of losing their loved ones that sometimes they’re too scared to tell them how they feel about them. After all, would it hurt worse if they lost them?” 
Your heart was hammering against your chest, because she was describing your feelings for Poe to perfection. You had already almost lost him so many times. In the back of your mind, you had been too scared about how crushed you would be if you did lose him for good to tell him how you felt. That you liked him way more than a friend ever should. “Wouldn’t it?” You whispered, looking back at the comm that still wasn’t blinking. 
Her warm hand settled on top of yours, giving it a little squeeze. “I’m afraid you’re the only one that can answer that.” Leia told you, with a small reassuring smile. 
You knew that she was right, after all, she always was, and you had to ask yourself, was holding back your emotions by using the War as an excuse the right thing to do? For either of you? Did Poe deserve to know how you felt about him? How whenever your mind wandered, he was the first thing that you thought about? How when you were having a bad day, he was the first person you wanted to see? How his hugs were your favorite thing in the world, and you never wanted to leave them? How his smiles always made your heart beat out of control? 
“You guys miss me?” 
Almost as if he had been summoned by your thoughts, Poe’s voice came through the now blinking comm, a little breathless, but other than that, sounding like his normal self. 
Relief crashed through your body like a wave, releasing all the tension you hadn’t realized you had been carrying. Before you even realized what you were doing, you had pressed the button, leaning over Leia to speak into the device. “Poe Dameron you better get your ass back to base right now.” 
When he said your name, even through the comm you could hear the surprise. “What are you doing there?” 
“Are you almost here?” You asked, ignoring his question. 
“Yeah, about that . . . I’ve got some company.” 
Any relief that you had felt when he answered, vanished at once, replaced with anxiety again. You backed away from the comm as Leia took over, assessing the situation and sending out Poe’s squadron to help him. Apparently he was being chased by the dreadnought he had infiltrated along with a whole squadron of Ties. 
It wasn’t good odds, and all you could think about was the conversation you had just had with Leia. Were you about to lose your chance to tell Poe how you felt before you even had it? What if a tie got him? Blew his whole ship up and took him from your life? How would you make it? How would you survive without him in your life? Poe had such a large chunk of your heart, and if he was no longer in it . . . 
Would you be left with anything? 
The thought left you clutching your chest, struggling to get air into your lungs. You felt Leia’s hand on your shoulder this time, trying to pull you back. “He wants to talk to you.” She said. 
You nodded, and leaned closer to the device. “Poe?” You said, biting your lip as you waited for his response. 
“Hey, you know I’m going to be okay right?” He said, even though you could hear the rush in his voice, the adrenaline as he dodged ties and attempted to blow up canons on the dreadnought. 
“You better be.” You said, your fingers digging into the table in front of you. “I’ve got something to tell you when you get back.” 
“Something to tell me?” Poe repeated, and you could almost see the confusion on his face. 
Leia’s hand that rested on your shoulder, gave you a squeeze. “Something I should have told you a long time ago.” You admitted, but before he could ask anything else, you bit your lip, your voice taking on an edge. “So if you don’t get back here, I’m going to bring you back and kill you myself Poe Dameron, do you understand?” 
Poe’s laughter filled the room, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sound. “Yes ma’am.” 
What seemed like hours was probably mere minutes as Poe and his squadron fought off the First Order. Part of you didn’t want to listen, too nervous to hear the outcome, or the moment that Poe might get himself killed pulling some stupid stunt, but you couldn’t stop, knowing that in a dog fight, every second counted. Any moment could change the tide. You were so focused you didn’t think you even remembered to breathe until . . . 
“Canon’s out!” A voice called out. 
“Preparing to jump!” Another one said. 
“See you in a second, sweetheart.” Poe told you. 
Leaning back in the chair once more, you let out a sigh, equal parts relieved and nervous that he was on his way back. Leia did the same at your side, and then gave you a look. “Give him hell for me, would you?” She asked, a grin on her lips. 
You nodded, then took off as fast as you could to the hangar. 
It seemed as if you had perfect timing, because as soon as you stepped foot onto the place, Poe’s X-Wing landed a few feet ahead of you. You took a moment to let out a breath, watching as he climbed out of his ship, throwing his helmet off and revealing those wild, dark curls that you loved so much. He was glancing around in every direction, and your heart sped up when you realized that he was looking for you. 
Because as soon as he caught sight of you, a big grin formed on his face. 
You ran to him, not wanting to waste another second being apart, and he held his arms open for you, expecting a hug. 
Instead you slapped him. 
He looked stunned, holding his face with his hand as he stared at you. “OW. What the hell was that -”
You didn’t let him say anything else. Instead you wrapped your arms around his waist and tilted your head to meet his lips in a kiss that it felt like you had been waiting your whole life for. Poe froze for a moment, and you were scared that you had embarrassed yourself, but then his hands cupped your cheeks, and happiness filled your chest as he kissed you back with a passion you couldn’t ever have imagined. You clung to him as your lips moved together in perfect harmony, as if they had been made to kiss each other, and the world faded away, leaving nothing but him and this moment. 
A single, perfect moment. 
When you pulled away, Poe didn’t move, and a soft smile fell on your face as you took in the wide eyes and dazed look as he stared at you. “The slap was for you being stupid. The kiss was because I’m tired of being too scared of losing you to do it. ” You said, biting your lip as you gazed into his eyes. 
It took a couple of moments for him to speak, and when he did, he still looked a bit stunned. “Did that really just happen?” 
You raised an eyebrow at him. “The slap or the kiss?” 
A laugh left your lips as Poe’s fingers tangled in your hair, massaging into your scalp. “Would you like me to do both again? So you can decide if they’re real?” You teased. 
“You know, I think I’m good on the slapping, but the kissing . . . I may need a repeat. I think I might have blacked out from how good it was.” Poe’s forehead rested against yours as heat flooded your cheeks. “So I’ll need several more to be sure.” He murmured, his nose brushing against your own. 
“Of course,” You replied, a little breathlessly as you felt the feather-like touch of his lips against your own. “We have to be sure.” 
Poe grinned as he met your lips in another kiss. The first of many.
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cm-top-10 · 3 years
C.M. Top 10: Most Dark & Gore Scenes &/or Characters in Cartoon Series
Warning: The following top ten may contain possible spoilers for those who haven't seen newer series. This post may also contain forms of graphic violence & some gore scenes that maybe too much for you to witness. So for your safety & others do not look unless it's at your own risk.
You've been warned...
We all discover at some point in time that not everything you know is allover the rainbow. Most times we see things we can't unsee or learn dark secrets of someone you thought you knew your whole life. & sometimes we learn things the hard way. Or the messed up dark way...
So for this 1st dark Top 10 features the most characters with a dark histories, secrets or just straight up dark/gore scenes. Which character did you not expect to have a dark side? Sadly you be the judge...
1. Invincible - Omni Man beating his son to a pulp.
After learning the dark truth that was revealed to Mark about his father's true intentions. Nolan tells his son the truth about why he was sent to Earth & why he killed the Guardians.
Telling him the reasons why he's here was so he could eliminate any potential threat to the Viltrum Empire. & that he was raising his son not out of responsibility or heroics, but to have him as a bred soldier of the Empire to kill anyone who stood in their way.
& he wanted Mark to join their cause with him.
After Mark angrily refused to help him conquer the planet. Nolan nearly beats the life out of his own son & yells to the top of his lungs saying how pointless it is to protect his home world. While killing millions of innocent people in the process of their brutal fight.
However before he could finish him off, Nolan suddenly realized what he did to his own child & fled the Earth in machspeed, shedding a tear.
They say fatherhood is complicated, but not like this...
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2. Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Gabriel's dark fate
While on his journey to slay all three of the Lords of Shadow. Gabriel slowly learned they were the founders of the Order & told him the truth of his order's true intention from each Shadow Lord who too were being used by the Brotherhood of Light. Then when he finally reached the final Lord of Shadow, he learned about his wife's death & fell into dark despair.
Over time his heart grew darkened. & knew nothing but bitterness & sorrow...
But after defeating the three Lords, Laura appears to tell Gabriel that he awakened another ancient evil known as the Forgotten One. Who had plans to destroy all creation & they had to venture to the Brotherhood's fortress to find the entrance to where he was imprisoned.
However only dark begins can enter the realm. & the only way he can bypass it's effects & to defeat this ancient evil, was to become one himself...
So Laura asked him to drink her blood & free her of her torment. Hesitant at first he did what was asked of her & dranked every last drop of her blood, until she died.
He then defeated the Forgotten One & saved mankind. But at a cost of his soul & happiness.
Thus becoming a vampire.
A vampire the world would soon know & fear as Dracul the Dragon.
But that is another story...
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3. Baki the Grappler - Yujiro Hanma
As most know Yujiro is the world's most unstoppable & cruelest warrior in the history of fighters. Not even the U.S. Military dares to go near him. Yes Yujiro the Orge has struck fear into many people, even military personnel of different countries. & he did it with no weapons & has turned the U.S. into his personal playground for death & battles.
But the most cruelest thing he's done was ripping the face of one of China's most respected Kaioh masters while facing him in battle, testing his worthiness. The reason Yujiro did this challenge was not to prove his worth but to show all of China & their leaders that they are worthless to him. & showed them all that he doesn't care about their hatred towards Japan noir their worthiness.
& he struck that fear into all who witnessed Ryu Kaioh getting defaced & brutally defeated. Yes this is one man who's definitely going to hell & is going to smile about it.
Because Satan himself would be pissing his buttflap in his sights in fear. While Yujiro fucks his succubus wife in front of his face knowing how little fucks he gives about his "sins."
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4. Primal - Sauropod Massacre
After being infected by the Zombie Virus. The infected sauropod becomes a mad rouge & slaughters it's own herd in a bloody rage & massacre.
It left no survivors, ripped them apart & destroyed many of the herds' eggs leaving nothing remaining...
Truly whatever zombie virus this was it drove this poor creature mad & didn't stop until everything wasn't breathing.
Luckily Spear & Fang were able to run it into a dormant volcano. Where the infected dinosaur burnt to ash.
Hopefully now the poor beast is at peace...
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5. Star Wars Rebels - Master Luminara's remains
In the search for Luminara to replace Kanan to be Ezra's new master. They soon learned too late that her remains were being used to lure any surviving Jedi out of hiding. So that any Sith Hunters like the Grand Inquisitor would slay them on the spot.
Sadly no one knows whatever happened to her corpse after they escaped. Or if the Empire even still has her.
Rest in peace Luminara wherever you are...
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6. Legend of Tarzan - Death of Clayton
While battling in the trees, Tarzan defeated Clayton by tangling him into the jungle vines. But during his blind rage he angrily swiped vine after vine, until one wrapped his neck. Tarzan tried his best to warn him, but in his rage Claton cuts the vine that he was holding on to.
Then after it broke they both plummet to the ground. Tarzan landed safely, Clayton however was hung from above by one of the vines wrapped around his neck after it snapped it straight out from the fall.
There truly are things worse than fate...
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7. RWBY - the Death of Adam Taurus
After weeks of stalking Blake & her group. Blake had no choice but to confront Adam for the last time with the help of Yang. The battle was harsh, but in the end they managed to out-think him by stabbing him from different sides. One in his chest & one in the back.
He then fell to his death over a huge waterfall after hitting his head over a ledge before plummeting into the water. Hopefully they've finally seen the last of Adam Taurus.
But let's also hope he doesn't pull a Cinder...
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8. TFP Beast Hunters - Predaking beats the scrap out of Ratchet
After using Ratchet to wipe out mankind. The Decepticons threw him into the frails of a vengeful Predaking. Predaking then beats & claws Ratchet, throwing him around like a rag-doll. Until he was ready to finish him off, luckily Ratchet convinced him to hear him out. & told Predaking the truth about what had happened to his Predacon army.
After he told Predaking that it was Megatron who ordered his race's extermination. He asks why he did so & Ratchet replys--
Ratchet: Being on the receiving end of your might. One theory springs to mind, Megatron fears you & any like you.
In his blind rage Predaking stormed his way to Megatron, wiping out anyone who stood in his way.
Which led to his own demise, but that is a story for another time...
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9. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Stealy Joe gets his ass beat by Jotaro
Now this slimy bastard got what he deserves. Not only did he try to humiliate & blackmail Jotaro into doing his bidding. This cocky motherfucker goes & threatens a random little girl out of the blue. If Jotaro didn't face him like a man & does what he says.
With him up to here with the man's assholeness, our boi Jotaro decided enough is enough & beats the ever loving shit out of this guy. & after punching him multiple times, he literally sends him flying into a wall & throws him his receipt.
Rest in Hell, Joe you worthless bastard!
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10. The Falcon Captain America & The Winter Soldier - Captain America U.S. Agent gets his arm broken.
John Walker the former Captain America was given a mantle he wasn't worthy of. Don't get me wrong as much as I had my doubts of him, I was willing to give him a benefit of a doubt. That is until he soiled Steve's good name by using his shield to kill a man in cold blood.
During his blind rage of vengeance, he chased down one of the Flag Smashers & constantly beats him over-&-over with the shield. & then kills him with a fatal blow to the chest area in front of tons of people.
After he murdered one of the perps, Falcon & Bucky tried to ask him to hand over the shield peacefully...
You can take a wild guess what Walker's answer was. He then attacked them with rage & ego, losing his shit. However that ego died as soon as Falcon & Buck breaks his arm to get the shield back. He was then discharged by the U.S. government & was relieved of his duties as Captain America.
Not only that but he then found his way into a dark path he may not be able to uncross.
But that part is another story for another time.
Either way he got dealt some shitty karma.
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