#i remember one time my mom and brother were fighting in the car and they both were like ''emily--which one of us is right??''
hood-ex · 6 months
Soda stroking Pony's hair and calling him "honey" is something that can be so personal actually.
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call-me-maggie13 · 1 year
My late 40s to early 50s boss just asked what’s wrong with 18-25 year olds these days
And as a 21 year old all I could think was
The world has been on fire since we were born and we’ve been told the adults are putting it out and now we’re old enough to realize they’ve been pouring kerosene on the flames instead of water.
Before my first birthday, 9/11 happened and the world wouldn’t let us forget it. When I was 6 years old, on September 11th, my teacher sat us down in front of a tv and showed us footage of 9/11 and then told us we weren’t allowed to cry. She said that it was real and those were real people jumping from the building because jumping was a faster death than burning.
When I was 7 years old, the economy collapsed and my family went from lower middle class to poverty, we went from healthy home cooked meals every night to mac and cheese and beans for weeks in a row. We started skipping holidays because mom and dad couldn’t keep the lights on and buy us new toys. We started wearing clothes and shoes until they fell apart.
When I was 11 years old, Sandy Hook was attacked by a grown man with a gun and 26 children and teachers were brutally murdered. My teachers never looked at us the same and I haven’t felt safe in a school since. After that, once a month we would have active shooter drills and we were taught to fight and cause as much damage as possible if an armed man entered our classroom because it gave other classes a few extra seconds to escape, it gave our siblings a few extra breaths of safety. We were taught to cover ourselves in other students blood and play dead if we weren’t hit, we were taught that we weren’t safe and we wouldn’t be safe as long as we were in school.
When I was 15 years old, my high school art teacher locked us in the classroom and told us if we heard gunshots we should line the desks up lengthwise so that they reached the other wall because that would be harder to break through than a barricade. She told us that she knew about the threats and she wouldn’t judge any of us that wanted to leave. She told us to get our siblings and stay in the buildings as long as possible, to duck in between the cars so we couldn’t be seen until we got to ours. She told us about the trail behind the auto shop that was lined with trees and led off campus. I got my brother and his friends and we left, we spent the day sitting on the floor in my living room waiting for a phone call that the people we left behind were dying.
Two weeks later, one of my friends dragged me out of a football game and forced me to go home with him. He grabbed my brothers and my best friend and forced the six of us into a two seater car before he would tell us anything. His mom worked for the school board and had told him the police found an active bomb under the bleachers in the student section, and they weren’t informing anyone because they didn’t want to incite panic.
When I was 16 years old, ISIS set off a bomb at a pop concert in Britain and killed 22 people, injuring at least 100 more. The next day at school, our teachers went over how to stay safe if we ever experienced something like that. They told us the most important thing to remember was to not remove any shrapnel because it could be keeping us from bleeding out, they said it was more important to get yourself out safely before you worried about anyone else.
When I was 18 years old, my teachers stopped teaching and put the news up on the projector and we watched as the Notre-Dame burned. The boy I had sat next to since second grade spent the entire day trying to call his sister who was studying abroad in Paris, I watched this kid I had never even seen frown fall apart in English because she wouldn’t pick up the phone. We didn’t know it at the time, but she was okay.
Six months later, my history teacher put the news on the projector again for another fire. This time, we watched as an entire continent burned for three months. We watched their sky turned orange from the smoke and their wildlife drowned in pools because they were trying to escape the heat.
When I was 19 years old, the whole world shut down because of a global pandemic. I didn’t meet a single new person for eight months, despite the fact that I had just moved across the country. I watched as people didn’t wear masks and spread it to everyone around them, I was so scared when I went back to my room every night because my roommate was immunocompromised and I was terrified I would give her Covid and kill her.
Just two months later, I watched a video of a black man being murdered by police officers. I watched the world around me explode after George Floyd’s death, people destroying businesses and police stations. I watched some of my friends realize police officers didn’t exist to keep them safe, they existed to keep the people in power in power. I learned that some of the people I had grown up with would rather watch a black man die than admit that maybe, maybe, the system was broken.
When I was 20 years old, I went to the mall with a friend to buy a birthday present and I was pulled to the ground by a twelve-year-old girl after gunshots went off in the mall. I held this child’s hands as she cried for two hours until we were evacuated by police, and then I waited with her outside and helped her look for her mom. I gave her my phone to call her mom and I watched as she called the number over and over and never got a reply. I waited with her until a police officer took her to the station to try to find out more information about the girl’s mom, I hugged this girl I had never seen before and I wished her the best. I never found out what happened to her or her mom, it keeps me up at night sometimes worrying that this little girl was orphaned.
When I was 21 years old, I started working at a daycare and exactly a week later, Uvalde happened and I found myself crying because my students are the same age those kids were. When they came in after school the next day, one of them had asked me if I had heard about Uvalde and I told her I had, I asked her if she was scared of going to school because of it. Her reply broke my heart. “We practice for it every week so that when it happens to us, we know what to do. I’m just worried that the shooter is going to start in my baby sister’s classroom and not mine.” I listened as other students with younger siblings agreed with her, one of them saying “I would take fifty bullets, if I had to to keep my little brother safe.”
Early this year, I watched Russia launched bombs into Ukraine, blowing up churches and schools and hospitals and apartment buildings. I watched as the estimated death count rose from the hundreds to the thousands to the tens of thousands. I watched men send their wives and children to bordering countries for refuge while they stayed behind to fight, knowing they would probably never see each other again.
Just four months ago, I watched as my right to medical privacy got taken away. I watched my old roommate fall apart because she was denied the right to have her dead fetus removed from her body for almost two days, I worried every time I looked away from her that the next time I saw her would be in a casket. I watched as the women around me realized the military-grade weapons that had torn children in classrooms apart were protected by the government but our bodies weren’t.
There is nothing “wrong” with my generation, we’ve experienced all these things as children and were expected to respond with patriotism for a country that continuously sacrificed their children for the “right” to military-grade weapons, that took away my freedom of choice. We are tired, we were told the world was a wonderful place then shown, at every step, how the world was a place of destruction and pain. And we are angry. We are angry because no one but us seems to be trying to fix anything. And we are scared. We are scared because our children, our nieces and nephews, our cousins and our friends children are growing up in a world that won’t protect them.
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imperfectionist (vinny hong x jo!reader)
jay jo's imperfectionist sister meets the flawful vinny hong.
part 5
part 4 | part 6
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part warnings: fem!reader, cursing, mentions of blood, stab wounds & h*rassment (tw!), jo!reader (jay is reader's 1 year older brother, but they're in the same class), second person's pov (you, you're, your), reader is NOT yumi. wb main story SPOILERS, nothing much happening in here wait for future chs
Suki, your roommate-slash-basketball-teammate, didn't let time pass not knowing what really happened to you. She went hysterical after she found your bloodied clothes soaked in the basin in your shared bathroom. You should have tossed it in the trash bin without washing.
She didn't let you live it down. Curse you for having someone with an inquisitive nature for a friend. 
“What happened?!” You carefully took a turn to set foot in the living room, since Suki, after coming to your shared room straight from the airport, decided to go to the bathroom first thing after she entered. You forgot she was coming home.
“Those weren't splatters of dried blood, Suki. It's paint. You must be having jet lag, you should rest.”
“Even someone who's not a medical rookie will know dried blood when they see one.”
You sighed. You tried to fight her suspicious stare off, until you gave up and opened your mouth, “Got stabbed. In a closed alley.”
“What?! Why?! So that's why I can't contact you! Where's your phone?” Of course she would freak out. Anyone with a troublesome friend would.
“Don't tell my mom. I got harassed on my way here. It was self-defense. It happened quickly.”
Her brows furrowed with mixed emotions until she sighed, “How is your wound now? Can I see?” She held your arms lightly in an attempt to turn you to the other way to see your back, but you refused to.
You swatted her hands away. “You don't need to. It's a small one, just a tad bit deep.”
“I don't believe you. Why are you moving around now? Isn't the wound open? You shouldn't even be standing up right now! What if the stitches loosen?!” Suki was losing her mind at how lightly you take the situation for.
“I'm not stupid to walk around places with my back opened like a fucking wallet.”
“Wait, don't tell me you stitched it up by yourself?” her eyes worriedly widened, wondering how it was possible for you to reach your back. “We all have faith in your suturing skills, but we're not doctors! You should have it checked!”
“We should go to a hospital—not where your parents work. Some other hospital, anywhere else. I can book a ride, or wait for me to get my car from home and I'll drive us there–”
She picked up her cardigan and keys and was ready to exit the door, uncaring about her own fatigue from her flight. You quickly held her by the shoulders to stop her.
“Hey, hey! It's fine, I'm fine. You're tired from your flight, Suki. You should rest. Besides, someone saw me and already brought me to the hospital.”
“Which hospital?”
“My parents' workplace.” You let go of her shoulders and turned the other way.
She gave you a meaningful look. “Must be someone with a death wish. Who was it?”
You side-eyed her and squinted your eyes.
“You don't even agree to be brought to that hospital by me, or anyone. And you probably would have refused help if it meant you being brought there injured. So who was this person who had all the guts to bring you there?”
"Well, I met someone–”
“Someone?” her eyes twinkled in eagerness, as if you mentioning this someone stimulated something in her. And you knew that look too well. This girl. “'Met someone' as in...?”
“Suki.” you gave her a warning look. “He's just… someone. Somewhat interesting at first sight, but no more than that.”
You thought that would stop her, but how wrong you were. Her smile grew even bigger. “So it's a ‘he’? And here I always thought you weren't into men. Are you seeing someone without telling me?”
You rolled your eyes. “No.” 
“Do tell me more.”
“Remember that red-haired grouch I stitched temporarily after duty that I told you about?” 
You then told her about everything. Why, where, and how.
“My, what a coincidence! Hadn't I known you well, I would've said you were being brought together by destiny.”
“Get your head off your damn romance novels. It's the only way to push Jay to pursue what he’s really passionate about. If I don't push the grouch, I can't push Jay too. He'll be stuck in a loop of finding his purpose and quite possibly even suffer from an existential crisis forever.”
“You have a point.” Her eyes flicked to the side as she nodded her head in agreement. “So about the guy who brought you to the hospital, what are you with this grouch? You like him?”
“I already told you, No. He's insufferable, and his hair's like a tomato.” You recalled what he looked like. Yeah. Red hair and an attitude. A tomato.
“Tomato, huh? Odd, but okay.” She made a face and tried her best to contain a laugh. “What's his name? Do you have a picture of him?”
You turned to your bedroom, being extra careful while walking to not rip the stitches. The anesthesia was wearing off and you were starting to feel the pain off of your lower back. “I'll tell you some other time. I’m tired.”
Suki quickly noticed how you struggled to walk so she rushed beside you in an instant and held you. “I'll see him at some point. Not now, but I'll surely, finally see your newest obsession.”
You sighed. “Obsession, ha.” 
“Stop being indenial. I know how obsessed you get with people.” You rolled your eyes for the nth time. You were not thinking of him that way. Never, even. He's just someone who needs the crew, and is needed by the crew. 
The weekends passed, you isolated yourself inside your apartment. With Suki only unloading her things inside your shared apartment before coming home to her family home here in Korea, you pretty much spent the rest of the weekend only by yourself. 
Not to mention how the stitches fucking hurt when the anesthesia's effect subsided. You skipped classes for weeks while faking a flu—having Suki cover up for you, to give your discreet wound time to heal before you resumed class. Suki helped you clean it up since you legally cannot reach your back. Thankfully the stab wasn't that big enough to give you difficulties while cleaning, that's why you didn't need to go back to the hospital anymore. 
Which leads you, one time when Suki was attending to your fresh stitches, you wondered how Vinny endured the pain while his wound was healing. Since his, it was actually more deep than yours and bigger from the outside. It must've pained him like shit. You wonder if it left a visible scar.
Oh, speaking of him, You asked Jay about the arrangement of the crew, and you found out… that surprisingly Vinny showed up to their first gathering and first practice as a team. As Hummingbird crew. 
You felt blank. You didn't know what to feel. You didn't expect him to agree but at the same time you were hoping for him to join. You hugged your phone to your chest while staring at Jay's message the night you found out. He made his choice and decided to show himself. 
Good for him. His bespectacled friend's efforts weren't put to waste.
The following Monday morning, your plate was immediately bombarded with council work when you went to the meeting room early to catch up. As the Vice President, there really isn't a single minute to spare. Especially when the new president—Jay's replacement only knows how to parade his title but fails horribly to fulfill his duties. The duties Jay used to manage efficiently during his reign.
The early stress made you yawn while marching through the hallway to make your way through the Principal's office to deliver paperworks for him to sign. When you arrived in front of the office, you were shocked to find a rare sight. Students were making a commotion outside the Principal's office. 
What the hell is going on?
You pushed yourself forward past the students and knocked, earning a muffled "Come in!" from the Principal himself from inside the room. When you twisted the doorknob to step inside, you were once again welcomed by a sight you weren't expecting to see. 
Would you look at that, The Hummingbird crew members all stood affront the Principal and Mr. Nam. You wondered why they're here? Jay hasn't told you anything.
“Sister-in-law! Perfect timing!” Shelly's face lightened up at the sight of your bored face.
Now everyone's attention and eyes were all on you. Your eyes accidentally looked for Vinny the first thing. And there he was, breaking his usual poker-face gaping his mouth and slightly widening his eyes at the surprise of seeing you.
screaming in pain and pleasure cz why does vinny have to join snek crew but at the same time i kinda want to see him and joker team up ffff
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writersundersiege · 4 months
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The New Girl in Town: Part 2
Rafe Cameron x F! Reader
if you would like to to keep reading:
The New Girl in Town - Masterlist
Warnings: Drug use implied, talks of stalking,
Summary: It’s been a week since Rafe has seen you and he’s craving just a moment with literally anyone in your family. What will happen when all in the same moment he’s granted the opportunity of your phone number and some time spent with your mom and a mysterious friend from home? Can he change the towns talk to those who are close to you before they decide who he is? Or will Rafe need to fight harder to really become a better citizen in the community for you to take notice?
It’s been a week since Rafe watched you disappear in the car with Jason, your loud music and your lively spirit trailing behind you. Every day, Rafe has been bugging Topper to come back over, and every day, it’s another excuse of “My mom wants me to mow the yard” or “Sarah asked me to help with the fundraiser happening at the county club” an endless amount of excuses.
Honestly, it’s gotten to the point where Rafe asks Sarah himself if she’s asking for Top's help, which is his last resort since conversations with her are always aggravating when she says that she indeed was pestering Topper with plans for the beginning of summer family fundraisers for families in need of new summer clothes and essentials. During this whole conversation, Rafe is getting more annoyed, trying to think about when he’ll be able to make the sly move of asking your dad and brother to golf or really anything to get to know you more before he makes the actual moves on you.
Here is the thing about Rafe: he has a reputation on this island for being a problem child, a loose cannon-rich boy who doesn’t care about anyone but Rafe and his best interest, but somehow, the second he sees you, it’s like a switch clicked. He knew you were the only other thing he may ever care about like this.
You seem so bright despite the horrible thing he’s heard you recently endured; he doesn’t want to see anyone else break that light from you. Another thing about Rafe is that he doesn’t like things he admires ruined, and he admires a lot about you.
At the end of the grueling conversation with Sarah, she asks, “Will you come to help us then?” he gets frustrated, shaking his head and walking to the front door to go to Barry’s for a bit and see if maybe getting something will clear his mind “No Sarah I don’t want to help with some stupid Pouge’s getting summer clothes if they want them they should work harder to get it themselves just like we have and I’m not playing along with your dumb im a philanthropist act” slamming the door behind himself hopping on his bike and peeling off.
Unfortunately, Rafe's undoing was that you were the one who suggested the clothes drive for this year's country club summer service act. At this very moment, Sarah was finalizing plans for that night to be able to distribute clothes to people along the cut with younger kids and some of the teens who are struggling to get new stuff with how prices are.
Sarah shakes her head, reflecting on the infuriating conversation with Rafe, trying to understand why her brother must always be so aggressive with everything. She notices her phone buzzing on her vanity, runs over, and picks it up, not even looking, saying, “Helloooo!” She hears your slight laugh through the phone
“Hey Cameron, I was just calling to tell you everything is ready to go here at the Country Club. Mom and I just finished organizing boxes based on size, and it was a great turnout. Thank you so much for those men, small and medium. Mom was panicking. We wouldn’t have enough of Jason and Dad’s nice shirts to spare.” Sarah agrees, saying, “It was no problem at all. Rafe never cleans his clothes bins from the garage, so he had many things to give things he probably won’t even remember he owns them.” You laugh over the other end of the line. Which unintentionally makes Sarah smile. “Jaz and Rafe sound like two peas in a pod. Maybe we should get them together sometime, although the combination may be a recipe for disaster.” this makes Sarah laugh, and she shakes her head, saying, “Surely it would. The loose cannon and goofball sound like a mess and kinda like that one film you showed me and topper of the two guys making a mess of things.”
Sarah hears you laugh so physically loud through the phone she’s laughing with you; it seems so contagious. “Abbott and Costello,” you say through giggles. “They were my Pop Pops favorite comedians. I have to show you, Laurel and Hardy. That is more so Rafe and Jason, two bafoons who are completely oblivious.” Sarah laughs, humming in agreement with you, not knowing what you are talking about but knowing there is always something new and exciting you're teaching her that she’s never heard of.
All of a sudden, she hears you clearing your throat “You still there, Cameron?” she sits up, realizing she is completely zoned out thinking about the times she’s spent with you and your family, and everything about you guys seems new and exciting, she says, “Yeah, sorry just getting ready to head your way” You hum something small and then turn to something behind the other end of the phone “Alright see you here soon Sarah and Oh—don’t worry about bringing any more volunteers my friend from home made a surprise stop to help me settle before he’s off to Costa Rica for a month so he picked up the spot” Sarah smiled and told you she sees you soon and hung up.
As Sarah prepares to spend her entire evening with you, enjoying your welcoming presence. Rafe sits across from Barry at a small pit fire beside his camper, doing a few lines complaining about everything going on, like Ward paying no mind to him, Sarah playing goodie two shoes to the whole island, Topper following her around like a dog, and most of all he can’t seem to find you or your family anywhere.
For the past week, Rafe has been going places like the market, even the one closer to the cut, to bump into either of your parents; he went to the library twice, hoping he’d maybe see your brother since he remembers he’s in college. Lastly, every day at sun up and sun down, since the day after you left for the ocean, he’s gone to the beach to check for you in the waves. On multiple occasions, he could swear he saw you riding a wave, laughing like you always are (H/T) sticking to your neck and face as some fly behind and around you in the wind and (E/C) squinting as you look forward and balance. In the next second, he blinks, and you're gone like a ghost haunting him, but he never knows if it’s truly there.
Barry sits and listens to Rafe talk about you and the previous time you met and how he’s trying to see you again when he finally cuts him off. “You’re telling me you’ve been on a lowkey stalk fest for days but haven’t even talked to the girl.” Rafe stands looking at him over the fire. As he starts talking, he paces back and forth. “I’ve spoken to her, you fucking idiot, just not enough. I want to make a good impression with her family in hopes-“ Barry chuckles at this part. That’s when Rafe's eyes snap to him, looking enraged enough to jump over the fire at him.
“Chill, Country Club. I find it amusing that you don’t want to smash and pass along with this one; that’s you’re usual motto there, pretty boy. so what makes this girl so different?” Barry is leaning forward, studying the boy across from him. Rafe shakes his head, sitting down and looking at his feet, saying, “You haven’t seen her.”
Suddenly, Rafe's phone rings; an unknown number calling. And he was just about to decline but thinks better of it just in case, by the grace of some god looking over him, it’s you. When he raises the phone to his ear, he hears the slightest sniffle. With his lower tambur, he says, “Hello, who’s this?” he hears what he assumes is a girl's voice clear her throat and then a shuffling of a phone and a man’s voice he knows but can’t place behind the other line “here honey let me do it sweetheart—“ and then the tone as clear as day comes to him as the man speaks.
“Yes, Hello Rafe. Is this Rafe Cameron?” Your dad Charlie was calling him, but why, how, and whose number were you calling him from? He immediately stands at the recognition. “ Yes, sir, this is he. What’s going on? Is (F/N) okay?” he asks in quick succession. Charlie chuckles and says, “Woah, slow down there, son; everybody’s fine (F/N) is not feeling well and needs to lay down, but she was leading the fundraiser, and she knew the only person she could call who’d be kind enough to show up is you” Rafe looks up at the sky cursing every constellation for him not fully listening to Sarah just this once to know it was you who was doing this the whole time, while saying “ I would miss it for the world, sir tell her she can count on me always” Charlie smiles behind the call knowing the implications Rafes makes “ I knew you would my boy I knew you would talk soon” and with that, your Dad hung up.
Rafe was scrambling to grab his bag and helmet, pulling some cash from his pocket and throwing it at Barry. “Thanks, I’ve got to go. Don’t ask.” catching the cash and pulling it from its money clip, Barry laughed and said, “Don’t worry, Country Club, I never did.”
Rafe paid no attention to this comment, though he was too busy strapping his helmet starting, and peeling off to the Country Club in the Upper side of Figure 8 to play a giving hero in hopes you’ll recognize his oh-so-generous and noble acts of community
Or maybe you won’t forget the chatter you hear around town about Rafe and his unfair and unrequited actions towards many before you, but he’s looking forward with hope for the first outcome to blossom into something bigger.
All rights belong to the owners of Netflix and the Outer Banks. I do not own any characters except the family. The fiction is simply for fun. All copyrights belong to the original owners.
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19junewrites87 · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Pregnant!Henderson reader part 2
A/N: Hellooooo everyone! Thank you so much for all the love you gave on part one. I hope this one is just as good (or maybe better) than part one.
Read part one here !
Warnings: A majority of this story is about fighting, Dustin is angry, A LOT of swearing, Eddie and the reader are upset, Dustin's upset, everyone's upset... angst, mentions of labor, mentions of cramping
Word count: 3586
It had been about a month since Y/n and Eddie made up. Since then, Y/n had been staying with Eddie in his uncle’s trailer. She usually was picked up by Eddie when no one was home so that she could avoid being interrogated by her mother and brother. She always remembered to leave a note on the fridge that said she was staying with a friend, usually Steve or Robin, whichever one she knew wouldn’t be with Dustin at that moment in time. But this time, both her mother and brother were home. She called Eddie an hour before he was supposed to come pick her up and told him to park at the end of the street and that she’d meet him there. He didn’t exactly like her having to walk so far in her condition as he would put it, but it was the only way for them not to be found out too soon.
“I’m going to Steve’s.” Y/n called out, opening the front door. “I’ll call when I get there.”
“It’s eight o’clock, Y/n.” Claudia said from the couch, where she had been reading the newspaper. “What are you going there for?”
“I was going to sleep over… like I usually do.” She said, her eyes flicking over to Dustin, who had just come into the living room. “I-is that okay?” She sure hoped it was okay, since Eddie was waiting in his van that was parked at the end of the street.
“I don’t think I want you being out of the house this late in your pregnancy.” Claudia shook her head. “You’re eight and a half months, you could go into labor any minute.” 
“She can’t always be with us, mom.” Dustin chimed. “She’ll call us if anything happens. Right, Y/n?”
“Right.” She quickly nodded, thankful for her little brother. “I’ll call if anything happens, I promise.” Claudia glanced back and forth between her children, but reluctantly nodded.
“Call when you get there.” Claudia sighed, causing Y/n to cheer.
“I will!” Y/n smiled, stepping outside. “Love you!” 
Y/n held her overnight bag in her hand as she walked towards the end of the street. The sun was just barely set, making everything around her look blue. Y/n was a little chilly as the breeze drifted by. She smiled when she saw Eddie leaning against the back of his van smoking a cigarette. 
“Eddie!” She called, waving her hand. He quickly tossed his cigarette on the ground and stomped it out with his shoe and held out his arms for her. She sped up as much as she could to fall into his embrace.
“Hey, mama.” He drawled with a smirk, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Thought you weren’t going to show.”
“Sorry,” She pulled away slightly to look at him. “My mom was just worried about letting me leave.”
“I can understand why.” He laughed, placing his hand on her stomach, rubbing circles with his thumb. “Dio’s just about done cooking.” Y/n rolled her eyes at his choice of name. She stepped out of his embrace and handed him her bag, walking towards the passenger side door, to which Eddie followed her.
“We are not naming it Dio.” She said as Eddie opened the door for her. 
“Why not?” He asked handing her bag back to her when she was settled in the seat.
“Because.” She shrugged. “Besides, what if it’s a girl?” Eddie rolled his eyes and shut her door, quickly jogging around the front to get into the driver’s seat.
“If it’s a girl, then we’ll name her Alice.” He smirked when Y/n rolled her eyes again.
Eddie and Y/n soon pulled up to Wayne’s trailer. His car was still there, meaning he hadn’t yet left for work. Eddie grabbed the backpack from Y/n’s hands and slung it over his shoulder. He placed his hand on her lower back as she climbed the steps and held open the front door for her. She looked around his dimly-lit trailer and waved when she made eye contact with Wayne.
“Hey, Uncle Wayne.” She smiled, making her way over to the kitchen, where Wayne stood making himself a sandwich.. 
“Y/n!” He patted the girl on her shoulder. “Didn’t expect to see you here.” He joked.
“Oh, yeah,” She laughed. “Not like I’m here all the time.”
“Well,” He shrugged. “I don’t mind. I’m just glad you and Eds figured things out.” Yes, Wayne knew. How could he not know? He was like a father to Eddie. In fact, Wayne was the one that called Eddie out and told him that he needs to take responsibility. 
“Me too.” She nodded. 
“Welp,” Wayne sighed. “I’m heading to work.”
“Have fun.” Eddie said, sarcastically as he passed Wayne on the way to his room. Y/n waved at Wayne a final time before following Eddie into his room. Y/n groaned upon seeing Eddie’s bed. She slowly climbed onto the bed and laid down on her back. 
“You okay?” Eddie asked as he sat down next to her.
“My back hurts.” She scoffed. “My stomach weighs about ten pounds now. My body’s not used to it.”
“I’m sorry.” He sighed, his eyes filling with sadness. 
“Don’t be.” She closed her eyes and placed her hands on her belly. “It’ll all be worth it when Rose comes.”
“Rose, huh?” He asked laying down, his nose brushing up against her cheek. “Like… Guns ‘N Roses?”
“Oh my god,” She groaned. “Do you have to make everything about bands?”
“Yes,” He smirked. “What else would I do with my time?”
“Leave me alone, Eddie.” She smiled to herself. “Go to bed.” There was a pause of silence as Y/n steadily breathed, her hands resting protectively over her belly.
Eddie’s eyes roamed all over her face, admiring her. His eyes then drifted to her belly and he smiled a bittersweet smile. He was grateful that he came to his senses… and he was grateful that Wayne was there to snap him back to reality about the whole situation. He might still think that he’s going to be a bad dad, but Y/n and Wayne would be there for him. They’ll be there when things get rough.
“You’re going to be a real great mom, Y/n.” Eddie whispered to the sleeping woman. “And I can’t wait to meet you, Rosie.” He whispered to the baby within Y/n’s belly.
“Well, good morning, sleeping beauty.” Eddie smiled upon seeing Y/n waddle into the kitchen. “Nice to see you, this fine morning.”
“Ugh.” She groaned at him, heading for the fridge. “Do you have orange juice?”
“Yeah, top shelf.” He nodded towards the fridge. “How ya feeling?” Y/n held up a finger as she gulped down the orange juice that she had just poured into the cup.
“How do I look like I’m feeling?” She gave a sarcastic smile. Eddie would never say it to her, because he’s made that mistake once before, but she did look terrible. She was up all night, tossing and turning, complaining that her lower back hurt.
“Still hurting?” He asked with a frown. She nodded and set the empty up on the counter. 
“It’s more than just my back.” She sighed. “My head is pounding too.”
“Want me to take you back home?” He asked, walking over to her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and let her lean against him. “I mean, do you… you don’t think something’s wrong with the baby?”
“Nothing’s wrong with the baby, Eds.” She shook her head, looking up at him. “But I am nearing my due date, it’s probably just that.”
“We should tell everyone.” Eddie said after a moment of silence. “We’ve waited a month already. We can’t wait until the baby’s born. I mean, what happens if the baby comes and we haven’t told anyone? Just put the last name as Munson and say surprise, everybody. The freak is the baby daddy. No way!” He was panicking. He usually got this way when he voiced any concerns of his.  
“Eddie,” Y/n interrupted, placing her hands on his shoulders as she moved to stand in front of him. “We’ll tell them. I just… I don’t know how.”
“I don’t know either.” He agreed, shaking his head. “But I don’t want to wait.”
“I mean,” She sighed in thought, eyebrows scrunched. “We could always just sit my mom and Dustin down and just… tell them.”
“Is that the only option we have?” Y/n shrugged.
“It’s the easiest way I can think of.” 
“Then that’s how we’ll do it.”
Eddie had taken Y/n back home when her pager beeped around 7pm. She knew it was her mother wanting her to come back home, so she told Eddie to take her home. The entire drive to her house was tense. She could tell that Eddie was nervous because he kept wiping his hand on his jeans when his grip on the steering wheel became too sweaty. Not to say that Y/n wasn’t nervous either. Her leg bounced the entire way and she felt like she was going to puke from her nerves. Since tonight was the night she’d reveal the true identity of her baby’s father, she told Eddie to pull into the driveway instead of dropping her at the end of the street like they had originally planned. Eddie turned off the van, but made no move to leave it. He sat in his seat, head against the headrest, staring straight ahead. Y/n watched him with sympathetic eyes. Her frown deepened when she watched Eddie rest his forehead on the steering wheel. The van shook slightly due to him bouncing his leg. Y/n placed her hand on his back and made gentle circles as he took in slow deep breaths.
“You can always back out, Eddie.” She sighed. “I don’t want to make you afraid.”
“I’m not backing out.” He said, sternly. “I just,” He shook his head, lips pulled into a thin line. “This is going to break Henderson’s heart.”
“He’ll understand.” She assured him, placing her hand on his bicep. “It might take him a while to come around, but honestly, Eddie, Dustin worships you.”
“He worships me?” Eddie smiled, looking at Y/n. 
“He talks about how cool you are all the time.” She giggled. “I swear, you’re all he talks about… Steve’s jealous about it too.”
“No way!” Eddie’s jaw dropped. “Steve, the king of Hawkins, is jealous of me?”
“Well,” She shrugged. “He was. But then umm… I told him about what happened between us.”
“Right.” He nodded. “I will forever be apologizing for how I acted, Y/n.”
“I know.” She smirked. “Because I’ll never let you forget.”
“Whatever.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“You want to go in?” She asked after a short pause of silence. 
“Yeah,” He nodded. “Yeah, let’s get this over with.” He opened his door and got out, meeting Y/n on her side. She grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug, his face buried into her neck. Hugging anyone this late in pregnancy was always uncomfortable due to her stomach getting in the way. 
“It’s going to be okay, Eds.” She whispered, placing a kiss on the side of his head. “C’mon.” She pulled away from the hug and pulled him behind her by his hand. She opened the front door and poked her head in. Her mother was sitting on the couch, watching the news, but her attention quickly went onto her daughter, who was walking into the house with a strange boy with long hair.
“Y/n,” Her mother stood, eyeing the new boy in the room. “Who’s your friend?”
“I’ll explain soon, ma.” Y/n’s stomach lurched in anxiety. “Is Dustin home?”
“Yeah.” Claudia nodded. “I’ll go get him.” Claudia turned and briskly walked towards Dustin’s bedroom. Y/n gestured towards the couch and sat down next to Eddie, who began to bounce his leg again. 
“Eddie?” Dustin said in confusion, glancing back and forth from his sister and dungeon master. “What are you doing here?”
“This is Eddie?” Claudia asked Dustin, recognizing the name that Dustin says all the time.
“Yeah,” Dustin nodded. “But I didn’t think you’d be here today.”
“Can you two sit down?” Y/n interrupted. “We need to talk to you about something.”
“I don’t like when you say that now, Y/n.” Claudia quickly sat down, Dustin following in suit.
“Well, it’s not like I’m going to tell you I’m pregnant again.” Y/n giggled, but cleared her throat when no one else laughed. 
“What’s Eddie doing here?” Dustin asked again, making the two soon-to-be parents look at each other.
“Uhh…” Y/n trailed off, not knowing what to say. “That’s umm… that’s what we want to talk about.”
“Henderson,” Eddie began. “I just want to say that you’re an awesome kid and… I’m sorry if this hurts you in any way.”
“Sweetie,” Claudia’s voice trembled a little bit. “You’re starting to scare me.” Y/n gulped, tears beginning to form in her eyes. 
“Uhm…” She wiped the tears from her eyes with her sleeve. “Eddie is… Eddie-”
“I’m the father of Y/n’s baby.” Eddie finished for her. The room became suffocating. The piercing silence coming from Y/n’s mother and brother made her throat close up with nerves.
“Ma, Dustin,” Y/n tested the waters, her eyes flicking from her mother and brother. “P-please. Say something.”
“You said that Steve was the father.” Her mother’s voice was stern and angry.
“I know.” Y/n looked down at the floor. “I didn’t know what else to say.”
“Didn’t know what to say?” Claudia nearly shouted. “You should’ve told the truth!”
“She didn't want our baby to be fatherless.” Eddie added, making Claudia shake her head in confusion.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“When Y/n told me she’s pregnant,” Eddie gulped. “I, uh, I reacted badly. I… yelled at her and… I said that I didn’t want the baby. Or anything to do with the baby.”
“Then why are you here?” Claudia was angry. Anyone could see that. Y/n began to cry even more, keeping silent to not disturb the situation. “Why is he here, Y/n?”
“He apologized.” Y/n sniffled. “And I-” She looked at Eddie. “I love him, ma.”
“Love him?” Dustin shouted, standing suddenly, which made Eddie flinch. “How could you love him? You don’t know him!”
“Don’t say a word, Eddie.” Dustin pointed at him, anger in his eyes. “You got my sister pregnant and then ditched her.”
“Let him explain, Dus-”
“No, Y/n.” Dustin interrupted, glaring daggers at Eddie. “You left my sister to do this on her own! Now all of the sudden you want to help?” Eddie rose to his feet and slowly approached Dustin, who was breathing heavily, face red in anger. 
“Henderson, I know what I did was wrong,” Eddie held out his hands as if he was walking towards a wild animal. “But I feel terrible about what I did and I want to be around. And… I love Y/n too.” Dustin walked towards Eddie and poked him in the chest.
“You only want to be a father once someone else takes your place, huh?” Y/n had never seen Dustin this angry. Tears were in his eyes and his face was glowing red.
“Dusty, please.” Y/n cooed softly, coming to stand by Eddie’s side. “Just hear him out.”
“Hear him out?” Dustin scoffed. “Y/n, are you crazy? He didn’t want anything to do with you!”
“He was scared, Dustin.” Y/n exclaimed. 
“Like I give a shit?” Dustin shouted, causing Claudia to gasp.
“Dusty!” Claudia gasped. “There’s no need to cuss.”
“I want you out of my house.” Dustin said, staring directly into Eddie’s eyes. “And don’t ever speak to me again.”
“Henderson-” Eddie was crestfallen. “Please.”
“I said to get out, freak!” Dustin shouted, the tears falling freely from his eyes. 
“Dustin!” Claudia and Y/n shouted in shock. Eddie stared at Dustin in shock, not believing what Dustin just called him.
“I-uh,” Eddie cleared his throat, tears in his eyes as he looked at Y/n. “I’m gonna go.”
“Eddie, no,” Y/n whispered, grasping onto his arm, shaking her head. “You don’t have to.”
“I’ll call you later, Y/n.” Eddie tried to smile. “But I just- I gotta go.”
“Eddie!” Y/n called out after him as he walked out of her house. “Eddie, wait!” Eddie didn’t listen to her pleas. She watched him get into his van and speed away from the house. Y/n, for the first time in a few weeks, felt completely helpless. Y/n grit her teeth and slammed the front door shut, walking towards Dustin.
“Why the hell would you do that?” She shouted, pointing a finger in Dustin’s face. “Eddie’s your best friend!”
“Not anymore!” Dustin shouted back. 
“How come you didn’t react this way when you thought the father was Steve?” She asked, lips turned into a frown. “It’s the exact same thing.”
“No, it’s not!” He stomped his foot. 
“Yes, it is, Dustin.” 
“No, it’s not.” He threw his arms in the air. “Because I never expected it to be Eddie. And not to mention that he knew and went about his day like it was nothing.” Dustin was full on crying now.
“Okay, okay,” Claudia placed her hands on both of her children’s shoulders. “Let’s calm down a bit. We’re all mad, now, but we need to be calm about it.”
“I trusted him, Y/n.” Dustin’s voice cracked. “How could you do this to me?”
“Me?” Y/n placed her hand on her chest, eyes wide with disbelief. “You’re blaming me for this? Are you serious, Dustin?”
“If you had just told the truth in the first place, I wouldn’t be pissed!”
“Dustin,” Claudia warned. “It takes two to do this, don’t just blame your sister.”
“What Y/n did was wrong, I know. Even I’m angry about it, but we still need to let her explain.”
“How am I supposed to know she won’t lie again?” Dustin asked, making Claudia sigh.
“I don’t think she will.” Claudia said, glancing at Y/n. “Right, honey?” Y/n quickly nodded.
“That’s why I brought him here, Dustin.” Y/n said, glancing down at the floor. “I-I didn’t want to hide anymore.” Her fingers toyed at the bottom of her shirt in nervousness. 
“Why would you lie, Y/n?” Dustin wiped his nose with his sleeve.
“I-” Y/n looked at her mother and then back to Dustin, both were patiently waiting for an explanation. “I lied because… You idolized Eddie, Dustin. And… At the time, Eddie wanted nothing to do with the baby and I thought I’d be alone. I knew it’d break your heart to know the truth, so I lied.”
“You thought that’d be better than just telling me the truth?” Dustin sighed. “And why would you bring Steve into this? I didn’t talk to him for days either!”
“Steve offered to step in.” Y/n stated. “He said that he didn’t want me to do this alone, so he told me to tell people that he was the father instead of someone who didn’t want it.”
“I’m so pissed off, Y/n.”
“I know you are,” She nodded in understanding. “But Eddie was pissed too when he found out I lied about Steve too. It’s my fault, I know, but I’m so sorry.”
“I gotta go lay down.” Dustin pushed his mother’s hand off of his shoulder and trudged to his bedroom. The slam of his bedroom door made Y/n flinch slightly as tears leaked from her eyes.
“Oh, Y/n,” Claudia sighed, pulling her daughter into a hug. “Everything will be okay. Just give him time.”
“We don’t have time, ma.” Y/n sniffled. “The baby’s supposed to come in a few weeks.”
“I know.” Claudia nodded. “But look on the bright side, hun, now the baby will have both parents.”
“That’s true.” Y/n smiled slightly. “I know you probably don’t think the world of Eddie right now, but he’s really a great guy, ma. He was just scared to be a father.”
“He stepped up.” Claudia caressed her daughter’s cheek. “He’ll be there for you and the baby. That’s all that matters now.”
“I love you, ma.” Y/n leaned her head onto her mother’s shoulder. 
“But I would like to get to know him more.” Claudia said. “And I want to know why he has such… wild hair.” Claudia and Y/n giggled together.
“Don’t hate on the hair.” Y/n smiled, pulling away from her mother’s hug. “I-I actually like the hair.”
“You like his hair?” Claudia’s eyes widened. “Oh my goodness, Y/n. I’m more concerned about that.”
“Shut up.” Y/n joked, making her mother laugh. 
“Let’s watch some television.” Claudia wrapped her arm around Y/n’s shoulders and led her over to the couch. “Let’s just forget for tonight, hm?”
“I would love that, ma.” Y/n smiled, although she couldn’t stop from feeling the slight pain in her lower stomach getting stronger. It was just from the tension tonight, that’s all. At least she hoped so. She just wants to relax tonight. She needs to relax tonight. This pain was normal in pregnancy, right? This doesn't mean that she's in labor. It's just normal pregnancy cramps. Please, please only let it be normal cramps.
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cheriecelestial · 4 months
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Paper Rings
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disclaimer *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ angst (?), canon typical violence, gore (?), crude humour, strong language, typos, grammatical errors, cliché moments
genre *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ drama, romance, action-thriller, fantasy
a/n *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ based on this one dream i had and also cuz pjo was my first comfort series and jjk is my current one (only s1)
╰ ┈➤ Chapter List
╰ ┈➤ Master list
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Chapter One
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Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.
If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal
life. Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.
If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on. I envy you for being able to believe that none of this ever happened.But if you recognize yourself in these pages - if you feel something stirring inside - stop reading immediately. You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before they sense it too, and they'll come for you.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
My name is Gojo Kanao . Age fourteen, raised in Tokyo, Japan . As the youngest family member of the Gojo clan , niece of the Gojo Satoru and an aspiring sorcerer - my life was going as perfectly as it rightfully should . Except my uncle got a call from an old family friend three weeks back and before I knew it I were to pack my bags and enroll in a 'summer camp' meant for 'children like me' . And that's really funny because apart from my uncle , I'm pretty much one of a kind . It's not like ever other generation has a six eyes user gifted with limitless. My existence is what most people call an 'anomaly in the power balance of the world' and sparked much debate amongst higher ups but it stopped bothering me after a point considering how uncle Satoru threatens to decimate any person that as much as dared look at me wrongly .
He took me in after my father died when I was four and him eighteen . Following my father's death , the Gojo clan was pretty much reduced to me and uncle since not much was known about my birth mother . The first time my uncle got to know that he, in fact , not only had a sister in law but also a niece from his absentee elder brother was when the fore mentioned "family friend" came knocking to at the Gojo Clan's door with a drooling four year old with white pigtails in tow .
As much as a shock it must've been to know that he was now a single father , uncle or as I call him Satoru nii-san , seemed to have developed a knack for parenting much too quickly with his reasoning being 'the baby looks like mini me and I vibe with that' . And as he liked to say to me and my also-adopted siblings Megumi and Tsumiki Fushiguro "having you kids just adds to my dilf appeal" followed by Megumi deadpanning at him , Tsumiki awkwardly smiling and me audibly gagging. Needless to say , he isn't much liked and not even half as tolerable as he considers himself to be.
"How could you do this to me ?" I mumbled while my eyes trailing the silhouette of the trees passing rapidly by my car windows . Almost inaudible cursing was what my opposition was shamefully reduced to . After much fights , screaming , crying , scratching and attempts at running away I was forced to join this camp . His description of the camp with strawberry fields , flying horses , Greek gods and half goat people was enough for Megumi to call bullshit on it however I couldn't deny its existence because that's where I grew up from birth to age four.
" Nyao-chan , this is the 33rd time you're saying this in the past fifteen hours of flight time . Do better" I could feel nii-san rolling his eyes from the front seat .
" Toru nii don't call me that" I hissed back at him and turned my face with 'hmph' so that maybe , just maybe I could appeal to his conscience. I remember that place and it wasn't particularly unpleasant and under normal circumstances I would really like visiting . However , he simply refused to understand just how it would derail my development as a sorcerer , quoting ' your development as a demigod is just as fundamental to your growth as your development as a sorcerer . Take it as a learning experience. Have fun and for the love of god make some friends that aren't the fushiguros or your pet snake .'
My previous attempt at socialising ended up with the boy calling me a brat and me activating my cursed technique for the first time in attempt to kill him , stunning breakthrough but not a suitable first impression. That meeting ended well for their family and the incident was ruled out as a 'all is well that ends well' . And after that I decided that I had enough and rated the experience 2 stars , do not recommend . 
" I mean looking at how much you like small spaces , scratching and hissing you might as well be one . But hey cheer up ! you're going to see your Chiron sensei and Dino oji-san again . Won't it be fun ? Childhood memories all coming back to you. Plus I've heard summer camps are really fun." He shrugged with his emphasis on the names causing me to cringe inwardly .
" What sort of summer camp runs in November ?" I retorted followed by him sighing . It was much later that I found out that my 'Dino oji-san' was actually Dionysus , the Greek god of wine. I could only imagine the emotions he must've felt holding a toddler in his lap , butchering his name to her convenience. The embarrassment of the memory just made me even more unwilling to go . Our satyr chauffeur said we were fifteen minutes away from camp so of course going back wasn't an option.
Before I knew it , the car came to a screeching halt in the middle of road . There was nothing but an empty road ahead surrounding by dense vegetation on either sides . " What happened ? " I asked leaning forward. The saytr looked at me and blinked . Then I realised I forgot to switch to English while talking . Except for my struggles with dyslexia, English was fairly easy to learn . I credited Satoru nii's obsession of Friends and Britney Spears for this but learning , in general , was something that came naturally to me . I never had to try too hard to learn a skill and it puzzled others and even me . Apparently this was the trait of a true Gojo . Being godly perfect . It applied to everything but my cursed energy technique . Sometime back I realised I reached a plateau of my skills  and no matter what method I employed , my growth remained stagnant . Maybe that's why he's sending me here .
" She meant why did we stop ?" Nii-san asked .
" We're here" The saytr plainly replied . I looked around in confusion because I saw nothing . He asked us to follow him , and with luggage in hand , so we did .
After a small hike through the woods , we reached a big stone arch . It was partially of wood and stone and looked really old with greek symbols carved at the top and several cracks and moss . I stared at the sign and noticed that the letters began to rearrange themselves . At first I thought it was my dyslexia acting up but the Greek symbols rearrange themselves to spell out the letters 'CAMP HALFBLOOD' .
"You look surprised. What do you see Kana ?" He looked at me . I explained my observations and he smirked and muttered something to himself .
I extended my hand and much like how jujutsu curtains worked by hand went passed the barrier emitting a faint blue light . " Nii-san you try it " I gestured him to do the same . The barrier pulsated against his hand as if resisting his touch . With a faint smile , he retracted his hand and said to the saytr " This barrier is stronger than I expected . I'm impressed"
"Nii-san if you were to break through , how long would it take ?" I asked out of curiosity . If you were to ask anyone to describe Gojo Satoru in one word the word would be 'strongest' . Once he put enough effort into it there was no barrier he couldn't break nor there was any curse he couldn't exorcise . " Hmmm it's strong I'll give it that . But we wouldn't want to endanger a camp worth of kids, right ?" I shrugged in a 'makes sense' gesture.
"It's just her from this point on. You can't go inside." The saytr said. Yeah we noticed. Satoru- nii clapped his hands and smiled," Just give us two minutes. You know I need time to see off my precious baby." The saytr blinked and moved out of earshot wordlessly. Satoru nii cupped my face and cooed as if he was on the verge of crying. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic display," you didn't feel any remorse for the last few days and you're crying now ?"
"It's not easy ! I knew I had to let my baby bird out of the nest because that's what's best for you but I -" his bottom lip wobbled and I was hit with a sense of guilt. I sighed and hugged him," I'll miss you too. I'll be fine."
"Call me everyday you hear me ? And eat and sleep well. Oh my god I'm starting to sound like an old woman !" Gojo Satoru was one man who liked to completely disregard the fact that me, Megumi and Tsumiki had mother -albeit absent, and very seriously behave as if he was the one who carried us around for nine months and birth us. But hey, who doesn't like being coddled ?
I rolled my eyes and gave him the signature Gojo smirk," I'll be just fine, don't you worry."
" I know. You'll be fine. Always. You'll be better than me, I know it." Satoru nii-san's voice dropped to a low and almost wistful whisper. " Even though you're the best there is ?" I asked offering him a kind smile. To that he said something in a tone  I didn't expect hearing from him. "You've inherited only my powers , I don't want you to inherit my tragedies too ." The statement left a bad taste in my mouth. People often assumed that since he was the strongest, he had it easy. It’s people like him that suffer the most, so much so that sometimes it has you wishing you didn’t have power at all.
"And lastly. Don't kill anyone, and even if you do. Get rid of witnesses and call nii-san first, Nii-san will take care of it." I raised my brow in questioning. Firstly, shouldn't he be teaching his kid to be nice to other people or something and second of all why is he referring to himself in third person.
"Shouldn't you be saying 'dont bully people and be nice' or something ?" Though what he said wasn't the first of its kind. My brother Megumi had a track record of beating up people in his school but Nii-san never saw a problem because the people he beat up were hardly innocent and he never lost a fight so that was no shame brought to the family name.
"If there's anyone you think shouldn't be alive. Then they shouldn't be. This world is ours, the others are just living in it." One thing that everyone knew what that Gojo Satoru was a firm believer of the Gojo family supremacy. And he's not wrong. "Then what about those sleazy higher-ups ?" I quipped. I knew of his grand plan to demolish the old reign and establish a new jujutsu world, the reason he became a teacher. It was something I looked forward to since the day he showed me the dream of it, but for that I had to get stronger. To become more, to become unstoppable. So I would gladly accept any wisdom the Greeks had to offer and make sure that by the time I’m done here, I’ll be the strongest demigod they’ve had the honour of laying their eyes upon.
“All in due time Kana-chan.”
Taglist: @kentply / @sleepykittycx / @yourpersonalgaybird
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seonghwa-potatos · 10 months
The bully’s a sub?
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summary: What happens after a fight with your bully ends up leading you to have dinner with his parent.Your left alone with Soobin to get your guys’s act together , expecting to end up fighting once more you find something quite odd in his room, changing your opinion on him.
pairings: bully!sub!soobin x rough!dom!reader
warnings: anal play, creampie
Walking into class you prepared yourself for whatever was going to happen.Sitting down in your seat you begin to read a book, but then none other than Soobin takes it.”Y/N so what ya reading”he says holding it and laughing.”well it's not important” he says tossing it on the floor and putting his foot onto it.You get up “Soobin What the fuck is wrong with you”You ay feeling defeated.”Every damn day I have to deal with your bullshit and Im fucking tired of it.” you say clenching your fist. “So what?” he chuckles looking at his friends. You take the chance swinging your fist at him but you miss.He then grabs your arm “If your gonna try to fight me, number one tip is to swing straight…even my little brother knows that.” he smiles sarcastically
The only emotion you could feel was anger, as he tosses your arm down you grab your book on the floor.Tossing it at him as hard as you can at the back of his head.The class went silent.You take a step back, he turns running towards you, you never seen him this angry.He lunges at you and you both fall onto one another, but you flipped yourself on top, making sure you pinned his arms down with your thighs.”IM TIRED OF YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT”you say tears running down your face and he just looks up at you stopping his fighting to get you off of him.”pouring water onto me was so damn funny to you guys wasnt it” opening your eyes he looks at you as if he feels sorry, but you could care less.”Remeber I was gone for a week from school, It was because your bitch ass got me sick”you say hitting his chest.However you didnt realize that your pin on him, you were losing it. He flips you over “Stop being a bitch, crying over this, really?Are you really crying over something as little as this?” he says laughing.He looked crazy laughing like this was the funniest thing to him ever.
“WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING, GET UP… NOW” the Teacher says storming in.Soobin gets off of you and you swing your fist, punch him in the face as hard as you can.He just shoves you away from him.Wiping the blood off his lip.”OFFICE NOW” the teacher yells walking you both down.
Sitting in the office you both say nothing waiting for your parents to come get you.
30 mins later.
“Mom, you know I've told you for months about how he kept messing with me.” you say
“Y/N fighting won't solve any problems, I raised you better than this…but thats why were gonna fix this today” she says you questionly raise your eyebrows “Today?, How” you say
“We're having dinner with his family later,” she says, hopping into the car.
“Dinner?” you say concerningly.”No , mom he’s literally the devil's child…Dinner? You can't be serious” you say, looking at her as if she's crazy.
“Well you're gonna get dressed, we have to leave by 4:30”she says.Arriving home, You just wish you could lay in your bed and do nothing for the rest of the day.Eventually you went to sleep hoping your mom would just cancel.
“Wake up Y/N and get dressed.” she says as you're half awake and half asleep.”Huh?”
You say then you remember you have to have dinner with Soobin.”Mom please I really don't wanna go.''You say doing those bubbly crying eyes at her.”No you're going Y/N be dressed in 10 mins were leaving then”, she says closing the door.
Dragging yourself out of your room you plead with your mom one final time, but she says this is for the best as you both head out the door.
15 mins later you guys arrive at his house.Walking in you see Soobin with his bruised lip and laugh under your breath.He glares at you knowing he heard you. Once the table is set up you sit across from one another as well as the parents.As you guys eat Soobin’s dad says “We want you guys to stop this childish act,So me and Mrs Lyn (Your mom)will be leaving while you guys solve your guy’s problems” he says as if this was the solution. “Dad, are you really gonna leave me with her?”he says like a whining.you roll your eyes wanting to leave the room in an instant.”You guys are gonna act like your age,If come back and everythings a mess with you two, you won't have your phone,xbox,or television for a month.”(18) his dad says expressing how he wasn't lying.”Same goes for you Y/N “ your mom says as they both hid to the door.” Yall stay on your best behavior while we're gone.” your mom says closing the door behind them.
“Don't touch any of my shit, and stay out of my room” he says going to the bathroom.You wanted to put him in his place so you go upstairs and find his room,You just lay on his bed admiring his room.”He really thinks ima listen to him now” you chuckle to yourself getting up you look around and see his walk in closet.”Hmm he got some nice clothes i'll admit that.” you say looking around and then you see this purple looking thing hiding behind shoes.You grab it and it's a dildo.You hold in in shock.He likes to be fucked in the ass. Ima definitely use this against him you were thinking.You lay on the bed wondering how he got this big ass dildo up his ass.”I told you not to go in my room” he says yelling opening his door.His face goes pale and his face drops.”W-what are you doing touching my stuff”He says as if he’s embarrassed.He runs after you trying to grab it, but you wore heels your about his height so you stand up and he tries jumping and reaching but to no surprise he can't. “Please just give it to me.” he says with bright red cheeks and ears looking down. “Now why would I do that?” you laugh at him in his face.You put your finger onto his chest pushing him down onto the bed. “Y/N, i'm sorry for bullying you, I- I never meant to take it that far” he says you can tell he’s embarrassed but so what.”Strip” you say smiling, doing that sarcastic smile he does.”S-strip” he says panicking.”Why would I do that” he says looking everywhere but your eyes.”Well, you wouldn't want anyone to find out would you?” you say finally knowing you have something to black mail him with.He begins to strip only to his underwear he covers himself in his underwear.You sit in a chair facing him “That too”you say pointing. “Do you not understand the meaning of stripping?” you say almost getting out of your chair.He then removes his underwear. “Let me see,” you say teasingly, laughing.”S-see what” he says flustered more than ever. You move the chair forward, moving his hands out of the way.”This” you say as you laugh a little.”Wow it is pretty big” you say using the whipping stick out of your bag holding it up as if you were observing it. “Now can I get dressed?” he says, stepping back and covering himself once more.You look at him crossing your legs “I'm not done” you say looking him in his eyes.”What do you want from me?” he says with a bit of sass in his tone.
“Don't get sassy with me…Now you're gonna take this dildo and shove it up your ass in front of me” you say throwing the dildo at him.
“R-really are you serious” he says worrisomely.
“Do you want your friends to know what you do on your own time?”you say seriously without laughing.
He grabs puts a finger in his ass and tries preparing himself, but he cant reach so far it seems like. “C-can I grab m-my lube out of the closet.” he says
“Where is it” you say looking at how flustered he is.
“Top shelf to the side of the box right when you walk in.” he says looking away.
Grabbing the lube you come out and put some onto your finger.
“Y-you don't have t-too do it” he says talking fastly
“Shutup” you say, pushing him down and making his back arch.
You put one finger in and he groans trying to hold himself from moaning. “Let those sounds out for me” you say into his ear while putting two fingers in.
He lets out a soft moan he tried to keep from coming out.”So what other toys do you have in there” you say wondering how kinky this motherfucker is.He doesn't say anything except his muffled moans into the bed.You grip his hair moving his head up. “Answer me Soobin?”
You say sternly.He moans each word out saying ” C-cuffs, ot-ther dildos, an edging t-toy”he says.”Where are those toys?” you say putting 3 fingers in. His moans get louder “I-im not telling y-you”he says I then shove my fingers in and out at a paste. Leaning over him I take my shirt off, pressing my boobs onto his back.leaning towards his ears.You whisper “you really think you're gonna make demands” you chuckle.”You don't have options” you say grabbing his dildo and waving it in his face.Moving it to the back of him you put it in him and his moans come out full.You hear them as clear as day.”Im glad your my bitch now” you say pushing it further in as his back arches farther.”Y/N t-the toys are in t-that box” he says.He looks as if he can't hold no more. “You cum when I say you can come”You say looking into his eyes getting up from the bed and grabbing the material.You then place the cuffs on him moving his arms to be behind him.You then begin to take your pants off and underwear off slowly looking at him smirking.His dick starts to twitch.”I- I can't hold n-no more Y/N” he says moaning out.”Your gonna hold because I said so” you say sitting him up looking into his eyes.You put yourself on top of him pressing your folds along his cock.You feel his twitch bit by bit and you tease him more and more rubbing down his chest.”you want it” she says “Y-yes I want it, please”He says whines for it.You then pull yourself up and positioning yourself facing him going down onto his cock.He groans moaning your name, his moans begin to sound like pants.You then grab his head pushing the sweat off his hair.His adams apple bulges out as his head cocks backwards as his moans wont stop.”Soobin your such a naughty boy” you say pushing him onto the bed and going up and down faster.He lets out a moan as if he cant take it anymore “cum in me “ you say and you feel his cum ejaculate all inside you eventually making you both sticky as you keep going.you push your boobs into his face and suffocating him with the smell of you as well. “ You're such a good boy Soobin, now if you could act like this from now on we won't have any problems will we?” you say whispering into his ear.”No, ma’am” he says heavily out of breath.
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secondratefiction · 14 days
That 70's Show Drabble request: It's your and your twin brother Eric's 16th birthday, kitty and red usually remember but they forget yours this year, your boyfriend Hyde notices and gives you one of the best birthdays ever, including you two both having sex for the first time. Hyde also does a little cussing at red And kitty for forgetting their youngest daughter's special day.
'ello my love, always nice to see you around 😁
Afraid I might have gone a little off the brief for this one, but hopefully it still hits at least most of what you wanted 💜
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(Ok, yes, timeline wise, Hyde was living with the Foreman's before he got the car, but this is basically the fandom versions of "...who's like is it anyway?" where the stories are made up and canon events don't matter, so... just roll with it)
You're blaming Eric for this.
He was the one who decided he didn't want to share a birthday party with you any more
Now, granted, you had agreed, mostly out of anger and annoyance with him in the moment - "Fine! Why would I want another stupid Star Wars themed party anyway!" - But you hadn't thought it would end up here...
The decision had been made after the disastrous aftermath of your last combined party, and it was something that had slipped your mind over the last year.
Of course in the month before, Eric was sure to bring it up, and remind your parents that you were doing separate celebrations... although, you weren't expecting exactly how that ended up working out.
Your mother had seemed to pull out all the stops for this year "Sixteen is such a special age after all..."
There were pancakes and all of Eric's favorites at breakfast... only Eric's though
And you tried not to let that get to you, but you didn't even get so much as a happy birthday out of any of them... not even your Dad which stung quite a bit considering that it was no secret that he had a tendency to favor you over Eric and even Lori.
But you sucked it up, put on a brave face, and tried to act like it wasn't a big deal... which you were actually pretty good at -
At least until you got sent down to the basement to collect a few things for your mom. That's when Hyde spotted you...
He sat up from the couch looking like he was struggling to wake up. Which, in all fairness, he was, "Hey, little Foreman." You rolled your eyes at him, leaning on the ack of the couch, "Did you sleep here again?" "Yeah." He nodded, leaning into kiss you. "You're gonna get caught..." He only smirked up at you with a shrug, "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."
Standing up, he vaulted over the back of the couch to pull you into a proper kiss that honestly made you a little weak in the knees, leaning into him more as he pulled away, "Happy Birthday baby."
And just like that the damn broke...
You let out a strangled, broken laugh, quickly burying your face in his chest to try and hide the fact tears had immediately sprung up, and that you were losing the fight to keep them contained.
To say Hyde was caught off guard would be the under statement of the century. He almost panicked as he scrambled trying to figure out what was wrong, what he'd said to set you off.
All of this despite your poor attempts to assure him it was nothing. "Hey, no. Look at me," He pulled you back from him so you couldn't keep hiding, and waiting until you actually looked up to meet his eyes, "If you are this upset, it is not 'nothing'. Now, tell me what happened."
You tried to fight it, keep your mouth shut, but there was an intensity in his gaze that left no room for argument... he wasn't going to let this go until you told him, so you did, laying out all the events of the morning, "... I can't believe they fucking forgot my birthday."
For a moment Hyde's expression was unreadable and you had just started to ask what he was thinking when he grabbed you by your elbow and started walking you towards the door "Wait! Steven, what are you - I'm supposed to be grabbing a box for my mom." "Don't worry about it, I'll get it."
He walked you straight out of the garage, putting you in the Camino, still very confused before he turned around a disappeared back down the basement steps.
He grabbed the box you had indicated and made his way up to the kitchen. Smiling tightly and nodding in greeting when Kitty noticed him. "I didn't realize you were here Steven." "I just came by to pick up Y/N... plans for her birthday, you know."
He took the moment of realization and shock on her face as a chance to drop the box on the table and make a quick exit out the sliding glass door.
He was sliding into the driver's seat by the time Kitty could be heard shouting for Red inside the house, throwing his arm behind your head as he looked to back the car out of the drive
"Ok..." You said slowly as he turned around to put the car in drive, pulling away from your house, "So what are we doing?"
"Don't know yet, that's up to you," He said, smirking at you, letting his hand come to rest on your knee, "Tell me what you want to do, and I'll make it happen."
You couldn't help but laugh a little bit, almost beaming at him as you put your own hand over his, "Anything I want?" "Anything."
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guardedserum · 1 month
Chapter one, Johnny’s Perspective.
It had been months since the gang had found me doubled up, half beaten to death, all because I was looking for our football so I could practice a couple kicks. The Socs had always been the crueller type sure, but I ain’t done nothing to make them hacked off at me; they were looking for a fight and that’s what they came for. I still remember the pained look on Sodapop’s face as he turned me over, all anxious and worried. Steve just looked angry, angrier than I had seen him in a good while, but Ponyboy just looked sad. It was always hard to pinpoint how Pony was feelin’ sometimes.
The Socs scared me more than Mom and Dad; I don’t like to think about them often. They’re always bitchin’ and complainin’ about something and I always got caught in the middle of it. Mom ignored me until she wanted something or if she was mad, and I took a beating with a two-by-four by my father one time. Ponyboy had seen that and I had never felt so weak before. That’s why I didn’t come home most of the time.
It had been months since then.
It was only yesterday Ponyboy got jumped by the Socs while he was walking home, got his neck cut up bad but not bad enough to leave a scar and they kept hollering that they wanted to give him a haircut, which they attempted but failed, only getting so far as to cut his neck before the rest of the gang came running over. Even Dallas came running and I thought he was in the cooler for ‘bout ninety days. Dallas was real mean; sure, the Socs ran ‘cause the gang started fighting back for Ponyboy but Dallas was scary; he had been in a murder rap back in New York and had been arrested when he was ten. He wasn’t just a Greaser; he was a real hood, a JD.
People probably hated Dally more than the rest of the gang; he was the rudest, he didn’t care what people thought about him and he made sure that people knew that he didn’t care. Even Darry, Ponyboy, and Soda’s older brother knew that Dallas was dangerous. But Dallas would never hurt the gang on purpose; he was family. We all walked back to the Curtis’ house, Darry giving Ponyboy an earful. “You don’t ever think do you Ponyboy? Walking home by yourself..” Darry spat, “You don’t think at home or anywhere when it counts.” I stopped listening, I hated when they argued. I wished Darry would hear Pony out, and I wished that Ponyboy would realise that Darry just wanted the best for Ponyboy but that wasn’t gonna happen overnight. After Sodapop calmed Darry down, he went over to talk to Steve by one of the junk cars nearby while Darry went over to the mailbox to check the mail. “Next time ask one of us to go with you Ponyboy,” Two-Bit said. “Any of us will.” Dallas seemed to to adjust his posture a little, like he remembered something. “Speakin’ of movies.. I’m walkin’ over to the Nightly Double tomorrow night; any of y’all wanna come and hunt some action?” Dallas questioned, “Me and Steve are takin’ Evie and Sandy to the game.” Soda stated, Steve nodded. “What about y’all? Two-Bit? Johnnycake? You and Pony wanna come?” Ponyboy perked up. “Me and Johnny’ll go,” Ponyboy accepted. He knew I wouldn’t open my mouth unless I was forced to. And I was glad he agreed for me because I wouldn’t have been able to myself.
”Yeah, since it ain’t a school night..” Darry huffed before he went inside. “I might join y’all if I don’t get too drunk,” Two-Bit hummed before he got in his car and drove off. “Dal’ you got your ring back,” I stated, “You break up with Sylvia again?” Dallas snarled. “Yeah and this time it’s for good. Little broad was two-timing me again while I was in jail.” Dally kicked up some of the dirt underneath his boot. I never understood Dally and Sylvia’s relationship; they were always breaking up and getting back together and one time while Dallas was in jail Sylvia started hanging around me, I hated it. Surely Dallas didn’t mean it when he said that they were breakin’ up for good this time, since he said that the last time too. “Pony you got homework,” Darry called from inside the house, making Ponyboy groan and go inside. Dallas eventually left as well, leaving me sitting on the front steps of the Curtis’ house before I eventually got up myself and left to go to the lot.
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crow2222 · 29 days
i wrote darry and paul to try and stay awake
His eyelashes fluttered open as his hazy gaze rested upon me. The angry purple bruises spread throughout his face complimented his pale blue eyes; his eyebrows furrowing as his irises focused on my face.
"Paul?" Came the lone whisper from him, and despite my efforts to stay silent, I choked out a sob. My hand came up to hold his cheek in my palm, further breaking my heart as he leaned into my touch.
I wanted to ask if he knew, if he knew that this night would be his last; but I wasn't strong enough to let out the words, I was never as strong as he was.
His rumbling voice was what broke me out of my grave thoughts, "What happened?" His eyes looked heavy as he slowly scanned around the hospital room he was in, panic slowly rising in his voice.
He doesn't remember, therefore he doesn't know.
"There was an accident, Darry. Your parents, they're.. " The sudden trail off in my voice was all Darry needed to break down, his sobs racking his entire body, his face twisting up in pain as it happened.
They were simply going out to pick up a cake, his own birthday cake, but then a car went straight into them. It was Darrys twentieth birthday, having just turned twenty, will now have to stay that age until the end of time.
My hand stayed frozen on his cheek, and I could only hope that it comforted him ad much as it did to me.
His gravely voice gave out eventually, his vocal cords tired from his wails to his dad and mom. His eyes kept their flow of tears however, his head slowly shaking side to side as he refused to believe his parents death, or what I feared; his own approaching one.
The light in him was dying out; a life ending before it even started. I wanted to tell him to fight, to make it, but the look in his eyes told me he's already given up, despite the fact his brothers were waiting at home for the rest of their family to come home.
No sound came out, but I clearly saw how his cut up lips moved to say "Paul" once my hand slid away from his wet face.
All I could muster up was a shake of my head as a response, my legs tense with the need to flee. But I felt like I owed it to him to stay, so he wouldn't have to be alone when he goes.
Chairs were in the room, but by the looks of it, I wasn't going to be in there long enough for the need to sit.
Our staring match never ended, even as his eyelids seemed too much for him to keep open. They were half lidded when his vigorous shaking calmed down, and that's when my body decided to snap out of it and reach for his hand.
I was too late, it was all over;
and Darrel Curtis would never know how much I loved him.
My head hovered above his, droplets of my tears sliding down his stone cold face as I fought the urge to kiss him; it'd be like a tale of kissing the princess, bringing her back to life.
But what lay before him wasn't Darry anymore, just the body that held his spirit.
My fingers grasped desperately as his limp ones, a small hope in me that they'd suddenly hold mine back and everything would be fine.
"Paul?" His voice reminded me of Darrys, before he hit puberty and his voice deepened to the way I liked it. My eyes met Pony's horrified ones, my hands instantly leaving Darrys.
The long beep filled in our awkward silence, and just as I was about to wonder onto how no nurse had come on yet; One did.
She shooed us both out of the room as others filled into the room, leaving me and Darrys baby brother in the hallway.
He already knew, and if I were to guess, their other brother was still crying for his mommy and daddy to come back.
I couldn't bear it any longer, and my feet finally did what my mind has been yelling at them to do for ages; run.
I ran out of the hall, I ran down the stairs, and I ran out of the hospital.
And I kept on running, hoping that eventually,
I was far enough to forget Darry.
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angelsanarchy · 9 months
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N Series CH 04 -> CH 05
"In my defense I thought you were commenting on my weight." "So you went with skinny 9th grade virgin?"
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr @thatsthewrongwallcraig @icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06 @shady-the-simp
Jack spent the entire day cleaning. Thankfully he was able to find a company that picked up all the donations and junk he had cleared out of his parents room but he didn't trust anyone to come in and clean. He never realized how much his family didn't need this much space until he had to be responsible for it.
The first time he was able to sit down and relax, it was late and he was surprised he hadn't passed out already. He lit a cigarette and sat on the window sill, letting the smoke flow out of the window as he took in the cool breeze. The sound of shuffling below caught his attention and he locked eyes with Y/n who was taking a night stroll wearing her scrubs.
"Hey Jack, how's your night going?" She asked with a smile.
"It's going about as well as expected when your days consist of gutting your childhood home." Jack mockingly held finger guns to his temple making Y/n laugh.
"Hopefully you've got friends to help you. That's a lot of house for one person to gut." Y/n took a long drag and Jack nodded.
"I'm not very social at the moment...or any moment really. I've been told I'm a particular taste." Jack thought about the last time he tried to go out with Shanda and her girlfriend. He had almost gotten into a bar fight and got two drinks thrown in his face. His personality was a bit abrasive but he couldn't it. His passive aggressive narcissism came across rude to most but to the mores sensitive crowd, he was just a prick.
"I'm pretty sure they have companies who work for assholes." Y/n teased.
"Hey I forgot to congratulate you the other day. You would never guess you had a baby." Y/n's face dropped.
"Excuse me?" She questioned.
"I've never known someone to lose the baby weight before the kids a year old. You look great." Jack didn't typically comment on a woman's appearance, especially to their face but he blamed the exhaustion of the day and him fighting sleep for his lack of self preservation. That and she was a beautiful woman.
"Coming from the guy who looks like a skinny 9th grade virgin." Jack's eyebrows went up. Y/n stood her ground. He was caught off guard by the insult but remembered how Cleo would get when someone commented on her weight when she was pregnant.
"Wow I think I may have fucked up, let me try this again. When I met your mom, she said she had just become a grandma. I assumed-" Jack watched Y/n gasp and cover her mouth.
"Fuck! You thought...I am so sorry. My brother's wife had the baby, not me." Y/n explained making Jack nod his head.
"Okay so then I didn't fuck up as much as you did. That makes me feel better, a little offended but better." Jack pulled a long drag from his cigarette and Y/n raked her hand through her hair embarrassed.
"I really am sorry. In my defense, I thought you were commenting on my weight." Y/n defended .
"So you went with skinny 9th grade virgin?" Jack laughed. No one had really called him anything other than the normal insults. Pretentious prick. Son of a bitch (which he couldn't deny). Fucking asshole. He admittedly lost more weight then he would have liked when he was in treatment. He was trying to find little things that would help get him back into better shape instead of just being skin and bones.
"I was going to go with school shooter but it's been a long day, felt too dark in today's climate." Y/n frowned but Jack took amusement in it. He actually enjoy conversing with her. She had a wit about her that made him want to hear her thoughts on random things.
"I got the same response when my parents were killed in a car crash and kept telling people how my dad was decapitated." Jack gestured to his neck and Y/n nodded.
"It's truly a shame you aren't more social in town. I think these oldies need to be shaken up a little more." Y/n and Jack were probably two of the only people under 40 in the neighborhood.
"I was going to offer my condolences but I admittedly didn't know your parents that well and I'm pretty sure a year post-death seems kind of disingenuous. Your parents seemed like decent people. I always enjoyed the sunflowers my mom would grow for your mom so she had good taste in flowers." Jack was pleasantly surprised that Y/n hadn't tried to console him or offer some fake sympathy for people she clearly didn't know well. She had become a breath of fresh air in this small town full of people acting as though they knew him personally.
"I appreciate your genuine solace." Jack finished his cigarette and considered lighting another but instead just took a deep breath.
"I'm sure the last year of your life has been a real dumpster fire taking over this monstrosity but I guess we're just those kind of children." Y/n pulled something from her pocket and put it to her lips, lighting it and taking a pull.
"Yeah I didn't think I would end up...taking a year off but I guess I needed the mental break from LA anyway. Trying to get this place in order is the current goal so if you're looking for someone else's shit, let me know." Jack caught a whiff of the smoke and his eyebrow cocked. She was clearly wearing scrubs but she was absolutely smoking a joint, which wasn't uncommon for Colorado but possibly taboo among the medical community.
"I feel your pain. When I first moved back I did at least 4 garage sales just to clear out some of my parents bullshit. How can old people have so much shit? Baby boomers completely missed the whole recycling trend." Jack hadn't considered doing a yard sale but his lack of social skills would probably just have him boxing it all up to donate anyway.
"Moving back into this house alone is slowly turning me into a minimalist. I don't know if their generation just thought they were going breed like rabbits or if they were just competing to see who would have the biggest house." Jack felt comfortable having such open conversation with her. He felt like he could actually keep a conversation without someone trying to offer sympathies or checking to see if he was on the verge of another psychotic break.
"It's tough being so young in a retirement community." Y/n joked with a smile. They shared a smile for a brief moment before Jack realized he was staring.
"I guess I will rephrase my previous statement, congratulations on becoming an aunt. That kid is going to have exemplary insults by the time they hit the school yard." Jack smirked earning a smile from Y/n.
"Thank you. I'll be sure to send him your way when he's old enough to start wearing trench coats." Y/n winked like she could go tit for tat with Jack and actually enjoy it. She had a feeling they had a similar sense of humor.
"I should get back. Ace waits by the door if no one takes him to bed." Y/n gestured towards the house and Jack sighed.
"Rub it in." Jack teased, fanning jealousy but truthfully he wouldn't mind that kind of comfort this evening.
"He misses you. It's weird, all he can talk about is the strange habits of the mysterious neighbor. Soon enough, he'll tell me all your secrets so hopefully you've never murdered anyone." Y/n wouldn't realize how that joke hit but Jack chuckled darkly.
"Just my dog." Y/n took it as a joke but Jack was grateful they shared a twisted sense of humor.
"Noted. Have a good night Jack." She gave him one last genuine smile and he gave her a wave.
"Good night." Jack watched her walk all the way to her house, walk up the porch and turn the outside light off. He felt a strange comfort knowing that she was so close by and didn't seem turned off by his dry wit and dark humor. He wouldn't call her a friend but she's a neighbor he doesn't mind having encounters with.
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marymary-diva17 · 8 months
Running errands (modern au)
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Running errands in the sully house hold was either a solo active or group active of anyone who wished to tag along with them. Running errands was always fun to do with others as well because someone, was always doing some funny. Having helpers made running errand run as there were people with you willing to help out.
Y/n " well I'm off shopping" you had announced that to the kids as Jake and neytiri were still at work, soon the sound of people making their way towards you come.
neteyam " hey mama can we come as well please" you and put on your jacket and soon slipped on your shoes, after grabbing your purse and car keys.
y/n " sure I can sue the help and company"
lo'ak " yes there are also some stuff we always want to get as well"
y/n " well come along and we can get you all what you want" the kids soon grabbed their coats or jackets and soon slipped on their shoes, they soon followed your into the garage. Lo'ak and pushed the garage door button have the garage go up, soon everyone ahd headed towards the car.
lo'ak and neteyam " shot gun" the two boys were fighting on who got to sit in the front passenger seat with you, you and your daughter stood there looking at them.
tuk " mama why are they fighting"
kiri " they are stupid"
y/n " boys enough I will decide who will ride in the passenger seat and it will be Neteyam"
neteyam " I win"
lo'ak " no fair why him and not me"
y/n " you can ride next time as your brother is learning to dive and most learn from watching other"
lo'ak " yes mama"
kiri " I will help tuk into her booster seat"
tuk " aww when can I sit in car like everyone else"
lo'ak" because you are short and need it maybe when you grow taller"
tuk " aww"
y/n " when you are older you can ride like your older sibling but until now, you are in booster sit mode"
tuk " yes mama" soon everyone had pilled into the car and once everyone was buckled in and safe, soon the family had head towards the grocery store. After some diving the family soon reached the grocery store, lo'ak had grabbed a shopping cart for the family.
y/n " what my rule when are out on public"
neteyam " rule one act on our best behavior and use our manners"
y/n " yes"
kiri " if we spilt up from you stay in groups or pairs for safety"
y/n " correct"
lo'ak " if you are going to fight like a sully go down like a sully" you soon looked at lo'ak confused about his word, you never told them this.
y/n " who taught you that"
kids " dad"
y/n " that sounds correct"
tuk " stay near you when we are with you"
y/n " yes so do you all want to stay our head off"
Neteyam " well I, lo'ak, and kiri have some stuff we want to get for out movie night event with spider and our friends"
y/n " okay take a small basket and place the stuff in here come find me if you wish"
lo'ak " okay bye mama we will be good"
y/n " I know but neteyam in changer still"
kiri and lo'ak " aww"
y/n "tuk do you want to go with them"
tuk " no they know the snacks I love and promised to get them for me right"
lo'ak " yes tuk we remember we wont let you down"
y/n " okay tuk you are with me do you want to be cart or walk"
tuk " I'm a big girl now I want to walk"
Y/n “ well behave all of you and o will see you all later” the three older kids soon took off together you soon looked at your daughter. 
Y/n “ ready to go baby”
Tuk “ ready mama” you soon walked off with Tuk as she was holding onto your shopping list. 
Tuk “ we need vegetables mom and you said any kind” 
Y/n “ well youngest to choose one baby girl” Tuk soon smiled and soon grabbed corn and placed them into the cart, that when you picked green beans. 
Tuk “ mama why don’t you get broccoli anymore” 
Y/n “ maybe o will get a small bag of it we don’t eat it that much at home that much” 
Tuk “ okay mama” 
Y/n “ now com on let’s get some other stuff as well and for being my good helper, you get to chose any desserts you want” Tuk face had light up with happiness as she ran towards the cookies, she and grabbed some chocolate chip cookies some of them already made and the dough in plastic bin. 
Tuk “ here mama I want this for desserts this week please” 
Y/n “ sure baby but then in the cart and mind the eggs” 
Tuk “ mama why do we get a big counter of eggs” 
Y/n “ because honey there seven of us in the house we will need all the food we can get” 
Y/n “ it less the chance of you brothers and dad fight over snacks” 
Tuk “ they are funny” 
Y/n “ well honey we are stuck with them for the rest of our lives” Tuk soon started giggle more you soon smile at you soon moving along, and collecting the rest of the stuff you need from the list. Getting the stuff jake and neytiri wanted from the store. 
Tuk “ why do you get couple label stuff mama” 
Y/n “ well I think it cute and I’m a couple with you mom and dad” 
???? “ mama” you soon looked and see kiri coming walking towards you with an smile on her face. 
Y/n “ hey sweetie what do have there” 
Kiri “ we got the snacks that were needed"
y/n " I can see that but you are minus two brother" soon lo'ak and neteyam had turned the corner and soon made their way towards, you and the girls once they saw you.
y/n " nevermind I got my question answered"
lo'ak " hey mom we got some frozen pizza can we have them tonight with our friends"
y/n ' sure you can"
neteyam " yeah and tuk don't worry we got you cheese pizza as well"
tuk " yeah my favorite" once everything was checked off the shopping list, you soon head towards the check out with the kdis who were helpful as well. Running errands with the kids was fun as they made the whole shopping experience fun and helped it go by quickly. The family soon reached home and the kids had helped you unload the grocery from the car, and helped you put them away as well.
Jake " we are home"
y/n " hey loves"
neytiri " oh did you go grocery shopping with the kids today"
y/n " yes we went on errand run it was fun and the kids are having a moving night with their friends, so they need some stuff from the store and they were very helpful as well"
Jake " that good so that means we have the whole night with you and not interruption"
y/n " maybe we can have stay at home night date watch some movies and cuddle on the couch, under some blankets and enjoy each other company"
neytiri " that sounds perfect we haven't have a dat night for a while this will make up for it" you had laugh at neytiri and Jake being happy about having a date night with you, even due it was still at home they were going to take it. while the kids were having their Friday move night with their friends and cousin, Jake and neytiri were enjoying their date night with you enjoying and you were enjoying having some time with them as well.
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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silverhairsimp · 2 years
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Hajime Iwaizumi x reader
Here's my submission for @hanmas When Nobody's Home Collab (I AM SO SORRY IT'S SO LATE).
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CW: MINORS DO NOT ENTER! 18+ stepcest, panty sniffer!Iwa, panty thief!Iwa, noncon, somnophilia, vaginal fingering, oral (f.receiving), car sex, unprotected sex, creampie, jealous stepbro!iwa, alcohol consumption (all characters written are in their last year of college and over the age of 21). Let me know if I missed anything in the tags/warnings.
ALMOST FORGOT. SHOUT OUT TO @weebaboobs for beta reading for me 🧡 ily bb
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Summers home from college always mean the same thing: coming back and being forced to live with your step brother as if the two of you are in high school again, fighting over a shared bathroom and waking up every morning right across the hall from one another. It’s as if nothing’s changed since those first few weeks of living together after your mom and his dad decided to tie the knot. Tensions were high and neither of you thrilled about no longer being the only child. Never being able to shake the feeling as if you can’t escape each other’s presence no matter where you went in the house.
Except one thing has changed…
His friends treat you differently now. Before, you were just Iwaizumi’s little sister. Someone they loved to pick on, constantly snickering at the way you’d get upset over their incessant teasing, always talking about you behind their back.
But now? You’re no longer the wing-spiker’s little sister… you’re you.
A mature, young woman that grew very nicely into her body; filling out each and every curve perfectly. 
So it’s no surprise that his friends are at the doorstep of your family’s shared home almost every day, suggesting beach trips or pool parties. Hell, even backyard movie nights - anything to see you in a swimsuit or those skimpy little sleep shorts you were notorious for wearing. 
It was so annoying for your step brother, having all of his friends fawn over you like that. And Iwaizumi never understood… Oikawa has a parade of girls following him everywhere, so why is he so infatuated with you? Matsukawa’s no better - Iwaizumi was sure you had heard the rumors about him and all he has to offer, convinced the pretentious ass just wants to prove to you that they’re true. 
So, when your mom and step dad texted that they’d be vacationing in Europe all summer, that meant two things: his friends adamantly trying to spend time with you, and an entire summer alone with your step brother. 
There would be no one to mediate the fights the two of you were guaranteed to get into. No one to break the tension between you and your brother - something the two of you have ignored for as long as you can remember. No one to keep his friends in check when they think about getting a little too forward with you. And no one to run to when it all became too much, because no one else would be around. 
Your brother returned home before you did, his University ending their semester two weeks before yours. So when you finally pulled up to the house, it was no surprise to see three familiar cars parked out front. You could hear the TV blaring from the driveway as you grabbed your backpack and suitcase and made your way to the front door. 
“Unlocked. Of course.” You grumble to yourself and roll your eyes, letting out a deep sigh before pushing the heavy door open. 
Their attention on the screen was hardly broken at the sound of the door opening, and it wasn’t until you slammed it shut that everyone turned to you. Well, almost everyone. 
Oikawa was the first to jump over the couch: “y/n, nice to see you again. I could help you bring your stuff to your room, maybe help you unpack…?” He was always so forward and nonchalant. 
Matsukawa sat with his arm draped over the back of the couch and did absolutely nothing to hide the fact that he was staring at your tits. You really should’ve known better than to wear a low cut crop top and high waisted jean shorts, which surely did nothing to keep your ass from hanging out. 
“Thanks for the offer, but I can handle it myself.” You push past Oikawa, who mutters something about ‘gotta love an independent woman’. You nod your head to Matsukawa who brings his eyes up to meet yours only briefly before going back to checking you out. 
Iwaizumi, on the other hand, was still holding the gaming controller and paying you absolutely no mind. You walk over and slap him in the back of the head, “thanks for the warm welcome, asshole.” 
He snickers at you and curses, “Look! You fucking made me die!” 
To which you respond with a wave of your hand over your shoulder and a “Boo hoo… you were gonna die anyways.” 
It was always like this between the two of you: pushing each other's buttons and getting under each other's skin until neither of you could handle it anymore… it was only a matter of who would crack first.
You spend the afternoon taking trips out to your car and back inside, the summer heat getting to you more and more with each trek. Small droplets of sweat roll down your temple and the sinful thoughts that grace the minds of the men on the couch are anything but few and far between. Those thoughts only intensify when you bend over by the front door to take off your shoes, ass on display while you rearrange the ones already discarded there. 
With the last bag inside, you head off to your bedroom to start unpacking. There's a bag full of dirty laundry that needs to be washed and a few suitcases that need to be put away. But, after the first one, you’re not sure how much more you have the energy for. 
There will be plenty of time later, you think to yourself. 
The day is still young, and it’ll be nice and sunny outside for at least a few more hours. You dig through your half unpacked suitcase and pull out a brand new bikini, quickly slipping it on even with your bedroom door cracked open. 
You pull a towel out of the hall closet and throw it over your shoulder, purposefully walking in front of the TV and grabbing the attention of three pairs of eyes on your way out to the backyard. 
“Gonna go for a swim,” you say, looking directly at Iwaizumi as you take long strides toward the back door, swaying your hips a little more than usual and waiting for at least two of the three men to jump out of their seats and join you. 
Oikawa and Matsukawa are quick to follow. There’s not a second of hesitation before they’re shouting a quick “We wanna swim too!” and darting out the door, leaving Iwaizumi inside all alone. 
He knew he should’ve waited to invite those two over.. now he’s never going to have any alone time with you. He can’t seem to wrap his head around what he's feeling. It doesn’t make sense: why he’s so irritated. Even with trying to focus on the game, he can’t help the way his eyes flit over his shoulder every time he hears your laugh and the warmth it brings to his chest. 
Why is he so jealous of Matsukawa hovering behind you? And the way he takes far too long to rub the sunscreen into your shoulders. Why does he feel so possessive when Oikawa puts a hand on your knee? He shouldn’t be acting like this over his step sister… but, maybe that’s why… you’re his step sister. His. He can’t resist the urge anymore, he wants to be the one to put his hands all over you. He wants to be the one to rub the sunscreen into your smooth skin. He wants to be the one with his hand on your thigh, or perhaps pinning you down underneath him and holding you open by them instead. 
Iwaizumi grumbles to himself, sick of his own self pity, and finally gets up, walking down the hall and stopping in front of his door. He reaches out for the door knob before looking over his shoulder. He shouldn’t be turning around and walking towards your room instead, but he is. He pokes his head inside to see the organized mess strewn across the floor. The different piles of clothes, the half folded ones still in your suitcase… but one thing really catches his eye: a light teal g-string sitting right on top of your laundry pile. 
He can’t help but wonder if you wore it on your way home, and before he can stop himself, he’s opening your door even further, taking two strides in and picking them up in his hand. He starts to bring them to his face until the sound of the sliding back door pulls him out of his trance. He’s almost positive he hears Oikawa beg for you to stay and keep him company, but his distance from the back door makes it difficult to accurately hear. 
Quickly, he shoves your panties into his pocket and makes sure to leave your door cracked the same amount as when he first went in. 
He heads back into his own room and pulls out a pair of swim trunks, officially deciding that he wasn’t going to let his friends have all the fun with you. He pulls your panties out of his pocket and shoves them inside his pillow case for safekeeping and throws his comforter over the top. He tosses his shirt in the hamper just as soon as you appear in the doorway of his room: 
“You really shouldn’t change with the door open, never know who could be watching…” His cheeks turn the slightest shade of pink at the insinuation behind your surprisingly seductive words and he turns around before his body gives too much away. 
The way you lean against the door frame: arms crossed and wearing hardly anything, the curve of your hips and your smooth legs… it's like you’re begging for his touch. The idea of running his hands all over your body stirs something deep within him - something he’s not quite sure he’s ready to give in to and acknowledge yet. His brows furrow as he looks over to the secret he’s keeping under his pillow, and he can’t help but think how you’d look standing in the doorway in that same teal g-string. He clears his throat but refuses to turn back around to look at you, “thought you were going swimming.” 
“I was, but then I thought about how boring it was without you there. Issei and Tooru can only keep me entertained for so long,” a heavy sigh leaves your lips, “just wanted you to come out and join us for some real fun.” And with that, you push off the door frame and make your way back outside, disappearing down the hall without another word. 
Iwaizumi mutters those words back to himself, real fun…? What the hell could you mean by that? 
The rest of the evening is spent by the poolside, laughing, drinking, exchanging stares with your step-brother that say so much, yet so little at the same time. By now, you’ve lost count of the numbers of beers that the four of you have gone through, as well as the number of pickup lines Oikawa has seemingly “blessed” you with. If you had to take a guess, the numbers are pretty evenly matched. 
With your buzz starting to get to you, you head inside to get some food, thankful that there were plenty of leftovers still in the fridge. You pull out a dish, grab a plate and set it in the microwave to heat up. Your elbows rest on the cold surface of the counter as you aimlessly scroll through your phone, catching up with social media and responding to text threads letting your friends know you’re back home for the summer. 
You wouldn’t’ve heard the sliding door being shut even if you were listening for it. Too encapsulated in that little device to notice that your step brother had come back inside to check on you. 
And he is definitely checking on you. 
Watching as the thong of your swimsuit rides up even higher with each sway of your hips. The way your legs and ass flex everytime you rock from your heels to your toes. He can’t bring himself to say anything, not when the only thoughts in his head are filthy ones of you. 
He tries to mask the disappointment on his face when the timer goes off and you move to grab your plate out of the microwave. Out of the corner of your eye you finally notice him. “Oh, hey Haji, how long have you been standing there?” your eyes meet and you can’t help but notice the little red tint in his cheeks, wondering if it's from the alcohol or maybe something else… 
“Just walked in actually, wanted to let you know the boys are staying the night.” He says as he rubs the back of his neck, squinting his eyes just a bit to try and get another peek at your hardly covered body without making it too obvious.
 You laugh and shake your head, “I’ll make sure to lock my door tonight then.” 
He laughs nervously along with you and asks himself, would you lock your door if it were just him? Would you purposefully leave it cracked in hopes he’d come in? He considers tampering with the lock, guaranteeing himself some sort of access if he ever wanted it… and fuck, does he want it. He supposes he’ll have to wait until the next time he gets to spend with you alone to find out. 
Time seems to pass by exceptionally fast after the four of you had called it a night. Freshly showered and with the rest of your stuff put away, you poke your head out of your door once more. 
Just across the hall, you can see the subtle glow of your brother's TV through the crack of his door. Muffled laughs and not-so-quiet gaming taunts reach your ears as your step brother and his friends continue their night away from you. 
You chew on your cheek and shift your feet where you stand, debating whether or not you should actually lock your door tonight... It couldn’t hurt to leave it open, could it? Would it really be that bad if one of them were to come in during the night? Especially if there was a chance that the one was your step brother…
The next day went by much faster than you’d planned. The morning was spent with your face buried in the same text thread from last night, making plans with your friends to go out to a new club that had opened while all of you were away at school. 
All of the boys kept to themselves until right before you were getting ready to go out. Since your step brother was so considerate to have company over, you invited your friends to get ready at your place. 
He thought that a good nights sleep and some advil would be enough to sober up his thoughts of you, but he can’t fight off the sudden feeling of irritability he has. He doesn’t want you to go out with your friends and he doesn’t want his friends here. Having you alone is the only thing crossing his mind, and the fact that he can’t have that frustrates him even more. You don’t belong to him… he shouldn’t be so selfish as to not let you go out with your friends. But there’s a part of him that thinks you should belong to him.
He now sits on the couch with his knee bouncing and his shoulders raised to his ears in frustration at the music that’s playing far too loud in your room and the obvious amounts of alcohol you’re already consuming.
It was always the fucking same, he thinks to himself with the palms of his hands pressed to his eyes. You get way too drunk and call him in the middle of the night begging to be picked up. There’s no way he’d let it happen again - not this time. But when you finally reappear in the entryway of the door, all frustrations he had suddenly disappear when he sees you. Maybe he won’t let you leave at all. 
Everything about you makes his head spin: the way your hair’s styled perfectly, and the fact that your dress is entirely too short for anyone's eyes but his. He can’t even consider tearing his gaze away from your smooth legs and how toned they look flexing in those heels you’re wearing. 
But before he has any time to protest, you're already offering him one last smile as you walk out the door.
He flops back on the couch with a dramatic huff, staring at the ceiling as he thinks of all the ways this night could possibly go. 
Even with his friends keeping him occupied at the house, he can’t help but check his phone every 5 minutes looking for updates from you. The occasional snap chat notification comes through, but it’s nothing personal to him. 
It’s shameful, really, how many times he has to excuse himself to his room or the bathroom just to replay the video on your story. The way you hold your phone above you, getting the perfect angle to capture your body in that dress, showing off the sway of your hips for the camera. 
Were you doing this for all your friends on social media? Maybe for yourself? Or was it for him? 
He’s lost track of the number of times he’s swiped up to respond to what you’re posting. But nothing seems right to say. He can’t be too forward, unaware of what you want, or what you think of him… but most importantly, he’s your step brother! He shouldn’t be having any of these thoughts in the first place… 
The minutes turn to hours and he comes to the realization that he really just needs to sleep it off. Whatever it is. He pads off to his room, leaving Oikawa and Matsukawa on the couch with their half eaten boxes of pizza and empty bottles of beer. 
For the first few minutes, Iwaizumi lays on his back looking up at the ceiling, so many thoughts running through his mind, but he can’t decide on any to dissect. He wonders what you’re doing right now and who you’re with. Are you with your friends still? Or is someone else taking up all your time? 
He picks up a pillow and smashes it against his face, holding it there for a second as he tries to figure out why he cares so much about anything you’re doing tonight. His eyes slowly start to drift shut, too tired and confused to think about this any further, until something else catches his attention. 
He lifts the pillow off his face and digs inside the case, pulling out the little piece of clothing he took from your room yesterday. With all the time to himself, he brings your panties to his nose and inhales deeply. His eyes shouldn’t be rolling to the back of his head at your scent, but goddamnit, why did you have to smell so sweet? 
He’s got half a mind to use them to get himself off, but he can’t ruin them. He’ll find something else to get off to later. Maybe you’ll even help him with it? 
It’s almost 2 am when the sound of his phone vibrating against his night stand wakes him up. He rolls over, smirking at your panties he still had wrapped around his fist before reaching a hand out to flip his phone face up to see your caller ID. His first instinct is to answer, but he told himself he wouldn't do this again. He won’t come to your rescue, especially when he has all these thoughts to sort through. 
He hits the decline button, flipping his phone face down until his room goes dark again. He pulls the covers over his head in an attempt to resist any further temptation, and that's when he hears it: 
Ringing interrupted by a wave of text messages:
I know its late
I’m so so so ssorry 
Can you pleeease come pick me up :((
By the time he actually answers the phone, he’s ready to tell you to quit bothering him and find your own ride home. But, those words are caught in his throat when he hears a voice on the other line. One that doesn’t belong to any of the friends you left with, or any one he knows. 
“Just come home with me sweetheart… Y’don’t need anyone else t’come n’get’cha…”
He can’t believe he’s actually considering coming to get you. “Damn y/n, haven’t even been home a few days and already you’re planning on going home with strangers?” He huffs a laugh on the other line like his words were meant to prove something. 
“Shut up! That’s why I called you…” your voice sounds desperate. So needy. He finds it cute. 
Iwaizumi is too quiet for far too long on the other line, so you speak up again, “Would you prefer I call Tooru or Issei instead? I’m sure they’d come get me in a heartbeat… on second thought, maybe i will go home wi–”
He cuts you off before you can get another word out, “’m on my way.” 
You hang up the phone with a grin on your face, not even sorry to be telling the stranger you won’t be joining him tonight. 
The whole drive over he can’t help but think about what would’ve happened if he didn’t answer your call. 
There was no way he was gonna let you, his sweet little step sister, go home with some asshole that only wanted one thing. And for fucks sake, his friends? If only you knew the things they said about you - the things they wanna do to you, he’d never admit it but, most of them he’d like to do to you himself…
Iwaizumi had every intention of ignoring you, but when you mentioned them, and when he thought about anyone else having you tonight, it made his stomach turn. 
It was only about 20 minutes before Iwaizumi was pulling up to the curb outside the club. He opens the door to his truck with gritted teeth, trying to compose himself at the sight of some random guy's arm still slung around your shoulder and his face far too close for comfort. 
He opens up the passenger side door, “y/n. Let’s go.” 
You take a few steps toward the truck, only to be pulled back by your hand, “C’mon baby, you don’t gotta go with him.” 
Quickly retracting your hand as you pick up the pace and make it to the door he’s holding open for you. As soon as you take that step up into the truck, Iwa makes sure to move behind you to block the view before you flash anyone still watching. Maybe he selfishly wanted that view all to himself. 
Once he’s back in the car, the ride is quiet, neither of you saying much of anything. There’s a soft clattering of your heels being taken off and dropping to the floorboard. Your head is spinning, from both the alcohol and the unspoken tension that's filling the car right now. 
Instead of saying anything, you lean your head against the cool glass of the window and pull your feet into the seat. Thankfully there’s just enough room to tuck them under the middle seat that’s folded down to separate you from your step brother. 
You don’t remember being this tired, but after situating yourself, the quiet hum of the engine and the music playing in the background is enough to lull you to sleep. 
Iwaizumi does his best to keep his eyes on the road, but as soon as he hears you take that deep breath and let out a little hum, he can’t help the way his focus shifts towards you. 
He watches the slow rise and fall of your chest and the way your tits strain against your dress. His eyes follow down where your dress is cinched at the curve of your waist until his gaze lands on something else… something much more interesting than anything else on the road.
He’s sure you hadn’t realized it, but when you pulled your feet up you exposed a completely different part of your body. Something that he’s been dying to see for as long as he can remember… Peeking out of your short dress, is your pretty little pussy, covered in the thinnest lace he thinks he’s ever seen.
Without even thinking twice about it, he reaches for the folded seat in the middle and lifts, now creating a perfect bench in the front seat of his truck. He couldn’t bring himself to pull his eyes away. 
It was no wonder you had some random guy hanging off of you all night. He’s not sure he would’ve been able to contain himself had he seen you like this earlier. This was exactly why he had to step in, no one else was, or is, going to have you. 
It was wrong, he knew it was, but he almost didn't have control over the way his hand stretched out toward you. His thumb rests on the underside of your ass, gently spreading you apart as tries to get a better look at the outline of your puffy lips. 
If it weren’t for the upcoming stop sign, he’s sure he would’ve kept his attention between your legs. Perhaps he should be thankful for the stop sign in the middle of the night with absolutely no one around… 
With each second that passes, he can’t help but think about how you feel, how you taste… He knows your guys’ house is only a few more minutes away, but no matter what he does to distract himself and get the two of you home, he can’t pull his focus away from you. 
He turns the air conditioner up just a little higher and the music up just a bit louder. Even tries to fidget with his phone, but he can’t. It’s no use, not when you’re here… like this. 
Your legs begin to shift a little bit just as he passes the house and he doesn’t want this to end, so he keeps driving. Wanting to keep you asleep so he has time to sort out these thoughts in his head and the aching in his pants. 
Once you’ve fallen back into a comfortable sleep, he reaches out to you again and settles a hand right on the side of your thigh. His thumb circles the bottom of your ass, each stroke threatening to go lower and lower until he reaches the edge of your panties. The closer he gets to your core, the more he can feel heat radiating from it. 
Can you feel what he’s doing to you? Do you like it? He wishes he could bring himself to wake you up and ask you, but he can’t. Not yet. 
He inhales deeply and grips the steering wheel impossible tight as he lets his thumb trace along the edge of the lace. His exhale comes out shaky, he's not sure if it’s because he’s nervous or because he knows how wrong this is. It’s probably a combination of both. 
He drives like this for a bit: making slow turns down poorly lit roads, keeping his hand in place and working his way a bit lower every few miles. There’s not a single car in sight as he approaches another stop sign. 
He presses gently on the breaks and rolls to a stop, his focus is right where his thumb rests against your skin. He puts his truck in park, but keeps the engine idling as he takes in another deep breath before moving his thumb across your slit. 
The touch ghosts over you, hardly even there but he feels you. The growing wet spot starts to show, even with the darkness of night surrounding the two of you. He repeats the motion and adds more pressure with each deliberate drag of his thumb. 
The slick building up on his thumb only makes him want more– more of this and more of you. He spreads the wetness up your slit and circles your clit through your panties. 
“Hnngh– H-Haji-me…” 
He freezes when he hears you mutter his name… but your eyes are still closed when he looks over at you. There’s no way his thoughts can be right, but there’s no other explanation. You think about him too, he convinces himself. 
Part of him wants to wake you up so you can both enjoy this moment, and the other wants to see how much he can get away with while you're still asleep.
For the first time, he pulls the fabric between his fingers and lays his eyes on your bare cunt. Strings of slick still connect your lower lips to your thong as he pulls it away. He’s surprised you don’t wake up once the rush of cool air from the ac hits you, but he’s not complaining one bit. 
His throat bobs as he swallows thickly at the sight of you, he mutters a soft fuck before he licks his lips. Wanting nothing more than to dive in and eat you out like he’s been wanting to for months– hell, years!
The temptation is hitting him full force as he spreads your lips open with two fingers. Your clenching little hole practically begging to be filled by him. He thinks of all the things he’d do to you: the way he’d take it nice and slow, starting off with one finger, then adding another, maybe one more after that. Maybe he’d prep you, but he’s living for the thought of stretching you open with his cock and as much resistance as possible with how tight you’d be. 
He wonders how greedily you’d suck him in, how politely – or pathetically – you’d beg for more. His thoughts are short lived once you start to shuffle around again. Mindlessly rubbing your thighs together before you crack open your eyes and look at him. 
Iwaizumi should be ashamed and embarrassed that he’d practically been caught touching you like this, but he's almost relieved. Relieved enough to finally see the way your eyes roll to the back of your head once he gets the chance to bury his fingers knuckle deep inside of you. Relieved to finally be able to hear that pretty voice telling him what makes you feel good and where you need his touch. 
He starts to pull his hand away, thinking maybe the two of you should talk about this or at least acknowledge what he’s doing. To his surprise, and your own, you reach out to grab his wrist, keeping his hand in place. 
“Haji… did you want something?” you’re clearly giving him a chance to answer honestly but he’s almost frozen. Unsure what to do or say until you pull his hand even closer. 
He clears his throat and rubs a finger up and down your slit, just like he had before you woke up. “Yeah… I uh– you. I want you.” 
“Mmm, me? What about me?” you’re teasing him and he’s almost getting impatient. He’s had a hard on since he first saw your thong peeking out from under your dress and the teasing is making him even more impatient. 
“Why don’t you sit up and come over here for me? I’ll show you exactly what I want.” He's already this worked up, he can hold out for a bit longer…
You shift in your seat and spread open your legs before settling on your knees in the middle. A large hand grips your inner thigh as his fingers trail further up until his hand is cupping your pussy under your dress. 
“Y’know how many conversations Oikawa and Matsukawa have had about you? How if they were your step brother… you’d technically not be related by blood so it wouldn’t be weird to fulfill all the fantasies they’ve had about you… I’m starting to think they’re onto something.” Rough fingers press even harder against you and by the way you pull your dress up even further, to a point where it's bunched around your waist, he can tell you’re on the same page. 
“You think about touching me? Doing all sorts of dirty things to me, hm?” Your hands play with the shorts strands of hair right above his ears and his eyes start to close as he leans into your touch. 
“Most of my thoughts are about you. It’s real fuckin’ annoying.” There's a smile on his lips when he says it. He knows that he’s more so annoyed with the fact that he hasn’t been able to do anything about it, but that’s all about to change right now. “You know, you were mumbling my name in your sleep… guess i’m not the only one who thinks about my step sibling.” 
There's a wicked smirk on his face and your cheeks start to redden, he thinks it’s a good look on you and he wants to fluster you even more. “Want me to keep touching you like this?” 
You nod your head in response, but that's not good enough. “Use your words, or else I stop.”
“Please… don’t stop. Want you to keep touching me.” You pull your hands away from his hair and bring them to your waist. Hooking your thumbs into the waistband of your thong and willfully pull it off yourself. 
You shift back in the passenger seat like you had before, pulling your knees to your chest and tugging your panties down until they’re hanging around your ankle. You raise your foot in front of his face, allowing him the honors to completely remove them from your body. 
He takes them off with a smirk before looking at you and quickly shoves them into his pocket. “Oh, I know you took my panties before…” you smile at him and bend your knees before opening your legs. “The teal g-string… I used to wear that pain to all your games, y'know.” 
There’s a redness in his cheeks that you hadn’t seen before. He starts to think about all the games you’d been to over the years, and each time you worse those. “Gonna keep these ones too then, start my own collection.” 
“You’re such a pervert…” you say the words but you don’t mean them, not when you’re sitting in the front seat of his truck with your legs spread wide open. There’s a silence between the two of you as he tries not to look down at your perfectly spread legs and what lies between. 
He can’t fight it off anymore when he sees your own fingers start to rub little circles around your clit. “I always thought your fingers would feel so much better than mine… wanna help me test that theory?” Now you’re the one with the smirk on your face. 
He squares his body to face yours, shifting just enough to where his hip and forearms rest on the seat. “Happily, but I've always wondered something too… wanna taste you first.”
You don’t have anytime to process or oppose the offer before he’s finally diving in between your legs. The flat of his tongue dragging all the way up before his lips wrap around your clit. The sudden pressure forces your hands into his brown roots and you don’t hesitate to tug roughly. Eliciting a groan from him that makes your legs shake. 
“’S so fuckin’ good” he growls into your pussy. You taste even better than he could’ve ever imagined.
If it wasn’t for his hands keeping your thighs in place, your legs would surely be threatening to close around his head. 
Every whimper and moan of his name from your lips is a dream come true. He never thought he’d be able to hear it for himself, and now that he has, he never wants it to stop. He’ll sneak into your room every night from here on out just to bury his face in between your legs if it means getting to hear you, and taste you like this. 
“H-hngh! Haji, your fingers.. Please…” 
You certainly don’t have to ask twice before he’s burying one finger inside of you. Curling it expertly as if he’s known that sweet spot all his life. 
He keeps his lips wrapped around your clit as his finger moves in and out of you in a slow drag. Pushing against your g-spot before pulling out and pushing back in again. 
“More. Gimme more. Please…” 
Fuck you sound so cute when you beg like this. He’s almost worried his words come out of his mouth instead of keeping them in his head. He wants to give you more, but not another finger. He wants you around him now. Your tight walls hugging his cock instead of his fingers. 
He pulls back before shifting in the middle seat, his mouth is slick and glistening with you all over his face. “You want more? Come get it yourself.” 
Even with all the tension, he’s still pushing you. Still playing into this little game, trying to see how far you’re willing to go. 
Your eyes are glossy and your mouth hangs open, but you move. Getting exactly what you want as you straddle your legs over his lap. Needily rocking your hips against his. 
He’s gotten himself so riled up that he’s not sure how much longer he can last. You steady yourself by holding on to his shoulders as you lower your lips to his neck. You can feel his jaw clench as he leans away from you, giving you all the access you want. 
Little kisses are pressed along the column of his neck until you reach his jaw and move your way across. You hadn’t realized how badly you wanted to kiss your step brother until his lips were right in front of yours. 
Your eyes meet for a brief second before there’s no longer any space between you. There’s a hum when you taste yourself on his lips and he thinks about how your lips really are as soft as they look. 
His hands are on your hips before he hooks his thumbs into his own sweats, trying to tug them down until you get the hint. When your hands move in to replace his, he snickers against your lips, “greedly little thing aren’t’cha?” He puts his hands back on your hips and lifts you just enough for you to slide his sweats and his boxers down to the middle of his thighs.
“Fuck– if I woulda known you were so eager for my cock, I would’ve done this so much sooner.” 
You don't offer any response, too focused on the leaking tip of his cock that's poking out between your legs. 
You spit in your hand before lowering it to wrap around his length, stroking him a few times until you can feel the weight of it in your palm, “t’s big…” He smirks at you before slapping your ass roughly, grinning even harder when he can feel the skin ripple in his lap. 
“You can take it… I know you can. You wanna be a good girl for your big brother, right?” 
You nod your head before moving your hips to line him up at your entrance. His tip is angry and leaking, he’s really not sure how long he’ll last once he’s finally inside of you. 
There’s a little resistance when his tip pushes inside of you and he throws his head back, internally telling himself that he made the right decision by only using one finger earlier. The feeling of your walls around him is suffocating in the best way, squeezing him tighter than he’s ever felt with anyone else before. 
The only thing on his mind is molding you to the shape of his cock so it’s the only thing you know. 
His head feels dizzy the lower you sink down and he moves a hand in between your bodies so his thumb can rub tight circles around your clit to ease the stretch. Little whines leave your lips with the added stimulation but it helps the last few inches slide right in and you’re fully seated on his lap. 
Your breaths are shallow and shaky and he wants more, “Rock your hips back and forth for me… c’mon, you can do it.” and you do, without question. You’d do anything for your big brother, even ride his cock in the front seat of his truck in the dead of night. 
He removes his hand and leaves a hot trail up your body with his fingers. Tracing the swell of your ass, over the curve of your hips to the dip under your breasts until he reaches your shoulders. He reaches for the thin straps still resting there and tugs them down. 
You turn your face into his touch and shrug your shoulders, helping ease the strap even further down until your top half is no longer covered. Man is he thankful you weren’t wearing a bra. He’s not sure he wouldn’ve had the patience to take that off without ripping it to shreds. 
“Fuckin’ perfect…” he whispers against your skin as he pushes your dress even further down so the whole thing bunches around your waist. He groans, finally able to fit both of your breasts in the palms of his hands. 
With each roll of your hips, your clit rubs against a neatly trimmed patch of hair at the base and your back arches further into his touch. His hands are greedy, twisting and tugging at your nipples while his tongue licks a fat stripe between the valley of your breasts. 
Your hands are just as desperate. Holding on to the hairs at his nape as if it was the only thing keeping you upright. The way you push his face even deeper into you doesn’t go unnoticed either. 
“Haji.. want more, please I–” 
He chuckles against your skin, he could get used to the sound of your voice when it’s so needy for him. “Gotta tell me what you want more of… or else I can’t give it to you.”
It’s so embarrassing, how much he’s making you beg for him. “Want you to go harder.. Need to feel it..” You try to lift your hips up and back down but he doesn’t allow you much room for any type of movement. 
He pulls one of your tits into his mouth and sucks eagerly on your nipple, rolling it harshly between his teeth before circling his tongue around it. He keeps his mouth put before moving his hands to your waist and lifting you up just enough for half of his cock to come out. 
He snaps his hips against yours and repeats the motion. A loud shriek fills the cabin of the truck before you're reaching behind him. Your hands find the back of the seat as you steady yourself while he bounces you on top of him, thrusting his own hips to meet yours and make his movements even more intense. 
There’s an incoherent babbling falling from your lips and he's not sure if it’s from the alcohol you consumed tonight or if you’re just cock drunk from how he’s fucking you right now. He hasn’t had a drop of liquor and he feels his own vision start to blur onces your walls start clenching around him.
“F-fuck! You feel s-so good Haji–! More! More!” 
His grip on your hips is impossibly tight and he feels as if he’s about to burst any second. He fucks you hard and fast, trying to get you to come undone before he does, but it’s too much. You’re hugging him too tightly and he can’t last another second. 
He does everything he can to lift you off of him so he has time to pull out, but you fight against his hold and settle your full weight into his lap. Burying him to the hilt as he cums right inside of you. Rope after rope filling you up. There’s so much that it’s starting to leak out and fall into his lap. 
You sit in his lap with your forehead pressed to his shoulder as you try to regain and steady your breath.
“You’re fuckin’ filthy… letting me fill you up like that…” 
You laugh against his skin before pulling away to look at him. There are beads of sweat above his eyebrows and a few rolling down his temple. Your delicate fingers swipe over them, wiping them away before smiling. 
“You woulda had a mess all over your truck… we wouldn’t want that. Plus, it would’ve been such a waste…”
All he can do is shake his head, trying to wrap his thoughts around everything that just happened. The internal battle he was having with himself earlier finally finds some revelation. He got to have you all to himself. Really have you. 
He’s not sure where the two of you go from here, but he’s not willing to give up everything he’s just had a taste of. He’ll find a way to keep his little step sister taken care of.
There’s a comfortable silence between the two of you and he pulls your straps back up and over your shoulders before he taps your thigh twice, signaling for you to climb out of his lap. He checks the time on the dash and he knows the two of you need to get back home. 
“Can you take me home and fuck me forreal?” If it weren’t for those big doe eyes you’re giving him, iwaizumi would have snapped back with some snarky comment or flipped you over in his front seat and taken you right there. 
“If I fuck you forreal you’ll wake the whole block up. Not sure Issei and Tooru would tolerate you interrupting their beauty sleep,” he claps back at you. 
“That’s fine, maybe they’ll wanna join too…” 
“You’re really in for it now.” Who would’ve thought his step sister would be the fucking death of him.
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911 Spoilers Season 4: You’ve been warned. 😅 Buddie Rewatch
Episode 5: Buck Begins  
Flash back to 1996. Maddie is teaching Buck how to ride a bike. He falls over a few times and has a scary almost accident with a car. To avoid the car Buck swerves out of the way and falls to the ground.
Maddie screams, the car honks, and it prompts the parents to run outside as Maddie is trying to comfort Buck.  Buck calls out for his Mommy and she instead of taking over caring for Buck, is panicking over where they found the bike.
Buck and Maddie are still on the ground as Buck is crying and vocally saying “Ow”. Maddie explains she found the bike under a pile of Junk in the garage. They look over at the father and as he tries to explain, mom (Margaret) starts screaming no and running into the house.
Dad looks over at Maddie and starts to chastise her. Telling her she should have left it alone and instructing her to bring her brother back in the house.  Phillip (the dad) grabs the bike as Maddie and Buck walk inside.
From this moment forward, I will be referring to Buck’s parents by their first names. I had written mom and dad in my notes, mostly because I didn’t pay attention to their names while watching the episode. They really piss me off as characters, especially as we learn more and more about their parenting choices. So I rather not continuously write Mom and Dad.  
Maddie explains to Buck that Daniel was 8 years old when he died of leukemia. Daniel and Buck had a seven-year age gap, explaining why he wouldn’t have remembered Daniel.
Buck is confused as to why no one ever told him about Daniel. Maddie explains that shortly after his passing, their parent’s packed up all of Daniels things. They moved to a different city and made her promise to never mention Daniel to Buck.
Maddie further explaining that there where many moments that she wanted to tell him, but she did not know how.  She also explains that their weird reaction and hiding Daniel’s death was their way of grieving and how they never stopped grieving.
Buck piecing together very quickly that he was only born as a last resort to try to save Daniel.
Buck leaves Maddie’s apartment in the middle of the conversation. He needs to process this information; he looks sad and defeated as he leaves.
Margaret is yelling at Maddie, trying to understand why she would tell Buck. Phillip is behind her with his arms crossed. Maddie explains that she told him, because she didn’t want Buck thinking it was his fault they were fighting.
Margaret telling Maddie it wasn’t her place and Maddie remind her that she isn’t a kid anymore. Phillip quickly defending Margaret and telling Maddie to watch her tone, that it wasn’t her fault. Maddie clarifying that it isn’t her fault either.
Phillip explaining that they didn’t have a choice. They had to pack up Daniel’s stuff and pretend he didn’t exist because of the judgement they were receiving for having Buck, in an attempt to save Daniel.
Margaret yelling at Maddie that she isn’t a mother yet, she doesn’t understand her pain and what a child’s death will do to you.
Maddie pointing out that she disappeared into her grief, leaving her and buck to fend for themselves.
1996: Buck is at the top of the stairs with a bloody knee. Maddie is walking around gathering supplies as Phillip and Margaret are arguing over the bike.
Phillip states, “ I just wanted one thing to remember him by.” Margaret responds, “We live with the reminder every day. Staring us in the face.”
That’s a truly fucked up way of viewing your son, it’s implied she’s talking about Buck.
Buck had run away from the top of the stair case as Maddie walks up them. Madie tends to Buck’s wound. Buck believes they are mad at him. Maddie tries to clarify that they aren’t mad just upset. We get the first instant where Maddie justifies an outburst as an over reaction that they will feel bad about later. (Poor Maddie, this shouldn’t have been the life lesson you learned)
Phillip calls Buck down, offering a new bike and ice cream. Buck making the unhealthy connection that by getting hurt, his parents will pay attention to him.
Montage of young Buck being reckless and getting hurt. Maddie caring for the wounds, and Phillip bringing over treats or Margaret bringing him breakfast in bed.
Buck is telling the 118 what he just learned about his upbringing. Eddie states, “This explains so much about you.” Hen concerned about how Buck even survived his childhood. Eddie pointing out it is a miracle he even survived yesterday.
Buck was always aware that he would put himself in dangerous situations to get their attention. He is now trying to process the new information about how they never really wanted him, they needed him for spare parts, but he only had “defective” parts. Eddie quickly and concerningly cut’s in and tells Buck, that that isn’t his fault. Buck states that he believes his parents do blame him. Eddie is taken back by the comment and is noticeably concerned about Buck.
Bobby and Hen cut in, reassuring Buck that he matters and how he needs to bring up these concerns to his parents. Buck dismissing those comments. Chimney walks in late, he wants to talk to Buck privately, but Buck reveals that he told the team the 118 the entire story already, no need to be secretive about it anymore. Chim apologizes for keeping the secret from him, Buck dismissing the apology, understanding that he didn’t really have a choice.
2004; Maddie drives buck to an unknown location to talk to Buck. Buck reveals he is grounded for forging his parent’s signature to try out for football. Maddie reveals she brought Buck to their old house, one that he doesn’t remember because he was a baby. Maddie is about to reveal the big secret, but Maddie gets a phone call from Doug.  She answers and the call and the convo switches over.
Buck pointing out that it’s weird that Doug needs to know where she is all the time, and Maddie explains it as being sweet and that he cares for her. Maddie changing her crazy story to reveal Doug got accepted into medical school and that she is going with him.
Buck is cleaning the fire truck as Maddie appears behind him. She wants to make sure he is okay. Buck lashing out about feeling betrayed and alone. The alarm cuts the conversation short.
Hand sanitizer factory fire (gotta love the covid episodes); Eddie and Bobby join the 133 to search one side of the factory. Buck, Chim and Hen, are on the other team to search the other side.  Chim approaches Buck, but Buck cuts him off and tells him not now. Buck looks upset and over everything. Chim makes it appoint to say he can’t keep running from this. Buck responds of course he can it is the Buckley family way.
2004; Margaret and Phillip learned that Maddie is leaving with Doug to Boston. Buck tries to defend Maddie, but is completely dismissed. He rides off on a bike as Maddie and his parents argue.  He’s upset and crying.
The normal childhood bike turns into a motorcycle, with an older Buck riding, he’s visibly angry. Buck crashes into a car that was backing out of a driveway.
Side note, I know this scene is suppose to be serious, but the faces Buck makes paired with the obvious stunt man riding the bike, takes me out of the scene a bit.
Buck is one of the one to cut thru the doors and get access into the burning building. Buck locates multiple drums of flammable sanitizers and calls it over the radio. Buck and Chim scout possible paths to go find victims. Chimney’s path is not possible, Buck’s isn’t clear but doable.
Buck finds a door with victims inside, as they open up, and try to get people out, Bobby announces over the radio that he has also found people but the fire around them is getting worse, that they lost two guys. Buck volunteers himself to go find and help Bobby.
2012: Maddie is a nurse and Buck is injured in her ER, refusing to leave until he sees her. Buck admits to crashing his bike and needing Maddie’s help. Turns out he doesn’t need help because he was kicked out of college, for the second time.
Buck wants to stay with Maddie and Doug, to avoid staying at his parent’s place. Maddie being noticeably uncomfortable with the idea. Buck is assuming she’s uncomfortable because Doug hates him. This is when I noticed the cast on Maddie’s arm.
Buck is pleading with her because he doesn’t want to face his parent’s judgement. He admits that life with his parent’s has gotten worse since she’s left the house. Buck promises that he will be something, that he isn’t a loser.
Buck is walking through fire, redirecting his path as flames ingulf it. He climbs up a set of ladders as a full evacuation is called due to the loss of structural integrity. Buck calls out over the radio to say that one victim is still missing. Buck is unwilling to comprehend why they would leave someone behind. He ignores direct orders to evacuate and continues his search to find the one remaining victim by running directly thru fire away from a clear exit.
2012: Margaret calling Buck reckless. Screaming at him for being reckless, going off about how children die. Buck not understanding her point and how it has anything to do with the situation.
Maddie pulls in with a black jeep, Buck see’s her and runs out mid argument to go with her. They drive off.
Maddie pulling over on the side of the road, stepping out of the jeep and tossing Buck the keys. He’s confused by this. Maddie is offering Buck freedom, by gifting her car and a little bit of money. She’s telling him to go off, explore the world, don’t get stuck in their town.
Buck suggesting Maddie goes with him. They leave together, escape this life they have that he knows she’s unhappy in. Buck gives her speech back at her about the point being to just go. Maddie agrees to leave with Buck, she’s excited.
Buck is calling out, asking if anyone can hear him. He hears the victim and runs towards that direction. He finds the man and promises to get him out.  As he’s guiding the man out, the path he used is ingulfed in flames. They need to turn around, and they are surrounded by flames.
2012; Buck shows up at the hospital, looking for Maddie. Maddie’s friend stops Buck, and Buck asks him if she knows where Maddie is. He hands Buck a letter written by Maddie. She explains that she can’t join him, that her life is with Doug and that she is sorry. Maddie wants him to find his place in the world and to never come back. Buck walks out of the hospital angry.
Buck finds a possible exit, but it requires walking up a platform, he instructs the victim, Saleh, to walk up the platform with him. As they climb up, the fire gets larger, there is an explosion that causes them to fall off, Buck hits his head.
2012: Buck is sending post cards to Maddie’s job, telling her of all of his adventures. He’s been doing odd jobs, up and down the East coast. Admits to not being that mad at her for not going with him. He admits to not finding his place yet and he misses her.
Proceeds a montage of Maddie receiving postcards from Buck. He finished Bartending school and is a mixologist in Virginia Beach. He shares with Maddie all the ups and down of his journey, revealing when he stopped bartending, his new relationship didn’t work out, and left being near the beach to work construction. We learned he moved to California and joined the Navy seals. We learn in the next post card that he left the Navy Seal, and became a rancher. He is headed to Peru, to be a bartender again.  
Something I noticed about Maddie as she read the postcards was, she was always injured. At first it was subtle, like marks on her hands that were covered by her sweater, or bruising around her neck. The injuries just got progressively worse. I’ll admit to not noticing it right away, but when I went back they just became so visible.
2015: We meet Beach Ken, I mean Buck, bartending and watching a show about firefighters fighting an active fire. We meet Connor who invites him to go to LA. Explaining how much Buck would enjoy LA and Buck being very interested.
Buck is on the ground, unconscious. He slowly gets up and runs towards Saleh, who thanks Buck for attempting to save him. It’s obvious that Saleh has given up, he’s pinned down by a vat. Buck tries everything in his power to lift the vat off of him. Buck promises to get him out of there. The flames begin to surround them.
Bobby and Eddie walk up towards Chim and Hen. Chim asks them where Buck is. Bobby and Eddie confused, they thought he was with them. Hen explaining why they had split off. At that same moment Buck calls over the radio, revealing he found the last victim and didn’t evacuate. The 118 is not surprised by this.
Buck believes he is on the north east side of the building, but he specifies that he’s not sure. They start to send in help, and that’s when that side of the building explodes. Every one in the 118 looks at the direction of the explosion, their eyes are read concern and worry. Bobby looks the most panicked, with his eyes really bugging out.
2017: Buck is driving up to the 118 for his first day as a probationary firefighter. We learn he got the nick name Buck, because their where 3 other Evan’s in his class.  Buck introduces himself to the 118, who are eating together. He asks for Captain Nash. Bobby joking with Buck, and then asking him to take a seat and join them for dinner. Buck receives a proper welcome into the 118, he feels like he’s found his place.   
I realized that I never really pointed this out, but during the flash backs or when ever Maddie addressed Buck in front of their parents, she would call him Evan. His parents only call him Evan.
Buck starts to look around for a fire extinguisher, he spots it, but before going over to retrieve it, takes off his mask and gives it to Saleh, to help him breath. He says he’ll hold his breath as long as he can as he runs over to grab the fire extinguisher. He uses it until it’s empty at an attempt to fight off the flames that were surrounding them.
Saleh starts to lose consciousness as the sprinklers turn on, Buck feels a moment of relief. He gets up and starts to make shift a pully system with some rope. He pulls on the rope with all the energy he has left. He’s giving it his all, screaming and grunting as he pulls.
As he starts to give up and cry, Eddie grabs onto the rope, and the rest of the 118 pull up from behind. Buck gathering that he is not alone, gets his motivation back and helps pull the vat off of Saleh. They make process and I believe Hen is the one to pull Saleh from underneath the vat and towards safety.  We get a close up of Buck and he looks like he’s just processing the moment.
Outside, Buck is sitting on the ambulance. Bobby is asking him if he’s alright as Hen is there observing him. Buck admitting that he was lost, that it took only a matter of two seconds for him not to know where her was.
Hen vocalized that no one was surprised by the fact that he stayed in there. It was said in a tone of reassurance. Buck admits to almost giving up, and if it wasn’t for them, he may have. Hen cuts him off and states that they were there, not letting Buck go into the what ifs. Buck looks like he’s ready to cry.
Athena walks over to Buck, where Bobby reveals to her that Buck was the one to pull out the last victim. She’s not surprised by the news. Buck admits to needing to be rescued by everyone else. Athena states, “I’m sure whoever you saved is just glad you were being Buck.”
Buck reveals that he isn’t sure what she means by that. Taking the comment almost like an insult. Athena clarifies that she means he never gives up. And that he should never stop being Buck.
Buck smiles slightly at the comment, processing this moment.
Eddie is the first to greet Buck at the entrance of the 118. Bobby reveals that Buck is healthy and cleared by the doctors. Eddie looks so happy at this moment. Bobby walks off and Bucks stops in front of Eddie.
Eddie calls Buck a show off. Buck responding with, he had to do it. Eddie looking deeply into Buck’s eyes, says “I know you did” in the softest tone. Eddie reveals that Buck has some visitors and stays behind as Buck heads upstairs, slightly confused.
Margret and Phillip are sitting at the table upstairs. As Buck comes up, Phillip stands up to address him. Phillip revealed that the other fire fighters told them a lot of stories about Buck. Margaret pointing out that they really seem to think highly of him. As he’s processing their words, Buck admits to liking them too. Margaret and Phill look at each other awkwardly.
Okay so I know the other firefighters they spoke to implies that they likely spoke to Hen, Chim, and other random firefighters at the station about him. But from what we as the viewer can see, and the fact that I do not see Hen, Chim, or any random extras roaming around. I can assume most of their conversation was had with Eddie. Buck is likely assuming the same.  So by following this formula, Eddie was gushing over Buck to his parents. His parents made the assumption that Eddie likes Buck. Buck revealed to them that he likes him back. I’m allowed to be delusional, don’t ruin this for me.
Margert reveals that she doesn’t know where to start. Buck takes that moment and apologizes about Daniel. Margaret and Phill are shocked at the mention of Daniel’s name. Buck sympathizes with them and admits to not understanding that kind of pain.  
Phil tries to interject, calls Buck, Evan. Buck stops him and corrects him. Telling him that Buck is his name. Phillip corrects himself, and proceeds to tell Buck that he was never blamed for Daniels passing. Buck vocalizes that he wished he could have done more.
Marget states, “You were born to save someone and that’s what you do.” She reveals that they are proud of him.
I’ll admit Marget’s line was cute, but where was their apology. They asked for forgiveness but never really apologized.
Buck walks down stairs to the locker, where Chimney asks how the conversation went. Buck reveals that everything went okay, prompting Chim to ask about Buck’s relationship with Maddie. Buck wants to dismiss the conversation at that point. Basically, admitting to still being upset with Maddie.
Chim stating if you are able to forgive your parents, you have to find a way to forgive Maddie. Buck being held up on the fact that Maddie didn’t tell him. Buck has his forehead resting against the locker, in a sense looking defeated as he states that. Chimney defending her choice, revealing why she didn’t tell him, trying to avoid Buck feeling unwanted.
Buck telling Chimney that he was unwanted and unloved. Chim telling him, that he was loved, specifically by Maddie. Buck not believing that, because Maddie was the one to send him away, and didn’t go with him to find freedom. Chim reveals to Buck the real reason why she didn’t go with him and how Doug really hurt her and how she never wanted him to know.
Buck showing up with Chim to the apartment. Maddie surprised to see Buck there. Buck slowly closes the door behind him. He tells her how their parents showed up at the fire house and how he forgave them. Buck explains it wasn’t difficult to forgive them, because it is hard to feel betrayed by someone you wouldn’t count on.
He proceeds to acknowledge how easy it is to lash out on the person that will forgive you. Buck proceeds to talk about how his life could have been completely different if he had known the truth.
He asks Maddie to tell him more about Daniel, because he knows he can’t ask his parents.
Maddie pulls out all of the post cards he’s ever sent her. Revealing she’s kept every single one of them. Montage of Maddie and Buck growing up and being there for each other.
I want to take this time to compare Eddie Begins and Buck Begins. Eddie begins is about his young adult life and navigating being a new father, the army, and being a spouse. Buck begins is about Buck’s entire life, from discovering the reason why he was born, why he was neglected, and navigating the world. They both come from difficult families, but Buck’s upbringing pisses me off a lot. I dislike Eddie’s parents, but I don’t hate them. It’s probably because I didn’t get to see Eddie’s situation growing up, I’ve only heard Eddie’s retellings. I actually got to witness Buck’s parents fail him that’s likely why I feel so strongly about them. I love that in both Eddie Begins and Buck Begins, we do get to see at least a little bit of how Buck and Eddie care for each other. It was of course more dramatic it Eddie’s story, but still very much visible in Buck’s story.
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stupid and heartbroken. [Embry call x reader]
You and Leah Clearwater have something in common, heartbreak and a inclining to stupid decisions. Slowly you and Leah find the secrets of the Reservation that took your best friend, Embry, slowly unravel themselves to you. But not without a little blood, tears, and love.
word count: 1.7k. this will be multiple chapters. please enjoy <3
Chapter one: stupid and impulsive decisions made by the heartbroken.
"I’m not angry at Emily." Leah had told me. I banged my head on the door frame, turning around too quickly. She’d spent the last few days at my house ranting mercilessly and rightfully about Emily and Sam, the lack of loyalty, and the pain of betrayal. I’d held her hand.
She gasped and ran over to me across the small kitchen. "I didn’t think it’d shock you this much." She muttered, and I could hear her grin, so I slapped her leg lightly, groaning about the throbbing pain in my temple and nose. I'd sat down on the floor, Leah clutching my arm. "I think I should get my mom to look at your head."
I had tried to protest, knowing the last place she wanted to be was anywhere near Sam.
“Hush.” I never won a fight against Leah.
It was a twenty-minute drive from Forks to La Push; normally it would speed by like nothing and the beautiful winding trees would hold my attention, but this time all I could see was a green haze. I could smell strong iron as if someone had placed a spoon under my nose. Why in the hell would I have a spoon under my nose? When I raised my hand to my nose, I discovered it was wet with a red haze. Wincing Leah told me to stop touching my nose.
"What the hell happened?" I heard Leah’s mom Sue yell. I had closed my eyes while in the car; my head kept spinning, and I could’ve sworn the road was swirly, like literally a swirl. Leah guided me into her home, explaining—and suppressing laughter—about my incident. She’d conveniently left out the part where she’d forgiven Emily; I made a mental note to mention that later.
Turns out there were lots of people at the Clearwater residence, all of whom kept mentioning how much blood I was covered in. I heard a soft gasp and a hand grab mine, Seth. He’d always been a little brother to me, sweet, kind-hearted, and concerningly chaotic.
"The two of you are on your own for four days, and you turn up like this?" Sue was not enjoying this.
I attempted to mutter a sorry as she attacked my nose with tissues, hushing me. I couldn’t help but remember how alike Leah and her mom are. Harry Clearwater's laughter fills the room.
"You two do more damage than the boys!" He was right; Leah and I had a record for roughhousing. This, however, was not fighting. This was stupidity, lack of sleep, and genuine surprise.
The house was full of laughter, and I cracked an eye open, seeing a lot of boys in the other room. Jacob was there, and he slowly came over to me.
"What the hell did you do to her, Leah? She looks like Carrie!"
"No, she did this to herself."
Jacob's laughter became more hearty and fucking annoying. I didn’t have the energy to hit him. If I could just close my eyes again.
"Nothing's broken, and you only have a light concussion." My chances of getting some sweet, sweet sleep seemed like a pipe dream for a cold man. I groaned and slouched on the wooden chair. Seth started talking about how good it was that nothing broke and how he wouldn’t be able to stomach it if he saw his mom "fix" my nose if it was broken.
All the blood had been cleaned up, and I stole one of Leah’s shirts, yearning for her bed. It looked so beautiful. So soft. I would marry that bed. Honestly, any bed. I think I’d take a pile of rocks and a blanket at this moment.
"Don’t even think about it." Leah scolded, pulling my gaze away from the alluring dream castle.
"I’m tired, though." With how weak my voice sounded, even I wouldn’t let myself fall asleep. It hurt to speak after not doing so for so long, no doubt due to the pain pulling and contorting all my muscles into a tangle of strings. Leah put on a TV show we’d both seen before, clearly unnecessarily loud to keep me awake, and sat me on the hardwood floor. Sitting opposite me, it was clear how tired she was too.
"So, you aren’t angry at her?" I didn’t mean to say that aloud, but I think that head bang knocked out any sense I had in my head, I always knew it would come to this. I’d have to live the rest of my life as an idiot.
Although Leah didn’t look taken aback, it seemed like she’d been expecting me to bring it up, just waiting for the clogs in my head to move faster.
"No. If she is in love, I don’t think I can hate her for that. But it still hurts, you know? She’s my cousin; we grew up together, and she just..." She pulled in a deep breath and continued, "It’s so fucked up. I think I’ll resent Sam for it forever. But Emily’s family. That's stronger than this." Leah and I had always been friends, but only recently had we been this close. Being two years younger than her, I grew up closer to Jake, Quill, and Embry and Leah than Sam, but just recently we’d gotten closer. Pre heartbreak.
"Even if it hurts, its love?" I ask. I can’t help but think of Embry when I speak of love. I can feel the warmth of his touch even when I am so far from him. His brown eyes, long, dark hair, and smile—a smile that held every gasp of reassurance—I don’t think he was with Jacob earlier. I wish he was. I just want to hear him.
"It’s love, especially if it hurts, I guess."
Maybe Leah wasn’t the only heartbroken one. I felt a hot tear rise. Fuck off. I wiped it away, hanging my head down, but, dear lord, that hurt my nose.
"Stop thinking about him. He left you. That isn’t a friend." Leah said, can she read minds?
"What do you say to some reckless activities?" I asked, smiling. Grabbing my backpack from her desk, I pulled out the pain meds I had stashed for cramps. They’d work well for this. Swallowing three down without water wasn’t a cheerful experience, but it got Leah to laugh.
"Cliff diving? In your condition?" Leah and I didn’t tend to make good choices. But heartbroken people rarely do. We were defiantly going, Leah had already stood up, grabbing her keys.
"I can’t get any more hurt!" We started putting our shoes back on. "Plus, I won’t tell your mom if you don’t."
"Ah, secret cliff diving, even though you are 18 and I’m 20." I didn’t respond as we left the house. only talking again as we drove away. The meds had thankfully kicked in rather quickly.
"I mean, if Emily and Sam get married, there is no way I’d go to the wedding," Leah continued, her eyes plastered on the winding road in front of us. I couldn’t think of anything to say in return. Going through what she has gone through in the past week, my anger would probably lead to stupid, impulsive decisions. Speaking of stupid and impulsive decisions, we drove up to the bottom of the cliff and decided to walk up so we wouldn’t have to walk up again after we were soaking wet.
"So how high up do we go? I’m thinking high or stupidly high." Leah’s tone was harsh, the wind was harsher, and I could feel nothing.
"Stupidly high, but only if you go first," I tried to laugh, but the wind was sucking all the air out of my lungs.
"Deal," she laughed. Her face seemed peaceful, devoid of the knitted brow she’d been sporting lately. The wind circled around her, picking up stray hairs from her braid that lay on her back. "Fuck it’s cold." We took off as many layers as we could and left them in the car, only wearing our shoes, jean shorts, and a black t-shirt for Leah, and cargo shorts and a white vest for myself. It was brutal. My arms weaved around myself; Leah did the same. When we reached the very top of the cliff, I remembered the first time I reached the top. It had been with Embry. before he left. His thin frame was swamped in layers upon layers of clothes. His hair swirled. He held my hand anxiously the whole time. His tall stature looked like the wind would pick him up and take him away. He’d gained muscle since I’d last seen him—at least that’s what Leah had told me. that he’d become one of Sam’s puppies. He called them the hall monitors on steroids, and he joined them?
"Ready?" Leah pulled me out of my stewing anger.
"Ready." I laughed, looking down. Since the first jump, the sense of impending doom has remained. It rushed within me. "Are the currents too strong?" The waves collapsed over each other. People do jump from this height; we’ve seen them. The puppies jump from this height. So, I guessed we’d be fine doing it. But it wouldn’t feel good. It’d feel cold.
"They might be; we can go back if you want." Leah said, holding onto my arm as if she were trying to tell me something that I couldn’t hear. But I knew from the look in her eyes that she wanted to do this, and I wasn’t going to let her down. She’d go down with me if I changed my mind; Leah wouldn’t leave me alone.
"Let's do this," I said, my teeth cold.She grinned back, and we both took a few steps back. As she ran to the edge, I heard something in the woods behind us. I watched as she jumped down, her lean body struggling against the wind. Watching her land was amazing. She reappeared on the surface and gave me a thumbs up.As she swam to the beach, I could see the strength it took.
I could hear more rustling, it felt like I was being watched. Turning around giant glowing things caught my eye. Were they eyes? Is that a bear? Am I gonna die right here because that’ll be embarrassing. Maybe the painkillers were too strong, or maybe I was just an idiot who could look a massive bear in the eyes and not feel fear? That’s not a bear. It moved back slowly, like I hadn’t seen it. And I definitely wasn’t an idiot because I felt fear. It hit like a fucking hammer. The massive not-bear looked human. That wasn’t a good sign. I turned quickly and jumped. The air pelted my skin.
end of chapter one.
ATTENTION. please do not copy any of the actions made by the characters, they are reserved for the stupid and heartbroken. Lots of love, em x
embrys pinterest board
leah’s pinterest board
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saltygilmores · 6 months
Luke marches next door to confront Taylor about his malt shop scheme. I love Luke giving Taylor a good smack down. This episode is so chock full of verbal smack downs, I'm positively giddy.
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He's not wrong you know. I fully believe there is a dark side to The Hollow. I wish to one day explore it in my unrated spinoff chock full of swearing and gritty realism and Naked Adult Jess titled...The Hollow.
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How creepy is it that Taylor has surveillance cameras all over town? Also, I think I can be forgiven for wrongly assuming Taylor was going to show Luke a picture of Jess. He's chosen to use a couple of skateboarders as an example of moral decay in Stars Hollow when Jess and Shane were macking it against a tree in front of hundreds of people in broad daylight at a festival HE was overseeing. That's funny. I’m glad Taylor decided to leave Jess alone and turn a blind eye to the furious public groping. I'm thinking since Jess could use a couple of friends he should introduce himself to these skateboarders. I think he would fit in nicely. "You want to open up a soda shop next to the diner? Taylor, no, no, no. Every day from now until the end of my life, I am going to come in here saying "Taylor, no." When I die, I'm gonna be frozen next to Ted Williams, and when they find the cure to what I died of and unfreeze me, my first words will be "How's Ted?" followed closely by, "Taylor, no." Another glorious Nuclear Rant! Hey, I actually understood that Ted Williams reference! Umm. Let me have this article unpack it because this post is going to go wildly off script if I attempt to do it myself. Ted Williams' decapitated head was cryonically preserved in a Frankenstein-like plan to resurrect him in the future
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Here's what Lorelai is reading (the magazine is dated August 23-30, 2002).
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Lorelai informs Rory that she met with Charleston and he suggested Rory meet with a Harvard graduate for an alumni dinner...Aw crud, I remember that. That whole thing where Rory goes to a very awkward dinner with a bunch of intellectual dorks then she goes upstairs to find some girl putting on a bunny costume, and then the bunny gives her life advice about being yourself and not following the crowd or something.
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Hey Dave.
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Stop it AmyShermanPalladino. Just stop it. *grumbles and googles* Danny Davies Gans (October 25, 1956 – May 1, 2009) was an American singer, comedian and vocal impressionist. Gans was a performer on the Las Vegas Strip and the surrounding area, where he was billed as "The Man of Many Voices."  This was in reference to Lorelai impersonating Rory's voice on the phone.
And now, time for the alumni dinner.
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She has a digital organizer. That's how we're supposed to know she's really rich.
Lorelai makes a joke about how she thinks the brother and sister in the family are having sex with each other. Welp. At dinner with the Harvard Dorks, Rory and Lorelai exchange looks when the father implores his supposedly incestuous children not to "Fight over the breast." What is happening? Mom and Dad won't talk about Carol (the bunny). The dad is kinda Richard-Esque. The next several minutes is just an excrutiangly long game of Harvard Dork Family Playing Trivia at the dinner table and would you look at that, Lorelai feels like a fish out of the water for not understanding anything they're referencing. HA, HA! NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS!
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Look at all the kooky crap on the walls. It looks like a TGI Friday's. And she's dressed as a 50's car hop. We already know this girl (Carol) is going to be so quirky. Rory thinks this chick is pretty keen and appreciates her taste in music. Spoiler alert: Rory does not make a new friend. Bunny Carol is Fun and Cute and Quirky and Not Like Other Girls and she intends to make it known that Rory is nothing more than a Harvard Sheep. Baaaa.
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If only Rory could be a bunny/waitress like Carol and not stuck on The conveyor belt of Expectations, then she'd truly be happy. Well, who knows, since the journalism degree obviously didn't pan out, maybe at one point she did. There's a big hole in the Gilmore Girls timeline between 2007-2016. LOL @ Rory waiting tables or entertaining children for a living. Even April waited tables at Luke’s and she was like, 12 or something. I don’t remember. Anyway I made myself laugh just now. Rory: I've dreamt of Harvard since I was 4. Bunny Carol: LOL, a lot of little kids dream about that, right after meeting Harry Potter. This bunny is downright vicious.
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Getting screen shots of that giant pencil to make jokes about how Rory is always holding oversized props that are vaguely penis-like is the only reason I ever venture into season 7.
I swear there was a fourth penis prop because I referenced that pencil not long ago and can’t find it now.
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Take that, Crusty!
Sure, Lorelai is easy to please. Unless you date someone she doesn’t like, or you talk to your grandparents, or you invite your grandparents to a thing, or you take the advice of your grandparents, or you conspire with your grandparents to help your mother financially, or you consider a college that your grandparents suggest, or you consider other colleges besides the best ones, or your quarter on a string goes missing, or your friend gets you into a car accident, or you break up with Dean and suddenly there’s no one around to pleasure her sexually anymore… Otherwise Lorelai is super chill.
Things googled while watching gilmore girls: Ted Williams, Entertainment Weekly Gangs of New York, Danny Gans, How Much Did A PalmPilot Cost, Could A Palm Pilot Make Calls, Inflation Calculator (to calculate the price of a Palm Pilot in today's money, which could be between $400-$700)
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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