#i still cried at the scene because it was just so well done and the mc's panic attack was so tragic
landrick-lycidas · 1 year
unfocusing my eyes and scrolling quickly past every dndads post in a vain attempt to avoid what seems like a very major spoiler
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demilypyro · 2 months
I have a long history of self-hatred.
Hating myself is what used to drive me. The only thing on my mind was... fixing myself somehow. Finding a way to not be so hateable anymore.... And I've found that that was wrong. Because every time I failed, every time I made a mistake, lost a friend, said the wrong thing, I would just hate myself more. And I've found that while regretting your mistakes can put you back on the right path, hating yourself for them keeps you exactly where you are. I couldn't move forward, because I didn't think I deserved to.
Something happened recently that shocked me. A let's player I'd always admired got cancelled. I'd looked up to this person for years, I admired their work ethic, their personable vibe, and especially their ability to keep their nose clean. One reason to hate myself was because I couldn't stay away from controversy as well as this person could... so much for that, right? I've gotten a lot of shit flung at me, but at least I've never trended on twitter... But in a way, that opened a new door for me. It's like they were dragged down to my level. If even that person I admired had such big flaws, maybe having flaws wasn't a reason to hate myself. And if I got so much out of content by a flawed person, maybe what I do can still be worth something even if it's made by a flawed person like me.
At risk of getting even more corny, I recently played Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth on stream, and I cried through the ending. But maybe not on the scenes other people were crying over. What had me crying, spoilers, was the scene at the end where main character Ichiban.... forgives his villain. This is a man who has wronged him, a man who set basically all the events of the story in motion, a man who caused Ichiban and a lot of other people in the story a lot of pain and suffering... but Ichiban just doesn't hate him. The thesis of the game seems to be that no matter what you've done, no matter how far you fall, you can always start over and do better next time. And that's what I cried over. If Ichiban could forgive someone this horrible, someone whose mistakes are gargantuan next to mine, then surely he'd forgive me too. And if he could forgive me, then surely I must have something to offer. I felt like he was encouraging me in my efforts to be better.
So I'm trying to be kinder to myself. I can't fix my mistakes, and I can't get rid of all my faults, but I can dust myself off and try to do better next time, and not hate myself when I fail. I can hold fast in the belief that I'm doing the best I can, and that I'll be forgiven by people who recognize my effort. I can believe that being flawed is not the same as being worthless.
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sanemisstalker · 10 months
NSFW // KNY characters that are serial humpers. There's nothing they won't rub themselves on for just a small chance to get off.
CW: GN Reader/ Both Genitals reffered to/ specific CW will be before each character so you can peruse as you see fit.
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Object Of choice : Anything and Everything.
CW: Genital Mutilation (he gets curious, no scene), Dub-con/Non-con, Somnophilia.
-While I think all of the Clones have a bit of a problem keeping it to themselves, I think Karaku, being, you know, the pleasure clone, is most certainly a cum chaser.
-He can barely keep his hand out of his pants in public, all but physically refuses to hide his boners, and, worst of all, you can't keep underwear in one piece, on, or even around.
-This man is disgusting. The only difference between him and the others is that he's unabashed about it. You'd think the honesty would help, but it just doesn't. Not after he's torn through your last set of undergarments and now what?
-'So what? I don't wear anything- eh? What do you mean it's digusting?!'
-He's so proud about it too, it's almost disheartening.
-Is not gentle with his dick. It can just regrow, I'm sure he's done- awful things to it.
-I think that pleasure thing comes at a cost. It's a signifier of Hantengu's lack of impulse control. Karaku probably can't stop himself, even if he wants to, which he never would because lusting is his only purpose.
-Everything is made to read as innately sexual to him- doesn't matter if it's your fist or a cheese grater- He's experimental with his nerves to a self destructive degree.
-'I didn't intend to cut it off- no! I saw a photo of a man that flayed it o- Hey! It's not that bad! Just liste- It'll fix itself soon!'
-I don't know what else He'd do other than jack off, or try and convince the other clones to jack off. I don't think he has- hobbies?
-Definitely tries to hump you in your sleep. If you don't wake up to him jerking off, you're waking up to him trying to slip between your thighs.
-'I just got horny- no no- just go back t- hey, no, you're not allowed to leave? Come back! Y/N!'
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Object of Choice : Your thigh
CW: Severe Depression / BDSM Dynamics (Severe degradation, both self and inflicted) (Aizetsu receiving)
-What a miserable fuck, he doesn't know what to do with himself half the time, so when he gets horny he just cries and begs.
-He's a manifestation of every awful thought Hantengu ever had in that big ol' head of his. Aizetsu just drips with the most gut wrenching, vomit inducing level of self-hatred you've ever seen anytime you're intimate.
-you begin to wonder if being talked down to appeals to him more than he'd like to admit.
-He's like a dog when he asks, because, at the end of the day, he's still Hantengu, a selfish bastard who self serves. Aizetsu just doesn't have the joy receptors for it- his nerves jump at the bud for any impulse they can fufill.
-When you let him ride your thigh, because he's pathetic, and he looked so... him asking, it became his favourite thing. Ever.
-When you two are alone, he'll just beg for it out loud. He has no self respect. So much shame that he'll never conquer.
-'Please, please- Y/N- I- I'll do whatever you want me to. You're the only person I can do this with, they'll all- laugh at me- please please- I'm sorry, I know, I'm- God I'm worthless- I can't do anything in return, nothing will be good enough-'
-he's practically jerking himself off on your calve as he spews his self hate. You might as well give in.
-When you're infront of the other clones, he'll tug at the edge of whatever you're wearing. They all toss him hauty looks. They're disgusted by him, too. He likes humping your thigh more than his dignity infront of his fellow cluster, I guess.
-Maybe he's... a bit of a.... a lot of a masochist. You stare at him like he's dirt, there. He's a grown man humping your thigh- drool spilling out of his mouth.
-'I'm- I'm sorry I- oh god- please don't hate me- please don't hate me- please please-'
-'You're pathetic. You can't make me cum, but you have no problem mak- did you just cum again? Are you cumming right now? In your pants?... Are you serious?'
-You could easily have him wailing in minutes, maybe even seconds if you hit the right nerve. And the whole time he'll just be thrusting away, chasing his own pleasure against your skin because that's all he knows how to do.
-Push him off right as he's cumming and ruin his orgasm, he doesn't deserve to feel good (The abuse will just make him cum harder)
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Object Of Choice: You.
CW: Mention of Trad Wives
-Listen, I know we have a lot of Kaigaku haters in the crowd. I, however, see a man with a choker, and I see a potential slut. Give him his moment.
-I think Kaigaku would be a very selfish lover, obviously, but I don't think this is in natural capacity for him. I think he's like, brainwashed by societies standards of what attracts him, especially in a relationship.
-You know when you see a 'sigma' guy that's really upset his trad wife who he specifically picked out for being trad won't do anal? That's Kaigaku.
-So he's really, really upset when you won't put out.
-You see a chance, though. A chance for a life lesson.
-Kaigaku is allowed to fuck you... just not really fuck you. He's allowed to use your hand. He's allowed to use your thighs. He can rut in between your pussy lips/ up and down your shaft-
-He is not allowed in you. And it lights him up.
-'Thats a stupid rule! You think I'm not enough? Are you fucking someone else? Are you making fun of me?!' He'd probably try to insight a screaming match for a week, but you just won't give in-
-Fine. Whatever. He just won't touch you, won't talk to you- won't-
-The first time Kaigaku slides in between your thighs, he swears he sees stars. It'd been weeks... probably the longest he's ever held off on an impulse. Hadn't jerked off either, He'd been too pissed.
-Its there, in that little space between your sex and the top of your thighs, that Kaigaku finds God. At least he thinks it's god. It's got to be. He's never cum so hard in his life.
-Kaigaku becomes almost... willingly obedient. He continues to pretend he's so inconvenienced by the whole thing, but then he's sliding into your fist, and the world is just sliding away.
-I have a very specific image of standing infront of him, and him trying to angle his dick to slide in your underwear. He's really awkward, and he's struggling to stay upright because he's got to bend his knees to meet your cunt/cock- and it's just not working, but that's the only way you'd let him get off on you that day-
-It like, kind of gives me the ick thinking about him doing it, but also like- Aw? He'll literally do anything to get off now? You broke him?
-'I can't- it- it's too hard-' He'd mumble, voice sounding particularly defeated. 'I just- I want to cum-'
-'Too bad.' You'd go to walk away, and He'd jerk off on the floor, pissed as hell. He wouldn't be able to cum and that'd just make him angrier, because now he has to go beg his partner, who he's whipped for, to please let him use their pussy/dick again-
-He's like, never been this needy before, though. He's not supposed to want to chase you. He's supposed to have people throwing themselves at him- It's kind of... exciting, to be denied.
-You know, guys that whimper are really cool, but idk, I think Kaigaku's a whiner. I think he whines and groans and it's really unsightly but??? There's something so appealing about it? Like, he's so big and strong and his ego is so inflated, and he's just toppling for you?
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Object of Choice : Your pillow
CW: Enmu / Crossing of explicit sexual boundaries.
-Listen, he's not right in the head. Enmu never claimed to be right in the head, either, but he's particularly fond of cumming on your pillow. Not just humping it, cumming on it. He doesn't really know why either.
-'It just feels right, I think.' He'd reason.
-'Do you want to- cum in my hair? On my face-'
'No, I want to cum on your pillow. It's where you sleep.' Thats the only explanation you get from him. He cannot articulate anymore.
-He doesn't even think about it when he's doing it. He's just got one leg hiked up on the bed, a thumb pressing the head of his cock into the plush, and he's just thrusting- almost blind.
-He doesn't ever remember the build up to getting there, or what in his brain is satisfied by doing this, but if he doesn't do it, something... off will happen, he's sure.
-You catch him, one day. You thought he was just cumming on it- no, he's got his full weight in his pelvis, pitching his hips forward with all his might. You didn't even know Enmu could physically do such a thing.
-He's not weak, obviously. He's a demon, but you all rarely have sex where he's the one leading, so it's a bit of a shock to watch him be so... rough with the fabric.
-He's almost in a trance, it's kind of scary, until he cums, and he covers his mouth with both hands, and his hole body shakes. The fucker knows he has to keep this silent...
-Maybe you're...Maybe you're not right in the head either, because you really, really want to be that pillow.
This might have a part 2, because i think Mitsuri would be prone to this.
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saerotonins · 7 months
watching nanami's last dance
ft. nanami kento x reader
content warnings: fluff, light angst, jjk actor au, descriptions of nanami's scene (im so sorry), light hurt/comfort, slightly suggestive at the end
wc: 1047
note: guys he's not dead it's all just acting ok
jjk actor au masterlist
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the soft breeze of the air, the pretty scene across the beach.
kuantan, malaysia indeed looks like a sight for sore eyes. but more so is your husband.
kento looks so peaceful, the small but obvious smile adorned his face as he take his slow dance, prance like someone who had just got their freedom. he looks so free of pain, even through an untrained eye, his heart feels light.
and it was then replaced with kento's cries of pain, agony, and compassion, while fighting off curses that surrounded him.
contrary to what you have seen earlier, he looks so exhausted, yet he still fought so hard to protect the youth and save everyone with all what he has and with all what he can do.
but as soon as he felt like he did enough, as a man, kento lowers his pride, and with a soft smile on his face,
"you've got it from here," he had said as the soft smile on his vanished the moment he did.
kento jolted beside you as he heard you wail and cry while hugging the plushie of him. he can clearly see the pain in your eyes and the snot present in your face.
"NANAMI, NOOOOOOOO!" you shouted all over again as you hugged the plushie tighter. your eyes and nose are all swollen from all the crying and your breaths and voice have been escalating really bad.
she's really taking this seriously, huh, kento had thought while staring at you across the couch.
eventually, he felt a bit bad and scooted closer to you and wrapped you around his embrace as he kisses the crown of your head.
"you're here crying over a fictional man when the real thing is just right here, darling," he said with a slight hint of humor in his voice. even without seeing his face, you know he's grinning.
you try to wiggle out of his arms but unfortunately, he's stronger than you. "you're making fun of meeeee," you say as you sniffle through your still flowing tears. "he deserved betterrrrrr, he had done so much why is his ending like thisssssss," kento couldn't help but smile as he cradle you in his arms and brush your hair through his fingers as a way to comfort you.
"he deserved so much more kento, i'm so sad," you managed to muster in between tears, "i know, darling, i know, but i'm always here, alright?" he coos at you as he sways both of your bodies back in forth and hugging you closer to his body.
you stayed in the same position all while kento is still cradling you to comfort until the episode ended. once the commercials started rolling, he spoke up.
"you're so cute when you get worked up like this, darling," he chuckled as he cupped your face with his large and gentle hands so he could see you.
there, his heartstrings had been tugged once again by you. even after crying, you still look majestic despite the tear stains and snot that had decorated your face. he also felt a part of his shirt getting wet because of your tears but he doesn't mind it one bit.
"stop it, that scene was made so well it emotionally broke me, nanami deserved better," you pouted from his teasing.
"mhm-hm, i know, darling, you were so adorable," he replied accompanied by a kiss on your forehead.
"stop flirting with me right now, i literally just lost a husband," you say with faux annoyance in your voice.
you suddenly hear and see your husband let out a very hearty belly laugh, he finds your breakdown very much amusing. "alright, i'm sorry for disrespecting the dead," kento joked as he continued to laugh.
you slapped his biceps for teasing you, "you're such a menace! i'm a grieving wife and you're making fun of me," 
"alright, alright, i'll stop," kento then reached for your left hand and brought it to his face. you see him look into your eyes right before kissing the finger where your wedding and engagement rings sit. "you're still cute though, too bad i wasn't able to record it," the playful glare from your eyes made him chuckle.
"okay but seriously though, that made me so sad, i want to fulfill his wish," a frown creeped onto your face when you remembered that nanami wanted to go to malaysia.
kento's eyebrows perked up, "you want to go to malaysia?" 
"we will go to malaysia, he at least deserves to live his dreams through me," kento nods, agreeing to your idea, "alright, we'll go there around summer, i heard it's best to visit at that time, how's that sound?" kento saw a glimpse of sparkle in your eyes and your wide smile as you vigorously nodded before you pull him into a tight embrace.
a comfortable silence envelopes the both of you for a while until he breaks it and faces you, "you let a fictional man's dreams comes true but how about mine?" he said with faux jealousy and sadness in his eyes, and a hint of mischief, one that you didn't catch.
you look at him with confusion in your eyes, "huh? what would you like then?" kento closes the gap between you and whispers to your ears, "i really, really, want to have a daughter," and when he faces you again, a shit-eating grin is present on his face.
you were shocked, to say the least. "you're so stupid!" you say out of nervousness as you feel the heat rise on your face, but the stutter in your voice doesn't go unnoticed by your husband.
ah, five years of marriage and he still makes you feel like this.
you cleared your throat right after you recovered, "well, maybe we can start making that dream a reality now."
kento's smile grew even wider and let out a hearty giggle, "that's my girl," he said with a husky voice before lifting you off from the couch and carrying you bridal style as he took wide strides towards your shared bedroom.
"it's gonna take many rounds though, so i hope you're ready," he says mischievously with a bright smile spread across his face.
oh boy, it's going to be a long night.
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another note: this is a treat for my fellow kento girlies. i hope everyone is doing well (i'm still suffering btw), giving yall a big virtual hug <33
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bruciemilf · 1 year
No Capes! AU where Bruce and everyone else is an actor.
Famous Hollywood moguls Thomas and Martha would've rather died in real life than make Bruce a child actor so he didn't start till he was 24
It's an ongoing gag that Thomas always tweets "On my way to die again! As if you didn't know" with every Gray Ghost remake
The Waynes are always just. So chaotic
Bruce and Selina constantly bring stray cats on set; Bruce just hides them under his black shirt famously known as a void with no end.
Behind the Scenes cuts have images of this man pulling 10 cats from under there and the director is convinced he has a cryptid on set
They have to edit so much footage because Bruce always says "sorry" after "punching" someone. "Bruce, they have padding, they're fine!" "And no health Insurance. Do something about that."
Sometimes he forgets to take off the costume after filming. The record set for how many Subways he sent into a panic is infinite
That being said, Bruce's kids aren't afraid of him at all, and WILL run up to him everytime they visit to chant "dork! Dork! Dork!" While flocking around him. He cries from happiness
But he cries all the time, so it's hard to tell for what
The movie's soundtrack is just Bruce's middle school playlist, " They said they needed something rotten and terrible, like, -- poison for the ears. If you listen to it you get sick."
Bruce's biggest "diva moment" was refusing to give up the eyeliner and he still sends apology cards to the cast and crew for his " horrible behavior"
"He just kinda said no a bit loud and ran out of the studio while sobbing quietly."
Literally every villain on set is a sweetheart. Selina does her own make-up as well as Bruce's and Oz's and you can see Carmine lurking like a little gobling behind them just to scare her
There's this joke that none of Selina's streams ever go well because the crew is her curse. She's trying to talk about how to steal on set, meanwhile, Bruce next to her, "Did you know cats have no collarbone. Also, the electric chair was invented by a dentist."
You'd think everyone's favorite duo would be Bruce and Selina, and you wouldn't be wrong, but the public can't wait for Bruce and Carmine to have a press conference or interview together
Mostly because Carmine obviously dealt some shady cards in his past and Bruce is so clueless . " Have I ever tried coke...No, I like Pepsi." While Carmine is trying not to laugh behind him
Edward is just as bad. He's trying to tell the director that's not how bombs are made, and someone's head exploding wouldn't look like that, and Bruce is like :O Eddie, I didn't know you were a gamer
Edward is a menace on set and Bruce stays blind to it because he like him. There's rows of videos of Bruce stopping mid scene, going " Eddie," before jumping on the guy like the kitten he's NOT
Alfred still brings Bruce lunch and snacks and he throws down with Oz for no reason. He always brings the kids (read; they sneak in) and it's very clear they're not getting any shooting done that day
Dick, age 10, impatiently asks why Gray Ghost can't have a sidekick. In the last moments of the movie Dick runs in, improvises a scene with Bruce, and the fans love him too much not to include him after
You just leave Bruce alone when his babies are on set; Damian is strapped to his chest cause he's so small that everyone almost steps on him, Jason is giving the writers tip, Tim is taking pics of everyone, and Bruce smothers them with kisses constantly
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theastrical · 13 days
genshin men and their way of apologising
Genshin men and their ways of apologising.
kaeya, diluc, childe, (alhaitham, zhongli, kaveh on pt.2) x reader (fem!reader diluc)
ps: it’s comfort/hurt, a bit angsty but with fluffy ending!! Also if you guys have triggers with cursing, this content has cursing/verbal scolding implications so please mind that before reading!
“stop doing this and that..you’ll end up being a burden.” He shuts off the door and locks it. You were just trying to help him, and unfortunately, he doesn’t like it. This happens quiet a lot, where he closed off all part of himself in order to heal himself…that’s okay, at first, but what about you? You’re hurt and he kept you out just like that; is he here to wound your heart just like the other exes who grew apart from you?
And when you start to lose your patience, he can’t do nothing about it, right? He’s just there to hurt-hurt-and make you feel as if you in deserve of such a treatment. You cried, it felt weird to cry over kaeya. He has been sweet, yes, you never doubted once that his act are truly meant for you, but at what certain point did you do to make him immediately switch up? You didn’t know, you never know. He never wanted to communicate, that’s the problem.
“if you don’t want me to help you, that’s fine, just please kaeya…talk to me like i’m a human, not somebody you can use when you’re happy. I also need a set of time to heal.” You say that-an automatic reply set on your brain to confront him even if it’s not face to face. Now door to door-you just scold him and leave.
It took him a huge amount of time to heal. he knows what he has done can’t be undone. Listening to your cries become his worst fear, he can’t just stand in front of your eyes and say sorry, he knows that wouldn’t work. That enough explains how much he hates apologising; because his apologies always ended up with him crushing over the burden of his sins.
That’s why, the next day, in the morning when you woke up. Kaeya is already there beside your bedside. Folding your palm between his. His head on the floor.
“i’ve taken your words and…* he sighs before continuing. “Apologies don’t really matter if i don’t change my attitudes, so please, if you’re still willing to give me one more chance, can i have the privilege to change, at least, for you?”…he stays quiet for a while. “Lastly, i’m sorry, i know all i did these yesterday and these past few months weren’t tolerable. I understand if you would hate me for this.”..he looks up to you, his eyes are already watery. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He hugs you and that felt so good…
A mark on your neck was left, a few peck it took for him to finally calm down. And he looks at you with a smile, even when his eyes are puffy. “I love you..thank you for still being here.”
Diluc came home quite late, it was unusual and it worries you, after all, since the day you married him. He had never been this late-he always come home with a huge surprise which is food…for obvious reason (he’s wants you to eat instead of cooking him a meal since he knew how exhausting it can be).
you were just about to ring up his phone-and suddenly a slam from the door was heard. You came to the first floor and..there’s diluc! “Diluc!” You grin, as always, you warmly greeted him, because it’s your husband, it’s diluc, what more reason to make you adore him?
You tried to help him get his bag and put off his jacket…but his bag was so heavy…whatever does he put inside his bag? Why is it so h— oh no! The bag suddenly hit your coffee cup and spilled the remaining coffee to the bag…now his bag is tainted with coffee and he-who saw that scene in front of him can’t even hide his raging eyes. Before one word to spit out-he gives off a long sigh-squinting his eyes.
“Why…sigh…it’s always you, you AND YOU who makes the worst mistake OVER AND OVER AGAIN! In the WORST TIMING AS WELL, CAN YOU—“ you replied, cutting off his words. “I-i’m so sorry diluc…i’ll help you with th—“ , “CAN YOU STOP CUTTING MY WORDS? Listen to me lady, it’s not about the bag or the papers, its about your presence…why helping you when you can’t even help yourself fix these problems, you’re helpless.”
He said that like a drunk man with no sanity behind his eyes, yet, this time, he’s actually sober, so sober he already pulled off that bag from your grip... He’s losing his patience and you know his words are the truth…still it hurts way too much. Why? Because it’s diluc, the one you called husband. tears fell and you don’t know what to do. It’s like your body doesn’t know how to move.
You look at his eyes, your mind went blank. You can sense his anger, but the tears never stop from your eyes. It’s like you just got hit by a truck. You try to left the living room to the bedroom upstair. At the same time diluc realise his action-you’re already up there-on the stair.
As soon as your foot step into the bedroom. You slowly loses the ability to numb the tears. You lay down on the comfy covers and then just cry. Sniffling. Without words, just cry and cry and cry. Realising that it was your mistake but..it hurts when he struck you with the truth that you’re useless in his eyes.
Diluc didn’t pay mind to pride when it comes to apologizing. Hence, when he heard the sniffling become louder in each breathe you took. He storms to the bedroom and hold your body to his embrace. Covering you from his face. Covering you from the cowardice and guilt he has to face. Securing you from his words..comforting you with his presence.
“sorry princess…don’t bother looking at my face if it means you’ll hate me…i don’t deserve the sight of your eyes…i don’t deserve anything.” He hugs you closer and strokes your hair, within each stroke, it felt like his hands have just won you again. “Thank you for helping me, it ease me a lot—that’s the word you need and i’m unable to fulfil that right..here i am, rejecting you, not acknowledging the effort you took just to wait for me.” He kisses your forehead before carrying you to sit on his lap. “but do believe that i’ll fix this mistake and beg on your knees if you need me to...” he look at your eye despite you not giving him a sight of your puffy eye.
“Anything for a second chance, for my princess.”
you really love cooking. It’s something that nobody really knows-cause not evedybody has seen you cook or even taste the food you cook. You’re known to be secretive about everything; Even childe being your husband, only 2 of your 100 friends know-especially with the fact that topic is on your top 10 secret list.
And being in a marriage with childe means you’ll cook 24/7, which at first seems fine with you-but lately, you’ve been losing interest in cooking. It’s like..whatever you make is just a rating of ”it’s okay” for childe. It’s like he doesn’t even bother appreciating your food. So today, you’re trying to confront him…
He’s in a badmood-that’s why he doesn’t bother to try and reach out to you. Though it’ll be very thoughtful if you actually make him his comfort food right? And maybe if you did so, he would’ve complimented your cooking? Right! So you did and you’re so happy with the result! It taste perfect! So you began serving it onto the small bowl and put the food in front of him, you immediately get some spoonful of the food and put it inside his mouth-which is hot-like BURNING HOT. You know you fucked up so badly, so you get some water for him before he said “fuck!” so casually.
“W-what’s wrong..? Sorry i burned your tongue, i really am..!!! Please dr—“ he immediately cut you off. “No…i don’t want to eat dinner, the food doesn’t even taste good…” oh. “and thank you for burning my tongue as well! It certainly helps!.” He mocked you. “Now i can speak while enduring the pain! Right! That’s what you want your husband to feel, right?” He happily grins, a mockery. Childe immediately walked out of the dining room like a child.
And he scoffs silently on the hallway, even though it’s easy enough for you to listen because he talks to himself like he talks to another being. “I should’ve just searched for another person..i can’t stay with an idiot…” and that push you towards a realization that childe always have think of you as somebody who isn’t worth of his time. It’s like reality finally gives you a sign that he’s just one lucky pull you got. You didn’t cry. It gives you a numbing feeling, an empty one.
You sat on the dining table, taking out your apron, you get some bowl of the food and eat it by yourself. Because, like childe said, he wouldn’t eat dinner, so why bother waiting for somebody who can’t even appreciate you?
Eating alone is such a complex feeling, especially in a marriage. It feels lonely but peaceful. At least it can make your mind steady for whatever coming afterwards. You did feel a bit better but..the pain of his words never left you. It never did. It just makes the heart feel more numb as the seconds passed.
You sighed and…there he is, all shy and embarrassed behind the walls, he has been spying on you since 30 minutes ago…he’s guilty as charged. When you see him, you ignored him, immediately. Not wanting to share another eye contact with that man who have insulted your ways of loving him.
He follows you and hold onto your arm before you go elsewhere, who knows what will you do if his arms didn’t hold yours. Childe is embarrassed-guilt on his face and a coward on his heart. He made you wait for a good 5 minutes, he was waiting for you to say something..but instead, childe was met with cold air.
“i’m a loser for insulting your way of loving me. I’m dramatic. I’m a brat. I’m everything that you don’t want in a man.” His head can’t even meet yours. After all, your eyes are blank and it pierces his soul. “You don’t need to give me second chance. You don’t need to treat me right after what i’ve done. A bad deed is a bad deed.” With the courage of the final sentence; he hold onto your hand and kisses your fingertips. “I will win that cold heart of yours again and again, if it means i can live with you in every life to come.”
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jwanniie · 4 months
Can I request g!p Kazuha x female reader, when they were in the dorm everyone complimented the reader on being cute and hugged the reader Kazuha started to get jealous and fucked the reader rough
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Warnings: rough and slight mean Zuha, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy), p in v, doggy, rough sex, dom Zuha and sub reader, breeding, fucking while the members in the other room and just pure and filthy smut.
“Omg y/n this haircut is made for you” Chaewon complimented you with a smile. You gave her a shy smile and whispered ‘thank you’ while covering your face. All of the members giggled at your cute demeanor. And gave you warm hugs patting and rubbing your back.
In the corner sat Kazuha having a grumpy and annoyed expression. Muttering a low ‘tsk’ while rolling her eyes and looking at the other side.
Kazuha loved the fact that her members enjoyed your company, but she couldn’t help but feel jealous at how you were smiling and blushing at them. You are hers and she is the one who is supposed to make you smile,giggle and blush like that.
She didn’t admit or rather acknowledge the fact that she is jealous or possessive. She just didn’t like the fact that her members were being all touchy and lovey-dovey with you.
She excused herself from the scene and just snuggled into her bed, you definitely did notice her cold demeanor.
You sat with the members for a while because leaving immediately after Kazuha did, will perhaps be suspicious.
When you stepped into the room you saw Kazuhas back facing you. She acted like she was asleep but you knew damn well she wasn’t.
You quickly walked towards her bed and pressed soft kisses all over her face and neck. “Zuha talk to me, I know you are not asleep baby.” You said playfully while brushing your nose against her cheek.
Still no response, usually when she acts extra baby like this you’d give her little attention and affection and everything would be fine. But she must be so grumpy.
“You’re done with your girlfriends?” She questioned, not sparing you a glance eyes closed but brows lifted.
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing” she sighed, lids still closed.
“What happened baby?” You were confused and curious now because what did you do? She gave a loud huff and now faced you, her eyes opening.
“You seem to be so oblivious baby,hmm? You flirted with all of my members and expected me to act all fine?” Her look was intimidating now, her gaze piercing holes to your form.
“What?!- no” you say almost offended by the accusation, you have done nothing wrong.
“I need to teach you a lesson baby! So that pretty head of yours could remember that there are always consequences” she stated.
Not letting you mutter anything she quickly grabbed your waist and placed you on all fours. Pressing and brushing her growing bulge against your soft ass.
Sticky fluid unconsciously started dripping down your folds, she tore your shorts apart with one go. And saw your wet panties. Breathing out a low ‘fuck’ her hard on resting on your lower back, your breath is noticeably getting heavier and whinier. “Z-Zuha be fast p-please” you cried out. Kazuha gave a dirty smirk before pulling your panties down to your knees, she did the same to her boxers.
Her tip teased your entrance before sliding to your clit, rubbing it slowly and gently, not giving you enough friction. A broke sob came from you, without warning she slammed herself all the way in. A gasp of relief and shock leaving your lips, your moans were muffled by the pillow. Her hand grabbed a fistful of your hair before yanking it backwards your back meeting her chest. “Let them hear your sweet moans baby!” She said grabbing your face to make you look at her. Meeting your doe and teary eyes, her cock twitched crazily inside you. Her tongue was poking her inner cheek. Her pace was slowly beating your insides red, her dick was long and thick tearing every inch of your cervix. “Z-Zuha, it h-hurts” your glassy eyes looked at her dark ones. “Mhmm? Can’t hear you baby” she spat, tone harsh and mean. Tears actively started flowing down, your cries and moans intensified and you placed your hand over your mouth. She was quick to yank your hand away. “Let them hear how good I’m fucking you” her thrust were only getting rougher and stronger, fucking her whole strength into you. Subconsciously you felt your own high close, you closed your eyes tightly and squeezed the bed sheet hard, where your knuckles turned white. She continued the merciless pounding into you her dick carving your insides, soon ropes of cum shut into you, she thrusted her dick few more times making sure the release is only going deeper into your womb.
She pulled out and you immediately collapsed onto the bed, she rubbed your back comfortingly “I’m so sorry baby” she muttered her lips turning into a pout before showering your back with kisses and gentle sucks leaving purple-ish marks, “lets clean us up”. She said giving you one last peck on your lips.
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joedirtymadre · 3 months
The Cake
MASH X READER (Taking requests 📲 pls send some!) **SMUT
“Come on, spit it (Y/N)!” Lemon groaned as she shook me. “Spit what out Lemon?” I asked, while continuing to be shaken up. “Have you and Mashle… done anything intimate yet?” She whispered the last part. “Did you forget that I’m right here?” Finn sweat dropped. “No, but I mean you’re one of the girls, Finn. Plus it’s either this conversation or the guy’s one where Lance and Dot argued over the cutest girl, and Lance’s only option is his sister,” Lemon explained. Finn and I sighed, she’s got a point. “But still Lemon… that’s a little too private to talk about…” I blushed. “So you have done it!” Lemon screeched. “How was it? Was it nice or was it bad? I heard if I guy is a good bowler then you know… and Mash is… well he’s just strong so he can take down all the pins,” Lemon said. “And the alley,” Finn added. “Nevermind that! Details, (Y/N)! Was it romantic? Freaky?” She asked. “No… well none of that because we haven’t done anything,” I said softly. “Oh…” Lemon said. “Yeah, well I don’t know Mash has never seemed too interested in that kind of stuff, I don’t know,” I shrugged. “What do you mean, have you tried hinting at it?” Finn asked. “Sort of? One night we watched a movie in my dorm and a… scene came on! I thought it would spark the mood a bit so I scooted closer to Mash and I decided to… place my hand on his thigh,” I blushed, covering my face from Lemon’s sly smile. “You go girl, show him who’s boss!” She laughed. “But… he then asked if I thought the muscle was softer than usual. I guess he noticed a difference between the two and my hand placement confirmed his suspicions,” I sighed. “Jeez,” Finn winced at the comment. “I mean we all knew Mash was dense but I didn’t think it was that bad,” Lemon frowned. “So maybe it’s for the best that we just hold off,” I smiled. “Have you thought of talking to him? I mean Mash probably wants to do stuff like that too, but since you never brought it up he doesn’t see the reason to either,” Finn said. “You’re probably right Finn, but… it’s embarrassing… We’ve been together for almost a year and I’ve given a couple of hints already. I was hoping he would’ve caught on by now,” I sighed. “Well why don’t you give him a love potion? It’ll probably boost his spirits, if you know what I mean,” Lemon whispered. “I don’t think drugging my boyfriend without his consent is really the best idea!” I shouted. “Kidding!” Lemon smiled. “I don’t think she was…” Finn sighed. “I’ll just keep things the way they are. Plus he has to catch on one day right?” I asked them, both of them shrugging at the question. “Oh I have to go to the library! I told a friend I would help her with her project!” Lemon shouted and ran off. “Bye!” She yelled and we waved back. “I should probably get going too, we left the group in my room… I just hope they didn’t break anything…” Finn cried and walked off. “See ya (Y/N),” he moped. “Bye,” I laughed and headed back to my dorm.
I laid on the bed thinking about the conversation with Lemon and Finn. “It’s almost been a year… and I think I’m ready, but maybe Mash isn’t…” I sighed. “Oh well,” I shrugged. I can’t be upset that he’s not comfortable with engaging with any of the hints I’ve given him. “Why don’t you give him a love potion?” Lemon’s words are repeated in my head. I quickly shake my head. No. No. No. That’s a crazy idea, plus super wrong. “I think I’ll just nap all this off, get my mind off all this stuff,” I sighed to myself and got ready for bed and quickly fell asleep.
I woke up later to a knock on my door and got up to answer it. I opened it and saw Mash on the other side holding a bag. “Hi Mash,” I said sleepily. “Were you sleeping?” He asked. “Yeah… I felt stressed so I thought I should just take a nap,” I explained and stepped aside to let him in. “Then Lemon was smart to give me these things,” he said as he walked in and dropped the stuff on my desk. “What did she give you?” I asked as I shut the door. “She gave me cake and tea,” he said. “Cake and tea…?” I thought suspiciously. She wouldn’t… “Can I just have a quick look?” I asked and snatched the cake box. “Uhh…” Mash mumbled. I opened the box and… it looks fine? Well the box is from a local café and it seems like an average cake made at the shop. “(Y/N)?” Mash asked, peering over my shoulder. “Haha, sorry. I just got so excited to see the cake,” I said awkwardly. “Ah… well there’s also some tea-“ he said and I swooshed over to the prepared tea and opened it. I mean it looks ok… or does it? Don’t all potions look like regular tea?? “Oh well… I think this is Jasmine tea… and I’m allergic to Jasmine tea!” I said and headed to toss it. “Oh, but I’m n- oh you tossed it…” Mash said disappointedly. “Sorry Mash,” I apologized. “It’s fine, you’re just having a stressful day,” he said and patted my head. “I just… I just had a weird conversation with Lemon earlier so I think I’m just being paranoid. Let’s just enjoy some cake,” I smiled. “Conversation? What was it about?” He asked. I blushed, “Nothing! It was girl stuff, don’t worry about it!” “Oh… well ok,” Mash shrugged.
We cut the cake and luckily I had some strawberry milk saved. “That was a good cake,” Mash said. “You only had a bite…” I sighed as we sat on my loveseat together. “Yeah, but I had a lot of cream puffs earlier, and I only worked out for 2 hours today. Don’t want to eat to pass my calorie intake,” he explained. “Just 2 hours?” I laughed. “Yeah, Lemon stopped me to tell me you were having an off day,” he said. “Ohh, well sorry for interrupting your workout, but thanks for coming over and the cake was delicious! I almost ate the whole thing,” I said and kissed his cheek. “It’s fine,” he smiled. I think I'm getting hot..? “Hey Mash, mind if I open a window? It’s getting hot in here,” I said and quickly opened my window to let in some fresh air. “It is?” Mash asked. “Yeah it’s super hot… and the fresh air isn’t helping!” I huffed and stuck my head out the window. “(Y/N) are you ok?” He asked and placed a hand on my lower back. I winced, his hand was hot to the touch. “Yeah, w-why do you ask?” I responded and looked back. “C-C-Cause it’s f-f-freezing in h-here,” he chattered from the cold. “O-Oh, I’m sorry!” I closed the window and sat back down. I felt my body beginning to feel like it’s on fire, but not sweaty but burning… “What’s wrong with me…?” I whispered. “Hey, it’ll be alright,” Mash said and pulled me into a hug. God the hug was burning me even more, but in a good way. I want more. “Mash, touch me more,” I said desperately. “(Y/N)?” Mash said, confused. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, my body's on fire. Even you touching me makes it burn more, but I want more…” I whispered before pulling him into a kiss. “Mash…” I gasped when we pulled away for air. “Y-Yeah?” He panted. “Why haven’t we ever done anything… more?” I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up even more. “M-More? I don’t know. You never asked or talked about it so I thought-“ I interrupted him. “I always gave away hints, it’s kind of embarrassing,” I laughed nervously. “You did?” He asked, shocked. I nodded shyly. “Well… then let’s try it,” he said and pulled me into a rough kiss. God my mind is going blank.
Mash carried me to my bed and laid me down softly. I watched as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. Exposing his bare chest, and god-like body. “N-No compression shirt?” I blushed. “Not today,” he said and got on top of me, quickly pulling me in for another kiss. He pulled away and quickly went for my neck, licking, sucking, and nibbling every inch. “M-Mash,” I said, feeling dizzy. “Let’s take our time,” he whispered into my ear, causing goosebumps to crawl over me. All I could do was whimper in response. “I never knew you could make these kinds of noises,” he said against my skin. “Let me hear more,” he said in a demanding tone, and began biting my neck a bit harsher. “Mhm!” I let out. He finally pulled back and stared at me. I took the chance to try and catch my breath. “Sorry about this (Y/N)…” Mash said, and before I could ask he placed his hands on the buttons of my shirt and ripped them apart. Exposing my bra, “Mash!” I blushed, and tried to cover myself. Before I could Mash pinned my arms above my chest. “Don’t hide them, please,” he pleaded. “M-Mash…” I gasped and relaxed. “Good girl,” he said deeply, but keeping his hand pinned against mine. With his free hand he traced his thumb from my lips to the tip of my waistband. “W-Wait! I don’t want… to be the first one…” I bit my lip, too embarrassed to finish my sentence. “Don’t wanna be the first one naked? Alright then,” he said and slowly got off of me. I watched as he quickly removed his belt, allowing his pants to fall. Leaving him in only his boxer shorts, I gulped and wanted to follow his lead. I slowly grabbed the hem of my skirt and slipped it down, Mash helping me throw them off. Now we were both left in nothing but our underwear. “You’re so sexy,” he said as he pounced on me again. I moaned and gasped at each nip or kiss he would leave, my body still feeling like it’s on fire. “M-Mash, stop teasing me,” I said desperately. “Someone’s impatient,” he chuckled. “But that’s fine, I don’t think I can hold off any longer either,” he said as he placed my hand over his bulge. I blushed and pulled him in for another kiss, I felt bad that he was the only one taking the initiative. “Lay back,” I said. He nodded and sat back and I slowly got on his lap, he placed his rough hands on my hips. I began to reach for my bra and removed it slowly, I finally unclasped it, letting my breasts fall. I watched as Mash stared at my body, letting his eyes roam over every inch. “Do they look n-nice?” I said awkwardly. “They’re perfect,” he said as he cupped one of them with his right hand, surprising me.
Before fully reacting he pushed me down, “Ma- Ah!” I moaned, feeling his mouth swallow my breast. I grasped onto his hair tightly, and covered my mouth with my other hand, not wanting my neighbors to hear us. As soon as I muffled myself, Mash looked up looking disappointed. He pinned my arms again with one of his hands, “Don’t do that again,” he demanded. I blushed and nodded shyly. “Good,” he said. “Mash, I think I wanna do-“ before I could my sentence Mash ripped my underwear off. “H-ahhh?” I laid there in shock. “Me too,” he said and pulled down his shorts. I looked up and saw his cock ready to go. “A-Ah,” I let out. “Let me prepare you,” he said. I nodded and spread my legs a little wider. I gasped when I felt a finger slide inside me, “Mm!” I gasped. Then another. “Ahmm!” I moaned, quickly biting my lip trying to muffle myself. “It’s so hot and wet,” he said, huskily. I looked up and saw his eyes staring down at me, hungrily. “I’m gonna move now ok?” He asked. I nodded, and felt Mash slowly insert his fingers in and out. Oh god I’m gonna go crazy, he’s going so slow! I began moving my hips slightly, trying to increase the speed. “Too slow for you?” He chuckled, as his eyes glowed in amusement. I suddenly felt the increased speed, “Ahh~! Mashh~!!” I cried out. “Is this better now?” He asked and continued using his two fingers to thrust and occasionally widen my pussy. After what felt like an eternity I was done! “Mash!” I huffed. “What’s wrong (Y/N)?” He smiled slyly. “I’m ready now, please?” I pleaded. “Please what?” He asked as he slowly removed his fingers, causing me to whimper to the sudden loss. “P-Please?” I repeated. “Come on say,” he said as I felt something hard begin to rub my lips. Oh god this man is making me crazy. “Just fuck me already!” I practically shouted. “Whatever you say, princess,” he smirked and thrusted himself deep inside. I quickly felt full and needed a minute to catch my breath. “H-Hold on…” I gasped. “Tell me when you’re ready,” he said softly and dropped down to kiss me softly. After another minute or two, I nodded and allowed Mash to start moving. He went slow at first, but after a few minutes he quickly began thrusting faster and harder. “Ma-aash…” I drooled as I gasped with each breath. “Fuck (Y/N)… you’re pussy feels so good,” he grunted and let go of my pinned hands. “MmMM!” I moaned in response. I quickly arched my back, feeling an overload of ecstasy as I felt a thumb brush over my clit. “I really liked that reaction,” Mash panted and continued to rub my clit at an intense speed. “W-WaiT!” I cried, feeling a knot in my lower stomach grow bigger and bigger. “I think I’m- maSH!” I let out and threw my head back as I felt a wave of pleasure rush through my body, but I quickly threw it back up as I realized Mash wasn’t stopping. “Ma- Sensit…ive!” I moaned and grilled onto his shoulder tightly. “I wish I could, but someone’s pussy won’t let go of me,” he smirked and continued thrusting me at the same pace and began rubbing my clit again. I quickly placed both hands over my mouth and again Mash quickly pinned them above my head. “Nice try,” he grunted. “Ah! Mm! Mash~!” I moaned, filling my room with the sounds of my moans and Mash thrusting in and out of my pussy. “Fuck… I’m close,” he said in ear. “Cum! Cum!” I begged him. “Not before you do, one more time,” he whispered in my ear. He unpinned me and returned his hand to my clit, playing with it again, bringing me closer and closer. “Mash… I’m-“ I choked and threw my arms around him. “Me too,” he grunted, thrusting deeper each time. “Mashhh!” I cried and dug my nails into his skin, once again my body flowing with ecstasy. “(Y/N)…!” He moaned with one final thrust, filling me before pulling himself out and falling next to me. We both took our time trying to catch our breaths and Mash soon pulled me in for some cuddles. “That was nice…” he said sleepily, before I heard some light snoring. I giggled and snuggled into his arms before falling asleep as well. Before I forget… make a mental note to thank and also kill Lemon tomorrow.
The Next Day
“You guys did it? Well… you did skip classes today, so it all makes sense now,” Lemon laughed. “Yeah, the cake sort of did the trick,” I blushed. “Cake?” Lemon asked, confused. “Yeah the cake and tea you gave Mash because I wasn’t feeling too good. You put a love potion in it didn’t you? Well… it’s fine cause I’m the one that ate it so I’ll forgive you this time-“ I was quickly interrupted. “(Y/N) what are you talking about? I bought that cake at the café we always go to. I went with my friend after we finished the project. I remembered you said you wanted to try the red velvet,” she said. “H-Huh?” I blinked. “Y-You thought I put a love potion in it!?” Lemon laughed. “Y-You didn’t?” I blinked again. “Girl… you must’ve had a placebo effect or something…” Lemon said. “Oh…” I said, speechless.
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hyperfixat · 8 months
day 14 of ai less whumptober: No Anesthesia
supporting these posts helps encourage my writing and creating, thanks!
The sound of one of your joints popping and the breaking of a bone are terribly similar.  Too similar, in fact.  The brothers have broken many bones in their infinite time. 
The first snap, crackle, pop of your joints had made everyone in the room freeze.  Leviathan, in the middle of talking about some new limited Ruri-chan figure, stopped.  All seven pairs of eyes stare at you in horror.
 Did the human die?  Are they broken?  Fragile thing, what would Lord Diavolo say?  
You freeze as well, hands intertwined and held above your head.
Lucifer seems to have gotten even paler than his usual pale-ness.  Mammon’s gaze catches yours and is filled with absolute horror, and Asmo.  Asmodeus looks on the verge of illness, eyes wide and face sickly gray.
“Ohmygod,” Levi breathes out in absolute shock.
“What’s wrong?” You’re a little nervous at their odd behavior, and as to what happened to make their moods flip so suddenly.
“Are you okay?”  Satan is on his feet, walking over to you, attempting to inspect you for any injuries.  Mammon flies to his feet as well.
“Hey, hey hands to yourself!  The Great Mammon can do that.”  He pushes Satan aside without any real force.  Together their hands and eyes cover you, like a TSA pat down.
“Does anything hurt?”  Lucifer asks while you’re nearly being groped.
“No?”  Confusion fills your voice.
A worried whimper comes out of Beel and he turns to Belphie, “so bad it’s numb.”  You think you hear him say.
“Nothing seems broken,” Satan says, he’s squatting down to check your legs and feet.  He lifts himself to standing.  His eyes are somber as he gently takes hold of your shoulders.  “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Mammon shifts on his feet behind you, hand brushing over your shoulder blades, where you popped.
“Yeah?  I was just stretching…”
Asmo inches over to you, crawling on the floor slowly like you’re a landmine that could detonate at any second.
“You cracked.”  It’s an accusation.  Lucifer near glowers at you.
“It happens.”  You shrug.
“No it doesn’t,” Lucifer glares this time.
“Maybe not to you, but it’s normal,” you side eye him.  
A hand on the hem of your pants.  Asmo looks up at you, horror still plastered on his face.
You pat his head and some color returns to his face.
“What happened then?”  Belphegor challenges you.
“I cracked my back.”
“How?”  Mammon’s jaw drops.  “That’s horrible.”
“It feels good.”  You defend.  “You guys can’t crack things?”
“No!”  Asmo cries out.  “That sounded horrendous.”
It’s confusing, demons and angels don’t make sounds like that.  No one hasn’t let themself grow used to the noise, they’ll never let themselves.  Because the haunting what if? will never leave.
Eyes always fly to you the second one of your bones shift; it’s sweet they care, but they’re worried over nothing!  You’ve never broken a bone, ever.
You jinxed yourself.
Today you broke a bone.  Well, you’re pretty sure you’ve at least done something you shouldn’t have to your bone.  The splintered edge of the bone sticks out gruesomely from your forearm.  Yeah, that’s not normal.
Blood drips onto the bathroom floor and you don’t know why you aren’t crying right now.  The demon had handled you too roughly.  Shoved you out of the way too hard and you hit the air dryer bolted into the wall then this happened.
They had looked at you with a mixture of shock and fear as the sickening crunch of your arm registered, and the coppery scent of blood began filling the air.  Panic took over the stranger and they ran out of the bathroom, leaving you to sit on the floor and stare in shock at your horrible looking arm.
Your stomach churns and you look towards the ceiling and blink to try and clear your mind.
The demon fled the second his actions dawned upon them, fleeing the scene of the crime.  Smart fella.
The scent of blood permeates the air and you know you won’t be alone for long.  A hungry demon is bound to find you the way you are just bleeding.
And just as the thought hits you, the bathroom door flies open and Asmo is rushing towards you.  Concern and panic lace his features as he places a gentle hand on your injured arm.  You wince.
“Sorry, dear, but I need to get this tied off.”  His voice is sweet and your head rolls to the side as you relax, because your Asmo is here.  Things’ll be alright now.  Mammon stands anxiously behind him, avoiding looking at your wound.  
The bathroom door has swung closed again and you relish in the privacy of having you Asmo and Mammon take care of you.
“Oh, who did this, MC?” Asmo keeps the lilt in his voice, although it is strained.  “Hmm?  Who would hurt you?”  Golden eyes attempting to meet yours.
You crane your head further back to avoid the lure of Asmodeus’ eyes, “it was an accident.” 
There’s a tug at the junction of your elbow. 
He makes a displeased hum, “Mammon, fetch Satan for me, he’ll know how to fix this better than me.  Oh, Barbatos too if you happen across him.”
Mammon gives your uninjured arm a pat and follows orders.
“Alright sweetheart,” Asmo kisses your cheek, “this might hurt a bit.  I’m gonna have a little bit of help to fix your arm up.  You’re in good hands, doll.”
You hear ripping fabric then have to hold back a scream as Asmo begins to wrap the exposed gore.
“I know,” he sighs sympathetically.  “I know.”  He keeps it tight on your arm and you take some deep breaths.
The door swings back open and Satan and Mammon come in, Barbatos in tow.  Satan’s face twists into a grimace as the scent registers.  The two that Mammon fetched kneel at your sides adjacent to Asmo, Barbatos tears his white gloves off and takes hold of your upper arm, applying firm pressure.
“Fuck,” Satan hisses out, fidiling with his pockets.  He pulls out something silver and metallic and you wince and turn away.  
When you do so you bump your face into Mammon’s chest, where he’d taken to holding you steady.
You do your best to keep quiet when you feel them begin to work on your arm, but you can’t help a pained, breathless moan.
“Sorry, your pain cannot be helped,” Barbatos puts his bare hand on your knee and attempts to give it a comforting squeeze.  It doesn’t do much, but you're grateful.
You feel sharpness cutting away at flesh and muscle.  Your eyes bulge and you grip Mammon’s forearm with all the strength you can muster.
Fuck, it hurts so bad, it’s all you can do not to scream or passout.
“Shh,” Asmo soothes, you peek an eye open and glare at him.
“I can’t,” you stutter out.
“Yes you can, I’m almost done.” Satan says, voice plain.
You feel Barbatos stand and walk to the dryer you were shoved into.  Peeking out the corner of your eye you see him crouch and investigate.  His bloodied white glove runs through the half dried viscera painting the floor.  You’re torn away from watching him when a new pain rocks through your nerves. 
A sharp crunch resonates through your body as Asmodeus and Satan shove your bone back into place.  You let out a hoarse squeal and there’s a fresh round of hushing from Asmo and Mammon.  Your breaths come in wheezing bursts and Barbatos comes to kneel a bit in front of you.
“I trust these  three with fixing you up for now.  I must report this to the Young Master.”  Barbatos gives a sympathetic smile and stands to leave.  “I will tend to you at a later point, MC.”
A sharp, pointed pain in, and a sharp pain out.  Steeling your nerves you peek at your newly shoved back inside arm to see Asmo sewing your flesh shut as Satan holds it closed.
It takes an excruciatingly long three minutes for them to finish and tie off the stitches.
“Now, darling,” Asmo’s stained hand reaches to cup your jaw, “when we get home, we’ll talk about finding whoever did this to you.”
“Don’t be too harsh now, Asmodeus.”  Satan chides, holding your injured arm soothingly.  “They’re sure to be in a lot of pain right now.  Save that conversation for when they’re feeling better, okay?”  When he finishes the sentence, he nuzzles into the side of your head affectionately.  
“Let’s get you home now,” Asmo says, blatantly ignoring his older brother.
As Mammon helps you to your feet he speaks, “we should probably stop by the student council office and let Lucifer know that they’ll be missing from classes.  And,” Mammon turns his attention to you.  “Don’t you worry, the Great Mammon will be with you the whole time you’re healin’ up!”
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nipuni · 9 months
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We went to see Phantom Madrid last weekend!! ❤️ Geronimo Rauch was amazing!! I'm going to write my thoughts on the whole performance under a cut for those interested 😊
I am going to be comparing it to the London version for reference since it's the only one I've seen live. I think my first impression was that It was better than I expected it to be! I read opinions about the Trieste production and I was a little worried but I found that I enjoyed a lot of the things I've seen being criticized.
The stage spinning around was awesome and added so much depth to scenes and made transitions very smooth. The backdrops were very nicely done!
As for costumes I think they were pretty good with the exception of Aminta's dress and the Masquerade costumes being kind of underwhelming.
The singing was good overall, although the translated lyrics are weird sometimes. The main songs translate well but some others become very confusing in Spanish, some wording seems forced and some notes are slightly altered to fit the phrases. Raoul is very calm and soft, maybe a little too much at times, Christine is very neutral and simple. Geronimo was amazing tho no notes!
Now the acting! I have opinions 😫 This show was very Christine and Raoul centric to such an extent that it flattened the plot for me 😬 Christine seems scared and disgusted from start to finish so there is no conflict in her character. She is never torn, she recoils from the phantom's touch during Music of the Night, and during Final Lair she sings the "pitiful creature of darkness" lines looking at Raoul the whole time backing away towards the phantom and steeling herself and only turns reluctantly at the last second to kiss Erik. She comes back to return his ring and just leaves it on the organ stool as soon as he turns around because she's scared to get close to him, when he sings "I love you" she shakes her head at him 🥹 like girl please give us something!!
Geronimo's phantom is a delight tho!! He whimpers, crawls, cries, screams, pants, it's great. He's acting his butt off and is the highlight of the show for me.
A thing that I really liked was in the end when the mob comes Erik is curled up in his bed crying and Madame Giry finds him there and tells him to hide under the covers and leads the mob away from him, I thought it was sweet and transitions into LND nicely.
OH also!! I really enjoyed the Phantom swinging on a rope across the stage during the ballet and Buquet's hanging, it's so good!! the flaming chandelier scene is also good!! in Final Lair they actually hang Raoul in the air which was very nice too! (and with his shirt still on) and even the angel wings and flying that I've seen people hating on was honestly so cool. It didn't look as goofy as I expected it to, it's very smooth and the lighting makes it scary, he casts thunder and flies!! the wings are not very visible since the scene is very dark. The light work was super good in general.
Masquerade and Don Juan were a bit of a let down, much simpler but not bad. I think my main issues were about the choices for Christine really 🤔 and I think some scenes needed more movement, especially the roof one (they couldn't move because they are sitting on a ledge)
The show in general feels a bit one note compared to the West End version but it was good!! I'm just nitpicky 😂 also I want Geronimo's autograph!! I love him 😭
Anyway if you want to see/hear more let me know on discord wink wonk 😁
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Hey pookie😽I’d like to request headcanons for the mcyts with an actor/actress s/o.<3 Especially how they’d react to any emotional scenes or if the character that their s/o played dies, im craving some angst right now lol
oooo okay okay ; I'm still very much burned out but unable to give myself a damn break so I apologize for these being so short ; I also named movies to get some inspo so sorry if you don't know any/some of them lol
ALSO!! I'm gonna rework my oneshot links on my masterlist so beware any changes lol
MCYT ; actor reader with death scenes
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu & quackity
warnings ; language, talk about death, gore & violence
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you played a character in evil dead rise, which tommy got really attached too even though you got like 10 minutes of screen time
genuinley started sobbing and laughing at the same time bc your death was so sad to him for some reason yet so cool and bloody
he looks over at you, jaw dropped like "wtf?"
there's actually tears streaming down his cheeks 💀💀💀
you post a pic of him crying on ur ig story and caption it "he's sad I died"
he logs back into his old letterboxd account to rate it 5 stars
his explanation is "my partner died but good movie. I almost cried again seeing the monster thing at the end though"
he is heartbroken
he absolutely loved your character/s even though they were barely on screen
he's also confused as to how he never knew about you being in IT 2017 and 2019 because you looked so different and easter eggs
the 13 v 15 looks were actually so different too, he didn't even recognize you in the first movie until you pointed it out LMAO
the it 2019 death was a lot more sad to him though and it was mostly a metaphor to show that everyone has weaknesses even if they don't think they do etc etc
he just looks at you and then rants about that whole metaphor after pausing the movie and he's literally on it for a solid five minutes
he awoke a different side of himself that night
you had a little cameo in a quiet place pt2
basically your character was alive for a while and helping out the abbotts until you died saving reagan from one of the death angels
she obviously couldn't hear one behind her and your character had to lunge and save her and sacrifice themselves on the island that she ran off too iykwim
like your character went off with her to keep her safe + you died during that chase/fight scene at the end
ran nearly broke down into tears because you got a solid two hours of time in that movie for all that buildup and shit
they started crying a bit cause like ???
literally gave you an award (a massive hug) for your incredible acting skills bc damn
insidious the red door goes crazy
you bond with dalton at college and help him float around and shit
the demon doesn't like that you're helping him whatsoever so it drags your character into the further
the whole kill is done with you exploring the further for a moment, being hunted down by prey and then jumpscared by the demon
it's not a very emotional death but it scares the fuck out of Freddie
"wait, oh my God, they'll never be able to talk to Dalton about supernatural stuff again! what the hell?"
the death was pointless and for a jumpscare but he couldn't care, he enjoyed watching you on the screen
you were in the forever purge
you play a very obviously queer & pro-human rights character who's shit on by all the rich, conservative, ranch owning Texans in the movie
you basically had to sacrifice yourself trying to get to the border in time
in the city scene, you get killed as a protection sacrifice
no way you were letting adela die
niki literally started crying bc there was no reason for your character to give up their life but they did anyways
you were such a w the whole movie and she can't help but rant about that as well
she gives you a round of applause at the end cause like that was a damn good performance cmon now
alex is never watching any terrifier movie ever again holy fuck
you skipped over the first one bc you couldn't even watch it again and went to the second because you were in it
he was actually on edge the whole movie
what the hell do you mean you were cut in half??? wtf is this?? saw???
he actually almost puked LMAO
you were laughing the whole time your death was playing
"that mf doesn't know you Alex, I do"
"Okay whatever"
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garoujo · 2 years
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➤ seven minutes in heaven series masterlist.
NEW MESSAGE @WARNINGS : f!reader, college!au, best friends to lovers, frat party!au, exhibitionism, mutual pining, unprotected sex, one of those very cliche bickering / fighting to making out scenes, fingering, confessions, seven minutes in heaven scenarios that definitely last longer than seven minutes, creampie, dry humping.
(1) ATTACHMENT @WC : est. 5.3k
NEW MESSAGE FROM EMMIE @GAROUJO : i’ve done hcs about kissing during an argument before n ngl they kinda inspired this so :3 another lil instalment to the series + only two to go!! fank yew for sm support on these fics <3
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geto suguru had always been a constant in your life, he was the consistency despite the inevitable change of everything else and you still think fondly back on the years spent together with your bestfriend.
he’d always been kind to you, well mannered and polite despite being a little fragile but he was your other half in a way and always pushed you to achieve everything he knew you could. he was your rock and the shoulder you’d cried on a few too many times than you’d like to recall. but he’d always treated you with an honesty and a respect that you basked in and held close to your chest through the years.
you remember sitting in the same tea shop you still visit now five years ago, you’d sigh with a “suguru” when you didn’t get a question in your homework, and you’d hear him break into laughter before crossing his arms over his chest when you rested your head on the table, pouting while he pinched at your cheek and told you to let him see.
you still have your notebooks that you’d both use to doodle in class, steady scratches of ink and his name signed across the top, but now it’s been replaced by a laptop that he’d help you pick out when you graduated. it’s the same as his and you’re glad you’d stood your ground when it came to your insistence on a webcam, because you still found comfort in the late night cram sessions with suguru — pulling your laptop onto your stomach while he scribbles away at his notes, with the same type of pen he always used.
“we’re gonna need coffee in the morning, it’s almost 1am already.” you’d groan, rubbing at the your eyes with the heel of your palm and you’d watch your bestfriend lean back to stretch, his shirt rising slightly to show off the smooth ivory muscle that dips into the waistband of his sweatpants.
“it’s your turn, i got the last two.” suguru would hum, soft syllables as a teasing sort of smile twitches at his lips and you’d always feign a pout just so he’d look at you like that a little longer.
you remember it was the same way he looked at you as you both sat on the roof of your childhood home before you left for college, the one that was on the same street as his while the packed up boxes sat stacked in your room. your suitcase sat right next to his at the door and how both help the tangible pieces of your life, and it’s something that you still smile at.
“i’m still here with you.” is what suguru had told you in honesty when he noticed you staring into the same spot in the night sky, shuffling closer to wrap you in an embrace and rub at your back, and you still smiled despite the ache that settled in your chest that night at the thought of your cleared bedroom and the empty space it left.
“always?” you’d asked with uncertainty but the “always.” that fell quickly from your best friends lips in reply was nothing but earnest, honest.
it still hurt, but when you turned to meet his kind-hearted smile you noticed that the pain dulled, and maybe it was then that you first found yourself realising that he would always have you, your love, your vulnerability and you’re truth.
and maybe that’s when love began to take its first few tentative steps to meet you both.
“are my good looks distracting you, sweet thing?” satoru laughs, pulling you back to where you are now, in the overheated living room of the frat party he’d dragged you and suguru too, and a look over your shoulder would reveal your dark haired bestfriend who gives you a grin.
he looks a little tired, you think. suguru’s kept his hair a little longer than how he used to back in high school, back when he didn’t used to style his hair and it hung around the front of his eyes. he pulls it back, it’s still slightly messy but it fits, and it frames his features when he blinks at you, soft and slow before he’s raising his brow in a way that never fails to make you feel warm.
it’s become almost an immediate reaction when you turn back to roll your eyes at whatever seems to come out of satoru’s mouth at this point, snorting before he’s righting himself with a laugh and shooting you a cocky sort of wink.
you’d become comfortable in the push and pull you’d found in your group of friends, you and suguru had both met gojo in your first year and it warmed you from the inside at how quickly you three came together ( with the addition of utahime, who’s excuse for not coming to the party tonight was the exam she has in a few days, and how she couldn’t afford to lose the braincells that she claims hanging around with satoru would melt )
but with your blooming friendship you had realised just how perceptive gojo satoru was, having him pick up on your crush on your bestfriend fairly quickly, and maybe it was his realisation that made you truly realise it yourself.
even though you basically had to swear your trust to him for life when he’d teased you about it, making you tickle relentlessly at his sides until he was wiping his tears with his loud laughter and swearing secrecy.
you hear suguru laugh at gojo’s teasing in the now but then his eyes are back on you, and he really looks at you before he’s nudging into your side and mouthing a “you really okay?” because at the root of who he was—suguru has always been kind, and you can’t deny that you’re a little inwardly delighted that he still checks on you even now.
“we gotta do something to get people excited, this needs to be wilder.” that same gojo hums, sending you a look that seems a little calculating and a dangerous sort of menacing when he taps on his chin with a long finger before he’s grinning.
“what are you smiling about?” suguru drawls, giving gojo a humoured sort of grin that makes him lean back to laugh before he’s falling forward again, shooting you both a teasing look from above the rim of his glasses.
“oh? you scared?” he hums and you feel your best friends arm hook around your shoulder before you’re pulled into his chest, feeling the warm muscle through his shirt when it presses against your side and you hate the way it makes your breathing hitch before suguru speaks again — his lips close enough for you to feel the way his breathing rolls over your shoulders.
“heh, nah. i’m sure we’ll be fine.”
but fine wasn’t exactly what you’d call this situation, gojo’s grand plan it seems was a good old game of seven minutes in heaven, and you’d be lying if you said that watching him round up a drunken group of students with the simple words wasn’t amusing.
you’re sinking into the plush (but also grossly soaked with college mysteries) seat of the arm chair in the corner of the living room, while suguru takes his place on one of the thick arms. his thighs are spread at either side of the cushion as he leans against the back to balance his huge stature, knocking his calve against your thigh to pull your attention from the dramatics satoru is pulling in the middle of the room.
“you sure ‘bout this?” he grunts from his place beside you, the question is spoken in earnest and you know that if you ever said you were uncomfortable he’d be pulling you out without a second thought.
but if you were honest, you weren’t sure of this.
infact you hadn’t realised just how tightly your hands had been nervously curling against your thighs for aslong as you’d sat here, because every couple that left the room with hoots and haulers, was one couple less infront of you and suguru — and watching your bestfriend and life-long crush being whisked into a darkened college closet with anyone who wasn’t you for seven minutes of fucking heaven, wasn’t exactly how you’d describe a good night.
“you’re next, sweet thing.” satoru drawls, breaking you out of your own internal spiral just as your turn finally circulates and you don’t notice the way that suguru also seems to tense at the words, shuffling uncomfortably by your side before he’s resting a heavy palm against your shoulder — his means of comfort, you tell yourself.
“spin it for me, please~” you ask, your words a smooth sort of plea and you watch a grin curl the sides of satoru’s lips before his eyes sweep to suguru quickly, a look that goes unnoticed by you from where his crystalline gaze is hidden behind his black, tinted frames.
you feel like you watch the amber of the empty beer bottle spin forever and you feel like you’re just about to climb the walls when it finally begins to slow, your heart rate climbing into a heavy sort of thud against your chest when you openly cringe about some of the possibilities scattered along the room.
but a possibility you don’t consider, was the bottle landing just slightly to your left, shamelessly pointing towards your… bestfriend and crush geto? who’s sending you a curious look from where he’s manspread at the side of your fucking arm chair — like he’s gauging your reaction before allowing himself to reveal his own, and you hate the way you feel hope dangle in the space where you take a breath.
you’ve convinced yourself everything is fine, like you’ll totally be able to resist the absolutely irresistible man you’re about to be trapped in a darkened closet with for seven minutes of fucking heaven, the same guy who you’ve been crushing on for as long as you’ve known him.
“i’m glad it’s just you i got, suguru.” you say nervously as you’re both marched towards your destination, desperately trying to feign like you’re not completely freaking out and this is totally normal.
but then you turn with your words and you don’t miss the way suguru’s biceps twitch slightly with your effort to hide your true feelings, hearing him hum lowly before his shoulders drop with a sigh and his tongue pokes at his cheek, but just as quickly as his irritated expression forms it vanishes.
“yeah, just me..” there’s a change in his tone with his reply, it’s not the usual smooth and soft tone he seemed to reserve for you — it was sharp and honest and… hurt? before the door of the closet is suddenly shutting behind you both and you sway when you look up at geto to realise his eyes are already on you.
you’re so aware of the close proximity between you both and if you weren’t so hellbent on trying not ruin your friendship with geto suguru you’d gladly melt closer, pushing yourself against the soft muscle of his broad chest just so you can feel the way his warmth curls down your spine in blissful waves.
but then you’re suddenly aware of the awkward silence that settles in the darkened room, one that was so unfamiliar you feel a sudden nervousness twist in your abdomen before you finally speak. “i didn’t mean it like that.” you say quickly, suddenly reminding yourself of your previous words and you watch suguru’s shoulders drop again when he exhales.
“is that all you’ll ever see me as?” geto says plainly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweats as he casts you a heavy look that you almost mistake for a glare in the dim lighting.
“what does that mean? we’re best friends.” you reply quickly, your hands twisting into the hem of your skirt when you search desperately for the warmth hidden behind suguru’s gaze, noticing that he almost flinches with the title you still speak in earnest — like you’re trying to convince yourself he’s just that, despite the way your bestfriend always seemed to make your heart jump.
“fuck, see that is exactly what i mean.” he grunts and the bite to his tone catches you off guard as you watch him place his large palm across his face, and you feel some form of instinct turn in your stomach before you’re biting back with a tone that’s even colder.
“no, you’re not making any sense, sugu. i’ve known you foreve—“ you hiss and suguru’s volume rises with his breath when he cuts you off just as the final thread of his patience snaps. “and i have loved you for just as long. do you know how many times i’ve seen your heart broken knowing i could treat you better? do you know how annoying that is to watch?”
“and why didn’t you say anything then?” you hiss back, the sudden confession from your bestfriend making your emotions run rampant, ensuing chaos on your train of thought and clouding your judgement when you glare back, not realising he’s taking a step closer.
“would you have listened?” he bickers back and you realise that you both really sound like some old married couple you normally see in the aisle of the supermarkets fighting over fruit.
except maybe not as cute, because suguru clicks his tongue and your heart kicks against your chest with a sharp thud before you’re leaning closer, poking your finger against his chest to emphasis your reply. “yes because if you actually looked at me for one second. you’d know that i’ve thought about the exact same thi—“
the end of your sentence is cut off when suguru’s lips suddenly find your own and his imposing stature is pressing you tight against the door behind you.
the way he kisses you has you reeling, it’s lazy and slow but so very satisfying, and you gasp when he licks into your mouth with an instensity that makes you whimper, feeling his tongue drag messy along your own, and you can’t help but exhale in a reverence before your hands are twisting in his hair to pull him closer.
“do you know how long i’ve waited for you to say that, sweetheart?” suguru grunts when he pulls away to rest his forehead against yours, his soft pants cooling the mixture of spit on your pouty lips while his large hands grab at your hips.
“well i’m saying it now. so kiss me, sugu.” you laugh and there’s a subtle curl to the corners of his lips before he’s on you again, turning your positions to lead you back against the small cabinet hidden in the corner as he moves his lips against your own followed by a content sort of sound.
“shit, sound so fuckin’ pretty when you say that.” suguru hears himself groan before he’s shooting you a softer, tilted grin. he feels like he’s caught in a stand still and when he feels your fingers pull tighter at his hair he feels the last of his resolve snap, his tongue dipping past your lips to glide along your own and he hopes you can feel the years of pining and feelings he buries into the kiss.
“you’re sure about this?” he asks as his hips cage you against the countertop, bunching your skirt up around your hips and you feel heat burst along the new skin he reveals when he squeezes, giving him a soft, keening “y-yes.” in response and you’ve never felt so sure of anything in your life when you breathe heavy with him — fingers tangling in his hair to keep kissing him.
“shit—you don’t know how many times i’ve thought about this, sweetheart.” your thighs wrap around suguru’s hips to squeeze around his middle and you gasp when you feel him roll his cock forward into you. “fucking me in a frat closet?” you giggle before it breaks into a gasp when the blunt head catches under the hood of your clit through your panties and makes your abdomen twitch while suguru smirks down at you. “nah, finally getting to call you mine, pretty girl.”
you can feel his heart thudding against your chest where he’s got it pressed tightly to your breasts, brushing his nose against yours as his shaky breath rolls over your lips and his fingers flex in your skin.
he’s barely touched you and suguru already feels like he’s losing his mind, the way your body feels against his really is like fucking heaven and the doe-eyed look you cast him when he pulls away only reminds him how tightly you have him wrapped around finger.
“you are so fucking beautiful.” he drawls, dark eyes sweeping over your disheveled appearance when he casts you a heavy look from under his lashes before his lips are trailing down your skin — smearing messy kisses along your jawline.
you feel him growl, low and rugged while his teeth nibble along the sensitive spots that have your head dropping back to moan when he rolls the delicate skin gently between his teeth, smoothing his tongue over the blooming marks after, and the deep throb of desire you feel in your gut almost drowns out how loud the bass that still echoes through the closet from the other side of the door is.
you whimper, words spoken dreamily like a half-drunken mantra and fuck—were you intoxicating, suguru thinks.
the way you smooth your fingers through his dark hair before you’re pulling at the roots—making his bun fall into a messier style as it begins to frame his flushed features with an unruly but charming effect, and he pulls away to cast you a look that reminds you just how pretty he looks when he’s a little wild, a little needy.
it feels like there’s a fire in the darkened closet that almost consumes you both, and you feel like you’re losing yourselves in the fiery, lustful spark but you can’t stop, you’d rather beg to continue — to burn longer, together as you both plead for the carnal release you crave.
you feel suguru’s head dip to kiss along your collarbones, tracing his lips along the low neckline of your shirt, and the catch of his soft lips on your skin makes your thighs squeeze around his hips before he’s groaning. breathing heavy and eager when his fingers climb the seams of your body to flick the thin straps off your shoulders, letting him pull and tuck your shirt under your tits.
one of his hands move quickly under your bra, pulling it down to grab a slow, languid handful of your breast while his calloused thumb swipes back and forth over the firmed, pointed bud. the way you moan for him has his cock twitching in his pants, heavy and throbbing as you arch into his touch with warm need before he leans down, messily tracing his tongue along the same trail his thumb created moments ago.
suguru suckles languidly, dragging his tongue in slow, agonising, mindless patterns across the sensitive, aching skin of your nipples and he feels like he could watch you like this forever. his awe of you feels like it burns you as the unruly, charming fall of his hair lies across his cheeks.
“holy shit, sweetheart. look at you.” he mumbles against your tits, continuing his lewd, messy movements as his own spit coats his cheeks—soft pants cooling where it lies along your skin while his other hand trails its way up the inside of your thighs to pull your panties to the side.
you feel the first swipe of his fingers pet along your glistening folds as he traces the rough pad to part the petals of your pussy—gathering your slick before he’s smearing it under the hood of your clit and rolling the puffy bud with two fingers as your voice echoes through the walls of the darkened closet. “i want you, sugu—ah!”
suguru peers up at you through heavy eyes before his fingers are sinking into you, they’re thick enough for you to hiss at the stretch but he’s already making the whole fucking room tremble when he presses them up into you, grazing them along the swollen spot inside of you until your eyes feel like they’re rolling back towards the ceiling.
“always known you better than anyone else—fuck, know exactly what you need, angel.” his fingers drag more of your slick out everytime they sink into you and it’s lewd, the loud squelching sounds that you’re convinced he’s determined to engrave into the walls with every twist of his wrist.
it was true that suguru knew you better than anyone, even now — when he’s languidly pumping his fingers in and out of your wet heat, using his thumb to roll your clit as he brushes against the spongy spot inside of you with a precision that’s almost scary considering this is the first time he’s touched you.
you’re whimpering and rolling your shoulders already, and you hope that the heavy bass that’s echoing through the frat is loud enough to drown out the way you’re crying out for him when your lips tremble, and he pushes his fingers deeper, feeling your walls twitch and squeeze around him at the new pace as he grins at you.
“see, sweetheart. gonna take such good care of you.” suguru drawls, scissoring his fingers inside of you and he fucking loves the way you’re grinding into his touch with needy little humps, brushing your clit harder against his thumb as your warm walls pulse around his digits, sucking him back in everytime he draws them out.
you’ve never been so sure of anyone in your life, he always treats you like you were made of glass and maybe he truly was your other half. but this was new territory, a new lesson and he wants nothing more than to burn your pleasure to memory, the way your brows fall in bliss or the way your lips part to moan.
geto suguru knows everything about you; from how you look when you lie, to your tells when you’re about to cry, so maybe that’s why you feel your orgasm tingle and burn along your skin almost embarrassingly quickly, because he could tell that the way youre twisting your hands in his shirt and whining so prettily for him was truth because he knows you.
your thighs quiver around the width of his huge stature when he works your body with smooth but intense precision, the heated desire that’d been twisting in your stomach finally snapping with the first too-much touch of his fingers. the way you’re crying out for him is addictive, your bestfriend, who’s kissing you dizzy once more as your pussy throbs around him, hips rocking back and forth as you hiccup and mewl and he greedily swallows up the sounds.
“c-can’t get enough of you, pretty.” suguru pants before he’s kissing you again, words raspy and muffled when he draws his fingers back to scoop his heavy, throbbing cock out of his pants, sighing at the sudden sexual freedom when it springs free. he feels the cool air roll over the sensitive glands as it smears pre-cum along the skin of your thighs, and he sucks on your bottom lip before he pulls away.
his fingers wrap around the thick base before he’s giving it a few rough strokes of his hand, grunting when it throbs against his palm and he’s pulling his shirt between his teeth to let the fabric pool above his thick chest. he taps the blunt head teasingly against your clit, sending you a grin that’s a little cheeky as much as it is sweet when you twitch in the remnants of your tingling pleasure.
“you gonna take all of it, sweetheart?” you hear suguru’s question drop to a growl when he rests his heavy cock along your pelvis, giving you a taste of how deep he’s going to reach inside of you.
the deep throb of want with the sudden realisation has your breath catching before you’re leaning back, sliding your fingers between your folds to spread them lewdly like a silent plea. the action pulling a long, hum of amused approval from your bestfriend before his large palm is keeping you pinned to the counter beneath him, and his lips are curling into a smirk.
“fuck, that’s my girl.” he drawls, squeezing playfully at your sides with his fingers but it’s just enough to have you both laughing together before he lines himself up, letting his cock part it’s way through your folds to find the entrance of your flexing cunt.
you watch the way suguru’s lips part to groan before his head is falling forward to rest his forehead against yours, the dark ends of his hair tracing featherlight touches along your cheeks as he finally pushes past your folds. you feel his large hands squeeze at your hips when he finally begins to sink into your warm cunt, breathing deep as he drags you along the thick spread of his cock, and it feels like he sinks into you forever —your walls flexing around him the deeper he goes.
“oh fuck—look how well you take me, sweetheart.” he grunts, lavishing and indulging in the way your body feels like it was fucking made for him, his eager hands stroking down the curve of your hips before they’re flexing almost too tight in the skin when he finally bottoms out with a pleased hiss.
suguru’s broad chest expands with a deep inhale before he moans, drawing his hips back until only the head is left inside of your twitching pussy before he’s sinking back into you, and it feels like he reaches even deeper this time. the thick spread of his cock feels like it punches the air out of your lungs when he begins a steady pace, and the needy push and pull of your cunt rewards each heavy thrust with a twitch around his cock that has him groaning deep.
“really been made for me all these years. fuckin’ k-knew it.” there’s a carnal drop in his tone now that he’s finally buried in you, now that you’ve given your all to him and he’s drinking it up so eagerly, like he wants to be glued to you for eternity, to eat, drink, breathe your pussy and your pleasure in every lifetime after this one.
“feels so good, suguru—fuck!” you gasp and suguru can’t help but think that his name has never sounded better than when its breathed from your lips in whispery bliss.
the force of his hips pick up as his grip on your skin tightens, the loud and clapping force of his thrusts echoing through the walls of the darkened closet, feeling him melt into you as you drag your nails along the skin of his shoulders to keep yourself steady.
“yeah? fuck, y-you like that? sound so sweet for me.” suguru grumbles, an air of playfulness to his tone with the way he exhales a crooning sort of chuckle. but his movements are becoming sloppier despite the way the strength behind them remains, he feels like he’s losing himself in the dizzy spin of the room, the way your body is clapping against his and the hug of your warm walls around his cock.
you can hear the way the old countertop beneath you is banging against the wall in time with the rhythm of his hips, and you’re pretty sure whatever frat’s keep stored in cabinets hidden in dark closets is clattering around inside also. but suguru’s got you feeling mindless, and you can’t bring yourself to care about anything except how fucking good you feel when his cock brushes against your swollen spots with ease, fucking every thought out of your mind that isn’t him.
“shit, let me feel you sweetheart.” suguru breathes ragged as he hugs you closer, pounding away at the spot that has a pleasurable warmth pooling in your abdomen and you feel his huge stature tremble when he curls over you.
“so pretty.” is spoken against your skin when he rests his face in the crook of your neck and the praise feels like it drips down your body as he smears messy, wet kisses along your shoulder — bathing you in confessions that make your limbs feel weightless.
the blunt head of his cock feels like it kisses every part of you when he hooks your thigh higher around his waist, following it with a particularly sharp roll of his hips as his trimmed pelvis grinds against your puffy clit. you can almost feel the way he’s thickening and throbbing in time with the needy coax of your cunt, the grip he has on you almost bruising as you cry out into the darkened closet, your hips trembling and pulling a drunken laugh from your bestfriend before his eyes close for a moment in pleasure of his own.
suguru’s sharp eyes cut down into you with the first jolt of your body, the coiling, tight heat in your stomach finally snapping as your hands move to twist tightly in the dark roots of his hair, making you gasp and jolt with the familiar rush of your second orgasm finally washing over you, and it feels even more intoxicating than the last.
“fuck, there w-we go, sweetheart. love you like this, shit—i love you.” your dark haired bestfriend groans with the first milking compression of your walls, pulling back only to pull you in for another feverish kiss, lewd whimpers of how tight you are mixing with more hormone-drunken, slurred confessions as your cunt continues to squeeze him and he gives more to you than he has anyone before.
“i love you too, sugu—“ you breathe and your whispery, drawl is all it takes for suguru to finally spill into you with a sharp grunt as your cunt milks him, swallowing your moans with deeper ones of his own as he kisses you dumb with low growls and babbled curses hissed between your lips.
his thrusts are shallow as he fucks his thick load into you, pushing a mixture of both your orgasms out the tight seal of your walls everytime his cock sinks back into you with a lewd, wet sound. his movements only cease when you’re both hissing from sensitivity and he’s holding himself above you, pressing warm kisses along your lips and cheeks as you both bask in the drowsy, warm moments following your orgasms before the silence settles.
“so you were right here all along?” you break the silence with a laugh, and you feel suguru straighten up over you before he’s sending you a smile that’s pink cheeked, but just as gentle and comforting as always. so when you inhale, you don’t hold your breath because you exhale just fine at the warmth you still feel in his gaze.
“yeah, told you didn’t i. for now and for always, sweetheart.” he promises and you smile before you’re elbowing him playfully “stop that, you’re so cheesy, sugu!” you smile and suguru chuckles before he’s speaking “i love you.” out loud instead of whispering it and kissing you again. he hopes you notice that his tone doesn’t waver, his words laid on the line, bare and honest and hoping you know he means it from this lifetime until the next.
the way he touches you after is gentle, both souls stripped bare for eachother and it would almost be romantic if you still weren’t stuck in some dingy frat house closet. but just as suguru curls you against his chest you feel a familiar drone sound from the other side of the closet, led lights and the stuffy atmosphere seeping into the room when the door cracks open and satoru is sending you both a narrowed, playful smirk that’s a little too observant for your liking.
“oh? arent you two sweet. was countin’ on ya to finally get together, utahime owes me for this.”
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© 2022 garoujo. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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Hello! I’m not sure if this has been requested yet. But could I request an Ethan Landry imagine with the prompts 1 & 4. “How could you betray me like that?’’ & “I’m not gonna let you get hurt.’’ Could the reader be Gale and Dewey’s daughter too? Please and thank you!
I've been waiting for a request that could fit this scene idea that I had and this one was perfect!!
my taglists are here  + you can requests here at any time
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Your eyes welled with tears as the ghostface on detective Bailey’s right took off their mask, revealing the face of your boyfriend.
‘’No,’’ you cried, barely audible.
The ghostface reveals are known to be shocking, but this — you did not see this coming. Ethan had always been sweet, loving and awkward. He was the perfect golden retriever boyfriend. You really thought you had him figured out.
Yet, here he was, black robe on and bloody knife in his hand after stabbing his roommate to an imminent death.
You felt sick to your stomach. This couldn’t be happening.
You were starting to believe that your life was cursed. You were the daughter of two survivors of the original Woodsboro massacre, it would make sense. Cursed by the bloodline.
Would this ever stop? Or were you destined to die by the knife of a masked killer? You were so sick of these fucking ghostfaces. One of them had taken your father’s life last year. Now, your mother was severely injured and one of the killers turned out to be the guy you were in love with? Your father was right — never trust the love interest.
Beside you, Tara was frowning at who she thought was her friend. How could he have done this to Chad?
Sam’s attention shifted to the second ghostface that had yet to reveal himself. Please don’t be Danny, she silently begged. She had gone through this once, she didn’t want to be betrayed the same way again. She would probably go ballistic if the second ghostface revealed to be Danny.
Everyone was on the edge as the remaining ghostface removed their mask.
‘’Hey roomies,’’ she greeted with a smile. ‘’Didn’t see that one coming, did you?’’
‘’Because we thought you died,’’ Tara said, deeply confused.
‘’Yeah, well it was a way to get off the suspects list.’’
Detective Bailey and Quinn went on about how they faked her death, but you weren’t listening. Your attention focussed on the boy who completely shattered your heart.
“How could you betray me like that?’’ you said as a tear slipped down your cheek, looking right at Ethan.
His eyes were filled with guilt and regret, but you didn’t put your guard down. You couldn’t let yourself be fooled by him — not again.
‘’I’m sorry, baby.’’ Ethan’s voice had shifted to the soft one he used with you, dropping the ghostface act. He made a step to you, but before he could reach you, Quinn did and held her knife against your throat.
You gasped and went completely still in Quinn’s hold, your life one move away from ending.
Rage filled Ethan, glaring at his killing partner. ‘’Don’t touch her!’’ he warned, pointing his knife at Quinn. ‘’She has nothing to do with this.’’
‘’Uh-uh. Come any closer and I’ll kill her,’’ the ginger haired girl defied, tightening her hold on your frightened figure.
Quinn’s threat was not an empty one and Ethan knew. She didn’t care about you or your life.
‘’Falling for the enemy. God, you’re such an idiot!’’
You begged Ethan for help with your eyes, the fear in his mirroring yours.
Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot echoed in the theater and you saw Kirby, back on her feet, firing at Quinn. The bullet hit her shoulder and fell back from the impact, just enough to allow you to slip from her grapes and flee with Sam and Tara as Quinn cursed from the pain.
The theater was large, so you separated. Sam took Tara's hand and dragged her in one direction and you took the other. It would have been smart if there weren't three killers, but staying together made you a bigger target. There wasn’t really a smarter plan, they both sucked.
You pushed a door and took a left, hoping to find a room to lock yourself in, but instead ending up in a long hallway that was a deadend. Fuck. If any of the killers found you, you would be doomed.
You leaned against the wall, catching your breath for a short moment as you asked yourself what your mom would do in your situation. She’s Gale Weathers, she’s intelligent and resourceful — she always finds a solution.
During your thinking, a hand covered your mouth.
By elimination, it wasn’t Quinn — she would have stabbed you immediately. It also couldn’t be detective Bailey because all the man could do was use a gun.
Your eyes widened in fear, thinking this was your moment, but instead you heard Ethan’s voice.
‘’It’s me.’’
A sound that should reassure you and make you feel safe instead made fear rise in your chest.
You pushed his hand off you. ‘’Don’t touch me.’’
Your words hurt like a dagger to the heart. You were scared of him.
He raised his hands in surrender. ‘’I know you're scared of me right now—’’
‘’You murdered people, Ethan. You...you stabbed my mom and killed her boyfriend.’’
‘’That wasn't me! It was Quinn,’’ he exclaimed, quickly innocenting himself. ‘’I could never do this to you.’’
His eyes were pleading that you would believe him, but to which extent had he put an act on?
‘’Was any of it real? You and I?’’
Tears filled your eyes again as flashes of the time spent with him hit you. All the nights watching movies cuddled on his bed, the study sessions that turned into making out and the softest smiles he gave you. The intimate moment spent beneath the sheets. Helping him tape his strange knight costume for the Halloween party because it kept falling apart. When he comforted you after the attack at Sam and Tara’s apartment or accompanied you to the hospital when your mom got stabbed numerous times. You had cried into his chest, wrapped in the protection of his strong arms while the doctors were taking care of your mom.
‘’Yes!’’ he affirmed, coming close but you stepped back, making his heart ache. ‘’Everything between us is real, I promise. You're the only good thing in my life I've ever known. The only person I’ve ever loved.’’ He was pouring his heart to you, not caring if he sounded desperate.
There was nothing he wouldn’t do to get your forgiveness. Hell, he would get on his fucking knees and beg if needed.
‘’And I believe that.’’ You put a hand on his face gently, feeling his baby-soft skin. ‘’I love you, Ethan. I love you, but I can't forgive you. You…you killed Anika and Chad.’’
‘’I had to! My dad— He made me do it.’’ Tears filled Ethan’s eyes. ‘’I-I wanted nothing to do with this.’’
He rarely ever evoked his father — or his family. All he had said to you was that he constantly had to fight to gain his father's love and approval because he wasn't the favorite son. Was this why he participated in his father's revenge plan?
Your heart ached for the boy who begged for his father’s attention and love, but it didn’t change anything to the fact that Ethan had killed in cold blood two people who called him a friend.
‘’I’m sorry.’’ Your hand slipped from his face, getting flashes of Anika’s body falling from the ladder and hitting the ground. ‘’You’ve gone too far. I can’t—’’
‘’I’m sorry. For Chad and Anika and all the people I’ve hurt.’’
‘’Sorry is not gonna bring them back.’’
Ethan didn’t say anything. Sometimes, silence is best.
‘’I’m still gonna keep my promise.’’
You drew your eyebrows together. ‘’What promise?’’
‘’To protect you. It doesn’t matter if you hate me, you’re not going down tonight.’’ He rested his forehead against yours, looking right into your eyes as he promised. ‘’I'm not gonna let you get hurt. Ever.’’
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog 
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713​  @marzipaanz
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sweet-evie · 11 months
Baby Megumi & Best Sister Tsumiki Headcanons feat. Teen Dad!Gojo because I love this family unit, and my JJK brainrot is worsening the closer we get to 6th of July. 🫠
These are probably done before, but idgaf because we're about to see baby Megumi and high school Gojo again~ 🥹 Also, I'd rather do these instead of write fics because my Death Note X Code Geass crossover still needs my attention.
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Megumi has a stuffed animal collection. 🐺 It started with one stuffed wolf that Satoru got him for his 1st birthday with Gojo, and Megumi pretended he didn't like them, but ummm... 8 years later, Megumi has 75 animal plushies. I like to think they're all small and cute.
If Shibuya and the other BS didn't happen, Megumi would have received another stuffed animal or two for his 16th birthday. Because tradition. 🥹
Just like Megumi has a collection of stuffed animals, Tsumiki has a collection of dolls. *cough cough* Barbies... It started with Licca-chan and eventually Satoru caught her eyeing Barbies in toy stores, so he bought her one. And then two. And then whole sets for Christmas or her birthday or whenever she showed Gojo her report card.
In addition to dolls, Tsumiki definitely had one of those big Barbie houses when she was 8.
Tsumiki ropes Megumi into playing dolls with her. He does it to make his sister happy. And they always include Megumi's stuffed animals.
Tsumiki had Barbie Posh Pets. (Totally not projecting... Maybe I am). I had those as a kid and the set includes a pregnant mama cat + 3 kittens. You can open the mama cat's tummy and take out a pink kitten. (That's kind of fucked up when I think about it now 🤦‍♀️). I imagine it's that sort of nightmare-inducing shit that Satoru notices and gets because he thinks it's funny. 🙃
The Barbie Posh Pet in question that Tsumiki definitely owns:
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Anyway... Speaking of Barbie... Tsumiki saw her first Barbie movie because Satoru brought home a Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper DVD on one of their movie nights. He was just assuming she would like it...
She liked it, and they always had Barbie movies in the movie night roster ever since. Tsumiki loves them. Megumi thinks they're whatever but is amused, because Barbie movies have talking animals, and Satoru just loves to poke fun at the plot.
Megumi watches wildlife documentaries for fun. He's a National Geographic and Discovery Channel kid. He has a DVD collection that came with the encyclopedia set Satoru bought.
Megumi liked movies with animals. Are we surprised? He's seen all of the Dr. Dolittle movies.
Tsumiki cried watching Bambi. 🦌 Someone else definitely got teary-eyed while watching Bambi too. That 'someone' will also never admit it, even if Satoru totally caught that particular someone rubbing his eyes with his small fists during that scene.
Speaking of getting teary-eyed at watching cartoons. Satoru's damn lucky he can hide behind his blackout sunglasses, because he was totally sad and emotional when they finished watching The Fox and the Hound. 🦊🐶 You look at that Tod and Cooper friendship and tell me it doesn't remind you of SatoSugu a little bit.
The refrigerator in Megumi and Tsumiki's apartment is stocked with 80% sweets. It's Satoru's fault.
Satoru attends Megumi's and Tsumiki's parent-teacher meetings in elementary school, and he's popular with the PTA parents (especially the moms). Megumi hates it, Gojo revels in the attention. Some teachers invited him to be in the PTA, but ultimately, this special-grade sorcerer always has to decline. He's way too busy.
Elementary career days = Satoru telling the kids that he's a very powerful magician. 🎩🪄🐇 The kids believe him and the adults think he's joking. Well technically, he isn't.
Satoru is prone to bribing child tantrums with McDonalds. It doesn't always work.
Satoru, Megumi, and Tsumiki definitely went camping a couple of times. Sometimes Shoko tags along, but she never stays overnight.
Satoru lost Megumi at the mall. Tsumiki always found her little brother. He's honestly not that hard to find. He's either in a bookstore or a pet shop or a toy store that sells things Megumi likes.
Tsumiki is very forgiving of Satoru's tendency to lose Megumi in the mall.
Ice cream or parfaits for dinner are normal when you're living with Gojo. 🍨🍦
They've been to Disneyland. 🏰
Megumi likes zoos and aquariums.
Tsumiki is fond of handcrafting appreciation gifts for Satoru. 🎁Friendship bracelets, knitted socks and mittens she made in homeroom once that are way too small for him, multi-colored dreamcatchers (she made one for Megumi too of course), birdseed ornaments, lots of origami, very small bead bowls, flowers made of cupcake liners, etc.
Satoru has all of Tsumiki's DIY handicrafts tucked away in an Air Jordan shoebox. He also has a jar full of origami paper cranes that Tsumiki made when she was in her origami phase.
Satoru always took the kids to fun festivals whenever he could.
Satoru gave Megumi and Tsumiki the childhood they deserved -- gave them the childhood they were almost robbed of when Toji and Tsumiki's mom abandoned them, gave them the childhood Gojo never got to have.
All of that before Megumi lost Tsumiki and his life started spiraling for the worst. 😭
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drmaddict · 24 days
Want to be messed up together?
Summary: Some traumas are smaller, but they are still there. Simon learns more about his girlfriend's childhood. They are so different and yet so alike.
Wordcount: 577
Author's note: No this is not based on me. I don't know where you got that from. It's a character on its own and has nothing to do with the author.
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"I mean my mum was also the 'stop crying or I'll give you a reason to cry' type, but-"
Simon looked up in surprise. He had heard them both talking on the phone. They seemed familiar. Although she seemed more cautious with her mum. Not drastic, but more diplomatic in nature.
"Did she hit you?", he blurted out immediately.
She shook her head quickly. "No! I mean, there was the odd slap on the back of the head or on the bum, but she didn't hurt me... Although she often took me aside, when I was... well, when I was too annoying. I can only vaguely remember. I remember that it happened, but... well, not exactly what happened." Her eyes looked into the past. Looked at scenes that Simon couldn't see. "She never hurt me."
Simon got all stiff. "You know she still shouldn't have done that."
She nodded again. "No, she shouldn't have." She ran her finger over her coffee-to-go cup and pressed her lips together. "Well, she had a lot of stress back then, was probably in a permanent pre-burn-out, and didn't know how to do it better. She did her best... and failed." She smiled with sad eyes and looked at Simon. "She's trying, so I'm trying to forgive her."
Simon looked into her eyes. Understood her a little more. Her shyness. Her fear of doing something wrong. How nervous she got, when she thought, she was annoying someone. Her desire to get through everyday life as peacefully as possible. Why she never cried in front of him, no matter how obvious it was, why she ran to the bathroom.
He carefully placed a hand on hers. He saw her eyes gleam wetly, but she blinked rapidly and breathed in and out once hard.
"Your father?"
"Oh, he was just there watching his animal documentaries.", she waved him off. "When I was in tenth grade, he took one look at me at dinner once and asked me how much longer I was going to go to school... There was one incident, because I was too annoying again, but that was it. Although he was always strangely proud of the day."
"I'm sure my therapist would have her fun with you.", he mumbled. He hadn't expected the laughter that followed.
"I'm sure she would." She smiled sadly again. "I went to one once", she explained. "When I told her that I was already aware, where all of my problems came from and that I would rather know how to break out of my behavioural patterns, she just said that she couldn't just tell me what to do. 'You need to reflect and make a connection. If you understand, you'll act differently." She rolled her eyes. "I've been waiting a good ten years to find and get a place. Doesn't she think I've ever had the idea to think my life apart like this? And yet I'm still stuck. If yours is more solution-orientated, I'm happy to give it a chance."
Simon had to grin slightly. "No. Sounds just like mine. 'You need to feel your feelings Mr. Riley'. I thought I did.", he mimicked her.
She laughed. "I thought I was the only one who didn't understand. 'I can't tell you how to do it. You just have to know.' Yes, but unfortunately I don't know."
Simon laughed. She looked happier at his face again. "Want to be messed up together?"
Simon smiled and nodded.
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linos-luna · 6 months
My Baby (Pt. 10) 🥀🔪
Yandere!Bang Chan x Fem!Reader x Minho
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(Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4) (Pt. 5) (Pt. 6) (Pt. 7) (Pt. 8) (Pt. 9) (Pt 10)
Warnings: 18+, Yandere! Crying, some self harm, violence?
—————————— 🎀 ——————————
Minho was a wreck, losing sleep over your kidnapping for a whole week. Frustrated with the police, he hired a private investigator; however, they were only able to find some old friends of the man. So Minho decided to take matters into his own hands, confronting Chan's old friend Felix
“I haven’t seen him in over 3 years!”
“You're lying!” Minho accused, causing a scene.
Jeongyeon tried to calm him down, but Minho pressed Felix for more information.
“Listen. We know you were in communication with him a little over a year ago…” Jeongyeon said with her arms crossed. “Whether you understood the situation or not…”
“I-I can’t just rat out my friend—”
“Your friend has my girlfriend!” Minho interrupted.
“I… I only know of three places he’s lived at…” Felix said while looking down. “One apartment. Two houses…”
“Spit it out!” Minho said while pulling out his phone. He wrote the addresses on his notes app and sighed.
“That’s it?!”
“Yeah. I swear!”
“Thank you.” Jeongyeon said while pulling Minho away.
“I wasn’t done!”
“We got what we needed!” She snapped. “We don’t even know if he’s even at one of those old places.”
“Yeah but it’s a good place to start…”
——— 🎀
It was late into the afternoon. You were taking a nap and for the moment, it was quite peaceful.
You didn’t even realize that Chan was right next to you. He was also napping, on his side facing you.
You didn’t even notice until you started waking up.
He looked more at ease, as if he hadn’t had a good rest in a long time. His curly dark hair was grown out but suited him well. His features, well, you were reminded of one of the many reasons you originally fell in love with him.
His hand rested gently on your waist, showcasing his caring side. With a bit of light shining through the window, he just looked… soft… and well… handsome.
I mean, things weren't all that bad. He changed a little, loving as always but not as scary. At least he’s making an effort to be gentler and control his emotions.
He looked exhausted. You wondered if now was the time to sneak away. However, you couldn’t get yourself to move. He just seemed so much happier and relaxed when you’re here, almost like you give him purpose for his caregiving nature.
Sitting up, you watch as he moves a bit. There was a slight moment of panic when he didn’t feel your body, but you quickly grabbed onto his hand with the both of yours. Insanity.
You say there for a good ten minutes just watching him. And he was happy to see you there when waking up.
He woke up, finding his baby looking at him with concern. "Hi, baby," he smiled. "Didn't expect you up first."
"You looked tired," you said timidly.
"Don't worry about me, y/n," he replied, sitting up and kissing you. Surprisingly, you didn't resist.
"We need to talk."
His tone shifted, and a sense of unease filled the room.
"I just don't get it," he sighed.
"Why would gop with another man?" he said, agitated. "Let him corrupt you…"
"Corrupt me?"
"I saw him with you!" he yelled, making you flinch.
"No, I'm sorry!" he softened, grabbing your arms. "Don't be scared!"
"Stop it!" you yelled, pushing him away. "He's my boyfriend! I'm not a baby!"
"My sweet babygirl," he said, unclear if serious or mocking. "You don't know anything. That's why you need daddy here."
"No! No! No!" you cried, shaking your head as tension rose.
“You need me!”
“You stayed.” Chan continued. “Why would you do that? What would you stay as long as you did if you supposedly hate me?”
"Because I love you!" The words burst out before you could stop them, and you instantly covered your mouth, shaking your head. "N-no, no! Wait!"
"You still love me..." Chan said quietly.
"LOVED! I meant I LOVED you!!" You tried correcting yourself to no avail.
"I knew you still love me."
"You missed me…" he continued as he watched you starting to sob.
"No! No, I don't!" You sobbed while smacking yourself on the head. "Stop it! Shut up! Shut up!"
"You just wanna be held… and loved… just need someone to take care of you—"
It's almost as if your mind was starting to slip. All these contradicting thoughts were overwhelming. What do you want? Do you still love him? Do you like him caring for you...??
"— because you're still my baby."
That was it. Almost as if something else had overtaken you. You practically threw yourself at him, clinging onto him and sobbing into his chest. Chan rubbed your back and held you tight while rocking you lightly. Have you finally lost it?
————— 🎀
“The houses. Those are our last options.”
“And what if she’s not in one of them?” Jeongyeon sighed.
“Dont say that!” Minho snapped.
Jeongyeon frowned at his reaction and took a deep breath.
The two of them were at a local restaurant trying to brainstorm. That is, until Minho looked up and recognized a freckled boy not to far away.
Minho realized something. He’s seen this man here before. Here at the same time when you were here.
“You’re right…” Minho muttered. “She’s probably not there…”
The man gets up, making the other man nervous when making eye contact. Before Felix could react, Minho grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him close.
“You lied to us, huh?”
Instead, the man was quiet.
“Say something!!”he yelled, making the patrons of the restaurant turn to watch.
“No! He knows something!” Minho yelled back.
Surprisingly, the diners went back to eating and going about their business, acting as if this was normal. It was a little unnerving.
Getting frustrated, Minho drags Felix to the men’s bathroom and lets him go, making Felix slip to the floor.
“I’ve had enough.” Minho grunted. “You know where she is. You know where he has her. You’re still in contact with him.”
“Minho!” Jeongyeon was banging on the door, not sure if she should just barge in.
“Listen, I don’t know what kind of sick friendship you have with Chan, but I’m begging you to give me the correct address of where he is.”
————— 🎀
Not too long after, Minho and Jeongyeon found themselves standing outside Chan's house. Jeongyeon was actually surprised that Felix had coughed up the information.
"Shouldn't we get the police? Maybe some professional—?" she suggested
"No!" Minho interrupted. "I'm getting her! She's MY BABY!"
The intensity in his voice took Jeongyeon aback. He hadn't slept for over 24 hours, and it was evident he wasn't in the right headspace.
"You can go now," Minho said solemnly.
"She's my friend... I want to help," Jeongyeon insisted.
Meanwhile, Chan was feeding you. It seemed like you had given up on resisting. He paused when his phone buzzed, revealing a text from his friend.
< Lix >
[ I’m sorry! They made me tell!]
The man sighed and got up, confusing you a bit as he suddenly lifted you up.
“What are you doing?” You asked as he carried you to your basement room.
“Just stay here.” He replied while setting you down on the bed.
“It’s okay, baby.” He said while kissing your forehead. “I’ll be back…”
So what happened? It all flashed by so fast. You were in the basement, listening to the commotion upstairs, but you couldn’t make out exactly what was happening.
You were startled as the door burst open, revealing your best friend, Jeongyeon.
"Jeongyeon?" Your voice carried a mix of surprise and relief as your friend enveloped you in a tight hug, clearly thrilled to see you.
"Thank god you're okay!"
"Why wouldn't I be?" you replied.
Jeongyeon didn't know how to respond and quickly pulled you toward the stairs. Hoping to guide you towards a window for a possible escape. However, your attempt was short-lived, and you were spotted rather quickly.
"What are you doing??" Chan's voice rang out.
It appeared that the two men were engaged in a heated argument… or more like a fight? Chan looked frustrated but oddly calm, while Minho, on the other hand, seemed disheveled. It was a contrast between a rested man and an unrested one, both brimming with desperation.
Maybe that was the plan. For Minho to distract him while jeongyeon snuck you out. It wasn’t supposed to get violent…
"Y/n!" Minho's expression changed as he was so happy to see you.
You wanted your run to him. To be in his arms again, but someone stood in your path.
"Baby, go back downstairs!" Chan's voice echoed loudly, leaving you frozen in fear as your friend attempted to pull you away.
Minho looked around, coming up with something on the spot. He grabbed a glass cup from the table and smashed it against the wood. The contents spilled everywhere; he disregarded the large shard cutting into his hand as he ran forward, stabbing Chan in the shoulder. Stunned by the pain, Chan tripped over, and Minho loomed over him, ready to make the final blow.
"Don't!" you called out.
"Why shouldn't I?!" Minho demanded.
"—because she still loves me…" Chan finished with a sly look.
Enraged, Minho threw the glass aside, landing a punch that instantly knocked Chan out. He got up, dragging the unconscious man by the leg into the basement. You and Jeongyeon followed.
You quickly went through the nightstand drawer, grabbing the cuffs that he’s put you in before.
As Minho practically threw Chan onto the bed, Jeongyeon cuffed him to the rail. She turned to you. "Is there another one?"
You nodded, finding another pair in the closet. The three of you returned upstairs, and tears streamed down your face.
"Minnie, I... I don't love him..."
Without hesitation, Minho hugged you, holding on tight. He fought back tears, wanting to appear strong for you. “I know…”
"Are we gonna call the—?"
"Let him suffer," Minho said in a low tone, interrupting the woman while holding you tight. "It's what he deserves! It's what he gets for stealing her away! For stealing away MY BABY!"
Both you and Jeongyeon paused. You pulled away briefly to look at Minho, while Jeongyeon eyed him with concern. Was he becoming what he hated? His actions were almost lethal. He could've killed him. The irrational possessiveness scared all three of you.
"Jeongyeon... call them," Minho said, looking down.
—————— 🎀
A moment of calm enveloped you, feeling at peace in his loving embrace that provided a sense of safety and relaxation. Spooning, was that the right word?
"We should finish packing," Minho suggested.
"Mm... 10 more minutes?" you replied with a sigh. "I'm sleepy."
"We've been in bed all day," Minho teased, with a playful smile.
"Oh well," you giggled, turning yourself around to be face to face with him. Minho gently rubbed your cheek, admiring your adorable features.
"Okay, that's fine. But Jeongyeon will be back soon."
"I can't wait until we move to the new home. And I'm so happy that Jeongyeon is coming with us." You giggled.
"We'll be our own little family," Minho said with a smile. "The three of us and maybe a few cats…"
You planted a quick kiss on his lips and cuddled up into his chest, breathing a sigh of relief.
——————————————— 🎀
Tags 🏷️
@salfetkablog , @gyuhbfr @jihyun2monster ,@henrietta-whor3 , @stanskzsstuff , @leah-berkley-17
@lixxiebrownies , @minervasystem
@casarse0446-blog , @kuin7s @jlady-016 , @arthistt @iilliess @marrykat @generalbearangel el , @bunnyxoxodarling @hoeforbangchan n @cozyleeknows @lailac13
to those you read and love the series, I hoped to bring a good conclusion 😅
Don’t forget to like and reblog so others can read it too! I really appreciate you all for liking my writing and I hope to bring you more good fics and series!
I have a few in the works:
Pt. 4 of My Queen ❣️🔪 (yandere!Hyunjin x Reader)
Pt. 4 of Eternally ❣️🔪 (Yandere!Vampire!Jin x Reader)
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