#i still don't drink milk if i'm having a meal with meat in it
nautilusopus · 1 year
the link in that post i think leaves out most of what makes something kosher or not kosher actually so i’m just gonna add it here:
edit: hey what the fuck tumblr collapsed my bullet indentation
stuff that was in the link: certain animals are off limits, though it did not specify the criteria SO:
all mammals must have split hooves and chew their cud
birds must NOT be predators or scavengers
all fish must have fins and scales (also no scavengers)
all plants are inherently kosher
all dairy is inherently kosher, as long as it comes from a kosher mammal (and isn’t consumed with meat)
blood, even from a kosher animal, is absolutely verboten. more on this later.
the sciatic nerve is off limits. sirloin, unless great pains are gone to to remove the sciatic nerve, is often not kosher, even though it comes from a kosher animal. (there are other nerves that are and are not kosher but i’m not gonna get into that here and usually the only relevant one is the sciatic nerve)
some jews unilaterally just avoid hindquarter meat, since most butchers don’t bother to remove certain nerves/certain portions of fat. when taking this into account, a great deal of modern jews don’t actually keep kosher
some species from the genus orthoptera are kosher but all other arthropods are not
if you found it already dead, it’s not kosher
you may not cut off and eat a part of an animal without first slaughtering the animal. this one in particular isn’t really a problem these days, but back when there was no refrigeration and you couldn’t afford to butcher the whole animal at once lest it go to waste, it was a thing people sometimes did. less likely to go bad if it’s still alive and in horrible pain
you may not mix meat and dairy. the justification for this is that you are not supposed to boil the calf in its mothers milk (which was an actual dish at the time this was written), but you can have chicken with eggs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
you must have separate sets of dishes for both meat and dairy. the two must never come into contact with one another, even indirectly by putting meat on a milchig plate, or stirring milk with a fleishig spoon
this part is a lot of what rabbis get brought in for. the animal in question must die as painlessly as possible, so the knife must be EXTREMELY sharp. like, extremely sharp, to the point where if you cut yourself with it you don’t even notice it. you have to run your fingernail down it and if you feel even the slightest bump it has to be sent back for further sharpening, because the blade is required to be free of any imperfection. 
you say a little prayer. this is less “blessing” and has been mentioned and more just a brief animal funeral rite
the animal in question must not be injured in any way prior to slaughter. this also includes the standard electric shock to incapacitate most animals for slaughter.
the throat is slit, and must be slit cleanly and in a highly specific way, and all the blood must be allowed to run out. following this, the meat is salted to remove any blood this procedure might have missed. this is the key difference between kosher and halal, as halal slaughter does include the painless death part but does not have any specific prohibition on blood, and depending on who you are will either do in a pinch or is still just as unacceptable as christian meat. 
and this is just the brief overview. there are more regulations than this about the type of knife used, how it is oiled and sharpened, how certain cuts of meat need to be made, what does and doesn’t count as “incapacitated”, whether or not the cow’s offspring was killed too closely in terms of date to the cow, et cetera.
all this and more is why 1. kosher meat tends to be more expensive and 2. why you have a rabbi on-site to make sure everything is up to code. and there is a lot of code
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Jaune: Alright Viewers, Our contestants have been hard at work Preparing dishes for our judges! First up, Weiss Schnee!
Ruby: *Sitting at a Judge's Bench* Alright Weiss! What did you prepare for us today?
Weiss: I ... I made something?
Weiss's Dish: It's too gross to even look at. A bizarre smell issues forth from this heap. Eating it won't hurt you though ... probably
Ruby: ... Yeah, No I'm not eating That.
Blake: *gags* Is ... Is that Feathers In it?
Weiss: I put Chicken in it!
Yang: Did you put Chicken or A Chicken!?!?
Weiss: ... Is there a Difference?
R_BY: ... 0/10
Yang: I'd give you Negative points, But the scoreboard doesn't go that low.
Weiss: It can't be that terri-
Weiss's Dish: HISSS!
Jaune: *Visibly disheveled* Alright ... uh ... We'd like to thank our clean up crew for their bravery and sacrifices in taking down ... That Thing ...
Harriet: *Offscreen* Vine! WHY-Y-Y!
Jaune: Miss Weiss has since been Disqualified for the actions of her ... 'Meal' ... Continuing swiftly on, Next up we have Winter Schnee!
Ruby: *Covered in claw marks* A-alright Specialist, what, uh, what've you got.
Winter: *Throws a Chili-Mac MRE with a sunny-side up egg on the table*
Winter: I have this for dinner every night, it is flavorful and has a large amount nutrients and vitamins required for survival.
Blake: *Also Fucked up* I don't think that follows the rules.
Yang: After whatever the Fuck Weiss just made, Do you really care?
Blake: we're still meant to be objective about it. she didn't make it from scratch, so she must be disqualified.
Yang: Fine ...
Ruby: I mean, I'm starving so I'm gonna eat it, even if we can't accept this as a dish.
Winter Schnee has been Disqualified For failing to follow the Rules.
Jaune: And, Last but not Least, Whitney Schnee!
Jaune: *Offscreen* Wait it's Whitley, not Whitney? I though it was three sisters ...
Ruby: Whitley, If you've made something by scratch that's remotely Edible, you win.
Whitley: Well I hope you'll be satisfied then.
Whitley: I have handmade Egg Noodles, Smothered in a hearty Beef-tip gravy, topped with Green Onion, Fresh Grated Parmesan, and a special Lemonade Blend of my own creation.
Ruby: *Drinking the lemonade* Is that Coconut?
Whitley: Yes, it is lemon, lime, water, Coconut milk, and a small pinch of sugar!
Yang: This is fantastic!
Blake: It reminds me of home!
Whitley: And what of the Noodles?
Blake: Well, it smells good!
Ruby: *Taking a bite of it*
Ruby: *Hallelujah~ Hallelujah~*
Ruby: *Tries stealing it* IT'S MINE!
Yang: *Struggling against Ruby* WAIT ME AND BLAKE STILL NEED TO TRY IT!
Blake: *Also trying to take it* Ruby! I haven't eaten all day! Give back!
Whitley: S-So. Is it Good?
Ruby: How much for you to be my personal Chef!
Yang: No! It's to good for you alone!
Whitley: ... So whats the score?
Jaune: *Walking up to Whitley* You know, I wish I had girls fighting over my Noodle and Meat sauce.
Whitley: ... Do you think before you speak? That sounded Rather Crass.
Jaune: Eh. Good job on winning. You should go console your sisters though, they aren't doing to well.
Weiss: *Crying* Why! Why can't I cook! why am I so ba-a-ad!
Winter: *Tears running down her cheeks* Now, Weiss, we must learn to take failure in stride.
Winter: *Internally* When you try your best~ but you don't succeed~
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akwolfgrl · 3 months
I'm a great fuck but better lover part2
Everyone piled into the galley, still sleepy and soft, except for Luffy was filled with energy staring hungrily at him. Sanji placed a player of sliced ham, sausage patties and bacon in front of him before serving the rest of the crew their breakfast. Starting of course with Nami-swan, then Usopp, Luffy, and Zoro. As he placed Zoro's plate with a side of rice he gave his boyfriend a kiss on the lips.
“Awww no fair,” Luffy whined.
“You got a whole plate of meat! Do you really need a bowl of rice!?” Sanji yelled at his greedy captain who was currently pouting.
“I wanna kiss too,” Sanji wasn't expecting Luffy to say that at all. It was probably a one-time thing, no big deal.
“Yah Sanji, why don't you give our captain a kiss,” Nami interjected, and Sanji could never say no to a lady…even if it meant giving his captain a kiss.
“Fine,” Sanji rolled his eyes. “If you take your hat off at the dinner table, I'll give you a kiss on your forehead,” Sanji could at least try and install some table manners in their captain, he probably won't even accept this deal Luffy was rather attached to his straw hat.
“Hmm, deal!” Luffy took off his hat and Sanji placed a kiss on his forehead. “Yay!” Luffy cheered and dove back into his meal
“Sanji, is this shakshuka?” Usopp asked changing the subject, which he was glad for.
“Yes it is, why?”
“My dad used to make it before he left, mom and I tired to recreate but never could get it right…but you did could you maybe teach me how to make it?”Usopp asked .
“I'll consider it,” Sanji knew he had to work on his issues with men, with the other chefs at the Baratie they all fought and bikered with each other. There had been no need to learn how to act any other way. But other than Zoro the crew wasn't like that. Usopp was weaker and younger than him. Although if it was from distance Usopp would have the advantage. But wasn't sure he could trust Usopp in the kitchen, maybe start with something small. “Now what doesn't everyone want to drink?”
“If you have champagne I'd love a mimosa,” Nami asked.
“Of course I do Nami swan!”
“Milk!” Luffy asked, his mouth surprisingly empty before he shoved more food into the gaping maw.
“Just juice,”
Sanji took his own seat after getting everyone their drinks, as the room filled with the sounds of everyone enjoying their food. It was nice to be right there with everyone as they enjoyed his cooking.
“Oh by the way, I picked something up the other day,” Nami said while sipping her mimosa.
“What did you get?” Usopp asked her…if Sanji didn't know better he'd say it sounded rehasered.
“Why I'm glad you asked Usopp. I bought a watermelon,” Nami grinned. Why was she pretty when she looked evil?
“Oooo! That means Sanji can crush it!” Luffy cheered. “And I get watermelon!”
“Fine after the dishes are done,” Sanji had already agreed to this the last time it was brought up.
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mousiefrotting · 15 days
omg silver best risotto-fed boy... do you think other than his usual meals he has any eating habits surrounding his training regimen?
oh yes...... Oh yes. surrounding his training regimen specifically actually! i have been thinking about this a fair amount and: as far as eating habits are concerned, i have noticed that Silver doesn't really speak about his own too much. compared to the rest of the cast, at least, but even still he has his moments and they're usually related to his exercise.
-i like to think that Silver isn't wiry in stature, since most of the time he spends awake is spent in athletic situations as it is. he learned to dance with a log that boy has to have some muscle somewhere! combine this with his training regimen and his horse-riding, and you realize: he burns so much energy on just a daily basis because what physical activities he does are that extreme,, i think he definitely spends his daylight hours hungry.
-i have no major backing for this one but i do believe that he eats a fair amount of rice. his favorite food is already risotto, i think a bowl of white rice would heal something in him he didn't know was wrong. (also i have the vision of him waking up in the morning for training and just scarfing down a bowl of fluffy white rice that you can boil in a minute or two on his own before he goes to meet whatever task the day may bring he would find its simplicity comforting and its fillingness useful)
-more in relation to his training i do believe he also gets a fair amount of protein (eggs and meat and the like) but i also believe that he has to have at LEAST eaten something weird from the botanical gardens at some point in the pursuit of staying awake. he already has all those alarms... i am afraid he would be susceptible to mushroom-induced paralysis in the haste of the right moment.
-i don't think that he's particularly picky about any one food. i think Silver could probably dull physical disgust if he had to, as we know that what he dislikes is Lilia's cooking, and that makes me believe that he definitely has one strong stomach to be able to just power through any of that. unflappable tummy (his White Rabbit vignette supports this, what with the way he sees the stargazy pie and despite his and Epel's initial reactions, Silver needs no convincing beyond the pie seller's insistence. he just eats it, unflapped by that fish headed abomination, and he likes it too. also, it was an ENTIRE PIE that he managed to eat... he could pack in so much if he were inattentive enough about it.
-beyond this i think he would like soy milk. or even almond milk both due to its flavor and benefits. i'm not sure when he would drink it but i just know that he would. also, just the bitterest black coffee imaginable.
tldr silver would make an adorably hungry pillow princess (even if you have to wake him up multiple times) (you can still feed him) and i will not be stilled
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ceasarslegion · 1 year
Alright I just watched a disastrous date go down at the restaurant I was in (woman getting the cold shoulder from the wait staff after asking if her date left while she was in the restroom) so now I gotta know your ramen story, pretty please ☕️ ☕️
Alright so uh, sit down for this one I guess.
Picture me a few months ago. It was still warm out, I was a bit lonely, I go on tinder. I end up striking up a nice conversation with someone who seemed very similar to me. Third culture kids have very unique lifestyles so when we find each other we tend to cling, especially when that person grew up in the same general area you did and came from the same general parent culture. This was what got us talking in the first place.
The guy seemed nice, okay? Articulate, funny, approachable, and easy to keep a conversation with (which is rarer than the diamond itself for the tinder population, who communicate so little it makes me wonder if I missed a telepathy patch somewhere). So I thought hey, why the hell not, right? Let's go to dinner.
I'm a really big meat-eater who can and has eaten everything from chicken hearts to beef tongue and I enjoyed both of them. My dad's side of the family are cattle ranchers in a province only known for two things: oil and beef. I grew up in the part of the middle east that consumes some form of spiced meat in every damn meal, snack, and candy. I was doomed from the start, bro. No part of me could even be vegetarian. I order my steak blue rare at the places that let me. I drink tall glasses of milk with every dinner. I buy family sizes of meat cuts at the grocery store for myself.
No word of a fucking lie, my mom kept this baby book writing down milestones and personality quirks with me, and under the section that says "my favourite food is..." it just says "MEAT: ALL" underlined 3 times. I was meant to be some kind of obligate carnivore but god decided to curse me for my hubris by placing my soul in the body of an omnivorous ape.
Anyway. I suggest ramen for dinner because it's a good crowd pleaser thats really hard to fuck up for a first date. I mean, who doesn't like noodle soups? I usually order it with pork belly, but I was really craving beef that night so I ordered beef ramen with extra beef and a fried egg on top with a cup of green tea
Apparently, this was an issue.
I thank the waiter and he heads off with our orders. I am greeted by a facial expression i can only describe as "moral fury disguised as vague disappointment."
I immediately start getting an earful about how disgusting it is to eat animal flesh and how I should be ashamed of myself for promoting "speciesism" while calling myself an anti-racist. "Speciesism" was a term I have never heard before that day, and I still think it's fucking stupid to compare eating meat to full-blown racism.
I start pointing out that I have no issue with how he decides to eat, but it's a massive overstep of personal boundaries and a very presumptive and self-righteous move to act like he had any right to tell someone else how to eat. Plus, the shit he was spouting about livestock rearing and byproduct sourcing were straight up untrue and made up by PETA. Plus, I hate to break it to him, but cows are not humans. They aren't. They just aren't, and if he can't understand that then he shouldn't be taking care of them and he definitely shouldn't be acting like he should.
I am not the most held back individual when it comes to these things. I have a big blunt mouth and I don't have much of a concept of a filter. I acknowledge that about myself and try my hardest to only argue things i have immediate credible evidence for, because I know that I always come off as emotionally-charged because of my big blunt mouth. But oh, oh boy. Oh man did he not like that.
The argument keeps escalating and escalating until our food gets served. He decides to make a very exaggerated barf gesture at the beef and egg in my bowl. C'mon, bro. But you wanna be petty? Alright, I can be petty too. I looked him dead in the eye while I picked out chunks of only egg and beef with my chopsticks and ate it. I made constant comments on how good the meat was and how much I loved the texture and juiciness of it. He gave me a very charged silent treatment the whole time.
We mutually ghosted each other after that night.
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female-malice · 1 year
If switching from milk to soy milk too quickly can fuck you up years later then maybe animal products are a bit more important than you're making them out to be. If veganism is so healthy, it would be no problem to switch over instantly. I wasn't eating too little, the only time I lost weight was the first year when I was still figuring things out. Not eating candy is not having a bad relationship with food, I had a bad relationship with food when I struggled with sugar addiction and eating junk food, which I resolved before I even went vegan. I understand that most people think sugar is only harmful if you eat it to excess, but I can't limit myself when I'm craving sugar and not eating it in deserts (fruit, carbs, etc. are all fine though) is the only way to avoid cravings.
I obviously did not start escalating my iron intake or over using iron supplements until after I was anemic and I started getting desperate, why would you assume that I was just randomly drinking extra iron for no reason? Is it so hard to believe that I might have issues absorbing non heme iron, the type of iron that is known for being more difficult to absorb? You don't have to nitpick everything I say. I was vegan, I know it's easier to say that everyone who fails at veganism is doing something wrong than to acknowledge that it's not for everyone. It's also very easy to give into survivorship bias, to point to all the vegans who have been vegan for a long time and are healthy, as if they'd still be vegan if their health flagged.
Veganism is not a diet optimized for health. If you have to supplement anything because your diet is lacking, your diet is not based on health, your diet can't even fulfill your body's basic requirements. No, veganism is not a diet of the body, it was not designed based on research to find the optimal diet. Veganism is a diet of the mind. Many people go vegan because they care about animals, or the environment, they don't say that veganism is healthy because it's true, they say veganism is healthy because they want it to be true. I remember lying to people in the name of veganism. Motive overrides logic because it must, because if I was honest with myself, I would have stopped being vegan long before I quit.
I never said switching from dairy to soy quickly is unhealthy. I said you're supposed to replace one food product at a time. First dairy. Then eggs. Then beef. Then chicken and poultry. Then fish.
You're not supposed to change your diet completely to a bunch of new foods all at once. That's true regardless of what kind of change you're making. The reason you're supposed to do gradual change is to check for allergies and bad reactions to new foods.
You have a strange relationship with food. So I understand this anti-vegan rant is your special thing that you like to engage in. But lying about veganism is just a weird look, honestly. You claim there are no health benefits for anyone when that's easy to prove false. So next time you dump your anti-vegan rant in someone's inbox, be more strategic about your approach.
If you want to spend your time campaigning for people to eat meat, enjoy a future with no functioning antibiotics. Cheers.
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ralucasalmostgone · 4 months
how do I eat in a day?
well, let's see...
I start the day thinking about the menu of the food (but I've already done all the shopping that's necessary). I need to eat first thing in the morning though I can wait 30min - 1h if necessary. But I'm usually hungry first thing in the morning so you gotta. Plus, the energy should be consumed throughout the day from the food you consume. It's used in the ATP molecule process, so the transition of food to live energy is real.
Now, depending on the day, I'm aware that any form of sugar is gonna be used REALLY quickly more often than not, so I don't start the day with that.
(anything from simple carbs to types of sugar tend to be off the table when it comes to considering them: they go fast and they get used fast. the brain needs a ton of glucose in order to function and...I'm just a brain half the time! hence the need for me to continue doing sports, otherwise I end up being but a skeleton/ectomorphic)
So, I'm very free when it comes to the food I choose.
I usually start with types of protein, so I'll have a little meal prepared. It'll consist of one type of protein source (fish, acquatic beings, meat, beef, chicken (gives me nose bleeds so I avoid - it's a supernatural thing because of the bird), rarely pork (pork has more fat than protein)) or other sources of animal protein (eggs, milk)
I'll couple that with minerals, vitamins and nutriens from something...green (for lack of a better description). So like, it could be anything: cabbage, kale, salads (the rocket one I like a lot), mushrooms, spinach (I love spinach), bell peppers (I love bell peppers), lettuce (types like the Romaine one is awesome) - I'll vary this quite a lot cause I like possibilities
usually, I start the day with vitamin C though cause...I crave it a lot. so I'll either have orange juice (however much I want but not like...in excess because fructose isn't processed that well by the liver)
so like, I'll drink water in the morning (never tap water! real bottled still/mineral water) and then some juice.
usually I like to vary the juice because...I get bored, again! so it could be orange juice (that's my favourite), orange + mango, apple.
and rarely do I do smoothies too (strawberries + banana) or any other type including the green-looking ones. usually I prefer to buy these from when I go out, not in a bottle like in the case of the juice but...I make exceptions sometimes
I don't buy concentrate juice, ever! Because it lost most of its vitamins anyway. And I don't buy green stuff - as I call it - from fast food places or anything. I buy them as close as possible to fresh and close to naturally grown.
Okay, I'll have water, juice and then I'll have a meat + something green meal and then if I realise that the food isn't like...you know...substantial enough (I can kinda see in the future), I'll know to add something a little more tasty so like...simple carbs like potatoes or pasta.
Okay so, I cook a lot so that means this dish type is gonna be...kinda too big for me? Like the pots are large. Which means this is gonna be a whole pot that usually serves at least 2 people! Which means...it's probably gonna take me all day to actually finish eating it?
And so...I'll probably eat like half of it and then leave it till whenever I'm hungry again...which means that it'll still be there the next day - possibly.
Some days I'll also have one cup of coffee with milk (no sugar). Or tops two. Other days I won't have any. Sometimes I use soya milk instead of animal milk or any other type of suitable replacement. Outside I might buy cappuccino or any other type. Sometimes I have tea instead, right before I go to bed. Most teas I choose are the ones that make you fall asleep so...yeah, no green tea or anything.
If I feel my glucose dipping, I'll always have something sweet near by and prepared though it depends on the period. So like pfft, it could be anything - I've also tried everything here! Anything from a full cake to shortbread, to pancakes, to pastry, to ice cream (the healthy vegetarian version too), chocolate, honey and yogurts (but mostly the natural type that have enough healthy bacteria for the gut and intestines), chocolate-coated peanuts, popcorn, crisps, protein chocolate bars, sandwiches.
And yeah, that's about it.
And I eat when I feel hungry either of these things.
And sometimes I fast protein-wise (& products that have things that come from animals) and it doesn't harm me whatsoever, though I will suddenly crave things that vegetarians end up craving.
And then I do a ton of random sports and exercise...
And as a side note, I don't ever use products that are shit in terms of like, the quality of the nutriens they provide. So like, I can accept that some salts are all the same (after all it's just the same NaCl) and maybe I don't want a iodine deficiency or whatever, but I still have way too much Potassium in my system because of bananas (fruit) and other leafy greens so I will need the salt, but I won't put that much importance on what type. The basic one is fine.
On the other hand, vegetable oil is like the lipids that no one really needs so I make sure it's not the shit kind.
Same with coffee because there's all kinds of ways to mess with the quality of the beans.
Also, I have a hard time eating spicy food so condiments are not a thing I put a lot of interest in. And definitely something I avoid if spicy because...I mean, I can't actually take this type of taste! I also can't eat coriander without wanting to puke (which is also like a supernatural influence in me).
Some form of other pastries or bread or types of nuts/seeds these days, I can't actually eat cause they're too heavy for me: it's too difficult for me to chew them and I don't look forward to eating them taste-wise.
I usually wait till I get a craving for types of nuts and seeds though (because of the minerals they contain): wallnuts, pecan, cashew, pistachios, sunflower/pumpkin/vanilla seeds
in order for me to actually get them because ahead of time, again, they're too much for me and my digestive system according to what I forsee. But I don't avoid them either, I just wait until I'm hungry for them. And calorie-wise, they're a lot to handle: so like a package is like 600 - 1,000 calories and maybe that's my whole meal that I'm usually used to in one day. So it's like...they're too much to handle for me. And I have to prep my insulin resistance for that because their release is slower for having more lipids than sugars.
I might literally end up eating them in one day and then some fruit and nothing else, because...I find it that difficult to get hungry more than that, after eating them.
I also drink the water I mentioned before (it'll be at least 0.5L - 0.75L for sure).
And I think that's about it!
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papirouge · 8 months
do you have an exercise routine? do you watch what you eat? weird question but im always struggling with my weight and I like food too much 😩 im chubby and tired of it
Hi! Sorry anon, I don't exercise 😬
I only stretch every morning + warm water with lemon
I don't really watch what I eat (I'm lucky to have a fast metabolism so I don't really weight gain) but since I'm from a very poor upbringing I guess I took some habits from that and because of my own taste with some food xD
- I very rarely drink soda and NEVER do when I take a lunch (to me, soda is a 'snack' in and out itself lol)
- I don't like dairy products (cheese, cream, etc.) = avoid many unecessary fat food products
- I take a very light breakfast (no meat, no egg) because my body cannot stand food in the morning. Only organic almond milk with organic oat.
- I take 2 meals a day
- I hate beer (beer is a disaster for the body and is just trashy drink idc lmao) and very seldomly drink wine (and when I do, it's during lunch bc it facilitates digestion+helps not getting tipsy)
- I walk whenever I can
Unfortunately people have different metabolism and I don't think if you follow my diet you'll get any diet 😖 I knew people who less than me yet where still fat/chubby....sorry anon!!
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short-black-diamond · 8 months
HIII ! Anyways it’s nothing important ( like always ) I just wanted to ask, how to be full without eating ? It’s night and I’m hungry but I just don’t want to get fat but I’m still hungry and I have so many things things to eat rn
I got like chocolate and two pack of candies and also rice but I still don’t want to get fat :(
Should I just drink water or should I actually wait till morning to eat something ?? ( plus I ate a lot today like Tea, bread, some candies and cookies and rice )
What should I do ???
- 🍭
my sweet...
"Should I just drink water or should I actually wait till morning to eat something ?? ( plus I ate a lot today like Tea, bread, some candies and cookies and rice )" -> did you even eat a full meal???
like, I hope when you say rice, you mean a full bowl vith vegetables and meat and stuff
my sweet, you need AT LEAST three meals a day which leave you full and energised. one in the morning (e.g. cornflakes, pancakes, fried eggs, big fruit/veggie salad, a lot of yogurt, or you drink a lot of tea with bread with wither butter-good vitamins-, jam, or you make a sandwich)
noon/lunch (also here you can drink tea, sandwich, salad, ...) but I really recommend you to eat some sort of warm thing, like idk some soup or sth
and in the evening either someting small again, like some salad, or you make some good dinner, which you will be able to heat up again inthe morning
what you do is not healthy, my sweet. not at all. you need to have a good meal, which will make your belly hurt. what you are doing at the moment will not be enough vitamins, as well as leave you hungry.
I am not an expert with when to eat food and stuff, but you shouldn't worry about getting fat. if you are still young, let's say 14 or 15 or younger (doesn't even matter if you're older), you should worry about your body, in form of "oh, i need to eat something to look more alive, milk or a bread with butter or water", or "ah shit, I forgot to eat breakfast, I need to power up"
what you should worry about the most is that your body gets all the vitamins, and that you eat a full meal three times a day, my sweet.
I am not saying that in a bad tone, you know I'm just worried. I hope I could help you with this, alright?
also if you get fat, you'll look cute. jifewjifiwefjiwj
please don't worry about your looks as much as about your health.
health comes first.
-your diamond <3
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sineala · 3 years
Hi, what do you think is steve and tony’s favourite food? (“Bagels” is not an option)
You say that like you don't think I have proof of them liking any other food. :D
For Steve, I think a very strong argument can be made that he enjoys a classic American burger, because here he is in Cap #451, having been stripped of his citizenship and exiled to England, throwing himself a pity party because he can't get A Real Hamburger:
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A further argument in favor of Steve's fondness for a good hunk of dead cow is Original Sin #1, in which we learn that Steve, Natasha, Logan, and Nick Fury have Meat Night at a steakhouse and I don't think you call a meal Meat Night unless it's a regular event:
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So, yeah. I think Steve will be having the beef.
Tony likes a good stiff drink.
Um. I suspect we have panels of Tony enjoying a wider variety of food, and probably Rich People Food at that, blah blah food as a marker of class blah blah. So I'd just like to highlight one example, which is Iron Man #214, in which Tony shows up to rescue Julia Carpenter, they are stuck in a cabin in the woods, and Tony makes her... trout amandine:
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Here we see that Tony can cook, and even though the selection is limited by what they can catch, I feel like trout amadine is unusual enough that it's not really the kind of thing it would occur to you to cook unless that was a thing you already knew you liked. It's more unusual than a burger, anyway.
So I'd assume that by preference Steve is a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy, and I'm less certain about Tony but I feel like he routinely eats what is probably a wider range of Classy Food.
There's also this panel from Cap #309, where we learn that Steve likes an American cheese sandwich on whole wheat with a glass of milk. Amazing.
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And we know Steve still likes milk these days, thanks to Marauders #21:
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"He likes baseball games. He wore the same uniform for a century. He drinks milk." Captain America, everybody!
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
Dumbo Preview | Jungkook (M)
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→ summary: you know what they say about boys with big noses...
{or alternatively: jungkook has a big dick but he doesn’t know how to use it.}
→ genre: humor/crack, smut → warnings: they talk about dicks a lot (i.e. jungkook has a big dick), DICK MEASURING CONTESTS (aka jk gets his dick appraised... just boys bein’ boys), explicit sexual content, semi-public exhibitionism, handjobs, blowjobs, sub!jungkook, whining, light dirty talk but it’s... not on purpose??, jungkook looks soft but he’s tattoed and pierced, accidental edging (you’ll... understand) → words: anticipated 10-15K → a/n: ...listen. i am not in the right state of mind right now. i am actually bordering on insane... but that’s not gonna stop me from being a clown so this is!! something i’ve been working on for a Year now but @jincherie​ literally commissioned me to finish writing this piece of shit so here we are... here we fucking are... idk when i’m posting this but it will be Soon and i’m not ready
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It takes him a while to find an empty stool by the bar and he is unlucky enough to be squished between two couples who don’t seem to be aware that public indecency is a crime. He has to endure being jostled for five minutes straight until the bartender finally notices him and allow him to order his can of coke.
(“Sorry, kid. The banana milk is all sold out. Some girl ordered our entire stock for her friends a few hours ago.” And just like that, Jungkook wants to die all over again.)
He does not know for how long he sits by the bar. Well, that’s a blatant lie, because he knows that he’s been sitting there for 18 minutes and 34 seconds exactly. He’s checked his phone religiously every 2 minutes to see if 2 hours have passed already, just so he can ask one of his stupid friends to go home with him. Perhaps he could coerce Jimin into turning in early for once (which is a pipedream, not when the DJ seems adamant to play Jimin’s favorite Christina Aguilera song 70 times in a row.)
So in short, Jungkook is miserable. He could go home by himself, but also he doesn’t want to end up having to walk to the police station the next morning to bail his friends out after one of them inevitably destroys public property again.
Fuck. Maybe he shouldn’t have thrown away his other drink.
He’s so deep in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice that one of the couples beside him have already left and that another person has taken their spot. He is jarred from his musings when a well-manicured hand is placed delicately on his shoulder, urging him to swivel the barstool around to face his soon-to-be acquaintance.
“Hey,” you say, a sultry smile on your lips. Jungkook feels his mouth immediately fill with cotton as he stares at your beautiful face, the dingy lighting of the club doing nothing to suppress the wicked glint in your eyes.
“Uhh… hey?” Jungkook replies, as charming and verbose as ever. If it isn’t obvious enough, Jungkook is a little lacking in the girls department, or at least, when it comes to girls-who-are-blatantly-flirting with him department. He normally isn’t this socially inept around the opposite gender, but given the connotations of this circumstance, his overactive male brain can only be restrained so much before it starts wandering towards dangerous territory.
It doesn’t help that the neckline of your dress is bordering on obscene, and Jungkook is afraid that if you move one more inch towards him, something very embarrassing might happen to the both of you (probably more so for him, if he’s being quite honest.)
“I couldn’t help but notice you from across the club and thought I should introduce myself,” you explain, gaze unashamedly trailing down his body. Jungkook can feel the heat from you radiating in waves, burning him from the inside out as he tries not to melt into a puddle in a pathetic attempt to get the fuck out of there. 
“You saw me? But it’s… so dark in here…” Jungkook wants to fucking murder himself. That’s what he decides to say to you? God, no fucking wonder he’s a virgin. Good looks really aren’t everything when he doesn’t have a brain controlling the rest of his body. There might as well be a fucking hamster running laps inside of his skull for all he knew.
Thankfully (or unthankfully––God knows Jungkook’s stress levels aren’t lowering any time soon), you find his response funny enough to warrant a chuckle. You bat your eyes salaciously at him, which Jungkook didn’t even think was possible. People can be sexy? When they blink? Apparently, you can do that. 
You shrug your shoulders. “That’s true. You caught me in a lie, I suppose. I actually knew you were coming even before you arrived.”
Jungkook chokes on his own spit then, nearly spraying you with his saliva like the dog that he is. He feels his eyes bugging out of his sockets, his body going tense with nerves. "You... you knew? What... What does that even mean?"
You point over your shoulder, gesturing vaguely at the crowd on the dance floor. "I'm friends with Seokjin over there. He mentioned you were coming with him to the club tonight so I decided to tag along."
"You know Seokjin-hyung?" The alarm bells in Jungkook's head start ringing wildly out of control. Nothing good ever comes out of being friends with Seokjin, especially since his presence alone has the power to make the creases in your brain to smoothen. Take it from someone who's been there, done that.
"Yep," you say, popping your 'p.' "I met him in my first-year English course, though I still don't know why a third-year like him was taking it in the first place."
"It's because he doesn't know how to read," Jungkook says plainly.
"I can tell. He uses voice-to-text exclusively and Siri can never spell Asian names correctly," you shrug your shoulders. "Either that, or he just doesn't know how to spell your name."
"Yea. I'm permanently John Jung Cock on his phone," Jungkook replies. He shakes his head. "Hold on, we were talking about something before this."
"Oh. About how I casually revealed to you that I was stalking you through our mutually insane friend?"
"Y-Yea, basically." Jungkook doesn't even understand what the fuck is happening right now. "I mean! Not exactly? Like, for all I know, you could've just asked hyung who he was coming with and he mentioned my name and––"
"Listen, kid. I straight up just told you I'm stalking you. Let's skip the foreplay and get to the meat of it: I'm literally following you," you say, without an inch of regret, embarrassment, or morality in your tone of voice.
Jungkook, who despite being filled with so much fear and tension enough to kill the small hamster inside his brain, is somehow able to keep his calm in front of the psychopath in front of him. Either that, or he's already in the middle of a stroke and he's lost all his fine motor skills.
"I... I don't know what to say."
"You don't need to say anything, baby," you murmur, leaning even closer to him until your chest was practically pressed against his. The thin layer of your dress and his well-worn cotton tee does nothing to help the situation (both in general and the one in his pants). He can feel your every curve, can smell the sweet perfume you're wearing; you were enveloping his senses. If he tried hard enough, he could probably count your eyelashes if he so desired with how close you were.
He knows he should probably be running away in terror right now, but he finds himself stuck resolutely to the barstool, unable to move. Maybe Jimin was right... Maybe he did have a fear kink or something.
("Isn't that just called masochism?" Jungkook asks, brows raised.
Jimin only laughs, patting him on the back condescendingly. "Nah, dude. You just straight up wanna die by the hands of a hot person, and I can respect that homie. We all have been there.")
“W-what do you want from me?” Jungkook asks, sweat lining his brow. You’re still looking at him like he was a meal, but he finds he probably doesn’t mind being devoured by you. 
Your wicked grin returns, full force. “I just want to play, Jungkook. But why don’t we discuss this… somewhere more private?”
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butter-egg-toast · 5 years
Living with them headcaons part 3
Long post be prepared
How organized:
How they sleep
Normal sleeper
Wild sleeper
Light sleeper
Heavy sleeper
Doesn't snores
How they wake up
Early bird
Late bird
How they cook.
Bad cook
Ok cook
Good cook
Amazing cook
Other Headcoans
Home life
Love making aka sex life
Asahi How organized:
You have to keep reminding him to pick up his clothes.
🌟"Huh oh sorry I forgot"-Asahi
You mostly do the laundry but sometimes he would do it
How do they sleep:
Wild sleeper.
He doesn't snores 
You'll wake up in the middle of the night to his leg over you.
Or ever on accidentally kicking you
🌟" Oh.. I did that.. I'm sorry"-Asahi
How they wake up:
Takes a few minutes to wake him up.
He's one of those people that tell you he's not sleep, but falls right back to sleep after you leave
🌟"Alirght I'm up....>goes back to sleep<"-Asahi.
Usually you're the first one to wake up
🌟"huh,...morning already...give me 5 more mintues"-Asahi
He walks in sweatpants and no shirt around the house.
🌟It's soo hot"-Asahi
How they cook:
Ok cook
He learned for his Sister and mom but he still have trouble. So you do most of the cooking.
He's usually the one that buys groceries for home and for the cafe
🌟"I can help if you want"-Asahi
🌟"woah this is delicious can I get another bowl?"-Asahi
He LOVES anything with meat
He refuse to eat broccoli
🌟"why?..because its so bland and flavorless"-Asahi
Other Headcoans:
You both love going to new places; try and keep up with him
🌟 "woah there's this new restaurant downtown, let's go"-Asahi
you help him with his homework Alot
You and him helps at the cafe on busy days.
When he is in the mood you'll ask you up front. He's a blunt guy so he has no problem telling you how he feels.
🌟"hey...can we.. have sex today?"-Asahi
Ikuya: How organized:
Really organized prefer keeping things tidy and clean. 
He'll sometimes scold you for not cleaning
He prefers to do the laundry.
🌟"wash the dish after you use it (y/n)"-Ikuya
How do the sleep:
Expect him to wake up in the middle of night to go for a jog to clear his mind.
🌟" I'm going for a walk"-Ikuya (he did that in s3)
Sometime in bed you both would just stare at each other.
🌟"You have really beautiful eyes"-Ikuya
normal light sleeper, who doesnt snores
loves it when stroke his hair while laying down
Sometimes when he can't sleep he'll talk to you.
🌟"Have you every wonder what it would be like, if we on a different planet"-Ikuya
Tends to over think in bed, thus making it hard for him sleep.
How they wake up:
Early bird.
He wakes you up.
🌟"No use making those sounds, come on get up"-Ikuya
he likes it when you cook
seems like the type to tell you about his dreams from the other night
🌟"i had this odd dream about you last night"-Ikuya
🌟"It was so weird..you were a giant donut"-Ikuya
He Likes western breakfasts: Egg, Pancakes, sausages, orange juice and hashbrowns
How they cook:
He is a picky eater,
When at the gorcery store shopping, he would put stuff in the cart
🌟"we never had this before"-Ikuya
You do all the cooking
🌟"this looks good..hope it taste good"-Ikuya
🌟"this tastes different, what's in it?"-Ikuya
🌟"thanks for the meal" -Ikuya
Other Headcoans 
movie night
Spending moments together in silence.(sitting on the couch watching a movie or eating a quiet dinner)
when he's in the mood he'll kiss you a lot more and even a little your thighs rub if Your sitting down
🌟"Your thighs are so soft and squishy"-Ikuya
he'll come up behide you and kiss your ears
Natsuya How organized:
Tends to leave his towle on the bathroom floor.
Tends to misplace things but he would eventually find it.
🌟"Where did I put my keys"-Natsuya
🌟"Oh that goes here?"-Natsuya
How do they sleep:
Heavy and a normal sleeper
he doesn't snore
he likes to rest his head on your lap when sitting 
Seems like he would sleep with no shirt on.
🌟"It's boring if you sleep...stay up a while with me"-Natsuya
How they wake up:
Early bird, but it depends if he doesnt have a hang over.
🌟"Ugh...That was night"-Natsuya
 Walks in his underwear so after a shower . 
🌟"what? Enjoying the view"-Natsuya
You make breakfast.
🌟" * sips beer* Ahh that's good..want some?"-Natsuya
How they cook:
He can be a picky eater(like Ikuya) at times but he's trying to work on it. He's not a fan of mushrooms.
He loves to eat Fried chicken, curry, meatball and rolled Omelettes
🌟"woah you made all of this for me?"-Natsuya
ok cook
He knows how to cook but you have to guide him through some steps.
 Mosty likey to eat all of the food
🌟"yeeeaah sorry I drank all the milk, I'll go buy some"-Natsuya
Tends to forget certain food
🌟" I knew I was missing something. Sorry I'll go back and buy it"-Natsuya
On some days you two would go out to eat for Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner
🌟"lets go get some breakfast."-Natsuya
Other Headcoans  
when he is the mood he tends to fidgets around.
Extra touchy more flirtatious
🌟"Damn...that dress looks good on"-Natsuya
🌟"Come here *patting his lap*-Natsuya
he loves to watch sports, especially loves it when you watch it with him.
He tells you facts about the players on the field.
A least 2 packs of beers in the refrigerator.
Some nights he like drinking at home with you.
Nao:How organized:
Does the laundry himself
Does the dishes.
He thinks a clean the enviroment is a healthy environment
How do the sleep:
Light sleeper doesn't snores
He's one of those people who soon as he lays down he'll doze right off
🌟" Is everything okay? You can't sleep? Come here"-Nao
How they wake up:
Early bird
He has morning lectures
🌟"Rise up its morning, we have a busy schedule today"-Nao
🌟"Wake up the weather is really nice outside today"-Nao
How they cook:
Amazing cook.
He loves spicy food.
He will eat anything you cook as long as it's not bitter
🌟"If it's too spicy for you, then I can eat it"-Nao
🌟"what would you like to eat?"-Nao
Other Headcoans  
🌟"Lets go out tonight".-Nao
Both of you care for his tropical fish
🌟"I thinking about getting a new fish"-Nao
he has a job so he makes the money (unless you have one)
When he is in the mood he's pretty blunt and straightforward telling you he wants some love.
🌟" Hey since we're not busy today can we have sex?"-Nao
Hiyori:How organized:
Very organize.
Just like Ikuya he wants a clean and tidy house.
You both do the chores together
How do the sleep:
light sleeper who snores a little.
He's the type to sleep with a lot of pillows
🌟"They are comfortable to be around plus I like the back support"-Hiyori
How they wake up: 
early bird
🌟"I made some coffee"-Hiyori
he wakes up you
🌟" time to get up!"-Hiyori
🌟"Come on now, we don't want to miss the bus"-Hiyori.
🌟"Eh? Thats you're problem for staying up"-Hiyori
How they cook: 
good cook
He prefers to do all the cooking.
He likes coffee and egg dishes
🌟"This omelette looks awesome"-Hiyori
🌟"Just sit down and relax, I got this"-Hiyori
Other Headcoans 
 cafe hoping
He gets sassy with you sometimes.
🌟"Your friends don't think I'm nice? Well that's their problem not mine"-Hiyori
if he see a new cafe you two would most differently would go
🌟"I really love how this coffee is brew, its rich in taste"-Hiyori
when he is in the mood he would complement you more.
if you two are on the couch he would put his arm around you. 
🌟" You look lovey today"-Hiyori
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thatstoomuchsoup · 5 years
What foods and drink combos make stuffing faster and easier, if you don't mind me asking? I'm so sorry for bothering 😅 (i love your blog btw)
Aw thank you so much, and you're not bothering at all! Actually I'm glad you ask that cause I'm constantly trying to figure it out myself.
I've reached the conclusion that it's different for everybody. You'll have to test it yourself, and remember, don't to push yourself till you feel sick. For me, if I choose what agrees best with my stomach I can pack away quite a lot, and even feeling extremely stuffed doesn't feel gross. But, if you find that you can't eat a lot no matter what, that's fine too. Being satisfyingly full can be just as rewarding.
From my experience, cooked meals with some variety is the best way to eat a lot. For example: pasta with garlic bread, a plate of meat with potatoes and a salad, soup n sandwich, etc. I also tend to enjoy it more when I'm happy, so basically when I'm eating with loved ones, talking and laughing at the same time. Personally, I think milk is the best drink, on it's own or with any food ever (although some people will fight me on this).
I can't stand stuffing myself on sweets, or even sugary pastries (which have a sort of meal-like quality to them). Makes me nauseous. I enjoy dessert as a change of taste, but in small quantity. Another thing I hate to stuff with is snacks cause even when I feel full I'm not really satisfied and I don't know if I'm still hungry, but then if I eat more I feel sick.
But then I know someone who gets stuffed with one freaking sandwich, and then the second you start giving him chocolate, ice cream, cupcakes or idk, he becomes a vaccum. I'm not joking, like he cannot finish his plate and then you give him sweets and he starts to get hungry again. So anyways, that just proves that what works for me won't necessarily work for everyone. My advice: Experiment for yourself! Enjoy!
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greentea40kg · 2 years
In January 2018, I weighed 169.4 lbs. Today I weigh 130.1 lbs. I've lost 39.3 lbs in total over the last 3.25 years. And technically I was 121.1 lbs in March of 2021, I actually gained 14 lbs since then that I'm currently shaving off little by little again.
The point is, it took time.
When you struggle with BED, even eating 1,900 kcal can be a small victory. I walked everywhere, out of breath and legs sore all the time. I stopped eating meat, and then eggs, and I traded whole milk for sweetened coconut milk. I started eating oatmeal or smoothies for breakfast and veggie sandwiches or salad for lunch. I learned to cook, started trading butter for olive oil or coconut oil. I traded my coconut milk for almond milk, started drinking my tea with half the sweetener, managed to go 75% vegan...
And little by little, amid binge days, I started having more good days than bad. I started learning to fast, started skipping the meals that made me feel the worst after eating, stopped eating 5000 kcal a day.
The point is, I'm not even close to where I wanna be ... But don't forget to celebrate your little victories too. If all that matters is the big picture, then all your progress will be ignored. Small progress is still progress. Little by little it adds up to huge results.
Take it a day at a time, do a little better every day. Change one thing every week. Before you know it you'll be at your goal.
Take it easy, take it slow.
You got this!
0 notes
hollowlittlegirl · 2 years
Yesterday was another one that was full of struggle and tears, and also some good things. i did eat "normally." i decided before we left home what i was hungry for, and then when i got to the restaurant i didn't look at the menu. All the choices and the fact that they put the calorie counts next to everything can make me freeze up. Every meal tasted good and i ate more than i thought i would but i ate until i was full, no matter how much that was. All that being said, it was torture emotionally. i was dying inside. Dinner was the hardest. i really wanted pasta and there's a restaurant near us that makes the noodles fresh, like when you order them. i think i made a mistake asking to go there. It was too soon. i figured out what to order before we got there and i ordered that, and then they brought out bread with chimichurri(oil with spices) and i freaked out. i used to really like that stuff, but yesterday i couldn't handle it. i tried to keep my emotions inside, but as soon as S put that stuff on his bread and it dripped down his finger i started to cry. i wanted nothing more than to go to the bathroom and curl up into a ball on the floor until the meal was over. When the food came i just looked at it and didn't think i could eat a single bite of it; but i took a deep breath, closed my eyes and had some of the meat without cheese or pasta and focused on how it tasted. It really was tasty, so i had another bite. It did get easier, and the fact that i was very hungry helped. S was really encouraging and took my mind off of the stress. i'm so thankful i have a person like him in my life. i ended up eating a lot more than i thought i would, and i was able to stop when i got full. Then i did something really really brave. i had a small piece of bread with the spices on it. i did try to get all the oil off of it, but i know it still had a ton. Let me tell you, it was delicious, and since i was already full it was easier to not have another piece. Around 6pm i wanted a cookie and some milk, but when i asked him if he wanted one he said he didn't and i was faced with baking one just for me. i did bake just one and eat it with a little bit of fat free milk, but i felt like the worst person ever, selfish and with no self-control. i ate it because it was what i wanted no matter how terrible it made me feel emotionally. i didn't exercise, have any energy drinks, count my calories or record what i ate. i think it's a good start, but i'm not sure about today. i was up in weight from yesterday and that's messing with my head. As soon as i got off the scale i put on my exercise clothes and had an energy drink, and now i'm going to go run. i'm waiting on a call from the treatment facility, so i'm hopeful about that. i just don't know what i'm going to do if/when they say they can't/won't help me. i'm not sure if i have the strength to make any more calls. i had blood work done on Friday and an appointment with my gp tomorrow. When i get the results of the blood work i may cancel my gp appointment depending on the results. i don't feel up to seeing her in person and having her confront me about what i'm doing to my body. It's just going to make me feel worse and i can't handle that right now.
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