#i still smile i still live life and laugh and cry and enjoy it thoroughly.
ottitty · 2 years
Its okay to let yourself fall out of love with art or a craft if its not bringing you enough joy to be worth sustaining. You're worth more than what you create, and that's not something you have to apologize for. Thats a lot of grief to handle sometimes too, so be gentle with yourself and remember to not let yourself get weighed down by other people's guilt.
You are not dead. Continue on.
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malarkgirlypop · 10 months
This is for you! (Webster x F!Reader)
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Well hello and welcome. This is a random fic I did based on a post about shooting hoops. Confused? So am I ahahahahah. Enjoy this one shot, and let me know what you think!
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters.
Tag list: @next-autopsy @panzershrike-pretz @xxluckystrike @bucky32557038ww2 (if you want to be added just let me know xx)
The young woman fought sleep as she bounced on the back of the truck next to her comrades. It had been a long journey from Noville to Haguenau. The chill of the wind whipped at her face as she tucked her nose into her scarf to keep her warm.
A cherry voice pulled her from her drowsy state. Looking to the back of the truck where a man stood. She recognised him, David Webster. They had met briefly in Holland when she had come as a replacement. They only spoke a couple of times before he was injured and sent back to hospital. That was only four months ago but it had felt like a lifetime.
He looked clean and healthy. A sparkle of life still in his eyes. She couldn’t say the same for herself or the other soldier’s who had been in Bastogne not long before. They had all lost the shine in their eyes, replaced with dull far away looks.
Webster made his way into the back of the truck, making conversation with the young private
Jackson who he sat beside. Joe, who she sat close to, joined the conversation with passive remarks.
“We left Holland four months ago.” Lieb commented. Unlike the other men they had known, when Webster was carted off they never saw him again. The other soldiers including the young girl made an effort to return as soon as possible to their friends to join the fight again. Knowing that they were so low on everything, including soldiers themselves.
Webster looked shocked by Joe’s harsh remarks. Before carelessly bringing up names of the men who they had lost. Webster pissed her off. While they were off fighting in the coldest, most awful woods, which took so many of her friends' lives. He was back in a comfy bed with hot meals and a shower, being tended to by nurses.
He was just as bad as the replacements. Maybe even worse.
“Hey Y/N good to see you!” Webster tried to engage in small talk with the woman who huffed and walked away, not giving him the satisfaction of a reply.
Joe chuckled, walking behind the pair as she marched away. He bumped into Webster giving him a smirk as he ran after the girl.
“He looked like he was going to cry.” Joe told the room who laughed as he explained how Webster had crashed and burned trying to talk to Y/N.
“God he’s so annoying.” She laughed, shaking her head.
“Who’s so annoying?” Webster asked as he made his way into the room. Everyone went quiet, waiting for someone to answer Webster’s question.
“Ahhh, you know Hitler.” She laughed awkwardly at her random remark, naming the first bad person that sprung to mind. The other men chuckled into their hands.
“Oh yeah, no, he’s the most annoying.” Webster clearly missed the blatant lie she had told. She bit her lip trying to suppress cringing outwardly at the man. He grinned at her for approval. To which she smiled tightly back.
Y/N was thoroughly entertained, as she watched Joe and Ramirez interrogate the man for who was going to be on patrol.
“Come on Web, we know you know!” Joe pushed him for an answer.
“If I tell you, you can’t let on that you know.” Webster replied in an anxious tone.
“Secrets safe Web.” Joe lied straight to his face.
Webster spilled his guts.
“Babe, McClung, Ramirez and you.” He said, turning his gaze to the lady, leaning against the bed. She sighed, scrubbing a hand over her face, as Joe gave her a sympathetic pat on the back.
It wasn’t long till sergeant Malarkey was telling them the information they had already manipulated out of the blue eyed man.
“We know.” Earl said to Don who had started stating the names of the people wanted.
“Yeah, we just fucking heard.” Babe added as well, gesturing to the man he had heard it from. Y/N watched Web squirm as the men ratted on him so quickly. He was figuring out they had no loyalties to their fellow comrade.
Webster felt he was back at the bottom of the food chain again, somehow lying even lower on the pyramid than the replacements he had turned up with. The men seemingly didn’t appreciate his absence, but he had been injured and instructed to rest and rehabilitate. Apparently he hadn’t caught onto the memo of breaking out of the hospital as soon as he could to join the men again. This feeling of isolation he wasn’t fond of. He understood if he wanted to be respected again by the men he had fought alongside not too long ago, he would have to grovell.
He waited in line for the showers, feeling uneasy. He had just showered recently compared to the grimey faces of the soldiers who shuffled forward in line. Stepping out of the line, a guilt hung on his shoulders. Webster made his way over to the female soldier who hung around the men as they waited for a shower. He noted her hair was damp and she looked cleaner than the last time, she had showered.
Before he could reach her, Malarkey called them in. He informed them that more men from the platoon were needed, calling out Grant, Lieb, Jackson, Wynn and himself. The men were pissed as Don wandered away not looking very pleased himself.
Webster’s stomach clenched, after being away for so long he forgot the nerves that came with the patrols. The unease that settled in his bones, an unwelcome but familiar feeling.
Y/N glanced over to the new-not-so-new soldier, the look of restlessness in his bright eyes. She remembered that feeling. When she had started she always felt like she was going to throw up just before an ambush or mission. But now all she felt was tired, exhausted, ready for this all to be over. Of course the dred of missions still churned her insides but it was something that never truly left. As if she was constantly waiting, watching, listening, for something she couldn’t quite see, but knew was there. Something hiding around the corner that could jump out at any second and snatch her away.
They met for the briefing at CP. No one was pleased seeing that the only officer in the room with them appeared to be a young baby-faced man, who arrived just that day. Never been into combat or led an attack. They were doomed if he was to lead it. They needed someone with experience, not some bright-eyed bushy tail Lt. just looking to get his boots dirty. They all shared their annoyance and concern with each other.
“No way. Not on his first day.” Grant said in disbelief, trying to convince himself more than the others that this wasn’t the officer leading this thing.
Turned out he was indeed leading, Martin would be there to shadow and help the man. Which seemed to somewhat please the worried soldiers. The patrol would be at 0100 hours, it would be a snatch and grab and they were after German POW’s. It was a stealth mission, nothing rattles, nothing shines. They had been told the plan of attack before Winters dismissed them and left.
Seeing that Lieb and Grant were speaking so brazenly about Webster in ear-shot of him. They spoke loudly proclaiming that he seems to worm his way out of everything. Webster knew that this was his opportunity to win back their trust. He approached the officers who had gathered together outside of CP where they had come from.
“Sir, sir. Liebgott and I, we both speak German.” Webster addressed Winters.
“Yeah?” Speirs replied, butting into the conversation, waiting for Web to continue.
“You said 15 men. There’s 16 of us, including two translators.” He shared his idea with his officers.
Well, fine. Hey, Liebgott, you want to sit this one out?” Speirs asked the passing Lieb who was with Y/N and Grant. Lieb grinned happily, agreeing to not go on the patrol. Sending Webster his thanks and a wink. Webster smiled to himself, happy with the outcome of his plan. Now he just had to win over everybody else.
They ate quietly in the basement, no one in a very chatty mood. Y/N ate her meal in the corner, not thinking just chewing. Webster saw the lady by herself, not thinking maybe she wanted it to be that way, slid down beside her with his own dinner.
“Hey Y/N.” He smiled at her. She gave her tight lipped polite smile, focussing back on her meal. Hoping that her silence would deter the man from continuing to sit with her.
“Are you nervous for tonight?” He asked, spooning food into his mouth, waiting for her reply.
“I just want to get it over and done with.” The lie slipped easily from her lips. For some reason she hadn’t thought about the cold river they had to cross to get to and from the patrol. The thought of falling into the icy water sent shivers up her spine. She wasn’t one for bodies of water. As a girl she had slipped into a river, being carried under by the current. It was a miracle someone was able to pull her from the depths. After that she steered clear of all water.
“How about you?” She found herself asking, she presumed it was just to fill the awkward silence that lingered between them.
“I am. But I trust everyone will get it done.” He seemed more optimistic than everyone else. A smile tugged at her lips. Admiring the faith he held in the men. She admired them too but secretly. She didn’t need to tell them, their heads big enough as it was.
“What’s your role?” He asked as they ate.
“Sharpshooter.” She covered her full mouth to speak. He nodded, smiling to himself. She didn’t think she had seen someone smile so much, she had forgotten the feeling. It was rare now for Y/N to smile, she had grown accustomed to wearing a blank mask, hiding all of her emotions.
“You must be a great shot.” He grinned at her as he nudged her in the side with his elbow. A smile formed on the girl’s lips, her hand instinctively going to cover her mouth to hide it. Webster’s hand shot out stopping her motions.
“Don’t hide it.” He beamed, pulling her hand down. The gesture made her blush. She cleared her throat, shaking the odd giddy feeling that fluttered in her heart.
They chatted together while they ate. Webster had some interesting stories, it was a bonus he had such good storytelling abilities. He gestured wildly, eyes lighting up as he explained. It had enraptured Y/N, who watched intently. Becoming so immersed in his stories she could see them, reach out her hand and touch them. It had taken her mind off of the upcoming events, until they were pulled away to prepare.
Darkness fell quickly, but the moon sat high in the sky shining down, illuminating the world around them. So much for the cover of night. They snuck onto the bank, only having the essentials with them. Y/N tried not to think of the river they were going to have to cross, a sick feeling stuck in her stomach. She blew out a shaky breath trying to keep her composure.
They moved quickly, hopping into the boats. They squished into the small rubber dinghy. Y/N kept her eyes trained on the shore line, not wanting to stare into the murky water below. It was a quick trip, to her relief their boat had made it in one piece. She couldn’t say the same for the last boat that tipped before they had even properly left the shore.
They crawled quietly up the bank as they made their way to the house that was their target. Moving swiftly through the dark town, they paused just before the house. Y/N followed orders flanking up the side to guard the men while they moved into the house. Her eyes scanned the houses that were shrouded in the dark, her gun at the ready. She didn’t let the commotion of the snatch break her concentration.
She ducked down further into the bushes as machine gun rounds fired beside her. Standing from her position she shot back.
“Y/L/N fall back! We’re moving out!” Martin called her from her spot. She ran up the rear of the group keeping her head low. Everyone fell back as more gunfire pelted around them. Mortar shells hitting the ground with tremendous force boomed around them, as they all B-lined for the boats. Lt. Jones finally blowing the whistle for their men on the other side to hold suppressing fire. So that the team could return back safely.
Y/N leaped into the boat helping the other men in as well. Grabbing Webster’s hand to pull him in.
“Move, move! Let’s go.” She yelled seeing that the boat was full. The men pulled the line, moving them back across the water. Y/N eyes trained on the shore, almost there.
The rope they were pulling caught on Y/N’s jacket, being perched in the rear of the boat it dragged her back. Her hands shot out trying to grasp anything to keep her inside the boat. A scream left her lips as she toppled into the freezing river.
The water so cold she couldn’t help but gasp, drawing water into her lungs. It burned as it rushed down her throat. Clawing at the water to reach the surface. Desperate to clear her lungs from the burning liquid. Her heavy uniform dragged her down further.
Hands plunged down gripping her by her collar, hauling her to the surface. She choked and spluttered on the air. Coughing wretchedly, her lungs yearning for oxygen. She was pulled back into the boat. A familiar face looking worriedly down at her. Webster had pulled her from the water.
“I got you! You’re ok!” He yelled over all the noise, as she still gasped for air. They finally made it to the shore. Y/N still struggling to breath and shivering so hard her bones were clacking. Webster carried her into the house. Placing her on the ground. Y/N turned over on her hands and knees, she was coughing so hard she felt like she could puke.
“Get out of these clothes.” He told her, over all the chaos that was happening around them. Y/N nodded.
“Webster, I need you here.” Martin yelled at the man, as he tried to shout at the German POW’s. Webster didn’t move immediately, still hovering by Y/N.
“Go, go. I’m fine.” She waved him away, pulling off her sodden clothes. Babe seeing what had happened had brought over fresh clothes and Skinny had given her his blanket that he had been using.
After getting into the new uniform, Y/N turned to find Jackson lying on the table, screaming in pain. All she could do was watch. Gene rushed in, moving the boy onto the stretcher. They hadn’t even made it out the door, when another shell hit. Causing everyone to duck for cover. She watched as Jackson choked on his blood and then falling limp onto the stretcher. Gene shook his head, his stare heavy. Jackson had passed. That night Y/N held the men she loved close, as they mourned the loss of their friend.
They had made their way back to base. Sitting in silence. Y/N mind wandered to the bright blue eyes that had peered down at her with such concern. She hadn’t had the chance yet to thank Webster for saving her.
At that moment Webster and Jones walked back into the room, after having dropped off the POW’s. They all were forlorn as they had been told there was to be another patrol tonight. The thought shook Y/N to the core. She didn’t know if she could, she was sure if she was to ride across the river again she would be overcome with panic. She would be a state that couldn’t function, let alone perform a patrol.
She stood from her position. Approaching Webster who lent on the rails of the bunk.
“Can I talk to you?” She asked hesitantly. He nodded following her out of the room. “I just wanted to thank you for saving me last night.” She smiled, a genuine smile.
“Y/N of course I saved you, you would do the same for me.” Webster seemed shocked, he didn’t expect thanks for pulling her from the water.
“I guess I would, but still I wanted to show my appreciation.” She lent forward, placing a kiss to his cheek. Webster gawked at the girl who rushed away quickly, his cheeks flamed pink as he placed his hand to where her lips had been moments ago.
Thankfully for Y/N the patrol had been botched. Winters, not wanting anymore loss of life, told the men they would have a good sleep tonight. That in the morning they would report they made it over but without being able to successfully capture any prisoners. Everyone was ecstatic, Y/N was so relieved she turned and hugged the closest person to her, squeezing them tightly in her arms. The person wrapped their arms around her back, heart beating wildly as he held her back. After pulling away the pair looked like strawberries, with their faces flaming red.
After they had finally moved off the line, Webster and Y/N had become fast friends. As time passed they weren’t easily separated. They were often teased, mostly by Lieb, at how they were so in love. The pair brushed it off. “I just like him as a friend.” Y/N groaned as Lieb taunted her once more with the song he thought he was so clever in singing.
“Webster and Y/N, sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g, first come love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage.” Lieb sang with his smug looking face. Y/N swatted at him, missing terribly due to how drunk she was. They had found their way into the eagle's nest, Hitler’s personal holiday home. The Germans had finally surrendered and Hilter himself was dead. Good riddance, Y/N thought as she tipped more wine into her mouth, puckering at the taste. She had never been a drinker but the news of the war finally being over caused for celebration.
Lieb stood smiling, swaying slightly on his feet, “To you my good friend!” He raised his bottle in the air, as Y/N did the same with a cheer. They clinked the bottles together, tipping their heads back to gulp the alcohol.
“I’m so fucking drunk.” Y/N giggled, the room spun around her. Putting her bottle down on the ground, she stood. “I need to find someone?” It was a question, did she? She wasn’t sure, she had an urge to find someone, but she couldn’t remember who. She wandered away leaving Lieb sprawled on the couch. She wandered around, looking for someone, or no maybe something.
Big french doors caught her attention, the view that lay just behind it was spectacular. The big blue lake that glistened in the warm sun, the rolling mountains either side covered in lush forests. She swung the door open, stepping out on the balcony. She tilted her head back drinking in the rays of sun that danced on her skin.
“Enjoying yourself?” She heard to her right, her eyes flew open landing on the owner of the voice. Webster sat in a chair book in his lap. A wide grin pulled onto her face, “I was looking for you!” She cheered, rushing forward. But in her drunk state her brain was moving slower than her body. Her foot catching on the leg of the chair that sat opposite Webster. She flew forward, landing in the man’s lap. She roared with laughter as she held onto him.
“Always saving me huh?” She grinned, booping the man on his nose. He chuckled, looking at the very clearly drunk girl on his lap.
“Didn’t you know I was a knight in shining armor?” She threw her head back laughing at his joke. She focussed back onto the man’s face in front of her. Her eyes scanned over his features. His bright blue eyes gazed back at her, making her heart flutter. She couldn’t help herself, reaching out ever so gently tracing his face with her fingertips. He stilled, as she softly touched his face. Webster wondered if Y/N could hear his heart drumming in his chest.
“Webster.” She whispered, their faces inches apart. “I think I like you.” She confessed suddenly. The drunk haze that held her vanished. She had never felt more sober.
“I like you too, Y/N.” He said sweetly, but he didn’t quite get the meaning behind her words.
“No, Webster, I like you.” She repeated herself, putting more emphasis on the words. He nodded looking lost. She laughed, shaking her head. She pressed her lips to his. He was startled at first, eyes wide, looking down at Y/N as she kissed his lips. It had finally clicked in his brain. Oh she likes me! He moved his lips against hers. Cupping her face in his hands, he deepened the kiss. She clung to him, pulling herself nearer to the man. She opened her mouth as their tongues met, dancing together. Y/N pulled back grinning at the man.
“Does that make sense?” She asked teasingly, Webster still slightly baffled, nodded his head. They kissed again, tenderly moving together.
Y/N never had felt more content, lying in Webster's arms as he read to her. They lay on the chair in the sun, his arm draped lazily around her side, his fingers tracing shapes over her hip as he read. She closed her eyes, head against his chest, she could hear his voice from deep in his chest and the steady thrum of his heart.
“Batter up!” Buck motioned for Webster to step up to the plate. Y/N and Webster had been secretly-not-so-secretly dating after their kiss on the balcony. Everyone was happy for them, apart from the threats from the men, “If you hurt her, I’ll feed you to the fishes!” Lieb had marched up to him in an intimidating manner, prodding him in the chest with his finger. They all had been very supportive of the pair. They were teased constantly about it but they laughed together.
Webster approached the plate, readying his bat above his head, getting into the correct stance. He looked over to where Y/N sat in the grass waiting for her turn next to bat. He gave her a sly wink, “This is for you.” He called as the other men shook their heads at his cringey gesture. Y/N stifled her laugh behind her hand giving him a thumbs up.
“Come on PeeWee let’s get Webster.” Buck called, the men cheering in response. The pitcher threw the ball, it arched nicely as Webster eyed it up. He swung but didn’t make contact with the baseball, Buck catching it behind him.
“STRIKE ONE!” Buck yelled. Y/N facepalmed as the other men roared with laughter. Readying himself again.
“This one's for you!” He pointed the bat in Y/N’s direction. She laughed, throwing her head back. The other men gave playful boo’s. Another great pitch and Webster swung again, ensuring he had his eye on the ball.
“Swing and a miss!” Buck yelled, catching the ball again. Webster stood dumbstruck, how had he missed that. Everyone howled with laughter, including himself, as he scratched his head nervously.
“Next one you’re out. Web!” Buck warned him. He gave a nervous chuckle. He really had to pay attention. Y/N watched hoping her wouldn’t dedicate the hit for her, it seemed to be putting the poor man off.
“Ok, this time, this one is for you!” He said less confident than when he had started. She clapped, cheering, “You got this one Web!” Trying to hide her embarrassment for him.
She hid behind her hands, peeking through her fingers as he got ready. Placing the bat behind him, crouching down slightly. The ball was thrown by the pitcher, it soared through the sky, the group collectively holding their breath. Surely he would hit it! Dejected sighs came from the group.
“STRIKE THREE, you’re out.” Webster looked upset, dropping the bat and shuffling away from the plate. Y/N ran up giving him a hug and a kiss. “Aww next time Web.” She teased the man she loved.
It was her turn to bat, Webster watched her get prepared, swinging the bat behind her head. The ball was pitched, she swung. A crack echoed as the ball was hit away by Y/N. It soared over the heads of all the men, all the way to the back of the field they played on.
“GO Y/N GO!” Webster cheered, she dropped the bat. Sprinting from base to base, stopping hesitantly on the second base. The ball was being thrown back home in quick succession.
“Take it all the way, Y/N!” Webster cheered like a proud dad would. She ran as fast as she could, Lieb close behind her, reaching out to touch her with the ball. She dived onto the home base. Lieb followed her down, as they landed in a heap of limbs. They look up at Buck waiting for the answer.
“SAFE!” He called. Y/N squealed in delight, blowing a raspberry at Lieb, who just laughed. She sprung to her feet, and jumped into the arms of Webster. “That one was for you!” She said as she pressed her lips to his.
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pagesfromthevoid · 3 years
Three Good Things | m.m.
Matt Murdock x Avenger!reader
A False God drabble
In which Murdock and Co. get drunk and Matt realizes he has three good things in his life
Word Count: 1.0k
Warnings: Drunken shenanigans, language. Alcohol use.
Author’s Note: Idk man. I just wanted to have some fluff before I ruin everyone’s life :^)
Series Masterlist | Talk to me!
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It was one of those rare nights where everything was going right.
No one was angry with each other. No one was talking about the bad parts of life. No one was crying or mourning or having a breakdown. There was no concern that he should be in the mask, patrolling the streets.
It was just laughter, and shitty jokes. It was just reminiscing about college and childhood sweethearts. It was just talking about missions and the Avengers.
It was just…a really good night.
Matt was nursing a beer, thoroughly entertained and impressed by how well she could hold her liquor. He had offered her a beer at the start of the night, but she had denied it. It was Foggy who gave her the liquor. He had slid her the bottle of gin Karen brought over, and she had lifted it with pride.
“Go big or go home,” she had announced.
She had, in fact, gone big.
Watching the three most important people in his life, drinking and laughing in his living room, brought Matt more joy than he felt he deserved. Watching the woman he loved, drinking and laughing with his two closest friends was almost overwhelming, really. She just fit so well into their makeshift family. Brought a whole new piece to the plate that only made their dynamic warmer.
He really did love her.
The glass hit the table as she and Foggy downed another shot. Her hands flew into the air with excitement, letting out a triumphant yell as she did. Karen just laughed and rolled her eyes, finishing off her shot without the dramatics.
“How are you not blacked out yet?” Foggy demanded, rolling his sleeves up as he poured three more shots. Matt took hers, though, grinning as she pouted. “You were three shots in when we were drinking beers.”
She shrugged, but reached out to take the shot glass back from Matt. He shook his head and downed it, then held out the empty glass to her. She snatched it from him, sticking out her tongue. Foggy laughed as Karen rolled her eyes at them.
“He raises an excellent point though,” Karen pointed out, leaning forward on the chair she sat in. “What’s the secret to not blacking out after half a bottle of gin?”
“Oh that’s easy,” she waved her hand nonchalantly, “To drink Asgardian liquor instead of earth booze.”
Even Matt gave her an incredulous look, brow raised as she slid to the floor. She pushed his legs some, settling between them as she looked up with a grin. Her head rested against his knee momentarily, and Matt couldn’t help but play with her hair while they spoke. Karen made an ‘ooh’ sound and joined her on the floor, kicking off her heels. Both women leaned into each other, laughing about ‘floor time.’ But Foggy wasn’t about to let the Asgardian thing slide.
“You’ve had Asgardian booze?” He demanded as he considered joining them on the floor.
Matt watched the whole scene play out with a smile, taking a drag of his beer as Foggy stood and pulled his coffee table to the side. Making more room, apparently. Matt rolled his eyes, laughing as his friend joined the others on the floor.
“Foggy, you’re putting that back exactly where it was.”
“What, or you’ll run into it?”
“Probably,” he admitted with a laugh.
She reached up and tugged on his pant leg, trying to get him to join them. Matt just shook his head, watching them still. He was appreciating the moment that was being presented to him; unsure if he’d ever get something so normal again. The three of them sitting on his floor, laughing. He didn’t need to see it to enjoy it. He could feel it in the air, and hear it in their laughter and heartbeats. Even with their drunken behavior, they were excited and happy. It made his heart ache.
“Tell us about the mythical booze,” Foggy demanded, pointing at her.
“It’s just hella strong compared to this. Like it makes this gin look like ginger ale,” she explained, reaching over to take the bottle from Karen. “Thor brought it to Stark’s party before what happened with Ultron —“
“The killer robot,” Karen suddenly interrupted, pointing at her as well. “I can’t believe you guys fought a robot that Tony Stark made.”
“Don’t even get me started on Tony Stark,” she groaned. “Thinks he knows what’s best for the world. But now I’m on house arrest.”
Matt decided now was when he’d join the fools on the floor, tapping her back to make her move forward some. She did so without hesitation, allowing Matt the sit behind her with his legs on either side of her body. She leaned into his chest and smiled brightly as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.
“Be thankful for that. I don’t think we would have met otherwise,” he said, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
Her hands reached up and held onto his arms, leaning into his kiss. “Okay, so Stark did one good thing for me.”
“Excuse you, he did three good things,” Karen corrected, resting her hands in her lap as she smiled at the hero. “He found you two awesome friends and a boyfriend.”
“Well, shit. He somehow managed to improved my life.”
“To Tony Stark,” Foggy cackled, holding up his shot glass. Karen held hers up as well, while Matt held up his beer. She held up the bottle of gin. “For somehow ruining her life but still improving it at the same time.”
Their glasses clanked together and laughter filled the apartment late into the night. Matt didn’t want the night to end; didn’t want to give up the normalcy that they were enjoying, even for one night. The overwhelming feeling of love that radiated through his apartment was enough to drown a man but he’d happily do so if it meant being here forever.
Karen was right about her though. But Karen didn’t point out what Matt thought should have been obvious. Maybe it wasn’t to them.
She may have gotten three good things out of her situation, but Matt was the lucky one. Because he had those three good things too:
Two good friends and someone who loved him.
Series Masterlist
Taglist (CLOSED): @thebisexual-disaster @chims-kookies @ferxaniti @heybabyshae @notalxx @gothicxbarbie @dark-night-sky-99 @blacxk-moony @celestialissues @pinkybee926 @bex-tk1 @jasontoddthezombie @killthebutt4fly @softieekayy @user897sblog @cbloodmarch @ammiddlechild @venusriver @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @yikes-buddy @buckyspetal @baconlover001 @flimsysquid @reh-llik @messagesinthesky @dreamypanda @happyfern2 @svft-cas @andiforgetaboutyoulongenoughh @deafeningnightcollection-things @milf-murdock
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cherryskyies · 3 years
hey!! i love your work so much! i was wondering if i could request a hisoka x fem!reader one shot where they are friends with benefits but he walks in on her cuddling someone else after sex and realizes he wants more. i would love for either prompts 1, 12, or 25 to be used, but i’ll leave it up to you and the direction you want to take it in! (to clarify, the reader is not cheating on him, they are both allowed to see whoever they want!) thank you so much and hope you are doing well <3
Thank you for the request, and I'm happy you enjoy my work!!
I apologize for the slight wait, I was stuck on the last half of it.
#1: “I never thought I’d be jealous over something like that.”
Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, some toxic behavior, I didn't edit thoroughly (sorry)
Prompt from this prompt list
Main Masterlist
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You knew it was wrong, leading your friend on like this, but you couldn't help it.
Hisoka had popped up, had his way with you, and left, not even bothering to help you clean up. It hurt your feelings to say the least.
It's not exactly ideal, being Hisoka's fuck toy. 
So when he leaves, not uttering a single goodbye or acknowledging your existence, you feel empty and you want to be held.
Which is why your friend is currently on your couch cuddled up next to you.
"I don't get why you keep seeing him," Lorenzo said, raking his fingers through your hair.
It was no secret that Lorenzo was in love with you, he has said it himself. He was willing to drop everything to be by your side.
"I lo-," you stopped yourself mid sentence, deciding it would be best to not tell your friend you were in love with the magician. "I like the sex."
Lorenzo rolled his eyes, not understanding how you are willing to hurt yourself because 'the sex is good.'
"I'm sure there are others who can fuck as good as him, stop hurting yourself for stupid reasons."
You buried your face in his leg, wishing it was as simple as that, "You wouldn't understand."
It's true, how could he understand a situation you haven't told the truth about? Sure, it's selfish of you to use Lorenzo like this, but you couldn't help it.
"I wouldn't understand?" He repeated, laughing. "Please tell me you are being sarcastic."
Confused, you looked at him, "What?"
His face fell, the smile replaced with a frown, "You can't be serious right now."
"Lorenzo, seriou-"
"I've literally been in love with you for 3 years," he said, staring down at you. "You know how long that is? How many nights I have spent awake, listening to you cry about the same man?"
You frowned, the guilt weighing you down, "I didn't ask you to fall in love with me."
"And I didn't ask to be your emotional support boy toy, but look at me now." 
Sighing, you sat up and pulled him into a hug, one which you were sure he'd reject, but when he didn't you held him tighter.
"I'm sorry, truly, and I do love you," you said, pulling back from the embrace. 
Lorenzo nodded, understanding what you meant when you told him you love him.
"You just don't love me the way I love you."
A clapping noise caught you off guard, causing you to jump and Lorenzo to hold you close to him.
"That is correct. (y/n) does not, and will never, love you," Hisoka said, stepping into the living room. 
There was slight blood lust radiating off of him, enough to make Lorenzo tense and you uncomfortable. 
Hisoka glared at Lorenzo, unhappy that the man was touching you in ways only he was allowed to.
It didn't take more than that for Lorenzo to shoot out of your house, Hisoka's glare following him every step of the way.
You stood up, angry with the way Hisoka was acting, "What the fuck?"
His eyes were on you, the glare still present.
"You're mine, so why the hell was another man touching what's mine? Care to tell me why?"
Confused, you shook your head, "I am not yours." 
You wish you were, though.
Hisoka walked over to you, gently pushing you onto the couch, "Remember earlier, I asked you, 'Whose needy little slut are you?' and you answered, 'Yours,' you remember that, right?"
"Yes, but tha-"
His hands were already under your shirt, "I never thought I'd be jealous over something like that," Hisoka said, talking over you as he unclasped your bra.
"Go ahead, finish your sentence, darling," he said, his hands slipping down to your jeans, working on undoing them.
A shaky breath left your lips, both aroused and annoyed with the man in front of you, "That shouldn't mean anything, we are just friends."
"Friends don't know the way you taste."
He was right, friends do not know the way you taste, and they sure as hell don't fuck every night.
You rolled your eyes, "friends with benefits then."
Hisoka paused, his lips lingering on your neck for a moment, "What if I want more than a friends with benefits deal."
'Is he being serious?' You honestly could not tell, but either way you agreed.
You pulled yourself out from under him, halting his movements, "Now is not the time for jokes, Hisoka."
"I'm not joking, (y/n)," he responded, looking you straight in the eyes. "If I had to spend the rest of my life with one person, I'd pick you."
Hisoka sighed, pushing himself off the couch so he could stand, "If you're going to reject me, let it be known that we won't stop fucking, unless you want to stop, but I'm sure that's not a thought that has ever crossed your mind."
"I'm not rejecting you," really, you aren't sure what you are doing. The man you've been in love with for years is admitting his love for you, so why aren't you jumping for joy?
"Then what are you doing, because you aren't reciprocating these feelings either."
Hisoka wasn't one to be nervous, like ever, but right now he was sure his cause of death would be a heart attack.
"Don't get me wrong, I've been in love with you for years, I'm just a little shocked is all," you explained, watching Hisoka perk up.
"So," you started, twiddling your fingers awkwardly, "What does this make us?"
Hisoka shrugged, "Well, we can either continue as fuck buddies or we can date."
You nodded, "As much as I love being your fuck buddy, I think I'd like to be your girlfriend as well."
"I was hoping you'd say that."
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Bring On The Wonder, We Got It All Wrong, We Pushed Us Down Deep In Our Souls, So Hang On
Batsis x Ghost-Maker One-Shot
Word Count: 2.6K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: This is a direct continuation of this piece right here that everyone got mad at me for because I made it angsty :) Enjoy! -Thorne
“Will you slow down?” Bruce complained, reaching her in a few steps. “Your ankle is sprained and you’re going to—”
She turned on him, slapping his hand away from where it was reaching for her. “I don’t wanna look or talk to you or anybody else right now.” She spat. “Take the hostages to GCPD and leave me the fuck alone.”
“He wasn’t going to kill you.” Bruce said and she scowled.
“It doesn’t matter what he was or wasn’t going to do.” She pointed to herself. “I thought he was going to. That’s what matters to me.” She turned and took a step, though her leg faltered, and she went to her knees, reaching to hold her ankle. “Fuck,” she hissed. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”
“(Y/N),” he murmured, bending down beside her and she reached up, yanking the cowl off.
“Everything hurts,” she cried, anger and pain lacing her voice. “My back hurts. My chest hurts. Everything fucking hurts.” She reached up to wipe the blood still leaking from her busted nose and split eyebrow. “And I’m bleeding.” (Y/N) licked her lips, feeling the sting from the broken skin of her bottom one.
Bruce’s hand went to his utility belt, unclipping one of the pockets, and he pulled out a rag; he gently raised it to her eyebrow, dabbing at the blood as he quietly stated, “Your eyebrow’s already in hemostasis. Though it’s going to need stitches.” His hand briefly stilled near her swollen eye, then he continued to her nose where he gently held it.
She whimpered, trying to recoil but he held on. “That hurts.”
“You need to stop the bleeding,” he advised, then grabbed her hand and placed it over his, forcing her to take it.
“What are you doing?”
Bruce didn’t answer her, one arm curling under her knees, the other her back and he hefted her up into his arms. “I’ll take you back to your penthouse.”
(Y/N) wanted to cry, and she was helpless to stop the tears that gathered in her eyes; she turned, burying her face in the plate of her brother’s shoulder pad, breathing deeply to keep her sobs at bay.
“I don’t know what’s going to come after this,” he explained softly, careful to take even steps to avoid jostling her. “But I know that you’re the only one who gets to choose what happens between you and him.” He rested his chin on her head. “And if you choose to take a leave for a while, then I’ll support that.”
She let out a shuddering breath. “I just want to crawl in a hole.”
“Want me to get my shovel and dig you one?”
A watery laugh passed her lips, though it dissolved into a sob and with her free hand, she reached over and grabbed Bruce’s opposite shoulder, squeezing tightly as she shook against him.
He inhaled deeply, catching Ghost-Maker from the corner of his eye leading the hostages out. “We’re going to be okay, (Y/N).”
Turns out that the leave of absence seemed like the best choice for her, and she’d hunkered down in a safe-house about three hundred miles outside of the state on the edges of the McIntyre Wild Area in Pennsylvania. Bruce and she had bought it years ago as a last-ditch effort if they needed to get out of Gotham and it’d taken the two of them, plus Clark to clear it out and build. Half of the time was having Clark laugh at the two siblings and call them “city-slickers trying to be country folk” as he watched them struggle to tame the land.
But in the end, it had been effective, and they’d built a rather cozy safe-house that looked inconspicuously like Ma and Pa Kent’s home in Smallville. It was stocked with everything they needed, a built-in basement for safe measures. She was alone and secure in the small cabin and that’s how she wanted to be. Since leaving some few days ago, she’d messaged each nephew and niece telling them that while she loved them dearly, she needed to be alone for some time and that she’d be back as soon as she could be.
They’d flooded her phone with messages and concerns, but she’d left the device in her penthouse before leaving, resting assured that Bruce would explain in her absence. She felt like a failure and more so, weak for leaving her brother with the job of explaining, but the last thing she wanted to do was explain the situation herself.
She sat on the couch in front of the fireplace, gazing absentmindedly as the flames cast light that flickered around the darkened room. The entire room was open, living room and fireplace in the center, bedroom in one corner, kitchen in the other, a closed bathroom in another. It all smelled like pine. Fresh air and the ingraining scent of pine. But it’s what she needed. Gotham City overwhelmed the olfactory senses with blood and smog and on especially bad days, the rotting scent of fish and death. Everyone needed a break from it at some point in their life; to remember how to breathe in air that wasn’t contaminated.
The only thing she didn’t like was how quiet it was. (Y/N) was used to the distant sounds of traffic, gunshots, and sirens. Here it was the sound of her breathing and the wind whistling through the trees, wildlife scratching and hunting away in the underbrush. She swore she could hear her blood flowing through her brain. If there was any consolation, it did help to hone the senses on what she wanted to hear. And what she didn’t want to hear was knocking at the front door.
Quietly she rose from the couch and walked to the side of her bed, grabbing the loaded twelve gauge; she cocked it and stepped up to the door, warning, “If you’re not park rangers, I suggest you leave now. I’m armed and I will shoot you.”
A muffled chuckle sounded from the other side. “Well, that’s not the way I figured you’d greet me.”
“Oh, so you were expecting the shotgun blast then?” she answered aiming at the door and she pulled the trigger, blasting a large hole in the center of the wooden door. (Y/N) waited until the smoke cleared before she walked up and bent down, peeking through to see him flat on the ground, unharmed, reflexive as ever.
“Damn,” she griped. “I really thought I was going to beat you that time, K.”
Ghost-Maker cocked his head up and she was sure he was glaring at her from beneath the mask. “You crazy—”
“Bitch?” (Y/N) finished. “Tell me about it.” She set the gun next to the door and stood up, flipping the lock before pulling it open. “What do you want.”
“Well, I was coming to see you,” he said, picking himself off the ground; dusting himself off, he added, “You wouldn’t answer me.”
“Huh, I wonder why?” (Y/N) questioned, pressing her finger to her chin in mock thought, then her face lit up and she exclaimed, “Maybe it was because you tried to kill me a week ago!”
“I wasn’t going to kill you.” He griped. “You know I wasn’t going to.”
“Noted. What do you want?”
“To talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you and if you’re smart, you’ll leave before I decide to reload the gun.”
Ghost-Maker sighed, gazing at her. “I was using Kyusho Jitsu to slow you down until Bruce arrived.”
(Y/N) wanted to scream, but she kept her voice level. “And that somehow justifies splitting both lips, one eyebrow, busting my nose, and throwing me into an electric fence?”
“…No,” he murmured. “No, it doesn’t.” He looked at her. “But I was concerned that if I didn’t make it look like we were really trying to kill one another, Riddler was going to kill the hostages.”
She merely stared at him for a long moment. “You know, I used to think I knew when you were telling the truth, but now that I really think about it, I don’t know when you’re lying to me either.”
He stood to his full height, jaw tightening as he said, “I’m many things, but I’m not a liar, (Y/N). And I’d never lie to you.”
“I don’t believe you,” she shot back, face pinching as she finished with, “And you can sleep outside.”
She shut the door and turned around, walking to the bed in the corner and he looked through the hole in the middle. “You know I can just come inside if I want?”
(Y/N) laughed, stripping the shorts and long shirt she had on before climbing into the bed. “You take one step in here and I’ll cut your penis off and nail it to your forehead.”
“Hmm…have it your way,” he decided, turning around and she had as she tried, she couldn’t block out the sound of him setting up his blanket and bedding on the porch.
Hopefully, he’d be gone in the morning.
A crack of thunder startled her awake and she sat up in the bed, looking out the window to see the rain beating down. Her eyes drifted to the hole in the door and for a moment, she wanted to get up and see if he was okay, but she felt a bolt of irritation flash through her and she huffed, flopping back down into the bed, yanking the covers over her head.
She laid there for a few minutes, listening to the thunder clap above her, the lightning illuminating the room ever other moment, then she groaned, cursing herself for being a good person deep, deep down. (Y/N) threw the covers off her and rolled out of the bed, hurrying to the door. Pulling it open, she couldn’t help but smile at the man curled up in his thoroughly soaked blanket.
“Come inside.” He said nothing in return, and she sighed, kicking him in the stomach. “I know you’re awake, K. Get in here.”
“I thought you didn’t want me inside,” he retorted, yet to pull the blanket off his head.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “I don’t. But I’d be a terrible person if I let you get pneumonia.”
“You know you can’t catch that from rain, right? It’s caused by—”
“Fine. Stay out here for all I care,” she interrupted, starting to close the door and he sat up, scrambling for the inside.
“Wait!” She smirked and he craned his neck up at her to scowl. “You did that on purpose.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” (Y/N) retorted, cracking the door open more so he could get inside. He sat against the door when she closed it and she leaned against the door frame, watching the water drip down his soaked body.
“Want a change of clothes?” she asked. “Bruce left some behind the last time he was here.”
“Thank you,” he said, and she walked over to the dresser, pulling out a pair of boxers and an undershirt.
She turned, seeing him yanking off his shirt and pants, then tossed the clothes to him. “Here.”
He caught them. “I’m not wearing his boxers.”
“They’re new, jack-ass.” (Y/N) snorted, looking away so he could dress himself, then she glanced back. “Feel better?”
“I feel less cold,” he retorted, walking around the fireplace to toss another couple logs inside. “You’re letting the fire die out.”
She rolled her eyes and wandered into the kitchen, returning with a clean rag. “You’d be less cold if you took the mask off and toweled your hair.”
He looked up at her, watching, waiting, and since he didn’t stop her from reaching behind him, she untied the knot at the base of his skull, pulling the damp fabric away.
(Y/N) wiped the water from his face, softly brushing over his cheeks, then to his eyebrows, and when she was satisfied, she placed the towel on his head, and gently massaged his scalp, letting the towel soak up all the rainwater.
When she was done, she tossed it aside and sank onto the brick wraparound with a heavy sigh, eyes drifting to the wall. Ghost-Maker collapsed against her legs, resting his head back on her thighs; unconsciously, (Y/N)’s hands went to his hair, stroking the brown tresses.
After a few minutes, he murmured, “I apologize for not telling you the plan.”
Her hands stilled for a moment before continuing their ministrations. “I accept your apology.” She scratched his scalp. “Sorry for what I said.”
“It didn’t hurt my feelings,” he shrugged, and she tugged his hair.
“Yes, it did.” He tipped his head back, gazing at her. “Parade it around all you want but we both know you’re not immune to having your feelings hurt.”
Ghost-Maker searched her eyes. “You truly thought I was going to kill you?”
“Yes,” (Y/N) answered. “Everything was happening so quickly. I didn’t have time to think about what fighting style you were using on me. All I knew was that you weren’t pulling punches and it didn’t feel like a plan to me.”
She stared at him. “And I was scared of you.”
“Are you scared of me now?” he questioned, and she inhaled then exhaled.
“No.” He seemed relieved, but it was short lived as she added, “But I don’t trust you anymore. And I don’t know how long it’s going to be before I do again.”
He looked away. “I see.” Nothing was said for a moment, and he pulled from her, standing to his feet. “It’s late. We should rest.”
(Y/N) stood and started making her way to the bed when she realized he was going too. “Uh, what are you doing?”
“Going to bed?” Ghost-Maker offered, and she cocked a brow.
“Try again, K.” She pointed to the couch. “Go.”
His face pinched and he turned, but she caught his hand and he stopped, glancing back at her. (Y/N), against the better judgement in her head and the obvious discomfort between the two of them, stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her forehead to the middle of his chest.
He seemed to freeze at the sudden action, even if it’d been one, they’d done many times, but he recovered, one arm wrapping around her waist, the other around the back of her neck. His cheek brushed her temple and her grip shifted, hands coming up to press flat against his shoulders; with the warmth stinging the corners of her eyes, she dug her nails into his back as if it were the one thing keeping her from breaking down.
She wanted to say it. Wanted to tell him how angry she was. How hurt. How much loathing was built up inside of her, but nothing would come out.
“I know,” Ghost-Maker murmured against her hair. “I know what you’re thinking, (Y/N), and I know.” He pulled back, hand slipping from her neck to cup her cheek; he pressed his forehead to hers and assured quietly, “I know.”
(Y/N)’s eyes slipped shut and she let out a shaky breath. “Tomorrow,” she whispered, and he nodded.
“Tomorrow.” He let her go and watched as she unsteadily headed for the bed, collapsing onto the mattress; she tugged the blankets over her head, and he frowned as he saw her frame start to shake beneath them. Pulling the blanket off the couch, he laid down and watched her for some time. Waiting until she stopped shaking and slipped off into sleep so he himself could sleep too.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Hello i would kill for some awkward Connor attempting to comfort Chris during training please and thank you
Follow-up to this piece from yesterday
CW: Pet whump, implied whump of a minor, bruising, some dehumanizing language, BBU, facility whump, creepy comfort, The Moral Standards of Monsters, some implied conditioning due to ableism (blink-and-you’ll-miss-it)
“Hey, Manning.”
Connor looks up from his lunch - he’s at his desk in his training room, a sandwich, bag of chips, and bottle of his iced coffee set out in front of him while he finishes up paperwork from the last trainee’s fitness reports - and sighs. Fucking Luke goddamn Petrus. “Yeah?”
For a second, his stomach flips. Linda swore up and down that the complaint would be anonymous, and Connor isn’t the only person in the hallway who has brought up the screaming being… irritating… but still.
Luke is Director Renford’s favorite in a big way, her loyal henchman, and he can make a handler’s life a living hell if he wants to.
Luke leans against the open doorway, giving him a bright smile. Above the expression, though, Luke’s blue eyes stay cold as ice. Like the Director, Connor thinks sometimes. Two fucking peas in a pod, and Connor’s always a little bit on the outside.
Lately, though, he’s been feeling kind of grateful he’s on the outskirts. The Director’s approval is something everyone works for, but having her focus on you too long and too thoroughly sounds as terrifying as her anger.
“I just got called up to a meeting with Renford.”
Renford. Like they’re buddies. Like he’s equals with her. Connor keeps his mouth shut, but he wonders how the Director would react if she knew he calls her Renford when she’s not right in front of him. “Good for you. I don’t see why that should affect my lunch break.”
“The meeting could last a few hours. I know you’ve got the afternoon off from trainee work. Would you mind keeping an eye on one of mine? He’s just out of a week in solitary, so he’s needy as fuck.”
Connor perks up a little at that. Needy trainee and unscheduled afternoon sounds like just the pick-me-up he needs today. “He need any training work?”
“Nah. Do whatever you want with him.” Luke gives Connor a wink. “He’s got some top notch fucking flexibility. Just saying. You can twist him into pretzels. Tell him he’s being good and he’ll do it all himself. Kid’s eager as fuck now that we’re past the halfway point.”
Connor swears internally but keeps his expression carefully the same. “What do you mean, kid, Luke? Wait a sec-”
“I’ll bring him in, hold on!” Luke’s already gone from the doorway.
Connor has a sinking feeling of realization that Luke didn’t just randomly decide to leave a trainee with him. He must’ve figured out who put the fucking complaint in. And he knows that Connor hates the screaming, if he knows that.
Which means…
Luke reappears, and sure enough, the little redheaded trainee who is the cause of all the wailing and sobbing is right beside him.
No weights hanging from his hands this time, but there are deep red marks around his wrists and bruises at his upper arms just below his sleeves that suggest he’s done plenty of training work this morning, whatever Luke says.
Jesus, this kid is eerily beautiful. Pale skin, flushed in the aftermath of tears, with a smattering of freckles all over like constellations of stars. His hair’s that rare shining strawberry blond, with eyebrows pale enough to make him seem faintly inhuman. Connor wonders exactly which piece of shit with a thing for teenagers put the order in.
He wants to make sure he doesn’t vote for the guy.
Not that Connor Manning votes.
But maybe he’ll start, and then start purposefully voting for someone else. That's probably way more effort than he'll ever put in to anything that isn't work or Socks, but it feels kind of nice to think about it.
The trainee keeps his eyes carefully down on the floor. Connor notes he’s not even wearing the shock collar any longer - just your average band of black leather, buckled at the side, no padlock. Not only not being shocked, or not needing it, but already far enough along not to try and remove his own collar.
“Luke. I’ve told you how I feel about the underagers-”
“Yeah, and I’ve told you that you can judge me when you're an angel, numbnuts. You’re not better than me. You just have different victims.”
“Oh, the Director would have a shit-fit hearing you call the trainees victims.”
“Yeah, well, maybe I’m the only one who really grasps exactly what it is we do here, Manning. I just also happen to enjoy it. Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, right?"
“Go fuck yourself, Petrus. I enjoy my job just fine.” Why is he defensive about this? Connor doesn’t quite understand the surge of irritation within him. Why does he give a fuck what Luke goddamn Petrus has to say about anything, anyway?
“Yeah, for now you do. We’ll see how it goes. I’ve been at this gig for a long time, I see the ones who flame out, and you’re one of them. Anyway, I’ve got to go meet with Renford, I’ll be back by three. If you get tired of him, just put him on the mat and I’ll pick him up when I’m done.”
“Yeah, okay.” Connor frowns, pushing himself to his feet. “I do like my job, Petrus.”
“For now. Bet I’ll be the only person here totally unsurprised when you quit one day.”
“I’m not going to quit.”
“I’ll bet you a thousand damn dollars you do, and I’ll raise the bet to fifteen hundred that it’s over your fucking conscience making a reappearance.”
“Don’t have one."
Luke just sighs, and gives Connor a patronizing little smirk before he turns and leaves. The trainee looks over his shoulder to watch Luke go, pleading with his eyes but not saying a word. The door shuts, and Connor and the trainee are alone.
Connor clears his throat, picking up the sandwich but finding he doesn’t really want it any longer. “What’s your number, trainee?”
The boy’s eyes snap back to him, briefly, before they drop to the floor. Connor notes with vague professional detachment that they’re red-rimmed. He’s been crying again, but then, when isn’t this fucking trainee crying?
When he’s screaming instead, Connor’s thoughts answer him.
God, he wishes these trainees didn’t get to him so much. He can’t talk to anyone about it, either, word will get out Connor Manning has regrets. Questioning the company is a good way to find yourself on the wrong end of a shock collar.
“223499, sir,” The boy says. His voice is low and soft, and each number and word is deliberately placed, as if he’s carefully pacing himself as he speaks. “Designation… Romantic-”
“Yeah, I knew that already. That’s all Luke does.” Connor leans his chin on his hand, looking the kid over. There’s solid muscle in that kid, he thinks, legacy of whatever life he lived before. It’s wasting away under the carefully calibrated malnourishment they’re all subjected to, but the memory of strength is in there, still. An easy, unconscious grace that didn’t have to be taught. “You’ve already done training work today?”
Those green eyes flash up at him again, nervous. Frightened. The boy shifts from foot to foot, then goes still. His fingers twitch before he pauses that, too. Connor watches it all with a kind of slightly repulsed interest. “Yes, sir. But… Handler Petrus said that… that if you want, you can-... can test me-”
“I don’t want,” Connor says heavily, cutting him off with a gesture. The boy’s mouth snaps shut instantly. “Not in the mood.”
There’s an expression of genuine confusion - when is a handler not in the mood? - that flits across the boy’s face. It’s a look of such comedic bafflement that Connor ends up laughing, shaking his head. He doesn’t even put his sexy, dark laugh on, but just snort-laughs naturally, before he walks over to the kid, watching him pull into himself, shoulders hunched.
“Relax, kid. I’m not going to hurt you.”
The kid’s nose wrinkles. It’s adorable. “But… all you do… is hurt us.”
Luke’s fucking technique, Connor thinks. Luke’s trainees don’t forget anything he’s taught them, to be sure, but they never quite learn how to act like they’re in love with it, either. Connor can turn out a trainee who genuinely thinks he’s in love. Luke turns out trainees who hate everything they can’t stop themselves from doing.
Some perspectives are into that, he supposes. Connor thinks he’d rather have the act.
“Yeah, well, I’m not going to do that today. Come on,” Connor says, and his voice gentles a little. “I’ve got plenty to keep myself busy with. Why don’t you lay down on the mat and get some sleep while I work?” He puts a hand on the boy’s shoulder, feeling him trembling slightly through the thin cloth of his white trainee t-shirt. The boy moves when he’s nudged, carefully stepping across the room, tense as a wire about to snap.
“Are you-... are you going to, to, to, to, um-” The boy flinches back from an expected punishment when he stammers. "Silence is, is better than stammering, try again, silence is better than-... try again." The kid mutters to himself, takes a deep breath, tries again. "Are you... going to... give me a pill?"
Connor pulls his hand back, frowning. Now it’s his turn to look confused.
What the fuck is even going on with this kid?
“Nah. I don't even keep them in my training room. No worries, kid.” He pitches his voice low, soothing, reassuring. “The only thing I intend to do is finish up some papers, go take a smoke break outside, and then come back and get set up for my next rounds at seven before I head out. This is a real break. Okay? I’m not even interested in whatever it is Handler Petrus is doing with you. I just want to do my job.”
The kid looks at him. He’s almost always seen him drugged out of his gourd, barely able to focus on anything not right in front of his face. Right now, though, there’s a sense that the boy is considering his words, actually able to think about them. “Yes, sir. I can-... I, I can lay down?” 
 “Yeah, go for it.” Connor waves his hand again, moving back to his desk.
“Thank you, sir.” The kid’s gratitude is pathetic. Connor has to give Luke that, he does know how to make a trainee say thank you for just about anything. Connor’s method takes more work to get to that than Luke’s.
But Connor doesn’t have to drug his trainees to do it. And he doesn’t work with kids.
Shit. Maybe I am going to wind up with a conscience. Handlers get fired over that.
Or worse.
After a pause, watching him go, the kid kneels down, then lays down on his stomach, making as much contact with the heated mat as he can. There’s a soft exhale, something almost like contentment. Connor watches those tensed, probably painful muscles slowly relax. His bare feet start to rub against each other, back and forth, back and forth.
There’s a blanket nearby, and the boy hesitantly grabs at it, pulls it over himself. Breathes out, eyes fluttering shut as warmth surrounds him utterly for what’s probably the first time in a while. Or at least warmth that doesn’t come with certain conditions.
Connor’s eyes trace the line of the boy’s jaw - there’s a bruise there, too, like a thumb pressed too hard into delicate skin. Coppery eyelashes lay flat, long enough to just brush his cheek. His hair falls over his forehead and eyes.
It’s like looking at a fucking painting.
“Jesus, you’re pretty as hell, aren’t you?”
The boy’s eyebrows furrow, briefly, but he doesn’t open his eyes or pull back from the mat. He curls up tighter under the blanket, disappearing up to his chin.
Connor turns back to his work, filling out a questionnaire. He’s still working at it when he hears, just barely, the boy’s soft reply to his question.
“I, I, I wish I wasn’t.”
@burtlederp @finder-of-rings @endless-whump @astrobly @newandfiguringitout @doveotions @pretty-face-breaker @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whump-tr0pes @downriver914 @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @nonsensical-whump @outofangband @eatyourdamnpears
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punemy-spotted · 3 years
The Price You Pay Chapter 3: Counteroffer
Pairing: Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader, Senator!Andy Barber x Reader
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con elements, Dub-Con, Dark!Fic, Abuse of Legal System, Murder, Character Death (minor, possibly major), Love Triangle, Political AU, Mafia AU, Workplace Sexual Harassment, Abuse Mentions, Possessive/Obsessive Characters, Other Chapter-Specific Warnings May Apply, Possible Dead Dove: Would Not Eat
Chapter Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Elements Continue; Dub-Con; Angst; Politics; Possessive/Manipulative Behavior; Spanking; Choking; Crying; The Dove is Probably Dead: Do Not Eat
Chapter Summary: The return of an old friend brings back the ghosts of old memories.
Chapter 1; Chapter 2
Notes: Shorter chapters my ass, these outlines are getting unreal. Andy Barber has arrived, Steve Rogers does not approve, the Reader bears the consequences. Things are going to be angstier from here on out and I can feel it in my bones. Please don’t yell at me — or do, your feedback is well-loved and appreciated even if it’s yelly.
Not beta-read, these sins belong to me and me alone.
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You met Andy Barber fresh from the ashes of his divorce, escaping the gossip and scandal and pain of his past life only to dive into the gossip and scandal and pain of politics. Senatorial campaign, in need of an aide and a law student desperate to do more for the people than hours in clinics and mock trials. Hungry for something grassroots, angling for the impossible.
A match. Whether made in Heaven or Hell feels irrelevant now, long ago as it was.
It was then. This… is now.
Hey Sunshine, didn’t think you’d be able to make it.
He looks the same. Keeps the same beard. Same hair. It’s uncanny and familiar and safe all at once and you slide into the booth with your purse by your side and feel genuinely smiley for the first time in a long time.
It’s been a while since I heard that name.
Yeah? It’s been a while since I got to use it.
The silence is heavy, unwelcome, unwieldy, a reminder of the space between what was and what is.
How’re you doing? Last I heard you were making a name for yourself taking down the…
He trails off, eyes fixed on the slide of your gaze, the sudden interest in a drink menu you wouldn’t normally touch, the tremor of your lips. A man doesn’t serve as Assistant District Attorney for the many years he has without picking up tells.
It’s a warning, a plea, a… confession, all at once, and all the dogged determination in the world can’t hold against the break in your voice, in your control. You’ve cried more in the past few weeks than you can recall and now here he is, soulful eyes and a worried expression and he’s never hugged you really, but suddenly you might want it just that much more.
Don’t be an idiot.
It’s dangerous, your stress, and you know it.
Dangerous enough to send you into the arms of the next safe thing — this is why you don’t do this, isn’t it, this reaching out bit, but no advocacy group on the planet is going to save you from yourself today.
I saw… I saw you win that case. Pretty brutal, standing up to the Syndicate, and getting what you did. He steamrolls past the way you wince, his thumb on that metaphorical bruise and pressing, the Prosecutor’s dogged determination demanding answers, I have a friend in the office, he was convinced you’d be climbing the ranks.
Every word is a twist of the knife, couched in quiet concern, gentle admonition, a warm hug in a smoky tenor and you want to tell him everything, you want to break down in his arms and tell him every word, every buried piece of you he never learned, everything that’s led you to this.
You don’t.
You know better than to trust him too. No one’s going to take care of you but you so instead you shake your head and wave it off and Decided going into the private sector was the better option — one big win doesn’t really make up for the stress, you know.
Private sector. That’s what you’re calling the SHIELD Syndicate now? C’mon, Sunshine…
Look. It’s the Syndicate’s New York, when he made the offer it was… safer than saying no. It’s a cushy position anyway, and I didn’t want anyth—
He doesn’t believe you. He doesn’t believe you and you’re digging a hole trying to explain your way out of it so you just… shut up, shaking your head, It’s not important. I’m fine. I’m more curious about you — what year is it now, your fourth? What are you doing in New York?
The deflection works, but the look on his face is obvious — you’re not getting out of this so easily. He gives in for now, just for now, for you.
Almost fifth, gearing up for re-election. Had a meeting up here… about the organized crime situation for both states, and I remembered you were in the area.
Oh. You… it’s been a while since we talked, you remembered?
You expect me to forget you, Sunshine?
That stops you in your tracks, or whatever road your mind had been racing on, thoroughly not enjoying the defensive you’ve been on since you met with Steve, constantly under watch and waiting for yet one more shoe to fall on you.
That’s fear, sweetness.
You were the best campaign aide I had — I told you then too, I would have made you Chief of Staff if you’d let me.
It’s a good save. A clever save, and you want to believe it more than anything, want to believe it was all business and no pleasure because the alternative makes your nails bite into the table and want to turn tail before he can say another word and he… sees that panic flicker over your face so keenly it’s almost embarrassing.
You’re not used to this.
You’re not used to the warmth of his eyes when he searches your face for the answers you can’t give voice to. You’re not used to the way he reaches for your hand and rests it over your fingers, curling around your palm like he might actually keep you close and keep you safe and keep you free of the demons you made a part of yourself too.
Sunshine, why does his voice have to be so soft, why does it have to sound like molten honey on your senses, why does he have to say your name like it’s the very definition of the word hope, If you’re not safe…
No. No you’re not, tell him tell him the truth, tell him you’re atoning for the girl you could not protect tell him you aren’t worth it tell him this is your penance tell him you signed a death warrant tell him tell him tell him.
Andy, really. I’m fine. It’s a good job.
It’s a shit lie.
He drops it. Drops it just long enough for a waiter to finally come by, for his hand to leave yours while he talks through the wine menu. Drops it long enough for you to check your phone, realizing with horror that you must have silenced it absentmindedly sometime on your way here.
Ten missed calls.
All from Steve.
And one text, stamped from just five minutes ago.
[SMS] Either you pick up your phone or I pick you up, Counsel.
The next one comes right before your eyes, a picture of a map and a GPS pin. Your location.
You glance up at Andy, still talking to the waiter about the small plates options, feign a smile and Go ahead and choose, you have better taste than me, and return to staring at the picture and the three dots at the bottom of your screen, waiting to see his next message.
[SMS] Make your choice.
The haptic feedback of your keyboard feels like an electric shock with every letter, hurried fingers until you manage to tap out something that won’t immediately put the man in front of you in the crosshairs of the most dangerous organization in New York.
You can’t do that to him. You can’t.
[SMS] I’m at a dinner with a friend.
[SMS] And since I know there’s no emergencies pressing, I’d like my time, thank you.
You have the good sense to set it next to you this time, watching your screen light up with whatever furious response he sends next, glancing over only occasionally every time another one comes through. Don’t let him control you. Don’t let him think you’re at his beck and call.
You’re not.
You’re free, you’re free and you’re going to prove it.
Sunshine? What’s going on?
His voice cuts through the haze of panic like a knife and you swear you don’t mean to jump but you do and there’s no denying what he notices, eyes narrow and lips turned down in a sharp scowl, Sunshine…?
You are not that girl. You cannot be that girl, never again.
Steel. Steel yourself, flash him a smile, take a sip of the ice water left in front of you while you’d been checking your phone, reset yourself. Steady. Steady on.
Don’t let them know.
Nothing, nothing, just the boss — let him know I was busy.
Why is he texting you after hours? The Syndicate can’t be that busy.
He’s too watchful for your own good. Probably just making sure I’m staying out of trouble.
Are you?
Are you calling yourself trouble, Senator?
You like this. You can handle this, the trading of jokes, the crooked way he smiles. His eyes are a little more distant than you remember but you can still see them sparkle softly when he suppresses a laugh, lighting up properly when the joy reflects in them.
Briefly, you wonder when the last time he really laughed was.
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By the time dinner is over, his hand, warm and steady, is back on yours as you talk — and for a moment you almost enjoy the way he runs his thumb over your knuckles absently, like he’s making careful appraisal of each one. Could use your skills for the re-election campaign, you know.
Really? You’ve got a gorgeous approval rating, what are you afraid of?
Not having my good luck charm on the staff.
I’m dead serious, Sunshine, you ran that ship. You were what, a 2L? Rising 3? You had canvassing down to a science. We need that energy down on the Hill.
The curve of his fingers is a little tighter now, squeezing yours, like proof of his earnestness and oh, you want to keep believing him. You need to keep believing him.
There’s so much in New York I have to get done first. And besides, you know me. I want a life on the bench.
Justice Sunshine, and it sounds absurd when he uses your nickname and it sounds so real when he uses your nickname and in the warm smoke of his voice those contradictions can live together all at once.
That’s the one. Closest you’ll see me to Washington is when I’m appointed to the Supreme Court. It’s a dumb, arrogant, silly joke but it’s the same one you used to make with him over drinks, teasing him about his political goals and making him promise to “go easy on you” at your eventual Senate confirmation hearing.
It’s the one that makes him crack that too-beautiful crooked smile while he takes a sip of his drink — hiding the curve of his lips behind the rim of a heavy glass.
Well. If you ever decide to ditch—
Ever decide to ditch what?
The world moves in slow motion: hearing the low growl from behind you; Andy Barber looking up and rising to his feet, his hand slipping from yours with just the ghost of his comfortable touch to assure you; Steve Rogers coming into view as you turn, flanked by the not-entirely-unfamiliar faces of two of his enforcers — it looked like Wilson and Banner had been selected this evening — and the sudden pressure of knowing you’ve done something terribly, terribly wrong.
You stood me up, Counsel. Steve’s voice is a threat, a half-drawl as you stand up and face him, Andy right behind you, Something wrong with taking my phone calls?
She was busy, the sound of Andy’s voice is a balm to your soul and fuel to Steve’s fire, the muscle in his jaw jumping as he grits his teeth and resists the temptation to throw the first punch — you can see the fingers of his right hand curling into a fist, can’t you? The slow curve, the watching, wondering if you’ll make the right choice now that someone has chosen to try to lead you astray.
And who the fuck are you? If he can’t get you to respond, he’ll get something from the man talking for you, eyes trained on him like he’s debating whether his own frustration will make this interloper turn to nothingness and return you to his arms where you rightfullybelong.
Do you? Rightfully belong?
Senator Andy Barber. The title practically knocks the wind out of Steve’s sails and you can see it — he may be the Captain here, King of New York, ruler of his domain but he’s not stupid enough to openly attack a man with connections beyond the Syndicate’s web of influence. It’s a comfort and it’s not, all at once.
The room is still, vibrating with tension, the two men staring daggers at one another and you caught in the middle. I worked on Senator Barber’s campaign when he first ran for election, you manage out in some vain hope it might explain and mollify, only to be thoroughly disappointed — and judging by the way Banner winces, only to dig your grave further.
We’re talking about this later, Counsel. You’re coming home.
And what gives you the right to give her orders? You really are going to have to look back at Andy and beg him to not make this worse. You really are going to have to let him see your face, see that you’re afraid, sweetness. He’s not going to let you go easy and this should not terrify you as much as it does.
Senator Barber. It’s fine. Something must have come up,turning to face his burning eyes, until his face softens like he’s seeing you for the first time. And is he? Is he seeing how you just need him to let it go, let you go, drop the protectiveness and step back?
He has to, because he does, nodding before he grabs his coat and glances to the host station. If you say so, Sunshine. Take care of yourself. He doesn’t press, not knowing when he’s beat but knowing when you don’t want him to. When you’re not safe.
And Steve Rogers offers you his hand to walk you out.
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And just what the hell did you think you were doing!?
Oh, and you control my time off the clock now too?
He dragged you back home.
No. Not to your apartment, that sanctuary away from all this you’d been allowed to keep as part of the “deal.” His home, the bedroom where you signed yourself away, the space he unraveled you and left you tangled in your new life.
He dragged you back home, in the grim silence of the backseat of his car and you waited. Waited for the inevitable explosion, the one prefaced by Wilson’s nervous looks and Banner’s cautious stare.
This explosion, where he rounds in on you, where livid is still too tame a term.
Meeting with a Senator? Ignoring my calls? I told you, you were mine tonight.
And I told you I had plans.
After I told you that you were mine, Counsel.
Okay. That’s true, even if you’re loathe to admit it.
Plans adjust. Andy wanted to—
Oh, Andy now? I thought it was Senator Barber? You’re really familiar with him, aren’t you, Counsel?
Just what the fuck are you implying?
Maybe you need a reminder of who you belong to.
He loves to do this. Wrap his big hand around your throat, remind you just how easily he can impose his power onto you, watch your protests die behind your eyes when you realize how useless words are in the face of his violence.
The furious look in your eyes is something to behold, the way you embed your nails into his wrist to try and drag him off you, all soft snarls and indignant huffs, You fucking asshole…
You’re mine, Counsel, and don’t you forget it. You gave yourself to me, remember?
Like I… like I had much of a choice, breathy, furious, and clawing at him.
Doesn’t matter. You’re mine, and clearly I need to make sure you know it…
Captain, sweetness, Captain, and don’t you forget it.
There’s a moment, when anger becomes transcendental, when it turns into something cold and calculating and prepared, when a plan forms behind his eyes and you watch as he looks down at you, so full of fury and fear all at once and you watch as he leans in so close and you feel his hand slide until he has you by the back of the neck, until his thumb is the thing pressing under your chin to keep your eyes on him, until the heel of his hand is the thing keeping you from shouting at him further. Such a stubborn little bitch…
You can almost see the words forming in his mind, the ones his mouth won’t say, I could be so good to you, but he doesn’t say them, sliding his lips over yours instead and it is… soft. A capturing of your mouth with his, not caring that you protest, only insistent on leaving you breathless and hazy-eyed from each tug of his lips on yours and there stokes the warmth of more than your rage, a different fire rising in your core, unbidden and unwelcome but yours to own and his to play with.
He can sense it, practically feel it, that mad serum racing through his veins and making his nostrils flare as he pulls back and watches you, lets the scent of your perfume fill his senses like a drug he can’t get enough of and, I should hate you too, for this, whispered low and hushed and you barely catch it, don’t you? Barely, but enough, enough to remember it was said just before he pulls you down with him into the depths of his own lust.
And into his lap, it seems, as he drags you down, sitting on the bed with you draped over his lap, an effortless shift in his skillful hands. You can protest, and you do, even daring to try to pull away with a kick of your legs and an indignant, What the hell do you think you’re doing?But you know it’s all futile, useless as he places one heavy hand on your back and lets the other slide over the smooth chiffon of your blouse, tracing a line along your spine with careful, practiced ease.
Would have preferred this with a little more… circumstance, sweetness, but you need to learn a lesson now and drastic times call for drastic measures.
You can turn your head slightly, to look at him, that wild-eyed fury so sweet on your face and you are still a wild creature he needs to tame but he is patient and he can do this for as long as it takes.
But you’re a sight like this, draped over his lap in a pencil skirt and blouse, so put together and proper and now so prone to him, helpless under the appraisal of his hands and the way he takes no time in hiking your skirt up around your waist. Captain! Your protest is met with a low chuckle, especially as he lets his palm curve around the round swell of your ass, before leaving a light swat on the soft flesh, to draw a yelp from your furious mouth.
If that’s all it takes to get you shouting, sweetness, you’re going to hate what comes next, smug and cruel, as you try to hold yourself up enough to look at him, met with his smirk and the simmering fury still bubbling in his eyes. To say you’re in danger still is an understatement, no doubt, and you know it.
I won’t make you count this time, but piss me off again, sweetness, and we’ll just see how much you can take, you hear me?
Oh you loathe him, really and truly loathe him, hissing with anger and embarrassment, so close to twisting in his arms and clawing at him but remembering his size and just how much worse it could get — but then there lies the undercurrent.
The one you loathe too, more than you hated him, that warmth. Seeping into your core, a low heat kindled by the sly softness of his lips on yours and the sure tenor of his voice, low and soothing even as he promised damnation. The one that — just like now — leaves you flushed and writhing while he purrs threats to you, massaging the soft skin and sliding the lace of your panties down to remove all barriers to the sex he owns so surely.
You open your mouth to argue with him but as you do, you feel his hand lift from your flesh and then the resounding SMACK of palm on skin, turning words into nothing but a sharp cry of pain, surprise, and lust. The heat rises just as your body tenses, reacting to the sudden attack on your delicate form, cheeks flushed. Even as your eyes well with tears your sex strives to betray you and — Oh do you like that, sweetness? — damn him for noticing.
Let me go, Captain, the threat is shaky, your voice wavering with something like want and panic all at once, and all it does is draw another laugh as he soothes the stinging mark left on your cheek, gentle as a lover and four times as cruel.
Do you know what I think, sweetness? And another raise of his palm, to strike you once more, listening to the way that cry of pain and surprise turns into a soft, involuntary moan the moment he begins to soothe the ache, I think you need this. Always so uptight, trying to be the head bitch in charge, aren’t you? Just looking for someone to take over, take control, remind you where your place is.
His fingers slip further, more interested in exploring the soft slickness of your sex, listening to your protests die in your throat with every press of his fingers into your plush folds. That’s why I’m here, to keep you in my lap, all fucked and soft, sweetness. Don’t you worry, I’m going to take care of you. Even if I have to teach you just like this.
You should hate the way he talks, hates how he finds your center with effortless ease, like he’s known your body for years. Holding you down in his lap still as he draws mewling moans from you with every curl of his fingers, finding the proof of his accusations in the slick need coating your thighs, soaking his fingers, You’re making such a mess of me, sweetness. Are you going to be good?
Hiss at him. Snarl at him, buck your hips and twist in his arms, push him away. Do something more than what you are now, with red-rimmed eyes and tears staining your face, do more than listen to him talk, feel his cock pressing against you as you lay in his lap, I’m going to ask it one more time, sweetness. Are. You. Going. To. Be. Good?
He punctuates each word of his question with a harsh smackagainst your ass, leaving little time for you to do more than cry out, until the last spank draws something like a moan from your perfect lips and therein lies your surrender for tonight, that soft mewl of pleasure born of pain and he soothes you again with soft shushes and gentle touches, back to inspecting the renewed slickness of your cunt, back to enjoying that plump tightness wrapped around his fingers and back to trying to control the shift of his own hips and you can feel him, hard against you, needing you as much as he is compelling your body to need him.
Captain… a low, desperate sort of mewl, the squirm of your body less to escape and more to enticeand he notices. Notices the way your fingers try to cling to him, notices how you look so very sweet when you’re so very desperate and in some way this is your own game of control, a push and pull and the curl of his fingers is suddenly so much angrier, driving you to the precipice of the fall and you are tumbling, tumbling down into a darkness of want you may never recover from.
Say it again. Tell me you need me, sweetness, tell me you need me and I’ll give you everything, and there’s an edge to the way he says everything, like he might meanit, like he might give you the world if you just gave in and you hate him, sweetness, you hate him but you need the things you hate once in a while and you can’t keep bearing his fury on your body and so you sob out your surrender and whine—
I need you, Captain, please…
And that is enough.
Let him believe you.
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archaneanscribe · 3 years
Finally Taking the Trip to Jupiter
Vague spoilers for MGS4. Also xtremely fucking sad fair warning lol
“Snake... Dave?” Hal immediately corrected himself upon entering the room. The veteran’s (finally they could use that term, with there truly being no fights left to fight) request to drop the codenames they had maintained for nearly a decade had been a little sudden, but entirely understandable, “We think we’ve found a place to stay, for the moment. A nice house, close enough to a town that Sunny can go to school in, but far enough ouy most folks will leave us alone.”
David simply nodded- taking a deep breath that would normally be an intake of smoke into his lungs, but he was sincere in his declaration of quitting. Even if it wasn’t for very long, he could do that much for Sunny and Hal, after all this time. The tech wiz stood awkwardly in the doorframe, posture so closed in on himself David would see the gangly nerd he once was before he had started spending more time eating and moving around than seated in front of a computer.
He still did plenty of that, but years on the run had shifted the ratio considerably until just recently.
“Out with it, Hal,” he croaked out in a voice that was becoming increasingly unfamiliar to both of them. This seemed to shock his companion out of his own thoughts, and he finally moved closer.
“Ah, well, you see- what do you want for your last name, Dave? You know I’ll be formalizing Sunny’s adoption, which means we’ll finally be obtaining,” emphasis was put on the word, because in reality it meant forging, “papers for her, and I thought you’d probably be in need of some too. We can use whatever is on your birth certificate, but if you want to pick something out yourself...”
A smile formed under Dave’s mustache.
“I already know what I’m using.”
Hal perked up, “You do? What is it?”
With the same simple, to the point gruffness he would never quite be rid of, the one legendary soldier answered in a single word.
All sounds except the Nomad’s machinery working overtime on her last voyage and David’s unfortunately heavy breathing ceased for an eternally long moment, Hal’s face journeying between every emotion he possessed. Tears pooled at the corners of his eyes, and his attempt to stifle his sniffles failed.
He probably wouldn’t have admitted it at the beginning, but something David had always loved about Hal was his ability to keep crying. No matter the hardships he faced, the traumas, the evils and cruelties he bore witness too, he didn’t run out of tears. His compassion was a well that ran deep, and those tears were just a result of it overflowing.
“Dave...of, of course,” his expression betrayed some amusement past the waterworks, “Do you want me to list you as my brother, or-”
“You know exactly what it’s going to say, Hal.”
They both laughed now, such different sounds than it was just a year ago even. David had been sitting on the edge of the bed, and Hal had been across the room, but that distance closed as Hal kneeled on the floor, placing his hands on David’s knees. It was a gesture that David had previously classified as pitying, but he knew better, now. 
It wasn’t for his comfort at all.
“Thank you, David.”
David had half a mind to ask what it was like to kiss an old man with a mustache, but they didn’t have the time for jokes like that anymore, so he just closed his eyes and enjoyed it.
The eyeroll David had given when Hal told him the name of the town they’d be living in was named Jupiter was so legendary it surpassed his previous exploits with ease. But, despite how silly it was, he couldn’t deny the warmth in his chest. 
They’d gotten their trip to Jupiter, just a little late.
Jupiter, Washington, was as small as a small mountain town got. It didn’t even have an elementary school for Sunny to attend (she was bussed to the neighboring, larger town). Most residents were the descendants of the people who had first lived there, so their new faces stuck out for awhile, but they eventually concluded what was essentially the truth, albeit missing some key details, and moved on- they were just two retirees, hoping to live out what was left of the older one’s life in peace with their orphaned granddaughter, nothing exciting.
Hal laughed at how huffy David had gotten at the granddaughter comments.
For the first month, their time there was peaceful. Content. Happy.
The second month, David starting being able to spend less and less time out of bed.
In the third month, he took Hal aside.
“You should stop sleeping in the same bed as me.”
His husband was a genius, he knew exactly why, but he still asked anyway.
“Don’t make me say it.” 
That he didn’t want Hal to wake up one sunny spring morning cuddling a corpse.
Tears were shed, as they always were, but he complied nonetheless. All of David’s belongings were transferred to the guest bedroom (Hal had tried to convince him to stay in the master bedroom, it was more comfortable, but David was adamant- that was where Hal would be staying in the future, and he didn’t want his ghost lingering in the air whenever he slept).
On the first day of the fourth month, right after sending Sunny off to school, Hal told him they were getting a dog for her.
“She loves those chickens, and I thought she might like another pet.”
“Or is it to replace me?” he asked, morbid mirth nearly buried under the pure gravel that had become his voice, “Seems to fit perfectly.”
Hal’s eyes, sad and weary, seemed to want nothing to do with this conversation, but he participated for his partner’s sake, “How so?”
“It’ll bark at strangers, bite the hand that feeds, and just generally be a pain in your ass.”
Despite himself Hal did laugh, not entirely bitter, “We’ll train it better than that.”
“Don’t train it too well. Won’t remind you enough of me.”
Fifth month, they had a dog. Rex, a joke on two layers- a name so common it was funny, and a reminder of one man’s shame that he’d never quite shake off. Not a husky, because while that would please David, they’d be keeping it long term and that level of energy just wouldn’t suit their needs. Rex was an adolescent Golden Retriever. 
The dog of the American dream.
Almost like he could tell David wouldn’t be around long enough to justify getting attached, Rex mostly ignored him. The feeling was mutual. 
Sunny loved them both dearly, and that was enough.
They had been there half a year, and Sunny made them breakfast. Her specialty, eggs fried to methodical perfection, toast just a little browner than anyone would like, maple sausage microwaved for ten seconds more than the instructions said just to make sure they were thoroughly cooked, and a glass of pulpless orange juice tucked precariously into the crook of her arm as she carried the meal to Uncle Dave’s bedroom.
It was two minutes after Hal watched Sunny depart from the kitchen that he heard a loud crash, glass and ceramic shattering, followed by Rex’s insistent barking and whining. He was on his feet and rushed to the scene, fearing the worst and finding exactly that.
“Oh, Sunny... Sunny...”
“U-Uncle H-Hal,” she barely managed through her cries. Rex, to his credit, ignored the food on the ground and nuzzled at her face, whining, confused and upset by the noises of unparalleled distress his beloved human was emitting. Stifling his own grief, Hal went over to the young girl and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly.
He didn’t do a great job at holding that grief in after all.
“Sunny, Sunny, Sunny... I’m so sorry... I should have checked up on him when I woke up... It’s okay, Sunny...”
“H-He’s d-d-dead. J-Just,” her stutter was exacerbated by her choking sobs, “J-Just l-like my m-mother.”
The downside of having such a bright child was that you couldn’t shield them from life’s harsh realities that easily. There was no convincing Sunny that Uncle Dave was with the birds in the clouds, or any other such comforting tale. 
He was dead and gone, and she knew that.
The gravestone read:
               David Emmerich
       Beloved father and husband.
All three of those titles were ones he had only worn for six months, but he had worn them with honor.•
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Burn - Henry Cavill smut
The one where Henry’s blindfolded.
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: p in v, oral (f and m), curse words, one mention of daddy! kink, unprotected sex (I don’t recommend it), restraints and blindfolds. Also, the reader is trying to be a dom in this one, but she’s pretty soft.
A/N: day 11 of kinktober and the prompts were blindfold + “Hold it”. Once again, the smut is coming without revision and I’m still taking up friendship applications and beta applications which may or may not coincide. Hope you like this one, because I’m feeling dead inside.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Rationally, I knew it was stupid to feel this way. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to a date with Henry, but the truth was, nothing could have prepared me to what it would feel like to see him kissing someone else, having to sell that he was in love with another woman because that was a part of what he did to make a living.
But I had the best boyfriend, and he seemed to know exactly what I needed to feel better about the entire situation.
“How are you feeling, baby?” I asked as I slowly grinded against his belly muscles, appreciating the view of my very strong boyfriend stripped naked, blindfolded and handcuffed to the bed. 
“I-I’m okay,” he answered in the form of a whisper, almost like he was afraid to break the sexual atmosphere of the room, but I pouted. That wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear. It made me feel like I wasn’t doing my job right.
“Only okay?” I had to clarify, running one of my fingers over his bottom lip, before pulling it down and biting it until I heard him gasp. “You’re breaking my heart, honey. Would you prefer if it was Keyra doing this with you?”
The reaction was immediate. His body tensed up, and by the abrupt movement of his arms, I could see he had tried to move them to hold me, but the restraints made it impossible for him to do so.
“No, darling. Absolutely not. You’re the only one I want like this, the only one I trust enough to share this experience with.” I melted. Who wouldn’t, after such a declaration from the man you love?
“I know, baby,” I calmed him, leaning down to press a quick kiss on his lips, watching in amusement as he tried to follow me in the hopes of deepening it. “I’m only messing with you.” I resumed the movements over his abs, needing to feel a little bit more friction on my clit. His answering groan warned me of how truly pained he was feeling at the whole situation.
“Not being able to see you grinding against my chest is the most terrible punishment you could administer.” I had to giggle at his dramatics. Only my bear of a boyfriend would feel so terrible at having his girlfriend controlling his pleasure for once.
“Well, maybe this way you can understand how I feel everytime you film a love scene with another person.” He sucked in a breath, immediately shutting up, and I almost felt bad about my honest remark, but I decided he was mature enough to be able to suck it up. He was the one to suggest our current activity, after all.
“You know what? I don’t see why your punishment should be mine, too. I wanna cum, and you’re gonna make me cum.” I climbed over his body until my legs were on each side of his face, and I tried to ignore the cheshire cat smile Henry was trying very hard to suppress at the prospect of eating me out. “You remember what you have to do when you need to come up for air? Ok.”
After making sure he was reminded of the safe gesture we had anticipated for this kind of activity (a bite on my inner thigh), I lowered myself to meet his waiting tongue, that stood perfectly pointed up at me.
“Fuck,” I immediately breathed out, as always pleasantly surprised at just how incredible Henry was at eating pussy. He treated it like some sort of exotic, delicious dish, and he loved how wet he could make me get just so there was more for him to taste. “You’re too good at this,” I jested, wrapping my fingers around his curls, taking advantage of the fact that he had allowed his hair to get longer for this last role. I loved it like this, I loved being able to use it to try to control his movements.
But tonight, I didn’t have to try. I was the one in control. 
I rode Henry’s face slowly, still too self-aware in this position, but the second his lips wrapped around my clit, I was a goner. Gripping the headboard in front of me, I let myself sit more comfortably in his face, trusting in his use of the safety measure if it was necessary, and I relaxed, enjoying the filthy symphony that my moans and his slurping sounds created in our bedroom. 
As my high approached, he must have sensed it, because his licking became more feral, growls escaping his lips and reverberating against me as I started to fully grind my pussy against his face, crying out every time I bumped on his nose.
And then, I flooded his lips with my essence, temporarily blacking out before scrambling to get out of his face, so he could properly breathe again. I felt like my heart was fluttering at the sight of his perfect lips arranged in a full-on pout.
“You didn’t let me enjoy my meal properly!”
“You’re not supposed to enjoy this at all, remember?” He still looked like I had deeply hurt him, so I leaned down to properly kiss him for the first time that night. Henry moaned against my lips when I deepened our kiss, allowing his tongue to dance with mine as I appreciated my own taste. When we separated again, I was slightly out of breath and his lips were a shade of pink that denounced just how roughly we’d been kissing.
“Didn’t take you for having an asphyxiation kink,” I whispered against his lips, making him smile. “Now, I think it’s about time I take care of you, huh? Let me help you.” Henry didn’t say anything to that, knowing a trap when he heard one. In fact, I could see that he was holding his breath, as I made my way down his body, until I was staring at his perfect cock. The second I wrapped my hand around it, a deep, guttural groan escaped from Henry’s chest.
“Well, someone’s been feeling deprived.” I smiled at my boyfriends chuckle, knowing that was the very idea of the exercise we were currently partaking in, only now it was time for the real torture. Slowly, I licked a strip from the base of his cock until his leaking head, allowing myself to shallowly suck the precum there before immediately releasing his member.  
“You do taste wonderfully,” I teased, licking my own lips to chase the remnants of his taste. My only response was another groan, this one more tortured than the last. “And we’re only getting started, baby.”
I leaned down to wrap my lips around his dick once more, this time going further down after spending a few minutes sucking on the head of his member. Each new inch I uncovered had me retreating until only the head was between my lips, until I was bobbing my head and sucking the life out of him.
Henry’s P.O.V.
Going from practically no stimulation to the best blowjob of my life was making me feral with the intensity of the reactions she provoked on my body. My heartbeat had accelerated to a point not even running could achieve, and I swear that if I was standing, my knees would have given out on me.
Within minutes, I could feel my sack weighing heavier, signaling a fast approaching release I knew she wouldn’t grant me. Still, I allowed myself to entertain the idea of cumming on her perfect mouth, filling her up with my seed and hearing her satisfied little moan at my taste on her tongue. 
“Hold it.” Two words, and yet the effect was instantaneous, if only because at the sight of me fighting against my restraints as my orgasm approached, she immediately retreated until only her fist remained on my erection, massaging it just enough to keep it alive.
The slow, shallow movements were worse than nothing at all, somehow. I couldn’t keep the disappointed groan that made her laugh from showing just how devastated I truly was, but her answering laugh came with the feeling of her warm cunt rubbing against the blunt head of my cock, so I felt like a reward was on the horizon for me.
“Do you miss this?” I knew what she was referring to, and I also knew the answer without even needing to think about it. There were few things I loved in life more than being inside of her, and in that moment, I couldn’t remember any of them.
“Madly.” She chuckled at my answer, and I could perfectly imagine her shaking her head at me, a cute little smile on her face as she averted her gaze, still incapable of accepting just how much I truly loved and desired her.
“How is it that you always know just what to say?” It was my turn to chuckle, but it turned into a hiss as she calmly positioned my cock over her hole and leisurely sat down on it, like it was no big deal at all.
I knew better, however. It was in the way her nails bit on my navel as the muscles in her thighs struggled to accept the tempo of the movement she was performing. I knew she was relishing in the burn of my member stretching her, like it always did anytime I penetrated her, no matter how thoroughly I fucked her nightly. She always struggled to take me in, and I can’t say it wasn’t a huge ego booster.
“Tell me what you want,” she ordered, and I licked my lips at the prospect of finally getting my way. 
“I want to fill that perfect little pussy until it’s dripping out of you, even with my cock still buried in there.” I didn’t have to see to know that she shivered at my words. I could feel it through the connection between our bodies, and I took devious delight in it.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Well, I couldn’t say that he didn’t earn it. Just his words were enough to get me hornier than I’d ever been before I met Henry, and my hips moved on their own accord, until I was riding him with an ardor I hadn’t known I was capable of feeling. I didn’t even know I had the muscle strength to express it.
Nonetheless, we’re capable of a lot when we’re thrown in the fits of passion, I’d come to learn. And for Henry, I was pretty much down to do anything. So I just accepted the burst of energy and held on his chest for the ride, taking the opportunity to oggle my boyfriend freely even though I could see his beautiful eyes staring back at me. 
He still looked perfect, and absolutely ruined, his mouth open in a silent O as he panted and tried to thrust up against me as I fucked myself on his cock, but his desperation didn’t allow him to match our tempos. 
I still knew just how to make him cum with me, though.
Planting my knees on the mattress more firmly, I leaned over him to change the angle he was hitting inside of me, making sure the head of his cock was pounding against my sweet spot each time he was snuggled deep inside of me. And then, I threw myself back at his member furiously, determined to reach my own high and bring him with me. 
“Come on, honey, didn’t you say you wanted to fill me up? Here’s your chance. Fill me up, daddy. I wanna have your cum dripping out of me, making a mess on our bed. Please, cum inside of me. Please, please, please.” Each word that came out of my lips was accompanied by a jolt of my hips, and soon enough, Henry’s cock was twitching inside of me just when I, too, reached that euphoric high. 
I’d barely caught my breath and he was already struggling against the restraints, wordlessly begging me to release him, and I had to roll my eyes at his antics. “There you go, was that really so hard?” I asked after I’d freed him from the handcuffs and he immediately took off the blindfold, his hands coming up to squeeze a breast before rubbing all over my body, like he was trying to make up for lost time. 
“Darling, I think you know better than anyone just how hard I was.” I had to laugh, thankful to have his hands on me again after, in reality, depriving myself of his touch, but he really wasn’t wrong in what he was saying.
“Oh, yeah, I can attest to that. Specially since you’re still pretty hard inside of me.” Before I could understand what was happening, he had rolled us over until he was the one hovering over me, his cock still nested deep inside my pussy.
“And I know just the way to solve that problem.”
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funtimebunnyblog · 4 years
Okay so first off, I love bears! 😭 they’re so cute! I would have one as a pet if I could. How do you think the pillarmen would react to their s/o finding a bear and immediately becoming friends with it? Doesn’t matter that it’s literally a wild animal. It saw s/o and was like “this is my friend now” and it follows her everywhere. But the bear is “submissive” to her. It doesn’t attack at all and does that thing where it shows it’s belly to her all the time. The bear likes the pillar men, but not as much as it loves s/o.
Ahhh! My dear Anon, this is is such a sweet idea! 🥰🥰🥰 I have the very same feelings about keeping a Fox as a Pet ❤ I very much would if I could! 😌
This started out as a few simple headcanons buuuuut~... 😅 I got carried away and turned it into a full fic! 😘😇 Please “bear” with me and enjoy! 🐻🐻🐻
The Pillarmen’s s/o brings Home a Bear...  (A bit of a long fic; Under the cut for length!)
(I’ll stop making bear puns from this point on, I swear! I just couldn’t pass up the chance to use this picture. in any case... Please do not attempt anything that your read here with a real life Bear or any woodland creature that is dangerous for that matter! If you happen to find a lost little Bear in your travels, do the responsible thing and contact a forestry! ~FunBun)
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  "What," Your head snapped up as someone spoke from behind; your eyes trailing up a most familiar muscular torso to eventually meet the disapproving gaze of Kars looming over you. The Pillarman's eyes were wide and his face unreadable, "is that?"
There you were, sitting on the front porch which was not an abnormal occurrence as this was your house and you did as you pleased...
Except for, of course, the fact that you were cradling a LIVING BABY BEAR in your lap and hand-feeding it a peanut butter sandwich!
"...A Friend." You said after a long moment, blinking up at the behemoth of a man. The Cub in your arms grasped at your hand with two huge chubby-toed paws as you pushed the last chunky bit of sandwich into its awaiting mouth; happily chewing away as if it didn't have a bother in the world.
Kars let out a long sigh, his barreled chest heaving as he reached up to pinch the space between his painted eyes with a forefinger and thumb.
"Why?" He questioned.
It was really the only thing he could say in that moment as thousands of questions rolled through his head like flotsam and jetsam. The Pillarmen struggled to keep a hold on himself, trying to give you the benefit of the doubt first before giving you the scolding he so wanted to.
He and the others knew very well you loved animals, which pleased the Pillarmen as they were Men who valued nature and precious life; Kars was no exception. They were most especially aware of your specific fixation on Bears but Kars never so much as gave the love for the creature a second thought.
However, right now, while you held a living Bear in your lap he was beginning to wish he had thought to tell you not to do something as foolish as take one in.
"Hey! I didn't do anything!" You defended yourself, allowing the Bear Cub you cradled to lick the remnants of the gooey sandwich from your fingers. You know exactly what he was thinking; he thought you deliberately went out and took the Bear!
Really, you hadn't done anything! Well... not this time anyways.
It all started when you had gone out for your morning walk in the woods, you happened to enjoy the crisp Spring air this time of year and it was a good way to get out of the house for a bit and away from the noise of the Four Pillarmen you adored that were living with you.
It was only when you were halfway down your usual route when you realized there was a little black Bear Cub following right behind you.
At first, you had feared the worst. Normally where there was a baby, there was a Mother not very far behind and despite your love for Bears you REALLY didn't want to have an encounter an angry Mother Bear that was searching for her lost baby and happened to think you were the one that took it. You did your best to avoid the baby Bear, walking fast and pretending not to notice it in hopes that it would simply give up tailing you eventually and go on its own way back to where it came from, despite the tugging of your heartstrings.
After some time of attempted avoid and evade the Cub didn't leave your side, ambling close at your heals and beginning to cry out for your attention. It became obvious to you it was all alone and even more obvious that it was hungry; as soon as it saw you it thought to remedy both those things.
Always having a big heart, you just couldn't bring yourself to leave the poor thing all alone out in the woods; especially not when it was clinging to your leg and looking up at you with those big honeyed eyes pleadingly...
You weren't supposed to get caught. You had planned to keep him a secret for at least a little while.
You had lead the baby back to the house and left it outside to its own devices on the doorstep for just a moment. Meanwhile you slipped into the kitchen to make, not one, but two peanut butter sandwiches to feed it. You really didn't have anything else to give it, you hadn't been expecting to feed a hungry little Bear anytime soon and there was nothing in it that would hurt the Cub anyways as it was mostly protein.
Your early return from your walk had gone unnoticed by the others (at least at first).
Thankfully, Santana hadn't been in the kitchen raiding the fridge like he normally did this time of morning and had been in the Livingroom with Esidisi instead, too invested in the video game they were playing to hear you come in.
Wamuu was out back chopping up more firewood to burn, as the nights were still very cold; the Warrior too far away to hear you and unable to see you with the house in the way.
Kars was supposed to be up in his study, up to his elbows in papers and practically dead to the world but of course (just when you wanted him to be working for once) he wasn't.
Somehow, he just always knew when something was amiss.
"Peanut followed me here," you explained, peering down at the squirming black fuzz ball in your lap that was still happily licking the peanut butter from its chops.
Kars clicked his tongue, "Peanut?"
He seemed even more displeased you had already named it; if you named something, it became hard to lose it. That was a rule many people followed through ancient times.
You let out a shaky laugh, ignoring the chunky paws inarticulately grasping at your clothes as a little pink tongue darted out from a tiny chestnut muzzle, dampening the glistening black button at the very tip.
Peanut was giving you a thorough sniff, making sure that he had consumed all of the delicious food you had brought him and that he hadn't missed a single morsel.
"It fits." You told him, smiling pathetically as you shrugged your shoulders.
Ruby eyes drifted down to the little creature squirming in your lap for more than a beat before he let out another sigh; this time it didn't sound as stern and disapproving as the first but it still sent a shiver down your spine. His lips pulled into a sympathetic frown as he closed the distance between you two, crouching at your side.
"Dear one," he spoke, using the tone he typically reserved for when he was trying to comfort you or give you some advice. "We cannot keep Peanut."
Immediately, you felt your heart quiver at his words; the pulse of the muscle stopped all together as you looked up at him. His eyes, normally the epitome of inhuman and predatory, now softened.
You knew very well he would have this talk with you, albeit much sooner than you anticipated originally, but it didn't change the fact it was making your heart clench painfully in your chest.
"Why?" You questioned. Now it was all you could really say in that moment as everything else that tried to come out got jumbled up in your throat.
You really didn't need to ask such a question however, as you already knew the answer.
"My sunshine, he's a wild Animal; a predator. He may be a small creature now but Cubs like Peanut grow very quickly indeed." He explained gently, wrapping one muscular arm around you. "And as he grows, his appetite will grow; you won't be able to feed him simple sandwiches forever."
Your lips scrunched up as you peered down at the now quiescent black ball of fuzz cradled in your arms. Peanut, his belly now full and all the peanut butter thoroughly cleaned from his paws and face, had closed his eyes and was slowly falling down into a most comfortable mid-morning nap.
He was so cute; so damn cute you wanted to cry. A hand absentmindedly reached up to grasp one of his paws, your thumb tracing over the squishy pads of his feet and feeling the sharp little claws sprouting from the chubby toes like thorns from a rose.
All your life you loved Bears, no matter the kind; Panda Bears, Koala Bears, Grizzly Bears, Sun Bears, Polar Bears, even Black Bears like Peanut... and now here you were, holding one in your very own arms! Hugging it close to your body like one would an everyday Teddy Bear! A real life Bear had just waddled up to you in the forest, clinging to you as if appointing you as its new Mother and caregiver, cuddling in your arms like a loving pet and cooing as you fed it an icky-sticky delight.
It was a dream come true... and now Kars was asking you to wake up and cast it aside.
"But--... But--..." the quivering of your lip made it hard to find a foothold in this dispute.
"And there is also the matter of his behavior." Kars continued softly, one massive palm gently rubbing up and down your back as he spoke. "Bears can grow to be very territorial and temperamental creatures. Their maximum strength can out lift 10 Men and their maximum speed is faster than any vehicle you can drive."
By now your eyes were watering, the fuzzy spot in your arms no longer seemed so very fuzzy as the world around you blurred behind tears.
Kars, of course, was making sense as he always did and you didn't like it one bit.
The living God's frown only deepened as the glistening of the water pooling in your eyes caught his. Truly, he hated to see you cry. Seeing tears in your eyes was something that made him weak in places he never felt such weakness prior to falling in love with you... but your safety was in jeopardy; and that was something he, nor the other Pillarmen who loved you and dotted on you, didn't want to risk over one creature.
"We have to put him back where he belongs." He said; though his words still carried that softness it was undoubtedly an order not to be refused.
"Oh Kars," you sniffed, your nose crinkling as tears began to fall. "I can't do it!"
You turned more fully towards him, presenting the sleepy Cub; practically thrusting him into the Pillarman's arms.
"Just look at him!" You cried. "He's so small and he's all alone! I don't know what happened to his Mother but she's gone and... and..."
One massive hand found your cheek as the tears came harder, a calloused thumb swiping the raging rivers aside.
"Please Kars... I can't give him up... what if he--?...." you wimpered, unable to finish that thought. You were fully aware you had already lost for today as he shook his head sadly.
Your tears did nothing to sway him when he knew what he had to do.
His free hand slipped under the sleeping Cub, Peanut did little more than fill his palm, scooping him up and cradling him close to his chest as he stood.
Your arms had never felt more empty.
"I'm sorry, Beloved. It has to be done." He told you as you stared up at him with a crestfallen and teary gaze. "Chances are, his natural instincts will kick in and he will learn to take care of himself despite the absence of his Mother. Abandoned Cubs are more common than you think. Peanut needs to go back to the woods."
That was all that could be said, the Pillarman disappeared in one blinding flash; taking the Bear Cub with him.
You were left there sitting on the porch, scrubbing at your cheeks with the sleeve of your sweater until the sensitive skin was raw in the cool Spring morning air. You managed to pull yourself together enough to not raise suspicion and headed back inside to make some coffee.
The morning passed quietly, when Kars made his eventual return to the house (sans Bear in hand) you didn't even look him in the eye.
You didn't deny that Kars had done the right thing, Peanut was in fact a wild Animal and belonged to the wilderness, but you still felt strangely bitter over it. So inexplicably angry it almost felt childish as you couldn't stop yourself from glaring at his back as he passed the kitchen table.
More time passed, your only half-drunk mug of coffee had long gone cold and your grief for the little Bear you knew that was left all alone somewhere in the woods had managed to ebb somewhat. You were just about to get up to go get a start on some chores when all of a sudden, Wamuu came through the door.
"Shoo! Shoo!" The massive Pillarman swiped his hand as he backed himself through the door, "Go on! Go back to your Home, small one."
You tilted your head, watching the unusual display. "What's wrong?"
The blonde turned his head to look at you with a frown. "I was trying to finish up my morning task when a Bear came out of the woods." He explained, finally closing the door with a sigh. Your gasp went unnoticed as he peered through the window of the door, his frown only etching deeper. "It's too small to be a juvenile. Just a Cub. I did not want to find out if there was a Mother lingering so I came back to the House. However, it seems to have decided to follow me..."
The Warrior blinked as you were suddenly out of your seat, squeezing past him to squish against the window of the door to see for yourself.
"Peanut!" You cried, your heart fluttering in your chest as you too caught sight of the little round ink blot sitting dejectedly on the porch.
Wamuu barely had a chance to react let alone intervene as you yanked open the door again, the sounds of the crying Bear hitting your ears.
It was Peanut alright, every feature similar right down to the whiskers of his muzzle. The Bear was plopped down on his rear, feet sticking out under him like he were a simple Teddy Bear sitting on the shelf of a toy store, and staring up at the door he knew you were behind. The squeaky wailing of the Cub fell silent as soon as he caught sight of you and realized he was no longer all alone, it seemed that he missed you just as much as you had him.
Wamuu stared in disbelief, watching with wide eyes as the little Bear rolled onto his back to reveal his soft tummy and stubby paws to you.
"Peanut?" The blonde questioned, one thick eyebrow raising as he looked between you both.
This was a wild Animal and yet you greeted it like some sort of pet!
As your leaned down to give a loving rub to the exposed tummy of the Bear, cooing at it as contentment spread across its features. You intended to recount this mornings full story to ease Wamuu's obvious confusion, however, you didn't so much as get the chance to get a word out before Kars was standing in the room.
He had just been about to head upstairs and absorb himself in his work, when he caught a snippet of what was happening in the kitchen. The Pillarman's crimson eyes wide as he approached, needing to see what was happening for himself.
"Look Kars!" You beamed, grinning up at both gawking Pillarmen as the Bear grasped at your petting hand, playfully trying to gum on your fingers with blunt little teeth. "Peanut came back!"
Kars all but shared in your glee, the pinching of his brows and the drooping of his lips gave away his irritation.
He had dropped Peanut off safely somewhere in the woods, not far from your usual walking path. When he had left, the Cub had still been sound asleep, completely none the wiser to being left behind, and the Pillarman had honestly thought that would be that.
It would seem the creature had imprinted on you more than he anticipated and it only added on to his previous fears.
"I'm afraid I'm in need of an explanation, my Lord..." Wamuu spoke up, tearing his gaze away from you and the Bear Cub you were most happily playing with.
Kars swooped in, taking the Cub away from you for the 2nd time that morning, much like an Eagle dropping from the sky to snatch up a mouse. Peanut pawed at his hardened chest, becoming squirmy in the massive mans hold as he let out a couple of little grunts.
It was as if the Bear knew exactly what Kars intended to do.
"I'll explain it to you in full when I return, Wamuu." He sighed as he begun carrying the squirming woodland creature away from the House towards the woods where he deemed it rightfully belonged.
You waved at the baby Bear as it watched you from over one muscled shoulder with those big honeyed eyes, feeling a little disheartened again but the fact that the Cub came looking for you still made a sweet warmth bloom in your chest.
It would be far from the last time any of you saw Peanut.
Late morning turned to afternoon and the day bloomed into something warm and lovely, like a watered down Summer day. Linens and towels came straight from the washing machine and were headed for the clothesline to dry in the sweet air.
There was absolutely nothing better than falling asleep in bedsheets that had spent all day out on a line in the breeze.
Always happy to help you around the household, Esidisi volunteered to put them out for you as you were already busy doing other things around the house.
He had only turned his back for 2 seconds to hang the first sheet, humming softly to himself as he went, before turning to find a baby Bear making himself at Home in the laundry basket he had carried out. Peanut was rubbing his scent all over the damp linens as he rolled in and pawed at the clean sheets; inevitably dirtying them again.
Esidisi found the whole ordeal hilarious, most especially when he was fed the full story of the morning by you who had come out to see what was taking him so long with his chore.
Kars, on the other hand, didn't find it so very funny.
He especially didn't see the humor in it when he found the two of you playing with Peanut in the yard, entertaining yourselves and the Cub by draping a sheet over him and prying it off like a parachute over and over.
Peanut was taken back to the forest a 3rd time; this time much farther into the woods.
Late afternoon rolled around and Santana finally left the house to go outside; having the sole intention of taking a nap in the fresh air via the hammock that had been recently strung up in the backyard.
Unfortunately, the youngest Pillarman got sidetracked when a little Bear came out of the woodwork and crawled into the hammock with him, mewling and demanding his immediate attention as he was hungry once again.
Kars, the one and only, spirited Peanut away before you and Santana had a chance to make more sandwiches to feed it.
This happened over and over and over again.
It seemed like every time the Pillarman dumped Peanut somewhere, no matter how remote or how far from your Home, the little Bear inevitably found its way back sooner or later; ambling up to you or the others with a mighty hunger and a carefree nature unmatched.
Peanut appeared on the doorstep next morning when you were about to head out for a walk.
Peanut was found digging in the trash bin when Kars was taking out the trash.
Peanut clung to Wamuu's leg as he went out to mow the lawn; the Warrior didn't so much as bat an eye, unhindered, as the Cub held onto his ankle while he worked the mower.
Peanut approached Santana when he was eating chips on the porch; the Pillarmen didn't seem to mind the company nor the fact the Bear ended up upside down in the bag.
Peanut followed you around like you were its one true Mother while you tended the yard and carried out chores.
Peanut sat contently at Esidisi's feet as the man was Barbecuing supper in the evening; the Bear watching him and waiting for supper to be served as if he were the guest of Honor.
Each time, without fail, Kars brought him back to the woods and each time, without fail, Peanut came back.
It was only frustrating him further and further.
Eventually, one quiet and rainy morning Kars went out onto the porch to sit and read; he always enjoyed the sound of rainfall and the fresh earthen smell of a Spring downpour. He had barely been there 5 minutes, not even enough time to get truly immersed in his novel, when suddenly a very wet and cold ball of hair climbed up into his lap, actually making the Pillarman yelp at the shock of the sensation of a freezing cold Cub pressing against his bare skin.
Kars was big and dry and comfortable, like a much bigger and hairless Bear, a place Peanut deemed perfect enough to sit out of the Rain and warm up.
The purple-haired man frowned down at the chubby bundle taking up residence in his lap, Peanut grunted contently as he made himself comfortable. His normally downy soft and dandelion puffed fur was now patterned down and awry, radiating with a dank with a heady, musky Bear smell due to being soaking wet.
It was not at all a pleasant smell to anyone's nose, most especially to a Pillarman's as they were creatures with extra sensitive senses.
Kars, now feeling that this was the final straw, was just about to scoop the creature up into his arms and carry out their usual pick up and drop off routine; this time he intended to take Peanut all the way down river to the farthest side of the forest and leave him there.
He stopped on a dime when two big pools of honey locked onto glimmering rubies.
"Don't look at me like that..." the Pillarman warned, feeling his heart quiver strangely in his chest. The command didn't come out nearly as firm as he intended it to be.
Kars treasured creatures big and small and this creature was so adorable, so small it made his arms itch in ways he hadn't felt since the time he had taken care of the two infants that grew to be Wamuu and Santana. Peanut rolled in his lap, squishing his face against the Pillarman's abs and nuzzling softly; his fur stuck to bare skin in an almost icky way and made his loincloth feel very damp and uncomfortable due to the run off of water.
The Pillarman pursed his lips, forcing himself to bring to mind all the logical points on why this Bear (this nuisance, this danger, this predator) had to go.
Peanut opened his mouth and let out a little yawn and a sneeze, probably just as hungry as he was cold and damp.
Kars' huge hands balled into fists at his sides, his jaw setting tighter and tighter as he felt himself and the walls of his determination crumbling, hating every single millisecond of it before eventually, after an internal struggle that lasted seemingly millennium... he sighed.
Peanut was scooped into his arms and, this time, taken into the House.
"Really?!" You cried in disbelief, hands going to your mouth as it pulled into an impossibly huge grin.
Esidisi, Wamuu and Santana just sat there, expressions ranging from shock to disbelief of their own.
Surely he couldn't be serious... could he?
Kars let out a long breath, "Yes, dearest." He groaned, still cradling the tiny dampened Bear in the crook of his arm as it clung to his bicep. "We can keep Peanut."
Immediately, to everyone’s amusement but Kars', you were in his lap just as quickly as the Cub had climbed into it. You didn't care one bit that he was a little damp and that some of Peanuts musky stink had rubbed off on him, peppering his face with thousands of kisses as you threw your arms around both the Pillarman and the Cub.
"Oh Kars! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You squealed between your line of kisses.
Nobody had expected Kars to cave in this matter; they honestly expected this to go on and on for some time until Peanut was forced to be the one to give up on finding his way back to the house.
However, despite the fact all of them were pleased and ready to take on this idea of having an actual living Bear around, there came the next matters to attend to.
The ground rules.
"But he cannot stay inside the house." Kars said, that firm nature of his making its return. Peanut had managed to wriggle out of both of your holds and was now ambling around the Livingroom, sniffing everything and everyone in sight. Esidisi was following him around to ensure he wouldn't break anything or get himself into more trouble while Kars was feeling so generous, smiling indulgently as he scooped him up and presented him to the others.
"Ok." You hummed, that part was only to be expected.
But you wouldn't deny that somewhere in the back of your mind you had fantasized about cuddling up to a giant fuzzy Peanut in bed or on the couch.
Kars took in another deep breath and the atmosphere changed, it was as if the temperature dropped in the room. The mans eyes were serious and his features became even more stonelike than the masks he crafted as he pulled you closer to him in his lap.
"I want you to listen to me, dear one." He began, his voice was low and something akin to fridged; it only sent shivers dancing down your spine. "If Peanut grows to be an aggressive creature or too much a hassle to handle, even if he gives any of us the slightest reason to fear he would harm you in any way, shape or form... we'll have to be rid of him. Permanently."
His words hung in the air, making your stomach sink like a rock falling helplessly to the depths of the ocean. A lump was starting to balloon in your throat.
You knew very well what that meant.
The Pillarmen weren't men who took any form of pleasure out of killing Animals; Kars especially... but you knew that he would not hesitate to do so for your sake. His words spoken to you prior on the porch when you first encountered the Cub rang around quite deafeningly in your head.
"Do I make myself clear?" He asked you, his pupils burned absolute holes into your heart as he held your gaze; not unlike a strict parent after giving the scolding of a lifetime.
The best you could do was nod, praying the day you all feared would never come at all or at least not very soon; the latter was perhaps your best hope.
For now, however, you planned on celebrating the day by making a peanut butter sandwich for the newest, and perhaps hungriest, member of your little Family.
Time passed, as it did for everything, and Peanut grew and grew. He grew from a small and clumsy little Bear Cub into a bigger and gangly Juvenile Bear by mid Summer.
Sometimes the Bear would disappear at night into the woods, just after supper of course, but there were also times he would just sleep close to the house; most specifically by the front porch. Peanut still followed you around outside as you did anything, always greeting you with a grunt as he flopped onto his back to reveal his belly and were always more than happy to rub it when he did.
His appetite did indeed grow and the simple peanut butter namesake was no longer truly fulfilling to him; nothing more than a sweet morsel to lick up as a treat.
Peanut had to be shown how to properly hunt for himself and that was something you and Esidisi decided to tackle together, taking him down to the river on the hottest days to teach him to to fish for himself. Those days were filled with much laughter on your part where you sat on the bank to watch the Pillarmen wading out in the raging waters with the Bear, hunched forward and making a grab for a slippery and wet flying fish with his hands as they jumped from the water to properly demonstrate.
Eventually, after much trial and error (not to mention Esidisi falling right into the river a handful of times) Peanut was able to catch all the fish he wanted to eat.
Wamuu was a big help in burning off the major energy that came with Peanut growing into an adult Bear. The Warrior often spent hours out in the yard playing with him, going so far as to push and wrestle with the creature, playing simple games like throwing a giant ball around or to even take him on a run through the woods to tire him out.
Sometimes you even tailed behind the pair on your 4 wheeler to get in on the fun and play.
Santana found himself spending his days playing with Peanut too, more often content to help you take care of the beast. You and Santana tried to bath Peanut at least once every 2 weeks to fight against his stinky Bear musk, lathering him up nicely where he sat contently in an old kiddie pool in the yard and hosing him off. Santana would spend a lot of time with Peanut as the Bear napped, scratching his back and finger combing the knots out of his fur; even plucking annoying ticks from the Bears body when he found them.
You found it quite disturbing, and more than a little gross, as to how Santana could hold the bloated insects between his fingers and pop them upon finding them. You swore you could hear the red-head chuckle lowly each time you let out a disgusted gag when he done it.
And Kars, he found himself dotting over and spoiling Peanut with affection just as much as you did.
The Pillarman would deny any claims that he snuck the Bear peanut butter sandwiches between meals or even peanut butter straight from the jar but you knew the truth. It was hard to miss as it seemed Peanut would immediately give Kars a good sniffing upon seeing him, obviously checking for any delicious treats he happened to be keeping concealed.
By late Fall, Peanut was a fully grown Adult Bear.
In fact, he had swollen to such an immense size, he was something of a rival to the Pillarmen; by that time it was something of a relief he was a gentle giant. He was still a wild Animal but he was also a loving pet to you and the 4 Pillarmen.
One day, Peanut stumbled out into the woods and didn't return. Snow came not long after and then the brutal and fridged season of Winter truly begun.
Peanut had disappeared but you knew he wasn't far in the woods, hopefully holed up in a cave and hibernating.
Winter passed slowly, more slowly than it ever had before. As December ticked away to January and eventually February, the others didn't miss how much you missed your Peanut; he was all you could talk about somedays! You weren't the only one who missed him however, not missing the wistful looks passing over the faces of the others upon seeing a segment on Black Bears airing on National Geographic or opening the fridge to find the jar of peanut butter sitting there; untouched and almost begging to be eaten.
March went bye, then April and the snow had long melted away due to the heavy rainfall but still, Peanut did not make his return.
You were seriously starting to worry by this time. What if he hadn't been hibernating all along? What if a Hunter had gotten to him? Or what if... he forgot about you?
The Pillarmen could only console you so much, trying their best not to give you false hope by saying things along the lines of "I'm sure he'll be around!" and make things worse as they really did not know of Peanut's fate either...
It was well over a year since you had first taken in the Cub and now there was no sign of him anywhere.
But just when you were starting to give up all hope of seeing your prized Bear and companion again, you opened the door one morning as you prepared to go on your morning walk to be met with shock.
You just about jumped out of your skin as an earth rattling roar hit your eardrums, sending a jolt of fear striking through your body like lightning and screaming in primal terror at the sight before you. A Black Bear that was larger than life stood on its haunches off the porch, its maw open and its breath showing like hot puffs of steam as it growled out into the cold Spring air; asserting its presence for miles.
For one terrible and too long of a moment, you thought you would be slaughtered on your own doorstep by your most favorite Animal on Earth.
Your terror was short-lived however, as the monstrous beast you feared would devour you whole suddenly flopped onto its back and turned its belly to the sky.
"PEANUT!" You cried, spreading your arms wide as you ran to flop on top of the creature; your friend and pet.
It wasn't long after when all 4 Pillarmen were standing out on the porch, your screech having been heard from inside the house.
"Look Kars!" You beamed, rubbing the gargantuan tummy with a wide grin; eliciting a content grunt from the Bear. "Peanut came back!
Kars could only smile this time and shake his head.
Peanut had come back again, without fail; just as he always done and the Pillarmen were quite happy he was here to stay...
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luxekook · 5 years
stay in your lane | jjk
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⇥ pairing: jungkook x reader ⇥ genre:  e2l / college au / smut / fluff / crack ⇥ summary: in which the reader is the captain of the women’s swim team and jungkook is the “golden freshman” of the men’s swim team... OR in which jungkook is overtly whipped for the reader and acts out in any way possible to gain her love and attention - no matter the consequence. ⇥ word count: 5.8k ⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing, Vine references, dirty talk, sub!jk, dom!reader, jungkook being the biggest brat, swimming lingo, college athlete party, drinking, body shots, noona kink™, smut (edging/orgasm denial, face sitting, oral [m + f receiving], unprotected sex [wrap it, plz], spitting, cum eating [i am sorry skksks])
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In all your twenty-two years of living, you never encountered anyone as openly cocky as Jeon Jungkook. You stared in disbelief as the boy posed and preened from his lane of the pool, throwing his fist in the air and flexing his muscles.
“He is such a hoe for attention,” Your teammate Lina said, shaking her head next to you and reluctantly clapping along with the crowd gathered for the Regional Swimming and Diving Championships.
You nodded in agreement, plastering a fake smile on your face as you forced your hands to clap. As the captain of your college’s women’s swim team, you had to keep up appearances after all. You cheered for everyone - regardless of how infuriating they might be.
When you were appointed as captain this past fall, you were fucking thrilled.
Leadership came naturally to you, and it always felt good when it was recognized by others. For you, being a leader meant being a bad bitch - powerful, fearless, intimidated by no one.
And a bad bitch you were. You liked to quietly dominate in pretty much all facets of your life. You aced your studies, you broke records, you fucked hard.
But this year, your fucking senior year, you were consistently being pressed, your dominance constantly being questioned, your restraint wearing thin.
And it was all Jungkook’s fault.
It all started at the beginning of the swim season... You had been talking to Kim Seokjin - the captain of the men’s team - before the very first practice. You had been glad the fellow senior was chosen, not only because he was a solid swimmer, but because he was supportive and such a laugh.
The two of you had been going over your competition schedules when a boy you hadn’t seen before had bounded up to Seokjin. “Jin-hyung! There you are. I thought I was running late, but it turns out I’m just really early.” You had blinked at the energetic boy who’d been way too excited for the 6 AM hour. He had felt your stare, looked at you, and continued, “Oh, hello. I’m Jungkook! Are you a freshman, too?”
Seokjin had stifled a laugh, and, for his sake, you had hoped it was at this Jungkook’s expense. “No,” You had glared up at him, ignoring his outstretched palm, “I’m a senior and the fucking captain of the women’s team.”
The freshman had turned bright red before smiling at you with renewed vigor, “So, you’re my noona then?”
“I prefer (y/n),” Your teeth had gritted together as your hands fell to your hips.
“Jungkookie…” Seokjin must have seen something on the younger boy’s face and had tried to prevent him from speaking again. It had been no use.
Jungkook had stared down at you with stars in his eyes as he announced, “I think I prefer you, too.”
And it had been precisely at that moment you knew that someday in the near or distant future you would enjoy disciplining that boy. Thoroughly.
Now, as if he felt your attention on him, Jungkook faced the direction where your team was gathered and locked eyes with you. His smile grew infinitesimally larger, and he blew you an exaggerated kiss with a wink. Your jaw clenched. It looked like you were going to need to have yet another talk with Seokjin about teaching Jungkook his fuckboy mannerisms.
Finally, the next event began to be announced, and Jungkook hopped out of the pool. You tried to turn your attention away from him, but you couldn’t. Not when he looked like he had been sculpted by the gods and had drops of water cascading down his tanned skin.
The proclaimed “golden freshman” strutted back towards your team area. His abs moved with each step, his muscled chest heaved for breath, his tight swim suit gripped his thighs and his crotch - basically leaving little to the imagination.
You stared at him with raised eyebrows as he approached, grinning at you and running a hand through his wet hair to slick it back out of his face.
Jungkook stopped in front of you and Lina, dangling his goggles from one long finger and swinging them in your face. “Did you see me win, noona?”
[That little shit.]
You swallowed your instinct to reply with a scathing remark. Instead, you remained cool as ice, just as you always did when Jungkook demanded your attention. It was your foolproof method for dealing with brats. “You know I did, Jeon. I have to watch everyone. That’s what good captains do.”
“Ah, that’s right. Captain noona…” His grin returned as you stared (READ: glared) up at him, “Always cheering me on and watching me win.”
“God, carrying that giant ego around must be exhausting,” Lina cocked her head and frowned at the younger boy.
“Are you talking about my dick?” Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in mock confusion, “I mean, I guess it is pretty big. Maybe noona could help me carry it...”
You saw red; and, for the first time since meeting him, your perfect control snapped. Rising to your tiptoes, you gripped his neck to lower him enough so your mouth lined up with his ear, “Listen, Jeon. You better watch that pretty little mouth of yours before I tie you up and gag you.”
You pulled back. Jungkook’s eyes were blown wide open, his cheeks stained pink, his ears bright red. “N-noona!”
Lina was cackling next to you over how flustered you made the typically overconfident boy. You allowed yourself a brief cheeky smile at your friend before returning to a straight face. You needed to go get ready for your next race.
You had been trying all season to break your personal best time in the 100 meter butterfly, and you had a good feeling that you might just accomplish that today.
“I’m going to go warm-up,” You told Lina, grabbing your swim cap and goggles from your bag.
“Good luck, (y/n)!” Lina slapped you a high-five, “You got this. You are a legend. A queen!”
“A goddess!” Jungkook chimed in, peering at you from over Lina’s shoulder with heart eyes.
“Kook,” Seokjin swooped in and tugged the boy away from you, “Not the time. (Y/n) needs to focus! Good luck, babe!”
You gave the other captain a thumbs-up and headed down onto the pool deck. Faintly from the stands behind you, you heard Jungkook whining on about how Seokjin was allowed to call you ‘babe’ but he wasn’t.
Pushing that aside, you hopped into the designated warm-up/cool-down pool that was adjacent to the competition pool and proceeded to loosen up before your race.
Visualize the victory.
Take down the competition.
Leave nothing behind.
Fifteen minutes later, you found yourself hovering over the starting block, awaiting the starter. The natatorium was silent. You sucked in a breath and dove into the pool at the sound of the starting buzz.
Your body felt like it was on autopilot. Kick, kick, pull. Kick, kick, pull. Each time you took a breathe you could hear a split second of the roaring crowd. You pushed yourself faster.
Two laps turned into three as you sprinted. You didn’t dare check on your competition; those would be precious milliseconds wasted. And, as you swam your final lap, you didn’t even dare to breathe, swimming your hardest right until you hit the wall.
Gasping, you clutched the wall and swung around to look at your time.
Your best fucking time.
You felt like crying, laughing, and screaming all at once. As you shook hands with the girls to your right and left, you smiled hugely up at your cheering teammates. They had known how much you wanted this - needed this.
The next race began to be announced, and you hauled your tired self out of the pool. Immediately, you were swept into a tight hug by your coach followed by what felt like your whole entire team. Your cheeks honestly hurt from smiling so hard.
As you thanked your last teammate, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You had never heard Jungkook sound so tiny; and, when you turned around, you didn’t stop him from hugging you.
“You did so good,” He mumbled, head burrowed into your wet hair. “My noona is so fucking good.”
You melted at his words. It had been so long since someone had called you ‘theirs’. And, so, you blamed your post-adrenaline spike exhaustion for your following actions.
Your arms slid around him, tugging him closer. You felt every ridge of his hard body - separated only by the thin swimsuits you each wore. Your nipples brushed his chest, and you honestly didn’t know if the moan that followed was from you or from Jungkook.
You whispered, “Thank you, Jungkook.” Calling him by his first name was a rarity for you, and the muffled hum from the boy wrapped around you let you know it was well received.
And, when you pulled away from him, you made sure to run your hands over his chest along the way.
[That one had been on your bucket list, okay?]
Still so close to you, Jungkook stared at you with an unreadable expression. “Noona, are you coming over tonight?”
The men’s team always hosted the post-meet party at their house, and that was fine with you and your team. It meant no mess and lots of free alcohol.
“Yeah,” You pulled your wet hair over your shoulder, “I’ll be there. Post-Regionals is always so fun.”
“Well,” Jungkook puffed out his chest, “This year will be even more fun since I’ll be there!”
Ah, there he was - Cocky Jungkook™.
“You promise?” You smirked, tossing you hair over your shoulder as you moved past him, “After all, this is the only one you’ll get with me, Jeon.”
You didn’t look back at him as you made your way back to your team area.
But, if you had, you would have seen him staring intently at you with determination.
The challenge you had half-knowingly thrown down had been accepted.
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Hours later, you and your teammates were decidedly tipsy from pre-gaming. 
“Okay, we should get going,” You said, checking your phone, “Jin said - and I quote - the boys are going to start rioting if we don’t get our sweet asses over there.”
“I bet he’s talking about Jungkook,” One of your teammates giggled, “That kid’s been trying to get with (y/n) this whole year.”
“That’s so true,” Lina threw her arm over your shoulder, “You might as well just fuck him and put us all out of our misery. We know you want to.”
You scoffed, pushing her arm off of you, “I will not be fucking anyone.”
“That’s what you said last year,” Lina fired back.
“Wait, what happened last year?” One of the freshman whispered.
You sighed, “Two words. Lim Jaebeom.”
A collective hum of appreciation and understanding rose from the group at the mention of the now-graduated swimmer.
Your phone buzzed with an incoming call. You rolled your eyes, answering it. “Seokjin, for the love of god, we’re coming!”
“(Y/n)!” Seokjin yelled at you through the cries of what sounded like an angry mob, “My death will be on your hands if you don’t show up within the next minute!”
“You’re so fucking dramatic, Kim,” You hung up on him. Every fucking year the men’s team did this. You swore they couldn’t entertain themselves without you and your team.
“Come on,” You marched to the door, “Time to go ruin some boys.” With that, the lot of you walked across the street to the men’s team’s house.
[Yes, they literally lived right across the street. Seokjin was the king of drama.]
Not even bothering to knock, you swung open the door.
“What the fuck is up, Kyle!” Lina announced your presence for you as she hurried past, “Your better halves have arrived.”
“Oh, thank god!” Seokjin appeared by your side, clutching his chest, “My life is saved at last.”
You playfully shoved him, “Shut up, Kim. Now, where are the drinks?”
“Allow me to guide you to them, my queen,” Seokjin grabbed your hand and tugged you over towards the crowded kitchen.
You let him lead you, greeting members of the men’s team as you passed by them. Your pesky little freshman was nowhere in sight.
“Captains coming through!” Jin screeched, “Part the seas!”
You shook your head in disbelief at his antics, laughing as people actually seemed to be listening to the chaotic boy.
“See what authority we have when we’re together, babe? We could totally be a power couple,” Jin grinned at you as you finally arrived by the drinks scattered across the kitchen counter.
You weren’t going to lie, Seokjin was hot. You knew it. He knew it. The pope knew it.
But, you had done the whole alpha male thing. It was fun, but just not for you. No, you wanted someone a bit more submissive. Someone who you could gently break and build back up again. Someone like—
“Jungkook!” Jin cried, almost bursting your eardrum, “Come take a shot with your captains!”
Busying yourself with pouring shots for the three of you, you felt Jungkook arrive before you saw him. The warmth of his body seeped into you as he appeared by your side.
“Hi, noona,” He greeted you, his arm nudging yours. You turned, taking in his ripped jeans and loose black shirt before meeting his eyes.
“Hi, Jeon,” You shot him a small smile. He looked really fucking good tonight. His hair was long and messy, like he had been running his hands through it constantly. His cheeks were flushed, and you wondered how much he had to drink before you arrived.
“Yes, yes, you have now exchanged greetings. Let’s move on,” Seokjin grabbed one of the shots you poured and hoisted it into the air, “To the best captains you’ve ever had!”
You threw your head back and laughed as you played along, lifting your glass in the air beside Jin. You felt Jungkook looking at you as if he’d never seen you act so carefree. And maybe he hadn’t.
The room echoed Seokjin’s declaration, and you took the shot, feeling the tequila burn down your throat as you locked eyes with Jungkook yet again. Heat settled deep in your stomach that you fucking knew was not from the alcohol you just consumed.
Jungkook’s lips were wet from the tequila, and your tongue subconsciously darted out to lick your own. His eyes latched onto the movement before looking back at you under heavy lids. “Noona…” The honorific came out like a plea, but you didn’t even think he knew what he was asking for.
“(Y/n)!” One of your teammates called to you from across the room, “Play King’s Cup with us!” You shot her a thumbs up. Fixing yourself a drink, you gave the now pouting Jungkook a lazy smile, “Talk to you later?”
You squeezed his arm briefly; and, as you sauntered away, you felt his eyes glued to your ass. And, naturally, you made sure to put a nice swing into it. God, were you actually going to do this? Were you actually considering fucking him tonight?
You cursed Lina for putting the idea into the front of your mind. You cursed yourself for having that very same idea since the very second you met him. And you cursed the boy himself for being so outwardly arrogant but so sinfully submissive.
[Or at least you hoped he was a sub. God, how you hoped.]
You greeted the group gathered around the coffee table for King’s Cup and plopped yourself down between Park Jimin and Lina. Jimin smiled at you, his eyes crinkling and his cheeks pink. “Hi, (y/n)! I’m surprised Jungkook let you leave his side.”
Your eyebrows flew up, “And what makes you think I let Jungkook dictate my actions?”
Jimin gulped, eyes searching around the group for assistance and coming up empty handed. No one wanted to deal with your wrath. “I- I thought you were getting together?”
Lina let out a low whistle, “Jimin, you’re just a little too early, my dude. (Y/n), give the poor kid a break. Let’s play some King’s!”
Jimin let out a sigh of relief as the matter was dropped. “Sorry, (y/n). Geez, you’re scary when you’re mad, but also kind of hot.”
His admission cracked you up, and you pinched his blushing cheek, “Jimin, you’re too cute. Don’t even worry about it.”
Two boys turned bright red at your actions: Jimin from embarrassment and Jungkook from jealousy.
You didn’t even know how many rounds of the game you played before someone suggested playing something else. You had a pretty nice buzz going, leaning on Jimin’s arm and laughing at a joke Lina told.
“I’ve got it!” Kim Taehyung snapped his fingers, grinning manically, “Body shots!”
Chaos ensued. It seemed half the group was down, and half the group was against it.
You knew Lina had the fattest crush on Tae, and so you reluctantly joined the side in agreement. She shot you a grateful look. 
“Let’s fucking do it,” You got to your feet, “Jin, do you have salt and limes?”
“What kind of host do you think I am?” He cried, running over to the kitchen and pulling random ingredients off of shelves. “We have salt, limes, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, cherries, sugar, orange juice, pickle juice, pepper—”
“I’m gonna stop you right there,” You slapped a hand over his mouth, “Tequila, salt, and limes should be okay. God, were you really just about to offer pepper? As in the fucking spice?”
“Yes,” His muffled response came from behind your hand.
“You’re something else, Kim Seokjin,” You muttered before turning back to the group. “Alright, who’s going first?”
“We wrote everyone’s names down, and we’re going to take turns picking,” Lina said, thrusting a hat in your direction that was full of slips of paper.
“No one else wants to go first?” You looked around the room suspiciously and then shrugged, “Alright, fine.”
You dipped your hand into the pile of papers and selected one. Opening it, your breath escaped you in a whoosh, “Jeon Jungkook.”
The room erupted into cheers.
“Fuck yeah! Get it, Jeon!”
“Oh, this is going to be hot!”
“Yas queen! That’s my mom right there!”
You threw the slip of paper at Lina as she screamed that last remark at you.
Searching the room for Jungkook, you found him lounging by the empty couch against the far wall waiting for you with a shit-eating grin. Did the boy think he was going to be taking the shot off of you?
[Oh, how foolish.]
You approached him, grabbing the bottle of tequila, a shot glass, the salt, and a slice of lime from Jin on your way over. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but you didn’t allow him the chance, “Shirt off, Jeon.”
Whistles broke out as Jungkook froze, looking confused for a second, and then he tugged his shirt over his head. You praised your decision-making skills. His body deserved to be worshipped with your tongue. It was only right and just.
“Now what, noona?” The boy grinned, crossing his arms across his chest. A move you knew he only did because it made his biceps flex.
“Lay down,” You tilted your head, indicating he should get down on the couch, “And shut up.”
Jungkook’s eyes heated at your words. He obeyed, laying down just like you asked. However, he brought his arms up and clasped his hands behind his head. The fucking brat knew what he was doing.
You would punish him accordingly.
Your finger brushed over his lips before pushing the slice of lime between them. “Hold that for me, would you?” You murmured, hitching one leg over his body and settling firmly on his lap.
Assessing where to put the shot, you decided—fuck it—and placed it right between his legs.
Vaguely, you heard the people surrounding you yelling and screaming, but you were only focused on Jungkook and how round his eyes were as they stared at your hand holding the shot glass steady, dangerously close to his crotch.
Suppressing a smile, you poured a trail of salt down the middle of his abs. Finally unleashing your evil grin, you lean close to him with your hair blocking your face from the audience, “You ready, baby boy?”
He nodded furiously.
You flicked your hair over your shoulder and slowly lowered yourself over his stomach. Keeping your eyes on his, you swiped your tongue teasingly over your bottom lip. Jungkook’s chest was heaving, his abs were tensing, his eyes were hooded.
You licked slowly down his stomach, tasting the salt and him all at once. His skin was burning under your tongue as you delved into each groove of his abs, making sure no salt was left behind. Satisfied you had gotten all of it, you shifted lower still, ghosting over the now growing bulge in his jeans to hover over the shot.
Wrapping your lips around the glass, you tilted your head back as you straightened into a sitting position. The liquid coursed down your throat, but you barely felt the burn this time. You moved up, settling right on his hardening cock, and sucked the lime from his mouth.
Jungkook let out a breathy moan as you threw the lime’s peel somewhere over your shoulder, ignoring the indignant cry in response from Jin.
You kissed him, his lips sticky with lime juice and oh so delicious. His hands finally moved from behind his head to grip your hips. You didn’t even realize you were grinding into him until his hands tried to hold you still.
[Sorry, not sorry.]
Sucking his bottom lip into your mouth, you tugged on it before releasing it to place another soft kiss on his mouth.
“Okay, okay,” Seokjin’s loud voice broke through your daze, “No fornicating on my couch, please!”
“So, if we were married, we could fuck on it? Is that what you’re saying?” You pulled away from Jungkook’s mouth and laughed at Jin’s gobsmacked expression.
“Yah, so disrespectful!” He yanked you off of Jungkook and set you on your feet, “Okay, who’s next? Tae and Lina? Me and Jiminie?”
You shook your head at your fellow captain and turned back to Jungkook; but, you found the couch empty. Whipping around to look for him, you noticed one of your teammates gesturing towards the stairs. You shot them a thankful glance and darted in the direction the boy apparently disappeared in.
“Jeon?” You called as you reached the top of the staircase. Failing to hear a response, you moved down the hallway. Your eyes and ears strained for any sign of him.
Finally, your gaze focused on the closed door at the far end of the hall. A soft light emitted from the bottom of it; and, as you crept closer, you heard Jungkook cursing on the other side of it.
You knocked once. “Jeon? What are you do—” Your words died in your throat as you threw open the door and laid eyes on a very naked and very turned on Jungkook.
“Noona, I can explain!” He jumped out of his bed, fumbling around for his pants.
You calmly shut the door and locked it behind you. 
“Shh, baby,” You whispered, crossing the room and stopping in front of him. “You don’t have to explain. It made you hard, didn’t it? Having me on top of you, licking your skin, kissing your lips… You just couldn’t help yourself, hmm?”
Jungkook’s throat bobbed, “Y-yes. I’m so hard it hurts. Noona, please touch me.”
“I can see that,” You glanced down at his cock. It was admittedly big, and it reminded you of what he had said earlier about you holding it for him. “Jungkook, I want to make you feel good, but you’ve been such a brat to me this whole year. Why should I?”
You turned and began to walk to the door. As predicted, Jungkook rushed around you to block the exit, “Please, (Y/n)! I’ll be good, I promise. I’ll stop bugging you. I’ll return the swim cap I stole from your bag...”
[That was him? You looked for that cap for weeks!]
He continued, “I’ll stop trying to get your attention! I’ll—”
You grabbed his cock - a truly effective method to shut him up. “You’ll be good for me, baby?” Your thumb brushed across his slit, collecting the drop of precum gathered there. Bringing your thumb to your mouth, you licked the droplet off, savoring the salty taste.
He let out a strangled groan as you did so. “Fuck yes, I’ll be good for you. I’ll be your good boy.”
“You know,” Your hand returned to stroke his cock slowly, before dropping it, “I don’t think I believe you.”
“No!” Jungkook looked close to tears as he tried to bring your hand back, “Please, I’ll do anything!”
“Anything?” You sunk to your knees before him, “You’ll do anything, Kookie?”
He shuddered, “Yeah, I’m yours. I’ll do anything as long as you ask me.”
“Really?” You cooed, running your fingers up his toned calves and quads, “I like that the sound of that, baby. Okay, fine. But you can’t come until I say so, got it?”
After seeing him nod vigorously, you spit on the head of his cock and use your hand to spread the combination of spit and precum around.
“Fuck,” Jungkook hissed, leaning against the door, “Noona is so dirty.”
“Oh, baby,” You grinned, “You have no idea.”
And, with that, you took the head of his cock into your mouth and sucked.
Jungkook let out a choked groan, his fingers sliding into your hair.
You took him as far as you could and then swallowed around him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck-” He chanted above you. You glanced up at him and hummed in amusement at his fucked out expression, and the stimulation from your humming only made him squeeze his eyes shut tighter.
You released him with a pop. “Jungkook, look at me when I suck your cock.”
“Y-yes, noona,” The boy blinked his eyes open and angled his head down to meet your eyes.
“Good boy,” You nodded and then licked up the underside of his cock before taking him back into your mouth.
You blew him hard, stroking the parts of his cock you couldn’t fit entirely in your mouth. Your mouth bobbed, your hands grabbed his ass, your tongue swiped over him.
“Please, please, noona, I’m so close,” he begged, looking down at you with wide eyes and a pleading expression, “Please let me come, (y/n)!”
You glared up at him, releasing him once again, “No.”
“What? Why?” Jungkook gasped above me, his breath coming in pants, “Please, can I come in your mouth?”
“No,” You repeated, your hand stroking him loosely. He whined, his hips straining to try to get you to grip him tighter.
You dropped your hold and stood, heading over to his bed.
“Nooo! Noona!” The brat moaned from behind you. You glanced back and scowled as you saw him clutching his cock in his hands.
“Jungkook, if you don’t get your hands off your cock in the next second, I won’t let you touch me.”
He dropped his cock like a hot potato. “I can touch you?” His eyes shone at the possibility.
You rolled your eyes and tugged your t-shirt dress over your head.
“Damn, noona, you’re so sexy,” Jungkook reached out to grab your waist but you smacked his hand away.
“Lay down on the bed, Kook,” You ordered, unclasping your bra and shimmying out of your thong, “I’m going to ride your face, and you’re going to make me come.”
“Hell yeah,” The idiot launched himself onto the bed and flipped over onto his back, “I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole life.”
You pinched his nipple and he yelped. “You’re such a dweeb,” You sighed, getting into position on top of him. He grinned up at you from in between your thighs.
“I think I’m in heaven,” He said, flicking his eyes across your body and staring hungrily at your pussy.
“Hm,” You shrugged and lowered yourself down just out of reach of his tongue, “I don’t know about that, but I do know that if you make me come hard enough, I’ll reward you.”
With that, you sunk down onto his face. His tongue immediately delved into you, flicking and lathering between your folds. His hands flew up to grip your ass, pushing you harder down onto his face.
[Fuck, you had never been more thankful for swimming and its conditioning. Amazing breath control? Check. Incredible stamina? Double check.]
You arched your back as Jungkook circled your aching clit. “That’s it, baby,” You moaned, reaching down to roll your hardened nipples between your fingers, “You’re doing so well. You’re making me feel so good.”
His pace quickened at the sound of your praises, his tongue thrust inside you, his nose rubbed at your clit. You felt the pleasure building and building. “Yes, Jungkook, don’t stop,” You looked down at him and his eyes were so dilated. He was looking back at you like you were the only thing that mattered to him.
And it was that look that pushed you over the edge. You came with a scream, your legs giving out from under you and your full weight falling on Jungkook. The boy took it, tongue unceasing in its movements, lapping up every last drop you have him.
As you rode out the last of your orgasm, you lifted yourself off of Jungkook and stood.
“I’m sorry, noona,” Jungkook said, breathing hard.
“What for, baby?” Your cocked your head, confused as to what he could possibly be sorry for after making you come so hard.
The poor boy blushed furiously. You glanced over him and quickly realized the problem.
“You came on yourself?” You murmured, stroking your hand through his hair as he gazed up at you regretfully.
He nodded, lower lip jutting out in a cute pout.
“You know,” You said, rounding the bed and settling in between his legs. “Usually I would punish you for this, but I think it’s really fucking hot that you came just from eating me out, baby. I’m just sad you didn’t come in my mouth or my pussy.”
You swiped your finger across the cum gathered on across his abs and sucked it into your mouth.
“I can still come inside you, noona!” Jungkook rocketed up into a sitting position, “Look, I’m already hard again! That’s the effect you have on me!”
You looked down and, sure enough, he was right.
“What a lovely surprise,” You murmured, “Now, should I let you have my mouth or my pussy?”
“I would die for your pussy, noona,” Jungkook said gravely.
“Always so dramatic…” You pushed him back down and lined his cock up with your pussy.
He bit his lip, watching entranced as you pushed the very tip of his cock inside you. A choked breath burst out of Jungkook as you sunk down lower.
“Noona, you’re so fucking tight. You feel so fucking good,” His hands clenched on your thighs as you took him to the hilt and rolled your hips. Damn, he filled you up so nicely. Your walls clenched tightly around him, every shift of your hips brought delicious friction.
“Move, noona, please,” He begged, “Fuck me.”
You lifted yourself up and sunk back down, reveling in the moan he let out in response.
“Play with my nipples, Kook,” You panted, beginning to ride him hard.
Jungkook grabbed your ass and shifted backwards. Sitting with his back against the headboard, his mouth descended onto one of your nipples.
“Oh, yes, that’s it, baby,” You moaned, grinding down onto him as he bit down lightly.
“You’re so fucking hot, noona,” Jungkook groaned, “And your pussy feels so fucking good. I always knew it would though…”
You gripped his hair and tugged hard, “Don’t make me follow through with my gag idea.”
You felt his cock twitch, “Oh, but you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“No,” He lied.
You brought two fingers to his mouth, “Suck.”
His eyes widened at your command, but his mouth opened obediently. You shoved your fingers inside. Quickening your pace, you bounced on his cock as he sucked on your fingers, moaning around them. You brought your other hand down to play with your clit as you felt your second orgasm rising.
“Are you going to come, Kook?” You panted, clenching down around him, “Are you going to fill me up? Are you going to paint my walls with your cum?”
He nodded furiously, still lapping at your fingers. His hips bucked up into yours, and you clenched down one last time before pinching your clit.
The onset of your climax set off Jungkook’s as he came hard. You tugged your fingers out of his mouth as the boy cursed and cried your name over and over.
The warmth of him filling you up felt so fucking good. “You’re such a good boy, baby. You’re my good boy.”
“Your good boy,” He smiled with his eyes still shut, “I’m noona’s good boy.”
Suddenly his eyes shot open and he frowned, “But for how long?”
“What, baby?” You shifted off of him to lay down at his side.
“How long am I going to be your baby?” His pout from earlier had returned with epic proportions, “Don’t think I didn’t see you earlier getting close with Jimin-hyung downstairs. And I know you let Jin-hyung call you ‘babe’! And—”
You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. “Shut up, you idiot,” You said, lips brushing over his, “You’re mine for as long as you want me and for as long as I want you.”
His pout remained, “But what if Jaebeom-hyung comes back?”
“How do you even— I’m going to kill Jin,” You growled before bringing your hand up to brush over Jungkook’s cheek. “Jungkook, listen to me. Yes, you’ve been a nuisance this whole season, but I always knew you did it because you liked me.”
You grinned at his blush and continued, “Well, guess what? I like you, too. God only knows why. You’re cocky and brash and loud and—mmmf!”
Jungkook flipped you over and attacked your mouth with kisses. “Noona, you like me?”
“Yes,” You groaned, shifting your face to try to avoid some of his affection, “I like you, you big brute of a baby.”
“Oh, this is so exciting! I’m going to have to plan the most perfect first date. Oh my god, we are totally going be that Swim Power Couple™. Holy shit, wait! Just think about how good our kids are going to be! We’re going to make a whole team of Olympians, noona!”
“Jeon Jungkook!” You screamed, “Kids?! Good god, what am I going to do with you?”
He smiled down at you and kissed your cheek, “Keep me forever, I hope, noona.”
You smiled back at him softly, “I think I just might…”
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
Can we have a scenario where Alcina brings the girls up to the Beneviento estate to spend springtime with Donna and Angie?
It had been a hectic few days.
The trip had been planned for quite some time, all the way back in the middle of winter, when Alcina approached her during one of the routinely meetings saying that her daughters wanted to visit her. Donna remembered the thrill that had rushed throughout her, and it was only her black shawl that kept her sister from seeing her eyes sparkle like a child’s on Christmas morning.
“They’ve been expressing wanting to see you for awhile,” Alcina had said. “And who am I to say to them? If you’re okay with them coming over, of course. I understand if you don’t want to. They can be a bit...much.”
But before Alcina could even finish the whole sentence, Donna was already shaking her head.
“You’ll allow them over?”
A vigorous nod.
Alcina smiled. “Wonderful. They’ll be ecstatic.”
Unfortunately, the meeting had to be postponed until the warmer months, as Alcina didn’t want her daughters going out when the snow was still fresh, but the minute the mountains thawed of their ice and spring swung into full bloom, Donna quickly found herself counting the days until House Beneviento was finally filled by her nieces.
When the day eventually came, it was even more of a dream than she had been expecting.
Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela were absolute angels. Flesh-eating, razor-toothed angels, but angels nonetheless. Angie had leapt straight out of her arms to go and greet them when the horse-drawn carriage pulled up to the front gates, wiggling right through the gothic black bars and sprinting over before the giant horses could even come to a complete stop. She was just as excited as Donna was.
“They’re basically my nieces, too, you know,” Angie had said an hour before the arrival of the bug-spawn. “Aunt Angie! That’s me!”
The girls adored her. Cassandra and Daniela bonded well with Angie’s mischievous energy, while Bela was always fascinated with how alive she was. Angie thoroughly enjoyed all the attention.
“Remember, if they get cold, run them a hot bath and wrap them up in as many blankets as you can find,” Alcina rattled off to Donna while her daughters and Angie were roughhousing in the courtyard. “But if they get too hot, let them have a lukewarm bath. Not a cold one! Cold baths are a huge negative. Oh, and no decaying flesh! They have class and it upsets their stomachs. Also they’re very cuddly, so—”
Donna gently touched her sister’s arm and smiled up at her warmly, silently assuring her that it would be alright.
Alcina released a breath, then nodded. “My apologies. I just get worried. Maternal instincts. Being a mother has made me soft.”
Donna laughed softly, then squeezed Alcina’s arm.
After goodbyes were said and the carriage departed with a billowing of dust and cracking of hooves, Donna was left with her beloved nieces.
“Let’s go play Chicken by the cliffs!!” Angie yelled. “Don’t tell your mom!”
The first night the girls’ were over, Donna did a routinely sweep throughout each of their rooms, making sure they were all comfortable, and she found tears of joy welling up in her eyes as she did so. She couldn’t remember the last time her house had ever been filled like it was now. Suddenly, the cold hallways were warmed, which shouldn’t have been possible because her nieces couldn’t produce body heat, and yet she felt so cozy when she was with them, so secure and wanted.
Her nieces wanted her.
The next few days were characterized by games, laughter, and many stories. She learned so much about her beautiful nieces, like how Daniela loved cheesy romance books and Cassandra fully believed she could fight an army of chickens in hand-to-hand combat and win (she gave her a presentation on it) and Bela knew how to tie a really sturdy noose. Donna had double taked on that last one. Bela smiled at her innocently.
There were other things she learned, too, things she didn’t even know the girls could do. The first time she saw Daniela vomit on her food and watched it melt had her completely bewildered. Or when she saw that Bela’s blood had a green pigmentation on it, she was starstruck in awe. Or when she heard the PURRING—
Alcina never said anything about purring. And yet, when the girls snuggled up to her one evening and they began to make the distinct rumbling sound, she just about blacked out from pure joy and adorableness. And to think she thought they couldn’t have gotten any cuter...
But there was more. Darker things, this time.
Her nieces had issues, as everyone did. And one night, these issues really came to life, and she had to step up to be the comforting maternal figure in Alcina’s stead.
Donna had always been a light sleeper. She believed she had the house to thank for that. When you lived in a mansion as quiet as her own, you tended to pick up on the little sounds, like a creak in the floorboards or a thump in a room all the way on the other side of the house. Or, in this case, a whimper.
She sat up instantly. Angie did the same, and they both exchanged looks before getting out of bed and going to investigate.
“What do you think it is?” Angie asked in a whisper.
Donna shrugged.
She checked the closest room first: Cassandra was inside, muttering and growling in her sleep. She kept snapping her teeth at the air, twitching her claws like she was trying to fend off some unseen enemy, and Donna quickly realized she was sleep-fighting. She seemed to be winning, too. Nothing about her form exuded distress, so Donna left her to her dream battle and went to the next room.
Inside, Daniela had somehow managed to kick off all of her blankets and was now curled in the upper corner, most likely very cold. Donna hurriedly swaddled her back in the covers, adding an extra quilt just to be safe, and Daniela purred softly in her sleep in contentment at the warmth. Donna smiled lovingly at her before creeping out.
One sister left.
In her room, Bela was twitching in her bed, much like Cassandra, but her face was scrunched up and she was breathing harshly. She was having a nightmare.
Donna metaphorically rolled up her sleeves. It was time to be the world’s best aunt.
Creeping over to the bed, Donna extended a hand and stroked Bela’s forehead. The skin beneath her fingers was damp, she noticed. She didn’t think the girls could sweat, so it must have been some kind of substitute liquid secreted in times of great stress. And Bela was definitely stressed.
Bela kept jerking and whimpering, locked securely in whatever horrors her mind was playing for her. There were tear marks on her cheeks, and Donna gently thumbed them away.
Bowing her head low, Donna murmured soothing words in Bela’s ear, hoping she would hear her. She read somewhere that outside effects can sometimes get into dreams. She hoped that was the case here.
Unfortunately, she wasn’t going to be able to find out because Angie decided to step in and did so by jumping directly on Bela’s stomach.
Bela awoke with a gasp, which quickly turned into a wheeze, as she seemed to have been winded by Angie’s “help.” She pawed around the bedsheets, eyes wide and rolling in her skull. Donna gently touched her shoulder, and she jerked to her in panic.
“M-Mama?” Bela croaked. She sounded so scared, so young; it broke Donna’s heart.
Donna shook her head.
“A-Aunt Donna?”
She nodded.
“Aunt Donna,” Bela whimpered, keeling over into her chest, crying.
Instantly, Donna wrapped the weeping girl in her arms. She slid into the bed fully, holding Bela against her warmth, hoping that she would be able to replicate what Alcina did well enough to comfort her.
And it worked, it seemed, because Bela began to slowly calm down, especially when she started stroking her head and whispering to her again.
“It’s alright now,” she murmured huskily. “You’re alright, little moth. Your aunt’s got you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Yep. She was definitely the best aunt ever.
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sassyhobbits · 4 years
Could you please write post Kingdom of Ash fic where Aelin has to go back to Doranelle with Rowan on important business or something and she deals with her trauma going back/ meets Rowans family/ Rowan repairs his relationship with his cousins? Pretty please 🥺
loved this idea and had so much fun writing it!! combined with the modified prompt of “living is so much harder than dying. are you sure youre fit for living?”
here’s day 5 everyone!!
It had been three years since Aelin Galathynius had stepped foot in the City of Rivers.
Her first two visits to Doranelle had been… less than pleasant, to say the least. Most sane people who had gone through what Aelin had would never get within a hundred miles of the city. But, Aelin had never been one to allow a shitty experience or two keep her away.
In the three years since the end of the war, Terrasen had slowly been rebuilt. Aelin had gotten used to her role as queen, had gotten used to peace. Although it had been hard and strenuous work, it was worth it. Every struggle and late night, argument with lords and advisors, had led to happiness for her people. Aelin would do just about anything for them.
Part of being queen, Aelin had quickly learned, was responding to correspondences from other kingdoms. Sometimes, they weren’t all that bad. She liked to write to Dorian, enjoyed the sporadic letters she received from Manon. But there were plenty of others that were less fun. Taxes, proposals, budgeting.
But, a few weeks ago, she received a letter from Rowan’s cousin, Sellene, the new Queen of Doranelle. She invited both Aelin and her husband for a diplomatic visit to her lands.
“Are you sure about this, Fireheart?” Rowan had murmured to her one night, curled up in his arms in bed. “You don’t have to go.”
Aelin understood his concern. The last time she had been to Doranelle, she had been beaten and bruised within an inch of her life, patched back together, only to go through the process again the next day. Maeve had certainly done a number on her. But Aelin would be damned if she let the bitch get the last laugh.
“I want to go, Ro,” Aelin assured him. “I want to see where you grew up, get to know your family better.”
I need to go, is what she didn’t have to say, but knew Rowan understood. Aelin had conquered many of her fears in the years since the war, but there were still nights she woke up screaming, still nights when it was impossible to tell the difference between the darkness of night and the darkness of the iron coffin.
She needed to go back to the place where she had been brought down to her lowest. Needed to prove that she was strong, and that she had triumphed.
And so it was decided. The queen and king consort would sail east.
They stayed a week in Wendlyn with Aelin’s cousin, Galan. Since he had sailed to her aid during the war, they had formed a closer friendship. It was good to see him, to see the kingdom from which her mother hailed.
From there, they traveled by carriage to Doranelle.
“Much nicer than the first time we made this journey,” Aelin remarked one afternoon from the comfort of their carriage, resting her head against Rowan’s shoulder.
“You certainly smell better.”
Rowan earned himself a slug on the shoulder for that little comment.
They passed into the City of Rivers discreetly, not truly wanting to deal with a huge welcoming party. Aelin convinced Rowan to take a day to themselves, for her husband to show her the city itself. The beautiful, simple lives of the citizens of Doranelle. How Rowan had grown up.
It was a perfect day. Aelin loved seeing Doranelle in all its glory. It was truly a work of art, unlike anything she had ever witnessed in her years traipsing the continent. They wore hoods despite the mild, spring weather, the both of them far too recognizable now to move freely without some sort of disguise. It brought her back to the days of being Adarlan’s Assassin.
Rowan brought her to some of his favorite places growing up, showed her a block that sold the traditional street foods of Doranelle for lunch. He bought her some sweets and took her to a lovely park, where they lounged under the shade, just talking and sharing kisses. He took her to a nice restaurant for dinner, snagging a private back room for just the two of them. It was all perfect.
And then the next day, they woke and readied themselves to head to the palace. Aelin managed to wrangle her husband into something nice, though he protested it on the basis of it just being his cousins. She wouldn’t hear of it.
That first day in Doranelle, exploring the streets as nothing more than another citizen, Aelin had been nothing but content and relaxed… but the first sight of that wide, curving bridge that would lead them to the palace had her heart beating just a little bit faster.
She remembered the last time she had crossed this bridge beside Rowan. She had still been going by Celaena then, freshly nineteen, just stepping into her power and her status. Terrified, though she never would have admitted it then. She had already been falling in love with Rowan, and her newly healed heart certainly wouldn’t have survived losing him.
She knew Rowan noticed the small change in her demeanor, feeling him squeeze her hand comfortingly.
They were greeted by Sellene, who was just as elegant and beautiful as Aelin remembered. It was clear she had stepped into her role as ruler with dignity and grace. She embraced Aelin like she was an old friend, making her feel truly welcome.
They were shown to their rooms, given time to settle in and refresh themselves before they would meet in court before dinner.
Their quarters were lovely: bright, open, and airy. The glassless windows allowed for the sweet spring breeze to blow into their room. There was a large bath that Aelin had full intentions of making use of that evening. Hopefully with Rowan. He wouldn’t need much convincing.
Some of Sellene’s ladies came in to help Aelin prepare, making sure her hair was thoroughly brushed and gleaming, twisted up in perfection before placing her crown on top. Her gown was a lovely piece of Terrasen green and intricate silver embroidery.
By the time they were both ready, they made quite a pair. Striking, indeed. Aelin made sure she complimented her husband thoroughly as they made the short trip from their chambers to the throne room.
It managed to distract both Rowan and herself. She barely took in the halls they walked through, some of it twinging deep recesses in her memory, like some sort of dream. But, she forced herself to focus on Rowan, the man she loved, lest the memories get the better of her.
The next thing she knew, they were being announced as they strolled leisurely through the crowded throne room. Fae nobility bowed and curtsied as they walked by, sending them wide, broad grins.
The throne room was so different than Aelin had remembered it. When it had been Maeve perched on that throne, it had been cold and quiet. It had somehow always felt like a trap. But, with Sellene as queen, it was bright and full of life. Music played, people laughed and smiled. It was… good.
A half hour passed by busily. Aelin was introduced to some of Sellene’s courtiers, reintroduced to Rowan’s other cousins. People gave her their thanks, commended her hard work and sacrifice during the war.
It was hectic enough at the beginning to keep her mind thoroughly occupied. Chatting and charming and laughing. It took a while before there was a lull in the conversation, when Aelin wasn’t listening to someone or speaking herself. But, it finally came.
Aelin took the rare moment of solitude to take in her surroundings. Rowan was across the room, talking with his uncle and cousin, Enda. He looked happy, relaxed. She loved it when he smiled.
She looked away from her husband, glancing around the room. Despite her better judgements, her gaze snagged on that throne.  It almost looked non-threatening in the late afternoon sunlight, but her gut still twisted. Images of a pale woman with dark hair and a spider’s smile flashed to her mind unwillingly. She flinched, eyes screwing shut and willing the memories of Maeve away. She was successful at first, but not for long. Images and snippets of voices, of screams that she didn’t know came from herself or others, assaulted her all at once.
Aelin’s breathing sped up, her heart hammering beneath her ribs. She felt the phantom bite of broken glass in her knees, heard Maeve’s cruel laughs. She saw Fenrys, heard his cry when Connall spilled his own blood right there by the throne. It was so clean now. Like none of it had ever happened.
But no. That had been real. The other images Maeve had sent her weren’t but…
Suddenly, the airy throne room was too small, too packed. Aelin felt ill. She ducked her head down, slipping out as discreetly as she could manage. The moment she was sure she was out of view, she bunched up her skirts and ran.
Her body remembered the way down into the depths of the palace, though she had never navigated herself. It had left a mark on her soul. She would never forget.
The dungeons below the palace were a stark difference from the open, bright architecture above. It could have been a different world. It was just as dark and cold as Aelin remembered, as it was in her nightmares.
She wasn’t sure how, exactly, she knew which of the near identical, dismal cells had been hers but… she knew. She hesitated outside the door, amazed by just how ordinary it looked. Who would have guessed that she had been held and tortured behind that door for two months?
Aelin pressed her palm against the door, the magic left in her recoiling at the iron she sensed. These dungeons had been built to keep people with magic contained. They had been well designed.
She pushed into the room slowly, using her magic to light the torches lining the walls. She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting to find: a coffin, blood stains, iron chains waiting just for her. But… it was empty. Even the stone table she had been chained to while Cairn carved her up was gone.
Just… nothing.
Aelin wasn’t sure how long she stood there before she sensed a familiar presence behind her. She was wrapped in the familiar scent of pine and snow, Rowan’s warm body standing just behind her. He placed a broad hand on her shoulder. “I thought I’d find you here.”
A tiny smile curved her lips, though she didn’t bother looking back at her mate. “You know me well, husband.”
There were a few beats of silence. Aelin didn't have to be looking at Rowan to know he was carefully considering his next words. So, she did him a favor, and spoke first.
“There’s nothing here,” Aelin said simply, stating the obvious.
“No, there isn’t. Is that a bad thing?”
A tiny shrug. “I don’t know. Yes? No?” Aelin hung her head in defeat, covering Rowan’s hand with her own. “Sometimes, it's hard to believe it all really happened. Without the scars, without the coffin… it just seems like something I dreamed up. I know I didn’t but…”
“But what, Fireheart?”
Her eyes burned with tears, throat tightening. “It would be… comforting, I suppose, to know that the experience left its mark somewhere else than in my head. It was terrifying and hopeless but I don’t want to forget it happened.”
Rowan stepped closer, her back pressed against his chest. He wrapped his strong arms around her securely, pressing a kiss to the back of her head. “I think you know that what happened doesn't only still affect you. I don’t think Lorcan will ever fully forgive himself for summoning Maeve to the beach that day, I don’t think Aedion will ever stop feeling guilty that he hadn’t been there for you when you needed him. And I…”
He trailed off, but Aelin knew Rowan better than she knew herself. She knew his fears, his regrets, his insecurities. Just as Aelin awoke some nights thinking she was back in that coffin, Rowan would wake thinking she was gone. Those nights, he would wrap her tightly in his arms and wouldn’t let go until the sunrise, as if she’d disappear with the morning dew.
She gave a meek nod. “You’re right.”
They stood in silence for a bit longer, stealing strength from one another. After a period of silence, Aelin spoke again.
“I thought it’d be easier by now,” she commented. “I spent most of my life struggling to survive, trying not to die in one way or another. It’s been three years of peace. I know three years is nothing to you and will eventually be nothing to me too but… when does life get easier?”
Rowan didn’t answer right away. “Living, Aelin, is so much harder than dying.”
She sighed and nodded. “You’re right. But when have I ever not stepped up to a challenge?” She looked up at Rowan and smiled cockily. He gave a breathy laugh and pressed a kiss to her temple.
“You’ve already conquered death, Aelin Galathynius,” he said. “I have no doubts you’ll conquer life just as easily.”
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ozarkthedog · 4 years
Dirty Game: Repercussion
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Summary: Andy punishes you for making him late.
Pairing: Daddy!Andy Barber x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Dom!Daddy!Andy, Daddy Kink, Overstimulation, Asphyxiation, Bondage, Size Kink. 
Word Count: 2,104
Author Notes: Follow up to Dirty Game. What can I say? Andy has taken over my life.
*Yet again another entry for @jtargaryen18​ #30DaysofChris2020 Challenge*
No Beta!
Reblogs and Likes are amazing! Feedback and comments are encouraged!
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The mid-day BBQ was lively as Andy eyes you sitting on the decorative rock wall, squirming slightly in discomfort from your still wet panties. That was the problem, once you started to get heated it never went away. The wetness a constant reminder of what’s the come. Andy smirked to himself, loving the way you look so uncomfortable just sitting there in your own mess. 
He wrapped his arm around you, tucking your head in the crook of his neck. Anyone glancing over would think it was a sweet moment between husband and wife. What they couldn’t hear was the little threats of what Andy was going to do to you that night. You tried your best to keep a straight face but as he whispered what was to come you couldn’t help but bite your lip. 
 “Little Girl, you pulled quite the stunt back home. You’re lucky we had some place to be or I would’ve taken you right then on the stairs. Hard.” You outright whimpered when his hand gave your shoulder a nice squeeze to emphasize his point.
 “I’m going to torture that sweet pussy of yours once we get home. All. Night. Long.”
 You closed your legs tightly not trusting yourself to not make a mess down your legs at his crude words. Clasping your hands together over your lap wanting nothing more than to touch yourself. 
 “Your pussy is going to be so sensitive and swollen by the time I’m through.”
 Your breath hitches at his final threat. Andy sweetly kisses your temple and then gets up to go chat with his fellow colleagues leaving you there to contemplate the events to come.
 Sometime later...
 “Do not even think about cumming.” Andy’s stern voice cut through the blissful haze that was fogging your brain making it harder to listen to his commands.
Sweat trickles down your chest, leaving wet lines between your naked breasts. Muscles ache from overexertion, tight and rigid, waiting to fly off the peak that was just held out of reach.
When you arrived home from the party, Andy deemed “Edging” a suitable punishment, “You made us late today, so I think it’s only far that I make you wait to cum.” He pressed the Hitachi Wand into your hands as he told you to get comfortable on the bed, “You’ve got a long night in store for you, Little Girl.”
Now, you’re a panting, begging mess with your legs tied at your ankles, spread eagle to each bed leg. Arousal soaks your inner thighs and the bed spread below all while Andy stands over you at the foot of the bed, thoroughly enjoying the way your body looks teetering on the edge. Absolutely wreaked.
It’s been well over 1 hour now of torturous edging and you knew your body couldn’t hold out much longer.
“Up the speed.” Andy says sharply, his dark blue eyes possessively hold steady on yours. He smirks when you let out loud whimper, fresh tears slip down your cheeks, mixing with the stains of older ones.
You click the button up to the 4th speed. The vibe moves faster, 1 away from the highest, beating against your swollen pussy, instantly sending you to the edge of your peak. You break eye contact with Andy forcing your eyes shut as your body tenses up. Sucking in a huge breath you desperately shout out, “Daddy! I can’t. I ca-” as the words get caught in your throat you careen off the edge of the cliff. Slick spills from your sensitive pussy as you scream out your well-deserved release.
Once you float back down to earth from the mind shattering orgasm, you notice how quiet the room is. A gasp rips from your throat as you whip your eyes open and look upon Andy. He rubs his hand over his beard as his jaw clenches with irritation. You wince feeling the wave of displeasure roll off of him at your lack of obedience.
He silently shakes his head as he walks around to the right side of the bed. Rummaging around in his side table draw before brandishing a set of police grade handcuffs.
The Wand is ripped from your hands as he harshly binds your wrists in the cold steel cuffs. His voice drips with authority and anger as takes your jaw in a punishing grip, “I thought I was clear. You were not allowed to cum until I said so.”
Your bottom lip trembles in shame as you try to apologize, but Andy wasn’t hearing any of it. His grip tightens as he growls, “Don’t. Not another word out of you.”
Suddenly, the hand holding your jaw grabs your bound wrists and pulls you into a sitting position. Andy sits behind you, caging you in with his arms and legs as he makes you rest against his expansive chest. His breathing is slow and steady, he’s fully in control now, there’s no escaping him.
Leaning his head down to your shoulder, he switches between sweet kisses and sharp nips as he makes his way up your neck. You would’ve laughed since his beard always tickles your neck, but you didn’t want to upset him even more.
“Since you couldn’t follow my one command, I’ll make sure you follow my next one.” He whispers ominously as he takes your arms and lifts them high up over your head to hang around the back of his neck. Your fingers seek out the comfort of his soft hair but dig into his shirt suddenly when you notice Andy reaching for the Wand.
Instinct makes you move, wanting to escape whatever it is he has in store for you, but he’s quick with his left arm wrapping around your torso, easily stopping your movements.
“Look at me.” Andy angles his head a bit more to the side so you can lock eyes.
“Listen very carefully now, Little Girl… You are free to cum.” The smirk should’ve told you this wouldn’t be fun, but you were too anxious to notice.
Andy clicks the Wand on, setting it to the highest speed. You instinctively try to reach out to stop him from using that speed knowing just how painful it would be, but your hands are stopped short, locked around his neck. Andy shakes your torso slightly as he chastises you with a dismissive “tut”.
“You think you have control, Little Girl. Remember, you’re the one tied up and spread open like a wanton whore while a man twice her size takes advantage of her.” He snarls out as he lowers the wand to your pussy, making you yelp loudly from the intensity of the vibrations.
You fight against the binds, struggling with all your might while Andy holds the Wand down on your swollen pussy. He chuckles darkly in the hollow of your neck, “Come on, you weren’t fighting this hard to not cum before.”
The slick from your first orgasm made the wand slide over your clit with ease, sending shocks of painful pleasure up your spine. You scream as Andy forces an orgasm out of you, feeling your body tighten up and then go slack against his. “There we go. Good Girl.” His praise was only slightly heard as you were trying to catch your breath. The vibrations didn’t stop once your orgasm hit, he left the wand securely in place.
Andy sucks freely at your neck, moaning from the taste of your skin. “That was 1. Let’s see how many more I can force out of you.” He smiles into your skin as you start to thrash, your body coming back to life fighting against the intense stimulation he’s forcing upon you.
You try to clench your thighs closed, but it was useless with your ankles being tied. Never the less, Andy saw your attempt and wove his legs between yours, stretching them open even further, “Don’t be silly. You’re not going to stop me from getting what I want.”
Your hips were spread so wide, the ache was unbearable. Tears flow freely down your cheeks as you felt another wave of pleasure spark to life. You choke back the tears as Andy’s voice distracts you, “Ahh, there it is. It’s starting to feel good again, huh, Little Girl?”
His arm lifts from your torso to palm each breast with fervor. He plucks at your nipples and slaps them roughly causing you to convulse and gasp out as the added sensations cause you to hit your peak once again.
A harsh cry cuts through the heavy air in the bedroom as your body ignites. Strong shocks pepper your skin as your feet pull at the binds hard, toes curl in on themselves as the wand keeps vibrating.
You gather enough coherency to shake your head, the words come out a jumbled mess, “Plea- …Ah! No-… No mor- AH!” Andy slaps the right side of your face with his left hand, then grabs your jaw digging his fingers into your cheeks, hushing your pleas, “You brought this on yourself, so be good and take it.” Your cheek throbs as you felt his deep voice reverberate through your back and into your bones.
Andy slides his hand down the column on your throat, lying in wait for you to slip up and rubs the wand around your pussy, nestling it against your opening, eliciting a deep moan from you. You grab the hair at the base of his neck, pulling hard. Andy groans out and retaliates by sliding his hand down to your mound and exposes your clit to the wand. A shrill scream fills the room as you feel the strong vibrations beat against your clit sending you right over your peak. White light explodes behind your eyes as your body goes ridged and you cum for the third time that night.
You shriek trying to shake the wand and Andy off of you. His voice is menacing as he assaults your clit with the wand, “You’re going to cum again. I don’t care if you pass the fuck out. I want one more orgasm.”
A frantic weep is all you reply with. Your body was shutting down from the torture. You notice your feet were turning a slight reddish color from the bindings and your pussy was starting to go numb from the vibrations. There was no way you’d be able to cum again, you were slowly dismantling.
Shaking your head, you whimper out between tears, “Daddy, I can’t.”
Andy brushes back some sweaty strands of hair from your forehead, “Yes, you can. Let Daddy help.”
Andy releases his hold on your mound letting your clit hood go back in place. You sigh contentedly as it gives you some relief from the wand. Your eyes go wide as his hand reaches your face, settling over your mouth and nose, trapping what little air you had left inside your lungs.
You squirm against his hold as his large hand easily covers half of your face exerting his power over you. Your heart pounds in your chest as you try to suck in a desperate breath, lungs start to burn as your chest convulses fighting for air.
His pinky slides beneath your chin caging you in even more, “Don’t fight it.”
You will your body to listen and relax, but your lungs burn whilst your heart rate escalates even higher. Muscle fibers on the edge on snapping while you pull at both arm and leg bindings. The wave of pleasure starts to take over exactly when you notice the black spots dot your eyesight.
“Cum… Cum right now.” Andy releases his hold on your face allowing you to suck in the precious air that catapults you into one of the strongest orgasms you’ve ever had. Andy wraps his arm back around your body as you convulse and shudder in his grip. His legs hold yours to the bed as you jerk harshly from the onslaught of pleasure.
Your body’s numb while your brain fogs over with haze. You slump against Andy, the orgasm finally leaving your system. Little shocks ignite your body every so often as you come down from your peak making you jolt in Andy’s arms.
He brings your arms down to lay on your belly as he whispers praise, “Such a Good Girl.” You stare up at him with glazed eyes, sleep threatens to take hold any minute, but you want to make sure you made him happy. “Daddy, Happy?”
Andy chuckles, “Yes, Daddy happy.” He kisses your forehead as your eyes flutter shut, “You listened so well, Little Girl. Daddy is very happy.”
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ladywaifuuwrites · 4 years
Why do you hate me?
Pairings: Giyuu Tomioka x fem! Reader
Synopsis: Ever since you met Giyuu you hated him. Well, not hate...you just don’t like him to a higher extent and you don’t know why. But Giyuu likes you and wants to ask you: “Why do you hate me?”.
Warnings: angst | swearing | a bit fluff | past life! au
a/n: I’ve been obsessed lately with past life regression and past life things and I just absolutely love history. So this is me letting my imagination run wild. And I love Giyuu. He’s my main man ❣️
Pls. give this a chance huhuness
word count: 1,635
Flashbacks are italicized  
part 1 part 2
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Party lights, red solo cups, booze and streams of laughter are present in the air. (Y/N) is thoroughly enjoying the party. After all, she just lied to her parents about going to a birthday party. But it’s actually a birthday party, a wild birthday party.
Everybody shouts at the top of their lungs and goes “WOOOOOOOOH”. Tengen is now covered in confetti, booze, and girls. The drunk ladies latched themselves on him and he kissed their heads one by one.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, everyone! Let’s get this party started!!!!” And everyone goes crazy and jumps out on the large pool outside.
You smile at their enthusiasm and shook your head to yourself, feeling good and happy about this event. Shinobu rolled her eyes and just went for the kitchen while Mitsuri is snacking on the food at the table, quietly. 
A scream left Shinobu’s lips as Tengen picked her up and proceeded to walk to your way. Mitsuri dropped her food while you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion on what is happening. 
“Oh no” Mitsuri mumbled before running away but Tengen caught her and placed her on his shoulder alongside Shinobu.
“NOOOOOOOOO. Please let me go!” Mitsuri cried out as she kept on hitting Tengen’s back.
“How about you (Y/N)? Are you gonna disobey the flamboyant birthday boy’s wishes?” 
“If you’re gonna do that to me, then no. What do you want?” You asked crossing your arms and turned on your sassy mode. 
“For the good girls club to have some fun! Why are you guys holding back? There’s so much fun this flamboyant party has to offer!” Tengen exclaimed.
“Please let me go.” Shinobu said with a smile on her face but she is really annoyed.
Before Tengen could say anything, a voice interrupted him.
“Hey! Let my friends go!” Makomo ran towards Tengen and pulled on Shinobu and Mitsuri’s arm but Tengen was far too tall so he lifted the girls up.
“Not until you grow some height!” Tengen clapped back which made Makomo extra angry. Sabito laughed loudly and kept wheezing about the joke.
“That’s a good one Tengen!” 
“Ye- Oh! Hey! Giyuu! My man!” The tall man threw the girls on his shoulders onto the pool causing screams to fill the air. 
You laugh at their situation but you are suddenly pushed onto the water. It was just like slow motion when you fell. Underneath the water, you move your legs so that you resurface but you seem to be having a hard time. Your legs feel tired and numb. Oh my gosh, is this how I’m going to die? Who the fuck killed me?
A huge splash can be heard as bubbles formed in the water and made way for someone’s body. Mesmerizing blue eyes met yours and you could feel as if you’re running out of breath. Are you running out of breath because of the water? Or because of those blue eyes?
Strong arms wrapped around your waist as you float back to the surface. You gasped for breath and put your hands to your face to whisk away the water on your face.
Makomo held her hand for you and you accepted it to get out of the pool. Shinobu put a towel around your body as Mitsuri put a towel around your head.
“What the fuck? Did you guys forget that I can’t swim?” You scream at them angrily as tears welled up in your eyes. The boys couldn’t look at you and the girls looked at you sadly.
“Giyuu pushed you” You turned your head to the voice and found Sanemi standing beside Obanai. Who the hell is Giyuu?
“I’m sorry. Sanemi bumped into me and I accidentally pushed you from the impact, I’m sorry.” A deep attractive voice perked your ears and led you looking at a man beside the pool with his head hung low. Water dripped from the man’s dark hair to his blue shirt and to his black sweatpants. He was basically covered in water and he looked hot. 
He’s the one who saved you. It was the same blue eyes that met yours underwater. But your heart swelled with anger and angry tears filled your eyes, disregarding the fact that he saved you. But he was also the one who almost killed you!
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything to him, because the way his head hung low as if utterly begging for forgiveness hurt your heart. Tears fell down your cheeks as you keep looking at him. It was like someone kept on stabbing your heart.
“(Y/N)” Makomo said softly and guided you out of the scene. Shinobu and Mitsuri followed on as everyone fell quiet.
You didn’t go to parties anymore. You didn’t want to see that guy again. Giyuu Tomioka. 
Life was boring without your friend’s killer parties. The girls offered to stay behind with you but you shooed them because you knew they wanted to go. But of course, they felt bad that they left you alone. So they ordered food and drinks for you, making you surprised since Mitsuri didn’t try to eat them.
And now you’re alone. Watching boring movies since you almost watched everything on Netflix. 
You can’t take it anymore. You need to get out. So you put on decent clothes and headed to the bar and café for music and relaxation.
It was another chill night at the place you went to. The band is singing slow soft songs about the betrayals of love and you feel like crying. 
You wipe your tears before they truly cascade down. Then suddenly two glasses of beer thump down at your table. You look at whoever placed it there and the sight widened your eyes.
What is he doing here? Giyuu sat down on the chair opposite to yours and slid the other glass of beer to your direction. Instead of being nice and saying thank you, you spat at him. “Who said you can sit there?” 
He froze. Sadness passed in his eyes before blinking and returning to his normal gaze. You raised an eyebrow and he cleared his throat. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll find another seat.” Giyuu said and took away his beer, leaving the other one behind. You look back to see him walking around to find an unoccupied space. He was about to take a seat when a group of friends clashed with him and they exchanged words for a while. He ended up giving up his seat.
You sighed at what you saw. Your heart clenched in hurt because he looked so pitiful finding a seat. Now, he’s just awkwardly leaning on a wall, drinking his beer a few inches from a couple making out. 
You raised your hand and waved them at Giyuu’s direction. He took a double-take at you waving your hand at him, motioning for him to come to you. And he did, looking like a lost puppy.
He sat back down and you two drank the night away awkwardly.  
It’s 7am on a Sunday morning with you just staring at the wall in your bedroom. You dreamed again about snow, demons, and a half-and-half haori. It’s all just the same thing over and over again.
Your mind takes you back when Giyuu offered to take you home. You said it’s alright but he insisted and you have no choice but to let him. 
And the elevator scenario. Oh my gosh, the elevator scenario. Your face heats up as you cry into your pillow. 
You live apart from your parents but they still ask you where you go, who is in your apartment and who are you bringing to your apartment. They just called in earlier and asked who you were with. Of course, you didn’t say who it was. You just said you’re with friends and ended the conversation.
And now the elevator is taking too damn slow to go up. You turn to Giyuu to find him asleep, and he leaned on your shoulder. You immediately got away from him as if he has an infectious disease and the poor guy is snapped back to reality. He looks around groggily and lands his sight on you which causes him to widen his eyes. 
“I’m sorry-”
“Can you please stop apologizing? It’s getting annoying.” You said to him annoyed. The sight of his head low and his gaze to the floor is hurting your heart once again. You want to lift his head up and hug him. But why do you want to hug him? You shook your head.
“I’m sorry-”
“I said stop! Why won’t you stop apologizing?” You scream at him and he closes his eyes as if hurt. Tears escape your eyes because of the frustration and you don’t even know why you are frustrated.
You just kept crying in front of him and Giyuu comes close to you to embrace you but you push him away aggressively. He looked so shocked, hurt, sad, full of emotions. 
The elevator door opened and you immediately went to your apartment door but a hand gripped your wrist.
Giyuu stood there, his brows furrowed in confusion and anger, his grip tight on you and you crying. You kept on trying to remove his hand on you but it wouldn’t budge. 
You could always tell what’s in people’s eyes and your intuition never failed you. His eyes were full of affection and longing. His hand forced your hand to fit into his and now your fingers are between his fingers. Why are you doing this?
“I like you”
He said as if he read your thoughts.
Your heart dropped.
“Why do you hate me?” Giyuu whispered 
You have never cried so hard in your entire life. 
a/n: I promise the next parts will make so much sense. I didn’t plan on this becoming a multi-chap fic. Oh well. It was all so much better in my head :((
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songbirdstyles · 4 years
summary: a year in the life with professor harry, post graduation - part 2 of when i’m sixty four
pairing: professor!harry styles x reader
warnings: smut, fluff, some angst? pregnancy stuff!
word count: 18.6k
song inspo.: lola - the kinks
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The day is going suspiciously well, so far, and it’s making you nervous.
You’d invited both of your families over for dinner and to break the news and you suppose you’d expected it to go about as horribly as post-graduation dinner had - that’s the last time you’d gathered both of your families in the same place, anyway. You and Harry visited Anne and Gemma quite a bit and you’d gone, on your own, to see your mother (wanted to scope out her feelings for your relationship before bringing Harry to see her again - and, luckily, she seems to be warming up to it) but you hadn’t made another attempt to stuff them in the same room together yet.
Until now. 
You’d made Harry swear to you that he wouldn’t tell his mum or his sister about the pregnancy until you could get everyone at the apartment to tell them together, and that’s what this is - you can hear them, laughing together in the living room from where you’re seated on the kitchen counter, watching Harry work over the stove. You’d been out there with them for a few minutes, laughing and sharing stories before you’d claimed you should probably go help Harry with dinner and retreated into the kitchen. Hearing them all seem to get along should make you feel better about the entire situation but all you can think about is how terribly everything will crash and burn when you finally tell them.
“Don’t y’think you should be out there with them? Making sure no fights break out, an’ whatnot,” Harry questions, turning to glance at you over his shoulder with one quirked eyebrow. “Like having you in here wit’ me, but …”
You shrug, picking at the seam of your jeans (that are beginning to fit a bit tighter than they usually do.) Both of you know that your excuse of wanting to keep him company while he cooks is absolute bullshit but you’re getting too nervous, sitting on the couch between your father and Gemma. Keep thinking that you’re gonna say the wrong thing, accidentally spill the secret before you’re ready. But you just shake your head at him, folding your hands on your lap. “They sound like they’re doing good. No need to interrupt their bonding, right?”
Harry merely hums, reaching down to turn off the stove and stirring his pasta sauce once more before resting his wooden spoon on top of the pot. “You need t’bond too. Been in here practically the entire time.”
“I’m just nervous,” you confess, voice drowned out by a sudden bout of laughter that you recognize to be your dad’s, coming from the sitting room. “My mum just started cooling down about our relationship - now we need to drop this on her.”
“We’re going to have t’tell her at some point. Better now, ‘cause she’s in a good mood.”
You ponder that, letting out a deep breath. You know you’re not being too great of a host, now, holed up in the kitchen instead of being out there but you can’t bring yourself to leave - “Are you almost done with dinner, then?”
He hums, turning around and leaning against the counter so you can meet his gaze. “Yeah - just the garlic bread, still in the oven. S’store bought, but I’m gonna tell your mum that it’s homemade, so jus’ back me up with that, would you? Want her to be impressed with me.”
You giggle, pushing yourself off of the counter and closing the distance between you two. Your arms loop around his neck and his hands instinctively land on your waist, smoothing over your skin through the fabric of the loose shirt you’re wearing - you’d been too paranoid to wear anything tight, because you swear your stomach is starting to round out, just a bit, now that you’ve reached the 11 week mark. “She’ll ask you for the recipe, you know. What’re you gonna do then?”
“Not sure,” he shrugs, leaning down to land a soft kiss on your lips when you pucker them at him impatiently. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get there, I guess.”
“Sounds like a faulty plan,” but you can’t help the grin from breaking out across your face. You press another kiss to his lips before breaking away, deciding to make yourself useful and reaching up into the cabinet above your head to grab a stack of plates. “I’ll set the table, if the garlic bread will only take a minute or two.”
Harry nods as you pick up the napkin holder, resting it on top of the plates and rifling through the utensil drawer to pick up the six knives and forks you need. “If you’re leaving, maybe you should talk to our family. They probably think you’re mad at them, or something.”
“I doubt they think I’m mad at them,” you tell him, bumping the drawer shut with your hip when you have all of the utensils, firm in your hand. “Why would we invite them over if I’m mad at them?”
“To make amends?”
“For what? Haven’t seen them in weeks.”
“You’re missing the point,” and then Harry rolls his eyes with a small smile, turning back to the stove. “Jus’ go. The bread’s gonna be done in a minute.”
So you do - pad out of the kitchen with your hands full, make your way to the kitchen table that’s been stripped of the usual flower vase that usually sits in the center. Marie sits on top of the table, as though daring you to remove her, but you do, anyway - pick her up, ignoring her soft, angry meows, and set her on the ground with a soft apology and an order to shoo. Immediately you rest the plates on the counter, setting the forks and knives down beside it before getting to work - out of the corner of your eye you can see everyone gathered on the sofas, chattering loudly, and hearing them all getting along makes you smile, now.
Also out of the corner of your eye you can see your mother standing up from her spot, pressed between your father and the arm of the sofa. Then she’s walking towards you, the sound of her low heels on the hardwood making you turn your head to look at her from where you’d been folding six napkins in half.
“Hey, mum,” you call once she’s close enough to hear you without your dad’s rambunctious laughter infiltrating your ears. “Dinner’s gonna be ready in just a minute, alright?”
“Alright.” And you expect her to turn around, head back to where she’d come from, but instead she reaches for the plates, pulling the first one off the top of the stack and beginning to place it around the table. “I just figured I’d help you set the table - if you don’t mind, of course.”
You shake your head, feeling a smile tugging at your lips as you fold the sixth and final napkin in half, beginning to rest them next to the plates your mum is setting up. “‘Course I don’t mind.”
There’s only another brief second of silence between the two of you, as your mother meticulously adjusts every plate so they’re all perfectly aligned with the napkins you’re lying out, until she pauses, hand resting on the edge of one of your white, porcelain plates, finally saying, “It looks like you and Harry have a nice thing going here.”
You pause where you’re beginning to lay out the forks and knives on top of the napkins, trying to resist the urge to grin (or maybe cry, if you’re being honest) as you nod slowly. “Yeah, we do.”
“The apartment is very nicely decorated. Did you decorate it?”
“Mostly Harry, actually,” you admit to her, which is mostly true, anyway, and you relish in the surprise that lingers, ever so slightly, in her eyes. “He lived here for a while before I moved in, so most stuff is his.”
She hums softly and you can hear the oven ding from the kitchen, then Harry shuffling to take the garlic bread out, and then your mother says, “Well, I’m very glad you’re happy. I know I don’t always show it - but if you love Harry and Harry loves you, I’m fine with it.”
God, you really could cry at that, and you’re not sure if it’s solely because of the hormones like you’d love to believe. You’d talked to your mother more times than you could possibly count since she found out about you and Harry and this is the first time she’s ever admitted she’s alright with your relationship - it only makes sense that you would get emotional.
But you swallow the lump in your throat, giving her a small smile from across the kitchen table. “Thanks, mum. That means a lot,” and she looks so relieved with your response that you wonder if the sudden slight animosity between you two had been affecting her as much as it had been affecting you. 
You wonder if she’ll be fine with it once you tell her that Harry knocked you up - but you’ll worry about that later.
Later comes entirely too soon, though, once you’re seated at the dinner table with bowls of pasta and tomato sauce spread out in front of you. Harry sits beside you, arm thrown across the back of your chair as though he can sense how nervous you’re feeling - you’ve barely picked at your pasta and only taken a bite of your garlic bread (which tastes, for the record, absolutely homemade, and not like it was picked up at the store.) Harry’s an excellent cook and what you have eaten, you’ve thoroughly enjoyed, but you feel like if you eat too much you’ll throw it back up.
“This is delicious, Harry,” your dad declares, reaching towards the bowl of pasta for his third helping in the past ten minutes. “You could be a chef, you know.”
Your boyfriend laughs at that, fork full of pasta hovering barely an inch from his mouth. “M’not sure about that - can really only make pasta, to tell you the truth.”
That’s not true, you want to say - Harry cooks nearly all the meals for you two and he’s spectacular at it. Can recreate any recipe first try and make it better than the original - but you can’t bring yourself to interject into the conversation. You feel like you might throw up, to be honest, so you merely flash Harry a tight lipped smile and glance back down at your plate, collecting a piece of pasta onto your fork.
Harry seems much more relaxed than you - diving into a story about how he used to cook when he was a child - which checks out, of course. You had no doubt that Anne and Gemma would be over the moon about the pregnancy, judging from the many dinners and brunches you’d had with them. It was, really, only your mother who would present any sort of issue, and you’d taken to worrying about it much more than Harry had.
“Y/N,” Anne begins from across the table, and you’re snapped out of your thoughts almost immediately, giving her a smile that, you hope, doesn’t put on display just how nervous you’re feeling, “do you like to cook, too?”
You understand her intention - she’d probably assumed, from your almost complete lack of contribution to the conversation, that you’d been feeling left out - but having five pairs of eyes suddenly on you makes you feel significantly more nervous than before, and Harry’s hand lands comfortingly on your shoulder. It takes just a beat too long for you to reply but finally, you reply, “Um - I’m not too good at cooking, honestly. Pretty rubbish at it, actually. I like to bake, though.”
Harry swoops in, then, squeezing your shoulder and continuing, “She’s great at baking! Should try her brownies some time.”
Have you ever made brownies that weren’t from a box? 
You swallow thickly, resting your fork on your plate, and then you add, “I’m best at making things that come from boxes.”
There’s a collective laugh at that, and then your mother pipes up with a story from when you were a kid and she’d tried to get you to help her bake cupcakes for a fundraiser - you’re not quite listening, especially when Harry uses his hand on your shoulder to pull you in to him, lips brushing your ear when he whispers, “I think we should tell ‘em now. Right now.”
You pause, shooting him an alarmed look before he continues, “You’re a bloody wreck, babe, m’sorry. Look like you’re gonna have a nervous breakdown. Wouldn’t y’rather get it over with?”
No, you want to say. You’d rather never do it, but the thought of spending the rest of dinner so nervous you can hardly stand to eat seems akin to torture. Whatever reaction the news garners from your families won’t change whether you do it now or in twenty minutes - why put it off?
So you nod, head jerking up and down once, and Harry squeezes your shoulder again, leaning in to press a kiss to the side of your temple. Your hand nearest him lands on his knee, squeezing onto the fabric of the loose jeans he’s wearing. 
“Actually,” and Harry’s voice cuts through the mixture of laughter erupting at the table. He waits a minute, for it to calm down - in the meantime, he glances at you again, fingers rubbing into your shoulder, and your hand smooths over his knee. There’s a lot being said, in the brief second your eyes lock while he waits for the attention to land on him - it’ll all be okay, and then no matter what, we have each other and the everpresent I love you that lingers whenever you look at him. And - finally - when there’s only expectant silence at the table, Harry breaks your gaze, turning back to your families with a small, nervous smile. “We have something t’tell you all.”
 You’d had today marked on your calendar for weeks, it should be said.
As soon as your doctor - Dr. Ferguson, who Kaitlyn, weirdly, had convinced you to go to - had told you that at your next appointment, we’ll likely be able to tell the baby’s gender, you and Harry hadn’t been able to shut about it. You’d facetimed Anne that night, told her that in two weeks time, we’ll know the gender! And you’d texted your parents the same news - even if they weren’t as immediately excited about the pregnancy as Anne and Gemma, the celebratory Bitmoji they’d sent back made you smile, anyway.
You’d left the house twenty minutes early and still managed to nearly be late, getting stuck in traffic and waltzing into the office with less than two minutes to your appointment. Harry had gone to check you in while you’d perched yourself onto one of the waiting room sofas with cushions that were oddly sticky against your palms, and your knees jiggled up and down as your eyes scanned the room you’d become entirely too familiar with - the wall of pamphlets next to the restroom, the framed photos of happy mothers and pregnant women. There’s exactly one other person waiting in the chair across from you, legs curled beneath her and face buried in a magazine, and you feel oddly uncomfortable staring at her but you feel too nervous to do anything else.
“Said it may be a bit of a wait,” Harry murmurs to you when he’s done signing you in - his arms instinctively wrap around your shoulders, and you rest your head on his with a deep breath. “Somethin’ about her last patient runnin’ late, or something. So - that's good”
You nod, gnawing on the inside of your cheek as you lean into your boyfriend. You’re not sure if he’s feeling half as nervous as you are but something about the way he keeps drumming his hand on his thigh, humming softly beneath his breath, convinces you that he might be. So - to break the tension, because there’s something truly terrible about seeing Harry nervous when you’re usually the worrier - you ask, voice hardly above a whisper (out of courtesy for the woman across from you,) “What do you think it’ll be?”
“A boy,” Harry whispers back with not a moment of hesitation, and you furrow your eyebrows at him. “What? I reckon we’re gonna have a little Harry Jr. in there,” and he pats your stomach for good measure.
“You’re crazy,” you tell him, playfully swatting his hand away from you. “I’m almost positive it’s a girl - isn’t there a maternal instinct, for these kinds of things?”
“There’s a paternal instinct too, you know.”
“I don’t think so.” And then you pause, staring up at the smooth white ceiling above you with your bottom lip pulled between your teeth. “And if it is a boy, I’m putting my foot down on Harry Jr.”
Harry huffs playfully, and there’s a pause between you two before he says, “Should we bet on it?”
You give the words a moment to sink in, and then push yourself off of him, glaring at him and trying (and failing, naturally) to hide the smile that threatens to tug up your lips. “I’m not betting money on the gender of our baby - that’s terrible, professor, really.”
“I never said money,” he interjects, crossing his arms over his chest with one side eye glance at the woman across from, still hunched over the magazine she’s reading. “If he’s a boy, I get a blowjob.”
Your cheeks burn immediately and you raise your hand up, swatting his shoulder with an apologetic glance to the lady across from you, who’s looking up from her magazine with an absolutely affronted look. “Harry!”
But he merely continues on as if he’d been talking about the weather. “And if he’s a girl - well, what do you want if you win?”
Where he was rather blasé about discussing your sex life in front of a poor stranger, you can’t bring yourself to tell him exactly what you’d want if you’re right - so you shrug, focus your eyes on tugging at a loose thread in his sweater. You’d made him change out of the t-shirt he’d been wearing and change into this thick sweater Anne had given him for Christmas - it was December, after all, and he’s terrible when he’s sick. “Well - um - I want you to do the laundry for a month.”
He raises his eyebrow, staring at you with a slightly amused smile, and then questions, “That’s it?”
You can feel your cheeks burning up even more as you continue to pluck at Harry’s sweater. “And - you can’t complain when I wear your clothes.”
“I don’t complain, baby, you know I love when you -”
“And,” you continue, flicking him in the forehead to cut him off. “There’s something else that I won’t say here, because we’re in public, but I’ll tell you in the car.”
Harry raises his eyebrows again and you can’t resist the urge to laugh, leaning in to rest your head on his shoulder for a moment to regain whatever semblance of composure you could scrap together. His fingers tug at the ends of your hair as you pull your head back up to look at him, and when your eyes have met he says, “Well, that’s actually quite the long list of things to do if it’s a girl, so I’m changing mine to three -”
Whatever he was going to say (and you had a pretty good guess) is cut off immediately at the sound of one of the nurses calling your name, and your eyes widen with an air of slight nervousness before you both stand - smile at the nurse and follow her down the hall to the exam room that you’ve come to know entirely too well, even if you’re not too far into your pregnancy.
When the nurse leaves the exam room you clamber onto the table, feet knocking into each other you lie back. Harry settles into one of the chairs beside you, pointedly pulling it closer so he can rest his chin on the table. “Are y’going t’tell me the third thing you want if you’re right - which you’re not?”
You merely roll your eyes, turning your head so you can look at him. “Rather like sitting on your face - guess I’ll opt for that, before I get so big I’ll suffocate you if I try.”
He frowns at that, pressing a kiss to your hand where he’s got your fingers intertwined with his. “M’a big boy, you know. I’ll always let you sit on m’face - think I love it more than you do.”
You know he’s wrong but you just press your palm to his cheek, letting him rest his head into your hand before saying, “Don’t think you’re gonna be singing that tune when I’m the size of a whale.”
“Are you kidding?” you’re not, clearly, and he scoffs as if he’s offended by the mere concept of it. “I’ll be singing it until the day I die. I’ll let you sit on my face every single day, jus’ to prove it to you. Don’t laugh - I’m being serious!”
But you can’t maintain any sort of serious composure for more than a moment without grinning, so you rest your head back and gaze up at the ceiling while Harry continues to fuss about how much of a disgrace it is - that you’d ever dream of yourself being too big to sit on his face, but you opt to merely block him out, feeling your own worries starting to swell back up in your mind now that you’re not focused on talking to him. You don’t care, truthfully, if your baby is a boy or a girl. You’d be just as happy with either but for as long as you’d known you were pregnant, you’d sworn up and down that it’s a girl. Blamed it on your maternal instinct and all that, because you simply knew you were having a daughter.
If you’re wrong, does that mean you have no maternal instincts? Are you going to be a bad mother?
The door to the exam room opens again before you can focus too much on it, and Harry’s ranting about you sitting on his face ends so abruptly you could swear he’d never even opened his mouth. Dr. Ferguson gives you both wide smiles, asks the general questions - how’s it going? How’s baby? How’s mom? And you squeeze Harry’s hand when she finally settles beside you, turning the ultrasound machine on, and you reach down to tug your sweater up.
“Generally, 15 weeks is where we can determine the baby’s gender - assuming they’re in the right position to check,” Dr. Ferguson tells you, using the probe to spread the cold gel on top of your stomach. Your fingertips drum against the back of Harry’s palm as she asks, “Do you guys think you want to know the gender of the baby?”
You nod furiously as Harry proclaims, “Yes - definitely. Been talking about it for weeks, haven’t we?” And - because he tends to ramble a bit when he’s nervous - he continues, “I think s’a boy - she reckons it’s a girl. We’ve got a bet going, about it, too -” and that’s where you squeeze his hand and shoot him a glare to shut the hell up.
The doctor merely chuckles at the pair of you, raising a manicured nail to point at the ultrasound screen as she moves the probe closer to your lower tummy. “Unfortunately for you, Mr. Styles - I think you’ve lost the bet.”
There’s a pause after that, the both of you letting the words settle in.
If he lost the bet - then that means -
“It’s a girl?”
Harry’s words come out in barely a breath, and you can feel the familiar prickling in the back of your eyes as you squeeze Harry’s hand. 
“You two are having a girl,” Dr. Ferguson confirms, a smile spreading across her face as she watches the two of you - your eyes well up with tears as you turn to look at Harry, his mouth dropped open and upturned ever so slightly in a wide grin. Your eyes meet and you swallow thickly, not bothering to try and hide the smile that graces your features as he stands up, throwing his arms around you in a tight hug. Neither of you pay much mind to the doctor as she murmurs, “I’ll go and get your prints,” and slips from the room, but you’re beyond thankful - you need a moment with him, for this.
As soon as the door shuts you let the tears drip down your cheeks, burying your face in Harry’s sweater and wrapping your arms around his torso with a soft hiccup. His voice is soft when he mutters, “Can’t believe we’re gonna have a baby girl - God, you were right.”
Your cold hands slide up his sweater, smoothing up his warm back, and you can feel him jump at the contrast of temperatures - “I knew it,” you can’t help but declare quietly, voice crackling wetly as you sniffle. “Our little girl. I knew it.”
He chuckles, which is mostly a soft exhale into your hair. “Can’t believe you’re turning this into a told you so moment.”
“Only saying that ‘cause you lost.”
There’s no response from your boyfriend for a moment - mostly because he knows you’re right - just his arms tightening around you. “Oddly enough, I don’t quite think I mind losing.” The sentiment is sweet and you pull back, leaning up to press a lingering kiss to the underside of his jaw, and you almost miss the mischievous smile spread across his face, even if the way he’s rubbing your back is ultra innocent.  “I get a daughter and my ultra hot girlfriend is sitting on m’face tonight - what more could I ask for?” And, for that, you smack his shoulder again, laughing through the joyful tears blurring your vision.
 “Are you honestly mad at me right now?”
You huff, sinking lower into the couch at Harry’s mocking tone. Truthfully - though you wouldn’t admit it to him - you are feeling just a bit cross, as you stare at the ten cards in your hands that are nowhere close to being a run of seven. “No,” you tell him, shorter than you’d anticipated. “But you’re three phases ahead of me, and I feel like you’re rubbing it in.”
Harry rolls his eyes playfully, resting his elbows on the coffee table across from you. You’d started out both sitting on the couch, but then you swore you caught him peeking at your cards and banished him to the other side of the coffee table, on the ground, no matter how many times he promised he was just changing the music blaring from his phone. (Which, for the record, you didn’t believe, because he was a firm believer in letting the music play out and never changing it.) “Baby, m’not rubbing it in. Jus’ playing the game.”
“You keep skipping me,” you mumble, barely audible over Ring of Fire coming from his phone on top of the table.
“S’how you play the game. So if you happen to go out, m’not stuck with 15 extra points.”
“You know I’m never going to go out, right?” And just to prove your point, you reach in to grab a card from the deck, rolling your eyes when you see it. It’s another three, your fourth one, and you rest it on top of the discard pile with a pointed glare at Harry. 
He merely shakes his head, reaching in to take a card. “I don’ even know why you wanna play Phase 10 all the time, ‘cause you always get mad at me when we do.”
You furrow your eyebrows at him, a frown tugging the corners of your lips downwards. “That’s not true! I don’t get mad at you. Just get irritated, because you’re good at it, and you always beat me.” There’s a pause while you wait for Harry to discard a card, and when you look up at him, he’s gazing at you with a slightly guilty look in his eyes. “You’ve got to discard a card, Har.”
And then, instead of putting a card down on the discard pile, he lays down his cards on the table - a set of sevens and a set of tens. Your shoulders slump as you stare at his completed phase and then at the cards in your hand, still a jumbled mix of numbers with absolutely no hope of becoming a run anytime soon. 
“M’sorry for this, honey,” Harry tells you, voice faux sweet, and you look back up just in time to catch him placing his skip down on the discard pile, making it his turn again. And, just as you open your mouth to say something, he reaches for the deck and pulls a card. You watch, feeling heat creep up your neck, as Harry slaps a wild card down next to his set of sevens and then presses his final card - a two - into the discard pile - fuck.
“Jesus fuck,” you exclaim, tossing your cards down onto the coffee table. Harry’s staring at you with a smug, satisfied grin on his face, and you could reach over and slap it right off. “How?”
“S’just luck,” he tells you, as if he’s the master at it, as he reaches over to collect your cards off the table. “You’ll get it next time, alright? S’just a game, it’s fine.”
“It’s easy for you to say.” You cross your arms over your chest as Harry mouths the point values of your cards, flicking through your stack. “Mr. ‘I’ve-Gone-Out-Every-Single-Time.’”
He snorts at that, grabbing all of the cards strewn about the coffee table and shuffling them together. “You had two skips, y’know. Why didn’t you skip me? 15 points each.”
“Because I felt bad,” you tell him, frown deepening at the way he barks out a laugh. “Why’re you laughing? Was just trying to be nice.”
Beside Harry, resting on the carpet, is the stray piece of notebook paper he has to add up your scores with each round, and you sigh, reaching for the stack of cards so you can begin shuffling them. “The point of the game isn’t to be nice, baby. You’ve gotta play your skips - that’s why you’re 325 points behind me.”
You can’t put your finger on why you’re getting so worked up over this. It is just a game and you know that but you’ve always been competitive. You’d been rather proud of how, nearly 21 weeks into your pregnancy, mood swings hadn’t been hitting you as hard as you’d expected - but, God, they’re getting you now. And Harry is four phases ahead of you now, and what’s worse than being beaten is that it is just luck, which means yours is being really shitty right now, and you’re tired of it.
You focus your eyes towards your lap where you’re working on shuffling the deck as the song segues to Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, just a bit too loud for you to handle. “I just wanted to be nice,” you repeat, cringing at the voice crack that cuts through your sentence. From the corner of your eye you can see Harry’s head snap up as he hears it, his brows furrowed. “God, I hate this game.”
There’s another beat of silence, and then Harry’s pushing himself up off the floor, coming to sit beside you on the couch. His arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you to him (as close as he can get, with your rounded tummy between you both) as his lips land on the top of your head, and, as nice as he’s being, you can feel how his lips are turned up into a grin. “Are you going to cry?”
“No,” you insist, but the frustrated tears prickling the back of your eyes are on its way to proving you otherwise as you lean your head into his shoulder.
Harry’s hand smooths up and down your back soothingly as you sniffle into his shoulder pathetically. “Sorry for teasing you,” he murmurs, barely heard against the music, and you nod slowly. “You’re jus’ being nice, and that’s very sweet, even if it goes against the point of the game -” and, for that, you raise your hand up and land it against his shoulder with a firm slap, and he laughs - “but I’m sorry, really.”
You press your cheek to his shoulder, leaning in to press a small kiss to the side of his neck. “It’s just hormones, I reckon. Didn’t mean to get so upset.”
“Should have a word wi’ the little one,” Harry murmurs, sliding his hand around from your back to your stomach. The second he’d started to notice your stomach growing he’d become obsessed with feeling it, which you suppose you should have been expecting all along, really. “Tell her not to make mommy so sad, right?” You exhale a soft giggle at that, and he hums contentedly. “But I guess s’my fault too, getting all the good cards.”
You lift your head up, pulling away slightly so you can look into Harry’s slightly amused eyes, and he’s still smiling softly. “Awfully rude of you to be so good at Phase 10,” you tell him, pouting dramatically as you gaze at him through your watery lashes. You’re already feeling quite a bit calmed down and also fairly silly for getting so upset about something so trivial, but what’s done is done, you suppose.
He nods, and you can see the laugh he’s struggling to conceal as he tries to keep up his serious facade. “It is rude of me,” Harry agrees. “I can be a real asshole sometimes.”
“A real asshole.” 
“Should probably make that up to you, right? But how will you ever forgive me?”
You pause, pretending to think as you gnaw at your bottom lip, eyes darting around the apartment as if searching for ideas. “Dunno. You’re really gonna have to work for it, professor.”
The instant effect the name has on him never fails to amuse you as his gaze darkens - hardly noticeable to anyone who doesn’t know him as well as you, but you can read him like a book. Harry’s thumb swipes up to wipe at the tears, still brimming in your lower lash line, as he says, “Lay back f’me, then.”
You grin as Harry unwinds his arms from around you, shifting backwards until you lie across the sofa, instinctively throwing your legs across his lap, just to watch the way he playfully rolls his eyes. His hands smooth up and down your calves, fingertips drumming against your skin, and you push yourself onto your elbows. Wiggle your feet at him, and Harry smiles at you. “Don’t think you’re far enough along to need foot massages.”
“First, I absolutely am, and second, I don’t need them,” you agree, “but I want them.”
“Another time,” he promises, shifting off the couch so he’s on his knees beside it. One soft kiss lands at your ankle and it sends shivers through your body as you watch him, shifting so he’s positioned between your thighs. Harry leads a trail of kisses up your legs, hands following behind his mouth, massaging up your legs until he reaches the soft skin of your thigh. 
Your breath hitches in your throat as you watch him, lips attaching to your inner thigh, suckling in a love bite. He loves leaving marks in places only he sees - your ass, namely, and your thighs and your boobs and everywhere else that’s reserved for him. In summer it becomes a problem, when you have to don swimsuits and shorts to bear the heat, but it’s January, now, so you let him go wild with his hickeys.
“Harry,” you groan, reaching down to curl your fingers into his hair. He looks up at you with a bemused look in his eyes, tongue lapping over the mark he’d left on your thigh. “Don’t tease me.”
He chuckles breathily, blowing softly on your wettened skin, and you whimper quietly. “M’not teasing,” Harry assures you, hands working up your thighs until he reaches the hem of your panties, fingers hooking into them to begin pulling them down your legs. “Jus’ taking my time.”
You lift your hips up so he can discard the offending material, tugging them off of your ankles and tossing them onto the coffee table, right on top of the abandoned Phase 10 cards. Fingernails scratch against Harry’s scalp, twirling his curls around your fingers, and you can see the blissful smile that briefly graces his features before he returns to the matter at hand. He grips the bottom of the oversized shirt you’re wearing, pulling it up around your waist, and then he mumbles, “Bloody hell, s’that my shirt?”
You laugh, the noise soft and barely perceptible over the horns in Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You. What you want to say is that, truthfully, his large shirts are one of the few that fit your stomach, so you opt for them most times - but Harry isn’t looking for a response. He just grabs your wrist, drags it to your waist where the shirt is bunched up, and you take the hint to grab onto the material, pulling it up over your stomach. Make sure he has enough room to work, without it getting in the way.
“God,” he mutters, grabbing your thigh to hoist it up, putting your glistening pussy on display for him. “You’re so beautiful, y’know that?” You can feel emotions bubbling in your chest with just the small compliment, and further as he breathes, “Not sure how I got so lucky. M’fucking obsessed with you.”
You’re beyond thankful that he doesn’t look up into your eyes again, because you’re not sure that he’d ever let you live this down - your eyes, filled with tears about to trickle down your cheek while he’s inches from your cunt. But he merely leans in, presses a soft kiss to your clit, and you’re too distracted by the sudden jolt of pleasure to think about the moisture building up in your eyes.
You moan at the same time Harry does, his tongue licking up between your folds. His noise rolls through your body and you toss your head back, hitting against the arm of the sofa with a long whine, cunt clenching around nothing as he laps at you. Your eyes roll back into your skull as you slump against the couch, not bothering to try and hold yourself up to see what he’s doing to you.
But - well, you should’ve remembered that Harry is a stickler for eye contact, and within moments of your gaze being torn from where he’s working at you, he stops. Pulls away so the only place you can feel him is his hand on your thigh, holding you up, and you push yourself up again to glare at him. “No teasing, Harry, please -”
“Y’gotta look at me,” Harry tells you, raising his eyebrows. “Come on, baby. Wanna see your pretty face - yeah, that’s a good girl.”
A soft moan escapes your throat at the pet name, and you focus your attention on not dropping your gaze from Harry’s head between your thighs. He takes a second to make sure your eyes are firmly on him, and then you’re groaning for fuck’s sake, professor, do something, and he’s back to it. His hand that’s not maintaining grip on your thigh joins his tongue at your pussy, spreading your lips apart to give him easier access to exactly where you need him. You watch as his tongue flexes, sliding into your dripping hole, fingers working at your clit.
“Oh, fuck!” you gasp, walls fluttering around Harry’s tongue. Your clit is pulsing with the pressure of his finger, rubbing circles into the sensitive nub, and with your eyes focused on him you can catch exactly the way his lips upturn into a cocky smirk. He’s the only one who can make you fall apart like this and he knows it, and it should bother you but it only turns you on more. “God, Har, keep doing that, please.”
Harry hums softly, “M’not planning on stopping,” as his tongue dips in and out of your cunt, lapping up every last drop of your arousal lingering on your folds. “Tell me how good it feels, baby. C’mon, wanna hear how much you love it.”
What a dick, you think as you stare down at him. Harry’s fingers slide down from your clit to your hole, replacing his tongue, pumping in and out of you. The first curl of his digits brushes against that hidden spot inside of you and your hips roll forward into his hand as his lips wrap around your clit, tongue flicking firstly against it before he hollows his cheeks out and sucks. “Oh - god, Harry! Feels so good, love it so much -”
Your eyes meet his again and he raises his eyebrows, silently egging you on, and you continue, voice high pitched and breathy as you cry, “Please, make me feel good, please!”
“That’s m’girl,” Harry grunts, fingers digging into your thigh so hard it’s sure to leave marks, and then his face is sinking back into your folds - his tongue licks up your folds, nose nudging your clit, and you collapse back against the couch. If he was focused on watching you surely he would see how you’ve abandoned the eye contact but he’s paying attention solely to the pleasure he’s giving you. His tongue flattens as he licks up your folds, two fingers still pumping in and out of your heat so fast and hard you can hear the sounds of your wetness. “Taste so fucking good.”
His voice is muffled against your pussy and you lower your gaze back down to him, chest heaving as your grip tightens both on his hair and the fabric of your shirt, still hiked around your waist. Your fingernails dig into his scalp so hard that you know you’re leaving small, crescent shaped indents into the soft skin of his head but it never seems to bother him - you can hear him whine into your cunt, proving your point. 
The hand on your thigh drops and your leg falls over his shoulder - it, instead, sneaks up your stomach and into the bunched up material of your shirt, palm resting overtop of your tits through the sports bra you’re wearing, the one with cherries on it, and his hand squeezes around the mound of flesh just as his teeth graze your clit. Both sensations have you tossing your head back with a sob and Harry pulls away briefly, strands of saliva connecting him to your core, as if begging him to return to where he’d been working at.
You love seeing him like this - nearly unhinged in his quest to get you off, eyes lust blown and pupils so wide they’ve overtaken all the green in his orbs. Harry is so desperate to make you feel good and you can see it in his eyes, as he presses a kiss to the top of your mound before returning his tongue to your clit.
Your pussy is clenching relentlessly around his fingers, hips bucking up into him at a staccato rhythm - you’re going to cum, you’re right there, and he knows it. Harry’s tongue swirls around your clit again and again as his fingers curl into you, hitting the perfect spot inside of you over and over until all of your muscles tense, your eyes roll back, and -
“Fuck, yes,” Harry moans, pulling his head back to watch you come undone beneath him, body spasming with the force of your orgasm. His fingers still slowly thrust in and out of you, forcing your orgasm onwards until you’re reaching down, grabbing his wrist and pulling it away from your cunt. “Doin’ so good f’me, yeah.”
You can hardly breathe once you’re finally coming down, gasping for air as Harry rests his cheek to your inner thigh, fingertips dancing up and down your hips. Your clit is throbbing with the intensity of it all and your body feels weak, like you couldn’t move even if you tried, and Harry’s face looks just as self satisfied as you’d expected.
“Oh my god,” you breathe, loosening your grip on Harry’s hair, smoothing your fingers over the skin you’d been assaulting. “Jesus, fuck, you’re good at that.”
Harry chuckles, then, pressing one wet, open mouthed kiss to your inner thigh before rising up from his spot, kneeling on the ground, to sit back on the sofa. He grabs the material of your shirt, tugging it back down to cover your body. “Did I make it up to you?” And, when your brows furrow ever so slightly in confusion, he says, “‘Cause I beat you in Phase 10.”
You grin, reaching out for Harry’s hand so you can push yourself to sit up, leaning against the arm of the sofa. His thumb smooths over the back of your palm, watching you with a look of pure adoration in his eyes, and you’re sure yours look much the same. “I guess so,” you shrug, working on the act of faux nonchalance, even if you know he doesn’t believe it. 
“Well, that’s good,” he proclaims, leaning forward to rest his body between your legs, pressing a kiss to your lips softly. “Hope I get t’fuck you now. Can hardly wait - was gonna cum in m’pants, watching you get off.”
His words make your stomach flip and your clit pulse, and you want nothing more than to pull him down to you, let him fuck you until you can’t walk tomorrow. But you cross your arms over your chest, staring into his overly confident eyes as you decide, “No.”
“No,” you confirm, relishing in the way Harry’s shoulders droop, how his eyebrows crease in confusion. You shift away from him, swinging your legs over the edge of the sofa so you can focus back on the Phase 10 cards, still set up on the coffee table. “If you win your next phase, I’ll let you fuck me, to make up for you being rude again.”
There’s silence between you two as Harry stares at you, mouth parted in shock, looking positively bewildered until he asks, “Are you serious?”
You nod.
“What happens if you win?”
You both know you won’t win - you’ve been on the same phase while Harry has gone through four - but you pretend to think, already reaching down to the table for the stack of cards. You brush your panties off of them, letting them fall to the floor. “If I win, I’ll let you fuck me, ‘cause I lost.”
Harry nods slowly, and then says, “So I’ll fuck you either way?”
“Well, yeah,” and then you resume shuffling the deck. “But I just like making you wait.”
 You have to say - you think you’re getting pretty good at grading essays.
Through your entire relationship you’ve loved to help Harry grade stuff, and it’s always been easy for you, because you’ve completed every essay and every exam and done great on all of them (with the exception of 1984, so Harry pointedly does not let you grade those.) And it’s fun, too, turning up music and sitting at the kitchen table, humming along to the tunes and occasionally asking the professor what he thinks about a certain word, or if the flow of a certain sentence sounds too wonky to ignore.
Sometimes, though - sometimes, it’s not too fun.
Harry had been putting off on grading the essays he’d assigned on The Fountainhead, which is, if you recall, the only essay you’d written for his class that made you consider dropping out, with how nitpicky the rubric was. Every year it was a pain for Harry to grade, so you suppose it only figures that he’d put off grading them as soon as possible - which is how you ended up here. There are stacks and stacks of essays spread across the kitchen table that have to be graded before Monday, and one glance at the clock on the wall behind you shows that it’s already nearly 11:30 on Saturday night - which means you and Harry have been grading for just about four hours since your last break to eat reheated pizza from the night prior.
“Do you think it’s time to go to bed?” you question, voice soft and raspy, cutting through the comfortable silence that’s been hovering between the two of you since Harry turned off the music an hour ago, murmuring that it was giving him a headache. “It’s almost midnight, professor. And it’s not good to work yourself too hard.”
He exhales softly, flipping a page in the essay he’s working at that’s getting marked up so much with red ink that the paper hardly even looks white anymore. “Y’can go to bed if you’d like,” he tells you, which is exactly what you’d expected him to say but it still makes you sigh dramatically. “What’re you huffin’ at? I’ll do a few more, an’ come to bed in a little bit.”
You shake your head, placing the essay you’d just graded on top of the finished pile and reaching for a fresh one. You click your pen a few times, squinting at the name printed on top just to check if you recognize it (which you don’t) before getting to work grading it. “One more, alright? And then bed, ‘cause otherwise you’re just gonna be cranky tomorrow.”
“M’never cranky, baby.”
“You are when you go to bed at midnight and then wake up at 7 to grade,” you murmur, uncapping your pen to scribble a comment in the margins of Daniel Garcia’s essay and ignoring the dramatic, scandalized gasp that your boyfriend lets out. “Just finish up that one, and I’ll do this, and then we’re going to bed.”
Harry’s silent for a second and you know that you’ve won - you won’t stop until you do, anyway, so it’s best that he gives in now. “When did you start wearing the pants in the relationship, m’dear?” he questions, giving you a cheeky smile, and you roll your eyes.
“Since you put a baby in me,” you reply, drawing a line through an unnecessary sentence in Daniel’s paper, and then you pat your stomach as if to remind him. “But long before that too, I think.”
“In the bedroom, though -”
“Don’t give yourself a boner, Har, it’s almost midnight.”
He laughs at that, bending back over the essay he’s grading with a grin still present on his lips. You watch as he returns to writing a note on the paper and you look back down at Daniel’s, pulling your bottom lip in between your teeth to conceal your smile as your eyes scan over the last paragraph of the first page before flipping it to the next one. 
The next five minutes passes in the same vein, Harry occasionally asking for your input on the essay he’s working on, and you do the same. The end of your pen drags along the paper, tracing the Times New Roman font that’s beginning to look entirely too small now that your eyelids are beginning to droop with sleepiness overtaking your bones - the sleepiness that’s only heightened when Harry finally tosses his overly marked essay into the finished pile and leans back in his chair with an almost mocking grin when you meet his eyes.
“M’not sure I’ve ever graded such a horrible essay in my life,” he announces to you, pushing his chair back to stand up, arms stretched over his head. “Got a bloody 26.”
Your eyes glaze over the essay sitting on top of the finished pile, taking in the cover page that’s doused in Harry’s small, scrawled handwriting. Then you glance back down at Daniel’s essay, hardly marked up at all, and shrug. “He’s doing alright. Only taken off 5 points for some grammar issues.”
Harry leans over the table to peek at what you’re doing, and you lean back so he can scan the words on the page. “Might have the highest grade in the class, then.”
“Higher than mine?”
“‘Course not,” and he scoffs, as if the suggestion that any student’s essay could be better than yours was absolutely preposterous. “D’you want me to stay in here with you?’
You furrow your eyebrows as you look up at him, and then you shake your head. “Go to bed, professor. I’ll be done in a few minutes - almost on the last page, see?” And you spread the pages apart to prove it to him.
He nods, and then leans down to press a quiet kiss to your nose before padding down the hall to the bedroom - gives you a departing whisper yell to scream if y’need him - well, maybe don’t, ‘cause we do have neighbors, and then you’re left alone, hunched over Daniel Garcia’s essay. There’s not much work to be done as you read the last paragraph on the second-to-last page - you merely write out a suggestion in the margins before setting your pen down beside you and flipping to the next page.
You take a moment to yawn, stretching your arms high above your head as you squeeze your eyes shut. God, you are tired. From down the hall you can hear the sink turn on and you smile, briefly, thinking of Harry brushing his teeth with the pink princess toothbrush you’d bought him as a joke, and now he refuses to use any other one. Always makes you laugh when you see him using it, ignoring the other clean, adult ones right in the holder beside the sink.
Sooner you finish Daniel’s essay, the sooner you can catch him using it.
It’s motivation enough, and you open your eyes to begin on the last page of the paper you’d been working on for the last ten minutes. Immediately you notice, right in the middle of the final page, is a neon pink sticky note that you hadn’t noticed previously - you peel it off the paper and bring it up to your eyes, squinting to read the words written in dark black pen, a contrast against the bright color.
Mr. Styles -
Thank you for reviewing my essay! I made some of the changes you suggested, so I hope it’s better than it was before.
I hope you’re having a good semester, and congratulations on the pregnancy! 
- Daniel
You smile as you read it - whatever critiques Harry had suggested had clearly worked out, as Daniel’s essay was easily the best you’d graded all day. It’s only when you reach the last few words that you bring it closer to your face, making sure you’re reading it correctly - congratulations on the pregnancy?
“Har?” you call, voice soft but still loud enough to reach him across your apartment. You can hear shuffling in the bathroom and then footsteps on the hardwood, growing in volume until Harry’s standing in the doorway of the hall, princess toothbrush in his mouth and his eyes wide with concern. You give him a smile, to assure him you’re fine, and you can hear his soft sigh in relief. “Daniel left you a note.”
You hold it up for him to inspect, and he closes the distance between you two to bend down, eyes narrowing as he reads Daniel’s loopy writing. “Aw - s’sweet,” he says, voice strained with the toothpaste in (and dripping out of) his mouth, and you can sense he’s confused as to why you called him to read it.
“I didn’t know you told your students about the baby,” you say, mainly to his back as he darts down the hall to the bathroom, and you can hear him spitting into the sink before he walks back. 
“Yeah - I did.” Harry’s eyebrows crease in confusion as he leans against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest and mouth free of all toothpaste and brush. “Was I not s’posed to?”
No - that’s not what you’d meant at all. Truth be told, it made your heart absolutely swell to imagine Harry telling his students about you and the baby, and you’re getting quite embarrassed with how easily you’re crying lately but you can feel tears in the back of your eyes already. You swallow, pushing yourself up from your chair to pad closer to him, and his hands fall to the sides of your protruding tummy once you’re close enough. “No - I’m not mad. The opposite, really - what did you tell them?”
You know, now, that he can sense exactly how you’re feeling about it. His hands smooth over your tummy through your sleepshirt, and you lean in to rest your head to his shoulder. “Just told ‘em that my girlfriend’s havin’ my baby, and that I’m very happy about it. Might’ve told ‘em that a few times, though.”
“How many times do you consider to be a few?” you question, bringing your head back up to look at him, and the sheepish look on his face tells you exactly what you’d expected. “Do you talk your class’s ear off every day about it?”
“Not every day,” he insists, leaning his head back against the doorway, and you raise your eyebrows at him. “Not every day! Really. But m’students ask about it, and y’know I can’t help myself, sometimes.”
You do know exactly what he’s talking about, and your cheeks are beginning to hurt with how hard you’re smiling. His hands slide up your chest and neck until he reaches your cheeks, pulling your face up so you’re staring at him, cheeks squished together. There’s still a smudge of toothpaste in the corner of his mouth and you bring your thumb up to wipe at it before mumbling, voice slightly incomprehensible due to his hands on your face, “That - that makes me really happy, Harry.”
His eyes soften and you’re expecting him to drop his hands back down to your side, but he merely pushes your cheeks further in and leans down to land a kiss to your lips. “Why wouldn’t I talk abou’ you? Most important thing in my life, you are.”
You bring your hand up to swat at his wrists so your face goes back to its normal shape, and he reluctantly complies. “It’s just sweet. And I’m really tired right now, so I might cry if I think about it for too long, but -”
Harry tosses his head back with a laugh at that, and you watch him with unsaid tears shining in your eyes. Sometimes, you’re not quite sure how or why you got so lucky - but as he grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers to pull you down the hall towards your bedroom, you decide you’ll never stop appreciating it for the rest of your life.
 You’d known from the very beginning of the night that Harry wasn’t fit to go out, and you know you’ll hold that over his head later. A little I told you so to make up for the way your knees are aching, pressed to the cold black tile, and you know he’ll roll his eyes, maybe snip back that you weren’t complaining with m’dick down your throat, baby. But, for now, you merely look up at him with a smug glint in your eyes, and, in response, his grip on your hair tightens.
The second you’d stepped out of your bedroom at the apartment, adding another smooth layer of rouge to your bottom lip, you’d known, just from the look he gave you, sitting on the couch. Tonight was going to be that sort of night, where Harry walked with his hand shoved in his pocket to try and make his half hard boner less obvious through the entirety of dinner, assuring you over and over that he was fine to go out. You’d almost believed him until he’d parked the car in a parking garage right outside of the restaurant and begged you for just a quickie in the backseat before you went in - but you’d refused.
You’d waited for date night for - well, two weeks, but it felt entirely too long. And you hadn’t spent so long getting ready, trying on all of your dresses before finally finding one that made your 30 week belly look flattering, to have him ruin it in the backseat.
You could be quite strong willed when you wanted to, and most times you didn’t. It always shocked Harry, the moments you decided to use it. 
“Can I try that, Har?” Your voice is saccharine sweet as you look up at your boyfriend with a smile, taking note of the way his jaw is set as he pokes at his gnocchi. His eyes are stone cold and if you didn’t know him as well as you did, you would guess that he’s angry - but the way his ankle is locked with yours beneath the table, heel brushing against his ankle, assures you that he’s not. “Looks delicious.”
You’re already reaching over with your fork to Harry’s plate before he can respond, taking a piece of the thick pasta and bringing it back over to your plate. You take your time chewing it, admiring your boyfriend’s features, illuminated in the candlelight - he’s always gorgeous, like a statue carved from stone, but especially so when you know he’s so turned on he can hardly function.
And you suppose you’re to blame for that. It isn’t as though you haven’t been torturing him the entire dinner, lifting your foot up to drag up his calf, pulling his dress pants up, even going so far as to brush it against his thigh, though you’ll blame it on the thick white tablecloth able to disguise every action. Every single reaction he gave you felt like adding gasoline to a fire, and you were loving it.
“That’s really good,” you tell him, resting your fork on your plate and grabbing your slice of margherita pizza. “The sauce is good, too. Thick and creamy - you know.”
Harry shifts in his seat, and you tighten your hold around his ankle, sliding forward in your seat just a tad. He doesn’t respond for a moment, and then he leans over across the table, loose fabric of his pink button up falling dangerously close to his pasta, and says, “You’re being mean.”
You can’t help the cocky grin that tugs at your lips as you lean back in your seat, increasing the distance between you once more. “How am I being mean? Just trying to enjoy dinner with you - once the baby gets here, who knows how many more we’ll have for a while.”
It’s getting more difficult by the minute to disguise your own arousal, but you try to, anyway. It isn’t nearly as fun to tease Harry when he knows you’re just as turned on as he is, so you’ll hide it for as long as you can.
“S’difficult to appreciate our last date night when I’m so fuckin’ turned on - I can’t even eat my gnocchi.” He pouts, as if it’s an absolute disgrace that he can’t enjoy his pasta, and you roll your eyes.  It’s rare you get to see Harry so desperate like this, so needy it’s all he can think about. But he’s reaching over the table to clasp his hand overtop of yours where you’re clutching your fork, bringing the back of your palm up to his mouth to press a kiss to your skin, and you smile down at your pizza. It’s sweet, even if you know he’s only doing it so you’ll agree to leave dinner early to go home, or perhaps run out to the car for a quickie.
“Never said last,” you tell him, pressing your free hand to the front of your stomach. “It better not be the last, professor.”
“Not the last,” Harry agrees, lips still firmly planted to your hand so every word is mouthed to your skin. You watch him with arched eyebrows, trying to anticipate his next move, when he leans over further and says, voice soft and nearly pleading, “Are y’sure you don’t want a quickie? ‘Cause I can read you like a book, honey, an’ I can fuckin’ feel you clenching your thighs, y’know. Can practically smell how wet you are. M’not dumb.”
You exhale a soft shaky breath, and you know he’s got you right where he wants you, if the satisfied smirk on his face tells you anything. He drops your hand and you dig your fingers into the tablecloth, watching as he leans back in the booth.
It’s your move and you’re not sure how to play it, taking the brief moment to run through all of your options. You could go home, spend the rest of the night in the apartment, but you don’t reckon Harry would be able to wait so long. And you’re not too sure your back would appreciate getting fucked in the backseat, so the only other option is -
“Alright,” you murmur, and then your ankle unhooks from around his ankle so you can slide out of the booth. When you’re standing you rest your hand on the underside of your stomach, reaching out a hand for Harry to grab as you tug him from the booth. Immediately his arm wraps around your waist and you lift your head up to reach his ear, voice hardly rising above a whisper, “The bathroom, Har.”
His eyes flutter shut at your words, breathing out a slow groan, and you give him just a second to relish in the subtext of it - the second passes, though, and you nudge him once more. He tightens his arm around you and leads you from the booth, dragging you through the restaurant to a sleek, black staircase, a sign on the wall beside it declaring that the restroom is downstairs. When you’re out of sight from most customers and workers in the dining room, the two of you practically run down the stairs, Harry grabbing your hand to make sure you don’t trip, and you’re nearly breathless when you finally locate the bathroom.
Not a second after Harry pulls you inside, slamming and locking the door shut behind you, your lips are on his. Hands roam up and down your back through your dress and your fingernails dig into his neck, and for a moment, that’s enough - just feeling his touch after feeling deprived, even if you’d been trying to pretend you didn’t need him. But, God, he’s looked so good the entire night, donning a loose pink dress shirt, the first two buttons undone, and black dress pants - it’s not unlike what he would wear to class and maybe that’s why you love it so much.
The moment passes, though, because you know this needs to be fast and merely making out against the cool door won’t do either of you too much good. Harry’s fingers hook in the hem of your dress, beginning to pull the fabric up over your ass but you stop him, fingers wrapping around his wrist and meeting his look of confusion with one of pure seduction.
You slowly adjust your dress again, tugging it back down to the mid-thigh point where it belongs, and Harry watches you - his chest is heaving and his palms are pressed to the door, and you’re not sure you’ve ever seen him like this. So far gone already and you’ve barely touched him - it’s a gorgeous contrast from how it usually is, where you’re the one so needy and desperate for him.
The moan that cracks through the air when you drop to your knees in front of him sends a rush of arousal straight to your core. You’d love to have him pound into you right here, against the black tiled walls of the restroom, but when he’s like this? You need him in your mouth - God, you’re fucking aching for it. And waiting will merely make the inevitable pleasure so much better, later.
As if on instinct, Harry’s hand presses to the back of your head, fingertips gently smoothing your scalp as if to comfort you. “Sure y’don’t want me to fuck you? Know you wan’ it - feel bad makin’ you wait.”
You shake your head, leaning in to gently nuzzle at the bulge, so prominent in his pants. Harry’s hips jerk forward at the slight sensation and you give him a soft glare as he murmurs quiet apologies into the suddenly warm bathroom air. “No,” you tell him, voice hot against his dick even through his trousers. “Need you in my throat, professor.” And the resulting moan spurs you onwards, reaching for the zipper blocking you from what you need.
He’s rambling as you tug the zipper of his pants down, fumbling with the button so you can pull his boxers down over his member. You wait a moment before making any type of contact with his length, glancing up to meet his lust blown eyes with a small smirk gracing your lips. Harry’s digits tangle in your hair as you lean in, ghosting a soft kiss to the base of his cock before wrapping your fist around him. “God - gonna suck me off, hmm? Look so good on your knees, y’know that? Fuck, please don’t tease me -”
Your hand pumps up and down his length, hot and heavy in your palm, the head red and angry and already leaking precum. It’s a show of how deprived your boyfriend is as he hisses near violently when you press an open mouthed kiss to the dripping tip of his cock, hand still jerking up and down the base of him. 
As much as Harry had begged you not to, you’re tempted to tease him - kitten licks to his dick until he’s begging harder than he already is - but you have to remind yourself that you’re not in your apartment, and you don’t have enough time to be going as slowly as you are. So you stick your tongue out, use your hand on his base to guide him so it’s sitting, heavy on your tongue. His breathing has all but stopped, watching with his mouth dropped open as you take him into your mouth, closing your lips around his cock when it’s nearly halfway down your throat.
The feeling of your lips shutting around his member has a wet grunt escaping his throat, and his fingers tighten in your hair to the point where you reckon you can feel strands disconnecting from your scalp - but you find you don’t truly care. It goes straight to your clit, every one of Harry’s reactions, from the way his fingernails dig indents into your head and his head falls back against the bathroom door with a dull thump that reverberates through you. Normally you wouldn’t hesitate to try and alleviate the pressure growing in your clit - maybe pull your dress up and get yourself off - but the thought of how good it’ll feel if you wait keeps your hands from wandering. 
“Oh my god -” you look up at Harry where he’s got his fist, half buried in his mouth, muffling every noise he lets out. His face is coated with a thin sheet of sweat, eyes squeezed shut, looking as though you’d been sucking him off for hours instead of five minutes. “Please, baby - God, feels so good.”
You’ve been giving him blowjobs for over two years and yet, every single time, you need time to adjust to his size - it never fails to make him smirk but he’s too far gone to focus on it now, as you slide his cock down your throat, taking as much of him as you can without gagging. Harry’s fingers in your hair tangle, holding your head to his length though you had no intention of letting up any time soon, anyway - and you’re not sure he’d intended to push you further down on him, nose brushing to his pubic bone, but the way you gag around him has him crying out, entirely too loud even around his fist. 
“Sorry, m’sorry - jus’ couldn’t help it -” he’s murmuring, voice strained as he pulls you off of him, letting you bring your wrist up to wipe at the strands of saliva still connecting his cock to your lips. You take just a second to catch your breath before leaning back in, flattening your tongue to lick a thick stripe up the bottom up his member, swirling around his tip once you’ve reached it. “M’really close - gonna cum so fuckin’ hard -”
You’d known from the telltale twitch of his cock when you wrap your lips around him that he’s close, and, as much as you love sucking his dick, your knees are aching and you’d do anything to run home and continue this romp in the sheets. So you continue pumping him, sloppy jerks of the wrist that have moans tumbling off his lips like a mantra, and then you release your lips from around him with a soft pop and stick your tongue out again, resting his head neatly in the center.
Whatever qualms Harry had been holding on to about keeping silent are almost immediately forgotten as his cock thrusts forward onto your tongue, your hand still thrusting the part of him that isn’t resting in your mouth. His head drops forward with a low, throaty moan and you barely get a moment to prepare before he’s cumming, ribbons of milky cum pooling in the valley of your tongue. You can’t help yourself from whimpering at the sensation that you’ve grown to love so much - it helps that his cum doesn’t taste terrible, though you suppose you don’t have much to compare it to.
Your scalp burns when Harry releases your hair, pressing his entire palm to the back of your head and keeping his cock firm in the center of your tongue, though you wouldn’t dream of pulling away until you’ve milked every last drop. He’s panting, chest heaving with desperate gasps of air, and you can’t tear your gaze from him even if he won’t meet it.
It’s Harry who finally pulls away first, shifting his hips backward until his length slides off of your tongue, eyes drifting shut. You reach for his thigh, pinching the soft skin through his trousers until he hisses, glancing down at you like you’d wanted, and you take the brief connection of eye contact to close your mouth, making a show of swallowing the cum you’d collected at the base of your tongue. 
“God,” he breathes throatily, hand on your head smoothing down until he’s cupping your cheek, and he smiles when you show him your tongue again to prove that you’d swallowed everything. “Gonna fuckin’ wreck you when I get home.”
You take Harry’s hand when he offers it, intertwining your fingers so he can pull you up. Your knees burn and your back is beginning to ache, and you need him so bad that just his words have you feeling like you could cum in your panties. “Is that a promise?”
There’s that cocky grin you’d expected, spreading slowly across his face as he lands an open mouthed kiss to your lips - a show of love, considering his cock was in your mouth mere seconds ago. It’s a promise that whatever bits of dominance you’d had over him while you were on your knees has dissipated, and you’re more than happy to let him take over. “S’most certainly a promise,” Harry assures you, thumb coming up to wipe at your lip where your lipstick has surely smudged, as you reach down to tuck him back into his pants. “Now, let’s hope there’s not a line, right, baby? Wouldn’t want everyone to know what a dirty girl you were, sucking m’cock like that, now would we?”
And it’s all you can do to shake your head, watching as he feels for the doorknob and undoes the lock.
 At the time, buying a book of nearly 10,000 baby names had seemed like the perfect idea. You and Harry had hardly talked about what you were to name your daughter, besides that her last name would, naturally, be Styles, and as you approached 34 weeks pregnant, you suspected it was about time to start considering it. Sure, she wasn’t due for weeks, but, realistically, couldn’t she pop out at any moment? You should at least be prepared. And, in the back of your mind, you’d expected to open the book and immediately find a perfect name you both agreed on, because it had seemed like your tastes aligned fairly well in just about every other aspect of life.
Now, though - you can understand why it may not be too great of an idea. If you hadn’t obsessed over her name before, now you were - there were hundreds of names you liked, and almost every single one Harry shot down. The ones that he liked you despised, and the ones you agreed one simply weren’t perfect.
It was all you thought about. The origin of the name had to be perfect, the spelling, it couldn’t clash with her (admittedly unusual) last name and you both had to agree on it.
“Do you like Madison?”
You can see Harry scrunch his nose from where he’s sitting, cross legged on the floor, glaring at the instructions for the crib you’d gotten the week prior. It’s the last part of the nursery to come together, and, admittedly, the most important - though Harry teased, I think the baby is the most important part, actually, and that is exactly why he’s on crib duty. You, meanwhile, sit in the rocking chair your parents had given you, humming to the music blaring from his phone and squinting angrily down at stupid book. Marie sits, curled on your lap, and you absentmindedly stroke your fingers through her fur as you read.
“Y’asked me about Madison last week,” Harry tells you, resting the manual on the plush, cream rug beneath him to examine the pile of disassembled crib lying in front of him. “I didn’t like it then, an’ I don’t like it now.”
You raise your eyebrows, exhaling softly as you flip through the pages of your book, already well worn from how often you’d been searching through it. “Alright, cranky. Sheesh.”
He chuckles at that, running a hand through his locks that fall around his face. You break your gaze from watching him and turn back to your look, scanning your finger down the list of ‘O’ names. Finding one that you like and that you haven’t already asked Harry about is a task easier said than done, and you can feel yourself getting more and more frustrated by the minute with every name you read.
“Ophelia?” you question, trying the name out on your tongue against the background of This Is The Kinks, currently playing The Contenders loud enough that you can barely hear your own voice - but you hear it enough to know you don’t like the name.
“I like that,” Harry says, picking up a piece of crib off the ground and glancing back at the instructions before resting it back on the floor just as quickly.
“I don’t,” you tell him, grinning at his responding snort. “Olivia?”
“Already asked me about tha’ one - s’a no.”
“Absolutely not.”
You sit further up, grabbing a section of the book’s pages and pointedly squeezing your eyes shut - Marie stares at you as though annoyed with your movement. “I’m going to flip to a random page,” you announce, voice rising in volume to be heard above The Kinks, “and we’ll pick a name off of whatever page it is.”
You can’t see him but you know he’s rolling his eyes before saying, “That’s a horrible way t’name our child -” but you’re already flipping through the book at random, ignoring whatever he’s calling above the music.
When you decide that you’ve flipped enough, you rest the book on the ottoman in front of the rocking chair and open your eyes, staring down at the page you’ve turned to. Sarah, Sadie, Sabrina - “We’re in the S section.”
“We can’t have our baby’s name be an alliteration.”
“Fine,” you huff, squeezing your eyes shut again, “I’ll flip again -”
“Baby,” Harry calls, and when you don’t react he repeats the pet name until you open your eyes, staring expectantly down at where he’s sitting on the rug. He lets the directions flutter down to the floor before pushing himself to stand, padding across the room until he can grab the baby name book, replacing its spot on the ottoman just in front of you. “We don’t have t’pick a name right now.”
You cross your arms over your chest, hardly able to resist your smile as Harry lifts the book up, flipping past the S section until he’s gazing down at a list of T names and their origins. “Aren’t you supposed to be putting together a crib, professor?”
He merely rolls his eyes, jabbing his finger in the middle of the page. “What about Tiffany?”
The Contenders transitions into All Day And All Of The Night and you bob your head to the change in music, gently kicking Harry’s ankles to try and distract yourself from the stress that’s slowly rising in your chest. “I hate it - and, besides, she might grow up with a complex if she’s named after one of the greatest movies of all time.”
Harry exhales with a small chuckle, finger sliding down the page until it stops again. “Thalia?”
That one makes you pause - it is pretty, and combining it with his last name doesn’t roll off the tongue too terribly. But it isn’t perfect, and you can’t possibly give your baby a name that isn’t perfect. So you shake your head, craning your neck so you can glance at the page with him, dragging your fingers down Marie’s soft back. “Tessa could be pretty, right?”
But he shakes his head, turning a few pages back until you’re staring into the R section. You rest a hand on top of your stomach, as if to ask your daughter what, exactly, her name is, and Harry presses his palm overtop of yours, lacing your fingers together absentmindedly. “I like Riley,” he murmurs, fingernail tapping against the small print of the name and question.
“It’s too similar to Styles,” you disagree, and when he gives you a doubtful look you continue, “The beginnings sound the same - Ri and Sty. Just sounds sort of weird.”
You’re in the middle of reading about the origin for the name Ryan when Harry slowly presses the book shut, and you hardly have time to give him an annoyed glance before he’s telling you, “We’ll look at this tomorrow, alright? We don’t have to find one right now - s’fine.”
“I feel like we’re running out of time,” you confess as he stands up from the ottoman, resting your dumb baby name book on top of the dresser and returning back to the middle of the floor. Marie, meanwhile, hops off your lap, bounding out of the room with her tail high in the air. “I feel like she’s gonna come and we’re not gonna have any sort of name picked out - and we won’t have a crib, by the looks of how this is going.”
“Watch your mouth, lazy butt.” But he can’t help the grin from appearing on his face as he flips through the pages of the small instructional pamphlet with the same degree of dedication you’d put into searching for your daughter’s name. “And y’know she won’t hate us ‘cause we didn’t pick out her name a month and a half before she came.”
You push yourself off of the chair, sending it rocking back and forth with just enough force that it gently hit the walls of the corner it was boxed into, and you maneuver your way through the mess of parts scattered on the floor until you can find a clean spot to sit down in, just beside Harry. He gives you a smile once you’re beside him and leans down to press a kiss to your temple, and you lean backward, resting your weight on one arm and pressing your other hand to the front of your stomach. “She could come next week, you know. Or tomorrow.”
“She won’t,” Harry says, voice sharper than what (you assume) he’d anticipated it to be, because it softens near immediately as he continues, “She won’t, but if she does, we don’t have t’have a name picked out jus’ yet. We’ll find the perfect one, and it’ll fit her, and it’ll be fine.”
His confidence is (unsurprisingly) not at all reassuring to you but you tuck your head against his shoulder anyway, feeling his lips land on your forehead. Your mind is whirring and you can still feel the beginnings of anxiety running its course through your veins, and you know it’ll only get worse until you find the perfect name for your girl - but you feel like you’ve looked at every single one and not a single one is right. Perhaps your superfluous worry about being a terrible mother was the source for it but you don’t want to bring it up to Harry. Not right now. Though he has to be feeling some of the same fear you are, it’s practically a no-brainer that he’ll be the perfect father.
You wish you had the same confidence in yourself, but you’ll work on it later.
“I just want to find the perfect name,” you mumble, muffled against his shoulder and entirely too soft to be heard over the guitar, strumming during the opening of Lola. 
“We will,” he promises, and then holds up his pinky for you to hook yours into. A promise in its simplest form, and it makes you smile. “Maybe it won’t be in the book, though - feel like you’ve read every single name.”
You opt not to respond, mouthing the words to Lola as you pick up the directions, eyes scanning over the words without taking any of them in. As expected, you don’t quite understand what any of the guidelines mean - instead, you turn to the pictures, and when Harry pushes himself up, grabbing a small baggie of screws to get to work, you hand them back to him willingly. It was your meek attempt to help, but - well, as Harry had said, you were bringing the most important part of the nursery to the room, so you were fine to sit back and let him do the crib.
It’s only a second, though, of singing along softly to the song while you watch him begin to assemble the crib before it hits you - in plain sight (or plain sound, you suppose) is the name. You’d spent so long buried inside your dumb baby name book that you’d skipped over this because it’s perfect, rolls off your tongue so beautifully when you mouth it, soft enough that your boyfriend can’t hear it over the blaring of the song you’d taken it from.
“Harry,” you call, growing louder in excitement with every syllable. You wait until his eyes are on you, because you want to see his reaction when he hears it - it’s all you can do to pray it’s a positive one, because you know this is it. “What about Lola?”
He pauses, in the midst of inserting a screw into the small hole it’s destined for, and you can see his mind whirring - testing out the name experimentally, the same way you had. And then he says it, loud enough that you can hear, and it sounds as spectacular coming from him as it had from you.
“I love it,” Harry tells you, though you’d already known just from the gleam in his eyes. The excitement that burns through you is nearly fucking overwhelming as you push yourself up (slower than you’d wanted, but your stomach does tend to do that nowadays) and step over the pile of crib parts carefully. His arm hooks around your waist as soon as you’re close enough and you stumble into his arms, winding your arms around his neck to press yourself as close as you can to him - and feeling his face in your hair, repeating the same three words over and over, is feeling strangely akin to paradise.
 It’s so early in the morning that your bedroom is drowned in thick darkness, like a sheet wrapped around you. Can hardly even be considered morning, you think - as you reach over to tap the screen of your phone, squinting at the way it lights up obnoxiously, you discover that it’s 12:58 AM. 
You’re half - no, completely - tempted to curl back into the comfort of Harry’s arms wrapped around you. One is thrown over your torso, palm pressed to the front of your stomach, and the other is pressed between your side and the mattress, hand curved possessively over your boob. He’s a cuddler and you know this, but you tend to move so much during the night with weak attempts to find a position that doesn’t destroy your back that it’s rare to wake up enveloped in him. But now that you’re awake you can feel Lola, pressing on your bladder to the point where falling back asleep would surely just result in an accident later in the night - so, reluctantly, your fingers curl around Harry’s wrist to lug his arm off of your waist.
He groans in his sleep, rolling onto his back, and you push yourself to sit up so you can spend just a second gazing down at him. It’s dark in the room, still illuminated only by your phone screen, but you can see him just enough. He’s a vision when he’s sleeping - mouth parted slightly, hair damp and spread over the pillow you’d been sharing. Hazy eyes take in every bit of his face that you can, blinking away the sleep that threatens to take you back over.
One hand goes to Harry’s cheek, stroking the soft skin and slight stubble dusting his jaw. You swear you can feel him lean into your touch - but then your phone screen finally dims, flooding the room with darkness again, and you sigh before swinging your legs over the edge of the bed, pushing yourself up.
You rest your hand on the bottom of your stomach, waddling across the room to the cracked door of your bathroom. You make sure to leave it cracked, just a tad - Harry’s a light sleeper, and you can’t be positive that the soft click of the door shutting won’t wake him up. He’s been working himself again, preparing for exams that are already beginning to roll around, and you want him to get as much rest as he can get.
You bring your first up to rub at your eyes before flicking on the light switch, chasing out the darkness from the small bathroom. Eyes still blurred with sleep can’t quite take in your reflection, but you try anyway - your hair is knotted and the heels of your hand is still pressed into your eyes, and the oversized tank top you’d been donning to bed for months stretches taut against your boobs and stomach. It’s weird - and slightly scary - to imagine that, entirely too soon and yet not, your daughter will be here. Not sitting in your stomach, protruding it outwards, but lying in your arms. And you and Harry will be parents, finally, after nearly 10 months of waiting.
It’s too much to think about at barely 1 in the morning - so you tear your gaze from your reflection, head past the mirror to the toilet. You’ll ponder how strange it is to imagine your baby finally arriving later, but not now. Not when you’re forced to clench your thighs together to stop yourself from peeing, so -
When you’ve finished you wash your hands, making sure the tap doesn’t run too loud, but you swear you can hear a soft groan come from your connecting bedroom. You shut the light off once your hands are dried and push the door open softly, trying to ignore the inevitable creaking noise that will reverberate throughout your bedroom. It’s soft but still present, and you cringe slightly before padding back across the hardwood and rug until you reach your bed. You slowly sit down on the mattress before swinging your legs over and settling back beneath the covers, where Harry hadn’t moved too much since you’d left him earlier.
His breathing isn’t as steady as it had been, though - softly, barely above a breath, you murmur, “Harry?”
There’s a beat where he doesn’t respond, and then he grunts softly in lieu of a response.
So he is awake. You tug the duvet further up your body, shifting so you’re on your side and facing him. The room is still dark and you can’t see him open his eyes, but you can feel his hand move up until it’s wrapped around your torso. “Did I wake you up?” you question quietly, feeling his fingers already pressing soft circles into your hip. “Sorry.”
“No,” Harry tells you, voice raspy and dripping with desire to be asleep. It’s how his morning voice is but you’re not quite sure you can even classify this hour as morning. “Was awake - ‘cause I felt you move m’arm.” You nod, even if he can’t see it, and then he asks, “Wha’ time is it?”
“1.” You shift closer to him, as close as you can with your stomach acting as a barrier between you two, nuzzling your head into the pillow. “Had to pee.”
He hums softly, tilting his head so he can press a kiss to your nose. “I think tha’ means you’re 38 weeks, today. An’ that means 2 weeks until baby is here.”
Huh. You hadn’t known that, but Harry had been better at keeping track of that stuff than you were. “Assuming she arrives on time,” you remind him, eyes drooping shut. “Could come tomorrow.”
“She better not,” he mumbles. “M’not prepared to be a dad so soon.”
“You’ll be great no matter when she comes,” and you mean it. God, he’s been such a great dad so far, and you don’t even have a physical daughter yet. He knows your symptoms practically before you do, has read all of your baby books time and time again and he’s been so good working on the nursery - you can’t even imagine him being worried about her coming. “She’s gonna be a lucky girl, having such a great dad.”
There’s silence and for a second you think he might have fallen asleep - but after a moment he murmurs, “You’ll be the best mum, too - an’ the hottest one.”
You can hardly find the energy to roll your eyes at that but you do anyway, smiling as you hear his low chuckle. Harry’s hold around your waist tightens, tugging you just a bit closer and shifting his body so he can curve around you. You lean forward, puckering your lips softly and feeling him land a soft peck against them. Neither of you bothers to move your heads when you pull apart, merely resting them an inch apart from each other so you can feel his breath, hot on your face, as it begins to steady out again.
He’s an easy sleeper - it’s always been a bit more difficult for you, though. You don’t want to move again and wake him up but you can feel the beginnings of pain settling in your back and lower stomach, and your mind is whirring. 38 weeks feels awfully farther along than 37 and the real reality that you and Harry could be parents as soon as fucking tomorrow is terrifying. There’s so much you feel like you haven’t done yet, even if you know you’ve covered all of the necessary bases - she has a name, she has a crib, she has loving parents. You haven't taken any labour classes - were they necessary? Perhaps you’d made a mistake, not going to any. When the day came, would you be unprepared? Would the nurses be able to tell you’d never practiced any breathing exercises?
You haven’t even packed a hospital bag yet, and you’re not sure what’s supposed to go in it. Tomorrow, you’ll watch a YouTube video while Harry is at work, pack the bag and have it ready to go for when it happens. You’ll practice your breathing, too. Maybe even google some of the best stretches to do, to prepare for labour. It never hurts to be prepared.
“Can hear you thinking,” Harry whispers, snapping you out of your thoughts, and you sigh, eyes opening though you can’t see anything in the darkness. Should’ve known from his fingers, still rubbing circles into your skin, that he was still awake - you just hadn’t thought of it. “Go t’bed, baby.”
You nearly open your mouth to worry him with your concerns - you could tell him about the exercises and the breathing and the bag. Part of you wonders if he feels the same concern but masks it better. He’s been so steady about the entire thing from the very beginning, balancing out your nerves with logic, and you know that’s what he would do now. But it’s 1 AM, and he has to work tomorrow, even if all you’ll be doing is stress-packing a bag. Maybe tomorrow you’ll open a conversation about it, see how he’s feeling. So you hold back, exhaling softly as you bring your hand up to press against his cheek, skin soft beneath your touch. “I love you, professor.”
You can feel Harry’s face stretching into a lazy smile in your hand, and he turns his head to press a kiss to the underside of your wrist. “I love you too,” he tells you, melodic and soft. “G’night.”
You take a second to stare at him - even if you can’t see him, knowing he’s beside you is comforting enough that you allow your eyes to shut. The pillow is soft against your head as you sink into the bed, holding the covers to your chest with the hand that isn’t pressed to his face. It isn’t as though you’d gained too much closure from your very short interaction with Harry, and your tired mind is still threatening to race into another dimension, but it’s easy enough to even out your breathing and let the sleep you’re desperately craving to finally overtake you.
It lasts for a blissful two hours - and in your dreams, you’re lying in a hospital bed with Harry by your side. And you’re staring down at your daughter, a small bundle who looks identical to your boyfriend, and then she’s sitting in front of a birthday cake, and then she’s climbing into a school bus, and then Harry’s helping her with her homework -
It’s, truthfully, a rather nice one, watching dream-Lola grow up. It’s only a strange swooping sensation in your stomach that starts you awake, eyes snapping open to stare up at the ceiling. Harry’s arm is still around you though you’ve turned so you’re resting on your back, covers pushed down so they’re resting just on top of your stomach. 
For a moment you reckon you may have actually managed to sleep through the entire night, though judging by the lack of sunlight peeking through the curtains, you haven’t. The insomnia that’s affected you through the entire pregnancy has only been getting worse and God, you’re tired of it. You don’t have a cramp, your back doesn’t hurt and you don’t have to pee.
It’s only when you shift onto your side, reaching for your phone to check what time it is, that you feel it - oh fuck. For a moment you think you’ve peed yourself but no, you just peed two hours ago. But the sheets are dripping wet beneath you, soaking through your sweatpants, and if it’s not pee, then -
“Oh, no.” It’s all you can think, sliding your hand beneath the duvet to feel the liquid that’s gathered on the sheets. Your phone screen, illuminated with a news notification, brightly informs you that it’s 3:28 in the morning, and Harry still snores beside you. “Oh no. No, no, no -”
As if he can sense that you’re seconds away from crying out his name, Harry groans softly beneath you, shifting just enough that you know he’s awake - barely, but you’re not quite all there yet, either. You lift your hand that isn’t coated in liquid to swat at his shoulder, feeling an entirely too familiar lump building in your throat as you do. “Harry - Harry, wake up, wake up -”
He finally jerks awake after the fifth hit to his shoulder, pushing himself to sit up so fast you can hear the familiar thunk of his head hitting the headboard. “What? What -”
You can hardly get the words out but you don’t need to as Harry reaches over to the nightstand, fumbling with the lamp for a minute before turning it on - light floods the room, finally. It’s not immediately obvious, staring down at the comforter beneath you, what’s wrong, and you can see the confusion clouding in his eyes before you throw the covers off of you, exposing the soaked sheets, and that’s when it hits him.
There’s still a second, like the calm before a storm, where all either of you can do is stare at each other, eyes wide and full of horror. She isn’t due for two weeks. And you knew it could happen at any minute but you hadn’t expected it to be this minute - you thought you had more time. But there’s a pile of wetness sitting beneath you, telling you that you’d fucking thought wrong, and that’s when you snap out of it.
“Oh, fuck,” Harry breathes, and then you’re both moving - you gingerly shift so your legs are over the edge of the bed and your muscles are aching, your head is spinning, and your pants are drenched. You need to change. 
But you can’t bring yourself to do anything more than sit there, paralyzed, while Harry moves around the room. He’s digging through your dresser, pulling out clothes at random - next to you lands a pair of baby pink joggers and one of his shirts for you to wear. In your head you try to recall the things you’re supposed to have at the hospital when you give birth, and maybe you should run to the nursery, where her clothes and supplies are, and try to pack a bag quickly - 
“Baby, we need to go t’the hospital.”
His voice sounds like it’s coming from far away - much farther than barely five feet away from you - and you can’t process a single thing he’s saying. You need more time. You want to go back to sleep and do this in two weeks, when she’s supposed to come, because your heart is hammering in your chest. This isn’t right - it can’t be. “Harry - she isn’t supposed to come yet.”
It’s then that you feel a dip in the bed beside you, an arm around your shoulders. Harry’s breathing is heavy and the panic oozes from every word, every breath, as he says, “I know. But - but it’s happening, baby. S’happening now, and we really need to go.”
“I’m really not ready, Harry. We - we need to pack a bag. We need a hospital bag.”
“I’ll ask your mum to bring you stuff at the hospital,” because he always manages to have a logical response even when he’s stressed. And then he’s gently gripping your chin, turning your head so you’re looking at him, vision cloudy through the tears burning the back of your eyes. “It’s gonna be alright - I promise. Jus’ let me help you change.”
Truth be told, you’re more than content to sit here and panic about the entire situation but you let common sense take over, nodding slowly as Harry helps you up. You work with him to change out of your wet sweatpants, sliding on the fresh pair that he’d gotten you, and you merely throw his shirt over your tank top - you can’t be bothered to take it off.
The two of you slowly make your way out of your room, down the hallway to the sitting room, with your arm around Harry’s shoulders and his firm at your waist. You’re not sure if you need the physical support so much as the moral support - hearing his soft, congratulatory murmurs when you merely slide on your shoes is making you feel significantly better. As Harry ducks down to tie his shoes, you lean against the wall and turn to look at your apartment. It’s quiet and clean, and Marie sits perched on top of the couch, clearly having been recently woken up by your hysterics. 
Next time you’re here, you’ll have a baby.
“Are you ready?” Harry questions, standing back up and returning his arm around your waist. You’re thankful he’s managing to keep his composure together because you most certainly can’t. You know him well enough to know just how fucking terrified he is but he’s keeping it more in check - when you’re at the hospital, settled into a bed, you’ll feel better. But for now, the mere task of walking down the hall to the elevator feels daunting.
You give your apartment one last fleeting glance before turning back to the door, hooking your arm back around your boyfriend. “I guess so,” you tell him, which is all the confirmation he needs to haul you out of the apartment.
 You’re slowly brought back to consciousness, nearly 24 hours after your water first broke, by Harry’s soft voice, cooing besides you - even before you open your eyes to see him you’re smiling, and it only widens when you turn your head and glance at him.
As you’d expected, Lola is lying in his arms. Wrapped in a soft, white hospital blanket and eyes wide open, you still feel a soft urge to cry every time you look at the two of them. Harry’s rocking her so gently, her tiny fist wrapped around his pointer finger, and you reckon you could simply sit here and watch them forever - him murmuring so quietly to her that you can’t quite hear it.
And you’re not sure you’d like to. You like the thought of guessing whatever he might be whispering to your daughter when he thinks you’re not listening, but you’re more desperate to hold her again than to continue watching, so you softly clear your throat.
“Oh!” Harry exclaims softly, scooting his chair closer to the edge of your hospital bed. You reach out your arms for your baby and he maneuvers her into your arms, and immediately you lean down to press a soft kiss to her nose. “How’re you feeling, m’love?”
You smile at him, pushing yourself to sit up against your stack of pillows, and he’s quick to adjust them so it’s easier for you. You can’t tear your eyes off of Lola, and if you weren’t so tired you know the mere sight of her would send you into overjoyed tears again. You offer your finger to her, and you reckon your heart could nearly burst as her small fist wraps around the digit. “My vagina feels like it’s burning,” you confess to Harry, grin widening at his soft laugh. “But - God, she’s really beautiful, Har. Looks just like you.”
And it’s true - she has his nose, and his eyes, and the curve of his chin. You trace one of your fingers down her soft cheek, skin feeling like porcelain beneath your touch.
“She does, a bit,” he says, voice staying at its quiet, breathy level, though she’s clearly wide awake. You can sense that, though you’d just taken her from him, he’s already desperate to hold her again - it’s just the glint in his eyes as he stares at the two of you. So you move over on the bed, leaving a sliver of space large enough for him to inhabit, and he gives you a grateful smile before standing up and lying on the bed. It’s tight, and the bed certainly isn’t meant for two people, but you find that, when he wraps his arm around you and presses a soft kiss to the side of your cheek, you don’t quite mind. “I think she has your lips, though.”
Gently tracing your finger along her soft, pink lips, you think he may be right. “She’s perfect,” you repeat, leaning your head into Harry’s shoulder, and his fingers gently comb through your hair. It’s tangled and sweaty - the result of not showering for two days - and his fingers get caught on the knots a few times before resorting to wrapping his arm around your waist instead. “Can you believe we made her?”
He exhales quietly, and you can hear the disbelief present in his voice when he agrees, “Still feels like I’m dreamin’ - like m’gonna wake up, and you’ll still be pregnant.”
“I hope not,” you tell him, voice dropping even quieter as Lola slowly shuts her eyes, lips parting open just the slightest. “I really don’t want to go through that again - not for a few years, at least.”
Harry perks up, just a bit, at that, arm tightening around your waist as the other comes around to help you cradle your daughter. “Y’want to have another baby?”
“In a few years is the keyword,” you remind him. “Stay in the present.”
But no matter what you say, you can’t ignore the visible joy he’d gotten from your words - furthered only as he rests his two fingers on the bottom of your chin, tugging your face in for a soft kiss. “I love you,” he breathes against your mouth, and you can feel heat creeping up your cheeks. “And I love our daughter - s’our perfect little family.” He pauses, then, resting his forehead to yours. “And Marie.”
“And Marie,” you confirm, giggling before turning your attention back to your baby. She’s proper asleep now, breathing soft and steady, fingers loosening around yours. You rest her arm against her chest, pulling the blanket further up her body, and she nuzzles the fabric in her sleep. Your eyes are already beginning to well again, and you’re too bloody exhausted to turn on the waterworks again - so, reluctantly, you hand Lola over to Harry, and he’s more than glad to accept her back into his arms. “M’gonna try and get some rest - when is your mum coming?”
“She said 6,” he replies, attention undivided as he gazes down at the sleeping bundle in his grasp. He cradles her like she could break at any moment - gentle hands holding her head up, fingers softly tracing her blanket. “S’about two hours for you to nap, then.”
You nod, already snuggling into your bed as Harry stands, rocking Lola gently as he makes his way towards her cot. The last thing you hear before drifting off again is his voice, soft and full of love, cooing, “We love you, Lola - g’night, angel -” and you fall asleep with a soft smile on your face.
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