#i think a lot of pokémon i can like. i'm fine with looking at them even if i don't like them. but this thing? i hate looking at it
front-facing-pokemon · 7 months
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r0-boat · 7 months
Alrecchino as your husband part 2 (sfw)
Since y'all loved the last one I made a part 2
Her drip marketing is today so I thought we should celebrate!
Feel free to give me as many Genshin requests as you want I'm feeling a little burnt out of pokémon for the moment without further ado.
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You are designated as mother lovingly by the children. With your little apron as you take care of all the house of hearth chores. The children can't do all their tasks by themselves, Arlecchino trusts no one to take care of the children but you. It is only natural they call you mother as their motherly figure
Weather it be you were from the fertility stationed here or someone desperately looking for a job, Don't you think it would be cute if the head of the house slowly started to fall for you because you are so good to her children?
Her empty heart is sick of love at aches when you keep your distance from her, she understands; Arlecchino not have a pleasant reputation, and she can't help but feel solely responsible when she waggles her finger for you to come close only to play with your hair when her mind is being numbed with paperwork. You're not sure if it's true or not when she tells you that she just enjoys her company when you ask why you call her so often to her office... And... Is that a pout on her lips you see when you try to leave her so fast?
She can't help but notice when your eyes are on her when she's in her suit she can't help but tease you getting close to you or watch you flush your when her eyes meet yours.
All her children knows to respect their 'mother'
Just as much to respect 'father' when they see you sad they do everything to see that smile of yours and lighten your day when you have trouble with tasks; they fight tooth and nail to help you. A pat on the head from you or a smile is like 'father''s praises. Arlecchino thinks you're as cute as a kitten when you're angry at her, telling her that You don't need any guards and you can go into the city just fine by yourself or run tasks alone. Arlecchino agrees just to stop your bickering, only to turn around to her most trusted three to keep a watchful eye on you like a child on its first errand.
When she returns from all corners of Tayvat, she never forgets to lavish you with all sorts of gifts. Some of them really pricey; she gives you soaps, hoping for your skin to feel soft and smooth the next time she brushes her fingers against you, and she provides you delicious perfume in hopes she would catch a whiff of it on you the next time she passes you. She probably even gave you an apron and played dumb when you hesitated when asking her about the uniform she gave you.
If it went for the fact she thinks the Fatui rather dangerous, she would bring you to their gatherings and parade you around as if you were a little trinket of hers. But then grab Childe by the throat if he is rude or tries to touch you.
they may look but they may not touch.
You've lived in the house of hearts for a while and can't help but notice that a lot of your clothing that person you've been working for sort of matches with them. It is something that you are too afraid to bring up to The Knaive herself. She knows she can't stay angry at you, so she must be even more strict when you decide to put yourself in danger or disregard her wishes. Hopefully, she wouldn't have to do that, but she would be lying if you said she isn't excited when you do disobey her.
Her touches are gentle, filled with longing, but she knows that giving in is dangerous even though you yourself pose no threat to her. She knows that you are defenseless without her and her children. Maybe she should teach you how to wheel the weapon?
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
18 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🎪
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Guuuuurl does it look like I missed the boops? XDD
(I DID miss the super boops and revenge boops tho. I was trashed on the couch and stuck on mobile all day so I wasn't able to send any back to anyone💔💔)
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Uhhhmm... oh jeez lemme try to remember-- I'm assuming you mean the order I got everyone in the game..?? Cuz other than the goofy little comics I've been drawing there isn't much of a story beyond that-
Uhhh so I started with Midori(Sprigatito) obviously, thennn... I think I caught Grim(Gastly).. then I caught Gloria(Ralts). Thenn..... arrhrhhgh I thiiiink I went looking for eevees, but I found Anastasia(Shiny Kricketot) in the process and kept her. Then I picked one of the eevees I caught at random and kept him. Then lastly I found a Mareep(Bonnie) by surprise and kept her.
My memory is very poor but I thiiink that's mostly accurate <XDD If I misunderstood your question don't be afraid to send another ask! 😅
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Sorry, I don't take requests.. But hey! You already got a solid concept going and some artistic talent, you can always make it yourself for free! :0
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Not really.. I've had a surprising number of uncomfortable experiences with the fandom recently so I've decided to take a step back from Octonauts for a while..
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:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like them! :}}
And yeah that's how I pictured her XDD its becuase I use her the most out of all my Pokémon-
Now she's not bossy and doesn't have a leader or "I'm better that you guys" complex, none of that! She's just very intelligent and usually very level headed and calm. I can imagine that she's gotten the team safely through a lot of complicated situations and her plans/advice have rarely led the group astray.
Plus since I use her so often, I like to think that she's one of the most powerful Pokémon on the team. If not the most powerful. So whenever the group was met with a great danger, Gloria was probably the one to rescue them <XD
So the whole group kind'a gravitates behind her and lets/wants her to take the lead most of the time. Especially when things get complicated or dangerous!
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@nerdyskullcap (User in ask)
I took a peek at their blog, but I couldn't find any original art of the Conductor after quite a while of scrolling through that tag.. I only found reblogs of other peoples Conductor comics.. <:(
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XD That description of Gloria is very fitting! I use her the most out of all my Pokémon and she rarely loses! XDD
This was a cool read, and hey! Some of my Pokémon have some of those attacks! :000 Gloria has draining kiss and Bonnie has discharge! :D
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I'd like to think they've never fought before.. maybe some little bickering on a bad day, but never anything serious.
They have good communication and just generally get along really well and like a lot of the same things. So there's rarely conflict between them! :0
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Thank you! I'm happy to hear that you like my artwork! :}}
As for your question.. I'm afraid I don't understand/cant explain it--
Lets say I wanna draw Mario. I imagine what the drawing might end up looking like in my head, what pose I'll draw him in and what colors I'll use.. And then I just.. draw it. It might not look exactly like what I pictured but its probably close enough.
If that doesn't answer your question, I'm afraid I either don't understand your question or this is just an art thing that I don't know how to explain. <:( Sorry, feel free to send another ask with more specifics if you have them!
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If Bill ever became a lawyer? All hope is lost XDD
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I haven't really thought about the details of the crews travels and adventures.. but I'm sure that when Louis got cursed and became a crab monster? That was probably pretty memorable XD
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Probably this one honestly <XD I cant think of anything more cursed off the top of my head-
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I suppose that would be fine, but I wouldn't prefer it. As I've said many times,, just comments guys! Asks, reblogs, tags, how ever you type them. I just want comments.👍
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No problem! Getting asks are usually a pick me up :}}
As for the Dry Bones thing, that's what I meant by "not sure how it fits into the AU yet" 😅 Who'd they fight? Why did they fight? When did this happen? No idea. Its all just a neat concept with no structure yet :// And beyond the awkward living situation with the Dry Bones today, I haven't really thought about how the Koopa culture has been changed by the war. That's just way too much thinking and I'm way too sick to bother trying to figure it out atm- 💀💔 But maybe someday I'll think it through!
Now Luigi, I had this idea that he had a bizarre encounter with a 1-UP and was later bitten by a Goomba. Over the span of say... 5 days or so..? Luigi slowly got weaker and weaker until eventually he became bedridden and actually died- He came back to life moments after but it still completely shook Mario and Luigi's worlds for a sec there-
I had intended to draw a comic about this, and I made a sketch about it in the past.. but around the time I thought of this idea my Mario phase was kind'a passing over so I didn't feel like making it- <XDD
As for a potential sequel, I would like to see Wario, Waluigi and Toadsworth. Not sure why Toadsworth wasn't in the first movie- he absolutely should have been. That deep voiced purple..? council..? toad guy?? Totally should have been Toadsworth :/
And my request for the Wario bros is that they are taken seriously. 😅🤣
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I'm doing okay so far today, thank you! :}
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I haven't really figured out the details about how Tuna and Louis lost their limbs- 😅
But I'm considering that Louis lost his arm (I assume you meant his arm-) in some kind of work related accident a long time ago. It must have been a fishing accident somehow..
As for Tuna, either some kind of natural disaster/accident or.. someone "removed" them... O-O
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I do not :/ I'm not even sure what homestuck is.. I thiiink its a webcomic-
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Oooo! :00 It looks cool! :DD
And thank you, I'm hoping I get over this soon too 😅
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Hey, I wanted to ask if you could write Kieran x gender neutral reader. Maybe they were friends when younger, and they met again after the indigo disk plot. But now the reader went from shy with long hair to extroverted with a more goth punk style and short hair. They go to Blueberry Academy with friends, and Kieran is kinda jealous of them, like MC, for it being so easy for them to make friends. So they have a sit down and talk it out with maybe a bit of romance sprinkled in.
I hope this isn't too long!! I really love your writing.
Aw thank you! This is fine and I decided to give Reader a Toxtricity as their partner Pokémon
"H-Hey, um...are you okay?"
Sniffling, the young boy looked up from his knees to see you standing over him, concerned. He tried wiping away his tears, but they just kept coming as he recalled some rather mean words spoken to him.
"I'm..f-fine.." He lied, clutching the broken pieces of his ogre mask.
"Are you sure? Because you're sitting all alone here, away from the festival with a broken mask.." You quietly pointed out, frowning.
"...the..jerks over there did it." He finally admitted, his gaze going to the fenced area where some kids were hanging around. "I-I thought they were my friends...and then they called me stupid for likin' the Ogre from those stories..."
"What? They sound like real bullies."
"A-All I said was that....I didn't think it was a bad guy..and then they...they told me they didn't wanna be my friend anymore...a-and now...I-I don't have ANY friends!! WAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!"
Although you were startled by his bawling, you couldn't help but feel bad for him. Leaving him alone certainly wasn't an option, so you sat down beside him, noticing the small Sentret that was trying to comfort him.
"There, there.." You awkwardly patted his back, feeling your face growing warm. Hopefully this wasn't too weird and you were actually helping this poor guy. "I don't have any friends, either. But I can be yours...i-if you'd like."
With a small hiccup, Kieran looked at you, his golden eyes large and full of tears. "Y-You wanna be my friend?" He sniffled. "Even though I like the "bad guy" of those stories?"
"I don't think there's anything wrong with that." You nodded softly, offering him a tiny smile. "I can relate to the Ogre, too. How lonely it must feel up there in the mountains..and um...how it just wants to be accepted."
He smiled back a little, although he was still depressed over the current state of his mask as he kept staring at it.
"Could I...buy you a new one of those? And a candy apple if you're hungry?"
Blinking, he gazed back up at you, stunned by your generosity. "Y-You don't have to do that.."
"But I want to. I just got my allowance so..I don't mind it." You shrugged, before you heard a familiar cry and looked to see your Toxel hobbling away from the festival grounds...
With candy razz berries on a stick.
"Oh no! Tox.." You bemoaned, huffing as the little baby Pokémon innocently waddled into your arms. "You can't wander off like that..a-and you certainly can't be stealing! You know we gotta pay for this, right?"
"Taahaa.." They cooed, already munching on the sweet treat.
"....fine..I'll let this slide because you're a cutie."
"Is that..a Toxel?"
"...o-oh!" Embarrassed, you turned back to Kieran and showed him Toxel. "Yes..sorry. This is my partner. We've been training a lot lately..but...as you can see, they've got ways to go. Haha.."
"You've done Pokémon battles? Wowzers.." He gazed at it in awe.
"Yeah..have you?" You asked.
".....no. I-I don't know anything about them. They're cool to watch but..I don't think I'll ever be strong enough to fight one myself.." He sighed, petting Sentret on the head. "I'm scared of Sentret getting hurt..e-especially by those..rude people."
At this revelation, your shoulders slumped. "Look....I get it, but if they see that you're afraid to battle, then...they'll just keep pushing you around."
"I know. I-I don't wanna be afraid anymore. But...my grandparents think I'm too young to be a trainer, a-and my sister thinks I'm too weak to even try...so I don't see a point..."
"..my own family doubted me, too." You remarked. "It was hard for Toxel and I, but..we had to go against their wishes. We had to become strong enough to stand up to our bullies..and we did. Now they fear the day this little sweetie grows up into a strong Toxtricity."
With a small coo, Toxel giggled and nuzzled your cheek with their forehead so they didn't accidentally shock you. "Taaaaataaa.."
"Yep." You giggled, before glancing back at Kieran, who looked extremely inspired by your words. "Maybe your Sentret will become a strong Furret someday, too. But...you'll have to train it first."
"And..wh-where do I start, if I may ask?" His voice became even quieter than yours.
"How about after the festival? You and I can have a practice battle."
He blinked. "..l-like tonight? With you?"
"Sure...if you're not busy, of course-"
"Oh no, I-I can definitely do that tonight!"
"Great! We'll just..go over the basics, that's all." You hopped to your feet as Toxel climbed onto your shoulder, and you offered your hand to the boy. "Also I'm sorry for not introducing myself. I'm [y/n]."
"Kieran." He had a shaky smile on his own face as he took your hand, letting you pull him up. "Th-Thanks for cheering me up...I think I'm ready to go back into the hall."
"Alright." With a small chuckle, you tied up your long hair before donning your mask, taking his broken one.
"C'mon, Kieran. First stop is the sweets shop...which candy apple do you like?"
"....and in Galar, Toxtricity had the power to Gigantamax. And they could turn into this awesome creature with a HUGE radio tower on their back. Oh, and they attack with a guitar made out of electricity!"
"Oh my Arceus!"
"That is sick!"
"We NEED to take a trip to Galar next year."
"Bro, maybe Piers can give you some more fashion tips. Because the punk is rocking."
"Thanks, haha..maybe I will."
As Kieran walked through the doors to the League Club, he heard the laughter and chatter of a group of people who were gathered at the table. Seeing new faces always caught him off-guard, considering how he somewhat left the organization in shambles..
He wasn't expecting so many to join, let alone scrap together enough BP to change the room's layout and usher in new additions--like that itemizer machine..
But it seems the rest of the Elite Four, plus Florian/Juliana, managed to rebuild the foundation and keep it alive. And even he thought this was for the best, as his burdens as both champion and leader were finally lifted from his shoulders.
While he hated that Paldean for "dethroning" him at first...he was actually relieved.
Now he was spending his time trying to make amends with everybody, feeling ashamed for the way he acted towards them--especially to the club members he took his anger out on. He kicked out one guy all because he couldn't meet his impossible standards.
Kieran did make sure he was back in the club..but even so, it took a while for that kid to forgive him.
He knew it wasn't going to be easy. Some people were still going to be bitter over what he did.
Fortunately, he can now enter the club room without feeling like everyone was staring at him, nor could he sense the heavy tension from the Elite Four as he walked past them. They just greeted him like an old friend before going back to their discussions.
When he was about to introduce himself to your group, however, he froze up the moment your eyes met his own...
At first, he was bewildered by the gothic-punk attire you've managed to incorporate into your uniform, complete with spiky bands and makeup. He's never seen any other student here test the waters of the dress code like you did.
Yet that wasn't what shocked him, but rather...the person underneath all of that.
You looked awfully familiar...
Where has he seen you before?
Funny enough, you were asking yourself that same question as you stared back up at this guy, trying to figure out why he was giving you such an odd look.
At first it seemed judgy.
But then you saw those familiar golden eyes, the black hair with purple highlights....you only ever knew one person with those characteristics.
"No way..Kieran?"
"....[y/n]?" He murmured, stunned. "You..remember me?"
"It took me a second, but wow...it really is you!" You chuckled, leaning back in your chair. "I haven't seen you in years, dude! And I know what you're gonna say...yes, I know I look like a Team Yell member. But I just like the fashion back in Spikemuth. It stuck with me."
"Wowzers...you went to Galar...?"
"Oh yeah. Went there to study and ended up staying a bit longer than I meant to...but it was great." Smiling, you rubbed the top of your head. "I got myself a nice trim while there. It was a much-needed change. Speaking of which....I don't think I've ever seen you with your hair up." You raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah..it was..getting in the way." Kieran brushed back his bangs, still reeling from the shock of seeing his childhood friend here at his school after all these years.
Not to mention how you presented yourself as this confident and boisterous person. Were you really that same shy long-haired friend he knew back in Kitakami?
"[Y/n], you know this guy?"
You both glanced back at your friend group, and you nodded. "Yep. He's an old friend from the Land of Kitakami. Honest to Arceus I had no idea he attended this school..but then again I literally just enrolled today. Either way, it's a nice surprise. Glad to see you again, Ki."
"Same." He nodded, although there seemed to be a certain sadness in his eyes as he stared at the people surrounding you, shoulders slumped. "Anyways, uh...I wanted to welcome you all to the club. I-I'll be back later. Bye, [y/n]."
With a nervous swallow, he quickly turned tail and left the clubroom, while your friends wondered why he looked at them all that way...
You believed you already knew the reason..
But when you saw their confused gazed, you just smiled and shrugged. "Don't worry about him, he's shy."
"Shy? But that guy used to be this school's champion!"
"...no way, really?" Your eyes widened, resting your arms on the tablr as you leaned towards one of your friends. "Tell me more."
At the end of the day, the club was ready to close up shop. Everybody else had left except for you and Toxtricity.
You volunteered to stay late, picking up the messes your friends left behind, such as the opened snacks and sodas (some of them being from Drayton, of course). Amarys did promise you some BP for all your hardwork and willingness to accept responsibility, so that was motivation enough.
Despite the way you look, you weren't always some rebellious punk.
Just as you have both finished and were about to lock the door..you noticed Kieran approaching from down the hall, and he looked rather serious.
Finally, this was your chance to talk to him.
"Oh hey, Ki."
"Hey, [y/n]..is it just you here?" His gaze went past yours, eyes darting around the empty room.
"Nobody but me and Tox." You gestured to Toxtricity, who nodded and smiled, strumming the organs on their chest.
"I see they're all grown up, too." He remarked, sounding a bit more relaxed after realizing nobody else was around.
"That reminds me..how's your Sentret doing?"
"He's a Furret now. And he's doing just fine...but not on my main team, anymore. He's more like...an emotional support Pokémon, I guess?"
"Fair enough." You chuckled as you wrapped an arm around your companion's shoulders. "I learned there was more to Pokémon than just battling. They can be your best buddy, too."
"Right.." Kieran nodded, his smile fading.
You frowned a little. "Listen..I know this is kinda awkward. We haven't spoken in years, and I still feel bad for moving out of Kitakami without-"
"No, it's not that...I'm happy to see you again. I just.." He sighed, looking down at the floor. "You said..today was your first day here, right?"
"I can't believe you've already made so many friends. It must feel nice.."
You were confused at his rather sour tone of voice, although you were anticipating this sort of confrontation, recalling how often he struggled to make and keep friends--besides you, of course.
But even now, it seems those insecurities never left him.
"D-Did I say that out loud?" Suddenly he tensed up, appearing a little scared. "I'm sorry, you can ignore me. I'm...tired. I-It's been a long day, so I'm just gonna-"
"Wait, Kieran."
Before he could turn around and leave, you took ahold of his arm, and he looked back at you with shock. "They didn't replace you if that's what you're worried about."
"...it's not that, either."
"Then...what is it?"
"You'll think it's stupid...." He mumbled, shaking his head.
"It's not stupid if it's clearly bothering you. Look, let's just..sit down and talk about it, okay? I'm not here to judge."
He blinked at your proposal, but eventually decided to sit at the table with you. Toxtricity crouched down next to your chair so you could pet them on the head.
It took a few moments for Kieran to start talking, yet with your silent encouragement...he finally spoke up.
"How do you make it look so...easy?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean...you have all these friends now while I..." His voice trailed off, fists clenched on the table as he tried to keep himself calm. "..I-I can't name a single one other than you and Florian/Juliana. You'd think becoming champion and club president would make me super popular. But the truth is that it only made me feel more isolated. So how did you do it? How did you become so confident? Is there a secret or some code word I never knew about?"
"There's...no secret, Ki." You responded, your heart sinking. "Friendships just sorta..happen. Like ours did that day those jerks made fun of you at the festival of masks. I guess it was just....up to fate."
"...well I wish fate gave me the same luck as you." He bitterly muttered under his breath.
"Luck? No. That's...look, I'm not popular, and I'd never wanna be. Those people are my only friends here aside from you." You huffed. "I know I've changed since we last saw each other...but I'm still that same kid from before-"
"I barely recognized you, [y/n]." He bluntly pointed out. "We grew up together in the same place...but you went to Galar, changed your whole looks, and made so many friends here on your first day. Then there's me, who...h-hasn't really changed at all." His shoulders became slumped. "I've done things I'm ashamed of, and I'm trying to fix them, but I just feel...stuck. Like I'm never gonna move on from being that whiny little kid from Kitakami who keeps wishing he was somebody else.."
Your gaze softened a little, finally understanding his perspective. "Well..I personally don't see that anymore. I see you're trying to change for the better, and that's great. You should be proud of that."
Kieran blinked as your hand came to rest over his own, his heart skipping a beat. Yet he kept his focus on you and your comforting smile, despite finding it difficult to see the truth in your words.
He could feel that self-doubt festering inside him again.
"But..y-you don't know what I-"
"People here told me such awesome things about you, and I almost couldn't believe them."
He stared at you. "What? Really?"
"Yeah, dude! You never told me how your team uses a competitive setup with Rain Dance on the first turn...or how your Applin is all grown up into a Hydrapple. Hell, I didn't even know that was an existing evolution until today, so you taught me something new-"
However, you stopped rambling upon hearing a small sniffle coming from your friend. You then saw his lips trembling as he tried pushing back tears with his sleeve.
Internally you began to panic. "Ki? What's wrong?"
"I-I'm sorry. It's just....everybody here talks about my Pokémon and battle tactics all the time, but never about me." He whimpered. "I-I want people to like me for....me, you know?"
You nodded sympathetically, gently squeezing his hand. Guilt swelled in your heart as you never realized how lonely he must've felt since you left...and right now you probably made him feel ten times worse.
"You really are a great guy, though. Anyone would be lucky to get to know the real you."
Now you were a bit stumped on what to say next, as he was staring at the table now, sniffling like a little kid. And you began wracking your brain for any possible way you could cheer him up.
Then an idea sprung into your mind.
You were going to save it for a later occasion, but...now seemed to be the right time.
Even Toxtricity agreed with you, as they nudged your arm with a low growl, wishing you'd finally fess up and let him know how you truly felt about him.
Your heart was beating fast, but you pushed away the nerves and momentarily let go of his hand to retrieve a pokeball from your bag. He seemed too caught-up in his own thoughts to notice, still wiping away his tears.
"But y'know what could be better than having friends?"
With watery eyes, Kieran managed to look at you straight on. "What?"
You didn't say a word, instead turning his hand over and placing a love ball into his palm. He looked at you with confusion, before gasping as the device suddenly opened on its own to reveal....
A Shiny Applin.
"Wowzers.." He gawked. "So this is what their shinies look like??"
"Yep. Straight from Galar."
"The love ball is an interesting choice.." He remarked, watching as the Applin jumped onto the table and gazed at him. "But..while I appreciate the gift, I-I....don't really see how owning a shiny is gonna help-"
"Oh, so he doesn't know, Tox..." You whispered to your companion, who simply snickered back.
"....know what?" Kieran's eyebrows furrowed as he noticed the smirks you and Toxtricity were exchanging, growing more and more confused and concerned. "Can someone explain?"
"In Galar, people give Applins to each other as a romantic gesture." You stated bluntly, feeling your face burn up....but you prayed he would finally get the hint.
It took him about five seconds, his jaw dropping. "What??? Y-You.....really see me that way?" His heart began racing all over again. "Why me, though?"
"I like you for you, Ki. And that's all there is to it." You leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek, watching as his eyes went wide and his blush worsened. "Hm, I guess that shy little cutie is still in there after all."
"C'mon..stop that.." Huffing, he shrunk back into his jacket in a vain attempt to hide his flusteredness. "I-I do like you, too."
"I'm glad, and I promise..I'm sticking around for a long, long time." You looked to Toxtricity, who strummed a small riff on their chest. "I owe Tox one for finding that love ball for me. I was gonna save it for some fairy type, but...I think I found a better use for it."
All Kieran could do was smile and nod, taking your hands into his own. While he was still too flushed to properly speak, he was nowhere near as sad as he was before your confession.
You were right.
This was a LOT better than having friends.
Because now he had you.
While both of your looks and personalities have definitely changed, the love and care you had for each other never did.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months
If you're taking requests, I love Drayton (favorite Dragon boy) and as a Fairy trainer, I'm super curious what the romantic (and friend) dynamics would be with him. So, I guess I'm asking for Drayton x Fairy reader content? 😅🩷
This gives me opposites attract vibes. The sweet Fairy type dynamic compared to Drayton being Drayton is a vibe I can get behind!
Pixie Wings | Drayton x Reader (Fairy specialist)
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
After growing up together traveling the unnova region side by side; when Drayton moved away to blueberry academy, he felt a small part of him was left behind. But fate seemed to have other ideas when a familiar face shows up to brighten his day.
Warnings: Lots of fluff with a little bit of Lacey hate
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers for The Indigo Disk Ending
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Why is Alcremie so cute? Like look at that lil guy, lil buddy so happy to be here 💗
Today was the day, the day you would travel to the blueberry academy. The school upon the sea! For the longest time, you had spent all of your time inside a stupid office building of a school. So when one of your closest friends and yourself both received letters of enrolment to the school; the stars aligned again! Though that didn’t stop the waves of nerves rushing over you. Seems you weren’t the only one feeling them, either.
Sitting on the plane, the nerves settled deeper and deeper in your gut as the mixture of excitement and dread flooded your every thought. Questions rolling around like the ocean tide below you, covering your mind like a cloud does the sun.
“What's got you so quiet?” A voice piped up from your side, “Nerves getting the better of you?”
With a deep sigh, you scrunch your noise, fingers placed on the bridge of it. “Sorry, sorry, I just keep thinking about everything that's going to happen when we arrive. I've never gone to a place like this. Sylveon was acting up all morning too, she isn’t much of a flying fan.”
“I get that, Mimikyu is the same, I can feel his ball shaking in my pocket.” A laugh escaped the both of you as the small talk wafted the clouds away from your mind. “I know you are going to be fine! You're the best damn fairy type trainer I know, and I know a lot of them! I went to a prep school for two years. You don’t get more fairy type than a blonde teen obsessed with make up.”
“That is very true.” The smile on your lips grew bigger as you leaned back into the plane seat, looking out the window to see your destination below. “I wish I could tell Drayton about this…”
“I know…”
Time went by quickly. Upon arriving at the school, a fellow Fairy type user gave you a tour of the building and the terrarium to boot. Teaching you all about the BB League and the other clubs around the school. A nice bonding session as well with your mutual feelings on fairy type Pokémon. She was nice, her outfit was cute too, though there was something you didn't quite get along with about Lacey. “And that about sums it up! To recap, the terrarium is split into four sections, the savannah biome is where the school entrance is! If you are a battler, the BB league is located inside to the right of the stairs. The elite four bases are spread out throughout the terrarium. Be careful when you go for the dragon trial, he, um, tends to get a little full of himself. Nothing new though. Just be advised to not fuel his ego any more than it already is.”
“Will do, thank you again for this. We look forward to seeing you at the trials!” You pipe up, disregarding the comment she made about her ‘friend’. With a small wave, Lacey spun on her heel and headed off for the coastal biome.
“Well, that was something.” Your friend piped up, trying not to laugh about how awkward that last part was. “Considering she calls everyone in the BB league club her friend, the way she speaks about the Dragon elite four members says otherwise. I mean she didn’t even use his name? How can we go off of toothpaste for a name?”
“I don’t know, but I'm sure we’ll meet him. Who knows, maybe it's a sibling rivalry sort of thing between them. Kinda felt like it to me.” You question, attempting to come up with any reason she may have been particularly pokey about one member and not the rest.
The sound of a poke ball stopped your conversation dead in its tracks. Your Archaludon had decided he was bored with the conversation and wanted attention now. Sylveon may have been your first Pokémon, but Archaludon held a special place in your heart; being the only reminder of Drayton you had. It was his Duraladon after all, a parting gift he gave you. It may not have been a fairy type, but that didn’t stop you from putting a fairy tera on it. Just for argument's sake.
Sitting down on a random rock, you quietly feed Archaludon a poffin, keeping him entertained whilst your friend rummages through her bag, finally zipping it back up once she was happy with whatever she did. “Well, I'm a head inside. Lacey describing the science club got me all giddy. Joltik agrees with me.” A small chirp followed your friend's voice as her tiny joltik popped out from her hood. How you didn’t notice it this whole time is beyond you. With a silent wave, you watch her walk into the distance. You weren’t alone for long though
“Two new students in one day and no one told me!?” A voice chimed up from along the beach. A boy, taller than others you had seen during the tour. His hair was spiked up at the front in one big swoop, kind of like, toothpaste. Just like Lacey had said. Though you could only see the back of him. From his outfit, he definitely fits the bill of dragon trainer. 
That's when it hit you. Something about that hair seemed so familiar to you, and it hit you like a tauros. “Do my eyes deceive me!? Drayton? Drayton!! I can’t believe it!”
His neck snapped so fast, it was a surprise he didn’t give himself whiplash. The sound of your voice being music to his ears. Seems his feet began moving on their own; he didn’t even register he was moving till he was already hugging you tighter than a mousehold. “How are you here? What are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that!” You respond, wrapping your arms around him tighter, still trying to comprehend the fact he really was there with you. “You moved to the other side of Unova!”
Drayton’s laugh coated your ears, causing your already beaming smile to brighten even more. “Well I didn’t say exactly where, probably should have mentioned the ocean school part huh.”
“Yeah, I've missed you so much, Drayton. Things just haven't been the same without your lively presence.” He had no response to that, only a simple hum as he moved away from you, his hands on your shoulders, a smile on his face. 
That's when your entire team all decided to join Archaludon outside. Sylveon comes out first, running around Drayton’s legs, her blue coat fluffing up with every pass she makes. Your Archaludon was already watching the scene, if it had a tail it would be wagging. The sight of his old trainer and his current trainer looking so happy made the bridge happier than a yamper. Vanilla Alcremi came out not long after Sylveon, doing a little happy dance alongside your Hattereen. Silently your white florges admired the situation, being the newest of the team she simply watched, enjoying the reunion that was unfolding.
“Seems you were not the only one who missed me!” Drayton chuckled, running his hand along Archaludon’s side.
“Would seem that way. When Lacey described you earlier, you were not the person I pictured.” You admitted thinking back to what Lacey said.
Drayton smiled and pulled you into his side to allow the Archaludon to nuzzle into him, his arm around your shoulder. “Ah don’t pay Lacey any mind, she isn’t too fond of my fighting style, she thinks my attitude is unprofessional. Her words, not mine.”
“Well I think your fighting style is great, even if I can beat you no problem.” A cocky grin painted on your face, teasing him.
“Oh is that so!? How about we put that to the test, then?” Drayton offered his signature smirk appearing
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Just found your Super Train AU and rotating it around in my head like a microwave.XD
Thinking about the Subway Clan's relationship with the other clans in Hisui. Like maybe since Lady Sneasler took a liking to to Ingo, the Pearl Clan was a bit miffed since she's one of their Nobles, but they accept her decisions and see this as a sign from Almighty that this new clan should be accepted. Maybe even more readily than the Galaxy Team, since no Noble chose any of their number. Maybe depending on how long the Subway crew was there, there was feeling of dread within both of the clans that either Lord Kleavor or Lord Braviary would also pick Wardens from the new clan.
Anyway, I can still see Irida and Ingo still having at least a friendly if professional relationship. Like when it became clear Sneasler chose Ingo, she took it upon herself to give him the Warden band and flute, explaining the whole deal about Wardens and Nobles to him and stressing how this was an incredibly sacred duty to care for one of the descendants of the ten Noble pokemon that helped the Ancient Hero and were blessed by Almighty Sinnoh itself.
No pressure.XD
I really like the thought that before anyone even came around to inform Ingo about the whole "Noble Pokémon" and "Almighty Sinnoh" thing, he was just sorta hanging with Sneasler and making baby noises at her kits. Naming all of them and giving them different colored scarves to differentiate them. Kissing their lil heads. Letting them run wild in his personal train car that he's living in. Their itty bitty claws like to scratch at the seats because the whole train is made to withstand battles, so it's just a scratching post that never wears out. They're living in luxury!
Then Irida comes along and is like This Is A Sacred Figure To Our Clan. And Ingo's internally like "oh shit I've been making kissy faces and squishing the face of this Sacred Clan Figure. They CAN NOT ever know about this, I'm taking this to my GRAVE."
Ingo's face is completely blank but internally he's an anxious wreck as Irida explains the duty of a Warden etc. Meanwhile Irida is just thinking "this looks like a confident man who knows what he's doing, I can see how he became the leader of his clan."
Ingo Does Not know what he is doing.
I think Ingo endears himself to Irida pretty quickly because despite not smiling all too much, he's a very kindhearted and polite man, and he's the type to express his admiration out loud whenever possible. Irida actually gains a lot of confidence in her leadership skills whenever she and Ingo talk. She'll mention tough decisions she's had to make and Ingo's just like, my, you're doing such a fine job leading your people! Don't be so hard on yourself, you've accomplished all your tasks and led everyone to a stable and safe destination—
Yeah Irida likes this dude. He talks a lot and he's loud, but he's just so nice and respectful that you can't find him annoying or anything. Plus, he takes his work very seriously and is probably one of the best Wardens she's ever seen. Not to mention he's got a group of people helping him protect the highlands and take care of the Noble— that actually leads Irida to wondering if it's a good idea to assign smaller groups to the Wardens to help make their jobs less dangerous and more efficient. Something to think about.
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spittyfishy · 1 month
If the Pokemon world had their own "Remnants of Despair", who do you think would be in it. (Junko somehow made a portal there or something.)
Buckle up fellas this is gonna be a long one
Ooo okay that’s a super interesting thing to think about! There’s a lot of things to consider when picking remnants in this sort of context (fighting tooth and nail against the instinct to just bonk my favs with the villain au bat but I shall resist!)
I think it’s important take how the Pokémon world works into account, like having Junko just physically torture someone into despair (think Chisa) wouldn’t fly, Pokémon’s ratings as a franchised wouldn’t allow it. So I’ve only picked characters who already had something that Junko could pull on to manipulate them into despair. I also tried to get at least one person from every region! I'm not 100% certain about some of these, so I’d definitely love to hear other people’s thoughts! (And let’s see if anyone can guess which character I had the most thoughts for lol)
Chloe: I think I’ve talked about Chloe’s villain au potential before, but at least during the early part of the Journeys anime she fairly closed off and distant, her dad paid more attention to Goh and Ash then to her, and there were loads of instances where he put his Pokémon work above her needs and family plans.
Jessibelle: Listen, Jessie and James are too whimsical for something like this but Jessibelle was already a physically abusive gold digger lol so I’m sure Junko would have something to work with there.
Silver: Not only is his dad a globally wanted criminal, but he also abandoned Silver when he went into hiding (I think that’s the backstory at least), and Silver has a lot of dialogue about treating Pokémon only as tools. If being a strong trainer didn’t get Giovanni’s attention, then maybe being a Remnant would.
Clair: Okay I’m going to be honest, I realized there weren’t enough girls on the list and threw Clair on last minute, but she also is super annoying in the Johto games lol. Like come on I won the battle just give me the badge!!
Courtney: So in the Pokémon Masters phone game there’s a bit where Courtney is shown to really believe in the Team Magma cause and really hates Team Aqua even after everything had been resolved at the end of ORAS, so I think Junko could get her that way. Have Courtney convinced that it’s her duty to keep Team Magma’s ideals alive even if the rest of the team forgot them.
Cyrus: Cyrus failed. All that effort to create his perfect world, catching the lake spirits, scaling Mount Corinette, he got so close— Just to have it all come crashing down at the last moment. His life’s work destroyed by some kid! He already had little to no patience for humanity, so thanks to Junko’s influence fine, he’ll make this world so unbearable to live in that people will beg him to create his perfect world at last.
Saturn: Saturn will follow Cyrus anywhere, both Pokémon Masters and the Chronicles of Arceus movie showed that if the Commanders are put in a situation without Cyrus they will go to any lengths to get him back. Saturn's devotion runs deep, so if Cyrus says despair is the answer then that’s what it’ll be.
Roxy: I’ve got nothing to justify this one with other then Junko wanted an Ibuki replacement to preform silly little despair concerts and I needed someone to rep Unova.
Sycamore: I’m not the first person to say Sycamore and Lysander were in love if not in a full blown relationship when everything went down in Kalos. But Lysander died, crushed under the weapon he’d risked everything to restore. The longer Sycamore goes without him the more he notices the flaws in humanity Lysander was talking about. People are selfish and greedy, look at the state of the world! Professors in Paldea nearly caused an ecological nightmare! The president of the Galar region Pokémon league almost plunged the world into eternal darkness! Not to mention what the morons over in Hoenn tried to do. If even people that were supposed to be trustworthy were causing this much chaos then there was no hope for the rest of humanity. If he could just get Lysander back, just see him one more time— tell him he’d been right, Sycamore was sorry for not seeing it sooner, that he missed him, and that if he could go back he’d have never given those kids the Pokémon that he was ultimately defeated by. If he could just get him back— if there was just some way— like if there was a big, giant, ancient machine that was capable of bringing back the dead still sitting in pieces in Geosenge Town…
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Faba: Is anyone really surprised? Faba is a little weasel of a man and will jump ship to whoever currently holds the most power. He could be a Branch Chief again! Or even better, if he does a good enough job maybe Junko will give him the whole Aether Foundation as a reward! (She won’t, but the possibility would always be held over his head to keep him in line)
Hau: Okay but hear me out— in the Ultra games specifically Hau has a few interactions with Guzma where he taunts him about being in his grandpa’s shadow and never being able to prove himself as a strong trainer. Gladion’s dialogue reinforces this, that Hau is always too busy goofing off and never takes anything seriously. If Hau’s just stuck there, his friends surpacing him, his rivals surpacing him, the mantle of Kahuna an unattainable goal constantly hovering over him, all those expectations and the realization he’s never going to meet any of them— it might become too much to deal with.
Rose: He was only trying to help! Why couldn’t anyone see that? Galar needed Eternatus and the dynamax particles it could make, Rose had been saving the world! They were all so ungrateful, locking him in jail for saving them, who do they think they are? He made this region into what it is today! Everyone relies on Macro Cosmos, and he ran the entire Pokémon league on top of that! That Leon would be nothing without him! It was a region of ungrateful brats. But even so, he’ll still keep working to ‘help’ them all again, you’re welcome.
Oleana: *holds up photos of Oleana and of Peko* Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures. They’re the same picture.
Raihan: He had to beat him. If he just trained harder, more sandstorms, bigger dragons, if he wanted it more. Leon couldn’t be invincible, he couldn’t be, and Raihan would prove it. Turn all of Galar to a battle ground if he needed, but he was going to take down that champion once and for all.
Kieran: Again, no one’s surprised. Just take BB league champion Kieran and turn him up to 11, and boom. Remnant Kieran. He’s still on a hunt for a legendary Pokémon, if he can just find one of those then he’ll be strong enough to defeat anyone right!
Bonus, all the Team Star bosses: I’m thinking they’d be like the equivalent of the Warriors of Hope, not really part of the Remnants group but still very much in despair. I mean come on, a group of bullied teens like that, Junko would have a field day.
And there we go! 15 Remnants plus five Warriors of Hope! I thoroughly enjoyed this ask, I know some of the concepts were much more fleshed out then others, I almost went with Misty and Brock for Kanto (his parents abandoned him to raise all his younger siblings while being the city gym leader, and Misty was so stuck in her sister's shadow she ran away from home) but I just couldn’t do that to two of my childhood faves. (Pierce and Gladion also almost made the list).
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dark-type-appreciator · 2 months
Intro post! :3
Hello! Like my description says, I'm Liam! I'm 16 and I found this website a while back and decided to finally make an account!!! I really like dark type pokemon (bet you could guess that XD), and I'm always open to talk about them! I also really like other catmons ^w^ curse of being a warrior skitties fan I guess...
I also like drawing, warrior skitties, and roleplaying! I have other interests but those are my main ones! I play games sometimes, but I'm not very good at them x_x
I'm not really a pokemon trainer… I only have one pokemon haha! His name is Goldie, and he's a purrloin! He's kind of a cranky old man but he loves me!
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umm, what else? I get confused sometimes, please be patient, I'm autistic (and other things). Same goes the other way around!! If u need me to rephrase something, please tell me! Also i misspell things a lot, auto correct is my best friend. Hopefully its not too bad!
Oh! Also I am a furry! :3 I almost forgot to mention that asjhdjahs
Here's my pokesona!
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not the best reference, it's kinda old... Maybe I'll redo it someday!
Also- if we're friends, pls tag any bug types!… I have a really bad phobia of them, and I don't wanna see them at all. Thank you!!!
also- look look look!!
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They're friends.. :3
[OOC under the cut]
Hello! Actias/moth (@act11as) here with a new blog! On a different account! Wowie! Follows will come from here, of course! Once again, general unreality warning! Out of character posts will be green, and tagged as #ooc and #Moth's yapping to avoid confusion.
Dark themes will be explored on this blog, such as past abuse and neglect, general mental illnesses, dysfunctional family dynamics, emotional and psychological abuse, as well as (witnessed) domestic abuse.
Everything will be tagged (and please tell me if I missed something!) But please be safe when interacting!
These themes will not always be present, and Liam's blog will usually stay lighthearted. Still, it's good to keep in mind!
Boundaries, and so on!
No NSFW or suggestive things! Both the muse and mod are minors. Don't be a fuckin' weirdo. *Almost any kind of blog is allowed to interact! Sentient Pokemon, Eeby Deebies, Evil teams, fallers, etc! *Self-Insert fallers, please do not interact. I personally cannot handle these kinds of blogs. Self-insert ocs are fine, but the idea of a real person on rotomblr being isekaid into Pokémon is not. (Liam will likely not believe you for a while- unless he has significant reason to. He'll think it's a roleplayer, otherkin, or something like that. He will be willing to play along though!) In-Character Anon hate is allowed! Feel free to bully him, but remember that I'm not obligated to answer everything! Pelipper Mail, un-mail, and Malice are off currently! You may be able to convince him to turn it on! Mystery Gifts are closed! Though if this and Pelipper mail were to open, this one is preferred! Musharna mail, and Musharna malice are always on! Magic anons are off.
Organizational Tags! (HOW DID I FORGET FOR SO LONG)
Liam Chatters - General post tag! As long as he's saying something in the text portion, it'll be tagged. Reblog! ^w^ - Reblog tag. Pretty self explanatory Future Sight (queue) - Queued posts tag! Again pretty self explanatory. Liam used Doodle! - Art tag! Liam's art will be tagged as this, for those who want to see it. Foresight - Out of character tag. It marks posts that will potentially be important in the future. This can range from his opinions on things to heavy lore posts! Good tag to read through if you think you're missing something!
Friend Tags! (Tags for friends!)
#Tari mention - tag for Tari from @/pokemoncryptids #faith is friending - tag for Faith from @/faithispokemoning
Mask Off Arc - [summary will come after it ends]
#Lucy Strikes! - One of Liam's friends stole his phone while they were supposed to be visiting. General warnings for bullying.
These are blogs Liam has blocked in-character! usually for lore reasons! these are not blogs that have personally been blocked, feel free to interact on anon if you're on this list!
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pokenimagines · 2 years
Grusha | Fic | where the reader gets badly injured by a wild Pokémon attack but as he reaches reader he sees them knocked out and gets protective?
This has a bit of angst in it, but not a lot...I don't think? I just saw this prompt and I'm like "Oh, I have the perfect set up!". Reader ends up totally fine though, just saying. I don't ever write straight up angst.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Grusha: Protecting What Matters
Grusha tried not to let many things bother him; he preferred it that way. He sometimes got annoyed with overly optimistic people, or those who saw everything through rose colored goggles, but most of the time he just let went with the flow.
Then he met you, the kind of person he didn't expect to fall for. You were moving forward at a fast pace, far faster then he would've ever thought possible. He ended up falling hard, and he hated it. He pushed down the feelings as much as he could, but whenever you begged him to go out somewhere with you, or to train in the mountains, he always had issues telling you no.
You were a capable trainer, with an even more capable team, so he never worried when going out to train in the mountains. He knew, he cursed himself for knowing, that anything could happen. Anything could change the course of your life in an instant, just one misstep was all it took. Despite knowing this, hell even preaching it at some point, he didn't pay enough attention to you.
One moment, you were battling a Froslass with your fire-type, an easy battle, then the next you were on the snow, bleeding from the head. He had never ran so fast in his life, sliding on ice as he skidded over to you. His Altaria managed to beat the Froslass without him even having to utter a single command.
He looked you over, seeing how you were knocked out cold. Despite saying your name several times, you didn't rouse. You had a pulse, that was good. It just looked like a chunk of ice had been hurled at your head. Grusha managed to lift you in his arms as he took you to the pokemon center.
You were fine, completely and utterly fine. A minor concussion, but otherwise you didn't have any long term issued. Three entire weeks and you were completely back to normal; knocking at Grusha's front door. The blue haired boy opened the door, wearing just a long sleeved shirt and some black joggers. His hair was tied into a bun as he looked over at you with an almost surprised look.
"You're back..." Grusha said, opening the door for you to come in. You happily walked into the home, kicking off the boots so you wouldn't trail snow everywhere in the home.
"Yuppers, I was wondering if you wanted to go out into the mountains with me. I'm feeling a lot better and my team is itching to battle." You said, acting as if nothing happened.
"You want to go back out there? You know you could've died if that piece of ice hit you any harder." Grusha said and you shrugged.
"Well, it didn't, and I'll be more careful this time." You said, not bothered at all. You were alive and well, after all. Sure you were knocked out, but you lived.
"You might not be so lucky next time, you know things can happen in a split second. One wrong move..." Grusha began, wanting to convince you that maybe training in the mountains wouldn't be a good idea.
"I know, but this is what I enjoy doing. I can't let once incident that I survived make me quit. I'm well aware of the risks of what can happen out there, Grusha." You said, feeling a bit like he was trying to dictate what you could and couldn't do.
"I just...what would I do if you died?" He murmured the last part so quietly you could barely make it out. Your eyes widened, as you realized exactly what has him so anxious. You gave him a wobbly smile before walking over to him.
Grusha hasn't anticipated you wrapping your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. You looked at him with a smile, "I don't plan on dying anytime soon." You informed him.
"It could still happen..." He murmured.
"Ya, well guess you'll just have to accompany me and make sure I don't get hurt again." You joked and Grusha put a hand on your head, playing with your hair.
"That worked wonderfully last time..." He reminded you, but you weren't caring.
"Guess you'll have to be extra diligent then. I bet if you held my hand out there, I won't be able to slip away and get hurt." You couldn't help, but chuckle at the light blush on his cheeks.
"Fine, I'll go with you...but you have to promise to be careful." Grusha said; you couldn't contain your joy as you reached up and kissed his cheek.
"Will do!" You said while parting and going over to put your boots back on. Grusha just looked at you for a moment more, his hand covering the cheek you just kissed. Perhaps he wouldn't be able to continue pushing down his feelings if you acted like that.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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pawmesan · 1 year
So yesterday I said I had ✨opinions✨ on the DLC and today I have come to the conclusion that as per usual, I will not chill until I dumped them somewhere lmao. It's mainly focused on what I've seen people say about Carmine and Kieran online, be it on tumblr or other websites.
Teal Mask Spoilers under the cut :3
I have no idea if I used the under the cut feature even right lmao I've kinda always just been a douche and ignored it when talking about spoilers as I've realised gfjdjrc
Ok anyway so. I think what personally bothered me the most is a lot of people saying "they just have a perfectly fine siblings relationship, nothing unhealthy to see here" and "Kieran is a coldass douchebag who view others as objects and only cares about strength". Both statements I strrroooongly disagree with.
First about his and Carmine's relationship, since it plays into the other thing. It seems that their parents aren't around, though it's unknown why. The grandparents are apparently pretty lackluster in taking over their job and because of that, it seems that Carmine has taken it on herself to take somewhat of guardian role for Kieran. Which is a role she's visibly overwhelmed by, which makes sense, because that's not a role you should have to take when you yourself are maybe like 17/18 lol. You can see that she absolutely does care for and wants the best for him, but at the same time she can't wrap her head around his actions and how he's feeling. So a lot of the things she does she does out of good intentions (for example telling the player for him that he's interested in them because she says he couldn't ever ask on his own, or the whole lying thing where she believes not telling him you guys met Ogrepon prevents him from feeling left out), without understanding that they have quite literally the opposite effect (Kieran feeling like he's unable to do anything on his own BECAUSE she does everything for him, and of course him feeling left out BECAUSE you and her keep meeting Ogrepon a secret). On top of that she clearly has issues keeping her own emotions down, so instead of reacting calmly she'd yell at him whenever he does or says something she doesn't like. And whether you want to see that certain one-liner as her implying she does also hit him when she's not "being nice" or not, she seems unaware of what effect these reactions have on her brother. I do think the implication might very well be on purpose, but it's just not as obviously stated as it could be because this is still a Pokémon game and we don't gotta be too in your face about child abuse in a game that like 8 year olds play lol.
Anyway, aside from him thinking he can't make decisions on his own and stuff, there's a lot of ways this treatment shows in Kieran. Notice how while Carmine is pretty open about showing her anger, he keeps trying to repress his own until later in the story where he's starting to be unable to do so? You can see that when you battle him the first couple times and he loses, the light in his eyes leaves briefly (yknow, the anime thing they both do where that shows them being angry/frustrated) before he grabs his head and just says aw man or something. And when she outs him on his crush or whatever on you, he also looks angry like that, but she immediately shuts him down like usual. I'm pretty sure that's a learned behaviour on his part, aka "when I get openly angry or sad my sis will yell at and/or hit me so I have to keep it down". That's why he always switches the topic, runs off or just goes quiet when he pisses her off or he thinks he pisses her or someone else off. It's optional dialogue so idk how many people have seen it, but Carmine confirms that at the festival, though she again misunderstands why he does it.
Have a high quality photo of what I mea-
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So yeah, in short, in regards to their relationship, I think it's clear that it's pretty dysfunctional. For some reason Carmine's stuck with taking a caretaker role she cannot possibly fill given her own issues and age. As a result, she takes it out on her little brother who in turn has to suffer the double bagage of lack of parents and dealing with his older sister's moods. And with next to no social contacts outside of her, he's stuck in that situation and he's got no one to help him learn how to deal with this in a healthier way (same with Carmine really). All he knows that if he was "stronger", he could deal with this better. Like that cool ogre from the folktale that does not care what people think of it and keeps fighting for its right to be respected regardless. Stronger being a very arbitrary word here, as the only specific goal he mentions (in the beginning) is able to stand up against his sister.
Now onto the whole "Kieran sees Ogrepon, the player, probably everyone but him, as an object" thing which... yeah no, he's not a sociopath kcngjtc
More precisely, the player character comes in as this cool person who has no trouble beating his sister in a battle. They don't seem to have all that much trouble socialising either. Good thing he doesn't know all the kewl stuff we did at Area Zero and all or he'd lose it completely. I think a big bonus is also that we're not from his town, so we don't have any bias against his ogre idol. So like, he's head over heels for us, he actually gets to hang out with us and warms up as we realise we're interested in his stories and all and wow. He's found an actual real friend omg. He might not be 100% aware of that, but that's all he really wanted. He wanted to befriend the ogre because it sounded like it would be someone to understand him. And now there's suddenly this super nice person who's taking that role.
But then suddenly, that person hangs out with his meanie sister and stops interacting with him almost entirely. I have a feeling that Carmine hanging out with people he'd want to befriend and them making fun of him is just a thing that happened before and that's why he jumps to that conclusion right away. Keep in mind, the reason Carmine came to us in the first place is literally to make fun of his lack of skills at the mini game lol.
So yeah, the reason Kieran is so massively pissed off is because he does view the player character as a human being, and one he really really liked and put up the courage to open up to, yet from his POV we shamelessly take advantage of that and leave him alone again to hang out with his sis instead. Would probably come off to him like you just pretended to be his friend because you had to and now you're hanging out with the cooler kids and giggle about how silly he looked when, idk, he asked to have a sandwich with you lol. Of course this is not what the player intended (or is meant to intend) and I too felt physical pain when the game gave me no option but to lie xD but I'm pretty sure you guys making up and giving each other another chance is what's gonna happen in Indigo Disk.
For Ogrepon, instead of as an object, I think he just keeps seeing the ogre from the story in her. You gotta remember that he never gets to properly interact with her, he doesn't even refer to her by her actual name like Carmine does once she learns it. He doesn't understand that, ironically just like him, what she really wants is just acceptance and a friend. He thinks that the reason she's distrusting of him is not because she has trust issues and needs to warm up first just like him, but because he isn't as strong as you are, the one she does trust much easier. He's so convinced that nothing in his life will change for the better until he's "stronger" that... presumably the Dokutaro thing somewhere during the mid point starts influencing him. Not like, straight up possession, but more it taking advantage of his instability and promising to give him the strength he wants if he does what it wants. Just like the dex entries of the loyal three says what happened to them. So Dokutaro moreso takes the role of some guy who's a really bad influence and convinces you to do things that will harm both you and others with some sneaky lil psychological tricks. Because I mean, self-sabotaging is something Kieran literally does around the time he presumably comes in contact with Dokutaro. He completely stops trying to talk to you, he boxes the furret he apparently raised from an egg, he doesn't come along to help beat the loyal three to get the masks. I wonder tbh, if Dokutaro was influencing him, if it didn't lead him away from helping with that on purpose, since it originally made the loyal three steal the masks in the first place. I guess that would also explain why he would have been fine with Ogrepon just going back to the cave so he could get the masks back later. And while there definitely is the whole jealousy aspect, I think it's also Dokutaro leading him into actions he wouldn't normally do to get the masks. Because if he gets the masks it'll give him what he wants or whatever. I think without the Dokutaro influence, honestly, he'd probably just have locked himself up in his room for the rest of the story after you lying and sobbed into his Furret pal's fur lmao.
Soo yeah, I think that's about it. They both have quite some issues and continue the trend of ScaVio characters that really need a therapist lol. I like Kieran especially though, he's really adorable despite having his own set of flaws of course. So I do hope the next part will take his (and Carmine's) story into a satisfying direction. And I better get to give him a hug because he needs one smh. Maybe Arven can make him some top tier candy apples. Oh oh yeah, noticed btw that he adds Dipplin to his team after he gave us a candy apple at the festival and told us there's a mon that looks like one? Pokémon likes to do storytelling via the team, so maybe the Dippling reminds him of our broship 😔😔
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sinnershavesoulstoo · 2 months
I'm looking for fairly priced commissioned illustrators
I know I'm not super active on here much anymore, but I'm a busy little woman. (AKA a massive ADHD headcase who has 40 different projects going on that take up most of my time now)
Last year I wrote a children's book. I was going to publish it and it was 4 pages too short. Which is probably good for me, because it was a spur of the moment thing that I did in 2 months. I have the ideas for the 4 pages on sticky notes and I just have to finish up the wording.
I thought I was going to be great at doing illustrations on my laptop because it was touch screen and I'm fine at other art mediums. Turns out I'm only good at pen and paper drawings. Like - seriously - huge props to everyone that does digital art.
But I'm looking for someone to illustrate this 32 page children's book for me and let me buy the rights to your artwork. I don't expect this book to be a best seller, I don't expect this book to cost much once it's in print. Truth be told - I wrote this book for a friend as a halfway joke/to be encouraging for them, but I think it's actually good enough to be published. It would give me something to add to my small list of big accomplishments and I'd love to have an actual published book because it's been on my bucket list since 2016.
I'm going to be extremely transparent here. I'm new to all of this. I am not necessarily mad at my art work seeing as it was the first time I've tried digital art, but it could be better. I love the cover, the inside cover pages (they're the same drawing), and the dedication page. If I could find someone who could just take my artwork and redefine it, that would be ideal. I assume fine tuning someone's pre-existing work would be cheaper. This book means a lot to me, but I don't even make a living wage. I can pay someone between $200 and $250 to help me make this dream a reality. I know it's not really a lot of money for something this big, and it's likely a pipe dream - but I have to at least try to find someone who might want to help me out.
I would absolutely and very obviously add your name to the book as the illustrator. Again, since I'm not expecting this to be huge, I don't expect to have any/much profit from it - which is why I'm hoping to buy the rights to your artwork.
If anyone would be willing and is serious about this:
I will send you the book in it's current form and the extra pages I'm looking to add.
I'd love to look at your 'portfolio' to see if your art work is what I have in mind. If you decide going the route of changing my artwork a little is better, I'd love to see a sample of how you would change it.
I'll send you some form of communication other than Tumblr once we establish it's a good fit, because I don't get on here a ton! Likely an email address or my google information so we can share stuff more easily.
If you're into it and my monetary budget isn't enough - I can cross stitch, I have a few Squishmallows, I have a lot of mini brands, and I have a lot of starter Pokémon cards that I'd absolutely be willing to send to you as well.
TLDR: I'm looking for someone to illustrate/help illustrate a 32 page children's book that is a passion project of mine. I can offer between $200 and $250, plus some other collectable items I have at my house or a handmade cross stitch project (or all of the above). I'd love to buy the rights to your artwork and I'm happy to send what I have for the book so far if you're truly interested in helping me with this. I'd love to have reference art from you to make sure it's what I'm looking for!
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
gmax sandaconda is the DEFINITION of snootirific. i'm not the nose rater but i have to say gmax sandaconda might have the best snoot in the whole franchise
i saw someone in the tags of one of the posts where i used the word "snootiferous" say that they added that word to their vocabulary. as though it was a word i didn't make up. i totally did make it up and now i keep saying it, specifically in posts on this blog. i have not said it anywhere in my real life but if i can make other folks say it then i think that's the ultimate funny
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not getting their models, but rendering the eyes properly. there are two competing and likely theories for why the eyes are so fucked up in gen 9: number one being that the eyes are rendered dynamically in-game as shaders instead of as flat textures like they typically were in past pokémon games so that pokémon can look around, have reflections in their eyes, have more dynamic eyes, et cetera, which means they're much more difficult to render authentically for quick silly tumblr screenshots; and number two being that game freak renders them dynamically as a "security measure" to keep folks online from ripping the models as easily to use them for… whatever they want. such as blogs like this, which are of course extremely harmful to the pokémon company's bottom line and destroying their business et cetera et cetera (sarcasm). either way, the eyes are fucked up, and i either have to find a way to recreate the eye textures from what i am given in the texture files, or i have to find a way to recreate the eyes to the best of my ability using shaders in something like… blender, which is what i've been using for more recent models since gen 7. that puts more work on me for every individual model, and isn't exactly easy for models that i have to rip and convert myself when there are dozens of nodes in the shading panel that i don't know what to do with. for example, here's what quaxly (famously, a pokémon with pupils that can look around, as it appears in a whole cutscene in-game) looks like out-of-the-box when i convert it myself from the model format used in-game:
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if you can't tell what's wrong, here's what it's Supposed to look like:
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notice the white pupils? those aren't rendered properly in blender, notably because no texture exists for them. no texture even exists for anything you see in the eyes there, but it's all somehow magically appeared in the shading section, by magic. and i am not that kind of wizard
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this means very little to me. i just played around with some of the nodes by looking at the strangely-colored textures that were given to me with the .trmdl conversion, and i managed to get something close enough:
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but they kinda look like they're looking in two different directions (possibly fine? we'll have to see how they look front-facing) and the colors are slightly off (can anyone tell but me? possibly not); not to mention it likely won't be this easy with every pokémon. pokémon whose eyes are much more complex or have colors i can't easily match, for example, or pokémon for whom multiple parts of their eyes are missing… not to mention i don't necessarily have the time or willpower to be spending hours tinkering with these models every morning to make sure the eyes look right. ideally i can take what i've learned from fucking with quaxly right now to hopefully move forward a bit smoother, and eventually i'll refine a process. but until then, this is what worries me
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right, but it's also less funny. the initial concept for this blog, inspired by pokémon like snivy, is that some pokémon look really funny when they're up in your face staring at you. it's a concept everyone loves. but if they're facing away from you, there's considerably less to work with there. they're all Kinda just gonna look the same. they lose a lot of that personality. i suppose i'll consider it if i ever run Really low on options, though
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nah. i don't do visual art anymore. that time has passed—now if i do it, it's usually a one-off thing and i never want to look at what i've created again afterward
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Alright, I gotta ask because I think I'm one of the three people that like this Pokémon...
How does my little guy silicobra fair?
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Hey, if there’s only three people who like this pokémon, I’m one of them! I used one in my first Galar adventure! Sadly, this cutie of a snake-like pokémon earns a C rank. Some owners may be able to handle them, but there’s enough downsides to bring their suitability into question.
For one, silicobras are quite a bit larger than I thought. While they’re pretty lightweight at only sixteen pounds, they are over seven feet long! In the wild, silicobras spend a lot of their time underground. These pokémon are burrowers who dig into the ground to hide from enemies and wait to surprise prey (Sword, Shield). In order to keep a silicobra happy and to simulate their wild environment, you’ll probably want to provide them with a safe place to dig. Given their size, this might not be an option for every owner, especially if they don’t have access to a yard.
It is unclear if this pokémon is unfriendly or not. They have a peculiar means of combat that is most often used to defend themselves. You see, silicobras’ necks hold hollow, inflatable pouches, which they routinely fill with up to seventeen pounds of sand while they burrow (Sword, Scarlet). When in a confrontation, they can use their specially adapted nostrils to spray sand at attackers (Shield, Violet). Interestingly, the purpose of this attack seems to be to disorient attackers rather than harm them: one the sprayed sand has blinded their enemy, silicobras hide rather than finishing them off (Shield). Now, perhaps once they got used to you and no longer percieved you as a threat, your silicobra would stop trying to spray sand in your face. However, there’s a chance they may not be able to tell it’s you when you approach! Because their nostrils have been specially adapted for spraying sand, silicone as don’t have a great sense of smell (Violet). If they are anything like real-world snakes, this may make it difficult for them to identify you quickly: snakes tend to have poor eyesight and rely heavily on their sense of smell and limited hearing capabilities. Honestly, it could go either way. You may be in for a pet that tries to blind you every time you approach their burrow. At least they won’t try to kill you.
This is a very good thing, because silicobras are pretty formidable pokémon. They can make use of many ground-type moves that leverage the environment to their advantage: using their sand storage, they can try and bury you with Bulldoze or Sand Tomb! They can even summon sandstorms gritty enough to hurt you with Sandstorm! They’re apparently so scary to look at when they use Glare that you’ll be paralyzed with fear! You don’t want to mess around with a silicobra. That being said, the pokédex makes it clear that this species is far more amiable to flight rather than fight.
As one more side note, these critters shed their skin periodically. This is, of course, nothing new to anyone experienced with caring for real-world snakes. This process is important to their growth, as it allows them to extend the elasticity of their neck pouches (Scarlet). This might be gross for the uninitiated. There is a silver lining, however: if your silicobra has the ability Shed Skin, they will be able to cure themselves of various ailments by shedding their skin in this way!
Overall, silicobras are far less dangerous than many snake-like pokémon. If you are able to provide them with a burrowing space and withstand the odd sand-in-the-eyes, you may be able to manage a silicobra just fine. I wouldn’t recommend this pokémon as a pet to a beginner when it comes to ground-type pokémon or snakes, however, and the potential threat a tantrum in one may pose needs to be considered.
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subwaytostardew · 10 months
Can we see some clingy Emmet daily dialogue?
Yes you can. 🫡
Going to paste some lines instead of taking screenshots since I need to reorganize what lines happen at what day/heart level later. Also because they're somewhat long (every sentence we write ends up being a paragraph... I hope that's okay.)
Including some marriage lines since he isn't super clingy with you until after 6 hearts (he doesn't really trust you...)
▷ Station Steward Thylak
▽ Emmet’s Regular Daily Dialogue▽
"You should talk to me more. I am Emmet. I like listening to you. If others think you talk too much, they are wrong. I will fight them. Huh? I don't have to do that? Fine... Well. You still shouldn't focus on others. Or what they think. I think you are the best. Perfect. That is all that matters. What you think is all that matters to me, too."
"Joltik really likes you. They're verrrry attached to you. Yup. Pokémon sometimes choose their trainers. If you were allowed to have Pokémon. I would give you this particular one. But... I am not allowed to. I would get in trouble with the Ferngill Republic. Instead, I have a picture of you that they like to look at it. I like to look at it as well... You have the best smile! It is perfect! But seeing you in person is much better. Nothing beats seeing your smile in the moment. Yup! Joltik would agree! They'd like to see you more, too!"
"I am Emmet. You know. If you ever feel down or lonely. I am always here for you. If you aren't. I will wait until then. You can trust me. I would never lie to you. I am nothing but honest. Sometimes that is seen as a problem. Oh well. Dishonest people don't deserve your time. Mine, too. I don't talk to people much. I don't trust them. I want to trust you though. I am Emmet. I like having you as a friend. Don't betray me. The truth is verrrrrry important!"
"You look like you had a bad day. I will make it better. That's what friends are for. If you have any problems. Let me know how to fix it. If you don't know how, tell me what's wrong. I will figure out what track to depart on. Don't worry about it. I need to return your gestures. I complain a lot. You listen to me. You should complain to me. I want to be the best friend you've ever had. You have to tell me."
"Right on schedule! My favorite person. My favorite part of my routine. I was waiting for you. I haven't seen you for a verrry long time. I missed you verrrry much. You should stay with me forever. I'm happier being a two-car train with you. Oh… I understand if you need to depart. I have work, too. I should attend to my station. I will see you tomorrow."
▽ Emmet’s Marriage Daily Dialogue▽
"I am Emmet. I am needy. And clingy. I know. But tell me if you don't want to conduct physical contact, okay? I will understand. I have those days, too. It is important to check safety. I never want you to hide the truth. Don't keep it from me. I don't want to make you feel sick. You are my exception. I don't want to lose you. But if you are all clear for affection. I expect hugs and kisses. Lots and lots. You should expect them, too. Follow the rules! Everyone smile! All aboard! Our destination is set for smooching station. Choo choo! "
"Let's make an early departure to sleepytime junction today. It is hard for me to sleep without you. Even before we lived together, I would need to think about you to convince myself to go to bed. I didn't want to listen to Dr. Harvey, but you would have wanted me to sleep. So I had to sleep. We don't have to sleep, though. We can have fun instead. I just want to spend time with you. I need you by my side. Make sure you return to our station soon, okay?"
"There's that smile! My favorite part of my routine. I really like seeing your smile every day. It's the best. Perfect. I'm jealous. I have to make mine as good as yours! Only you can make me have certain smiles. None of them are better than your own. It's too good. Yup, verrry impressive! I want your smile. It should be mine. Hm… Do you show that smile to anyone else? If you don't. Technically it is. My smile is yours! I hope yours is mine."
"Do you still love me? Mm. Just checking. You never know when something might change. It is always important to conduct your safety checks. I am Emmet. I still love you. How about now? Do you hate me? Don't look at me like that. Every second is verrrry important. If you misread one thing, the rest will be totally different. I know. I know... I think too much about splitting tracks. Conducting safety checks make me feel better. That. And I want to hear you say you love me again. I'll repeat it back for you, too. It's only fair. I love you!"
"I am Emmet. And I am in love. My darling loves me back. Oh! Sorry. I was talking to myself again. I still have a hard time convincing myself that you like me back. You didn't do anything wrong. I am Emmet. I just need affirmations. For everything. Because I am Emmet."
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Oooh! Fnf hypno huh? Can I request headcanons of Lost silver fnf befriending a Child Y/N who somehow got teleported in the game and is a huge horror fan headcanons?I can just imagine the surprise of meeting a child who actually likes blood and horror and isn’t scared by your appearance-
Growing up, you were always a sucker for horror. You liked watching movies and playing games with a lot of blood in them--it was never a problem for you.
As much as your peers might’ve been concerned, you’re doing fine, actually. You just like scary stuff. Plain and simple.
That being said, you also liked creepypastas and knew several from the Pokemon franchise.
On Halloween, you hoped to spend it trying out a horror mod for a rhythm game.
However your computer was acting rather odd while trying to boot the game up--and it suddenly crashed, but instead of the usual restart screen it glowed with an eerie light you were tempted to touch-
And it sucked you into the game itself somehow.
You wake up in a void and that’s when you meet the person from the infamous “Lost Silver” story.
A very much dead and dismembered Gold.
After the initial shock of being inside the game passes, you approach him, curious.
His usual frown twists into a look of surprise upon seeing you rather than Boyfriend. And he realized you didn’t belong here. He was scared.
So he screamed, his facial features stretching in such a way that would’ve surely terrified you.
But...it doesn’t.
You’re like “woah!! You can do that????” with such an awestruck look.
Immediately Gold is confused, and the ? Unowns end up surrounding him. Though you understand what he means.
“You don't scare me. I think you're pretty cool honestly.” You reassure him, though you see him turn away, on the verge of crying bc he thinks you don't mean that.
You caught him on a bad day. He tried befriending a young Pokémon trainer and they ran away screaming at his appearance...so it's hard for him to believe you. He's been sulking in this void ever since.
“Stop lying...” He rasps heartbrokenly.
But then he feels your comforting hand on his shoulder.
“I'm not lying. I'm not afraid of you, Gold.”
“...you should be.”  Turning his head slowly, you see him crying bloody tears, glowing red dots in his sockets, and his mouth stretched unnaturally long. You swore his heart was somehow visible in his throat.
Though all you did was smile. “C’mon, it takes more than that to scare me off.” You chuckle.
Finally convinced, he fixes his looks just as Celebi appears to use Perish Song. But Gold stops it, considering you a friend.
You thank him for that before explaining your situation.
Long story short, you spend a while in the game as your PC in the real world takes its time rebooting.
But until then, you kept Gold company, getting him to smile more and more outside the void.
He's just happy there’s a kid his age in another world who doesn’t fear him.
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lumenflowered · 4 months
[A video file is attached. In it, Maria can be seen seated at an outdoor patio table opposite... a Dratini? Probably? The being's vaguely Dratini-shaped, anyway, from what a viewer can see through the glitchiness. Though the color's all wrong—it's a reddish-purple, which is odd even for a potentially shiny Pokémon.
"I am quite aware that this is not what you wished to speak of," Maria says, hands cupped around what appears to be a coffee cup, "but will Dee be... alright? Without you close by?"
The Dratini-adjacent being ducks her head in what certainly appears to be a nod. There's a mug of coffee in front of her, too, though it looks untouched and also has truly ungodly amounts of cream and sugar added to it.
"S'nice you cared enough to ask. As long as we're in, like, the same town? It's fine, that's close enough," Mallory says, if it can count as saying anything when there is no mouth moving. "More than that gets iffy, but she's more powerful than she thinks, in a worst-case scenario she'd be able to keep herself going for at least a couple hours, I do not want to test that!"
"Rather understandably." Maria looks a little paler as she raises her own coffee to sip at delicately. "What, then, did you wish to discuss?"
"Well, for starters..."
The not-Dratini's eyes narrow. The air seems to shimmer a little, then the video glitches for several seconds to the point of not being able to make out anything. Once it returns to normalcy, there is a young woman with short dark hair and vividly purple eyes sitting opposite Maria, who is staring a little at whatever she just saw happen.
"You forgot what I looked like. Probably a consequence of my ascension, if I had to guess, but there's few enough people who remember that already. You don't get to be one of them."
"Fair enough, I suppose." Maria sounds a little bemused. She gently sets the mug down on the table. "I do remember you now, though I believe your eyes were different then. It is... rather difficult not to remember the person who killed you."
"Yeah," Mallory agrees. "It is, isn't it?"
"Most of the details of that place... blurred together, I'm afraid. I don't remember—"
"I'm not telling you how many times you killed me."
"Ah," Maria says.
"I will tell you it was a lot." Mallory slurps at her coffee. The fact that it's steaming doesn't seem to bother her. "And that I was touch-starved enough that I didn't even realize you were tearing my heart out until there was nothing left I could do about it."
Maria winces. "I genuinely do not know what one could, or should, say to that."
Mallory, or her illusion—is that an illusion?—shrugs. "I wouldn't turn down an apology, if you feel like it, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for one. You were trying to make up for what you'd done in the fishing hamlet."
"I... yes." Her shoulders slump a little.
"Genuine question. Did it work?"
"No." Maria sighs. "No, it rather did not. It may have actually been worse than everything that I tried prior to... ending up in the Nightmare, but having a purpose of some kind did keep me relatively sane in that place—"
"I can count the number of people capable of talking to me in the Hunter's Nightmare on one hand," Mallory says. "Well, when I've got hands, anyway. Don't always anymore. But by Nightmare standards, you were incredibly sane."
"...Thank you?"
"Eh, don't mention it." Mallory waves one of said dubiously-there hands dismissively. "So what did end up working?"
"You say this as if something did entirely work. As if I will ever be able to truly escape from the past." Maria sighs. "I suppose what worked, then, is that I accepted that it happened, and... began trying to move on? The past cannot be changed, but..."
"But it is also in the past." Something resolute passes over Maria's expression. "I can do better in the present day. In the future."
"Damn, your mental health really is way better! And by that I mean that you actually have some, what the hell."
"I am thoroughly uncertain as to how one should take that."
"It's a compliment. Probably." Mallory clears her throat. "And it makes me think that my hunch was right. That it is time for this."
She reaches to her side—into thin air, really—yet her hand disappears as if passing behind or into something. The air shimmers.
"Time for..."
Maria's words die in her throat as Mallory withdraws her hand. It's holding a sheathed weapon, one that appears to be an intricately-crafted twinblade.
To those familiar with the weapon, it is immediately recognizable as Maria's own Rakuyo.
The video ends there.]
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