#i think the book had not done him justice i'm sorry he is just very badly written character
capcavan · 1 year
About Riko 1/?
My idea of Riko is of an absolutely insufferable person, but person everyone tolerates because his ways bring home results. Not talking about the behind scenes terror he exposed foxes to. That's dirty play, and I usually write it off as something master Tetsuji was behind. Riko just used them as manipulation tactic (which backfires as instead of frightening foxes, he pissed them off and motivated them to work harder). Ravens are trained to be pinnacle of excellence when it comes to their physical abilities. After all, they are worth little to nothing outside of court. But to be good player you need to be able to strategize on the fly and synergize with your team and that's not something charts before game can always prepare you for. That's what Riko excels at, quick decision making and risky play. The ravens are groomed to support this play style. Their only job is to read Riko and adjust their game to match him (this is why the board was concerned about the play style holding Kevin Day back). Current team for ravens is undefeated because everyone on the team trusts Riko's judgment. As fucked up as the little fucker is, he knows the game. He has intuition few can rival with. He does not fuck around, does not allow people to feel more important than they are when their game is shit. That's why raven team consists of numbers from 1 to 4 then 10 and up. The fodder is in constant competition between each other to earn that single digit. They know Riko is crazy. They know a person should not function like this but they also know that his way bring results. They follow him off field with the same trust they follow him on field because for ravens there is no difference between the two. They need Riko, who gave his life away to the game (a choice master made for him) to carry them to better future. But then Riko's only reason to play is gone. His father passed, never acknowledging him as a human being. And the game does not matter so much any more. TLDR ravens know Riko is fucking insane but they respect it because they need him that way.
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wee-chlo · 7 months
I'm rereading Harry Potter and it's baffling how people just... pretend Snape was a completely different person than who he actually was?
Granted, Alan Rickman's Snape and Book Snape are two genuinely different people, to the point that I think Movie Snape would be mildly disgusted by Book Snape. Movie Snape came off more as someone who was angry and spiteful to a select few for reasons that ranged from Understandable to Irrationally Petty, but generally very grim and stern, with a good heart beneath it all. Book Snape is a piece of shit.
Movie Snape doesn't have the same cruelty as Book Snape: his targeting of anyone other than Harry is framed in a more slapstick way and his teaching isn't neary as abusive. Neville being terrified of him doesn't have the same implicit showcasing of Snape being abusive but rather Snape being stern and unforgiving while Neville is meek and needs positive reinforcement to flourish.
Movie Snape is stoic, deadpan. I saw a clip of Rickman on YouTube and either he, a commenter, or both noted that a touchstone of Rickman's performance for Snape was that he didn't raise his voice. Not so in the books, where Snape's described several times loosing his temper and screaming, even shrieking. Snape is terrifyingly volatile in the books, in contrast to the movies where even at his most furious, most emotional, he remains in control of himself.
Book Snape is, unambiguously, just a bad person. Not just a bad teacher, a bad PERSON. He is a small, bitter, petty bully who shouldn't be anywhere near children, and honestly Dumbledore letting him near children is probably more of an indictment of Dumbledore's character than the fact that he used to be a wizard supremacist.
And to be clear, while teenage Snape isn't AS bad as adult Snape by virtue of being a teenager... he was also just Not Good. He ran around with Wizard Nazis. Lily called him out on that, on the fact that he was clearly ready and rearing to join Voldemort, that he used Dark Magic on other students alongside his death eater buddies, etc.
James and Co were little shits who teased and picked on students. But Remus and Sirius made a point that Snape and James had a uniquely, mutually hostile relationship. Remus and Sirius state directly that ultimately, one of the primary reasons James targeted Snape was because Snape was "up to his eyeballs in the Dark Arts and James hated the Dark Arts".
I've seen people use the fact that James never apologized to Snape as an indictment of James' character but like... when and why would he have apologized?
Genuinely, I think if Snape had made a good faith effort to be a better person BEFORE the death of the Potters, James may have apologized. But Snape at the time of James' death was a literal wizard nazi and honestly? I can't see him feeling terribly bad about bullying him, or at least not feeling obliged to apologize. And even if he had, how would he have done so? Send an owl to wizard nazi HQ?
But I think the thing that made me bristle the most about the books was the gaslighting that happened in book 6.
Remus is... going through it in that book, fair enough, but when Harry is talking to him about his suspicious, he gently accuses Harry of "inheriting James' and Sirius' prejudice" and being "determined to hate [Snape]". Like.... I'm sorry, but did Remus get hit in the head? Are we supposed to just casually forget EVERYTHING SNAPE HAS SAID AND DONE TO HARRY IN THE LAST FIVE BOOKS?!
If anyone came into it with an inherited prejudice and a determination to hate, it was Snape.
Justice for Book 6 Harry, everyone's treating him like he's bonkers but he's right.
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allysunny · 5 months
Hi Ally!! (Can I call you that?)
First of all,
I know that every single one is deserved, and I'm proud to be one as well 😌
I saw that you were doing a lil event to celebrate, so don't mind if I do!! 👀
I'd love it if you could write some much needed luv with Brucey! I picked 25+1 + g!
Imagine that Bruce and reader are just watching the stars, maybe either in the gardens of Wayne Manor or on top of Wayne Enterprises, and all Bruce can think is how beautiful reader looks under the shinning stars 🥹
Basically, Bruce is infatuated and he's smiling like an idiot!
You can add, take away stuff as you please, of course!
I'll wait as long as you need, so no pressure!
I'm excited to see what you come up with!!!
Much love,~ Fi 🐝
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"You look stunning" / "You don't look so bad yourself" + "I love you" + Stargazing x Bale!Bruce Wayne
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Words: 4k words
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, friends-to-lovers, Bruce is a big sap and he's very much in love, stargazing and talks of stars (nothing too technical). This is extremely sweet, very corny and sappy and I live for it! Written with a female reader in mind, I'm sorry but I don't yet write for GN!Reader.
A/N: First of all, thank you very very much for the kind words!! YES, you can absolutely call me Ally! Everyone can! I agree that we need some love with Bruce because this man needs happiness pleasepleaseplease...
This was my first 200 Followers Celebration entry (which is still open and you can participate!), and I'm so happy that I got to write this scenario! We don't often get to see Bale!Batman being happy, so I hope I did him justice, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Took me some time because I had to sort out some uni stuff, but it's done and I really had fun with it!
I hope it is to your liking!
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Parties at Wayne Manor could be oh so dreadfully boring.
Bruce didn’t particularly enjoy them, nor did he even want to throw them, but he knew it was necessary to keep up appearances. Tonight, he celebrated his birthday.
The evening had been filled with fake smiles, polite nods, firm handshakes. “Happy birthday, Mr. Wayne”s here, “You’re looking more and more like your father each day”s there, “What a spendind party this is, Mr. Wayne!”s in the corner, and, if he was feeling particularly unlucky, a few “Ah, what a lovely Manor you have, Mr. Wayne. Such a shame you’ve been keeping its beauty from the world…”s somewhere.
He’d downed one or two glasses of champagne in a few gulps, finding it harder and harder to stand the people all around him, fake leeches who hung on his every word and command, enthralled by the promises of what his money and wealth might mean to him.
Well, all except for one.
You’d been friends for a while. Bruce can’t pinpoint exactly what made him think of you as his best friend other than just a regular acquaintance, but he knew he would never give you up. You were the only person who saw him for he really was, who refused to kiss his ass and baby him, who told him things as they were instead of coddling him simply because his name implied he was to be so.
He felt disarmed when he was with you, able to say anything that went on his mind. He could be himself. Could crack terrible jokes that would have you throw pillows at his face, could drop the eccentric billionaire façade and be an annoying nerd (as you so often put it), just looking for some friendship. He could talk to you for hours on end about topics that weren’t his last name, his family, his money, or his status. He could ask you for book recommendations and be told he’d enjoy this one silly adventure book about spaceships and planes, as opposed to the boring non-fiction and autobiographies usually gifted to him, “a man of culture”.
He could ask you for good restaurants and you’d take him to small, barely noticeable cafes and places that served homemade food, instead of being offered reservations at Michelin worthy restaurants. He could be a regular person.
Every time he felt himself loose grasp of his identity when adorning the black suit, he was reminded by you of who he was. You didn’t know of his secret identity but could sense when he was particularly tired or trained and were always able to put a smile on his face and return his grip on reality.
He needed you by his side. You calmed him down. You cheered him up whenever he felt upset. You made him laugh whenever all he wanted to do was cry. You didn’t question him whenever he told you he needed space, instead providing him with just that. And as days went by, Bruce Wayne was not sure if he saw you as a mere friend anymore.
After all, friends don’t linger their gazes on each other’s lips for more time than deemed appropriate. Just friends don’t make up fake problems or fake dilemmas just to get the one to visit them (let’s be honest – “I don’t know where I put my remote” was a pretty pathetic excuse and Alfred mocked the hell out of him after you’d left).
In conclusion, he needed you. By his side, to cheer him up, to get him out of boring situations, close, smiling, laughing, happy, to hug him, to be with him, etc. He needed you.
Which was why he’d invited you to celebrate a date as important as his birthday.
Bruce never really minded his birthday. He usually spent it at work during the day, politely accepting the nice words people gave him, then got home, ate his favourite dish cooked by Alfred, and left right after to protect the city of Gotham.
But unfortunately, he just had to celebrate his birthday this year. He’d been cornered by a few Wayne Enterprises associates and tricked into throwing a hell of a party in his Manor. He just sighed and filled Alfred in on the conversation he’d had at work, instructing the older man to take care of the preparations.
And of course, he’d invited you. If there was anyone that could make this dreadful celebration just a bit more bearable, it’d be you. He invited his childhood friend Rachel Dawes as well, but she’s just announced her engagement to District Attorney Harvey Dent, and while they remained friends, he did not expect her to dedicate him all of her time (especially when everyone kept asking to see her ring and tell the wonderful story of how they met).
But the problem was, you were nowhere to be found.
He knew you had arrived, Alfred had told him so, but just as he was about to chase you down the huge area that served as a ballroom, he was interrupted by a few family friends. Seeing as these were some of the few families that were in genuine good terms with his parents, and not simply greedy leeches, he decided to chat with them, smiling genuinely at their compliments and quips.
But now it’d been a few hours, and he couldn’t find you. And the combination of all of the unwanted people, the general chatter, and the lack of the one person he wanted by his side were getting to his head. And perhaps the champagne as well, even though he hadn’t drunk nearly enough to be the slightest of tipsy. What if Gotham needed him?
“Ma’am, I’m sure your quest for the very much secret next Fabergé Egg is quite intriguing, but I have a few guests I need to tend to. Everyone wants a piece of the host, what can I say? Birthday boy privileges.” He charmed the woman with one of his most dazzling smiles and pried away from her gloved grip, looking around for his knight in black and white armour.
Quickly replying to every guest that throwed a comment his way, he reached Alfred, who was standing in the corner of the room, silently accessing the party.
“Another useless conversation with any of these bloodsucking idiots and I’m killing myself,” he muttered, grabbing a champagne flute from a passing maid, and chugging the whole thing in one go.
“And here I was thinking you’d probably die at the hands of some unruly criminal, wearing the cape and cowl. All that training and fighting in some remote location only for you to die at the hands of Gotham’s wealthiest?” Alfred said, his voice laced with sarcasm and brow quirked up.
“Well Alfred, get me out of this and I might just be able to die the way you envisioned me doing so.”
“By my hand, Master Wayne?”
The two men chuckled, and Bruce took another look around the room, before turning to his butler.
“Have you seen – “
“In the gardens.”
Bruce was halfway across the ballroom, shouting “Thank you!” before Alfred could say anything else.
It took a while for him to find you.
After all, the gardens were filled with people talking, catching up, and the occasional couple slobbering all over each other’s mouths, apologizing profusely once they saw the Manor’s owner stride past them.
He turned around and was met with Rachel’s smiling face.
“Running off so soon?” she asked, Harvey Dent’s unmistakable figure walking up next to her right after.
“Yes, well, one can only get so much attention before they start getting bored of it.”
Rachel gave him a sympathetic look, and shook her head, nudging it towards Harvey.
“You don’t have to pretend with us.”
With these words, a weight was lifted off Bruce’s shoulders. His posture wasn’t perfect anymore, and the charming, cocky smile left his lips.
“If I have to talk to one more person who wishes to know who the hell decorated the living room…” Bruce sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his fingers.
“I get it,” Harvey said, shaking his head. “If only people were interested in something other than how much I spent on Rachel’s ring, I’d feel more inclined to interact with them.”
Bruce nodded and smiled in understanding, before looking around. He thought he’d glanced at a very familiar face, but unfortunately, it wasn’t you.
“Looking for someone?” Rachel asked with a knowing smile.
“Yeah, actually, have you seen – “
“She was near the apple tree in the back.”
“Thank you.” Bruce nodded and all but sprinted towards the place, leaving Rachel to giggle with a rather confused Harvey.
“Who’s he talking about?” he asked.
“A “friend” of his,” Rachel replied nonchalantly.
“He seemed rather eager to see this friend of his. Surely that’s not all there is to her.” He chuckled; brow quirked up.
“And that, Harvey, is what everyone else but the two of them have figured out.”
Bruce did not hear what his friend had said, but if he did, he’d have gently corrected her.
Because he had, in fact, figured out whatever he felt about you.
He knew he liked you, that’s for sure.
He liked your smile. He liked your personality. He liked how your nose wrinkled up whenever you were cooking. He liked how your eyes sparkled whenever he gifted you a new volume of a book series you’d been collecting, or the way your laughter resonated across the Manor whenever you beat him at videogames. He liked how you always stopped to pet cats and dogs on the street, and how you made funny faces at babies in the supermarket.
He liked how his Manor, although big and empty, seemed full of life with you in it. Even if you were cuddled up on one of his couches, watching a movie, he always thought of it was warmer and more inviting just from your mere presence. He liked it when you massaged his head, thumbs circling his forehead so gently that he often found himself falling asleep in your lap. He liked your touch – found it addictive. Pulling you close to him on the street to protect you from traffic, hugging you every time he saw you, having you throw fake punches at him whenever he told a terrible joke.
He likes you. That much is clear.
But why was it so damn hard admitting that to you?
His steps slowed down as he approached a very familiar apple tree. Wayne Manor had plenty of beautiful plants and trees, much more so than this one. But there was something about it that always caught your eye. Not to mention, it was near a secluded area of the gardens, and you had always been fond of hiding in there. “It makes me feel at peace”, you told him.
Sure enough, that’s where he found you. Staring at the night sky, pretty locks of hair carefully styled with a few flower clips, hands resting one on top of the other behind your back.
You turned to him, shaken up by the sound of footsteps, and he took you in.
And, wow.
To say you looked beautiful would’ve been a crime - such a word couldn’t do you justice.
You wore a sparkly silver gown that pooled softly at your feet, your form modestly accentuated. Two silver straps held it at the front, coming together in a flattering cleavage. Your back was on display, and Bruce had to control himself not to touch it with his bare hands. You looked lovely, your silhouette shining beneath the stars. Their gentle glow was casting a perfect light on you, making you look even more like the celestial bodies you were admiring.
“Bruce?” you asked, tilting your head slightly.
Bruce shook his head, grounding himself.
“Yes. Hey – hey.”
“Cat got your tongue? I said happy birthday,” you smiled and walked up to him, silver dress twinkling with each step you took.
It was as if all of you were made of pure, sheer, dazzling starlight.
“Won’t your guests miss you?”
Bruce approached you halfway and gave you a shrug.
“Probably. Doesn’t mean I’m going to miss them.” This earned a smile from you, and Bruce found himself smiling too. His gaze lingered on your face for a while, before descending once more and taking your lovely figure in again.
“You look stunning,” he said, and you seemed to blossom at his praise.
“Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.” And he didn’t. With his black tux and matching bow, he was the picture of elegance and charm. And that disarmingly charismatic smile of his was helping him a long way. There was a reason of course, women fawned over his good looks.
“What are you doing out here?” Bruce asked nodding his head towards the night sky, the one you had been looking at.
“I couldn’t take it in there anymore. It was way too loud, and everyone was way too fake,” you rolled your eyes and sighed. “And the sky is looking far too beautiful tonight. At least here I won’t be disturbed.”
“Well, I did just disturb you, so I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
“I wouldn’t call it disturbing. Your presence is always welcome.”
For a while, the two of you stood side by side, just watching as the sky glittered above. It was peaceful and quiet, and everything Bruce had wanted for his birthday. A nice, uneventful evening with you by his side.
“I can’t believe you can actually see the stars tonight,” Bruce mumbled, genuinely impressed. Usually, as the industrial and active city it was, one never got to see the stars thanks to smoke, lights, or other manmade obstacles. But tonight, the sky was clear and bright, and no clouds were in sight.
“Right?” you smiled, pointing at the sky above you. “Look over there – see that one?”
“Which?” Bruce squinted.
“That one – the kyte.”
“Ah. Yes. I do.”
“That’s the Big Dipper.”
“And the other one next to it?”
“That’s the Small Dipper. Can you see that bright star at the end of it?”
“That’s Polaris, the Polar Star. It’s supposedly the brightest star in the night sky.”
“I can think of something brighter,” he muttered stealing a glance at you.
You leaned against him and spoke of constellations and stars to him. Told him the myths that surrounded each one, how far they were from the Earth, how they’d come to be discovered. The party had been long forgotten by the two of you, and after a few minutes of discussing each constellation and their origin, you fell into a comfortable silence, just happy to listen to the happy sounds of crickets and the soft wind brushing against the trees.
“I got you something,” you said, breaking the silence after a while.
He turned to you as you opened your purse and pulled out a small, rectangular object carefully wrapped in golden wrapping paper.
“I know it’s not much – “
“Shush! I know it’s not much, but I worked hard to find it.”
You handed him the small package and he was careful to not rip the whole thing open. Bruce carefully removed a book from inside, and his eyes widened.
“The Great Gatsby?”
“Open it.”
He did, and his eyebrows nearly rose to his hairline.
“Is this?”
“Are you sure?”
Bruce carefully touched the inked paper, eyes going over F. Scott Fitzgerald’s words over and over again.
“Where’d you find this?” he asked with a smile.
“That’s a secret. But it’s been quality checked a few times, and I can guarantee it’s the real deal.”
“So, with “It’s not much”, you meant you were giving me a signed copy of The Great Gatsby?”
“You deserve more than that, Bruce.”
In a heartbeat, he had embraced you tightly. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, standing on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around him. Overcome with joy, Bruce spun you around once your twice, and you laughed loudly, holding onto him for dear life.
“Be careful Bruce – shit, don’t drop me!” You protested in between giggles.
Bruce came to a stop, and looked right into your eyes, the world’s biggest grin playing on his lips. It’d been a while since you’ve seen him laugh so freely. Such occurrences were rare – Bruce wasn’t one to smile, not really. But when he did, it was a lovely thing. Not one of his fake smiles, the ones practiced in front of a mirror to impress rich folks and Gotham socialites – the real ones, the ones he gave you in special, true moments like these.
You’d do anything to see him smile like this more often.
“I’d never drop you,” his voice dropped to a whisper, and he swore he could see one hundred stars in the spark of your eyes. In fact, the stars in the sky did not hold a candle to your beauty, no celestial body would ever be more fascinating than your eyes. He was sure astronauts had to be wrong – how did they want to explore the galaxy, when there was one right here, staring into him?
“I know,” you whispered back, hands still on his chest. “I trust you.”
He waited for a minute, eyeing the contours of your face, memorising the way your mouth parted and how soft strands of hair fell on top of your forehead. You stood still, still observing the smile that never left his lips.
“Do you?” He broke the silence.
“Trust me.”
“Of course I do. I’ll always trust you.”
“Promise, Bruce. Always.”
“Please remember those words after I do what I’m about to do.” He chuckled and leaned in, brushing his lips against yours in a silent request. Your breath hitched and you looked up at him, to find his eyes closed. You were inches away from him, and yet, he refused to move any further.
“Tell me it’s not just me,” he whispered. You could feel his warm breath on your skin, and it sent goosebumps all over your body. “Tell me the way I feel about you is not one-sided. But if it is – “ and you swore you felt him tense, “I’ll leave it alone. We’ll forget this ever happened; we’ll go back to being friends. But please, just tell me.”
You took shaky breaths, still feeling dazed from being so close to him.
Bruce remained with his eyes closed – he didn’t have it in himself to look at you, not right now. He was far too scared of what he might find in your eyes. Regret, disgust, hate. He couldn’t deal with it.
But the worst thing was the silence. Weren’t you going to say something? Were you going to taunt him forever? He could feel your body against his hands, soft skin sending shivers down his spine, so he knew you hadn’t left yet. Why weren’t you replying?
He got his answer when you pressed closer against him, and he felt your lips on his.
Bruce had fantasised about how his first kiss with you would be, but nothing prepared him for this moment. It was as if you were made for him, slotting perfectly against your body, hands on the small of your back, bringing you closer while your hands rested on his cheeks. Your lips moved in unison, as if speaking a language of their own, and Bruce felt slightly lightheaded.
You tasted sweet – probably from the chocolate covered strawberries you’d no doubt been stealing inside, and wanted to savour them, savour you, for as long as he could.
When you two parted for air, he pressed his forehead against yours, finally opening his eyes. The view was breathtaking; your lips were puffy and parted, your eyes were big and wide, pupils dilated and sparkling in the moonlight. Bruce swore you’d never been so beautiful.
And then he smiled, widely, and burst into chuckles like a lovesick teenager.
“You look beautiful. Have I told you this yet?”
“You have,” you replied, caressing the skin of his cheek. He leaned into your touch, pressing a tender kiss on your palm. “You do too. I love to see you smiling. You should smile more often.”
“Like this?” he asked, pointing at his grin.
“Yes – exactly like that. I could see you smiling more often. And I bet Alfred could too.”
Bruce grinned and kissed your forehead. After, he kissed each of your cheeks, and then the palm of your hand, and then the back.
“As long as you’re by my side, I’m sure I’ll smile much more often.” He confesses.
“Well,” you brought his body closer to you, and all Bruce could think of was how stunning you were, how beautiful you looked, how lucky he was to hold a star in his hands. “I don’t plan on leaving, Birthday Boy.”
It was so uncharacteristic of him. He never smiled this often, and certainly, never for this long, but Bruce couldn’t help it. He was happy. He had you, right there and then with him. Everything was well – more than well, everything was perfect. So why wouldn’t he smile?
His heart was getting fuller and fuller, and he blurted out the next words, without giving them much thought.
“I love you.”
You stared at him, eyes wide, surprise written all over your face.
And Bruce kept speaking, because for once, he was not at a loss for words, he knew exactly what to say.
“I think I’ve loved you ever since I first saw you. I love you and the way you brighten my days and make me feel like something when I can barely get out of bed. I love how you always manage to pick up the pieces whenever I’m shattered and never make me feel responsible for it. I love you. I love your beautiful face, your bright mind, your kind soul, your feisty spirit. I love you – I think I have for a long time, but I’ve never had the courage to tell you. But tonight – this party – you – it's made me realise something. This is Gotham. I could wake up tomorrow, and you’d be gone. I’d be gone. Anything could happen in this city. And I can’t let them happen without you knowing how I feel about you. I’m not expecting an answer back; I know this is a lot of information. And I know I come with a lot of baggage. There’s a lot about me you don’t know, and I haven’t told people to keep them away and keep them safe. But, if you’ll have me, I promise to spend the rest of my days making it all worth it. I will love you and take care of you forever, I promise. I love you, [Y/N].”
You looked at him, and Bruce saw your eyes sparkle with unshed tears. Had he scared you off? Were you upset? He reached out to hold your face, ready to wipe the tears away should they fall.
“I’m sorry. That was too much, wasn’t it?”
“I… I think I love you too.” You replied. The tears did not roll very far down your face, because Bruce was there to wipe them away. And in that moment, you knew he would always be there, be it to catch you, or wipe away your tears, or hold you close. “I really do.”
Bruce’s smile only widened, and he picked you up once again, spinning you around in the darkness of the garden. Your dress floated around you, like a shooting star’s trail, and he laughed loudly. He hadn’t felt this happy, truly happy in a big while. You joined him in laughter, and he put you down carefully.
“Thank you.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“For what?”
“For the perfect birthday gift.” Bruce bent down to capture your lips once more, and stare into your eyes. “You look like starlight tonight. You look perfect. And I’m the luckiest man in the world.” He smiled and kissed you again, because the stars were shining, and you looked beautiful, and his heart was full.
Bruce Wayne didn’t smile very often. But how could he not, when you rivalled the stars up above, and were his, and made his heart burst with joy?
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A/N: And that's it! I hope you guys liked it! I'm afraid it was a tiny bit rushed - please do tell if it was. I hope it lived up to the expectations!
Thank you very much for reading, and I hope you have an amazing day ahead!
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michelleleewise · 1 year
I know your not taking requests rn, but I think this would be a really good idea and I don’t want to forget.
So the reader is an aspiring author/artist, whatever u want. They always go to Loki for ideas and help articulating ideas/anatomy. Again, whatever.
One day he comes into their room, and sees the reader crying. When he finally calms the reader down enough to speak, he learns that the reader had accidentally knocked over their water bottle, spilling it on (device), and lost all their work.
Whatever happens next is up to you!
Again, I know your not taking requests rn, but I think it’s just a really cute idea and I’m going to kick myself if I start writing smthn other than the 12+ docs I have open.
Hope u have a great day! I really dont mind I’d u don’t do this, I just wanted to put it out into the abyss. 😁
Also, I absolutely love your stories, they are my only source of dopamine rn! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Heeeeeeey!!!!!!! Sorry this took me a minute to get to!!!!!! I have also had too many to keep up with hahaha but......I'm doing this!!! Thank you so much for sending me this, i hope i did it justice and i did ok, and thank you for all the love and support!! Your aaaaaamazing!!!! Here we go....
Let Me Help
Pairing: Loki x female reader
Warnings: crying, a disastrous anniversary, a broken computer..... and all the fluff imaginable
Summary: you are an aspiring author working on your first book, when an accident derails your plans...
A/n- graphics by @harlequin-hangout
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You grabbed your pen and paper, making sure to save your progress on your computer before scooting the chair back to hunt for your lover. You were writing your very first romance novel and you needed his perspective. When you began this endeavor he was nothing if not supportive, telling you how proud he was that you were doing what you loved, and offered his assistance with anything you needed, and to be honest you were more then grateful. Who better to ask advice from then a thousand year old God who has probably read every book in existence.
You walked into the living room seeing him settled in his chair, book in hand of course blowing on a cup of tea "Hello love, how is the writing coming?" He asked smiling up at you "Loki...when did you know you loved me?" You asked sitting on the ottoman in front of him "from the minute I laid eyes on you." He purred as you stared blankly at him making him laugh "ok, real answer." He said sitting up a bit "I would say it had to be our one year anniversary, do you remember?" He asked watching you "God Loki, that was the worst night ever." You laughed remembering that fateful evening.
You had just bought a brand new dress, emerald green silk that hugged every inch of you, pairing it with strappy black heels. You had had your hair and make up done professionally and made sure everything was perfect. Loki had come to pick you up, wearing your favorite suit that made you want to climb him like a tree, where you had set off for the evening, until one disaster after another hit in full force. First, as soon as you stepped outside a cab drove past a puddle spraying water all down your front making you gasp...loki had magicked you dry but it wasn't looking good. You made it to the restaurant finding they were out of half the menu when a waiter past by with a flaming you didn't know what and got to close to your hairspray coated hair igniting it, causing you to panic when another waiter dumped a bucket of water over your head.
You sat back at the table as Loki stared at you wide eyed "Darling, did you want to call it a night?" He asked standing up "no, no its ok. Its over let's....just enjoy dinner." You smiled seeing him slowly sit down. "Are you certain? We can go out another time." He smiled grabbing your hand. "It's our anniversary Loki, I'm fine." You smiled again. You were not going to let whatever was going on mess this up. But the evening wasn't done with you yet. You broke a heel walking to the bathroom making you trip and rip your dress, the sink in the bathroom broke spraying water in your face. Anything that could go wrong did as you sat back down at the table, the waiter bringing your food setting Loki's down in front of him, about to do the same with yours as he tripped sending it into your lap.
So there you were, dripping wet, makeup long gone, your hair a singed mess covered in food as you looked up seeing Loki looking at you with a softeness in his eyes "let me help." He said, waving his hand a green mist traveled down you, righting everything as you sighed. "Thank you Loki." You smiled at him. "Anything for you my love." He said grabbing your hand he pushed his plate between you "allow me." He said digging his fork into his food bringing it to your lips. "I cannot tell you how much I adore you love." He said smiling making your face heat up. The rest of the night going more smoothly.
"Well that can't be, I was an entire mess." You laughed looking at him. "No my dear, you were like a valkyrie facing battle. And no matter what happened, or what the evening threw at you you would not allow it to deter you, to ruin our special evening." He said leaning forward "I knew then that you my dear had the spirit of a warrior, with the heart and patience of a saint." He said cupping your cheek "and I couldn't picture the rest of my life without your light in it." He said leaning forward kissing you gently. "Lokiii...." you blushed as he pulled back smiling "is there anything else you would like to know my love?" He asked rubbing your cheek "no, I think I got it, thank you love." You said pecking his lips as you got up. "Anything for you love." He said sitting back picking his book back up.
You walked to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water before heading back to the bedroom to continue your work, new ideas sprouting in your mind as you sat at the desk, popping the lid off your bottle you got to work.
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Loki looked up at the clock seeing it had been several hours since he last saw you. Usually you would have come out to hunt for snacks or a drink but he hadn't seen you since that afternoon. He set his book down slowly standing up stretching as he made his way to the bedroom, expecting to find you asleep on your computer as he had several times before. He reached up grabbing the knob hearing a whimper come from inside "Darling.." he said walking in seeing your cheeks a deep red, your eyes puffy and red as tears spilled down your beautiful face, what had happened since he saw you last.
"Darling, what's the matter? What happened?" He asked as he saw the towel in your hand, reaching up trying to wipe the keyboard "i...l..loki....i...." your voice soft and strained, his heart aching hearing you sound so broken. He rushed over kneeling in front of you. "Take a deep breath love." He said rubbing your arm as another round of sobs broke his heart "i...I d..dropped m...my w...water..." you said through broken sobs pointing at the computer, loki looking over seeing the screen black as you covered your face with your hands "oh darling." He said pulling you forward wrapping his arms around you, rubbing your back as you cried into his shoulder "just breath love, it's ok" He said holding you tighter.
You pulled back looking at him, the site making his heart hurt as you wiped your face "a...all of my work...." you trailed off looking at the blank screen "it's.....gone loki....a...all gone." You said, a new wave of sobs wracked through you. He pulled you into his lap, rocking you back and forth as the sobs slowly quieted to soft snors. He looked down seeing you had cried yourself to sleep in his arms. He looked at the computer sighing as he slowly looped his arm under your legs, genlty standing as to not wake you He carefully walked to the bed laying you down pulling the blanket up around you hearing you sniffle. He pushed your hair back seeing the tear lines streaking down your cheeks making his heart clench in his chest, they had no business being on your beautiful face.
He waved his hand over you, the lines disappearing in a green flash as he leaned down kissing your cheek "I love you darling." He whispered against your skin hearing you groan as he stood, turning back to the computer. He stode towards it, taking the seat that you had been in staring at the black screen, he had no idea if he could fix it, he hadn't tried to fix these Midgardian devices before, turning when he heard you sniffle again seeing you had shifted but still sleeping. He turned back around, hovering his hands over the keyboard he closed his eyes, summoning his seidr as he concentrated on the task...to help you. As his hands glowed green he hoped he could do this for you, after everything you had done for him.
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You woke to a pounding behind your eyes, groaning you rolled over to hug Loki but were met with cold sheets...and no Loki. You popped your head up as confusion swirled in your mind, looking over seeing his side hadn't been slept in. You dropped your head back to the pillow remembering what had happened, the water meeting the keyboard as the screen went black. The pit in your stomach returning remembering all your work was gone...in the flash of an eye everything you had put into it vanished. You rubbed your eyes trying to relieve some of the pain sitting up. You had two options, either give up, or start again, and with as much as you had written that was a discouraging thought.
You opened your eyes, confusion hitting you seeing Loki slumped over at the desk, his arms tucked under his head as he softly snored. "What the.." you started when you looked up seeing the computer screen on. You jumped up, stumbling over the blanket as you ran over, seeing your words written in black and white on the screen making you smile. It wasn't gone....you looked down at your sleeping God, gently brushing his hair back seeing his nose twitch. He looked so peaceful like this, so carefree. You carefully leaned down pressing a kiss to his cheek hearing him groan "no mother, I don't want to go to the tutor today." He said furrowing his eyebrows making you giggle. Apparently not wanting to go to school was a universal thing.
"Loki, my love wake up." You said genlty shaking him "no, I'm not doing get help." He groaned confusing you "umm Loki, your sleeping love, wake up." You said nudging him a bit harder when his eyes slowly opened "mm hello darling, what.." he trailed off slowly sitting up seeing he was at the desk "I'm sorry love I must have fallen asleep." He said rubbing his eyes "Loki, did you do this?" You asked pointing to the computer "oh, yes. You were so heartbroken I wanted to help, so I used my seidr and luckily I was able to get it working again, I started reading what you had and I must have dozed off. It is quite good love." He said smiling up at you.
"Oh Loki." You said jumping into his lap wrapping your arms around his neck hearing him laugh "Thank you so so so much! I can't..." you said "I was gonna have to start over, but you..." you trailed off pulling back to look at him "my savior. What can I do to repay you?" You asked smiling at him "Well, there are a few things I could think of." He said winking making you laugh. "I can't thank you enough Loki, this....you are utterly amazing" you said running your fingers through his hair. "To help you my love, I would do anything." He said cupping your cheek. "I love you Loki." You said looking deep into his eyes "and I love you my little warrior. Now, about that payment" He said making you laugh as he picked you up carrying you towards the bed "anything for you love." You said as he laid you down.
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@vbecker10 @mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @springdandelixn @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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gutterspeak · 3 months
from that ask meme: 6 (with the added question: how different are the answers for pre-canon, early-game, and endgame true aeon?), 16, and 27 for luthais, + 20 and 38 for iolanthe (bg3-verse her or pre-murder pwotr-verse, either one, if the answers would be different!) as a bonus? 👀👀
thank you so so much for all of these!! sorry it took so long to get around to answering them!
from this ask game!
for Luthais!
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
100% something that changes over the course of the game, absolutely. I'd consider him more true neutral-leaning-evil than lawful neutral prior to WOTR and during acts 1-3 (although he definitely has some chaotic bastard moments... but those are usually deliberate and few and far between)
BUT seeing as he's a wanted criminal in at least two countries... his view of the law is initially pretty loose!! the murder of his wife and the lack of any real action taken to punish those responsible had him disillusioned with the structural corruption of it all and vigilante justice was, in his mind, the only option. and maaaybe he took it a little too far, but hey! he did it for feminism
as act 3 rolls around and starts going down the aeon path, his view of the law changes - but mostly because now he is the law, or is in the process of wholly understanding and becoming it. there was this line that stuck out to me in my replay recently when you're making one of the first aeon decisions after capturing drezen:
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...which I think sums up how he finds himself taking a hard left into the "immovable laws" territory pretty well! he is, even at that point, the only one who understands what must be done, and he'll break himself and anyone else in his way to mete out what justice needs meting. or whatever
honestly it's not too different from how he felt before (as far as pushing justice to extremes goes...) except now, with the aeon's eyes, he's infallible!
...right? right??
16. What makes their stomach turn?
I'm taking this question maybe more literally than was intended LOL but!! he's one of those people who gets nauseous when he's anxious, which is basically all the time. thank god for his fantasy xanax potions that he mixes himself
public speaking turns his stomach in knots for sure. he can be pretty sensitive to smells, notably the smell of alcohol has a tendency to make him feel ill. he also can't STAND strawberry as sad as it is. he hates the taste on top of being mildly allergic to it, not enough to send him into shock but absolutely enough to give him a rash and a category 5 tummy moment
27. What causes them to feel dread?
answered here!
for Iolanthe!
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
Iolanthe is an interesting one to answer this for! the line specifically between romantic and platonic love is very blurred for her, there's not a structured set of criteria where a relationship will fall into one category or another, it's really just about the vibes and the specific person in question
she's also on the aro spectrum in that she usually doesn't feel romantically attracted to people in the sense of pursuing a relationship, regardless of physical/sexual attraction, but every once in a while she'll desire that commitment with someone - so... demiromantic maybe? or grayromantic? 🤔
but to give an example without deep diving into too much long-winded backstory, she has a very close relationship with another drow named Selene. they were once both slaves and came to take comfort in and care deeply for one another - to the point where Iolanthe was blinded as punishment after she took the blame for Selene's secret stash of outlawed books when she wasn't even supposed to have books in the first place. they protected each other and escaped together, and while they aren't and never were in a typical committed relationship, they do hold a lot of love and physical affection for each other that most people would probably consider to be romantic. which means yes they have explored each other's bodies <3 yuri win!!
familial love is a tough one. she was abandoned at birth and taken in by a very elderly man who passed when she was still too young to remember his name (or the one he gave her)
it's not until she's much older that she starts to learn what family is. in BG3 and 5e she and Luthais have a son of their own and she's fiercely protective of both of them. after Luthais croaks, she becomes a much more guarded person, but really anyone she manages to get close to she sees as family and that same protectiveness over them kicks into gear. by the end of BG3 pretty much the entire party falls under that umbrella so rip Mizora, Gortash, Vlaakith, Cazador, Mystra, Shar, etc LOL. she will fight the gods if pressed
and after writing an entire essay here I realized the question specifically asks how they would explain it, not me as their creator. WELL
Iolanthe's answer would probably be very short and sweet. love is love is love is love. the difference doesn't matter. find who you want to enjoy being alive with. stay with them and protect them no matter the cost
38. What memory do they revisit the most often?
I'll answer this one specifically for her BG3/5e self... and that would be Luthais' execution 🥹
the details differ slightly between BG3 and 5e but the overall story beat is the same. Luthais was framed for a crime they didn't commit and burned at the stake. something about how he dies by fire in WOTR too after he finds Iolanthe murdered and sets the whole town ablaze about it... there's symbolism there that I'll write about someday...
BUT Iolanthe was present during the execution with their infant son and was completely powerless to stop it. just like Luthais in the verses where it's all switched around and it's Iolanthe who dies instead, she agonizes over what she could have done differently to prevent it. her way of coping is less explosive and more running the fuck away and repressing her rage into a paladin oath, but yknow. the horrific, endless grief and night terrors that haunt her for the rest of her life are pretty much the same 💔
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scarlettriot · 2 years
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SHE LIT A FIRE: PT 7 - Dive In
Pairing: Dad!Kirishima x F!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, drinking (of age), scars, body image problems
Contains: Kirishima as a father. Reader has an established quirk. Reader is American but related to a canon character. Main characters are in their late 20s. Hurt/Comfort. Broken family situation. Absent mother-figure.
Summary: 72 hours can go by pretty fast when you have a dress to pick out, a swim lesson to teach, and a wedding to attend. It goes by especially quick when all you really want is to spend five more minutes getting to know a certain someone just a little better.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part 5 | Part 6 Father's Day Special
Tag List: Has been moved into the comments ♡
A/N: I apologize for this chapter taking so long to complete, but I really wanted to do it justice. I think I have at least nine other drafts sitting in my google docs. If you come across spelling errors or anything, I'm very sorry. Little editing was done to this. Thank you so very much, @weebaboobs @silverhairsimp and @ace-of-books, for helping me get through this. This chapter, like the others before, switches between Reader's and Kiri's POVs. There is a minor text conversation, Katsuki is orange, and Reader is purple. And, with that, I hope you all enjoy ♡
Word Count: 7,787
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K. Bakugo: You home?
The message alert chimed on your phone while you were in the process of cleaning up dinner. Drying off your hands, you swiped your phone open and saw the text, and with a puzzled look, sent back your reply:
Me: Yeah. Everything alright?
In your head, you started going over the shift schedule until you remembered that Katsuki had these next several days off in preparation for Izuku’s wedding. He shouldn’t have anything to worry about regarding work or the office. His best man duties were far more important, at least, they were for the next 72 hours. Todoroki and Katsuki both were going to have their work cut out for them just keeping the groom-to-be calm enough to get to the end of the aisle. 
You kept your phone unlocked, open to your text chain with him while you finished up the last couple dishes, but no new messages came through. You didn’t even get the three little ellipses to indicate he was typing. But, what you did get was a sharp knock on your door about ten minutes later. 
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On the other side was Katsuki himself, black garment bags piled high in his arms. “Katsuki! What the fu–” 
“Just lemme in.” You quickly stepped aside and closed the door behind him while he dropped all the bags down on your sofa. “Kyo showed me the dress you’re planning on wearing Saturday,” he started to explain, “‘S not gonna work.” 
You folded your arms and narrowed your eyes at the blunt blonde, “And why not?” 
“The event is too fuckin’ fancy to be wearing a sundress. You’ll be underdressed.”
You’d been so busy getting used to everything new in your life that you hadn’t even thought to check and see what the dress code for the wedding was, but you sure as hell weren’t going to let Katsuki know that. 
“So!” He gestured broadly to everything he brought.
“Katsuki, you don’t even know my size.”
The corner of his lips rose up with a smirk. “Just trust me, wouldja? I’ve got a knack for knowing sizes and cuts. Guess it runs in the family or somethin’.” He grabbed the bag on top, “All of these are from my old man’s collection last year. They were just sittin’ back in his storage room, not doin’ a damn thing, so I grabbed what seemed good, and now they’re yours.” 
You choked on air, “Excuse me, it sounded like you said they’re mine now.” 
“They are.” 
“You can’t just give me a dress, Katsuki! Especially not one from your father’s collection; it’ll take me at least a month to pay you back!” You were paid well at the agency, and you didn’t have many expenses to worry about, and it still would’ve taken a month! 
“First of all, I’m not giving you a dress; I’m givin’ you all of ‘em.” He held up a hand when you tried protesting. “Listen, they were just collecting dust! He’s not gonna put them back out on the racks, this way, they have a purpose!”
You held the nylon bag in your hands, looking down at it, and then over to the rest of them before coming  back around to Katsuki himself. “I don’t really know what to say… thank you, Kat.” 
“Don’t make a big deal out of this,” Katsuki shook his head, “it’s fine, really. But I do have to get going. Kyoka and I are heading over to the nerd's house. Gotta make sure his vows are down to one composition book rather than the four he had yesterday.” If you looked closely, it seemed the vein by his temple was far more pronounced than usual. 
Before he could make for the door though, you tossed one arm around his neck and pulled him down for a hug with the garment bag pressed between you. “Thanks again, Kat.” 
It took him a second to wrap his arms around you, and you definitely heard him scoff, but more importantly, you heard his quiet; you’re welcome.
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Once alone again in your apartment, it took you no time at all to find every available surface to hang the many bags from, twenty-one in total. You unzipped each of them slowly, unveiling the presents that lay within, and honestly, there wasn’t a single one you disliked. 
Katsuki must’ve taken into consideration the colors you wore on a regular basis because all your favorites were among them. Not only that, but he obviously thought about the plethora of different events you’d be expected to attend now that you were back pro hero society, well, in some capacity at least.
Some of the dresses were more understated, and others were glamorous gowns. The ones that fell on the more flashy side, you zipped up to save for a later event, maybe the gala that was coming up in a couple of weeks. That still left you with fourteen perfectly viable options to pick from. After a quick text to Katsuki asking him a few basic questions, was there a theme to the wedding, what the venue was, and once he got back to you, you were able to take five dresses out of the running. 
Nine was still so many though. You had no idea how you were going to settle on just one. 
You’d been zipping up the back of the seventh dress when somewhere in your room your phone started to ring. You found it under one of the garment bags, flipping it over to see Eijiro’s and Remi’s goofy faces smiling at you. He was calling you early tonight. Not that you minded. 
“Hey!” You answered quickly before the call went to voicemail. 
Eijiro had been in his living room with Remi perched in his lap, the phone between her small hands. She’d already changed into her pajamas for the night, teeth brushed, but she begged to say goodnight to you before going to bed, and he didn’t see the harm in it. However, that opinion changed the moment you answered the phone. 
He could see from over top Remi’s head what you were wearing, and it certainly wasn’t the usual hoodie he’d grown accustomed to seeing you in damn near every night. Instead, you were in a gorgeous-looking dress, and he feared he called you at quite possibly the worst time. 
“Wow!” Remi held the phone out like she could see more of your dress that way. “Y/N! You look so pretty!” 
“Awe, thanks, sweets!” 
Gods, all he could think was that someone was over at your house right now, and he didn’t even know why but his chest suddenly felt so hollow even though you took the time away from your date just to answer his call. “Y/N, I’m so sorry,” He quickly interjected, “I should’ve texted you first. Sorry, we interrupted your evening.” 
“Wait,” You chuckled, “You’re not interrupting anything! Well, except my evening of trying to find a dress that’s suitable for Izuku’s wedding. Apparently, sundresses aren’t fancy enough.” 
And just like that, he was able to breathe again, laughing while you turned the camera around and showed off the new dresses you acquired. 
“I wanna help!” Remi bounced and started pointing out different dresses she wanted you to try on for her next. 
“Whoa, kiddo, you were supposed to be getting to bed, remember? This is just a g’night phone call.” Her little lip wobbled out in a pout. “Now, none of that. You’ve got your very first swim lesson tomorrow! Gotta get to bed so you’ll be all ready for it!” 
Remi had been open to the idea of getting in the pool at the top of your building, even more so now that she had a brand new swimsuit and dynamight themed floaties. And, with a few more sunny days of summer left, the date had been set for them to come to your place in the afternoon to see if she’d really go in the water. 
“What if… what if you manage to get in the water for ten whole minutes tomorrow, you can help me pick out a dress to wear afterward. I’ll try on whichever ones you want.” 
She seemed to consider your bribe, tapping her chin and thinking it over. “Can we get pizza after too?” 
“I think we can do that.” 
“Okay then. I go to bed now. Night night, Y/N!” She ended the call before he even had the chance to say goodbye himself. It wasn’t too big a deal though. He sent you a text saying he’d call you back once she was asleep. 
And, less than an hour later, he was stretched out on his sofa, doing just that. 
“Awe, you changed. I thought I might get a preview of tomorrow's fashion show.” 
“Awe,” you mocked right back at him, “and you pout just like your daughter.” 
He had to smile at that. “Hey, she learned from the best.” 
Time passed by, but Eijiro didn’t really notice, he often lost track of it on these late calls with you. But, a sort of routine had formed between the two of you. The first yawn of the night was a free pass, the second meant heading for your bedrooms, and the third was just before you both turned out your lights. And tonight, all three of them were caused by you. 
He crawled into bed and propped his phone up on the nightstand after plugging it in so it wouldn’t die during the night. Laying on his side with his arm tucked under his head, you talked until that third yawn escaped you. “Think it’s about that time.” 
“Yeah…” You sleepily agreed, and he watched your arm reach out of the screen and then go dark while it adjusted to the lack of light, and his did the same. “Sleep well, Eijiro.” 
“See ya in the morning, Y/N. Sweet dreams.” 
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The morning whirled by while Eijiro kept Remi busy, letting the sun rise high in the sky to warm the day before the pair set off for your apartment. She’d been wearing her swimsuit all morning and insisted he had to put his trunks on first thing, too, because he just had to be ready. It wasn’t so bad though, it meant that when they got to your place just after lunch, she was all ready to go. 
You met them up on the rooftop with access card in hand, and Remi bolted right for you just as she always did. “You ready!” He broke into a grin at your enthusiasm. 
Except, that wasn’t exactly true.
Together the three of you sat on the edge of the pool for twenty minutes thus far, just trying to convince Remi to dip her toes into the water. She wasn’t having it. You even reminded her about the pretty dresses downstairs that she’d get to see, and that didn’t seem to be as enticing now that she was face to face with her biggest fear. But, she allowed you to entertain her just a little, pulling up small funnels of water and whirling them gently around her feet. The moment she was asked to put them in herself, though, that was too much for her. 
She would scoot herself back at least a foot. It probably would’ve been a whole lot further had it not been for Eijiro slipping his arm behind her back to stop her. 
“Pebbles,” he tried coaxing her back to the edge again, keeping his long legs still in the water, so no droplets went flying about, “It’s really not that bad, baby. You’ve got your floaties, and we won’t letcha go under. You trust us, yeah?” Even though she nodded at the both of you, the look on her little face made Eijiro’s heart ache. 
He stole a glance over at you, and where his daughter's ruby eyes were filled with anxiety and fear, he saw nothing but patience reflected in yours. You gave him a sad little smile and shrugged. “Well, we’re up here, and I’m not gonna let his big, fun, empty pool go to waste.” 
There was this moment, when your hands reached for the hem of your shirt, and you lifted it up over your head, where Eijiro thought his heart might have actually stopped. Staring was rude. Damn it, he knew better! But, he couldn’t help but peak when your hips wiggled, and your shorts dropped down your curvy legs. You kicked both over to a lounge chair before dropping into the water, using your quirk to minimize any splash that would’ve occurred. 
The tips of his ears burned red and he swore his cheeks must’ve been on fire while his eyes followed you around the pool as you swam a lap and then another. 
“Daddy. More sun blocker.” 
“Wha–?” He immediately refocused on his daughter. Looking down and checking her shoulders and cheeks for any signs of red on her skin.
“Not me. For you.” Her hands reached up and pressed against his heated cheeks. 
“Oh. Oh, I’m alright, Pebbles.” He kissed her little knuckles, “Thank you, though.” 
You’d made your way back over to them by now. The water glistened off your skin when you lifted your arms out to tickle Remi’s feet, and Eijiro just leaned back, happy to watch you work your magic once again. 
There was something about the way his daughter laughed when you were around, it was more carefree than he’d had the pleasure of hearing recently and you just made it all seem so effortless. Even now, you convinced her to crawl back over to the edge of the pool with a smile on her face. “You’ve got your dad right beside you, and I’m right here. Sweets, we’ve got you.” 
Her smile wavered, and she pulled at the skirt of her swimsuit. “What if water goes in my eyes again, or my mouth?”  
Eijiro sat back up and tapped her chin. “Well, you’re gonna keep your mouth closed, for one thing,” 
“And I won’t let the water get anywhere close to your pretty eyes. You just put your feet right here, okay?” Your hand hovered over the area just below her, not making a single splash or ripple in the water. 
And, by nothing short of a miracle, Remi took a deep breath and held it, cautiously dipping in one foot and then the other. 
Eijiro was the first to cheer, with you following just a millisecond after. Both of you with smiles so infectious they spread right to Remi’s, who started breathing again. “I– I did it? I did it! Daddy see! Look! I did it!” Her feet even kicked below the surface. “Y/N! See! Look at my feets!” You sent little bubbles all around her ankles, and a giggle so pure filled the air. 
In the minutes that passed, her butt scooted right to the very ledge of the pool, any further and she was going to be in the water. One look at you, though, and Eijiro knew he had nothing to worry about, you were ready just in case an accident occurred. 
“Gettin’ pretty close to the water there, Rem. Wanna go in?” 
Her lip was stuck between her teeth while she thought it over and then she motioned for him to lean down, whispering something for only him to hear. “Can you help me? You and Y/N. Want no water in my face.” 
He ran his fingers through her soft, dark hair, “‘Course we will.” 
He tugged his t-shirt off and tossed it beside yours on the chair. There was no way he missed your gaze falling the second his head turned back toward the water, and he did his best to hide the smirk on his face because at least he hadn’t been the only one staring. 
When he dropped next to you in the water, you tamed the splash just like you’d done for your own. He popped up at your side with a cheesy grin on his face, pushing his hair back out of his eyes while you flicked a small orb of water at him. 
“Alright, baby, just gonna slide right off the edge like we did,” He held his arms out for Remi, holding his hands out to guide her right where she needed to go. 
“There’s not gonna be a splash, I promise.” 
She nodded. “Countdown?” 
You and Eijiro started at the same time, “3…2…1–!” 
Remi used her hands and pushed off with a shriek leaving her lungs. Eijiro was quick, snatching her up right away. “That’s my girl!” He beamed, and her little fingers dug into his forearm while he twirled her around the water, making her legs make their own wake. You followed wherever they went, keeping the water steady and off her face until Remi reached for you, wanting you to carry her around instead. 
The afternoon snuck by while the two of you passed Remi back and forth, carrying her around the pool, around the people that came and went, letting her get used to the water for as long as she wanted. 
Eijiro was lazily following you as you made another lap around the pool with Remi on your back, her arms locked in front of your neck. Water splashed around the both of you, and you weren’t doing too much to mitigate it anymore. Perhaps more surprising was his daughter didn’t seem to mind. Not one bit. 
He couldn’t wait to tell his parents about this. Oh, and Mina too. And Katsuki and Tamaki. None of them were gonna believe it. Hell, if he weren’t witnessing it happen right before his eyes, he wouldn’t believe it! 
But, there was one thing Eijiro knew beyond a shadow of a doubt; none of this would’ve been possible without you. He’d hoped one day Remi would be able to conquer her fear, find a way to overcome it, but he never thought it’d be this soon. Apparently, all it took was the right person. 
You had Remi held up in your arms now, wading around in small circles, the pool far more crowded now than when all this had begun. “Daddy, has it been ten minutes yet?” 
Both of you laughed since roughly 160 minutes had passed since she took the plunge. “Yeah, Pebble, it has.” 
“Okay. I think I’m done now. But, we can come back, right? Y/N said if I learn how go under water I could swim with duckies and sharks someday!”
“Yeah, baby, if that’s alright with Y/N.” You rolled your eyes and flicked another orb at him.
“Of course it’s alright with me!” 
Eijiro made his way closer with a smile on his face, thrilled his daughter was eager to get back in the water. His hands brushed yours when he lifted Remi out of your arms. “Not tomorrow, ‘m sorry. Remember, dad’s gotta go to a wedding. Y/N’s going too and you’ve gotta help her pick a dress out for it.” 
“Going together?” She asked while you both waded to the latter.
It was only decided last night that the two of you would ride there together. You mentioned something about getting a taxi, and he saw no sense in that, not when he’d have to drive by your place on his way to the venue. “I’m gonna pick her up, yes, you nosey child of mine.” 
“Good!” He lifted her back out of the water before climbing up the ladder behind her, turning to offer you his hand, but you were still all the way in the water.
“What is it?” 
Your eyes darted around and he saw you taken in just how many more people were up on the rooftop now. “Do you– would you mind grabbing my shirt f’me? I um–” You glanced down in the water, and it clicked for him when one hand settle across your scars.  
“On it.” 
He grabbed a towel too and brought it over. As soon as you were on the ladder, he let the towel cover you so no one saw a thing, held it around your back while you slipped your shirt on, standing  between his arms. “I’m not embarrassed by them.” Your voice was so quiet only he heard you and his response was just as soft.
“Glad to hear it. You’ve got no reason to be.” 
“I just don’t like the judgemental looks.” 
“Darling, you don’t owe me or anyone else an explanation.” You still stood so close to him, and you certainly didn’t know it, but it made his heart beat a little quicker. A habit he picked up every time you were in this close of proximity. “They’re just a part of who you are, but I understand why you don’t want strangers commenting. ‘S okay.” 
“Daddy!” The intimacy that had gathered between you instantly disipated, heads whipping towards Remi, who was sitting on the lounge chair, bundled up in her shark towel, “Pizza and dresses now, please!” 
Eijiro just shook his head until he felt your hand rest on his arm. “Hey, at least she said please.” He scooped Remi up in his arms, and you grabbed the towels, all three of you heading down to your apartment.
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“Okay, daddy, I think we found best.” His daughter crawled up beside him on the sofa, hiding a yawn behind her hand, the excitement of the day finally catching up to her. 
The pizza had been finished, and you let Remi inspect the dresses you narrowed down from the night before. She pointed out the ones she liked and paid the others no mind. Eijiro had seen you in three of them so far, and each time you stepped out of your room in a new dress, his expression never failed to make your knees feel just a little weaker than before. 
Sitting up a little straighter on the sofa, his smile looking so unbelievably genuine, the words beautiful and gorgeous dropping from his lips more than once and reddening his cheeks in the process. 
The fourth time you stepped out of the room and gave your little twirl, that was the only time Eijiro had been rendered speechless. You felt his gaze on you, starting with your legs and working its way upward, lingering in certain places longer by only a fraction of a second. His lips were slightly parted, jaw just barely unhinged. The temperature in your apartment felt like it rose twenty degrees in a matter of seconds, all from the way he was looking at you. 
“Hello! Earth to dad. Y/N looks pretty, right?” His daughter's hand waving about in front of his face seemed to break him from the trance he was under. 
“Y–yes. Of course.” He cleared his throat and moved a yawning Remi off his lap, “I don’t think you got the back zipped up all the way, though. May I?” 
You nodded and turned around for him, felt his fingers hold your waist still while his other hand pulled the little zipper up the last few inches. 
“For what it’s worth, I think they all looked great on you.” His quiet words tickled your ear, breath warm against your skin, and you couldn’t help leaning back into his touch like you had that morning in his kitchen. 
“But you like this one best.” 
You felt his rumble of a laugh before you heard it this time. “I don’t think my opinion matters that much.” 
His calloused fingertips brushed against your shoulders, leaving goosebumps in their wake. “I think your opinion matters a lot, actually.” 
Of course, you didn’t need him to say outright that this dress was his favorite. His reaction to seeing you in it was more than enough indication. Over the past few weeks you’d shared with him, his words and actions slowly stoked embers low in your belly you’d almost forgot existed but hearing him admit,  “If it matters that much, then yes, out of all the dresses tonight, I think this one makes you look stunning,” That made them spark. 
“Thank you, Eiji.” 
A little shuffle from the sofa had both of you turn your heads. Remi found herself a blanket and pillow and made herself comfortable, her eyes getting weighed down by sleep. 
“I should be getting her home.” 
“Right, of course!” You started towards your bedroom, meaning to get changed real fast, but he caught you just as you crossed the threshold. “Oh, the zipper.” He nodded, and you spun back around. He pulled you right back into his hold, bringing the zipper down until you felt cool air hit your bare back. 
Facing away from him meant you didn’t see the way his fingers lingered, longing to touch you just a little more, hoping to satisfy his growing curiosity, especially since the dress dipped low enough that he was blessed with the tiniest glimpse of the lace panties you had on. He refrained, though, and said nothing more than you’re welcome when you stepped away to get changed. 
He grabbed his and Remi’s bathing suits that had been hanging in your hall bathroom, put them away along with a couple toys she’d brought out and by the time Eijiro lifted his daughter up into his arms, she was just barely clinging to consciousness. 
“Yeah, pebble, gonna head home now.” 
You opened your door at just the right time to hear her ask. “Y/N coming too?” 
“No, she’s already in her home.” 
She held out sleepy arms for a hug once you were back in sight, and, for a moment, neither you or Eijiro were quite sure if she was going to release you. 
But, when she settled back against Eijiro’s chest, he offered you a hug of his own. Holding you to his side, “I call you when we’re home.” 
“I’ll be up.” Your arms were still around him, needing this for just a few more seconds that he was happy to allow. Both of your minds sad the night was ending but also, already looking forward to the day to come.
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Soft pastels painted the evening sky, providing a picturquese backdrop for what had already been a beautiful day. 
The ceremony for Izuku and Melissa was kept short in order to, “make sure the nerd could say his vows and not sob ‘em,” according to Katuski, but that didn’t take a single thing away from the event itself. A cocktail hour followed, whisking away the newlyweds and their close family and friends while the rest of the guests, yourself included, mingled around expertly decorated tables, sipping on signature drinks and munching on some of the most delicious appetizers you’d ever tasted. Perhaps the only thing tastier was the dinner itself. 
You sat at a large circular table with Eijiro on one side and Tamaki on the other. Lost in conversation with friends that had your cheeks aching from laughter.
It wasn’t long before the brand-new Mr. and Mrs. were sharing their first dance, and the DJ was calling for other couples to join them on the dance floor. Tamaki was already standing from the table, his hand holding his husband’s. 
“Do you like dancing?” You asked Eijiro, leaning back in your seat slightly so he could hear you better. 
An easy smile slid on his face. “Yeah, I like dancing, can’t promise you I’m all that good though.” 
His chair suddenly jerked, kicked by Mina, who’d been on his other side. “Excuse you! After all that time I spent teaching you how to dance for Kat’s wedding!” Her eyes landed on you next, “He’s great, do not let him sell himself short!” 
Before he could get any more of a lecture, Eijiro stood and held his hand out to help you up. He led the way onto the dance floor, finding a spot for the two of you between all the others that paired off. His hand softly rested on your waist, and your mind instantly snapped back to the night before.
You’d been trying not to think too much about it. Not wanting to read into it or see something that wasn’t really there. But maybe there was something more to it all. It certainly felt like there could be with the way your feet moved effortlessly along with his, in perfect time with the music. And you never really could deny how nice his fingers felt laced with yours. 
“Mina was right,” You mumbled with a small smirk when he cocked an eyebrow as if to ask about what. “You are pretty great.” 
You could’ve added, at dancing, to the end of that sentence, but then you might not have gotten to see his smile. The one that pushed up the balls of his cheeks, so his eyes crinkled at the corners, it was one of your favorites. 
He twirled you around suddenly, only to pull you back in close to him, and you got to feel that rumbling laugh again when your hand landed on his chest. “Guess I do still know a thing or two.” The wink he gave certainly wasn’t necessary, but it reminded you of that flame in your belly, and how it was  getting harder and harder to ignore. 
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Eijiro had lost count of the number of dances he had the pleasure of sharing with you. When the slow songs blended into more lively numbers, you still remained in his arms. That was until Mina, Ochaco, and Itsuka, fueled by many fruity cocktails, pulled you away from him and into a circle of giggling women. 
He took the opportunity to lose his suit jacket and wander over to the bar in search of something to cool himself off. It wasn’t until he had a glass of whiskey in his hand that he noticed Denki, Hanta, and Katsuki all crowded around a hightop, Denki with his arm in the air, waving him over to join them. He just didn’t realize quite how fast he would regret it.
It was about five seconds after his whisky glass touched the white linen tablecloth that the question spilled from Denki’s lips: 
“Alright, I gotta ask since you guys are clearly gettin’ real cozy, how’s the sex? Good, right?” He saw his friend’s golden eyes find you in the crowd, and slowly he nodded his head. “With the way she moves those hips, it’s gotta be good.” 
“Denks, I’m driving t’night, and that means I cannot drink the amount of alcohol required in order to have this conversation with you.” 
Hanta snorted a laugh before taking another swig of his beer while Katsuki only rolled his eyes. 
“Awe, c’mon, you’ve been keepin’ it quiet for weeks, man! Give us something!” 
All he could do was shrug his shoulders and press the cool rim of the glass to his lips, knocking back about half of it in one go. “I’ve got nothin’ to give. We haven’t had sex.” 
But Denki really couldn’t help himself, “Why the fuck not? I know you’ve been outta the game for a while, but really, did ya forget how it works or…” 
This was just a conversation he couldn’t have. Especially not here. “‘S just not like that between us.” But, even as he spoke the words, they tasted acidic in his mouth. 
He knew what was holding him back, what kept him from trying to seek something more with you, but, more importantly, he knew what you were going through. The loss you had suffered and were still learning to cope with. He wanted more than anything to be there for you, and, so far, you were letting him, he was a person you trusted, and he didn’t want to chance these feelings he was having ruining that. 
Denki and Hanta shared a look before the blonde looked back at Eijiro. “Well, since it’s just not like that between you guys… guess I’m gonna go finally make my move.” He clinked the neck of his beer with Hanta. “Wish me luck!” 
The three men watched as Denki moved his way between groups and couples until he found you among them. Eijiro saw his mouth move, and you nod your head with a grin. “Damn. Don’t know how he does it.” Hanta chuckled before leaving for another drink. 
Eijiro knew how. He knew it didn’t have a damn thing to do with Denki and, instead, had everything to do with the fact you were just that kind of a person. 
“You’re gonna shatter that glass if you squeeze any tighter.” 
Katsuki brought him back, and he forced his hand to relax, but he still didn’t take his eyes off of you. 
“So, you gonna tell me what the fuck is really goin’ on? ‘Cause dunce face might believe that shit you said, but I sure as hell don’t.” 
He wrenched his eyes away from where Denki had his hands on your hips and snapped them over to Katsuki. “There is nothing else to tell. It’s like I said weeks ago; there’s nothing goin’ on with Y/N and I.” 
Katsuki glared up at him, and Eijiro knew it was taking everything in him not yell, so, he pulled him a little further back from the crowd, just in case. 
“Quit. Fuckin’. Lyin’. To me. You’re shit at it.” 
“Whaddya want me t’say, Katsuki? Huh? That I like her, ‘cause, yeah, I fuckin’ do.” 
“So why the hell is the human battery pack dancing with her then?”
He just barely managed to grit his response between clenched teeth. “Because I can’t give her the kind of relationship she deserves to have!” 
“The hell does that mean?” 
“All the time ‘m not workin’, ‘m with Remiru. I couldn’t even keep my ex around and that was when I was just workin’!” 
It was so damn hard for Katsuki to keep his voice down, Eijiro knew that, and he just didn’t care. He didn’t want to talk about this, but Katsuki wasn’t letting it go. “Your ex was a piece of actual trash, and you know that! So, why are you bringing that up! Y/N already hangs around with you and the kid, like, all the time! What would change?” 
“It’s different! We’re just friends right now! The expectations are totally different!” 
“You don’t really believe that, do you?” Eijiro prepared himself, expecting this to be it, but rather than explode, Katsuki sucked in a deep breath. “You’re being fuckin’ stupid; you’re gonna let fuckin’ Kaminari take your girl because you’re too damn scared. Man the fuck up.” 
Eijiro wasn’t sure there was ever a time in his life when he wanted to clock Katsuki quite as much as he wanted to at that moment, and in trying to keep that anger in check, he let something else slip rather than his fist. “There’s shit you don’t know.” 
“About what!” 
“About her!” 
That had the blonde blinking for a moment, and it was too late to try and back track. “What about her?” 
“Can’t say. ‘S not my place.” 
“Eijiro, I worked with that woman for months. I nearly fuckin’ died right next to her. I might not know everything about her, but I’ll tell ya what I do know: She loved her job, her life, and the people in it. Even after that failed mission, she wasn’t scared to go back out into the field, she didn’t want to quit, but something made her. If almost dying doesn’t make you quit, then something way more fucked up must’ve. You tellin’ me you know somethin’ about that?” Eijiro nodded his head slowly. “If she trusts you to share something so important to her, what makes you think she wouldn’t wanna be with you?” 
He swallowed thickly, trying to think of a way he could voice his concern without explaining what really happened to you. “She was hurt, Kat, bad. Physically, but way more emotionally, I think. Even if I had the time to make her happy, I don’t want to push her into something new before she’s actually ready.” 
There was no stopping Katsuki from scoffing at his making you happy remark but the rest he seemed to take to heart. “Fine. Ya wanna let her take the lead, alright, but you’ve got her best interest at heart. You know her better than anyone right now. You really think Duracell is gonna be as considerate?”
“Then I suggest you go fuckin’ do somethin’ about it before he actually thinks he’s got a shot.” 
He really had no idea what he was thinking besides knowing that the idea of you with Denki was going to make him ill. So, he gave Katsuki a final look and then was crossing the dance floor. He didn’t have a clue what he was going to say to try and get you to dance with him again… if you even wanted to dance with him again– Just as he started getting in his head about everything, he saw you right over Denki’s shoulder, and the smile you gave him made his heart skip several beats. 
“You came back!” You chirped just as soon as he reached you. 
“I’ll always come back for ya.” He grinned, knowing in the back of his mind he definitely meant that in more ways than one. “Do ya mind if I cut in, man? Promised Y/N a dance weeks ago.” 
“Awe,” Denki pouted, “Fine, just come find me if he decides to take a break again.” 
The way the blonde kissed your knuckles before leaving, Eijiro could’ve done without seeing that, but you laughed it off and slid right back into his arms, and suddenly, everything felt alright again.
You sighed, seeming to be thankful for the slow song that came on, and he could feel you leaning on him a little more than before. When your cheek pressed against his shoulder, he feared you might hear his heart hammering out an escape plan. 
“Did ya wanna take a break for a bit?” He asked quietly, still swaying you gently, but you shook your head.
“I’ll be alright for at least another song. Plus, I missed you.” 
Now, he definitely knew you could hear his heart, just as sure as you could see the shit-eating grin on his face, “Oh really?” 
“I– I just–” Damn, did you look cute when you got flustered. 
“Was Denks really that bad of a dancer?” He asked, and you stopped stumbling over your words, laughing softly instead.
Your own laugh blended with his. “He’s not bad, he’s just not you.”  
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For the rest of the reception, you remained right by his side. Dancing, getting drinks, talking with friends, as the night wore on. Where one of you went, the other followed. Neither getting sick of the other’s company. 
You stood hand in hand during the sparkler send-off, waving goodbye in the vast crowd that gathered behind the limo taking Izuku and Melissa off on their much-deserved honeymoon. From there, though, the party died down tremendously. 
More guests sat in chairs at tables rather than dancing to the last couple songs of the evening. He’d wound his arm over your shoulders, and you’d had your head rest on him for the last ten minutes. “Wanna head out?” He murmured softly into your hair, and you nodded.
A few quick farewells, and see-you-Mondays, later, and the two of you were walking to his car, one of the last few that remained in the parking lot. The music followed you out, and your ears perked up, instantly noticing the notes to one of your favorite songs. 
“Damn…” He looked down at you with a bit of concern etching on his face. “Nothing. It just this song is one of my favorites, and, of course, it plays when we leave.” 
He’d unlocked the car and took your shoes from your fingers, setting them on the backseat along with his jacket. “What’re you doing?” 
“Dancing with you,” you let him slip your hand back into his, “just one more song before the night over.” 
Out here, you had all the room you could possibly want to move around, a dance floor for just the two of you, and yet you danced closer than you had all night. Your bare feet were on the tops of his polished shoes, your head tucked comfortably right under his chin, and that song you loved so damn much, now more than ever before, you wished it would never end. 
But you knew those last couple words, the final cords coming to a close, and the laugh that bubbled up out of your lungs with Eijiro started walking with you still on his feet back to the car; well, he was pretty sure that was his new favorite song. 
He helped you slide in, making sure your dress was out of the way before closing the door. Neither of you asked this time; his hand just held yours the whole ride back to your place, thumb ghosting across your knuckles while you watched the moon following you home. 
You’d fallen asleep again, worn out by the day, and he woke you just as he’d done before; his warm hand cradling your cheek, gentle caresses bringing you back to him. “Hey, lemme walk you up.” 
You had no objections to the kind offer, and he kept his arm around you as you walked through the lobby, during the ride up the elevator, and down the corridor while you pressed your thumb against the scanner to open your door. 
“Thank you for today, Eijiro. I had a lot of fun.”  
It was so easy for him to smile back at you. “Me too. Want me to call when I’m home, or are you gonna pass out before then?” 
“I promise I’ll stay awake.” And, before you had a chance to realize what you were doing, you rose on tiptoes and pressed your lips to his cheek, dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. “Drive safe, and thank you again.” 
His eyes were wide, but you were just a little too tired to notice, your mind not yet realizing what you’d done. “Uh– yeah– right! I’ll talk to you soon.” 
You went through the process of locking the door and putting your shoes away before it dawned on you. 
“Oh shit…” You muttered in your empty apartment. “Oh shit!” Fingertips pressed to your lips. You kissed him, you actually kissed him! Hand holding and hugs were one thing but kissed him! 
What were you gonna say when he called? Would he still call? Maybe it wasn’t that big of a deal to him, and he wouldn’t mention it at all, that would be the best outcome but, maybe it was a very big deal to him. Maybe you crossed a line–
You knew that knock at your door and quickly undid the lock. “H-hey, um, d–did you need something?” 
His cheeks burned redder than you’d ever seen them before. “Yeah…” his hands cupped your cheeks, and he leaned in close, “You.” The three-letter word landed on your lips just a second before his lips did. 
He couldn’t keep them against you for long, he told himself he wouldn’t, but from the moment yours brushed his cheek, he could think of nothing else. The doubts he had were swallowed up by the flame you sparked, and curiosity turned him back around and carried him right back to your door. Just one kiss. That was all he needed. Or that was all he thought he’d need. 
The moment he pulled away, he instantly craved more and wanted to bring you right back to him, but you looked so stunned, practically frozen in place, and he feared he’d been right before. This wasn’t what you wanted. All the doubts and insecurities crashed over him until both your hands grabbed a side of his undone necktie and yanked him back against you. 
Your lips came alive, igniting against his. 
Gods, he wasn’t sure he’d ever felt anything quite like you. He couldn’t remember another kiss he felt throughout his entire body, and yet yours felt like lightning running through his veins, setting every nerve on end. 
“Damn…” The word barely fell off his tongue before it was gliding back in your mouth, not quite able to get enough. You both sucked down ragged breaths when you broke apart with smiles plastered on your faces. “I– um– I should probably get goin’. My moms’ are still–” 
“--at your place because of Remi.” He nodded but closed his eyes when your warm hand rested on his cheek. “Just call me when you’re settled for the night, okay?” 
“Soon as I can, promise.” 
He’d meant to be on his way, he knew he should’ve been going but you turned in between his arms and he had to bite his lip to stifle a groan. 
“Think you can help me again before you leave?” 
You knew exactly what you were doing. Any hint of tiredness had left you the very moment he showed back up at your door. And now that he allowed you a taste, you were wide awake and greedy for more. 
The way his hands tightened on your waist almost made you melt. He’d always been careful with you, every touch gentle. But when you looked back at him over your shoulder, a quiet, “please,” leaving you, for the briefest moment you felt a fraction of the strength he actually possessed press into your flesh when he took just one step forward.
He guided you through your doorway and into the apartment, using his foot to shut the door so his hands never left you. “You make it real hard f’me to walk away, y’know that?” 
“Then stay…” his lips on your neck cut your sentence short, each kiss like fire licking your skin. 
“Can’t.” You knew that. Of course, you did, “But, I want to.”
One hand traveled up the length of your spine, nearly reaching that zipper that you knew he’d pull down only far enough because that was the respectful thing to do, and then he’d be gone. Because he was a good man, a great father, who needed to be getting home to his daughter. You shouldn’t have asked and yet the desire was just a smidge too strong for you to withstand; “Just another five minutes?” 
He’s fingers halted, the air thick with something brand new beginning, and he spun you around fast enough your breath caught in your throat, coming face to face with his perfect smile, “five more minutes.” 
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SFW Alphabet H.C with Taron Egerton.
Note: I'm so sorry for taking so long with this h.c. I've never done one of these I don't think so I hope that I did it justice.
A = Attractive (what do they find attractive about you?)
It may seem cliche but he really loves your eyes and how they light up when he locks eyes with you.
B = Baby (do they want a family with you?)
More than anything he’s ever wanted in his life.
C = Cuddles (how do they like to cuddle or be cuddled?)
Because his main love language is touch, he loves giving you cuddles any time that he can. It really doesn’t matter where you are, what you are doing or who you are with, he will always find an opportunity to have you in his arms. You love it though, being in his embrace always turns your day around and makes you feel safe.
D = Dates (where do you often go for a date?)
Occasionally you will go out to dinner but most of the time, you two will order your favorite food and binge watch your favorite show while you cuddle together under your most comfiest of blankets.
E = Everything (you are my everything)
He would rather show you than tell you😉😏
F = Feelings (how did they know they liked you?)
When you had breakfast and coffee delivered to his flat after knowing that he had an extremely long work day and didn’t feel like cooking anything for himself.
G = Gentle (are they gentle with you?)
He tries to be.
H = Hands (are they into holding hands?)
Besides cuddling you, this is his favorite thing to do.
I = Impression (what was their first impression of you?)
He was instantly drawn to you as he watched you read your favorite book at the table in the corner of the little cafe you were both in.
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous?)
Not typically but it depends on who you are talking to.
K = Kiss (how do they kiss you?)
You aren’t one to kiss and tell but if you had to give a small detail, you’d say that it was tender and passionate all at once.
L = Love (who said it first?)
He did.
M = Memory (what’s their favorite memory with you?)
The first time he took you camping…..it didn’t go well but it was a sweet memory and one that made you laugh whenever you thought about it.
N = Nurture (do they spoil and look after you?)
O = Outfit (do they like it when you get dressed up for them?)
Taron adores it. It makes him feel like the luckiest guy on the planet.
P = Pet Names (what do they call you?)
Besides the typical Cariad, he will call you babe/baby or honey. Sometimes he’ll even call you sweetheart but that is usually reserved for when you aren’t feeling good and just want to be clingy.
Q = Queen (who’s superior?)
In his eyes and because he loves you so much, he’d shout from the rooftops that you are.
R = Rainy Day (what do you two like to do on a rainy day?)
Play board games, play card games, read, slow dance to old classics. Whatever your heart desires really.
S = Sad (how do they cheer you up?)
He will let you lay on top of him while he sings softly to you and gently plays with your hair. It’s very coming to you especially since you can hear his heart beating at the same time. 
T = Talking (what do they like to talk about?)
Anything and everything.
U = Useful (are they helpful around the house/apartment?)
You both agreed early on that you would split the chores evenly, so yes, when he is home and not working, he is wonderful. If he is busy working, he will still do what he can.
V = Verbs (how do they describe you to everyone else?)
Sassy, sweet, funny, kind, caring, confident, bright. Basically, everything positive that comes to his mind.
W = Wedding (when, how, where do they propose?)
You aren’t one for big and over the top proposals so it was at home. Just the two of you as the sounds of the late night storm could be heard outside and you were wrapped up in each other’s arms.
X = Xylophone (do they play any instruments ?)
Not professionally but he is learning to play the guitar, he can play a little bit of the piano and there are rumors between his friends that he has started playing the ukulele because it’s your favorite instrument.
Y = Yours (do they get protective over you?)
Depends on the situation but yes, he does.
Z = Zoo (are they a fan of pets?)
He loves them.
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yourhighness6 · 7 months
I Just Listened to the First Episode of Braving the Elements and I Know I'm Late to the Party but I Have Very Incoherent, Babbling Thoughts About It
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(now that I heard Janet and Dante talking I needed to draw young Zuko and Korra. I think they'd be friends. Like, they'd get into fights [with Sokka, too] about who's muscles are more impressive and dumb jock stuff like that. Their respective girlfriends would be so tired.)
Anyway, I think the UGGs ad was a great way to start this out. Really set the tone. I'm also vibing to the theme music cuz I literally haven't listened to it since I rewatched the finale a couple of weeks ago.
[I had no idea Dante Basco was in a dance group as a child I'm laughing for no reason now. I shouldn't judge though I was a drama kid too lol]
I feel like they're doing the whole "the LIGHTS, the CAMERA, the CINEMATOGRAPHY" thing while they're talking about the opening scene. you know what, i'm fine with it.
Basically them:
"...And I digress,"
The animal crossing segment is cute Appa finally getting the appreciation he deserves
"thINgS HapPEn SoMEtiMeS" has the same energy as Zuko telling Suki "oh, sorry about that" when she reminded him he burned down her village
"I love GranGran" do you Zuko? DO you??
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(jk they get along after the war when he apologizes properly)
Aww they brought up Greta Thomburg. I forgot how old this podcast is, but that was a really great message about how the young are the ones saving us and stuff. As a Zoomer [do people still say that?] I can say confidently most of us have no idea what we're doing but we're opinionated and we're here and we're ready to fight for the environment and social justice and shit
Idk about ya'll but I don't think Nick should be letting Mr. Basco represent them I mean that was like three whole "damn"s that is some inappropriate behavior right there
"they're people of privilege" This hit me so hard for no reason. Like it's really obvious, especially in Book 2, that despite all of the abuse Zuko went through he was still in that whole royalty mindset where he basically expects things to be handed to him for most of his arc.
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I mean, yeah, that speaks for itself, and there are other instances too. I think Zuko's arc largely corrects a lot of his entitlement, which is a great thing to see throughout the series, but IROH. For some insane reason, maybe because he's very wise and seems content with the little things in life and is basically trying to oppose books 1 and 2 Zuko in every way possible, I never really thought of him as privileged but now it's so obvious that he is. IDK I think that was an interesting thing to point out. It almost makes me value Iroh more because he obviously had to go through a similar journey to Zuko's unlearning all of the arrogance that came with his position and came out of it on the other side as a kind, wise individual who cares deeply for other people and puts the fate of the world before his own. Still interesting to think about on my next rewatch of B1 though, I'll have to start looking out for those behaviors in Iroh.
Dante Basco, trying so hard to be impartial: "Kataang!"
Janet Varney, one with Zutara nation, apparently: "Meh"
OMG THEY TALKED ABOUT THE SPYGLASS!! I know that scene with Zuko standing on the boat was supposed to be all suspenseful and scary and everything
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But I just laugh
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I can imagine Aang being like "Aww Zuzu thanks for noticing"
OMG I love Katara finally getting some recognition!! Like there's this meme about the world being saved by "nagging" or whatever and it kind of annoys me. Like, she's calling Sokka out on all of his sexist behavior and that's "nagging"??
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Let's be honest it's because she gets kind of "emotional".
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Whatever. She deserves to be emotional. Let's be honest the Avatar world was saved by Katara deciding she was done putting up with her brother being a misogynistic ass. [END RANT]
Okay, honestly, I liked it. It was funny, it was cute, I can see it being good, I'll keep listening to it... But, I felt like we were only getting surface level thoughts? There were a few moments where I was like "GODDAMMIT JUST SAY WHAT YOU THINK" which is kind of annoying on a podcast that's supposed to be reviewing the episodes. Like, really? That heavy pause after Dante mentioned Kataang? Janet hesitating to say what she thought when it came up again? C'mon guys, I know you don't want to start anything but the ship wars are not stopping no matter what any of us do at this point because there will always be people on both sides of the war that are toxic and like to start drama. They're not saying everything they want to about the ships and that's a fact. We know it. They know it. Bryke knows it. Also, Dante having not read the series bible was funny but it's only going to be a good joke for so long. Know your shit if you're doing a podcast on it.
I might just be complaining because I need to complain, it's only the first episode, after all, so I want to be clear that I really did like it. 10/10 would recommend, I just hope they maybe get more into the fandom stuff as we go along instead of just looking at the episode. Dig a little deeper, discuss controversial stuff, have a little fun with it, READ THE SERIES BIBLE.
(btw I might make more Korra and young Zuko fanart. It was fun, and now I have ideas for them meeting in some weird spirit world thing)
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littlecloudprince · 8 months
The Little Duke
Summary: "Love this:-)♥️ Can I please request secret regressor Remus (0-3) where no one is aware that he does it? Please and thanks 😊" Request by gamblerezra (on AO3), hope I did your request justice! And sorry it took me so long to get it out ^^'
Warnings: Mentions of accidents/bedwetting, auditorial hallucinations, a meltdown scene, brief mention of blood (very, very brief, not graphic at all), skin injury/rash
A/N: …So remember how I said I'd try to be more consistent with my writing? Well, as it turns out, writer's block and executive dysfunction disagreed! I am still updating this tho, so yeah! I promise you guys, I really am trying! Time just goes by so darn fast! But I'm always open for requests!
Remus woke up small and wet. It wasn't unusual, it had been happening for a while now. Usually he just went back to sleep, and dealt with it later, when he was bigger again. He didn't know what it was or why it was happening, but he knew he couldn't go to the others. They'd think he's gross. They wouldn't like it. They wouldn't like him. They'd think he was doing it to annoy or disturb them. But he wasn't! He wasn't doing it on purpose, he didn't even know what it was!
Remus sat up, he didn't want to sleep anymore. But he had to. He was wet, and he couldn't do anything about it like this. But Remus wasn't sleepy! He huffed to himself, not knowing what to do. Why was he like this? He tried to reach out to Thomas, to have him do something, anything that could help. But nothing happened. He tried again, still nothing. He huffed, laying back down. Guess there was no other choice.
Thomas woke up to an unusual feeling. He shifted lightly, before freezing like a deer in headlights. He sat up, heart beating in his chest like a mini drum. He peeled back the covers, his face flushing bright red once they were fully off of him. No. No, he hadn't. There was no way, he couldn't have! He's an adult goddamnit, this just doesn't happen!
"Care to explain why I'm up at—" Virgil grumbled, words drying on his tongue as he processed what was going on.
"I—" Thomas started, feeling so embarrassed that tears were threatening to form in his eyes.
"You wet the bed??" Roman rose up. Thomas could only nod meekly, rapidly trying to blink away the stubborn tears in his eyes.
"I didn't mean to!" he squeaked.
"Aw, kiddo, it's okay! Accidents happen, even to adults! Let's get this cleaned up, okay?" Patton rose up as well. Thomas nodded, taking a few deep breaths and wiping his eyes.
"You— You're right. Sorry," he breathed out.
"Nothing to apologise for hun," Patton soothed.
"Yeah. Sorry. I mean— Y'know."
Right as Thomas got out of bed, it was Logan's turn to rise up.
"First step; strip the bed," he reminded.
"I know, Logan, thank you," Thomas smiled weakly.
"After you're done with that, you're taking a bubble bath," Janus appeared to give his two cents.
"Sure, Jan. Thanks," Thomas attempted to smile again. As he went on about stripping his bed, the Sides all sunk down one by one. No one noticed that one of them hadn't popped up at all.
Back in the Mind Palace, Remus had woken up, only to discover that he was still small. He didn't understand, he was supposed to be back to his big self by now! And he really, really didn't want to sleep anymore! He huffed, deciding to get out of bed. Maybe he could find something to do while he waited? He could just stay in his room all day, it's not like the others would notice anyway. His bed would have to wait, but Remus didn't mind too much, he'd just clean it before going to sleep. Maybe.
Remus looked around his room, trying to find something to do. He wanted to colour! Or draw! But all the art supplies were in Roman's room. Hm. Remus flicked his wrist, attempting to summon himself some crayons and a colouring book, but nothing happened. Remus growled quietly, scratching at his inner thighs. Why were they burning and scratchy? And now Remus' tummy growled, too! There was no way he could sneak in the kitchen without getting caught. They'd yell at him. Usually, he didn't mind, but today, he really didn't want to be yelled at. He just wanted... Well, he didn't even know what he wanted. Remus' tummy felt rotten, and not in the way he liked, either!
"They don't like you," a voice said.
"I know," Remus replied. This wasn't the first time he heard voices, it happened a lot. Usually it didn't bother him, but today was different.
"They'd be better off without you."
"You sound like the Emo," Remus shot back. The voice chuckled coldly.
"You really don't get it, do you?"
"Go 'way."
"You want them. You want them to want you. But they won't. They never will, will they?" the voice taunted.
"Go 'way!" Remus stomped his foot for good measure. He hated the way his bottom lip wobbled, and how his vision blurred as salty tears welled in his eyes. He hated feeling weak.
"They left you. They're not coming back. They have a new family now. Without you."
"They don't need you anymore. *He* doesn't need you anymore. He hates you," the voice kept going, mercilessly jabbing at Remus' sensitive spots. Remus saw two strips of colour take form. Yellow and purple. Janus and Virgil. They stared down at the duke, disgust shining in their eyes. They wouldn't speak, only staring menacingly.
"Stop!" Remus closed his eyes and covered his ears, firmly pressing his hands on them in a desperate attempt to silence the voice. He fell on his knees, curling up to be as small as possible.
In the meanwhile, Thomas was trying to work on songwriting, but something kept gnawing at him. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. It bothered him. He had gone to the bathroom before going to sleep, like he always did. He hadn't drunk too much water, or anything else for that matter, and his dream wasn't particularly scary. So why had he wet the bed? What was wrong with him?
"You're not making any progress, Thomas," Logan pointed out after rising up.
"I… I know. Sorry. Just…" Thomas trailed off.
"About what?"
"Just… Ah, you know, nevermind. It doesn't matter," Thomas shook his head a bit.
"If it bothers you, it does matter," Logan stated.
"Is there something wrong with me?" Thomas bit his lip. He looked up from his notebook, but avoided Logan's eyes.
"Why would you think that?"
"I mean…" Thomas didn't finish his sentence. He bit his lip, his gaze wandering uncertainly.
"I just…" his voice wavered, and he swallowed thickly as he felt a lump growing in his throat. He rapidly blinked his eyes, not wanting Logan to see him cry. He didn't even know why his tear ducts were threatening to betray him, there was no reason to cry. It was… illogical. Thomas let out a shaky sigh, hiding his face in his hands.
"Hey…" Logan sat across his host, unsure what to do.
In the Mind Palace, Remus was getting closer and closer to meltdown territory. It was getting harder to breathe, the voice was getting louder, and the burning and itching of his tighs was getting to be unbearable. He hated this. He hated this, he hated this, he hated this! Remus let out a scream, fiercely ripping his pants off before aggressively scratching at his inner thighs. Angry tears burned in his eyes as he reached for the first object he could reach, before throwing it at the general direction of the taunting voice.
"SHUT UP!" Remus shrieked, clawing at his ears for a moment before throwing himself on the ground, shrieking incoherently as his thighs demanded to be scratched again. There was a knock at Remus' door, causing his hands to fly from his thighs right back to his ears as the sound pounded at his eardrums.
"NO!" he screamed, throwing whatever object he could get his hands on toward the door.
"Ow!" Patton yelped, getting hit in the face with an empty deodorant container. He rubbed at the tip of his nose, processing what was happening. He flinched as he realised the state the still shrieking little duke was in.
"Hey…" he entered the room, and sat on the floor, making sure to give Remus some space. He reached out to the red-faced boy, carefully stroking his hand once. When Remus didn't protest, Patton continued, slowly but effectively getting the toddler to calm down.
"There ya go, Dad's here buddy, Dad's gotcha…" he coo'd gently. By now Remus had completely stopped screaming, but silent tears were still running down his face, his anger melting down to sadness. He reached his little hands out, choking back sobs, a quiet whine escaping his throat.
"Aww, you want Dad to pick you up?" Remus didn't answer verbally, instead just clenching his fists in the 'grabby hands' motion. Patton took the cue, and gently picked the boy up. Remus winced as his thighs pressed against the fabric of Patton's clothes. He had scratched them so vigorously that they were now completely raw, dried up blood covering his fingernails.
"You poor thing! Dad thinks you need a bath, hun. And then, once you're all squeaky clean, we'll put some lotion on your thighs so the hurt will go away. That sound good?" Patton murmured softly upon inspecting Remus' thighs closer. The boy nodded, rubbing his eyes, exhausted from his meltdown.
"What got you so itchy in the first place?" the fatherly Side asked. Remus just shrugged, not quite sure himself. Patton looked around, only now noticing the pants on the floor.
"…Oh," he understood now, the lingering smell in the room making more sense. Truthfully, he had not paid much attention to it at first. It was Remus' room, it was subject to strange smells, and generally, it was better to not ask questions. By now the other Sides had learned to tune it out. Now, however, was not the time to dwell on that.
"Well," Patton said, "let's get you cleaned up!"
Some time later, as Patton had finally gotten the freshly-bathed toddler in a pull-up and t-shirt, and the washing machine running, he felt the ever-so-familiar tug of someone, likely Thomas, summoning him. So, Remus on his hip, he sank down.
"Oh! Logan! Did you need me for something?" Patton asked, surprised to see that it hadn't been Thomas who summoned him.
"I…" Logan started, his words drying on his tongue as he processed the fact that Patton was holding what appeared to be a toddler.
"Is that… Is that Remus?"
"…Why is he a toddler?"
"No clue! So what's up?" Patton asked.
"Right, well, Thomas is experiencing a sort of… emotional crisis, and that's not exactly my area of expertise. I figured you would be able to help," Logan explained, gesturing to the host, still hunched over the desk, hiding behind his hands.
"Huh, okay," Patton frowned a little before walking to Thomas.
"Hey, buddy…" he started, gently laying a hand on his host's back. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing, just…" Thomas trailed off, taking a breath and rubbing his face before turning to look at Patton. His eyes were a little shiny, and he seemed exhausted. His brows furrowed in confusion once his brain registered the toddler Patton was holding.
"Remus," Patton explained.
"I don't know either, I just found him like this."
…How small is he?" Logan asked, furrowing his brows as well as he thought.
"Can't be older than two, I don't think. Poor guy had wet the bed, so we had a bit of a bath, and got some lotion on that nasty rash," Patton explained, gently moving Remus' legs a little so the other two could see how red and raw they were.
"Is… Is that why I…" Thomas trailed off, too embarrassed to say it outloud.
"Of course!" Logan suddenly explained, smacking his forehead as the realisation dawned on him.
"Remus' regression must've had a side effect in affecting you, Thomas!"
"A *Side* effect? Eh?" Patton grinned.
"…Yes? I'm not sure what you're implying here, Patton."
"It's- It's a pun, just ignore it," Thomas shook his head a bit.
"…Anyway, we can't leave a two-year-old on his own. I trust you'd be willing to care for him until we figure out a way to get him back to his adult self, Patton?" Logan said, raising his eyebrow slightly.
"Oh! Uh… Of course!" Patton tried his best to conceal his surprise, quickly regaining his composure and giving Logan a grin. Taking care of Remus couldn't be *that* hard!
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I know this is just from the Potato Sack ARG so it's probably in no way canon but the very thought of this is sending me
Quick explanation for those who don't know: the Potato Sack ARG was a celebration upon the release of Portal 2 (hence the potato) where a bunch of easter eggs were added to a bunch of different Steam games that you could then decode and put into a website to get an early release of Portal 2. Amnesia the Dark Descent got 2 major pieces of the ARG's puzzle added to it for the event (and also released the Justine expansion and Remember short story collection), and here is one of them.
This is Elise Zimmermann leaving a phonograph message to Daniel. Read the pure beauty that is her tirade to the man who murdered her before I start dissecting it to point out my favorite parts. (I should let everyone know now I don't know how to add a Keep Reading so I'm very sorry for the length)
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I lost my mind reading this the first time, I don't know how to explain how excited this made me
Let's dive into it, shall we?
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We start off with Elise laying down the law, as she of course should. Gotta make sure Daniel understands where he stands as a person (Unfortunately, this is being said to New Daniel who hasn't even gone to Storage yet, so he has no idea what she's talking about). But even still....
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Not "you monster." Not "you murderer." Not "inhuman" or "evil" or any number of words that would perfectly fit to describe Daniel. No, it's just "you selfish old boy." This is probably my favorite part of the whole thing
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Now THIS is important. Elise would be totally within her rights to want vengeance upon this man, to want to see him die or see horrible things happen to him. But instead, she offers him redemption. Instead of taking the easy gratification of watching him get killed the way she was or something, she wants Daniel to really pay for what he's done. She wants to see him go through the hard work of atoning for his actions, which is not an easy thing to do!! She wants to see him
a. Fully understand and accept responsibility for what he's done
b. Feel guilt for doing a terrible thing (but not such crushing guilt that he erases himself just to not feel it anymore, that's just selfishness all over again)
c. Put in the effort and the work to pay for this thing, to truly balance the scales of justice and do something that will make it right
d. And then come out of this actually having become a better person
Elise is the REALEST!! How many times do you see this in real life or in fiction?? Not many!! Usually swift revenge is what people want the most, but LOOK at how wise this kid is!! It's more satisfying for her, more punishing for him, and has the added benefit of actually improving a person so they won't do this kind of thing again!! I cannot describe how much I love Elise Zimmermann
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Now we're into the ARG stuff (the first letter to the answers of each of these spelled out the clue you were supposed to put into the website) but I still got a lot of enjoyment out of this. To me, this reads as... well, I have to explain a little
What I got from this (and it was sort of an inkling of an idea I already had that was affirmed by this) is that Elise's ghost is following Daniel around the castle. I mean, the Shadow, Alexander, the Gatherers, none of them can make doors blow open, lights go out, and books fly off the shelves by themselves. Those are all distinctly ghostly things to have happen. Not to mention the way the flame bursts to life seemingly of its own accord over the spot where Elise died. That was the one that really got me thinking about it. Who would care so much about Daniel seeing and understanding what had happened there? Probably the girl who had been murdered.
But now getting back to Elise's phonograph message. To me, this reads as Elise, having followed Daniel around this castle, is also reading all the notes Daniel finds over his shoulder. Much like New Daniel, Elise can't make heads or tails of a lot of the information he's finding. So to me it sort of feels like Elise is saying, "From the bits and pieces of your life I've been able to put together I'm very confused, please explain it to me, I'm invested now." Daniel's life is sort of like a soap opera for her to watch (honestly Daniel's life is a soap opera for New Daniel to watch too)
(Can you imagine her reaction to the drama of Alexander locking Daniel out of the Inner Sanctum though, right after he'd killed Elise?? She'd be like, "OHHHH THE TEA IS HOT!!!" )
(Also I love how offended she is that Daniel laughed when she mentioned Gabriel. My brother and I actually joked about this while making Elise in Miitopia, I will add that at the very end if you're interested in seeing it) (She's also quite offended that Daniel knows Gabriel at all which I also love)
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This is my other very favorite part in the whole thing. She's fed up with Daniel's low sanity shenanigans, come on man the girl just wants her answers
And then I can only imagine this next part goes something like
Elise: "Where did you leave your sister?"
New Daniel: "I have a sister???"
Elise, completely done with him: "Daniel, you are going mad!! Go home, call on her, ask her name, and let her bring you home to England."
I feel like Elise is just thinking that Daniel's a complete idiot, which he is. I also love that we go from Daniel needing to redeem himself to Daniel just needing to go home and take care of his sister to Daniel needing to be taken care of by his sister. Her faith in his abilities is steadily decreasing.
Elise: Daniel, just go home and take care of your sister, okay? Can you manage that much?
Daniel: Who...?
Elise: Never mind, go home and let your sister take care of you
(I do love that Elise wants to see Daniel get to go home and just be happy with Hazel though)
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This ending is just to let you know what the puzzle is, but there you have it!! Elise's message to Daniel which is almost definitely not canon but in tandem with Waiting for the Rain made Elise my favorite character in the game besides Daniel. I love the thought of a sassy, judgy ghost child following the man who murdered her around the castle, seeing him wipe his memory and stumble terrified and confused through this nightmare of his own creation, and just realizing,
"Oh no"
"He's stupid"
And as she realizes he has no memory, this means he actually has a better shot at redemption than his former self ever would have 'cause he might not be as incredibly selfish (it probably doesn't hurt that in some of Daniel's low sanity ramblings in-game he doesn't realize that Elise's voice that he keeps hearing is a flashback, he thinks he's hearing a real little girl right now and is trying to find her and save her from whoever's chasing her)
"Okay Daniel, I'll allow you to redeem yourself, but only if you're not stupid"
Speaking of Waiting for the Rain, I just want to say real quick that reading that story was an emotional gutpunch for me for several obvious reasons, but one less obvious one was how much Elise and Daniel struck me as being alike. Their childhoods, their personalities, their want to escape their constrictive lives....The whole time I was reading it I just kept thinking, "No Daniel no!!" because the parallels between them are so strong, I couldn't help thinking if they'd met each other in a different situation they would've been really good friends. You can probably see where I'm going with this lol. This is clearly far from the ideal situation, and Daniel doesn't know Elise is following him through the castle, but if he did, like in the Potato Sack ARG, I think that'd be a pretty great dynamic to see for them, strange and wrong as it is to say
So there is my take on Daniel and Elise for this all but nonexistent fandom nowadays to do as they please with. Disaster ghost child realizes her murderer is functionally a new person and an idiot so decides to help him as best she can (while also still constantly insulting and scaring him at every opportunity).
Bonus: If anyone is interested in hearing Elise's voice actress deliver this I did eventually manage to find a video of it!!
Bonus bonus (just our dumb joke while trying to pick Elise's eyes):
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When the guy chasing you laughs when you mention Gabriel
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When he pulls out a knife
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that-1-url · 5 months
my thoughts on the pjo tv show (spoilers for episode 8) pt 2
6. speaking of VFX, why. They took the time to animate Grover's legs (something mostly unnecessary due to the fact that he wears jeans, fake feet and a hat to hide his goat-ness) in favor of other small things such as Ares' eyes, or Zeus' "flashy" exit from the throne room, or the throne room in general, or the size of the gods (something that could be done with practical effects). 7. Percy's ADHD. It just simply wasn't there. I don't have the authority to speak on the dyslexia side of things, but it felt like they replaced Percy's ADHD with some sort of hallucination-like thing that everyone around him gaslit him into thinking he had. It felt very odd and jarring at times, and while similar events happen in the books, all of the adults around him seemed very determined to like, hospitalize him or something. (This is no hate towards anyone who has visual hallucinations, it just felt like a very weird and slightly ableist (?) approach to the matter that really didn't do either ADHD nor hallucinations any real justice in terms of how it was) [i can't word this correctly i'm sorry] 8. The timeline. They had Grover throw Percy under the bus (for literally no reason) and then immediately whisk him off to montauk in the middle of the school year. (in the books it feels more natural because its at the end of the school term. which apparently it's the summer in the show? but the whole thing is really confusing). It was even more confusing when they show Sally returning because first he goes to montauk in his dream and then she's suddenly there when he wakes up and it begins at the end of the summer i guess?? Not to mention the whole weird portal thing with Luke. He didn't even mention his quest or why he felt personally betrayed by the gods. Just that he hated them because he hated feeling weak? Also Hermes and Hephaestus' appearances didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I feel like the way they escape the casino didn't need to be changed, and in changing it they took away some of Percy's insecurity because in the book he's like "wow I'm having fun with annabeth and grover to find-? who? my mom! how could i forget my mom? something's up". Another quick thing I'm taking on the end is Annabeth getting left behind in the Fields of Asphodel didn't make any sense to me. 9. Annabeth and Grover randomly giving Percy their stuff? It didn't make a lot of sense and was never explained. 10. Percy's main focus at CHB being less of "I want my mom back and I want my dad to pay child support" and more of "so if i do something cool my dad will notice? hmm" felt very odd and out of character. 11. This is less of a critique and more of just a whiny complaint but the series could've been set in 2005 and wasn't. 12. I understand that the show was never going to be a shot-by-shot retelling of the books and i never expected that, but the way they cut out/added scenes felt very erratic and was heavily dependent on the audience already being familiar with the material that I guess we were supposed to fill in the gaps ourselves? and a lot of people have been like "Rick's improving on the story!" and while there were some add-ins I enjoyed, I feel like they cut or changed too many important scenes to really keep the main idea of both the plot and characters. Time for stuff I liked! 1. Dionysus tricking Percy so he would get him a drink was fucking hilarious. 2. Luke's voiceover before Percy fighting Ares being a parallel with Percy's "Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood"? Poetic cinema. 3. Percy pushing Grover and Annabeth through the door at the Arch. Excessive personal loyalty anyone?
4. Grover and Annabeth dunking Percy in the fountain to heal his shoulder was really funny. Truely teenage dumbassery at its finest 5. I didn't like how there wasn't the lightning bolt that threw them off the road at the beginning, but I will give the scene points for looking scarily similar to how I pictured it in my head. 6. The raw quote from Poseidon in the throne room "Obedience does not come naturally to you, does it?" "No...sir." 7. AGE ACCURATE CASTING! This is something we all have been saying from the beginning, but I like acknowledging it again. :) 8. The layout of CHB. You can see just about everything from Half-Blood hill in the books and in the show it's all nice and spread out (as opposed to the Peter Johnson movies where you couldn't even see the next cabin over).
There's more things I have on both sides that I might think of and post about later, but for now that's all I've got. I really did try to approach the TV series with an open mind, but as a show altogether I didn't like it that much, and I really don't think it did The Lightning Thief justice. It's hard to adapt books to TV, but it is possible. I believe that if they had more than eight episodes it could've played out more smoothly, but there were just too many things that changed that didn't have to, and there was too many holes that were left because they cut out the wrong scenes. Kudos to everyone who worked hard on the show and I'm glad that other people enjoyed it. But please respect my opinion and if you have any point of discussion I'd be happy to talk about them with you in a polite, constructive way. Welcome new fans and hello again to old ones, go out and enjoy Percy Jackson and The Olympians, it's a great series (books and TV alike, even if i personally don't like the show)
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mrsmarymorstan · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Oh god, from ANY MEDIA EVER?! That's a lot! 28+ years worth of #Content to remember... I'm just gonna be totally random about it I think and this is not an actual ranking!!! Just who first springs to mind. I'll also try not to double up on franchises.
1) Misty (Pokémon) - She was The Girl One and also Not Like Other Girls! I was five, okay?
2) Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) The boy who set me down the path of Monster Hugging and Furrydom. If you want details my entire blog exists lol
3) Sir Gwaine (BBC Merlin) Baby's first Dose of Heteronomativity! Plus he helped introduce me to amazing crack ships and made me laugh and broke my heart!
4) Jadzia Dax (Star Trek DS9) - She's just SO COOL! She's semi-immortal, is both an expert on gender and doesn't believe in it, is canonically queer, snarky AF, knows all about Klignons, is very pretty, and does THE SCIENCE!!! Plus she marries Worf and I mean goals.
5) Grog Strongjaw (Critical Role) - He is the definition of Positive Masculinity. An Aromantic King. My precious Baby Boy who could rip me in half if he wanted to but wouldn't. The man who makes me laugh and makes me cry. I miss him so much, I just want more Grog in my life when will he return from the war Matthew???
6) Uncle Newt (John Finnemore's Souvenir Program S9) - A Canonical Asexual Icon, breaking and healing my heart all at once, hell yes to historical queers and elder queers helping to raise baby queers and the found family trope and LOOK JUST LISTEN TO SERIES 9 OKAY?! (They don't use the WORD Asexual but that's because Newt wouldn't KNOW that word but everything about him and his character descriptions and his arc SCREAMS Asexual)
7) Kanade Miyako (Twinkle Stars) - Takaya-sensei made a character so relateable to me I just sat there and cried the whole time. The Academic burn out? The pressure to conform to expectations? Not knowing what to do with your life? Seeing the way she had the narrative treat him as a guide to myself to just take care and take things one step at a time? That it doesn't matter what others say, taking baby steps to heal yourself important and you shouldn't dismiss that. URGH. TAKAYA-SENSEI!!! WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?!
8) Stephanie Brown (DC Comics) - Purple Clad Icon who tries her hardest and doesn't always succeed but DAMN IT if she isn't gonna crawl back on her feet again no matter what!!! Every single shitty thing a male writer can do to a female character has been done to her, and she's STILL STANDING!!! I will defend her to my last breath.
9) Mary Morstan (Sherlock Holmes) Very few adaptions ever do my girl justice and it's SO FRUSTRATING!!! But god I love her. I love how she's so strong not in a badass Hashtag No Fear way but in the way she is terrified and scared and still goes forward anyway! She's also snarky and loves to tease her husband (and his boyfriend) and I just wish more adaptations understood her! I think the best version of her I've seen is the Ritchie Verse version? More like that please!
10) Gilbert (Being Human) He was in it for one episode and is an absolute Icon. All those years and the only thing he had to do to find his door was to fall in love unironically? He just had to be honest with himself and his feelings. Also this:
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(I debated putting the Sarcastic Vicar here but decided upon Gilbert in the end 💜)
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achtung-attitude · 7 months
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CHAPTER 85: Throw Your Arms Around the World
A chilly wind blows through the muggy, smog-choked sky over Los Angeles, painted gray by thick silver clouds rolling in. Fall is coming.
Shizuka leans against a tree in Calvary Cemetery, a few yards away from a headstone that reads: ‘KILO STAPLES. Beloved Friend. A good man.’ A few rows down, stands the stone reading ‘MOYA PEZZENTE. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.’
Six days have passed since the fight on Mulholland Drive. T’onga awaits her trial in a small penitentiary. Shizuka has not gone to visit her, due to the contents of the letter smuggled into her blazer when she was being ‘held hostage’. While under medical care, she read the letter countless times. Now, against the tree in Calvary Cemetery, she reads it again.
This is the way it must be. The police could not know they were related. For all they knew, T’onga was no more than knife-wielding maniac, and Shizuka the innocent hostage she had threatened. This is what T’onga herself wanted. Shziuka knows this, but still hates it. For the hundredth time, she reads her mother’s small writing.
M̶y̶ ̶d̶e̶a̶r̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶A̶e̶-̶j̶e̶o̶n̶    
D̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶A̶e̶
First off, sorry for springing this on you. I already know. ae-jeong is just the name i gave you. doesn’t mean it's the one you want. If you don’t want it, discard it. live how you want.
While I'm at it, sore REALLY SORRY about what i’m about to do. holding you hostage, I mean. it has to look real for the cops, so can’t tell you (should have apologized for that first. sorry)
As for why, i already told you i don't want you to live the same way i did. thats why All-kill had to die. That's why i have to do what I'm gonna do. without this show, the two of us will be nothing but a pair of creeps looting the ruins. But with this, you’re just an innocent bystander. This way, you can still have a future. I wont take that away from you.
But again, I already know what this will seem like. Another abandonment. for real this time. no excuses.
This’ll sound like a bad joke, but I have faith in the justice system. They can’t prove I killed anyone, but can pin me with threatening with a deadly weapon. That’s a life sentence. But with a decent lawyer and some money I have saved up, I can bump that down to at least 14 years.
I'll serve that time quietly. Eventually they’ll let me out. early, if I'm very well behaved. Then if you’ll have me, I will come back to you.
I want to see Upstate. the Finger Lakes. 
This is NOT goodbye.
Your loving mother,
Kim T’onga
PS. i almost forgot. Kim is spelled 김, but if you prefer, you can go with Yeoh: 영. Your choice.
At the final line, Shizuka softly smiles. She folds the paper until it's small enough to once again be stowed away in her blazer, alongside the silver disc. The disc of LONELY BOY and SATURN BARZ, and whatever else came before. Sensing someone approach, she looks to see Jerome approaching her.
“You OK, girl?” he asks.
“I’m fine,” is her answer as she stands. “What about you?”
“Me? Ay, don’t worry ‘bout me…” The rapper looks sombrely towards the graves. “It’s good. He woulda liked it this way. Buried next to Moya… He never woulda let on, but I think they was best friends…”
With a frown, Shizuka exclaims, “Eh?”
Jerome responds in kind. “Eh?”
“...What do you mean?”
“...What you mean ‘what do I mean?’”
The girl cocks her head, fixing the rapper with her gaze. “You were Kilo’s best friend. Duh.”
“Me…?” Jerome exclaims. “Me, huh…? Nah… I don’t think so. But fuck it… I was close enough. That’s good enough for me.” He smiles at her, and she smiles back at him. “You got your ticket?”
Producing a plane ticket from her blazer pocket, Shizuka answers, “All booked. It’s time I went home. Vacations are lots of fun, but… they have to end sometime.”
Nodding, the rapper offers, “Sure you don’t want a ride or nothin’? I can hook you up. Shit, I’d take you myself.”
“Jerome, you’ve already done so much for me. I feel so lucky to have met you. You don’t need to do anything more, the Speedwagon Foundation is sending someone to pick me up.”
“Pleasure was all mine! Oh… Uh, speaking of the Speedwagon Foundation… Would you mind keepin’ a secret for me? Thing is, I… I been keepin’ a record of’ all this. Like, in journals and stuff…”
Shizuka is surprised. “Oh, wow. Really?”
“Yeah… But, like, not for anything bad! I ain’t tryin’ get no one in trouble, I just… Just, can you imagine the type o’ music I can with this kind of material?! It’ll be off the chain! A secret supernatural war in the heart of LA! Shiet, it’ll be my best ever! Like, fuck Platinum, I bet I could reach Diamond! 10 million units! It… It’d be a bummer to have it seized, you know…”
Shizuka laughs, wearing a mischievous grin. “Hahaha~! I’ll consider it… but you gotta make me a promise: the MOMENT the album’s finished, I want a copy. I wanna be the first girl in America to hear it.”
C-King’s gold teeth flash. “Was gonna do that anyway. Anything for my number one fan.”
A shiny black car pulls up on the nearby path as the pair embrace. “Don’t forget about me when you get back home,” whispers Jerome.
Shizuka answers, “I’ll never forget you. I’ll never forget any of this.”
Two men in suits emerge from the car and approach them. They present cards bearing the stamp of the Speedwagon Foundation, at which Shizuka nods and follows them to their car. Leaning out of the door frame, she beams a gleaming smile at Jerome and waves eagerly. He waves right back, with as much vigor. They continue waving even as the car pulls away, Shizuka leaning out of the backseat window until she finally loses sight of him. 
Slipping back inside the vehicle, she places her hand over heart, feeling the outline of T’onga’s letter in her inner pocket with a small smile. Grinning deeper, she then touches the spot where the Stand disc is not.
In the cemetery, Jerome Adetokunbo, known to the world as C-King, abruptly notices the feeling of something round and flat in his front hoodie pouch. Reaching inside, he grins to discover the silver Stand disc in his hand. “When’d she do it?” he wonders. “When we was huggin’...? Damn…” 
Glancing around, he stows the disc back away and strolls toward the cemetery exit. Back to LA. His city. He hums under his breath, and there’s a spring in his step. Autumn wind brings blessed relief to the sun-baked town.
The Speedwagon agents’ car bypasses the constant traffic on the main highway, instead rolling smoothly down the streets of East LA. On its way, they pass by a dilapidated old building, graffiti covering the sign over the double doors that reads “Juarez Boxing and Fitness.”
Leaving East LA, they pass into Lynwood, whereupon they’re stopped by a collision on the freeway, and the delays it causes. Typical Los Angeles. From Lynwood, if you were to look south down Long Beach Blvd. and squint, you can see as far as East Compton.
In the end, it takes them 57 minutes to reach LAX, thanks to further delays at the toll road, up there on the tall suspended freeway writhing over the city streets like giant snakes. From up there, Venice Beach can be seen in the northwest, and Santa Monica beyond that. Head east, you soon find yourself in Beverly Hills. Continue east, and the Hollywood sign shows its face.
In these hills, a general blissful ignorance lives among the people, attempting to fill their days with as much excitement and purpose as possible. Every so often, they look downward to see the sweepings of the street, and every so often, they leave behind a token of charity. A single dollar for an old man. If only for the sake of soothing a guilty conscience. Yet a dollar is a dollar.
It takes another thirty minutes before Shizuka is finally on a plane. The captain mumbles some incoherent message, and the aircraft rumbles up the runway. Soon, it soars into the air and banks left. Shizuka gazes out of the window and sees the metropolis laid out before her. Her gaze lingers on the great, dirty city, until she smiles and settles into her seat.
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im so sorry for the unrelated ramble, but it's actually so helpful for me to type this out, it helps with understanding what my own theories even are when i write other stuff... so thank you!!! please do keep rambling unrelatedly; it's really enjoyable to read. (i say while simultaneously being worried my own rambles are too unrelated/ramble-y or that i'm somehow violating tumblr etiquette by sending such long anon asks. *sighs*)
inspiration did not vibe with me for it BUT another is in the works and is actually shaping up to be a Slap so stay tuned!!! it is a slap :)
personally, i don't believe that that would remove any agency from metatron (same as aziraphale who, for all of his questionable decisions, to my mind hasn't lacked agency) the thing with aziraphale is that he makes decisions - their questionableness aside - based on what he personally believes is right. that's influenced by how he interprets the great/ineffable plan but in the end his own morals win through regardless of how much he might later worry. whereas the metatron is acting fully in accordance with what he thinks the plan is so to allow a bit more room for free will i think he needs to have the end goal set by the plan but use his own judgement how that should be accomplished rather than having a full list of instructions in his head, even if it's imagined. and then his own desires play into that by him using said own judgement to determine that clearly the best way to carry out the plan is by him having absolute power in heaven. like, i'd prefer him to decide that what he did must have been good since he's a) the metatron b) doing it in order to stabilise heaven/bring about armageddon/launch the second coming/etc? not sure i'm articulating this terribly well. and anyway i may just be nitpicking. but that's where i see the difference between him and aziraphale.
would be javert from les misérables. the law is created, in his eyes, to uphold justice (good); when that law is broken, he is compelled to mete out that justice (also good). it's not a perfect analogy perfect maybe not but pretty good. i'd say the metatron's a bit more self serving but since he works for actual god he can also be more deluded about what he's doing. after all. he's a divine instrument. the voice of god. how can anything he does be wrong? if he takes power in the course of carrying out god's plan then that must be part of the plan even if it's not been explicitly written anywhere.
i did some writing around shax a couple of days ago, so in hand with that I'll think on your points a little more, they're excellent ones!!! thanks! meanwhile i'll think about your excellent points about shax and approach connecting the two from the other side. hopefully we might actually meet in the middle and be able to scrap together half a whole clue lol.
i did a little bit of speculation around the BOL and saraqael, especially in relation to the trial scene, a while ago - it's probably in my #book of life and #saraqael meta tags, if you wanted a peruse!!! but the batshit thought essentially was: what saraqael has access to, in that scene, was the BOL, and she operates it on behalf of metatron... and did during the fall, too. i did read it but i'm kinda forgetting the details now so i'll have another look. saraqael is very intriguing and i can't decide whether they're secretly working directly for the metatron or have their own personal secret agenda that's not aligned with heaven - or both. especially if the former were true i don't think it's actually such a batshit thought that they might be the one to operate the book of life? also if we look at the stuff that's happened in canon i'm not sure any of our theories have yet been near unhinged enough. would that mean though that gabriel would have fallen if his punishment had been carried out and that heaven doesn't know how the book works, that the book is multipurpose or that the book was used in conjunction with whatever was done to make the fallen fall? tbh i still haven't even figured out whether gabriel lost his memory because he removed it into the fly or whether the fly was just backup and he lost it because saraqael carried out the wipe. *head in hands* i hate the book of life.
i just find them way more interesting and compelling in a character than the good ones!!! very true that. there's a lot more to say about the 'mostly' than the 'good person' part of 'well he's mostly a good person' isn't there? also phew glad that didn't come across wrong.
and just to clarify - it wasn't my mum, unfortunately!!! ack! my bad. oh well then i guess i just hijacked someone else's mum's theory.
hope that's okay!!! it's great! long winded 'scribble pad' rambles make for excellent reading imo.
however, i think that removes, as we've batted back and forth already and in the bit above, a little bit of agency on AWCW's part. i don't think AWCW chose to fall, of course, but i do think that he asked questions/made decisions, and followed through on them/stood by them, that resulted in his becoming a demon, regardless of whether he fell or was pushed yeah you might be right. takes away too much accountability perhaps? i don't think he was precisely at fault, at least not much, but he was responsible in a way he seems to struggle to face. i've discussed why i think he does and i do greatly empathise with him for that but it's still an issue so taking that away might get a bit too. hmm. characterisation retconny?
so i think that's where, personally, i simply do think that he just didn't get any answers at all this. however writing out that bit in my 'what if he fought for heaven' speculation has made me wonder if that might not also apply for the questions. if they felt so threatened by the questioning that he had to fall for it would he really be allowed to remember what it was he asked? seems like leaving a loose end lying around to me and i don't see heaven doing that. he might not have gotten any answers but if they let him keep the questions there's no guarantee he won't eventually deduce the approximate shape of the answer - looking where the furniture isn't - from whatever knowledge he does have, whatever knowledge he doesn't plus the metatron's/archangels' reaction(s) back when he first started asking. i think the questions alone without any answers could still be more than risky enough to warrant wiping them from his mind. just in case.
because the idea that he could have been scapegoated by his own 'friends' still stands, imo yeah that's pretty much compatible with any theory. also an extremely painful thought. (*points again at that one liked by neil post about what happened to make crowley stop being friends with the other fallen to make it even worse*) as i've said before i feel like something like this could very well be why crowley feels the need to externalise all blame and responsibility for his own fall. because if he's being blamed for inciting the rebellion - it'd hurt more if his supposed friends did it but the concept still applies if it was heaven doing the scapegoating, in my mind - he's not just responsible for everyone else's fall too but for the very concept and existence of hell. yowch.
well, what if that was what was meant to happen to crowley??? same as muriel (we speculate), and same as gabriel, he was initially intended to fall but to a lower rank, with no memories, and instead he legged it? like gabriel did? immediately i can think of multiple reasons as to why i don't think this was the case, but... still interesting to think about. agreed that i don't think this happened: for one why would legging it lead to crowley becoming a demon? that being said also agreed that it's very interesting indeed. if we assume that this was always something heaven could do and not a new development then they would have had that option available to them for dealing with crowley and for some reason decided against it. why?
but let me begin with, pure hypothesis, a rough sequence of events re: the fall: my personal hypothesis would include that i don't think awcw fought - which makes me wonder whether he might have been doing something else relevant during the time - and that somewhere in the questions that led to him getting swept along by lucifer's gang were one or two that would have led to problems had they been answered that caused the metatron to single him out. beyond those expansions i wholeheartedly agree with what you've laid out. exact events of course subject to change depending on the practical aspects of falling but that doesn't really affect things much.
lucifer implicates AWCW for leading him astray, that he was the one asking questions, and now lucifer has been corrupted or something, idk, but metatron decides all of them need to go - and yet perhaps a particularly harsh punishment is in fact due for AWCW hmmm. so my first thought when i started going through your scapgoat tag was that it was heaven blaming crowley/making him blame himself. then you came and said it was the other rebels who were doing the blaming. so now i'm wondering whether it might not have been a joint effort? heaven and (not quite yet) hell collaborating to (attempt to) ruin someone's life would be very in keeping with the show after all. the rebels try to exonerate themselves by pinning the blame on awcw. the metatron needed to do something about him and his 'damn fool questions' with which he was endangering heaven anyway. this is not just the perfect excuse to eliminate him as a threat and the perfect way to ensure he won't realise what really happened. making him bear the weight of all of this is also an excellent way to punish him for going looking for answers the metatron doesn't want him to have. so when the rebels start trying to exonerate themselves the metatron jumps on the opportunity and it becomes an unoffical collaboration to assign to him and make him believe this narrative. maybe his questioning did kickstart it - but having now thought about it longer i'm not so sure it did. from what he says it sounds to me more like lucifer and co approached him when they had already gotten started likely because they knew about his questioning and so he'd go along with their cause - but i'm not sure it really matters anyway. even if he had been the first to question the war still wouldn't really be his doing and i don't think that's the primary motivation behind the metatron's or lucifer and co's behaviour towards him (if all this is actually what happened) and besides. what actually happened is, i would say, less important than what he believes to have happened. hence 'assigning' the narrative. it's not actually all his fault but between the memory wipe and what everyone else is suddenly claiming he ends up thinking that - due to a joint effort to blame/incriminate him from both of the sides.
so yeah, actually, perhaps it is only crowley that doesnt fully remember heaven? that was his own personal punishment, to not remember parts of his time in heaven/the fall? well i think it's pretty obvious by now that i favour this theory lol. i get major 'this is personal' vibes from the metatron towards crowley in the final fifteen which leads me to believe awcw was somehow for some reason singled out by him. so it would make sense to me if he was also singled out in terms of having his memory wiped especially since we don't seem to get any indicators that other demons can't remember. i think it might be as much a security measure as a punishment. both in terms of erasing whatever he was asking that was coming too close to some secret or other and in terms of hopefully he'll be burned so badly he won't question things ever again and heaven's/metatron's secrets are safe. (aside: and as a punishment it's truly horrifying if you think about it. especially since - going from the whole 'i know' conversation with gabriel - he knows that stuff was taken from him and he's hurt himself in the process of remembering and he knows he's still missing things but he doesn't know how much he's missing or how significant those things might be.) hang on. the line that just keeps on giving: if it happens twice it's an institutional problem. there can only be one demon who warranted extra punishment and/or extra precautions because otherwise there's a deeper issue which there isn't? (you know after all this there better be some kind of twist or backstory to the fall. can you imagine if we'd spent all this time theorising only for it to turn out that there was in fact nothing more to it? i'd be so frustrated lol.)
the thing is... in leviticus, there were two goats - sacrificial goat, and the scapegoat. so this is where, i - in equal conviction which is, to say, shaky at best - also personally hold the thought that AWCW might never have been the scapegoat, and instead aziraphale* potentially was - leaving AWCW to be the sacrificial. on the one hand yes on the other hand not really sure how that would work. like i can follow the allegory but i'm not sure how that would map onto the story? i am very fond of the idea of juxtaposing aziraphale and crowley - wait a moment. absolutely wild thought bear with me. so if we go with awcw fought for heaven for a moment again, what if aziraphale fought for hell but then he doesn't fall and instead awcw does? do i think this has any chance of having been what happened? no. do i know where i'm going with this? certainly not. did i need to have said it regardless? yes.
and the fact he wears his on his opposite hand to the others, and constantly covers it, feels very indicative of some unseen backstory sign me up for mysterious unseen backstories! but archangel aziraphale really doesn't sit right with me. i'm sure i could go looking for proper points to make if you want but it just feels wrong to me somehow.
it also feels that him being on earth is an ostracism, a roundabout punishment by way of being cast out but not falling... possible. the higher-ranked angels, the ones who'd be assigning posts, don't seem to think much of earth. (neither do the demons for that matter. although that's neither here nor there for this particular point it might be of interest to be examined separately on a different occasion.) i'd probably have said it was the other way around though: the ostracism came as a consequence of his time on earth and the morals and behaviours he developed there - the former causing him to withdraw from the other angels and the latter leading to the other angels shunning/looking down on him - as well as the inherent isolation of the post in a system that seems to be geared towards isolating its angel from each other already anyway.
so what other reason could it have been? well, the only plausible reason i can think of is that it's because he didn't smite crawley when given the opportunity on the wall hmm. maybe the whole not smiting bit orrrrrr he did say he was 'technically on apple tree duty'. maybe we just need to bend scripture a bit so that he was meant to be guarding the tree after all? if he gave away his sword immediately upon arrival how would crowley have seen it? but now that you mention it that's actually a very good question because it wasn't the sword.
others have debated whether or not it was aziraphale telling AWCW about the stars that led to AWCW's fall, and perhaps in point of fact it was... this to me is a character note and not a plot one. no one else would have known and awcw would have ended up asking questions eventually anyway so it has next to no bearing on the sequence of events. characterisation though. how likely is it that aziraphale still feels guilty for the role he sees himself as having played in crowley's fall? because that could inform quite strongly indeed on what we see in modern times.
i realise how ridiculous it all sounds i don't think it does though? the allegorical/metaphorical principles of the idea seem solid if you ask me. just need to find a way to translate it into the narrative.
a final remark: i saw a gifset this morning pointing out all the times crowley addresses or calls on god. it seems an unusual thing for a demon to do and i thought it was just a characterisation thing. but being reminded of it while i was working on fall theories has got me thinking: what if this does somehow connect to the circumstances of his fall? i don't know how and it didn't really fit into any of the rest of this analysis but it's a thought and one that wasn't really letting me go so here it is. maybe you'll be able to do more with it. 🦭
🦭 anon my darling, hello again!!!💕 not at all bothered by long asks, me - i do sometimes however have to find the right mood to be able to respond to them, so once again im sorry for how long it's taken me to get to this!!!✨
i think aziraphale makes decisions does sometimes come down to more than morality - on occasion, it seems to also come down to pragmatism, logic, and a little bit of 'all other options have failed' mentality. case in point for me is the antichrist; he is obviously against killing the child, doesn't want to do it, and tries to exhaust all other avenues before attempting to go through with it. crowley pressures him at the airfield, and because aziraphale's tried every other option he can think of, including trying to reach the almighty directly, i think this is where he succumbs to this being the last resort as he sees it. madame tracy comes in with her moral absolute - you can't just shoot children - and that's what stops the deed dead in its tracks... not aziraphale's sense of right and wrong. he eve initially n hesitates, "perhaps we should wait?", but crowley pushes, and his hand is essentially forced - he, at this point, doesn't see another option. nonetheless, it was his choice to do so, a choice he still will have had a moral stance on, and the potential consequences of which he has/would have had to sit with. yes, he was obviously under extraordinary pressure, but that doesn't necessarily absolve him of accountability.
this is where i wonder where the metatron's rationale will differ; does he have a developed moral identity, so to speak? or, because he is the voice of god (believing as the source of all good), and presumably knows no different, does he think that everything he does is good? he says he's ingested things in his time - suggesting he's been on earth - but has he been on earth long enough to have the same moral comprehension that aziraphale and crowley do? arguably, i think not. that being said, it doesn't mean that he doesnt have free will; more that his free will is to carry out what he considers to be the good, right thing - even if from crowley and aziraphale's, as well as the audience's, perspective, his deeds are considered morally wrong. he doesn't lack agency, but his agency - and moral identity - is, to my mind, woefully misinformed.
a key aspect of the metatron's personality, for me, is summed up in how he addresses muriel, calling them "dim". how far does he actually realise that this is - in fact - a horrible thing to say? how much are angels actually meant to feel - and therefore is there any concept that hurting someone's feelings is wrong? does he think that he's just being factual, because muriel presents as ingenuous and naive, and metatron considers that synonymous with a lack of intelligence? let me be clear - im not condoning this at all, but merely entertaining the possibility that being sequestered in heaven, with no exposure to humanity or moral complexity, leads you to believe that whatever variables you've been exposed to forms your entire sense of self, of thinking, and thereby forms an unconsciously biased moral code. you still act according to that code - exhibiting your agency (ie. metatron is not being controlled or heavily manipulated by someone else) - but who has been around to teach him a different way? god, by all accounts, certainly hasnt.
(this makes me sound like a metatron apologist which... yikes. but also - if the above is the 'correct' way to think about it... maybe? idk)
moving onto the BOL, and saraqael. so, i think the concept of falling might have been... reimagined since The fall. if we follow the theory i laid out in that post, and the ones that followed (here and here) (for anyone else that wants to read them!), saraqael has been operating it, and was set to make gabriel 'fall' by wiping his memory and demoting him to - what we could surmise - is a bottom-of-the-barrel rank. saraqael seems to have a fondness, or at least a more meaningful connection than we're led to believe - with muriel, which makes me think that saraqael might have been following the metatron's orders, but protecting those that 'fall' within her chain of command. maybe they even suggested it to the metatron, citing that losing more angels to hell is strategically ill-advised (especially if they're powerful or influential ones like gabriel). and they seem to have kept an eye on crowley, which makes me wonder how much they may have come to regret their part in the fall; again, development of moral complexity/identity. im fairly certain though that gabriel thwarted the process by transferring his memory into the fly; saraqael couldn't find him in 'the system', which makes me think that he essentially erased himself from the BOL, and therefore saraqael/metatron couldnt erase him themselves. so, not quite falling, and certainly not to hell, but inadvertently exploiting the loophole. BOL is one of my favourite mysteries in s2, i love it!!!💕
re: crowley, asking questions, and memory. now that i think on it more... idk if its about the question. if we follow that he was asking questions in the pre-fall scene about collaboration and "if i were the one running things", it sounds like AWCW was about to stage a coup, which... hm. i don't think that's the case. but take into consideration his cited associations with lucifer and the guys - that might be where they ended up going wrong. but for AWCW? i think it's the fact that his fall may have been in part because he was, simply put, asking questions. not the question itself, but that his conscience, his psyche, was questioning things generally. that he was developing free will, and essentially may have led others to do the same. he may have asked things like "what is the point?", or "why are we doing this?", but i think it's the fact that he's questioning anything in the first place that is the threat.
and the memory wipe of this makes sense, given how he presents on the wall - still very innocent, naive - because it would prevent him from upsetting the status quo... and yet, on the wall, he's still asking questions. his first thought at "go up there and make some trouble" is to tempt eve to knowledge, to free will. he's so intrinsically representative of free will, of choice (for good or bad), that the two things cannot be separated. so yeah, im now a bit hesitant as to whether it's to do with any specific knowledge crowley acquired, but more that he thought to ask for it in the first place - and got blamed for the whole sorry mess because of this. as for aziraphale prompting it all, with telling AWCW about the stars, completely agree - regardless, it is unlikely to have any major bearing on the plot as it currently stands, but still interesting to think that he may have been the one to directly influence AWCW towards free will - that what he told him, somewhat accidentally, literally birthed a major tenet of crowley's character and purpose in the narrative.
aziraphale and scapegoating: yeah, im with you on this - on reflection, im not convinced that he was scapegoated for anything during the fall. i do think he was involved (insert the ever evolving idea that aziraphale may have been an archangel (which i realise youve noted as not being one you jam with, fair!!!) and was the one to declare the war), but i think where aziraphale is going to come into play re: mirroring AWCW is with the second coming. there was a brilliant ask, from @crowleykinning, that i totally forgot about until recently - and this is where i think aziraphale might be posed as a scapegoat himself. im not sure on how i feel about aziraphale fighting for hell - but i do wonder, and spitballing Once Again here, that he may have tried to smuggle AWCW out of heaven... couldnt bring himself to cut AWCW down, and instead, like, smuggled him down the back stairwell to hell ("sauntered vaguely downwards"). idk - an errant thought, and possibly just one for fanfic. as for your point on the ostracism and punished by being sent to earth - yeah, possibly!!! idk, i guess i just like the poetry of aziraphale making his own vague, downwards saunter himself.
re "apple tree duty": bloody good point, forgot about that line!!!✨ and plus crowley knowing he had a sword to give away - absolutely spot on, another very good point. hmm... further thinking required, but yeah - think im arriving at the same conclusion of scripture not being followed as verbatim. but yeah, still don't think the demotion could have had anything to do with the sword - more likely to do with allowing the serpent in/allowing humanity to fall, and/or not smiting said serpent at first opportunity.
re crowley beseeching to god: i wrote a little silly thing on crowley and faith in god, which to me kind of sums it up, and i think it's one of the main clues that god may not have had anything to do with the fall. why would you pray to a god that did that to you? id personally think that crowley would be more bitter and resentful, but it seems like he still looks to god in moments of struggle, still incites her name when faced with losing aziraphale to heaven. i don't think he ever lost faith in her, despite how he comes across in the job minisode when he was much 'younger', and instead just wants to understand why she let it happen... possibly not realising that he may have been the first to follow her ineffable plan, not realising it at the time (or since)?✨
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taylorthrift · 1 year
Hi, SwiftiePride anon again, hope you're having a great Tuesday! I'm glad to be getting to know you. 😊 I'd love to hear more about some of your favorite songs on 1989 and folklore! What are some of the most meaningful lyrics to you? What are your top 5 (or 10 or 13 or whatever number you want haha) Taylor songs of all time? They don't need to be from those two albums. 😊 Have a good week!!!!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖
I am so sorry I haven't responded to this yet. It's been a very busy week for me which is 'new' to me having been in a deep depressive slump for 6 years.
I'm not sure you want an essay on this so i'll try not to be as BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH as I normally am!
I was tangentially a Taylor Swift fan pre 1989. I liked singles, sang along to them. When Red came out was when I really started to pay attention (the pop sounds are more my taste certainly) but it wasn't just the pop that got me it was the riveting storytelling. WANEGBT is such a fun romp of a music video-which leads me to 1989.
Shake it Off: I was in my 30s when Shake it Off came out and it was such a great time, watching it take over and be played EVERYWHERE. It was not just an earworm, but (along with the video) made Taylor into a fool for herself. She was so totally self effacing that it made everyone fall in love with her and the music. She recognized herself as a clown-and the media's obsession with her was the circus. I have a whole essay that I came to tumblr to write about initially about how as a result of learning how to do this myself my job title literally got to be "Rockstar" (I worked as an IT Director at a national non profit)
Welcome to New York: An underrated song of the experience of moving to new york (something I too had done in my early 20s)
Blank Space: A brilliant satire and feminist critique of the narrative the world had built around her. A banger to boot. (And more making fun of her self) For years this was my favorite Taylor Swift song.
Style: Probably the sexiest song I know. The lines alone don't do it justice, but the way she sings "He said what you heard is true but I, can't stop thinking about you, and I, I say i been there too a few times" Is some deeply passionate relatable real romance. This wasn't the fairytale romance of "love story" this was people with chemistry who keep trying other things and keep being drawn back to each other. This wasn't just sex, this was magnetism and the tone she incants with it is so evocative.
Clean: Catharsis. A song that relates to addiction of any kind. "so i punched a hole in the roof" was more powerful than the climax any show or series i'd watched or read. It breaks me every time. It is the perfect end to the album.
(weird coincidence time: Wonderland was what I called the world that my boyfriend and I had built together as a safe retreat from the world. I have always had an Alice in Wonderland obsession, i have a whole spot in my house filled with Alice dolls and books. I bought this house because it had a cool display cabinet built into the front hall. I joined this fandom (april 14th) after breaking up with my boyfriend (on april 8th a few hours before the rumors about taylor and joe breaking up reached me) and losing my 'Wonderland'...I did not know literally, honestly till april 20th of this year that Taylor had a Wonderland on 1989. And then-as i was reeling from this information-the next night Taylor did Wonderland as her secret song.)
Wait I think I have failed at not writing an essay somehow.
Folklore is ...really raw for me right now? I have trouble thinking about it or talking about it because so much of my relationship is bound up in me using those songs to communicate how i was feeling with my ex.
Mirrorball was our love song though. A sad tragedy of me always spinning for him-desperate to keep his attention. It's beautiful but it's a terrible fate to always be working for the attention of one person and they're not working to get yours.
... :(
which is i guess where Hoax comes in. he never cheated on me-just, had lots of other stuff going on and didn't have as much time for me as I had for him? I was everything to him by words-but by actions and where he spent his time and how he spent his time....it was a faithless love and i desperately was begging him for a reason to stay in the relationship.
and Peace: I am a tormented woman. I have incredible gifts and love and sincerity in abundance, but my depression takes and takes and takes. There is no happy ending with me-there is little comfort to be found. And I could give love forever and never love myself.
i um
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jeanvanjer · 2 years
simone's interview today...just ugh. i was gonna stick around for s3 kanthony but now i think i'm gonna stop following the show so closely and when the new season drops i'll just pirate it. i've been so repulsed by out by how the show treats its poc characters, especially the woc, like the sharmas and lady danbury. and in a meta way, simone as an actress did *a lot* of work in reinvigorating hype for s2 with casual viewers with rjp absent. that they couldn't even give her treatment befitting the heroine (which daphne got and penelope will too)—on-screen and off-screen—is so disrespectful to me.
this frivolous, silly show used to bring me a lot of joy despite its many problems, but i'm very over it rn. i know simone has said she's got some projects in the works and i can't wait for those to get announced so i can support them instead. she (and adjoa, charithra, shelley etc) deserve better. the show truly uses poc as lip service.
This was asked yesterday. Sorry anon for getting to this now!
I think after the immense success of S1 which was, really, due to RJP being Simon above all else, no one expected S2 to do that well?
Sure the books had a massive fan following but no one can deny that RJP is the first reason why Bridgerton became the success it did.
And Simone really doesn't get the credit she deserves. Shelley and CC are great actresses. really. but what really made S2 was Simone and JB and their chemistry. And while given less dialogue/monologues Simone does Kate such justice. Its the slight head tilts, the head shakes, eyebrow scrunches, the pleading with her eyes. Like maaaaaaam you have such an expressive face.
I don't think anyone, truly, would have done Kate justice like Simone did.
Like JB says, there was only one Kate.
I didn't miss RJP at all though having him there would have been nice. I don't think he wouldve taken away much from the main couple but would've provided better Bplot content than the Featherington plot.
The way the show treats its POC characters is really sad. The Queen is left to be this mockery, being hoodwinked by a little girl with a pen.
LD is nothing but everyone's fairy godmother, and even then her role in S2 was odd. Showing us a true relationship between her and Mary, their past and how she's still there for Mary when her own parents aren't would've done wonders for her character. It would've made her an actual character with substance rather than a prop for every consecutive couple.
Kate and Edwina both deserved better. And lets not forget Alice and Will.
There was a lot that couldve been done but wasn't.
Like you said, lip service.
Its one thing to not even think of it but to have the possibility of Kate's (and Marys and Ed's by extention) past and background existing but they cut it out is really the last straw.
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