#i told you i was gonna use this free reign for mischief...
purkinje-effect · 1 year
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Something something infectious merriment
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sukis-artchive · 8 months
@pbmonstaa Happy Halloween! (My drawing tablet broke, so I had to improvise with finger painting😭) I hope you like it!
(I was very happy that you said you liked cute fall outfits it was a lot of fun looking for inspiration!)
There's two versions:
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(It might be a bit hard to read, but in the second image the text behind Sun says "Happy Hallo Ween")
I didn't think this was enough, so i wrote you a little mischief/fluff of @castercassette 's cowboy au :3 (1,910 words)
"Holler 'cause ya don't need us"
"SON OF A GUN!" You holler from the back of a horse. You were in quite the predicament, as this wasn't your horse.
You hoped 'Heaven to Betsy' that this would be the last time you'll be strapped to the back of someone else's horse and dragged around the county. Specifically these guys' horse. As it gallops out of town, you can't help but try to struggle out of the rope.
"Shhh Darlin' this is all in good fun!" The inflection and twang in his voice quickly alerting you of who your abductors were, as if you weren't already sure.
"C'mon Poppet! I thought ya'd wanna spend more time with your bounties!" The other one said smugly.
"Like I'd wanna hang out with some low life, outlaw, shit grinned-" you started rattling off insults, still writhering in your lasso prison.
"Language Sugarcube!" Sun warbled happily. You groaned. Who woulda thought that a feared criminal would draw the line at swearing? These two were truly something else.
Moon finally seemed to notice your fruitless attempts of getting free. Your hands bound behind your back, making this escape essentially impossible. "Don'tcha ever give up hun'?"
Sun then cuts in "We're gonna return ya back to yer post in one piece, don't you worry 'bout a thing."
They had rangled you in a surprise attack, while you were walking in the middle of town. Your own town. You don't believe for second that your return will be anymore respectable, even with the promise of returning unharmed.
"You blitherin' buffoons! Lemme' down! I got a town to take care of!" You argue. Even walking back from this distance on your own two feet would be less embarrassing than them taking you home.
"Aww Sheriff, we just wanted to celebrate Hallows' with ya!" Sun exclaims, lamenting dramatically. Moon takes the reigns as they swap places on the horse. Sun is now infront of you, using his new spot to adjust your hat. He grabs your cheeks with one hand, pulling you in closer. "We'd love to celebrate with our favourite Sheriff! Dont'cha want a bit of a vacation? It's a holiday after all!"
"I'm the only Sheriff! And I dont want nothin' to do with yer 'celebrations'." You don't want to be an accessory to their shenanigans. Especially on Halloween. A night known for tricks and deceit, even among the sweet treats.
"Oh but we had such big plans for it! It's quite rude to not accept an invitation." He hums, finnicking with the ends of the rope. Tying a nice bow, over the knot that kept you restraint.
"Hey- stop that!" You grunt, still trying to get free.
"No-can-do pardner." Moon claimed.
It takes another hour to get to their destination. A deserted farmland filled with corn and hay. Great. Hopefully they don't dump you here to find your way back, after you told them to let you go. You were too busy arguing to pay attention to where you were headed. Though you were grateful that you were no longer getting jostled around. It was quite a bumpy ride, and you were still slightly dizzy at the newfound stillness.
Then you unceremoniously 'get the boot', as sun literally kicks you off the horse. Laughing all the while. Sure it's wasn't a hard kick, only enough force to push you off. But you hit the ground with a thud, and can't help but let out a yelp at the sudden impact. This was going to be a long night, if they keep their antics up.
"Motherfucker" You grumble to yourself.
"Gettup Nightingale. We've got a lot of stuff planned." Moon shouts into the field, proving you were alone. No deputy to save you now.
Sun scoops you up in his arms, and plops you down on your feet. Dusting off your vest, and readjusting your hat again.
"Wouldya just stop already?" You mutter loudly, they turn to stare at you. Moon walks towards you, bending down. Only to pick you up by the spurs of your boots, and dangling you upsidedown. You can't fathom why they find this so enjoyable. Sun snags your hat before it hits the ground, placing it atop his own.
"You better give that back vermin!" You snarl jokingly, there is no bite behind your bark. You knew they were just having some fun. Maybe loosening up would do you some good, you've been very stressed lately.
They seem to pick up on this, deciding to place you down. Nicely this time, and ask "Honeydew, there ain't no 'vermin' in sight?" Moon says cockily.
"I think you might wanna check the barn though!" Sun adds on, with a mischievous grin. Pointing to a rundown barn over the corn stalks. It looked depressing to say the least. Majority of the wood missing from the sides, what was left was discoloured and weathered. It's a miracle this thing is even standing. Definetly infested with some kind of vermin.
"If yer scared of a little rodent, you coulda just told me." You jested, making fun of them for 'running to their lil' ol' sheriff for help'. But you continue to follow, as they lead you towards the dilapidated barn. They seem to have decided wading right through the corn was their best option.... were they planning on getting you lost in the field?
"Where are we goin'?" You query, suspicious of the boys.
They both giggle, before Moon scoffed. "The barn, where else? You ain't the sharpest tool in the shed anymore, aren't ya Sheriff?" Sun continues his laughing fit. Before strangely dashing off, their cackling growing louder.
"What in tarnation-HEY GET BACK HERE! YOU STILL HAVE MY HAT!" You howled, jumping into the thick mass of shucks before you.
Your arms were still bound, yet the rope has loosened significantly. You sprint through the corn chasing their maniacal laughter. This goes on for 15 minutes, until you are surrounded by complete silence. Panting you frantically look around, starting to go in circles. You knew you shouldn't have humoured them!
"Shit" You hiss between gasping breaths.
"Language" a voice behind you sings, you turn to see suns face through the crops. "Aww shucks, you found me. A-maze-ing detective skills Sheriff" He continues laughing at the horrible puns. "You've got me smiling from ear to-" You tense, readying to pounce for your hat.
Moon leaps out, causing you to jump. You swear these bastards were going to be the death of you.
"Well well, look who's scared now? Shaking in your boots Sheriff? I thought ya didn't fear 'vermin'?" He drawled. "You look like yer soul has left yer body, just a husk now huh?" Oh not him too! Sun giggles.
"Oh I'm sure stalk-ing wasn't the best idea, we've terrified the mighty protector of Fazed Bear." Sun taunts.
"Stop with the puns ya unruly outlaws!" You fail to swipe your hat back. "Did you get us all lost or was that yer plan all along?"
They look to eachother, neither opting to answer. Instead they pull back some of the corn stalks, and the barn comes into view. You chased them all the way to the other side. These smart sons of bitches.
"Well I'll be darned." You murmured, now that you can see it closer you notice the faint orange light illuminating the inside. You stumbled out of the field, walking into the barn, the boys slinking in behind you.
It's sure not organized. Hay bales and pumpkins strewn haphazardly. But the warmth it fills you with is unremarkable, it's so cozy. Blankets are piled around, with jackolanterns acting as the only light source. Barrels of cider, filling the air with a delicious apple and cinnamon scent. You move to sit on one of the quilts.
"Do ya like it Darlin'?" Sun asks hopefully, though you don't miss the touch of nervousness in his breath. Moon placing a hand on his shoulder, as he fidgets with your hat.
"It's amazing boys." You gasp. They really wanted to just have fun with you. Maybe you can take a break. Just for tonight.
"Glad ya do sugar." Moon exclaimed turning to grab a nearby pumpkin. You soon realize the design carved into it looks like your face. Sun finally puts your hat down, perching it on top of the jackolantern.
You sigh, the only chance of you getting it back now is once the gord starts to rot.
You are finally set free from the lasso, as Sun unties it. Moon hands you a flask of the liquid gold, you take a swig. Through the corner of your eye you notice Sun holding what appears to be a clothing hanger, behind him. Then a realization hits you, oh no. OH NO. You are not sticking around for this. Almost wanting to, as the cider distraction actually tastes delightful. You immediately try to make a bolt for it, but Moon catches you by your shirt collar. Tugging you back, causing you to gag.
"Hol'up their pardner. We just wanna play a lil' game." He remarked, snickering at what was to come.
Once they were done with you, you could barely recognize yourself. A frilly dress was put on top of your regular clothes. And it fit like a glove. You had fought tooth and nail while they were getting it on you, and you were too exhausted to make an effort to tear it off. Oh well.
The dress made you look like Dorothy from the wizard of Oz. If only you had the red shoes to match. Ironically, you really wished you could just tap your heels and say you 'wish to go home' right now.
And just as you thought all hope was lost, you were scooped you again by one of the boys. Still screeching at them to put you down, after the way the first 'rodeo' had turned south. You nearly fell asleep during the ride to Fazed Bear. Only awaking fully once you were dropped into a water trough in the center of town. You knew some sort of shenanigans was coming, you shouldn't have let yourself fall asleep. Fucking outlaws.
"SHIT-" you yowl, as the cold water cascades around you.
"Language Sheriff, ya wouldn't want the towns kids pickin' up on that wouldya?" Moon remarks, Sun returning back to his giggle fit.
You reach up to fix your hat, which didnt feel right. Then you notice your pumpkin has been place in the middle of town square for all to see, adorning not only your trusty hat but also your badge. Huh, what's on your head? Oh shit, they put you in a fucking bonnet. How mortifying.
"Don'tcha think yall have gotten a lil' too gutsy lately? Waltzing straight into town?" You say soppily.
"Says the one who's goin' apple bobbin' in a horse trough. Sorry to disappoint Darlin' but yer not gonna find any apples in there." Sun chuckled.
You surprisingly grin. It grows, spreading from ear to ear. And a loud full belly laugh escapes your mouth. Your chest shakes with the effort. Aww your boys did all this just for you. Sure it was a bit much, and you could of done without all the tricks. But this Hallows eve has truly been a treat. You had completely forgotten about your duties, in favour of 'hanging out' with your favourite outlaws. Maybe you really did need a break from being Sheriff after all.
I hope you like it! Happy Halloween! (PS I love your art)
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thotsome · 3 years
Harry Potter x Fem!Reader
Summary: Harry's been on edge for too long and after dropping off the kids, he can't wait to have you all to himself again ;) minors DNI
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, oral sex (female receiving), being grown ass adults?? Having kids, The tiniest daddy kink. Definitely NSFW, FLUFFY ending <3
Word count: 2.1k
Requested by: here's the request, by @anyqueen008 I hope you like it! Sorry it took so long!
Tags: @brod16 and @swiftssss <3 ~ DM to be added! ~
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You wiped a tear off your eye as you said goodbye to the mischief makers who made up three-fourths of your life. You turned to the most important quarter as you waved to the kids. They were all so grown up, even though sometimes you didn't feel the same way about yourself and your husband, and certainly not your marriage. It was an extended honeymoon period all along. You loved it, and you were sure you would never stop feeling like this for Harry.
The smile he gave you as he waved to the three still made your stomach flip. He'd worn his auror robes, he had to go to work just after. You loved seeing him in those sexy robes, but you hated what came with it. Him going to work, risking his life, everyday.
You looked around at the station you'd known so well, ever since you were a little girl of 11. You smiled fondly at remembering how you'd met Harry at this very station. It really was a charm, station 9¾.
As you looked back at your husband, you caught him already staring at you and you blushed. The way he was biting his lip was very inticing. You'd have loved for him to have you at this very spot, but you both knew why you couldn't. Stupid ministry job.
Reign in the horny, y/n, you told yourself
"So... um, Harry, I'll see you tonight?"
What the bloody hell was wrong with you? You were his wife of almost twenty years and you'd just acted like a nervous fifteen year old.
Harry smirked at your nervousness. "See you too y/n" and gave you a passionate kiss goodbye that had you yearning for more. But you couldn't keep Harry any longer. You gave him a small smile and apparated to the house.
The house was so empty without the kids. You felt both relieved and sad. You loved having them here during the holidays but it gave you and Harry less alone time.
Well, atleast you could do what you wanted now. You decided to do something completely wild, something a mom could never do. You stripped off your dress and decided to spend the day in your underwear. No one to see you, and no one to take care of, except yourself.
You put on some music to pass the time, and decided to bake some cookies for Harry to surprise him when he came back. He really did love chocolate chip ones, you remembered, and smiled.
You moved your hips to the song blurting out of the radio and sang along while mixing the batter, not even noticing a sharp crack sound because you were too engrossed in trying to twerk and put the cookies inside the oven at the same time. Once you were done you set the timer to thirty minutes from now, and turned to exit the kitchen. Only you didn't.
Because there stood Harry, with a gigantic smirk on his handsome face.
"H-Harry!" You exclaimed.
Oh merlin, how long had he been standing there?
"What's the matter, dear? You look like you've been caught being naughty"
He still referenced something that happened in your school days ever so often, and you'd turn scarlet each time. You had had your hands down your pants when you were waiting for him in 7th year. But it was all his fault! He teased you so much.
And right now he was advancing slowly towards you. You needed to say something. You swallowed and finally said
"How come you're home? No work today?"
"Actually, I thought I needed to do something more important at home today"
You noticed how he put emphasis on the 'do'.
"And what may that be?"
"Something rather scantily dressed."
He had you pressed against the kitchen counter by now. He was so close to you, you wanted to reach out and touch his collar and pull him towards you and kiss him senseless. But before you could move, Harry had claimed your lips.
He was such a great kisser. It had surprised you that night in Hogwarts and it still did. He tasted so good. As his tongue glided over your lips, you opened your mouth and gave him access to yours.
You could feel Harry's member pressed against you, already hard. That, combined with how Harry's hands were teasing you, caused you to moan inside his mouth. Oh, how you'd missed this!
Harry moved his hands to your ass and cupped it, picking you up and setting you on the counter. You split your legs so Harry could stand as close to you as possible. You felt like your body was on fire. Merlin knows how he still had that effect on you.
Harry pulled away from the kiss with a cheeky grin. You didn't have time for that now, you needed him inside you.
"Harry, please" you moaned.
"Not yet, sweetheart" and saying that he slid down to his knees so that his face was level with your already wet cunt. You widened your eyes as you blushed. You hadn't been eaten out in so long.
Almost too eagerly, you spread your legs wider on the counter and Harry hooked them over his shoulder, making it easier for you. He really was the sweetest, you thought as you entangled your fingers in that wild, messy black hair you found so appealing.
But a jolt of pleasure brought you back to reality
Harry was rubbing your pussy through the thin material of your panties. He looked up at you and gave you a lopsided grin.
"Who could've guessed my prim, proper wife's cunt would still drip like this for me?"
"Harryyy" you moaned. You needed him to do more.
He pulled your panties down roughly at that and brought his lips closer to your waiting clit, teasing you and making you wetter by the second.
"You little slut, you're so wet. Such a good slut for me."
You could feel his breath on your clit. You nodded, trying to get him to give you what you needed so desperately. But he looked unsatisfied.
"Use your words, darling."
"Your slut, Harry. You make me so wet" you were barely able to choke out, since at hearing you say that, Harry had almost started attacking your pussy with his mouth. He swirled his tongue around your clit making it harder for you to breathe, and finally sucked it while you could only form half intelligible sentences.
But Harry liked it when you were verbal.
"Love, you're doing it so right... feeling so good.. ahh" was the best you could do.
When Harry pushed his tongue inside you, you let out a small scream. You panted and gasped as you gripped the counter's edge to keep yourself steady.
Harry kept muttering about how sweet you tasted and how he could eat you all day long as you moaned.
As Harry ate you out, you could feel the knot in your stomach growing and your knuckles turned white as you held onto the counter. You moaned Harry's name and said
"Harry, m' gonna cum"
Harry licked your labia one last time while toying with your clit with his thumb and pulled away to say "Then cum, y/n."
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you released with a moan all over Harry's face and blushed as you saw how sexy he looked like that. He licked you up to clean you, while you came down from your high, and sighed happily.
You realised your bra was still on, and it was hurting your hardened nipples. Your breasts felt so restricted. You took the bra off and your boobs spilled out, finally free and very full (as the result of three pregnancies). You weren't complaining though, Harry was totally a boob guy.
Harry looked up from your pussy and almost growled at seeing your perky breasts teasing him. He got up and took them in his hand to massage them as you moaned. He enveloped your mouth with his as he squeezed your boobs and pinched your nipples, making you gasp as he chuckled into your mouth, then brought his lips down to suck on your nipples and you threw your head back at the wonderful feeling. He bit down on your nipple softly, causing a jolt to go all the way to your core.
"Harry, I need you now" you said as you gripped his shoulders and started to unbutton his sexy auror robes.
"These stay on" Harry commanded as you raised your eyebrows. They were really tight robes, and you could practically see his bulge and the muscles on his chest through them.
"As you wish, Mr Potter" you whispered in his ear as Harry lifted you up with barely any effort and set you down on the kitchen table nearby. You didn't care that you ate on that bloody table
You laid down as Harry stood at the edge, near your opening. You lifted your knees up and allowed him better access to your swollen pussy, the result of your previous orgasm.
Harry took his incredible dick out of his unbottoned pants and stroked himself as you admired him. After a few more strokes, he positioned himself at your opening and looked at you for approval. You nodded as you thanked Merlin this man was yours. As he slid into you, you let out a scream as he grunted and moved inside you.
"You're so tight, y/n, fuck" he managed to say while you whimpered.
"Haven't... had sex...in a while now" you said as you tried to get used to the incredible feeling of being filled up completely.
"I'll have to fix that" you heard Harry say before all you could hear was your moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin.
Harry loved seeing you like this. How your back would arch as he hit a deep spot inside you, how your hair was spread everywhere, how you'd open your mouth to make soundless moans of pleasure and how your hand instinctively clutched your breasts.
He continued to pound into you, his hands holding up your thighs as you felt the knot in your stomach tightening. Your walls squeezed Harry's dick uncontrollably as he moaned and praised you. Your pussy was already sensitive from your earlier orgasm and the way Harry's balls hit your labia was driving you insane.
"So tight for daddy, you're so beautiful y/n"
You bit your lip and nodded before your eyes rolled back once again from Harry hitting your g-spot.
"Fuck Harry, I think I'm gonna, m'gonna-"
You screamed while you coated Harry's cock with your juices and he fucked you through your high, making it all the more intense. As you panted in pleasure you noticed that Harry's dick was bigger inside you and he was close to his own orgasm. As he was going to pull out you protested
"No, daddy! Cum inside me!"
Harry, hearing that, moaned and a moment later you could feel ropes of his hot seed inside you, filling you up and shooting deep into you.
Best. Feeling. Ever.
As Harry leaned over the table to kiss you, he asked, "Did you take your pills?"
You shook your head and smiled at him "I think I'm ready, love" you told Harry truthfully.
Harry smiled widely and kissed your neck "Round two, then?"
As you drove up to the station to pick the kids up, you couldn't help but be nervous. You hadn't told any of the three about your new month- old baby girl, and you hoped they would love her just as much as you and Harry did. Harry put his free arm around you and kissed your forehead briefly before turning his eyes back to the road.
You looked down at Belle. She really was so beautiful, you thought, as you snuggled her in your arms.
The train arrived soon after you reached the station, and you prepared yourself for the worst
As soon as Lily ran towards you, she broke out in a smile "Hey mom! Hey dad!" and then nearly screamed in delight "Oh my god, who's that!!!"
"That's your new baby sister" you told her, smiling, as Harry picked Lily up in his arms.
Albus and James were close behind Lily and James made a joke about how she was cuter than all the girls in his year as you laughed.
Albus gave the baby his pinky and Belle's little fingers wrapped around it. "I like her" he said, as you almost sighed in relief. Harry beamed at you and you couldn't have been happier as you all turned to go home.
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magicmanias · 3 years
The Wanderer
Episode 2 of Polaris
[per - uh - jee] (n). Astronomy. the point in the orbit of a heavenly body at which it is nearest to the earth
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: A fugitive out of time + interdimensional space travel + a love story. Always on the run, and while Loki might be able to escape the TVA, he always gravitates towards you. Not even bending the fabric of space and time itself can cut his heartstrings.
Occurs after the events of Endgame. Replaces Loki mini-series timeline.
Warnings: You know it’s gonna be angst. You just know. Come on now.
Word Count: 3.0k
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I have exams coming up, so I’ve been having to study for those a lot. Once exams are over at the end of May, you know I’ll be writing like a maniac. Also, the word count will definitely increase as the chapters go along. It's been a bit short, but right now, we're just building traction! And yes… You will come across a part that is vague and opens up more questions about the reader who I have named Goddess Divine.
<- Previous | Next -> (Coming soon)
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“Thank you.” Loki rubs his wrists as the chains fall to the ground. “Where did you learn to do that?”
“You—My husband taught me,” you said. Loki nodded but offered nothing in response. “We need to leave here. I know a way.”
“Hey, hold on.” Loki reached out to grab her wrist, but lowered his hand once he got her attention instead. “We don’t have the Tesseract.”
“There are other ways to leave this planet.”
Loki scoffed. “I don’t think you understand how powerful that thing is.”
You turned fully to face him, craning your neck to meet his eyes. “I know more than you. Trust me. It’s better if you forget about it.”
The children are constantly at the forefront of your thoughts even as you searched for an escape in the caverns under Asgard. Memories of posies in hand and your old, favorite pink dress drew all your attention from the damp halls illuminated by enchanted flame. This place… this time that you’re in was all-too-well ingrained in the core of everything you remembered of your home.
Your calves started to strain and it took you some time until you realized that you’ve been trying to sync your steps with Loki’s, an unconscious effort you would always put in walking alongside your husband. The difference was that his doppleganger didn’t take care to shorten his strides to allow for you to keep up.
“We’ve fallen into a past timeline of yours.” Loki glanced at you over his shoulder. “Those children were you and… your husband.”
“Yes.” You give up on trying to keep up and let him take the lead. “I remember why we were up there. Today was the Perigee.”
Loki was curious. He’d never heard of such a thing. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand.”
You made a confused look on your face, but then immediately understood. “I suppose you don’t observe that in your world.”
“No, I can’t say that we do. Is it a celestial celebration? We only commemorate the coming of the seasons.”
At the end of the hall, you finally arrived at the center of the caverns, a chamber of nine interconnected murals telling the story of creation. You and Loki used to play under these paintings, waiting until Thor would find you at last.
“The Perigee is not of Asgard. It exists on Midgard, the mortal planet, when the moon is at its closest point in orbit to the earth. It happens so often there, but we hold the festival when Asgard, too, is at its closest point with Midgard.”
“That seems a bit arbitrary,” he commented, now gazing at the murals of his father above him. Odin was painted in a beautiful light as he constructed the world. Ymir simply seemed to disappear from the artwork, but the muralist failed to convey that Odin slew the giant and used his body to form the cosmos.
“There is a story behind it, like all great Norse holidays have. It tells the story of Gaea and Máni. A tale of forbidden love. Lofn loves to tell the story for all the children at each festival. She claims that without her, they would never have ended up together,” you laughed, “I remember pulling Loki from his books so we could make it on time.” You giggled at the memory.
“Máni? I haven’t ever heard of him retiring from pulling the moon. And Gaea has been sleeping for eons.”
“Our history is different, perhaps. I do not exist in your Asgard, yes?” You continued to walk, choosing the fourth passage from the left that led to the waterfall beneath the palace.
“No. No, I’m afraid not.” Loki paused in thought as he contemplated your assumption. Surely you must have existed somewhere in his world. “So what was so forbidden of their love?”
“Where I come from, Gaea was truly the first realm to exist, made of the blood and dust from a time even beyond her. In an empty universe, she was lonely, though she was a goddess of life itself. So she collected more dust in the reaches of space and breathed life into Máni. He was born, bright like the stars and light in his heart. He was grateful for life, and in return, he gave her his love… and her children. The mortals. But when they came close to embrace one another, he came too close and scorched the earth, burning her children. Gaea mourned, crying until Midgard flooded with her tears. From the water, the plants regrew and the animals emerged, but still, she missed her children. Máni couldn’t bear to see his love so saddened, so he sacrificed almost all of his power to breathe new life in the mortals. He grew dim and small, no longer so mighty without Gaea’s magic. Now in a realm of eternal darkness, Sol had finally caught up to Máni. She was born with the duty to bring light to the mortals, but Odin also tasked her with the job to separate Gaea and Máni when they became too close. Every day, she shines her light on the earth, but when she goes to rest, Máni returns to see Gaea before Sol wakes up once again to warn Máni. Yet sometimes, Máni can’t help but to come a little bit closer to Gaea—the rising tides his only warning. We call it the Perigee.”
“And what of Lofn? How did she contribute her skills in this forbidden love?”
“Oh yes. Lofn told us that she was the only being to give her consent to their love. The rest of Aesir vehemently rejected the bond. She used to try and match all the children up in the village and she would host all the play weddings. We must have been married by her hundreds of times. She could never resist the idea of the God of Mischief with a maiden Vanir.”
The sound of water crashing down into the abyss grew louder and louder as natural light started to creep into the passage.
“What is your role?”
“My role?”
“Yes, what do you do? What do you reign over?”
“Oh, I’m really no one. I don’t even think the Midgardians are aware of me. My role is quite insignificant compared to the likes of your brother or even the infamous trickster.”
“What is your role, Goddess?” he pushed once more.
“Seidr,” you shrugged, racing your finger along the stone wall.
“I would hardly call that insignificant. The power of prophecy is a force to be reckoned with.”
“I was born with a divine title, but I can’t even perform a healing spell,” you admitted.
“Your husband never taught you?” Loki smirked, the tease hanging loose from his lips.
You frowned. “No, he couldn’t.”
A rumble of footsteps approached and neither you nor Loki hesitated to make a final run towards the end of the tunnel. As you started to gain some speed, you suddenly froze, completely still as a hazy orange light encased you. Loki’s hand glowed green, battling against the force that trapped you, but just as quickly as he tried to free you, he was captured.
The TVA launched you through the exact same process as the first time. Long lines, an infinite number of signatures on documents you didn’t understand, and a maze of doorways. You didn’t see Loki again for a long time. It felt like days, but in a place as distorted as this, you couldn’t keep track of the hours.
Another agent guided you into a holding cell. It looked strange—more like an inn room more than a jail. There was a bed, a tiny washroom, and a square box that showed what looked like a play for children. The characters chattered silently while their simple dialogue was scrawled in the glass. The door opened.
“It appears we’re roommates this time.” Loki strolled into the room and the agent closed the door behind him, the lock clicking in place.
The box flashed and the program changed to the man you had just become acquainted with before your escape. “Well that was fun, wasn’t it? Unfortunately, we will have to keep you here since you didn’t seem to enjoy the more open kind of hospitality we offered you last time. Just until everything is processed. You know how bureaucracy is. I’ll see you in a few.” Mobius winks and the moving picture contraption clicks off with a warm hum.
“Tell me about myself.” You looked up from the book provided by your captors. Loki leaned back in the desk chair with his legs on the table. He fiddled with a glass cup, tossing it in the air and catching it.
You dropped the book in your lap, still open. “I’m sorry?”
“Well you were married to an alternate version of me. He’s lived more life than me. Surely you must have something to tell me that would be of use.” He shrugged, not bothering to drag any more of his attention away from the glass.
You were sure you looked surprised as he followed his answer with, “Am I so different from him? Come on now, he must have been at least half as charming.”
“Oh… He was charming.” You closed the book and placed it on the table next to the bed. The edge of the sheet rubbed between your fingers while you considered what to tell him. “He was my best friend in childhood.”
“Tell me about the children. The younger versions of yourselves on that day. What were you doing?” Loki placed the cup on the desk and crossed one leg over the other.
It was so easy to answer. In all the years, you never forgot that particular celebration. “It was my idea to climb the hill. To pick flowers before we watched the Perigee. Lofn had paired us up for her little wedding ceremony to host in front of the children and I wanted a bouquet… for the morning gift. I didn’t know what they were at the time, but I figured it could be anything.”
“Aren’t morning gifts usually given to the bride? And… in the morning?”
You tossed your head back in calm, tired laughter. “Yes, but that wouldn’t have stopped me anyway. I think I gave them to you after we said ‘I do.’ We were… eight at the time.”
“Goddess Divine…” He kissed her hands. The red skyline fades into purple as the water at the dock darkens below. “Never doubt my love for you. Will you miss me?” said he.
“As much as there are stars in the sky.”
“Always the poet’s tongue,” said he.
“Well, I had some inspiration,” said she.
He looks wearily past the Goddess, but smiles warmly once more. “I’m afraid our time has come to an end, Goddess. I love you.”
“No resurrections this time...” No. It was supposed to happen like this. Thanos. He wasn’t supposed to be here. It’s happening all over again.
Warm water tickled your cheeks and then you were enveloped in a pool of water. Your husband’s arms wrapped around your waist as the water climbed the walls of the tub. No, this wasn’t him… It wasn’t him. It wouldn’t ever be him. “Goddess…”
“Let me go! Let me go… I want to go.” You grasp desperately at the edge of the tub, wringing yourself from Loki’s grasp. You fell onto the tile floor of the washroom, your wet clothes heavy on your back.
“Wait, just—” Loki cuts himself short when you stumble into the bathroom doorway and pull the knob to the bedroom.
“You need—”
“Don’t tell me what I need! You don’t kn—know.” Your body felt weak. The walls felt like they were closing in on you. No matter how hard you tried, it seemed like you could never get enough air.
“I know being alive is certainly better than suffocating in space.”
“Is it!? I can’t even grieve for him! Be-Be… Be—cause I… Becau—se I ke-keep…” You choked, breaking out into a violent sob. Your legs buckle underneath you, but you managed to catch the ground under your hand. Tears stained the fabric covering your lap as you struggled to breathe in between your bawling, forcing you to hiccup only further fueling your frustration. “Why am I here?”
Loki knelt down and watched as you pulled your knees up to your chest and buried your head in the space between. “Heartbreak is… a sorrow that I am all too familiar with. The feeling of your chest burning and freezing and being crushed all at once. But I didn’t give you a moment to simply… catch your breath after I, admittedly, forced you to escape with me. And I will never understand what it’s like to have to look at the face of your husband every minute of every day, but I do know this…” Loki let out a steady breath. “I will never leave you behind. Ever. Until I am able to fix this mess that I have brought upon you.” Loki lowered himself onto his knees. “That is my vow to you, goddess.”
He placed a hand over yours. It was a small gesture, leaving you wanting more. You tugged on his hand, manually tucking his arm underneath yours. He leaned into your motion, sitting on the floor behind you and pulling you close between his legs. Your eyes pierced him like venom, toxic but more addictive than the sweetest wine. A Goddess Divine.
Loki grew older in recent years, but his eyes had never changed. A sea of chaos and calm. He was there, your husband. Right in front of you, holding you.
“I always liked your eyes,” you murmured. You dragged your finger across the top of his cheek, tracing a line under his eye.
And I, yours.
You slid your finger up and cupped his face in your palm. Your husband. “I love you.”
Your lips swept gently along his; hesitant, yet your hand dragged through his hair, pulling him closer. Loki held still, but made no move to stop you. Your breaths grew harder as you grew more persistent. Even though you knew you would never be able to utter a word about this after, the need for him overcame you. In the sickest of ways, he was your only chance at truly saying goodbye to your husband.
Never doubt my love for you.
Your lips were soft. As irrational as the better part of him knew it was, he couldn’t help but think this felt almost habitual. He knew he should have pushed you away or reminded you of who he was. But when your fingers glided through his hair, Loki lost all sense of what was proper. He leaned into your touch, letting you relax in his lap as you continued to kiss him… eyes clenched shut. Loki wished he could look at your eyes and pretend he was the man you were pretending he was.
“Thank you.”
The agents dragged Loki to a door labeled “INTERROGATION ROOM #603521.”
An agent walked into the room, reviewing several documents attached to a clipboard.. “Do you know why you’re here, Mr. Laufeyson?” She didn’t bother to look up from the papers as she sat down in the seat on the other side of the table.
“Where is she?”
“I’m afraid your questions will have to be saved for the end of this, Mr. Laufeyson. Please comply.”
Loki lifted his head lazily, shifting his legs wide in the metal chair. A grin curled at his lips. He didn’t know how they were going to escape this hell. Running from an infinitely powerful force existing beyond time. It would never end… Was he ready to drag you through eternal hell with him?
He would rot in hell for all he cared, but the TVA was no more than a joke—a circus of clowns playing their parts… and he would find you.
“I’m going to burn this place to the ground.”
“Never teleport me again. This is worse than the Bifrost.” You placed a clenched hand to your forehead and winced. The pounding in your head was ceaseless, though you were too cold to be completely tortured by it. The TVA was left in shambles, subjected to Loki’s wrath after he found you freezing in the depths of space. He hadn’t said a word to you since he discovered you, nearly lifeless. The ice burned your skin and your vision was useless for the time being. You could hear the crackles of flame and stone beneath your feet. “Where are we?”
“I don’t know, but we need to heal these burns before they scar.” Loki carefully lifted your hand, examining your wounds. “Are you in pain?”
“I can’t feel anything. Just cold.” You inched your feet closer to the heat of the fire. It wasn’t as painful as you had expected it to be. Dying in space wasn’t such a bad way to go… You only wished Loki had anything else less painful.
He hummed in response. The burns begin to warm. A peculiar feeling tickles your skin and makes its way down your torso.
“My mother taught me. I can teach you.”
“What?” Loki placed more wood on the fire. Perhaps Thor’s boyish interests were good for something…
“You need to learn how to use your powers. A seidr goddess is no goddess without seidr.”
“I told you. I don’t have it. I’ve tried. You’ve tried.” Loki didn’t answer, but footsteps fell away from you.
Loki watched the asteroids floating in the foggy atmosphere. Odin once told him stories of how he acquired all his wisdom. Life itself is knowledge, he would say. War, politics, distant planets. They all have something to offer, but there is a place where wisdom flows like water in the roots of the Tree of Life. “The Allfather once traveled to the roots of Yggdrasil to attain knowledge and guide his reign. Perhaps we can go there.”
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pinktwingirl · 3 years
Loki Series Rewrite (AKA Loki Series But With Squirrel Girl) Ep 4
Mobius and Ravonna are talking.
Every moment those variants are out there, we're all in danger.
I'm working on it; Doreen's locket is charging... It should be ready any second now-
Just then, an AGENT enters, holding the locket.
Sir, we got a location.
Well, there you go.
He's on Lamentis-1, 2077. I can only assume she's there with him.
That's not good... We need to get them, fast.
After Loki and Sylvie are apprehended and Loki is stuck in the time loop, Mobius interrogates him in the time theater.
You betrayed me!
No, you betrayed me! You followed that variant when I explicitly told you not to, and now you're working with her?! 
How did you find us?
Oh, well, you can thank your friend Doreen for that. You know, she went through all the trouble of fixing it when it was broken just to find you.
Loki's eyes widen.
You know, I have no idea why she bothers putting up with you. At first, I thought, "well, maybe, she's smart. Maybe she sees something in you that I don't." But now, I think maybe she's just being naïve and she's wasting her time and trust on someone who doesn't deserve it.
Loki grits his teeth.
How long have you been working for the variant?
Me? Working for her? Please.
Okay, so, if you're not working for the variant, what is it? You're partners?
Absolutely not. She's... difficult and... irritating, and... she tries to hit me all the time!
Mobius raises an eyebrow.
No. Not partners, no.
Yeah, I guess you don't do partners. Unless, of course, it benefits you and you intend to betray them at some point, like you'll probably do with Doreen.
It was a means to an end, Mobius. Welcome to the real world. Down there, we're awful to one another to get what we want.
And now I gotta have a prince tell me how the real world works? Look, if you're not gonna cooperate here, I'm just gonna have to send you back for another round in the time loop...
Wh-No, wait! Wait, wait, wait.
He pauses for a moment, and Mobius sits back down.
Of course it was me pulling the strings all along. 
She came to me on Asgard a long time ago... and then, she took me to one of her apocalypses... and that's where we hatched our plan together.
Mobius raises an eyebrow.
Which is...?
Coming along very nicely, thank you.
And the variant?
Doesn't matter. She's a pawn.
Something very, very big is going to happen, and when it does, I'll dispose of her.
Well, we saved you the trouble there. She's already been pruned.
Loki's face falls.
So, assume I do set you free. Does that-
H-hang on, wait, what did you say?
Assume I do set you free...
The variant. She's gone?
Yeah. Not before she took out two of ours. Yeah, she was going to her time cell, broke free, Hunter B-15 stepped in, popped her... So you might wanna fire off a thank-you note to Hunter B-15, because it looks like you're the... superior Loki. I would've bet on her, but... that's what makes a horse race.
Loki tries to look unaffected and shrugs.
Good riddance.
After a pause, Mobius starts laughing, which irritates Loki.
What? What's so funny?
You know, for the god of mischief and lies, you really are a terrible liar.
Is she alive?!
Yes, she's alive. And I know that little story you told me was a lie too. So why don't we try this again, and you tell me the truth this time?
Loki clenches his jaw. 
Doreen slowly regains consciousness, blinking a few times before taking in her surroundings. She notices she is still in her ballgown and bound to a chair with handcuffs. She tries to use her strength to break the handcuffs off, but Ravonna enters.
Save your energy. If you break those handcuffs off, they'll just put themselves right back together.
Doreen glares at her. Ignoring her warning, she uses her strength to snap the handcuffs off, but, like Ravonna said, they put themselves back together on Doreen's hands.
Told you.
What do you want?
I want to know what you saw in those restricted files you accessed. And I also want to know why you're working with Loki. He's a murderer and a liar.
Doreen scoffs.
Yeah, that's rich, coming from you. You're lying to all these people about who they are, and they don't even know it.
That's different. It's a necessary lie.
There are no "necessary lies," only ones that benefit you at the expense of others. These people had families! Real homes! And you took that from them!
We are preventing the universe from falling into chaos.
And at what cost?
(losing her temper)
Whatever cost is necessary!
(She pauses.)
You know, despite what you may think, I am trying to help you.
I don't need your "help."
Really? So you would rather side with the man that nearly enslaved your entire planet?
That was the past. He's changed.
You know, I would think that someone as smart as you would be able to tell when they're being taken advantage of.
You don't know Loki.
On the contrary, Ms. Green, I know everything about Loki. Every variant of him - they're all the same. Destined to be a selfish, lying murderer from the day they're born to the day they die.
That's not your choice to make! The only ones who get to decide who we are, are ourselves.
Not as long as the timekeepers are around. Free will is a poison that leads to chaos. Having a set path to keep everything in its place is the only way to keep life in the universe safe.
Look... You can still do the right thing here. All I'm asking you to do is help me stop these Loki variants. With your help, we can save all living beings from their reign of chaos. We aren't your enemies, Doreen! The universe needs us to protect it... for all time.
After a moment, a scornful smirk grows on Doreen's face.
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.
Ravonna glares at her. After a moment, she steps closer to Doreen.
You wanna know what happens to you on the timeline?
Doreen's face falls.
You'll spend the rest of your life hiding from people who either want to lock you in a prison or a lab cage. Did you really think running around stopping bank robberies was going to change how people see you? You're a mutant. A freak to the rest of the world. You will always be an outcast. 
Doreen clenches her jaw, blinking away tears as Ravonna leaves.
Mobius is talking with Ravonna, growing more and more suspicious of her.
Case closed.
(She and Mobius clink glasses of whiskey.)
To putting all of this behind us. Now we just need to take care of sending the mutant girl home.
Oh, hey, where is she, by the way?
Holding cell 15.
Mobius frowns.
You put her in a holding cell? Why?
She's an associate of the variant. She could be working with him.
Yeah, but we don't know that! She helped us find him! I don't see why she should be punished for a crime she hasn't even committed yet.
I'm not taking any risks on this one, Mobius.
Mobius gives her a suspicious glance.
After Mobius is pruned and Loki is reunited with Sylvie, Ravonna forces them into Doreen's holding cell. Loki's eyes widen when he sees Doreen is being held by two agents with a time displacement collar around her neck.
In a last-ditch attempt, Doreen tries once more to break her handcuffs off. One of the agents shocks her with an electric staff, and she screams in pain. Loki glares at Ravonna.
You said you wouldn't hurt her!
Consider this a taste of your own medicine. Your break your promise, I break mine.
The agents release Doreen, who collapses to the ground, now sobbing. Loki rushes over to her and helps her up.
Loki... M-Mobius... It's my f-fault he's dead... I couldn't stop them... He was... I c-couldn't...I should've...
No, Doreen, look at me. It's not your fault.
I sh-should've stopped them... I-I...
Exhausted, she passes out.
(to Loki and Sylvie)
Once the timekeepers are ready, they'll deal with you.
(She gives a passing glance to Doreen.)
And once she's had her memories of the TVA wiped, we'll send her back to the main timeline where she belongs.
Loki glares at her as she and the agents leave them and lock the cell.
We cut to later, where Loki and Sylvie are looking after Doreen, who is lying unconscious on a bench in the cell.
It's been at least an hour... Do you think we should try waking her up?
She just had 50,000 volts of power forced through her body; I think we can let her rest a little longer.
Loki looks down at Doreen, still concerned.
If she's not a variant, why did she come here? Who is she?
She's... a mortal. One of the kindest I've ever known.
(He gently tucks a strand of stray hair behind Doreen's ear.)
Ever since we met, she's made a point of looking after me.
(He lets out a light laugh.)
I can't, for the life of me, understand why. I assumed it was just out of the goodness of her heart... Or, perhaps, just pity...
He looks up and sees Sylvie studying him with a curious expression. Before he can ask why, Doreen begins to stir. 
He gently places a hand on her back as she starts to sit up. She glances at Sylvie, still regaining consciousness.
Oh, hey... Sorry I almost stabbed you in the face...
Well, to be fair, I did kick you in the face, so I suppose we're even... Are you alright? Where'd you get the dress?
Oh... I had to go to Asgard to fix the locket. My clothes didn't exactly fit in, though, so I had to change.
Well, that's why you should always rely on a genderfluid demigod to design your costumes. I know what works.
Doreen smirks.
Yeah, well, you weren't there, because I was too busy trying to save your ass!
(After a pause, her smile fades.)
Loki, everyone here... They're all variants too.
I know. I told Mobius. That's why they...
(His voice trails off.)
I hacked into their database to get information on the agents... But Ravonna came after me before I could tell anyone. I'm so stupid! I never should've let my guard down!
There'll be time for taking blame later. Did you find anything out about the timekeepers?
No... I'm sorry... I didn't get that good of a look... Oh! But good news for us, I did figure out why magic doesn't work in the TVA! I guess they have these things called "runes" set up around the whole area? So as long as those are active, your powers are useless.
Loki frowns.
Well, how is that "good news" for us?
Because... Ravonna didn't count on me teaching Tippy-Toe how to hack into their systems and disable the runes, and also the time displacement collars, your welcome, which she should be doing right about...
The time displacement collars and handcuffs suddenly deactivate and fall to the ground.
As she stands up to move to the other side of the cell, Loki and Sylvie test their magic and see their hands are now glowing green.
Oh, I like her.
They join Doreen at the other side of the cell.
Now, we just need to figure out a way to get out of here...
You have the strength and speed of a squirrel, right?
Proportional strength and speed, yes.
And squirrels have a jaw strength of around 7,000 pounds per square inch, right?
Which means that, converted to your size, you should be able to chew through any metal wall, correct?
Doreen gives him a sour face.
I really don't like where you're going with this...
Do you have any other plans for breaking out of an impenetrable steel cell?
Doreen sighs.
We cut to Doreen chewing through the wall and creating a tunnel to a corridor in the TVA. She spits out a piece of the metal and gags.
Uuuuggghhh, that was so gross!
(She climbs out of the tunnel.)
Okay, guys, you should be good to-
Before she can say another word, Loki and Sylvie use their magic to create another hole in the wall, and simply walk out of the cell.
(She turns to look at the hole they made.)
You could've just done that the whole time?!
You did give us our magic back.
What did you just make me chew through the wall for, then?!
Because it was amusing, of course.
It was quite funny.
Doreen scowls at them.
You know, it was annoying enough having to deal with one Loki; now I have to put up with two of you?!
Loki and Sylvie laugh as she flips them both off. They each take a hand to help her to her feet.
Alright, I'll go gather some weapons and maybe get some more intel. You guys go take care of the timekeepers. I'll catch up with you later.
Loki and Sylvie are running through a corridor, while Doreen goes the opposite way.
Was it really a good idea to leave the mortal girl to take on all those agents by herself? Shouldn't we be helping her?
They stop running to see Doreen being ambushed by a group of agents. They try to prune her, but she uses the cape on her dress to temporarily blind them and kick the prune sticks out of their hands. She then jumps on top of the group as they all run in her direction and slams their heads together, knocking them all out simultaneously.
She'll be fine.
They continue running.
We cut to them running towards the timekeepers' chambers, when they run into Ravonna and several other agents, with their prune sticks ready.
Right on time. The timekeepers are waiting for you.
Loki and Sylvie glare at her.
After discovering the timekeepers are fake, Loki turns to Sylvie.
Sylvie... Trust me, we will figure this out.
Not another pep talk, please...
No, listen to me... We've come this far... We're not turning back now. We just need-
Before he can say another word, Ravonna prunes him.
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prinxlyart · 4 years
I will say, I am hungry again and I have a few ask for your Willumity/Vinira headcannons. HOWEVER to be fair to you. This time I will restrain myself and simply ask for you to share any headcanons you want to share as of now!
You can ALWAYS ask for more Willumity.
But!! Since you’ve given me free reign to just play in this sandbox, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do
We all agree that Luz is hella ADHD. This girl will talk for HOURS about the shit she likes. If something grabs her attention, she wants to know everything about it. She doesn’t like being told to do things, but she loves being asked to do things. For example: if someone tells her she needs to do a thing her brain will immediately click into the “No” position and will refuse to budge. If someone asks her to do something, her brain clicks to “help? I can help? I can help with a thing for this person? Yes! I’ll help this person with this task because it will make them happy! Yes! I can help!” This is why acts of service resonate so strongly with her.
I don’t know what mental diversity looks like on the Boiling Isles considering how just. Horror-based everything is? But I’m 100% on that autistic Amity train. She has to do things a Certain Way or she’ll teeter on the edge of a meltdown. She refuses to touch/eat certain textures. She usually doesn’t know what the appropriate response/reaction is to a given conversation, especially with her socialite friends, which is why she just remains a cool mask of indifference. She’ll inspect every detail of anything that’s handed to her. She’s incredibly smart, but doesn’t always know how to convey what she knows and understands into words other people can understand. The only people allowed in her personal space are her siblings. Eventually that also stems to Luz and Willow, maybe more as she grows more comfortable with herself? But usually anyone getting in her space is overwhelming and alarming. Defo has a hard time regulating/processing her emotions.
I need to make an entire post dedicated to Augustus Porter because my boy deserves it, but I’ll toss some random things here. He has a signed poster from the head of the Illusionist Coven framed on his bedroom wall. He and his dad have bi-weekly after-dinner standup comedy sessions with each other (Perry has kept a secret journal of all of Gus’s best jokes he’s done over the years that he reads whenever he needs a pick-me-up).
Perry and Eda knew each other in school in passing. Their social circles overlapped but they were never hanging out in the same groups. When Gus is very little (like, maybe 3 or 4?), Perry takes him to the market to just wander around and they find Eda’s Human Collectibles Stand. She and Perry catch up, he introduces her to his son, and Eda (ever the saleswoman) pulls out some shiny human thing that Gus is immediately taken with. In between her and Perry catching up, Gus asks her a million questions about the thing he’s been given and then even more questions about other stuff at her stand. She actually finds it really fun to show off her human shit to someone so enthralled by it. She makes some stuff up here and there just to mess with him, but he’s too young to realize it’s a joke or not true, and takes everything at face value. We all know Eda likes to get a little theatrical with her sales pitches; she does the Salesperson act with everything Gus asks her about. She lets Gus take a couple items home just because he was such a riot and Perry insists he pay for something, but Eda just waves them off and tells him that this is just an investment in a lifelong customer. She had no idea how right she was because Gus defo became obsessed with human culture from that point on. He also picked up on Eda’s super theatrical sales pitches (because he thought it was funny and because he thought that’s just how you’re supposed to show human stuff to people) and began showing off his own “human collectibles museum” to his dad with the same theatrical voice. Perry plays along with this too (as a news anchor he’s got a great announcer voice) and ta-da! That’s how we get the boy we all know and love today. It’s 100% Eda’s fault, but Perry definitely encouraged it because it made his son so happy. That’s also why Gus doesn’t seem especially perturbed at meeting Eda for the first time in ep 3. Or for interjecting his new Human Knowledge in the moment she was patting Luz’s head. He’s used to having conversations with her about human junk whenever she has her stand up. Eda’s secretly relieved that one of Luz’s new friends is actually someone she kinda knows. It’s Perry’s kid, and Perry’s a good guy. His little squirt seems to be growing up to be pretty good too.
Eda scoffs at “nerdy” shit as if she hasn’t owned the Clawthorne Braincell her entire life. “She worked twice as hard” “-that just made me work harder than you!”. Eda’s extremely smart and extremely talented. She likely created the secret room of shortcuts entirely on her own. She probably studied in the school library constantly, but under the guise of causing mischief. And like. She probably did both. She was a potions track kid so she probably knew all the best ways to make stink bombs that she could leave hidden in the shelves. She hated school because she was so limited and stifled; she only wanted to learn magic and was told no at every turn. So when she learned magic on her own, yknow, without the guidance of a teacher, there’s bound to be some major fuck ups. Once she’s fine-tuned her mistakes though, she absolutely turns them into pranks. You say I’m not allowed to study multiple tracks, bumpikins?? Well how’s THIS!!! How’s THAT for focus??? (Half of her pranks were also just her showing off and desperately hoping to prove that she could learn any type of magic and couldn’t be constrained to just the one. Bump recognized this of course, but he had strict guidelines to follow and no Luz Noceda to call him out for it.)
Camila treasures her daughter more than life itself. I personally refuse to headcanon anything to do with her extended family or why she’s a single parent (too many variables and options that could be addressed in the show), but I do know that she loves Luz more than anything. It’s exhausting being a single mom, working as a nurse, and trying to be there for her ADHD daughter when the rest of the world doesn’t seem to want her. It hurts her so much to see her baby, the light of her life, her Luz, be brushed aside and written off as “the weirdo”, or bullied, or even outright hated by some people just because she’s a little different. She’s had to have some words with the school staff for how they treat her on occasion. Did you see that Principal’s death glare in the first ep?? He hates her. Camila’s there not just because she’s Luz’s parent, but also to act as a barrier between the principal and Luz. She would move Heaven and Earth for Luz, but it can be a lot when you’re the only adult around. I truly believe she wanted Luz to go to that camp to learn how to be friends with kids that didn’t already know her or her quirks. Even she sounded unsure of what they would do at that camp, but she had full faith that this would be Luz’s opportunity to make friends with other kids that could teach her to like....more mainstream stuff. So she could learn how to mimic their (hopefully, toned down) behaviors. She just wants her baby to be accepted by others.
This next one’s a doozy so hold on to your butts
Lilith is technically smart. And I mean that in a literal sense - she can read and understand the fundamentals of magic, the concepts and execution of complex spells, recite entire chapters of Boiling Isles history, you name it. Many adults in her youth called her gifted because of it. All she actually did was absorb the information and regurgitate it when asked. She thrived on the praise she received. What made her different from her sister is that she never wanted anything more than to do as she was told. Her biggest goal? Her dream job? Was to just be given orders by the Emperor. I’m sure there’s all sorts of flowery propaganda surrounding that, advertising how incredible it is to be in the Emperor’s Coven, what an honor it is to work alongside the witch that can speak to the Titan. But it’s literally just. Taking orders. And knowing you’re somehow better than everyone else because you’ve been selected to be among the elite. She never strived for anything more; she never wanted to do anything else but enforce the Emperor’s will because that was “the highest honor” a witch could have. As a result (or in conjunction rather) she lacks literally any amount of foresight. There’s only one braincell in the Clawthorne Family and her sister has it because this dumbass doesn’t think about anyone but herself. Instead of talking with Eda about what they should do when they were told there was only one spot left in the Emperor’s Coven, she walked away. Only thinking of how she could secure her victory. She didn’t ask Eda how she felt about the situation, she didn’t let Eda speak her mind about what her own desires were; Eda made it clear enough that she just wanted to be by Lilith’s side, she didn’t care what that meant. She just wanted to be with her big sister. Eda tried to reach out to her to discuss their cirumstances, but Lilith just walked away like the broody, self-centered teenager that she was and resolved to cheat her way to victory. When Eda knew this was her dream. Why would she think Eda would take away her dream???? She could’ve asked Eda to throw the duel? She could’ve asked her to fake the match? Or even fake sick? Or just not even shown up! If she didn’t show up it could’ve counted as a forfeit and Lilith would’ve earned the spot by default! But no, she had to ruin her sister’s entire life in an act of cowardice and dishonor because she’s so full of herself and didn’t read the fine print. She loves her sister, of course she does, but she’s so self-absorbed that she’s never seen Eda for who she actually is and wasted both of their lives as a result. And this is all just analysis of her character and that flashback, this isn’t even headcanons. I think if she has any amount of respect for her sister (she doesn’t), her redemption will have to go far far beyond an apology and taking on half the curse. When I say Lilith is a dumbass, this is specifically what I mean. She doesn’t think about how her actions will affect those around her. She was the Head of the Emperor’s Coven, literally one of the most powerful positions she could possibly be in on the Boiling Isles and still sacrificed Amity’s dignity and years of hard work just so she could be ensured that she could one-up her sister. She did this in front of everyone in attendance of that Witches Duel. She risked Amity’s credibility as a witch, as a Blight, and as a person just to fuel her own ego. It’s no wonder Amity was so upset; the witch she’s been idolizing her whole life didn’t think she had what it took to best a human that couldn’t do magic in a witches duel. That can fuck up your self esteem something fierce. And Lilith hardly seemed to give a shit!!!! She didn’t care that she just trashed Amity’s reputation in front of dozens of spectators!!!! I’m v bitter about Lilith as a character in case you couldn’t tell.
If I had to throw a headcanon in, I’ll toss one in that sterling and I have discussed: Lilith literally doesn’t know how to live her life as an independent adult. Sure, she knows how to like. Make herself some easy dinners? But that’s literally only because she used to make herself and Eda dinners when they were kids. Beyond that, she has no fucking idea. She can do the basic household chores any teenager knows how to do, but she’s lived in the Emperor’s Castle with the rest of the Coven since she joined. It’s kind of like living in a college dorm; food and a room is provided, there’s maybe a laundry service, she’s never had to pay taxes in her life (not that Eda does, but yknow). The only things she buys for herself (if she doesn’t make it herself) is her hair dye and books. When she first moves in to the Owl House, she has no idea how the household chores are done. She’s on House Cleaning Duty Eternally and the first......I’ll say year. Eda will wake her up by banging pots and pans over her head once every month and scream-singing about how it’s House Cleaning Day, pull out her lawn chairs and some lemonade, and she and Luz (and sometimes King) will just sit back and relax and watch the show that is Lilith trying to clean Hooty. Hooty does not like to cooperate with her (partially because Lilith is a special friend and partially because he knows how much joy it brings Eda and Luz to watch her struggle).
Oof I could go on but this is already one hell of a post huh? Sorry (not really) for dragging Lilith so hard; not a joke, tumblr made me split hers up into two bullet points because it couldn’t comprehend my ranting for so long in one bullet point. I do love sharing these with y’all though, they’re so much fun and I’m so glad you guys like my rambling. <3333
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mendesficsxbombay · 4 years
loving you is the antidote | s.m
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A/N: I wrote most of this with two badly injured fingers, but when creativity strikes, it strikes! his name hasn't been mentioned in this fic... at all. hope you like it! 
requested fluff from this prompt list
17: mmm… you’re warm
18: you’re so cute when you’re sleepy like this 
19: I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a hot drink and someone to cuddle with 
“And up next ladies and gentlemen is a very special guest, she’s starring in Golden - hailing from India and known over the world is a critically acclaimed actress with awards lining up longer than the line of fans waiting to see her, and let me just tell you that line wrapped around the block!” James Corden jokes. The audience goes wild as he announces her name and she walks out onstage, the cheers nearly deafening as she crosses the room, all smiles and poise in her red bottoms, taking a seat opposite the host’s desk. 
“Can I just say something we start, you were the most requested guest on the show after BTS, and there was a damn near riot for the last two days for people who wanted to catch a seat here!” He exclaims motioning to the audience and a faint blush rises to your cheeks at the attention of the audience cheering and hooting for you again. 
“Hey, can’t compete with BTS!” She grinned back at him, “I don’t know if everyone knew this already, but I love those guys! They’re taking over the world aren’t they? And, can I just say something, too? I’ve loved the Late Late Show since the first time One Direction were invited as guests and that was a long time ago…”
“Wow, a fan is amongst us, that’s so nice to know! But enough about bands, let’s talk acting,” He moves to hold up a poster of her upcoming film, the sole reason for her to be on the show, “Golden comes out in just a few weeks, and from what we’ve seen so far it’s going to be everyone’s new favourite romcom very soon! Tell us a bit about the film!”
“I’m so excited, I can’t put it into words - Golden was like, the movie of my dreams, it was a story that I always wanted to see on a screen but playing a part in a movie like that was really just unbelievable,” she dishes out, filled to the brim with love for her upcoming project, “It’s a story about new love, the whole process of falling for someone and the new feelings that come with it and how different people address it differently, I think there’s something everyone can take away something from it - there’s something for everyone.”
“You said it was your dream project! Really?”
“Yes it was! I think when it comes to love stories we tend to see most things in black and white, but it’s high time we told stories that address the grey areas, too, you know? Like there’s going to be insecurities, there’s going to be doubts and second thoughts but whoever you’re in love with, you need to fight through problems and you’ll only come out stronger. A great love story isn’t the one where things get hard and fall into place immediately after, it’s the one that’s seen it all, it’s the one that’s worn in and still stands as it was the day it started - so I think it was a really important project for all of us to be part of,” she replies sincerely, nothing but pure honesty and now a little coyness dripping from her words, “And I hope it’s an important film for you, too,” she shyly looks over to the audience, which, listening intently so far, now responds with more hooting and clapping. 
“Is there anything from your personal life that made you feel closer to your character? I mean we all do have doubts here and there but I don’t think someone as like you would have to go through that” He adds, and while she knows this is just to butter her up the crowd’s reactions are varying affirmatives. When James sees her shake her head in disagreement he quickly speaks up, “It’s literally impossible, I mean, you’ve been titled most desirable woman in Europe and you’re not even European!” He’s exasperated in a way she’s seen before, but only through her television screen. A light spark is felt in her chest when she realises that this may only be one late night show of many, but she’s finally ticking off her childhood dreams. 
“Alright I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never really had very serious long term relationships before so I thought I was pretty much immune to these feelings but there was this one incident that really stood out for me - and even if it did or didn’t help me while filming it taught me an important lesson so - would you guys wanna know? I don’t wanna bore you or anything…” she baited the audience, her eyes glinting with mischief. She didn’t plan on giving out any details if she were being honest, they’d been so good so far but this seemed appropriate. She found it to the correct time to show off how mature and amazing and sensitive he is, and how lucky she was to have fallen in love with him.
“Ah! Do tell!” The host leans forward, propping his chin on his hands as he was ready for story time. 
“Well, this was in London last year. We had basically set up camp in the city for the movie for about… 7 months, I think. I had a few days off between schedules, but there was this one day that went really bad.”
She’d slipped and hurt her ankle right before leaving her apartment that morning. Her favourite jacket was nowhere to be found and she’d had a fight with her agent by mid day. The last few days of filming before she got a break were taxing, mentally and physically, but the exhaustion was now catching up to her. Whether she liked it or not, her day was nowhere near good and she hated to have to whine about it to anyone. 
“This boy I really, really liked was also in London at the time, and he - well he,” is a multi platinum selling artist that tours the world and plays shows for tens of thousands of people every night, “travels a lot for his job and that would’ve been the last day I would have a chance to meet him. And our relationship was still fairly new, it was just the beginning and I mean - you know what it’s like at the start - you never want this person to see you in your worst condition, I knew he wanted to see me, but I told him I wasn’t really in the mood for it and there was no option but to put this off for another time.”
A meeting with her team had confirmed that she would be working on her birthday this year. There was a photoshoot with British Vogue lined up the same day that could not be moved to another date, and she had fought tooth and nail to free up the date, so far as requesting for them to just free up those 24 hours and she was willing to put in double the work through that week, but they wouldn’t budge. To anyone else this would look and feel like a diva meltdown, and she felt guilty, too. It’s just that - her birthday was always spent with her family. Every year without fail. Her family would free up their schedules to spend a good day together, and she already saw very less of them since her career had taken off, this just felt like she didn’t hold the reigns to her life anymore. 
Getting out of the meeting, she texted him for a rain check. The words felt heavy to even type out, this really was the last chance they’d have of seeing each other for another two months until his Europe tour ended and she wrapped up her film. But there was no way she could let him see her in this condition. She needed to go home and curl up in a ball and cry a bit to just have an outlet - but she also needed him, his body pressed against hers and his strong arms wrapping her in, making her feel safe. Her fingers flew over the keypad for a second, pursing her lips to try and think of what could possibly soften the blow, not only for him but also herself. 
hi my love, I hope you’re having a good day so far. I know we planned on you coming over today but I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a hot drink and someone to cuddle with, and I think I’m in love with y- she tutted at herself, pull it together. She hit backspace, wiping out the text and typing again. hi my love, I hope you’re having a good day so far. I know we planned on you coming over today but I’ve had a rough day and I think it’s best if I spend some time alone, I’m really sorry for cancelling
“So you blew him off so you could go home and cry? That was your big plan?” James asked, clearly amused and you could only laugh at how silly it all was. 
“Absolutely! That’s exactly what it was! I wanted to go home and wallow in peace. When I cry it’s not pretty at all and I didn’t want him to see that but he ruined all my great plans!”
She could see that he had opened the text within five minutes of her sending it, and didn’t reply. Was he mad at her? She would understand if he was. With the way the past few days had tested her emotions, this was the one thing she could take full responsibility for. She reached home soon after, washing herself up and changing into the fluffiest pair of pajamas she could find. She fixed her hair into a loose bun, scrubbed her face free of makeup and took her contact lens out to wear glasses. She’d given up on the week and now she looked like it, too. 
She had only just found herself comfortable in front of the large flatscreen in her living room when she heard three sharp raps on her front door. Great. Now she would have to tell off the poor person who chose to come her way today of all days. When she swung the door open, her jaw fell open, too. 
There was the boy who took up space in all her daydreams lately, with two big bags of what looked like food, dressed down in a baby pink hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. Grey sweatpants. 
Seeing her unmoving for a few moments he welcomed himself in, and shut the door behind himself. He took off his sliders by the door, a habit he learned from her, and walked further into her apartment. He stopped for a second, only to place a soft kiss to the side of her head. He rounded off into her open plan kitchen, unpacking the two bags. He pulled out two large pizzas, and a crate of what looked like Nesquik chocolate milk. 
“What, um, babe what are you doing here?”
He turned around, as if he was surprised she was talking to him, even with the two of them being alone in her apartment. “Hmm? Oh, don’t mind me, just dropping off some food for you, I’ll be out in a second.”
It’s his turn to stay quiet. 
“You said… you said you didn’t have a good day, and I didn’t want you to be alone,” his voice was soft, keeping in mind the energy of the space between them. If she wanted she could just reach out and touch him, make herself believe he wasn’t a figment of her imagination, but not just yet. “I don’t really know what happened… and I don’t want you to tell me unless you feel comfortable and uh,” he ran a hand down his neck, slowly looking back up at her, “I got you your favourite food… it won’t make things better but… you can have it if you need. Got the toppings right as well.”
He opened the lid of the pizza box and slid it over to her on the counter. A large veggie supreme with no corn, extra olives and jalapeños. Just how she liked. The longer she looked between him and the food the longer he felt like he messed up. 
“I - I just wanted to drop all this off and be on my way, sorry for bothering you I just needed you to know it’s okay to have bad days and I know you wanted to be alone but I jus-“
His eyes snapped back up to read her face, catch any signs of discomfort or annoyance or anything that would let him know she didn’t actually want him to stay. 
“Please stay,” she whispered, overwhelmed. She rounded around the kitchen island, pausing just for a moment to take a good look at his face and then pushing onto her tiptoes to hug him as tight as she could. If he felt the stray tears on his neck, he didn’t say anything. 
She’d planned on camping out in her living room and binge Brooklyn 99 ’til she eventually passed out but now that he was here, she wanted nothing but him. Turns out he did, in fact, think she would ask him to stay, and the second pizza he got was for himself. Sneaky bastard. Also a really lovely, thoughtful bastard, she thought. 
“And then we spent the rest of the evening just catching up, I drank like, four gallons of Nesquik, so I think I got high on that. But the one thing he taught me that day was that some things just aren’t in our control, and it’s not correct to punish ourselves for what could have been, y’all know what I mean?” She saw a few heads nodding in the crowd, proud of herself for sharing this story. “I think we’re all willing to forgive others no matter what, but we should learn forgiving ourselves, too. Also - crying is the best form of therapy - always!”
“And - so how did this night end?” James batted his lashes at her, causing her cheeks to flush even though there was nothing of the sort that he was implying. 
“Nothing that you think - I ended up falling asleep before midnight and he had to leave soon because he was supposed to catch a flight the next day. That’s it! That’s my great story!”
“mmm… you’re warm,” she mumbled into his shoulder as he carried her up the stairs to her bedroom. Her voice was scratchy and worn out, she did cry a good amount, after all, and then they’d eaten, finished half the crate of the chocolate milk he brought after which she’d snuggled up to him, and slowly drifted to sleep. He’d made her comfortable on the couch while he cleaned up after them, deciding to tuck her in before he had to return to his hotel. “I’ll really miss you when you’re gone, you know that, don’t you?” She continued mumbling things into his neck that he couldn’t quite understand, and then pulled away.
Slowly blinking up at him, she bit her lips, hissing at how sore they felt because she’d forgotten how he had kissed her, slow and deep, after their meal. No wandering hands, no further moves. Just them, just kissing, as the 99th precinct continued to save the day in the background. This had quickly become her favourite day they had spent together and she was clutching onto the last fleeting moments. 
“And I’ll miss you just as much,” he replied, laying her on the mattress, moving away to turn on her night lights, the room now lit in hazy gold from one corner. “You’re so cute when you’re sleepy like this.”
Her eyes followed him around the room, biting the inside of her cheek to keep any second thoughts at bay. “Can you keep a secret?” She whispered, mind suddenly more conscious than it had been all evening. What could she say, being this close to him caused cross connections sometimes. 
He sat down on the edge of the bed next to her, taking her hand in his again. “Of course.”
“I think I’m in love with you, and it scared me to let you leave without you knowing.”
The biggest smile she had seen all day slowly broke out on his face, bringing their entwined hands up to his lips so he could kiss the back of her hand. “Can you keep my secret?”
When she hummed, he sighed out dreamily. “I know I’m in love with you. I have been for a long time.”
Tears gathered in her eyes for the third time that night, and soon he was gone. 
“So this boy you say you liked, what’s he like? Do we know him? Does anyone here know him?” James perks up cheekily, and she knows exactly what and who he was aiming at. She can feel her cheeks heat up under the makeup, thank god for full coverage foundation. 
“I think he might get by… maybe you know him, maybe you don’t…” she trails off but she knows James would want more. She knows most people who consider themselves her fans must’ve seen the few times she was spotted with him over the last year. There was a grainy video of the two of them standing very close at a small pub in Toronto, a few photos of the two of them walking hand in hand in Hyde Park while she was still filming in London, the one 35mm photo he posted of himself by the fireplace in her house, the same house that was the backdrop of many of her own photos. She knew they knew. But the two of them had never confirmed or denied anything, keep ‘em guessing and all. The sneaking around was half the fun. The other half was not having the media and the general public up their asses for every minuscule detail of their private lives. 
“So it probably wouldn’t be someone we’ve seen before right? You don’t happen to know this devilishly handsome Canadian singer - his face looks like it was carved from marble - has the voice of an angel?”
She tapped her fingers on her chin as if in deep thought, “Nope, sorry doesn’t ring a bell. But it sounds like you do know someone like that,” she smirks back at him, “What say, James, wanna set me up?”
“An opportunity to set up an Oscar winning actress? I wouldn’t dare pass up on that!” He seemed delighted, fully aware that his show was the first and only one to have had her spill any details about her personal life at all. 
Soon, he thanked her for being on the show, reminding the viewers to grab tickets to her upcoming film before announcing the next guest. She was brought backstage to pack up and head home, but not before she had her promotional photos taken with James, and in their signature photobooth. By an absolute coincidence she pinned her photo next to her love’s, smiling at how pathetic and mushy it was. 
Later that night as she got ready for bed, she saw herself tagged in a video by the Late Late Show’s Instagram account. It was the one of her talking about how “the boy she liked” taught her a life lesson and how she asked James to set her up with interested suitors. 
She found herself smiling at the video, when she felt his presence behind her, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into him. She let out a blissed sigh, and felt him nosing at her neck, dropping stray kisses as he liked. He cleared his throat lightly, sending chills down her spine due to the proximity. 
“Heard you’re looking for handsome Canadian singers to be set up with, where do I apply, Miss Golden?”
taglist: @shawnwyr​ @mendesstories​ @lanallaa​ @sleepybesson​ @rulerofnocountry​ @luvluvxx​ @wholesomemendes​
dm to be added or removed ♥️
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Bodyguard IV: Vegas Lights (Chapter Seven) (B. Urie x Reader)
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Brendon's words echoed in your head, yet failed to properly sink in. Your feet moved on their own accord, instinctively following in the steps of the agent ahead of you. The hotel's various entertainment areas and their accents faded into a swirl of blurred colours and patterns; you shut your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose in hopes that it would recalibrate your vision.
It might have been all those tequila shots you'd taken with Ambrose, or the exceptional kiss you'd received a few moments earlier, but you were fairly certain that it was Brendon and his mesmerising, unnecessarily flirtatious performance that was responsible for your current state of disorientation.
A frown crept its way onto your face as you played back the last fifteen minutes in your mind – specifically, the parts where your bodyguard had gotten a bit too up close and personal with the hotel's female guests.
You were still following Brendon's lead, however your stride had slowed down enough so as to allow a couple feet of distance between the two of you. Sensing the change in proximity, the agent halted his movements and spun around to address you.
"Why the frown?"
Shaking your head, you avoided eye contact. "Just... thinking about your little... show."
His left eyebrow arched and there was a smirk playing on his lips. "You didn't like it?" he queried, feigning hurt, "It was for you."
Snapping your head back to look at him, you furrowed your brows and scoffed, stretching your arm out to gesture at the music lounge. "You sang to every girlin there."
"Yeah." He walked forward to minimize the distance between you and whispered lowly. "But where'd I end, though?"
With the intention of delivering a clever retort, you immediately opened your mouth to respond. Sadly for you, you couldn't think of a single thing to say in return, and instead resigned yourself to clicking your tongue at him irritatedly.
Satisfied with his little win, the brooding agent straightened himself up and smoothed his jacket. "Exactly. Besides..."
He started making his way to the elevator and you followed suit, leaning in slightly to ensure that you heard everything he was about to say.
"...not liked I danced with them. Unlike some people."
His voiced dropped to a low hum for that last sentence, but you caught it nontheless. You caught it, and you once again stopped dead in your tracks.
"What did you just say?"
"You heard me."
It was abundantly clear that his quip was in reference to the whole "went-out-to-a-karaoke-bar-and-let-Aaron-Ross-serenade-you" thing, and honestly, you were insanely annoyed that he had brought it up.
After all, pretending to be dead and disappearing for eleven months was far worse.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you scoffed, clutching at your chest and widening your eyes, "I wasn't aware that dancing is a crime."
"It isn't," he shook his head, then tilted it to the side and stuffed his hands into his pockets, "Unless you do it without me."
"Oh, is that so?" you mumbled, skewing your face mockingly as you proceeded to overtake the agent in heading for the elevator. "Well maybe, if you had beenthere..."
Holding up his hands in a silent plea for you to stop talking, Brendon resumed his stride and sidled up next to you. Now that he was close enough to do so, he spoke into your ear.
"I don't intend on ever making that mistake again, believe me."
The two of you stepped into the elevator, standing shoulder-to-shoulder after pressing the button for your floor.
"I knew you sang," you scoffed, "You tried to deny it all those times, but I knew."
"Obviously. I literally sang you back to sleep once. What did you think that was, sweetheart? A dream?"
The elevator doors opened with a ding and seconds later, Brendon slipped out and down the hallway, leaving you to gawk after him.
"You literally said- UGH!"
Minutes later. Your and Brendon's hotel suite.
"...so to summarise," Rollins made a circle with his hands, signifying that his recount of the last hour was coming to a pinnacle, "the lead was a bust and we just wasted a perfectly good distraction technique on nothing."
From the other side of the suite, over by the bar cart, Ambrose piped up. "On the bright side, we did bust a drug operation." Drink in hand, the Hound nudged Brendon with his elbow and leaned in to mutter some words. "I swiped a couple grams, if you wanna have a party later."
Already annoyed due to the fact that no one had managed to get anywhere with this case, Brendon clenched his jaw and exhaled fumingly at the Lunatic's immaturity. Turning his head sharply, he delivered a glare so deadly that it could be felt all throughout the suite.
Stepping back, Ambrose held up his free hand in a show of surrender, raising his brows. "Kidding. Jesus, lighten up a bit."
"I'll lighten up when we finally find a lead that's an actual fucking lead," the agent growled, grabbing Ambrose's drink out of his hand and downing it before rubbing his hands over his face.
"That was the closest thing we've had," Reigns reminded everyone, shaking his head in disdain, "I can't believe weof all people are in a rut."
Sick of the heavy, pessimistic aura in the room, you stood up and clapped your hands together once. Making sure that you looked each man in the eye, you called them down.
"We are not in a rut. We've been in Vegas for all of what, three days? Not all missions are walks in the park – you guys of all people should know that."
You were met with silence and four downcast gazes, and so you continued.
"Today was a particularly draining one; we're all tired, not thinking clearly, and some of us are still slightly inebriated so," you made your way over to the bathroom and placed on hand on the doorframe as you finished addressing your teammates, "let's all just call it a night, get some rest and then discuss our next move in the morning, okay? Okay. Wonderful. Now get out of my room, I need to take a shower."
A resounding slam echoed around the room as you emphasised your point by shutting the bathroom door. The lock clicked and taking that as their final cue, the four agents shifted from their respective spots around the suite and headed for the exit.
Given that there was twenty feet and a thick plastered wall seperating you and your teammates, it wasn't at all possible for you to overhear any conversation that arose between them. Nevertheless, Brendon waited to hear the water spouting from the shower head before he started speaking.
"Since this case is clearly going nowhere slowly..." Brendon stopped in front of the door, running a hand through his hair before placing both hands on his hips. The Hounds ceased their steps and listened intently. "I'm gonna call Weekes. In the meantime, I want you guys to keep looking for Mason."
Ambrose made no effort to hide his disdain over the request, letting his body go limp as he expelled a throaty groan.
"Big brother duty again? Dude, we told you that he's dead."
Brendon responded with an icy glare. "You also told me that the kidnappers were operating from an underground lair here in the casino. So forgive me if I'm a bit untrusting of your sources and their intel."
"Fair enough."
Always the rational one, Rollins nodded his head and gave Brendon a firm pat on the back as reassurance.
"We'll handle it. Let us know what Weekes says."
Nodding, the brooding agent opened the door to allow his colleagues to leave, each of them mumbling goodnights as they did so. He locked the door, making sure that it was properly secure before moving off to grab another drink from the bar cart.
The pattering of water against shower tiles continued to filter through from the bathroom and concluding that you'd most likely still be in there for a while, Brendon decided it'd be best if he called HQ then.
He picked up the suit jacket strewn across a chair in the corner of the room and ruffled through the inside pockets in search of his phone. Once he found it, he walked over to the compact dining area, i.e. the most secluded part of the suite and tapped the screen a couple times to ring Dallon.
Setting it down on the small table, Brendon tooks sips of his whiskey as he waited for the techie to answer. There was complete silence in the suite, save for the distant pattering of the water from the shower and the trill of the phone; the sounds fell in and out of sync with one another, giving the agent something to listen to until the cheery voice of his comrade – accompanied by his hologram – pierced through the air.  
"Hey, handsome! I was wondering when you'd call!"
Just barely managing to fight back a chuckle and a smile, Brendon cocked his head up in greeting.
"Hey, Weekes. Listen, everything has pretty much gone to shit over here. We've got no leads, no intel, nothing. So..."
It took a second for the penny to drop but once the techie fully caught on to what his brooding counterpart was insinuating, he dropped the Scooby-Doo mug he'd had in his hand. The broken pieces of ceramic and milky coffee painted the linoleum floor of the tech room in an unappealing mixture of browns and blues.
Scooting as close to his desk as the roller chair would allow, Dallon leaned in closer still as he readjusted the glasses in front of his wide eyes. Eyes that were sparkling with excitement and a hint of mischief.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He was practically squealing, forcing Brendon to recoil and shut his eyes. "We're gonna do the-"
"Yes." The agent cut his colleague off, partly out of fear that he'd overspeak and say something he shouldn't and partly because he was still squealing. "I hate to say it but... we're in a rut, and this might be our only option."
Dallon's hologram cheered triumphantly. Brendon winced. The techie was far too invested in this, and that unsettled him a great deal. Especially since it was purely for the sake of the mission, and not for the reason Dallon was not-so-secretly vouching for.
"So," Brendon cleared his throat, tossing a quick glance over in the direction of the bedroom to make sure that you weren't out yet; you weren't, and he looked back to the hologram, "Can you get that suitcase here by morning?"
"How do you know me, bro?" Dallon scoffed, then leaned back in his chair and cracked his knuckles, "Already on its way."
The next morning.
The tiny crack in the hotel's curtains allowed for rays of morning light to filter into the bedroom, illuminating the space in a soft glow. Your eyelids rose with ease, grateful to finally reopen after a good night's sleep. Stretching out your limbs, you shook off the remnants of your slumber.
You had gone to bed right after your shower the previous night, calling out a goodnight to Brendon as you crawled beneath the covers. A low mumble was all you'd received in response. He was hunched over his phone, busy with what was undoubtedly mission-related things; you assumed he'd come to bed as soon as he finished whatever it was he needed to do.
Looking over at the space next to you, a frown found its way onto your face. The bed looked completely untouched, not a crinkle in the bedding nor a dent in the pillow. Your fingers trailed along the crisp duvet, hoping that you would somehow feelhim – feel that he had been there – and that it would prove that your thoughts of him chosing to sleep on the sofa rather than next to you were nothing but pesky anxieties.
Sadly, you found no such reassurance.
Heaving a sad sigh, you rolled over to face the other side. Your eyes fixed on the compact bedside table – or more specifically, what was on top of it. The frown you  were wearing slowly morphed into a soft smile as you took in the sight of the still-steaming cup of coffee.
There was your reassurance.
While it was evident that he hadn't slept next to you, the familiar gesture of bringing you your morning coffee was proof enough that he cared.
Pushing yourself up into a sitting position, you called out to him. "Bren?"
Your voice was hoarse from sleep, and you cleared your throat while reaching over to pick up the mug. After taking a sip, you tried again.
No response. Knitting your brows together, you peeled back the covers and tentatively slid out of bed, trying not to spill any coffee. The complimentary hotel slippers laid by your feet; you slid them on and started for the living area of the suite.
There was no sign of your bodyguard, however there was a note on the coffee table. Picking it up, you read over the slanted handwriting.
'Needed to run a couple errands. Be back soon.
"Errands?" you muttered, taking another sip of coffee as you reread the note.
It was odd that the usually mission-orientated agent would take time off to do personal things, which led you to conclude that whatever he was doing was somehow tied to the case. It was even more odd, then, that he hadn't informed you of what exactly the errands entailed.
Chalking it up to his lone-wolf, arrogant nature, you dropped the note back onto the coffee table and walked back to the bedroom. You picked up your cellphone from the side table and sat yourself on the edge of the bed, scrolling through your notifications while you slugged down the remainder of your coffee.
Not long after, you were headed for the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for the day. You shut and locked the door out of habit, ensuring your privacy despite the fact that you were alone in the suite. When you emerged from the bathroom a half hour later, though, you realised that that was no longer the case.
You stopped in your tracks when you saw the dress splayed across the made-up bed. Knitting your brows together, you approached the bed with cautious steps and an inquisitive gaze.
Now that you were close enough to properly examine the dress – which was covered in a transparent dress protector to preserve its delicateness – you were quite easily the most confused you had ever been.
"Uh... Brendon?"
"Heads up."
You spun around just in time to catch the airborne object he had tossed across the room. Clutching the bunch of tulle in both hands, you lowered it down to inspect it.
"What's this?" you asked, fondling the material as you tried to make sense of it.
"A veil." His words caused you to freeze, your eyes the only part of you that moved as you looked up at him. He nodded to the item of clothing on the bed. "And that's a dress. Get changed. We have an appointment."
Tilting your head, you gave the agent a skeptical look. "Where?"
"The altar."
"We're getting married."
Thank you for reading x
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kchuarts · 4 years
A/N: .... Listen... I’m lonely and this thought has been stuck in my mind all day. Plus, who wouldn’t want Loki doing this to them? ;) I mean, if that’s not your thing then that’s ok too.
Summary: Being at the Avengers Tower while under heavy supervision and practically unable to entertain yourself without a “babysitter” is irritating. It is especially bothersome when you are Loki and you are hornier than all Valhalla... Luckily, it seems that an opportunity has shined down upon the god when it is Astrid’s turn to watch him. Oh what fun we shall have. Avengers AU where Loki and Thor escape Thanos and yeah he doesn’t fuckin die. 
CW: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) PWP... This is basically just p*rn but written. 
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A very loud and frustrated sigh came from the living room of the Avengers Tower. In the room, sat the God of Mischief with his hands dragging down his handsome face. “Look Rock of Ages, it’s either you put up with having free reign of this floor or be locked up in a cold cell and restrained until we get back.” Tony raised his brows at Loki who was giving him an equally irritated look. “Is this some kind of smoldering stare off? Hate to say it, Prince of Darkness but I think Mr. Stark’s got this on you.” Peter hung from the ceiling, anticipating the mission, on his web. Not too long ago, after their miraculous escape from the Mad Titan, Thor brought Loki to the tower and insistently pestered Tony to let Loki redeem himself and make up for what he did back in 2012, when he unwillingly attacked NY. 
Reluctantly, Tony agreed due to the fact there was one other person aside from Thor who begged him: Astrid. The Billionaire always had a hard time telling his god-daughter no, especially since he saw so much of her mother in her. “Smoldering stare off? I do not suppose you would like me to join. I would win!” Thor flashed his blinding grin towards the rest of the team. “Can we just get on with it? That super group of evil scientists will have their weapon ready at any moment. We told Steve and Bucky we would be there 10 minutes ago.” Natasha stepped forth and motioned her head toward the exit. Tony looked at Peter and smirked, nudging the boy “Prince of Darkness? I like that one. How about Gloom and Doom?” He snickered alongside Peter. Loki still remained annoyed and felt Thor give him a sympathetic pat on his back “You know I can hear you Tinman. You too Spider-child.” He spat, folding his arms over his chest. Just as Peter was about to correct Loki, he flipped back to his feet and was suddenly hauled off by a rather worried looking Black Widow. “Capisicle will be fine, Nat!” Tony shouted to her as she rushed out the door. 
“Now, back to what I was saying. Once you have proven that you’re not likely to kill someone at any given moment, yes even myself, then we will see about you helping out on missions.” Tony began walking with Thor out of the room and then nodded towards him, “See ya Reindeer Games.” He stepped off the balcony, his suit following up and encasing him in mid fall. “I don’t suppose you have something snarky to say to me as well, do you brother?” Loki rolled his eyes at how bold Tony could be. The blonde god only smiled at Loki and winked, “Lady Astrid will be coming to keep an eye on you if that makes you feel any better.” He threw his head back and laughed as he saw Loki’s cheeks turn slightly pink, knowing how his younger brother felt about the young woman. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t!” Thor waved him off, finally leaving the tower and Loki alone. 
The dark haired prince muttered under his breath, shifting on the couch and then suddenly noticing that when Thor mentioned Astrid, he became a bit excited. Loki eyed the door then looked back down at his lap and sighed through his nose as memories of bedding the mortal woman began to plague his brain. A naughty smirk cracked across his face as he heard footsteps approaching the living area. If he couldn’t cause mischief to the Avengers, then he would most certainly enjoy causing some to Astrid and it would be to her benefit as well. 
“Hey Loki!” Astrid walked in, shutting the door behind her and smiling at him. In her hands she held some plastic bags that gave off the smell of Chinese cuisine. This gave Loki a wonderful idea... Sure he was hungry, but for something other than that. “I bought us some lunch in case you’re hungry. Oh! And I bought some sweets too.” She continued babbling all the while Loki stared at her ass in that tight pencil skirt, the gears in his head turning. “Oh I am very hungry, my dear.” His eyes darkened with lust. Astrid turned around, her cheeks turning pink at the way Loki was looking at her. She bit her bottom lip and nodded, “I figured!” She gave him another smile only to have that wiped from her face as Loki was up in a flash, pinning her to the wall and caressing her face. “You said you also bought sweets?” Loki grinned down at her, licking his lips and chuckling at her shy expression “How thoughtful that you remembered I simply adore sweets.. But... There’s just one sweet I’d like at the moment.” His hand played with the hem of her cardigan. 
“Yeah?” Astrid looked up into his eyes, her legs rubbing together as she knew where this was going. Loki leaned closer, his lips just barely touching hers “Skirt off, now.” He continued to look her in the eyes, smirking at her frustration of him not kissing her. Hastily, Astrid unzipped the side of her skirt, pushing it down and kicking it aside. The god angled his head and leaned into her as if to kiss her but only whispered to her “I am unaware of how long they will be, but I’d like dessert first...” He chuckled in her ear, nipping it softly. The brunette shuddered at how his voice alone made her just absolutely turned on. “Sh-Should we move this to the bedroom?” She suggested, raising a brow as Loki knelt before her. Darkened blue-green eyes flicked up at the woman above, “No. I want your legs to be shaking as I eat your pretty,” he hooks his fingers on the sides of her panties, “little” he yanks them down, “pink” and helping her step out of them “drenched” he secretly pockets her panties “pussy”. 
In an instant, Astrid’s fingers grab his long dark locks, crying out softly as she feels the flat of Loki’s tongue drag across her folds. A deep growl rumbled in Loki’s chest as he saw how wet she was already. “You are not to come until I tell you, is that understood?” He grabbed the soft flesh of her thighs, placing kisses near the place she wanted his mouth most but only ghosting his lips over it. “Yes, my prince.” She squirmed a little, parting her legs a little more for him to have easier access. “That’s my good girl..” He places a kiss on her inner thigh, smirking as he only continues to tease her. One of his hands moves off her thigh, his middle and ring finger gently caressing her entrance. “You’re so fucking wet.” He turns his gaze to her pussy, beginning to take more long and languid licks. “Mmm!” Astrid’s fingers tugged slightly at his hair, soft mewls escaping her lips as Loki’s tongue continued to drag across her vagina. She cries out as she feels Loki give her sensitive clit a sharp suck “L-Loki!” she shrugs her shoulders out of her cardigan as she grew warm. 
Oh how he loved the way his name sounded coming from her, it pleased him to no end. Loki once again grabbed her thighs, burying his face into her mound and sliding his tongue inside of her; the brunette squirming at the sudden sensation of being tongue fucked. The god looked up at her, breathing a little heavy as he moved his tongue around inside of her walls, savoring her taste. He wiggled his tongue, pushing the tip of it against a sweet spot of hers. “Fuck!! Loki!! Oh Fuck!!” She pulled his hair and let her head fall back a little, her chest taking on a very light shade of pink. Loki moaned against her as she pulled his hair, causing him to take his mouth off of her for a brief moment. “That’s it, sing for me my naughty little song bird..” He slipped two slender fingers slowly into her and his mouth returning to her clit to suck on it. In and out, his fingers moved at a steady pace; coated in her essence. While inside of her, he curls his fingers in a come hither motion and hitting a rough patch. Astrid begins to pant a little harder, her legs starting to shake slightly “I-I wanna come-” She whines as Loki stops sucking and grins at her. “You will come only when I grant you permission...” The pace of his fingers starts to pick up. Once more, a cry of frustration leaves Astrid as she feels that fire inside of her wanting to rupture from her. “Ah! Loki! A-Ahh!” She feels his fingers slip out of her and his mouth replaces them. Astrid moves her hips as she rides his face, the feeling of his hot tongue being too much. “P-Please! I’m gonna come! Please let me come!” She begs him, her legs trembling with the need of release. 
The prince does not listen, but looks up at her to give her some sort of warning. He only continues to thrust his tongue inside of her tight, hot walls; moaning at how she tastes. Astrid does her best to keep from coming but it is becoming too much with how Loki is quite literally feasting on her pussy. Her teal orbs gaze down, pleas of desperation on her lips. Finally, Loki switches back, his fingers inside her and moving at a fast pace. “Come. Let me see you fall apart.” His thumb applying moderate pressure and rubbing her clit. Astrid whimpers his name, her hands clenching at his head and her legs giving out a little as her orgasm washes over her. Loki watches her, helping her stand up so she doesn’t fall but immediately places his mouth back on her pussy, sucking her clit. “N-No! I’m sensitive st-till!” Astrid squeaks out, her breathing now at a faster tempo. The god does not listen and continues to lick and suck at her pearl. “FUCK!! LOKI!!” she screams, her legs now giving out. Quickly, Loki helps her down and moves up, his lips now on hers. The two kissed feverishly, Loki quickly pulling his rock hard cock out and slipping it inside of her. He swallowed a cry from Astrid, beginning to move his hips as he felt her nails dig into his clothed back. 
Astrid locked her legs around his waist, pulling him in more and his cock burying deeper into her. Loki pulls away to catch his breath, staring down at Astrid as he plowed into her. “So perfect for my cock. So fucking tight your pussy is sucking me in but oh it feels so good” He growls, moving his hips harder; the tip of his cock hitting Astrid’s cervix in an almost bruising way. The young woman yelped as she felt his fingers on her clit again, rubbing fast. “I-Inside me. Come inside me.” She whimpered against his lips, her third orgasm approaching fast. “Please! Ahh! LOKI!!” Her walls clamped down on his cock, earning a loud gasp from the god. “Astrid!” He groaned, pressing his forehead against hers and burying himself to the hilt as he came hard. The pair stayed like that for a moment, catching their breath and Astrid still trembling. “Are you alright?” Loki cleared his throat, looking at the woman beneath him and giving her a smile. Astrid smiles back, leaning up and giving him a soft kiss “Yes, my-” 
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” Tony dropped his doughnut that he was enjoying up until he arrived back. The mission was apparently not as complicated as it seemed...“Guys go the long way around, apparently Reindeer Games decided it was a good time to be twitterpated with Clarice.” The Billionaire spoke into the comm. Loki grinned, unashamed of what he had just done and kept his eye contact with Tony as he pulled out of Astrid. “You sick son of a bitch! That’s my god-daughter!! We are gone for an hour and I have to fucking see this!? Prince of Darkness fucking my god-daughter!?” Tony now looked livid. Astrid quickly grabbed her skirt and pulled it on, standing up with some difficulty and looking around for her panties. “Well she seemed to enjoy it.” Loki wrapped his arm around Astrid’s waist and smirked as she saw her panties in his pocket. Her jaw fell a little and she pouted, looking away from him. “T-Tony just don’t worry about him. I am a grown woman... I can do as I please.” She stated. “Uhhh, hey Miss Astrid, you’ve got some stuff dripping from your legs...” Peter was sitting on the kitchen counter, munching on the food Astrid had bought. “Brother! It seems that you and Lady Astrid had a lot of fun!” Thor’s boisterous laugh filled the room. Steve and Natasha gave Astrid the look of sympathy as they had been in a somewhat similar situation and Bucky wolf whistled. The brunette’s cheeks lit up, mortified at the fact everyone could see Loki’s seed dripping down her legs. “OH GOD DAMN IT!! I’M GONNA MAKE YOU PAY FOR THE NEW FLOORING, ROCK OF AGES!!” 
The end! I was being horny on main so idk how good this came out. ehehhehehhehehe
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Frostbitten (Chapter Three)
Y/N L/N is a child of a Jotun and an Asgardian. She spends her life hidden in the dungeons of Asgard, with no one to talk to other than one of the princes- a man who seems completely incapable of leaving her alone and entirely unable to give up on helping her. Y/N and Loki Odinson have always been inseparable, it seems- even when there is a cell wall, or a village, or an entire kingdom between them.
Even when he disappears, even when you run away, and even when his world falls apart; you are inseparable.
Previous Part
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I’m gonna pretend that this didn’t take me way too long to write and I’m just gonna,, leave this here,,
This part of the story is mainly just exposition so that you have an idea of the baseline for the rest of the story. Romantic development starts very, very soon.
Tags are open! 
"If you were king, what would you do?"
Loki peers up from his book at the question, frowning sideways at you through a curtain of dark hair. His desire for the throne has always been evident, but he rarely ever talks about it. It always seemed like something he was.. afraid to mention. "What do you mean?”
"Oh, you know," you wave your hand dismissively, "how would you behave? What would you change”
He sweeps his hair behind his ears, and sighs. "Well, aside from an inevitable war or two, I'd, well, first I’d free you. Then, perhaps set up a system of trial- one that involves more than just the king, since we’ve seen how well that works out. I'd allow more children to study magic if they'd rather not partake in physical battle practices. Create a public library or two.” He shrugs. “I'd marry, probably have a child to pass the throne onto... You know, the very basics. Change the kingdom to focus less on glory and more on intelligence- wisdom. Strength is good short-term, but knowledge lasts forever."
You nod approvingly. "How very noble of you. I’d love to live under your reign.” That much is true. “But, really? No bragging? At all?" That part is a joke, mainly.
He grins, looking back down at his book. "You asked me what I'd do as a ruler, not as a man."
"My apologies. So, then, what would you do as yourself?"
"Everything I mentioned before, but I’d also create a very, very large statue of myself. Just as a constant reminder to Thor, since he never fails to remind me that because he is older he will inherit the throne.” He pauses. “Oh, and several very, very dramatic theatrical pieces. Community theatre would return in screaming colors.”
You snort. “There he is! There’s the Loki I know and love. Always one for drama.”
“What? As if you wouldn’t do the same.”
“I would.” You add, “but you know you’re allowed to exceed my expectations, right? You have full permission to be better than me.”
He scratches the spot just underneath his jaw with two fingers, turning the page of his book. “Why raise your expectations when I can drastically lower them and therefore have to work less to achieve appreciation?” 
Your eyes give a slight roll. “You’d better be glad there’s something keeping me from you right now. If I could, I’d snap your spine.”
Loki turns the page again, looking back up at you in between the motion. His grin flashes into a smirk. “I’d like to see you try.”
“What the hell?!” Thor bellows, stomping over to his brother and ripping him away from you by the shoulders. “You are not supposed to be here, brother!”
“Says who?” Loki retorts, feigning cluelessness. He takes a few heavy steps, his armor tight enough not to be shifting around, his boots soft enough to not make a sound on the hard ground. Unintentional mental rhyming. “Oh, my,” he gasps, lifting a hand to his mouth in shock, “did father explicitly tell you that I wasn’t to be here? That may be an issue. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I tried to tell you, but you cut me-” he breaks off and releases a loud grunt of frustration. "You tricked me!”
“He’s the god of mischief,” you speak up, standing up and taking in the cool atmosphere. Bits of jagged ice prick at your bare feet, but for some reason they don’t hurt you. Your head feels lighter in the new environment. You feel more awake. More... at home. “You should expect that of him. He’ll never fail to disappoint you.”
Loki rolls his eyes but smiles faintly. “I think you all need to lower your expectations.”
“Why can’t Loki be here, anyway?” Asks Sif, her green eyes glassy in the cold. “What’s the issue with that? Why not him instead of I? The point of this affair was to prove our sense of diplomacy, wasn’t it? Thor came along to prove to Jotunheim that Asgard unequivocally cared about the reform. Why not two princes rather than one?”
Thor runs a troubled, angry hand through his shoulder-length hair. “I’m not sure, but father made himself clear. Besides, he’s a total pain in the-”
Suddenly, the Bifrost closes. There’s a whoosh of wind followed by an awful, earsplitting silence. The others in the group look at you, then their eyes shift to Thor, then Loki, then Sif. There is a notable absence of trusted adults in the area, and you feel the collective blood pressure of the group begin to rise.
“Where’s Arvid?” asks Sif stiffly. She slowly turns her head toward Loki, who stares confusedly back. “Loki,” she takes a stride toward him, her hand inching toward the hilt of her sword. “What did you do to him?”
Loki frowns, putting his hands up in surrender. “I’ve not touched him. If I killed every man I opposed, I'd never be able to get away with treason the way I need to, even though I’d love a chance to see him suffer.”
Thor starts pacing around the area, moving in heavy, quick steps. “Heimdall!” he shouts at the sky, voice echoing across the terrain. “Heimdall, open the Bifrost!”
You straighten your back and pull at your tattered clothing, shifting your gaze to a dark formation of pillars and spires behind you, some collapsed and some upright- about fifty steps away. It bears a bit of resemblance to Asgard’s palace, but it’s much smaller. It’s beaten down- unrepaired after a history of war. Loki told you about his father’s experiences here, about the casket that resided in Odin’s treasure room. That casket- that war was both the thing that ensured your creation and the thing that took your life away. You should not feel a sense of pride for Jotunheim, but for some strange reason, you feel the urge to protect it. Or, at least, let it die of old age rather than in the heat of battle.
“Are you alright?” whispers Loki, moving closer to you. You think that Sif hears, because her head turns toward the pair of you for a second too long. You don’t really care. “You look shaken.”
You don’t respond. A prickly, steady sense of fear travels through you, crawling up your spine and nesting in your chest. 
“Heimdall!” Thor shouts a final time, raising his fists at the sky, before slouching, defeated, in a fit of anger. “We’re stranded!” he announces. “What are we supposed to do?”
“Why did you bring me here?” you say in hardly an echo, turning your back to what remains of the Jotunheim palace and looking out at the group. “Whatever your reason is, I assume you’ll have to go through with your intentions, with or without him. I’d rather I find out now if you don’t mind.”
Thor stops pacing to stare you in the face and then starts to approach you, practically fuming. Your fight or flight reflexes start to kick in, but instead of reacting you stand your ground, keeping your face set, your pulse thrumming in your ears. “If you believe for a second that it’s within your rights to speak to me, you-”
“Brother, I hate to remind you, but we’re in her realm,” Loki states firmly, just before Thor reaches you. When he freezes, you calm a bit, releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Besides, she’s a princess, now, is she not?”
I’m not Laufey’s daughter! You think, raising both eyebrows. The fear is joined by subtle exasperation.
Thor turns to tower over Loki, but despite being quite a bit smaller he doesn’t flinch. “Watch your words. Neither you nor her need to know of the plans, especially now that they may not be set in motion. Now that Arvid isn’t here to perform the-” he breaks off, groaning loudly. He raises his fists to the sky. “This is all going to Hel!”
“I read the plans, brother. And I still have many questions. So should you.” Loki steps forward and lets his arms hang at his sides, staring daggers into the blue eyes of the older prince. “Until someone explains why this ordeal is to take place in the first place despite the obvious inhumanity, I’d suggest you stop acting as though you’re in control. As if you know what the Allfather has planned.”
“Loki, you know not of what you speak,” offers Sif, her breath fogging in the cold air. “Give it time.”
He turns to her, his lips parting into a somehow-menacing smile. “I’m sorry, is this not a sufficiently appropriate time?” He lets the words ring out, and then scoffs. “No, then? Sif, the two of you need a magician, correct? Are you going to ask me next to sew her lips shut and heal the wounds? To drain the thought from her mind, the soul from her body?” he points to you, and you blink in horror at the thought, shoulders tensing. Loki did make a move to warn you about what might happen if you didn’t escape, but this just sounds... very un-Asgard like. 
It makes you think there’s something else going on. Odin is covering something up, or he’s scared. Maybe both. Your legs, weak from lack of use, begin to shake under your weight, and you try to steady yourself, pressure building.
What could an all-powerful being have to be afraid of? 
Unlike before, Loki seems to be completely unaware of your mental state at the very moment. “Would you like me to take Arvid’s place as the puppeteer?” You’re going to lash out. You’re going to lash out. You’re going to lash out. “Speaking for her, moving for her, breathing for-”
“What in the Allfather’s name is happening?!” You snap, balling your hands at your sides. You glare at Loki, despite your intent to remain calm, and it takes him aback. “Assume we’re stranded here, how about! Assume we’re stuck on this frozen ice-land, and Heimdall and Arvid have been killed by some unknown force of nature. We’re stuck in Jotunheim, not Asgard. I don’t believe the rest of you have any means of surviving here, so perhaps it’s a good idea to tell the one person who can possibly keep you alive what you’re here for!” 
“I don’t believe you’d be of much use-” Sif begins, scowling, but you cut her off.
“Was your intention to take over my body and use Laufey’s belief that I’m the heir to the throne in your favor? That’s what I’m gathering, and I hate to break it to you, My Lady, but if Arvid was meant for that job, and he’s gone, your best chances lie with me.” You glare harshly, and then, noticing the jagged ice stemming from around your feet, take a deep breath in and try to relax. It barely does anything. “I have no intentions of hurting any of you, despite what you might have forethought.”
Sif is offended, but firm. “Do you think that we’re feeble-minded enough to trust you with the throne? Your word means nothing. You’d have us all killed if you had the chance.”
You laugh, the last of your patience fading away. “Would you like to test that theory? I’ve plenty of methods to prove you wrong, and plenty more to prove you ri-”
It’s a cold, rumbling voice from behind you, familiar and foreign at the same time. You turn toward the noise and lay eyes on several Jotun soldiers emerging from behind the large, jagged bits of rock and ice that sprout from the desolate ground. In the midst, a large, guarded Jotun glowers down at you and the others, looking amused and angered
Your aggravation fades and leaves only the prickly, paralyzing fear. The Jotun speaks again. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Did he hear you speaking earlier? He had to have heard Thor screaming for Heimdall. Did he hear you and Sif arguing? How much does he know?
You find yourself backing up, and you stop when you feel Loki’s hand, outstretched slightly, press against the covered surface of your back, gently steadying you. When you look at him, he seems to be at a loss for words. You can’t say you feel any differently.
Thor, who had spoken loudly and boldly just moments earlier, is silent and pale. Sif, stepping silently and shakily forward, is the first to speak.
“King Laufey,” she utters, doing her best not to display signs of despair, “while the circumstances of our visit could very much be better, we come to return a prisoner.” The last word is a threat toward you, a reminder that previous plans have been canceled. She is going to get rid of you.
The giant, his face lined with intricate, deeply marked lines, looks quizzically at her, then at you. “Small for a giant’s offspring. ” He speaks slowly. It sounds like an insult. You take in a deep breath, refusing to look away. “Twenty years of age.”
“We understand that you believe her to be your daughter,” starts Sif, but she breaks off suddenly, sounding as though the air has been pulled from her body.
"We bring your daughter here in a gesture of peace," Loki says, and you notice that at the same time Sif lost her breath, Loki curled his fist, as if he had been the one to stop her talking. She looks at him accusingly but doesn’t do anything else, probably terrified. "Asgard's rulers have come to the conclusion that our quarrels with this realm ended inefficiently. We'd like to take some time to organize a proper treaty."
Oh, he's good.
Laufey chuckles, amused. He doesn’t seem to notice Loki’s magic. "And three of you? What well-dressed expandables Asgard must have."
Loki smiles faintly, signaling to Sif. "This is Lady Sif, one of our fiercest warriors. This is my brother, Thor," he signals to Thor, who is still looking a bit flabbergasted, then to himself "and I am Loki. We two are the Odinsons."
That piques his interest. He steps forward, and the four Jotuns surrounding him follow his movement. "The princes?" Laufey turns his gaze back to you. "And you, child. You're my daughter?"
You freeze for a moment, waiting for someone to speak for you, but they don't. You clear your throat. Your voice only shakes a little when it comes forward. "I certainly don't believe there to be any other undersized Jotuns my age, dead or alive, that were taken during the battle. It's not a very popular title."
To your relief, the answer seems to satisfy him. "Then they've kept it from you?" Laufey stares down the princes, lingering on each of them for far too long. Thor looks as if he’s going to speak, but Loki’s fist clenches tighter, and his lips seal shut. "They have locked you up, kept you from the truth, and even now, they restrain you." The handcuffs, frozen but refusing to break, feel heavy on your wrists. "If you were to one day sit on my throne, I wonder, how would you have these men pay for their crimes against you?"
Sif is giving you a cold, silent warning stare, and Thor looks like he might pass out- he does not appear to be breathing. Loki, on the other hand, edges closer to you, growing calmer with each passing moment.
"Well," you say, staring straight ahead. "Lady Sif has had no part in these doings. She hardly ever went down to the dungeons. So, even though I'm certain she'd have me hung if she had the chance,” the soldier is holding her breath, frozen, “she's technically innocent. Her only crime is disrespect." You practically feel the surprise bouncing off of her, and then her face contorts into an expression of suspicion. Loki is controlling her ability to speak- she must think he’s controlling yours as well. "Thor was arrogant, bothersome, but like Sif, he has not tried to harm me. The two of them live in Odin's shadow. They have no knowledge of what to do aside from what he instructs."
Laufey doesn't move, he just shifts his eyes between them, thinking. You don’t dare wait for him to speak, practically tripping over your own tongue in haste for this conversation to be over.
"Loki is so kind that he’s hardly even Asgardian.." You look over at him, asking silently for permission to go more into detail. You don’t want to spill your lifelong secrets if he doesn’t approve. He glances back, holds your gaze for a moment, and then nods wistfully, looking toward the ground. You turn your eyes back to Laufey. "He snuck down to the dungeons. Taught me how to read, how to speak, how to go as many places as I could without leaving my cell. I'd have gone mad without him.”
“They’re all innocent?” He furrows a brow, frown deepening. He’s testing you. “You don’t wish to put them through an inch- a fraction of the pain they put you through? Not even for a moment?”
“You asked me what I’d do as a ruler,” you quote, trying not to smile when Loki’s eyes light up at the familiarity. It’s always a joy to know he remembers your conversations. “Not what I’d do as a man.”
He barely registers any physical reaction before speaking again.
“How amiable. Unfortunately for them, I’m not quite as generous.” Laufey’s red, beady eyes sweep the four of you a final time, and then he turns, beckoning the lot of you, plus the soldiers, after him. “I’d normally have them chained to the walls and beaten to sod. However, your kindness has inspired me.”
Guards move behind you, pushing the other three forward, quite forcefully. Sif breaks free of Loki’s spell and unsheaths her sword, swinging toward the giants, but one of the guards closest to her grabs hold of her wrist, and she drops the weapon before she gets a chance to strike, holding her wrist close to her chest and stumbling back with shock. Two Jotuns seize her by the shoulders and steer her back with the others. She struggles against them, and Thor, alarmed by the sight of the wound, moves to help her, but the giants swat him aside just as easily as they did her. Loki doesn’t bother fighting, resisting. He seems to already be thinking of a plan. He looks calm. He doesn’t look at you.
“I’ll leave them alive. They’ll live what time they have here in the dungeons. And as for you,” he turns around once more, and you freeze, watching the three Asgardians as they’re shoved toward a downward stairwell, leading into a lightless below. “You’ll join my other children in their quarters. They will be awaiting you.”
He walks out of the room, double doors closing loudly behind him.
Frostbitten Tags:
@natalia-rushman @what-inspirational-name@jessiejunebug@fandomdestroyer @a-new-schematic @iris-suoh @pandacookieowo @givememyskittlesback @awesomefandomsunited @itsanallygator @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77 @fire-treasure-iii @strangerliaa @for-the-love-of-the-fandom @woohoney @itsanallygator
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spidey-d00d · 5 years
Imagine getting married to Loki
He never thought anyone would be in his life long enough to get to know him and love him. He didn’t even expect anyone to love him. He was fully prepared to live the rest of his life alone and he was okay with that.
But that was until you walked straight into his life. Literally. You had walked right into him in the Stark Towers as he was trying to reign his brother back to Asgard and you were running around like a maniac for Tony seen as you were his assistant at the time. Now you were promoted to the head of Stark Industries, taking Pepper Potts place.
Ever since you had made eye contact with the god, you knew that he was the next challenge you wanted to take on. Challenges were your thing. Hence why you took the job with Tony Stark. You liked facing things head on and accomplishing them. Loki wasn’t an exception either. You knew him, about him at least at the time. You knew the trouble he has gotten into and caused. Hell, he was a central part of your pain for a good few years.
The New York attack killed your parents and older brother whom you were incredibly close with, but over the years you grieved less and less, knowing they wouldn’t want you to dwell on them and let them get in front of your work. You resented Loki for years, before you had even met him. You had it all planned out on how his death would be, the same as your family’s, slow and painful, but it all changed when you had finally came face to face with the frost giant.
You saw a whole different man than everyone else. You saw the hurt in his eyes no matter how much he tried to hide it with his hard demonor. You saw how soft he was behind all of his dark clothing and armor. You saw Loki the kind, misunderstood, gentle, damnedly unstable, god and not the Loki everyone hated which was the vindictive, evil-minded god of mischief.
He was reluctant at first to even let you speak to him. He knew if he said even a word wrong then he would have a whole world of hurt coming his way, but you convinced him otherwise. You told him, and these were your exact words, “I am a big girl, I can handle my own puny god issues” with the biggest smirk the man had ever seen on your face. Loki, at the time did not find it amusing but now looking back on it, the memory makes him smile.
You two had spent a lot of time together, whether you were working or not. If you were busy doing the loads of paperwork you always seemed to have, he would sit in your office with you and just read. Other times when you had free time you would do things around the compound like watch movies, have him read to you, or just run around like a bunch of 10 year olds. It really just depended on the day and type of moods you guys were in, but there was rarely any time you were apart.
You had him wrapped around his finger and you didn’t even realize it. You had been the only person Loki had ever met in his years of existing, that overlooked everything he did, and looked at him like an actual person that deserved a little bit of kindness.
Now, years later, he was standing at the end of a light emerald green rose petal covered walkway, awaiting your arrival. The accent colors of black and emerald green were scattered around the white decor. You guys wanted to try and keep it traditional with a splash of your own touch.
Everyone in the pews that were set up in the huge field outside of the Avengers compound stood up from their previous seated positions. Everyone included some friends made through the years, most of them having to do with shield or the Avengers, and of course the Avengers themselves. Besides Thor, Steve, Clint and Wanda. Thor was Loki’s best man, the only one that through everyone, before you had met him, stood with Loki and believed in him, his brother.
Wanda was your maid of honor, she was also the only that would agree to wear a dress between her and Natasha. Wanda had been there for you to rant to and what not about your relationship problems, when they arose every once in a blue moon, and she was also your best friend.
Steve was the one marrying you two, because he was surprisingly already ordained. No one really questioned him on it.
Clint was the one walking you down the aisle, seen as your real father couldn’t be here. Clint served as a father figure for all of the years that you knew him. You knew you could go to him for anything you ever needed him for, and he wouldn’t hesitate to put everything down and help you. Clint was a real father figure to a lot of people, including the Maximoff twins, you, and of course his own children.
You saw everyone turn around awaiting your presence walking down between the pews. You had a death grip of the archers arm and you started slowly walking to the beginning of the walkway.
“Don’t let me trip” You whispered so only he could hear.
“I won’t, but if you do I’m gonna laugh” You were told and you just gave him a death glare, to which he grinned and shrugged to.
“Are you ready?” He asked as soon as we hit the start of the colored rose petals.
“As ready as I can be.” You replied, finally looking straight ahead of you instead of looking at all of the smiling faces around you. The music started playing but you didn’t notice. You started walking forward, but you didn’t notice. All you saw was his eyes, and that’s all you were focused on.
Loki didn’t realize you had come down the aisle until you were right in front of him. Not because he wasn’t pay attention, but as soon as you came into his view, he lost all track of thought. You were on his mind and that was it. How beautiful you looked in the long white dress you probably spent way too much money on. How your hair was neatly placed on top of your head with a veil covering the y/h/c hair neatly. How your makeup was done with perfection, even though he didn’t think you needed it, he knew you liked it and that’s all that mattered. All that mattered is that he got to marry the love of his life and you loved it. He didn’t notice he was crying until you reached up and wiped a tear off of his face.
“I’m the one that is supposed to be crying.” You joked and everyone laughed, including Loki, who just grinned and slightly shook his head.
You both smiled at each other before signaling Steve to start, wanting to be married already.
“I, Loki, take you, y/n, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward.” He grinned, not breaking eye contact with you for a second. He was beyond ecstatic to be finally saying these words and soon to be forever bonded with you.
You repeated the same words to him, maintaining eye contact, beaming with glee and excitement, rushing words trying to make the process go faster, and messing up once or twice, giving an entertaining show to your friends in the pews.
“I, Y/N, take you to be my husband, my friend, my faithful partner, my protector and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health.”
By now you were crying, thankful that you had the makeup artists use waterproof makeup otherwise you would be a complete mess. Loki was also tearing up, but willing himself not to drop any tears, because this was your time to shine and he wasn’t going to take that from you. He will cry during his part. “In good times and in bad, which we will have a lot of both.”
That got a lot of people to laugh. You added it in to make the mood lighter instead of you just crying. “And in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your choices, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.”
You were nearing the end of the vows. All that was left was for Loki to say his last bit of the promise you were holding for each other. You were both getting impatient, but knew it was for the best. He was just replaying in his head all of the amazing times you guys had together, and thinking about how many more memories you would make together. He was counting the words until he would be able to kiss you and make everything official.
“I Loki, promise you will forever be my partner in life, and my one true love. I will cherish our union and to love you more and more than i did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, love you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand.”
“My heart.” You joined in.
“My love.” He continued grinning from ear to ear.
“My life.” You continued.
“My promise to be here for you, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.”
Steve chimed in with the classic line that they had been waiting to hear since you walked down the aisle.
“By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife, Loki, you may now kiss your bride.” He announced grinning as everyone started to cheer.
He looked you in the eyes, a smile never leaving his face nor yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands found themselves resting on your hips, pulling you closer as he smashed his lips on your, finally making everything official. You swore you felt the same sparks, if not stronger sparks, from when you had first kissed him all those years ago.
You were now Mr. and Mrs. Loki Laufeyson and you two couldn’t be any happier.
Just now getting back into writing so go easy on my please!
My requests are open so pleaseeeee request something!
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lets-get-shipping · 5 years
The Sealed Legend-Chapter 2
(Festival time! Lets see how I do at this. Gonna try to write my own song for the singing part)
The sun reaching it's peak when King Joaquín arrived, Elena rushing to meet him along with her family and friends. She was dressed in a simple dress that went to her knees and had a off shoulder neckline with her normal silky material that hung down slightly from around the collar. The dress was a beautiful pale blue with white and green embroidering around the bottom that spiraled upwards slightly as well and she had a blue, yellow, and green flower vine braided into her hair.
She was almost hopping up and down in excitement  as she watched the ship dock, followed by the royal family walking out onto the pier and Isa immediately running off with Caterina to go play or get into mischief.
"King Joaquín! Welcome back to Avalor and thank you for accepting our invitation!" The Princess approached him.
"Elena, we are delighted to be here. The peace in Avalor is something for all to enjoy and to relish in. So what are we doing here? Lets go enjoy the festival!" The King hooked arms with his wife and the two walked toward the town square, Elena following behind and catching up with them.
It wasn't long until the festival was in full swing, children playing, the jaquins often picking them up and carrying them into the sky for a thrill ride, music playing through the city, and the forms of dancing people filling the streets.
Elena laughed happily as Mateo, who had asked her if she wished to dance, twirled her around, the crooked smile on his face.
Close by Isa and Caterina were playing with some of the other children, Gabe supervising the two to make sure nothing happened like at the Olaball game. Naomi was dancing around with her mother and father, not even noticing that Esteban seemed to look at her now and then before he ended up in a bickering match with Dona Paloma, again. King Joaquín and Queen Teresa were sitting down by the fountain, enjoying the sight of so many happy people.
Elena laughed loudly as she was twirled once more, the scene moving around her as she spun before the music came to a stop and she was left holding Mateo's hands, their chests pressed together and bright smiles on their faces. "This is so much fun!"
"Yes, it is. It was a great idea to set this up Elena, the town will be filled with hope and happiness for a while because of it." Mateo smiled wider before his mother rushed over and whisked him away, wanting to dance with her 'little boy'.
The princess shook her head softly and went over to the fountain, sitting own on the edge and just taking in the sight of her people.
Naomi laughed as her father picked her up and twirled her around, though her mom jumped at them a moment later and the three fell to the group in a heap of laughter and surprised shouts.
"Mom!" Naomi punched her shoulder lightly.
"I can't help myself Nomes." The red head stood and began to dance again, twirling around and around until her husband had stood and took hold of her hand, beginning to twirl her around himself.
Deciding to leave the two alone Naomi slowly walked away, a smirk covering her face as she watched a bickering match between Esteban and Dona Paloma come to an end, Dona stomping off toward her shop while the Chancellor stood there looking smug and proud of himself.
"What did she want to fight about this time?" Esteban hadn't noticed Naomi approach and he jumped slightly as she spoke.
"She wanted to set up a deal in her shop for the festival and I told her it was a horrid idea because no one would even go there right now, they're having to much fun here. She didn't like that much though." He gave a smirk as he turned and looked fully at the blonde now. "Why are you over here Miss Turner?"
"My mom and dad are dancing and I want them to have some time to themselves. Saw you and thought I'd come see if you were actually managing to have fun." She crossed her arms and gave him a playful look.
"Miss Turner, are you trying to say I don't know how to have fun?"
"No no no, nothing of the sort. You can just be a bit of a stiff is all."
"My word, I'll have you know that I can have just as much fun as anyone else. I'm having a fabulous time, I just told off Dona Paloma and now I get to have a bicker fight with you, I'd say this day is marvelous." His voice came off as matter of fact.
Naomi couldn't help herself and began to laugh. "You actually enjoy our fights? Oh, I know I shouldn't be laughing because I do to but to hear it said out loud is just to funny!" She ended up bent over as she laughed, Esteban frowning down at the girl. "A-Anyways, what else are you going to do."
A new, upbeat song started and Esteban's eyes flashed. "Perhaps you would like to dance Miss Turner?"
Her aqua blue eyes went wide for a second before her gaze softened and she gave a quick nod. "Sure!"
At that Esteban took hold of her hand and the two moved into the dancing crowd, beginning to spin and turn in rhythm with the song. They spotted Mateo being dragged into dancing with his mother an the two stifled laughs at the sight. Elena was watching them with a funny look but Naomi ignored her as she focused on Esteban who was spinning her around and around, letting out a laugh after a bit.
The song began to fade out and the Princess stood once more, rushing over to the band and borrowing one of their guitars before she moved to the fountain and jumped on the rim of it, beginning to play.
"Let us join together now, in perfect harmony. Today we celebrate, we celebrate peace" Her voice rose out above the sound and many began to turn to her, counting Esteban and Naomi, though their hands were still clasped.
"Shuriki has fallen, and danger has been banished. So join here with me and let us celebrate, celebrate peace." She gave off that infectious smile and Isa rushed forward to join her, her Abuelo grabbing a guitar and joining her as well.
"The evil seemed dark. But now the light shines through it all. Together we have won. Together we gained peace." Many of the towns people were joining in now, and Gabe moved forward to join them at the fountain, Mateo moving to them shortly after as well.
"So on this day let us celebrate. Let us celebrate peace." Naomi and Esteban began to join in.
"Come and sing this with me, Come celebrate with me. Together we won, together we gained peace." By ow everyone was singing and moving with the beat of the song, singing up with raised voices as they seemed to tell the lyrics to the very air and spirit of life around them.
"The light shines down. Upon all of Avalor. Let it fill you with love, let it fill you with hope." The group began to grow louder as hope fueled their song.
"As peace reigns us. We will grow and you'll see. The darkness is gone. And we are free." Now the entire town was filled with the song, even the jaquins coming down and joining in.
"Come and sing this with me, Come celebrate with me. Together we won, together we gained peace.
Hold your loved ones close. Let all hear your voice. Then come and sing this with me. Come celebrate with me." At word of loved ones many family members hugged each other, singing loudly together as they did so.
"Peace, peace, peace This day we celebrate, for finally we have... Peace." The last note was stretched out and then faded, leaving a feeling of hope and, of course, peace among the town.
(The song was written by me! Tell me what you think of it!)
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