#i too want to knock people’s hats off when i’m off my meds
victorianboyfriend · 11 months
just think! if ishmael had prozac we wouldn’t have moby dick.
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fun fact not anon with another hastily researched fun fact: sleep schedules suck.
this particular fun fact is spurred by the situation I’m in. I’m going from a not doing things to a doing things sleep schedule and the transition isn’t treating me kindly.
Insofar as I can tell and remember, your sleep schedule relies on your internal clock of the 24hr system, AKA
Which is Latin for something. Not to be confused with the biological clock, apparently. The biological clock is a larger thing that tracks keeps the time a hell of a lot more than the day/night cycle. Plants even use it for seasons.
These biological clocks on the cellular level also affect a hell of a lot more than eepyness. Truthfully, I’m probably the least qualified person to talk about this, and other people have summarized it better. It’s actually decently interesting stuff, though. Medical News Today has a decent article on it. It’s sourced are good, I figure. Anyways, my melatonin is kicking in now, so I’ll close it off with the traditional ask:
Though I doubt anyone’s sleep schedule is good in the apocalypse, who in the group has the worst one? How about a scale from best to worst? And if you want to get really specific, do the alien friends have any differences in sleeping?
Hello my friend!!!
I learned all about the Circadian rhythm while in my bio classes hahaha my own is pretty solid I’m not gonna lie! I’m a morning person rather than a night owl, so I like to be knocked out by 11 at the very latest (ideal is a solid 10:00)
Cecelia/Chase: like clockwork, C will fall asleep by midnight and be up at 8:00 everyday. Unless they’re preoccupied, of course, then they can stay up later or wake up later. They don’t dream all that often, but they are a very light sleeper. They desperately miss coffee, too.
Delphine: Delphine doesn’t need to sleep 8 hours, but she likes to! Her body only really needs 5 hours to function, but when all the people she’s with need more than that, she’s trained her body to get used to around 7 a night. Succubus aliens don’t dream at all.
Ayana: she’s used to long hours and late nights because of med school and residency. she’s a night owl, and functions best with about 6 hours of sleep.
Veronica/Vincent: V’s sleep patterns are erratic, but they seem to be well rested whether they get 4 hours of sleep or 10.
Xa’eks/Xa’veed; the aliens on Nion 8 need about the same amount of sleep, but their days are longer on Nion 8, so with the time difference, X would actually sleep about 12 hours a day for maximum rest rather than the 8 hours humans would get.
Zero: the night terrors, nightmares, and tendency to sleepwalk keeps him from getting a good nights rest. Sometimes he avoids sleeping at all. Longest he’s made it without sleep is 64 hours. (Almost 3 days)
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Zero when it’s day 3 of being awake and he starts seeing The Hat Man ^
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Seasons of Med: Season 5 & Seasons of PD: Season 7: Necrotizing Fasciitis Scare (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine)
Your age: 18
Jay's age: 32
Will's age: 34
"I am going to get you to understand football at this game come hell or high water," Jay told you as you said that you really didn't understand anything about football while Kevin tried to hook up the tv. Kelly threw Jay the football and Jay caught it.
"Hell or high water, huh?" you asked. "Did you just turn southern? Isn't that a southern phrase?"
"I can say whatever I want, thank you were much. Now catch." He threw you the football and you caught it easily.
"Kelly, I can't promise this is gonna be a good throw, so be ready to move," you told him as you threw the football to him. He had to jump to the left and jump high to catch it.
"Y/N, you suck at this," he laughed.
"I know."
"Jay, teach your sister how to throw a football, will you?"
He threw the ball back to Jay.
All of you were currently at Soldier Field to watch the Bears' game on a Friday afternoon. Will was originally going to go with Jay and you were going to study for your biology class, even though it was summer. You had decided to take a summer biology class so then you wouldn't have to deal with it during the fall and winter semesters when you'd be drowning in homework with other classes...and you figured you could do this one in the summer because you had heard horror stories of how hard this specific professor at CCU was. Luckily for you, Will was a doctor and could help you understand those damn diagrams that always gave you trouble.
Anyway, Will was going to come, but he got put on the schedule last minute, so Jay dragged you here even though you didn't know the slightest bit about football. Hell, you didn't even have any Bears gear to wear! Jay had given you one of his hats to wear with the promise that he'd get it back.
"Y/N!" Hailey yelled to you. "Wanna run to Mama Garcia's food truck with me?"
"Yes!" you exclaimed.
"Hailey," Jay whined. "I was just about to teach her how to throw a football."
"Halstead, if she doesn't know yet, I'm sure you can wait a few minutes. Now, I need my Spanish-speaking Halstead to come with me."
You had taken AP Spanish last year and had gotten a good enough grade on the AP exam to give you twelve college credits. This was partly thanks to Mama Garcia. You had been studying in her restaurant one night when you asked her a question about a tense. She explained it and then said that if you ever wanted to practice speaking Spanish and make some money at the same time, that you could work or her under the table. You took her up on that offer and your Spanish improved immensely.
Once you got up to the window of the food truck, you ordered a big batch of tamales in Spanish and then translated how much it was to Hailey. Then, you and Hailey went back to Jay and the rest of all your brother's first responder friends.
Kelly was yelling at Stella, Hailey, and you not to break into the tamales before the burgers were done, but you all didn't listen and each grabbed one out of the box.
You were in the middle of eating yours when you heard a scream.
You went towards the scream along with Jay, Natalie, and Kelly, but Jay made sure you stayed behind him. But, this didn't block your entire view, though.
You looked down at this man's leg. It was red and it looked like there was a giant gash on his shin with puss, blood, and flesh coming out. Things were moving underneath the skin. He was seizing and he kept saying BRT.
It was all too much. You took the Bears hat off.
"Y/N, I need you to get away from this. Whatever this guy has, I don't want you to--"
Jay didn't even finish his sentence before you vomited into that he had let you use, using it as a makeshift bowl for your puke.
He gently grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side after you finished emptying that tamale you had started eating into his hat.
"You done? You good?" Jay asked.
You coughed and then wiped your mouth. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry about your hat. I just- I don't like blood and that was nasty."
"I know. I think everyone's going to Med, so we'll run to the bathroom so we can throw away my hat now and you can rinse out your mouth. I think I have gum in my truck."
"Okay. Be glad I had the smart idea to puke into that hat, though. Or else it probably would've gone on you."
"Yeah, but I lost a nice hat in the process," Jay said as he rolled his eyes and you two made your way towards the bathrooms.
"It's necrotizing fasciitis," Will said. Everyone looked at him with a blank expression.
"Flesh-eating bacteria," you supplied.
"Wow, where'd you learn that, Short Stack?" Will asked.
"Can you not call me that? I'm eighteen! And, I learned it by watching Untold Stories of the ER."
"Junior doctor on our hands I think, Jay. And, you're still shorter than me and Jay so I can call you that, thank you very much."
"After her puking just at the sight of that, yeah, no way she's becoming a doctor," Jay said. "Anyway, the victim?"
"Right, sorry. Your victim had necrotizing fasciitis, more commonly known as, as Y/N said, flesh-eating bacteria. And, don't worry, it's not contagious. Only about four in a million people get it each year," Will explained.
"So, how do you get nec..." Kelly trailed off, not knowing the correct pronunciation.
"Necrotizing fasciitis. It enters through a break in the skin and just destroys the tissue under the epidermis. It--"
"The epidermis is the first layer of the skin," you said, reciting something you had learned in your biology class.
"Yes, it's the first layer of skin. But, as I was saying, it would really help us treat this guy if we knew who he was," Will finished after your interruption.
"I can't open a case file without a crime," Jay started, "but I'll see if I can run prints and check traffic cam footage. Maybe make out some sort of ID."
After a few minutes, everyone's panic had died down and you and Kelly were sitting down next to each other. He was trying to explain football to you even though you really couldn't care less. Meanwhile, Jay was about to make a phone call when Will motioned him over.
"Yeah?" Jay asked.
"You or Y/N have any contact with the victim? And, if you did, do you or her have any breaks in the skin?" Will asked, clearly worried about his younger siblings.
"No, we didn't have any contact. Just had Y/N puke in my hat I let her borrow," Jay answered.
"Okay, good. But, as I said, necrotizing fasciitis is rare, so you two should be fine. I gotta get back, but call if you find out anything on the victim."
"Will do. Remember to wear your gloves." Will rolled his eyes. "What? You just said it enters through breaks in the skin."
"You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?"
"One of my many talents."
"Hey, I'm leaving," Jay told you around noon the next day, poking his head into your bedroom while you stared at your lab lectures, trying to remember all the diagrams and pictures you'd need to help you identify body parts on your next lab practical.
"Okay, I'm going to the lab around 2:00 to study. That way I can actually see that stuff as I'll see it on the lab practical," you told him, not even looking up from your notes.
"Okay, be safe." He picked up Beary, who was leaning up against a pillow next to you, in a graduation gown and cap outfit. "Beary, can you make sure she takes breaks?" Then, his voice changed into his baby voice, what he always pretended was Beary's voice. "Oh, yes, Jay. I'll make sure she takes breaks while you're gone."
You laughed and reached out and took Beary from him. "Get outta here, you goon."
"Love you, too!" Jay called as he left your room.
You fixed Beary's cap and set him down, remembering when you got the outfit for him as you stared at diagrams.
"You ready, graduate?" Jay asked as he knocked on your door.
"Jay, I swear to God if you call me graduate one more time..." you said as you opened the door.
"You'll what?" he taunted.
"You know what, I don't know, but you won't like it. Are my bobbi pins noticeable?" you asked, referring to the bobbi pins you had pinned down to keep your blue graduation cap in place.
"Nope. You're good. Ready?"
You walked into the kitchen, to be met with Will. And behind him on the kitchen table was a vase of blue and white flowers, which were your school colors, and Beary leaning up against said flowers, wearing a blue graduation cap and gown. Just like you.
You laughed. "I cannot believe you guys."
"Hey," Will started, "Beary got a little backpack on your first day of kindergarten. Only fair that he gets a cap and gown on your graduation."
"Did you use the gift card from Mom?" you asked, referring to the one you had found in the letters to each of you that Will had found when you were cleaning out your dad's house after he died.
"We did," Jay confirmed. "Now, I need you to hold Beary in one hand and hold this picture." He handed you a photo of you with your little backpack on and Beary with his that your mom had taken of you on the front porch on your first day of kindergarten, right before Jay had surprised you by coming home from deployment early.
"Why do I need both?" you asked curiously.
"I saw this thing on Pinterest--"
"Wait!" Will exclaimed. "You have a Pinterest?"
"No," Jay scoffed. "But Hailey does. And she sent me a picture of something she thought you should do for your graduation pictures. You hold up a picture of you on your first day of school when you were little while you're wearing your cap and gown and then I take a picture of you. Since Beary was in that picture, I thought he could be in this one, too."
You grabbed Beary and allowed him to take the pictures. Now it was time to tell the news to your mom and dad.
"You won't believe what Will and Jay decided they just needed to get me," you said as you stood in front of your parents' headstone with Beary hidden behind your back. Will and Jay were over by a big tree talking amongst themselves so you could have some privacy. You pulled Beary from behind your back. "They got me a cap and gown for him because they said it was only fair because Beary got a backpack on my first day of school. And, since it's my last day of school, he should get a cap and gown, too.
"Also, which one of you called Will and Jay graduate all day on the day of their graduation? Because Jay won't stop calling me that and it's kinda getting on my nerves. Pretty sure it was you, Mom."
You sighed. "I wish you guys were here. Jay told me all about how you made him a special breakfast when he graduated and then went out for lunch before the actual graduation because the senior all-nighter was after. I don't know where we're going for our senior all-nighter, but I hope it's not boring. I've heard that a few years ago, some kids said theirs was super boring. I really don't want that. But, I'm glad that I could convince Will and Jay not to be chaperones for whatever my senior all-nighter is. I love them and all, but they can be a bit too overprotective at times.
"God, you guys should be here. Dad, I know you weren't the best, but you were trying. And, I'm sure if Mom was here, she'd make sure you behaved, because Mom would say it was a big day and that you couldn't be arguing with Jay." You laughed. "I can only imagine what it would look like with Jay on one side of you, Mom, and Dad on the other and you scolding both of them for fighting. Then, they'd both probably sit back and cross their arms. And, because of this, you'd probably say that I'm your favorite child."
"Alright," Jay laughed as he and Will made their way back to you. "I think it's time to go. We don't want to miss your graduation."
"You know none of us really care about the ceremony, right?" you asked, blinking back tears so that you wouldn't mess up your makeup.
"We know. It's mostly for the parents...or in your case, brothers," Will said.
You pulled out four flowers, two blue and two white, which you had taken from the bouquet that Will had placed on the kitchen table back at home, from the pockets in your dress underneath your graduation gown. "Give me one more minute."
You placed two flowers, one of each color, on top of your Mom's name and your Dad's name on the headstone. "I thought you two should have some, too. They're my school colors." You wiped your eyes as you felt a few tears prick them. "Remember to clap for me from heaven when I walk across that stage, okay?"
You took a deep shaky breath and turned back around. Will wrapped an arm around you as the three of you walked back to Jay's truck. Beary hung from your hand. In three hours, you'll have graduated high school.
You were taken out of your thoughts by your phone ringing. It was the coffee shop you worked at. And, no, it was not the one in your apartment building. But, Jay and other members of Intelligence did sometimes come in there to pick up coffee for them and the rest of the unit. This was only because they knew they'd get the friends and family discount since you worked there. But, they usually tipped you well, so you didn't mind.
Your manager asked you to come into work because someone couldn't come in. As much as you needed to study for your biology lab practical, you needed money for college more. And, you could always go to the lab tomorrow to practice for your lab practical. You also had Will. What good was having a doctor in the family if not to help you with your science homework? So, you decided to pick up the extra shift making coffee.
"Voight," Hank Voight said as he answered his phone.
"Hank, it's Wallace Boden. I need you to come down to the CCU science lab right now."
"Because Severide just told me that the victim at Soldier Field yesterday kept chanting BRT. This place is owned by BRT Labs. And, there was a fire set."
"You're thinking arson? You know we don't investigate that, Wallace."
"I know. Office of Fire Investigation is already on it."
"But, you think that the victim yesterday and the fire today could be connected?" Voight asked.
"I think it's highly possible. All I ask is that you come down here, maybe take a look inside, do some interviews, stuff you normally would do."
"Alright. I'll grab Halstead and Upton and we'll head down there."
"Thank you."
Voight hung up his phone and turned to his team, all of whom were knee-deep in paperwork after taking off yesterday to see the Bears game...which they didn't even get to see in the end. "Chief Boden needs some of us down at the CCU lab. There could be a connection--"
"Did you say the CCU lab?" Jay asked, standing up from his chair.
"Yes, Halstead, Upton, you're with me. The rest of you, stay here. We'll let you know if we need you or you need to look up information here." Voight looked to Jay who looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Halstead, we're going."
"Y/N's at the lab."
"It's Saturday," Hailey pointed out. "There's no classes on Saturdays."
"She said she was going there to study for a test. Oh, God. What if--"
"Jay," Hailey said as she walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "You just need to call or text her on the way there. She'll be okay. C'mon, let's go."
"Atwater, come with me," Voight said. "Just in case Jay's gotta go."
You finally took your fifteen-minute break after being swamped for a good half hour straight. Who knew so many people wanted coffee at four in the afternoon? The first thing you saw were seven missed calls and texts in all caps. They were all from Jay.
"What the hell?" you muttered as you pressed Jay's contact and brought your phone to your ear. He picked up on the first ring. "Why are you--"
"Where are you? The firefighters said they haven't seen you come out yet," he rushed out.
"I'm at work. What firefighters? What are you talking about, Jay?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows together.
"You're at work?" Jay asked. "I thought you were going to school to study?"
"I was. But, then my manager called me in. Why? What happened?"
Jay felt so much relief wash over him that he almost fell over in the grass on the CCU campus. "There was a fire in the lab."
"What? Are my friends okay? Did anyone die?" you rushed out. They weren't totally your friends, more your classmates, but you figured that was the easiest thing to call them.
"As far as I know, there weren't any fatalities."
You breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, okay, good."
"Just do me a favor: next time your plans change, text me."
"I can't promise I can remember that."
"Figures. But, I gotta go. Stay safe."
"Son of a bitch!" Jay yelled and threw his phone on the couch just as you entered your apartment after finishing your closing shift at the coffee shop.
"What?" you asked as you shut the door and then set your keys down and took off your hat.
"Hailey's in quarantine," he told you. "And it's all my fault."
"What? It's your fault? How'd it even happen? Why are people being quarantined?"
"Turns out that necro thing isn't as rare as Will told us."
"Jay, what the hell are you talking about?"
"Uh, there were a bunch of people at an apartment building who got the disease, so Will and others are there looking for a thing that somebody says they saw spraying the building. Could've been this exterminator person was trying to poison people in the building," Jay told you. "And now everyone in the building is quarantined at Med."
"And Hailey was in the apartment building...?" you asked, not knowing what this had to do with Hailey.
"I had her go to a house to talk to someone who was in the lab the same time as the victim. She, uh, the girl Hailey was talking to, fell over and she had the infection and Hailey touched her.
"Hailey had a hangnail or something—at least, that's the info that Will got from Natalie, and Will passed it on to me—so now she's in quarantine at Med. If I wouldn't have told her to go check out the lead, then maybe she wouldn't be in quarantine right now."
"Jay," you started, "you can't blame yourself. If it wasn't Hailey, it would've been you. Then you'd be quarantining at Med right now. And if it wasn't you or Hailey, it would've been someone else from Intelligence and then they'd be in quarantine right now."
"How did you get so mature?"
Jay's expression immediately changed. "What? Y/N, if you need someone to talk to, I can get you that."
You laughed. "Jay, chill. It's a psych major joke...even though I know I really shouldn't be joking about trauma no matter what."
"Okay, good. Do you want to watch a movie?"
"I mean, I guess. What are we watching? And, I'm gonna make popcorn, too."
"Okay. We can watch anything but Contagion," Jay told you.
"What's Contagion?"
"It's about this virus that breaks out all over a city...much like what's happening now."
"Oooh, now I want to watch it."
"I knew I shouldn't have said anything."
"Hello?" you said into the phone the next afternoon when Mama Garcia called you. Jay was out working the case, Will was trying to find a cure for this bacterial strain, and Hailey was out of quarantine because she was cleared by Natalie. So, Jay wasn't blaming himself anymore.
You quickly spoke Spanish with Mama Garcia and she asked if you could come in because they got a huge catering order last minute and she needed someone to man the cash register while she helped in the back making the order. You agreed and made your way to Mama Garcia's.
You were busy working the cash register and speaking Spanish with the friendly customers when you started hearing yelling outside, something about MS-13. You excused yourself and made your way to the back where Mama Garcia was working on tamales.
"They're saying something about MS-13 out there," you told her in Spanish.
"I'm going to need you to say that in English, chica," she told you. "I think you said it wrong because you just mentioned MS-13," she said as she wiped her hands on her apron.
"No, they're saying crazy stuff," you began. "They're chanting that you're part of MS-13. You can't hear it?"
"It's loud back here. Maybe I'll hear it if I go to the front."
She came to the front with you where some customers were leaving the building through the side entrance to get away from the mob. There weren't any customers left in the little restaurant anymore.
"Dios mio," she whispered.
There had to have been at least two dozen or more people outside all yelling and saying that she was to blame for the bacteria. Some even held signs. Some had guns or sharp objects.
You pulled out your phone. "I'm calling--"
You stopped when you heard a crash. You barely had time to register what was happening as the Molotov cocktail flew through the window and shattered everywhere, lighting the place on fire and sending shards of glass everywhere, some ending up lodged in your leg as you screamed in fear and pain.
The men and women of Firehouse 51 got a call of a public disturbance at Mama Garcia's. As they pulled up, they saw the Molotov cocktail fly right through the front window towards you and Mama Garcia. Casey started barking out orders and everyone sprang into action.
You were inside and the smoke was getting thicker. Whatever they made this out of actually worked. You pulled your shirt up to your nose and mouth to try and stop inhaling it, but it didn't work very well.
You had been in front of Mama Garcia at the time it was thrown through the window, so you took most of the glass shards. This caused you so much pain that it was hard for you to move through the kitchen and to the door to get out.
"Fire department! Call out!" you heard Stella yell as you kept trying to walk toward the back door.
"Here!" you yelled.
"Fire department! Call out!"
"Back here! Help! Help!"
You heard heavy footsteps coming toward you and then you saw a firefighter and you felt a hand wrap around you.
"Hang on. You're gonna get out of here." Stella. "Casey," she said into her radio. "I need some help in here. Female victim, trouble walking, in the back in what looks like the kitchen."
"Copy. Coming in, Kidd."
About thirty seconds later you were picked up and told to close your eyes. You did, and it was only when you finally got outside, did Truck 81 realize who they had rescued.
Will was currently working in the lab trying to find an antidote to this terrible outbreak. But, something about Dr. Seldon was suspicious. He wasn't a detective like his younger brother,  but he still trusted his gut.
Dr. Seldon hadn't noticed that Will was still in the lab when he started pouring chemicals into the samples. Now Will knew something was most definitely wrong.
"What are you doing?" he asked loudly, startling Dr. Seldon.
"Oh, these are contaminated samples," he answered easily like he had rehearsed what he was going to say.
Will pointed directly at him. "No. You know what? You need to stay right here."
Then, Seldon threw a punch and Will caught it easily. But, then Seldon hit him again in the stomach. In the split second that Will was doubled over, Seldon picked up a microscope and cold-cocked Will right over the head, causing him to fall to the ground as everything went black and he clutched his bleeding head.
Hailey was now back in the bullpen after being quarantined because she got checked out and everything was fine. She had to tell Jay to stop apologizing and that it wasn't his fault he had gotten into that mess.
"That's a blue hat, right before 2:00," Ruzek said as he looked at the security footage.
"Wait, I know this guy," Jay started. "He works at the CCU lab." His eyes widened as he realized what was going on. "He's with Will. We gotta go now!"
As Jay was sprinting out of the bullpen, his phone started ringing.
"Man, your phone!" Adam yelled.
"Just let it go to voice-mail!" Jay yelled as he ran down the stairs, not knowing that it was Casey calling him to let him know that they had pulled you out of a fire and you were currently being treated at Med.
You rubbed your eyes as you woke up a few hours later. You didn't know if it was the meds the nurse gave you to knock you out so she could pull the shards of glass out of your body or if it was from a combination of smoke inhalation and tiredness. Whatever the reason, you were awake now.
You turned to see your brothers and were very confused to see that Will was holding an ice pack to his head and Jay looked like he had gotten new stitches in his forearm.
"The hell--" You roughly cleared your throat. "The hell happened to you two?"
"We found the guy," Jay told you. "But, not before he cold-cocked Will over the head with a microscope."
"Who was he?" you asked.
"A professor at CCU. Dr. Seldon."
"I've heard of him. I think he only teaches graduate classes though, so I'd never end up being in one of his classes anyway. I'm assuming he's not teaching anymore?"
"Not a chance in hell," Jay confirmed. "If he wants to teach, he can teach all the other prisoners at Stateville."
"What happened to your arm?"
"Oh, you know him," Will began. "He's always putting other people's safety in front of his own like the idiot he is." Jay thought about smacking his older brother upside the head but decided against it only because he had just been hit in the head. "He decided that he'd rather be infected with the bacteria instead of the people in a conference room where Seldon was. So, he cut himself."
"You what? Do you have the bacteria?" you asked as your eyes widened in fear.
"No, I don't. Hailey shot in there to distract him and then I disarmed him. Will came in with the antidote anyway, but luckily we didn't need to use it."
"If Hailey got paid overtime every time she saved your ass, she'd never have to work again."
"Tell me about it," Jay agreed.
"Now, what happened to you?" Will asked. "Casey told us you were at Mama Garcia's?"
"Yeah, she called and asked me to run the front since she needed to be in the back to help work on a catering order. I went in and an hour later, there were all these protesters outside calling her a member of MS-13 and saying she started the outbreak."
"How?" Jay wondered. "Mama Garcia's like the sweetest lady alive."
"I don't know. Because people online are crazy? And then someone threw a flaming bottle of something through the window."
"And that's how the glass got in your leg?" Will asked. You nodded. "Well, the good news is that Maggie told me the damage was artificial. The reason you passed out was because of smoke inhalation. They gave you some oxygen and you're good to go once you're ready."
"Then why don't I have one of those nose thingies in?" you asked.
"A nasal cannula?" Will chuckled. You nodded. "It's because you slept long enough with it on that your oxygen is back up. And, the paramedics gave you oxygen, too. That's why you don't need it. Your levels are back to normal."
"Oh. Okay."
"You want your discharge paperwork?" Will asked.
"Yeah, Jay's gotta fill it out."
"Nope. You are not a minor anymore. So, you get to fill out your own paperwork."
You groaned as he handed you the clipboard with the paperwork on it. Now you knew why both Jay and Will hated paperwork so much. There was so much even for one little thing!
"You know, I think since you've achieved frequent flyer status at Med," Will began, "that Beary needs a hospital gown, too."
"No! Don't you dare!"
"Just write it down and give it to her for Christmas," Jay joked. But honestly, when it came to that bear and presents, you never knew if either of them was joking or not.
Everything seemed back to normal at that moment: Jay and Will joking about your Build-A-Bear, you and Jay constantly being in the hospital for whatever reason and life. Life was back to normal after this crazy weekend that had everyone in Chicago on edge and you couldn't be happier.
A/N: Idk how I feel about this one. There was so much going on in that crossover, that it was hard for me to figure out what I wanted to focus on...so, it turned into a shorter imagine. Anyway, thank you guys so, so much for reading! I also start my new job tomorrow, so updates might be a little less frequent (one or two a week, depending on how long the imagines are and how much I have to work). Anyway, please like/reblog and comment and tell me what you think! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
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tobesobri · 4 years
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When the Lights Go Out (Halloween fic; 8k)
𝖆/𝖓: first off, happy Halloween yall! This is my second favorite holiday and so I really wanted to get something up in celebration of it! I’ve talked a lot on here about having trouble with writing recently and so I do what I normally do with writer’s block and I just leave what I’m stuck on and go off to write something random, which is what this ended up being. So, my writing style is definitely different and maybe not great, but this is just for fun so I don’t care! I still hope you enjoy! There’s spookiness (not too much), enemies (frenemies) to lovers, pumpkin carving, smut, alcohol consumption, and giant skeletons 💀 (oh and Harry dressed as Tarzan 🥵)
my masterlist  🎃 my askbox
𝕸ost people’s Halloween traditions weren’t too complicated; usually involving cult-favorite scary movies—ranging from Halloweentown to Nightmare on Elm Street—handing out Snickers and Kit-Kats to tiny trick-or-treaters, or just getting wasted at a friend’s haunted house party down the street. Their friend group, on the other hand, opted for a pumpkin carving contest every year on Halloween at Jason Hallow’s house, and, yes, his favorite holiday is Halloween because of his last name. And so, a few years ago when they were all undergrads together, he began hosting the annual carving contest at his house, in which they all paired up and, at the end of the night, whichever pair’s pumpkin came out the best—as judged by Jason, the resident Jack O’ Lantern expert—won whatever candy was leftover. That and marathons of R-rated horror flicks as well as occasional breaks to go out in the neighborhood and scare some of the kids while dressed in terrifying monster masks and slightly drunk off their asses from too much Tennessee whiskey.
Jason’s house was, hands down, the place to be in their neighborhood. Everyone who came by always wanted to join in on their festivities, and one year, they’d been just drunk enough to let a few of-age neighbors join in. This year, though, it was different. The stakes were higher. They were competing not only for the candy, but also for the much envied twelve-foot tall skeleton Jason had found at Home Depot which currently sat in his front yard amongst his other outrageous decorations. The skeleton was definitely the most noteworthy and had been the center of plenty group photos from just about every one of his neighbors since he had brought it home and especially tonight. In fact, every time the doorbell rang and he greeted another group of kids in his gory doctor costume—because Jason was in med school after all—every one of them squealed about how much they liked his skeleton. And so it almost pained him to have to give it to one of his friends after tonight, but if he’s being honest, he has nowhere to store it—he’d purchased it completely on a whim—and next year they will compete for it all over again anyway.
Tonight is also different because Harry and Y/N are not getting along. They all knew this beforehand, but simply brushed it off until they realized it was much worse than anyone had imagined. They had a horrible friendship—if one could even call it that—ever since they’d met as freshmen pre-law students six years ago. Sometimes they got along, but mostly, they bickered non-stop at each other, which all their friends took as misguided flirting. They got along for about six months once, after a drunken hookup, until, of course, Y/N hooked up with someone else and set off the volcano that was their relationship all over again. It had been calm recently with both of them needing each other’s help through their vigorous law school studies. So, a truce had been made and they tolerated each other at best. Tonight, though, the monsters had truly been unleashed and neither one of them had stopped picking at each other since they’d arrived.
It began on the street, when Harry took the spot Y/N had wanted to park in. Then at the door, when he asked her how her midterms were going and she felt like stepping on his toes until she crushed them. Which was perfectly logical since his was barefoot and mostly naked in his stupid Tarzan costume he’d recycled about four times now since they’d all known each other. He only wore it when the weather was warm, as he claimed, but they all had a suspicion he wore it so that he could watch Y/N drooling over him all night.
She wasn’t innocent either, in his defense, at least not this year when she came dressed in a sexy Beetlejuice costume, something none of them ever thought was possible. But she made it happen. She wore a too-short black and white vertical striped t-shirt dress—which had rips in all the right places, particularly across her chest—and a pair of neon green boots that were Doc Marten knock-offs she had found online. Other than that, she had spray painted the front bits of her hair a grey-green color and did her makeup to match the theme, dark purple smokey eyes and a green color used as contour. It looked good, she looked good, not that Harry would ever say that out loud.
Jason’s entire living room and dining room floors were covered with plastic tarps. He’d set up the usual fold-away tables and chairs for everyone. It was an easy clean-up job that wouldn’t leave pumpkin guts smudged into his hardwood floors or, even worse, the beige carpet in his living room. And, as always, he had a line up of various pumpkins on his kitchen counter—and the necessary kit of carving tools—ready to go. They usually didn’t start until nine-thirty or ten, once everyone arrived and had a few drinks in them and they had all agreed on what movies to watch. This year was a marathon of The Conjuring franchise, because Jason had spent way too much money on a box set and he would not be wasting them. Nobody objected anyway because the movies held a sentimental value to all of them. Every year since the beginning when a new movie came out, they all managed to go see it together, and also cause a horrible ruckus in the theater. Although they’d almost been kicked out a couple times, it was still some of the best memories together they’d ever had.
There was also that one year, when Annabelle Creation came out and Y/N and Harry were getting along on account of the LSATs, that they’d secretly gone home together. And then, of course, pretended it never happened.
That had been the second time they slept together, the second time she’d woken in his bed, with Harry’s annoyingly toned arm wrapped all the way around her, and the last as well because Harry got into a serious relationship their first year of law school and that had been the end of things.
Well… not completely the end. At least not until tonight.
“Okay we’re getting started!” Jason announced over both the music and the television, which someone turned down before Jason continued. He stood, wobbling, on one of the foldable chairs, for no other reason than the bottle of vodka in his hand. He was teetering on the edge sobriety and really didn’t give a fuck if he fell off. “Y’all know the drill! Isa’s handing out the cards. No whining. No trading. Or you’ll be disqualified.”
The cards in question were riddles that they had to match up with the answer. Half of them got the riddle card, the other half an answer card and that would determine who their partner was.
Y/N both wanted Harry as her partner and detested the idea at the same time. She was all for it because, well, he was hot dressed in nothing but his small piece of brown loincloth fabric hanging loosely on his hips. But at the same time, she knew they wouldn’t win together and she really wanted that skeleton.
The riddles were all hand-made by Jason on his computer and then laminated in his girlfriend’s school’s teacher lounge however many years ago. They all knew every answer to every riddle by now, but it was still a much more fun way to pair up than picking names out of a hat.
Y/N read her riddle twice, having absolutely no recollection of the answer to it, however—which was probably due to the alcohol she’d consumed herself within the past hour. She wasn’t all to blame, though, Harry had a lot to do with it too. She was still mad at him, for what she wasn’t sure, but she also could not stop herself from stealing glances at him and the only way to stop feeling so many confusing things about Harry was to drown it all away.
She read her riddle one last time: The person who built it sold it. The person who bought it never used it. The person who used it never saw it. What is it?
Her brain felt like mush after the third read and she hoped someone would find her first and give her the answer. She peeked around at people’s cards as they all tried to find their pair, some of them meeting up immediately and getting the prime pick of the pumpkins. It had dwindled down to just a few of them and she finally waltzed herself up to Harry, grabbed his card from his hand without his permission and read it.
In bold, 16-point Helvetica font, it read: A coffin.
Of course.
She rolled her eyes, shoving his card against his stupid bare chest and groaning audibly. “Figures I’m stuck with you.”
When she finally looked up at him, though, she wasn’t all that upset about her odds as she pretended to be. Not with the way his face set into a devilish, wicked, up-to-no-good look that made her want to rip him from the room and rip his useless Tarzan costume off too while she was at it.
He had also been drinking, which was made even more clear when he opened his mouth. “You’ll always be stuck with me.” And then he leaned in a little bit, his smirk widening and his eyes darkening and the sweet smell of vodka on his tongue strengthening, “Forever.”
She hated the buzzing in her stomach he caused, and hated that she liked knowing they probably would, at the very least, know each other for the rest of their lives. It had already been six years since they met and she still hadn’t managed to shake him off. And now they were finishing up law school together and getting offers to work at the same firm together. There would be no escaping him, not that she really wanted to.
The only time she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him was when he had a girlfriend. She hated seeing him in her classes, in her study groups, her circles, at her internship. He was always there, though, rubbing it in her face as she had once done to him. Hers was just a dumb hookup, partially just to spite him, and his was… well he dated the girl for entire year before they broke up and he seemed genuinely heartbroken over it. It had been serious, and Y/N had been seriously miserable the entire time. Even more so when she found out they’d split up and she just about threw a party while Harry moped around campus. She couldn’t help it, though, she’d liked him ever since they met, but then they just sort of… didn’t get along all the time.
She knew he liked her too, at least a little bit, or he’d never have slept with her twice. How much he actually liked her though was still up for debate, and so she chose keeping their weird hate-love relationship over ruining all of it by admitting her feelings for him. Plus, she liked working with him and getting his help on exams and papers too much to ruin that as well.
Y/N grabbed the third to last pumpkin, an unopened carving kit, and led the way to two lonesome chairs. They sat closest to the door, and farthest from the dining room and Jason, in their own little corner where they had enough room to stretch out given that no else had laid any claim on the other side of their table yet.
“So,” Harry began once they were settled and Y/N began opening the kit of tools, “what are we making?”
Before giving him an answer, she laid out all the tools on the table in front of them, next to their poor misshapen pumpkin, and then reached down into the side of her boot and pulled out a black sharpie; she’d learned a couple years back to start brining one. It might have been cheating, sketching her design beforehand, but Jason never outlawed it.
“I’m making Jason’s favorite Tim Burton character and you’re in charge of the guts.” She dictated confidently, slapping the sawing tool and the large orange plastic spoon in front of him so he could get started right away.
He eyed the tools for a moment, then the pumpkin, and then finally her. “Absolutely not. I’m not doing all the shit work while you do the fun stuff.”
“Thought you’d be used to that.” She half-mumbled, but he still heard her over the rest of the noise in the house. And, frankly, she was right. When they had interned together last year, she always handed off the demeaning tasks to him, like getting the coffee or making copies, while she did the much more interesting parts of the job. What she didn’t know was that she didn’t make him do anything. He always did it so she didn’t have to.  
He sat back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest, arms that her eyes—which were completely out of her control at that point—glued to immediately. He’d been working out ever since the break up and finally filled out the Tarzan costume a lot better. He’d always had a nice body, she knew that, but now… now he made her dizzy.
“I’m not doing it. Least not all by myself.”
She gave up then, mostly because she lost her will to argue against the pout of his lips and the flexing of his biceps—which weren’t ridiculously big, but they were subtle and modest and very much bigger than they had been this time last year when he’d dressed up as a shirtless baseball player. Most all of Harry’s costumes involved some level of nakedness and not much sense, but she didn’t complain too loudly. And his arms were definitely bigger now than they had been the last time she was in his bed and he was over her.
“Fine.” She groaned, grabbing the mini saw tool and then standing to begin carving a hole at the top of their pumpkin, around the stem. She made it big enough for them to be able to stick their hands inside, and then once she was finished, pulled the stem piece off and set it aside for later, chopping off some loose bits of pumpkin shreds first.
Despite his earlier protests, he was the first to dig into the pumpkin, standing as well and going hands first into the thing where he pulled out fistfuls and dumped it into a pile on the table. They went back and forth digging out the insides of the pumpkin until finally, Harry grabbed the spoon and really went in. And she didn’t even bother offering to help, and instead stared, again, at his stupid biceps and especially at his hands, which were slick from the pumpkin juice. She shuddered remembering where his hands had once been, and then pulled herself together remembering how long ago it had been and how very little interest he’d shown in picking up where they’d left off pre-girlfriend.
Once the pumpkin was fully gutted, they both sat again, and cleaned their hands off on the paper towels Jason had set up on each table.
She was the first to begin the process, sketching out the design with her sharpie of Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas. She’d carved the character before, but still needed a reference picture on her phone to get all the details right. And Harry watched her the entire time, memorizing her face for the millionth time while she concentrated, and sometimes he stared at her hands, too, hands he also found himself reminiscing over, to the point of needing to cross his legs so it wasn’t made visibly clear what he was thinking about. He was starting to regret recycling the Tarzan costume.
While they all worked, Jason answered the door and handed out candy about once every five minutes. The best part of their tradition wasn’t the pumpkin carving itself, but rather, the atmosphere. They loved the feeling, the adrenaline rush of it all. How messy everything would eventually get, how loud they all were. The anguished shouting when someone messed something up. The sounds of Thriller playing in the background mixed with the loud jump scares from the horror movies played all night long. It was heaven to any lover of Halloween (and they all loved Halloween).
She’d let Harry start the carving of the design, informing him what parts were staying and what parts needed to be cut away, before she ventured into the kitchen to grab them both a drink. On her way back, she paused for a moment, just watching Harry work over in their corner. The sight of him almost made her want to finally admit how she felt. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad if he rejected her, at least then she’d know.
But then Zoe plopped down into her empty chair next to Harry and crushed everything back down like an aluminum can being recycled. She tossed back about half of her Smirnoff after Zoe had scooted closer to Harry and grazed her fingertips across his arm—the one he wasn’t using the carve the pumpkin. And at first, he ignored it, but then he set down the tool, pushed his hair back with his clean wrist and offered Zoe one of his annoying little smirks that Y/N always thought he saved just for her. But now, seeing him use it to flirt with Zoe, she felt stupid and betrayed. And stupid again for feeling betrayed.
She had no claim to him. She just had her memories, as inconvenient as they were at times. But that was nothing and it’d been so long that he showed any interest in her, in anybody, that for her to be jealous now was just pure selfishness. As much as she hated Harry sometimes, she still wanted to see him happy again.
Y/N made her way back slowly, eying what others were doing, until finally joining Harry again just as Zoe went back to her own pumpkin.
She was quiet for a moment, sipping on her drink, watching him as he got back to carving, before cleaning her throat as she finally said something, “What did Zoe want?” And she tried not to sound anything other than curious, but the way Harry glanced at her, with a raised brow, she knew she needed to be so much more subtle.
He took the other cup from her that she hadn’t drunk from and replenished his blood alcohol level. “She just asked me what I was doing after this.”
Instead of opening her mouth and being obvious, she just set her drink down and grabbed both the carving tool and the pumpkin from Harry to take over. He’d already done way more work than she had, so it was about time they switched anyway.
He eyed her curiously still, even though he allowed her to continue where he left off as he leaned back in his chair and took a break, downing what was left in his cup as she worked.
“You’re not jealous are you?” He finally asked, after a few moments to let his brain marinate in the alcohol in order to brave that question in the first place.
“No.” It was sharp. A piercing rejection he felt dig its claws deep into his heart. He couldn’t tell if she was lying or not, but if not, it hurt. More than he was willing to admit, even to himself. He wanted her to be jealous. He always did. That was part of the reason he’d gotten a girlfriend. And of course she was also part of the reason they broke up, if not all of it.
He nodded, “So it wouldn’t bother you if I went home with Zoe?”
He noticed her brief hesitation, when her hand stopped moving and she took in a breath of air, but then she settled again. “Doesn’t bother me what you do, Harry.”
Again, he nodded, still watching her just to get a sense of her reactions. Of course he had no plans on going home with Zoe. He just wanted to know. Where they stood. How Y/N felt about him. Whether she thought about their nights together as often as he did. When they were studying together and she’d shift her hair behind her shoulder and he’d get a whiff of her shampoo and be taken right back to one of those nights, and the nights that came after that when he got lost in that scent on his pillows until it eventually dissipated and left him craving more.
He tried again. One last time. If he still didn’t get the response he was hoping for, then he’d give it up and leave her alone. So, he sat forward, crossing his arms on top of the table, close enough to her now that the buzzing in her stomach reappeared even though she never braved a single glance at him. He was close enough that the smell of his cologne overtook the odor from the pumpkin. Close enough that she felt his breath on the side of her face when he spoke.
“So, I’ve just been imagining the way you’ve been looking at me all night then?” His voice was just above a whisper, and soft, caressing her ears as the sound crept its way inside of her. As it seeped into all the places the alcohol had been, although Harry was always something way more potent than whiskey or tequila. He made her head spin, made her feel everything and nothing at the same time. Made her heart flutter so much at times it hurt.
His words sunk in and all her motions stopped as she froze in place. She stopped carving their pumpkin, stopped blinking, stopped breathing. Staring blankly at their half-finished design until he was wrung out from her system completely. That never really happened, though, because he was staring at her, watching her with those glinting, impatient eyes, waiting for an answer. There wasn’t even the familiar hint of a smirk or a bit of amusement on his face anymore, either, that might have calmed her nerves. Because at least if he seemed to just be messing with her, she could play that game with him, but this was different.
He leaned forward a bit, trying to get her to look at him, to say something, anything, really. He’d be satisfied enough with her lies at this point. But he also knew the absence of an answer alone was all he really needed. He didn’t feel like he was getting ahead of himself, seeing the way her body reacted to him, by assuming that she felt, at least somewhat, the same way he did about her. Because if she’d been the one to ask if she was imagining how he’d been staring at her all night, he wouldn’t deny it.
Just as she opened her mouth, just as she had gathered enough words to form a coherent sentence, the room went dark. Pitch black, actually. The lights all around them flickering off, the television going blank, the music cutting out. And once the startled gasps and dramatic, drunken yelling had subsided, they were left in a ringing silence, so completely opposite to what they had been moments ago that it was painful for their ears to adjust to.
“What the fuck?” They heard Jason’s voice in the darkness and then, finally, a bit of light as he turned his phone’s flashlight on.
“Did the power go out everywhere?” Someone else asked.
And while everyone panicked, all Harry cared and thought about was Y/N’s hand wrapped tightly around his own on his lap. He wasn’t exactly sure when she’d grabbed for him, but once he realized she was there, he didn’t really care too much about the lights anymore. What he did care about still, however, was whether she’d ever answer his question now. If he’d ever get to hear what she was about to say just before the darkness cut her off.
A few of them stumbled about, making plans to go outside and check on things while everyone else stayed inside and waited. The room went dark for a few more moments as Jason left, but then someone else turned their flashlight on, and shined them at the ceiling so that there was at least enough light so that they didn’t have to sit in complete darkness.
If it wasn’t Halloween, the power going out wouldn’t have bothered her so much. Outages happened happened all the time. But now, in the middle of the second Annabelle movie with all sorts of other spooky shit around them, she couldn’t help but be terrified and imagine the worst. Like… what if there was a killer on the loose who had cut their power. What if the killer was chopping up Jason and the others and then eventually heading inside to do the same to all of them?
“Hey,” Harry mumbled beside her, inching closer and rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand, realizing she’d grown tense when her grip on him had tightened. “You alright?”
Hearing his voice again, she let out a breath of air and tried to relax. She watched way too many scary movies and this was most definitely not one of them. Just a power outage, possibly due to everyone being home and using lots of extra electricity on their lights and decorations. She had no reason to panic. Although it could be blamed on Harry as well, if he hadn’t made her an astronomical amount of nervous just before.
She nodded until she realized Harry couldn’t even see her very well. “I’m fine.” She finally affirmed, and, to his dismay, took her hand away from his.
They sat in their own silence for a while, listening to the quiet conversations around them, particularly to Zoe and Julie who were trying to look up any information they could even though their phones were slow from the lack of Wi-Fi and service.
After a little while, she found his hand again in the dark, and this time, she wasn’t afraid from the power going out, but rather what she was about to say. Because if there was ever an opportunity to spill your guts to Harry Styles, it was in a dark room where his grassy green eyes weren’t all over you, sucking every ounce of courage from your bones.
Her voice was in a whisper, and she finally looked at him, or rather in his direction. To the outlines of his face, of his nose and his cheekbones. Even though she couldn’t find the green, she knew he was there, waiting, listening.
“You haven’t been imagining anything.”
She couldn’t quite see it, but his eyebrows had hit the ceiling and before he could question her further, she continued.
“I was miserable when you were seeing Liv and so fucking happy when you broke up.” Her voice shook, but she didn’t let that stop her, “And then miserable again because you didn’t want me. And maybe you still don’t, but it would really bother me if you went home with someone else.”
The quiet almost ate her alive for the next few seconds when he said nothing and she didn’t have his features to go off of. But then, she felt him getting closer until, finally, his lips were at her ear.
“I’ve always wanted you.”  
The buzzing was back but this time it was debilitating. Especially when he faced her and cupped his free hand along her jaw. And especially when he tilted her head back slightly to meet his lips, which had pretty good aim given their predicament. She missed the way he felt, she realized, once he was kissing her. Once he had scooted closer and released his hand from her grip on his lap. Once he grabbed up the other side of her face and pulled her closer. And then her hand was left to fend for itself on his thigh, and she, almost unconsciously, drifted her touch closer and closer and closer…
He moaned softly into her mouth when she toyed with the flimsy piece of fabric tied around his waist with her fingertips. And finally, she pulled apart from him, catching her breath before whispering, “Do you think they’d notice if we left?”
He shook his head, “Don’t think I care if they did.”
And so they were off. Trying not to draw too much attention to themselves even though she slightly tripped over the leg of the chair and he tried not to giggle too loudly while helping her. His hand fell into hers again as he led the way out of the living room, down the hall and into Jason’s guest room, closing them both off from any light source completely, not that they really cared too much about seeing each other; they just wanted to feel each other again.
And as soon as Harry had closed the door behind her, that’s exactly what they did. As she wrapped her arms around his neck; as he felt his way around her waist, he kissed her like he hadn’t kissed anyone in years. Like he was a dry, cracking desert and she was a vast river flowing through him.
He took brave steps towards the bed blindly, backing her up further into the dark room and managing to not trip over anything when he finally made it to the bed. They’d both, on separate occasions, spent the night in Jason’s guest room before, which helped when maneuvering around in the dark. For instance, Harry knew that Jason kept his secret stash of condoms in the bedside drawer. Harry had no idea why, but he was thankful for it right now, when, after laying her back on the bed, Y/N had already begun undoing his costume—with such quickness, he was sure she’d studied how the thing was connected to his body so that she knew exactly how to get if off if need be—and, within the next few seconds, tossed the flimsy Tarzan loincloth out of sight.
Which left him in just the black thong he wore underneath. If it were up to him, he wouldn’t have even bothered with it. But, when he had first gotten the costume and tried it on without anything, he imagined all the wardrobe slips and potential boners might not be in everyone’s best interests. So, he went out and bought the smallest pair of underwear he’d ever owned, tucked himself inside of them, and called it a day.
Those, too, were stripped from his body in a matter of seconds, or at least pushed down his thighs to where they no longer covered what they were intended to cover. But then she flipped them around, so that Harry was on his back this time, splayed across the bed and she was finally ridding him of the thong all together and not wasting any time getting her hands on him and he wondered, with how quick she was to get to this point, if she had been thinking about this all night. And if she had, then he would definitely have to whip out the Tarzan costume more often.
He seemed to sink into the mattress once he felt her mouth close on him, his eyes fluttering shut and his mouth hanging open involuntarily when he hit the back of her throat. He had no idea how he’d gone so long without her, or why either. Why had he been so stupid? Why did he let her think he didn’t want her? Why did he deprive the both of them of this? Of the way she felt circling her tongue around the tip of his cock, the way he knew she was looking at him even though he could physically not open his eyes or come down off his cloud long enough to tell her how good she felt. How much he missed it. How much he was probably in love with her, even if that might have been crossing some sort of line.
“Forgot how big you were,” she whispered, giggling almost shamefully after wiping her mouth on the back of her hand and giving him a break to actually breathe properly again.
“Think we both know that’s a lie.” He was out of breath already and he was right, although she wouldn’t feed his ego no matter what he said. Although she remembered his cock perfectly fine, she wasn’t exactly used to it. And maybe she had momentarily forgotten what he had hidden under his costume. It’d been two years since they slept together, and the first time it happened they’d been drunk.
She didn’t say anything else, just tried to hide the blush on her face—even though he couldn’t’ see it anyway—by taking a mouthful of him again. She didn’t let him come, though, of course, and he didn’t expect her to either. She never had before. She always led him get right to the edge, to where he was panting and writhing and digging his fingers into her hair, on the verge of screaming her name into the dark, and then she’d stop. Pull him from the back of her throat and leave him a sopping, moaning mess.
He’d somewhat recovered when she crawled on top of him and and sat on either side of his hips with her hands planted on his chest. And now that their eyes had adjusted to the darkness, she could see the curve of his lips as he smiled up at her and even the sinister little twist of his mouth just before he grabbed hold of the hem of her dress and ripped it off over her head, letting it fall onto the bed next to him. He wished they had just a little bit more light, but at the same time, it turned him on having to see with his hands instead. Having to reach up and cup her breasts in his palms and rely on his memories for a better visual than the one he currently had. And as she came down to kiss him again, there was one thing for sure he didn’t need any light or anything but his fingers to do.
He tossed her bra into the same vicinity as her dress and within seconds had his hands all over her again, and his tongue as well, wishing she was on her back so he could worship her in all the ways he desperately wanted to, but also aware that the power could flick on at any moment and he really didn’t have the time.
Not that she had asked, and maybe she just hadn’t thought of it yet, but he still, while continuing to make out with her, reached over, pulled the drawer open on the nightstand and reached inside to locate the box of condoms.
However, once he did, and he didn’t find what he was looking for, he sat up and pulled apart from her, twisting himself a bit in order to see inside the drawer. His other hand held onto her hips so she didn’t fall off of him as he searched the drawer. But, soon enough, he was laying back again, groaning as if he was in physical pain.
“There’s no condoms.” He muttered between his teeth and just that one little sentence ruined his entire night.
“It’s okay.” She assured, continuing to whisper just as he did so that no one would hear them through the thin walls. “I mean… we’re clean right? And I’m on birth control…”
He ran his fingers through his hair, looking up at her and trying to decide if it was a good idea or not. She was right, of course, but even so there was always a possibility. Even with condoms there was always that same possibility too. He knew one thing for certain. If he remembered correctly. There was absolutely no way in hell he’d be able to pull out, so that really wouldn’t even be an option either.
“If you don’t want to though, that’s fine.” She spoke again amongst his silence. It’s not like he would hate the potential consequences, and of course he would not hate feeling her without a stitch of anything in between them, he just needed to be reassured that’s what she wanted, truly.
“I do, just um… are you sure you’re okay with that?”
She nodded first and then, confidently, “Yes.” As she fell back into place over him, her lips came to his ear this time, “I want to feel you coming inside of me.”
His whole body shuddered, needing her more than he quite possibly ever had. And as she tucked her panties to the side and guided herself onto him, he would most definitely go outside and cut the lines himself if the power decided to come back on before they were finished.
“Forgot how wet you are…” He whispered, heart fluttering at the way she laughed while fucking him. He never forgot either, not quite. But feeling her again now, pooling around him, warm and snug, he again wondered why in the living hell he kept himself from her for so long. Sure, they didn’t like each other most of the time, but their first time together had been hot, drunk hate sex and ever since then he’d chased that feeling with other people, none of them ever quite adding up to her. He wondered if she thought the same. No one ever making her feel the way he did either. If, when she was with someone else, she thought of him instead.
He knew he wouldn’t last long the second she put her greedy hands on him, and so her being in control now was slightly dangerous. He wasn’t ready for it to be over, even if he was racing the clock, even if he could just take her home from here and do it all over again, properly. He didn’t want it to end as quickly as it started.
So, he flipped them back over, getting her on her back like he’d wanted to earlier. Slipping a pillow under her backside to get a better angle and letting her sink all the way through the mattress this time. He remained inside her the entire time, only making quick, shallow movements to avoid the sounds of their skin slapping against each other. But he gave up being careful about their noise level after she begged him to go faster, after he reached between them and rubbed his fingers over her clit to catch her up with him.
She tugged at his hair while he kissed her, breathlessly and without much of a second thought this time about how loud they were being. He assumed all their friends knew about them anyway, even if she chose to be ignorant to it. They all speculated about the secret hookups and the mindless flirting that was disguised as harmless bickering. So, he just stopped caring the closer and closer he got.
That was until he buried himself as far as he could inside of her, his hand wrapped around her throat the way he remembered her liking, and he felt the scream building beneath her skin, beneath his palm. Quickly, before her noises led to everyone barreling into the room to find out what was going on, he clasped his hand from her throat to her mouth instead. Holding tightly as she let it out, his eyes pouring into hers like a lake of shining emerald waters getting her to stay there in the room with him. So that she didn’t close her eyes and float away like he had before.
He titled her head to the side, kissed up her jaw to her ear. “Mm, I missed the way you sound.” He wanted to tell her how he thought about her pleads and her moans and her yells late at night when he was feeling particularly alone. When he wanted nothing but her, to either be inside of her, or to just have her there next to him. But all of that got caught in his throat, and instead, as he continued burying himself into her, he whispered like a growl in her ear, “Missed how well you take me.”
And although it made her moan, made her eyes cross and her fingernails scrape across his shoulder blades, he wanted to tell her that he missed how they fit together. How where he ended she began so seamlessly no one else could hardly compare. There had always been a seam with everyone else, with Liv, a visible divide between him and them, soldered together haphazardly. But with Y/N, it was smooth, flowing together as if they were the same person.
His hand slipped from her mouth as he began losing control, and soon she was the one having to cover the noises. Though, this time, she just simply pulled his lips to her own and felt all the vibrations escape from his throat against her skin, her teeth, her tongue. She breathed in nothing but the air from his lungs, and held onto his tightly as she began to unravel.
His moans quickened and quickened until she felt his release, warm and deep inside of her, just as her own gave way, until his body began to give out, until he was panting and no longer able to hold himself up over her. And so once they both descended from their cloud, once their wave had crashed onto the shore, he planted himself beside her, their chests in rhythm as they cough their breath.
And before either of them even managed to open their eyes or breathe steadily again, the surge of the power coming back on dimmed the haze. Their room was still dark, but light seeped under the door and the rest of their friends cheered from the other room as the music began again. And for a brief, stupid moment, Harry thought about fucking her again and letting her scream all she wanted, but that fantasy was cut short when he remembered their friends would soon realize they were missing.
“We should get back.” She mumbled. Although she made no sudden movements to get up. She even closed her eyes again, still off in another world.
And so Harry risked it, just for a few more moments, anyway, where he rolled closer to her and slid his hand up her jaw softly, pulling her attention toward him again as her eyes fluttered open, waiting.
“I was miserable when I was with Liv too. And we broke up because she knew I spent all my time thinking about someone else.” He swiped his thumb across her cheek, realizing for the first time that he’d probably royally fucked up all her makeup and then hoping she wouldn’t come to her senses and kill him for it.
“And who might that be?”
He smiled, sweetly this time unlike all his asshole smiles, and just as he glanced at her lips, ready to kiss her again, he was cut short.
“Yo, where are Harry and Y/N?” It was Jason, loud and clear and possibly headed their way to investigate his missing party guests who had snuck off together in the dark. Jason didn’t know that yet though, and as much as Harry would like none of their friends to find out, it wouldn’t exactly look great the two of them waltzing out of the guest room together. Harry’s curls in shambles, fresh scratches all across his back, and Y/N’s makeup smudged. There was simply no use in hiding what they’d been up to, it was written all over them.
Harry grabbed her clothes and handed them off while he went on a search for his own tiny pieces of costume. And just as they got decent again, there was a knock on the door.
“You guys in there? You better not be doing what I think you’re doing.” Jason warned and Harry and Y/n looked at each other for a moment before busting out laughing.
Harry got to the door first, throwing it open to a very surprised Jason, who then narrowed his eyes when he saw Y/N come up behind Harry.
“God, not in my guest room!” He whined as Harry pushed pass Jason, a looking Y/N following shortly behind, “Now I have to clean the sheets again! I just did them yesterday.”
“Sorry, mate!” Harry called over his shoulder, glancing down at Y/N quickly to give her one of his cocky little winks. And once they had reached the main room again, as he fell back into his chair, she realized just how many scratch marks she’d left on him, and wished he’d worn a costume with a shirt to cover it up.
She drowned out all the whistling and the comments about how everyone knew she and Harry were up to something, about the bets won and lost. All she heard was Harry’s voice in her ear, telling her how much he missed her and she wondered if it was real. If he really did miss her, or he just missed fucking her. If, when it was no longer October 31st, they’d just go back to normal. Like the horse-drawn carriage turning back into a lumpy, ugly pumpkin.
Harry noticed this, of course, because he’s a law student and notices everything, but just as he leaned in to ask if she was okay, she pulled away.
“I just, uh, need some air.” And then she was gone before he could do or say anything. She used through the front door, abandoning their poor pumpkin and headed toward her car. She’d left the keys and her purse inside, but it didn’t matter. She just leaned against the passenger door and gazed up at the stars, thankful for the clear night and warm weather.  
And, of course, he was beside her not too long afterwards. She’d heard his footsteps against the pavement, knew he’d probably follow her out anyway.
He cleared his throat, half watching the same stars she was and half glancing at her. “Did I do something?”
“No, it’s um…” she faltered, her eyes falling to her feet. “Think I just had too much to drink.”
“Oh… I���m sorry. I—” she cut him off before he got too far in the wrong direction.
“No, I mean…” she pushed off her car then and faced him, “Are we just going to go back to how we always are after tonight? Because I don’t know if I can do that. But I never know what you’re thinking, Harry. Do you even like me or do you just like sleeping with me sometimes and arguing with me all the rest of the time?”
He continued to watch her for a moment, almost waiting for her to tell him she was kidding. But when she just ran a nervous hand through her colored hair, he realized she wasn’t.
He waited for a group of kids all dressed in various Star Wars outfits to pass by them before he began. “I guess I thought I was clear, but obviously not enough… I don’t just want to sleep with you every couple of years and pretend we don’t like each other in between. I think we’ve already wasted enough time, don’t you?”
She nodded once his words sunk in.
“Can we go finish our pumpkin now? And win the stupid skeleton. So I can take both it and you home with me?”
Again, she nodded, but this time it was matched with a smile. “Who says I want to go home with you?”
He rolled his eyes and threw an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close enough to kiss the top of her head as he steered them back toward the front door. “Guess it’ll just be me and the skeleton then.”
They both glanced over at the giant thing stuck in the middle of Jason’s front yard, still attracting every young person like it was a princess at Disneyland, and then she looked up at him again. “On second thought, I might like to see that.”
He shook his head, opening the front door for them, “M’sure you would.”
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tatooedlaura-blog · 3 years
End of the Road
post-Redux/Redux 2
... their moments ... from now on ... Our Moments: Chapter 1: Five Words (post-Leonard Betts) Chapter 2: Sidebar Nonsense (post-Memento Mori) Chapter 3: Interim (floating somewhere around Unrequited) Chapter 4: Max 2.0 (post-Tempus Fugit/Max) Chapter 5: Shadowed Grey Eyes Chapter 6: The Warmest Thing I Own Chapter 7: Fancy Paper Napkins ​ Chapter 8: End of the Road (post-Redux/Redux 2)
He put her through hell the next two weeks and finally, seeing her on the other side of the hospital window, he splintered, leaning forward, unable to breath, overwhelming sorrow manifesting in yelled demands of people who couldn’t answer his pleas.
He thought he was quiet at her bedside that night, the world bearing down on both of them, but as he sobbed into her sheets, he felt her hand drift though his hair, nails lightly scratching scalp, “it might be a little tight, but I think we’ll both fit if we try.”
Mess that he was, he stood, dragged his hands over his face to clear away at least some of the nonsense before disappearing to blow his nose on some toilet paper from the bathroom. Coming back in, he shuffled towards her, whispering, “I snuck in. What if I fall asleep and can’t sneak back out?”
“I’m dying, Mulder. I can do what I want and right now, I want you in here with me.”
Deep breath of acceptance at her now-undeniable retort, he did as ordered, wedging himself behind her, back to front, arm hesitant over her belly, full length curl around her. He could feel her ribs against his forearm, her bony hip under his elbow, sharp shoulder blades pressing his chest, “we need to get you a milkshake.”
“If I could keep one down, I’d send you right now but puking up ice cream will just ruin it.”
“I see your point.” Sniffing latent snot back up his nose, he apologized, then, “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Soaking up his warmth like a sponge, “I’m not sleeping that well these days anyway, and …” running off into oblivion, she finished the sentence a moment later, “well, I’d rather spend all the time I can with you, even if it’s at whatever the hell time it is and in a hospital bed.”
“A good cuddle does have its merits.”
That got a smile from her, “thank you.”
“For what?”
This time she found the words she couldn’t after he made her dinner, “for doing all those things that a partner would do; that a husband, a best friend, that family would do.”
Well, that made his heart break for the hundredth time that day, and mouth to neck yet again, his words rustled her hair and vibrated her soul, “well, you are my partner and my best friend, which makes us family and I think I fit the category of work husband so I’ve got all the bases covered.”
Reaching for his hand, she pulled it up to her face, kissing his knuckles before tucking it under her cheek, “we need to talk about a few things.”
“No, we really don’t.”
“Yes, we do. Let me take the fall, please? I need to know you’re okay once I’m gone.”
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
“We can have that argument tomorrow. Right now, just let me enjoy this, all right?”
She heard his mental screams of ‘Stop It!’ and she did, nodding against his hand, “all right but tomorrow, you’re listening to me.”
Wanting to cocoon her, tuck her inside himself, hide her away so the cancer and the fear and the reality of it all couldn’t find her, he hugged her closer, spooned behind her tight, “maybe.” That’s as good as she would get tonight and accepting it, she did her best to forget everything but the moment. A pleasant ‘hmm’ purred out a minute later and, hearing it as well as feeling it against his chest, “what was that for?”
Not realizing she’d made the sound until it was too late, “living in my moment, Mulder.”
“Our moment.”
For half a second, she wanted to cry, “You’re right. Our moment.”
He was gone when she woke up, the nurse checking on her telling her quietly, “he snuck out about 20 minutes ago.” Seeing her still sleepy look of disappointment, she smiled, “I’ve seen the way he looks at you; he’ll be back.”
Alone a moment later, she tried to work herself into a rage because he left without saying good-bye and without talking to her like she’d asked but, in the end, it was Mulder and she really should have expected it. Returning to her side, facing the door, she shut her eyes, imagining he was still behind her.
He appeared the next day, glass vial offering a last-ditch effort in his fight to save her. He watched her argue with her family, fight her doctors, grasp onto a fading hope without which, she would be forced to make him sit, discuss funeral arrangements, ask him to give up while holding her hand.
First Skinner left her room, then her brother, then, finally, Maggie, who gave him a hug and told him, without words but the slightest of head nods, that Scully was inside waiting for him. He gave it another minute, still processing, still gripping the bloody picture, still marveling at the news that was, indeed, real.
Opening her door slowly, the first thing he saw was not a smile but her piercing gaze that ranged in interpretation, over the years, from raging irritation to unbridled happiness. Todays was more of a confused relief bordering on reserved elation, “Mom says you’ve been sitting in the hallway.”
“Your mother deserved the first hug.”
“Are you going to be my third?”
“Patience, woman. I give you a hug now, we’ll both be crying for the next hour.” Shooting her his first mischievous grin in months, “I am breaking all kinds of rules still being here. Three people have asked me to leave already.”
She’d been prepared to talk for a few minutes, then go to sleep but suddenly, that wasn’t cutting it anymore, “You want to go for a drive?”
Finally approaching her, he pressed his thighs against the edge of the bed, leaning just enough forward but keeping his hands in his pockets, schoolboy asking a question of his favorite girl, “your place or mine?”
She hadn’t even thought that far ahead in the discussion but now that it was out there, hanging in the air, she gave him a smile, “your place. We haven’t been there in awhile.”
“Luckily I just changed the sheets a few days ago.”
Holding eye contact, swearing for one second she could actually see into his soul, she found herself moving her legs, bumping into Mulder as she sat upright, slid off the bed, “go find me my clothes.”
They didn’t so much sneak from the hospital as walk out, quietly, Scully’s bag in Mulder’s one hand, Mulder’s other on her back, pressed to muscle and bone, fingers loose-gripping the back of her shirt. No one said a word, elevator their immediate destination, anywhere else in the world their quest. The air was balmy, the breeze light, and Scully stopped the moment the automatic doors shut behind her, inhaling deep.
Mulder, nearly knocking her over, suddenly panicked, “what? What’s wrong?”
Her head spun, giddy and light, ��just … overwhelmed for a minute.”
“Do you need to go back inside?”
Shaking her head vehemently, “no … no, I just … your place, please.”
“Food first?”
“No. I … that’s too much right now.” Looking up at her partner, suddenly exhausted, “a bed would be nice and some drugs when we get to your place.”
“Home it is, then.” He valeted the car, tucked her inside, and drove away, aiming towards his apartment. She was dozing by the second turn and fully asleep by the time he pulled up to the curb. Crouching beside her open passenger door, hand on thigh, voice low, he began coaxing her in a soft voice reserved for just such occasions, “hey, Scully? Wake up. We’re here and you’ve gotta stay awake long enough to deal with the front steps and the elevator.”
Blinking her eyes open, they rolled around for a moment before focusing, “okay. Don’t let me fall down.”
He wanted to laugh at her swaying walk, likening it to her drunken trek a year ago at her mother’s surprise birthday party. Not saying that aloud, however, he steered her to his door then inside.
He set her bag down, then took her coat, hanging it before heading toward the kitchen for a glass of water so she could take her meds and lay down. Asking over his shoulder what type of pain killer she wanted, he glanced back when she didn’t answer. Finding her still rooted to her spot beside the hat rack, he stopped, took in the tears already rolling, then held out his hand, waving her towards him, “come here.” She did, shuffling, leaving shoes behind and walking into him, the collision backing him up a few steps. Accepting the momentum, he continued moving, sitting down on the arm of the couch, level with her now, arms tight around her neck, her face hidden in his shirt, “what’s wrong?”
“It can’t be real, Mulder. It can’t. It shouldn’t have worked.”
“But it did. You saw the scans.”
“But what if I go to sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow and it’s back?”
Shifting her away, he settled hands on cheeks, thumbs against eyebrows, painting over them lightly, absently, as he tilted her head to meet her tear-y gaze, “it won’t be but if it is, but it won’t be, we will figure it out … together … all right? We got here once and we can do it again … but we won’t have to, so don’t worry about it.”
Her hands were around his wrists, “I think you just gave me a headache.”
“I’ve been giving you headaches for four years now. What’s new?”
“This.” Leaning in, she kissed him, barely brushing his lips but setting his world on fire in the process, “I’ve got, to sound trite, a new lease on life and I’m not wasting it.” Kissing him again, before swaying dangerously to one side, “but I am going to ask that we sleep through a little bit of it because if I don’t lay down soon, I’m going to end up on your floor.”
He wiped the few remaining tears from her cheeks before he kissed her back, light but claiming, “do you mind some company?”
“I have never minded your company.” Yawning, she turned white, an immediate sweat beading on her upper lip, “but I need to lay down … now.”
Walking her to the bed, he gave her a shirt and some shorts, some drugs and a glass of water, then, “I’ll be back in a minute.”
Returning with a second blanket, he found her curled, body imprint stamped on ‘her’ side of the bed forevermore. His giddiness in the moment nearly made him laugh but containing it, he settled beside her, spare blanket at their feet. His hand went to her forehead, thumb in gentle circles between her eyebrows.
It was gone.
He had her back.
And he wasn’t going to waste a minute of the time they had left.
Which was a lot longer than they’d had mere hours earlier.
He didn’t fall asleep for hours.
Watching her breathe.
Neither should have been awake but when Mulder opened his eyes, he found himself staring at an empty pillow and equally empty bed. Squinting towards the dawn-grey living room and the darkened bathroom, he looked over his shoulder, finding his target standing by the open window, leaning on the frame.
Rolling over, he tucked the pillow under his head, yawning, then watching her for a minute before she felt his eyes on her and turned towards him, quiet.
His mind was open and slow, filters off, walls down, and in that very moment, the only thing he had left in the world to say was “I love you.”
Her slow spreading smile lit up the darkening room, thunder rumbling as a storm moved in. It stopped just shy of a full-on grin, then dropped back to slightly upturn lip curl, sigh deep, eyes closing for a moment to collect the proper words from the universe, before sending them drifting across to him slow and steady, “and I … finally have the time … to love you back.”
Mulder’s smile spread at the same speed hers did, pushing into the pillow, squashing face glowing, “is this another one of our moments?”
“They are all our moments from now on, Mulder. All of them.”
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haikyuu-sins · 4 years
Hiiiii! Since you are in the need for Law request I have plenty lol He lives in my head rent free 😁
So since Law is a Lowkey fanboy for ninjas what if on Zou when everyone met Raizo they met a kunoichi med! Ninja and Law was instantly infatuated with her. He’s impressed with her medical knowledge and her special medical techniques, and wants her to join his crew. And while traveling to Wano they get a little close in such short time that he doesn’t feel he can just forget about her. If that’s too much or too descriptive I apologize and feel free to cut whatever if it is too much.
Gimmie all the requests!!! And too much??? Too descriptive??? Oh my gosh I LOVE when there’s a lot of description!! It makes it so much easier and a lot more fun to write when I know exactly what you want and frick, I absolutely LOVE this ask!! I have a feeling I’m going to have a lot of fun writing this one so I’m sorry if I went overboard with it 😅 (I’m also not a doctor so forgive the misinformation if there is any, I’m just making shit up lol) update: I went overboard.
*****Law x Med Kunoichi! Reader
“Raizo, seriously, you need to calm down.” you tell the ninja who’s in chains because of how upset he is. “I get it, but the mink are fine now. I healed them the best I could and there weren’t many serious injuries.”
He was still on a tirade or yelling and crying but you just ignored him and kept him company. You just sigh. There wasn’t much you could do to help him. “Now you just need to shut up.”
There was yelling coming down from the stairs in front of you along with the sounds of multiple people sprinting. Were... they yelling ‘Ninja?’ It didn’t take long for multiple people that you didn’t recognize to be right in front of you.
There was a gasp. “Raizo is a woman?!” a man with a straw hat shouted, his eyes nearly popping out of his head.
“Um, no, that’s Raizo.” you pointed to him.
All of them seemed to physically deflate when they heard that. “Wait... are you a kunoichi?!” the long nose yelled.
They were all shouting out rapid fire requests and you couldn’t even get a word in to tell them that you were the medical ninja. But hearing everything they were saying, you couldn’t help but smile and laugh. The little reindeer was asking if you said ‘nin nin’, another was asking you to hide in the ceiling and get stabbed with a spear, while someone else was asking for the shadow clone technique.
“Nin nin?” You had to put your hand over your mouth to cover your giggles. “Stabbed with a spear? Goodness...Is that what you think of us?” Looking over at Kin’emon and Kanjuro you saw that they had strange looks on their faces. It was cute hearing everything that they thought ninjas did and they were eager to see it all. “You should be asking Raizo to do all that, I don’t don’t have the energy for it right now. I’m the med ninja and I’ve been helping with healing the villagers...and there’s a lot of them.”
Law’s ears immediately perked up at the mention that you were a medical ninja.
“Which reminds me, I should be doing some more rounds for the minks who were more seriously injured.” you sighed and stood up from your spot.
“Would you mind if I came?” the man with the tattoos asked as you walked past them.
“Sure! The extra company is always nice.” you smile at him and he follows you up the long set of stairs out of the tree. “So you were curious about the shadow clone technique?” You glance over at him and he doesn’t exactly know what to say. He doesn’t want to sound too eager if he says yes, but if he says no then he won’t be able to see it. You can tell that he’s trying not to be excited and it makes you chuckle. There was a quick hand sign and another one of you popped up in front of you.
“Hello!” your clone smiled and waved at him and you could see his eyes widen, and then a small smirk. She poofed away in a puff of smoke after the introduction. “Oh and also, we don’t say ‘nin nin.’ I’m not sure where you heard that one.”
His shoulders drooped slightly and you could see that he almost looked disappointed. “Oh…”
“What was your name? I didn’t get to introduce myself earlier with all of the commotion. I’m (Y/n).”
“Trafalgar Law.”
“Is this your first time on Zou?” you ask him, opening the door to the room where your patients were.
“Yes, I’ve heard a lot about it, but I wouldn’t have been able to get up here to see it.”
“That’s a shame. There’s tons of medicinal plants on this island that you can’t find anywhere else. I assume you’re a doctor since you wanted to come with me? You seemed pretty interested when I said I was a medical ninja.” you sat down next to one of them and began your work.
He was surprised by how perceptive you were and he nodded as he watched you diligently heal the minks. Your hands glowed a light blue color and they moved up and down to where they were injured. Law heard you sigh heavily and he wondered what was wrong since he couldn’t see anything. ‘It must be internal.’ he thought to himself.
“It’s internal bleeding that I can’t stop with just my healing. I’m going to have to do surgery. Can you grab me that?” you asked him, pointing to a small tin that was on the shelf.  Law picked it up and opened it wondering what you would be doing with a balm. “Don’t smell it!” you warned him. “It’ll knock you out.”
He slowly put the cap back on it and handed it to you.
“It’s from the leaves of a certain mix of flowers here. I’ll show you after I’m finished.” you smiled and took it from him as you spoke to your patient about what you were going to have to do to him. “Come here.” you motioned Law closer to you. “If you want to watch you’ll have to be a little closer than that.” Law did as he was told. When you had the mink smell the balm, he almost passed out immediately. “They have better noses than us so this works much more effectively than it would on a human. It still will though so you have to be careful.”
He took all of the information in that you were giving him. He had never seen the techniques that you used. What was even more baffling to him was that it wasn’t even because of a devil fruit. They were all things that were taught to the medics at a more advanced level. The way you only used a finger to cut open your patient was incredible. He didn’t know how you did it, even when you explained it to him because it was something that he knew he wouldn’t be able to do. You could generate heat in your fingers that were hot enough to cauterize a wound.
What would have taken a normal doctor over an hour to do, took you about 10 minutes. Then you went on to the others who needed your help. They didn’t need surgery but he watched you in awe. It looked so effortless on your part, other than the fact that you looked a bit out of breath now because of how hard you were working.
“Oh man, I need to sit down for a little. Then we can go out and I can show you what I collect when I’m here!” you smiled up at him as you went over to a chair and plopped down, resting your head on the wall and closing your eyes. “I don’t usually get this tired. But having to heal everyone who was injured- including Duke and and Catviper who were really hurt-it takes a lot of energy out of me. It’s worth it though.”
The two of you talked about everything and nothing while you rested. You told him more about ninjas to which you had all of his attention and about Wano and what exactly to expect when they all got there.
“Are you going to be coming with us back to Wano?” Law asked as casually as he could.
“I would assume I am? I mean I could always go back on my own though if there isn’t any room for me! I came here by myself anyway, before Raizo. So I do have a way back.”
“There’s plenty of room, don’t worry. It’s probably too dangerous to go back on your own anyway after the attack.”
“What, do you think I can’t take care of myself? Come on, I’m a kunoichi! I don’t have this sword for decoration. Or do you just want me to be safe?” you tease him with a smile.
In truth, he wanted you to teach him. You had so much knowledge that he didn’t. “I just-”
“I’m just teasing.” you smile softly and stand up. “Are you ready? We can go now. I’m rested enough if you want to get some herbs for your trip.”
He rolled his eyes at your first comment. “We can wait until you’re fully rested if you want.”
“That’s okay. There are some flowers that only bloom at night so we have to cut them off before they can close back up. It’s best to just go at sunset and get the others that you need first.” you grabbed a big bag and already started to walk out the door. Law quickly followed behind you and the two of you were on your way.
In the few hours that you and Law had met each other, you already felt like you had formed a kind of bond with him. You showed him all the different leaves, roots, and flowers that could be used for a multitude of things.
“I can teach you how to make a bunch of things when we’re on our way back to Wano if you want?” you asked hopefully, just wanting to be around him more.
“So you’re coming with us?” Law raised a brow and tried not to smirk at you.
“Well you insisted on it so I guess I have to!” you joked. “But yes, I’d actually really love to come with you. I-I mean with everyone!” You stammered, face turning a bright shade of pink while Law just smirked while he put some flower stems in the bag.
Not too long after, you and the others left on Law’s submarine. It was nerve-wracking at first and you’ll admit you were terrified. Being with the others you knew wasn’t that bad though. You were introduced to the StrawHat Pirates before you boarded and got to know Robin a little better. She was sweet and knowledgeable. But Law was the one you spent the most time with. Even if there wasn’t a reason, you made one up. You’d ask him random things, just went to see what he was doing, or showed him some of the extra things you’d made for his infirmary. You would just say that you made more than you needed but really you were just making it for him.
Law knew more than anyone on the sub that he wanted you to stay so he made sure that you got along with the rest of the crew. You wanted them to like you so you had Kin’emon help you make some traditional dishes from Wano. On one of these days, you went to find  Law so he’d be able to try some before the rest of the crew ate it. He was of course in his office working on some kinks that needed to be worked out before they got to Wano.
You knocked on the door and he told you to come in. “Hi Law~” you smile and go to his desk and put the bowl of red bean soup on it. “I had a feeling you’d be in here for dinner so I wanted to bring you some food before it ran out or got cold.”
He sighs and leans back in his chair while he runs his tattooed fingers through his hair, obviously stressed about what’s to come. “Thank you.”
“You know you really should relax. Even if it’s just for a few minutes. I understand that you’re under a lot of pressure right now, but stressing about it is just going to make it worse. You’re better off taking a break and eating some of the soup I made.” you grin and push it closer to him, encouraging him to try it. “Come on~ I wanna see how much you like it! I know you will!”
Law accepted your offer and took the bowl. You watched him with raised brows and an expectant look on your face as he took a sip of the soup . “Well~?”  
He wanted to melt in his chair at that moment. The feeling of the hot soup ran down his throat and calmed him unlike anything he’d felt before. He’d never had this before but somehow it reminded him of home. “I’m deciding whether I want you as my cook or my other doctor.”
You tilt your head to the side, your brows now scrunch together and your cheeks flush. “What...what do you mean your cook or other doctor?” you had a feeling you knew where this was going but you wanted to make sure.
“You know exactly what I mean. I mean, you should join my crew.”
You thought about it for a moment. “Would I be a pirate or a kunoichi? ...Because I do like being a kunoichi...and would I have to wear that outfit everyone does? I like my kimono that I have on.” Truthfully, Law did too and he wouldn’t mind if you continued wearing it either, he thought you looked nice in it.  
“You can be whichever. If you want to keep your kimono on to pay a sort of tribute to being a kunoichi, you can do that. I don’t mind. I get it, it’s what you know and what you grew up with.” It was your ninja way.
As he spoke, your smile only grew wider and you couldn’t believe what he was saying. It was exactly what you wanted and you were so glad that he brought it up to you since you thought it might be inappropriate to ask him yourself to join his crew. You just wanted to be around him and you were hoping that he would feel the same.
It was strange. Law had never felt this much of a connection with someone in such a short amount of time. But there was first for everything and he didn’t mind this first.
“Of course I will!” you just wanted to wrap your arms around his neck, hug him tight, and not let go. “I was kind of afraid you weren’t going to ask...” you say to him sheepishly chuckling.
“Oh were you?” He takes another sip of his soup while raising his brows.
“Yeah...I really like spending time...with you. It’s been nice getting to know the crew too. I’ve had a lot of fun with them so far. Now I don’t have to worry about being sad when you guys have to leave Wano and missing you-missing everyone!” you say the last part quickly.
“If you were going to miss me then you should have just said something.” he smirks at you.
Rolling your eyes, you’re tempted to push his shoulder, but he has hot soup and you’re not going to spill it on him. “Oh shut up and eat your soup before it gets cold. Captain.”
Now that’s something Law can get used to hearing you say.  
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cricketnationrise · 4 years
Lil ransom POV that’s been knocking around since Nurseyweek
seemed like a good time to post
Ransom loves Samwell, even if he can only make it down for Alumni Weekend.
This was the place where he had met his best friends, played swasome hockey, and made some banging spreadsheets, if he does say so himself. And he does. Because Excel backed him up.
“Yo, Ransom! What’s up?!” Ransom spins around at the sound of his name, and then –
“Oh, chill.”
He really should have braced himself. Nursey always was like a puppy. But like a Newfoundland puppy. Or some other puppy that doesn’t realize how big they are. Because now he and Nursey are both on the ground.
In the back of his mind, Ransom knows they are completely in the way of people trying to get to class, but he’s just so glad to see Nursey in person that he doesn’t care.
“Nursey! What have we said about curbing your enthusiasm?”
“That I shouldn’t because it’s a delightful part of my personality?” Nursey asks.
“5 points to Nursey!”
They finally manage to untangle themselves enough to stand up and move off the sidewalk, Ransom initiating a proper hug. “It’s good to see you, got time for Annie’s?”
“Chyeah for sure! Oh man, I have so much to tell you.” And they’re off. Just like Ransom never left. It’s comforting to know that Nursey can still ramble on with the best of them. He was worried about Nursey a little bit this year. He knew first-hand how hard senior year could be, especially with an A on his jersey. Listening to Nurse go off about his classes, how much he missed Bitty’s baking, how much more terrifying Chowder is in goal this year, Ransom grins. Nursey seems to have gained a new version of his chill. He seems happy, and in control of things.
One of the first things they bonded over was their respective anxiety. Ransom is glad that Nursey is starting senior year in a much healthier mental place than he did. One thing off Ransom’s mental worry checklist.
“…And yeah, now that Dex is captain we have all these morning practices again, like Jack, but not quite so early, thank god. He’s doing a good job with the new freshmen; they really look up to him. He’s started making bread, actually? I think Bitty sent him a recipe. Oh, and Chowder and Farms are even cuter this year than ever before, its nauseating man. But all three of us are in a class together, actually! It’s really chill, we’re taking that photography class like Jack took! Dex suggested it – which was totally chill of him. He was all its arty for you Nursey, Chowder is enthusiastic about everything, and its technical enough that I won’t feel totally lost. Like how cool is that? It’s a really cool class, relaxing, weirdly. Like, meditative, ya know? Anyway, tell me about you, man. It’s been too long since we caught up!”
As they get in line at Annie’s, Ransom fills him in on working with Holster and applying to med school for next year.
“Yeah so I figured out I want to be research focused, and probably kid-focused? Like, I want to be able to help kids with what I’m researching, so I’ve been looking into what I need for that, but it’s going well, I think. Hilariously, no one at work seems to realize that Holster and I a) know each other and b) are dating already. I’ve had 4 people in the last week come up to me and ask if I’m seeing anyone because Adam in the other department would be PERFECT for me. Truly amazing.”
“That’s hilarious, holy shit.”
“What can I get you today?” the barista asks.
“I’ll get a vanilla latte, please,” Ransom says.
“And I’ll have a Chai Latte with a shot of vanilla. Oh, also a Hot Honey Ginger Lemon Tea. Thanks, Steph,” Nursey rattles off.
They collect their drinks and head toward the Haus without needing to talk about anything in particular. It’s always restful just hanging out with Nursey. Ransom is the most extrovert ever to extrovert, but even he needs down time sometimes, and Nursey can be, dare he say it, chill, when he wants to be. Also, it’s a beautiful fall day, and it’s nice to just soak it up. Nursey is probably composing like 5 poems in his head about it right now.
Walking up the steps to the Haus, Ransom pauses a little, just to savor the moment. He’s been back before this, obviously, but it’s getting harder to visit, and once he’s in med school, it’ll be even rarer. He wants to keep this place in his memory forever.
“Dex! You’re alive!” he hears Nursey yell from the kitchen. Walking in himself, he sees Dex, looking utterly miserable. He’s wrapped in a blanket, wearing his roadie flannel sweatpants, his SMH hoodie, and – is that Nursey’s green beanie? Ransom blinks, trying to process.
“Hey Nursey. Hey Ransom,” Dex rasps out, trying to smile at Ransom before coughing a little.
“Oh hey, I got you this from Annie’s since you weren’t feeling well this morning,” says Nursey, “It’s the you tea.”
“Thanks. The U tea?” Dex asks before taking a sip and sighing in apparent delight.
“No, the YOU, Y-O-U tea, the Dex tea,” Nursey says.
“Why is it the Dex tea?” Ransom asks.
“It’s the Hot Honey Ginger Lemon tea,” Nursey explains.
Dex goes bright red, and Ransom would blame the coughing fit he has, but it definitely started in his ears and is it just him or do those coughs sound a little forced?
“Did you just get him the only thing with Ginger in the name?” Ransom asks, amused. Dex narrows his eyes at Ransom while Nursey looks in the fridge for a snack. Good to know that Dex’s crush on Nursey is healthy as ever, even when he’s not.
“No, but that’s an added bonus,” Nursey says, “I got him tea because tea always helps my throat. The ginger, lemon, and honey all work really well together for a cold; my moms swear by it, I always had it growing up. No it’s the Dex tea because its ginger like your hair, obviously, and honey like your eyes, sorta, and lemon like your attitude when you’re stressed, and hot because – “ Nursey pauses like he just realizes he was on the verge of waxing poetic about Dex.
“Hot because what?” Ransom asks. Ransom is outright grinning now, while Dex is looking determinedly into his cup like maybe he could drown himself in it, blushing more deeply than Ransom has ever seen him. And Nursey – Nursey is visibly putting on a layer of chill, of armor. He catches Ransom’s eyes, nods once, takes a deep breath, and finishes the thought,
“And hot because you’re hot, Dex.”
“You heard me.”
“I – wow, Nurse. I don’t know what to say.”
“You could say yes.”
“I could say yes?” Dex asks in a small voice.
“To whether you’d come on a date with me when you feel better.”
“I – I –,” Dex looks at Nursey intently, probably trying to see whether he’s serious or chirping. Ransom holds his breath. If they remember that he’s here, they might not ever get this far again.
“Yes. I’d like that.”
“Did you just say yes?” Nursey asks, smile starting to break out.
“Yes. When I don’t feel like death on toast. Yes.” Dex is smiling too.
“Chi – “
“GUYS!” Ransom interrupts before Nursey can say chill, and also because he’s legit tearing up right now, “If I wasn’t so damn happy for you both I’d be fining the hell out of you.”
“Like you could, I’m the captain now.”
“Yeah but the group chat would back me up on the sap level in the kitchen right now,” Ransom smirks.
“Alright, fair.” Dex says, taking another sip of his tea. His blankets slip down to his elbows now, exposing the number. But instead of #24, C there is very clearly a different number. #28, A.
Nursey falls off his chair in his attempt to make sure that what he’s seeing is real.
“Dexy, are you wearing my hoodie? And my hat?”
Ransom’s phone chimes.
Holster: U @ the Haus? I’m omw with Chowder and Whiskey rn
Me: yup It finally happened btw
“Maybe? Dex its right there!”
Holster: what happened? The railing finally gave out?
“Maybe they’re comfortable. And warm. I’m sick.”
Me: nah man Well maybe idk Haven’t left the kitchen But Dex and Nursey They’re goin on a date
“Well maybe if I’d known how hot it is to see you in my clothes I would have asked you out sooner,” Nursey says flirtatiously.
“I signed up for this. I literally signed up for this,” Dex groans.
Ransom: Nursey brought him tea That reminded him of Dex Because it’s the hot honey ginger lemon tea And he got to why hot reminded him of dex And was actually smooth??? That was a trip to watch Dex said yes And now they are bickering again But like its sweet?
“Yeah you did, Dexy. Can’t get rid of me now. You know I’m ride or die.”
Holster: HOLY SHIT I’m so proud of them Chowder is crying btw Oh wait Now he’s sprinting toward the Haus So Incoming
Me: 👍
“Hey lovebirds.” Nursey and Dex look over at him, both surprised he is still here. They definitely forgot about him. “Chowder’s on his way. Also Holster and Whiskey. So. Get pumped for that because the groupchat isn’t far behind.”
Dex puts his head on the table and groans unintelligibly. Nursey just beams and puts his arm around Dex’s shoulders, “Oh, nice. Now we don’t have to stress about when to tell him.”
Ransom just laughs and preps the text he’s gonna send to the groupchat. He really should try to visit more often. Ransom loves Samwell.
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
The Ranch {14}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses, Nesta x Cassian, Modern AU, fanfiction.
Collaboration: @snelbz​ x @tacmc​
Summary: Nesta had spent years in Paris, living her dream and drowning in riches as a gourmet chef, capturing the hearts of the city and its people. But, after her father passes away unexpectedly and leaves his cozy, countryside B&B to his oldest daughter, Nesta is moving back home to the tiny town of Velaris, where the ranch, her sisters, and her father’s unfulfilled dream, awaits.
Sidenote: Being posted between two blogs, it is too chaotic to keep up with a tags list, so all chapters will be tagged with “#TheRanchNessian” & “#SharaCollab”.
The Ranch Masterlist
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When Cassian woke up the next morning, Nesta was gone. She was probably off doing one of the many things on her ridiculously long list, and it was probably wise that she left before he woke up because he would’ve tried to guilt her into staying again. 
He’d slept well, but the meds had definitely worn off. He popped a pill into his mouth and washed it down with a water bottle before pulling himself out of bed and hauling himself into the bathroom.
He looked in the mirror and groaned. He looked like shit, which wasn’t a surprise cause he felt like shit. He brushed his teeth and washed his face, all one handed, and then came his hair.
After a couple of attempts - way more than he was willing to admit - it was tied at the back of his head, but now came the part he definitely could not do on his own. He tossed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on the bed, followed by some socks. Getting his sweats off was no problem, but as he tried to step into his jeans, stumbling, he sighed and sat down on the bed.
“Grown ass man and I have to sit down to put my pants on,” he mumbled, doing just that. He went ahead and put the socks on, then stood and glared at the shirt, knowing he wasn’t going to be able to put that one on by himself. He grabbed it, tossing it over his shoulder. He sighed, imagining how hard Nesta was going to laugh when he had to ask her to help him get dressed. At least he’d get to see that look she gets whenever she saw his abs. Cassian whistled, slipping his phone into his pocket and heading into the living room. No sign of Beau.
Stepping into his boots, he muttered, “Damn woman even has my dog wrapped around her finger.”
He stepped out onto the porch, sun on his bare chest, and made his way up to the main house. He’d go down and get some stuff from his cabin that afternoon, and take the truck to check on the herd, but he’d take it easy. Doctor’s orders.
He climbed the back steps and entered the kitchen. Nesta wasn’t there, which he was half hoping, as he was starving, but he could hear her talking in the living room.
He walked towards the front of the house, saying, “Baby, I need you to gimme a hand.”
He entered the room and found Nesta sitting on the couch, pen and paper in hand. Her back was to him so she was turned around to stare at him, eyes wide in horror. There was a young woman with red hair sitting on the other end, mouth hanging open.
Nesta quickly got to her feet. “Maggie, this is Cassian. Cassian, this is Maggie, she’s here to talk about helping out with the B&B.”
Cassian’s ears burned. “Nice to meet you. Nesta, can we…” He trailed off and pointed to the kitchen.
She said, “Yes, absolutely. Maggie, I’m so sorry, I’ll be right back.”
He headed into the kitchen and she followed him. Cass kept his voice low as he said, “You never told me you had any inquiries, you just posted the ad yesterday.”
“I know, but Maggie called this morning, and was available to talk right away, so I told her to head on over.” Nesta paused and added, “Wait, I texted you all of this.”
Cassian pulled out his phone and looked down at the screen. Indeed, he did have a slew of notifications, with no less than four text messages from Boss. He winced. “My bad, sweetheart.”
Nesta rolled her eyes at his stupid contact name for her and said, “It’s okay.” She raised up on her toes and kissed him. “How’d you sleep?”
“Hard. I don’t remember waking up all night. Hurting this morning though. I took my meds, I wanted to run down and take a look at the herd. And I’m not gonna do anything, so get that look off of your face,” he added, seeing her eyebrows already raising. “I just won’t be able to take it easy until I see with my own two eyes that they're taken care of. But because I’m such a hero and I took a bullet for my best friend, I’m having trouble putting my shirt on. Think I can get some help?”
She let her forehead fall into her hand. “Oh my god, why do I love you?”
He laughed and said, “I love you, too.”
After he sat in one of the chairs, she helped him get the sling off. She awkwardly pulled the shirt on him, one arm at a time and then over his head. “Rhys said he’d come over after lunch to clean that for you,” Nesta said, helping him refasten the sling around his neck and Cass nodded, grateful he had a friend who was not only able to help out but also willing. “Oh, and the new ranch hand is out feeding the horses, if you want to go introduce yourself.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek and started to walk back to the living room.
He was on his feet instantly. “The new- you hired a ranch hand? Without me? Shouldn’t I have been a part of this?”
She looked at him over her shoulder and said “It’s my ranch, and I think you’ll find I made a great decision.” She winked and he heard her talking with Maggie once again.
Cassian was still sitting dumbfounded in the kitchen. He was tempted to yell WHAT THE FUCK but figured Maggie was a nice, young girl who didn’t need to be corrupted with his shocked curses.
“Damn you woman,” he muttered, pulling himself to a standing position and heading out the back door. The meds were finally starting to kick in as he stumbled down the porch steps and into his truck.
After starting the engine, he headed down to the stables. Sure enough, a tall figure dressed in jeans, an old tee shirt, and a backwards ball cap was leaned up against the fence outside of the stables, watching the horses meander about in the pasture.
Cassian threw open the door and got out, slamming it behind him, but the second the man turned around, all weariness and frustration Cassian had from Nesta hiring a ranch hand without him faded away.
He halted, a few feet away from the fence. After blinking a few times, he asked, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Azriel chuckled and said, “I thought she was kidding when she said she hadn’t told you.”
Cassian was staring at his brother not knowing how to respond to that. “I have no idea what’s going on.”
Az shook his head. “I decided the dealership wasn’t a good fit. I thought I liked the mechanical side of ranching, but I was wrong. Elain was texting with Nesta last night and she mentioned y’all could use a hand around here, so.” He lifted his arms and indicated himself. “Here I am.”
“You’re the new ranch hand,” Cassian said, slowly, as if he still didn’t believe the words.
“Seem to be,” Azriel said.
“Here? At this ranch?”
“Unless I’m at the wrong one,” Azriel said, laughing.
Cassian’s mouth broke into a slow grin. “You know this means that you’re, like, my assistant, right?”
Azriel was shaking his head. “I don’t think so.”
“Fuck yeah,” Cassian grinned. The smile on his face matched the relief he felt inside.
He and Azriel hopped in the truck and went out into the back pasture, making sure nothing looked out of the ordinary.
“So,” Cass began. “Woke up to a visit from the cops yesterday morning.”
Azriel raised his eyebrows. “They came here? They didn’t just call?”
Cassian shook his head. “Nope, damn near gave Nes a heart attack. Asked all the generic questions, tried to make this about one of us instead of about Tamlin being a jealous piece of shit with a grudge.”
“I assume you’ll be testifying, too?” Azriel asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, Monday. Are you?”
“Yeah, since I’m the one who took off after him, they need me to recreate my steps for the jury.” Azriel rolled his eyes. “As if us and everyone at that wedding didn’t hear what he said, as if there’s any defense for him.”
Cassian shrugged, wincing slightly. “If it gets him locked up for longer, I’m on board.”
Az looked at his oldest friend. “How are you?”
“Sore,” Cassian said, and when Azriel snorted, Cassian went on. “Looks worse than it is. Nesta worries too much.”
Azriel blinked. “You got a bullet half an inch from your heart, Cass.”
“That’s what I keep hearing,” he mumbled. “I can’t just sit on my ass all day, though, I’d lose my shit. I’m already losing my shit.” Az just stared at him. “Look, I’m gonna be taking it easy, but I can’t just do nothing. You know how I am. But I’m trying for Nesta and for the baby.”
“God, that’s still…insane.” Azriel took his hat off and ran a hand through it. “You’re gonna be a dad. Good luck.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Cassian looked at him from the side.
Azriel raised an eyebrow. “Do you remember what we were like as children?”
Cass looked around them, at the land, the animals, the buildings on the property. “Oh gods, there’s way too many things for them to destroy.”
Azriel laughed. “You’ll be fine, man.” He gently rested his hand on Cassian’s good shoulder. “I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks.” Cass smiled. “So when the hell are you going to make an honest woman out of Elain? Or, are you gonna knock her up, too?”
Azriel groaned, covering his face. “Nesta’s not even been pregnant a week and Elain is asking when I want to have babies.”
“Elain would be a great mom,” Cassian countered.
“True,” Azriel agreed, “but I'm okay with waiting. For a while. A long time. Years.”
Cassian chuckled. “Years?”
“I haven’t even asked her to marry me yet,” Azriel said, as if that answered everything.
“But you’re going to,” Cassian said, and before Azriel could respond, he went on, “And if you don’t, I’m asking for you, because she’s a peach.”
Azriel gave him a rare, full-fledged grin. “She’s perfect.” 
“So, you’re asking soon, then?” Cassian asked.
Azriel groaned, once more. “Is this what working with you is going to be like? You constantly butting into my personal life?”
Cassian blinked, then slowly looked over at Azriel. “It’s my job to be the center of your personal life.”
“The center?” Azriel asked, brows raised.
“Obviously,” Cassian said. “There’s Elain, and me, and Rhys. We are the center of your world, so I must know what’s going on with the other two involved, obviously.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Azriel said, shaking his head, but he was still smiling, so Cassian figured he was doing his job well.
He glanced at his watch. “Speaking of my pregnant girlfriend, it’s lunchtime, I’m starving and she’s literally a gourmet chef. So let’s go.”
Azriel laughed. “Alright, I’ll drive. You’re not supposed to and you know it.”
Cass didn’t deny it.
When they pulled up in front of the house, Nesta was on the front porch, standing on a ladder and watering a plant hanging from the ceiling. Cassian was instantly out of the cab. “Babe, be careful.”
“I swear to the Cauldron, if you spend the next seven months telling me to be careful, I’m going to lose my shit.”
“And what does that entail?” Cassian asked. “Losing your shit?”
“Kicking you in the ass,” Nesta said, “Obviously.” 
Cassian scoffed. “And you would do that? To someone who's just been shot?”
Nesta rolled her eyes then looked to Azriel. “Can you control him?”
“That’s your job now,” Azriel said.
“Can’t argue with that,” she sighed, climbing down the ladder. “You guys hungry? Lunch is going to be ready soon.”
Cass winked at Az and said, “We could eat. Anything we can work on for you while you’re cooking?”
She turned and looked at him. “Are you trying to trick me into letting you work?”
Cassian raised his good hand in defense. “No, of course not, just offering.”
Nesta rolled her eyes again. “Come on.”
The men followed Nesta in and into the kitchen.
Azriel took a deep breath and groaned. “Smells so good, Nes.”
“Five cheese lasagna, salad and garlic bread.” She said it so matter-of-factly and not like it was a dish that used to be sold at a five-star restaurant.
Azriel whistled. “You made all that for lunch?”
“We eat good around here,” Cassian said, sitting in a chair at the table. 
Nesta chuckled as she pulled the lasagna out of the oven, where it was keeping warm. She continued to take out a few plates and filled them for the three of them.
“No nausea today?” Cassian asked.
Nesta shrugged, cutting up the lasagna. “I was, but then the baby started craving lasagna, so here we are.”
“The baby has good taste,” Azriel muttered.
Cassian was quick to agree.
They sat down and ate. Nesta explained to the guys what she wanted done before the opening and Cass ran through his daily tasks with Az. The three of them knew there would be no issue, but it was good to go ahead and start fresh.
“So later on, when you get to the weird part of your pregnancy,” Azriel began, while Nesta loaded their plates into the dishwasher. “When you have random cravings, are you going to make crazy concoctions or just go straight for the pickles and ice cream?”
She laughed. “I don’t know, but I hope it’s easy. So far, I’ve been craving food from other regions that aren’t so easy to make. I don’t exactly want to have to ask Cassian to make me tarte tatin at three in the morning.”
Cassian was eating his second helping and with his mouth full said, “Me either, cause I have no idea what the hell that is.”
Nesta laughed, looking at him over her shoulder. “How did I end up with you?”
He shrugged, stuffing his mouth full with another bite. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
Nesta just shook her head as she explained, “It’s a pastry.”
Cassian blinked, swallowing his food. “I like pastries. I could learn to make a pastry.”
Nesta closed the dishwasher and leaned back against the counter as she looked at Cassian. “The day I see you working in a kitchen is the day that the world ends.”
“Challenge accepted,” he muttered, mouth full of food, once more.
Azriel blinked, shaking his head as he watched Cassian stuff his face. “You really are a slob.”
“Fuck you,” he said, after a drink of water.
Azriel stood, ruffling his hair, and said, “No, thanks, bud. I’m gonna run into town and go pick up my pressure washer. I’m gonna take care of the stables.”
Nesta turned. “Az, no, you don’t have to do-.”
He stopped by her at the counter. “I do. You two have been through enough. Consider it my hazing so this asshole doesn’t do something worse when he’s back in action.” He hooked a thumb back at Cassian.
“Fuck you,” Cass repeated, though this time he was laughing, as he carried his plate to the sink. “I had something planned too.”
Ignoring him, Nesta said, “Thank you, Az. That means so much.”
She hugged him and he said, “That’s what family does, they help each other out. My brother and sister need me. That’s what I’m here to do.” He stepped back and looked at Cass. “I would hug you, but I genuinely don’t know how to do that without hurting you, so…” He shot him finger guns and then he was out the door.
Cass chuckled, shaking his head. “For someone so smart, he’s such a dumbass.”
Nesta laughed. Azriel was the only one of the three of them that she’d remotely remembered. He was an honors student, like she’d been, and they’d shared classes, but likewise to Nesta, Az kept to himself as well. It wasn’t until a drunken night at Rita’s, when Azriel was telling the story of the one time he’d been caught cheating, and Nesta realized it was her test he’d been cheating off of.
An almost sibling like bond was born between them that night and Nesta was glad she was getting to know him better. It let her know that Elain was in good hands.
“Alright,” Cassian sighed, looking at Nesta. “What can I do?”
“Relax,” Nesta ordered.
“I don’t want to relax,” he shot back. “I want to feel useful. Make me feel useful.”
“Be useful while relaxing,” she said, leaving the kitchen.
He followed close behind. “Babe, I need a job. Okay? Any job will do.”
“You’ve only been resting for a day,” Nesta said, laughing, making her way back out to the front porch.
“My pain meds work great,” he argued. “Let me help. Please.”
“You’re not going to give up, are you?” she asked, looking at her line up of hanging plants.
“No. I’m going to annoy the shit out of you, so you may as well let me help,” he said, staring her down.
She turned to meet his gaze, then rolled her eyes. “Fine. Hand me plants.”
Cassian blinked. “That’s my job? Handing you plants?”
“I’m going up on the ladder and it will help if you hand them to me,” Nesta shot back, arms crossed. “Or, you can go back to relaxing.”
Cassian took a deep breath. “Handing you plants, it is.”
One after one, Cassian picked the plants up and handed them to her, and she packed each into soil.
“So,” he began, doing his best not to stare at her ass. “I know you never thought you’d be in this situation, but are there any names you like?”
“Any names?” she repeated, making sure the plant was perfect before climbing back down the ladder and moving it to the next spot.
Cassian snorted. “For the baby.”
Nesta thought about it for a moment as she climbed up the ladder, once more. “I have a list.”
“A long list?” Cassian asked, handing her another hanging plant pot.
“A decent list,” she said, chuckling, taking the plant from him and hanging it up from the hook. She asked for the watering can.
“What’s your number one name?” he asked. “If it’s a boy.”
“I’ve always loved the name Jameson,” she said, watering the plant and climbing back down.
“Jameson,” Cassian mused. “I like Jameson.”
Nesta wrapped her arms around Cassian’s waist. “What about you? Any family names?”
His eyes dimmed slightly. “I don’t have anyone I would name him after.”
Nesta breathed, “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry, I- shit, I’m sorry.”
He smiled and kissed her. “I promise it’s fine. I actually do have one name I like though.”
“Yeah?” She asked. “What’s that?”
He brushed her hair back and said, “Isaac.” Nesta’s eyes welled up with tears. “Is that okay?”
She nodded, closing her eyes and carefully resting her head on his chest. “Isaac Jameson Nazari.”
Cassian blinked. “You… You want to give him my last name?”
“Of course,” Nesta said, “You’re his father.”
“I just…” Cassian began, but his words fell short. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”
Nesta smiled, her hand resting softly against his cheek as she said, “We’re going to be a family, right?”
“Yes,” Cassian breathed.
“Then this baby, no matter it’s gender, or it’s name, will be a Nazari,” she whispered.
Cassian took a deep breath. “If you make me cry, I won’t feel bad about kicking your ass.”
She laughed and leaned up on her toes and kissed him softly. “I love you, more than I can explain.”
“I love you, too.” Cass wrapped his good arm around her waist and tried to lift her to set her on the porch railing. It was way more convenient to kiss her when her lips were at his level.
“No, no, no.” Nesta pushed against him. “Don’t you dare.”
“It’s fine, you’re light, babe.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I can lift you with one arm or two.”
A car door slammed and Rhys said, “Didn’t the doctor tell you two no exciting activities yet?”
Cassian smirked and said, “Sorry, man, she just can’t keep her hands off of me.”
“Oh, shut up,” she laughed, shoving him lightly and moving the ladder down. This time, she carried the carton of small plants up with her.
Rhys made his way up the steps, still in his scrubs. “Cass, really, dude, what the hell are you doing out of bed?”
He shrugged. “I’m taking it easy.”
“Taking it easy means playing Call of Duty from your bed until I say so.” Rhys was using his doctor voice, which meant he was serious. “Seriously, this is your heart we’re talking about here. You’re lucky to be alive. Do you know how easy it is to tweak something just wrong and pop a stitch, especially this early in the healing process?”
Cassian looked to Nesta for support, but she was positioning the flowers in her pot, ignoring them. He was on his own. “Uh, no?”
Rhys called over his shoulder. “I’m taking him home.”
“Then take him upstairs.” Nesta didn’t look away as she sprinkled potting soil in. “We’ll be staying here for the foreseeable future.”
Rhys and Cass spoke at the same time. “What?”
“I have a lot of work to do for the opening,” Nesta said, simply. “Which means I’ll be here all the time, anyway. The master bedroom isn’t open for guests, so we’re going to stay in there. That way, I’ll be close all day if you need me.”
“I won’t-.” Cassian began, but he was soon cut off.
“That’s a good idea,” Rhysand said, voice firm. “Seriously, Cass, you have to rest-.”
“Okay, okay, alright,” Cassian said, hating every second of this. 
“Shall I carry you upstairs?” Rhysand asked.
Nesta snorted from where she was on the ladder.
“I’ll go lie on the couch,” Cassian muttered, opening the front door and slumping inside.
It was his worst nightmare: staying still for extended periods of time.
“Get a towel,” Rhys called. “This is going to be gross.”
Nesta was shaking her head. “Please don’t get blood on my brand new furniture.”
Rhys was chuckling as he went inside. “That all depends on how much of a baby he’s about to be.”
It turns out, Cassian was the biggest baby of all.
“That fucking burns, don’t touch me with with it.”
Rhys sighed again. “It’s going to burn, its peroxide. See how this is bubbling? I have to clean it.
“No, I can’t see it,” Cassian bit back. “It’s in my chest and I’m laying on the damn couch.”
Rhysand stopped what he was doing to glare at Cassian. “I’m so fucking close to sedating you, Cass. Be still.”
“I don’t wanna be still.”
“You’re acting like a child,” Rhysand muttered, continuing to clean the wound.
“Does that mean I get a sucker when we’re done?” Cassian asked. Rhysand couldn’t help but laugh. “I’d also accept a glass of whiskey. Which I should’ve had before we started this shit.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’ll be sure to put a nipple on it so you can have your bottle before bed.”
Cassian smirked. “The only nipples I want before bed are-.”
Nesta’s feet could be heard on the porch before she rushed in through the front door, heading for the bathroom, hand clamped over her mouth. The door slammed shut and the sound of violent retching filled the living room.
“And that’s what got you in this situation,” Rhys said, indicating the bathroom. “Don’t move, I need to cover this before you sit up.”
Cassian grumbled and Rhys moved to the door, softly knocking. “You okay, Nes?”
He heard sniffling and she said, “I’m fine. Just need a minute.”
“Want a bottled water?” He asked.
There was a short pause. “Please.”
He passed into the kitchen and returned a second later, water bottle in hand. He jiggled the doorknob, but it was locked. When it opened a few seconds later, Nesta’s hand snuck out, took the bottle from him, then the door was closed, once more.
Rhysand returned to Cassian to cover the newly cleaned wound. 
“Is this a daily occurrence?” Rhysand asked, and he knew he was talking about Nesta, not Cassian’s need for whiskey and hatred of peroxide. 
“Yeah, changes by the hour,” Cassian said. “She was feeling great at lunch.”
Rhysand hummed before stepping back. “There. Done. Now, I’m coming back tomorrow at this time, and if you’re not relaxing, I’m going to kick your ass. Got it?”
Cassian rolled his eyes but didn’t protest. Nesta opened the bathroom door, then, her eyes red and misty. Rhysand excused himself to the kitchen to wash his hands.
Nesta groaned, sitting on the edge of the couch next to where Cassian was lying. He rubbed her back, gently. “Feel better?”
“No,” she moaned, lying her head on the arm of the couch. “And I don’t think I’ll be eating lasagna for a while.”
Cass sat up. Without his arm in the sling, he definitely felt the pressure in his chest and shoulder, but he could actually do things for himself. He crouched in front of her and took both of her hands in his face. “Can I do anything?”
She shook her head, and her face scrunched up. He could tell she was trying her hardest not to start crying again.
“Why don’t you go lay down for a few minutes, sweetheart?” He asked, brushing her hair behind her ear.
She protested. “I can’t, I have so much to do-.”
“And a thirty minute nap won’t be the make or break on whether or not it all gets done,” Cassian said, wiping away the tear that slipped down her cheek. “You’re just going to burn yourself out and that’s no good for you or the baby.”
She sighed, but nodded. “Just for a little bit.”
He kissed her forehead and stood, helping her to her feet. She headed up the stairs and Cass sat back on the couch.
Rhys came back in the room. “Make sure you wear that sling.”
Cassian chuckled. “No promises, but I’ll try my absolute hardest.” 
Rhysand stared at him for a minute before saying, “Liar.”
Then he was gone, after bringing Cassian his promised glass of whiskey.
He debated on hauling himself up the stairs after Nesta, but he figured that would only earn him a scolding, so he remained where he was, sipping on his glass of whiskey.
Two minutes went by before he was about ready to lose his shit.
He begrudgingly put the sling back on and got up, making a lap or two around the house. He needed something to do, anything, or he was going to do something that would get him trouble. Granted everything got him in trouble these days.
His phone began to buzz in his pocket and he pulled it out, seeing a repeating alarm going off.
Take your meds!
It was punctuated by a kiss emoji and Cassian sighed. That woman was too good to him.
He lumbered down to the house, finding Beau snoozing on the couch. “You seem to be enjoying our time off, huh?” He gave the dog a scratch behind the ears and made his way back to the bedroom.
He retrieved the black duffle he’d stashed under the bed and began stuffing clothes and everything else he’d need up at the main house in it. He popped one of the pills in his mouth, chasing it with a swig from the bottled water on the nightstand and tossed the pills into his bag.
He debated on packing some of Nesta’s things, but knew he’d likely grab the wrong things and decided to let her pack on her own.own.
With the bag slung over his shoulder, Cassian, Beau at his side, trailed back up to the main house.
He wanted to do something special for Nesta. She had to be overly stressed, newly pregnant, opening a B&B, her boyfriend getting shot.
With a sigh, he pulled open the back door of the main house and dropped his bag before pulling out his phone and dialing Azriel’s number.
He answered on the first ring. “Hello?”
“Whatcha doing?” Cassian asked.
Azriel huffed a laugh. “Bored?”
“I need to go into town and was hoping you could drive me,” he said. “Or, I could drive myself-“
“Let me finish shoveling this shit and I’ll be there,” Azriel promised. “If you get behind the wheel Nesta would never forgive me.”
Az hung up and Cassian sighed. “Sick of being treated like a misbehaving teenager.”
Thirty minutes later, Azriel’s truck pulled up behind the house. When he came inside, he found Cassian balancing dishes, condiments, silverware, cups and other things from the kitchen cabinets and drawers in a tower. Cassian glanced up. “Thank the Cauldron, lets go.”
He stood and headed for the door. Azriel hesitated. “Shouldn’t you put all that away?”
He glanced back at his creation and waved it off. “Nah, Nesta’s reaction will be funnier.”
Azriel just shook his head. “You knock her up, get shot, and now you want to give the woman a heart attack?”
“She’ll laugh,” Cassian protested, stepping out of the back door. “Eventually.”
Azriel hesitated for another second before following his friend.
They hauled themselves into the truck and pulled out onto the street, toward town.
“Where am I driving you?” Azriel asked, one arm hanging out the window.
“Flower shop,” Cassian said. “Jewelry shop.”
Azriel looked at him with a lifted brow. 
“For a necklace or something,” Cassian clarified. “Something to wear to the opening celebration.”
“You sure you’re not making an honest woman out of her?” He asked, keeping an eye on the road.
He’d thought about it, but he knew what her answer would be. He also knew that he didn’t want to ask her just because she was having his baby. He loved her. He wanted to marry her. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, but he wanted to make sure she knew he was asking her for the right reason, not the obvious one.
“Not yet.” He could have left it at that, but he knew Az would have continued to ask questions. “You know I like to do things out of order.”
Azriel chuckled and said, “Well, you’re not wrong.”
“Sex, then first date, then knocked her up….but, marriage? That’s a bit down the road,” Cassian said.
Azriel grinned. “Fair enough.”
He pulled up on the curb in the little downtown strip and Cassian got out, heading straight to the florist shop. He picked out a giant bouquet of yellow roses and a vase that Cassian thought was fancy enough before putting it in the truck, and walking across the street, into the jewelry store.
A little old lady stood behind the counter and smiled brightly as Cassian entered. “Well, hello young man, how can I help you?”
“I’m looking for a necklace,” Cassian said, then added, “A nice one.” 
The sweet little old lady chuckled and nodded, slowly walking to the opposite side of the counter she was standing behind. “Well, let’s take a look, then.”
She brought him over to a case that was filled with the most gorgeous necklaces imaginable. There were shining stones of every color glinting in the light, some with long, heavy chains, some that were fitted closer to the neck. 
They were beautiful, yes, but they were so...ostentatious. He laughed at himself for even thinking of the word, knowing he’d picked it up from one of the SAT word search books Nesta had left at his cabin. And these necklaces were exactly that. They were too much.
He spied a price tag that had come out from behind the fabric covered stand it hung on and Cassian used another one of Nesta’s SAT words.
That was an egregious number of zeros.
“I think, uh…” Cassian scratched at the back of his neck and sighed. “Look, ma’am-.”
“My name is Miriam,” she said, interrupting him. “None of that, ma’am business. Makes me feel old.”
He chuckled, but smiled, warmly. “Look, Miss Miriam, I’ll be completely honest with you. I’m wanting to get a present for my girlfriend. It’s been a rough couple weeks and I’d like to cheer her up. But I don’t exactly have a lot of money, I’m a ranch hand and I’m technically out of work, thanks to my injury.”
Her kind eyes were worried as she said, “Oh no, what happened?”
He laughed and said, “To my shoulder or why has it been a rough few weeks?”
“Well, both.” Her answer was blunt, but her tone caught Cass off guard.
Her concern seemed genuine, but he chuckled and said, “It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time.” She smiled, warmly.
Cassian sighed. “She’s opening up a bed and breakfast she inherited from her father in a few weeks. If that wasn’t stressful enough, I just got shot by her sister’s psychotic ex at her wedding to my best friend and then we found out she’s pregnant when she passed out while I was in surgery. Now, one of my other best friends has had to quit his job to come be the ranch hand on said B&B, where I work, so yes, technically, she is my boss, to run the ranch in my place. All the while, she’s having the worst morning sickness and we were told she would never conceive, so we’re a little overwhelmed by all of this.”
Miriam blinked, speechless. “Oh, my… That was quite a long story.”
Cassian sucked on his teeth and rocked back on his heels. “Yep.”
Miriam asked, “What’s her name?”
“Nesta.” He even loves the way her name sounded from his own mouth.
She turned and was heading back behind the counter she’d first been behind when he arrived. “And your Nesta, is she more of a sweet, kind spirit or a firey lady in charge?”
He followed, and thought on the question, deciding to answer honestly. “She’s both.”
She lifted a small, locked case onto the glass top. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
She unlocked the box and opened the top.
A simple, elegant strand of pearls sat inside the velvet lining, and a lone pear-shaped diamond hung from the center. It was the single most beautiful piece of jewelry he’d ever seen.
He said, “Miriam, it’s beautiful, but I can’t afford-.”
“You’ll take it, and you won’t pay me a dime. It’s my gift to you, to give to her.”
Cassian forgot how to speak.
He forgot what the English language was.
He was actually in a coma from the gunshot and was having some sort of fever dream.
Those were the only reasons he could think of that a complete stranger would have just said that to him.
“I- Excuse me?”
She gently closed the lid and locked it again, placing the key on top and slid it across to him. “Before you try to tell me no, I need to tell you something.” She pauses and Cassian said nothing, giving her the chance. She smiled softly. “This jewelry store is all that I have left. My husband died just a few years ago. Our friends have all passed and it’s just me now. My husband and I never had the opportunity to have children, so our legacy will not live on. And I have no one to pass the things I love down to.”
Cassian could see her eyes getting misty, but he wouldn’t dare interrupt her.
“This necklace was a gift from Drakon when he returned from the war. I’ve held onto it for years, even as I’ve begun to give things away to strangers and to the missions. But I could never bring myself to sell my necklace. What price could I put on something that meant so much to me? So I want you to take this. Not only as a gift to Nesta, but as a gift to me. Pass this on to your baby, please.”
Cassian cleared his throat as his vision blurred. “I, uh, thank you.” A small laugh bubbled out of his mouth. “Truly. Thank you. I wish there was a word greater than thank you, but that’s all I can think of.”
Miriam laughed, quietly, and reached across the counter to pat his hand. “You’re so very welcome. Now, take that home to your girlfriend and have a damn happy life.”
Cassian grinned as he nodded, slowly. “Yes, ma’am.” 
After telling her thank you, once more, and saying goodbye at least a dozen times, Cassian took the necklace back across the street and into the truck, where Azriel was waiting, sipping on lemonade.
He looked over at Cassian and blinked. “Are you crying?”
“No,” Cassian said, although he was pretty sure he was.
“Lair,” Azriel said. “You gonna let me see what you picked.”
Cassian looked down at the box, then unlocked it, and opened it up. 
Azriel blinked, eyes going wide in surprise. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah,” Cassian said, slowly. 
Azriel opened his mouth, then shut it, then said, again, “Holy shit.”
“She just gave it to me,” Cassian said.
Azriel looked up at him as if he had lost his mind. 
“I’m serious,” Cassian said, laughing quietly. “I still can’t believe it. It’s a long story.”
“Well,” Azriel said, starting up the truck. “You’re going to make us all look bad, Rhys and I.”
“That’s the plan,” Cassian grinned, then looked back down at the necklace with a soft smile, reeling in how lucky and blessed he was.
But then he got a text. What the fuck have you done in my kitchen and where the hell are you?
He cleared his throat. “Okay, time to get home, Nesta didn’t think my kitchen installation was funny.”
Azriel started laughing and said, “Oh, no, I’m gonna take the back roads.”
Cassian looked over at his friend. “Uh, no, you’re gonna haul ass home.”
“Uh, no, I’m going to slowly drive you home, then go home to Elain,” Azriel said, grinning uncontrollably.
“I hate you,” Cassian said, quietly.
Azriel shrugged. “I suggested you take it all down before we left.” 
“I still think it’s pretty funny,” Cassian said, trying to keep his voice light.
“Apparently you’re the only one,” Azriel said, but he was still grinning.
On my way home. Don’t ruin my masterpiece.
Nesta read the text with a scowl.
A second one came in. I’m with Az. Don’t worry.
It didn’t ease her anxiety. She once again stared at the “masterpiece” he left in the kitchen.
She was in love with an overgrown child.
With no hesitation, she began unstacking her dishes, spices, and other kitchen utensils. She was bumping the silverware drawer closed with a hip when Cassian’s boots began thumping up the front steps. She leaned against the island and waited for him to make his appearance.
When he did, carrying the biggest bouquet of yellow roses she’d ever seen, she melted. “What did you- Where did- Cassian…”
He set the vase on the counter, the heavy thus indicating it was as heavy as it seemed. “I wanted to do something to make you smile.”
And he’d succeeded, the grin on her face bright enough to blind him. Though the smile faltered when she saw the velvety box still in his hand. 
“And…” he continued, holding out the box.
Nesta just stared at it. “Cass..”
“Just take it,” he said, eyes bright.
“It’s too much,” she whispered.
Cassian chuckled. “You haven’t even opened it yet.”
She knew his budget, knew what he typically spent on things, and anything that came in a large, beautiful velvet box had to be highly out of his price range.
“Please,” he asked, when she had yet to take it.
Her fingers closed around the box and when she tried to open it, she found that it wouldn’t budge. “This better not be an elaborate plan to make me feel weak so I’ll ask you to do things for me.”
Cassian began to laugh and he took the box from her setting it down on the counter. He wrapped his good arm around her waist and pulled her against him, softly kissing her. “No, but that does sound like something I’d do.”
He pressed another kiss to her forehead and fished a small silver key from his pocket.
Nesta’s eyes widened as she saw that whatever was inside needed to be locked up and she decided then and there that whatever was in the box was extravagantly too much.
He unlocked the box and lifted the lid.
Nesta gasped, her body going still as she eyed the elaborate pearl necklace.
“Cassian,” she breathed, at least she thought she did, if words hadn’t completely escaped her.
“Do you like it?” He asked.
If he wasn’t injured she would slap him. Yes, she loved it, but it was way too much.
Way too much.
“I love it, Cass, but-.”
“No,” he interrupted. “Don’t protest. It’s taken care of. It’s done, and you’re keeping it.”
She opened her mouth to do just that, but he said, “I’ll explain later, I promise. It’s a gift, Nes, for you, for our daughter one day, or for our son to give to his wife. That was the condition given to me, and I intend to uphold it, but that can only happen if you agree to take it.” He kissed her again and breathed, “Please.”
She wasn’t sure if it was the hormones or the beauty of the situation, maybe it was a little bit of both, but she started to sob. Cassian tensed, surely thinking he had done something wrong, but it was quite the opposite. She had fully intended to yell at him for making such a mess in her kitchen, but instead, he had shown up with the most beautiful gift she had ever gotten. 
“Thank you,” she managed to get out.
Cassian laughed, breathlessly, as he took Nesta into his arms, his good arm wrapping around her shoulder. “I assume these are happy tears, then?  Because if not, I feel like a real jackass.”
She nodded, unable to speak as she cried into his chest.
He tipped her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “I was hoping your nap helped, but now that you’re crying, I’m not so sure.”
She sniffled, taking a second to compose herself. “No, it helped. I needed it. I’m just… overwhelmed. Cass, this is amazing. I love you so much.”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
She looked up into his eyes, completely amazed by the complex man before her. She would never understand him, the same man that built a tower out of utensils in her kitchen while also being the same man that brought her flowers and the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen.
He was incredible.
All consuming.
And she was so madly, completely in love with him.
Cassian Nazari.
Her child’s father.
Her one true love.
She prayed, hoped, begged that there would never be a day of her life that went by that didn’t have him in it. 
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lambourngb · 4 years
This Hard Lie
Fic prompt: “Just trust me.”
THIS HARD LIE follows THIS HARD TOWN an AU that explores what Michael’s life might change if Alex hadn’t joined the Air Force. It’s not necessarily an easy rosy life . This part includes the following warnings : Kyle/Michael, sexual content, a homophobic slur directed at Michael by an OC, Michael’s cynicism about the US military and some more plot musings. This is finished in full on AO3.
[UNDER the cut because it starts NSFW]
There was something intensely meditative about sucking cock for Michael. 
Opening his mouth wide past comfort into an ache of effort, the firm press on his palate mixing with the surge of salt on his tongue, the mess of saliva and pre-cum smearing sloppily over his face as he dropped into a state where listening to his partner’s enjoyment was the only thing that registered. The world slipped away as he took measured breaths, his mind finally quiet, until all that was left was Michael being good. 
Michael could just be a vessel to fill with pleasure instead of pain.
Normally skating his hand down to gently squeeze and massage his partner’s testicles was enough to get that hitched-curse and uncontrolled jerk in his mouth that signaled an impending orgasm. The draw and shiver of warm pliant skin before the warm, thick release in his mouth, except that was not happening.
After a firm swipe of his tongue against the slit, rubbing against the edge of the frenulum, another foolproof trick in his experience that garnered nothing more than a sigh and an absent clutch of the hand on the back of his neck, Michael pulled away abruptly to stare up at Kyle Valenti’s face. 
“Wait, why’d you stop?” 
Michael wiped his mouth with the back of his hand rocking back on his heels, his voice rough from his activities, “‘Cause you don’t seem to be into this? Which I gotta admit, that’s a mood killer for me and slightly hurtful to my pride.”
Instead of arguing with Michael over his observation, Kyle sighed guilty and shifted to pull up his lightweight shorts over his erection, signalling the close of the encounter. “Sorry, you know you’re great at that, it’s me. My brain,” he gestured to his head with a twirling motion with his long-skilled surgeon hands. 
Michael couldn’t help but follow the motion with interest, he had always been a sucker for a set of strong, confident hands.
Alex had hands like that.
Fuck, Michael pushed that thought away like he did every time it slipped in uninvited and collapsed next to Kyle on his expensive leather couch. It’s been two years since Michael’s last glimpse of Alex, no contact from him outside of the impersonal birthday and holiday cards that had begun after Michael mailed his ‘I’m sorry I dropped in your life’ letter. They’ve officially been apart longer than they were together and still Michael couldn’t stop thinking of Alex daily.
Perhaps Kyle wasn’t the only one distracted tonight. 
“Listen, I won’t bore you with the details and break our agreement here,” Kyle continued, knocking his shoulder against Michael’s. “I can still do you here-”
“‘Do me’, so romantic, Valenti. I think I’ll pass on getting a disinterested handjob, thanks.” Michael rolled his eyes at the offer and reached for the bottle of water from the coffee table to swish around his mouth before swallowing for effect.
It was Kyle’s turn to roll his eyes but fondly. “I could give you an absent-minded blowjob instead?”
Their eyes met. Kyle lifted his well-groomed eyebrow as Michael pretended to be seriously tempted with a stroke of his stubbled jaw in turn before they both broke and started to laugh helplessly.
If someone had told a seventeen-year-old Michael that one day he would be laughing with Kyle Valenti in his high-end, ultra modern condo after a failed conclusion to a ‘U up?’ text, well he probably would have been interested in the type of pharmaceutical high that would have made that possible. Hell, the Michael of a year ago wouldn’t have believed it either but that was before he met the post-med school Kyle that returned home to Roswell.
It had started one night at the Wild Pony, where Michael frequented more and more for the scraps of news about Alex from Maria. A practice she did her best to discourage, repeating her policy of ‘I don’t play messenger between exes’, which had given Michael hope that maybe Alex had asked about him. He had been one beer in, contemplating a second when Jake Frederick’s sneer had interrupted.
“I hear they’re finally opening a place that caters just for the fags in town.”
That word, not unfamiliar to Michael in Roswell, brought his shoulders up to his ears. Its ugliness brought back so many memories of how it was whispered, spat, scrawled, or just strongly implied whenever Michael and Alex had ventured outside the safety zone of the Crashdown or their own four walls. The Wild Pony once Maria had bought it was eventually added to the list, though some patrons still thought otherwise.
On cue, Maria’s voice barked from behind the bar, “Jake, you use that word again in here and you’re banned for life!”
There was a titter of amusement as Jake’s crowd of admirers teased him for the call out, before an artificial apology was offered in return. After a moment though, Michael could hear him perfectly well pick up his conversation, “it’ll be wall to wall fake wigs and limp wrists there, probably playing nothin’ but Alex Manes’s shitty music.”
The laughter echoed, and Michael started to reach for his wallet to pay for his beer. It was clear that tonight’s entertainment was focused on Michael. He thought at this point, without Jesse Manes drumming up hate for his son, that these bullies would finally move on to something new. Unimaginative pricks.
“Hey Guerin, you off to join your people at that gay bar?” Jake called, noticing Michael’s departure. “Gonna find yourself someone new to ruin now that your boy left you?”
Closing his eyes as he swept his hat over his curls, Michael said a silent apology to 17-year-old Alex for breaking his promise on violence. He turned, noting a few new faces gathered at the table, probably guys from the base with their short haircuts, along with a silent Wyatt Long. For all of Wyatt’s racist blustering, Michael knew he had a queer cousin in Austin. Still, Michael pasted a bright and fake smile, “those are my people at Planet 7, Jake, but how many times do I have to tell you? I’m not gay.” 
“My mistake, buddy. Must have been all the cocksucking you do that threw me off.”
Michael laughed harshly, ignoring the movement in his peripheral, and stepped closer, his smile growing darker, “I’m bisexual, which means, not only will I feed you my dick, Jakey, but I’ll give it to your sister too. Just not at the same time. Unless you’re into that sort of thing? You look like your parents were into it…”
The slam of chairs falling backward as Jake jumped to his feet at the insult. After that it was more blurs of movement, jostling, and chaos as Maria shouted in the background about the police while Michael traded punches indiscriminately. At one point he realized he had help against his back, as the fight spilled outside into the cold, raw New Mexico night.
Dark spiked hair, a nice set of shoulders that gave Michael an inch or two of height advantage was all he could register in the melee. It wasn’t until the breaking of glass that was shortly echoed by the boom of a shotgun that the fight dropped into stillness and Michael recognized his unsolicited ally as Kyle Valenti. 
Maria stood next to the door of the Wild Pony as a lone siren picked up in the background, “All right you assholes, you’re all out of here. Drop your weapons and fucking leave before I have the sheriff lock all of you up!”
“Gotta admit, you’re kind of the last person I expected to be fighting a bigot,” Michael commented, dabbing at a fiercely bleeding cut on his eyebrow. “Kinda remember it the other way around in high school.”
Kyle smiled humorlessly as he caught his breath, grabbing Michael’s shoulder to pull him away from the bar toward the parking lot as the sirens picked up volume. “Well, I remember you as being some sort of secret genius in high school. Taking on five guys seems kind of dumb.”
“It was just four guys, Wyatt wasn’t gonna involve himself or else Maria would have called his uncle and aunt on him.”
“Oh well, if it was just four guys, I should have stayed at the bar, I wasn’t finished with my drink yet,” Kyle quipped sarcastically, as he kept pulling Michael through the parked cars. “You’re welcome by the way.”
“Fuck off, I didn’t ask for help-” He shook off Kyle’s hand, his previous pliancy in following Kyle at an end as he bristled with indignation. Whatever strange amnesia over what a dick Kyle Valenti was in general and to Alex in particular passed at the prod for gratitude. “And my damn truck is over there-”
“Can you even see out of that eye? Yeah, I didn’t think so,” Kyle answered for him and dug out a pair of keys from his pocket as an expensive sounding unlocking chirp echoed. Of course. The dark blue BMW in the sea of modest pick up trucks and domestic sedans was his. At least it wasn’t the bright red Camaro from graduation, that car had too many associations with it for Michael. The hatch popped open on the X1, Kyle leaned in to pull out a towel to toss to Michael. “I’ve got my bag here and I could use the practice in sutures, so?”
Normally the idea of a doctor touching him at all was enough to instill a mix of dread and panic, but Michael didn’t see anything in Kyle’s face other than genuine concern mixed with exasperation. The open air of the parking lot with police on the way seemed like a bad idea. “All right, free medical care is hard to turn down, but I don’t want your dad arresting me, so can we-”
“Your place, it is.” And then as they drove in silence, with Michael still holding the towel against his cut, Kyle spoke gently in the dark. “I was a dick in high school, I was even a dick in college. But then some things changed for me, um, so I’m glad Roswell is getting a gay bar.”
“No, no, high school homophobe does not come out as gay, not happening, no way-”
“No not gay,” Kyle cut his eyes over to the passenger seat, giving Michael a quick up-and-down appraisal. “Just learned the package isn’t really that important to me. I like sex. Med school was a small pool of sleep-deprived, competitive people and I stopped caring if they had a dick or not. I also learned a lot about anatomy.”
The appraising look, the hint of good-natured humor in Kyle’s eyes, and his suggestive words were all enough to push Michael to grunt, “changed my mind, your place instead.” He never took anyone back to his Airstream as a rule.
And that was the beginning of Michael’s almost-friends, only-benefits relationship with Kyle Valenti. It revolved around those unsaid rules from the first night, only at Kyle’s condo, and rarely did they engage in anything more substantive than talk about sports or the general stupidity of Roswell. The sex was easy, the conversation stayed light enough to fill the gaps of loneliness, and if Michael had been a different species, he might have considered it the start of something more permanent.
If only Max had been wrong. If only Michael hadn’t fallen in love with Alex as a teenager. The first year after Alex left had been devoted to trying to make it on his own financially and getting the down payment together for the Airstream. The next year he had tortured himself with believing that now that Alex was successful, he’d come back to Roswell, to him. Then after Isobel’s wedding and that trip east, Michael had to accept the truth. 
Dating in the years since, women and the occasional out man, had changed nothing for Michael. It was still Alex filling his every odd thought, and especially his fantasies at night. Doomed indeed as Max warned him, to drift through life enjoying the surface companionship of others but never anything more.
The reminder of what he did have currently, good sex and the ability to laugh with someone, loosened some of the private rules that Michael had had kept to with Kyle. “So, I mean, you don’t have to, but if you want to talk about what’s on your mind, you can.” Michael tipped his head back against the couch to meet Kyle’s surprised expression. “It would make me feel better about my sexual prowess, okay? You nodding off during a blowjob hurts man.”
“Well, as long as it makes you feel better,” Kyle teased sarcastically before accepting the offer made. “I was thinking about my dad.”
“Kinky, but gross, dude.”
“Ha ha, funny.” 
“Sorry, sorry, that was wide open.” Michael nudged his shoulder more seriously, “what about your dad?”
“He’s been acting weird lately. I actually thought he was drinking again,” Kyle waived his hand restlessly, “it’s an open secret my dad has been on and off the wagon. Most cops have a close relationship with booze.”
The Roswell circle of repeated gossipry was wide enough to reach Sanders, customers often needing to make some sort of conversation as they waited, so Michael was pretty familiar with the rumors about Jim Valenti. Most of them he ignored, like the infidelity whispers, because he could still remember the man showing up to Mimi Deluca’s house to offer Alex that first steady job in the face of Jesse’s smear campaign. An act that Jesse had retaliated by sponsoring a challenger to the next year’s sheriff’s race.
For a police officer, Michael cut Jim Valenti some slack in the character department. He also wasn’t a bad boss according to Max, though his brother’s opinion didn’t sway Michael as far as Jim’s act of kindness to Alex had.
“You said you thought he was drinking again, but he’s not?”
“Well, my other suspicion was he was cheating on my mom.” Kyle met Michael’s concerned glance with a tired, dark smile. “Yeah, not a great thought to have, but he’s been disappearing a lot. Acting paranoid too, he always carries but I noticed he kept his sidearm on him during Sunday dinner. Like he’s afraid someone is going to show up and attack him.”
“You think he was cheating with someone else who was married?” 
“I can’t really figure out what’s going on with him, other than he’s lying. But I followed him today, and he didn’t go to work, he drove a hundred miles north.” 
Michael blinked in reluctant admiration, “I guess you pick up stuff with two cops as parents.” He racked his brain for something more to say, but his conversational skills had never been gifted to begin with outside of charming someone into bed. “Um, in my experience, cheaters stay close to home. Like coworker, favorite waitress, etc. it’s definitely weird for your dad to drive that far for a little something on the side.”
“That’s the thing, he’s all secretive but it's over something nostalgic. I followed him to some old prison my grandfather worked at in the 60s called Caulfield. It’s been shut down for years. I can’t figure it out, and short of asking him directly I doubt I will.” Kyle shook his head again before inching closer to Michael on the couch, with a slow growing knowing smile, “So now you know where my head was when-“
“When I was trying to give you head?” Michael snarked playfully, picking up the change in mood easily. Apparently talking it out loud had released whatever mental block Kyle had been struggling with before. The moment reminded him of how he used to hold Alex at night, listening to him vent over the various customers in his day before he was able to wind down enough to enjoy any intimate touch. 
Fuck. He was thinking about Alex again.
This time he let Kyle pulling him into a kiss distract him fully from the renewed spiral of remembrance. His body warmed slowly as Michael shut down his brain from wandering east again to Nashville. 
“Your soul and your heart have been in such opposition,” Mimi murmured, holding Michael’s palm between hers as she gave him a reading at the Wild Pony. It was his way of distracting her while Maria gently soothed two customers that had received a deep lecture about the sins on their souls from her mother. To be fair, Michael could tell from their demeanor and close cut hair that each of them had served or were actively serving in the military, so Mimi Deluca probably wasn’t too far wrong from the mark with her lecture. “I know you’re a traveler, child, but this pull north and east could tear you in two.”
“My heart hasn’t been mine for a while,” Michael replied truthfully. Once he and Alex had moved in with one another, the small family of outcasts with Alex, Maria and Mimi had expanded to include him for a while. And once upon a time it had boasted more members like Rosa and Liz, but his sister’s actions had trimmed those branches in one way or another.
“That’s the east, and while it travels ever closer to you, you’ll never get that back. But north though, if you follow that path, perhaps your soul will find peace.”
“Not sure what I’d do with peace.”
“Maybe pay your bar tab once in a while?” Maria injected as she moved back behind the bar with a gentle hand on her mother’s shoulder. “And not starting a fight in my bar would also be a good start.”
“Come on, Deluca, I have been a very good boy since that last go-around Jake. I swear that kid is a closet case with how badly he seems to want me to lay hands on him,” Michael protested weakly. Truly he had only bent his old promise to Alex a handful of times in the last year and all of them because the Fredrickson kid had brought up Alex in some way. The comments about his job, clothes, and cheap taste in booze could all be ignored, but one word about Alex’s music or success and the gloves came off.
“Maria! Don’t be so mean to Michael, his people aren’t designed to live like this, divided in two.”
Despite the chill from Mimi’s words, Michael knew that Maria didn’t take her mother’s talk too seriously with how often she peppered her premonitions with nineties alien blockbuster movies. She always interpreted her mother’s words as being a romantic metaphor about a lost love. 
Suddenly Mimi straightened, looking over Michael’s shoulder. “I guess good can come from evil dying.”
In the mirror over the bar, he caught sight of what Mimi saw. A grip closed over his heart, squeezing it until the fluttering motion ceased under the force as he watched Alex Manes move confidently through the crowd toward the front where Michael was with Maria. His head was shaved close up the back of his head, leaving a long, silky dark fringe over one eye and his face was bare of makeup and piercings. The black shirt sporting long sleeves made of crisscrossed fabric over a pair of tight black jeans looked more at home on Rodeo Drive than Roswell but the completely indifferent look on Alex’s face showed he didn’t care about fitting in to the locals bar.
Fuck it was so quintessentially Alex’s attitude from high school, before the shed, that Michael was having trouble remembering it had been at least six years. 
“Alex Manes, in my bar!” Maria squealed, vaulting herself over the bar in one smooth motion to cross the distance to throw herself into his arms. 
Michael’s mouth was dry as he picked up his drink to take a sip, feeling awkward and out of place. Should he offer his hand to shake? A hug? Could he pretend to be European and kiss Alex’s cheeks? What were the rules on an ex that he traded Hallmark cards with now? 
A soft cool touch pulling him back from his spiraling thoughts to look up into Mimi Deluca’s clear and focused gaze, “he sings in the wrong key every night, but you know his song. You’re a good boy, you’re not rotten inside like your sister.”
Before he could do more than blink, Alex was suddenly next to them, looking at Mimi’s hand covering his curiously before smiling at Michael. “I would have thought you’d be tired of this place, after all those nights waiting for me to finish my shift?”
“Alex,” Michael took a deep breath, floundering for something more than the obvious, “you’re here. In Roswell.”
“It wasn’t really my idea,” Alex admitted gently, before taking a seat next to him. He reached smoothly for Michael’s glass to steal a drink from before making a face. “Oh man, it’s been a long time since I’ve had Crown Royal.” He fished out an expensive wallet to pull a crisp hundred dollar bill from a stack to lay on the bar, “Maria, please rescue him from this with some good tequila.”
Mimi gave Michael a significant look of encouragement before interjecting, “Maria, honey you should let these two get reacquainted, Alex isn’t going anywhere for a while. Jesse is dying, but he’s not dying today or even tomorrow.”
Michael jerked his head toward Alex, “that’s why you’re here? It’s your dad?”
A small smile of satisfaction twitched over Alex’s mouth before he nodded in confirmation, “Brain tumor. Doctor says he might have a month, maybe less. I’m only here because my brother threatened to go to the press if I didn’t show and my agent is worried about how that would look.”
“Oh.” Michael picked up his fresh drink, a high end alcohol he could have never dreamed of ordering for himself, out of a need to do something with his hands to keep from reaching out to touch Alex. “If I said that sucks for you that he’s dying, I’d be lying, but I’m glad you’re here.”
“Yeah, it’s good to see you too, Michael.” Alex clinked his glass against Michael’s softly, “I’ve been back for a couple of days, this was the first time I could get away actually. The movies all lied you know, cancer isn’t this quiet death. My dad is ranting and raving all night long, about aliens, about being murdered, about all sorts of random shit about Roswell and the crash and hands that kill. Your name has kept coming up too. I should record it and put it on youtube, make him famous too.”
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littleredlie · 4 years
Derailed (S1P1)
Series Masterlist | Master Masterlist
Chicago Med x doctor!OC Morgan Fitzgerald is a doctor at Chicago Medical. On the day of Med’s reopening Morgan is in the middle of a tense situation as old friends from the past come back and form uneasy relationships with newer friends. Based off S1E1 of Chicago Med.
3.9k+ Words
Featuring: Morgan Fitzgerald, Will Halstead, Natalie Manning, April Sexton, Maggie Lockwood, Ethan Choi, Daniel Charles, Sarah Reese, Sharon Goodwin, Connor Rhodes Warning: This might be complete shit, I don’t know. I tried my hardest with the medical stuff, a lot might be inaccurate.  A/N: Let me know how you like it
The alarm clock that sat on the nightstand beside Morgan’s bed rang as it changed to 4:45 AM. At the sound, the weary woman’s eyes blink open with great difficulty. She does not move for a moment, letting the alarm to ring a bit more before slapping her hand against the off button. Pulling herself up, she peeks out the open window to her right, noticing that Chicago was slowly coming to life for the day. It was November now, she had to turn the heat in the apartment soon though her roommate has been telling her to do it since August, but it always got hot in Morgan’s room. She hears a train nearby rumbling along the tracks and she can see a light tinge of blue sitting on the horizon. She had been back in Chicago for three years, but the mornings still entranced her. When a bird flies past her window, Morgan takes it as a signal to start getting ready for work.
Turning on the lamp, her small room becomes illuminated and the picture of her sister that sat on the nightstand beside the alarm clock came into view. It was taken during Morgan’s graduation from medical school about a month before their lives changed. Tearing her eyes away from the frame, she slips the bonnet off her head and places it on the vacant pillow to her left. The bun her hair was in unwraps into a ponytail, the ends of her braids tickling her upper back. Throwing the blue covers off her bare legs, Morgan slips her feet into the slippers beside her bed and trudges towards the bathroom at the end of the hallway. However, before she could get there, she noticed a light peering out from under her roommate’s door. She stops and softly knocks, pushing the door a little without waiting for a knock.
“Did you get any sleep last night?” Morgan’s eyes sweep over Hayden’s body and she is immediately given her answer. The reporter was slumped over her desk, papers scattered over her bed and on the floor. Hayden looks up to Morgan, her glasses sitting on top of her head and bags stacking under her eyes.
“I’m about to get a huge lead about a sex trafficking group operating around Garfield Park and Humboldt. People are going missing and I know that I’m getting near, I just need –”
“What you need is rest” Morgan interrupts her leaning on the doorframe. “You cannot keep pushing this hard or your body is gonna crash”
“No buts.” Morgan pulls the pen out of her roommate’s hand. “Get some rest please, doctor’s orders.”
“You know you cannot keep using your occupation over me, you don’t see me saying investigative reporter’s orders.” Hayden leans back in her chair, arms folding over her chest, a soft smile on her lips.
“Well, when I go chasing sex traffickers in Central Chicago than you can pull that shit.” She smiles back. “I’m gonna go get ready for work, I don’t need the car today so I’ll leave the car keys on the counter.”
“It's reopening today right? After ya know.” Hayden shrugs. That night was rough, Morgan was running on fumes before the explosion and after the lockdown she was trying her best not to tip over.
“Yeah, it’s being televised,” the doctor forces a breath out. “I hope today’s easy, cause these last few months have not. I’ll see you later.” With that Morgan closes Hayden’s bedroom door and heads to the bathroom. Soon the shower head is pushing out water and steam is beginning to fog up the mirrors. The clock in the bathroom reads 4:57 and Morgan knows that she has to hurry if she wants to make it to the hospital by 5:45. She was glad that they found this apartment not too far from the hospital that she’d been working at for the past three years. 
When a shower cap is put over her braids, the dark skinned woman puts herself under the warm water, her shoulder muscles relaxing just a little. Almost instinctively, her hand grazes over the surgical scar that was just under her belly and it lingers. Pulling her hand away she focuses on the rest of her body until she is done. She dries herself and applies lotion quickly, wanting to bring the attention to her makeup. Morgan did not do much when it came to makeup, she’d put light foundation and do her eyebrows. She decided to leave her box braids in a high bun reinforced bu two scrunchies. With a towel wrapped around her body, Morgan heads to her room to get dressed. 
Her maroon scrubs and white lab coat were folded on top of the ottoman at the end of her bed. Slipping on a pair of black boxer briefs and a black sports bra, she knew that she had no one to impress. It’s been a bit of a dry spell since she broke up with her detective ex-boyfriend last spring. It wasn’t like it bothered her much, she was busy with work and had been focusing on her family. There wasn’t time to date (and she couldn’t deny that it took a bit of time to get over him). Glancing at the clock again, she sees that it was 5:20. The train station was about five minutes away, so she had to hurry. She’ll eat when she gets to the hospital. Throwing on her sneakers, jacket, scarf, and hat, Morgan then grabs her phone and her well prepared backpack. 
A chill danced down her spine the moment she stepped outside and made her way to the train station. She waves to the lady opening the flower store to her right as her steps reverberate off the concrete steps. Putting in the headphones connected to her phone, Morgan starts an audio book, her focus only on the words of the story and her destination.
It wasn’t long till she got there, recognizing familiar commuters and passing a few smiles to those who were willing to accept. The ride was uneventful, but Morgan was not focusing on everyone else. She was either listening to the book or her mind was wondering about the day that laid out in front of her. Working in an emergency department was unpredictable, it could be a day filled with easy answers and wins or it could be tragic, long, hard, stressful. Morgan’s been at Chicago Memorial for three years, finishing her residency for emergency medicine and then accepting an attending position. After graduating from University of Colorado’s M.D. program, she decided to come back home after 11 years and applied to a few hospitals in Chicago. Chicago Memorial was her first choice and when she got it, it was like she was starting over. That was until everything happened.
The train stops at her destination and the doctor shuffles off with a few others. Briskly, she makes her way to the hospital, arriving the same time as Dr. Will Halstead. Yanking the headphones from her ears, she walks up to him and nudges him slightly, bringing a small smile to his face.
“Ready for today?” She asks him and he looks down at her, nodding slightly.
“I was so excited I couldn’t sleep last night,” Morgan laughs at his tone and he laughs with her.
“Okay, let’s just get through the day.” Together they walk through the lobby where people are beginning to set up for a press conference. In the doctor’s lounge, Will diverts his attention to Natalie while Morgan heads to her locker. She hangs up her backpack on the hook, pulls out her white coat to put on, and pulls out her purple stethoscope, stuffing it into the left pocket of her white coat. She makes sure her pager is on before stuffing it into her right coat packet.
Soon doctors, nurses, reporters, administration and more are standing in the lobby listening to Mrs. Goodwin speak praising remarks for the mayor. There are cheers and claps resonating around the room and the air is light. It isn’t like that for too long. The second Goodwin cuts the ribbon for the new emergency department, various pagers and cell phones begin to ring. Morgan looks at Dr. Choi when he pulls out his pager and soon after hers begins to ring. She pulls it out and glances down to it, her eyebrows furrowing together. She sees the Mayor being ushered off before Maggie walks out through the automatic doors.
“CFD Plan 2, mass cas. Multiple trauma patients, minutes away.” She yells. “Let’s go!” She urges and medical personnel begin to push themselves through the doors. 
All of sudden the emergency department is busy and there are sirens nearing the hospital. Maggie immediately begins delegating as paramedics pour through from the bay. Morgan is pushed to Trauma 1. 
A young teenage girl who’s clutching her arm to her chest sits on the gurney. Morgan peers down and sees her tibia poking out of her shin and knows that the girl is in pain.
“Let’s start a morphine drip!” Dr. Fitzgerald yells out, a nurse fulfilling her orders. “Transfer on my count, gently,” everyone surrounding the girl clutches at the sheet, preparing to move her onto the treatment table. “One, two, three,” with a soft thud the girl is finally on the table.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Fitzgerald, what’s your name sweetie?”
“Grace,” she breathes out, obviously having trouble breathing. “My name’s Grace.”
“Alright Grace, we’re doing everything we can to help you.” Morgan flashes a light in front of her eyes to see her pupil’s reaction. “Pupils are reactive to light, blood pressure and sats are normal, heart rate is increasing. She’s tachy, let’s push 3 of Ativan.” The room moves around Morgan as they tend to the patient who is crying in front of her. Morgan puts a nasal cannula on Grace’s face so that she could breathe easier. 
Moving to her head, Morgan takes off the collar and looks down. “Grace, I need you to do something for me real quick, okay?” Morgan nods and places her hands to each side of Grace’s head. “Alright, can you touch your chin to the chest?” Grace does so and Morgan then has her move her head side to side. “C-Spine’s clear. Doris, get me Xray and Ortho down here.”
“On it!” Doris leaves the room momentarily, before returning back to help. Morgan walks down to Grace’s feet and checks it’s pulse. 
“Need any help in here?” Dr. Halstead’s voice comes up from behind Morgan and she gives out a sigh of relief.
“Dr. Halstead, I need you to help me reset her tibia before it leads to any deficits.” She says to him, not taking her eyes off of Grace. “Where the hell is that xray?!”
“Should be here momentarily, they’re all used up,” Will heads to the side of Grace’s right leg and nods to Morgan.
“Hey Grace, this is going to hurt a lot, but we need to do this, okay?” Grace goes into panic mode and starts shaking her head, tears ferociously gliding down her face. 
“No, please no!”
“Grace, I understand how you might feel right now, but Dr. Halstead and I need to do this. I promise, it’ll take just a few seconds and then we can fix you up.” Without waiting for confirmation from the teenage girl, Morgan nods towards her colleague and together they work. Morgan pulls down on Grace’s leg, maneuvering the tibia back into her leg. Grace lets out a scream, tears moving down her face at a faster rate. “Alright, Grace, we’re all good now.” Xray finally walks in and everyone who is void of a lead apron, moves out of the way.
In the background Maggie reports another incoming, and it pulls the attention of the two doctors. “You got this from here?” Will looks down, aiming the question at Morgan.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay. I’ll be there to help you when I get Grace up to the OR.” She nods and he places a gentle hand on her arm, her replying with a soft smile. Will walks away from her and she turns back to her patient. Morgan and Doris work on calming her down and prepping her for her trip upstairs. 
“What do you got for me?” Someone from surgery walks up behind Morgan, slightly starting her.
“She has an open fracture to her tibia, we cleaned the wound and maneuvered the bone back into her leg. Her arm has a closed fracture, due to her Xray I’d say she just needs a cast. Her leg, she’s definitely going to need surgery for realignment.” The surgeon, Dr. Lasonde, nods and both she and Morgan work to get Grace upstairs.
Soon Grace is on her way upstairs, her leg and arm placed into splints, and Morgan is throwing her gloves to the ground as she watches Lassonde push the gurney, a frightened Grace on top of it. Running a hand through her hair and giving a sigh out, she thanks the team around her before being rerouted to another person coming through the doors. 
Later, as she works at the computer filling out paperwork for Grace, Morgan peers up and notices someone stepping out of Trauma 4 and talking to Mrs. Goodwin.
Before Morgan can approach him another team of paramedics walk in with Jamie and Goodwin sends them into a treatment room. Morgan looks down and finishes typing up her charts. “Hey Sharon!” Morgan yells to grab the administrator’s attention and she stops, stepping  beside the curious doctor. “Was that Connor Rhodes?”
“Yeah, he’s the new trauma fellow. You know him?” She looks between the room he stepped in and Dr. Fitzgerald.
“Yeah, I do.” She says absentmindedly, “ Huh, I wonder why he didn’t tell me?” Morgan wonders for a moment before looking back down to the computer screen. “It’s fine, I don’t want to bother him while he’s with a patient.”
“I don’t have to worry about anything do I?” Sharon asks, hoping that drama wasn’t gonna arise between them.
“Oh, of course not! Connor and I have known each other since we were kids, he just didn’t tell me he was being transferred here. Don’t worry Sharon.” Goodwin nods and walks away from Morgan. Then Maggie walks up with a distraught, older white woman. “What can I do for you Mags?” MOrgan finally turns away from the computer and gives the duo her full attention.
“Dr. Fitzgerald, this is Grace’s mom, Candace.” Maggier introduces and Morgan smiles at the woman, holding out a hand for a handshake.
“Is my daughter okay?” Candace asks, fear in her eyes and Morgan does her best to calm her down.
“I can assure you that your daughter is okay. She had a closed fracture in her arm that just needed a cast and her leg had an open fracture. That’s a little more complicated, but she just needs her tibia realigned so she’s in surgery.”
“It shouldn’t be too long now, and I am willing to walk you up to wait for her.” Morgan places a gentle touch on Candace’s forearm and beckons her to follow. “Thank you, Maggie. I got her.” Maggie nods and continues her job as a charge nurse. 
As the doctor and patient make their way, Candace begins to ramble. “Grace wasn’t supposed to be on the train today, I was supposed to take her. This is all my fault.”
“Candace. Candace.” Morgan pulls the woman to a stop and looks her in the eye. “It is not your fault, these things just happen. But that’s not what Grace is worried about right now, I’m pretty sure that she just wants to see her mother.” Candace sniffles and reluctantly nods, letting the doctor take her to the waiting room outside Grace’s OR.
After doing a few more rounds in the emergency department, Morgan sat herself in the doctor’s lounge, still not able to find time to talk to Connor. Morgan isn’t paying attention to the conversation happening between Natalie and Will, instead focusing on the charts of another one of her patients on the tablet in her hands. 
“You meet the new guy yet? Rhodes?” At her friend’s name leaving Natalie’s lips, Morgan’s head snaps up.
“You could say that.” Will answers back. “Likes to throw his weight around.” He leans back in his chair, his body still facing Natalie. “I don’t know, strikes me as a little arrogant.”
Natalie gives him a little look as she contemplates the words he just said to her. 
“Hey, I am not arrogant.” He scoffs at her, a teasing smile on his face. Morgan rolls her eyes and feels herself getting a little defensive over her old friend.
“No, no. Not at all.” Natalie says, sarcastically, to his remarks. “You just happen to know more than anyone else.” 
“Hey,” Morgan grasps the attention of her friends and colleagues. “I promise Connor isn’t always like that. It was just a stressful situation to be making introductions.” She  says, barely looking up to her colleagues.
“Woah, Connor?” Will questions at the familiarity that Morgan had with his name. He glances at her, waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, Dr. Rhodes. He’s an excellent doctor and he’s great to work with.”
“Have you ever worked with him?” Natalie asks, taking another sip from her water bottle.
“No, I haven’t. But I know him and I promise, he isn’t a dick.” With that Morgan makes her way out of the room, she smiles at Nat and doesn’t spare a look at Will.
A few hours later,  Morgan makes her way up to see Grace. She’s up and talking to her mom, a smile on her face.  Morgan knocks at the entrance of the recovery room, peering her head in to take a view at her patient.
“Dr. Fitzgerald!” Candace exclaims, waving the young doctor in. 
“How’s everything going Grace? You look a lot better than when I first saw you.” Morgan glances over her vitals and chart before walking to the unoccupied side of the bed.
“Yeah, I’m doing better. The pain meds are really helping out.” She grins.
“That’s good. It looks like you’re okay for being discharged tomorrow morning. And I will try my hardest to come by and see you off.”
“Thank you Dr. Fitzgerald.” Candace reaches over and clasps Morgan’s hand. “For helping my daughter and for helping me.”
“It’s no problem, really.” She squeezes back before pulling away. “You two have a good night, and just let any of the nurses know if you need anything.” With that Morgan delivers one more smile and heads out of the room.
Now that it was the end of her shift Morgan decided to make finding Connor her number one goal.. She was ready to give up but finally spotted him standing outside a recovery room. She sneaks up beside him and peers in, Jamie is off of the ventilator and Dr. Charles sits beside him watching something on a tablet. Morgan had heard about the operation Jamie had and she could tell that he looked so much better.
“So, when were you gonna tell me that you were coming back to Chicago?” Connor jumps, whipping around to look at the owner of the voice.
“Morgan!” He chuckles out, pulling the doctor into his embrace. She hugs him back before pulling herself out and raising an eyebrow at him.
“So, were you just going to end up on our front doorstep hoping we were gonna take you in?” 
“No, I was going to surprise you. I just wanted to come back, ya know?”
“Yeah, I do. Welcome home Connor.” She gives him a small smile, looking at the one he was returning to her. “Hey, I heard about your comatose patient, sorry about that.”
“Yeah, it was tough, but he helped us save Jamie.”
“That’s good, Jamie’s a good kid. He deserves it.” They both look inside the room for a moment, before Morgan looks down at the watch sitting on her wrist. “Hey, there’s this diner that’s open 24 hours, wanna grab something to eat? Catch up and give you a bit of a rundown on how things are run here at Chicago Med.” 
Connor looks down at Morgan, her head still facing Jamie and Dr. Charles. “Yeah, sure. You buying?” She finally looks up at him with a scoff.
“Yeah right.” The fellow laughs at her and she leads him back to the doctor’s lounge in the ED. Stripping herself of her stethoscope, she places it in the locker, taking a glance of the family picture she had pinned up alongside the picture she had with Connor from her undergrad graduation.
“You hang that up in here?” He gawks at the picture, noticing how much the two of you had grown in the last 7 years.
“Yeah, I did. You are my best friend, besides Hayden of course.” Morgan hangs up the white coat on a hook in the cubby under the locker before continuing her answer,“but even when we were miles apart, you were always there for me.” She softly closes the locker.
“Huh.” He looks at Morgan, coming to the same realization about her.
“Let’s go, I am dying for their mashed potatoes.” He smiles and grabs his belongings before heading out of the lounge with his friend. On the way out the door, they pass Will.
She urges Connor to continue walking as she looks up at her other friend. “Hey Will, I’m sorry for getting all snappy at you earlier. Just got a little overprotective.” Morgan shrugs, placing her hands in her jacket pocket.
“It’s alright, I understand. I’m sorry for putting you in that position.” He nods, looking over the soft smile on her face. 
“You’re okay, Connor has his moments.” 
Will and Morgan were an enigma. They worked well together, everyone could agree on that. And outside of work, they proved to have a level of care for each other as well as always having each other’s backs. With the amount of affection they always seemed to portray to each other, everyone also wondered why they weren’t together. They made a good pair and the blinded love they had for each other was glaringly apparent to outsiders. The two doctors however, never saw it. Will was too hung up on his crush on Natalie and Morgan wasn’t looking for a relationship (the fact that she also dated his brother didn’t help). For now, they would be friends and if the universe allowed for something to happen, the universe would prevail.
“Want to grab something to eat?” Will asks, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his scrubs.
“Actually, I’m the welcoming committee for Dr. Rhodes so I’m taking him to the diner up the street.” Will nods, but dashes his eyes to where Connor is standing. “But tomorrow morning, I’m bringing coffee.” Morgan says, bringing a bigger smile on her face and chuckle to Will.
“Alright then, have a good night Morgan,” he says.
“Night Will, see you tomorrow.” She gives him a quick, small pat on his arm before turning away and walking up to Connor. They two old friends resume their conversation and Will watches the smile on Morgan’s face as she continues walking with the new doctor.
Part Two
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kittybellestark · 3 years
Falling Apart At The Seams
Part 4 of 5
Read Part 3 
Read on AO3
Part 5 will be out a little bit late because I have to drive across the country and back to get my brother, but it is already written so have no fears, you will receive the final part.
TW: conversations about past sexual assault, ptsd, trauma post kidnapping.
Tony was used to being kidnapped. 
It was old hat. An easy routine. Get kidnapped, find out who has him, learn the motive, then pull out a bad ass move and break out. 
Coming back and re-adjusting to regular life though? That always hurt. Sometimes it was physical but most of the time it was mental. Finding a new pattern and safe space. Places where Tony used to feel his safest were regularly torn from him, beds, showers, garages. He didn’t find much comfort in the dark, or looking up at the sky at night, pools and baths were a nightmare and these were all things he once loved. Tony just needed to do this again.
It was always a struggle for Tony. His mind was always too fast, it was why he couldn’t sleep as a child or even now. His mind goes too fast and it’s impossible to stop. Tony was never able to describe what it felt like to think to others, but he imagined it as NASCAR on drugs with trains derailing, there was heaviness and music and commercials, impossible to solve problems and lectures from MIT. Where most people would already be moving on from being kidnapped Tony was still living through it, the entire experience on repeat, volume turned all the way up. Re-adjusting was the hardest part.
If he was anyone else, it probably wouldn’t be like this. 
Tony hated the shame he felt being wheeling into the tower. He hated that Peter was in the room, listening to Mary shouting her confessions as she pulled and pushed trying to get out of the grips of Natasha and Clint. Screaming desperately to Peter that she wanted to give him another sibling, how Peter was named after his father. Watching Peter’s face fall, watching him realize who Tony was as he was rolled in behind Mary on a gurney- that was torture. 
And Tony was helpless. Normally Tony would talk, say something to Peter, anything to get that look off his face. The look of betrayal, hurt, denial. But none of this was normal. It’s not normal to find out you’re abandoned child is also the one you invite into your home and watch movies and create things with. 
Tony was still dealing with the effects of the drug as he was wheeled in, which left him incapable of doing anything. Useless, even.
Peter didn’t deserve this.
“... Because it was an Avenger arrest and Mary admitted to what happened in 2000 she’s going to be held in a secure Avengers facility instead. Jimmy said the FBI approved Peter and May staying in New York because of everything.” 
Sure, yeah, an Avenger arrest. It was mostly a Pepper arrest. Pepper was definitely the strongest Avenger. And she wasn’t even an Avenger. Well a case could be made for her being an honourary Avenger. An Avenger by association. 
“Rhodey, I appreciate you, but I don’t want to talk about it.”
Pepper moved across Tony’s Medbay room, staying behind Rhodey, careful to keep her distance. Rhodey frowned, squeezing Tony’s hand. Tony squeezed back, thankful to have a wonderful med-team who reversed the drug’s effects instead of making him wait it out.
“Tony,” Pepper spoke softly, carefully, “Peter is your child, he is upstairs hurt and confused. I know it’s going to take you time to come to terms with everything, no one is expecting any less. But, that child you thought you’d never meet is here and you know how good he is.”
Peter was good. Undoubtedly one of the best kids out there. Kind, caring, doing his absolute best. Peter was a treasure. An anomaly. Spent the first half of his life in an abusive home, put into witness protection, full identity change and still lived a life full of trauma. And yet Peter was full heartedly kind. And he was Tony’s son. His child. The one he sent years running away from. Peter came from bad, lived right through it all still trying to make it to the other side. 
He was a ray of sunshine to Tony and the Avengers. Bright eyed and still so innocent, yet incredibly snarky. But the memories, they’re tainted now. Which of Peter’s mannerisms come from Mary? What parts of Peter come from Tony. Every moment from lab days to movie nights, team dinners all covered with the memories of what Tony did to Peter. And what Mary did to Tony. Tony left him with Mary to grow up, let him be in her presence and learn from her. 
It’s been fifteen years of guilt. Sixteen years of self-hatred. Twenty-four hours a day re-living the feeling of absolute torture. Five years of not being able to wear a watch because it felt too much like he was being chained. Eight years where Tony couldn’t sleep on a bed that touched a wall. Tony has struggled since the moment he woke up on the creaky mattress. He has struggled every time he goes outside to see someone who is pregnant, and whenever he see’s a child.
“I don’t know if I can. I’m not- I can’t- what if I look at him and can’t see anything past her. I can’t be a person he can go to if I see him and only remember where he came from.”
Peter was upstairs. His child, his son, who he abandoned. Tony knew that child Mary was carrying was his, of course he knew. He was forced to watch her as her pregnancy progressed up until the start of the third trimester. Mary ruined Tony’s life in the quest for a child. Tony didn’t want to ruin Peter’s life because he was running from the months of torture and a child he never met.
It isn’t like Peter’s life hasn’t already been filled with trauma. Peter already had to deal with being in witness protection, Mary trying to kill him, kidnap and sell him. Now not only would Peter learn how he was a product of rape, but he’s been raped too. Not only was Peter the product of rape, he was named after Tony. Mary had named Peter after the person she raped, and how was Peter supposed to live with that knowledge? Tony could hardly stand it himself.
“If you’re worried about Peter because of your past, then you’re already doing better than you think you are.” 
Pepper was too nice to him. She was too nice to a person who knowingly abandoned their child. Tony set Peter up for a life of misery. Because of Tony Peter had to go through all that he did. What happened to Peter was all Tony’s fault. He should have done better. Tony should have done better the night he was taken, and he should have done better when his fate was sealed. Instead Tony didn’t only let himself suffer but Peter as well. 
A knock at the door stopped the conversation from moving any further.
May Parker stood there, and it was obvious that she was tired. Her hair was pulled back into a sloppy bun, her face red, and there was a fading water stain on her old grey sweater. Even though she looked exhausted she kept herself to stand in a guarded way, like she was trying to keep the exhaustion and emotions away.
“I have a teen upstairs who exhausted himself out from his hysterical crying. A super soldier had to restrain Peter to stop him from hurting himself. We need to talk. Any chance we can be alone?”
Peter needed to be restrained. He was hurting himself in his hysteric’s and Tony couldn’t help but blame himself. If he had done better, looked at the pictures or not been kidnapped again Peter wouldn’t be in pain. Mary said everything, she screamed it all for Peter to know and now Peter was hurting. Tony should have been better. He could have done more to make sure this never happened. Peter was hurting because of the truth and the way it was delivered. Things should have been explained to Peter in a better way. Peter didn’t deserve this.
“Uh,” Tony hesitated. Pepper left the room but Rhodey stayed. “I’m sorry, Rhodey needs to stay here. I can’t- uh, we’ll not even get to a conversation if he leaves.”
Her eyebrows raised, but she seemed to accept this stepping into the room anyways.
Tony tried to pretend that he wasn’t bothered by her presence. That her brown hair wasn’t actually brown, that May wasn’t a woman standing over him in bed. She was just Peter’s aunt. May wasn’t Mary even if her name was one letter removed. Rhodey is here and he won’t let anything happen. He’s had Tony’s back since MIT, it’s not like Rhodey will turn his back on Tony now. They’ve been through too much together.
“So you and Mary?” The rest of the question left unsaid.
“He was born in April, right? Of 2001?”
Looking at May wasn’t going to work. She wasn’t using her nice face. She was too close. Tony was too guilty. He never should have left that party, not with Mary. It would have been so much easier if that night he’d gone to Happy and Rhodey before he left. Everything would have been easier had he just taken some responsibility.
“So you knew you had a child,” Angry, May was so Angry. Tony just needed to not think about it, “you knew about Peter.”
Rhodey’s hand was warm. Tony appreciated the comfort he was getting despite not doing anything that deserved it. If anything Tony deserved to be punished for what he’d done. For abandoning Peter with Mary. For letting himself get kidnapped by her again.
“I went missing in 2000. About half way through the year. Suddenly I reappeared in January of 2001. Rumors went around that I was in rehab or other’s believe it was a really bad bender, we never denied any of it. No one knew what actually happened until two years ago when I told Pepper what happened. I was supposed to be a playboy, no one was going to believe me.”
The silence was deafening. 
Every second that May didn’t speak was another second that Tony imagined a slow, painful death at her hands. She wouldn’t believe Tony, there’s no reason she should. Tony had a reputation, and people couldn’t see past that. He put on an impeccable mask for the public to tear apart so no one would know what he’s actually like. It was a great mask, a great cover, a great story, but it had come back to haunt him before and this will just be the same. May wasn’t going to believe that Tony Stark, Iron Man, an Avenger, was kidnapped by some Mary Benson. No one was going to believe him.
He never wanted anyone to know. 
What if no one believed Tony? He would lose all his friends, his life. Tony would only have Pepper and Rhodey. While once in his life they were all he had, now Tony had so much more. He didn’t want to lose the people he had now because of one person.
Tony needed to be alone. He can’t do this. Mary ruined his life, both now and sixteen years ago. She took a hold of Tony’s life and wouldn’t let go.
“So Peter is... Mary raped you?”
That was disbelief. That was disbelief. May didn’t believe him. Tony never gave her any opportunities to actually believe him. He took Peter out of the country without her consent and never told May about Spider-Man. Those were very big reasons to never believe a word out of his mouth. Tony wasn’t trustworthy. May will think things were the other way around. Of course she will, these things don’t happen to a guy because of a girl.
Tony needed to breath. He needed to answer May.
Words. Tony just needed to find words. He needed to answer her. Words. They do the things that lets him communicate. Words have always been easy. He just needed to vocalize. Admit what happened to someone who isn’t Pepper or Rhodey. Just confirm it.
Speak, Tony. Speak!
“Yes,” Rhodey answered, his voice strained, “Mary kidnapped him and abused him for months. Peter only exists because of it. Tony never wanted what happened to him and he’s been struggling ever since.”
Again there was silence.
The silence wasn’t very nice. It was tense and it hurt, sharp around all the edges. And Tony’s chest hurt and this was all his fault. There was no one else to blame. Tony should have done better.
“Oh. Tony... You- oh.”
She understood?
May understood. She understood. There wasn’t going to be screaming or yelling or arms waving in the air. No telling Tony he’s a bad person or that he’s a liar and did everything that Mary actually did. He wasn’t being told he was wrong for abandoning Peter or that he should own up to his mistakes. There was just understanding.
Tony finally looked up at her. His eyes were filled with tears making May blurry. But he could see her enough to see the pain she was in. The pain he created was written all across her body. Her hunched shoulders, the hands covering her face, the space between her eyebrows creased, the way May was leaning completely forward. Tony caused her pain.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, May.”
May straightened herself out, letting herself sob only once. “Tony, it’s not your fault. I don’t blame you. Peter won’t either. We’re family now so we’ll get through it. We’ve got this”
Family. Huh. How about that.
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
A Hopeless Fight
Yandere Levi x Reader
Warning: this story contains blood, gore, and suggestive themes such as kidnapping, murder, non-consensual touching, forced sex, and drug usage. You guys have been warned! Now all of you who wanna read! Please enjoy! :D
Chapter Two: Betrayal
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“Thank you, nurse (Y/N)!”
“Wow! You draw so good!”
“You’re my favorite nurse!”
All of the ill little kids ran around me happily with pictures of themselves I had drawn for them just moments ago. Their happy laughs warmed my heart, a feeling I would never forget. “Well, I hope to one day become your doctor. Sadly my little brother passed away from Lung cancer. I’ve made it my goal to help those with similar issues. Someday... I hope to find a cure for the diseases, and help people just like you guys, live a long and happy life.” The beautiful sparkle in their eyes spoke a million words to me. Admiration, happiness, enthusiasm, and most of all... hope. I kneeled down and smiled, opening my arms for the sweet kids to embrace. They came to me with happy smiles and childish giggles before enveloping me in a warm hug. I wrapped my arms around as many as I could, before grinning playfully. “Oh no... what’s this? Oh no! The tickle monster has escaped! Everyone run to the beds!”
The children energetically ran to the beds shouting and laughing happily while their small bodies climbed up into their hospital beds. It was getting close to their treatment time, and I need all of them to be good while the other doctors came in and administered their chemotherapy or steroids and antibiotics. “Alright now, you guys be good. I trapped the tickle monster for now, but if he hears another peep... or complaint by the doctors...” I pulled my hand up with a smile and moved my fingers towards them, wiggling them wildly like a spider. The kids laughed and shouted a flurry of protests to my hand. I brought up my other hand and took a step forward wiggling both my hands and fingers. “I may just let him go to tickle all those naughty children!!” I smiled warmly at their small giggles and childish protests and pleas for me not to bring the tickle monster back. A short laugh came fell from my lips hearing them so happy, so cheerful and lively. Just how my brother was until his last moments. “Goodbye, children. I’ll see you all later, alright?”
“Ok! Bye Nurse (Y/N)!”
“A-Ah! Nurse (Y/N)!” I turned hearing the familiar voice of Dr. Zöe’s assistant, Moblit. Poor man seemed like he hasn’t slept in what appeared to be days. Dark droopy circles were under his eyes, but I could tell by the way his pupils were dilated he had most likely been chugging caffeine like crazy. “Oh, hey Moblit! What’s up? You seem in a rush.” He looked quite frantic, I wonder if something happened?he had an entire box full of medical supplies in his hands. I took a peek inside and realized it was the medicine for the children. Ah, so that’s why he looks so frantic. Before he could open his tired mouth I stopped him. “The children should be all good now, Moblit. I’ve put them in their beds and they should behave while you and some other doctors give them their meds.”
He sighed in relief. “You’re really the best, (Y/N).” He caught a few other doctors in the hallway and called them to help him administer the medicine faster. I only gave him a smile and waved goodbye as the dirty blonde and a team of lower ranked doctors walked calmly into the room. I turned on my heel to start down the hallway towards my next task, before Moblit stopped me. “Oh! I forgot to tell you! Hanji would like to see you in her office.” I tilted my head a bit in confusion. Just an hour ago at lunch she had assigned me a couple tasks to do before I went home. Maybe she needed my help with something? Or a new task for me to complete. “Oh ok! Thank you, Moblit! And get some sleep tonight! You need it!” He just smiled sheepishly and waved bye as he disappeared behind the sliding glass doors.
I began my journey towards Hanji’s office, but I couldn’t help but feel a bit paranoid walking down the hallways. After learning that a serial killer was evident in town from the news, I couldn’t help but feel extra cautious. No one has seen this suspicious and stealthy individual. Is it a man? A woman? All I know is, they knew what they were doing. There was no evidence whatsoever linking anyone to the crimes at all. Nothing. The wave of paranoia washed over my body like a tide coming in during the night. Rough, unexpected, and dangerous. The tides have been known to drag people into rip currents and drag them far below the surface. These currents also known as curiosity. You couldn’t help but wonder the motives of the person behind all of this. Pleasure? Revenge? A sadistic nature? It was all confusing. Taking a human life, even thinking of the heinous crime made vomit rise in my throat.
I shook my head firmly and swallowed thickly, pushing the repulsive thoughts to the back of my brain to be revisited at a possibly later date. My eyes trained on everyone I passed by. Any one of these people could be the murderer, playing a façade to trick innocent people. You could never be too careful, however, I would soon pay the price for my carelessness. I finally arrived at Hanji’s office and gave three firm knocks, awaiting a response from the messy-haired brunette. A faint reply came from the other side of the wooden door, and I carefully pushed it open, closing it behind me before I made my way to the chair opposite of her mahogany desk. She looked quite distressed, which was unusual for the eccentric woman.
“Hey Hanji, what’s up? You seem a little out of it. Are you okay?” I noticed a thin layer of sweat graced her forehead, and her muscles were oddly tense. Her hands wouldn’t stop fidgeting, whether it be with each other or anxiously pulling at loose hangnails. During my studies at med school, I quickly identified the signs. Nervousness. It was very out of character for Hanji. In all honesty, it made me more paranoid than I already was. “I’m fine, (Y/N). I promise you. There’s an ambulance coming in a few minutes with a couple bags of blood. It’s not like we need them, but it’s always good to be over prepared right?” I hesitated before I nodded. Why was she acting so strange? Is she just as bothered by the news earlier than I am? At lunch she seemed fine, why now? “Would you mind assisting me?”
“Oh! Sure! When’s the ambulance coming?”
“Soon. We should head down now just to ensure that we’re there in time so we can get that blood cold.”
I have her a small fake smile and nodded. Her fingers calmed for a brief moment before she began to type on her computer, pushing her glasses up to her head. Usually l could always see what she was doing from the reflection off her glasses. It was never anything bad, usually writing up reports or checking on patients. It was almost like she was hiding something. “You’re too smart for your own good sometimes, (Y/N).” I perked up hearing the sudden compliment come from her. The last click of the keys was heard and she closed her laptop, slipping her glasses back over her eyes. “Pardon?” I questioned, a bit taken aback by her sudden compliment about me smart. She smiled with a laugh and skipped on over to me, patting my back harshly as if I were choking on something. “I said you’re smart! I’m incredibly lucky to have such an amazing med student going to work for me in the future!”
“Ow, that kinda hurt a little! But thank you Hanji! I’m very excited to finish up and come back to work here full time.” Maybe I was just being too paranoid. There was no way Hanji could be worried. She’s a bit scary when she wants to be. Maybe she’s just having a bit of a stressful day? We strolled down the corridors towards the East wing of the hospital, talking about nothing in particular. When we reached the stairs Hanji had grown painfully quiet. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Why was she being so quiet all of a sudden. “Geez... I’m so tired. Maybe I should finally get some sleep tonight!” She turned back to me and showed me a tired and lazy smile. I nodded in agreement, flashing a kind smile back towards her. “Yeah. You work yourself to death here Hanji. It’s very admirable, but you’re still human too.”
“Guess you’re right! Here we are!” She opened the doors to the loading area where nurses and other hospital staff were usually down here loading boxes, stocking shelves, and collecting deliveries. However, it was empty. I tilted my head in confusion. “Where is everybody?” Hanji waved off my question with a sly grin as she waited now enthusiastically for the ambulance to arrive. Her mood swings were a bit alarming. Maybe she really is just too tired and she’s trying to act like her usual self. Not the first time I’ve seen it, but this time her kids swings were more frequent and clear. “Ah, I let them go home early half an hour ago. This is the last shipment for today that called last minute. Didn’t wanna call them back! We’re strong, confident, independent women! We can do this by ourselves!”
I roll my eyes and smile patiently waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Soon, the square looking vehicle had rounded the circular pavement and stopped right near the door. A man got out of the front of the car, rather short I had to admit. He wore a hat that covered a majority of his face, and dark sunglasses. He wore some scrubs, which was very uncommon for someone in an ambulance. Usually they would wear similar outfits as policemen, however there would be differences in the patchwork on their shirts. The man approached us and nodded, tipping his hat to Hanji as a silent greeting. I placed a fake smile on my lips while Hanji went to grab the clipboard from his hand.
“(Y/N)! Could you go grab the boxes from the truck!” I gave her a firm nod and opened the doors of the ambulance, my eyes instantly falling upon a couple styrofoam boxes. I hopped up into the chilly space of the square-like space and made my way to the boxes. The boxes were a bit heavy, but I assumed there were at least 10 pints in each. Only three boxes in total. I made my way out of the ambulance and watched Hanji and the man from the ambulance talk. “Thanks, (Y/N)! I’ve gotta talk to my friend for a minute so keep working without me!” I placed the box down near the door and walked back towards the two. The man quickly snapped his head towards me and I couldn’t help but flinch in surprise. “Oh sorry! Don’t mind him! He’s a hit on edge from all the murder talk...”
“Oh! No I totally get it, sorry if I startled you sir.” I smiled at him and went back to work grabbing the last two boxes. During those few minutes, I could feel a pair of eyes penetrating my skull with every move I made. I took a couple glances and noticed a pair of dark covered eyes following me whenever I moved. A chill went down my spine. Something seemed off, something just wasn’t quite right. When I picked up the last box, it wasn’t even the least bit heavy. I tilted my head in confusion before I turned around. I took a blind step forward before I came to my senses and saw the short guy in scrubs standing and blocking my way out of the car. “Ah, excuse me, sir.” I said politely and smiled towards him. The man still refused to move. Now it was getting suspicious.
I stepped forwards a bit and attempted to get past him, but suddenly something sharp stabbed my neck. I jerked quickly away in pain and dropped the box, noticing a syringe in the mans hand, without any liquid in it. My body began to feel woozy, and I stumbled a bit feeling my body going numb. “What... did you do... to me...?” The man caught me swiftly when I began to fall, and he easily threw me into the back of the ambulance. I groaned in pain and gasped weakly at the sudden pain that erupted from my side. My vision was beginning to blur, but I could focus just enough to make out their faces. Hanji and the man stood at the foot of the ambulance, both just staring at me. “Well done! I didn’t think you would actually be able to hit her correctly with the needle!”
Hanji...? What’s going on?
“Tch, shut up shitty glasses. The main thing is that she’s in the truck.” Why? Why Hanji?! Why are you doing this?! Suddenly, I could barely feel the edge of the ambulance dip as they both climbed back in to come to me. The man took off the hat and glasses, and revealed his face to me. It was Corporal Levi, the man who was supposed to be solving the case of the serial killer. Wait... does that mean?! “Gotta hand it to you, brat. You’re not as stupid as you look.” He grabbed my hair and tugged my face up. I winced weakly and felt my vision slowly start to fade. I could still hear faint voices, but they seemed so far away. Hanji’s regretful face was the last thing I saw. My friend... or so I thought. “I’m really sorry, (Y/N). But... like I said earlier, you’re just too smart for your own good.”
And I lost consciousness, with a heavy burden on my heart. Sadness bubbling in my chest. My mind was plagued with one singular thought.
The reasoning behind my friends betrayal.
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gh0stfacesho3 · 5 years
First Words
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x (F)Reader
Warning:Mentions of death
Word Count: +1.3k
Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own My Hero Academia or it’s characters.  
Summary: This is based of the AU where when you turn 16, the first words your soulmate says to you appears on your wrist. I’m not gonna explain the fanfic too much so you’ll just have to read it to find out. ;)
Reader’s Quirk: Perfect Image. You can take any image from your memory and drawing it anywhere with anything. This quirk is very similar to everyone in your family and they are mainly construction workers and make blueprints for major companies. 
     Turning 16 was one of the biggest things to most people nowadays. Some people found their soulmates right after they found out what their phrase was. Others waited a few years but you, its been 5 years. You’re 21 and you still haven’t found your soulmate. You blame the stupid words on your wrist because all it says is, “Usual?” You always thought about how that’d come up in a conversation. Recently though, you haven’t paid much mind to it being you were in the process of just opening your new cafe and bakery. Due to your quirk, you were able to make the perfect cafe along with the help from your mother. You made sure to include her favorite treat which was sweet strawberry bread being that was her deal so she’d help you with the blueprints.
    You were about a month into having your shop open and you were packed. It was really a shock to you but a very pleasant one to be frank. You even started to notice some regulars. There was this one customer however that stuck out to you. He had two toned hair, half being red like cherries and other being white like sugar. He looked oddly familiar but you could never ask being you were never taking his order. You would make the drink which was a caramel latte, and always put a small drawing of a cat on it. You did this being it was the shop’s signature. You wondered what his phrase on his wrist was, trying to make a conversation between him. Yet anytime you went to say something, he was rushing out of your cafe which you thought was slightly rude. It was the same thing almost everyday. One of your workers taking his order and you making the drink with the same cat and him rushing out without a thank you. It kinda pissed you off because he never tipped your workers. Until one day he ordered a slice of strawberry bread which you were still in the process of making. He sat down and waited for the bread and you saw an opportunity to talk to him. Even though he slightly pissed you off, you were slightly intrigued. You finish the bread and walk to him with his bread. 
“Not rushing out with your usual?” You asked with a cocked brow.
“Usual?” He asked as he looked up at you. You were so pissed at him for no reason you didn’t even realize he said the phrase on your wrist. 
“Yeah, your caramel latte you rush out with,” You explained as you placed his bread on his table.
“Usual?” He repeated again as he looked down at his wrist which had, ‘Not rushing out with your usual?’ You looked slightly confused until you looked down at your wrist to see the word usual glow, then fade out.
“Oh? Ohhhh!” You said looking at him realizing you just met your soulmate.
“Y/n? Your soul mate is the pro hero Shoto Todoroki?!” Your coworker asked excitedly.
“Pro hero?” You spoke to yourself. “That’s why you look familiar.”
“That’s also why I rush out but your coffee is so good. I’ve been meaning to try this bread but it’s almost always packed when I come and I wanted warm fresh bread.” He explained softly with a smile. 
“Oh, well try it. It won’t disappoint. My mother’s recipe.” You said with a small smile. Once he tried the bread he smiled brightly, making you blush. 
“May I meet your mother? Not only do I want to thank her for this bread recipe, but I also want to thank her for creating someone who can replicate it and look as beautiful as you.” Shoto rambled, blushing lightly. You smiled and giggled, shaking your head. 
“She’s not far from here.” You said before looking back at your crew, “Can I take the rest of the day off?” You asked, receiving a nod from them all.
“It is your business, boss.” One worker replied.
“Yeah but I don’t want to abandon my crew, also you know what I said about calling me boss.” You laughed out. The two of you started walking towards your mothers house, making small talk and asking about each other. 
“Honestly, I kinda thought you were a dick because you always rushed out.” You admitted with a giggle. 
“That’s understandable” Todoroki grinned, following you closely. You knocked on your mother’s door as you walked in.
“Mom? You home?” You asked being the door was unlocked. You walked into the living room to see she wasn’t there. You’ve been staying with your mom recently because she had some health issues. You darted to her room to check if she was there only to see her medicine was just sitting on the table where you left it that morning. 
“Y/n?” You heard Todoroki call out, making you jog to him, seeing your mother in her backyard. She sat in her wheelchair, looking out at the sky that was accommodated by a few birds.
“Mom...what are you doing out here?” You asked as you kneel in front of her. “Also why didn’t you take your meds?” You asked pushing her loose hair behind her ear and under her straw hat. 
“Is this boy your soulmate? It must be, you never bring boys home.” Your mother said, completely ignoring your interrogation. “You’re a fine young man and a pro hero so my babygirl will always be protected.” She continued as she turned her wheelchair to face him. 
“Mom, what are you going on about?” You asked, confusion filling your face and body as you looked between her and your new found soulmate. 
“How’s the strawberry bread at the shop?” She asked, looking back at you.
“Oh, it’s amazing. That is one of the reasons I am here is to thank you for the best strawberry bread I’ve ever had. The other is for having such an amazing daughter.” Todoroki spoke up softly, a small blush taking his face.
“Ah, I’m glad you like it but thank y/n. She’s the one who makes it, it’s just my recipe.” Your mother said with a wink.
“Mom, what is going on?” You asked again as you kneel by her.
“I’m tired of taking those damn pills. You finally found your soulmate so you don’t need to worry about me. Go on and take care of your shop and your man. He looks like a big teddy bear even though he is a strong pro hero.” Your mother spoke softly, grabbing your hand.
“Mom...” you started, the tears already making their way down your face. “No, don’t leave me too. Please Mom, I can’t lose you too..” You cried into her lap. Todoroki made his way to your side and held your free hand while your mother petted your head. 
“What’s your name?” Your mother asked looking at Shoto.
“Shoto Todoroki.” He responded, looking into your mother’s frail eyes.
“Todoroki...I like that. Y/n, its time to let me go. Todoroki will always be here for you right” She asked looking to Shoto as he nodded. “Good, so y/n, its time.” You shook your head but there was no way to change her mind.
“I know I can’t stop you...so promise me...promise me you’ll tell dad I love him. That I always have and I’m sorry I told him I hated him.” You cried as you looked up at your mother.
“He knows dear...he knows.” She said with a smile. “But I will, I promise...I love you.” Your mother spoke as she stroked your tear soaked cheek. Just as you were about to tell her you loved her too, her hand fell from your face.
“Mom? Mom! No, no, no, I wasn’t ready! I wasn’t ready. Please mom...I love you too. I love you please hear me!” You sobbed out as Todoroki pulled you close.
“Look...I think she heard.” Shoto whispered, pointing up at your mother. She had a small smile plastered on her face. Even with the effects of death already taking place, her face looked so bright. “Like an old friend of mine said, smiles are needed to keep the future bright.” Todoroki spoke softly, helping you stand. 
A/n: Hey, have this fic I wrote at like 1 am. Also request are open still and I hoped y’all enjoyed. 
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Making Bad Look Good Part 2
A second part! Featuring... Two-Face, Deathstroke, Deadshot, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Mad Hatter, Hush, Zsasz, Klarion the Witch Boy, and the Court of Owls!
I got a ton of requests for these, and you’ve all been so helpful! This one’s for you!
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Making Bad Look Good part 2 - a.k.a. another 6 Degrees of Evil Bacon
Warning: Long post ahead.
Two-Face - Harvey Dent
You met Two-Face back when he was District Attorney for Gotham.
He was no “Ce-SEAL-Your-Fate” Horton from Central City, but he was doing a bang-up job putting criminals behind bars, cracking their insanity pleas.
So you went to meet him after a case where he got the Penguin sentenced to Blackgate instead of Arkham.
Sure, he’ll probably escape, but the precedent the case sets is important.
“Mr. Wayne! To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Just came to meet our amazing new D.A.”
You make small talk, until you decide to ask him to lunch to congratulate him on the case.
He grins. “Okay. But we’ll flip a coin for the check. Heads, you pay. Tails, my treat.”
You shrug.
He flips a strange coin that he tells you is his lucky charm.
It comes up heads, on the side that looks like it’s been corroded.
You smirk. “That’s a double-headed coin, isn’t it?”
He laughs. “Yup. Most people don’t get it so quick.”
He shakes your hand and offers to pay anyway since you were such a good sport.
After he becomes Two-Face, it’s this moment you choose to remember...
Deathstroke and Deadshot - Slade Wilson and Floyd Lawton
There have been quite a few times when you were targeted by an assassin or two.
But that particular time, you were the prize for a competition between them.
Slade and Lawton had been hired to take you out, but only the actual killer would get the other half of the payment.
So one day, Deadshot is setting up the hit, angling a crazy shot to hit you through the back of the skull and bamboozle all ballistics tests. You come into range, and he shoots -
-only to see you get shoved out of the way by the eyepatch-ed Slade Wilson.
Bruce wants to sequester you in the Batcave, but instead, you tell him to set up a meeting as Batman.
It’s fun to throw money at problems.
On a rooftop, the Bat behind you, you offer Slade and Lawton double the total for your contract to give you the name of their employer and void the hit.
It’s technically against whatever assassin code there is, but you know, money tends to grease the wheels of any machine.
Deadshot takes the money and tells you it was some crackpot billionaire trying to get at Bruce. He also chuckles and says that he’s available if you ever have more money to throw and a grudge for him to carry out.
Deathstroke also takes the money and nods at you before leaving.
And while Slade comes back to torment you and your sons time and again, Floyd is actually quite pleasant. You sometimes hire him when you need security, which he calls easy money, and from that point, your husband almost never encounters him on the job...
Harley Quinn - Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel
“Paging Dr. Quinzel. Dr. Quinzel, to the front desk.”
You and some other Gotham big shots were invited to Arkham for a publicity tour. Reporters are there, too, including Clark, so you feel pretty safe.
A surprisingly young woman comes to play tour guide, her hair in slight pigtails.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Quinzel. Currently I’m junior psychologist here at Arkham Asylum.” She has a bit of a New York accent, though you can tell she’s worked hard to soften it.
One reporter asks just how “junior” she is, and she gives an indulgent chuckle. “Yes, I graduated med school early, so I’m a bit young for a specialized doctor. But I’m also one of the only medical professionals still willing to work at Arkham, so I think that’s what counts, right?”
The tour goes well enough, until you raise your hand. “You’re the psychologist in charge of the Joker, right?”
Dr. Quinzel smiles in a strange way. “Yes, that I am.”
You frown. “And do you think, as a junior psychologist, you’re adequately prepared for him?”
“I know that I am a medical professional, Mr. Wayne, and I am certainly qualified to examine my patients.”
But Dr. Quinzel, just for a moment, looks fractured, torn. Like there’s some sort of internal war raging in her soul. But it gets absorbed in her too-wide smile.
You put it down to nerves about meeting the press, and let it go.
You always wonder if there was something you could’ve done for the woman, prevented it from all going wrong, prevented her from becoming Harley Quinn...
Poison Ivy - Dr. Pamela Isley
Pamela was going to college at about the same time you were. 
You weren’t friends, exactly, although you did both share a class in Professor Crane’s Intro Psych course (an elective for both of you).
There were a lot of rumors about her. You chose not to engage in the gossip, especially as it was a lot about her sleeping with her Biology professor for a better grade.
You had to do a project with her for your final grade, and she invited you to her apartment to work on it together.
It was full of plants. She mentions it before you have a chance to even think about bringing them up. 
“They’re my babies.” she jokes. “So much easier to take care of than pets.”
You smile. “All the oxygen probably helps you work better, right?”
She nods. “Yeah. Yeah, it does.”
She talks about how she’s going to be a botanist when she graduates, and she’s going to work for the EPA. She’s very self-interested, but genuine, and you have fun while working on the project.
But only a few weeks after you turn in the project, she disappears. Rumors abound about how she ran off with the Bio professor. Some say they were having an affair. Others are kinder and say they’re on a botanical conservation mission in some swamp somewhere.
Either way, you never see Pamela again.
At least, until Poison Ivy shows up in town...
(Side note: Drew Barrymore as Poison Ivy? Thoughts?)
Mr. Freeze - Dr. Victor Fries
Fries shows up one day out of nowhere
Just shooting with that cold gun.
He attacks a gala event for the Wayne Foundation and holds it up for jewelry and the cash being raised for the underprivileged of Gotham..
You glare at him. “You know you’re just taking money right out of the pocket of needy kids, right?”
“It’s for a good cause.” He says darkly.
“And what cause would that be?”
He sneers at you. “Disease research, mainly.”
The phrase surprises you.
Later, Bruce is doing research at the Batcave. “He goes by Mr. Freeze. Born: Victor Fries. Wife Nora suffers from Stage Four of a rare pneumonia-like condition known as MacGregor Syndrome. He had her cryogenically frozen, and now it seems like he’s turned to crime to fund his research into a cure.”
You hesitate. “Well... is there something we can do to help him?”
“Help him? May I remind you that he held hundreds of people hostage?”
“Well...” you shrug. “I just figure that maybe he wouldn’t be so... crime-y if his wife was being taken care of. I don’t know what I’d do if I was so close to losing you.”
Bruce softens slightly. “Look, Freeze committed a crime - several crimes, and he has to go to jail. But if it makes you feel better, we can have Wayne Enterprise’s medical division look into studying her disease. Judging from what I see here, MacGregor Syndrome has similarities with many other diseases. It might be a key in finding lots more cures.”
You smile and hug him. “Lead with that. Tell Fries that we’re willing to do that.”
Of course, Fries’ future crimes are due to the cost of maintaining his portable cryogenic suit, but you hear a lot less about it than you expect, especially since Nora is being taken care of...
Mad Hatter - Jervis Tetch
You were meeting a couple of old school friends at a tea parlor one day. It’s nice to escape the stress of your life and reminisce.
Roland and Alicia are a cute couple, and they tell you they have a baby on the way.
But the day is marred by a strange incident in which a small man in a top hat and tails (tuxedo tails) comes up to your table and starts babbling at Alicia, calling her “Alice” and trying to touch her blond hair, despite her attempts to shove him away..
Roland gets angry and punches the man, but before he can go any further, you pull him back.
The strange man glances at you. “The Dormouse...” he mutters, and walks away.
“What a creep.” Alicia shudders.
You’ve already figured it out. The man is deluded, thinking he’s the Mad Hatter, and he seems to be trying to fit everything into his Wonderland-inspired delusions. You tell Bruce about this, and he immediately agrees that Alicia is in danger.
You go to their hotel room to see them, warn them, but Roland answers the door wearing a bowler hat and Alicia is nowhere to be found.
Roland attacks you, knocking you out and kidnapping you.
Thankfully Bruce has been watching as Batman and follows.
You wake up tied to a chair around a tea table. Alicia is tied to another chair in an Alice-in-Wonderland costume, looking terrified. 
Jervis Tetch reveals himself and points out his minions, enslaved with his mind control headwear.
“Very spiffy, if I do say so myself.” you say cheerily. “Quite the milliner you are, my good sir.” (Alicia looks at you like you’re crazy)
Jervis loves the flattery, and it distracts him long enough for Batman to smash through the glass ceiling and knock the hat off his head, disabling the control.
Sure, no one was hurt much, but needless to say you would have to visit Alicia and Roland in the future instead of ever having them come to Gotham...
Hush - Dr. Tommy Elliot
“We’re having lunch with an old friend of mine.” Bruce announces.
You raise an eyebrow. “Wait a minute. Why don’t I know who this is? We have pretty much all the same old friends. I mean, we were together, like, all the time.”
“You remember Tommy, right?”
“Tommy? No, Tommy doesn’t ring a bell, hon.”
Bruce sighs, and you laugh. This is as animated as you’ve seen him in a while. “Come on, Tommy Elliot! Back when we were little! We used to play Robin Hood together in the park, and you two always fought over who got to be the Sheriff of Nottingham?”
“Yeah, nope. No memory of that.”
He sighs, but you go with him anyway. It hits you when you see the man at the restaurant. He was that kid! His parents were friends with Bruce’s parents. They had almost died in an accident when Bruce’s dad saved them.
He’d always try to play this strategy game thing with you and Bruce. It was only two players, and while he’d always beat Bruce (your husband wasn’t always the tactician he was now), he’d get really frustrated playing against you.
Tommy liked to try and get inside your head to beat you, figure out what you were going to do and then planning for it.
But you could tell what he was doing, and kept doing random moves you wouldn’t normally play, throwing him off and winning.
You didn’t like him much, and you kinda got the feeling he didn’t like Bruce that much either.
“Oh. That Tommy.”
Bruce looks at your worried face. “What’s wrong? If you really don’t want to, we can cancel.”
“Oh, hush. We’re already here. Least we can do is have a nice lunch...”
Zsasz - Victor Zsasz
It’s never a good sign when a payphone rings. So many bad reasons...
Not the least of which is that barely anyone even uses payphones anymore.
Let alone to call another payphone. I mean, how does that even work?
So it startles you when you’re walking Gotham (during the day, of course), and a payphone rings. No one else is around to answer it. 
You start to walk away, and then the next payphone rings when you reach it.
The other guy near it jumps like fifty feet in the air, but then goes to answer it.
He looks scared. “It’s... it’s for you.”
You sigh and take the phone
“Ignoring my calls? Naughty...”
“Um... wrong number. This is a payphone, not, uh, whoever you were calling.”
“This isn’t Y/N Wayne?”
“Yeah, no, it isn’t. May I ask who’s calling, though?”
“I know it’s you, Y/N. You don’t know me. Yet.”
“Look, I know Halloween’s coming up, but I’m not in the mood for Scream right now, okay?”
“This isn’t a scary movie, it’s real. My name is Zsasz.”
“Z- zsa... okay, how is that spelled?”
“Z. S. A. S. Z.”
“Oh, that’s beautiful. If you don’t mind me asking, is that Polish?”
“Sorry, I have to run, but it was nice talking to you!”
You run home and immediately tell Bruce you talked to Zsasz. Luckily you were running a trace with your phone - a little extra Tim developed for you. Within the hour, Batman has Zsasz in custody, saving the poor people he had kidnapped to add to his tally...
Klarion the Witch Boy
“Oh, hello! Who are you, little guy?”
The orange tabby glares at you with utter hate. It flicks its tail, but surprisingly, comes closer and curls around your legs.
It allows you to pick it up, and it purrs.
“Teekl! My word!” a boy comes running up to you, wearing a tailored suit and a newsboy cap. 
The boy snatches the tabby from you and pets it, despite how it looks like it wants to go back to you. “What were you doing with Teekl?”
“That’s its name? He’s a cute little guy. Uh, he just wandered in front of me and basically asked me to pet him.”
The boy glares at the cat. “You TALKED to him?”
The cat looks at him and rolls its eyes.
“Um, who are you, kid?”
He looks at you incredulously. “Seriously, mortal? You haven’t heard of me? I am Klarion! Klarion the Witch Boy! And this is my familiar, Teekl.”
You nod seriously. “Good for you, kid.”
He seems about to throw a tantrum, so you wave and leave the boy dumbfounded...
The Court of Owls
“Beware the Court of Owls, that watches all the time,
Ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch, behind granite and lime.
They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed,
Speak not a whispered word of them
Or they’ll send the Talon for your head...”
“That’s a stupid poem. It doesn’t even keep time.”
“It’s free verse.”
“Yeah, free ‘cause no one would pay for it.”
You and Bruce were only kids when you heard the old rhyme. Bruce was trying to scare you as a Halloween season joke, but it wasn’t working.
“Come on, Y/N! At least pretend to play along!”
Thomas Wayne enters the living room, and pretends to scold Bruce. “Now, Bruce, be hospitable to your guest. What’s the argument about?”
You smirk. “Bruce says that there’s a Court of Owls who eat limes and put talons on people’s heads.”
Thomas hunches down, making a spooky face. “Well, Y/N, it’s an old Gotham story. It’s a very bad thing that Bruce told you. You’ll have to be very careful now.”
He looks dead serious, and now you’re scared. “Really? What should I do, Mr. Wayne?”
He puts a hand on your shoulder. “You’ll have to be a very good kid all your life, Y/N. Never go out after dark without your parents’ permission. Don’t ever cheat on a test. Don’t lie. And if you ever see someone in an Owl mask, look the other way and forget you saw it.”
He grins, dropping the facade. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I just couldn’t help it. Hope I didn’t scare you too badly.”
Being a stubborn child, you insist he didn’t. After all, you’re old enough not to be scared by that stuff anymore.
But on the way home, after your parents pick you up, you notice something.
A tall figure in an alley, wearing a stylized white Owl mask.
You quickly look away, trying to put it out of your head, mumbling the rhyme to yourself.
“Beware the Court of Owls...”
You forget about this until far later in life, after you, as Y/N Wayne, have become an enemy of the dreaded Court...
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transpenced · 4 years
I've never had surgery.
I've never been in a hospital other than visiting people in one.
I've never had an IV.
I've never done anything as wild as be under the knife.
Until July 14th.
Having surgery was probably the most interesting and craziest experience to date for me. One of those things where people can talk about their experiences all day long but it won't really matter until it happens to you, yourself.
The days leading up to my surgery were a bit average. The traveling was exciting and meeting my friend for the first time was fun. Needless to say, I was ready for a week of hanging out and binge watching Netflix. We checked into the hotel and grabbed some Taco Bell before calling it a night.
My pre-op appointment was the next day and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about it. The drive there was quite amusing because we ended up passing by the surgery center without almost realising it, but laughed when we did. It took a try or two before we found Dr Garramone's office (Florida offices not being quite the same as back home to me). I buzzed and was let in and had to fill out a small stack of paperwork. I was afraid that there was going to be a problem because my temperature was a little high; however, taking my hat off and making myself relax helped cool off.
Then, I was finally in the room. THE room. Well, probably one of them. I'm not sure if he had other rooms with more art but I know I got to look at a badass chimp in a suit with a gun. It was an art piece I had seen before on Instagram more than once. This was really happening. And there I waited anxiously.
Thankfully the appointment wasn't too long. He came in and explained what would happen, took pics, then wrote me scripts. Fun fact: Dr Garramone is also a Tool fan, or at least saw them before. After that was a snack run and to get meds.
Needless to say, it was surgery day before I knew it. I was nervous on the way there. Taking out all of my piercings was a little bittersweet but I knew it was for a good cause (even though I somehow managed to lose half of my replacements). Having to sit in the waiting room alone was enough of a scare. Waiting the two plus hours before even being called back gave me more than enough anxiety.
Hearing my name called was all it took for me to anxiously grab my bag and follow the woman back to pre-op prep. I had no clue what was going to happen. I followed and laughed hesitantly as I told her to just tell me what to do. Before I knew it, I was signing a few more papers and was putting on wires, the cloth gown, and getting an IV stuck in my arm.
It was crazy, everything that happened after that. The anesthesiologist came and talked to me, I watched them set up the bag they'd use, I came and got marked up (Dr Garramone laughed at my bicep banner tattoo), and taking meds that would be kicked in by the time I woke up.
I didn't know what to expect as they wheeled me out of the pre-op prep area. I had never had a surgery. I also couldn't see very well because I was forced to wear my glasses, which were sealed in a bag hanging up by my IV. I observed as best as I could, holding down my nerves as best as I could along the way.
Within thirty seconds, we turned into a room that honestly sent chills through my body. It was quite movie-esque; somewhat round and bright with a single bed in the middle. I was so anxious that my teeth would have been chattering if I had my mouth closed. I remember them having me scoot onto it and get situated and centered. I also remember a guy hooking up the anesthetic to my IV. A woman was to my left and I was desperately hoping that she would say something to me. I was hoping that anyone would say something to me - have me count backwards from ten or ask me about something. There was nothing, and then there was black.
I've heard people say they had dreams while knocked out. Truth be told, it was literally like a nap. One moment I was awake, the next minute I was opening my eyes after a brief darkness. I was thankful enough to wake up with my glasses on my face; I honestly do appreciate that. I was concerned over a mixture of not waking up not being able to see, with chest compression, and a mask. Having an oxygen mask on my face eased any anxiety over waking up with a surgical mask. The chest compression was the least of my worries.
There was a woman at the foot of my stretcher when I woke up, and I was probably glaring at everything. It felt like another morning and I didn't want to get up. I can't even remember what she said to me but I know that it wasn't too long before she was helpibg me get dressed and into a chair so I could eat a few crackers and drink some water. A few minutes later and I was greeted by my friend, who was chipper to see me. Honestly I was relieved to see her - it meant that I'd be leaving and the worst was over.
In the end, I know I was more worried about surgery than I should have been. It was a fear of the unknown, which happens almost all of the time when I'm going through new experiences. I'm glad I pushed myself to go through it all, though.
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beatleszeppelin · 4 years
Airport- Hippo Campus
Chapter 1
Summary:  Hippo Campus, flying to London, if they can get on the plane. There's old ladies, peeing, anxiety, milkshakes, and hand holding. So buckle up, we have lift off.
Warnings: Anxiety attack, crying, Planes, Gropy old ladies, Drinking, Boner Jokes, Non-Graphic M*sturbation
Word Count: 2.2k
Whistler was in the bathroom, leaving everyone else in the van outside waiting. Nathan had driven over to the house to pick up Zach and Whistler on time, but getting to the airport in a timely fashion was going to be challenging. Jake was already at the airport, he said he had gotten there earlier that morning because he had nothing better to do.
Whistler ran out to the van with his last suitcase in hand, but had to run back up to the door to kiss Demi. Hopping back in the van he yelled "Drive, what are you waiting for?"
"We were waiting for you" Nathan retorts; he's a real piece of work, that Whistler. Nathan turned the radio on to a tape Zach had made, all Sugar Ray, Sum 41, and Smash Mouth.
Zach was quietly eating sun chips in the backseat, holding his backpack as a pillow. Looking out the window, he sat for almost an hour; until they got to the airport.
When they arrived, they had to haul not only luggage, but their instruments as well. Zach had a bag with his favorite bass in it. His 5 stringed bass, the same one he had been using since he was 12. He had a hard time letting anyone else touch it let alone fly across an ocean. Nathan had his guitar in an expensive case, a leather one with a hard interior. Anything to protect his Gretsch. And Whistler was shipping a high hat, a drum head, and was told that the rest were promised to be at a venue.
After they got their luggage checked and went through security, they were set out to find Jake. “He texted me he was going to get breakfast,” Whistler said, checking his phone. He leaned on the conveyor belt that was taking them to the correct gate.
Nathan had a habit of getting lost in thought in crowded places, or empty places for the record. He looked at a little girl, holding a stuffed dog. She clung to it as an only reminder of home. A boy, about seven, was holding his mother’s shirt, as she held more luggage than any of them together were, and she was navigating them to their gate. He envied how calm she looked. He was finding the gate for the boys he was in charge of, and while trying to be prepared for anything that could possibly happen. He was more stressed than he had been while studying for his SATs. 
Zach looked dead. He stared out the giant windows along the corridor that shows the runway outside. Nathan was watching him, but he didn’t know. Zach must be tired, he barely talked on the way here, and had no emotion behind his eyes right now. He still had bed head, and wore a dark blue sweatshirt that looked to be a size too big.
At the end of the travelator, there was a food court of sorts, and a group of chairs at their gate. They got situated in the seats, Nathan and Zach went to find Jake, leaving Whistler to watch their stuff.
“I can try texting him again,” Nathan suggested. “Maybe he’ll tell us which place he got food at this time.”
Zach nodded. “We should get food when we find him” he mumbled.
“Sure.You look tired, rough night?” Nathan said as he put his hand on Zach’s shoulder.
“I kept waking up all night, stayed up past my bedtime writing, and everytime I woke up it took forever to fall back asleep”
“Well, we’ve got a twelve hour flight ahead of us, maybe you can get some sleep on the plane.”
Nathan’s phone buzzed in his hand. “Jake said he’s at Cinnabon. We walked past that like a hundred times, how could we have missed him?”
“We started looking at 9:14, now it’s 9:31. We’ve  been looking for seventeen minutes, it's taking us about five minutes to get to the end of this strip. We’ve walked past this 3 times almost 4 times. How could we have possibly looked past him?” Zach said turning them around. 
They circled back to the Cinnabon, and sat down to look for Jake. He’s tall, skinny, probably wearing striped pants or something; how is he this hard to find? They saw a group of older women, old enough to be their mothers, dressed in hawiian shirts and sundresses. Sitting at the table was a 20-something guy in a hawiian shirt, and striped pants.
“Jake!” Nathan yelled, getting his attention. 
“Hey, where have you been I told you where I was forever ago.” he said, turning away from the group of ladies.
“Who are these people?” Zach asked quietly.
“Oh this is Joan, her and her husband are getting their vows renewed for their 35th anniversary. Here’s her sister Margret, Maggie. This is his ex wife Lynn, who hates him…”
“Hey that’s my mom’s name,” Zach said, cutting him off.
“Did you bring some friends to come on the cruise with us?” One of the women said with a heavy Minnesota accent. Another one grabbed Nathan’s butt causing him to take a step back.
“No, these guys are in the band with me. We’re starting a UK tour this week.” Jake said, pushing Zach back to Nathan. 
“Where is your husband?” Zach asked innocently.
All of the surrounding women started laughing, until Joan said “Oh he’s off on his bachelors party, so we’re taking a girls weekend and going on a cruise.” She took a step forward, leaned into Zach, and seducingly said “And maybe pick up a couple boy toys as well.”
Nathan cringed, and Zach’s cheeks and ears turned a cherry shade of red. He was now playing with his hands, and looking down. 
“Jake we’ll be waiting at gate B-14, come meet us when y’all are done with this” Nathan said gesturing.
“No, I’ll come with you. It was nice meeting you ladies, have fun on your trip.” he waved.
As they walked away you could hear “Now look what you’ve done, made more kids uncomfortable again.”
“They were into it”
Zach was still looking down at his feet as they approached where they had left Whistler. “Hey, I’m sorry about that,” Jake said to Zach, putting his very long arm around Zach’s shoulder.
“Sorry to him, that woman just grabbed my fucking butt” Nathan spewed.
“Language” Zach warned.
They got back to the gate where they were to wait for their flight, their bags were there but Whistler was gone. “Fuck! Okay, check and make sure all are bags are here”
Whistler waltzed up, hands in his pockets, and nodded when he saw Jake was with them.
“You were supposed to look after our stuff!” Nathan yelled.
“I thought you were going to get Jake and come back. Not wander around, get lunch, maybe see a movie in your spare time, and then show up.” 
“We had some trouble finding him,” Nathan said. He was normally reasonable about most things, but not after all the stress he had been under all day.
“I had to piss”
“You went right before we left,” Nathan said seriously.
“That was forever ago”
“We left at 8:00, it is now 9:50,” Zach said, checking his watch. “My backpack isn’t here.” Zach sat on the floor in the pile of carry-ons. He sat, holding his knees, chest heaving.
“What was in your backpack, nothing expensive I hope,” Jake asked.
“My notebook, a gameboy to play on the plane, extra glasses… Shit!”
“Nothing.” he said defeated, burying his head in his knees.
“Medicine.” Jake said with a look of realization.
Zach looked up at him with big puppy dog eyes. You could tell he didn’t want them to know, and was terribly embarrassed, as the red was back on his cheeks like earlier. He handed  his glasses to Jake and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
Jake turned his back to Zach, who now looked like the little kid Jake met him as, and he started to talk to Whistler and Nathan. “Zach has anxiety, always has. It’s mostly social anxiety, but it manifests in other ways too. He takes medicine for it, but he must not have yet so it lasted all through the flight. Don’t worry that you didn’t know, it took me five years of knowing him before he told me accidentally.”
“Eh, Zach, you know you can tell us anythi-” Whistler started.
“Dramamine!” Nathan cut off Whistler, and started rummaging through his bag.
“We’re gonna knock him out?” Whistler asked sitting next to Nathan.
“Yes, or no, doesn’t matter. It helps with motion sickness, and anxiety, and as an added bonus you might sleep, seeing as you didn’t much last night.” Nathan said frantically. 
“How do you know all of this?” Jake asked.
“You’ve met my mom right,” Nathan said.
“Hell yeah” Jake said with a wink.
“Stop it, not the time. Never the time,” he said thoroughly disgusted, “Hey Zach, look at me.” He kneeled next to Zach and touched his shoulder. “Hi.”
“We’re gonna go get a drink, maybe some breakfast, because we forgot to do that earlier. And then you can take some meds.”
Nathan held out his hand to help Zach up. Zach grabbed it and didn’t let go. They walked over to a McDonalds that was near, Nathan got Zach a breakfast sandwich and a milkshake, which he crushed some dramamine into and gave to Zach. He drank it. His hands were shaking as he set the cup on the table. He quickly pulled his sleeves over his hands and started picking at the inner seams. 
“Language” Zach said as he got startled by Nathan’s sudden burst of anger.
“It’s 10:24”
“My pills won’t work in time”
“We need to board the plane in like five minuets.”
“Now it’s five”
They threw away the wrappers, and ran to the gate. Whistler and Jake were waiting with all of their bags, waving them to hurry up. They showed their tickets to the lady working the stand, and walked with purpose to get to their seats. Zach’s stomach dropped when he walked on to the passenger boarding bridge, it shook beneath him when he stepped, he felt like he’d fall. He didn’t have a bag to put in his overhead compartment, nor did he have anything to distract him from taking off.
Zach and Whistler were sat next to each other in the middle, and Nathan and Jake were on the side, Nathan had the window seat.
Zach started to panic. His seatbelt made it hard to breathe, his sweater felt tight around his neck, he felt his heart beat, it made his chest bounce. He shut his eyes and tried to not think, he tried to think of something else, somewhere else, but all he could think of was falling.
“Hey Jake shouldn’t you be the one afraid of flying, I mean heights and all?” Whistler asked across an old lady that had an aisle seat.
“No, can’t fall out of a plane.”
“Planes crash,” Whistler argued.
“Please stop, that kid looks like he’s about to have a heart attack, and I should know that’s what my second husband died of. Right on top of me” the old lady said interjecting.
They looked over at Zach, whose eyes were shut tight, and his glasses were laying on his lap. You couldn’t see his eyes, but you could tell his face was puffy, and red. He violently wiped his eyes with his sleeves, and rubbed his nose hard. Both of his legs were shaking, and he focused hard on breathing; in and out.
“Hey… Bud. You are good.” Whistler said, patting Zach’s knee. “You know panic attacks can only last two hours at a time, before your body gives out due to exhaustion.”
“Stop you're scaring him.”
“I don’t think I can scare him more than he already is.”
“Switch with me” Jake offered a very uncomfortable Whistler. Jake shimmied across the old lady, and apologised for his butt being in her face.
“Oh don’t worry dear, it’s the most action I’ve had in years.” She winked.
Whistler was now next to Nathan, and Jake had room to calm Zach down. 
“Wow, you’re really not a warm and fuzzy type of person are you?” Nathan asked
“Dogs love me,” he said with a shrug.
“Hey Zach, what games were you gonna play?” 
“Once we get back home I’m totally gonna kick your ass at smash bros.”
“Language,” said Zach and the old lady at the same time.
“I can’t do this,” Zach whimpered.
“Do what, you’ll fall asleep in less than an hour, then who will I talk too?”
“Oh I can keep you company sweetheart,” said Jakes new favorite old lady. (Watch out Nanna)
The plane shook a little and then the stewardess came out and told everyone to put on their seatbelts, and turn devices off. Jake grabbed Zach’s hand, ignoring the wetness of his sleeve, that was covered in snot and tears. The plane started to turn upwards, and everyone's ears popped. Zach still had not opened his eyes, his head was pressed into the back of the seat, and he was holding hands with Jake. In less than 20 minutes, Zach was nestled against Jake, asleep. Jake was talking to Agnes, and Whistler and Nathan were sharing earbuds watching old disney movies.
0 notes