#i totally forgot to put that edit and link in
doraambrose · 15 hours
do yyou have headcanons about Gotham itself? there are city maps and stuff to use for reference for where things are happening. locations, community, where do each of the rogues usually commit their crimes...? Where do you headcanon gotham to be? In new jersey or somplace else and how far away do you think metropolis is?
Hello friend!
I headcannon that gotham is basically jersey city, but a new york duplicate if that makes sense? Like when I think gotham, I think new york city, but as we know from nightwing year 1, new york already exists. It's obviously east coast and I totally see it being in jersey because of how awful it is (kidding). In terms of where rougues commit crimes, it depends on the person and what they want to do. Like joker is doing his shit to get attention, like in the 80s movie with the parade. So he's doing shit in gothams equivalent of times square. Smaller rougues who try to do shit without getting caught or attention drawn to them are gonna do it in areas of town that unfortunately, don't get a lot of security or coverage like the narrows or park row. I saw a cool map that shows metropolis in Delaware, so its not super far away, actually pretty close. I think bludhaven is also in jersey because of the close proximity to gotham and how horrible it is (another joke because I'm so original). It seems like a lot of super hero hometowns are on the east coast lol. Probably for a reason lmao.
I'm gonna link this map because of how awesome it is, I'm not entirely sure who made it, so I'm sorry for bot giving exact credit.
Anyway, I hope I answered your ask. This was a fun little research project as I thought of gotham in jersey, but I haven't thought of the details before so thank you!
Have a good day friends
Edit: totally forgot that literally right after writing that I'd put the link in, I forgot so sorry about that. Here it is
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frnkiebby · 3 months
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yeah mmhmm yep yes of course absolutely~🎃
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edit: i was informed that these gifs were made by transjudas pls give your love to this post instead bc they killed it with these gifs.
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bennyden · 5 months
User hamatoanne's fic plagiarism
Hello, I’m the author of The Android, an AO3 Robot OC x Reader fic that was plagiarized by hamatoanne on Tumblr in her Aemond x Reader story, System Error. You can read my AO3 post for more info about the issue. As you can tell by the timestamps on AO3 and the screenshots of her now-deleted story, mine was posted months before hers. I didn’t want to make this public, but it appears Anne has not learned her lesson and is grasping at straws to keep her readers in the dark. She’s been deleting her stories to hide evidence of her plagiarism. I think you deserve to know who your beloved writer gets her words from.
I don’t know this fandom, but I’ve heard you guys can get pretty crazy. Control yourselves. The only one who needs to take responsibility is Anne. Don’t send hate to her mutuals. Don’t send hate to her followers. Don’t stalk or harass or dox anyone. Read through this post and form your opinion.
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First bunch of screenshots: A side-by-side comparison of her story (now deleted) and mine (still up and linked above). I took screenshots in advance in case something like this happened so I’d have proof if I needed it. I decided to compare the first chapter of my fic with the first part of hers. I could do the whole thing, but I’m a busy college student and I think just a quick skim of the pictures below is enough for people to see the extent of her plagiarism. 
I have screenshots of her entire post, but I don’t want to make this too long to scroll through and Tumblr posts cap at 30 pictures. I’m assuming some of you have already read her story multiple times, so you’re familiar with the words. If you haven’t, then I should warn you that the fic that she plagiarized is very not SFW. I’ll let you know where the not SFW content starts so you can skip it. 
On the left is my story. On the right is what Anne posted (and took down).
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Not SFW content starts here. 
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Not SFW content over.
Finally, I DM’ed her. This was just before I posted to The Android on AO3 about the situation. To summarize, I wrote about how I would go about the situation and how hurt I was about a bigger creator stealing from me. I admit, I was too kind and too much of a pushover. I just wanted things to go quietly. She later replied with this and deleted her fic immediately. 
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“I was completely stupid for not giving your credit” Why do they always play dumb? You copy that much and can’t even think to put my name there? You credit the artist but not the person who basically wrote your whole story? The story that gave you over 3k notes, so much more clout than any of your other stories has earned you? Total BS.
“I had every intention of giving credit where it was due…But I forgot” Right. Sure. Of course. If she felt guilty about plagiarizing, she would not be so shameless to accept praise like she did. I have examples of where she happily thanked people for complimenting "her work”, but didn’t want to bring other blogs into this, especially since they were none the wiser to her plagiarism. Ironically enough, someone even gifted her a badge for being a good writer the day she replied to my DM. She tagged that post “#a breath of fresh air on a horrible day”. I wonder why her day was horrible. Whoever gifted her that badge deserves their money back.
My thoughts when approaching her DMs were:
If she wants to keep up the story? Fine, just edit the post to say that it was heavily influenced by my story and leave a link to the original. I don’t mind. The readers will see that, click my story, compare the two, and think, “Hey, that’s not just inspiration! She plagiarized!” and her downfall would start from there without me having to do anything.
If she ignored me and didn’t fulfill that request, i would take matters into my own hands and expose her on her own post. Even more damaging.
In the end, she chose to delete the post entirely, getting rid of the evidence and her clout. I actually didn’t expect this outcome since I thought she’d like the clout too much, but I guess she decided this route would be the least damaging to her reputation. Everything was swept under the rug for now. 
And like a fool, I said thanks and went on with my life. But I decided to keep track of her. Because while I was too cowardly to do anything, I knew there would always be someone in the crowd who would take action. And it seems like people did. 
After reading the supportive comments from readers of my fic, I started to regret how lightly I handled it. I wanted to be mature even though I wanted her entire blog to fall and her reputation taken away. But I didn’t want to be a “bad person”. I wondered if I should keep pursuing the issue. I realized that my overly-people-pleasing behavior might lead her to continue her ways. I decided to speak out because others might’ve had their works taken by her and that my silence wasn’t helping. 
Next is her post, now deleted (I wonder why), about how she’s been so sad and how she’s going to be deleting her old stories and starting over. I’m likely not the only one she’s plagiarized from if she’s deleting other stories. At the time, I only saw supportive replies and reblogs on it, but maybe she deleted it after people started calling her out? Idk.
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She’s playing the victim game pretty hard. Acting as a kind underdog even though she’s the big creator who stole from a nobody like me. I know I said on my AO3 update that people shouldn’t send hate to her (and even censored her name after she deleted her story) but I guess I’m a little happy that people sought to call her out on her shit. I wish I was as brave. 
Later, a nice person (we’ll call her Bob because she asked to remain anonymous) DM’ed me directly with a kind message. After seeing this, I decided I should take action and expose all of this since Anne obviously hasn’t learned and wants to keep it all hidden. Bob confirmed that I’m not the only victim of Anne’s plagiarism either.
Bob asked that I not use screenshots of our DM’s so here is a transcription of the important parts:
“Hey! I just found out that one of your fics had been plagiarized by someone in the HOTD community. First of all, I am tremendously sorry that happened…”
(For Bob’s privacy, I won’t explain her relation to Anne. Just know that Anne has refused to message her back).
“I definitely think you should make a blog post. with side by side comparison. I am still completely gobsmacked that she pilfered your entire story word for word and changed a few things. We found evidence that she had plagiarized multiple stories. Not just yours. We found out her mermaid!aemond fic was entirely stolen as well as a few others. She has quietly deleted them and hasn't spoken on them since.”
“We surmised that she takes ‘underrated’ fics from different fandoms and changes the name and that's it. It's almost like she believed that stealing from other fandoms was going to draw less attention than stealing directly from the HOTD fandom.”
So if you noticed that one of your favorite Aemond fics is gone, now you know why.
‘But benny, she still wrote her own sentences and just changed it around to fit aemond!’
Fanfiction is transformative. You know what the source material is and who created it. You know you’re not reading a copied and pasted text with maybe some words and sentences switched around. This wasn’t fanfic. According to Google, plagiarism is defined as, “the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.” (See what I did there? I credited Google. Is it so hard to give credit where credit is due?) She copied people's work, didn't give credit to the source material, and claimed it as her own. That's plagiarism.
I wouldn’t have had a problem if she properly credited me and linked the original story. I wouldn’t have had a problem if she didn’t blatantly copy and paste the entire text and premise. I wouldn’t even require getting permission to write a story based on my fic if she had satisfied those conditions.
She’s a 27-year-old grown-ass woman with enough free time to simp over some blond guy with an eyepatch. I’m a 21-year-old college student who only posts fics during the summer and winter because that’s when school’s on break. I’m too busy writing lab reports and essays to be an active writer online. The fact that she can disrespect smaller writers so tremendously should not be acceptable. The fact that she also deceived her devoted readers and friends about her "works" is also unacceptable.
What can you do about this? To be honest, I don’t know what to do. I’ve never had to deal with this before. I want to be a good person and say, “Don’t send any hate to Anne, don’t harass her. Just unfollow her and stop supporting her.” But that obviously hasn’t taught her anything. She’ll just make a half-assed apology, maybe go on hiatus, maybe disappear, and then pop up again under another name to steal from another creator. If you have any ideas on how to deal with this, please tell us. 
She can try to block me or delete her posts, but the evidence is out and the damage is done. Anything she does to hide this mess will only make it worse for her. I’d appreciate people bringing more awareness to this issue, especially if it can reach the eyes of others she’s taken from. 
Thanks for reading.
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body-face-words · 2 months
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Let's look into "Maybe I should've married Michael Sheen" and "And he's my lover!"
Thank you @killerqueen-82 for providing the links!
I made gifs of these two instances slowed down and zoomed in to see them better, but tumblr is not letting me upload them so here they are.
Starting with David:
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In the video, you can see him think, staring off for a split second and answering with 'maybe I should have married Michael sheen.
He pushes himself back, resting on the chair, shuffles, and crosses his legs. In previous interviews, he crosses his legs because he's getting comfortable and shuffling around. That's normal for him, but when we take his face into account, this action has more meaning behind it.
He's aware of what he's saying and probably thinks he's said too much. His lips are pursed, eyes opens, brows raised as leans away while crossing his legs.
His eyes are wide with a serious look on his face. His mouth is in a straight line, with the corners horizontal. This wasn't meant to be funny or a joke. Like in other events, he shuts himself off before anymore comes out.
The wide opened eyes are because he's (consciously or unconsciously) trying to watchout for any threats/danger OR trying to get his point across (look into my eyes, I'm saying the truth). His leg crossed and arm went in front of him in a defensive position. I don't think he was protecting himself from the audience or the person next to him. It's most likely something personal. Shielding himself from what he said because he feels vulnerable.
David then looks down, takes a breathe in trying to soothe himself, thinks and continues with his answer.
Overall, Davids reaction to his answer is of caution. It was not a joke or something he found amusing/funny. It's something that made him feel vulnerable in some way, yet decided to say it anyways.
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This takes place from 7:15 - 7:29
Michael is more telling on his face than body. His legs/feet shuffle, plays/grips the bottle cap.
Outright, he is ticked off about not knowing this information.
Michael during this section of the interview, snaps his head 4 times in total. This action is usually done when anger, disbelief, or astonishment is felt out if nowhere.
For example, when someone tells you information about your bestest friend in the world that you had no idea about. You'll probably be confused as to why your best friend didn't share that with you, then maybe be annoyed/pissed off that they didn't.
Michaels last smile is fake. It's stiff and his movements, especially his head, are sharp and snappy. His cheeks don't reach his eyes, causing them to become smaller which means a forced smile was made. When he first looks off, his thinking with a smile, then second before"he never mentioned that" his smile stiffens and falls. His instant reaction was think and put a good face on.
When he says "and he's my lover" Michael grips the bottle cap he has in his left hand. Not knowing this information really did throw him off. After stating the David is his lover, Michael takes a drink from his water. It could be that he was thirsty or unconsciously stopping himself from talking. Drink or eating is also something done to calm ourselves down, whether we're aware of it or not.
Michaels tone is playful and, the best way I can describe it is stiff/rigid. Playing it off and not making a big deal. The body flinch (an instant reaction done usually without thinking) at the end is kind if like a kid when they say "its mine!" and stop their foot or shake their arms up and forth. Or it could also be disbelief "He's my lover! Why didn't he mention this?"
Edit: I forgot to mention! The knee squeeze has different meaning - excitement, control of energy, and (this next one doesn't apply to Michael here but I'll include it) nervousness/protection.
Neither of them, from my point of view and analysis, neither was joking about what they stated.
David was serious and his micro expressions and body language only transmitted seriousness and defensiveness while Michael was more ticked and trying to play it off.
Neither of them took the idea of being in a relationship with the other as a joke or something to amuse other people. Perhaps Michael waa trying to play it off as a joke, but it makes me doubt with how personal he took this.
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
Who in the Gotei 13 abuses emojis and how
The Groupchat Crimes of the Gotei-13:
Yamamoto: responds everything with an inscrutable "😎 👍". Announcing your engagement? 😎 👍 Telling him there is a scheduling conflict? 😎 👍 The seireitei is being invaded? 😎 👍 Tonkatasu Tuesday at 6:30 tonight? 😎 👍
Sasakibe: Endlessly persnickety about grammar. Despite having the fact that grammar is fluid and changes with context and what many of the new conventions mean explained to him, a total lack of punctuation to create an informal tone will make him literally foam at the mouth like a rabid boar.
Soi Fon: refuses to relegate fun facts about hornets to the #bugs channel, including unspoilered images of what assorted stings will do to human flesh.
Yoruichi: nudes in the SFW channels
Rose: 🌹❤️🌹 brackets his messages with emoji chains like quotation marks 🌹❤️🌹
Kira: vent posting/generally being a miserable little shit in the general channel
Retsu: consistently forgets to spoiler medical gore, keeps sharing medical "Fun" facts that give people nightmares.
Isane: "Hey guys, I need some advice on how to deal with *insane situation literally nobody that ever experienced before*"
Hanataro: unironically posting scorpions and venomous snakes to the cute animals channel
Shinji: ti xif ton lliw/tonnac dna segassem sih lla desrever wohemoS
Momo: crying for real about how cute the animals in the cute animals chat are
Hiyori: destroying things in rage about how cute the animals in the cute animals chat are.
Byakuya: Signs all his messages, as this is is official Gotei-13 correspondence. -from the desk of Captain Kuchiki Byakuya
Renji: no caps no punctuation no worries
Komamura: spent three *months* pretending to be friends with a pair of rural veterinarians and getting people emotionally involved in the saga of them trying to cure a mystery chicken affliction before finally ending his shaggy dog story with an ATROCIOUS pun.
Iba: unappealing thirst traps.
Shunsui: keeps falling for and linking obviously false clickbait articles.
Nanao: digging up literally decades-old drama
Tousen: setting his text color to match the background color to fuck with people.
Shuuhei: normal messages sent from bizarre locations "-sent from the secret downstairs microwave" "-sent from the captain general's iPhone" "-sent from Massachusetts"
Matsumoto: 💕 Putting ❤️ emoji 💋 between ❤️ every 😘 word ❤️ for 💋 the ❤️ aesthetic 💕
Hitsugaya: 2AM post @ing everyone of a single inscrutable emoji such as "🦆". Claims to have no memory of making this
Ikkaku: figured out how to use image-editing software specifically to make bespoke image macros at astonishing speed so he always has a meme on hand, including the infamous Zaraki Caused Another Bisexual Awakening Counter aka "GOT ANOTHER ONE LADS!!" meme.
Yumichika: ✨ 🦚 ✨ Worst 💙 possible 🪩 combination 💙 of 🪩 Rose 💙 and 🪩 Matsumoto 💙 quirks ✨🦚✨
Yachiru: Pink Text
Mayuri: immediately silenced all notifications from the Groupchat, forgot it exists
Nemu: Tracks Groupchat statistics and presentation them quarterly like a thesis defense and/or stockholders meeting.
Urahara: keeps finding obviously false clickbait articles to send to Shunsui
Ukitake: you can directly track how much Percocet he's on by how colorful, emoji 🤣 filled and ✨ WhImSiClE 🐟 🐟 hIs 💻 TeXtInG 💻 sTyLe 🐟 🐟 GeTS ✨
Rukia: signs her texts like Byakuya, but "-sent from Lieutenant Rukia 🐰 Kuchiki "
Harmless, until somehow her medical records appear under "Rukia Usagi Kuchiki" like she has a middle name.
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celestialspritz · 8 months
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☆:**:. 𝖘𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖐 .:**:.☆
hi! i have a bit of free time until tuesday so i decided to finish up some stuff i wanted done <3
first is sims3melancholic's contacts #120 defaults converted to ts2 on my sclera
second is a default skintone called stardust made using dreadpirate's skin as a base, but it's essentially a 4t2 conversion of the north face mask by northernsiberiawinds, with eyelids, nose and mouth differences as they didn't look as good in ts2. actually the alien shown in the swatch is the old version of this skin but i just realised that while writing lmao, but either way it looks v similar just a bit better
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the eyes are default and custom, on my own sclera blend and there are 18 swatches in total.
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dl link for those here!
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the skin is default only and is all s1-s4 with alien. some features include:
sixfootsims teeth and tongue texture
an edited, smoother lilith buttercup nosemask
my blend of uglytownie's lipblend and the lips on microscotch's wisteria skin
eyelids taken from whysim 30
bodies are the same as dreadpirate's party for one skintone
elders get dentures (thanks to remisims for extracting the texture from game files) forgot to put sliders in bodyshop so this noclip screenshot will do
elders get wrinkles (thank you simnopke for the texture)
aliens have greeny blue gums and base eye texture from uglytownie
lip corners by uglytownie
nose shading by rensim
the rest (face texture and all that pretty shading) is all northernsiberiawinds!!
the purpose of this skin was it's flexibility to work with both maxis match and realistic games. for example, it's plain and matte which means you can layer all the skin details you would like over it.
stardust default skin swatch belowwww
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dl the skin here!
credits - uglytownie, northernsiberiawinds, rensim, sixfootsims, lilith, microscotch, whysim, dreadpirate/vvqb, remisims, simnopke. thank you!
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id-element0 · 1 month
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I found this cute little house on Pinterest while looking for inspiration for the desert world I'm decorating. Sadly I didn't save the pin so I can't link the source.
This area is supposed to be a trailer park and the smallest lot is 10x10, being too small even for a caravan. So I decided to built a two-story tiny shack. In the end I had to make the lot 11x10. It should have looked more rundown or grungy but it ended up just too cute for its purpose.
In order to make it look more rundown, I decided to use wall decals with cracks and damages. But every time I use them the saving bug returned. And this time, my method just didn't work. I first thought that particular CC was the problem; then I realised every item that goes on the walls caused the said saving bug/infinite saving.
That sent me on a CC hunt, where I checked the contents of every wall item I have with S3PE. I found several objects with faulty _RIG resources and fixed them. Alas, it didn't make any difference.
In the end, I found a couple of objects in my Test folder that I EDITED like years ago and totally on a whim decided to put them in my game around the time that I was building Liquid Charms and then FORGOT ABOUT them.
How they managed to evade my tests during the saving bug crisis is appalling to me. But I'm known to make things much harder for myself for no reason. Since I've already declared my idiocy on this blog several times, this shouldn't be surprising to anyone.
Some questions remain, though: Was my experience limited to my ADHD induced idiocy, separated from all those reports where people claimed to have no CC at all? Or did all those people have some sinister CC lurking in their folders without any knowledge? OR was this just a chance occurrence of double incompetence on both my and EA's part?
Funny thing is, the faulty CC was a floor painting using the sculpture rig, not the painting rig. How did it affect the wall decor that uses the painting rig? Maybe it was not rig related. It never affected the sculptures only paintings / anything that's placed on the wall. Surely, I managed to break something in the package. Hopefully, this is truly the end of my saving bug ramblings.
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spilledstars1234 · 5 months
First post! To start this blog off, i'd like to vomit a random Link Click theory that I thought of recently after finishing Season 2 a couple of weeks ago
You know, the whole “Lu Guang taking the photo in his hospital room” scene’s been on my mind a lot. Because that part was a liiiiitle strange. ‘Cause, I don’t think LG even left his phone there for CXS to find. And why? Because he doesn’t even know that CXS knows his phone passcode. My evidence? When Qiao Ling asks Cheng Xiaoshi how he knew LG’s passcode, he replies with “I just happened to see him put it in.” MEANING: LG didn’t tell it to him. Which is kind of odd, because if he left the phone specifically for CXS to find and dive into, wouldn’t he have told him his phone password beforehand in order to have gotten the plan to work smoothly? 
SO! What if he left the phone for HIMSELF to find, and dove into it after CXS’ death and after CXS transferred his ability to him, so he’d have like a backup plan-ish sort of thing just in case CXS might've died that night???
And bonus! So if that WAS him, then the whole thing with the boat would make sense! ‘Cause when it first shows the whole “Lu Guang leaping on top of CXS” scene (back when we didn’t know CXS dives into the photo), it shows LG having zoomed his way there to the docks on some random boat. So this brings me to the conclusion that this had all been pre-planned (aka LG from the future going back and saving CXS), because like, where’d he get the boat? Did he just hijack one or something? Or… did he have one prepared in advance? (see where i’m going with this??)
 And when we see CXS as Lu Guang, notice how HE didn’t take a boat there, and just ran all the way to the docks? (while risking the small matter of LG’s intestines spilling out… buuut cartoon logic!) So this brings me to thinking that the Lu Guang we saw the first time was actually Lu Guang! And that was him from another timeline and not CXS like we all thought.
And therefore, the “LG & CXS lying on top of each other scene” could’ve actually happened (so CXS wasn’t being narcissistic there, lol!), since that could have been Lu Guang the first time around (and Lu’s little smirk and the whole “Fortunately I caught up to you” thing could’ve been y’know, actually from him and not CXS just saying that to himself).
But then… there’s a loophole in this. Because the Lu Guang that is shown first starts busting out all these moves… and we all know CXS is the one who’s more adept at fighting, and we can kinda guess Lu Guang probably doesn’t get off the couch (he isn’t called an old man for nothing y’know). So, maybe that was actually CXS to begin with…
In conclusion? I genuinely don’t know! But I like to be delusional so I like to think that it was LG in another timeline (c’mon studio lan, you can’t just give us that scene and pass it off as it actually being CXS because of censorship pls). Or maybe I’m dumb and this theory’s super wrong because I completely missed something, I dunno.
(edit: HANG ON, i totally forgot about the scene where cxs gets shot and LG immediately went to beat the crap out of qian jin. So maybe all it takes for LG to fight is when he sees CXS in danger~)
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Update to Hunger Pangs Audiofiles on Payhip.
You asked; I listened, then totally forgot to post updates announcing that you can now download both editions of True Love Bites as one large audio file! No more arguing with your phone to put the chapters in order. Yay!
After entering your payment details and being directed to select your download, you will be given a choice between downloading the audiobook as one large, 14-hour file or downloading the zip folder that has all the chapters separated into individual MP3s. Both are 1.1GB, so don't do it while you're on data like I did.
Whichever option you choose is up to you, and if you later decide you want to download the other, great! You can do that too. Both zip files are yours to keep DRM-free from now until eternity.
If you previously bought the audiobook through my Payhip and would like to access the new, single file, you should be able to log in with your Payhip account and access the latest download link.
If you didn't create an account, send me a copy of your payment/original download email to info @ joydemorra.com, and I'll get you sorted.
If you're a Patreon member/ko-fi member, I'll be updating the Patreon codes as soon as Payhip finishes uploading the files. When they're done, I'll post new links in the Discord and on Patreon.
Thank you for your patience in waiting for these file updates. Happy listening!
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devondespresso · 3 months
Mr. Crayola Henderson
T | 1791 words | ao3 link | cw: minor ableism from a side character, also they swear, I always forget f-bombs bother some people sorry guys | STWG Prompt: Telling a story to get out of trouble
EDIT: I NEARLY FORGOT thank you @pearynice my beloved for the brainstorming GENIUS and @hairstevington for the sensitivity read! You guys are awesome!! Also thank you @saradika-graphics for making free dividers!!
((little bit of context for extra clarity: this universe is vaguely canon divergent, post season 2. Steve is hoh (hard of hearing) and already adopted by the Hendersons, and in this one they're in the middle of a sort of family reunion/gathering))
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Steve went to duck inside the house, holding the door open for Aunt Tracy on her way back out into the backyard where the majority of the gathering was taking place. She smiled and said something, probably just a thank you that he would’ve heard if the batteries in his hearing aids hadn’t died. He smiled back at her and gestured to his ear and she nodded again with a smile that did its best to not be patronizing.
She left and Steve went inside, sighing a little and tried to not hold it against her, the lack of filter seemed to run in the family, but it was moments like that that made him grateful his mom was the most laid-back of the Henderson women.
Steve went over to the media room and dug through the little bin of batteries under the phone, pulling out an opened pack that had just enough left. He took both aids off, changed the batteries, and put them back on to make sure they worked.
He heard a strong thud from his bedroom, followed by muttering.
Steve put the dead batteries down on top of the table and stared at his bedroom door. The muttering escalated to hushed bickering.
Steve walked closer to the door, hearing the bickering more clearly, then opened the door.
Dustin and their cousin Aiden both jumped and turned to look at the door, Dustin relaxing when he saw it was him. Steve paused for a second, looking at both of them crouched on the ground, bright pink paint on their hand and clothes and the carpet around them with no bottle in sight.
Steve leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow at Dustin.
“We were just… snooping through your shit. ” Dustin said.
Steve glanced back down at the paint everywhere, and gave him a look.
Dustin just smiled like a little angel, which worked on mom and maybe Steve-from-two-years-ago, but not now.
“Oh no, you found my secret stash of… bubblegum pink paint.” he deadpanned.
“The cheap kiddy bubblegum pink paint.” Dustin corrected, looking down at the carpet. “It’ll wash out.”
“Of course.” He looked over to Aiden, who had relaxed significantly as he realized Steve wasn’t going to blow up on them. “And… why is there totally washable pink paint in my room specifically? Weren’t you guys sticking to dicking around outside to avoid doing stuff like this?”
Aiden opened his mouth to give a better excuse, but Dustin started tapping his shoulder excessively to get his attention.
“He’d help us.”
Steve raised his eyebrows, not arguing because odds were good he’d end up doing something, but he still played it up like he wasn’t already planning to.
Aiden was turned mostly towards Dustin and muttered something he couldn’t catch, throwing a glance at Steve.
“Trust me, this is like a walk in the park compared to–” Dustin said.
“Hardly a fair comparison, man.” Steve interrupted. 
“–compared to the other shit he’s helped me with.”
Aiden thought about it, then glanced towards Steve. “And he's not going to jump ship afterwards and get us in trouble?” 
“Of course not, right Steve?”
Steve looked at the two of them and ran a hand over his face.
“You know step one of not getting in trouble for stupid shit is not starting stupid shit, right?”
Aiden groaned but Dustin agreed immediately, “Yes, 100% understood.”
Dustin elbowed Aiden, and he nodded despite his clear annoyance. 
Dustin smiled and looked at Steve.
He rubbed his temple one last time before throwing his hand down.
“Okay. Step two then.”
Dustin jumped up and shot him a thanks before running around him towards the kitchen. Steve watched him go then turned back to Aiden who looked just as confused.
“What’s he doing?”
“I don't know.” Aiden lied, looking at him curiously, “What's step two?”
“Find me and let me finish the stupid shit.”
Dustin came running back with a slice of deli-meat in one hand.
“Dustin, this isn’t looking much better than last time.”
Dustin paused his mad dash for just a second to look at him.
“It’s significantly better, I swear.” he said, then ran to sit back down, dropping the slice of meat on the floor in front of him, and waited.
After a few seconds of nothing, a fuzzy little white face poked out from under his bed. Cautiously, a opossum with pink paint splashed on its back came waddling out. It sniffed at the food given to him, nibbled at it, then opened its mouth as wide as it could to awkwardly chomp at its new snack.
It was a wild animal, Dustin brought in a wild animal inside, during a family gathering with some of the most worry-wart mothers he’s ever met–
But god, the tiny opossum was really fucking cute.
Dustin beamed at the little guy like a proud mom, then up at Steve. Steve shook his head in disbelief and joined them carefully around the opossum. He picked up the deli meat and placing it on his hand to get the little guy used to it.
“You’re crazy, Henderson, you’re fucking crazy.” He grumbled, playing up annoyance to avoid losing his better judgment. 
Dustin said something probably cheeky as hell, but he didn’t catch it.
“One more time.” he said, looking away from the opossum for just a second.
“And what does that make you, Henderson?” Dustin smiled, definitely cheeky.
“Reluctantly, also fucking crazy.” he sighed, shaking his head before moving the deli meat further up his hand to lead little Mr. Opossum onto it.
He lifted Opossum gently, letting it have the rest of the deli meat so he could use two hands to hold it steady. He stood up slowly, and started walking towards the bathroom.
Dustin and Aiden went around him to get the door, lights, and sink ready– apparently, to continue where they left off. There were pink handprints around the edge of the sink and a bottle of dish soap sat next to the hand soap.
“Wow, I wonder what happened here.” Steve deadpanned. He looked over at the both of them, not a hint of guilt in their eyes. “And this is why there aren’t two Dustin Hendersons.” he bitched with no real anger, and set Mr. Opossum down gently in the sink.
 “You mean this is why there aren’t two Aiden Haults.” Aiden said, leaning over the sink.
“Nope, Dustin gets the credit for this one.”
Steve closed the drain to make a pool of water and Opossum gravitated to it immediately, taking a drink before waddling into the pool and almost rolling in the water to get his fur wet.
Steve tried and failed to bite back a smile.
“His name is Sir Crayolan.” Dustin said.
Steve had no choice but to bark out a laugh.
“Sir what?”
“Sir Crayolan.”
“Oh god, I heard you correctly.”
“It’s a great name!”
“You know Sir Crayolan isn't staying, right?”
“Yeah, we were gonna let him go after we washed him, we just–” 
Aiden muttered something and tugged on his sleeve, pointing out the bathroom doorway towards the back door.
Just out of the window, Aunt Tracy was caught in conversation with someone, looking like she was laughing, but clearly stopped just before she was going to come inside. Steve quickly rinsed some of the minimal paint on his fingers, careful not to scare Mr. Crayola or whatever.
“Does she know you’re in here?”
“No, we hid in your room–”
“Good, you guys wash him, carefully and quietly, I’ve got the rest.” He whispered, wiping his hands off on a towel.
“You’re the best, Steve.” Dustin said, giving him a quick side hug to avoid getting paint on him.
“Oh really? I’m gonna need that in writing.” He smiled and Dustin stuck out his tongue. Steve returned the gesture and slipped out of the bathroom, straight across the hall and into his bedroom.
He turned off the lights immediately to hide the pink mess on his floor and waited to hear the front door. 
He heard Aunt Tracy’s laughing rather than the actual door open, heard her wave off whoever it was she was talking to through the door. He took one hearing aid off before he walked out of his room, closing the door behind him. He made his way back to the abandoned dead batteries and put his aid back on, messing with it a little longer than strictly necessary.
“Oh, Steve, there you are. Everything okay?” she said, joining him by the tv room. 
“Yeah, just had to find batteries. What’s up?” 
“Oh yes, well– now, I know I could be overreacting, but I haven’t seen Aiden anywhere for– oh, for god knows how long–”
“He was with Dustin earlier–”
“I know, I know, but they were near those woods weren’t they? And you know there were those missing kids stories–”
“Trust me, I know.” he said, dropping the dead batteries into their battery jar. “I can help you search for them if you want, but I don’t think Dustin’s ever gotten lost. He carries around a compass like it's his wallet. Worst case scenario? They’re messing around in the woods somewhere a little too far away and they’ll come running back once they realize we started eating hotdogs without them.”
“God, you know Claudia said the same thing, I just worry…”
“Ron just lit the grill, right? Let’s give them twenty minutes,” he checked his watch, “Until five… five fifteen-ish. If nobody sees them, I’ll help you look.”
“Twenty minutes, alright, I’ll tell Claudia.” She said, and circled back to the door.
“I’ll join you guys in a second, I’m grabbing a coke.” he called, jutting a thumb back towards the kitchen.
She called something back with a wave and Steve just waved back until she disappeared out the door. He walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a cold can for himself and a diet pepsi for mom, then circled back to the bathroom.
He checked over his shoulder once real quick before tapping on the door and opening his coke.
Aiden answered the door, cracking it open just enough to stand in the doorway.
“You got all that, yeah?”
“Twenty minutes, we’ve been exploring in the woods.”
“Yup. Release your critter out the front door and circle around. I am not joining a search party for you guys today.”
Aiden nodded and gave him an overserious salute. Steve threw a more casual one back.
“Tell Mr. Crayola I said ‘bye’.” he said, then turned around to leave as Dustin came to the opossum’s defense. He hid his smile by taking a sip of his coke, and went back out the door.
(obligatory disclaimer uhhh dont pick up wild opossums please ok thanks guys love ya)
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PIP: Now, 
PIP: I can't believe I have the complete DISPLEASURE of seeing you all again
PIP: All these years I bet you totally FORGOT who I was
PIP: Haven't you?
PIP: You all stupidly opened a portal to the gates of hell and for what?
PIP: Giggles?
PIP: Goofs?
PIP: Games?
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PIP: I forgot how stupid you all were!
PIP: Especially when you're all under the influence!
PIP: By the queen's name you all absolutely SUCK
PIP: I bet you won't even give me an apology for all the shit you've put me through, hm?
PIP: Let me guess, you're all so caught up in your own meaningless lives you forgot the hell that you made mine!
PIP: But enough berating you all
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PIP: I just came back to say that even if you DID apologize to me
PIP: You would never be forgiven
PIP: And I'm just wholeheartedly  speaking for myself here
PIP: I'm sure there are SEVERAL others who feel the same, however
PIP: But, I could be entirely wrong!
PIP: Perhaps I'm just crazy!
PIP: That's what you're all thinking, right?
PIP: I hate you bloody buffoonic Americans
PIP: Always so…
PIP: Mean…
PIP: For no real reason!
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PIP: Gun wielding cheeto munching stupid bloody blokes!
TWEEK: Okay uh
TWEEK: He's angry
TWEEK: Let's get the fuck- I mean hell- outta here
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CRAIG: Like and subscribe! Like and subscribe! Like and subscribe! Like and subscribe! Like and subscribe! 
TWEEK: Is he broken???
TOLKIEN: Its his panic reflex
CRAIG: Copy Link! Copy Link! Copy Link! Copy Link! Copy Link! Copy Link! Copy Link!
TWEEK: WHY THE FUCK DID I TRANSFER HERE?!?!? I DIDNT SIGN UP FOR THIS!!! CRAIG: Only in ohio...Only in ohio...Only in ohio...Only in ohio...Only in ohio...
TOLKIEN: Whatever, lets just GOOOOOOO–
CRAIG: Hit the notification bell! Hit the notification bell! Hit the notification bell!
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(Edits made by @pissblanket)
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remidyal · 3 months
Bad Ideas of the Day Part 8 - The Ocho
Part 8 of the series of my occasional roundup of my bad ideas of the day from the D20 Fanfic Discord, as always the link back to the prior one is available here and as always anyone who wants to do something with these ideas is moreeeee than welcome to do so, though I'd love to hear about it!
This list contains spoilers for FHJY through current as of writing (episode 10) as many of the ideas on this edition involve events from this season; I've put it below the read more for that reason. Some of the ideas mark where spoilers are contained up through.
Bad Idea of the Day, Trust Issues Edition, FHJY spoilers through episode four: Fabian, wanting to cash out but not wanting to give Chungledown Bim 18 million gold pieces, tries to find a convincing nemesis who the bank will believe and who will use the money they get in a way that won't bother him, such as to further shitting in his mouth. He finds someone who both has a history that often leads to nemesis-dom and is willing to commit major financial crimes for money: His ex-girlfriend, Aelwyn Abernant. Now, they just need to stage a public enough fight to get her on the list before he cashes out…
Bad idea of the day, Total Party Kill edition: The bad kids and Aelwyn cut a little TOO loose during the fight at Ostentatia's, and instead of nobody getting THAT hurt during the timestop they actually collapse the house on top of all the hudol kids inside, landing all of them in a world of trouble BEFORE they can meet up with Biz…
Bad idea of the day, 'fake' dating edition: Kristen decides that she can maybe make her parents okay with her being a lesbian if she starts off with the worst possible partner for her parents and then backs down to just a normal girl like Tracker. So she asks her friendly local tiefling to come with her to a family dinner as her girlfriend…
Bad idea of the day, the beauty of nature edition: On a trip to the far haven woods to spy on the ratgrinders, Adaine is alarmed to discover that as she grows up the Oracle becomes imbibed with full disney princess powers, and it is very difficult to go about one's business sneakily when all the trees and wildlife are constantly singing to her as she goes
Bad Idea of the Day, spoilers through JY episode 5 edition: In the middle of a fight of gods at the mall, one man whose soul truly represents the very worst the mall has to offer appears, immune to the rage from the stars, wielding a comically large sword and looking like a reject from the Armour Zombie and Lich catalogue: One Cody Walsh.
Bad idea of the day part two, I can't believe I forgot about this detail from the Seven edition: The Ministry of Adventure, in a timeline where their shit isn't pushed in by the Seven, send one of their honeytrap agents to try to ensnare one of the brightest up and coming adventurers in all of Solace. Then, when that one fails, they send another, and another. How is eligible bachelor detective Riz Gukgak seeing through all of their schemes, they wonder?
Bad idea of the day, reclassification edition, JY spoilers through six: In a determination to make certain Kristen can stay in school even without a god, the Bad Kids look for another class to fit Kristen into. Can she try out for Rogue or Fighter or anything else without stabbing herself with her -3 dex?
Bad idea of the day, backup escape routes edition, spoilers through episode 5 of Junior Year: Instead of being bailed out by Connor Counterspell, the Bad Kids are forced to take a different exit from the Mall of the Synod of Spyre through the only obvious portal: The one into the strudel dimension in Oodles of Strudels. There, they find themselves in not just a strudel dimension, but in fact an entire plane of pastry, including a giant octopus-esque monster who is very angry with Adaine in particular as the strudel she has been chopping has been one of its tendrils. Can they survive long enough for Adaine to hit level 13 and get Plane Shift, or will they fall to the forces of the Pop-Tart King?
Bad idea of the day, impractical bard forms edition: Encouraged towards something that is 'respectable' and in which her 'lack of wizardly talent' won't be as much of an impediment, Adaine ends up a bard of visual arts. Specifically, oil paintings. Can she be a useful party member with a form of bardic work in which even a simple spell takes an hour, just because it's the sort of thing that's okay in Fallinel's high society?
Bad idea of the day, soulmates edition: Every pirate gets a birthmark that appears within the first few years of their life indicating the highest rank they'll ever hold on a crew. Bill Seacaster's heart is crushed when his darling boy Fabian's birthmark appears and indicates that he'll never be higher than a First Mate.
Bad idea of the day, courtesy of tumblr edition: Adaine, party wizard, has a sister with crazy drug dealing stories and a dad with crazy drug dealing stories and a need for cash. Who could have seen, when she started drug dealing at parties, that it would end in crazy stories and pain?
Bad idea of the day, Fantasy High edition, spoilers through episode 7 JY: The bad kids do, in fact, do drugs at the party, and there's a fight to the death with Grix during the assembly instead of happening later. Can they rally the other students to not be cowards for once?
Bad idea of the day, stop spreading the news edition: Pete and Maddy lead a strike force against the evil wizard who is running the New York Times and using it to spread all sorts of hate and propaganda, especially on a personal level to them the transphobia.
Bad idea of the day, Aguefort didn't know what he was doing REALLY edition: After the murder-suicide in the cafeteria, left with nobody but the corpses of three staff members and some other confused freshmen, Gorgug Thistlespring and Kristen Applebees are brought back from the dead… Shame their souls went into the wrong bodies, isn't it?
Bad idea of the day, wizard tomes editions: Less a plot idea and more just a general notion, we need more cursed items, and in particular here I'm thinking cursed spellbooks. Give Adaine a book that seers knowledge out of her brain, or reverses portent rolls to be the opposite of what she thinks she's doing, maybe (Though actually on that latter note - it would be EXTREMELY on the nose, should Adaine ever become a follower of Cassandra, if her portents stopped working as she became only able to see the worst that was to come but not prevent it.)
Bad idea of the day, keep your friends close and your frenemies closer edition: In the time in between The Unsleeping City 1 and 2, an insurance investigator comes knocking about a very suspicious house fire. Sofia thinks she'll be fine… until she realizes that the investigator is also going to ask Ricky, as the heroic firefighter who first responded to the scene. Can she train Ricky into convincingly lying, or will she be visiting that famous New York prison of Riker's Island?
Bad idea of the day, class swap secret santa edition: Following a decree from Arthur Aguefort that students are too reluctant to try new things and they should dabble more, every student at the Adventuring Academy is required to try out a class they have not previously attended for two weeks that the rest of their party secretly votes on without consulting each other. What will each Bad Kid be stuck doing, and can everyone else figure out a class they're certain Fig has never snuck into?
Bad idea of the day, stunning strike edition: Realizing that they're being exploited by a system that risks their lives and pays them only with grades, not money, for saving the world, the students of Aguefort go on strike. Can they remain united in the face of the Ministry of Adventure and their union-busting assassination squads?
Bad idea of the day, dirty laundry edition, spoilers through jy 10: Taking Adaine's offer to come over and do her laundry while under the invisibility spell so she can avoid people other than Adaine caring for her, Aelwyn unfortunately triggers an investigation from Fig, Kristen, and Sandra Lynn into why their washing machine is suddenly haunted and running on its own. Can she remain unnoticed without causing a problem, or will Kristen banishing her clothing to the Elemental Plane of Detergent?
Bad idea of the day, with grating power comes grating responsibility edition: Adaine never manages to become much of a wizard, but instead manages to tap into something even more core to her personality than the anxiety: Being a petty insulting brat, and finding herself a Lore Bard on the strength of study + cutting words combined. How does her family handle it when the bickering at the table becomes much more deadly?
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bluesdesk · 3 months
Second half! You might have noticed they're in chronological order (minus the CDI that I forgot to put under the first games) to be totally impartial.
Also, the next polls won't have the tag Linked Universe as they're general Zelda and not specifically LU
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 months
Hockey Watching - Palletshipping Week 1 (Roommates)
Gary and Ash watch a hockey game together. (Au notes in final note in ao3 version, I put them at the top in this one.)
Prompt: Roommates Note: The first thing I went to was watching a Hockey game together. …for some reason. I kinda made up my own Pokemon world teams, but feel free to imagine your favorite team I guess. (Though if it’s not the Sabers I don’t want you here. /light hearted) Also, for the record, they’re kind of American coded in this one. Whoops. I apologize for this look into my mind. Cws: Surprise kiss, sort of nonsensical writing Words: 1,791
End Notes:
…dude this is such a mess. (<- did not even try to edit it.)   Here’s a fun secret, I headcannon Blake (from Pokemon Adventures) as a Hockey player, and I made his number his dexholder number! :D I also headcannon Jun (from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure) as a Hockey player, and I made his number “3” because he has three total pokemon lol. I also put Hareta (from the same series) on his team and made him number “1” because that’s the number of my favorite Sabers goalie. :3 I also Headcannon Barry and Jun as triplets (the third being Pearl from Pokemon Adventures.) I also had to make up a last name for both Jun and Blake. For Jun I gave him “Aemilius,” because I went the roman route and it “was originally derived from the Latin word aemulus, which referred to equal or rival.” (iGENEA) And I gave Blake Rasmussen because it starts with an “r” sound and so does his Japanese name AND Rasmussen would look SICK on a Hockey jersey.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54803911
Prompts from here: @/shigerussato
Fic under the cut!
Gary plopped down on the couch in front of the already flickering TV, one hand clutched around a large can of some gross thing that Delia had bought them, and the other clinging desperately to an overfilled bowl of chicken wings. Already on the couch, Ash laughed and turned up the volume on the TV with the remote that he had apparently located. (Last time Gary had checked in, the two of them had been pretty sure that that thing was gone for good.)
“Is the game on yet?” He asked, setting the huge cup down on the coffee table (and releasing a short prayer that it wouldn’t spill) as he looked up at the current rush of ads across the television screen, “Who’s winning?”
Ash giggled and got halfway through a, “Not yet Oak,” before stopping and realizing that something was still missing from their Hockey watching spree. “Um, you did get us napkins, right?”
Gary looked around himself, and though he saw Ash’s fingerless glove clad hand already covered in Buffalo sauce, hovering unsurely about the rest of the chicken wings, he saw no napkins. “Oh dang it,” He let out an exasperated cry and smacked a hand to his forehead, “I forgot them in the other room, here, I’ll get them-,”
He went to stand, but all of a sudden the announcer sprang to life before them.
“Welcome to today’s game of Hockey,” he was saying, voice strong and accented like an old radio star, and speaking just as fast, “We’ve got a very interesting match up today,”
The second announcer interrupted, sounding just as excited as the first, “Thankfully for the Snowpoint Legends, it seems that number 3, Jun Aemilius, is back on the ice, after his injury on Wednesday we were getting worried that he might not be able to make it to the next game, but it seems the medics came through!”
“And based on today’s lineup for the Icirrus Truths, the Legends may have really needed the return. I mean, ever since number 16, Blake Rasmussen, was traded into the team from the Castelia Ideals, the Truths have been rising in power across the league,”
“However, the new goalie for the Legends, number 1, Hareta Rowan, might be able to match Rasmussen’s intensity,”
“Do you know who they’re talking about?” Gary whispered to Ash, who seemed to have given up on napkins and was instead licking his fingers clean. (Seeing this, he quickly flushed red and looked back to the screen, pretending to be looking for clues there, though he hoped Ash would not guess the true reason for his newfound focus. …though it wouldn’t have been a problem if he had known.)
“Number three for the Legends is triplets with one of my rivals from when I was in Sinnoh,” Ash commented, watching as the camera tracked after a very attractive blond offensive player as if it was a totally normal comment to make to his current rival.
Gary suddenly reached for a can on the table, suddenly realizing that his throat felt dry. 
“None of that,” Ash waved his hands back and forth, flinging a speck or two of leftover sauce into Gary’s face, “I still love you the most,” he looked down at the cans, “Plus, those are non-alcoholic,”
Gary put his head in his hands, laughing. Had Ash assumed he had been trying to get drunk? “I’m just thirsty Ash,” he said, “and you reminded me of what your mom bought us,”
Ash made a face, studying the cans critically, “I wouldn’t suggest trying those, they’re probably flavored, like, pumpkin pie or crayons or something,”
Gary studied the can in the brightness of the ice from the screen. “The first one,” he told Ash, making a face, “Pumpkin pie seltzer, are you kidding me? Where does she even get them?”
“The Viridian Pokemart I think,” Ash said, snuggling a bit closer to Gary under the guise of checking out the ingredients of the strange drink.
“Why would she go all the way to Viridian to get-,” Gary cut himself off as the game suddenly kicked into action on the screen in front of them. Ash too sat up, suddenly on the edge of his seat as the puck rushed from player to player, currently held by the Truths. Gary glanced over at Ash’s face, noticing that he didn’t look super happy about that fact. 
“Soo…” Gary tried, now his turn to scoot closer, “Are we rooting for the Legends?”
“Would you want to root for a team from Unova?”
“Fair point,”
The two sat together, watching as the action moved from player to player, occasional crashes and shrieks coming up from the players as they crashed together and into various metal walls. Gary found himself leaning forward and hissing in anticipation as the puck shot towards the goal on their side, but joined Ash in whooping when the (apparently not-so-rookie) goalie expertly blocked the shot, catching it under his glove and sending up cheers among the crowd on his side of the stadium.
Ash grabbed Gary’s arm and shook him, as if Gary had watched more than a couple of games before to understand quite what that meant for his team. “Did you see that?!” He asked, sounding almost as excited as he always had before their battles, “That was so cool!”
The fact that Gary didn’t quite understand the game did not stop him from sharing Ash’s excitement. (Though he suspected that was more due to the fact that his rival was all but climbing into his lap in nervous joy about the game.)
“Yeah,” Gary said, watching somewhat in awe as the players sped from side to side in the advertisement lined rink.
They continued to watch like that, whooping as number three on their team managed a goal and hissing as 16, Blake, on the other side finally managed one of his own. At one point, their hands met in the chicken wing bowl, and of course Ash couldn’t help but joke that it was the most affectionate they’d been since getting back to Pallet together. (Gary shoved him off his shoulder and laughed it off, but the entire next period passed before he was done blushing about it.)
Advertisements passed as Gary left to refill the snacks, and he found himself grinning with the draw to watch the game as he saw it starting up again.
“You have to admit that this is just as interesting as watching a Pokemon battle,” Ash said, between bites of chicken wing, looking expectantly up at Gary.
“And nowhere near as irritating,” Gary added, breaking off in the middle of his sentence to take a large sip of pumpkin pie seltzer. (Which was honestly even more interesting than Delia had advertised it as being.) “I’m not there picking through every mistake they make,”
They both cringed as, number three, the forward on the team they had decided to root for just barely missed an easy shot.
“For the most part anyway,” Gary corrected
“For the most part anyway,” Ash laughed, agreeing with him.
They looked forward, and the game went back into that comfortable blur as the announcers led the cheers (or boos) as players entered and left the ice. (Though Gary found himself realizing that the two rivals were getting oddly close again as the final period began to wrap up. Even if the “close together” in question was more like, “just about falling off the couch with how focused they were on the flashing screen,”)
They cheered as their goalie blocked yet another would-have-been goal, and then cheered even louder as their team managed to actually complete a goal of their own. They were back in the lead by one, and with only a couple of seconds remaining on the clock, and a major player of the Truths out for misconduct earlier in the match, it was looking good.
“Comeon comeon,” Ash muttered, his fingers digging into Gary’s shoulders as he leaned even further forward, “Just hold the goal for one more-,”
“No!” They both shrieked, watching as their goalie, the one named like his region’s professor, was knocked to the ground by an opposing player, allowing the puck to sail cleanly into the net behind him.
Making the game tied, and sending it into overtime as Ash jolted to his feet, taking two large steps forward and echoing the announcer as he yelped. “How was that not an illegal move!”
Gary stood and walked to meet him, but found his eyes similarly glued to the screen as the teams reset for the tie breaking move. In his still lacking understanding of the game, he couldn’t quite tell what was happening, but the energy in the crowd (and in Ash), was enough to tell him that, whatever it was, it was seriously interesting.
He squinted at the glowing ice, and then found himself jumping up and down as he spotted number three dragging the puck forward and towards the opposing goal. He was moving like lightning, skirting around nearly every other player as he raced for the win.
Ash and Gary watched in slow motion as 16, Blake, from the other team fought to catch up with Jun, and cheered as he crashed into a defenseman from his own team, clearly still at least a little shaken up from his apparent injury on Wednesday as the two skidded across the ice together, their balance lost.
It happened so fast that Gary almost missed it, but the puck banged against the net and the stadium exploded. Even with the TV on low volume, Gary truly felt like he was among the screaming fans as Ash jumped up and down beside him. Clapping his hands together and shivering in excitement. To Gary, the sight was almost funny, but as he opened his mouth to say something about it, he found himself the one taken aback as Ash jumped up and kissed him.
They hung that way for a moment, Gary feeling like he was floating in sudden joy as Ash’s arms wrapped briefly around his shoulders, only to be dragged back away again as his friend suddenly pulled back, face bright red.
“Oh I-,” he tried to explain himself, “I didn’t mean to-,”
Gary’s face was definitely bright red, but he didn’t care. “Well,” he said, grabbing Ash’s hands and leaning forward, “Do it again and I might think about coming back for the next game,” 
He smirked as Ash stuttered out a sudden, “I love you,” right before Gary pulled them back into a kiss as the cheers of the crowd echoed through the dark room. 
(Even if their mouths tasted like buffalo chicken wings and pumpkin pie seltzer.)
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ghosties--writing · 1 year
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Keegan x Reader
Content Warning: None literal Fluff
heres a link to follow me on other platforms
You looked up at the package or Doritos, sighing in defeat. The chips were limited edition and you wanted them so badly, but your height was not on your side this time.
"Need help?" a deep, creepy-sounding voice asked from across the aisle.
"If you're tall enough," you looked over to the black-haired man putting groceries in his cart.
Clearly the good-looking man was, as he stood on his tippy-toes and easily grabbed the bag of chips. "Here you go."
"Thanks, I Guess," you took the chips.
"No problem," the man flashed a smile, and you were drawn to him even more.
You continued your shopping, grabbing a few more things before leaving to checkout.
"Are you in the line?" you asked a couple holding hands.
"No," they smiled, and you went in front of them to get in line.
You wanted that so badly. A boyfriend to cuddle, hold hands, and kiss with. One that respected you for you and loved you for you. One that you wanted to spend eternity with. You knew it wasn't going to happen... that perfect thought.
"Your total is twenty and a penny," the cashier told you.
You pulled out your only cash, which happened to be a twenty-dollar bill, and handed it to the man.
"You still have to pay your penny."
"I don't have one," you said after digging through your purse.
"Then you need to get rid of some stuff," the cashier snapped.
"One penny short of the total," the man was not being very kind. "If you aren't going to pay, get out of the-"
"Ma'am, I think you dropped this," the same voice from earlier stopped the cashier from saying anything else.
seeing a penny being placed on the small counter in front of you, you gazed at it for a second. Slowly turning your head to the left to look to the owner of the voice, you saw the same man that helped you earlier. He had a slight smirk on his face and was resting his elbows on his cart handle. You turned your head back to the cashier and smiled slightly, trying not to show the man your smile.
"Here's your receipt," the cashier snapped. "With no change." Not bothering to say thank you, you pushed your cart away, taking the paper bag with you.
After parking the cart where the others were at the edge of the store, you pulled on your seat belt then started to back up. As you started to drive across the parking lot, you heard a weird yelling noise. Looking in the mirror, you widened your eyes and stopped.
"Wait!" the man running after you yelled once more as he ran up to the window.
"Are you stalking me or something?" you realized it was the same guy who had helped you twice.
"Not trying to," the man was panting only slightly. "You forgot this."
Seeing what was in his hand, you smiled slightly. "I thought I grabbed everything."
The cashier is a dick and set the Tylenol aside to charge you what you originally would have paid," the man put his hands on his hips. "Trying to screw a lady, how..."
"Rude," you finished, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm Keegan," the man stuck his hand out with a smile.
You couldn't look away from those bright blue eyes. "I'm Y/N."
Feed back is welcomed.
I do not condone my work being published on any platform or to be translated in any way.
Reblogs welcome.
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kimyoonmiauthor · 3 months
Useful free tools for writing.
More of the incidental tools that I find useful, regardless of how one usually writes that are often known in the writing community, but you might not know?
One Look dictionary
Reverse word look up. You know when you're getting stumped on a word you kinda know, but only can get the definition of, or you want to make sure your 3-word phrase can't be said more succinctly? Yeah, this resource should help. (The underline is a link)
Google Docs
I should note that after about 100K words, it starts to struggle. But it's good for editing, collab work, spreadsheets, and also keeping track of your previous drafts so if someone says, "But, but you plagiarized from me," you have a log saying you didn't, so you can say, "you likely took from me."
And so on.
Libre Office–because not everyone wants to deal with Google Docs or can afford Microsoft office. It also has a recovery function, so if it crashes, you can get your words back. (Microsoft Office often doesn't?)
Use it for formatting your manuscripts. For the editors out there, accept ODT format. This is absolutely free and sometimes it doesn't port well.
Rhyming dictionaries–yes, they exist. The slant rhyming is also useful. There are slant rhyming dictionaries too.
The almighty square bracket. []
To all of you discovery writers out there that can't afford Scrivener. This is the tool for you. You've written and dumped all this information into the text that shouldn't belong there, but you want to keep it. What do you do? You square bracket it.
If not that, there is also the curly bracket if you need a sub category. {
It's great for:
Editing notes.
Please expand this note to yourself.
Examine this phrase later because you moved on, but it doesn't sound right.
Cataloging important information you might need at a later date.
Info dumping that you want to break up.
Storing long descriptions you want to use elsewhere.
You're too lazy to catalog in your world building notes great information.
You have ADHD and some other idea has occurred to you, but it's totally off topic. Square bracket.
To avoid plagiarism 'cause you forgot you pulled a source.
If you're one of those super detailed people, you can also color code it. The reason is that both curly and square brackets almost never show up in manuscripts. <> sometimes does, but also often doesn't.
The best part is no matter your program, format, or keyboard, you have it.
Note that this doesn't work for Japanese as well, but Japanese also have access to {} which is why I noted it here.
You need to make a calendar for your planet and need the quick calculations.
You need to make a morpheme list for your mythical language.
You want to delineate gender quickly.
This usually comes with Google Spreadsheets, Microsoft Office and Libre Office. But writers often (me included) forget they exist.
But they are useful for more than number crunching. And some writers use them for plotting too.
For Fantasy/SF writers: Donjon:
The whole website, but particularly the Fantasy Calendar maker is useful.
Google Search: Quotes.
You want to fact check a quote. Or you got distracted and forgot to put in the citation information.
To be or not to be
is horrible search for. So what you do is this: "To be or not to be."
And you might get Will Shakespeare.
BTW, Goodreads is a horrible horrible source for finding out where quotes came from. Make sure you have the actual page number/place it was said with the surrounding quotes.
Equally, the -[item] is also often useful when you're searching.
You're looking up say... Kimchi, and you want search results that don't have napa in it You would type "kimchi -napa"
You are researching... I hope, I hope.
Public domain books: Project Gutenberg
You need a back issues of Gustav Freytag's Dies Techniks des dramas.
You need the quote from Anne of Green Gables.
You want to check if this Winnie the Pooh quote is in the earlier or later works because of public domain issues.
You need to read The Art of War for the tenth time.
You need to read Machiavelli's The Prince, because you are writing politics and war.
This is the place to find it. Sometimes, sometimes it is public domain, but it's not in there.
Libby (app), for example. Sign up for it. Get a library card and you'll save yourself money. Some countries don't have one, but for the ones that do, you can read print books and consume audiobooks at home.
Often self-pubbed books are on there too. If you have an amazon account then you can use the kindle app with it.
Sometimes you can also go to university libraries and though you can't check anything out, you can use their catalogs to look up things. You sometimes have to be there, but often they give links to free resources in their catalogs and might be easier to use than JSTOR. You don't have to be a student. Just be respectful of the people there, and try to put the books back where you found them. (usual library stuff).
This will save you going to Hawaii for the University of Hawaii, for example, because you know they have some awesome East Asian resources.
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