#i tried to go down the 'what if they're too young and don't have supportive parents' route
aintgonnatakethis · 1 year
Trans man who shall remain nameless: Men don't get periods.
Me: ??? Some trans men do.
Him: They don't. If they were actually men they'd get the medical care needed to stop getting them.
Me: ...So you weren't a real man until your periods stopped?
Him: Yeah.
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a-hazbin-reader · 3 months
I know Alastor craves Wifey’s attention, but does Wifey crave his attention in the same way?
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: None?? I think???
Description: ☝️⬆️
Alastor loves having your attention but he loves it even more when you seek him out, he loves being needed by you
He tries to hide his giddiness though, he can't be caught grinning like a fool because his wife wants a hug from him
He has a reputation to uphold
He's in his radio tower and you suddenly sit yourself in his lap mid broadcast? He's wrapping an arm around you and kissing your head while you bury your face in his neck
He cuts out the broadcast for a moment to give you the proper attention, tilting your chin up so that you look at him
"Just a moment, folks! Hello darling, stressful day?"
His claws are scratching along the back of your neck, sending a pleasant tingle down your spine as you lean against him
"Mmn... just wanna be with you..."
Suddenly you're being squeezed tight, your face smashed into his neck so you don't see the heat rising to his face over how cute you are
Anyone who might've been listening would find the screams of the broadcast suddenly interrupted by sharp crackling radio static
He's trying to get out of bed and you whine that you want him to stay?? He's going to try his hardest and resist the urge to jump back in
That is until you wrap your arms around him and press your chest to his back, rubbing your cheek on his shoulder
"Just stay in bed...we could have a lazy day..."
Alastor has to rub a hand over his face to hide his blush, his smile tight from trying not to coo over you, giving you a small kiss
"You have to get up too, my dear~ Come on, I'll make breakfast."
He stands up only to feel you hanging off of him, legs wrapping around him with determination
"No. I stay with you."
"Fine then, I'm going to get started on our day."
"I'll be right here~"
A small bleat escapes him, actual steam coming out of his ears as he helps support your legs
"Darling please! What will everyone say?"
You just close your eyes and hum, resting your head against his back as he laughs at the absurdity of the situation
"Don't care. Going back to sleep..."
Nobody dares look at you two as Alastor walks about the hotel with you strapped to his back, they all do their best to pretend like it's not happening
Except Angel who laughs as soon as Alastor walks into the lobby with a mug of coffee in hand, ears down low as he tries to hide his embarrassment
"Ha! Whipped!"
There's been plenty of times where you've just come to him wanting his affection for a moment before scampering off
You've even interrupted overlord meetings because he left without giving you a goodbye kiss, you always found an excuse to get in
One time, you even showed up with trays of food, trailing behind Rosie and Zestial, who both helped you crash the meeting and carry food
Carmilla was visibly surprised at the sight of you, doing a double take and cautiously sniffing the air
"Y/N..? What is all this..?"
You don't miss the way your husband's cheeks light up as he tries to look as innocent as possible, realizing his mistake
"Alastor forgot his lunch and I just couldn't let all of you go hungry..! I hope you don't mind~"
You brought out the big guns with the food, and none of the overlords even make a fuss about you being there
You come around to your husband's chair, hearing him audibly gulp as you lean down to kiss his temple
"Hello again, my dear-"
"You forgot to kiss me goodbye, darling~ What's a girl supposed to think when her husband won't kiss her?"
You sound so pitiful and cute, he can't help but stand up to squeeze you into a proper hug before walking you out to try and preserve some of his image
"They're just so cute, aren't they? Young love and all that~"
"...they are."
"Aren't they both like-fucking old?"
"Eat your food."
It's already gone, Alastor
"Forgive me, my dear... I was in a hurry and didn't realize-"
He feels even worse when you wrap your arms around his neck and give him a sad face, resting against him
"You owe me...at least 12 kisses and not little ones!"
He's fumbling to find the words to say, using one hand to push away your kissy lips while he looks away from you
He knows he looks so whipped right now-he needs a moment to compose himself
Once he's able to look at you again, he knows it's all over, a soft blush on his face as you kiss his palm and stare at him
"I just want some attention from my husband, is that so bad?"
He can't deny you anything, leaning in to give you a soft kiss and rubbing your cheek, you nearly kill him when he pulls away and sees your lovesick expression
"I'll be home soon, I promise. You'll get all of my time and attention after that, deal?"
You close your eyes and nuzzle against his hand, practically hugging his arm to keep him there
"Mm...making deals with a man like you is dangerous, what do you want in return?"
Alastor can't help but grin, pulling you in closer for another kiss and stopping just before your lips touch
"I've already got an adorable wife~ Buuuut~ If you're offering something then maybe we go out dancing later?"
He kisses you before you can answer, pressing his forehead to yours as he smiles at you
"It's a deal then~"
Reluctantly, he lets you walk away after giving you a few more kisses only to realize later that you got exactly what you wanted
When he walks back into the meeting, everyone's eyes are on him before they suddenly look down at their meals
Carmilla coughs awkwardly and Rosie pushes a mirror towards Alastor, who discovers his face is covered in lipstick marks
He can't even bring himself to be mad, sighing fondly as he takes a napkin from Carmilla and wipes his face off
What is he going to do with you...
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I hope you like this one!!
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u3pxx · 2 months
PLEASEEE can you elaborate on the gavinners i cant stop looking at them theyre so pretty
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sometimes i forget that outside of my friends and servers, i don't really talk much about my gavinners boys* huh! so basically, i originally wanted to make them so i could beef up turnabout serenade in my roleswap au, kind of like turnabout samurai where you have a lot more characters which in turn means a lot more suspects!
but then i realized, wait, i need to make them in the canon-verse first before i could make their swap au counterparts! and so now they exist pftt
here y'all go, i'm gonna be copy-pasting the character descriptions i wrote for them during art fight pftt <3
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Height: 5'7" (170 cm), 5'9.5" (176) with boots on Birthday: Jul 7 ♋︎ | Pronouns: He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Deidre is the seemingly gloomy and stoic drummer of the band The Gavinners! At first, it could be difficult to get a read on them but despite all that, they're just like that because they prefer saving their energy. It might not look like it, but Deidre enjoys company even if they're not the most chatty with it and thrives the most when they are around other people (she prefers it if she's around the people closest to her though). Deidre is pretty sensitive and an emotional person even if they don't outwardly express it. To the people close to them, Deidre has a sarcastic streak and can be pretty snappy when it comes to teasing. She can dish it but she can't take it however as they can get slightly irritated when they're teased back. Even if they are a rockstar, they can get embarrassed when people praise or say nice things about them to their face, he tends to brush affection if even if he is secretly flattered by it (he's not gonna admit it though pftt) They also enjoy doodling here and there and like stuffed animals (they have a few of their own!)
Deidre was the closest to Daryan so the events of 4-3 affected him immensely. They felt betrayed and confused and tried to deny that Daryan would be capable of taking another person's life; they scrambled to do everything to protect Daryan from omitting information and even lying on the stand. In the end, all of their efforts were for naught and they felt incredibly guilty for what they've done, especially since she started antagonizing Preston when he was starting to suspect Daryan. They cut themselves off from the group, their job, and stardom. They ended up severely depressed and started to rarely go outside anymore. Only Doremy (Daryan's twin, also a close friend of his) was able to reach him during this time while Viva tried to but he kept refusing to see him. It took them a long time to finally be able to reconnect with the group and it took them a lot of help and support to be able to be well again. Deidre carries Daryan's betrayal to the group heavily and it took a while for her to start forgiving herself.
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Age: 25 | Height: 5'9" (175 cm) Birthday: Jan 1 ♑︎ | Pronouns: He/Him
Viva is the lively and energetic bassist of the band The Gavinners! Though he may seem goofy and a little unserious, he actually is pretty responsible and is the mediator of the band (as the eldest brother of his siblings and the eldest of the band, he kind of made that his responsibility). He's a forensic scientist and has always had an interest in science alongside music ever since he was young (he thinks Ema is very pretty but she finds him annoying pftt). Viva was the last one to join the band when they were all in high school and despite his extroverted personality, felt a little shy at the time getting to know a new group of people (it's because Preston was there who he may or may not have crushed at while in high-school.) He's a lover of all things caffeinated (especially energy drinks though he should really pace himself) which isn't always the best match to the fact that he's got terrible anxiety and thinks himself down a spiral when he gets too worried.
Once the band disbanded after the events of AA4, Viva, though left in a bad place with his anxiety shot through the roof, fared better compared to the other members. He tried his best to keep in touch with everyone with varying successes despite Daryan's arrest being fresh and hurt. - visiting Daryan in prison to hear his side of the story - popping in to check at Preston in his office because the guy started to take worse care of himself - contacting Deidre even if she was trying to isolate and cut herself from everyone and looking out for Klavier even if he buried himself in his work He took a break from music like everyone else, he still hopes one day they can meet up and play music again, not even as a band, but as a group of friends who loved creating music.
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Age: 25 | Height: 6'1" (185 cm) Birthday: Oct 25 ♏︎ | Pronouns: He/Him
Preston is the mysterious yet magnetic keyboardist of the Gavinners! Tall, dark, and bewitching; Preston is aware of the impression people have of him at first glance and likes to use that preconception to surprise and even catch people off-guard by purposely being silly or crass. He has a number of odd quirks and mannerisms that he doesn't realize he has, people tend to notice but they often let it pass because he is very handsome (pretty privilege lmao). Preston can sometimes be mischievous and finds certain things amusing only to him even if others don't find it as funny. He's always had an interest in horror and the macabre ever since he was a young boy which developed into a great fascination with the special effects used in old and new horror films alike. (He can be a bit jumpy when watching movies even if he loves to do it, he can't help it if the movie gets to him!) He plays up his whole immortal vampire schtick because the fans tend to theorize if he really was one. (He is not, he'd love to be one though pftt) Preston is very stubborn and adamant about his opinions and can be difficult to sway if he thinks he's correct; he is also quite awkward when it comes to personal matters, as can be seen in his strained relationship with his older sister and whatever romantic thing he's trying to achieve with Viva. He's used to acting larger than life when the cameras are on but being raw and honest has him feeling a little embarrassed and stilted. Preston smokes and keeps it a secret. (Don't tell Viva that!)
Preston was the first person in the band to start suspecting Daryan which he mostly kept to himself at first but wouldn't deny when you asked him (Deidre did not like that.) After Lamirior accused Daryan in court, Preston was determined to make Deidre confront the truth (unfortunately, not taking in why Deidre might be upset and in denial about it) which caused them to have a fight (with Viva being unsuccessful in de-escalating it.) After the Gavinners disbanded, Preston didn't feel very well after Daryan got sent to prison and lost contact with Deidre (whom he hasn't talked to since the case. [he misses them.]) He seemed fine afterward with his workload seeming to increase though upon closer inspection, he's started taking worse care of himself, skipping meals, and losing his interest in music. Preston has a lot of baggage to sort through regarding his friends and his family that will be difficult and painful for him to confront, but rest assured, he's gonna come out of it happy and well.
and here's a compilation of some very old turnabout serenade drawings too :^]
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(i didnt make dei's bday turnabout serenade on purpose, it was a tragic happy accident DFGHDJ i wanted his bday to be 7/7 bc i made daryan 6/6 but then the date. i realize the date orz)
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 6 months
Why is it always Hellva Boss earworms that make me come up with ideas?
So, during the whole Freakshow thing, it wasn't true mind control. Danny was definitely affected, but it messed with his self esteem and emotions to the point where he damaged all of his relationships and is considering running away. Freakshow, who was a little bit smarter in this, then reveals that he knows Danny's a halfa and hey, why don't you join my ghost circus while you figure some things out.
So Danny becomes a clown because he's always liked clowns, and if you've seen the new episode, you know what happens next
and over the course of a few years, Freakshow isolates Danny from his family and friends, indoctrinates him into the crime side of business, and gaslights Danny into thinking he's nothing without him. Danny loves performing, but is so beaten down that he thinks he can't leave even if that's what he wants. Danny's a famous performer at this point, even if no one knows his real identity. The other ghosts aren't really a comfort since they're mind controlled.
The Justice League, specifically Young Justice, already know that Circus Gothica is a crime ring, but have no evidence to get them arrested bc the ghosts (who they think are just metas) are too good. The leader during the thefts (Danny) is the only one they've ever been able to get close to. Maybe at some point, Tim!Robin and Danny get trapped and Danny has a panic attack for failing Freakshow? Something happens that makes Tim convinced Danny isn't a criminal willingly, but he can't convince the others.
Danny and Klarion somehow end up dating. Freakshow joins the light, probably, and the two work really well together. Klarion asks Danny out, and Danny was really reluctant since he hasn't had... anyone, in years, but they date and it's just another thing for Freakshow to hold over his head.
Eventually, Freakshow gets the inkling that Danny isn't working as hard as he should be so he puts "Greatest Clown in the World" contest, and tells Danny that all the clowns who don't win will be immediately killed.
Danny is horrified, but he can only care about himself right now, so he's working his ass off.
(Meanwhile, in Gotham, the Joker tried to join, but the Batman broke in, stole all his bones, and left him in the hospital for a few months)
So Danny's putting his all into this performance, but Young Justice finds out about the murder bit and infiltrates with, IDK, disguised Nightwing? Klarion is also there to support his man.
Danny ends up tying with Nightwing, and the tie-breaker is a three minute performance and whoever's more entertaining wins. Danny has a panic attack during Nightwing's performance and Tim and Klarion team up to talk to Danny.
Danny's convinced he will be nothing without Freakshow (literally, he might fully die), so while Klarion helps him feel better about his skills, Tim finally gets the deets about Danny's whole situation. Tim logics that Freakshow mindcontrolling this other dimensional species + Danny is half this species = Danny is being mind controlled, pissing off Klarion while Danny thinks back to what happened when Circus Gothica first came to town.
His irrational anger at family and friends, his desperate need for approval from Freakshow, how he never even considered going independent, how he thought he was immune to the mind control staff despite being half ghost.... He's pissed. He wants to quit.
So he tells Tim that YJ needs to get the staff during his performance; without it, Freakshow wouldn't be able to mind control anyone. And he goes on to give his performance.
As for that... look, 2 Minute Notice is an amazing song with amazing choreography. the only thing i would add would be a quad somersault during the trapzee part.
Danny proves himself as an amazing clown, Freakshow gets arrested since Danny is willing to testify against him, the ghosts are free, and Klarion later murders Freakshow in a cell because that's his boyfriend, you pathetic excuse of a warlock.
"Freakshow, you sad sack of shit! Fuck you!"
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AITA for telling my wife her book isn't that good?
So me (27M) and my wife (27F) have been married for 5 years. In the entire time we've been married, she had put her professional advancement on hold and chooses to stay at an office job with little potential for career advancement because her true dream is to write and publish books and she says she won't have time to write and pursue that dream if she has to put all her energy into a career she doesn't care about. I think that's not a good attitude to have, because being able to make money from writing books and getting published is really difficult and depends a lot on luck and her career choices impact me because we're married. If she doesn't reach her earning potential then I will need to make up for it by earning more for the both of us. So I feel a lot of the burden in finances while she just gets to chase her dream.
She has been resentful of me for a while that I don't support her writing, but I do! I think she's a great writer and I'm very proud of her, and I tell lots of people that my wife is a writer when they ask what she does. The only thing is that she's always talking about her books and thinking about them and talking about them to her friends and writing partners. She claims to have ADHD and writing is her hyperfixation but she's never been officially diagnosed and hasn't ever tried medication or anything. She'll work on them when there are things to do, like the kitchen is a mess or it's dinner time. And before people get mad at me for expecting her to be a maid I cook and clean a lot too. I just want more participation from her because I get tired of doing everything and sometimes I just want to be taken care of, too. She cleans and cooks sometimes, though she always half-does things, but it just bothers me when I get home hungry from work and she's been home for 20 minutes or so and she hasn't started cooking and the house is a mess and she's just sitting at her laptop.
If I'm honest, I don't like reading. English isn't my first language which makes it harder, and she writes what she calls "young adult books" and they're plots about teengers that aren't very interesting to me. I tried to read her book and got about six chapters in, but it was just really hard for me to keep going so I never finished it. Honestly I don't really care about her books, and it bothers me that her books are ALWAYS on her mind. For example if we're intimate, sometimes her gaze goes distant and I can tell her mind is elsewhere and probably on her books, and when we finally get time together it's like she's not interested in the conversation until it touches on writing or her books. I don't usually talk to her about her books much though, so to be honest she doesn't talk that much to me about it, she'll text other people. But I can tell she always wishes I would talk to her about it. I just wish she could be interested in something that isn't her own writing, like me and our life together.
So this issue kept coming up with her saying I'm not supportive, and I decided to take it to heart. I wanted to support her as a writer and help her achieve her goal of publication. So I sat her down and told her that while she's a good writer and her finished book is good, it's not great, and she's telling a story about a girl who's experiencing poverty and death and mental illnesses, all of which she doesn't have experience with, and it shows. It's a good accomplishment, but probably won't be published so if she wants to be published, she should maybe start something else. Well, she blew up at me and started yelling at me that I have no room to say that because I'm not the intended audience and I never finished it anyway and that she knows more about publishing than I do and her friends and family that read it thought it was amazing. But first of all, she can't trust her family and friends because they'll just support her even if it's not what she needs to hear, and I should be the one who she can count on to tell her the truth. Besides, I'm in the finance industry and know much more about business than she does. She got angry and stormed away and refused to talk to me for the rest of the day.
I don't want to apologize, because I think she needed to hear it. But she was so mad and even talked about it to her therapist, so I'm wondering if I'm the asshole for saying that in the first place and if she's actually right and I'm not really supporting her.
What are these acronyms?
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Headcanons of Lucifer watching his s/o and Charlie getting along and maybe even having a little musical note together I just know he'd be getting all teary eyed and shit seeing his baby girl having some form of mother figure or someone she can really look to for advice currently present in her life ❤️ Thanks sm hope u have a good day/night!
I think at first the relationship between Charlie and anyone her dad dates is awkward because she's so nice and trying to be supportive and Lucifer's new s/o would be trying too hard to create that bond. But steadily, you two would find real things you have in common and begin spending time together.
I'm going to use myself for reference here, but I personally really like arts and crafts kind of stuff and am willing to listen to pretty much all genres of music as long as I like the beat/rhythm. So I imagine most of your bonding is done making posters for the hotel, doing crafts with the guests, and just in general vibing to music together.
Like, one suggested activity for the group is coloring because it's a good outlet and it becomes so popular you guys just have a permanent stack of coloring pages and books available with marker, pens, colored pencils, and you, Charlie, Lucifer, and Vaggie are all just coloring and talking, Lucifer's telling embarrassing stories about baby Charlie for you and Vaggie, and you share a few embarrassing stories of yourself to make Charlie feel better and the absolute relief on her face is palpable.
Charlie is nervous because some sinners critiqued her hotel, her appearance, how her dad had to bail her out in the fight against heaven and it's all just making her upset. And of course her dad and her girlfriend are gonna say stuff about how she's beautiful, the hotel is a wonderful idea, and she was so brave in that fight. And like, yeah you're dating her dad and you've been super nice so far, but when you sit down next to her and ask quietly, "Can I offer you some advice?"
"Please? I feel like I don't know what I'm doing."
You laugh, patting her shoulder. "You're young, Charlie, you're not supposed to have it all figured out. But one thing you can do, is decide not to let judgemental pricks get to you. Take every criticism with a grain of salt. Improve, adapt, and filter out bullshit. You can't make everyone happy, and you'll exhaust yourself if you try. So as long as you're happy and at the end of the day you can say you're proud of what you've done, that you tried....well, that should be enough, right?"
Charlie thinks about it and nods. There's a visible shift in her attitude. "Thanks, I needed to hear that....Do you think you could help me read through some of the reviews and stuff? I want to improve if there's any genuine issue that I can address and Dad and Vaggie are....a lot. They just keep trying to tell me everything is perfect."
"They're just trying to hype you up. They love you a lot, so naturally they want you to feel successful and excited. Come on, let's go make some big bowls of ice cream and read through those reviews using silly AI voices. It'll be hilarious."
You and Charlie head off to do just that, talkin and laughing, and neither one of you notices Lucifer absolutely melting into the floor from a few floors up, as he clings to the railing he was leaning against to ease drop. He's gonna need a few minutes to recover. He's crying happy tears. His little girl is grown up and getting along with his partner and they're spending time together and enjoying things together. You're giving her advice and offering her comfort and meeting Charlienat her level and he's just more convinced you're perfect.
He may or may not be ring shopping in the near future. Probably with Ozzie and Bee. They've always had good taste and will probably be thrilled to help him. And if Ozzie is also casually looking for a ring while they're out, well, Lucifer won't say anything.
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vegaseatsass · 13 days
Rewatched My Stand-In eps 2 and 3 tonight, and I'm definitely newly fascinated with Ming POV/Ming's internal concept of what was happening between him and Joe that entire time. I forgot just how much we got of Ming's home life and family in episode 2, and my brain is abuzz trying to connect all the dots. His relationship with May is so interesting. She clocks that he and Joe are together on Christmas, and is immediately careful to conceal it not just from their parents but from Tong. May and Ming have this "us against the world" vibe where they protect and cover for each other, going back to May giving herself pneumonia saving Ming from drowning. I absolutely believe there's more going on in their family than mom pressuring Ming to marry women any time he goes home - I actually suspect things about his family are being obscured for future painful reveals - but May is a safe space for him. Until Tong is added into the picture, and Ming has to flee the country for four years to get away from his big feelings. It's just kind of bonkers to me that he had this intense, safe and presumably very grounding relationship with his sister, but made his obsession with a random movie star the centerpiece of his world instead. Why did he imprint on Tong? Is it really just Joe's sexy back muscles that drew him in? Did he think if he could land a famous movie star his parents would accept him being with a man? Was it subconscious self-sabotage of his only safe relationship lol? I genuinely have no idea!! What I am stuck on though is when he told May he was working through something, and would tell her when he was ready, but he promised he'd get through it. On rewatch, it seems very obvious that what he's talking about is the torch he's carrying for Tong, so to me that's a reveal that he's deliberately trying to move on with Joe - not using him as a sex doll replacement, but throwing himself into something real. (What's messy obviously is that Ming started this for the proxyfucking, but I think overhearing Joe confess his love for Ming to Sol is when Ming started making a determined effort to choose Joe.) There's also his reaction to Joe's Christmas gift where the watch becomes a metaphor for Joe himself (vs. Tong): Ming doesn't need the "top" one, why can't he want the "normal" one?
The first time I was watching this, I assumed that Ming just has no internal awareness of how important Joe is to him, he just feels pure need and acts very very normal when his emotional support stand-in is ripped away. I assumed Ming believes he's in love with Tong and thinks he's just passing some time with Joe. It doesn't help that every time Joe presses him on anything emotional Ming shuts him down or outright negs him lolllll
But like for example, in the scene where they're shopping together and Joe gets excited about the couple mugs, first Ming snaps "What makes you think we're a couple?", then he tries to mitigate his slip by playing it off: "after living with me, you'll realize you don't want me as a boyfriend." His kneejerk impulse to shut Joe down and say cruel things is imo a defense mechanism, a really maladaptive one that helps convince Joe later on that there was never any love there, but I'm starting to think it's triggered in response to actually wanting the intimacy and primacy that Joe is pushing for, and being terrified of that.
It would make so much sense for somebody who is terrified of needing anybody else, of being vulnerable or feeling anything real, to decide they're in love with a complete asshole movie star who uses their family for money and them personally for favors, and shape their life around that. Especially now that I understand how young Ming was when he first fixated on Tong (17ish??), I just feel like that entire imprinting is your classic teenager-who-is-not-ready-to-be-in-a-real-relationship parasocial spiral. I used to do it with male celebrities too!!! (I am a lesbian. lmfaooo)
It's interesting because while there's something conceptually romantic about the back Ming first got obsessed with being Joe's all along, it ultimately doesn't really matter to me WHO the onscreen person that he fixated upon was. What matters is how ill-equipped Ming has proven to handle real feelings for a real person in front of him, and the journey he has from here to learn how to human. I can't wait. P.S. Other thing I forgot happened in episode 2: - Ming made drunk!Joe sleep on the floor of Joe's own home - BEFORE Ming moved in or had any claim to the space - AFTER Ming told Sol he would take "really really good care of Joe" as a way of trying to claim Joe in front of the competition His journey to human is going to be a loooooooooooooooooong one, methinks... 😈
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yazmarina · 8 days
i wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be
zak o'sullivan (f2) x fem!reader
your best friend is a monaco race winner. you find out winning turns others into totally different people
warnings/notes: smut, mutual masturbation, dry humping
a/n: this is very self indulgent okay let me have my zak moment,,,and this turned out much dirtier than expected LMAO okay bye
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You weren't even supposed to be here. The flight, accommodation, and paddock pass were almost too much, and you debated just dropping the plan altogether.
But Monaco is special to a lot of racing drivers. Symbolic in the way that it holds history and is the place of many victories. It's special to him.
So, you bite the bullet, book the tickets, and grit your teeth through the exorbitant amount that turned up on your credit card record. You only live once, live in the moment, viva la vida, whatever.
You're here now in Monte Carlo, in arguably the best seat you could afford with what you had after months of saving and weaseling a loving loan from your parents. Watching the race. Watching Zak.
You arrived early this morning, rushing to your hotel, and packing what you needed for the day. You tried to get some shut-eye, managing to get barely three hours of sleep. And then off to the track you went.
Zak doesn't know you're here. You had to lie through your teeth to your own best friend. You told him Monaco just wasn't in the cards and that you'd see him race some other time. In Silverstone, maybe, or Monza.
He has no clue that you're sitting here, with bated breath, as the lap count ticks down with every minute. Zak is leading but he hasn't pitted yet, and they're about to enter the second to the last lap of the race, and what the fuck are they doing not pitting him yet?
Then it happens, almost too quick for you to register. The large screen in front of your section shows a collision. Yellow flag. Virtual safety car.
You're confused for a moment, shocked exclamations erupting around you, but then you see it happen. Zak pits in the midst of the safety car, rushes out, and comes out a second ahead of the whole pack.
You don't even notice how loud you gasp as you finally realize what's happening. One more lap to go and Zak is leading.
The seconds seem to tick by awfully slow yet the race is coming to an end right before your eyes. The checkered flag waves and he crosses the line and the crowd erupts in cheers, mixed with disbelief and genuine awe.
His team gambled and he walked away with the jackpot.
Zak O'Sullivan, Monaco race winner.
Everything played out in one big blur after. You were clapping, then you were crying, running, squeezing through people, pushing, praying that you get to the paddock unscathed.
You pause for a second in front of a screen to watch the champagne spray around Zak on the podium. He's beaming, still in awe himself. You feel the tears come once more and you sprint through the throngs of people and down the streets of Monte Carlo.
You arrive at where the team support trucks are, growing nervous with each step. You came alone and sure, some of the ART people knew who you were, but without Zak, you're feeling a little lost.
You stop in front of the ART truck and it's quiet, as you expected, with all of the employees probably down at the podium celebrations. A pair of personnel clad in the team kit exit the vehicle just as you contemplate contacting Zak's trainer.
"Hi," one of them greets, a sprightly young woman around your age greets. Probably one of the communication people.
"Are you here for Victor or–"
"Zak," you rush out. "I'm ______, his friend. I've gone with him back in Bahrain and Jeddah this year, but I came just this morning so..."
"Oh! Yes, it's you. I remember now, Zak's friend, yeah," the other cuts in. "He was pretty bummed out today, saying something about how you couldn't make it?"
You feel the heat rise in your cheeks. "Yes, that's me. I wanted to surprise him."
"Well, consider me surprised."
You turn around, your heart leaping into your throat. Standing there is the best friend himself, drenched in champagne and holding his winning trophy to his side.
Zak rushes to you and pulls you into a hug, handing off his trophy momentarily to the employees. You feel his arms circle around your waist just as you feel the rest of your tears fall.
"I'm so proud of you," you whisper as you bury your face into his shoulder.
"I thought you couldn't make it," Zak says, pulling away slightly to peer at your tear-streaked face. "But my luck just keeps getting better, huh?"
You meet his eyes and you can see the sparkle of victory in his irises. He grins down at you and pulls you in again, swaying you from side to side.
"Zak, we need a bit more media from you," comes a voice calling out from further down the paddock.
"I'll be a minute!" Zak calls over his shoulder, slipping his hand in yours. "Take my trophy with you but be careful!"
You giggle, glancing behind to see the ART personnel shake their heads in disbelief.
"Come here a second," Zak says, pulling you toward the entrance to their makeshift motorhome for the weekend.
You step inside, familiar with how the interior is, having seen something similar from when Zak was still in Prema last year. You're usually not allowed inside, but riding off a win, you suppose no one dared argue with Zak.
The door shuts and Zak turns to look at you. His eyes scan your face, a smile growing wider on his lips.
"You're here," Zak states as if still not believing it.
"I'm sorry I lied," you admit sheepishly. "I wanted to surprise you, maybe comfort you if the race doesn't go as planned."
Zak chuckles, stepping closer and taking your other hand. You take a good look at your best friend and you feel yourself tear up again.
"But I'm here to celebrate your first podium, a win in Monaco, instead. How about that?" You finish, letting out a breath as Zak takes ahold of your face, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
"How about that, indeed," Zak repeats, tilting your head up so you're looking at him.
You're quite familiar with how success can make you do uncharacteristic things. It makes you reckless, unboundedly giddy. Drivers lock lips with their significant others in front of the camera after a win. Shirts discarded. Champagne poured down their bodies.
Oh, but you're not Zak's girlfriend. There are no cameras.
But you taste the champagne just the same as Zak pulls you in, kissing you with so much force it drives you back against the door.
You reach behind you, still having the presence of mind to turn the lock and bar anyone from walking in on you and Zak.
You grab at the half-undone collar of Zak's race suit, tugging the zipper down in one fell swoop. Zak pulls away, long enough to shrug his suit off, just enough so it hangs under his hips.
You understand now, that underneath it all, success makes you horny.
"Zak," you begin. "What...wait–"
Your best friend pauses, breathing heavily, hair mussed up and lips shiny from kissing you.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't want him with every fiber of your being.
"We can stop," Zak offers, reaching out tentatively. He brushes some strands of hair away from your face.
"I just...I was really lucky today and I thought maybe I should just gamble one more time," he explains, trailing his fingers down the side of your face, to your neck, fingertips lightly brushing against your collarbone.
You get it. Or you think you do. He wants you, too.
You pause. You turn it over in your head for a second. What this means for the both of you. If you do this, you step out of this truck as something different from when you entered.
"Come here," you whisper, grasping the back of Zak's neck before leaning in to kiss him again. He groans, large hands finding your waist as he pulls you flush against him.
You can feel him poking through his fireproofs and you moan into the kiss, grinding hard against the stiffness. Your dress hikes up as you wrap a leg around Zak's waist.
"Fuck," he curses. "I didn't...god, have I had a boner all this time?"
You giggle, rubbing even more on Zak. He groans, throwing his head back, his hold on your waist almost vice-like.
"Winning does that to you," you whisper, kissing along his defined jawline.
"My race winner," you say right next to Zak's ear, biting down on his earlobe after.
Zak buries his face into the crook of your neck, rutting against you, desperate for release. You thread your fingers through his hair and tug lightly, whimpering as the friction through your underwear increases.
"Oh god, look at us," you mutter hurriedly. "Grinding and humping like a bunch of horny school kids."
"I'm gonna cum," Zak warns, pulling off slightly before reaching into his fireproof bottoms. He pulls his length out, pumping furiously.
You pull your dress all the way up to your stomach, tugging your underwear away just enough to let Zak have a view of how drenched you are. Your fingers reach down to circle around your clit as Zak continues to jerk off.
"Cum in them," you offer, gesturing to your panties. "I'll keep it on the whole day."
Zak's mouth hangs open as he finishes all over his fist and into the fabric of your underwear, the delicate material catching his sticky release. The sight of the mess pushes you over the edge yourself, your knees buckling slightly as you try to keep yourself upright through your euphoria.
You retract your hand from between your legs, panting and noticing you've worked up a sweat, as if you had just gone for a long, very sexually-charged jog.
Zak looks at you and smiles, taking your soiled hand and licking your fingers clean off. He winks as his lips let go with a pop! and you reach over to smack him in the chest.
"Naughty," you grumble, though you're grinning just as wide.
"I know you are, but what am I?" Zak taunts, pressing a kiss to your lips. You sigh against it and savor it all: Zak's touch, the smell of champagne on his skin, and the glow that seems to envelop you two now.
"They're probably looking for you," you whisper, kissing the corner of his mouth.
"I'll be back," Zak reassures, stepping back. He stills for a moment and takes the image of you in once more before kissing your cheek.
"Wait here, yeah?"
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Just thinking about a deadly disease spreading throughout the RE8 village and reader being one of the unfortunate to get infected. Its a supert painful disease that kills you very slowly. Chances of survival are next to none.
Poor reader is just having the worst time of have her life because this disease is eating her from inside out but she doesn't even have the time to rest or process it because she's still on her mission to find Rose.
Her only comfort is Handsome, the zombie cyborg growing more distressed by the hour. Your skin is turning pale, you're losing weight faster than you're consuming calories, you're feverish, breaths are shallow and you can't even seem to hold your own weight, having to lean on Handsome for support, all while chanting "Rose. Rose. Need to find her."
Eventually though, you pass out in his arms.
Handsome doesn't know what to do other than provide you some very basic care, but it worries him when you don't wake up. So, he caries you towards Heisenberg's factory, where Heisenberg is having yet another argument with Lady Dimitrescu. But they drop it the moment their eyes land on you.
Soon, word spreads to the other Lords as well that you're sick and they're all gathered together to find a cure for you because no way are they gonna let you die.
But it's agonising to watch you suffer through it. You're feverish, in extreme pain, in and out of consciousness and yet you're still incoherently mumbling your sister's name.
As more time passes, your symptoms worsen. The disease feels like its eating up your organs from inside, your head feels like someone is hammering nails in it, and your bones feel like someone is snapping them very slowly.
You may have a high pain tolerance but now, you wanted to much rather die than spend another second through this curse.
So you begged them. You begged them to kill you.
"Pleass- please, just do it. I don't care- I don't care how, but please do it!"
Alcina tried to soothe you. "Sweetie, no. It's gonna be okay! We're finding you the medicine. You're gonna be all good in no time!" She smiled, wiping the sweat off your forehead with her handkerchief, but you knew the truth.
"Y-you're lying- you're lying. You don't have the cure- don't have any medicine for me-" You started coughing, blood staining the rag you'd hacked up into. "I'm gonna die anyways. Why make me suffer through it?"
Moreau shook his head. "No, no! We are working on the cure!"
You chuckled dryly, wincing as your throat hurt. "Yeah? I bet you're gonna propose she turns me into a vampire."
Alcina peeked from under her hat. You shook your head. "Dont bother. If I became one, dad would never accept me."
Silence fell over the room at the mention of Ethan. It was no surprise that they all loathed him, maybe even more now than before.
Heisenberg left the room, his hands shaking in rage. He didn't want you to become a vampire, he didn't. But if that was the only way to save you, he'd do it.
Yet all you could think about was Ethan, the man who abandoned his one daughter in favour for another. He bets Ethan isn't even worried in the slightest about you right now, or trying to track you down.
Donna is going through all of her father's books to find anything useful in it for you, while Angie is crying with the Dimitrescu sisters.
Moreau is testing medicines upon medicines upon other infected people from the village, sighing as he crosses off the drugs as more people die.
Alcina and Heisenberg are both extremely frustrated because of your wish to die. How can they kill you when they've never even imagined of hurting a hair on your head?
You're still a child for fucks sake! You're too young to die, too young to even think about contemplating death.
And it broke their heart to hear you beg for them to do it.
"Handsome?" You called out to the man standing silently in the corner. His drill whirled in response. "Can you do it?"
He walked closer to you, wanting to know what you're asking.
"Can you kill me?" He didn't reply. "I know you can hear me, Handsome. Please, just- you know what? Give me the gun. I'll- I'll do it myself. Yeah, I'll do it-" you cut yourself with another coughing fit and he rushed to give you sine water.
Handsome didn't sleep a wink that night. How could he, when all he could think about was you waking up and picking up a revolver to off yourself. He couldn't trust you to not hurt yourself, not anymore.
After a few more agonising nights, your health started to return, and a week later, you were normal again, and soon you were back on the road to find Rose again with Handsome.
However, you also had many others following you around in the shadows. It was the Lords, because they couldn't bare to be at rest now (or ever again) after all they had seen you go through.
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Oof imagine how Chris and Leon would react to a sick reader. Like I can see their anxiety going through the roof, Chris is coaxing you to drink the warm soup and drink your medicine while Leon is threatening one doctor after another to find a cure.
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jils-things · 3 months
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I would never fall in love again until I found her
I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into"
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you
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ouueeehh we're back to my corny love letters like last time 💜 again absolutely NO pressure reading these, because it WILL get lengthy 💜 this also serves as a personal love letter that i can archive!
ahh, steven st.one. a wild card in my f/o list. i never thought i'd find myself to like him... i've always tried my best to avoid the pretty boy design after i've gotten older which is why i was oddly in denial during my early steven days hehe... the earliest memory i have of him is just me battling him in my ruby emulator back in the 4th grade - but i don't think i actually remembered him too well, i only thought he looked like a silly anime version of the classical composer be.ethoven and tbh, i still like to think he does look like him in the rse style lolll 💜
for the whole, actual story - it was just last year - i was reading the r/s arc, of course. it was one of those days in school where i had nothing much to do and snuck my phone to read manga to pass some time. at some point, my classmate joined to read with me - it was at this moment where steven debuts properly and it caught my classmate by Surprise. she thought he looked very handsome! to which i teased her... strangely enough, this exchange impacted me? maybe it's because someone acknowledged what i was doing and even bothered to briefly read along with me - so in a way steven kinda bookmarked that memory.
so after that exchange, i just kept on reading. everytime he had something to say, i couldn't help but just stare at his face? he looked nice, i guess? he's also very gentle and polite... i kept this thought of mine for quite sometime until i was discussing the manga arc with my p.okespe mutual and he mentioned him. i somewhat confessed he looked nice and that was the biggest mistake i've ever done because what my friend did after was absolutely blow me with art after art of the pretty rock collector and i was STRUGGLING. it ultimately came down to this one cute panel in the o.ras chapter where he was blushing and I wasn't the same person since then 🚶🚶🚶and funnily enough, i told myself I wasn't going to fall for anyone because of the manga and whoopedoo p.okespe!steven my beloved the greatest man ever. i mean i love the game counterpart as well, they're nearly identical - it's just the manga that totally swept me... sighhhh
steven is such a nice character to begin with, he's honestly a very humble and nice champion. he's not showy about his identity and would rather be alone by himself to indulge in what he wants. he is willing to give up a very respectable position in the po.kemon league just to pursue his interests and with that i see a man not after power and fame but a man who just wants to find joy in what he does even if it demotes him. on top of that, he's just a sweet gentleman. he was raised well of course, and you can see it clearly in his acts in the story. i love him very much for that and who wouldn't want those traits?
i was really absolutely embarrassed to be all over this guy at first - it took a whole month for me to actually share to my blog about how i liked steven and took awhile to adjust to that fact that i opened up about it 😭 but the community was very kind and supportive about the pairing and if i'm being honest, i think stevaide made a super lasting impact on my blog recently and it's really so comforting to picture them as a young loving married couple with ruby. it made me feel unashamed with what i can do with my silly ships. i'm still very glad for the endless support for steven and jaide.
soo, yes. happy memoryshipping 💜💚 thank you for making my times of struggle more bearable if not perfect and thank you to everyone who enjoys this ship even if it was just a little bit :]
credits to @/cafekitsune <3
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what do you think could have been some ripple effects if the dance was somehow delayed by 7 years? what do you think the ripple effects could have been in favour of/against the greens as well as the blacks?
I admit to jumping the queue in my ask box for this question because it's really interesting!
The first thing that comes to mind is that Lord Corlys would almost certainly be dead. This, I think, is the biggest factor. He dies in canon only 3 years after Viserys and he's 79 at that point, so I'm going to assume he would have died around that age regardless. So if Corlys dies, there might legitimately be a Driftmark succession crisis before there's one for the Iron Throne. Now Lucerys presumably has the support of his family and can probably win any conflict, but at what cost? It's also true that this could give the realm a preview of what might happen were Jace to attempt to succeed Rhaenyra to the Iron Throne. And that's if Luke remains the undisputed heir after taking the Driftwood Throne, which I don't necessarily think is a given. Luke is inexperienced and the men of the fleet are going to resent him. At the end of the Dance the other side of the Velaryon family tried to overthrow Alyn, but he and Baela managed to reconcile with them, but with Luke? I think there's a chance that most of Corlys' fleet defects to the greens the moment Viserys dies.
Over on the green side, Aegon's kids are older and that's two more potential dragonriders in Jaehaera and Jaehaerys. Both Sunfyre and Tessarion would be larger too. Daeron and Aemond have almost certainly made marriages of their own, or at least betrothals, with brides to be married as soon as Viserys died.
There are also a lot of wild cards, like Daemon. In 7 years his sons are in their late teens and it might be harder to watch Jace inherit over them when they're promising young men than when they're little kids. How likely is he to get bored and shit stir? How likely is it that things have soured between him and Rhaenyra? Does Jeyne Arryn still die in 134? If so, the Vale is facing it's own succession crisis at that point. Does the Winter Fever still hit at the same time? The demographic that seems most affected by that seems to be people in their 30s-50s, so do Daemon, Rhaenyra, Alicent, Otto, all survive it?
I think that overall things do not look as good seven years down the line for the black faction. There are a lot of problems festering with their allies that have simply not come to a head yet when the Dance breaks out in canon. On the other hand, the greens have 7 more years to shore up alliances, for their baby dragons to grow, and for Aegon, Aemond, and Daeron to mature. The wild card factors mostly don't bode well for Rhaenyra's cause either.
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spaceysoupy · 3 months
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So apparently it’s that time of year again where I have to post about this.
On lesbianism, white queerness, and 2S identity
Text below readmore
I am a two-spirit. My identity is specific to my Tribe and Clan, and even more specific to my family. I am not a man, I am not a woman, and I am not nonbinary; I am not defined by what I am not.
I am a two-spirit and I am a lesbian. That's not debatable.
But I am not a non-man.
There's an idea of two-spirits that we are just the ethnic version of non-binary
We're not. The reason you're so comfortable calling us nonbinary is because your idea of queerness is centered around the binary&what you are not: you're not cishet, you're not the oppressor, etc
White queers like to speak about 2S identities constantly as if we are monolith. "It's just a gender" "it's not a gender"
"they're not trans" "they're not queer" "they don't belong here"
The community tries to decide for the individual and that's so weird to me.
So much of white queerness is inherently about exclusion.
You need strict labels to exclude the people you fear. You write your definitions around your fear of intruders and by consequence you exclude the people that need your support the most.
You need people to "prove" they are queer before you let them in. You're like a fortress and you let vulnerable people drown in the moat; ignoring that the real oppressors don't need to be a Trojan horse to do damage, ignoring they are actively burning down the castle.
It's very sad to me, because it's ultimately tearing the community apart even further.
I've never felt very welcome in white lesbian circles and they've never understood my experience of gender, but it's gotten worse in the past 5 or so years.
As TERFs start to revive gold star lesbianism and center hatred of men as their definition of lesbianism, you start to get these younger lesbians that don't know history that start to parrot the rhetoric. First it's "non-men loving non-men" then it's "you're too close to Man™"
For many two-spirit lesbians like myself, this is very concerning. White lesbians are historically not the ones targeted by radfems.
Now we've gotten to the point that there are people denying that lesbian is an spec (multispec) identity while including (white) nonbinary people
White nonbinary people (usually AFAB nonbinary people) are seen as woman lite and are welcome in white lesbian spaces while queer Indigenous people are considered dangerous because white lesbians can't understand their gender.
When did understanding become a requirement?
We're getting very dangerously close to "lesbianism is ONLY attraction to women" and very close to "lesbianism is only attraction to *a very specific type of (white) woman*" and I really need young white lesbians to read about political lesbianism so they can see this
I don't want to hear "not all lesbians" or "well then they aren't welcome" because every time this rhetoric goes unchallenged you are actively welcoming these people to continue it and make it more and more extreme. Yes, even the kind that seems to have nothing to do with racism
Almost all of your exclusionary rhetoric is based on the racist ideas of political lesbianism and I do not know why you all cannot see that they want to move goalposts. It wasn't just bi lesbians, it wasn't just he/him lesbians, it wasn't just nonbinary lesbians. It's a tactic.
It really feels like young lesbians are not only letting us go backwards, but encouraging it. And that's thanks in part to the historical racism of political lesbianism, but many of these people ARE old enough to think critically and talk to people who've been through this.
So far I've seen this in younger lesbian spaces; the ones with older generations (the ones that don't welcome TERFs) have been pretty welcoming even if not totally understanding, because they at least recognize that you don't need to understand someone's experience to validate it.
But I'm really concerned for the young Indigenous lesbians who don't feel comfortable around older people and are going to these younger lesbian spaces only to be indoctrinated with thinly veiled TERF rhetoric. It makes me very concerned for our spaces as well.
So I'll say again
I am not a non-man and I am not a non-woman. I'm not defined by what I am not. I do not ascribe to your binary-centric definitions of queerness. I experience queer attraction to women. I'm a lesbian. You do not get to use community to decide my individuality.
Thread by ~Alitsanosga
Pronouns: hi'a/vsgina/utseli/uwasa
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luvfy0dor · 7 months
hear me out. how abt nikolai as a dad!!! other parents gender can be up to you <3 thank you so much, feel free to reject !
"Tea Parties and Tiaras" - Dad!Nikolai x Reader ⋆·˚ ༘ *
Warnings; None, just fluff!!
Description; Dad!Nikolai headcannons and a cute little scenario revolving around a very dramatic tea party.
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A/N; Tysm for the request!! I have a lot of thoughts about him tbh, I'm glad I get to post them! Also omg u guys since Halloween is coming up what do you think nikolai would be??? I know he's definitely not sitting out in every day attire to hand out candy; brother has gotta be costumed up and causing mischief I just know it.
Headcannons !! ༊*·˚
★ I could go on all day about how he uses his ability as a father rather than a villain. He uses it to quickly fetch things from other sides of the house, like a bottle or a blanket, stuff like that.
★ But he also definitely uses it to mess with them sometimes. If they're doing something they're not supposed to be doing and he finds out, he's gonna stick his arm through the portal, grab their shoulders and laugh when they jump. Then he'll tell them to knock it off, unless it seems appealing to him at the moment. He might join in if it looks fun.
★ Nikolai also does magic tricks for them. He really likes pulling a rabbit out of his hat. He loves the surprised look on his kids faces. He also robs stores of candy sometimes.
★ However, Nikolai isn't afraid of saying no to them. He really doesn't want them to grow up spoiled little pricks.
★ He lets them dress him up. If he's with the kids while you run errands, you'll come home and see your man with that glittery gel eyeshadow smeared all around his eyes and a tiara on his head. The dresses didn't fit, and neither did the little plastic heels, but the hair clips, tiara, and makeup will suffice.
★ I said this for Fyodor too, but Nikolai does his children's hair. He paints their nails too.
★ Nikolai loves to bring his kids to fun places, water/amusement parks, circuses, fairs, trampoline parks, etc. He has NUMEROUS pairs of the trampoline park socks and he loves walking around in them everywhere.
Scenario !! ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
(P/T is parental title because I want it to be gender neutral, d/n is daughters name, s/n is sons name)
When you thought about relaxing after work, partaking in a tea party wasn't exactly your first thought. But there you sat, cross legged with a pretty tiara on your head, courtesy of your young son and daughter. You could hear Nikolais little giggles as d/n tried to pull his hair back into a very messy ponytail.
"Oh, papa, you better brush your hair some more, this is way too knotty!" Your daughter exasperatedly says and let's go of Nikolais long hair, making him feign offense and turn to her. "Hey! You're very rude! It's okay though, because my tea party outfit is much better than yours is." He says, a mocking tone of voice as he squints his eyes while talking to her. She pouts and gets up sassily, retreating to s/n's side as he rummaged through their little play kitchen.
"Did you hear that? I can't believe she would say something like that to me!" He says to you with an exaggerated frown. You just scoff and pat his shoulder in support. "I wonder who could have taught her such wit." You sarcastically say. You both watch them search for enough teacups for the four of you, all of them being strewn throughout their play room. They eventually skitter back to the table with only three cups and saucers in hand. S/n places one in front of you, one in front of his sister, and one in front of himself.
Nikolai sits waiting for his, but when both s/n and d/n sit down without getting him HIS teacup and saucer, he's a bit annoyed. "Hey, where's my tea?" He asks them. The kids exchange a glance before d/n speaks up. "Mean, knotty-haired clowns don't deserve tea." She huffs. He's even more taken aback this time. "You guys are so mean! You're gonna make your papa cry." He says, his lip quivering a bit as his hand slaps over his heart for dramatic effect. He starts sniffling and you just snicker, watching d/n expression change to one of slight guilt.
She groans and begrudgingly gets up to grab another teacup and saucer from the kitchen, returning it and placing it in front of Nikolai. He stops pretending to cry and grabs her, pulling her into a hug and swaying her excitedly. "Aw, thank you! I knew you loved me enough to look past my messy hair." He says with a giggle. She eagerly tries to wriggle out of his hug, but s/n runs over and hugs Nikolai too, knocking him backwards and onto the ground. He lets out a soft "oomph" before they all start giggling.
"Hey! Now you're both gonna crush me!" He says, the kids getting up off of him while laughing. He lets out a loud sigh before sitting back up. "Okay, I think we're even now, yeah? I came to your lovely tea party with messy hair and you two just knocked the wind out of me in retaliation!" He says, patting their shoulders. They look at eachother and look back at him.
"Okay, I guess you're forgiven." S/n says, his hands on his hips and d/n nodding in approval. "Okay, good. Now, I think we should continue our tea party before we have to eat dinner." He says, pretending to sip on the plastic glass. They murmur soft affirmatives and sit back down. You lean your head on Nikolais shoulder as you pretend to sip on the tea too, content with the little family that the two of you have made together.
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A/n; when u think of the word 'skitter/skitters' I hope you think of me 💔🫡 credit to @ilovechuuy4 for influencing the magic and candy stealing hcs thank you schmoopie 💞🙏
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arandomdai · 2 months
A Random Thought 🤔💭
P.S.: You can ask me anything 😊
Let me start of by saying...
I don't like how Zeus is the only one who is blamed for why the marriage is basically over, when Hera is (dare I say) equally at fault. This book continues to gaslight the audience about who should be held accountable and who deserves all the hate. Let's be clear on one thing, Zeus has abused his power, is a cheater, does lie, etc. but where is all the smoke for the other characters that has done the same or similar. But let's refresh everybody's memory why he started treating women disrespectfully...
•Metis: The Start Of His Addiction
So let's hypothetically say that the brothers are 3 years apart from age
Hades was 19
Poseidon was 15/16
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I think he was not just mentally scarred from the war and seeing his mother (who he didn't know about until later)going into hibernation, but also scarred that he learned about "hit and quit it" at a very young vulnerable age. Not only that he probably learned "until everything cools down" from her too. Atp, I'm going to need this book banned or something because it just doesn't make sense to me how this book is supposed to support all victims, until it's Zeus. Zeus is a victim. No matter how many times people and RS tries to make him this evil guy. But like I said before, he has done so many wrongs, which he is trying to right. But I find it interesting that Metis is not called out for having sex with a minor. Zeus and Hera are around the same age which means back then they weren't able to consent. And yet Hera is the only victim smh. Zeus is now a sex addict and doesn't know where to start. WHEN YOU SAY YOU FEEL SORRY FOR ALL VICTIMS, MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE MEN THAT ARE TOO. DON'T PICK AND CHOOSE WHO TO FEEL SORRY FOR. I hate that this book gaslights people into thinking that everything is okay when it's being pro patriarchy.
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• The Marriage: Both Sides Are At Fault
We all know Zeus is very unfaithful, but he shows so much of his guilt his own way. But (I ask again) where's all this smoke for Hera and Hades. Hera is married and has been seeing her Blu brother-in-law behind his back for centuries. Yet, I don't see any ounce of guilt from her or Hades. Hera is a victim don't get me wrong, but so is Zeus. TWO WRONGS DON'T MAKE A RIGHT. And for blue gru to judge Zeus for everything while you were sleeping with his wife is vile. The fact Hera or Hades never asked him why he continues cheating or be honest with him about their affair is right down dirty. Oh but it doesn't stop there...
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Look at these pictures...
See how Zeus tries his best to care for Hera and even admits that he thinks he was the worst thing that ever happened to her. While Hera just says "You made it hard for me, but I love you. Bye". She says she loves him, but I don't think she does. I think there was a time that she did love him, but I think they got bored of each other (from Zeus's perspective). I feel like Hera wanted the crown (power) more than the King. She treats being a queen like it's a trophy. So she basically blocked Demeter from being queen all just to not be satisfied later (which I'm glad Demeter dodged a bullet). Not only is Hera cruel, but she is just insufferable. She treats everyone like crap and expects everyone to be nice to her including Zeus. He fights tooth and nail to do right by her or win her back, but she doesn't see him trying to be a better husband nor do the same. She doesn't even try to make it a safe place for him to talk to her and be honest. When he wakes up, that divorce paper needs to be signed with the quickness because they're both miserable, they're both want there freedom, and they're not happy.
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• My Final Thoughts
Zeus's life is basically 16 CARRIAGES by Beyoncé. He was minding his business at Lake Dikte just a village boy helping nymphs, until Rhea came. Rhea told a early teen Zeus that he has to help his brothers and stop his tyrant father from destroying the world. After everything, he was mentally scarred at the age of 14. I know this is wishful thinking, but I think if he went to lake Dikte (after he wakes up), I think he would be more at peace again. He deserved better. And for this book to have so many contradictions throughout makes this book hypocritical and morally corrupt. You can see the stark difference between teen Zeus and the Zeus we see now. When looking at the picture on right, you see his bags showing more verses the left one when he was younger. This shows you how tired, hardworking, and mentally drained he is.
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Hello! :)
How would your main 10 skeletons react if their child was chosen for a main role in a play/dance and have been practicing for over a year for the role only to be replaced and not have a role at all?
This actually happened to me when I was taking dance :(
Hope you have a nice day/night!
Undertale Sans - He's sad for his kid, but that happens. It's alright though. If Sans has one weakness, it's clearly not bear to see his family sad. Not only he's going to find you another role, but it will be ten times better than the one you had. He didn't hesitate one second to use Mettaton to have access to some cool opportunities.
Undertale Papyrus - He's so mad they ditched you like this. It's maybe touching him a little more than it should be as well as he used to get ditched from everything as a kid. He still assures you it has nothing to do with your skills and that he's sure you'll find another opportunity soon. Not two days later, he convinces Mettaton to hire you. Being an international star is way better than some role in your school.
Underswap Sans - That's life, kiddo. It's unfair, but it happens often. Blue tries to comfort them the best he can, but he can tell you're disappointed. It's ok though, you can still use what you learn to try somewhere else. He believes in you, he's sure you can find a better opportunity!
Underswap Papyrus - He's so mad at your teacher for just ditching you for no reason. It's unfair, and you clearly wanted to participate a lot. After trying to beg your cause at the school, he's involving some local journalists to make everyone realize how stupid they are to not accept their daughter! He wins in the end and you get your role back.
Underfell Sans - He tells his kid that they didn't deserve them anyway because they're too good for their shitty show. Red is so gonna hack the show to put videos of you training in the middle of the dance performance so everyone sees what they lost. He doesn't care if he gets into trouble. Not his fault you're all jealous.
Underfell Papyrus - He goes full Karen mode and he's storming the dance class to say what he thinks of that bullshit decision. He pays for lessons for his child all year, he even buys them private sessions. Either you pay him back or he's suing you, and oh boy, you don't want him to sue you when he's the best lawyer in the city. Either you give back their child's role or you're going in prison for stealing his money.
Horrortale Sans - He feels guilty. He can tell that's because the kids are scared of him when he's coming to take you home at the end of your classes. You tell him it's not his fault they're racist bitches and that you prefer to leave than support their anti-monster bullshit anyway. He's so proud of you. He's going to help you find another role though. He wants to help.
Horrortale Papyrus - He can tell immediately it's because he's scary and the other parents complained. But that's not going to happen. There's no way you're dropping your dream role for some racist idiots. He's going to tell them what he thinks of this, and of how ashame they should be for showing such an example for the young generation. He casually threatens to sue them for discriminating his child as well because it's what it is: discrimination for being a monster. He's not going to tolerate this. That's ten years since the monsters are out of the Underground, get over it already!
Swapfell Sans - That's fine, he simply pays the class director and tells them nicely that if they keep causing trouble for his child, he's closing their business definitely. The director screams at him for trying to buy privileges. The next day, the building mysteriously explodes during the night. How could that happen? O:
Swapfell Papyrus - That's fine. When you're down, nothing is better than a little revenge. You spend the night throwing dog poop and eggs at every window of the building lol. Rus switches on every faucet of the building too and let them run the entire weekend. Someone is going to have a surprise on Monday. And a water tax so high they're going to faint. That's for the money he lost in their stupid school. He's going to find another role for his kid after that.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Oh, it's fine. He simply goes to see your teacher and gives them the scare of their life by threatening them with his bones and blasters. Either you give their role to their kid or... Well, you don't really want to know what can happen, right? :)
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He's disgusted your school would do something so lame after such a long time training. He assures you you're a good dancer though and that they're losing more than you, because you're clearly going to find something better and make them all jealous. When you find a new role, he's sticking posters of your show everywhere on and inside your old school so they all see what they missed.
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
Across Time and Space (Part 2)
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A/N: Part 2 time for the Eriks!Vash hurt/comfort fic LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! God I love hurt/comfort, and God I love Eriks. Anyways, here, have this, the some-more-hurt-and-mostly-comfort part of the hurt/comfort! For those who missed the first part, read part 1 here!
Pairing: Eriks!Vash x reader
Warnings: Slight violence, literally still just going off episode 18 of Trigun so potential spoilers for those who haven't watched it, still potential spoilers for episode 12 of Trigun Stampede, lots of emotions, a mix of Tristamp and 98 Trigun Vash/Eriks
When you regained consciousness, you found yourself in what seemed to be an abandoned building of some kind, laying against a wall. It was dark, but you could make out that there were a LOT of bandits around. In your immediate vicinity, there were at least 50. Immediately to your left, you saw Lina, who had her hands tied and was being kept under watch.
"Ahhh, lookie who's finally awake!"
A voice startled you, and as you turned your head, you saw a particularly nasty-looking bandit smiling evilly at you, his eyes filled with malice as he approached you.
"I'm so glad you tried going after the little runt who kicked me in the face, cause now you're both our hostages. Now, you can pay for taking out so many of my men. I couldn't have planned it better myself!" The bandit roared, his accomplices and subordinates laughing with him.
That's right - you had heard the bandits passing by your hospital window, talking about going to kidnap Lina as revenge against both her and Eriks, who had turned out to be Vash. Your Vash. There was no way you were going to let Lina get hurt, so, you swiftly climbed out of the hospital window and went after the bandits going to kidnap Lina. You had actually managed to incapacitate quite a number of them before one had successfully snuck up behind you and knocked you out, taking you as a second hostage to use against Eriks.
'Vash,' You reminded yourself, despite the horrible pain it caused in your chest, 'They're using you against Vash. Eriks is Vash.'
You tried to get up to face the bandit, your anger flaring up within you, but you found your arms were tied together behind your back, making it extremely difficult for you to get up without somebody physically lifting you in support.
"You bastards," You hissed angrily, not even trying to hide your hatred and rage, "She's a child! Let her go!"
The lead bandit just shrugged, still grinning evilly, "I don't think so. She decided to cross me. So now, she's paying the price, just like you are. And soon that blonde fool will suffer, too!"
"You keep Eriks out of this!" Lina yelled, but one hard look from the bandit guarding her and him cocking his gun silenced her immediately.
You had to hand it to her - for somebody so young, Lina was incredibly brave. You were impressed by her spirit.
"Don't you hurt her!" You snapped at the guard, shouting and glaring at him with such intensity that the guard visibly flinched, "If you touch her, the minute I'm free, I'll break every bone in your body, do you understand me?"
The bandit leader just laughed before grabbing your hair and tugging your head back, causing you to cry out in pain as he pulled hard, your scalp burning. You heard Lina scream something in the background, but couldn't make it out, your focus tunneling in on the bandit leader as he sneered down at you.
"You shut up or I'll shoot you this instant, you hear me?"
You found yourself just smirking and letting out a cold laugh, refusing to bend to this monster's will, "I'd love to see you try that. Go ahead, shoot me. Then you're one hostage down and Eriks will kick your ass anyways."
This infuriated the bandit, causing him to pull your head back even harder, a hiss of pain escaping you as he did so as you felt the roots of your hair lifting from the force of the bandit's grip. However, the bandit just spluttered and couldn't actually form any comprehensible argument, so you just smiled bigger - you knew you were right. You called his bluff.
However, you being right about the situation didn't stop the bandit leader from pistol whipping you across the face. You let out a cry as the pistol made contact with your cheek, the pain blinding you and the force of the strike sending you sprawling onto the floor. You could hear Lina screaming in the background for the bandit to stop, but the bandit leader just laughed before walking off, leaving you both with the guard.
As you lay on the ground, you could see stars and your vision was blurry from the force of the hit, the pain disorienting you. Your face was throbbing where the pistol had struck you, and from the intensity of the pain, you knew that your face was going to bruise, if your bone hasn't straight up been broken.
"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!"
You heard Lina crying out to you, and you struggled to sit up so you could face her. Eventually, you shifted enough for Lina to be able to see your face, and you just offered her as best a smile as you could, trying to comfort her.
"Oh, I'm fine! Don't worry, Lina. That guy hits like a wimp," You replied casually, your grin hopefully coming across convincing.
It seemed to work, because you could see Lina relaxing slightly as you smiled at her. However, deep down, you were starting to worry. You knew that Wolfwood and Vash were likely already on their way, but there were so many bandits. They were walking into a fight against 200+ bandits.
'Vash... Wolfwood...' You thought desperately, 'Please be careful.'
Vash and Wolfwood walked side by side as they approached the abandoned building. Even from where they were, they could see all the guns pointed at them both from every window of the building. That didn't stop them from continuing to approach.
"How many are there?" Wolfwood asked, glancing from window to window.
"About 200," Vash answered, his expression grim as they both continued to approach the building.
"A hundred for each of us, huh?" Wolfwood replied, smirking slightly as he lugged his cross over his shoulder.
Wolfwood just sighed, "Well, that's not exactly fair to them," before uncovering the Punisher, revealing the gun in all its glory.
"Uh, hey! I don't want you killing anybody, alright?!" Vash exclaimed, causing Wolfwood to become exasperated.
"Why don't you just ask me not to breathe?!"
"Thou shalt not kill, remember?!" Vash shot back, looking thoroughly unimpressed with his companion, "What kind of church man are you, anyway?!"
At that, Wolfwood just smiled a bit and laughed, "Woah, déjà-vu, I've heard that before. Now you're starting to sound like your old self."
Vash just offered a small smile in return. Deep down, he didn't really feel like his old self and hadn't for the past 2 years, but now... his old self was resurfacing. Especially now that you were in danger. Vash wasn't going to let you get hurt ever again. Not after how badly he had hurt you in choosing not to let you know he was alive.
The ground right next to Vash and Wolfwood exploded as the bandits fired a warning shot at them. Vash could see the bandit leader standing on the roof of the building, laughing maniacally as he had fired the shot at them.
Suddenly, Vash heard a voice cry out.
Vash's expression became one of worry as he saw Lina being held by a bandit, a gun pressed to her temple. And next to her-
His heart hit the ground.
Your face was bloodied and bruised, your eye swollen shut and black. You had an expression of fear and pain on your face, and the bandit holding you also had a gun pressed to your temple, just like Lina.
Rage. Pure, unaltered rage rose up within Vash - somebody dared to lay a hand on you and hurt you. All because you fought to protect Lina, just as he had.
"Woah, woah, woah," Wolfwood muttered, his arm shooting out in front of Vash for a second, "Hang on a second, Stampede. Take a breather."
Wolfwood could feel the anger radiating off of Vash, and he knew that if he didn't do this, Vash likely would've charged in already and gotten shot. Vash, on his end, knew that Wolfwood was right. He needed to recollect himself and focus, otherwise, there was no chance of him being able to get you out of there safely.
Once he had calmed down, Vash took a deep breath and a small smile appeared on his face, prepared to get you and Lina out of there.
"Time to kill!"
The bandit leader roared suddenly, and every single gun pointed at Vash and Wolfwood began to fire. Somehow, not a single bullet hit either one of them, and they both approached the building, bringing up their guns and getting ready for the fight.
Both Vash and Wolfwood spoke in tandem, continuing to walk towards the building completely unphased.
Once the gunfire started, you and Lina were pulled back from the windows by your respective guards, and everything became a blur to you. It was hard to see as one of your eyes had swelled up, but from what you could see, the bandits weren't doing a great job of actually hitting their targets.
You found yourself smiling to yourself despite the gun barrel pressed to your temple and the aching pain radiating and throbbing in your face. Given the rising panic in the voices of the bandits, you could tell that Vash and Wolfwood were making headway. You were sure they'd be there for you and Lina shortly.
"Hey, what are you grinning about?! Quit that!" The guard holding you shouted, causing you to wince as he yelled in your ear. However, you refused to stand down, just grinning wider.
"You're screwed," You replied with a gently crazy laugh, "You're so screwed."
"Shut up!" The guard yelled again, and the gun barrel pressed against your temple disappeared for a second as the guard raised his pistol to strike you again.
Two gunshots rang out and the pistol the guard was holding fell to the ground as the guard yelped, as well as the pistol that the guard holding Lina had been holding. You flinched, half expecting the blow, until you suddenly felt the guard release you from his grip and heard him and the guard that had been holding Lina hightailing it as fast as they both could in the opposite direction.
When you looked up and turned to see what had saved you, your heart stuttered in your chest and squeezed painfully.
"Eriks," You mumbled softly, being careful not to call him Vash with Lina standing directly behind you.
The look on Vash's face was one of determination and worry as he sprinted over to you and Lina.
"Eriks!" You heard Lina exclaim happily as Vash ran over, quickly pulling both of you into a tight hug, holding you both close.
You couldn't really process what was happening. Vash was here. Vash was alive. Eriks was Vash. Vash saved you. Vash was here.
Vash, Vash, Vash.
"It's okay," You heard Vash whisper to you both, his tone quiet and calm, "I've got you both. Let's get out of here. Let's get you both home."
Wolfwood must've finally taken out the remaining bandits as it was suddenly quiet, and the preacher was walking over to you all slowly, unhurried.
As Vash untied Lina, Wolfwood untied your arms, double-taking a bit as he looked at your face.
"Woah, (Y/N), what happened to your face?" Wolfwood asked, looking over the wound on your face.
"They were a badass, that's what happened!"
You were surprised to hear Lina piping up, her voice excited and completely in awe of you.
You found the heat rising to your face a bit as you looked down, mumbling, "Not really..."
"You were, though! You refused to let the bad guys push you around! You were amazing! I hope I'm as tough as you someday!" Lina insisted, her eyes glistening as she looked at you.
You just smiled as best you could at her, "Wanna know a secret, Lina? You already are. You're brave, kid. Don't ever lose that."
Lina turned a beautiful shade of pink, and as you gazed at her, you could feel Vash's eyes on you. However, you knew that if you looked at him right now, you'd break down on the spot and this was neither the time or the place.
"Let's get going," You spoke up, straightening up and turning to Wolfwood, "Best we get out of here before any of these idiots regain consciousness."
Wolfwood just nodded before glancing over at Vash, who was still looking at you, clearly worried and wanting to approach you. Once Vash looked at Wolfwood, Wolfwood just jerked his head.
"Come on, let's get back to Grandma Sheryl. I'm sure she's worried sick about you two," Wolfwood stated, glancing at Vash and Lina.
Once you had all returned to town, Grandma Sheryl was in an uproar. She ran around, hugging Lina and Vash tightly and thanking Vash and Wolfwood for saving Lina, then she hugged you and thanked you for keeping Lina safe while kidnapped and for protecting her. After the initial uproar, Grandma Sheryl sent Lina upstairs to take a bath and Vash to go get cleaned up, while Wolfwood stood outside smoking his cigarette. You, however, were asked to stay behind in the kitchen with Grandma Sheryl.
"Oh, goodness, your face," Grandma Sheryl exclaimed, bringing her hands up to your face, gently turning your head from side to side as she evaluated it, "What happened?!"
You just winced a bit as she pressed her fingers against your bruise, hissing a bit as you answered, "Ow! I, um, was pistol whipped. I angered the bandit leader when I protected Lina."
Grandma Sheryl frowned at that before going over to her fridge and pulling out some ice that she wrapped into a kitchen towel and applied it gently to your eye, "Here... Let's try to get that swelling down. I'll clean that cut on your cheekbone too, now, and we'll get you some pain medication, dear."
You smiled as best as you could at the old woman, feeling genuinely fond of her, "Thank you, Sheryl. I appreciate you taking care of me."
"It's the least I can do after you protected my Lina," Grandma Sheryl replied, smiling up at you warmly before proceeding to clean the cut on your cheek and providing you with pain medication.
Once you were fully taken care of, you sat in the kitchen holding a warm drink, just speaking with Grandma Sheryl softly. Eventually, the night crept in and you stood up.
"It's getting late and your household has had a long day. I should go. I'm sure Wolfwood and I will have to find somewhere to stay for the night anyways," You spoke up, nodding your head to Grandma Sheryl, "Thank you so much for taking care of us. I appreciate it."
Grandma Sheryl just shook her head, "Think nothing of it, dear. As for a place to stay, why don't you and the priestly fellow stay here tonight? Eriks has a spare bed in his room and there's another spare room upstairs with a mattress in it. I'm certain we can make it work."
You bit your lip, unsure, "We wouldn't dream of imposing on you and your family."
Grandma Sheryl, however, was having none of it and already stood up, "It's settled. You and Mr. Wolfwood shall sleep here tonight. It's the least we can do in thanks to you both."
Suddenly, her gaze shifted to something behind you and her face lit up, "Oh, perfect. Eriks, can you please escort (Y/N) upstairs to the spare room? They will be staying with us overnight. Would you be alright with Mr. Wolfwood using the spare bed in your room?"
"Of course," came Vash's voice as he walked up next to you, looking down at you with a soft smile on his face. You felt your heart rate speed up, but you just nodded, no longer trusting your voice as you followed Eriks upstairs, yelling a "thank you!" over your shoulder to Grandma Sheryl.
However, once you and Vash were upstairs, Vash stopped outside a door before opening it, letting you walk in first. It wasn't the spare room that Grandma Sheryl had mentioned - instead, it was his room. Vash just shut the door gently behind him before turning to look at you, his heart pounding frantically in his chest.
"(Y/N)..." Vash began, his voice shaking as he tried to voice all his emotions, his thoughts, his fears, but the words didn't seem to want to come out.
Vash struggled, tears filling his eyes and his fists clenched tightly by his sides. There was so much he wanted to say to you, but now that you were here, he couldn't find a way to tell you. He couldn't find a way to tell you how much he missed you, how much he still loved you, how he had thought of you every single day, praying you were safe, wondering if you ever thought of him, how he wanted to fall onto his knees here in front of you and cry and beg for your forgiveness even though he didn't deserve it after hurting you the way he did.
A strangled, sobbing, gasping sound escaped Vash, and all he could do was lower his head - he didn't feel like he could even look at you anymore. It hurt too much, to see the hurt he had left in you in the way you stood, in your posture, the lines on your face, the lack of life in your eyes. And now, to see the wounds another had left on you because you had dared to protect somebody Vash held dear... it was as if Vash's heart had been torn out of his chest and stomped on over and over again.
The silence in the room, asides from Vash's quiet sobs, was deafening. Vash had faced many hardships in his life, and had faced many losses and heartbreaks, but nothing rivaled this. The fact that you stood there, saying nothing... every second that passed broke Vash's heart a little more as he felt you slipping from his grasp.
Which is why when you suddenly walked forward and practically tackled him into a hug, Vash didn't process it immediately. Your arms wrapped tightly around him, your face pressed against his skin as you held him tighter than you had ever done so before. Your whole body was shaking, and you couldn't believe that this was happening.
Vash was here. He was alive. And he was here.
Vash couldn't believe what was happening. You were... hugging him. You weren't yelling, or cussing him out, or telling him that you hated him and wanted nothing to do with him after everything he'd done to you. You were holding him as if... you still loved him.
"You're alive," You whispered hoarsely, your voice trembling as you clutched onto Vash as if he'd vanish for real the moment you loosened your grip, "You're alive."
When Vash heard your voice, heard your gentle, almost disbelieving tone, felt your body shaking as you held him, he realized that you really did still love him. Vash immediately wrapped his arms around you, clutching onto you just as you were clutching onto him, burying his face into the crook of your neck, his scruff tickling your skin. He tried so hard to restrain himself but Vash couldn't hold back his tears as he felt the warmth of you against him, inhaled your familiar scent, heard your voice for real rather than in his dreams.
"I'm alive," Vash sobbed out, tightening his grip on you, "And I'm so, so sorry, (Y/N). I-I just couldn't..."
Again, Vash's words failed him. He couldn't explain to you why he did what he did, but before he could even try, you were shaking your head, tears now pouring down your face but a shaky, genuine smile present on your lips.
"You did what you had to, Vash," You got out, "I know that. You did what you needed to survive."
Vash just began to cry harder as he held you tighter - he didn't get it. How could you be so understanding? He had hurt you, and now, you weren't even angry with him. But you were here, with him, holding him, and that was enough for Vash right now.
"I love you," Vash sobbed out, drawing back and pressing his forehead against yours, cupping your face in his hands, "I love you, (Y/N). I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Stop," You whispered out softly, closing your eyes as you returned the pressure against Vash's forehead, "Stop, Vash. It's okay. I love you. You're alive. God, I can't believe it. You're alive."
You couldn't be more thankful than you were in that moment - Vash was alive. He still loved you. He still wanted you and was here, holding you close. Somehow, all the pain and the suffering that had become your daily companion simply vanished, pure joy and happiness overtaking the space it had occupied in your heart. You couldn't have asked for anything else in your life than to get a second chance with the man you loved.
You and Vash just held each other, sobbing and crying and shaking as you both came to terms with the fact that you were both together again. It could've been hours, days, weeks before the two of you finally separated from your embrace and you wouldn't have cared.
"S-So... what now?" You sniffled, wiping away your tears as you looked up at Vash's tear-stained face.
"I... I don't know," Vash answered truthfully, his voice still thick with emotion, "Just, please don't go. I have no right to ask it of you, I know, but please, (Y/N), don't go."
You shook your head, fighting back another round of tears as you offered a wobbly smile, "I'm not going anywhere without you for as long as I live, Vash."
Vash let out a small chuckle and pulled you back into another hug, "I'm never going anywhere you can't follow me, (Y/N). I promise."
"I'll hold you to that," You replied shakily, burrowing into his embrace again, "You hear me, Stampede?"
Vash leans his head down with another quiet chuckle before pressing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss, "I'd expect nothing less."
The long-awaited kiss set off fireworks in your blood, and both you and Vash managed to channel all your emotions through the kiss, showing one another how much you missed each other, how much you loved each other, how neither of you wanted anything but to stay in this moment for the rest of your lives. From this point forward, nothing else mattered. Vash had you back and Vash was alive, and you were together. It was just you and Vash in the world, and neither of you would trade this for anything.
"So... are we kicking Wolfwood to the spare room, Vash?"
"Oh, you know it. We have a lot of catching up to do, love."
Edit: Tagging people who asked to be tagged + those on my taglist! @aquamarine001, @alphamoon, @ready2readagain, @zukoisbabee (it didn't let me tag you for some reason I'm sorry!), @iceoblivious, @mossygalaxy, @spacioussoul, @ryuukami4
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