#i understand some people wanna stay techs and not have a hand in the creative process but
diy-ke · 1 year
arts institutions are filled to the fuckin brim with secretive/ambiguous rules of engagement. it is totally uncouth in 2023 to push someone aside when they ask for clarity around processes and protocols. if it isn't written down, shut the fuck up and say you made it up.
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bisexualamy · 11 months
I see people talk about fanfiction and novels being different mediums a lot, and while I don’t necessarily disagree, I don’t feel like I understand either. In your opinion, what makes them different mediums from each other? What decides that two things are separate mediums like in general? It’s totally cool if you don’t wanna answer this btw, I know it’s kind of a lot
No worries I think that's an interesting question! With any categories, the boundaries on this are going to be fuzzy, but the reason I believe they're different mediums is that fundamentally, on a metatextual level, the languages are different. What do I mean by this? Let's use film as an example, a medium that I'd argue is very obviously a different medium than novels, even if we may not be able to articulate all the reasons why.
What are some attributes of film that differentiate it from novels (another storytelling medium) or paintings (another visual medium)? Films and novels are both storytelling mediums, but films have visual and auditory components. They also mainly consist of storytelling through visual cues and dialogue. Exposition is given visually or in media res by characters speaking. In a novel, your omniscient narrator giving you a few paragraphs of background on your main characters is common, and so expected it probably flies over the reader's head. In a film, a narrator doing the exact same thing for all the main characters often comes off clumsy. It takes you out of the story in a film, where it doesn't in a novel.
Film is also a time-based medium. A film unfolds over time, and you cannot experience the entire film in one moment or glance. That's not true of a painting (at least traditionally). With a painting, you can view the whole painting in one look. Now, you can sit with a painting, pick out details, analyze the craft or ponder it for a long time and watch as new aspects jump out at you. Fundamentally, however, if you wanted to view a whole painting in one look, you can, and it would still make sense. You cannot do that with a film. On the other hand, a painting is typically not an auditory experience. To do so would be an experimental use of the form. In modern film-making, the exact opposite is true. Music, dialogue, and environmental sound, all of these things are essential to how a film tells a story. To not use them would be considered experimental or odd.
These are three different mediums with three different "languages" in how they interact with their audience. They may share parts of their languages, like I said above, but they don't speak the same language. What works well for one medium can come off clumsy or strange in another.
I believe fanfic and novels have sufficiently different languages that they should be considered different mediums. Both of them are short or long form written mediums telling some sort of story. But fanfic's relationship to its source material is such an inherent trait that novels do not have. The relationship doesn't have to be positive (it's often, in fact, argumentative or strained or dismissive), but the relationship exists. Even in AU fanfiction. Even in fics full of OCs.
In canon compliant and even canon divergent fics, this relationship is more obvious. These fics are both conversations with the source material as much as they are stories. They're playing in the author's sandbox, or they're wrecking their sandcastle and building something else. They're saying "I like/dislike what you did with this specific story, and I'm going to show you that by rewriting or expanding it." They take large aspects of the author's story whole cloth: the characters, the setting, the magic system, the tech, etc.
These fanfics often have little exposition at the top because they presume a familiarity with the characters, the world, or both. This alone makes them really different from novels. Creatively and seamlessly integrating exposition, immersing your audience in a new world and convincing them to stay, is a really important aspect of a novel that these fics don't have to contend with. This alone fundamentally changes how you'd structure a story.
For AU fics, both fics in AU settings and AU fics full of OCs, the above still applies. These fics are still a conversation with the source material. Something about the source material compelled an author to flip it and remix it and change it around. That conversation might be "in the source material, these characters suffered, and I don't want them to suffer any longer" or it could be "I felt the story had a vacancy that this OC fills" or it could be "if these characters had the time/awareness/ability to grow closer, they would've fallen in love." These are all direct commentaries on the original work.
An exercise that I believe illustrates this point the best is to try and adapt an AU fanfic to an original work. Try to file the serial numbers off. I've done this with some of my fic, and it just doesn't work. You don't realize how much you presume the audience knows until you have to cater to an audience who knows nothing of the source material. That hilarious joke you wrote? Turns out it's only funny because it's a nod to this character's original characterization. This awesome climatic plot point that ties the whole story together? Turns out in relies on a specific bit of lore, a quirk of the magic system, or an aspect of the character's past history or personality. Now that this is a novel, you have to back-fill all of that exposition. And you can try to do that, but watch how your story gets clunky and bloated. You will have to start viciously killing your darlings, as you realize that your favorite scene is beautiful in a fic, but sounds awkward and out of place in a novel. Soon, you're basically just rewriting the whole thing to fit a different medium.
Many fanfic writers are extremely talented. And much of that talent, that wit, that perfect line that you can't get out of your head, is integrally informed by your knowledge of the source material. The irony falls flat without having read the source books. The relationships suddenly feel shallow when you don't have seasons of backstory to deepen them. You do not realize how much of fanfic writing consists of this back and forth until you go looking for it.
And here's the thing: if your fanfic has a totally AU setting and it consists of completely original characters, I'd argue that's just a novel posted to AO3. If all you need to do is change the names to make it work, that's a novel. This is why Clueless is inspired by Jane Austen's Emma and not an AU fanfic of it. If you've never read Emma, if you went into Clueless not knowing that Emma was the inspiration for it, you'd perfectly understand the movie.
In fanfic, the source material is always present. It can be obviously present with canon compliant fic. It can be antagonistically present with canon divergent or AU fic. And it is still present, floating in the background, with totally AU fic. Ultimately, the changes a fanfic author makes to the source material are, themselves, as integral to the fanfic as the words on the page. It is a dialogue with the source material: what it did well, what it could've done better, what this author believes is the essence of the story, or the world pushed to its limit, that even though we're in space or in a coffee shop or 1920s New York, we're still, on some level talking about the source material.
This is an aspect of fanfic I love that novels do not have. Novels have a lot of other great stuff! I love novels! But while novels are often engaged in a dialogue with their present society or their predecessors in a genre, that conversation is much more nebulous than it is with fanfic. You can read Slaughterhouse-Five or Gravity's Rainbow, and while knowing their contexts helps you understand them on a deeper level, that is unnecessary to their enjoyment. They are fundamentally more standalone works than fanfic will ever be.
This is ultimately why I think comparing fanfic and novels is comparing apples to oranges. They're different mediums. They use different languages. They require different skills and they fill different artistic niches. You might as well be comparing a film to a painting just because they're both visual art.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Random Characters with Creative/ Designer S/O HC:
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Bart Allen, Conner Kent (RSS), Jamie Reyes
Damian Wayne (Fashion Design):
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·      You’d started off your career when you were young
·      Your father wasn’t super supportive of everything and said that you were too young to start a business or what have you
·      So, with approval from your mother, you started one behind his back
·      He didn’t know until one day you ended up treading and going viral with a dress you made for a very famous celebrity
·      At that point he couldn’t stop you and was just impressed that you made it for months without him knowing
·      As long as you were keeping up schooling, it would fly
·      You ended up getting to travel the world and go to fashion week
·      More specifically NYFW
·      New York was the big one
·      That’s where you and Damian met
·      He was there for a business trip with Bruce and saw you at one of the shows the girls dragged him to
·      He was immediately infatuated with you and wanted to meet you
·      Thank the heavens he has sisters who wear your clothes to almost every gala
·      They got to go back stage and talk to you which led to you two exchanging numbers and the rest is history
·      When you started dating it was really hectic
·      You had a few kidnapping scares which made him want to break it off especially after you found out about the entire Robin thing
·      Heeeellllllllll no
·      You didn’t let that happen at all
·      Bruce actually commented and said that if you were that stubborn, Damian should probably keep you
·      Fashion week becomes more tiring and you also hate not being able to see Damian as much
·      He comes and visits though to make sure you don’t throw yourself out a window or something lol
·      When it’s over, you guys always take a long vacation to Lake Tahoe in a house Bruce owns on the Nevada side
·      He loves seeing your studio since it’s so organized and colorful
·      You’ve got walls of mood boards and mannequins with unfinished garments everywhere along with a massive soft couch that one of you is always sprawled out on
·      Sometimes he’ll send you pictures of pretty things he thinks you’d might like which ends up being incorporated into something
·      You taught him how to drape and make his own suit so that Alfred can have a day off
·      If anyone has a wardrobe malfunction and you’re around, you’ve got the needle and thread kit on hand at any given moment
·      Some things in the kit come in handy for picking locks too
·      He thinks it’s hilarious if you ever critique something or just call it straight ugly
·      If you’re at a gala and do it it’s even funnier
·      “Omg...”
·      “What is it beloved?”
·      “The drape and hem of that dress is the most preposterous thing I think I have ever seen. The fabric isn’t even the right material or fit for their shape. How rich are these people? And they can’t afford clothes that look decent on them?” You said giving them the famous inspecting side eye, “Also, who wears pearls with double sided sequins and fur?” “They can’t fix everything sweetie.”
·      *intense snickering from Damian*
Tim Drake (Software/ Web Designer):
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·      It’s a match made in heaven
·      The two of you meet at a tech conference
·      He thought that you were such an interesting person to talk to and you had offers from places like MIT
·      You got along so well and then he found that you liked coffee like he did
·      Omg
·      He asked you out in the nerdiest way by making you decipher code on your own computer
·      You were kind of mad since you had been doing some other things for some major companies but after reading the message you determined you were fine with it
·      I mean how could you say no
·      Anyways the date when off great and eventually the media caught heavy wind of what was happening
·      You already knew about the Red Robin thing pretty quickly into the relationship though
·      Tim was a genius and you weren’t far behind
·      It was scary how similar you two were
·      From expressions and shared humor and meme taste, it was everything
·      Staying up together was another thing you did
·      Although, after some time one of you would pass out and the other would go to bed too
·      It was like a competition in sorts of who could stay up the longest but at the same time you needed him to sleep
·      The time he felt most betrayed by you was when you replaced his coffee with decaf
·      You guys just sometimes hang out in his bed tangled up in the weirdest way watching vines or weird movies
·      Totally the couple that would watch the worst rated movies just to laugh at them
·      Damian commented on it once and got a tired middle finger from you once
·      It wasn’t the classiest move however you couldn’t care less and Tim laughed his ass off
·      After that Damian seemed to respect you more
·      You guys probably have matching hoodies or something with really funny or obscure culture references
·      Clingy couple but nothing too over dramatic
Bart Allen:
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·      Your designs in architecture went down in text books
·      You were famous for some really amazing builds and constructions
·      You started off by building these really insane LEGO sets or doll houses based off of designs in your notebook
·      Your mother still has the models in the attic which is kind of embarrassing when he sees it but he thinks it’s really cool
·      When he came to your time line he knew immediately who you were
·      He also totally came to you and complimented your work plus some additional hinting at what was going to happen pretty soon
·      Bart was there at the rise of your success
·      He basically was your number one fan the entire time
·      He’ll stay up with you as long as he can when you’re working
·      It’s kind of funny seeing that when you’re designing the things you went down in history for you’ll be stuck on something and he’ll just tiredly recommend what he remembers learning
·      You let him look through the designs sometimes but he understands if you don’t really feel comfortable with it
·      He also knows that in order to do all of this, you’re wicked smart
·      When the cave needed remodeling, you were the first person that they called in
·      The League was very glad that you were there and they didn’t have to pull any strings to get anyone different in
·      Plus, you knew what was needed since you were there all of the time
Kon Kent:
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·      You got your start writing
·      It was the best thing that you did to relive stress
·      Once your parents saw that you were such an imaginative child, they got you in a ton of art related classes but you liked writing the most
·      Your writings had won awards before but then you wrote a book and it did amazing
·      So now, that’s what you do
·      Kon secretly actually really likes your books and met you at a book signing
·      Nerd
·      He got your number there and then you realized who he was
·      It was kind of funny cause you were both in that moment of realization like
·      Ohhhhh I know who you are.... kinda thing
·      He finds it hilarious that sometimes you’re just all over the place
·      When doing research your room isn’t terrible messy, it’s just piles and piles of notes and articles
·      You also probably have an expansive collection of literature yourself ranging from all genres
·      You don’t really like him to proof the book, however if you have an idea for something he’s all ears
·      Coffee dates to strange hole in the wall joints
·      Clark really likes you and finds your humor funny in the sense that it’s close to Bruce’s
·      Both very sarcastic and dry
·      Lex is just glad that his son found someone with an intellect
·      You don’t really like Lex though
·      That’s because you hear everything that Kon has to say about him
·      Although, without giving the man too much credit, the charade that he plays on the daily in quite impressive
·      You will never admit it however
·      Ma and Pa love you
·      So does Lois
·      You get along because of the writing
·      Sometimes Kon will just take you to some random part of the world if you need inspiration
·      “Hey wanna fly to Morocco?”
·      “Why not?”
·      You make a day trip out of it but if it’s a long one you’ll stay longer
·      Short distance he’ll fly you himself but overseas or something, he takes one of Lex’s jets
·      He likes to tease you sometimes but will take it easy during the editing phase
·      Those aren’t fun at alllll
·      You get cranky sometimes during that and he just backs off lol
·      He will make you sleep though
·      He doesn’t want you turning into Tim or anything for an extended amount of time
·      Nope
·      Not doing it
Jamie Reyes:
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·      The team didn’t know anything about your job as an artist
·      You were internationally revered
·      No one knew of your job but for the boy wonder who saw the paint in your hair
·      Once the team did know however, everyone was amazed
·      You and Jamie were already dating by then though
·      He was always impressed with what you did
·      Laughed when you were covered in paint
·      He lets you paint or draw on his hand
·      You both have matching hoodies or jackets from your clothing line or merch that you painted
·      If you have a YouTube channel, he’s in some of the videos
·      Scarab notes that you have a more creative personality which Jamie responds to with a sarcastic remark
·      Your clothes are partly covered in paint
·      He’ll go to every show
·      During the Reach thing you still stayed with him
I have more parts of the Damian Wayne x reader story coming and also requests but I’m just getting into school which is my priority so that’s why I’ve been a bit more inactive. Anyways I hope you liked this one and I can’t wait to put out more 
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monkey-network · 4 years
Good Stuff Ultimate: 1st Quarter
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2020 has certainly left us already crawling for next year, but I say we shouldn’t leave all the good things behind. Time for a lightning roundup, no holds barred! 3. 2.. 1…
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
I couldn’t help but describe this as “Baby’s First Fantasy Adventure” like The Dragon Prince. It looks good, colorful, imaginative enough, but nothing about the story or characters pushed me to watch past episode 3 because I’ve no doubt seen stuff like this before but more interesting. It’s a good watch no doubt, but hardly groundbreaking to me. (Grade: C+)
The Owl House
Now this was more my speed. I definitely enjoyed the various designs of monsters and average Boiling Isle citizens far more. Eda immediately became my favorite witch character. While it reminded me a little too much of Gravity Falls, I was honestly hooked for more than just it’s otherwise eye opening demonic aesthetics. (Grade: B+)
Now THIS is a post apocalyptic series I’ve been waiting for in a while. Q really put together a world worth checking out, seeing its nooks and crannies, while giving us characters worth exploring with at every angle. She especially does a great job manga-wise where the black and white makes the edgy details pop in a meaningful way. The anime itself is just as good. Brought down by some wonky action scenes and movements, but the blend of 2D and 3D worked better than the Beastars anime. (Grade: A)
Keep Your Hands Off the Eizouken!
Talked about it plenty of times before, but this is that series that just speaks for itself, manga and anime. Smooth pacing, no contrived drama bullshit, hardly leaves any loose ends, easily accessible for anyone. It's the DMC5 of anime, meaning it is the most 'anime' anime I've seen thus far. (Grade: A++) 
Surprisingly not a wack family sitcom. The characters are what really sell the comedy, except for Duncan himself who’s not terrible but isn’t great as the star of the show, especially compared to his mom; and it’s weird cuz they share the same VA. Plus it’s actually well animated and stylized compared to the average Family Guy knockoff. It’s worth a check out in my book. (Grade: B)
Thundercats Roar
Oh wow, a nostalgia cartoon reboot that everyone will argue over but at the end of the day, is about as average as it gets. While I can appreciate the animation when it gets dynamic during its action scenes, I came out every episode remembering nothing and moving on. If I wanted a half hour centered around safe memes or forgettable punchlines, I would’ve subscribed to Jimmy Kimmel or ankle-beez by now. (Grade: C)
Harley Quinn series
This was a left fielder for me; the trailer gave a far different impression than expected. I can definitely appreciate how they treated not only Harley’s character, her relationship with Joker vs Ivy, but the rouge gallery of DC villains and heroes. What other DC product got me to love King Shark as much as this? Plus, Harley x Ivy are the OTP, but I appreciate them giving Kite Man some respect. (Grade: A-)
Birds of Prey
I didn’t mind the movie, but it lacked that dry punch that Harley’s series gave me. It was kinda the reason why I’ve seen people say Harley was becoming DC’s Deadpool type. even when Harley was a good star of the film. Didn’t help that Black Canary and Huntress were the only other characters I liked, and I don’t wanna get into the implicating homophobia. I want to say Sionis was great, but he doesn’t work when you have both the villain and protagonist be unhinged. All in all, I’ll give it the same score I gave Deadpool 1. (Grade: C+)
Dolittle (2020)
The movie’s climax was a long dragon fart and I wanted to die. (Grade: D)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
A live action video game movie about an animated character. Let me put it like this: references and fanservice is not substance, taking place in the human populace does not help the escapism, reminding me that Olive Garden sucks ass is not funny, and only being half animated is cock and ball torture. If I don’t care for realism in my video games, this DOESN’T help. It has a couple good moments, but this is mostly unimaginative, by the book, and not worth going back to. Works as a Flash movie, I guess.  (Grade: C-)
Sonic Rebuilt
Sincerely the chad Sonic film of this year. Even when it’s a reanimated version of the 90s film, the creativity every artist applies for their respective scene brings better life to the original film like with Shrek Retold. Yeah, there’s live action segments in it, but it’s part of the gag not a crux of the film’s visuals. It isn’t fully original since they use the original’s voice work and music, but everyone involved gave a genuinely good spin on the pretty overlooked feature. Plus it has a Sonic that gets shit done and has the better voice. (Grade: A-)
Ishuzoku Reviewers
Kono anime wa igaito shinsendesu. Bōru o korogashi tsudzukeru hōhō o shitte imashita. Sore wa yoi owarai de, kesshite mumide wa arimasendeshita. Itsumo mitakatta ano etchina shirīzudeshita. (Grade: A-)
Meggy’s Destiny
The plot has its low points, but this is still an entertaining short film. The characters were what kept the ball rolling and the ending was that coup de gras on the main character’s overall story arc. (Grade: B+)
Trolls World Tour
This film works better than the first to me mainly because we can focus on Trolls and their musical world rather than the Bergens who didn’t offer much. The plot is simple, but it being a multi-genre musical kept me hooked. The finale especially was that cherry on top of this bouncy film. Also Poppy is still the best. (Grade: B+)
Glitch Techs
It stands to say Men in Black meets Captain N and Pixels works well as a premise for a show, and this certainly delivered by actually being ANIMATED. I’m sorry, but can corporations soon understand that premises and ideas that work better with animation stop trying to make it live action? Also, it brought Fanboy and Chum Chum back from the dead, and that is a worthwhile achievement. (Grade: A)
Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons
They’re honestly the same game from what I got to play. AC was a little more stressful than Doom, especially with managing my stalks, but they were both nonetheless an all around great time so they get the same score. (Grade: A)
Steven Universe Future
Had some shit episodes, had some delightfully fun episodes, and had a half shit/half delightful finale. Pretty on par for Steven Universe but I say it’s elevated above most of the original series with the grown Steven himself. Much as I wish his character was dealt with better, I was still invested in his story nonetheless even when the fixed perspective honestly fucked over most else in this series. It’s far better than season 5, not as good as seasons 1 & 2. So yeah, I liked it and I’m gonna miss this show. (Grade: B-)
The ending doesn’t make up for a pretty middle of the road film. If I wanted a film about familiar bonding in a goofy fantasy world, I could’ve just watched A Goofy Movie. The world feels creative enough, but it’s like Pixar has been losing their touch or mostly peaked when it comes to imaginative premises. I’m hoping Soul can bounce ‘em back cuz while this isn’t the worst, certainly didn’t feel like their best. (Grade: C+)
Well that’s all for the first quarter of 2020. Quite above average all around, certainly some worthwhile things to keep your busy while this pandemic is upon us, except Dolittle. Were there any that I missed? Probably. Let’s see where the 2nd quarter provides as we carry on into the Spring months. 
Stay safe out there, and see you in June.
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rae-gar-targaryen · 5 years
of retro-tech and rhapsody [p.p.]
A/N: This is my entry for @starksparker Summer Writing Challenge! Thank you for letting me do this, Kaylee! 
Takes place while Peter and the gang are still at school. I’m ignoring “Endgame” and “Far From Home,” so it’s spoiler-free! Includes references to Peter’s Civil War-era scrounging. 
Prompt: “For someone so smart, you’re an idiot.” 
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!Reader (I kept her vague enough, sans references to a few hobbies and musical taste).
Warnings: Language. Jumpy plot? So much awkward cotton-candy fluff you may just rot your teeth. Sorry. 
Word Count: 3.4k of baked good simile, teenage awkwardness, and musical snobbery. 
Summary: Dumpster diving wasn’t a good look for most boys. Most of them. But then again, most boys didn’t make you a good, old-fashioned loverboy mixtape.  
**NOT MY GIF!** 
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Okay, so. Here’s the deal: You most certainly were not the type to gossip. You really weren’t. The clique-ish chatter of your classmates and passersby floating through your ears like the twittering of so many small birds, muffled like cotton balls in your ears. 
It’s not that you were a bad listener. Nah. You actually considered yourself a good listener. You just weren’t that interested in the conversational equivalent of small-dick-energy. Small minds discuss people, so they say… 
Besides, rumors were pernicious. Especially those perpetrated by bored teenagers, the girls’ perfectly-filed nails so much like demon’s talons, the boys’ whispering and snickering like the hissing of snakes. All attempting to perforate your uninterested sensibilities. 
Whatever. Whatever the topic was today, you just weren’t interested. Until– 
“I heard Flash threw him in. What other reason would he smell like a dumpster?”
“Maybe he just doesn’t, ya know, shower?” 
“No way. Flash can’t toss him in alone. He’d need help. Besides, I think he went in there, like, voluntarily.”
“He doesn’t smell. You just saw him coming out of the alley.” 
“Ew. You mean to tell me that Peter Parker is a– a dumpster-diver?” 
The mention of Peter’s name caught your interest. Peter was a tech-type with a seemingly contradictory creative streak. You had often wondered where he had picked up the old school gadgets he sometimes had tucked under his arm as he hurried to and from the science lab or the A.V. room, Ned Leeds in tow, talking a mile a minute about – some thing or another. 
You were almost certain the term “motor mouth” was coined with Peter in mind.  
You turned your head to hear who was talking, only to be met with a table full of Flash Thompson’s hangers-on. 
Of course. Flash Thomson’s weird hate-boner for Peter Parker was well known among your class. And probably the teachers, too. 
You didn’t understand. What was to dislike about Peter Parker? He was perfectly sweet, sweetly smart, smartly perfect. 
Okay, maybe you had a little thing for Peter Parker. But only just a little. You had, what? Two classes together?
Besides, you were too busy for boys. It’s 2k19, for God’s sake. You had soccer, studying for the SATs, you helped out your parents. You liked to read. It’s not that you weren’t interested in the pursuit of a certain sweet, stuttering boy with coffee curls and eyes flecked with gold. 
Dear god. When did you become a poet? Scratch that. When did you become a terrible poet?? Be still your heart, Keats. 
Rolling your eyes, you smacked your empty lunch tray for good measure as you got up, catching the attention of some of Flash’s “Mob.” 
“Maybe you should chill on being trash who trash-talks? You sure you don’t belong in the dumpster?” You replied primly. Not chancing a glance back, or waiting for a snarky response, you turned, dropping your tray in the designated area and walked out. 
Mic drop, assholes.
Peter stared after you from his corner table, basking in the glory of your grand exit. He didn’t hear what you had said. But judging by the disbelieving stares that followed you, it must’ve been good. Flash’s hangers-on looked after you, a few then turning their attention to Peter’s table before going back to their lunch, mouths agape.
Um, what? 
Peter had no clue what that could have been about. Whatever it was, he was almost certain he didn’t want to know. Unless– unless it had to do with you. Then he almost certainly did want to know. 
He would crawl over glass if it meant learning more about you. 
Okay, maybe not glass. He did get beat up on the regular, and even super-fast healing and super strength didn’t mean that the sensations that came from small-time ass kickings was enjoyable. 
Mr. Stark told him that finding the girl he liked would hit him like, what was it? Oh, yeah …
“A punch to the gut, Pete. You’ll never see it coming. Not even with that little, uhhhh, tingly little super-sense you’ve got goin’ on.” 
Punch to the gut indeed. Just the sight of you was enough to make Peter stammer, even moreso than usual. Sweat a bit more than usual. Especially today, what with his latest acquisition burning a proverbial hole in his backpack. 
His morning excursion had yielded a perfectly good Walkman. Who would toss that in the dumpster? A little fine-tuning and it should be good to go. He’d been acquiring retro stereo equipment for some time. A little trip to the junk store for a blank cassette, and he was home free. 
His heart sang at the cleverness of his plan. Burning you an old-school mixtape seemed like the perfect way to tell you how he felt. How he’d been feeling since ninth grade bio, making a gradual mental catalogue of your band shirts. Of the books you thumbed through while waiting for class to start. 
Yeah, he knew exactly what was going on that tape. 
“Hey, loser.” Peter whipped his head at the dead-pan to the left, meeting MJ’s shrewd eyes and perpetually downturned mouth from her corner of the table. “What’s up with your stupid moon-face?”
“Uh, what?”
“If you stared any harder at her, you may burn a hole.” 
“I don’t — who? Stared at who?” Peter panicked. Surely MJ couldn’t know. If MJ knew, did that mean he was being obvious? Oh, crap. 
“For someone so smart, you’re an idiot. Lucky for you, I’m not. Just say something. She’s super nice, you know. She’d talk to you.” 
“Thanks, MJ. I think?” Peter’s brow furrowed at the minor insult, which stung less considering it was wrapped in the warm velvet of MJ’s hyper-observant encouragement. 
Just talk to her. Like it was so easy. 
If he played his cards right, he’d let the tape do the talking. Peter loved it when a plan came together. Take down the bad guys, take down his homework, take down this special project, get the girl. 
“Decisions, decisions, all of them wrong,” you hummed to yourself, perusing the sweet offerings through the bakery’s glass dessert case.
You stood under the ambient lighting in your favorite bakery. Post-practice you didn’t smell the best, but you’d put in work. You deserved a treat. RIP to the people behind you in line. 
“I hear the chocolate chip cookies here are the best.” 
You whipped around, only to be met with the cocoa-honey eyes of none other than Peter Parker. A true confectionary masterpiece. Suddenly, the items behind the case seemed less sweet by comparison. And–wait, was Peter Parker actually talking to you about something that wasn’t last night’s reading?
“Um, thanks for the tip!” You cursed yourself for your filler-word of choice. Um, um, um. You cursed yourself again for wearing your sweaty practice gear and grass-stained socks. Of all the times to run into him. “Yeah– I’m more of a lemon bar kinda girl.”  
Shit. Why did you say that? 
Peter just looked at you. 
Did he look— crestfallen? Did you offend Peter Parker? Shit, shit.
“What I mean is, I’ll go with your recommendation, but the cookies here are huge. Split it with me?” You offered.
Peter’s head whipped back up, his eyes cola swirls of excitement. His mouth split into a toothy grin.
Dear God. What you wouldn’t given to be the cause of that smile forever. 
Was Peter always literal sunshine? 
You paid for the cookie, breaking off a half and offering him the half in the bag. As you sank your teeth into a mouth full of cookie, the melted chocolate flooding your tongue, you asked, albeit not too politely, given that your mouth was full–  
“So, what are you doing over on this side of town? Don’t you usually go the other way?”
Peter blinked.
Nice one. Now he’s gonna think you’re a creep that, like, watches him leave? God fucking–
“Oh, just running an errand for Mr. Stark. I saw you through the window and thought I’d come say hey!” Peter chirped.
Ah. The Stark Internship. Of course. Peter probably thought you were the biggest idiot for forgetting. Everyone knew he had the Internship after school. Mercifully, Peter either didn’t notice your slight, or he didn’t care.
“What are you listening to?” Peter gestured at the earbuds poking out of the collar of your practice jersey. 
“Bohemian Rhapsody,” you shrugged. “Wanna listen?”
Peter nodded, vehemently. You slipped the buds from the bottom of your shirt, handing one to Peter, the opening piano keys trilling into your ears. Your eyes met Peter’s, and you felt your mouth form a little tip-lipped grin.  
The two of you stayed that way for the duration of the song, munching on your respective cookie halves. You wondered if there had ever been a more perfect moment in all of history? Sure, this was a little rom-com for anyone’s taste, but, hey. 
You would crawl over glass if it meant you got to listen to Queen while basking in the literal warmth of Peter Parker for eternity. 
The song ended, breaking your Freddie Mercury and chocolate-induced haze. Shit. The Stark errand. 
You decided to cut the string and let Peter escape this little interaction. You tugged the earbuds, effectively popping the one out of Peter’s ear. 
“I’m so sorry, Peter. I’ll let you get back to it! Don’t want to keep Iron Man waiting,” you said. “Thanks for the tip, by the way. This cookie is, like, magic.” 
Peter nodded, shuffling his feet a bit. He gave you a wave and bit out a truncated goodbye, shoving his mouth full of the remainder of the cookie as he exited the shop. 
What in the literal fuck. No, not literal. Don’t go there. Did you just share baked goods and an actual conversation with Peter? Did you share headphones with Peter? What is happening today?
If your heart beat any faster, it’d be doing the Roger Taylor drum solo to “Keep Yourself Alive.” If your blood could sing, it would be thrumming a trilled little thrill of your sweet, sugary little interlude.
Peter blew back into his apartment like a hurricane, buzzing with whatever that was. 
What had compelled him to speak up? He saw you standing there, looking a literal glowing angel in school colors and pulled-back hair, complete with beautiful post-exercise flush. And he just— he had to say something, MJ’s words ringing in his head. “She’d talk to you.” 
Peter pulled the refurbished Walkman out of his bag, along with a packet of cassette tapes colored neon pink. 
If he was giving you a little retro tech present, he was going full-stop, the neon piece of plastic screaming 1980s, screaming you. 
Fitting the blank cassette into the stereo, he hit “Record.” 
The following day, Peter hustled into school at a time that was, in his humble opinion, way, way too early, meeting Ned in the hallway. 
“Okay, guy in the chair. Did you figure out which locker is hers?” Peter asked.” 
“You know I did.” Ned pressed a slip of paper into Peter’s palm. 
Glancing quickly at the little shred, Peter stuffed it into his back pocket and jogged down the hallway, jimmying the lock on the locker in question until it gave way under his super-strength. As if it would catch fire at any second, Peter tossed the Walkman and tape into the locker, slamming the door shut and taking off down the hallway as quickly as he could, Ned at his heels.
“Smooth, Spider-boy. Smooth,” Ned laughed. 
Peter was going to die. 
Days went by. Literal days. Those pressed on into a week, and then two. Peter had heard nothing since dropping the tape in your locker. God, this was a mistake. He’s made a huge mistake. A huge, tiny mistake.
His self-doubt crept in like so many webs, suffocating his better sensibilities. Not that he’d tangled himself in his own webs before. Come on! 
—Okay, it was ONE TIME. And he’d had time to think about his carelessness while waiting for the webs to dissolve. 
But this was different. He was drowning in his uncertainty. Maybe he’d misread that day at the bakery. Maybe you were just being nice. Peter knew he wasn’t entitled to your attention after once interaction. He wasn’t that much of a hyper-masculine dick. 
Oh, shit. 
You turned, eyes landing on your teammate, Jessica Porter. 
“Jess. What’s up?”
“Hey, I found this in my locker a while ago. I meant to give it to you sooner, but, well–” Jess reached into her bag, pulling out a rectangular hunk of plastic affixed to 1980s-esque headphones. “Your name’s on the sticky note, and on the tape inside. I don’t know how it got to me, but it’s clearly meant for you.”
You took the Walkman from her hands, turning it over. No “From” on the sticky note to indicate who had gifted you this little vintage gem. Affixed to the back with some Scotch tape was the plastic holder for the cassette, the jacket within scrawled with writing that you just couldn’t place. 
“Uh, thanks, Jess. See you at practice?” You walked away, your brow furrowed, your mind moving at a mile a minute. 
After school, you slumped onto your bed. You popped the tape off the back of the Walkman, freeing the case.
As you slipped the jacket out of the case, you hit “Play” on the Walkman, the keyed-up opening to Jukebox the Ghost’s “Everybody’s Lonely” meeting your ears. 
You perused the scrawled writing on the jacket– it was a track list. Next to each track was a little  handwritten note jammed into each line. 
1. “Everybody’s Lonely”– Jukebox the Ghost. Because every song is about love. And because you like Queen.
2. “Radio Gaga”– Queen. Ditto. 
Your heart stopped. No, seriously, should you call 911? This couldn’t be – could it? Did Peter Parker make you an actual mixtape?? Had you hit your head today at practice, or something? The stars in your eyes and little bursts like so many Pop Rocks in your belly were so like happy little interpretations of your veritable disbelief. 
You had shared a Queen song and a sweet moment with Peter two weeks ago. Since then? Radio silence. But now? Radio Ga Ga. This had to be from him, right? Your eyes continued down the list. 
6. “Hong Kong Garden”– Siouxsie and the Banshees. I’d reap the field of rice and reeds if it meant an afternoon with you. 
7. “Humbug Mountain Song” – Fruit Bats. My heart thrums like a shitty hipster banjo solo.
8. “Left Hand Free” – Alt J. You looked so cute in your tour shirt Sophomore year. 
9. “Cover Your Tracks” – A Boy and His Kite. Heart, cover your tracks, the blood that you spill will wash what you lack.
The last song on the list, replete with a mix of everything from Bowie to Fleet Foxes, was—
14. “Given the Chance”– The Kite String Tangle. The note?
“Given the chance, I’d go for it. One step at a time. Will you give me a chance?”
It was then you knew. Peter Parker was pure happiness. A zipping burst of citrus on your tongue with a zing that shot straight to your heart. A powdered sugar kiss-and-touch. Syrupy warmth enveloping your spirits.  This gesture was beyond— well, anything. Your heart felt like so many folded paper birds, fluttering and faint, but solidified with purpose. 
You had words for Peter Parker. 
The next day you strode into school with purpose, only to be met with coffee curls awaiting you. Pacing at your locker was none other than Peter Parker. And he looked — panicked?? 
Before you could even say a word, Peter opened his mouth, a jumble of words flying out faster than his lips could form the words. 
“I am so, so sorry. I messed up…”
I messed up. 
Your heart plummeted. Was the tape for someone else? Before you could press, Peter continued, “I– I made you a mixtape. Y-you know, like, an actual mixtape. On a cassette and everything. The only problem is–” He hung his head. “I put it in your locker. Well, not your locker, obviously– I thought it was your locker. 1127? I put it in 1172.” He let out a huff of air at his rushed confession, refusing to meet your eyes, cheeks burning.  “I’m sorry.” 
You blinked. 
“You’re sorry?!” 
Peter looked up at you, quickly, flinching, expecting a tongue-lashing after your outburst. To his surprise, you just laughed. He blinked. Had he misread this so badly?
“Jessica Porter has locker 1172,” you explained. Peter continued staring at you, blankly. What did Jessica Porter have to do with anything?
“Jessica Porter and I have chem together. We’re on the soccer team. She’s super cool,” You explained. Peter remained unmoving, desperate to hear the point and why his apparent faux-paus was so funny to you. 
“Don’t leave me in suspense, here. Because, I’m like.. really, REALLY sorry,” Peter pressed. 
“The point is,” you slung your bag forward and over your shoulder, ripping the zipper open and withdrawing the Walkman. Neon pink cassette tape visible like a flash through the little plastic window. “I got your mix. Jess gave it to me. She thought it was cute, by the way. Sure you didn’t really mean to give it to her?” you teased.  
“O-oh. Cool, uh, but did you think it was cute?”
“Peter,” you sighed. “For someone so smart, you’re an idiot–” 
“MJ said the same thing…” 
“– It wasn’t cute, Peter.” 
His eyes got even wider if possible, the sting of rejection starting to set in– could he possibly have misread the situation so badly? What about your little date? Was it a date? Listening to Queen and eating cookies that day at the bakery? How had MJ steered him so wrong?
 He had done so well on the reading comprehension portion of his PSAT. But reading paragraphs about the migratory pattern of geese was very, very different from reading between the lines when it came to girls his own age. Any girls, really– he had to stop himself. Maybe they were right, maybe he was an idiot– 
“Peter, this is MORE than cute. This is the sweetest, nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I love it. Your taste in music, you… you get me,” you explained, pressing your hand into Peter’s, pressing the point. He could feel the touch, tingly sensations running through his palm, up his arm, and he swore, straight into his heart. 
Peter changed a glance at you through his lashes, lips splitting into a toothy, Peter Parker grin. 
You hoped he’d only smile at you like that forever. He truly was like the sun, bright and warming the coldest parts of you with the greatest of ease. Filling any hollowness with golden light. His bright eyes sparkled, permanently etched within the golden hour and you swore you forgot how to breathe. 
“I’d give you a chance, Pete. As many as you wanted.”  
Before he could respond, you leaned forward, quickly pressing your lips to Peter’s. It lasted a brief second – a dusting of sugar atop something crisp, sweet and citrusy– before pulling back. Sweet, but all too short, panic splicing through your moment of confectionery bliss that was kissing Peter Parker. 
“Sorry, sorry, Peter. I’m sorry. Was that too forward?? I–”  
You were cut off by Peter, lips firmly meeting yours. Peter’s hands cupped your cheeks, thumbs tracing over the peaks of your cheekbones. Any trace of awkwardness gone, Peter slid his hands from your cheeks — back, back, back— to run his fingers through the hair at the nape of your neck, resting there. The tilt of his lips followed yours, sweet cinnamon heat – persistently welcome and welcomingly persistent. The golden hour indeed. 
Breathless– you were breathless. Could Peter Parker kiss like this always? You wished he would. Look at you, smile at you, kiss you – always. But, um, not with anyone else. Decidedly not. Just you, you hoped. The ebbs and flows of your personhood, the sweet contrast of your personalities, like a discord of so many notes coming together into one cohesive piece. This….
This? This was what rhapsody was. You were just sure of it.
So that’s it. I do have a complete playlist made for this story, if anyone is interested, I can send you the link.
Tagging: @starksparker @nappingtopknot @ayeayecaptaingally @andallthatmishigas @ymeradonnadx @hey-its-grey
Special s/o to @tigerlilynoh!
283 notes · View notes
Tony Stark and the Messianic Archetype in Avengers: Endgame
* * * * * S P O I L E R S ahead for Avengers: Endgame * * * * *
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From a purely analytical standpoint, I don’t have anything against Tony’s character arc in Endgame culminating with his death. His last moments in the heat of battle weren’t rushed, poorly written, or unearned. If Tony Stark was going to die on screen, of course he’d do it like a goddamn badass—and he did.
At this point Marvel is telling a single story to millions upon millions of people and there’s no way they can craft a narrative to suit every single person. When I say Tony's death didn’t work for me, I do so knowing that Marvel wasn’t writing the story for me anyway. And I'm not trying to disparage the creative team's efforts and storytelling choices. They made a call. I don’t agree it was the right one.
For me, Tony’s death traps him inside a Messianic Archetype that doesn’t elevate his character in a wholly satisfying way and doesn’t fit the themes of the established, team-centric universe. In this essay I will…
…actually write a fucking 4000-word essay, so buckle up and read on if you’re in for the ride.
What Is the Messianic Archetype?
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The Messianic Archetype is a messiah trope. It’s exactly what it sounds like—one person (usually (but not always) white, usually (but not always) male) who sacrifices themselves for the greater good. 
Here’s how TV Tropes puts it: 
In media, the Messianic Archetype is a character whose role in the story (but not necessarily personality) echoes that of Christ. They are portrayed as a savior, whether the thing they are saving is a person, a lot of people or the whole of humanity. They endure a sizable sacrifice as the means of bringing that salvation about for others, a fate they do not deserve up to and including death or a Fate Worse than Death. Other elements may be mixed and matched as required but the Messianic Archetype will include one or more of the following:
- The Chosen One. - True Companions who follow him. - Betrayal by one of those followers. - Persecution by nonbelievers. - Crucified Hero Shot (or other parallels to the Passion Play). - Figurative or literal resurrection. - A Second Coming. - The initials JC.
Some examples of Messianic Archetypes in popular narratives are: Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (or Kirk in Star Trek: Into Darkness), Harry Potter in The Deathly Hallows, Superman in Batman vs Superman, or Neo in the Matrix trilogy. The Doctor in Doctor Who is frequently and repeatedly presented as a messiah figure. Multiple incarnations of Sherlock also follow suit in multiple imaginings of the the Reichenbach Falls scenario. (I won’t go into details with any of these characters. I trust the Messianic Archetypes here are obvious to anyone familiar with these stories.) 
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe itself, we see Messianic Archetypes popping up all over the place—like daisies! Steve plays this part when he sacrifices himself in The First Avenger to stop Red Skull's plan to bomb several major American cities. His time in the ice is a kind of death from which he is subsequently “resurrected” in modern day New York. To a lesser extent, he also offers himself up as a sacrifice to save Bucky in The Winter Soldier. 
T’Challa follows this pattern in Black Panther when he’s betrayed by W’Kabi, defeated by Killmonger, and subsequently resurrected within the safety of M’Baku’s tribe. 
In the first Thor movie, Thor is betrayed by Loki, sacrifices himself to the Destroyer to protect his human friends, and he comes back from near-death with the return of Mjölnir, having proven himself worthy of the hammer. 
Carol Danvers destroys Mar-Vell’s engine in Captain Marvel to keep enemies from getting their hands on tech that could harm millions of innocent people. Her human life symbolically ends in the subsequent explosion, and she’s effectively reborn with superpowers.
Pepper Potts is betrayed by her former colleague Killian in Iron Man 3, selected as his “chosen one” for the Extremis injection, and she dies and is reborn from fire.
Yondu in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2—
Well, I could go on for a long time, but... you get the idea. 
The Messianic Archetype isn’t particularly new to popular media, let alone the MCU. 
This trope is deeply, almost subconsciously, woven into the fabric of popular western storytelling. There's nothing inherently wrong with that. Tropes are tropes for a reason—they speak to us on a cultural and instinctual level. We want to hear these stories over and over, replay them in new ways and look at them from different angles precisely because there is something meaningful in the narrative. 
And Tony Stark's narrative is no exception. His repeated acts of self-sacrifice fit into the Messianic Archetype very, very well.
Proof That Tony Stark Has a Heart
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The MCU kicked off in 2008 with the first Iron Man movie and Tony Stark has ostensibly been the main character of the franchise from the beginning. 
The Iron Man movies establish early on that Tony has a savior complex to match the size of his ego. Our genius playboy billionaire philanthropist is a deeply flawed hero who started out his career as a maker of WMDs. He was widely known as “The Merchant of Death” before he saw the error of his ways. Tony understands he has done many Bad Things and he must atone for those Bad Things—with his life, if necessary.
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“I shouldn’t be alive, unless it was for a reason. ... I finally know what I have to do and I know in my heart that it’s right.” —Tony Stark, Iron Man
The first Iron Man movie climaxes with Tony ordering Pepper to blow the Arc Reactor to stop Stane’s rampage, even though Tony might perish in the process. In Iron Man 2, Tony is actively dying from palladium poisoning, but he faces down Vanko (sans Iron Man suit) on the speedway of the Monaco Historic Grand Prix. In the first Avengers movie, we see Tony put his life on the line to get a nuclear weapon out of New York.
This is a repeated pattern for Tony, and like an addict, it’s one he struggles to break. Over and over Tony flings himself into the fray, believing he’s the one who makes the difference—he’s the willing sacrifice whose blood saves the world. 
Tony selects himself to be “the chosen one” because he sees himself as the one at fault for bringing evil into the world. 
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“We create our own demons. Who said that? What does that even mean? Doesn’t matter, I said it cause he said it. ...So why am I telling you this? Because I had just created demons, and I didn’t even know it.” —Tony Stark, Iron Man 3
Iron Man 3 shows us just how deeply responsible Tony feels for the wrongs of the world. Because he made naive (and selfish) mistakes when he was young, Tony blames himself for creating villains that plague the earth now. 
We see this best in the aftermath of the destruction of Tony’s mansion in Malibu. 
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“Pepper, it’s me. I’ve got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time. So first off, I’m so sorry I put you in harm’s way. That was selfish and stupid and it won’t happen again. ...And I’m sorry in advance because I can’t come home yet. I need to find this guy. You got to stay safe. That’s all I know.” —Tony Stark, Iron Man 3
Yes, Tony absolutely provoked the Mandarin, a known terrorist, and the result is the complete annihilation of Tony’s home. Tony accepts responsibility for the destruction as though he was the one who shot the missiles himself. He goes so far as to volunteer himself for a solo mission to find the Mandarin without even bothering to contact SHIELD or the Avengers for help. He made this mess, he’s going to clean it up. All the while he suffers through crippling anxiety and panic attacks, demonstrating that the burden he’s put on his own shoulders is, in fact, too much for him to handle by himself. Still, Tony denies himself the comforts of home and family until he can atone for his wrongdoings.
Miraculously, Iron Man 3 gives Tony a respite when the tables are turned and, for once, Tony is the one ultimately saved by Pepper. After her rescue (pun intended), Tony gives up the armor, commits to having the shrapnel taken out of his chest, and he starts rebuilding the literal ruins of his life—both physical and metaphorical.
The respite doesn’t last, of course, because recovery doesn’t go in a straight line—oh, and also the franchise isn’t over and the MCU kinda needs Iron Man. And so Tony slides back into familiar, self-destructive patterns. 
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"Few years ago, I almost lost [Pepper], so I trashed all my suits. Then, we had to muck up Hydra. And then Ultron. My fault. And then, and then, and then. I never stopped. 'Cause the truth is, I don't wanna stop.” —Tony Stark, Civil War
Tony taking on the mantle of the Messianic Archetype once more in Endgame falls perfectly in line with his established need to compulsively and perpetually atone for his sins. As a perfectionist who needs to assuage his guilt for his ongoing (and perceived) failures, Tony simply can’t stop himself from offering up his life in penance. Statistically it was bound to catch up with him, and in Endgame it does.
And not only does Tony give his life in true Messianic fashion, we are “treated” to a hyper-realistic and painfully extended sequence where his life drains out of him as his loved ones gather to witness him gasping out his last breath. (Thanks for that, by the way, Marvel. I’ll put this scene with the dead baby bunnies my childhood cat used to bring home as gifts. How thoughtful.)
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Maybe the reason for the intensity of Tony’s death scene is to make the audience believe his death is the Real Thing, not some comic-book-superhero-movie trickery that he’ll be back from in a few minutes’ time. Perhaps it’s the only way to ensure we commit to the emotional depth of the moment. Perhaps the filmmakers see it as an homage to RDJ’s acting talent and commitment to the role. Regardless of the rationale behind the camera’s unflinching gaze, Tony’s excruciating death hammers home the brutal and lonely reality of the Messianic Archetype: it’s cruel to put the fate of the world on one person’s shoulders. 
But Tony embraces that end. He throws himself into the machinery of fate, convinced he’s the cog that will make it all work. 
And he does make it work. 
So why is that a problem?
The Team-Oriented Universe
The problem with Tony doubling (tripling? quadrupling?) down on the Messianic Archetype at the apex of the franchise is that the MCU is an ensemble, team-oriented universe. 
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“You think you're the only superhero in the world? Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe, you just don't know it yet." —Nick Fury, Iron Man
Fury tells us from the get-go that Tony isn’t the be-all-end-all of the MCU. It’s possible for Tony—for them all—to become something greater than the sum of their parts. 
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“There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more.” —Nick Fury, Avengers
The entire first Avengers movie is dedicated to establishing this premise, to getting these knuckleheads to work together because, alone, they’re too wrapped up in their own bullshit to adequately deal with the forces that threaten the planet. Things don’t start to go right for them until they set aside their personal issues and act as a unit. 
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As we all know, our team passes the test and they establish an important principle of the MCU: teamwork is powerful and it’s more effective than working solo. 
True, Tony’s self-sacrifice in the context of the Battle of New York helps save the day; but it’s only one part of a coordinated effort. Tony chucking the nuke into space would have been pointless without the added efforts of Steve to coordinate civilian safety, Hawkeye to relay enemy movements, Thor to separate Loki from the scepter, Natasha to close the portal, and Hulk to subdue Loki and ultimately catch Tony as he fell from the wormhole. The team achieved a better outcome together than they each could have achieved separately. 
But even in the shared afterglow of winning the Battle of New York, the individual members of the team struggle to perfect their dynamic. New challenges present themselves. There’s always room for the team to grow and become stronger together as the franchise progresses. That’s the whole point. 
Tony, for his part, waffles back and forth between his desire to be the savior mechanic (to fix everything by himself) and his desire to work cooperatively with his found-family of superheroes for the common good. This internal conflict plays out over the course of the franchise as Tony takes on the Mandarin by himself in Iron Man 3. The issue then escalates in Age of Ultron when Tony convinces Bruce to help him create Ultron, unbeknownst to the rest of the team. Murder-bot problems and team drama ensue. Tony’s cycle of guilt perpetuates itself in the wake of the disaster in Sokovia, which prompts Tony to adopt the Sokovia Accords. He submits himself and the team to UN governance in Civil War. More team drama ensues.
The logical progression of this escalating team conflict should have involved Tony confronting his deep-seated compulsion to destroy himself for the sake of others. This is exactly the problem Pepper keeps trying to point out to him—his Messianic tendencies have started to cause more problems than they solve. 
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“There is nothing except this. ... There's the next mission, and nothing else.” —Tony Stark, Iron Man
Tony has struggled from the beginning to find the right balance between personal sacrifice and sharing team effort. 
Pepper frequently tries to remind Tony that he doesn’t live alone in the world, he can’t do it all by himself. And there are people who want him to live. 
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“You’re all I have, too, you know.” —Pepper Potts, Iron Man
Imagine how emotionally satisfying it would have been to see Tony outgrow his need for sacrificial penance and internalize a better lesson: that the savior can be saved, the burden can be shared, and life can go on. 
A Better Ending for Tony
The MCU had the perfect opportunity to give us an ending that would be happier for Tony and a better fit for a team-centric universe. 
In Guardians of the Galaxy we see Peter Quill and his team survive the power of an Infinity Stone by working together to share the burden of its energy. 
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Peter Quill is the son of a Celestial—he’s basically immortal up until the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2. That’s why he and his team could hold the stone without any ill effects. 
Also, they only had to channel the power of one stone. Not six. 
That’s a fair point. 
But by the time Tony had all of the Infinity Stones in Endgame, the battlefield was chock full of all kinds of superheroes. Wanda and Carol by themselves are  embodiments of two of the Infinity Stones. Hulk had managed to bear all of the stones by himself earlier in the movie. Steve, T’challa, and Bucky are enhanced super soldiers. Thor, Valkyrie, and the other Asgardians might not be Celestials, but they are gods—and there were a lot of them on that field.
And we’re supposed to believe none of these characters could offer any help to Tony whatsoever? None of them could hold Tony’s hand for a single minute to save his life?
There are plenty of arguments that could be made: Tony was too fast, no one knew what was happening, or everyone else was occupied in battle. But at the end of the day, it’s a choice the creative team made. Tony died because they wanted him to die. 
And not much would have to change to save his life. 
Imagine this: Tony gets the stones from Thanos and, in true Messianic Archetype fashion, he commits to making the snap, fully expecting it means his death—but then Pepper is there and Pepper has always been the one asking Tony to stop offering up his life to pay for some imaginary debt he thinks he owes. He hesitates, and it’s just long enough for Carol and Wanda swoop in, putting their hands on him and taking the brunt of the energy. Thor and Steve and Bruce and Clint pile on. Peter Parker links up, too, and on and on until the entire rest of the team, all across the battlefield, are in contact with each other and alight with power, channeling the energy of the six stones, keeping Thanos and his monsters at bay. 
Tony can still have his ultra-badass “I am Iron Man” moment as he stands at the center of this surging and fluxing cosmic energy—but this time he does it with support. There are people who care about him (and each other) on all sides. And there are so many of them. Tony isn’t the only one who matters, he’s just the lynch pin that holds it all together. 
Tony is Iron Man. 
More importantly? Together they’re all the Avengers. 
The universe is set right.
Maybe Tony doesn’t escape entirely unscathed. Maybe he loses his arm as suggested by this post. Maybe the others all leave with their own scars, too. But Tony’s alive and he’s finally, deeply aware of what it means to transcend the limits of personal sacrifice and share the hero’s burden with others. 
He knows now exactly what the Avengers are capable of. Oh, and by the way? That protective shield he wanted around the world in Age of Ultron? Here they all are. All these wonderful, powerful people are going to protect the Earth. And you know what? They don’t need Tony Stark’s myopic self-sacrifice to do it. 
Tony finally feels like he’s done enough—and maybe now he believes there are other heroes out there who can do better than he can. Anyway, he gets to go home to Morgan and Pepper and he finds that it’s not so hard for him to let the new kids do the tough jobs now. He happily goes back to his role as “consultant” for the Avengers, he’s a mad inventor helping change the world for the better, and he also gets to have the long adventure of being a husband and a dad. He doesn’t have to choose one identity over the other—he’s Iron Man. He can redefine what the job means whenever he wants to.
(Also, he finds a way to rescue Nat because she didn’t deserve to be fridged like that. Just saying.)
This ending, or any number of variations like it, would have allowed Tony to finally show real growth at the end of his character arc, instead of succumbing to the same old self-destructive pattern we've seen from him time and time again. And it would have reinforced the theme of teamwork and its power to elevate all those who participate. 
Maybe it’s cheesy, but you know what? It’s the ending I wanted. I know I’m not alone. 
Tony’s Not Really Dead, You Say? 
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“There’s no need to be upset about Tony’s death,” some might say. “Tony’s gonna come back!” 
Resurrection is a huge part of the Messianic Archetype—and it might be that the filmmakers do intend to bring Tony back in some later movie. It might be they simply want Tony’s death in Endgame to sit a little while longer so it has a greater impact. (Gotta push for that best picture Oscar, right? The Oscars hate superhero movies, but they do love a sad ending.)
While I’m wishing for things, maybe Marvel will also release the multiple alternate endings they filmed for Endgame, essentially creating a “choose your own adventure.” Maybe we’ll all be able to pick the ending we like best and forget the rest exist. 
But I can’t make a judgement based on what might be, I can only say how I feel based on what we were given in the theater—for all intents and purposes, that’s the official story Marvel wants to share. 
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The Endgame narrative insists there’s only one possible path to victory against Thanos. The “one possible path” is basically the equivalent of the creative team saying, “Don’t @ me.” There certainly must have been an impossible number of endings they could have put on film. Tony’s death is the one they picked. 
So, sorry for @ing you, Marvel, I guess, but there’s just one more point I want to make...
A Personal Note
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RDJ acted the hell out of Tony's final scene. He acted the hell out of the whole franchise. Tony's death was powerful and intensely moving. I wanted to ugly cry in the lobby after the movie was over, and I was upset for days after. 
So. Good job, Marvel. You got in some surprises and you wrung out some feelings from viewers like me. Now that the movie’s taken the world by storm, the surprises will play themselves out. So, I guess the big question is: Will audiences want to revisit this adventure and the feelings you ultimately left them with? 
For me? My reluctant answer is: no. I don’t want to see Infinity War or Endgame again. Not really. Not in their entirety. I didn’t mind the slog through Infinity War in 2018 because I thought, Hey, maybe this is leading to an ultimately happy and satisfying conclusion for these characters I care about so much. And, to be fair—right up until the last 15 minutes of Endgame, I was ready to say, “All’s forgiven.” 
There’s this thing in storytelling called “payoff.” It’s when you deliver a satisfying resolution or fulfillment to your audience after they commit to your narrative journey. Payoff can be extraordinarily subjective, so, again, I acknowledge that there’s no way to please everyone. 
For me, there’s no reward in the resolution of Endgame that makes the slog to its conclusion worth it. Tony’s ending is so needlessly sacrificial, so unnecessarily brutal, that it erases much of the enjoyment I otherwise had in watching the entire rest of the film. 
Don’t get me wrong. I like sad movies and scary movies in their own context. I like them when I can choose them and know that’s what I'm getting myself into. Sometimes I want the catharsis of being utterly terrified or brought to tears. Sometimes we need stories to give us the chance to feel deep and scary emotions in a safe environment. That’s an important function of creative work.
And, I mean, truly, Endgame gave us some great acting, great effects. Amazing talent. Really fun and creative moments. I’m not trying to disparage all the work that went into its making. 
But I feel like someone took me in a limo to a high-class restaurant to eat caviar and watch sad arthouse theater when all I really wanted was to go into town with my friends for some ice cream and a fun movie. 
I didn’t need rainbow-colored sprinkles on my ending, but something a bit sweeter would have been nice. So, well done, Marvel. But also—no, thank you. 
As it stands, Endgame was too bitter for my taste.
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musubiki · 5 years
Mochi & Lime Lore/Overworld dump post
- Mochi and lime live in an earth alternate, so like, humans, but not EARTH earth. still working on the name of the continent/region/world they're in, but its gonna be like a botw expansive map with a bunch of different climates and stuff all spread out
- it's probably also a modern-style monarchy. so their gonna have modern technology and stuff but its an excuse to maybe include a royal family (think hmc style ish??). but i don't think the story will delve into politics at all. let's just assume that the gov and economy is ok in this story LOL
- magic and fantasy creatures exist EVERYWHERE, but they hide from most humans and as a result mostly live in forests and such
- the power of magic came as a gift from the stars. the stars are like. i guess what people worship i guess?? so the stars are like the ‘gods’ here (i didnt wanna get into religion too much in this story either, but some plot-relevance will most likely involve some religion-like aspects like priests and whatever)
- technology was developed only because the power of magic essentially disapeared to humans. if witches were always integrated into society, tech probably wouldn’t be a thing
- witches are female only. at the origins of magic, it used to run in both sexes, but the only male with magic ability became insanely powerful and evil and the magic in males died with him. (big backstory, we dont have time to unpack that)
- there's an extensive history (same backstory) of witches not being accepted/feared in society despite being mostly human, so they live WITH humans, but don't expose themselves. 
- (the most valuable spell is the memory replacement spell, which works kind of like that app where you can erase whole people from photos. ie, it takes parts of the rest of your day or similar days to fill in the deleted memory with similar memories, so instead of seeing mochi battling it out with some masked dude, you think you just went to school and came home)
- witches in society caused a bunch of social problems. they had events similar to the salem witch trials and whole plagues started when a witch was discovered. (that crow-lookin plague mask WILL show up in this story i dont care. that shit looked cool and evil and i want it to show up)
- there are some witch ‘haven’ villages: small secluded villages that hide a witch or two within its walls, and don't get many visitors. these villages usually don't have much technology, as they rely on magic. (one of these places is the ocean village where Mochis grandmother lives, and another is where Mochis secret hideout is in the northern mountains)
- there are a bunch of urban legends of witches, bedtime stories, holiday tales, etc. but no one really believes they exist anymore. they just seem like cryptids or superstitions.
- the magical community power scale pretty much looks like this:
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...with the cat at the top, followed by the crow/snake, then the spider/toad, and the rest of the witches are more of less equal in power, and then below that are the mages. the psuedo-magic is placed in its own box because it comes nowhere near true magic
- because of this power balance, all the ‘normal’ witches and mages are extremely jealous of the top five (sometimes theres even jealousy within the five)
- ‘mages’ are a broad term of magic users, which can range from humans, to fairies and mermaids. i think the familiars may fall into this catigory too, as they can use a small degree of protective magic.
- mages can be a lot of things, fire mages, water mages, ink mages, paper mages, etc. theres a LOT of them, mostly descending from ancestors who were given power by witches a long time ago, or maybe the offspring of a human and a spirit. long story short its a REALLY broad term.
- every witch, at some point during their magical maturity has to chose a successor. its usually their daughter, but not in every case. once their successor turns 15, together they conduct a ritual to begin the power transfer. (i havent decided if the ritual is when they get their familiar, or if theyre supposed to have them since birth?? probably the former)
- during the power transfer, the magical ability is slowly ‘drained’ from the old witch into the new witch over a period of time, usually about a year or so, and the old witch teaches and trains the new witch how to use magic and potions.
- however this is also the most dangerous time, because as the power slowly transfers, the old and new witches respective power levels are slowly decreasing and increasing respectively, and at the equilibrium (50/50 transfered) the strongest witches power roughly equates to the power of a normal witch 
- (which is especially a dangerous time, compared to say, at a 70/30 balance the old witch is still strong enough to defend the title)
- and due to the jealousy problem within the magic-user circle, this is the ideal time to steal the power of a witch. in Mochi’s case, the cat is highly sought after by other witches and mages, and because of this, cat witches are trained early on to be VERY good fighters, and usually have a few. like. ‘bodygaurds’ so to speak (ie. Lime)
- in rare cases, the power of psuedo-magic is enough to kill a witch at equilibrium as well
- if you kill a witch, all her magical affect on the world (potions, spells, cursed objects) disapears, and the power will either pass to the victor (if she dies by the hand of another witch/mage) or will return to the old witch (if she dies by accident)
- if a witch dies by accident, and she has no remaining female family, the familiar will wander the world in search of a new and worthy witch
- because of the female-only thing as well as the jealousy issue, witches try to only have one daughter, as to not deal with sibling jealousy. especially if they have a son first, and then a daughter, the boy usually sometimes ends up with resentment that they can’t have the same power
- a lot of witch-siblings end up joining the coattails
- for humor and story purposes, im making it so for some idiot reason no one else can figure out where Mochi lives and/or are too dumb to do the obvious plan of attacking her in her sleep or something. so they usually get attacked on the go.
- also maybe everyone understands that high school sucks enough as it is, so they also rarely attack during school hours
- every familiar is a different being, and they stay with their witch throughout their whole lives. they always retain the ability to talk, even after the witch no longer has the main power. after a witch dies, their familiar loses their voice, and either dies with them, or leaves to wander the earth forever
- after a witch loses her power to her successor, she can only do low-level magic and make potions (small levetation spells, foliage growth spells, etc. nothing big)
- there are also a lot of powerful spirits (they roughly fall into the mage catigory) that wander the earth and protect certain sacred places. a subcatogiry of spirits are the cosmic serpants, chinese dragon-looking things that rest in shrines and travel the skies during the night, bringing the elements with them (theres a cosmic wind serpant that protects the forest next to Oscars house, and its always pretty windy there)
- locals pray to the spirits for good weather, healthy crops, etc which the serpants are happy to give them with offerings
- theyre kind spirits, but also very firm and protective of their lands. if they sense any ill-willed trasspassers they WILL destroy them. they only reveal themselves when they want to, but most have mad respect for the witches. 
- mochi gives oscar a medalion with a witches seal so the spirits know not to fucking merk him on his ghost-hunting adventures
- another type of spirit are the forest gaurdians (like the little things in this picture) which care for the forests and animals there. they like oscar because he brings them little snackies like funyuns. 
- spirits are naturally attracted to magical energy, so when mochis around the spirit activity hikes up (que ominous wind gusts during spooky story telling at oscars house) 
- the 5 top witches are pretty well known throughout the magic/creature communities. even if Mochi hasn’t met them yet formally, her name travels fairly quickly that by the time she visits somewhere and introduces herself, they know shes the cat witch
- also, in the top 5, each witch kind of has their own little attributes that makes them, by nature, most suitable for their position. for Mochi, as the cat, she has the biggest heart (cares the most for people, has the most friends). the crow is has the most intellect, the spider is the most creative/detail oriented, etc.
- different regional areas grow rare ingredients, which most of them i will 100% make up since i dont know a lot about actual earth plants, so mochi and lime will travel to all different parts of the world for foraging. everyone kind of teases them about how ‘oooh youre just gonna live in this little city your whole life?? boring!! get out there!!’ and they just kinda look at each other 
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bigskydreaming · 6 years
Young Justice Season Three spoilers
YJ Producers: We have a Muslim superhero this season, look how great she is and how progressive we are!
Actual YJ episodes: Okay so Muslim superhero might be a bit of a stretch since well, if you wanna get technical, she’s actually a sentient piece of alien technology whose soul went into the body of a dead Muslim girl when her original alien tech got smushed. But even though she continually insists that she is not Gabrielle Daou, the Muslim girl whose body this was originally, and that’s the entire reason she chose a new name for herself, she is a completely different person aka a non Muslim, not even human person - she still wears a hijab! Totally counts!
YJ Producers: We always wanted to portray LGBTQ+ superheroes, we’ve actually had one the whole time and you just didn’t know it because mean old Cartoon Network wouldn’t let us show it, now that we’re on our own we can and will be showing LGBTQ+ characters this season!
Actual YJ episodes thirteen episodes into the season: Error 404 Content Not Found
YJ Producers: We’re finally gonna include Cyborg! Victor Stone is in the house, we love and appreciate that character so much, we really wanted to wait until we could do his story justice!
Actual YJ episodes: So see, after getting gruesomely almost-deaded after a huge blowout fight in which we showed Vic has a lot of rage cuz Black Teenage Boys Are Just Like That, that was all aimed at his dad for not showing any interest in his life and for never showing his son he cared until now cuz Black Dads Are Just Like That, well okay, yeah that sucks, but what happened NEXT is really cool - so his dad saved his life, right? Even if it was by using alien tech that every single person he came in contact with kept telling him wasn’t like normal tech, it was sentient and thus yes COULD be bad, which was further demonstrated through the fact that said life-saving tech kept like...hijacking Vic’s own body and turning him into a rage-monster that we could totally show being a Stereotype of Black Teenage Boy Aggression as he remorselessly hunted a terrified Violet but it wasn’t his fault, he was totally powerless to control his own actions cuz of the Evil Alien Tech in his body and like wait, whats bad about that, I forget the question??? Oh right! But stop WORRYING, its all good, see, as long as he stayed around Violet and never went too far from her ever, the woman of color had magic rage-pacifying skills that existed solely to calm down the Stereotypical Angry Black Teen when he couldn’t control himself because Reasons. LOL WHY ARE YOU UPSET, WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT, THIS IS A GOOD VICTOR STORY, ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED???
YJ Producers: We love and value our characters of color and would never hurt them, we’ve actually taken steps to make sure of that!
Actual YJ Episodes: Violet and Vic are both practically unkillable, see? As proof, watch us violently murder Violet in every single episode in new and creatively gruesome ways, with bonus Vic near-death experiences that allow us to show him just utterly wrecked in ways we’ve never shown a single white character, even in this season when we’re all about showing off how much creative freedom we have now without CENSORSHIP! 
YJ Producers: This season is also going to focus on the stress and mental health issues that go along with life as a superhero, and who better to demonstrate this by suffering from superhero-related PTSD than Jefferson Pierce? The guy whose divorce already showed the stress and relationship issues that go along with life as a superhero (since all our white heroes in relationships are still going strong)!
Actual YJ Episodes: Oh, nothing say about this one huh, PUNK? That’s right, we actually did exactly what we said we’d do, see? Just look at how much time we spend talking about how traumatized Jefferson is and how miserable he is after killing a kid, and that’s nothing we’ve ever done (or would ever do - SHH THEY DONT NEED TO KNOW THAT) to a white hero! PLUS, like, he’s definitely getting better though, thanks to the support of the much younger character he’s surrounded by, instead of y’know, turning to his established friends and colleagues his own age for support! AND AND AND don’t forget about his growing relationship with the white doctor lady who is definitely NOT super creepy and NOT likely to betray him and break his heart and/or force him to make painful decisions when choosing between her and the kids he’s vowed to protect at some climactic point later in the season that all of that is super clearly not building towards!
YJ Producers: And don’t forget about Jaime Reyes and Virgil Hawkins and Mal Duncan and Raquel and Karen! They’re all still here too!
Actual YJ Episodes: We’ve definitely forgotten that Jaime Reyes and Virgil Hawkins and Mal Duncan and Raquel and Karen are all still here too.
YJ Producers: Major life events have happened to these heroes offscreen in the time we’ve been away from them, stuff that’s really shaped who they are and who they’ve become by now. All this stuff really matters, its how we’re different from other shows, we don’t pretend these characters stop existing the second they’re off your screens! Looks, Barbara Gordon is in a wheelchair! She’s Oracle now!
Actual YJ Episodes: Why would we bother to explain when or how this happened with even a single line of dialogue when The Killing Joke exists and is available on our streaming service? You sound dumb.
YJ Producers: Kaldur is our proof of how important our characters are to our over-all universe, look how far he’s come! He’s not Aqualad anymore, he’s AquaMAN, he’s one of the co-chairs of the Justice League, right up there with Wonder Woman who he definitely doesn’t need to turn to for approval or oversight of his actual decisions!
Actual YJ Episodes: We’re pretty sure we covered all this in the two minutes of screen time Kaldur’s had all season!
YJ Producers: Look, bottom line, this season, being away from Cartoon Network really allowed us to stretch our wings and flex creatively, we’re doing a lot of stuff with this story that just wouldn’t have been possible before, when we were on a network like CN and had overseers restricting our every move! This season gets a lot darker, a lot more mature, a lot more everything cuz freedom of speech baby! That’s what its all about!
Actual YJ Episodes: In support of our thesis, watch us up the graphically violent content of every single episode and kill lots of people instead of just cartoonishly knocking them out and carting them away to jail! That’s it, that’s everything we wanted to do that CN wouldn’t let us, that now we have total freedom to prove in a myriad of ways! What do you mean, what about *looks at smudged writing on hand* LGB - look we can’t be expected to read what that says when we have graphic violence to depict, fuck yeah!
YJ Producers: Besides, in happier news, its not all doom and gloom this season! Connor and M’Gann got engaged! Now that we’ve completely moved past all the stuff M’Gann did in S2 and don’t consider it worth mentioning, Superboy and Miss Martian are back together, and SB is totally gonna marry the woman who betrayed him in the one highly specific way that goes back to the very source of every trust issue he has and reason he has so many walls pushing people away!
Actual YJ Episodes: Yeah this is definitely happening. Suck my dick, Connor fans and fans who relate to and identify with SB and his story and think its maybe just not the healthiest to wave a wand and go “Happily ever after!” With, y’know, the guy whose greatest canon fear and paranoia is the sanctity of his mind being violated and being unable to trust that his own thoughts are really his and not just being spoon fed to him in a pod at Project Cadmus or by his telepathic girlfriend when she doesn’t like his opinion or his criticism of her actions and just doesn’t want to fight about it anymore. Look, she said she was sorry, get over it. What more do you want? For Connor to move on and have a healthy romantic relationship with someone who he doesn’t ever have to wonder if his trust in her and second chance is real and valid and not just her making him say and do what she wanted, like the way she definitely has before? For him and M’Gann to rebuild their trust over time, gradually, as friends, with the understanding they can be close again but romantic intimacy between them specifically probably isn’t in the best interests of the guy who will always have to wonder now if his thoughts are really his, no matter whether or not that’s true? Yeah, no, that sounds like a lot of work tbh, and really, we just like Miss Martian and Superboy together, they’re just cute, you know? Sides, we killed Wally and we don’t actually wanna talk about why Barbara’s paralyzed now and like, focus on her as a character, so what other longterm pairings do we really have? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THESE ARE ALL OUR OWN CHOICES AND IF WE WANT BETTER FOUNDATIONS FOR OUR CHARACTER DYNAMICS WE SHOULD MAKE BETTER CHOICES? UGH GET OFF MY BALLS, MAN.
YJ Producers: We’ve got Terra this season, and we’re doing some really cool, brand new things there.
Actual YJ Episodes: Slade’s Apprentice arc from Teen Titans the show and The Judas Contract in the comics, but really aren’t they the same thing? If you think about it, is it even possible to do that in a new way? Look, its not like we could do anything MORE original than that, like what, did you want us to have Tara genuinely be the good and loving sister she was when she reunited with her brother and expressed how traumatized she was by the things she did when she was supposedly being mind-controlled, actually invested in saving other trafficked meta-kids from being used and hurt the way she had been? Like, the way it seemed she was being written before we revealed it was a fake-out and she was actually working for Slade exactly like those other times we swore we were gonna be more original than that? Ugh why are you so unrealistic, dude, you have such weird expectations.
Me: Like dear YJ, you’ve still got me watching, because like a) I’m weak and I need this, b) nostalgia, c) Dick, Artemis, Connor, Jefferson and the chance of Jason and also Violet, Brion and Vic are all still enjoyable as characters even though your treatment of them and your narrative choices are all extremely suspect and also craptastic and also I really wanna punch you for a lot of this.
But goddamn, this was NOT your best work, and after years of waiting only to get this? Like.....so not crash, dudes. Not even a little bit.
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forthemultiverse · 6 years
Running Late - Jason Todd x Reader
You weren’t particularly sure how you were feeling. Feelings were always so changeable and easily manipulated. Who knows what could be influencing your brain at the moment. 
Maybe it was the fact your name was commonly associated with the Red Hood’s, and everyone liked to fixate on your friendship, how having a connection with Jason must mean something.
If everyone thought it meant something, then it probably did, which meant you were being oblivious and in denial.
But if it didn’t mean anything, then you were easily influenced and stupid.
You were confused. 
It all started with simple and small things. Finding out a member of the Batfam you’d never met was in town and unaccepted. Taking some homemade pancakes over to combat Alfred's awful ones (Tim had told you he’d taken some over before and it had led to a bonding chat between brothers) 
“Most of Bruce’s people don’t ring the doorbell.” He’d eyed you up, lingering at the bag of Waffle’s, and raising his eyebrow. His brain was turning, and he was trying to work out why you’d be at his safehouse. 
“I have manners.” you motioned forward, “And usually when someone brings you a gift of food you let them in to eat some of it with you.”
“Who are you?”
“(Y/N),” you shrugged, “Met Cass in the roof of the ballet hall fighting demon zombies, saved Tim’s ass, trained by Kate Kane, now a part-time member of the family.”
“And what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to say hey.”
“You’ve said hey.”
“And talk, you’re in town, we’ll run into each other and work together, and you can’t work together without some sense of trust. Now let me in so we can get to know one and other.”
He finally opened the door and stepped aside. You hadn’t thought it would go that well.
You started using some of Tim’s tech to randomly hack into the comm in his helmet. Just for random chats and to exchange information. He needed more help than he liked to admit and having you just randomly pop up stopped him from having to ask.
Other people started to notice how much you were talking when you’d randomly start laughing during a fight, and they’d look to see who was online, only to see his logo and a locked conversation. Then there would be the occasional comment where one of you would reference something only the other understood.
Randomly singing the Red Robin theme tune.
Something about a purple alien brain that exploded into sparkles
Then there was the time you disappeared for a week to do a mission with the outlaws.
Then the month you were gone.
The three weeks Jason spent in Gotham - completely avoiding most of his family. Avoiding his family didn’t mean they didn’t see you two around (both in costume and without)
“Your ability to randomly show up and disappear is extremely useful and extremely annoying.” you joked, unlocking the door to his safehouse.
“I never know exactly where you are, or when you’re going to appear and terrify my date.” you referenced when Jason walked up to you outside a bar earlier in the week.
“That was a date?”  
“Maybe? I don’t know, the dude and I had been vibing for a while, and it was the first time we’d been out just the two of us.”
“You could’ve told me to go away.”
“That would’ve been rude!”
“Nah, I would’ve got it.”
“No, you wouldn’t have.”
“I so would!”
“I guess I’ve been replaced.” you mocked. “Dramatically sigh, I came back to this, back to life, all that energy!”
“Don’t insult me.” he genuinely seemed upset, and you knew you’d hit a nerve without meaning to. You’d really only meant it as a joke.
“You’re irreplaceable, Jace,”
“Don’t try and backtrack.”
“Making fun of you - JOKINGLY, and admitting that I’d rather be out with you isn’t backtracking.”
“Ha! So you’re happy I broke up your date.”
“Eh, don’t know, you’re more fun, I mean you’re my friend, so of course you’re fun. Plus, like I said, it’s impossible to know when I’m going to see you.”
“Come on my next big job with me.”
“I have a job you know, I can’t just disappear and be an outlaw whenever.”
“Then plan it, run away with me for a bit. Use your holiday slots or something.”
“I’ll think about it.” you rolled your eyes. You couldn’t just disappear for months. You had too many friends and family who needed you in Gotham - and your past few random trips had got you the reputation of unreliable. You needed to fix that.
“I’m gonna leave tonight.” He turned away from you and started picking up things he’d want to take with you.
“Without talking to Bruce?”
“I don’t want to talk to Bruce.”
“You never want to talk to Bruce.”
“See you next time.”
“Come home soon.”
The conversations between you both continued but you didn’t actually see Jason for a long time, and eventually, the talks took a pause. Everyone still spoke about you both - how (Y/N) could ask Jason about something, how (Y/N) is always talking to him so we know he’s fine Bruce, how (Y/N) and the Red Hood had done this or done that, or had some special intel thanks to a mission they’d finished quickly. 
You didn’t have the heart to tell the family you hadn’t actually spoken to him in a while. It would make them worry, and if Jason wanted to be invisible, he’d have a reason. Any bats looking for him could screw up a job, get him killed or captured. 
It bothered you.
Not speaking. 
Knowing he was probably out there having a lot of fun and you weren’t part of it. That you were in Gotham. That Jason was avoiding his family, and you’d somehow got forgotten too. 
You missed him. His sarcastic and over dramatic comments. The creative way he’d describe people. 
How smart he actually was. 
Maybe you didn’t miss the brooding, and the darkness, but you always felt like he’d never been that dark around you. Perhaps he was kinda lying to you, never showing you the person everyone else saw - but all that meant is other people started to see him the way you did.
Steph had asked if you were dating and Dick had definitely tried to eavesdrop the conversation. 
You hadn’t even thought about Jason and you that way before then. But now you were all confused. Missing him. Thinking about him. Worrying and wanting to hear his voice. Thinking about all the moments from everyone else’s perspective and reading into everything both of you had ever done.
When you were in New York for an investigation, you spotted a Red Helmet on the top of a skyscraper. 
You’d been at a Wayne Event, and rushed to the roof of your building to wave. 
He swung over instantly, pulling off the hood for a second to smirk.
“What’s got you so pretty - that boyfriend took you on a trip or something?”
“So you’d run away with Mister Boring but not me?”
“Mister Boring? I never said he was boring.”
“You said I was more fun.”
“What does it matter,” you rolled your eyes and looked up at the sky. “I’m here for Bruce actually. And I ditched the kinda boyfriend a while ago.”
“You’d know if you ever bothered to check in.”
“I thought you’d be too busy.”
“I don’t know.”
There was an odd pause as you just kind of looked at each other.
“So what are you doing in New York?” you broke the silence
“Exploring towns to settle down in a bit more,” he spoke quietly.
“Are you kidding me? What does New York have that Gotham doesn’t?”
“No Batman.”
“Seriously? Just talk to him! Don’t you want to be able to have a family?” he lowered his head slightly.
“You don’t understand the situ-”
“I do understand! Tim wants to know you, Dick’s always told you he’s open to talking, Cass could use someone like you to look to int he darker moments, Damian and you are so similar! I’m stuck getting side eyes from everyone because you gave me a chance.”
“You were different.”
“You never looked at me like I was the Red Hood, the dead Robin.”
“You gave yourself that title.”
“If you wanna wear that label, go ahead, but wear it with pride, and don’t think you can blame everyone else for thinking about you that way. The Joker’s old identity, The Joker big win over Batman - it’s not negative unless you make. Yes, you got taken down, but you came back. ‘Bruce’s biggest mistake’ didn’t come back from the dead, you, a human person, did. Maybe what happened was a mistake, but you’re the one choosing to let it stay that way.”
“He’d never accept me and I’m not changing.”
“I’m not saying you need to change. Play by your own rules whenever you like.  Call yourself the black sheep, but realise you’re the only one thinking about you that way. And, realise the mistake wasn’t you, it was driving you away. Fix the mistake by coming home. Get over the differences and know that there’s far more love in your life than hate. Your brothers and sister want you in their life.”
“It’s too late.”
“It’s never too late.” you got a text that told you to return to the party. You turned and opened the door leading down the stairs and into a giant glass meeting room. “Never.”
A few weeks later, a heavy knock came from your apartment door, and a Jason - holding homemade Waffle’s was waiting for you.
A beautifully warm feeling filled your body up. Seeing him, walls down and coming to you of his own accord. Just Jason. Hands touching for a second as you took the bag of waffles, sparked sending shivers up your arm. He’d made you wait, nothing for weeks, but he was here. 
“Bring me home?”
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galaxylohnce · 6 years
VUD paladin headcanons!!!!
BTW this is based off of @voltronuniversaldefender ‘s reboot!!! CHECK THEM OUT THEYRE DOING GOD’S WORK
also i have read approx 2 headcanons and baRELY understand this AU so if there are similarities to anyone else or inconsistencies iT IS AN ACCIDENT AND IM SORRY
anyway this is just about the 4 confirmed paladins BET ill be doing more about Fa’rah/Takashi/Zahi/Ashanti once i know a bit more about their roles in the team!!
Alvaro Garcia Valladares
he has a twin. i don't make the rules, but he has a twin.
he has a big family. the biggest family. we’re talking, his mom has 8 siblings and his dad has 9 and there’s a 10 year age gap between him and his oldest sibling and he loves them all so much
natia is his best friend. i repeat, NATIA IS HIS BEST FRIEND!!!!
he’s also quite close with kiki. Natia and Kiki are the only two that he met before their great space adventure
he wasn't really sure of his sexuality at first. (i say this because i wasn't sure of my sexuality at first - im bi btw - and all the media i saw told me that any lgbt+ character was 100% sure of their sexuality form the day they were born, which made me doubt myself bc i didn't figure it out till recently, so i wanna see that in some media!! sometime!!) he probably figured it out halfway through having a crush on someone
the someone is akio, and he definitely tells Natia about it first
“natia... natia listen.... I have a crush on akio. freakin akio.... what do i do??? I’m bi, natia... I'm bi. what does this mean -”
“alvaro, I'm so proud of you, but this is a public bathroom and akio is right outside -”
GUARANTEE that the first time he saw Akio he just basically wanted to fight him but also flirt with him and had a slight moral crisis and ended up doing nothing
he is a goddamn sharpshooter, okay. he straight up becomes famous for it throughout the galaxy.
yet despite that he’s still insecure, and those insecurities prevent him from really getting together w akio until much later
he comes off as very suave and extroverted when you first meet him, but underneath it all, he’s actually really warm, personable and funny: not that anyone outside the team know that 
aliens on social media, probably: god, the blue paladin is so cool... i bet he’s amazing and awesome and eloquent...
meanwhile, alvaro: do u guys think i could fit my whole hand in my mouth or nah?
enjoys memes, and shares this love with kiki
basically an all around great guy. because he often felt like a seventh wheel at the beginning of the formation of the team, he always tries to include everybody as best as possible, going way out of his way to ask after people, even if they forget to ask about him sometimes :’)
Natia Nanai
first off: what a gorgeous name. seriously. incredible kudos, my dude. anyway on to the head canons for this gorgeous girl
probably alvaro’s soulmate. already mentioned this, but it needs reiteration. they are best friends
had a large family too (not as big as alvaros tho) and probably major relate to him with that big family dealio
v close with kiki. they complete each other on a technological level. 
natia is very, very creative. she and her sweet engineering know how are always instrumental in getting the Team out of tough situations
Akio: theres no way out of this we’re going to die -
Natia: bet?
she does say “bet” a lot. like, almost too much? but she's always right and valid when she says it
the villain: i’ve got you now!!!!
natia, under her breath: bet
the paladins, thinking: thank god, we’re saved
very soft but also badass as hell. she has a unique duality.
pulls a violet baudelaire: she puts that GORGEOUS hair up in a ponytail when doing work or whenever she has an idea
everyone on the team, regardless of sexuality, is low-key in love with her because she’s just so nice. no one can hate her. she's way too solid of a friend
speakinG of being a great friend: natia is 100% the secret keeper up in this bitch. everyone comes to her because they know she’s got the best advice around and will take their secrets to the grave
akio: idk man... alvaro is just rlly cute, u know?? but i can't tell him...
natia, thinking of alvaro literally whining to her about akio not even five minutes ago: christ
the mom friend. she always has all the things everyone needs on hand or in her lion, and she’s got it all going in terms of chore charts and family meals. she is the queen of figuring out times for team bonding and everyone loves her more for it
definitely started a board game night asap
she has a silent bravery about her that no one else can match. despite her trepidation, natia will always do what has to be done for the greater good. 
she is guided by her heart and her morals, and is easily the kindest person on the team
bc of this kindness, she is often the diplomat when conflicts arise between people on the team
she is seen by the general public (aka the galaxy) as a strong, morally righteous woman. kind of like rosie the riveter-esque??? she’s the symbol of justice and fairness. 
aliens: she's so... peacekeeping :0
natia, at kiki: throw me that wrench, or so help me god - 
basically, a queen who always considers everyone and works really hard to create a family, even when they're all so far from home :’)
Kiki Evans
generally over it tbh
“always tired, but always inspired” - kiki, on being asked why there were dark circles under her eyes
kind of standoffish. she’s not really about being nice, she's about getting the job done, and that can rub people the wrong way, since she is always the first to offer up the cold, logical solution
but underneath that, she’s just a computer science nerd who is loyal to a fault
she really is loyal. its almost dangerous sometimes, because she would put the universe in danger to save her friends, which actually comes into conflict with her typical cold, logical approach.
she has 0-1 sibling. she's every bit the single child. she cannot relate to living in a big family setting, and at first its hard for her to deal with before she warms up to everyone else on the team
she's a genius, and thus found school to be tedious. in fact, she got fairly bad grades, as she wouldn't do the work that she saw as pointless and boring
she is a meme connoisseur, and loves to quote vines, often assisted by alvaro
kiki, as they approach a giant black hole: HZZK
alvaro, catching on immediately: is... is that real???
she is a conspiracy theorist, for sure. the government is watching us all, trying to make sure we don't learn too much.... she’s sure of it, and akio is too
tbh, the first proper conversation she had with akio was about cryptids and how the government had hidden them from the public
she was friends w natia and alvaro from before, but it is akio she becomes closest with the fastest. in some ways, she feels more distant from natia/alvaro bc of how close they are with each other and  bc all of them have known each other for so long while akio is someone she got to know recently: he has no preconceptions about who she used to be, and she has none about him
plus, she and akio relate on many levels: both trans, both gay, both autistic, both theorists, and both loyal to a fault. she finds a real blood brother in akio :D
very openly gay. very. she's a space lesbian, and theres no denying it
kiki, meeting some random space girl: oh
kiki, moments later to akio: god I'm gay
akio, downing a glass of water but acting like its vodka or smthg: god, same
the public sees her as the cold and calculating techie, the brains of the operation
natia is her partner in crime. they finish each others sentences. they've got a tech connection going, babey
kiki: if we just cross-reference the zaiforge tunnel with the -
natia, nodding: particle consummator, of course we’ll get the perfect -
them, together: amount of energy!!!
everyone else: sorry wot
basically, she's a tech goddess with a splash of genius. she's uneasy and a bit awkward, but thats just bc she’s never been in a situation like this before. after literally 1 second with her, she opens up and is such a loyal friend. :’)
Akio Himura
wow this boy is gay and he knows it
he loves his parents (zahi, takashi, and ashanti) but god he will never admit it. not ever
alvaro, after listing his parents, 20 aunts and 100 cousins: and i love them all so much, with all my heart. what about ur family akio?
akio, not wanting to show weakness: they're nerds.
alvaro: um okay cool good talk haha :)
akio, internally: but i love them nd would die for them tbh... but i can't show weakness
he's so guarded after his biological parents left/died/disappeared. poor boy
definitely a single child, and definitely adopted
his parents love him SO MUCH. so much.
akio: why do i have three parents, dad?
takashi, almost crying: its simple. u deserve so much love, that it couldn't be contained in just two people. we needed three. its how its gotta be, my beautiful, sweet summer child
a yeehaw kind of guy. he grew up in the midwest riding horses before his biological parents died and theres a piece of him that will always be a southern boy
the kind of kid in school that pretends he’s a delinquent, but actually just has the aesthetic of a delinquent, and is truly soft
akio: hell yeah I'm a rebel. i logged onto disney.com without my parents permission
kiki, choked up: so brave
mothman is his love. his passion. all cryptids, for that matter. kiki is more of an all around conspiracy theorist: akio is in it for the cryptids 
he’s a bit awkward, and doesn’t totally understand all social cues/jokes. because of this, he stays away from memes, and is very guarded when meeting new people, especially after experiences with light bullying for not only his social ineptitude, but his upbringing.
considering that, his first meeting with alvaro was supremely awkward, and akio accidentally fought with him multiple times before they established a solid friendship
akio, having a gay panic: you are the light of my life
alvaro: sorry what??
akio, panicking more: I said, you wanna fiGHT WITH A KNIFE???
he pined after alvaro from basically day one, but had the foresight to actually know that he was pining, unlike alvaro who just floundered
of course he would never say anything
he is a stabby boi. he is unrivaled in swordplay, and enjoys routine. his natural affinity for picking up new skills plus his unrivaled work ethic basically DESTROYED everyone else when it came to swords
he’s loyal af and is always the first one to take action. akio is a “do something. do anything, but do it fast before we lose a chance to do something” kind of guy
the general public sees him as the fiery one: he’s the one with the fanciest footwork in a fight, and he’s very good with battle tactics. he can come thru with that strategy at the perfect times
he's a low-key emo. for sure. he loves MCR, but strangely dislikes other similar artists like p!atd and fob. 
kiki: but...brendon urie, akio....
akio, sipping tea: as a gay, i can appreciate the aesthetic. but no one can compete with MCR
kiki, exasperated: its not a competition -
basically, a slightly guarded boy with a real talent for defending the universe and his friends, but also an emo cowboy mess who is in love with alvaro and loves everyone :’)
ALSO FOLLOW @voltronuniversaldefender !!!! its amazing, guys, really check it out :D
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