#i wanted it to look like her wings were bleeding but i couldn't get it right. oh well always next time!
amatres · 9 months
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messy dawn doodles, one just trying a profile shot, second having fun just painting her post fall
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simphornies · 4 months
A/N: Thanks to some help from a wonderful writer ( @markster666 my new writer bestie ) this story might be longer than I think. Filled with a lot of emotions. I can't wait for you all to see what we've come up with.
Word count: 4.2k (4,240)
part 1, part 3, part 4
Deal Breaker [ Vox x Angel!Reader ] part 2
His second day was filled with the same trust exercises that Vaggie did earlier on. Vox and the other guests were thrown into another turf war once again to fight alongside each other. Alastor decided to join this time around, seeking entertainment in Vox's attempt at the exercise.
Vaggie hoisted Vox up into the air and threw him down the building. You watched over them, making sure that they don't get too injured. Alastor walks next to you, tapping his microphone as he watches Vox get punched in the stomach and saved by Angel Dust.
"Y/N, my dear, do you truly believe that this 'courtship' is real and not some frivolous stunt?" He asks, "I have grown accustomed to your friendship and it'd be a shame if he pulled strings to whisk you away from us and the hotel."
"To be quite frank with you, Alastor, I am not quite sure myself. Rest assured that I shall have my wits up." You put a hand on his shoulder, "I will not fall for meager attempts or tricks."
He hummed, "I rarely share this advice but do stay safe, darling. I will not find entertainment in failure from you. And I would hate to be disappointed in failure."
Though Alastor is...Alastor, you two have formed a bond. With you working to free him from his chains and him providing you with insight on how Hell functions, you became close friends. As sadistic as he is, he truly wished you good fortune.
You hear a scream coming from below and you quickly fly down to the source. Vox got surrounded and a demon managed to land a hit on him, stabbing him through his side. You opened up your wings fully to create distance and whisked him back up, blasting the perpetrators away with light. You gently sat him on the ground, kneeling beside him.
"Vox, where did they get you?" You ask in a hurry, trying to find the source of the bleeding. His side was covered in blood. "Take your shirt off, let me heal you."
"Take my shirt off? You want to see me naked that bad?" He weakly laughed, his screen glitching due to the pain, "And you can heal too? Hah. What can't you do, angel?"
"Now is not the time for jokes. Take your shirt off or I will rip it off of you." Your voice was stern, making him unbutton his shirt. You applied your magic to close off the wound and stop the bleeding. "My powers can only close wounds and stop bleeding. The pain will be there so take it easy."
You stood up, "I think that's enough. Let's all go home." And with a snap of your fingers, you all were transported back to the hotel through a portal.
"Vox is injured. No sudden or rash jerks to him until he's recovered. My magic's sped up the healing so he should be fine tonight. Alastor, no punching the injured please." He squinted at you in disappointment to which Vox flipped him off.
Charlie was apologizing profusely to Vox, offering him every kind of drink or snack that the hotel had. Vaggie drags her away so you can deal with him. You sat next to him at the bar, "A drink?"
"Yeah. That'd be great. Shit hurts like a bitch." He got a glass of rum from Husk and you got the same. Vox looked at you, a little bit in disbelief before smiling. "Thanks for saving my ass, angel."
"Do stop calling me that. But you're welcome." You chug your drink rather quickly, impressing Vox.
"Rum tonight huh? What made you decide to switch it up?"
"Mm. You." You smiled at him before asking Husk for the whole bottle and he gladly handed it to you. You and him clinked your bottles together before you pour it into your glass. Vox caught himself blushing at your response but he quickly wiped it off of his face.
He couldn't think of how to keep the conversation going so he drank in silence. He stared at the ice floating in his drink, messing with it with his claws.
"I have something to discuss with you Vox. In private." You say before getting up, face flushed from the stronger alcohol. "Please, meet me in my room after your drink." You take the bottle with you as you teleport into your room.
Angel elbows him on his good side, "Oooooh~ The angel's tryna fuck." He teased making Vox glitch a bit.
"Fuck! You! Don't jump out like that. Where did you come from?" He groaned before getting up, taking his glass with him. "It's probably business."
He walked up to your room, limping a bit from pain. He knocked on your door and entered as soon as you told him to. You sat at your desk, reading something in front of you.
"I want to discuss something and I sure do hope you consider this. Please, sit." You pointed at the seat across the table.
"Talking business early on? Are you going to agree to the deal?" He grinned mischievously, putting his hand under his chin to prop his head up on the table.
"No. It's about one of our patrons. Angel Dust." You slide a copy of his contract over to Vox, "This is a personal request of mine. I would like his contract, his deal with Valentino, to be terminated."
He was taken aback at your boldness. "Oh shit, okay. Well..." He leaned back, sucking air through his teeth somehow, "Yeah...I'm not sure, angel cakes. Valentino is pretty possessive over who he owns."
"I understand but I am willing to form a deal of some sort with you to get this to happen. Please, give me offers in exchange for this favor." You looked at him pleadingly. After seeing Angel Dust get hit and insulted by Valentino at the bar stirred something in you and you promised to find a way to break his deal.
Vox perks up at this opportunity. "A deal to break another deal?" He laughs, "You don't start small with your offers, do you?" He sat and pondered a bit.
"I'll accept your deal and get Valentino to break the contract on the condition that you make a deal with me."
You noticed his left eye beginning to spiral. Was he trying to hypnotize you? You laugh at the attempt, "Sorry. I'm not laughing at the offer but are you trying to hypnotize me?" His facial expression changes at the realization that he got caught. "That doesn't work on me, unfortunately for you. But what condition are you looking for?"
He retreats his attempt in shame, crossing his arms a bit. "Worth a shot." He huffed, “But I want you to work with me for the same length that you have me here. 3 days. And on top of that I want 3 dates with you. Let’s make a deal with that and I promise you that I’ll try to get Valentino to break his contract.”
You extend your hand out to him and he shakes it, sealing both of your words into a contract. He grins, knowing that he left out what exactly you have to do with him in his company. But a new feeling bubbled within him. The moment he held your hand he felt sparks in his system. He felt himself heating up with such a simple gesture and he couldn’t shake the feeling even hours after it had happened.
Hours had passed after your deal with him and at this point everybody was already fast asleep except for him. He couldn’t forget the way your hand felt in his. He paced around his room anxiously, trying to pinpoint the source of this pit he felt in his chest and stomach. He tried to distract himself with the technology provided in his room but every now and then he’d stare at the hand that held yours. Vox would replay the way you swooped in to take him away from danger and heal you. Your words echoed in his head over and over. Your smile slowly became a goal for him to maintain.
On his third and final day at the hotel, it was a party. Everyone wanted to go to the same bar Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb took the hotel staff to when Charlie was out. Alastor opted out of this because of “proximity reasons” or so he said. It was you, Vox, Husk, and Angel going this time.
You dressed yourself into an outfit that wasn’t the usual “I’m the famous angel that fought for Hell” look. Instead you wore shorts, courtesy of Angel Dust, and a crop top that Cherri gifted you a while ago. You were indecisive on which boots to wear and with Alastor off doing something you probably didn’t want to know about, you called Angel Dust.
He stood in your room as you frantically gathered all the shoes you owned and dropped them in front of the two demons. “I am not one to typically go out but I will absolutely not go out looking a mess. Please help me.” You practically begged. Angel helped you put together your outfit, fixing your hair up into a ponytail. He was proud of how you looked in the end.
The two of you walked to the lobby, chatting and laughing about how you can’t style yourself outside of your comfort zone. Vox stared at you, engulfed in your beauty. He was not used to seeing you outside of your usual attire and he was stunned. He couldn’t pry his eyes off of you and he was convinced it was purely due to your angelic powers. You wore black heels with eyes on the back, a shredded crop top that had a spray painted eye in the middle of it and simple black shorts. It was simple enough for you to be comfortable in but, in Angel’s words, slutty enough for you to blend in without getting immediately recognized as the angel that fought for Hell.
“Your ass looks nice in that, sweet cheeks.” Angel jokes. “I bet you’re gonna get eyes all over you at the club.”
“You flatter too much. It’s just a simple outfit, unworthy of such attention.”
But Vox agreed with him. His eyes wandered all over you. Your waist, your legs, your curves. He devoured the sight of you. It wasn’t until you made eye contact with him that he snapped out of it.
“Apologies! I was unable to settle on what to wear and if Angel hadn’t come to my rescue, I think I would have had to sit this one out.” You hugged Angel, proud of his work.
“What can I say? Sex isn’t all I’m good at.” He laughs.
You created a portal that led to the entrance of the club and the four of you immediately ordered drinks. Angel suggested drinking games and by the end of it, you were wasted. A sight that even Husk had only seen once. Your head was spinning, your vision fuzzy. Husk took another shot away from you, making you pout.
“One more shot!” Your words were slurred, “Please.”
“Absolutely not, you’re going to throw up and I am not cleaning it.” He shook his head and took your shot for you. “Shot’s gone.”
You whined and leaned into Vox’s arm, who was still sober. “Vox~ Can youuuu get me a shot?” You whispered.
Your voice sent shivers down his spine in a way he never expected. He almost caved but decided against it. “No. I think you’re done for tonight.”
You huffed and got off of him to his disappointment. You made your way onto the dance floor and uncharacteristically went all out. You followed what the crowd did and soon enough, they all lost track of you which sent them into a panic.
“Shit, where’s Y/N?” Angel asks.
“I saw her go towards all the dancing but I think she’s deep in the crowd.” Husk stated before running in there to search for you alongside Vox and Angel. Vox felt panic but he didn’t understand why. He didn’t know why he felt it urgent to get you in front of him and secure your safety. He was here to steal you from the hotel but yet he’s working with the staff to look for you. He pushed and shoved until he finally saw you. You were surrounded by three drunk demons with lust-filled eyes that danced on you a bit too sexually for his liking. The moment he saw one of them rub their hand from your hips to your waist, a fiery rage blazed within him. He quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you away from them and out of the crowd. He regrouped with Angel Dust and Husk who called Lucifer to portal them back to the hotel.
You were slumped against a flustered Vox, hugging onto his arm mumbling nonsense even after you all arrived back safely. He sat you down on the couch to which you immediately laid down.
“Wow. I haven’t seen an angel this wasted before.” Lucifer spoke, leaning over you. “Y/N, are you alright?” You giggled in response, not answering with words. “Yeah, I think she needs to go to bed. With lots of water!”
Everyone eyed your savior Vox and he groaned, “Why me?”
Alastor phased from the corner of the bar and next to him, “Because you were the one that wanted to court her. If you truly desire a relationship with someone in our staff, you should be able to take care of them as well as we do.”
Vox rolled his eyes at him, “Yeah well it wasn’t my idea to do a drinking game and get her fucked up knowing she’d lose.” He eyed Angel Dust who threw his hands up in the air, “Hey! I didn’t know her tolerance was shit. She took fifteen shots! Husk and I can handle more than that.”
“They have a point Vox. Please, take care of her for the night while the rest of us. You’re free to skip out on tonight’s activity.” Charlie says, “She likes getting tucked in.”
Vox carried you up to your room. You messed with the edges of his screen, tracing it with your finger. “So smooth.” You said. “Do you clean your screen? Can you stick your tongue out? If you can stick your tongue out, can I stick my hand in there?”
Vox was bombarded with questions but his focus was on your finger as it continuously went up and down the side of his head. He was blushing and flashed a couple of error screens until he finally got you into your room. You stumbled in and grabbed your usual dress. “Y/N, what are you doing?” He asked to which he received no response from you.
You began to take your clothes off sloppily, tripping over your own feet. Vox panicked and turned around. “Y/N! I’m still here, what in the unholy hell are you doing?” Though he was turned around, he shut his eyes for safety measures. He wasn’t one to get flustered at the sight of nakedness especially with Valentino on his team. He was confused why he felt and heard his heart pounding out of his chest.
“Yeah? If you’re here, why don’t you help me?” You whined. “Help me get into my gown.”
Vox turned and saw you on the floor, shorts stuck to your ankles and your top half off. He immediately began to scream and glitch. “Y/N!” was all he could say before he ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He yelled down the stairs from the railing, “For fu-ucks sake someone please dress her!” Everyone snapped their heads at Vox who was a glitching mess, “She is half-naked on the floor stuck in her shorts. I ca-cannot do this.”
Vaggie and Charlie ran up to get you into your night own as everyone else laughed at his flustered self.
“Holy shit! The big bad overlord got shy over that!” Angel was on the floor, clutching his stomach, absolutely dying. “What’s wrong? Never seen a naked angel before?”
He covered his face with his hands in shame. “I swear I brought her in there and the moment she was on the floor she started stripping. I turned around and when I looked back she was like that!” He groaned.
“Yeah, forgot to warn ya but…” Husk drank his bottle before continuing, “Last time she got fucked up like that she started changing in the lobby.”
“What’s wrong, old pal?’ Alastor teased, “Afraid of a little skin?” He laughed, mocking his rival.
“You know what. Fuck you. I’m going to my room to reboot myself. I cannot wait to get the fuck away from you.”
Alastor grinned at his frustrated and flustered self, his shadow doing the same.
You woke up surprisingly with a terrible hangover. You found yourself tucked into bed and in your nightgown. You had no recollection of the night before and the last thing you remembered was taking your 10th shot. After that, everything was gone. You stretched before you started to pack a couple of bags for your stay with Vox.
Charlie came into your room to check in on you, “You’re awake? How are you feeling? And…what are you doing?”
“I made a deal with Vox.” Charlie’s face dropped at the news, worried for you and your safety. “It’s a chance to get Angel Dust free and on the path to redemption. I…I can’t bear to see him come home after a rough night and I can sense his sadness.”
Charlie hugs you, “Be safe, okay? I know you’re strong but please…don’t get hurt.” You smile in return, placing a hand on her rosy cheeks.
“Thank you. I promise. I’ll be safe.”
Vox was waiting at the lobby entrance for you. Alastor was more than glad to get him out and was practically trying to throw him out the door with Angel and Husk watching in delight, munching on some popcorn.
“I’m waiting for Y/N! She’s coming with me!” He protested, dodging his black tendrils.
“She is not going with you.” Alastor hissed, static in his voice, “She would inform me if she would and she has not.”
You heard the commotion from the stairwell and flew down the stairs, using your body to keep distance between the two rivals. “Alastor! I apologize but I am. I have made a deal with Vox.” Vox straightened himself out, a smug smirk on his face. “I…want to get Angel Dust’s deal broken off. He and I have discussed and agreed that I shall stay and work with him for 3 days.”
Alastor squinted at you, reverting back to his regular form. “A deal with him? My…That is the most foolish of decisions you have ever made.” He scoffed, ears pinned to the back of his head. You step closer to him, holding his hand in comfort.
“Alastor, I apologize for not informing you sooner. I shall remain safe. My duty and loyalties remain with the hotel. I have told you before and I shall tell you again, I must work on breaking the deals that harm the staff the most. You, of all people, should understand that.” His eye twitched a bit at the reminder of his own chains but he did understand. He sighs and nods.
“If anything brings harm to you, inform me immediately.” That was Alastor’s way of telling you to stay safe. You smile and give him a hug, whispering a ‘thank you’ to him. He hugs you back before letting you go off with Vox into a portal you had created.
Upon arriving in his lobby, he was immediately greeted by Velvette and Valentino arguing about how Valentino had, yet again, destroyed one of Velvette’s models. Vox groans and looks at you, his face saying ‘See what I have to deal with?’ before approaching them.
“What the fuck’s happened now?” He says, “And please do not rip each other apart in the lobby.”
“This little piss baby ripped apart not one but two models. I have a show tomorrow and I would have been able to work with but he went ahead and ripped apart two unlucky bitches!” Velvette growled.
“That little bitch Angel Dust texted me to fuck off last night! Me!” Valentino screamed, “I will murder that little whore.”
“Enough.” His voice distorted, left eye spiraling before clearing his throat, “That is no way to act in front of our new temporary guest, Y/N.” He held his hands out and pointed at you. “She’s going to be here for three days and I do believe she’d be a good candidate as a model for you, Velvette. Is she not?”
Velvette squinted at you, eyeing you up and down, “Oh I don’t think I’d be a good-”
“Shush. Shut the fuck up for a bit.” Velvette raised a finger at you before swiping with her other hand, quickly switching your outfit. You were now suddenly in a red dress that showed your curves. She hummed and walked around you. “I suppose she could work. Do you know how to work a catwalk, angel?”
“I-” You cleared your throat, “I certainly know how to walk.”
“Not the fucking question. Pop your little wings out and walk in a straight line.” She ordered. You complied, revealing a set of wings before walking forward, “Alright…now turn. On your heel. Quickly.” You pivoted on your heel and walked back towards Velvette.
“You know what…This could work.” Velvette lit up a bit, “Pleasure to finally meet you. I’m the famous Velvette. One of the better Vees.” She shook your hand quickly before going on her phone.
Valentino slid over to your side, leaning down to your height, “Ah…the famous angel that fell from Heaven to fight for Hell.” He gave you a big smile. You had a vendetta against him because of what you know. He takes you hand and spins you before pulling you close, “I’m Valentino. If you ever decide to drop that tacky hotel and make real money. Let me know~ I can make you a star.”
Vox pulled you away from him, noticing your discomfort. You laugh nervously and fiddled with the dress you were now suddenly stuck in. “Thank you kindly for the offer but I am alright. I have no intentions of partaking in…your art.”
Valentino’s smile didn’t falter, “You know how to find me~” He states before walking away. You see him angrily typing away at his phone to probably harass Angel. You let out a sigh, putting away your wings before looking at Vox.
“I know. A handful, right?” He rolled his eyes, “You’ll get used to it.”
He leads you to your room, “This is where you’ll be staying. Don’t worry, I won’t spy on you.” He winked, “Unless you want me to.” You rolled your eyes in response. “Let me know as soon as you’re settled in. I want to go over what we’ll be doing for the next 3 days.”
“Alright. Thank you for your hospitality.” You nod. You were about to turn around to unpack when you felt his hand grab yours. He gave you a gentle kiss on the back of your hand before teleporting off into the nearest camera.
Vox sat in his office with the Vees while you were in your room.
“So what’s the plan here, Vox? Why is the angel in our building?” Velvette asked, a bit on the edge of the fact that someone as strong as you was in close proximity, something she didn’t allow you to see earlier.
“She wants me to break Angel Dust’s contract with Valentino.” He responds. Valentino slammed his fist on the table in anger. “She made a deal that in return for me trying, she’ll be here for 3 days working with us.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Valentino growled. “You can’t make me break that deal. That little whore makes me the most money!”
Vox simply grins menacingly, “I can make this all worth it, Valentino.” A plan brewed in his head. He just had to get you to put your guard down around him.
“And what if this shit doesn’t work and I lose that motherfucker because of your deal?”
“It’ll work. And I’ll find somebody better for you. You have so many whores, Val. Angel Dust is just one whore. He’s already going against you, don’t you want somebody that’s a little weaker? Somebody easier to control? By the end of this, we can have all of Hell to recruit.”
“Who would be better than Angel Dust?”
Velvette rolled her eyes, “Why don’t you try and get that popstar in? Verosika Mayday’s her name.”
Valentino calmed down a bit, “Hmm…If I can get Verosika on board, then I might just consider it.”
“Then we have a deal. I get you Verosika and in return, you break Angel Dust from his contract completely.”
Valentino grins, “Deal.”
“Are you really into this angelic bitch?” Velvette asks, aimlessly scrolling through her phone.
Vox laughs, “Absolutely not! I need her power and after those 3 days, I think I have just the plan to get her on my side.”
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akutasoda · 2 months
For the 1k event can I request angst hcs with the demon bros with a fem mc whos a fallen angel but with mauled wings? Like we’re talking loose feathers and flesh sticking out bonus if they randomly met her in the forest
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bloody damnation
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synopsis - when they meet a fallen angel in unfortunate circumstance
includes - lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor
warnings - fem!reader (no pronouns), heavy angst, very little comfort, body horror???, lots of blood, wc - 1.8k
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lucifer ★↷
↪as part of his brotherly duties, he had to go search the forest out back of the house of lamentation when one of his brothers ran inside claiming there was some 'horrid monster' lurking. creatures in the devildom normally didn't stray as close to the house so he immediately knew something was up.
↪although maybe he would've preferred you to have been 'a horrid monster' purely for the reason of the awkward situation you have placed him in. it's one thing to find some demon or creature with mangled parts, it was another to find an angel - or the reamins of one.
↪your once beautiful, silken wings lay crumpled and tangled in a mess behind you. he could practically smell the blood, see it too as it stained the grass beneath you and soon covered by the white feathers that turned darker as they hit the ground.
↪for obvious reasons, lucifer reluctantly brought (snuck) you into the house and hid you in his room until he managed to get hold of diavolo to sort out your situation. however he knew he couldn't just leave your wings in such a state, it looked like it hurt and he couldn't imagine they'd heal prettily if left like that.
↪he once had beautiful wings, some say he still does. so he knew how important keeping wings in a good condition was and so he managed to convince you to let him provide a basic, temporary solution to your wings. he hardly wanted to know what happened for you to fall let alone fall and end up with your wings in such a condition so he remained silent.
↪bu the time diavolo arrived, lucifer had performed basic healing magic and bandaged your wings to allow the membranes to heal inside your wing. he could think more clearly about the situation of having a fallen angel in the devildom knowing your pain had been limited for now.
mammon ★↷
↪mammon had decided to sneak out again and somehow lucifer found out and was actively searching for him. so he decided that sneaking through the dense forrests on the outskirts would be a good way to avoid lucifer and sneak back in - hopefully convincing lucifer he'd never left.
↪the smell of iron hit his nose and made him stop in his tracks. it dawned on him that he had no idea where he really was and so his mind decided that the blood was because some vile creature was feasting nearby - maybe he'd become the next victim? but when nothing showed signs of appearing, he kept moving forward until he halted at the sight of the blood.
↪he never knew there could be so much blood in one place. the grass was practically a sea of crimson and i the middle was a brutal mess of white that covered what appeared to be a body. mammon felt sick to his stomach at the sight, especially the bits of flesh that clung to your feathers like parasites.
↪now mamon was greedy, he could save himself from your sorry sight and leave or he could do something for you. fortunately mammon could be more kind that greedy at times so when he finally realised just what you were or used to be, he knew he couldn't just leave you to bleed out on the forest floor of unfamiliar territory.
↪he didn't mind recieving a scolding from lucifer when he emerged from his hiding, mainly because lucifer was too stunned to see you in his brother's arms as mammon asked for him to help you. mammon knew how scary it was to fall, he helped his brother and now he wants to help you.
leviathan ★↷
↪it was a well known fact that levi spent most of his days locked inside his room. he barely went outside unless it was for RAD or absolutely necessary for him to leave the sanctity his room provided. however sometimes he'd have to leave his room but he never dwindled around.
↪levi was desperate to get home, it had been a long day at RAD and he finally managed to snag a limited edition item from a store on the outskirts of the devildom. all he had to do now was get back with his purchase in perfect condition. he practically jumped out his skin when he heard a scream from further beyond in one of devildom's forest beside him.
↪he knew he shouldn't walk into a dodgy forest after hearing a scream - it was like every horror troupe! but surely a peak couldn't hurt after all what if someone was hurt? not that he'd normally care all that much but something felt different, more serious.
↪and he was right, the sight wasn't pleasant by all means. the remains of what could only be an angel thrasing around desperately trying to subdue the bleeding that was a constant stream of crimson. levi felt sick, by no means was it your fault but he just couldn't stand the sight of your flesh and feathers mixing together.
↪he fumbled desperately trying to reach his d.d.d to contact lucifer for help but he felt absolutely helpless in the scenario. he had fallen once, sure it wasn't aa brutal as you but he could only imagine the fear you must be feeling - especially whe you're wings are practically falling off. but what could a lowly otaku like him do?
satan ★↷
↪on his way back from RAD, he had seen a rather adorable cat run past into a nearby forest and naturally satan followed. a part of him was convinced that maybe he would get lucky and find some sort of secret cat hideout in the devildom.
↪he found it rather alarming that the cat suddenly turned heel and ran back past him not to far fron a clearing. although when he looked into the clearing, he hadn't expected to see the fallen remains of an angel crumpled into the floor.
↪ originally he thought you looked absolutely ethereal, ironically the devildom's light seemed to highlight your features perfectly. however he quickly doubled back on his thoughts when he could see the mess that were you're wings. the crimson coated over what used to be a pure white, feathers had fallen and in their place was evidence of flesh that certainly shouldn't of been there.
↪he had always been curious and so showed no hesitation in stepping towards your poor form. the exhaustion from blood loss and the actual act of 'falling' was evident on your frame and so you barely paid attention to the approaching demon - perhaps he'd be kind enough to put you out of your misery.
↪satan knew you were still alive but he was stumped. did he just leave you here for something crueler to come along and finish you or did he help you?
asmodeus ★↷
↪it had been another late night for asmo, he had snuck out once again against lucifer's demand and asmo had spent some time at the fall. although for some reason he wasn't actually in the mood to be there no matter how hard he tried to convince himself to stay, so he had left way earlier than normal.
↪it was a rather quiet night all over devildom, way quieter than what asmo was used to seeing and so he figured he might as well just head back. or that was his plan until the sight of a rather deep crimson caught his attention. small drops lead into puddles and eventually the source lay at the edge of the outskirts of a forest.
↪asmo started panicking and immediately fumbled out his d.d.d to call atleast one of his brothers who may be able to help. he wasn't dumb and could recognise those wight feathers, he knew you used to be an angel because the greying feathers told him that you were no longer welcome back in the celestial realm.
↪he took great pity on you. he was sure you would've beeen a stunning angel but know you were reduced to nothing but a former shell - just like him all those years ago. he took cautious steps toward you but it became clear that exhaustion had taken over you, oh how he wishes he could help you return to your former beauty.
beelzebub ★↷
↪it had been another late fangol game. the other team had put up more of a fight than beel's team anticipated and the matches dragged on and on. once the game had finished he informed his brother's that stayed to watch that they could go home without him as he'd still be a while.
↪he didn't mind walking home on his own at all or atleast until he closed nearer to the house of lamentation and saw a very concerning amount of blood trailing off into the closest forest. beel was a kind soul at heart and if somebody was hurt, he'd want to help.
↪although he wasn't exactly prepared to find a bleeding angel at the end of the trail. the sight of you and your mangled mess of feathers, flesh and blood was by no means pretty. he approached you carefully but he could tell that even if you did notice him, you didn't care. you were too exhausted to do anything but accept your fate.
↪beel felt pity when he watched your slumped form crumple to the ground, he did rush over and checked if you were alive. one minute you had been laying face down in youe own blood, the next some stranger was carrying you away and before you're mind slipped into darkness you heard multiple voices as somebody laid you down on a rather comdy surface.
belphegor ★↷
↪the avatar of sloth wouldn't be the avatar of sloth if he didn't spend most of his time lazing around or sleeping. he rarely went out without nearly falling asleep many times. but sometimes the house of lamentation gets too loud. way too loud. normally he just goes into the attic but between mammon being ounished by lucifer and satan going through a rage, he'd rather not.
↪the forest behind the house was normally quiet and no unwanted creatures normally came near as they also seemed to fear lucifer. sure it wasn't the attic but he was tired and needed one minute of peace without fearing that satan would wreck through the entire house or lucifer would do the same trying to catch mammon. he didn't plan to be long but the unpleasant smell of blood quickly hit his senses.
↪out of weird curiosity, he followed the smell and he wished he didn't. he stared at you as a flurry of emotions swirled inside of him. was this what pain lillith had to endure when she was forced out of the celestial realm? no, no she was sent to the human world, surely it was painless physically? all belphie could do was stare awkwardly at the bloody mess that was you.
↪he could hear your laboured breathing and could see the amount of pain you probably were in, yet he froze. the right thing to do would be to go alert his brother's of your presence but he doubted they wouldn't be much help right now but he could barely help you himself.
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akutasoda's 1k event
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jadeddangel · 3 months
lute with an exterminator reader? And maybe with some added angst of reader dying or getting extremely injured
"Just a few more breaths..."
Lute x reader
Summary: During the attack on the hazbin Hotel, you, lute's partner gets significantly wounded and is given the choice between saving you and Adam.
Warnings:Cussing, Graphic Violence, Talk of Death, abandonment issues, Angst
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You and Lute were sharing short kisses in the alley, desperate for any form of touch from the other. It was only 15 minutes until the attack on the hotel, Lute had begged you to be left out of the attack to Adam but Adam made the decision to keep you in due to needing "all hands on desk". So, instead of training, Lute had been spending as much time with you as possible. She was terrified of losing someone who actually loved her, someone who didn't want to lose her..Lute held you closer to her body, nuzzling into your feathered neck.
It had been almost 15 minutes since you and Lute had separated, and the fight was well.. gruesome, bloodstained dirt that had developed into a deep covered mud. Lute and Vaggie were in a rough tossle in the hotel as they both fought for their lives and well.. love. As cracks began to litter all over the concrete walls of the Hazbin hotel, the walls began to Crack under the pressure of the aggressive fight between Lucifer, The King of Hell, and Adam, The First Man.
You were fighting against the cannibals, tossing them over your shoulder when they cane close enough to push their teeth into your body. You had lost chunks of your wings and arms when the cannibals had gotten close. Your body was in a searing pain from what seemed to be angelic weapon encrusted teeth that they had. But you hadn't given them the pleasure of hearing your cries and/or screams. You were probably bleeding out of major arteries, but at this point, your mind had turned off pain reptors to your body. That wad until you were starting to get dizzy from blood loss, it felt like you were dying all over again... and it was... scary.. you hadn't been scared in so long...
The building finally collapsed, and all attention was on the giant pile of rubble as you saw your girlfriend, Lute, dive out of the building holding her bleeding stub where her arm once was.
"Lute!!" You screamed, pushing the cannibals off of your bleeding body using your wings as best as you could to soar over to Lute helping her up out of pity. Lute stood and pushed you away from her, "Don't focus on me! Get that fucking brat of lucifer's!" Lute yelled not even bothering to look at you or your wounds knowing she wouldn't be able to stop herself from babying you, if she knew you were hurt.
You flinched and moved back from Lute and pulled your wings in. She had never yelled at you. Suddenly, you saw vaggie dive in and push Lute to the ground, both of them quickly wrestling for dominance. You were panicking a bit, causing you to drop your guard, allowing The cat demon, Husk, the opportunity to sneak behind you, holding one of his divine cards to your neck.
As if on cue, you heard Adam begin screaming and giving a speech, "No! You don't get to end this! I'm fucking Adam! I'm THE fucking man, and you're just some fucking clown or something. I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts! You all should be worshipping me! You ungrateful, disgusting, fucking, LOSERS!!!" Adam screamed at Charlie and the surviving demons and then suddenly and out of nowhere, Squelch!! .It was sickening as everyone paused to watch the large divine sewing needle piercing through Adam's gut. Lucifer poked at his own gut, "Uhm, you've got a little something, like right there" Lucifer didn't really flinch or show any form of discomfort. Adam fell to his knees and then onto his stomach, you heard Lute scream and push vaggie off of her, rushing to Adam shaking him and tuning him over letting out cries and screams. You couldn't bear to look anymore as you shifted your gaze to the ground, you were too scared to move to much knowing your throat could be slit at any moment.
Lute turned her gaze towards you, noticing the danger. She knew she had to choose between you and Adam. It was a blur. All you remember is falling to the ground suddenly and your neck burning with a ferocity that you had never felt before. Your hands gripped onto your neck, feeling the warm feeling of blood, "Oh.." he had barely missed your jugular and windpipe, but it still didn't hurt. You heard a loud scream and heard a Lute rush to you laying your head in her lap, "no no no no.. not you, please.. please.. I can't lose you and Adam.. I don't wanna choose.." Lute, let out sobs punching over your body. You reached up and held lutes cheek, "Hey hey.. don't cry.." You croaked out struggling to breathe and speak. You had never seen lute cry so much. Slowly, all of the demons around you connected the fact that you were, in fact, lovers from body language. Vaggie walked closer, "Lute.. I.. I didn't realize you guys were still.." Vaggie started. Lute held your body closer to her, gritting her teeth, "Haven't you done enough?!!" Lute yelled through tears, holding you closer to her body.
Vaggie hesitated and backed up, putting her arm out defensively in front of Charlie, though Charlie was quite far behind her. Lute's lip quivered and held you closer to her, "Hey Lute?... i-i.. if I don't make it..." You started feeling your vision start to go black. "No, no, don't.. I'm not gonna let anything happen! We made plans! We... we were gonna have dinner together..get a pet together.. you said nothing would happen.. you said you would be fine.. I can fix this.. I can fix this.. this is all my fault.. I should have pushed to let you stay..I-I can fix this.. This is all my fault!!.." Lute ranted, only to be caught off by your loud coughs and blood splattering on her face. "Lute!.." you yelled the best you could. Your body was trembling against your will. "It's not your fault, Lute, I... it's not your fault.." You repeated gripping onto Lute's feathered neck. Lute held you closer to her understanding that she had no control over this anymore.
You couldn't see anymore, "I love you L-... Lute.." You struggled as you breathed out, passing out, making your body go limp...
Ending 1(you survive):
You shot up as you awoke, and you held your neck, remembering the struggling to breathe and the pain of the cut. You were shaking in pain as your head was on a swivel as you looked around paranoid. You recognized where you were. It was one of the angelic hospitals, It was mainly just for injuries from training with the angelic weapons. You felt yourself relax as you finally felt the large amount of pain from all over your body. It was from the bites, the stabs, and... the... the wound that almost killed you... You swung your legs off of the hospital bed, looking around terrified. Wait.. where was lute?! She came too, right? She hadn't stayed down there, right?! Your mind was racing as you heard talking outside of the hospital room and them the door opening to the hospital room. Your eyes flipped up to the person who had entered the room. You held your breath reflexively before relaxing, seeing Lute's familiar face, "I... wait.. Lute?..." you whispered, your voice was hoarse from the lack of use. Lute rushed to you and hugged you tightly, pulling you closer desperately, "You're ok!!" Lute yelled in surprise, sniffling a bit as she began crying in happiness. Turns out you had been in the hospital for about 2 months and had gone into critical care multiple times due to your weakened immune system. After you had gotten released to be able to go home, you and Lute had gotten promoted as commanders of the exorcist army. You had adopted a little angelic kitten and named it Adam. It was your guys' way of mourning the loss.
Ending 2(Reincarnated as a demon):
You shot awake holding your neck and looking around searching for the destruction you had caused, but nothing.. You looked down at your hands and froze.. your skin looked wrong.. you weren't in pain, though.. you reached up to feel for your halo but didn't feel it.. instead, you felt 2 rough horns that were so sharp that you nearly pierced through your palms. You let out a hiss of pain as you got up. You still had wings, but they were black with red splotches where you had been bitten and where chunks had been ripped out. You looked all over your body, noticing that the pattern had carried over your body. You were almost pitch black in color aside from red that had been where all of your scars were. And then, you connected all the pieces and headed straight to the pride ring, trying to get back to Lute.. trying to get back home...
Ending 3(???):
You opened your eyes slowly, before squinting them, there was a bright light, it was almost like... the sun? Your eyes adjusted after a moment as you opened your eyes completely. There was tall grass and tall cedar trees... it was beautiful.. it was somewhere you and Lute had always talked about.. You were in a large clearing that was surrounded by flowers and mushrooms that didn't seem poisonous or harmful. You saw smoke in the distance as you slowly walked forward.. you felt drawn to it almost.. You slowly followed the flowers that had almost created a trail towards where the smoke was.. You followed the "trail" and found a pretty little cabin. It was perfect. You opened the door to the cabin, I mean, the place seemed safe enough so it couldn't be too bad.You opened the door to see... Lute? She was in the kitchen. The sunlight licked at the window, leaving a golden glow on the window paine since the sun was sitting on the horizon. Lute was pouring steaming hot water into 2 cups that were in front of her before looking up at you, "Welcome home my love, make sure you close the door behind you, we wouldn't want Adam getting out again" Lute laughed a bit, she seemed relaxed. You tilted your head confused at the name until you saw a golden, almost ginger colored cat approach you rubbing against your legs affectionately. You shut the door softly before picking up the kitten, "What are you making?" You asked quietly. "Wellll I didn't know if you wanted coffee or tea, so I made your favorite kind of tea!" Lute smiled at you brightly. She approached you, holding the cups before holding one out to you. You smiled, setting the cat down and taking the cup, "I figured we could cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie together, maybe?"Lute said. You smiled, "That sounds perfect.. we always did talk about how we could do that forever and how we never wanted it to end.." you muttered. You knew this wasn't real.. but you were happy... and you would be with her for the rest of time..
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profound-imagination · 10 months
Flightless - Azriel
A/N: Guess who's back??? I promise there will be a part two of Matching Wounds eventually! Pronouns used in this is she/her. There could be a potential part two to this if people want it and I can figure out where to go with it.
T/W: Very brief mention of S/A it isn't talked about in detail, the R word isn't used but please keep yourselves safe and don't read if at all triggering for you. Talks of violence.
Word Count: 2.9k
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you took a deep breath, steeled yourself against the biting cold, and approached. You wanted to do this, wanted to learn. "Excuse me, Lord Devlon?" He took his sweet time before he looked at you, before he acknowledged you. "What is it girl?" He asked, no malice in his voice, but it wasn't kind either. "I was wondering if it would be acceptable for me to join training with the other girls in the mornings?" The two warriors next to him snorted, the third sneered, "What use would you be girl? Your wings weren't even clipped, they were removed." A shudder ran through you at the memory, the agony, the heartbreak of never being able to feel the wind again.
Devlon paled slightly as he looked past you and snapped at the three warriors with him to get back to work, the third still sneering at you as he went. "I survived sir." You told Devlon quietly, "I survived having my wings removed, I'm strong enough to train like an Illryian." He ran a hand down his face and you felt three people approach behind you, you didn't turn. "You'll get yourself killed, you'll be thrown into the Rite, just like the others, besides, we start training as children, your age is against you." You looked up at him and met his eyes, "I'm already adjusting to not having my wings at all, everyone else's will be bound, I'd say I'm already at an advantage." He opened his mouth to reply but another voice came from behind you. "Why do you want to train so badly?" You turned slowly only to be met by the Lord of Bloodshed himself.
"They took my wings, my Lord, I couldn't fight them off, I was no use in the war, I don't ever want to feel helpless again." You could've sworn the air sky darkened as the Shadowsinger and the High Lord himself approached. "Who took your wings?" Cassian's rage was palpable, mixing with the bitter winds of the camps, "The clan in Ironcrest, Lord Devlon has been good to me." The High Lord smiled at you kindly and repeated Cassian's question. "Who took your wings? You'll be given no trouble for telling us." Your eyes darted between the three of them and then to Devlon, who gave you a slight nod. "The son of the Lord at Ironcrest, I rejected his advances so he made sure I'd never feel the sky again and he took what he wanted as I was bleeding out in the snow." The silence from the three males was deafening and shadows skittered around the four of you, pulsing with anger. "She trains with me, personally." The Shadowsinger told Devlon, the first time he'd spoken. "Someone will collect her every morning at dawn and bring her back at noon." If he had other duties he was shirking to do this, the High Lord didn't protest. You beamed at the Spymaster, "Thank you, my Lord!" He gave you a half smile in return, "Azriel, call me Azriel."
"He made sure I'd never feel the sky again and he took what he wanted as I was bleeding out in the snow." Those words had been playing over and over again in his head since you'd uttered them to his brother mere hours ago. His very blood roared at the thought of what they did to you. It took both Rhys and Cassian to keep him from flying straight to Ironcrest to deal with the lordling. "We'll deal with it, carefully." Rhys had said to him. "When the time comes the blow is yours, if she doesn't want it." Azriel pummeled the dummy in front of him harder.
"I hear we'll have a guest joining us for training in the mornings?" Nesta's teasing voice pulled him from his anger, only slightly. He met her eyes, "No. I'll be having a guest, you and Cassian will leave her alone." Nesta sighed at him, "It was nice of you to offer to help her, Az." She patted his shoulder, "Cassian told me what they did to her." Azriel shrugged, "It's what they do." He told her, and watched the rage flicker through Nesta's eyes. "But her wings Az, they didn't clip them, Cassian said they removed them entirely." He nodded "They did, Madja is going to check her over tomorrow when she arrives for training." Nesta nodded. "She can train with us, she doesn't have to train alone." He gave her a gentle smile, "I'll let her know the offer is there, but let's get her up to speed first."
As promised, Rhys winnowed her to the House of Wind and flew her down to the terrace the next morning, despite the flight only lasting mere moments, he could see the smile on her face before Rhys had even landed. "Good Morning, Azriel." She smiled up at him gently. Azriel simply inclined his head in response and watched as Rhys lead her into the house where Madja was waiting.
The healer behind you sighed as she inspected what was left of your wings, touching here, prodding there, all of it still tender. Phantom pain shooting through wings that were no longer there. Once she'd wrapped them tightly and helped you redress in the leathers you'd been given upon arrival for training in, she called the High Lord back in who had been politely waiting outside. You both ignored the shadow that had followed him in.
"Do they not have healers, Rhysand?" Was the first thing Madja said as soon as the door closed behind him. You winced, you hadn't seen your back yet, couldn't face it. It must be bad. "They do, but I imagine the male responsible for this forbade them from helping." You nodded, "He did, one of the younger girls, she found me and dragged me back to my tent, packed snow on my back and sat with me all night, I never saw a healer." Madja sighed again. "You're lucky to be alive girl, you've got a nasty infection that I'll give you something for but long term? We'll need to remove what's left." You paled and Rhys put a comforting hand on your shoulder, "You mean, cut them out?" You could barely get the words out and Madja nodded somberly, "It's the only way your back will heal properly." Rhys squeezed your shoulder, "When?" He asked his healer. "When the infection has fully cleared and she's gained some weight, I won't lie to you girl, it'll be long and it'll be painful, I need you to be conscious so I can ensure we don't damage your spine." You nodded dumbly as tears threatened to fall.
You followed Rhys into his office rather than back to start training. "Do you want to go back?" He asked after he finished making you a cup of tea. "Back?" You questioned him, "To the camp, do you want to go back? You don't have to, you can stay here, train, get stronger, Nesta Archeron stays here with Cassian and sometimes Az when he's not away. She works in the library some levels down in the afternoons, I'm sure she wouldn't mind the company." You blinked at him several times, "You'd really allow me to do that?" He nodded, "What happened to you, should never have happened, and it happened under my watch, so if you want to stay here, you are welcome." You gave him a watery smile, "Thank you, My Lord."
It had been three months since you'd moved into the House of Wind, Nesta had become a quick friend to you, as had Emerie and Gwyn. Cassian had taken over the role of protective older brother and Azriel flirted between the lines of friendship and something more. He'd found a twin flame in you as you had found in him and more than once Nesta had commented on how well the two of you complimented each other. You missed him dearly when he was away, your companion, your best friend.
He chased away the nightmares when they came. He always knew. Azriel would climb into your bed at the first sound of distress from your mouth. He'd lift you gently and slide underneath you so he could lie you on top of him and brush a scarred finger down your spine until you were soothed or if you had woken, clinging to him like he was the only thing tethering you to earth and you were lulled back to sleep and he'd stay there, all night, just holding you. Shadows and wings cocooning you in safety and warmth.
But you were aware of Elain, lovely Elain. Of how he felt for her, three sisters for three brothers. You saw how he looked at her, how his cold, hard face softened around her, how his shadows retreated around her. You'd smell her on him sometimes, when he came to comfort you in the dead of night, too terrified and tired to be upset about the mixed signals the Shadowsinger gave you constantly.
The operation to remove what was left of your wings had been scheduled and was happening in a few days but you were yet to see your back, so there you stood, Nesta by your side as you slid your top over your head and nodded to Nesta to hold the mirror up behind you, facing the one you were looking into. Your heart caved, your face crumpled and tears escaped your eyes. You hadn't been sure what you were expecting but this was far worse. Nesta quickly placed the mirror back down and pulled you into her as you cried and cried and cried. You heard the door open and close and footsteps pad towards you. You knew it was him from his scent alone as he pulled you gently from Nesta's arms into his. "I've got her, Nesta." He told her gently, a dismissal. Nesta placed a gentle kiss to the top of your head and left you with the one person she knew you needed right now.
"They're gone Az, they're really gone." You sobbed into his neck. He ran his hand down your spine, carefully avoiding where your wings would've come out of your back, "I know sweet girl, I know." He told you gently, "I just want to fly." You repeated over and over and over again. Azriel had no words, nothing he could offer you to make this better, so instead he held you until you'd run out of tears. "I'm sorry they did this to you, they will pay, as soon as Rhys allows it they will all suffer for what they did." He told you. Your watery stare met his shining eyes and you gasped. "Azriel! I'm not wearing a top!" He smirked. "I know." You slapped his arm lightly as he reached behind you and went rustling through one of your draws, "Here, put this on." He said as he handed you a t-shirt that definitely belonged to him, how it had ended up here you weren't sure but you slipped it on over your head anyway.
Azriel stood, still cradling you in his arms as he started to make his way through the house, you were content not to ask questions so you simply wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your head on his shoulder. As you passed through the dining room Cassian opened his mouth to tease you both but was cut off by Azriel, "Not now, Cass, we're busy." He told his brother as he walked past, Cassian looked down at his Mate who was curled in his lap and shrugged as she laughed. You waved at them both as you went.
The cold air hit you like you'd been plunged into ice water and you tighten your grip around Azriel's neck in an attempt to steal his warmth. "Why are we out here, Az?" You mumbled into his neck, you felt his arms tighten around you, heard his wings unfurl as he said "Flying." Before he shot into the stars.
Azriel couldn't think of anything but her at that moment. He watched her eyes open from his sudden take off and light up. He watched her face split into a grin as he flew. "Do you trust me?" He shouted to her over the sound of the wind, she nodded at him without hesitation. Azriel let go of her legs and had both hands under her arms in less than a second, the sight of them must've been ridiculous and he could already hear his brothers teasing remarks if they were to see them. She was laughing now as she hung from his hands, full, beautiful, melodic laughter and a piece of that icy rage that had engulfed him for centuries thawed at the sound and he allowed a rare laugh in response.
He'd flown with her for hours before landing on a grassy hilltop. She threw her arms around his neck and he breathed her in. She was still grinning and Azriel decided at that moment, he would do anything to keep that smile on her face. He was pulled from his thoughts as she tugged at his hands, "Dance with me Az?" He raised an eyebrow at her, "There's no music." Her grin turned wicked, "It's a good job I'm with a Shadowsinger who likes to sing then isn't it?" Azriel shook his head, "Nope, no, absolutely not." Her grin turned into a pout, "Please Az?" He shook his head again but began to dance with her anyway.
"When is your operation scheduled for?" He asked her sometime later as they were sitting together in the grass watching the sun rise over the ocean. "The day after tomorrow." She told him quietly and he instantly picked up on the fear in her voice but she kept talking and answered his unasked question as she spoke. "Madja says I have to be awake and conscious, that it's going to be long and painful." He ran a hand through her hair, "I'll be there with you, if you want me to be." He offered, unaware of how close the two of them were leaning towards each other, "You'd do that? Sit there and hold my hand?" She whispered practically onto his lips. "I'd do anything for you." He whispered back, flicking his eyes between her own eyes and her lips, watched as she ran her tongue along the bottom one and he decided to seize the moment.
You watched Azriel's eyes flick from your own to your lips and back again. Watched the internal debate he raged in his head before he finally closed the gap. His kisses were addictive and your whole world span as something came alive in your chest. You knew Azriel felt it too as he pulled away, only slightly and blinked at you twice. He gave you a smile you'd never seen before, one that set your entire world on fire. "There you are, I've been looking for you for so long." He muttered against your lips. "My mate." The words sent a shiver down your spine as you smiled up at him.
You had stayed like that for a while, smiling at each other, sharing kisses and reveling in the feeling of the mating bond snapping into place. It was funny how fast things had changed as you now sat and watched Rhys and Azriel argue about Azriel being there when Madja performed the operation. "Azriel, listen to me, it is because she is your mate that you can't be there, she will be awake, probably screaming and in a lot of pain, your instincts will drive you to protect, to kill anyone or anything that is causing her pain and that will be Madja and Feyre and that is why I can't allow it." Rhys spoke calmly but his tone was dripping in authority. You watched Azriel fight it, the urge to obey his High Lord. "I'll be there instead of you Az, I'll hold her mind, if she'll let me, I won't let her feel it, I promise. Rhys added more gently.
Azriel still wasn't overly onboard with this plan as he kissed you outside of the clinic, he could obviously feel the nervous energy that you couldn't stop from flowing down the bond and it was making him antsy. "I'll be right out here, Rhys will look after you, Feyre will look after you." He told you softly. "And when it's done, you best believe I won't be leaving your side while you heal, work be damned, Rhys can send someone else." You gave him a chuckle, "Az, we both know you wouldn't trust anyone else." He smiled down at you, and his thumbs ran in circles over your cheeks as he held your face, "Please come back to me?" You fought the tears that welled up in your eyes, "I promise." The door to the clinic opened and Rhys stood in the doorway, a hand extended to you. Cassian, Mor and Nesta appeared behind Azriel, it was clearly their job to keep him calm and outside. "Are you ready?" Rhys asked, you nodded, kissed Azriel one last time and followed the High Lord into the clinic.
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ladykailitha · 10 months
Well Met By Moonlight Part 1
Hi!!! So...I know I don't usually put out stories until they're a lot further into the story (side-eyes soulmate AU and Boy With a Bat), but this one is begging to escape confinement and I have fallen in love with the story so...
The title is a play on the line from Midsummer's Night's Dream, "Ill met by moonlight, Titania." In which Oberon is not pleased to see her. So I twisted it a bit to make it more romantic.
You can read the world building here!
Also if there are weird tense changes I'm so sorry!!! I tried to find all of them but I'm not sure I caught all of them!!!
Steve ran blindly through the trees, branches and roots raising to slow his progress to safety. He stopped for breath behind a tree, his leg aching and bleeding from the bullet wound.
"Fuck!" he cursed under his breath. He had been hearing the rumblings from the high school and beyond. He had heard that there were certain people in town picking up metaphorical pitch forks and torches against the supernatural community. He should have listened more carefully, but more than one of his pack had dismissed it as baseless rumors.
Steve closed his eyes as he fought back the tears that sprang up in the sheer agony he felt. He bit back a groan through clenched teeth. He couldn’t shift due to the silver and because of that, he couldn't heal either.
He could hear them getting closer, crashing and stumbling through the underbrush like a newborn deer. He scoffed in disdain, at least he was wounded, what was their excuse?
He tried to slow his breathing, this was no time for snarky commentary. For the first time in his life, he felt real fear. Not the jittery nerves of asking a girl out or the thrilling danger of fighting older and stronger wolves for the title of alpha. No this was true fear.
Steve opened his eyes slowly as he weighed his choices. He could either keep going and hope he made it to the pack compound, or he could make a break for the trailer park as it was closer.
He squeezed his eyes shut and ran for the tree line. He was almost there when... SNAP!
He screamed as his wounded leg got caught in a foothold trap. He tried to wrestle the trap off his leg, but the trap like the bullet was silver. A twig snapped to his left and he looked up.
He was surrounded by five men. Even in the dim light he could make out who they were. Jason Carver, Patrick McKinney, Andy Miller, Chance Nelson, and Josh Bentley. All wannabe hunters.
Jason was the worst. He had thought his pretty little girlfriend Chrissy Cunningham was human and she turned out to be a vampire. He was so disgusted he started trying to stir up the town against its supernatural population. And from the looks of it, he was succeeding.
And then his world went black.
When Steve came to, he could feel the pain of silver all over. His head, his neck, his wrists, and ankles. He lifted his head and realized that they were more than just five punk kids with too much free time on their hands. They were sick fuckers.
He was completely naked, his neck, hands, and feet were bound to a cross with thick silver cord and on his head he could feel the sting of silver thorns pressing into his scalp.
Andy whistled and all five of them stood up.
Jason picked up a metal baseball bat and dragged it behind him as he sauntered up to Steve. “Well, looks like the pup is finally awake. Hey little doggy, want a treat?”
The other boys laughed.
“This attempted murder, you assholes!” Steve spat, spitting blood in their faces.
Jason wiped off his face with a grimace. “No, it’s hunting. You’re monsters, all of you. The vampires and the werewolves. It’s time the humans rose up and took our town back. And we’re starting with you.”
Jason readied his bat when suddenly there was a snarling sound.
Steve could hear the flap of giant wings, but his captors could not.
Patrick screamed when something big and dark landed in front of him. In the dim light of their distant fire, they could only make out the shape.
It stood on pair of digitigrade legs, that ended in large cat-like paws. It’s giant, leathery wings were unfurled to its massive fifteen foot span. Its red eyes glittered with malice and rage. From what they could see of the hands, the ended in long claws or talons and the fingers were tipped black.
The beast in front of them roared.
Andy was the first to turn to tail. “You said werewolves! You didn’t say anything about vampires!” he screamed over his shoulder.
“Get back here!” Jason hissed. “We have silver you moron! He can’t hurt us!”
The vampire chuckled darkly and took a a step toward Jason, cocking his head to side, just before he lunged right at him.
Wayne smelled the blood of a wounded werewolf first. He straightened up in his comfy recliner and scented the air. Eddie, who had been preoccupied playing his guitar, stopped.
He tilted his head toward the direction Wayne was scenting.
Wayne made a face. “Silver. I told Sheriff Powell those boys would be trouble.”
Eddie nodded. Even before Wayne changed him into a vampire, he knew that Jason Carver and his ilk were bad news.
“Go!” Wayne growled. “I’ll inform the authorities.”
Eddie grinned. He was finally going to get a little payback for the bullying in high school tonight. He leaped from the trailer and had transformed before he even reached the arc of his jump. His wings extended and with two mighty beats he was airborne.
Now that he was in the air he could smell what Wayne had. The cloying scent of werewolf blood. It was richer and darker then human blood with a kind of spice to it, like clove or cardamon.
And it was absolutely tainted with silver.
Those idiots! Eddie snarled. Not only had the hunted a werewolf just yards away from their compound they had also hunted so close to the trailer park. It was like they were asking for hell to be brought down on their heads.
He ran his tongue over his fangs as he sought out his prey. He swooped down about one yards feet from Forest Hills and caught sight of the trap the hunters had used to capture the werewolf.
A chill ran down his spine. Those types of traps were considered inhumane to animals he couldn’t imagine someone wanting to use it on a sentient being for fuck’s sake.
Eddie quickly dismantled the trap and disposed of the pieces safely. He didn’t want anyone to get hurt on it, human or supe.
After he was done he noticed that some of the blood of the werewolf had gotten on his hands. He brought one finger to his lips for a taste and god it tasted divine.
It also told him he had a much bigger problem on his hands then a wounded werewolf on his hands.
The bastards had taken Steve. The Harrington pack alpha.
Fuck, fuck, fuck! Eddie thought as he kicked at the forest floor.
This was bad.
Having tasted the blood, all his senses were filled with the scent of Steve Harrington. Eddie had to stop and narrow in on one sense. His sense of smell. He blocked out everything else.
Eddie launched himself back into the air again. This time he was able to sense were they had taken him.
It led him to a small clearing with a lit fire and the scent of blood was all over the camp site and everywhere else for about one hundred yards in all directions.
Eddie had to begrudgingly give them that one. If Steve hadn’t been the alpha, that would have confused anyone trying to find him. But it seemed like these idiots didn’t realize that being the alpha came with a shit ton of perks.
Being able to change someone into a werewolf, the ability to banish people from the pack, the ability to bond with a mate (other werewolves mated, but it was more like a marriage to humans), and the ability to have the whole pack know where you are based on your scent.
Eddie wasn’t completely sure about the magics on that, but it fascinated him deeply.
And then he saw Steve and a growl was ripped from his throat against his will.
They weren’t leaving anything to chance. Either Steve died from the blood loss and not being able to heal because of all the silver or he would suffocate from being fucking crucified.
And then Eddie folded his wings and dropped to the forest floor in a dive.
Steve watched in utter fascination and admiration as the vampire played with and chased his prey.
He was in too much pain if thought it was sexy as hell. He was lightheaded and nauseous from the blood loss and the silver burning into his skin. He chest hurt and he was starting to struggle to breathe.
He lowered his head to his chest, trying to catch his breath, but he felt it rattle around his chest.
Suddenly there were flashing lights and shouts from men other then the hunters.
Steve must have blacked out again, because in front of him was a terrified Sheriff Powell and very angry Eddie Munson.
“This is the price of your inaction!” Eddie was snarling.
“They are just kids!” the sheriff hissed back.
“Not if they can do that to the alpha of the largest pack in the county,” Eddie snapped. “I will make sure that coven is made aware of this as well as the pack.”
Sheriff Powell gulped. “You wouldn’t!”
Eddie leaned into his space. “You should have thought of that before you did nothing!”
Sheriff Powell hung his head. He looked back up at Steve and then he nodded. He walked back to the other police officers and cars.
Steve suddenly felt cool hands touch his face gently.
“Hey, Stevie,” Eddie murmured. “You awake, babe?”
He lifted his head and Eddie hissed in sympathy. “They beat you good.”
Steve didn’t even feel the pain in his face not when everything else hurt as much if not worse. “I’m dying...”
Eddie cursed. “Let’s get you down from there before that can happen, okay? Just hold on, I’ve got you.”
Steve heard a crack and suddenly he was being lowered gently to the ground, face first.
“Sorry about the dirt in your face, Stevie,” Eddie murmured, “But this is the easiest way to get the silver off of you.”
Steve tuned his head and nodded the best he could.
The wood splintered and he felt the wood and silver band slide off his left arm. He wanted to immediately tuck it under his chest to protect it from further harm, but he was too tired to even so much as twitch his wrist.
Slowly, one by one, Eddie broke the cross around him until Steve was free.
Eddie rolled him over and pulled him into his embrace.
Steve reached up and stroked Eddie’s cheek. “Thank you.”
Eddie blushed. “You’re okay now.”
He reached down and tried to break the chain across Steve’s neck. But it sapped his super-human strength and no matter how hard he tugged, it remained firmly in place.
“Sorry,” he told Steve. “I can’t break it, but I can at least get the crown off, so it doesn’t muss your pretty hair.”
Steve laughed. “It’s okay, this isn’t the first time I’ve had a silver collar and I’m sure it won’t be the last.”
Eddie winced at that because who the fuck would do something like that to him.
Eddie tenderly propped Steve up against a tree and tore several ribbons from the bottom of his shirt and gently wrapped Steve’s neck in the soft black cotton. “I hope this will help keep it off your skin so that you can heal enough not to die before I get you to the compound.”
“How are you going to get me home?” Steve asked. “Won’t the silver sap your strength?”
Eddie chuckled. “Only if it touches my skin, but even if that wasn’t the case, I’d still be able to carry you from here to there, no problem.”
Steve threw his head back and laughed. “You been bench pressing behind everyone’s back there, Munson?”
Eddie scooped him up without effort and cradled him to his chest. “You aren’t any heavier than a drum kit, sweetheart, and I’ve hauled those plenty of times. Plus I was in stage crew in high school. Those backdrops aren’t lightweights let me tell you.”
“All right, you win,” Steve conceded.
Eddie looked down at Steve and could already tell that even with the bullet in his leg, Steve was looking better.
He walked all the way to the compound, afraid of flying because he hadn’t flown with someone before and was terrified he’d drop Steve. Steve and he murmured to each other whole trip, growing fonder with each step.
Steve felt safe again, wrapped in the arms of this metalhead vampire. When he ran from the hunters he never thought he’d feel that ever again.
In a time that was far too long and not quick enough at the same time, they arrived at the entrance the pack.
“Okay, Stevie,” Eddie said gently placing him on the ground. “If I walk in there, your pack is going to rip me to shreds.”
“I know,” Steve mumbled. “I’m grateful you got me this far. Thank you.”
“I’ll check up on you tomorrow when you’re all healed, though,” Eddie promised.
Steve cupped Eddie’s cheek again. “I look forward to it.”
Eddie blushed a dark red in the moonlight. “Get well, alpha.” And then he took off into the night as three keepers came rushing to the line of trees to help Steve.
He smiled ruefully and then set off for home.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @bookbinderbitch @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @redfreckledwolf @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @just-a-tiny-void
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 7 months
omg yes please write something for bodhi, i’m trying to find something because he just sounds such a nice person and hope he appears more in the next books, i also love xaden but i think he belongs with violet so i don’t wanna interfere there ahaha
If u want ideias idk maybe like a new student who was also obligated to go to the riders quadrant and she’s a sunshine and so he got a soft spot for her even tho they shouldn’t fall in love because that quadrant is ruthless u know? ahaha
At the first glance
Bodhi knew it was done and dusted the moment he caught a glimpse of your hair twirling across your face as you tried to keep your posture steady while on the parapet. For some reason the moment his eyes caught a glimpse of you that was the only thing he could look at. The only thing he could focus on. And something about that exact moment made his heart clench.
He had watched so many cadets cross that path. He was done flinching. Done caring that much. Bodhi too had mastered that cold expression Xaden wore but something about you, had made him lose all of that cool demeanor. A stone chipped beneath your feet making your right leg dip and Bodhi took a step forward without even thinking. "What the fuck are you doing?", Xaden hissed beneath his breath. But Bodhi didn't as much as stopped to listen, stepping closer to the very end of the parapet, to get a better look. "Bodhi", Xaden called out once more.
Your body swayed as your eyes darted down. Fatal mistake Bodhi thought to himself. A scream left your lips as you tried to find your footing, panic making you even more clumsy. "Eyes up here", Bodhi shouted through the wind. He could hear Xaden walking closer to him but he wasn't gonna budge. "Hey, eyes up here!", he shouted at the top of his lungs. And that's all it took for your frightened gaze to dart up.
From your frail body, Bodhi could tell that you had never even planned to be here. Pale skin was yet another indication that you spent little time outside. So there was no way you had magically woken up and chosen this fate for yourself. "You got this, you're almost there", he shouted as you rose back up to your feet. "We don't do this, Bo", Xaden pulled at Bodhi's arm but the male yanked it free instantly, "You interfere and I will throw you over the edge". Something gleamed in Xaden's eyes. For a second Bodhi was convinced that he was going to be the one airborn but not on his dragon this time. However, all that Xaden did was back away as he scowled at the crowd that had formed, making the noisy group break apart.
Bodhi's eyes were back on you as you neared the very end. Only now did he catch a glimpse of your damp cheeks. The bleeding lip no doubt from you biting it hard as you tried to concentrate. He knew the rules, he couldn't interfere. Couldn't help. No upper hand was allowed. Yet the closer you got the more Bodhi's hands itched to reach forward. You gasped as the solid ground neared. Nearly crashed into the rider waiting for you on the other side.
Bodhi's arm instantly wrapped around your lower back as he lifted you off the end of the stone ledge and into the solid balcony. Your knees buckled but Bodhi held onto you firmly. His other hand brushed over your damp cheeks, "Pull yourself together till they mark your name, then I'll find you a safe corner", he whispered, softly, blocking you from the rest of the people there. All you managed to do was nod as you pretended to shove him away, trying to take self-assured steps.
Bodhi met Xaden's eyes across the room. The look was displeased, to say the least. But they were family. They understood each other. So Bodhi didn't need to plead. Didn't need to pull any strings, at least not for now, to keep you safe. "Name", Xaden asked. You braced yourself against the table. The wing leader knew that hazy look all too well. "Name cadet?", he repeated. You blinked a couple of times, "Y/n Y/l/n", it was barely a whisper.
A loud cry echoed from behind you. Some gaps filled the room as the cadets rushed towards the windows. Someone no doubt had fallen and death strangely entertained people up here. Xaden looked at Bodhi, with a quick nod, pushing past you. And then you felt hands on you. You tried to move away, push yourself back but it was for nothing. "No, please", you breathed out but a hand quickly clasped over your face. Then the darkness of the side corridor fell upon you. "You're safe, I won't hurt you", Bodhi muttered, looking over his shoulder.
You eyed the man in front of you. You heard stories about the riders. About the brutality of it all. Bodhi turned back to you, "I'm Bodhi, you did good out there". You swallowed thickly, "I nearly fell...", you muttered. "But you didn't, you just can't show anyone your weak spots", his hands held onto your forearms, "The moment someone sniffs out your weak spot you're dead", Bodhi himself frowns at the coldness in his tone. Your eyes gloss over with nee tears that rip at Bodhi's heart.
"I never wanted to...", you brace yourself against the wall, looking so small that Bodhi had to fight an urge to wrap you up in his arms and snarl at anyone who looks at you the wrong way but he knows that wouldn't get you far. "I'll help you get through this", he said firmly. You shook your head, "I have nothing to give you", you wiped the tears away quickly. Bodhi simply smiled at you, "Let's call it a partnership at first glance", he extended his palm to you. You looked at him with confusion in your eyes for a moment before you shook his waiting palm, "Welcome to the rider's quadrant, sunshine".
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angelfandomfan · 4 months
note: I think i will start writting maybe a little thing Warnings: Bad english (because i'm french and it's my first time writting a story IN ENGLISH), blood, maybe death, kidnapping mention yay, weak ALSO, IF SOMEONE WANT ME TO WRITE SOMETHING ELSE- ASK MEH
Yandere!hunter X monster reader -----------------------------------------------
It is a story about a big scary monster that lived in the woods, a monster that had three eyes and wings that looked like demon's wings, the monster eats children! Says the old woman, some peoples belived for this story; and you did. Before being turned into one.. Before, you were a beautiful lady, with a lot of ease in your life, you had enough money to live easily, you were kind to everyone.. helped everyone.. before knowing that they were just using you- Just because THEY were lazy, the day you turned into a monster is when you helped an old lady and you suspected her to be a witch because of course she was showing some clues and when you hold here hand to help her, you got an huge pain and you just turned into a monster, so you just ran into a forest. And now that peoples saw YOU in your monster form, they were scared, so scared that now they engaged a hunter to kill you! TO KILL YOU! SERIOUSLY!! The so called hunter, you heard from eavesdropping was called Lucian, and he was now tracking you in the woods, you had before a lot of hunters that tried to kill you but they all died because of their own traps or because you pushed them on a trap because you were doing self defence, and people just won't understand! You had to suffer because of THEM, OF. SIMPLE. VILLAGERS.
You really were angry at them, but you couldn't do anything because YOU are the so called monster, but why, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SUFFER?, YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. So, to calm yourself you decided to go toward a lake and to drink in it, but why? Because now that you turned into a "monster" you could now drink water directly from the lake, and also because you were a part deer, that crazy right? you had antlers. FUCKING. ANTLERS.
At first you were scared, to find out that you had antlers, but now.. not really like you got used to it. So now let talk about Lucian Lucian, is a tall, muscular guy and he's also a serious person, you also tried to stalk him a little but you don't know how but he always manage to find you, but you always run away before he could do anything. Lucian, him was dumbfounded (or dump, idk) the first moment he saw you, oh gosh you were so beautiful, a beautiful skin and eyes, oh gosh he just want you.. to possess you.. just for him. He doesn't care that the villagers will be mad at him, he just want you.
The first time he met you, he was walking through the woods to hunt you with his crossbow and when he saw a sort of deer on two legs he aimed it and then shot, but then the moment he shot he saw your visage, your beautiful face. Oh gosh he was so sorry that he hurted you with an arrow of his crossbow, if he knew and saw your face before shooting, you wouldn't been hurt.
And he kept saying this to his mind until he finally stops, you were bleeding because of him.
And so Lucian kept stalking you, over and over just to know more about you. He was scared to scare you if he tried to talk to you, so he was just stalking you, and he liked when YOU were stalking him, oh gosh it was so cute. And he decided to give you food everydays, again and again, until you finally start eating the food he was giving you, on a plate, and little by little he was getting closer to you, before he was 15 metters from you, then 10, then 5 then 2, then 1. Oh gosh, he really liked to be SO close from you, and that you didn't run away, little did you know that he was feeding you something that was making you weaker every days you were eating the food, you were feeling weak, and Lucian just told you that you were maybe not digesting at all because you didn't eating this food long time ago. But that in reality, Lucian was making you weak only to be able to kidnap you with you that won't be able to escape. So he did this, the day where you were finally extremelly weak, he picked you up and started walking away with you, oh gosh you were going to be with him forever. "You will never be able to escape me, my little deer~"
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calliopesdiary · 8 days
i’m your biggest fan in the whole wide world please write a xaden riorson x reader where she is injured…she was attacked in her room and was cut bad. she doesn’t have anyone to go to and the healers are on a off campus trip so she dosebt know what to do…she just killed a guy and is now bleeding wondering the halls praying to find help. Behind her she hears the voice that woild bring shivers down the spines of any cadet…xaden (who she is terrified of and doesn’t trust) her wing leader .
tysm for requesting, lovely! i recently finished this book <3
I'm Tired.
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xaden!riorson x fem!reader
a/n; first time writing for xaden! woo! and you basically take violets place (:
contents; cussing, xaden being mean, reader gets injured, big buff scary big buff dragon man, fluffy fluffy fluff fluff
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you clutched your bleeding abdomen with agony, stumbling your way to the lavatory with blood pooling out of your stomach.
and you couldn't see.
you were attacked unexpectantly by an unbonded cadet who wanted to murder you for your dragons bond.
that's how you ended up here, bleeding out and desperately searching for a beacon of light.
and in this case, yours was Xaden Riorson, your stern wingleader.
he leaned against the wall, his toned check bare and his arms crossed over it.
"what the fuck happened, Y/N?!"
he rushed to your bleeding side, still keeping up his stoic act. he wrapped his arms protectively around you as you attempted to walk, lifting you up off your feet and placing you onto the basin.
"get the fuck away from me-!" you didn't trust Xaden, he was the last person who you wanted to help you.
"y/n, calm the fuck down."
"X-Xaden i can't fucking see, i'm scared."
you whined in pain as he flipped you over onto your back.
"you didn't answer me."
"t-these people c-came into my room- and they stabbed me and- everything hurts and i can't see."
you were clearly having a panic attack, at the very worst time.
"y/n, you need to calm down. i'll help you, you need to calm down."
you breathed heavily, the anxiety bubbling into you hurt worse than the open wounds across your entire body.
"stay with me, y/n, stay with me."
"i-i'm trying."
he gave you a sleeping drought to stitch you up, his arms still tightly holding onto you.
the ointment stung on your wounds, as you slowly woke up.
"o-ow." you grunted, trying to shift over.
"stop movin' god damnit."
was xaden riorson... man handling you?
he patched you up, you still couldn't really see but he had assured you it would be long until you could again.
"how do you feel?"
he lifted you up off the floor and onto your knees.
"it'll wear off."
"i'm sorry.." you felt hot tears flood up the vision you had left, and you collapsed into his chest.
"hey.. hey.."
you'd never seen him this sweet before, he almost seemed like a different person.
"it's okay, it's okay, you're safe."
"i- i killed someone, t-there was blood, everywhere.."
"you'll get used to it, it's okay."
you stayed like that for a while, petting your hair with his giant hand.
sobbing wasn't your favorite past time, but you'd spent most of your time doing so since attending Basgiath War College.
"baby, baby, you're okay now." his voice was so soothing.
once you'd regained your vision, you looked up at him clearly.
his onyx eyes with glimmers of the sun in them caught the reflection of the moonlight almost perfectly, his hand traced patterns on your back in a solid attempt to calm you down.
his raven black hair was messy and soft.
this man might've been perfect.
but you were far from it.
"if any of that shit happens again you come to me, understood?" he ordered possessively.
you mumbled out, finding solitude in his chest.
"come on," he picked you up bridal style, carrying you away from the sight.
"where are we going?" you asked soft spokenly, your arms wrapped around his neck.
"i'm not letting you go into an unsafe room, Y/N. you're with me tonight."
your cheeks lit up in a crimson hue.
his chest was so warm.. no, do not think that about your wingleader.
he laid you in his bed before getting in himself, wrapping his arms in a protective manner around your sore abdomen.
"sleep, y/n, sleep."
you nuzzled into his chest, his lips meeting your forehead.
you could've stayed like that forever.
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my-moony-and-padfoot · 3 months
I'm not mad at you
TW: Mentions of suicide (it is the topic, but there's nothing too graphic) So that being said, this topic is very sensitive (like most of my writing stuff you shouldn't be surprised if you've been here before) Anyway, please, if you get triggered easily do not read this, or at least be careful
Word count: 2 900
“Jamey?” Remus asked shakily, coming to stand next to James' bed, who was currently the only one beside him in their dorm. “I-i think I need help.”
“What's up, moony?” He asked, sitting up on his bed, immediately getting worried as he looked at Remus. He was shaking all over, skin pale and eyes wide, then he glanced at his hands, seeing blood. “There's blood. Remus, why's there blood?” James asked before he could answer.
“I- um. Don't feel well.” He said, closing his eyes, trying to get rid of the spinning in his head, though it did nothing to help the way he was swaying on his feet. Soon he felt James' hands on his shoulders, he opened his eyes, trying to focus on James' worried gaze.
“Okay, c'mon sit down, I don't want you to pass out.” He said, guiding Remus to sit down on his bed. James bit his lip, looking over Remus, when his eyes landed on his arms, he was starting to panic, the sleeves of his jumper were stained with blood. “What's going on, re?”
“Sirius is mad at me.” He said unhelpfully, looking at James as if it was the most obvious thing.
“That's not-.” He started but stopped himself mid-sentence, knowing that wouldn't help with anything. “I know he is. But did something happen today? Or now?” Remus shook his head, closing his eyes again. “Okay, okay. Can I take a little look at your arms? You're bleeding.”
Remus didn't answer, but James did it anyway, he needed to know why there was blood. He gently pulled up the sleeve of Remus' jumper on his left arm. He couldn't exactly see where all the blood was coming from, it looked like there were many cuts. He had never liked blood, and it made him a little uneasy, but he kept looking, he needed to know. He turned Remus' hand over, there was even more blood dripping from around his wrist, but he couldn't see the wound, not clearly at least.
James was definitely starting to panic now. He quickly checked his other arm, there wasn't nearly as much blood but still some. “Hey, rem, how 'bout we go see Poppy quickly? I think she'll be able to help you, yeah?”
“No, no.” Remus whispered, shaking his head. “Please James n-no.”
“It's good for you, yeah? I'll go quickly grab something, and then we're going.” He said, getting up from the floor, he went to the bathroom, seeing a blade on the floor but ignored it for now and just grabbed a roll of bandages. He quickly wrapped it around the biggest wound on his left hand, hoping it would help at least a little.
“C'mon Remus, please? Let's go.” He said, and Remus looked up at him, his eyes looked hazy and unfocused, making James even more worried. He took Remus' hands into his and pulled him up from the bed, leading him into the hospital wing, even though he was very much against it.
He knocked onto the locked door, hoping madam Pomfrey wouldn't already be sleeping, since it was already late. It didn't take long until the door opened and madam Pomfrey peeked into the corridor, first looking at James and then her eyes landed on Remus, taking in his appearance. He was swaying just slightly, he looked very pale, and then she saw the blood stained bandages.
“What's going on, Mr Potter?” She asked as he let them in, gesturing onto the nearby bed where Remus could sit in.
“I-i don't know. He didn't say. There was so much blood and I thought this was better than um...”
“Well you made the right decision.” She said, quickly glancing at him. “Go take a seat in the corridor, please.” James nodded, though he didn't want to leave Remus alone, but he knew he couldn't stay, he couldn't just say no to madam Pomfrey, so he slipped out of the door, closing it behind him.
“What happened, Remus?” She asked gently, trying to look him in the eyes, but his eyes were very unfocused as he stared at a spot on the floor. She started to pull up Remus' sleeves to see where the blood was coming from. Remus just shook his head.
“I'm going to quickly clean these up and close them.” She explained, taking out her wand, starting to apply the spells she had just told him about. “Then, I'm going to put some bandages on to keep them clean, and I'd like you to stay here for a bit, just to make sure everything is okay.”
Remus didn't answer, but didn't fight back about her treating him, or doing the spells that she knew would hurt at least somewhat. But she kept talking to him, knowing from the countless times she had treated him after full moons that he liked to know what was going on. That he didn't like if he didn't know what was done to him. “You've lost some blood, dear, you must feel dizzy, no? But I have this potion that'll help with it, then it'll be good that you get some rest.” Pomfrey said, finishing up bandaging his arms.
She summoned the small vial of potion. “Now just a warning, this tastes horrible, but it'll make you feel better, think you can take this?” Remus looked up, blinking a few times before nodding, and she nodded, handing him the vial. His hands were shaking slightly as he brought it up to his lips, swallowing the horrible tasting liquid. “Alright, I'm going to give you something to help you sleep. I'll come check up on you a little later.”
Remus nodded slightly, accepting the next thing she gave to him. “Just a small sip is enough.” She instructed, and he did as he was told, handing the bottle back to her. Remus laid down, and Pomfrey pulled the blanket over him before getting up and going to the hall.
She sat down on the bench next to James, who looked up at her with teary eyes. “He's okay, Mr. Potter.” James nodded quickly, wiping his eyes. “Do you know any reason for this? Has anything happened lately, has he been acting differently?”
“No, I don't think so. He said nothing happened when I asked. I-i mean he and Sirius were fighting, even he said that, but- but they always are so I don't know why he did that.” He said, trying to think if something had been different. “He doesn't talk, I don't know.”
“That's okay, don't worry.” She said with a small smile. “Could you talk me through what happened before you came here?”
“Of course, yeah.” he said, running a hand through his hair and fixing his glasses on his nose. “He came from the bathroom and asked for help and I asked him why there's blood, and he just said he didn't feel well.” James tried to explain. “I asked him if something happened, but he just said that Sirius is mad at him and that nothing happened. He tried to fight me on coming here, but I was scared he'd pass out -”
“You did good. Go and try to get some sleep, Mr. Potter.” James nodded, looking at her. “If something comes up, please come see me. And, if you see Mr. Black, ask him to come by in the morning.”
“Good morning, Remus.” She smiled, pulling a chair next to his bed. “How are you feeling?”
“That's to be expected, any pains?” Remus shook his head. “That's good, but like before, no need to hide the pain for me. Just tell me and I'll give you medicine.” She reminded, like she did every time after a full moon. “Now, can you tell me what happened?” He looked away, shaking his head. “Okay.” She said with a nod. “Your friend was very worried about you last night, do you remember?”
“He always panics.” Remus said quietly. “No matter what it is.”
Poppy smiled slightly. “Do you want to talk with me?” Remus shook his head. “That's okay. I'll check back in later, but is there anyone you want to see or talk to?” He shook his head again, biting his lip. “A house elf will bring you breakfast soon.” she said, starting to get up.
“Y-you mean I don't get to go?”
“No, I'm sorry about that, but I'd like to keep you here for at least for a little while.” Remus nodded slightly, watching as she got up from her chair, and into her office.
He quickly wiped his eyes, turning to lay on his side and curling up to himself. He felt tired and weird, he wasn't even sure what the feeling was. He felt guilty too, and his arms were burning horribly against the bandages. He fell asleep after a while, ignoring when madam Pomfrey tried to wake him up to eat breakfast. The next time, he woke up to someone opening the curtains around his bed, and the legs of the chair scraping against the floor.
He slowly opened his eyes, seeing James sitting in the chair he had heard. “Hi rem.” He smiled slightly. “Poppy said you're not up for talking, but she also said you're gonna be here a while, so I brought you a book.” James rambled, handing the book to Remus.
“Thank you.” He whispered, setting the book down onto the bedside table. “Why are you here?”
“I brought you the book.” He said simply. “She asked to see Sirius, so I thought to pop to see you and bring you the book.” he said as Remus just continued looking at him, knowing there was another reason for him to be here.
“Why does she want to see Sirius?”
“I don't know, rem.” he said. “She didn't say, just asked me to ask him to come by, last night.”
“Oh.” He looked away from James, closing his eyes for a moment. “What did he say? To you.”
“Nothing, just followed me. I think he was worried.” Remus shook his head. “He still cares about you, y'know. He- he did say he'd like to see you, but then he said that you probably don't want that.”
“Okay.” he whispered. “Can you go, please?”
“Mm yeah, of course. I'll come tomorrow, okay? I can bring you something if you'd like.”
“It's fine.” James nodded, getting up from his chair. “James?” He whispered before he could leave, and James turned to look at him. “Wanna see him.” he whispered even more quietly, James nodded with a smile.
When James left, he picked up the book, just to see what it actually was, of course he had brought the most boring one out of the books he owned. He laid down on his side, wanting to sleep, but he couldn't find himself to fall asleep again. So, he just laid there listening to the faint conversation he could hear in Pomfrey’s office, the voices sounded familiar, but he wasn't exactly sure how he knew them. Then that died down too, and after a moment the curtains opened again.
Remus looked over his shoulder, seeing Sirius, he sat up, blinking a few times. “M’sorry, I-i can go but um James -”
“No, no, don't go, please.” He said quickly and Sirius smiled, closing the curtain before sitting down onto the chair that was still pulled up to the bed. “Why- why are you here?”
“Poppy asked.” He said, pulling one of his knees up to the chair, wrapping his arms around it, resting his chin on it. “She asked if anything had changed lately in your life, if anything had happened, if me or James noticed anything.” Remus nodded. “She said she's going to talk to Minnie as well, probably lily too and Pete, but I'm not sure.”
“What did you say?”
“I told her the truth, Rem.” He said. “I told her what happened, that we fought and haven't talked and that- Nevermind. What happened, Remus? I was so fucking worried when James came back crying, and then I saw what our bathroom looked like. I was so worried, and I couldn't even come to see you cause-”
“Sorry.” He whispered, his voice cracking. “It was just too much. I didn't mean for this to happen. I was- I'm so sorry.”
“No, hey, don't say sorry.” Sirius hesitantly got up from his chair, sitting down onto the bed. “It's okay Re, I understand. I do. You don't have to explain yourself, not to me, okay? Never ever, you know that rem.” Remus looked up, and it hurt to see him like that, eyes filled with unshed tears and so much pain.
“I- thought.” He trailed off, shaking his head. “Why're you not mad at me? Why- you were. Why aren't-”
“What?” His voice was filled with genuine surprise as he looked at Remus. “Why would I ever be mad at you, hey Remus, no look at me? Shh, don't cry, please no. Love, I'm not mad at you, never. Why would I, huh?”
“Shit, sorry. No, not sorry. I mean it, of course I do, just not supposed to now, used to it y'know…” He smiled for a moment. “Anyway, Remus, it's okay. Don't have to explain yourself, and I'll never ever be mad at you for something like this.”
“But before -”
“I know. And I'm so sorry for that, I shouldn't have, not to you. It's been shit, and I've tried to think how to make it up, I really have.” Remus nodded. “I shouldn't have acted like that.”
“It's okay.”
“No, Re. It's not.”
“Can't think.” He mumbled after a moment. “My head's all hazy. Can we, um, talk later?”
“Of course.” He moved to get up, but Remus grabbed his wrist before he could.
“Sorry -” he whispered, letting go of his hand. “Can you stay?”
“Do you want me to?” Remus nodded. Sirius smiled, sitting back down, shifting so he was sitting across from him on the bed. “Have you eaten?” He asked, glancing at the tray on the bedside table.
“M'not hungry.” he whispered, shaking his head. “Don't… I don't want to.”
“I won't, don't worry.”
Remus nodded. “Could- Can you come here?” He asked, nervous as he looked at Sirius, who just smiled, moving so he'd be sitting next to him on the bed. “Thank you.” He whispered, leaning his head onto his shoulder and letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
“Don’t have to thank me.” Sirius whispered, wrapping his arm around him, hoping to make it better somehow. He took Remus' hand into his, seeing a small smile flash on his face at the gesture.
“I'm so sorry.”
Sirius shook his head. “No, don't say sorry, Rem.” He sniffled sadly, tears threatening to fall. “You can cry if you need to. I'm here.”
“I've missed you.”
“I missed you too. So much.” He whispered, starting to run his hand through Remus' hair, gently playing with the dirty blond curls. “I'm sorry for everything that happened.” He spoke into his hair, feeling the need to say it, he needed Remus to know that he was sorry, that he regretted everything. He wanted everything to be okay.
“I'm sorry too.” He turned to look at Sirius who smiled sadly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, then moved to wipe away the tears that were trailing down his cheeks. “I'm so sorry, Sirius.”
“Shh, it's okay.” he whispered softly. “We're okay. We'll be okay”
“You promise?”
“I promise, Rem.” Remus only nodded, giving him a small but genuine smile. “Let's talk later?”
“Can I kiss you?” He asked cautiously, eyes searching for Remus'. He hummed, looking at Sirius for a moment, closing the distance between them, smiling as Sirius rested his forehead on his when they pulled away. “You should try to get some rest.”
“I'm not tired.” He whispered, laying his head down onto Sirius' chest. “I can't sleep.”
“Okay.” He whispered. “I can read to you? Don't have to sleep, I just thought…”
He nodded, rubbing his side as he reached for the book. “This is what James picked? What the hell is wrong with him?” Remus laughed, and Sirius smiled, kissing his head before he started reading. Remus ended up falling asleep, but Sirius continued reading knowing it calmed him down, and he found it easier to sleep with background noise, it also usually made him stay asleep.
He only stopped reading when the curtain around the bed was opened, it was madam pomfrey, he lowered the book looking at her. “You should leave, Mr. Black. Visiting hours are over.” She said, but smiled as she looked at the pair.
“Please Poppy?” He asked, rubbing Remus' side as he stirred, curling up in an attempt to stay asleep. Pomfrey looked at him, raising her eyebrow, and Sirius blushed slightly. “Sorry, madam Pomfrey. Can I please stay? Only an hour or two.”
“Only this time, Sirius.” She smiled. “I’m glad you two made up.” Sirius nodded, smiling slightly at her. “I’ll be back later, then you really do have to go.”
Pomfrey left again, making the tray of food disappear from the bedside table as she went, closing the curtain behind herself. Sirius picked up the book again, continuing to read, smiling at the way Remus huffed in his sleep, hiding his face more into his chest, falling back to sleep.
Hi :)
Did we like this? I hope we did because I really enjoyed writing this
I am supposed to be studying for my exams right now, but instead I finished this, what a good reason to procrastinate, right?
I would really like to write more of this, but my head is empty, so if you, yes you, would have anything to suggest you can just message me or something? Please, I'm asking nicely
Also, if there is anything else I should tag, please tell me, I do not mind, I wanna know
Anyway, hopefully you're doing well, if you aren't, I hope it gets better soon. See you around somewhere maybe?
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anaki-boo · 7 months
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This stone bird appeared in the second half of winter. Even at Christmas she was not there, and in February she was already looking at Harry with her blind stone eyes. The bird was definitely conjured, because it was one with the tombstone, as if it was born from it. It was a raven with folded wings and a slightly open beak. As if he wanted to say something.
One could only guess who decided to decorate the grave of the professor, and why it was a raven. Not some bat, not a snake, finally. A raven. Perhaps it was the symbol of wisdom and death. Yes, Harry even read about it specifically in Agatha Daredevil's book "Symbolism in Magical Transformations".
"Raven," she wrote, "has long meant mind and has been associated with death. He embodies prophecy and insight. Crows in stories often act as psychopomps connecting the material world with the spirit world."
Don't ask why Harry needed to know about the raven. And even more so, don't ask why he visited the grave of his former professor so many times in a row. He didn't quite know the answer himself.
They say that criminals are drawn to the crime scene. But it was there—in the Screaming Hut, where he left him to die all alone, bleeding. But here… This grave was just a pit with a stone coffin in which Snape's remains were placed — evidence of Harry's crime. But he remembered the basics of first aid, he remembered, and then for some reason he thought that he was powerless before fate itself.
Harry still dreamed of Snape, paralyzed by Nagaina's poison, unconscious. His light warm breath, his eyes glazed with pain (but not from death). How long had he been lying there when they left before he died? A couple of minutes? An hour? Or maybe more?
Harry first visited his grave in June. He came alone and at dawn, sneaked in there like a thief. He was going to make some kind of speech, ask for forgiveness. But even though there was no one to eavesdrop on her, Harry couldn't get a word out of himself. Instead, for some reason, he burst into tears like a child. At the funeral — Lupin and Tonks, Freddy, baby Creevey, Snape himself — did not cry. But then... the speech was successful only in August.
Since then, Harry had been dropping in on the professor at least once a month, on one of the extra-curricular Saturdays. I told him about my life, shared all sorts of nonsense. He did not ask for forgiveness, as if he knew that the professor no longer holds a grudge. And as if he understands.
“Do you mind if I sort out your things?” Harry asked in May.
Only yesterday, the Hogwarts cemetery paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the battle. Today, the usual silence reigned here again.
“No one has touched them all this year. However, the elves have recently collected... how should I say... personal — clothes and all that. There are papers left in your office. No one knows who would need them, and I told McGonagall that I could take them. Not all of them, of course. But... something important. She said she would have given it to my mom if she were alive. But she's not alive, and you're out… So you don't mind, I think.”
The grave did not answer, nor did the raven. Their tacit permission was granted.
There was a warm spring calm. The sun was hot, the back and the back of my head were hot. It was like someone's tight embrace.
Surprisingly, there were few papers. So — study plans, several business and personal letters (Harry decided not to poke his nose into envelopes with the Malfoy coat of arms, but to forward them to Draco) and books, most of which were with a library seal, and over which Madame Pince then groaned.
"Professor Snape was constantly delaying the delivery of books! But about this one — he lied to my eyes in an impudent way, said that some scoundrels stole it and burned it!".
In the top drawer of the desk, under stacks of blank paper, Harry found an old, battered diary. The entries in it were completely irregular, sometimes Snape forgot about the diary for several months. There were potion recipes, whole phrases in runic notation, addresses (Harry assumed they were potion customers or ingredient suppliers), and drawings and squiggles that Harry remembered from the Potions textbook.
The guilt that seemed to have calmed down over the past year came flooding back to Harry. He randomly leafed through this old notebook and thought about how much he had personally deprived the magical world. If Harry had stayed, he would have helped Snape, if he had called for help, the professor could have been saved. And with him — his developments. Dozens of useful potions and spells. Cured diseases, solved problems and saved lives…
Harry shifted the notebook to his other hand and started leafing through from the end. On the last filled page, at the very bottom, a bird was drawn in ink. Smooth body, large open beak and folded wings. It was the same raven that appeared on Snape's tombstone in winter. Words written in the professor's familiar small handwriting seemed to fly out of the raven's mouth:
"Feed the bird."
In the lower right corner there was a postscript made in pencil:
"If you go to feed, take a broom."
Harry loved riddles, but he didn't like being overcome by excruciating excitement. Like, for example, this time.
Harry took with him a broom and treats for the raven. There was a piece of bread and a sausage wrapped in a paper bag in his pocket. In his mind, the raven would definitely have been treated to some of this.
It looked stupid. He was standing in the middle of the cemetery with a broom and trying to stuff his breakfast into the mouth of a stone statue. She refused to eat.
“Feed… Feed the bird. But how?!” he muttered, feeling himself getting angry.
Why did he even think that this was the same bird? What makes him think that the professor left him a hint? And what was he going to find anyway? A hiding place? A cache with something important? For example, by a will? Snape didn't care about earthly things, and he had nothing to bequeath, except for the old house, which, as McGonagall told him, he hated with all his heart.
Angrily, Harry threw the spoiled food on the ground and began sorting through everything he knew about crows in his head. As a child, these birds scared little Harry. Aunt Petunia knew about it and said: "Don't look at them, or they, bloodthirsty creatures, will peck out your green devilish eyes."
“Bloodthirsty… Bloodthirsty creatures," Harry whispered thoughtfully and bit his finger with his teeth.
The blood did not appear immediately, it had to be squeezed out of the wound. Harry put his hand to the bird's beak and smeared it with blood.
The stone moved. At first, the raven moved its head, then cawed soundlessly — just opened its beak several times. Then he spread his wings, stamped on the spot and fluttered up.
Then Harry understood why the broom was needed.
"Why the hell were you going through my papers? Arrogant, stupid, curious, shameless... why are you silent? Can you feel your hands? Do you feel it or not?!”
Snape was furious, his eyes were shooting lightning, but Harry was not afraid. To see him—pale and with bloodless lips—on the floor of a Screaming hut, to see him off on his last journey a few days later, to come to his grave for the first time — that was what was scary. But now I'm sitting in a chair, leaning closer to the fireplace, licking drops of firewhisky from my lips and watching the professor rub his stiff fingers… It wasn't scary at all.
Let his hands be completely frozen from the long flight, let them turn red. Let this village house be unfamiliar and creepy, and it looked like no one had lived here for a long time and only recently a person had settled here. Let Snape, aged and with a torn, scarred throat peeking out of the collar of his robe, shout at him (thank Merlin, his voice remained the same). Harry was happy. And he couldn't get a word out of himself.
“Do you feel it? Are you going to answer me?”
Harry nodded, somewhat drunkenly and sluggishly, and only then did Snape leave him alone.
He sat down at a table—a long one and probably intended for a large family that once lived here, and now almost completely covered with dried herbs- and began to unwrap one of these dried bouquets. His fingers nervously fingered the thin stems and selected suitable ones.
“I…” Harry finally managed to say, but then he trailed off.
Snape looked at him sternly, and there was a threat in that look.
“I was hoping it would be Minerva. Or, in extreme case, Miss Granger…
“Weasley”, Harry interrupted automatically. Hermione, who had been Ron's wife for three months now, was constantly correcting her acquaintances who called her by her maiden name. “She's Mrs. Weasley now”.
Snape snorted. As he was doing it before — ironically , disapproving and arrogantly.
“ I had a better opinion of her. Well… What the hell did you want in my desk? What were you looking for there? Memories? My diary, in which I confessed to crimes? They wanted to sell his Skitter, probably, and…
"I wasn't looking for anything," Harry interrupted him again. "McGonagall gave me permission to take your papers, that's all. The office had to be vacated for a new teacher. She allowed it… She allowed me to take what I think is necessary.
“Allowed you? And why on earth would that be?”
“I needed it.”
“Why did you need it? Couldn't leave me alone even after death?
“Couldn't," Harry muttered, reaching for a bottle of firewhisky. It was standing at his feet.
The esophagus burned with heat, it became difficult to breathe at first, and then immediately felt better. Even the excitement has subsided.
“Why would that be? Tormented by guilt?”
"No, no guilt," Harry lied. “ I just fell in love. You know, it happens like this… You know a person for many years, and then he dies, becomes less disgusting and malicious, and you even have a communication. So you can fall in love. Even... with such a… you.”
He took two more big gulps, and a very pleasant heat spread in his chest.
Snape was silent and stared at the herbs on the table. It seemed that now they would break out and a fire would start.
“And how did you...? The antidote? Or did someone help?”
"Someone helped," Snape echoed and, apparently deciding that Harry had had enough to drink, called for a bottle with non—verbal and non-verbal spell.
He waved his hand — and it jerked and flew to the table, hitting the bottom on the edge.
“Malfoy? I've seen his letters… You were friends, right? … Are friends, I mean”
"Can you take the stairs?" Won't you wring your neck? Or do you need to be levitated?
It took Harry a moment to realize what the professor meant.
“ Are you inviting me... to stay? After what I…”
“ You won't be able to fly back in this condition. I won't let you apparate drunk, and I don't have a sobering one. You will spend the night here, and in the morning I will erase your memory.”
“ What are you going to do to me that you will have to erase my memory?” Harry laughed.
“I don't like you, Potter...” Snape looked at him as if he suspected some kind of bad change in him or someone else's evil influence.
“Yes, to be honest, I don't like myself ... but you…” Harry paused, feeling like a drunken fool. “Don’t erase my memory. I'm coming back anyway. In a week or a month…”
“Yes, you are coming back. I have no doubt in your stickiness, Potter.”
A few things didn't happen next morning. Firstly, they did not quarrel, although they could have. Secondly, Harry did not apologize for what he said drunk in the living room yesterday. As if he felt it was wrong to apologize for telling Severus the truth. Thirdly, Snape never erased his memory.
And, to be honest, Harry didn't go anywhere. Neither in the morning, nor in the evening, nor the next day.
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
To be burned in light
(While Kouyou's in the Agency's clutches, she and Atsushi have an unexpected talk. Atsushi reveals he understands her situation better than Kouyou realises.
Tw for talking about child abuse.)
Atsushi hesitated, his hand hovering over the doorknob. He should leave, he was done here. Kouyou was doing well, she was updated on the plan with Dazai.
The peace between them was delicate. The whole time Atsushi felt like he was standing on ice. One wrong move and it would crack, sending him falling into the icy depths.
What Atsushi wanted to say would no doubt get him stabbed. He would deserve it too, because he would absolutely be crossing a line.
And yet, at the same time Atsushi felt it needed to be.
The Port Mafia Executive sighed, exasperated "what now boy?" She was certain he'd have ran the moment they were finished. The whole time he'd been civil but out of duty.
Much like herself. 
Oh sure Kouyou wanted to attack him. But now wasn't the time for that, not when Kyouka's safety was on the line.
The Agency wouldn't take kindly too the weretiger showing up bleeding out. Besides, Dazai was the brains behind this operation and he'd taken the brat under his wing.
He'd always been protective over who he deemed as his people. Not that Kouyou could say much, she was the same.
"For what it's worth, I'm sorry." Said Atsushi. Kouyou smiled but it wasn't kind. "Whatever for? Taking my dear Kyouka from me?"
Atsushi held back a wince at at. It wasn't the words themselves, but the tone. Chilling, barely restrained rage that reminded Atsushi all to well of the Headmaster.
Atsushi had his back to her but that didn't mean he couldn't feel her sharp gaze on him. He took a deep breath and braced himself.
"I'm sorry that the light burned you."
The smile on Kouyou's face fell. Whatever she was expecting him to say, it wasn't that. Her mind went blank, she couldn't formulate a response. And even if she could, what do you say to that?
Atsushi took her silence and that he wasn't being stabbed, as a sign go continue.
"I don't know you, I won't pretend that I do. Or that we're anything but maybe allies but..." Atsushi takes a deep breath in "the light won't burn Kyouka."
Anger like Kouyou had never felt in her life filled her veins. Her composure shattered.
"You know nothing! How dare you, you drag my Kyouka into this destructive light. And than you have the audacity to say that you can gurrantee her safety."
Atsushi didn't so much as flinch at her words. He turned around to face her. The look in his eyes was not one of fright or fear like Kouyou expected, but sadness.
"Because the light burned me too." His voice was soft but there was a strength to it that hadn't been there before. Kouyou was taken aback, she was still angry but curious.
"I was born into darkness. I'll spare you the details but my parents were awful people. One thing led to another and eventually they threw me out" He chuckled, but there was no humour in it.
"Literally, in a rubbish bag. But someone found me, let me out and took me back to his Orphanage." Atsushi wasn't looking at her.
His gaze was fixed on the wall behind her. But it felt like was looking at a person.
"He was the Headmaster. He gave me clean clothes to wear, a place to sleep. And even took the leftovers they had and cooked me some Chakuze. It was the best meal I ever had."
He shakes his head, a sad smile on his face.
"So I ended up staying, not like I had anywhere to go. And I was in debt to him. I'd be dead without him, so I did whatever he ordered me too like a servant to a king."
Atsushi looks at Kouyou. "You stabbed me when we met." It's not accusatory, there's no anger in it he just states it like a fact. "I did" confirms Kouyou, not sure where he's going with this.
"I stopped bleeding before Kunikida and Kenji showed up. Akutugawa cut off my leg off, it came back in minutes." Said Atsushi.
Kouyou nodded, unable to move her gaze away. It's true she stabbed the boy, anyone else would be left wailing in agony before suffering a slow death.
Even without Kyouka's intrusion. Kouyou was one of the best assassins in the Port Mafia for a reason.
She hadn't known Akutugawa had done that. And here it was, like nothing had ever happened.
The weretiger had an incredible healing factor, so to have scars that were clearly years old seemed impossible.
And yet here they were.
She'd have thought he was lying if she didn't know Akutugawa. Or of she hadn't fought the weretiger prior.
"I was mopping the bathroom, knocked over a bucket of water." Explained Atsushi, letting his shirt roll back into place. "I wasn't referring to a literal burn" Said Kouyou, regaining her composure.
But Atsushi just chuckled.
"Yeah, I know. But I figured it'd get my point across."
His smile fell "the man who saved my life turned into my own personal nightmare. That might be the only scar I have to show for it, but I should have so much more."
Kouyou found herself believing him. People like that never striked once, especially if it began over something so trivial."You're afraid we'll do the same to Kyouka."
Kouyou nodded "it's a fair assumption. Besides, how do I know this isn't all a rouse conjured up by your mentor to win me pity."
Even she knew that wasn't the case, but it was hard to accept this. That this boy on some level understood her, that he was trying to reach an understanding with her.
"No one in the Agency knows about my past." Said Atsushi. Kouyou raised an eyebrow in disbelief but Atsushi just shrugged.
"It's true. They know it was rough. But they don't know the details. It took Dazai so long to believe I got kicked out in the first place."
The kid was practically transparent. He was like an open book. A liar he was not and despite herself Kouyou deemed what he was saying truthful.
"Than why tell your enemy? I could easily use this against you."
Atsushi shook his head, amused "can't be any worse than I use it against myself. And if you do... Well it was for Kyouka anyway so it was worth it."
That suprised her.
Kouyou had noticed, she'd have to be blind not to see that the weretiger had a fondness for Kyouka. Almost like that of an older brother, but how? "Why would you go so far for her? You barely know her."
Because as much as Kouyou wanted to deny it, the lad did care. He had been alight with protective fury, so much so he'd been about to attack her before Dazai stepped in.
All because he deemed her a threat to Kyouka. He hadn't cared that she'd attacked him, only that she could hurt Kyouka. That's where his priorities lied, it was clear as day.
She expected the usual response, that it was because he was of the Armed Detective Agency. That he was on the good and just side that saved lives. But that was not the response she got.
"It sounds dumb but... When I saw her on the train with that bomb strapped to her chest. All I could think, was that she looked scared." He hugged his arms around himself.
"I've always been helpless, too powerless to do anything. No one was ever there to help me, no one wanted too. When I looked at Kyouka, I saw myself." Said Atsushi, a frown on his face as he recalled that fight.
"I didn't want to fight her, I had no choice. We found out the bomb was rigged. Kyouka, she said she didn't want to kill anyone else and jumped out the train. I went after her, destroyed the bomb and we fell into the water."
Kouyou absorbed this, and made several mental notes to have a word with Akutugawa... Because to strap a bomb on her Kyouka and rig it to explode no matter what.... He was going to pay for it.
"I see, I can't say I quite understand your reasonings... But I am glad you were there." Kouyou admitted, Atsushi blinked in suprise but than smiled.
"Of course."
Atsushi's gaze flickered to the wall again before looking at her. "The women who treated your wounds was Doctor Yosano. She once worked under your Boss, back when he was underground doctor."
But she wasn't content to let this end there.
"But you may care for her, reluctant as I am to admit it. But who's to say your fellow Agency members won't shun her away. That they won't do as your Headmaster once did to you."
Kouyou blinked in suprise, she hadn't known that. Though it made sense she supposed. Looking back the doctor was kind but she was quite sadistic for one living in the light.
"We didn't even know Dazai was former Port Mafia up until recently, and frankly no one cares." Said Atsushi with a small fond smile. "... I can't tell if that's endearing or stupid" replied Kouyou.
Somehow his confidence was infectious, because she felt her worry dim.
Atsushi shrugs "and well, the President was a former assassin. And between you and me, his ability might just be adopting strays. He wouldn't turn her away." He said, and it honestly suprised Kouyo to hear the unwavering confidence in his voice as he spoke of his boss.
It was still there, but it was less than before. Kouyou knew Fukuzawa, not personally but she'd heard enough to back that claim from Mori himself.
"Will I be able to see her?"
Atsushi looked at her in suprise and Kouyou scoffed. "You haven't won me over yet brat." But it was clear she was wavering. Atsushi didn't comment on it though.
"That'll be up to her. But I won't stop you, neither will anyone else unless Kyouka declines or you become a threat to her."
That, Kouyou would agree with. It didn't escape her that the weretiger specified if she became became a threat to Kyouka. Both of them knew once she returned to the Port Mafia, this alliance was over.
... But maybe this alliance could last just a little longer.
"Very well, I agree to those terms." Said Kouyou. Atsushi nodded, turning to the door. "We can talk when I get another update, but I've taken up too much of you're time. I should go."
He got up to leave but Kouyou stopped him. "Before you go, what is your name?." Atsushi paused, suprised and turned back to her. "It's Atsushi. Atsushi Nakajima."
Kouyou nodded, committing the name to memory. "Thank you, Nakajima." She waved her hand dismissively and Atsushi bid her goodbye and left.
She'd lied, she had another question but hadn't been prepared to ask. Probably because Kouyou had already figured out the answer.
'Why did he apologise?'
It was because Atsushi had looked at her, and he'd seen himself. His Headmaster had never apologised, the man probably never would. So Atsushi had apologised to her, just incase it helped.
Kouyou chuckled to herself, what a strange boy.
She looked out the window, watching the bright cloudless sky. 'I will take you out there and show you the radiant world.' Was what he'd said.
Before the ex Boss found out. And the very light she'd become entranced by, was the very same light that burned her.
Dazai had told her the same fate would not befall Kyouka. But it wasn't until now that Kouyou believed him.It will be kinder to Kyouka than it ever was to her.
'And I hope it this radiant light will he kind to you, Nakajima.'
(To clarify on Atsushi's past, because there's a lot of headcannons about it.
The only part that's confirmed in canon is the burn scars, but not the cause though it seems linked to punishment involving chores. And that yes Atsushi's parents threw him away in a bin in a rubbish bag.)
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box-architecture · 5 months
"Give him back." Punz snarled.
Niki gave him a hard stare, and drew her scimitar to faintly graze Dream's neck.
Some part of Punz wanted to fixate on the many scars that were already littered there, the marks of his imprisonment, and how this one would be another proof of his failure. (He wouldn't beg for the forgiveness he didn't deserve.)
Instead, he let the red inside him burn like a wildfire, until the vines snaked around his figure and prepared to strike out should Niki dare to go through with her madness.
"Release the Syndicate." She spoke hard as stone. "Release Techno, and Philza, and Ranboo and Puffy. Give me my friends back."
Dream's gaze flickered to behind Punz, where the individuals in question were trying and failing to twist themselves out of the vines' grasp. Philza was unconscious, his left wing snapped in half, and it seemed like Techno was furiously trying to claw his way to get to him.
Punz didn't care about them. They were only being dealt with at all because of their attempts to destroy the Egg. Even now he felt Its presence insisting to not give in, let the woman think she's won by killing him. You can bring him back, and laugh at her naivety.
It would be the objectively best play. He had the revival book waiting in his inventory. One reversible death for the entire Syndicate taken. Checkmate.
Dream's neck was beginning to bleed. He didn't look particularly pained or fearful, only a tired resignation that left a painful lump in their throat.
Of course. Dream had already deduced the best play to make, and had accepted his coming death. He wasn't even looking at Punz, gazing listlessly off in what might have been Techno's direction, or maybe at a wall. What was a little more pain to a man who had been experiencing it for months?
Punz felt sick.
"Give him to me," they said hoarsely. "And you can have them all."
Dream jerked the tiniest bit in Niki's arms, confusion bordering on disbelief. Blood ran down his collar. Punz's nails dug their way into their palms.
"My friends first, so I know you won't double cross me." Niki replied tersely.
She could double cross him too, leave Dream dead in a puddle of blood, but then no one would be leaving the chamber alive. "…Fine."
Instantly, like scruffed kittens the Syndicate was brought over and dropped at her feet, left to regain their own bearings however they chose. Niki slowly released her hold on Dream, and the moment the blade was away from his neck, a large vine wrapped around his waist to lift him up and snatch him away, cradling him like a treasure as he was returned to Punz's open arms.
"Punz." Was the first word out of his lover's mouth as he hugged them back, perfect and warm and safe. His cheek rested on their head, and Punz couldn't help but sink into him, ignoring the other people in the room in favor of making up for the few minutes he had lost.
"Dream." They murmured.
"Wait- hrg- Dream!" Techno called, raising himself to his feet with Philza’s body in tow. Puffy tugged at his cloak, offering to take the man from his grasp, and he let her, staggering in the direction of Punz and their treasure. Dream stiffened in their arms. "What happened? I came to get you out after I escaped, but the prison was empty. Are you alright?"
"…I'm fine." Dream pressed his body closer to Punz's. He seemed to be going for careful neutrality, but he couldn't quite manage it, a bitter misery bleeding through. "You were a bit late for a rescue, but Punz managed just fine."
Techno's eyes flicked back and forth between the two, before lingering on the firm hand Punz had on Dream's waist. "Is that so? That's good, that's good of them. Glad you're out now, wasn't too safe in there for you."
Dream nodded mutely, uncaring of the blood of his neck muddying his skin.
"It didn't cost much, did it?" Techno continued, and suddenly those piercing eyes were locked on Punz's form. "I know mercenaries can charge a lot, but I'm a rich guy, Dream. I can pay it off, since I was late to get you. It's only fair."
Punz didn't like that, didn't like anything about this conversation at all. The vines in the room began to move again.
"…What do you want, Technoblade?" Dream asked, sounding incredibly tired.
"Just looking out for my bestie, that's all." Techno assured him. "You always have a place with the Syndicate, you know. We'd keep you safe, no matter who's after you."
It was hardly subtle. Punz bristled, both at the implication that he'd ever be Dream's enemy, and at the idea that he wasn't good enough protection. How dare he? He hadn't even properly payed back his debt to Dream, much less had the right to arrogance to claim he could do better.
Dream touched his shoulder. Punz forced himself to relax. He wouldn't worry his treasure.
"Leave." He ordered. The vines began to push the Syndicate back, towards the large oak doors.
"Wait!" Techno tried to push forward, failing as he had when he was captured. The Syndicate was near flung through the doors, Puffy taking the brunt of it for Philza, and Ranboo tripping over himself and landing in a heap. Punz felt a scrap of pity for the enderman who was partially their friend, but it was overridden by Niki helping him up.
"Do what you want to get to the Egg," Punz said firmly. "But leave me and Dream out of it."
"Dream, wait!" Technoblade's voice held alarm and fear, but it wasn’t Punz's concern. With a flick of his fingers, the vines slammed the door. The large bang of a fist sounded from behind it, but it went unanswered.
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nikkisheep · 1 year
Let Me In
Daryl Dixon x female reader
Warnings: ANGST, daryl will not let anyone close to him, sad daryl, crying, right after the fall of the Prison (season 4), walkers, near death, hurt reader, twd elements, reader gets shot by an arrow, reader is from the south but can be from wherever you want it to be but she has an accent, mentions of Sophia
Summary: Being left in a cabin with only Daryl, the man you love, he pushes you away.
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Fire. Woods. Trees. Walkers. All you could hear was drowning out the screams from the prison. You were shot in the side, bleeding as you ran from the burning, overrun prison that you once called your home. Pain runs through your body as you stab a walker when it walked right up to you.
The swarm of walkers were getting bigger and bigger as you looked for safety. You take the knife that you had killed the walker with and cut it open, rubbing the nasty bodily fluids on yourself to shield your being from the herd.
Walking for what seemed for hours, you hear a twig crunch under very heavy boots. You pull the sword from your back and hid in the bushes from whoever or whatever was approaching. Sure, you were covered in walker blood and guts but walkers were not the only thing you had to fear. You watch as a dark figure walked right up to where you were just standing. It was a man.
The man bent down to look at the foot prints and when he turned around, you saw the very familiar vest with angel wings on the back. You put your sword back and climb out of the bushes which might not have been the best idea. Since it was dark and you were covered in walker blood, Daryl fired a shot at you without realizing that it was you. Hitting your side where you had already been shot before.
"Shit!'' Daryl says when he recognizes you and your voice.
"What the hell ya covered in walke' blood? Why ya in those dam' bushes?"
He felt bad, really bad. You whimper in pain as you grab the arrow, pulling it slightly. Daryl picked you up and carried you to the nearest place he could find, a cabin deep in the woods. The place was covered in wire and stakes to keep off the dead. He cleared the place just in case and then brought you in where there was two beds.
"I'm gonn' pull it out. Bite this," He hands you his belt, placing it in your mouth for you.
He grabs the arrow, gently pulling it out until he realized that the end was four pointed, snagging on the outer part of your body. He grabbed his knife and saws off the pointed part and the arrow slips out of your body. You scream into the belt as tears came to your eyes.
You whimper while he wraps your side up and looks like he was going to cry. He fills a tub with cold water that the two of you found and you clean the walker guts off of you. Coming out, you noticed that Daryl was standing by the door.
"Daryl, I'm okay. I'm alrigh'." You say as he looked at your side.
"If this is what ya think this is alrigh', then I'm a damn rooster."
"Daryl, damn it, I am fine. I promise."
"I shot ya, I could have killed you."
He shook his head and walked away.
"Where are you goin' huh? If yer think this is over then it ain't." You yelled.
"Why do you care so damn much, Daryl? Huh? Why?" You ask.
"Because I nearly killed ya and I already lost everyone I fuckin' cared about and I can't lose ya too. What do you want me to say? You want me to admit how I can't even protect you because I nearly killed you like I killed that little girl," He yelled, tears falling. You hardly ever saw Daryl cry and you felt like you were going to cry too.
"Daryl, what girl?"
"Sophia. Carol was countin' on me and she walked out that barn, she wasn't Sophia anymore. All I had to do was track better and I would have never lost her,'' Daryl says, hands coming to tug his hair.
"Daryl, Sophia was not yer fault. You did everythin' ya could. That's why I love ya. You never quit 'cause you care."
His face contorts to shame? anger? sadness? You couldn't tell. You walked up to him, grabbing your side, pressing a hand to his cheek. He leans into your touch before moving away. You follow him.
"Get away from me,'' He orders.
"No! Not until you finish talking to me."
"Why do you care? Why do ya love me when I literally could have killed you?"
"But ya didn't."
"I could have."
"But you didn't. I am fine."
"Yer side is bandaged because of me."
"It was my fault for hiding and then scaring you," You reason.
Tears pour down his face, you wipe them with your thumb. You had your own tears and his heart broke.
"I love you, Daryl. Let me love you. Let me in."
"I don't deserve yer love," Daryl says with a broken voice.
"You don't get to decide whether or not I love you.''
He lets out a sob that wracked through his body, falling to his knees. He hugs your legs while you softly run your hands through his hair.
"I should have don' something. I could have stopped that damn man. I could have done somethin' to that man before he killed so many of us.
You knew he was talking about the governor and your heart ached for him. You wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault. You wanted him to realize that. You wanted him to see that the prison was not his fault. You were not his fault, he saved you. If he didn't find you, you could have died from the gun shot wound you had.
The sun and the sound of walkers were outside. You opened your eyes and noticed that Daryl was gone. You started to worry. You didn't know how long he had been gone. If he left you here completely. You watched the window and door for a while but then gave up. You went outside, killing all of the walkers around the cabin. You wanted something to do. You needed something to do. You went back inside to clean up the little house, wanting the place to look nicely. You weren't sure as to why but you wanted it to.
You cleaned the windows, pulled the weeds from around the house and trees. You gathered firewood, careful of the healing wounds. You were taking medicine that you found for pain and you were doing a bit better these days. You started to sing one of your favorite songs that you listened to before the fall. You smile at memories of your family telling you to shut the radio up in your room because they were tired of hearing the song over and over again. You missed your family.
You opened the wallet that you carried in your jeans, carefully opening it up to see the pictures of your family. Your siblings, smiling at the camera before your dad had thrown water on you all. Your mom smiling at your father with so much love in her eyes. That's what you felt when you were with Daryl. You felt the love your parents had for each other for the archer.
Hours passed, you weren't sure how many, before Daryl comes back. He walks in, moonshine in his hand, stumbling to his chair.
"Daryl, where were you?"
"Went out Mom," He slurred, obviously drunk or buzzed.
"I am not your damn mother. Where were ya? Are you hurt?"
"No ma'am," He groaned.
"I am tired of this Daryl. I want you to let me in without running away," You sigh, moving to him.
"Get away from me."
"Damn it, Daryl. Stop bein' like this."
"Just let someone care for you. Let me care for you,'' You started begging him to just let you care. To let you care about him. To love him.
"I can't let anyone in, darlin'."
"Why not, Daryl?''
He looks up at you with tears, "Because I am broken and not deservin' of love."
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swtestdoll · 5 months
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Girl, interrupted. | E.W
Warnings: angst,Major main character death( reader) , mental health institution, hanahaki disease, attention seeking! Ellie, tell me if there is any more.
Pink- emphasizes on how the reader is feeling.
Blue- emphasizes of how ellie feels
the over the top off white walls.
Flashing and flickering bright lights of the building you were in.
Sitting away from others isolated, staring and spacing out at one part of the walls with a no smoking sign hanging on it. as your face shown signs of being sickly and your lips were turning black and blue.
You turned around looking behind you, staring. You were sitting there in utter shock at how she could be laughing with her friends as she didn't know how much you really liked her.
How much you wanted- no desired and adored her.
Feelings bubbled up in your tummy like how flowers bloomed... Oh how she made you feel in those moments.
Yet, they weren't there anymore.
Those moments of laughter, happiness, the moments she made you feel wanted.
They fizzled away like a Polaroid of memories, no more picture perfect moments or the time spent with her.
Turning around ellie looked at you the color turning a shade of purpleish blue on your lips.
The sullen expression on your face.
Yet she didn't care
She didn't feel like caring
Her only thought process was to get over her.
The feelings that Dina made her feel
Dina was the only one who made her feel seen... Heard... Maybe even loved.
But yet ever since she was put into this hell hole Dina didn't want her anymore.
Making her feel sullen
But honestly, that was until you came along giving her the attention she wanted.
But she didn't like you in that way... She didn't want you genuinely.
Yet you kept trying
Trying so very hard
And yet it didnt work so here you lie in the grave of flower petals around you
The thorns of stems climbing up your throat leaving you bleeding and crying in a aching overwhelming pain.
But on the other side of the hospital wings door watching you was...
Watching you in the tiny window of the door
Staring at the state she put you in, chewing at her already shortened fingernails.
A habit that always came back when she was anxious
She was anxious that her only source of attention
Was gonna be gone
And so you were, your body couldn't fathom this unrequited love anymore.
So the flowers grew and grew until your body used up its strength to take one final breath
And then you were
Gone... Or maybe just maybe a girl, interrupted.
Authors note: sorry if this felt rushed 🤧 I had to hurry up because I have stuff to do tmrw.
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kazuiislazy · 11 months
Hey can i request spn Michael x tribrid (angel demon witch) and demigoddess daughter of whatever god/goddess reader and him just kill for her because him have a crush on her and etc and happy ending between them.
“Kill For You”
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A/N: I couldn't really write the tribrid part because i don't really know/understand how to write it.. (sorry). And also ooc Michael but yeah.. it's cringe and it's not proofread. You shouldn’t have been in this situation at all. You are the daughter of Athena for Chuck’s sake. So how exactly are you now bleeding all over the floor in the bunker? A certain demon had found out how to hurt or well, kill you. And shit did celestial metal hurt like hell. You were able to escape but the demon had managed to give you a serious cut. 
Leaning against the wall of the bathroom, you groaned. Sam and Dean were panicking, they had managed to bandage your wound but you were still practically bleeding out. When you heard the familiar flapping of wings, you assumed it was Castiel. “Cas, get your ass here and just heal me already,” you muttered without turning to look at him. 
Turns out it wasn’t Cas. “Cas, I swear to-” when you turned to look at the angel, it wasn’t Castiel. It was Michael. He tilted his head at you as if trying to rationalise how you’d end up in this situation. Both of you stared at one another in silence. Eventually, he walked towards you, and placed two fingers on your forehead. 
A ticklish sensation ran through your body– your wound was gone. You let out a deep breath. “Thank you,” you said. Michael was crouched in front of you, there was a sliver of concern in his eyes. “Who hurt you?” Why did he want to know? “Demon..” You were embarrassed to admit it but you didn’t want to lie about it. 
“Do you know the demon’s name?” You shook your head. Michael grimaced. “I’ll be back.” With that, you were left with a confused pair of Winchester brothers. They exchanged glances and gawked at you like you were a ghost. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked. Sam opened and closed his mouth.
The three of you stared at each other. “You’re just going to ignore that?” Dean spoke. “Ignore what?” You were genuinely confused. “I dunno, Michael being all nice and protective?”Now you were even more confused. “He’s always like that..?” Sam’s eyes widened. “He’s always-” He was shocked. “He is not always like that.” 
“Well-” but before you could argue, the sound of flapping wings sounded again. It was still Michael. “I dealt with the issue.” Oh. “You killed the demon..?” He gave a firm nod. “Oh. Uh, thanks.” you smiled, at least you didn’t have to worry about that anymore. Michael handed you the weapon that the demon was carrying. “Thought you might want to keep this.” 
That was a while ago, now here you are– happily in a “relationship” (if you can call it that) with the archangel. Dean and Sam still found it surprising and were in fact still very weirded out by this. Castiel was… well, uh.. also surprised? “G’morning,” you yawned. Dean was making breakfast. “Great night?” “Huh?” you looked down and you realised you were wearing one of Michael’s shirts (it’s not really his but lets pretend). Oh. 
“Uhm,” Sam rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t even want to begin to know,” You flushed. Suddenly, you felt two hands wrap around your waist. You felt Michael place a kiss on the back of your neck. “Woah! Seriously, get a room,” Dean made a disgusted face and so did his brother. “Agreed..” 
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