#i was so used to how open and welcoming aroace community is
pageofheartdj · 10 months
That awkward moment when you are like 'AM i lesbian?' but then you remember lesbian community and you just 'ah no gotta figure out what else can i be'.
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lurkingshan · 7 months
Cherry Magic Episode 12
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MY HEART IS FO FULL. This adaptation has exceeded my wildest expectations to become one of my favorite bls of all time. They really put their backs into it and gave us everything we could want for these characters, and I will always be grateful. This show managed to be a faithful manga adaptation, a loving homage to the jbl, and a fresh take on the story all at once. An amazing feat to pull off and this creative team deserves so much love and kudos.
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The way Achi and Karan have grown together over the course of this show has been fantastic to witness. I love how seriously the show took their growth, and that we got to see them put in the work to improve their communication and become a great team. Meeting the parents was a big step for them, especially because they were uncertain how their respective families would react, but I loved that they were so open with each other throughout about how they were feeling. I loved, too, that we got a contrast, with Achi's mom being so warm and loving (but still managing to get a dig in on her son, lmao) and Karan's being more avoidant and passive aggressive and needing a talking to her from her eldest child to get her shit together. I love that the drama created space for things to not go perfectly with the parents, and to show us that people can be moved to acceptance.
We got a bit of a parallel with that message in Jinta and Min's story this week, with Min's fans initially attacking Jinta, but backing off once Min named him as his faen and asked them to respect his relationship. I like the choice to model positive fan behavior, and it felt a bit pointed from this production company. Both with Pai and now with this new group of fans, the show has said consistently that being a fan should be about love and support, not control. That you can admire your idols but you also need to give them privacy. That it's not your place to judge who they love. I just love that message.
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Of course, I have to talk about the mutual proposal and the wedding. I am pretty sure Karan has been carrying that ring around in his pocket since the second day of dating, but it was such a welcome surprise to see that Achi had already made his own plans, too. The show really succeeded in taking this relationship from something that felt a little one-sided to a very mutual partnership I can believe in. I teared up when right along with Karan when Achi followed Karan's proposal with his own, and you could see how much it meant to him to know that Achi is really truly on the same page. Getting to see their wedding and the love surrounding them on their special day was the cherry (lol) on top of this fantastic love story. I also absolutely loved the wink to the jbl elevator non-kiss in the way they framed their final married couple kiss and then cut away from the bed.
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Continuing the love fest, I also love the changes this version made to the side couple's story. Min getting to fulfill his dream, Jinta being an excellent supportive partner, their agreement that they will marry someday when they're ready--it was all just lovely. The nod to the jbl pen proposal was cute, and I love that they took it a step further by drawing rings on each other. The flip in the sexual relationships was also quite welcome, with that triumphant arc reserved for the main couple in this version. Jinta ended the show with his magical powers still intact, but it didn't seem like that would be the case for long.
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As for Rock and Pai, I am happy with how the show handled their story. To the end, Pai stayed true to herself, and Rock came to know her better and understand what kind of romantic relationship he could reasonably expect from her. She will always have her head more on her ships than on her own love life, and he seems okay with it. I think you can still take an aroace read on this Pai if you choose, and I appreciate that the show made space for that. I like, too, that Pai helped Rock reconnect with his own passion for dancing and find a fun outlet for his creativity. They were another reinforcement of this show's overarching themes about the importance of kindness, support, and clear communication in relationships.
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This show left me with such a warm feeling. I'm so glad they stuck the landing, that episode 8 never happened, and that we can rewatch and remember this Cherry Magic so fondly. I never expected Thailand to go so above and beyond the original live action drama, but they have undoubtedly delivered my favorite version of this story.
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queerpunktomatoes · 6 months
QueerPunkTomatoes is a reference to guerilla gardening. All people should have food. (If you need food, please DM and I'll try my best to help.) 🍅
Call me Belly (they/them). I'm 20, based in the US, and a Global Citizen 🌏 Sociology Scholar! Aroace and Queer. 🏳️‍🌈 Fat. White. AuDHD. Chronically Ill. Intersex (apparently).
This blog is pro-marginalized liberation and anti-capitalism. Hopepunk, because we have to believe we can create the world we deserve. Mine are tagged #mytomatoes.
I use the block button liberally, and I encourage you to do the same! I don't argue with people on the internet as much as I can help it. I don't pick fights or owe anyone an argument. I present my thoughts as concisely as I can, and if someone is not willing to listen to me and starts a screaming match, I'm not willing to listen to them. I prioritize my own peace, and will gladly have hard conversations! but only if we're on the same page about respect. I strongly encourage you to do the same 💚
I make mistakes. I'm still learning. Call me out.
Take care of yourself 💚 (if for nothing else, because we need you for the revolution!✊🏼)
Personal stuff under the cut, if you're interested.
Omg hi you clicked the cut. More about me!
I started studying sociology because I needed an extra humanities course in community college, and the second I learned what it means to study society, everything clicked and I realized why I struggled with psychology so much. I hate the pathologizing nature we tend to take on when we look at the world's problems. I'm an empath, and sociology was like finally getting to open my eyes.
I became anti-capitalist pretty much immediately. It didn't take much to radicalize me, because I'd always known things were screwed in the US, I just didn't realize how badly. Thankfully I realized before I was old enough to vote, because I absolutely would have voted for Trump. I absolutely love writing and learning and theory and community conversation, and this blog is my space to make sure I prioritize that :)
I was raised to be all the phobics---homophobic, transphobic, Islamaphobic, xenophobic. Realizing your own sexuality can do a lot to that worldview. I'm aro ace and queer, and I love how broad and contradicting those terms might seem. I'm still unpacking my old beliefs every day, and I am proud of how much progress I've made. I believe there is always more room for growth. I also found out I'm intersex very recently, so that's been a challenge to sort through, but I'm trying to love this new knowledge about myself.
Being fat is a part of my identity (I'm an old fat [as in, not a new fat]) and something I take very seriously. I have chronic an0rex!@ and that dichotomy does inform the way I think about body neutrality and fat liberation.
Anyway, that's a lot of words. I hope you're having a good day :)
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innitmarvellous · 6 months
So I read some books about aro & ace identities recently, because while I am quite sure that I'm ace and probably even aroace, I'm still struggling a lot with the ramifications of this discovery about myself, even though I first noticed this about myself a few years ago.
That's why I tried to make myself feel better by reading these books in the hope that it might be helpful in any way...and that's also why I took some notes about things that always bugged me in some way, both while reading the books and before that. (I'm not done with the books, but I already noticed enough recurring issues for a whole post.)
First, I really would like to feel at least sort of good about it. It doesn't have to be pride, just some sense of it being alright. I know that's not a prerequisite, but I don't want to feel unhappy and uneasy all the time just because of my identity :/
And there are some things I like about it. For example, having found a name and explanation for whatever is going on with me was undoubtedly nice, and I like the fact that the community seems to be very open to people identifying as ace or aro no matter where they exactly are on the spectrum. Well, there are always the exclusionists, but that's technically the consensus and I like that.
Still, there is this unpleasant feeling that doesn't seem to go away. The fact that there is something I will never understand and never experience - despite desperately wanting to. I guess that is the problem if something just isn't there, and that's just so hard to accept. Like, other people also might struggle with their orientation, but at least they do have the option to find someone who feels the same and will enter a relationship with them - while this is entirely impossible for me. And I think that's where I struggle the most, honestly. Knowing that there is no way to get the thing I want with my logical mind, because my feelings won't allow me to - and thus people on the outside won't consider me as 'relationship material' in any form since I'm lacking something crucial. And yes, I entirely understand that this would make people avoid me when it comes to relationships. After all I could never give them the thing they would expect from a relationship and it would be unfair towards them if I entered a relationship while being unable to do so. But it really doesn't make it hurt any less, and it definitely doesn't make me feel good about myself. There is something missing about me, that's just an undeniable fact and it reduces my worth in the eyes of others. Is that fair? Maybe not - I can't say, as I can't see things from their perspective - but it just is how things are. But it is very, very hard to accept.
Oh, and there is another thing that keeps being mentioned: namely that relationships without sex or of course also even fully platonic relationships are possible. But honestly? That doesn't really comfort me at all :') Because...I wasn't even nice and attractive (in both a physical and personality sense) - and whatever else - enough for a "normal" relationship, so it feels downright illusory to tell myself that someone will accept me despite my "defects" (if that's what I'll call them in this context, since that would be an allo person's view in most cases, I assume) and agree to have whatever kind of deeper relationship with me. That sounds like such a nice dream, and yet that's all it is and will remain: a dream. It's simply impossible, and that just feels bad. Because I would want to have closer connections to people, but I can't. Idk, but that is a bit cruel, especially as it isn't exactly my fault because of a choice I made.
I also feel kind of uncomfortable identifying myself as queer or part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I'd like to, but idk, I fear I wouldn't really be welcome in most queer spaces since I used to think I was heterosexual before I came across the terms ace and aro. Also, I was never oppressed due to my identity and had technically no trouble to pass as more or less some kind of straight allo late bloomer, so idk... And well, I see why my constant talking about some fictional/celeb mancrush I've got might make people think that I'm a liar and just pretend to be aro or ace for attention or other reasons. In fact, the exact same thing happened to me when a guy fell in love with me and I was forced to tell him about probably being ace. He didn't believe it because "I was always crushing on anime guys" and basically accused me of deliberately leading him on and it wasn't pleasant :/ (But I can't help it...I mean, a celeb crush doesn't require me to act on anything! I just find a guy attractive in whatever shape or form and it makes me happy to have my silly little daydreams about him and whatever. But it doesn't necessarily mean I graphically dream of fucking him, despite what I might jokingly say.) Anyway, I think it would be useful if I could confidently use the term queer for myself because idk, it would make things easier. As in, I'm definitely not "normal" aka not the standard straight cis person I once believed to be, but yeah...I still doubt that I would be allowed to call myself queer. I'm too different to be considered normal and too normal to be considered queer, I guess. So I'm sure people wouldn't be too happy about me pushing into their communities. Falling between the chairs again :')
Maybe all of my doubts and all that stuff...it's not so surprising, though. I mean, I kind of assume that most people wouldn't be too happy at the prospect of lifelong solitude and loneliness, without any chance to form deeper bonds with other people. Or maybe it's just me, who knows. It definitely scares the hell out of me and I hate it so, so much. And well, that makes it so difficult to make peace with this annoying sexual/romantic orientation of mine. (I would change it if I could...but alas we all know that's impossible.) I don't know what I exactly expected, but I surely didn't sign up to a rather sad lonely life of unhappiness and yet that is exactly what I will get :/ Another thing that is very hard to accept, and I genuinely wonder how other people managed to deal with that... I know accepting it and facing that truth is the only possible way, but yeah...I still can't bring myself to feel good about this. I mean, I've been lonely for my entire life, so I don't know...maybe I just hoped this would change at some point in the future and finding out that this will never happen now is kind of soul-crushing, honestly.
Lastly, I know that this is mostly a lengthy and overly personal rant post, so maybe no one has even read until here. But if someone did and feels like commenting, then I would really appreciate that, because...I still don't really feel fully enlightened on how I'm supposed to feel now. Maybe talking to actual people would help, but who knows. Again, I'd appreciate it if anyone wants to share their thoughts (my DMs are also open btw), although I'm aware that a random Tumblr post probably isn't the best way to solve my problem. ^^
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nerdygaymormon · 9 months
Read your screenshots from "The Fourth Option" and thought I would share some experiences. I myself am a closeted Aromantic Asexual and Nonbinary person (questioning on Micro Labels) and I have had some experiences with church leaders that make me feel both like I am broken and like I am loved.
I come to church every week, in fact I sit on the stand and conduct the music, and I hold a current temple recommend. Despite this, due to me not fully identifying with my AGAB there is the possibility that I would lose my recommend and be released from my calling should I choose to come out as NB. (AroAce is a bit complicated because I have no desire to "break the law of chastity" but I also don't have a desire to get married, which is "essential to exaltation.")
I have been accepted by several of my peers and a few of the church leaders but overall I don't feel like I can be open with church leaders. I have had friends who are open about their gender and/or sexuality who have felt like the leaders will almost target their talks to things regarding SSA and Gender when they are in the congregation. We have all felt alienated at times and with so few of us in the area it is hard to find a way to build community.
A lighter note. One of my Church leaders asks every week what he can do to improve and asks about our experiences. He encourages community and consistently professes that Christ and Heavenly Father love us all, no matter what. Whenever someone comes to him with a concern or something that bothers them about what he is doing he thanks them and asks how he can do better.
I know that several leaders simply don't understand that their words could be harmful, but they are still capable of ensuring we feel the pure love of Christ instead of damnation for something we cannot control.
(sorry if this was a bit random but I thought it was worth sharing. <3 )
Thank you for sharing!
Being a queer Latter-day Saint is a complex space in which to exist, and a big part of that is how our leaders treat us. Your experiences illustrate this.
I wish our leaders always made us feel welcome, wanted, and loved.
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aromantic-diaries · 1 year
Hey, so um... How do I know I'm aro or ace? I used to think I wasn't but Ig it's been getting difficult to feel romantic/sexual feelings. And if I am, what do I do with that knowledge?
Hi! I recommend checking out this post i made cause it has some stuff that might help you figure out if you're aromantic. Though it doesn't mention asexuality. Anyways, there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself if you're contemplating whether you're aro/ace and you're feeling unsure
When it comes to asexuality, there is the case where one might think they're attracted to someone while just thinking they look good. Aesthetic attraction is a thing after all, so think about whether you do feel sexually attracted to people or just find them good looking. There's also the case of finding the idea of sexual things appealing while not wanting to participate in them. It can be similar with aromanticism, admiring someone or enjoying their company and mistaking it for a crush is something that happens to a lot of arospec people who have yet to discover themselves. So the question is "Am I attracted to this person or do I just admire them" in both cases
Another helpful question you should ask yourself is "Do I want romance and sex or do I just think I want it because it's what everyone else wants?" It can be hard to recognize when you don't like these things when they're pretty much treated as the most important thing ever. It's everywhere and I remember not wanting to feel left out while also being put off by the idea of actually being with anyone.
There are some personal experiences that were signs for me, such as feeling annoyed at the overwhelming amount of romance in media, not really understanding the emotional connection, being freaked out by the idea of having sex, feeling isolated because my peers were getting into relationships and I wasn't, often feeling inadequate in my own relationship and feeling like I was lying to my partner about liking them, being uncomfortable with the idea of being attracted to people and wanting a relationship but not actually liking anyone . If you can relate to any of this, you could possibly be aroace
As for what to do, it's up to you. If you feel safe and have people in your life who are understanding and supportive, you can come out to them but it's your choice whether you want to or not. If you don't wanna come out and you prefer to keep it private, that's perfectly valid as well. You can always use the "I'm not seeking anyone right now I'm more focused on [whatever it is you're focused on]" card if someone's being invasive. Discovering yourself is scary at first but as you go along you'll get more comfortable and learn new things about yourself. The aspec community is generally very welcoming and can open up a whole new perspective, so I recommend seeking it out. Even if you're not aro or ace after all you can still learn a lot.
Anyways, I hope this was helpful for you and you can figure yourself out, however long it takes. Happy early pride month!!
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des8pudels8kern · 7 months
i'm an international student in germany and i'm really scared for the future of germany. people are getting more and more racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, everything bad!!! i'm hoping that i can finish my study as soon as possible, and after that i will leave this country
We unfortunately live in interesting times, Nonnie. I think people in Germany are not getting worse, per se, but more polarized. Where ten, twenty years ago, many people would simply not care much one way or the other, these days they do. And, while many have become more open-minded and more educated when it comes to diversity and not just tolerating, but respecting those who are not like them, the ones that are hateful and intolerant are weigh heavier on society. If I am Other in a group of one hundred people that are too indifferent to care one way or another, I might not feel welcome, but I am safe. If I am Other in a group of one hundred people, forty of them indifferent, forty willing to use words to defend me in civil conversations, nineteen muttering to each other how wrong people like me are, and one screaming slurs and hate and threats at me, then that one person will drown out everything else and I won't feel safe.
We've seen that same development in the US, first with the Tea Party, then with MAGA, with Trump. I hope things won't get so dire over here. I hope, as grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the most famous, well-documented fascist regime in history, even the discontent mutterers know better than to let it get that far.
But I don't know. I don't think any of us truly know how we'll react and if we'll have the strength to stand up for what is right and to protect others, if it means putting ourselves in danger.
Growing up aroace in a time pre-internet, when I had no idea that this is a sexual orientation like any other, albeit a small one, rather than something being broken and wrong inside of me, has left its marks. Still, I'm white, cis, and not visibly different. The worst I've been called was weird and a prude. The absence of something is easy for people to overlook and I can "pass" well enough. See above: I might not feel welcome, but am safe enough. Not everybody has that privilege, and these interesting, polarised times are the most threatening and dangerous for those who are clearly, visibly Other. I don't blame anyone for feeling uncomfortable and unsafe. One in a hundred, one in a thousand people openly standing by their hate is enough to feel unsafe.
And, looking at the AfD poll numbers, right-wing protests, and hate comment on the internet, right now, there are a lot more than one in a hundred right now.
Take care of yourself, Nonnie. For now, you are a member of our society, and I welcome you. Make the most with the educational opportunities you have here. Do your best to surround yourself with a community of safe people, one way or the other. And, while I'd love for you to stay (demographic change, skilled worker shortage, and tbh I think the best, safest, healthiest society is a diverse society, because only when there is no one default there will also not be an Other) - you do you. Do what you have to to give yourself the best future possible, wherever that may lead you.
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wind-kin · 5 months
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First divider: @enchanthings /// Second divider: unknown
Welcome to my blog!
🎐Name: Anemos
🎐Prns: they/he/she
🎐Kins: Windkin, dragonkin, humanoidkin
🎐Orientation: Aplatonic, aroace, agender
🎐From: Brazil
Hello hello! My name is Anemos, I'm a dragon and also the personification of the wind :3 I awakened myself as otherkin this year, so there is a lot I'm figuring out yet haha. Feel free to interact and ask questions! Beweare that any hatemail will be insta reported and blocked.
This is radical inclusive blog. I strongly believe that as long it's not bringing harm to anybody, people are free to identify with or as anything they want. And no, you discomfort is not "harm".
I dont like to participate in discourse, but i just wanted to let that clear.
Less known kin are extra welcome to this blog!
Q. What is windkin? Are a concept or an elemental?
A. There is no official coining of that label, but i think being windkin is identifying as the wind in one or another. Yes to both lol i dont care much abt microlabels.
The best and only i can describe my identity is being the personification of the wind, especially carrying on the ideas surrounding the "wind", like freedom, open-mindedness, fun or sociability that makes up my personality. Because of that, i kinda relate to birds, but I guess not enough to it be a hearttype.
Q. What is your dragon type? Are you a Western or Eastern dragon?
A. I don't know.....i'm more inclined to say a western dragon, but! If we are talking about humanoid forms as well, then i would be something like the Vidyadhara from HSR which is obviously eastern-based.
And since i imagine myself more in a humanoid form, thats why i use the humanoidkin label.
Q. What is your age?
A. I'm thousands of years old, older than the earth and sun, older than the black hole from the center of our galaxy, i'm eons far from your comprehension and i will die only when this universe implodes.
I'm a-silly-guy-years-old this year :3 thanks for asking!!! (* >ω<)
Q. Do you have any hearttypes?
A. Hmmm i never felt one strong enough to call it a hearttype....but i relate somewhat with robots, birds and cats
Q. How did you awaken?
A. Ok both for dragonkin and windkin its kinda funny. So. I read a LOT of fantasy, like, a lot lot. Especially webnovels. And i discovered my kintypes by reading.
One day i was reading Tensei Slime bc i was bored and i was feeling HUGE amounts of species envy, not of the slime part but rather of the whole "almighty monster with humanoid form" thing. Then i caught myself daydreaming of being a dragon for hours and thought "hm. That doesn't seem really human or normal to think" and as an aro, i knew about voidpunk and when i searched for that i found the otherkin community here on tumblr.
For windkin, i was reading "Elqueeness," and i was feeling not only envious of the protagonist but also the Wind Spirit King side character. I put 1+1 and realized "oh im windkin"
Tagging system:
🐉.txt = posts made by me
Aes = my aesthetic
🎐creations = my art
🎐fragments = things that reminds me of my kintypes
🎐appreciation = other people's art
🎐wisdom = advice/tips
🎐resources = what it says
🎐Kin appreciation = things like accessories and clothing that are based/resemble my kintypes.
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altschmerzes · 1 year
I really hope this isn't wierd or anything but I initially found your account from ao3 and started to really look up to you as a writer- then I found this blog and read some of your posts about being aro and something just clicked. Even though I'm still a teenager, I've been struggling to figure out my sexuality for years, and aroace was the one label that I was always scared of identifying with. I'd never really met an aro or ace person before so for some reason it felt like if I identified that way, I would be isolated and othered not only by straight people but also by people in the lgtbq+ community. But seeing your posts made me feel so validated and secure, it's provided me a lot of clarity in my identity. I'm still not sure of everything, and would appreciate any tips that anyone has about how to figure themselves out, especially in relation to the aroace spectrum, but I just wanted to say thank you for being so real and open about all of this. Your posts have helped me feel normal for once, thank you.
oh gosh, wow!!! that's not weird at all i'm actually really happy and honoured to hear that. figuring that stuff out is so, so tough and i'm really glad to hear that i could make it even a little bit easier for you. that's part of the reason i try to be loud about my identity and my experiences online, because i think things would've been a lot easier for me if i'd seen that when i was trying to get it sorted. especially when i was a teenager. i've been identifying as aro or ace or aroace since i was fourteen, and that was real tough.
i think the main tip that i have is to not feel like you need to pressure yourself into anything - using a label, not using a label, having a Concrete Clear Answer that you're Sure about, identifying the same way forever, etc. you don't need to piece and parcel out every single bit of whether you feel attraction or not or what kind if that brings you stress or pain. if an identity feels comforting or validating or Right to you, then it's yours and you are welcomed with open arms as far as i'm concerned. if it changes, that's okay, and if it doesn't that's also okay. if you're not 100% certain or find it to be true 100% of the time that's okay, and it's okay to be 100% certain and never feel any differently too!
online identity communities can be wonderful and affirming and open up a world of vast possibilities but they can also be intense and prone to infighting and bitterness, too. you never have to be bound by what the trend of the moment is or live up to the expectations of what people think you should experience or think in order to fit their own experience of any shared identity, questioning or otherwise.
everyone has their own timeline, too. i think that's a really important thing to hear, as many times and from as many places as possible. you're not behind or failing or underdeveloped or immature if you're not feeling what your peers are feeling or you don't want what they want. whatever you feel or want is fine and normal, and that belongs to you and nobody else.
<3 <3
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queerstake · 11 months
I'm sorry for sending this, but I'm. In kind of a weird spot. I don't really have many other places i can turn. I figured out several years ago that i am aro/ace, and for awhile I just thought that was okay. Still okay with church. Just more open than others might be to the queer community. But it's gotten so hard as I've come to fully understand myself. That I'm non-binary. That I am pan for tertiary/alterous attraction. And now I've got a genderfluid datemate. I love them with all my heart. They aren't part of the church. I didn't tell them that I was raised LDS until after we started dating, but they realized a long while ago. They've been supportive and understanding of my position through everything.
But I have a hard time with a lot of the culture that has developed around the church, and I find I don't want to go anymore. Maybe it would be easier if I knew more queer members, but I don't. Any friends i have learned are queer have left.
My family isn't friendly to the queer community, which hurts like hell, because I want to tell them about my partner. My family means so much to me. I want them to be okay with the fact that I still believe in God and Jesus, but I just don't want to be "active".
Even being a "good active member" is mentally exhausting for me. It puts so much mental and social strain on me. Social stuff is extremely mentally exhausting for me. Doesn't help that my dad is emotionally abusive. I know it isn't like this for everyone, but I'm just so tired.
I don't have a lot of people in my life that really understand where I'm at, I'm so sorry for dumping this here. You can delete it. Thank you for what you do, hope you're safe and well.
Hi anon. Your message is about a year old as I'm answering it now, and I'm sorry for making you wait so long. I had some work to do myself before I could dedicate myself to this blog fully, and now that I'm here and ready, I want to start tackling the inbox.
Given that it's been so long, I'm sure your life has changed since you sent this message. I hope you're doing better.
Your message sounds very familiar, actually. I'm also an aroace and trans member. By the time covid came around and church meetings stopped for a period of time, I myself was worn out from struggling to keep up. I think you and me felt much the same. I used the excuse of covid to take a brief church break to figure out how I was going to make being a queer mormon work. I felt awful for having to take time off, but in the end, it really was the right choice for me. I was able to work on myself and my relationship to the church while setting aside some of the pressure I had put myself under for so long and now that I've built myself up stronger, I'm able to come back and foster a healthier relationship to the church.
I'm so glad you have a good relationship with your datemate to help you during this time! Being a queer mormon is really hard. We have to make concessions and reckon with our faith the way many straight mormons don't have to. It IS exhausting. I imagine god has put your datemate in your life in order to help give you the support you need right now.
If you or anyone else needs permission, please DO take a break. God doesn't want you to suffer, and you can't foster a good relationship with him if you're suffocating. Taking a break or not being active is not a bad thing. In fact, it was a REALLY good thing for me and really helped me come back to church even stronger than before.
I'm sorry to hear you were and are going through so much anon, and I hope some of the things I've said at least have helped you feel not alone. If you are able to take a break from church right now, I encourage you to do it! Heal and wrestle with god on your own time. You don't owe anyone anything, and god will be there with you no matter where you go. If you are unable to take a break for some other reason, know you're not alone. We understand you, we've been through the things you're going through, you're welcome to reach out any time you need support. Being a queer mormon is so hard and can be so lonely. Your queer siblings and your heavenly father are here for you.
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pjunicornart · 2 years
Hi! Read this please!
Welcome to my playground! You'll mostly see art here, as I am an artist. This is your warning: I AM NOT STRICTLY SFW. I post whatever I feel like, and that includes NSFW art/potentially triggering artwork. Rest assured they will be tagged and marked properly.
My commissions are open! Before you request a commission from me, please refer to this post: here.
About roleplaying: Not currently looking to do that sort of thing. I might make a blog dedicated to that in the future. But for now, no roleplays, sorry!
Send me asks! I take requests, and I love answering questions!
Please use she/they pronouns when addressing me, and you can call me PJ or Rosey. I'm 20, queer (aroace), suspected autistic, and a huge chocoholic.
Right now I'm working on Student's Echoes, a take on the Undertale NaJ AU owned by Dreamy's Mess, with some extra l o r e. You can check out Student's Echoes here: @studentsechoes
On this blog, I am working on Researcher Lewis. A very dark, twisted version of Lewis from Meet the Robinsons. Yes, he will be connected to my other major project (Student's Echoes). How? You'll have to wait and see... This is Researcher Lewis' basic concept. (cw: vent art/disturbing imagery) (to find Researcher Lewis posts, use #researcher lewis)
I am also working on Pasteltale. A very dark - but brightly colored - Undertale AU. It's gonna be bright, gorey, grotesque... everything I love! It will mostly appear as still images with some small comics here and there. This is Pasteltale's basic concept. (to find Pasteltale posts, use #pasteltale)
Other minor things I have here: Vampireverse (my reboot) - I have a version of the Vampireverse originally created by someone I do not wish to name. A version where Jasper is part Siren, and in love with a village girl named Lucy. PJ's Daycare (my reboot) - A story more geared towards older/mature audiences, it follows PJ - a recovering addict sentenced to community service and reform via therapy. Along this journey, he discovers a lot about himself. Various Lewis AUs - I LOVE Meet the Robinsons, and its main character, Lewis. I make tons of AUs of Lewis, and may occasionally share them here. Unicornverse - Underverse. But they're magical sparkly unicorns. This is a self indulgent thing, to be honest.
Themed Playlists - I like making playlists around a certain character, ship, or theme. You can check them out on Spotify! (Names act as the link.) Calamitree - A playlist for Bradilo (Bradley x Milo) from Milo Murphy's Law. Featuring two distinct sides of the relationship. Freckles - A playlist themed around my reboot version of Lewis from Meet the Robinsons. Missing Summer with PJ - Doodling on the bus seats while wishing it were Summer is better than going to school, says PJ. (NaJ PJ themed playlist.) Subject 07 - He has every right to be miserable, but he has a lot of love to give. Rainbow Trinkets - Jam out with Kawaii Lewis with all of your best colorful accessories on!
My persona's name is Rosey, and you can find her reference sheet here. Use #rosey's log to find out more about her.
I have two besties on here. @arinthehunter and @thecrispykoala! They're dating each other, and I couldn't be happier for them. Arin specifically is not only helping me write for Student's Echoes, but she's also writing her own fanfiction over on AO3. Go to her blog for details~
Do not interact: MAP/MAP supporters (pedos get out), TERFs, queerphobic/LGBT-phobic, crpyto-bros/NFT supporters, proshippers, ableists, misogynists, white supremecists/pretty much anyone who doesn't support movements such as BLM, racists, super straights I want this blog to be free of hate, so take your ass and shove it. Content Warnings Researcher Lewis: Blood, gore, psychological horror, disturbing imagery, grotesque imagery, torture, dehumanization, abuse (all forms), needles, alcohol(?), drugs Pasteltale: Blood, gore (pastel variety), extreme violence, grotesque imagery Special note for minors: Posts that might be triggering or too explicit for you will be marked as mature or tagged with "tw" type tags. I am not responsible for anything that happens to you. You have read the warnings, it is your call whether you heed them or not. Scroll safely and cautiously.
Enjoy my playground! Please be civil!
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danothan · 2 years
(f0r BLAST) 💌 and 6 and 18!
6. What is your favourite part about being aromantic?
discovering i was aro was exactly like realizing i’m autistic. it meant that i didn’t have to keep waiting for smth to change, i can just exist as i am now with my present sense of understanding. i like the relief and simplicity of it ig!
18. Do you have any aro-spec headcanons?
i’ve been slacking off with aro/aspec hcs these days, those used to be a lot more frequent when i was younger (foreshadowing ?!)
i like aroace narancia still! charlie kelly is an obvious one, and sometimes i hc cousin greg for the kick of it (pretty much any green character has an aromantic au for me somewhere). i also have aro hcs for my own ocs, which is different from actually canonizing an orientation for them
will be keeping an eye out during my dc dive, i’ve seen aroace impulse hcs and it intrigues me. an aromantic speedster, what a fine thought…
💌 under cut bc it gets real sappy
💌: what i love abt you (mutuals edition)!
Top 3 Reason To Love F0r:
1) COOL AND RESPECTABLE! 💥 open communication/boundaries + attentive to detail + vast and impressive knowledge of animals + one-eyed feline familiar + real life office au + cool projects + good music taste + funny + bitches + W + follow (+etc) !!!! 👊👊👊
2) FRESH PERSPECTIVE AND PASSION! despite our frequent telepathy jokes, there’s always smth new i’m learning from you! you offer such a unique perspective, and i’m interested in what you have to say even in areas outside my specialty. i have mutuals that i connect with thru similar interests, and while that’s also its own brand of fun, i’m surprised by how often we can talk abt anything! i feel very intellectually and creatively fulfilled by our conversations, no matter the subject ☺️
3) PATIENCE AND KINDNESS! besides being a great conversationalist, you’re a great listener too! whether it’s engaging with my wild tangents or remembering the little things, you’re just a considerate person all around. i’ve had my fair share of silly comments and brainfog, it’s smth i’m insecure abt in general, but i’ve never felt embarrassed abt it around you. we started to rly talk when i was at the height of a manic episode, so i felt like i had to keep up that energy/brainpower at first. but between your open communication and thoughtfulness, i’ve since realized that it never mattered. you’re a welcoming presence and i find myself smiling every time we talk :]
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good morning im gonna recreate my pinned
art only: @v1ultrakill-bigpenis jonnus (oc) askblog: @fearfulblade
i’m providence from risk of rain (mentally ill intent) and i like being referred to as that but you can also feel free to call me provolone, maelstrom, or ukulele.
he/they/it pronouns, agender aroace (in a queerplatonic relationship), non-human (petrichorian), mentally ill with several physical problems
i do art (v1ultrakill-bigpenis for just art posts) and writing (Thy_Providence on ao3 for writing stuff) and i’m trying to learn coding and 3d stuff. i also vaguely know how to edit videos but i never find the time or ideas
i like risk of rain, rain world, and ultrakill. you can tell very easily
discord: unmatchedpowerofthesun archive of our own: Thy_Providence steam: linked with my discord but it’s provolone_ (probably cant find it too easily by searching it so just. add me on discord beforehand or smth)
my asks are open but dont be too weird i’m still a shitlet
note: dont refer to me as nonbinary i’m not comfortable with the term since it feels unfitting to me for no reason. if you want to call me anything other than agender just use transmasc
also known as john fiberglass in the main risk of rain discord
oh yeah i might as well add a before-you-follow thing below the cut
things to note about me: -i will block you if i dislike you. i will block you if you’ve been a dick to my friends in one way or another. i will not tolerate your presence within 10 meters of me. -i have conduct disorder. i’m going to get angry, and it’s going to be violent. i also struggle to phrase stuff (likely related to my autism) and often misremember stuff, or my brain completely makes up memories from nothing. -i’m an inclusionist, meaning i accept all queer identities, whether they fit an exclusionist’s view of the lgbt community or not. all are welcome here. -i don’t tag my reblogs outside of comments, but some things you might see in my reblogs are slightly suggestive content, gore, and occasionally the shit going on in the world -i reclaim the f-slur here and there. -i reblog shit a ton -i’m very anti-AI. the chatbot that a friend(?) of mine made is a very special exception
straight up block me if: -you’re a pedophile, zoophile, or other shit in similar veins -you glorify/fetishize incest, rape, pedophilia, zoophilia, or other shit in similar veins -you demonize cluster b personality disorders and/or DID/OSDD systems -you’re weird or a whiny dickhead about people who identify as a fictional character -you’re ableist, queerphobic, racist, or other shit in similar veins
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etesienne · 1 year
Are you legitimently aroace? I ask because I’m def aroace myself but am interested in radical feminism but it seems like radfems aren’t very keen on aspec people? I’m just curious if being openly aroace is hard in radfem spcaes.
I use the term 'aroace' but I don't support the split attraction model, to be honest it's mainly a humorous thing. But I do think I'm asexual, otherwise I simply don't know how to define myself - I'm getting close to 30 and I've never had the slightest interest in romance/sex/relationships. It's completely alien to me. And as I've stated in an argument before, I'm not medicated in any way, not neurodivergent, nor am I a victim of sexual trauma. I'm just wired that way, I guess.
As for radfem spaces, I'd say it depends, obviously each woman has her own opinion. The general consensus seems to be that while asexuality does exist, it's significantly rarer than the internet would have us believe, and it's not comparable (in terms of oppression and societal struggles) to same-sex attraction. Though there are more caustic opinions floating around on 'radblr', I don't think it's representative of the whole community.
On a more personal note, being asexual can be an isolating experience on radblr, because you don't really belong in most discussions surrounding sexuality. Additionally, in more than one instance I've read posts here trying to 'explain' asexuality away through what may be considered a radfem perspective, and tbh there are valid points to be made there, but it can also come off as patronizing (ie, women are just using the label to escape a misogynistic and sex-obsessed society, or are repressed due to sexual trauma/internalized homophobia. you know, the usual arguments). Ultimately, from what I've seen here, radfems welcome all women but are highly critical of demisexuality and other meaningless labels like greyasexuality, acespectrum, kinky ace, etc. - rightly so, it's cringe and damaging to asexuals who want to be taken seriously.
If you're still uncertain, I encourage you to look up other ace radfems/gc women; I think most of us are open to discussion and/or have tags that compile information and discussions about asexuality.
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werewolfwriter323 · 1 month
Hello and welcome to my Blog
I am Werewolfwriter323 and this post is basically just a way for me to organize all the stuff I post or reblog, so that I can find my own stuff and whatnot easier. And to find posts that I want to look at or reblog again.
Here’s the most used tags that i’ve included
#not tma (these are for most posts that aren’t tma or other fandoms)
#other’s art (art that I didn’t create)
#free palestine (any post that I reblogged about palestine)
#werewolfwriter does stuff (my tag for any “original” stuff that I post, whether it’s art, aus, writing, shitposts, memes, edits, etc.)
#werewolfwriter [ ] draws, edits, writes etc. (A more detailed tag for whatever “original” thing that I posted)
#important news/info (Anything that I reblogged that I think will be important to look back on, or important info or links, or the like)
#queer stuff (Any Queer/Gay/LGBTQ+ posts. To note I usually use the term Queer to speak about the community, just because for me it works better as an umbrella term, it fits better for what I identify with.)
#random stuff (random posts that I found interesting or funny enough to reblog)
#memes (It’s memes, what do you want from me?)
#writing stuff (Posts that usually include writing tips and the like that I know that I’ll want to look back on)
#art stuff (Posts that usually include art tips and the like that I know that I’ll want to look back on)
#save for later (Posts that I want to look back on for whatever reason)
I have been using tumblr for a while, and I had an older blog that I was often on, but it wasn’t until a few months ago with this new blog that I finally figured out how tagging works. I hadn’t really given it though until recently, and now I am glad to be able to use it to organize my stuff somewhat.
Despite being a mostly TMA and WTNV blog here's some other fandoms that I love and will gush about given the chance.
Gravity Falls
Danny Phantom
Avatar The Last Airbender
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures
Mob Psycho 100
Kingdom Hearts
Sonic The Hedgehog
Other Random tidbits
Most relistened to TMA eps:
MAG 01 Anglerfish
MAG 13 Alone
MAG 15 Lost John's Cave
MAG 22 Colony
MAG 51 High Pressure
MAG 50 Trail Rations
MAG 77 The Kind Mother
MAG 81 A Guest For Mr.Spider
MAG 91 The Coming Storm
MAG 125 Civilian Casualties
MAG 132 Entombed
MAG 170 Recollection
MAG 177 Wonderland
MAG 178 The Processing Line
Podcasts I've listened to:
The Adventure Zone (Balance & Amnesty)
Welcome To Nightvale
Random Number Generator Horror Podcast No.9
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
The Magnus Archives
Scared Gay
Wolf 359
Wooden Overcoats
Red Valley
Jar of Rebuke
And finally this is a safe space for any queer/gay/LGBTQ+ folks (including aroace people, or anyone else on the acesexual spectrum, trans folks of any sort (gender can be whatever you want or don't want it to be), and Bi and Bi adjacent (Pan for example) folks.
It's also a safe space for any neurodivergent folks.
And honestly a safe space for anyone else who isn't an exclusionists of any kind, I try to be a pretty open minded person, and I try to not judge others, but if you are going out of your way to harass people online for no good reason, then I won't deal with you on my blog, you will be blocked.
That's all for now, thanks for reading if ya did, and I hope that you enjoy what stuff I've got here.
0 notes
spinnysocks · 7 months
hi there! you've found my old pinned post ^^
welcome to my den! 🌠
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
by: @feathers-fins-and-fangs, @batsbolts-andboards, @phantompawz, @timberbark, @mollytoons, @sweetpeauserboxes, @lookineedsleep
hi there, i'm spinny! :3
i'm a genderqueer xenofluid aroace guy! :) i go by quite a few pronouns, and my favoured shift, in bold are my favourite atm! i prefer interchangeable use but otherwise he/it & any of my neopronouns <3
he/him 🌿 it/its 🌿 they/them 🌿 xe/xim 🌿 ze/zim 🌿 zy/zym 🌿 sol/sols 🌿 star/stars 🌿 void/voids 🌿 myth/myths 🌿 myst/mysts 🌿 coy/coyote 🌿 fox/foxs 🌿
i am also: neurodivergent, a maladaptive daydreamer, and alterhuman! although i am cursed with near-constant sensory issues and chronic eepy, it's made up for by my millions of hyperfixations and special interests >:))
i am a gemini, my birthday is june 6th and i am pagan! :D i am just a little guy who loves movies and is going into animal conservation
my pronouns page if you don't know how to refer to me!!
🌟 i struggle to communicate :( if i do not respond i promise i am NOT ignoring you! i either didn't see the message, am currently busy, or pondering how to respond. please be patient with me! ^^
🌟 please tag me if responding to a comment/some other mention, otherwise i don't see it! :c
🌟 i repost stimboards which may have auto-playing gifs! i repost art that may contain minor blood or animal death (warrior cats or other art)! i tag this under #tw blood, #tw death, #tw cat death and #tw implied death. i do not tag auto-playing gifs.
🌟 my blog is sfw but containz swearing!
my current hyperfixations are warrior cats, clangen and the lion guard! :D
my other fandoms include- the madagascar movies, watership down, guardians of the galaxy, night at the museum, space jam/the looney tunes, kung fu panda, sonic and finding dory! although i'm not fixated on them at the moment i'm still very much interested in them!! madagascar is actually my oldest fandom i'm still a part of c:
games i enjoy include: rdr2, wolfquest, endling, stray, shelter generations, the isle, path of titans, planet zoo, minecraft and rain world :)
basically, i love animals, fantasy and animated movies! <3 please talk to me about any of the above interests if you'd like to !!
my asks are always open! ask me anything at all! :p i love getting asks/mentions and i don't bite!! send me or tag me as much as you want <3<3
my character opinion bingo asks are always open too! so far i have been asked about: kiburi, tamka, nduli, neema, makuu, pua, janja, dogo, kinyonga and dovewing! feel free to ask about more characters and fandoms :)
i'm also completely happy to participate in tag games of any kind! they're so fun!!
here are my side blogs! ~
• moodboard and poetry blog (with requests!): @poetryforcoyotes
• coining hoard blog: @foxsocksvoid
• watership down rb blog: @dandelionsdomain
• REBLOGGING FOR PALESTINE: @iftheresanythingleft
and my socials! ~
• ricoofdoom on ao3
• spinnysocks on cohost & pillowfort**
if you plan to dm me on those through finding me on this blog, please let me know! just so i get a heads up ^^
** these are backups if something happens to tumblr (which i hope not!)
i made a favourite character bingo but it didn't nearly cover all my favourites (i have a lot)!! so here's some more :) they may be updated as i have a bad memory and forget all of the characters i like lol
in the lion guard!: kiburi, nduli, janja, tamka, reirei, goigoi, mzingo, ushari, sumu, dogo, all of the crocs, all of the outlanders, beshte, makucha, timon & pumbaa, kovu, azaad, yun mibu!
in warrior cats! (buckle up): whitestorm, dovewing, blackstar, hollyleaf, mothwing, tigerclaw, squirrelstar, leafpool, shrewclaw, sorreltail, sootfur, rainwhisker, bluestar, crookedstar, goosefeather, ferncloud, frostfur, willowpelt, flowerpaw, sweetpaw, lionheart, darkstripe, tallstar, dawnstripe, barkface, scourge, bone, lightning tail, shrewpaw, swiftpaw, pinestar, nightstar!
some of my projects and things i've done!!
the lion guard:
Royal Mjuzi! Nduli au
Young crocs hcs
Christmastime Outlanders hcs
RDR2/Wild West Outlanders au (Part 1)
Part 2 coming eventually! ^^
Jumanji Outlanders au
Scar's Guard au fanfic & the Scar's Guard au idea post
Warrior Cats TLG au
Outlanders Heathers au (hopefully coming soon... here to remind me to work on it lol)
Help With A Warrior Cats Mass Animations Playlist (will remake)
What Species Would You Choose To Be Reincarnated As (poll)
Watership Down 2018 Character Uquiz
for my blog in general, here is my tagging system!
you should be able to find stuff organised by fandom or character! but my fixations might be harder to navigate, so if you're looking for something specific, i'll list some tags below! :D
#warrior cats au or #spinny au
#tlg outlanders or #tlg outlanders memes
#the lion guard thoughts
#my art or #spinnysocks for art i've made!
mostly just for me but there's some stuff under #spinny stuff, #spinny rambles and #spinny rant as well :)
this layout was heavily inspired by @fallenrain40! go check em out! :D
🐾 last updated: 30/05
that's all! thank you very much for reading <3 🌟🧡🌠💫
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