#i went to the library today but woke up late i think. then i didn’t start working until like. idk. 5???
bitterpngs · 2 months
why is it that i can only get work done either super last minute or very late at night
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nepobaby08 · 11 months
English, am I right?
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summary: you’re failing english. only way to get that grade up is by getting tutored by one of the many girls who’s head over heels for literature.
warnings: bad writing, (cursing?)
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
part i || part ii
“Y/N Ledger, see me after class, please.” Your English teacher, Mrs. Fitzgerald called out. God you hated her. And there was nothing more you hated than English class. It wasn’t that you were failing - scratch that, you were failing this class. And you hated to admit it - but you sucked at it. You sucked at English. All your life people around you babbled and babbled about how easy it was but maybe you were just missing a couple braincells, cause it wasn’t to you.
It was now the end of class. You almost forgot you had to stay, but you were also pushed for time. You had soccer practice after class. And you could not miss it. Your coach was already a pain in the ass as much as your English teacher was.
You walked up to where your teacher’s desk was placed, slowly but surely. She looked up at you, disappointment written all over face. You already knew what she was going to say, so you were braced for it.
But you weren’t.
“You’re failing my class, Y/N.” She started, “You have a low D. Any other test or homework assignment you miss or fail could make you fail my class. Now your coach wouldn’t want that now would he?”
You shook your head, not wanting to protest any further.
“Because of this i’m going to have to assign you a tutor.” 
This made you speak up.
“Tutor? Tutor? Really? I’m sure my grade isn’t that bad! I can get it up on my own-”
“No you can’t.” She interrupted you. “Now, i’ve went through all my student’s grades in all of my classes, and Tara Carpenter has the highest grade. I’ve already notified her of your.. issues, so you will be meeting with her tomorrow. I don’t want to argue any further, Y/N. I’m only doing what’s best for you. Now please - get out of my classroom.”
“You’re the one who wanted me here.” You said in your head.
You bid your goodbyes and left with a hurry.
Your coach was gonna kill you.
Over. It was finally over. Your coach did in fact kill you. Not literally of course, but for being late he made you do 23 suicides up and down the field. He didn’t even take his eye off of you, so that meant you had no breaks to catch.
Every single muscle in your body was aching as you walked back to your dorm. You were next door neighbors with a man you just found out was named Danny. He was nice, gave you short smiles as you both woke up at unusually the same in the morning, but as you saw him as you were walking up the steps all you could give him was a nod. Man you were beat.
With your bag over your shoulder and keys in your right hand you finally made it up to your dorm floor. Picking up your pace you weren’t really checking your surroundings as somebody rammed into your chest. It didn’t knock you down, but it sure did them.
“Shit, you okay?” You asked looking down at the person you knocked over. You took in their features as you grabbed their hand.
It was Tara Carpenter. You’d unluckily bumped into her.
“Mhm, yeah i’m fine.” She said as she dusted herself off. As she was doing that she took the time to look at you. Her face softened as she realized who you were.
“Oh, Y/N! I didn’t know you stayed here! I’m sorry for bumping into you. Wasn’t paying attention.”
“Yeah, clearly.” You said, it came off kinda harsh. You didn’t mean for it to though, you’ve just got a lot going on at the moment.
Tara looked down in embarrassment, you caught on immediately feeling bad.
“I’m sorry.” You started, “Just had a long day today, with practice and everything and - oh!” You froze. “I just remembered. You’re supposed to be tutoring me tomorrow for English, right?”
“Yeah, I am! I don’t know what time though..”
“I have a break after Math, and that’s at... 11:30- ish..? You think we could go to the library? Kick it out there?” You asked.
“Sound’s great! Sorry for bumping into you again.” She smiled sheepishly.
Fuck, that smile.
“It’s okay, Tara. See you tomorrow?”
“I’ll see you.” 
And you both walked off. As soon as both of your backs turned, you both walked off with a smile.
                                    It’s my first time writing a series, and quite frankly, I don’t find myself to be too much of a writer, but I’ve been thinking so much about Tara that I just had to make a series of my own! let me know what you think!
- aur
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starcrossedxwriter · 4 months
Wicked Fantasies Part 9 (MBJxOC)
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A/N: I hate how small the gif is... and this is wayyy later than I expected. Enjoy :)
Raven savored the brief moment of serenity when she woke up, a blessed respite from the knowledge that her world was about to come crashing down. It ended as soon as she remembered she had a shift at the library, meaning she could not burrow into the softness and comfort of her own bed when everything fell apart as she hoped to. But Raven had too much practice putting on a brave face when everything in her would rather break down. 
She could not help but feel thankful when she checked her social media accounts that all was quiet… for now. Aside from a few texts and missed calls from Michael, which were all just his worried musings and checking up on her. The heaviness that settled in her soul since last night lifted at his concern and care, his promises that they would chart a path through this.
But she knew in her heart that the path could not include her. She emotionally prepared herself, as she went through the mundane activities of her morning, that he would break up with her when she went to his house later. There seemed to be no other logical choice or option. How could a man of his stature, at the height of his career, be associated with the likes of her? She was nothing more than a washed up, blacklisted author turned prostitute. 
She even wondered if it would ease the hurt if she beat him to it. Would it break her heart less if she took control of her own life and ended things on his behalf? It would certainly preserve her memories of him. If their brief love story had to end, she would rather it end on a high note like they were last night. That was the last memory she wanted of them, carefree and happy. She needed that memory… she did not see many happy days ahead in her future at the moment. 
Rae: Sorry, fell asleep. I’m ok… forgot I had a shift this afternoon so gonna get ready to head to the library.
Bakari: You sure? Maybe you should call in sick? 
Rae: Too late for that. I’ll be fine. 
Bakari: Allen’ll be there at the end of your shift. 6 right? He’ll bring you to the house. 
Rae: ok. 
Raven’s morning was punctuated by her checking her phone every couple of minutes as if she was waiting for a bomb to go off. And in some ways, she was. She felt utterly useless at work, distracted by her phone and her own all-consuming self pity. She found the usual mask of happiness she used to force herself to wear to be difficult to maintain today. Even when several of her kids came in after school to do their homework, she could not bring herself to interact with them beyond a brief hello. Anything more made her want to break down in tears. She had not even considered that they would read all about her on social media at some point. She would never know most of the world to care what they thought about her but these kids saw her as a role model. It was another blow to her already abysmal confidence and self worth to wonder what they, their parents, and her colleagues would think of her. 
The mere thought caused her eyes to well up with tears.
“Ok Rae… can’t cry at work,” she muttered to herself as she hastily wiped away her tears. “Enough of this.” She grabbed her phone and put it on DND and stuffed it in her purse. Her obsession would not will the article to come out any faster so there was no sense in checking every second.
She forced herself to focus on her work, offering to do every menial but distracting task she could to occupy her brain. And it worked for a few hours… until it didn’t. 
“Hey Raven,” one of her colleagues, Melody, rushed over to her while she returned a cart of books to their respective shelves. 
“Hey, what’s up?” she asked as she stretched to put a book on a higher shelf. 
“Have you seen this??” Melody handed Raven her phone once she turned and directed her full attention to her.
Raven’s hand braced herself on one of the wooden shelves as she read the headline of the article. 
Exclusive: Source reveals Actor Michael B Jordan’s long history with prostitutes including his girlfriend
Raven did not even read the full article, merely skimming the first two paragraphs and one of the several featured pictures of them. As soon as she reached the first mention of herself, a line calling out that she was paid to have sex with Michael by his friends and that their entire relationship was a sham, she shoved it back into Melody’s hands. 
Her breathing felt erratic and short as she angled her face and body away from Melody. She was not sure if she wanted to deny it or just admit that it was true. Now part of her wished she had stayed and talked to Michael last night, just to understand what she should even say. She did not have many friends in her life but Melody was a good work friend she had gained. She was everything Raven had always wished she was: confident, whole, and happy. But she did not know Melody well enough for her to be the person she broke down in front of. 
However, thankfully, in her silence, Melody did not even give her a chance to answer. The woman just waved her head dismissively and stuffed her phone back in the pocket of her dress. 
“You know how these tabloids are. They don’t fact check, don’t confirm shit.” Melody responded with a half smile and a shrug. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure Michael’s people will fix it, get them to post a retraction. No one who knows you is ever gonna believe this, Raven.” 
She offered her a supportive rub on the back before leaving Raven alone in the autobiographies section. She was gone for several minutes before Raven even realized she had not said a word in response. All of her limbs felt unresponsive. She did not understand how she had both been preparing for this all day and somehow still felt caught off guard. She supposed there was something to be said about preparing for something in theory and the reality of it. And even with hours to brace for it, the reality still felt like she had been hit by a train. 
She forced herself, with shaky hands, to continue her task. Her shift only had a few hours left and she refused to tuck in her tail and run. She could immediately tell who read the article and who had not just by stares and looks she received. She ignored most of them but the hardest ones were from her kids, who kept looking at her every time she passed before putting their heads back together. She forced herself to hold her head high and pretend as if nothing was wrong, despite how painful that was. She did not want to lie to anyone but she also did not care to admit that every word of the article was true. This was a lose-lose situation and she felt every ounce of it.
She was unsurprised to see missed calls and texts when she finally took her phone off DND. So many, she did not even realize that many people had her number. She did not read all of the texts but she could see that half of them were from Michael and his family checking on her. She did not have the heart to open any of them. 
The Jordans had opened their home and lives to her, treated her like family when no one else in this world had. And this was how she repaid that kindness? By ruining their son’s life and reputation. 
That’s all you know how to do, a voice rang out in her head. Ruin lives. 
The only one she opened was from Allen letting her know he was outside and waiting when she was ready. 
The last hour of her shift dragged by at a painstaking pace. No one else mentioned the article, at least not to her face. But that did not stop her from hearing the whispers or noticing the disgusted glares she received from some of the moms with their children. 
No one who knows me will believe it. Clearly that’s not true. 
She sighed as she packed up her stuff, realizing that the worst part of her day was still to come. She felt as if she was marching to the guillotine, certain death awaited her and there was no stopping it. 
She said a quiet goodnight to Melody before rushing outside. However, as soon as she stepped outside to walk around the building to the parking lot, she was accosted by paparazzi. 
She staggered backwards at the bright flashes in her face, blinding her as she tried to see through the crowd to get away from them. Every one of her senses were overwhelmed by the lights and their yelling at her, assaulting her with too many questions for her to reasonably answer even if she wanted to.
“Is the article true??” 
“How many men had paid for you before Michael?” 
“How much did he pay for you?” 
“Are you still having sex for money?” 
“Is your relationship real?” 
“Is it true you used to be a stripper??” 
“Are you and Michael done?” 
Raven put her tote bag in front of her face to hide it, now stained with tears that she could not hold in. It was as if they had stolen all the air with their presence, Raven could not even get enough breath into her lungs to beg them to let her through. Raven could feel herself being backed up toward the doors of the library again. However, she did not want to open the door and bring more spectators to this embarrassing swarm. She felt completely trapped. 
“Get back! All of you!” An authoritative woman’s voice demanded as she gripped Raven by the arm and forced her backward. Raven immediately recognized the voice as Melody’s and did not resist the tug of her hand as she pulled her back into the library’s entrance and locked the door behind them. 
Melody continued guiding Raven, as if she knew this was the only way to get her legs to move, until they reached the staff lounge in the back of the library. 
“Fucking vultures!” She immediately ranted as she forced Raven to sit down in one of the chairs, Raven’s head immediately fell into her hands as she tried to stave off a looming panic attack. She could feel it around the edges of her brain, slowly consuming all of her rational thoughts and feelings. She tried to take long slow breaths to fill her lungs again, each one as shaky as the last.  “Never seen anything like it. You ok, sis? Can’t believe they’re doing all this over a fake story.” 
“It’s not… it’s not fake. Every word is true,” she whispered. The admission was out of her mouth before Raven even had the conscious thought to stop herself. She lifted her head in shock at herself before looking at Melody whose facial expression had not changed. 
Melody let out a low whistle. “You’ve been holding out on me! You’re more interesting than I thought,” she mused as she handed Raven a bottle of water and sat down across from her. “Drink. It’s always the quiet ones though, I guess.”  
Raven’s hand paused as it brought the bottle to her lips. “That’s it?” 
“Not my place to judge you for doing what you needed to or wanted or whatever. Not to sound like a damn protest poster but sex work is work. I can tell you that whatever your reason, no one deserves all that out there or have their business plastered across the news.” 
Raven let out a soft sob at her words, not realizing just how badly she needed to hear that from someone who was not obligated to say it. She took the Kleenex Melody offered her. 
“Thanks… I needed that.” She let out a watery sigh. “Shit. I dunno what I’m g-gonna do… the things everyone is probably saying about me…” Raven muttered. “A-and when Kristen sees this, fuck… I’m gonna get fired.” 
Melody shook her head. “Hey, Kristen is annoying but she isn’t evil. People get through worse shit than having sex for money unscathed. And who cares what a bunch of incels and pick-mes say? You have your family and friends and your support system and you’ll get through this.” 
Raven let out a quiet, bitter laugh. “Yea… a support system… I just have Michael. No family, few friends. And now I’m probably gonna lose him too.” A fresh wave of tears started to fall before Raven shook her head, realizing that she was bearing her soul to a woman she was only talked to at work. “S-Sorry, I shouldn’t be dumping all this on you. T-thanks for your help out there.” Raven stood and grabbed her purse and started to walk to the door when Melody stopped her. 
“Well you have Michael, a few friends… and you have me. Text, call, whatever, anytime you want to talk, ok? I mean it.” 
Raven raised an eyebrow at her in confusion. “Really? You know you don’t have to be nice to me. I’ll be ok.” 
“I know you’ll be ok. But I like you, Raven. Which means I’m in your corner. Whatever you need, call me.  Stay off social and let this shit pass. Now, call that driver of yours and tell him to meet you around the back so you can go home. I’ll take your shift tomorrow.” 
Raven stared at her for a few moments as if she was just seeing her for the first time. She  pulled out her phone and shot off a quick message to Allen before heading toward the back exit. However, before she left, she turned back to Melody. 
“Thanks. I did… do… need someone in my corner.”
“Now you’ve got one,” she grinned before waving and taking off toward the front entrance to finish closing down the library. 
Raven stared at her for a few moments before heading outside. She braced herself for an onslaught of flashing, her entire body deflating with relief as she only found Allen waiting to take her home. Well to Michael’s, which had started to feel like home to her. But for the first time, it did not feel like she was retreating to her safe space and sanctuary. It felt as if she was speeding toward the end. 
Michael could have worn a hole in his carpet with his incessant pacing around his living room as he waited for Raven to arrive. She had been uncommunicative with him since she went home last night and he hated it. Michael understood her need to process on her own but he could not change how out of control that made him feel. He wanted her there with him, not spinning out on her own. 
He did the right thing. Or at least that was what he continued to tell himself to assure him. He tossed and turned all night, reviewing the last month with a fine tooth comb and he had made the right decision. The only decision. The only thing that did not sit right in his review were his lies to Raven to get here. They sat like rocks in the pit of his stomach, heavy and nauseating. He had justified all of them by saying he was protecting Raven’s peace by hiding what happened with Tasha but he did not expect them to haunt him quite like this. He stomped the feeling down. He played the best hand he had with the shitty cards Tasha dealt him. 
He assured himself that it was all worth it when the coverage from reputable publications played out exactly as he and his team intended. Most focused on him, examining how this was yet another example of his terrible playboy image. However, social media and sites like the Shade Room focused their sexist attacks on Raven, which was maddening but not surprising. But Alex assured him, and he agreed, that this was the best they could have hoped for. 
A buzzing from his phone pulled him out of his thoughts. He hoped it was Raven, however, he narrowed his eyes when he realized it was Tasha. He needed to block her number, immediately. He answered, praying this would be the last time he ever had to hear her voice. 
“I’m at your gate. Let me in.” She immediately demanded, Michael could hear the rage vibrating off every syllable. 
“Fuck no. You lost, Tash. It’s over.” 
“Fine. Leave me out here and I’ll call Raven and tell her how you destroyed her life. Let. Me. In.” 
Michael ran his hand over his face, frustration coursing through him. He went to the alarm system on his phone and opened the gate for her, praying he had enough time to get rid of her before Raven arrived. He was playing with fire and he knew it. 
Before he let her in, he made her leave her phone and purse in her car. He refused to get caught on tape and give her more ammunition to use against him.
“How the fuck you know where I live?” 
“You think I fucked you for two years straight and didn’t learn a thing or two about you? Nigga please,” Tasha muttered as she breezed into his foyer. Michael watched as she walked deeper into the house to  his living room, anger wafting off of her being in waves. “What the fuck, Michael??” 
Michael sat down on the arm of one of his chairs and folded his arms with a smirk. “What? Sad to see your million dollar story on TMZ? Seems someone hates me more than you do and beat you to it. Blackmail ain’t shit without leverage. You lost, T. Played a good game though, had me backed into a corner.” 
She scoffed and shook her head. “‘Someone beat me to it??’ You did! You leaked this! And got me fuckin’ fired me because of it. I-I’ll tell Raven.”
“Tell her what? That we met twice in a hotel? Fine. Tell her you were extortin’ me for money? Be my fuckin’ guest. But promise you, she’ll never believe you without proof. Which I know you don’t have cause there is none. And no one in my camp would ever admit to leakin’ a story that could hurt me. And your job… well… can’t start a war and be mad when you get hit. You threatened my girl… all bets are off.” 
“How’d you even convince Helen? I’m the best girl she’s got.” 
“Because unlike you, the only thing Helen cares about is money. So when I threatened to tell every client I ever brought her that her girls were extortionists… well, she saw the business case for lettin’ you go. Good luck findin’ another gig once Helen’s through with you. She’ll make what you tried to do to Raven look like fuckin’ child’s play.” He closed the space between the two of them, standing tall before her. He dropped his voice low, every word laced with authority. “Fuck with me all you want, I’m built for it and I can take it. But don’t fuck with Raven ever again. Now get outta my fuckin’ house and outta my life.”
Tasha scoffed. “You think you’re a big nigga, huh? Congrats. But… pretty sure this ain’t gon’ go the way you think.” 
Michael folded his arms. “How you figure that?” 
“You don’t think the guilt of knowing you leaked this shit isn’t gonna eat you alive? When precious soft Raven is crying in your arms every night because the entire internet is calling her a whore and a slut and trash and every other terrible thing they can think of? When they dox her apartment and she doesn’t feel safe at home? Or her job and get her fired? You think you’ll be able to sit by and watch her lose everything knowing you’re the reason and you did it behind her back?” 
“I did it to protect her.” 
“Maybe… But you also did it to fuck with me. You burned me, true. But you also burned her and when she finds out, I don’t think she’ll be quick to forgive you. But hey, you know her better than I do. What do you think?” Her hand ran up his chest as she spoke, a smirk on her face. 
Michael felt his hand clench in a fist as her words struck a chord so deep in him that he wanted to scream. He gently removed her hand from his body. 
“I did what I had to to get you outta my life and protect Rae as best I could. Try to twist that all you want but I did what had to be done. But the reasons don’t matter. She’ll never find out.” 
Tasha took a step back, a smirk on her face as she leaned her head toward the door. “You sure about that?” 
Michael whipped around to find Raven frozen in the entryway between his kitchen and living room. 
“Well… I believe my work here is done. I’ll leave you two to it. Don’t worry, I know the way out.” 
Tasha offered them both a smug look of victory before she sauntered out the door. However, Raven did not even spare her a glance, she only had eyes for Michael. Before she knew it, she found herself standing in front of him. 
“Y-You leaked this?” Raven whispered, the shock and hurt spreading through her stripped her voice of anger or menace. Even if she had not overheard the end of their conversation, the look of guilt on his face gave her every answer she needed. 
She raised her hand to stop him. She did not want to hear anything other than the answer to her question.  “Did. You. Leak. This?” 
She took his perpetual silence for what it was: an admission of guilt. Raven felt everything inside her start to crumble. All she felt was anger, betrayal and a pain so severe she thought it could end her. And all of it was so overwhelming, she did not know if there was room in her body to feel anything else. 
“Baby! Baby, baby, baby… calm down and listen to me, please,” Michael stressed, grabbing her hand and pulling her into his chest as she tried to walk away. “I promise you, this ain’t what you think.” 
Raven wildly pushed against his hard chest, wrestling her way out of his embrace. His embrace which once felt like home and safety and care now felt tainted, painful and prickly as if his arms were covered by a million sharp needles. 
“I think my entire life is falling apart, literally. And my boyfriend, who claimed to love me, is here with another woman he used to sleep with. H-How could you?? Y-You knew I-I was coming over! D-did you want me to walk in and find you two?? Did you…” her eyes grew wide as the realization hit her and stole the very breath from her lungs. She took a tentative step back from him, which he tried to follow, but she raised her hand to stop him. “Did you… l-leak this so you could be with her?” 
Michael wished the accusation had been so absurd but he could 100% see how this situation looked and the picture was beyond ugly… it was heinous. However, the last part was so outlandish that he could not ignore it. “I didn’t do it to be with her! I did it so she couldn’t and to protect you.” 
“Protect me??”  She let out a soft gasp. “You told the entire fucking world I was a prostitute to PROTECT ME??” 
“Raven, let’s just go up to my room and talk and I can explain it.” 
“Don’t fucking touch me!”
She started to race back toward the front door, desperate to put as much space between her and Michael as possible, her mind reeling with how he betrayed her, how he destroyed her. She could not trust or believe a word he said because from her vantage point, everything he said since the night they met was a complete and utter lie. 
“Raven, I swear to you,” he called as he raced after her, ignoring the questioning looks of his parents as they emerged from upstairs to the spectacle in the foyer. “I swear on my life, I did this to protect you! Tasha was gonna leak it anyway so I beat her to it to get ahead of it. I swear!” 
“Protect me?? This is protection?? Fucking obliterating my name and life is protection?? And why should I even believe a single word that comes out of your fucking mouth?? You said you weren’t talking to Tasha anymore. You said no other woman had ever been to this house yet she seemed pretty fucking cozy! You said you didn’t care about my past and that you wanted me but that clearly isn’t true! W-what happened?” she demanded, cutting off his increasingly desperate attempts to get her to calm down enough to listen to him. “Someone on the team reminded you that a man like you can’t be associated with trash?” She asked bitterly. “That you’re too good and perfect to be sullied by someone like me? Can’t turn a whore into a housewife, right? So what? It was easier to destroy me than just break up with me? I didn’t believe I d-deserved you anyway. But you convinced me! You convinced me I was worthy of you, deserving of you. That you wanted more, that you loved me. W-was it all just a game?? Am I just a game to you? Another conquest to add to your list??” 
Michael rushed forward and grabbed her arms to pull her into his chest. She fought against his grasp but he was too strong for her. She refused to look at him, if she did, the tears she was holding back would rush forward. She would have to acknowledge the depths of the hurt she felt and right now, the only safe thing she could feel was anger. 
“You have to believe me, Rae. Baby girl. I love you. I’m in love with you. You have to know that, you have to believe that!” 
“I believed you when you said I was enough, I believed you when you said you loved me. T-those were clearly lies. B-Because this,” she shook her head as her voice broke slightly. “T-this isn’t love. Cheating on me… lying to me. Going behind my back, making decisions that affect my life without t-telling me… M-Maybe too many books have rotted my brain and I n-never knew what love o-or protection a-and care were. Because if this is it? Then I don’t want it. From you or anyone else ever again.” 
His grip slacked as her words felt like a sucker punch to his entire being, allowing her to break.
“Wanted me out of your life? Then congrats.” Her march toward his front door was far more measured than she felt. Inside, she was melting down but she refused to break the little composure she had. She paused for a moment as she opened his door, her weight bearing down on the heavy brass handle. “You know… I was coming over here to offer to end things. T-to walk away if that was what you needed, if that would h-help m-make this easier for you. I-If you had just told me…” She hated how her voice broke and a few tears escaped their barricades. She was broken but she refused to let him or any of them see her shatter. “I-It would’ve killed me but I would’ve done it. Because that’s how much I loved you. But you… you don’t love me. You’re like everyone else in my life, lying and using me to get what you want and then t-throwing me aside like garbage w-when you’re done. A-and maybe y’all are right? M-Maybe that’s all I d-deserve.” She sniffled a bit before wiping her cheeks. “Y-You convinced me to jump with you. A-and I did because I thought… I thought you were d-different. But I should’ve known. I’ll never make that mistake again. Bye Michael.” 
Raven slammed the door behind her, her body pausing to lean against the railing that framed his front steps. Her physical body felt on the verge of collapse. Is this what heartbreak felt like? Because she felt as if she could physically die from this hurt, this ache that was so deep it felt like it was siphoning away the strength of her very bones. So much pain that she just wanted to collapse to the ground and never get up again.
“Ms. Turner?” 
She glanced up through her blurry eyes to find Allen standing in front of her, the older man’s face painted in concern. 
“Let’s get you home.” He gestured toward the car that drove her there. 
“I j-just broke up with your boss. Don’t think he.. he’ll want you to drive me.” 
“I know Mr. Jordan, he will want to make sure you get home safely. And if he gets upset then he isn’t the type of man I’d want to work for. Come on, you shouldn’t Uber or wander around in this state.” 
She allowed the older man to lead her to the car. She refused to look back at Michael’s house or mourn anything she left behind there. None of it had been real anyway. He could keep all of it along with the pieces of her heart he took. She did not want that anymore either. 
Raven ignored the incessant buzzing of her phone the entire ride, she did not look at her texts or missed calls. She knew who all of them were from. She had the right mind to delete and block his number but she was not strong enough for that, not yet anyway. 
She spent the entire ride reviewing their relationship, the last few months on replay over and over again. How could she have let herself fall into this trap? Tasha had warned her… there was no warmth or kindness to be found with him. But she let him play her like a fucking fiddle, spinning some tale of a misunderstood, heartbroken good guy. And she had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. She was too gullible, too trusting, too willing to give people opportunities even when they had done nothing to deserve them. She had thought Michael was different, that he would be on her short list of people that showed up and cared for her. 
But no, instead he was like most of the people she had come across in her life. Only somehow it was worse because he had lulled her into a false sense of security before unveiling the worst he had to offer. Even to the bitter end, he claimed to love her and that he wanted to protect her. From her vantage point, the only thing she needed protection from was him and her own foolish, idiotic heart. 
By the time Allen reached her block, her body was vibrating as she tried her best to hold in her sobs. It did not help that a horde of paparazzi were camped outside her building, circling like vultures to inspect the wreckage that was her life since he turned her into a joke and spectacle. She did not even understand how they discovered where she lived. 
He probably told them, a voice in her head supplied. 
“Is there a back entrance or side entrance?” Allen glanced back at her, pulling off to the side before driving to her front door. 
“U-Um yea, t-there’s a back entrance….” 
“Ok, I’m gonna pull around there so you can avoid all this.” 
“T-Thank you.” Her voice shook as she tried to control her breathing. It would just be a few more minutes and then she could fall apart. 
She had not even realized the car stopped until Allen walked around and opened her car door for her. He helped her out, her entire body shaking so much her legs could barely hold up her weight. 
“Are you sure you’re going to be ok? I can walk you up?” 
She immediately shook her head. “N-No. Y-You’ve done enough. T-thank…” her voice died off in a whisper as a sob broke through. She turned her head away from him and wiped her tears, stuffing the emotions back down. “T-thank you,” she repeated in a stronger voice with a smile she and the driver knew was utterly fake. 
“Take care of yourself, Ms. Turner,” he offered solemnly. 
The avalanche was hurdling so fast toward her, she could not even open her mouth to speak. She merely turned and raced into her building, her eyes trained on the floor as she went up the elevator and to her front door. She knew her roommate was at work, thankfully, so she slipped inside and immediately went to her bedroom. 
She shed her clothes and slid on a baggy t-shirt, not even realizing that it was one of Michael’s she had stolen. She did not realize until she realized it smelled just like him as if he had just sprayed his cologne on it. Everything in her wanted to bury her face in it and be comforted by him, have him ease her soul like he always did. But then her brain reminded her that he was the cause of this agony, not the cure. 
She ripped the shirt off of her body and threw it angrily in the corner before forcing a random sweatshirt onto her nude body. She curled into bed and let out a shaky breath as her body realized she was finally alone. And then she felt the entire dam burst and every emotion came rushing out of her in sobs that were painful to feel. But she could not stop them, could not slow them down, and could not see a way out of the black hole of despair they pulled her into. 
Michael had broken her. No, he destroyed her. And there was no hope of putting her back together again. 
“So ‘I told you so’ would be totally outta line here, huh?” Alex asked as she laid back on the couch in Michael’s office, her heels thrown lazily on the floor.. 
“Fuck yea, Alex,” he growled, his anger getting the better of him. 
She raised her hands in surrender. “Understood. Will keep that to myself then. Listen, I know women… give her some time. She’ll come around.” 
Michael eyed her, part of him wanting desperately to believe her but he could hear the uncertainty in her voice. She was trying to placate and assure him but it would not work. Of all the fuck ups that marred his relationships and adult life, this was hands down the worst one. 
He did not need or want a lecture from Alex when he had just sat through a two-hour scolding from his entire family. His mother and sister ripped him a new one when he finally admitted to them the truth about he and Raven and what he had done. They all but told him that he would be lucky if Raven ever spoke to him again, let alone tried to forgive him after lying to her for over a month. 
He tried to explain his reasoning but they made it clear that the reasoning did not matter one bit. All Raven knew was that he lied and he broke her trust. His intentions were pointless when the impact was so severe. 
He tried calling Raven again. He was thankful Allen, at least, assured him she made it into her building safelt. But Allen did not have any other insights to offer him and Michael wondered if the older man would even share them if he had. Michael could hear the disappointment in every word as they spoke on the phone. 
It was almost midnight and he had to hear her voice. Her voicemail message was the best he could get but he would keep calling until she answered him.
“Ok well stop callin’ her like that. It’s giving stalker. No girl wants that.” 
“She left her thinkin’ I did all this to be with Tasha. I can’t let her believe that. I need her to talk to me.” 
Alex grabbed his phone and ripped it out of his hand as he went to call her again. “I can assure you… this ain’t the way. You aren’t gonna harass her enough into talking to you. She doesn’t… ok,” she sighed. “I know you aren’t gonna want to hear this but it’s time for some tough love. You fucked up, Michael. I tried to warn you and you didn’t listen because you’re an Alpha male who thinks he knows best when you really don’t. Being in one semi-successful relationship for a few months didn’t make you an expert. You fucked up and you hurt her. And now, for once, you have to wait for her. Maybe she’ll call you and want to talk tomorrow. Maybe in a month. Maybe… honestly, never. And that would be her right. You kept secrets, you lied, and you went behind her back and threw a grenade that blew up her life.” 
“But Tasha -” he started to defend himself when Alex cut him off. 
“What we did was the smart move, the only move. But you should have told her. Defend yourself all you want, blame Tasha all you want but I fuckin’ know you, Mike. This isn’t all on you but it isn’t all on Tasha either.You didn’t tell her to protect her but you also did it to protect how she sees you. ” 
Michael bowed his head and shame, hating how Alex always saw straight through him. 
“Exactly. That was selfish and your mom is right, you need to own your shit.” 
“How can I own my shit when she won’t speak to me??” Michael groaned. 
Alex picked up her glass of scotch and shrugged. “Well I don’t know. Honestly. If I did, I’d tell you. But calling her over and over again until she picks up won’t help. It’ll just get you blocked.” Alex downed her glass and grabbed her purse. “Send her one last text and get some sleep, Michael. You look like shit. Take some time, stay outta the public eye for a few days and reflect. Call me in a couple days and we’ll talk. But you’re useless to me, Raven, and yourself like this.” 
“I hear you.” 
“Put the phone down. I’m serious, Mike.” 
He nodded. Alex walked over to him and pulled him into a tight hug. It took a moment for Michael to reciprocate as the gesture was so far out of the norm of everything he knew from his manager. 
“Don’t get used to it, seemed like you just needed it.” 
Michael nodded before he took a step back. “Yea I did…” 
Alex started to walk toward the door of his office when she paused and turned back to him. “You’re a good guy, Michael. And I’m not just saying that. You’re a good person. You just made a bad decision. And usually, I can come behind you and we can fix them with an interview and that movie star smile. But… Raven… this one may not be fixable. And in addition to owning your shit, you need to find a way to accept that possibility too.”  
“I don’t know if I can ever be ok with that, Alex. I love her. I can’t live without h-her.” His voice broke slightly as he glanced down at his hands. 
Alex offered him a sad smile. “I know you do… and sometimes that isn’t gonna be enough. Night.”
When Raven woke up again, after crying herself to sleep, it was 3 am. She had cried and subsequently slept straight through the evening, had not eaten or drank anything. And it only took being awake for five minutes for everything to come rushing back. The ache in her chest had not lessened in that time, if anything it had just become more painful as her brain obsessed over every detail. 
She groped in the darkness for her cell phone, which she had put back on DND. Her notifications were in shambles but once again, she realized 90% of them were from the same man. She never thought there would be a day when she was angry to see his name on her phone. But it seemed he called or texted her every five minutes or so since she left his house.
A small voice in her head contemplated hearing him out. After all, if he truly wanted to be with Tasha, why was he blowing up her phone like a stalker to get her to speak with him. That had to mean something, right? 
Her thumb hovered over her message app, trying to decide if she wanted to open them and read them. However, as she opened the app, she got distracted by a notification from Instagram.
She had forced herself to stay off social media but she could not stop herself from clicking it. And she immediately wished she had not. Her DMs were certainly a complete deviation from when she and Michael first started dating. She only opened the first handful of messages from strangers before she put her account on private and turned off her comments. That was something she should have done yesterday, she realized, but she was not used to being the source of such public vitriol. 
The things people said to her caused a fresh wave of tears to flow. Women in her comments and DMs called her everything under the sun aside from a child of God and the men… well, their comments were disgusting enough to cause nausea to churn in her belly. Did they not realize they were saying all of this to a real person? Instead, they spoke of her as if she was nothing.. 
But what did she expect from perfect strangers when her own boyfriend treated her like that?  She started to delete every DM until she got to a set from last night that were from handles she knew. Her sister’s friends. 
She had not even thought to check to see if her sister or father reached out. She knew if they did, it certainly would not be to check on her and the comments of her sister’s cohort of idiotic friends made that clear. She did not quite understand why women deep in their 30s were spending their days harassing another woman but Kiara ran her friends like a master puppeteer. . 
She did not bother opening those either, she simply sent them straight to the trash. She tossed her phone to the side before pulling her knees into her chest to cry again. However, before she could spiral back into that sea of despair, she picked up her phone and opened Michael’s texts. She forced herself to not scroll up, though she did read the last couple. 
Bakari: Please talk to me. 
Rae. At least let me know you’re ok. 
Let me explain what happened.
Raven rolled her eyes. Every disgusting thing she just read was his fault. Hell would freeze over before she listened to a word had to say. . 
Rae; Stop texting and calling me and delete my number. I never want to hear from you again. 
Three typing bubbles immediately popped up before she could close the app and be done with him forever. 
Bakari: I know I hurt you and I shouldn’t have lied but let me explain, Rae. Please. 
Rae: I’m not interested in anything you have to say. I’m done. We’re done. 
She quickly went into her contacts and blocked his number before tossing her phone back down on her bed. She thought doing so would ease some of the hurt she felt, after all he was the source of it. But it didn’t. In fact, it just made her heart feel more hollow. He was truly gone and she was completely and utterly alone. She had spent most of her life alone, she was used to it. She did not know why it hurt so much this time around.
The only thing she knew for certain as she curled back into her bed was that she wished she had never met Michael B Jordan. The man who she believed was the personification of her wildest fantasies turned out to be the cause of her worst nightmare.
Tag List: @readinghere2023 @blackerthings @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @physicxal @purplehairgawdess @miyuhpapayuh @rueruesclues @geemamii @certifiedlesbianbaddie @pipsqueak-98 @nyifly22 @destinio1 @twocentaur @gopaperless @musicisme333 @roguekiki @majesticbrownjawn @taurusqueen83 @mysteryuz @miamormilan @itsknor-thedeep @naj-ay444 @mads-grace4 @nayaesworld @kholdkill @msniaimani @nccu-rnc @apenasumlug4r
A/N: *runs away* *whispers* Let me know what you thought & thanks for reading. Happy Valentine's Day!
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elsfavor1te · 1 year
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this one resonates so closely with me cause those last few weeks of school were so stressful and i could not take it man. sooo, here’s this!! be kind or be quiet, hope you enjoy.
cw: overstimulated!reader x ellie williams. college!au. reader is feminine. no lowercase intended. hurt/comfort. i really dk anything else.
You were exhausted. In every way you could feel the word, you were. Since your class ended 3 hours ago you had been trying (and failing) to study for the final exam you had coming up in one of your classes.
But it seemed that everywhere you went, noise followed. You tried to study at your dorm but your dorm mate seemed to forget to tell you that she was having a group of friends over. Now you’re not the type to be bitchy about having people over, quite frankly you didn’t care as long as none of your shit was bothered and/or broken.
Today was different though, everything had been going wrong from the start. You woke up late for your first class, for starters.
After that it was all downhill.
For some reason in your rush to get ready, your hair just would not act accordingly. No matter how much you brushed it, sprayed it or ran your fingers through it, it still looked as if you had just rolled out of bed and didn’t spare it a second glance.
Then, as you were leaving the dorm you tripped over your shoelace, leaving some nasty carpet burn on the palms of your hands from trying to break your fall. You wanted to end the day right there. You wanted to turn around and go back into your dorm and lie down right then, but you didn’t.
Once your class ended the plan was to go back to your dorm to study. But alas, roommate.. inviting friends over… yeah. It was too loud. Couldn’t study there. Next you tried the spot your girlfriend, Ellie, had introduced you to. A tree in a clearing behind the art building, but boom. A rambunctious group of freshman had found it and were.. having fun there. Annoyingly enough.
Library was under construction so you couldn’t go there. So here you are, in the small coffee shop near the edge of campus. At first glance this would be a perfect place to study, but your ears was picking up on everything. The annoying whir of the air conditioning, the smacking of the barista’s gum, the way your hair felt on the back of your neck.
Everything was wrong. Today was wrong. A quick glance at the time tells you just what you want to know. It’s a little after 5 meaning Ellie should be at her dorm now. She’ll know what to do. She’ll help you figure out why the fact that you can feel the seam of the socks rubbing against your pinky toe is bothering you so much, why the sound of people merely existing was bothering you so much.
Without thinking too much you shoved all of your study materials into your backpack and left.
By the time you got to Ellie’s dorm your eyes were burning with unshed tears and your hands were fiercely rubbing against your denim clad thighs as to ground yourself.
You knocked 3 times. When the door opened around 5 seconds later and your auburn-haired girl came into view it took everything in you to not immediately fall into her embrace.
“Hey baby! I was literally just about to text you.” Her laugh falls flat once she notices your tense frame and the restlessness of your hands, which you were now shaking out at your sides.
“T-Today sucks.” You breathe out shakily, finally letting the tears brewing in your eyes carve their paths into your cheeks.
You’d tried to push it down like usual. You attempted taking deep breaths and counting backwards from ten, but it was no use.
One tear turned into two and two turned into sobs that had the other people on her floor tempted to come out and see what was going on.
“I-I fell and I have carpet burn on- on my hands.” You flip your hands palm up to show Ellie as she tries her best to gently usher you into her dorm.
“And t-the barista wouldn’t stop chewing her gum- smacking. She was smacking, and it was so loud Els. So loud and obnoxious— and I just wanted to study.”
Your hands clenched into fists as you recalled the events. All of the events from this week has sent your brain into overdrive. The end of the year is always a stressful time for you which more often than not, leads to breakdowns.
“Okay baby, I hear you. How about I help you study, hm?”
Ellie’s thumbs brushed your cheeks softly in a back and forth motion. With each pass of her fingers, Since the day you met her, she’s been your anchor. Her serene energy is what you would say brought you to her.
To others she may be seen as talkative, fidgety, maybe even restless. But they didn’t see your Ellie. They don’t see how pretty she looks in the mornings when she opens her eyes. None of them will ever experience the comfort you feel when you’re resting in her arms.
Speaking of resting in her arms, you have no clue how you got there but your head laid on her tummy. Your head subtly rose and fell with each of her breaths.
Ellie’s fingers were tangled in your hair, fingernails gently scratching your scalp. The quiet whir of the fan was nothing like the AC unit at the coffee shop. In fact— everything about her place was different. For the first time all day, you felt at peace.
“You wanna talk babe? That was some serious overstimulation.”
A breathy giggle escaped your lips as you wrap your arms around her torso. “I dunno, my day just- started badly. Nothing was going the way it was supposed to.”
“Mmm. I get it, you okay now?” Ellie’s pointer finger found your chin, bringing your eyes to her own.
“Yeah, m’okay. You make everything better, Els.” A wide grin spread across your face when she blushed red. “Oh and before I forget, some freshmen found our spot behind the art building.”
“Oh come on!”
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helionpegasus · 1 year
ceilings part 5
Azriel x Reader
summary: Reader always had vivid dreams due her Seer heritage. But things take a twist in her life when she wake up in a world that is not hers and the loving male that were always in her dreams shows to be very different from what she known him to be.
warning: none. but let me know if you find anything :)
words count: 1979
author's note: we're baaaack! now things will start happening more quickly and i'll try not making it too slowburn haha. i'll also include my personal theories in the story. anyway, hope you like it ❤️‍🩹
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A whole month had passed.
The dream with little Azriel never happened again, and you didn’t know if this was good or bad. Because it wasn’t the only one to disappear, all the other dreams you used to have did.
All that surrounded your mind was what could that possibly mean. You came to Velaris because of those dreams, so it’s logical that you must need them to go back. So the possibility of not dreaming ever was starting to get the best of you.
The Shadowsinger being so wary of your being was not helpful at all. Once you talked about it with Nesta and she only said that “He’s like this. It’s nothing personal.”, but it feels extremely personal to you.
How he would stop talking about something once you enter the room, or send a bunch of his shadow to follow you through the House of Wind, and even look at you in a weird way during dinner.
Today you woke up to the rain pouring outside, the thunder humming low. When you enter the dining room to have breakfast, you find Nesta there, with a cup of tea in hand and a book in the other.
“No training today?” You ask sitting across from her and already putting a piece of strawberry pie that you found to be your favorite thing in this world.
“Headache. I’ll take the day off, since dealing with Cas and Az the whole day would only make it worse.” She said, taking a little laugh from you. You can’t even imagine what it was like to work with both of them.
“Well, today seems like a good day to relax. I don’t think the rain is gonna pass too soon.” You took the last bite from the pie.
“You’re right.” Nesta sighs. “I’m gonna give myself the privilege I didn’t have for so long: Spend the whole day in bed.”
“You deserve it!”
“Thank you! See you at dinner.” She took the last sip from her tea and exited the room going directly to the main hallway.
Unlike Nesta, you weren’t feeling so useful lately. So you think the best decision was to take your cup of tea to the library and continue your search, which you started last week but ended up in nowhere.
The floor you use to study wasn't much visited, you assumed the first time you went there. Even after having your presence for a whole week handling books and discovering shelves, all of them still have a layer of dust. And maybe the people who live here simply didn’t hold a curiosity in learning Prythian history, you thought that it would be a better option than the fact that this floor was so close to the darkness under it.
After hours of hard searching, because you are dealing with history and most of the books were written in the oldest language, your mind gets tired of it. Your tea was no longer hot and your eyes hurt from reading.
When your mind starts questioning if it was lunch time already you felt the presence. His presence. You could ignore how much it makes you uncomfortable, like you have been doing for all this time. But, today you were tired of it.
“You know I can feel when you are spying on me, right?” You say closing a book. Your back is still fronting him. “I’m just saying that, in case you didn't know, I think it would be good the information that I knew you were there all those times.” Then you finally turn to face him.
Azriel tried to not show the shock in his eyes, since this was the first time something like this was ever happening. He decides to stay silent, trying to form a sentence that wouldn’t make him sound like a stubborn child.
“Look, I don’t know what you have against me. But I already said a bunch of times that I’m willing to answer any question you have and I also said that Rhysand or Feyre can look in my mind if they want to.” You said looking into his eyes, hoping that he could see the truth in them.
You never stop being surprised with how his eyes could be so different looking at the same person. You.
“I don’t trust you.” He simply said.
Those words cut deep that you wanted to. With his low voice echoing in your head.
“Well…” You start, still gathering the right words to say and not betray how hurt you felt. “If I could help to change that, you certainly know where to find me.” You gave him a small smile that did not reach your eyes, and left the library not in the mood to continue your research anymore.
Azriel went straight to the River House after the quick conversation. Calling Rhys through his mind to an emergency meeting.
“You should look through her mind.” Azriel said when they entered the High Lord’s office.
“We already had this conversation a million times, Az.” Rhys says massaging his nose bridge. “She never was suspicious and never made any harm to any of us or the court.”
“For Mother’s sake, Azriel.” Rhys rolls his eyes.
“I’m just saying that I think we should treat her like any stranger that enters the court out of nowhere.” Azriel said firmly with his opinion. “We gave her a roof the first day she came here. We don’t know anything about her, and I think this decision can put us in danger.”
“I wouldn’t make a decision to put any life in this court in danger, Azriel.” Rhysand's look was not friendly anymore. “And I don’t know what is happening with you lately. This is not the first time I say that you are having weird behavior.”
The Shadowsinger still remembers every word they shared in this same office in the first week you spent here.
“I’m just worried.” Az's voice was calmer this time. “I have noticed some things about her that I found strange.”
“And what would it be?”
“She can sense me around while I’m still hiding in the shadows.”
“She always had a weird connection with your shadows, we’re all working with that and she included.”
“Right. But I noticed that during her first nights, she disappeared.” 
“What do you mean?”
“When she went to sleep, she just disappeared for a few hours and then came back still sleeping. She did this for two or three nights and never did it again.”
Rhys was processing the information Azriel just said, his mind working on how she was capable of doing that on the House of Wind, a place that you could not winnow in or out.
“I can ask if she gives me the permission to look into her mind.” The High Lord says. “But if she doesn't, I will not force her to do so.” 
Azriel let out a sigh of relief, only nodding at his friend before leaving the office.
You weren’t expecting a reunion today. So when Nesta knocked on your door saying that everyone would meet in the living room, you needed to take time to fix yourself.
Everyone was already there when you arrived, and Feyre invited you to sit by her side.
“You must be wondering why we decided to do this unplanned meeting.” Rhysand says and you only nodded in confirmation. “We all want to help you to find answers and we need answers as well…”
“You want to look into my mind.” You finish his sentence.
You couldn’t keep your eyes from looking at Azriel for half a second. Remembering the convo early this morning.
“I’m only doing this with your permission and firstly, if you are comfortable with it.”
“You can look at it.” You look into his eyes, transmitting all the confidence you could gather.
Rhys took the spot in the chair in front of you. The first thing he did once he entered your mind was make himself present. He could be sneaky if he wanted to, you knew that from other experiences with Ruhn even if he only entered to communicate.
“I’ll show you everything and some things may need an answer. But I would prefer to answer all questions you may have privately.”
“You have my word.”
And you showed him everything.
The first of your dreams, the work you have been doing with your friends in Crescent City, your life with them and the University. Till what happened the day you came to their world, the fight with the strange creature and your last dream.
“The creature that attacked you was a kelpie.” Rhys said once he left your mind with all the information he needed.
The atmosphere of the room that was thick with expectation suddenly turns into shock and worry.
“A kelpie? In my world they look very different.” You say mostly to yourself.
“What do they look like?” Nesta asks to you.
“They are species that belong to the House of Many Waters. They are shapeshifters that appear mostly as a black horse and sometimes in a human form.”
“If those things were supposed to look like humans they are in the wrong shape.” Nesta says remembering her own fight with the creatures. That got a fit of laughter from everyone in the room.
“Thank you for showing me, (Y/N). Now that we have more details, maybe we can help you more.” Rhys said, offering you a soft smile.
“Since everyone is here, we should all take dinner together.” Cassian says and we all agreed.
“I will take Nyx and be back.” Feyre says going to the balcony with wings already appearing in her back.
“We can talk now if you want to.”  The High Lord offers and you give him a nod.
He leads you to the private library of the house. Much smaller than the one the priestesses work, but as beautiful.
You both sit on a couch near a window. You loved every view of this place, because Velaris was beautiful in every angle and every weather.
“I put a sound barrier and a shadow barrier, so we can talk freely.”
“What do you want to know?” You ask the male in front of you.
“You only dream with Azriel specifically, do you have any idea why?”
“No. I’ve been waiting for this answer and a bunch of other ones for a long time too, but the only one answer was learning his name when I arrived.”
“I’ve dreamed with Feyre before we met each other too…” He says with an expecting look that makes your cheeks warm.
“You think we are mates?” Rhys only smiles. “Well I bet that your dreams with Feyre were not like those, and I am certain that she wasn’t from another world.”
“Well, you’re right. But that can still be a possibility.” He took an invisible dust from his pants. “Warn me if those dreams return, we see what we can do to help.”
“I’ll let you know.” 
“Also, Azriel commented to me that you disappear while sleeping. Do you have any explanation for that? Because people weren’t supposed to be able to winnow from here.”
You gave him a questioning look. A million questions going through your mind.
“Disappear? I don’t have the power to winnow.”
“He said that it happened on your initial nights.”  Rhys was also confused. “You don’t remember exiting in the middle of the night?”
“No. Those nights I only dreamed.”
Then Rhysand started to connect all the points. He also didn’t see you in any other place besides your dreams, so you disappearing did not make sense. And he would know if you manipulated any of the memories.
The fact was that there were only dreams. Vivid dreams.
“I think that your dreams are where you disappeared to.”
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taglist (overlined users i couldn't tag): @humanpersonlasttimeichecked @valeridarkness @his-sweet-nightmare @leeknows-wife @mich0731 @kristalhi @marina568 @brekkershadowsinger @cafe-inaaa @lovierhys @kenmaisacinnamonroll @alt-ghost @marigold-morelli @thelightnddarkness @amysangel @thecraziestcrayon @fall-myriad @a-court-of-milkandhoney @hungryforbatboys @elizarikaallen @allison-rosewood-maximoff​ @gamarancianne @weirdo-fun @tsumsamu @myheartfollower @acourtofmarvels @sunshine-and-midnight-rain @act1839 @reareaikea
if you asked for being tagged but it didn't happened, please gentle remind me :)
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hanluex · 2 years
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footballer!jason x fem!reader | wc : 0.9k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, mild cursing, college au, petnames, best friends to lovers, mentions of drinking, mentions of feeling/being sick | request : can we have more of football jason? i really think it’s a cute concept!
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“dude, where is y/n? she’s never late for class.”
gar wondered, glancing between the door and the clock, getting jason’s attention with his words.
before the brunet could question, rachel took her seat next to the green-haired male, answering the questions she knew the two males had by just looking at them.
“y/n has a terrible hangover after the party yesterday. she was sick from the moment she woke up. i offered to stay and take care of her, but she told me she was fine,” she explained, taking out her books and placing it on the table.
jason furrowed his brows, trying to connect the dots. you didn’t enjoy drinking. why would you drink to the point of getting sick? he tried to guess, causing gar to answer, having a faint idea of what the elder was thinking.
“you know how y/n is.” he shrugged. “if everyone around her is drinking, she drinks out of formality. and since it was the end-of-semester party yesterday, everyone went wild.”
the brunet sighed, shaking his head to himself. classic you, giving into peer pressure. he cursed his luck, having opted to go for football practice instead of attending the party. maybe i could’ve stopped you from drinking, he thought.
“are you sneaking out after attendance today, too?” rachel inquired, directing the question at jason, which got a scoff from the green-haired male beside her.
“of course he’s skipping. when does he ever sit through a class?” gar quipped, sitting straight as their professor walked in.
it was a known fact that jason todd barely sat through lectures, only staying until they took their attendance before sneaking out the back.
and even if he sat through a class, it was rare for him to take down at least one word their professors were saying.
jason sat there, mind elsewhere, as he zoned out until the class ended.
today was different, though. you, the overly studious student he kept annoying during the entire lecture, weren’t there.
part of him wanted to stick to his schedule and sneak out to check on you, but part of him knew you’d want him to stay in class.
you hate taking gar’s notes because it’s all over the place, and you also hate taking rachel’s notes because her handwriting gives you a headache. jason sighed, considering the choices he had. yep, there’s only one thing to do.
reaching inside his bag, the cocky all-star football player of gotham university made a lot of heads turn when he took out a book before fishing for a pen and placing it on his table.
rachel’s mouth fell open at the sight, surprised while gar smiled knowingly, having an idea why the jason todd was not skipping and taking notes for the first time in class.
“i knew y/n had jason wrapped around her finger. dick owes me twenty bucks.”
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jason todd walked into the dorm you shared with rachel (who was currently at the library), quietly taking his steps since he knew you’d be asleep.
he couldn’t help but smile at the change of roles, since it was always you who tended to him when he was sick after getting wasted.
the friendship you and jason had was quite odd to anyone — even your closest friends.
the two of you were completely different; one quiet, the other loud, one careful, while the other was reckless.
your friendship dated way back to your middle school days, ever since the day jason lent you his jacket after you accidentally dropped water on your favorite shirt.
from that day onwards, the two of you were inseparable. with jason throwing away his dream colleges to make sure you two were in the same one.
well, now that you see it, this clearly wasn’t the usual friendships you’d read about. it was quite obvious, really. jason todd was in love with his best friend, and in typical jason fashion, he ignored his feelings because he didn’t want to lose you.
the brunet closed the blinds in the room, sitting on the bed’s corner and patting your legs to wake you. “wake up, princess. i got you food,” he called softly, moving closer and running his fingers through your hair as you stirred in your sleep.
“jace?” you muttered, squinting your eyes as you recognized his voice. “why are you here?” you sat up, sleepily leaning against the male as he held you upright.
“rachel said you were sick. i came to check up on you.”
“jason, you didn’t–” you couldn’t get to finish the sentence, the brunet cutting you off. “i got you food. and i also took down today’s notes for you, too.” his words caused you to widen your eyes, blinking slowly as you wondered if he had just said he took down notes for you.
seeing the look of disbelief on your face, jason left you for a second. he returned with the book in hand as you looked dazed. jason took notes? impossible. your mouth hung open as you flipped through the pages of the book, recognizing the male’s neat handwriting.
“the threshold for copyright must record it as a permanent form as it is an expression…” you trailed off, completely in awe. “jason, i fucking love you. this is better than any note i’ve taken down. i could kiss you right now. this is literally the best—”
jason tilted his head, smugly smiling. “did you just say you could kiss me right now?” he inquired, causing you to raise your brows.
“seriously?” you sighed, narrowing your eyes. “only heard that from everything i said?” you couldn’t help but chuckle, unable to remain serious with him.
“that’s the only sentence that matters to me.”
“well, raincheck on that kiss, because i’m sick right now.”
the smirk never faded as jason leaned forward. “maybe a kiss could unsicken you,” he suggested, trapping you between his arms as he held himself up.
your eyes widened in shock. “i just know you didn’t just say unsicken, jason. what even–” your words fizzled as the male leant closer.
“yeah, you were saying?”
“jason, w-what are you trying to do?”
the brunet shrugged nonchalantly. “i’m trying to kiss you,” he muttered. “though this isn’t exactly how i pictured it.”
now it was your turn to be smug, even though you were a blushing mess. “so you’ve pictured kissing me, huh?” you knew you’d be eating your words later, considering jason had a no-filter motormouth.
“oh, princess, i’ve pictured more than just kissing you.”
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charmercharm3r · 2 years
Can You Blame Me
wc: 10.6k
Synopsis: It doesn’t matter how many times you tell him you’re leaving him, he’ll always be at your feet. And you know it.
warnings: smut, switch!jisung, switch!reader, sexual explicit content, cheating, unprotected sex, face sitting, ass slapping, coming untouched, good ole' rough turned soft in bed type of thing, let me know if I missed anything else!
Part 7 of my 8 part series based off the album, “It Was Good Until It Wasn’t” by Kehlani, where each member of Stray Kids will have a song dedicated to them and whatever toxic relationship I can come up with.
Jisung hates you. Always has and doesn’t think he’ll ever stop hating you.
He hates your cheerful attitude, your shiny hair that bounces and reflects the sunlight, your sweet voice that he can somehow pinpoint from across the room every. Single. Time. He hates how you never seem to have a frown on your face and how quick you are to help anyone that needs it. He hates the halo of white that never dulls no matter how many insults he throws at you, how you never get mad at him for it and never insult him back. He hates you with his entire being. But mostly, Jisung hates that all the things he despises about you is what he wishes he were. It was just a trick of luck that he’s also head over heels in love with you, not that he’ll ever verbally admit it.
Your paths seemed to cross rather often, completely unplanned. Working in the university’s library coffee shop meant you ran into loads of other students, however, Jisung had a regular routine that somehow aligned with your work schedule perfectly. He’d attend his first morning music theory class, catch the shuttle across campus to the library where he’d order his usual iced coffee, talk shit with his least favorite barista– you– then take a nap on the fourth floor until his alarm woke him from his slumber for his next lecture.
Neither you know how the banter started, you didn’t think you treated him any differently from other customers. Looking back, Jisung assumes he was having a bad day and your perkiness just rubbed him the completely wrong way and stuck with him ever since. You’d picked up on his lack of friendliness towards you rather late, not realizing some of the things he’d say under his breath and you accidentally heard was meant to bruise your ego, so you’d reply with something funnily sarcastic. Jisung would give you a strange look and walk away wondering if you were purposefully killing him with kindness or just flat out the densest person he’d ever met.
Today didn’t feel any different when the early afternoon came around and Jisung sulkily walked into the library cafe. You weren’t working the cash register this time but rather actually making the drinks and handing them off. The other barista taking his order didn’t realize he was a regular, having to actually remember his order and read it off to her made him stutter, “er– large iced– something? I think– uhm–”
“Large iced americano with an extra blonde shot,” you’d said over your shoulder to the cashier. Jisung’s eyes went wide upon hearing your voice, not realizing he was staring. “Don’t worry. I got you, you big brooding wolf.” When you shot a wink in his direction, he’d almost crumbled completely. He couldn’t find it in him to respond, hastily sticking his card into the reader to pay and shuffling into a corner to hide. 
It annoyed Jisung beyond the comprehension of words, he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear you call out his name to pick up his drink. In fact, he’d taken several minutes to even realize that it was ready. Finally coming up to get it, you were no longer there. Jisung had wanted to at least tease you for being so obsessed with him that you had his order memorized and he couldn’t even do that. He was about to leave when he noticed something scribbled on the side of the cup.
Your phone number and the dorkiest (cutest) smiley face he’d ever seen was drawn beside it. Jisung almost crushed the cup in his hand when from the corner of his eye, he caught sight of you leaving the library. With no plan, no idea what he was going to say, he ran to catch up to you. There was a sudden rush of people entering while he was trying to exit and almost lost sight of you.
You weren’t stupid. You’d known that Jisung wasn’t serious about any of the degrading and– probably– mean things he’d say. Something was telling you he did it to get a rise out of you, doing that thing that school boys did because they had a crush on a girl and didn’t know how to deal with the feelings that came with it. So you’d let it slide, let him talk down to you and hopefully make him see that no matter how often he did it, you didn’t care. Nevertheless, he was still attractive as fuck. There was no denying that Jisung was hot and he knew it, which is why it became even more fun of a game to not let him see you sweat.
The tables turned today, you caught him off guard and took advantage of that. It could’ve gone one of two ways, he’d text you or he’d run in the opposite direction.
Unfortunately, it didn’t go like either of the two. You’d left in such a hurry after seeing him read your phone number on his cup that you didn’t realize he was chasing after you. Slipping through the crowd was easy, but you weren’t prepared to be run over with a bulldozer in the process.
Jisung fought against the current trying to reach you, just as he’d caught a break and dashed your way, someone cut him off. He lost his footing and crashed into you like a freight train. You were shoved forward and landed face first into the grass, all the while Jisung’s entire body weight crushed you beneath him. He didn’t even have the grace to save his coffee, tossing it somewhere nearby as he became a human boulder. As soon as he’d realized what just happened, Jisung clambered off of you and rushed to help you up.
“Oh– oh my god– oh my– this is not how I wanted this to go–” he slurred his words together in a hurry, the adrenaline making him lift you from the grass with little to no effort and dust the dirt off your clothes.
In all honesty, you were fine. Winded, sure, but other than that, unharmed. You couldn’t help but let this dark and gloomy man dressed head to toe in black readjust your outfit and get rid of any signs that he may have just shoved you into the floor. It was rather endearing. With no words, you just stared at him with delighted eyes.
“I– I’m sorry– seriously, I’ll pay for your laundry. Do you live on campus? I’ll wash them for you. Are you okay? Did I hurt you too badly? Shit, I’m sor–”
He rambled, pulling a loose leaf from your hair when you finally grabbed his forearms to make him stop. “I’m okay,” you smiled nicely. Jisung took a moment to reboot, short circuiting under your gaze before tugging away from your grasp.
“Yeah, well– serves you right. Getting in my way like that,” he cleared his throat and dusted off his own pants. Rolling your eyes, you reached down to pick up the now empty coffee cup and shove it into his chest, walking in the direction you were originally going.
For the second— third, fourth(?)— time that day, Jisung stuttered. He’d blinked away his confusion and followed. You weren’t walking very fast, nor looking back to see if he’d come after you, but he still felt his face growing hot at the idea of having a normal conversation outside of the cafe. So he walked next to you in silence, looking down at you occasionally and catching a few milliseconds of you looking back before his shyness got the best of him and turned away. Without thinking of anything but your presence beside him, he’d tossed the empty cup into a trashcan in passing, finally mustering enough courage to speak. “I’m not brooding.”
“No, brooding is too nice,” you tilted your head up at him, a sly smirk curling the corners of your lips. The sun made your lipgloss glint, looking just that much plumper. How had he never realized how much you blush? The prettiest dusty pink tinted the tops of your cheeks and glowed under the natural light.
“I can be sweet,” was all he could come up with.
“Really?” Stopping dead in your tracks, you raised an eyebrow.
Something had shifted in him, you could see it in the way he couldn’t look anywhere but between your eyes and lips, flittering and quick. He was no longer giving you the cold shoulder, but rather leaning in every time you spoke. But for some reason, this just made you want to tease him more. “What, no snarky come back? Not gonna make me pay for your spilled drink?”
Hundreds of scenarios played out in Jisung’s mind. He hated how even when you were taunting him, you said it in such a polite manner. He wanted to (gently) strangle you, call you stupid for assuming that he’d automatically be a jerk. But he also wanted to kiss you and call you (lovingly) dumb for thinking he’d ever truly mean the rude things he says. “Actually, I want to show you something. Are you free later tonight?”
His invitation took you just as aback as you had to him earlier at the cafe. Jisung smiled triumphantly at your sudden loss for words. Swallowing the lump in your throat and tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you said, “yeah. You have my number,” and began to walk away.
You had to hold yourself back from jumping in the air with joy, while Jisung was scratching the back of his head with a stupid smile on his lips. You were rounding the corner out of sight when he looked down at his hands and found them empty. “Shit.” 
Out of sight. He ran after you again and all but slid around the corner of the building.
“Dumbass.” A sharpie twirled between your fingers as you leaned against the brick wall, waiting for him to realize the same thing you had.
Jisung was at a loss for words again, dumbfounded as you pushed off the wall and skipped back towards him. The feeling of your skin on his for the first time almost had his heart skipping a beat, taking his hand in yours as you slid the sleeve of his jean jacket up. Jisung hoped you couldn’t feel him trembling while you wrote your number on his wrist. It was the doodled heart next to the last digit that knocked the wind from his lungs. He could only watch your pretty fingers cap the marker and stride off without another word. 
You’d just reached your dorm as your phone chimed, an unknown number texting you a time, building, and room number. When you replied, all they said was, brooding and sweet can create beautiful things.
That night was the first time you’d visited him at the studio, certainly not the last. When you questioned him why you were here at 10 p.m. with almost all the lights off besides a few decorative and– hardly– tasteful LED lamps that provided ample mood lighting, Jisung fired right back at you, “you never asked me what my major was. Music production, just so you know.” It suddenly made sense why he needed all the caffeine.
Looking around the room, there wasn’t much. Where he sat, there was a desk riddled with various boards that had even more buttons on them all connected to his laptop, which was also hooked up to the TV that hung above his head. Behind that, a leather couch that looked less than comfortable minus the accent pillows that you could tell was placed there by whatever other person had the same idea as you did– this place was a man cave.
Jisung smirked at your anxious twisting of the doorknob as you stood still in the doorway. “Sit,” he gestured to the couch. Raising an eyebrow at him, you listened, shutting the heavy metal door behind you and sitting quietly. “Good,” the praise slipped from his tongue just as he turned back to his laptop. You wanted to roll your eyes, not that it’d do any good if he couldn’t see it.
“What did you want to show me?” Your voice was much softer than when you would bicker at the cafe, smoother now that there was no bustling of caffeine-deprived college students.
He stayed quiet for a second, typing and clicking away until he spun abruptly to face you. “Wanted your opinion on something. Be honest–”
“I always am.”
“What did I just say? Be honest, sweetheart,” he blinked at you slowly, assessing the way your nose scrunched in disbelief.
“Are you saying I’m a liar?”
“I’m saying, say what you actually think. Not what people want to hear.”
You bit your lip back, finding it sort of funny how quick Jisung was with his words. When the corners of your lips twitched upwards, so did his, making a triumphant smile spread across his face. He bared his pretty white teeth in a sly manner, knowing he had the upper hand. “How long have you been waiting for that one?”
“Mmm, a while.” The giggle that escaped you resulted in one from him, as well. You’d never heard him laugh, not a real one, at least. How gentle he sounded, if you weren’t so used to insult after insult, you’d have mistaken him for a ray of sunshine. It was comfortable, the silence that followed as he dragged one file from his laptop to the TV screen.
It dawned on you that you hardly knew this boy, how much could your opinion truly mean coming from someone who hadn’t the faintest idea of the inner workings of music production? Like he could smell the hesitancy dripping off you, “I need unbiased ears.” He snuck a peak back at you from over his shoulder, waiting for your approval to continue. When you nodded and sat back, Jisung repressed another smile and clicked play.
The song began with single piano notes and his voice speaking as though from over the phone, slightly muffled and sensual. “Just tell me ‘bout you,” the lyrics sang softly, then the backtrack began to pick up into something a bit more energetic but still… sad, in a way. There were no more lyrics, just the melody and rhythm that made you tilt your head. Jisung was now half facing the couch, partially out of nerves that you’d hate it and the other part because it was you judging his music. You stared up at the screen as you watched the recording fade to press-to-play position again when Jisung anxiously cracked his knuckles.
“You said you wanted honesty,” you subconsciously kicked off your shoes and brought your knees to your chest. Jisung nodded, twiddling, bouncing his knee lightly. “I liked it. I liked it a lot.”
When you didn’t continue, he urged, “that’s it? You just liked it?”
“It’s cute–”
“Cute?!” Jisung cut you off before you could keep going with your review. “Of all things, you say it’s cute? Please think about expanding your vocabulary,” he scoffed, swiveling back to face his computer.
“If you’d let me finish,” you grabbed the back of his chair and forced him to turn back to you again, “it’s cute.” The look of annoyance and disbelief littered his expression as he sighed. “It makes me feel like those coming of age movies where you see someone from across the room and just sort of…” Your words trailed off, unable to describe the sensation that you felt listening to it.
Jisung’s features softened, already feeling guilty for jumping the gun on you. Instead of repeating that, he waited and listened. “It’s like there’s a filter on it.” He almost burst into flames at the blush that rushed your cheeks again.
“I can’t really explain it,” you admitted, brushing a strand of hair back and pulling your knees closer. “Y’know– the color palette over the scene when the two love interest’s eyes lock for the first time? It’s not sparks, but just a kind of–”
“Filter.” The way he repeated the word made you stop to look at him, only to find Jisung already staring back with pupils larger than plates. You told yourself it was just the dim lighting, your mind was playing tricks on you. He wasn’t getting closer, he was just trying to read your lips as you talked.
“Y– yeah,” you choked. Jisung didn’t stop, slowly rolling in his chair to knock his knees against the edge of the couch. You could feel his body heat radiating against the small part of you that was near him, already becoming flushed in the temperature yourself. 
He hates you, he reminds himself. He hates you, you hate him. He hates you, he hates you, he hates you. 
So why can he smell your perfume and feel your breath tickling his skin?
“It–” you lost your train of thought, eyes only concentrating on how soft his lips looked. “It makes things look…” he suddenly brought his index finger to your chin, lifting your head to gaze into his eyes. “Prettier.”
The feeling of his lips pressing against yours knocked the air from your lungs for the second time that day. Warmth spread through your body even hotter at the contact, knuckles going white as you restrained yourself from pulling him in closer. Jisung didn’t rush, didn’t do anything but simply place his lips on yours and yet, you wanted nothing more than to jump his bones.
It took everything in him not to shove you further into the couch. He could feel you tensing as soon as he’d laid a finger on you, almost afraid that you’d vanish into thin air if he went any further. So he pulled away, albeit reluctant. The sound of your lips disconnecting almost felt like an awakening of some sorts, the nervous look in his eye replacing the one that was so confident before kissing you. You left him speechless when you reached out for his neck to pull him in again, hungrier this time.
A newfound fire burned in your stomach when Jisung matched your energy into the kiss, tangling your hands in his air as he unlocked your legs and positioned himself between them. When his teeth nipped at your bottom lip for entrance, you gave it to him instantly. It was breathless, not sloppy but not coordinated, either. The two of you danced around one another as if on eggshells, not wanting to push too far. Your hands dropped lower, pulling him deeper and mindlessly slipping one under the collar of his shirt to wrap around his shoulder, nails raking the skin as you silently begged for more. That was all you did when Jisung suddenly tightened his grip on your thighs and pushed you away in one swift motion, shoving the chair into the desk as he stood.
Lips swollen and out of breath, you wanted to shrivel up into the couch and never be seen again. His expression was unreadable, not seeming angry but certainly not pleased. Whether it was out of fear or exhilaration, you didn’t know what possessed you to ask, “did I do something wrong?”
“Did you–” Jisung paced in the cramped space between the desk and the couch, “you didn’t do anything wrong. You could never do anything wrong.” It came out more sarcastic than he intended, making you wince at his sudden change.
The question ignited something in him, an existential crisis of sorts that caused him to tug at his own hair. If he hated you before, he loathed you now, not even bothering to hide it as he attempted to compose himself. Jisung forced himself to slow his heartbeat, leaning against the edge of the desk and taking deep breaths. He finally turned to look at you, catching your stare on his forearms. Tracing where you couldn’t turn away from, he noticed his veins protruding down to his hands that were harshly gripping the table. Jisung felt himself smiling, almost forgetting about his outburst and letting out a soft chuckle. Your eyes glistened, glazed over as you found his. “You’re perfect,” the words were all but spat.
A sigh of confusion left your lips, “you’re giving me emotional whiplash.”
“You’re too perfect. Stop it. Stop being like that.” He let himself slump into the rolling chair again, suddenly drained of energy.
How were you supposed to take that? It wasn’t like he was confessing his love for you or proclaiming a vendetta against you, no. He was simply stating that you were perfect– whatever that meant. Still, you wanted to know more. It seemed as though he was in a mood for talking, now. “You’re not making any sense,” your voice stayed quiet.
“And you always make sense.” Jisung slowly spun so you were looking each other in the eyes again. Just a single look from you and adrenaline rushed through him. “I’m sorry,” his gaze dropped to his lap.
The puppy dog look he sported made you want to hug him, kiss him more, though maybe that wasn’t what he needed right now. So instead, you took notes from him and tipped his chin up with your finger, forcing him to look at you. Keeping your tone low, “I don’t understand. But that’s okay.”
You let him walk you home after that, let him plant a kind kiss to your forehead and feel him slip something into your palm as his lips met your knuckles before skipping away into your building. As soon as he was out of sight, you looked at what he’d left you.
A harddrive, unlabeled other than a single music note. Smiling, you tucked it into your pocket for safe keeping.
That was almost a year ago. Giggly, shiny, perfect you that he all but ruined in more ways than one. The way he reacted to your first kiss should’ve made you turn tail and run, but no. The savior complex in you wanted to try and fix him, make use of the potential that he showed every sign of having. Granted, he was great at first. There were many wonderful dates, he asked you to be his girlfriend, you did everything together. The two of you were the typical sun and moon relationship, he hated everything but you and you couldn’t help but be an absolute angel everyone despite that. Little did you know, that would be the beginning of your downfall.
Four months after Jisung officially made you his girlfriend, you agreed to work the cafe over winter break for some extra cash, also giving Jisung an excuse to stay on campus and work more on music. However, with the new semester came new employees. You were instructed to train the new hire, Felix.
Felix was handsome, sure. He was also clueless on how to make anything on the menu and needed to be taught from scratch. Not that you minded, business was slow since most of campus was on vacation. That gave you the opportunity to teach him in depth and let him take his time.
Jisung visited you often, spent more time in the cafe so that he could just be in your presence as you worked. He enjoyed watching you from afar, liked seeing you being your bubbly and helpful self.
Early on in your relationship, you’d also learned Jisung had a thing for pictures. He was obsessed with taking your picture or recording you doing the most mundane of tasks. That also meant he was even more enamored with pictures in the bedroom. Sex was common in your alone time, you being the one to rile him up most days just so he could fuck you six ways into next week. You somewhat took advantage of how quick he was to get annoyed. Blame your high sex drive.
Sex at your dorm, his dorm, sex in the (public) studio of the music department, wherever he could get his hands on you for teasing him so blatantly. Jisung had racked up more than enough pictures and videos to keep in his spank bank, safely locked away.
Ultimately, it was also the same banter that attracted him to you that was the catalyst for your never ending string of arguments. It was always Felix– because how could it not? Your new coworker was just that handsome and as kind as you were, Jisung found it impossible that you weren’t attracted to him. 
You’d never picked up on your boyfriend’s jealous tendencies until after the second semester started up again. The more students that started coming back to campus meant the heavier your schedule got. More school work was being piled on top of your hours at the cafe, also including spending more time with Felix. There never seemed to be any other reason for your arguments other than your pretty black haired coworker. Either he was too close to you, you two talked too much, he made you laugh a lot, it was always something.
Jisung had come into the cafe for his usual nap at his new unassigned (assigned) table, you brought him his coffee and a kiss on the forehead. He smiled as you skipped back to work, looking at the cute doodles you still drew for him on his cup. It was things like this that reminded him of your love, however he couldn’t help the overpowering feeling of watching Felix place his hand on the small of your back to get around you. There was nothing else that happened to make him angry, nothing to make the jealousy arise within him. He couldn’t take his eyes off the boy, annoyed that his freckles decorated his cheeks and nose and how nicely his hair was always styled. In a way, Felix reminded Jisung of you, genderbent.
Twenty minutes later, your boyfriend would usually be KO’d with his head against the table, but he couldn’t take his eyes away from your coworker. Jisung didn’t even try to hide it, you realized and looked back and forth between the two. Felix didn’t seem to notice, which you were grateful for. It irked you, but you couldn’t tell why. He was making that same face he did when he invited you to the studio for the first time, awestruck as he reached for his phone and opened up the camera app, Jisung snapped a picture of the boy.
You couldn’t have dragged Jisung home any faster after you got off work. “Slow down, babe, you’re gonna tear my arm off,” he said as his footsteps stumbled to keep up with your pace. Even as you were speed walking back, you managed to slip your hand into his jacket pocket, intertwining your fingers together. Jisung squeezed your hand reassuringly, but you didn’t respond.
“Baby?” He nudged your shoulder with his, looking down at you as you walked towards his dorm.
“Do you like Felix?” The words left your mouth faster than your brain could process them.
It was like two worlds colliding, the anger he felt for you all those months ago and now the emotions he couldn’t quite understand as he watched you interacting with your coworker. None of it made sense, so his answer was at least honest, “I don’t get it.”
“Do you always take pictures of him when I’m not looking?” Your tone was that of dominating, not upset, which confused Jisung more. You weren’t the dominant type by any means, so the way you spoke to him now caught him completely off guard. When Jisung stuttered, you kept going, “be honest now, sweetheart.” The words flipped butterflies in his stomach, but not in the way they usually did. Jisung felt caught.
“No– I mean– yeah, no I don’t. Are you– are you mad?” It was entertaining, hearing him struggle to keep up with the interrogation.
“I won’t be if you show me the picture.”
Jisung stopped walking all together, taking your intertwined hands out of his pocket and tugging you back. His mouth was slightly agape, “what?”
“You heard me. Show me the picture.” You could feel his hand tremble at the request. But still, he indulged you. Pulling out his phone in his other pocket, Jisung kept looking up to make sure you were serious. The winter wind made his hair sway lightly, only adding to the dramatic effect of him taking his time to show you what you wanted. When he did, you all but stole the phone, flicking through his camera roll without a single protest from him– as if he wouldn’t have lost that argument either way.
It wasn’t like the pictures Jisung took of you. When he captured your image, it always was in moments where you were the least suspecting, not paying attention as he saved moments where he thought you were the most beautiful. The picture of Felix, upon further inspection, was almost fabricated. Zooming in, you could see the slight turn of his eyes to the camera, like he knew he was being watched. However, neither of you would’ve caught it if you hadn’t looked closer.
For some reason, you weren’t upset, handing the phone back to your boyfriend and taking his hand again. Jisung was silent, confused as you started to lead him back to the comfort of his room. “That’s it?” He treaded lightly.
“Mhm,” the smile on your face when you looked up at him told Jisung otherwise. But he didn’t push it, if you were going to drop it then who was he to challenge that?
If you weren’t so busy, maybe you’d have noticed the shift in your relationship. Maybe you did and just didn’t care enough. Maybe you would’ve seen your boyfriend taking your pretty black haired coworker under his wing, bringing him back to the studio late at night the same way he did with you. He was being kinder to you, bringing you flowers at work and buying you little things that reminded him of you. You should’ve known then once Felix started avoiding you at work, going as far as requesting to change his hours so they were the complete opposite of yours. If you cared more, maybe you’d have been more hurt.
Jisung always wanted what he couldn’t have, even extending to what he emotionally couldn’t bring himself to accept. He’d figured out half way through the second semester that he hated Felix, too, only because he and you were so alike. That made him want the boy even more. So he started off with making small talk with the barista, escalating into inviting him to work on music together. Jisung was never the best at keeping secrets from you, living on a strict honesty policy. When Felix kissed him, he ran back to you instantly. How wrong Jisung was, Felix wasn’t you. You’d never do anything to hurt someone else like that.
You threatened to leave him, obviously, however it was a weightless threat. He’d fallen to his knees as tears streamed down his face, cheeks lips growing puffy from the rapid blood circulation. Jisung gripped at your waist and held his face into your stomach, drenching your (his) shirt as he begged for you not to leave. “He kissed me! I– I swear! As soon as it happened, I left. I’m so– so– I’m sorry, I love you.”
He just made it so difficult to leave, you’d never seen him cry like this before. Your made-of-stone boyfriend was having an absolute breakdown, shaking and choking on his own saliva as you could do nothing but run your fingers through his hair. You stared blankly at the door of his room, not sure if you should get away or soothe him. It was like this a while longer, Jisung trying to catch his breath as he gripped so tightly to your hips that you couldn’t move an inch. 
Eventually, he let you go enough to sit on the bed, still kneeling on the ground between your legs. The touch you let yourself indulge in had him cradling his face into your palm, tugging your calves to trap him in tighter.
Jisung didn’t look at you like he did that first night or how he looked at Felix. It wasn’t awestruck or dumbfounded, nothing like he was a child tasting chocolate for the first time. Now, as the stream of tears dried down red on his skin and his lips trembled slightly, all he wanted was to please you and worship the ground you walked on, show you that there would never be anyone else.
“It was a mistake.” Your voice snapped him from his trance. It wasn’t so much a question as it was a statement. Jisung quickly nodded, cupping his hand over yours to keep you from removing it.
The hum you let out as you moved to caress him with both hands made him close his eyes, following your guidance to sit up higher mindlessly. Jisung being taller than you, he was just about eye level despite him being on his knees. Your fingertips ghosted around his face, grazing his lips, nose, cheeks, pushing back his hair from his forehead. He all but purred at the attention. “You’re such a pretty crier,” you confessed, smiling gently down at him. He didn’t open his eyes, attempting to control the single tear that wanted to fall again. Failing, Jisung held tighter onto your hand, still shaking. “He’s really pretty, too. Isn’t he?”
What were you getting at? Admitting to your crying boyfriend that you thought the coworker of yours he just kissed was pretty? After just telling Jisung he was pretty?
Jealousy is a powerful thing.
Jisung slowly opened his eyes again, eyebrows knitting together. “W– what?”
“Felix,” you leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead. “He’s really pretty.” Stunned, Jisung couldn’t fight to keep you sat on the bed, watching from his spot on the floor as you sauntered over to his desk, picking up what he could only tell to be his phone. Everything was happening in slow motion to Jisung, your bare legs standing in front of his face again as you found the same picture of Felix that sparked this entire situation.
You didn’t bother showing the picture to Jisung. For all he knew, you didn’t even have the image opened. But that was the thing— he didn’t know. He didn’t know anything at this point, except for how much he wanted to make you feel the immense love he’d come to realize was all for you.
It crowded his chest, pushed his all too full heart into the palm of his hands and laid it at your feet, inches away from being stomped on.
So no, you didn’t show him the picture. It was all in good manner, though. He didn’t deserve to see the beautiful catalyst for your relationship’s strange dynamic shift.
“I— I don’t know what to say.” Honest, as always.
“No, of course not. You just run and kiss those you’re confused by, don’t you?” Jisung winced at your words, shrinking into himself more than he already had. His gaze ran down your legs until it hit the floor, not moving as you slowly tracked around his limp body.
“I’m not mad, baby.” His fingers twitched, not fully convinced.
Less to his knowledge, you were playing around with the camera settings on his phone, unsure if you wanted to use the flash, maybe the different filter settings? You twiddled his phone in your hand as you stood behind him, holding your finger over the capture button. With no warning, you gripped the back of his hair, yanking his head up and shoving the back camera of the phone in front of his face. The flash was blinding to both you and him, hearing the shutter go off and toss him with almost no force into the side of the bed.
It was cruel, you knew that, to be giggling at the vulnerability your boyfriend showed you as you examined the picture. His cheeks were extra puffy, eyes bloodshot and teary. The feeling was exhilarating, finally understanding his fixation with photos.
You created this image. You put him on his knees and made him beg, weep for forgiveness. Granted, the kiss was definitely his (and Felix’s) fault. But in the end, he always came back to you and this bed. The same bed you were now ordering him to sit in the middle of.
He did so without question, angrily sniffing and palming away a stray tear.
“Did you enjoy it?” The smile playing across your lips only irked him, knowing it was a loaded question. Jisung didn’t know how to answer you, especially when you couldn’t take your eyes away from the phone for just a second to look at him.
“Did you?” You asked again, raising an eyebrow in his direction. The weight of your side glance crushed him into the mattress, forcing a weak reply, “no.”
“No, baby? Why?” You stood at the foot of the bed now, shirt just barely covering your ass and thighs, making it hard for Jisung to keep his attention on your smug face.
“B— because he isn’t you.”
This answer pleased you, finally tossing the phone onto the corner of the bed and letting all your attention fall onto him. Countless times had Jisung been able to stare you dead in the eye long enough to make you squirm, but not now. The tables have turned dramatically, and now he was the one cowering under the pressure.
Tilting your head, you smiled your sweet, wonderful smile that made his stomach erupt in giddiness. Only now there was a lingering wicked feeling behind it. He knew he was in deep shit when you kneeled onto the bed and began crawling up the length of his body, forcing him back into the pillows. By the time you were face to face again, you’d refused to sit on his lap the way you usually would.
In fact, you’d refused to touch him at all, barely letting your thighs touch to keep you steady over his hardening crotch. Your hands kept you hovering above his lips, pinning him to the bed without laying a finger on his smooth skin, even when that was all he wanted. 
All Jisung wanted was to feel you, touch you, have you tell him he’s yours and only yours. He wanted you to be mad about him kissing Felix and make him beg for you not to leave him. He wanted to know you still cared the way he knew you did back when you scribbled your phone number onto his arm (which he didn’t wash away for days because it was all he had to remind himself that you wanted him).
“He isn’t me, baby,” you’d repeated the words back to him, the nickname making his cock twitch in his tight jeans.
Jisung nodded in agreement pathetically quick, “he’s not.”
“No,” one hand came to run over his cheekbone, feather light, so soft he wouldn’t have felt it if he weren’t already so desperate. “And you won’t kiss him again?” Again, disgustingly fast he agreed with you, this time just a whimper leaving his lips.
You bored into his eyes with such an intensity that it made Jisung feel like he had to look away, embarrassed in more ways than one. As soon as he did, your gentle touch turned into a steel grip on his chin, forcing him to stare back at you.
“You’re mine, sweetheart.” Jisung crumbled into you, adoring the feeling of your skin on his despite how harshly you gripped his face. It was all he needed to hear before falling into your trap again.
“I’m yours.”
How easily the words slipped off his tongue, how he’d say them again and again until all you saw was him. Ironic, considering he was the one with the wandering eye. Even so, Jisung was selfish, but so were you.
The smirk that didn’t leave your expression told him that, coming in just enough to graze your lips over his, Jisung’s words catching in his throat as he awaited your kiss.
He’d closed his eyes in anticipation, wanting the sweet relief of his breath being taken away by the taste of your lipstick. And when it didn’t come, he opened them again to find you merely looking at him, reading him. Jisung gulped nervously. 
“So greedy, baby.” The tip of your nose tapped against his as you whispered. “You just had a kiss and you still want more?”
Jisung whined again at the mention of his mistake, to which you let out a dark giggle. “I’m sorry,” he choked.
“I told you. I’m not mad.”
“Then why are you treating me like this?” His teeth grit as his emotions continued to run wild.
Raising an eyebrow, grip still firm on his chin, you sat back fully onto his now aching erection, the plopping sound of your bare ass hitting his clothed pelvis making him cringe in both excitement and anxiety. He let out a strained groan at your full body weight sitting on his lower section, heat from your cunt just covered in panties radiated through the fabric of his jeans.
The handle on his chin loosened and became soft, thumb softly running over his lips as your face pulled away from his. “Because I can.”
Throwing his head back and screwing his eyes shut, Jisung let out a more impatient moan. As soon as his mouth opened, you took the opportunity to shove your thumb past his lips, so far in that he gagged. Still, he closed his mouth around your digit. And when he did, you allowed him the smallest bit of mercy, grinding your hips into his enough to get his chest to rise and fall quicker.
The roughness of his jeans against your cunt felt better than it should’ve. You were supposed to be angry with him, be upset that he just admitted to cheating on you even if it was unintentional. 
But had it really been unintentional? He’d been leading Felix on for god knows how long. If anything, it was bound to happen and yet, you didn’t do a damn thing to stop it. The slick from your arousal was just too slippery, you couldn’t help the tumble in your tummy when he tried to roll his hips harder into yours. What a pleaser Jisung always was.
He started off slow, swirling his tongue around your thumb and eventually sucking on it, taking whatever you gave him. The whine he let out as he let himself enjoy his new role elicited one from yourself, Jisung’s eyes snapping open upon hearing it. Pupils dilated as if he had just stepped foot into a nightclub, you bit your lip to hold back the moans wanting to slip. He wouldn’t get the satisfaction of hearing you more— not yet anyways, not without using him while he was in this new headspace.
Halting your movements, you pulled your thumb from his mouth, a string of saliva following it down to where you rested your hand around his neck. With the slightest squeeze, you said, “I’m gonna use you and you’re gonna like it.”
Jisung nodded, “yes, yes,” black eyes pleading for you to continue.
“Say it.”
The command went straight to his cock, “please— use me.”
With his consent, your hand around his throat squeezed tighter, bending over to kiss the spot beneath his ear. The sound of your lips trailing across his skin sent Jisung reeling further into a submissive headspace, wanting to be played with, used, abused. He also knew you could never do that to him, that fact being the only thing keeping him remotely grounded to the small piece of dominance that lingered in him.
Letting you continue to kiss him everywhere (except his lips), Jisung relished in the feeling of you slowly taking away his breathing while your other hand rode his shirt up, exposing the skin of his stomach. How hot to the touch he could feel himself to be, your cool fingertips raising goosebumps along his flesh. The difference in softness of your lips compared to the grip on his neck made Jisung’s head spin, slowly but surely becoming due to the lack of oxygen. If he were to black out, he’s glad he’d be able to do it to the feeling of your kisses being peppered across his collar bones. 
You’d let go of his windpipe to slip his shirt over his head, Jisung letting you undress him. He wished you’d move faster, finding your hips and pushing down to grind into his erection again.
You weren’t one for violence in bed, at least when you had to inflict it. Instead of the slap you wished you were capable of giving, you pinched his cheek hard. 
Tears began to well in his waterline again, “ow! Why?!”
“Who gave you permission to touch?” He stopped his hands from guiding your cunt across his hard on, opting to leave bruising fingerprints into your waist instead. The frown that crowded his lips made you lean into his neck again, laying down more kisses that distracted him from the aching in his pants.
He was getting lost in the pampering, even if all you were doing was leaving short pecks over his chest and torso. It was exhilarating to him, nonetheless. Jisung loved how all it took was the littlest bit of your attention and he was on his knees time and time again.
Your fingers hardly brushed over his hardened nipples, making him cry out and shove his head deeper into the pillow. The palm of your hand made its way between your bodies, pressing firmly into his cock much rougher than you ever had before. Jisung couldn’t control the convulsing of his body, folding and whimpering.
“Sensitive now, are we, baby?”
Though you didn’t linger here for long, making your way back up to sit on his contracting stomach. With both hands, you slid your fingers into his hair and relaxingly carded through it. It’d felt like a breath of fresh air, the moment you took to let Jisung regain his composure before following through with what you had planned.
With eyes just as watery as they were before, he pleaded, “kiss me please.”
He just seemed so desperate, so in need of your lips that he looked as though he might die if he didn’t get a taste. But you found beauty in that, the neediness, the aggravation and frustration that came with not getting what you wanted because once you did, it was that much more satisfying. “No.”
“Please,” he begged again. To which you responded, “no.” Another whine sounded from him, but not in a bratty way (it was definitely bratty), but more like he was containing a sob that wanted to pour out. 
Just when he thought you were going to lean in for a kiss, you dodged his lips and planted one on his forehead before standing up to strip your panties off. Jisung was easy enough to distract, holding the front of your (his) oversized shirt between your teeth while you slowly slid them down your legs. His eyes fixated where your arousal made the crotch stick to your cunt, went and potent with just how horny for him you truly were. He stopped whining after that, after getting a whiff of just how needy you were, too. 
And when you climbed back on top of him, dragging your soaking core over the center of his chest and pushing his shoulders back to lay completely flat, Jisung became as pliant as he’d ever been. He let you cage his head between your thighs, let you keep the shirt ridden up just enough for him to see the swell of your tits but not the whole thing, let you control his head with a heavy hand in his hair.
Your cunt was shoved into his face, yet still so far as you refused to sink onto him fully. You could feel him fidgeting with his hands, unsure of where to put them. Taking pity on him once again, you reached back and placed them in the crevice where your thighs met your hips, instructing him not to move an inch. Jisung showed his gratification by nuzzling his nose into the bit of your clit he could just barely touch.
“Be good and maybe I’ll let you fuck me,” you said through your teeth. You internally debated even letting him pleasure you, knowing his lips had been somewhere else. Knowing he’d never truly leave you didn’t ease the pressure in your chest now that you were about to ride his face. The way he begged you to kiss him made it feel all the more real.
The promise of getting to fuck you made Jisung nod, adjusting his grip on your thighs as you slowly lowered yourself onto his face.
At first, you didn’t let your entire weight down, doing your best to focus on the feeling of his mouth surrounding your bundle of nerves in a split second. It took you another minute to relax as he began sucking and toying with your clit, finally letting yourself fall onto him. Even with your cunt practically suffocating him, Jisung still pulled you in deeper, as if he couldn’t have been close enough.
Your hips moved on their own, grinding into his face as he stuck his tongue out and let you control the rhythm. One hand reached for the headboard while the other held his head steady. Thankful for the shirt muffling your cries of pleasure, you rutted back and forth against him, shivering when Jisung moaned and the vibrations rippled through your body. His fingers pressed incredibly hard into your thighs, wanting more, needing to suckle your clit as if it were his lifeline.
You didn’t let him linger in one place too long, not wanting him to necessarily be the reason you come. You were doing all the work, animalistically rubbing your wet core across his tongue and nose while he laid there and took it. Of course, the blissed out expression he held was a factor for your high, but feeling him squirming, unable to sit still was the catalyst. You only slightly turned back to see him bucking into the air, into nothing as his own horniness took over his lower half. Untouched, you could see the dark spot spreading wider over his still hard cock. He moaned and worked his tongue faster upon noticing you stop, as if he knew that you’d just realized he could come just by letting you sit on his face. 
The smug way his eyes peered up at you, the knot broke in your stomach and your high washed over you, falling into the headboard as your thighs clamped around Jisung’s head in a shaking, blinding orgasm. You cried out his name, only making his own hips stutter into the air again as he gripped your cunt closer to his face. It only prompted you to move from your post orgasm bliss when he took in a deep, struggled breath.
Rolling off to the side, you slumped against the headboard, tired and fucked out even though your boyfriend beside you was still running on pure adrenaline.
“Fuck this,” he muttered, standing from the bed to kick his jeans and boxers off in record time. His cock was still hard, covered in his own cum and smearing it more as he tugged, letting out a deep sigh as he finally relieved some of the tension.
“What’re you doing?” You slid down the bed, eyeing him up and down as he towered over you. His eyes didn’t leave your body as he lazily continued to work himself up again.
“I was good, wasn’t I?” His tone was more challenging than before, knowing he’d been more than good.
“I didn’t say you could—“
“You didn’t, but I am.” Jisung released himself to reach for your ankles, pulling you down the bed and making your shirt slide over your tits, fully exposed to him.
You were planning on fucking him either way, but you loved when Jisung took what he wanted. And what he always wanted, was you. 
Laying spread out for him, too tired and emotionally exhausted to be the brat he loved you to be, you let him manhandle you onto your stomach. With ease did Jisung kneel behind you at the edge of the bed and hike your hips up, lifting your right leg and keeping it suspended in the air as he aligned himself with your entrance. You were more than relaxed and capable of taking him, the act of preparing to be stretched the furthest thing from you mind when he was brushing the head of his cock against your overstimulated clit. 
Wincing at the feeling, you twisted your upper body to be able to look at him, eyes half lidded just as his were. Jisung teased himself a few moments longer before gently pushing his way past your entrance, slick and already clenching for him. He didn’t look away from
your face as he bottomed out, allowing you time to adjust. And when you were ready, you moaned out.
Jisung balled the back of your shirt into his fist, more leverage for him to fuck into you. Wrapping your leg around the outside of his waist, he began thrusting at a painfully slow pace, almost as though he was scared of going any faster. That was, until you just couldn’t help running your pretty little mouth.
“Fuck me like you mean it, before Felix gets to know how both of us taste.”
All of Jisung’s inhibitions disappeared, rutting against you like a dog in heat because that’s exactly how he felt; like a dog. He was no better than one, kissing another man then running back to his girlfriend and letting her use him like all he was was a pair of dick and balls. He fucked you like there was no other sensation he’d ever live to feel, like he were to perish as soon as he pulled out of your warm, wet walls that only sucked him in deeper.
As tired and angry as you were, the harder he fucked you, the more difficult it became to stay mad. Deep down, you knew he would never go anywhere and that he didn’t mean to go as far as kissing someone else. You knew your boyfriend better than anyone, and that it was a fluke. He made a mistake, the way he let you treat him tonight was his way of making up for it. The domineering nature you always invoked in him was also another way of telling you he was sorry, because the care and softness that came after was always the sweetest poison.
Such as now, Jisung pounded into you as though he didn’t care whether or not you reached your second high, but you knew damn well that wasn’t the case. You’ll finish one more time at the least before he did, he always made sure.
“All that talk, and for what? To get fucked stupid.” One hand gripped to your elevated thigh, the other on the verge of ripping the shirt you still wore, Jisung let out a moan from within his chest, leaning over to place a few messy kisses to your cheek.
“You’re in charge, sweetheart,” he huffed, “but no one will ever fuck you like I do.”
Practically throwing your leg down, he released the grip on your shirt and hiked his leg up to plant firmly next to your hip. He only slowed for a second to really take in the feeling from the change of angle before jack hammering into you, this time not pulling out fully as he entered you again and again. The constant stimulation from the scooting motion he was making had you tumbling head first into your second orgasm, so close yet so painfully far. 
“Fuck— so fucking tight, always so tight for me.“
Your lack of response wasn’t because you disagreed with him, but rather because you agreed entirely. Jisung was fucking you stupid, physically and emotionally. You felt like he fucked your emotions inside out every time you stepped into his bedroom, the same way he did your guts. How stupid of you to think he was going to lay down and take your brief moment of physical dominance.
Watching as he raised his hand and brought it down to meet your ass, you whined out in pleasure as he left one, two, three more on your reddening skin. The pain was too good, too fitting for the situations that took place, that have been taking place. Your cries for more, harder, made Jisung halt mid thrust and bring his hand back down to soothe the handprint he’d left.
“Wh— why’d you stop?” you whispered, trying to get a better look at him.
“Baby, if I hit you any harder the neighbors are gonna call the cops,” his expression turned soft, concerned. Instead of continuing, Jisung pulled out and lightly guided you onto your back. Only after stripping you of your shirt to leave you both completely naked, did he lean in close.
You’d denied him your kisses for so long, he forced himself not to cross that boundary, stay a safe distance away so he didn’t get the urge to devour your lips (even though he always did). But your arms wrapped around his neck, kneaded through his hair so expertly, your scent engulfed him and made his senses go into overdrive. Jisung didn’t even have the mind to think about his aching cock until you wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him in so he easily filled you to the brim again.
So torturously aware of everything that he was capable of, that you were capable of, you didn’t let him go, just letting your lips brush against one another as he stayed sheathed inside you. “Fill me up before you kiss me,” your words no louder than the softest whisper.
If there was one thing about Jisung to be remembered, it was that everything he felt could be soothed with a kiss. Want to make him stumble on his words? Kiss his hand. Want to make him choke on his drink? Kiss his cheek. Want to make him fall in love? Kiss his lips, gently and passionately.
However, that only applies when it’s your kisses. And your kisses are his reason for anything, at this point.
Which is what got him to move his hips again, this time slower and more languid. He was no longer in a rush to reach his high, but rather to make sure you felt every bit of him. As much as he craved your kiss, he wanted to savor you, feel you as much as humanly possible.
But you were already so close, realizing that it wasn’t pain you wanted to feel, but Jisung. You wanted to be just as close to him as he wanted, too.
The pace at which the two of you could go from hating each other to wanting to melt into one another was appalling, dizzying in the same way that Jisung’s thumb brushed over your clit. The motion dragged an uncensored, purely lustful moan from your lips, causing you to clench incredibly tight around your boyfriend’s dick, already on the verge of coming himself.
It only took another few circles of his thumb to get you to convulse and throw your head back, exposing your neck to him as your second high flushed your senses silly. The tightness, the surge of your arousal flushing his cock inside you made him come hard, spurting his seed to mix with your own lingering orgasm. Both your bodies held onto each other for dear life, his head buried in the crook of your neck as you pulled mercilessly on his locks. It was like a perfect mold, fit only for the two of you.
It took a few silent moments for your breathing to return to normal, Jisung keeping his face nuzzled into your hair and wanting to drown in your scent. However, one more craving needed to be fulfilled.
Tapping his shoulder lightly, he lifted his head to meet your gaze. “Kiss,” was all you said as you puckered your lips.
He took you in with no hesitation, hand coming up to cup your face, pulling you deeper into it. It was sensual, smooth, caring as your lips moved together in sync.
Jisung thought back to his kiss with Felix. It was sloppy and uncoordinated, most of all, uncomfortable. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to kiss the other boy, he definitely did. But the kiss itself didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel like how your first kiss together was, he’d realized that there was no one else that could encapture him with a kiss the way you did, all that in spite of how much he disliked you at the time. How was he to love a person he didn’t want to kiss all day, every day, until the end of time?
He almost didn’t let you go after your lips finally touched. “How are your lips still so soft after all the shit you talk?“ he joked, smiling into your skin.
As much as you wanted to retort with, “because I don’t kiss anyone that gives me the littlest bit of attention,” you didn’t. You couldn’t when he was showering you with soft touches and sweet words. Before you could think of with a real comeback, he was lifting you to the bathroom, flaccid dick still inside your sore pussy. It was only when he lifted you higher to slip out did he release you on top of the open toilet.
Jisung ran around the bathroom gathering wipes, mouth wash, water, anything else you needed while he instructed you to pee— making it very clear he wasn’t listening, not that you cared much. He’d even returned with a fresh pair of panties. “I— I don’t really want them tonight,” you admitted. You still wanted him, every bit of him without the barrier of clothes.
Picking up on his quickly, he planted another kiss to your lips before walking out to let you clean up. Though, he returned not a minute later to help you wipe down your body and drag you back into bed.
It was when the tension had finally dissipated, both naked and tangled in one another when Jisung spoke again. “Don’t ever leave me,” his voice was hoarse and weary.
“Don’t kiss anyone else.”
“After this, I don’t think I could even if I tried.” You giggled lightly at his honesty. With his chest to your back and arm draped over your stomach, you couldn’t find it in you to think any deeper about his confession.
You thought back to his phone that rested at the foot of the bed, the picture of him you took earlier, the single picture of Felix that was still in his camera roll. “No more pictures of him, either.”
Neither of you had to say his name to know who you were talking about. “Can you blame me?”
You stiffened for a moment in his hold, hoping he didn’t feel it. Even after the tears, torture, begging he did, he didn’t regret it. Taking the picture, at least. It was a small but effective jab to your heart that he probably didn’t realize he took.
The best you could come up with was, “I can. Because I didn’t get to kiss him first.”
A/N: FINALLY BACK ON TRACK!! moved back into college so now I can finally get this series back up and running (even tho there's only one part left after this one heheheh)
this one took me soooo long to write it's actually embarrassing. I hope the idea of this one was sort of obvious- the purposefully ignoring the green (red) flags and sex as a way to avoid real confrontation. I kinda just threw Felix in there on a whim. either way I hope you enjoy!
Feedback, comments, anything and everything is appreciated!
-momo <3
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kywaslost · 1 year
Ciel Helps You With Your Anxiety
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A/N: I started writing this while I was on my cruise, and just now got around to finishing it. I hope this turned out alright. Ciel is most likely OOC, since that’s how it works with most of my writings. But I guess it’s helping me out because I’ve been anxious lately and I’m not even doing anything. Please let me know what you think! Oh, and this is a female reader btw.
Rain beat against the windows of Phantomhive Manor as the storm outside raged on. Lightning flashed every few moments, followed closely by rumbles of thunder. You didn’t usually mind thunderstorms, more often than not you found them peaceful and perfect for reading or winding down for the day. Except today it did nothing but make you feel even more on edge.
You weren’t sure why you were feeling so anxious today. You had been doing so well the past week or so, being able to get through the day with minimal anxiety and worry. You were so proud of yourself, and so was Ciel and Sebastian, especially. The two had seen you through your worst and your best, and knowing that you had been doing so well made them so happy for you. So when you woke up with that tight feeling in your chest, your mood deflated almost instantly.
“Is something the matter, Miss L/N?” Sebastian asked as he prepared your morning tea. He noticed your mood change almost instantly. You had only been awake for a few minutes, so he was hoping it was just you being tired.
You snapped out of your thoughts at Sebastian’s voice, shaking your head slightly before offering a half-smile. “No, not at all, Sebastian. Thank you.” After serving you breakfast in bed, Sebastian listed off the day’s events as he picked out an outfit for you.
“Your schedule is quite clear today, Miss. Master has asked that you look over and sign a few documents before dinner. That is all that I have for you today.”
You heard the demon, and knowing that you had an easy day calms your nerves ever so slightly. So you went about your day with an optimistic mindset. After breakfast and being dressed by Mey-Rin, you made your way to the library. You didn’t feel quite ready to be around others just yet, and you knew that Ciel would notice your anxiety so you decided to relax in the library with a good book.
Except that didn’t work. From the moment you sat down you felt like you were forgetting something, or that you could be more productive. So, replacing your bookmark and setting your book on the side table, you stood and made your way to the small storage closet in the library. You pulled out a small hand-held duster and began running it along the bookshelves.
It wasn’t more than five minutes before Sebastian stepped into the room, sneaking up on you and causing you to jump when he gently stopped your hand from dusting the shelves. You gasped, whipping around to see the demon butler.
He only smiled kindly. “My apologies, Miss L/N. I did not mean to startle you. May I ask why you are cleaning the library? You should not be tasked with such trivial things.”
You bit your bottom lip, quickly glancing to the floor. You scraped your thoughts with some excuse as to why you were doing Sebastian’s chore. “Sorry, Sebastian. I just thought I’d help. I don’t mind cleaning.”
Sebastian gently took the duster from you, setting it down on the nearest shelf. “I appreciate your help, but I believe I can manage on my own.”
You nodded, then turned to go back to your chair. Your chest tightened even more and you were overcome with the feeling of crying. You opened your book and stared at the pages as Sebastian began cleaning the library. After a few minutes your leg began bouncing beneath your book. You couldn’t help but feel like Sebastian was upset with you. All you were trying to do was keep yourself occupied to push down your anxious feelings. Was he upset that you tried to do his job? Did he think you thought he wasn’t doing his work to the best of his ability? 
Deciding you had had enough, you stood and made your way to the exit. 
“May I ask where you are going, Miss L/N?” Sebstian asked as he put the duster back in the storage closet.
You avoided his ruby eyes as you passed him. “I’m just going to see Ciel.” You quickly left the room and made your way to the Earl’s office.
Ciel was sitting at his desk, looking over a small stack of papers when you slid into the room, silently closing the door behind you. Ciel only looked up from his work when he saw you sit down across from him. He immediately took note of your slumped posture, lack of eye contact, and the slight jerk of your jeg as you anxiously bounced it up and down in front of you. But the boy refrained from saying anything about it. He knew you’d speak when you felt ready, and if just sitting with him in silence is what you needed, then he’d let you.
Ciel knew all of your anxious signals or movements. He knew that depending how you moved your body showed how much anxiety truly was controlling you. So when you began shaking your hands for minutes without stopping, the boy finally set down his pen and looked up from his paper. He stood and made his way to the front of the desk, leaning against it as he bent over slightly and gently took your hands in his to stop your shaking.
“Hey,” he said softly, uncharacteristically of the Earl. But he cared about you, so he was willing to risk his reputation to make sure you were alright. “Stop. You will hurt yourself.” He turned your hands so they were palm up, running his thumbs over the center of your palms. “Y/N, look at me please.”
You hesitated before lifting your gaze to Ciel’s blue eye. He didn’t look concerned, more sympathetic as he tried to read your facial expression to find the reason for your anxiety. You muttered a quiet, “I’m sorry,” before averting your gaze again. 
“Whatever for?” Ciel asked. “What is on your mind, darling?”
You shrugged and took a deep sigh. “I woke up with this tight feeling in my chest, and…” you took another breath, “I don’t know how to make it go away.”
“And what did we say you do when you feel like this?” Ciel asked calmly.
“Stop, breathe, rationalize,” you answered back. 
“So why don’t you do that?”
You followed the Earl’s instructions, taking a moment to inhale and exhale to calm you down. Then you started to rationalize. “I have no reason to feel anxious. My schedule is free. I’m in the manor. I feel safe. Sebastian is one call away. I’m in your study, and you’re right in front of me.”
“Good,” Ciel praised. “How do you feel now?” Your hands were still in his, and his thumbs still traced over the palms of your hands. 
You nodded slightly, finally making eye contact with the boy again. “Still anxious, but manageable.”
“Can I let go of your hands now?” He answered with a nod. Ciel gently let go, then moved to sit back in his desk chair. 
White light lit up the room for a fraction of a second before a loud boom echoed throughout the manor. It caused you to squeal and pull your legs up to your chest. You had forgotten about the storm raging outside. Ciel was quick to rush back to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Alright, it’s alright. You are alright, dear.”  Tears brimmed your eyes as you whimpered and buried your face into your knees.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered again. “I shouldn’t be scared. I shouldn’t cry. I have no-”
“Stop.” Ciel’s voice was stern. “It is understandable. The storm is only making it worse. Do not apologize for something that you cannot control.” He rubbed your shoulder gently as he looked around the room. Ciel let out an agitated sigh. “I apologize, but I cannot step away from my work.” You immediately reached up and gripped the hand that was on your shoulder. Ciel’s hand rotated to give yours a comforting squeeze. “I can call Sebastian to sit with you. Perhaps he could take you to the library? He can light the fireplace, and you can read, or lay down and Sebastian can read to you. I’ll order him to stay by your side, and I promise I will come find you the second I finish my work.”
You took in a shaky breath. “I just want to go back to my room, please.”
Ciel gave your hand another gentle squeeze. “Of course, love. I’m going to raise my voice briefly to call for Sebastian, alright?” At your nod, Ciel quickly yelled out the demon’s name, and the supernatural being appeared in the doorway in a matter of seconds. 
“Yes, my lord?” Sebastian asked immediately.
Ciel looked from your trembling form over to his butler. “Take Y/N to her room, and stay with her until I finish my work. Provider her with any comfort she needs. That’s an order.”
Sebastian bowed slightly. “Yes, my lord.” He walked over to you and knelt down in front of you. “May I pick you up Miss Y/N?” You nodded shakily and slowly let go of Ciel’s hand, reaching your arms out to the demon. He let you wrap your arms around his neck before gently picking you up and cradling you against him. Turning to his master, Sebastian said, “I will take proper care of her. There is no need to worry.”
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theunstuffedpepper · 7 months
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I had to come brag about our second sleep through the night with Derrick. I got almost a full 8 hours last night! I put Derrick down around 8:30p and woke a few times in the 2:00a and 3:00a hours expecting him to wake me, but he was fast asleep. Holden woke around 5:30a so naturally that woke me as well, but I got to stay in bed and doze until Derrick finally woke at 6:50 this morning. Mind blown. He’s 15 weeks today and I can’t believe how well we’re doing with our night time routine.
What else? I made a parent friend at the playground this week. I met another stay at home dad with a 10 month old little girl. We met up another day at the park and we’re going to meet up at the library for story time today. It feels kinda weird that it’s a dad friend rather than a mom friend, but for no good reason? He’s a totally nice guy and he and his wife have the same dynamic as us (wife breadwinner and husband caretaker) and they’re also new to the area. After I return to work hopefully B can meet up with him too.
B has been keeping busy building a new shed in our backyard. I’m doing the mom thing and feeling a little better about juggling it all, maybe because I’m getting better sleep. Does anyone else do laundry every single day, though? Cuz I’m doing laundry in some capacity every day and I can’t ever seem to get ahead.
B and I had a little date night at home the other night after the kids went to bed. We played scrabble and had a glass of wine and talked and made eye contact and it felt nice. Too often we end the day next to each other on the couch but both with our phones in our hands and the tv on. We’re gonna try to do that more often.
I’m going to get a haircut this afternoon and leaving everyone else home. I never spend any time away from the kids, really, and it’s so very needed. Afterward I think I’m just going to sit somewhere and eat a late lunch by myself and enjoy eating hot food that I didn’t have to cook at a normal, slow pace. It’s the little things.
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Capri Donahue x fem!reader(college/living together AU)
Warnings: accidental consumption of prescribed medication, smut- kissing, fingering(both receiving), spanking(reader receiving), use of pet names(both receiving), a bit of degradation(reader receiving). Reader discretion is advised.
In which Capri’s prank on reader backfires when reader accidentally grabs the wrong water bottle on her way out one morning
Requested? Yes / No
Capri’s curiosity was piqued a couple weeks ago when she passed by a rowdy group of guys saying a whole bunch of shit about their friend who couldn’t get it up. And how that guy used Viagra. That guy, was in one of her classes. Before Capri knew it, she was looking up facts about said medication to see how it works, but more so how and if it would work on women. And if it could work on women. After a week of scouring the internet, Capri went up to the guy to ask to buy one off him. Capri thought the money would keep him from saying anything- it did. Besides, it’s not like anyone knew Capri was dating someone.
While you were still sound asleep, Capri woke up early to work out- but also to put her plan into action. The guy told her this was a sublingual type, which she could dissolve in water. Though it wasn’t a sure-thing that it’d even work, Capri still decided to go for it, she drops half a pill into her water bottle after flavouring her water to help with the supposed bitterness. She screwed the bottle shut and gave it a bit of a shake, then Capri drank some of it before putting the bottle down. Awhile later, you were up to get ready for class. And before she knew it, you were ready to go. “Babe, I can’t find my bottle. Can I just take yours?”
She heard while she was on the toilet. Her eyes widened in shock as she scrambled outside to stop you but it was too late. You’d already drank the water. Typically of course, she wouldn’t mind if you used her water bottle. And you wouldn’t mind of she’d used use yours. But of course right now, it may pose you a bit of a problem if it worked on you. “Sure.” She tries to answer as calmly as possible. “Hey, how long’s your class again?”
“Three hours but we usually get to go early. I just have the one class today.” You told her.
“Okay.” Capri nodded, “I don’t have class today so I’ll be home catching up on some sleep.”
“Good for you.” You giggled, “See you in a few hours, babe.” Capri smiles, pressing a kiss to your cheek before you left.
Capri could only hope that you could get through your class, feeling the way she does right now, she felt bad she subjected you to the effects of the medication when she was the one supposed to be getting all of it, so that it would come in handy for after you got back from class. She didn’t hear anything from you for the full three hours so she assumed it went by alright. Until you came home and she saw you. “What the hell do you have in your water, Capri?”
Uh oh.
“I was supposed to be at the library for at least two hours after class to study. I couldn’t because I’m feeling like horny fucking bastard.”
“I didn’t expect you to already take a sip out of my bottle. I was supposed to be the one drinking all of that to prank you by hopefully being clingy.” She explained, “I’m sorry. You have every right to be mad at me. That was too much.”
“Actually, it’s about time I let myself relax.” You shushed her.
She arched a brow, squinting at you, “Are you saying-”
“Aren’t you?” You looked at her the same way.
“Alright, baby.” She motions for you to sit on her lap, and you complied. “Do you think I can make you come just with my hands, y/n?”
“I dunno, let’s try.” You shrug while cupping her face and kissing her softly. Capri practically attacks you with a rough kiss and invaded your mouth with her tongue. The intensity of it makes you moan already, since you have been feeling the effects of the water all morning. It wasn’t hard for you to make you feel like you needed a lot more, a lot faster. In fact, her kisses alone had you grinding on nothing as your ass sat on her lap.
Capri laughs, shifting you onto the couch as she instantly sat in a butterfly stretch pose. Holy fuck does she know how to make you feel like a touched-starve little slut. You saw the look in her eyes as she reached down the front of your shorts and started to stimulate your clit. She was very gentle, so as much as it felt good, it wasn’t nearly enough stimulation to make you get closer to your high. However, she was now having her legs wide open to give her own clit some attention while you watched. Seeing Capri biting her lip drove you nuts and you soon found yourself doing the same to take a bit of the edge off. “No, no, no.” She smacked your hand and you whined, “I’ll do that for you. So why don’t you do that for me instead?”
You nodded desperately, giving her a quick ‘okay’ while you reached for her. Her simple gesture had you whining unendingly as your body reacted to let you know you needed more than that. “My god, y/n. You’re so needy, you know that?” She laughs lowly, her hand smacks your cunt causing a yelp to erupt. Which…quickly turned into a cry. The ache you felt while your arousal skyrocketed was terrible- you needed Capri to stop it. To give you the relief your body has been begging for since early this morning. Your actions on her, matched hers for you. But seems to be more in control of herself than you were due to the amount of that specific water that she’d consumed.
“Hear that, love?” She grins, “You’re so wet, aren’t you? Take a look at yourself.” And so your eyes looked down at yourself, feeling more slick forming in that forsaken area. “Don’t stop, baby.” She looked at your fingers that were rubbing her clit as it swelled. You intentionally went harder for a second or two, drawing out a gasp from her mouth. Which sounded like she was teasing you to make her be more noisy, but either way, you picked up your pace and she begins to match up your speed. “Fuck, yeah. That feels so fucking good.” You pursed your lips together. Capri stops suddenly, and you smacked her cunt, displeased. An absolutely obscene moan flew out from her lips, making you smirk. “Who said you could stop.” You locked eyes with her, your actions slowing down. “Do you want me to stop too, Capri? Because…I sure can. And then I can make you watch me fuck myself while you can’t touch anywhere, at all.”
Capri bit onto her lower lit to stop herself from moaning, to not show you that she needed your touch as much as you needed hers. But, she kept teasing your folds, which allowed you find her answer to your demand. “Good girl.” You flashed a smug smile, bucking against her hand. That movement of yours made her moan, like actually- she’d nodded in approval asking you to keep doing that. Well, you did. Anything to get the two of you over the edge at this point. By basically riding her hand, her fingers were pushed way deeper into you and you were having a fucking good time hearing her whining and also the stimulation you were getting. Shockingly, right as you pulled your finger out of her, Capri unravels. She unravels first, whining your name repeatedly. You kept pushing your finger in and pulling it out though, to see just how much she could take before becoming an overstimulated, squirming mess right in front your eyes. When it became harder and harder for her to keep her fingers on your cunt, you take it as your cue to stop while she continues to bring you closer to the edge. Your clit was throbbing, and you beg her for more. “Capri, oh fuck, oh my God- please I-”
“Please, what, honey?” She licked her lips, looking at you up and down, “Use your words.”
“Please…” Tears brim at yours eyes, feeling yourself growing wetter and wetter. “Please, Capri I need your fingers inside me. Please…?”
“That’s my girl.” She got up, kneeling now so she could kiss you while her busy hand stayed working. She dips a finger into you and you gasped, “Fuck. Oh, God. That feels so good, Capri.”
“Does it, baby? That feels good?” She practically spoke into the never ending kiss, as her action became rougher and every time her finger poked your g-spot, a whine would fall from your lips without fail. “You close, princess?” She asks as you feel her finger retreating. You nodded eagerly, bucking your hips so her finger would return to its spot. “Woah, you’re feeling a little bit too eager today, aren’t you?” She teases, biting onto her lower lip yet again.
“All thanks to you.” You rolled your eyes.
“Fine, fuck yourself with my hand then.” She arched a brow, her eyes darkened along with her attitude.
“Fuck. That’s not what I-”
“Say that again?” She held onto your face by the chin, “What’d you mean then? Tell me, or are you just gonna be a needy, angry little slut?”
You shook your head at her last few words, “I already had a fucking bad day, Capri. Please, please- make me come. I need it.”
Giving you a little shrug, her fingers enter you in a pair. “You should’ve just told me that, sweet girl. Now I’ve made you sad.” Capri kisses the crook of your neck, then biting and sucking to leave some marks which drew blood. You seethed, she soothed the areas with her tongue. Then, she trails back down to lap at your cunt, to make you come. She’s decided to give you a little treat after only making use of her hands. With your head thrown back, you felt your climax approach at a steady pace. “Why are you-?” You panted.
“Shh.” She shushed you, “Just let go, babe. It’s okay, I know what I said, but I just wanted to do a little something to make it up to you.” She vigorously rubbed your clit, causing to nearly scream as you reached your peak. You nearly fell onto your back but she caught you. “Shit, shit, shit.” You cursed, “We did not lay a towel-” She didn’t care, simply attacking your lips once again, wanting to hear you cry for her as you continued to ride out your orgasm.
“Oh, that’s so hot, baby.”
“I- oh, god. Okay, okay. That’s enough for today, yeah.” You managed to say, laying down completely now.
“Okay.” Capri presses a kiss to your cheek, “Okay, honey. You’re alright, you’re alright.”
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Little Muse pt.6
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5
Pairing: CG!Vincent × little!reader
Contains: fluff, short slow burn, Vincent Sinclair figuring out how to be a caregiver, CG/L dynamics, Vincent is an amazing bf, reader is GN but wears skirts and dresses a lot (they're so comfy and cute), cursing, Bo doesn't understand but tried to be supportive, Lester is high key a middle
TW: This chapter has canon typical violence and gore mentions, please exercise caution if this disturbs you
**Ageregression and Littlespace will never be sexualized on this blog**
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The universe has a really funny way of fucking things up just as things seem okay again.
You had been kidnapped, you saw your face on the news multiple times while watching TV with Bo, you saw your family pleading for you to come home because they loved you so much, you scoffed and asked Bo to change the channel.
Now today someone else’s face was on the news. The police had considered your case cold and was no longer looking for you, it felt a bit surreal to know that you were no longer a concern but it was also a relief. Now that the police weren’t looking you Vincent would sometimes let you go to two with Lester if you wore a wig and glasses. You wouldn’t be able to leave if you wanted too though because Lester kept a good eye on you.
Vincent and yours relationship was largely platonic but lately there had been so obvious tension between big you and him, it wasn’t a bad tension it was hard to describe. Vincent was an ideal man, he was clean and tidy, kept himself groomed, could cook and clean, and an amazing artist. What wasn’t appealing about the man? You had yet to find something other than the mask that was a draw back.
You had asked Bo about it, he explained it simple enough and said that it would best if you didn’t ask Vincent seeing as he was incredibly self conscious about it.
You may be wondering what all that has to do with the universe fucking things up, well I assure you I’m getting there, it all started this morning. I woke up in my room and Vincent was no where to be found, I did my usual morning routine and got dressed in a simple sweatpants and a black t-shirt before going downstairs for breakfast.
I was greeted in the kitchen by Lester,
“Whooo! There she is! Goodmorning!” Lester smiled at you, you gave him a small wave and a ‘Morning.’ In response. It’s not often Lester comes for breakfast so it was a pleasant surprise to see the younger brother, you quickly grabbed some breakfast, just some simple Nutella toast and a bowl of grapes before making some for Vincent aswell. You went down into the basement and handed the man his plate which he thanked you for in sign.
You still didn’t know everything but you were catching on really well, sometimes you could even sign back to him which was really exciting.
You spent a couple hours chatting, Vincent had tried putting you in Littlespace but you weren’t feeling it today, so he instead showed you some of his latest art work which you were excited to see.
“Hey, Vince, can I take a walk?” You ask and he thinks for a moment before nodding
‘Be back before dinner’ he signs and you sign a simple ‘Ok’ in response before walking into the main house. You borrow a jacket from Bo, and set out on your walk through Ambrose.
You pulled out the MP3 player that was graciously gifted to you by Lester, you had went to a library with him and was able to download some music for when you went on walks or cleaned around the house.
(Bo’s pov)
I stood at the sink doing the dishes when Vincent came running in behind me frantically signing,
“Woah, Woah! You’re going to damn fast.” I yell and I see him take a breath
‘The bodies, they’re gone, and (y/n) is on a walk.” He signs and I feel my blood run cold
“They’re gone?” I ask and he nods, I frantically run my hand through my hair, tugging on it.
“How does that happen?!” I yell
‘Lester didn’t give them enough of the paralyzing agent, I told you to leave it to me.’ He signs and I nod, I know he’s right. Fuck. This isn’t good at all. I grab a jacket and dial Lester’s cellphone on the landline
“Fucking pick up. Pick up, pick up.” I plead
“Hello?” Lester answers, he knows I never call his cell unless it’s an emergency
“The people escaped and (y/n) isn’t in the house.” I say
“Fuck!” Lester tells and the phone drops, the call ends and I hang up before Vincent and I run out the door and to my truck while Vincent goes to do a walk through of all the areas I won’t be able to get to.
I can’t help but plead to a god I don’t believe in for their safety.
(Your POV)
You hand ended up wandering into the house of wax, you hadn’t been back in it since the day you were kidnapped and you wanted to keep looking through it. You were admiring a particular wax figure of a man playing the piano who looked so life-like you were waiting for him to blink when someone suddenly tackled you to the ground, you let out a scream only for them to cover your mouth with their hand.
“Shut up! Shut up! You’re one of them!” They whisper-yelled and you started crying, anxiety and fear overwhelming you.
What were they talking about?
Who were you one of?
You had so many questions and fear racing through you as the short man pulled you up with him.
“See, here’s what we’re gonna do, you’re gonna lead me to them and so help me god you step out of line I’ll slit your throat right here and now.” He says as he brandishes a razor blade, held tightly between his fingers. He pulled you infront of him and pressed the blade to your neck. He led you infront of him and began yelling.
“Hey! I got your friend! I’m gonna fucking kill ‘em! Just like you sick fucks did to my friends!” He screamed and you whimpered, feeling the sharp edge nick your skin
You couldn’t help but sway on your feet, your vision became cloudy as you cried, panic rising from your stomach and gripping your body like a vice, you were horrified, terrified even. Where was Vincent? Why wasn’t he protecting you?
“Oh, so you’re not gonna play?! That’s fine. Me and your friend here are gonna go inside that apartment building and you have by noon tomorrow to bring me all my friends alive or I’m gonna fucking kill them.” He screamed again. The man pulled you over to a random building and kicked the door in, he pushed you on the ground and quickly barricaded the two of you inside the building. You thought about attacking him, about doing something, yet your body wouldn’t let you.
You felt scared, alone, and violated. This person was threatening your life. Why?
I cried harder as I felt myself regressing, my mind would no longer let me stay big.
(Vincent’s POV)
I punched the wall as hard as I could. I was freaking out, I couldn’t stop, what was he doing to them? What was he saying to them? They must be so fucking scared.
“Vince, it’s fine, we can just give them their friends. We found them, they’re alive, they’re locked in one of the spare rooms.” Lester said in an attempt to calm me
“I don’t FUCKING care Lester! I want them DEAD, do you understand? I want them to experience a painful and agonizing death. NO ONE gets to touch my baby.” I scream
Bo and Lester stare at me in stunned silence as I stood there breathing heavily.
“Holy shit. Vince, you just fucking yelled at me.” Lester says
“Ofcourse he screamed, dipshit. Imagine how stressed he is right now, would you wanna be throwing hand signs while being pissed?” Bo retorts to the younger brother sarcastically,
“Can you guys shut up and help me figure out a plan? Please?” I beg as I sank to the floor, I sat there for a moment, pulling at my hair.
“Wait. The tunnels.”
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red-akara · 1 year
Today really was just a series of unfortunate events.
I’ve been working on a film project conceived last year in a 2 month long creative “club” of sorts. Where you sign up to creatively explore a theme with others in that time. I produced a trailer that my group was really excited about and set a release date for 1-11-23.
Well, up until that point, I got really in my head about self doubt, fear of external opinion, and like “yeah they loved the trailer, what if I don’t deliver?”. Plus navigating filming around my landlady’s upstairs noise. Plus not being super sure of my concept and how I wanted to portray it.
1-11-23 approached quickly, I lost time to being sick with a cold and I made the decision to delay my project to 2-22-23. I needed time to think. To plan. And figure out what the heck I was gonna do.
It took awhile to land on something I was happy to film. It took awhile to be brave and actually pick up the camera. I was still afraid of external opinion, but I had filmed something. That was last week.
Yesterday I had the day off and planned to use the whole day to edit. My landlady usually doesn’t come back home until the evening, so I figured I’d have the quiet I need. Well I woke up late, even more so in my head about the scale of the project, and not sure how to get started. AND she came back in the middle of the afternoon.
I thought I’ve got the next day off, I’ll go to my local library to ensure silence and post the complete video in the evening.
That did not happen. Here’s what did:
1. Discovered that my local library is closed for renovation until spring of 2024.
2. Went to another library and remembered that my computer requires an SD card adapter…which I didn’t bring.
3. Went home to pick up the SD card adapter and called / researched a bunch of libraries near me to see if they had designated quiet areas. They did not.
4. Figured I’d go to Barnes & Noble cause I sorta knew what to expect from the noise level and it was early afternoon. Minor inconvenience - tried to order a London fog (my favorite drink) as a motivation boost. Clerk told me they don’t have the capability to make steamed drinks at the moment. Cool.
5. All footage took an hour to download, a little longer than I expected. In that time, a couple at a table behind me was having a very animated conversation. And a guy decided to sit pretty much right next to me at the bar style tables. I packed up and left shortly after.
6. Anxious to go home if my landlady would be there to make noise and kill my focus, I spent about an hour procrastinating in Michael’s.
7. Finally went home and she wasn’t there, but I was still shocked that the one place I could rely on for quiet would be closed…for a year.
8. Vented to a friend about it all which felt good. Made dinner and was about to get started on the project.
9. Landlady comes back and has been talking with a guest of hers in the living room above me for an hour or so.
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edenaeris · 4 months
[food fantasy] dessert crisis / chapter 2
🦋 Writer: Mitsuki
🦋 Featuring: Ritsu, Tsumugi, Mao
[ Ois~su♪ ]
Season: Spring
Location: Library
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Tsumugi: Thanks to Ritsu-kun’s help, I could settle things at home just in time yesterday.
But still, although he said he’d help me sort out the remaining books, I couldn’t help but feel a bit uneasy for some reason, so I ended up coming back to the library. 
Ritsu: Zzz… Zzz…
Tsumugi: Huh? Isn’t that Ritsu-kun?
The flashlight’s still on, as well. Does this mean that Ritsu-kun stayed up reading the whole night?
Ritsu-kun, Ritsu-kun, wake up. You’ll catch a cold if you sleep here. 
Ritsu: Yawn~ 
Ah, it’s you, Aoba-oniichan~ Good morning.
Tsumugi: Did you… Did you stay here all night?
Ritsu: Hmmm… I just woke up, so things are still kinda blurry. Gimme a sec.
Ah yes, I remember now. Aside from the ones I borrowed, I also found a lot of other interesting books while I was sorting them out. I got inspired by them, so I came up with new design ideas~
Then I sat down to draw some of them on paper, and I think at some point, I ended up falling asleep on the table.
Wah~ But sleeping on your stomach is truly uncomfy. My back is all stiff now~
Tsumugi: Haha, come here, I’ll massage it a little for you.
By the way, I brought you the juice you like. Here, drink some first to wake up.
There aren’t many people in the library this early in the morning, so I’ll let it slip this time around, alright?
Ritsu: Hehe, Aoba-oniichan, you’re so good at taking care of people~
Tsumugi: I mean, you did help me sort out the books yesterday, so this is the least I can do to thank you.
Because you rounded up things for me here, I was able to solve things at home just in time, so you helped me more than you can imagine.
In any case, classes will start soon, so make sure you attend them properly.
Ritsu: Sure, sure, I know.
Fufu, how funny. Usually, it’s Maa~kun who wakes me up so we can go to class together, but today I was woken up by Aoba-oniichan. Feels like a refreshing change of pace.
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Mao: Ritsu!
Ah, you’re here too, Aoba-senpai. Morning.
Tsumugi: Haha, speak of the devil and he’s sure to appear. [1] Good morning, Isara-kun. Were you looking for Ritsu-kun?
Mao: Yup. I dropped by his house as usual today, but he wasn’t there.
Then, his family told me that he contacted them yesterday and said he’d stay in school, looking for books.
‘Though I gotta admit, I thought he’d be in class already, so I went straight to our classroom, only to find out he wasn’t there yet, so I came to the library.
Ritsu, since you’re still here, does that mean you spent the night in the library? Didn’t you feel cold or anything?
Ritsu: It’s fine, Maa~kun, I wouldn’t get sick so easily.
And after being pampered by Aoba-oniichan, I feel a lot better now ♪
Tsumugi: Alright, I’m sorry to interrupt you two, but the bell’s about to ring. If you don’t go now, you’re gonna be late for class.
Mao: Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the time as we talked. C’mon Ritsu, let’s hurry back.
Ritsu: Sure, lemme just put these books back first. It’ll only take a minute.
Tsumugi: You can leave that to me. If it’s just these few books here, I should be able to finish it in a jiff.
Ritsu: Thank you, then, Aoba-oniichan. Make sure to not be late for classes, as well.
Mao: Alright, we’ll be going now. See ya, Aoba-senpai.
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Tsumugi: Ah, I’m jealous of the friendship between youngsters. To be able to go to school hand in hand like that.
Anyway, no time to keep sighing to myself. I better finish organizing these books so I can go to class as well.
These two volumes are about sweets-making…
Hm? This one seems to be about the Cthulhu Mythos [2], though. Is this one of the interesting books Ritsu-kun mentioned he found?
Of course, there’s no harm at all in reading different genres.
Hm? There’s a piece of paper under the book. It says… “The Cthulhu Dessert Plan – Part 1”? 
Woah! What… What on earth is this design?
[ ☆ ]
Tsumugi uses an idiom here, [说曹操, 曹操到](shuō cáo cāo, cáo cāo dào), which is literally “speak of the devil and the devil shows up”, pretty similar to the English version.
The Cthulhu Mythos is mythopoeia that originated from the works of H. P. Lovecraft, deriving from the central creature in Lovecraft’s seminal short story “The Call of Cthulhu”. Lovecraft would make frequent references in his works to the “Great Old Ones”, a loose pantheon of ancient, powerful deities from space who once ruled the Earth and have since fallen into a deathlike sleep, letting the world fall into a state of chaos and hopelessness. “The Call of Cthulhu” was his first story that really expanded the pantheon of the “Great Old Ones”. This Enstars event is a collaboration with the Chinese RPG game “Food Fantasy”, in which the story revolves around how the God of Beginnings forced himself into a deep slumber after an all-out war between humans and souls broke out, leaving him in complete despair. This fictional myth from the game is very likely inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos, hence why it makes an appearance in this collab story.
🦋 Translation: Eden
🦋 Proofreading: Mia (ENG)
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norwayblogging · 10 months
Week 21/08 - 27/08 21st august:
A new week has started again! I don’t think this week will be all too excited but who knows? Today I had some theoretical lessons. It wasn’t mandatory for future teachers to go to pedagogy, but I wanted to see what subjects were going to be discussed. So I went to that lesson early in the morning. The rest of the day was pretty chill, I went to get some groceries and I went to the gym.
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22nd august:
Again, I wasn’t all to excited to go back out in the Fjords again. But I was pretty excited to learn how to canoe! Except for the fact that our teacher pretty much showed very few pictures of how to row in a canoe and how to rescue others and yourself. So we pretty much had to do a rescue excercise before we knew the basics of rowing. I thought it was pretty difficult and I didn’t really know what to do which made my rowing mate a little annoyed but I did try my best! I went in the canoe with my shirt, socks and raintrousers on so when we “fell” into the water I felt somewhat protected by my clothes.
Being in the Fjords became a little easier over time, which i’m glad for. The others in my group also know that my relationship with the wild water isn’t that great, so they know those kind of activities can be overwhelming for me.
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23rd august:
Ahh, the beginning of a long weekend for me. I have 3 study days where I don’t have to go to school which is pretty nice. I had a slow day today where I slept in, cleaned my room a little, spend some time on my computer and went to the gym. I finally bought the Norwegian brown cheese! (so delicious with jam 😋)
Around dinner we suddenly got a message that one of the Norwegians made cupcakes for us! Everyone got a cupcake with their home country flag drawn on it. It was way too cute! And SO DELICIOUS!!
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24th august:
I was originally planning to go the Heiane today ( a nearby small town, 20 minutes from campus). But I woke up too late to go. A lot of peeps went to Bergen. I’d rather go to Bergen somewhere in December when I meet with some people from back home.
But this day wasn’t lost at all! Some of my dormmates were going for a boatride near campus to go picnicking and they asked me along! I made some lunch and went with them, it was a very nice day to be outside!
At the end of the day I went to the gym again! (If I’m not fit in December, I’m going to cry 😫) Lastly I had a long distance movie night with the boyfriend before I went to bed.
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25th august:
My second attempt of going to Heiane today! (I didn’t go 🙂). Slept in again and made breakfast! Todays breakfast: Eggs, bacon and cheese wrap! It was DELICIOUS! Decluttered my room again and worked on my computer for the day. Around noon, I went to the gym again (no one can stop me anymore). And though about making some mushroom soup (which turned more into a sauce than a soup… but it was eatable and surprisingly good 😊)
26th august:
These days are good for sleeping in omg 🤣. Didn’t do much today either… I’m starting to feel bad about it too… But I did try to socialise more today with my dormmates, I went to the gym and called with some friends from home.
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27th august:
Sunday again! I spend my morning doing a workout with some friends from home. (I was suppost to rest from going to the gym everyday… but anyway 😄). I chilled a bit at my studenthousing and around 17 pm I figured I should try if my studentcard could actually open the library (spoiler alert: it did!). The wifi at school lets me do a lot more stuff online than the wifi in my dorm so I would like to go here on a sunday more often 😊. Some of my dormmates made some Norwegian Boller, the little breadbuns we also made on the short mountain trip. I could eat them everyday.
This week wasn’t that exciting… but that’s okay! I think next week will bring much more joy!
Week 21/08 - 27/08 21 augustus:
Een nieuwe week is weer begonnen! Ik denk niet dat deze week al te enthousiast zal zijn, maar wie weet? Vandaag had ik wat theorielessen. Het was niet verplicht voor toekomstige leraren om naar pedagogiek te gaan, maar ik wilde wel zien welke onderwerpen er aan bod zouden komen. Dus ging ik vroeg in de ochtend naar die les. De rest van de dag was vrij chill, ik ging wat boodschappen halen en ik ging naar de sportschool.
22 augustus:
Ik was weer niet zo enthousiast om terug te gaan naar de Fjorden. Maar ik was wel enthousiast om te leren kanoën! Behalve dan dat onze leraar maar weinig plaatjes liet zien van hoe je moet roeien in een kano en hoe je anderen en jezelf moet redden. Dus moesten we eerst een reddingsoefening doen voordat we de basis van het roeien kenden. Ik vond het best moeilijk en ik wist niet echt wat ik moest doen, waardoor mijn roeipartner een beetje geïrriteerd raakte, maar ik heb wel mijn best gedaan! Ik ging in de kano met mijn shirt, sokken en regenbroek aan, dus toen we in het water "vielen" voelde ik me enigszins beschermd door mijn kleren.
Na verloop van tijd werd het een beetje makkelijker om in de Fjorden te zijn en daar ben ik blij om. De anderen in mijn groep weten ook dat mijn relatie met het wilde water niet zo geweldig is, dus ze weten dat dit soort activiteiten overweldigend voor me kunnen zijn.
23 augustus:
Ahh, het begin van een lang weekend voor mij. Ik heb 3 studiedagen waarop ik niet naar school hoef en dat is best fijn. Vandaag had ik een rustige dag waarin ik uitsliep, mijn kamer een beetje opruimde, wat tijd achter mijn computer doorbracht en naar de sportschool ging. Ik heb eindelijk de Noorse bruine kaas gekocht! (zo lekker met jam 😋)
Rond het avondeten kregen we ineens een berichtje dat een van de Noren cupcakes voor ons had gemaakt! Iedereen kreeg een cupcake met de vlag van zijn eigen land erop getekend. Het was veel te schattig! En zo lekker!
24 augustus:
Ik was oorspronkelijk van plan om vandaag naar Heiane te gaan (een klein stadje in de buurt, 20 minuten van de campus). Maar ik werd te laat wakker. Veel mensen gingen naar Bergen. Ik ga liever ergens in december naar Bergen als ik met wat mensen van thuis afspreek.
Maar deze dag was helemaal niet verloren! Een paar van mijn huisgenoten gingen een boottochtje maken in de buurt van de campus om te picknicken en ze vroegen me mee! Ik maakte lunch en ging met ze mee, het was een hele mooie dag om buiten te zijn!
Aan het einde van de dag ging ik weer naar de sportschool! (Als ik in december niet fit ben, ga ik huilen 😫) Als laatste had ik een lange afstands filmavond met vriendlief voordat ik naar bed ging.
25 augustus:
Mijn tweede poging om naar Heiane te gaan vandaag! (Ik ben niet gegaan 🙂 ). Weer uitgeslapen en ontbijt gemaakt! Het ontbijt van vandaag: Eieren, bacon en kaas wrap! Het was heerlijk! Mijn kamer weer opgeruimd en aan mijn computer gewerkt voor vandaag. Rond het middaguur ging ik weer naar de sportschool (niemand kan me meer tegenhouden). En dacht eraan om champignonsoep te maken (wat meer een saus werd dan een soep… maar het was te eten en verrassend lekker 😊)
26 augustus:
Deze dagen zijn goed om uit te slapen 🤣. Vandaag ook niet veel gedaan… Ik begin me er ook slecht over te voelen… Maar ik heb vandaag wel geprobeerd om meer te socializen met mijn huisgenoten, ik ben naar de sportschool geweest en heb gebeld met wat vrienden van thuis.
27 augustus:
Weer zondag! Ik heb mijn ochtend besteed aan een workout met wat vrienden van thuis. (Ik had eigenlijk moeten rusten van elke dag naar de sportschool te gaan… maar goed 😄). Ik chillde wat op mijn studentenhuis en rond 17 uur dacht ik dat ik maar eens moest proberen of mijn studentenkaart de bibliotheek kon openen (spoiler alert: dat deed hij!). Met de wifi op school kan ik veel meer online doen dan met de wifi in mijn studentenhuis, dus ik wil hier vaker heen op zondag 😊. Een paar van mijn kamergenoten hebben Noorse Boller gemaakt, de kleine broodjes die we ook tijdens de korte bergtocht hebben gemaakt. Ik zou ze elke dag wel kunnen eten.
Deze week was niet zo spannend… maar dat geeft niet! Ik denk dat volgende week veel meer vreugde zal brengen!
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themermaidsdragon · 11 months
The Malfoy and the Half-blood
Warnings: Oral Sex, Ice Play, Consensual Underage Sex, Body Worship, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Public Sex
After an eventful night with Calenhad Daisy wakes up more annoyed with him then happy. When he confronts her in the library, she admits she is still hurt from the past, so he does his best to make it up to her.
This is the second chapter to this series. Can Calenhad fix everything from the past, or is Daisy going to think it's not worth it and give up on their future? Thanks for reading :)
Chapter 2: Inappropriate Library Activities
Daisy woke up late the next day after a long night at the yule ball and, well, the hospital wing. Daisy laid there thinking about the night before and how unexpected it was now that the adrenaline was gone, and she had time to think.
Last night was real, right? Ya…it was definitely real…He ignored me for 4 years though. Acting like he didn’t like me. Then all of a sudden, he finally does something last night all because he gets jealous. When I finally moved on thinking he didn’t like me. Well fuck that! He needs to work for it!
Daisy decides she is going to go to the library to start studying before classes start up again after winter break.
If I see Calenhad I am going to ignore him and tell him, I am busy. Ya…I can do that…I just won't look him in the eye...because those blue eyes make me a little weak…and his soft looking lips….
Daisy shakes her head, Focus. She makes her way to the library. There aren't a lot of people here today. I mean who would want to after a long night at the yule ball. She took a seat at one of the cubicles in the library to study and took out all of her books.
There standing in front of her was the Durmstrang she went to the ball with last night.
"Oh…um hi…I'm so sorry for what happened last night…I didn’t know…I just, I was going to come to you later. The thing is I…" Daisy stumbled over her words trying to figure out the best thing to say to him.
"You don’t need to explain. I saw the way you looked at him. Even after I punched him in the nose."
"Ya, you had a right to with the way he was acting. You deserve an explaina…."
"No it's okay. Our time was short, but I don’t regret it at all. Just remember whatever path you choose, choose it for you." he says as he kisses her cheek and begins to walk away.
Daisy blushes. She can't help it, he was a good guy. He just wasn’t the one. She sighs and goes back to her books.
"Do you regret it?" an angry tone comes from behind her. It was Calenhad. She didn’t even see him walk up. "I saw your interaction." "No, I don't, and why do you think you have the right to have an angry tone right now with me." Daisy looked up at him. Fuck he is so cute. No Daisy NO! Be strong. He thinks he can be mad at you right now. Ya right! "Well why didn’t you stick up for me when he was talking to you. He did punch me. I didn’t put a finger on him." he says. "WHY AM I GOING TO BLAME HIM FOR HITTING YOU?" Daisy yells at him. "sshhhhhhhhhhhh" a student says across the way at another cubicle. "Sorry! Sorry!...anyways I'm not going to blame him when you were a jerk to him. He was asking what was going on with you kissing me, when we were at the dance together, not you and I. He doesn’t understand the history we have and if he did, he would still do it because you were an asshole. You treated me like shit and then you have the nerve to finally come over after 4 years and admit your feelings to me. So no, fuck you. You deserved the punch. " She whispers to him.
Calenhad goes quiet a bit. "We talked about this last night though on why." he says in a quiet tone. "Ya hardly, and that doesn’t mean that all that hurt is just going to go away over one night. I wasn’t lying last night when you said I was finally yours, but that doesn’t mean I'm going to let everything go right away." "Well, what can I do?" "I don’t know." she says and puts her head down to her books to write. Calenhad stands there quietly for a second, and then slides her chair out a bit. He climbs underneath her desk and grabs the legs of the chair to scoot her back in a bit. Daisy almost leapt out of her chair at the feeling of Calenhad's head between her legs… “Calenhad what are you haaaaaa” she tried to silence her moan as she felt his nose press against her clit through her panties. Pushing them to the side he gave a long lick up her slit making daisy shiver and her legs began to shake. Calenhad groaned and unzipped his pants stroking his length as he swirled his tongue around her clit. Daisy leaned forward against the table doing her best to hold herself together “Calenhad please… w-we might get caught…” she gasped and Calenhad smirked “not if you are quiet” he groaned and pushed his tongue deeper causing her to jolt… She began to give in until she heard a familiar voice “Hey Daisy just wanted to say goodbye before I left for break!” Adelia called and Daisy sat up straight and moved her chair forward to hide Calenhad more, unintentionally shoving his tongue deeper inside making her eyes roll back for a moment trying to pull herself together for Adelia “Y-yeah have a good break! I-I’ll be leaving tomorrow…’ she stuttered. Adelia got closer and saw she was bright red “Woah Daisy are you okay?” She asked, putting her hand on her forehead “Daisy you are burning up! “She exclaimed and Daisy gently pushed her hand away and laughed “ha-ha no ono I’m fine just uh…read one of my steaming books ha-ha you know me” she smiled, and Adelia nodded “Ohhhh yeah that makes sense you have some pretty steamy books. Well anyway have a good rest of your break!” She smiled and skipped off. Daisy huffed and glared at Calenhad as he continued to eat her out “Calenhad you are so…deaaaaaa oh fuck…” she gasped bucking her hips as he hit her sweet spot just right reaching down, she gripped his hair and panted “Cal…Cal I…a-ah….” She was about to cum, and she had to be quiet about it. Meanwhile Calenhad was under the table savoring her taste while he too was getting close to his climax. Daisy squirmed and bit her bottom lip as she finally came her whole body shaking in her chair, Calenhad didn’t stop his assault on her pussy though as he sucked on her now throbbing clit “Cal…Cal I can’t take another…” she gasped, but he ignored her as he continued this time also slipping two fingers inside her” Daisy was a mess at this point, and the chair, as well as Calenhad’s chin was dripping “Cal…I…” her second orgasm hit her harder than the first this time hiding her face in her hands as she arched her back. Calenhad pulled away and jerked himself until he came on her legs, panting hard and looking at what he did to her. Suddenly she thumped him hard on the head “Just because you made me cum twice doesn’t mean I’m not still mad at you” she pouted and Calenhad let out a chuckle as he rubbed his head “Doesn’t mean I wont stop trying” he smirked, and daisy’s eyes softened a bit and she sighed “Come on let’s get cleaned up”.
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neonmeron · 1 year
水曜日 2023/2/22
午前三時に寝て、午前七時半に起きました。レポートを書いていましたから。Never again. 今日、日本語のテストがありました。It was a listening quiz and I think I did really well. I probably got something wrong though lol. Before the quiz, we were waiting for more people to come (waiting for the late people) and we did a culture discussion based on our homework assignment. The culture homework was about Japanese 7-11s, school activities, and Japanese addresses. とても面白かったです。after the quiz, we started going over our review packet because *drumroll* the midterm is tomorrow! It was relatively easy but I did make a few errors. I am confident I will get an A or A- on the exam. To prepare, I'm going to practice everything on my review sheet so grab some popcorn and enjoy :) Lesson 6: Please read the book. 本を読んでください。 Please turn off the light. 電気を消してください。 Please study at the library. 図書館で勉強してください。 Please come with me. 私に来てください。 Please wait in front of the post office. 郵便局の前で待ってください。 Please wait a minute (a little). ちょっと待ってください。 (At the clinic, a nurse said) Please come in. 入ってください。 Please return my dictionary tomorrow. 明日私の辞書を返してください。 Please teach me kanji. 私に漢字を教えてください。 Please bring me a drink. 私に飲み物を持ってきてください。
You may eat food here. ここで食べ物を食べてもいいです。 You may use a computer in this room. この部屋でパソコンを使ってもいいです。 You may not go out at night.夜、出かけてはいけません。 You may take a picture of the temple. お寺の写真を撮ってもいいです。 You may not come home late. 遅く、家に帰ってはいけません。 May I bring Pochi (dog) to the party? パーティにポチを連れてきてもいいですか。 Yes, you may. はい、いいですよ。 Well...not really convenient...(indirect) あのう、ちょっと。。。 No, you may not. いいえ、いけません。 May I listen to music here? ここで音楽を聞いてもいいですか。 Yes, you may. / No, you may not. はい、いいですよ。/いいえ、(聞いては)いけません。 You may not take a bath in the morning. 朝、おふろに入ってはいけません。
I woke up in the morning, and then took a shower. 私は朝起きて、シャワーを浴びました。 Tanaka-san went to school, and then met his teacher 田中さんは学校に行って、先生に会いました。 Today, I will go to a department store and will buy a big bag. 今日、デパートに行って、大きい鞄を買います。 Why don’t we go to the café and talk? カフェに行って、話しませんか。 I will go home and do my homework today. 今日、私はうちに帰って、宿題をします。 Let’s go to the park by bicycle. (Let’s ride a bicycle and go to the park.) 自転車に乗って、公園に行きましょう。 Robert usually gets up in the morning and read a news ロバートさんはたいてい朝起きて、新聞を読みます。 I am sorry for forgetting a textbook. 教科書を忘れて、すみません。 I am sorry for sleeping in the classroom クラスで寝て、すみません。
I will study. I will have a test tomorrow. 勉強します。明日テストがありますから。 Tanaka-san didn’t come to the party. (Because) he was not energetic/healthy. 田中さんはパーティに来ませんでした。元気じゃなかったから。 I will buy this bag. (Because) it is pretty. このかばんを買います。きれいですから。 I will not see “Scream 4.” (Because) I don’t like scary movies. 「スクリーム4」を見ません。怖い映画が好きじゃないですから。 I don’t usually eat breakfast. (Because) I don’t have much time in the morning. たいてい朝ごはんを食べません。朝あまり時間がありませんから。 Last week was tough. (Because) I had a lot of homework. 先週は大変でした。たくさん宿題がありましたから。
Let’s eat ice cream. アイスクリームを食べましょう。 Let’s go to the sea and swim. 海に行って、泳ぎましょう。 Yes, let’s./That will be good. はい、泳ぎましょう。/いいですね。 Shall we sit down over there and talk? あそこに座って、話しましょうか。 Shall we ask the teacher? 先生に聞きましょうか。 Shall I read a book (for you)? (usually an offer) 本を読みましょうか。 Yes, please. は���、お願いします。 Shall I carry the baggage? 荷物を持ちましょうか。 Shall I close the window? 窓を閉めましょうか。 Shall I help you? 手伝いましょうか。 Lesson 7 I am listening to music now. 今、私は音楽を聞いています。 Tanaka-san is smoking (now). 田中さんは(今)タバコを吸っています。 Are you watching TV? テレビを見ていますか。 Yes, I am (watching TV). / No, I am not (watching TV). はい、見ています。/いいえ、見ていません。 What are you doing now? 今、何をしていますか。 I am writing a (term) paper (now). (今)レポートを書いています。 Robert-san is not playing tennis now. He is singing a song. ロバートさんは今テニスをしていません。歌を歌っています。
(An hour ago) I was eating lunch now. (一時間前)昼ご飯を食べていました。 Were you doing your homework (when I called)? 宿題をしていましたか。 Yes, I was (doing my homework)/No, I wasn’t. はい、していました。/いいえ、していませんでした。 What was your older sister doing yesterday around 9:00pm? 昨日の午後九時ごろ(に)お姉さんは何をしていましたか。 My older sister was taking a shower. 姉はシャワーを浴びていました。
My younger sister lives in Hawaii. 私の妹はハワイに住んでいます。 I am wearing (have on) a pair of jeans. 私はジーンズを履いています。 My cat is fat, but Yamada-san’s cat is thin. 私の猫はふっとていますが、山田さんの猫は瘦せています。 I own a car. 車を持っています。 Do you know that person? あの人を知っていますか。
As for my father, his height is high/low (=tall, short). 父は背が高いです。/父は背が低いです。 As for my dog, his head is good/not good (=smart/dumb). 私の犬は頭がいいです。/私の犬は頭がよくないです。 I have a poor eyesight. (near-sighted) 私は目が悪いです。 As for Tanaka-san, are his hands big/legs long? 田中さんは手が大きいですか。/田中さんは足が長いですか。 As for Kyoko-san, does she have short hair? 京子さんは髪が短いですか。
Tanaka-san is always lively and interesting. 田中さんはいつも元気で、面白いです。 Mary-san is energetic and cute and smart. メアリーさんは元気で、かわいくて、頭がいいです。 (When I visited), Los Angeles was big and lively. ロサンゼルスは大きくて、にぎやかでした。 Professor Yamashita is a kind and interesting teacher. 山下先生は親切で、面白い先生です。 My house --- old / not clean. 私のうちは古くて、きれいじゃないです。 The test yesterday --- difficult / tough. 昨日のテストは難しくて、大変でした。 The food at that restaurant --- inexpensive / not delicious. あのレストランの食べ物は安いですが、おいしくないです。 My friend --- Japanese / about thirty years old. 私の友達は日本人で、三十歳ぐらいです。 My dog --- cute / energetic / not smart. 私の犬はかわいくて、元気で、頭がよくないです。 Kyoko-san --- has long hair / beautiful / not kind. 京子さんは髪が長くて、きれいですが、親切じゃないです。
I will go to the temple to take pictures tomorrow. 明日、お寺に写真を撮りに行きます。 I came to this university to study economics. この大学に経済を勉強しに来ました。 My younger sister will go to the library to borrow a book the day after tomorrow. 私の妹は明後日図書館に本を借りに行きます。 Did Michiko-san go to the department store to buy a hat? 道子さんはデパートに帽子を買いに行きましたか。 I went home to eat lunch today. 今日、うちに帰って、昼ご飯を食べに帰りました。 Are you going to the mall(モール)to see a movie this weekend? 今週の週末、モールに映画を見に行きますか。
There are four French students in my class. 私のクラスにフランス人の学生が四人います。 My older sister has two children. 姉は子供が二人います。 A: How many siblings/ brothers and sisters do you have? 兄弟が何人いますか。 B: I have one younger brother. 弟が一人います。 Finally done. Let's get this bread. このパンを受けりましょう。 じゃあね~ 今日の歌はback number - 「エメラルド」です。 Notice any errors? Lmk!! I always want to fix my mistakes so I can learn better. ありがとう!
I did not just spend over an hour formatting this just for it to not work :’)
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