#i will admit though i have another idea for them already but it wasn't added to the wip list
belabellissima · 5 months
OKAY this list is driving me crazy already, can you tell me about the Jurdan childhood fic?
jurdan my beloved 😭😭😭 imagine how different things would have been if jude had come to Faerie when she was four instead of seven. Imagine her meeting Cardan before Dain tricks him. Before he moves into Hollow Hall with Balekin.
Imagine them as childhood friends to lovers to rulers and cry with me.
and a snippet:
Now, little brother, you must choose a future.”
Cardan stares at Margaret, with her blank eyes and chapped lips, the slump of her shoulders. He’s never seen a glamoured mortal up close before - Jude always wore protection, even in her home, not trusting that Madoc’s guards wouldn’t attempt something. Cardan imagines Jude in Margaret’s place and is left with an uncomfortable feeling, like that of bugs crawling beneath his skin. Jude would never be ensorcelled. She was too strong for that, would have any who dared attempt it killed by Madoc for the offense. She was just as cunning as the Folk, just as witty and sometimes cruel.
She could never be inferior, as Balekin claims mortals to be. It just doesn't make sense.
And Jude, for all that she would never be inferior, would also never hurt him. She’s his friend, his only friend, just as he is her only friend outside of her sisters.
He makes his choice.
“Alright, brother,” Cardan says, and turns his back to Balekin. “I’ll leave then.”
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The Malicious Daughter is Back! - 3
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
The Malicious Daughter Is Back! Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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You scoffed, “Are you willing to wait until school is over? As you can see, I have to teach my precious students.”
Bucky smirked. This was the first time you had seen him smile. You had to admit he was handsome. Victoria must be proud, as Bucky was way out of her league.
But you didn't want to get close to him since he was already your step-sister's fiancé. Perhaps he had the same character as her.
Bucky interrupted your thoughts, “You don't have to worry since the principal has given you permission to leave after this class.”
Unbeknownst to you, before he entered your class, Andre had brought him to the principal's office. Bucky had bribed the principal with cigars.
For the first time, Andre saw his principal, who usually wore a flat expression from the stress of dealing with delinquent students, laugh heartily as he picked up the cigars. “Haha… of course. Miss Sinclair needs a day off.”
Clueless about Bucky's deal with the principal, you raised your eyebrows in surprise, not expecting the principal to give you a day off so easily.
Half a day without dealing with the delinquents wasn't a bad idea. As you rose from your seat, you issued a directive, "Fine. Let's go."
You pointed towards the hallway and added, "And stick close to me. It's like a jungle out there."
As Bucky followed behind you, he soon realized the context of your warning. The students erupted in cheers, though the intent behind their vocalizations remained ambiguous, potentially constituting either catcalls or attempts to provoke offense.
"You've got a rich sugar daddy, miss," one student jeered, while another offered unsolicited advice, "Dude, run while you still have the chance."
A misguided attempt at physical interaction occurred when one student attempted to bump into Bucky, prompting him to sidestep, causing the student to stumble and fall.
"Dude, what the heck?" the surrounding students exclaimed in confusion.
"Pardon me," Bucky politely interjected as he maneuvered away from the scene.
Observing the exchange, you addressed the student, Mark, with a pointed remark, "That's what you get."
In response, Mark displayed a gesture of defiance, raising his middle finger, to which you reciprocated in kind.
Witnessing the interaction between you and your students, Bucky noted your lack of fear, interpreting your demeanor as assertive and resilient.
Break time was over, and it was time for the students to return to their classrooms. However, none of them made a move.
You understood the reason; they knew you were leaving.
Standing near the school door, you raised your right arm and held up three fingers.
“If I count to three and you guys are still here, I'll make all of you fail my class,” you warned them, your tone firm and commanding.
“We'll make you viral, b*tch! This is unfair,” Mark protested.
“Try me. One…” You began the countdown, your voice echoing through the hallway, your expression steely.
Before you could even say “two,” the students scattered, rushing back to their classrooms in a panic.
Bucky watched in awe, though he didn't verbalize it. Instead, he gave you an impressed look, admiration evident in his eyes.
You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “Like I said before, devil spawn.”
Bucky chuckled and held the door open for you, a gesture of respect and acknowledgment of your authority.
He brings you to a luxurious café, seemingly inspired by Moroccan design. The place features intricate tiles, arched doorways, and rich colors. Elegant furniture, soft lighting, and comfortable seating create a warm atmosphere.
It had been a long time since you visited a place like this, reminiscent of times before you were kicked out by your stepmother.
Opting for the cheapest drink on the menu, you ordered a cold brew, not wanting to owe him anything more than necessary.
Your drink arrived promptly, and you tasted it. The taste of the coffee made you forget about the shitty cafeteria coffee you just had. Compared to you, who ordered a simple drink, Bucky's was unique.
His coffee was prepared right before him, with the server announcing, “We have prepared your coffee cup, sir.”
Bucky nodded graciously. “Thank you.”
“You're very welcome, sir,” the server replied before departing. “Enjoy.”
Bucky savored his coffee with an air of elegance, his movements precise and refined. You couldn't help but notice that he had been wearing leather gloves this whole time.
Taking a sip of your drink, you asked, “So… What do you want to talk about?”
Bucky set down his drink and met your gaze with his calm, cold demeanor.
“It's about last night,” he began, his expression unreadable as he spoke.
You grumbled, “Oh my god. Are you going to sue me for sexual harassment? I'm sorry. It's a bad habit of mine, doing something without thinking. Please don't sue me. I don't have the money to hire a lawyer.”
Bucky struggled to follow your rapid speech. “No, calm down. I won't sue you. It's just…” He paused, taking a deep breath to compose himself.
Or did Victoria cry to Bucky and ask him to teach you a lesson? You couldn't help but wonder what he was going to say next.
“I have this disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). The symptoms include being overly sensitive to sensory input, including touch,” he explained, his gaze shifting to observe your reaction.
“No judgment here. I've encountered various cases of trauma from my students,” felt relieved a bit you reassured him, trying to offer some comfort.
“Thank you for understanding,” Bucky replied gratefully. “When someone touches me without my consent, I will vomit or I will faint.”
Your eyes widened in realization. “Shit.” Guilt washed over you as you began to fully comprehend the impact of your actions.
Bucky confessed, “The weirdest thing is, when you touched me, kissed me, my body didn't have any reaction.”
You lifted your head in confusion. “Huh?”
“I went to different psychologists, tried many medicines, doctors, meditations, but none of them worked. Except you. A stranger that I've never met,” Bucky elaborated.
“Are you sure?” you asked, still trying to process the revelation.
Bucky then removed his leather gloves and called the waitress over. “You. Come here.”
The waitress approached, curious about Bucky's request. “Yes, sir?”
Bucky extended his bare hand. “Shake my hand.”
The waitress, unsure of the situation, complied and shook Bucky's hand.
In an instant, Bucky grabbed a nearby bucket and began to vomit.
The waitress and you were both shocked. Bucky, who had been calm and composed moments ago, now appeared pale and sickly in just a matter of seconds.
Could what he said really be true?
Bucky wiped his mouth and apologized to the waitress, his tone sincere. “I'm sorry. Please don't be offended. It's not because of you. I hope the tips my secretary will give you could cheer you up.”
The waitress, still unsure of what just happened, responded hesitantly, “Ah, thank you?”
Bucky's secretary appeared seemingly out of nowhere and began conversing with the waitress, diverting her attention.
Left alone with Bucky, he raised his hand again, as if asking for your right hand. Confused, you offered your hand, which he gently took and held in his.
You thought it might have been a mistake, but Bucky showed no reaction. He closed his eyes, seemingly waiting for something to happen. There was no rapid heartbeat, no sweating, and no urge to vomit.
He opened his eyes and saw you looking thoughtful. “Thank you for your patience and trust.”
You replied, “Ehm, glad to help.”
“My predictions were correct. You could be the answer to my disorder. I will make you a generous offer,” Bucky stated. His voice tone sounded like happiness is in it.
"Really?" You could ask for money for your grandmother's surgery. After you were kicked out of the house, you lived with your grandmother from your mother's side. After your mother died, your father stopped sending money to your grandmother.
Bucky nodded, his expression serious.
You hesitated. "Wait. Does Victoria know about this?"
Bucky shook his head. “Besides my parents, only you know about this.”
“Both of you are going to get married, and you didn't want to share the truth?” you questioned. Poor Victoria, the man she will marry, has a cold heart.
You were supposed to be the bad guy, glad that she would receive her karma. But why did this remind you of something?
He went silent. The thought of marriage with Victoria irked Bucky. He pulled on his leather hand gloves again and rested his hand on the table. He looks like he's discussing a business deal worth billions.
“The truth is, I saw this marriage as a business deal. I don't have the desire to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your stepsister. And from what I've seen of her, it's better if I don't talk to her about my disorder,” Bucky explained.
His tone was cold, sending a shiver down your spine. No wonder the Barnes family had been successful conglomerates for so long—they knew how to get what they wanted.
But there was something you didn't agree with. “I want to help you,” you stated.
Bucky visibly lightened up at your words.
You crossed your arms tightly, a frown creasing your brow. “But after what you said to hide it from your fiance, you reminded me of my father. A man of few words. A hero in business, but a failure in family.”
Your father, Jonathan, lived and breathed for money. He left everything about the household to your mom, while the families’ businesses thrived. But after your mother died, her family's business went bankrupt, and he didn't offer much help.
You didn't want to assist another man who reminded you of your dad.
Placing a dollar bill on the table to pay for your drink, you stood up abruptly. “I hope you find a cure, but I won't be the one to help you. Thank you and goodbye.” You grabbed your coat and started walking away.
Bucky hadn't expected you to reject him. And what's more outrageous is you're comparing him with your father. Bullshit.
He scoffed, his fingers tapping the table in frustration. No one had ever said no to him before.
He turned around and saw your back. “What if I raise my offer? Your childhood home and Velari into your hands?”
Your foot stopped before you reached the door. How did he know your deepest desire? The home you got kicked out of was the treasure from your mom. That beautiful home was designed by her; she was a designer.
And Velari, the fashion brand built by your mother, was now occupied by Celestial Enterprises, owned by Genevieve. It was your birthright to inherit your mother's work, but that other woman and her devil spawn were able to kick you out.
Lost in your daydream, you didn't realize Bucky was standing before you. “Do you like that deal?”
You lifted your head, meeting his gaze with a hint of mischief in your eyes. A sly smile played on your lips as you reached out and gently took his hand in yours.
Bucky felt a sudden surge of heat as your fingers intertwined with his.
You lifted his leather-clad right hand and brought it closer to your lips. Gently, you pressed a kiss against it. "With an offer like that, I might just be tempted to give you more than just my hand."
The gesture made Bucky shiver, though he didn't feel any disgust. This feeling was completely different from what he experienced last night.
From this moment, he knew you're a natural seducer, and he was playing with fire.
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Author Note: I had goosebumps writing the last part. I hope you like this chapter. 💓💋
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izels-writing · 4 months
s. black — august
Tagged; @urbansaint
Pairing: sirius black x fem!slytherin!french!reader
Summary: you and sirius spent most of august together.
Warnings: slightly ooc sirius, a little drama but they’re teens so😝, harassment (brief), slight enemies to lovers if u squint real hard, a bit rushed i apologize, brief mention of france so i apologize i forgot that was part of the request, also i didn’t put regulus and sirius making up in this bc it was already long asf my bad
you hated sirius black. with a passion. not for any unknown reason—no, you had every right to hate him. even his friends knew it. and you were nothing if not stubborn. you'd never admit someone could get under you skin, but he absolutely could.
to understand why you hated sirius, first you had to understand what lead to this in the first place—starting at the beginning.
after a two-week vacation in your parents home town, bordeaux, france, you were very happy to be home. it wasn't that you hated your extended family, but you certainly enjoyed the comfort of your own bed as opposed to the old mattress that your older cousin no longer used.
living beside the potters was fun, if you could believe. you and your parents got along amazingly with the potters, despite you and james' teasing rivalry. you both never meant anything by it, but it was a fun inside joke—even if you hardly acknowledged each other at school.
placing your book down, you glanced up through your bedroom window, peering inside james' bedroom curiously. adding to the rivalry, your bedrooms faced each other—which was funnier than you both cared to admit.
you spotted a tall, though shorter than james, lean boy with handsome features and beautiful black hair. immediately, when he turned around, you recognized it to be sirius black—james' best friend. you knew seldom of sirius' home situation, but knew enough to know that the potters were his safe haven.
unfortunately, a week into the summer, before you left for france—sirius showed up to you and james' movie night, bleeding and crying hysterically from whatever had happened at his home. james helped him get changed while you made them tea and you quickly left, knowing it was not your place to stay. since then, sirius had spoken to you and apologized for the intrusion—but you knew he had nothing to be sorry for. it wasn't his fault.
since you had gotten home, you had gotten yourselves into a bit of a tedious situation.
one night, before the beginning of august, he had trouble sleeping and he had signaled to you through your bedroom window (given he knew what a night owl you were) that he was bored. though you felt you shouldn't have, given your parents no boys rule, you invited him over through your window. he had stayed up with you for a few hours, you two talking about anything and everything that came to mind.
and then, it became a nightly occurrence. you both thought james had no idea, given his habit of sleeping at 9:30 pm sharp, and if he did, he never made it obvious. every night, at 11 pm, he'd climb out of james' window and into yours.
and eventually, given the intimacy of those shared late nights, you grew an attraction to one another. one that did not go left unsaid.
you pulled away from your kiss, pushing sirius' hair out of his face. he was under you, with you straddling his torso as he lied on your bed. his lips were a red shade, from the bruising kissing you two had been engaged in. he tried to pull you in again with a smirk, but you chuckled and pulled away again. you stared into his eyes.
"we're going back to school soon, you know that right?" you asked. he groaned.
"don't remind me," he whined. he pulled you in for another kiss, pulling your hips down onto his. you hummed happily into the kiss but pulled back again.
"so, i know it may be too early to decide this, but we've got to figure out how to explain it you know?" you replied. his side wasn't so much a problem, but you were already a pariah in the slytherin house—given your indifference to pureblood status—you didn't exactly want to seem like the weird girl who sneaks around with a gryffindor.
sirius furrowed his eyebrows. "what're you talking about?"
he sat up as you situated yourself on his lap. he gave you a confused look and you shyly explained, "well, people are gonna ask questions—i feel like we should be on the same page about this, whatever this is,"
"yeah, well it's simple, no one will know," sirius shrugged. he tried to lean into to kiss you again, but you pulled away, sliding off of his lap.
"what do you mean no one will know?" you questioned, your blood running cold as he looked at you.
"i mean we'll keep it a secret, no one should know and frankly i don't want to tell anyone," he said casually.
you blinked at him. "and why not?"
he chuckled, trying to ease the growing tension. "y/n, you and i can't be seen together, you and i both know that..."
"what're you on about?" you asked, narrowing your eyes slightly at the boy.
"well, you know you're a...slytherin, you know? i can't be seen with you, your house is what i've been trying to escape my whole life..." he said dumbfounded.
you felt your heart drop as you chuckled humorlessly, you stood up and paced the room, "i don't believe this..."
frankly, hearing this made you wish you had never met him into your room in the first place.
"what? y/n, come on, you can't be that way... you know what my families like, and they're all slytherins, what'll people say when they see me with you? after running away? it's laughable!"
your blood boiled. "how can you sit there and say that? so what, i'm shameful to be with? not all slytherins are the same, just because your family is from that house and they're dickwads—it doesn't mean the same for the rest of us!" you said angrily.
"i can't believe you're overreacting about this! it's just not the right time! i ran away from my family, to be with a real loving family, to what? be associated with another slytherin? i've worked so hard to be separated from that house, from that family, i'm sorry but i won't go back—not for anyone. you can't sit here and tell me that everyone from that house isn't exactly like my family!" sirius replied angrily. he stood from your bed as he yelled and you felt your heart twist, staring up at him with fury.
"you know, you sit here and talk about how terrible your family is and how much you hate them and never want to be like them," you spat. "but you are exactly like them!"
"you judge people, you act like you're better than everyone because of who you are or what house your from, and you are a coward and cruel!" you spat angrily, lip quivering. "get out!"
sirius' expression changed. he was angry. he was hurt. more importantly, he felt like you had just plunged a deep knife into his heart and twisted. but most of all, he looked numb.
"you know what? i will leave, i may be a coward, but i would've never said to you what you just said to me," he spat. he climbed out of the window, leaving quickly and quickly going into his own home.
you watched angrily as he did, unfortunately still caring that he made it inside safely, and closed your window and curtain.
you couldn't believe he had made you feel so stupid...
months had passed since you and sirius' huge fight. since then, you'd hardly spoken to each other—and if you did, it wasn't very kind exchanges. your interactions were filled with glares and sarcasm and irritability with each other—and james was left more than confused how something so gentle could change into something so angry overnight.
nonetheless, you did your best to avoid each other at school. did you miss your late night talks with him? your late night eating sessions? most of all, your late night arts and crafts? of course, but he had shown you who he really was. you didn't need to miss someone like that. ( and honestly, it had become really clear how boring you two were together—but those nights were the funnest nights of your life. )
"hey, y/n," pandora burke sighed, throwing herself in the seat in front of you in the great hall. you looked up at your friend and smiled slightly, "hey, dora," you replied.
soon enough, evan rosier joined you both—quickly accompanied by regulus black. you were close with pandora for a long time, but not so much regulus and evan until this year. pandora, who was the only one to know about your fling, attributed the newfound friendship with the younger black brother as a subtle way to get back at sirius—whether it was or not, you certainly enjoyed regulus' company since he matured as a person—and you had to admit, the angry and infuriated look on sirius' face when you laughed with his brother was priceless.
you glanced up from your cereal as evan talked happily about the new spell he had learned to mess with gryffindors, finding grey eyes looming over you as you ate. you flared at sirius, finding he more than returned the favor.
"hello? y/n? why aren't you listening to me? can you stop eye-fucking regulus' brother for one second and listen to me?" evan said loudly, turning a few heads. thankfully, plenty were afraid of regulus that when he glared at them to mind their business, they did just that.
"i am not," you seethed.
"you kind of are," pandora added sheepishly.
"leave her alone," regulus sighed. "he was staring at her,"
"that fucking asswipe, i don't understand what's so interesting about me eating my cereal?" you scoffed, turning to regulus dumbfounded.
regulus shrugged. "maybe he thinks you're pretty,"
"probably," pandora smirked, eyeing you subtly.
"i know i'm pretty, i don't need his validation," you spat—glaring at the boy who had promptly turned to join in with lupin and pettigrews conversation.
you turned to regulus and smiled nonetheless, "but thanks, reg," you grinned, hitting his side playfully.
"whatever, we should go...we have divination soon," regulus muttered.
"you don't even like that class," evan said.
"yeah, but i do, and reggie is my mini me, let's get on with it, reg," you grinned, pulling regulus up with you. bidding a goodbye to your friends, you and regulus left the great hall arm-in-arm—unbeknownst to both of you, a pair of grey eyes watched you both angrily as you left.
potions was a hard enough class as it was, given your head of house taught it and expected perfection from his students. it was even harder when slughorn had no sense of social cues and decided to pair you and sirius up today to complete a potion.
frankly, you couldn't put all the blame on slughorn. if sirius and james weren't acting like such idiots, then you and pandora wouldn't have gotten separated to be paired with them.
"can you at least pretend like you're interested?" you hissed at the boy who had put his hair up in a makeshift bun and kicked his feet up on the table. you swatted his feet to the ground, glaring angrily at him.
"why should i? you're just gonna do what you when you want to anyway," sirius spat back.
you rolled your eyes. you nodded at the wooden spoon, "hand me that, you twat," you sneered. with ab annoyed huff, sirius grabbed the spoon and placed it softly in your hand. his fingertips brushed against your palm and for a second, it felt like that comforting feeling of you two back in your room—hands intertwined under covers and lips locked passionately.
he pulled his hand away promptly as you stared at the cauldron, trying to snap your common sense back into place. you acted unbothered by the hand touch and resumed your potion making, a subtle scowl printed on your lips.
you turned to sirius, glancing down at your textbook before looking at him. "bring me the rat's heart," you said sternly. with an exaggerated, annoyed sigh—sirius stood quickly and made his way over, picking up a small jar of the rats heart and ambling over, placing it gingerly in your hand.
"anything else, your highness?" he asked sarcastically.
you glared at him. "no, that'll be all, thank you," you spat back.
after class, you went to the library to try and get homework done. as much as you loved pandora, you were easily distracted by her and you would really like to turn your stuff in on time.
unfortunately for you, goyle had other plans. he was some persistent 5th year who had a thing for you, which would be fine, if he wasn't a downright creep about it. you didn't even know the boys first name, that's how irritating he was to you.
"come on, i'll bet I'll give you the best night of your life," goyle whispered to you, trying his hardest to seduce you it seemed. you rolled your eyes.
"leave me alone, i don't want any nights with you," you sneered, shoving a book into its shelf and attempting to walk off.
nonetheless, the boy persisted. "you're playing hard to get," he chuckled.
"or maybe you're not worth my time," you scoffed.
his face twisted angrily as he tripped to grip your hip. "don't talk to me like that," he said angrily.
"get your hands off of me!" you spat, throwing his hand off.
"i ought to—" goyle began.
"get the bloody hell off of her," sirius spat, shoving goyle away from you. "when a girl tells you no, she means no,"
"whatever, you're a slag anyway," goyle spat at you before walking off. sirius almost went after him, but you grabbed his arm as you watch goyle leave.
"don't worry about it, thanks," you said nonchalantly.
he nodded at you, "any time, n/n,"
both of your eyes widened, as you both remembered the exact times he'd call you that nickname. you cleared your throat and walked off, leaving him standing there blankly before he eventually walked off.
you turned the corner, bringing your back to the shelf, and took a deep breath. why did he have to keep reminding you?
parties were debatable to you. a part of you liked the music and the dancing, and most certainly the drinking. another part of you hated to be around that many people at one time. however, you'd do it for james.
gryffindor had just won their game against ravenclaw, and james begged you to come to the party. it was rare you two actually spoke to you at school, but when you did talk—it was usually to ask for each others support.
you entered the gryffindor common room, your little black dress wrapped around your body in all the right places and your heels heightened you just enough that it made your legs look longer. you pulled off your cardigan, draping it over the couch that sat near the fireplace.
you quickly joined your friends marlene and dorcas on the dance floor—you, james, and marlene had grown up together as neighbors. so though you weren't as close anymore, you still considered each other friends.
"hey babe," marlene grinned, running over to hug you. dorcas smiled and did the same, greeting you quietly.
"hey marls, where's james?" you asked, looking around for your tall, messy-haired friend.
"uh...oh! doing shots over there with sirius, remus, and peter!" she replied, pointing over to the four boys. you smiled and the three of you made your way over.
"congrats james!" you and marlene exclaimed, running up to hug him. he smiled and kissed both of your heads.
"guys, these are my sisters! i love them so much!" he slurred, pulling you and marlene close. the other boys and dorcas laughed, while you and marlene chuckled. thankfully, james had showered before the party.
the rest of them quickly ran off to the dance floor, leaving you and sirius standing there watching them. you poured yourself a cup of beer, taking a small sip.
"you look great, n/n," sirius smiled. his cheeks were a bit flushed, but above all else, he looked sober.
"how drunk are you right now?" you asked, surveying him closely.
"never mind," he said promptly before attempting to walk off. you grabbed his forearm swiftly and smiled slightly.
"thanks," you said simply. he grinned at you, before walking off into the dance floor. he was most definitely drunk.
as the party progressed, you managed to be the only one to stay sober. every one of your friends was hammered, leaving you to babysit the group. thankfully, they weren't blackout.
"alright, here you both go," you grunted as you set peter down in his bed and remus on the one beside it. truthfully, you didn't know which was who's bed, but you knew if you didn't get them to sleep now—it wouldn't end well.
they muttered a thanks to you before the snores quickly began. you laughed it off, before walking over to james where he lied on what you presumed was his bed. he was sound asleep thankfully, so you swiftly removed his glasses and placed it on his dresser.
marlene and dorcas had already been put to bed, with the help of lily, who had bid you a quick good night as she went to babysit the two of them.
with a sigh, you went back downstairs to your last caretakee of the night. sirius, though you disliked him, couldn't be the only one you didn't put to bed. you sighed and crouched in front of him, being sure to cover your knees with your dress.
"sirius, it's time to go to bed," you said.
"no, i want to party!" he exclaimed through his closed eyes, pumping his fist in the air.
"yeah, there's a party in your bed, come on," you tried. then you scrunched your nose, "that sounded so wrong,"
he giggled. "you're funny,"
"it's one of my many talents," you replied. then, you stood and offered him a hand. he sighed and took it, standing up and stumbling slightly.
you allowed him to support his weight on you, despite the height difference, and you both stumbled over to the stairs. you took a few steps before he groaned.
"stop, stop, i'm going to throw up," he groaned. you quickly let him sit down, sitting beside him promptly. you waited patiently as he took a few deep breaths.
you both sat there in silence. you used to talk all the time, but now this is what your interactions consisted of. pure silence. it was a miracle he was drunk now, at least that would explain it this time.
he looked at you. "you know, you do look pretty today, beautiful even,"
"you're drunk," you rolled your eyes. "you wouldn't be saying it otherwise," you said—turning to look at him as well.
"i think it all the time, did you know that, miss know-it-all?," he chuckled. "you're captivating,"
you rolled your eyes. "alright, charmer, are you actually nauseous or did you just want to talk my ear off all night?"
"i dunno, i used to do it all the time, remember? i miss it..." he mumbled.
"yeah, well, that's not exactly on me," you muttered, loud enough so he could hear it.
sirius took a deep breath, looking at you with sorrow-filled eyes. "it was the biggest mistake i've ever made, y/n,"
you looked at him softly.
"i mean, you understood me. you didn't care what baggage i had. sleeping beside you that summer was the first time i'd gotten real sleep in a long time," he admitted. "you made me feel safe... the way you'd laugh, the way you'd touch me, all of it,"
he's drunk. he's drunk. he's drunk. he's drunk. you repeated to yourself over and over. despite the feeling of your chest being ripped apart, you knew he couldn't actually mean it. yes, you loved him—more than you ever wanted to admit. but he didn't feel the same, he had showed you that much.
"let's get you to bed," you whispered. comfortingly, you grabbed his forearm and helped him up.
he followed you up the stairs, before quickly entering his dorm with him. you laid him gently on his bed, sliding his shoes off. he looked relieved that you were there, despite everything in your body telling you to just leave. he had hurt you before, he was cruel—so why were you still helping him?
you noticed him close his eyes and you turned to leave, but he sat up and grabbed your hand. you turned to him.
"i still get nightmares, especially after we broke up," he admitted. you knew about these. they were scary and heart wrenching to watch him experience. you couldn't imagine actually having them.
"will you stay until i fall asleep?" he whispered softly.
every logical part of you was screaming no. telling you to leave and not look back. but the part of you that cared—that loved him, was begging you to stay.
and unfortunately, that part that was begging won.
"yeah, sure," you whispered. you sat beside him on his bed. you folded your legs to the side and held his hand tightly as he closed his eyes.
within minutes he was asleep.
you admired him quietly as he slept. his chest rising and falling, his perfect features relaxed in a perfect way. a part of you could stay like this, watching him, forever.
but then another part of you remembered what he said—and you knew he'd never feel for you what you felt for him.
with a frown, you slowly let go of his hand and stood up—making your way quickly out of his dorm. silently, you made your way back to the slytherin dungeons, trying to ignore your heartbreak.
a week had passed since your incident with sirius. you had hardly spoken to him and he agreed with you it seemed—because he hasn't talked to you much either. sure, there was a snarky comment here and there, but other than that, you two managed to stay your separate ways.
you chuckled quietly, shaking your head as evan and regulus argued playfully. pandora sat beside you, rolling her eyes at the two.
lunch was soon ending, leaving you and evan to have to separate from pandora and regulus soon. you two shared a herbology class, despite him being a year younger than you. he was rather smart, doubling up in certain classes to finish them easier.
"bye, you guys," you chuckled, as you and evan walked side-by-side toward the greenhouses. you quickly pulled your emerald green tie out of your bag, tying it around you neck swiftly.
you and evan linked arms after, continuing your way to class. if it was one thing you two had, it was the ability to talk about anything and everything that had little to no importance.
"yeah, and then i told my dad—" evan began.
"y/n!" a familiar, now sober voice called out. sirius quickly walked over, as you and evan stopped and turned around. evan gave you an alarmed look but you looked at sirius.
"sirius?" you questioned as he finally caught up to the two of you.
"can i talk to you?" he mumbled.
"about?" you asked, crossing your arms.
"it's important," he assured. "please,"
you rolled your eyes. "fine, what is it?"
he looked over at evan sternly. "leave?"
you stepped in front of evan protectively. he and regulus really did feel like younger brothers to you, now that you thought about it. "don't talk to him that way," you interjected—narrowing your eyes at sirius.
"i'm fine, evan, i'll catch up to you," you said, glancing at evan before looking at sirius pointedly. evan grinned.
"i listen to her because i want to, not because of you," he told sirius pointedly. sirius rolled his eyes as evan laughed and walked off.
you looked at sirius with your arms crossed. "well?"
sirius stood in front of you awkwardly, finding it seemingly difficult to look you in the eyes. "uh, i remembered today what i did,"
you stared at him, urging him to continue. you had no idea what the fuck he was talking about.
"that night at the gryffindor victory party," he added, finally mustering the courage to look you in the eye.
you shifted uncomfortably. "look, we don't have to talk about it—"
he nodded, "yes we do,"
"no, we really don't—"
"well i want to," he said sternly.
"i wasn't lying that day, yes i was drunk, but i meant it, every word of it. the way you make me feel, how safe you feel, everything..." sirius said. "pushing you away was the biggest mistake of my life, i should've never been such a coward,"
"except you didn't just push me away, you said cruel things," you replied. "sirius, you don't get to just drop that bomb on my life after destroying my feelings and expect immediate forgiveness! what you said hurt, it stung even!"
"you made me feel ashamed!" you added, hurt lacing your tone. "do you think i dealt with that easily? i fancied you, and you made me feel like i wasn't worthy of being near you. do you know how that feels?"
sirius pushed your strands of hair behind your ears, cupping your face. "and believe me, i will spend my entire life earning your forgiveness. you were never the embarrassment, i was. i'm so sorry, y/n,"
suddenly, like something had possessed you, you kissed him swiftly. you didn't know you could miss someone's touch so much.
he quickly kissed back. you pulled away.
"you still have to earn that forgiveness," you breathed out, "but this...is a good start,"
he grinned. "believe me, i will work my entire life if i have to," he chuckled, pulling you in for a tight, bone-crushing hug. one that you had missed for months now.
"believe me, i won't make it easy," you smirked.
"do you have one in green?" you asked your husbands coworker. you were at a work party and they was handing out party bags, which everyone decided to match to their house while attending hogwarts.
your husbands coworker snorted. "what're you? a slytherin?"
you blinked at him, crossing your arms. "as a matter of fact, i am, problem?"
sirius slid his arm around your waist, kissing your head. "no problem, right alexander? my wife's a proud slytherin, no big deal," he shrugged.
alexander cleared his throat and his cheeks tinted pink. "no, of course not. here's a green one," he mumbled. you took it and he walked off, clearly embarrassed.
you turned to sirius with a smile, leaning in close. "thank you for defending my honor," you chuckled.
"well, anything for my wife," he laughed, kissing you softly.
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manicpixiefelix · 5 months
head, heart, hand. {Felix Catton/Reader/Oliver Quick}
Part 22.
Summary: After mostly resolving your issues regarding Oliver and Venetia, it's much easier to enjoy the time leading up to the dinner with the Henrys. Still, Oliver seems more than a little nervous to be around you and Felix, much to Felix's ongoing chagrin. He wonders how long it will take for Oliver to take the hint.
{ masterpost }
Need to Know: They/Them. Explicitly NB Reader. FWB!Reader/Felix. Reader is from a well off family but has pretty much been adopted by the Cattons.
A/N: 3044 words. oh yeah, its all coming together. :) i know the last few updates have been kind of spaced out, so i'd love to get some feedback from you lovely folks about how you think it's coming along now that we're in the back half.
TAGLIST IN COMMENTS!! // TAGLIST ALWAYS OPEN ! (just message or comment to be added)
One day - probably one day soon - you'd have to tell Felix the truth about Oliver and Venetia. By that time, you reasoned, you'd have come up with a way to say it that would make him see why you hadn't called Oliver out for lying, and why you'd kept it from him. His gut reaction, like your own, was to immediately jump to the worst possible, malevolent conclusion. Based on past events, it was a sound conclusion to jump to. But Oliver's not Eddie. It was a moment of weakness, and Oliver really does love Felix. Somehow you'd find a way to make this painless, perhaps even a way to show how much Oliver cared, because that's what you'd seen, that's the why behind your own deception.
Except Felix wasn't even ready to admit out loud to himself, let alone you, or god forbid Oliver, that he genuinely felt that way about him. Even if he definitely, clearly did. But again, past heartbreak makes some of his trepidation far more excusable.
At least you have a distraction for the afternoon - not Oliver, no, he would never be so bold in direct sunlight as to do anything more than make out with you on the pool lounge. No, this distraction wasn't a particularly good one.
The NDA from your parents, sitting in your study.
Part of you knows you should probably have a lawyer look over this, but there was something about the idea of involving yet another person in your parents ongoing attempts to abandoned you that left a sour taste in your mouth. So that left you to look over it all on your own. The sticky-hot afternoon in the study wears thin on your nerves, but irritation was all that ever came of it, not upset or disappointment. Reconciling with Oliver probably had quite a bit to do with it.
Dinner is a welcome reprieve. When Oliver smiles at you across the table, there's a weight that's lifted from your shoulders are you smile back. Felix too is in notably high spirits, though he's decidedly not talking to Venetia; his parents don't seem to mind, however, as long as he's happier than when he'd started the day.
"Is there anything planned for after dinner?" Oliver asked, eyes wide and earnest as he looks around the table, all present sharing an equally confused look as if one of them may have planned something all the others had forgotten.
"Not as far as I'm aware," Sir James offers after a moment.
"Tomorrow will be quite the busy night," Elspeth elaborates with ease, "I'm sure we'd all like to conserve our energy."
"Last chance to cancel dinner with the Henrys," Felix says, already knowing it's not a real option, even after Elspeth chides him for the suggestion, that they'd already had all the food brought and extra help hired.
"Has the seating chart been organised yet?" You asked hopefully, to which Elspeth smiled when her gaze landed upon you, assuring you she'd finalised it that afternoon, turning only to remind Duncan to have it delivered to your study that evening.
"You'll be seated next to Henry of Suffolk, dear," she also tells you, and immediately you're filing that information away in the back of your mind. Henry of Suffolk, partner at Richmond & Suffolk Legal; his late wife was named Clarice, he had a daughter and son a few years younger than you... their names escaped you at that moment.
Beside you, Felix is shamelessly admiring you.
"What?" You ducked your head to try and hide your embarrassed grin.
"Just watching your mind work," he teased with a laugh which had you rolling your eyes with fond exasperation.
"So you can see the cogs too then?" Venetia giggles across the table, though Farleigh chimes in before Felix has the chance to give his sister a look.
"Surprised there's not steam coming out of their ears."
"I'm not a robot," you insisted, flustered by the attention and their combined teasing.
"Just your beautiful brain then," Oliver adds fondly, and out of sheer surprise you look up to meet his endeared gaze as he looks back at you. When had he been let in on that particular joke, you wondered? Something in the back of your mind is sure that it was Venetia, after all, she was the one who most often referred to your 'robot brain' as such, but you don't have it in you to be upset. You never do at these jokes, even though you may occasionally protest about them, they're always intended as a compliment.
And there's no way you could be mad with Oliver looking at you like that.
Dinner continues on with very little fuss after that, and you return to your study feeling much lighter than you had before. Felix joins you, complaining about how you'd spent all afternoon in here, and he couldn't bare to think of you spend all evening alone in here too. Of course he knows that Oliver will more than likely join you when it gets late enough, but he's brought a book, and has quietly claimed the sofa beneath the window for himself. These nights have never been uncommon, but this Summer has seemed especially busy at Saltburn, so you more than welcome his quiet company as the day's heat slowly burns away.
It's not long before there's someone approaching your door.
"It's Duncan," you say, mostly for Felix's benefit, before the butler himself knocks and you invite him in.
"The seating arrangements for tomorrow night's event, Captain," Duncan says graciously, giving you the faintest smile as he hands the document over and turns swiftly on his heel, practically evaporating into the darkness of the house silently.
"Still have no idea how you do that," Felix sounds rather impressed from where he's draped himself over the sofa.
"Do what?" You asked distractedly, examining the seating chart in the golden glow of the lamp.
"How you know exactly who's coming and going without even seeing them."
"Duncan was just being courteous for me," you mutter off-handily, "if I'd heard nothing before he'd knocked, I'd still know it was him."
"You know that's even more impressive, right?" Felix laughs, and finally you turn to him, only to see him watching you like he can't quite believe what you're saying. Sometimes you find yourself surprised by the Cattons, and how little they seem to understand or appreciate about the Estate on which they live.
"No, what's impressive is that I can tell what kind of mood your in half the time just by the sound of your footsteps," you tells him with a grin.
"Now you're lying," Felix snorts, shaking his head. But you continue.
"No, seriously Fi, it's not always entirely accurate, but it's pretty close; I'm not quite there with the rest of your family, but I think I know you well enough."
"That's like, stalker levels of dedication," but his smile is bright in the light of the moon, and his tone turns teasing, "do you have a thing for me or something?"
"I wouldn't go that far," you huffed a laugh, playing along with the bit.
"Shame," he sighed dramatically, "I was really hoping you did, 'cos I kind of have a thing for you."
"I wouldn't if I were you," finally standing, you sauntered over to him, smirking as he beamed up at you, thoroughly pleased by this silly little bit, "that sounds like a scandal waiting to happen."
"Call the tabloids then," Felix laughed softly as he welcomed you into his arms.
"Any stalker-like tendencies of yours I should be worried about?" You asked, settling against him, leaning into him.
"Yeah, I've got a bunch of your things in my room," Felix murmurs right before you kiss him, grinning as you do so. Things devolve from there to the two of you making out in the moonlight, giggling together, teasing nonsense passed back and forth as the moon rose higher in the sky.
"Ollie's at the door," you see fit to finally tell Felix, who looks down at you with wide, surprised eyes. Sheepishly you admit, "he's been there for like five minutes." It's getting terribly late, but you really don't want to go bed right now, or go anywhere that isn't here, in this moment. Felix snorts a laugh, face scrunching up with something close to embarrassment; he knows letting Oliver get away with this kind of thing is part of the game you're all playing, but it still catches him off guard with just how aware you were of the whole situation.
"Ollie," Felix called out, and you both heard a him start behind the study door, "Christ, mate, don't linger," he insists, righting both him and yourself to something more respectable on the sofa, but still insisting on holding you close, "come in already." You're practically in his lap.
Like a deer in the headlights, looking absolutely mortified at being caught out, Oliver pushes the door open and faintly apologises, telling you both he didn't want to interrupt.
"Interrupt what?" Felix says far too easily, smile wide and a bit coy, "nothing to interrupt," though you can hear it for what it is; nothing you, Oliver, could ever interrupt if you simply asked to join. How long would it take Oliver to realise this, you wondered; Felix is getting less subtle by the day.
"I was going to ask -" Oliver pauses, focus stolen by the way Felix presses a kiss to your shoulder, before his gaze returns to your face, your expectant smile. Felix knows exactly what he's doing, "um, was going to ask about the seats for the dinner tomorrow?" Oliver manages, "I don't... know the Henrys?"
As you stand, Felix lets out a loud, disappointed sigh, but lets you go, returning to his book. Every movement, every sound Felix makes captivates Oliver in this moment, and both you and Felix are more than aware of this. Still, you swan over to your desk, looking over the seating chart before you usher Oliver over.
"They've got you next to Ven and Lady Daphne," you show him, pointing out his place along the table, "she's Henry's wife," you add wryly, and hear Felix bark a laugh behind you. Oliver, for a moment, seems confused, gaze flicking between you both.
"Aren't all the -?"
"That's the joke, Ollie," you tell him, but he still seems too nervous to properly see the humour in it, just making a faint noise of understanding in the back of his throat. "Did you want to hang out for a bit?" You offered, "this contract's doing my head in," you flicked at the thick contract on your desk dismissively, "so I'm probably going to get stuck into something lighter, but you know we always love your company."
"Thanks, but, uh," Oliver hesitated, looking to Felix again, "I think I'm gonna turn in for the night."
"Okay," you say sunnily, leaning over to give him a quick peck on the lips, which seems to startle him, "hope you sleep well, Ollie."
"Yeah," Oliver still seems to be reeling from the brief show of affection, "you too."
"Good night, mate," Felix offers with a cheery wave.
"You going to kiss me good night too?" Oliver sounds almost dazed, and suddenly looks mortified once more, like he can't quite believe he'd said that. Felix, unphased, stands and makes his way over to you both.
"Sure," he seems to take the suggestion in stride, kissing the top of Oliver's head before he bends to quickly kiss him on the lips. For a moment after Felix has pulled back, Oliver's look at him like he's staring at the sun, and Felix is wearing a sharp, knowing smile, "'night, Ollie," he says, quieter this time.
"G'night, Felix," Oliver murmurs, making his way to the door as Felix nonchalantly reaches to take the seating chart from your hand to look it over for himself. You, however, watch Oliver go, feeling both helpless and amused all at once.
"You think if I fuck him he'll take the hint?" Felix asks quietly once the door was shut, and you'd both heard Oliver's door squeak closed for the night.
"Do you think if you fuck him you'll take the hint," you asked disbelievingly, "that man is so into you, Fi," you hissed, almost furiously wide-eyed as you looked up at him. As always, Felix responds dismissively.
"Told you I'm not saying anything until he does," Felix puts the document down, choosing instead to drape his arms over your shoulders, "we can fuck around all Summer for all I care, but you know I'm not going to hold my breath for things to get more serious unless he tells me."
"He just asked you to kiss him, Felix!"
"I wasn't in love with you when we first kissed."
"Bad example; yes you were."
"Okay, bad example, yes I was," Felix admits with a faint flush, "but for the record, I didn't think I was at the time; we were twelve," he regains his composure quickly, "but it's not like you're in love with Farleigh or my sister; yeah, I know you love them, but you're not in love with them."
"That's different, Fi, we've been fucking around since forever," you sighed, resting your head against him for a moment.
"It's not different," Felix insists, "I just-" but he paused, and when you chance a look up at him, his face is scrunched up, like he's on the verge of admitting something he really doesn't want to, "I don't want to be getting my hopes up if it's just fucking around with Ollie, you know?" It comes out far more frustrated than you'd anticipated, and though you pat his back comfortingly, you can't help but add -
"He drank your bathwater."
"He fucking watched me get myself off and didn't even do anything about it until after it happened! And not even with me!" Felix points out, sounding almost like a petulant child, "I left the fucking door open and everything!" He's pouting now, actually pouting.
"He probably thinks that if he's too forward he'll scare you off, or your parents will kick him out or something," you tried to reason with him, to which Felix groaned.
"But they won't! You saw how much they loved Eddie, fucking hell," he huffed, stepping back, now wearing a scowl. Where had this night turned to something unfortunate? "Mum would throw a fucking parade if I got a boyfriend who wasn't a cheating dickhead."
"You should tell Oliver that," you pointed out frankly, "or at the very least tell him the truth about things with Eddie, so he knows that you do more than just fuck around with pretty boys."
Everything suddenly goes very still.
"What?" There's no frown, no anger anywhere on Felix's face, just pure surprise, "do you think he thinks that?" You watch Felix re-evaluate the entire situation, giving him space to sort out his feelings, "I made it clear I'm into guys too- do you think he thinks -"
"I think," slowly, carefully, you step up to Felix, voice firm but kind, "that despite how much he's seen you fuck around with other people on campus, the only person you are actually in love with is me," Felix is quiet, looking down at you with this crestfallen look like he's disappointed in himself, "and he, like most people I'll remind you, probably assumes that if he wants you to look at him like you look at me, it'll be a competition."
"Of course it's not, that's so stupid," Felix muttered reflexively.
"I've tried to tell Ollie that," you sighed, wrapping an arm around him. Felix presses his face into your hair for a very long moment.
"What if he doesn't, though?" Comes through muffled and forlorn. You're not quite sure what he means, and thankfully Felix continues, not that he moves his face at all, "what if it is just fucking around and we've misread all of this; I can't tell him I actually love him too, I'd look like an absolute freak."
"Tell him about Eddie," you advised softly, "at least he'll get the hint that you're capable of falling in love with someone who isn't me." The reminder of Eddie would always probably ache, you're starting to come to realise. For now, however, you ignore it.
Felix hugs you tightly, and mumbles that you're probably right. Something eases in your chest at that.
Curled up together in bed not ten minutes later, neither your pyjamas or duvet are as comfortable or warm as Felix's arm around you. He's still deep in thought about the night that had just passed; when he muses that at least it was a better talk than the night before, he sounds like he's still making his mind up about that. Settling into sleep, however, you're contented knowing it was true.
The following morning feels comparatively serene, chattering away to the rest of the family about the night's coming festivities. Both you and Felix drop a quick kiss to the top of Oliver's head in passing on your way to collect breakfast - Farleigh's the only one who notices, and he rolls his eyes at you both. Venetia asks you what you'll be wearing to the event and lights up when you tell her it's the jumpsuit she'd bought you from Yves Saint Laurent for your last birthday, while Elspeth coos that you'll look just darling in it.
After yesterday morning's tenseness, getting to work in your garden, planting the flowers that had arrived for you, music playing cheerily through your little speaker, it feels like a dream. The sun is warm against your back, and for some weird reason you think you see Oliver skulking around in one of the gardens by the wall of the house. Lurking again. Probably habit more than anything else, you figured. Considering the games you've been playing with him, you don't see the need to discourage that kind of behaviour. He's by the window of one of the little libraries; you wonder what must be going on in there to have caught his attention.
Oh well, you'll ask later if you remember.
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theamberfist · 5 months
Leave it All on the Dance Floor! Part 2 | Alastor x Overlord! Reader
Platonic! Alastor + Best Friend! Reader who's also an overlord.
Description: After having his coat ripped, Alastor enlists the help of his best friend and tailor.
(Notes: CW Alastor, mentions of cannibalism) (Part 2/5 of Leave it All on the Dance Floor!)
Words: 2508
Part 1
"That new fabric order you wanted just got in, boss!" Joan chirped as she entered your work room; a clipboard in hand. Hearing that made you smile and you looked up from where you'd been drawing out concepts for some new clothes.
"Wonderful!" You exclaimed, "I know you know where to store it for now. I'll get to work on adding that to the new line later." Joan nodded as she crossed the item off her well-organized list. "And how are the newbies doing down there?" You asked, referring to the recently-hired demons currently being trained to work the boutique while you focused on designing. 
You'd hoped they wouldn't end up causing much trouble when you took them in; needing the extra employees, but Joan's expression immediately made you lower your hopes. 
"They're...Working on it." She replied finally, "But don't worry; I've been dealing with all the customer complaints the way you told me to. We'll get those sinners up to par soon enough, and then you'll be back to having the most well-run boutique in hell!" 
At that, you sighed. You were just glad to have Joan to deal with them so you wouldn't have to; after all, you'd been very busy lately. 
"Are you still designing the new line?" the feline asked with a hint of concern in her voice. You'd been working on it for the last week almost nonstop, and you knew she was probably a little worried about you. Still, she knew better than to comment about it openly. 
"Yes," you replied, setting the drawings on your desk now, "But I should have some solid concepts soon." Joan was still frowning but you ignored her worry as you leaned back in your chair and stretched. You'd been at this all day so you had to admit; it might be a good time to take a short break. 
"I'm sure these new designs will be even more lovely than your last ones," you assistant finally spoke as she took another step forward, "But...Uh, there's one other item that could use your attention right now." At that, you raised an eyebrow. 
"Oh? What is it?" You asked. Based on her nervous expression, you weren't sure you wanted to hear the answer. 
She drew in a breath before glancing back down at her clipboard. "We have a client here who requires repairs on some of their clothes." 
"I thought I said I wasn't going to be taking any clients this week?" You replied now, crossing your arms, "Can't one of the apprentices handle it?" 
"The client has insisted only your expertise will do," Joan told you, "And frankly, I don't think it's quite my place to refuse." She had a look of fear on her face at that that piqued your interest even more. Who could this client be to have scared even your own assistant so badly? You had a few ideas, and if they turned out to be true, then you almost wanted to smile in delight.
"Alright," you pretended to sigh now, knowing what was up, "Send them in and I'll handle it." Joan nodded quickly before heading over to the door of your workshop, which she opened to reveal a very familiar sinner standing on the other side with a huge smile on his face. 
"Why, thank you, my dear!" Alastor told Joan as he took a step into the room. She nodded quickly before leaving and closing the door behind her. Meanwhile, you grinned and stood from your desk. 
"Al, what brings you back here already?" You asked, though you couldn't have been more glad to see your best friend back in the Swing Sector visiting you, "Miss me already?" The Radio Demon's smile widened at that and he came over to pull you into a hug. 
"Lovely to see you too, my friend!" He exclaimed as you chuckled. "I'm afraid I've come to request your assistance mending some of my clothing, if it's not too much trouble!" You let go of your friend now, raising an eyebrow at his words. 
"Of course it's no trouble, but...Surely it's not these clothes you need repaired, right...?" You asked, a dark shadow beginning to form across your face, "After all, I just made this suit for you a couple of weeks ago." Your tone was calm but extremely threatening and despite being the Radio Demon himself, Alastor had to fight the urge to step back. When it came to the clothes you created, you could always be a little...murderous. He almost didn't want to continue with the look in your eye, but nevertheless, he did so.
"Unfortunately, it is," he replied carefully and with a solemn nod of his head. When he saw your expression darken even further though, he quickly continued. "But I assure you, dear, I did everything in my power to avoid letting any harm come to these clothes! This is the result of an...Unfortunate turn of events." 
"Who did it?" You asked in a tone so unlike you that it would have made anyone living in your sector shake with fear. 
"Alas, I do not remember his name; the forgettable sort." Alastor replied, glad to have shifted the blame off of himself now, "But I assure you, I plan to make him pay for his transgressions." His own expression became scarier now as his eyes began to shift into radio dials and glow red; even more so than normal.
"Give Joan a description of this demon on the way out," you ordered, "I'd also like to have a go at anyone who thinks they can damage my designs and get away with it." Alastor nodded at that, even if only to calm your rising anger. 
"Now," you said, taking a deep breath in order to pull yourself from your murderous rage, "Show me the damage." You turned back to grab a tape measure and some sewing pins as Alastor held up the end of his coat, which had been clearly been ripped. Of course, it always gave that appearance, but in this case, the tears weren't how you'd designed them, and therefore, gave a rattier appearance.
You felt your anger nearly flare up again at the sight but calmed yourself as you nodded and then got to work measuring and pinning wherever necessary. 
"Good thing I always keep your fabric on-hand," you spoke while holding one of the sewing pins between your teeth, "Otherwise, you'd have had to wait a few weeks for it to get in, and we certainly couldn't have you walking around like this for so long." The Radio Demon nodded, assuming the pose you always had him hold as he let you work.
You'd been his personal tailer ever since the two of you became friends shortly after your own arrival in hell. Before them, he'd had some random sinner off the street make all of his clothes, and as you'd told him the night you ran into each other at that party, it had showed. Luckily, he now had a best friend who was always willing to ensure he was well-dressed; making him a top priority whenever he came in. 
For a few minutes, you pinned the fabric in silence as he took in the sights of your workroom. It hadn't changed much in the years since he'd last visited; a realization that was somehow heartwarming. 
It was as messy as ever; with various designs lining the walls, fabric strewn about, and several trunks of other sewing supplies pushed up against the tall windows. Your desk was even worse with pins and needles all over it that had been entangled in string, and Alastor knew if he were to ever bring someone like Nifty here, she would have had a field day. 
Also resting on your desk, though, were several framed photos. There was one picturing you and Rosie, probably taken sometime after the Radio Demon's disappearance, along with several photos of your various owned souls that had been taken at the parties you hosted. Alastor's smile widened, though, when he noticed several old photos of you and him rested among the rest. Even after all this time, they were well-taken-care-of and free from dust or dirt. The sight was very sweet.
"Did I overhear that you were working on a new line?" He finally asked, breaking the silence as you threaded some red string through a needle like it was nothing. 
"Of course," you told him with a grin before kneeling to hand-sew the new fabric of his coat to the ripped area. "I have to stay up to date, don't I? And plus, runway season is coming up." 
"Well, then I hope to be in attendance at many of your upcoming fashion shows." Alastor told you and you nodded as you started stitching. 
"You'll be the first one invited, of course," you said with a playful eye roll, "Who better than my best friend to witness as I crush Velvette; fashionably?" This made the other overlord's smile widen even more.
"I have no doubt in your creative mind," he replied, "In fact, I daresay her own designs are nowhere near your level, so where's the competition in the first place?" He gave a loud laugh at that and you shook your head with a smile.
"Thanks, Alastor," You said as took out another sewing pin; not needing it anymore, "But it turns out there might actually be some competition this season. The Overlord Gala is being held a month earlier due to the next extermination being moved up- will you be attending, by the way?" You glance dup at your deer-like friend, who immediately nodded.
"But of course! I wouldn't miss such an entertaining event for the world," he replied, placing a hand where his heart should have been, "And I suppose I'll have to be requesting your services for my clothing then, as well." You nodded, turning back to your work. 
"Well, anyway," you continued, "The gala is supposed to be competitive as far as fashion this year, and I intend to have the best designs by a landslide. But that all starts with the line I'll be releasing shortly beforehand, so it has to be perfect." 
"Of course," Alastor nodded knowingly, "Do let me know if there is anything I can do to assist! Any endeavor that involves putting those arrogant V's in their place is worth supporting. Though, I hardly think you'll require my help schooling Velvette on the runway." You chuckled at that, finally finishing sewing Alastor's coat and tying it off.
"Thanks, Al." You told him now as you stood and brushed yourself off, "I always appreciate your support. And...Your coat is done!" You stepped away now, letting him inspect your work as you began putting away the rest of your materials. The Radio Demon took a second to look it over before his smile widened (somehow), seeming satisfied.
"Perfect as usual, my dear!" He told you as he gave a brief spin for emphasis. "Thank you kindly!" 
"Anytime." You replied once you'd put everything away, "Oh, and by the way, are you planning to attend that meeting next week? The one Carmilla sent information about?" A part of you was a little nervous he hadn't been invited for a second, considering the other overlord had never been particularly fond of Alastor, but then his eyes shone with recognition. 
"Yes, indeed!" He told you as the two of you started heading out of your workshop now, "Am I correct to assume you'll be there as well?" You nodded and his smile brightened, "Splendid! Then I shall see you at the meeting!" 
"Sounds good," you replied, "But before then, make sure you let Rosie know you're back! If you show up to the meeting with no warning she might bite you." You shivered, remembering the last time Alastor had done something to make the kind cannibal overlord angry. You hadn't had bandages on-hand at the time and had had to use whatever fabric you could find just to wrap his wound. 
"Of course, of course!" Alastor waved a hand dismissively, which told you he most likely would not be telling Rosie in advance. He always had liked to keep everyone guessing, hadn't he? "Now, I would love to stay longer, but I must be on my way, darling!" He headed over to the counter of your boutique, where one of your newer recruits immediately shrunk away in fear. "And I'd better let you get back to work if you're to show everyone up at the gala!" 
You grinned and made your way over to the register, but instead of punching in any amount, you simply leaned your elbows onto it with a smile. "Al, you know I wouldn't make you pay for a simple repair like this," you told him, "if anything, the one paying will be whichever demon ripped your coat in the first place." You were still smiling but your voice got significantly more sinister and your eyes darkened as you spoke the last sentence. The rest of the shop's employees cowered but Alastor just laughed. 
"A true gentleman pays his friend for their services, dear." He reminded you but as he spoke, his gaze shifted to the street outside, where a TV in the store across the street happened to be running Vox's broadcast. His smile didn't drop but you could instantly see the shift in his eyes from joy to annoyance at the sight. 
And you could understand why. It seemed Vox had caught wind of the fact that the Radio Demon was back, because he was going on and on about Alastor's return and what it meant for the future of hell. You supposed that obsession of his still hadn't died out. 
"On second thought, it seems I'll have to be on my way." Alastor practically spat before turning back to you with a joyful expression again, "But do let me know when you're next free, and I'll be sure to treat you to lunch as thanks for your kindness this fine day." You gave him a look so he added, "with vegetarian options, of course." Your grin widened.
Even though you were best friends with both Rosie and Alastor, two of hell's most well-known cannibal demons, you had no interest in partaking in said acts yourself and he could respect that. 
"Alright." You said finally as Alastor adjusted his bow tie once more and then turned towards the door. "Nice to see you again!" 
"Bye now, dear!" He called back, "Oh, and if you've got the time, consider tuning in to my next broadcast! It's sure to be quite...Entertaining." With that, he was out the door and you shook your head, still smiling. He was no doubt going to clap back at Vox by going on-air for the first time in years, and of course, you weren't about to miss that for anything. 
"Joan!" You called, heading back up the stairs to your workshop now, "Would you bring the radio up? I have a feeling this afternoon's work is going to get much more entertaining!"
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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demphix · 3 months
Fuck it we ball: Charif Master Post
So a little while ago I made a Deltarune secret boss based on this dialogue from Rudy in Chapter 1
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So I took this design I originally posted on December 24th, 2023 that I wasn't using at all and reworked her to fit the new idea
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And here's the first sketch dump I did of her to get my ideas a little more ordered (originally posted June 6th, 2024)
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Most of what I could say is already just kinda said in the sketch dump (though I'll admit it is kinda badly organized), but I should say the two defeat quotes near the bottom right aren't too in line with what I wanna do with her now so uhhh Ignore Them. And ignore the original music titles those also got changed
Speaking of the music, after posting that art I started working on her songs and their cover arts for YouTube and Bandlab. (All uploaded on June 11th, 2024)
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(As stated before these are also on my YouTube channel in a playlist. Here's the link to it: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWcBEk8qiFhUEMeydinegtXnklzvRqYfg&si=ZzYex2g-dzL-qeDv)
And after all that there was one other sketch dump I've done, which was posted on June 14th, 2024.
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Once again, most of the stuff I could say is already in the sketch dump (though there's a lot more joke drawings than the first), but if there are any questions feel free to send an ask my way
Edit (July 15, 2024): I ended up changing Charif's boss arena to something in line with the carnival theming of Spamton and Jevil and designing a main boss for the chapter, so I felt I should add that here.
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Another Charif Sketch Dump with a whole Two important things. This was originally posted on July 7th.
Edit (July 29th, 2024): I made an additional theme for Vesper. Felt it should be here too since she's so tied to Charif.
Here have this too since I haven't drawn her much
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Edit (August 7th, 2024): I made a plot guide for her! I could've conveyed some things better, but I hope it works for what it is.
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Edit (August 17th, 2024): plot guide part 3.
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Edit (August 28th, 2024): plot guide part 4: the one where I'm worried I was too mean to her
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Edit (September 2nd, 2024): I remastered her themes! All tracks but "PRAYERS & PLEAS" (V2) were posted on September 2nd, with "PRAYERS & PLEAS" (V2) originally being posted August 7th.
You can find a post with all of them here, because I can't fit them all in one post. I may just make a new master post when the cover art is done tbh.
And here's the cover art for PRAYERS & PLEAS V2! I'll add the rest as they're made.
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63 notes · View notes
I volunteer a few days a week at a clown shelter. Earlier this month, a Teacup-Birthday mix named Kiki was adopted by a (seemingly) very nice middle aged couple, and we were very happy to send yet another clown to a good home. But disaster struck this afternoon when the couple returned to the shelter, wanting to surrender Kiki back to us. Their reason? She was not performing any tricks and had been biting them nonstop for weeks now. I was of course very shocked and confused by this. Kiki was one of the most playful and least temperamental clowns I had ever cared for.
I asked them if she had the proper environment, if they had changed her costume or markings in any way, if they were feeding her the proper diet. They said that they were doing everything right, and were following the care instructions we had given them. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt, but their story just wasn't adding up. And they were shifting nervously, and talking quietly to each other when they thought I wasn't looking. I told them to wait while I took Kiki for a checkup. As I took her to the vet's office, I couldn't help but notice that she seemed to lack any energy at all. When I tried to tickle her stomach (something that she normally loves), she snapped at me (Luckily, I jerked my hand away before she could bite).
When the vet examined Kiki, it was revealed that she was suffering from malnourishment and a button infection. I went back out to talk to the owners, and they continued to deny any mistreatment. After some more questioning and prying, they finally broke down and admitted what they had been doing.
They had been feeding Kiki a mix of mice and small bones (no problem there). But for her candy intake, they had been feeding her SUGAR-FREE candy. My heart sank as soon as I heard those words. No wonder Kiki had been so sick.
Every clown owner should know that (in general) Clowns need a healthy mixture of raw meat and sugar in their diets. Feeding them sugar-free stuff can be very bad for them and cause a LOT of problems.
For one, they will not be getting their much needed sugar intake. A sugar deficiency will lower their mood, make them more easily agitated, make them sick, and can even be deadly for some clown breeds (such as Birthday and Circus). As Kiki is a Birthday clown, she might not have survived another week without sugar.
Another thing to keep in mind about sugar-free products is that they often have artificial sweeteners in them. These sweeteners are not ideal for clowns, as most clown breeds have sensitivities or allergies to them. Simply put, most clowns' digestive systems are not properly built to process sugar-free foods. Feeding your clown artificial sweeteners over time can even weaken their immune system (This is likely what contributed to Kiki's infection).
The owners claimed that they had no idea that sugar-free candy was bad for clowns (very unlikely since the care instructions specifically list sugar-free foods under the "DO NOT" section). My boss suggested to them that we take care of Kiki for a few days, but they told us they weren't coming back. As soon as they left, we informed other local shelters about them and even posted on internet forums about it, as they may go somewhere else and find a different clown to mistreat. They clearly only see clowns as entertainment and nothing else.
We gave Kiki some cotton candy, and she's already starting to return to her old self. Unfortunately, though, this means that she's back in the system. There's no telling how long until she's adopted again.
Before anyone asks, we make sure to look into anyone who's interested in adopting one of our clowns. We run background checks, call character witnesses, make sure they have the proper environment for a clown and have the money to support one, etc. Overall, the process takes about a month or so. Sometimes it can take even longer if we have a waiting list. It is extremely rare that a clown adoption goes wrong. In fact, this is the first time it's happened in the year I've been volunteering here.
Don't feed clowns sugar-free foods! It can make them very sick and cause a lot of complications.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 13
Happy Wednesday! This arc is over 20k already. How many of you didn't realize that? I've got a longer segment for you this week. There wasn't really a good place to end it and this brings us to the end of the scene. If you like banter, this segment is for you.
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 2.2k
Jeremy couldn’t help but add, “Be sure to mention us to your dad, Timothy. It’s been ages since we’ve last been able to meet at a gala!”
“Yes, sir,” said Tim. Not that he’d be following through. Assholes. Danny pushed him up a wide staircase that framed the entranceway to get to the second floor.
“Exactly like my parents,” he told Sam.
“I swear, if I didn’t have Gradma Ida, I’d go insane. My room’s this way.”
Sam’s room was so large that not only did she have a double bed and vanity, but also a couch and enough cushions that they were all able to spread out comfortably. Tim and Danny took beanbag chairs next to each other. His friends took the couch while Tucker took a space on the floor and promptly pulled out a laptop and two PDAs. Sam settled in a rocking chair.
Tim laid out the goodies they’d gotten from the corner store. “We brought snacks.”
Sam grabbed a bag of chips. “Thanks. So what’s on the agenda for the night?”
Cassie asked, “Is there anything we can do about the ghosts?”
Danny buried his face in his hands. “I don’t know. I can’t get a close enough read on them to see where any are. And there’s so many that even if I knock one out of a human, another would just take it’s place.”
“Any idea what they might be after?” asked Tim. “The ones last night were wearing uniforms like police officers. And we saw the news report from your school earlier. That one looked like a werewolf.”
“He was wearing a collar,” added Bart. “And his outfit also appeared to be a uniform of some sort, though not a police one.”
All of them stared at Bart.
“You don’t think he was there willingly,” said Sam.
Bart shrugged. “Didn’t look that way to me.”
Danny groaned and leaned over until he was resting his head on Tim’s shoulder. “What am I supposed to do with that? What do I do if he’s not here to attack the town?”
Tim wrapped his arm around Danny to hold him steady. “How much sleep were you able to get between last night and now?”
“Unno,” mumbled Danny. “Three, four hours?”
Cassie clicked her tongue at him. “How about you get some rest tonight and we can figure it out tomorrow. We’ll take the night in shifts and if there’s a large-scale attack again, we’ll wake you up.”
Tim sighed. “Much as I hate to admit it, Cassie’s right. You need to sleep.”
Danny snorted into his neck and Tim couldn’t help the way his cheeks heated at the feel of his breath. “Like you’re one to talk.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tim rolled his eyes. “We all know I’m not a good role model. Do as Alfred says, not as I do.”
“Wayne family moto!” Conner teased. Tim gave him the finger.
“Just one thing to do first,” said Bart.
“Yeah,” added Tucker. “I need to fix up Conner’s phone.”
“Two things, then,” amended Bart.
“What’s the other thing?” asked Sam. “I feel like I’m out of the loop.”
Cassie leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. “The Fentons gave us a tour of the lab. We want to arrange a system to get Danny out of Amity if things go bad.”
Tim noted how both Tucker and Sam tensed and exchanged a look. Then Sam nodded. “We’re in. And since you are who you are, which, Danny, we will be talking about how you kept Justice League connections from us later, we’ll trust you to be able to do it.”
“Don’t be mad at him,” protested Tim. “I made him promise to keep my secrets. It wasn’t safe for him to discuss it.”
Tucker waved a hand in the air. “We understand. Doesn’t mean we’re not frustrated with him. Don’t worry about it, though. Your secret’s safe with us.”
Tim bit his lip. “Please. It’s vitally important for my family’s safety that nothing gets out.”
Conner snorted. “Plus Batman would murder you dead if he found out you let anything slip.”
Tim groaned. “Don’t remind me. I’ll have so much paperwork. And would probably be benched for forever.”
Bart laughed and flicked a chip at him. “We’d kidnap you and help you prepare a new hero identity!”
With Danny still leaning on him, Tim couldn’t even catch the projectile and it hit him on the forehead. “I’ll take you up on that if I ever do get benched permanently.”
Sam cleared her throat. “As amusing as this all is, what’s the plan with Danny?”
Danny groaned, but didn’t move. “I don’t need one, guys. It’s not as bad as you think.”
Bart snorted. “Dude, your parents showed us an iron maiden.”
Danny shook his head. “Dad’s the only one who’s been shut up in that. And that was for threatening me and Jazz with it.”
“Um… what?” asked Cassie. “Why does everything you say make me feel more concerned?”
Tucker spoke around a mouthful of jerky. “Because his parents are mad scientists.”
Sam nodded. “No one lives in the houses on either side of his. And the value of every building on the street has plummeted due to proximity.”
Cassie shook her head. “How the hell have they been allowed to do all that? And why haven’t their driver’s licenses been revoked? We saw how they drove that tank of theirs.”
Tucker snorted. “No cop or city official is brave enough to go up to Jack ‘I can run through brick walls’ Fenton and tell him he’s not allowed to do something.”
Sam laughed. “And even if they were, Maddie Fenton has a blackbelt and will hold a grudge.”
“Last night it also seemed like she knows her way around that arsenal she’s got,” said Tim.
“Yeah,” said Danny. “Mom’s the one you’ve got to watch out for when my parents go on the hunt.”
“Okay.” Tim was already thinking up ways to neutralize them. “Us four should be able to handle them. What about Jazz? Is she someone we’d have to worry about?”
Danny pushed himself up and made sure Tim could see him rolling his eyes. “Jazz would never do anything to hurt me.” It was clear Danny believed his statement completely. And, honestly? After all the stories Danny’d told him and meeting Jazz in person, Tim was inclined to believe him. Though Danny wasn’t done. “And my parents would stop if they had any idea I was Phantom.”
Neither Tim nor Danny was as certain about that statement. Glancing around, everyone else seemed to have the same doubts.
“Well,” said Tim. “You know me. And I’ve told you about B. ‘Backup plans’ is my middle name. I’ll feel more comfortable if we have one.”
“Fine.” Danny flopped over until he was laying across Tim’s lap. “But don’t expect me to help.”
Now it was Tim’s turn to roll his eyes, but his fingers were gentle as they brushed through Danny’s hair. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. So, it’s Maddie we’ll have to outsmart. I doubt Jack’s strength is any match for Conner or Cassie.”
“I can get you access to the Fenton house,” said Tucker gesturing to his laptop. “Even if they activate the home defense system.”
Tim nodded. “Thanks. I’ll also get you communicators so you can reach me in case of an emergency.”
“Perfect,” said Sam. “We’ve each other’s cell numbers, too.”
“Yep,” said Tim. “But phones should only be used for civilian identities. If you need the help of heroes, please use the communicators. It’s best to keep things as separate as possible.”
Conner nudged Tim’s foot with his own. “Yep. Tim here won’t let us refer to him by name when he’s in costume. Even if we’re all alone in our own base behind two dozen layers of security.”
“Need I remind you who trained me?”
Cassie laughed. “He’s even worse. You should hear my aunt go on about him.”
Tucker was watching them with interest. “Who’s your aunt?”
Bart disappeared from his spot only to reappear next to Tucker to whisper in his ear.
Tucker’s eyes widened and he stared at Cassie in wonder. “That is so cool! Could you get me an autograph?”
Cassie laughed. “Why so surprised? You know who I am. Did you think I wouldn’t know her?”
Tucker blushed. “Yeah, well. Excuse me for being distracted by the ghost invasion we’re dealing with.”
Tim cleared his throat. “I think we’re getting off topic. Now, we have a way into the Fenton house. Tucker, could you get us all the way into the lab?”
“Easily. I’m fully in all their systems and they’ve no idea.”
“How will we know he’s in trouble?” asked Bart.
Tim bit his lip. “Danny and I already have a system in place where if we don’t hear from each other within seven days without prior warning, we reach out to someone. For me, it’s B’s butler. For him, it’s you Tucker.” He nudged Danny only to realize he had passed out his lap. Tim couldn’t help the fond smile he gave and shook his head. “Tomorrow I’ll propose decreasing that to three or four days.”
Conner nodded. “If none of us hear from one of you for more than four days, we’ll come. Probably me, Bart, or Cassie since we can travel faster.”
Tim grimaced, but nodded. Sometimes it really sucked being the only baseline human in the group.
Bart gave a thumbs up. “I can usually be somewhere in minutes if I’m not tied up doing something else!”
Sam looked them over critically. “You know he’s gonna insist that goes both ways. If you guys don’t check in, he’ll go to you if he can.”
Tucker began typing away on his laptop. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner. I’m setting up alerts on the Fenton lab. If they start recording any experiments on an actual ghost, I’ll get a notification. If there’s any indication it’s Phantom, I can have the alert forwarded to you.”
Tim nodded. “Good. Do that.” He looked at his team. “We’ve seen the Fenton’s weapons and some of their fighting skills by now. I don’t think we’ll have any issues subduing them if necessary.”
“Nah,” agreed Cassie. “We can handle them.”
Back to Sam and Tucker, Tim asked, “Do we know what their weapons can do to humans? What risks they pose?”
Sam grimaced. “The small blasters are fine. But some of the bigger weapons? Like the bazooka or the missiles? Those have caused damage to the roads and buildings beyond what the ghosts do.”
“Have there been any casualties?” asked Cassie.
Tucker shook his head. “No. Thank God. It’s all been property damage so far.”
Sam nudged him. “Not quite. You’re forgetting Wes’s brother. Jack broke his arm two weeks ago when he shot at the Box Ghost and knocked over the pile of bricks that was being used to rebuild Mr. Nguyen’s store.”
“Ugh, right. I think I was trying to block that debacle from my mind.”
Tim sighed and shook his head. “I knew it was bad, but Danny really downplayed it.”
Sam shrugged. “Yeah, well, this is life in Amity right now.”
“I suppose so.” Tim looked down at Danny who was frowning even in his sleep. “I think I’m gonna get him in a bed. Where will we be sleeping?”
“Probably a good idea,” agreed Sam. “Do you want to share a room?”
“Yeah, if you don’t mind. We haven’t had any one-on-one time yet. Which is a shame for our first in-person meeting!” Tim laughed and ignored the looks his friends were shooting him as well as the grins Sam and Tucker were exchanging. “Though with our lives, I should’ve expected something like this rather than a purely civilian meeting.”
Sam laughed. “Yeah, probably. This is about par for the course for us. Take the room across the hall. If you need the bathroom, if you exit my room, turn left and it’s two doors down on this side of the hall.”
Tim shifted so he could lift Danny up. Despite the shuffling, Danny didn’t open his eyes, though he did grumble indistinct protests.
“Just getting you in a bed,” said Tim.
Conner grabbed the bag that had their belongings in it and opened the doors for Tim. While Tim settled Danny in the bed, even having to remove shoes and socks, Conner separated their things so he would have everything he needed.
“Thanks, Kon.”
“Anytime, Tim. Get some rest yourself, okay?”
Tim huffed a laugh. “Sleep is for the weak.”
Conner shook his head. “You say that and yet at the end of basically every mission, you pass out for twelve hours and are useless for two days.”
Tim stuck out his tongue. “I do have homework to do. And I want to keep my eye on the local news channels. And I need to check in with Bruce again before he flips. Let me know when your phone is working?”
“Will do. See you tomorrow.”
So! They now have a working system for how to find out if Danny's in trouble and to get him out. Hopefully they won't have to use it! (I mean, we all know where this is going. I presume you've all read the original prompt and fill that started this mess.)
Also, thanks to a comment on the last post, I wanted to clarify the relationships in this fic. If you've gotten Core Four (Tim/Kon/Cassie/Bart) vibes from this... Yeah. You did. If you've gotten Everlasting Trio (Danny/Sam/Tucker) vibes from this... Yeah. You did. I'm going to write those groups as a sorta QPR. Eventually, we will have romantic Danny/Tim (hence I've been tagging this Dead Tired) on top of those QPRs, but that won't really happen for a while. First Danny will date Val and Tim will date Steph. Danny will have another relationship, too, that I'm keeping secret for now. None of those are likely to get any page time as I am planning a time skip after this arc. But they will be referenced by characters. The actual Danny/Tim won't happen until after the rescue scene from the original fill. (Which I'm sure you can imagine will be changed quite drastically now that all these characters know each other.)
I no longer do tag lists, but if you head to the Subscription Post, you can set up notifications for when this updates!
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"Lets get food"
The (short, less than 1k) beginning of my brother's best friend fanfic featuring Ash x Darlin
Currently unsure of what the whole fic rating will be but for this chapter id say it pretty safe.
content and trigger warnings: mention of vampire feeding, low energy, mentions of sleeping around.
I'd like to thank everyone who liked my original post about this idea. I had started writing a ( completely different) first chapter but wasn't feeling inspired till people started liking that post
a special thanks to @professionallyyappin and @dawnofiight . Thank you for rebloging my idea and just helping me feel motivated
Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes and enjoy :)
'Let's get food'
A seemingly normal text message 
That was the point,  so if anyone, more specifically David, saw it, he wouldn't think twice about it 
But what it meant was 
“ I need a ride after sleeping with a stranger”
Darlin didn't drive anymore, not after Gabe
And there was no way they were going to let David know how many people they slept with
Originally they would just walk home, in the dark sketchy parts of town
Until Asher saw them one day
He called out at the hooded figure
They ignored him
“ Darlin, I know that's you.”
They didn't know why he called them that, he was the only one
“What Asher?”
They turned to face Asher, his car stopping in the middle of the road.
Darlin looked around and as usual, no other cars were on the street
“ What are you doing out here? I don't know if you've checked the time recently but, it's not walking around time.”
He smiled at them
“I'm just- yeah”
They didn't want to admit the truth.
They couldn't let him tell David
“That's not a very good answer”
He laughed before leaning over and opening the passenger door from inside
“ get in, I'll take you where you need to be”
He offered but didn't demand,  like most of the men Darlin knew.
“ I'm- “
They take a moment to breathe,  feeling woozy From the blood loss
“ I'm all good Ashy”
He barked out a laugh
“ If you're calling me Ashy, you're not good.”
They couldn't argue.
So they climbed in, defending their self
“ This is just easier, I could handle myself”
Their sparky sentence was shorter than it typically would be. 
Another sign something was wrong
“ I know, but you don't seem at your full strength. And like you said, this is easier”
After a while he realized they weren't going to buckle their seat, so he leaned over to do so.
They simply rolled their eyes
Asher started to drive
Darlin Didn't say anything for a long time
he even though they might have dozed off.
Until they gasped and pointed
“Wendy's. Ashy we have to get Wendy's!”
They called him Ashy again,  he's starting to like it
Silently he pulls into the parking lot and parks
“ They have a drive through”
Darlin states 
“Darlin, If you're trying to hide what I think you're hiding from David, we're going to need more time.”
A vague sentence but Darlin caught on
“ lobby it is”
Darlin had a new pep in their step as they entered and started the order.
Once Darlin was done, Asher added his burger along with the same thing they ordered.
Before Darlin could get their wallet Asher had already Paid
It was a little disorienting, Darlin always paid, not because they preferred but simply because they knew the other wouldn't
They were too confused to even say thank you.
They found a table, amongst the sea of empty tables
Before Asher sat down their order was called, so he went to get it.
Setting the food down before going to fill up their drinks
When he returned, Darlin had already started to wolf down their burger
No pun intended
They didn't say a word as they reached for their drink, taking a swig before going back for a big bite
Asher just smiled to himself
When Darlin finished their burger they spoke
“ How'd you know what drink I wanted”
He jokingly rolled his eyes at the Question
“ I've known you for like, 8 years now. If I didn't know what drink you preferred I wouldn't be a good friend”
They started stealing fries from Ashers' plates, even though they still had their own heaping pile
With fries in their mouth, they said
“ I didn't know you considered us friends”
The sentence made Asher feel cold 
He prides himself on being a good friend to almost everyone. 
Darlin quickly caught on to Asher's negative reaction and tried to reverse it.
“ Not that you were bad or anything but I just thought you were David's friend,  and I was just an extension of David”
Darlin's words didn't seem to cheer Asher up, but he still smiled And pretended it was fine
“ Well I see you as your person, even if you are related to David, you are not just His little sibling to me”
Darlin felt chills at that
Good chills
Probably their first time getting good chills
They didn't realize that was important to them
But they couldn't let Asher know that
“I'm only 4 months younger Than him”
Asher takes a bite of his food before, with His mouth full, continuing the conversation
“I wasn't talking age, he's At least a foot taller Than you”
Darlin laughed and rolled their eyes.
They then pointed to the extra burger
“ Can I?”
Others would probably not find that short sentence charming,  but Asher did. 
At least in perspective 
Darlin was actively stealing Asher's fries but when It came to the burger they asked.
And when they asked, their voice was shy and sweet. 
Asher liked every part of Darlin', but it was a side the soft sweet side one they hid away, so it was like a treat for Asher
“ I got it for you. So yeah”
Darlins' energy seemed to dip again, not severely but Asher noticed it. 
He decides to hold back his thoughts for the day.
Darlin finished Their food and they left
The rest of the night was uneventful As he drove them home
He messaged them that night
'I know you can take care of yourself, but you don't have to'
After he sent it he felt vulnerable, so he tried to soften it
'We can get food to'
Low and behold a couple of days later he got a text
'Let's get food'
Followed By an address 
Darlin was letting Asher into a part of Their life.
A part only he was allowed
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that-one-enby-ranger · 2 months
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“I blame you for this,” Halt said grumpily.
“You’ve said that already,” Crowley complained back. “And I'll admit that it was my fault, even though it wasn't, if you move your arse and help me fix it.”
Halt was half sitting, half lying across one of the couches in the living quarters Crowley had in Castle Araluen. He had a glass of wine in his hand which he was now twirling around, watching the liquid swish in the glass.
Halt groaned. “I'm too tired,” he complained, “and I wasn't the one that broke it.”
“Well I didn't break it either,” Crowley said stubbornly, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Liar,” Halt mumbled, loud enough for Crowley to hear.
“If you help me fix it, then I'll stop complaining. Otherwise I'll just keep annoying you and you won't be able to have any peace for the rest of the night. And,” Crowley added, “I'll lock all my doors so that way you can't escape and you really will be in here all night.” Crowley held Halt’s glare easily, refusing to back down.
“You can't do that,” Halt said, trying to call his bluff, but Crowley held firm.
“I'm your boss.” Crowley didn't say anything more than that. Halt glared at him some more, his wine glass a little tighter in his grip before he gave up.
“Fine,” he hissed between slightly gritted teeth. He placed his glass on the small table next to the couch and stood up, stretching. He stood next to Crowley and looked down at the wreckage
“Do you know how to fix a table?” Crowley asked, glancing at his friend. Halt shook his head. Crowley kneeled down next to the broken pieces and picked up one of the table legs that had snapped off. “It looks like that the pieces that broke off were individual parts before being put all together,” Crowley observed, standing up again. “Nothing is properly broken, the pieces just came apart, so we need to put them back together.”
“Should probably use something more permanent than whatever the last people did,” Halt said. He walked back over to where he placed his wine glass and took a big sip of it.
“I have some glue,” Crowley said but Halt waved his idea away.
“Glue isn’t going to fix this,” he said, “it’s probably what the original idiots used in the first place.” He was still holding his wine glass and didn’t set it down, and now Crowley was holding his own.
“What about some rope?” Crowley hadn’t drunk enough wine so that he was drunk and clueless about everything, but he had drunk enough so that he couldn’t come up with proper good ideas.
“Are you stupid?” Halt asked, “Rope ain’t gonna work either.” He paused, pondering the situation for a moment while taking another taste of the red wine. His eyes lit up, an idea striking him. “You know what might work though,” he said slowly, “if we combine the two.”
Crowley looked at him curiously. “What do you mean?”
“We could both glue it, and then tie it together with the rope. By themselves, they're useless, but if we use them both at the same time, then maybe they can be useful.” Like Crowley, Halt had also not drunk enough to get properly drunk , but enough to be thinking and acting like an idiot.
Crowley considered the idea for a couple seconds. Anyone who didn't have multiple glasses of wine in their system could see that that was a bad idea, and that it would most likely not work. But Crowley was not one of these people. The intellectual part of his brain was slightly clouded with alcohol, so of course he said:
“Yeah, I guess we could try that.” Crowley went to grab his rope and glue while Halt sat down crossed leg next to the broken table, wine still in hand, and tried to figure out what pieces went where. Crowley returned with the supplies and sat down next to Halt, placing his own glass on the floor next to him.
“You're gonna knock it over if you leave that there,” Halt remarked dryly.
“No I won't,” Crowley replied with quite some dignity.
The two half drunk friends began to try and reassemble the table. They would switch between holding two of the pieces together and constructing them to stay together.
They struggled for almost a full hour, constantly swearing and arguing with each other about “no that's supposed to go first” and “what the fuck are you doing with that? That doesn't go there” and even, “You're supposed to put the glue first then the rope not the other way around!”
Throughout the entire process, they constantly got the wrong pieces in the wrong places, and sometimes wouldn't even realise until after they had put them together. Glue got everywhere, and their hands became so sticky to the point where Crowley tried to pick up his glass with his sticky hands. It worked for a little while, before it didn't and the glass dropped and shattered, red wine soaking across the floor.
Halt looked up at him with an unimpressed look on his face. “I told you.”
“No,” Crowley said, “you said I was going to knock it over. I dropped it. There's a difference.” Halt had no response to that so he just rolled his eyes.
By the end of their little frustrating as hell puzzle of a broken table, they had managed to construct a table with some misplaced pieces that was still somehow standing. It was wobbling slightly, and looked like it was on the absolute brink of falling over, but it was standing.
“I am very proud of ourselves,” Crowley claimed.
Halt looked at him. “You do realise that if you put anything on here it's gonna break, right?”
Crowley shrugged. “I know. I don't care. We still managed to put it back together.”
“It looks like some sort of mutated table.”
“Whatever. You want some more wine?”
“We had like three trying to put this monstrosity together,” Halt pointed out.
“I know,” Crowley replied, “but I think we deserve another one. You know, as a reward.”
“Fine. One more.”
This is very stupid and I did not put much effort into it because I'm tired and was writing it on my phone but I just felt like writing two drunk idiots in love.
This is definitely probably the least serious mood board I have done and we have the homophobic dog to thank for that :D
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hphm-jeniferltheman · 2 years
No Surprise
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[Spoiler and Long Explanation Ahead]
a bit of spoiler cause i'm still in year 5 of the game and i have a lot i wanted to draw before this event
I listen to this song in repeat while making this maybe you should too? (also the reference of the title)
In Year 6, after the death of their best friend, Ben and Jeniferl decided that it is best to break up for the meantime.
Ben believed that despite being together, he had failed to protect her and the people she cares about. The death of Rowan shows that he is still incapable to protect the others, despite his attempts to change. He felt worthless and believed that only a strong, courageous person could be with Jeniferl that can keep her safe... unlike him. He will keep changing, even if it makes him the worst version of himself, until he has proved to himself that he is capable of becoming that person.
Jeniferl on the other hand, didn't want more people to die because of her. She once again blamed herself from all misfortune and believed that the more she is attached to someone, the closer death will come to them. After the death of her best friend, she fears Ben will be next therefore she wants to maintain her distance and, to the best of her ability, suppress her emotions in order to concentrate on breaking the family curse and the curse vault. If she kept bringing ill fortune, she believed she didn't deserve to be loved.
The breakup left a bitter taste in their relationship. They told one another that  they could do anything they wanted regardless of what the other think, but their relationship is over.
On the day of the Masquerade ball
It was surprising how Jeniferl was on the ball despite all the tragedy that happened to her; it was Barnaby’s idea for her to go. Jeniferl and Barnaby are like siblings to one another, for they share the same interest in magical creatures and dueling. Feeling bad about what happened to her, he invited Jeniferl to a dance at the ball in an attempt to cheer her up, which she appreciated and agreed with. But what’s more surprising is what they saw in the Ball, 
Ben and Ismelda were dancing together. 
Everyone was startled that the two were together, but Jeniferl repress her emotions and smiled at them as they danced elegantly in the night. As promised, Barnaby and Jeniferl performed their dance as friends, but someone is watching them closely. It was Ben. Even though he presents a cold and disinterested demeanor around her, he is nonetheless troubled. In actuality, he only attended the event because of her presence. He wasn't supposed to go because he didn't see the point in going and would rather train to get stronger instead. But Ismelda came and informed him how Barnaby would be going with Jeniferl. He requested Ismelda's company in order to verify whether it was real. Upon realizing it to be true, he was reminded of their breakup and understood that there was nothing he could do.
The night may be beautiful, but no surprise, two hearts are left in sorrow once again.
First I wanna say sorry for my poor writing and grammar skills I just want to finish this so that i can focus on my uni,,
and second, YES, the two broke up after 3 years of flirting and a year of dating ,,how unlucky but thats just the life of Jeniferl. I already planned this ahead before the spoiler TLSQ happen but, I hate to admit it, this tlsq benefit the story and I'm sorryy I added more pain in my story(I'm gonna add more tho).
No hate to Ben and Ismelda shippers, I love Ismelda's character and i just thought her being with ben is an out of character but i become more curious . Also I chose Barnaby because he is the one i chose to be partnered with my mc in the game but in my story, Barnaby doesn't have romantic feelings towards Jeni
But the TLSQ haven't released yet so there might be changes added in the story but who knows, I hate it but I'm excited for this tlsq~ also i kinda didn't follow the color dress code sryy
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that-tmr-girl · 8 months
Betrayal {Part 2}
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When you can tell Aris is doubting your love for him after the betrayal you prove you could only ever want him.
Fingering, oral, edging, vaginal sex, hair pulling, begging kink, daddy kink
Aris had just disappeared the night after we had sex. I woke up, and nobody knew where he was. I was absolutely terrified as I looked everywhere. I waited a few good hours before Minho made me come with them.
So even though when he came back he had betrayed Thomas, lied to all of us, and almost didn't speak, I was just thankful he was okay.
He didn't realize that though as he slept further away from everyone, going so far as to lay in a corner.
"Aris?"I whispered, moving beside him. He froze as he looked anywhere but me. "Do you want to talk about it love?"I offered.
"I kissed Teresa,"He confessed. For a second I swore he had just slapped me across the face. There was pure anger bubbling in my stomach.
Then, I saw how broken he seemed. With his breathing shaky and his body tensed up, it was clear there wasn't just some basic cheating.
"Why?"I asked.
"They told me to. WICKED was going to kill Thomas unless we made it hurt. He loves her so we knew it would work. We couldn't tell anyone. We just had to do it,"He whispered.
"Okay,"I nodded.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I know you don't want me, but-"
"Why wouldn't I want you?"I asked in shock.
"I did something so awful."
"Did you truly do something bad if it was the only way to protect him? Were you bad or were the people making you do this bad?"
"I'm still sorry. I wanted to tell you."
"I'm glad you didn't. You saved him no matter what it costs. You did the right thing,"I promised.
"Really?"He asked, looking at me.
"Really,"I nodded.
"Then, why do I feel like the worst person to exist?"He whispered.
"Because you had to do something bad, but feeling that way just means you're human. It means you feel empathy for what you were forced to do. That's why I love you so much. Your heart is full of good,"I promised, placing my hand on his chest. He didn't say anything as he placed his over mine and smiled down at me.
"I fall more in love with you the more you speak,"He admitted, moving closer.
"Yeah,"I mumbled against his lips. "Prove it,"I demanded, pulling away
"Right now?"He whispered.
"Yeah. Prove that you love me. Take me against a wall and fuck me until I know you mean it."
"You have no idea what you've just started,"He whispered in my ear.
"Then, let me find out. Fuck me until I want to scream your name. Do it,"I dared.
"I will,"He promised, pulling me up. We carefully slipped out the door and to the back of the building. Before I could even blink he shoved me against the wall, pinning my arms above my head as he kissed me. We didn't wait as we deepened it with him resting his tongue inside my mouth. Pressing his entire body against me, his hands went to my shoulder before he pulled my shirt off. Just as quickly he unhooked my bra and connected his mouth to my nipple. I whimpered as he lightly pinched the other one, already bringing the wetness between my thighs.
"Mine,"He whispered against my skin, sucking on my neck. "You're mine,"He repeated, biting down as he trailed his hands down my stomach. He unbuttoned my jeans before dropping to his knees and pulling everything off. Without waiting he slid his fingers between my slit, looking up at me as my face screwed up with pleasure. I could still spot his little smirk as he thrust a finger inside of me and started pumping. As I started letting out soft moans he added another and curled them while grinding his palm against my clit. I grabbed a fistful of his hair as he brought me closer to my orgasm. Just as I was about to cum he pulled out.
"Aris,"I groaned. He just sighed as he gripped my thighs. Before I could complain he flicked his tongue against my clit, finding a quick, even rhythm. I threw my head back as my grip on his hair tightened making him moan inside of me. He held my waist he plunged his tongue into me, sucking on my throbbing pussy. I felt my breathing get heavy as he hummed. My walls clenched letting me know I was close. With him licking stripes up my middle, I was going to let go when he stopped.
"Aris, what the hell?"I groaned.
"Don't worry. I'm going to make you cum harder then you ever have,"He promised, standing up. Before I could react he spun me around. "Keep your hands on the wall,"He whispered, running his fingers down my back. I did as he said, feeling him tease my entrance with his fingers. As he was slowly circling my clit I dropped my head.
That's when he slammed into me, sending a pleasant wave of shock through me. His fingers started knotting themselves in my hair as he pulled on the strands. I could only say his name as he roughly pushed himself in and out. Feeling the affects of my delayed organs come to life, I clenched around him as he went as hard as he could. Barely able to breathe as the knot in my stomach tightened, I let go. He shoved himself inside of me one more time before doing the same.
Letting go of my hair, I caught my breath and turned around to face him. That's when he had my arms back above my head as he teased my entrance with his dick. I looked at him with begging eyes.
"Oh don't worry. I've got you,"He chuckled, pushing himself into me with a grunt. I threw my head back as he slid in and out with ease. His hold on my hands tightened as he made me arch my back against the wall. I grew louder as he buried his face in my neck.
"Is this what you wanted? For me to prove I need you?"He whispered before nipping at my skin. As he left hickeys on my neck he twitched inside of me, making me bite my lip so I didn't start screaming. "You're such a good girl. Making sure no one can hear what I do to you,"He continued, making me bite my lip so hard I drew blood. He twitched again as his thrusts got sloppier before shooting his seed inside of me. Just as I was about to do the same he stopped and held himself inside of me.
"Aris?"I whined.
"If you want to cum you're going to beg, and you're going to beg real good. Go on. Beg for me"He drew out. Tonight he was so much rougher, different then he ever had been.
And I was living for it.
"Please. Aris, I need to cum,"I begged, throwing my head back.
"Look at me while you do it. Look right in my eyes and beg for me to show who you belong to,"He commanded.
"Let me cum. Please let me cum. I'll do anything,"I pleaded, staring at him. He still didn't move as he pressed inside of me.
"Please daddy. Let me cum,"I repeated. His eyes went wide at the new name before he groaned. "Please, please, please daddy. Please,"I whimpered.
With the name working, he grabbed my ass and slammed into me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he thrusts into me. I could barely even moan as I breathed out his name. That's when he stopped.
"You know what to call me now."
"Daddy. Just fuck me already,"I demanded, wrapping my legs deeper around his waist. He instantly went at an almost inhuman speed as my walls tightened around his cock. I moaned the only thing I would call him when he did this as he made me feel so good it shouldn't exist. The knot in my core got worse as he twitched. Pulling out and slamming into me one last time he made ms scream as I released in his dick. He did the same, keeping himself where he was as he filled me up.
After a moment of riding out our highs he let me down when I almost stumbled to the ground. Spotting this, he picked me up before helping me slide to the ground. Without a word he collected my clothes and slowly helped me into them. Only when I was fully dressed did he do the same.
"I love you so much. Always have, always will,"I promised, leaning against his shoulder.
"You promise?"He whispered.
"I swear. I swear on everything I have. I love you, Aris. I will always love you,"I mumbled, feeling my eyes shut against my will.
"Get some sleep, okay? I'll be right here,"He assured me, kissing my forehead. Staying as close to him as possible, I felt safe enough to do as he said. The last thing I heard before I dozed off was him saying that he loves me, making me fall asleep with a smile on my face.
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thatanimewriter · 10 months
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𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑   -   𝐭𝐞𝐧 / 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨.
← previous chapter           next chapter installment on the way!
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❝ 𝐢 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢'𝐦 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. ❞  ── 𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘶𝘬𝘢 𝘹 𝘨𝘯. 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
unfortunate weather prevented nanase haruka from swimming. thankfully, it provided him with something to do instead of sitting in the tub for hours, counting down the days until spring.
──  𝘴𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘶𝘳𝘯, 𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦, 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘵, 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧, 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵
𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 + 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
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haru was right when he thought to himself that the entirety of the swim club would start asking questions. except he never brought you up to them directly, or ever. and yet, nagisa was forgetting the existence of personal space and any form of privacy.
"you're hanging out with someone else? that isn't us?" he asked, an uncharacteristic expression of shock plastered to his face.
"nagisa, maybe you should calm down," makoto suggested, placing a hand on the younger boy's shoulder gently. "i'm sure you'll find out more about them eventually," he added, laughing nervously at haru's extreme annoyance, even if it wasn't obvious to the regular person.
a short vibration rung through haru's pant pocket and he opened his phone to check what the notification was for before closing it and tucking it away again. "you shouldn't have your phone on your during school, haruka-senpai," rei scolded.
"who was it?" makoto asked, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
haru stared at him momentarily, scanning for any sign that he was trying to get something out of him, but gave in regardless, turning away. "[name]."
"what did they say?" nagisa teased, trying to fish the phone out of haru's pocket.
"just asking if i was stopping by this afternoon, nothing big." rei, nagisa and makoto shared a look, but decided to move on despite nagisa's pout when he didn't get to further interrogate haru. noticing their silent conversation, haru huffed. "if you're that curious about them just come with me."
"REALLY?!" they exclaimed, shocked at his willingness to open up to them about something he more or less wanted to keep for himself, though he would never admit he wanted to keep his friendship with you separate from his school friends.
"i'll let them know you're coming."
throughout the rest of the day, nagisa was filled with an irrational amount of energy at the idea of meeting this mystery friend, much to rei's dismay at his inattentiveness to the class. it's quite the miracle that gou hasn't figured out haru's somewhat secret rendezvous with someone from another part of town. haru hoped she would never find out because she was the last person he wanted inside his personal circle, but the hope was soon squashed as he bumped into her outside the school gates.
"you guys heading home?" she wondered, adjusting her grip on her book bag.
"nope!" nagisa chimed, giggling to himself.
please no, haru begged internally.
"oh?" gou's eyes lit up with curiosity and haru sighed, knowing he'd lost.
"we're going to the ice rink! haru-chan's been meeting with a skater there for a while and we want to meet them!" nagisa explained. makoto and rei glanced at each other from the corners of their eyes before rei nudged nagisa.
"we should get going now, haruka-senpai is already leaving..." he mumbled, pointing at haru, who indeed was walking away.
"ah- talk to you later!" nagisa exclaimed, running after haru. makoto and rei waved goodbye awkwardly, jogging after the other half of their group.
the walk to the rink was silent except for the occasional humming from nagisa, and haru couldn't help but feel like maybe this was a mistake to let them tag along while he was going through an internal crisis.
they're all gonna confuse me more, he thought with half-lidded eyes as he pushed open the door.
"i hope you're aware that we can't convert the rink into a pool for you, haru," you said. once again, you were in your skates with the [colour] blade guards over the blades, shuffling along the lobby floor.
"they wanted to come," he explained, feeling embarrassed about bringing them along as they smiled from behind him.
"is this all of your team?" you wondered, gesturing to them. he nodded as they introduced themselves and you returned the favor. an unexplainable nervousness settled in his chest as he watched you converse with his team and in his mind palace, he groaned when he realised he wanted them to like you.
"did we interrupt your practice?" makoto asked, noticing your skates.
you shook your head, "nah, i was about to start but realised i was hungry, so i'm gonna get a snack from the vending machine and then begin."
"why didn't you stay in your walking shoes then?" haru said, eyeing the blades of your skates. "that doesn't look safe."
you shrugged your shoulders, grabbing your snack. "too lazy." he grumbled at your answer, following you into the rink.
"you're gonna fall on your face," he warned.
"been there, done that."
haru's teammates followed behind, varying degrees of shocked at haru's sudden ability to hold a conversation with someone other than them. as they took their seats at the back, they continued to steal glances at haru's face as he spoke with you while you ate.
"what's your training for today?" rei inquired, adjusting his glasses on his face. 
you hummed as you scrolled through your music. "practicing for a tournament coming up, i want to get this routine down before i train with my coach again so they can go over details and help me polish it."
"when is the tournament?"
"a month from now, but since i'm aiming for the global level, i need to be really prepared. i did slack off a little bit for this tournament so this isn't a ton of time before the tournament but i'll make it," you respond before standing and hopping down the stairs to the speakers, putting on a warm up playlist.
the boys followed your movements as you practiced basic jumps and spins, all of which sent them further into their trance. 
"it's like when haru-chan swims free," nagisa commented, to which his friends nodded slowly, reluctant to pull their focus from you.
the duration of your practice captivated their attention fully as you glided along the surface of the ice, adding flourishments to your movements after axels and spins, though the hypnosis was quickly removed as you came tumbling to the ground, sliding along the ice and bumping into the barricades.
"[name]!" they called, rushing to the edge of the rink to see your sore state.
"i'm ok, just a bad landing," you reassured, dusting yourself off and shaking your legs to loosen them up again. "occupational hazard," you chuckled.
haru glanced at your ankles and frowned slightly, but let it go as he and his friends returned to their seats to watch the rest of your practice. he noted the crease in your brows as you landed other jumps before realising what might be the problem.
"they're not fully healed," he said.
"huh?" the rest of his club looked at his troubled expression, though it didn't look massively different to his usual face.
"they fell the other week and injured their ankle," he explained curtly.
"was that when i ran into you guys?" rei wondered, receiving a nod in response. "should they be skating in the first place with an injury? it could make it worse."
"i don't think they have time to take a break if they have a competition in a month..." makoto mumbled.
haru kept his focus on you as you finished your last run of your routine before moving down to meet you at the entrance of the rink. "you're not ok."
you blinked at his bluntness but laughed at it dryly. "guilty as charged."
"i'll walk you home so you don't collapse in the middle of the street," he said, leaving no room for rebuttal.
you sighed, leaning into him as you put the blade guards over your skates. "alright, it's not that kind of injury, but fine." he hummed at your cooperation. "but you're carrying me."
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elisysd · 11 months
16. And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
Chapter soundtrack: Another love - Tom Odell
She felt something tingling in her ear that had the effect of waking her up. Slowly she turned her head to the left to see fingers a few centimeters away from her face. Ethan had managed to get rid of the pillows during the night and now, he was completely sprayed out on the bed, taking most of the place. She was never moving a lot during her sleep unlike Ethan if she was looking at his figure taking up much of the space. She sighed but noticed it wasn’t that early in the morning. She slowly and silently got out of the bed and hopped in for a rather quick shower.
The breakfast area of the hotel was almost empty, with the exception of a few staff members from teams that, just like her, had to be early at the paddock to set up the car for the practice sessions. It was quiet, something she welcomed. It was giving her the time and space to think things through and to digest the events of last night. She wanted to kiss him. Or she wanted him to kiss her. But in any case, she wanted to feel his lips against hers, she wanted to taste them and to know what they felt like. And it terrified her. Was she falling? had she already fallen? When did that happen? How did it happen? Why did it happen? But most importantly, she wanted it to keep happening.
When she thought about love, she thought about her parents. How they completed each other, how they were always there for one another no matter where they were. It was in the flowers her dad was bringing to her mother every Sunday when he was home. It was in the good morning and good night texts when he was halfway across the globe. It was in the comfortable silence they were falling into whenever they were together, as if nothing besides them was existing. It was in the hard times more than in the good ones. Could she have that? With Ethan? Did she deserve it? Was she allowed to want a love like her parents’? Could Ethan love her?
It was the scariest feeling after admitting to herself that she might be falling in love. Not knowing if the other person could like her back. Ethan had never been the type to settle down and Julia wasn't even sure he would like to one day. And would they even work? They were so different. They couldn’t even stay together without stupidly bickering. It was doomed from the very beginning. It was pointless to even entertain the idea. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t even see Niels coming to her, half-awake but a content smile on his face.
“Already up?”
“Yeah, I’m an early bird.”
“You seem to be good.”
“Yep! I had an amazing night. If you know what I mean.” he added with a wink.
“Oh! Do I know him?” asked Julia, curious.
“Maybe you do, maybe you won’t. I won’t tell. I’m not sure if it’s serious if it was a one time thing.”
“Would you like it to be more than a one time thing?”
“I mean… I like him. I really do. Not sure if he does, though. It’s complicated.”
“It’s not complicated if you follow your heart and not your head.” she mumbled.
“Speaking from experience?”
“I wish.”
“I assume that it’s complicated with Ethan…”
“Is it that obvious?”
“Well… if I didn’t know you guys were together, I wouldn’t guess it. You guys don’t look like a couple.”
“Do couples have to look like something?”
“They have a vibe, you know.”
“And we are not vibing.”
“You vibe. Just not give couple vibes.”
Julia frowned and absentmindedly nibbled on her apple.
“We are not into PDA.”
“There is a difference between not being into PDA and you looking at Ethan as if he was your personal deodorant.”
“I’m not!”
“You are like an ice cube with him. Try to be as far away as possible, never directly looking at him when we are all together and just spending your time trying to avoid him. I understand that you guys want to be private and you want to avoid the attention but it’s just making everything weird.”
“I don’t want us to be weird… In private we are not like that. We are bickering a lot, yes, but we can be cute. I guess.”
“You guess? Julia, that's the kind of thing you should be sure of! You guys are not dating for that long you should all be lovey-dovey!”
Julia must have made a weird face as Niels sighed and shook his head. Not so long after, it’s Noah that entered the area and made his way to them, freshly shaved and already in his team attire. He took place next to Niels after high fiving him and giving him a pat on the shoulder and snatching Julia’s bread.
“Hey! I was about to eat that!”
“You should have been faster.” he shrugged.
Julia shook her head in annoyance. They kept chatting for a few minutes more before she apologized, saying that she needed to leave for the track. After all, their car wouldn’t get prepared on their own. She quickly came back to her hotel room to find Ethan, his back turned away from her, busy trying to arrange his hair with some styling gel that he didn’t even pay attention to her. She silently enjoyed the moment to check him out, from afar. How focused he seemed and how his t-shirt was already sticking to his back because of the warmth and humidity of the place, leaving up to her to imagine the lines of his muscles.
“You know I can see your reflection in the mirror, Joolsie?” he said, a hint of mockery in his voice.
“I’m not doing anything wrong.”
“No, you can come closer, you’ll have a better look, you know.”
“I was just coming to pick up my bag, I’m heading to the track.”
“Okay. Do you want us to have lunch together? Not just us, we can eat with our friends, if it makes you more comfortable.”
“I promised my dad I would eat with him today. And… I want to show him something.” she added a little unsure.
Ethan moved his head towards her and went to her. She was slightly avoiding his gaze and was playing with her bracelet, something he quickly picked up as a habit of hers when she was feeling anxious. He didn’t have to ask her what it was, he had an idea.
“You used the USB drive.”
“Not really, but kind of? I mean… I did open the files and look at them but I haven’t used them. I don’t want to use them, I think.”
Ethan couldn’t help but feel relieved to hear her say it. He was almost sure she wouldn’t use the drive but still, hearing it from her made him feel better.
“But, I still worked on how to improve the Ferrari. I think I have something and I want to show it to my dad.”
“I’m sure what you have is amazing and he will love it. No doubt.”
She smiled and finally looked at him. There was a gentleness in the way he was looking at her that soothed her, that calmed her anxiety. It was like watching the waves gently crashing on the shore. She felt drawn to him, as if there was an invisible pull between them. A magnetic force that she found hard to resist. No matter how hard she tried.
“Thank you, Ethan.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“You believe in me. It’s a lot.”
Ethan opened his mouth to reply before closing it and reopening it once again but no sound was coming out of it. He didn’t know what to say. Of course he believed in her, she was the best. She had always been. Everyone could see that and in fact, he didn’t understand why Skoda wouldn’t listen to her ideas. It was a stupid move from them and a part of Ethan hoped that she wouldn’t waste her talent for another year with them. She needed to move to a team that would value her skills and would support her. And if by any chance, Ferrari wouldn’t have her either, then he knew that Maserati and Lamborghini would. And he would be happy to have her work with him. He tried to tell himself that it was purely because she would be a great asset to the team, but he would be lying to himself. He wanted to spend time with her, that was all. And it was selfish, he knew that but he was selfish. He had always been and he didn’t want to change. He cleared his throat before looking away. This time, it was him who was uncomfortable.
Julia didn’t notice him acting differently and collected her things before leaving, waving to Ethan and wishing him luck for the free practices as she closed her door behind her. Then again she wasn’t allowed to help with the car and she felt more like being treated like a kid who was punished than an actual adult. It made her angry so much that before joining her dad for lunch, she went to Whilelm’s office to try to understand what she had done wrong to deserve to be treated that way. With a paternalistic look that she hated, Whilelm announced to her that,even if she was good, she had to learn how to work as a team and not go behind everybody’s backs, chasing fame and praise. Julia didn’t understand what he was implying, she had been a team player, she wanted to help and even if she knew that she should have asked for permission to work on upgrades ideas, the treatment she was receiving was unfair.
“So for the foreseeable future and until you’ve learned your lesson, you’ll be the one in charge of cleaning and organizing our stuff. It’s an important task Julia and one I’m sure you have the skills for.” he added with a mocking smile.
She tried her best to calm down before lunch. It was out of the question for her dad to see her like this. She hadn’t worked so hard, spent sleepless nights on books, gone through a tough interview process to be confined to tidying up! She was pissed off and she was wandering the alleys of the paddock, away from prying eyes and ears in the hope to get back her composure. She should have known that lurking near Ferrari hospitality was a bad idea and shouldn’t have been surprised to see Martin and his personal trainer preparing for later. She didn’t really want to see him and was about to turn away and head somewhere else but it was too late. She had been seen.
“Julia? Hey, wait.”
“What do you want? I told you that I didn’t want to be near you anymore. Not after what you did.”
“I’m sorry about that, I don’t know what came out of me, but I agree it was stupid.”
“It was mean. Ethan didn’t deserve that.”
“I feel bad about it, Julia. I don’t want to lose you over something stupid. You are my friend.”
“Stop it, Martin… please.” she sighed. She didn’t want to have this conversation, not again. She didn’ want it to miss with her head.
“Because we are not friends. You don’t want to be my friend.” She explained and the silence that followed confirmed her fears.
“No, you are right. I would have loved to be more than your friends. Because we have a connection and I know that you feel it too. But you are with Ethan and even if I keep on thinking that you deserve better, I’m respecting it. But I do think it’s a shame that we can’t explore what could be between us? Yes, I do. Because I think… No, I know that I can treat you better.”
“You shouldn’t say that, Martin.” she said, feeling her throat tightened.
“You are right. I shouldn’t. But I can’t help myself, okay? You are everything I’ve ever wanted. You are smart, and caring, and fearless, you are funny without intending to be. I love your laugh and it kills me to see you with Ethan and to see how he treats you because you deserve so much more than what he is giving you. And I know I can do better. I can be that. I can be your better. I can make you happy, Julia.”
He was so close to her that she could smell his aftershave. He wasn’t touching her, giving her the choice to back down if she wanted to. She could feel tears threatening to fall. How dare he confuse her like that. She knew that with Martin it would be easy, so easy to let him love her. He was a good guy, he was nice. He would ease her mind. But Ethan’s name kept popping in her mind, as warning signs and he pulled away.
“I can’t Martin.”
She was about to leave when she felt him taking her hand softly in his. And she knew that she shouldn’t but she let him.
“Tell me… just tell me a simple yes or no, but if Ethan wasn’t there, would I stand a chance?”
“I think you know the answer.” she simply said, her voice soar as she finally left.
She wasn’t hungry anymore, she didn’t want to see her dad anymore, she wanted to hide somewhere and cry. Why do having feelings hurt so much? Why did it have to be so complicated? Why, why, why. She stopped in the public restroom and locked herself up. She took out her phone and unlocked it, only to be met with the picture that Ethan had sent to her a few days ago. She couldn’t resist the idea of making it her wallpaper. It was an amazing picture. She loved it and she could definitely see Kat’s photography skills in him. He definitely inherited them from her. She couldn’t even count the number of times she had unlocked her phone these past few days for no reasons other than looking at this picture.
And finally the tears fell. She didn’t know how long she was stuck in the restroom but it must have been for a while as she got a text from her dad asking her where she was. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed the traces of mascara. She looked like a panda. But not a cute one. She tried her best to try and look decent before heading to the hospitality where her dad was waiting for her, a glass of sparkling water next to him.
“Ju’? Is everything okay, you look pale. Did something happen with Ethan?”
“Not with Ethan, no…” she mumbled. “Dad? Can I ask you something?”
“Always, you know that.” he replied, suddenly worried.
“Did you know that Martin had feelings for me?”
The look on her dad’s face told her everything she needed to know.
“I didn’t know for sure… I just saw the way he looked at you and the way he always talks about you or asks questions. Martin wears his emotions on his sleeve. That’s his biggest weakness as a driver. But a great quality to have.”
“I feel horrible, dad.”
“You can’t help it, Ju’.”
“Yes, I could… I shouldn’t talk to him anymore. I’m only giving him false hopes. And it’s not fair to Ethan.”
“It’s not fair to Ethan if you have feelings for Martin and are entertaining them. Just like it’s not fair to Martin if you don’t feel anything for him and are playing with his feelings.”
“Why is love so complicated, dad?”
“It’s only complicated if you follow your head, princess.”
“But following my heart means more risks to get it broken and I don’t want that. It’s easier to follow my head.”
“You sound like your mom… It’s going to stay between us and I won’t repeat it, but I do think you and Ethan are a great couple. You are balancing each other and I don’t think a lot of people would have done what he did when we had the incident with Louis. The way he has been there for you… only a man in love would have done it.” confessed Charles, unknowingly making Julia feel guilty.
“I really like Ethan…” she said and she almost gasped. It came so naturally that she didn’t even notice that the words were about to come out of her mouth before pronouncing them.
“I hope you do, because if you didn’t I would tell you to break up. I want you to be with someone that makes you happy and that makes you feel like you are his world. You are worthy of that, Ju’. Nothing less.”
The conversation helped her to clear her mind and she needed it. It didn’t totally erase the feeling of guilt that was becoming her new unwanted companion, but at least it helped her to see things through. She was falling in love. Quickly, freely and at full speed. But instead of making her feel better, it made a heart heavy in her chest. Ethan was only seeing her as a means to an end. She was nothing else to him and never would be. He would never settle down and she was only setting herself up for disappointment.  So she made a decision. She would stay with him, just like she promised, until the summer break. And then they would part ways. She just hoped that her heart would handle it until then.
Ethan was bored out of his mind. He only wanted to leave the driver’s meetings and go back to his room. The practice sessions weren’t that good and he knew that the weekend would be shitty for him and the team. But what pissed him off even more than this meeting that seemed to not end was Martin’s side glances that he was giving him quite regularly to the point that when it was finally over, he went straight to him.
“What do you want, Martin?”
“Nothing. It’s going to be a nice weekend, don’t you think, Ethan?”
Ethan was taken aback, not expecting this answer from the Polish driver.
“I guess…”
“How is Julia? Have you seen her?”
“The last time I’ve seen her, it was in our hotel room.” he replied insisting on the our.
“I did see her. Before lunch. And we had a very interesting conversation.”
“Oh yeah? Enlighten me. What could my girlfriend have said to put you in such a mood?”
“That she does feel things for me. That, maybe she doesn’t belong to you as much as you think.”
“Yeah sure…” he laughed, not believing Martin.
“Ask her, if you don’t believe me.”
“I trust Julia. I trust her feelings for me and our relationship. Maybe it’s not the most conventional one, but it works for us and at least we are not boring. Unlike you.”
“We will see about that. But beware Ethan. That’s all I’m saying.”
And with that he left. When Ethan came back to his room, Julia was already there sitting on the floor, her hair still wet after the shower she had taken a few minutes ago, and in very comfy clothes. She was occupied scribbling down in her notebook and was so deep into it that she didn’t even hear the door opening and closing. Slowly, Ethan approached her  and sat beside her. She finally felt his presence and looked up to him, smiling gently.
“How was the meeting?” she asked, closing her books.
“Boring. Nothing interesting came out of it.”
She had a small ink trace on her cheek, Ethan noticed. It elicited a small laugh from him.
“You have ink, right there.” he explained pointing to his own cheek.
“Shit! I’m so stupid. I was drawing and…” she said, trying to erase it, unsuccessfully.
“Wait a second.”
Ethan stood up and went to the bathroom before coming back with a bath cloth. Julia was standing as well and was looking at the trace in the mirror, grimacing.
“Joolsie? Look at me.”
Slowly and delicately he put the cloth against her cheek as with his other hand he was maintaining her head so she wouldn’t move. He was so close to her that she could see the different shades of blue in his eyes. She even felt his breath on her lips. He was so close, she would just have to lean in and their lips would touch. If only she was brave enough to do so…
“You’re all good, little painter.” he whispered and she could almost swear that she saw his confusion.
Ethan didn’t back down and kept his hand on her cheek. Her skin was soft and hot. He couldn’t stop himself from stroking it gently and he felt her relax against his touch. It felt good, right, meant to be. But Martin’s words replayed in his mind and Ethan pulled away, leaving Julia with a feeling of coldness that wasn’t there before.
The next day, he tried his best to ignore his feelings and focus on the qualifying. Julia was still sleeping when he left. He needed to be alone. He was starting to regret letting her sleep in his bed, with him. It was messing with his head and blurring lines that didn’t need and shouldn’t be blurred.  He didn’t need complications. Not today. But then there was Martin and his stupid comments and how Julia might have feelings for him and he felt jealous. It was stupid, he never had been jealous. Never. He never cared enough to get jealous. But imagining Martin’s hands around her, his lips against hers… the idea of her laughing at his jokes… It made his blood boil.
But even with his helmet on, a few seconds before starting the first qualifying sessions, he couldn’t get her out of his head. The traffic was a mess and he found himself caught up in it. He would be out, for sure. In his rearview mirror, coming close to him was Martin who was preparing himself for his fast lap. Ethan saw red, it was out of his mental preparation to stay calm, to be focused no matter the situation went out of the window as soon as he noticed Martin. He knew that his weekend wouldn’t be good anyway and he knew that what he was about to do would probably cost him a penalty ut, he didn’t care.
So Ethan slowed down right in front of the Ferrari, preventing Martin from starting his fast lap and getting them both out in Q1, respectively P17 and P18.
Julia couldn’t help but gasp when she saw Ethan’s maneuver. He had sabotaged himself. And it pissed her off. He would get a penalty and all of that for what? She guessed it was because of Martin and their beef but she never thought it would go as far as impending the Ferrari. As soon as the qualifying ended she went straight to the Maserati garage in hope to find Ethan. On her way she found her dad coming back from the FIA offices, along with Martin. They both were pissed off. Rightfully so. It was not allowed in the regulations and even if Julia liked Ethan, she also liked when rules were followed. He had been stupid and would deserve the penalty he would get.
“Ju’, I like Ethan but I would like to keep off the track whatever rivalry you guys have going on. Alright?”
“I hope it was worth it. For him to sabotage his race for you. Just to prove a point. I didn’t know he felt so insecure.” said Martin, clearly pissed off.
“I’m sorry about him. He shouldn’t have done that. I’ll talk to him, but I hope you still be able to climb up a few positions tomorrow.”
Martin shrugged his helmet still under his arms and walked away.
Julia sped up her walk, almost running towards the Maserati garage. Not seeing Ethan there she decided to go behind the building and find him there, with his personal trainer, about to enter an ice-bath. He only had his swimwear trunk that was not  leaving a lot of things up to imagination and she tried her best to keep a poker face. She was mad.
“Impending! Really? Do you know how many positions it will cost you?”
“Five seconds penalty and I’m starting from the pitlane tomorrow. It’s fine, I hate this track anyway.” he shrugged.
“But why? Why would you do that?”
“He pissed me off.”
“But why?” she insisted.
“Because I hate how he acts towards you! Can’t he respect that you are my girlfriend, for fuck’s sake. You are with me, in my room, in my bed. Your smiles are for me, your jokes are for me and most of the time about me too, but I let it slide because I prefer to see you laugh than to see you sad. I was there when you needed me, not him! He doesn’t know you like I do and yet he has the audacity to think that you would accept to be his? What planet does he think he lives on?” he snapped.
“So you were jealous.”
“Of course I was. Because I know that if you were not stuck with me you would be in his arms and that kills me. Now if we are done with arguing, I really need to enter this bath.” he added pointing to the tank of water where ice was filling the surface.
“Go on.I won’t stop you.”
He noticed how she was hell bent on looking everywhere but him. And how red she was. Maybe because of how hot it was outside, maybe because she was angry or maybe because she was flushed because of him. He liked this last thought. He slowly approached her, like a hunter in front of his prey and when she least expected it, he seized her waist and took him out with him in the cold water making her scream.
“Ethan! Oh my gosh, you asshole!”
He could feel her shivering against him and pulled her closer to him. The tank was not big enough for them both and Julia had to straddle him to be comfortable as Ethan snaked his arm around her waist drawing her closer. She had to put an arm around his neck to stabilize herself. Despite the ice and the cold temperature inside the bath, she felt hot. Her white t-shirt was completely soaked and sticking to her skin and she was sure Ethan could see her bra through it. Yet, he locked his gaze on her and pulled away some hair that was in the middle of her face.
“You are looking like a soaked rat.” he stated.
“Whose fault is that, uhm?”
“Are you okay? Comfortable?”
“If I’m catching a cold, I’m blaming you.”
He laughed and the movement of his chest made her move a little and that’s when she felt something poking against her thigh that made her blush hard. That was enough to make her snap out of the moment as she tried her best to get out of the tank under Ethan’s laugh and unbothered by the situation.
“Joolsie, it’s okay. You don’t have to feel embarrassed!” he called her as she was quickly trying to dry herself.
“I…I’m not embarrassed! I.. It’s just… can’t you control yourself?” she was completely flushed and it just made Ethan laugh harder.
“Well… not really, Julia.”
“Oh Gosh, I hate you sometimes.”
“Do you want to get back in, you know, to cool down?” he asked just to tease her.
“Certainly not! I’m not going back in with you while you… you…”
“Have a boner? You can say it, it’s not a bad word.”
“Fuck off!”
And she left as quickly as she came while Ethan was still laughing. This had been the highlight of his day.
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Author's note: What do you think will happen next? Let me know your theories, I love to read them.
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tc-doherty · 5 months
Book One | Chapter Eleven
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But it didn't end up only being the four of them. To her surprise Errys and Petrich saw them and joined in, along with Karles and another noble lady she had not been introduced to. But this dance required very little singing, and a great deal of pairing off before separating and pairing off with someone else, and so Patrice found herself unexpectedly in the middle of several conversations at once.
Johan said to her, "All we mean to do is offer you our hand in friendship, Lady Dragon. Now that you're interacting with the court, we finally have a chance to do so."
As the two of them stepped careful circles around each other, Patrice responded. "I don't understand why you should want any such thing."
"Humans are sociable, we enjoy making new friends." He grinned. "We might like it especially when the potential friend in question is unusual and intriguing. We're also very curious, you know. Horrible busybodies."
Patrice could hardly argue with that!
When she came round to pair off with Rothert, she couldn't help but ask "Did you really throw your jousting match so that Johan could advance? You were fighting for the princess, so I'm sure that doesn't reflect well on her."
He laughed. "She already knew I wouldn't win. We are cousins, you know."
Patrice looked at him doubtfully. He didn't look anything like the royal family.
“My father is the king-consort’s brother, who married a Juskan noble,” he explained. “Johan’s father is the queen’s brother. Although we initially grew up at our family estates, once we became squires we moved into the palace here with our royal cousins."
"Then Dame Errys is also your cousin?"
He nodded. "That's true, but we don't know her particularly well. Never met her before this tournament."
The next handoff brought her to the side of the woman in question.
"I have to thank you," Errys said as they danced. "You being here has made it so that I'm not the center of attention, and for that I'm truly grateful. Things could be awkward otherwise."
"Oh, with your family?"
"So to speak." Errys swung her around before speaking again. "I never do less than my best of course, but I have to admit I didn't really expect to win the tournament, certainly never planned on coming face-to-face with any of my estranged family members. I have no idea what to say to them."
"That makes two of us."
Errys only laughed.
The next turn brought her to Sir Karles who was polite though distant, and then to his lady who – seemingly due to shyness – did not say a single word. She did not even take part in a few places that required singing, though she must've certainly known the words. And then she found herself paired up with Petrich.
Patrice wasn't exactly small, she was taller than all of the women she'd met so far, and taller than some of the men too, but Petrich dwarfed her. His hair and beard were darker than either Felisjyta's or Rozhalea's, much closer to brown, and both had been trussed up in several complicated looking plaits. He wore the same style of clothing as Felisjyta, though in shades of blue, brown, and white.
"Lady Dragon, it is an honor," he told her.
The reverence in his voice was more than Patrice could respond to, so she merely said, "You fought very well in the tournament."
He shook his head. "If you want to see something impressive, you can attend the melee tomorrow. I'm more suited for such things."
"After all this is done," he said, "we would be happy to have you return to Serze with us. It would suit you better, the wilderness. Dragons aren't meant to remain trapped in such places as this."
"Maybe I should like to see it, someday."
And then she found herself face-to-face with Felisjyta again.
"For someone who didn't know how to dance half an hour ago, you're doing quite well," said Felisjyta.
"I admit I am enjoying myself more than I thought I would. Just like the tournament, and many other things at court," Patrice said. "As long as I concentrate on one thing at a time."
"See? It's not so terrible, even if it is a little more complicated than the way dragons do things. Or Serzeks for that matter." Felisjyta smiled here. "Just concentrate on living, the rest will follow in time."
"How draconian of you."
"I believe some things are the same, whether you are a dragon or a human."
And thus the dance circled around again and she found herself with Johan as her partner. She grabbed for the threads of the multiple conversations she had been pulled into.
"Rothert says that the two of you are related to the royal family, does that make you royalty as well?
"We aren't in line for the throne if that's what you're asking," he said with a chuckle. "It's in the bylaws of the country that knights aren't allowed to rule. The two of us were rather pushed in that direction, though we intended it anyway. There are already more than enough people in the line of succession without adding us and our siblings to the mix."
"Why can't you rule?" Patrice asked, intrigued. For as much as she complained to herself, she could admit that humans also fascinated her with their endless complexities and rules, so different from the stable and mostly solitary dragons.
Johan thought about it for a minute. "Well naturally, any ruler needs to be able to fight. The rulers, and the heirs for that matter, are expected to be on the field of battle if necessary. They need to know how to direct troops. But for a stable country, a ruler needs to know more than just war. So knights, who dedicate our lives to the study of war, wouldn't make a good fit. After a time there just developed a tradition of the oldest children in noble families becoming knights in a show of deference to the current ruling family."
"That actually makes something resembling sense," Patrice said, surprised.
He laughed. "I'm glad something does. In our case it was even more necessary. Rothert's older sister accepted an alliance marriage back to Juska, and his younger brother will take over the family estate. I'm a knight as well as marrying off, which leaves my little sister to run the estate. All good ways of saying 'we're not a threat'. More royal families have been undone by relatives than by outsiders."
"Is it really such a common thing that your families need to worry about it?"
"Lady Patrice, humans have an endless capacity for most things, greed and lust for power being two of them."
And on that disturbing note, he handed her off to Rothert.
"Hello again, beautiful lady," he said.
Patrice could only roll her eyes. "We aren’t even the same species," she told him. Although, it's not like that had stopped her father, now had it?
"Ah, you have much to learn about human culture, such as the games played between men and maids. There is no need to be alarmed, courtly romance has little to do with actual romance. It really is just a game." He winked. "Besides, everyone knows that Juskan men are fiery and passionate and great lovers of beauty. It is my duty to offer every lovely young lady here a shower of compliments and praise."
"And now we're back to humans not making sense."
"It doesn't need to make sense to you, but you can take my word for it, you won't lack for dance partners all evening." He laughed, and even Patrice had to smile. His attitude was somewhat infectious.
He continued to shower her with increasingly more ridiculous compliments until finally it was time to change partners again. "Off with you then, stop pestering me," she told him with mock severity.
He kissed the back of her hand lightly and left her to Errys's company.
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Much to her surprise, Patrice found that Rothert had been correct. She didn't lack for partners all evening. As soon as one round or reel was completed, another nearby would scoop her up. It isn't that it wasn't fun, but it was simply so chaotic. The constant movement, constant noise, the bright light of hundreds of candles, and the overwhelming array of colors. Patrice had never experienced things like this before, and found herself, all of a sudden, quite overwhelmed. Somewhere past two in the morning she fled into the gardens and made her way back to her suite in the dark and silence.
Patrice did not attend the melee the next day.
She did not leave her suite.
She hardly even left her bed. She spent the day alone, drifting between restless sleep and pondering the predicament she'd gotten herself into.
Patrice had told the maids early on not to bother with her. She could hear them chattering and gossiping in the main room, working on the wardrobe she was to take with her to summer court. The three of them would not be enough to make such clothing in only a few days' time. She knew they had invited some of their friends and sisters into her suite to help, but that did not concern her. What would they do? Steal the jewelry she barely tolerated anyway?
Patrice tuned them out the best she could.
Dragons lived long lives, and were rarely impulsive. They adapted, certainly, but they still took comfort in planning and logic. Patrice's life among the humans – brief as it had been so far – had been anything but planned or logical. Instead, others had taken control, dragging her along from one thing to another: the carousel, the tournament, the banquet, the dance. Now, somehow, Patrice was a lady in this human court, and expected to act as such.
She wasn't sure she could escape that role now. Certainly, there were other places in the human world to go. But that would just be more humans, and more traditions that she had to learn, more expectations placed on her, and even less control.
Patrice rolled over and stared at one of the tapestries in her room, the scene of purple gray mountains, dark forests, and the blood red of a setting sun. It was the sort of place a dragon would live.
She couldn't live with the dragons. Even if she had the ability to approach them, they would know her for a halfbreed immediately. Presumably they would exile her as they had exiled her mother.
Patrice listened to the maids talking and laughing in the main room. That was another consideration, she could not live among commoners in any country – she had no useful skills to offer, no talent with which to make a living, no knowledge to impart.
She knew she could return to the tower, but the thought of going back made her heart freeze. For all Patrice's life, it had just been her and her mother, with few exceptions. Some dragons ignored the exile and came to visit them, but those that did stopped by rarely.
For all that her mother had loved humans, Patrice had been forbidden from crossing the wall out of the old kingdom alone, and from even being on the grounds when knights drew near. It had been a long and lonely childhood, though she was only realizing it now. The thought of returning, even if her mother had been alive, did not sit well. With her mother dead, she didn't think she could bear it.
Patrice had never realized how lonely she had been, not until being here among all these people. Like a thirsty woman in the desert who had finally found an oasis, she could not face the idea of going back to such a solitary life. Even if the number of people here was overwhelming, it was still better than complete solitude.
But what were her options here? To simply be swept along in court politics, to spend her life facing fake flirtation and constantly needing to second-guess whether she could trust someone?
While her maids giggled and laughed in the sitting room, Patrice quietly wept in hers. Burning tears singed her pillows and ate small holes in the fabric of her nightgown. She wept for her mother, and for being the way she was, and for not knowing what to do or who to trust. She wept harder because she'd been trying not to – she hadn't wanted to show any sign of weakness to the humans of the court. Now she couldn't stop. All the grief, the anger, the uncertainty all came out at once, leaving her exhausted, empty, and cold.
That was how Felisjyta found Patrice that evening – with red rimmed eyes and tear streaked cheeks. Felisjyta had only come to give her something to eat, but when she saw Patrice's stricken look, she had no choice but to stay.
She shut the door behind her, set her platter aside, and gathered Patrice into her arms. "Oh, Patrice," she said, resting her forehead against Patrice's in the way dragons did. "Everything is going to be fine."
Patrice had thought she was out of tears, but getting comforted by someone just set her off again. She curled up against Felisjyta's shoulder and wept.
Felisjyta just held her and stroked her hair and whispered encouragements. It couldn't have been comfortable for the knight, but she held on despite the heat of the tears and the prick of too sharp nails on her skin.
The two of them sat that way in the dark for a long while after Patrice had stopped crying again. At some point, Felisjyta slowly disentangled herself from the dragon and moved to light one of the candles on the bedside table. "I'm sorry," she said. "I probably shouldn't have pushed you so hard. I know I can be a little bit too oblivious to other people's feelings. I should've noticed how upset you are."
"No," Patrice said. The word came out as half laugh and half sob. "I didn't want anyone to notice. All of this is just…it's so much. And I have no idea what I'm doing."
"Who does?" Felisjyta asked.
Patrice shook her head. "Everything has changed so fast, and I had no say in any of it. I still have no say. And I miss my mother. Even if she could be just as overbearing, at least I always knew what to expect. At least I knew that she cared about me and that I could trust her. And this," she pulled the lump of stone out from under her pillow, "is going away so fast! How can you expect to express all your grief in such a short time?"
Felisjyta sat back down on the bed. "I told you in the beginning, Patrice. Humans grieve together. We comfort one another. It's all right for you to be upset, and to act like you're upset."
"I don't want any humans to see me as weak. I don't want them to know how out of place I am here." The thought hovered at the back of her mind that she was out of place everywhere but now, finally, there were no more tears to shed over that particular fact.
Felisjyta laughed. "You silly, stubborn little dragon, don't you think everybody already knows how out of place you are? I believe that's something a lot of people find endearing, actually."
Patrice said nothing.
"You just lost your mother, we know you must be upset," Felisjyta continued. "No one here would expect you not to be upset. In the future you can come to me. Or I'm sure your maids would be happy to fuss over you. You don't give them nearly enough to do as it is."
"I suppose," Patrice said. But she knew that she would continue to grieve in private.
Felisjyta gave her a sad look, as if she knew it too, but didn't dwell on it. "I am sorry. I should have checked on you last night. I admit I rather lost track of the evening."
"I wouldn't have wanted to see you last night."
"Fair enough. Do you think you can eat something now? I know you didn't have much at the banquet. Everything seems better on a full stomach."
Patrice gave a nod of assent and took the platter Felisjyta handed her. It was deer meat again, but Patrice had never turned her nose up at deer before and she wasn't going to start now. Although she did have to wonder where Felisjyta was getting it. Perhaps hunting actually was allowed on the royal family's grounds. She could also admit that it was kind of nice having someone else provide for her. "How was the melee?" She asked before she began eating.
Felisjyta leaned back on the bed. She waved one hand in a lazy gesture as she spoke. "Chaotic, loud, and dangerous," she said. "Sir Eddard came out with a broken arm, and he wasn't the only one."
"Are you all right?" Patrice paused to look over the knight. Felisjyta seemed much the same as usual, dressed in a loose white tunic with red embroidery and blue britches. She didn't look as if she were in any pain.
"Fine, just fine," said Felisjyta. "I got knocked on my ass within the first five minutes anyway."
Reassured, Patrice went back to nibbling on the meat. "Who won?"
"Petrich. I think his size worked to his advantage."
"The duchess must be pleased."
"As a cat in cream. We came second in the joust, first in the melee, and first in the archery contest." There was an odd, discontent look on Felisjyta's face that Patrice couldn't even begin to decipher. But she couldn't help but remember Rozhalea's insulting words from the previous evening.
"But it doesn't please you?"
"Not that," Felisjyta said. "Rozhalea, oh… I don't know. We've been working so hard since we came here, training all the time, practicing those stupid rules with all the new armor and everything. It's like she's trying to turn us into something we aren't. And those of us who fall short of that ideal…"
"I understand," Patrice said, and patted Felisjyta's shoulder.
The knight laughed. "You better than anyone. But hey now, there's no reason to talk about depressing things like this. I'll tell you about the melee."
Patrice ate as Felisjyta described the melee from start to finish and let the words wash over her. Hearing about it, Patrice was glad she hadn’t gone. It sounded even louder and more chaotic than the joust. She didn’t think her frayed nerves would have been able to handle it.
The food, the company, and the chatter helped. By the time Felisjyta was ready to leave Patrice felt, if not great, then at least good enough. She bid the knight a goodnight, and fell into the sort of dead sleep that one can only achieve when truly exhausted.
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tinkabelle24 · 6 months
To Build a Home
Chapter 19: Birthday Shenanigans (PART 3)
A/N: This chapter will feel a smidge scattered as I had many, MANY ideas, and it would've taken forever to formulate a readable chapter around them. So, you'll be getting snippets of a few scenes I absolutely could NOT part with.
Also, thanks again @android-cap-007 for the amazing pictures! 🥰🫂
TW! Sexual references.
Masterlist / Chapter 18
To say Raph was restless was a colossal understatement.
It'd been an hour and Val (still) had yet to join the group. The sun was shining, the water tepid, the wine chilled; it was a beautiful day, and she was missing it.
And he was missing her...
It's a problem.
Her 'yes' to his relationship proposal felt like a trigger; the moment that word left her lips, he was obsessed.
Prior to said moment, he thought of her often - nothing like this.
He's now struggling to eat, sleep, or shower without her. Obviously, she gets her space; he'd feel like a prick otherwise. But being deprived of her: her smile, her laugh, her touch... as dramatic as it sounded, he'd rather be drawn and quartered.
Raph practically leapt from his chair when he spotted her finally emerge from the house; but she didn't appear to be headed in his direction...
The terrapin's curious gaze followed her tiny form - arms brimming with various unidentifiable items - as she awkwardly jumped the porch steps, then started jogging - toward the barn.
What are you up to-
"Saved ya life!"
Raph barely had a moment to register those word, before a heavy force suddenly struck his plastron, thrusting him off his feet. He glimpsed a mane of black as he fell; past the dock then hitting the water, shell-first, with a slap.
"Your scales were lookin' a little dry, bestie," Casey razzed from the dock, when the terrapin finally surfaced. "Thought I'd moisten 'em for ya."
"C'mere and say that!" Raph spluttered, coughing up the liquid he'd inhaled in the assault. Behind him, further out, he could hear his younger brothers sniggering; Leo and April, who were lounged under the gazebo with Tyler (the latter stuffing his face with crackers and grapes), fought like hell to keep a straight face.
As the grumbling terrapin hauled himself back up onto the dock, a more severe expression crossed Casey's features.
"Leave her be, mate," he ordered; a tone Raph knew his normally equable friend rarely used, especially where he was concerned. "She'll be down when she's good and ready."
April nodded. "Val's put a lot of work into this, Raph," she added gently, tossing the food blanket over the grazing platter, so her son couldn't gorge himself. "Please don't spoil it for her; or yourself, for that matter... It'll be worth the wait, I promise."
Raph sighed softly, avoiding the couple's gaze.
Though it pained him to admit it, they were right. In being a nosy pain in the shell, he'd spoilt at least one of Val's surprises (yes, he did see the cake so, no, he wasn't just staring at her boobs).
Had Casey not intervened just then, he likely would've spoilt another. Hell, he may have already done so...
He really needed to pull his head in.
"Yeah..." the terrapin sighed again.
He attempted regaining eye contact, but all his mind focused on was the house behind them. The moment Val reappeared (seemingly headed back to the house), he pried his gaze away.
"Yeah, okay. I get it. I'll do better..."
Another half hour passed and Leo and Tyler were finally in the water. April remained on the bank, soaking up the midmorning sun. Donnie, having dibbsed the doughnut floaty, was also doing some sunbathing. Mikey, still butthurt about losing said floaty, decided harassing poor Leo (who was just trying to back float in peace) was the perfect outlet for his boredom.
Meanwhile, Val was still M.I.A.
The anxiety was still there, but Raph managed to keep himself busy with helping Casey teach Tyler to swim.
"Alright, Ty, come to me now... You've got this, bud-"
"Good job!"
The men shared a proud look as Tyler doggy-paddled the five feet from father to uncle, squealing with delight when the latter tossed him into the air.
"Ya did it!" Raph seated the youngster at his hip. "High five- well, you can high-five me and I can high-three you... Yeah! Good job-"
"Hey," Casey nudged the terrapin as he waded closer, nodding behind him.
Turning around, Raph could feel Tyler being taken from him; thank God, as what awaited him rendered his entire body slack.
Holy shit...
Val was finally headed their way; clad in a black (of course) high-leg, long-sleeved one-piece. The top covered most of her cleavage, but her hip-bones and thigh tattoo had nowhere to hide.
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Raph had only seen the full tattoo a handful of times, mostly while she was naked. Now, it was being publicly displayed for his best friend and brothers to see.
Forgive him for feeling a little territorial...
Mikey, having finally granted Leo respite, sliced through the silence with an enthusiastic wolf-whistle; causing Val to blush and curl in on herself, and setting Raph's teeth on edge.
"Sweet tattoo, Dudette!" The youngest brother braced himself on his arms at the dock's edge; leaning forward, to get a better view of her ink. "How long did that take to do?"
"About five hours..." A still flushed Val glanced April's way, who smiled and winked encouragingly at her; then to Raph, who was wading his way over. His indecipherable expression was making her nervous...
Does he like it?? Is it too much?? Oh God, it's too much...
No. She mentally slapped herself, took a deep breath, then straightened up; forcing a smile on her lips.
You felt good in this before coming out here, you feel good in it now.
Tough titties, if he doesn't like it.
"A friend did it for me," the brunette explained; grinning pointedly at Raph, whose wary gaze darted between his brothers.
His protectiveness of her virtue was admirable, but unnecessary. She was safe here.
"This was one of her first big pieces."
"Must've hurt like a mother effer- ow!" Rubbing his offended arm, Mikey met Leo's disapproving stare. "What??"
"Took ya long enough." A smirk finally pulled at his mouth as he brushed past his brothers, climbing to Val's level.
"Yeah, sorry about that," she quipped, attempting to mask her insecurity with snark. "My work was delayed due to a certain red-masked individual..."
Raph chuckled softly, giving her suit one last once-over before closing the distance between them completely. Hand at her hip, he leaned forward; voice low and husky. "You're playin' with fire, wearin' that thing..."
Heat immediately rushed to Val's cheeks. She lowered her gaze, a half-stifled giggle escaping her lips. Quickly composing herself, the brunette then graced him with a suggestive smile; fingers teasingly tracing along the zipper.
"Oh?" She whispered back. "You, uh... gonna burn me later?"
Raph gave her a look. He opened his mouth to respond, but then his gaze abruptly shifted behind her.
"Time for a dip!"
The startled woman yelped as she was promptly scooped off the dock, into the green-skinned arms of another brother. He was already on the move by the time she'd identified him.
"Mikey! I beg you - don't-!"
Too late.
When they finally broke the surface, Val pushed away; thrashing at the water blindly, with the hope that some of it hits the offending terrapin in the eyes. She could hear snickering from all angles.
"You dick!"
"How's the water, Val?" Mikey taunted as she wiped the excess liquid from her lids. "It's nice to see you finally in it!"
Sight finally returning, Val fixated on the youngest brother; he was practically begging to be smacked, with that smug grin of his. "You're so gonna get it!"
"Bring it on, sister!" He beckoned.
Utilising all her upper body strength, the brunette pushed hard against the water; the resulting wave headed straight for her target...
Then he ducked underwater.
Leo - standing behind him, having just retrieved his lemon-lime ramune from the inflatable cooler - copped her wrath instead.
A collective gasp was heard.
Mikey, who'd since resurfaced and seen the damage, burst out laughing.
"Oh my God! Leo, I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..."
The terrapin in question slowly lifted his gaze; burning into Val's very soul. She chanced a glance at his drink, praying he hadn't already opened it...
Ah, shit.
The bottle was overflowing, its defiled contents dripping down his arm into the water. Not good.
Not good, at all.
"Oooh, someone's in trouble!"
Leo's brilliant eyes then flickered Mikey's way; the youngest brother was watching them, with impish glee.
Turning back to Val, a similar smile formed. The brunette watched, with increasing dread, as he set aside his drink, inching lower into the chest-deep water.
"Wait, where are you going? Get back up here! Leo, please don't..."
He was gone.
Full panic mode: activated.
Val frantically shuffled away, over the grainy sand and pebbles covering the benthic.
"Oh God, please- no, no, no-"
Something (or someone) brushed against her leg and she shrieked, kicking outward instinctively. Nothing.
A stream of blue caught her eye as she scanned the water; she followed until a plume of disturbed bedding obscured him from view. Looking up, she immediately realised where he was headed...
"You better run, little girl-"
A green hand suddenly shot out of the water, smacking Mikey square in the snout. Leo promptly followed, bracing his brother's neck as he proceeded slathering wet sand all over his face.
Another collective gasp.
"That's for spoiling my drink." The leader winked at Val as he then shoved his brother backward, by the face; the latter finally coming to, once the cool water enveloped him.
"Wait- what??" A bemused Mikey exclaimed, splashing away his 'mud mask'. "I wasn't the one-"
"You started it," Leo retorted. "I was just finishing it."
"My hero!" Val 'swooned', earning a light spraying from the blue-banded terrapin as he passed. She splashed him back (intentionally, this time) before shooting Mikey a shit-eating grin, who responded by sticking out his tongue.
"Are you all quite finished?" Donnie gestured to himself, still bobbing about atop the floaty. "I'm getting wet up here, in case you haven't noticed..."
"Oh!" The brunette turned to him, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Are you feeling lonely, Don?"
"Don't even think about coming near me, with that look..." The terrapin grew more unnerved the closer she became. Soon, she was braced against his floaty, grinning up at him like the Cheshire cat.
"What do you want?" He mustn't let her smell his fear.
Sliding her hands under the device, Val heaved it upward, tipping a startled Donnie overboard, then scrambling into his place.
"Oh no, you don't!" Mikey rushed forward, dragging the brunette down by her calves. "I had next turn!"
"Hey! C'mon, Mikey..." Raph dropped off the dock into the water. "Don't manhandle-"
He abruptly halted; watching, in stunned silence, as Val then latched onto his brother's neck, tugging him back with all her might.
"No, it's mine! I earned it!"
"You stole it!" Donnie snatched back the floaty, making a 'run' for it. Finally breaking free of Val's vice-like grip, Mikey pounced on his brother's shell, sinking them both; allowing the brunette to make her claim.
"Yes!" She exclaimed triumphantly; fists in the air, perched atop her prize.
Her rivals hung their heads in defeat.
An amused Raph turned to April, making the 'drinking' gesture whilst nodding his girlfriend's way. The redhead laughed, shook her head then mouthed: "nope".
"The doughnut is mine!"
"Tell ya what though: I'm glad I wore my seatbelt; I woulda gone through the windshield otherwise-"
"Oh, go away!" Val shoved Raph playfully, nearly causing him to spill his coke. "It wasn't that bad and you know it. Quit bullshitting."
Leo relaxed into his fold-out chair, smiling slyly against his cup. "Oh, I don't know about that..." He countered, prompting an admonitory side-glance from the brunette. He boldly pressed forward. "I saw you park - not pretty."
At that, Raph proceeded demonstrating the jolting motion his body apparently made when she braked a little too hard; the boys snickered at the sight.
Meanwhile, April had finally returned from the 'bathroom'; grinning knowingly at Val as she very casually slid back into her chair, beside Casey.
"Yeah, well..." Val shot Raph a look, flames of the bonfire dancing in her eyes. "That was payback for nearly making me lose my lunch."
"You're grippin' the wheel way too tightly; your knuckles are whiter than your teeth... and you're stiff as a board. Babe, you really need to relax."
Val huffed in frustration as she slumped into the driver's seat, shaking out her stiff fingers. "I can't figure out the gears," she complained. "How the heck am I meant to focus on the road, when there's so much goin' on down here? Clutch, first gear, accelerate; ease off clutch, handbrake down, accel- there's just so goddamn much!"
Raph reached over to comfortingly squeeze her bare thigh. He could easily get used to this shorts-wearing weather.
"With practice," he reassured. "Had we an automatic, you'd be learnin' in that. Stick-shift ambulances are impractical, especially in the city; chances of you landin' one are nil. But think of it this way..."
Begrudgingly lifting his hand from her skin, the terrapin then gestured to the gearbox. "You learn to drive this and an automatic, once ya finally get behind one, fuhgettaboutit. So..." He tilted his head to meet her gaze. "You ready to keep goin'?"
Raph could always tell when Val was being disingenuous; the eyes truly were the windows of the soul.
"Why don't we take a break? We've been at this awhile."
She blinked, 'smile' faltering. "What? No! I swear, I'm fine. I just needed a moment..."
"Oh, really?" He quirked a brow ridge at her. "Tell ya face."
At that, the brunette scoffed, shaking her head as she turned away. After a moment or two of fumbling with the steering wheel, she finally reached for the key, attempting to turn the ignition over.
"Ya forgot to put it in neutral," he remarked, struggling to suppress his amusement. She side-eyed him as she nudged the gearstick into the "N" position, then tried turning it on again.
"Aaand the clutch isn't in-"
"Oh, for God's sake-!"
"Alright, I'm callin' it!" Raph yanked up the handbrake then braced himself against the centre console, fixing Val a firm look.
"I'm gonna say this again: you need to relax. You ain't gonna get it perfect the first time, or even the second; so, stop expectin' it. And you've loads of time; you'll have the truck to practice in, when we get back..."
He then took her hands into his, expression softening as he caressed her scarred knuckles. "...and you've got me to help ya- and April and Case... and Leo, and Mikey, and Don- aw, well, I'd give him some time; you did steal his doughnut-"
That pulled a laugh out of her.
God, I love that sound!
"Alright..." Val nodded, shoulders loosening as she attempted expiring all her nervous energy. "Okay, I'm relaxing now..."
She still wasn't quite looking him in the eye...
"I've an idea..."
"We're not having sex in the car."
Raph snorted. "That ain't exactly what I had in mind, but if you're offerin'-"
"I jest!" He tittered, hands up in surrender. "...Sort of."
Val playfully rolled her eyes.
"In all seriousness though: do you trust me?"
She eyed him warily. "Why...?"
His mischievous smile promptly returned. "Let's swap."
Out in the open field behind the farmhouse, Raph proceeded taking her for a spin - a literal one.
"Oh, you loved it! Quit bullshittin'," Raph echoed as he slung an arm over Val's shoulders, planting a kiss on her brow. She groaned in protest, but the kittenish giggle that followed betrayed her enjoyment.
Donnie (thankfully) waited to finish his mouthful of chocolate cake, before smugly interjecting: "I could hear your screams from my polyvinyl chloride throne."
He got his floaty back.
Val frowned at him. "How many slices have you had now - six?"
The terrapin scoffed. "That's a gross overstatement," he sassed, gesturing to the half-eaten dessert in his lap. "This is my fourth, thank you very much."
The looks on the boys' faces when she and April carried out not one, but four birthday cakes, will forever be burned into Val's memory: Raph's patent relief, Leo's surprise, and Donnie and Mikey's childlike delight. She could live a long time off the warmth that image alone gave her.
“I saw how you cut your cake,” the brunette retorted. “Your ‘four’ slices may as well have been the entire thing.”
Mikey - who appeared to be minding his own, plucking away at his guitar strings - abruptly strummed an ominous tune. Leo and April spat their drinks, Donnie playfully rolled his eyes and Raph and Casey shared a look, fighting to keep a straight face.
"The claws are out tonight!" Casey grinned Valerie's way. "I like drunk Val - she's fiery!"
The brunette laughed. "I'm not even drunk!"
"No?" Mikey smirked as he reached over his instrument, pulling out her near empty drink jug from the cooler beside him. "How do you explain this, then? Hm?"
"That's an excellent question - Leo?" Val side-eyed the eldest brother, who snorted incredulously. "Wanna answer that one?"
"It's vodka, water and grapefruit juice - alcoholic cordial, basically. But it's really nice! I'll pour you some, so you can try..."
The leader was puzzled. "So, no wine, then? Who are you, and what have you done with my friend?!"
"I never said that!" Val laughed, tugging two cups from the stack beside the giant bowl of non-alcoholic Mai Tai (luckily, they had enough ingredients for a second batch; Raph and Tyler obliterated the last one). She filled one to the brim. "I will be having wine, just later. It's not really something you can sip on, all day, without getting sick."
He smirked. "You've never seemed to have any trouble-"
The brunette promptly lifted the jug away from the second cup, daring him to continue digging his own grave.
"Alright, alright! I'm sorry..." Leo conceded. He then tilted his head and pouted, like a puppy begging for treats. "Please?"
Val snorted and rolled her eyes, then proceeded filling the cup.
"Yeah, thanks so much!" Leo replied sarcastically. "It's not like I saved your ass today, or anything..."
The brunette scoffed. "You didn't 'save my ass'," she retorted, not-so-subtly nodding Mikey's way; he sent her a crabby look. "You just punished the true culprit. And as for why you're under the bus: you've had just as much of that as I have; if not, more, as it was three-quarters full the last time I filled my drink. So..."
Her confidence visibly faltered in lieu of her next statement, as she awkwardly sipped her drink. "...Check yo self."
"Rightio, Ice Cube," Casey chuckled, as Raph jocularly plucked the cup from his girlfriend's hand; before promptly returning it, under threat of a plastron elbowing.
April quirked a bemused brow at her. "What the heck was that?"
Leo smirked. "She's scared of me-"
"Am not!" A flushed Val objected.
"Mhm, sure-"
"Hey!" The brunette scooted to the edge of the double fold-out, jabbing a finger in his direction. "Don't bite the hand that... drinks? No-"
"You should quit while you're ahead," Leo interjected, smirk deepening.
Val's mouth fell open; Raph shot his eldest brother a 'now you've done it' look.
"Ladies, ladies...!" Mikey grinned between the two as he strummed an obnoxiously reposeful tune. "You're both pretty, alright? Let's take it down a notch... Raphie boy-"
"Don't call me that-"
"Show us your pipes."
Raph blinked. "S'cuse me?"
Mikey frowned; upping the tempo slightly. "Come now. Don't pretend we don't know you can sing." Catching Valerie's quizzical side-glance his brother's way, the orange-banded terrapin gasped dramatically. "You haven't told...? Dude!"
Raph snorted, shaking his head. "I've no idea what you're talkin' about-"
"Oh, bullshit! He's being coy, Val. Right, Case? He's being coy."
"Ohhhh...!" Finally catching on, Casey levelled a shit-eating grin at his best friend. "Yeah, he can totally sing-"
"Seriously?" Raph chuckled, bemused.
"You sing to Ty all the time," April chimed in with a smirk.
"That don't even... wait, why am I-"
"Is that so?" Leo enquired unctuously.
"I've so gotta see this!" Donnie eagerly added, rubbing his hands together.
"The people have spoken!" Mikey gestured triumphantly to Raph, who harrumphed as he awkwardly shifted in his seat.
Had Val not already been watching him, she would've missed the desperate look he flashed her.
"C'mon, Raphie boy - sing. She'll love it, I promise! Wontcha, Val?" Without waiting for a response, Mikey proceeded thumping a palm against his guitar's soundboard; attempting to rile the crowd. "Sing, sing-"
Casey and Donnie joined immediately; followed by Leo, then April; expectant gazes looming over the red-banded terrapin, who looked ready to croak from embarrassment.
"Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing-"
"My house in Budapest my, my hidden treasure chest..."
Everyone snapped toward Val, who'd unexpectedly broken into song; setting aside her drink to pat her denim-clad thigh to the beat.
"Golden grand piano, my beautiful Castillo you-"
The brunette winked at Raph, then squeezed his leg; before shutting her eyes, to curb her increasing anxiety.
"Ooh, you, ooh I'd leave it all... My acres of a land I have achieved, it-"
"It may be hard for you to stop and believe-"
Startled, Val shot open her eyes, finding Raph singing alongside her. He smiled gratefully as he squeezed back; soloing the next couple lines, whilst waiting for her and the others to pick their jaws off the ground.
His silky smooth voice sent shivers up her spine...
"But for you, ooh, you, ooh I'd leave it all..."
Finally snapping out of her stupor, Val giddily re-joined him. They were far from alone.
Suddenly, the entire group were belting out the chorus (some more drunkenly than others); amplifying the beat with whatever solid surface within reach.
Several rib-tickling campfire songs (and Casey's piss-poor attempt at 'Cotton Eye Joe'; knocking over a table of empty cans in the process) later, things appeared to finally be winding down. Good thing, too. The last time Val checked her watch - 11:47pm - was, err... sometime ago.
Having consumed only water for roughly an hour, Val felt the alcohol's effects steadily waning. Again - good. She needed to be somewhat sober to carry out Raph's final birthday surprise...
"Alright, everybody..." Leo cut through the overlapping chatter. Everyone fell silent, turning to the leader as he carefully rose from his chair; nursing his third cup of unadultered H2O (at the behest of the resident bartender).
"Before we disperse for the night, I wanted to say a few things... Firstly, thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules, to make the trip-"
"You're welcome!" Mikey smirked as he relaxed in his chair; swirling the contents of his beer can, like it were a martini. "Anything for you, big bro-"
"Don't flatter yourself, Mikey," Donnie interjected, rolling his eyes. "You had no choice-"
"As I was saying..." Leo side-eyed the youngest brothers, before turning to address Val. "I know getting leave wasn't easy for you, so..." He gestured to his brothers, then himself, with a warm smile. "We thank you... and for the cakes. They were beautiful."
The brunette returned the smile, raising her cup to him. "It's no problem. I wouldn't miss this shit for the world - you know that."
The terrapin chuckled at that. "Well, thank you..." He then turned to April and Casey, who were snuggled up in the latter's chair. "...and to you two, and Ty, for the gifts."
April shot the red-banded terrapin a playful glare. "Raph's lucky to even get his, after his behaviour today..."
"Hey, now," Raph retorted, poking a snickering Val in the ribs. "We've settled that already, haven't we? ... I apologise, Leo. Please, continue."
Leo gave his brother a weird look, but continued otherwise.
"As you all know, this, uh..."
The mood shifted when the leader abruptly lowered his gaze; a shuddered breath escaping his lips. He took a moment to recompose himself, before finally looking up.
"...This is the first birthday we've celebrated without... d-dad. These last nine months have been... a ride, to say the least - for all of us. We've all had to adjust, rather quickly, to our new normal... But I feel we're finally there. We've found our peace; thanks to the unwavering love and support from you guys..."
A small smile crossed the terrapin's features as his gaze drifted to April and Casey (both of whom returned the smile), then Val.
" - our found family."
The brunette blinked, taken aback. Sure, he's referred to her as 'family' before; but that was in private - this was a public declaration.
"Val..." Leo's voice faltered, as tears brimmed his eyes. "You never got the chance to meet him, but I know he'd have loved you as much as we do..."
Hoo boy.
Here come the waterworks...
"Goddamn onion ninjas..." Val sniffled, pulling a tearful laugh from everyone. Leo raised his cup to her, and nodded. April and Casey did the same; as did the rest of the brothers.
"Love you, Val-"
"Yeah. Love ya, Val-"
"Love ya, Dudette-"
"You better have that cake recipe saved, cos I'll be asking for it next year; and the year after that, and the year after that..."
Val giggled. "Don't worry, Don, the recipe's not going anywhere... and I love you too - all of you. I-"
The brunette abruptly fell silent; lowering her gaze, with a quavered chuckle. Sensing his girlfriend's apprehension, Raph took a hand into his, giving it a comforting squeeze.
She squeezed back; nodding to him reassuringly, before finally continuing.
"I wanted to thank you all for... accepting me into your lives. I know how risky it is... I also wanted to thank you for everything you've done thereafter: sharing your food, teaching me to fight... saving my life."
She was looking at Leo now.
"You put your neck on the line for me; I'll never forget that, ever."
Leo, finally resettled in his chair, gave Val a look. "Val, seriously, there's no need to thank-"
"Well, I just did."
He attempted protesting further, but she kept talking.
"I really wish I'd known Splinter personally. From what all of you've told me, he sounded- actually, no - he was an amazing man... friend... father. How could he not be? He raised the kindest, bravest... sometimes stupidest-"
April whacked Casey's arm. "Shhh!"
The brothers shared an amused look, as Val resumed; the low visibility masking her now darkened cheeks.
"Heh, um... Yeah; the bravest, kindest..." She met Raph's gaze, with a amorous smile. "...most wonderful people I've ever met. I think he'd be proud of you - all of you - for how far you've come. I hope you think so too... To Splinter."
"To Splinter!"
Lowering the can from his lips, Casey frowned at the couple sitting before him; still engrossed in the other's gaze. They may as well be on top of each other...
Time to get this ball rolling.
The group snapped toward him (was that relief he saw on Val's face?). He slapped his legs, nudging April as he hauled himself upright.
"It's been fun, but we should really be hittin' the hay now - it's almost 3am."
Leo grimaced. "Really?"
"Oops," Mikey chuckled.
"Yeah, we should!" April leapt from her chair, flashing Val an excited grin. "Knowing Ty, he'll be up in, like, two hours..."
"Oof! Yeeaah, I think I'll join you..." Donnie agreed.
While the others gathered their belongings, Val purred into an increasingly suspicious Raph's ear. "Don't move; I've got something else for you-"
"What are you lovebirds whispering about?" Mikey probed, waggling his brow ridges. "Sneaking off to get freaky deaky-"
"Mikey," Raph interrupted; voice low and commanding, despite his racing heart. "Shuddup, and go to bed."
The orange-banded terrapin whipped his hands up in surrender.
"Alright, fine." He slung the guitar strap over his shell, before turning for the house. "But just so you know: bears roam these woods... and a certain zombie redneck torture family- ahem! Stay safe, you two!"
"Thanks, for the words," Leo said as the couple stood to give the approaching terrapin a hug. He squeezed Val tightly; tighter than usual, but she chalked it up to his mildly intoxicated state. "They meant a lot."
"Thank you, for the words," the brunette echoed gently; stepping away, to allow Raph his turn.
"Night, brothah."
"You look after her, alright?" Leo enjoined; giving the red-banded terrapin the 'I'm watching you' gesture, as he slowly turned away. "Goodnight!"
"Oookaaay..." A bewildered Raph then leaned into Val, whispering into her ear. "Is he my brothah, or yours?"
She snorted.
"Goodnight, you two!" April called unctuously as she and the others stumbled up the hill. The suggestive looks and gestures by the boys were largely ignored.
"So..." Raph turned to Val, once it was clear they were finally alone. They hadn't had an ounce of privacy all day.
"So..." the brunette echoed, tittering nervously. She was shaking like a leaf; again, not quite looking him in the eye...
She suddenly shoved him. "You didn't tell me you could sing!" She hissed playfully. "What else have you been hiding from me??"
Raph gave a half-mustered chuckle and shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a turtle of many talents..."
His expression then turned severe. Val promptly lowered her gaze, abashed. "Nice try - what's goin' on, babe? Talk to me."
"I'm just..." The brunette squeezed her eyes shut and breathed; fighting to expel the nervous energy. After a moment, she finally looked at him - really looked at him.
"I'm just really, really nervous, heh..."
A laugh escaped Raph's lips, and he took her hands. "Why are you nervous?" He enquired gently.
Val frowned at him.
Her frown deepened.
"What? No- tell me!"
"...I just wanna make sure you enjoy your... f-first time."
Raph gawked at her, mouth agape like a suffocating fish. "My... my what, now?"
Val gave a soft smile and squeezed his hands. "I'm ready, Raph. I wanna have sex with you- that is, if you're ready, too..."
"...Lead the way."
Masterlist / Chapter 20
@android-cap-007 @happymoonangel @miss-andromeda
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