#i wrote these along with my actual list of resolutions in the time it took to watch an entire movie
hauntswitch · 9 months
I've seen a few of these sort of posts going around this year, so here are my personal mandates for 2024
The importance of being earnest
Wear your heart on your sleeve
Make effort in everyday mundanities (don't eat food from the pan, keep the reed diffuser topped up, polish boots, and that sort of thing)
Partake in the act of creation to keep the mental demons at bay
Play instruments until your hands bleed
Read poetry to find beauty despite the horrors
Write poetry to make beauty despite the horrors
Death to tiktok
Remember the value in reflecting upon the good as well as the bad
Satiate the insane hunger to know everything by reading as much as possible
Conscious improvement will beat intentional complacency to death with a bat
Draw things, even if they suck. Art is a sacrament
Run until it hurts, then run until it stops hurting
Succeed through stubbornness
Hope is a knight against misery
And finally, 12th doctor's regeneration speech, naturally.
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
OKAY I’m back on my theory bullshit. Spoilers for all the things below.
I was thinking about this post I wrote forever ago about how I thought we were dealing with past!Solomon rather than present!Solomon.
I also had a theory that there were two Solomons since he seemed to be inexplicably changing his outfits for no reason. (I didn't put that one in the masterlist and I admit that I didn't go looking for it lol. It's on my blog somewhere, possibly in one of my lesson related rants.)
And THEN I was thinking nah it has to be that these are all the same characters from the present & they’ve just had their memories erased.
Barbatos knows what’s going on. That seems plain enough to me.
Isn’t it possible that being eighth on the list was just an excuse? Because he can’t tell MC the true reason for his anger. So he's doing it for MC's sake and to keep up appearances? It doesn't really matter, though, 'cause this post ain't about him lol.
I still think my original theory about Solomon might be right, but there are a couple other things I think might be happening.
MASSIVE DISCLAIMER: I love Solomon. I always have, I always will. I don't mind if other people don't like him, I totally get it. We all have characters we don't like. But I just wanted to be clear, it's all good either way and I think everyone's opinion is valid. <3
Scenario One: We really did go back in time and this really is a past version of all the characters. Events are now being changed due to MC's presence.
Scenario Two: We're in a simulation of the past, these are all the same present characters, but with their memories wiped. This is why events are happening differently than how they did before.
Scenario Three: None of the characters are real and the whole thing is a simulation and MC has been in a coma all along.
I don't really think it's that last one, but man if that turns out to be it, I will be so angry.
Anyway, I think we're either dealing with past!Solomon who knows stuff because he knows Nightbringer and/or because he used Barb's powers to look into the future to learn about MC (see my original post for more about that) OR we're dealing with someone disguising themselves as Solomon part of the time (thus the changing outfits).
There has to be a reason why they showed us that hard lesson where Michael took on Raphael's entire appearance to travel to the Devildom himself. (Though I admit the reason could just have been about Michael and nothing to do with trying to showcase how identities can be misleading.)
If characters can do that, who's to say that isn't what Nightbringer's been doing all along?
And I can't imagine who Nightbringer would pretend to be other than Solomon, the one who knows the most about what's happening, the one who's currently closest to MC, the one who could actually influence how things go at this point.
This nonsense has been stewing in my brain since April. I'm so annoyed, I just wanna know what happens so I don't have to think about it anymore, even if it's a terrible resolution that I hate lol.
Anyway, that's it. I just needed to rant about it for a minute. I'm gonna go back to fic writing now. It's much healthier for my mental state.
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blackcurlsgreeneyes · 3 years
Check Between the Lines // Closed RP
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The rest of the year, following the Final Battle of Hogwarts in May of 1998, went back and forth between spells of utter peace and quiet, and then bursts of flurried activity, trying to repair the world. The Ministry pulled itself back up by its bootstraps, led by Kingsley and guided by a council he put together of surviving Order members and trustworthy Ministry workers. Kingsley did what he could to minimize calling on the Golden Trio....but it was not as if they could really escape involvement.
Harry had no desire to, anyway. He wanted to be on the ground running, making things right again. And first and foremost, that meant devoting several weeks of that summer to trials, working through the list of Death Eaters and assigning conviction or exoneration statuses...even the dead had their names marked, for historical accuracy.
He attended every single one. And at Kingsley’s request, Harry wrote testimonies for several, along with Ron and Hermione, and other DA members, giving evidence that contributed to decisions for many convictions. But only one time did he actually speak up, attending the trial and then stepping onto the floor before the Wizengamot, holding their gazes resolutely and talking until he broke down every last bit of resistance, and all but pulled the I’m the goddamn Boy Who Lived and I saved your arses, give me this card.
In the end, though many seemed bewildered by Harry’s persistence, the concession was made. Narcissa Malfoy was cleared of any charges and given a “judicial request” to remain on house arrest. Lucius Malfoy was required to serve six months in Azkaban, and then he would join her for three years’ house arrest....and, by Harry’s demand without compromise, Draco’s conviction was reduced to war crimes under duress and his sentence was eighteen months’ house arrest.
Harry didn’t have much time to think or dwell on the Slytherin man for the rest of the year. It was only as Christmas began drawing closer, the Weasleys and Hermione planning quite the bash after losing out on the year before together, that Harry thought of the blond...and his gut clenched imagining a Christmas in the dark, haunted halls of Malfoy Manor. So as the others decorated the tree and sang to Celestina Warbeck and the smells of a feast filled the air, Harry sat down one evening to pen a letter.
Happy Christmas, Malf Draco,
I imagine this will seem very out of the blue. I hope that you’re...well, as well as you can be. I had thought to come to the Manor in person and ask after you, but I wasn’t sure if you would tolerate that. Thought this was a safer starting point.
Truthfully I worried you must be lonely. I know your mother is with you and your father will be soon, as well, but...all considered, I wasn’t sure how much of a comfort those facts are. Not that your mother isn’t lovely, and I still need to thank her in person someday. I don’t know if she told you that she protected me that day. She lied right to his face, hid that I was still alive--I know it was to get back to the castle searching for you, but she took that risk. It made all the difference.
You looked so angry and confused when I spoke at your trial. Did you really think that I wanted to see you cast away into Azkaban? I know we were never friends, but I did not see you as one of them, Draco. You were always better, capable of more.
...I’m being called down to dinner. I’m not sure what else to say, so I will go ahead and have send this before I lose my nerve...the bird’s called Eleos. She’s partial to having her wing joints scratched.
H.J. Potter
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svnflowervol666 · 4 years
Ma Petite Chérie: Babymoon (Harry Styles x fem!Reader)
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Read more from this little universe, Ma Petite Chérie, in my masterlist!
Summary: Harry and Y/N go on their babymoon.
Warnings: pregnancy, smut, fluff
Word Count: 6.4k
Author’s Note: Hello! I wrote this in order to cross off a few requests. I promised Harry and Y/N would have a baby of their own, plus I get asks all of the time to write pregnancy sex - specifically awkward, giggly pregnancy sex. I also got one about Harry getting a love boner, so here is my attempt at shoving all of that down your throat at once. Try not to choke :-)  I also just reallllllly love Harry, Y/N, and Tallulah, so I wanted to give them some more love. Also made this one pornstache!Harry, so, there’s that. And one last thing...I know the verb tense is way off in this but I could not be arsed to edit it so plz don’t drag me. I hope everyone enjoys! Take care and TPWK.
“Oh my god,” Y/N huffed as she collapsed on the plush sofa in the living room of the cottage.
“It feels so fucking good out here by the water.”
“Breeze is nice, innit?” Harry replied as he rummaged through the kitchen cabinets to check out how well the place he’d rented for the week was stocked.
“Beats going t’ France at the end of June. Think I’m kinda gettin’ tired of Paris t’ be honest.”
“That is quite possibly the snobbiest thing I’ve ever heard you say, Mr. Styles,” she said with a laugh as she began to flip through the tourist brochures that were left on the coffee table.
Not that they’d be partaking in any of it, no. Their plan was to hole up in the quaint, Scottish cottage that sat right on the coast of the North Sea for the whole week, not even planning on changing out of their pajamas.
It was their babymoon after all - a time of peace and tranquility before the arrival of their first child together.
Harry hummed and he made his way from the kitchen to where Y/N was seated on the couch. He stood behind her, knees knocking against the back of the sofa as he crouched down and wrapped his arms around her very large, very swollen belly.
“If I recall correctly, Mrs. Styles, I sat my injured arse in a stiff train seat to Edinburgh for five hours because someone was too scared to fly even though they were cleared to do so by three separate doctors.”
“’M not Mrs. Styles for another year and a half,” Y/N muttered under her breath, albeit not trying to keep Harry from hearing it in the slightest.
Harry snickered into her neck, then playfully nipped her earlobe with his teeth as he whispered.
“Not my fault yeh got knocked up and we had t’ push the wedding.”
“It is very much your fault, Harry,” Y/N swatted at his face, fingers first brushing his jawline that was covered in a rough stubble and then just barely tracing the full-blown mustache that sat like a caterpillar above his bright pink top lip.
Harry smirked down at her, nostrils flaring wide and lips disappearing inside of his mouth.
“How’s your rib?” Y/N asked suddenly.
“Good. Why?” Harry’s brows quickly furrowed together in confusion as to why she was asking about his injury.
“Might have to ride that later if you’ve got the lungs for it,” she tapped her index and middle fingers along her philtrum, right where Harry’s mustache sat on his own face.
Her blunt lewdness had Harry’s cock immediately growing stiff in his pants. It had been a while. His injury coupled with her being in the last trimester of her pregnancy had left them both feeling unsatisfied for the past several weeks. Maybe this babymoon would prove to be relaxing not only because Harry and Y/N get to spend a week without a rambunctious almost six-year-old screaming at all hours of the day, but for other reasons too.
“Think I’d actually drop dead from happiness if yeh sat on m’ face right now, lovie. But, before yeh get too comfortable with that idea, we need t’ head into town. Kitchen’s only got the necessities, and I doubt yeh want t’ eat homemade bread for a week.”
“I’m sure you’d love to eat homemade bread for a week,” Y/N jested, poking fun at Harry’s latest obsession with the carb-filled food.
“Remind me again why I put up with you?” Harry toyed as he extended his arms out towards Y/N to use as leverage to help her hoist herself up from the couch.
When she regains her balance, she lifts herself up just slightly to press a quick kiss to Harry’s lips that he happily accepts. Y/N hums and jokingly checks the imaginary watch that sits on her wrist.
“How much time do you have? That list is pretty long.”
The trip to one of the only supermarkets in the small part of Edinburgh that they were staying in had proved to be rather tiring, because Harry opted to use store-bought pasta instead of making his own - something he never does. Maybe it was his healing rib causing him to be short-winded, but he simply could not bring himself to hand-make the pasta they chose to have for dinner that night. He bitched about it all night, about how it wasn’t as chewy as it should be and how it would have tasted much better if he would have just made it himself, but it still didn’t deter him from helping himself to a second serving.
He claimed it was because while he did use pre-cooked pasta, he didn’t use sauce from a jar and made his own from fresh tomatoes and that was the appeal. Y/N just thinks Harry likes to complain and listen to himself talk.
After dinner, just as the sun was setting and Harry and Y/N were waiting for their pasta to digest before they dove into the box of fresh pastries from a bakery they found along the way, they decided to take a walk around the property. The renovated, stone cottage that was overgrown with vines and leaves sat along a short cliffside that overlooked the North Sea. It was a short walk down the cliff that brought them to the beach, where mist from the ocean whisped around their legs and ankles like a thin veil of smoke. While it was the middle of summer, Scotland’s persistent rain showers and their proximity to the water never made it too hot to bear.
“Lulah would love it out here. We’ll have to bring her when the baby’s older.”
“She realIy would,” Harry agreed as he wrapped his sweater further around his chest.
“Know yeh didn’t give birth t’ her, but I swear you two are just alike sometimes. Absolutely hates bein’ hot and gettin’ sweaty just like you.”
Y/N smiled softly and knowingly at Harry before reaching into the pocket of the patchwork sweater of Harry’s that she’d stolen for their stroll on the beach for her phone.
“I’m gonna call her.”
She picked up on the third ring, Y/N’s phone screen then illuminated with a live image of a gap-toothed Tallulah. Well, it’s Mitch’s phone, but she’d been waiting for this promised FaceTime call all day so of course she’s quick to answer.
Both Y/N’s and Harry’s heart swelled in their chest when they heard Tallulah speak. It had been several months since she’d decided to start referring to Y/N as her mother, but neither of them had grown used to it just yet. Y/N felt a sense of achievement in “earning” the title of being Tallulah’s mum after all of the years she’d spent with her, and Harry felt a sense of resolution. His family was a real family now, and not just a patchwork of awkward relationships and trust issues. Y/N was Tallulah’s mum and she was now seven months pregnant with their own child and they’d be married by the end of next year. He was actually there to see his child grow this time, they weren’t a secret kept from him out of spite. He’d be there for all of it, even the gross and bloody and goopy bits. And he’d never felt more complete.
“Hi, baby,” Y/N beamed from ear to ear.
“What are you doing?”
“We’re walking on the beach,” Y/N answered.
“Want to see it?”
The five-year-old (five and three-quarters if you asked Tallulah herself) nodded quickly, and Y/N then flipped the camera around to show her the view of the water. Y/N pointed out their cottage from where they stood in the sand, turning the camera to Harry briefly as he held up a peace sign so Tallulah could see that her dad was also on the beach with her. She told her all about the train ride there and how Harry almost slipped and broke his face when was carrying his and Y/N’s luggage into the cottage.
Harry listened to his two little loves talk back and forth with the biggest smile on his face as he absent-mindedly scoured the beach for rocks he could skip along the water. He noticed whenever Tallulah said something that Y/N thought was funny, she had to cup her bump with her hand and forearm to keep it from shaking her entire body. She told him she hated laughing now, because it made her look like Santa Claus, but Harry thought she couldn’t look more beautiful.
“That’s so pretty! Can we all go when the baby is here?” Tallulah asked, puckering into a pout as she begged.
“I think that’s a great idea, Lulah. We were just talking about that, weren’t we, Harry?”
Harry perked up from where he had been washing a sandy shell off in the ocean and suddenly appeared in view of the camera and took the phone from Y/N. 
“Hmm?” he asked as he studied Tallulah’s appearance.
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Mitch to watch his baby girl while he went away for a week with his other baby girl, it was that him and Sarah voluntarily asked to babysit Tallulah and that’s what made him so apprehensive to accept their offer. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary about a sleepover at Uncle Mitch and Aunt Sarah’s every now and then, but to want to watch his daughter for an entire week certainly was. Harry felt like Mitch was plotting against him and that he’d come back to Tallulah with bright blue hair and bangs or she’d be sporting the world’s worst potty mouth when she came home, but so far that didn’t seem to be the case. 
She was wearing Harry’s “Dream Boat” shirt that she’d claimed as her own a few years back when Y/N had taught her to wear her father’s clothes when she missed him because the smell would remind her of him (he had to steal it back and sleep in it a few times every now and then to keep his scent on it), and her long, brown hair was damp and neatly braided into two plaits and hanging off her shoulders. That had to have been Sarah’s doing, because Harry knew Mitch could barely put his own hair into a ponytail without creating several lumps and redoing it eighteen times before it looked presentable - meaning he certainly wouldn’t have been able to make a five-year-old sit still long enough to braid her hair perfectly. 
She looked fine, though. Happy, healthy, certainly didn’t have blue hair or bangs and hadn’t said a single naughty thing since she’d been on the phone with Y/N.
“Lulah wants us to come back here after the baby’s born and take her with us,” Y/N beamed.
“I think we can work that out. Sounds quite lovely, actually,” Harry concurred.
“Yeh bein’ good for Mitch and Sarah?”
“Mhmm,” Tallulah nodded.
“We had pizza for dinner.”
“That sounds yummy,” Harry enthused, trying to let his daughter know he had his full attention.
“It was bery good,” she sighed.
There was a long pause before Tallulah blurted out suddenly in the most serious tone, “When are you gonna shave the rest of your mustache? Mitchy was making fun of you today.”
Harry was caught between a gasp and a laugh, which resulted in him choking on his own spit. Y/N turned on her heels in the sand to look at him with wide eyes. 
“You okay?” Y/N mouthed quietly to Harry, completely oblivious to everything that had happened in the last thirty seconds.
Harry nodded, wiping the involuntary tears from his eyes as he coughed himself back to life and regained his composure.
“What exactly did Uncle Mitch say about my mustache?” he prodded.
Tallulah shrugged, subconsciously wiggling her loose bottom tooth with her tongue.
“Don’t ‘member. Just that you look weird with it.”
“Well that’s not a very nice thing t’ say, is it?”
“Mummy said you look weird, too,” Tallulah spouted without hesitation.
Her comment left Y/N’s mouth agape, covering her smile with her palm as Harry’s raised eyebrows feigned offense in her direction.
“She did?” Harry asked sarcastically, narrowing his eyes at her.
“Yeah,” Tallulah sighed as if it was exhausting having to tell your own father that his facial hair looks off-putting.
“I think you should shave it, too. It’s scratchy when you kiss me goodnight.”
All Harry could offer in return was stunned laughter while Y/N hid her face in Harry’s peck. Her bump pressed lightly into his and even though he was pretending to be mad at her, he wouldn’t dare think about pushing her off of him - not while she was this warm and cozy against his chest. 
“Well, if mummy really hates it I suppose I’ll get rid of it. But,” Harry pauses and pulls Y/N out from where she had burrowed her face into his sweater.
“I think I might know a trick that’ll convince her t’ let me keep i-”
“Enough!” Y/N exclaimed, clamping both of her hands around Harry’s mouth.
Harry chuckled against her palm and poked his tongue through his lips to lick her fingers, which sent her hands flying back down to her leggings so she could wipe them dry.
“I swear to god, Harry. You’re five years old,” she joked with a disgusted expression on her face, to which Tallulah had something to say to that. 
“No, I’m five years old!”
The two adults laughed in unison.
“Alright, Lulah. We’re gonna go inside now. ‘S gettin’ kinda cold out,” Harry said.
“We’ll call you tomorrow before bed. Alright, lovebug?” Y/N added.
“Okay,” Tallulah huffed.
“We love you, Lulah,” Harry spoke softly into the microphone.
“Love you, too...Daddy wait!”
“What is it?” he asked.
“Give the baby kisses for me. And no bikes!”
Harry wanted to laugh, but he also wanted to cry, so he settled on a closed-mouthed smile that was enough to convince Tallulah that he was unbothered by what she said.
“Kisses for the baby and no bikes. Got it,” he nodded.
“Okay, I��m gonna go eat some sweets with Sarah!” the child yelled, suddenly energetic like she had temporarily forgotten that her and Sarah had baked cookies twenty minutes before Y/N called.
“Alright, but it’s almost bed time so not too m-!” was all Harry could answer to before his daughter ended the call and presumably raced to where ever Sarah was in their house. 
“‘S like she doesn’t even miss us,” Harry mumbled as he placed Y/N’s phone in his back pocket and began walking back up to the cottage with his arm wrapped around Y/N’s shoulder. 
Y/N hummed, basking in the warmth that radiated from Harry’s chest as he held her.
“They’re just buttering her up. She’ll be crying to leave by the time we get back.”
“Just don’t really know why they were so keen on keepin’ her t’ be honest.”
Harry positioned himself one step behind her as they walked up the stone steps together, keeping one hand on the small of her back. Y/N peered over her shoulder at him, her tight lips curling up into a smirk as if to say she knew something he didn’t.
“What?” Harry asked.
Y/N shrugged, “Promised I wouldn’t tell.”
Harry clearly didn’t like that answer, because he moved his hand that was supporting her waist and quickly pinched her bum.
“Tell me,” he demanded, eyebrows scrunched together and lips pursed together in what could be considered a childish pout that mimicked Tallulah’s.
Y/N sucked her lips into her mouth, contemplating whether or not she should spill the beans on the news Sarah had shared with her a few weeks prior.
“They’re gonna start trying for a baby soon,” she whispered as if were a long-kept secret told in a room full of nosey people despite the two of them being alone on the otherwise desolate beach.
Harry’s ears perked up, a wide smile adorning his face from ear to ear.
“No fucking way,” he mumbled, and suddenly all of Mitch’s incessant hammering of baby questions he’d sent Harry’s way in the past few months suddenly making a lot of sense.
Harry thought he was trying to be a good friend and stay engaged in Y/N’s pregnancy, but now he understands the real reason behind his behavior.
Y/N nodded deviously as they make their way into the living room of the cottage.
“They’ve been asking everyone they know with kids to let them come over just to see if they can handle it. I mean, if you ask me, I think they’ll do great. Nothing wrong with trying it before buying it, I guess,” she said with a shrug.
“God, he’s gonna be such a good dad,” Harry was practically beaming for his closest friend.
“I know,” Y/N agreed, walking over to Harry to hold both sides of his head in her hands as if he was a disobedient puppy being disciplined.
Her bump prevented her from getting too close to Harry’s chest, the roundest part of her belly nudging Harry’s tummy.
“They’re both very excited. Which is why, when he finally decides to tell you, you have to act surprised. Act like he told you you just won the lottery or something. Alright?”
Harry sarcastically changed his facial expression to mock bewilderment. His eyebrows rose well off into his forehead and his jaw nearly dropped to the floor as he gasped.
“How’s that? Think he’ll buy it?”
Y/N jokingly jabbed him in the shoulder.
“Smartass. I’m going to take a shower. I’m sticky and I smell like the ocean.”
“Guess I gotta keep workin’ on it, then.”
When he’s done cleaning up what was left of their dinner, he heads to the master bedroom with the intention of washing up in the shower after Y/N. He’s messing around with the A/C unit on the window to make sure it’s not set to a temperature that will smother them in their sleep and unpacking their luggage into the wooden dresser, where an antique turntable rests.
Stacked long the side of the record player, there was a handful of old vinyl, most of which Harry either recognized or new very well. He was actually shocked to find a Shuggie Otis album in the collection, to which he quickly slipped the record out of the worn sleeve and set the needle to the edge and waited for the soft sound to fill the room while he worked. 
“That thing works?” Y/N’s voice broke up the old 70s tune as she exited the bathroom with her hair tied up with one of Harry’s scrunchies that she stole out of his toiletry bag, wrapped in only a towel that barely fit around her form.
“I know,” Harry agreed, “Needs a new needle but other than that ‘s in pretty good shape.”
“Leave it to you to find a rental with 70s records in the bedroom,” there was a lighthearted tone in her voice as Y/N poked fun at him.
She padded over to her luggage in the corner of the room for a change of clothes, only to realize Harry had unpacked it all for them. As she’s rummaging through the drawers trying to figure out where Harry had put what, she lets her towel drop to the floor freely.
Harry doesn’t know how must time has passed, but he knows he’s staring. He’s staring at the water droplets that drip from the stray hairs on the nape of her neck and run down her bare back. He’s staring at the swell of her stomach where their baby lies, at the faded, almost-shiny stretch marks on the sides and the newer, darker ones on the underside that had only recently broken through. He’s staring at the bracelet on her wrist, the one that’s braided pink and blue with three beads on it - one ‘H’, one ‘T’ and one heart. Tallulah made it for her at school one day and told her the heart was for the baby and also because she loved her. It was hanging on by its last few threads, threatening to snap as each day passed, but she refused to take it off.
All he does know is that he loves her so much that he thinks none of this is real and that he’ll wake up one day and be in his early twenties again with no direction in life and the insidious feeling that he’ll die alone without ever finding his “person.” It’s when Y/N called out to him and snapped him out of his thoughts that he’s realized his underwear are suddenly feeling incredibly tight.
“Har,” Y/N beckoned him away from whatever had been occupying his brain.
He resituated himself on the bed and crossed his legs in an attempt to hide himself from her.
“I said the hot water in there’s kinda shit, so you’ll probably want to wait a little bit before you get in.”
“‘S alright,” Harry dismisses, “Come ‘ere.”
He draws her towards him with an outstretched hand, navigating her around the bedpost and over to the side where he had been sitting. With the gentlest of touches, he runs his fingers over her bare legs. The coolness of his rings don’t make well with her skin that was still extremely warm from her shower, causing hundreds of tiny goosebumps to erupt around her thighs. Harry raises her shirt, one of his that she stole when her own clothes became too uncomfortable, but even now she’s nearly stretching this one to its limit, and rests it on top of her bump.
She doesn’t question him, doesn’t chastise him. She lets him love on her, lets him press kisses to her skin just above her belly button (making sure to give an extra one from Tallulah per her request) and rest his cheek against her stomach while his other hand feels around on the other side in hopes to feel the baby move or kick or do something to let him know that they’re there. Lucky for Harry, baby knows when their dad is around and is quick to make themselves known, so he takes a second to savor these last few moment he’ll have with his newest bub before they’re earth-side in a little less than two months.
Y/N lets him be because she knows how important this is to Harry. She knows that he never got these moments with Tallulah and that it’s one of the things that plagued him during those nights where he feels lonely despite her being asleep right next to him. He never got to feel her kick in her mum’s tummy and he didn’t get to see her grow from the size of a pea to the size of a melon before she was welcomed by her parents and the rest of her family that had been waiting anxiously for her arrival. 
No, Tallulah was dropped on his doorstep like a wet kitten in the middle of the night. Shivering and crying and just needing someone to hold her and tell her that it was going to be alright because her mother had decided she’d be better off elsewhere. Of course, she was too small to remember, but Harry could never forget it.
So, it’s the least she can do. To let Harry love on her. Love on them.
Her eyes catch his once or twice and she can see the gears in his head turning. There’s something on his mind and he’s hesitant to tell her what it is. Y/N lifts his head by tilting his chin up, her index finger brushing over the healed scar on the underside of his jaw from a few months prior.
“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” she whispered.
Harry shakes his head, a grin on his lips.
“‘M just really, really happy right now. Happy tha’ I’m here w’ you.”
Y/N smiles back at him genuinely before pulling away from his grasp and gesturing to his lap.
“And I’m happy that I’m here with you. Seems like your little friend is really happy, too.”
A soft groan emits from Harry chest, having realized he’d uncrossed his legs at some point and his very prominent bulge had come into Y/N’s view.
“Sorry, lovie. Didn’t mean t’ make it like tha-”
“I’m just messing with you. You know,” she ponders, “I was half-way kidding when I asked about your lungs earlier. But... This will be the last time we’re kid-free for a while,” she taunted.
“Are yeh asking?” Harry jests and points his thumb towards the bathroom door, “‘Cos I was actually plannin’ on just having a wank in the shower.”
“Oh, okay,” Y/N shrugs and moves his hands off of her waist as she pretends to walk towards the living room.
Before she can take two steps, Harry’s standing up and pulling her back into him for a kiss. It’s full of heat and passion and almost knocks Y/N off of her feet. He cradles her head in his large hands and moves to whisper in her ear.
“Really gonna let me fuck yeh?”
A quiet chuckle escapes her lips, to which she replies, “What else did you think we were gonna do all week?”
He’s unable to bite back his own laugh, and it’s the sweetest sound to ever grace Y/N’s ears.
“Then get on the bed and take yeh clothes off.”
They work quickly, as they’ve conditioned themselves to do over the years of squeezing in any time they can together before they’re interrupted. Y/N lies back on her elbows as she waits for Harry to undo his pants and her breath catches in her throat when his boxers hit the floor. 
His cock is hard, not fully, but the sight of the first few beads of glistening precum causes a shiver to run down her spine. She’s blown him a handful of times since he’s been in recovery, but she’s been far too pregnant and he’s been far too injured lately to engage in any kind of actual fun. It’s safe to say that they’re both more than ready. 
Harry scratches at his scalp, unsure of how to word his questions as he looks her body up and down.
“How do you...erm...how do you wanna-?”
“My stomach, please,” Y/N says with a laugh.
She quickly reaches for one of the pillows behind her and gets on all fours, wedging the object underneath her bump to keep some of the weight off of her back. Slowly, she arches her spine down towards the mattress, and the glimpse Harry catches of her pussy through the light of the setting sun is enough to send another jolt straight to his cock.
Harry wastes no time joining her on the bed, caressing her hips and moving back to massage the plump skin of her ass. He leans down on top of her, flips her hair over to one side, and begins sucking on the sensitive skin between her neck and jaw.
“Gonna let me taste yeh first, right?” he mumbles into her skin.
Y/N hums in response, attempting to rock backwards in order to feel Harry’s cock rub against her backside. She hears Harry laugh, presumably because he’s caught on to her neediness, so it only pushes him further to be the tease he’s notorious for being.
He sponges wet kisses down her back, getting a rise out of every audible breath that leaves Y/N’s throat.
“Relax, baby,” Harry says when he feels her growing tenser as his kisses travel closer to where she needs him the most.
“Gonna get yeh there. Just gotta be patient.”
Harry presses one last kiss on the final notch of her spine before using one of his hands to spread her legs open just a little bit further. When he parts the globes of her ass, his mouth waters. Her pussy is shimmering with her arousal, perfect and on display just for him. 
He tests the waters by running the tip of his tongue from her clit up to her center and he hears a sigh of relief leave Y/N’s lungs at the contact. Next, he’s massaging her folds, exploring her and refamiliarizing himself with the way she tasted. Harry feels her relax into the mattress with each lap of his tongue against her, silently begging him for more. His tentativeness allows him to read her body language and he draws back momentarily to spread her lips apart with his middle and index finger.
The cool air against her core stuns Y/N, but is quickly drowned out with a moan when she feels Harry’s warm saliva drip from her ass down to her clit. His mouth is back on her before she can recover from the sensation, lapping her up and flicking at her clit with his tongue and driving her mad. He’s got his nose buried inside of her as he devours her in the way that he’s really been yearning to for months (he doesn’t count the late night or early morning quickies because he claims he never gets to spend as much time taking care of her as he really wants to). The scruff from his mustache is staunch against her soft folds, but Harry’s tongue is quick to soothe the burn and she loves it.
He smirks against her as she lets out a particularly loud moan when his facial hair brushes against her clit. What was that about shaving my mustache? he thinks to himself but does not dare say aloud.
When he senses that she needs even more, his fingers move from spreading her apart to pressing against her opening. Gathering her wetness on his digits, he slowly pumps them in and out of her. Y/N’s mewls and whimpers are like music to his ears and only spurs him on further. He ruts his hips against the comforter, anything to relieve the throbbing between his legs that is a result of how pliable she’s become for him. She’s soaking the rings on his fingers in the most picture-perfect way and Harry truly genuinely can’t get enough of it; and neither can she. Which is why he’s confused when one of her hands swings around her backside to stop Harry from working her open.
“Har-” she pants.
He withdrawals all contact immediately and peaks his head around to look at her face.
“Yeh good?” he asks as she’s stands up on her knees and turns around to face him.
“‘M great. Wanna be on top now,” she says, her lips plump and swollen from biting down on them so harshly that she nearly drew blood.
“You sure? Yeh don’t want me t’ finish yeh first?”
His eyes dart from her lust-blown eyes to her round belly.
“Mhm. Now lay your pretty ass down before I change my mind.”
She doesn’t have to tell him twice and he’s rolling over on his back, working his way to prop himself up against the headboard. His cock is red and leaking against his stomach, excruciatingly waiting to be buried inside of his girl. He wonders why she’s staring at him with an annoyed expression on her face, but then she speaks up.
“Do you see how pregnant I am? Gonna have to lay all the way down, shit head.”
He does as he’s told and he’s honestly scared that he’ll cum in five seconds if she doesn’t get on with it. 
“I swear to god, if you laugh at me,” she grunts as she straddles his waist, “I’ll cut it off.”
“‘M not gonna lau-”
It’s his turn to moan aloud when she grips onto his cock, running it across her folds to collect as much wetness as she can before she allows him to stretch her out. He’s focusing so much on not losing it right then and there that he doesn’t realize she’s stopped and is waiting for the go-ahead. Through his dark, thick lashes, he nods; as if she would have to ask.
Harry reaches for her hands as she lowers herself onto him, the two of them squeezing a bit too harshly when she reaches the last few inches. The burn consumes Y/N from the inside and out, but it’s never felt so right to either of them. 
She’s not moving just yet, but her cunt is pulsing around him and it feels almost as good as the real thing. They’re staring at each other, both with looks that relay more than words.
“Love you,” Harry’s face softens as he looks up at her.
“Love you, too,” Y/N smiles as she leans down as far as she can in search of a kiss.
He meets her in the middle and their lips find one another and mash together in harmony. The rocking of their hips reminds both of them what they’re actually doing, and causes both of them to gasp at the way Y/N pumped Harry half-way in and out of her. 
When she’s settled back down on the base of his cock, she begins slowly rutting herself back and forth. It takes her just a little bit longer than usual to work up a steady rhythm, but when she’s got it, boy does she got it and it feels so fucking good. The tip of Harry’s cock is pressing against the deepest parts of her and before she knows it, there’s a warm coil winding up in her tummy that bounds itself tighter and tighter inside of her.
She needs to go faster and she needs to go faster now, so she braces her hands on Harry’s chest as she continues to fuck herself on Harry’s cock. Harry lets out a sound that she can’t tell apart between a groan of pleasure and one of pain. His hands dart quickly from where they’d been gripping at her thighs to grip at her wrists.
“Can’t do tha’, lovie. Not the ribs.”
“Shit,” she laughs, subconsciously clenching down on his shaft in the process.
“‘S okay,” Harry reassures her as he repositions her hands on his shoulders so she can still have something to grab on to.
“Keep going.” 
Her bump is now cradled against Harry’s stomach and it allows her to find relief in the way that her clit is brushing against the trimmed nest of hair that lies around the base of his thick, throbbing cock. He’s twitching inside of her so much that she can feel it alongside her thrusts as they continue. They both won’t last much longer and they know it. 
“‘M getting close.”
“I know,” Harry pants beneath her.
She switches positions, now with her fingers digging so hard into the meat of Harry’s thighs that her knuckles are changing color. She’s able to lift her hips up and down a bit more from this angle, and it allows Harry’s cock to nudge against her sweet spot.
“Feels so good, H,” she whimpers so quietly that almost Harry couldn’t even hear it.
“‘S that it? Right there?” he mocks as he works at meeting her thrusts with his own.
The best he gets from Y/N is a nod as she focuses the best she can on getting herself there. She’s coating him with her juices with each pump and with one glance down at where they’re joined together nearly shoots Harry over the edge.
“Yeh gonna cum f’ me?” Harry asks as his thumb reaches under her to begin rubbing circles on her clit.
“Gonna give me a good one?”
His movements coupled with his words catalyze the tightness within her, threatening to snap at any moment. She’s definitely sweaty and tired of being on top, but she’s so close now that she wills away the pain in her lower back and thighs.
“Come on, bunny. Give it to me.”
He works with that he can and makes sure he’s slamming into her as deep as he can, speeding up the pace he’s making with her clit in the process. 
She cums with a strangled, “Fuck,” and a shrill cry of his name, and that’s all he needs to meet his end as well. The world is black and quiet for the two of them for just a brief moment, and then they’re both seeing all of the stars in the galaxy.
Her walls are coated with the warm ropes of his seed and spills out of her as she milks him, coaxing all she can out of both hers and Harry’s orgasms. Y/N can feel the last few twitches of Harry’s cock inside of her and her movements slow to a stop. 
His cum is splashed along her inner thighs and around Harry’s shaft, and they’re both struggling to catch their breath. Y/N feels sorry for him for a brief second when she sees him clutching onto the left side of his ribs, but then she remembers the situation that put him there in the first place and great incredible fuck she just gave him and so she decides not to dwell on it too much. 
Serves him right.
She collapses on the bed beside him, the two of them staring idly at the ceiling. It’s nearly dark now, the sun having set long ago and only their silhouettes are visible in the moonlight. Harry reaches over to pet her cheek and press a kiss into her hair as their breathing slowly but surely evens out and they come to.
They’re both too tired and fucked out to have a lucid conversation, so they’ll save that for tomorrow. No. Right now was for cuddles and falling asleep to the sounds of each other’s soft breaths and the peace of mind knowing that they can do this every single night for the rest of their lives if they wanted to because they’re getting married and they have a family together and they’re so in love with each other that nothing else matters.
When Y/N finally manages to muster up the energy to lift herself from the mattress and waddle to the bathroom, Harry breaks the silence.
“Hey,” his voice is calm and collected and there’s a smirk on his face.
“Hmm?” she answers as she cranes her neck and braces herself on the door frame of the master bathroom.
Her other hand is caressing her bump, a tick that she’d picked up over the months whenever she wasn’t doing anything important.
“Sit on m’ face in the morning?”
There’s that laugh again. The one that Harry loves and swears came straight from the angels above.
“With pleasure,” she winks as the door closes behind her.
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eloquentgifs · 3 years
DWJ Reading Project. Part III
As I said here, my 2021 2023 resolution is gonna be READING EVERY DIANA WYNNE JONES BOOK I CAN FIND, and due to my love of making lists and taking notes, I’ve decided keeping track of this reading project here in this post, which I’ll keep updated as I make progress. It’s mostly for my own pleasure, but maybe it helps someone who wants to give it a try to this amazing writer and doesn’t know where to start.
Part I (1970 - 1976 & The Dalemark Quartet)
Part II (1977 - 1981 & The Chrestomanci Series )
- Archer’s Goon (1984): At this point it’s just ridiculous how these books keep being surprising and leaving me all wtf (in a good sense). This one is, again, about a family with very realistic dynamics who have to deal with some surreal fuckery. In this case, they live in a town ruled from the shadows by seven brothers and sisters, each of one farming a different aspect of the town (energy, police, crime, education, sewage... etc). I couldn’t explain the plot if my life depended on it, but I enjoyed every single page. ALSO, there’s a TV adaptation, althought it doesn’t seem very faithful***
***Edit: I’ve watched the whole thing now and I stand corrected: It’s actually quite faithful. Some characters are not how I imagined them, but they did mostly a good job, and I’m obsessed with Dillian’s dress
- Fire and Hemlock (1985): Well, I finished it yesterday and I’m still processing it. What a ride. I felt I missed a lot of subtext by not knowing the stories it’s inspired by, so I’m totally re-reading it in the future, after I’ve checked those up. About the parts I did get, it’s just WOW. Polly in all her complexity is just amazing. I love that the premise seems to be a feminist revision of a tale of clingy love, and I love how all along the book you can see different examples of shitty stuff women have to put up with (grown ups sexualizing underage girls, boys mansplaining shit and being a pain in the ass until the girl they’re after gets so tired she gives up, slut shaming between girls, whatever is going on with Ivy’s mental health, THE FUCKING GROOMING –really, this made me so unconfortable from the very beginning). Of course I don’t think this is the main theme of the book, but I do believe DWJ wasn’t random about anything. There’s so much going on in my mind I don’t really know what else to say.
- Land of Ingary Series: · Howl’s Moving Castle (1986): This is 8th time I read this book (the 4th in English. It was actually my first book in English). It's my favourite book in the world and I could write a whole essay about how much I love it and how good it is for my mental and emotional balance, so I’ll just mention a few thoughts to keep this short: 1) I relate to Howl much more than I’d like to admit. 2) Sophie taught me to use aggresive cleaning to cope with anxiety. 3) Also, I would kill for powers like hers. 4) I actually relate to all of them, bunch of human messes. Diana predicted the millennials. 5) I can’t believe it took me this long to really understand [Calcifer spoilery stuff]. 6) Now that I’m more familiar with DJW usual tone and themes, I have to asume she wrote this lighthearted (pun intended) and fun story to relax a little bit after the previous 3-4 books, and that makes me love it even more. 7) I should read Stardust.
· Castle in the Air (1990): I’ve also read this one several times, and there’s a lot to love in it. Most of the new characters are amazing and the plot is quite a ride (and if you’re into The Arabian Nights, you’ll probably love this). I even stole some traits from Abdullah for one of my OC. But I must admit it didn’t age well, or at least there are some aspects I like less every time I read it, mostly regarding the female characters and what is said about their looks and beauty. I also felt Sophie was a little bit out of character, but obviously she’s going through STUFF so I’d rather not to judge. In any case, it’s a nice story and it’s not its fault not being as perfect as the absolute masterpiece that was HMC
· House of Many Ways (2008): The first time I read this one it was months before DWJ died, and since I hadn’t like that much and it made me really sad to know it would be the last book of this series, I used to feel a weird resentment against it all these years. This new re-read helped me to reconcile with it and actually enjoy it a lot. Maybe back then I was too similar to Charmain and I felt attacked or something, idk, but I’ve definitely learnt to love useless idiots who have no clue about anything going on in their lifes and it’s almost a miracle they’re still alive. And the fact that a huge % of the book it’s just her and Peter doing house chores? Hilarious. Also, I have the impression that DWJ was so tired of people fancying Howl that this time she did her best to show us how fucking annoying he can be.
- A Tale of Time City (1987): This was the first DWJ book I read after a long hiatus and I must confess it took me several months to finish it, which was surprising because I had missed Diana a lot and time travel is one of my favourite things in literature. Maybe the hype was too high, but it just didn’t hook me at first. It gets better once the worldbuilding is settled and the plot can fly free, and I did enjoy a lot of silly scenes that only provide vibe, like the main character laughing her ass off during the chaotic morning routine in the house. I also appreciate the racial diversity, and the comeback of the Surprise Evil Uncle (tm), a DWJ classic. And I do want one of those butter-pies now. - Wild Robert (1989): Heather is a girl who lives in a castle-museum because her parents are the curators there. She hates tourists so I could relate to her from the very beginning. She hates them so much she accidentally wakes up a 350 yo wizard from his grave so he gets rid of them. The story is so short that it almost feels as pilot for a show, like, you want to keep seeing Heather and Robert getting into trouble and stuff.  It would have made a nice series of children’s books.
- Black Maria (also known as Aunt Maria, 1991): The timing for this one was weirdly good because: a) I had to move in with my old aunt for a few days to help her while she recovers after a surgery (which is basically the starting point for Mig, the mc of the story, and her family), b) the book has several mysteries, including a crime one (my aunt forced me to watch hours of police procedural shows), the town where Mig's aunt lives has a extreme matriarchal social structure, where women are on the top, and men are just Ken, and the main conflict surrounds this (I started reading the book around the time Barbie premiered). I don’t normally like the first-person narrative, but DWJ managed to do it, once again, in a rather clever way that fits the story quite right and made me like Mig a lot. Also, it was nice to see that the adult relative is actually helpful and good, instead of the classic neglectul piece of shit that she so often includes.
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Soft Fic: Tup + Teaching Mechanics
This is a fic I wrote a while ago for this post, but I realized in a conversation with @asiamnow that I never posted it! So enjoy!
“And that is how you fix a LAATi’s main motivator drive,” Tup finished, tapping at the freshly-repaired mechanism. The ring of his gauntlet striking against the hollow metal made you wince. You didn’t know much about mechanical things and, from everything he had just shown you, neither did Tup.
“Very impressive. Do you want to get something to eat” you asked, steering him gently toward the mess hall at GAR’s headquarters. While you walked, you made a mental note to send one of the engineers to check out the motivator drive before the ship was cleared for use. “Where did you learn to do that?”
As you both stepped into the mess, Tup scrubbed a hand over his scalp, the movement dislodging his hair from where it had been confined in his neatly-tied ponytail. “Err… I mostly taught myself. You don’t get many chances to cross-train out here and I never got the chance to be in the mechanic corps. I was marked for infantry since I was decanted.”
Well, there was certainly a lot to unpack in that, but now you didn’t feel like you could order him not to fix anything in the future. “Do you want to learn about mechanical processes? It may not be how you want to spend your leave, but I could get you a shadow day or two with some of the mechanics.”
“Really?” Tup asked excitedly, piling his tray with more food than you had ever seen anyone eat in one sitting. These troopers and their enhanced metabolisms.
You shrugged a bit at his question. You oversaw most of the GAR’s administrative tasks on Coruscant, but you were still low-level enough that you knew a few of the mechanics. They liked to chat for a bit when you gave them the lists of work orders for ships that needed repairs. “Probably?”
“I would love to do that!” Tup grinned, and the conversation paused as you both took your trays to a table and settled facing each other.
You ate in silence for a few minutes before Tup gave a small, almost self-deprecating smile. “I mostly work on electronics now, but I really want to learn more about mechanical things.”
“Electronics?” you asked, perking up a bit as you stirred at the soup you had chosen for some reason. It was always awful, but you got it every now and then to see if it had magically improved. “Do you think you could you fix my comlink?”
He seemed bewildered by your question, the blinking he did accentuating both his long lashes and the teardrop tattooed under one eye.
Your face heated a bit. “Sorry, that was a weird thing to ask. It’s just been shorting out lately and repair shops charge so much-”
“No, no, it’s fine!” Tup hurried to say. “I know a bit about comlinks from when I’ve had to fix them in the field. I’d be happy to take a look. Do you have it here?”
“It’s up in my office, actually,” you explained. "Maybe I could run up and get it?"
"I'll come with you," Tup offered, standing from the table only a moment behind you.
"No, you should stay here and eat," you told him. “I’ll be right back.”
"I'm already done," he said, taking a bit of a piece of fruit. Startled, you glanced down at his plate. Where it had been absolutely piled with food only minutes before, it was now empty. The fruit Tup was holding was indeed the last thing left from the plate.
While you were staring at the lack of food on his tray, Tup had been eying your barely touched soup. “Do you want to bring that with you? I’m sure they’d have a container for it if you want…”
“Nah, it’s terrible,” you said with a laugh.
“It always is,” he agreed, smiling so widely that his eyes crinkled at the corners. It warmed your heart to see it and you were a little sad when he turned toward the administrative offices.
You followed Tup, amused to see where you would end up, but he led the way unerringly to your office.
“How did you know where this was?” you asked. “You’ve never been here.”
“Oh, uh… Well, you know troopers,” he hedged. “We all talk, share information. Some of the guys have been here, so I know where it is.”
You frowned, trying to think of a single time when a trooper had visited the admin offices, but nothing came to mind. Too bad, because it certainly would have made your day more interesting. “When did-?”
“Now, where is that comlink?” Tup asked loudly.
“Uh, right over here…” you said slowly, pulling open a drawer and bringing out the malfunctioning piece of equipment. “It’s just having trouble making outgoing calls.”
He hummed a bit, turning the comlink over to study it, then shrugged. “Easy enough to test. Let me put in my frequency and try to make a call…”
Tup typed in a code and his wrist comlink chimed right away. One of his eyebrows shot up and your face heated again. It wasn't as if you had made up a broken comlink in order to get Tup's frequency, but it probably looked that way to him.
"Let's try one more time," he suggested. You nodded, grateful that he wasn't going to start teasing you.
You didn't think you had ever hoped for a comlink malfunction before, but stars, it would really be great if Tup could see the problem with his own eyes.
He typed in the number for his frequency again, hit the button to connect, and nothing happened. At least, nothing happened for a split second before his comlink beeped at him.
Tup grinned and you braced for a teasing comment, but he had stifled the expression only a half-second later. “Well, that’s strange. Maybe it’s fixed?”
You frowned at the odd behavior. Most of the troopers never hesitated to mercilessly tease someone, and Tup was no exception. You had seen him absolutely roast Hardcase about his new relationship with an administrator aboard the Resolute only last week, so the fact that he wasn’t teasing you was a cause for concern.
“It really is broken, though,” you insisted.
“I believe you,” Tup said quietly, without a trace of the grin he had worn only a moment before. “You have no reason to lie. But I’ll tell you what: you have my frequency now. If it keeps giving you problems, use a working comlink to call me. If I’m planetside, I’ll come take another look at it, okay?”
“That sounds wonderful, thank you,” you agreed, still on-edge. You never thought you would have wanted to be teased, but this was strange behavior.
“And…” he cleared his throat. “And if you ever want to call for another reason, even if you just want to talk, you can. I’ll pick up. I’d be glad to listen to you.”
You stared at him, knowing your eyes were bulging like a particularly deranged mynock’s. “You would?”
“Of course I would,” Tup’s blush at the admission showed even through the smooth brown of his skin. “I always like talking to you."
"I like talking to you, too," you replied, feeling a bit dizzy at the conversational turn. "You're probably my favorite person to spend time with."
"Really?" Tup asked, perking up a bit. "Then… do you want to come to 79s with me? Maybe tomorrow night?"
"79s is a dance club..?" you guessed slowly, trying to remember what little you knew about the place. You weren't really the clubbing type, but for Tup? You would gladly try to be.
"Yeah! A lot of us clones go there. Some guys won't go anywhere else," Tup explained. "Do you want to come? No pressure…"
"Of course I will!" you insisted. "Are you sure none of the others will mind me tagging along?"
Tup blushed a bit, rubbing at the back of his neck. "There, uh, won't be any others. It'll just be you and me. Like a… a date. It is a date. I mean, will you go on a date with me?"
You had been putting so much effort into following Tup's train of thought that you stared at him for a long moment after he had finished speaking. He stared back, dark eyes intense, and you snapped back to the moment.
"Yes!" you agreed loudly, winced, and corrected yourself to a more natural volume. "Yes. Tup, I would be thrilled to go on a date with you."
Tup looked so excited that you forgot to apologize for shouting in his face a moment before. "That's great! I'll come get you here- I don't have a speeder. I can meet you here and we'll go together? Or I could just meet you there, or-"
"Let's meet here," you offered.
"That seems easiest," Tup agreed gratefully. With a shy smile, he said, “Thank you for agreeing to go. I’ve wanted to ask you for a long time.”
“I would have said yes months ago,” you admitted before you could censor yourself, and felt your face grow hot.
Tup’s eyebrows shot up his forehead at that, then a wicked smile spread across his face as his eyes heated. In a voice that was a full octave lower than you were used to hearing from him, he murmured, “Sounds like we need to make up for some lost time, then.”
You nodded breathlessly. You didn’t know where that sudden wave of confidence had come from, but it was a good look on him.
“Seven?” he asked.
“How about six,” you suggested.
He grinned and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “It’s a date.”
You watched him leave your office, an unfamiliar swagger in his step. You shook your head and smiled, cheek still warm from his lips.
Six couldn’t come soon enough.
A/N - thanks for reading this silly little fic! I'm still taking requests, so feel free to request something or see similar works on my masterlist.
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yurimother · 5 years
Top Yuri Anime Poll Results
Whether it is subtext or explicit, cute or sexy, school love or gay action thrillers I love yuri anime. These series either focus on or contain elements of female same-sex relationships. Pride month is the perfect time to look back and reflect on the best of this genre. I teamed up with OG Man of The Yuri Nation (yurination[dot] wordpress[dot] com/) and together we put out a poll asking what you thought the top yuri anime series were and over 1000 of you responded submitting almost 5000 different entries. We spent hours combing through the data, analyzing and commenting on the results and we would like to share our thoughts with all of you. Enjoy the reflections of me the yuri critic and OG the dedicated yuri fan!
These are the Top 20 Yuri Anime as voted by you
1. Bloom Into You - 692 Votes
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OG: Be it East or West the YagaKimi took the world by storm. Citrus and BiY once again taking the top two spots remains unsurprising.There is something undeniably fascinating about our leading ladies consisting of an asexual slowly coming to love her senpai back but restraining herself for various reasons. The biggest one being said senpai having a deep case of self-loathing and a fear of romantic reciprocation, also for various reasons. She is like “I love you but please do not love me back”. Then there is one of the most popular “cursed” lesbians of all time in Sayaka, the fantastic adult side-couple (The world needs an anime starring lesbian adults/mothers) and the various other characters who have their own interesting tales to tell. The series absolutely deserves a spot in the Top 10 though it would not be in my personal Top 3. Oh and as Yurimother said the presentation was fantastic.Visually stunning from start to finish in my opinion. Special mention goes to the criminally underused first-person “camera”. So cool.
YuriMother: I agree with this series deserving a spot in the top ten even if not the number one slot. For me, it was good but not great. Moments such as the aforementioned adult couple as well as stellar art and a phenomenal score made this series enjoyable but they were not enough to overshine the problems of the narrative. For the love of the Yuri Goddess, this series is crying out for asexual representation but insists on carrying on with its confused romance. Enough complaining though, many people love Bloom Into You despite its faults and I agree. The characters are interesting and lovable and it manages to tell a yuri story more real and complex than the typical fluffy girl meets girl narratives.
2. Citrus - 452 Votes
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YuriMother: The presence of Citrus and Bloom Into You prove two things to me, the importance of recency, as both anime aired only last year, and the sheer popularity of these series. Both had established and extremely successful manga runs which were adapted into English by the publishing masters of yuri, Seven Seas. Citrus is a contentious series, to say the least, as it includes elements of (non-blood related) incest and non-consensual actions as part of Mei and Yuzu’s “relationship.” However, if you possess the magical power to turn off the part of your brain screaming at you that those aspects are deeply problematic or if you seek a different interpretation then Citrus can be downright WONDERFUL. I actually loved this anime series for its characters, amazing animation, and salaciousness. As OG said, it is an operatic concussion of emotion (seriously everyone in the series needs therapy) but my is it fun to watch. The Citrus anime also holds a special place in my heart, as the first serious piece I ever wrote was a review for it over on Okazu (nice plug)! Citrus is certainly not for everyone but those that stuck with it and overlooked some of the problems ended up loving it.
OG: Here we are again with Citrus at #2. My thoughts on the series remains the same as in the previous two lists I discussed (the Akiba Research and goo Ranking Japan lists), overrated. Good soap opera/telenovela-esque series but my feelings on the cast are mixed (which I imagine was the writer’s intent). My main issue has always been the obstacles repeatedly challenging Yuzu and Mei’s feelings for each other instead of it focusing on “Hey. We like each other but our parents got married. What do we do? Can we keep our desires for each other in check?”. Instead it is one newcomer after another who want to eat either Yuzu or Mei and Yuzu repeatedly asking herself if she really wants robo-stepsister patties? I will give the anime adaptation credit. The story was easier to enjoy animated than drawn. It also helped that I grew up in a telenovela loving family. The characters’ actions, reactions and emotions were depicted better in the anime. I still consider the show’s greatest accomplishment being the humanization of Mei-Tron. In the manga it took a post-epilogue continuation to show readers “Hey everyone. Mei-Tron was human all along.” whereas in the anime I sensed the small bit of humanity quicker than in the manga where I continued seeing her as a block of wood with a brain up to the point where I dropped it. Harumin though is the greatest regardless of anime or manga adaptation. Bless her. Regardless of how I feel about the series I get its massive popularity. After all, were the rest of the story to get an animated continuation I would gladly pick it up...Not the manga though.
3. Sakura Trick - 342 Votes
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OG: There are fans who understandably would disagree with Sakura Trick’s praise but I will always defend it and the anime as one of the very best in the genre. First off it aired at a time where animated on-screen close up kisses (specifically consensual ones) between ladies were rare. Haruka X Yuu’s relationship was believable for the most part. Even their season finale resolution, them not getting what being “in love” meant at the time, made sense though I get why it left some scratching their heads. Probably not the best “manga lure/bait” end I suppose. On the bright side Kotone X Shizuku’s story definitely did not have the two doubting their true feelings for each other. I do hope Kaede X Yuzu eventually hooked up in the manga as they too had potential to be a lovely couple.
YuriMother: Sakura Trick has no real narrative, no great insight, and offers little intellectually. As a teacher, it makes me furious, as a fan of yuri, elated. The anime is beloved for its plentiful soft service, presenting a plethora of kisses, cuddles, and awkward thigh shots (ew). However, it was one of the first anime to include this much explicit yuri service without being pornographic. All the characters were cute and fun, even if there was little in the way of development or complexity, it worked for the series. If you want something to make you think or to learn about yuri, pass over this one. But, if you want a cute and meaningless anime definitely watch it.
4. Yuru Yuri - 337 Votes
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YuriMother: OG may not be a fan of Yuru Yuri but I certainly am, which is fairly obvious to anyone who observes that a solid 20% of my communications occur in the form of gifs from this series. It is hilarious, cute, and playful. Just like Sakura Trick, this anime is an easy watch with ultimately little substance. However, the part of me that is not rolling of the floor laughing every time I watch Yuru Yuri lives in a state of pained existence with the knowledge that this work of all things ended up being so popular when people are telling interesting stories about queer women and people in actual relationship that manage to still be funny and adorable while having something to say.
OG: The undisputed most mainstream friendly yuri series there is. It is also one of the funniest. My one gripe is that excluding a select few the main draw of the show besides the comedy and yuri is the ship wars, meaning (almost any girl can be shipped with each other). Not a fan of that but hey, it brought Namori the big bucks so who am I to judge? In any case not much else to add. It deserves all the adulation it gets but the free for all shipping irks me. Reminds me of how they botched Chika X Riko in the Love Live! Sunshine!! Anime. If you were going down the Riko X Yohane route from the start then why give us Chika X Riko in the first half? Ship wars yo. Tch. Hopefully I properly explained myself..
5. Kase-san and Morning Glories (Asagao to Kase-san) - 289 Votes
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OG: Still wish this got a 12-13 episode anime. The glorious movie showed how much it deserves one. Whether it will happen or not remains to be seen. In any case the beauty of Kase-san X Yamada is how simple their romance is. No strings attached whatsoever. It is as straightforward as a self-proclaimed “ordinary” cutie, Yamada, having a crush on the super cool school beauty Kase-san. Said beauty is revealed to be just as “adorkable” as Yamada. The other highlight is their story not ending once they officially started dating (as is the case with many romance stories) but that being only the beginning, like real life. From then on, side-stories aside, the two biggest challenges for the two is Yamada accepting that it is okay for someone as “ordinary” as her to be the “cool babe”s girlfriend and Kase-san finding different ways to express her love/hunger for the cutie. As for the OVA, cramming the second part of the first series in an hour definitely had the downside of excluding some important moments, yes, but it at least covered some of the best moments in the manga. The first half of the story was summarized in a five-minute music video. One last thing. The animation, though a bit too brought for some, was glorious. It also had some long pauses which were effective (The bus stop scene being the most infamous) but while I did not mind them at all even I will admit some pauses went a bit too long. A small nitpick all things considered. Fingers crossed one day we either get that 12-13 episode anime for the first series, the sequel or both. That is one of my dreams.
YuriMother: At last, an anime that I do not have to react cynically to! Kase-san is one of the single greatest works of yuri animation to ever to be created and its glory is rivaled only by the manga from which it originated. Despite being only a one hour long OVA this adaption told such an engaging and realistic (finally) story of romance and personal growth. We get to skip the meatless girl meets girls arcs and get into the depth and complexity as Yamada and Kase work to further their relationship. They struggle with the fact that they are two different people who want different things out of life and love and have to actually work on their partnership. Kase-san also includes signs of physical affection and love that are never lewd, immature, or gross, I do not even think I could refer to them as “service”. However, for me, Kase-san’s greatest victory (both the anime and manga) is in its escape from school romance, which in this genre is often a shelter from reality, allowing for women to be in relationships without actually being queer. Kase and Yamada instead make an effort to continue their romance and build a life that includes their relationship once they graduate in a triumphant final act. This anime is a slap in the face to the class S stories and sloppily sexualized works which proliferate the yuri genre. Asagao to Kase-san shines as a holy beacon for the greatness that this genre can achieve.
6. Puella Magi Madoka Magica - 286 Votes
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YuriMother: Hurray!! For two entries in a row, I get to talk about series that I wholeheartedly adore without having to constantly attach caveats. Puella Magi Madoka Magica is not considered by all to be yuri, and that is certainly not what it is best known for. PMMM is however famous for twisting the tropes of the magical girl genre and creating one of the most cohesive and thoughtful narratives ever put to screen. This series summoned a new era for the magical girl genre (what OG humorously referred to as the “Moepocalypse”) but no other title managed to top Madoka Magica’s runaway success. Every aspect of this work is highly polished including character designs, a phenomenal soundtrack, and superb writing. This is not only the definitive work of its genre but of all postmodern anime. Whether or not one is a fan of yuri every anime fan should give Madoka Magica a watch.
OG: Meduka Meguca. Its impact in the “Moepocalypse” (Shows where cute and sexy girls consistently suffering physically and emotionally. These are usually dark magical girl shows.) genre and legacy are undeniable. It deserves all the praise it gets. It scarred many unfortunate souls, Homura is a legend in yuridom, Kyouko X Sayaka are glorious (Especially in Rebellion), Meduka’s Mom Junko is a Top Tier Sexy Mama, Charlotte the Witch is a very strange girlfriend and of course Hitomi is a walking anti-fun meme. The animation, especially the creepy doodle like monsters known as Witches are memorable. However, it is not my favorite Moepocalypse show. That honor goes to Yuki Yuna is a Hero.
7. Strawberry Panic - 224 Votes
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OG: Like it or not Strawberry Panic is a yuri classic. I have a strong feeling that like many readers around my age (31 during this writing) this was their first 100% yuri anime. The cheese is real but it is the yummy kind of cheese and I loved almost every minute of it, except Amane X Hikari. That was the weakest of the love stories going on. Poor Yaya trying too hard (Not saying this in condescending way. She literally tried too hard). It is like a young adult lesbian novel but more fun. I mean Nagisa X Shizuma might as well be “Lesbian Twilight but not crappy”. Let us be honest, Shizuma is a vampire. Chikaru is an undisputed goddess and Kagome is the cutest.
Oh and I will repeat this statement till my last breath…
YuriMother: I may be almost a decade younger than OG but even for me Strawberry Panic was my first yuri and it more than earns its nickname as the “gateway yuri,” although last year’s Citrus and Bloom Into You may be presenting serious contenders for this title. If for no other reason than nostalgia, Strawberry Panic remains my favorite yuri works but this ridiculous soap-opera of an anime does deserve a fair amount of recognition. I see Strawberry Panic as the culmination of the S subgenre revived by Maria Watches Over Us. However, this work succeeds at both parodying many of the tropes of S and yuri while breaking a few. However, its greatest accomplishment is introducing many of the young western fans of yuri to the genre. Strawberry Panic, you are an overly dramatic mess but thank you for all you have done.
8. Revolutionary Girl Utena - 176 Votes
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YuriMother: Another gem of the yuri genre, actually scratch that, if works like Kase-san are gems then Utena is the minerals from which gems form. I think that is how it works, I am not a geologist. My poor analogies and subtle nods to Steven Universe aside, Revolutionary Girl Utena is one of the single most important works of yuri anime, possibly even more so than Sailor Moon. These two works were the dawn of the current age of yuri, an era spurn on by social progress and the internet into a place where more yuri works featuring honest depictions of homosexuality are flourishing. Utena laid the groundwork for queer representation in anime and for that I remain forever grateful to this masterpiece.
OG: I must confess. While I saw the movie long ago and thought it was cool I have yet to sit down and finish watching the main series. I cannot say much about this show other than it is another yuri classic. Possibly one of the biggest. I think I will leave this to Her Holiness because even if I had seen it I do not consider myself someone who possesses the sufficient intellect to properly explain why this is a legendary show.
9. Flip Flappers - 132 Votes
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OG: I would need an essay to explain why this show is legendary. Let me see. It is a story of a girl who discovered her gayness thanks to her growing attraction to a lovable idiot/genki. There are references to Western media, dimension hopping (including Class S Hell), self-discovery, a sexual orientation journey, a tree, armored wedding gowns, crazy third wheels, Ku Klux Klan stand-ins…You know what? Just watch Flip Flappers. It is a hot mess of random, crazy, creative and thought provoking awesomeness with a wonderful dose of gayness. Glory be to PapiCoco. However, as Her Holiness mentioned this is essentially Ikuhara-san levels of weirdness (though not as complicated I feel) but as the plot thickens it all (sort of) starts making sense...eventually. That tree yo.
YuriMother: Flip Flappers was almost too strange and abstract even for me, and that is saying something. However, upon further examination, one of the most interesting works of yuri is revealed. This heavily stylized anime delves deep into the sexual maturation of its protagonist while examining the yuri genre and representation in media. Flip Flappers is the perfect marriage of heavy visual style and intellectual substance. Definitely give them one a.. err better make that three watches, as you will want to be sure to get everything out of this beautiful series as possible.
10. Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid - 131 Votes
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YuriMother: This series is the closest anime fans have to a lesbian couple having a family that we have, and that is a shame. I LOVE family narratives, outside of the yuri genre Usagi Drop is my favorite anime. To me, seeing women balance life, a relationship, and children is some of the best queer representation there is. However, for every point in Kobayashi’s favor, there is also a glaring fault. Kobayashi is a modern woman in the workforce providing for herself and her “family,” but is borderline abusive to Tohru. Kanna is an inquisitive child being raising by two women, but there are weirdly sexual scenes featuring her. As previously mentioned on this list, if one can silence the reasonable part of the brain this work becomes enjoyable, hilarious, and adorable. Unfortunately, its faults prevent it from being more than an amusement and I seriously doubt that they will fade in the second season. But hey, it sells a ton of figures so… YAY!
OG: This series is one of the closest yuri fans have to a series starring a lesbian couple with a daughter and it is wonderful. Is the tale of an eternally grateful dragon who wanted to repay the human who saved her life, albeit drunk, by becoming her live-in maid. Tohru being a dragon girl had incredible power and could easily crush everyone in sight but preferred to try and understand humanity so she could live in peace with the woman she loved. It of course was hard at times but thanks to Miss Kobayashi slowly growing to accept her back (romantically she had a ways to go) and the two raising the adorable bundle of mighty puff known as Kanna they became a happy family. How long this relationship will last and whether Miss Kobayashi would come to fully love Tohru back romantically remains to be seen. I have high hopes it can and will happen. Kanna X Riko is precious (Yes. Even that scene). We even have a potential BL couple, which is nice. Not a fan of Lucoa X Shouta the shota. Not because of the age gap but it not being my kind of romantic comedy. It is the same reason I have a hard time buying Tsubame X Misha from UzaMaid. Mya-Nee X Hana from Wataten...maybe. At least Mya-Nee showed she is patient. Back to Dragon Maid. Great series. Naughty of course but great.
11. Sweet Blue Flowers (Aoi Hana) - 119 Votes
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OG: Megane girl falls for a cutie but has a hard time confessing to her to the point she gives a relationship with another girl a try. Said other girl has troubles of her own courtesy of her own views on what love. Do not get me started on the OTHER girl who likes megane’s girlfriend. I did not even mention megane girl’s first love interest who she herself eventually begins questioning her feelings for the glasses wearing maiden. While this is well known throughout the history of yuri anime Aoi Hana made it clearer than ever that Yuri + Classical Music go hand in hand. Plus the show is quite pretty. Ultimately enjoyment of this series depends heavily on viewers’ patience.
YuriMother: Aoi Hana was ahead of its time in many regards. Most yuri during the early twenty-first century was unrealistic and melodramatic, especially with the revival of S stories. Aoi Hana instead presents a calm and realistic story that we still rarely see in yuri anime today. Instead of relying on tricks like service or comedy Aoi Hana presents a serene and character-driven story which is matched by equally calming scenery. It is certainly not the most thrilling watch, but a slow and beautiful slice of real life that remains one of the all-time strongest yuri works.
12. Yurikuma Arashi - 99 Votes
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YuriMother: Yurikuma Arashi is strange, to say the least, but this is not out of the ordinary for legendary director Ikuhara, who also directed Utena. Parallels are easily drawn between this work and Flip Flappers, as they are both complex and encoded with enough symbolism to drown a bear. Yurikuma is one of my favorite works in the yuri genre and I have had more than a few heated discussions about interpretations of the work, including one memorable occasion when I was visiting a college professor and we ended up in a shouting match in the middle of the hall. However, while Flip Flappers holds a high degree of polish the same can, unfortunately, not be said here. Yurikuma Arashi has more than a few scenes of fanservice many of which overly fetishize the characters and relationship and some of the symbols, particularly lily flowers and the word “yuri” are practically beaten to death with an object I refuse to come up with because I am starting to have my fill of symbolism. However, despite some of its sloppiness, Yurikuma is one of the single most interesting and well-formed anime out there and analyzing it is practically a right of passage for seasoned yuri fans.
OG: Yurikuma Arashi is my favorite of Ikuhara-san’s series. To me it was the least complicated of his works but even so I needed help to understand the show. Luckily I had plenty of assistance. The meat of the story is more complicated but put simply it is about a war between a group of bear girls (and some human girls) who want to freely express their love and/or desire/hunger for each other and another group that amounts to Right to Censor from WWF. Like I said it is far more complex than that but that is the gist. The anime is quite ecchi and it has good reason for it. Again the gay bears are the more liberated of the groups and them getting more sexy scenes is meant to showcase that. Our heroine has good reason to be grumpy and a divine entity was introduced alongside a certain someone from a certain dark anime we already discussed.
In the end it is a show starring lesbian bear girls. I love love stories between women and i love bears. It was obvious I would end up enjoying this one. Like other complex stories it is not for everyone. Shows like Flip Flappers, Utena and Yurikuma have something of a learning people will have to get accustomed to in order to enjoy them.
13. Whispered Words (Sasameki Koto) - 88 Votes
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OG: To me Aoi Hana and Sasameki Koto were always connected despite the former being a drama and the latter a comedy. Both star a female protagonist struggling with how to best tell the girl she likes her true feelings whereas their love interest for one reason or another makes it all the more challenging to get their feelings across. Both shows aired during a time yuri was not as popular of a genre as it would become over time. Perhaps if they had come out a little later when yuri was becoming more popular in the mainstream they would have fared better…Then again they may have helped set the groundwork for future yuri shows so it’s just as well they came out when they did. In any case both good shows worthy of “best of yuri” lists. SK has the dynamic of the megane in love and her somewhat airheaded love interest who specifically likes “cute girls”. Poor megane has a hard time figuring out what the airhead defines as “cute”. The show also features an amusing side-couple of an ojou-sama and her tsundere girlfriend. Not to mention the somewhat controversial side-girl who plays a more prominent role in the 2nd half of the anime. Heck, even Mr Crossdresser himself is cool. Let us not forget Miss “Ha Ha Ha!” Another really good show that I would love to see the rest of the manga get animated someday but considering most anime are essentially manga commercials and the SK manga ended the odds of a 2nd season are close to 0.
YuriMother: 2009 was a great year for yuri anime, with both Sasameki Koto and Aoi Hana, among other works, airing. But while Aoi Hana sought to resist many of the common tropes of the genre and tell a simple grounded story Sasameki Koto appears to have looked a the list of every convention possible and say “yeah I can do that.” It has melodrama, comedy, one-sided love, friend love stories, I worship this genre but even I think there is a limit. However, Sasameki Koto is one of the most competent yuri anime works of the current era. While all the tropes are present most of the problematic aspects of the genre are not. The story is well written, characters enjoyable, and art that is really well done for the time. I enjoy every watch and if I ever want to quickly download the genre’s tropes into another person's head I need only duct tape them to a chair and throw on Sasameki Koto.
14. Riddle Story of Devil (Akuma no Riddle) - 77 Votes
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YuriMother: Akuma no Riddle was highly anticipated back in 2014, sporting a premise of student assassins that, while certainly not unique, was outside the norms for the yuri genre. It promised a dark and thrilling take on the yuri genre that would not become popular until the yuri horror trend a few years later. At first, it looked like this would be successful with an excellent setup and some pretty compelling characters but ultimately Akuma no Riddle fell flat and became more derailed as it continued. The monster of the week style of episodes left little room for complex plots and plans or proper character development, which is a shame because of how engaging so many of the assassins were upon original presentation. However, this show still has some of the best action in the yuri genre, placing it alongside series like Cannan and Utena despite its flawed storytelling. If nothing else, the anime may compel one to read the manga, which expands the story and characters more than the show was given time to.
OG: Professional assassins secretly gathered at an academy in an attempt to take the life of a seemingly innocent cutie to win the ultimate prize, one of whom wishes to protect the adorable redhead. Yes the manga, which is pretty much a Director’s Cut, is better and the anime would have benefited from having 20+ episodes instead of 12 and a delightful beach OVA but the show did a good job of showing viewers what each assassin was like, their motivations (though many of their origin stories were summarized in written biographies during commercial breaks viewers needed to pause to read) were clear enough and the duels, as brief as some of them were, had enough spicy goodness in them to be memorable, especially the ones in the latter half of the show. Oh, and although the manga wrapped up after the anime it had a very similar ending.
15. Revue Starlight - 72 Votes
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OG: Gay theater girls who strive to become the top star, meaning the best actress or lead actor of the cast. How do they do it? By working hard and overcoming their personal hardships? Yes. That. What makes this show so wonderful despite being almost a year old as of this writing is not only do the ladies all have interesting stories to tell but so does the stage. Every song, prop, movement, dance, gesture etc. It is like the performers and performances are united. It is like in Spongebob where not only does the person in the boots tell a story but the boots as well.
Oh yes. I almost forgot to mention the mysterious underground theater and talking giraffe. Never forget the talking giraffe from Hell. #Wakarimasu.
Super cool and super gay.
YuriMother: Bushiroad continuously gets better at what they do, creating media franchises of cute girls filled with music and making mountains of cash from smartphone games. Inspired by the likes of Love Live, they created BanG Dream and last year Revue Starlight. However, where these franchises fell short Revue Starlight success. It never twists its characters to tell a story but rather creates compelling arcs around them. I thoroughly enjoyed and agree with its place on this list.
16. Konohana Kitan - 68 Votes
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YuriMother: I know of Konohana Kitan for its constant presence at yuri events more so than the anime or even the manga. It is adorable, relaxing, simple, and fun. While it does not add anything super substantial to the genre it does not take anything either or present any objectionable material. The “plot” is nonexistent but that does not matter, as it is not trying to tell a story or make commentary, just be fluffy and simple.
OG: Konohana Kitan to me is a Girls Club (Cute girls doing cute things) and iyashikei hybrid anime. It is visually stunning as it is relaxing with Yuzu pretty much one of the cutest demigoddesses in existence. She of course is a chick magnet but her heart will forever belong to Satsuki.
17. Destiny of the Shrine Maiden (Kannazuki no Miko) - 65 Votes
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OG: The other stuff on the show is still not that great but ChiMeko will forever stand the test of time as far as I’m concerned. Top 10 for their love story alone. Yes. I know THAT ONE SCENE continues being controversial and talked about every time curious new yuri fans witness greatness…but I will forever defend Chikane because I get where she was coming from. Would I have done something different? Yes. The thing is you need to put yourself in her shoes and understand what she wanted to accomplish and how far she would go to get it done. Kotoha is best side-character and Souma Ogami is real man’s man who does not deserve the hate. He was an honorable warrior to the end. He fought well and accepted defeat like a man. Plus his yell is inspirational.
YuriMother: My feelings on Kannazuki no Miko are incredibly mixed. It has many of the worst facets of early current era yuri anime, tropes include S, rape and… am I reading this correctly, demon mechs? Worst of all it presents a cycle, a never-ending loop that haunts the characters in the overarching plot and it does not resolve it. If a work ever presents such an element, like Puella Magi did, it must be overcome or confronted at least. Its presence makes the already cringy story feels cheap and lazy. However, I love the two female leads and their difficult relationship. I love the music, especially the hauntingly beautiful ending theme, and the final moments of episode 11 are some of the greatest seconds I have ever seen in an anime. I cannot wrap my mind around my view of this series but at the end of the day, I understand it. I do not believe that work like it would ever be warmly accepted today but for its time it does stand as a breakout piece of yuri anime.
18. Princess Principal - 61 Votes
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YuriMother: Princess Principal is one of the best anime of the past few years. It had everything, an interesting premise, great characters, an incredible soundtrack. Alongside all this is the sharp writing and thrilling story. Princess Principal did everything Akuma no Riddle wanted to with an intriguing and action-packed story featuring strong characters. On top of all this, the animation is top notch. A six-part movie sequel is planned which has me somewhat concerned, but I am glad to see that it is being continued as the ending to the series was one of its weakest aspects. Now if you will excuse me, I need to listen to some jazz.
OG: Cute and sexy gay spies in a dramatic British Steampunk setting. What more do readers need? Allow Her Holiness to elaborate a bit further. Currently waiting for the multi-part cinematic continuation.
19. Izetta: The Last Witch - 60 Votes
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OG: I am known for loving shows people do not think as highly of. Izetta: The Last Witch is no different. I love this show so much. Besides how certain events transpired some complained about the depiction of WW2. Basically think about people ranting about storylines and content featured in certain Call of Duty and Battlefield games. Here however, it is clearly a fictional great war inspired by WW2. I was invested in the following:
-The cute and sexy ladies.
-Seeing two badass lesbians lead an army against an evil empire.
-FiZetta’s romance. This of course being the major highlight. I love FiZetta so much. My sexy lesbian babies and Anne X Grea’s mentors. They taught them everything they know after all.
It is similar to how I felt watching Kannazuki no Miko where my focus was primarily on the leading ladies’ developing romance. The difference is that unlike Kannazuki I was also somewhat entertained by our heroines’ enemies along with their allies. Basically viewers’ enjoyment of the show depends on how seriously they take their history and are willing to overlook the liberties this story takes with its depictions of the weapons, military and the familiar evil empire. FiZetta are one of my favorite lesbian couples of all time.
By the way, in that famous scene, yes they did. Viewers just have to squint their eyes to see “it”.
YuriMother: Another show that I consider to have squandered its potential. I know that lots of people enjoyed this one, including OG but I could not bring myself to finish this constantly mediocre series. Perhaps I am tired of alternative light-fantasy European-war inspired plots. Trying to stand out in this bloated genre is difficult and Izetta fails. Izetta started strong and hooked many viewers with its amazing visual and auditory polish but this was quickly lost in the plot which, while set up well, struggle to gain any ground of pay off what had been established. On the yuri side, it did not really do anything interesting or satisfying, with plenty of scenes feature the character’s standing next to each other looking cute and one or two moments of actual yuri. I am glad that some of you were able to enjoy this one more than me at least.
20. Maria Watches Over Us (Maria-sama ga Miteru) - 57 Votes
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OG: Like Strawberry Panic this is a “Like it or not” classic. Despite being a Class S show it did its own thing and became a pioneer for . It’s also responsible for the many yuri jokes related to all-girl schools in anime.Shimako X Noriko best Grande and Petite Souer! Yumiko X Sachiko were great too as the two grew to better understand each other. Most memorable scene for me was the panda costume. Even Sei is a sleeper icon in all yuridom. Yoshino X Rei had a very interesting dynamic. I actually think they are the real pioneers of relationships between cousins. Thank you YoshiRei. HaruKana, Kaede X Sara and several others owe you two much appreciation.
YuriMother: Another great and significant series, Maria Watches Over Us, took the tropes of early yuri works, Catholic schools, a lack of men, piano scenes, and emotional relationship rather than physical ones and turned the dial up to 11. For better or worse, it single-handedly revived the Class S genre and was copied (and parodied) endlessly for over a decade. However much I complain about S I actually do not think that we would have the current age of yuri without its popularity and proliferation at the beginning of the century so I owe a big thank you to Maria Watches Over Us for that. Ignoring its historical importance and literary significance the anime still presents an engaging plot with wonderful characters and more butchered French than my last trip to Europe. It is certainly worth a watch and worthy of a place on this list.
What do you think should be on this list?:
YuriMother: As I previously said, this is a pretty perfect list. As far as missing titles I can think of the following.
Simoun - not the greatest in terms of plot or animation but it had cute service and a fun action-packed plot.
Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl - This series may be strange and present the dreaded love triangle but it did its best to tell a transgender narrative in 2006, naturally this involved aliens, and I applaud it for its attempts.
Cannan - This series is light on the yuri but heavy on the suspense, action, and amazing character designs. The terrorist plot is exciting and the final train fight featured in the series is one of the greatest action spectacles in anime that somehow manages to remain grounded.
-Harukana Receive: Best all-female sports anime ever made. Plus the gayness is not subtle at all.
-Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku: Eruna Ichinomiya is an underrated yuri icon. While not the first of her kind (That honor, I think, goes to Galaxy Fraulein Yuna) she set the standard of cool and inspirational badass lesbian protagonists who are proud of who they are and...also happen to be super perverts. Eruna made it cool to be such a protagonist. It is nice seeing a lesbian lead who does not care what anyone else thinks. She is hungry for cute girl booties. While she often loses her control in the presence of pure beauty she, as an inspiration for others like her, has enough self-control to not go overboard (most of the time).
-Symphogear: Symphogear is love, Symphogear is life. Hopefully Season 5 will keep up the good work.
-Rinne no Lagrange: My favorite mecha anime and the reason I embrace OT3s when the signs are there. Not the greatest but man was it fun. Plus Madoka Kyouno is still sexy.
-Yuki Yuna wa Yuusha de Aru: My favorite Moepocalypse anime of all time. Yuna X Togo taught me to love and trust some people outside my closest family again.
-Mouretsu Pirates: If someone were to ask me “Hey OG. What to you is the perfect anime?”. I would tell them Mouretsu/Bodacious Space Pirates.
-Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl. Thanks to the first fan commenting and reminding me of it. Definitely worthy of a spot. #HazumuWasAlwaysFemale
Final Thoughts:
OG: Pretty good list and close to what mine would look like were I to make one. Reason I have yet to do so is because I do not feel confident enough to pick a favorite yuri anime of all time. Favorite yuri manga and couples? That I can do, but anime always seems to give me a hard time choosing my absolute favorites. Like I said though, a potential yuri list of mine would look something like this. I also found it interesting how similar the Top 10 are among both our respective fanbases and visitors to the poll conducted by the Akiba Research Institute.
YuriMother: I may have done most the complaining and left the praise to OG but I actually and really happy with this list. I think that every title presented is a worthy addition and while I would certainly move some higher or lower than their current placing I do not believe that these are too far off from my own opinions, which is surprising for a popularity poll. More than anything I am thrilled to see that works I dislike that I thought to be popular did not make this list. Perhaps I should have more faith in people and their opinions. Everyone did such a wonderful job voting and I am so grateful!
Thank you so much everyone for reading and for voting in the top yuri anime poll. To see the full results of the poll and to support yuri news, reviews, and content, check out the YuriMother Patreon. Happy Pride Month
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X-Men Characters Ranking (I) The Worst
These characters aren’t what I would call the worst in the sense that I hate them and I don’t want to see them ever again, because I don’t dislike them as much as I hate how writers have treated them, many of them being basically anything other than plot devices and never having a chance to become better characters. I don’t think there’s no hope for them, only that I haven’t seen them getting chances to prove me there is.
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Thunderbird/John Proudstar
This character is a joke in the worst sense of the word, basically being known as “Guy who died and unlike the rest didn’t come back”. It has reached a point Joanthan Hickman needed to create an explanation in-universe to why the hell this is the case!!! The fact all of this happens to the first native american member of the team is unfortunate. Thank God John’s own brother James, Forge and especially Danielle Moonstar came soon after to fix that.
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Slipstream/Davis Cameron
I don’t want to sound mean, I really don’t want to, but I really, really, really don’t care about this character. How’s possible for a legend like Chris Claremont, who created so many memorable characters, create one so devoid of any interesting quality? If you want a X-Men male character who’s a surfer, just go with Havok in X-Men Evolution. Her sister Heather is a slightly better case, mostly thanks to the revelation that she’s actually part of Shi’ar royalty and we see her dealing with her body changing while she discovers her inheritance.
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Initially introduced as a possibly rejuvenated Magneto who decided to undo Magneto’s wrongdoings, what could have been the perfect opportunity to develop the character of Magneto was quickly wasted when writers at the time thought It would be more interesting to make him the third party in a love triangle involving Rogue and Remy. The revelation he was actually just Magneto’s clon and his death proved how much they regretted creating him.
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Feral/Maria Callasantos
Maria’s backstory on paper could be a perfect way to create a compelling character: abused since her childhood, and killed her stepfather to protect her sister. Unfortunately Feral was created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld, who were more interested in action and fights than in writing compelling characters, and in Maria’s case it really shows. Her perpetual hostility towards her teammates quickly made her unlikeable, and soon after she was written out of the team. But while characters like Shatterstar have become fan favorites thanks to the works of writers like Peter David Feral has remained a character no writer has bothered to do anything with her, except depower her after the House of M event to later made Sabretooth kill her.
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None of the characters that joined the X-Men after the events in Operation Zero Tolerance became universal fan-favorites, but while Marrow and Cecilia Reyes have managed to still pop-up here and there occasionally, Maggott quickly became the fandom’s punching bag, being an usual entry in the “worst mutants/powers” lists and soon after his debut became killed. In a concentration camp, just so his death could be anymore fucked-up. Yikes.
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Omega Sentinel/Karima Shapandar
The idea of a biosentinel who still retains her humanity and which she uses to fight against her programming to team-up with mutants and become their friend instead of hunting them down is pretty compelling. Despite that Karima has become a punchline for her tendency to be a character who tends to get possessed or brainwashed too much in a franchise and a genre where character being possessed or brainwashed has become commonplace. It seemed like that cycle was finally going to finish after Brian Wood decided to published an all female team on his X-Men run and decided to make Karima turned back into a human but stay with her mutant friends, but all of that got thrown away when Jonathan Hickman took over, make her a biosentinel again and because he really wants to push the narrative of us vs them he made her team-up with the evil human organization who wants to wipe out mutants, because he says so. Thanks Johnny.
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Lifeguard/Heather Cameron
Like I already said above Heather is a slightly more interesting character than her brother Davis, especially after the reveal of her Shi’ar ancestry and her transformation to a much more alien appearance. Although I must admit I initially dislike the character for completely petty reasons. More specifically, the fact she was introduced and paired up with Neal Shaara when Psylocke’s death was still recent, because Neal was sentimentally involved with her at the time. Shipping tends to do those things.
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Stacy X/Miranda Leevald
The accusation of female characters being created just to eye-candy is one that I think gets thrown around in excess lately, but in the case of Stacy X it’s pretty much the perfect textbook example. She’s introduced as a prostitute, wears revealing clothing, her powers cause orgasms, flirts with a lot of her male teammates, and let’s not forget that infamous time Chuck Austen thought it would be a good idea to write her saying she was going to watch porn after getting in an argument. Classy. The worst part is that her example was so obvious that she never became really popular among fans, and the writers quickly got rid of her in the most unceremonious way possible, depowering her in the aftermath of House of M, without bothering to even give her the opportunity to be a better character. However, I think there’s still hope for her. In the recent Domino Annual Gail Simone gave her a heartbreaking moment in which Miranda had the opportunity to express how she dealt with her power’s loss and how it affected her.
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Sunfire/Shiro Yoshida
I really want to like Shiro, I really do, the issue where he was introduced is still one of my favorites from the Neal Adams and Roy Thomas run. But it’s so obvious writers don’t know what else to do with him except remind people that he doesn’t like teamwork over and over again, feeling like an excuse to include him as little as possible. Also this is a much more shallow reason to dislike him, but I really think he needs an urgent redesign to get rid of that horrible mask.
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Thunderbird/Neal Shaara
His backstory, about discovering a new secret biosentinel program that took advantage of India’s most disadvantaged population while looking for his missing brother, is actually one of my favorites on any X-Men character, being emotionally compelling with some social critic sprinkled over it. Unfortunately once he joined the team the most he did was get romantically involved with female teammates, first with Psylocke, a reason I’m sure a lot of fans at the time hated him because she was with Archangel, although tbh it never bothered me that much, and then with Lifeguard. The fact that after Karima Shapandar, the character that got turned into a biosentinel while helping him look for his brother, joined the X-Men no one single writer bothered to make him meet her again despite it was confirmed he retained his powers after House of M shows how little interest writers were in him. Ouch.
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Although it seems like now with Fallen Angels and Hellions they are trying to make her a much more interesting character, there’s still the fact the character was created an introduced just to have a revealing twist about Psylocke’s body swap, and after the writers realised they didn’t know what to do with her and neither they wanted to fix that, they took the easy way and got rid of her making her contract the Legacy Virus so she could die and they could keep Psylocke being a sexy purple-haired ninja.
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Vulcan/Gabriel Summers
I don’t think X-Men: Deadly Genesis is the unholy abomination many fans think it is, but even I admit they make Gabriel a character really hard to like. To begin with he’s supposed to be the third Summers brother, a mystery in the franchise that was introduced back in the 90s but that never got a satisfactory resolution, only a bunch of clues that lead nowhere and red herrings, in the main timeline at least, Claremont wrote in X-Men: The End the twist the third Summers brother was Remy all along. Anyways, so Gabriel is not only supposed to be the answer to a question fans didn’t care anymore at the time, but he was also part of a retcon, one related to a part as iconic to the X-Men cannon as it is the Giant Size X-Men published in 1975 and whose main point in the story was to show a dark secret Xavier hided to the rest of the X-Men (Still handled better than the bs Bendis wrote during the Original Sin event). But Gabriel, instead of first acting as confused as the rest of the X-Men team after they discover his existence, to later discover the truth of what happened, with him too enraged to listen to reasons and start to attack everyone wether what happened to him was their fault or not, Remender wrote Gabriel as a douchebag from the beginning, kidnapping Scott and Rachel and just being plain awful, especially to the one who was actually his niece. And then there’s the whole becoming the new Shi’ar emperor storyline that I couldn’t care less… Let’s see what Hickman does with him, although my hopes are not exactly high.
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turtlepated · 5 years
The Handbook for the Recently Married (to the Deceased)
Chapter 3 - 
[TW: brief, loose description of a panic attack. Just tread lightly! Don’t wanna upset anybody!]
Tag list: @sapphic-florals , @beetlejuicebeadoll , @do-ya-hear-that-sound , @imtherain , @imsuchahobbit , @pastelnacht , @tialanderrol , @sammyskip
At my pronouncement Beetlejuice whipped around to face me so quickly that his head actually spun on his shoulders like a top for a moment before he stopped it by clapping both palms to either side. There was also an audible record scratch followed by complete silence. “I’m sorry, what was that?” he asked, jamming a finger into his ear and wiggling it vigorously as though a blockage may have caused him to mishear me. “I said I’ll marry you. If you want, that is.” He blinked slowly a few times, his mouth opening and then shutting again. His brow furrowed deeply, his eyes narrowing as he fixed me with a doubtful look. “This is a trick, but I’m not sure how.” Despite the complete absurdity of the situation, or maybe because of it, I laughed through my nose at the blunt certainty in his statement. “No trick, you have my word.” Beetlejuice scoffed incredulously and I recoiled from the spray of saliva, wiping the wetness off my cheek. “Nice try, dollface,” he sneered, pacing around me so that I had to turn to keep him in sight. “I’m not fallin’ for that one.”
“But I really mean it,” I insisted. “You said you wanted life, right?” Eyes still narrowed, Beetlejuice gave a jerky affirmative nod. “Yeah…?” “And the only way for you to… become alive is to marry a living person?” He turned his head, fixing me with a mistrustful side eye. “Yeah…?.” I nodded along, shrugging one shoulder as though it were the most casual suggestion possible. “So then, why not marry me?” 
I could practically hear the wheels in his head turning, his expression softening from skepticism into slack-jawed surprise and back again as he debated internally. I watched, amazed and curious, as shoots of different colors flared in his hair like a neon sign: purple and red and blue and yellow. After taking a long moment to think it over, he looked back at me with eyes wide and round.
“Why?” he asked, his raspy voice so quiet it came out like a croak. My throat tightened and I had to swallow hard to force the feeling back down. No one had ever looked at me with that kind of vulnerability, no one had ever spoken to me with such bald openness, and I wondered if he was even aware of just how transparent he was in this moment.
I flashed him a lopsided smile, relieved when my lips didn’t tremble and the burning in my eyes subsided. “You said you were tired of being alone,” I explained, taking a deep breath and mustering my courage. It was my turn to be open. “I am, too. So… let’s get married.” His brows knitted together, his eyes darting back and forth as he thought, his tongue darting out to wet his parted lips. “You’re… you’re serious?” I nodded firmly. “That way, neither of us has to be alone anymore.” From above and behind us, someone cleared their throat. Beetlejuice turned to look and I leaned sideways, peering over his shoulder at the man on the platform. He was still sweating bullets and pale as milk, but he was trying to smile in a friendly way that ended up more of a grimace.
“It just so happens, I’m ordained,” he announced. “I could marry you right now!” At the podiums, Delia let out a sharp cry of alarm. “Otho!” she chastised, aghast. “What are you doing?!” “Oh, shut up, Delia!” Otho nearly shrieked, his voice ratcheting about an octave higher. “I can’t die in Connecticut! Mr. Ghost Demon, sir, if you’ll let me down I’ll gladly perform a civil ceremony!” Beetlejuice beamed, his previously serious and rather melancholy demeanor wiped away as easily dry erase marker off a board. With a snap of his fingers and a tremendous puff of brilliantly green smoke, the scaffold and gallows disappeared and left Otho standing on solid ground, his hands patting himself down all over as if to make sure it was still in one piece.
“Anything can happen in a live show, folks!” Beetlejuice said into his mic, turning once again as if addressing an audience. “We’ll be right back with the wedding of the century! Eat your hearts out, Will and Kate!” Tossing the mic carelessly over his shoulder (it landed somewhere with a shrill scream of electronic feedback) Beetlejuice reached up and began fussing with his bow tie, smoothing the ruffles down the front of his green polyester button-down shirt. “Let’s get this show on the road, Skippy! What’s first?” he asked, practically bouncing over to Otho and slinging an arm around his shoulders like they were old school friends. Jumping and uttering a tiny frightened sound, Otho cleared his throat and took a moment to compose himself before turning on a winning, charismatic smile of perfectly white teeth. While they worked out the particulars, Delia and the Maitlands converged on me like a flock of extremely concerned birds.
They all began speaking at the same time. “You don’t have to do this!” Adam insisted, whispering vehemently so Beetlejuice wouldn’t overhear. “He’s right, we can figure something out together!” Barbara agreed. “We can’t let you go through with this!” Delia tittered anxiously. “He’s a demon!” “He’s dangerous!” “His vibes are atrocious!” I raised my hands in a supplicant gesture, trying to get them to calm down when I felt a cold, clammy hand take me by the elbow. “Shake a leg, babes! It’s showtime!” Beetlejuice tugged me resolutely after him to where Otho stood with his hands clasped loosely in front of him like a very posh reverend. The specter had undergone another wardrobe change, now wearing a somewhat shabby and extraordinarily garish tuxedo of red crushed velvet, his verdant hair slicked back flat against his head. It took a very long moment for me to realize that since pulling me away from the three distraught sympathizers, Beetlejuice had been talking animatedly.
I had thought that I was making, if not a rational decision, then the only logical choice I could make. Now that the moment was upon me, I found that I wasn’t quite as at peace with the whole arrangement as I’d thought I was. Beetlejuice’s words, which were still issuing from his mouth at a startling rate, did not penetrate the cottony fluff that seemed stuffed in my ears as he steered me forward. Was this what getting cold feet felt like? I wasn’t sure, I’d never been engaged before, I’d never been anything before. What had I gotten myself into?
Beetlejuice pulled me up short beside him, turning and glancing me up and down. “Hmm,” he murmured thoughtfully to himself. “Just a sec, doll. Needs a little…” He trailed off, snapping his fingers and enveloping me in a puff of red smoke. It cleared a moment later and I looked down at myself to see that I was now clothed in a long-sleeved dressed of frilled layers with a high, lacey collar. It was also bright red to match his tux. At my right side, Beetlejuice grinned toothily and took my hand, tucking it into the crook of his left elbow and turning us both to face Otho. “All right, sunshine,” he said, grinning ear to ear and bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet. “Do your stuff!”
Otho’s eyes darted from Beetlejuice’s to mine, his mouth pulling into a thin line and his eyebrows rising marginally as if to say, “Sorry”, and then he cleared his throat and began to speak. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today before these witnesses to join this… erm…man and this woman in wedded bliss!” Behind us I heard scrambling footsteps, craning back over my shoulder to see Delia and the Maitlands rushing forward as if to put a stop to the proceedings. Without turning, Beetlejuice made a sharp, dismissive gesture with his free hand and the three of them stopped suddenly as if they’d collided with an invisible wall. “Can we just, uh, skip to the important parts?” he asked/instructed the reluctant officiant. Flustered and put on the spot, Otho’s mouth opened and closed like a fish a few times but he did as he was asked.
“If you’ll both just sign your full names to this marriage certificate,” he said, withdrawing a flat leather pouch from an interior pocket of his jacket. He opened it, rifled through for a moment, and pulled out a single slip. “Got a pen, pal?” Beetlejuice asked, plucking it deftly from Otho’s fingers as he dove into another pocket in search of a pen. When Otho produced a pen, Beetlejuice gestured for him to turn around and pressed the certificate to the man’s back, signing his name on a line at the bottom of the document before presenting the pen to me with a flourish. “M’dear,” he said with an enormous rakish grin. I watched my hand reach mechanically forward and take it from him but it wasn’t acting on any conscious input from me. I raised the pen to the paper and wrote my name on the dotted line. Otho spun back around, Beetlejuice insistently stuffing the paper back into his hands. He read the document carefully, shot one last sorrowful look at me, and added his own signature to the final line before shoving the pen back into his pocket without replacing its cap. “Very well then. Lawrence Betelgeuse Shoggoth; do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?” Beetlejuice was beaming at me, his hair such a vibrant shade of green it was practically glowing. “I do!”
I blinked dumbly, momentarily thrown by the unexpected normalcy of at least part of his full name as Otho turned at last to me. “And do you… yada yada yada, so long as you both shall live?” he asked, cutting an anxious glance to Beetlejuice who was making an impatient “hurry it up!” gesture. I opened my mouth but couldn’t make a sound, my mind going totally blank. I could hear muffled thumps and voices behind us, as if Barbara, Adam and Delia were trying to get through whatever invisible barrier Beetlejuice had erected between them and us. My eyes turned to the expectant face of the man beside me. Beetlejuice’s eyes were fixed on me, his grin slipping slightly as I kept my silence. I heard myself say the words in my head before they made it to my lips: “I do.”
Exhaling quietly, Otho concluded, “Then by the power vested in me by the state of whatever, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Without further adieu, Beetlejuice slipped one arm around my waist, grasped the back of my head with the other hand and crushed his mouth against mine as he spun me dizzyingly around, dipping me so severely I gasped against his lips, sure that I was about to hit the floor. But he held me up with apparent ease, cantilevered at a steep angle to the floor, and took my gasp as an opportunity to slip his chilly tongue into my mouth. The scent and taste of him flooded my senses; damp soil and stagnant, mildewy water, dead leaves and the sickly-sweet odor of long-wilted flowers. It was wet and melodramatic, slightly musty and interspersed with an almost painful press of teeth. He was also making no attempt to be quiet about it, moaning lewdly against my mouth.
How much longer was he planning this to go on, I wondered? Laughing softly through my nose, I figured I might as well play along and raised my hands to his face, cupping his jaw. His bristly scruff was rough against my thumbs as I ran them up and over his cheeks, my fingers coming to rest in the short, thick hair at the base of his skull. A jolt passed through him as he sucked in a sharp breath through his nose and his eyes snapped wide open. Just as quickly and easily as I’d gone down he swung me upright, separating from me with a sound like a plunger being pulled from a sink. We looked at one another in silence for a beat, my eyes rising to the top of his head where I could swear strands of his hair were turning a soft cotton candy pink. Clearing his throat and averting his gaze, Beetlejuice lifted his hands up to his face. He spread and wiggled his fingers, rotating them at the wrist to scrutinize the front and back of his palms. “Huh,” he grunted, underwhelmed. “That seems pretty anticlimactic.” “Was something supposed to happen?” I asked. He gave a noncommittal, one-shouldered shrug. “I mean, I thought so, but maybe-”  
Beetlejuice cut himself off with a sharp cry, doubling over, his face crinkling as if in pain and his hands pressed flat against his chest. All of us jumped back, alarmed, unsure what to do as he let out a strangled gasp, curling further in on himself, staggering unsteadily and grunting, his eyes pinched tightly shut and his teeth bared. After a moment he relaxed, head hanging down, trembling arms braced against his thighs as his back rose and fell in deep, shuddering breaths. “Wow,” he said, somehow even raspier than before. “That was a thing.” Blowing out one last hard exhale he righted himself, hands on his hips. “So! When do we eat the cake – oh….” Beetlejuice froze in place, his mouth a tiny o, his eyes the size of saucers. “What was…? There it is again!” He dashed the few feet over to me, so fast I thought he might bowl me right over, seizing one of my hands in both of his and mashing my palm firmly against his chest. “Do you feel that?!”
I stiffened at the unexpected closeness and contact, but I tried to figure out what he was talking about. Truthfully, I didn’t feel anything at all at first, but when I concentrated I did indeed distinguish a rhythmic thump. “Your… your heartbeat?” I asked. A harsh gasp tore from him, his face going totally slack in shock. “I have a heartbeat?” he repeated numbly. “I’m… alive?” He let out a bark of laughter, then another, then launched into a full-on bout of hysterics ranging from deep belly laughter to high, tittering giggles as he flung both arms around my waist, lifted me up and spun me around, so overcome by his elation. “I’m alive! I’m aliiiiive! Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I’ve never been so happy!” With another loud gasp he stopped again, the skirt of my dress swinging around us as he plopped me unceremoniously back on my feet. “I’m happy!” he said, the word coming out as a reedy squeak.
His joy was so contagious I couldn’t help smiling myself. Even the others, glancing uncertainly to me and one another, were looking at the very least hopeful that maybe it was smooth sailing from here on out.
It was not.
“Oh God, what if it doesn’t last?” he whined, twisting his hands together anxiously. “Oh God, it’s gone! The happiness is gone! What if it never comes back?! Now I feel bad! Ugh, why does it feel like I swallowed a bowling ball? And like somebody melon-balled out my heart?! That’s not fair, those feelings don’t even go together! Now I’m mad!” We all stood stupefied by the intensity and speed of his emotional 180. He rounded on us in a fury, charging towards no one in particular and raving about how society failed to teach men how to properly process their anger. The others clustered loosely together, safety in numbers after all, and I stepped toward him, laying a hand lightly on his arm and making a soft shushing motion with the other. He stopped when I touched him, chest heaving, jaw clenched, eying me hard. “Just take a deep breath,” I urged, taking care to keep my voice as calm as possible, demonstrating for him the long slow inhale through the nose, the long slow exhale through the mouth. “Try it,” I said when he looked doubtful, still practically panting but at my insistence he begrudgingly copied me, sucking in a huge lungful of air and puffing his cheeks out. We exhaled at the same time and repeated the exercise and I was relieved to note the tension draining out of the set of his shoulders and the forearm which I still had my hand curled loosely around.
“Better?” I asked. He grumbled something under his breath. All eyes turned in the same direction then as a door opened in the wall, emitting drifting mist that glowed faintly green. Lydia emerged from the murk, followed closely by the tall man who had run through after her, presumably her father. Both of them stopped dead, faces freezing into nearly identical masks of confusion as they took in the scene before them: Delia and the Maitlands huddled, Otho hiding behind them, while Beetlejuice and I stood together in ostentatious red wedding apparel. “What the hell?” said Lydia, her father too befuddled to reprimand her for the swear. The door swung silently closed of its own accord behind them, awkward silence filling the room until I cleared my throat. “Are you Charles Deetz?” I asked. Charles Deetz nodded mutely. I raised my hand in a half-hearted wave. “Hi. I’m your neighbor. I brought your mail.”
Delia raced forward then to Charles and Lydia, flinging her arms around them while the Maitlands kept their distance for the time being, turning their attention to myself. “What’re you gonna do now?” Barbara asked, trying not to make it obvious that she was talking about the now no-longer-dead demon standing next to me. I raised my eyebrows. I hadn’t even stopped long enough yet to think about what would happen now. “I… have absolutely no idea,” I admitted, turning to see that Lydia had pried herself free from Delia and had marched over to Beetlejuice. She stopped right in front of him, glaring defiantly, arms crossed over her chest. “That was a crappy stunt you pulled,” she said matter of factly. Beetlejuice, unimpressed by her demeanor, held his ground. “Don’t gimme that, half pint. You started it!” he growled back. Lydia’s glower faltered, replaced with total incomprehension. “What? What are you talking about?” Beetlejuice pointed triumphantly, nearly poking her in the face as he said, “See! There you go again!” She batted his hand away and considering his shaky handle on the whole emotions thing, I thought it best to intervene before things got out of control. I looped my arm through Beetlejuice’s and steered him purposefully away from the irate teen and towards the door. “Come on, honey, we don’t want to overstay our welcome.” Charles and Delia, who’d been cooing and fussing at one another, seemed to remember their unexpected guest at that point and called after me. “Wait!” Charles began, bringing himself up short, unsure of what to say. “Will you… be all right?” He shot a quick glance at Beetlejuice as if to add “with him?” I felt Beetlejuice tensing again next to me, leaning into him and laying my other hand against his bicep. “We’ll be just fine. It was, er… very nice to meet you all!”
With that, I opened the front door and walked out with a husband in tow. As we descended the steps, from inside I heard someone, it sounded like Delia, shout, “Congratulations!”
Ah, weddings. Tears, emotions, full blown meltdowns and threats of physical violence... 
Thanks for reading! Up next, domestic bliss with the Juice man! PFT!
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
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orangeflavoryawp · 4 years
Tagged by @amymel86, @fedonciadale and @mycrazyfangirl21  Oh my gosh, the love is real.  <3
Tagging @sonderlust45, @ladyalice101, @riptidemonzarc, @frominfinitieswithin, @tacitwhisky, @a-time-for-wolvess, @sailorshadzter, @foofyschmoofer, @yourlocalpriestess, @goddesstiera,and anyone else who wants to have a go!
Ao3 name: orangeflavor
Fandoms: Alright, I’m going to stick just with the ones I’ve written for, though there are many I haven’t dabbled in yet but actively consider writing for.  So currently, Game of Thrones, Mass, Effect, Dragon Age, Naruto, X-Men, Harry Potter, Record of Lodoss War, Sailor Moon, Star Trek- Deep Space Nine.
Number of fics: On Ao3?  82.  But I have more elsewhere.  Somewhere, lol.
Fic you spent the most time on: Oh, definitely ‘Secret Burdens’, my Storm/Wolverine X-Men fic from years ago.  That baby was my first disastrous attempt at longfic, and it took me almost seven years to finish.
Fic you spent the least time on: I mean, this is a boring answer, but any one of my many 100 word drabbles probably?  I’m not sure, the majority of my work is one-shots, so it’s anyone’s guess on that, considering I tend to finish one-scene one-shots in a single sitting.
Longest fic: ‘Sheparding Men’ at 92.391 words in the Mass Effect fandom, though unfinished.  And it looks like ‘From Instep to Heel’ will be overtaking that by the time it’s done.
Shortest fic: Aside from my 100 word drabbles and other drabble collections, my shortest stand-alone published fic is ‘Take Root’ at 743 words, from the Mass Effect fandom.  One of the faves actually, even still.
Most hits: ‘From Instep to Heel’ at 16.614
Most kudos: ‘From Instep to Heel’ at 945 (what the heck, I’m still reeling)
Most comment threads: ‘From Instep to Heel’ at 337 (y’all, I’m crying)
Fave fic you wrote: Oh god, we’re going there?  Damn, okay, um, I’m gonna list two then.  One that always comes to mind is ‘Reckoned from One Midnight to the Next’, a two-part poetic prose piece exploring grief and healing.  Mass Effect fandom.  Shepard/Kaidan.  Some of my favorite passages/language that I’ve used, especially since I write original poetry.  It was a way to meld my two loves, and honestly, this piece sticks with me even years later.
The second one would have to be ‘A Violence Done Most Kindly’.  Game of Thrones fandom.  Jon/Sansa.  It was my first successful longfic (and when I say ‘successful’ I don’t mean by reader reception, I mean I actually finished it and followed a semi-coherent plot, lol).  I was super proud of all the plotlines and thematic pieces I was able to tie together, all the meaning I was able to give to narratives that never got fully explored or finished in the show.  And it was a take I hadn’t seen done before, so I was proud of that.  The story holds a lot of meaning for me, and it was also a way for me to explore the Jonsa community even deeper, which was hugely impactful, and another reason why this story is considered my fave.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: There’s three actually - all unfinished WIPs that I still have lots of ideas for, but have since wondered from the fandoms and thus, the mindset, to be able to finish them properly.  The first being a Harry Potter fic from years ago, called ‘This Isn’t Me’.  Hermione/Draco, post-war, PTSD exploration.  I still think about it a lot.
The second one is ‘Sheparding Men’.  Mass Effect fandom, with Shepard/Kaidan, Shepard/Thane, and Shepard/Garrus all explored to differing degrees.  But that one takes a lot out of me, since that Shepard is so dark and emotionally damaged, and it spans the length of all three games.  I love her to pieces, but man is it emotionally exhaustive to wade through her shit and get it to the page.
The third one is my baby ‘Rocks and Shoals’.  Also Mass Effect fandom.  Kolyat/Oriana.  One of my dearest pieces.  I have so much in mind for them, and I want to finish their story so bad, but this is another one that takes it out of me emotionally.  Why do I always get myself into these post-war, PTSD-riddled, haunting, survival-themed type of stories?  It’s my niche, I guess, I don’t know.  But yeah, Kolyat and Ori are my babies, my little shitheads.  I think of them often.
Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
From the upcoming chapter of ‘From Instep to Heel’:
She sighs again, this time sharper, a tug at her lungs, eyes roving over the city.  “Jon is...”  She bites her lip, keeps her gaze resolutely from her brother.
Robb runs his free hand through his hair, brow drown down in concern.  “Not the prince you imagined?”
She glances to him, watches the way the blaring sun glints like fire off his hair.  That blood-red hair.  “Is any of this like we imagined?” she asks softly.
Robb purses his lips, looking ahead as they walk.
Sansa thrums her fingers along his arm in thought, gaze returning to the city beneath them.  “He is, perhaps, inelegant at times, but I feel he has – "  She stops, tries to find the words, huffs over their inadequacy.  “I think he is a man of deep feeling.”
* * *
Okay, that was kind of interesting to go through all those questions.  Thanks so much for the tags, guys!  The Jonsa fam has truly shown me love.  I am unworthy, lol.
Keep writing, fam!  Much love.  <3
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queenchaos · 4 years
So...I did a thing....
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Ahhhh I’ve been so bored during these times that I went back through old art n my many DED DeviantArt accounts. I found this old beauty from 2013-14.... and I decided to redraw my girl in the middle
It’s me and two old friends during our TMNT phase in middle school. Kelsi (Sophie), Ella (Me Emma), and Tara (Sara). We’d actually call each other by these names and have over text Role plays....
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Wrote fanfics bout us n everythin! Here’s the only one that I help with:
Kelsi gave a tiny wave to Donatello as he left with his brothers for patrol. He turned around and looked at her with pleading eyes. He had tried to convince them he needed to hang back, but now that Tara was here they decided to let her take over on watch patrol there. He glanced between the Shellraiser and his friend.
"You sure you don't want me to-"
"Nope! I'm fine, Tara will be here, and if I run into problems I can call. Just go, I can handle myself!" Tara gave a sharp nod and motioned with her hands for him to move along.
"Go on Don, I've got her." He hesitated before slipping inside and driving off. There was a moment of silence between the two cousins, smiles beginning to form on their faces.
"Is he gone?" Kelsi stretched her neck in an attempt to get a closer look. Tara ran over and peeked out.
"Gone, the taillights just disappeared." She looked back with a grin. "Ready?"
"Ready!" She snatched her laptop from underneath her wheelchair and opened the lid, browsing through the list they had made an hour earlier, complete with links and information underneath each case.
It wasn't that they were hiding this from the turtles they just…they wanted to do this on their own. If any of them figured out what it was they were up to, they were toast. No doubt that they would immediately be banned from continuing their new pastime, and life would go back to its former dull throbbing. There were nine pages worth of things to look at, and they couldn't choose for the longest time.
"We might want to start with something easy." Tara sighed, leaning back and scanning her eyes over the list. "I don't know, like maybe a missing cat."
"That's way too easy."
"Not for you." She teased. "But yeah, I know. What are you thinking?"
"Maybe bump it up a notch and try missing person?" Kelsi scrolled the cursor over the link to the site.
"You do realize you're on that list right?" Tara smirked. "Lucky me, I found Kelsi, how much money do I get?"
"Shut up." Kelsi threw her head back and laughed. "Just shut up, that's not funny."
She turned back to the screen while her cousin gave a fake pout. "Seriously, they'll be back in a few hours we need to pick something." She opened a link up to a case involving a missing car. It was merely out of curiosity, she had a feeling their first job would end up being a cat after all. She skimmed over the article and blinked in confusion, mumbling to herself.
"What is it?"
"Just reading, according to this article the car disappeared last Sunday when some hijacker stole it, but according to the owner, the car never left his garage."
"Pshh, well it's gone now, it had to end up leaving at one point or another." Tara leaned in closer to read the tiny print. "Footage? The guy kept six cameras in his garage? Must be quite the car."
"Yeah, it is actually." Kelsi opened up the picture attached. A cherry red Corvette that shone like the sun came up on the screen, and Tara could only cringe and suck in air through her teeth.
"Ouch, talk about money down the toilet."
"If there's a reward of over 1,000 dollars then he's not too hurt over it."
"One thousand?! For a Corvette?! This guy's trying to pull off some bargain, nobody's going to look for a Corvette with only one thousand dollars to gain."
"Nobody…except us."
"Tara! Come on!" Kelsi whipped her head around and pleaded, whining and shaking the monitor. "One thousand dollars, we can get it if we try!"
"Absolutely not. Not for that much money."
"We could weasel more out of him when we're done." Kelsi gave a grin. She wanted this really bad, Tara could tell. Though she didn't blame her, she spent a lot of time down there after all. The smell was beginning to become the norm for Tara. That was new.
"You are evil." Tara laughed.
"Come on, are you in or are you out?"
Tara hesitated. She wanted the money out of it, she wanted the adventure out of it, and she wanted to completely defy all rules she had been given in the past week. And finding that Corvette with her cousin could give her all of it. Kelsi held out her hand and raised an eyebrow, giving another annoying whiny plea. Tara sighed and shook her hand, letting another smile spread across her face.
"I'm in, let's go get that car."
Tara had her head phones plugged into her phone, simultaneously FaceTiming Kelsi as she walked down the streets of New York. It smelled like gasoline and crap, but she had started the mission and she was fine with it. The boys were on the other side of town, nothing could bother her as of right now.
“Okay, the garage should be coming up on your left,” Kelsi said. She was peering at the directions on her laptop and looking up to check on her cousin every two minutes. “There’s an alarm planted on every angle of it though, watch it.”
“How am I going to get in then?” Tara replied, making eye contact with her cousin through the screen. The resolution was fuzzy still, but she could manage. “I can’t take down all of the alarms, there are probably hidden ones.”
“Yeah, there are.” Kelsi began squinting at the screen again. “But you might be able to take them all out if you could disable the mainframe on the top floor.”
“I don’t know how to disable the mainframe Kels’, I’m not that smart.” Tara approached the building and crossed the street, leaning up against the side of it and pretending to smoke with a fake cigarette she had made a few minutes earlier. “I wish you could take it out for me.”
“I can’t, I would have to be there in person, besides, I’m not even sure I could accomplish that, I’m not terribly good with computers outside of error code fixes.”
“Then what do I do? I’m lost as to what you want from me here.” Tara peeked down the sides of the alleys, hoping nobody was listening in on their conversation. The feed went static, then came back in.
“You need to climb up the fire escape on the tattoo parlor next door and hop across to the roof of the garage.”
“Hop across? As in, jump-in-mid-air-and-land-on-the-other-rooftop across?”
“Yes, that kind of across? Cool?”
Tara swallowed a lump in her throat and shrugged, stuffing her fake cigarette back into her pocket. She found the fire escape and swung up trying to make as little noise as possible. It was really dark outside, but a few people roamed the streets checking out street vendors. Her main fear was either falling from the building or getting caught. She couldn’t choose which one was worse.
“I’m at the top.” Tara’s hair blew off to the side and she looked back down at her phone. Kelsi had her eyes fixed on her cousin with a weak smile and twitchy hands. “I’m going to jump now.”
“Just pray you don’t end up like me.”
“Thanks for the encouragement.” Her heart pounded as she approached the edge of the building and scuffed her foot on the concrete ledge. It definitely wasn’t comfy below, but she had to jump now or the entire mission would end. Was this even worth it? Self-doubt was incredible.
Tara gripped her phone tight, took in a deep breath, and pushed off. The first few seconds were slow motion, she couldn’t even tell she was falling or flying through the air. She didn’t dare open her eyes, she shut them tight enough for them to split. Her legs flailed around uselessly. She landed on the other rooftop with a solid thumping, and all the air in her lungs whooshed out with a grunt. Concrete again, she had made the jump.
“Yes! Tara you made it!” Kelsi clapped and gave a cheer.
“I…I need a moment.” Tara’s body shook with fear and her limbs ached, but she was more than proud that she had made it. She was okay now, she could complete the mission. After thirty seconds she managed to stop shaking and stand up again.
“Okay Tara, see the entrance?”
“No, there’s an air vent and weeds up here.” Tara said. “And a few dead cockroaches, ew.”
“About that air vent…hehe…”
“NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT, NOT IN A MILLION YEARS KELSI!” Tara glared at her phone, her cousin rubbing the back of her neck and whistling awkwardly.
“That’s the only way into the mainframe com-“
“NO! I AM NOT SQUEEZING THROUGH SOME DUMB AIR VENT, THINK AGAIN CHAPMAN!” Tara shook her head furiously. No way in no universe was anyone, especially Kelsi, going to force her down a stuffy air vent where she couldn’t breathe, and where she would get her arms stuck a moment later.
“Tara, there is literally no other way to get in, I’m sorry.”
“Then the deal’s off, I am not climbing through an air vent.” Tara shook her head and pursed her lips. “Not today, not ever.”
“Tara!” The whiny voice had come back, Tara hated that voice. “Please, don’t you want that money?”
“Yeah, but it isn’t worth a trip down that death hole air vent.”
“Tara, I didn’t want it to come to this but…climb down that air vent or I will tell Raph.” Kelsi had a slightly amused face now.
“I don’t really care if you tell him.” Tara shrugged.
“We aren’t talking about the same thing Tara. I’m talking about this mission, here and now. He will kill you.”
There was a moment of silence where they just stared at each other making strange faces and giving glares. “Don will kill you too to be honest.”
“No he won’t. I didn’t leave the lair. He would kill you though for leaving me down here alone. Options Tara, tick, tock.” Kelsi seemed really amused now, she had the worst poker face known to mankind. Tara stared at her with a hard glare.
“What if I told Donnie that you did something illegal?”
“I didn’t do anything illegal. That argument is invalid.”
“You’re assisting my break-in into some rich guy’s car garage.” Tara gave a smirk and crossed her arms. “So much for ‘invalid’ sister.”
“Why are we even talking about this, get into the air vent and get those tapes!”
Tara really hated this. She really hated this. There was nothing else for her to do, she didn’t fancy the idea of jumping across the buildings and climbing back down the fire escape again. She didn’t fancy sitting there waiting for the cops or Raph to find her either. She could always try climbing down the side of the brick building though. “I’m climbing down the side of the building and coming back, let’s get a new mission.” Tara headed over to the side and stuck one leg over when-
“Tara you’re a coward! Get in that air vent or I’ll tell them all you were a wimp when I reveal our mission!” Kelsi shouted.
“THE THINGS I DO FOR YOU KELS’!” Tara swung her leg back over and punched the lid off the vent, sliding her body inside. Hot and stuffy. Delightful. She crawled further down and it got cooler though, before she knew it she was directly above the entrance to the mainframe security, and she dropped in as quiet as a mouse. “What now?”
“There should be a power switch on the wall, flip that down.”
Surely enough, there it was, a big red switch she took pleasure in killing. The lights flickered out, leaving Kelsi’s FaceTime as the only source of light. “Now turn it back on, the computer should have corrupted.” And corrupted it was, error messages flashing on the screens, security cameras twitching, and not a single alarm going off.
“Genius. You’re a genius Kels-“
There was a soft thump behind her and she whipped around to face another girl about her age with medium length dark hair. She wore a jean jacket and black leggings, and she brushed off her legs with a huff. Tara’s heart leaped and she took a staggering step back. The girl looked up with a crooked smile and shoved her out of the way, opening the door to the garage and slamming it behind her.
“Get back here you punk!” Tara stuffed her phone in her pocket and ran after her, trailing the ear buds on the ground and nearly tackling the stranger on the concrete if it weren’t for her quick dodge and arm lock. “Let go of me you idiot, I will kill you right now!”
“Yeah, sure.” Her voice was soft and delicate. “I’m guessing you’re looking for the tapes on that Corvette too? Well they’re mine, thanks for taking security out for me.” She dropped Tara and ran to the back wall, stumbled up and freed one of the cameras from its plastic holders. Tara was red in the face and ready to kill.
“What right do you have?!”
“Every right, the same rights you have.” She landed softly back on the ground and gave another grin. “But your nerd forgot to tell you that there was only one camera working that night. And that’s this one.” She pointed at the device and sighed. “Such a shame you missed out on that money. Well, I’ll catch you later!”
“NERD?! EXCUSE ME!” There was a muffled shout from Tara’s pocket that she ignored. She reached in and hung up the call. Kelsi couldn’t bother her right now.
She made a dash for the exit but Tara grabbed her by the arm and slammed her into the ground. “No thanks, I think I’ll catch you later!” She snatched the camera and sprinted out the door and down the stairs to the exit. Her feet practically flew across the cement, but the same girl flipped over her and landed in front of her, hand outstretched.
“It was mine first.”
“I don’t care.”
“Who do you think you are?” She crossed her arms and glared.
“Tara. Nice to meet you. Now if you’ll excuse me…” She ducked in-between her legs and kept running. “I have business to take care of!”
Tara hated this girl, she wanted to put a good nineteen feet between them and get back to the lair before any of the turtles came back. Patrol time was almost up. She could hear the footsteps behind her though, that idiot was going to follow her. She needed to lead her in the wrong direction.
She reached the bottom and skidded across the ground to the fire exit, but the girl yanked her hair, stole the camera, and pushed ahead again. Tara shouted and cursed, waving her fist and chasing after her, but the dark haired girl disappeared into the dark alleys across the street before Tara could catch her. A small piece of paper fluttered in the breeze, Tara figured it were just a shred of a magazine or newspaper. But instead it had handwritten words on it in silver sparkling pen ink. She snatched it from the wind’s grasp and fumbled picking her phone back up to redial Kels’. The note made her even angrier.
Have a wonderful day!
Tara crumpled up the scrap and stomped on it, her breathing heavy again. She slipped back into the sewers and trudged through the raw sewage all the way back.
Ella was going to regret messing up her chance for the money.
She was going to regret it.
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edward-trumpet-blog · 4 years
Rick Braun:Life in the Fast Lane
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Trumpeter, producer, composer, and arranger Rick Braun is an excellent example of a musician who has quietly worked hard for many years and suddenly is recognized as an “overnight success.” His album with saxophonist Boney James, Shake It Up, was number one on the Billboard magazine Contemporary Jazz Album chart for 11 weeks and has moved around in the top five positions for over a year. The first single from that album, Grazin’ In The Grass, hit number one and stayed there for nine weeks, crossed over to the R&B charts, and was named Best Song of the Year at the 2001 Oasis Smooth Jazz Awards. Braun’s awards also include the 2001 Oasis Smooth Jazz Award of or Best Brass Player and Best Collaboration with Boney James.
Born in Allentown, Pennsylvania on July 6, 1955, Braun took up the trumpet in third grade, studied with Philadelphia Orchestra trumpeter Seymour Rosenfeld, graduated from Dieruff High School in Allentown, and enrolled  at  he Eastman School of Music. While at     Eastman, he was a founding member of the fusion group called Auracle.      Their distinctive style was quickly imitated by a number of jazz groups and their recordings became  mainstays on jazz radiostations through out the northeast. Braun’s first song to hit the Billboard Top 20 was Here With Me, written for the rock band REO Speedwagon. As a trumpet sideman, Braun has worked and toured with an incredible list of musicians including Tina Turner , Rod Stewart, Glenn Frey, Natalie Cole, Rickie Lee Jones, and War.
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Braun released his first solo album in 1992. It was, however, his time with Sade on her Love Deluxe tour that helped him focus on a unique style. Braun’s second recording, Night Walk, has been likened to “listening to Sade instrumentally.” Braun’s big break came on the heel s of his third recording, Beat Street, which spent 13 weeks as the number one contemporary jazz album in Billboard magazine, breaking a record previously held by K enny G . Beat S treet was eventually named the Smooth Jazz Record of the Year. It also won the G avin Artist of the Year and Album of the Year awards in 1996. Braun’s next release, Body and Soul, earned him another Gavin Artist of the Year  award. His latest release, Kisses in the Rain, has also hit number one on the Billboard chart.                                    
Braun has never been busier or happier than he is right now. Offered more playing and producing opportunities than he can possibly accept, he is also in demand as  a jazz musician performing in clubs throughout the Los Angeles area. Braun is truly enjoying his time in the fast lane and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.                                                          
TE: Why did you choose to play the trumpet?          
RB: One of my older brothers played the trumpet and because of that there was a trumpet in a closet at home when I was eight years old. As a kid I was into everything, including the closet. I found the trumpet, put the mouthpiece in, and found that I could get a sound out of it. I think everybody who has ever played the trumpet knows that some people can get a sound out of the instrument, and some people can’t. It’ s not an instrument like the guitar where you just put your hand over the strings and a sound comes out. My first choice had  been drums, but I grew up in a small  row    home in Allentown and I’m one of six kids, so as you can imagine, I was gently steered away from the drums. What my parents didn’t know was that the trumpet was the next most annoying instrument for a beginner to play. I didn’t give up much in the way of offense (laughing); I was still able to annoy my siblings!                  
TE: Did you come from a musical family?              
RB: My mother, who is 84 now, is still very musical and has a good ear. She’s a self taught banjo player.
She played a four-string banjo, the really old kind, and learned piano by herself. On her side of the family my grandfather was a country fiddle player, my grandmother played the piano, and one of my uncles played the cornet. All of the musical talent was on my mother’s side. When my dad tried to sing to us kids at night we would pretend we were asleep so we wouldn’t have to listen to him. The only song he knew was the Notre Dame Fight Song, and he didn’t even like Notre Dame!
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TE: I have read that you studied with Seymour Rosenfeld. I had the pleasure of interviewing him and was impressed by what a nice man he is.
RB: You know, he really is.        
TE: When did you study with him and how was he able to help you?      
RB: I started studying with him my junior or senior year in high school, during the early 1970s. We got into some of the mor e advanced trumpet studies, like thematerial from the Saint-Jacome Trumpet Method and other materials of that nature. He was also the first teacher to introduce me to orchestral excerpts. He wanted me to audition for the Curtis Institute and was really preparing me for that, but I didn’t get in. That year they took only one trumpeter from about 100 who auditioned. As it was I ended up at Eastman, where I really wanted to study jazz.          
TE: Were there any other early teachers who inspired you?        
RB: My first trumpet teacher, Richard Hinkoe, was great. He is still active as a director of one of the Allentown concert bands. My brother told Hinkoe about me and he agreed to teach me. Hinkoe brought me along especially in music theory. His high school theory courses covered collegiate-level material. When I arrived at Eastman I was put in with the advanced placement theory students and didn’t learn anything  new . Hinkoe’s theory course          included solfege, sight-singing, counterpoint, four -part harmonic writing, the rules   of contrary motion and correct resolution, dominants, altered sixth-chords, and more! He was an amazing teacher!
TE: Allen Vizzutti has told me what an incredible experience Eastman was for him. What was Eastman like for you?    
RB: Allen and I  played together i n some of the bands at Eastman. He can play anything! I was at a concert where he played one of the Verne Reynolds etudes as a solo. He is just an amazing player. Eastman, on the other hand, was very tense. It was a nerve-wracking experience.
There was one student who developed a nervous habit of pulling out his own hair. I remember during winter midterms one year someone starting lighting couches on fire. That was one side of it. On the other side, it was an outstanding educational experience that was just not for the faint-hearted. It was a highly competitive atmosphere. I had a friend who would get up at 5 a.m. and practice out on the lawn to try to get an edge on everybody else. In many ways Eastman was a humbling experience for me.  While in high school, I thought I was the hottest thing around, so I needed to be humbled! The major thing Eastman gave me was exposure to music I’d never heard before, like the music of Clifford Brown, Miles Davis, and Freddie Hubbard. I really started to listen to their playing. I worked to understand the way they played blues changes and how their styles were put together. The education I received at Eastman was exceptional.
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TE: Did you graduate?
RB: No I didn’t. I finished my junior year and later took some extra classes at UCLA, but some of the guys in Auracle (Steve Raybine, percussion; Ron Wagner, drums; Bill Staebell, bass; John Serry Jr., piano) were one year older than me, had graduated, and were itching to do something. We planned our next step and realized California was the place we ought to be, so we headed west. Steve Kujala (Auracle’s woodwind player) and I left Eastman one year early, much to the chagrin of our families. It all worked out in the end.
 TE: What happened once you arrived in California?
 RB: We landed in a band house in the San Fernando Valley. Steve Kujala, Bill Staebell, Ron Wagner, and I all lived together. John Serry and Steve Raybine lived in another house. We struggled, made two records, and played the Montreux Jazz Festival, which w as a big deal. It was fun, we were all good friends, and got a little taste of what it was like to be recording artists at a very early age. Then the whole situation blew up. Our label, Chrysalis, broke up the band after our first recording by signing John Serry to a solo deal. He made a couple of records that didn’t sell well while the rest of us went ahead and made our second record. None of us was really up to the task of filling Serry’s shoes at that point, and it did not go well. It’s the classic story of a record label taking one guy out of a band and destroying the chemistry.              
TE: After the band broke up and you found yourself living in California, what happened?
RB: That was probably the darkest time  of career. I was not yet established as a trumpet player.
I had some early experiences at session work, but for whatever reason, at that early age, I wasn't able to break into the TV, movie, or commercial scene. I ended up doing odd jobs outside of the music business in order to make enough money to live. I remember being so broke that I wrote a bad check in order to buy food, but ended up taking the food back because I just could not go through with it. I would look at the phone wondering if it was off the hook because nobody was calling. Then, slowly, things picked up. I started to get some gigs playing with Latin bands in East Los Angeles and that developed into steady work. Then I got into playing with rhythm and blues bands and out of that work started touring with War. I also played a lot of bars and weddings, whatever I could find, and joined Jack Mack and the Heart Attacks. They were an R&B band that was very popular on the west coast. As a result of being in that horn section I began working with Glenn Frye and some other well-connected musicians including the guys in Tower of Power. I actually played in their horn section on a Tom Petty record (I played piccolo trumpet on that recording). At some point during that time I hooked up with some of the ended up receiving a call to join that band. I had been struggling, and all of a sudden I’m touring the country with Rod Stew art in a private plane, staying at Four Seasons hotels, and making more money than I ever had in my life. It was both a blessing and a curse. The blessing was that I was better off financially than I had ever been; the curse was that I started to get into drugs and began to drink a lot. On the road there are plenty of ways to get into trouble as far as substance abuse is concerned. The good new s is that I bottomed out and sobered up, and that became a major turning point in my life.  
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TE: Wasn’t it a kick to play for so many people nigh after night?                                            
RB: It was amazing. I think the most people I ever played for was during a show   I did with War in Chicago when the first African-American mayor of that city was elected. The city held a huge concert in Lincoln Park with  several hundred thousand people. People were as far back as you could see. The columns of speakers went on forever. I’ve been fortunate; I’ve played for quite a few people in my life.                              
TE: How did your association with REO Speedwagon come about?                                            
RB: When I wasn’t on the road with Rod, I come back to L.A. and look for gigs. As part of the Jack   Mack horn section I played on a n album with REO Speedwagon. The lead      singer and writer of REO, Kevin Cronin, and I became friends. Kevin and I had been playing clubs together in a band we had put together with some of the REO Speedwagon guys and some other people. We were both going through hard   times over women so I wrote a song about my experience. I had  composed it like          the  Beatles song Yesterday, just a series of verses. Kevin heard it and liked it, and was able to come up with a chorus that really fit the tune. He played it for the guys in the band and they loved it. REO Speedwagon recorded it and it went into the top 20.                                              
TE: Can you tell me how your first solo record came about?
 RB:I happened to be in Canada on the road with Rod Stewart and through Steve Kujala I had been introduced to Frank Davies, who is a publisher in Toronto, Canada. I met with Frank one afternoon and played him some of my songs. I invited him to come to the show that night, and it turned out he had worked for Rod way back on his first single. It’s a small world! When Frank heard my instrumental material he said he thought he  could get me a deal. He took it from Toronto to Burbank, just 30 miles from where I was living, and got me an independent deal with Mesa/Bluemoon. On Intimate Secrets, my first record,        I included a song called Theme from t he Midnight Caller. That song got some significant airplay. My next compact disc was Night walk, followed by Beat Street. During this time I went back on the road with Rod. We         were in Europe when my manager called and said that, in America, Beat Street was getting a lot of attention and doing so well that I was going to have to make    a decision. I was either going to have to continue to be a highly-paid sideman or give my notice and take the solo gigs that didn’t pay a lot of money but would help me build a career as a leader. I took all of two seconds to think that over. I gave Rod my notice and jumped on a plane back to the States. I was willing to take the risk.
TE: That had to be an exciting time.                                          
RB: It was really exciting. When I first came out with Intimate Secrets, the promotion guy at Mesa/Bluemoon was trying to get some airplay for the recording. He told me that many stations would not play it because it featured a trumpet lead. At that time the only horn players getting airtime were saxophone players. I finally broke through when Beat Street was released and won Artist and CD of the Year Awards at   the Gavin Convention (Gavin covers the American radio industry, collecting and compiling the playlists of more than 1, 300 radio stations). Beat Street broke Kenny G’s record for most consecutive weeks as the number one contemporary jazz record and helped set me up as a solo artist.                                                    
TE: You have stated that work you did with Sade was important to your musical development. Can you elaborate?                                                          
RB: The Sade tour was important because she helped me establish a style. Sade's whole show is about sensuality. I've never been a b listening  lead trumpet player, and that tour gave me direction and helped me solidify the idea that I don't have to be an Arturo Sandoval type of player in order to get my message across. Sade is a minimalist on stage. From that, I realized that what I have to offer as a musician is valid, and as long as I believe in it and I'm committed          to it, I can create a musical fingerprint.                              
TE: (Jazz saxophonist) Joe Lovano once told me that the great ar tists have a sound  that is recognizable in the first three notes. I remember he and I were laughing about the truth to tha t statement and he said,“Three notes, boom, John Coltrane; three notes, boom, Eric Dolphy.”
RB: That is it exactly. Look at Miles.                        
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TE: I read a critic who said that you are the man who reintroduced the trumpet to the contemporary jazz scene. For the longest time, the only music that was getting played by horn players was by saxophonists. How does it feel to have had that kind of an effect on the music scene?
RB: It feels good that I've got a house I can pay for by doing the thing I love to do. That is the ultimate gift—doing what I want to do for a living. I am amazingly fortunate. I think part of the reason I've been so blessed has to do with timing. When I came out with Beat Street, there was a need for another voice. At that time there were only saxophonists like Grover (Washington Jr.), David Sanborn, and Kirk Whalum; George Benson on guitar; and David Benoit and Joe Sample on keyboards. After Chuck Mangione stopped getting airplay, the only other candidate was Herb Alpert, and he had stopped making records with any degree of frequency. There was a window of opportunity and I was fortunate to be in a position to make records. Another thing that happened with Beat Street is that people started coming up to me and saying, "Man, I knew that hip-hop beat was going to catch on." Interestingly enough, the production on that album was minimal at a time w hen bands like The Rippingtons and SpyroGyra were doing complicated material. Beat Street by comparison is really very sparse.      
TE: I have to admit I hate the term “smooth jazz,” but there are a number of traditional jazz musicians who have been putting out albums under that title; saxophonist Kenny Garrett and keyboardist Rachel Z come to mind. It  seems that many jazz artists are going in this direction. I have found that with the best players there is no snobbery in music anymore.
RB: Well, I wish that were true for everyone. We cannot get a decent hearing from any of the reviewers in Los Angeles. The L.A. Times has the door totally shut. The reviewers won't even stay for the shows. I had a conversation with one of them who just started slamming the music. I was convinced he hadn't even listened to my record, which turned out to be true. I told him that maybe he should listen to it before being critical. He did go home and listen to my compact disc, and called me back to say that he enjoyed it.
 TE: I've let a number of my collegiate jazz students borrow some of your recordings. The other day one of them came by and mentioned how he was surprised and delighted that you find ways to go past stereotypical smooth jazz, both harmonically and melodically.
 RB: Last week I played a straight-ahead gig with Gerald Albright on saxophone, Harvey Mason on drums, Dave Garfield on keyboards, and Kenny Wild on bass. We played at the Baked Potato, which is just a little club here in California. We didn't tell anyone we were going to do it, but as often happens, word spread. For me, it is just so much fun to play straight-ahead. And when I practice, I   practice that way. I practice scales, flexibility, etc. For me, the way I'm going to improve as a player is by learning how to play changes better. No matter what you have laid out as a solo, you still have to navigate the changes. It probably sounds          simplistic to even mention it in that way, but that's the way it is. It's a lifelong challenge!
TE: Many musicians say it’s the struggle that seems to keep them going. They’re always looking for the next mountain to scale, pardon the pun, or the next musical peak to climb.                              
RB: Yes, exactly. Along with that thought, I          always found myself thinking that the moment I ’m really pleased with something I ’ve played, I immediately find something else I didn’t like. It’s really about taking a Zen approach to the music. For me, when I practice, it’s about refining the craft, improving my technique, and increasing the number of too ls available to me. I’m always working to increase the number of scales, patterns, and other musical materials which I have available. When I perform I want to approach the music with the Zen concept of not thinking ahead or behind, just being in the moment. That’s when I think I’m doing my best work.                      
TE: Do you still find the time to practice?                          
RB: Yes, I really do. I don’t practice as much as I would like to. When I ’m producing, I need to spend  a great deal of time with the artist. When working with other artists, there are a number of other things that go into the pr oduction, and those things take        away from the time I want to spend practicing. When I’m traveling, I’ll have to spend the whole day on the road, and when I finally arrive in the hotel it’ll be time to sleep. I’ll have to go into a big show without practicing the previous day.
TE: Are there things you like to practice on a daily basis?
RB: What I’ll try to do now is find patterns of five or six notes that I really like and then explore them, fully develop them, interpolate them, and run them in all        key areas. I’m trying to build my musical vocabulary. I also like to play the piano. Having an instrument that allows me to  think of harmonies in a non-horizontal way helps to visualize what’s going on underneath the melody. Another thing, and I’m not ashamed to say this, is that part of my practice is done to the Jamey Aebersold recordings. For the most part, when the music is recorded with a live band, as opposed to when it sounds like it was sequenced, it is absolutely great.          I have a studio here at home, and I’ll transfer a track like Joy Spring onto my hard disk, set up  a microphone, and lay down several tracks. Then I’ll go back and listen critically. I try to under  stand where my problems are and then work to improve my weaknesses.
TE: What advice do you have for young musicians?            
RB: Here’s what I did that was a mistake. When I was at Eastman, I used to go to the practice rooms in the basement where everybody would walk by and hear you. I’m a natural ham. I always wanted to sound good and to impress people, so I would play the first couple of bars of Brandenburg No. 2. I couldn’t get through the whole thing to save my life, but I had the first entrance nailed! I think kids need to know that you have to practice what sounds bad. Play the material that sounds the worst, and practice it the most. Of course you want to play stuff you can play well, and I do too, but instead of always playing in F minor, play in B minor or F-sharp minor. Instead of playing a blues scale, work on the Lydian chromatic concept and Mixolydian scales. One of the things I did when I was learning the trumpet was to take the Clarke Technical Studies and incorporate them into as many different scale forms as possible. Early jazz education is usually restricted to major, minor, and diminished. Rarely do you learn about altered or Dorian scales until you get to a more advanced level. By adapting the Clarke studies i n a variety of ways, you create a big toolbox. If major and minor are the only scales that are second nature, you will be limited. It would be like fixing a car with only a wrench and a screwdriver. You’ll soon find that you need more tools!
 Mr. Braun plays a Getzen trumpet and flugelhorn from the custom series. His trumpet has a cryogenically treated bell. His mouthpieces are from his own signature series by Marcinciewicz Music Products.
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lgcyonghwa · 5 years
"Hello everyone, Kang Yonghwa here!” Everything felt easier the second time around. “I hope everyone is enjoying their 2020 so far. I’ve been thinking about my new year resolutions!” He wasn’t actually a huge new year's resolution person, just because people change and hardly anyone actually completed their list. The one-time Yonghwa actually did put together something, he wrote wanting to become a multi-millionaire (in USD) by the age of twenty. Yeah, he was like, eight at that time and had a lot of faith in himself. 
“I’ve been thinking about picking up a new skill.” He took the camera with him to the living room area. “I have a lot of trainee friends who are trying to write their own songs and I’ve always admired that.” Sadly, that was one area Yonghwa had no talent in. He was not exactly a well-educated individual, having never gone to college, and therefore was terrible at putting together words. Even back in high school, he was more of the sporty social guy who was in a lot of plays, not one who was known for academics. Hey, can’t have it all, right? 
He disappeared from the camera view, but only for a second. When he returned, he was holding something in his hands. “This instrument is called the Kalimba. I received it from one of my friends for my birthday last year and became too busy with everything to actually test it out.” He swiped his thumb gently across one of the metal tines, smiling at the sound it made. “It is not too difficult to learn since you mostly just use your thumbs to play. My friend taught me one song, but I am a slow learner when it comes to instruments so I haven’t perfected it. Next vlive, maybe I will show you guys.” 
Yonghwa paused there, considering. 
“Or maybe I can try. Do you guys want me to?” He grinned before taking a seat. “The song is called Hey Jude. I am going to play it with the actual song in case I screw up.” And screw up he did. Too bad, it was going so well in the beginning too. “Ahh, I definitely need practice. Let’s just enjoy the actual song then.” He swayed along to the music, putting down his instrument. “Anything is okay as long as I am with you guys. See you next time!”
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softjeon · 6 years
Number 7
• Pairing: Jungkook x Hoseok • Genre: Fluff  | NewYears!AU • Words: 5k | Co-Writer: Cat @cassiavioletblue • Disclaimer: mentioning of alcohol
↳  Jungkook wrote a list every year and it needed to be finished before new year’s eve because he liked to hold onto it when the fireworks went off, to imagine what it would be like to reach his goals. He was pretty good at reaching goals and had succeeded with almost everything on his lists since he had started them. This year’s list and its goals was reachable as well, there was only one single thing that he was utterly nervous about. And it involved one of the boys present.
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It was the time of new beginnings; of time redeeming you and all your failing so that you might start again. And every year Hoseok spend it with his friends, going out and celebrating the upcoming year, hoping that once more he’d do a little better, to really strive for your goals this time and become the best version of yourself. To make the next year, the best year of your life. To only fail in the end – but hey, at least could say that you have tried. 
If his friends would describe him, they would say he mostly had everything he could ask for. A good job, family and close, supportive friends around him – there was only one thing Hoseok didn’t have. Love. Oh, how he sucked at dating. No matter what he tried, it turned into a disaster. His last relationship had ended in a big fight, because apparently Hoseok had been too busy with his dance company, working over hours as usual. This had been months ago and since then, everything just went downhill. 
“It wasn’t supposed to be,” Was the usual answer of Namjoon, patting his shoulder reassuringly, when he had sat there complaining about his last date. “Maybe you haven’t found the right one, yet,” Yoongi always added and Hoseok nodded at that. It was always like this, so he ended up working even more, went out on more dates to only come back and complain again. But there was always something wrong. Something that wasn’t quite how it supposed to be.
“I need to kiss someone on New Year’s!” Hoseok exclaimed, throwing his hands up while he was watching Jin roaming around in the kitchen. Yoongi and Namjoon just looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders. “There are a few more people coming later, you could flirt with them, I guess?” Jin said and returned to cooking. “Or you can kiss me!” Taehyung said happily, greeting everyone as he arrived with a few beers in his hands. Hoseok only rolled his eyes in annoyance, watching how Yoongi pulled the younger in and onto his lap holding onto him possessively. Yeah, he definitely wouldn’t try and kiss Yoongi’s boyfriend. He didn’t want to go home with a black eye. 
“Didn’t you say you’d come with Jungkookie?” Hoseok asked, the cute nickname slipping from his lips casually. He loved calling the younger like that whenever it was just the two of them and he didn’t mind it saying it in front of the others. No one had noticed it anyways, he thought to himself.
“Yeah, we wanted. He just had some kind of..”
“Stuff to do,” Interrupted Jungkook the others, giving them a little wave and an awkward smile. He had needed to write his new year’s list before he could come here. He did it every year and it needed to be finished before new year’s eve because he liked to hold onto it when the fireworks went off, to imagine what it would be like to reach his goals. 
He was pretty good at reaching goals and had succeeded with almost everything on his lists since he had started them. This year’s list and its goals was reachable as well, there was only one single thing that he was utterly nervous about. And it involved one of the boys present.
Hoseok pulled the younger one in, ruffling through the other’s hair before he put his arm around the other. Jungkook was one of his closest friends, the one that always came by the dance studio as soon as his lectures were finished. Sometimes the younger just sat in the corner studying, while other times he was helping Hoseok to work on some new choreographies. Jungkook was an amazing dancer and Hoseok couldn’t help but be in awe about how he was moving his body each time. It was mesmerizing. 
“Jungkookie, I missed you in yesterday’s dance practice,” Hoseok pursed his lips into a pout, poking the younger one’s cheek. But before Jungkook could answer the doorbell rang, announcing a few more of their friends. It didn’t take long for Namjoon’s apartment to be filled with people.
Jungkook let Hoseok poke his cheek easily while he would have probably murdered anyone else who would have tried it with him. But Hoseok was just different. In everything. Of course he loved all of his friends, but... Jungkook slipped his hand into his back pocket to reach for his list that he had carefully folded and put in his pocket so that there was no way he could forget it tonight.
While Hoseok greeted the new people Jungkook got lost watching him. The way his eyes lit up when one of the others made a joke, then his laugh, open and honest and full bodied that he was shaking with it. Jungkook couldn’t help but smile himself. Hoseok’s laugh was contagious. You couldn’t be sad around him. It just wasn’t possible.
“If he’s going to chose him to kiss tonight, I’ll might throw up,” Yoongi mumbled, reaching for something to snack on from the buffet that Jin and Namjoon had prepared. Just like every year. “Why? I think he’s quite cute,” Taehyung leaned his head onto his boyfriend’s shoulders. “Hyunjin is not right for him. It’s going to end up a mess…just like everything else.” Yoongi said, pointing at the boy next to Hoseok. 
“And you know what’s good for him now?” Tae raised his eyebrows, chuckling low. “Yes,” His boyfriend nodded proudly, “I haven’t been his best friend for years for nothing. He needs someone just as compassionate as him, someone who brings out the best in him and gives him space just when he needs it but reassured him when he doubts himself. Not a… good for nothing like Hyunjin. Do you remember how jealous he had gotten over his ex-boyfriend? Hoseok would run for the hills the moment he would try to tie him down.” Taehyung sighed in defeat, admitting that he had to agree with his boyfriends views. Not wanting to talk about Hoseok anymore, he turned to look at Jungkook. “Do you have planned to kiss anyone tonight, Kookie?”
“M-me?” Jungkook almost choked on his drink, too immersed in both watching Hoseok and Hyunjin’s interaction and thinking about what Tae and Yoongi had just said. Because apart from the fact that Hyunjin was a few years younger than Hoseok he actually was pretty passionate about dancing. He knew because he had seen them both train for a school project of Hyunjin’s, just like he and Hoseok got to know each other better as well. He knew he shouldn’t be jealous because it was Hoseok’s job to teach others and him putting in extra effort and spending more time with his students than strictly necessary and listening to them and really helping them was just the way that he was. Still, if there had been a way to keep Hoseok to himself he would have done it, just for a day. So in Yoongi’s opinion he wouldn’t be good for Hoseok either then. He swallowed harshly before he finally answered Yoongi’s question. “No, Yoongi. You know I’m solo.”
“That doesn’t have to mean anything. I mean look at Jimin…,” Turning around, Yoongi was looking for him but his friend was nowhere to be found, “Or don’t. I bet hundred dollars he’s upstairs in Namjoon’s and Jin’s room blowing some guy.” He earned himself a slap from Taehyung on his head, holding his hands up in defense, “We all know it’s true. We still love him, though…”
“You don’t have to kiss anyone on midnight, Kookie,” Taehyung interfered, “It’s not that important anyways.” Intertwining their hands, he pulled his boyfriend along to get more drinks, leaving Jungkook alone again.
Jungkook frowned. Of course it wasn’t important it happened at midnight. he would be perfectly fine if it happened at all. But there was only one person he wanted to kiss and that person was way out of his league. Jungkook sighed and decided to get himself a snack and then maybe get some air, enjoy the calm before the fireworks went off. The night had been chilly but not enough that he would freeze on the spot so it might help to clear his head a little. Maybe he could go over his resolution list again, to memorize them and make sure he would think of all of them at midnight to have them come true.
Hoseok turned the corner juggling three six-packs of beer that he had gotten from the trunk of his car, when Jin asked for them. He could barely see over the top one as he tried to find his way back inside. Biting his lip in concentration Hoseok took careful steps in the dark. “Hey,” He huffed out the words, when his gaze fell onto Jungkook who was standing all by himself outside. Jungkook has always been one of the shy ones, that avoided crowded rooms and kept to his close circle of friends. “You okay there?” Hoseok asked, happy when Jungkook took one of the packs from him. He placed the others down and took a deep breath. “If I didn’t know that having stamina is literally my job, I’d say I need to work out more,” Hoseok raked his hands through his hair and winked at Jungkook playfully, “Maybe I should take you up on that offer to go to the gym more often.”
Jungkook was thankful for the dark because it meant no one would see him blush. Hoseok was always a playful and flirty person and although Jungkook loved it it also got him in trouble sometimes. But not tonight. He was safe in the dark. And therefore a bit more bold than usual. “Hm, you definitely should. Though do you think you could keep up with me? You might be a master of dance but I’m the master of bench pressing.” He eyes the beer that Hoseok had brought with them. “Is that for sharing or is it reserved for someone already?  
Hoseok laughed at Jungkook’s teasing as he kneeled down to get out two beers for them, before he opened the door and pushed the others inside so Jin could take them and then closed it again. “Here,” He offered Jungkook one, cheering the younger, “And…If that means I can watch you lay down on a bench and work those muscles then yes, I’m all for it.” Hoseok chuckled to himself, looking up at the stars, watching a few fireworks that had been fired already just for the fun of it a few blocks away. 
Hoseok loved spending time with the younger. It was always so easy with Jungkook, both complementing each other perfectly. He knew everything there was about the younger (at least he thought so) and the other way around. Jungkook was one of his best friends. He was…perfect. In every aspect. Jungkook always excelled as one of the bests leaving the rest of the group speechless. And the softer, shy side of Jungkook, was what Hoseok loved the most about him. “Can you believe another year is over?” He sighed leaning onto the wall behind him, “Do you have any resolutions for the next year again, Jungkookie?”
Hoseok’s remark left him speechless because he accidentally imagined it, lying down for the older, feeling his eyes on him, knowing that his whole attention was on him right now. It was always the best - and also the worst - for his concentration when he knew Hoseok was watching when he was dancing in the class. He wanted to make Hoseok’s choreographies look perfect on him so he always gave 100% - but as soon as his eyes met Hoseok’s in the mirror he fucked up. So he tried to keep his eyes on himself or even closed sometimes, when it was a slow, sensual number, feeling goosebumps rise on his skin from Hoseok’s intense looks and the knowledge that right now there was nothing else important, just the two of them. He sipped a bit on his cold beer to calm himself down and then answered a bit vaguely. “Yeah, I do. The usual you know, getting better with the things I lack, more studying, more sleep, less junk food...” He hadn’t told anyone about his list and he preferred to keep it that way.
“That’s boring,” Hoseok commented dryly, boxing Jungkook’s arm in a teasing manner. “I just want to kiss someone tonight,” He then said, sipping on his beer casually, “I only have this one goal. For once, I want to kiss someone at midnight, too. It’s getting boring to watch the others make out, while we’re just standing there…staring up at the fireworks. And I don’t mean I want a drunken kiss from Jiminie. Not again.” He shivered on purpose, smiling brightly at the younger. “He missed my lips by far,” Hoseok laughed, “He literally made out with my cheek.” He was telling the story as if the other hadn’t been there, but as every year Jungkook had seen that happening as well. And the year before that Hoseok had kissed his ex-boyfriend.
Hoseok took a step closer to Jungkook, as he reached out for his wrist. His fingers wrapped around it, looking at his beer, before he took the now empty beer bottle from him. “Do you have anyone for tonight?” He almost whispered, still staying close to the younger.
Jungkook went rigid in the others grasp, fearing that Hoseok might hear his heartbeat drumming against the inside of his chest. “N...No, I don’t have anyone. But it’s fine, I like neck kisses so maybe I can ask Jimin,” He laughed awkwardly before daring to ask what was at the tip of his tongue. “Will you... will you ask Hyunjin at midnight? I know it’s none of my business but you two have been working a lot together the last few days and I’ve seen you two talking before so I just wondered...” He broke off, not really knowing where he was going with this.
Hoseok furrowed his brow when he noticed Jungkook’s little stutter as if he was nervous to ask him about his ‘midnight kiss’. 
“No, I don’t think so…,” Hoseok let go of Jungkook’s hand, holding onto the two empty bottles. “He’s too young for me. Hyunjin is sweet and everything but… I don’t know,” He shrugged his shoulders, “You know me…something is always wrong with them.” He laughed his own awkwardness off, putting his arm around Jungkook’s shoulders. “If you want neck kisses, Jungkookie…then why don’t you ask me,” Hoseok winked at him again, before pulling him along. It was no secret that Hoseok loved skinship and once or twice he had kissed his friends necks before. If one would have asked him, he’d definitely say that Jungkook’s skin had been the softest. Though he couldn’t compare it to Yoongi, who always ran away from him if he tried to initiate any type of skin-ship. Hoseok nosed along Jungkook’s jaw for a second to tease him, when the door busted open again.
Involuntarily Jungkook had closed his eyes the second he had felt Hoseok’s breath against his neck. It was making him crazy, the way Hoseok just casually cuddled with his friends - or kissed him. It was the sweetest torture to have Hoseok cuddling up to him when they were all watching a movie or when he was carding his fingers through his hair to relax him when he was having a hard time studying. But neck kisses - he had no idea if he could do that without accidentally spilling that all he wanted to do was kiss the other straight on the mouth and ask him out.
His eyes snapped open when the door slammed open, almost hitting the wall with the force. “Sorry!” Namjoon chuckled embarrassingly, pulling the door back in by the handle “I didn’t mean to startle you, I was just about to...” He hesitated, as if he only registered now what he was seeing. “Did I interrupt something?”
He ignored the way his heart had jumped the second Nams had pushed opened the door, feeling like exactly that happened – that he had indeed interrupted something. Maybe if he would have gotten a little more time, Hoseok could have asked Jungkook to be his midnight kiss? He quickly disregarded the thought again and shook his head. Before Hoseok could think about it twice he kissed Jungkook on his cheek quickly, following Namjoon back inside as if nothing had happened.
The others had already started playing some kind of game, while ‘Dinner for One’ was on in the background. The music was blasting, while everyone was having a great time and Hoseok couldn’t stop looking over to Jungkook. He was wondering if the younger would have said ‘yes’ but ended up internally agreeing with himself, that he probably would have laughed at him thinking that Hoseok had made a joke. But it was no joke to him. He had thought about kissing Jungkook before. First, when they were staying late at the dance studio and Kookie had been looking absolutely beautiful with sweat dripping down his face, the way he was panting, lying on the floor. All Hoseok had wanted was to just hover over him and kiss him. But once again…he had kept himself from doing so. He probably only was desperate and Jungkook was handsome, so naturally Hoseok had been thinking about this. This had nothing to do with feelings, right?
Jungkook had chosen to sit at the free spot besides Tae instead of trying to sit besides Hoseok. He still hadn’t gotten over the fact that Hoseok had almost kissed his neck. And part of him wished he had done it, maybe even wished that Jungkook had spilled his heart right then and there. Told Hoseok that he’d fallen in love with his smile, his sunny nature, his kindness, his passion, his intensity, his.. his everything. And then Hoseok would have agreed to date him and there would be rainbows and unicorns all over. Or he would have laughed awkwardly, told him that he would never be able to see Jungkook as more than a friend, would have stopped touching him, avoided him, maybe even skipped private dance classes because it had become awkward between them. No, it was better to keep his mouth shut.
“It’s time!” Jin announced when it finally came closer to midnight making everyone get excited with his words. Only ten more minutes until the countdown, Hoseok sighed deeply. He hadn’t noticed how time had been rushing by and here he was still with no one to kiss. Looking at Hyunjin he was about to ask the younger one but disregarded the thought again, when he put his arms around someone else. Great. He gazed around further, his eyes falling onto the other boys who were all happily holding onto their ‘chosen’ partners… but Jungkook who was fumbling around with a piece of paper. Cocking his head to the side, Hoseok watched him for a while, getting lost in it when he let his gaze wander over Jungkook’s lean body and only Jin’s voice got him out of his stupor again. “Let’s go, Hobi,” He slurred a little from the alcohol dragging Hoseok along and outside in the cold. As soon as he stepped out of the house it was a chaotic mess, as they tried to get the fireworks ready. Jimin was nervously looking at the watch every two seconds, screaming at Jin to do it faster. On the other side, Namjoon was busy handing out glasses filled with champagne for everyone to cheer with, while Taehyung and Yoongi were holding hands trying not to let go of each other while they were handing out sparklers. Hoseok chuckled at his friends loving the chaos they were creating. 
Nervously Jungkook stepped from foot to another. It was cold and he should have brought a thicker jacket. He tried not to look at all the happy couples, the ache in his chest sinking lower until it manifested as an uneasy feeling in his stomach. He took out the paper to remind himself that he had so many things to thrive for, than the new year would be great even though the person he loved was running around searching for someone else to kiss. He just hoped he didn’t need to watch it. Though it surely would look beautiful, Hoseok's soft lips pressed to someone else's, the relaxed expression he got when he let himself fall completely. He had seen Hoseok kiss his - now ex -  boyfriend once and it did look beautiful. But it also went like a rip right into his heart. And he definitely didn’t want to start the new year with that. So he kept to himself, a little bit away from the others though Yoongi and Tae came over to give him a sparkler. He put the list away, back into his pocket, to not accidentally light it on fire and then watched the little silver sparks gleaming, glowing, until they burnt out and disappeared, leaving nothing but a blackened stick and a hint of smoke behind.
“Sometimes I wonder why people still hang out with us,” Hoseok spoke up as he walked up to Jungkook who was standing a bit far from it all. Hoseok shivered from the cold, rubbing his hands together to create some heat. “I think it’s only you and I left now,” His voice was quiet, while his eyes were wandering over the amounts of intertwined hands and coupled up pairs. He shouldn’t have been surprised that it had been so goddamn hard to find someone to kiss at midnight, when he didn’t even manage second dates and always got stuck when it came to love.
Jungkook jumped a little when Hoseok spoke to him, he hadn't even seen him come over. “Ah, uhm, yeah. It is.” He answered intelligently and sighed inwardly. Way to make himself feel even more hopelessly lost. No wonder he would never have a chance with someone like Hoseok who could practically speak with everyone any time and never got embarrassed.
Hoseok had noticed right away when Jungkook shivered from the cold. So, he reached out for the younger’s thin jacket and pulled him closer and into his embrace, wrapping his own jacket around Jungkook. When he saw how stiff the other had gotten, Hoseok only laughed. “C’mon, I don’t bite.” The older boy took Jungkook’s hands out of his pockets and placed them around his waist, deep into the warmth of his own thick jacket. “See, now we can keep each other warm,” A big smile appeared on his lips and Hoseok turned to look at the other boys for a moment. He groaned inwardly when Jimin announced the last couple of minutes, jumping from one leg to another. Everyone else was getting themselves ready for the countdown and Hoseok turned his head back to Jungkook. They were so close now, their lips almost touching and for a moment he couldn’t tear his gaze away from him. 
“I...I really hope your wishes come true, Jungkookie,” He whispered gazing into the younger’s eyes. He could feel the warmth radiating off the other and he pulled him in a little closer. His sweet ambitious Jungkookie. If he couldn’t get a kiss on new years, he could at least cuddle with Jungkook. It wasn’t like they liked to do it on occasions anyways. Hoseok loved holding the other. Jungkook just was the perfect cuddle buddy, fitting perfectly against his body and in his arms. Hoseok smiled, his heart skipping a beat. He sighed in content and to keep himself distracted from his heart acting weird out of a sudden, he quickly mumbled something about ‘cold hands’ and pushed them down in Jungkook’s back pockets, leaning his head onto his shoulder, to keep close and warm. The second he did so, he felt something. He didn’t care if it felt like groping Jungkook’s ass for a second while Hoseok was tracing the little folded paper with his fingertips, before he pulled it out. He immediately took a big step away from Jungkook as a teasing smile replaced the confused expression from before.
Jungkook went pliant in the warmth (or maybe it was simply a side effect of Hoseok’s closeness). He had felt like dreaming when the other placed his arms around himself so he could actually hold onto Hoseok’s waist, the way he had seen other boys do before but never dared to dream of himself. Hoseok was lean and well-muscled from all his dancing and when he moved Jungkook could feel the muscles move under his skin. It was so, so tempting to probe and push at the last piece of cloth and touch Hoseok's bare skin. It would be warm and soft and.. oh god, what was he even thinking! This was a friendly thing, he couldn’t turn it dirty! Jungkook tried to stay calm but his heart strongly disagreed with him on that. He was so concentrated on not showing any of his internal turmoil that he realized too late how close Hoseok’s lips were to his when the other turned his head. As it was so cold outside he could almost feel the warmth of Hoseok’s breath on his lips. His mind completely blanked. Automatically he gravitated closer to Hoseok’s lips, only a hair’s breadth away from finally getting what he wanted and feeling the softness of Hoseok’s lips on his own. He had waiting so long for this! And Hoseok had his hands on his ass and this had to be a dream so it wouldn’t hurt if he went for it and finally got a taste of what he longed for and… he stumbled a little when Hoseok was suddenly gone, warm body out of reach. Jungkook needed a few seconds to realize what was going on and why Hoseok had withdrawn all of a sudden - before he saw what Hoseok was holding. A piece of paper. That he quickly unfolded. A piece of paper that looked horribly like...
“My list!”
Hoseok was quick as he unfolded the list, thinking he could tease the younger a little or maybe just get a glimpse of what he was wishing for. Jungkook had always made a big secret about his wishes, so he didn’t think any bad of it. He read through the first few numbers quickly, reading the typical things of wanting to become more organized, better with his studies (though Hoseok didn’t understand how Jungkook could get any better?) and eating healthier.
Dread settled in Jungkook’s stomach as his body jolted into action. He needed to get his list back right now! “Hobi, give it back!!” He tried to rip it right out of Hoseok’s fingers, not caring if the list got damaged as long as Hoseok wouldn’t see what he wrote about him! Unfortunately Hobi was quick and agile and he was just patting Jungkook right on his forehead and chest to keep him away, the same way bigger brothers sometimes did to hold back their little siblings to teasingly keep them from reaching their toys.
“Jungkookie,” He cooed, his eyes flying over the rest of the numbers, avoiding Jungkook’s weak attempts to get the list back easily. “Travel to Japan…go out and eat lamb skewers with Yoongi…,” Hoseok read out loud, giggling softly when he just kept reading. Hoseok barely heard Jimin calling for everyone to gather around, when his eyes fell onto something familiar. His name. Furrowing his brows, he looked at Jungkook and then back onto the list.
Jungkook froze, seeing the exact moment when Hoseok’s eyes fell on the number with his name because the playful smile fell and his eyes widened. “Don’t.. don’t read it!” He begged him weakly although he knew it was too late. Oh god why did it have to be now? This was like the worst way ever to start into the new year - scaring off his crush, his dance mentor, his friend with just one single piece of paper. Jungkook hid his face in his hands, hoping fiercely that the earth might swallow him whole.
Hoseok couldn’t believe it. He was breathing heavily as his heart was starting to beat faster…and faster. He was sure it would jump right out of his chest in a minute.
“10…9…,” The boys shouted somewhere, but suddenly it all seemed so far away. Right now, nothing else mattered but Jungkook. His sweet Jungkookie. Did that mean that he liked him, too? Hoseok took a step closer, then another. He couldn’t make sense of the tumult of feelings in the pit of his stomach, all his mind was repeating was “Jungkook likes you too” over and over again. Why hadn’t he seen it before? They had always been so close. Jungkook had always been there for him. Hoseok felt absolutely stupid for not being able to see it before. He had thought that Jungkook only liked him as his ‘friend’ not as someone who he liked to kiss. 
“I am so dumb,” Hoseok breathed out, reaching for the younger boy’s wrist as he pulled his hands away from Jungkook’s beautiful face. Jungkook was scared, so scared of Hoseok’s reaction. Still he didn’t fight when the other pulled his hands away from his face just kept his eyes close. He couldn’t bear to see whatever-there-would-be on Hoseok's face, maybe pity, maybe disappointment, maybe even indifference.. Instead Hoseok’s soft voice was sneaking its way through his defences. “I am so dumb”. At that Jungkook furrowed his brows. None of his panicked thoughts could make sense of a sentence like that, so he carefully opened his eyes, right before Hoseok pulled him in by his neck and against him. “Why didn’t you say something?” Hoseok mumbled before he leaned in, kissing the younger with so much passionate and love.
Jungkook gasped in surprise when Hoseok’s lips met his, giving the older the perfect opportunity to kiss him deep and sensual. Jungkook’s knees almost buckled at the sensation so he held onto the other with all he had, his warm, lean body a gently and oh so perfect pressure against his.
Hoseok placed a hand firmly onto Jungkook’s back, keeping the younger against him and from slipping away from him. He didn’t care when the fireworks went off, when the people were cheering and hugging each other. All he wanted was to kiss Jungkook endlessly. That’s why with the other hand, Hoseok was raking through Jungkook’s hair, caressing and keeping him from pulling off. His own cheeks were heating up, as a moan slipped from his lips when Jungkook let him deepen the kiss. Hoseok stumbled forward a little, pushing the younger one with him and against a wall. Not once pulling off his lips.
Jungkook leaned back his head until he could feel the wall fully against his body, a cold, solid presence that grounded him while he felt like slowly losing his mind from Hoseok’s kissing. He let the other plunder his mouth willingly, kissing him back just as enthusiastically, completely forgetting where they were and what was happening around them. He wanted to kiss Hoseok forever, feel the others hands on him, roaming his body, holding him close, so warm, so safe. He was in heaven right now.
And only when the fireworks slowly died down, Hoseok pulled off Jungkook’s lips, keeping close. One hand steadying himself against the wall, while the other was brushing down the younger’s neck. “Why…why didn’t you say something?” Hoseok was completely out of breath, his eyes searching the younger ones, “I thought…you…why would you like me? I am so dumb, Jungkook. I thought someone like you…would never…” He wasn’t sure if his stuttering mess of words made any sense, so he quickly leaned in and placed a kiss on Jungkook’s lips again.
Jungkook smiled against Hoseok's lips, chuckling when the other pulled off. “I thought the same about you! You are so kind, so positive, so passionate and unique. I’ve seen you date all those people and no one could make you happy although they were stunning or really good at their jobs or were striving for world peace in their private projects. I’m just a student, one of your proteges in dance. I thought... I would never be more than a little brother to you.” Jungkook smirked, easily parting his thighs so that Hoseok's knee could slip between his. “Or do you like this? Am I supposed to call you ‘teacher’ in bed?” The rush of the kiss was giving him so much confidence he felt like he could take on the world right now. So a little flirting with his crush was suddenly the easiest thing in the world!
“Jungkookie,” Hoseok cupped the younger’s cheek with a big smile on his lips, leaning in again to kiss him. “You’ve always been way more than that. I wish I would have known...,” He averted his gaze for a moment, his hand reaching for Jungkook’s to intertwine them. “You’re perfect Jungkook,” He winked at the younger, kissing the back of Jungkook’s hand sweetly, loving the way his hand fitted perfectly into his own. Just like everything else. “Why don’t you just call me your boyfriend first, hm?”
“Yeah, I would like that.” Jungkook happily squeezed back Hoseok’s hand.
A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope you enjoyed our little story with a new pairing! And I hope the new year brings you lot of joy, love and new beginnings! Don’t forget to comment down below! We love hearing your thoughts! ❤❤❤
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
Writer’s Meme!
Sorry it took so long to answer; my browser crashes every time I try to load the stats page on AO3 and I just got it to load yesterday. I ended up having to screenshot it to do this. But here goes!
Tagged by both @strangelock221b and @fibrochemist
Author Name: afteriwake on AO3, pennywaltzy on Tumblr, Ragna (which is my actual first name) on some platforms; have also been known as SpikeGrrl1, WritingGoddess, goddess_loki, scandalbaby and a few other names over the years.
Fandoms You Write For: Just current ones? Sherlock, Star Trek AOS, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Doctor Who, Elementary, St. Trinian’s, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCCU (specifically Wonder Woman), DC Comics (mostly Gotham Rogues in the DCAU but kind of all over), and I’ll occasionally still dabble in Eureka, Supernatural, Bleach and the CSIverse at times. I also wrote book!Good Omens years ago and am going to write TV!Good Omens as soon as I get to see it, along with expanding my Marvel offerings into Venom and Into The Spiderverse once I watch those and my DC offerings into DCTV and more of the DCCU and the DCAU and the books. And since I have most of what’s aired aside from Season 2 on my comp now, NCIS: New Orleans may be a thing I dabble in since it’s my fave of the NCISverse. And my former fandoms list is pretty long, but occasionally stuff for the Buffyverse, Heroes, Criminal Minds, Caslte and other oldies will pop up on AO3 and Tumblr as I transfer my old content to AO3.
Where You Post: AO3 and Tumblr. I just found a huge stash of old Buffyverse fic on Yahoogroups and a personal archive someone runs that will be transferred to AO3 slowly but surely, and I have a private archive on DW that holds the last of my LJ fic that I saved before my LJ community got purged that will also be transferred slowly but surely.
Most Popular One-Shot: yet our roots remain as one, which is a Loki POV fic where Odin dies instead of Frigga in “Thor: Dark World” and is a part of my MCU/Sherlock crossover series ”Just Pieces On The Board.”
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: This is actually a surprise, because it used to be #3 on the list the last time I checked about two weeks ago, but Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures just edged out the fic above and The Art Of Love Is Largely The Art Of Persistence, which is my most popular finished multi-chapter story (Desperate Times... will be finished by September 1st, I swear)
Favorite Story You Wrote: Aside from The Art Of Love... which is listed above, I’d have to say In Dreams, There Is  A Kernel Of Truth, which, even though the exclusion of John is kind of a polarizing thing, I’m having fun playing around with a universe where most of “His Last Vow” and series 4 were just a dream.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Honestly? Every time I write a Jlock fic for a friend or an exchange because the ships is so polarizing in the fandom. I get worried non Jlock fans will call me a friend of the enemy and Jlock fans will call me an imposter since I don’t ship the ship.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: I have no idea. Magic. I have titled thousands of fics and series over the years I just pick a random string of words and hope for the best these days.
Do You Outline: Ha! Maybe on 1% of what I write. Maybe. Mostly I fly by the seat of my pants.
How many of your stories are…
Complete: Who boy...I have 1,824 on AO3 right now, and many more to transfer over from various mailing lists and archives, probably at least another thousand? So all up at the interwebs there’s probably just about 3K complete fics scattered to the winds from me.
In-Progress: 76! I’m so fucking proud of myself, it’s finally under 80...but I have about ten more to finish for this current round of WIPBB so I’m hoping it will be down to 66 by September 1st, and then I’ll just need to do 6 more to hit my New Year’s resolution of getting to half my old amount (was 120).
Coming Soon: The last of the WIPBB fics I have to finish. It’s what I’m concentrating on the moment, plus about 30 pieces of art for other people’s fanfics for WIPBB. Then @miz-joelys-sherlollilists last two requests for John Watson’s Groundhog Days, a ton of Molly Hooper-centric one-shots for Molly Hooper Appreciation Week, and more stuff in non-Sherlock or Sherlock crossover fandoms.
Do You Accept Prompts: I’m currently taking them but there’s no way anything is getting answered until at least the middle of September.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I will finally finish my first multi-chapter Midsomer Murders fic (sort of, as it crosses over with Sherlock)! Like you all have no idea how much of that series I am madly in love with, and the plans I have for the series said fic is in, but I’m psyched because I knew a few other Sherlock fans love my MM easter eggs in Sherlock fic so it’s nice writing Barnaby and Troy themselves for a change. And eventually...Jones Jones JONES!!!
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions As Well: @glowingmechanicalheart, @idabbleincrazy, @onceinabluemoon13 and honestly I have no idea who else hasn’t been tagged so if this interests you, have at it!
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ladyfl4me · 5 years
A,E,F,G,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z ;o
Okay *cracks knuckles* let’s go! F, M, and S have already been taken from this list, so feel free to send in... B, C, D, or H, I guess. Yeehaw. This is really fucking long.
A: How did you come up with the title to [TMWCIFTC]? -- It started, as many things do, as a bad pun. The novel The Spy who Came In from the Cold was a cold-war spy thriller, about a British spy who goes over to East Germany as an apparent defect, except he’s actually there to spread misinformation and fuck shit up. He falls in love, becomes disillusioned with his superiors, and is shot dead over the corpse of his lover after climbing over to the east side of the wall. Needless to say, this is nowhere close to what happens in TMWCIFTC. I chose it early on because of the literal meaning: there’s a moth(man), he’s coming in from the cold WV weather, boom shaka laka, we have a title. Over time, though, it’s evolved into another meaning. Indrid himself is coming in from an isolated, lonely existence: he’s rejoining the family that cut ties with him, he’s in love, he’s warm and safe. The moth sure did come in from the cold, and hopefully he stays that way.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [TMWCIFTC], what would it be about? -- Hm. Considering my entire TAZ fic career is a tangled hairball of sequels and prequels, I kind of have this base covered. At the moment, TCOS - aka The Children of Sylvain, the sequel to TMWCIFTC - is about three things: a Pine Guard road trip race against time and the feds, the Spanish Sylvan Inquisition That Nobody Expected (least of all Jake and Hollis, who have to set aside their differences and past conflicts to save Kepler - and who knows, maybe they’ll fall in love along the way), and Alexandra the Interpreter getting woke to Sylvan politics and doing what she can from the inside to change them. In other words, it’s going to be a massive sequel that is the finale of the Amnesty alternate universe I’ve created. It’s this series’ Endgame. (That reminds me, I need an actual title for this collection of stories I’m writing. The “Tin Cinematic Universe” doesn’t quite have the ring to it that I’d like.)
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? -- eh, it kind of depends. It’s like a buffering bar on Youtube videos. I outline what I can until I run out of ideas, then start writing, then add outlines to the end, until the outline is complete and I just have to keep writing.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)? -- I don’t have one for reading, but for writing, I fucking love structuring chapters around songs. Classical or otherwise, I love music. All my stories play in my head like a movie screen, and I just do my best to describe what I’m seeing in my head with an accompanying score. It’s not so much a guilty pleasure as it is a writing process. Frankly, I don’t think I actually have a guilty pleasure; the act of writing itself is all the happiness I need.
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic]. -- An alternate ending for The Devil Went Down To Georgia would be... interesting. It ended with Boyd-as-Jersey-Devil scaring the pants off some poor broke college kid, who stole his worthless fiddle; then he changed back, and he and Ned went on their merry way to go break into Aubrey’s house and send everything down the drain. If there was one thing that I could change in there, it would be how fast Ned ran. If he ran a little faster, he would have seen the alley; he would have witnessed Boyd turning into the Jersey Devil, or at least turning back into himself; and he’d get a very rude awakening as to what Sylvans are and that his partner (in crime, and everything that mattered) was a fucking cryptid. God, that’d be a fun AU to write. Who knows, I might go do that someday.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with? -- At the moment, the only angsty idea that I’m actually conceptualizing is a Hollis/Jake angsty breakup for TSG. (Spoilers, I guess.) I once wrote a very grimdark ending to TMWCIFTC where everyone fell through the ice and drowned. It wasn’t fun. I’ve also mentally killed off each Amnesty protagonist and NPC in various ways, but I never felt comfortable writing them down. I only write angst with a happy ending because those are the kinds of stories I need to hear.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? -- 9 times out of 10, I just throw it into the void. I write as much as I can in big chunks, and then kind of hope for the best. TMWCIFTC, for example, is a completely unedited, unbetaed vomit draft. I usually do a quick reread of my oneshots to catch grammar and spelling errors, but other than that I just trust myself that it’s fine.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you? -- Can I get some kind of resolution for To the Edge of Night? Can I please get some kind of resolution for To the Edge of Night??? I was 14 chapters into that bastard before I a) became a more casual MCU fan and b) discovered TAZ. It was such a niche fic with such a niche structure - LOTR as galactic Asgardian propaganda to cover up Odin’s mistakes - that at some point I lost interest in it. I just saw Endgame though, so now I might get some inspiration for stuff to bastardize.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters? -- Characters. When coming up with character backstories, I can usually find ways to slot their lives together that necessitate a plot. I love character-driven stories, where their actions actually do shit and their words actually mean something, in favor of getting dragged along behind the plot like tin cans behind a car.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?) -- I’m definitely an architect, but in a really messy way. My friends can attest that I do an insane amount of planning for each story - often in their DMs, sorry about that, Fae, Cro, Indy and Aline 😬 - and all that usually ends up in a stream-of-consciousness rant outline on Google Drive. Knowing where the story is going helps me a lot, but the planning I do is definitely just building flower beds in which to sow seeds. Or building a greenhouse. I plan the bare bones of a story, and things get really wild within it, but it does follow a logical plot structure.
Q: How do you feel about collaborations? -- I have a lot of respect for the people who can successfully pull it off, but idk if i’d ever want to do one myself. I get really possessive of my stories and ideas and like to be the one in charge of their execution. That being said, some collabs have produced amazing stories. I don’t mind reading collab fics, but actually being in a collab grates on me more than it should.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence? -- I’m definitely influenced heavily by Neil Gaiman. I read American Gods and Good Omens a lot while I was trying to write TMWCIFTC; not only was it a good brain break, but I was able to pick up a lot of tips on scene pacing, concise yet expressive language, and character interactions. My creative wriitng professors have always told us to read so we know what to steal - not in terms of content, but in execution. 
On the fanfic side, @miamaroo is a huge inspiration for me. I’ve been reading Northern Migration a lot recently, and I love how its canon divergence is so worldshaking and so complex, but is still familiar in nostalgic yet terrifying ways. I read it back in October, went, “Huh, I wanna do something that wild. And if miamaroo can do it then I sure as fuck can too,” and I started planning TMWCIFTC during that one month dead zone the McElroys took last year. Northern Migration is one of the best, most coherent, most stunning, and most incredibly written TAZ Balance AUs I’ve ever read, and if I hadn’t read it, I wouldn’t have been inspired to take the fuckall huge plunge into TMWCIFTC.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist? -- Bed sharing and cuddling, hand kissing, wrist kissing, whump, sympathetic villains. Canon divergent AUs are my absolute favorite things to both read and write. Anything that would turn me into Charlie Kelly slamming his finger on a bulletin board screaming, “CAROL,” is a fic I would give my life for. 
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand? -- Not a fan of a) woobification and b) flat villain characterization, to the point where the story is riding on villain tropes instead of an actual person or plot. Character nuance is always something I look for when I read. I don’t usually get bitter about tropes, though; some stuff, when subverted, works really well. I fully subscribe to don’t like, don’t read, don’t write, which is why I don’t write anything that warrants AO3 content warning tags or an Explicit rating, in favor of focusing on plot. Every author has a reason for what they write and how - be it their level of experience, personal preference, or simply the joy of writing something and getting it out there - and I respect that. Within reason, of course.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. -- 
@miamaroo, for reasons I’ve already discussed. My favorite TAZ Balance author hands down. Read Northern Migration and give it the love it deserves, or I’m replacing all the faucets in your house with silly straws.
@transagentstern. Fae has a bunch of absolutely incredible fics and an amazing grasp on characterization. We come from the same place with AUs, in that canon is but the bare planks on which we put the drywall of our plot an characterization. They structure AUs and character backstories from the ground up in believable and emotionally raw ways. Also they have great music taste. I especially like their interpretation of Indrid in Moth to the Flame; he, like all the other characters in the story, is far from perfect, and his character arc is explored in relatable ways that I love to read. 
@keplersheetz. Aline - theneonpineapple on AO3 - researches like a motherfucker and has a wealth of knowledge/experience/viewpoints to draw on, making author-author interactions with her an absolute delight. She’s also doing the lord’s work with rarepairs. Spin a wheel, find a ship, and she’s probably written for it or at least conceptualized it. Reading her character studies and stories of the old Pine Guard - aka Mama’s original crew, before the current PCs joined - is always a delight. I’ve also hashed out a lot of details for The Children of Sylvain, especially for Mr. Boyd Mosche, guilt-wracked Jersey Devil extraordinaire, with her help. 
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? -- Not gonna lie, I’m fine with a lot of stuff that’s out there right now. It’s been a hot few months since I’ve actually stopped to read fic, but from what I recall, most of the fics I’ve read have done a good job of keeping things intact.
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones? -- The vaguer, the better. With really specific prompts, it usually feels as if the story’s been written for me already; with vague, general prompts, I have more agency to explore my own ideas. Some accompanying detail is usually nice, though. For example, the coffee shop/college/flower shop AUs that @transagentstern​ wrote are my ideal prompt for drabbles: premise, a little bit of open-ended detail, clear explanation of what’s going to happen while leaving the rest up to the imagination. Good stuff. If it’s for a long-form piece, though, I prefer full agency, or even just some time to lie facedown in the dirt and wait for an idea to strike me.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer. -- Yes.
Y: A character you want to protect. -- Tim.
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate? -- I do read lots of major character death, yeah, though not always for TAZ. There’s something cathartic about seeing a character die, but sometimes it sits wrong with me in ways that I don’t like. As for writing, I’d rather kill a character for a reason rather than for shock value/for the Feels, though said Feels can accompany the reason. 
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