#i wrote this for homework three years ago
winterdawnzephyr · 2 years
don't slip away from me // six of crows; kanej
“Keep talking, Wraith. Don’t slip away from me,” he had said while he was carrying her back to their boat.
“But it’s what I do best.”
He wondered how, even as he was walking towards her, closer to her, it felt like she was slipping away from him, yet again.
┈┈┈┈․° * °․┈┈┈┈
Kaz's POV at the very end of Crooked Kingdom as he watches Inej be reunited with her family, ready to sail away from Ketterdam for good.
Word Count: 658
Link to AO3 post:
Kaz’s hand still tingled from Inej’s touch as she sprinted down the quay, towards her parents.
He wondered what it would feel like to reunite with long-lost family. He would never know himself. He didn’t want to.
Jordie’s ghost seemed to creep around the edges of his vision. Kaz closed his eyes and forced the ghost’s whispers out of his mind. He would never see Jordie again--Pekka Rollins had made sure of that.
Brick by brick. 
Monsters like him didn’t dwell on such things. Dirtyhands didn’t have the right.
The Wraith was different. She deserved it. After all that she had been through--the slave ship, Tante Heleen, the Ice Court, himself--she had somehow remained kind and gentle and strong, always seeing the good in everyone. 
Kaz wanted to destroy Pekka Rollins for revenge. Inej wanted to hunt human traffickers because it was the right thing to do. Because it was a noble cause. Because she didn’t want others to suffer like she did.
She deserved to be with her family. She deserved to devote her life to hunting down slave ships. She deserved to be free.
He didn’t deserve to be with her, and he sure as hell would not hold her down.
The look in Inej’s eyes as she saw her family on the ship--he had never seen her so startled and speechless before. Inej, the Wraith-- to whom the laws of physics did not apply, who was always light on her feet, who defied gravity--had grabbed onto the sleeves of his suit to steady herself. Kaz could still feel the rapid hammering of her heart when he had put his arms around her, holding her up. 
For a moment, he had thought he’d done the wrong thing. Maybe Inej didn’t want to see her parents after all. Maybe he should have asked her before he planned everything.
But now, as he watched the three figures hugging on the distant platform, surrounded by the grey sea, all the poise and the grace of Suli acrobats vanished, he knew it wasn’t a mistake.
A waving hand shot up among the huddled figure, beckoning him to join in on their reunion. 
Leave. You have to leave, now. Every fibre in his body urged him to walk away. It wasn’t something foreign to him. He had done it so many times, with Jesper, Wylan, Nina. What made this different?
It was easier to let go.
He could turn away right now. He knew Inej would understand. She was used to it, anyway. 
But he had promised her. This was the least he could do. 
It was a joke, really, how after the two of them had spent so many hours plotting and taking on jobs together, spent so much time side by side with knives drawn, pistols blazing during the countless attacks, ambushes and heists, watching each others’ backs, he still felt uncertain about something as simple as meeting her parents. 
But of course, ‘simple’ had been taken away from them long before they had the chance to grow up.
As he made his way hesitantly across the quay, he couldn’t help but remember what Inej had said to him as she was on the verge of dying in his arms--how long ago was it? A year? Months? The Ice Court heist seemed so long ago. 
He had found her, almost lifeless from a wound meant to kill that she made by digging the point of her sharpest dagger into her chest. She was ready to kill herself to avoid dying by the hands of the Dime Lions. She had single-handedly saved them all. 
“Keep talking, Wraith. Don’t slip away from me,” he had said while he was carrying her back to their boat.
“But it’s what I do best.”
He wondered how, even as he was walking towards her, closer to her, it felt like she was slipping away from him, yet again.
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goldengleams · 7 months
maxed out | luke hughes
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In which Luke calls you out.
Warnings: swearing, fighting
LUKE HUGHES!!!!! ANGST!!!!! Two of my favorite things, hope you enjoy!
The week was almost over but you felt like you hadn’t achieved anything. You had completed dense readings and wrote two papers and yet an exam and a project loomed in the future. And that wasn’t including the internships you needed to apply for. Apparently they weren’t kidding when they said junior year of college was going to hit you like a ton of bricks.
Three of Luke’s attempts to set up a FaceTime date with you had gone declined, you had opted to do more work instead. Instead of watching a livestream of your boyfriend’s game, you settled for watching the highlight reel before you went to sleep, sending him a congratulatory text when he played well.
You knew long distance with Luke wouldn’t be easy but you both were willing to give it a try. Your relationship was strong when Luke was at Michigan and you thought you would be able to balance everything.
You thought wrong.
Forgotten were all the busy nights when Luke had saved you from your studies or you went to watch a movie with him in his room. Quick lunches and chats in between classes seemed so important just a year ago, but now you couldn’t bring yourself to take your mind off college.
You had sent endless apologies to Luke, which he accepted, but you still felt bad. You knew each other’s schedules pretty well so you felt bad declining his advances when he knew you didn’t have a club meeting or a class. Unfortunately, you never really had a real break due to assignments.
As you wrote in the homework for the next week in your planner, you heard other girls passing by your door. Their voices were loud as they talked about which bar to hit up first, who they were going to meet there.
You felt yourself slipping, tears forming in your eyes at the reminder that that was you. Last fall, you had the boyfriend, the friend group, the perfect schedule. Now, that had all crumbled. You hadn’t felt this alone since your first semester.
As if your body was reacting to the stress you had put it under, you felt yourself start to tremble. Your pen fell from your hand as it shook and you slumped over at your desk. You tried to breathe through the shakiness that overcame you, but it was no use.
You had pushed everyone away in hopes that you could accomplish your schoolwork and applications before you devoted time to relationships with others. Luke, especially, had hurt the most to ignore. He had never made you feel alone. Now, you felt absolutely defeated.
In the midst of your tears, you felt your desk vibrating. Lifting your head, you saw your phone sat on the charger, buzzing with a call.
“Call from Luke Hughes 🤍”
Your stomach dropped. You knew exactly what Luke was doing. About a year ago, when he had first started thinking about leaving early to play in the NHL, Luke had pushed you away, thinking it would hurt less. In an effort to save your budding relationship, you made a promise to call each other when you felt like you weren’t ready to talk face to face. If the other felt like something was wrong, a call was the way to get them to open up.
But Luke had never called you before.
Taking a deep breath, you quickly tried to gather yourself before you clicked the green answer button.
“Hey,” you croaked. You quietly tried to clear your throat so that Luke wouldn’t think something was wrong.
“Hi Y/N,” Luke said softly.
A beat went by with no conversation, so you decided to take control in an effort to steer him off his original course.
“Um, how was the game? I didn’t catch the highlights yet, I’ve just been finishing some homework.”
“On a Friday?” Luke questioned. His tone of voice was bordering on disapproving.
“Yeah, Luke,” you bit back. “I’ve been swamped with work.”
“Y/N, you’re literally the only person I know who works this hard. You can’t always be swamped with work, my god,” Luke complained. “We haven’t talked in a week, y’know.”
“I know, Luke,” you said, feeling a lump rising in your throat.
“I just don’t get it, Y/N. Things used to be so much easier. We used to actually make time for each other, and we used to-“
“Luke, don’t tell me shit I already know,” you warned. “We both knew that things would be different long distance, and we’re still figuring it out.” You knew it was a weak argument, but you felt the need to defend yourself against his fighting words. Whenever you called Luke out on his lack of communication, you never went in with criticism like this.
“No, no I will tell you because I thought we agreed to be there for each other, Y/N. You don’t even watch my games, let alone care about my well-being. It’s like you’re not even there!”
“Are you serious?” You flared. Whether it was due to Luke being the youngest sibling or just being a boy, he always knew how to push your buttons at the worst times. “You know how much I care about you, so don’t even say that, Luke.”
“Yeah well it doesn’t feel like it-it feels like I’m just another task for you now, Y/N,” Luke shouted into the phone. “I have games and practice and everything else and I still manage to talk to you!”
“Well I’m sorry that I’m still in college, trying to get a degree and an internship and every other fucking thing at the same time!” You snapped.
“See, you don’t even care that I was literally there with you, not even six months ago!” You could hear Luke slamming his hand on his desk and you imagined he had a pretty intense look on his face. This wasn’t good. “In case you forgot, I took classes and did homework too, Y/N, but I still had a social life and cared about my friends. It’s like you’re trying to act like you’re smarter than me as an excuse!”
“Fuck you, Luke!” You hadn’t meant to start yelling at Luke, especially not through the phone, but you couldn’t help it. You were at your breaking point with school and Luke was at his breaking point with you.
By now, the tears were flowing in steady streams down your face. To be pushed to the side like this by Luke was something you had never expected.
You couldn’t help the sob that escaped your throat. Once one got out, you couldn’t stop them. The weight of your relationship, school, and your future was finally crashing in on you.
“Y/N?” Luke asked. “Babe, I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not!” You mustered out through your tears. “You called me and I thought you were gonna ask me if I was okay, if I needed anything.”
“And, god, I know I haven’t been a good girlfriend or a good friend, Luke, but I’m on the verge of a fucking breakdown and, and I can barely get through each day, and I guess I just hoped you could tell,” you gasped, feeling close to the point of no return. “I hoped that you wouldn’t give up on me.”
There was silence on Luke’s end of the line.
Your heavy breathing filled in the tense space. You were acutely aware that your walls were thin and someone may have heard everything, but you couldn’t care at this point. You sniffled pitifully, full blown crying having calmed down a little.
“I’d never give up on you, Y/N,” Luke said quietly. “You know I care about you, I’d never give up on what we have.”
You felt a breath enter your lungs as he said it. Maybe there really was hope.
“For real? Because we just had a screaming match on the phone,” you let out a pitiful wet chuckle.
"Well, I did plan to call you tonight to like, actually call you out and see if you were okay but it didn't really go that way," Luke said, sheepishly. "I never wanted to make you cry, Y/N. I'm sorry."
You nodded, knowing Luke couldn't see you but feeling comfort in his intention. You took a deep breath, feeling your nerves calm.
"I mean, you weren't wrong, Luke. I haven't called you and I haven't texted, and I know it's not right but I was just so overwhelmed that I didn't want to take it out on you,” you sighed. “Everything’s been piling up and it’s hard for me to admit that I need help.”
"Y/N," Luke whined. "You know I'm here. You don't have to be stressed out all alone, babe."
"I know," you mumbled. You dragged the sleeve of your sweatshirt across your face to wipe your tears. "I miss you, Lukey. School isn’t fun when you’re not here."
Your phone started buzzing on your desk and you realized that Luke was trying to FaceTime you. You swore that boy could stay on FaceTime all day if his life depended on it. He loved just watching you through the screen, whether it was getting ready or just cooking, he enjoyed every moment of it.
“Hey babe,” he answered when you picked up. He had a small smile on his face and he looked so cute with his freshly washed hair and sweatshirt on.
“Sorry I look rank, I didn’t think we’d call tonight,” you admitted. Your hair was pulled back in an uncommitted hair style and your glasses sat on the bridge of your nose, half sliding down as you tried to wipe your eyes more.
"You look perfect, Y/N. And I miss you more, by the way," Luke countered, laughing a little. "I just want you to relax and do something other than stress about school."
“I mean, I’d like to do that too, just for the record,” you mumbled, yawning into your hand. The stress of the week was finally making you tired.
“How about you go get your nails done and go to lunch? See if Molly’s around,” Luke suggested.
You smiled at Luke on the screen. Even after your relationship was just tested, you and Luke always seemed to pull through.
“Maybe,” you replied. “I did finish my assignments for this weekend, so I could probably rela-”
“Yes! Just sent you money, I’m texting Rutger to tell Molly,” Luke rambled. Your heart warmed at the idea that he was so adamant on helping you de-stress after everything that went on this week. You watched Luke’s determined face on your phone screen as he went to work. Your boyfriend had always shown his love in actions. Luke poked away at his phone and when he was content, set the phone back up against his desk.
“Rutger said he’ll ask Molly but that she’s probably free, so you can finally leave that cave that you call a room,” he laughed.
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes. “But thank you, that would be really fun to hang out with someone, I’ve missed doing that.”
You and Luke talked for a few more minutes, catching up on his games and his brothers. He even mentioned flying you out for a game, but that was a conversation for another day when you weren’t exhausted. It wasn’t long before your eyelids were drooping, yawns escaping your mouth frequently.
“Go to sleep, babe,” Luke said softly.
“But I want to talk to you, Lukey,” you mumbled, but also stood up to make the short walk to your bed. You climbed in under the sheets and immediately felt peace.
“Call me in the morning, okay?”
You gave a sleepy nod, and mumbled a goodnight to him. You felt better about everything you had talked about with Luke. Everything would be alright.
“Love you, Y/N,” Luke said.
“Love you, Luke, sweet dreams,” you whispered. You shut your phone off and dreamed of seeing your boyfriend again soon.
Luke has been looking so boyfriend in the last few games so I had to write this!! Enjoy the angst 🥰 feel free to send me requests!!
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fortisfilia · 2 months
Promised Part 13 - Tom Riddle x reader
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Info: This is a rewrite of a story I've posted on my old account years ago. If it sounds familiar, that might be why :)
Summary: In this story, Tom didn't grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader's sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Warnings: Arranged marriage
Word count: 3k
Masterpost | Masterlist | Part 12 | Part 14
Part 13 - Pranks and proper Paybacks
The quill in your hand scratched lightly over the parchment as you were taking notes for Astronomy in the library. It was quiet, as usual, except for the occasional questions and thereof resulting explanations between Ben and Camille. She helped him study for his upcoming Herbology exam, for which he clearly hadn’t revised enough yet. Silly boy.
Tom was there too and sat next to you, completing the quartet round the table. He tried his best not to hiss at them every time Ben asked something. You noticed from the corner of your eye, how he gulped down every thought that built up in his head when another word poured from Ben’s mouth. It was amusing seeing Tom battling with himself to keep his cool. He still didn’t like Ben very much and would much rather study with you alone. But the fact that he had voluntarily sat down with the three of you, tried to behave and didn’t yell at Ben whenever he opened his mouth, was a sign that he probably didn’t hate him as much as he pretended to.
“So, about the Fluxweed again,” Ben whispered, browsing through his book. “How many days does it have to grow?”
Camille was about to answer when Tom pressed his palm against his forehead and exhaled dramatically. “Sixteen, Ben. It’s sixteen. She’s told you that three times at least.”
Ben took a quick look at Tom, while still fumbling through the book. “I know, mate. I just can’t memorise it. Why do I even need to know that?”
Tom flung a piece of parchment toward him, pointing at the empty sheet. “Write it down, then. There are some things you must know. Get over it.”
“Alright, alright,” Ben grinned, apparently not caring about Tom’s tone at all. “I’ll write it down, see? Fluxweed takes thirteen days to grow. Happy now?”
“Sixteen,” Camille, Tom and you sighed in unison.
“Oh.” He crossed out the number and sloppily wrote the correct one above it. “Sixteen then.”
Camille and you chuckled to yourselves while Tom only shook his head slightly, his eyes back inside his own book. Ben certainly was careless, or to be more precise, a lot more careless than Camille, Tom and you when it came to grades. The way he talked about homework and even exams was astonishing. He hadn’t even studied for his O.W.L. in Care for Magical Creatures in his fifth year, and he still got an ‘Exceeds Expectations’. Or so he had told you. He'd always found a way to talk his way out of things, unsurprisingly. Teachers really seemed to like him. Or rather do anything to stop him from talking once in a while. 
“Oh, wait,” Ben said again.
“Just read your book,” Tom grunted.
“No, hang on.”
Ben stood up and stretched his arm out quickly, reaching and grasping for something to your left. You all turned your heads and saw him catching something that had been flying right at you.
“I might be bad at Herbology. But you’re lucky I’m a bloody good Seeker,” he said and twisted the thin thing between his fingers.
“What is it?” Camille asked. “Let me see.”
Ben put the thing down on the desk, still pressing his index finger on top of it. “It’s a quill. I think it’s jinxed. It was flying on its own and headed right for your face,” he said and looked at you. “Still wants to, I can feel it moving.”
The grey quill twitched eagerly beneath Ben’s hand, trying to escape and pointed its sharp tip right at you, ready to pierce into your skin. 
“Not again,” you mumbled.
Things, odd things, had been happening during the week. Someone had played some pranks and antics on you. You hadn’t found out who it was yet, but it certainly had become pesky. On Monday, someone had left you a note that said Professor Merrythought wanted a word with you. Once you had arrived at the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, however, you were met with a confused teacher and had a hard time explaining yourself. Tuesday, someone had poured Rash Powder over your dinner. You had almost taken a bite but thankfully had noticed the unfamiliar smell in time. Wednesday was more subtle. There had been puddles and slippery spots everywhere you stepped. Avoiding them had been a tedious task. And now, on Thursday, this. The quill didn’t look like it could badly injure you, but its vivid nature was a sign for a hex, rather than a jinx. No matter who it was, all those things did tear on your nerves. Not only because the pranks got to you, but because there was a possibility someone had been following you without you noticing. Every time you had gone to the Come and Go Room you had turned around and checked if someone was behind you, just in case. That was the exhausting part.
“Just some pranks,” you explained. “I don’t know who or why, but it’s getting fairly ridiculous.”
“Could someone”-Ben puffed-“stop this thing? It’s trying to escape.”
Tom pointed his wand directly at the quill and rolled his wrist. It lit up for a fraction of a second and crumbled to dust right after.
“Ouch,” Ben yelped and fanned his hand through the air hastily before putting his index inside his mouth. “Thanks, mate.”
Tom smirked, partly for the spell he had just cast and partly for burning Ben’s fingertip. “Anytime, mate.”
Camille dragged her finger through the ashes, took a good look at them and rubbed it off between her index and her thumb. “Who would do that?”
“I don’t know,” you answered.
“Avery and Lestrange again, perhaps?”
“Unlikely,” Tom said. “I checked on them some days ago. They’re still with Carpe most of the time, scrubbing the floors and polishing trophies. And besides, they wouldn’t dare.”
“Who else could it be then?” Camille asked as she blew the remaining ashes off the desk with a quick cleaning spell.
The four of you exchanged looks around the table. “To be honest,” Tom began. “I was suspecting you for a while, Ben.”
“Me?” Ben asked wide-eyed. “Why would I do that? I just stopped that quill.”
“‘I’m aware, I’ve seen that now.”
Camille hummed, deep in thought. “Wait,” she said. “What about Freda? Freda Morris.”
“The head girl?” Ben asked.
“Yes,” she said. “She was so jealous at Slughorn’s party, wasn’t she?”
Tom looked at you, biting on the inside of his lower lip, then nodded. “That doesn’t sound too far-fetched.”
“I wouldn’t have thought she’d be so creative,” you said while picking up your books. “Well, I’ll keep an eye on her then.”
Once you had gathered your things, you got up and waited for Tom to do the same.
“Where are you going?” Camille asked. “It’s not even seven yet.”
“I have to,” you stopped yourself. You had to tend to the potion in the Come and Go Room again. Needless to say, you couldn’t tell them that. “I have to go and look after Nagini. The snake. She’s shedding at the moment. Talk to you soon.”
“Let us know if something else happens,” Camille said and waved you goodbye. 
Tom followed you silently. Of course, they didn’t ask him why he had to come and check on Nagini as well. The perks of being intimidating. Apart from this, Camille and Ben surely didn’t mind studying without him nagging all the time.
On your way out, right when you left the library and headed toward the grand staircase, Tom and you were halted by another student. Platinum blonde and blue-eyed, Abraxas Malfoy, who was one of Tom’s ever so devious sycophants, locked eyes with him. 
“Tom,” he greeted and stopped right in his tracks.
“Abraxas,” Tom replied.
Oh, what did he want now? There wasn’t a lot of time until the potion had to be stirred, so hopefully Malfoy wouldn’t keep you from going any longer.
“So,” Abraxas began. “I’ve seen, you like to keep new company these days.”
Tom frowned and looked over his shoulder. Clearly, Abraxas didn’t mean you. “What are you implying?”
“I’m not implying anything,” he said and chortled a sour laugh. “I’m just observing. You’re dealing with mudbloods now?”
He was talking about Ben. Malfoy and Tom’s other ‘friends’ had probably seen you in the library together. Or in the Three Broomsticks, some weeks ago. Abraxas must have felt really brave to talk to the head boy in this way. His chest was swollen with pride and the glint in his gaze spoke more than he could have ever said. He was out to get something from this conversation.
Tom only exhaled sharply and stared back at Malfoy, unconcerned about his reproach. “And how come that’s any of your business, exactly?”
“Oh, it isn’t of course,” Abraxas answered. “I was just surprised. Shocked even.”
“I do apologize,” Tom sneered, clicking his tongue in fake sympathy. “That the gathering of other people, who don’t concern you in the slightest, has ruined your precious day.”
Abraxas stared back at him, obviously trying hard to keep calm. His smile still sat neatly on his face; it was his eyes that betrayed him. “No need to worry about me. I merely started thinking, daydreaming, that your Grandfather might not appreciate that.”
Tom took a step closer, his nostrils flared for a moment and a vein on his neck stood out. “Abraxas,” he whispered so spitefully, it almost sounded like he was talking in Parseltongue, words spilling out of him like pure venom. “I’d advise you to worry about your own life. Because if you don’t, wouldn’t it be tragic if your Mother found out what happened last year at your house? When the maid left and never came back? What was the reason again? If only I remembered. Oh, I do.”
Malfoy’s expression changed momentarily, his head sunk and his eyes darted across the floor, trying hard to think of what to answer.
“Do we understand each other?” Tom asked.
Abraxas nodded, lips thin and full of fury. He instinctively retracted and took a step back, keeping his head low and looked up at Tom through knitted brows.
“Good,” Tom said and left Malfoy standing there. 
Continuing to walk to the grand staircase, he appeared like nothing but a casual chat between two friends had just happened. 
“Well,” you said after Abraxas was out of earshot. “That was interesting.”
“They’re all so stupid, sometimes I wonder how they’ve lived this long,” Tom replied. “I have dirt on every single one of them. And they try to blackmail me. Ridiculous.”
“Idiots indeed,” you shook your head. “Do I want to know what happened to the maid?”
“You don’t. It’s a long, repulsive story.”
No doubt it was. Abraxas was known for his dreadful ways and how he had tormented younger students ever since. He wasn’t like Avery or Lestrange, a dumb follower, who had Hippogriff crap for brains. No, he was mindful, awfully aware of his surroundings and constantly seemed to brood about his next step. He reminded you of Marvolo, they both had the same aura, cold and demeaning, always looking for ways to take advantage of other people’s misery. It was no surprise that he had tried to intimidate Tom, maybe even pass him in their hierarchy by threatening to tell everyone about his association with a muggle-born. But he hadn’t thought it through. Tom Riddle wasn’t one to mess with and he had just made that crystal clear. Ben might have not been his friend, but still, he hadn’t let Abraxas speak ill of him.
“I wouldn’t have thought you liked Ben,” you said once you turned another corner.
Tom opened his mouth and looked at you in disbelief for a moment, as if you had just insulted him, before he started talking. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, it just seemed like it. You came to his defence so quickly. That’s why I assumed.”
“This wasn’t about Hilt. It was about me, Marvolo and that bootlicker Malfoy.”
“Whatever you say,” you grinned while Tom rolled his eyes.
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Friday evolved to be the worst day of the week. Not only had you almost gotten detention for falling victim to a Knockback jinx during Defence Against the Dark Arts if Camille hadn’t come to your rescue. Professor Merrythought still hadn’t forgotten about your visit on Monday and thought you were trying to disturb her lesson again. But in addition, your curriculum almost hindered you from tending to your potion completely. It had become nearly impossible to handle everything at once. Your classes, homework, studying for the N.E.W.T.s, taking care of the antidote and on top of all that, those stupid pranks. It had been draining and your body ached for a bit of rest. 
On your way to Tom’s dorm, when the sun had already set and you were finally done with everything for the day, you heard the clink of a door handle turning behind you. It almost had gone overheard, the only thing you wanted to do was sit down for a moment and unwind, even if only for an hour. You had already reached the door to Tom’s room and could have just entered to forget about the world for a while. But there was this unsettling feeling inside of you and Camille’s words from the library ran through your head again. You turned around. And thank Merlin you did.
Freda Morris stood in her door frame, smirking with her wand pointed right at you. She must have been taken by surprise, it didn’t seem like she had expected you to look at her. Her wand sank in an instant before she hid it behind her back.
“You,” you muttered, taking some steps her way. “It was you all week, wasn’t it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, mocking you with a smile.
“Just admit it at least. Coward. You know exactly what I’m talking about and you were just trying to do it again, weren’t you?”
Freda shook her head and put a strand of hair behind her ear with her skinny fingers. “I’m head girl, dear. I would never do anything to harm another student if that is what you’re implying. I don’t know what could have given you the idea.”
“Oh shut up,” you spat. “Head girl, yes. An awful excuse for one at best.”
The door behind you opened and Tom appeared from inside. He looked out into the hallway frowning. “What’s all that noise about?”
“Your fiancée’s throwing a fit.”
“Camille was right,” you said, still not taking your eyes off Freda. “It was her. The note, the quill and everything else. I just caught her right in the act.”
Freda heaved one single, shrill laugh at your words and straightened her posture. “I just told you, I would never do such things.”
“What were you doing then? Pointing your wand at me, when I have my back turned on you.”
She pondered, taken aback, while she looked at Tom beside you until her grin appeared back on her face. “You’re imagining things. I was just leaving my room to go and talk to Professor Dippet. That’s when you started to yell at me for no reason.”
She didn’t lower herself to even look at you anymore. Instead, she looked at Tom. “Is this really what you look for in a woman? Hysterical and hostile? I would have thought you had better taste.”
The need to go up to her and slap her across the face seemed almost unbearable. Your hands were balled into fists and it took all your might not to take out your wand and pay her back everything she had done to you, times ten. Tom on the other hand stayed calm and smiled weakly while looking back at her.
“Don’t worry about my taste, Freda,” he said. “I’d rather worry about your memory. Maybe you haven’t been informed, which would be very unfortunate seeing that you are head girl, but Professor Dippet isn’t in Hogwarts today. He’s been called in by the Wizengamot. How could you have been on your way to him then?”
Freda’s smile faltered, her eyes darting back and forth between Tom and you. “I must have not gotten his owl then.”
“Certainly,” Tom said. “I want a word. Now.”
“No,” you intervened and he stopped his movements to look at you. “I can do this myself.”
Tom stepped back with a small smirk on his face. Freda was in for a treat. You walked up to her until there was only a hand’s breadth of space between your faces.
“Listen now,” you said, your heart pumping strongly inside your chest. “I don’t know what you were thinking. If you were thinking. But I swear, if you ever play another of your pranks on me again, I-”
“You what?” she asked and shoved you by the shoulder. “Do you think I’m scared of you?”
The moment she had touched you, you felt something moving by your feet. Nagini had slithered out through Tom’s open door and hissed louder than you had ever heard before. Freda gasped and took several steps backwards, startled by the snake. Nagini placed herself between the two of you and reared up, looking as huge and aggressive as ever. Her hisses were meant for one person only and when you looked back at Tom, you recognised that he wasn’t talking to the snake. She had come to your defence on her own.
“Take that thing away,” Freda yelled. “Make it stop.”
“Or what?” you asked. “You might have not been scared of me yet, but I promise you, give me one more reason and you will be.”
She didn’t dare answer, still looking down at Nagini in utmost panic and trying to foresee every move the snake was about to make. You savoured on the sight for a moment, fervently enjoying how Freda fumbled for the doorknob behind herself.
“Come Nagini,” you then said as you turned around. “Leave her alone. For now.”
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Masterpost | Masterlist | Part 14
Tags: @ariachaos @daardyrnitta
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 11 days
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The Revenge Plan - PART 3
Everyone started discussing how they're gonna take the company from Cider.
John Dory notices Floyd disappear.
He follows.
Floyd is sitting on the rock outside the bunker looking at a scrappy old notebook.
John Dory sits down next to him and leans his head to look at the notebook.
“Whatcha got there?”
Floyd hands him the notebook.
“My songs.”
JD scans through the pages, reading Floyd's lyrics and notes.
He was impressed.
“Floyd, these are amazing! How come you've never shown me before?”
Floyd inhaled and exhaled slowly before he looked away.
JD was confused at Floyd's reaction and lack of response.
JD continued to look through the notebook and noticed little scribbles on the edges. Reminders, numbers, teachers names?…. Homework due dates….
JD thought Floyd wrote these songs when he was travelling alone... but he wrote them when he was a teenager?!
But... the songs were so sad and emotional... and heartbreaking.
Did Floyd really feel this way back then? Does he still feel that now?
Floyd was always called the 'Sensitive One' but how far did that title go?
Little dots and fractions of memories connected in John's mind. Little Floyd had just started performing with the older three brothers. Floyd was always writing. Every so often Floyd asked JD if he could read something he wrote… but he was too busy. He was always too busy.
“You… you have shown me before haven't you?”
Floyd didn't respond.
“I can't even imagine…I'm so-”
They argue over the top of each other. JD is over-apologizing and Floyd says it was over twenty years ago and he's over it.
“John, I get it, you had your hands full.”
“I should have made time for you!”
“It's okay-”
“It's not okay!”
They are silent for a moment.
John finished reading, closed the notebook and stood up.
“You deserve your songs, Floyd. We're gonna get 'em back, no matter what!”
John handed Floyd back his notebook and made his way back inside, ready to contribute everything he had to whatever plan they came up with.
“John wait-” Floyd started but John didn't stop.
John disappeared back down into the bunker.
Floyd started to wonder if he's bitten off more than he can chew.
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miss-tc-nova · 7 months
Stubborn - Azul Ashengrotto x Reader
So this is more what I originally wanted to write when I wrote Safe Space.
Premise: Azul's darling refuses to leave the octopus pot
Words: 446
               Azul stands in his room, arms folded, lips pursed, glaring at the pot in the corner.
               His voice is stern. “Darling, come out of the octopus pot.”
               The voice echoes from within. “No.”
               Azul would normally indulge his beloved in every silly endeavor—he even found this pouty hiding kind of cute. Three hours ago. Since then, Azul has attended a housewarden meeting, taken care of the lounge’s shifts for next week, and completed most of his homework. He thought by now this minor mood swing would have passed but clearly, he was wrong. He doesn’t even know why his darling is upset other than that it has to do with one of the other first years—so it could be anything really.
               “You can’t stay in there forever.”
               “Watch me.”
               “What are you going to do about dinner? What about your homework?”
               “Screw it.”
               “What about me?”
               “Get in here.”
               Shoulders drop. Yes, the octopus pot made for his true form could definitely fit the two of them with only a bit of squishing, but this is just getting silly. Strolling forward to peer into the container, Azul spies his beloved, bunkered down with his duvet and a pillow as fingers scroll the phone “borrowed” from the headmage.
               “You’re just being stubborn now.”
               “Don’t care.”
               “Darling, you have to leave eventually.”
               Suddenly, those eyes turn on him, sparking with a determination and anger that actually strikes fear into the young man. He should’ve left right then and given his darling the space, but it appears all sense has left him. In that hesitation, a pair of hands fly from the pot to snag his jacket.
               The scream that leaves his lips is not flattering at all as Azul is unceremoniously abducted into the octopus pot. There’s some flailing and squirming before he’s situated, sitting across the prefect’s lap, arms wrapped around him.
               Fire surges across his back at the proximity. From here, he can see every sparkling shade in those gorgeous eyes, the soft smell of shampoo lulling him into a trance. Hell, he’s pretty sure he can hear his darling’s pounding heartbeat. No. Wait. That’s his. Sure, they’ve been just as close before, but Azul has never been able to build an immunity to intimacy with his darling—and he probably never will.
               With a huff, the prefect snuggles up against the housewarden, pulling up another video on the phone.
               So…he lost. And now, Azul is also confined to the octopus pot for who-knows how long.
               Yet as he sighs, settles in, and resigns to his fate, the young mage admits that maybe stubbornly pouting in the octopus pot isn’t such a bad thing.
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mr2swap · 1 year
Where will my stepfather keep the babysitter's number?
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-oh fuck this is great!... shit!- I can say shit now that I'm an adult and nobody can punish me now!, damn if I had found out before that all the stories and fantasies about the magical relic of my best friend Kevin were I would have asked him to swap my body with my stepfather Joe years ago.
Being an adult is amazing, I can stay up late and smoke my stepdad's cigarettes! Joe's job as an architect is great, while he does all the heavy lifting cooped up in his studio drawing plans all day and all I have to do is smile and put on his nice expensive suit and tell a bunch of sweaty men that They should work faster.
They don't even imagine that I'm really 8 years old and that his real boss is in boring history and geography classes at the elementary school a couple of kilometers from his workplace.
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-Young man, you've been in the bathroom for 30 minutes. What are you doing in there? he opens the door right now! -That was my father's shrill voice which is now in my weak little childish body, he is really mad at me for exchanging our bodies but what will he do? punish me? he's lost all authority now that he's only three feet tall and has a voice as squeaky as a mouse's.
My stepdad's quick little steps away from the door could be heard as he examined the massive muscles of my new body, now that I have dad's body I love working out in the garage, it's like a little bit of his personality is now in my mind, maybe my father also feels the same way that would explain why he is a total coward and does everything I tell him when he increased the volume of my voice and marked my authority as the adult in charge.
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Maybe he should call my friend James and also switch bodies with his father and his father to go out together as adults, I don't know why but Whiskey sounds delicious now that I'm a real adult. Where will my stepfather keep the babysitter's number?
I wrote this last year hope you like it, you can check out the rest of my stories on patreon for only 4-6 dollars and unlock my 200+ stories
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typingtess · 5 months
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“I got a call from the DJ today.”
“Who?” Deeks was snoozing on the couch. It was a long day.
“The DJ, the wedding.”
“Malibu Mix-a-Lot. Because Sir Mix-a-Lot was so 25-years ago.”
“Dave, the DJ, said we didn’t give him a first dance song, a post-dinner dance song and a wrap up song for the night. He sent a list.”
“We have homework?” Deeks asked as Kensi handed her five pages of songs e-mailed by the DJ. "Today was a long day. I don't need homework."
“Three songs. Not homework.”
Sitting up, Deeks said “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida is probably a hard no.”
“What,” Deeks shrugged as he looked at what seemed to be an endless list of songs. “I want to know what you’re thinking,” Deeks pushed the decision to Kensi.
“I don’t want a song I’ve heard at every wedding I’ve gone to in the last decade.”
“Well, that narrows things down.”
“No The Luckiest. No Always and Forever. No All of Me. No My Heart Will Go On.”
“You love "Titanic", why no My Heart Will Go On?”
“How did things end for Jack and Rose?”
“Not well for Jack but Rose got a big hunk of jewelry and died in her late 90’s.”
“I’d have made room for you on the door.”
“That’s true love,” Deeks flipped through the list. “There are way too many songs.”
“Dave the DJ is willing to find anything we need.”
“Well I need something easy to dance to.”
“We’ve got lessons for the four Saturday mornings before the wedding. Actually having the music would be helpful.”
“Can’t wait,” Deeks feigned enthusiasm. “Oh, The Way You Look Tonight. Frank Sinatra. Cool, good song.”
Kensi shook her head. “In “My Best Friend’s Wedding” - absolutely not.”
Deeks shook his head. “That was Tony Bennett.”
“Same thing.”
“Don’t say that in front of Bertie. Big Sinatra fan. Oh, I got it. Stevie Wonder – For Once In My Life. Good beat, I won’t make an idiot of myself and it’s Stevie Wonder.”
“On the list.”
“We’re making a list.”
“We need three songs. We’re making a list,” Kensi scribbled on a pad. “How do you feel about another old song?”
“How old?”
“Well, you took me to “Jersey Boys” old.”
“Go on.”
“Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You.”
“I’m in.”
“You’re not just saying that to get this done.”
“I took you to “Jersey Boys” and I liked it. Liked the music. You even liked it. I’m in.”
“First dance song or after dinner song.”
“After dinner song. Let’s give them some real music before the Malibu Mix-a-Lot…”
“Malibu Mix-a-Lot plays all your techno music,” Deeks said lifting an eyebrow as he looked at the list. Whistling for Monty, “I’m taking Monty for his pre-bed walk. We’ve got the first dance and post-dinner songs.”
“We have to finish this.”
Picking up her pencil, Deeks circled a song and wrote something on his list. Monty made his way to do the door. “We’re good, Kens, we’re good.” He handed her the list of songs.
Kensi watched him leave with Monty before she looked at his choice. She smiled when she saw his “Sending them home with this” written next to his a circled song – Best Day of My Life by American Authors.
She would definitely make room for him on the door.
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kitashousewife · 2 years
low priority
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an: to celebrate both of our last years of school, i have wrote this for echo's the best years of our lives collab!!! it is going to be three parts. this is based on my own personal experiences! i hope you all like it :)
pairings: timeskip!tsukishima x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, fluff, tsukki's bad attitude, lowercase intentional
one thing about tsukishima is that he loves a schedule. the consistency of it all made him feel secure and made him feel at ease. thankfully, this morning was going exactly according to plan.
his 9:00 lecture ended exactly at 10:00, which meant he had exactly 1 hour and 45 minutes to grab something to eat and get a little bit of work done before he had to walk to his 12:00 class. if he's lucky, his professor will wrap up at 1:30, allowing him to catch the bus at 1:45 to head home, so that he can enjoy his friday evening doing homework with yamaguchi like usual.
of course, it wouldn't be a friday morning without seeing you.
ever since his first year of university, tsukishima has seen you pretty regularly around campus. passing each other on the way to class, sitting near each other in the library, he even saw you at the grocery store a few times. at first, he thought it was just a coincidence in schedules, but after four years now, he isn't sure what to make of this.
he has never talked to you, and you have never spoken to him. hell, you have never acknowledged him. part of him wishes you would, though.
sitting down in the dining hall, tsukishima begins his homework playlist and starts to work. the time seems to be flying by until he hears a voice behind him, distracting his workflow. lowering his headphones, he turns over his shoulder and nearly chokes when he realizes who's talking.
you're sitting directly behind him laughing into the phone that fits perfectly between your ear and shoulder, typing on your laptop while you do so. normally, tsukishima would be incredibly annoyed by this, but he isn't. the sound of your laugh and soft voice actually made him smile.
rolling his eyes at his behavior, he turns his music up and tries to get back to work.
the rest of the day was fine. his class ended right on time, he got to his apartment quickly, and he was able to get to yamaguchi's without any problems. but, now he regrets coming over.
"aww, tsukki's campus crush!" yamaguchi cheers from the kitchen, grabbing chopsticks for their takeout. tsukishima groans into a pillow from the couch. "shut up, yamaguchi. i shouldn't have said anything," he gripes, snatching the chopsticks out of his best friend's hands. "it's not even a crush."
yamaguchi laughs. "is she pretty?"
tsukishima feels his cheeks heating up. looking at his food, he sighs. "yeah, very."
yamaguchi smirks. "right."
monday morning came a lot quicker than you had hoped. the weekend is never long enough, especially this semester. as you walked through campus, bleary-eyed and exhausted, you looked up to see him.
headphone guy.
the first time you saw him was in the library four years ago. ever since then, you have seen him everywhere. you don't know anything about him, besides the fact that for four years now, he has worn large white headphones.
and, that he is extremely good-looking.
you pass by each other, like every other monday morning, without a word.
after class, you can't seem to get him out of your head. he looked so handsome, with his rimmed glasses and blonde hair, and he seems so serious. you've seen him study some pretty impressive science textbooks, too. he must be intelligent.
walking into the bookstore on campus isn't helping your thoughts. as you shuffle through the isles for a specific book you need for class, there he is.
standing directly in front of your section, he flips through a book mindlessly. his headphones are draped around his neck, the very faint sound of music whispers through them.
"excuse me," you squeak, cringing at your attempt. tsukishima looks down at you at you and doesn't say a word.
okay asshole.
"i-i'm looking for a book,"
"obviously," he interjects, still staring at you. you cock an eyebrow at him. what is this guy's problem?
giving him the benefit of the doubt to save the image of him you made in your mind, you start again. "it's for my psychology class this semester. i didn't know i needed it, it wasn't required," mumbling the last part, you step forward to scan through the book spines.
tsukishima watches intently, suppressing a chuckle as you grab the book you need and mutter a finally under your breath.
"is that for psych 325?" you nod. "it was required actually. it's in the first section of the syllabus,"
your eyebrows shoot up, only to lower back down into a low glare. "no it wasn't, i checked."
he smirks down at you, pushing his glasses back up his nose with the back of his knuckle. you are about to disintegrate on the spot.
"well," he sighs, looking for his own book. "i'm the TA for that class this semester,"
you blink. twice. three times.
"what section?"
he turns on his heel and begins to walk out of the isle, book in hand. he looks over his shoulder at you. "section 8."
no fucking way.
you walk after him as he heads to the checkout counter. shaking your head in disbelief, you finally catch up to him. "you're tsukishima?"
he nods, grabbing his wallet to pay for his book.
"but you aren't in my class."
placing his receipt in the book cover, he turns to you and adjusts his headphones. "i don't need to be there, i just help grade and upload assignments from time to time."
paying for your own, apparently required book, you start to feel a little sheepish.
"after all these years," you mumble to yourself.
stopping midway from putting on his headphones, it's his turn to cock an eyebrow.
and he wouldn't admit it, but he really hopes he heard you correctly.
"what did you say?" you pause, then adjust your backpack.
"nothing, i was just talking to myself," you look away, fixing your eyes on anything but his brown ones.
walking towards the door, you both want and don't want him to follow you.
he does.
"do you know me?" he asks, holding the door open for you. walking out, you wait for him to join you outside.
"no, but i've seen you around campus a few times," you aren't technically lying. but you aren't going to admit that you've been staring at him for the past four years. he hums back.
tsukishima's just as stubborn as you, if not more so. the last thing he's going to do is tell you that he has been thinking about you for the past eight semesters, even telling his best friend about you.
standing in silence, the two of you stare at your feet as the autumn breeze kicks up around you. clearing your throat, you look up at him once more.
the midday sun dances across his cheeks and hair, the strands looking almost white in the rays. he looks down at you before you have time to look away.
"you know, just because we spoke, please don't expect any special treatment in the class," he sighs and pulls his headphones over his ears. rolling your eyes, shake your head at him.
he chuckles at your imitation of him earlier. feeling his heartbeat quicken once more, he turns to you before he walks to the bus stop.
"the class is challenging, so don't be afraid to reach out. my phone number is on the syllabus, along with my email," he says, grabbing his phone to press play on his playlist. looking at you again, he bites tongue as you are staring back at him with wide eyes and blushing cheeks.
"for academic purposes, of course."
tsukishima walks away, hoping you don't catch how nervous he actually is. he can't believe he said that. yamaguchi is gonna love this.
your thoughts are racing, far too quickly for this monday afternoon. beginning the walk to your apartment, you shake the thoughts that sneak their way into your head.
where was that syllabus again?
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ilguna · 1 year
☼ replica pt3 (Jasper Whitlock) ☼
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summary; alice finds out the trust about you.
warnings; swearing, a couple threats.
wc; 1.3k
notes; i will not be making a part 4 to this. do not ask.
If life somehow turns out the opposite of what you’re hoping for, and you end up teaching, then you’re going to make a vow to never hand out tests, ever. You get the purpose of them, it’s to test the information of what you’ve been learning for the past unit, but is it really necessary?
You’ve got high grades on all of the assignments so far, maybe a few questions marked off, but nothing that he should be genuinely concerned about. Besides, each time he calls on you in class, you know the answer to the question. It’s not like you sit there with a ‘yikes!’ facial expression, waiting for someone behind you to cough out the answer.
You think they should start giving tests to the students who aren’t passing the assignments but could ace a test, give them the chance to raise their grade. You guess that it doesn’t really work that way, though, does it? Normally the students are good at the homework and they fail the tests because it’s hard to be prepared when you’re put on the spot—weeks notice in advance or not.
Well, the least the teacher can do is lower the impact on grades. All you’re saying is: why should one test decide whether or not you pass or fail a class? Especially when you’ve been so good about homework and trying to study for the mini quizzes? Why should one test put you behind? It’s bullshit.
Unfortunately, all of that being said, you’ve got one of your first exams of the year coming up next week. This year, the teachers at Forks High School have decided to semi-band together and try not to schedule their exams on the same day if they can help it. It allows the students who benefit from cramming to actually succeed.
You used to be like that, a long time ago. Until you realized that if you start studying weeks in advance, by the time you reach the test, you’re prepared and the information is second nature, and not bobbing around on the top of your head. You wish you could’ve learned this trick a long time ago, probably would’ve saved a lot of tears.
You flip another page in the notebook, trying to read what you wrote a couple weeks ago, but you’re only skimming the sentences, absorbing half the information. You let out a sigh and roll over on your bed, staring at the ceiling for a moment. You need a break, just a few minutes will be better than sitting here struggling.
You slide off of the bed, stretching your arms above your head. Right as you let out a yawn, a tingling—almost tickling—sensation begins in your stomach. You let your arms fall to your sides, eyebrows twitching together, reaching for your bedroom door knob. 
You hurry out, down the hall, and down the stairs. You’re home alone, for now. Your parents shouldn’t be back for another two hours, at the very least. And since they decided that you were enough of a handful, they never gave you any siblings. It’s a shame, you’re sure that you could’ve been bothering them instead of being responsible.
The tickling goes gut-wrenching as you swing the front door open, mouth screwed. You already know who it is before the door opens all the way. You can see her black sleeves, and then the sleeveless puffy white vest that she’s wearing—as if an outfit like that makes any sense in weather like this. You suppose that it doesn’t matter to her, though, she doesn’t feel the cold.
Alice Cullen stands on your porch, fist raised to knock on your door. She’s wearing an outfit that you’ve never seen her wear before, very in character. She and the rest of the Cullens seem to have an endless closet, and it never repeats. Makes you wonder where the used clothes go. Do they donate them in mass? That’s at least three-hundred and sixty-five outfits. At least.
“Alice.” You smile, “How are you? I haven’t seen you at school in a couple of days.”
She presses her lips together, nearly looking you up and down, “Can I come in?”
“Not really.” You shrug, “I can’t have friends over unless they’re approved by parents, if they even catch wind of it, I’ll be grounded forever.”
“It’ll only be a minute.” She tries to reason, taking a step forward.
“I said no.” You tell her, watching her face. You’re not afraid of her, or her persistence. You’re not moving from this doorway. You’re not going to invite her into your house.
She takes a deep breath, “Fine, I wanted to ask if you’ll stay away from Jasper. You’re causing problems between the two of us, I’m sure you understand.”
Your face twists, “Jasper and I are only friends. There’s nothing more between us beside that.”
“Regardless, it’s not coming off that way.” Alice squints at you, “You’ll find other friends at Forks, it’s not hard. Bella found friends easily.”
“Yes, she did, didn’t she?” You murmur, eyes wandering away from her face and onto the street, “A whole nest of vampires that call themselves vegetarians.”
Alice straightens stiffly, face smoothing out to become unreadable. You tilt your head at her slightly, wondering how much you should reveal to her. It truly was a coincidence that your parents wanted to move here to Forks, but it was a complete accident that you’d find Jasper again.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She manages to get out.
“What, like it’s some sort of secret?” You muse, “You couldn’t be more obvious.” 
It’s nice, watching Alice squirm in front of you. You’re sure that it’s not easy to get a vampire to do that. How they didn’t pick up on your questions to Jasper is a whole different story. Little details, allowing you to put the pieces together.
Honestly, when you first arrived, it was a whole new place. It wasn’t until Jasper noticed you, and insisted to stay and talk to get that bit of nostalgia, did your memories—very faded memories—begin to come back to you. Not quite in black and white, but it would’ve been appropriate for that time period.
It’s the way he would talk to you carefully, predict your movements before you made them, you knew he had something to do with your distant past. And when he said, “It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen her face” while avoiding your eyes, and he talks so specifically that it’s impossible not to pick up on.
Last week you meditated for the first time since you moved here, and the answers came to you slowly. Who you were back then, what you meant to Jasper. You vaguely remember seeing him at some point after you’d turned eighteen, but you were so distracted by the whirlwind that consumed your life. You died peacefully, and since you led a kind life, you were brought back here.
You were reincarnated to haunt a boy you’d lost several lifetimes ago.
You wish you could say that you felt strongly toward him. Maybe feelings of love or hatred or anything—it’s nothing more than friendship. If he feels some sort of other way, you’re not sure if you’ll feel the same way at all. It doesn’t mean that you won’t try, though.
And maybe in some capacity you feel bad for Alice. However, with her showing up on your doorstep, demanding that you leave Jasper alone, who is practically five times your age, then that is not a you problem, that’s a him problem. You’re not in control here, he is.
Alice has composed herself, you’ve closed the door another couple of inches, trying to signal to her that it’s time to go, “Listen, Alice, I have no interest in stealing your husband. If you’re concerned about it, you should talk to him.” You lean forward slightly. “And if you come to my doorstep again, trying to tell me how to live my life, I will ruin yours, understand?”
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diorkyeom · 9 months
‘✷’ : CHAPTER FOUR “in the eye of every beholder”
<< prev chapter | ao3 fic | next chapter >>
chapter word count: 3.6k+
chapter warnings: none (other than seokmin wanting to murder ksy)(with good intentions)
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summary: "lately, seokmin had come to a realisation. joshua hong, seokmin thought, was a little bit of an enigma." - in which seokmin has known joshua for years, but he's always been a bit of a mystery to him. and as the days go by, he finds himself falling further and further for the enigmatic man, wanting to find out who the real Joshua Hong is behind his polite smiles and warm eyes and sweet words.
notes: introducing my oc teacher characters!!! i kinda wrote myself into a corner by having no one else in svt being teachers lmao so i had to make up new friends for seokmin when he’s at school haha ^^
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“Good morning, Seokmin. Why do you look like you managed to get zero sleep last night?”
Seokmin laughed into his coffee as he set his bag down at his desk in their department office. “Uh, that might be because I didn’t.”
“You didn’t?” Yuna, one of the other teachers in the department, looked at him concernedly as she turned on her own computer. “Why? Don’t tell me you left your marking to the last minute again.”
Seokmin sipped his drink, contemplating for a moment, before just smiling. “You caught me there."
Telling the truth and saying that he'd been staying awake to talk with one of his not-quite-friends by the river until sunrise about anything and everything would have been weird, anyway. 
Before the woman had the chance to tell him off, however, the door to the department office swung open, and one of the other literature teachers swept in amongst a whirl of papers.
“Good morning, you two,” Hayoung chirped, dumping her papers down at her desk before grinning at them, pushing her glasses up as she bent down to pick up the papers that had been dropped. “Hey, why does Seokmin look like he’s half dead?”
Seokmin rolled his eyes at the two women, turning to his own computer and attempting to turn the monitor on. “You’re both so mean.”
Hayoung just laughed, shuffling her papers together and pulling out her own chair to sit down. “We care about you, brat. That’s all. Did something happen?”
“No,” Seokmin said, typing in his user and password. “I’m fine, I promise. Just procrastinated marking my children’s homework, that’s all.”
“Ah,” Hayoung said wisely. “Totally understandable. I do that all the time.”
Yuna sighed, shaking her head. “You two are utterly insane. I could never leave my marking that late.”
“Good morning!” another voice trilled, and all three literature teachers looked up to see another one of their colleagues hop into the room, looking buzzed up on far too much caffeine. “Did you hear that they’re already interviewing people to replace the teachers that left?”
“Minjun,” Yuna remarked dryly as the man accidentally bumped into Hayoung’s table and knocked over her pile of papers. “Why are you so hyper so early in the morning?”
“They’re already interviewing potential new teachers?” Seokmin asked interestedly. At the desk next to him, Hayoung wailed over the fallen papers that she’d just picked up. “That was fast.”
“I know right?” Minjun said, setting down his bag and his coat at his desk. “Apparently they’ve already found the new teachers they wanna hire for the music department. One of them is starting in a couple of weeks, actually.”
Seokmin shook his head. “That’s insane. I hope they’re prepared to deal with being thrown into the curriculum halfway through the year.”
Minjun laughed. “Yeah." He jabbed his finger in the direction of the door. "Also, the first class of the day started three minutes ago.”
All three literature teachers jumped at his words, looking over at the clock before collectively scrambling to gather their things and get to their students.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Seokmin said despairingly, accidentally stepping on some of Hayoung’s papers as he left the room. “Sorry, Hayoung!”
Minjun just continued laughing as he waved them out of the office. “I don’t have any classes until the afternoon. Have a nice day, you guys!”
Yuna yelled back something intelligible as both she and Seokmin hurried down the corridor, Hayoung still picking up her papers in the office. 
"I'll see you at break," Yuna said quickly before pushing open the door to her classroom, instantly calling out for her children to settle down. 
Seokmin shook his head, smiling, before walking into his own class too, pushing the door open with his foot and carrying his lesson materials in his arms. 
"Yes, yes, I'm here now," he said, and the delighted cries of "Mr. Lee!" made him smile even wider. "Good morning, has everyone's morning been good?"
He walked to the front of the classroom, humming interestedly and laughing as some of the children told him very seriously that they wouldn't mind at all if his lesson killed them so early on in the day just so they wouldn't have to proceed with their other classes. 
This particular grade class was, in fact, his favourite, and teaching these students always managed to bring a smile to his face purely because he could tell that so many of these bright children would go on to become adults that he could proudly tell others he had the privilege of teaching in their youth. 
“Today, we’ll be starting a new unit,” Seokmin announced as he set his things down in the classroom, “and it’ll be on poems.”
There were a mixture of groans and cheers in response to his announcement, and Seokmin grinned, clasping his hands together and walking across the front of the class. 
“I know, I know, but poetry is fun, I promise! Besides, I managed to convince them to look at a more interesting poem, which I'm sure you'll enjoy.” 
His statement was met with unimpressed stares, but Seokmin just grinned wider, moving back to the desk to pick up a marker and then walking over to the whiteboard. 
He uncapped the dry marker and wrote the word ‘Homer’ on the board, drawing a circle around it. “Now, what do you think of when you see this name? Yes, Hyeongjung?”
“Homer Simpson!”
Seokmin paused, narrowing his eyes playfully at the boy. “Okay, other than the Simpsons. How is the name Homer significant in literature? Jiyeon, what do you think?”
“Didn’t he write the Iliad?”
Seokmin smiled, writing ‘Iliad’ beside the name. “Well done. We don’t actually know if he did write the Iliad, but that epic poem, along with the Odyssey, are often attributed to Homer, so we call him the author anyway. The ‘Odyssey’ is what we’ll be focusing most on,” he said, writing down both the poems on the board, “but first, we’ll be taking a brief look at Greek mythology.”
There were gasps of excitement amongst the children, and Seokmin grinned again. 
“Now, can anyone name some of the Ancient Greek gods to me?”
───────────── ‘✷,
“See you tomorrow, you guys,” Seokmin said to the last few teachers still in the office as he shouldered his bag, getting ready to leave work for the day. “How long are you all planning to stay here?”
Yuna just hummed, clacking away at her keyboard. “I haven’t finished making quotation flashcards for my children yet. And I need to print and laminate them, too.”
Seokmin winced in sympathy. “Good luck. I tried making quotation flashcards for some of my classes last year, and it’s a lot of work.”
“Yeah, I know,” Yuna laughed. She waved a hand in Seokmin’s direction, not even looking at him. “I’ll be fine. You, however, need to get some sleep, Mr. Lee. You still look dead on your feet. See you tomorrow.”
“See you,” Seokmin said, taking the statement for the dismissal that it was, smiling. “Don’t work yourself too hard, okay?”
And with that, he stepped out of the office, fishing out his phone and texting him a quick "on my way!". The elder had messaged him, around an hour ago, asking if Seokmin wanted to meet up in one of the cafes near Seokmin’s school, and of course he’d said yes. Having coffee with Jeonghan was always fun, because it was never really about the coffee and more about the talking. 
It had been a while since he’d met up with Jeonghan one-on-one, anyways, so it would be fun.
“Jeonghan hyung!”
The moment Seokmin stepped into the cafe, the door’s wind chimes tinkling in his wake, he called out to Jeonghan and grinned as the elder looked up with a wave.
“Seokmin-ah,” Jeonghan said, smiling as he gestured to the chair opposite him for Seokmin to sit down. “How are you doing? How was work?”
"It was okay," Seokmin shrugged, before beaming as Jeonghan slid over a croissant. "Aw, hyung, did you buy this for me?"
"You have to pay me back," Jeonghan said, but he was smiling fondly. In all the years that Seokmin had known Jeonghan, he'd never really had to pay him back for anything he bought him. "This place is crazy expensive."
Seokmin just laughed, instantly pulling apart the croissant before his eyes lit up as Jeonghan also slid over a teacup, seemingly procuring it out of nowhere. "Why are we here then?"
"You like their mochas, don't you?" Jeonghan said, tapping the mug. "See, Seokmin, I know these things."
"I'm so honoured you pay so much attention to me, hyung," Seokmin said, half teasing, and happily sipped his coffee. "Mmm. Delicious."
Jeonghan grinned. 
It was earlier than Seokmin normally left work, and there were still people milling around in the cafe. The sun was lingering in the sky, not quite setting yet but also not quite high enough to look like it was doing anything other than drowsily going to bed, casting golden-orange light through the windows and across the tables. The buzz of chatter created a lively ambience, but it was a gentle liveliness that allowed Seokmin's shoulders to relax and smile over at Jeonghan as the elder leaned his elbows on the table, eyes glittering. 
"Speaking of knowing things, though," Jeonghan said, and Seokmin's shoulders reluctantly tensed once again. "I think you know what other thing I know about you, right?"
Seokmin groaned, about to faceplant into the table before he realised that a) they were in public and b) he had a hot coffee right where his head would have landed. So he settled with kicking Jeonghan under the table again. 
"Hey!" Jeonghan swiftly kicked him back and then carried on talking, grinning deviously. "Joshua talked about it with you, didn't he? During the last Game Night."
"Don't kick me back! I—wait, what?" Seokmin paused, frowning. "He… didn't talk about it at all."
Now that Seokmin thought about it, Joshua never brought up their encounters in conversations. Not the flower incident, or the gym incident, or the awkward "I've been asking all our friends about you" incident. It was as if he wasn't making a big deal out of it, waiting for Seokmin to talk about it first, making sure that Seokmin was comfortable with broaching the subject and if he wasn't, then Joshua wouldn't say anything. 
Wow. Seokmin blinked. He found himself really… touched.
Jeonghan, however, frowned, looking put-out by Joshua's thoughtfulness. "Aw. I thought he'd try to talk to you about it. That’s a shame.”
Seokmin looked over warily, slowly taking a bite out of his croissant, flakes of pastry getting all around his mouth. “Why is that a shame? What did you want him to say?”
“I wanted him to ask you about it, of course!” Jeonghan said. “I wanted him to ask you why you were doing that, because he kept asking me about it instead. And I said to him, “You gotta just ask Seokmin himself, Joshuji. I don’t know anything about it.”, but it appears that he didn’t follow my advice.”
“You just want to know yourself, don’t you?” Seokmin said. He wiped at the crumbs on his cheeks, failing in his attempts to clean his face since his fingers were all flake-covered too. “Don’t lie. Joshua hyung’s really sweet and chill. You’re the nosy one.”
Jeonghan laughed, not looking the least bit offended. “Well, you’re kind of right. But I’m still trying to get him to talk to you.”
“Huh?” Seokmin frowned. “Why?”
Jeonghan just hummed, giving Seokmin a tight-lipped smile and shook his head, drumming his fingers against the table. “Did anything interesting happen at work today? I do wanna know how your day went, Seokmin.”
It was a clear sign to change the topic, and Seokmin decided to take it. With enough wheedling, he would probably have been able to push Jeonghan for the answers he wanted on the Joshua thing, but he didn’t really have the energy. Jeonghan was weak for him, but not that weak. And after a long day at work, Seokmin was kinda tired.
“Um, apparently they’re already interviewing for the potential new teachers,” Seokmin said. “And they’ve found replacement music teachers that are gonna start in a few weeks.”
“New music teachers?” Jeonghan asked, tilting his head interestedly. “I see.”
Seokmin nodded, sipping his coffee. “It’s all just rumours for now. Minjun’s really good at getting accurate pieces of information, though, so there’s a pretty good chance that it’s the truth.”
“Minjun?” Jeonghan watched as Seokmin set down his coffee mug, before promptly swiping it and taking a sip thoughtfully, ignoring Seokmin’s indignant cry. “Why does that name sound familiar?”
Seokmin swiftly snatched back his coffee, taking another sip while pouting at Jeonghan. "He's been the head of my department for years, hyung. Maybe you heard it from me?"
"No, I think Joshua had a friend called Minjun," Jeonghan said, watching blankly as Seokmin finished the rest of his croissant. "They went to uni together. They were pretty decent friends, I think, promising to help each other with job offers and stuff."
"Well." Seokmin shrugged. "I dunno. Minjun's never mentioned a friend named Joshua. Maybe it's another Minjun?"
Jeonghan's gaze focused back on Seokmin again, and he grinned. "Maybe. Anyway, what about lessons? What were you teaching your kids this time?”
Seokmin beamed, visibly lighting up at the chance to talk about his students. “Oh! You know that one class which is my utter favourite? I’m going over the ‘Odyssey’ with them now, and we were studying Ancient Greek mythology today. Everyone has a weird fixation on Poseidon, though, and I gotta find a way to break it to them that he’s kinda as much of an asshole as Zeus is.”
Jeonghan snorted. “Tell them that story of how he kidnapped a woman, maybe?”
Seokmin blinked innocently. “Which one?”
That made the elder laugh, eyes twinkling. “Did you tell them the story of the golden apple, too? That one’s always fun. It’s like an introduction to the Trojan War, too.”
“I did! You know, the first thing I did was ask them, ‘Who is the prettiest god’ and the amount of people who said Aphrodite… like, oh boy. You’d think that people have learned their lesson by now,” Seokmin said. “But, did you hear about how Aphrodite isn’t just one type of beauty? She is beauty, embodying everything that it means to be beautiful. So she’s mysterious and kind and liked by everyone, and she’s beautiful in everyone’s eyes.”
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, huh?” Jeonghan said, leaning forward. His laughter had died down, and he looked curiously invested in what Seokmin was saying. “So… you could say she’s beautiful and… elusive at the same time?”
“Exactly!” Seokmin chirped. “She's an enigma. She changes to fit everyone else. Her beauty fits the eye of every beholder. In a really mysterious, it-kinda-makes-sense but also it-doesn’t-make-sense kind of way.”
Jeonghan quirked a grin. “Really? Tell me more, I wanna know.”
If it were anyone else saying that, with that decidedly devious grin on their face, Seokmin would have been more suspicious. But Jeonghan always either looked like he was plotting something or was about to fall asleep, and so Seokmin didn't think anything of it. 
Besides, if Jeonghan was plotting something, then the results would normally reveal themselves eventually. Most of the time, it was for a good cause, anyway. 
───────────── ‘✷,
"Kwon Soonyoung," Seokmin muttered through gritted teeth as he plodded down the street,"I am going to murder you."
Seokmin was late to school.
Well, he was late to work, but his work essentially was a school, so it was the same thing. And, like most misfortunes in Seokmin’s life, it was kind of all Soonyoung’s fault.
Soonyoung had fallen ill, having caught some sort of cold that rendered him unable to even move his head. Seokmin said it was from that time he’d worked overtime and had to come home in the rain with no umbrella. Soonyoung strongly disagreed. With pillows thrown at Seokmin's head. 
Nevertheless, Seokmin had had to take care of him that morning, running around while trying to get ready for work and dig out their tissue boxes from somewhere and give Soonyoung some painkillers with a glass of water and quickly make some canned soup because if Soonyoung didn’t have at least a bowl of soup on the first morning of a sickness, then he’d be ill for an entire month and complain to Seokmin the entire time.
By the end of it, the soup was only half eaten and most of the glass of water had made its way onto the floor and Seokmin hadn’t had time to have breakfast or brush his hair. And he was late.
The first lesson of the day was already in full swing by the time he managed to trudge into school, having given up on actually getting there on time, shooting a quick email to the office to get them to send a sub to his class. They’d better get used to subs just in case, anyway. Soonyoung managed to sneeze on him a total of fifteen times in an hour. There was a pretty good chance that Seokmin was sick too.
“Mr. Lee!” Dowoon, one of the history teachers, called out in surprise when Seokmin dragged himself into the staffroom, already exhausted. “You’re not normally here in the mornings.”
“Mr. Kang,” Seokmin greeted, immediately going over to the instant coffee machine. “Yeah, I had to take care of my sick friend this morning, so I ended up running late. I’ve given up on getting to my first two classes. It’s a double period,” he elaborated, “so it’s the same class of children. I’ll let them have two hours of free time to themselves.”
Dowoon chuckled, downing his own instant coffee. “You’re very generous,” he said. “Oh, did you hear that the new music teacher has started? Just began today, I believe.”
“Already?” Seokmin asked, surprised, taking out his coffee. “Wow, that was fast. Minjun was telling us that they’d start in two weeks, and I guess he was right.”
“That man and his crazy hunches,” Dowoon laughed, shaking his head. He put the empty paper cup into the bin, walking towards the door. “Well, enjoy your own free hour, Seokmin. I’ll be off now.”
“Have a nice day!” Seokmin called back.
And then the history teacher left, leaving a thoughtful silence in his wake.
It was calm in the staffroom, as it normally was on mornings. There were a few teachers sitting around, but most were in lessons, and the sun streamed into the largely empty room, casting light on the ornamental bookshelf and the weirdly shaped fake potted plant in the corner.
Seokmin’s lips twitched upwards. Joshua would have probably liked the strange decor in their staff room.
He leisurely finished his coffee, looking out through the windows at the green field by the side of the school, watching the children playing sports. Then, throwing the empty cup away, Seokmin shouldered his bag again and walked out of the room. There was still a decent amount of time before his next class, and he basically had the entirety of the school to himself to wander around in. He could snoop into wherever he wanted. 
Well. He grinned, turning down one corridor. Maybe it was time to visit the music department. Perhaps he’d find something interesting to tell Seungkwan.
The sound of singing filled his ears as he entered the music hallway, and he instinctively chuckled, recognising the tune of the school anthem they were singing. It must be one of the younger years in class right now, he mused. They sounded like they were learning the song for the first time. 
He carefully peered into the classroom through the window of the door, chuckling as he watched the teacher conduct the children as they dutifully sang along to the lyrics that were on the board. He drew away, however, when the sound of a door clicking open echoed from around the corner, and voices sounded. 
"—lively community here, sir, and we think that you'd be a brilliant addition to the music department. We could use your knowledge here to help strengthen our students." 
That was the voice of the head of the music department, which Seokmin recognised. Her voice was fluid, smooth and gentle and Minjun said that she'd been a world-famous opera singer before settling down at their school. Like most things Minjun said, it was probably true. 
"Thank you very much, Miss," a new voice said, and Seokmin stilled. He blinked, not sure whether he really did recognise that voice or whether his brain was playing tricks on him. 
"Of course," the woman said. "We hope you feel welcome here in our school."
There were more pleasantries exchanged, and then the sound of the office door swinging shut. Seokmin panicked as dress shoes clicked down the corridor, closer and closer to where he was, feeling oddly like a child having been caught eavesdropping as he straightened and stepped away from the wall, before accidentally ending up colliding right into the man who had been walking around the corner. 
"Hello!" The man said in surprise. Steady hands reached out to firmly hold onto his shoulders, and Seokmin was quickly pulled away from a warm and solid chest and found himself staring into big, brown eyes instead. Big, brown eyes that widened in shock and then melted into a look that was so soft and so familiar that it made Seokmin's heart immediately begin to beat faster. 
Seokmin sputtered, temporarily speechless. "Joshua?"
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taglist (interact here/ send ask to be added): @fairyhaos @atinytinaa @my-moarmy-heart @weird-life-of-a-closet-fangirl @lilsafsafbooyah @stqrrgirle @bittersweet-folder @weird-bookworm @ultrara-re @tianakings @bangantokchy @tiinkerbell @ahuiahoe @trashmeowcan
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vacantgodling · 2 months
oh shit are the random barely used oc rambles still open... bc if so.... 🥼 labcoat
so two ocs i don’t use that often anymore (even though i love them and i think about them a lot) are my alien ocs: salvia (left) and then sugar (right)
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tl;dr they come from an alien species from a distant planet where their abilities/biology is based on the 5 senses. sugar is sight & salvia is taste/smell (they go hand in hand). either way, they’re apart of a college exchange program where they go to earth and experience a host of interesting situations adapting to earth poses (including a lot of sexcapades lol)
sights (sugar) have multiple eyes—three at the bare minimum (sugar himself has 5). each set of eyes has different properties but usually the main (largest) black ones only see black and white and most sights have those. sugar’s smaller set of eyes above the large set have colored vision, and his fifth eye (in the center of his forehead) has telekinesis. all aliens have cool toned skin btw ranging from deep black to lighter blues and purples. sights are also the closest to human anatomy and they procreate the same way humans do, thus a human and a sight could have a child. they’re the only one of this species that can procreate with humans.
tasters (what salvia’s variant is called) have a much more alien biology to humans. they have poor vision to the point of partial or full blindness (which makes sense as on their home planet they live in caves) with black sclera and colored irises. they rely fully on scent for “sight” and their heightened nose and taste receptors are important to their day to day life. they can literally eat anything and it turns their saliva different colors; their saliva is also mildly acidic — kind of like tasting an orange or a citrus fruit. won’t hurt you but definitely gives you a zing. they also procreate with their tongues — tongues themselves can be up to 1.5 feet long and their jaws have a slight accordion of sinew to them to accommodate for it (they can stretch their jaws like a snake). they can’t get humans pregnant and vice versa—they don’t have external genetalia, only a hole where they can insert tongues and lay eggs from. however sex with them is very fun (salvia himself is MUUUUUCH more of a whore than sugar is 💀💀💀) they can also smell arousal and emotions :3
in terms of personality, sugar is quite shy (but god he’s so hot, hairy and beefy and just a sweet bean) but once he warms up he’s a really caring and helpful friend. salvia, as mentioned, is a whore and thinks humans smell and taste amazing and is always getting into shenanigans and never does his homework, which stresses sugar out. sugar’s 27 and sal is 25 in human years :)
it’s very slice of life and i would love to use them more i just dk what to do with them but i should draw them more and also several years ago a friend wrote some REEEEALLY hot smut of sal and their oc and i think about it fondly
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ajstudio · 1 year
Edit November 9th, 2023: I corrected the date of Dracula's defeat to November 6th like the book dates since I am currently finishing the audiobook a second time.
On September 6th, 2022, I shared this realization with my friends on Tumblr and I remember going bonkers over it:
I shared this with Maddie. I realized something while I was going through the novel, Dracula, again. So the events take place in the month and year the book was published in May 1897. But doesn't that seem off? Then it occurred to me that the seven-month-long events of the book happened before it was published.
Then I remembered that Jonathan and Mina have a son at the end of the book and it's mentioned that seven years had passed. So the events of Dracula took place in the year 1890 or as early as 1889 before the book was published.
So my idea is Abraham Van Hellsing had Bram Stoker publish the book with the year changed.
Also, while a sequel was written by one of Bram Stoker's descendants (which wasn't well received by the fandom) it did mention Abraham had Bram Stoker publish the book because he wanted to help other people that went through the same ordeal he and the others had with Dracula.
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So according to Jonathan he and Mina had Quincey on November 6, 1890. One year after Quincey died and Dracula was defeated.
So I am making this post because I not only made a mistake on the year the events of the book take place, but I have two possible years the book is set in.
The clue I am going by is the conversation Mina has with Abraham Van Hellsing when she recounts to him Jonathan's shocking although justified reaction to Dracula showing up in London. She mentioned it happened on a Thursday, and earlier in the book she wrote and dated the episode happening September 22nd.
With this information, I went to Time and Dates to look at 17 calendar years for a September 22nd landing on a Thursday and found three: 1881, 1887, and 1892.
I want to believe the events happened in 1887 since not only would Quincey Harker have already been born and seven by the time his family and their friends return from visiting Dracula's Castle in Romania but following these events Abraham Van Hellsing gathers the handwritten and audio accounts of their time dealing with Dracula.
He writes the manuscript that would become the Dracula novel or he meets Bram Stoker who writes the novel after meeting Abraham because Mr. Van Hellsing wanted to help other people that would likely deal with vampires like he and his group did.
After having a difficult time getting the novel published Dracula finally hits the shelves on May 26, 1897, which is ironically Dracula's Day.
I needed to dig a little more before settling on which year Dracula took place in, and boy I hit something and find another clue I overlooked: the Demeter.
After reading up on Bram Stoker and an interesting article about his time studying for the elements pertaining to his novel on Time's website, apparently, the book was centered around real-life events and real-life people.
Jonathan Harker, his wife, and Dr. Seward were real people. The Demeter Incident was real, but the ship was called Dmitri. The sailors said the incident happened a few years ago. Bram Stoker started working on Dracula in the summer of 1890. So I can without a doubt say it was set in 1887. Which gladdens me.
When he tried to hand over the manuscript to be published as a non-fiction book his editor refused it since it pertained to events centering around a mass murder and then before it was finally published in 1897 101 pages were cut out, the epilogue was shortened, and other alterations were made to avoid a mass public panic since the madman was believed to still be around.
I never expected to learn this much about the book and its events to this magnitude but I was certain I would need to change some of the dates on my previous post about vampires and ghouls.
Dracula by Bram Stoker
@merumely @thirstyforlulu @alucardownsmyass @doodleferp @diamond-star @sundove88 @michi-tala @amikartest @trashbaby92 @goblins-riddles-or-frocks @blood-and-cigars @the-hellsing-organisation @icecry @thecrimsonwingsfckerabridged @elixirvitae @therejectkat @alucrd @autumnaaltonen ​ @valentine-bites @theloveandthedead
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goldenraeofsun · 2 years
Day 23: Sleepless Nights
Dean 11:31 Hey sorry to text so soon But did you pick up an ID with my face on it after dinner?
Cas 11:39 No, but the restaurant called me a half hour ago. They found it while closing up, and they had my number on file from when I made the reservation.
Dean 11:42 Thank god
Cas 11:42 My apologies; I was going to leave you a message in the morning, as you mentioned needing to get up early. Also, what do you mean by “so soon”?
Dean 11:44 Dude Its been two hours since our date How soon do you consider too soon?
Cas 11:45 I’ve never given it much thought.
Dean 11:45 Seriously?
Cas 11:48 I text when it feels right. I don’t have a numerically-based system.
Dean 11:50 That’s insane.
Cas 11:51 Well, Dean, what’s your system, then?
Dean 11:52 24 hours minimum 1 week max unless they’re batshit Usually averages out to 3 days
Cas 11:57 What do you mean “batshit”?
Dean 11:57 You know Psychos Nut jobs One sandwich short of a picnic Dudes who say their spirit animal is Elon Musk
Cas 11:58 That’s an impressive array of synonyms, but it doesn’t actually give me much information.
Dean 11:58 Seriously??? Ok then Like, the guy who tried to pressure me into a threesome with his ex cause I’m bi Or the lady who practically drank a whole bottle of wine by herself and yelled at the waiter because he didn’t refill our bread basket
Cas 11:58 I see what you mean.
Dean 11:59 OR that guy who mentioned he was casually into cannibalism??? Who the hell drops that on a first date. Glenn Close wannabes, that’s who
Cas 12:00 I’m astounded you had that many bad first dates.
Dean 12:01 Those are only from this year!
Cas 12:01 That sounds horrendous.
Dean 12:02 Heh. Cannibal guy gave good head, so there’s that. Dude knew his way around some man meat, if you know what I mean
Cas 12:02 Unfortunately, I do. Excuse me while I wait a full week to text you ever again.
Dean 12:03 C’mon, I didn’t even tell you about my worst first date!
Dean 12:14 Cas?
Cas 12:18 Go on.
Dean 12:18 Thank fuck, I thought I actually scared you off
Cas 12:18 Despite appearances, I don’t scare easily.
Dean 12:19 For a nerdy dude in a trench coat, you’re made of pretty stern stuff, I’ll give you that
Cas 12:21 Thank you?
Dean 12:26 Don’t mention it ANYWAY worst first date in the history of first dates: The setting: Los Angeles, California, August 2017 Our hero, the dashingly handsome PA, Dean Winchester, has a date with a slightly less-attractive but still stunning guest star from episode 24 of Dr. Sexy, MD who will die three episodes later from a cerebrovascular infection of her spinal cord.
Cas 12:27 Technically, doctors should only use “Dr” or “MD”, not both. And that diagnosis makes absolutely no sense.
Dean 12:28 Shhh DSM had to let go their medical expert due to budget cuts in the 15th season
Cas 12:28 I cannot believe the abbreviation for that show is DSM.
Dean 12:28 Huh?
Cas 12:31 In the medical community, whenever you hear DSM, they’re almost always referring to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Dean 12:34 Hahahahaha Maybe I should buy a copy for the set Then they’ll get SOMETHING right
Cas 12:34 I hardly ever call any case hopeless, but in this case, I might make an exception.
Dean 12:36 Yeah that checks out But nobody watches DSM for the medicine The other stuffs the compelling bits
Cas 12:37 They'd better not be. It's a gross misrepresentation of the medical system. Firstly, their sterile fields leave much to be desired. I had to pause in the middle of the intubation scene.
Dean 12:42 Hold on You actually watched DSM??
Cas 12:44 Of course. You mentioned you worked on the show when we met. I'd be a poor date if I hadn't watched at least an episode. 
Dean 12:44 Oh my god you did homework for our date tonight??? You're such a nerd
Cas 12:45 Dr. Nerd, MD, actually.
Dean 12:46 Ha! You're still Dr Sexy to me
Dean 12:46 Shit that was the stupidest thing I've ever sent. Forget I wrote that. 
Cas 12:47 I think it's flattering :D
Dean 12:48 Thank fuck
Cas 12:52 It wasn't only to prepare for our date. You obviously care a lot about the show, so if I couldn't stand it, I figured it would be a good indicator of our compatibility. 
Dean 12:55 Holy shit. I never thought about it like that I used to tell people it was a guilty pleasure
Cas 12:56 What changed?
Dean 12:57 I got the job on set and everyone there doesn’t treat it like a dirty little secret Sure they know its stupid and shit, but it’s fun, stupid shit
Cas 1:00 I’m glad you like your job.
Dean 1:00 You don’t?
Cas 1:11 I like the mission of my job. But some days the death, pain, and petty workplace grievances make me question my choice. I chose emergency medicine because I was under the impression it required fewer people skills. I thought I would see more acute cases of broken bones, gunshots, burns, etc. But these days, half of my patients use ER doctors as their primary physicians because they can’t afford regular doctor visits for their chronic conditions. I even have a few “regulars”, which I never anticipated having.
Dean 1:12 Damn That sounds brutal
Cas 1:13 Not to mention my hundred thousand dollars of student loan debt.
Dean 1:13 Jesus Sammy’s in the same boat between undergrad and law school
Cas 1:14 But not you?
Dean 1:20 I never went to college
Cas 1:20 Good.
Dean 1:23 What?
Cas 1:25 It seems you didn’t waste your money or time, as you’re in a profession that makes you happy and supports a lifestyle you’re making work.
Dean 1:25 I guess so. I just never figured you’d be all aboard the high school drop out train
Cas 1:31 Usually no, not unless the person has a clear path ahead of what they would like to do instead. My brother transferred from a prestigious liberal arts college to a trade school for plumbers, and he has had no greater joy explaining to my uptight parents the latest thing he pulled out from a client’s septic tank.
Dean 1:32 He sounds like a riot
Cas 1:33
He also makes a killing. Apparently an equal number of people need doctors as plumbers, to my parents’ great chagrin.
Dean 1:33 I like him already
Cas 1:35 You’ll like him until he short sheets your bed and locks you in the wine cellar during dessert so he gets the whole Black Forest gateau to himself.
Dean 1:36 That’s HILARIOUS
Cas 1:38 I almost wet myself, Dean.
Dean 1:38 And you think that makes it less funny???
Cas 1:43 I should have known older brothers would take each others’ side.
Dean 1:44 Damn right It’s in the big brother handbook
Cas 1:49 Did you terrorize Sam too?
Dean 1:52 No And whatever he tells you about itching powder, a farting donkey, and superglue is totally a lie
Cas 1:53 Never mind. I don’t even want to know.
Dean 1:58 Yeah, nobody came out the winner that time Sammy always gave as good as he got though But you seem like the kind of goody two shoes who wouldn’t get your big brother back like he deserved
Cas 2:03 I was worse as a child. It didn’t help that Gabe had an almost preternatural ability to anticipate retaliation. My choices of pranks were never particularly inventive, so he saw them coming from a mile away.
Dean 2:04 So Gabe is a plumber with a sweet tooth?
Cas 2:05 Yes?
Dean 2:06 You got any other ammo on him?
Cas 2:07 He also has an extensive porn collection of vintage Casa Erotica VHS and goes to some annual pornography convention in Vegas. My parents didn’t cut him off for dropping out of college because they were well aware of his alternative and, in their mind, Gabe chose the lesser of two evils.
Dean 2:11 Holy shit, Cas That’s what you LEAD with
Cas 2:12 Excuse me?
Dean 2:19 Next time you’re at his place, you’re gonna swap out half those VHS for Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood or Nut Cracker or a Nova documentary Just total boner-killers. He won’t see it coming. Heh Literally
Cas 2:20 Truly?
Dean 2:22 I don’t see why he would
Cas 2:23 Thank you. I might actually take your suggestion.
Dean 2:25 Do it! And then tell me how it goes. Sammy’s all the way in Seattle, so we haven’t had a real prank war in too long.
Cas 2:27 Aren’t you a little old for such childish behavior?
Dean 2:30 You’re older than I am!
Cas 2:31 I’m making up for lost time.
Dean 2:32 You’re unbelievable. Alright, Marcia, if you want to play it that way See if I help you when Gabe hides your stethoscope or dyes your white coat pink in retaliation
Cas 2:35 … he dyed it bright yellow, actually.
Cas 2:37 I looked like a YIELD sign.
Dean: 2:39 Please tell me you have pictures
Cas 2:43 I do, actually. IMG_215
Dean 2:44 What’s with the black stripes?
Cas 2:45 I added the stripes for Halloween last year. I was a bumblebee.
Dean 2:46 Damn Not even a sexy bumblebee?
Cas 2:49 Ah, but you can’t see what’s under my doctor’s coat.
Dean 2:50 An even smaller bumblebee costume?
Cas 2:52 No…
Dean 2:53 Don’t do this to me Lingerie?
Cas 2:55 I wore SCRUBS, Dean, because I am a medical professional.
Dean 2:58 You’re such an ass What are you doing this year?
Cas 2:58 I was thinking of wearing my usual coat and scrubs.
Dean 3:01 Booooo
Cas 3:02 What are you going as, then?
Dean 3:05 A cowboy! Tenth year in a row, baby. If it ain’t broke, yadda yadda yadda
Cas 3:06 But, having recently seen a new medical show, I was thinking of adding cowboy boots to my standard getup.
Dean 3:08 No way
Cas 3:08 Do you by chance have a spare pair I could borrow for Halloween?
Dean 3:10 Hell yes I do! But Shit, I have a 5am call time tomorrow Today? Fuck. I think I have to cut his convo short
Cas 3:11 Oh dear My apologies for keeping you so late! :o
Dean 3:14 Not your fault at all dude
Cas 3:15 I never even heard the story of your worst first date!
Dean 3:18 How about I tell you over dinner Friday? 7PM work with you? You chose the place last time, so I’ll pick this one
Cas 3:18 It’s a date :D
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taeskooksbin · 6 months
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The days went on like usual, the only difference was the amount of work I was putting in my studies, always having a book opened in front of me.
I'd take random assessments and everyone contributed in my studies equally, mom and dad randomly quizzing me, my siblings asking me several questions related to my subject.
All the questions were now looking pretty easy to me, even the test I attempted before was extremely easy and I'd occasionally cuss myself out for being so stupid but then again, I wouldn't have been able to meet Taehyung that way.
The awaited day comes around pretty quick and I chose one of the outfits that would be suitable enough to wear in front of a tutor but also 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 to have a man swoon over my body.
I threw on a brown bralette, over a brown net full sleeved top, the top did enough and showed off the bralette but it was also a bit faded and to match then I had beige pants.
I heard the doorbell ring and ran downstairs, clearly aware of who it was however before I got there, mom had already opened the door. There he was, all in his glory, wearing a black suit and his hair slicked back, revealing the forehead.
"Hey Taehyung" mom's voice echoed in the large living area while he smiled and replied back, "Hey Sofia, everything good?" He entered the door smiling at me, "Hope you're doing your homework?"
With a little grin, I nod and make sure to flash my dimples, which I am anymore enamoured with. Going straight to the point, Taehyung then suggests we immediately get to work. "I'd like to see how your studying has been going so far," he says as we walk towards dad's office.
"I feel like it's going well. But I thought so too the last time and look at me now," I chuckle. We enter dad's office, where I have set up everything like last time. But this time, I placed my chair a tad bit closer to his.
Throwing my hair over my shoulder, I expose my dainty shoulders and delicate collarbones.
I've always had this obsession with my own body. I always look after it and treat it with delicacy and care. That's why I love working out, it keeps my body in shape and healthy. On top of it, my skin is tight without a single mark on it.
But I wouldn't mind if Taehyung would fuck me roughly. I wouldn't mind gazing at the bruises he'd leave, them being reminders of the pleasure and pain I experienced.
"Let's see," he says, snapping me out of my thoughts. He grabs my papers and studies my handwriting, going over everything I wrote down.
"You changed your tactic," he says, making me snap out of my thoughts. "What?" I ask, confused. "I looked at the notes you took before your exam, and you have been writing this differently. Change your perspective on some things," he says, with proudness in his voice.
I smile, proud of myself as well. But having him praising me like this makes me feel incredibly good. And horny. "I do have some questions, though," I inform him. He nods. "Go ahead."
I start asking him some things I had trouble with while studying, things I didn't comprehend. "This would be so much easier if we were in Korea, where my head office is," he sighs and rakes a hand through his hair.
"You have one here as well?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah, I started a company a couple of years ago and have offices all over the country where I have a diversity of lawyers working. I have one here, but not all my documents are here," he explains.
"We could go to Korea?" I suggest. He looks up at me. "My parents have a loft there," I explain, "I sometimes stay there whenever I go to Korea.”
"That could be a good idea," he murmurs, and he seems to think about it. "We'll see how your progress is first. Right now, I don't think it'll be necessary based on your study method. On Thursday I'll give you a test and I'm positive you'll ace that one," he smiles.
I nod, slightly disappointed. I want to spend more time with him. "Okay, yeah, we'll see," I grin, even though it's a bit forced. It's a good thing I'm getting better at this subject, though.
"If it helps, I could take you to one of my cases, then you can see how it works." My excitement sparks up at the idea. "Really?" I ask. He nods, amusement displayed in those beautiful eyes. They seem like pools made out of honey.
"I'd love to," I smile, not able to contain my happiness. He returns the smile, and I find myself adoring the way his eyes light up when he does so. "That's settled then. I'll get you a place in court where you can watch it all going on."
"Thank you so much," I tell him, genuinely happy that he's willing to do this. "Of course, Sweetheart," he grins. Him calling me Sweetheart is doing some things to me. I send him my sweetest smile, hoping he'd glance down at what I'm wearing, but he doesn't.
He focuses back on what's in front of us. My teeth sink into my lower lip, trying to hide my disappointment. His phone suddenly starts ringing, making our heads both snap up. "I'm sorry, I have to take this call," he apologises.
I nod. "It's okay," I smile and watch him getting his phone out of his pocket and picking it up. "Ciandra, hey darling."
My heart clenches together at the words leaving his mouth, those words being reminders that he's in a committed relationship. He turns a bit away from me. "Yeah, I'm kind of in the middle of something," he tells her. I suppress a smirk.
Guess I'm more important at the moment, bitch. "I know, honey. I'll call you later. I'm helping Vincenzo's daughter," he tells her. "Love you too, baby. By now."
He hangs up and stuffs his phone away. "I'm sorry, that was my girlfriend," he chuckles. "It's okay," I lied and forced a smile.
For the rest of our time together, Taehyung just approves of everything I've done already. He suggests some things I could do better, to improve my studying and better ways to remember some things.
"I'll see you on Thursday," he says and gets up. "Yeah, see you on Thursday," I smile and walk him to the front door. "I'll tell you more about the case you'll be joining then," he says right before he leaves.
"I'm looking forward to it," I smile and wave him goodbye. Once the door is closed, I let out a little sigh and make my way into the kitchen.
Chris and Elena are bickering over something | could care less about, and dad is bothering mom while she's preparing sandwiches. I smile at their cuteness.
"How was it?" mom asks as soon as she sees me. Dad looks up, his dark eyes meeting mine. I always wondered why I didn't get the alluring eyes from dad. They hold something that draws you to him.
Instead, I got a mix of green with brown, making them a hazel-brown. But they turn green as soon as sunlight hits them. "Good," I answer, "he approved of my study method and told me I was doing a good job."
She grins at that. "That's amazing, sweetheart. I'm sure you'll get through this exam," she tells me. I take a seat at the counter and nod, my mind wandering back towards the handsome Korean man.
If I keep studying like this, I'll ace all the tests and exams coming my way. But that means that the tutoring will stop soon enough, which leaves me disappointed.
A little smile finds its way towards my cherry lips as a devious idea pops up in my mind. But what if I made mistakes on purpose?
I ring the doorbell, and after a couple of seconds, the door opens. "Hey," Alex smiles once he takes me in.
I send him a cheeky smile. "Hey," I replied and pushed him inside. "Are your parents home?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head. "No.”
"Good," I smile and connect our lips. Alex isn't bad looking at all. We always went to the same high school and had a flirty interaction with one another.
He's your typical local guy, with defined features and brown hair. Freckles are scattered across his nose and he has a pair of decent lips.
And his dick is pretty good, too.
He pushes me against the wall and hoists me up against it, wrapping my long legs around his hips. A whimper leaves my lips when he starts rolling his hips into mine, creating the friction I needed for so long.
He takes me upstairs, to his room where he throws me on his bed. We rid ourselves of our clothes and soon enough, we're both naked.
"Cut to the chase," I breathe out when he's planting kisses on my inner thighs. He chuckles. "Alright," he rasps out and takes the condom, rolling it on his length. He wastes no time and plunges right into me. My back arches off the mattress.
With his hands steadied next to my head, he starts to move in and out of me. His tongue enters my mouth, battling against mine.
Our sweaty bodies collided, moving in sync against one another. I soon turn us over and am on top of him. Throwing my head back, I start moving up and down.
But instead of Alex laying beneath me, I'm imaging a certain Korean man fucking me. I find myself going faster and harder.
Hands are planted on my ass, helping me move up and down his length. Whimpers are escaping my lips, and his name almost slips from my parted lips.
"Just like that, Sweetheart," is what I think he'd say. The thought causes another wave of pleasure to wash over me.
I open my eyes and peer down, seeing Alex's face instead of Taehyung's. His eyes are closed and his head is thrown back. It doesn't take long before we both find our release and I collapse beside him.
I catch my breath, and so does he. We're both entangled in the bedsheets, just enjoying each other's company.
"What's wrong?" I ask after some time and turn my head to look at him. His somber mood didn't go unnoticed by me. "Nothing," he answers, a sad look taking over his features. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him.
I've always liked this about him. He likes to cuddle and so do I, so this is the first thing we do after we've had sex. "Tell me," I encouraged him. "I'm in love with a girl I can't have."
My heart saddens at the words leaving his lips. I lift my head and peer at him through my lashes, meeting his blue eyes. "Who is it?" I ask. A sad smile forms on his lips. "Kate."
My lips part in surprise at the mention of his best friend. "But isn't she already dating..."
"Logan? Yeah, I know," he sighs and averts his eyes. I furrow my brows. "I'm so sorry," I whisper and press a kiss against his cheek. "It's okay," he sighs and tries to show me an encouraging smile. "How's your summer vacation going this far?" he asks.
I shrug. "My exam results were shit, and now I'm being tutored by my dad's hot lawyer." Alex cracks a smile. "Why don't you fuck him?”
"He has a girlfriend," I answer. "I see. Been there, done that," he sighs. "Good thing is that he's willing to take me to some of his cases, so I'll be learning a bit more," I murmur.
He hums. "Yeah, that's good," he smiles, seeming happy for me. I lick my lips. "We should hang out with our group. It's been so long since we've last seen each other," I tell him. He nods. "Yeah, maybe. But that would mean bringing Kate and Logan. I've always seen him as a friend, 'Ella. But I just can't wish them the best, even though I want to."
I nod. "Yeah, I understand," I mutter and lay my head back on his chest, my brown hair sprawled all over the silky pillows.
We always had a tight group of friends during high school and we stayed in contact during our first year of college, which I appreciate. But I can tell Alex is having a hard time seeing his best friend dating someone else.
I wonder how I didn't notice before.
After some time, it's time for me to leave. I get up, showcasing my naked body. I catch a glimpse of it in the mirror and am satisfied with what I see.
I put my clothes back on and put my hair up in a ponytail. "I'll see you later," I say as Alex walks me to the front door. "Yeah, I'll text you," he says. We hug each other before I exit his house and get into my car. I wave one last time and take off, driving towards my house.
During the drive back, my mind wanders to Taehyung. It's only the third time we saw each other, I'll get him to kiss me. Eventually. It's kind of a challenge. I don't want to fuck him to see if I can get a taken guy, of course. But I want to see if someone is strong enough to resist me.
Shit, fucking Alex didn't solve my problem. I'm still thinking about him. I wonder what it is about him that makes me crave him so badly. For one, it's his looks. But something about him lures me in.
Could be his intelligence. I love the way he explains things. Could be his voice. But I just wonder if he has a side to him he doesn't show to anyone else.
A side that yet has to be... freed. And I'd be happy to be the one to unleash him.
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hakunahistata · 4 months
Thank you @thescholarlystrumpet and @gaiaseyes451 for the tag!
Give me three lines/paragraphs that you've written that you love [fiction, non-fiction, from different works or the same, from completed stories or poems or WIPs, from yesterday or ten years ago]. If that seems hard, even one will do. It doesn't have to be perfect. It can just be something silly that gives you joy.
And give me three lines/paragraphs that you've written that you dislike and find shitty. Anything at all as long as you wrote it. If you think it's ridiculous or absolute fucking garbage, even better! That's the point of this game. To see that we all write good things and bad things. Yeah? You can do this. And remember that both these categories are subjective.
Starting with the lines (ahem, snippets) that need more love and care! I don't love them yet, but I'm determined to crack 'em. From three WIPs:
They’d fought, that Crowley does remember. Lucian’s angry, narrowed eyes flashed in his head, the phantom grip on his upper arm. Crowley couldn’t remember what had sparked the reaction but really, it could have been anything.  Crowley no longer felt the swoop of regret in his stomach, his chest no longer went hot and tight when he thought of Lucian’s angry eyes and the disappointed moue of his mouth. Lucian was always angry with him. Hell, he was always angry to begin with. Crowley grew to learn it didn’t matter what he did, how sweetly he spoke, or kindly touched, it was their routine now: Crowley was there and Lucian was angry about it.
He cleaned himself up, dried himself off, and tried to ignore the weight in his chest, the heaviness in his heart. The only thing he could focus on was the fear that was still thrumming through his veins. Fear that stayed perched on his shoulders all through dinner and the dishes, through helping the little ones with their homework, during his shower and evening prayers.  “One more,” his father said quietly, not unkindly, as he passed his open bedroom door and saw him kneeling at the foot of his bed. 
Aziraphale paused for a moment, before steeling himself and placed his fingertips gently on her tiny chest and the small blue onesie she wore. He hadn’t intended to heal her but as his grace met hers, something charged. She slept on as she glowed with divinity, holy tendrils knitting together the damage in her small lungs and chest. It healed her instantly and the child inhaled healthily for the first time in her short life.
Now for the ones I am growing to love! Also from three WIPs:
One (feat human child!Crowley and angel!Aziraphale):
“Are you…like me, then?” There was a touch of hope given, fragile and something Aziraphale was careful not to squash. “Not as such. I’m an angel, you see.” Fear was suddenly scrubbed from his features, and replaced with narrowed eyes and—frankly—adorable skepticism. “You’re fibbing.” Aziraphale laughed. For the first time in a millennia, possibly more. “I am not.” “Are too.” Oh, this was delightful. Aziraphale was overcome with a desire to convince him, this little boy who had, as of yet, believed only monsters lived in his bedroom.
The house on Park Hill Road with the painted yellow door and rose bushes just below the bay window was just a house. When Crowley had visited the many times before it felt as though the home breathed right alongside its inhabitants. It was charming, its brick outer walls sturdy, keeping everyone inside cradled in warmth. Today, though, it was just a house. A two-story brick building that stood still and quiet. No breathing, no heartbeat, and while it stood more ominous, it was, Crowley supposed, appropriate given the day.
The creature inside him settled once he started moving and the tension of the day began to bleed away. Crowley imagined it curling up in the space behind his ribs, one eye opened to keep an eye on things—this damned, unforgivable creature with preternatural eyes and a forked tongue. Relax, Crowley spoke softly to the thing in his chest as he placed the dry ingredients in a fine-mesh sieve. 
Tagging in @transplantedmate, @the-literal-kj, @thenerdalert and viewers like you!
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whateverrrrrrrrs · 1 year
Aaron hotchner// literally first thing I ever wrote and I drunk so please judge ill do better
One day Jessica brings Jack into the BAU after a field trip at a museum nearby to visit Hotch. But when Jack walks through the glass doors and lays his eyes at y/n working at her desk, he has a different target. “Y/N” is screamed through the bullpen as little feet come pounding towards you.
“JACK” y/n gasp as you pick him up in your arms and give him a big hug while Jack yelled “I’ve missed you so much!”
 “I’ve missed you too Jacky Boy, How have you been! Is your math teacher Ms. Paisley still giving you a hard time?”
Jack sighs, “she never helps me learn I don’t know how to do the fractions but she gives me the homework!” 
Y/n sighed. “Im sorry thats happening, how about you pull out your homework and I help you. I happen to be an expert at fractions!”
“Of Course! Come over here and well work it out”
Aaron Hotchner thought he had a good idea at who he was. 
Things would happen and he would adapt but there were some lines he never thought he would cross.
 His ex-wife died three years ago and here he stays with a son who he tries his best to keep at his top priority and for the most part he does but some things tend to blur his vision; like his job, like y/n.
Y/n joined the team about 5 years ago during his divorce from Haley. Y/n were a light in his light at the time and gave him a little hope after his divorce, despite her being his subordinate.
But then he was scared, after Haley he was scared to get close to you. He could never let anything happen to the people he cared for ever again. He began to push y/n away. Before y/n and Jack would see each other but those times swiftly went away. Aaron was scared, he needed to protect Jack and y/n and believed at the time he couldn’t do more. But y/n being in the BAU, the whole team sees the break in them and are worried but they continue to be closed off about it.
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