#i’m still emo i need a month to recover now i think
fourthgem · 1 year
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bishiglomper · 2 years
OC TIEM!! (*≧▽≦)
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She reminds me of my friend named Cassy, and honestly I think the name suits her, so,,, ヾ(。﹏。)ノ゙
Cassandra (Cassy) (Surname TBD...)
Early twenties though she never grew out of her teen emo-goth phase so she still dresses like a 15 year old. Short cropped, layered reddish-brown hair with frosted tips or died some vibrant color. Most likely pink. Almost always wearing eyeliner/shadow and lipstick but that’s about it. Likes dark nail polish. Has 3 piercings in her left ear, two on her right. A beauty mark under her right eye.
She’s somewhere between wanting to be girly and honestly not giving a shit.
Personality wise, she struggles with her mental health- Intrusive thoughts, self-esteem issues, social anxiety which is juxtaposed by the desire to be surrounded by people. She gets lonely easily and when she’s alone she tends to overthink.
She was a weird little girl. Spent her childhood running through the woods and creek in her backyard like a feral gremlin child, collecting anything interesting from cool rocks to small bones. She thought the woods were haunted but instead of deter her, it only made her more interested and thought up creepy stories to entertain herself.
Being the weird forest gremlin, she was ostracized by the other kids. Some would show interest but would often be deterred by declarations like “I’m a WENDIGO trapped in a girl’s body. I haven’t had a good spleen in a while.”  and “Wanna see my fairy bone collection?” so she was known around the playground as the local cryptid. The moniker followed her through middle school and she began to roll with it. Words hurt though. She used it as both a weapon and shield, declaring her weirdness straight up to both keep people at arms length but retain some sense of pride over it. Normal people are boring, after all. She simmered down a lot, growing up fairly well adjusted other than the damage bullying had done. She’s at a healthy amount of weird now. Her mask is comprised of a heaping amount of snark and sass, as part of her coping strategy. Once you get close to her however, she’s a lot softer. She just wants someone to spend time with. Even though her time exploring the woods was the best thing about childhood, she often wished she had a friend to explore with. Hence her wild imagination and stories she made up.
Her strong imagination is both a strength and weakness. She’s intelligent and creative, but anxiety and depression will drag her down if she lets herself overthink too much.
She made it through high school, but had to drop out of college due to her mental health. She hopes to get back and finish after taking a gap year or so to find stabilization.
She had a few friendly acquaintances in school but no one she could get close to, so as far as her sexuality is concerned, there’s still some exploring to do. She suspects she may be ace or demisexual.
(Now the interesting part!) otherwise known as (why is she in a full leg cast? I’m getting to it. (。ˇ艸ˇ)
The kiddo was WEIRD okay. She was fascinated with the things she found in the woods, and a lot of it was bones. She loved to pretend they were fae, attributing anything weird or out of place to the fae or ghosts in general. She would see things out the corner of her eyes, hear sounds or music she was unable to find the source of. It fueled her imagination rather than creep her out. The ironic part however is that she scares easily. Especially jump scares. They ALWAYS get her! Ugh, so frustrating. But like the masochist she is, she likes the fright. She’ll still punch you in the face if you launch an attack on her. She is definitely the type to throw hands, (Fight instead of Flight) and if she’s real tired of your shit.
At some point. She gets into an accident. Very nearly crushed and almost losing her leg. It was real touch and go for a few days but she persevered and eventually recovered to the point that she really only needed the leg cast. (which she’ll be stuck with for months and months and months) But anyway.
The near death experience was enough to pierce through the veil, granting her the ability to see ghosts and other supernatural creatures. Before, she was unusual enough to only just be aware of things. The strange sounds, things in her peripheral. Now she can hardly tell the difference between the living and dead. Unless something is truly out of place, she won’t realize anything’s wrong. But, as the weird one, it’s hardly noticed outside of her usual quirkiness.
It does worry her though, she’s internally terrified she may have schizophrenia or something.
General rule of thumb is to ignore anything she actually notices. She’ll stare as if trying to decide if something is really there or if she’s truly going crazy. There may be the rare interaction if she feels like someone(thing) needs help. She can’t stand anyone being helpless. (She is both “I must save/protect this person/thing” and “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps already, bitch.”)
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dreamcatcherrs · 3 years
streamers finding out youre pregnant?
the mcyts reaction to finding out their s/o is pregnant
+ this is a reaction to if you had been wanting to get pregnant, and that you and the specific mcyt had been wanting this for a while. so only fluff, no angst :) I can do an angst version, though?
after you told him the amazing news his whole face just lit up
he’d lift you up in the air
and spin you around
would set you down and then give you a big fat kiss on the lips
“I’m gonna be a dad?”
you don't think you'd ever seen him that happy before
he’d tell everyone almost immediately
and would want to go out and buy a bunch of baby stuff
just to be ready
would shower with you in the bath tub
with, like, a specific bath bomb you'd mentioned before
and washes your hair for you
always has an eye on you
and doesn't want you lifting heavy stuff
won't let you do anything that contains more work than lifting a finger
very protective over you
would be really surprised at first
just imagine the grin on his face
I mean, he would be smiling till his cheeks started aching
pulls you into a hug and kisses the top of your head
“this is crazy. I just…I can't wait.”
would make sure you go for walks together
because he says then your baby will learn the area quicker
and you explain that the baby can't actually see out of your stomach
but he just brushes it off
will rage eat with you
just buys a bunch of fast foods and eats if with you
whilst simultaneously making sure you're eating all of the right things
he literally has a list of foods you should eat
speaking of lists, he also has a list of names
boy and girl names
he’s just so excited to be a dad
“are you serious?”
would punch the air in happiness
and then hug you tightly
but not too tightly cause he'd be afraid to hurt the baby
even though there wasn't really a baby yet
would take so much care of you
you need a snickers bar?
he’ll buy every single candy in the world
your back is hurting?
he’ll be your personal massager
or he’ll get you one
he’ll take days off just to be with you and the growing baby
LOVES touching your belly bump once you get one
and will definitely be talking to it
and calling the baby “he” because he is so convinced that it's going to be a boy
he’s cute or whatevuh😩
“you’re pregnant?!”
immediately gets on his knees and rests his forehead against your stomach
“that’s my little baby in there... I can’t believe it, pumpkin.”
gives you kisses all over your face
he will always remind you of how beautiful you are
and how you have a natural glow to you now that you’re pregnant
and he tells you how much he loves you all the time
and that he’s so excited to have a baby with you
makes sure you’re fed all the time
because now there has to be enough for 2 people
also makes sure not to eat the things you can’t eat during the pregnancy
would do everything for you and always looks out for you
when you told him the happiest smile broke onto his face
techno is a softie when it comes to you
so having a baby?
he is gonna be the sweetest dad is all I can say
hugs you and kisses you
he’s just in awe that he’s gonna be a dad soon
treats you like royalty
even if you're just calling for him because you're hungry
he will stop his stream and be with you for the rest of the day
or for multiple days if that's what you need
he’s still his usual techno self
(and by that I mean he still takes care of you quietly)
but you do feel his stares on you sometimes when you're doing literally nothing
like, even just when you're standing up from the couch once you have a bigger bump
he’ll be ready to be by your side if you need help
afraid you'd fall
very soft (but that’s just a fact we all know)
wilbur soot:
“really? baby, that's great!”
like dream, he’d spin you around
and then gently place a hand on your stomach
and just smile at you
he’d always be smiling
and makes sure you're never uncomfy
would buy you a special soft pillow
so you’d sleep better
he’d almost always have a hand on your bump
or look at it from a distance
wilbur as a dad is just🥺
would probably want a little girl
so he could braid her hair
(even if it looks horrible)
but nonetheless he’s just so happy to be a dad
I could just imagine him screaming “are you serious?”
he would then grab your face in his hands and then just stare at you
until his eyes gazed down at your stomach
he would be panicking
because he didn't know what to do
at the grocery store he would've made a list of things to get you
and would be running around trying to find them
has his eyes on you at all costs
“don't lift that!”
“are you trying to slip and fall?!”
even if you were literally just walking to the fridge
is a little scared about the whole birth thing
but doesn't want to scare you as well
so he just pushes it to the back of his head
because how bad can it really be?
for him, at least
would want to do a gender reveal as a youtube video
but only if you wanted to
very dramatic
but very loving
karl jacobs:
he would have his hand over his mouth when you told him
then starts laughing
“we’re gonna be parents?”
he’s honestly just so speechless
cradles your head in his neck and just smiles
almost cries
he’s gonna be such a great dad
I mean have you see him with tucker?
he’s just so cute (yes, I’m a karl simp)
will rub your feet
or your lower back
or wherever you need to get those muscles loosened up
can get kinda scared sometimes
about the whole dad thing
but feels a lot better after talking to you about it
just like he makes you feel better, you make him feel better as well
buys cute little socks literally 8 months before the due date
bc he thinks they’re cute
his surprised expression would slowly turn into a smile
would mumble out something in dutch
before hugging you so tightly
like, you actually had to say you couldn’t breathe for him to let you go
“I’m sorry baby, I’m just so happy!”
buys a bunch of baby stuff… the day after you told him
he just can't wait
always holds your hand during doctor’s appointments
and makes sure you're seated or laying down comfortably
especially once your bump gets big
talks to the baby through your stomach
so they can recognise his voice once you've given birth
always makes sure you feel beautiful
by complimenting you every day
multiple times
because if anything you look more beautiful than ever
will brush your hair
and brush his fingers through your hair
makes sure you feel loved all the time
as in pre-parental panic
but quickly recovers and tells you how fucking great it is that you're gonna have a baby together
and that he just can't believe he’s gonna have an actual baby with you
you bet he’ll be looking up tips for being a dad
he wants to do everything perfectly
and tries his very best to be there for you
does all of the chores
and still makes time for you
you'd get worried about him overworking himself
but when you tried to help him
he’d just make you sit down again
“you're not doing any work. too dangerous for little q.”
you'd accomplished making him stop doing all the work by luring him over with cuddles
he’d get you any food you wanted
fast food, healthy food
whatever you wanted, as long as you're always full, he’s happy
“really? you're serious?”
mans’ smile is brighter than the sun
pulls your shirt up to kiss your stomach all over
and then rests his hands on your hips and kisses you gently
“you're gonna be the best mom, you know that?”
like dream, he gets very protective of you
won't even let you get something that you can't reach by an inch
never drinks any liquor or coffee while you’re pregnant
because he knows you can't
highkey really loves your big bump
and tells you all the time
as well as how sexy you are
and will stay up late until you fall asleep
especially on those nights where it seems unbearable for you to fall asleep
the two of you would paint the room for the baby together after the gender was revealed
and then buy furniture that matches the room
he’d suggest exercises you could do for pain relief he’d seen on the internet
and even do them with you if that’s what you wanted
anything to make you happy
would cry if he wasn't so fucking excited
squeezes your hand
while putting a hand on your stomach
he can't wait to see the growth
he wants you to feel absolutely no stress
because he can't imagine the amount of emotions you must already feel with your baby growing inside of you
so he does everything for you to avoid that
and if you do feel stressed he suggests cuddles
then yoga for pregnant women
and then more cuddles
cooks delicious food for you
and buys cute little outfits for the baby
and tiny little shoes🥺
picks you up right then and kisses you
all over the place
“holy fuck, y/n. this is just… I’m so fucking happy right now.”
does literally EVERYTHING for you
laundry? he’s got it
dinner? he’s got it
waking up early because you can't sleep and then massages your shoulders because he's an absolute sweetheart? yep, he’s got it
fucking loves everything about you being pregnant
but he’s sure you don't like it just as much
I mean, you're the one who’s carrying a literal baby
so he believes it gets pretty goddamn hard for you sometimes
and therefore takes many breaks from streaming
just to hang out with you
you’d go to baby furniture stores together
until you found the perfect things
feeds you loads of chocolate
or ice cream
whatever you want, really
he discovers that he fucking loves pregnancy
hope you enjoyed this! never written something like this before, but it got me all soft…
tag list✰
@zayenz @terribletoothbat @0t0n1n @0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707 @reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream @televisionpresent38 @bubblyanis@zurami @highoffhockey @popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative @my-shitpost-of-writing @my-shitpost-of-writing @clownsdrowning @pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises @tie-dyed-dumbass @death-by-rats@simpfordraco @bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish @pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom @ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night @hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch @wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork  @hellfirepheonixx @marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone @ky50621 @randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50 @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy @jeyacore @thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@venusomega @ubeicecreamisthebest@karida @i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja @eatasslikegrass@creamofweep @venusomega@lunarfedora @rowe-n @wreny24 @vincent-stargogh @floatingplanets
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} – Cherry Blossom & Tangerines – Trafalgar Law x Y/n – Part 5
Modern AU. Trip to Jeju Island, SK. No spoilers.
Female reader. No physical descriptions. Everybody is +18, canon ages. Chopper is human.
Tw: NSFW, blindfolding, soft sub/dom, unprotected sex (this is just fiction, pls wear protection). Fluff. A little bit of ZoSan
A/N: I haven’t had the chance to visit South Korea due to Covid, so everything included is pure research. Excuse me in advance if there is something that’s not 100% accurate! Keep in mind is purely inspired ♥
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31059467
Word Count: 4.5 K
» List of parts: {P1} {P2} {P3} {P4} {P5} {P6}«
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Chapter 5
“Y/n it's our turn, let’s sing!!” Vivi told me, while pulling me from my arm. “Vivi, wait”, I said. I kept watching how Law was still hugging the girl. “What is it?... Oi!”, Nami said, also witnessing the scene.
“Don’t go, just… wait”, I begged my redhead friend who was ready to kill him. I saw how the mysterious woman and Law laughed together. Zoro didn’t even care, he was more drunk than anything else.
The girl was ruffling his hair, pinching his cheeks. Law didn’t even look at me. I didn’t know if he was just simply so amused about the girl that he simply forgot about me, or, he was doing this on purpose, knowing that I’ll be watching, maybe to let me know he wasn’t going to commit to me in any way.
“That’s it. I’m leaving”, I stated. Vivi, Robin and Nami insisted on me shouting at Torao, but I couldn’t. I was so hurt, and, besides that, I wasn’t even his girlfriend, so I had no right to reproach anything to him.
The girls came with me, and we drove home. The boys didn’t realize we had left until long after we weren’t at the karaoke bar, when Sanji texted Nami asking what the hell had just happened. “Sanji, you should ask your stupid ass friend Torao, what the hell is he doing with a bitch?, plus, go get your boyfriend too, she is right next to him”, Nami said via audio.
Sanji sent an audio back, “Nami-swan! Zoro is not my boyfriend… wait, you were talking about him, right?, whatever, Torao is still with her, I’m gonna see who the hell is she and kick the hell out of stupid Law for hurting Y/n-chwan”.
I drove as fast as I could, at that point I only wanted to bury myself in bed and cry my eyes out. I was silent all the way. My friends knew there was no point in saying anything else, so they just strung along with me.
We got home, and Robin offered me some tea, yet, I politely turned the offering down and headed almost running to my bed. I covered myself up to my face, and pitiful tears sprouted from my eyes.
I heard my cell phone ring several times, I knew it was probably my friends asking if I was all right. But I didn’t have the strength to even see the screen.
“Why did you choose to hurt me like this, Law?” ... I whispered to myself, unable to understand why I was in that position, why after all the romantic stuff he has done for me he didn’t even care I was there…
I reached my phone and simply turned it off, I was fed up with it ringing. Some minutes, perhaps half an hour passed until I fell asleep, crying.
Suddenly, Nami’s loud screams woke me up. “TORAO, WHAT THE FUCK? WHY ARE YOU BRINGING THIS SLUT HOME?”.
I didn’t hear Law’s voice, but I did hear someone climbing the stairs, quickly, almost running.
The door opened suddenly with a loud sound, like someone kicking on it. I was still in bed, and the bang of the door made me take an upright position instantly.
There he was, the villain of my story with tears on his eyes, hopeless, shaking. “Y/n-ya!!! it’s not what you think, let me explain…” “STOP, what type of lie are you going to spit out from your stupid mouth?, plus, what the hell? I heard Nami saying you brought that girl home. Have you been drinking? Are you drunk? what the fuck?” I shouted at him, also crying.
Suddenly, before Law could say anything else, I saw a brunette, tanned, tall girl, with big eyes that resemble Law’s ones. She looked at me, smiling and peacefully said, “Hello Y/n, my name is Lami. Trafalgar, Lami”.
I opened my eyes, and mouth… “Trafalgar?”.
“That’s right! I’m Law 's sister! Nice to meet you! I’m sorry if you got things wrong!” she said to my stunned me. “Oi, brother, she is so pretty!! Even more than in the pictures!”.
“Oh God…”. I was somehow relieved that Law wasn’t flirting with a girl, yet mortified because not only me, but all my friends had called Law’s sister a slut… a bitch.
“I am… I am really sorry… And, uhm, N-nice to meet you…”, I said, wiping the tears on my eyes. “It’s ok, darling! I’m leaving you alone so you can talk in peace, I’ll be downstairs!”. “O-ok”, I said sniffing.
Law slowly approached to the left side of my bed and sat there, next to me, in silence. I wasn’t capable of saying anything to him, either. I had put up a show, he probably thought I was a toxic girl, jealous or even worse things. I had mistrusted him. It was probably the end of something that hadn’t even started.
Suddenly, Law hurled himself on me, hugged me and nuzzled on my lap. “I thought you wouldn’t believe me, I’m sorry, I really do. Lami lives in Jeju and I wanted her to meet you because she is not traveling to Seoul any sooner, we just decided that we will be meeting at the bar so… so you could get to know her”. He said, still with his head buried onto my legs.
“Law…”, I began to cry again. I petted his hair and told him “I am the one who should be sorry. I- I thought you were a bad guy, a typical man that doesn’t care about the girls. I am sorry…”. I felt horrible.
I could hear downstairs my friends laughing, Sanji and Zoro fighting, Luffy shouting. Luckily everybody would make Lami feel comfortable, after all. Law was still sobbing over my lap.
After several minutes I decided to speak up. “Law, stop, you are not the one who should be crying asking me for forgiveness. You did nothing wrong. I was completely mistaken. I hope you will be able to forgive me someday”, I said, gaining composure in order to make things clear.
He sat back, looked at me with teary eyes and asked, “someday? There is nothing to forgive. I want to be with you, I … L…”
“Oi, you two, stop crying, Lami is leaving”, said Nami leaning on the door frame, smiling at us. As she left, and Law wiped the tears off my cheeks, we stood up from bed. I was still dressed so we headed downstairs right away.
“Sis, let’s go, I don’t quite remember how to get your home from here, so you tell me”, said Law. Lami looked at him with loving eyes, and said, “My big brother is always taking care of me, I missed you doc”. Law’s cheeks became red, and he hid under the white with black spots cap he was wearing.
Lami said goodbye to everybody, except me, “she probably hates me”, I thought.
I was going to wish her a good night, when Lami held my hand and pulled from me. “Let’s go sister-in-law, come with us!”. I followed them into the car unsure if Law wanted me there, because he was still embarrassed as hell.
I let Law’s sister sit on the passenger seat, and I sat on the back seat behind Lami. A few seconds after Law started the car Lami said, “Oi, Y/n! did you know that Law has never ever introduced a girlfriend to the family before?”. I choked a little when I heard her say “girlfriend”, and simply chuckled. Law told her to stop, but Lami continued telling me how “emo” he was when he was an adolescent, making fun of his sibling.
We finally arrived at Lami's house. It was a traditional Jeju stone house, with big windows and a typical korean roof construction. On the entrance was a tall guy wearing a cap with “PENGUIN” written on it, waving at us. Law parked the car next to a black Hyundai Ioniq.
“Oi!! brother-in-law!!! How are you? It’s been a year my dear friend!” the guy at the door told Law. We descended the car, and the guy hugged Law in a way “man” do. Lami introduced me to the man, he was his boyfriend, and they had been living together for a few years, and apparently before dating Lami, Penguin knew Law since they were little.
We went inside, and had coffee while chatting about everything. I didn’t feel uncomfortable at any moment, Lami and Penguin were really warm people.
Law’s sister and I headed to the kitchen. It was a perfect opportunity to ask her about their parents so I thought of the best way to bring up the subject. I didn’t need to, because it was the first thing that Lami mentioned.
“Y/n, I’m sure my cold brother didn’t tell you anything about our parents… right?”, she said. I was helping her putting some mochi onto a plate, so I looked at her and said “Not really… At first I thought Rosinante was his father, but then I realized that his surname was Trafalgar, not Donquixote”.
“That’s right, Rosinante is something like Law’s dad. When my brother was 10 years old, my parents passed away in a car accident. They were both doctors, the best ones of this city. Law looks exactly like my dad when he was younger…”, she stopped for a little, and continued, “We stayed with our grandparents at the moment. After two years, Law became really ill and had to be taken to Seoul for some doctors to cure him. Luckily, Rosinante was a volunteer at the children’s hospital where Law was being treated. After six months of intense treatment, he recovered and forged a friendship with “Corasan” who took care of him… Oh sorry, I meant, Rosinante. Corasan it’s just a nickname Law gave him during… the chemotherapy...”, she concluded.
“Oh… poor baby…I’m sorry for your loss too, Lami” I said, feeling a lump in my throat. “Don’t worry, we are all right now, time has passed”, she said, grabbing my hand softly and smiling. She continued, “but let me tell you something, I’ve never seen Law with that type of twinkle in his eyes in the 24 years I’ve known him. He loves you; I can sense that. Plus, when you left the bar earlier, he became so desperate, he was truly worried about losing you”.
I blushed instantly, yet, I was so happy of hearing how he probably loves me that I giggled. And Lami, too.
From the living room we heard Law calling me, “Bab… Y/n-ya, let’s go home it is pretty late”. “Ah… my sweet loving brother and his ways…”, Lami said with a sarcastic tone, rolling back eyes. We both laughed and headed where the boys were.
“Oi Penguin, do you have a bottle of cold water? I tend to get thirsty when I drive”, Law asked Penguin and looked at me with some sort of look I can only label as… horny?. “Right, bro, let me get you one”, said the cool cap guy and headed to the kitchen. “He gets thirsty?” I said to myself a little confused, but dismissed the thought as my attention went to Lami who was showing me a photo of his brother when he was a little baby.
The happy couple invited us to the lantern festival that was taking place the next night at the historical center of the city. They told us to bring all of our friends too. We were excited about it, so we accepted the invitation and left the house.
During the ride along a road by the sea, Law asked me, “Babe, can you please turn the GPS on?, I don’t really know where I am going…”. I searched for my phone in my pockets, but realized I’ve left it at home. “I didn’t bring my phone… give me yours”, I told him. He grabbed his from the black jeans pocket and gave it to me. “Law, your phone is dead…”, I said, trying to turn it on.
“Yeah, my battery died after calling you twenty times when you left the bar…”, he said, kinda joking. “Oh…”, I gasped, and continued, “Well, let me enter the address on the car sat nav”.
I approached my hand to the little screen when Law stopped my hand and smirked. “It would be a shame if the computer wouldn’t work and we ended up lost…”.
“You clearly had this planned, right?” I said arching a brow. “Me, planning things? that’s not something I usually do…”, he said in a sarcastic way, but with a sexy tone that made me somehow fidget on my seat.
I came closer to his face and almost talking next to his ear I said, “Let’s get lost”. Law licked his lips, placed his right hand over my lap and said “Heh, sure… I can’t resist myself anymore”.
He suddenly turned the wheel and took a little road that took us to the beach. Finally, my lover parked the car, luckily it was a deserted zone, a cliff area, and there weren’t any houses or places nearer.
The beach ahead of us was lightened by an intense moonshine, the sea was choppy so the waves hit hard on the cliffs.
Law threw his seat back and patted his lap, “Strip for me, and come here, baby”. “Ah, so we are fucking on the car, nice…” I thought and began to take my clothes off.
“Don’t take that off, yet. You know that little bandanna you have on your head could help us…”, he said to me after I jumped over his lap. I felt a rock hard bulge under my core, he was already so ablaze for me.
He then untied the cloth that was holding my hair, smirked at me, and said “may I?” while covering my eyes with it.
“Lay you back on the steering wheel, baby girl”, he ordered me. I remember instantly how he likes to dominate me, so I followed his order to a “Yes, sir”.
His fingers ran from my mouth to my neck. He kept lowering them softly caressing my flesh. I could barely feel the touch of his fingers over my skin. He wasn’t talking, and I was unaware of what was coming next, I was blindfolded, but surrendered completely to this man.
All of a sudden I felt a cold sensation over one of my nipples, “Uhg…” I moaned, throwing my head back. Then the chilly stinging feeling moved to my other nipple. God, what is that?... and suddenly remember Law asking Penguin the cold water bottle. “Damn you, Law”, I said to myself but only being able to verbalize moans and grunts.
He began to trail an icy path from my breasts to my lower stomach. My heated skin mixed with the cold water that began to melt over my flesh, felt like a sweet torture.
“Your hot body is making the icy water melt and wet my jeans… or is it perhaps your own arousal for your Master, baby girl?”, he said to me, while running a thumb over my clit.
He then penetrated me with two fingers as he only knew how to, took them off and asked me to open my mouth. “Taste yourself, baby girl”, he commanded me, and I opened my mouth and sucked.
I heard - and felt- how he unzipped his jeans, and slowly took his member out. I could feel how he began to softly hit his manhood over my sex. He was playing with it, but my body couldn’t wait for it to be inside of me.
“Is it getting hot in here, huh?” he said and unbuttoned his black shirt. I knew it because he then grabbed my hands making me caress his skin. My hands wandered along his chest, but my mind was only focusing on how much I wanted to be penetrated by this man.
I was drowning in lust, I needed him to do something, but he didn’t. “Law… Sir… What are you doing?... fuck me, I want you to fuck me…”. He laughed, and violently but gently enough he pinched and twisted one of my erect nipples. A strike of intense pleasure hit my center, and it was so unexpected that I only purred at it.
He then ran his inked fingers through my hair and pulled me closer to his face, this time he wasn’t being gentle, he was being rough… and I loved it. “What do you think you are doing? I am the one who gives you orders in here, are we clear?” he said, whispering with a grunt in my ear.
“Y-yes sir, I- am sorry…”, I said, stuttering. “Good”, he said and kissed me. We made out, hard, feverishly. I could feel over my entrance how his sex became even harder.
He suddenly put his hands on each side of my waist and lifted me up a little bit, so I could place my knees on each side of the seat. He used his right hand to guide his pennis inside of me. It was just the tip of it, he was enjoying how I was probably miming the words “fuck me” repeatedly. After a few seconds of torture, he grabbing me again from my waist, pushed me down against his lap. “Ugh..” I said, opening my mouth, throwing my back to the steering wheel, so hard that I made the car horn sound.
I wanted to be penetrated, and he did it so roughly, yet so pleasantly.
I began to ride him, back, forward, up, down, tracing circles with my pelvis. My left knee hit the emergency brake handle, it hurt but I didn’t care. I placed my hands over his strong abs, letting all of my senses focus on the pleasure, imagining the expression he had on his face when I heard him groan.
Law pulled my hair and threw my neck back, again making me hit my back on the wheel, and used his hips to bang me, hard, burying himself into me. Every thrust made my body react with little spams; I was being sent to heaven.
Law untied the bandanna that was covering my eyes, and said in between the thrusts and an agitated voice, “I want to see your precious face when I make you cum”. My eyes slowly returned to its functions, admiring the sweaty thorax of Law, the way his stomach would go up and down picturing his rapid breathing. His face showed a red glowing, he was more than aroused. I was too, and as I reached for climax, placing my right hand over the steamy glass of the car window, Law did too with a hard “Huh”.
He bathed my insides once again. I remained still enjoying the warming sensation inside of me, trying to erase any worry at the time.
Law placed a hand on my back and pulled me closer to his chest, while lying his neck over the headrest of the yellow Sonata.
I rested my whole tired body over his, enjoying the touch of our warm skins, the scent of his body, with my lips wandering along his neck, leaving soft kisses over its skin.
“We should go back home; they might get a little bit concerned…” I told Law, still over him. “Yeah, you are right, let’s go back…”.
It was 4 am so once we got home and opened the door, we entered stealthily. I walked behind Law when he suddenly stopped, and I fell over him. “What is it, Law?!” I whispered, “I don’t know, this is kind of a slumber party…”, he whispered back at me.
Suddenly all the lights turned on. Everybody was sleeping on bare mattresses on the floor of the living room.
Little by little our friends but Zoro and Sanji woke up.
“Oh my god, finally…” said Nami and everyone began to laugh. They weren’t laughing at us, but at Sanji and Zoro who were sleeping cuddled.
Law looked at them and looked at everybody else and said, “Excuse me, is this something new to you? Oi Mugiwara-ya, tell them every time you three get to sleep at home they do the same”. Luffy nodded, still laughing.
No matter how much noise they made, nor Zoro or Sanji woke up, they seemed to be happily enjoying sleeping like this, so we didn’t want to bother them anymore.
“Let’s go back to sleep, guys. Y/n and Law you can sleep upstairs, we left Law’s bed intact”, said Franky winking at us. “Thank you!!” I said, and we went upstairs jumping through the multiple legs of our friends.
We climbed up the stairs, and went into the boy’s room. I was undressing when suddenly Law offered me a big loose t-shirt. “Don’t get me wrong I love your naked body, but what if the boys enter the room and see you naked?”, he said. “Oh, Law, are you jealous? hahaha”, I mocked him. “Well, let's not discuss jealousy…”, he said frowning.
I grabbed his white loose t-shirt with some kind of black power ranger called “Stealth Black” printed on it and put it on, giggling. I could have sworn he was a geeky nerd, and that was the proof.
Law and I jumped into his bed and muffled up with the bedding. He hugged me, kissing my head. “Thank you for making this the best holiday of my whole life…”, he said. “Thank you for paying the bus ticket that time…”, I whispered with my face pressed up against his chest. We both laughed and soon after fell asleep.
I woke up with the sounds of some birds chirping on the window. Law was still asleep beside me, with his ruffled hair, his cheek pressed against the pillow with his mouth open, snoring softly. I couldn’t help but drool over that image, so handsome even like that, the intimacy, the person I wanted to wake up to each morning.
I placed my head over the tattoos of his chest, following with my index finger the lines of ink on his skin. I remained there for a few minutes hearing his heartbeat, drunk of his skin scent.
Softly he began caressing my cheek, still without opening his eyes. He was probably half asleep yet.
I felt a million butterflies trapped on my stomach, I was so in love, I had fallen for this guy, hard. I felt a little guilty, I mean, how was I supposed to fall in love so quickly with a man?... I guess it was just love at first sight…
Law’s hand stopped moving, and suddenly I heard him mumble something like, “Mmmm- hum - I-I- love you Y/n-ya”. I widened my eyes, “did he just say he loves me? “I was completely surprised and even unsure if that was what he said or if it was just my imagination.
Some minutes later, he opened his eyes, slowly. “Good morning, baby girl”, he said, kissing my forehead. I was immobile, watching his face still trying to process what he had just said. “What is it?, are you sleeping with your eyes open? you are gorgeous but that would be a little creepy”, he said, surprised.
“N-No, uhm, I am awake, yes. Good morning”, I uttered. “Are you ok, Y/n-ya?”, he asked with a confused expression. “Yeah, uhm… Law… Do you sleep talk?”, I inquired him. “Oh… did I? I’m sorry... I do, yes. Sometimes. What did I say?”, he said this time with a worried expression. “Oh, no, nothing, I thought I heard something but I don’t know. It’s nothing”, I said, trying to settle the matter.
We remained cuddling up a little bit more, until we heard movements downstairs. They were probably waking up, so I decided to go to my room and get ready for the day.
“New pajamas”, I thought while taking off Law’s shirt. I folded and put it on my suitcase, I wasn’t willing to give it back to him.
I went ahead and showered. I let the warm water bathe my skin while thinking about Law saying “I love you” while he was asleep. Was he really? Did he really feel that or was it just a dream?... I guess I should wait…
After the bath, which clearly made me more anxious than relaxed, I went downstairs to the kitchen where Sanji was already preparing breakfast. I decided to help him with setting the table while chatting about the lantern festival of that night. Nami, Vivi and Robin joined us and were pleased that Lami and Penguin invited us to such a pretty event.
Our last day in Jeju passed with us visiting the Samseonghyeol Shrine, which is the oldest historic site in Korea. That place is considered as the birthplace of three demigods of the island, founders of the Tanma Kingdom that governed Jeju Island before the Joseon dynasty took over.
At noon we came back from the city and began to get ready for the festival that night. I received a message from Lami, “@TraffLami.06 > hello Sis! How is the day going? Is my brother treating you right?. Listen, we usually wear “hanbok” to the festival. If you want to too, you can rent them from a friend's shop. I send the location. See you tonight! ♥”. I got super excited for it, I loved cultural clothing and I wanted to see Law wearing those clothes too. I told my friends and we all agreed on renting one. Law, being the warm boy he was, wasn't so sure about it, but with a little kiss and a little begging I could convince him.
The night came and we all drove to the historical centre of Jeju. The place was all garnished with paper lanterns, string lights hanging from some bridges, lit inflatable displays, food courts, typical music being played that mixed with the buzz of hundreds of attendants that were enjoying the night.
I was wearing a hanbok in yellow and orange tones, while Law used a green and black one. He looked like a typical groom; I couldn’t help but fantasize a little about us getting married someday.
Luffy of course ran to the food stalls followed by everybody else, Zoro went ahead and attacked the stall where they were offering some kind of soju and Law and I waited for his sister and Penguin to arrive at where we were.
Law was more silent than usual and his face showed concerned. I thought at first about him missing his parents or family, maybe the festival triggered some memories, so I held his hand without saying anything. He squeezed my hand, and began to sweat.
“Are you ok, doc?”, I asked. He looked at me, I could sense he got really nervous and finally mumbled, “Y/n-ya we need to talk…” …
Part 6, FINAL
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queenofanime · 3 years
What if?
Okay, so I have decided to make a series of one-shots with different animes but as Telenovelas. I think it is pretty clear where I got the idea from, but oh well. Haikyuu! …But as a Telenovela!
Warning: unplanned pregnancy, teen pregnancy. A lot of DRAMA and (a failed attempt) of HUMOR 
Our story begins seven years ago, when (Y/n) Gloriana González Pérez was ten years old. (It should be noted that at that age, (Y/n)'s passions included: Family, Telenovelas, God, and grilled cheese sandwich. The order is not important)
And on that day, she was taught to protect her flower. 
"Look at the white flower in your hand, (Y/n)" said María Elena, who was (Y/n)'s grandmother. (Maria Elena's passions consist of God and (Y/n). In that particular order) "Now crumble it" 
And (Y/n) did as told. The once white flower turned brown and decay. 
"Now, try fixing it" grandma continued. The young girl tried, but the flower was clearly ruined. "I-I can't" "Exactly" repeated the older woman. "That's what happens to your virginity once you lose it. It can never turn back. Don't forget it, ever."
And forget, (Y/n) never did. Because like the good responsible catholic Latina she was, (Y/n) promised herself she would save it for marriage. 
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"Are we there yet!? Are we, are we!?" Hinata asked for the 37th time, and as the past 36 questions, the answer was no. However, everyone was getting a little annoyed and impatient. Right now the team was heading to a training camp, along with Nekoma's and Fukurodani's respective teams. And as always, Hinata couldn't hold his excitement. (Y/n), on the other hand, was a different story.
A few months ago, she had transferred from Miami to Japan. As expected, the adaptation was challenging, but thankfully her new friends (the team) were there for her. In no time, (Y/n) found a waitressing job in a hotel in Tokyo and settled down in school. When everyone asked her if she could accompany them to training as an unofficial manager, she really couldn't object.  
"Hey (Y/n) are you feeling okay?" Asked Suga, who had been sitting beside her the whole bus ride. "That's your third water bottle. Do you feel nauseous?" He asked again. "Nah, don't worry about it. I'm fine" She claimed with a smile, even though she was lying through her teeth. Suga noticed too but decided not to ask further. Truth be told, (Y/n) was feeling quite sick. At first, she thought it was the feeling of being homesick and nervous; She quickly dismissed the idea when her head started killing her.
"Now we are here," called Coach Ukai from the front of the bus. If (Y/n)'s being honest, she really likes the coach. He's a good guy, (even with all the smoking he does). He even let her work as a cashier in his family store. 
At his words, Hinata jumped. His praying had actually worked. He couldn't wait to get into a volleyball court and spike the ball as hard as he could. (Y/n) was secretly relieved as well. Her body was heavy and she needed to get off. 
From the window, she could already see Kuroo and Akashi waving, while Bokuto jumped with excitement. (Y/n) also noticed Kenma was standing shyly behind his captain, but he was there, nonetheless. 
When the bus came to a stop, the teenage girl calmly got up. A wave of nausea and light-headiness came over her, but she manages to control it. Once she was out of the bus and tasted fresh air, she would be back to her old self. Giving a hand with the luggage, (Y/n) finally gets out and before she understands what's going on, two strong arms are sneaking their way into her hips. Bokuto lifted her body and started to twirl her around. Unbeknown to Bokuto, this small action was the final blow for (Y/n)'s sickness. As soon as her feet touch the ground again, her vision turns black.
(Y/n)'s orbs roam lightly. She is unable to recognize the unfamiliar room. Voices are heard from a distance... or maybe closer. It almost sounds as... as coach? and Suga? 
Opening her eyes a little more, she manages to make out shapes. 'What the hell happened?' (Y/n) can't remember. Her head still feels fuzzy but she manages to sit up. Her eyes adapting to the light of the room. "He-hey..." the girls say. Her voice was still raspy and dried. This caught the attention of those in the room. 
Karasuno's mother setter is the first to approach her. "Hey, are you okay!? OMG, I knew something was off!"  
(Y/n) could only let out a small chuckle. Sugawara really did know her. "I'm fine now. Don't' sweat it!" 
The second person who came closer was Coach Ukai. "Hey kiddo, how are you feeling?" 
(Y/n) just smiled, "Better. I'm sorry I crashed the camp." 
"Oh don't worry about it! Everyone started practicing." Ukai's hand ran through his dyed hair and into the back of his neck. "Although Bokuto is in emo mode." (Y/n)'s face changed into one of guilt. She had completely forgotten the fact that she had passed out in his arms. She couldn't help feeling flustered at how cheesy the situation had been. 
(Y/n)'s train of thought is suddenly interrupted by the medic entering the room. "Well," He clears his throat. "We ran some test. Nausea and fainting spell solved... You're pregnant." 
Now, the news might have shocked both Ukai and Suga, but (Y/n) couldn't help but snort at his words. 
The three men are now looking at the girl who is frantically laughing. Finally catching her breath, (Y/n)'s eyes look up to the doctor. "Sorry, is just that, I'm not pregnant." 
The doctor was taken aback by her confidence and security but recovered. "We tested your urine."
"Trust me. The test is wrong." 
"False negatives are frequent, false positives are rare..." The doctor tried to reason. 
Suga looked concerned. "H-hey (Y/n), don't you think you might just be in denial... This is a pretty b-big deal."
(Y/n) could only let out small chuckles. "No, I'm not in denial. And it might be rare but it happened. Because I'm a virgin."
Ukai choked on his own saliva while the other two males looked at (Y/n) dumbfounded and in shock. 
"Y-you're a-a vir-a virgin? You are a virgin. A VIRGIN." The doctor kept murmuring, clearly confused. 
There was no trace of lying or deceiving in (Y/n)'s face. Just pure innocence and truthfulness. 
Confused, the doctor went to grab another test and the fluid. He tried once again. "Pink means pregnant." And folks, let me tell you the sample was pink, very very pink. 
"But I've never had sex." repeated (Y/n). Worry and disbelief lingering in her voice. 
"The results say otherwise. Clearly you are not a virgin."   
His comment sparked a flame of anger in the girl, but she decided to keep herself in check. 
"This is clearly a mistake. A hormonal thing or something."
"Yes, hormonal pregnancy." 
"No," She said as if venom was dripping through her mouth. "I'm not pregnant."
"I understand this is unplanned..." kept saying the doctor. While Coach kept mumbling something between the lines of miracle, and Suga just stayed there unable to process the information. Over the chaos, (Y/n) grabs the phone and dials. 
"Hello this is (Y/n) Gonzalez. I need to talk to Dr. Jabami, some crazy doctor is saying I'm pregnant!?"
One hour and a half has passed since (Y/n) called her doctor. By now, some of the other players have become interested in the situation. Not that anyone knew what was happening except Ukai, the doctor, Dr. Jabami (who was on her way), (Y/n), Sugawara, and Takeda sensei.  
After waiting a couple of minutes, the woman is known as Hanna Jabami finally entered the room. 
(Y/n) quickly jumped out of bed. "Oh my God! Dr. Jabami there has been a terrible mistake. I don't know why the tests keep coming positive, but there must be an explanation!" Panic and anxiety were clear in the girl's voice. Ukai couldn't help but noticed the unknown female doctor was looking guilty and with a sense of pity in her eyes. 
"The reason those tests came back positive... is because..." Hanna Jabami was having difficulty explaining the situation. "The reason is that... I accidentally inseminated you two weeks ago." 
"What?" "You what?" Said in unison (Y/n) and Takeda
The doctor put her hands up defensively. "It was a mistake. I made a mistake. And there was only a 20 percent chance it would take, so I thought... I thought you might never know. Except that -- things turned out differently."   
It should be noted that at this moment, (Y/n) is panicking. Time seems slow. The only thing she can do is breathe in and breath out. She felt her heart in her throat. 
"I'm so sorry (Y/n)" interrupted the voice of Hanna. "There are options of course. You can have the baby or -- this is a prescription for -- a pill -- you can take. You are under no obligation to consult with the father. Though he knows and he would like to speak-- "The father" says (Y/n), having trouble breathing. She hadn't even been thinking about the father. (Y/n) is in shock. Numb almost. Abruptly, she stands up. "I got to go. I gotta leave." 
"Where are you going?" exclaims Suga but (Y/n) doesn't respond. She just leaves. 
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soberqueerinthewild · 4 years
She’s listening through the air shaft, to see how long our swan song can last 
Three Times Forrest Ignores Isobel When She Tries to Meddle, and Two Times He Doesn’t 
A post-season 2 finale Forrest POV fic. Features Isobel being a meddling asshole, Forrest being a good guy, Michael and Alex being obvious, but stubborn, with a cameo by Liz being a little OOC (oops!). Starts out Forlex (or ManeForrest, whatever your preference!) but transitions to Malex. This fic exists entirely because I wanted to write two lines, bonus points if you figure out which ones they are. I may have sort of plagiarized my own season 1 finale fix it fic accidentally, but if the RNM writers can have the finales mirror each other, then my fix it fics can too!
Thanks to @lambourngb and @seeaddywrite for help with ideas and editing (and listening to me whine, a very important part of my writing process)! 
*Title from Both Hands by Ani Difranco 
Forrest wasn’t sure what to expect dating Alex Manes. 
The 180 degree turnaround on PDA between their first date and open mic night felt too good to be true. He half expected regression on their second date, for Alex to pull his hand away when Forrest reached for him in public, or to scoot his chair farther away when one of his Air Force buddies approached them in the bar, but so far that fear has been unrealized. It’s like a switch flipped, probably due to a combination of his own internal work, the death of his father, and full support of his brother. Alex is lighter and happier than when they first met, and seems at ease being out in public with Forrest no matter where they go. Tonight, they’ve settled on a casual night out at the Pony, with the intention of Forrest getting a chance to know Maria better. 
Over the past few weeks of dating, Alex has met most of Forrest’s friends (they all love him, and if Forrest didn’t feel the same way, he’d be a little offended about how many of his friends have suggested that Forrest is punching above his weight class), but Forrest has yet to spend much time with any of Alex’s. Tonight’s supposed to change that, but Maria’s been slammed most of the night and when Forrest makes his way back from the bathroom, it’s not Maria he spots in the booth beside Alex, but someone much taller and blonder. As he approaches the table, he recognizes her as the woman he’d mistakenly identified as Alien Guy’s girlfriend one time when he and Alex chatted at the diner. He can’t place her name though,  since he had a difficult time focusing on anyone other than Alex that day. A problem which has persisted even now that they’re dating.  
As he slides into the booth across from them, she stops talking mid-sentence and glances him up and down appraisingly. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were here with emo smurf.” This is clearly addressed to Alex, though she doesn’t take her eyes off Forrest, a challenge in her gaze.
“Isobel,” Alex reprimands sternly, mouthing a sorry in his direction. Forrest waves him off. It takes more than a little snark to rattle him. 
“Sorry.” Isobel flutters her eyelashes with faux innocence. “I’m just so bad with names.”
“It’s Forrest, as I know you’re well aware. Forrest, this is Isobel Evans, but you don’t really need to know that, because she was just leaving.” Alex shoots daggers in Isobel’s direction, but Forrest can already tell it’s a losing battle. Forrest isn’t exactly sure why she decided to come out swinging, but if she’s a friend of Alex’s, he wants to win her over. Most people, women especially, find his self-deprecating charm hard to resist, and he’s never backed away from a challenge. 
Forrest tilts back in his chair, putting on an unbothered air. “No need to leave on my account. The purpose of tonight was to meet some of Alex’s friends, so I’m glad I had the opportunity to meet one more.” 
Isobel raises her eyebrows. “Oh, we’re at the meeting the friends stage, huh? Who are you waiting for, Valenti? Is he still dating Liz lite? All the snark, none of the charm?” 
Forrest doesn’t follow, but Alex clearly does, as he shoots back, “Jealous much?” 
“Oh please. Like I’d be jealous over Valenti.” 
“I don’t know Isobel, from what I hear you were all about him a few months ago.” 
Isobel tosses her hair. “Wow you guys are such gossips, but you’re behind the times. That’s old news. Besides, I ended up with a much better offer. But, you know who you should invite out?” Her eyes light up, and even though they’ve only just met Forrest has an inkling that look is a dangerous one.
Alex seems to recognize it too, as he asks warily, “Who?” 
“Your brother. I mean, you wanted him to meet your friends, why not have him meet the family too? And by brother, I mean the hot one. Well,” Isobel amends, “the hot, non-evil one.” 
Forrest knows a bit about Alex’s family. It’s still not Alex’s favorite topic of conversation, but he’s given Forrest the basic outline, and he’s gonna go out on a limb and say Isobel means Gregory. He’s gotta hand it to her, she may be kind of bitchy, but she’s got good taste. 
Alex, however, looks horrified. “Isobel, I beg of you, leave my poor brother alone.” 
“What?” The innocent mask returns. “I want to see your brother naked, you want to see my brother naked. I feel like it all evens out.  Or at least it will, once I actually make it happen.” 
“Isobel. Cut it out,” Alex hisses again, and drops his head in his hands. Alex looks like he wants to melt into the floor, while Isobel looks pleased with herself. 
By the way Isobel is looking at him, it seems like she thinks this statement will rattle him, but he doesn’t really know why. It dawns on him that she shares a last name with an ex-deputy-turned-bartender he may or may not have checked out on his way in. Is he supposed to be jealous that Alex apparently at some point expressed a desire to see Max Evans, naked? Forrest isn’t under the impression that a few weeks of dating means Alex isn’t permitted to find anyone else attractive. Plus,  from his few past interactions with Max, Forrest feels pretty certain Max is painfully straight, so he’s hardly a threat. 
Regardless, if her goal is to unsettle him, he’s determined to remain unaffected. “Max? I can see it. I know the tall, dark and handsome thing does it for some people. Hopefully lack of height isn’t a deal breaker for Alex.” Forrest shoots Alex a wink, but Alex hasn’t looked up. 
Isobel looks at him like he might be the dumbest person alive. Forrest has a feeling it’s a look she wears a lot. “Not Max, my other brother. Michael? Alex’s ex? You’ve met him. You asked if he was my boyfriend? It was horrifying. I should make you pay that therapy bill, thanks a lot.” 
Oh. Ok. It’s not exactly a shock. He had sensed some tension between Alex and Michael, a connection when he first saw them together on the farm. And later, in the diner, he’d seen Michael eyeing him a little territorially. Forrest had never been one to assume he was owed every detail of a boyfriend’s romantic past, so he’d never asked Alex about it.  Alex likes Forrest, he’s with him, Forrest doesn’t need to know more than that yet. Michael’s sister being dismissive of him, making a point to let him know about Alex and Michael’s history doesn’t change anything. It shouldn’t anyways. And  even if the confirmation of his suspicions does nag at him a bit, he’s determined not to let Isobel or Alex know about it. 
He smiles reassuringly at Alex, who no longer has his head in his hands, but is instead staring daggers at Isobel once again, while simultaneously texting on his phone. 
The reason for the texting becomes apparent as Maria makes a beeline to their table and without preamble announces. “Isobel, Max is asking for you, why don’t you go find out what he needs.” Maria is apparently less diplomatic than he or Alex, because she  pulls Isobel up from her seat, and steers her by the elbow across the bar, before Isobel even has a chance to object. 
“So…” Forrest ventures, breaking the silence. “Your friend seems nice.” 
Alex lets out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry about Isobel. I should’ve gotten rid of her faster, but she can be impossible when she gets on a roll like that. Maria’s the best at dealing with her. I’m sorry she was so rude to you. Sometimes I don’t know why I put up with her. It’s complicated, but she’s kind of like family...” 
He can tell Alex is giving him an opening. To ask about Isobel, and Michael even, but he’s not sure he wants to know. It’s Saturday night, he’s out with a hot guy, he’d rather make the most of it than talk about an ex. “No worries at all. She’s honestly much nicer than my family.” Which sadly is most definitely the truth. He rescues them both with a subject change. “You want to grab another drink, and play a round of pool?” 
Forrest senses Alex is relieved at the out, and the smile he flashes now is the most genuine he’s had all night. “Sounds good, let’s do it.” 
Forrest hears stories about Kyle long before he meets him. Since the first somewhat disastrous attempt to spend time with Alex’s friends, they’ve had successful hangouts with Maria a few times, and Forrest has met Liz over Facetime, but Kyle, the reformed high school bully turned doctor best friend, has remained elusive. Alex explains that Kyle works odd hours, and has been in a bit of a honeymoon cocoon with his girlfriend as she recovers from a serious illness, so it’s not until he and Alex have been dating about two months that Forrest gets a chance to meet him. When Alex finally nails down plans, Forrest is a bit surprised at the venue choice of Planet 7. Alex is comfortable enough with himself now to go there, but he usually prefers the quieter vibe of the Wild Pony. 
As they settle into a seat by the window to wait for Kyle, Forrest asks about the choice. “Is this some kind of test for Kyle? See if he’s really reformed by making him come to a gay bar?” 
Alex barks out a laugh. “Definitely not. He’s proven himself a hundred times over now. No, the venue was Kyle’s choice. He’s been coming here much longer than I have. He’s kind of a legend here apparently, cleans up on drag night.” 
Forrest laughs along with him and some of his nervousness at meeting someone so important to Alex, dissipates. He has a feeling he and Kyle will get along just fine. The same cannot be said, however, about the woman making a beeline towards them right now. Alex seems to notice her the same moment Forrest does and groans. 
“Oh, relax,” Isobel retorts, clearly having heard Alex’s sound of displeasure. “I come in peace.” It seems a little below her game as far as jokes go, but Alex and Isobel both seem to find it unreasonably amusing. Isobel does seem to be making a genuine effort to be kind, even using his name a few times and laying off the snark as she regales them with a few stories of Kyle’s Planet 7 antics. 
“So, you’re a Planet 7 regular too, Isobel? I’m surprised I haven’t seen you here before.”
“It was only a few months ago that I realized my tastes were a little more, umm, expansive than I thought, after I came here one night and took the bartender home.” Isobel looks a little smug as she nods towards the woman behind the bar. 
Forrest knows Blair, everyone does really, but he hadn’t noticed until this moment just how similar she and Isobel are physically. He checks his initial instinct, a jab at her narcissism, feeling like he probably doesn’t want to start something he’s not sure he can finish. If she’s being nice, he doesn’t want to jinx it. He opts instead to say, “Nice. She’s very pretty. Are y’all dating?” 
“Nope, we had fun and all, but some relationships are only meant to be short-term, you know?” Forrest decides to be kind and assume that was genuine, and not a pointed remark, but by the way Isobel is trying to conceal her smirk, he’s being far too generous. 
Alex isn’t hissing at her though, so either he didn’t hear, or didn’t register the implication. 
“So, Isobel, are you waiting for someone? You got a date tonight?” Alex asks. Forrest feels a little bit bad that he’s hoping strongly the answer is yes, and that her date  is about to walk in the door. 
“Not yet,” Isobel remarks suggestively. Forrest has no doubt she could have her pick of most of the women in this bar tonight, and the way she tosses her hair as she looks around appraisingly says she knows it too. 
“Ok boys, what do you think? Does the woman in red in the corner look like she’d enjoy being tied up?” 
Forrest nearly spits out his drink, and Alex blushes darker than he’s ever seen. Forrest finds it pretty adorable. Though Alex isn’t exactly shy, he’s definitely not the ‘talk about your sex life in public’ type of person.  And, as far as he’s aware, Alex is relatively vanilla in his preferences, which suits Forrest just fine. 
“What? You’re a prude all of the sudden?” Isobel seems equal parts annoyed and amused by Alex’s reaction. “You’re down for a threesome with your ex and your best friend, but you draw the line at talk of a little kink?” 
Huh. Well that’s an unexpected revelation. Before Forrest has much of a chance to process the information, he’s distracted by a cold hard tone he’s never heard before in Alex’s voice. “Isobel, what the fuck. That is so far out of line.” 
What’s more surprising still is the way Isobel immediately backs down. She looks genuinely apologetic and her voice softens. “You’re right, I’m sorry. And just… he didn’t tell me about it.” She glances at Forrest before continuing, “You know how...well, you know it’s hard to keep things from me. It wasn’t even his...well never mind. I am sorry though. I’ll work on that filter.” 
Alex softens a little and shakes his head ruefully. “How you three ever managed to keep a secret with your big mouth, I’ll never know.” 
Forrest feels, like he often does, that there’s a subtext to this exchange he’s not privy to, and Alex doesn’t explain. Forrest isn’t exactly sure if it’s because he doesn’t want Forrest to know or because he’s forgotten Forrest is there.  Forrest knows it’s normal in new relationships to feel this way sometimes. He’s sure Alex has felt left out momentarily when Forrest is with his friends. It’s happened before to Forrest in conversations with Alex and Maria, but it’s never really bothered him. He knows that if things work out, he and Alex will develop their own shorthand and inside jokes. There will be times when they’ll be the ones annoying others by forgetting the rest of the world exists. 
He doesn’t know why being reminded of Alex’s long history with Isobel in particular bothers him. If he’s being honest, it’s probably because he knows that their connection only exists because of Michael. He’s never said it in so many words, but Forrest knows that Alex considers Isobel family because he considers Michael family. And Isobel seems hell bent on ensuring Forrest never forgets it. Alex might believe that Isobel’s comments are just a symptom of her big mouth, but to Forrest it’s clear that she wants to be sure Forrest and Alex are always thinking about Michael. He’s irrationally tempted now to reach out and pull Alex to him, distract him from the conversation at hand, and make sure Isobel and Alex both remember who Alex is with now. But he knows Isobel would see right through him. 
He’s distracted from this impulse by the jingle of the front door of the bar opening. He looks up to see a guy  he recognizes as Kyle from photos on Alex’s phone enter, followed by a woman Forrest assumes must be Steph. 
Alex sees him at the same time, and turns to Isobel. “If you’re actually sorry for being an asshole, you can make it up to me by being elsewhere. I’ve heard that you and Steph tend to get into it, so it’s probably for the best.” 
As Isobel flounces off without another word, Alex looks at him hesitantly, likely wondering if Forrest is going to say anything about Isobel’s comments. With Kyle and Steph approaching, it’s not the time, so Forrest tries to rid himself of thoughts of Alex and threesomes, and focus on the double date ahead. After the date, they’ll have time to talk honestly about things. About why, when Alex and Michael are currently friends, and things were over with them romantically a long time ago, Alex shuts down at the mention of their sexual past. About why Isobel constantly brings it up, and seems so sure Alex and Forrest are only a short term prospect. Later, Forrest decides, they’ll  talk openly about it, and Forrest will feel better, and their relationship will feel stronger, and these nagging feelings will go away. Probably. 
The thing is, Alex is by far the hottest, kindest, sweetest guy Forrest has ever dated, hands down, no contest, end of story. 
And that’s a good thing, it’s a great thing, except that it makes Forrest stupid. Forrest likes to think he’s pretty good at relationships by now. He is, after all, a serial monogamist. Forrest knows that open, honest communication is pretty much the key to making things work. But somehow with Alex, he gets himself all twisted up, and can’t do the thing he needs to do, which is just ask Alex to tell him about Michael Guerin. 
Forrest  knows he gets weird when Michael texts Alex at odd hours of the night, or when Alex takes his car in to Sanders’ to get fixed, because he doesn’t trust anyone other than Michael to touch it. He knows he tenses when Isobel, Kyle, or Maria mention Michael and Alex’s past. He knows Alex knows it too. Not talking about it hasn’t made it disappear, but Forrest still can’t make himself have the conversation. The one time Alex tried to bring it up, and started to haltingly explain that they had a complicated past, but were friends, or really family to each other, Forrest shut it down. Cheerfully told Alex he didn’t have to explain and changed the subject. 
So yeah, stupid. Or maybe willfully ignorant, is more accurate. He wants to keep Alex, and he has a sneaking suspicion that if they ever were to finish that conversation it would somehow lead to the end of this. And he doesn’t want it to end, so unhealthy avoidance it is. Most of the time it even works. They have a good time with each other. They make each other laugh. It’s been four pretty great months, and if Forrest feels sometimes that he’s just a little more invested than Alex is, well, he figures you can’t have everything in life. 
Today, they are having breakfast at the Crashdown, and Forrest is excited to get to meet Liz in person, as she’s back in town for a visit with her dad. Alex warns him that it might not be all fun and games, as Liz apparently broke up with the love of her life before leaving town four months ago, and hasn’t decided whether she’s going to try to see him on this visit. Forrest is intrigued, as he honestly loves any relationship drama that doesn’t include him, so would happily spend the entire breakfast getting to know Liz better and listing out pros and cons of seeing her ex. What Forrest failed to account for, even once he realized that Liz’s ex is none other than Max Evans, is that of course Isobel would show up at the diner to interfere in her brother’s love life. He supposes he should count himself lucky that she barely notices his presence, her focus purely on interrogating Liz. 
“So, are you gonna go see my idiot brother?” Her tone is as caustic as it often is when aimed at him, but surprisingly Liz doesn’t respond defensively. Instead, the tough front she’s been putting on for him and Alex seems to crumple a little, and she leans into Isobel, who wraps an arm around her shoulder. 
“He doesn’t want to see me,” she mumbles into Isobel’s chest. 
“Is, I tried calling and texting from California. You know I did. He barely wrote back. He used to tell me he’d follow me anywhere, but he didn’t come after me.” Liz looks crestfallen, and Forrest feels like this might be too intimate a moment for him to witness. 
“Yeah, because he was mad, not because he stopped loving you!” The exasperated look is one Forrest has become familiar with, even in their short period of acquaintance. 
“You think he still does? That he’ll want to work it out?” The hope in Liz’s voice really is heartbreaking, and Forrest finds he’s pretty invested in the outcome even though it involves people he barely knows. 
“Oh my god, you people really are impossible. Yes, Liz, Max loved you for ten years. Ten years during which you were never even together and never even stepped foot back in Roswell. He once said if he could’ve fallen in love with someone else, he would have. You really think he fell out of love with you in the four months you’ve been gone? Neither one of my stupid brothers’ hearts work like that. They fall in love at 17, and stay in love. It’s a thing, and it’s annoying. I know you guys have your problems, Liz, but Max not loving you is never gonna be one of them.” 
Forrest is so focused on Liz that he doesn’t quite get the other implications, until he feels Alex stiffen beside him. It’s weird seeing hope blossom on two faces at once, though as soon as Alex feels Forrest looking at him, he schools his expression into something neutral so quickly Forrest wonders if he imagined it. Liz however, seems to have made a decision, and she pushes Isobel out of the booth, and scrambles out behind her. 
“Uh, rain check?” Liz tosses at Alex over her shoulder, already halfway to the door. 
“Yeah, of course,” Alex replies, though Liz and Isobel are already gone. He turns his attention to Forrest. “So, that got derailed.” He tries for a smile, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Forrest wonders if part of Alex wishes he was the one running across town right now to see if the boy that’s loved him since he was 17 still does. Forrest really should just ask. It would, he tells himself, be better to know. But once more he lets the stupid part of his heart win and he lets moment pass instead. 
It’s not really spying on your boyfriend if he’s in a public farmer’s market and he invited you to meet him, right? 
That’s the technicality Forrest is sticking to that makes it acceptable for him not to alert Alex to his presence. Instead, it's completely reasonable and not at all deliberate when he closely examines the jewelry display that blocks him from Alex’s view. It's just a mere convenience to use that cover while he can also overhear Alex's conversation with his ex.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust Alex. It’s just, despite all the time he’s spent worrying about what Alex and Michael might mean to each other, spurred on by Isobel’s insinuations and that look on Alex’s face when Michael texts, he hasn’t actually seen them together much since he and Alex have been dating. 
He’s pretty sure that’s by design. He knows Michael and Alex still spend time together, but it seems that any time Forrest enters a room, Michael finds a reason to leave it. He doesn’t feel like it’s spiteful exactly. Michael is always polite when they cross paths, he just never sticks around. Seeing them together now, Forrest thinks maybe it was a kindness, a weird sort of respect for their relationship, for Michael to make himself scarce. Because while he can ignore Isobel’s barbs and pointed comments, seeing Michael and Alex within ten feet of each other is a different story. They aren’t even saying anything important. Forrest can’t hear every word --he’s pretty sure they’re just chatting about the weather -- but the way they look at each other is anything but casual. There’s an energy that seems to crackle between them and when Alex makes a joke, Michael smiles like Alex is the best thing he’s ever seen. And it’s not like Forrest can exactly blame him, but it’s the way Alex smiles back that makes something twist in his gut. It’s the way Forrest has always wished Alex would look at him, but never quite does. 
For once in his life, Forrest feels something other than irritation seeing Isobel approach, as her presence seems to break some of the tension between Michael and Alex.  They take a step back from one another and focus on Isobel as she loops her arm through Michael’s. 
“So Isobel, how’d you manage to convince Guerin to show up a farmer’s market of all places?” Alex’s voice is light and teasing. It’s a contrast to the tone Forrest most often hears Alex use with Isobel, a combination of irritation and pleading, since usually she’s giving Forrest a hard time. 
“Oh, the usual, blackmail and the promise of waffles at the Crashdown. You want to join us?” 
Alex shifts uncomfortably from one foot to another and glances at Michael warily before responding, “I can’t. I’m ummm… meeting Forrest.” Forrest watches Michael stiffen immediately, looking down and then running his fingers through his hair and settling his cowboy hat atop his head before responding. 
“Great. Tell him I said hi.” Forrest is almost impressed with how close to sincere Michael sounds. By the way Isobel snorts, Forrest can tell she’s not convinced. 
Alex glances at his watch and looks around. “He should be here by now, actually. I left my phone in my car, so I should really go, see if he’s texted.” Forrest knows he should probably call out to him, let Alex know where he is, but something keeps him rooted to the spot, even as Alex heads in the opposite direction. 
As soon as Alex is out of earshot, Isobel rounds on Michael. “Seriously, when are you both gonna stop it with this?” 
“What?” Michael’s irritation with her is clear in just that one syllable. 
“Don’t play dumb with me, Michael. It’s getting old watching you and Alex keep up this dance.” 
“He’s moved on. I’m happy for him. I’ve moved on, too. I’ve got a date tonight.” 
“Bullshit, Michael. He has not moved on, and he wouldn’t even be trying to, if you would just tell him you still love him.” 
“It’s not as simple as all that,” Michael mumbles. Forrest notes that he doesn’t try to correct her assumption. 
“It seems to get simple real quick anytime your lives are in danger. It’s like you can’t be honest with each other or anyone else without the threat of mortal peril. Like he can shout that he doesn’t look away to save you from certain death, you’ll threaten to burn the world down to find him when he’s missing, but in between neither of you can suck up the courage to ask the other on a fucking date? And the rest of us are supposed to sit around and pretend you’re just friends and watch you try and fail to move on over and over again?” 
“He seems happy.” 
“Yeah, I think he’s trying to be. Just like you tried last year. But maybe he could be happier with you.  You both could be, except he doesn’t think you want to try. He wrote you a damn love song, and you walked away to wait for some mythical right time that may never exist!“
And suddenly Forrest doesn’t want to hear anymore. It’s not, he thinks as he walks numbly back to his car, like he didn’t know the song was about Michael. Of course it was. It’s just maybe he was hoping that Alex used a fair bit of artistic license, like the song was mostly nostalgia and puppy love embellished for effect, but hearing Isobel and Michael talk now, it’s clear that isn’t the case. He decides he’s buried his head in the sand about this for too long now and he can’t avoid the reality any longer. He has to talk to Alex. 
A hand on his shoulder breaks him out of his reverie. Normally, it’s now, looking up at Alex’s smiling face that he loses his nerve, but today he doesn’t give himself time to overthink, he just asks, “Why aren’t you and Michael together?” 
Alex drops his hand abruptly from Forrest’s shoulder and takes a step back, looking stricken. “What? Where is this coming from?” 
“I just want to know, what’s stopping you? I mean, apart from me. If I wasn’t in the equation?” 
Alex opens and closes his mouth a few times. Forrest can see him calculating, weighing between giving the response he thinks Forrest wants to hear and the truth. “He doesn’t want to be, for one thing… and you are in the equation.” 
Forrest closes his eyes and steels himself. “Neither of those things are true. Not anymore.” He forces himself to look at Alex, but he nearly has to look away again, the hurt on Alex’s face nearly too much to bear. “I like you. I care about you a lot, but I don’t think we’re it for each other. I think there’s a big part of you that’s still waiting for Michael.” 
He waits, not sure if he’s hoping Alex will convince him he’s wrong. Alex doesn’t speak, just lets out a hollow laugh. Forrest continues, “And he’s waiting for you too. I’m pretty certain of that. If I’m wrong, just tell me. Tell me that when you look into the future it’s me you want there with you.” Forrest’s voice breaks a little, he clears his throat to collect himself, feeling like this is dangerously close to begging Alex to lie to him, which is not what he wants. Alex looks down guiltily, and Forrest knows he’s been right all along. “You can’t tell me that, can you?” 
Alex slowly shakes his head, tears in his eyes. “Forrest, I’m...sorry. I don’t want you to think… I really do care about you.” 
Forrest tries for a smile. “I know. And I want you to know, I don’t regret it. Being with you. A relationship doesn’t have to be forever to be a successful one; to mean something. That’s why I think we should let it be now, so it doesn’t turn into something we’ll regret.” Forrest pulls Alex into a hug and is surprised when Alex grips him back just as hard. “I wouldn’t wait too long to tell him,” Forrest mumbles into Alex’s shoulder. “You deserve to be happy.” Forrest doesn’t think he imagines the feel of Alex’s nod against his hair, but he can’t be sure. 
The smart thing to do a few weeks after breaking up with your boyfriend is to avoid the bar his best friend owns. But even now that they’re over, apparently Alex Manes still makes Forrest stupid. 
It’s not that he wants to get back together, he knows the breakup was for the best. Still,  he can’t shake the morbid curiosity about whether Alex took his advice, and worked out his shit with Michael. Which is why he’s sitting alone at the bar, staring at his ex-boyfriend like a creeper, trying to analyze whether or not he and Michael are on a date or still pretending to be ‘just friends.’ 
The problem is, the fact that they’re staring into each other’s eyes like no one else exists tells him precisely nothing. This is the way they’ve looked at each other each and every time Forrest has ever seen them together, even when they  were in other relationships. He’s almost given up hope of figuring it out, when something Alex says prompts Michael to pull him in for a soft kiss. It’s so intimate that Forrest flushes and looks away, feeling like an intruder to a moment he was never supposed to witness. 
“It’s a little much, I know. Like I’m happy for them and all, it’s what I wanted, but they’re so disgustingly in love, it’s obnoxious sometimes.” 
Forrest groans. Like this night wasn’t depressing enough without Isobel Evans coming to gloat. “Not really in the mood for an I told you so, Isobel.” He expects a bitchy retort, but when he looks up, Isobel’s features are softer than he’s ever seen them. 
“I know I wasn’t the nicest to you all the time, but I really was trying to do you a favor. It was never going to last, so I thought driving you off quickly would really be a kindness.” 
Forrest looks at her incredulously. “You don’t think there were any ways you could have accomplished that goal without being an asshole?” 
Isobel seems to ponder that for a moment. “Hmm, bitchiness is really my go-to, but I suppose you’re right. Now, is crying into your beer while watching my brother and your ex canoodle in the corner really how you want to spend your night?” Forrest can’t help but steal a glance back at Michael and Alex’s table. They aren’t kissing anymore, but Alex is carding his fingers absentmindedly through Michael’s hair as they talk closely, and Forrest honestly thinks that might be worse. 
“No, not really. What else you got?” he asks. When mischief sparks in her eyes, he nearly regrets the decision to engage. 
“Well, why don’t you and I go to Planet 7, be each other’s wingmen, and see what kind of trouble we can get into?” She struts off, clearly used to people following in her wake without question. 
Forrest laughs, equal parts intrigued and terrified at the prospect. Fuck it, he thinks as he grabs his jacket and follows her out the door, proud of himself for resisting the urge to look back at Michael and Alex one last time. It’s time for him to find out what’s next, and a night out at Planet 7 with Isobel Evans seems like as good of a first step as any. 
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
Hey hon❤️ how you doing? I wanted to ask if you have any headcanons (the more the best(?) for Warren thick thighs Worthington the third. ‘Cause quarantine has me depressed and I need some birb boy content :( ur the best ❤️ thx
So! I had to rewrite these like 3 times cause I either closed tumblr or it crashed or something! But I hope you enjoy them! And if you ever need to talk to someone I’m always here 💛
- Warren’s fluffy white feathers molt
- He leaves a little trail of them all around the mansion, and the little kids collect them
- They use them for flower crowns, glitter and macaroni collages, and other art projects
- Warren has trouble sleeping alone, so he needs to be near someone to get any sleep
- As a kid, Warren was shy and reserved, mostly cause he was afraid to get close due to his wings and his parents kept sending him to a new boarding school every few months
- So the friends he has now, they’re all very special to him
- Even if they annoy him sometimes...
- Bobby once stole all his hoodies
- One time Peter brought a duck to the mansion and it thought Warren was a “hot, sexy, bird man” and wouldn’t leave him alone
- If Warren’s dating, like really dating someone, then he will do anything to try and impress them
- Doesn’t matter if he’s “Mr. Warren Worthington the 3rd” and picks you up with a limo on the first date or emo boy recovering from the apocalypse incident and just cooks you dinner and gets your favorite movie. He just wants to impress you
- Speaking of... his success on cooking is 50/50...
- Picnic dates on the roof of Xavier’s
- He takes you flying after watching Superman movies with the boys
- Warren loves to give you flowers. He doesn’t even need a real reason to
- “Baby, I saw this really pretty painting and it reminded me of you. So I got you some flowers!”
- “You just came back from a really tough mission, so I got you some flowers, and I’ll give you a massage after you shower”
- “I know you had a rough day today, sweetheart... I got you some flowers and I cleared my schedule so we can cuddle for long as you’d like”
- However, Warren is still a bit of a natural flirt, with almost everyone. It doesn’t mean anything to him, but if it’s bothering you, he’ll dial it down or stop completely
- He also tries to keep up his “bad boy persona” around the guys
- When the gang has movie nights, there’s almost never enough chairs or couch space, so you either sit on Warren’s lap or you’re intertwined with him
- Canonically, Warren can lift up to 500 lbs
- So, if you fall asleep in the car, or in the black bird on the way home, or on the couch during movie night, he’ll carry you up to your room and tuck you in
- If he’s got the family inheritance, then he’s definitely got multiple family vacation homes all over the world
- So if you want to go somewhere, all you have to do is ask
- He’ll sometimes just have spontaneous little trips planned
- You have a bad week and he surprises you with a weekend trip to the French countryside
- He totally wasn’t thinking about proposing on said trip
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25, Moxiety?
Prompt: “Don’t move.”  with Patton and Virgil!  (From the 200follower special here!)
Virgil was carrying the laundry up the stairs of his campus dorm when a neighbor’s door swung open and someone shoved their poor roommate out, a glass vase following, crashing against concrete.  Virgil watched as the person who was in the dorm stomped out, delivered a sharp slap to the person they had first shoved out, before slamming the door in their face.
The person who was nursing his cheek turned, bright blue eyes meeting dark ones.
“Sorry you had to see that!”  They were chipper and went to take a step before Virgil flung his hand out, dropping his laundry in the process.
“Don’t move!”
The person stopped and looked down at their bare feet and then the glass surrounding them.  “Oh right, silly me!”
Virgil picked up his laundry basket and walked past the person, before setting said basket down at the foot of the next stairwell and coming back.
“Can I help you?”
“Sure!  I’m Patton!”  Patton flashed him a pained smile as Virgil gently crunched through glass, grateful that he was wearing military grade combat boots.
“Virgil.”  He held out a hand for Patton to shake and instead the other pulled him into a hug.
“Thanks!  So... how do we want to do this?”
Virgil shrugged and then swept Patton into a bridal carry, the small adult giving a startled squeak as he buried his face into Virgil’s neck.  
“You can come back to my dorm room, unless that one wasn’t yours... I’d be happy to get you to wherever you need to go.”  Virgil shifted his grip so that Patton would be more comfortable as he waited for an answer.
“Can we go to yours?  Please?”
“Of course.”  Virgil carried him out of the glass and then up the stairs for good measure, as Patton was starting to shake a bit as shock broke through the initial adrenaline of whatever... that had been about.  
Once Patton was safely deposited on his bed, Virgil ran back down to snag his laundry.
“So, who was that?”  Virgil asked delicately once he got back, cracking an instant ice pack and gently pressing it into Patton’s hands.  The cold seemed to shock him and he jumped slightly before understanding flooded his face and he placed the ice on the reddening mark.
“Just my dormmate, you know how they get.”
“I really don’t think that they’re supposed to hurt you...  Roman doesn’t with me.”
Patton closed his eyes and sighed.  “It’s okay, he always apologizes.”
Virgil stayed quiet for a moment, mulling it over.  “How many times?”
“How many times what silly?”
“Patton.  Look, I don’t know you, but this seems abusive.”  Virgil crossed his legs as he sat down on Roman’s beanbag, which was right across from wear Patton sat, clearly trying to avoid the conversation.
“Q’s not that bad.. He just gets upset if I don’t do stuff on time..”
“Oh god, are you dating him?”
“Oh sweetie...”  Virgil trailed off once he realized that he’d given the guy a nickname after knowing him for less than thirty minutes and he ran a nervous hand through his dyed hair.  When he made eye contact with Patton again, he was surprised to see that tears were dripping down the other’s face.
“Shit, did I say something wrong?”
“No one’s ever called me that.”  Patton sniffed and wiped at the tears with a free hand,  “it was nice...”
Virgil will deny that he is contact oriented.  But still he stood up and walked back over, sitting down next to Patton and wrapping an arm around him.
“I’m sorry.”
Patton leaned into his side, tears slowly growing into full on sobs.  Virgil kept his arm wrapped around Patton and after a while, the smaller had shifted into Virgil’s lap, letting him fully hold him again.
“Don’t let me go back...”
Virgil rested his chin on Patton’s head.  “I won’t.  I’ll have Roman help get your stuff out of there and you can crash here until we can figure out a good dorm solution, okay?”
True to his word, Virgil did not let Patton go back.  After Roman came home from his classes, the pair went to raid Q with a few other friends, which resulted in then taking everything that was Patton’s and also a few Funko!Pop from the jerk’s collection.
Patton ended up staying for a week in the already crowded dorm room, sleeping next to Virgil at night and after the week, he moved into Virgil’s cousin’s dorm.  Logan would be a change from Patton’s ex, but the pair seemed to get along fine.
Virgil missed him, although he’d laugh it off when Roman teased him about it.  There was no need to pine after someone who was still recovering from domestic abuse.
Patton kept coming over though, with Logan in tow and the four would usually end up debating over small meaningless stuff while Roman made heart eyes at Logan and Virgil tried to contain his disgust at the idea of his cousin dating his best friend.  He also tried to contain his growing feelings for the bubbly student.
They’re at a Christmas party five months later when it happens.  Hell, Virgil doesn’t even celebrate Christmas but Roman had insisted in dragging him along and Virgil had only shown up because Patton had also said he was going.
Now they’re both under the mistletoe, by complete accident on Virgil’s part and purpose on Roman’s.
“You don’t have to.”  Virgil stutters out as he goes to move away, but Patton catches his wrist and holds him there.
“Don’t move!”
Then, gently, gently! he presses a feather light kiss to the corner of Virgil’s mouth, having to stand on his tiptoes to reach the emo’s face. 
“Thank you for everything.”  He murmurs it and Virgil blushes before pulling Patton back in for a proper kiss.
And discreetly, from the other side of the room, Roman passes Logan a fifty dollar bill.
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.11
a/n: this nothing but pure self indulgent fluff :3 hope ya’ll like it <3 also apologies if its a bit late xD i just woke up since we don’t have work today!
Akaashi’s lineup: @alluring-akaashi @oikawalmart-hq @extrasugafree @bbykiyoomi @apricotjihyo @awings​ @simpformiya​ @sayakaaaaaa​ @colorseeingchick​ @demursv1ogs​ @chrisrue15​ @something-that-idk (i have no idea why i can’t tag some of you :( huhu )
links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 12
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“Bokuto-san!” Akaashi set the ball towards the beefy boy. It had already been a few minutes and he was sure Bokuto was already riled up and ready to redeem himself. None of them were expecting him to unleash his emo mode during practice time. “It’s all yours.”
With such excellent form, Bokuto cross spiked the ball and won his side of the court a set. The three man block across from him nodded and cheered for him. Behind his back, Akaashi gave the signal to Konoha, Washio, and Haruki to further lighten his mood. That had to be the most half assed ‘Hey Hey Hey’ you’ve heard in a while.
It had been a very good four months since the kiss. Your relationship with Akaashi was still kept lowkey, but both of you chose that path. Some of the members were starting to doubt while the two managers still had to break your defense. None of them succeeded. It reached the point that things were beginning to become an inside joke. Who among the team would break the wall and finally get the answers they wanted?
Handing his water bottle, Akaashi brushed his finger against yours. Lingering his gaze with yours for a few seconds, your breath still hitches when he sets his eyes on you. With each player now sipping on bottles and wiping their sweat, you sat down beside your man and silently activated your quirk.
His body was hot from the rigid training but he somehow developed the sense of when you would use your quirk on him. Feeling the heat being pulled away, he let out a long sigh and felt his energy levels rising up. The others began to wonder whether or not the both of you were doing outside club activities that decreased his recovery time.
Now that practice was over, all of you now bid goodbyes and walked your way back home. Hand in hand, Akaashi and you went over the day's events.
“You’ve been getting better at your sets, Akaashi~”
“It still needs a bit more timing. Bokuto-san’s sets are getting better but I still have to adjust a bit more for Washio-san.” You had also taken note just how harsh he was on himself. Reminding him that he always did a great job, he squeezed your hand and pulled you closer.
As for your quirk, you always took note of its presence. Despite kissing him as often as you could, being more touchy, and intimate, it was still at 35%. Though, you were using it less and less as the days passed by. Most of the time, you would use it on Akaashi to let him recover more. It amazed you that on days you let him recover on his own, there were no changes and almost as if his body adjusted to your quirks constant use.
By now, you were used to living in this dimension. Adjustments were quick and you even found time to hang out with Asami and Akiko. O-mother now held on to a great piece of your heart and you even began to exchange ‘Love you’s every now and then.
Life is peaceful. That’s what you told yourself.
The only stress you got were during games but it was all worth it when you saw just how well your boys cooperated.
“Lost in thought again?” Akaashi cut your nostalgic trip. “Is everything okay?”
“Better than okay.” Hopping a bit to kiss his cheek, you adored how his cheeks slowly formed a blush. He really is beautiful. And that small smile that only you saw? Swoon. “Akaashi?”
“Are we…” You knew you would sound desperate but it was something you needed to know and be sure of. “Are we dating?”
“Do you need verbal assurance?” He stopped walking and held your shoulders. Making you speechless was as easy as ever. It was your turn to blush and he loved it. “Be my hero?”
“Akaashiii~” You playfully punched his chest earning a small chuckle.
“Alright. Be mine, (y/n)?” He held cupped both cheeks till your lips were now pouting. “Though I know it’s four months too late to ask…”
Nodding happily at the assurance, you held his hands and happily accepted his lips. It was a short peck but still enough to send the butterflies in your stomach to rave. When he let go of your face, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he around your waist. Lifting you up, he began to walk as you giggled in the crook of his neck, your legs swaying side to side.
Arriving at your houses, Akaashi now opened the door for you and still chose not to let go of your hand. A minuscule pout was visible and that made your heart melt.
“Akaashi~ You’ll see me tomorrow.” Taking a step forward, you felt his fingers lacing with yours. “We can still exchange paper airplanes before we sleep, okay?”
“Fine.” Leaning down to kiss your cheeks, Akaashi made sure to kiss your knuckles as well. “See you later, (y/n).”
Never in your life did you hear your name sound like such a guilty pleasure. Losing your balance a bit, Akaashi was ready to catch you but you regained composure and cleared your throat. This man knew you were weak and took advantage of it. Of course, you didn’t mind.
“I’ll see you later, Keiji~” Whooh even saying his name made you turn into a tomato.
Squeezing your hand before letting go, he still bowed before taking his leave. When the door lock clicked, you buried your face in your palms and let out an inhumane noise that caught the attention of your o-mother.
“I’m assuming ya’ll are dating?” She slapped your back harshly. A cheeky grin resting on her face. “Don’t deny it honey. Your face says it all. C’mon, into the dining room you go.”
Dragging you by the arm, you were now seated with a tub of ice cream. Imaginary flowers floating behind her as she began to shower you with questions.
“Are you guys dating? I heard you two calling each other by your names.”
“Yeah~” You shoved a spoonful of ice cream. Brainfreeze meant nothing to you with your quirk.
“Since now?”
“I guess four months ago.”
“AHH!!” She slammed her palm on the table. “WHEN HE DROPPED YOU OFF FROM CAMP AND I CRACKED THAT PROTECTION JOKE! Young lady you better have used protection!”
“Ma! We didn’t do anything okay!” Which was true except for the continuous makeout session that followed.
“It’s fine. I mean we are in the new age. And, you're in the age of curiosity so I might as well encourage safety. Unless you want to be on the pill, then we can schedule a doctors appointment to see if you’re safe to take it.”
If that was your real mother, she would choke on the first sentence. There was no way possible for your family to talk about sex ed like that. Not sure how to respond, you gave an awkward smile, nod, and took another spoonful of ice cream.
“Besides, Akaashi-kun is a nice guy. I would be surprised if you didn’t develop feelings for such a gentleman. Both of you did a great job at hiding it though. Four months under the radar? Amazing.” She pinched your cheek and kissed it after. “Clean up when your finished~”
Now that you were finished with everything, you were now preparing pieces of bond paper. The window meetings you two shared was also one of those times you used your quirk. Akaashi always questioned how you managed to send that paper airplane the first time, when he knew about your quirk, he nodded to himself.
Preparing your chair, you watched as he opened his window and waved at you. Preparing to send a plane, you used your quirk and watched as the plane glided through the air and landed on your palm.
‘Coach said there’s no saturday practice.’ He wrote.
Taking your pen, you scribbled down your reply and sent the plane back to him.
‘Are you asking me out, neighbor?’
“If that’s alright with you.” Akaashi said out loud.
What you’d give to go over to his house. Recalling the distance, it was around five meters. Too far to jump and the angle of your windows made things difficult. The boy watched as your eyes began to wander around the environment. When you stared at your palms, he tilted his head, curious to see what you were about to do.
“Do you want me to come over?” Your voice not too loud for the other members of each house to hear.
“Through the front door…?” There was only one possibility his quirkless mind could think of. The scenario of you manipulating the air around you and floating all the way to his window or vice versa. Knowing the nature of your quirk, other things were possible but he still couldn’t comprehend just what you could do.
“Lemme just look up something real quick.” Grabbing your phone, you searched for possible invisible materials or something similar at least. When you landed on one article, you searched for its components and went back to the window. With the lesser amount of usage on your quirk, you were pretty confident that creating something from scratch would be possible. Of course, you’re not Momo but if you tried hard enough, you could make small things.
Akaashi observed as your palms began to glow the brightest he’d ever seen. Squinting his eyes, he could see how the area around your hand was beginning to distort.
“What exactly are you doing, (y/n)?”
“Hush, Keiji.” You were almost done. “You can’t rush perfection… and safety.”
When the glow stopped, you put on a little weight on the small invisible bridge you made. Checking its sturdiness, you concluded that it would hold at most 100kg. Making sure that it wasn’t as narrow, your fingertips felt the invisible floor. One meter was alright.
Climbing out your window, you scanned the houses across and made sure their curtains were drawn. Seeing that things were clear, you began to walk. Akaashi’s face was full of questions. Reaching out his window, he felt something solid but his eyes couldn’t see. Looking closer, he could see how the edges seemed to be reflecting light.
Extending a hand, Akaashi helped you enter his room.
“I did not really think this through.” You looked at the things in his room. His bed,which you only saw from afar, had black and white sheets. Books were sprawled out on his desk and a volleyball resting underneath. His jersey, which you presumed was newly laundered, was hung on his wall. “Anything PG you wanna do?”
“Nothing comes to mind.” His eyes went back to his window. “Aren’t people going to see that?”
“They won’t. Well if they squint real hard, they might be able to see how the light is being reflected and there’s barely any shadow in a particular area. But, it’s like the Indiana Bones movie? You can see it if you look at it from a particular angle.”
Taking your hand, Akaashi led you to his bed and sat down. He may be calm but his mind was running.
“Did you date anybody in your dimension?” Might as well be blunt about it, he thought.
“It’s rather difficult to date in my world.” You scooted closer and leaned on his shoulder. “Or maybe it was just for my class. A lot of bat shit crazy things happened to my class. We did have crushes tho~”
“Ah.” He remembers. “Hawks? What quirk did he have?”
“Hawks had wings. Like legit red wings that he uses to fly around.” You facepalmed at the memories with the cheeky bird child man. “Hawks was a pro hero and ranked #2.”
“Pro hero?”
“Mhmm. A committee decided that having hero rankings would help heighten security. To be honest, it only amped the competition between heroes. Not the best move on their part.” Glancing at his desk, you saw how he taped the first paperplane you sent to him on his wall. Resting your chin on his shoulder, your faces were now inches apart. From this angle, you saw how his gunmetal eyes bore silver and blue hues. “Can’t help but wonder, what kind of quirk would you have if you lived in my dimension…”
“Those dreams you mentioned a while back,” He inched his face closer. “Were those real?”
“They were.” The tips of your noses were now touching. “Now, tell me. Why is your face impossibly close to mine, Keiji?”
He smirked. Your breath hitched.
“A certain someone initiated something.” His lips brushed yours gently. Staring into your eyes once more, he slowly licked his lips and met yours with his. It was only a peck. A very short one. One that would make you want more, he was sure of it. “You did use a good amount of your quirk right, (y/n)?”
Imitating his action, you clashed your lips with his. Biting on his lower lip before releasing it.
“I did.” Feeling his hands wrap around your waist, you allowed yourself to be pulled by him. Sitting on his lap, you wrapped your arms around his neck and traced his jawline. “My quirk’s been drained real good.”
“I think I can help.” Both of his thumbs now traced small circles on your thighs. Shifting your positions, you saw the world turn into a blur as Akaashi managed to place your body onto his bed. Your head now resting on his pillow that smelled just like him. “Is this okay with you?”
Not bothering to answer, you tangled your fingers through his hair and pulled him in to meet your lips. The whole sensation of having THE prettiest human you’ve ever seen was out of this world, quite literally. Carefully putting his weight on you, Akaashi’s kiss became much deeper. Untangling your fingers from his hair, you found yourself tracing lines on his very toned back. Feeling his muscles flexing, chills ran down your spine when his fingers began to slowly brush your bare waist.
Letting out a shaky breath, you let out a soft moan when his tongue entered your mouth. With your hands now turning numb, you balled your fists and held on to his shirt. What you’d give to take his shirt off but you still had the decency to think he might not like it.
Biting and sucking on your tongue, Akaashi prepped himself on his elbow and saw just how much of a mess you were. Red cheeks, eyes that showed him you wanted more, and labored breathing made him smirk before sofly tracing your jaw. Leaning back down, he admired how you squirmed underneath him when he began to kiss your neck.
“How’s your quirk?” He asked in between kisses.
“Let me check.” You smirked when he rested on his elbows to see what you were about to do. Twirling your finger, you heard the faint click of the locks. “I think it’s charged pretty good.”
Lifting his body, you observed as he reached for your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. Bending a bit to kiss your knuckles, Akaashi smiled and let go of your hand. Your eyes widened when he pulled his shirt off.
“Holy smokes…” Clenching your fists, you tried to control the glow your palms were emitting. How does your quirk manage to expose your feelings when you're flustered but not when you're scared to death when you're fighting villains? Tracing the cuts of his body with your eyes, you sent out a silent prayer to the meat gods for the sight. When he leaned back in, just inches away from your face, you bit your lip.
“It was getting hot.” Akaashi kissed your cheek. “You okay, (y/n)?”
“I mean… a very pretty setter is on top of me, and shirtless too, my quirk is exposing me, we’re having a make out session, and I’m in your room?” You pinched his cheek. “Nothing can top this~”
Turning to his side, you were now resting your head on his arm as he draped his other one on your waist. Yawning, you hugged him and the both of you tangled your legs.
“Are you getting sleepy?” Akaashi whispered.
“A bit.” Your eyes were getting heavier. Just as you were about to sit up, you were pulled back into his arms.
“You can stay, you know. You can cross the bridge of shame in the morning.” Kissing your forehead, you let out a small and contented hum. Watching how you raised your arm and snapped your finger, he had to admire how easy everyday things were if you had a quirk. Amused at your little stunt, he felt giddy when you hugged him once more. “What was that for?”
“I turned my lights off.”
“Think you can turn off mine?” It didn’t even take a second. His lights were now off. Closing his eyes, Akaashi felt content being able to sleep beside you. Just as he was about to doze off, his eyes shot back open. Nudging you a bit, he gave out a small warning. “Bokuto-san might call in the middle of the night. Just don’t mind it if my voice is too loud. It usually lasts 2 to 3 minutes max.”
Nodding, Akaashi finally relaxed and went to sleep.
- - - - -
a/n: told ya’ll its pure fluff xD i hope yall are liking the chapters :) if you have any questions, clarifications, or anything you wanna tell me, feel free to ask :) and yes, Akaashi’s lineup is open as always :)
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Could I request a Nathan Young X Reader one shot, where they have a baby? Reader is in the hospital bed holding their baby daughter, and Nathan is sat beside her as they discuss baby names.
Brand New Eyes
A/N: This is going to be based off of another request that I got a little while ago. (I am so, so so, so sorry, it took me too long to get to this request.) It’s going to be a short and sweet fluff fic. Something we ALL need right now, especially after the Luba smut fic I just posted. I hope you enjoy nonny!
Warnings: mention of birth, swearing, dirty jokes, angst
“Nathan, I’m pregnant.” you yelled, tears spilling over your eyes, wetting your shirt.
“What do you mean you’re pregnant, you, mean, you’re carrying a child?” he said, shock on his face, tears forming in his own eyes,
“Yes. It’s yours too. I’m keeping it as well. Not that I’m against getting rid of it. Want to do this.” you replied, sniffling.
“I’ll support ye’. I might have to go forage for nuts and berries in the park every now and then, but I’ll do it for ye’. For them too.” he said, walking towards you, hugging you tightly, tears dripping onto you.
That’s how it all started, surprisingly. 
Now, here the two of you are, staring at your newborn daughter, in awe of how pure something so little can be. As you were staring at her, tiny fingers, curls already forming, you began to look back on all of the pregnancy milestones you hit.
“What do you think the baby’s going to be?” Nathan asked, staring at your nearly flat stomach, a tiny bump visible.
“I have no idea. No preference either, as long as they’re healthy.” you replied, cuddling into Nathan. He kissed the top of your head, and stuck his face in your neck, breathing in your scent, apparently just a little off, according to him. You’re 3 months along, and you’ve told both of the families, as well as Kelly, Nathan, Barry, Simon, and Curtis. Nathan even told his mom, who was thrilled to hear the news. She’s always checking up on you, and making sure you’re eating the right things, and drinking enough water.
You came back to the present, just as your baby girl was looking around the room, beginning to scrunch her face into a frown. Nathan immediately jumped up and offered to change her, or hold her. Whatever she needed, he was very ready to provide it. He’d been very supportive throughout the entire pregnancy, offering to rub your feet, back, even go to ASDA at 2 in the morning for your cravings.
“Oh goodness, I can’t fucking sleep again.” you stated, pouting, Nathan rubbing your back, trying to comfort you.
“Anything you need darling?” he asked, looking at you with those pretty emerald eyes.
“Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream with a bag of Cheetos sounds class right now, if I’m not being gash.” you replied, smiling back at him.
“Not a problem honey.” he said, smirking back, putting a shirt and bottoms on, as well as his shoes, but before he headed out, you had a question for him, tears in your eyes.
“Nathan, am I being an annoying twat for asking these things of you, or is it just me?” you ask, tears dripping from your face.
“Oh, no, of course not. I mean, yeah, you can be a right bitch sometimes, but I still love you. Nothing wrong with being hormonal, and asking questions.” he said, wiping your tears from your face, kissing your lips. He walked on, out of the apartment, and 30 minutes later, he arrived with your food, only to find you curled up against your pregnancy pillow, snoring.
 Once more, you came to the present, and you found Nathan holding your newborn, whispering to her. He was smiling, and she was smiling back, toothless grin bringing tears to your eyes.
“Nathan, the baby room IS NOT going to be black. I’m one for free expression, but this kid is going to grow up emo.” you said, rubbing your temple, pushing the yellow and green paint towards him.
“Alright honey. Can I at least keep this?” he asked, puppy dog eyes activating.
You were...shocked to say the least, as Nathan had put an abstract peen on the wall, balls and all.
“NATHAN YOUNG, GET THAT PENIS OFF OF THE WALL THIS INST-” you started, but a liquid dropping between your legs stopped you mid sentence. Your water had broken, and Nathan was as pale as could be.
  He rushed you to the hospital, almost forgetting to ring your family, and here is where you all sat, at the moment. Your birth was extremely painful. The epidural didn’t kick in until after birth, so you had to muscle through every second of pain, as it ripped you apart. You almost passed out multiple times, but there was one person there for you the entire way. Nathan was. He held your hand through the contractions, no matter how hard you squeezed his hand, or the swears you let out. If you needed water, he was there. Even when they had to give you the epidural, the bastard that it was, he held your hand. He told you that you were doing great, and kept you calm and collected. You couldn’t have asked for a better fiance.
“Okay, last push ma’am, you ready?” the nurse asked, looking back up at you. You nodded, and focused every bit of your being on your baby, and getting them out, as quickly as possible. Nathan was huddled in bed with you, you were sitting between his legs, and he encouraged you, as you pushed one last time, the pain surging through you, but finally ceasing. A cry rang across the room. They were here. Nathan was sobbing behind you as you collapsed into his chest, as they announced that she, yes she, was your new daughter.
  Your baby was placed on your chest, and as you looked at her for the first time, Nathan sniffled, and kissed your lips, so gently and lovingly, then bent down, just enough so that he could reach her tiny forehead. He nuzzled against you, and the three of you sat there, breathing as one unit in that moment. Until, of course, you had to push out the placenta. It wasn’t too dramatic, but it was still painful. It went into the garbage, and Nathan was sniffling, still, recovering from his new parenthood. You all sat there, until your baby girl was noisy again, and moved in your arms. Nathan offered to hold her, and he slid over in the bed, and held his baby for the very first time. She looked right back at him, and he started crying once more, kissing the top of her head, her curls matching his own. 
“So, what do you think about names?” Nathan asked you, as you were breastfeeding your daughter, her first meal since birth. She was suckling quietly, and you were flinching every now and then, but the nurses encouraged you through your attempts beforehand. Nathan did so as well, cheering when she finally latched on, you laughing at his reaction.
“I don’t really know. We aren’t naming her after family, friends, ourselves, or celebrities.” you replied, adjusting lightly in your seat.
“Mrs. Tayto maybe? Has a ring to it.” Nathan said, giggling at your shocked face.
“We are not naming our daughter, freshly born, after a crisp company from Ireland.” you remarked, rolling your eyes sweetly.
“Mary? Marie? Natalie? Ophelia? Emie? Petunia? Jade? Lily? Tayto again, I mean, come on, it’s right there.” he offered, rubbing your back once more.
“What’s the last one you said, and NOT Tayto?” you asked, holding the pen in one hand. He replied with a quiet, Lily.
  She responded to that one, burping as Nathan pat her back.
“Attagirl. I know that’s my daughter. Burps like a sailor, she does.” Nathan replied. “You like that Lily?” he said, and you knew, right then and there. That those brand new eyes were so sweet and beautiful, and belonged to Lily. Lily Young. Your daughter.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
The BNHA Group Chat Fic Nobody Asked For
Pairings: Todoroki Touya (Dabi)/Mr Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Shimura Tenko (Shigaraki Tomura)/Chisaki Kai (Overhaul)/Kurono Hari (Chrono), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)/Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead)/Shirakumo Oboro (Loud Cloud), Fukukado Emi (Ms. Joke)/Kayama Nemuri (Midnight), Bakugo Katsuki/Kaminari  Denki/Kirishima Eijiro, Iida Tenya/Monoma Neito/ Aoyama Yuuga
Word Count: 1,637 Words
Summary: LOV, internships, and Tenko unintentionally reveals a secret some of his classmates keep hidden from even Aizawa.
Warnings: Abduction Mention, Kidnapping Mention, Caps, Death Mention, Injury Mention, Amputation Mention, Prosthetic Mention, Cursing, Blood Mention, Teen/Underage Pregnancy Mention, Pregnancy Mention, Broken Bones Mention, Drugs Mention, Adoption Mention, Half Blind Character, Deaf Characters, Mostly Mute Character (due to a different medical issue), Selectively Mute Character, let me know if I should add anything else.
Notes: In this AU, Hisashi Shimura married Nao Shimura and Inko Midoriya had Hana with Nao then Izuku and Tenko with Inko and Nao respectively before Tenko's power went out of control and killed his parents.
Notes: Honoka (or 和花) means harmony flower. She's named after Hana Shimura. Nanami (or 七海) means seven seas. She's named after Nana Shimura. Akiyama(秋山) means autumn mountain, Sekai (世界) means world, Ayaka (彩花) means colorful flower, Akari (明り) means light/brightness.
Usernames: We Are Number One™ Aizawa: Dadzawa, Aoyama: immafiringmahlaser, Ashido: princessbubblegumknockoff, Asui: Galvan, Iida: Emergency Exit, Uraraka: 9.8, Ojiro: tailfloof, Kaminari: Pichu, Kirishima: baby shark, Koda: youredoingamazingsweetie, Sato: GuyFieriIsGod, Shoji: Cthulhu, Jirou: Jack Skellington, Sero: Spider-Man, Tokoyami: EdgarAllanCrows, Todoroki: WHERE?, Hagakure: cena, Bakugo: WHAT?, Midoriya: SmolMight, Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: exhausted, Yaoyorozu: TheGreatCreator, Kurono: stopwatch, Chisaki: donthugmeimscared, Yukimura: choticgaydisaster, Bubaigawara: shadowclonejutsu, Shimura: idontfeelsogood, Awase: illrememberyouallintherapy, Kaibara: IDOWHATIWANT, Kamakiri: scyther, Kuroiro: itsmeyaboy, Kendo: Akimichi, Kodai: deadinside, Komori: shroomgurl, Shiozaki: wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs, Shishida: furry, Shoda: cryptid, Tsunotori: mylittlepony, Tsubaraba: airbender, Tetsutetsu: Iron Man, Tokage: t-rex costume, Fukidashi: glorifiedtextbubble, Honenuki: Eren Jaeger/spookyscaryskeletons, Bondo: Slimer, Monoma: HopeSummers, Yanagi: iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE, Rin: snek, Toga: mystique, Sako: lostmymarbles, Hikiishi: queenofmagnetism, Iguchi: eye gucci, Shinokanri: stardust
Usernames: Emos Anonymous Kaminari: blackcloakedbrides, Shoji: fryingpan, Jirou: greentwentyfourhours, Tokoyami: myscientificinfatuation, Todoroki: twentyoneplotpoints, Bakugo: immobileinwhite, Midoriya: falldownboy, Shinsou: stabtheveil, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Chisaki: plummetingininverse, Yukimura: anxietyintheclub, Shimura: nappingwithsirens, Kuroiro: thousandfootcane, Kodai: marianaspit, Monoma: entiretimelow, Yanagi: recentyearsday, Sako: halfminutetomars, Aizawa: hollywoodlivingdead, Shouji: fryingpan, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Aoyama: phantomtown, Honenuki: visualizedragon, Sako: halfminutetomars, Awase: distressparade, Shinokanri: simplestrategy
Usernames: UA Teachers Are Tired™ Eraserhead/Aizawa: grumpy scarf cat, Present Mic/Yamada: screeching cockatiel, Midnight/Nemuri: chaotic goth gay Ingenium/Iida: gotta go fast, AllMight/Toshinori: actual sunshine, Vlad King/Kan: bloody hell, Power Loader/Majima: speechtotext, Ectoplasm: needalegup?, Snipe: kazoo cowboy, Cementoss: concrete block, Blackmist/Kurogiri: goth portals
Me? A Bitch? More Likely Than You’d Think-Chapter 8
10:03 am
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: So, I heard someone's operating the LOV again?
idontfeelsogood: No, it's inactive. There shouldn't be anyone in it, all of us are here, in UA becoming heroes, none of us would become villains again EVER. At the very most, drop out and live life out as a normal couple, but never become villains again. We all talked about this.
mystique: yeah, if we did, we would have told you heroes already about that one of us and have them put with Koku and the two creeps
Dadzawa: Well, someone's running it and it seems they had a meeting with the yakuza and I'm afraid I need all of you to be under constant supervision by a pro hero for a short while.
stopwatch: If it proves our innocence we shall do it.
2:01 pm
We Are Number One™
lostmymarbles: @chaoticgaydisaster Agency is fun. I really like working under Sir Nighteye.
chaoticgaydisaster: That's because you're both really serious and you get along very well.
lostmymarbles: Perhaps.
lostmymarbles: Oh, we're already going on a patrol! I'll call you when I come back from patrol, honey!
chaoticgaydisaster: I love you, you absolute dork.
3:59 PM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: I've just received word that Atsuhiro Sako has been kidnapped during his patrol.
chaoticgaydisaster: GET MY HUSBAND BACK THEN!
Dadzawa: Calm down, you need to be rational. He should be fine. They're looking for him as we speak.
chaoticgaydisaster: Please don't let him die? I love him, I need him.
Dadzawa: I can't promise you anything sadly, I'm not a part of the rescue team right now but they'll involve me if it becomes more serious.
chaoticgaydisaster: Can I have a Good Dad™ hug?
Dadzawa: Of course, come to the teacher's dorms, Hitoshi is already here stealing said hugs.
5:25 PM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: I have confirmation that they've found Sako. He's mostly fine.
WHERE?: What do you mean 'mostly'!? That's my brother-in-law!
Dadzawa: It looks as though his left arm has been ripped off but they're currently working on both healing him and attaching a prosthetic that would allow him to still channel his quirk through the arm.
mystique: Has anyone seen Tami?
eye gucci: She was with the Fatgum Agency I think.
baby shark: I haven't seen her for a while. She showed up with me and then she just kinda disappeared near...oh
stardust: what is 'oh'? What happened to our favorite girl?
baby shark: She disappeared at around 2 or 3 just like when Sako disappeared.
Dadzawa: I'll send the search team out for her too.
6:19 PM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: Magne is back! She's in the ICU recovering now, she needed some pretty strong healing so she'll be out of commission for quite a while. We haven't closed the investigation but you LOV kids need to know the message stapled on your friends.
Dadzawa: [pic of two papers reading 'here take this back, we don't need him yakuza' and 'I will always run the League.']
Dadzawa: Do these mean anything to any one of you?
idontfeelsogood: I'm so done. I've been hiding from a little twerp, I can't even believe I was scared of him. He's going too far, like always, and I thought he'd changed like we did but he didn't. I'm going to sort this shit out. Send a search team by tomorrow morning at 6:30 if nobody sees me by then, I have some business to take care of.
Dadzawa: wait, AllMight will have my head if you get hurt!
idontfeelsogood is now offline
Dadzawa: fuck.
6:34 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
grumpy scarf cat: so it looks like Tenko is going off-grid for what I'm going to call a 'private investigation' into the revived LOV. He's apparently taken his hero supervisor with him because Ragdoll is gone with him and he's going to, and I quote, "sort this shit out". and requested a search team if he doesn't show back up in 24 hours.
yeet yeet bitch: yeesh, you really can't catch a break, huh, Shou.
grumpy scarf cat: I'm starting to wish I expelled them at this point.
gotta go fast: bullshit, they're our disciples and you know it.
yeet yeet bitch: you're right but why say it?
9:35 PM
We Are Number One™
donthugmeimscared: No sign of Tenko yet, Hari, I'm getting worried.
stopwatch: Me too, but we need to trust he can do this.
shadowclonejutsu: he should be fine, guys. he'll be okay.
6:17 AM
We Are Number One™
donthugmeimscared: Almost 12 hours
Dadzawa: I know, Kai.
donthugmeimscared: Do you think he'll be okay, Mr. Aizawa?
Dadzawa: honestly, I don't know but I'm here to offer you hugs if you need them.
donthugmeimscared: Thank you but I can't do hugs right now, too constricting.
6:30 AM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: the search party is officially being sent out to get him.
4:17 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
screeching cockatiel: we found him and we have the traitor under arrest. Tenko looked worse for wear so he's at the hospital already
actual sunshine: Who's the traitor?
screeching cockatiel: Minoru Mineta.
actual sunshine: I'm glad he was arrested.
gotta go fast: Yagi, are you and Tenko okay? you've always sympathetic when it was someone underage being arrested.
actual sunshine: it becomes null when my mentor's son gets hurt. blood to me or not, I can't feel sympathy for someone who's hurt him. he didn't have a childhood to begin with and I won't let anyone take what little is left of it from him.
screeching cockatiel: is he okay, Yagi?
actual sunshine: Since he's in my temporary custody until Ms. Midoriya can finalize her adoption paperwork, they contacted me first with his injury report and I would like that purple little shit to burn for what he's done.
yeet yeet bitch: Do you wanna elaborate?
actual sunshine: His leg is broken. The leg he had an injury in before. They have to fix it again.
yeet yeet bitch: Shit.
actual sunshine: Along with that, he's been deemed unable for further stress in the form of training and extraneous activities because the hospital confirmed he's eight months pregnant and needs to deliver early due to the drugs Mineta forced into his bloodstream.
yeet yeet bitch: Fuck, this isn't good.
actual sunshine: I'm pushing Ms. Midoriya's paperwork up through the courts as an emergency adoption due to the situation of him being her technically being his step-mother and her son being his only remaining relative, even if only by half of his blood and him needing a stable family after the birth of a child.
yeet yeet bitch: Hopefully they'll get it done quickly.
actual sunshine: Until then, I need to go offline and be there for him as his only parental figure and the only other person allowed in the delivery room.
screeching cockatiel: What do we tell the children? Tenko's boyfriends?
actual sunshine: Hari was already called to the hospital but they cannot confirm it's his child so I'll be the only familiar face to young Tenko in the room for the delivery.
actual sunshine: I must go.
actual sunshine is now offline
8:17 PM
UA Teachers Are Tired™
actual sunshine: Tenko is fine, out of surgery for the C-Section and in recovery now. the two little girls are fine too, both are a little smaller but that's expected since they're both premature and Tenko never gained much weight during the pregnancy.
grumpy scarf cat: I still can't believe he's been pregnant his whole stay at UA. hell, he was probably pregnant during the USJ incident at the beginning of the year.
actual sunshine: You're probably right and I don't like that idea, Aizawa.
grumpy scarf cat: me either but that's the reality of the situation.
10:24 PM
We Are Number One™
idontfeelsogood: Out of surgery in recovery. Got drugged and they needed to induce me there to give birth, which I didn't even know I was pregnant. Two healthy little girls named Shimura Honoka and Shimura Nanami.
chaoticgaydisaster: Welcome to the teen mom club, Tenko.
WHERE?: We have meetups on Mondays and Fridays and have playdates with the kids.
idontfeelsogood: I thought you two were the only ones with kids though?
wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs: No, I have a one year old son, he is the light of my life.
WHAT?: Well, I mean...
princessbubblegumknockoff: I best be going! Wouldn't want to burn down the house with the water I left running.
spookyscaryskeletons: Oh, would you look at that, it's time to go to sleep and never speak of this again.
Dadzawa: wait, we have seven of you now? I thought we just went up to three!
Dadzawa: And Honenuki, I never expected you to be a teen parent.
spookyscaryskeletons: Whaaaaaat? Nooooo. I never said that. I said I was going to bed! I'm just going to bed!
Dadzawa: Suspicious.
spookyscaryskeletons: I certainly don't have a one year old son named Akiyama. Nope, not at all.
wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs: My son's name is Sekai.
princessbubblegumknockoff: Honestly, I thought you'd read that in my file. I was basically just out of the two day hospital stay when I took the entrance exams to get into UA.
baby shark: Can confirm, my moms watched her daughter that day.
princessbubblegumknockoff: Her name is Ayaka.
WHAT?: You literally met Akari when you visited my house.
Dadzawa: that wasn't your parents' child!? That was a ten month old child!
WHAT?: No, I fucking made that!
Dadzawa: I shouldn't be shocked I got six of the seven teen parents in this school. well, if you need me, please don't hesitate to ask me for help.
WHAT?: Well, I want to bring Akari to the dorms because she'll be safer here. She's been staying with Auntie Inko for a month or so now.
Dadzawa: of course.
Taglist: @logan-sanders-enthusiast @luckyicekitsune @whippedbel @lgbtforeverything @pinecone-chomper @mikmacmoo @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @purplespiderstormcloud @stankyratman @king-of-the-oranges @headcannons-and-random-things @fear-ze-queer @turtleluv799 @ymmm-someone
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hqprotectionsquad · 4 years
Hello! can I request a hc of Oikawa, Bokuto, Kuroo and Ushijima’s reaction to their s/o who’s titled as the goddess of volleyball who also won the nationals but unfortunately fainted or fell sick right after the competition. Sorry for my grammar and if the idea is quite weird 😅 Thank you in advance thoo! I hope you have a nice dayy! 💜
Oikawa, Bokuto, and Kuroo reacting to his S/O getting hurt during Nationals
A/N: hi! thanks for your request! i basically took in the request as the s/o’s team is going to nationals or is also going, and then took it from there! so not exactly the same, but slightly more realistic! also i expended all of my energy on the three of them and i don’t have any more brain power to think of ushijima 😭i’m sorry!!!
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He’s definitely supportive of you no matter what.
Oikawa shows up to the end of your practices with your favorite snack. (He also eats like half of it before he even gets to you because he just came from his practice.)
“Hey Y/N-chan, I got you your favorite snack!” He says as he holds out the plastic bag to you.“You definitely ate part of it.”“WhaaaaaAAAt no! Why would I ever do that?”
You’re really appreciative of everything he does for you because he is oh so whipped.
Since his team didn’t make it to the spring nationals, he takes his loss in stride. Yes, he’s upset, but it’s nothing he’s not used to. ;-;
He loves the fact that you’re so excited to experience this new thing since it’s your first time going to nationals!
You two have been to Tokyo once as a special date, but to experience it together as a participant and their supporter is really awesome!
Oikawa takes the opportunity to know what it’s like to be an audience member and not on the court. Sure, he has watched games but usually to analyze them. He isn’t saying he won’t but he definitely wants to try to take a step back.
(He also uses this time to eat. I mean, they have so many food stands! He slips away to find a street market and dig in while you’re in practice.)
Your matches go splendidly and you’re more than thrilled when your team earns a place in the finals.
“Y/N! I’m so proud of you!”
But the match isn’t going as well as you had hoped to.
As your team’s libero, you’ve grown accustomed to smacks to the face and hits that hurt your ribs for days.
However, one of the last spikes in the game takes you out of commission as it totally knocks the wind out of you and you can’t get the air into your lungs without the medical team bringing you to their wing.
At that moment, Oikawa wanted to rush the court and help you even though he isn’t experienced like the nurses are. He just felt so helpless, who wouldn’t?
For whatever reason, significant others aren’t allowed in until after the athlete should be okay to go on their own, but it’s Oikawa. C’mon. The man knows how to get through anything and everything that’s in his way.
"Y/N-chan, what did I tell you about taking it easy, now look what you did to yourself.” He scolds you teasingly as you are resting on the nurse’s bed. He whispers a bunch of cute little things to you while your eyes are shut. He knows you can’t hear him, but he says these things anyway.
When you wake up, he leaves so that you have some time with your parents.
And when he comes back, the first thing you do is wrap your arms around him so tight that he forgets to breathe.
“You’re breathtaking.” His eyes flicker at the pun and you smack him a good one. “Ow, Y/N-chan! They should’ve put you back in the game, you’re fine now!”
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The two of you are dating long-distance, so although he couldn’t be there for all of your games, Bokuto made sure he sent texts with lots of love before and after each one.
However, he made a trip to your part of Japan and he was there when your last play was the one where it decided you were heading to nationals!
Bokuto was extremely surprised at how amazing you blocked the ball and it went straight to the floor. Your teammates crowded around you and all jumped for victory.
But was he surprised that your team was heading to spring nationals? Of course not! Your team is one of the most hardworking teams out there.
He takes you out to eat after your match, as a good gentleman should.
“I can’t wait to see you in Tokyo next month! You’ll finally see where I live!”
When your team arrives for the spring nationals, Akaashi holds him back from meeting you before you settle in.
“What?! Why can’t I see her once she comes in?”“You’re going to bother her team.” (cue emo Bokuto)“But—” “You’ll see her later.” (cue happy Bokuto)
He finally takes you out on that date he’s planned since months ago. Minus all the ice cream you were going to eat together, so now he’ll have to eat it by himself. (He’s not really complaining.)
When your matches begin, he’s in the crowd as often as he can. He arrives as early as you do, making sure he gets a seat super close so he can take photos. (Yes, Bokuto is aware he’s also competing at nationals. He still does it.)
Bokuto on snapchat: “THAT’S MY GIRL 🥵😭SO GOOD BABY!” (He is definitely that cringy, but I feel like he doesn’t know he’s being cringy.)
The worst thing is that some of your matches coincide with one another, but you make sure to catch up afterwards. It doesn’t bother you as much as it does Bokuto, but you know in an ideal situation, you both would be able to support the other full-time.
What’s even worse is when your team arrives to the semifinals, you’re over for the game because of a rough shot right to your fingers. The nurse talks to you as she tapes your fingers.
“Luckily, nothing is dislocated—”“So I should be good to go back in then?”“You didn’t let me finish. I don’t recommend you going back into the game if you think you’ll continue onto the finals. You have a better chance then because your hands might be semi-healed.”
You return to the court, but on the bench. Head hung, but you’re hopeful for the rest of the game, as you cheer on your teammates.
The game came out close and your team had the upper hand this time around.
“(Y/N)! We heard what happened!” Bokuto rushes up to you after both of your games are finished. Akaashi trails in the background and silently provides his condolences for your fingers. “Are you okay?” Your boyfriend hugs you gently, which could leave one with their mouth open, but he has always made sure that his hugs never hurt you despite his stature.
“I’m okay! I should still be able to play in the finals in two days. How did your match end up?”“Ah, we ended up losing. I’m still recovering from it. Right, Akaashi? Tell (Y/N).”“Yeah, he’s still working on it. Clearly.”
Bokuto and Akaashi are in the crowd for the finals. They originally sat but every time you blocked the ball, Bokuto would raise to his feet and start cheering for you. The people in his section kicked him and Akaashi out for disrupting. Now they’re standing by the railing and Bokuto doesn’t even have to get up because he’s already—you guessed it—standing.
Your team was not the better six this time around, but lucky for you, you have Bokuto and Akaashi to comfort you with hugs (Bokuto), handshakes (Akaashi), and ice cream.
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Kuroo's been excited for you and your team since the start.
"I know you guys are going to make it to nationals. Have you seen your team? You all are much more talented than some of the people here.""That's not very nice to say, Tetsurou.""I'm just saying the truth. I'll be at the match."
Kuroo's usually busy, but hearing that he'd be at the match makes your heart squeeze.
You're the outside hitter/wing spiker of your team and you love know that any time you get a shot in, Kuroo's cheering for you in the crowd.
After the match, he’s waiting for you outside of the court with a small bouquet of flowers. (From where he bought those, you have no idea and he has no intention of letting you know.)
“You did amazing, I’m so proud of you,” he says while squishing you in a tight hug. You can’t breathe anymore, but who really cares for necessary human functions?
“Thanks for the love, Tetsurou. Let’s go out to eat!” He has to choose the restaurant because you can’t choose; everything looks good to a hungry athlete!
You two have never been at a tournament together, competing together, so please forgive him when he spends his break with Kenma because he forgot that you had a match.
It's really exciting because Kuroo is the captain of the host representative team and even though it doesn't mean he's the king of the world, he's the king of your world.
To experience Tokyo at this bustling time alongside your lover is beyond words. To have him by your side instead of through a screen is so much better.
Your last match is unfortunately pretty rough. You dug for the ball, just as another girl had. You heard a crunch and you couldn't tell who it came from.
This is the only match Kuroo could attend and he winces in pain seeing the collision on court. He soon realizes that it's you and exits the top floor to come down to the court floor.
You're able to get up after the medic stretches your limbs and it doesn't seem like there's anything wrong from a first glance. They take you in for a full exam.
Kuroo isn't ready to freak out, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't suppressing any feelings. He needs to be strong for you. He plays games on his phone to distract himself, sends a few texts to the team to let them know he'll be late to dinner.
You come out with a smile that grows wider seeing him. "You were here the whole time?"
"Of course." Don't mind him, he's crying on the inside because he feels like he's so lucky to have someone who is actually sunshine. "You were amazing out there, and I don't want to hear anything about your cute ass complaining you didn't do good enough."
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nouru-vi · 3 years
Headcanons for my AFK Arena gang buckle the f up
Disclaimer: I take canon lore/relationships and throw out what I don’t like thank you have a nice day
Starter pack: Estrilda, Mirael and Nemora
Nemora is sent by the Wilders to help out Ranhorn City and these three stick together going forward
Estrilda and Mirael are in idiot lesbians with each other. They constantly try to impress the other and Nemora is in the bg facepalming but she also ships them hard secretly
The gang is sent to hunt down Lucretia who is rampaging indiscriminately through the countryside and they manage to subdue and capture her. As they’re bringing her back to Ranhorn, Nemora keeps drawing info out of her through treating her kindly, and learns her story. Then they’re attacked by a large group of Maulers or sg, and Lucy demands that they unchain her if they want to live (lbr she has to be chained and not tied), adding that she also refuses to die tied up. Nemora chooses to trust her and she helps them make it out alive. Then they’re like “okay this Zaphrael dude sounds like a complete dick and we’ll help you confront him when we find him and also you can stay with us, we won’t bring you to Ranhorn to be imprisoned/executed. No more rampaging tho” and that’s how Lucy becomes the local goth mom
Silvina is sent to assassinate Estrilda, to finish off the job of destroying the Raynes, but when she sees her, memories come back to her from before her death, when she saw the young Estrilda as the girl she never got to be. She is like “fuck this I’m not doing this” and realises it’s time to stand up to Vedan’s exploitation of her and Isabella, if not for her own sake but her sister’s. She confronts Estrilda and pleads her to help remove Isabella from Vedan’s clutches. Her and the team go to do that and Isabella doesn’t really understand at first but when Vedan hurts Silvina she’s like “Back off. I made you what you are, don’t think I can’t unmake you just the same.” Now outclassed, Vedan is forced to let them go, and the sisters join the gang. Lucretia is immediately like “I’m your mom now”
Bonus: months later Vedan shows up to be like “Please forgive me. I never knew what I had until I lost it, I treated you two like crap even though you were the closest thing to family I had! Pls come back to me T_T” and although they don’t do that they agree to let him visit sometimes, so he becomes their weird weekend dad. Lucy watches him like a hawk every single time but he tries his best (I added this HC as an afterthought because the official comics with Vedan and the girls are just too fucking funny to be non-canon)
Wu Kong helps out the team on and off and Lucy hates him because he’s a FILTHY CELESTIAL while he’s just like, lady im am just leetl monky. I’m new to being a Celestial actually and don’t even know this Zaphirel or whatshisface. I’m just here to punch bad guys and have a good time. But he also annoys her for fun because he’s just like that
Lyca joins the team as a somewhat more competent co-leader to Mirael. To Nemora’s relief, because she’s the only other person so far who is not a mess or dumb or both. Silvina develops a mega gay crush on her because she’s the bouncy nerd prep to her emo jock goth. It probably takes a very long time for this to come to the surface because she is a Disgusting Graveborn and Lyca is a Beautiful and Ethereal Wilder, according to Silvina, that is. Her concerns turn out to be baseless, of course, and then they’re cute and gay, The End
Solise joins to swell the ranks of people who are both dumb and a mess. She’s powerful though and a great alchemist, and adorable and everyone else is sapphic so go figure
Flora also shows up often to help the group and Lucy is like HISS GRRR CELESTIAL HRRR GRRR at her too, while she’s just like, lady. It’s gonna be alright. You will find justice one day. Calm down. Here’s a flower bigger than your head. Have a nice day :) ~flies off on her gay little flower broom into the sunset gayly~
Certain groups catch wind of Lucretia travelling with the group and as a result, Cecilia is sent after them. Since Lucy is family by this point, they’re forced to fight and subdue Cecilia. She gets injured and they’re unwilling to leave her to her fate, so they bring her along as she recovers. For a long time, she keeps going on about heretics cavorting with Hypogean filth and whatnot, but what’s this? Lucy is around, and although Cecilia can’t see her, her voice is inexplicably pleasant to hear, and she’s just so nice to those two girls! But surely that is the insidious deception of a treacherous Hypogean, seeking to corrupt every innocent soul, right? Surely she is not a loving mother, nor a valiant woman who will do anything for the sake of justice? Right??? (yeah spoiler they end up in gays and the sisters now have two mothers and a dad. They deserve all the parents)
One day the gang stumbles upon Torne and they collectively adopt them immediately. They’re big and smad and in need of hugs and therapy so the group is happy to provide.
Nara joins from time to time, apparently because she just enjoys carnage, regardless of the target. She’s a gross and unhinged gremlin who’s somehow still hot, and her idea of humour is “bet I can kick a dead baby further than any of you”, but she’s pretty upbeat and more or less tolerated by the others. Things become awkward when the group finds out she used to be a crime boss and would-be slaver in life. She says something like “well, am I not allowed to make a new start?”, but she does have the decency to look embarrassed at least. Someone says “maybe she just wanted friends for once” and Nara throws them the most maybe so look of the century
There are some other heroes that I have yet to figure out how to work into the group dynamics and story, like Grezhul for example, as he’s one of my most used heroes now, or Oden, who has also become one of my faves. I do know Oden absolutely makes dad jokes, for a start.
That’s it so far, notice how all of these are wholesome and mostly gay? Yea that is how I roll. The AFK heroes have suffered enough in canon, only positive vibes around here and also I’m queer as shit bye
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98prilla · 4 years
He didn’t know how long it had been, by the time he came back to himself. He was sore and stiff from being curled up in a ball in the corner in the dark, unable to chase away the lingering memories, the lingering voices that ran through his head, nearly making him curl back up in his hole until he died.
 But he was numb, now. He’d cried and panicked himself out, there was no lower he could sink, and it was too dark. Silently, he crept out of the closet, grabbing his backpack on the way out.
 He stared at it, the worn fabric, the resewn zippers, the thinned out fabric around the edges. It was the same one he’d used when he’d left the coven. It hurt more, this time. He closed his eyes, hugging the pack tight to his chest, bracing himself, surprised that he had any more tears left to cry.
 He’d made himself at home, here. He had photos of himself with the others on a fairy light with clips, illuminating Patton’s smiling face, Logan’s small smile, Roman’s boisterous laugh captured on film. He had shelves of books, fiction and otherwise, some Logan had gotten for him to further his knowledge of mythicals. His drawers, full of clothes, mostly from Roman trying to spruce up his wardrobe, though he was so damn good at getting his tastes right he could never be mad. He somehow managed to find the perfect sarcastic quoted tees for him, and they made him laugh every time Roman presented him with a new one.
 He couldn’t take it all with him. So much of it would be left behind, so much of his history with them would be lost, but maybe that was for the better. If he was out on his own again, he didn’t want anything that could lead anyone back to his family. His heart twinged, as he realized he wouldn’t be able to take any of the photos with him. Despite himself, he grabbed the one he’d snapped himself, of Roman, Patton and Logan, Patton in the middle with a stick of cotton candy, Roman pointing with delight at something off screen, Logan sighing, adjusting his glasses fondly.
 He set his phone down on the desk, another loss to mourn, but he couldn’t have anyone trace it, trace him. And he had to leave the laptop as well. Gods, this was hard, it was so much harder when he didn’t actually want to leave.
He took a deep breath, shoving the sturdiest of his clothes into the bag, along with his skull headphones and his old school mp3 player. Then he chose a few slim volumes from his shelf, that same book of sigils, his journal, and a small booklet of maps of the area. He scrubbed at his eyes, trying to steady himself against the heartbreak. The last thing he put in his bag was the stuffed animal spider Patton had got him a month into his recovery, when he was still bedridden on the couch from his broken bones. Patton was terrified of spiders, but knew they were one of his favorites. He’d woken up to a vase of violet irises, a wrapped box of chocolate chip cookies, the spider plush atop the box with a little, handmade card that read “are you a spider? Cause you’ve caught me in your web!”
 He’d named it Webby, in honor of Patton’s favorite ducktales character. Patton had nearly cried at that, and they’d spent the rest of the day together on the couch, binging it. It had some dark moments, for a cartoon, and now they always watched it together.
 He pushed back another wave of tears as he patted Webby once, before zipping up the bag and slinging it over his shoulder, opening the door with a final longing glance at his room, creeping down the hall.
Patton’s eyes blinked open at the slight shuffle from the hall. At first he didn’t think anything of it, he still wasn’t quite used to his heightened vampire hearing, every little thing, every creak of the house settling sounded loud as thunder, sometimes. But his ears perked when he heard a muffled curse, from the hallway, someone stubbing their toe. Instantly, he was awake and alert, eyes shooting up and locking on Virgil, who was furtively creeping towards the living room. He furrowed his brow at the pack slung over Virgil’s shoulder, and without further hesitation, flicked on the light.
 “Virgil?” His quiet voice immediately woke the others, and Virgil froze like a deer caught in the headlights. Patton inhaled sharply. Virgil looked terrible. His hair was slick and matted with sweat, his eyes wide and bags darker than ever, his face pale and breathing ragged. He looked paranoid and on the edge of either passing out or breaking down or both. He looked nearly as bad as he had, if not worse, in the days immediately after the attack. Virgil looked away, flinching, as if burned by Patton’s gaze.
 “Kiddo?” He asked again, voice dry, feeling worry clogging his throat at the defeated despondency in Virgil’s eyes, red and puffy.
 “hi.” Virgil mumbled in reply, voice hoarse and scratchy, as if he’d been screaming, or crying for hours, and his heart clenched again.
 “Virgil… why do you have your backpack?” Roman piped up, and Virgil bit his lip, face hidden in his bangs.
 “You were going to leave. You were hoping to avoid us by sneaking out late, not expecting us to be ‘camped out’ in the living room waiting for you.” Logan stated, not unkindly.
 “you’re gonna kick me out anyway. I figured this… this would be easier. Less… less messy.” His voice is strangled and choked, clutching the straps of his bag, trying to control his breathing.
 “Why would we kick you out, our stormy knight?” Roman asked softly, and Virgil bit back a sharp sob.
 “it’s f-fine. I wouldn’t want me h-here either. I-“ He broke off, inhaling sharply as his voice broke. “I w-wouldn’t trust myself, either.” That was enough for Patton. He stood, walking slowly to Virgil, gentle as he tipped his chin up, to meet his eyes.
 “I trust you, Virg.” Virgil shook his head, taking a stumbling step back, back against the wall of the living room as he shook his head.
 “You shouldn’t. You really shouldn’t, you wouldn’t if you knew-“ He broke off, a sob clawing its way out of his throat. He didn’t fight Patton this time, as he pulled him into a gentle hug, burying his face against his shoulder, letting his bag drop to the ground as Patton pulled him closer, nestling his own head atop his, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead.
 “I d-didn’t know better, I d-didn’t think, I didn’t w-want to, but I c-couldn’t keep going, I just br-broke, I hurt so many people, pat, I k-killed so many people because I thought it was r-right!”
 “Shhh, I know, I know, honey.” He soothed, swaying gently.
 “You don’t though. B-before I left, before I thought for myself, Pat, if I had met you then, I would have killed you. Nothing would have mattered, except you being a vampire. I w-wouldn’t have thought twice. Remy, and J-anus, gods, Janus, he wouldn’t even give you a chance.”
 “virgil. I know. I read the stories, about all three of you. We heard the rumors and the reports and the deaths. That doesn’t make me love you any less. It doesn’t make me trust you any less. You haven’t given me a single reason to doubt you.” Virgil let out another sob at that, Patton barely managing to catch him as his legs buckled under him, probably from a combination of fear, relief, and exhaustion. Instantly, Roman was at Virgil’s side, hugging him as well, and Virgil clung to the two of them like a lifeline.
 “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I was going to tell you and then I was too scared cause you all were so nice and I didn’t want to be alone again, so I just tried to forget it ever happened, and of course it can’t just go away, and I always do this, I always drag us into trouble, I’m never good enough to protect you.”
 “falsehood. You are enough, Virgil. You always have been. You’ve seen through traps and predicted dangers none of us would have seen coming. You’ve saved all of our lives several times over. It does not change what you did in the past, but what you did in the past does not change you to us.” Logan added softly, resting a supportive hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
 “I’m not good enough. I’ll never be good enough. No one will ever love me. I’m not worthy of it. I’m not… I’m a danger and a problem and that’s all… that’s all I’ll ever be.” Patton hissed at the tired, dead tone in Virgil’s voice, anger flaring to life as his eyes flashed red.
 “Who told you that, honey? I promise, they’re about to get a face full of angry papa patton!” Virgil looked up at him with those defeated, dark eyes, and he wondered how coherent Virgil really was, if he even really knew what was happening anymore, through his exhausted haze.
 “janus. W-who else would w-ant me? It’s f-funny, he lies a-about everything, but he was r-right about that.” Virgil slurred, then his eyes slipped shut and he slumped against Patton, unconscious. Patton pulled Virgil into his lap, gently stroking his hair, eyes blurring with tears as he tried to find his own voice.
 “he needs rest. He’s worn himself out, both physically and emotionally. He’ll probably be out of sorts when he wakes, as his brain shut down in order to allow him to recover as he needs.” Logan said softly, his own voice wavering slightly. Patton nodded, lifting Virgil and settling on the couch with his head in his lap. He tucked a blanket around him, teasing his fingers through Virgil’s hair.
 “Here.” Roman murmured, tucking Webby underneath Virgil’s arm, smiling smally as Virgil shifted with a small noise, clinging to the spider and pulling it close to his chest.
 “he was gonna take Webby?” Patton asked, voice trembling.
 “yeah. One photo of us, too. From the carnival. No phone, no way we would be able to contact or find him.” Roman answered, placing the photo carefully on the coffee table. Logan huffed fondly, looking at it.
 “What were you pointing at, Roman?” He asked.
 “There was a bouncy house obstacle course being blown up. We raced, and I almost got stuck in one of the tube tunnels, and Roman had to jump to my side to help pull me out.” Patton answered, laughter in his voice.
 “Yes, and then you and finding emo wouldn’t race me!”
 “Well, that seems a sensible descicion. I do seem to remember Patton coaxing all of us onto the pony rides, however.” Logan, a smile on his face.
 “Ah, yes, Georgia! My valiant steed!” Roman exclaimed. “I follow them on facebook, she’s a mother now! An adorable little spotted filly.” Patton awed, and even Logan chuckled, rolling his eyes.
 “Virg was so good with the animals, remember? He practically had the entire petting zoo surrounding him, even after he ran out of food. All the baby goats were sleeping on his lap. I’ve got that picture around here somewhere, too, it was so cute!”
 “I still think we should get him a pet.” Roman grumbled.
 “We have talked about this, Roman.”
 “What? Animals help with anxiety! Besides, I happen to know a pony…”
 It was dark. He wasn’t sure where he was, but it was dark. Flashes of movement out of the corner of his eyes, shadows flickering just out of sight. His mind felt slow, blurred, and dimly, he realized he was in restraints, chained to the wall. He pulled, hissing in pain as a sharp, steel collar bit into his neck, feeling warm blood trickle from the small puncture wounds.
 “Well, well, aren’t you just tempting me?” He flinched, a figure suddenly appearing before him with a slight whoosh of air, rough hands grabbing his chin and pulling him forwards. He hissed again as the collar dug into his throat, glaring as his gaze met those neon green, almost glowing eyes of his captor. “You certainly are a sweet little morsel. It would be a pleasure to drain you dry.” The vampire purred, and he shuddered as he felt the vampire’s tongue run up his neck, before he lightly nipped beneath his ear. He jerked back, but the vampire’s hand was firm, and he chuckled as he pulled away, examining his face. “So pretty, too. It’ll be such a shame when I finally kill you. But such a pleasure.”
 “What do you want?” He spits, trying to clear his head, trying to spark fire to life in his hands, light that will burn this abomination off the face of the earth, but he can’t do anything, his magic is being blocked, by the manacles around his wrists, no doubt.
 “I know you are.” He froze at those words, eyes narrowing.
 “I’m no one. Just a self taught magician. I’m afraid you’re mistaken.” The lie rolls off easily, and anyone else might have bought it. But this vampire just laughed, head thrown back, wild cackles piercing the air.
 “Oh, that’s a good try, pet. But no, you aren’t. You’re Deceit. You’re one third of the trifecta keeping me and my kin from ruling over you pathetic mortals.” He snarled, eyes flashing.
 “You won’t get anything out of me.”
 “I don’t need to. My coven members are following your sneaky little friend, Sleep, or should I say Remy? And any moment he’s going to lead right where we need to be.” He bites his tongue, fear eating him inside out.
 “You don’t need to keep looking. Anxiety is dead.” He said, truthfully this time, in a way, Anxiety was dead, had died the moment he left. “He’s not a threat to you.” He won’t drag Virgil into this, he can’t let that happen. Virgil may hate him, but he’d always respected Virgil’s choice to leave. He’d stayed away, kept Remy away, even when he so desperately just wanted to see his face, to see how he’d grown up, and he would not let this vampire steal whatever peace Virgil had found away from him.
 “I think we both know that’s not quite true. I’ve done my research, see. Oh, there’s plenty of beings who claim to have done the deed, but none have the proof to back it up. He’s still out there, and I won’t have him ruining things to try and save his little boy toy.”
 “He won’t! He doesn’t care, anymore, he won’t come for me, he won’t get in the way!” He shouts, hands clenched into fists, oh, if he had his magic right now this man would be struck down with all the force of a hurricane. As it is, he can only watch with a plummeting heart as the vampire grins, sharp canines showing, as he steps away.
“I don’t believe you. And even if I did, how could I pass up a chance to get the full set? You three would make quite a collection. So much fun to play with. I think I’ll start with your little Virgil first. Seems like you have a soft spot for him.”
 No. NO, the vampire had already known, had already found him, probably had his coven members at the house already, and he cursed Remy’s stupid predictability, his stupid sense of loyalty, he should have cut his losses and ran, not tried to get involved.
 His screams echo down the hallway as he pleads and begs and curses, pulling at his restraints, heedless of the blood dripping down his neck, the sores opening on his wrists, he screams his throat raw until he has nothing left, and slumps against the wall, defeated.
 “virgil. Please. Please hear me, please listen, please just run, just run” He whispers, tugging at the weak, tenuous strand connecting himself to Virgil, praying it’s enough, any of it, is enough to give him some warning. “I’m sorry.”
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Just Tell My Crush I Like Him
This was it. This was the day Virgil was gonna confess...except he couldn’t. He promised the he’d confess today but he just didn’t feel comfortable so, he did the next best thing.
Virgil rants with his crushes about his other crushes and none of them know he likes more than one of them
Pairing: LAMP
Warnings: Self deprication and a slightly sexual joke
Tags: Pining, fluff, angst, and a touch of chaos?
Chapter 1
If there was one thing Virgil could do, it was talk about his crushes for hours upon hours. During different days, Virgil would spend one on one time with different sides: On draining days- he'd recuperate in Logan's room, on emotional days-he'd bake with Patton, and on inspired days- he'd participate in a craft with Roman. At least, that'd how it started. A few days a month, he'd somehow end up with the other three, typically under those circumstances. Logan would invite him to spend time in his room as the other read. They would interact a bit here and there, sometimes sharing whatever they were looking at and debating the subject. Mostly though, days in Logan's room were just a relaxed way to spend time with each other. If Virgil was ever significantly distressed, Patton would ask Virgil to bake with him. Virgil accepted as the change of scenery and activity helped the anxious side calm down. In some cases, the baking even made him excited. After a particularly wonderful day, Virgil asked Patton if he'd like to bake. Now, he was definitely a tad bit nervous, but he knew it would make the other's day. Patton was certainly surprised but visibly excited. After that, baking became their thing: no longer as just a way to recover, but as a way to just spend time together. Virgil's first encounter spending one on one time with Roman was a bit different. Unlike the others who wanted to spend time with Virgil in those instances, Roman needed a helping hand and the others were preoccupied with one of Thomas's dilemmas. Roman didn't mind having Virgil be the one to help however, he was a bit weary due to never interacting with Virgil separate from the group. Their interaction was uncomfortable for a few minutes before they started playfully bickering as Roman led him into Imagination. Virgil leant Roman a second pair of eyes (not literally, Remus) as he observed the prince's painting. He had spent days slaving away on it and every second paid off thanks to the look on the shorter side's face. He-was-spellbound. The painting depicted a mixture of things the sides enjoyed but surprisingly the differences in interests complimented each other beautifully in the swirl of colors. Once Virgil was finally able to tear his eyes away, he complimented the prince and for the first time in his life, had no pointers to give. Roman didn't even try to contain his joy at the response. And yet even after receiving no helpful advice, Roman asked him for his opinion again, on another project. At some point Roman began helping Virgil with his drawing techniques while Virgil helped Roman with specifically dark or disney themed projects. Virgil helped when Roman created another castle in Imagination, only this time it had elements from every single Disney movie in existence: Pete's Dragon, Treasure Planet, you name it! (And let's just say Virgil made sure to leave a few extra surprises for Roman in that castle of his.)
Despite his effort to remain distanced from the others, Virgil found himself looking forward to every moment he spent with them. Light hearted conversations and banter with the others began to give way to something Virgil was extremely unfamiliar with. Conversations began going deeper and deeper and deeper still and this stirred something in Virgil that he didn't know he had the capacity for, love. Learning the though processes and dreams of the others along with their unfiltered care for him lead Virgil to fall deeply for them. The more time he spent with them, the more time he wanted to spend with them. Family meals and movie nights became more lively as they all became closer and he wouldn't trade that for any-well, maybe...no. He wouldn't trade that for anything. As they revealed personal things about themselves, Virgil began to as well. He was admittedly slower to open up but all three of them were patient, nonetheless.
Unfortunately, his feelings couldn't stay hidden. After a nice debate in the starry room followed by scrolling through tumblr and reading respectively, the silent agreement to avoid that territory was breached.
"May I inquire something?"
Virgil raised an eyebrow, "Shoot."
"I have nothing to 'shoot' at you, and even if I did, I doubt I would be inclined to do so."
"It's means ask away, buddy."
Logan loosened his tie seeming almost nervous as he spoke, "Do you possess romantic feelings for anyone?"
Virgil's body went ridged. Did he know? Virgil stuffed his phone into his pocket and kept his hands there as well. As much as he'd rather escape into the world of tumblr, if he held his phone any longer Logan might have noticed how much his hands had begun to shake from nervousness. Virgil tried to force his shoulders to relax as he shifted into a more comfortable position,
"What brought this on?"
Okay, that was good. Figure out how much he knows or thinks he knows and figure out a way to counter, just like any other debate.
"I've noticed an increase in the length of time you spend around Patton, along with more of a variety of expressions than you had previously shown when exposed to him, and an increase in the length and frequency of your time spent 'spacing out' or as Patton would say, during your 'daydreams.'
Virgil opened his mouth only to close it again, he had no idea how to respond to being caught but boy was Logan attractive when he did that. Shaking his head and snapping out of it, Virgil simply nodded. Logan gave him a small timid smile as he asked if the emo would like any advice, if he needed it, because despite not experiencing a relationship himself, Logan did have some helpful information about them in his pretty little head. "I'd uh I'd like that, thanks Lo," Virgil gave a two finger salute before slipping out of the room. It was a little earlier than he'd normally leave but not so early that he'd seem upset. This was a relatively rare occurrence, as he would spend every moment with Logan that he could, but what the heck it was a pretty weird day already and Virgil had a few things he needed to wrap his head around.
“And then he just winked at me! Completely unaware of how adorable what he just did was! I swear that one is gonna be the death of me!” The logical side chuckled at this, Virgil had previously explained the phrase and it was certainly entertaining to see it in use.
“And did you feel his hair? Softest thing in the world I’m telling you. I just wanna hug him and never let go.”
“He is quite endearing.” A content sigh escaped the shorter one’s lips, “You can say that again.”
The next to find out was Roman. The prince gently rested his sword on his shoulder as the walked, similarly to how a guard would in old movies. The atmosphere was intoxicating from exotic plants to mystical beasts, this part of Imagination was not to be missed. They walked along the stone path as the Prince strayed from their previous subject, “He’s just soooooooooo annoying.”
Virgil gave him a look, “Who?”
“Logan. It’s just.he. He just. He’ll correct some of my ideas which can be helpful but is sometimes just hurtful but then there are these other times,” he trailed off for a moment as a dreamy look crossed his features, “and he’ll give me this smile.”
“So you’re upset he smiles at you?” Virgil didn’t know whether to be exasperated or amused. “No well uhm yes? It’s just so annoying. Have you seen the way he flips his hair out of his face after working out?” Roman turned to look beside him, only to find that Virgil had stopped walking a few feet back.
“Wait I’m not the only one?” Virgil took a quick few steps and stood facing Roman.
“The only one what?” Virgil was too wrapped up in the fact that he wasn’t alone in this that he didn’t hesitate to answer.
“Not the only one that finds that extremely attractive.”
“Wait, you too? Yes he’s so freaking hot! And he, somehow doesn’t even know it.” Roman’s arms were thrown around in all directions as they fanboyed over the freaking hot guy who had no idea when he was being awfully distracting. They stopped by a creak along the path and Roman kneeled down to drink some. Virgil leant against a tree as he waited for his companion. Roman coughed for a minute or two before breathing steadily once more.
“You alright?”
“Yeah, choked on the water. Nothing shall ever defeat this prince! Nothing can choke me no manticore or spider people, I shan’t lose to this liquid again!” He claimed.
“You’d let Logan choke you,” Virgil smirked. Roman sputtered in response before increasing his speed as he stepped back onto the stone path, so that Virgil couldn’t see his blushing face. He muttered an embarrassed, “You’re not wrong” before attempting to distract the other. Virgil found his response surprisingly adorable as he sped up and fell into step beside him. He wasn’t gonna let Princey live this down but he’d let it go for now.
And lastly, Patton found out during one of their baking sessions. Patton had just finished washing the dough off his hands as they waited for the cookies to bake when he asked the question “Have you ever fallen for someone before?” Virgil was incredibly nervous at the question but quickly decided he do what he tried to do when Logan asked. He just has find out how much Patton knows and deny it. “Why? What’s up?” Patton sighed at the non answer, “It’s just, I have so many feelings. You know, I’m Thomas’s feelings, so does that mean that nobody else can have crushes?” Patton tried to dry of his sweaty hands on his apron, but it was no use. “I don’t think that’s the case. You know we can all feel other emotions so why would feeling-feelings be any different?”
“I have no way to be sure. There are so many things we still don’t understand about ourselves and other sides. I could spend my entire time pining and never know whether or not there’s even a possibility of having a shot.” Patton looked so lost that Virgil let his guard down just a tad, “At the very least at least two of us, other than you, have those kinds of feelings.” Patton’s eyes lit up, “Wait really?” At Virgil’s nod Patton started hopping up and down in excitement. After the initial excitement wore off Patton looked a bit perplexed, “How do you know? That the other person has feelings, I mean.”
“Well, we’ve talked about feelings like that before.” “Is it okay for me to ask who the other guy with feelings is?” Virgil thought for a moment, “I don’t think he’d mind me saying, he’s literally the side that covers romantic stuff.”
Patton practically squealed, “Roman!”
“Yep,” Virgil said popping the ‘p’
“I bet he’d be super romantic. Probably do all of those grand romantic gestures.”
Virgil would have laughed if Patton hadn’t looked so invested, “Yeah that’s actually like half of what he talks about.”
“I wish someone would do that for me.” Virgil frowned at Patton’s disappointment, “I’m willing to bet a limb that someone will.” Patton gave a small genuine smile, at that.
“So how about you?”
“Would you like to be swept off of your feet?” “Depends on the person and how they do it. As long as they didn’t pressure me into anything or make me feel extremely uncomfortable, I wouldn’t mind it.”
“Wait, really? I thought you’d be against that kind of thing.”
“Nah, I mean I’m not dying for it to happen but I think it’s really sweet. Shows how much they care, ya know?” Patton smiled and ruffled Virgil’s hair, “Yeah, I think so.” The timer went off and Patton hopped over to the oven, earning a smile from V. Something was tossed onto Patton’s chest as he struggled to catch it, “Forgetting something?” Patton stared at Virgil with a puzzled expression before both of them said, “Mittens,” at the same time. The little guy had a habit of forgetting the oven mitts and burning his hands, while baking. Patton put them on his hands before pulling out the hot tray of goey cookies and breathing in the smell. The scent was a mixture of butter, flour, sugar, and chocolate, it was his favorite smell. Patton’s blissful expression caused Virgil to melt a little bit inside. They snacked on a few cookies and put the rest in a bowl, for later. The question from earlier got him thinking, “Hey, Pat?” “Yeah, kiddo?” “If you could date any of the sides who would you pick?” Patton looked away, a little embarrassed, “I’d probably pick Roman.”
“Okay yeah, I can see that.” “What about you?” Virgil had already kinda told the other two about two of his crushes so maybe it would be nice to have someone to talk about his last crush with? Well, he was about to find out. “I guess, Roman.” Patton was caught a little off guard but started gushing over how sweet Roman was and how he subtlety made sure all of the others were taken care of, in a way that differed from the others. Logan made sure they were physically taken care of, Virgil made sure they were safe, Patton made sure they were taken care of-emotionally, and Roman was extremely protective of them but tried to cover it up. They all had their ways of looking out for each other, one they all had in common was ranting. Whenever a side was stressed or confused or really happy, the sides would rant to each other and the receiving side, no matter who it was, always listened and helped where they could. Patton and Virgil had a new topic to talk about. Whenever Roman made something for Pat or did something out of the ordinary when with Virgil, they would meet up and talk about how incredibly sweet, dumb, and just overall ridiculous he was.
As amazing as this was, this was bad. This was so so bad! Virgil knew that Patton had feelings for Roman and Roman had feelings for Logan but he didn’t know if Logan liked anyone. It felt wrong hiding what he knew from his friends, especially since he hadn’t told them everything right off the bat. But, there was no way he could tell them that he liked all of them. He knew for a fact that they cared about him a great deal but that it was platonic, I mean he knew their crushes so how could they like him.
After a couple months of all of this, Logan forced him into a position he would rather not be in. Logan had informed him that while it was beneficial to confide in him with his feelings, it would leave him feeling unhappy if he did nothing about it. Something about it not being fair to let Virgil hurt and continue pining when he was certain Patton returned his feelings. What Logan didn’t know is that Patton liked Roman! Nonetheless, Logan had stated that either Virgil told Patton or he would. Virgil had till the end of the week to make a decision. And here’s the thing, he couldn’t ask for advice because Roman would think that he liked Logan and not Patton and would probably try to fix things but end up making them worse. He could tell Patton that Logan had said the same thing that he had actually said to him but change the fact that he would tell Roman instead of Patton but then Patton might try to confront Logan, in a kind manner which would just result in Logan telling him anyway. It was a lose lose situation so, he did the next best thing.
During a break between the movies of a nice movie night Virgil did the only thing he could think of. Moving the popcorn off of his lap and getting off of the couch, he double checked to make sure everyone that needed to be there was in the room. It wouldn’t be very smart to say something while Patton was grabbing drinks or Roman was in the middle of a song. Virgil stood up quickly glancing at all of them before staring at the floor, “Tell my crush I like him,” the second the words escaped his mouth, Virgil bolted out of the room. Even if the others hadn’t been stunned by the fact that he was telling them to tell his crush that he liked them, they still wouldn’t have been able to stop him from leaving. Logan was the first to break the silence by clearing his throat.
Chapter 3 is up on Ao3 :D
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it’s been a while hasn’t it?
times have been, rough yeah? how bout a fluffy ship post because i’m feeling emo for haikyuu!! and i haven’t had a chance to watch season four yet. and i am v sad ab it rn k? k. 
prompt: Person A: “I have something to tell you.”Person B: “Oooh~ Are you about to profess your undying love for me?”Person A: “Yes, I am.”Person B: “.....What?”
Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru
Hajime and Tooru have been friends for the better part of ten years, to the sound of twelve. Tooru would always be grateful for that. Even when the two of them going in very different directions wit the rest of their lives, they are still there at each others sides. No amount of banter or ill-timed joke can separate the two of them. Tooru can be as overbearing as he wishes and Hajime can be as collected as he wants and the two balance each other out well-enough.
No stone can be left upturned with them.
Well almost no stone.
One year into university and a new found friendship in his roommate, Hajime finds himself sitting in his shared dorm eating plain Capn’Crunch talking with his roommate in question.
 “Daichi what am I doing with my life?”
 “Besides eating my cereal?” he asked, laughing looking up from his book.
 “Hey now, I’m serious about this one Dai.”
 “Hajime what do you actually mean then?”
Hajime sighs and puts the box down on the bed side table and looks at him.
 “I’m still in my home town, my best friend, no offense, is like four hours away, and I’m not even playing volleyball right now.”
 “First off, you are recovering from an injury. Secondly, Oikawa understands and he tries to talk to you as much as he can. But you’re at the school for the best physical therapy because of your best friend. Thirdly, I accepted the first time Oikawa and I properly meet I knew I was never going to be your actual best friend.” Daichi replied putting his book aside and taking off his glasses.
Hajime smiled at him, but his eyes look sad and unconvinced. Daichi knew he was over thinking. Daichi was smart enough to realize there was something more on his mind.
 “You don’t have to talk to me, but I’m here.”
 “I’m about to make a mistake.”
 “What do you mean?”
 “Daichi do you know when the buses start and stop?”
Daichi knew this was a bad idea from the start, but he saw the look on Hajime’s face he knew he was in this for the long haul.
 “Let me make a few calls.”
Hajime picks back up the box and Daichi walked away to make a few calls and do a bit of Google searching. Daichi was calling three people, Suga, Kuroo, and Ennoshita to make sure that he wasn’t be irrational. Ennoshita replied no, helping a friend in love was a very chivalrous. Daichi laughed, he wasn’t sure if that’s what he was doing or not, but he did feel good about it all.
 “You need more cereal.”
Daichi sighed. He needed to help him. And get him to stop eating his cereal.
 “Buses to where you want to go start at 7:20 and stop running at like 2 in the morning.”
Hajime looks at the clock. It read nine am. He jumped out of bed and started throwing together a backpack. Daichi nodded and followed along.
 “How’s your boy?”
  “He’s fine. School has been rough but he’s doing great.” 
Hajime holds his bag close and picks up keys and wallet. He looks like a kid in a candy store for the first time. Daichi picks up his backpack and keys as well pocketing his phone. 
  “Well come on now before I loose my nerve.” 
  “What are you going to do? Confess to him?” asks Daichi. 
Daichi sneezes. He’s not sure why his body’s response was sneeze but he looks at Hajime like are you insane? Hajime isn’t looking back though, he has the dopiest smile on his face paying the other no real thought. Daichi rolls his eyes and locks up their dorm room. 
Hajime just follows with his jacket thrown over his arms and smiling to himself. Daichi sends a quick text to Chikara that they’re leaving and will keep him updated. Then he texts Suga to tell him that he’s on his way. Suga responded with a series of obscene emojis. Daichi nearly gagged and pocketed his phone. 
  “What?” Hajime asked. 
  “Suga is just being himself you know?” 
  “Not well enough no actually.” 
  “He is a beast in his own right. And that is all I can say on that.” Daichi responds. 
Hajime laughs and opens the stair doors. The two of them walk down the stairs together and burst through the doors together. 
  “Are you sure you are okay with this?”
  “For you? Anything.” 
Hajime nods to show his approval and that he would do the same. Daichi nods back and offers a fist bump. Hajime responds and slips his earbuds in as does Daichi and they walk side-by-side. Once at the station Hajime bought Daichi’s ticket, ‘for coming with him”. 
Daichi just shook his head. He set himself up to read by the window while Hajime just watched the scenes pass in front of him. His phone was buzzing on his lap and every so often he would tap away, messaging someone back. 
  “His sister actually. Turns out Oikawa like flowers, lilies.” 
  “You told his sister you were going to confess?” 
  “I told his mom and she told her.” 
Daichi snickered. He shook his head and goes back to reading. Hajime smiles to himself and goes back to watching. He was so excited for this. He’s been waiting for months figuring out what he needed or wanted to tell him.His mind was racing what he could say. 
Haijime wanted to be as straight as possible so Tooru never questions it. LAy it all out on the table for him. Four hours is a long time to think. An even longer time when you don’t remember falling asleep till you’re being kicked awake. 
  “We’re hear.” 
Hajime nearly bolts up and runs off the train. Daichi has to stop him before he hits a little lady in front of him. Hajime nods and waits for the isles to clear. 
  “I will literally buy you all the ramen you can eat for this.” 
  “No need. I love being here for you.” Daichi replied looking down at his phone. “Okay they leave like four blocks from here.”
Daichi guides Haijime around the corners and up to the apartment building. Hajime shakes his head.  
 “I can’t do this. Daichi what if he-”   
“Iwa-chan, Dai-san? What are you two doing here?” 
  “I missed my best fried.” Daichi reaches for Suga and pulls him to a choke hold. 
Suga coughs a bit and tries to wiggle away and Daichi. Tooru laughs a bit and looks at Haijime with a twinkle in his eyes. He offers a hug and Haijime with out hesitation squeezes him. 
  “What bring you here as well them?” Tooru asks. 
  “I have something to tell you.” Haijime smiles pulling away. 
  “Oooh~ Are you about to profess your undying love for me?” he teases wiggling his eyebrows. 
  “Yes, I am.” 
  “.....What?” Tooru backed away panicked. 
Hajime nods smiling awkwardly. Tooru sniffs and shakes his head. 
  “You’re lying. This isn’t- no.” Tooru smiles, “You love me?” 
Hajime nods and moves closer to him cupping his face. He’s smiling and kisses his softly. Tooru kisses him back. Suga and Daichi are watching. 
  “Why don’t you kiss me like that?” 
  “Because I’m not dating you?” 
Tooru pulls away laughing looking at the two. 
  “Are you two always like this?” 
  “Yes, I even did this when him and Chikara got together.” 
Tooru and Hajime laugh pulling each other in again. 
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