#i'm not even going to comment anything else atp
Could I request a mini hc about MC who’s grumpy and generally closed off with everyone but M6?
Like MC giving everyone the most disinterested stare ever and then immediately softening up when M6 is around. It’s like special treatment atp.. MC doesn’t even try to hide it. They’re unashamed 🤷
I love this type of ship dynamic, I think it’s so adorable 🥹
The Arcana Mini-HCs: MC showing M6 favoritism
Julian: this poor guy has such a bleeding heart, he feels so guilty that nobody else gets to see your soft side. keeps prodding you to open up more to people and then warning you not to open up too much
Asra: they don't see anything wrong with it - you're their blatant favorite too! he does get self conscious when you go from :[ to :D in seconds and everyone around you starts searching for the cause
Nadia: she mistook your cool exterior as some kind of power stance, until she caught your interest and you started acting fluffy around her. she doesn't correct your "rudeness" because it's a guilty pleasure
Muriel: what, you think he's not the same way? it's not as obvious, but please. other people exist for avoiding. you exist for gentle smiles and cheek kisses and bouquets and long walks in the woods and -
Portia: you have no idea how much this means to her. she's not used to being someone's first choice, let alone their favorite. she knows she should encourage you to be nicer, but it's kind to her jealousy
Lucio: completely oblivious at first and doesn't even notice it until six months in to your relationship when someone comments on it. doesn't give it much thought beyond "well of course, I'm the best!"
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mrs-monaghan · 11 months
Some saying watch jk debunk i wanna ask how do you think he's gonna approach this thing? If he even approaches it at all like is he suddenly gonna go live and be like"oh i didn't do this or that" like it's not something as the album recording thing it's just taehyung saying jk sang that song so like do y'all expect jk to go live and say"i didn't sing that song" or something?
Well, pretty much just like in the past when he's clarified any misinformation. Vermin going nuts over something V said and JK going "it wasn't that deep" 🤭🤭 we'll see if one of them comments on his next live and he decides to address it.
But if we have learnt anything, its that V isn't lying. But it could be a bit embelished. However, JK sings for everyone so this really shouldn't have blown up as much as it did. It's not special or exclusive to Tkk. But as usual since the in4 came from V, we don't have context and so the vermin can make up as much as they want to which they already are.
Meanwhile, I just woke up and the following are the dots I'm seeing getting connected;
JK has an extremely busy schedule. We have all seen that. Man is so so busy, jumping from flight to flight that at one point we had him basically sleep walking at the airport
(Poor baby 🥺🥺 no wonder Mimi is worried)
So as tired and busy as he is, he somehow managed to do a TT (🥵🔥💦) which if you've ever been a creator you know it takes several takes to do a TT, but he managed to do one. Then he edited and posted most likely on his flight back. Or on the way to the flight?
Important to note: All he did was upload. There are no new liked videos meaning he didn't have time to peruse and comment like he usually does. So it seems he went on TT just to post this thirst trap 🥵
Quick break to admire his naked back
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Okay we're back. He's so distracting. 😩😩
Which brings me to my next point: JK (Jikook) doesn't just do things for no reason. Especially with chapter 2... things just seem to be calculated. Which is why my friends think he's shirtless on purpose. It's a distraction. Because of the biggest clue of them all.... the lyrics to the T-pain Step Up dance challenge
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Which brings us back to last night and the 7 minute live where V promised to come back but didn't??? Taekook was trending after his short live and it's been established members see everything. That's not debatable atp. They see international trends as well as Korean trends and Taekook was in Korean trends yesterday so JK definitely saw that. Let's not kid ourselves and pretend he didn't.
To summarize: V came live, did the thing, ended the live quite abruptly, said he'd come back, didn't, then not long after JK posts a hot AF TT with those savage lyrics.
My friend pointed out at the airport he has the same cap and same shoes as the TT
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Which of course cements the fact that he did it this morning. Before getting on the flight or whatever.
Anyway anon, saw my friends taking about this because its something JK would do. So question is; Is there something? Or is there not? Don't ask me, I just woke up
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In other unrelated news, anyone else cringing hard at this part?
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Ugh. I can't watch it. Its too much 😬😬😬😬
It wasn't this cringe when he did the same with Harlow. 😬😬😬😬😬
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
hey i saw the shit going down and i wanted to tell you that it sucks. it really sucks. but dont be too hard on yourself. you obviously didnt do anything on purpose nor did you do it directly. instead maybe take this as a wake-up call to finally move past syscourse. youve been here for a while. youve learned a lot. now you move on.
i think it would benefit you much more if you just tried to bring positivity to systems. let someone else do the syscourse fighting. because there will always be syscourse fighting. atp i think you know better than anyone that some people just arent gonna change. so just help the people who have already changed. or people who are struggling like i was. theres a lot of people who could use your knowledge in places like r/osdd or r/did. or even here on tumblr!
This is from a couple weeks ago, but I just wanted to comment on a couple thing here.
"let someone else do the syscourse fighting."
Most of the rest of the syscoursers here are people who have been deeply traumatized before syscourse even came into their lives. It's why syscourse tends to be such a revolving door with so few mainstays. It's just not safe for vulnerable people in the long-run.
There aren't a lot of people willing to regularly stand up to and take on anti-endo misinformation. Most of those that do this often don't last long.
"theres a lot of people who could use your knowledge in places like r/osdd or r/did."
Last I checked, r/DID banned all mention of endogenic systems. And I have no interest in going into subreddits for a disorder I don't have anyway.
That might seem a bit ironic given how much I end up talking about DID and OSDD on here. It's kind of funny looking back, because this blog was always supposed to be more focused on tulpamancy. Like, other forms of plurality would be involved in this, sure. But they were originally a secondary concern of mine.
To this day, it's still surprising to me that this blog ended up resonating so well with systems of all different kinds.
It's still strange how many asks I've gotten from people with DID or OSDD asking for advice with living with a disorder that I do not have.
I don't think I realized before I got here how sysmeds had ostracized so many DID systems to the point where they felt their best option for seeking help was a tulpa who, at that time, wasn't even a year-old yet.
But despite being willing to research and try to educate myself on these disorders when I can, I have no interest into a DID or OSDD subreddit and joining communities specifically for disordered systems even if I could.
Since there are a lot of CDD systems who follow this blog, I hope they can learn from the research I've provided and linked to over the years and share it with those they know. But I'm not joining CDD communities myself.
Bottom line, I have no intention of stepping away from syscourse here.
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roosterforme · 5 months
I just want to say that I support Anna and her choices specifically bc they're ones that I wouldn't make. Like I'm always so worried about hurting other people that I rarely express myself or find myself paralyzed by decisions bc I'm too scared to make the wrong one. It's nice to see someone make mistakes and as the audience know that everything is going to be okay. This is a romance and they're the two leads, don't stress so much and relish in the fact that you don't have to be a perfect human to still deserve or earn the love of an incredible guy.
Also it seems like so much of her life up until now has been completely smothered in another man, so if she's distanced herself to feel safe, good for her, she deserves to make choices for herself! And if she caves to her desires and has sex with a man that offers her true affection and care when she's been so starved of it, good for her! She may be married, but like fleeing across the country is a good starting place for her to try and get a divorce and protections from her ex when she's ready, it seems like right now she's still terrified and also completely financially insecure and therefore unable to go through with all of that. I for one, don't feel like blaming a woman who it seems has been significantly abused and mistreated for not making the perfect and ideal decisions when she's only just barely removed herself from a horrible situation. I don't see how so many people are eager to shame Anna for not prioritizing a man in her decisions when she's finally been able to get (through difficulty and uncertainty and self-exile) a shred of agency for herself, a consequence of being able to make your own choices is making the wrong ones and I'm sure once more is explained to him, sweet Bob isn't going to begrudge her that freedom either.
Bob is a grown and fictional man, he will be okay. Does it suck that having sex with Anna didn't magically erase all of her problems and lead to a fairytale wedding immediately? Kind of, yeah, obviously everyone wants them to be happy and in love, but atp that's not realistic, it wouldn't be healthy for her to give up her reservations on a relationship just bc that's what he wants from her either. Besides, the best you can expect to get from dick is an orgasm or two, irl you have to put in work in order to change and grow, the kinds of things that make for the compelling story that we're getting here (for free)
Anyways the way that Emily is writing this is a different take on the female lead than most, her other responses have brought up the interesting point that people don't criticize male characters for doing similar things with less justification for it. Don't complain about there not being more variety in romances just turn around and complain when the variety isn't actually what you wanted. It feels really similar to the hate that I see other creators get for making an OC or reader that's curvy or POC, like fic is escapism, why are you trying to impose the narrow constraints of femininity from the real world onto someone that has the chance to be free of all that? I hope all of these commenters will be more forgiving of their own mistakes than they are with Anna's
Oops, that was a whole essay, anyways love your work, have a good weekend!
Nonny. Say it a little louder, please: you don't have to be a perfect human to still deserve or earn the love of an incredible guy.
God, this is like the best nonny ask ever.
Anna is finally making choices for herself after many years. The next few chapters will really visit her past and show what happened and why it's ongoing.
But I don't even need to add anything else, because you covered so much of how I feel. Thank you for this. Thank you for taking the time to send this to me. I hope I'm not the only one who got something out of it.
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confessions-official · 2 months
idk what is wrong w me to make people so uncomfortable and unsettled in my presence idk. even people who are "nice" to me i can tell feel pity although i do appreciate that bc i don't want to be alone all the time. i can't count how many lighthearted comments of mine get weird looks or get straight up ignored when i know 100% for sure that i didn't say anything weird or off topic. i can feel myself speak weirder and worse and seem dumber every day but it's bc so much social rejection has made me nervous again. i don't know man i really don't know anymore. i'm just a random woman, i'm conventionally attractive, or like, not "ugly" , so i know it's not that, i dress fairly normally so i know it's just something in the way i speak or move that unsettles people since i was born. i think i am probably autistic or have some other neurodivergency but trying to get diagnosed would probably just stress me out more (and my body is already breaking down from stress at 25). like pretty much i've been getting treated differently and called a freak my whole life but suddenly when it comes to mental health noo you're perfectly normal. just some anxiety/depression. well meds did not help and only made me worse and messed up my hormones so i had to go off them anyway. so there's clearly something else wrong w me that no shrink i've been to bothers to even wonder. and i'm too tired atp to keep trying. psychiatrists really don't gaf as long as you can keep working 9 to 5, being "useful" to someone and feeding yourself even if barely. it doesn't matter if you are literally miserable because you feel like no human being understands you and you speak a different language from everyone else.
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yinorathedragontamer · 4 months
Alssoooo a request 🤫 since you're feeding my gay delusions you're gonna be booked with my requests/j , crystal x fem!reader (she could be a supernatural or not doesn't matter you can pick what feels right 😝) with a scenario inspired by the fountain scene from atonement https://youtu.be/IkF3M_FE4MM?si=4SZNW9BQKAryJFDY
THIS where they could be at some lake for a case and someone drops SMTH in the water (it's not a high place that's for sure just to be safe 😭😭) and that scenario in the video happens thank uuu 🤫
I'll be a frequent reader atp so I'll be 🦋 anon xoxo
a/n: i'm happy to be feeding your gay delusions! i chose to keep it a little more to your own interpertation whether reader is supernatural or not, the only thing that's really clear is that she can hold her breath longer than regular people would, so she could either just be skilled or have some supernatural power that's connected to water, that is completely up to your imagination! and thank you for the link, it really helps a lot to actually SEE what you mean
thank you for requesting, 🦋 anon! i hope to see more of your requests in the future <3
ps: i am a little more busy with school currently, but i try to finish requests as soon as possible i.e. the same day, or atleast the same week :>
an older man (obviously a ghost) had come to the agency for help, because he lost his wife's pearl necklace at a fountain when he was alive, and he never truly found it again.
he said it upset his wife, and now that he's gone he really wants her to have it back, atleast as a sign that even though he's dead, he's okay.
at first, Edwin wanted to deny any help to the guy, saying that since he couldn't pay and that technically it's more for an alive person, therefore he should do it himself.
though you took pity on him, and said yes before Edwin could say no.
Edwin, being as petty as he is, told you that since you were so quick to answer, you could do this case on your own.
before you had the chance to reply, Crystal spoke up and said she'd join you, her excuse being 'so you wouldn't be all alone'.
though both you and her knew she only said that to finally have some alone time with you.
it's been hectic with all the cases you've all been busy to solve, so alone time wasn't really an option lately.
and it's been taking its toll on both you and Crystal.
barely any moment of privacy to sneak in kisses, no time for any type of cuddling, no time to really be girlfriends.
it isn't that you two didn't want to tell Charles, Edwin and Niko that you two are together.
its just that Edwin once made a comment about how it's unprofesional to date a co-worker, as when there's even the smallest argument it'd just be a bother to everyone else.
so you kept silent, though ofcourse you didn't miss the grin Niko has whenever she spots you two together doing litterly anything. and ofcourse Crystal notices the teasing smiles Charles shoots you two whenever Edwin isn't looking.
so now, you two were walking on the streets, quite early in the morning as you two didn't want to go searching for a necklace at a fountain when there were a lot of people.
it was rather cold, it wasn't quite winter yet but the weather was getting colder and the weather was getting worse.
what the older guy who comissioned you two for this case failed to mention, was how deep the fountain really was.
you two thought it'd be more like a wishing fountain, perhaps up to your knees, tops.
how wrong you were.
when you got there, you two were both shocked to see that it was so deep, you could probably take a swim in it.
before Crystal could say anything, you started taking off some layers of clothing.
your coat, shoes, socks, and sweater.
leaving you in your jeans and tank-top, Crystal tried not to stare.
"wait, no, [name]-!" Crystal tried to grab your arm before you could do anything, but alas, you were already in the water.
diving just deep enough to touch the bottom, you already saw the pearl necklace the ghost described to you two, but it was stuck under a brick.
Crystal waited patiently at first, untill she realized you've been under there for two minutes, and she was well aware of how dangerous that could be.
she was already taking off her coat before you resurfaced, necklace in hand.
as you got out, you were very clearly shivering as you held out the necklace to her, handing it to Crystal so you could put your socks, shoes, hoodie and coat back on. and you took her hand in yours to walk back.
when you got back, the old ghost thanked you two and gladly took the necklace, not seeming to mind the slight algea on some of the pearls.
"case closed" you mumble as you turn to Crystal, and despite Edwin being there, you kiss her cheek, both because you want to and because it's certainly an efficiënt way to tell the others of your relationship.
leaving the room, a gaping, surprised looking Edwin, a snickering Charles and a grinning Niko behind, you go to change out of your wet clothes.
"you're gonna catch a cold now, you know" Crystal says with a smile as she leans on the doorway.
"then why don't you come cuddle me warm again?"
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solarwynd · 5 months
The PR strategies all weird cause whoever leaked a video of jk with woman in his house but few days later the guy came and told everyone bes got no gf? I mean he could leave it at that yet he cleared cause he was getting comments but heyy he didn't talk about video and we all know there's too many coincidences happening in that video to say he's not jk, that is him with his dog nd a woman in his apartment Period.
The RM one was Funny for me cause it was Clearly intentional there was no "accident" there. He posted because he wanted to, he deleted because people saw it and the job was done. I remember he also posted a pic where you can visibly see a cigarette 🚬 burn mark on his pant and armys caught it right away at that time so no one was surprised he smoked. Jk's cigarette scene wasn't surprising for me but armys are stupid to think it was invasion of privacy i mean to a point it was but he also knew what he was doing. They could have done more with dating rumours like click a pic of him where it's only him and the woman in the frame if they actually wanted to make a pr stunt with that rather than whatever they did. That is only if it was pr stunt otherwise we don't condemn any privacy breach. Always hoping it's the members that reveal their partners on their own than all this drama.
About the jk doing lives after live and singing all of jimin's new releases that was something else.....i wasn't surprised that he used to sing jm's songs but it was unexpected given "jikook" were no where to be seen, but the first live that he did and watched all of jimin's content was actually surprising for me. Idk what anyone else belives tho but from whatever i have seen over the years one thing i belive is jungkook loves jimin as an artist. He admires jm alot. You ask him about other members' songs he might not know it but if you ask him about jimin's songs he'll know all of it with lyrics and choreo at good level. He always watch jm when jm is rehearsing like he's always there sitting infront of jm watching him when he's performing. I mean who wouldn't that's jimin who's performing. But of course this mfkr will never admit that like he'll do for RM. I was actually expecting him to be more vocal for taehyung's album too but he was inactive a whole month when tae's album Dropped and i even saw tkkrs throwing tantrums that he never supported tae the way he did for jm etc. I mean technically tkkrs would help him for so you'd expect more for jk also given they were together the whole yr. But even when Taennie paris video came he went live few days later and was simply enjoying his lives it was when Angel pt1 was released and he was singing it, doing tiktok choreo for his betsies' songs and all. Tkkrs were disappointed then too but they always find a reason to cope so they did. He Infact that way actually showed more support towards jm than other members During his drunk live era lol. As you said it could be that he wanted fruits from both ships but then Shippers are either way going to support him, infact tkkrs needed more as tae's paris video was circulating. But we don't like it when others say jk was promoting jm cause we all know it's armys watching his lives so I'm hesitating to belive he did that for support from Shippers.
At the end i would say if jm ever does such dating rumours pr he can simply drop the hd pics and we'll be happy. He either way doens't have too many crazy y/n like the other two, and we'll get rid of shippers too. Imma throw those pics on Shippers' faces.
Them Dora bangs he had were real bad. And even with as grainy as the vid was you could still see the shape of them clear as anything so it was him lol.
Joon doing what he did honestly felt like he wanted to join in on the other member’s revealing they smoked cause he felt left out, but atp it was no longer a novelty. (for BTS)
Jk’s relationship with Jimin is difficult to decipher because it’s no doubt they’re on good terms with each other and I do agree with him holding some type of admiration for him but it’s not really akin to how he is with hobi or joon. I’d always dread when he’d go live because I knew there was always a chance he’d mention jimin in someway and that would be all it took for jimin’s report page to start posting R&Bs like rapid fire. And it’s crazy because he would be the one initiating it but jimin would still get hated on.
TH doing all that cheerleading for JK, going to his live show just for him to ghost him for his debut was 🥴 but nowadays I’ve felt like their relationship is symbiotic on that end. Like they know when to dial it up with each other to get what they want for themselves so probably didn’t mean anything to him that he didn’t.
If Jimin wants to reveal his S/O down the line he will. He’s very private so I doubt he’d make it a spectacle. Unless he gets married then there’s no way that’s not getting publicized in some way.
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pbs-theundeadmaggot · 2 years
₊°✧︡˗ˏˋ❤ˎˊ˗ 𝖩𝖺𝗇𝗎𝖺𝗋𝗒 ₊°✧︡˗ˏˋ❤ˎˊ˗
I hope everyone has had an amazing start to the new year, I know it can be tough and January lowkey sucks but it will get better! 2022 for me was a long year of recovery and somehow I'm kinda clean (although I still don't know how to feel about it, especially when people comment on how much 'better' I'm doing but I'm taking it a day at a time.) Anyways, I kinda feel like 2023 might be a good-ish year so I hope it is for you too <3
ps. I know this list is early but I'm like a toddler who gets to excited to wait for anything and ruins it, so here is the early but one of my favourite rec lists to make. (idk why but it was particularly fun this month lol)
this year I'm also gonna try putting out some decent content starting with my fics (available here). I'm currently only writing for Steve and Eddie from Stranger things but in the future I may try writing for other fandoms (the Xavier Thorpe fic was a self indulgent piece idk if I'll carry on writing for him though), I'd really appreciate anyone to give feedback and reblog cause it keeps me motivated (pls I'm actually begging for some attention lmao my last two fics have got like zero attention and I genuinely don't know if I'm a shit writer or something else lmao, pls even if you hate it lmk! I'll take anything atp).
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anyways... ignore my rambles as always, the last piece of news im sharing is my new series I'm starting soon! where I'll be diving into the history of metal and what it means to the community etc so if thats something you'd be interested in you are more than welcome to join the army of maggots I've got going on (I say an army but I'm pretty sure it's just me lol).
[please respect writers terms, I am not responsible for what kind of content you consume but please be aware that minors will be blocked if they chose to interact with 18+ content.]
more fic recommendations available here
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚。˚ ⋆ -- 𝖲𝗍𝖾𝗏𝖾 ��𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗍𝗈𝗇 -- ⋆ ˚。⋆˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The mixtape detectives by @babyrunsforfanfic
Want me like I want you by @beezywriting
Under the covers by @stevesbabysittingservice
Hey Steven by @munsonsreputation
If you loved me (why’d you leave me?) by @1986harrington
When we are together by @foreverromanticising
I’m never going to dance again, the way I danced with you by @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone
Love as sweet as honey (and lover I’m hungry) by @stevebabey
Time after time by @musingginger
Sharing secrets by @livingintheupsidedown
A virtual romance (new series!) by @justmeinadaze
Tis the damn season (series!) by @katyswrites
Bad at love by @loveshotzz
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚。˚ ⋆ -- 𝖤𝖽𝖽𝗂𝖾 𝖬𝗎𝗇𝗌𝗈𝗇 -- ⋆ ˚。⋆˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Need you tonight by @sebuckyverse
Flipped by @ashwhowrites
Bottom of the bottle by @fanficsgal0re
New sensation by @darkdarkroom
Fooled round & fell in love (series!) by @bimbobaggins69
Lavander haze by @munsonsreputation
I think I’ve loved you forever by @cinemaquinn
Something new by @newlips
In the middle of nowhere (ongoing series!) by @sweetpeapod
Mine and yours by @muertawrites
Morning coffee by @jamdoughnutmagician
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚。˚ ⋆ -- 𝖡𝗎𝖼𝗄𝗒 𝖡𝖺𝗋𝗇𝖾𝗌 -- ⋆ ˚。⋆˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Side effect by @delaber
cherry blossom by @buckycuddlebuddy
Everyone’s watching him (but he’s looking at her) @writing-for-marvel
Shouldn’t have gone by @imyourbratzdoll
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚。˚ ⋆ -- 𝖫𝗈𝗄𝗂 𝖫𝖺𝗎𝖿𝖾𝗒𝗌𝗈𝗇 -- ⋆ ˚。⋆˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Chocolate & promises by @michelleleewise
lost prince (ongoing series!) by @xxntiimulti
For better or for worse (ongoing series!) by @wheredafandomat
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚。˚ ⋆ -- 𝖷𝖺𝗏𝗂𝖾𝗋 𝖳𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗉𝖾 -- ⋆ ˚。⋆˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Flower power by @pythonees
Siren song by @wintervalewritersecond
Rumors by @yourmidnightlover
Kiss me and shut up by @elysianrogers
Invisible string by @mntalbrakdown
Foxglove to adorne thy dells (ongoing series!) by @nevermoremagic
Something that we’re not by @profound-imagination
Artists collide by @shesluxurious
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚。˚ ⋆ -- 𝖱𝖺𝖿𝖾 𝖢𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗋𝗈𝗇 -- ⋆ ˚。⋆˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
So gorgeous it actually hurts by @folkloreslovechild
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hello, could i get a matchup for genshin impact and honkai star rail? pronouns: any are fine, he/him preferred sexuality: questioning but maybe slight masc lean zodiac/mbti: leo/virgo (depending on if you're using the old one or the new one), INTJ 4w5 appearance: 4'10 (i'm not even that young i don't know how that happened) with pale skin, i have mid-length straight black hair. huge eyebags kek personality: to people i don't know well i'm relatively quiet, although i will make sarcastic comments every now and then if i find it funny. if i know someone more closely (or i just think they're annoying), i will do everything in my power to be as eccentric as possible. i will say the most controversial (and borderline creepy) things in public, and i get a ton of side-eyes which i find hilarious. i honestly have a ton of problems at home and mentally, but i don't vent, and if i do, it's done in a humorous way. i can't really take care of myself (nor do i ever feel the want to), so i'm very physically weak. sometimes i'm nice, but it's kind of offputting and comes off as jealous or clingy. i think of myself as having anxious attachment, but the one time i dated someone (i honestly don't know if i even liked them, i can't comprehend my emotions) i literally just avoided them like the plague. they grew their hair out and they listen to emo rock bands. the sad part was that they came back to me and we dated on and off for three years. we held hands ONCE. tbh i did actually find it endearing but i never showed or talked to them about that... likes: i don't know, every few months i change my entire personality and get obsessed with something. it's never really consistent, but some things i currently find myself enjoying are gacha games, having people compliment me, etc. whenever someone gives me an ounce of attention i go giggle about it and kick my legs for about two seconds before it wears off. this goes for both positive and negative attention dislikes: i don't know about dislikes either. i guess self-hatred goes here, i seriously can't think of anything. i don't really care for morally wrong things either. hobbies: just like everything else i change hobbies. rn it's working on a discord server. honestly i don't even think i'm redeemable atp i feel bad for anyone who gets paired with me
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Aether’s a wonderful matchup for you. He’s an interesting balance of quiet and outgoing so he’s a bit eccentric himself.
Doesn’t like hearing you talk about how you don’t think you’re redeemable but he also understands that sometimes you feel things and those feelings are messy.
Instead of trying to get you to suppress those feelings and negative thoughts, he’ll do his best to help you realise that, even if you still believe those things, you also deserve to be happy. He cares about you and wouldn’t have it any other way.
He’ll also compliment you a lot, always a genuine statement about something he admires about you. He thinks you’re really cool and does his best to make sure you’re aware of that.
Aether’s a really good person to be around since you like change. He’s constantly travelling so things will never get stagnant and you get to see lots of new places.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Wow, both male protagonists! You’re certainly lucky! I think Aether and Caelus are similar but different in some very distinct ways.
While Aether is a more gentle partner, Caelus is the type to pull you along with him, not giving you time to doubt yourself.
More than happy to help you take care of yourself. He knows it can be hard just existing sometimes so he wants to do what he can to help the person he cares about most.
Loves playing gacha games with you. He is responsible with his spending though so neither of you have to worry about getting carried away with trying to get certain characters.
Much like Aether, Caelus is constantly travelling, both around and between worlds. You’ll get the chance to see lots of new places and incorporate new things into your appearance and personality whenever you want.
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namchyoon · 1 year
I saw a post about some guy dating his army gf for about a year but he's getting insecure when she talks about bts when she gushes over him or say "shes in love with 7 men" and how much she loves them and he noted how passionately she talked about them etc and how he feels basically like there's always 7 ppl in front of him, and it made me wonder, if your partner felt this way what do you even say to them? honestly, when I say I love these men, I genuinely do, with all my heart. They hold a special place I don't think anyone else can touch. Not in a romantic sense but yeah idk how I'd explain, I never had to tell someone that lol. Curious how would u go about it? (I felt bad but I kinda laughed when he said he felt unloved when she talked about jk 😭😂) I think he needs to understand there's different types of love and it has nothing to do with their romantic relationship
okay so, funny story, i actually did break up w my bf like 5 months after i got into bts 😭 the break up was a long time in the making tbf (like before i got into bts) but he also kept making very insulting comments about them (which was even more weird bc i was very into kdramas before i even met him and he even knew that and went to watch parasite with me in theatres and enjoyed it??? so it was not even like generalized racism (which is common sadly but not w him) it was just specifically bangtan???) and i think bts' love yourself message also helped me a lot in the process but he never actually said you love them more than me or anything 😭 point being, i feel like if my s/o did say smth like that to me i would atp be like you literally knew what you were getting into when you started dating me bc i'm very clear even with all my friends when we become closer being like listen. i love bts and if that's a problem then you need to get over it. like my friends get passionate over their specific interests like sports (which is a lot more than 7 people....) or gaming (which my ex used to do for 10+ hours on weekends instead of hanging out 👍) or whatever so why can't i gush about bts i don't understand? as you said, it's different types of love and as much as i love bangtan, it's not a friendship or a relationship in the these are people i actually know personally way? but obviously i really do love them a lot even if i can't explain it? and like all of my friends have been pretty accepting about it, most of them listen to bts w me if we're just hanging out (some send me album reviews for each new bts album/song that drops that i link them to djfkdkf), one of them even watched the ptd concert w me bc it was while i was in class so i had one earphone in and i've watched vlives with them bc it started while we were eating or smth 😭 i can also tell them in advance that i'm busy on certain dates bc there's a concert/cb and they're like yeah, makes sense so i wouldn't expect any less from a s/o if my friends are so adjusting and don't feel unloved by it? 😭 it's not a daily occurrence and when they DO need me to be there, i will be there regardless of anything else so at the end of the day, i think that's what matters like, as long as she's with him when it's important it shouldn't be a problem i think 😭
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setsugekka · 1 year
SO THE TRUTH COMES OUT. Honestly with what he said to MC last chapter, I’m not really shocked. 

“You’re different. This is different. What you have, what exists between the two of you, is not at all like whatever this is—whatever this was, has been in the past.” Oh no babe I fear it’s not
DON’T GO BACK TO HIM - well I might as well be yelling at a rock atp huh.
Oooooo, she wants to leave yeosang for Hongjoong but that SCARES him a little, aha. Tells me he wasn’t quite anticipating her going THIS far in her obsession
“How early on in the hunt does a mouse know that it is prey? Perhaps depending on the aptitude of the predator—it never does. Not until it’s far, far too late.” Oh, this line is really great
Oh MC, she knows that she’s in too deep, doesn’t she, but she doesn’t WANT to get herself out.
“And what I want is to finally catch that big, big break.”
Aha, seonghwa and yunho in cahoots! AND FUCK, YEOSANG. FUCK. The truth is REALLY out now. I had my doubts that he’d ever find out, tbh. Like I said in my comment on the last chapter, is he the best person in the world? No. But man, I do feel for him.

oof. At least Hongjoong is honest? And MC finally admits it. She has no one to blame but herself. And there it is. She ends up with nothing. He leaves with everything.
Listen, I wasn’t really ROOTING for him to win, but in this case, Hongjoong really played his part perfectly didn’t he, your characters are so well written! Reading your fics adds a wonderful treat to my weeks - I stayed up 40 minutes past when I should’ve been in bed because I just HAD to know how it ended!!!Gorgeous as always, Melty, brava!!!
he really did spell it out for her near the end tbh but that level of conniving just goes to show that he already knew she was way, way too deep to be able to see it for what it was even if he were to flatly say it as he did 🤔 he caught her in his web big time. he knew she was a sucker, preyed on that, and knew the precise perfect moment to strike...she didn't stand a chance, really!
Oh MC, she knows that she’s in too deep, doesn’t she, but she doesn’t WANT to get herself out.
i guess there comes a point where she knows there's no good way out of this except for the fabricated one that she's created in her mind. the happily ever after with a guy that originally, she liked because he didn't want anything serious or intense the way that her husband did. how the turns have tabled—one has to imagine that deep down she knows that that's not actually realistic, but in the jaws of the beast already, what else are you meant to hope for?
it's sort of a twisted ending the way it all plays out, huh? i didn't want to end it off with yeosang never finding out, and i definitely wasn't going to give it the kind of happily ever after where he forgives her for all of this. i think in a way, this is the best possible ending—their marriage most likely over for a long time, this situation really only pulling the trigger on that!
I wasn’t really ROOTING for him to win, but in this case, Hongjoong really played his part perfectly didn’t he
he truly was a MASTERCLASS of playing his cards right, wasn't he? LMAO. i had so much fun writing him and her downfall at the hands of him. no remorse, and frankly even very little mind games. yes, he used sex as a distraction and leveraged it to the best of his ability but she was down for it, the entire time, even knowing that he very much wanted something from her. she made bad choices, that's really the long and short of it as far as her relations with hongjoong are concerned. he saw an opening and he took it.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 💗💗💗i'm so happy to hear you enjoyed this wild, wild ride! it's been a fun one, for sure.
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chqnified · 2 years
Love how one of my irl 'friends' thought I'd be devastated that she hadn't even looked at my messages in over 2 weeks and that she had so many messages. Like babes, i have 3 fan accounts, but whatever.
#I didn't say anything. she wanted to see how many unread messages i had and i think that spoke for itself lmao#but like??? i mean tbh i didn't even realise she never responded or looked at them. She's on the list of people i generic reply lol#bless her. she's recently really been trying to embarrass us in some way lately. or attempting to feel superior anyhow#first it was with the grades... i did better than her so she failed at that (not to mention she also cheated but whatever)#then it was the attempt at saying she had sex and kissed someone at a party and she was 'so drunk she couldn't remember ' ...#idk how she thought that was a flex but go off ig#now she's trying to claim she's way more popular and liked than me and that in a way we need her?#like ok.#erin tag#it's comments here and there that really make me think. ok. you're definitely not jealous of us huh?#and don't get me started. she's still trying to twist everything we say into making it seem like we have a crush on her but she doesn't#again go off ig. but we all know the truth. She's the one who follows me around and has to come find me#nobody else will talk to her at break lol#she'd try to make out that i don't have anyone to talk to but her. the difference is. in break i fucking hide from everyone#because they all get on my last nerve atp#I'm just tired?? i have enough issues as is without some immature person trying to jab at me anytime possible#and whilst she doesn't know about our DID. it is perfectly obvious she tries to take advantage of when a little is out#also. despite knowing when we're having an anxiety attack. she'll just purposely leave us and claim we're holding her back from socialising#one time we only agreed to go out with a group of friends bc she said she'd be there if we needed to leave for a break#when time came and we were very stressed and in physical pain too bc haha joints. she made us feel guilty for it?#also she forced us into staying with the group. saying she too had anxiety and leaving the group would make her feel awful.#manipulation at its finest#that's all she seems to be good at. and yk what. i give her the credit of being better at it than us. congrats babes.
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inkareds · 2 years
Unspoken Horrors Jason Todd // 2.2k 
nav // dc m.list // ko-fi
Warnings: Jason Todd is grumpy, angst, emotionally constipated, Jason and you are VERY patient with one another, ps this isn't very well structured by atp I'm too lazy to edit
No one in the family saw you and Jason's relationship coming, but perhaps that's because the two of you knew each other so well that you didn't need to talk to understand.
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There wasn't a single day that would pass without the mildly annoying teases the Wayne family has subjected you and Jason to.
Whether that was Dick's chuckles and wiggling eyebrows when he noticed Jason's cologne sticking to your skin or Damian's offhanded comments to Jason, noting how you could do so much better than him. All was harmless in the world of mischief and terror.
You see, you've been in the family's circle longer than you've been dating Jason Todd. It started when you had begun a friendship with the second Robin, a close enough friendship at that, where he told you he was Robin. Ever since then, you stuck around through thick and thin with the entire Wayne family.
Because you had grown up with them, it became quite a surprise when you and your lover had announced your relationship status to the family. Not because they saw the two of you more like a family, but because of how odd of a pairing it was.
Whilst, it was a given that you'd probably end up with one of them, seeing how close you were with relatively all of them. No one would’ve expected you to end up with, Jason Peter, fucking, Todd.
Everyone suspected you and Dick had Something going on due to how close you were. Always laughing and chucking together, causing trouble and mischief whenever the others weren't around. Having fun with the conversations that never seem to end with how many topics you and he could conjure up.
Or it might've even been with Tim, considering how much time you and he spent with one another. Though not a vigilante yourself, you’ve only ever seemed to train with Tim. Not to mention the hilarious fact that, you were probably the only person who would listen to Tim's rambles about everything and anything. Granted you didn't understand half of the things he was saying, but the fact that you listened anyways was still a big deal.
Hell, while you weren't as close with Duke, Cassandra, Barbara, or even Steph, you seemed to work with them easier than with Jason Todd.
Duke and you had the same humour; Cassandra loved listening while you talked, hanging around with Barbara whilst she worked behind the scenes with the bats was your go-to thing whenever you didn't have work that, and with Steph? The two of you have movie nights close to every week.
It didn't make sense that you ended up with Jason Peter Todd.
The man you barely seem to talk to after his death, the man who barely even participated in the same activities as you, and the man who, to be honest, didn’t seem to care about you as much as the others.
After being asked by a curious and somewhat suspicious, Damian Wayne, Bruce even noted that you and Jason seemed much closer when the latter was still Robin. Everything seemed to change after he died.
They all saw the lingering gazes you'd give Jason whenever he's in the same room as you, only to smile softly and then return to what you were doing. Jason never shared your glances, nor did he ever glance back. He was always busy with whatever he was doing at the moment.
On the other hand, most of the residents in Wayne manor could clearly see how Jason looked out for you in his own way. He'd leave your favourite granola bar and a cup of your favourite hot drink on the counter whenever he knew you would help Barbara whilst everyone else patrols Gotham. Though you never commented on it.
Not like when Dick fussed about you getting caught in the crosshairs of some petty gang fight, causing some bruises here and there, only for you to brush it off and lightly scold him for worrying so much about you and not himself.
Hell, Dick even remembered you commenting more about Jason's unspoken care when the boy was still Robin, teasing him left and right just to see a red blush sweep across the boy's face.
As previously stated, it was as if everything changed after Jason's death.
You knew how the family felt about your relationship with Jason, their doubts about whether your relationship would last or not, and the like. But you also knew that they didn't realize how little changed after Jason's death.
Sure, you and Jason talked less now than you did when he was Robin, but that was only due to the matureness you and he have now. Your conversations were left to be spoken when you were in his bed, warm bodies against one another, as he stroked your hair, and you traced mindless patterns on his bare chest. Those were the times the short conversations would be spoken.
Calm, soft, and full of utmost unbridled love.
There was a silent understanding that only the two of you had. The silent understanding that there was no need for joyous or over the top measures of love to understand one another. Not when your lives have been filled with too much excitement, both the good and the bad.
In one another's embrace, you felt calm. Jason finally lets his heart slow down, relishing in your warm touch, letting the adrenaline of constant fear and awareness leave. In one another, you both felt loved and cared for.
A shared understanding of unspoken care.
That couldn't be more seen during this moment right now. You and Jason both had your own ghosts to deal with. Him perhaps more literal than yours, you wouldn't know. He didn't share much of his experience of being dead. Either way, you both had Something heavy weighing each other down, and on some days. Those weights get too heavy.
So heavy, in fact, that it was tiring to even open your eyes. It was clear you both were made for each other during moments like these.
Today, Dick had decided to come to Jason's apartment, for what you didn't know, though it didn't seem overly crucial like it would've been if it was some vigilante business. As you were in the apartment at the time, and Jason was having one of those bad days, you were the one who invited Dick in.
Once again, Dick noted how odd it was that you and Jason were a couple. As he saw it, you and Jason weren't even interacting with each other.
Instead, Jason was outside on the fire escape, smoking, his eyes clouded over, brows furrowed as he looked into the nothingness that was Gotham city, not even looking in your direction when you placed a glass of water beside where he was sitting.
You only brushed Dick's comment aside. You didn't feel like explaining that it was what Jason needed now; it was what you needed as well whenever you were in one of those moods.
A couple of hours later, Dick finally decided to leave the apartment. Bidding you farewell and making an offhanded humorous comment on how you should drag Jason back into the building before he started to reek of smoke.
The door closed behind him, and that was when you felt a warmer, heavier body against your back. Dick was correct; you should've pulled Jason inside sooner as cigarette smoke clung to his frame. Though that didn't stop you from leaning against his body. Humming in contentment when his arms snaked around your figure. His head making its home on the crook of your neck.
You stayed in that position for a while, with no words spoken between you. The only sounds were yours and Jason's steady heartbeats and soft breathing.
"I sometimes wonder if he's right."
Jason suddenly broke the silent comfort the two of you shared. You only hummed in reply to show that you were listening, as Jason seemed like he wasn't finished with what he was saying.
"We are an odd couple," he spoke against your skin, his voice low and soft, "You deserve someone less," he paused, "Broken," Jason's voice was quiet, just above a whisper when he said that last word. You wouldn't have heard if his head wasn't located right beside your ear.
You would've immediately talked some sense into him if you didn't feel his mouth opening again.
"You deserve the world for keeping up with someone like me, someone who'd ignore you just because he didn't feel like talking. You deserve someone like Dick, I bet he would talk to you if he ever felt down, not bottle it up and let you worry."
Hearing Jason's heartfelt confession, you smiled to yourself. But, of course, you knew he felt this way. It was hard not to feel guilty. You would know you've felt the same guilt repeatedly with your previous relationships. You didn't know if you were a bad person by letting them worry about you when you were just in a state of inconsolable unseen pain.
So, you turned around to face him, his arms never letting go of your body, even as your hands rested on his shoulders, linking at the back of his neck. Sort of forcing him to look in your eyes. You smiled at him; Jason always had the most beautiful eyes.
They were always laser-focused, his brows furrowed in the middle, and his expression, even with the sadness and desperation that coated his voice, was always stoic and watchful. A product of years and years of the hard life he had to endure as a young boy, as Robin, and as Red Hood.
"Do I have to recall to you how many times you went to the other side of Gotham to buy that pastry I loved so much, only to give it to me when I didn't even feel like eating anything? Or do I have to remind you how many times you stayed awake after you went home from patrol, just to be a shoulder for me to cry on whenever my nightmares got too bad even when you were absolutely exhausted?"
You stated as his lips twitched upwards ever so slightly.
"Well, yeah but all those things are-" "Are the greatest thing I could've asked for in a partner." You finished his sentence before he even got to undermine his efforts in consoling you.
"I don't need you to always tell me what's going on in that gorgeous head of yours, I don't need you to spill your worries to me whenever you feel like Something is wrong. All I ask is for you to continue to let me be here with you, to comfort you in the way you like, just like you do to me."
Your hand had slowly crept to his soft hair, and though the smell of cigarette still stuck to him, you didn't mind it as much as you usually would.
"So what if everyone thinks we're a weird pairing? We're not dating for them, we're not broadcasting ourselves for the world to see. I feel loved when I'm with you, I know you feel loved when you're with me, you know better than to think that I need your words to make me feel that way. I don't think I'm that good with words either, so I'm kind of glad you don't need it either."
You chuckled at the end. Only for Jason to let out a burst of soft laughter, his head leaning even more against your fingers.
He looked the calmest during these peaceful, almost domestic moments. Which, to be frank, you never thought were possible between you both. He was like putty in your hands, soft and without his walls up.
"You say that, but here you are, words spilling out of you like you're reciting something off a book." He finally spoke, chuckling, lifting the tense air around you into a calmer one.
You could tell he was finally away from that bad place, his shoulders were relaxing, and a soft smile was left on his lips as he closed his eyes to relish the scratch of your nails against his scalp.
"Would you prefer if I did that?" You said jokingly, "Something like, 'You have bewitched me Jason, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on,' that sound better?"
At this point, Jason was full-on laughing; you followed suit soon after you finished actually reciting a book quote. When you finished, he leaned his forehead against yours, his blue eyes looking into yours.
"Jane Austen? Really? You couldn't be more original?" he teased, "What?! Pride and Prejudice is the pinnacle of romance and love." You jabbed back at him.
"Agree to disagree."
"You are literally not allowed to say that when you've probably read that book a hundred times and the fact that your first copy of the book probably has more than a thousand annotations!"
Finally, the light short jabs with one another continued once more. The moment was refreshing, especially after the ounces of doubts that swam inside Jason's mind just minutes before.
"You should shower, and wash your clothes, it smells like smoke."
"Well then, you're coming with me, you're starting to smell like smoke too!"
"Fuck you, Jason."
"We'll get to that after the shower."
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This was.. to be honest VERY MESSY AHAHAHAHAH I hope you guys enjoy it regardless though! I'm not a big fan of this but eh I liked the concept and kinda rushed writing it
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solarwynd · 10 months
He's corny most of the time since seven era. Tbh i also never mind him mentioning jm cause that's his frnd but like as you said he always has a story to tell about other members but when it's jm i honestly don't remember him telling anything about jm these past 1-2 yrs just should i? Could i? idt he'll do this..?? Do guys want me to do that?, Will he do this? always something negative.
Even namjoon with whom he i think hardly meets (based on their talks) he also has something to tell about namjoon and everyone else but ask him about jm nothing good shit is coming out of that mouth.
What I'm saying is if you don't have anything to say about jm why not ignore the question? I'm sure there's like hundreads of questions from tkkrs (they're the ones who terrorizes his live the most in cmnts) so like go ahead and answer them?? just fking delet jm out of your system or something. The peak was that "idt jm hyung will do this dance challenge with me" I'm like dude you never asked any of them to do shit with you so blame yourself why putting blame on all members?? And he read those questions so many times. Another one is "do live with jm" like it's not like out of 24/7 you two never got time to do a live together just ignore that question if neither of you wants to do it.
idk what's wrong with this dude he be saying there's always saesang around his house but will walk thousands of fans to his house on live, will show every corner of the house atp he's gonna tell his own address by his mouth on the live and then be talking about stalkers.
Seven era is the worst thing to happen regarding him because that personality evolvement (or regression) is not appealing whatsoever. His most irritating offense is whenever those “jeon jimin” comments pop up and he acts like he doesn’t know what the obvious shipper is trying to do. like please don’t play dumb. The only viable reason for him to read those questions is because he knows the type or people who are in those chat logs already and knows that it’ll entice them. It just makes his relationship with jm look like a tool for his own benefit on the outside and given the energy jm puts into each one of his own, to not get it reciprocated on that same scale is kinda shitty to me.
But jk knows how to work people. Cause even going back to seven, I remember that live he did where it first got announced and all of a sudden, it turned into the gymbro hour. He knew who was watching and was trying to get them to rally behind supporting that single. Even his main akagae on twitter called it. And it’s definitely fuck them, but it’s never been a lie. Which is exactly why I always scratch my head when I see a certain breed of people call jm manipulative when that’s highkey jk’s forte 🥴
And the stalkers he’s been having is another thing because it’s a 360 issue. on one hand, he should be able to do lives in his home without needing to worry about people following him there and on the other, he’s unfortunately created a space where people are so comfortable with doing so because he’s extremely open with his personals. For someone of his caliber, it was never smart to do safety wise.
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just a mini rant. skip past it if you want :D
people need to stop making a big deal when they hear someone does poetry... like c'mon...
idk what the big deal is but whenever i tell someone i write poems, the conversation goes 1 of 3 ways:
(based on actual conversations people have had with me)
over interested
me: yeah, i actually write poems.
them: oh really?! wow that's so cool! so you do like open mics and stuff right? you have to tell me when your next one is cause i need to be there!
me: no, i don't actually read them for crowds...
them: well then you need to show me! i'm not letting you go until i hear one!
me: yeah, i'm actually really into poetry.
them: ah... so do you write poems or just read them...?
me: both...
them: for fun? damn...
me: what's wrong with poetry?
them: it's confusing... not to mention that it's for pussies.
assuming?? (idk what to call this ngl...)
me: so i actually love poetry.
them: oh... so you're like...
me: like...? like what?
them: y'know... (insert the stereotypical “gay” hand gesture)
me: ... what does poetry have to do with being homosexual?
them: isn't it a gay thing to do?
me: no. no it's not. anyone can do poetry regardless of their sexuality... you do realise that right?
them: but... you are gay right?
me: fucking hell-
how does me doing poetry concern you!? if you ask and i tell you i do, don't overreact please... just be like “oh that's cool!” and leave it be!
don't go and be too excited cause 9/10 times it comes off as sarcastic or bitchy.
don't go and bash poetry and say it's just for “pussies” cause that's not even accurate.
and don't go assuming i'm gay just because i write poems (like yeah, i am gay, but that isn't the point here).
ik this is basically a rant but i had to say it.
just got a judgemental comment and look from my one family members after i mentioned my poetry and i couldn't not say anything (even if it is to strangers on tumblr who probably won't give a shit abt it either cause let's be real, not alot of people enjoy poetry)🧍
sorry abt this but it's honestly annoying cause i get conversations like this all the damn time and it's ridiculous atp...
thank you for dealing with my useless rant.
if you actually read the bloody thing then you're something else so here's a heart for your patience <3
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