#i'm not telling you your wrong
squidling2005 · 2 years
guys. danny phantom is not possessing his own body. if he was, whenever he was "going ghost" his body would drop to the ground. the electricity killed and jump started his heart while his cells mixed with the ectoplasm powering the portal at the same time.
he's half dead, he can switch between human and ghost because of the change in his molecular structure.
the accident messed with his atoms and gives him more control over his body, he's just using wave function to quantum tunnel and stuff like that.
at least, that's how i see it.
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audhd-nightwing · 4 months
things in DC canon i’ll literally never get over
1. dick finds out batman replaced him as robin (without asking him) from the NEWSPAPER and simultaneously finds out bruce adopted a new kid without telling him (to make things worse: bruce didn’t even adopt dick)
2. dick finds out jason died from the newspaper (AGAIN? REALLY BRUCE?) and bruce had the fucking funeral WITHOUT HIM while he was still in space
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itsguysnightitsironic · 4 months
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Kith and kin.
Sometimes peace doesn't mean a lover's embrace, it means, well, peace.
Love loses! Happy aromantic week!! To me, to you and the whole cast of Avantris characters that have not shown any sign of romantic attraction, adore you.
EDIT: Since Richie asked for Art notes, here they are:
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thanks for coming to my aro-talk.
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utilitycaster · 10 days
if a ship has under 10 fics and someone's read every single one they are valid. If it has under 50 fics and someone's read every single one it's a little intense but also pretty valid. when people are like "THIS SHIP HAS 2000 FICS AND I'VE READ EVERY SINGLE ONE" you KNOW you are dealing with someone with zero standards and whose comprehension of the characters is mostly a vague amalgam/projection of the ghosts of blorbos past. Which is like, a valid way to engage if that's what makes you happy, but you do not want to read their meta.
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
It actually does bother me that eating is treated like spending money - that you have an allotted allowance in the form of calories that you are supposed to budget.
"How are you spending your calories?" I'm spending them on experiences. I'm spending them on time with my community, my people, those who matter to me. I'm spending them on satiating a human need. I'm spending them on the feeling of being alive and not just living.
If there is one experience that I don't want to "pay" for, it's the basic human right of comfort, security, community, and care.
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jacqcrisis · 6 months
Everyone right now: boooooo where's the ukulele?
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deoidesign · 27 days
something that makes me sad is when people tell me the healthy communication in my writing is "unrealistic."
like guys this is how me and my partner talk with eachother... I'm writing from personal experience...
#like it's sad both on the front of 'dehumanizing my real life'#but also on the front of 'you deserve to have healthy communication in your life'#like if you think this is unrealistic it means more than likely you havent experienced someone being patient and understanding with you#and that makes me very very sad#I'm sorry#also it's just rude to tell me my writing is unrealistic LOL like hey#real people talk all kinds of ways. shut up#I've been told it's also in part cause they always understand their own feelings when theyre talking#but I'm like...#theyre like mid 30-early 40 and theyre immortal and theyre going through a lot of shit#I feel like theyve thought about it a lot#also the comic takes place over the course of a year so far#we're seeing the big moments and the fun mysteries#so#its about grown men who love eachother#sorry that they think about what they want to say before they say it#also as if adam isnt constantly wrong and steve isnt constantly pushing shit down#he's only JUST RECENTLY starting to share his emotions as they come up#instead of pretending theyre not there and letting things boil over#I think people just THINK theyre communicating way too clearly because their partner#who loves them#is listening and responding with kindness#like..#idk I have a lot of thoughts about this#would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE for this to spark a discussion#and especially for it to cause people to reread a little more critically#and perhaps even introspect on their own ideas of communication standards#I've been with my partner for 10 years. this is how we talk to eachother
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theflyingfeeling · 7 days
Säynätsalo, 13.6.2024
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thelaurenshippen · 1 month
open ai made a little post about how they chose their chatbot voices and two things stood out to me:
a) I am genuinely pleased and surprised that the voices come from specific real people that they hired and paid, rather than being built off of all of the data open ai has scraped. the voice for siri did one job for one company 20 years ago and now she is literally everywhere without ever being compensated by apple or even acknowledged as the voice. there's simply no way she was paid enough in that original job. whereas, open ai says "each actor receives compensation above top-of-market rates, and this will continue for as long as their voices are used in our products." this could mean literally anything (what market rate are we going above? does continue mean they get residuals or get paid for doing more sessions?) but, christ, at least the actors are doing it with full knowledge of what their voices are being used for and can decide for themselves if the compensation is enough
b) the post talks about working with "award-winning casting directors" to get the voices. first of all, yay for paying casting directors! we love to see it. but they also say the CDs received over 400 submissions in a week and they state that like a big number and it's just...not at all. and look, without knowing the intricacies of the casting process, it's hard to know what approach the CDs took - it's very possible they were selective from the jump and 400 is a lot from the pool they were tapping. 400 would be a lot if you were going to the agencies directly and asking for names, but there's just no way in hell open ai went after big stars for this. so it would've been a pool of unknowns. in which case, 400 is laughably small. even if you're not using the big casting sites like actorsaccess, I've worked on projects with CDs and their own internal systems where we've gotten over 100 submissions for a single role. I've posted roles on casting sites and received literally thousands of submissions in just a few days
look, I have a very limited perspective on this - I am not a casting director (imo, one of the most important and undervalued jobs in hollywood) and I, in fact, hate the process of casting with a passion. but 400 just seemed like such a tiny pool to pull from and, idk, it heartens me! it's heartening to think that there's very little interest from actors and agents to be doing this kind of stuff. and absolutely no shade to the actors who did--I want actors to get their bag however they want as long as it's, like, safe sane and consensual, you know? but there's something encouraging about thinking that open ai hired some big casting agency to get their foot into the voice acting door and people didn't come running
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
I know we all want an og monster hunting trio revival in s5 but consider the following instead:
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It's giving The boys are back in town, the boys of summer, The boys are back. A little mansplain, manipulate, malewife. Very much introducing your new bestie to the one that got away and them hitting it off.
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
In 'vis a vis' Janeway doesn't mention B'Elanna in the list of people who're worried about Tom which implies that B'Elanna didn't report the fact that "Tom" grabbed her arm, called her a disappointment and broke up with her (as Janeway definitely would have mentioned it as evidence of him acting strange if she knew about it) which makes sense on several different fronts but also makes me scream and cry loud enough to break glass.
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rosiethedragongeek · 1 year
Okay so if I'm not mistaken, RTTE was meant to end after four seasons, and got greenlit for a final two seasons later, right? And they obviously had to come up with a final story arc to close it off.
Meaning Johann wasn't meant to be evil for the first four seasons, they just looked at it and realized that basically every single episode since his FIRST EPISODE IN RIDERS OF BERK (dragon flower where he sells Mildew the blue oleander (which is poisonous to dragons)), Johann could potentially have been up to something nefarious and realized that they'd ACCIDENTALLY set up for the biggest, longest building plot twist in the entire franchise like,,,, on. ACCIDENT.
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I love characters not being able to tell they're being deceived by a shapeshifter!
Love the audience not being able to tell they're being deceived by a shapeshifter!!!
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rhaenin-time · 4 months
Is it verging on tinfoil hat territory to laugh about how the egg Aegon II failed to hatch after murdering Rhaenyra was purple?
Or could it be an... easter egg?
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glacier--freeze · 3 months
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[ID: Fanart of Timmy Turner praying at his bedside and saying, "i wish every family vlogger goes to hell no matter what". End ID.]
And their adult fans too! [art by orangefrogg]
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slowestlap · 4 months
After parting with Bradley Scanes following four years together at Red Bull, Verstappen is now working with Rupert Manwaring, who had been Carlos Sainz’s long-serving trainer. Sainz and Manwaring started working together eight years ago when Sainz was at Toro Rosso (now RB).
“We had an exceptional time together,” said Sainz. “We felt it was time to move on. Our lives were becoming different, and him living in the UK and me being more in Italy and Spain, I felt like it was time to change paths. I’m sure Max is going to enjoy the time with him.” Verstappen said it had been “nice” working with Manwaring given his F1 experience, saying he “knows what is needed.”
Verstappen noted managing sickness as being particularly important, as illness becomes inevitable with so much traveling throughout a season. Last year in Saudi Arabia, he came down with a bug that made Red Bull question whether he’d be fit for the race weekend. He only missed media day in the end.
“Everyone gets sick once a year at least,” Verstappen said. “You really try to minimize that, you try to be on top of things, and you know that when you go to certain countries, you know what you have to do to be careful not to be sick or whatever. Jet lag, traveling, it’s really about being well-rested.”
Even at 26, Verstappen is already implementing changes in his approach. “It may sound a bit weird, but I’m not 18 anymore,” Verstappen said. “At 18, you can do whatever you want, even the day before (the race)! Slowly, that is changing as well. I already start feeling that. But I’m sure we’ll come up with good plans on what to do.”
Verstappen, the overwhelming favorite to win a fourth title in 2024 and, one presumes, the majority of the 24 races, said he wanted to “make it as fun as possible” between races and find downtime away from his duties.
“Twenty-four races is a lot, and not only just the race weekend itself,” Verstappen said. “When we get back, there’s a lot of commitments. You have to get back to the factory as well to prepare with sim days, which almost takes a month as well in your schedule already alone.
“(I’m) just trying to make the best of it. Everyone knows I’m not a fan of it. But I don’t decide the calendar.”
How F1 drivers and teams are preparing for 24 races in 2024, the longest-ever season | Luke Smith, the Athletic | 26 February 2024
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