#idk i see so many people who get along so well w people and have affiliated muses
sunnyvaler · 2 years
wish i had that feelin like i really Belonged here u know
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ohbloggerimagines · 1 year
could u write hcs of rocket being possessive/overprotective of reader ;w;
YES because I also think Rocket would be extremely over protective but not in a super weird way like a 'this ones mine and you'll never get it' type idk but yes yes yes
i might add more to this or make another post if i think of more <333
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Rocket would fight any man, woman, or alien who looked at you in any suggestive way, if you let him. 
When the crew is out and about on a planet, he is glued to either your hip, or right behind you.
He’s behind you because he’s blocking anyone from looking at your ass, which is actually his ass. 
He will follow you around if you have to go anywhere off ship. Not just for your safety but because he wants everyone to know what is his. He’d follow you into the bathroom you let him. 
It’s kind of impossible for him to give actual hickies, but claw marks? He will mark you up in the gentlest (or, not so gentle ;) ) way possible with those little nails of his. 
Drunk Rocket is even worse, he gets scary possessive and you’ve had to apologize to many people for him nearly attacking them. He’s growled at people before. 
One time he did attack someone. You had gotten up from the bar to use the restroom and he overheard some guys talking about you, and jumped on them without hesitation. You had to run out of the bathroom, watching him get thrown out of the bar, and seeing the men almost cowering in the corner. You couldn’t help but smile. And of course you had to go after him before he blew something up outside.
He’s pretty crafty, as everyone knows, and he gifted you a necklace with an ‘R’ on it, that he made, just in case no one knew who you belonged to. There is definitely a tracker in it.
Sometimes if the Milano is docked on a shifty planet, he has a hard time falling asleep in fear someone will break in and something might happen to you. He makes sure you fall asleep safely before he does.
Again, he is always in some physical contact with you if he can be, or as close as he can get. If everyone is relaxing on the ship he might as well be sitting in your lap. 
He lowkey (or he thinks he seems lowkey) hates when you want to do things alone. Where are you going without him? Why can't he go with you? He almost interrogates you when you get back. 
Peter often asks you for help around the ship, since you understand him as another Terran and talking to someone similar is just nice, and it makes Rocket very jealous to see you two getting along. He’s sure to let you know later…in private. 
He panics whenever the Guardians get into a fight or battle and he doesn’t see you, it almost causes him to get hurt when he’s distracted looking for you.  
Rocket isn’t necessarily a light sleeper, but he somehow, even in a deep sleep, knows when you're up and walking around, and he’ll grumble “Where do you think you’re off to, doll?” even if it’s just the bathroom. He’ll sit awake until you get back. 
There’s been a few instances where he’s grabbed your face and “You’re mine, got that?” including in public. It makes you squirm. 
He’s an ass slapper. Public, private, he doesn’t care. 
Yondu tried to flirt when you initially met, and Rocket loathed him for it. No one gets to talk to you like that, except him.. The only reason he didn’t go after him is because he was trying to respect Peter. 
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
bro i accidentally unfollowed u when trying to click the askbox so PLEASE ignore that im sorry 😔
starting off strong with velvette:
velvette is a girly girl at heart and she definitely has like a 70 step skincare and haircare routine, that she so graciously shares with you. velvette loves babying you in the sense that she both loves being pampered and pampering you, and she just wants you both to feel pretty ✨ you definitely have spa day dates and she always takes time out of your evening to do nighttime skincare with you
along w this, velvette definitely loves being pampered as well and on days where she's too tired to do so, you'll wipe off her makeup for her while whispering sweet nothings to her while she drifts off in your arms
velvette is one of those people who ALWAYS smells really nice, and definitely has a signature scent. im picturing it but its hard to describe so i'll try my best, but i imagine she smells sweet in a berry type of way, sort of like rasberries and strawberries? but it also has like another very elegant aroma of a hint of peachy vanilla too. idk maybe im just insane. but ANYWAYS she has like a very specific perfume that she wears and when you both first start dating, she not so subtly offers for you to start wearing it too. your hers, so why shouldn't you smell like her as well? this perfume is very expensive and is literally her signature smell, so literally anyone who smells it on you knows your hers and its velvette's subtle classy way of "marking" you
okie okie now some lute hcs too bc i have sm for her and she's my fav and i love sharing my hcs for her ‼️
once she begins to trust you enough, lute would absolutely love it if you cut her hair for her. as someone who used to have like a halfshave buzzcut (that was an... era...) having short hair actually takes a lot of time and energy to maintain bc it grows SO FAST. lute's hair grows pretty fast and it can be quite the challenge to cut on her own, so once she realizes you can cut it for her, she would totally be down to let you cut it
lute teaches you basic self defense, she always wants you to be safe and would feel 100x better if she knew you could defend yourself. sure, you're in heaven, but that doesn't mean danger might not arise elsewhere
even tho lute seems pretty small physically, she's actually ridiculously strong and can and will pick you up! she loves carrying you bridal style, and if you were ever out in public and you were sick of walking, she's definitely the type to scoop you up without another word. she'd even carey your shoes for you if they were the cause of your discomfort!
lute always buys you small gifts like necklaces and charms and loves seeing you wear them. its one of her main love languages and while she isn't great at expressing her feelings through words with her sharp tongue, her gifts are always meaningful
luci 100% has bought you matching couples jewelry before, he LOVES those cute and cringey couples things and if you ever bought him one of those couples' necklaces that connect into a heart, or one of those like puzzle piece rings that connect to eachother, he would NEVER TAKE IT OFF
lucifer loves doing things for you. your really tired and don't feel like taking off your makeup and accessories? dw he'll do it for you!!! he also loves brushing your hair and untangling it, and will put a lot of time and effort into making sure your relaxed and happy
lucifer is big on communication, both romantically and platonically. sometimes he'll randomly ask you if there's anything he can do better or anything he can improve on, and will always take your advice
he makes you so many things!!!! from jewelry to ducks to trinkets, you definitely have a shelf in your room dedicated to gifts from lucifer. he gets really invested in making them too, he loves putting intricate details and designs onto each of his creations
lucifer would cook for you and he's surprisingly really good at it. it was one of his random depression hobbies that he picked up during liliths absence, and nearly every morning he's up before you to cook you breakfast
MORNING PERSON (derogatory and affectionate). this man is up at the ass crack of dawn just to help you get ready for the day. he'll lay put your skincare/toothbrush for you, wash your face for you, cook you breakfast, help you with your hair, he just loves helping you get ready. he always gives you a kiss on each cheek before you leave the house, and you make sure to do the same!!!!
THIS GOT SO LONG HELP 😭😭😭 i was gonna do vox hcs but i figured i can always save them for later i dont wanna crowd this ask up too much AJBDJS- ANYWAYSSSS HOPE U FEEL BETTER ELLIE UR WRITING ALWAYS MAKES ME HAPPY SO I HOPE THIS CAN MAKE U HAPPY!!!!
So Velvette and spa days literally just make so much sense like they would be so amazing oh my god. She would absolutely love to style your hair after too, and the perfume idea is so genius like that’s very in character, I SALUTE YOU.
Lute and gift giving as a love language like… just makes sense. Because she doesn’t strike me as someone who’s particularly skilled at communicating her emotions, especially when it comes to love. So like she would absolutely be all up on the gift giving business, but like literally anything she sees in a store window for a small second and is like “y/n likes that color.” Like bro is like a raccoon she just brings you shit.
And Luci oh my god he’s such a cutie! I’m so glad everyone recognizes Lucifer and his “Oh, he’ll cook for you” energy because that is so him. Also morning bird Lucifer is adorable and I get the feeling he’s one of those people who is obnoxiously loud in the morning, like you wake up to pans banging together clumsily from the kitchen where he’s cooking you breakfast or Lucifer accidentally dropping some super loud object in the bathroom.
ANYWAYS TO SUM UP, I LOVE THESE HEADCANONS! Days I have Rose rambles in my inbox are GOOD DAYS 🙌
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mahboimahboi · 9 months
okayyy so i’ve been feeling angsty recently (idk why😭) but i was wondering if i could request a story where the actor Mackenyu and the reader go out for drinks and after a little the reader goes to the bathroom to cool off for a little but when he comes back to where Mackenyu and him were staying he sees him making out with a girl and basically getting into it so reader decides to just leave him there and the next day they argue and basically break up☹️
(also ur last story was so good bru)
DRINKS AND TIES x M!Reader (featuring Actor Mackenyu)
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You let out an exhausted sigh, finally able to put your pen down. You let out a groan while stretching your limbs, after being sat in the same position for more than half an hour. The male who was rested on your bed noticed your tired body, smiling softly as he stood from the bed and went up to you to give you a hug from behind. "You know, you can take a rest, right?" He said, as he placed a kiss on your cheek sweetly before he starts massaging your tense muscles near your shoulders. "Does this feel good, babe?" He asks you, while you nod your head and let out a satisfied sigh.
"I'm feeling really drained. I need some kind of pick me up." You told him, gasping when you though of an idea. You held onto his hand and raised your head up to see Mackenyu who was looking down at you, anticipating what you have in mind. "Wanna go out for drinks? My treat." You suggested, the taller male smirking and perked his brows up playfully. You giggled in reply and smiled from ear to ear. "Let me just get changed and we'll leave right away." You patted the side of his arm and went to your closet to grab something to wear.
Once you've finally gotten into a change of clothes, feeling comfortable you and your boyfriend finally left, walking hand-in-hand. It became a habit between the two of you when you both went out together or went for a walk. Along the way, Mackenyu would strike up conversations to make the journey seem a lot faster; distracting you. "Babe, I want to ask you a question." You hum in reply, telling him to continue. "Why did you choose me? Out of all the people?" He asked, curiosity laced in his voice.
The sides of your lips move upward, holding the male's hand tighter. "Well, to simply put it, I only loved you." You answered him, the other male blushing upon your sudden choice of words. Fortunately for him, it was already dark and the red color on his face was never seen. "I know when you start getting flustered by my words when I feel your hands start to heat up, so even the dark can't hide what you truly feel from me." You chuckled.
"W-Well, I, uhm, aren't you gonna ask me the same question?" Mackenyu questions, you looking up at him.
"Okay, then. Why did you choose me?"
"Because, you are the only person who made me feel so many things in so many different ways by just being yourself." He answered. "You weren't afraid to show me who you truly are and I like that the most about you. I love you, Y/N." He lifts your hand up to his lips and kisses the back of your palm and grins.
"I love you, too, Arata." You replied to him.
Soon, although it was against Mackenyu's will, he knew he couldn't do anything if you've already set your head into it. With a squeal, you pulled Mackenyu inside with you, the male laughing softly at you. You find a place near the bar isle and sat down there, laughing to each other since it was your first time to enter a bar.
The bartender comes and asks you both for what drinks you wanted to order. "Hmm, anything you can suggest for us?" You asked the bartender who smiles and whips up a drink for the both of you before he introduces you to the name of the drink, 'Ocean Blue'. Astonished, you looked at him impressed and chugged the whole glass down your throat.
"Y/N, don't be so careless. You know you get drunk easily." Mackenyu told you, taking small gulps from his glass, while looking at you concerned. You didn't heed his words and kept on drinking, even pressuring the other male to have a drinking race and if he had the least to drink, he'd be the one paying. Mackenyu not wanting to spend all the money away that he is saving to buy you that new game console that you've always teased him you wanted to receive on your birthday, accepted your challenge.
With one more chug and you're completely lost, already drunk. You started seeing double of everything, feeling really dizzy. "Uh, A-Arata, I'll just be at the restroom." The male insisted he'd go with you, but you politely declined even though you knew yourself you couldn't stand on your own two feet anymore, wobbling all the way to the comfort room. Sitting on the toilet top inside a cubicle, you rested there for a while to cool off and planned that after, you'd ask Mackenyu that you and him should head home already.
Suddenly, you felt your stomach churn. You stood up quickly and open the toilet bowl where you threw out all the drinks you've drank. Feeling a lot better, still a little dizzy, you wiped your mouth with a tissue and clumsily head back towards your seat beside Mackenyu, apologizing to every people you ran into. Not being able to look where you were going, you bumped into a waitress, causing her to spill all the drinks on your shirt, making you gasp. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" You told her, but the waitress shakes his head, telling you that it was her fault for not being careful and offers you tissues to wipe your now wet shirt.
But, you immediately stop. Your heart aches at the sight and all you could feel was anger and betrayal. There in the dark where you were once seated with your boyfriend, you see your 1 year lover settling his lips on a girl's, the two of them hooking up like you didn't existed and to add more salt to the scar, they looked like they were enjoying themselves. Tears welled up in your eyes, letting them all fall down in one go, not able to hold them back anymore. Hurt, you immediately left the place, you didn't even care that you were fucking drunk with no one to help you walk straight. "F-Fuck..."
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The next morning, the hangover you felt, was nothing compared to the pain you felt in your chest. How? Why? Those were the questions that lingered in the back of your head, trying your best to answer and find the things you lacked. As you prepared to get to your class, the door to your supposedly dreamhouse with Mackenyu suddenly opens. You turn to look at the male who had own disheveled clothes, messy hair, and the smell of someone else's perfume on him. Judging by the look on your face and the way how you didn't ran to him when he arrive like usual, he knew that you are aware. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I was drunk." Was the only words he could muster to say, making you scoff at his stupidity.
"Sorry? You were drunk? You're seriously blaming it all on the alcohol? Arata, what the fuck? Are you hearing yourself?" Your anger seeps out, the words you wanted to tell him slipping past your tongue. "'Drunk' does not mean you didn't have choice, Arata. You did, but you chose to let that bitch ride your thigh and fucking kiss her!" You gritted out, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
Mackenyu sighs. "Y/N, just stop fussing about that and move on. It was just one mistake." Hearing those words, you couldn't believe he could ever say that. You always thought that he was smart, but he suddenly became the dumbest person you knew in just a snap of a finger. "At least I didn't get her pregnant."
You chuckle in disbelief, eyes knitted together "Wow. And am I supposed to thank you for that, now?"
"Y/N..." Mackenyu's voice sounded like he was begging snd although it hurt, you can't just give in. You just can't.
Your anger rises up into your whole system, turning your fists into balls. You look at the male with a glare. He is starting to irritate you. "Arata, where were you even after I left?" You asked him, trying to sound calm, but what made you snap was when he stayed silent snd didn't answer. "Where did you go, Arata, after I left?!" You yelled at him.
The guilty male falls to his knees and starts tearing up after realizing what he had done to you, to his precious relationship with you. Knowing he was the one at mistake he never said anything and remained quiet. "Arata... what happened to you? Why are you doing this? Am I not good enough?"
"No, Y/N. Of course not." He answered.
"Then, why?! How could you dare break my heart, Arata?" Your tears finally fell from your eyes, all the pain, becoming too unbearable to handle anymore. You thought you were happy with Mackenyu, so what went wrong? "Guys like you... You always think after one single apology you'd be able to fix everything you've broke. Arata, not only did you break my heart. You broke me." You broke in between your tears, sobbing a few times, trying to sound as audible as you can. "Mackenyu, I'm sorry. But, one mistake is enough to make me lose my trust in you. If you did it once, what makes me think that you won't be able to do it again?" Your voice was gentle, yet all the hurt you felt is laced on your voice.
"Y/N, I promise. I will never do it again." Mackenyu begged for you to stay, but you couldn't.
You sniffed. It isn't your first choice to be apart with your boyfriend, but you can no longer love a man who tore your heart to pieces. "Mackenyu, it's time we break ties and part our ways. It may be just one mistake, but to me it's more than what you think. It's a trauma. I'm sorry, but I have to leave."
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rayasland · 4 months
You ought to learn how the tags on this website work, the definition of pedophilla, and how to prevent trivialising acts of pedophilla against children. Focus your efforts on real children, instead of bitching about authors aging characters up, ie. Imagining them as fictional adults and not thinking about abusing fictional children.
Your behaviour is not productive, and not benefiting anyone. Advocate for real children being sexually abused, it will be a far better use of your time. + Puritanism is inherently bad and hinders on depriving us of our rights.
[edit] oh mb i didnt actually read it gimme a sec b4 i reply
[edit2] the excessive use of the tags were on purpose, just scroll if u find that annoying or send someone asks whos constantly doing it
im aware of how they work, it was just a way to get peoples attention cuz we all know nobody would see it without them. im also now aware of the fact i may have over done it with the tags, i didn’t register how many i “clogged up”
u couldve moved along instead of wasting UR time writing this
even if its not real its just… weird to do theres nothing more to say
the post wasnt meant to say “pedophillia against real children isnt as important as aging up anime kids and we shouldnt pay attention to them” just seeing how many people agree with me abt whats on that post and if u dont or js dont think its important dont bother interacting please🙏🏾
i do agree w u that we should advocate for real children going through sa which im pretty sure a lot of people are already doing, but i wanted to bring to light how normalised js writing smut for minors(although fictional) is and how justifying it by saying “its a character” or saying “i aged them up” is strange
part of my point is writing smut involving underage anime characters, even if they are "aged up" or fictional, is still inappropriate and can contribute to the normalization of harmful behaviors irl as well as minors objectification because even if they’re “aged up” in your head it doesnt erase the fact you’re fantisizing over a fictional character who is meant to be treated and viewed as a child
also idfk what puritans rlly are only that they’re a different version of catholic which i dont know of either so idk what u mean there
this was written late at night if sum doesnt make sense lmk have a great day
btw im adding tags AGAIN to spite u 💋(referring to all that went in my asks to complain abt it)
thats all im saying for now im going to bed 🫡
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luvring · 1 year
idk if ur reqs are open but I would love to hear your thoughts on Vere 👁️👁️ hes literally dominated my entire headspace I can’t go ten minutes w/o thinking ab how I want to bite his forearm
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gn!reader | back 2 knocking these guys out of the park. also i realized these are shorter than my hq bf hcs so. if anyone wants a pt.2 for anybody.. u know what to do
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i think u Should bite his arm. For Fun. vere w bite-y partner who he bites back. 'gently' considering he has fangs though
congratulations on being one of 2 people he'd let touch and brush his tail. sometimes he swishes it against your face and then pretends he didn't. "i have no idea what you're talking about," he says before making direct eye contact and doing it again
he likes drawing. ok. have we considered him drawing you. you ask him about it and he says he won't show you. you tease him and ask "what? did you draw sparkles and hearts surrounding me?" and he plays along, "yes, i even checked what i'd look like with your last name and drew us kissing."
It's actually quite a nice sketch of you though. like of you smiling or asleep or something because you fell aslep near him. oh man...
vere knows all the ins and outs of the city which means he can give you a personalized tour that caters to all your interests!! you can ask him to take you to his favourite spots too of course but he feels very accomplished watching you grin in the store he purposely walked by
shocked if you get him a gift. acts nonchalant and is good enough at accepting things but internally, especially if it's something he's been eyeing for a while or has sentimental value,, he . He....
like yeah okay vere...act all cool...as if your eyes don't flicker over whenever you walk past it...as if you don't catch yourself smiling subconsciously...whatever
definitely tries cooking your favourite meal. doesn't go very well, especially if it's something he's never had, but he'll keep practicing until he makes something decent. don't ask how many attempts he did because he won't tell you unless he somehow started a fire and even Then the truth is debatable
if YOU know how to cook it Please for the love of god teach him, or write down the recipe for both your sakes. for the kitchen. plea
everyone tells him/the both of you to shut the hell up whenever you start flirting back and forth/competing to see how many innuendos you can feasibly say. the both of you team up only to bully everyone else for being single before continuing
asshole if you played uno. i'm not competitive nor do i give two shits if i lose at uno but even i would lose it watching vere push for whatever stacking rule he needs to get someone a +20. watch your cards or he'll manage to look over at them. do not trust a single deal he tries. watch his ears and tail i'm sure he has a tell
really good at helping build confidence . what ais said about him being honest but also not trusting anything he says yeah well this is when he'd be completely honest. easily reminds you how capable you are of something, knows what makes you confident, etc etc. and you just ? know you can trust him? it's the vibe. how he says it so plainly as if it's obvious
don't try to lie to him about things. like if you're upset about something it is So obvious to him no matter how hard you try and he'd really appreciate it if you would tell him why or ask to talk about it later when you're ready.
^ as someone who wants to piss her pants at the thought of being direct or whatever,, he'd also be very good at knowing when to push or not. if you respond better to a lighter/gentle reminder i'm sure he would do so :heart:
i have a feeling this guy would be incredibly incredibly incredibly into you asking to post him on any socmed. do you want his face in it. do you want it to be a little spicy. should he pose. actually he probably pouts a little if you want a faceless pose but bro why does it matter if there is not a cm of space between us. why is your hand around my neck rn /lh You know the poses
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rach-amber · 4 months
Hi, it’s me again (:
What was your favorite character traits about Rachel Amber?
Hey! Happy to see you and boy what a great question, thank you! Loaded answer ahead; TLDR, see the good in Rachel Amber.
Rachel's many things. Pretty, hot, charming, stylish, not to mention her lovely voice, these physical traits are already a great start for many. Then you have functional traits-- ambidextrous (can I just say that's hella cool, omg I want that too), social genius/people skills, straight As student, drama queen, masked with a layer of mystery, many people would've already fallen for her, in-game and out, me being one of them when I first got to know her as a character (so pretty much those were my fav traits of her).
But if we strip her physical beauty down and shove aside her fascinating skillset, who is she really? We may never know 100%, but some character traits can still be found.
Here are some of my favourite (&underrated) Yangs to Rachel Amber's sides. aka why Rachel Amber should get more love & less hate from the fandom
Ofc there are exceptions, but those are not relevant in this post; assumptions & headcannons are added
1. A good heart
Kindness to me will always be one of the most important character traits to have for anyone. With all that powerhouse of a Rachel Amber can accomplish, she chooses to use them with kindness.
With her social skills she chooses to lift people up, saving Hayden from a quickly-escalating scolding from Mr Keaton in ep 1, asking Chloe in a nuanced way if she's "taking (getting kicked outta Blackwell) this a little too well", kinda guiding her independent thinking rather than directly telling her what's right or wrong. (There'd be constructive criticism between Chloe & Rachel, which I stan in a relationship/friendship.)
With her intelligence she tutors Justin & helped him improve his algebra from an F to a C I believe? That's pretty impressive, ngl
with her ambidexterity.. idk, she makes Chloe happy :> (yes i'm totally referring to doing graffiti with her left hand on Chloe's insistence *cough*)
This is why I'm inclined to believe that tornado was not Rachel's revenge. She'd never choose to put Chloe, her parents, her friends, at risk; if she wanted revenge she could've killed the men w her powers. Sure you can say some of these might be her trying to live up to her DA father / principal assistant's duties, but at least she chose to do them. She could very well be a kid who doesn't give a damn or fluff through some of these things that requires time & effort.
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2. Sees the good in others!
One of the most underrated Rachel Amber traits imo. This girl literally has a reputation of "her friends are her friends", and does not discriminate in terms of friendship/who she hangs out with. She picked Chloe up from her lowest (saw her & praised her for backtalking the biker, defending Nathan, & "you're more of a hero than you think you realise", when Chloe didn't take Drew's money). Rachel stuck with Chloe when no one else did (puts up with her sh*t, which ofc Chloe does the same), literally chose Chloe to share her uncertain future outside Arcadia, did not take her chance to leave when she could in those 3 years, most likely cuz she wanted to leave with Chlo. She also hung out with Nathan (& Chloe when so many wouldn't), saw the good in Frank (yes. same as Nathan & Chloe his reputation is far from great and despite the unhealthiness of this relationship, she at the very least cared for the guy, & saw the humanity inside him), & very sadly fell for the portrayed "gone through some serious shit" act by Jeffers*n, all these showing her being an empathetic & sympathetic person.
I'll add non-judgemental as well, cuz it's why she's able to get along with so many people so well. Like what her VA Kylie Brown says in an interview, whoever you are, Rachel'd be like "hey you're a pretty cool person, let's talk!" It's inspiring. I love that about her. Gotta have more Rachels in the world.
3. Ambitious. Puts in the hard work. Persistent.
"One day, I'm gonna climb Mt Everst." says a 15 year old Rachel in Bts, who has posters of travelling in Asia (the green poster has Chinese words saying "go travel in China", amongst others), already speaks about her courage & ambition. And of course, leaving Arcadia with no one but Chloe for a better life. Yes you can say it's reckless, because it's a big idea for a teenager, but she didn't just give up on it. It stuck with her, and she worked hard for it. Doing photoshoots to get modelling jobs, maintaining her 4.0 GPA, finding opportunities to leave... she did those for 5 years. And in the comics universe, they made it out! Now they're over 22yos with an LA apartment, Rachel's in modelling gigs with her acting career kicking off... what could've been for game Rachel. (oh the things I'd do for Bts' ending to be Max appearing in the nick of time instead of that damn vibrating phone!) Also I wonder if in some universes, like the wheelchair Chloe one, a missing Rachel could mean she actually made it out without others knowing, instead of the darker end.
4. Caring & thoughtful & protective & passionate partner/friend/lover!
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She listens to Chloe's problems (therapy session), she gives Chloe nice clothes to wear within the few days they'd met (what financially challenged Chloe needed, & in a way that wasn't awkward for Chloe), she sends post cards to Chloe while she's away (she thinks about her often), & "don't f****ing touch her". Passionate lover, I mean.. the way she kissed Chloe under that lamp (with high intimacy of course) is good enough an example. Chloe's the romantic one in my head. Rachel, the passionate.
*the way she puts her hand on C's shoulder after wiping her tears, OmO*
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So far these are the character traits I can think of, and your question helped draw out Rachel's positive sides that are too under-recognised. Thanks again! :)
These links helped me understand Rachel & Amberprice better, here for people's reference:
Because I choose to see the good in Rachel, I'm her defender through and through. Join me, if you can.
Edit: damn I literally wrote an essay, maybe 1 day there'd be a video!
This pain wouldn't be for Evermore.
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catgirlbussy · 10 months
holy shit i just realised im autistic
i know this seems like a shitpost, and tbf i am laughing at myself pretty hard rn. it's dawning on me at 6 AM after being awake all night, but (if you care, and if you don't feel free to ignore too, have a nice day!) hear me out, cause this genuinely feels meaningful and insightful for me with how my life has gone so far. I spent an hour writing this post in hopes someone might find it helpful too :3c
If you don't wanna read my post pls enjoy this picture of our famous friend autism baby stackin those cans before you go~♪
(source: wikipedia)
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like i already /knew/ I was before this moment, but i was thinkin about what i used to do as a kid and wow i am so autistic how the fuck did i not realise sooner. It straight up wasn't until I was already well into my 20's that I started to meet other autistic people online and learned about their experiences and difficulties from talking with them that I realised a lot of things they described matched for me too.
I live in assfuck nowhere so most of my life the only few times that I had met autistic people were like, folks who were nonverbal or whatever, just generally needing direct assistive care, and I never bothered to look things up on my own because I was already inundated with the pressures of growing up, school, mental health, etc. I remember one of the first times I had built up the courage to ask anyone about it, I was in the hospital because of mental health issues. This was in my second year uni, and when one of the doctors assessing me was asking me questions, I said I thought maybe I was autistic. He promptly and with a fair amount of snark told me that if I was autistic I wouldn't have gotten into university.
Thinking back, he was probably just an exhausted, fresh outta school resident with no special interest in psychiatric care (and also just seemed to suck in general), but it was enough that I shelved the idea for another 5 years.
Lo and behold, now I am lying here in bed, just absolutely gobsmacked by the VERY REAL idea that im autistic and like holy shit I feel so vindicated.
I've been on tumblr for just a bit, but I see a lot of folks talking in various neurodivergent circles about their experiences and that's been so wonderful for me. I also have a few good friend groups w/ a lot of neurodivergent folks, and that's been really exciting too.
Like, I'm still processing this cognitively as I'm writing, so please pardon this ill patterned post, but this feels like such a beneficial thing for me. Over time I've adapted a few strategies here and there to help myself accomplish various tasks, but now I feel so empowered to, like... actually figure stuff out.
Even after feeling confident I was autistic, it was this nebulous, floating concept in my head for so long of, "oh yeah im autistic or something idk," that I never really dedicated much effort to finding healthier ways to do things that didn't irk me or whatever. I don't feel like the label /itself/ is what is important to me here, but rather the awareness around why I do so many things in the ways that I do and that it's /okay/ that I do.
I don't want this post to go on too much longer, but I feel it's worth noting that I've fought for years with my family because they didn't understand why I was going about things the way I did. Again, remember, they all grew up in this cloistered hellhole too. But, surprise surprise, the times in my life that I have been doing better than any other are when I felt confident enough to ignore what everyone was trying to get me to go along with and instead just fashioned my own best methods (which also sometimes included informing said overbearing individual(s) to go fuck themselves cause I'm busy doing shit. It's hard for them to argue with me telling them as much when I would be completing X objective well, which is what they wanted in the first place).
I don't want to make this sound like I'm trying to be overconfident, but I mention as much instead as a sign of support for other neurodivergent folks to feel similarly empowered to drum to their own beat. Thinking back, I went from almost failing high school and ultimately retaking a grade to excelling in all my classes. Every single one. I know that's a relative assessment, you got variable difficulty levels, etc., and the grade score isn't important in and of itself, least of all because the school systems here (Canada) are a mess it seems, but just that alone as an idea, within the parameters of a particular system, I went from initial abject failure to thorough and lauded success.
Just think of what so many people could do if they weren't being pigeonholed into formats that absolutely aren't working for them.
I already have a boatload of (genuinely helpful by way of enabling access to proper education and treatment) diagnoses from my history of working with my (very wonderful and genuinely caring and helpful) psychiatrist that match with what I know about the neurodivergence term umbrella like ADHD, OCD, and bipolar, so it seems |autism| will feel quite at home in the group ^w^. I'll ask her about it at my next appointment to see if an official diagnosis has any value versus me just continuing to figure things out on my own.
Either way, I am thrilled right now thinking about the next time I get to shout
while an electric guitar squeals and lightning strikes all around me and I make cool stuff happen :3c.
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thespoonisvictory · 2 months
Okay, I need to know what your thoughts are on whether the Ratgrinders (and which members if it's not all of them) will be redeemed or not.
***** pre warning that brennan has bamboozled me thoroughly and I have few coherent thoughts on the mystery at hand other than looking at theories and going "well that's dumb" which I recognize is unhelpful.
I think the Ratgrinders have a large sympathetic element to them as a group that is yet to be revealed. That could be a lot of things, but starting first with the fact that we don't have a clear motivation for why exactly they were xp grinders rather than truly adventuring, what's up with that? To me, it doesn't read as a malicious act against rats, lol. To me, it reads as the 11 year olds afraid to play Minecraft off of peaceful mode, OR the people who think that highschoolers risking their lives to get grades is unfair and scary, OR maybe people who just want to game the system to prove it's unbalanced. Either way, that feels to me like a pretty big piece of the puzzle we're missing, and would give us a better idea of the group.
Additionally, I think the Rat Grinders are, or at least were, friends the way the Bad Kids are, which is another big sympathetic element. Kipperlily points out that they are a parallel to them in the way that they are/were six very different people who found their way to each other. I think their friendship is going to be revealed to be in many ways Exactly like the Bad Kids, closeness and loyalty and all. Maybe Kipperlily isn't a part of that, or she's deceiving them, but how far would the Bad Kids let Riz go down a crazy plan? How much trouble would they have put up with from Kristen if she kept going down the path she was at the start of the year? How much would they do for each other?
All this to say, I don't think we've seen a full view of what the Rat Grinders look like yet. If Lucy was friends with them for almost two years after all, surely there's something more there. That makes all of them to me, again with the arguable exception of Kipperlily, plausible to be redeemed, or revealed to have had decent intentions and turning out to be an ally.
As for more specific, kind of meta-gamey guesses (minimal evidence just vibes):
Oisin feels like a potential good guy or absolutely irredeemable, leaning towards the former. Either he's a Hans, or he doesn't know quite what's going on as exemplified by Kipperlily keeping him out of the loop on the materials smuggling w Aewlyn. I just doubt Brennan would dangle a love interest like that as a villain for Adaine, when her character has had very little romance thus far. It feels both like he knew Siobhan was too smart of a player to take that as bait, and wouldn't want to punish socially anxious Adaine opening up to someone outside of the group. OR he's evil idk this most recent ep was pretty damning.
We've barely seen any of Ivy, but she gives me big "pulling away emotionally from the disaster that is this friend group and bracing for impact" energy. wild shot is that I bet she was one of the closer people to Lucy, and is detached from everything after her death, maybe just going along with KL's plans for the hell of it. Will maybe slink away unscathed but unredeemed.
Ruben is interesting, and I think after KL one of the more involved people in the plot given his involvement in the festival. Could see him being redeemed, think it's more likely he'll go out in a Wanda Childa themed blaze of glory.
Mary Ann I think just loves her friends and is loyal to them. Whether that means she's being manipulated or doesn't even need to be, unclear.
Buddy o7
Kipperlily? No fucking clue. I think we're missing a big piece of her and doubt that Brennan would this simply villify a 16 year old girl with so many clear issues. What we're missing? Simply not a clue. She's crazy to me and I love her
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
hello 🫶🏻🫶🏻 can i req a peter parker x stark!reader who r also bffs (with feelings 4 eachother) where both of them have this little game they like to play with eachother where they make up like insane conversations and the other has to follow along until they get tired ?? like “oh you look fine even though you got stabbed by an alien yesterday” “u dont look too shabby for someone who had to give birth to a baby” IDK like anything u want but they didnt know that their conversations were getting overheard by the other avengers and once the avengers come together and talk about it they’re like wait.. why the fuck does it sound like [] have two children at home and are secretly married IDK ANYTHING U WANT BUT AS CRAZY AS POSSIBLE i love crack fics
TYSM <33
— 🦜
i've been putting this off bc i love the idea and want it to be perfect so i stayed up late last night and in my delirious haze i came up with some dialogue prompts and i woke up this morning and found it in my notes so here's the beaut! i lowkey love it thank you 🦜 !!
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞
peter parker x stark! reader
summary: at first, you and peter were like "let's see who can uphold the most ridiculous conversations," but bro... you don't think the sexual tension is a joke anymore, and neither do the other avengers.
w/c: 3.1k
notes: crack crack crack, fluff, swearing, many sexual innuendos (and also just jokes about sex outright) and swears (c'mon it's me), mentions of abortions and roe v wade in a humorous context, murder, cannibalism, and foot fetishes in a humorous context, one "ur mom" joke, if it sounds crazy that's because it is crazy and i think u should just read it already
you and peter’s friendship was anything but normal. well, you supposed, nothing could ever be normal for the two of us. peter’s an arachnid abomination and i’m the daughter of an egotistical billionaire who cosplays as a flying suit.
there were two ways in which your relationship was unusual. one: the practically nonexistent line between platonic and romantic, which everybody just always had to point out. the two of you had always been a bit touchy-feely—to be fair, mostly with each other, but were you really to blame? you were stuck in a tower full of traumatized assassins, spies, and people in metal suits; it wasn’t like there was any good cuddling options around. peter was a self-described “nerd and loser,” so girls weren’t exactly lining up to cuddle with him either. 
two: you had a game going on (if it could even be called that). peter had a hard time transitioning into an “official” member of the team, so you, being the coolest and closest to his age, tasked yourself with the responsibility of being his friend.
what started as making up nonsensical greetings or coming up with more and more obscure versions of “see ‘ya later, alligator” had spiraled into a competition of who could keep the most ridiculous conversations going.
you were sitting beside natasha at the kitchen bar, the two of you nursing copious amounts of black coffee and sporting dark eye bags. (so maybe karaoke with katy and shang-chi on a wednesday night wasn’t the greatest idea you’d ever had.)
peter took a double-take as he made his way towards the fridge, looking perfectly refreshed and wide awake.
“lookin’ good!” peter clicked his tongue at you in greeting, smirking at the scowl on your face. he knew you would’ve flipped him off had you not been holding your drink.
“thanks,” you drawled sarcastically. “i’ve been trying this new diy skincare routine, where you use curdled breastmilk as a face mask for 20 minutes. it’s really helping with my dark circles.”
natasha, the woman who was never caught off guard, was caught off guard.
peter hummed thoughtfully as he poured himself a glass of milk, which he was now losing his appetite for. “20 minutes seems pretty short, don’t ‘cha think? i keep my menstrual blood mask on for at least 35 minutes.”
you scoffed, taking a large swig of your coffee and wincing at its bitterness. “yeah, well you should probably do it for longer. i can see your premature wrinkles forming from here.”
peter slipped into the seat beside you and smiled in greeting to natasha, whose eyes were bleary and unfocused. peter turned to shove his face close to yours.
“hm, maybe you should try juice cleansing. your skin is looking awfully dull today, unlike mine, which is dewey and radiant.”
you rolled your eyes. “sure, dude. look at your birdnest for hair.” you tangled your fingers through his mess of curls and scratched his scalp. peter couldn’t hide the content groan that slipped from his mouth.
“if my skin is dull, your hair is practically straw. unlike mine, which is easy, breezy, beautiful: covergirl.” you made a big show of preening your bedhead.
natasha made gagging noises. “alright, you two are disgusting. in more ways than one. can you please stop, because i’m so hungover right now and i will not hesitate to aim my projectile vomit onto one of your faces.”
you and peter looked at each other with big grins. peter shot finger guns at natasha. “eyy, that’s the spirit!”
you and peter found it especially funny to start these sorts of conversations in front of steve and bucky. not only were the two perplexed by modern lingo, they were also the most gullible two people on the team, which made them easy targets.
bucky and steve exchanged testosterone-fuelled jabs at each other in the sparring ring as you tied your shoelaces as peter sprayed his face with water. the two of you listened to the grunts of exertion and the various gruff noises that filled the air to appease the two supersoldiers’ masculinities.
you sighed, stretching your sore arms. you and peter had been fooling around with the gym equipment for an hour now, waiting for bucky and steve’s match to finish (and it didn’t look like either of them planned on backing down anytime soon). with a final tug on your shoelaces, you looked up at peter curiously, who blushed at your wide, innocent eyes. or perhaps he was just red from the exercise.
“you smell really good,” you commented, bumping your shoulder against his. “what cologne do you use?”
peter paused to consider his response. “it’s… my au naturale body odor. it’s cruelty free and uh, vegan.”
“that’s so earth conscious of you!” you gushed, running a warm hand up and down peter’s arm. though he was sweaty, gross, and overheated, he shivered at your touch.
“y-yeah. i haven’t showered in three weeks. it really enhances the… musky base notes of the scent. it’s very masculine,” he nodded as if he knew what he was talking about.
“well, it’s very aromatic. i like it.” you patted peter’s bicep definitively, jumping to your feet as you bent in half to stretch out your limbs. peter stared at your ass toned calves, and thought that he should work on his legs as well.
“oh hey, it looks like bucky and steve are done!” you pointed at the two heaving supersoldiers, who had stopped fighting altogether so they could stare at you and peter.
bucky mouthed “what the fuck?” to steve. steve mouthed “language” back.
peter was busy scrawling illegible physics notes as he, tony, and bruce watched planet earth intently. bruce was busy jabbering away at the “incredible biological discoveries” that david attenborough was narrating, and tony was absentmindedly filing his nails while occasionally poking peter in the back with his toe to correct him on a mistake he’d written.
“hey dad. bruce.” you caught sight of peter’s unmistakable form, hunched over the glass coffee table with papers scattered haphazardly across the surface and a bulletpoint pen between his teeth tha you found very seductive endearing.
“hey peter!” you squeaked. “it’s- uh, fancy seeing you here!” you blurted, cheeks heating as peter turned to you with his cute stupid fucking glasses.
“hey,” he raised his eyebrows. “you come here often?” peter purred lowly.
you gulped, unsure as to why he was bothering you so much today. maybe your period had come early.
“no, actually. i was stopping by to meet my real estate agent here; i’m loving this property,” you played along, tucking yourself into peter’s side.
“ah, well, they’re not here at the moment. i think they got stopped at security—something about smuggling exotic animals. but i could be your tour guide, if you want? i’m very… thorough.” peter waggled his eyebrows.
david attenborough began discussing whale mating habits.
“oh, are you now?” you challenged, biting your lip smugly as you watched peter began to stutter.
“y-yes, i am. and, as a matter of fact,” peter turned to pull something from his pocket. he presented you with a microfiber cloth. “i’m such a gentleman, i’ll even clean you up after.”
peter’s head was suddenly slammed into the glass table. tony had rammed his foot (not just the toes) against peter’s curls.
“stop sexing up my daughter, spiderling. i’ll take out your suit’s built-in heater.”
“i’m sorry, i’m so sorry, mr. stark,” peter sputtered.
you giggled at his immediate change in attitude. leaning in, you murmured into his ear. “me, you, my bedroom, nine pm. i’d like that thorough tour.”
neither of you were sure if the offer was genuine.
sam had invited the team to a backyard party with his family, but not without warning everybody to watch their language around the kids. (it was an empty threat; everyone knew sam would be the first to slip up.)
you were “chatting” with a little kid; in other words, nodding along as they infodumped about cretaceous period with surprising expertise for a 5 year old.
you felt a poke in your side and screamed embarrassingly loudly. peter stared at you for a second, cheeks puffing and lips pinching together, before he burst into laughter. spit went flying all over your face.
“ew, you nasty! eugh,” you made a big deal of it. looking at the kid, you pointed at peter. “c’mon, let’s attack him! like a… brachiosaurus!”
the kid looked at you disdainfully. “the brachiosaurus was a herbivore, idiot. and it lived during the jurassic era, not the cretaceous period.”
your jaw dropped at the child’s betrayal. the mini-paleontologist toddled away, leaving you and peter dumbfounded.
“i sure missed a lot,” peter gaped.
“i- apparently, yeah.” you tucked your head into peter’s shoulder, fiddling with your empty plate. conversation buzzed steadily around you, but you and peter only cared about each other.
the two of you sat in comfortable silence, watching as sam teased his sister and as wanda was unsuccessfully trying to teach bucky how to use a pair of tongs. (bucky insisted that his vibranium hand could do the same job.)
“so, how many of those things have you eaten?” peter pointed his chin towards your empty plate.
“uh, approximately four.”
peter nodded approvingly. “four’s pretty good. you still hungry though? i could go for some food right now.”
you smiled evilly, untangling yourself from peter. “oh petie… i’m always hungry. i was skeptical at first, but damn, do these barbeque grilled fetuses hit. they’re gluten free, i think.” 
you stood up and yelled over the table to sam. “hey, are these things gluten free?” you pointed to where wanda and bucky were tussling over the grill.
sam looked at you incredulously. “no?” 
you turned back to peter. “well, you heard the man. at least they’re ethically sourced, though. better eat up quick, before roe v. wade gets overturned. fuck scotus.”
“yeah, fuck scotus. i’m all for womens’ sexual liberation. anyway, once you’re done, can you fuck me too?” peter deadpanned.
you choked. “oh, wow. you got me that time. i concede. i-”
“so, what’ja do for your art project?” you and peter were entwined on a common area armchair, you resting casually on peter’s lap with one hand pressed to his chest and peter’s arms pulling you even closer to his body.
“i made a collage of my feet pics.”
“huh.” you nuzzled your nose into the collar of peter’s shirt, taking a deep inhale of his cologne (his actual cologne, not his au naturale body odor). “for free?”
“what?” peter, much like everybody else in the room (who were all clearly listening but pretending not to.)
“i mean, you’re showing your feet pics for free? you’re spiderman, pete. you could charge so much for them. here, you can use my onlyfans account.” you began to pull out your phone.
“DAUGHTER?” tony roared from the couch diagonal to the two of you. whoops.
“can somebody tell me why my pure, uncorrupted, virtuous daughter is in the lap of a hormonal, horny teenage boy? god knows what the white sticky stuff actually is…” tony cursed under his breath. “and would somebody like to explain why the words onlyfans, peter parker, and feet pics are being used in the same sentence and coming out of my daughter’s mouth?” 
you cringed at all the innuendos (intentional and unintentional) that tony had just dropped in front of nearly the entire team.
bruce choked on the sandwich he was eagerly chowing into. natasha choked on air. wanda was biting back a mischievous smile and steve looked like he was about to faint.
bucky leaned over to sam and loudly whispered, “what’s an onlyfans?”
friday rolled around, which meant it was time for the avengers’ weekly family bonding event. this week, it was movie night. wanda and natasha were clapping enthusiastically as sam and bucky danced along to the jingle bell rock winter talent show performance, which meant you and peter could snuggle up to each other and converse freely without fear of being overheard.
peter’s head was in your lap, and you were mindlessly scratching and tugging at his curls as you smiled at your teammates’ antics. even from this odd, unflattering angle, peter couldn’t help but think you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. the television screen illuminated your face and made your eyes sparkle more than they usually did. and he had the perfect view of your lips—so soft, sensual, always containing such happiness, always begging to be kissed…
“hey bug?” you looked down at peter, smiling softly with the look you seemed to only reserve for him.
“hi,” peter whispered breathlessly, heart racing at the nickname. the corners of his eyes crinkled in the way that seemed to be only reserved for you.
“uh, this might be a- a little forward, but what are your weekend plans, ‘cause-”
“excuse me?” you squinted at peter.
“you heard me. this weekend, i plan on committing homicide.”
you sniffed, a little disappointed in where the conversation had gone but willing to play along nevertheless.
“that’s it?”
“what do you mean, that’s it? what are you doing?”
you smirked deviously. “UR MOM!” you burst into a fit of giggles that peter found adorable, so he couldn’t stop himself from laughing with you.
“my mom- my mom’s dead!” he said through cackles.
the two of you looked at each other and only laughed harder, garnering the attention of the rest of the team. 
wanda opened her mouth to speak, but tony was too quick.
“alright, this has been going on for too long. peter, off of my daughter. daughter, off from… underneath the kid.” he cursed. “god, that sounds so wrong.”
“what?” you questioned, genuinely confused at what the issue was.
peter rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a warm pink crawling up his cheeks and to the tips of his ears.
“what? the problem is, you two are discussing matricide in front of a team of superheroes, not to mention practically dry-humping each other in a public space! not that it would be acceptable in a private space, but you get what i mean,” tony gritted.
“while we’re at it, can we talk about how your daughter has a stash of breast milk? and peter has menstrual blood? where do you even get the menstrual blood, peter?” natasha shook her head before gasping in horror. “it’s not- it’s not hers, is it?”
you waved your hands. “no, ew, gross! on the plus side, if it were hypothetically mine, that would mean i’m not pregnant.”
tony glared at you, finger in the air pointing shakily at your chest.
“okay, am i the only person who’s worried about the murder bit? because i’m pretty sure the kids were talking about cannibalizing dead fetuses at the party i threw last weekend—”
tony shrieked. “excuse me? you just said you weren’t pregnant, missy. where are you getting the fetuses from?”
“i said, hypothetically, but anyway-”
tony slapped himself in the face a few times. “god, this is why we need to stock up on condoms around here. do you guys even have sex ed in school? i don’t care if the two of you,” he waved a finger between you and peter, “are doing the deed—wait no, i do—but please tell me you’ve had the banana demonstration.”
“tony, i think the kids are quite a nice couple,” steve chimed in bravely. tony spun around and gave him a withering glare, but the supersoldier didn’t back down. “i said what i said. well, peter should definitely shower more, three weeks is criminally disgusting, but other than that, they’re good for each other.”
wanda nodded seriously. “i can hear both of them thinking about jumping each others’ bones every time i see them together. it’s kind of annoying, actually. so if you just let them fuck, my mind would greatly appreciate that.”
bruce sighed. “the sexual tension is so obvious that david attenborough doesn’t even need to narrate it for me to identify it. it’s like when those two whales were mating…”
tony dragged his hands down his face, overwhelmed. you and peter’s hands had found their way closer to each other, despite your bodies being a modest distance apart, and your pinkies intertwined reassuringly.
“care to explain?” tony waved his hands around. “the sexual tension bit? the cannibalism? the feet fetishes? just… anything?”
“it was a joke, i swear, mr. stark!” peter jabbered desperately. “it’s… a game we play. where we try and come up with the most ridiculous conversations and then just keep it going.”
you nodded furiously. “right! and i’m totally the winner. none of it was real. plus, friday would have alerted you if i ever made an onlyfans account.”
tony stroked his chin contemplatively. “so, the sexual tension bit? that was also a joke?”
peter opened his mouth, “ye-”
you opened your mouth, “no!”
the two of you gaped at each other.
“what we mean to say is, no, it’s not a joke! yes, there is… sexual tension.” you widened your eyes at peter pleadingly.
tony mumbled angrily to himself, pacing the room as the avengers watched the live-action reality tv unfold before them.
“is there really sexual tension between is?” peter hissed at you.
“uh, yeah. unless you were being serious about wanting to thoroughly fuck me and also fuck me after i went through the entire supreme court, then no, that would just be flat-out sexual.”
peter pursed his lips. “right, okay then. you’re right. there is sexual tension between us.”
you mock pouted. “so you’re saying you don’t want to thoroughly fuck me?”
peter turned bright red just as tony turned to the two of you, who had gotten much closer to each other in the time that he’d been worrying.
“gross! i’m getting secondhand cooties. whatever, you guys go have a play date or something. just… please be more classy than cady and aaron, dear god. the teenage foolery in this movie is actually-” tony shuddered, unable to express himself with words.
“i’m still interested in the property, y’know?” you whispered.
“well then, can i extend another real estate tour offer?”
“absolutely. and i will gladly take you up on that offer.”
you took peter’s hand, the two of you giggling madly as you raced and slipped down the hall towards your bedroom. you heard tony groaning and whining from the common room before he shouted, “keep it pg-13 in there!”
peter parker masterlist | main masterlist
@bambamwolf87 @cowboibeepbeep @yourallihave @im-a-slut-for-fluff
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ugh-yoongi · 5 months
inspired by your post about your husband lol, what random things do each member of bts do that make them a new level hotter to you
this is such a cute question!! well, maybe not cute depending on the response, but. u know. 🤷🏻‍♀️
seokjin — i think people are expecting me to say his brat taming thing, bc it is objectively hot, but if this is a safe space and we’re oversharing together on a stormy friday night, i think it’s kinda hotter if he… doesn’t? like, knows you’re being a brat but goes along w it and “lets” you act up. so that’s not my answer, obviously.
so, to me, it’s his perseverance. i think it’s very hot to straight up say, “hey, i’m not all that great at this, but i’m gonna do it and try my best anyway.” i am a person who gives up the second i’m not good at something right away or as soon as it gets hard, so. yeah. very attractive and hot quality.
yoongi — cop out answer, but anytime he does anything with his hands. it almost put me in the ground when he made all those cutting boards. add on him playing guitar and i was donezo. he has really nice hands and he knows he has really nice hands and it’s sick. he’s sick.
hobi — idk how to explain it but hobi emanates this absolute freak aura and it’s, like. very hot. like you can just tell he’s comfortable and confident in himself and would be down to do anything and get a lil weird with it, and that kind of energy is powerful.
namjoon — this is where parasocial relationships come in handy bc this is something i find so hot hypothetically but would make me wanna strangle him irl, but: his petty streak. my god this man is SO petty and i find it SO hot, but if it was directed at me i’d cry so bad. like, hickeygate??? closer pt. 2?? kill me.
jimin — his absolute disregard for gender roles. really fucking hot. talking abt how much toxic masculinity sucks? hot. drawing the bigender symbol on himself? hot. being described as having “gender neutral charm”? hot.
this is not me trying to assign him a label. it’s me as a person who does not necessarily feel all that connected to their gender (hard to describe what i mean by this but: i’m cis and know i’m cis but i still don’t know what being a woman means to me personally, and therefore i feel disconnected from it sometimes) seeing someone look at what society expects them to look and be like because they’re a man, and say, “yeah, nah.”
taehyung — how messy he is. another trait that might drive me bonkers irl, but from a very far distance? love it. it’s similar to what i said about jimin in the sense that, as an idol, there are expectations for him. and he just waves them away. like, there are not very many idols who are gonna go on weverse and threaten to shoot someone in the neck for violating their privacy, but taehyung will, and that’s very hot of him. those pictures from that club in paris? also very hot of him. he just sort of does what he wants and in an industry that’s so rigid and boxed-in, i can’t help but love a rebel.
jungkook — idk man. fucking everything. i had an embarrassing and public meltdown over him last year in his calvin klein era and now i can’t look him in the eye. if you put a gun to my head and made me pick one, though? it’s the way he’s got this overwhelming sort of fuckboy energy but you also know you could make him cry. we love a man with duality.
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achillean-knight · 5 months
I might have a plot idea for your Mask bot series!
-Mike is in the PizzaPlex trying to correct his father's sins (even if he is still stuck in UCN in your AU or not, many people have still been hurt)
-Jeremy manages to make Mike recognize him
-They try to find Jeremy's daughter Cassie cuz Jeremy knows that with the V.A.N.N.I. mask, his daughter's life is in danger
-Find Roxy torn apart (due to the Mimic battle but the may not know that yet)
-Fix Roxy (not really they probably just manage to power her on or something)
-Discover the Tangle
-Discover the Mimic
- Find Cassie (in critical condition mind you)
Aaand that's all I could come up with for now. Of course these are just ideas so you can have your own plot.
Yoyoyo Anon! GODS THANK YOU FOR THE SUGGESTIONS! Especially since it helps me tie together a story I had in mind that was rather loose and just floating ideas in my brain... Also it kinda fits in weirdly well with another Anon ask/request that I'll for SURE get around to doing... eventually HKJH\SGDJ
With these in mind, here's a little story idea with bits from your suggestions with mine that I might eventually get around to making into a comic 👀👀 (Under the cut bc it is LONGGGG like REALLY long lmao)
Mike returns back to the Pizzaplex during the events of Ruin. He worked at the Pizzaplex while it was still running, for what reason? There's not a clue in the world, but he went undercover as a security guard. They say that his mother owns the place, evident by his rank high up, but nobody at all knows who runs the place and how Michael even got a job. But there he was.
He's back again to uncover the reason for it's destruction- to hopefully find answers to unsolved mysteries left by this company and to rewrite the sins of William. He's arrived maybe an hour or so after Cassie entered, so there's no sign of life in the main entrance besides a certain mask bot without the key item in its possession. The events of this comic take place during this time.
Afterward, the mask bot can't seem to let go after finding Mike again- Jeremy couldn't let go- so he tags along as Mike scours the pizzaplex. Jeremy's following along as he knows the programming of the bot he inhabits, gave his daughter a very dangerous item- the V.A.N.N.I mask- So he wants to try and get it off her hands as soon as he can with the help of Mike. How he'll convey his wants on the matter? He can't, but he'll try.
They're quick through the place- Cassie cleared the way, so all enemies are pretty much nonexistent to them, so they catch up quick to where she was recently. They find the MXES system offline and Mike panics, as he knows what's beyond it. (Playing off the theory that it was Henry's creation, Mike would know what it is.)
They find Roxy destroyed, Mike motioned to Jeremy to keep looking and he agrees. Making his way quietly, Jeremy peeks around the corner to see the Mimic's hand grabbing the power supply to the elevator. He hears Cassies voice faintly, possibly in the elevator and freezes in horror as the Mimic rips the wires and the Elevator fails (playing on the theory that the Mimic caused the elevator to fail.), all he can hear is Cassies screaming and he rushes back to Mike.
As he returns back, Mike somehow got Roxy online, but she's still in a completely wrecked state. They take her to the nearest safe zone- one they could think of on the spot to avoid the Mimic and try and fix her up a little more. Awake again, Roxy remembers her duty of protecting Cassie and tasks herself with finding Cassie- Jeremy is pleased with this as he can't convey his own panic- Once she somehow picks up her location, she guides them through twisting turns and flights of staircases until they find a bunker- Mike knows this bunker
They're back at the SL building : > (IDK, where else would the elevator lead lmao, I don't think there's anything lower than the SL bunker 😭)
Mike is familiar with this place but struggles to come to terms with this fact that this was where he was supposed to die- and who does he find than a giant mess of wires and destroyed bodies of past animatronics. He remembers Ennard He remembers Molten Freddy- This was horrifying, huge, and there was a mess of screams and crying inaudible, but he knew the thing was upset. Jeremy recognises the mask the thing it's wearing- it was Lefty, the thing in the VR world that tried to kill him while he was mending Helpy (this AU has Lefty as the head of the Blob/Tangle)
Mike has a feeling he knows what this is. He wasn't the person who attended the burning of the Pizzaria Sim Location, but rather, he helped guide the animatronics with Henry there for whomever was working there at the time, but he was indulged in Henry's plans- And he was mortified to know it only made everything worse- This was an amalgamation of all the children's animatronic bodies- remnant- souls- they were upset, scared, just wanting to move on, and Mike wanted to help so badly.
The thing was kind to them, even Mike for some reason. Roxy begged the thing to guide them to Cassie and it Obliged- the soul that was in the lead wasn't malicious, it was kind, especially to children so it wanted to help. It was kind to Mike- why Mike? He didn't know that the thing guiding them to Cassie was Charlie, she knew Mike- She wanted to help mike and with Cassidy in the amalgamation helping Charlie, she knew Mike was safe after letting his little brothers soul free from Golden Freddy while she inhabited it, so she deemed him good.
They find Cassie, incredibly injured and Jeremy panicked, rushing over and holding her close. Something was wrong though, she wore the mask- they didn't know her mind isn't in control anymore- she has succumbed to a similar fate as Jeremy but he is determined to save her from it.
She will be the next Vanny.
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autisticempathydaemon · 3 months
Hii, could I please have a matchup ☺️💕 thank you!!
* What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
Million Dollar Houses by PTV!! My fav verse has to be “maybe we’re meant to lose the ones we love but I’ll fight for you till then”. I feel this way a lot wether it’s for something I’m doing or towards someone I’m dating yk, I think it portrays that feeling rlly well
* What is your Enneagram type?
Type 9
* Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
YES OMG I watch sooo many but my fav has to be “learn to be bored” by Farah. It’s just so interesting and her way of explaining things is so calming I love all her stuff
* Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
I remember I had this fish tank in my room, so I’d pretend they could hear me and just yap away to these poor fish lmao, I think that’s the closest to imaginary friend I had
* What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
Tbh I fall asleep anywhere and anytime easily but on the rare occasion I can’t I just put on some music and it seems to help
* If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
I’d probably change it to Amada. It’s one of my old relative’s name and she’s somebody I look up to and hope to be like, so I’d love to be named after her tbh. Family is def something that’s important to me so it fits
* What is your favorite of Redacted's audios, and why?
One that’s up there for me is deeefinitely that David audio where he catches you with his hoodie. I always go back to one of his audios if I need to relax and that’s fs one of them (side note, I remember after listening to that audio I knew immediately that he was gonna propose for the next one ommmg)
* What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don't get the hype for. (I won't judge, I promise.)
Tbh anything with Marcus or James I know nothing abt. Nothing against them yk but I’ve never rlly bothered to listen to any of the audios in that series
* Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
Guardians of the Galaxy, both movies but tbh more of the second one. I could recite majority of the movie and I know ALL of Rocket’s lines by heart I’ve watched it countless times by now. Might rewatch today tbh I love them
* Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
I’d love to be friends w Damien. My best friend is similar to him and I feel like he’d bring out the best in somebody, I could see myself working rlly well with him esp with school and stuff
* Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you're tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows l'm ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
Hmm I don’t really ramble but if I’m tired I love to listen to somebody talk. I’m more of a listener in general but when I get sleepy I’ll call one of my friends and have them just rant until I’m actually ready to sleep
* Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Ironically, 711. I dont get the slushees though, I just get a strawberry milk with those fruit bowls. Idk what it is but it’s like routine atp
* Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment.
My fav playlist rn is my main one- It’s pretty much just rock and like grunge w a little bit of metal, I listen to all genres but I mainly listen to that. Lots of Radiohead, pierce the veil, Red Hot Chili Peppers yk
* What's your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Any anime ever but esp Ouran. I can’t help but rewatch yk 😞
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I hope I’m not too biased as a fellow type nine when I say this, but you’re a family-oriented type nine who’d get along with Damien. Who would be a better match for you than Huxley?
Type Nines are the peacemakers, the mediators of the Enneagram, always listening and taking care of people, watching the mood. This combined with family being important to you and Damien reminding you of your best friend leads me to believe that you’d have so much in common with Huxley as all these things describe him too, you know? He’d see a kindred spirit in you and would know you’d be a good fit with his life, loved ones, and values. Apropos of your enneagram type, this would build a very peaceful life together.
That’s not to say it’s not a fun or romantic life, of course. This is Huxley, we’re talking about; he is a total sweetheart to be with. He watches all your anime with you, even though it’s totally new to him, and he watches OHSHC as many times as you’d like, jamming to the theme song. (My headcanon is he’s totally in love with the shoujo genre and would love A Sign of Affection and Kimi No Todoke best.) For your next gift-giving holiday, he gives you a life-size Rocket Raccoon. When you’re sleepy, he lays you down, holds you close to his chest, and rambles about socks or some such until you fall asleep. It’s a perfect life, honestly.
I don't want this moment to ever end/ Where everything's nothing without you/ I want you to know/ With everything, I won't let this go/ These words are my heart and soul (I'll hold on)/ I'll hold on to this moment, you know/ As I bleed my heart out to show/ And I won't let go
Finding a balance between your rock/grunge music and what I headcanon Huxley to listen to was very interesting, but I think the Sum 41 song I picked is a good fit. This song would have come out when Huxley was a kid, and the nostalgia of it combined with having someone to listen to it with would just make him overjoyed.
Guy would be a really fun runner-up, because if you like falling asleep to the sound of a loved one talking? Is there a better possible match in that respect? Geordi, I like for you because he’s one of the few boys who I think would be an anime fan, especially OHSHC. (Asher is the other anime fan, I think, but he’s more a fan of shounen.)
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR MONSTER AU ('tis the one who left copious tags on your humans is weird thing starring cater, call me fluff) AND I FIGURED ID SEND IN AN ASK BECAUSE. I LOVE YOUR AU. AND YOUR BRAIN IS AMAZING.
I'm thinking about some of the events like the Scalding sands event (or even the Harveston event) where some of the students go out away from the college and stuff - specifically the Scalding sands one because that's the one I know most about
But, like, Jamil being EVEN MORE STRESSED! Because! Not only does he have to keep an eye on Kalim, and some other classmates, but he was worried about Malleus getting into a bind... And having to bring along a HUMAN?! He'd be returning to NRC with a headache for sure lmao
Anyways I just wanted to share the fact that that was on my mind and see what you thought of it lol
- Fluff
I appreciate the spoiler warning, but while I do play the English version of the game, I am very much caught up in all the Japan server events and the shenanigans that have happened! :D Feel free to scream all the brainrot ideas at me! ÒwÓ
Thank you so much, Fluff anon~! (Though I know who you are~ >w>) It makes me so happy knowing that so many people love this AU so much, I can’t even begin to thank you all for all the love and support! QvQ
Ahem! Now then, on to the chaotic musings~ UvU
You actually touched up on a very good point: Twisted Wonderland’s events! Now, we know in the normal game that Yuu tends to get dragged into the thick of each event’s shenanigans in some way, shape, or form. However, in the Monster AU, the stakes and risks are much higher being the only human around whether they’re normal Yuu or mini!Yuu.
Halloween was even more of a nightmare for Yuu and the staff once the Magicam monsters began terrorizing both versions to post to their accounts, with several being arrested and charged by the school and research institutions for “threatening a critically endangered species” and stressing them out unnecessarily (serves them right though when they broke into Ramshackle like in the game. >.>) When it came to mini!Yuu though...let’s just say that Crowley and the rest of the school showed those Magicam monsters that it was unwise to make a scared toddler cry. Say goodbye to any social clout they had online or in real life once Mom Vil is through with them, let alone once big brothers Ortho and Idia upload crystal clear videos of their selfish and cruel disregard for the child’s comfort! >:V
Both Yuu’s are going to be very well protected and cared for once all is said and done, and they're going to get so many treats! I did, however, get a very interesting ask involving Yuu and the Halloween event, so I’m gonna play around with that idea as a scenario of sorts, as it sounds fun being “Home Alone” if you catch my drift~ >w>
Anyway, ghost Marriage, Beans Day, Fairy Gala, Harveston’s Kelkkarotu, and even the second half of the Halloween event? Yup, each one winds up being twice as chaotic than the original as it is definitely going to be hard to ignore a human walking around. Harveston will likely be the least stressful by comparison, as I’d imagine the village would be warm and welcoming to both Yuu’s as they celebrate the event together!
The Scalding Sands’ Al’ab Nariya (or “fireworks”) event, however, is going to be three times as difficult to the point it’s seriously considered that they get a bodyguard for extra security. Think Kalim’s family gets targeted a lot? Imagine a lone human in a place where thieves and criminals may be lurking in the shadows looking for a fortune! So Jamil having to worry about Malleus and Yuu? If he wasn’t stressed before, he certainly is now!
Mini!Yuu though has a much easier solution: a child harness and a carrier! The carrier would be one that can easily be swapped and worn by anyone of the group (minus Grim of course). They’ll be extra vigilant though, but rest assured they will be the safest child in Twisted Wonderland! (Also, can you imagine Malleus carrying a tiny human in a carrier on his chest or back? Adorable!)
Jamil is more than likely going to get a stress headache afterwards until they get back to school, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t have fun in the end. UvU
So yeah, any ideas for chaos or just fluff or silliness, send them my way and I shall see what I can come up with! ÒvÓ
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lilbittymonster · 5 months
Okay 6.55 thoughts in no particular order:
-Big Kittie Lady Wuk Lamat I Love You So Much
-Kitali does not like her enough to want to help with the politics though. She's done and over being used to further political goals of other people. The bit about not wanting to let the overly aggressive candidate win was intruiging but her line of thinking is "well, this is what the Alliance is supposed to be for, I'm not going to continue to be their one woman army anymore."
-I am going to fucking shit myself laughing if Estinien winds up on the same boat/same dock as the Scions coming in completely by coincidence because he's continuing his retirement trip around the planet.
-I respect and love him so much for that btw like this man has likely never set foot much further outside of Coerthas than the North Shroud for the first 32 years of his life, he is going to see as much of the world as he can now.
-someone was complaining in Radz shout chat about how the relics weren't "an actual grind" and someone else shouted back that EW was the "waiting room expansion" like. Y'all did this to yourselves, you are aware of this, right? You complained and whined and pouted SO HARD about Eureka and Bozja that they said "okay, baby shoes this time" and now you think it's too easy? Come join us omnicrafters in the Splendour tool grind then. Cowards.
-I'm glad that only the Arkasodara quests are canon for Kitali bc wow that capstone questline felt like a "somehow Palpatine has retured" for me. Nonsense(derogatory) as opposed to Hildibrand nonsense(affectionate).
-Where is Hraesvelgr we saw Hraesvelgr in the trailer but he wasn't here? Maybe there's still more for the actual 7.0 release idk
-Also weird that G'raha was in Tural in the trailer but says he's staying behind with the Annex. I don't particularly mind or care but just something I thought was odd.
-Urianger and Thancred. That is all.
-"What are you two doing here?" Krile they fucking live in Sharlayan I don't know if you were aware of this or not.
-My fondness for Erenville continues to grow. I think he and Kitali get along very well. They both are so very Done(tm) with everyone.
-It was nice seeing Jullus on the Island sanctuary but that just blasted so many holes in a ficlet I had wanted to write and I was too busy being bitter about that to really enjoy the rest of the time there.
-"it must be nice being able to get away" yeah see you would THINK THAT but I keep having all these fucking tourists showing up on my beach asking to parade around the place. 'Private getaway' my ass. Kitali is packing a bag and moving to the east side of the island.
-the overall messages of "power of friendship and hope" and "everything comes to an end, we all experience loss" are really starting to sound like a broken record. For people like me who have basic media literacy and got the message the first idk half dozen times....this is unnecessary. I know that a good chunk of the userbase needs it spelled out for them in black and white but.....idk. And a lot of it is that it's trying to hit emotional buttons that I just don't have because I did not care that much about Endwalker as an expansion. EW was just the wolstinien agenda expansion lmao. I don't particularly care for the Omicron or the lopporit questlines which is where they really tried to jam pack it in and I just ended up button mashing my way through the stories.
-Who the FUCK was in charge of picking reaction expressions in all of those cutscenes? On top of "she would not be smiling like that at G'raha, it takes so much of her self control to not actively scowl at him", some of those were just so out of place. I know what each one was bc i live in gpose and the tonal dissonance on some of them were just........what.
-Monster hunter honeymoon expansion still a very strong possibility.
-those last few lines in the final cutscene.........Man. I hope we do get to go north and see what the fuck is under all those clouds on Ilsabard and Othard.
-final relic stage lance Pretty :3
-I need an entire sitcom of Wuk Lamat and Erenville as children that was SO TASTY.
-I am glad that they're getting rid of the Stormblood problem with making the contest of succession explicitly open to outsiders.
-I like the reference in the food book to potatoes and tomatoes being imported from Tural through Limsa, that was a nice touch.
-I will still likely not pick up blue mage by the time Dawntrail releases lmao. F for me for missing any potential extra dialogue.
Closing thought: Kittie
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tommyssupercoolblog · 2 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game
@bootlegfrank tagged me and @septiccoffeefreak - who shares this post w me because we're writing partners >:3 (frank tagged us indirectly. and then directly because i responded saying i was gonna do it. so in-indirect-diretly(??))
Rules: list the first lines(s) of your last 10 fics and see if there's a pattern. I also said where each one is from in case u don't wanna scroll through our ao3 and do the math urself!!!
all these fics except one r RPF, sooo BE WARNED. i'm putting everything under da cut, and i'm also putting my reblog banner since fanfiction!!! is!!! art!!!
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Seán’s about ready to burn his entire calendar.
from "Scheduling Conflicts and How To Cope - A Guide For The Busy Homosexual"
Tommy hates LA with every fiber of his being.
from "City Of Angels"
it's cold, and it hurts.
from "The Part Where it Gets Better (Lads rescue AU)", and also THIS SOUNDS SO WEIRD OUT OF CONTEXT LIKE WHAT'S COLD??? it's water. the water is cold. this is the character based one btw. WE FOUND IT, THE NON-RPF!!!
Tommy inspects Seán’s behelit tattoo carefully, running his thumb over it a little, then kisses it.
I fucking would. kissing all his tattoos right now. mwah. this goddamn MOOD is from "There's No Place Like Home"
Ethan N3st0r was not expecting Seán to still be awake at three AM, even though with jet lag considered, he really fuckin should have.
I censored the name for search but it's not like that in the fic, that's just for tumblr. anyway, from "Three Drabbles In Which Tommy and Seán are bad at Keeping Secrets"
Ethan's the one to bring it up first, on Brain Leak, of all things.
OPENING WITH ETHAN AGAIN LMAOO. this is from "And Suddenly, It Makes Sense."
"So, who would have thought, huh? T0mmy1nn1t and Jacks3pt1c3y3, famous YouTubers, passed away in their sleep on the same night."
censored for tumblr again. from "Count your Soulmates- There's only one."
Seán and Tommy have sleepovers sometimes.
from "kissing practice". very original opening line /sar /lh (also tbh i feel awful about em being evil in this one :( I know its fanfic and i can do whatever I want but like. idk. i'm not accusing em of being mean IRL okay??? OKAY))
Seán spends about fifteen minutes pacing and staring at himself in the mirror, doing breathing exercises his therapist taught him and trying not to rub or scratch his wrists too much.
from "Puppy Love", the closest we've ever gotten to full misce posting on main
They were gluing ducks to a jeep the first time it happened.
soooo yeah!!! we like to jump right into action as well but I think it's safe to say our autistic ass habits of giving exposition for everything lead to the specific outcome of starting in the middle of a scene, WITH an explanation of the scene. like we're already in the middle of something going on but also sometimes it's exposition at the same time somehow?? or like right after these first lines. idk maybe that's just me????
the way it's usually less (character does this) and more (character does this BECAUSE ____ // character is doing this and FEELING ____) feels like it's trying to give context, to me. but again idk maybe just me
@septiccoffeefreak - "What I'm noticing here is more along the lines of just, how we almost always seem to open with a person. Usually by their actual name(s) too and not just a pronoun. I understand what you mean, Tommy, but I don't personally get that vibe? You could totally be right, of course, I just don't pick up on that. I defenitely notice, though, just how many of these are sentences where the literal first word is a name. the two exceptions to that are the pronoun "they" (which is still a person- or two people actually), and then water.
I guess the dialogue could also be considered an exception, but I don't think it counts since it also directly references us as characters.
and that's not something you necessarily have to do. You could open describing scenery or objects, or with dialogue that DOESN'T have the names of the characters in it- you could open with wind through a blade of grass or a character cursing under their breath or someone's cellphone crashing to the pavement or something. So it's definitely an "us" thing, it's a quirk of our writing style and not just normal writing. I don't know if like, we ALWAYS do this, but I do know that in these ten fics you pulled we do. I wouldn't be surprised if we did it like literally all the time as well, but I'm not going to pretend to know every first line we've ever penned to paper. or...print?? I don't fucking know, here, I'm just analyzing sentences on the internet for a tagging project.
Sorry if this ramble is kind of long, I hope it's at least interesting though??? sort of interesting? kind of interesting, in it's own way, hopefully. at least mildly, like a video you didn't turn on but aren't really reaching for the mouse/remote on to change it. You know?? Yeah. Like that. Or more interesting then that, hopefully. Thanks for uh, reading or, whatever, listening if you have a screen reader i guess, I'm getting nervous and it's very obvious because i'm rambling so I'm gonna hand things back off to the birthday boy, Toms. wish Tommo a happy birthday or I swear to fucking god your liver will be missing in the morning and you'll find it at the bottom of your morning cup of coffee."
back to me:
wow omg i love my babygirl,,,, that made me laugh >:p
ANYWAYS. i didn't notice that!! oh em gee,,,,, name moment.
I'M TAGGING @kalcifers-blog AND.... no one else because all my other mutuals who i know for a fact write have paused as far as i'm aware, bc they're into mcyt RPF like I am and the w1lbvr situation put them on hiatus. and i don't know if any of them are back to feeling up to writing stuff.
I don't write about w1bvr ever and didn't watch him so I wasn't that affected but a lot of people were even if they just watched so like... Kalcie ur alone on here i'm SO SORRIE. ALSO this is /nf so u don't have to if u dont want to :p :3 >:D :000 >:PPPP :000 >:00
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