#idk y'all are easy targets
niishi · 8 months
Idc what y'all say. If you support the two party system you support white supremacy. I don't care if one side is less openly horrific than the other. I don't care. Y'all are 1/16th of the way to a full thought. You got your fingertips out of the box but you're still trapped. Stop getting your political knowledge from tiktok influencers. Read anarchy and the black revolution and go from there. Saying "it's stupid not to pick the better of both evils" or "you must be privileged to say you aren't voting" is ridiculous. Follow indigenous ppl online and read what they have to say. Listen to them. If you're supporting a system that still enacts genocide on its most vulnerable (Dems are just as guilty) then you're supporting white supremacy and fascism. Talk less and learn more. If y'all were actually listening to the most vulnerable ppl in this country, instead of white tiktokers, your opinions and ideas would evolve. Don't EVER think you know exactly what you're talking about. You're the student until you die.
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Best friend's little sister | Javy 'Coyote' Machado
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Pairing: Javy 'Coyote' Machado x Fem!Seresin!Reader (call sign: Valkyrie)
Summary: Don't let Jake know that her little sister and his best friend are in a secret relationship. Easy, right?
Word count: 2.3k
Requested? Yes / No
Warnings: mentions of death, javy doubts himself, reader helps him see he's better than that, secret relationship, mentions of sex, idk maybe i'm missing something.
A/N: THIS IS THE FIRST COYOTE THING IN MY BLOG WHOO! Thanks Coyote anon, I needed an opportunity to explore Jake being a big brother and here I have it. Changed the part of 'getting caught on a date' bc i got carried away and i completely forgot about that part. oops. I also tried a new form of writing, i'm not sure if i like it, but if i can't experiment here, then where? Hope y'all like ti <3
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Javy 'Coyote' Machado and Jake 'Hangman' Seresin are best friends. There's no doubt about that. Having graduated together in Top Gun as the two best pilots of their promotion, the duo became inseparable ever since. Even though they ended up in different stations after graduation, that friendship never halted. 
Another thing that left no place for doubt is the fact that Javy and Y/n liked each other. Everyone with eyes could have known. It wasn't that hard to see the quick, awkward glances they shared with each other, making the girl blush profusely due to the eye contact. It would have been easier for Coyote to make a move on her if Y/n 'Valkyrie' Seresin didn't share a surname with his best friend. Yes. She was Hangman's sister. Twin, actually. Because being related wasn't enough, no. They had to be twins. 
Valkyrie was the younger one for three minutes, and Hangman took the role of big brother those 180 seconds gave him. He would always protect his sister. In kindergarten. In elementary. In high school. Even in the Navy. Because, yes, the Seresin twins did everything together. And when Jake announced to his family on a Sunday dinner in mid July that he'll be going to the Naval Academy, Y/n simply said: "We're going." 
Hangman could be older, but Valkyrie was always there to protect his brother from the many tense situations Jake's cockiness led him to. They always had each other's back.
There were two people that Hangman did not leave behind when they were flying. Coyote and Valkyrie. If something happened to those two because he wasn't where he had to, he would never forgive himself. He trusted them more than anything. 
And they betrayed this blind trust Hangman had on them. 
When the best of the best were called back to Top Gun for a classified mission, the Seresins were there. Being the third also counted as being part of the best, and after graduating and ending up in the same base, Valkyrie became Hangman's wingman. People around the base called them 'The Devil's twins' as they never failed a target, their aim was ways on point, and if you were unlucky enough to see them behind you in the radar, well. You could prepare yourself to say hello to the Devil himself. Of course they would get involved in such an important mission. 
When Javy saw her entering the Hard Deck with her brother, he thought that he was seeing a deity in front of him. One of the legendary valkyries had come down from Valhalla to end his suffering and open the doors of the feast hall in which he'll spend the rest of his days, drinking and eating his problems away. He wanted her. God, he was infatuated. 
Valkyrie could see every thought in Javy's eyes. She knew he wanted her. But she could never get involved in such a way with his brother's best friend. What if something went wrong? What if they ended up hurting each other and Jake had to choose one of them? Of course Y/n would never make him choose. She wasn't a little girl, she could be in the same room with her ex and be fine about it. However, Jake would choose her. Always. And he would probably never have his friend and his little sister in the same room again. Y/n couldn't do that to him. She couldn't be that type of person.
But when someone looks at you as if you were the most perfect creature to walk on Earth, it tests your willpower. And Y/n couldn't ignore her feelings any longer. After Coyote almost crashed his airplane when blacking out due to the high-Gs, Valkyrie waited for everyone to leave the locker room and approached the male, who was still a bit shaken up. 
“You scared the shit out of me.” said her, sitting next to him on the bench. He nodded, acknowledging her feelings with a distant, agitated expression. Javy didn’t think he was going to make it. His first instinct was to pull up and save the expensive aircraft, but he realized later on, that he should have ejected from it. All he could think of was you and the amount of things he wanted to do with you but didn’t because he was scared of Hangman. 
 “I know. I fucked up. I should’ve been better.”
Y/n could feel the remorse in his muttered words. She moved closer, her hand squeezing Coyote’s one, trying to reassure him. “It’s not your fault, Javy. Those were a lot of Gs. It was bound to happen.”
“You didn’t black out. Nor Jake. You’re better.” he said, his eyes falling to the soft hand that was holding him and caressing her knuckles with his thumb. “You’ve always been better than me.” 
Y/n looked at him, and instead of expressing all the thoughts that were in her mind, she dropped his hand and flicked his forehead. “Darling, you’re an absolute idiot. I’m not and I’ll never be better than you. We’re working under a lot of pressure and our bodies are tired, you egressed with a force of 9-Gs, Javy. It’s not usual and we just need a few tries ‘til we get used to it. It’s not that big of a deal and you’re not a bad pilot for it.” 
Javy ran his fingers through his forehead, trying to sooth the pain from her flick. “No need to hit me like that.” 
“It was just a warning. Next time you doubt yourself, I’m doing it harder.” she said, laughing and rising from the bench. 
“I doubt myself with a lot of things, you know.” Javy looked up at Valkyrie’s face, lightened up by that sweet smile that was always there, even in the worst situations she managed to smile. It was like an angel. 
“Well, tell me those things. Let’s see how wrong you are.” she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the lockers, waiting. 
“I already told you about you being better than me” 
“Complete bullshit. Next” 
“I think I should work on my aiming skills. Your brother is always better” 
“That’s some kind of superpower he has. He aims like Legolas himself, but doesn’t have proper social skills. Nothing to envy if you ask me. You, my friend, have a very good aim and an excellent ability to flirt with every girl we’ve ever encountered. So, again, bullshit. Next.” 
“I don’t know if I can stop ignoring my feelings for you any longer.” his words, coming in a whisper, as if he was trying to not be heard by Jake, fell heavy against his tongue. 
Y/n and Javy looked at each other, both realizing that the ball was now in her court and she needed to make a move, or retire from the match. She was scared. All those years, all those glances, the light touches, the whispered conversations, the little small gifts after coming from a deployment, the FaceTime calls at 2 in the morning when one of you couldn’t sleep… all those things could become something more at that moment. Or become a memory if Y/n rejected him. 
With her heart beating faster than it should be humanly possible, she answered: “Don’t ignore them” 
Valkyrie had never been kissed with such an intensity. His hands were fierce, pulling her closer while his plump lips were soft, tender and loving. She knew, then, what being loved felt. And it was a feeling that she wanted to experience every single day of her life. They kissed for a while, until they heard someone approaching the room and pulled apart, as if they had been struck by lightning. That day, Coyote and Valkyrie began their secret relationship. 
They learned which were the best places to hide and kiss like hormonal teenagers during the next months. They knew every corner, the empty offices, the perfect angles to hide behind an F-18. It became easy after a while. But lying to a brother should never be easy, Y/n thought. And she was afraid that the longer they kept it hidden, the harder would be for Jake to forgive them. 
Now, the Dagger squad is deployed to the Pacific Ocean in an important operation. Being on the carrier offers a big amount of places to hide, and several different opportunities to be away from Jake’s sight. “We should tell him, Javy.” says Y/n, laying down on Coyote’s bunk bed while her brother, who shared a room with her boyfriend, was away on a meeting with Rooster. 
He is laying on her, his head pressed against her stomach so she can pet his head. He’s obsessed with her hands, how they are strong to control an aircraft yet soft enough to give him comfort. It’s a complete mystery for him. 
“We’ll do it, baby.” he turns his head, pressing kisses over her clothed stomach, a tiny smile appearing on her lips. “Let’s just wait until we finish this deployment, okay?” 
Valkyrie nods, grabbing Javy by the collar of his shirt and making him move closer to her lips. She just wants an innocent kiss. But no kiss remains innocent with Javy. His hand moves from her hip to the curve of her ass, kneading it through her uniform pants. She gasps at the sudden action, and he slides his tongue inside her mouth. 
“What the fuck is goin’ on here” says Jake from the doorway, shock and anger in his voice. 
Y/n pushes Coyote away from her with such force that he falls from the bed. Luckily, they were on the lower one, so he doesn't get hurt. He just hopes that Jake doesn’t hurt him after this. 
“Jake, let me explain…” Javy begins, but Jake is not having it. 
“Y/n, you’re my sister. I’m hurt because he’s my best friend and he hasn’t told me anything either but I can understand it, somehow, wanting to keep the new girl a secret from the rest. I get it, we’ve all done that before. But you? We tell each other everything!” Jake’s words hurt you more than anything. He’s right, you tell each other even the most tiny details of your life. And you have left it out from the most important one. 
“I know, Jake. I-I’m sorry but he’s your best friend and I wanted to know what was going on between us before telling you anything.” 
“Tell me, then” says her brother. 
“Tell you what?” 
“What is going on” 
Her eyes look everywhere but her brother’s face. She doesn’t know if she should tell Jake this without telling Javy first… but here goes nothing. “We’ve been dating for a few months. Two, almost three.” 
Jake ignores Javy’s presence, the only explanation he wants to hear right now is from his little sister. “Is he treating you right?” 
She lets out a dry laugh. “Of course, Jake. You know him. He’s a good man” 
He sighs deeply, shaking his head. “And are you serious about it or is it just-”
“I’m serious, Jake,” Coyote states, interrupting his friend mid-sentence. “I’m not messing around with her” 
Jake turns and looks at him for a moment, before talking to his sister again. “How serious?” 
“I love him” she confesses, her cheeks growing hot under Javy’s stare. She hadn’t told him about it yet. 
“...damn, it’s serious” Jake looks at Javy and then, as if nothing had happened, the blonde pilot hugged Javy. “Welcome to the family, Machado” 
Javy and Y/n let out a breath at the same time, knowing that Jake is not mad anymore. “Thanks, Jake” 
“My mom is gonna love you. Anyway, I’ll leave you two lovebirds but let me take something first” says Jake, while moving around trying to find Coyote’s bag. “Here it is” 
“What are you doing?” asks the owner of the bag, who has joined Valkyrie’s side and is now holding her hand and whispers softly for only her to hear. “I love you too” 
Jake opens the khaki sack and takes out a blue box that was hidden inside Javy’s toiletry bag. “I’m making sure that you don’t have sex with my sister when I’m on the same carrier than you” 
Valkyrie rans from the dorm faster than an F-18, leaving the two men alone. She never had to talk about sex with her brother and is not going to begin now.
“I’m trusting you my sister. Do something to her, and I don’t care if you're my best friend. I’ll kill you anyway” Jake warns. 
“I’m gonna marry her, Jake. It’s too soon now. But I will. I’m not letting her go” this confession makes Y/n’s brother smile warmly. 
“I always knew you would end up with her” says Jake, patting his future brother-in-law on the shoulder. 
“Then why did you put on that show?” 
“Because it was my job as an older brother! C’mon, help me find Rooster. He owes me fifty bucks” 
Javy is now very confused. “Why?” 
“Because we had a bet going around. And I won” 
Javy stops walking, turning to face his friend. “What? Did you bet on us?” 
“My bet was that you had been dating since the Uranium mission. And I was right” 
“I can’t believe this” Coyote laughs, totally shocked by the news. 
“Wait until you find about the other one” says Jake, walking about with a smug smile. 
“WHICH OTHER ONE?” Javy yells, scaring a few people that come out from their rooms to look at him. He apologizes quickly and leaves the area. This isn’t exactly how he thought Jake was going to deal with the whole thing, but at least he hasn’t have to hide anymore from his best friend. 
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
so people are super invested in who the nonrich kids are for all the rich school teams from this post so like. let’s get it i guess!!
seijoh: y'all already know!!! fucking yahaba shigeru!!! it's why he's got such an attitude about things!! he's a middle child AND he's sick of the rich kids' bullshit!! like idk i feel like on the first day of school a lot of yahaba's classmates think he's like them bc he seems so ~shallow~ and ~preppy~ but then he instigates violence within the first ten minutes of class (WITH A GOOD JUSTIFIABLE REASON) and everyone is like "what the fuck".
(i have my thoughts about kyoutani being a nonrich kid too bc like. i do love them being the nonrich power couple of seijoh who are just so ready to FIGHT anyone who talks shit otherwise but also??? kyoutani coming from a rich stuffy family?? that punk ass?? that'd be HILARIOUS)
shiratorizawa: SHIRABU SHIRABU SHIRABU. unlike yahaba he makes his disgust known loud and proud. every time a rich kid tries to come for him he's like "absolutely the fuck not" and RIPS them apart so bad not even all their money could pay for enough therapy sessions to fix the damage. he knows goshiki means well but goddamn does he want to bop that kid on the head sometimes. (i also like the idea of shirabu and kawanishi bonding over being the nonrich kids but also??? kawanishi being like SUPER weird BC he grew up wealthy and exasperated but fond shirabu??? i LOVE that shit)
fukurodani: tbh. i really really like konoha as the nonrich kid for fukurodani. like "mr. jack-of-all-trades" yeah of fucking course he seems like he can do every single little thing compared to everyone who just. HIRES people to do shit for them or buy whatever they need. konoha knows how to use duct tape in a hundred different ways while his classmates are just like. tossing easily fixable headphones and sunglasses out every time they break and buying new ones every single time. (also. yes this follows the snarky nonrich kid and weird rich kid. konoaka my beloved.)
itachiyama: look i know we only have three of them BUT. the sheer HILARITY and the HONOR of it being the CAPTAIN, iizuna tsukasa??? i think both sakusa and komori are rich and being cousins they get into the weirdest most trivial spats that iizuna has to sort out. like sakusa is yelling at komori bc "YOU SPILLED CAPRISUN ON MY BALENCIAGA" and komori is all "THEY WERE UGLY ANYWAYS JUST BUY A NEW PAIR" and iizuna is like. "wtf. guys. like honestly fuck the both of you we have PRACTICE right now come ON"
inarizaki: SUNA. IT HAS TO BE SUNA. kid who came all the way across the prefecture to an elite school where he doesn't know anyone or anything? a school where presumably most of the rich students have known each for YEARS bc they went to the adjacent middle school together? yeah there's going to be SO much bullshit when suna gets to inarizaki and hjsgbdkhd it makes me hurt just THINKING about it. like okay yeah all of these types of schools are ruthless but suna is such an easy target because he really doesn't have anyone here y'know?? (that's a lie, of course. he has the team. and that's enough.)
kamomedai: i didn't cover them in the og post but like. kamomedai is DEFINITELY rich. like. how the fuck else do you nab someone who coached pro to teach a bunch of high school kids??? and keeping in mind with what we already know of hoshiumi and hirugami . . . i'd really like for it to be hakuba LMAO. like, we know he isn'tas good and just started playing in high school, so there's probably a roadblock somewhere that makes him feel like he isn't catching up to the others as fast as he'd like, but really he just never had the resources they always had bc of their money!! i'd also really like liam to be one of the nonrich kids too, bc then he and hakuba would have some cute senior-junior bonding moments
mujinazaka: usuri. no explanation needed.
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typingatlightspeed · 1 year
TFC Fanfic - Can't Let Go
Fred is concerned about the state of their boss' emotions since the death of their medic, and worries about his compentency to lead the team. Virgil agrees, but is able to empathize a little bit with how much losing someone important to you can mess you up. Either way, this isn't going to lead anywhere good.
Idk y'all this popped into my head at work and I had to get it out.
Warnings: Very mild gore, mild eye scream re: Virgil's mechanical eye, past character death (TFC Medic, or Gabe as I have named him).
"He ain't right, is all I'm sayin'," Fred grumbled, a terribly thin and small screwdriver held between two thick fingers as he finished rebuilding the mechanical eyeball cradled in a shop towel on his worktable.
Virgil huffed, shaking his head. "When's he ever been right, Fred?"
The engineer shot a look to his friend, the one-eyed sniper currently hogging the only chair in the workshop. "You know what I mean. Moreso'n usual."
"You know how close he and Gabe were. They were as married as two men can get. A heavy and his medic; it's awfully romantic."
"Awful is right," Fred chuckled, joined in a laugh by Virgil. "That's the thing, though. Ever since that explosion, he ain't been the same. Gabe dead, me ripped in half, Bea's eye. That op couldn't've gone worse if we'd tried. An the bossman losin' his husband; I think that might'a finally pushed him over the edge."
"He'd been teeterin' as long as I've know him."
"Exactly. He's been awful cagey about jobs now. It's either sure things or the most outrageous shit, never nowhere between. The worst part is how spooked he's gotten."
Fred finished reassembling the eye and wiped it clean on the towel. "Here, should be good to go," he said, handing it to Virgil, who stretched open his eyelids and popped the thing back into his empty socket, letting the nerve linkup inside grab hold and reattach, restoring use of the thing. He almost wished he'd asked for an off switch for the damned thing this time. Seeing through everything, even his own eyelid, had been deleterious for his ability to get any rest. But having the ability to turn it off would mean he'd use it, and it would make him lazy, and an easy target. Best to just deal with it, he supposed.
"Back in working order. As you were saying?
"When I can get him talkin', it's... he can't let go of death. Ain't never bothered him none before; we're mercenaries, we know what we're gettin' into. What we're riskin'. But ever since Gabe died, he can't shake it. Keeps talkin' about how we're gettin' older. Gettin' slower. Gettin' weaker. We're some of the best damn mercenaries there are, but even we can't stop Death from comin' callin' sooner or later. I don't think he can figure out how to reconcile it."
"It is a lot to take in; losing someone that important to you," Virgil offered, thinking back to the year prior, when he'd seen the explosion from his perch, when he'd seen Fred get torn in half, his legs basically paste, his intestines strewn from his open, gaping torso, blood everywhere. It was a sight he'd never shake. He'd splattered more brains and pierced more hearts than he could remember, but it was different when that gore, those guts, were someone who mattered to you. "Changes your perspective in some fucked up ways."
He was just grateful they'd managed to save Fred, and that the canny engineer had been able to retrofit one of his father's old designs for prosthetics. Though it had required a bit more biological knowledge than he truly had the depth of understanding for, and without Gabe around to help anymore, it had been a long, taxing, infuriating process to get right. All the while their heavy was going mad in grief and couldn't be consoled by anyone.
Bea had just wrenched the shrapnel from her eye, bandaged her face, and gone about her day. Hard woman, she was. She terrified Virgil, which was no mean feat.
"I'm just concerned he's gonna do somethin' stupid. He's angry, and hurt, and it's gettin' him more 'n' more riled every day, and one of these days he's gonna snap, and it ain't gonna be good for any of us."
"That new medic isn't helping with it, either."
"That absolute fruit loop is gonna get us all killed even faster'n the boss if we ain't careful. I know a mad scientist when I see one."
"I'm thinking more the boss is gonna kill him first."
"Half thinkin' we should let 'im. Maybe it'll blow off some steam," Fred laughed.
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angelsaxis · 2 years
Actually this is the most embarassing I think the star wars fandom has been to me bc folks have been fed on painfully simplistic plots with bright colors and lots of explosions and well timed rants about Hope and how we need to have Hope and easy save-the-day scenes that ultimate do nothing but soften the blow of struggle and endurance. Basically y'all have been fed kiddie shit for way too goddamn long and I can seeeee when people are trying to read into a star wars material as being darker or more poignant than it really is because ultimately people really do want to engage w this franchise in a way in which they can keep chewing on it for as long as they want because there's always something to discover and the other fans are always pointing something out.
But that only works if the creators put something there and for a lot of SW media they don't lol.
So now you've got people who have no idea how to interact w andor and for many of them all they are the simplistic overdone family-oriented stories about Hope and """Found Family""" (trope has been misapplied to much as to be useless as a describer now) and I say this is embarassing bc frankly star wars has been portraying mature themes without engaging with them in a mature way. How the hell do you so easily gloss over mass death events and colonialism and imlerialism. What. WHAT. Why have folks been so bad at displaying grief in a way that wasn't nearly packaged idk if I'm making sense but
I will also never forget how people reacted when they saw the "sex scene" between Bix and Timm. Where these two adult people who are shown to be dating kiss once and then they show the bed and then the next morning they're not even in the same bed. They don't even get in the bed. And so many people lost it and it's like I don't think other fandoms do this. I dont think other fandoms act like this. I could be wrong obv bc I'm not really in other fandoms but normally when other franchises present something aimed at the adult target demographic said demographic doesn't immediately insist that it's all kinds of wrong and miss the point so heavily. Like why are y'all scared
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happysadyoyo · 1 year
As an adult online I need y'all to know that you don't have to give your every single opinion on the internet, no matter how right you think these opinions are.
I hate religion. All religions. And I have an extremely complicated relationship with religious folks generally offline.
I'm not going to put my opinions on religion on the internet. Not only is it very easy for someone to twist what you're saying horribly in good faith (let's not touch on bad faith), but it can hurt someone who wasn't expecting me to go mask off and target something important to them specifically. There's no need for me to do that when I know how it feels to happen to me.
Secondly, you don't need to have an opinion on literally everything that crosses your line of focus. It's okay to look at something and be like "yeah I'm not affected by this and I don't see how it affects others in a negative way, so I'm going to remain neutral on the subject."
Notably, I use this for some things that I just don't talk about/engage with. People who I care about might not even know the full extent of my feelings, but so long as the thing that crosses my radar isn't hurting anyone, including those participating in it, I'm not going to get worked up over it.
Finally, I love the block button. It's so nice and the other guy thinks they somehow got the last word so... idk they can take the L as a W and you've got no skin off your nose.
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joshbruh10x · 1 year
Just saw Pamela Galvan on a list of named scammers. Seems like they used to be on a terminated account called eeyore-pg who was confirmed to be stealing someone’s legit aid post. starrypanelstars also has that name on their post and someone found their post is copied off Facebook word-for-word with the owner name edited off the bill. Thoughts?
Oh... Welp uhhh damn
As you can tell fellow mutuals, I am an easy target for scams
Anyways idk if I should put that reblog down, what do y'all think?
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Episode 6: "And by the way, where are the Raccoons??? Will they make an appearance? I hope so..." ~Julia
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Merge: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/survivorraccooncity2/687089287369474048?source=share
Challenge: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/survivorraccooncity2/687162410723885056?source=share
Results: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/survivorraccooncity2/687249927096745984?source=share
Tribal Council: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/survivorraccooncity2/687346374770098176?source=share
Meeeeerge. Yay, I make it to merge, which is my goal. Right on time too, cause Jinx put me on the spot light. That was intense tribal. I don't know what to do now. I have to lie low. Y'all can do whatever you want. I need a rest from that tribal. Lol.
I was so relieved to hear that we have merged, but now it is such an unknown territory for me! I have sent messages to all the people I hadn't had a chat with prior to the swap. I did my due diligence. All except for one, have developed into conversations with varying degrees of quality and quantities. I haven't heard back from Ava yet. I hope to hear from them soon. I'm friendly with everyone. I will have to betray someone directly or indirectly soon though. I'm dreading it already. Let's hope I can find out something tangible in terms of who is being targeted next, but before that, I would ideally like to place 4th or 5th in the next immunity challenge. 
I hate this confessional thing especially because this is the 2nd time I erased my writing without meaning to. Anyway, I made it to the Merge. Everyone surfaced this morning, surprised, congratulatory, some I'm sure were pissed at who was left - their worst threats or the easy pickings who were not so easily picked off. I didn't really think I'd still be standing. In fact yesterday, I tried to switch with Jinx, who jumped from her group to support me, she said, (and I was convinced to vote for, but didn't want to vote off). But it was not allowed and I accidentally voted off Dominique who was SUPPOSED to support Jinx whom I was trying to save. Jinx felt that my mistake caused the Dom to jump ship which I don't believe because I don't think Dom was really on her side, but she believed they were.... anyway... never mind...other mistakes were made by others and it went on much later than we'd expected. In the end, Jinx was bumped, and got really upset and the person who reached out to me who I wanted to support, Clefford, is not speaking to me at all, and the person I accidentally voted – Dom - for got daggers with my name on it. Tsk Tsk - But I am not afraid of being voted off - I want to be VOTED OFF - kinda sorta... I'm in the midst of moving and as the game has now gotten tougher because of the merge, I don't know how I'll manage to keep up with all the shenanigans Anyway, now we have to regroup. Are our old alliances still valid? Did what we learned from the maneuvering of supposed allies teach us anything, prepare us for this round? Who can I/ should I trust. What does trust mean anyway when everyone wants to get to the top of this little rat race and most are willing to throw each other under the bus? I guess that's the point...And by the way, where are the Raccoons??? Will they make an appearance? I hope so...
I don't know why I thought that the first individual immunity challenge would be an individual game like the very first round of the typing game. 😅 I have no idea who to poison and how to do the damage control afterwards.
Why is being inactive low key working as a strat right now. Threat level management is when don’t talk? Right? Anyway. Evangelina told me about her advantage, Els and i still sharing coins. MJ is giving me coins bc i gave her immunity basically. I’m just watching it all happen. Chilling. DJ thanked me for NOT giving him immunity? Maybe he thinks it’s to keep his threat level down idk 
The scrambling is about to begin! The conversations with scrambly people are tricky. I don't know who to trust. The paranoia in my head is crazy.. That can't be good for one's mental health 😅
So I’m happy that we’ve finally merged, but people have my name in their damn mouths, so that’s fun. DJ told me that Ava specifically is wanting me gone for some reason even though last I checked they’re supposed to be aligned with MJ, who I have an alliance with. So I’m gonna have a chat with her and be like “get your people in check” lol. Julia what’s to get Dom out since they didn’t get along in the swap tribe, which I’m cool with since Dom is someone I don’t really have a connection with. Els is down for that too. Also I have 17 coins now, but Els mentioned that they got the 18 coin hidden item and they got a disadvantage so now I’m kinda holding back on buying something. Like is it even worth spending that much only to get shit? I dunno.
Soooo, I forgot if I already confess or not, but here we go. So, Jinx is voted out. Clefford definitely got some heat. I don't know why. Also, I ak relieved that people are not looking at me from that last tribal. So glad MJ is proving time and time again that I can trust her. For now, I can keep staying lie low and let MJ do the moves, let her lead me, I want my goat status badge right now. I don't care. It is beneficial for me to just stay low so that's what I'm gonna do. I am not hungry to do big moves anymore. I did that last season, and although I enjoy it, it definitely did not help me get to the end. Now, I'll try to keep Clefford as long as I can but if he continues to get heat from everyone, then I have to let him go. Right now, Mj wants Navi gone. Which for me is not a good strategy. If the reason why we have to vote out Navi is because she us working with Evangelina then we should vote out Evangelina instead so we can have Navi work with us. But you know, goats only follow, it does not lead. Bye, amping. 
Waaaaiiit. So, Navi already knows she's on the chopping block. And she have heard Dominique and Clefford's name as well. Dominique wants Julia out cause she feela like Julia is coming after her. But none of it sounds like a solid plan. Why is no one talking to me what to do with my vote? Are people just silent right now or are they plotting against me. Omygaaad maybe this is my boot out round. Well, I have already made merge, so I guess mission accomplished. Sayonara. Amping. 
Yesterday I was pretty nervous about my placement in the immunity challenge, and what that might mean going into the next Tribal. However, conversations over the past couple of hours has started to sway me into feeling a bit relaxed. But of course I could be getting played 🤣😂 I guess we’ll find out soon enough!
This is the 'nicest' damn group ever. In a real jungle situation, we would all not survive.... or maybe we ALL would. Dedpite the 'Infection' Challenge, nobodys is targeting anybody almost. Nobody wants to vote anybody off!!! Everyones reluctant to say a name or form 3 way alliances with the intention of voting a particular person off in a block vote... at least in the few Ive talked to. They do want to be in alliance but just dont want to offer up a name! And dont want it to be them voted off. And me personally, Im just trying to keep everyone I can, safe, which is crazy. Only one person I sense would be out to bump me - Dom. She told someone I wasnt trustworthy, based on no interaction with me at all. I may be a bit clumsy, awkward, forgetfull and got a brain like a collander, but Im honest and if I say it was an accident that I voted for you Dom, before Challenge #6, it was! Subconscious, sure, maybe cuz YOU put your name on my lips in a back handed way. So, this time, its intentional but I just dont have hard feelings towards her. Her name comes to mind cuz she said that. Thats it! But someone jst suggested another name - Navi. But even tho she secretly dropped me in our first challenge despite being in a secret alliance with me, I dont want to see her go - yet. What is happening is the reactivation of a formal alliance ofvwhich Navi is a part - The 3 Mousketeers, and some 1 on 1 convos. Ive got 2 def people willing to vote Dom and 1, split btw Dom & Navi... Tonights gonna be interesting....
Man I made it to merge! Such a goal of mine in this game. But moving forward I now have to be skeptical of everyone because people can and will flip at any time to save themselves. It makes me trust no one. I was hoping I could use those damn cans to knock some sense into people, but they're just empty and have no purpose...go figure. Now I'm forced to trust some people and Julia is really out to get me. Although I have zero ideas why...
Dudeeee🙈🙈🙆🏾‍♀️🙆🏾‍♀️🙆🏾‍♀️ This round is crazy!!!!! The way I fight fir Clefford he should really pay me🤣🤣🤣 It's getting harder and harder to hide my alliance with MJ and Clefford. But I guess that's the nature of the game. I've really tried to rail MJ in in terms of keeping her cards close to her chest but I don't think she can help it, she is just a social person and she wants to be nice to everyone. Me, I'm very clear where my loyalties lie and what my end game will be if things really go all the way. I don't make promises that I can't keep and don't make suggestions unless it's in my inner circle. It's easier to let people think they can control you. What's the point of wanting control when things are going according to the way you want and other people look like they are playing a better game? Thank God gor Friday evening wine!!!🥃🥃🥃
Definitely voting Navi here i think. That’s what all the other tyrant people are up to 
I made it to merge! Yipee 🥳 Jinx got voted out just as I wanted 😅 (we’re both smart 😁) and then I won the first immunity post merge 🥶 I didn’t really like that, but I guess my social game play is fair for now. I have touched base with everyone but not too involved to be called a betrayer.   After winning immunity, I knew I had to do something to take eyes off me. I had no interest in controlling votes or driving it. I waited for them to pick their choice (Ava , Clefford , Zukiswa) picked Navi and I agreed. I didn’t personally convince anyone to vote Navi or not to. I only skillfully defended Clefford where I had to and threw Dom and Julia’s name out for those who cared to ask. Back to my game plan to remain neutral, I teamed up with Clifton on this. Since we were both at the summit, I told him to mention five people he would like to give coins, I encouraged him to consider giving people he wasn’t so close with like Zuki & Clefford. After influencing his decision , I was left with people I clearly wasn’t so involved in and that was perfect for me. So I literally shared coins to my game enemies ( Navi, Evangelina)and the ones that are just building trust in me (Els, Ava) and Adeline (she gave me immunity) . After coins was distributed, almost everyone came thanking me. My Allies believed I did and my non Allie’s were surprised at my gestures. That was the perfect opportunity to strike a chord in everyone’s heart. I messaged everyone saying, hope you got a coin and beautiful conversation ensued from there. Evangelina poured her heart to me, same with Navi. They don’t see me as an enemy, but hopefully, they will see no reason to take me out. To the people I didn’t give coins, and I’m still trying to get them trust me, I told them in their chat “I and Clifton made sure you had a coin 💖” such a beautiful experience 😅 right now i hope Navi goes. Because she didn’t seem true to our alliance. She doesn’t even chat me or Ariel. We always initiate the chat , not until she’s at the bottom. Well, Goodluck Navi 💖 I’m not so bent on anyone going next so far it’s not me. My next strategy is to be a wind . I will create a turmoil that no one will know where it’s coming from. I’ll only do this for the next round and I hope it is successful. 
So it’s looking like it’s gonna be Navi tonight, hopefully she’ll give me her coins! Finally in a merge alliance (it’s with Zukiswa and MJ and I am super stoked abt it)
OMG. I don't know where are votes going. I haven't really had a time to strategize. 
Clefford, MJ, and Zukiswa talk about who they trust and who they want out. Clefford wants to target Els and Ava while MJ wants to work with them. They both are targeting Evangelina, Julia, and Navi. Evangelina is high on their threat list, despite the fact that she has no solid allies. They want to bring in DJ to work with.
Cliftone and MJ are the Summit leaders.
Els and Julia want to target Dom this round. However, Els would be willing to target Cliftone or Clefford.
MJ, Zukiswa, and Els start an alliance. They discuss that the names they heard are Navi, Dom, and Clefford. They all agree that they do not want to go after Clefford. Instead, they want to push for Navi to get voted out.
MJ gave coins to Ava, Evangelina, Els, Adeline, and Navi. Cliftone gave coins to DJ, Clefford, Dom, Zuki, and Ariel
Dom made a panic alliance with Ariel, DJ, and Adeline. Dom is being left out of the vote. No one is telling her what the plan is
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hearmeoutno · 2 years
Stranger things season 4 re-write
I've never been so pissed at the ending of a series so imma rewrite it whether you like it or not. Imma add another character that's basically me in the 80s because I want to that's why. Euh so I hope y'all enjoy if I ever even publish this idk what imma do with this.
Please keep in mind that English isn't my first languages nor am I an American, so don't bully me aodkakdowod
A bit more explanation on how I'm gonna do this:
You'll be reading from my OC's p.o.v. in 3rd person, so imagine the narrator looking over the OC's shoulder and reading her thoughts (more info on her later)
I'm gonna rewrite certain scenes, so not the whole season
Because I stan this hc, Steve is bi, eddie is gay (I see that hanky Ed) but I'm not gonna write smut, a kiss at best, because I still think its cringe whenever I write it
I'm a gay fuck so guess what! Steddie and rovicky (idk the ship name but Robin and vicky)
I'm probably just gonna write about the Hawkins crew cause my OC will not be in Russia, Indiana and California at the same time for obvious reasons
Definitely putting in a lot of pop culture references
I'm gonna put in the timestamps of the scene I'm editing
My oc
Name: Mackenzie "Mack" Ryans (Ik the name sounds preppy but she is far from that, trust me)
Age: 19 (she had to double senior and just switched school, not rlly gonna write it down but theres context clues, or just think of your own reason, creative freedom)
Hobbies: playing guitar, D&D (she's not in Hellfire tho ik I'm sorry)
Music: Queen, Kiss, other popular rock around that time
movies: sleepaway camp, slumberparty massacre, Texas chainsaw massacre, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, just all horror movies and obviously popular movies, especially grease
Other: she's a lesbian because we rlly need more queerness in ST
Here's a few pics of what Mack would look like, but I'm not going to expertly detail her look/outfit, so it's up to the imagination for most of the story:
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Chapter 1: The Hellfire Club
"and even... Murder!"
As the geeks laugh at Eddie's expressive monologue, Mike and Dustin stand a few feet away from their usual table. For some reason they need to give eachother some sort of pep talk, but Mack doesn't give it any more thought than necessary.
"I don't understand why everything that doesn't fit in society's normal has to be bad or satanic! What about trolls and elves is so harmful that they might as well kill because of it?!" Rolling her eyes, she opens her lunchbox, taking a bite of her sandwich.
"Society has to blame something. we're an easy target"
"Exactly. We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game. But," As Eddie slams a hand on the table, he gets up and on said table to dramatically exclaim his opinion "as long as you're into band or science... or parties" the nasty face he makes at the typical party-goers makes them snarl and throw him a nasty face back. But ofcourse, Eddie being Eddie can't help but raise his voice at that while looking over to the popular slash basketball slash asshole table.. "or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!"
Jason isn't the biggest fan of hearing the truth, at least not as long as it's against him, causing him to stand up and scream back a "you want something freak?". Like all people do who don't understand a thing about differences.
But oh does Eddie love pissing off assholes! He makes a *lovely* demon face, along with some questionable sounds before walking back off the table like a catwalk.
"Its forced conforming. That's what... killing the kids!" A girl walking by gets scared of his sudden screaming, causing her to gasp and walk just a little faster, all while the table chuckles at Eddie's usual antics.
Being the gentlemen he is, he bows to let some cheerleaders by before sitting back down saying "that's the real monster."
Mack looks up from her lunchbox she was previously laughing into, leaning over to the head of the table where Eddie was. "We still on for tonight? I rented Friday the 13th again."
Cocking his head over to Mack he softly whispers "I might have a deal so just wait behind the trailer if you see someone inside." Then sitting straight up, looking at Dustin.
"So, uh, speaking of monsters"
Mack is standing behind the trailer, waiting for Eddie to come get her. People always seem to think her and Eddie are together, but they couldn't be far from the truth. Just two homosexuals who like rock, horror movies and weed.
As she's standing there, waiting, she puts a cassette in her Walkman. It's one she recorded herself, with a mix of her all time favourites. Theres some Kiss, a shit ton of Queen, some Bowie, and here and there The Beatles.
She can't help but see some lights flickering out of her peripherals. first it didn't seem so unusual, it's a trailer on a trailer park so not exactly a mansion. But they keep flickering. Pausing the tape and taking of the headphones, she hears screaming
"Chrissy, wake up! I don't like this, Chrissy! Wake up!"
Ignoring the rules she and Eddie set, she goes around the trailer and opens the door.
"What the fuck is going on he-" when she finally did see what was going on, she wished she just stayed home. Chrissy was slowly levitating into the air, Eddie standing in front of her.
"I don't know! We had deal and when I found what she wanted i came back and she was just- Jesus Christ!" Right when Eddie was telling his story, she slammed against the roof of the trailers, Eddie falling down by surprise and Mack with her back against the now closed door.
As Chrissy's bones begin to snap, they both stare in disbelieve for a few seconds. Then they began screaming as her eyes start bleeding and get sucked into her head. Mack runs to get Eddie, pulling him out the trailer and running. Not knowing where to go, they sprint into the woods.
"What the fuck! What the fuck was that Eddie!"
"I don't fucking know but we need to get out of here! The moment they find her I'm dead!"
They keep running and the road doesn't seem to stop. Eddie leads them to a boathouse on Coal Mill Road, rushing to find a hiding spot for when the cops eventually find them. They settle under a tarp in a boat, it's a bit cramped but they'll get by.
"Remember that one scene in Nightmare on Elmstreet where Tina gets levitated off the bed and up the wall to get killed by Freddy? What if he's real?" Mack always tries to be the comedic relief, but all she can see when she closes her eyes is Chrissy's lifeless body pressed against the ceiling.
Her and Chrissy were briefly friends, if that's what you can call it. They helped eachother in maths at the beginning of the year, and that was about it, yet they still smiled at eachother when passing in the hallways. Chrissy was sweet, she was kind, she didn't call her a queer or a freak unlike her pathetic-excuse of a boyfriend.
"I don't know what that was Mackie, but it definitely wasn't good. I'm really gonna need to sleep on that, if I can at least. Goodnight..."
"Goodnight Ed". And there they were. Cramped in a small boat, under a tarp and scared shitless for what will happen to them in the near future.
Right before she fell asleep, Mackenzie realised she dropped one of the cassettes in her back pocket. You know, the cassette that blatantly says "property of Mackenzie Ryans, don't fucking touch" on both sides. Fuck.
Wanna read more? Here's the other chapters I finished! Thanks for reading :)
(And yes, that one is longer than this one lmao)
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fannationdaily · 4 months
You're so sweet and adorable why do you get bullied so much? I swear they're just jealous of you
Idk I've had some tell me before they were just jealous I knew certain people and am friends with them but I really don't know.. I've been told my kindness is a reason for it like it makes me an "easy target" but I don't mind I've been bullied for EVERYTHING in my life from who my family members are to how I talk. I've been bullied for being "delulu" back when Noone knew I was best friends with scotty and others as I preferred it that way then one popular kid knew and told everyone. Then I got bullied for not knowing who to trust and staying close to those who always liked me as bullies started being fake nice to me cuz they knew some of who my friends were. I never "name drop". I only "name drop" scotty cuz y'all know already lol as I'm on his insta and other socials..other friends post me from time to time but want to keep me safe and happy as they know I don't like media and how they spin things sometimes and last time papz wouldn't leave me alone we value privacy and safety. I've gotten bullied for literally everything but I'm use to it. I'm happy they pick me to bully because that makes it one less person they can bully. I can take being bullied but not everyone can I've lost friends in the past due to bullies. Me getting bullied... It is what it is. 🤷‍♀️
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hi <3 a bit nervous to send this in haha but I really agree with what a few anons have been talking about here lately so I thought I’d share my two cents on the whole debacle! Please feel free to skip or ignore if you like!
the thing that gets me about all those Swifties hating on Matty for being a jackass or not being good enough for Taylor is that Taylor isn’t perfect either! (And I also really like Taylor Swift)! Like there are plenty of things all of us could be shouting about her while claiming she's not good enough for Matty, but we don't because that would be rude and stupid. Everyone's fave could be deemed problematic for some reason; acting like yours is the one exception and using that as justification for hating on other peoples faves is a) hypocritical, and b) I’m not sure what the right word is… Dumb? Unfortunate? Mean-spirited?
If you purposefully go looking for bad stuff about a celebrity, you’ll find a reason to hate them. This goes for both Matty and Taylor, and honestly just about every celebrity out there. It just seems to me like all of the swifties who are hating were determined to hate Matty from the get-go, before they even learned anything about him. They might've done this to whoever she rebounded with, even if it hadn't been Matty.
Idk. I just hope he (and honestly Taylor) are doing okay right now <3
Also you! I hope ur dissertation is coming along well and that you’re not feeling too stressed about it and that you’re taking care!
No, you're absolutely correct! Nobody's perfect, especially not white, straight, rich celebrities (BOTH MATTY AND TAYLOR) and we shouldn't expect them to be. honestly demanding perfection of ANYONE, celeb or not, is harmful and I hope we as culture can move past that at some point, lol. But yeah I totalllyyyy think that if it weren't Matty, they'd 100% be doing this to someone else too. It's just that Matty's messiness makes me an easy target. SO MUCH STUFF you can take out of context/ misconstrue to say horrible things about him. which breaks my heart because, though he may sometimes behave like an idiot, it's always with pure intentions and he doesn't deserve to be treated this way. but oh well.
MY DISSERTATION IS GOING SO SLOWWWW. I really hope that some of y'all will still be awake or something cuz im in for a long haul, if not an all-nighter, and im afraid that without company, i'll fall asleep and miss the deadline lmao.
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
I SAW YOU DO MY REQUEST AND IM????? SO???? HAPPY????? Can I also please request a hutao like mc with the dorm leaders + adeuce :D where they can basically command the ghosts to do anything for them (considering the ghosts in twst are like the most stubbornly annoying people besides ace/hj) and they like to joke about "taking people to the other side" to scare people that'd BE COOL
Dorm leaders + adeuce duo with a Hutao!MC
At first glance, you appear to be a quirky and cheerful. You enjoy pranking and despises sitting around and doing nothing, as you wishes to live your life to the fullest.
Accepting death as a natural part of life and tells others to enjoy their short lives, loathing those who try to prolong their natural lifespan.
notes: i love hutao sm bro i would send her flowers everyday
s i g h
well he can see why you're close to those two animals from his dorm
well i mean at least u actually get ur work done????
he gave u one work and u run around pranking AND finishing those exact works
he's amazed LMSKAJSKS
esp when he saw u straight up just
idk voodoo hand motions to the ghosts????"
what am i even saying
well you're commanding those ghost and riddle was like
*remembers he can use magic* wait
well i mean at least u can stop those ghosts from being annoying?
other than that, he enjoys ur poetry
he only wishes u would stop trying to have a poetry rap battle with him
he also is kind of offended by how u encouraged death KNFOAOAOA
well i mean accepting it is one thing
but why are u putting up posters on how to die faster around school??
your liveliness sure is irritating
omg xiao kinnie⁉️
when u pranked him, he give u that boss unknown god dainsleif level stink eye
sometimes, he flick his tail to(?) ur forehead
if he's annoyed enough that is
whenever u tell him his habits will probably make him die faster
he thought you were hinting at him to do that
so he just put u in the same category as the people back at home who wanted him gone
well that was until he saw u hang up posters "text and drive -wangsheng funeral parlor"
well at least he's not the only one being told to die faster???
oh and yall know that ghost smth event with that pretty ghost?
yeah u can probably command her
leona is forever greatful
he would rather die than admit it tho
i mean, a great customer target🤗
well that's what he thought and you're just you
probably started pranking him after the incident too HELPPP
poor guy just wants some rest but now he have u following him around to prank him or smth
floyd won't even help bc he joins u
jade is being jade, he's too amused
but hes quite amazed at ur ability to command ghosts
not even mages can do that!
you two do business so uh
idk make a deal or smth
he'll get the students to die faster or smth and you'll give him more customers
see? u both get more customers either way and it's very befitting
no one can stop you guys now
oh you guys got along REALLY well
sunshine + sunshine
might even be your new partner in crime
you're just so fun! how can kalim not want to hang out with you??!
pranking people, some poetry rap battles, magic carpet rides
y'all can't sit still at all jamil almost had another overblot
your ability to command ghost is REALLY amazing
he would be more than happy to see you do it again!
but ur talk abt communicating with the other side scare him a little
it even became his random 12am memory that made him check under the bed or smth
well he doesn't care abt u that much
he is kind of weirded out and confused at u encouraging everyone to die while also telling them to cherish their short lives
probably told him the same thing
"pls take selfies of urself while driving!"
"thats dangerous"
yeah he doesn't want to deal with your shenanigans
it's not like he's safe from your pranks anyway
u better stop if u don't want to have a wwe smackdown with vil
other than that, he likes how u kept ur appearance well
u might be a menace but at least u know how to take care of ur appearance
and that eye makeup, he approves🤗
oh no its a prank target
he fears you
like full on shaking in his timbers whenever he saw u
he might even start crying
like kalim + cater + rook personality with a sprinkle of death?! the world must've hated him so much to make him meet you
one time u told him his way of living will kill him
he was abt to give a sarcastic remark
well until u encouraged it in the same sentence
like do u want him to continue living this way or..?
oh you probably saved his ass with that gorgeous ghost one time
he's so grateful???? he might even let you bother him for a day
oh be adores that liveliness of yours
like he's just so???happy????
you're always just so cheerful and you're even brave enough to prank him of all people
he might even start joining u on ur pranks if its not for the fact that he got stopped by sebek
and he definitely would love to listen to you talk about how u can command ghosts and how u can "communicate with the other side"
he has never seen it but he will be more than happy to witness it:D!
probably saw those posters arohnd the school hallways and immediately knew it was you HELPPP
ah, they're encouraging others to die^^ i... see😁😅
well hes amused on your motives as to why you're even encouraging this but
you must have a good reason?
yknow that thing in the prologue when y'all got chased by the ghost?
instead this time u literally just command them
the gears in his head was on full time work at that time bc he have many thoughts on how to use that ability of yours
the BEST of friends i say
y'all found new victims to prank everyday
jack have to pull yalls collar to stop yall from tormenting all of those poor students
he's supporting u on ur quest to have more dead bodies for ur job's success
all bc he thinks its funny
so now u have two idiots in the hallways spreading on why you should never wear a seatbelt or smth
honestly? he's not scared of ur ghosts talk
u can talk to the other side? yeah well he can travel through mirrors🙄
u can command the ghosts? well he can command the wind
the anemo archon in disguise HELPPP
well he is surely amazed by ur ability to commans ghosts
he might even thought youre secretly a wizard
a powerful wizard that not even the mirror can identify is right in front of my very eyes! - Deuce senior quote
well poor him bc u surely didnt let it go
and u just encouraged the thoughts
it wasn't until riddle broke the news to him that his whole world shatters
like straight up glass breaking sound effects as he dramatically dropped to the floor
you're laughing in the background btw
well took hin a few days of recovery but he's fine now
it's his 3am thoughts now tho
like randomly "do u remember when-"
he's kind of scared by that "i can talk to the other side ehe"
might even start looking behind him everytime he walks LMFOAOAOA
but it's ok! at least he helps u with spreading the why you should die faster thing!
you and ace convinced tricked him!
so now u will see three idiots in the hallways🤗‼️
the more the merrier amirite
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the one thing about cardan that makes me incredibly uneasy is when he slut-shamed taryn. oh so her and locke hooking up is all wrong but then he goes to bed every night literally draped in faeries? 🙄 make it make sense
i get where you're coming from, nonnie, but i think it's a bit more convoluted than that.
Cardan is mean to Taryn in TCP, yes. but that's primarily because Taryn is the accomplice to Locke making Nicasia cry. even if her part in it was indirect, to the fae, that's all they'd probably need to hold a grudge against someone forever.
the closest thing Cardan gets to explicitly slut-shaming Taryn (that i can think of, at least) is when he tells Jude "not that I'd be the first to green gown her". but we have to remember that Taryn is knowingly keeping a very big secret from Jude. a secret Cardan knows about, but is sworn to keep. so he can't say anything directly to Jude to warn her. this is his way of "telling her" without telling her.
and since Jude is "involved" with Locke, i think Cardan sees Taryn going along with Locke's games, despite the fact that she could tell Jude if she wanted to, as a deep betrayal of Jude. a betrayal not too unlike the one Nicasia committed against him only a few months prior. it hits a little too close to home.
i've mentioned before that Cardan's feelings for Jude in TCP are present, albeit complicated. so likely, the idea of someone Jude loves wittingly betraying her did not sit well for him. and he dealt with those feelings of discontent the only way he knew how: by lashing out at the person who caused them.
now, i'm not commending Cardan for being mean to Taryn. personally i think he should've focused the brunt of his ire on Locke. but Taryn is an easy target. she's mortal, an identifier that makes sense to scorn in Faerie (because that's the way their society is). and a mortal who is generally pretty submissive at that.
Locke on the other hand is one of the fae, one of the gentry, has a history of deriving pleasure from other people's vexation and misery, and ultimately has a lot more power to make Cardan's life a living hell in return.
it would be a lot of work to get back at Locke for making Nicasia cry. it would be infinitely easier to get back at someone else who had a hand in the matter.
and if there are two things we know TCP Cardan hates most, it's mortals and work.
not to mention, it is very likely that Cardan's maliciousness towards Taryn is something Balekin would've rewarded him for. or at the very least Not Beat Him for. if Cardan had lashed out at Locke instead of Taryn, who knows what Balekin would've done.
also! as sort of an informal addendum, Cardan was.... not a nice dude in TCP? like idk if y'all remember that cos it seems like fandom usually takes big scary characters and flattens them into melodramatic himbos/simps. and i'm not saying that isn't part of Cardan's character, but...... he is also scary as hell.
we all agree that Jude is the scariest thing in Faerie, yes? and she lived there for a decade with loads of faeries. the scariest one for her was Cardan. Jude was terrified of him. that should say something to you about how Not Nice Cardan was at the beginning of the series.
so even if you don't agree with my analysis, and still think that what Cardan did was slut shaming (which you are totally within your right to think)..... i mean. YEAH. he was kind of terrible for a little while there! the title of the book is literally The Cruel Prince, idk what to tell you 🤷‍♀️
–Em 🖤🗡
more thoughts on cardan's feelings for jude
more analysis & theories
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Dealing With People Who Don't Care (Ticci Toby X F!Reader)
Dealing With People Who Don't Care
[Ticci Toby X F!Reader]
[Warnings: slight language and calls to violence? Bullying, slight yandere behavior]
[AN: Requested from ѕρσσку яανισlι on Quotev! Idk if I'm ready to tell y'all that this was basically my first quarter of college.]
College wasn’t supposed to be like this, at least, that’s what you keep telling yourself. When you graduated from high school, you were told that petty drama and catty people were going to fade away because that was high school and this is college. Something new, something for young adults, and something you’d been looking forward to for far, far too long.
Truth be told, in high school, you didn’t really have any problems. You mostly got along with the people you did talk to and aside from a few arcs which you lovingly call ‘character development’, you generally kept your head down and to yourself which allowed you to stay off some of the cruller people’s radars. You were liked when it was necessary but ultimately stuck to yourself.
How did it all go so wrong?
When you first came in on orientation day, you’d met up with a group of girls and bonded on the train ride back to campus. There was a group chat made and you were a ready part of it. You felt nicely about your entire situation because these were nice girls, and they treated you like you held the sun and rose the moon. Is that what positive friendship was like?
For the first few weeks, everything with them was a bliss. Unfortunately, you were the only person from that group in your specific branch and major. This meant that you often spent most of your daylight hours alone or with yourself entirely. The other girls all had majors that were almost word for word the same, and that meant that they spent a lot of time together. Slowly, that had been growing closer and closer to each other and leaving you out.
It came in small doses at first, and you had chalked it up to your nature being so different from theirs. They were much more extroverted than you ever could have been. They were fire, and you were ice. But that did not mean that you were boring, or any less interesting, you were just quieter, preferring to take this just as softly. Wandering around the city with maybe one or two people, talking about the things that matter as opposed to getting wasted in a crowded apartment with fifty people who don’t even care about your wellbeing.
That’s what was different about you than them.
“Hey ladies,” you smile widely as you take your tray of food from the cafeteria to the table where all the girls sat. You notice that they’re all engrossed in conversation but quickly turn to greet you with smiles and waves.
“Hi, Reader! How has your day been?” Maria greets, her fingers gently tugging through her blonde hair. “Me and Georgina were just talking about you.”
Georgina nods and pats the seat next to her for you to sit down. “Yeah, what have you been up to?”
You take a seat next to the redhead and sip from your drink. “It was alright. With midterms coming up though… Little stressed,” you admit as the two girls sitting around you frown in response. “Lots of essays, some minor discussion posts, a group project but we’re just starting it early because it counts for like, 20 percent of our grade and is part of our final,” you say as you stab into your food.
“Oh? A group project?” Georgina asks with a raise of her eyebrow.
You nod. “It’s actually more like a partner project. I’m paired with this guy named Toby? But like, I haven’t seen him yet - he doesn’t show up to class,” you sigh.
“Maybe try emailing the professor,” Maria suggests. “But I’m sure you’ll do just fine,” she hums with a small smile, her hand reaching over and gripping yours warmly.
From there, the conversation that follows has you drifting away. By now, a third girl has joined the conversation and her name is Helena. Helena is also in the same class as you with the group project, but she isn’t as close to you as Georgina and Maria are. She greets you just as warmly but she turns the conversation in a direction you weren’t expecting.
Laughter rings out from the table.
“And that guy from last night?” Georgina giggles.
“He was insane!” Maria adds. “You have to come inside!” She mockingly says before bursting into another fit of giggles.
“And he dressed so weirdly,” Helena continues. “Ratty as all hell jacket and then followed us into the theatre? Asked to show us magic tricks-” she’s not even able to finish her words because she’s laughing much too hard.
You tilt your head slightly. “What happened last night?” You ask.
The girls pause for a moment. “Don’t worry about it,” Georgina says as she swats off your question. “You weren’t there.”
“This was last night?” You ask again.
They nod.
“Yeah, wasn’t anything special,” Maria attempts to shrug off before those three continue with their conversation and inside jokes.
You eat in silence, every now and then smiling and offering forced laughter as you think about what you did last night. You weren’t doing anything, in fact, your roommate went out on a date with her boyfriend and left you in the dorm all along. So, you finished your work a little early and started on some other things, then watched Netflix and fell asleep before midnight. You were free the entire night.
And they didn’t even think to invite you.
From there, you started to notice all the times they forgot about you and excluded you. It carried on in the sloughed off invites, the ‘sorry we can’t meet up for dinner,’ and generally just avoiding you. They had jokes they couldn’t share with you, and you were at their side, they acted like you weren’t even there until it faded into nothing.
Reader: Are you guys doing anything tonight?
Maria is typing…
Maria: no not tonight :(
Reader: oh okay! But if any of you want to come to Target with me or something..? Maria: sorry, I’m busy!
Georgina is typing…
Helena is typing…
After that, they’d left you on read, not even bothering to answer you. Later that night on snapchat, you saw the three of them wandering the city without you, laughing and having a good time.
Instead of talking to them right away, you focused on your classes and your work. And that meant finally tagging down toby.
You’d managed to finally get him in your sight after emailing your professor who struck some type of fear into him. You were able to meet him face to face at a little cafe somewhere off campus.
“Over h-here,” he calls out from near the window of the cafe, waving you towards the back.
You flash him a quick smile and let it fall before finally taking a seat across from him. You’re slightly surprised to see that there’s a cup of hot chocolate and a chocolate chip muffin is there waiting for you. “Oh, uh, thank you,” you say as you get comfortable.
“It’s n-nothing,” he says with a small smile. “I-I’m sorry for k-keeping you w-w-waiting all t-this time,” he continues in an apologetic tone. “T-Things with my f-family aren’t e-easy right n-now.”
Not wanting to push him, you nod and smile reassuringly. “It’s okay,” you relent. “So, this project..?”
“It’ll b-be a breeze,” he replies. “D-Don’t worry about i-it, yeah?” He picks up his own cup of hot chocolate to fight off the child of mid autumn and nods to you, his dark eyes scanning over your form. “I w-wanna know j-just who I’m w-working with.” He smirks slightly, the corners of his mouth pulling up like a know-it-all cat.
You look into your cup of hot chocolate and shrug. “Nothing too interesting,” you attempt to slide off.
Toby rolls his eyes. “Calling b-bull,” he snorts. “You l-look stressed. W-What’s on your m-m-mind?”
You sigh deeply and relax your body as you think back to the situation with those girls. “It’s nothing.”
Toby hums once more but does not push you. Deep down though, he knows something is wrong.
And that’s how it carries on. You and Toby meet every so often to work on your presentation and your paper together and your so called friends continually leave you in the dust. Before you know it, you’re spending more and more time with Toby than anyone else, and because of that, you don’t feel nearly as alone as you used to.
From Toby’s perspective, he would never tell you what he thought when he first saw you walk through those doors of the cafe to finally meet him in person.
When he first got that email in regards to him not showing up and worrying you, he’d rolled his eyes and pretended it didn’t matter. It was whatever, who cares? Apparently you. With a slight gripe in the back of his head, he looked you up on social media with the help of a friend named Ben and found all that he needed to know just by looking at your profile. He was almost ashamed to admit how enraptured with you he had become. That’s why he was so adamant you met him at a cafe, where he could spend time with just you.
When he saw you walking through the doors, his eyes scanned over every inch of you. You had a slight bounce in your walk despite it being so chilly.
He wondered if you wanted to be warmed up.
You looked so soft in his eyes, so sweet and so alluring. Just your looks alone was all he needed as water for a growing obsession.
Toby is addictive by nature. Seeing you was what allowed that addiction to take off. When he heard your voice? He felt like he was high.
He knew something was wrong with you when you sighed like that. It was a loaded sigh. Of course, after the two of you parted ways for the night and on good terms, he immediately dug into the lives of your so-called ‘friends.’ Let’s just say that damn near instantly, he did not like them.
Maria, a nursing major. He considered her an air head that wouldn’t get anywhere with substance, and saw that she was much more of a party girl than anything else.
Georgina, another nursing major. Also considered her a lost cause.
Helena, a medical assistant major. Toby considered her the worst one, but it didn’t come at first. He found that girl was vile in every sense. The things he’s overhead her saying about other people? Terrible. The things he’s overhead her saying about you? Absolutely unacceptable.
He noticed her whispers that cut like thorns wrapping around you from the shadows as he sat in class near her, but never next to her. He listened to the filth that poured from her mouth and was able to pick up the conversations from her phone like it was nothing.
And all of that? It lit a fire in him, a fire that would eventually burn her down and scorch her until she was nothing but ashes.
You’re about to head to class and present your final project with Toby. You look like a mess, and it’s not just from the lack of sleep because of your other class’s finals, but because you are absolutely emotionally drained and have nothing left to give. You’d finally formally broken up from those girls, but it did not come without tears.
Reader: hey guys, it’s been a little while, but I just wanted to get some things off of my chest before I call it. First and foremost, I want to thank you for the time we did spend together, but I don’t feel safe or happy anymore. These past few weeks have been nothing but straight ice and being left out and I’m just… I’m tired, for a lack of better words. I know that you don’t really want me around anymore, so I thought I’d just nip this one in the bud before it got out of hand or anything like that. I just - whatever, I’m sorry for whatever I’ve done to offend you.
Georgina is typing…
Georgina: Honestly don’t take this the wrong way but you legitimately brought this all onto yourself.
Georgina: you don’t really talk to us the way that we talk to each other
Reader: but you literally never gave me a chance???
Maria: shes right tho,,,,, like, you just always kept to yourself. You didnt really give us anything to go off of
Georgina: right??? And it’s not like she’d actually do any of the things we wanted to do either
Reader: I’m sorry but like, I offered for you guys to come do some things with me and I even asked for you to tell me when you guys were making plans - I would have gone out
Helena: does it even matter now though? You brought literally all of this onto yourself there’s no use for you to just beg us for you to come back lol. Just stop while you’re ahead
Helena: you were never really there to begin with tbh you just kinda existed
Maria: exactly that! Like im glad we’re getting stuff off our chest because omg did you get on my nerves. Always quiet and just watching??? Never saying anything??
Georgina: RIGHT It was like a literal ghost in the room LMFAO
Reader: are you fucking serious right now?
Reader: you’re going to act like this?
Maria: you brought it on yourself
Helena: it was bound to happen
Reader: I cannot believe you guys are acting like such assholes right now
Maria: you did it first though?????
Helena: ^^^^
Georgina: ^^^^
From there, the conversation had delved into them throwing all of their problems onto you. It honestly felt like projecting, but you had a class to go to and project to present and no time to cry.
You wiped your tears, got ready for the day and headed out to your building from out of your dorm. Soon, you would be on break and away from this place that’s driving you up a wall.
You walked across campus and plastered a faint smile on your face as you continued to move through the nippy air. You enjoyed seeing the leaves as they danced on the flowing air and eventually kissed the sidewalk. You could smell pumpkin spice and the remnants of November. What a beautiful season.
Waiting for you outside of Wendell’s Hall was Toby, hands in his pockets as he leaned up against the wall just beside the door.
“Were you waiting for me?” You ask with a small smile.
“Maybe,” he hums with a small smirk. “C-C’mon, it’s a little c-chilly out here,” he says as he gently shuffles you inside after opening the door for you. He watches you carefully as you walk through the halls and find the elevator to get to the sixth floor.
As the two of you wait for the doors to open, Toby checks you over.
“What?” You say with a small chuckle.
“J-Just checking,” Toby hums. “A-Are you okay?” He asks as the doors open. He nods for you to go in first, and then follows in directly after. He watches your finger press the button for six.
“You s-seem a l-little tense,” he says as he looks over you again, his eyes narrowing in on yours. “I-Is it the p-presentation?”
You hold your hand out and make a ‘so-so’ motion. “I guess,” you reply, attempting to shove off anything that might make you cry again. Your eyes are a little dark, and your skin is still soft from the saline, raw from you rubbing those pearls of water with your sleeves repeatedly.
“You w-wanna talk a-about it l-later?” He asks softly, his hand resting warmly on your shoulder as he brings you into his side.
You look up at him and smile. “We’ll see.”
When the doors open, you and Toby quickly make it to your class and are pleased to see there’s spots open and the two of you can sit together. Toby is quick to snag the seats for the both of you and his warm expression falls when he sees Helena waltzing into the room.
Helena sits a little ways from where you and Toby sit before she wiggles her fingers at you like a nonverbal smile before actually turning her lips up in a fake saccharine smile.
You shift uncomfortably and instead focus on your presentation. You feel a little nervous, mostly because Helena is here and this is also a big chunk of your grade. You’re academically passing with flying colors, but a hiccup like this could spell something bad. You breathe out deeply when you feel Toby’s hand resting on your shoulder, grounding you.
“We g-g-got this,” he says with a small smile, squeezing you lightly. “You w-wwanna get it out of the w-w-ay?”
“No,” you reply suddenly. “I just want to see how this goes.”
Toby nods and turns his attention to the other students that continue to walk through the door. “A-Anything for y-y-you,” he says softly.
You barely hear it, but you smile all the same.
Presentations pass in a pretty boring manner. Your professor seems pleased with everyone that presents, and she offers praise and saves the criticism for emails, but so far, it seems like everyone is doing well! You’re almost fully calm by the time you raise your hand to present but when Helena and her partner begin snickering, your heart sinks to your knees.
“Alright, you two are good to go,” your professor says with a warm, reassuring smile on her face after she pulls up your project on the overhead projector. “Giving the remote to Miss Reader, whenever you two are ready.” She holds the remote out to you and then whispers ‘you’re gonna do great’ before taking her seat in the front row.
You silently thank her for her reassurance and then turn your attention to Toby, who begins the presentation.
You make sure to speak clearly and concisely as you present your project, paying close attention to detail and everything that was outlined on the rubric. You watch your professor’s expression light up brighter and brighter as you carry on with your half of the presentation. It seems that she’s really pleased with the both of you, but especially you!
Your big hiccup comes when the questions part of your presentation comes up.
See, prior to this, the questions portion had been empty and pretty dead. But of course, because Helena is here, she’s dead set on making you flop.
When she starts firing questions, you and Toby answer them to the best of your abilities. Admittedly, you are more than mentally dead at this point. With every question that Helena digs into you, you feel your brain cells dying off at an even faster rate. The lights of the projector bore into you and make you dizzy. You’re just… exhausted.
Helena finally poses a question that makes your face heat up. “So?” She taunts, her eyes looking at you innocently. “I just wanna know,” she continues, her eyes flashing.
You should be able to answer this. It’s so simple and right there in your bank of knowledge you just can’t open the vault.
“Miss Reader..?” Your professor quietly asks, pulling you from your thoughts. “Are you able to-” You shake your head, feeling numb and cold all at the same time. “I’m sorry, no,” you whisper. It was one of the first things you learned in the class and one of the most important.
Your professor nods and mouths, ‘don’t worry,’ before turning to the rest of her class. “Alright then, you two are dismissed. Give them a round of applause for their work.”
The applause surrounds you but you do not feel it, and when you move back to your seat, you can’t help but feel embarrassed. The looks that you get from those around you are of pity and ‘she hasn’t learned anything this quarter, has she?’ It makes your face burn with embarrassment and you feel so unnaturally warm because of it. A rush of emotions comes over you when you see Helena’s shifty glances and hear her insipid giggles and you hurriedly get your things together and bolt out of the classroom.
Toby shoots up when you rush out and he’s not able to catch you. Instead, he sits in for the rest of the class to give you some space and anything else the professor may say. His glare is turned on Helena. When she flashes him that same sickly sweet, mocking smile, he sees red.
Class ends shortly after that, the professor clearly uncomfortable with whatever just happened with Helena and Toby is keeping his ire hidden until what comes after he deals with you. He’s got a few choice things in mind he’d like to do to Helena, mostly spinal disfigurement and popping bones from their joints and scattering them across the country, but he knows he has to play this as slimy as she did. He’s already conjuring up ways to academically cripple her.
Toby pushes those thoughts to the side before he makes his way to your dorm. He’s nodding to the guy at the front desk and running up the stairs to find you faster than his thoughts can even gather. He just wants to make sure you’re okay.
He walks through the hall of your floor before going over the room numbers. He’s only been in your dorm once - the two of you tend to spend time with each other outside of the campus. Twenty four hour McDonalds, out and about in the city, public parks, the two of you just like wandering. When he sees the numbers of your dorm, he internally sighs and knocks. “H-Hey, Reader? Y-You in t-t-there?” He asks as he knocks again.
From inside, you shuffle underneath your sheets. He’s here? You don’t answer.
“I j-just want to make s-sure you’re alright,” he continues in a soft voice. “If you n-need space though, I c-c-can go-” he barely makes the motion to move when you open the door just a crack.
You look up at Toby with dark, puffy eyes. You can’t bring yourself to say anything, but he can see that you’ve been through hell and back emotionally. You look like a mess, in less graceful words.
“Oh g-gods,” he murmurs as you push open the door just a bit more. “R-Reader,” he says softly as he takes you into his arms, his shoe gently pushing the door closed as you wrap your arms around his waist, taking in the scent of graphite and sandalwood as you sob into his chest. “What h-happened, s-sweetheart?” He asks softly as he rocks the two of you back and forth.
You continue to cry into his chest and grip onto the back of his hoodie as he gently maneuvers you to the side of your bed to let your tired body rest. “S-She’s so mean!” You cry as you continue to squeeze your eyes shut, still gripping Toby like he’s the only thing grounding you.
“What h-have they d-d-done to you?” He inquires in a tone just a little louder than a whisper. Internally, he knows he’ll make all three of those demons suffer and leave the school, by any means necessary. He just wants to hear it from you to know how hard he needs to fuck up their lives. Judging by this interaction alone? It’s monumental.
You then go into a painful detailing of everything those girls have ever made you feel, at one point even bringing up the chats you have saved on your phone. Your breathing begins to even, but Toby’s vision grows redder and redder.
He listens to everything you say as you recount your pain to him and he grits his teeth. Especially those chats - those are unforgivable.
You’re exhausted by the time you finally finish telling him everything they’ve made you feel and the things they’ve done to make you feel this way. You finish it with just a few more words. “They make me feel so small,” you admit through sniffles and broken breaths. “They just - they made me feel so left out and so insignificant,” you admit, still wiping away tears.
Toby holds you tighter before one of his hands reaches up to cup your cheek. “N-No! You’re n-not insignificant, you’re e-everything and m-more,” he begins to ramble. “Y-You’re s-s-so smart and p-put together and o-on top of i-it,” he continues, his thumb wiping away your residual tears.
“You’re just saying that-”
“I w-would never,” he cuts you off in a tone that’s more serious than he intended. “I m-mean everything I s-s-say and those g-girls suck. They d-don’t hold a candle to you,” he says as he cups your face.
Toby hushes you by pressing a soft, almost scared he might spook you kiss to your lips as if he’s testing the waters. When you make no motion to fight him, he presses just a little more fervently before pulling away, leaving you with stars in your eyes. “I’ll handle e-e-everything, okay?” He promises softly, watching as the stars fade to exhaustion. “G-Get some r-r-rest,” he coos.
You allow him to lay you down as he moves the blankets to cover you before he gets up to turn off the lights. “You’re going to handle it?” You whisper as you allow sleep to veil over your body.
“Y-Yes, I’ll handle e-e-everything,” he promises again, flicking the lights off.
Toby fumbles through the dark for just a moment before slipping back into bed with you, allowing you to wrap around him like an octopus. He cradles you in his arms, his lips pressing to your forehead. “Sleepy t-time,” he mumbles as you cuddle into his chest.
You smile softly and feel your body go light, only anchored by Toby’s warm embrace.
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thelibraryofthacey · 2 years
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[Yeah I don't recognize the real world inspiration for this one. Though I would love to learn. If any of y'all have an idea, please share!]
Esobok (CR 3)
Medium Primordial (Psychopomp), Neutral
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Initiative +1
HP 60 (8d10 +16 Con)
AC 14 (Natural armor)
Proficiency Bonus +3
Str 17 (+3) Dex 13 (+1) Con 15 (+2) Int 5 (-3) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 15 (+2)
Saves Dex +4
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +4, Survival +5
Condition Immunities poisoned
Damage Resistances radiant, necrotic
Damage Immunities cold, poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., spiritsense 60 ft.; Passive Perception 15
Languages understands Primordial but cannot speak
Speed 40 ft.
- - -
Spirit Touch: A psychopomp’s weapons are magical, and can target creatures in the Ethereal Plane (such as those under the effects of Blink.)
Spiritsense: A psychopomp can automatically pinpoint the location of any creature with a soul within 60 ft. of them.
- - -
Bite +6 melee weapon attack, reach/range, 13 (3d6+3) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) force damage. If the target is Medium or smaller, it is grappled. The esobok ignores immunity to the grappled condition if the target is an undead with the Amorphous or Incorporeal traits. The esobok cannot bite another creature while it has a creature grappled in its jaws or a creature paralyzed with Wrench Spirit.
Wrench Spirit: The esobok attempts to rip the spirit from a creature it has grappled. The creature must make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. On a success, it takes 7 (2d6) force damage and is no longer grappled. On a failure, an undead creature of CR 1 or lower is destroyed, and the esobok regains 1d6 hit points. Other creatures are instead paralyzed. At the end of a paralyzed creature’s turn, it can repeat the saving throw to end the condition and return its spirit to its body.
Mangle Soul: The esobok deals 20 (6d6) force damage to a creature paralyzed by Wrench Spirit.
Eater of the Dead: The esobok feasts on the corpse of an undead creature in its space. The esobok gains the benefits of a Bless spell for 1 round and heals 1d6 hit points per CR of the undead creature.
- - -
IDK it’s pretty simple chief. It bites stuff and rips their souls out. It eats zombies n stuff. Yum!
- - -
The purpose of the esoboks is somewhat unclear to sages. While their abilities are clearly oriented towards hunting and destroying minor undead creatures, the psychopomps are not known to take an active role in the Realm of Being. They are thought to patrol the psychopomps’ island of bone, and some posit that they function as warhounds, but the psychopomps are not known to war with any other extraplanar group. It is relatively easy to summon one, however, and they are invaluable against undead hordes. Perhaps this is their purpose, to be a tool for mortals combating undead.
The psychopomps are a mysterious group of creatures that oversee the machinery of death. While they are infamously reticent about their history, methods, and motives, scholars have uncovered evidence of a time before the Astral Current and reincarnation, and a popular theory states that the psychopomps, or their predecessors, created it. They certainly maintain and safeguard it now, as anyone who has found the Current in the Astral Sea can attest, having likely been driven off by waves of the creatures. Their realm lies somewhere in the Astral Sea, but no one has yet found it and returned to tell of it. A few who have been invited to take a portal there directly report an island made of bone, and buildings made of stone embedded with fossils.
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 380 - Still interesting that Gechutel was willing to vouch for the Tradio but not the other clans. Was he just unaware of their inner workings compared to the Tradio?
- Berserker mode Gradeus with the cool eyes and mouth,,, big fan.
- Yeah Gradeus' strength is definitely something
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- Love how Gradeus straight up has the video game passive ability of an inverse relationship between the attack and hp stat.
- Rozaria just standing in the throne room,,, saying nothing,,, just hanging out with the lord as one does.
Chapter 381 - Okay nevermind Ludis not calling Gradeus sir isn't a him thing, nobody calls him sir. My guess now is that he was like that even as clan leader during mvp lord's time and was just really casual or something.
- ...Wait a fucking moment. Is the lack of sir actually just a mistranslation? The central knight refers to Ludis without a sir once so... This is all from the official transaction which isn't exactly great but hmm. Probably not. Would be a weird constant mistranslation. With Ludis it only happened once after all.
- Idk Lagus, I'm pretty sure exposure to bloodstones did drive you insane actually.
- Your strong ruling the weak speech would be more convincing if you weren't a decrepit looking old man grandpa.
- I'm just saying, if mvp lord didn't enter eternal sleep there probably would be less problems. For one a 'complete' Ragnarok and his experience would likely make beating up the traitors easy.
- Wiping blood away with Garant doesn't seem particularly effective, Kei.
Chapter 382 - Rajak kneeling and formally apologising for not joining RK because he's a lord stan ahjsjsjsj. And Frankenstein having no idea what's going on as Raizel just sips his tea ignoring him 🤣
- Aaaaand then Raizel looking sad as he finishes that flashback. Rip.
- The way Kaiyo (and Kuharu's) lips are drawn are... not good tbh.
- Garant's tiger!
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- The manlet on manlet violence is truly sad to witness 😔 Be nicer to your fellow comrade Gradeus.
- Yeah that's cool!! No iris pupil nothing!
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- Oh my god his previous skill was a green tech like prison and now he has giant yellow crosses that are glowing! Son boy ily. I'm glad to know you don't actually succeed in taking Gradeus down with you in advance.
- Yup Lagus here to stab Ludis and inadvertently save my son boy!
Chapter 384 - Having flashbacks to Presentable Liberty everytime Lagus refers to Gechutel as friend. Except the Presentable Liberty guy was actually a great guy and Lagus is evil.
Chapter 385 - Grandpa 😥 Stop bullying your fellow grandpa Lagus 😡
Chapter 386 - Oh no the blood's dripping and going all over your breasts, Rozaria.
- Completely ignoring my previous comment... how the fuck is her dress staying up that thing isn't even over the thickest part wtf. It's only flirting with it. Superglued to her skin.
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- Ludis being able to make attacks target him... His skills are crazy.
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- Raskreia stepping in to save Kei is feminism actually.
Chapter 388 - Once again... what y'all are doing is a bit more than just 'thinking differently'.
Chapter 390 - Frankenstein and Gejutel bullying each other is peak friends behaviour.
Chapter 391 - People need to realise Frankenstein is still the strongest human alive... They're always like "ah the one who used to be the strongest human back in the day" like no he's still better than you.
- Seeing how quiet Edian is the entire time is so damn boring but also pretty good storytelling after you see all her flashbacks because she isn't a quiet doll! She's a drugged woman who straight up half threatened Frankenstein and only wished to help Raizel. It also gets even more interesting when you realise that she was also drugged (though she was likely on a much lower dosage or on something more 'recreative' than the ones Lagus later used to control her) during the entire time Frankenstein was around since she's been manipulated by Lagus ever since Raizel executed his own brother. My guess is she was even more outgoing before that and the combination of the tragedy, her role in it, and the drugs, made her the extremely subdued person she is shown to be rather than her being naturally reserved. Works even with my own hcs where events occur differently and the added factor of her simply being more respectful around the lord and noblesse.
Not to say that her basically being fridged isn't questionable because it is. Would have been better to have this be a male character's motivation (like idk, Zarga) and make her more unique. As it goes, the reserved quiet female character archetype is already very full. And the crush is just the final nail in the coffin.
- Raskreia canonically disliking Frankenstein <3
Chapter 392 - Yeah why Mount he's a five year old :/
- Grandpa shit talking Frankenstein to Raskreia and Rozaria,,, love you too Gejutel.
- Damn Gradeus mentioning Urokai. Good for them.
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