#idkkk maybe is his personality
ccarrot · 8 months
okay this is a very personal hot take but i genuinely don't believe dazai is as self destructive as he may seem.
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echojedis · 1 year
How do people do OCs, I can never get them to click properly
#i think i’m holding back too much the idea is there in my head#but when i’m drawing i’m conscious that i might want to share this stuff at some point so the whole time i’m thinking#about making a good design and i don’t want to give them anything vaguely similar to anyone else’s oc because i don’t want to step on toes#so they end up barely a visage of what i want to be creating#idkkk#the idea i have in my head is an oc who’s a horse girl LMAO their companion is a fathier who they have a very strong inseparable bond with#i am a lifelong horse person and i grew up reading pony club secrets and watching stuff like flicka so i feel like i can bring#something personal to that concept#but i don’t want them to be a mando. i don’t know much about mando culture and i cba to learn so that was the one i did not want hem to be#and yet. i can only imagine them with mandalorian armour#they’re the same species as dryden vos. there’s next to no lore on his species and they’re non human in a way that’s easy to draw#so i can just make stuff up and not be constrained by canon#them being near human is also relevant to their story. they spent a lot of time around humans and they’re close enough to human to get by#but not human enough that there’s something off. they don’t quite fit in and they always felt on the outside looking in#hence why they prefer the company of animals#maybe i’ll have them formerly working in fathier racing but that might be too projecty#this is so rambly i apologise i’ve been very talkative on here recently#ohh this is very off the cuff but maybe they’re the child of loyal mandalorians but never really subscribed to it themselves#having spent a lot of time around fathiers also meant they spent less time around mandalorians. so despite technically being mando#and wearing the armour they don’t really identify very strongly as a mandalorian
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stellardeer · 16 days
I feel really bad cause my spouse got me an iPad for my birthday a few years ago and I never use it...
He got it for me because I had been lamenting that I wished I had a drawing tablet with a screen instead of the second hand wacom that I use.
But when I unwrapped it I was shocked and surprised and worried immediately. I thought "why did you get me such an expensive gift..." and he said his dad helped pay for it. And then he told me why he got it and I was like oh okay that's nice I guess... but I never wanted an iPad. I wanted a drawing tablet. I was immediately concerned that I wouldn't like it. And I didn't want to sound ungrateful but I expressed that concern cause I was worried it was a mistake to get me such a gift and maybe he could return it... but I ended up keeping it and he got me an apple pencil to go with it and I bought and downloaded procreate to give it a chance.
I hate using procreate. It's a good program but I liked the program I was already using. I like drawing on my computer. Also the process of getting images out of procreate and onto my PC is stupid and cumbersome, and I dont like interfacing with websites from the iPad, I like using my PC. I just wanted a tablet that I could use with my computer that also had a screen. I don't even like Apple products, I never wanted to own one.
If I go on a trip and I want to draw I usually just end up bringing a sketchbook because I like that better than drawing on the iPad.
I gave it a shot for a while but I haven't touched the thing in like 6 months, and I feel bad that he spent so much money on it and I never use it :/
But I also can't complain about it cause it will make him feel bad but like idk, I wish he had just asked me what kind of tablet I wanted or something I mean I didn't even know what I wanted I had no serious plans to upgrade my tablet anytime soon, I still don't even know what I would want if I did. I have a $1000+ piece of fucking technology that I hate and I would rather use the thing that I paid $35 for.
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gifti3 · 7 months
Asmo is that bad bitch u manage to bag and you put up with their toxic traits cause you think ur not gonna find anyone else even remotely as cool as them
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jyoongim · 3 months
I was just thinking like..alastor in his nun outfit…Charlie takes us to confession for like an admitting our sins exercise (but it’s actually just in the hotel) to confess our sins, we admit to fantasising about Alastor and we reveal our dirty fantasies and he hears it..maybe decides to act on it to cleanse us of our sins….IDKKK
(Love your writing btw) 
I LOVE YOU!!!! Thank you for reading my horny writings babe!!!
Title: Sweet Confession
”uuuuhhhh Charlie why do we have to confess our sins? Ain’t that a little personal?” Angel asked as she finished explaining her new ‘bonding’ exercise.
The princess beamed “That’s the whole point! To acknowledge your wrong doings and knowing that you can be vulnerable with the sins you’ve committed”
The group groaned but went on with it.
She had a curtain set up to give privacy and a chair to sit and you just spilled out your darkest secrets to a box?
it wasn’t her worst idea. Being vulnerable was good…so what was the harm?
You fiddled with your fingers as you took a seat.
This reminded you of when your mother would force to to church and seek advice from a priest about your woes. You never really understood the point.
You hadn’t committed the most elaborate sin, but you weren’t a pure sinner either.
“Remember take all the time you need! Crying is good!” You heard Charlie say as she closed the curtain, leaving you to yourself.
”what are you here to confess?” A automatic voice said from the box.
What could you confess? Your sin was boring…
”I-I have been pledged with rather lewd thoughts” you said shyly.
”I know it sounds crazy but I…I think about Alastor in these thoughts”
’Why?’ The voice responded.
You bit your lip “I don’t know. He’s witty, confident, rough around the edges. He’s always around and so helpful. I kind of feel bad now” your shoulders wilted.
”He’s just my kind of guy I guess. Tall, Dark, oh so handsome my gooooodddd” you gushed.
”and how do you think of him in these thoughts of yours?”
You gulped “He’s just so polite and a gentleman that it just does something to me. Under all that, he’s a demon. Its hot and mysterious and I just want him to fuck my brains out…not literally…well the fuck part literally but not til I’m dead”
”I want him. Like carnally. I knooooow I can be a good girl for him. I would let that man do anything to me. I want to give my utter and complete devotion to him as he ruins me. I want him to like its a need to breathe. He lives in my head rent free!” You whined.
”I don’t go a single night without touching myself to his voice. Its like velvet. I imagine how he would growl in my ear as he watch me tease myself. Pouring out praise and degrading words as I whine for his dick…oooohhh his dick I know its big I just know it. I need him inside me. To fill me with his cum. To carve my pussy to his shape and make me lose my mind. I think about being his willingly. I don’t need a deal to give him my soul” you trailed off. You hadn’t realized you were ranting. The very confession had your face flushed, thighs clenching at the thought of your fantasy coming true.
You laughed, shaking our head “I guess that’s a sin? Having lustful thoughts about some one? I didn’t really think anything of it but it felt good to admit that to something. people would think I’m crazy…fantasizing about the Radio Demon knocking the coins out of me hahaha”
You took a deep breathe and emerged from the curtain, feeling a bit better for confessing your darkest desires.
Alastor had a wide Cheshire smile on his face. Listening to the hotel’s residents secrets and woes gave him a sense of entertainment.
 Your confession about the red demon was very interesting.
Alastor’s mind had formed a very detailed picture of your confession.
You, doe-eyed and wanton as you whined for his cock. He would make you beg him to fuck you. To ruin you.
You shaking from overstimulation and covered in his cum flashed in his mind.
He chuckled darkly at the thought, Oh what a pretty pet you will make.
And who would he be if he didn’t make you sweet little fantasy a reality?
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solbaby7 · 2 months
This Will Do
pairing: azriel x reader
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warnings: jealous!az, toxic relationships, swearing, sexual themes, descriptions of physical violence and abuse, idkkk it just sucks wanting what you know you shouldn’t have :(((
previous parts [ one ] [ two ]
Coming here was by far your worst idea yet.
Maybe, it wasn’t even a conscious decision since it seemed like your feet were moving without being told, pushing you to a destination that your brain hadn’t been made privy to. Not until your heart was thrashing in your chest and blood was pumping so fiercely through your veins that you could hear it in your ears.
You don’t even register where you are until you’re knocking on the door, swallowing thickly when it’s ripped open not even seconds later. “Azriel,” You breathe out in relief, too frazzled to properly appreciate the half-naked body before you.
The smell hits him before his eyes even catch that you’re absolutely covered in blood, hands stained and leathers soaked through. It’s instinctual the way he snatches you to him, past the front door and into the sitting room of his personal residence. A fires going, crackling softly to the left a few feet away from a Illyrian sized sofa. Still steaming tea siting on the table before that, its wood a shade so deep you wondered if it were made from the night sky itself. “What the fuck happened? Are you hurt?” His hands sift over you, shoving aside ruined fabric until he’s examined every inch of bare skin thoroughly.
“Not really, I just—“ Your eyes slide shut when you feel him go still. “I didn’t know where else to go.”
“Whose blood is this?”
You say absolutely nothing. Fingers fiddling in your lap, nails biting into skin and now that the adrenaline had subsided, every second seemed to lag—the weight heavy on your shoulders.
“Stay here,” Azriel mutters into your hair before disappearing down the hall. He’s gone no less than a few minutes, returning with an outstretched hand damp from steaming bathwater. “Let’s just get you cleaned up first.”
You're too numb to fight it—to fight him when in truth, his touch was the only thing keeping you sane.
Golden eyes barely hide the extent of his worry as each layer of clothing is peeled off of you and tossed aside, every move is cautious as if you were a stray animal that would scamper off at the slightest inkling of danger. Warm water draws out the anxiety, eyes fluttering closed when Azriel ran his fingers through your hair, working up a lather with shampoo that smelled like him. “We got in a fight,” You finally confess when you feel him tense near your cheek, a finger grazing over slightly raised skin. “Damien and I.”
“About you.”
Intrigue forces his eyes to dart down to you in surprise, not bothering to look away when he notices that yours are closed. A brief pause, a silent evaluation of the newly cleaned skin and anger laces every single word when Az catches the imprint of a hand against your cheek. The bruise of fingers around your neck and arms. “Tell me what happened.”
Your jaw clenches, face shying away the longer he stared at the marks. “I was still a little heated after leaving the sparring ring so I just went back home. Damien—he wasn’t supposed to be back so early and I got an attitude because he kept asking so many questions. Kept demanding to know whose scent was all over me.” His hands move slow, memorizing every word, every bruise, every flinch and shake of your voice. Soap suds dance along your skin, washing away blood, sweat and tears until nothing was left but you and Az. “I walked past to go to the room and he yanked me back,” The ache of your scalp throbs at the reminder of Damien’s hand curling around the length of your ponytail.
Fingers graze against the blues and purples dotting at your back. “He threw you into the wall?”
Water trickles as you adjust, the warmth soothing stiff muscles and you can feel the grit of bath salts barely resolved against your feet. You nod once, refusing to elaborate further when Azriel’s shadows begin to stalk up the length of the walls, clawing their way up his spine and over his shoulders to report further damage. “He thought I was cheating on him—said I was using training as a ruse to cover up the fact that I was really just the spymasters whore.” Years of training and dedication; growth and back breaking labor reduced to nothing more than a piece of ass. Your fingers clench into fists subconsciously, the feeling too fresh; the rage too raw and willing to return at the very reminder. The brief moment where Damien’s words made you falter—made you question and forget yourself. Disgust coils in your belly at the fear that formed when his palm connected with your cheek. “I’d never seen him so upset,” You confess, allowing Azriel’s comforting touch even if you knew deep down you shouldn’t be here. “He didn’t even look like himself anymore; he just kept shoving me into the wall over and over and over. Kept promising that if I was so interested in—“ You choke over your words, teeth gritting and eyes filling with tears. “That if I was so interested in mangled flesh then I should have some for myself to match.”
Azriel’s hands freeze at your shoulders, the sopping wash rag dripping warm water down your spine. “Did you kill him?”
You swallow audibly, glancing at the pink tinge in the tub. “I’m not sure. I hurt him pretty badly though—bad enough that he’ll have no choice to explain what he did to deserve such an injury.”
He’s rising to his full height before you can even finish speaking, drying off his hands and opening the large closet doors connected to his bathing chambers. Your eyes follow his every move, tongue tracing your bottom lip when he begins to attach holsters with freshly sharped knives sliding into place. “Where was the last place you saw him? Your apartment?”
Azriel barely reacts when you climb out of the tub; movements almost mechanical until a hand rests delicately on his shoulder. “Please don’t go,” He doesn’t want to listen, that much is obvious by the array of lines that tug their way across his handsome face but there’s no denying his body’s reaction to the plea. Shifting closer, yearning for more as he basked in the first gentle touch you’d initiated since that night. “Just stay here with me.”
Just choose me.
Just one time, please stay with me.
The tension in his muscles slowly fades the longer golden irises stare into your own, falling victim to the warmth residing there—reserved just for him. It’s instinct to pull you closer, the bare shape of you melting into his own as if it were made for him. “You don’t want this,” Every syllable burns like acid on his tongue. Still, he doesn’t step away; refusing to let you go when he’d waited too long to have you this close again—even if it was just for tonight.
“You’ve never cared what I wanted before.” Brutal and yet still the words are dripped in honey. Azriel’s grip tightens on your waist as you ease the holders from their place. “All of that changes because some asshole roughed me up?”
“He hurt you,” He states sharply, knuckles ghosting over the bruises on your arms. “No one gets to hurt what’s mine and live.”
“Except you, of course. Right?” Your eyes roll on their own accord, lips twisting into a sneer as you pull away from him; suddenly too bare and entirely too exposed. “My mother always did say the handsome ones were the most selfish.” You make a point to avoid the plethora of fresh towels provided on the counter and snatch for Azriel’s hanging on the rack instead. “I’d hoped she was wrong.”
“Well, she wasn’t,” Azriel doesn’t allow the thick towel to cover even an inch of you, ripping it free and caging you to the wall behind you. This time, when your heart races in your chest—it’s not with fear. “I am a selfish male but only with a select few things.” He’s everywhere at once, assaulting ever sense and smothering you with a panty-dropping amount of affection. His nose teases against your own, eyes sliding over the planes of your face until they catch at your mouth. “And with you,” Azriel whispers your name, thumb sliding over the plush of your bottom lip. “—with you and I am the most selfish of all. You deserve better.”
Your hands slide up his arms and over his shoulders before hooking over his neck, nails scratching at the dark hair within reach. “Then, give me better. Just for tonight.”
Azriel contemplates for half a second before shaking away logic. If this was going to be the last time then he would savor every moment; would devour every moan and whimper. He’d survive off your touch and thrive off your love; memorizing the bite of your nails on his back and your teeth claiming at the skin of his shoulder.
It feels all too familiar, entirely too natural, devastatingly comfortable when the shadowsinger cups the back of your thighs and bares the brunt of your weight with little effort. He denies any distance, a large palm splayed along the middle of your back to press every inch of bare skin against his own. His kiss is unusually soft and you can’t fight your body’s need to lean into it; to indulge in the girlish fantasy you’d crafted of the life you could’ve lived. The one where you were Azriel’s first choice, foolishly in love and desperate for a moment alone to make out or franticly fuck in shadow cloaked corners like the world was ending.
“I missed this,” The rasp in his words sends goosebumps along your skin and your bare cunt clenched around nothing when he trails kisses down the length of your neck. “I miss you.”
“I hate you,” It’s a lie, one he doesn’t call you out on but you needed to say the words before your heart took the reins and forced three entirely different words out. Bare thighs constrict like a snake at his waist, urging him closer until you could feel the hard press of his cock through his sweatpants.
A groan pulls from his chest, mouth slotting over your own as his hands explored freely. Memorizing every dip and feminine curve until the reward of such thorough examination seeped through the fabric of his sweats. “You may hate me but you want me more.” It’s filthy; the sound of your arousal hitting your ears as you grind down harder, chasing a high that cleared away the fog of life and cloaked you in pleasure. “I know you do. I can feel it every time we touch.”
You refuse to respond, digging your heels into his waistband to shove the offending material away until the warm weight of his cock springs between you. “I want this,” Azriel’s eyes follow your every move, breathing growing heavy when you lick the palm of your hand and reach down to hold him in your grasp. A whine drags from your throat when you coat him in your slick, brows pinched and mouth parted as you allow the tip of him to prod at your entrance. “Give it to me, Az.”
“It’s yours. Take it.”
Your free hand curls behind his neck, pulling him into a kiss that forces him into silence. It’s cruel; the clashing of teeth and tongue, lips swollen as Azriel’s fingers tangle themselves in your hair. He takes a step closer, intent to keep you secure against the wall but all it does is give you exactly as you’d wanted—the delicious stretch of his cock filling you up.
Your name is like a swear on his tongue, spilling free harshly as he adjusts to the feel of you, the slippery wetness of your arousal dripping down his shaft but he doesn’t move. “Please, Az?”
“Say it.”
I love you.
“I hate you.” Patience wears thin and your hips rock to satiate the need burning low in your gut. “Hate how fucking good you feel.” You rip a page from Azriel’s book and you take. Taking more than you ever allowed yourself before. He buckles into your demands, guiding your motions and watching where he begins and you end until he doesn’t care to difrenciate it anymore. You squirm under the scrutiny, a faint blush fanning across the apples of your cheeks and tips of your ears. You have to shake your head a little to slap yourself out of the stupor; nearly sinking into the love he was finally giving. “Hate me back,” You grip harder at his shoulders, chasing your release but Azriel wasn’t fucking you like he used to. “Give me what I want, Az.”
He’d replaced his rough touch and venomous bite. Instead, Az kissed every bruise, whispering sweet promises down the curve of your spine, knuckles grazing at your cheekbone as if you were the most precious flower with delicate petals. Azriel gives. Returning all the care and devotion with deliberate touches as soft praises are crooned in your ear. “I will if you say it. Just once—for me.”
Your vision goes blurry, eyes squeezing shut as your head falls back against the wall in defeat. “I want you.”
The friction you’d been itching for is finally granted and you’re too caught up up in the feel of him fucking into you to give a second thought towards your confession—not when he was finally giving you what you’d been craving. He fulfills every desire. Every want. Every need until you’re a mess of limbs and drawn out moans. You allow the marks he sucks into your neck, covering the ones done in anger. He doesn’t stop; not until your legs are shaking and your lungs were fighting for a full breath.
His forehead rests against yours, arms caging your head as he whispers ever so softly. “Please don’t go. I love you.” It takes everything to pull away. To grab your messy clothes and shove them on as quickly as possible. “I’m so sorry.”
Your hand is already on the doorknob, head bowed and heart screaming for you to stay. “I don’t forgive you.”
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nthee · 4 months
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summary: a slight, or well, not-so-slight blunder led to the unfortunate events of him losing his memory — his memory of you and anything related to you.
characters: riddle roseherts, silver, lilia vanrouge
contains: angst with a bit of fluff, gender-neutral mc (uses second person view aka "you"), the reader blushes (described to be flushed)
notes: title is from see you again hehe :) i just thought it kind of had amnesia trope vibes idkkk dont ask me why atp, inspo comes from anywhere fr. also SURPRISE IM BACK let's ignore the fact that it's been 5 months tho i was so burnt out :(
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“Let me help you with that. [...] What? You're staring.”
“Ah, it's... it's nothing, sorry.”
The close proximity is enough to make you go insane. Perhaps it's better if you just took the time to actually fix your tie this morning. That way, he wouldn't be so close! So close that...
Oh Seven, what if he hears my heartbeat?! Ack, calm down, calm down! I don't want to scare him of, what if he thinks it's — I'm creepy?!
“You seem flushed, [Name]. Are you alright?” his movement stills while holding onto your tie, and you mentally facepalm.
Riddle's hand makes its way to your forehead, the back of his hand pressing onto your skin, before realizing he's wearing gloves. He clears his throat at the mistake, opting to feel your temperature using the back of his wrist — the exposed skin between his sleeve and glove.
“Temperature is normal... a little bit warm, but nothing serious.”
“I'm alright! It's nothing, really.”
Too close, too close, too close!
Riddle retracts back, almost as if he could hear your pleas. He sighed, clearing his throat as his eyes wander around — look everywhere, anywhere but them, Riddle.
“I should — ah, we should get to class...” you reminded. You mirror his actions, averting your gaze.
“Right. Class.”
He offers an arm, one that you graciously take without a second thought. “Let me escort you there. I did hold you off for several minutes.”
Excuses! Riddle's mind yells. You're falling for them!
He doesn't care in the slightest — just as long as you're there to catch him. Though he knew you for a grand total of five days, he knows you'll be there.
“Have I... met you before? I have, haven't I?”
A bittersweet laugh escapes your lips, startling Silver in front of you. You pull yourself together, smiling as you gaze into his eyes — the same eyes you'd lose yourself in, letting the time pass doing just that.
“Once upon a dream, right? That's what you were going to say?” you wipe a tear from the corner of your eye, thankful you laughed first before the waterworks arrived. Thank goodness, he can't see me sad.
Silver's eyes brightened, his eyelashes fluttering in disbelief. “It's... it's you. I meet you in my dreams! Everytime I close my eyes, I... I see you.”
His hands are softly holding yours as he speaks, his thumb tracing your skin delicately — like you were glass, or a treasure. It's enough to make you swoon, just as he's always done before.
“Don't leave my side.”
He thinks it's selfish to ask that from a stranger. But you are no stranger. You know the truth, but he suspects it's destiny — that you've actually met, talked, danced before, only well, it was in his very own dreamland.
You can feel the tears again. Maybe this isn't so bad? Or, at the very least, this isn't the end.
“I wouldn't even think of it.”
“Are you a friend of Silver's? I don't think I've seen you around before.”
Those words were uttered before you could even process the initial news of Lilia's predicament — before your heart could even let it sink in.
You could only choke back the words threatening to slip off your tongue, lest it sound like utter crap to someone who just lost his memories.
You and I are more than friends. You play— well, played lighthearted tricks on me. I fell for them. I fell for you.
“You... could say that,” was all you could muster up. There was no point in explaining more, he wouldn't understand them.
There was understanding to his nod, a subconscious feeling of something nestled deep in his heart.
“Are you troubled? You seem to be.” his tone is soft, yet firm. Lilia had always been that way; a mentor, father (or, father-like to ones who don't know he was actually one), shoulder to cry on, wise fae to depend on...
A lover. Was a lover.
Now, all was left was Lilia before he even got to know you.
Lilia Vanrouge, a schoolmate of yours, once again.
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← | © nthee, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, adapt, and use my work in anything that associates directly with ai.
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becausecriminals · 6 months
Yandare Sub Todoroki Shoto x slightly Yandare Dom (fem?) Reader
Hello everyone, i’m a new nsfw writer (idrk what to say) but like yeahhh this is my little story yknow and likeee yeah enjoy??. (Also im deff gonna be editing my profile and things like that ik it looks so bland and boring right now but not for long)
Todoroki Shoto is an interesting person, to say the least. He’s the type of person you’d expect to always be calm and collected, but the Shoto Todoroki that’s standing in front of you is far from it.
Todoroki sits on his knees, you can see the protruding indent of his cock twitching being suffocated by the tightness of his pants.
“Who’s blood is that?” You ask, not knowing if you should be scared or disgusted. “Kaminari”, he answers immediately; he knows better than to make you wait for his replies. “You laughed at his jokes." "Am i not funny enough? I can be funny too,” he says, lightly raising the pitch of his voice. “please?” He raises his eyes to meet yours but brings them back down, seeing your disgusted look.
Todoroki sits on his knees, and you can see the protruding indent of his cock twitching, being suffocated by the tightness of his pants.
“N-no, please, ill be good, i swear,” he says, grabbing at the sides of his pants and squeezing his thighs at the thought of you letting him watch. You walk around Todoroki, examining his body and the blood that has lightly decorated his clothing. “Did you get caught?” you say, caressing his hair. "No, I was careful." I grab a fist full of his hair and tighten my grip. "Of course you were." "You hurt my friend, baby, and you want me to give you a reward?” You tauntingly speak in a motherly voice. “Bad dogs don’t get treats; maybe I should get a new dog." You yank at his hair. "Fuh, mmh, no, only me; you only need me." He cries out,dizziness spreads in his head, his lightheadedness making him unbearably hard
You grab his cock, massaging it at first, then grabbing it harshly. While still holding his hair, you force his head closer to yours. You whisper into his neck, “Now that I remember, i saw you talking to a girl.” You continue strengthening your hold on his cock as time passes. “She was very pretty—a friend of yours?” He opens his mouth but moans leave his throat instead. "Ah, I don’t know, mnnngg fuck." You bite into his neck. “As pretty as she was, cleaning her up was really annoying.”
As fucked up as it was he loved knowing you were as equally as obsessed with him as he was with you. Almost immediately a wet warmth fills the palm of your hand. “did you just cum? you’re seriously disgusting you know that.” you look at his dumbed out face and he’s smiling like an idiot. “i’m your disgusting boy.”
idkkk i felt like this little draft was cute guys!!
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rayroseu · 5 months
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These lines are making me spiral a bit LOL what does he mean that Lilia purposefully taught him how to survive on a "deserted island"???
It might be because Lilia wants Malleus to be independent ofc, 😆but I'm also thinking the term "deserted island" might foreshadow to Sage's Island's demise once that chimera/Grim overblot occurs... It destroyed the entirety of Sage Island which turns it into "a deserted island"... And Malleus, as the strongest mage here, will be the only choice/left alone to fight that *theoretically*.
Plus he even said "even without magic, I'm still powerful" If he'll help us after his overblot for Book 8, then this might mean that Malleus will be up against the chimera with a weakened state (less magic) since he overblotted first before Grim(?).
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This line is way too funny for me lol Malleus, you're speaking wayyyy too soon 😆😆😆 You have one glaring weakness in being at a deserted island... YOU'LL BE LEFT ALL ALONE😭😭 without anyone to talk to!! (I'm imagining its about those types of island where there are barely any animals so he can only hang out with the fishes ig)
I loved this vignette, he's such a prideful person KAJDJWS but watch him get desperate to go home after weeks on an deserted island because one: he doesnt know how Lilia and his knights are doing JSJAJS It would be way too lonely to be at a deserted island...😔😔😔 That's his weakness... (unless stitch randkmly pops up idkkk)
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Also this part makes me go both 🥺🥺🥺 and 🤣🤣🤣 Ohhh so he's willing to alter OTHER dorms because they're occupied and not abadoned BUT HE WOULDN'T CHANGE A THING ABOUT RAMSHACKLE because he just likes it the way it is....🥺💚✨ Maybe the other dorms should try being abandoned for a while... Maybe Malleus wouldn't redecorate it 🤣🤣
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LILIA WAS SO RIGHT, MALLEUS HAS SUCH A CUTE SMILE...🥺🥺🥺💚💚💚✨✨✨ I remember that voiceline from Grim where he outright declared to Malleus, he'll never be afraid of him, and Malleus just loudly laughed at him KAJSKAJ I imagine this is his expression 🥺🥺💚✨✨😭😭😭 Having fun being in the present and not being saddened by the future that he'll be alone... 🥲🥲🥲💔 Happy Malleus will cure me frfrr
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four-leaf-loco · 6 months
On Gale's Inactivity as a God
So one thing I noticed while autisticly reading the forgotten realms lore is that Tymora (goddess of good luck) is weaker than other gods because she gives so much of her divine power to her followers; aka she actually helps them. Gale taking an approach of 0 real contact might actually be a part of a plan to overtake the godly power structure, like Lathander tried (resulting in a lot of fuck ups and Tyche, his long term lover, dying and splitting into Basheba and Tymora, essentially saved via the help of Selune). Lathander wanted to dethrone Ao and take his place essentially.
On romanced partners; having a fellow loyal God to possibly be interconnected with in the eyes of mortals and most likely give out their divine powers like or more than other gods could be a tactical move. Take off some suspicion from him maybe. It will make taking over Ao easier too. Just one more god on his side guaranteed. I mean he is to thank for making you a god. You're allied to him, a lesser god to an even lesser god. But who knows, this is all conjecture.
My Roleplay Choices
Romancing Gale as a good or neutral aligned character often leads to encouragment or inspiration for him. Maybe a character like that would become a God of those things. A kind God who wishes to help their followers with inspiration and bouts of creativity/intuition. That would pair very very well with Gale, God of Ambition. Encouragment leads to Ambition. It's exactly what happened to him, well meaning words lead to him getting bolder. Defy his mortal status. Not just use the crown but reforge it. Yes you threw the crown into the river but baby your fault for letting me know where it went.
Using your powers only helps his. Maybe people will worship you together. Maybe Gale will be the main deity due to him ascending first and being the end goal. Most of the divine power would filter to him as you are left to gather the souls of your dead followers, attend to their needs, help them. Grow your flock. Gale will have statues and temples dedicated to him (with small shrines to you). He'll say it's to your love but you as a god know better, you just turn a blind eye, another cheek. He doesn't tell you of his plans and the other gods take pity. They can all see it clear as day, already taking sides. You're stuck with him, dressed in his regalia, his, his, his. Gale's ambition fully removed from you now. A project of the past. But as a god, not really a person anymore, the two of you an endless loop of give and take that feeds into an inseparable dynamic. He wouldn't grow as much as he needed to without you and you couldn't either, not really. The target would be on your back when the other gods decide it's time to put a stop to Gale's plans. You could leave and join the others but oh how your divinity sings for his. Intertwined for eternity. If you die he'll bring you back as soon as possible (he won't) (it's only fuel for his fire, oh what have you done)(the divine will come undone)(or he will fall harder than any else).
But idkkk just some messy thinks and thoughts and interpretations 💭
Hope you enjoyed them! Also comment your ideas for what God your character would be, I mostly play bards or bard multiclass so I wanna knowwwww yoursss 🔥💯❤️
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skz-streamer · 7 months
My First Love
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Simptober Romance Tropes M-list
Pairing: Chan (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Notes: first time doing head cannonsss :) I thought It was a more relatable way of explaining it? idkkk lmk what u think ;0
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately faceclaims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
when I say this man if first love coded I MEAN IT
such a gentleman omllll
takes you out of a first date to a picnic (haha my other fic)
and after that date you just know that he's the one, there's no way to explain it.
the two of you exchange numbers and you start texting each other casually (just when ur bored)
def the type to make you giggle over text, like the ",yeah?" at the end of everything
ur sitting at home on your couch
its been 2 months of small dates and texting nonstop
you hear a knock on ur window its rlly late at night and ur home alone
although you might just be over reacting you don't really know what to do
so you text him, chan.
he responds in a literal heartbeat like this man was waiting for a text from you
you text him and you ask for him to come over, you wanted to take it slow w him so he had never been over to ur house before
you were nerrrrvoussssss
he shows up about 10 mins later with a big brown paper bag
'whats that?'
'gotchu something' he says back
AHHHH imagine it with him winking at youuuuu BUTTERFLYSSSS
You grab the bag and he locks the door for you while you open the bag
he got u food :(((((( WAHHHHH SO SWEEETTT
diff ur favorite too, you had mentioned it before during one of your past dates w him
you both plop on your couch. you lean into him and you can tell that he's blushing a bit
his ears are all redd :(((((
ahhhhh image him in his big hoodie with a beanieeee
and like ur just eating w him half sleepy maybe watching a movie or something
just an absolute sweetheart
falling asleep together on the couch
"the one" first love and will always be
morning walks to late night walks in the rain to snuggling at home
going to the mall together and him absolutely spoiling you
there for you 24/7
so understanding omlll
actually giggles the first time you call him by a nickname
pure sweetness until the day he takes you back to that same park you had a picnic at
From first love to forever in love
Tag: @anny-bah@eee5533@mixtape-racha@weedforthoughtz@ren0325@felixvsp@hwangrimi @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno@herarcadewasteland@dabiscrustyfeet@kai-jilee@sungiesoonie@slvtty4channiee@revelaffee@buckys-pillow, @staygirl86 @chlodavids@jinnie-ret@bbygrlhannie@rebecca-johnson-28 @turtledove824@interstellarairwaves@yearofthetiger25@minhos4thkitty@fiqire@backintomykpopphaseagain@liknws@tinyelfperson@aaasia111@yangbbokari@hafsah-ali@sleepyleeji@skzhoes@yamaguchiwestad@leonswifesstuff@nappynapnaps
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lcnelyghost · 1 year
how about James march trying his best to keep the reader away from the countess, but they eventually start talking and it ends up with the countess manipulating the reader into thinking James doesnt like them? some angst maybe idkkk
I hope u have a great day, Thank u sm!!
ps: i love ur work :)
𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱’𝔰 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔢, 𝔦𝔰 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔰//𝔧𝔭𝔪 ✰
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; 𝔧𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔭𝔞𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥 𝔵 𝔣𝔢𝔪 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤; 𝔭𝔤
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰; 𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔭𝔲𝔩𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫, 𝔳𝔦𝔬𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔰
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The sound of silence was the only sound present in the Cortez. Everyone was either out, asleep, or just trapped here, remaining in secret for however long they wished to be hidden.
You however, were wide awake in bed, just staring at the ceiling. James lay asleep beside you. His dark chocolate brown hair slightly messed up, a few bits resting upon his forehead. He always looked so peaceful when he was sound. You could never help but to admire his beautiful, sleeping form. With him being a ghost, he didn’t need much sleep. But even the dead got tired at times.
You sighed and slid out of bed, cringing when you saw James stir. You managed to creep quietly to another spot of the room, changing into clean clothes before leaving a note for you’re partner when he woke up.
Dearest James,
I have gone down to the bar for a bit of peace. I may not be here when you wake up, so no need to go looking for me. I will arrive back when i’m fully relaxed.
Love, Y/N.
You finished signing off the note before heading down to the bar. Luckily enough, Liz was still up serving drinks. So you wouldn’t need to help yourself and go a tad bit crazy. Perhaps she’d make sure you were keeping a limit on how much you were drinking.
She smiled at you before placing a glass down, putting in a few bits of ice. You liked when the two of you could talk in the dead hours of night. It was far more peaceful and no one would be able to disturb either of you.
“What are you in the mood for tonight, honey?” Liz asked. You requested you’re choice of beverage and she was busy making it within seconds. In the distance, you could see Sally sitting in one of the booths.
Liz handed you you’re drink and you thanked her gracefully. You took a sip before lighting a cigarette.
“Can’t sleep?” Liz guessed.
You shook you’re head and blew out a cloud of smoke. Not a single soul was in sight but yourself, Liz, and Sally. A chill ran down you’re spine as you listened in to the deadly silence.
“Is anyone else even up at this time?” You questioned. Liz just poured herself a drink and sat on the stool behind the bar.
“Well.. John sometimes comes down. I think Iris is probably sound asleep. And my Tristan always hits the snooze button the minute he lays down.” The two of you giggled. I think most of the ghosts were aware that Tristan LOVED his sleep. Even in death, he still found it incredibly important.
“Oh, and the Countess is always just out or in her room with Donovan or whoever she’s still with these days.” Liz said, swiftly gulping down her beverage. You raised a brow and stared behind her in deep thought.
“Everything ok honey?”
You were quick to snap back into reality. “Oh yeah, yeah. Just.. i’ve never seen her in person.”
Liz nearly choked on the small bag of chips she was now snacking on. “You’ve never seen the Countess?!?”
You awkwardly bit you’re lip. “No..”
Liz sighed a little. “Even.. even Mr March hasn’t mentioned her to you?”
She looked rather confused but decided to shake it off. You were about to finish you’re drink but you seemed to notice how Liz was staring at the ground floor beneath the bar, paying close attention to the beautiful blonde woman walking through the doors.
“That’s her.”
“That’s the Countess.” Liz pointed out, getting herself off of the bar stool and pretending to clean up the minute the Countess caught her looking.
You drank the last of you’re glass before taking a good look at her. Soon enough, the two of you locked eye contact.
She smirked slightly before dismissing the thought of returning to her suite and heading up to the bar. Had you made a mistake by letting her notice you’re presence? You didn’t have a clue. From what you’ve heard of the Countess, you knew she wasn’t one to fuck around with. Be careful with you’re words. Always.
Her heels tapped against the stairs going upwards to the bar. Liz gave you a sort of ‘good luck’ expression before going off to speak to Sally.
She finally entered the bar and you turned you’re back to her, hoping she’d just go back to wherever she was originally planning on going.
That thought ended and you’re bubble was immediately burst. She took a seat on the bar stool next to you, sensing the fear radiating within.
“New face I take it?” She laughed with a slight hint of coldness to her tone, calling for Liz to come over and make her a drink. You saw the friendly, now nervous barmaid whisk out a large, fancy glass containing some sort of red liquid. You assumed it was wine, of course.
You gathered enough courage to face her, forcing a smile. “I’ve been here and there in the Cortez.”
“Hm, so what is it that draws you in to spend you’re time in this place?” The Countess questioned. You thought wisely about what answer you’d give her but just guessed it would be best to tell her the truth. You weren’t exactly threatened by her, but you just didn’t really want to know what she would do if you dared to offend her in any way, shape, or form.
“I stay here for someone who has drawn me in from the very first moment I met him.” You replied, watching her take a sip of her drink. She licked her lips and stared at you with great interest. Playfulness, even.
“Would I care to know this person?”
You sighed. “Maybe. Maybe not..”
She chuckled before signalling to you that she wanted an answer. Now.
“His name is James Patrick March. You may not have heard of him, but he has quite the reputation. So I won’t be surprised if you know who he is.”
She grinned wickedly before giggling softly. You blinked and wondered if telling her was the correct choice to make.
“Yes. As it turns out, i’m aware of who James is.”
You were confused on why she used his first name. You knew the guests and other ghosts only referred to him as Mr March. That was what he expected from all of them.
“Have you met?”
She laughed even further and you began to feel nauseous.
“James and I go way back. Though i’m sure you’re aware that he’s not from you’re timeline.” The Countess whispered. You nodded you’re head gently and didn’t know if you really wanted to find out how the Countess was acquainted with you’re beloved.
“You see, James and I were rather close back in our day. He appeared to have drawn me in with the same darkness I presume he drew you in with. It’s a pity though. Even when he put a ring on my finger, I didn’t entirely know what I was walking into.” Lying bitch. James had been the one to suffer for years due to her unloving and selfish personality. Though, that you had absolutely no clue about.
The minute she finished her last few sentences, you practically choked on you’re cold refill.
“I’m- i’m sorry?” You sputtered. James had a wife?
The Countess laughed again and took a few more sips of her drink. You felt yourself begin to feel like an idiot. James had been wed to her, and you knew nothing about it. He hadn’t mentioned anything that would indicate he had a previous lover. Especially not that his past lover was the Countess..
“I must warn you, he can be quite a handful when he wants to be. In fact, i’m still forced to have atleast one meal with him each month.” She huffed. You looked at her in disbelief. So that’s why James was never ‘available’ to see you on one specific day each month. Well, that’s how Miss Evers had put it.
“I’m guessing you’re aware of his past. I did not support his actions. But, I had to live with them. I tried to tell him about my doubts in our relationship, but I had no choice. I was stuck. I knew James would certainly never let me move forward..” The Countess lied again. Her tone was filled with pure, mock sadness.
You were at a loss for words. You’re.. you’re James was a control freak? If you ever wanted to leave him, he’d hold you captive within the walls of this hellhole?? That wasn’t what had struck you most. It’s the fact that he had been a lover of this woman for so long, and you didn’t even know about it..
I mean what could you possibly do? It was clear she wasn’t fond of him anymore, but was he still madly in love with her? Was he even YOU’RE James? Perhaps he’d been using you on the nights and days he never got to see the Countess.
“I must be getting back to my suite. Just.. keep in mind what I told you.” She grinned again, winking at you before abandoning her drink and leaving.
You sat there, a dreadful feeling of hurt and loneliness slowly passing over you. You’d been lied to. Again. So many men had all sorts of experiences in you’re life, and you thought James might just have been the one that changed everything. Well weren’t you the fool.
Liz came back over to you after she realised the Countess had left. She noticed the lining of tears in you’re eyes, suddenly growing worried.
“Sweetie, is everything alright?”
You fumbled for words. “I.. I need to go..”
You placed a hand over you’re mouth and dashed off. Leaving Liz confused and even more worried than what she was before.
You ran from hallway to hallway, desperately trying to get back to you’re suite. You passed Tristan on the way, he was fully clothed but was furiously rubbing at his clearly tired eyes. By the looks of it, he’d just awoken from his slumber.
“Oh hey Y/N..” He yawned, stumbling backwards when you shoved past him, still sobbing.
“Damn, someone’s pissed.” Tristan mumbled sleepily.
You finally reached you’re suite and burst through the door. There was no sight of James, so you ran to the bedroom and slammed the door behind you.
Curling up into a ball on the bed, you just sobbed. Sobbed and sobbed and sobbed you’re precious heart out, trying to release some of you’re pain.
James was quick to appear before you, totally stunned and extremely angry in case someone had hurt you.
“Darling! Oh, my darling.. what is wrong?” He said, reaching over to place a hand on you’re shoulder. You only flinched back in pure rage.
“Don’t touch me you bastard!”
James stared at you, wide eyed. He was totally bewildered. What had he done that would have hurt you so?
“I spoke with a familiar face in the bar. Very familiar, actually. You’d certainly know her..”
“Her?” He raised a brow.
James looked at you blankly. “Darling.. whatever do you mean?”
You scoffed and flew off the bed, pushing past him. He was quick to follow you into the sitting room.
“What do you mean ‘what do I mean?’ you asshat! You know exactly what I mean, James!” You screamed angrily. Flopping down onto the sofa in you’re fit of rage.
“Dearest please.. I don’t understand..”
You laughed at his foolishness. “The Countess. Does that ring any bells, Jimmy?”
He gulped slightly. You only referred to him as ‘Jimmy’ when you were extremely pissed. Now he knew he was in trouble.
“Dear, this a misunderstanding!” He yelled back. Beginning to grow frustrated with his words not even being acknowledged or listened to.
“James.. I know for a fact that this isn’t a misunderstanding. The Countess told me everything. How you got married, that you wouldn’t let her leave, how you trapped her in here! Is that what you’ll do to me?” You whimpered, noticing the look of hurt on his face.
He took a few steps closer to you and sat on the armchair nearby, sighing.
“My love, you know I would never hurt you. Ever. And as for the Countess, that woman isn’t so perfect herself. Our story.. wasn’t like that at all. I was betrayed, lied to. I thought I had fallen in love but I was so confused.. and desperate for that matter. Elizabeth used me as a distraction. A past lover of hers had passed away, and she felt herself also on the brink of death. So.. I tried so very hard to help the poor dear. Something in her had interested me, so.. I found myself feeling the need to make her happy. But what I didn’t know, was it was all a trick. A cruel, meaningless, trick. Her past lover was still alive and well. He offered to give her something I couldn’t. Immortality. That man had been infected with what appeared to be some sort of ancient blood virus.. something that would make one strong and forever beautiful. Elizabeth agreed to run away with him and his other lover, threatening to leave everything I had with her behind. They were all unaware that I knew all about this wicked plan. I.. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted her back. I still craved her touch and the warm feeling of undying love. So, I hid her lover away within the walls of the Cortez. He was trapped. Never to be found again. Just a few years ago.. Elizabeth managed to find out about this news. I didn’t bother hiding it. Whatever I did wouldn’t matter. I was practically abandoned by her so many years ago. All I did was watch as she moved on from man to man, not a single thought going to me at all..”
You looked at him with shock. Feeling nothing but guilt and utter stupidity. The Countess hadn’t been the victim in all this. It was you’re James.. you’re poor, poor James.
“So, my dear. The Countess was not the first woman I fell in love with. It was you..” He whispered, getting up from his chair and kneeling down in front of you.
“Oh James.. oh James!” You cried, wrapping you’re arms around him.
“I’m sorry.. i’m so, so, so sorry!” You cried further. James shushed you gently and pulled out his handkerchief, drying you’re tear stained cheeks.
He pulled you into his touch, kissing you’re lips softly. You returned the kiss, turning it into a more passionate, loving experience.
“Yes, James?”
“Marry me.”
𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔪𝔶 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔰!!
𝔱𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱; @v-love (𝔪𝔶 𝔣𝔞𝔳 𝔬𝔣𝔠)
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celestie0 · 3 months
Idk if this is weird to ask but can you tell more about your situationship?😭 I’m curious since it inspired the story idkkk
nooo not weird at all haha, i had plans to share more ab it once i was done w kickoff but i dont really mind sharing a bit now (will literally always take up any chance to talk ab it it’s an impulse i cannot resist)
basically i met this guy like halfway through my freshman year of college at a frat event, it was a bit different from kickoff dynamic in that we started hooking up pretty soon after that, just a casual thing, but then the pandemic hit and so he went back home to live w his grandpa/family in new york (i live in cali) once campus shut down and stuff. obviously we couldn’t hook up anymore LMFAO but we still talked a lot and i think it was during this time of just talking to one another that i really started to catch massive feelings for him :”)
i went through some bad anxiety during covid, struggling a lot w my career and if i still wanted to pursue the things i thought i wanted (i think a lot of college students went through this w the pandooski) but he would always be there for me and would stay on facetime calls w me if i was struggling to study, he’d cheer me up w pics of his tibetan dogs lol, just reallyyy sweet ugh when we were long distance i rly saw a side of him i didn’t before and i think that’s what made me fall for him
i confessed to him first, similar to reader in kickoff, n told him we could do long distance until he moved back here. but then he hit me with the “i’m sorry, i can’t date you, i’ve got commitment issues”. in his case, he had a long-term girlfriend in high school for four years who he also was dating into college (before he met me), but he found out she had been cheating on him for a long time w not just one but multiple of his friends 😭 so..he said he has really bad trust issues, and that he really wanted to try to date me, but he just felt like he couldn’t
i was really hurt, obviously, but i think in hindsight maybe it was a responsible decision on his part to not throw me into a mess of a relationship w him, one he knew he wasn’t ready for. but at the time, i just thought that it was bc i wasn’t good enough to change his mind. anyways, he asked if we could still talk and be friends, and i said sure bc i didn’t really want to lose him. i figured i could just wait for him (and i told him that i would)
yeahhh well the waiting was way more fucking painful than i thought. he flew to cali once to visit me when flights were sort of resuming, which is just fucking insane because you’ll fly to see me but you won’t date me 😭, and i told him that it’d be the last time he ever sees me! and it was :”) maybe it was an impulsive decision by me, but idk. yknow when you get stuck in a limbo for what feels like forever that you make a decision just for the sake of making one (it was such a short amt of time in reality, but it felt like forever) he made a comment to me in our last conversation about how he really wished he didn’t have to be someone i had to wait on to change, and that really fuckin stuck w me lmao i cried so hard the drive home from the airport. i think all the “what-ifs” kinda sunk in at that moment
ch7 of kickoff was basically me trying to get inside the head of the guy from my situationship, and see what it’s like to have fears hold you back from wanting to experience something for yourself, something that could be beautiful if you would just give it a chance. i felt like if i wrote it from that angle, i’d have more understanding of my situationship (i dont have commitment issues myself, tbh i’ve never rlly understood the concept. like, i’ve been fucked over by ppl in my life too but i’m never one to punish the next person for it. dealing w my situationship was really hard because of this, i would get really frustrated, but writing ch7 from gojo’s character’s perspective made situationship guy’s feelings make more sense to me, i think, there was a sense of closure in that)
but anyways, i was in love w him for sure. like, possibly infatuated. there was a time where we got into a big argument about something and i think i legit i cried myself into a fever 💀 it was all so crazy and powerful, the feelings, i’ve been involved w other guys since but of course none of it really compares. idk, i guess there are just some people that can make you feel that way, there’s really no use in understanding why.
this sounds so sappy, lmaoo i swear i truly am “over” him in that i hardly think of him that much anymore, n tbh i don’t think of him specifically all that much while i’m writing kickoff, but there are moments where i can’t help but bring those feelings into the story.
there’s a line in ch8, near the end of the bed scene, where reader has a thought like
“You feel so safe with him, and yet you also feel scared, because you like him so much that you would let him ruin you if he wanted to.”
yeah. that’s basically how i felt about him.
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mountainficss · 5 months
i keep eating warheads at work and they kind of remind me of jihoon 😳
when you first put them in your mouth they’re sour for only a little bit, maybe a few seconds but after that they’re sickly sweet and idkkk it just made me think of jihoonie ;( at first he can be kind of fussy and finicky when it comes to affection but at the same time he’s the sweetest doll ever and i just love him sm. he has such a kitty personality i feel like he’d be the type to pretend not like your affection but secretly be in love with it ;(
on days where he’s needy i feel like he’d be shy/embarrassed to ask you, but he’d drop little hints like leaning his head on your shoulder or being more touchy than usual. and he’d give you the cutest little pouts ugh i’m in love with woozi :( his moans and whines would be so cute when you use your hands or your mouth on him and he’d be so embarrassed but it would just feel too good ugh i really can’t do it. i love woozi sm ;(
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slabime · 1 month
Maxwell for the headcanon game :]
Sexuality Headcanon: some special flavor of queer idkkk. quintessentially homosexual but he can fuck w a woman. so like in normal person terms bisexual but to me its different.
Gender Headcanon: TO QUOTE MYSELF FROM A DISCORD CONVO MAYBE 2 YEARS AGO: "and maxwell lost his gender in the train crash but hes a woman but as a performance but also hes not a woman and hes a cartoonish caricature of an old sleeze womanizing car dealer but also hes an old queen sorry what was the question again."
A ship I have with said character: welle. you know me. I'm the maxwil guy.
A NOTP I have with said character: uhm. looks away. wes.
A random headcanon: uhhhhhh. thisnones hard theres so many.. I think he lies compulsively ab the Smallest things not to manipulate intentionally it wld just kill him to give an honest answer. you ask him if he wants some water and he says I dont know pal, do I? and on the inside hes saying Fuck I'm so thirsty whyd I say thaf.
General Opinion over said character: i kind of need to grind him into a fine powder but hes sooooo interesting. I make fun of him a lot but I promise I dont hate him its just so easy. old man 100.
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kamiversee · 3 months
i feel like as a crazy gojo girly i should explain some things from my perspective at least (then i’ll tone down the craziness so nobody thinks i’m actually like this irl 🙄)…
i’m well aware gojo is obsessed and it’s literally the biggest red flag in my face i swear 😭😭 but he has been telling us he doesn’t deserve us and we shouldn’t be with him and we shouldn’t love him and we should be with choso instead (HE BLACKMAILED US TO GO TO CHOSO ON CHRISTMAS) he’s aware of the things he’s done to us and he doesn’t expect forgiveness and sympathy so he’s self aware so i’m not sure idk i genuinely don’t see the manipulation in this aspect 🥲
i just idk his confession is the one that stuck with me as well especially since choso only confessed his love when he knew gojo is telling reader he loves her idkkk i didn’t like that it felt unnatural to me 😬
another thing is that personallyyy i’ve been icked by choso ever since he video called but that’s my problem lmaojskskjs i’ll see how it goes maybe my perspective will change but i just want to understand my blue-eyed baby 😔
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Yap session incoming;
The manipulation aspect stems from how he’s aware and claims to be sorry but never changes. Thus putting the reader in a position where she wants to forgive him and accept his apology but finds herself forgetting or overlooking how he doesn’t change no matter what he says :)
A lot of people said Choso’s confession felt forced or tht he only said it bc he knew he had competition but before he left, he already said he had a confession for her— it’s just that there was no point of giving it to her then if she didn’t want to be in a relationship 😔
Basically, with Choso he’s litterally always on a time frame with the reader if you rlly think about it. She meets him in between having to sleep with other guys so she can’t pursue him like she wanted to, he leaves because he can’t stand falling for someone he feels as though he cannot have, and then when he comes back, praying she might be ready for him, he learns that there’s another person she has feelings for.
I don’t think Choso’s pov is well understood in this fic, which is okay, we get more of Gojo’s pov than Choso’s but I mean the most I can say without spoiling is this because it’s been hinted at;
Gojo is keeping things from the reader & the reader is keeping things from Choso.
The reader is Choso’s “Gojo” just as Gojo is to the reader. DOES THT MAKE SENSE HELP?!
Gojo lies to her & she lies to Choso SO WHAT IM TRYNA SAY IS, the same confusion you see the reader going through, Choso is going through just as much
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