#if anyone has ideas 🙏 i’m open
dancingdonatello ¡ 5 months
hi next fic ideas for ao3 … your vote will probs have no impact but i am curious to what’s more popular
if anyone… wants more details… i’m such a yapper hehehe e (<—- psycho)
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bangsinc ¡ 1 year
⚪️ More Spot x Reader (prompts) 🖤
Because it’s not my duty with 15 whole followers to write more🙏🙏 ily all. This is pretty long since I did prompts I found and stuff so :3.. ALSOOALSO, I’m new at writing x reader and the love means sm!!! AGG!!
Who confessed first? what was the confession like?
Spot is an enigma, a man beyond his mortal realm. A man who has the power to travel anywhere he pleases…. But he could never tell you how he feels. He’d feel like, in the event of a heartfelt confession, you’d be terrified and run away. After all, it’s not everyday an inter dimensional being wants you to be theirs.
In the event of a confession, he would expect you to do most of the talking. It’s not something he’s proud of, but his emotions, to him, don’t matter anymore because of what he is. The confession, if he would imagine it, would be something incredibly cheesy but something so.. him. He didn’t have flowers because the kind you liked were out, didn’t have any romantic place to go to because he was afraid of being shunned, and the cupcakes he made burnt :(!
If he could, he’d cry upon a confession on your end.
Who gets sick/injured more often? who is the caretaker?
This goes without saying, but spot is.. not human, or at least he isn’t anymore. He can’t catch a cold, or get sick, it’s beyond him now. So, you would have to undoubtedly be the one he winds up taking care of.
He seems like a worrywart. In the event you are sick, or Ill, or whatever it may be, he’s going to act like you’re dying. He won’t leave your side for one minute, constantly trying to cook for you or *cough* steal *cough* medicine (it’s a little difficult with his holes.. please be patient).
How do they feel about PDA?
Oh my god.. please. He craves it. So much. It’s unhealthy. Even if he isn’t.. the most easy to hold or cuddle, he wants nothing more than to feel your warmpth against him. You’re the last, if not only thing he has to affection.
He can’t kiss you, or really.. do anything.. but he has hands! And a body! So he’d love it if you would spoil him with endearment.
In public, things are slightly different. He hardly goes out unless it’s to continue his ‘life of crime’, but if you were to tag along and show him affection, in public.. he wouldn’t know how to react. Like, you’re proud to be with him??? Him?? HIM??
How do they comfort you/cheer you up?
Oh how he just hates to see his love sad :(. You give him so much love and affection.. the least he could do is return it tenfold when you feel upset.
He’ll hold you, tell you sweet things, try and lull you. Your emotions, to him, are as important as breathing (if he.. even needs to do that).
Maybe will even cook for you! He has a thing for spicy food. Can he like, even eat?
Traits they like in a partner?
He wants someone who is like him in the sence that also feel somewhat outcasted from society. Someone who isn’t conveniently attractive, has features that aren’t considerably desirable. He loves those things. Hooked noses, droopy eyes, eyebags, stretch marks, pimples, he loves it all. He’s not a picky man.
Might perfer chubby partners (would appriciate the comfort of holding them, not to mention he thinks curvy women are attractive.. he’s such a dork).
Spot would like a significant other thats artistic or creative. They might seem more open to his ideas, or at least to him that’s how it would seem. One with a sence of humor aswell.
(Maybe a significant other who can defend him if he’s being attacked for robbing some place)
Traits they don’t like in a partner?
I.. really don’t think there’s much he wouldn’t like in a partner. He likes anyone and everyone as long as they love him and they’re nice to him. That said.. he probably couldn’t stand someone who’s rude, or cocky to an extent. Someone who’s on their phone while he’s trying to talk to them. Someone who actively turns down his love. He’s a very clingy man, he wants the affection and if you can’t give it it’ll upset him.
Do they buy you gifts often? What would they buy you?
He loves to (steal) buy things for his darling. Little trinkets, or other things he thinks they would enjoy based on his knowledge of them. He loves how their face brightens, how he knows he just made their day. He can’t do much for you, but he makes it up with anything he can do. He wants you to feel like a goddess.
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silly-honeybee ¡ 6 months
What Blue Lock boys would get you for Christmas🎁
~🐝 Happy late Christmas my lovely sillies! I have been rlly busy lately so I haven’t had time to write💔 so I hope you enjoy this lil headconon on what the Blue Lock boys would get you for Christmas!
Characters: Bachira, Isagi, Chigiri, Nagi, Kunigami, Reo, Kaiser, Alexis, Hiori
Headcanon ~ Fluffy fluff ~ fem!reader ~ not proofread
Warning(?): mentions of bras and panties in Kunigami’s part. (don’t know if that makes anyone uncomfy or not so I’m putting this here)
Bachira Meguru
Silly things. He’d get you some silly and unnecessary things—
Like he’d probably get you a shirt saying “I love pizza” or something stupid😭
But he’d also get you some pretty cute things.
Anything matching, plushies, shirts, bracelets, etc..
He is indeed a goofball(we love him for that), but of course he knows how to give serious gifts(somewhat)..
The wrapping would be horrible, I gotta say that.. probably a bunch of holes basically revealing what the present was before you even opened it.. (he’s trying his best)
Oh well, whatever he gets you just know that he means it with a lot of love💕
Isagi Yoichi
He’d probably get you nice things for the winter, like a fuzzy sweater, scarf, boots..
Or he’d find a cute dress that he thinks would look nice on you, if you don’t like dresses then a cute pair of shorts or pants..
But, in general he would make sure to get you something he knew you liked, he thinks about you a lot, yk? ^^
(This is rlly short I’m sorry🙏)
Chigiri Hyoma
This man will spoil you.
You like Sanrio? Sanrio it is. You want makeup? Makeup it is. You want the full series of your favorite book? Books it is!
He never disappoints on Christmas, he knows what you like even if you haven’t told him—
Like he just noticed a certain detail of you having quite a few of this and that. He’d then proceed to Google about it and then find nice things from it🫶
Nagi Seishiro
He’d probably be a little clueless on knowing what you’d want.. (not in a rude way).
So what he does is probably look back on the comments you made on certain characters you two have played in a game or what not. And the ones you liked he’d find some merch of that character..
Kunigami Rensuke
He’d definitely be brave enough to casually walk into the woman’s section of Target and get you a brand new bra and panties.
Based on his sister’s at home, they always seem to complain about their bras becoming loose and slack after a year..
So he assumes that maybe that happens with you too? He wants you to be comfy at all times💕
(I love this man😭)
Reo Mikage
He’d also spoil you like Chigiri, but probably in a more *ehem* Reo way..
Like he’d get you tons of stuff, too much to count. This man has money💰🤑
Every. One. Of. Those. Gifts. Have been thoroughly thought through as he was buying them.
He wanted to make sure everything was perfect💝
Michael Kaiser
Probably getting you something fancy..
A fancy robe, shoes, dress, etc..
Would also treat you to a restaurant date, Egon or something idk 🤷‍♀️
Alexis Ness
He’d get you anything you want😭
He’s such a sweetheart about it too, he would wrap your gifts in cute wrapping paper.
Every one of the gifts having a little tag in the shape of a heart saying: “To my love, from Alexis💕”
He’s such a cutie istg😭🙏
Hiori Yo
You two probably played animal crossing at some point together, so he’d definitely get you a plushie of whichever one was your favorite character!
He probably would accidentally reveal the gift before you opened it.. oopsie💕
~~~🐝 end
~🐝 I’m so sorry if some of these were short😭 like idk how to write for Kaiser,I sagi or Nagi- and there is no Rin included here bc I have no idea how to write for him🧍‍♀️ anyway! I wish you sillies a lovely rest of 2023💕
See you guys next year😋🙏 (I’m so funny haha)
Also look at this Bachira plush I got for Christmas AAAAAAA MY BBY😭 MWA MWA💋💋💋
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moochalove ¡ 8 months
Last Nights Mistake and Beginnings
(Kazuha x Pregnant!Reader x Scara)
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Idk whats even goin on anymore!!!
This fucking sucks and i’m not expecting anyone to read (Damn, you guys eating this up…..) but I kinda had an idea and just went crazy w it….. i will be making a part two because i will go crazy if i don’t😋
word count: idk but it’s pretty long 😊
not proofread 🙏
reader is a little mental and stupid but who isn’t❤️‍🩹
kazuha is sleazy in this fic + a phony + should not be trusted + sorta a cheater but reader is kinda okay with it
You had met Kazuha at a club. It was your secret getaway from reality and working, your safe haven. Sipping your drink you stood away from the crowds simply minding yourself and taking in the noises of chatter and laughter. You enjoyed it. Glancing around at the faces you noticed this fairly handsome man. He noticed you too, he handed his drink to his friends as they cheered and laughed at him walking over to your direction.
You stifled a small giggle as you brushed your hair back and started with a simple “Hi.” While exchanging names you took this time to glance at his features, his beautiful porcelain skin, and silky smooth white hair with a dashing red streak placed in the center, he was gorgeous you thought to yourself.
The night was spent full of giggles and flirtatious gestures. It may have been the alcohol clouding your mind but every time you glanced at him you felt the sudden urge to take him home with you, you weren’t sure what you would do when you got home, would you stare at him and apologize then sending him home? Or would you let the alcohol take full control and sleep with him? Both options don’t sound too bad but you eventually decided the latter.
Twirling your soft hands through his medium-long locks your gaze settles on him as you plant a kiss to the side of his face. You waited to see if he would reciprocate. Kazuha pulled your hands out of his hair and pinned them above your head as he pinned you against the wall, hot mouth clashing into yours. Holding back your small moans you rub up against him and his slight bulge, pulling away you gasp for air as a string of saliva connects the two of you. Looking at him with yearning eyes he picks you up and leaves the club (of course after you pay for your drinks.)
Once you returned to your house you quickly stripped off both of your clothes while making your way to the bedroom. Giggling all along the way you reach the bed as you embrace each other before he starts kissing up on your neck. Rubbing your hands through his soft hair you think to yourself, “It is silky..” laying back you take in the clouded view before everything goes dark.
You can’t seem to remember what happens next although you’re certain you both know.
In the morning you’re alone.
The bed is a mess, it seems only your clothes are scattered throughout the house. “Maybe he’s in the bathroom?” Circling around the couches you make your way down the hall towards the bathroom. You knock once. No answer. You’re certain he’s gone so you open the door. Nothing. Looking around you noticed the floor was wet, maybe he took a shower before he left. The mirror stares back at you and you then notice how sad you look. What were you expecting? For him to say he loved you truly and that he was gonna stay? No, it was a one-night stand. That’s all.
Uh oh, looks like your last night mistakes were here to haunt you. Lurching forward you spew out contents from last night. Deciding it would be best to wash up you go to grab fresh clothes and a towel before checking your phone. Maybe he left you a message. Nothing. Shaking your head you jump in the cold shower and begin to wash up.
A couple of months had passed and boy, has it been a crazy couple of months… You were in your 19th week and you just played it off by saying you’ve been stress eating and it was just “weight gain” but your doctors said otherwise. Every now and then you wondered if you should’ve contacted Kazuha as soon as you knew but a voice inside your head told you not to burden him. From what you learned that fateful night he had told you he was a free spirit and that he could possibly never settle. Being drunk and stupid you said, “Oh yeah totally, I could NEVER think about wanting to commit to anything other than work! Life’s too short to being chained down in one place forever!!” Maybe that’s what sold him on you. Both of you having a fun night with no regrets. Alas, all good times must come to an end and you must face the consequences of your drunken actions, so here you were, trying on different outfits to hide your small baby bump. You needed to expand your wardrobe to more concealing outfits and more jackets.
As you leave the store you see him. Kazuha is wandering around the mall with his friends, laughing and having a good time. You want to turn the other way and leave but you can’t help but stare for a moment hoping he doesn’t notice you. He does, he runs over and hugs you. You’re stunned and can’t seem to piece together words. “Y/n! How have you been?” He says out of breath from running. You blush faintly as he looks at you. Slowly swaying the bag of clothes behind you, “I’ve been good? And you? I haven’t seen you in awhile haha..” you trail your laugh as you look away. “Oh yeah, last time we…” a cute pink blush dusts his face as he seems more interested in the floor all of a sudden, “Anyways… I just thought I’d come by and say hi. Actually- I was wondering if you wanted to go out and grab drinks with me and my friends.” He turns back to look at you sheepishly. You really don’t want to but you don’t wanna make it seem like you’re avoiding him. “Uh.. I would but I have to drop some things off first, haha.. Um, you guys go ahead and I’ll catch up with you later, yeah?” “Oh right, it seems I caught you in the middle of shopping, my bad. Yeah you can stop by when you’re done. We’ll be at the usual place! I’ll see you later.” He places a quick kiss to your cheek as he runs back to his other friends. Quickly turning away you decide to just leave through a different exit not wanting to cross paths with them again.
Once you get home you slowly drop to the ground as you rub you head. You shouldn’t have said you would go.
Entering the club you smile waving at familiar faces and spot Kazuha and his friends in the secluded corner. If you remember correctly it’s Scaramouche, Heizou, Ayaka, and Xinyan. Oh and sometimes Venti, Ayato, and Thoma. He waved towards you as he gestured for you to sit down by him, he was sitting on the outer corner of the round table so if you needed to get up and leave you could. Once you sat down you felt your stomach twist with anxiety. You simply started counting the things you could see and hear.
“I’m not sure if you’ve met her but this is my friend Y/n!” He turned to smile at you “We’ve been friends for awhile now.” Nodding along you speak “Hello. Nice to meet you all!” You smile at them all. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Y/n, Im Ayaka!” She greeted with you a smile. “It's a pleasure to meet you Y/n, I'm Heizou!” he reached over the table to shake your hand “ah, what a surprisingly firm grip!” shaking your hand once more he returned to his seat. Turing slightly to the left you turn to face Xinyan, “We’ve heard many interesting things about you!” “O-oh like what?” Xinyan exclaimed, “Oh just the basics, Yknow like what your favorite color is, favorite band, food and what-not! Kazuha can’t seem to stop talking about ya’!” She gave a playful wink as she giggled possibly implying something. Kazuha grabbed your shoulder shifting you closer to him as his friend who you hadn’t noticed was not at the table sat down. Ah, it’s Scaramouche. He sat down at the end and you felt your fist clench. There goes your way of leaving, sure you could ask him to move but the things you’ve heard about him you decided your personality don’t clash well so you would be best to just avoid talking to him unless needed. The waiter came over and asked for everyone’s order, when it was your turn you just decided to get water, alcohol wasn’t something you planned on drinking tonight because you didn’t want a repeat of last time, plus it wouldn't be good for you. “Oh, no drinks tonight Y/n?” Kazuha looked like a sad puppy. “Nah, I’m good, I have work in the morning and I’d rather not wake up with a pounding headache. Next time though!” You hoped there wouldn’t be a next time. “Okay then!” He gathered the menus and handed them back to the waiter then slyly hung his arm around you.
You tried to pretend it wasn’t there and listen into the bustling atmosphere like you once did. Of course, though someone had to bring you into the conversation. It’s not like you hated them but you wish you had met them under different circumstances. “So, Y/n what do you plan to do in the future? I hear you have a nice paying job but it goes against your ideals. How are you gonna deal with that?” Scaramouche asked as he sipped on his non-alcoholic drink. Had you said something in your drunken state to Kazuha? Oh no what if you embarrass yourself what if- “Oh come on Scara try and ask some interesting questions, that’s boring! I wanna hear what her love life is like!” Ayaka retorted. “U-um well I don’t really have time for love in my life haha, If anything I’d rather avoid it, but I guess if I met THE one I wouldn’t mind keeping them around for the ride… haha I hope that answers your question..” you trail off before taking a big sip of your water. At this point you couldn't decide if you wanted to play as a “love interest” for Kazuha of if you would just avoid acting love-dovey with him.
Ayaka nodded agreeing with what you said “I agree! Although I would be way more open! You can’t be picky when it comes to love!” She sharply turned towards Kazuha, “You're next, Kazu!” Pushing his hair back he sighed “Ayaka we already talked about this…” She leaned across the table “But it’s a great icebreaker question!” Realizing her position she sat down with a quick “ahem..” “Looks like our princess is fired up! Haha, cmon now Kazuha you know how she gets when she’s like this! Answer!” To be honest you were kinda curious despite your current dilemma in your head. “I like it when they’re strong-willed, courageous, soft, long hair, oh, and someone who likes to cuddle!” “Is that all?” “Mmm, just the surface but I don’t wanna bore you guys all night long” Ayaka’s hands clapped together as she smiled brightly “See these are great ice-breaker questions!” “Eh, not really..” said everyone in unison. Ayaka then proceeded to ask everyone else the same question, You don't really remember most of their answers except that Xinyan likes men and women who are more on the stronger side- both mentally and physically. Heizou said he preferred anyone taller than him, and Scaramouche said he only wanted someone who knew how to cook.
They rambled on a bit more before Heizou and Xinyan took their leave claiming they needed to get to the local gaming store to pick up their copy of the latest game that came out. Now that the bright extroverts were gone you weren't sure what to do or say. Ayaka had made some effort to talk about random things but quickly ran out of topics to talk about. Growing tired by the minute you soon began to build up the courage to say you were going to leave, the bustling atmosphere seemed no longer enjoyable, and Kazuha seemed too busy playing footsies with Ayaka to even say anything to you. “I thi-” Scaramouche grabbed your hand suddenly, yanking you off the seat, “We're gonna go grab some drinks! We’ll be back!” he said looking back at them before waving nonchalantly at them.
Guiding you through the small crowds of dancers you're trying to make sense of the situation, “Um-” “God you're pathetic.” Was he really insulting you??? You didn't even do anything to him??? A confused expression plastered your face, “I'm sorry what?” “I said you're pathetic. Have you not noticed?” Sitting down at the bar stool you look at him even more confused, trying to recall if you had done or said something. “You think he's into you?” Oh, it's about Kazuha. “Listen, I never said he was into me- Aren't you jumping to conclusions?” “Why you little… Have a look for yourself” he spun your seat around you could see them through the small crowds: Kazuha and Ayaka staring at each other like a young couple in love, You could immediately tell how serious they were about each other. “You wouldn't wanna ruin such a young and happy relationship would you, Y/n?” You turn back around laying your head in your arms, “So what am I supposed to do? I'm just his friend. Nothing I can do-” Turning back around you cock your head to the side. “Doesn't it make you angry? Seeing him getting all lovey-dovey with someone other than you?” Was he trying to get you riled up? Seriously? “Listen, we had one night together, that's all. If you know everything why don't you go ask him yourself?” You can feel yourself breaking little by little. “I would but it seems he's busy right now!” He really was trying to piss you off for his own entertainment, huh.. “Oh please I don't need the person who only wants a lover who knows how to cook to make him happy trying to control MY love life.” “Oh yeah? Well, I don't want someone who has one-night stands to tell me what I think is good!!” you both were getting louder by the second. “Yet you clearly have shit taste!!” “Said the one who is practically married to her job!!” “Oh yeah? Oh yeah?? I hear you go around bumming money off your mo-” “SCREW YOU” “SCREW YOU TOO” Almost everyone at the bar witnessed you two pulling each other's hair and yelling curse words at each other.
Not long after you were both escorted out and left on the side of the street.
“Look what you did!” Scaramouche yelled at you, You weren’t really concerned about him but instead tried digging through your purse for your car keys. Once you found them you headed towards your car, “Yeah yeah, whatever. I’m headed home. Please let Kazuha know I got home safe and- why are you getting in my car?” Scaramouche lowered himself into the seat before covering his face with his hands, but peeking through his fingers, “Crap… why is she here… she never leaves her office- and who is that with her? Oh, it’s that sly vixen bit-“You looked at him confused before realizing who he was talking about. “Isn't that your mo-” “Shut it- she's no mother to me!” Starting the car you start to check all your mirrors making sure it’s okay to pull out.
“I think she's gone so you can come out no- OHSHIT GET IN THE BACK AND HIDE YOURSELF.” “Why-” practically tossing him in the back you comb through your hair and turn up the radio a little to cover the sounds of Scara struggling.
“Y/n? I just came out to look for you! Why're you leaving so suddenly?” Leaning in a weird position your arms are awkwardly posed as you force a smile. Normally, you're calm and collected, ready to behave falsely, but this time you were caught off-guard. “Did something happen between you and Scara-” “NO,” with a short ‘ahem’ you straighten out. “Nope! Nothing at all! I was just feeling a little nauseous, so I'm gonna head home-” he placed a quick kiss on your head before caressing your face, “Get well soon, my love.” Stiffening up before you melted into his warm touch, and placing a small peck on his knuckles, “Oh, Kazu, I'll be just fine. Don't worry about me-” Noticing how his face lit up at the fact you said you'd be fine made you wonder if you were holding him back from his precious time with Ayaka. “I'll let you go then.” Snapped from your thoughts you pull away and set your hands on the wheel, “I love you, and I'll see you later.” Nodding you reply with a simple ‘bye’ before you watched him head back to the club.
You really were just a side fling. Something he could play with with, knowing you would be just fine. Right? You’ll be fine, won’t you?
Tears started to roll down your soft cheeks. “I hate him.” Gripping the wheel you slip and speak your intrusive thoughts, “I should run him over” “HUH?” Scara exclaimed as he pulled your clothes off himself, “OHFUCK, I FORGOT YOU WERE HERE… UMMM…..” “Damn, Y/n, you have it rough… Almost makes me feel bad” he snickered before fondling the clothes that had concealed him. “Um, anyways, why do you have maternity? clothes in your car?” You froze for a second before laughing and putting up a front, “For my sister. She's expecting,” you stated blankly as you turned the corner and left the club parking lot. “Sister?” Scara almost didn’t buy it but it wasn’t his place to pry for details. “Well, never mind then.” Hands relaxing on the wheel you decide to feed him more details so he’s sold on the idea of your sister, “She’s in her 19th week, from what I heard from my parents is that she’s expecting a baby boy. Can you believe I’ll be an aunty?” With a soft chuckle, he agreed, “I can agree actually, you almost have all the qualities to be a mother, so why not an aunty- at least what I hear from Kazuha- not that I think you-“ “It’s fine, I get that a lot from people!” “Really?” “No.” “I hate you...” Laughing in response you start to feel a bit nauseous again so you pull over on the side of the road. “Sorry, my head hurts really bad so I’m gonna stop for a second. Just to be safe, of course.” Humming in response he crawled back up into the front and started to browse through the radio channels, finally choosing a radio that streamed classical music he laid his head back.
You weren't thinking about anything peculiar, wishing for this throbbing pain to go away, but that was it. Scara on the other hand… He wondered to himself if he had read Kazuha’sand your “situationship” wrong. Maybe he was into you? Were you also into him the same amount? Were your feelings real? Why was he so intent on keeping you away from him? Was it for Ayaka’s sake? No- that doesn’t make too much sense. You seemed to love and hate him equally… He wasn’t sure but all he knew now was that you weren’t ALL that bad. His thoughts were cut off-
“Sooo, where do you want me to drop you off?” He thought for a moment. Kazuha would probably bring Ayaka back to their shared apartment before her brother would come looking for her, so that’s a no. Home? Knowing his mom wouldn’t be there didn’t seem so bad. But he also wanted to make sure you got home safe, why? he himself wasn’t too sure.Maybe it was the very little “gentleman” in him his mother had molded him to be.
He knew he would regret this but he asked anyways, “Do…” shyly looking out the window he seemed more interested in the passing cars in the distance, “Do you think I could crash at your place tonight- I don’t really wanna go ‘home’ right now,” squeezing the wheel you hesitantly agreed, “No I totally get it- Really it’s fine!” turning towards you he looked like a frail cat who’s eyes lit up at the sight of food. Turing your blinker on and waiting for ongoing cars to pass you merge onto the road.
“Thanks, Yn… I was honestly expecting you to dump me on the side of the road.” he spoke so sincerely.
Once you got him the sudden realization of all the baby clothes and diapers were left out in the front you panic for a second. “A-ah… I just remembered my living room is a mess right now… Um- wait out here for a sec, i’ll be quick,” fumbling with your house keys you squeeze the door not allowing him to see too much inside. Scara quirked an eyebrow but was soon distracted by a scrawny cat walking up to him, mewling hoarsely.
Leaning down he decided it needed his divine attention!
Grabbing all the clothes laying out you stuff them into a giant box and sprint to your room, hiding them under your bed, same with the diapers but instead grabbing gift wrapping paper and what ever you could find before stuffing them into your closet. If for some reason he were to look in your closet all he would find is gifts for your beloved sister! Scanning the room one last time you make sure nothing is left out.
Rushing back to the you invite Scara in you immediately take notice he is busying himself with one of the neighborhood cats you feed. “I would have never guessed you liked cats,” posing against the doorframe you smile down at him, “But I guess I can’t blame you!” Scara seemed to be in his own world petting and rubbing the cat’s fluffy fur with the occasional twig intertwined between it. “Does she have a name?” He asked gently not wanting to make too much noise to startle the purring cat. “Mmm, I’ve just been calling her MeowMeow.” Leaning down next to him you gently stroke behind her ears as she curls into your touch. “I found her cold and weak a couple of weeks ago. It seems like she's not fattening up yet…” Scara turned to look at you angrily, “And you didn't take her to the vet?” “I have a good paying job, yes- but with how much my bills are a month….” you quickly retorted already feeling guilty about not getting MeowMeow checked out.
All he could do was pinch the bridge of his nose before sighing, “I’ll pay for her vet fees- if you'll allow me-” Ah, he meant he was gonna use its moms money but nonetheless your eyes glistened with hope that he was being serious, “Really? You're not joking are you?” You leaned closer to him with desperation, “Tell me you're not joking,” He didn't seem to mind the closeness between you two as he continued to pet the cat's fur, “Of course, why would I be joking?” said a slightly annoyed Scaramouche. “Well- I'm not too sure actually…..” The silence made itself known as you both eventually took turns petting the poor cat before you went to get her wet food. She ate her food quickly before returning to wherever she came from, leaving you and Scara standing in the cold.
“I… I cleaned up so you can come in now.” Without saying anything he walked inside, plopping himself onto your spacious couch. He tried to loosen up a little but couldn't seem to get comfy. You, on the other hand, had washed your hands and were preparing some food for you both, simple ham and cheese sandwiches with some juice for the both of you before you went to sleep. Scara found his way to the guest bathroom while you left his food for him on the sofa. You scrolled the TV waiting for him to come out just in case he needed anything.
Once he came out he looked a little more relaxed, face freshly cleaned and dried. Putting the remote down you lean over to grab some blankets out of a basket, “So, I made you a sandwich with some juice to drink- the TV is here if you wanna watch anything and I've got some blankets in case you get cold-” He simply nodded, “What time should I be gone?” “Well, unless you have a ride, I suppose whenever. But if I'm your ride probably by 10 or 11- Let me know if sooner though.” Scara made himself comfy before replying, “Whenever you wake up is fine. Goodnight, Y/n.”
Walking down the hall into your room you shut the door before lying down and eating your yummy-looking sandwich. Once you finish you decide to get some sleep not wanting to think too much about the fact Scaramouche is here and how your night went. Slowly but surely you drift off into a light sleep…
238 notes ¡ View notes
lovecanyon ¡ 2 years
chef!y/n x harry styles
capocuoca94 = y/n’s private instagram / translated from italian: chef
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y/n’s owned restaurant’s instagram
italian / appassionati di pasta = english / pasta lovers
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liked by harryfan2, harryfan6 and 309,763 others
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harryfan9 his white mercedes 😫
harryfan7 WHO?!?!??!
harryfan5 isn’t y/n in charge of the tour catering?
harryfan3 i believe so
harryfan10 omg harry might be dating a chef
harryfan8 i’m going to need someone to do a background check on her 😭
harryfan4 SHUT UP
harryfan11 y/n’s instagram is private…
harryfan15 and everyone follows her including anne…
harryfan17 i fear he’s not single anymore
harryfan12 she probably cooks pasta for him 🙂
harryfan14 harry goes to y/n’s restaurants all the time too
harryfan16 news of the century
harryfan18 why do i love them already…
harryfan20 now i’m crying
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liked by capocuoca94, harrystyles and 752,814 others
pillowpersonpp I love my personal chef 🍽
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harryfan21 OH MY GOD
harryfan23 why is y/n so gorgeous 🙃
capocuoca94 you are my favorite person ever
pillowpersonpp I am so honored ❤️
harryfan27 if sarah is besties with y/n then that means…her and harry are definitely together
paulithepsm the only chef i know
harryfan24 y/n is everyone’s favorite 😭
harry_lambert one of the best cooks in the world
harryfan29 the way harry liked this right when sarah posted it
harryfan22 he’s down bad for y/n
mollyjane_x she’s the best company 💖
harryfan25 i really want the news of y/n being harry’s girlfriend to be true 🙏
_basselin the mother to all foods
harryfan23 i better not see anyone hating on y/n
brittany_broski I LOVE HER
harryfan26 this will keep me up at night
anthonypham y/n makes the greatest food ever!!!
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liked by harrystyles, stevienicks and 281,362 others
appassionatipasta Founded in 1948, the L/N’s shared their gracious and delicious Italian food to the Amalfi Coast. Not even three years later they decided to grow their business and open restaurants all over Italy. Now seven decades later, great-granddaughter Y/N L/N runs her family owned business. Labeled the best female chef by Vogue, Y/N continues to take the world by storm as she opens up restaurants around the world. Learn more about the L/N family on our website.
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harryfan30 i totally love that y/n is a chef
harrystyles Truly one of the best restaurants ever.
harryfan37 harry really loves y/n if he commented this…
harryfan32 he’s supportive :,)
alessandro_michele delizioso!!!! ❤️
harryfan31 harry’s comment has me on the floor
mitchrowland my favorite spot to eat at
harryfan39 i am now a y/n fan
annetwist love visiting this place 🤍
harryfan33 “labeled the best female chef by vogue” THAT’S RIGHT
kidharpoon please open a restaurant in la!!!
appassionatipasta Hmm should we?
harryfan35 PLEASE DO
glenne_azoff y/n is one of the most talented chefs
harryfan35 i wonder if she makes harry food…
harryfan38 don’t put that idea into my head 😭
pillowpersonpp i love the l/n’s 🥰
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liked by harryfan42, harryfan45 and 408,962 others
lotupdates Y/N L/N with a fan backstage who she brought to cook with her!
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harryfan43 i want to be the fan
harryfan47 y/n is the coolest girl harry has ever dated in his life
harryfan49 this!!!!
harryfan41 literally the girl version of harry
harryfan46 the matching aprons are so cute 😫
harryfan44 i wonder if y/n finna be in the pit
harryfan48 i love her so much for this
harryfan50 hate y/n all you want but her doing this just shows us how nice she is
harryfan52 this is the sweetest thing ever
harryfan55 okay but y/n is so gorgeous
harryfan51 y/n brought her backstage because she was an aspiring chef 😭
harryfan53 her cooking with a harrie is so sweet
harryfan56 such a cute moment
harryfan58 this made me love her
harryfan54 Y/N SUPREMACY
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liked by harryfan57, harryfan60 and 402,916 others
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harryfan62 him and y/n have been a thing for that long?!
harryfan65 MUSTACHERRY 🧎‍♀️
harryfan67 he’s friends with her staff…SOBBING
harryfan61 harry really is a big fan of y/n huh
harryfan63 she has him in a chokehold 😫
harryfan66 so this basically means harry knew y/n last year…
harryfan68 going feral for him
harryfan64 i love harry with a mustache
harryfan69 “last year” WHAT 😭
harryfan71 he’s so cute
harryfan74 we got you on camera @harrystyles
harryfan76 i live for unseens of harry 🙏
harryfan79 harry in italy is always the best
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liked by capocuoca94, harrystyles and 902,751 others
harry_lambert Chef Y/N L/N for Better Homes & Gardens. Styled by Alessandro Michele and I.
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harryfan73 SHE’S SO HOT
harryfan75 4 + 4 = 8
harrystyles One of the most attractive women in the world.
capocuoca94 why thank you h!
emmalouisecorrin the most gorgeous girl
harryfan80 y/n literally slayed
alessandro_michele was so excited for this release!
harryfan82 harry is the luckiest man in the world
pillowpersonpp I LOVE THIS SO MUCH ❤️
harryfan85 y/n and harry flirting in a comment section is the definition of true love
harris_reed she was born to be on a magazine cover
harryfan87 i don’t know if i want to be y/n or be with her
glenne_azoff y/n looks so good!!!
harryfan81 literally on my knees for her
mollyjane_x i’ve been waiting for this 🥰
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liked by harrystyles, kidharpoon and 307 others
capocuoca94 mama we did it!
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emmalouisecorrin you did it y/n ❤️
harrystyles I love you my baby, I am so proud of you.
capocuoca94 i really love you more sue
harry_lambert best photoshoot ever 🥰
pillowpersonpp i need a poster size of this
jefezoff they had to put one of the bests chefs on their magazine cover!
alessandro_michele glad to be apart of this 😇
annetwist congratulations beauty, you truly deserved it!
capocuoca94 thank you ms. anne 💖
mitchrowland beignets?! don’t get me excited y/n
paulithepsm best cover ever
glenne_azoff i’m so obsessed with this
alexachung amazing! amazing! amazing!
gemmastyles you are seriously so beautiful, congrats on your cover darling
florencepugh GOD IS A WOMAN
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tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @seguin-styles1996 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @lomlolivia
1K notes ¡ View notes
moneygramhaas ¡ 7 months
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wrong number in which, f1 drivers make a new friend
ls2 x fem!oc
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alrighty! new gc has been made!
anyone i missed?
nico hulkenberg is not here.
kevin mate i thought you hated him 💀
seen by kmag
i see how it is.
why do we need a new gc?
because SOMEONE let zak brown in.
shut the frick up
dont get hostile with me now lando
or what man
oh my
what have i walked into
nothing xx
MR SATURDAY added +# (###-###-####)
MR SATURDAY nicknamed +# (###-###-####) to POINTS FINISHER
hello nico!
what who r u guys
that is not nico hulkenberg.
ofc you’d know kevin your basically in love with him
seen by kmag
hes just mad i suppose 😂😂😂😂😂
lando how are you back mate
guys that is not nico 🥲
u type like my mom lowk
im sure shes a lovely lady ☺️
are we ignoring tha fact that lando got kicked and still came back somehow 😭
KMAG added +# (###-###-####)
KMAG changed +# (###-###-####) to POINTS FINISHER (REAL)
how is everyone getting admin all of a sudden
hello nico hulkenberg.
seen by points finisher (real)
now you know how it feels.
seen by kmag
hi so ur my number neighbor 😊😊😊😊
liked by points finisher (real) !
hello! 🙂
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liked by lomlando, odetteblair, and 24 others
iantherowan call me points finisher
tagged odetteblair
view all comments !
lomlando without me..
>iantherowan lil bro’s guilt tripping aint work on me 😂😂
odetteblair the caption 😭🙏
>iantherowan gotta let the people know
delphineflorence the opps are coming 😱😱
>iantherowan u mean mo?
>>lomlando dog emoji..
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u guys really went out without me … 🥺
lil bro you are literally in MIAMI!!!
sorry we shouldve flown u out so u can come w us 🥺🥺
idek what u see in that sport
it’s literally just cars driving round
yea but its lando norris driving around 😊😊☺️☺️☺️☺️😍😘😘😘😝😝😝😝😻😻😻😻🥰🥰🥰🥰
ianthe how is ur points finisher thing going
actually i have no idea
last time i opened it was yesterday
go check broski
i second that
thumbs up by d1 hater !
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hi 🥺🥺
shut up
lando be nice
hello :)
im logan
yea lando be nice 😡😡😡😡😡
and hi logan
i’m ianthe
pretty name for who i assume is a pretty girl ? 😊
logan the rizzler 😱😱
yes a very pretty girl
bit egotitical
talk to me when you can spell egotistical 💀
hello i am george russel
MR SATURDAY nicknamed points finisher to IANTHE 🤫
hello mr george russel
are you a car driver
oh dear
our cover has been blown 😱
we have to kick you now
dont talk to me lando nowins we have beef
my friends might love you but u and me?
it’s on SIGHT hoe
how did u know we were car drivers
because i’m outside your window 😈😈
jk my friend loves car racing and allat
hey i wouldnt be mad if you were outside my window 🤫🤫
feeling bold today arent we
anyways im oscar
hello oscar
is this you ianthe
charles mate how did you do that so fast
its weird
its my hidden talent
bro ur hidden talent is getting a dnf, dns, and dsq all in one season.
and were only half way through 💀
yes charles that is me 😝😝
and if i were you i wouldn’t take that disrespect
you are right i should not take it
lando i am not taking your disrespect 🤬
you tell him charles
ianthe u are very pretty !
buddy you are WHIPPED
i know i am logan 😝😝😝 but thank you
hello “number neighbor” 🙂
i am nico
can we be best friends forever
yes we can be best friends forever
nico hulkenberg.
kevin magnussen.
i sense a bromance… this is so crazy!
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are they funny
yes they are quite hilariously entertaining 😈😈
bro u and these big ass words
use words we can understand
okay well they are also formula one drivers
one of them is logan and he is very bold 🤭
ianthe google him
maybe hes ur type 😱😱
he definitely is broo
mo take me w u to that race 😘😘
the switch up is crazy
ssssshhhhhh 🤫🤫🤫
↳ vienna speaks !
hey so…. i disappeared for like a million years 🤫🤫 but i hope this makes up for it even though its pretty short :) this is gonna be a series so expect more parts!
tags : @landitolover @d6za1 @amoosarte 💕
168 notes ¡ View notes
hyperfixatedonthisnow ¡ 11 months
Bound by blue ribbon
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*not my GIF
Requested by: Anonymous - hiiii! If ya are still taking request!! Then may I get one of the ribbon scene from Rule of Wolves (I think???? I’m not surrrre) but it’s fem!reader x Nikolai? And instead of in her hair, it’s around her neck like a choker??
Just IMAGINE it with the classic character A walks down the staircase looking absolutely STUNNING and character B is s p e e c h l e s s trope! -
Dearest anon, I’m not sure I can properly convey just how much I loved this request. Like, you don’t understand, I am OBSESSED with how good this idea is! So much so that I was worried I wouldn’t be able to write anything that did it justice, but I tried my best. Hope you like it 🙏
Disclaimer (because I’m not looking to get sued): Some lines/dialogue directly borrowed from RoW, with a few minor changes. Obviously, I do not own those words and don’t claim to - they are the property of Leigh Bardugo and all rights belong to her and/or Netflix. Fanfic is for fun only; I am not making any money from this in any way.
Word count: 6Kish
Warnings: NSFW - 18+ only. Dual POV, idiots in love, fluff, the teeniest smidgen of angst if you squint, A little triumvirate cameo, more Genya than anyone - because someone needs to get these idiots together, soft!Nikolai, minimal plot, fem!reader, smut, oral sex (female receiving), P in V sex, unprotected sex (not recommended in real life!)
The party to celebrate Nikolai’s saints day was going to be beyond anything Ravka had ever seen before. Lavish decorations were being put up, the palace kitchens were working on a complicated menu, and the best musicians had been hired to perform. Nikolai hadn’t wanted such a fuss, but the triumvirate had invited every eligible maiden in the country, and most of the neighbouring countries as well, insisting that it was the perfect occasion for the king to finally choose a bride. Which was exactly why you had decided not to attend.
Nikolai had been your best friend since childhood, and you had been in love with him for more than half that time. Over the years, as you had grown from a child into a young woman, you had hoped that maybe he might see you in a romantic light, but unfortunately that hadn’t happened. You didn’t hold it against him, in fact you treasured his friendship, and you wanted only the best for him. You just weren’t sure your heart could withstand watching him fall in love with someone else.
The day of the party, you kept to your room, feigning illness. Nothing too serious, just a headache that would prevent you from attending the party, so that Nikolai could meet the potential woman of his dreams without you having to witness it. Unfortunately, sitting alone in your room all day gave you endless time to think, and your mind was determined to linger on thoughts of Nikolai with some faceless princess. Before dinner, you decided to take a bath, hoping to distract yourself. When you returned to your bedchamber, you found Genya lounging on your bed, alongside a large box.
You stared at your friend, wrapping the towel tighter around yourself. “How did you get in here? And why are you here, shouldn’t you be at the party already?”
“Unimportant,” Genya said breezily, waving her hand as if brushing the question aside, “and yes, I should, but someone had to help you get ready.”
You opened your mouth to tell her she needn’t have bothered but she cut you off with a disapproving click of her tongue. “Don’t waste your time trying to convince me you’re ill, I know that’s a lie.”
“Fine,” you huffed, “but I’m still not going, even if I wanted to - which I don’t - I have nothing to wear.”
Genya gave you a sly smile, holding out the envelope she had hidden in her hand. It bore the royal seal, and was addressed to you, but it had already been opened.
“Have you been reading my private correspondence?” You questioned, irritation bleeding into your tone.
“Mmm,” she hummed, not sounding sorry in the slightest, “it seems the king has sent you a gift. How very thoughtful of him.”
You eyed her suspiciously as you pulled the note from the envelope. The message was short, just two lines, written in Nikolai’s familiar cursive.
~ I hope you’ll wear this tonight. Lantsov blue looks good on you. N ~
Your brow furrowed in confusion. That shade of blue was reserved exclusively for the royal family. The closest you ever came to wearing it was a baby blue silk ribbon that you used to tie your hair back every day. A ribbon you had stolen from Nikolai himself, many months ago. He had been using the blue silk to tie his invention blueprints, keeping the rolls of parchment together and relatively organised when he wasn’t using them. On that afternoon, you had been wearing your hair down, but it was hot in his workshop, so you had pulled your hair back into a braid, snatching up the ribbon to secure it. You had meant to give it back, eventually, but then you had forgotten, and soon it had become a part of your daily wardrobe. You hadn’t even realised he had noticed it.
Genya opened the box to reveal a beautiful gown of pale blue silk, overlayed with a layer of tulle, embroidered in a galaxy of sparkling silver stars. You moved closer, lifting it from the box to finger the delicate fabric.
“See, problem solved.” She announced smugly.
“I can’t wear the king’s colour,” you protested.
“Clearly, he wants you to,” she argued, “would you really deny him?”
You gave her a withering look, “You know full well that I would never deny him anything,” you grumbled, “but people will talk.
“So? Let them,” she shrugged.
You bit your lip, deliberating. On the one hand, the thought of Nikolai buying a dress specially for you to wear on his birthday made your stomach flip pleasantly, but on the other hand, you had already decided not to go to the party and a pretty dress wasn’t going to change your mind. But surely it couldn’t hurt to just try it on … right?
“Well, you have to try it on, at the very least,” Genya insisted, as if she had read your mind, “a dress this beautiful deserves to be worn.”
“Alright,” you conceded, “but just for a moment.”
Genya smiled widely, clapping her hands together with glee.
The second you stepped into the dress, soft silk slipping over your skin, you knew you had made a mistake. Genya laced the corset up with practiced ease and when she was done, she stepped back to admire you. She gasped as she took in the full effect of you in the dress, and as you turned to look at yourself in the mirror you could see why. It fit you like a glove. The colour complemented your skin perfectly and the fabric clung to you in all the right places, accentuating your waist and the curve of your hips. The sweetheart neckline was so low as to almost be scandalous, putting your breasts on full display. You wondered what Nikolai had been thinking when he picked it out. If he had picked it out. Either way, now that you had seen it on, you knew you had no choice but to go to the party. A dress like this demanded to be seen. Genya fixed your hair, sweeping it into an elegant updo and leaving a few curls to fall loose around your face. You kept your jewelry light, diamond earrings and bracelet to match the stars on your dress, but none of the necklaces you tried were quite right. You didn’t want anything that would draw focus from the gown. Genya suggested your hair ribbon, and when you fastened the light blue silk around your throat as a choker, she helped you to tie it into a simple bow at the back.
“Perfect,” she declared, lips curving into a smile, and as you looked yourself over in the mirror you thought she might just be right. The two of you walked together to the ballroom, but when you got there, she dropped you off in the queue of nobles waiting to be announced, insisting you should make a grand entrance. She slipped away before you could argue, muttering something about how she couldn’t leave David unattended any longer, lest he use the opportunity to retreat to his workshop.
You waited at the top of the staircase, just out of sight, as your name was announced. Your heart pounded as you made your way down the stairs. It felt as though everyone’s eyes were on you, but then you saw Nikolai, standing at the foot of the stairs as if waiting for you, and suddenly everyone else melted away. It was just you, and him, and his eyes on yours like you were the only thing that mattered to him.
Nikolai was having a dismal evening. So far, he had suffered through what felt like a lifetime of conversations, the longest of which was with the Kerch ambassador, a pompous peacock of a man with an impressively large moustache and unfortunately low IQ, followed by a highly uncomfortable discussion about politics with both the Shu and Fjerdan delegates. To top it off, every time he managed to escape, Zoya would appear with a new princess for him to meet, each one less suited than the last, and he would be forced to spend several painful minutes listening to them talk about their own virtues, of which there were many, apparently.
It seemed like everywhere he turned was some ambassador offering him thinly veiled threats disguised as polite conversation, or one of his ministers trying to push their own agenda whilst they had him alone, or worst of all, another pretty, but vapid, young lady, waiting to be thrust upon him as a potential bride. In truth, he wasn’t interested in any of it, because all he found himself thinking about was you.
As the minutes passed, he started to worry that you wouldn’t come, that you would leave him to deal with the vultures all on his own. And more than that, he worried that he had overstepped with his gift. He had been full of confidence when he helped to design it, chosen every detail to compliment you perfectly, but now he was second guessing himself. Would you like the gown? Would you understand his meaning, about you looking good in blue? Would you return his feelings? He wasn’t sure.
He was contemplating this - whilst only half listening to one of his ministers drone on about the dangers of allowing farmers to have control over their own crops, when Genya suddenly appeared at his side. She politely excused them both from the conversation, pointedly ignoring the minister’s indignation at being interrupted, and looped her arm through Nikolai’s, pulling him away. She led him quickly across the room to stand near the bottom of the stairs.
“Stay right here.” She instructed him sternly, and Nikolai could only blink at her, perplexed, before she was gone, melting back into the crowd without even giving him a chance to respond.
He felt a prickle of annoyance at being ordered around, honestly, wasn’t he the king? He considered walking away just purely on principle, no matter how childish that might be, but then he heard your name being announced, and he wondered if Genya had known. He looked up, his heart hammering in his chest, and when you walked out onto the staircase, he thought it might have stopped beating altogether. You were wearing the gown he had picked out, your hair curled and styled perfectly, and around your throat, that scrap of pale blue silk that haunted his dreams. Usually, you wore it in your hair, and it was eminently practical, but it had the unfortunate effect of making him want to untie it. Seeing it around your throat made that idea all the more appealing. You were stunning. He realised his imagination had not done you justice, could not even come close. The sight of you quite literally took his breath away.
He reached out almost automatically as you got near enough, offering you his hand, and you took it, letting him guide you down the last few steps.
“Hi,” you breathed once you were standing face to face, butterflies fluttering in your stomach, but Nikolai just stared at you, slack-jawed, for what felt like an eternity. You began to fidget, feeling self-conscious.
“Do I look ok?” You asked, smoothing down your dress nervously.
He shook his head. “‘Ok’ would be a gross understatement,” he said, “You are a vision.”
Your face lit up in a smile, pleased at the compliment, and you could feel the warmth of a blush spreading across your cheeks. Nikolai dropped your hand, and you almost mourned the loss, but then he pressed his hand to the small of your back instead, and all you could focus on was that intimate point of contact as he led you away from the stairs and further into the room.
“I was beginning to think you had abandoned me,” Nikolai said, his mouth tipping up into a small smile.
“I wasn’t sure I’d come,” you found yourself admitting quietly, “but then someone sent me this beautiful gown, and I changed my mind.”
“You like it?”
“I do,” you assured him, “Thank you. It’s a very generous gift, although it’s your birthday, shouldn’t I be the one giving you a gift?”
“You deserve it,” he said, voice low in your ear, “and seeing you in this dress is a gift for me.”
You were sure you were blushing again. Was he flirting with you? Surely not, that had to be wishful thinking on your part.
“Do you want to dance?” You asked, changing the subject lest you embarrass yourself.
“Yes,” he murmured as he took your hand again, leading you out onto the floor.
He held you close as you moved together through the steps of the dance, effortlessly in sync. You focused completely on him, enjoying the intimate feeling of being pressed against him, his eyes on yours and his hands warm on your body. Being so close to him was the sweetest kind of torture, and you quickly began to feel overheated, as your mind inevitably drifted to all the other ways you could enjoy being close to him, of his hands in much more intimate places. You looked around, trying to clear your head, and you realised that it hadn’t been just your imagination, people were staring, but you found that you didn’t care at all. As your eyes met his again, you were surprised to see that same feeling of desire reflected back at you. Maybe it wasn’t just wishful thinking after all.
When the dance ended, he asked if you wanted to get some air, and you agreed, following him across the room and out into the hallway.
Nikolai pulled you into an alcove, just off the main hallway. It was quieter here, with less chance of being seen or overheard.
“Genya and Zoya won’t be happy when they realize you’ve ditched your own party,” you told him, “They’re determined to find you a wife tonight.”
“I don’t care,” he said honestly, “and I’m not interested in any of those girls.”
“You must marry, Kolya. You can’t put it off forever,” you insisted, even though it pained you to say it. “You’ll have to choose someone eventually.”
“You’re the only one I would choose.” He confessed. The words were out before he thought better of them, and there was no way to pull them back.
You studied him carefully, your heart racing. “As your friend?” You asked, offering him a chance to right the ship, to take you back to familiar waters.
He could have lied, could have given you a hundred different easy replies. Instead, he said, “As my queen.”
“Because I’m dependable,” you said cautiously, tentatively, “or because I know all of your secrets?”
"I do trust you more than myself sometimes- and I think very highly of myself." He said, and you huffed a laugh, convinced that any moment now he would take it all back.
“But I would make you my queen because I want you. I want you all the time."
You wanted to tell him that you wanted him too, that he was the only man you had ever wanted, or ever would want, but it wasn’t that simple. He was your best friend, and he was also your king, and you had to be practical. “As your friend, I should tell you that would be a terrible decision. You should make a political choice, take some foreign princess as your bride. Someone who was born to be a queen.”
He met your eyes, voice steady and earnest when he said, "As your king, I should tell you that no one could dissuade me. No prince and no power could make me stop wanting you."
Nikolai felt drunk. You were going to laugh at him. You would knock him senseless and tell him he had no right. But he couldn't seem to stop.
"I would give you a crown if I could," he said. "I would show you the world from the prow of a ship. I would choose you, as my friend, as my queen, as my bride. I would give you a sapphire the size of an acorn." He reached out, fingers brushing over the blue silk ribbon tied around your throat. "And all I would ask in return is that you wear this damnable ribbon on our wedding day."
You should say no, you should tell him he was making a mistake, but you couldn’t. You wanted him too, and not just tonight, but forever. You wanted a future with him, and if you closed your eyes, you could see it, as clear as day. Standing at an altar set before the Saints as a priest named you man and wife. Mornings spent together, eating breakfast and sipping coffee while you discussed the day ahead, and nights spent tangled together in his sheets, sweaty and sated. Soft touches and words of affirmation whispered in the early morning light. Two - or maybe three - golden-haired children, with your eyes and his smile, running about the palace, happy and loved, and constantly getting into mischief. A million inside jokes, and shared looks, and fights about nothing, easily forgiven. A lifetime of moments, big and small, side by side with him. You wanted it all.
“Yes,” you said simply, meeting his gaze.
“Yes?” He repeated, as if he didn’t dare to believe it.
He cupped his hand to your cheek, his palm warm against your jaw. His thumb brushed lightly across your cheekbone, and when your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip, his eyes followed the movement. You wanted him to kiss you, so badly that you ached with the need of it. You tilted your head up slightly, lips parted in invitation.
He dipped his head, then paused, lips hovering just inches from yours as he searched your eyes, waiting for permission. The heat of his gaze was like flames across your skin. You leaned into him, pressing a hand to his chest and you could feel his heart racing beneath your palm. “Yes,” you said again, barely above a whisper, and he bent his head forward, finally, touching his lips to yours. His kiss was soft and sweet, just the barest brush of his lips over yours, but it wasn’t enough. You wanted more. You made a needy sound, chasing his lips when he moved away, and his mouth curved into a smile.
He pressed you back against the wall, his hands settling on your hips and then his mouth was on yours once more, and this time there was nothing tentative about it. His tongue met yours hungrily, desperately, swallowing your sounds of pleasure. You grabbed a handful of his shirt, crushing the fabric beneath your fingers as you hauled him closer, but it still wasn’t close enough. You reached down with your free hand, tugging your skirts up so that you could curve your leg up around him and he groaned low in his throat, his hand immediately dropping from your waist to the bare skin of your thigh.
He pushed his hips forward, and you could feel the proof of his arousal, pressing against you intimately. You gasped, tipping your head back against the wall. He ducked his head, his tongue darting out to taste the smooth skin of your exposed throat, and he nipped lightly at your pulse point before trailing kisses down to the dip of your shoulder and along your collarbone.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, teeth just barely grazing your skin, and your eyebrows knitted in confusion, wasn’t he doing that already?  
“I want to taste you,” he said, his fingers skating up and over your inner thigh to press at you lightly over the lace of your underwear. Oh. The thought of having his mouth on you, there, sent a wave of heat straight to your core.
“Yes,” you murmured after just a brief hesitation, and his smile turned wicked as he sank to his knees in front of you.
You hiked your dress higher, bunching the fabric above your hips so that you could watch him as he dragged your underwear slowly down your thighs and helped you step out of them. He stuffed the scrap of lace into his pocket, before he ran his hand up your calf, bending your knee and then lifting your leg to rest it over his shoulder. He kissed a path from your knee up your inner thigh towards your centre and then he stopped, warm breath ghosting over you and eyes fixed on your core, until you began to squirm. He stilled you with a firm hand on your hip.
“Nikolai,” you started, but you were robbed of the power of speech when he leaned in, his face disappearing between your thighs.
He licked a broad stripe across you with the flat of his tongue and you gasped, your hand shooting down to fist in his hair. He licked into you slowly, nose bumping your clit, until you were writhing and panting above him. His fingers worked you over, drawing lazy circles over your clit as he explored every inch of you with his lips and tongue. He dipped two fingers inside you, moving them in and out, crooking them slightly to search for that spot that would have you seeing stars and he knew he had found it when you moaned, clenching around him.
Nikolai had always enjoyed this, drawing pleasure from his partner with his mouth and hands, and he prided himself on being good at it, but he had never found it such a turn on before. His pants were uncomfortably tight, and he thought he could probably come untouched, just from the taste of you and the sounds you made. He turned his head for a moment to draw a ragged breath, and he smiled against your inner thigh when you whined impatiently, using your grip on his hair to drag him back where you wanted him.
He went easily, happy to oblige you, and this time he closed his lips around your clit, sucking it against his tongue. You cried out, your hand tightening in his hair hard enough to make his scalp prickle. He kept the pressure of his mouth gentle but non-stop, as your thighs began to shake, your hips jerking against his face. He couldn’t hold back his moan as he felt your body shuddering, his mouth flooded with wetness when you found your release. He worked you through it, lapping at you gently until finally, you pushed him away with a shaky hand.
He shifted from his knees back to his feet, and you reached for him as he stood, wanting to keep him close. His hair was sticking up at all angles, mussed by your hands, his cheeks flushed, and his lips tilted in a lopsided smirk. He looked utterly debauched in the best possible way. You swiped your thumb across his bottom lip before you leaned in to kiss him, tasting yourself on his tongue, and you were surprised to find that it wasn’t unpleasant.
You reached a hand down between your bodies, to cup him over his pants and he groaned, pushing himself into your palm. A door opened somewhere, the sounds of the party drifting out into the hallway, and you froze, the illusion of privacy shattered.
The noise from further down the hallway brought Nikolai back to his senses so suddenly, he felt like he’d been doused in ice water. Had he completely lost his mind? Your first time together shouldn’t be like this, frantic and dirty, pushed up against a wall in a public place, where anyone could discover the two of you at any moment.
“I’m sorry,” he said breathlessly, “I got carried away, I shouldn’t have … this wasn’t…”
He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, trying to find the right words. You deserved better from him. You deserved a white veil, and matching rings, and a promise made at an alter set before the Saints. He wanted to give you all of that, and he would, but not tonight. Tonight, he could at least give you a soft bed, and gentle hands, declarations of love whispered in the dark. Romance, because you deserved that if nothing else.
He pulled back, letting you drop your skirts down and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. You felt your face fall before you could stop it.
“Oh,” was all the response you could muster, the sting of disappointment sharp, and so bitter you could almost taste it. You closed your eyes, willing away the tears that threatened to form. Was he saying this was a mistake? Had he changed his mind? Had you done something wrong?
“I only meant, we should go somewhere more private,” he said, watching you carefully.
“Oh,” you said again, relief flooding through you.
“Unless… if you’d rather return to the party, that’s fine too.” He clarified.
“I don’t,” you said quickly, and you almost blushed at how eager you sounded.
“No?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow at you.
You gave him a smile that you hoped was sultry. “No. Take me to bed,” you purred, and you knew you’d hit the mark when his eyes darkened in response.
He took your hand, guiding you through the palace hallways until you reached his rooms. He opened the door for you, ever the gentleman, allowing you to enter first, and then he followed you inside, locking the door swiftly behind him. There would be no more interruptions tonight, not if he could help it.
You came to a stop by the foot of the bed, waiting for him to join you. He crossed the room in just a few quick strides, pulling you into his arms, and then his mouth was on yours again, hot and demanding. You let your hands roam, over his shoulders and into his hair, before the desperate need to feel his bare skin against yours took over, and you set to work on removing his clothes.
Your nimble fingers made light work of the knot in his cravat, pulling it loose and free of his collar in just a few short movements, and you quickly moved on to his shirt, opening the first few buttons. He pulled back for just enough time to yank the shirt off over his head, and then he was back to kissing you like his life depended on it. When you moved to unbutton his pants, your knuckles inadvertently brushing up against his hardness, he groaned low in his throat and pulled away again, this time to spin you around so that he could unlace your corset and free you from your dress.
He placed kisses across your shoulder, and down the length of your spine as it was revealed to him and once you were completely nude before him, he wrapped an arm around your waist to tug you back against him, his clothed arousal against your bare ass. You brought your hands up to your throat to untie your ribbon, but he stopped you. “Allow me, he murmured, voice low and rough in your ear. He hooked a finger into the bow at the back of your neck, tugging gently until it unravelled, soft silk sliding over your skin, and then he curled it up to put into his pocket, joining your underwear from earlier.
He cupped your breast, thumb circling your nipple until it hardened into a peak, while his other hand travelled down the side of your ribs and across your lower abdomen to your core. You moaned as his fingers found their mark, dipping inside you to gather the wetness there before rubbing gentle circles over your clit. Only once you were panting, your head falling back against his shoulder, and your hips moving in small circles along with his hand, did he nudge you in the direction of the bed. You took the hint, though you were loath to give up the delicious friction of his talented fingers. You moved to sit on the edge of the bed first, watching with bated breath while he took off the last of his own clothes.
Once he was undressed, you scooted backwards onto the bed, so that you were positioned comfortably on the pillows, and he climbed over you, covering the length of your body with his. You gasped as you felt his erection pressing against you, almost, but not quite, in the right place. He pinned one of your hands to the bed beside your head, fingers twining with yours as he dipped his head to kiss you, licking into your mouth until you were both breathless. You bent your leg up around his hip, opening yourself up for him instinctively and he kept his eyes on yours as he flexed his hips, entering you at an agonizingly slow pace. You were warm, and wet, and perfect, and you dug your heel into the back of his thigh, urging him deeper. He groaned, his eyes slipping closed and his hand squeezing yours tightly.
Once he was fully seated inside you, he had to stop. He let his head drop to your shoulder and he held completely still, desperately fighting to get a grip on his self-control. Late at night when he lay alone in the dark, his wildest fantasies playing out behind his eyelids, it was your face he saw and your name on his lips when he came. He had dreamed of having you so many times, in a thousand different ways, but nothing could compare to the reality. It was as if he was suddenly a boy of sixteen again, green and eager, ready to spill himself at the slightest hint of friction. You shifted beneath him, wriggling impatiently and only once he was sure he would not embarrass himself, did he raise his head to look at you.
“Sorry,” he said, the corner of his mouth tipping up into an amused little smirk, “did you need something?”
You just barely resisted the urge to smack him, and instead clenched your inner muscles around him, watching with a smug sense of satisfaction as his eyelids fluttered, the smirk dropping from his face.
“Fuck,” he cursed, his eyes dark with arousal as they met yours, but he still didn’t move.
“Please,” you begged, and you would have been embarrassed by how needy you sounded if not for the way that his hips bucked in response.
He dipped his head, slanting his mouth over yours as he withdrew slowly, almost completely, only to fill you again with a sharp thrust of his hips. His hand was warm in yours, palms pressed together, and fingers intertwined, the connection anchoring you as he started to move in earnest, settling into a perfect, maddening rhythm that was somehow altogether too much, and yet not enough at the same time.
The muscles in his biceps were straining with the effort of holding himself up and you wrapped your arm around his shoulders, pulling him down on to you until his chest was flush with yours. He nuzzled at your throat, as he maintained his languid pace, drawing out your mutual pleasure for as long as he possibly could, and you were torn between the desperate need to climax, and the desire to stay entwined with him like this forever.
When he felt the beginnings of his own climax, Nikolai reluctantly released your hand so that he could slip his between your bodies to thumb at your clit. Within moments, he felt you tightening around him, your orgasm beginning to ripple through you, and he kept the movement of his hips slow and steady, drawing it out until you were writhing beneath him. He removed his hand as the last tremors ran through your body, and he lifted his head, mouth finding yours, as he finally allowed himself release. He sheathed himself fully inside you, as he shuddered and came.
He collapsed onto you, pressing you into the mattress, and you stroked your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, holding him close, as you both struggled to catch your breath. Your bodies were tangled together, completely enveloped by each other, and neither of you wanted to move.
“I love you,” he murmured after a moment, turning his head so that he could press a kiss to your temple.
“I love you too,” you assured him, holding him tighter.
In the morning, you had woken early and taken the opportunity to study Nikolai in the light of the sunrise, his face relaxed and boyish in sleep, and when he woke, he had nudged you onto your back and made love to you again. That had been followed by a bath, in which you both ended up dirtier than you had been upon getting in, and a second one - strictly for getting clean, and one horrifyingly awkward conversation with your maid, during which the girl giggled and blushed furiously, as you begged her to bring you something to wear. All of this meant that it was late, long past noon, when the pair of you finally emerged from his room.
You walked hand in hand to the council room, where the triumvirate were already assembled. Genya and Zoya were standing over the table, heads bent as they looked over a map, talking quietly together. David sat across from them, scribbling away, fingers stained with ink. Genya lifted her head as you entered, smiling knowingly at you.
Nikolai cleared his throat. “I… well, we, have something important to tell you all,” he announced. “We’re getting married.” Subtle as ever.
“Thank the Saints,” Zoya muttered, without even looking up, “I thought I’d be old and grey before you two ever got your act together.”
“I told you it would work!” Genya said gleefully.
You and Nikolai shared a confused look. “What worked?” You asked.
“The party,” Zoya explained, speaking very slowly, as if she were talking to a pair of particularly dim children, “the one we planned, to push you both into admitting you’re in love with each other, obviously.”
You both just stared at her.
“Someone had to do it,” she continued with a shrug, “Saints knows neither of you were going to do it on your own.”
“I would have done it without your intervention,” Nikolai said defensively, “eventually.”
“Yes, of course you would,” Genya said mildly, her tone just on the edge of patronising.
Nikolai pinched the bridge of his nose, screwing his eyes shut in frustration. “So, just to be clear - you conceived an elaborate plot, which involved throwing an expensive party with hundreds of guests, and making me suffer through hours of mind-numbing conversation with prospective “brides”, all so that you could manipulate us into confessing our feelings for each other?”
“I wouldn’t say manipulate,” Genya objected, “more like give you a loving shove in the right direction.”
“A brilliant plan, really,” David piped up, “and, clearly, effective.”
Genya smiled fondly at him. “Thank you, dear.”
And suddenly it all made sense, the way Genya had come to insist you go to the party, the way she had pushed you to wear the dress even though it was Lantsov blue, the fact that she had made you wait to be announced, and that Nikolai had mysteriously been waiting for you the moment you entered the room. The mysterious coincidence that all the young ladies Zoya had introduced to him were almost comically unsuitable. They had engineered it all.
You couldn’t stop the grin that spread over your face. Perhaps you should have been upset by the idea that they had manipulated you both, but honestly you weren’t. You shared another look with Nikolai. He shook his head exasperatedly, but he was smiling now too, and you knew he shared your feelings on the matter. This whole charade might have been ridiculous, but how could you hold it against them, when it had resulted in the happiest night of your lives.
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daisies-daydreams ¡ 7 months
Nanami x chubby MEXICAN reader..like imagine that 👀. He comes home late from work and tired as hell like always. And we’re cooking his favorite cause we love him. He comes up from behind and starts groping everywhere. We just teehee at him and ask him how was work. He then trails his hand downwards and says ‘you know damn well I’m not here to talk about work’…THEN HE GOES ABSOLUTE HAM IN THE BEDROOM..ACTUALLY WE BARELY EVEN MAKE IT TO THE BEDROOM. HE IS A STARVING MAN. He then goes rough af (with consent ofc) degrading the hell out of us..maybe include something with his tie 🤭. Yeah..SORRY IF THE REQUESTS ARE A LOT MY BRAIN IS LIKE RUNNING WITH NO STOP BUT I GOT YOU 😇🙏 please don’t rush take your time. Let my three pile up if it helps/doesn’t get stressful. Remember writing is supposed to be fun and not monotonous or boring. Take time on yourself. Hydrate and eat :3 LOVE YOU 🫶🫶
Relief (Kento Nanami x F!Plus-Sized!Mexican!Reader)
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Pairing: Kento Nanami x F!Plus-Sized!Mexican!Reader Category: Smut Warnings: Swearing, Oral Sex (F!Receiving), Bondage, Praise/Degradation Kink, Hair Pulling, Doggy Style, Cowgirl, Consensual Spanking, Unprotected P in V Sex (You know the drill), Papi/Daddy Kink, Petnames (hermoso, bebĂŠ, conejita, mi vida, ĂĄngel, darling, dear, sweetheart), Several Mentions of "Slut" and "Whore", Creampie, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms Word Count: 4k+
A/N: I'm so down bad for this man...it's not even funny. 😩
Disclaimer: I’m not Mexican and am very rusty with Spanish. I tried to write this fic as respectfully as possible. If anyone has any (constructive) criticism, please let me know so I can improve on making my work more thoughtful and aware. Thank you.
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Your eyes lit up as the front door slowly creaked open. Your husband’s massive frame took up the doorway as he lumbered inside, his face riddled with frustration.
“Hola hermoso,” you winked playfully. Your husband grunted as he shrugged off his coat.
“Hi,” Kento replied curtly as he slipped off his glasses. You hummed to yourself as you turned your attention back to the stove. You swayed your hips side to side as you turned over the korokke frying in the pan.
“I’m making your favorite tonight: pork korokke fried in garlic oil!” you called. Kento nodded as he placed his shoes on the mat before making his way towards you. You soon felt him press against your back, your eyes widening as his covered, half-hard cock slotted between your cheeks. You grinned as your love rested his hands on your waist, his pink lips brushing over your plump cheek.
“Did you miss me today?” you giggled as Kento slid his hands beneath your shirt, his deft fingers caressing every soft roll and curve of your upper body while his lips wandered down to your neck. He only responded with a groan, his eyes half-lidded as he cupped your breasts through your bra.
“You have no idea how happy I am to be home,” he sighed in a husky whisper. You giggled again as he squeezed your tits.
“I’m glad you’re home, too, bebé,” you hummed as you flipped the korokke over again [baby]. “So, how was work?” you asked in an innocent voice as you arched your spine, pressing your ass harder against his growing erection. Your breath hitched as his fingers slipped away from your supple breasts and slid past the elastic of your sweatpants.
"You know damn well I’m not here to talk about work,” he rumbled as he brushed his fingertips over your mound. You squealed and gripped the plastic spatula as your husband’s hot, steamy breath tickled the shell of your ear. You bit your lip as he pushed your panties aside and swiped his fingers along your slit.
“O-Okay. What do you want to talk about?” you nearly lurched forward as Kento pushed a finger against your clit. You gripped the counter with your other hand as your husband circled your puffy bundle of nerves and kissed behind your ear.
“I don’t really want to talk right now, dear-I’m famished,” he said as he pulled his fingers from your pants. You bit your lip as he licked his wet fingers clean, wrapping his tongue around his thick digits. You gulped and rubbed your thighs together.
“Well, dinner’s almost done-“ your jaw went slack when he yanked down your sweats down your thighs in one swift tug. Your body jiggled at the sudden movement as Kento sank to his knees. Goosebumps broke over your skin as your love kneaded your supple cheeks in his hands before spreading them apart.
“Why would I want that when I have my favorite meal right here?” your husband husked behind you. You curled your toes the second he pressed a gentle kiss to your wet cunny.
“P-Papi,” you mewled as he tilted his head to the side, capturing your lower lips in a deeper, wetter kiss. You trembled as he stuck his tongue out and spread your folds apart with slow, methodical licks. Kento's deep groans sent waves of pleasure through your core, your legs tensing as he moved his head side to side as he flattened his tongue over your sex. You took the pan off the stove as quickly as you could before flipping off the burner.
You moaned when your love shoved his entire face forward, his tongue licking bold, slick stripes up and down your soaked slit.
“Fuck,” you keened. Kento rumbled in response to your sweet moans, his voice low and movements tender. Your knees nearly buckled when he reached around and slipped his fingers over your sensitive bundle of nerves. You ground your ass against Kento's face as he suddenly shoved his tongue inside your juicy walls. Your knuckles turned pale as you held onto anything you could as your breathing grew shallow. Each stroke of his tongue shocked your body with bolts of arousal.
“Kento...bebé,” you choked as you felt slick rush out of your puckering hole. Your husband only thrusted his tongue in and out of you at a much faster pace, his fingers sloppily massaging your engorged clit as his nostrils flared. You tilted your head back and slipped your hand over your mouth, pleasure bubbling up from your weeping, fluttering sex. You squealed as he squeezed your bum and curled his warm tongue inside you, your mind instantly going blank.
“R-Right there!” you moaned. Kento inhaled sharply as his lips curled around your entrance, his tongue sliding against your gummy walls at a feral pace. You ground your hips against his sharp face as he pinched your puffy clit, a high-pitched moan leaving your swollen lips.
“K-Kento! I’m g-gonna cum!” you gasped as wet squelches reverberated from where his tongue stuffed your spasming cunt. You mewled as he moved even faster, your body quickly careening towards the sharp edge of your release. You yelped when he suddenly flipped you around, your juicy cunt on full display for him as he licked his lips.
The sight before you made your cheeks burn: his pupils blown wide, his pale cheeks filled with pink, mouth glossy and soaked with your sweet juices. Both of your chests rose and fell before your husband dove in again, puckering his soft lips over your engorged bud. You screamed and threaded your fingers through his messy, blond locks as he suctioned over your delicate clit. Your jaw went slack when he stuffed your tight pussy with two of his long, thick fingers...all the way down to his knuckles.
“K-Kento!” you moaned loudly as you gripped his hair. Your husband groaned as you squirted all over his thick digits and chin, your walls gripping and sucking him in with no remorse. He continued to gently stroke and flick his tongue over your swollen bud as you came, each small movement making your mind sink further into a mind-numbing euphoria. You panted as he squeezed your asscheek, his tongue eagerly licking up the cream that leaked past the seam of your hole.
You braced yourself against the counter as you gently rocked your hips forward. You blinked away the tears that spilled down your hot cheeks as your beloved relished in his divine meal. Your entire body shivered as he slowly pulled his fingers out, his tongue quickly catching the arousal that gushed past your engorged lower lips. You moaned as your husband savored the taste of your savory arousal, his eyes half-lidded and pink lips parted. Your legs shook as Kento rested his hand on top of your thigh while bringing the other to his lips.
You panted quietly as you watched him suck on his soaked digits like the sweetest lollipop. He kept his chocolate-brown eyes locked with yours as he hollowed his cheeks and licked every last drop of your cum from his digits. You swallowed thickly as he pulled his digits out with a slick “pop”. Kento licked his thin lips as he rested his hand on your other thigh.
“Darling, if you don’t mind, I’ve had a rather long and stressful day at work,” he began as he rubbed up and down your bare thighs, his tousled, blond hair slightly obstructing his vision. You bit your lip as his hot breath continued to fan over your sensitive pussy. His eyes flicked between your sex and your face. “Would it be alright if we did things a little more...‘rough’ tonight?” Kento asked in a low, hushed tone. You tilted your head.
“Y-You mean like ‘chains and whips excite me’ kind of rough?” you asked. Your husband cleared his throat as his cheeks burned a deep shade of red.
“Well, maybe not that rough,” he said. His flustered frown quickly turned into a small smirk. “Perhaps we can start with a little degradation,” Kento murmured before pressing his soft lips to your mound. Your breath hitched as he flicked his tongue over your clit. “And maybe little bit of bondage and spanking for good measure,” your husband said before fully puckering his lips around your bud. You whined and bucked your hips forward as you tugged at his hair again. You felt him smile against your burning sex.
“S-Sí. Por favor, Papi,” you keened as you arched your back [Yes. Please Daddy]. Kento’s pecked your bundle nerves again before he pulled back and swiped his tongue between his lips.
“The safe word will be ‘seven’, understood?” he asked. You nodded.
“Yes,” you said with a shaky breath. Kento hummed as he rubbed at your dimpled thighs.
“God, you’re such a needy little whore of a wife,” your husband grunted before pinching your clit between his teeth. You cried out as the pain and pleasure rippled through your core.
“Fuck!” you whined as he applied the perfect amount of pressure for you to start seeing stars. Your husband huffed when he pulled away, his lips curved in a disapproving frown.
“And such a filthy mouth, too,” Kento chastised. You squeaked as he rose to his feet, his massive frame overshadowing yours as he wrapped his hands behind your waist and grabbed your ass. Your hard nipples rubbed against your bra as he leaned next to your ear. “Looks like I’ll have to teach you some manners, conejita,” Kento murmured as he massaged your cheeks in his wide palms [little bunny]. You bit your lip as a high-pitched squeal rose from your throat.
“Please discipline me, Papi. I’ve been such a naughty little thing,” you moaned into his ear. You gasped when he grabbed your wrist and quickly led you to the bedroom, his grip tight yet not painful. Your clothes were yanked off of you in the blink of an eye before you were spun around. You flushed as he led you to the edge of your neatly made bed and bent you over, your round bum and oozing sex begging for his attention.
“Seeing you like this makes me think of a bitch in heat,” Kento huffed. You moaned when he slapped your ass, your cheeks jiggling as your walls clamped around nothing. “Don't worry-I'll make sure you're nice and full of me by the time I'm finished with you,” he grunted as he tugged at his spotted tie. Your heart pounded in your ears as you wiggled your hips. You fluttered your lashes as your husband wrapped the silky fabric over your chubby wrists. You moaned as he ground his clothed cock against your bum as he finished his work.
"Tell me who this pussy belongs to," he said as he slid one of his hands down your exposed spine. You shivered at his delicate touch as you felt his bulge press deeper into your folds.
“I-It belongs to you, Papi,” you moaned. Kento gave a satisfied groan as he slipped away and undid his belt. You shivered when you heard his pants fall to the carpet. More fabric rustled behind you as spit pooled in your mouth. Your entire body glowed with heat as your heart pounded in your ears.
You grunted as Kento wrapped his hand around your hair and tugged your head up, your scalp stinging slightly at the sudden movement. Your jaw went slack as he slowly spread open your tight little hole with three of his thick fingers. You felt him spread his digits, stretching your pussy wide open with a loud squelch.
“Be a good whore and keep your head up for me while I finger your needy cunt,” he said as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of your fluttering pussy. Tears of pleasure stained the comforter as you rocked your hips back against his hand. Kento rumbled as he scissored his digits between your slick, gummy walls.
“You’re gripping so tightly and I haven’t even given you my cock yet-are you really that desperate for my touch?” he hummed while keeping his hand wrapped tightly around your hair. Your clit throbbed as he pressed the pads of his rough fingers against your plush g-spot, stars sprinkling your blurred vision with the heavy pressure.
“Por favor Papi. Quiero tu pija,” you whined as you ground your hips back [Please Daddy-I want your dick]. You gasped when he suddenly slipped his fingers out, leaving your hole gaping and weeping with slick. Kento sighed as he slapped your other asscheek, the sting quickly melting into pleasure and making your toes curl.
“Say it again,” he said as you heard him pump his shaft with his slick hand. You swallowed thickly and wiggled your hips back and forth.
“P-Por favor Papi. Quiero tu pija,” you said in a louder voice. You clenched your cheeks when he spanked you again, your raw skin rippling beneath his massive palm.
“Louder!” Kento barked.
“¡Por favor Papi! ¡Quiero tu pija!” you screamed. Your eyes grew wide as you felt the bulbous head of his dick kiss your entrance. Kento released your hair and splayed a hand over your hip as he sucked in a sharp breath.
“There's my good little slut,” he whispered while smoothing his thumb over your plush love handle. A sharp cry of pleasure fell from your lips as he slowly sank his thick, heavy cock inside you. Your entire being quaked as you felt every vein of his shaft massage your plush walls, spreading you open in a slow, blissful torment.
“God, you’re so tight,” your husband hissed through gritted teeth as he pushed himself deeper within your snug sex. You strained against his tie as you felt the weight of his cock start to grow heavier and heavier with each inch. Both of you moaned as his hips became flush with your ass, his full balls rapping against your puffy bundle of nerves. Kento sighed as he gripped your waist with the both hands.
“Do you have any idea how often I get distracted thinking about your slutty pussy wrapped around my cock?” he rasped as he drew his hips back. You keened and clawed at the comforter as best you could as he sank his thick member back inside, his tip grazing over the gummy plug to your womb. “I-I don’t!” you mewled as your oversensitive walls fluttered around his shaft. Kento grunted as he dragged his cock along your walls again.
“Every day,” your husband groaned. You choked as he began to rock his hips at a steady pace, his control driving you up the wall while you fell apart beneath him. “Every. Fucking. Day,” he panted as he dug his trimmed nails into your hips. You squealed as his plump balls grazed over your clit, your pussy squelching each time his cock pistoned against your cervix. “And every day, I think of the many ways I could fill this pussy until the bedsheets are completely soaked,” Kento growled. You moaned as you thought of your sex gushing with his thick, potent seed. The bed creaked as your husband snapped his hips forward, drawing a loud mewl from your throat.
“Do you want me to do that, darling? Fill you up until your poor cunt can't hold any more of me?” he rumbled. You nodded fervently as you arched your back.
“¡S-Sí!” you cried out as your body rocked with his heavy thrusts. Kento huffed as he sped up his thrusts.
“God, you're so fucking filthy,” he spat before slapping your ass again. You yelped as your thighs trembled.
“Papi,” you gasped as more of your cream spurted over his throbbing dick.
“Goodness darling-it’s only been a few minutes and you’re already making such a mess,” he said in a patronizing tone. Your pussy gushed even more, drawing a soft chuckle from your husband. You sniffed as you felt the knot in your puffy tummy grow tighter with each thrust. “Mmm, and I can feel you’re about to cum, too. You really don’t know how to be patient, do you?” he lilted as he pounded into your raw, sloppy cunt.
“I-I can’t help it, Kento. I-It feels too good!” you sniffled as tears of pleasure flooded your flushed cheeks. Your husband grunted as your walls flexed around his girth, your asscheeks clapping each time his hips met with your behind.
“Shit honey-if you keep squeezing me like that I’ll-“ his voice cut off when your cunt suddenly clamped down on his veiny cock. You cried and tossed your head back, his name falling from your lips like a prayer.
“Oh God,” you whined as the knot in your belly violently burst. You shook with ecstasy as Kento kept pumping his cock deeper and deeper inside your convulsing cunt, fucking you through your second orgasm. You strained against his tie again as you drooled against the comforter, pleasure overriding your inhibitions as your loud moans nearly shook the walls.
“Keep going, darling. Let me know who's making you feel this good,” Kento growled as he grabbed your hips and pulled you back to meet his shaft. You yelped and bit your lower lip as waves of overstimulation crashed over you.
“K-Kenny, it’s too much!” you hiccupped. You shivered as your husband pressed his lips against your bare shoulder as he slowed his movements.
“I know, sweetheart. I know,” he panted as he rolled his hips forward. You thrashed beneath him as he kept his strong hands wrapped over your love handles. "But right now, I still need to fill up this pretty little pussy...and I want nothing more than to watch your gorgeous body bounce up and down while I do it," Kento rasped. Your jaw dropped as your walls fluttered around his member. Your husband chuckled as he kissed your upper back.
"Could you do that for me, my little bunny? Could you fuck yourself dumb on my cock?" he asked as his dick twitched inside you. You blinked away several tears of overstimulation that stung your glossy eyes.
"I-I can try," you sniffed. Kento paused.
"Do you need to use the safeword?" he gently whispered with a concerned expression. You shook your head as you curved your spine.
"No-I-I want to try...please, Papi?" you asked with a pathetic pout and a wiggle of your hips. Kento narrowed his eyes as he bit the inside of his cheek.
"Well, since you're insisting..." he murmured. You clenched your jaw as he pulled out of your warm, tight pussy. Your eyes bulged when you saw how flush his length was-his head almost purple and ready to burst. You slowly shuffled to your knees as your beloved adjusted himself at the top of the bed and spread his legs. You drooled at the sight of his muscular form-his taut muscles tensing as he trained his hungry eyes on you.
"Come here, conejita," he husked as he patted the top of his thigh. You swallowed a thick lump in your throat as you shuffled forward and straddled his hips. You locked your tied up wrists behind his neck as you hovered your stretched pussy above his engorged length. You rested your forehead against his as you met his gaze, slowly lowering your hips as your heart skipped a beat.
You moaned as his tip kissed your entrance before you swiftly sank down. You felt the air in your lungs instantly leave the second his whole dick was sheathed inside your snug cunt, his head brushing against your cervix. Kento gripped your love handles as he breathed against your neck.
"Go on: don't keep Papi waiting," he husked. You took a deep breath as you clenched your fists. You kept your eyes on his as you raised your hips only a little before sinking back down. A wave of pleasure rolled through you, your core already feeling like it was about to burst with euphoria. You bit your lip as you gently bounced yourself on his massive length, your sloppy cunt drenching his lap with your cream.
"Yes, that's it-just like that," Kento murmured before dipping his head to capture one of your nipples between his lips. Your eyes rolled back as he puckered his mouth around your hard bud, his kisses messy and wet as he squeezed your other breast with his rough hand. The room was filled with slick "plaps" and loud moans as you sped up your bouncing, your body jiggling each time you sank down on his lap.
"M-My thighs are burning," you whined. You gasped when he pulled away from your tit and grabbed your waist. You slotted your wrists against his neck with a firmer grip as he snapped his hips up.
"Have to do everything myself, huh?" he tsked. You gulped as your pussy spasmed again, his cock reaching you deeper than ever before at this angle. Both of you panted as you felt his cock swell between your walls.
“Shit, I'm close,” he cursed under his breath as your cunt deliciously squeezed his dick. Both of your breaths grew ragged as Kento huffed over your wet breast, his cock feeling throbbing as his balls tightened against your folds.
“Please stuff my pussy with your cum, Papi,” you mewled. The clapping sounds became even louder as your husband pounded into your pussy. His chiseled front ground against your clit as he squeezed your waist. You kept your head up as your eyes rolled back, pleasure trickling into every corner of your body. "I love you, love you so much," you choked. Kento's eyes softened as he captured your lips in a heated kiss. Both of you gasped for air when you parted, a string of spit lingering between your swollen lips.
"Love you, too. Love you-(Y/N)!" he bellowed as he snapped his hips up for the last time. Your eyes widened as your third orgasm ripped through you, your limbs instantly turning into jelly as you desperately clung to your beloved. Both of you moaned each other’s names as his cock twitched deep within your convulsing cunt, your mind soaring through the clouds of euphoria. You parted your lips as you felt him flood your tight hole with his cum, every inch of your gummy canal absolutely drenched in his thick, creamy seed.
"So good, so good to me," Kento praised as he rolled his hips up, his spend leaking down the sides of his veiny shaft. You let your forehead fall against his shoulder as your high faded, your mind spinning in the afterglow of your orgasm. Both of you caught your breaths, your body trembling in his grasp as he kissed your cheek.
"I wasn't too rough, was I?" Kento asked, his lips dancing over your flushed cheek. You tilted your head up and smiled tiredly.
"Maybe a little...I don't think I'll be able to walk to the shower," you giggled. You squeaked when your love grabbed your asscheeks and slid his feet onto the floor.
"Who said anything about you walking?" he chuckled as he stood up, his cock still lodged deep inside your dripping cunt. Your heart fluttered as he carried you towards the bathroom, his sturdy arms keeping you flush against his body. Your entire body felt warm from head to toe as you leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"Te amo mucho, mi vida," you murmured as you nuzzled his cheek [I love you very much, my life]. Kento sighed as he rested you on the edge of the bathtub, his soft cock slipping from between your puffy folds with a soft squelch. Your husband undid his tie around your wrists as he locked lips with you, his deft fingers making quick work of your temporary binding. Kento gave you a soft, half-lidded stare when he pulled away and cupped your cheek.
"Te amo mucho, mi ĂĄngel," your beloved whispered [I love you very much, my angel].
Thank you for reading! 💖
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k-dokja ¡ 9 months
Kayden break x reader please🥹🙏🙏
I have no idea what’s going on in the webtoon because I haven’t read it in months. Please have whatever this is.
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“God fucking damnit!”
Kayden knew this was inevitable. He knew the moment he opened up to you and let your smile shake his world, you’d break his heart. It was an outcome he expected from the beginning, but for a time, he believed everything would be okay. Because he was strong, nothing would happen to you.
Then everything happened.
He was there, kneeling on the floor. Your body is limp in his arms. Red of blood warmed his hands. There was too much, too much that was outside of you and not inside. Your eyes are open and empty. They gaze towards the sky and take in nothing above. He was too familiar with this stare, familiar enough that it made him sick in the stomach to see it from you.
“No, not now,” not ever. Not like this.
He can save you, somehow. He can—No, he should’ve prevented this from happening to begin with. He should’ve been stronger. Maybe then, he would’ve been able to do something to make the pain stop.
God, anything to make the pain stop.
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“Hey, you’ve been quiet for a while.”
Kartein’s statement is nothing more than a mere mention of his current stupor, but it annoys Kayden to have his peace disturbed all the same. Kayden clicks his tongue and returns to staring out of the window. The two of them have traveled far from Jiwoo’s home to attend to the Frame businesses. However, he had not expected to end up in this city again.
To say it brings up a few bad memories is an understatement, but Kayden digresses. This is a problem of his alone, Kartein shouldn’t be privy to it and Jiwoo has enough to deal with at the moment. Besides, if Kayden couldn’t tackle this problem alone, he would never get over it.
Seeing Kayden’s lack of response, Kartein doesn’t press. He only comes up to the window and admires the view outside. At this late hour of the night, no soul except for the desperate dwells the streets. It is comforting, in a sense, for Kayden to look down on these from a distance. It puts a space between him and the memories he wants to forget.
“Beautiful city, isn’t it?” Kartein says. “If I remember correctly, you were first known around these areas…”
“Yeah.” Kayden replies conversationally.
“Back then, you weren’t running alone,” Kartein’s remark makes Kayden flinch, but he doesn’t notice it, “what was that girl you were with…?”
Kayden frowns, “It doesn’t matter. She’s not here anymore.”
He can feel Kartein’s stare on him. It’s perturbing and unwanted. He never talked about this to anyone and if his luck was willing, he will go down to his grave with this.
“I’m sorry.”
Sorry won’t bring her back. Kayden bites down on his tongue to prevent his bad mood from taking control of his better senses. “Yeah.” It was a problem of his own. No one else should stick their neck out to help him deal with it. You, of all people, should have never done that.
If you did, then you’d be here now, with him. The thought put a bitter taste in his mouth. Cursed city and all the troubles it brings him. And the worse of it might be the fact that even after he got stronger and made all those who inflicted this pain suffered tenfold, no matter he begged and pleaded back then, the pain never stopped hurting.
Not now, not ever.
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126 notes ¡ View notes
nexysworld ¡ 1 year
Heyyy whassup!! I love your blog 🥰 I saw that your requests for Leon are open so I’d like to request, if you don’t mind, a (very self indulgent ik) (re4) Leon x reader in which his gf has an important sports competition coming up and she’s a little sad cause he said I couldn’t go see her bc he’s on a mission or something but then surprises her by showing up and she’s like “😍😳” cause he’s being all supportive and all??? You can make it headcanons or a fic I don’t really mind, just do what you’re most comfortable with.
Again sorry if this doesn’t make sense or is just too specific, I’m just IN LOVE with this man and I want him in my life 😩😩 thanks a lot if you decide to write it hun 🥰
Hiii!! Thanks so much for the request, this prompt was super sweet and I love it! Forthright, I don't know a single thing about sports, but, I have watched Yuri on Ice and was obsessed with that Disney movie about ice skating when I was younger so....that's what I went with. I hope that counts? (ps sorry to anyone who participates in that sport if it's not accurate.) 🙏🙏 Requests are Open 🖤 Fic/Request Master List ~ But You Promised ~
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Leon Tags: Fluff Word Count: 923
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“I’m sorry, I know how important it is to you. You know if it was my choice, I’d be there.” His words hurt, but it was even worse that he wasn’t telling you in person, just a staticky phone call. “I don’t understand. I thought you said you took time off work, and that it was already approved. Besides you just got back from a trip, you don’t even get time to come home and rest before another one?”  “Well, it was approved. Look, this new mission is really important, something only I can assist with. Trust me, I tried asking if they could send someone else.” 
“But you promised.” “I know, unfortunately, matters of national security trump vacation time and skating competitions.” “Yeah, yeah, I get it. Just, stay safe. I’ll see you when you get back, whenever that is. Love you. Bye.” You didn’t give him time to respond before you ended the call. Normally you didn’t give Leon grief about his job, you knew it was important, you knew it was dangerous. This time around though you couldn’t contain the disappointment. Not only did he sound dismissive, but you’d always had lingering doubts that he didn’t really care much about your skating career. You guess you could understand if that was true, figure skating isn’t usually something all the guys are into – but still, this was the most important competition you had qualified for so far! 
Sighing you slumped down onto the couch. You felt bad for hanging up on him, ultimately you knew it was just the nerves from the upcoming competition feeding into your insecurities and negative emotions. Leon was a good boyfriend, he did care. Besides, maybe it was a good thing if he wouldn’t be there, then he wouldn’t have to watch you flop if it all went to hell. It didn’t matter anyway you couldn’t do anything about the situation and there wasn’t much time, you had to finish packing and get out the door before you would miss your plane. It was only a few days until the competition and there was a lot to be done. Final outfit try-on, practice run-throughs, the works.
The day of the competition things were not going well at all. Your costume was late arriving from the tailor’s, you’d realized you left your makeup bag at home, and to make matters worse your practice runs were abysmal. You kept failing to land jumps, hitting doubles when they were supposed to be triples, and bad timing on the music. 
Your stomach was in knots and you had no idea what was wrong with you. You’d done the routine at home successfully a million times! At this rate, you could pretty much kiss your career goodbye, along with your dignity. 
It was about 5 minutes until your turn was up, it took all of your willpower to hold back the nausea your anxiety was causing. You bounced your leg against the floor and chewed on your nails nervously, not even realizing someone had come up behind you. “Sorry I’m late, Baby.” You’d recognize that voice anywhere, whipping your head around to see him. “Lee, you made it? But how–” He silenced your question by pulling you into a tight bear hug, connecting your lips. Your heart was doing flips in your chest just from pure happiness. You noticed he was still wearing his work clothes minus the weapons, he looked a mess, exhausted, but he was still here. “Worked fast, got back early. Had them fly me right here.” He pulled away so he could look down at you and get a better view of your face. “I didn’t feel right breaking my promise, plus I was really looking forward to cheering you on.” “I’m really sorry about hanging up on you when we talked. I’m so glad you’re here.” “That? Don’t even worry about it, I didn’t blame you for being upset at all…. are you alright though? You look a little pale.”
“Nerves...I don’t think I can do this.” You admitted softly. “I kept fumbling the practice runs and…”
The moment was interrupted by the announcement of your name indicating it was your time to start. “Nonsense Sweetheart. You’re going to do great, I’ve seen you skate at home, you’re amazing. You just have to loosen up and not think so hard.” Leon kissed you on the cheek before he had to walk away and take his seat next to your coach. “Break a leg baby…well maybe don’t do that…” he called awkwardly. It made you laugh and roll your eyes before you dropped your jacket and stepped out onto the ice. Maybe he was right, you just needed to let loose a little. As you slid out into the center of the rink, you took a deep breath to try and clear your mind as the lights adjusted. Right as the music began you looked around and saw Leon standing next to your coach. He looked so… ridiculous. In one hand he was holding up a huge obnoxious sign he had made with markers and glitter, on the other he wore a white #1 Fan mitten. To complete the ensemble he’d also put on a sparkling purple jacket with your name written in huge silver letters -- you had no idea where he'd even gotten that from. It was equal parts motivating and embarrassing, something so very Leon. Why had you ever doubted him before?
Immediately you knew you were going to rock things. How could you not with your number one fan right there?
121 notes ¡ View notes
ni-kiiiii ¡ 11 months
I’m sorry • Lee felix
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Angst pt.1 / pt.2
Summary - Felix comes home frustrated and he takes it out on the reader and he as to figure out how to make it up to the reader.
A/n: this is my first story,(what I’m saying is have mercy on me and my writing ) Part 2 will either come later on today or tomorrow. I will never be late to put up at pt2 or a continuation bc it annoys me when other ppl do it to. You can count on me to not leave you high and dry🙏
-use the comment section-if u want
-I hope y’all enjoy💗
-plz reblog
You were patiently waiting for Felix to get to your guys' shared home. You’ve texted and called but still no reply. Since you had nothing better to do You watched a drama on the couch. Which was a drama you had rewatched repeatedly. it was to the point where you could literally be an actor in it if you wanted to.
While you were watching your drama you hear keys jangling. You knew it was Felix because who else so it be. So you thought running to the door quickly to hug Felix when before he opens it would be a good idea. But you were wrong, when the door opened and you hugged He looked utterly disgusted to see you and your heart shattered into pieces. You have never seen this look of utter disgust from him or anyone matter of fact anyone. You and your negative thoughts never went well so you immediately thought something you do was wrong. make it even worse he shoved you and he has never done anything like that before so that left you shocked. Almost like you got scared.
But not to shocked for you to stand up for yourself. “Felix, what the fuck is with you today,” you said calm but stern trying to hide how broken you were inside from this little incident. Felix inhaled strongly before saying “ Y/n I don’t have time for your shit today, today is not the day.” “Or what you shove me harder?” You scoff. He looks at you with shocked eyes because he never want you to think that he would hurt you in that matter should’ve put his frustration on you. “No, Y/n don’t think like that, I didn’t even mean it like that I’m just frustrated from what happened at work,” he says softly. You stayed silent you wanted him what you were feeling. So when you walked passed him you shoved him the same way he did and slammed and locked you and Felix's shared room door.
You jumped on the bed and l layer in Felix’s spot in the king sized bed got under the covers and cried. You had the tv on following up with the fan so there was a 50 percent chance he couldn’t hear you. You knew would feel better in the morning after you talked it out and everything but it still hurt you. You later got tired of crying and fell asleep with puffy eyes.
Felix on the other hand was sick with himself he couldn’t even think of why he would do that to the person he loved. He was thinking about how he would make it up to you. Then this perfect idea came into his mind.
END of pt.1
A/N: thank you for staying until the end. Plz tell me how you like the story. PLZ DONT COPY Work🙏
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But sorry if there any grammar mistakes or any mistakes plz point it out In the comments.
58 notes ¡ View notes
i love to read people yap about this show lol so here's another ask: do u maybe wanna expand on why you like the other dynamics u mentioned? People on here talk a lot about Deon n toxic yuri queens Natascha + Vanessa (rightfully so!) but I haven't heard or read much about jojonessa or marlkong (the latter always kind of floats around but isn't discussed that much i feel)
Gladly !!
With Jojonessa, I just think their friendship is very sweet. Like Jojo being the one who immediately accepted and wanted Vanessa to be part of the team and clearly thought that she was so cool and was never afraid to defend her. On the other hand there’s Vanessa being always ready to break the law or go “fuck this dude” for Jojo’s sake. Gotta love how protective they can get over one another. And ofc there’s that scene of Vanessa referring to herself as Jojo’s sister, which I will never be normal about. Jojo has quite a traumatizing backstory with his father being dead and mother being treated at a clinic so Vanessa going “yea you have now something like a sister” really solidifies that he doesn’t have to deal with all of that alone and that his friends are like a family to him. But yeah all though I like them way more as friends or even with a big sister and little brother type of dynamic but I’m not opposed to romantic Jojonessa either. They do have a certain “me and my cool wife” charm to them. Jojo watching Vanessa with heart shaped eyes as she bites an energy drink open with her teeth
With Marlkong, I like the whole Kong’s redemption arc episode and how those two kinda became friends. That whole plot point kinda subverted my expectations, I know the whole “befriending the enemy” is a trope that exists but I still wasn’t expecting it on my first watch and I thought it was done in a nice way. It makes sense when thinking of the teams characteristics for Marlon to be the one to reach his hand out for Kong and give him a chance. Since he’s more calm and less of a hater when compared to his brother for example. I wouldn’t still necessarily say I ship them too much but they do have a lot of potential together, personally I like the idea of Marlon whose used to being the backbone of everything and always helping everyone being the one to actually receive help this time and it’s from Kong going “hey dude thanks for believing in me but you gotta stand up for yourself more sometimes, let me help you with that”. It would also offer some more development for Kong’s character if he’s now willing to help someone out just for the sake of it. But yeah if anyone in the fandom has a proper Marlkong essay please drop it, would love to read it, I know they’re constantly rotating in some peoples brains🙏
I’ll also yap a bit about Leonessa since I also mentioned them in the post you were referring to. I think the whole “characters who are always bitching at each others but also care about each other a lot” trope is really great. I like how their friendship kinda developed through the series all though I’m convinced they were like seconds away from starting to bite the other multiple times. In my heart they’re wlw/mlm hostility icons but I don’t mind romantic Leonessa either
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kny-agere ¡ 2 months
Can I request a fic with littles Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu with big brother Giyuu? 🙏
Big brother Giyuu is exhausted
Tomioka was exhausted. He could go days without sleep and killing demons barely tired him but handling three toddlers left the men barely able to keep his eyes open.
He could handle Tanjiro, Nezuko too goven that she was asleep the majority of their time together. What he couldn’t handle were Tanjiro’s two friends, who were both loud and uncontrollable in entirely different ways. It’s not as if Giyuu could turn them away, though he had considered that for a brief moment. So he had to play babysitter for the day.
Nezuko had remained in her box, something the man was thankful for despite his affection for the girl. However this meant that he constantly had to answer questions pertaining to her.
“Where’s Nez’ko-chan?” Zenitsu had asked the question at least five times in the past thirty minutes.
“She’s in her box.” It’s at least his fifth time answering.
“She’s napping.” That’s at least the likeliest outcome.
And while he had finally gotten Inosuke to calm down (he was carefully sorting a pile of nuts) the boy turned to face him and scowled. “I ‘on’t wanna map!” He cried out, scattering the neat piles across the floor. “I’m not tried!”
Before Zenitsu could start another fight by trying to correct Inosuke’s language Giyuu was quick to sush both of them. “You don’t have to nap.” Inosuke seems to hate the idea of following any instructions, even when they’re not actually targeted at him.
“Well what if I wanna? I’m the bestest at mappin’!” Ever the contrarian Inosuke immediately crawled over to the futon and sat down.
That was at least one problem taken care of.
Tanjiro giggled at the odd interaction and pulled Giyuu’s focus. He could deal with Tanjiro. The redhead was quiet and kept to himself. Currently he was resting with his entire body contorted around the box holding Nezuko.
He was half asleep and looked uncomfortable. Anytime Tomioka asked him if he wanted to move Kamado would blink slowly and shake his head.
At first it had bothered Inosuke that he didn’t have anyone to rough house with. Now he was half asleep spread out over the blanket. His boar head laid next to him, cradled within one of the boy’s arms. Tomioka is careful not to stare for too long, if Inosuke wakes up he might pass out from trying to get him to quiet again.
When he turns around Zenitsu is quietly approaching Tanjiro. This is another scene he’s seen play out several times before. It seems like each child only has a handful of sentences and actions they cycle through. The thought is as calming as it is terrifying.
It does mean he can intercept easier this time. Inosuke is only inches away so Giyuu is glad Zenitsu’s words will pick up even the most quiet of whispers.
“We need to let Nezuko-chan sleep.” All well placed leg keeps the blonde from moving any closer. Tanjiro’s eyes are barely open now but his grip on the box tightens subtly.
Zenitsu could easily climb over Giyuu’s leg, but he sits there instead looking a little heartbroken. He reaches one hand out and gives Tomioka a heartbroken look. Unfortunately the hashira is not easily swayed.
“Why don’t you sleep too… Nezuko-chan might be awake afterwards.” It’s not a technical lie. Her sleeping habits haven’t been as consistent lately, she really might wake up in another hour or so. She’ll at least come out of the box to bid goodbye to Giyuu.
That captures Zenitsu’s attention. He pauses for a moment to consider the offer. “Well I won’t lay next to Inosuke.”
“Inosuke-kun,” Giyuu corrects. “And you don’t have to.”
“I know cause I told you that.” With the indignant reply he crawls to the other side of the futon and curls up into a little ball. It’s clear that he’s not asleep but the blonde keeps his eyes screwed shut.
Finally Tomioka isn’t surrounded by babbling or being smacked in the face. Tanjiro is nearly asleep too, though he wasn’t the cause of any issues. Slowly Giyuu peels him off Nezuko’s box. The boy groans weakly but doesn’t resist.
The wood grooves have left marks on Tanjiro’s face. It’s a funny sight. He gets tucked between his two friends. Inosuke lies with his limbs spread out. Though he takes up the majority of the futon Giyuu hesitates to move him. If the young slayer wakes then the other two will get riled up again soon after.
So instead Tanjiro is tucked right next to Zenitsu. It’s not clear if the boy is still pretending or not, but he doesn’t move when jostled.
With all three asleep Tomioka finally feels like he can breathe again. The hashira is so exhausted he can’t even get out his own futon, instead curling up on the sliver of space available. When his eyes finally close it only takes a second for him to fall asleep.
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vigilskeep ¡ 1 year
You mentioned once that Minerva's reaction to Keir and Anders Elopement was like if a brigand ran off with of her own. You also mentioned how Keir is like "So why did you shorten Anders lifespan?"
I need details... I need to know this first meeting, please 🙏 😭
they are SO bitchy to each other
okay so from keir’s perspective minerva is responsible for making anders a grey warden, haunting his sleep and cutting his lifespan down, and she’s responsible for letting in the templars who made him flee and leave behind what little safety he had. she famously spared loghain, the man responsible for ostagar, a battle in which keir and his little brother were left to die, and his little brother did die in the aftermath. keir is also typically mistrustful of fast talkers and clever manipulators he feels are doing something he doesn’t understand, and reacts aggressively in any and all unfamiliar social situations
from minerva’s perspective, she’s been very worried for a long time about someone she feels a certain quasi-familial protectiveness over and a responsibility to. when he comes back into her life, he’s clearly had a very hard seven or eight years, he looks different, he acts different. he shows up with this stranger he’s suddenly married to. minerva is typically mistrustful of physically imposing human warriors, and in fact anyone aggressive and blunt and not open to conversation. she also responds to direct criticism very badly
you see why this is not going to go great. in the interests of not making this post super long i’ve clipped together some rough dialogue i’ve written for it here and there
[the setting here is basically a tense stand off; they’ve come across each other semi-accidentally, as anders and keir while on the run were forced to head for territory familiar to anders and cut too close to the vigil for comfort, inevitably stumbling across the warden-commander. okay, not that accidentally. minerva’s very well-connected in amaranthine now and has been following rumours as soon as they came close.]
minerva: [cautious, but genuine] am i speaking to my friend anders or to my friend justice?
anders: [justice flickering slightly] there is no one without the other.
[minerva considers this. she takes a couple of steps forward, and keir visibly tenses. she casts him a look—a little wary, a little challenging, kind of amused that he thinks she’d have to get close to do something—and comes to a halt, crossing her arms.]
minerva: and this one. he’s loyal to you?
anders: [softly] more than i deserve.
[minerva’s mouth thins to a flat line; she visibly doesn’t like this phrasing. keir doesn’t particularly like it either but his focus is on the threat/stranger. there’s a bit of a long silence and tension rises.]
anders: [breath of slightly nervous laughter] i think introductions are in order. love, this is... well, you know who the hero of ferelden is.
keir: [realises a beat too late that a response is expected of him] everyone does.
minerva: sometimes they bow. you’ll contain your excitement, i’m sure.
anders: [still valiantly trying to cut the tension] and, commander, this is keir hawke. the champion of kirkwall. [belatedly—they haven’t been married that long and he’s not entirely used to the idea] and... my husband.
minerva: [eyebrows raising, echoing his hesitation slightly] your... husband.
keir: [flatly] warden-commander. let any templars into your keep lately?
anders: [pinching bridge of nose] hawke.
keir: i want to know how fast we have to move.
minerva: we need to talk. you’ll move when i say you do.
keir: is that a threat?
minerva: it can be, if that’s what it takes to get it through your head. but no. it’s... [she realises that it was a command] ... a request.
keir: didn’t sound like it.
minerva: it wasn’t for you. go where you please.
keir: i go where he goes.
anders: [in the voice of a guy who had not thought through what this interaction would look like and the first couple paragraphs of this ask are now clicking one after the other in his head] maker’s breath. if you two are quite finished—
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rendy-a ¡ 2 years
Ooooo- Could we have cooking with Rook 🙏🏹?
Either way- congrats on getting 50+ followers!! You deserve all of it 💝
Your writing is scrumptious!!
Thank you for taking part in my event! I got a little writer's block on this one and had to rethink it. Maybe someday I'll go back and try to write my original idea again.
This event is still open. If anyone has a character you'd like to see next, please send it in an ask.
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Cooking with Rook
“Cooking with Neige,” were the surprising words coming from the mouth of your crush, Rook Hunt.  “Ok, tell me one more time why Vil told you to leave the dorm?” you asked.  Rook explains again, with theatrical gestures, about the phenomenon that was Cooking with Neige; a viral Magicam sensation. 
From Rook’s explanation, you are able to glean that Neige has started a cooking mini-series on Magicam entitled Cooking with Neige.  Each week, Neige uploads an episode where he shows his fans how to cook trendy and cute foods.  It reminds you of popular social media videos you’ve seen from back home. 
Vil, of course, was not pleased to see the rise in tags featuring his rival and had banned the program from being viewed at Pomefiore.  The official reason being that the foods featured were not suitably nutritionally balanced.  Rook, being both a supporter of Vil and Neige, was now in search of an alternate venue to enjoy his idol’s content without angering his beautiful queen.
“Sure, I’m fine with that,” you say.  “I wouldn’t mind expanding my own set of recipes anyway!”  Rook beams back at you.  “Trickster, you are like my own white knight, riding to my rescue.  Your generosity is beauté 100%!”  You accept Rook’s flowered praise and then arrange the date.  Ramshackle tonight: Rook will bring the supplies.  You part ways with an extra spring in your step, tonight can’t come soon enough.
Rook arrives with a large bag of things, right on time.  You welcome him in and show him to the kitchen.  You help him set the ingredients out on the counter and can see that you’ll be making some sort of apple pie.  You wonder what Vil would think about using Pomefiore apples in one of Neige’s desserts; best not tell him.
You gaze at Rook as he props his phone up and readies the video to play.  You admire his sharp green eyes and allow yourself to fall into them.  That ends abruptly when he looks up and catches you looking at him, causing you to immediately examine the spoon in your hands like it was exceptionally fascinating.  You briefly wonder if he noticed before realizing that of course he would notice.  It was more a question of what he’d make of your attention.  After a short pause, Rook remarks, “Are you eager, Trickster.  Well then, I’ll not delay; let us begin!”
Neige is a surprisingly good cooking host.  His directions are easy to follow, and he warns you of common pitfalls.  Plus, his animal friends help him cook, which you and Rook both agree is totally adorable.  Before long, you have two apple pies ready for the oven; one for you and one for Rook.  Although it looks finished, you remember something you saw once in a movie back home.  When Rook’s attention is elsewhere, you take some scrap from the crust and roll it into a long strip before shaping it into the design you want on top.  You smile to see it and quickly place your pie in the oven with Rook’s.
While the pies back, Rook helps you do the dishes; he washes and you dry.  “We make a good team Trickster,” he says with a coy smile.  You nearly drop the glass you are holding, “Ah! I mean yes, yes.  Of course, we do.  Ha ha ha.”  You cringe internally, real smooth self.  Luckily, you are saved from having to say more by the timer going off for your pies. 
A wide smile blooms across Rook’s face as he hurries to grab the oven mitt and heads to remove the pies.  You finish setting the troublesome glass in the cabinet when you hear a small gasp behind you.  Rook has seen your pie.  “Trickster, what is this!” he exclaims.  “You’ve written my name on your pie with the dough!  Très merveilleux!” 
You bashfully accept his jubilant praise and tell him, “Well cooking for yourself is fine but doesn’t food always taste better when you cook it for someone special to you?”  He gives you a piercing look and then a mischievous smile spreads across his face. “Why, Trickster, that is a wonderful idea,” he says as he approaches you, carrying his own pie.  With a flourish, he sweeps his hat from his head and drops to one knee.  He raises the pie up, presenting it to you as though it were a prize being presented to a monarch. 
You look at him, startled by his gesture and unsure of how to proceed.  “I’m not really sure what I should be doing here Rook,” you tell him in a laughing voice.  He smiles gently up at you and says, “Mon amour, may I suggest you accept my pie and my heart?” 
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thus-spoke-lo ¡ 10 months
your late fathers watch is broken, and you’ve sailed for years to try to get someone to fix it. yet it seems impossible.
so when you heard about a certain man who was in rogers crew that was known for being quite experienced with his hands, you felt a spark of hope. no matter how many tried to warn you and tell you he was dangerous, the spark remained.
stepping foot on sabaody, you were at your wits end, desperate and hungry. the watch needed to be fixed, it’s the only thing you cared about at this point. you didn’t care about the dark figures staring at you, you didn’t even hear the catcalls. that was until it all stopped suddenly, and strangely you were being left alone. it was getting dark so you couldn’t see anyone, but you jumped when a raspy voice muttered in your ear.
“you shouldn’t be walking around here, little lady”
you turned around quickly, reaching for your pocket knife but your hands grabbed for nothing.
“very pretty knife you got..”
you looked down at your hip for your fathers knife, confused when the stranger in front of you dangled it in your face. he took it from you? when??? that bastard.
you swallowed hard and retorted, the growling stomach steering your temper.
“it’s sharp too, old man. you should be careful”
“old man???” he let out a chuckle. handing the knife back to you. leaning closer and whispering as you snatched it from his hand.
“oh, i don’t think that i’m the one who should be talking about being careful, kiddo”
“who are you?”
“who’s asking?”
you fell silent, sighing before taking a leap of faith and trusting the stranger
“i’m looking for rayleigh silvers”
“is that so? why?”
as you explained about your watch you could make out a faint expression in the dark, he… smiled?
“you could’ve been killed out here, y’know”
“doesn’t seem like it” you said as you looked around, dropping your guard for a bit.
“hm.. true” he grinned, his big frame turning towards you “but it’s getting dark and cold, and it seems as though you don’t have a place to stay.”
“i’m still trying to find rayleigh.”
“you’re looking at him” he grinned at your shocked expression. “now lets get to fixing that watch of yours”
as he took your hand and led you to his quarters, you could finally see who you were talking to.
god, he was.. handsome.. how old is this man?
“are you really rayleigh silvers?”
“if i fix the watch, does it really matter, pretty?”
“pretty?” you whispered. if you didn’t know any better you’d say the man was coming onto you, and it made your cheeks hot.
“here we are.” he opened the door and walked straight to the kitchen, you following him short after.
“l-listen! i.. i don’t have any money.. and i don’t have a place to stay.. i can sleep o-“
“we’ll figure something out.” he smiled to himself, almost as if he already thought of something that you could repay him with.
Seriously though I love this idea sm and I can’t guarantee when buuuut would you mind terribly if I expand this out and make this a fic??? With credit of course? 😬🙏
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