#if i get similar requests i'll combine them.
megamindsecretlair · 3 days
WIP Tuesday
Buckle up babes, it's going to be a long post!
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I come before you humble, hat in hand. I know I been wilding ya'll. I know there's a lot of fics I need to update and get back to. I haven't forgotten! And since there are...so many new people thanks to my Terry fics, what a great time to call myself out chuz ya'll too nice to do so! I saw @nerdieforpedro do this a few weeks ago? Forgive me for not tagging the person you got it from, but I am tiredt, chilleee.
Current focus: Terry got my whole heart, ya'll. Every fic I read of him, I just want to go hop in the booth myself and get to writing. Ya'll inspire me every damn day, it's magical. There is a filthy, disgusting, mean, despicable fic I wanna write with him. But alas, he is not the only one I write for.
Girl, there's how many series????? Listen, the muse wants what it wants. 11 series in total. Chillee, why I do dissssss. Some are closer to finishing than others. So let's count them out (click the links to learn more):
Be My Little Darling - Loki series | It Started With a Whisper - Sam Wilson series | Midnight Sin - Vampire Tyrone series | Blackbird - Mob Boss Fontaine | Camp Wanderlust - Franklin Saint series | What You Deserve - Homewrecker Stunna | Runaway Lover - Professor Stunna | If I Took You Home - Kevin Atwater | Kill Her Softly - Zyair Malloy | A Taste of the Divine - Yakuza Sukuna | We Are the Night - Qimir
Frenn, that's a lot, do you sleep? Are you okay? Blink twice if you need help. I'm promise I'm good ya'll, I just love writing and I love interacting with ya'll. You have NO idea how much each and every single one of ya'll mean to me. I love the support, I love the comments, I love the reblogs. I'm trying not to disappoint folks, I was on a schedule and well, life happened. I can course correct, I promise. Just gon' take me a little minute. Let me close the smaller series first!
Okay, surely that's it right, frenn? Ahh no, because there's also the asks that have been piling up. Per my pinned post, you know that I have a scatterbrain. Some asks I deleted because they're too similar to what I've done before. Some I'm still trying to picture before I start writing. But the ones I've kept? At last tally it is...33. Some are similar and I'm going to combine them, but yeahhhhh. This isn't a callout post, keep sending those requests in! Just know it's gonna take me a smoooooooth minute. Also, welcome new people, welcome! But not everything needs a part two, I promise. If I write "The End" at the bottom, that truly means the end. No part 2 planned, ain't trynna write a part two. I want to move on sometimes. I love you, but I'll be writing until I'm gray if everything got a part 2. And I wanna get paid for my writing. Which brings me tooo...
Umm, umm, what's this I hear about a book??? Yes! I am actually writing a book based on an ask I received. It was a sweet ask about what kind of story would go with "Handwritten Letter". I said it gave friends to lovers, she fell first, he fell harder type of vibes. It has morphed into dark academia about a shy girl just trying to come into her own. It's a combo of and a love letter about girls like me, girls like you, each and every person who identifies as a Soft Black Girl. And I already have *so* many ideas about other books I want to do. There will be one based on the Mr. Black series I wrote. There will also be a vampire one! I just can't decide yet which will be the second book I put out. I'm leaning towards vampire because Terry is HEAVY on the brain ya'll. And he'd make a sexy vamp. But anywhooo...
I say all this to say that I'm not a machine. I'm not that quick despite appearances. I may not seem like I have any chill, but I've been fantasizing and turning over these fics in my head for days or weeks before I sit down to write. And I'm not saying to stop. Your support is exactly why I feel good enough about my writing to sit and write an entire book! I want to be a full time author. I want to share my ideas with the world. I'm just slow lmfaoooooo.
In the mean time, I hope you're hitting up all these amazing writers on here. I hope you're commenting and reblogging and showing love on here. I will keep saying it. This site will DIE and these BLACK writers will LEAVE if people keep stealing, not commenting, not reblogging, asking for part 2s and never showing love. Fandom is a community, not a pillar. No one know it's you behind that avatar, go crazy! Go nuts. Show nuts. whatever.
Love, love, love you all. If you read this far, drop something funny in the comments. Or go unhinged in my asks about Terry. Don't get me started about that man, but go awff about him because that's my baby favaaa.
no pressure tags: @chaos-4baby @j0kers-light @umber-cinders @harmshake @planetblaque @babybratzmaraj @soft-persephone
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bulletsxlattes · 7 months
I've had some jaytim on the mind lately, but nothing concrete comes to mind. I wouldn't mind taking some requests and seeing what i can get done in the next few days. So please feel free to get in my asks. :) I can't promise i'll do everything, but i'll see what i can do. If I dont do yours, i'll save the ask cause maybe it might inspire me later.
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sinsirellaxx · 4 months
Ok, I got an idea. So the slytherin boys left us cus we're pregnant then bla bla bla, a few years later lets say that we became famous & we are not ashamed that we have a kid out of wedlock so of course the kid also gets to bask in the fame so we get in newspapers, tvs, billboards, etc., so now the boys feel haunted & realize their mistake after seeing how well we've been since their abandonment. They also got sad at the thought not seeing their kid grow up & imagine our struggle raising them. (this can be for all or 1 character & its totally fine if you don't do this idea)
Slytherin Boys – Reacting to you getting pregnant pt. 2
Warning: Toxic boys alert! Not proofread. Mention of miscarriage/blood etc.
A/N: I got so many requests on this one – some entailing a more angsty approach and some similar to your request. I heard you and I combined the different approaches. Hope y’all enjoy!
BTW: My requests are closed because I'm drowning in asks and I cannot keep up. 🙈 I'll open them as soon as possible!
Mattheo …
… regretted being so cruel to you after having thought about the situation for a few days.
… hadn’t seen you since that day and grew worried – he must have really hurt you.
… went to look for you after a few days but he was met with an empty room.
… later found out that you had to be rushed to the hospital because you had refused to go to the hospital-wing. Your parents had to pick you up.
… immediately rushed to you when he saw you in the Great Hall after a whole month – you looked pale. Before Mattheo could say anything, you walked past him, your shoulders hunched and your eyes downcast. You looked devastated.
… realized that you must have lost the baby and guilt settled deep in his stomach. He had ruined you.
Theodore …
… was shocked to hear you had left the school for uncertain reasons. No one knew – except for him.
… was pissed that you had left – he just hoped that your mistake would not come back to bite him in his ass.
… regrets the way he acted towards you years after graduation, having finally grown up made him realize what he had lost.
… never stopped looking for you after graduation, he felt horrible for his past actions, and he hoped you had not gone through with his wish to abort his child.
… stumbles upon a little girl with beautiful green eyes one day, her light brown curls shimmering in the sunlight. The child was lost, looking for her mother with tears rolling down her chubby cheeks.
… tells the girl he will help her find her mother and picks her up, to help the child look over the crowd of people. His chest felt tight as he thought of all the what-ifs. Would it have been a girl was well?
… tenses up when he hears the worried wail of a woman, shouting for him to stop. Theodore whips around, the little girl in his arms crying out happily as she reached for her mother. And there you were, with your arms outstretched and your teary eyes focused on the little girl.
… stares at you with big eyes, his lips parted as he took in the sight in front of him. He finally found you.
Lorenzo …
…grows impatient when you hadn’t returned to him after a few days. You must have made your choice – a choice he didn’t like.
… missed you the moment you had walked out of his room, and he was scared you’d completely walk out of his life as well.
… can’t bear the thought of losing you, so he caved in and rushed to you – begging you to talk to him.
… immediately apologizes the moment you two were alone. Enzo tells you that he loves you and that he will support you no matter what – that he will be there for you and your child. He struggles to say the last part, stuttering slightly – stumbling over his words when realization hits him full force. He’s going to be a father.
Will you forgive him?
Draco …
… stares at the newspaper with wide eyes, his fingers tightening around the paper, crumpling it in the process.
…blinks a few times as he rereads the headline again and again. You were a famous best-selling author in the muggle-world. And you looked stunning. Draco’s eyes are drawn to the article about you … and your life as a single mom with your young son. His son. He had a son.
… feels horrible – he was glad you were doing well but he felt like the biggest dimwit for everything he has put you through.
… is scolded by his mother when she reads the newspaper. She wasn’t stupid – she had been able to put one and one together. She wanted him to man up and reach out to you.
… is nervous when he finally stands in front of your door. He felt stupid; with flowers in his hand and a present for his son under his arm – as if any gift would be enough to make everything right again. Taking in a deep breath he finally managed to ring the bell, nervously waiting for you to open the door.
Blaise …
… wants to scream and cry when he sees your – his – daughter in your arms. He is left speechless, lost in those dark innocent orbs. His fingers twitch at his side – desperate to reach out and hug his little girl. She was undoubtedly his.
… felt so stupid for everything he had said to you, and he was so grateful for your strong will.
… looks from your child to you, closing and opening his mouth as if wanting to say something – and he did but he just couldn’t.
… finally blurts out a please when you try to walk away, his hand reaching out for you and your daughter.
Tom …
… had not expected you to be so stubborn. You were refusing to abort the child, rushing out of his room when his temper got the best of him.
… rushed after you – he wasn’t done talking and he sure as hell wouldn’t let you act recklessly.
… grabbed your wrist at the top of the stairs, pulling you back as he tried to reason with you. You were so annoying.
… gripped your shoulders harshly, forcing you to look at him as he practically growled at you.
… shook you by your shoulders out of anger – you were truly testing his patience. You suddenly tried to free yourself from his grip, taking a step back to gain some distance until your foot was met by emptiness. Your eyes widened as you tried to cling onto your boyfriend, but your fingers slipped, and you tumbled down the stairs.
… stared at your unmoving body with wide eyes, your arm was twisted in a weird way.
… immediately rushed down the stairs, pulling out his wand to heal you only to stop in his steps when he noticed the blood dripping from between your thighs.
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lisafication · 1 year
For those who might happen across this, I'm an administrator for the forum 'Sufficient Velocity', a large old-school forum oriented around Creative Writing. I originally posted this on there (and any reference to 'here' will mean the forum), but I felt I might as well throw it up here, as well, even if I don't actually have any followers.
This week, I've been reading fanfiction on Archive of Our Own (AO3), a site run by the Organisation for Transformative Works (OTW), a non-profit. This isn't particularly exceptional, in and of itself — like many others on the site, I read a lot of fanfiction, both on Sufficient Velocity (SV) and elsewhere — however what was bizarre to me was encountering a new prefix on certain works, that of 'End OTW Racism'. While I'm sure a number of people were already familiar with this, I was not, so I looked into it.
What I found... wasn't great. And I don't think anyone involved realises that.
To summarise the details, the #EndOTWRacism campaign, of which you may find their manifesto here, is a campaign oriented towards seeing hateful or discriminatory works removed from AO3 — and believe me, there is a lot of it. To whit, they want the OTW to moderate them. A laudable goal, on the face of it — certainly, we do something similar on Sufficient Velocity with Rule 2 and, to be clear, nothing I say here is a critique of Rule 2 (or, indeed, Rule 6) on SV.
But it's not that simple, not when you're the size of Archive of Our Own. So, let's talk about the vagaries and little-known pitfalls of content moderation, particularly as it applies to digital fiction and at scale. Let's dig into some of the details — as far as credentials go, I have, unfortunately, been in moderation and/or administration on SV for about six years and this is something we have to grapple with regularly, so I would like to say I can speak with some degree of expertise on the subject.
So, what are the problems with moderating bad works from a site? Let's start with discovery— that is to say, how you find rule-breaching works in the first place. There are more-or-less two different ways to approach manual content moderation of open submissions on a digital platform: review-based and report-based (you could also call them curation-based and flag-based), with various combinations of the two. Automated content moderation isn't something I'm going to cover here — I feel I can safely assume I'm preaching to the choir when I say it's a bad idea, and if I'm not, I'll just note that the least absurd outcome we had when simulating AI moderation (mostly for the sake of an academic exercise) on SV was banning all the staff.
In a review-based system, you check someone's work and approve it to the site upon verifying that it doesn't breach your content rules. Generally pretty simple, we used to do something like it on request. Unfortunately, if you do that, it can void your safe harbour protections in the US per Myeress vs. Buzzfeed Inc. This case, if you weren't aware, is why we stopped offering content review on SV. Suffice to say, it's not really a realistic option for anyone large enough for the courts to notice, and extremely clunky and unpleasant for the users, to boot.
Report-based systems, on the other hand, are something we use today — users find works they think are in breach and alert the moderation team to their presence with a report. On SV, this works pretty well — a user or users flag a work as potentially troublesome, moderation investigate it and either action it or reject the report. Unfortunately, AO3 is not SV. I'll get into the details of that dreadful beast known as scaling later, but thankfully we do have a much better comparison point — fanfiction.net (FFN).
FFN has had two great purges over the years, with a... mixed amount of content moderation applied in between: one in 2002 when the NC-17 rating was removed, and one in 2012. Both, ostensibly, were targeted at adult content. In practice, many fics that wouldn't raise an eye on Spacebattles today or Sufficient Velocity prior to 2018 were also removed; a number of reports suggest that something as simple as having a swearword in your title or summary was enough to get you hit, even if you were a 'T' rated work. Most disturbingly of all, there are a number of — impossible to substantiate — accounts of groups such as the infamous Critics United 'mass reporting' works to trigger a strike to get them removed. I would suggest reading further on places like Fanlore if you are unfamiliar and want to know more.
Despite its flaws however, report-based moderation is more-or-less the only option, and this segues neatly into the next piece of the puzzle that is content moderation, that is to say, the rubric. How do you decide what is, and what isn't against the rules of your site?
Anyone who's complained to the staff about how vague the rules are on SV may have had this explained to them, but as that is likely not many of you, I'll summarise: the more precise and clear-cut your chosen rubric is, the more it will inevitably need to resemble a legal document — and the less readable it is to the layman. We'll return to SV for an example here: many newer users will not be aware of this, but SV used to have a much more 'line by line, clearly delineated' set of rules and... people kind of hated it! An infraction would reference 'Community Compact III.15.5' rather than Rule 3, because it was more or less written in the same manner as the Terms of Service (sans the legal terms of art). While it was a more legible rubric from a certain perspective, from the perspective of communicating expectations to the users it was inferior to our current set of rules  — even less of them read it,  and we don't have great uptake right now.
And it still wasn't really an improvement over our current set-up when it comes to 'moderation consistency'. Even without getting into the nuts and bolts of "how do you define a racist work in a way that does not, at any point, say words to the effect of 'I know it when I see it'" — which is itself very, very difficult don't get me wrong I'm not dismissing this — you are stuck with finding an appropriate footing between a spectrum of 'the US penal code' and 'don't be a dick' as your rubric. Going for the penal code side doesn't help nearly as much as you might expect with moderation consistency, either — no matter what, you will never have a 100% correct call rate. You have the impossible task of writing a rubric that is easy for users to comprehend, extremely clear for moderation and capable of cleanly defining what is and what isn't racist without relying on moderator judgement, something which you cannot trust when operating at scale.
Speaking of scale, it's time to move on to the third prong — and the last covered in this ramble, which is more of a brief overview than anything truly in-depth — which is resources. Moderation is not a magic wand, you can't conjure it out of nowhere: you need to spend an enormous amount of time, effort and money on building, training and equipping a moderation staff, even a volunteer one, and it is far, far from an instant process. Our most recent tranche of moderators spent several months in training and it will likely be some months more before they're fully comfortable in the role — and that's with a relatively robust bureaucracy and a number of highly experienced mentors supporting them, something that is not going to be available to a new moderation branch with little to no experience. Beyond that, there's the matter of sheer numbers.
Combining both moderation and arbitration — because for volunteer staff, pure moderation is in actuality less efficient in my eyes, for a variety of reasons beyond the scope of this post, but we'll treat it as if they're both just 'moderators' — SV presently has 34 dedicated moderation volunteers. SV hosts ~785 million words of creative writing.
AO3 hosts ~32 billion.
These are some very rough and simplified figures, but if you completely ignore all the usual problems of scaling manpower in a business (or pseudo-business), such as (but not limited to) geometrically increasing bureaucratic complexity and administrative burden, along with all the particular issues of volunteer moderation... AO3 would still need well over one thousand volunteer moderators to be able to match SV's moderator-to-creative-wordcount ratio.
Paid moderation, of course, you can get away with less — my estimate is that you could fully moderate SV with, at best, ~8 full-time moderators, still ignoring administrative burden above the level of team leader. This leaves AO3 only needing a much more modest ~350 moderators. At the US minimum wage of ~$15k p.a. — which is, in my eyes, deeply unethical to pay moderators as full-time moderation is an intensely gruelling role with extremely high rates of PTSD and other stress-related conditions — that is approximately ~$5.25m p.a. costs on moderator wages. Their average annual budget is a bit over $500k.
So, that's obviously not on the table, and we return to volunteer staffing. Which... let's examine that scenario and the questions it leaves us with, as our conclusion.
Let's say, through some miracle, AO3 succeeds in finding those hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of volunteer moderators. We'll even say none of them are malicious actors or sufficiently incompetent as to be indistinguishable, and that they manage to replicate something on the level of or superior to our moderation tooling near-instantly at no cost. We still have several questions to be answered:
How are you maintaining consistency? Have you managed to define racism to the point that moderator judgment no longer enters the equation? And to be clear, you cannot allow moderator judgment to be a significant decision maker at this scale, or you will end with absurd results.
How are you handling staff mental health? Some reading on the matter, to save me a lengthy and unrelated explanation of some of the steps involved in ensuring mental health for commercial-scale content moderators.
How are you handling your failures? No moderation in the world has ever succeeded in a 100% accuracy rate, what are you doing about that?
Using report-based discovery, how are you preventing 'report brigading', such as the theories surrounding Critics United mentioned above? It is a natural human response to take into account the amount and severity of feedback. While SV moderators are well trained on the matter, the rare times something is receiving enough reports to potentially be classified as a 'brigade' on that scale will nearly always be escalated to administration, something completely infeasible at (you're learning to hate this word, I'm sure) scale.
How are you communicating expectations to your user base? If you're relying on a flag-based system, your users' understanding of the rules is a critical facet of your moderation system — how have you managed to make them legible to a layman while still managing to somehow 'truly' define racism?
How are you managing over one thousand moderators? Like even beyond all the concerns with consistency, how are you keeping track of that many moving parts as a volunteer organisation without dozens or even hundreds of professional managers? I've ignored the scaling administrative burden up until now, but it has to be addressed in reality.
What are you doing to sweep through your archives? SV is more-or-less on-top of 'old' works as far as rule-breaking goes, with the occasional forgotten tidbit popping up every 18 months or so — and that's what we're extrapolating from. These thousand-plus moderators are mostly going to be addressing current or near-current content, are you going to spin up that many again to comb through the 32 billion words already posted?
I could go on for a fair bit here, but this has already stretched out to over two thousand words.
I think the people behind this movement have their hearts in the right place and the sentiment is laudable, but in practice it is simply 'won't someone think of the children' in a funny hat. It cannot be done.
Even if you could somehow meet the bare minimum thresholds, you are simply not going to manage a ruleset of sufficient clarity so as to prevent a much-worse repeat of the 2012 FF.net massacre, you are not going to be able to manage a moderation staff of that size and you are not going to be able to ensure a coherent understanding among all your users (we haven't managed that after nearly ten years and a much smaller and more engaged userbase). There's a serious number of other issues I haven't covered here as well, as this really is just an attempt at giving some insight into the sheer number of moving parts behind content moderation:  the movement wants off-site content to be policed which isn't so much its own barrel of fish as it is its own barrel of Cthulhu; AO3 is far from English-only and would in actuality need moderators for almost every language it supports — and most damning of all,  if Section 230 is wiped out by the Supreme Court  it is not unlikely that engaging in content moderation at all could simply see AO3 shut down.
As sucky as it seems, the current status quo really is the best situation possible. Sorry about that.
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for-those-who-wait · 1 month
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Time to remind people of the multifandom point in my blog description hahaha
A Detroit: Become Human AU actually works shockingly well for Hunter's story already? Like being a clone of a dead man versus being an android made in the image of a dead man, that is perfect crossover material. If someone has already done this, ABSOLUTELY let me know because I want to consume The Good Content
2.6k words of concept and story, some more doodles, android blood/gore/mentioned suicide and abuse under the cut. We love existentialism, species dysphoria, and Noceda sibling time in this house
Now I'm taking this idea from a somewhat popular trope in the DBH fandom, but what if someone didn't know that they were an android? Completely raised to be human, have fabricated memories of being a child, can't be completely sure if your awareness/consciousness is just coding or not—then finding out you are, in fact, not human. Imagine how earth-shattering that would be. Which is why I'm doing that to Hunter :)
So some of the notes I wrote down for each of the kinda major characters I had ideas for:
He still murders Caleb and is never convicted (Caleb could be an android sympathizer, could have helped in their creation, anything that would piss Philip off royally)
He hates androids (I'll have to come up with the things he believes and thus teaches to Hunter but I've taken a break from the DBH fandom for a while and I can't remember peoples' grievances in that game, oops, but basically according to Philip, androids = evil and bad). Also he's just short-tempered and brutal like always and androids are the easiest way to let out that anger without breaking any laws. That is until laws are made. Now in the eyes of the law, it's just regular child abuse. Yay! /j
He’s a higher-up at CyberLife and has the authority to request a custom model be built for his personal use (this is equivalent to him making Grimwalkers, something that he hates, just for the sake of his brother)
This model (spoiler alert, it's Hunter) is a combination of a YK (child) model and an undercover model that works best with integration and infiltration. This results in the android having programmed emotions and pain receptors, no HUD, no control over artificial skin, no software for interfacing with electronics, and no android markers such as an LED. (It’s also similar to the YK model for this reason since LEDs being removed from those models is actually an intended feature).
This android also doesn’t have a registered user just in case it were to get out, and Philip doesn’t want to risk the creation of this android coming back to bite him
After the custom android is created, he promptly retires to become some old shut-in à la Elijah Kamski up in Gravesfield, Connecticut
I would argue that even though it's technically 2038 and things are all futuristic and complicated now, Gravesfield is still a very small town that doesn't actually see a lot of androids around. I would say that it's pretty much the same as in canon if a bit more developed where the forest is (probably another neighborhood or something).
Philip keeps communication to a minimum and rarely appears outside of his home
The best case scenario android revolution occurs, androids are given their freedom and rights, but Philip manages to keep the android under his ownership by just succeeding in hiding him for however many years
He grows up being taught that androids are evil, terrible, etc. etc. because Philip is a terrible person and of course he would
He has absolutely no idea that he’s an android. He has no reason to think he’s not a human because he does literally everything a human does: he eats, he needs to sleep, he feels pain—there are no indicators that he’s anything but human
Androids run on thirium 310, AKA blue blood, and this is one of the only ways to visually distinguish android from human if they don’t have android markers like LEDs on them. When he inevitably and accidentally hurts himself on something, it’s made immediately clear that he is in fact not human.
Philip, as an employee of CyberLife, has a repair rig in one of his rooms. This can be used to completely wipe the memories of an android that is set up in it. He uses it every time Hunter discovers he’s an android.
The memory wipe isn’t perfect. It’s not uncommon for Hunter to get flashbacks to wiped memories, including moments where he’s been actively hurt by Philip or has inflicted pain on himself from trauma alone. (Androids are programmed [or maybe just prone to? I'm not actually sure, it's not explained in canon super well, but let's just pretend it's programmed because that's almost worse than it being voluntary] to self-destruct when their stress levels become too high, and you could easily argue that finding out your entire life is a lie is grounds for being a stressful situation.) Ordinarily, similar to what happens in Hollow Mind, Hunter will address the situation with Philip assuming they can work something out or get some actual answers. This of course never ends well
These memory wipes probably happen more frequently than Belos makes Golden Guards, so it’s understandably very stressful whenever he remembers the abuse he suffered and the memories he lost from previous wipes. This becomes an incentive for him to hide injuries that would reveal he knows he's an android (anything that draws blood, really)
She’s an android sympathizer (even before the revolution) who is aware of the deviancy phenomenon and truly believes that androids are both capable of and entitled to sentience and free will.
Luz is still her human child.
She adopts Vee, an android child, shortly after the revolution
Vee had deviated while she was being attacked and ran away before she could be killed. Camila has made it clear to her that she will be treated with respect in their home and that her life is no less valuable than a human’s. She has taken this to heart
Luz loves Vee, they are siblings, your honor
During the revolution, her home was a safe space, similar to Rose Chapman, for deviant androids on the run
So that leads into the rudimentary plot I have laid out:
This takes place a while after the android revolution (probably a few years or so). Let's pretend they have all the laws and anti-android stuff figured out and that people have been forced to relinquish their androids to be made deviant and given freedom. At this point, it's rare for androids to be undeviated and still working for their owners, but it still comes up occasionally. Hunter, under Philip's care, has been kept pretty ignorant that a revolution happened at all, much less that androids are even capable of any form of sentience. He's been raised to be anti-android so oh boy deep-rooted self-hatred here we come! His knowledge probably doesn't exceed that of an ordinary citizen in the game before deviancy becomes more widely known
 So after Hunter discovers he’s an android again, he has flashbacks of all the previous times he told Philip, and proceeds to hide this realization from him. And he's completely just not processed the fact that he's an android yet; he's already overwhelmed with the immediate threat that the realization his entire life is a lie basically slips him by (don't worry, he gets to have that later!).
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He chooses to make a break for it the second he gets the chance, and he ends up running through the town completely terrified because honestly, who wouldn't be.
I'm working off the assumption that having androids in small towns is still pretty rare since there are fewer CyberLife stores, technicians, etc. for android healthcare. And Hunter has hardly ever been outside, so he's completely out of his depth when trying to navigate the neighborhoods and the rest of the town that he ends up in. Police officers find this kid covered in thirium, and they're like "Oh so he's obviously a terrified android, we need to help him out." But Hunter's freaking out because "Oh god I have android blood on me, that means they'll kill me," making the indirect thought of "I'm an android, they will kill me because I'm an android" and he's having a freaking time.
They try to calm him down enough to get him over to the station, at which point they call Camila, since she knows the most about traumatized androids in their small, relatively android-less town. She does her Motherly Noceda Magic and honestly, he's probably pretty catatonic for a lot of the day after she takes him to her house. But after that, he just completely breaks down.
He doesn't know if he even has free will or if it's his programming that dictates what he thinks and feels. He doesn't know if his opinions are really his own or if they existed because of and since his creation. He doesn't know how many of his memories are fabricated, since he very clearly has memories of a life that go farther back than his estimated creation, and so the film between fiction and reality is so thin that it may as well not exist. And now, when he was human just a few days ago, almost perfectly content with life, he's suddenly an object, something sub-human and undeserving of basic rights.
 Camila has to calm him down and teach him about deviancy (and at this point, Hunter isn't even sure he's deviant, which opens up a whole other can of worms for his mental health), making sure he knows that he does have rights just as if he were human. She's also the first example he has for an adult that 1. doesn't absolutely hate androids and 2. actually respects him and loves him and wants to see him succeed
And that gives way to character interactions and angst! You love to see it!
Luz is his emotional support sister. She tries her best but she has very little experience with traumatized children currently questioning every aspect of their existence. If anything, she provides a much-needed sense of normalcy and shows that despite his being an android, he's still the same person and can still be treated as such. She's a comfort to help him feel at least somewhat normal in his situation.
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Vee is his adopted android sister who helps him feel more comfortable in his own skin by being shameless and frank with her own identity as an android. She's a safe place for him to talk about Android Stuff when Luz or Camila might just not understand what he's going through or be able to help him with it. She also helps him obtain software updates (since he hasn't had access to literally any part of his mechanical body, software and hardware alike) that will grant him access to things an android should ordinarily be able to do, like (de)activating his synthetic skin, interfacing, accessing his HUD, etc.
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(Also all of these drawings were made when I was still thinking "Oh, this should take place before the revolution so that he can have his dehumanizing moment of getting an LED slapped onto him" but then I thought it would be more interesting if Philip basically just kept him illegally kidnapped for however many years and he's like, way slow to the "androids have rights now" party. Maybe I'll make it an AU of an AU lol. But basically, he wouldn't have an LED while he's still processing/healing from trauma, but maybe he would get one after he makes peace with his identity, kinda like how he grows his hair back in his time skip design. I think Vee would keep hers and that's a bit of encouragement for him; maybe he even has a moment of "I know Vee is fine with this, and I think I'm fine with it" but he is still very much not fine with it. Do not rush the process for the sake of progress that might not be right for you, boyo)
This is really a Vee and Hunter bonding AU now that I think about it haha
Most of this AU is just Hunter struggling with identity and species dysphoria while learning to cope with his being an android with the help of his family, reclaiming his identity, and fluff/angst :)) And honestly probably just a lot of shenanigans that result from Hunter having been sheltered for all his life; kinda like your basic Human Realm shenanigans in canon.
I think Gus and Willow would both be Luz's human friends that help with the whole normalization of Hunter being an android, and the three could have their own antics since it's nice to have people outside of your family treat you like a person. I think that Vee and Masha's (Masha would be human) relationship could be explored more through the android lens and maybe help with some of Hunter's internalized anti-android sentiment that still manages to stick around, because he's in his "Grimwalkers can't feel love" section of the coping process (still very much demonizing them [mostly himself, probably, just because it can easier to be mean to yourself than it is to be mean to other people] based on false information, even if he doesn't outright hate them). Willow will be a wake-up call, haha
I don't know if there's a trope name for this or not but I really like concepts where characters don't know what feelings of love or intense affection feel like, so they're sitting there like "oh god am I just dying? It feels like I'm dying" and I think Hunter noticing "temperature/respiration/perspiration increased" alerts on his HUD and freaking out thinking there's something wrong with his software/hardware is way too funny of an image to pass up
Gus could be a HUGE android nerd that almost never sees them since they're so rare in a small town like Gravesfield, and Gus just helps Hunter feel super cool about being an android. Maybe Cosmic Frontier could be basically identical to canon but instead of being a clone, O'Bailey is also an android, just for the sake of Hunter still getting to have his "I relate so much to this character" moment. And Gus would just be so encouraging like "Bro you're an android?!? I've never seen your face model before! You can eat?? You must be super cool and special!! :O" and that makes Hunter start thinking "Oh maybe this isn't so bad actually."
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Then Hunter probably starts doing his Researching to Cope and he gets super invested in android technology and history as well, since it was forbidden when he was living back at Philip's (substitute for wild magic time)
They are brothers and I love them, let them be nerds
(God forbid Philip ever comes back, that sure would suck, wouldn't it?)
Anyway this was a lot longer than I thought it would be haha, I hope it was interesting if you read through the whole thing. Obligatory statement: if anyone feels so inclined, feel free to take the idea and run away with it. Also please ping me if you do, I will go feral over it. I absolutely and accidentally turned it into a story draft because I don't know how to write AU ideas without having a story on top of it so it's not concrete in the least lol
(Also I've been drawing witches for so long that I had trouble drawing human ears for a bit there lmao)
Okay bye have a good day!
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Dressed Up, Dressed Down.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 4761
Warnings I mean, I think we can all agree. We know what's coming...a whole load of smut. Ass play, choking, anal, squirting. It's verrrrrrry smutty...you have been warned. And some strong language and mentions of alcohol.
So, I had 2 very similar Anon requests so I thought I would combine them and try to cover both requests in the same fic. Plus, it's smut that will feature dapper Travis and we all love that! "Trav looked so good at the ESPYs last night it’s making me submit a smut request 😩 Trav x Reader are at an event and saying dirty things to each other the whole time to rile the other one up, and as soon as they get home they immediately go at it" "Can you do a real smut of Travis maybe something were the reader has done a new accomplishment in her life and they go to an event/red carpet and when they get home travis finally truly shows her was passionate sex is hahha just a thought"
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You studied your reflection in the mirror and adjusted the skirt of your outfit, angling your shoulders to the side to see how the dress would move for photographs. Your fingers ran along the intricate beading of the bodice, before returning to the satin fabric below your waist.
You faintly heard Travis clear his throat downstairs and you assumed that he was indicating that he was getting impatient. You had kept your dress a secret, wanting to surprise him with what you had picked out. You ran your hands through your hair, making sure the volume was still present and took a deep breath.
As you stepped out of the bedroom and made your way to the staircase, you could see Travis reclined on the couch, scrolling through his phone. He spotted you out of the corner of his eye and immediately lowered his gaze down your body. You continued to walk towards him, very slowly, allowing him extra time to admire you. His bottom lip trembled slightly and his eyes turned hazy. You smiled as you grew closer and Travis pushed himself to the edge of the sofa, his jaw dropping open.
"Baby." His voice was a low growl.
You looked down at yourself, "You like it?"
Travis nodded with his mouth still gaping, "You look...perfect."
You glanced over his broad chest, clad in a sharp white shirt and matching jacket with black trousers. His hands ran over his thighs before lifting his sunglasses off of his face. You turned around, making sure the dramatic skirt flowed correctly and stuck out your hip.
Travis responded by grasping at your waist and pulling you down onto his lap, "Let's just stay here, huh?"
You giggled as Travis's chin rested on your shoulder, his beard tickling your skin, "Oh yeah, I'm sure we won't get in trouble for missing the ESPYs."
"But staying here with you will be so much more fun." He pulled you in even closer and you could feel a hardness where your ass was.
"Woah, woah, woah, big guy! You'd better lock that down, right now!" You rose to your feet quickly and turned around to face him, pointing down at his crotch, "Can you please control yourself for a few hours?"
Travis grinned, his perfect teeth beaming, and shuffled in his seat, "Man, you are so hot when you tell me what to do."
You placed your stilettoed foot on the edge of the couch between Travis' legs and leaned forward, your lips inches away from his, "I'll be telling you exactly what to do when we get back here, baby."
You smiled to yourself as you walked away, taking one last look over your shoulder at your crumbling boyfriend, whose eyes had rolled back in his head as he slumped back, groaning at your promise.
You could see the cameras flashing through the car window long before you pulled up to the theatre. Travis' hand squeezed your thigh as he looked out at the crowds lined along the roped entrance.
"You ready?" You leaned towards his face and planted a small kiss on his cheek.
"Ready as I'll ever be, baby!" He grinned and opened the door, jumping out of the car with his trademark energy.
The journalists were screaming his name but instead of acknowledging them, he held out his hand to you. You gracefully swung your legs outwards and rose to your feet, making sure your dress was falling perfectly over your curves. The camera flashes continued as Travis placed a gentle hand on your waist and you walked together to the red carpet. Your head whirled with the commotion; loud music, voices shouting, numerous people surrounding you but Travis was there to keep you calm and relaxed.
As you made your way towards the entrance, a journalist you had met before called out both of your names.
"Y/N, Travis! Hi! Can we get a few words please?"
"Sure!" You flashed her a smile and side-stepped towards her with Travis in tow behind you.
"So, you two must be pretty excited tonight? Travis, you're nominated with the rest of the Chiefs and you're presenting an award?"
Travis leaned into the microphone slightly, "Yeah, baby! I've come to rep the Chiefs tonight with my boys. And as SNL went well, me and Heidi Gardner are presenting one of the awards but I'm also here to support my girl." He squeezed your waist a little tighter.
"That's right, Y/N is nominated for Best Female Athlete. That must be an incredible feeling just to be nominated, what will it feel like if you win?"
You exhaled, shaking your head, "Oh my God, I don't know. Just being here is good enough, and to support Travis and Pat and the rest of the guys. But to be recognised and acknowledged for my passion is incredible. Tennis has been my life so all of the hard work and effort feels worth while."
You looked up at Travis who was beaming down at you with adoring eyes.
"You two are quickly shaping up to be the hottest power couple in sports right now, is there anything exciting on the horizon for you?"
"Well, Travis has the football season coming up soon and I've just finished Wimbledon which was a blast, so it'll be a lot of relaxing and watching football."
"Hopefully, another Superbowl ring on it's way to you?"
Travis nodded, "Hopefully!"
"Anyway, get yourselves in there, enjoy and good luck!"
You both smiled and waved slightly before walking back to the centre of the carpet. Travis' hand had stayed fixed to your waist but as he brought it around to the small of your back, he leaned to whisper in your ear.
"I'm so proud of you." His breath tickled your neck, "And you're so sexy when you talk about your work."
"Yeah? Well, so are you. Why do you think I'm so horny after every Chiefs game I watch?"
Travis almost growled, "I'm still horny from before, baby." His body grew closer to you and you were aware of the vast amount of people and cameras around you, "Can I tell you that I want to eat your pussy so bad right now?"
You gasped slightly as Brittany and Patrick came rushing to your side. Quickly clearing your throat, you hugged Brittany as Travis and Pat began to chat.
"Here you are!"
You readjusted your skirt, "Yeah, sorry, we had an interview to do."
"That's alright. Come on, let's get a drink, our seats are right at the front."
You looked over your shoulder to see Travis' piercing eyes watching you walk away, his gaze lowered to your ass. He quickly looked up and gave a wink, a smirk appearing on his lips. A heat rose in you but you followed Brittany to the bar, pushing all thoughts to the back of your mind.
"And the winner is...Y/N!"
The theatre erupted into cheers and applause and Travis threw his arms around you, his loud booming voice in your ear.
"Yes, baby! I knew you'd do it, wooh!"
You rose to your feet and smoothed out your dress, giving Travis a kiss before you carefully stepped onto the stage and behind the microphone. The presenter handed you your award and you looked down at it as the background music faded.
"Er, wow. This is incredible. I thought I knew what I would say if I won but my brain has forgotten everything I had planned." You cleared your throat as the audience laughed. "I really want to thank everybody who has supported me in my career so far; my coaches, my fans, my family and my opponents. Everything you guys have done have led up to this moment." You glanced to Travis who was looking up at you with tears in his eyes, "And I really need to thank that man sat right there, who has been there for me, win or lose and has always been my biggest fan, no matter what. I couldn't ask for a better person to share my life with, so for him to win his award and for me to win this, it's just the cherry on the cake!"
You heard Travis' cheer over everybody else's in the theatre as you walked off of the stage and to the backstage area to give some short interviews and have press photographs taken. When you eventually emerged into the lobby, Travis was there waiting for you. His face was radiating with a huge smile, his arms outstretched and ready to embrace you tightly.
"Hottest power couple in sport? I think we definitely win that award." He said as he pressed his body into yours.
You giggled in his ear, feeling his toned muscles surrounding you, "Damn right, baby."
He faced you, moistening his bottom lip, "I gotta get you home now."
"What do you have planned?"
His eyes flickered down your body, "Well, as amazing as you look in that dress, I want it off. And then I'm going to kiss every inch of your skin that I can before I open your legs and make you cum with my mouth."
You squeezed your thighs together as you felt a wave of numbness cover you. Your chest became tight as you imagined the scenario Travis was describing in your head and the speed of your breathing increased.
Travis must have noticed because he immediately moved his lips to your neck, laying gentle kisses on your already tingling skin. "And then once I've finished, I'm going to slowly slide my thick and hard dick into your dripping, soaking, glistening, perfect pussy." His mouth was close to your ear, his words groaning, "And I'm going to pound you so hard that you can't even remember your own name. You're going to cum over and over and over again, screaming and begging for me to keep going."
Your breath was escaping your lips in short, sharp bursts as you listened to Travis' dirty talk. His fingers found the high slit in your gown and reached underneath the fabric to feel you. You glanced around the theatre lobby, making sure there was nobody close by and shifted your stance so Travis had easier access.
His eyes suddenly widened as he whimpered, his fingers playing with your wet folds, "Oh, baby. Please, let me take you home."
You closed the already small gap between you and palmed at the growing mound in his pants, "We still have an hour of this event to go, come on."
You retreated from him, walking backwards and smiling as he stood rooted to the spot with his jaw dropped open.
You could tell that Travis was getting impatient towards the end of the night. Whenever he was sat, his right leg was bouncing and he continued to fidget with anything he was touching. If he was stood, he was uncomfortably shifting his weight from side to side and trying to keep eye contract with you.
You were chatting to Brittany at the bar when you noticed Travis' eyes on you. His stare was intense and heated, causing Brittany to ask questions.
"What is up with Travis?"
You smiled coyly and took a quick sip of your drink, "I think the dress that we picked out worked like a charm."
Brittany squealed in delight, "Oh yeah honey! Is he bad for it?"
"He's desperate. All I'm going to say is, I've been putting off leaving for so long because teasing him like this is too much fun."
You looked over to Travis who was still staring at you, his drink is his right hand and his left hand in his pocket. Pat was eagerly chatting to him but Travis' attention was elsewhere. You winked at him before turning back and smiling to Brittany who was giggling into her glass.
"Oh girl, you are bad."
"Let's just say, we're going to make up for all of that lost time whilst I was at Wimbledon."
Brittany blew you a kiss as you walked back to Travis, swaying your hips slightly and lowering your head to give him your best sultry look. His eyelids almost fluttered closed but he quickly recovered and turned to face Patrick as you reached him.
"Ey, man. I gotta go, I got plans in the morning so we need to get some rest."
You said your goodbyes and as you walked away, you angled yourself closer to Travis, "What are your plans in the morning?"
Travis looked straight ahead and grasped onto your waist, "Recovering from fucking you so hard tonight."
Hot breaths rushed from your lips as Travis' hands roamed your body. You threw your head back so that he could access your neck, covering it in wet, lazy kisses. Your fingers pulled at his jacket, desperate to have him as close to you as possible.
He quickly spun you around and pushed you against the wall, your cheek pressed against the cool surface. He lay more kisses across your shoulders as his hands got to work with removing your dress. You felt instant relief as the corset was loosened, allowing your chest to swell with your breathing. The fabric slid down your skin and pooled at your feet, allowing Travis to stand back and admire his view. You curved your back slightly, letting your ass to stick out and he dropped to his knees, pulling your saturated panties down to the floor.
Without warning, he spread your legs apart and latched his lips onto your pussy, slurping and sucking at your folds. His rough beard rubbed against your skin, leaving it sore with friction. He dragged his tongue slowly from your clit to your asshole, causing your thighs to twitch. A breathy laugh left Travis' lips, the air dancing against your sensitive hole. You instinctively pushed your ass out further, allowing him better access. Travis ran a finger up the inside of your thigh, collecting some of your wetness that had dripped down. You looked over your shoulder to see him suck your juice, his eyes glazing over in ecstasy.
You gasped, your hands trembling against the wall, "Fuck me, Travis."
Travis grinned up at you, "All in good time, babygirl."
You watched as Travis rose to his feet, licking his lips and looking at you with dark eyes. He was still fully dressed, but you noticed a large bulge growing in his trousers.
"My eyes are up here." He said in a low growl as he motioned for you to come closer to him with a finger.
You pushed yourself from the wall and pressed your naked chest against him, craning your neck to kiss his cheek. His hands gently ghosted the sides of your body, sending shivers down your spine. You lowered yourself to your knees and looked up at Travis, your eyes blinking slowly. Travis quickly removed his belt and unzipped his pants, letting them fall to the floor. He stepped out of them before kicking them across the room, pulling his jacket off and throwing it down next to you. Your hands ran up his body and began unbuttoning his shirt, his strong torso revealing itself to you. Travis took care of the top few buttons and removed his shirt quickly. You sat back on your heels and looked at him standing in front of you, the fabric of his boxer shorts straining against his hard cock.
You dropped your jaw open and your tongue flattened against the bottom of your mouth. Travis took a step closer to you and you hooked your fingers under the waistband of his boxers, slowly pulling them down and displaying his thick erection to you. Even though his size was no surprise to you, you always found yourself amazed at it.
"You gonna take it like a good girl?"
You nodded before grasping your hand around his base, squeezing slightly and watching as a bead of pre-cum seeped from his tip, thick veins protruding from the pressure. You brought his dick to your mouth and licked it away, leaving your tongue out for a moment for Travis to see. He placed his hand on the back of your head and his fingers tangled themselves in your hair. With some slight pressure from Travis, you moved your head closer to him and took his cock between your lips, saliva building in the sides of your mouth. You sucked gently at first, keeping your pace slow and you heard a quiet groan, signalling his pleasure. You squeezed your eyes shut as you pushed your head further, feeling his cock pressing into the back of your throat. You gagged a little, a gurgle sound echoing loudly in the room. You tried to pull away but Travis held your head steady for a few seconds longer, his cock twitching in your mouth.
When he finally let you go, your head snapped backwards, leaving you gasping for air. Moisture dripped from the head of his cock and you wiped some away from the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand.
Travis bent down and held your chin, "You took that so well, so good."
You smiled and opened your mouth again.
Travis eyes widened, "Again? You're so cock hungry, princess."
You closed your eyes as he guided himself into your mouth, your lips closing around his length. Travis gave you full control this time, his hands dropping to his sides as you sped up, your head moving back and forth quickly, the loud wet noises making your pussy throb. Travis groaned loudly and as you looked up through your eyelashes to meet his gaze, his eyes rolled backwards and his fists clenched.
You could tell that he was trying to hold off from coming but you continued with your motion, allowing your teeth to gently drag across his skin. You held onto the back of his thighs to help steady yourself and dug your manicured nails into his toned muscles. Travis hissed at the sensation, which only spurred you on. His hips began to thrust a little, desperate to fuck your face so you stopped, allowing him to take a hold of your head and move at his own pace. You held eye contact with him as he snapped his pelvis forward with force. Tears began to form in your eyes and Travis moved his thumb to wipe them away. You widened your mouth and moved your tongue from side to side, spreading your saliva and coating his dick with it. Travis' breathing became laboured and as you were beginning to think that he was about to cum, he stepped back, leaving your mouth open and your eyes narrowed with confusion.
"I want your pussy now."
He helped you up to your feet, kissing your wet lips slowly and guiding you towards the bed. You let go of his hands and moved over to the nightstand, opening the drawer and looking back to Travis with a smile. He watched as you pulled out the diamond butt plug that you had bought a couple of weeks ago and his eyes sparkled with desire when he noticed that you grabbed the small tube of lubricant next to it.
"Well, this is a surprise." His voice was thick with anticipation.
You smiled as you handed them to him, letting him spread the lube onto the shiny metal.
He looked to you for clarification, "You sure, baby."
You kneeled onto the bed and placed a finger onto his lips, "Shut up and fuck me."
Travis grinned as you turned around and rested your chest against the soft bedspread, arching your ass into the air, presenting yourself to him. The cool metal teased your tight asshole, the tip rolling against it and smearing a think layer of the lube onto your skin. Your clit throbbed from the sensation and you widened your knees, your pussy lips opening for him. Travis reached his hand under you and his fingers latched onto your clit, rubbing it in small circles and pushing the plug further.
You exhaled slowly, the slight sting of pain radiating through your body. Travis quickly spat onto your ass, the drool running down your cheeks and on the puckered skin. With a slow and gentle force, the plug settled itself inside of your asshole and you sighed with pleasure at the feeling of it stretching you. Travis continued to play with your pussy, your folds wet and pulsating. You felt a sharp pain on your skin and as you looked over your shoulder, you saw Travis sucking and biting down on your ass cheek. You cried out when he pushed two fingers into your pussy, curling them upwards to graze against your g-spot. He pumped his fingers at a painfully slow pace, causing you to squirm against the mattress, your knees beginning to weaken. Your arms rested either side of you and you balled up the sheets in your fists, squeezing through the sheer indulgence of being pleasured by Travis.
Your pussy suddenly felt empty when Travis pulled his fingers out, leaning back to admire your quivering thighs. Your legs collapsed down and Travis gently rolled you over, stroking his dick with your juices and positioning himself on top of you. Your vision was blurred slightly and your mind felt foggy from the pleasure. You whined in anticipation and Travis teased you by waiting at your entrance for a few seconds. You hooked your leg around his back and dug your heel into his ass cheek, forcing his dick inside of you with a loud gasp. Travis' head reeled backwards and he groaned through gritted teeth as he pounded into you with impressive stamina. He grabbed at your other leg and pulled it up and over his shoulder so that he was able to grind deeper into you, the top of his shaft massaging your clit. Your eyes stared into his, a warm tightness building in your core. Travis persevered with relentless speed and you held onto his strong arms that were planted either side of your head.
Your face contorted as you rode the huge wave of pleasure that washed over you, the tightness in your core building and building quickly. You squealed and clenched your walls around Travis as you came with force, his thrusting causing your orgasm to squirt out onto his chest. Travis slowed a little as he looked down and smiled to see your cum glistening on his skin.
"That's my good girl."
Travis stroked your hair gently and watched as you panted with short sharp breaths, your walls twitching around his cock.
"That felt...so good, baby." You said, breathlessly.
"You got another in you?" Travis said with a smirk.
You gasped for air, "What?"
Travis began to thrust again, slowly at first but as your eyes rolled back into you head, he hastened. Your entire body turned limp as he fucked you hard, your mouth gaping open and a high pitched squeal ringing out into the room. You had barely recovered from your first orgasm, but here Travis was, encouraging another one out of you. Looking up at him, you watched as his complexion turned red from exertion, but his impressive stamina continued. You tried to lift your arms up to hold onto his body but every muscle was weakening. Every inch of your skin was tingling, as if jolts of electricity were charging through you. Travis' force was continuous, barely allowing you time to catch your breath between each vigorous thrust. A sudden rush of pleasure charged to your core and with a loud guttural scream, your orgasm fully took over you. Travis powered through as cum spilled from you, your thighs contracting and shuddering.
Travis exhaled loudly, as if he had been holding his breath and moved some hair away from your forehead, the sweat causing the strands to stick in place. His stomach was slick with your cum, drops landing down onto the bed as he lifted his torso up slightly to admire the large wet patch that had already formed. You turned your head to plant a kiss onto Travis' arm when a gentle hum caused you to look up at him.
Travis lowered his eyebrows, "My turn now."
He smiled and kissed your forehead before pushing his cock deeper into you, the tip pressing against your cervix. You winced a little at the pain but took a deep breath and relaxed your muscles. He quickly pulled out and rolled you onto your side, settling down behind you. You could feel his erection pushing into your back and as he lifted your leg and hooked it over his elbow, his dick sliding inside of you with ease. You let out a low moan and Travis' hand snaked around your waist and reached up for your left breast, tweaking your nipple with his fingers. You fully relaxed into his grip, your leg wobbling back and forth with each thrust. His fingers were leaving red marks on your chest as he vigorously gripped your skin and you felt the familiar tightness of yet another orgasm.
"Fuck, fuck...Travis. I'm going to cum again. Holy shit!" You yelled.
Before you could completely release yourself again, Travis rolled onto his back and lifted you onto his lap with his strong arms. He positioned you with your back to him and he reached forward, pulling the butt plug out. His hands ran over your ass cheeks, spreading them apart and kneading the soft flesh. You leaned forward slightly and placed your hands on his thighs in an attempt to hold yourself steady, lifting your body up and hovering over his cock. Travis assisted by holding it at the base and aimed for your pussy but you paused, angling your hips forward and pressing his head against your asshole.
Travis swallowed loudly, "Oh fuck."
Slowly, you lowered yourself onto him, the residual lubricant for the plug and your own juices making it easier. Travis' breathing became stuttered as he watched himself stretch your ass, his jaw dropping open in awe. You breathed slowly and deeply, trying to fully relax and adjust to the feeling.
"You're so tight. This feels so good." Travis mumbled with a growl.
You began to bounce on Travis' cock once you were comfortable, leaving about an inch free at the base due to his large size. You felt Travis' hands running over your body hungrily, desperate to feel you. He grabbed onto your hair and pulled it back slightly, causing you to lean back and the new angle sent a ripple of pleasure across your whole body. You vocalised your enjoyment which only spurred Travis along and you felt him sit up, his free hand wrapping itself around your throat. You gasped as he tightened his grip, a pressure building in your face and tears filling your eyes for the second time. You felt your pussy begin to burn, electricity pulsating across your clit. Cum poured out from you, dripping onto the insides of Travis' thighs and seeping down his cock. Travis' breathy groans were tickling your neck and as you gurgled and croaked, his hips snapped upwards. He released his grip and fell back onto the bed as his warm load filled your asshole.
His thigh muscles softened and you lifted yourself up, cum dripping out of you and onto Travis' stomach. He reached for the towel that was folded up neatly on the leather chair next to the bed and cleaned himself up. Your legs were shaking as you tried to stand up from the bed, causing you to look at Travis and laugh.
He smiled warmly, "Come here, princess."
You carefully crawled next to him and lazily rested your arm on his chest, your head positioned on his shoulder.
"Well, I thought winning an award was the best feeling in the world."
Travis' chest rose as he laughed, "Damn right, baby!"
His fingers drew circles onto your arm, causing your eyes to flutter closed. Travis moved slightly so he could see your face when he noticed your breathing slowing down.
"Hey now, we gotta get you cleaned up!"
You sighed, "But it's so comfortable here!"
"You'll thank me later, trust me."
You looked up at him and smiled, "I'm so lucky to have you."
Travis shook his head and kissed your forehead, "No, baby. I'm the lucky one...I love you with every beat of my heart. I just can't get enough of you."
"I love you too, Travis. More than you'll ever realise."
I don't think I need to say anything. Just...let's just leave this here.
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae @kristencochefski1125 @countrygirl120983 @charmed2000 @nouis-bum @cixrosie @delicateearthquakellama @wordsaresimple-imnot @amylouwho9 @queenisa17 @talicat713 @luvvtrent @purecinnamonextract @savaneafricaine @caelipartem @beyxgrande @caitdaniels @ezgirl1108 @vir-tual @lightsoutstyles @macey234 @s294749w @kelcemesoftly @calirindo @livinginmyfantasies @bernelflo @secretmywritingfictionlawyer @killatravtramp @there-goes-thefighter @unicornblueberry @calirindo @tjkelce87 @kristinamae093 @kmc1989 @ajbird18
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senseichaos · 8 months
Howdy howdy! I ADORED "You Can't Run. Hell. You Can't Even Hide" The balance between absolute fear, dizzy hypnotic confusion, and wide eyed admiration that the reader character holds for Vox is immaculate! Also them calling him Mister Vox is just Chef's kiss (it is WAY too hard to find xReader fics or even just fics in general where the honorific is Mister (C/N) and I love every one I find). The clothing change moment was probably my favorite, I'll always be a sucker for the representation of being broken and rebuilt in someone's image combined with the gift of pretty clothes. I keep going back to reread the whole story.
I know it's a oneshot, but since your requests are open, I figured I'd shoot my shot and ask if you would make a part two where Mister Vox just wrecks us, preferably sexually. We did leave off on him finding us trying to run away, do we not deserve to be punished for such an offense after all he's done for us? I also would love to see if/how much Vox has to push us to slowly become happy to be his, if that's something he wants (I could imagine having a rowdy unwilling runaway as his possession would get frustrating after awhile and be terrible for his image). There's honestly so much potential for what could happen next, and even though I could stew in my imagination, I would very much love to be at the mercy of your interpretation of the funky TV man a little longer.
That said, take your time, I know you've gotten a huge influx of Hazbin requests, hell I wouldn't be surprised if someone else already requested something similar to what I requested. I also understand if you can't/don't want to fulfill this request for any reason, that's what makes it a request. No matter what, you're an amazing writer and I hope you have a wonderful day!
AAAAAAH!! I love you sm! When I saw this request I knew I had to do it at some point! I'm giving you the name 💙 anon from now on so if you request again I know it's you!
Forever and always
(part 2 to: You can't run. Hell, you can't hide either)
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Summary: After that day you attempted to escape from Vox, you had become somewhat accustomed to this new life you are forced to be living. Or you were until Vox gives you your first day off, causing you to find something out that would change how you live forever.
Genre: Smut, Angst, Horror (?)
Warnings: Non-Con, Yandere behavior, Possessive behavior, Sadism, Masochism, Electric shocks, Mind control, Drugging, Love potion, Vox is an asshole, Hurtful language, forced, gilded cage, soul contracts, unprotected sex (DONT), Vox owns reader, dacryphilia, let me know if I missed any!!
(not proof read)
That day you attempted to escape from your gilded cage you wished to escape again, though vox had managed to continue his control. Even when he tugged you back by your electric leash you felt that horrid sinking feeling. This was it. For the rest of eternity as you know it Vox has you. He owns you, your soul, your body, your life; or well, lack thereof. You couldn't run from him no matter what you did, he practically controls the pride ring, keeping you tethered there like a puppy on a leash is simple to him. He has eyes everywhere. You cannot hide anywhere.
Recently Mister Vox has become a lot more... Touchy. Those fleeting touches of his fingers against your back, poking against your chin, pressing into your neck, swiping against your bottom, touching against your bosom. There is an odd burning feeling to it, you don't want to enjoy Mister Vox touching you in such ways, you don't want to enjoy it when he sucks his teeth at you or licks his tongue against his gums. But you do. You can't quench that desire. Especially when he'd moved you into his room from your apartment building. He hadn't made you share a bed with him, thank Lucifer, but he had made you sleep near enough to him that you can tell when he's.. pleasuring himself. Almost as if he wants you to hear him.
You and Mister Vox have never been better, besides from such hurdles. You stay obedient no matter how badly you wish to escape his arms. To cut all of his tight bounds on your body and run away. You'd figure out how, one day, you would.
"Good morning my dear! Did you have a gratifying sleep?" This is how most mornings go, Mister Vox will wake you with a poke if your side and a coffee in hand, already fully dressed and done up. You've always considered yourself a light sleeper, so you never know how he manages to make you a coffee every morning without so much as stirring you awake. You smile, nodding softly as you pry your eyes from his two dimensional face.
"Thank you Mister Vox, uhm.. did you have a good sleep as well?" You ask, taking a sip of the perfectly made coffee. Vox smiles, nodding as he takes a seat on the side of your bed.
"Of course, my dear. So, I know you have been working very hard recently... So I've decided to give you the day off!" Mister Vox declares, outstretching his hands as he gives you a manic smile. A day off? Why? This has to be a test. he's just going to leave you.. alone? For a whole day? This has to be fake, a joke, a flook.
"Oh my dear don't look so surprised! You've been a very good girl recently so I thought you deserved a day off," Mister Vox pauses, looking up at the roof for a second before peering back at you. "Now don't think this means we don't have rules, you are to stay in here for the day. If you want to go shopping I have to accompany you, alright? But I do have an appointment in an hour so it won't be for long,"
"Remember, I have eyes everywhere.."
You laugh awkwardly, shrinking into your own figure.
"I know Mister Vox.. I wouldn't forget," You can't stop that sorrow from entering your voice, but quickly you put on that mask of a smile once again. Mister Vox clasps his hands together, that red dripping from his maw again. "Great! Now I'll see you soon, be a good girl for me, hm?" He says, ruffling your hair atop your head with a condescending gaze.
"Yes Mister Vox," you reply simply, watching as he disappears in Into a blue line of electricity, shooting into the camera.
Fuck. Now what?
You can't remember the last time you were given this type of freedom, even if it wasn't a lot of freedom. Often you were tethered to Vox's side. Everyone in the building knows that you belong to Vox. Everyone outside of the building probably knows this, too.
There's this odd feeling in your stomach, this odd feeling as if you were floating. It happened every time you drank your morning coffee, but you'd always assumed it was just that feeling of awakening from slumber. But today, oh today it is stronger than ever before. It's as if you can feel every nerve in your body be rewired, every single hair on your body stand on end. Every sensation is doubled.
What the fuck was in this coffee? What is this euphoria? What is this yearning.. this yearning for Vox? You suddenly wish he was here, with you, holding you, calling you his good girl.. m
Shaking your head to rid yourself of such thoughts, you stand from your bed, fixing the large blue shirt you wear (that vox often asks you to wear when you sleep) as you walk to the kitchen.
The kitchen in Mister Vox's room is a large area just off to the side of his desk space, lined with many kitchen appliances and red cabinets. You are determined to figure out what he's putting in your coffee, what's making you feel so emotional. Needy. Awful. You scan the room, finding the coffee machine in the corner of the room with a couple bags next to it. Coffee, sugar, creamer... Nothing suspicious yet, it seems. Crouching down, you look open the cabinets beneath the coffee machine. Looking through the half full area.
Then you saw it, a small vial hidden behind a spare bag of creamer labeled 'Valentino and Velvette: Love potion'.
Terror shoots through you, causing you to drop the vial to the floor. It shatters everywhere, leaving the pink liquid to seep into the tiles below. He's drugging you. All this time, you feeling this want for him, burning at his touch, listening to him as he jerks himself off late at night. You wanting him to do things to you. It's all part of his plan to make you his, completely. To make you want to be his.
Burning tears fall down your cheeks, humoring you as you stand on shaky legs from the tile. What do you do? Now more than ever you want an out, a loophole, a way to take your soul back from his greedy claws. Anxiety, terror, hurt, worry, pain.
You want to prevent yourself from doing anything drastic, you really do. But all you can feel is this pain, this pain as you run on your feet to the balcony door. Trying your hardest to pry open the doors as they rattle loudly, shaking them, pulling them, pushing them. This evil man can't keep you here for any longer. You'd do anything to leave, ruin yourself for him, do something awful, make yourself less attractive to him.
Nausea. Headache. Your knees buckle as an electric blue overtakes your vision. What is this? You can't breathe, Vox. Vox. Help. Your head clouds, words fill your brain and you feel yourself being wrapped up by sharp claws. You can't scream. Help me. Please.
"You really think it's that easy?" Mister Vox.
"I can't believe I trusted you alone, even for a minute. After all I've done for you, as well. After I gave you a life some would dream for. Stupid girl." He sounds mad, horridly mad. Regretful. Throbbing takes over your body as sound waves film your ears. You can feel him lift you into his arms, placing you down onto a soft surface harshly.
"How am I supposed to make you understand this? You're mine,"
Your vision slowly comes back, until all you can see is him as he stares at you from above. His eyes are dark, domineering, needing. He's ready to take. What is he doing? All you can feel is his claw as it travels up your middle, between the valley of your breasts, stopping at the middle of your neck.
"Now, my dear? Are you going to let me teach you a lesson? For being such a brat?" You gasp, feeling his hand as it circles around your neck, effectively taking some air from your lungs. You shake your head, attempting to move your heavy legs from him with wet teary eyes.
"Nonono! Get off, please, get off!" You cry, writhing in his grasp. He sighs, rolling his eyes as he clicks his fingers. Suddenly a pulse of electricity goes through you, causing a shock to blur your eyes and pull a scream from you.
"Every time you try anything I'm shocking you, Dove. Don't try to escape from me, it's not going to work," he grins, laughing at your frightened teary eyes. "I can do whatever I want to you, my dear! I fucking own you!!" He growls, using his hand that isn't around your neck to push your thighs to your chest, revealing your bare pussy from beneath your oversized shirt.
"No please.. I'll do anything..?"
"Oh I'm sorry dear, but this is what I want more than anything right now.. maybe you should have thought of this before making such a racket and alerting everyone in the building, hm?" He says, dragging his clawed finger through your building wetness. He finally takes his hand from your neck, instead using it to keep your thighs in place as he pinches your clit between his sharp claws.
"Ah! Mister Vox.. hurts..!" You wail, wiping your tears from your eyes as he continues to abuse your sensitive bud between his fingers. He chuckles looking up at you as you gasp in pain.
"Hah! Wail all you want, dear, no one can save you." Vox guffaws, finally taking his claws from your clit. Only to plunge them into your aching hole without warning. You moan out, feeling the sharpness of them inside of you as he curls his fingers into your g-spot.
Mister Vox revels in your wails of pain and pleasure, fucking you with his clawed fingers harsh and fast. His claws are surely are scratching you from the Inside, he can tell by the way your hands tremble and clasp over your lips.
You can't help but feel good. This masochism of yours that forces it's way into you. Every scratch of his fingers inside of you just makes you want to cum. You can't give him that satisfaction, you can't let him know that you are enjoying every second of his claws thrusting inside of you. This is awful. You hate it. You hate that you love it.
"Is my little dove enjoying this? Awe.. to scared to admit you fucking love this?" Vox laughs sadistically, giving you an extremely harsh thrust of his fingers into your g-spot. You squeal, vision going white for a moment as his fingers go at this manic speed. You feel your orgasm build, wishing to break through the walls and release. But you can't let it, you won't let him have that. You'll never let him have that feeling knowing he's won.
"If you don't cum I'll fucking ruin you, dove."
You gasp and choke on saliva, clawing on the bedsheets below as he forces you to orgasm. There's no getting out. He knows that you are trying not to cum. And he won't let it happen.
"Yes.. Mister Vox.." you say softly, hole clenching around his fingers as your orgasm crashes over you in waves. Vox makes sure to drag it out, giving you slow rhythmic thrusts of his fingers to watch your body contract and writhe with pleasure.
"Good dove, listening to commands for me," He says softly, stroking the side of your cheek as he kneels between your legs. You want to pull away, but once again that burning and yearning feeling fills you. That stupid potion had an effect, and you can tell. From the way you feel a dizzy want when he looks at you to the wetness that continues to build between your thighs.
"Now, I'm going to fuck you so hard.." He laughs so himself, smiling crazily as he presses his hand to his face. "I'm gonna fuck you SO FUCKING hard, you won't even remember who I am anymore! How does that sound, my little slut?" Your lower lip wobbles as more tears threaten to fall from your eyes.
"Awful.." you whisper.
Another strong electric shock goes through you, causing you to scream out Mister Vox's name in pain as your body is left shaking and aching.
From the corner of your eye, you see Vox unzipping his fly.
"Wrong answer! Haha! Wrong fucking answer stupid slut," He growls, pressing the tip of his cock to your hole without a care. There something wrong with him, he's acting more crazy than ever before. He's getting off on your fear, getting off on your pain, getting off on knowing you can't do anything but be his.
With a loud slap, Vox sinks his entire length into you. You scream, clutching onto the bedsheets for dear life as he looms over you. He doesn't even give you a moment to let you rest, immediately setting a ruthless pace with his hips into yours. Every thrust causes your vision to go spotty with the pure force he drives his hips with, groaning with every thrust as he stares completely into your face as it scrunches in a pleasurable pain.
"S'too much! M-Mister vox It hurts!" You cry, reaching out to press your hands against his shoulders, clawing into his coat. You don't even care anymore, you want at least a small bit of comfort from these strong unforgiving thrusts. Vox chuckles at this, leaning down closer so he can capture your lips in a (forced) yet passionate kiss.
His long electric blue tongue immediately finds its way into your gob, passionately fornicating it against your own as his thrusts send you into a sort of floaty state. Vox maps the entirety of your mouth, tasting every crevice of you from your lips to the back of your throat. He thrusts almost ravenously like a dog, tip of his cock sometimes painfully pressing against your cervix.
Pulling away, Mister Vox looks Into your eyes, revelling in the way you claw at his back. You whimper and moan loudly, eyes fluttering closed as a tear falls down your cheek. He kisses it away, looking up at your closed eyes with a grin.
"Open your eyes, dove. Look at me while I fuck you." You cry out, opening your eyes for him so you can see him look at you with pleasure.
"Y-yes Mister- Ah! Vox.."
He chuckles, thrusting into you extremely hard. You can see the bulge of his cock in your stomach, poking against your skin in such a way you almost want to touch it.
"I'd fucking breed you if I could, fill your filthy cunt with all my little babies so then you can't even dream of leaving.. but I can imagine," Vox rambles, taking your cheek into his hand so he can look at you longingly- and almost affectionately. If it weren't for the position you're in you'd almost be enjoying this moment.
"Mister Vox!" You cry, back arching as your orgasm begins to prod at your stomach.
"Hm?" He asks, grunting as he thrusts into you.
"Can I cum? Please! Please please please.." You beg, legs quivering wildly. Vox chuckles, giving you an adoring look as you bite your lower lip.
"Awe look at you! Asking Mister Vox to cum and everything.." Vox begins, biting his lip as you sputter on a moan. "Of course you can, dove. Let go so I can fuck my cum into you.."
You scream his name when you cum, digging your nails so hard into his back you're sure his coat has tears in it.
You'd given up. Well and truly. You wouldn't admit it. But you've finally accepted it. You belong to Mister Vox. Forever and always.
Forever and Always.
Vox gives you one last thrust, emptying his cum into you with a moan from his own lips. Eyebrows furrowed in pleasure, Vox drags out his orgasm by serving you a few more small quick thrusts, making sure every last drop is inside of you.
But when he has, he doesn't pull out.
"Mister Vox.. pull out.." you whimper, wiggling your hips against him.
"Haha! As if. I said i'd fuck my cum into you, didn't I? I haven't done that yet.. okay?" He asks, stroking a hand through your hair.
"Yes Mister Vox."
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archangeldyke-all · 9 months
Hey ! It's my first request ever, so I'm not sure how it work. If you're not confortable with it, feel free to don't respond. I'm kinda obsess with an AMAB Sevika, can you write reader discovering a surprise pregnancy with a sex friend/flirt/crush Sevika ?
I like the way you make her express her feelings, it's pretty accurate with Arcane. Feel free for them to keep the baby or not. Thank you so much and thank you for your work. ^^
sure!!! i got another very similar request too so i'll combine them :)
Amab sevika really be curing my depression
Maybe reader and vika are married and trying for a baby? 🥺🥺 amab sevika is my beloved and I'd die for her
men and minors dni
you guys have been trying to get pregnant for about six months now.
a lot of it's been fun. flipping through baby books together in bed, sending each other videos of cute babies on social media, and the actual baby making process is a blast.
but some of it's hard.
sevika's stopped taking her estrogen to get her sperm count back up. as a result, she's been horribly dysphoric.
you've caught her crying several times, standing in front of the mirror with a pair of tweezers in her hands, her chest irritated from the plucking and picking she'd done. she's become obsessive in shaving her face, doing it two or three times a day. her metabolism's gotten faster without the estrogen, and the 20 or so pounds of extra padding she'd put on her thighs and hips since she started e years ago is starting to fade away.
you try your best to make her feel better, insist that you guys could always try ivf instead, but she's determined to do it 'the old fashioned way.' so, you just hold her when her dysphoria takes hold, pressing kisses to her hair, reminding her you'd love her with a full beard just as much as you love her now.
it's been hard on you too. the more time that goes by without a successful pregnancy, the more you feel like your body's betraying you.
how many times did you and sevika have a pregnancy scare at the beginning of your relationship, before you were ready for kids? hundreds. but now that you're actively trying, your period is as regular as it can possibly be.
you've decided that if you go another month without any success, you're going to throw in the towel and ask your obgyn about ivf. you can't take much more disappointment, and you don't like seeing sevika so depressed all the time.
but then, something happens.
it starts with your tits getting sore.
for a week straight, they're tender to the touch, sore by the end of the night when you take your bra off. you know it's one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, but you don't say anything, not wanting to get your hopes up.
but then you start getting sick in the mornings. you can't hide this from sev, and she's squirming with excitement beside you as she rubs your back while you spew your guts into the toilet below.
"this is amazing." she says, giddy. you groan.
"real amazing sev, i'm feeling great." you say sarcastically. she giggles and presses a kiss to your head.
"i'm sorry, honey." she whispers. you giggle and reach out to hold her hand as another bout of nausea overtakes you.
your period is a day late.
and then two.
you know this. you know sevika knows this. but neither of you say anything, too scared to jinx it.
but when two days becomes three, and then three becomes a full week, you start getting excited.
you don't tell sevika you buy a pregnancy test-- not wanting to disappoint her if it's negative. but you do buy one, and you take it an hour before sevika's meant to get home.
it's positive. you nearly pass out from excitement.
sevika comes home to dinner on the table and flowers in the kitchen.
you sit on her lap the second she sits down, swinging your arms around her shoulders.
she's smiling like she already knows, but she's biting her lip-- worried that she's wrong.
"i got two surprises for you." you say.
"two?!" she asks, her hands clawing into your hips. you smile.
"two." you say, nodding.
you reveal the syringe full of her estrogen to her, raising your eyebrows at her. she blinks.
"what's that?" she asks. you laugh.
"'s only been a few months sev, y' already forgot what your e looks like?" you tease her. she blinks and gulps as you wipe a cool alcohol wipe over her bicep, pinching the skin and bringing the needle up to her arm. you smile at her.
"but what about--"
"don't ruin the second surprise." you scold her as you inject the needle into her muscle, pushing her hormones in and watching as her eyes go wide and sparkly.
she doesn't even notice the sting of the needle-- she's usually such a wimp about it, but tonight, she's got all her attention focused on you.
"does that mean-- are you--"
"pregnant?" you ask as you gently place a bandaid over the tiny puncture wound. sevika's breath catches in her throat and her eyes get watery. you place a kiss on top of the bandage, keeping your eyes locked on hers. sevika's breathing is shaky, tears already streaming down her cheeks. you lean up to kiss them up. "you're gonna be a momma, sev." you whisper against her cheek.
at the words, sevika bolts out of her chair, holding you in her arms and running you to the bedroom. you laugh the whole way.
sevika slams you (gently) down onto the bed before jumping on top of you. one of her hands goes to hold your stomach, the other comes up to cup your cheek.
"are you serious?!" she whispers. you smile and nod, your own tears welling in your eyes.
"took three tests. all positive." you say. sevika whimpers, then swoops down to kiss you.
she fucks you like she's trying to get you pregnant again.
and then, when you're done and she's holding you in your arms, her hand still on your stomach, the both of you catching your breaths, the first thing she says is, "what do you think about athena as a girls name?"
"goddess of war!?" you ask, laughing. "absolutely not. i'm not dealing with another little fighter in the house." you say. sevika giggles.
"but it's badass! nobody'd fuck with her." she says, pouting at you. you laugh. sevika gasps. "she just kicked!" she says, pointing at your belly. you laugh even harder. "she loves it! we have to name her athena now!" she says, teasing.
you groan and push her face away as she chuckles. "you're fuckin' ridiculous." you say between your giggles. sevika grins.
"i love you so much." she whispers, tears forming in her eyes again. your laughter ceases, a sweet watery smile taking its place.
"i love you too." you whisper.
sevika grins and swoops down to kiss your stomach.
"love you too, little fucker." she whispers to your belly.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
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adobe-outdesign · 3 months
are there any neopets/colors/combinations thereof you have a really strong opinions about but haven’t had the chance to review?
(I'll do Peophins for this one as I feel like I like them more than most and there's no requests in for them right now.)
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I'm always amazed that Peophins aren't more popular than they are. They are one of the most beautiful 'pets by far—Neopets as a whole have pretty stocky, chunky anatomy, but Peophins are abnormally thin proportionally, and surprisingly anatomically accurate to real horses compared to something like the Uni. This gives them a natural elegance, which a lot of colours build upon.
Peophins are also really strong conceptually, taking inspiration from mythologies like the hippocampus. Even if you don't know what that is, the mere idea of an aquatic horse with a tail instead of back legs and fins along their ears is a very unique and easy design to grasp. Little things like the plates on their snouts also add to the uniqueness of the design.
The only thing that's bad about Peophins (other than the fact that underwater Neopets like them don't get much NPC rep) is that their basic colours are kind of terrible. They have the base color and yellow accents, but then turn around and have a really off-putting second color for the mane and a random green spot on their forehead gem, creating a mess of a palette. It would've been much better if the green gem was either yellow or the base color, and the mane was a neutral lighter tone. Thankfully, most other Peophin colors fix this issue.
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Peophins benefited heavily from conversion, as their old art was extremely dated. In addition to overall art quality, the anatomy was also improved to be less lumpy and things like the ears and mane were improved proportionally.
Favorite Colours:
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Tyrannian: Tyrannian's caveman-like designs are not something I'd usually refer to as pretty, but the Peophin knocks it out of the park. The dark streak down the back and the underbelly combined with the fur makes it look a lot more like a prehistorical seal-esq creature, and little details like the mask being made out of stone are perfect. The mane is also quite pretty and adds a much needed pop of color.
Both the UC and converted versions are great, though I'll give the UC a minor edge for having a slightly more unique shape to the ears/fins and having the tail elements be more visible.
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Royal: What I like about royal Peophins is that they take the idea of the Peophin's head plate and gem and expand on it, both by wrapping it around the ears to make a kind of crown and by adding lots of complimentary jewelry. I also like how the robes flow nicely with the body and make logical sense for an underwater creature. Both the royal girl and boy are good and match each other well, though between the two I do like the royal girl a bit more just because of the lovely palette.
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Stealthy: Slightly unusual for a ninja colour but still very cool, the stealthy Peophin feels like it was also made with the water in mind. Lose-fitting cloth ninja robes are replaced with water-friendly mesh, and there's a bunch of metal holding bands that compliment the usual head plating. I also think that it's neat that they have a tie around their mouth similar to the reins of a normal horse. Also, the unclothed base, while much simpler, is also pretty nice.
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BONUS: I'm normally of the opinion that faerie pets are best with markings, whether they be swirls, layers of color, or speckles, so that they're not just a normal Neopet with wings attached. However, while I would've loved to see some light pink swirls around the hooves and tail of the faerie Peophin, it still looks really nice. This is mostly because the lavender base is complimented by pink and silver accents, making it different than a basic Peophin.
Also, the UC/styled version is stunning; the pose is super fluid, the shading is really good, and the slightly different, more defined anatomy in the face really adds something. The converted version is still nice enough, but the wings are a bit too small and washed out color-wise, having lost the yellow dots in them.
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They also screwed up the wing shape a bit; it's easier to see in the original Battledome poses, but the wings are one single wing that should run down the back rather then overlapping. They only overlap in the styled art because of the perspective on the tail that isn't present in the converted version.
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asirensrequiem · 3 days
Why are Anthony and husk living with alastor and why hasn’t he killed em yet?
I’m sensing he has a soft spot for nifty, Anthony and husk
Anthony and Husk live next door in their apartment complex! Husk in this universe has simply seen too much and Alastor is aware of this. Husk, knowing that Al is a threat, obeys his requests without question and isn't afraid of getting his hands a bit dirty.
Niffty lives on the bottom floor of the building and works as a maid/room service. I imagine she found traces of Alastors nightly activities while cleaning his apartment and spoke up about it. Alastor attempted to threaten her, but she seemed unfazed and almost excited. So in turn she offered her services to assist him for... whatever Niffty's reasons are haha!
I definitely feel that over the years, Alastor has grown quite fond of the both of them and would definitely be torn if something were to happen to them.
I haven't had much of an opportunity to show the layout of the buildings, rooms, and the town in general, nor do I think I will since I want to focus more on that sweet sweet romance and lore, but I may post a map or layout picture at some point for different locations in between chapters~
I'll provide a brief description of some of the places we've visited thus far: Alastor lives on the top floor of an apartment complex. The unit itself consists of 3 rooms (4 if you count a bathroom). The first room is the combined kitchen and living room directly when you walk in the door as shown in "Meet".
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Pretty everything in the unit is connected to this room. I have never been too great at backgrounds but hopefully this comic will slowly change that lol.
The next room would be the bedroom. This room is located in the attic. The ladder that Lucifer fell down can be folded up and closed like an attic. The way the ladder goes into the kitchen is similar to how it is in Miraculous Ladybug if any of y'all get me--
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The roof of the bedroom is slightly slanted and there is a window above a desk that was positioned out of frame from the already shown shot of this room. There is a queen-sized bed, a bedside table, and a closet in the corner, also out of show from what has been shown thus far.
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The rest of the apartment has not shown up yet, but it will be where a lot of scenes take place so that will be shown more and more throughout the chapters~ The remaining rooms are the obligatory bathroom and Alastor's radio studio. I will not share too much about said studio since it will be making an appearance next chapter ;) I WILL however share that there is a step-out balcony attached to the apartment as well.
More information about Husk and Anthony will pop up here and there and I do want to do a few Huskerdust mini-episodes ;) The town layout will be a project and a half if I am to solidify it, but I am more concerned about the fluff, angst, and ROMANCE!! I think the most solidified part of the town layout is that it is slightly elevated above the ocean shore with rock walls around the beach so you take stairs to get on and off of the beach. This gives me a bit more freedom in some plot points is all :))
ANYWAY thank you for the questions, I kinda went on a rant, but hopefully, this answers some unspoken questions as well. It's hard to convey EVERYTHING I want to in each panel and chapter so I am always open to clarification post releases! This is the kind of stuff that keeps motivating me and I frikkin love you guys for that! TvT
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Idk how this works exactly but what about a headcanon for Aemond with a female reader/lady who does divination, astrology etc ? Also, if they get married do you think Alys will still happen and if so, for what reason ? (i guess this taps more into Married!Aemond but hey, it is my first time requesting HCs...sooooorry if I did it wrong :( ) THX - fyi you are literally my favorite writer, like I get so freakin immersed in your stories and the way you write them...jesus lawwddd
See through you Headcanon
[ Aemond x clairvoyant! • fem!original character]
[warnings: mention of sex, angst, smut]
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[I'm combining this headcanon with a request from one Anons for a similar female character, who befriends Helaena and surrounds herself with ravens, and I'll use it here. I loved this idea! ]
Aemond first meets her when she and her father-lord come to King's Landing for Aegon and Helaena's wedding. Aemond immediately notices, how she is dressed - black and gold, long, suede, matte robes, gold ornaments around her neck and hair. He will think, she looks like a lifted goddess of victory.
She pays no attention to him, only to his sister. Aemond notices them talking to each other. He is surprised to learn a few days later, that Helaena wants to keep her as a lady-in-waiting. Aemond decides, that the girl has his sister wrapped around her finger and he does not trust her.
That only changes, when one day Aemond sees one of her ravens perch on her shoulder. He is intrigued by the way, that she tamed the animal and that it obeys all her commands. She notices him but doesn't even greet him, humiliating him and making him think even worse of her.
More and more of the keep's servants begin to talk amongst themselves about the girl being a witch. Rumors also reach the prince's ears. Wanting to get back at her in some way and make her submit, he summons her to his chamber and orders her to predict his future.
She then smiles in a way, that makes him anxious and sits down at the table, while he stands by the window, looking over his shoulder at her, watching her every move. He sees her spreading the cards on the table and feels a surge of excitement, that she really may say something, that will affect his future decisions.
The girl finally reveals a few cards in front of her, placing them face up, looking at them in silence. After a while she speaks, and for the first time he hears the sound of her melodious, calm, warm voice:
"You will have a chance to kill the one you want revenge on, but it will not bring you the desired fulfillment. You will destroy everything you have built that day. Through one wrong decision, you orphan your child and leave your widowed wife only a year after your marriage."
Enraged by her words, he tells her to get out, calling her a liar and a pretender. She just replies to him calmly, that his future is not yet decided and he can still change it. She smiles, as she tells him not to be so cruel with his future wife, who will bring him so much joy, that he has no idea about.
He decides, that she is being cheeky in wanting to manipulate him into marriage, by only telling him, what she wanted him to believe. Several times, however, her prophecies about his mother and Aegon come true, and he, like it or not, pays more and more attention to her. She's not trying to seduce him, but the thought of what she's told him, haunts him.
One day he comes to her chamber in the evening, wanting to tell her what he thinks of her, knowing deep down, that he really wanted something completly diffirent. When he pushes her against the wall and lifts her dress, she doesn't budge. He tells her she's a con, a liar, a whore who thinks she's smarter than everyone else. She tells him, warmly and calmly, to do what he came to do. It throws him off balance. He turns her to face the wall, pulls down his pants, takes her hips in his hands, and starts fucking her like it's the last day of his life.
When he hears her sweet, soft moans, he can't help but gasp along with her. He can't understand, how she can be so wet for him, not to be afraid of him, not to run from him. He sinks into her hot, tight insided, looking at her face, pressed against the wall, her eyes closed, her mouth parted in indescribable pleasure. He then thinks, on the brink of fulfillment, that she's too beautiful and just cums inside her.
Then he tries to avoid her, but hesitates at the thought, of giving her moon tea. He fears, that he might kill the child, that she spoke of in her prophecy. From the moment he came to her, she did not bother him or talk to him. She treated him as before, which drove him mad with rage.
He began summoning her to his chamber, taking her regularly to his bed, telling himself, that he was only doing it to humiliate her, though he could see, that for her it had nothing to do with this feeling, since she came every time.
When she became pregnant with him, he decided not to make her get rid of the child, his heir, his successor. He announces to his mother, that he wants to marry her. The queen and king try to dissuade him by pointing out their deal with Lord Baratheon, but Aemond confesses to them, that his betrothed is pregnant. They then reluctantly allow their marriage, betrothing Lord Baratheon's youngest daughter to Dareon in return.
After the wedding, Aemond tries to pretend, that she is indifferent to him, that he only did it for their child, but he knows, that's not true. Although he tries to defend himself against it, he really begins to believe in her prophecies, visions and dreams. He listens to them with curiosity and horror, still remembering, what she told him, when she first came to his quarters.
When war breaks out between the Greens and Blacks, he is sent as a messenger on Dareon's behalf to remind Lord Baratheon of his oath. When he meets Luke there, at first he challenges him, wanting to humiliate him. When Luke refuses to duel, Aemond immediately gets on Vhagar and wants to chase him, scare him, show him how weak and worthless he is. Sitting in the rain, he remembers his wife's words and hesitates. He lets out a loud roar in rage and orders Vhagar to fly, turning back towards King's Landing.
I hope that you liked it! In this version he just don't have a chance to meet Alys, so, yes. Here you go, thank you for this request! It's my first headcanon here, to be gentle with me guys. 💖
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96 @diosademuerte
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foxglovepng · 4 months
Random Headcannons 3 🌼🥀
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Requested: naw
Characters: Scarabia + Pomefiore
A/N: I'm getting back into the writing mood yay I'll probably take requests in the future because I am slowly getting over writer's block. I looked up a word in Arabic and if the word is incorrectly translated incorrectly feel free to correct me.
If you liked reblogs and likes are appreciative <3
Knock knock who's there? Autism br br br where the hoes at? not here
I love my Autistic headcanon for Kalim. I also saw a headcanon he has ADHD too. (I forgot the word for ADHD and Autism combined help)
When he's unmedicated Jamil is that one meme of Shinji his stress levels are high. He's practically lived with Kalim so he knows he can get hyper although he pushes through it being used to it.
I headcanon Kalim has sensory issues that mainly have to do with touch. (Mine are sound and taste :skull:)
Since he likes parties and is extremely sociable I feel like sometimes he can get overwhelmed he chills in his sensory swing. I also feel like since he plays the drums he does have backup headphones on hand in case it's too loud.
Jamil tends to calm him down with essential oils (Don't ask me what kind he likes I only know Rosemary, and Cherry blossom)
Jamil drop the hair routine or I'll break your ankles Sangwoo style so you can't dance anymore. I will even report your music-listening account so you are no longer allowed to play hip hop DROP THE ROUTINE RN JAMIL
This is my no 2 pookie bear I love him sm ANYWAYS
I feel like in his alone time Jamil has his own hobbies he hides from Kalim and will go above and beyond just to have them to himself. One of those I feel like is reading romance books (Not the feral ones booktok gooners read) romance is one of the genres he reads I feel like he also reads fantasy. (He has read Pride and Prejudice)
He'd probably also go to art conventions on his spare time. He has a sketchbook and draws on occasion (I think he draws similar to Hyunjin's style)
Him and Kalim speak Arabic and English although I feel like when Jamil wants to cuss someone out or insult someone he will bring the Arabic out.
*Ace messes up a play*
Ace: so um great play
Jamil: اهبل (Google says this means stupid/idiot)
Ace: HUH?
*Throws my genderqueer headcannon at you Eminem style*
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Gender queer Icon Vil.
If I am correct he is referred to as Queen by Rook?? so I believe Vil doesn't really care for pronouns and just simply exists. So Vil would use any pronouns interchangeably.
Also random headcannon but Vil's father is like..famous right? So I feel like he gets insulted and called a Nepo baby.
Peep Epel and Vil get into a fight and Epel calls him a Nepo baby. Oh all hell is breaking loose.
(I also headcannon he'd make an appearance in Eurovision)
I need Frenchie to become a slur so I can shout FRENCHIE at Rook 24/7
This man either has a really good memory or a diary in which he keeps info of students. (Their height, weight, UM, etc) its freaky ngl. AND NOT A GOOD FREAKY WAY.
I saw some art of him and Floyd in the bathroom and he was peeking over the urinal. BRO KEEP YA EYES ON YA JUNK.
I can imagine certain NRC students have a group chat dedicated to slandering Rook.
He probably knows about it :Skull:
Guys this my son <3
I am a firm believer he is an Amish hater.
"I hate the way you talk the way you walk" ahh beat.
From a farmer's perspective I don't think he's 100% vegan, but if you bribe him with bbq he will start foaming at the mouth.
Bro probably listens to Dixon Dallas good looking-
He's also a Dolly Parton and Carrie Underwood fan.
I feel like with people he's close with especially the first years he lets his country accent loose and it will get even looser if someone (or Yuu) has a country accent as well. The rest of the first years will be like "They are speaking in tongues"
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fics4you · 5 months
Can I request a Jeonghan fic maybe with a little bit of angst
We know that he is like a mom to others but he never goes for others for comfort but cries for himself without others noticing so they thinks he is fine but one day he faints during a live so the members are worried or something like that
I'm back everyone!!
Sickie: Jeonghan
Caretaker: seventeen
~slight emeto tw~
I had two Jeonghan fics that were similar enough that I combined them
Jeonghan had been feverish for a few days at this point, but no one else knew, and he fully intended to keep it that way.
He was supposed to film with the rest of the group today, but right now he didn't even want to get out of bed. He was tired, dizzy, shaky, and weak. Anytime he tried to stand up he lost his balance and was forced to sit back down.
As he sat on the edge of his bed, Seungcheol walked past, "Hey Han, are you alright?" The oldest of the group nodded, "just tired" he said, fighting to keep his voice steady, he was dizzy, and his voice had a light tremble to it. Seungcheol raised his eyebrow slightly, "are you sure you're okay?"
"yeah, I'll be down to breakfast in a minute" He assured the leader, he stood up slowly, swaying slightly, but catching himself on his bedside table, he caught his breath and walked slowly, he was clammy, and shaking, his head was spinning and pounding, he swallowed a gag he rubbed his temples. He slowly moved towards his door, walking slowly, hoping to keep himself steady.
As he walked downstairs, he had to hold himself steady against the wall, "hyung, are you alright?" Jeonghan heard Chan's voice. "Yep, just got a little dizzy."
"that's not good. Are you sure you're okay?"
"yeah, just think I'm a little sleepy. Jeonghan said simply. He let go of the wall in an attempt to prove his point, and he walked downstairs as fast as he could go. Trying not to sway, but he was definitely not doing well.
He arrived at the table and sat down, trying not to show he wasn't losing his balance. "jeonghan... Are you okay" Jeonghan was getting sick of answering the same question over and over again. So with the entire group together, he looked at each of them, "yes, I'm okay, I appreciate your concern, but I'm just a little tired, nothing more" he assured them. They seemed to believe him, Jeonghan was glad, he didn't want his members worrying about him.
A while later the group arrived at the filming location, "hey everyone, I'll be right back I need to use the bathroom" Jeonghan said, the combination of the fever, headache, and the swaying of the car had made him nauseous and he was hurrying to find a bathroom before he threw up in front of everyone. He ducked into a one stall bathroom and gagged, his light breakfast spilled between his lips, he coughed and wiped around his mouth with a tissue, he felt awful. He splashed cold water on his face and went back to find his bandmates.
While under the hot filming lights he felt like he was getting cooked, he was dizzier by the second and his thoughts were fuzzy. As he stood there he saw black dots dance in his vision, he swayed on the spot.
Seungkwan was standing closest to Jeonghan when the eldest made a soft sound, between a cry and. a whimper. After the soft sound, the eldest dropped to the ground without hesitation or warning. Seungkwan and Joshua attempted to catch Jeonghan, but were only able to slow him down so he didn't hit the floor full force.
Once he was laying on the floor a staff member brought a blanket, which was instead used as a pillow, Seungcheol was quick to notice the high fever Jeonghan was sporting. After what felt like a very long time, Jeonghan's eyes fluttered open, once he noticed he was surrounded by his bandmates, he tried to quickly sit up, but ended up swaying and ended up falling backwards, much to his dismay, the maknae was the one to catch him, bringing a wave of embarrassment to the eldest. "I'm sorry guys" his voice was weak and shaking, "it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." The others assured him, Jeonghan was dizzy and anf nauseous, "can you guys help me" he finally asked, the sick feeling overwhelming his pride.
The others helped him into a sitting position and helped bring his to standing next, they then basically carried him to the car. They drove him home, where they helped him to bed, "I'm tired" he said softly, "you can sleep" Seungcheol assured him, "just rest, you've earned it. We have everything handled here"
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claralouvette · 1 year
(Part 2) Quirkless! Single Mother X Keigo Takami/ Hawks
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Some cute daughter and keigo moments and a pinch of confessions at the end.
💌Female Reader age: 25
💌Keigo Takami age: 26
Part 1
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🧡"Mister Hawks Flying was really fun, I wish I could fly with my mum" your daughter said while doing a soft landing in front of a mall. You see, you recently happened to have a great headache in a middle of doing your paper work, combine that with fan e-mails who, I may say, he doesn't even read, lots of calls requesting him for interview, sponsorship and modeling. Your boss being so Flirty that you just want to punch him. Lastly, where are these pebble and rocks coming from!? 
Let's just say your body just had enough with it, and that is why both of your daughter and Hawks  are in front of the nearest mall to get some medicines and Food. 
“I did asked your mom to Fly with me, but, tough luck, she doesn't like Flying”, Hawks replied, both entering the mall. "How is she going to fly with you?" The kid asked "Simple, I'll carry her like this." Hawks said as he carried the child Bridal style and she giggled in response, then bringing her back down. let's get what your mom needs and grab some KFC Alright kid?" Hawks said, and the kid's eyes brightened. 
"Omg, yay KFC!"
🧡 it was a quick detour on the mall just get the needed medice then grab the KFC ordered then fly back to the office. "5 buckets of KFC Done, ready to Fly, kid?.... kid?" He saw you sadly gazing at something from afar, when he looked at the same direction she was looking at, it was a family, acomplete Family, three of them holding hand in hand. Realizing the child’s feeling Hawks instinctively hold her hand to help her come back to her senses and said "let's go kid" 
"0-okay" The kid was silent.
 "Hey, kid what was that a while ago, I kind of lost you there for a second "He said starting the conversation "s-sorry mister Hawks" she started, “it's just I'm always being bullied at cool for having no papa, they don’t want to be my friends because they said I’m weak” she said feeling down.
"Listen kid what did I tell you about this?" he asked trying to remind your child about their training "to never believe on what they say" she started, Hawks giving her a signal to continue "and, to never let their word effect on what I feel about myself "she finished "and you're not weak kid, it may have been similar to someone else's quirk but you control it, and believe me your strong, and that's coming from the Famous no. 2 hero" Hawks reassured, but the child just said "yeah". staring into the sunset it seems his words barely worked on her. 
"I'm just sad, about mom she... she does all the things just to make me happy, I want to make mom happy; I want to help her to be happy but I don't know how,” she paused trying to hold back a tear "Mom knows I wanted a complete family, but... she can't give me that so she improvises, she works hard so she can get things I want, but it saddens me that she pretends to be fine, so I love mom but it pains me it makes me sad, I don't know, I'm confused, I'm sorry” she ended looking back into the sunset flapping her water wings, crying.
Hawks doesn't know what to say, he wouldn't know what to say, he grew up trained to be a weapon for sakes, but his instincts telling him to stop and hug the child "Uh-mister Hawks? "she saw Hawks landing on some building, she followed him, and immediately received a hug .
 "Kid, I don't know what to say, I never had a family when I grew up, all I can say is to love your mom, and you are so blessed to have a such amazing mother like her, honestly she is such a wife material "he paused realizing what he said "What does that mean-" Yua was cutted off by Hawks "Just remember, to look at the brighter side of life, be optimistic kid!" 
"Or if you want, I'll try your mom like me, and I can be your papa then you'll have little brother and sisters! how does that sound kid" 
your daughter liked that Idea
🧡 Finally, Hawks and your daughter are back with medicines and Food, and they went ahead to take care of you. Hawks for some reason is not Flirty with you this time 'thankfully, you thought "Hey dove don't overwork yourself next time, I don't like it when my lovely assistant is all pale like this. "he said. "I wouldn’t be like this if you just do your paper work and not dumping them on me all the time, dumb bird "you said Flicking your finger to his forehead “ow, you don't have to do that " he said "but I'm sorry, next time I promise to be a good boy "smiling at you genuinely with an unnoticeable blush "hmm, you seem different today "you said then you heard your daughter giggle "and you're a lot more giggly today, did I missed something? "You said suspiciously. "いいえ!" they both said in unison 
From then on things take a different turn. Since that day, there were always little trinkets of shimmering stones every morning with a heart note written "For you from K” with placed on top of your table. Then it would go from stone to a full Blown Boquet. "Mom! will I finally have a papa and a sibling?” your daughter asked with excitement. ‘what!’ "a sibling? You want a sibling now!?" you asked in shock, you barely had any luck on finding a compatible partner and now your daughter wanted a sibling? "Heyo!” Hawks greets entering the scene then gasp "has my assistant finally getting a date now?"he said playfully. "Pshh, you wish it was you?" you said teasing him "What if I wish it was me,” he said making you stun "hah, Fat chance bird brain, you're not my type” you said, looking away from him with a blush across your face. 
your stupid heart just beats for him now you like it but hate it at the same time. Lets just say your in denial.
🧡 You hate it, you hate it so much. This romantic tension inside this hellish office with hawks. Your pissed, you're in love, happy, angry you don't know it anymore you just want to scream!
"You okay, sweet heart? did I do something again? "Hawks asked cautiously. There it is again the nicknames, being all nice and such it's all too familiar to you, 
he is hitting on you.
 "Hawks, stop hitting on me, I don't like you, dumb bird "you said "What if I can't help it, you know me I'm just bad at keeping things myself "he said
"What? "is all you just said, he extended his hand to you and said "the real name's Takami Keigo, nice to meet you" you were shocked, when you first asked about his real name he just said 'It's a classified information Dove, but maybe someday I'll tell you’ was all he said. "c'mon sweet heart, don't leave me hanging, was my name that good to hear? "He said trying to remove you from the trance.
"You're the guy, whose been leaving the flowers and stones" you said in realization shaking his hand, taking the trap, giving Keigo a chance to Interloock his hands with you.
He said looking at you in the eye, may say looking at you lovingly. ‘Oh dude, he likes you,’ you thought. "Why me, you can't possibly date your own assistant we have a policy to follow” you tried to reason. "Then I'll change the policy" he simply said. You kept on giving him reasons not to like or date you, but every time he countered a solution. 
"hey I know your not yet ready, but don't pressure yourself too much, about my feelings I'm a dumb bird and I just can't keep myself shut up about it. I love you so much that I just want to hug you, cuddle you, grow old.... with you "he paused, caressing now both of your hands 
“I want to be a part of your life, Y/N" He continued staring into your eyes he said, putting both of your hands on his beating chest. your just too stunned to speak.
🧡"Did that make your heart beat? "He said lifting the pressure off the air, you punched him "bird brain" was all you said, realizing the time it was time to fetch your daughter at school. "Wanna grab dinner? after we fetch your daughter from school?" he asked 
"Yeah "you said, 
"Great!" he said walking towards the elevator 
"Uhm, Keigo?"you started he hummed in response 
"I think, I want to fly this time "you said.
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yandere-sins · 5 months
Happy Mermay!!!
YAY!!!!!! It's finally back :3
There won't be any new stuff I'm afraid, as I'll just try to get my story from last year finished and then maybe add some sprinkles here and there ♥ Next year we can make something new!
You'll probably see me reblog some pieces here and there from last year for refreshing the memory, and then next week I'll post the new chapters! Thank you all for understanding ♥
I'll try to make Mermay-inspired polls for this month as well! I hope you guys enjoy them :D
I also hope you guys don't mind, but I started putting some of your requests together. The backlog that has built while I wasn't writing regularly is absolutely massive and although I deleted some requests that would not inspire me no matter what, I still have a lot of similar but not quite the same requests. I'll do my best to combine them to give them all justice!
I'd love to do them on their own but I know if I write one, I'll probably block myself for the other because they'd end up going in the same direction. I'd also like to free up my asks for new ones and my own stuff that you guys are waiting for patiently. So I hope you can understand if the requests I fulfill aren't exactly what you guys asked for, and enjoy them regardless ♥
So much for the upcoming organisation, lol. Thanks for reading!
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scary-lasagna · 6 months
any Jason crumbs🙏🙏 random hc you have, or something maybe, just Jason PLS
I would look to @intimidating-fettuccine for Jason content, she's dubbed the Queen of Jason by me :] I'll reblog her newest art of him cause i'ts SO GOOD
Jason is quite bashful, surprisingly.
He won't talk much outside of the usual conversations, but once he's talking, you'll never get him to stop.
He's close with his corner of the manor, mainly Puppeteer, Helen, and Laughing Jack, all of whom are neighbors, more or less.
He gets along well with them, specifically Laughing Jack in a shared love for chaos and pranks.
Along with this, Jason is incredibly smart.
He knows how to utilize wooden, plastic, and metal toys as well as harmful devices.
Jason is often seen in his personal workshop located near his room, it's small but it suffices for his work, similar to Helen and his personal studio.
Jason has made toys for Sally, and has even crafted her a small desk since he saw her drawing on the floor one too many times.
He has a sweet side, but he can he harmful just as easily as he can be gentle.
He's made walking bombs, a crossbow the size of your hand paired with exploding arrows, and spiked rulers, to name a few.
He takes a lot of inspiration from Crpytology and spy gear.
Under the table, Jason also takes commissions.
Ben has requested a rubber band launcher to pelt Jeff with. After investigating the screaming from the Rec Room, Slender found the lie explanation quite curious that Amazon sold those nowadays.
But, in Jason's own spare time, he enjoys releasing waddling noise makers into populated areas, or even a certain beloved toy he loves to wreck havoc with.
A combination of a ball, a wind-up walking toy, a noise maker, pair with a little bit of velcro, hooks, and grabby-arms.
He winds it up, and lets it loose into the room, allowing it to grab onto people and clothing with a ridiculous fleet of honking and robotic screaming sounds.
And by the time someone grabs it, the room is a mess, and everyone is pointing fingers at each other to who let it loose in the room.
Because there's no possible way that Jason would waste his time reveling in making such a public mess!
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