#if she DOES end up having fleas I might have to take a few emergency commissions because flea treatment is like… 40 bucks
nyxfaei · 1 year
Had a scare about cactus having fleas. We gave her a dawn bath and combed her out with a flea brush but we didn’t find anything and we were bathing her for quite a long time. Hopefully we don’t see anything else
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libsterslobsters · 4 years
Black Dog...
A Bucky Barnes x Reader fanfic
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A/N: The motherfluffer strikes again! I know I said I was going to do a pt 2 of "What Is and What Should Never Be", but I was sitting with my doggo tonight and this is what I was inspired to write. It's more of a prequel, I guess.
Summary: There's not much Bucky wouldn't do for his best girl, but when she suggests they get a dog to help them readjust to life after the final battle with Thanos, he's not so sure it's a great idea.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/ fem! enhanced! Reader
(reader can see moments into the future as well as understanding all languages and processing new information quickly, plus she's also a super soldier)
Warnings: Slight angst, mild swearing, fluff!, mentions of PTSD and panic attacks, No editor, we die like men
“You want to do what?”
Bucky considers himself a fairly reasonable person (well, there is the “was brainwashed for over fifty years” part) and he prides himself on valuing whatever his girlfriend (fiance he reminds himself, she kept the ring on for five years) says instead of only listening to come up with a response, but this time, he’s almost certain he’s heard wrong. At least, he hopes he has.
“I want to get a puppy.”
That’s exactly what he thought she said. “Or really a dog of any age.” Where to begin with that suggestion.
He likes dogs. He had one before the war. But that was back when it was safe to walk through Brooklyn at night, not to mention walk your dog along the sidewalk after dinner. Back before sudden noises in the night, however light or normal they are made him bolt upright in bed and reach for the knife he still keeps on the nightstand just in case. Before fighting “bad guys” was part of his every-day life, and way before he himself had become a bad guy. All of that considered, there’s only one way he can answer.
“I don’t think so, doll.” The corners of her lips turn down and her eyelids lower.
“Oh.” She’s more disappointed than she’ll let on. Maybe there’s a way to smooth it over.
“Why did you want a dog?”
He takes a seat on the sofa next to her (they were going to settle into their usual after work activity; watch something neither of them will remember later as an excuse to be together, usually with her legs resting in his lap and a bowl of popcorn between them) and silently wills her to look up, not be saddened by something he’s done. Goodness knows she’s had enough of that to last a lifetime already, and the wedding isn’t for another month.
She shrugs, still absently picking at her pilling sweater.
“There’s been studies done on how having a pet helps lower stress levels and raise seratonin levels. That helps with PTSD and sleep disorders.”
Something that used to just apply to him, but after Thanos, it’s as often her waking up from a nightmare that felt just a little too real or staring at words in a book that she’s not even seeing long after midnight.
“Plus-” She laughs, but it’s not the unbridled sound he treasures, it’s… bitter somehow. “-it’ll be like exposure therapy. We’ll be forced to leave the apartment for more than groceries and work.”
It seems as if the outside world has become even louder and more unbearable since the world ended and restarted again.
“All of that sounds good-” There’s the beginings of a smile on her face. He hates that he’s about to crush it all over again. “-but what about the logistics of it?” She frowns, clearly confused. “We don’t know where we’ll be living once your lease is up-”
“There are plenty of other apartment complexes that allow pets.” He nods.
“Yeah, but not all of them. And on top of that, when we’re away on missions, who’s gonna look after the pooch?” She seems to be considering it, mulling it over, then-
“Here me out: we train the dog to come with us on missions and do reconnaissance.” The smirk on her face lets him know that it’s a joke. Good. Then she’s not completely devistated.
“If the situation looks too tough, we’ll send him out ahead of us. While he’s licking their faces and their guards are down because even the worst of the worst can’t resist a cute puppy-”
“We storm the place?” She nods, shoulders shaking in a quiet laugh.
“You’re catching on! And, we can order a special doggy uniform since you can find anything on the internet these days.”
That’s the final straw, and before he can even consider it, he’s laughing too.
“You do make a pretty compelling argument, but let’s stick a pin in it until this thing-”He indicates her left hand, which is now resting casually against his thigh. “-becomes official.”
“Fair enough.”
She’s doing better now, she thinks. Better than she was for the past few months. Still, after her last class at the community college lets out (so many new enrollments now that the population is back to normal, and the majority of them have no memory of the hell those who survived the snap endured for five years), she sits in her car for a solid half hour, shaking and crying her way through a panic attack. When it passes, she reaches for the makeup bag hidden in her purse and, in an effort that’s really muscle memory at this point, repairs the damage to her face. There. Nearly normal.
Driving home is considerably more difficult than it used to be now that there’s more cars on the road, but the route is familiar, so that’s some comfort. Not everything changes. She really should pick up some potatoes and cubed beef for tonight’s dinner, but after the day she’s had, facing a crowded supermarket seems like just a step too far. Takeout, then. Maybe a pizza. After all, she’s got the same chemicals running through her veins as he does, which means their metabolisms can keep up with excess calories. It’s one of the better side effects of being “enhanced” as her file is labeled.
She’s so busy thinking about which toppings to order that she barely manages to swerve in time to keep from hitting the animal slowly limping towards the curbside.
The miriad of horns honking from behind and beside her let her know that her decision isn’t a popular one. Still, she eases the car to the curb and as soon as the coast is clear (she should just run into traffic… no, that’s an intrusive thought, acknowledged and dismissed), steps out.
The animal made it across, at least. Animal, because she can’t be sure what species it is. It’s trying to get away from her, but the poor thing is limping badly, so there’s not much chance it’ll manage that particular feat even if she weren’t faster than the average human. She approaches with caution (if she were to be bitten, would it even effect her? More than likely not) in case she startles it.
“It’s alright.” She’s got it cornered now, and she can see that it’s a dog. A pathetic lump of matted fur and mange with at least one broken leg, but a dog none the less. She crouches, holding her hand out in front of her, palm open.
“You’re okay, sweetie. I’m not going to hurt you.” The poor thing is shaking, letting out low growls that quickly turn to whimpers as soon as she touches it. “You’ve had some tough luck, haven’t you? Yeah.”
She can’t tell what color it is under the filth and… her breath catches in her throat… blood. Black for now, but maybe a lighter color once it’s washed. However, the tongue that peeks out from a swollen muzzle is unmistakably pink. “Good boy. Or girl. I’m not going to look close enough to find out right now. Don’t worry.” It’s not a huge dog. She could probably lift it. That is, if it’ll let her. “A car hit you, didn’t it? Hurt that poor leg of yours.” She leans closer to get a better look. No collar. A stray, more than likely, and definitely a mutt. The decision is made. She’s not leaving it here.
“Alright. I’m going to get you some help, but that means I have to pick you up. Now, I’d appreciate it if you’d kindly refrain from biting me when I do that, okay?” She takes the blink as agreement. “Here we go.”
She must look strange, emerging from an alleyway in the middle of Brooklyn with at least thirty pounds of unidentifiably colored dog in her arms, but if any of the other motorists notice, they don’t let on. Thank goodness for technology. With the press of a button, her car unlocks and she’s able to deposite her new friend in the passenger seat before settling behind the wheel once more. “Siri, show me the nearest animal hospital.” Once the gps is online, she adds as an afterthought, “Call Barnes.”
Somehow, when he picked up the phone and the first words out of her mouth were, “Bucky, you’re not gonna believe me…” he didn’t expect it to result in him sitting in a veterinarian’s office an hour later, waiting to hear about a dog he’s never seen. Well, that’s not quite true. She did snap a quick picture. Even though he knows it probably wasn’t at it’s best, that had to be the most pathetic lump of fur and fleas he’s ever laid eyes on, through a photograph or otherwise. He’s not even sure it had both ears!
None of that matters though, because now he’s sitting there, pretending to study his phone with his baseball cap drawn low over his eyes and a pair of sunglasses to boot while she flips through the same magazine for the fourth time. If he’s being honest with himself, he doesn’t think the dog’s going to make it (actually, it might be kinder if it didn’t, the pooch is in such bad shape), but he’s decided it’s best not to bring that up. Time will tell.
“Are you mad?” That’s the first thing she’s said since he arrived and she informed him that they’d taken the dog back for immediate surgery.
“That depends. Did you walk into traffic to save him?” It probably wouldn’t hurt her, considering she’s strong enough to stop a car if she really wants to, but it’s not exactly a healthy habit to get into. Especially if they’re trying to be inconspicuous.
“No.” She flips another page. “Although I may have swerved to avoid hitting him, then chased him down into an alleyway and cornered him by a dumpster.”
That sparks a memory from the early days in Romania, the ones where he thought he was dating someone for the first time since the forties (albeit, moving very, very slowly) and she was under the impression that he saw her as a little sister. Her apartment was the equivalent of “low rent” and when, halfway through ‘Singin’ In the Rain’, a rat made it’s unfortunate appearance, she told him, “No, don’t kill it! Just get rid of it!” while standing on top of the coffee table (because clearly, that was so much safer than the floor). In the end, he did catch the rat (thanks to her precognition), and they safely moved it and it’s nest into a quiet corner of the courtyard. That’s when he realized he was in way over his head with this girl, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. It’s still one of his favorite memories, so-
“ ‘Course not.” She doesn’t look entirely convinced, so he wraps his arm around her, pulling her close despite the plastic waiting room chairs. “Why would I be mad at my girl for having a big heart?”
She chuckles, leaning into him. “You mean I’m a softy.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
Before she can reply, the door swings open. It’s late, and they’re the only ones left waiting, so it’s no surprise when the woman in scrubs stops in front of them.
“Your dog made it through surgery, although we did have to amputate the front left leg.” Huh. That’s the same one he lost. “We also took the liberty of giving him his rabies and heartworms shots, and since you said it’s a stray, we’ll call animal control to pick him up once he’s awake.”
That’s for the best. She may have a thing for hard luck cases, wounded animals, and lost teddy bears, but it’s not like they can keep the dog. He’s come around to the idea of getting a pet at some point (maybe he’ll surprise her at Christmas), but an animal that’s in that bad of condition… it’s a lot of work, and he’s not sure either of them is up for it (well, if truth be told, if he’s up to it).
“Did you want to come back to see him?” She looks up at him, clearly trying to get a read on what he’d rather do. He could just say no thanks, they’re alright. It’ll only make things harder when they have to go home. But, it’s obvious she wants to, and he’s not great at telling her no.
He’s panicking just a little as they walk through a maze of corridors and metal doors that lock behind them. Calm down, it’s just a vet’s office, not a prison. You’re not going to have to fight your way out.
Finally, after the dozenth turn, the vet announces, “Here we are. He’s still a little groggy, and we had to shave him. It looked like he could use a trim anyway.” and pushes open another locked door.
Even with his leg repaired and his fur at least partially groomed, he doesn’t look like much. There are indeed two ears; one of them is just crooked, folding down instead of sticking straight up. He still couldn’t guess at the breed, but with all the muck washed away, it’s still a black dog. There’s an I.V. attached, and Bucky’s expecting that the most it’ll do is whimper if it’s touched, but as she approaches the table and gingerly begins to pet it between the ears, the dog’s eyes open, and it licks her hand.
“Hey, boy. You made it through. I knew you were a fighter.” Is it sticking it’s tongue out and- “Whoa. Your breath could take out an army!” -attempting to lick her face.
“We think he’s about eight months old. May get a little bigger, but not much.”
He’s a decent sized dog. Not exactly one you’d chose to guard your house, but not a lap dog either. And he seems friendly.
“Some nice people from animal control are going to come get you once you’re all better and they’ll find you a good home.”
Unlikely. After all, the dog’s a tripod. He’s going to regret asking this, but-
“Is there anything else wrong with him besides the leg?”
The vet shakes her head. “Nothing that a flea bath, mange treatment, and a few good meals couldn’t fix.”
So really, it wouldn’t be THAT much work. He’s seen plenty of dogs who can still walk with only three legs. He needs to get ahold of himself. The dog might not even like him. Animals are funny; they can tell a bad person from a good one, and if he’s being honest with himself, he’s not sure if he qualifies as the latter after all he’s done. There’s only one way to find out.
“Hey, boy.” He reaches out his hand (the metal one, because even if it’ll heal quickly, he’s not crazy about being bitten) and scratches under the dog’s chin. “You had a hard day, didn’t you?”
The dog sniffs at his arm and then, wonder of wonders, his back leg starts to kick. “But you still seem pretty happy even if you are a little worse for wear.”
He really shouldn’t do this. It’s a lot of work, having a dog of any kind. They don’t know where they’ll be living once her lease is up, and oh yeah, they’re getting married in three weeks. But, the big puppy dog eyes look up at him (the dog’s looking pretty desperate too), and he knows his decision’s made.
“Think Stark ever designed armor for dogs?” Her brow knits in confusion.
“You know, since we can’t very well have him out there on missions without some sort of protection.” There it is. Recognition.
“Are you serious?”
“No.” The beginnings of a smile freezes on her face. “There’s no way we’re taking an innocent dog into a situation with hostiles. Are you nuts?” That laugh gets him every time.
“So we’re keeping him?”
He nods.
“We’re keeping him, doll.”
She hasn’t looked this purely happy in ages. For once, the memories of the past and worries about the future are completely forgotten, and that makes it worth it. That, and, well… he is a pretty cute dog.
Author's note: here's a picture of my good boi and writing pal, Rigby.
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Knight Fall
So... this AU popped into my head because of a Descendants 3 Song. No, I am not joking and no, I will not apologize because I cannot make animatics.
We need to establish a few things: 
First: the world this happens in is going to be very similar to Young Justice with a few changes. Ras and his loyal followers have been kicked out of the League and are keeping a low profile. Just kind of ignore most of the main plot of Season 3 minus Nightwing finding out about their apparent loss of control/banishment.
Second: Jason has been “dead” for about three years. Two and a half of those years have been spent with the League (Resurrection stuff and such has happened and he does suffer from a bit of memory loss).
Third: Damian is seven years old. He’s a brat, he is trained, and he and Hood have the “best” relationship out of the Al Gaul bunch because Hood doesn’t force him to train 24/7 or punish him for failing. So Talia is not a good Mom in this story.
The characters of this story are either on Team Bats or Team Al Ghul (at least at the beginning).
Team Bats consists of Batman/Bruce Wayne, Nightwing/Dick Grayson, Robin/Tim Drake, Agent A/Alfred Pennyworth, Spoiler/Stephanie Brown, and Oracle/Barbara Gordon.
Team Al Gaul consists of Ras Al Ghul, Talia Al Gaul, Ubu, Senseii, Red Hood/Jason Todd, and Damian Wayne-Al Ghul.
With all of that out of the way, let’s begin:
Starts in Gotham with the emergence of the Court of Owls. The Court wants Dick Grayson as their Talon and they are not happy that he’s slipped a bit out of their reach.
They get rumors about the Al Ghul’s falling out of favor/losing control of the League and are interested in recruiting the displaced group.
Yeah, the Al Ghul’s don’t appreciate that very much and send back the head of their messenger as a warning. Of course, the Court isn’t happy about that and find out about Damian.
Their thought process consists of basically “Well, we lost our previous Talon. This one is younger and easier to change. Let’s take him.”
Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem for the Al Ghul’s. But it is only the small group of Assassins vs Undead Army of Talons that get killed, get their bodies picked up, revived, then turned back on the Al Ghul’s.
So very long story short, they flea very reluctantly to the only person who will be able to help: Aka CALLING ON THE BAT.
Red Hood has to wear his mask at all times and is not allowed to speak. Similar situation for Damian, but he’s just in a cute little ninja costume with only his eyes showing. Neither Ras or Talia mentions that Damian is related to Bruce and make an excuse of adopting him as a servant/assassin (which Damian is a bit confused and annoyed about but he is not going to question his Mother or Grandfather). 
Bruce is not happy about the situation but the Court has become frustrated because they are trying to kidnap Dick now so he reluctantly agrees to a team-up with the insane assassins.
Since I do not want to plan out every little plot detail, I’m just gonna hit the highlights
Bruce and Ras argue constantly on how to deal with the Court. Bruce wants to take out the Talons (they are already dead so he’s fine with chopping them to pieces) and arrest the leaders, but Ras want to find the actually living members and kill every last one of them. At the same time, the two of them work together on planning the attack on the Court’s headquarters.
Talia just kind of chills in the background. Sometimes she trains Damian, sometimes she helps her father and Bruce with planning the attack, and sometimes she just sits and watches.
Ubu and Sensi train Damian. They are also sent out every once in a while to spy on the Court. None of the Bats interact with either of them for longer then necessary and vice versa.
Hood does not have all of his memories at this point but he really does not like looking at the “memorial case” for what appears to have been the previous Robin. Most of his days consist of people watching because these people are really familiar and why the heck did he know “Agent A” was someone named Alfie? He also does not like the current Robin for no particular reason. ... The Robin grows on him. Very slowly.
Alfred has also decided he likes the Red Hood for no particular reason. He does not understand why the man does not take off his mask, but Hood is more polite to the butler then the rest of the Assassin’s combined. And he doesn’t even speak! He has also decided the smallest assassin with the Al Ghul’s is trouble, but not evil. He insists on treating the boy’s wounds after his “training” (which all of the Bats have spoken about the cruelty of it but there is not much they can do at the moment). Hood helps him most days patch up the young master.
Damian wants to hate the Bats (Grandfather and Mother both warned him not to grow attached to them as they are their enemies-- respected enemies, but enemies. This situation is an exception). He really does. But there is something about them that he is just drawn to. Grayson is a respectable fighter who had decided to teach him the basics of gymnastics. Drake had excellent skills in deducing and technology, offering to upgrade Damian’s arsenal with a few... non-lethal options (the batarangs were too good to say no to, but Damian made sure to hide them from his Mother and Grandfather). Brown was a bit weak, but what she lacked in skill she made up for in determination. Miss Gordon was one of the best Intelligence officers Damian had seen. Pennyworth is an excellent servant that the others treated with the same respect as everyone else. That was a new concept. And then there was Batman. Something about Batman made Damian feel... safe, was the best word for it.
Tim decides he is going to befriend the tiny assassin. Don’t ask him why, he couldn’t tell you. (It might have had something to do with the well hidden looks the tiny assassin shot at Thalia and Ras. It was a look of wanting praise and wanting to please. The Al Ghul’s either hadn’t noticed or ignored it. Either way, Tim understood that situation more than he would care to admit). So Tim and the tiny assassin are on “friendly terms” is the best way to describe it. He also talks a lot to the Red Hood guy. Hood never responds but he also hasn’t pulled a gun on him so he takes that as a good sign.
Stephanie and Barbra hang together and keep an eye on all the assassin’s to make sure no one dies. They also spy on the Court whenever Ubu and Senseii are not. That’s really about it.
Very, very long story short, everyone goes and attacks the Court. They manage to take down most of the Talon’s and Ras goes to kill the leaders and Bruce tries to stop him.
Fragile alliance falls apart and it’s now a free-for-all with the Bats vs. the Al Ghuls vs. The Court. Cheers.
At some point Jason loses his mask which cause a completely different kind of “falling apart” and Hood is really confused because “Who’s Jason?”
The Court escapes, Al Ghul’s leave (with Jason), and the Bats are ticked/sad/confused/angry. Lots of emotions.
Jason had been getting more of his memories back while with the Bats. He gets more of them back over the course of the next few months and while he is angry that Bruce replaced him, he also knows that Damian was MUCH happier with them.
So when the Court comes for Damian again, Jason snatches the kid up in the confusion and takes him back to Gotham because I NEED PROTECTIVE BIG BROTHER JASON. Damian hesitantly goes with Hood but is not as resistant to the idea as he might have been a few weeks back (his mother is NOT a good mother, kay?)
Ras get’s ticked at the world, kills most of the Court members because he thinks Damian got snatched by them (and maybe Hood?). Later finds out Jason was the one to take Damian and tries to kill him, but Damian won’t have that, no siree.
Damian and Jason end up gaining their freedom through combat and head off to Gotham. They get there just before Batman and Co. launch a full blown rescue mission to get Jason back so there’s some saved resources, I suppose.
Also: “Bruce, meet Damian. He’s Talia and your demon spawn.” “... what?” “My father is Batman???”
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Fix Me (doctor/soulmate AU) {2}
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Summary: Ethan wakes up to a whole new set of challenges with his soulmate, but he had no idea just how deep the trouble she would get into would be. With a medieval infection in the hospital, Ethan only thinks of her.
Warnings: angst, slight fluff, swearing, medical descriptions of things some might find nauseating, infectious disease
Word count: 5.3k
Fix Me (doctor/soulmate AU) series Masterlist
A/N - heavily inspired by Grey’s anatomy, my own experiences and thoughts, but also by songs: Birdy - Not about angels, Bear’s den - Fortress, Matthew and the atlas - Out of the darkness, Harry Styles - Falling, Kodaline - Wherever you are.
I really hope you guys like it! Feedback is always wanted and appreciated, no matter how small or big it is! 
If you want to be tagged for future parts, reply down below.
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Pistanthrophobia - fear of trusting others
Waking up alone is the last thing Ethan expected, but to wake up alone and nearly five hours later was definitely unbelievable. Not a single page? Not one of his interns fucked up so badly that they paged him thousands of times? Maybe he misjudged this generation after all?
"Nah", Ethan mumbled to himself, shaking his head as he pulled himself up to sit. Rubbing his cheeks, he tried to stop himself from smiling, to stop the warm feeling in his chest where she laid atop him but he couldn't. Even if she left before he had woke, Ethan was happy with their progress, although leaving him in bed alone seemed to have become her memo.
Dragging himself out to get a cup of coffee during this tireless double shift, Ethan wondered if she'd be waiting for him close by or if she was feeling better after losing her first patient, but he found himself disappointed when he couldn't find a single trace of her. His phone vibrated and even if he wanted anything but to pick up the call, the only person he knew was persistent enough to wait for the last ring was his brother and he always picked up Grayson's calls.
"What do you want?" Ethan grumbled, slipping a few coins into the vending machine for that cup of coffee he was dying for, not in the mood to speak but he thought it might be important.
"Good morning to you too, sunshine." Grayson chuckled, waiting to hear his brother groan or growl on the other line and he didn't have to wait for long.
"Just wondering if you misplaced something? Or someone?" Grayson teased as if he didn't know his brother isn't a morning person and he was definitely not in the mood for games.
"What are you talking about?" Ethan frowned, grabbing his cup eagerly as it fills up.
"Just heard one of your interns ask for a transfer and they told her no, but she seemed adamant that the cardio resident she's assigned to isn't right for her education here." Grayson licked his lips, aware he's pulling at the right strings because even if he never saw the elusive Y/N, he felt like her description matched the girl Ethan told him about a year ago, his instincts screamed it was her, and he was quite unhappy with his brother's lack of sharing for he would have expected at least a text from Ethan about his soulmate being his intern.
"What was her name? Did you hear that?" Ethan cleared his throat, pursing his lips nervously because he really fucking hoped the progress he thought he made wasn't just erased. Did he scare her off?
"Y/N Y/L/N. Your soulmate?" Grayson clarified and Ethan leaned against the wall with his eyes closed. He managed to fuck it up, he just didn't know how.
"Did she see you?" Ethan asked, gnawing on the inside of his bottom lip, annoyed with himself because it seems as if every step he takes toward her, she takes two back.
"Nope, but I did tell the nurse I'll take your interns over for the day. They should see the miracle of life before they see death. Thank me later." Ending the conversation, Grayson moved to meet the interns at the changing rooms, eager to meet the little Miss who drove his brother up the wall. In a way, Grayson was fascinated by this woman who seems to disappear like a ghost every time Ethan was near and he didn't understand why she was fighting this unmovable force of nature.
"So, uh, I heard you killed a guy on your first day." Cocky intern leaned into Y/N who was just trying to tie her shoes and get on with the day. Escaping Ethan's arms wasn't easy, especially when he seems to have a death grip in his sleep. But she had to go, to leave and find a way to switch mentors before she fell for him, the guy who clearly wasn't falling for her.
"I'm Brett and I like girls who get their hands dirty." His cheshire grin made her sick to her stomach because as attractive as he is with his pale blue eyes and blonde hair, she had absolutely nothing but disgust for him.
"Leave her alone, asshole. She doesn't care who you are." The only other female intern spoke up and Y/N chuckled lowly, nodding in agreement.
"I'm Alex." The blonde settled beside her, shooing Brett away with her hand until he rolled his eyes and left to get dressed.
"Y/N. Thanks for getting rid of the fleas." Y/N leaned back on the wall as Alex laughed and Brett turned back just to make an annoyed grimace at the two.
"So, how was the boss yesterday? Was it easy working with a hot genius like him? Did you have sex in the on call room?" Alex whisper shouted in excitement and Y/N's face fell, realizing Alex won't be the friend she hoped she would be a moment ago. She just wanted gossip.
"He's a talented surgeon and a good teacher. As for the rest, this isn't Grey's anatomy, on call rooms are for rest not sex." But before she has a chance to get up, someone walks in - authoritative and eager; way too eager with his pink scrubs.
"Good morning. My name is Grayson Dolan and I am to be your boss man for the day." The moment Y/N looked at him, her heart stopped. There are too many similarities between Grayson and Ethan and she was realizing one irrefutable fact.
"There's two of you?!" The words escaped her and she slapped a hand over her mouth as quickly as possible, just not fast enough to stop herself from becoming an embarrassment.
The left corner of Grayson's lips curled up, forming a smirk as he turned his attention to Y/N, taking a good look of what destiny had chosen for his twin and he knew she was trouble even without Ethan's complaints about his torn up heart. She looked like she was made for heartbreak but also the loveliest nights.
"My brother and I may wear the same face but there are very few similarities between us which I'm sure you will learn in time." Grayson winked, before turning his eyes to the rest of the room. "You all will. After all, we will be seeing each other weekly from now on. One of you will be mine for a week until you have your OBGYN hours filled."
Swallowing thickly, Y/N looked away nervously as she fidgeted with her stethoscope. She felt warm, as if her body forgot to regulate her temperature and she could hardly breathe.
'Did it get hot in here? Or is this guy's sunshine personality setting every room aflame?' She wondered silently, thinking how as awkward as it was around Ethan, at least he didn't force conversations and he didn't seem like the overly curious type that pries into people's lives as Grayson does. He looks like the kind of a person people go to in order to feel better, for his warmth and cheerfulness to transfer onto them - he was the definition of sunshine, a cure for dark and depressing people and Y/N was certainly one of them. But she didn't want a cure and she didn't want him to meddle. For the first time ever, Y/N wanted to spend time with Ethan, in the comfort he gave because he didn't force happy onto her and she felt safe in feeling what she feels, knowing she didn't have to adjust, to change. It was the first time she hoped for Ethan, but it wouldn't be the last time.
And lucky for her, he showed up right on time, just as she started losing her shit.
Fingers snapped in front of her face and Y/N gasped, blinking fast as her eyes refocused on identical twins that stood before her. "Hey! Are you listening to any of this?" Grayson questioned with a slight smile, genuinely entertained by her and her dreamer personality because he was sure it would both annoy and compliment Ethan's personality. Ethan is a dreamer too, but never at work and that would surely be a challenge for the pair.
"Um. Missed the few last minutes. Probably should get a cup of coffee." She raised her eyebrows, trying to seem convincing because she didn't want to be unprofessional but she also didn't want to piss off two of her teachers.
"Well, let me sum it up. You're in the pit today, page me if you find any pregnant women in need of a consult or any cardio patients. That's when you -" Stopping him mid-sentence, Ethan jumped in. "That's when you page me."
With a nod, Y/N pressed her lips together and pushed her hands into the front pockets of her lab coat, hoping they would just stop staring at her so intently, as if they're expecting something of her and she can't understand what that is.
"Got it."
She rushed out of there faster than humanly possible, needing room to breathe because for whatever reason, the Dolan twins made it impossible to draw in a proper breath during that short interaction.
Expecting insanity in the ER, she had managed to eat a granola bar before heading into a rather calm emergency room. Using the chance, she introduced herself to the staff, learned the proper numbering of beds and trauma rooms and a few hours in, she finally got a proper case.
"I'm doctor Y/L/N." She smiled, gathering information from the patient while doing a checkup.
"So you're an exterminator?" She kept her voice airy, her tone pleasant as she noted the man has a fewer, complains of chills, muscle aches, diarrhea, cough and fatigue.
'Likely the flu', she presumed.
"For the last thirty years. Used to be a banker, a painter and a writer in my three hundred years." Hearing that sparked jealousy in her heart. She shouldn't be jealous about other people managing to do all they wanted to in their long lives, but she was. She had plans of her own and they seem unlikely with her current soulmate situation.
"Sounds like quite an adventurous life." She smiled, checking for swollen lymph nodes. Finding quite swollen, tender but firm lymph nodes, Y/N frowned, cold sweat forming at the back of her neck as the man coughed. Managing to turn her head to the side, she grasped for a facemask and placed it for protection as she prayed. Caution is always better than reckless endangerment.
'Surely it can't be...'
"Is everything alright?" The man questioned, startled by the sudden change in her stance and the odd look in her eye.
"Can you please take your socks off?" She asked, hoping it won't be what she thinks it is because that would be just her luck.
However, the moment this man took his socks off, he took a few fingers off in the process and no matter how many times she had read about gangrene, she still wasn't prepared to see it up close and personal. The foul smell of rotting flesh made her stomach turn and she struggled to keep her composure. You're supposed to be calm and collected but they don't really prepare you for this in med school.
"Oh, God!" She exclaimed, looking around wildly to figure out what to do.
"Stay calm, sir!" She told him but she seemed more upset than he did. As if he knew it was in such a state, as if he had come in for the gangrene in the first place - the 'by the way' syndrome at its best.
With shaky hands, mask in place, she stumbled to the nurse's station and lowered her voice, careful not to touch anything or anyone.
"I have strong suspicion that we have a case of the Black Death...the pulmonary type, and I've been exposed. Make sure all the patients are isolated just in case and then make sure so am I. I'll take samples for the lab, send them as emergent testing, I'll write a CITO order. And disinfect every inch of this floor." Y/N ordered, her voice shaky as she set herself back to see the patient again, preparing to take samples to confirm her diagnosis. She hoped to God she managed to get that mask on in time, swearing under her breath for being reckless and assuming it's the flu and that she'd be fine. She finally got her immune system up, she finally got her vaccines and she got cocky, thinking she's untouchable and now while everyone else is delivering babies or having once in a lifetime surgeries, she'll be in isolation because she got a patient with a medieval diagnosis. Just her luck.
And while Y/N was being quarantined along with the three patients who had the misfortune of being in at the same time and one nurse that admitted the patient, the entire ER closing for disinfection, Ethan and Grayson were drinking coffee in peace.
"She's definitely a piece of work." Grayson chuckled lowly, raising the cup to his lips casually as if Ethan wasn't snorting at his statement, aware of that fact even without his brother pointing it out.
"Young too. She's a baby surgeon, Ethan." Grayson deadpanned, taking a sip before putting his cup down. Curling his fingers around the cup, he scrunched the plastic cup easily, something he did with every plastic cup he drank from.
"Is there a reason why you're stating all known facts?" Ethan sassed back, sarcastic undertones very clear and matching his annoyed face. While Grayson sat back relaxed, Ethan tapped his fingers on the desk continuously, telling just how difficult Ethan finds the situation at hand. He wanted to know this girl so badly but she didn't seem to share that want. How do you love someone who doesn’t want to be loved?
"Yeah. I'm tryna’ help you bro. She's young, meaning she didn't have a hundred years like you to do her thing first. She didn't have time to be her before being your soulmate. Besides, did you even tell her you're her soulmate? Does she even know it's you? Because if you're not ready to risk your pride and heart for her, why are you expecting it from her?" Grayson raised an eyebrow, waiting for Ethan to open his mouth and say something right, something that would lead him on the path toward her and just as his lips part and the lost look in his eyes fades, Alex, the intern he barely remembered by anything except her being the only other woman with a fancy stethoscope, walked in with news he never wanted to hear.
"Y/N, I mean one of your interns is in quarantine!" She screamed more than spoke, her eyes wide and cheeks flushed.
"What the fuck do you mean by quarantine?!" Ethan jumped to his feet in an instant, feeling as if a bucket of ice cold water fell on his head and he had never been as wide awake as he is now.
"It's the black death."
Autophobia - fear of being alone
Loneliness had never bothered her before. Accustomed to the lone wolf kind of a life, Y/N had started questioning the unsettling feeling in her chest. After all the time she had spent on her own, she was scared by the coldness inside her that lived within ever since she snuck out of Grant’s apartment where she had left her underwear along with her virginity. That feeling of coldness was gone since he had appeared in her life again and now when she found herself isolated, alone again, she felt the cold grasp at her insides once more and for the first time in her life, Y/N wasn’t prepared to be alone again.
“Hey there. Feeling good?” She didn’t meant to smile when she heard the sound of his voice nor did she mean to let her eyes light up with the sight of his pretty brown eyes on the other side of the glass. She hadn’t expected her heart to jump inside her chest nor did she expect her cheeks to flush considering she’s wearing just a hospital gown and while she managed to hide her ass, she still felt exposed, indecent.
“Yeah. Already started myself on antibiotics before the CDC came in.” She shrugged slightly, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she approached the glass slowly, wondering if he’d be proud of her for managing to handle the situation so well. Or as well as it was possible in the moment. She didn’t expect Ethan to be anything but.
“Great!” He exclaimed with a smile that quickly turned sour and her own smile fell, the light in her eyes fading as he started yelling. “NOW I GET TO SCREAM AT YOU FOR BEING SO RECKLESS!”
Pacing left and right, he managed to keep his eyes on her, his hands shaking as he questioned her.
“I’m not sure what the hell you were thinking going to talk to a patient with a flu without a mask or why you were even seeing a flu patient when you’re a surgical intern! Now I’m down an intern and when we said some of you won’t make it till the end of the training, we didn’t mean you should go and recklessly handle patients until you catch a deadly infectious disease!” Throat hoarse, aware of the wandering nurses’ eyes that held judgement and the slightest bit of entertainment, Ethan stopped to take a deep breath and at least try to stop the never ending pounding of his heart and maybe it’s wrong of him to yell at her when she’s in a stressful situation of her own, but she is his soulmate and he barely had the chance to love her and he is scared to death he never will. So yes, he is angry and he is struggling to understand her and the dustiest parts of her soul but it’s beyond him. She’s beyond everything and everyone he has ever met.
“Reckless?” She snorted, folding her arms across her chest, shifting her weight onto her left foot before she too had something to say and while she wasn’t necessarily shouting, she wasn’t quiet either.
“I had my flu shot so I though approaching the flu patient without a mask might be less frightening for the poor man. Also, there was no one else in the ER to see the patient but me! Was I supposed to prolong his suffering when I’m perfectly capable of doing a physical myself? I did what any doctor would and more considering I made a rather remarkably rare diagnosis so quickly that I prevented that man from getting the rest of the hospital staff exposed! You should be proud of me, not pissed off!” Eyebrows knitted together, her eyes narrowed at him and lips pressed together, Y/N stood her ground, refusing to apologize for what she did because she didn’t think she made a mistake. Sure, the mask was a miss, but she would learn from her mistakes…if she gets the chance.
“You page me if she gets symptoms!” Ethan didn’t even spare Y/N a glance as he ordered the nurse and left her alone in that glass room that felt like a prison. He just stormed out, like a man with a paper sword that couldn’t handle losing an argument. For a girl who was all too used to hospitals, she wasn’t quite prepared to go through yet another period of time in a hospital bed.
“Do you need anything else, sweetie”, the nurse asked her, handing her a thoroughly cleaned stuffed animal to hold, her favorite one. A girl of mere ten years facing such a monstrous disease that grew within? It made the nurses cry after every shift. All the kids in the department did, as rare as it was.
“Are my parents coming?” Y/N asked quietly, her voice hoarse. Anyone’s voice would be hoarse after throwing up for five days straight, unable to keep anything down.
“I’m sorry baby, not this week.” The look of pity on the nurse’s face was what Y/N hated the most. She hated being treated like a baby, like a delicate little porcelain doll that couldn’t handle the world. She had faced more in her short life than those who chased immortality. She was very aware of the toxic relationship her parents shared and how they prioritized each other over her. She had learned to accept that.
“That’s fine. At least I have Mr. Cuddles.”
Y/N wished she had Mr. Cuddles now, to just have something or someone to hold. She wished she could relieve the sadness and the annoying sense of abandonment Ethan’s abrupt leaving left her with. She wanted him to stay a while longer for he made her feel lighter without even trying and she hated him for being an ass to her and even more so when he didn’t visit her for the next two days.
Thantophobia – phobia of losing someone you love
However, she didn’t know he was there whenever she was asleep, watching her with a worrisome heart and a tired mind. He knew she was a little troublesome, but he didn’t know she would make that tiny streak of silver hair turn into a full set of grey hair. It’s what he’d be facing in less than a year if her behavior continues as it is.
What he didn’t expect is for her to open her eyes in the middle of the night, finding him on a chair with his head resting on his numb propped up hand. She rolled her eyes at him instantly, pushing herself up with some difficulty before detaching her own IV.
“Scared I’ll die?” She asked groggily, taking a sip of her water to soothe her dry throat. She was definitely starting to feel ill, hating how her body turned weaker and weaker as it did when she was on her treatments. She didn’t want to go back to being the poor girl who sat alone in her room with no family to see her. Making friends with other patients was easy, but they could never touch, never risk getting each other sick. They were social distancing by sitting on opposite beds or coming to each other’s rooms and sitting on a chair by the door when one was too sick to get out of bed. But she didn’t have any patients to make friends with now.
“Yeah. But not from the plague.” Ethan huffed, swallowing before speaking. “Your tests are still being done, will probably be negative but you do have strep, so we’ll have to treat that unless you want to be on my table in about thirty years with faulty heart valves.” Standing, Ethan nodded to the penicillin she had inside her room, hinting it’s better she takes it on her own, although he didn’t mind getting into a hazmat suit if it meant seeing her ass again.
“Great. So if I do have it, I’ll be dealing with two diseases at once. Nice. Nice luck I got here.” Sarcasm dripping with every word she formed, Y/N grabbed the prepared medicine and groaned. She hated getting shots, even more so penicillin ones because they always hurt like a bitch. However, she had a fairly high pain tolerance after everything she’s been through. The nurses used to say when she complained of pain, they immediately called doctors to check up on her because her six was usually a ten on other kids’ pain scale.
Palping, she found the site she’s supposed to stick a needle in. Closing her eyes as she shakes her head, Y/N let out a dry chuckle at the ridiculous situation but she was ready to do it anyway. She didn’t care about Ethan being there, he couldn’t see her ass from where she was standing, but he could see her face. So, she took great care not to make a face when the needle pierced her skin nor when the penicillin started burning, her entire leg feeling like it would give out. Slowly, she injected the medicine, breathing a little shallow but she was proud of herself for remaining calm and collected, even with Ethan there.
“Wow. Actually did it. Impressive, rookie.” Ethan teased, his arms crossed and his face smug. Y/N didn’t like that. “I was sure you’d tap out in the last second. I’m actually surprised you weren’t late giving yourself the medicine like you were on your first day!”
But she wasn’t in the mood for jokes and he missed that.
“Un-fucking-believable! Now?! You want to keep taunting me now? I have no words!” She screamed at him, her hands up in the air in frustration as her nostrils flare and her eyes widen with a new thought. “Oh! Wait! I’m thinking of some! Jerk! Ass! Arrogant! Man-child!” Her throat felt raw and her face hot, but she was ready to fight even if her legs did shake in his presence…or was it her rage? Maybe the infection? She couldn’t tell anymore, especially when he raised his index finger and his face was overtaken with a wide smile and a chuckle followed soon.
“Hold up! Man-child?”
“YES! A fucking man-child!” She repeated herself and that’s when his smile faded and he remembered he’s supposed to be her mentor and this is supposed to be his hospital. Soulmate or not, he couldn’t tolerate this behavior.
“I’d caution you to watch what you say to your boss. You better shut your mouth if the next words coming from you don’t include an apology.” Ethan warned, his hands folded before him and he was no longer Grant as she saw him as most of the time. This was doctor Ethan Dolan, the man she was sure would make her life miserable and while she wanted to keep yelling at him, she couldn’t.
It wasn’t because she had a moment of clarity or because she thought kissing his ass would get her somewhere, figuratively not literally as she had already done that and she knew he had a pineapple on it. No, she felt something different, something she read about but never saw let alone felt. Her throat started closing up and her lungs burned for oxygen she couldn’t provide no matter how hard she tried.
Holding her throat, her eyes wide and bulging, Y/N fell to her knees, unable to hear Ethan who screamed for the nurses from the ringing in her ears that made her deaf to the world. Her face swelled up, her eyes closing and she could no longer see or hear, only feel and she felt herself slipping, falling to the ground, desperately heaving for some air.
Ethan couldn’t wait, couldn’t follow protocol and get himself in a hazmat suit before panic opening the room with his key-card, grabbing the emergency kit as he entered, collapsing on his knees beside her, an adrenaline shot in hand. Administering the adrenaline, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, antihistamines and an oxygen mask, Ethan finally felt like there might be hope as the swelling started to go down and he could hear her breathe again. He had her back on the bed, second line of medication set to drip in her IV.
Shaking uncontrollably, he had stared at every movement her chest made and listened intently to every intake of breath she had made, terrified his worst fear might still come true and he might lose her, rendering him alone for the rest of his life. Sure, Grayson would be insulted with these thoughts of his, but having a soulmate as you age is what life is supposed to be about, not a twin who’d make remarks about every line he gets on his face or how saggy his balls must be getting. She was what his whole life has come down to and hundred more years couldn’t counter the happiness he got to experience in a single night with her. That would never change.
Hours passed and he finally relaxed, not enough to sleep but enough to sit down and breathe.
Exhaling loudly, Ethan looked around for a chair or something to brave the night in, aware he’s now stuck in the room with her for as long as it takes for the tests of her swabs return which would likely take a few more hours at this point. He didn’t regret his actions and he understood why she defended her own so fiercely earlier. It was funny how he understood her soon after every fight they have and they had quite a few squabbles in this double shift – the first of many. She has a breathtaking, wildfire heart and he absolutely loved her for it. He had infinite tenderness for her. He always will. As long as he lives.
“If you get the plague and die, I will kill you.” Grayson threatened from the other side of the glass, his own fear of losing Ethan showing in his deep brown orbs, even more so in the frown he couldn’t hide. And Grayson Dolan was many things, but not a man who frowns easily.
“You can’t make me feel guilty over something I don’t regret.” Ethan shrugged, pressing his lips together before closing the distance between them. The glass stood as a barrier, one that would keep Grayson safe in case Ethan does catch a deadly illness but he had faith it would turn out to be nothing.
“I know. I’d have done the same.” Grayson shrugs sadly, a small smile gracing his lips as he looks over Ethan’s shoulder to see Y/N. “How is she?” He too cared for the girl, too quickly but he did. He saw her as a sister, someone to protect. He saw her as an extension of his brother’s soul.
“Good for now. The allergic reaction stopped but we have her on some meds to make sure it doesn’t enter into the late stage. As for her strep infection, I’ve got her on other meds that won’t kill her so that should be fine too. I expect her to be fully capable of chewing me out in the morning.” Ethan chuckled lowly, turning around to make sure she’s still asleep and while he had no intention on telling her about them just yet, he couldn’t stay away from her. Not ever.
“Why? Did you tell her you’re her soulmate?” Grayson clasped his hands in excitement and he reminded Ethan more of a high school cheerleader than doctor with more than a hundred years of experience under his belt. He loved how positive Grayson is, but he needed to keep his voice down when he’s spilling state secrets, especially when the subject at hand is only a few meters away.
“SHHH!” Ethan whisper-shouted, wishing he was on the other side of the glass to smack his brother over the head and teach him a lesson.
“She doesn’t know and I don’t plan on telling her. She’ll figure it out herself and until then, I want her to know me without the pressure of having a soulmate bond. Bro, I just want her to see we’re made for one another and not run from me every chance she gets.” Ethan rubbed his forehead in frustration, glancing over his shoulder at her stirring figure, unaware she managed to catch a few words the two have spoken about her and while she may be under the influence of more than one drug at the moment, she knew it was important to remember that Ethan and Grayson have both muttered the words she feared most of all – soulmate.
However, moments later for her, minutes for Ethan, she felt a knuckle against her cheek, gently dragging along her skin before the warmth of touch disappeared and she decided she wanted it to last longer, her hand moving on instinct, grasping Ethan’s.
Smiling in the darkness, Ethan settled beside her in a chair, his hand holding hers for dear life.
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
Tags: @beinscorpio @peacedolantwins @heyits-claire @dolandolll @godlydolans @dolanstwintuesday @ethanhes @iwastornsincethestart @graydolan12 @fxkthatdairy @zeusgrayson @libradolan @justordinaryjen @pineappledolan @graysavant @voguekristens @imayoutubere @livexdolan
(some of you couldn’t be tagged for some reason, probably Tumblr’s fault)
78 notes · View notes
potteresque-ire · 5 years
Daenerys Stormborn, First of Her Name
Here’s my first review post on Game of Thrones! Thank you so much for asking about Daenerys, @bixgirl1, @kikibluemay and @oceaxe-ifdawn. She was fascinating and tragic, and I couldn’t really stop talking about her... as in, I ended up writing a 4k+ word essay on her character.
Due to the length, I’ve crossed-posted to AO3 for those who prefer to read it there: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19119595 . As usual, never feel obliged to do anything! Fandom is a happy, carefree place for me :) .
Before I start, I’d like to say this—I’ve never expected GoT to be progressive. Its medieval aesthetics aside, the gratuitous violence and nudity really seal the deal. Therefore, this review is written decidedly without a social justice lens; I shall not argue if the showrunners were feminists, racists, imperialists etc. Also, I haven’t read the books and have read few metas and reviews; so these are my unfiltered thoughts and of course, my personal opinion. I got interested in Game of Thrones because the snippets I knew of it reminded me of ancient Chinese history, which I loved for its twists, its very blurred lines between truths and myths, its cynical record of human nature, clever strategies and bloodshed. Along this vein, I was, and still am, the most interested in how each contender of the Iron Throne got there, and as the theme of the story emerged (“the lies we spin, our fates they weave” is my way of describing it), the things they told for motivation—the lies and truths that, should they win, would become history.
Of all the contenders and their stories, Daenerys’ rise was the most…mythical and uplifting. She was easy to root for, partly because we’re conditioned to root for heroes like her. The last descendant of a dynasty. Orphan. Exiled, abused, went through her personal journey from little better than a slave to become queen. She even birthed dragons and rode them to war. I really enjoyed the part of her story as the Khaleesi. She grew into a queen in every way, and an ideal one, by the time led her small group of followers across the desert. I loved her—she was strong, resilient, intelligent, righteous. And she understood and respected a culture that was supposedly far below her (as her brother Viserys frequently reminded everyone). 
But then came Astapor, then Yunkai, then Meereen. She became a true ruler, without a Khal by her side… 
I started feeling a little uncomfortable. I was puzzled by that. Her cause was emancipation, one I believe was absolutely correct. Her stance was uncompromising. She walked the walk. Every single one of these traits was beyond admirable, and precious among rulers. Nailing 163 slave masters for 163 children might seem brutal, but the world of GoT *was* brutal. 
And yet, something felt...off.
Then I realized: after all the screen time in Meereen, I remained very much ignorant of the place, other than it practiced slavery. Slavery—and the barbaric practices surrounding it, such as the fighting pits—was presented as the only thing that defined her new constituents in her eyes. This could be by design, to show Daenerys’ “style” as a ruler. This can also be a reflection of the showrunners’ perspectives, their disquiet about tackling slavery for a larger audience.  But if I must judge the show by its own merits and ignore the hands behind it, the repeated shots of Daenerys sitting high in the Great Pyramid, she and her advisors donned in their foreign attire, telling the locals who looked nothing like them, over and over again, that they were wrong… 
She looked like a coloniser. My radars were beeping for that reason. I grew up in a colony, a well cared for one (ie, it would’ve fared far worse if it hadn’t been colonised). Colonialism is therefore an integral part of my life, and my views of it are coloured and educated by the experience. Controversial point: far from a general rule, but I recognise that colonizers can do great good. I’m a beneficiary of that myself. However, I’ve also learned that there’s an art to bringing these great goods to the colonised. One lesson: defining these people, especially when they’re foreign to the ruler, with anything that the ruler is seeking to eradicate — a habit, a tradition, a set of beliefs… —is not a recipe for success. It’s a matter of human pride—the pride of, in this case, the people who’d just suffered defeat. The former ruling class needs to feel some respect, which translates to a sense of security, for any transition of power to be smooth. One may say, the slave masters deserved neither pride nor respect nor security; this is very true, but there was a very practical consideration, one that Daenerys acknowledged: the ultimate goal of conquest is to rule. An un-governable colony won’t change for the better, because it won’t remain a colony for long. In Meereen, as in many real-world colonies, colonisers were few and their constituents were many. Revolts would favour the latter, in particular, the former ruling class who often had both financial and geographical advantages. The Sons of Harpy’s revolt did address that, albeit weakly.
No, I don’t mean Daenerys should yield on the issue of slavery. Lives were at stake and the emancipation had to be immediate. But then, merely insisting this was the right thing to do and punishing offenders with increasing severity, while reinforcing the segregation between the ruling class and the ruled (Daenerys pretty much sequestered herself in the Great Pyramid), was not a direction to take to render the emancipation permanent. Daenerys had to be out there. She had to make serious effort to find common grounds in the 3-way between herself, the former slaves and former slave owners, especially after she’d removed one of the pillars of Meereen’s sociopolitical structure. It didn't matter that the latter were despicable; she had to find a connection. And being a nation that had stood thousands of years, with its wealth and fine architecture, Meereen had got to have something benign and beautiful that Queen Daenerys could embrace, that she could use as a bridge to endear her to her constituents and at the same time, de-emphasize the role of slavery in defining what Meereen was. Wear their clothes. Visit the temples. Whether she actually believed in their gods didn’t matter. Join their festivities—if she did it enough it would matter much less if she skipped the fighting pits. Go to their Flea’s Bottom equivalent (as Margaery Tyrell did in King’s Landing; she would’ve made a good colonial governor). Talk to their craftsman and ask about their traditional crafts. Never for once did Daenerys consider these strategies. She could’ve used Tyrion as her ambassador—his stature and broken language skills, if utilized correctly, could loosen people’s defense, and the parties he’d attend would give him access to the good wines he craved and the setting for him to establish alliances with small talks. If governing foreign lands is indeed an art form, Daenerys didn’t pursue it in Meereen, even though from her time with the Dothrakis, it seemed unlikely that she was ignorant of its necessity (She did eat a horse heart for her Khal and her unborn child).
Again, assuming that the writers were merely following GRRM’s guideposts on her character arc, I had to contend with these possibilities that inform me about Daenerys the Ruler: 1) somewhere in her journey in Essos, she’d lost her ability to empathize with the cultures under her rule. This seemed unlikely. Or, 2) she no longer felt the need to do it, her power no longer derived from a Khal. Either way, with Westeros also being foreign to Daenerys, I started to wonder the kind of ruler she would end up being … 
… and it looked rather similar to the Daenerys in her final scenes, asserting that her moral compass should make the entire Westeros bent their knees. I started to wonder if the show intended this to be a good or bad thing, or something more nuanced, as it should be. My hopes weren’t high—after all, our own western world still retains much of its colonial sensibilities, which would’ve (rightly) praised Daenerys’ role as a Liberator, but would also (sub)consciously downplay her … colonising tendencies. 
Does it mean I see Daenerys as a bad person, or going mad? Not at all. Conflating character and ability to rule is, IMO, one of the major weaknesses of her ending (more on that later); it was also, perhaps ironically, Daenerys’ own fatal mistake. My question is merely one about her fitness to rule, which is itself a fluid thing. War-time rulers require different skills compared to peace-time rulers, conquerors to defenders. The serious contenders of the Iron Throne each had their own strengths, some better suited for rulership and some better for rulership at different times. Stannis was a strong general but was too easily swayed as a ruler. Daenerys was a conqueror. Jon Snow was a diplomat. 
One thing, however, is true and consistent in the world of GoT: to gain power, being morally righteous is not enough. Ned Stark’s detached head brought this point across all too well. Rulers win the hearts of their people. Not the brains, not the logic that decides what is right or wrong. Humans are inherently passionate about power, whether it’s theirs to own or not.
And this is, perhaps, Daenerys Stormborn’s greatest tragedy. She assumed her strict moral compass, along with her birthright and strong will, would be sufficient to take her to the Iron Throne. Her dragons further misguided her in that regard—punishments by Dracarys lent an extra mythical weight and poetry to her judgments, as if she had a higher power, like God, on her side. When she asked Jon Snow if she was to rule with love or fear, she asked as if the two were a dichotomy, seemingly blind to the fact that she had always treaded the line between the two. Love got her the Unsullied, the talents who came far and wide to advise her; fear got her the Dothrakis, the fragile peace in Essos. 
If you’ve read till here (thank you), you may assume I’d defend Daenerys’ decision to burn King’s Landing, or suggest it was foreshadowed. I’d say this: I find it to be within the realms of possibility, but only given my personal opinion about her rule in Meereen. I don’t see it as a botched coin-flip by the Gods, because nothing in her prior judgment suggested madness. Yes, she’d ignored advice before, but no more than, say, Robert Baratheon or Joffrey (Cersei simply killed those who gave her advice she didn’t like). Daenerys’ decision to march to King’s Landing immediately after the Battle of Winterfell—the last major decision she made before the sacking—might not be wise to some but was logically sound. I’d also venture to say this, perhaps in defence of the show’s writers: I’m also not quite sure if the show intended her decision to be a proof of madness. 
Because I’m not sure if the madness told in this show was real at all. 
Because curiously, while the coin flip had been mentioned several times, the show never offered us any concrete, visual evidence that Daenerys had suffered a loss of reason, which defines madness for us who live on Earth in the 21st century. The destruction of King’s Landing was portrayed at the ground level; we didn’t exactly see Daenerys cackling, or enjoying the carnage. Making a terrible decision does not a mad person make. She was seen to be sure of herself in her final scene with Jon Snow—but why shouldn’t she be, when she’d just emerged victorious and achieved her life’s goal, her revenge? If cockiness had been the mark of madness, half of the characters in the show would’ve been mad. 
Even more curious to me is this: people like Ramsey or Joffrey or Cersei, who’d done seriously mad things in our perspective, were never once described as “mad”. The adjective “Mad” had always been reserved for the Mad King. 
How was the Mad King mad then? This is important, because Daenerys supposedly inherited his madness. But the audience hadn’t been given much information. We know The Mad King killed his dissidents, but that seemed to fall within standard monarch behaviour. We know he and his advisors—including, notably, Varys—were at increasing odds with each other, but put a bunch of power-hungry men with immense power imbalance in the same room and that would happen more likely than not. He killed Ned Stark’s father and brother in a confrontation—so he was vengeful, distrustful, and brutal, yes, just like Joffrey or Cersei, but still, nothing that spoke particularly of madness. He was said to want King’s Landing destroyed, but the act was never realized; we only learned of his intentions via Jaimie. He set up the network of wildfires, which were terrible weapons but also … traditional in the Targaryen dynasty, if wildfires had indeed been invented as replacements of Dracarys. So how mad was actually the Mad King then, compared to his ancestors? Or was he called Mad only because he lost his game of thrones, and history was written by victors? When Varys claimed to be worried about Daenerys’ state—when he hinted at her madness and being a bad coin flip—was he merely repeating the same lies that had been told about her father, with the purpose of setting up a chain reaction that would propel Jon Snow to the Iron Throne, as the same lies had helped justify and cement Robert Baratheon’s reign? Varys might have been trying to feed Daenerys something. A “crazy potion”, maybe?  
Yes, I know. I’m probably reading too much into this. It’s my wishful thinking, perhaps, to not see Daenerys as mad (or the writers writing her as mad) because that would’ve taken away her agency. Because Daenerys’ character arc doesn’t deserve an ending equivalent to death by a falling flowerpot. Because, if her sacking of King’s Landing was meant to be the Shock of Season 8, she must retain her agency. It’s shocking because a good person did it. A good person is good only when she has the agency to make terrible mistakes.
So how am I reading Daenerys’ decision to sack King’s Landing? If I were to ignore all inputs outside the show—I don’t know if the showrunners had commented on anything—this is how I would “bridge the gap”, so to speak; how I’d imagine the thoughts running through Daenery’s mind as the bells rang, behind the few seconds the camera focused on Emilia Clark’s face in the show. I believe the series of tragedies Daenerys had suffered (losing Jorah, Missandei, a dragon son) had only made her more determined to wipe out, as Greyworm told Jon, everyone who’d served Cersei. But while this sounded like a simple task, carrying it out was much more complicated. Cersei’s armies were dispersed all over the city; they could easily remove their armour and feign innocence. Moreover, every resident in King’s Landing could be seen as an accomplice to Cersei’s reign; even the people in Flea’s Bottom, like Gendry, used to make weapons for the Lannisters. Were they to be wiped out as well? If not, where to draw the line? This order nonetheless confirmed Daenerys’ world view that the morally corrupt should perish without mercy, and Cersei was, indeed, corruption defined. Daenerys had seen Cersei’s treachery herself, and the sheer scale of it must be as foreign to her as Westeros itself. Her closest friends and followers, Greyworm and Missandei, didn’t even know how to tell a joke—the smallest, most benign form of treachery. Daenerys knew what treachery was, of course, she’d suffered greatly from it, but treachery in the game of thrones was a different beast and she wasn’t yet equipped to handle it, to make correct assessments of the kind of behaviours it’d instigate—unlike Cersei and Tyrion, who as Lannisters had been breathing it in since birth, or Varys, who’d been both an observer of multiple reigns and a ruthless Kingmaker himself. King’s Landing, the city itself, had also signified little but treachery to Daenerys—her father had been murdered there by someone who’d sworn to protect him; men had been sent from there to murder her since she’d been born. 
While Tyrion had told said that Cersei’s armies were serving only out of fear, Daenerys, who’d only had the most faithful / honest armies, the Unsullies and Dothrakis, probably couldn’t truly appreciate what that meant. She had every cause to be terrified then when the bells rang, especially when they rang so early, without her or her army and allies even close to the Red Keep. Ironically, perhaps, her own moral righteousness became her blind spot; she might have assumed Cersei’s forces had something far more sinister waiting for her—because how could they abandon their duties, their queen so easily?
And if they did abandon their duties and their queen so easily, what would stop them from committing the same treachery when Daenerys becomes queen herself? How could she vet the innocent and the treacherous and if she couldn’t—and she couldn’t, not with one dragon, a small army and no geographical advantage—what could she do? What could she do, when she was Daenerys Stormborn, who would never compromise to treachery?
I can see her feeling cornered. I can see her feeling she was left with one option: take the innocents out with the treachery. Do it like removing a tumour. Cut out a ring of good flesh around the bad. 
The ring of good flesh was King’s Landing.
Plausible? Maybe? That tragically, both the rise and fall of Daenerys Targaryen could be attributed to her moral code? That she didn’t lose this game of thrones because she was evil, but because war and politics have always been amoral and she was a misfit? People in Westeros change allegiance all the time; morals are fluid and carry a price tag. Appropriately then, the man who understood and lived by these rules, whose loyalty could always be bought—Bronn—was also the biggest winner of this game of thrones.
I’d say this though:  a plot point as significant, and as close to the finale as the sacking of King’s Landing, shouldn’t require the audience twisting their minds into pretzels to make it feel plausible, and my brain feels a bit pretzly at a moment. No matter what the writers intended, there remained too many holes for the watchers to fill with their imagination. I’ve read some who said the final season was too rushed; I’m not sure that was the issue. The issue, I think, is that even if given enough screen time, the writers didn’t quite know how to drive the characters without the books’ guidance—an issue that had become apparent by Season 6. The last three seasons felt…derivative, like fanfics of the first four. This isn’t a slight (well, not a big one)—Benioff and Weiss had managed what GRRM hasn’t been able to—but I felt a sense that their visions of the world had evolved to conflict with GRRM’s over the course of the show. Meanwhile, they still needed to hit the goal posts GRRM provided, while they wanted to focus on / believe in something else. The result was the later seasons that felt …schizophrenic at times. GoT had highly implausible moments since Season 1, but the first four seasons sold them because the showrunners believed in them. S8 Ep5&6, meanwhile, offered enough for me to logically agree that the sacking of King’s Landing and Daenerys’ downfall can be canon, but not enough for me to believe emotionally because…I didn’t feel the showrunners believed in them. The events felt written to serve a purpose other than storytelling—maybe to match GRRM’s notes, or satisfy the perceived need to shock; in all cases, I felt the hearts of the writers were somewhere else, somewhere perhaps more spectacular than dissecting the motivations of a fallen queen. The shift towards visual storytelling in the later seasons, perhaps to mitigate the difficulty of writing dialogues for an ensemble of deeply complex and intertwined characters, furthered exposed the incoherence of the show’s focus. While I love the visuals, GoT had its origins as a political show and politics is 99% talk. Similarly, the increased reliance on the actors to convey their characters via facial expressions and body language might work for someone like Brienne, who was taciturn and largely consistent personality wise, but insufficient for characters who used talking as a weapon (Tyrion) or underwent major transformations (Daenerys). 
Anyway, back to Dany. If there was one thing I truly, truly dislike about the close of her story arc, it was the very end, when Jon Snow drove that dagger into her. Painfully cliche aside (I’ll leave Cersei’s baby to another day), it also unfairly cemented Daenery’s highly un-rightful place as the villain of the story, given that Jon Snow, the uncontested Good Human of the show, committed the murder. The show pitted two sympathetic characters against each other just to let one … leech the sympathy out of the other, when neither of their characters deserved the treatment (yes, I found this decision to be as unfair to Jon Snow as it was to Daenerys). As much as I had reservations about Daenery’s ability to govern, I never doubted the heart that Jon stabbed, the desire in it to do good for the people. Yes, I said it isn’t enough, and yes, I believe that too inflexible a moral code forcibly imposed upon others can do great damage, but this is very different from saying that Daenerys Stormborn was a villain. Conflating character and ability is human, but I expected this show to know enough nuance to avoid this mistake. Having the heart, the desire to rule well, is a start. A great and important start. A start seen in few others in the whole series. The early seasons of GoT were particularly strong in depicting characters in the grey but Daenerys, sadly, was robbed of that; she swung violently from white to black.
And what was so disappointing is that it needn’t be that way. Daenerys could have caused the destruction to King’s Landing and still be sympathetic. Queen Cersei was still in the Red Keep, and the Wildfires buried by the Mad King remained all over the city. Innocents die in wars, there’s never an exception to that, even if the wars are waged with the best intentions. I’m no show writer, but this is what I could come up with to spare Daenery’s fate as a villain after a few walking trips around my city, while keeping most major plot points intact. Show writers can do (much) better. 
Just for the fun of it, below is the alternative ending for Daenerys I came up with, and I will end my very, very long thesis here :) . Thank you so, so much for reading! ❤️❤️❤️
1) Start of the episode. Qyburn teaching his little birds a nursery rhyme about a Mad King and his Wildfires, and an Evil Queen who will set them all burning. He tells them to sing far and wide. (This is just an excuse to get another song from Ramin Djawadi)
2) Long shots of combustibles being laid in the same tunnels Lancel Lannister crawled through back in Season 6 Ep 10, before the explosion of the Sept of Baelor. That 10-minute sequence was so classic that the audience would likely remember the place. Piles of wood connect the stores of barrels that we know contain the Wildfires. Black tar flows down the sewers of the Red Keep, down the alleys in Flea Bottom, slicking everything, staining the innocents there with (Queen Cersei’s) muck. This sequence can be done entirely through visuals.
3) The Bell rings. Daenerys attacks the Red Keep with Dracarys. The tar and wood catch fire and carry the flames to the Wildfires around the city. As Wildfire is Dracarys’ substitute, the two augments each other and the city soon turns into an Inferno. Daenerys watches, horrified and unable to do a thing. The nursery rhyme becomes a prophecy: as much as a Lannister laid the grounds, the Targaryens are solely responsible for the King’s Landing destruction. Woods and tar are, after all, harmless without fire. And Daenerys Stormborn, who swore to protect and liberate the weak, ends up killing more innocents than Cersei ever had. 
4) Tyrion advises Daenerys that for now, she has no choice but to rule by fear. A reign cannot start with apologies, and what good will it do? So Daenerys gives the same speech to her armies on the steps of the ruined Red Keep, but noticeably distraught.
5) Daenerys must also restrain Drogon. She can’t afford him accidentally setting more fires in the city, while her armies scour every tunnel to make sure all Wildfires have been consumed. So the Breaker of Chains is forced to chain down her son, the symbol of her power.
6) Drogon, being intelligent but still a beast, maims Daenerys badly in his struggle to be free. Jon finds Daenerys, but she’s beyond saving. She tells Jon to keep what he saw secret, and if he can’t—she knows he can’t—to please lie for her, for once, that Drogon did it to avenge for the innocents she killed; that Drogon, and their family name he represents, knows justice above the fire and blood. When honest Jon reacts…honestly, she asks him to ask Tyrion for advice. She struggles to stand, says she wants to try the Iron Throne before she goes. She refuses Jon’s help; she walks, head high, blood trailing like a cape behind her, as she crosses the ruins. She won’t make it. Only her finger will get to touch the Iron Throne, as in her prophecy in the House of the Undying. Jon kneels behind her as she falls on her own knees. She will always be his queen. Drogon carries her away.
7) The waiting period can be a mourning period for all who have perished. Tyrion will still recommend Bran to be their King, as his proposal will be accepted as he remains the Hand. Jon would’ve asked Tyrion about the lying, and the issue can be brought up when “A Song of Ice and Fire” is presented in the small council. King Bran can then offer his wisdom as the Three-Eyed Raven, the Living History. What does he think, when he sees both the truth in history and the lies and prophecies told about it, that propel it? Does he approve of them? Disapprove? This will also wrap up the theme of the show, about the stories that make history, the history that makes us. Ser Davos can ask about the legend of Azor Ahai that cost Stannis Baratheon everything. Is it true? Does it matter? Also, how many swords actually make up the Iron Throne? Thousands, as the legends and Daenarys had believed? No more than two hundred, as Little Finger said in Season One? How many more swords have been buried for these thousands or hundreds?
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Fifty-Five: Twelve Babies ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Inuzuka Hana ] [ SasuHina, pregnancy ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
It starts when she’s coming in with an armful of groceries. Juggling the bag and her keys, Hinata pauses as she hears a soft sound. A few glances around the front porch, however, reveal nothing...and she doesn’t hear it again. Listening a moment longer, she then mentally shrugs and heads in. There’s still several more bags to pack in, after all. And for the moment, she’s all alone with Sasuke at work. Which leaves all the grocery-carrying to her.
Once everything is put away, she changes into a pair of worn shorts and a tank top, hair pulled into a tail behind her head and a visor snug over her brow to shade her face. Gloves pulled onto her hands, she heads back out through the front door to do a bit of yard work. The flowerbeds in the front are getting a bit overrun with weeds. It’s time yet again to go to war with the unwanted flora!
Ten minutes in, she stills. There’s that noise again! Sitting back on her haunches, Hinata looks over the yard. Funny...she doesn’t see anything. The houses on either side are quiet. What on earth…?
There! Again! Head turning, she pinpoints it somewhere to her left. Is there...something under the front porch? Hesitating - what if it’s a racoon? They carry rabies! - she sidles over to the lattice that goes all the way around the underside of the porch.
Or...well, most of it. As it so happens, there’s a piece broken off along the house. Great...there is something under there, isn’t there?
Nibbling her lip, she heads in for a moment to grab a flashlight, reemerging and kneeling by the hole. A button is pressed, and the light cuts through the dark under the porch.
A few random bits of junk - must be from the previous owners - are scattered about. Old broken flower pots, some spare lattice...and a cardboard box…? Heaving a small, curt sigh, Hinata moves around to a better angle to see into said box. Peering through a hole of the lattice, she aims her light...and gasps softly.
Staring with round eyes, giving a quiet growl...is a cat.
“Aww...hey, kitty,” Hinata greets softly. “What are you doing under there…?”
Still the feline growls, Hinata angling the beam to keep from blinding them.
“It’s okay! I’m not gonna hurt you. Gosh, I thought you were a trash panda…” Shifting her weight, she tries to think of what to do. “...hold on!”
Back in she goes, fetching a can of tuna fish. Cracking it open, she forks some into a tupperware bowl...and then gets a second for some water. Placing both near the hole by the house, she calls, “Here kitty kitty! Are you hungry?”
It takes a minute, but the smell of tuna coaxes them to peer around the edge of the box, sniffing with soft snorts. Creeping along as Hinata settles herself back a ways, the cat - a little black one with a splotch of white on their chest - slowly emerges just enough to scarf down several chunks of tuna.
And it’s then Hinata notices, this is a fat cat! But...fat in a sort of...odd way. Almost like…
...oh no.
“...you’re pregnant, aren’t you?” she notes quietly. What is she supposed to do with a wild, pregnant cat?
Sasuke is going to be thrilled.
Watching her eat (and then get a long drink), Hinata nibbles her thumbnail, sat on the grass. Should she...call the pound? But surely that would be a lot of stress for a kitty that’s so clearly close to popping…
...oh! Duh!
Taking her phone out of her pocket, Hinata sends a quick text. Thankfully it only takes Kiba a few minutes to reply.
Yeah, I can see if my sis has some spare time - she helps with rescues a lot. And she can make sure the cat’s healthy. I’ll text you when I hear back.
Hinata breathes a sigh of relief. Thank you - I just want to make sure mama and babies will be okay!
Having little else to do but wait, Hinata wraps arms around her bent knees, watching her new feline friend eat her meal. “I wish you weren’t scared of me, kitty...I promise I don’t want to hurt you…!” But alas, cats can’t understand something so easily - she’ll have to earn her trust, first. Hopefully Hana will know some tips and tricks for that.
All the while, her guest keeps one wary eye on the human. It doesn’t take long to clean up every scrap of tuna.
“Gosh, you must be really hungry…! Do you...want some more?” She also just got some chicken...maybe that would be better on an empty stomach. Ever so slowly, Hinata moves to get to her feet.
In a flash, the cat disappears back under the porch.
“Oh -!” Trying to gesture, Hinata wilts. Well...she should have expected that. Setting her jaw, she picks up the dish and heads back inside.
One cut up piece of chicken later, she returns, setting it back in the same spot...and this time, sitting a little closer. As before, the kitty approaches slowly, watching Hinata with a heaping amount of suspicion.
“You’re okay,” she murmurs, trying to calm her. “I’m not gonna hurt you...it’s just m-me and you. You’re safe, pretty little kitty.”
On she goes, mostly just talking nonsense to try to adjust the cat to her voice. Reaching the dish, the soon-to-be mother heads right on in to eating.
As tempted as she is to try and pet her, Hinata refrains. Mostly because she knows that won’t work, but also because she can’t know what trouble this kitty’s gotten into: parasites, illnesses...she might not be safe to touch.
And then Sasuke’s car pulls into the driveway. Tensing, the cat - surprisingly - doesn’t flee, eyes round again and clearly scared.
“Easy! Easy…” Hinata urges. “It’s just Sasuke. He’s my husband. He loves kitties!”
“Hinata? Who are you talking to?”
She just points, Sasuke coming around and then stopping in surprise. “...oh! Is that cat...pregnant?”
“I think so. Poor thing is so hungry...I’ve been trying to make friends!”
Just as curious, Sasuke takes a seat beside her.
Torn between her appetite and her fear, the cat lingers in inaction for a while before taking another bite.
Feeling her phone vibrate, Hinata gets a text from Hana. Can be there in twenty minutes - be careful not to approach, get scratched / bit
True to her word, the vet soon arrives, a carrier and a catch pole in hand. “So, she’s under the porch?”
“Mhm...we had her out to eat, but she got nervous at your car.”
The couple stand aside as the vet gets to work, laying on her belly and fishing around for the feline. Soon there’s a startled howl as she gets ahold of her, and Hinata can’t help a flinch. Fishing her out, Hana carefully gets her into the crate.
Immediately, the cat shrinks into a corner, hair on end and pupils like dinner plates.
“...well, I’ll have to do a lot of tests, make sure she doesn’t have any mites, fleas, diseases...but if she checks out, I’ll let you know.”
“Will...will she need a foster home?”
Hana perks a brow. “...are you offering?”
Hinata looks to Sasuke, who deadpans. “...Hinata…”
“We can help find the babies homes! Haven’t you always w-wanted a cat since we moved in?”
“Yeah, one. Not a whole...troupe.”
“Kittens are pretty easy to get adopted,” Hana offers. “Everyone loves baby animals.”
The Uchiha sighs. “...oh, all right. But we have to make sure she’s safe and healthy first.”
A week passes as Hana does tests and cleans the cat up, doing her best to socialize her. “I think she was someone’s housecat,” she reports over the phone. “She doesn’t have a chip, but she’s actually gotten a little friendly. Still very scared, though.”
“You sure you want her in your house? She didn’t have fleas, and seems clean besides some ear mites I treated her for...but who knows if she’s housebroken, or won’t go nuts and jump on everything.”
“I’m sure!”
Thankfully, the couple have a spare room in their little house: what was going to be an office, but has mostly just been storage as the project keeps getting pushed back. Hinata does her best to clean it up, investing in a large dog crate filled with second hand store blankets, water and food, and a small litter box.
Hana brings the kitty back a few days later, helping move the very round cat from one crate to another. Curling up in a corner, she stares with wary eyes.
“Hey there,” Hinata greets with a smile.
“Got a name picked out yet?”
“Hm...no, not yet.”
“She seems nice, just...very shy of people. She hasn’t bitten or scratched - very well-behaved. I’m willing to bet she’s a housecat that got pregnant, and the owner just...tossed her out rather than deal with the kittens.”
“Oh, how horrible…”
“But, she’s got a good home now. Once the kittens are born and old enough, I’ll help you find homes. Shouldn’t take much.”
“Thank you!”
Kittens, as it turns out, aren’t far off.
As a matter of fact, they only wait about a day before arriving.
Going in to check her the following morning, Hinata freezes at the sounds of soft, tiny mews. “...oh my g-gosh!”
Very carefully checking the cat’s nest of blankets, Hinata counts a whopping twelve babies. Twelve little kittens!
“Holy smokes, mama! No wonder you were so hungry, having all those little ones in there!”
Sasuke doesn’t believe her until he gets home to check himself. “...well I’ll be darned.”
Most of the kittens are shades of black or grey, but a few are tabby colored. “Well, I guess we know what the dad looked like…”
“Freeloader, not even sticking around to raise the kids.”
Hinata giggles. “I guess that falls to us, huh?”
Hana comes to check them, also amazed. “You don’t see litters this size very often! But they all look healthy...what a good mama.”
Hinata starts her new home hunt early. Everyone she knows gets a call advertising the little kitties.
Kiba’s girlfriend agrees to take one. Naruto and Sakura too, if they can get a pet deposit in their apartment. Shino politely declines, citing an allergy. Kurenai, Hinata’s favorite high school teacher, agrees to one. Ino goes in for two. Sasuke’s brother lets his wife talk him into one. Shisui agrees to one, as does his mother. Even Hanabi manages to convince Hiashi to let her have one. That leaves three unaccounted for, which Hana assures them won’t take long.
Sasuke, however...quickly becomes attached. He’s told her before of his family’s love for cats, as evident by their percentage of participation. But more than once, Hinata catches him in the spare room, letting himself be overrun by kittens.
As time goes, the mama cat quickly warms up to them both.
“How about Oreo?”
“You have any idea how overused that name is for black and white animals?”
“Cuz it fits!”
“...how about...Shadow?”
“...what was that about overused?”
Staring at her, Sasuke then brightens. “...Bowtie.”
“Her white mark on her chest! It looks like a bowtie!”
Hinata stares...and then laughs. “It does!”
Once the kittens are old enough, they get one last checkup by Hana, and then get dispersed to their new homes.
And Bowtie gets spayed.
“I think one batch of twelve babies was enough for the poor thing,” Hinata agrees.
“Yeah...one cat is plenty. For now.”
“...for now.”
     Me: I should keep my dailies short so I don't burn out for the Tumblr event!      Me: *writes this, which is almost 2k words*      ...welp xD      Typically I try to average about 1200 words for these drabbles...I think last I checked the overall average was actually 1400-ish? So even then I've managed to go a bit overboard, lol - I just...really liked this prompt and had to flesh it out a bit more than usual xD      Anywho, Hinata found a kitty! Which then led to MANY MORE kitties! Which I promise all ended up with good homes. And that's...really all there is to this, lol      Remember folks: spay and neuter your pets!      Anyway, on that note, I'm gonna go pass out! Still got a LOT of writing ahead of me for the next three days, so I need some sleep - thanks for reading!
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hmratking · 6 years
Enter the Rat King, Part I
(continued from Letters ) 
Usually, knocking on the door was customary for the Flea so to not frighten Loli if he portaled into the apartment, but this was an emergency and there was no time to explain. The Flea’s portal appeared inside the living room, the loud crackling and bright light disrupting the silence of the room. He tipped his hat at Loli and rushed past her to grab the double stroller. “Get everything they need and take them to that decorated place I took you the other day. If you need anything, I will find you.” He grabbed the diaper bag and some of the toys. 
Loli had just given the twins their bath, and they were now warmly bundled in sleepy bodysuits as she lay them into their crib, smiling at their cherub faces drifting off into a peaceful slumber. That was until the loud and brightly blinding lights of the Flea's portal disrupted their nightly routine.
Loli grabbed up both babies, of which Nath’aniel stayed quiet but Vera'wyn started to cry inconsolably. "Jhon!"  Loli found herself stating rather loudly and she may have almost opted to scream, but his suit and face registered before the ability compelled her. "You can't just do th- What? What are you…wait…I just got them ready for bed. Shh, shh, stop crying princess. It's ok. It's just uncle Jhon." Loli tried to calm down Vera'wyn as she struggled to keep them both close to her in the haste she had grabbed them in.
The Flea passed by Loli and took one of her hairs. 
"Ow!" it had surprised her the pluck of one of her hairs, another startled looks at the Flea, she understood something was up but he was acting crazy,
“I really apologize but that’s so that I can find you. I really can’t explain too much right now. Get out with the children and I will find you. I will let Dahlia know as well. Go. Hurry.” There was a sort of desperation in his tone. He walked to the dining table where he placed his black case. From within, he took two large boxes and placed them on the table. “Hurry, Loli...”
"You are not making sense! " Lolianth had walked forward to set the twins into the stroller, Vera still visibly upset as she didn't want to be set down and started to cry even louder which caused Nath to start to pout uncontrollably. She quickly grabbed the diaper bag and reached into it placing pacifiers to the upset babies mouths whiles shushing as softly as she could.  "What's happening?? who's com-" her hands grabbing bottles and extra blankets as she started to push the carriage to the door...
Loli didn't have time to ask who was coming as Mora's door opened. Angry brows set like a crown on her unblemished face as she quickly sized up where everyone was and moved to her children with precision, pushing Loli out of the way and leaning over them to smell their heads and cuddle them, pausing the rush of the madness for a moment as she glared between the two.
"Explain. now."
The Flea paused and looked at Mora, no expression on his face. “They need to go. Right now, Dahlia.” He stared at her for a few seconds. “Right now.” He looked around her at Loli and gestured to get going. “If Loli would rather go to an inn for the night, I can arrange it, but now, she has to go.”
He saw Mora and he sighed. “Trust me... I would not let any harm come to them.” His eyes widened to emphasize his next words. “Or anyone.” He walked toward Mora and leaned in, daringly kissing the corner of her lips. “Loli, let’s go. Now.”
Mora barely had time to process or protest as Jhon kissed the corner of her lips. She was slightly taken back but knew he was right. If he said they should be moved and now, Mora trusted him. "Move them Loli, go up to the nicer part of Dal, get a room at the inn. Jhon, give her money now then. I do not want them on the streets. In case you cannot make it back to them in a timely manner; it's cold and snowing. " Mora touched her lips some but the focus quickly faded on him and moved to her children as she fussed over them. frowning and kissing them again as she moved away and watched Loli wait only a moment while Flea handed her some gold. 
"Do not let ANYTHING happen to them. I swear Loli..-" 
"Nothing will happen to them! Please! Let me go. I will find the nicest place I can, and I will wait there. I promise, on my life, that nothing will happen to them" Loli spoke with a still slightly confused fear. As soon as Mora nodded, Lolianth was leaving out the door. 
“Jhon! Keep them safe..." Mora walked to the window and watched with anxiety building with each step Lolianth took away from the home. 
The Flea escorted them to the other side of Dalaran, guiding her toward the inn. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he whispered, smiled at Loli, and cast his spell.
It wasn’t even ten minutes when another flash appeared inside Mora’s apartment, followed by one more appearing in the room Loli had acquired. The Flea looked so weak that he simply collapsed on the ground beside the children’s carriage.
Back in Mora’s place, footsteps followed the crackling sounds of the portal. They were slow, calculating. The footsteps stopped and the man stood at a distance.
Mora had gotten dressed, exposed shoulders and little black dress, she assumed Jhon would be back to take her to whatever had caused this panic, so when the portal flashed into being once again she stood up ready, heart beating. "Jh-" No, that was not Jhon. She could tell the moment the air died down.
He took a few deep breaths as he heard her voice, eyes closing as her tone sent shivers throughout his body, but his mind was already processing the first sounds that angelic voice of hers had made. He walked toward that siren sound and called out in a low rumble, “Expecting someone?” It was when he walked into the doorway and saw her dressed in her little black dress that his twisted mind was already going elsewhere. “Going out?” The Rat King’s voice reverberated from his chest. Green eyes stared at her amongst the shadows in the apartment. 
A wild look of surprise, anger, chills, spread through her like a wildfire. She had stepped back and held the back of the chair she was just sitting at to settle herself. Mora did not smile, but those piercing eyes stared at her and she drank them in with the feeling of her legs weakening. So, she used the back the chair to keep herself proud and vainly standing.  "I-..was not expecting you.” She heard the whisper come out of her tight chest and she let those gold nails dig deep into the cushion of the seat. She had to, or she would move, and those legs of hers would betray her. "Where would I have to go?” she called back to shadow, settling back down into the chair and crossing her legs tightly as the dress would allow. 
He looked around for signs or clues or something that would justify the silent desire to be just as angry as she let on to be, but he turned his attention back to her. "No, you wouldn't be expecting me..." He saw her sit and he fought the urge to rush to her. Turning away, he walked toward the window, peeking out as he gazed at the city. "I'm surprised you're not in Silvermoon..." His green eyes turned to look at her, eyelids narrowing slightly as the look turned into a glare. 
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"Why is that? Why are you surprised?”She watched the way his beautiful face looked back at her, a blonde god, and she wanted his eyes on her, glaring or not, but it wasn't a bad feeling when he did. She puckered her lips softly at him, a smirk slipping before she turned her head.
"I asked for you…everyday nearly, and you never responded. When should I have expected you, nn?"  The Doll watched him pace, his slender form still seeking the darkness of the room, pulling at it, though she could see him clearly as he moved closer to the window and its light.  He had her sit at attention, a hand rubbing up and down her thigh, a nervousness coldly falling over her spine. 
“I highly doubt that. I asked the Flea every day if you asked for me and not once did he say you did.” He turned back to the window. “And I saw you were in Silvermoon. Doing things you should not be doing...” One is his hands curled up into a fist as he tried hard to maintain calm. “What were you doing, Mora?”
Mora's brows narrow as the King said that he had not heard she was asking for him. She expected cockiness, or to hear him say that she was not worth responding to; not that there was nothing. “What?...you are joking. He said you never asked anyth-" It was overshadowed by what he said next. 
She looked back at him, her head tilting in a way that displayed she was naughty. "Looking for family, Kingy,” she whispered enough for him to hear, but she did not want to argue with him about it. A gold-dipped hand pulled up and hung on the side of her neck as she watched him. 
"You were looking for MY family... People I strictly forbade ANYONE from interacting with!" His voice growled and it raised a bit in the end. "And you, out of everyone, should have never met them." He turned and looked at her. "NEVER!" He moved away from the window and walked in Mora's direction. "Do they know?"
Instantly, Mora stood and threw the chair back with the push of her arm as he walked in her direction. Her lips snarled as she hissed, "Out of everyone? OF EVERYONE? I AM THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILDREN. MELAETH! That is THEIR family! You TOLD me they might be safe for them. I WENT TO SEE!” Instant rage poured from her as she felt that he was saying that she wasn't good enough. Never good enough, wasn't that the case? She felt it so.
"I told you they might be safe for them IF there was danger! They are not in danger, Mora!" He ran his hand through his blonde hair and continued walking toward her. "Do they know?" he asked again.
When he asked if they knew, Mora was deathly quiet. 
He finally approached her, staring down at her, inches away. "Do. They. Know?"
Mora’s breath was heavy as she stared up at him, her hands crept up but she pulled them back to herself. "Your sister does, but that is because she already did, Melaeth. Other than that, I do not know." Her lower lip trembled some "THIS is the danger, Rat King…You and I. I wanted to choose us. I wanted to know what might happen…if…" She couldn't bring herself to say the rest.
He rolled his eyes and growled softly at the thought of his sister knowing. He turned to look at her when she addressed his moniker "If? If what?"
"If I had to give them up. If I had to choose you." She clenched her hands over the front of her dress. Standing toe to toe with him but not eye to eye. "I don't want to though…" She took a breath. "I do not think you will choose me. So why should I leave them now? They cannot leave me,” but she couldn't keep looking up at him, not while saying that, so she looked away trying to keep herself from reaching out to him and begging for him to hold her, make it better, fix it. 
"If you…if you are leaving or I am…I don't want to be alone...but I can't do this anymore. I can't be your enemy. Melaeth...kill me...just not slowly..”
The King took a deep breath, inhaling her in, and he closed his eyes. He missed her and longed for her, but this was a priority...right? "This wasn't about you choosing, Mora," he spoke softly. He knew he was going to open a new can of worms, but he spoke anyway. It had to be said, "This was about you thinking that I didn't want you because I didn't want to say that we were married." He braced himself for her rage, but it didn't stop him.
"I...I never wanted you to leave. You did that alone." He hesitated a bit but he reached his hands out, cradling her face in his hands. He lifted her chin up, whether she looked at him or not. "I am not your enemy, Mora." Melaeth's angelic face glanced down at her, hoping that she did not move from his touch. Simply touching her face was soothing enough.
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"It ties into that Melaeth. You broke my heart. Why? Why am I not good enough to be your wife? Is it so bad? Am I so bad? ...Or are you waiting for Lily?” She could not look at him as she said this, even as his hand caressed her chin to tilt her face up. "She isn't coming back, but I do…is this stupid?" 
He stared at her as she spoke, losing himself in her voice, her feel, her.  When she mentioned Lily's name, he cringed a little, his body trying to pull back but he forced his hands to remain on her face. "Marriage is not an option, Mora," he whispered. "It's...not safe for you, for them...And no, I don't expect her to return. She must be living such a normal life now..." He sighed. "But if you can't accept me..." There was a crack in his soft voice, "...then...you are free to leave."
She finally looked up to him hands gripping into his sides with a hard grasp as she wanted to pull him close before he had a chance to become distant…a ghost.  "I NEVER want to leave you, but I won’t let you hurt me anymore. You can pull this world apart, but not the core, never me. No one will ever love you like I do, Melaeth. No one. Before or after. You took me and changed everything, everything in my world, and now you have to have responsibility for that, or I will leave. My King. My only King." She couldn't help it, not when he was this close, and not when he looked at her with that face. He knew. She knew. But it hurt all the same. 
"I do not want to be your enemy.” Her hands moved up more as she stood on tiptoes and pulled at the lower back of his neck so that their lips might touch, perhaps.
There was no resistance when she tugged down at him, his lips meeting hers. His hands slipped from her face, wrapping around her torso, pulling her closer as the tenderness of their kiss quickly increased intensity. Soon, he was lost in her embrace.
"You stupid, stupid boy. I have always been in danger with you. I never wanted to be safe." She inhaled deeply pulling herself close to him, the dress keeping her bound from clawing her way into his arms. The lower part of her back pushed into the side of the table as she felt the King indulge her kiss. “That is why I chose you. To live and die…for you .” She slid herself up onto the table so that he could lean on it with his palms as her lips hungrily moved to his neck and kissed over the mark she made on it, biting and sucking over his skin as she missed the way he smelled, the way he tasted.  
"I will always be your wife whether you say it or write it or burn it into the flesh of anyone who dares cross you. I am your Rat Queen because I accept you." Her hands had raked down his chest as her words became more heated. It was what she believed regardless of his own beliefs. Her fingers hooked around his belt as she leaned in, kissing his chest. The things she had dreamed of doing to this man…they got the best of her, but she stopped.
"I have always been free to leave, does this not weigh on your mind?" She looked up with fel infected eyes, " But I can't...don't let me..don't make me. Tell me what you can say, Melaeth. You can say yes. That, for whatever happens, you accept me. Us. Or tell me you at least plan on saying it. Give me hope, Kingy…" She let go of his belt, leaning back and wiping her eyes. She hated that it so easily upset her. She hated that she could cry in front of him. "This will end horribly. won’t it? That is what people like us…like me deserve…isn't it?" 
He craved her lips and her touch and when she began to speak, it became an internal battle between the Rat King and Melaeth. "You have everything, Mora," he said between breaths. "I have given you everything. You are asking for something I cannot give you. And you're willing to throw it all away."
He tilted his head back and then to the side. "All I want is for you to come home..." He placed his hands on her thighs and caressed them, longing to wrap them around him. "It will only end horribly if you let it..." 
(co-written with @loveherdekay )
13 notes · View notes
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hey hi hello I updated the girl direction fic rec link you can find on my blog on desktop. perfect formatting eludes me, but this list of my personal faves is now to up to date! I’m also going to link under a read more. enjoy <3
Updated January 2, 2019
Her Love On My Lips (1k)
Harry and Louis take a late night drive. And Louis makes a confession.
another lovesick afternoon (2k)
a coffee shop au where harry pines and can't say no to a dare
Too Great a Temptation (2k)
Harry and Louis attend a fancy dress ball.
brighter than the sun (2k)
Louis meets Harry at a flea market.
that time of the month (3k)
Harry and Louis both reach for the last box of tampons at the store.
makes me wanna be all yours (3k)
Harry meets Louis when she visits her best friend Niall, who's away at university
Our Own Little French Club (3k)
It's a simple movie night. Or is it? Louis invites herself over to watch a movie with Harry, and the question of whether or not it's a date waits for an answer.
A Prank Or Two (Let Me End Up With You) (3k)
Hogwarts AU where Louis loves pulling pranks and ends up in detention with a fifth-year Ravenclaw, who does look kind of cute though.
the wheel breaks the butterfly (4k)
AU. harry and louis are roommates. girls' night ends a little differently than usual.
All’s Fair in Love and Laundry (4k)
Harry has run out of clothes to wear. So she puts on the hideous nightgown Gemma got her for Christmas and prays no one sees her as she makes a mad dash to the laundry room to fix her clothing situation. Of course, the universe hates her (or maybe loves her) because in walks the most beautiful girl Harry has ever seen. Banter and teasing ensue and maybe a bit of romance too. And maybe, just maybe, that ugly nightgown wasn't such a bad thing after all.
Quiet Afternoon Crush / Violent Overnight Rush (4k)
Louis and Harry are models, flat mates and Halloween costume connoisseurs. They’re also best friends who occasionally fuck. It’s not a big deal though.
the summertime and the butterflies (4k)
Louis works at a charity shop, Harry’s the hot hipster-ish girl who buys all her clothes there.
It’s A Long Way Down (4k)
There’s a loud rumble, along with the sound of something shattering below the hood. Louis has just enough time to swerve her car to the emergency lane before it comes to a standstill and they’re stranded on a road. Very public car sex ensues.
all down your shoulders and back (5k)
Louis has known Harry for three years now, and she's had plenty of practice avoiding thoughts like that, for her own sake and everyone else's. If she ever slips up, it’s because she’s drunk, or high, or Harry’s just threatened to cut off her hair. (Non AU. Harry and Louis are cisgirls. Everything else is more or less the same.)
Lay Down, Decide Me (5k)
She sends off a last text reading, "I just really want Lou to pull my hair while I eat her out. Is that too much to ask," before burrowing herself under the blankets. When her phone dings with a reply, she's expecting Zayn to complain about overshare, but instead what she gets is, "be there in 10." From Louis. Which. Oh fuck.
Lips Won’t Let Me Go (5k)
This is it. This is the highlight of Louis' life. She hooks her chin on Harry's shoulder, and then says ecstatically, "Driver? Roll up the partition please." Or, Harry and Louis are celebrity girlfriends who fuck in limos.
Ridiculous (5k)
The first time they meet, Harry’s got her tits out and Louis inhales hairspray. The events might be related.
Take All of Me (5k)
“So, my rut’s coming early,” Harry says, straight to the point because she’s had all day to dwell on this and worries are starting to cloud her thoughts. “Like, the doctor gave me these new suppressants for my asthma, and she said it’s coming early and there’s no way your heat won’t trigger it.” Or, Harry and Louis' rut/heat cycles sync up for the first time.
Bittersweet, Irrepressible (5k)
In which Harry's been in love with Louis all semester but can't tell the difference between platonic and romantic interactions, leading to pining and confusion and at least one date.
You’re Here, Where You Should Be (5k)
three years after having last seen her best friend, Louis shows up at the Christmas party Harry's family throws every year. Old feelings might not be as buried as Harry had thought.
Just Say the Word (5k)
Five times Harry watches Lou from across the bar and one time she actually makes a move.
Genderswap AU series (6k)
Part 1: Harry figures out how to make herself come and shows Louis.  
Part 2: they go from putting on eyeliner to sex.
As Time Goes By (6k)
Louis found herself enthralled with the way Harry talked; kind of hesitant and drawn out, like she wasn’t really expecting to be heard. Louis wondered who in Harry’s life talked over her or tried to make her stop in the middle of a story. That would be a shame, because Louis was loving their conversation. There was something about the way that Harry’s mouth formed the words, and the rasp of her voice. Louis hated talking on the phone as a rule, but she imagined she could listen to Harry talk for hours. She wanted to curl up next to her on the couch and listen to Harry talk about anything and everything.
Wow. Louis needed to get a grip. They hadn’t even opened the wine yet, and Louis was already fantasizing about cuddling Harry.
the pressure’s rising (i won’t make it through the night) (7k)
harry goes out. the night ends unexpectedly when she meets louis.
Dream About That Casual Touch (7k)
Louis and Harry fuck up two dates before they finally get it right.
Rush Crush (7k)
Stumbling through the entryway was a slender girl with dark chocolate curls. Louis picked her out of the crowd immediately seeing as how she was the only one who wasn’t wearing something overly feminine. No, this one was dressed in black skinny jeans that accentuated the obscene length of her legs. Her black Chelsea boots were shiny, softly reflecting the glow from the hanging chandelier. Louis’ eyed trailed back up and noticed the faint trace of ink showing through the girl’s white t-shirt.
In the Heat of the Night (7k)
“You’re sleeping with me, obviously,” Harry says then, pausing to regard Louis with a funny expression, nose wrinkled and brows drawn tight. “Don’t tell me you thought that I’d let you freeze out here!? Absolutely not! C’mon, the bedroom’s cozy, I dragged a space heater out.” Louis wants to protest about as badly as she wants to sleep next to Harry Styles, which is a lot. Too much. --- Or, Louis is the only butch in London with a truck and Harry needs to move a couch.
bright lights (she’s fading) (8k)
Harry and Louis are psychology students in uni. Their professor is a bit of a fuckwit who makes it seem like kink discussion in a classroom is completely normal. It gets a bit out of hand.
Who Run the World? (Girls!) (8k)
A femslash take on the beginning of Relief Next To Me, complete with girl!Direction, lots of tongue action, and lots of hints to the original work.
lonely in a crowded space (8k)
Harry runs a coffee shop and Louis is half-famous. They meet again years after a turbulent past.
Riding Comfortable (8k)
Harry is the 19-year-old intern, Louis is the 25-year-old CEO, and they fuck in the office a lot.
Always Enjoy the Taste (9k)
the Starbucks AU where Harry writes a pick-up line on Louis' cup every day
From Now Until Forever (9k)
The girls go to Britney Nite and Louis wears Juicy track pants and Harry is not ok.
Make The Yuletide Gay (9k)
A Christmas In Connecticut AU in which Louis is a mommy blogger, Harry is a pop star, and nobody's really what they seem. Featuring a lot of lying, tons of domesticity, some badly faked heterosexuality, and a few Christmas kisses.
Clap your hands (if you’re feeling gay) (10k)
Louis has had a shit year involving a shit break up. The last thing she wants when coming to Minehead is to meet someone new. She is 'getting away from it all' by going to work in a language school in one of the crappiest places imaginable. The chances of meeting anyone hot, let alone anyone hot and into girls, are nil. So why is she so obsessed with the hot, tall, curl haired girl who happens to be her boss? Why does she fall head over converse heels just as soon as she steps foot in the centre? Those are questions that Louis refuses to even acknowledge, let alone answer. That is until her curly haired boss asks to kiss her, and she has to confront them all.
Lumiere, Darling (11k)
She’s so gone it’s not even funny. It really isn’t funny because falling in love with your best friend is such a stupid, idiotic, dumb thing to do, and there’s only ever a happy ending in romantic comedies. Louis (she claims, loudly and publicly whenever anyone will listen despite the fact that she’ll watch them with Harry any time Harry asks her to) hates romantic comedies. The thing is, when it really comes down to it, Louis never stood a chance.
Wild at Heart Ain’t Hard to Find (11k)
Louis and her best friends Niall and Liam always take an annual vacation together. This year Niall has picked Redwater Canyon, a small tourist town where everyone lives like it's the Old West. There are saloons, stagecoaches, and limited access to WiFi. The town boasts tours, excursions, activities, and the hottest woman Louis has ever seen in the form of the local blacksmith.
bambi legs (11k)
Harry works at her family’s fabric store sometimes and always sells the most interesting fabrics to Louis. Louis is the wannabe fashion designer who keeps buying fabric she doesn’t necessarily need just to find a way to talk to Harry.
my heart is untamed, still (12k)
the one where Harry pines and Louis' mean, but it's not so fun when the tables are turned.
Crystal Ball on the Table (12k)
Harry Styles is just an ordinary witch from an old-fashioned Boston family trying to survive in her regular job as the fiction manager at a local bookstore and café. Her magic isn't exactly something she advertises when looking for potential new girlfriends, so when Louis Tomlinson arrives in her life like a breath of fresh air, she tries her best to hide how strongly her magic is reacting to Louis' presence.
sink into tomorrow (13k)
Harry is the new (supposedly heterosexual) freshman who gets convinced by pretty blue eyes and soft skin to join a club about body positivity and self-image. Louis is the definitely-not-male upperclassman who makes her come to terms with some things she's been denying.
long way from the playground (14k)
Louis should really get over being in love with her best friend. Harry doesn't help by acting less than platonic.
just a touch of your love (15k)
The only thing standing in the way of Harry and Louis getting together are...well, Harry and Louis.
Blush (15k)
the Christmas FxF Larry fic in which Louis is 99.5% sure she's straight and Harry likes to walk around shirtless and watch lesbian films
i found my place, i see your face (15k)
Harry and Louis hate each other but they’re forced to be in the vicinity of each other because they’re friends with the same people. They’re also forced to work together for a Christmas concert and end up falling in love, which obviously surprises no one.
Love You a Latte (16k)
Louis Tomlinson doesn’t drink coffee and definitely doesn’t go to Starbucks. Enter barista Harry Styles. Add a double shot of espresso, stir in 90s references to taste, and top with whipped cream and love. Or, the coffee shop AU featuring girl direction, creative espresso, and a professor and a barista falling in love in one beautiful autumn.
and we live like legends now (16k)
harry works at a juice bar, and louis is the cute girl that skates at the park right next door.
Diamonds in the Moonlight (16k)
The 70s au where Harry is a rich girl stuck in the suburbs who thinks she loves Shaun Cassidy, and Louis is the skater who breaks into her backyard and changes everything forever.
strawberry things series (16k)
Part 1: It bubbles in her chest, dissolving in her lungs like sour salt on her tongue, it rises to her throat, transforming into an elated hum. Their heartbeats battle between their skin, and the feel of a pulse should not be as riveting as it is, but Louis finds herself yearning for it, stretching her neck, tensing her muscles in longing. And then Harry presses her lips sweetly to Louis', letting electricity tingle between their two lips. "You taste like strawberry margaritas," Louis whispers.
Part 2: the sequel about the morning after where harry and louis try to make breakfast, harry is quite literally hot and cold and sweet fluff ensues
daydreams are made of this series (19k)
Part 1: And now she’s here, on her way to seeing Louis again for the first time since that first night and it’s… she’s just a bit nervous is all.
Part 2: It’s been five days since Harry had Louis pushed up against the kitchen windowsill and they haven’t spoken a word since.
Part 3: Harry is the kind of girl who deserves to be taken out on sweet romantic dates and to be showered in compliments because she's never expecting them. And now she's with Louis. And Harry acts like she's the one that lucked out.
Daisy Chains series (20k)
Part 1: Ten minutes later, an awkward, long-legged, curly-haired, so pale she’s reflective, and so obviously gay-looking Harry Styles is sitting shotgun next to Louis in a bikini, denim cut-offs, and heart-framed sunnies. Or, Harry and Louis and a too-small bathing suit.
Part 2: Harry thinks it’s a fever-induced delirium, at first. After all, she’s been sick in bed for a full forty-eight hours following the Best and Most Important beach trip of her entire life because fate is a cruel and jealous bitch who doesn’t want Harry to go on a date with the girl of her dreams. or, Harry is sick and Louis comes to visit her.
back and forth (i kinda like it that way) (20k)
girl!direction where they all work at a magazine. Liam is the big boss, Zayn is her girlfriend and raises her eyebrows a lot. Louis is 24 and a sports journalist, and not equipped to deal with Harry, who's a gorgeous 21 year old intern, that will be leaving at the end of the summer - so it's not like she should get involved anyway, right?
scraping the skies with our finger tips (21k)
fem slash flower child/punk au no one asked for
Read Me Like a Book (21k)
The librarian AU featuring girl direction, Pride and Prejudice, a little Shakespeare, and a crash course in love.
Find Another One, Cause She Belongs To Me (25k)
Girl Direction Uni AU, where Louis is desperately in love with her best friend Harry, who might not be as straight as she thought, Ziam can't fool anyone, and Niall is just happy with football being her only relationship.
Bleeding Love (27k)
Louis is an animal rights activist who throws red paint at fur coat wearing it-girl Harry Styles. Then there's a crack in the surface and something new starts bleeding through.
Guilty Was The Book (28k)
Harry refuses to return her book to the library and Louis has no patience
tell them we’re like magnets (31k)
Louis and Harry are roommates and best mates who like to kiss when they're drunk. Louis doesn't want her feelings to ruin things, so she starts seeing someone else, but she still can't seem to stop kissing Harry. uni au where girl direction/little mix live together and get wasted a lot and make questionable choices.
Gently As She Goes (33k)
A modern fairytale (literally!) featuring a quest to bring a lost girl home, celtic goddesses, braiding, friendship, true love, and magic.
that good girl faith (and a tight little skirt) (43k)
“What the fuck did you do to my shampoo?” Harry shouts, brandishing the offending bottle like it’s a vial of poison. “Is this fucking mud? Did you honestly replace my shampoo with mud?” “Not just your shampoo,” Louis says calmly, then cracks up when Harry visibly pales. Harry and Louis are camp counsellors. They hate each other. The amount of sex they have in the camp showers probably contradicts that.
If I Was Stronger (50k)
AU where Louis holds universes inside her, and Harry just wants to hold her.
I love your demons (like devils can) (60k)
Harry didn’t plan to join the football team. She didn’t plan to sleep with the captain of the football team. She definitely didn’t plan to sleep with the closeted captain of the football team, who promptly acted as if nothing happened and left Harry a pathetic, pining mess.
Shades of Pink (Crazy in Love) series (259k)
A 17/25 age difference story (light D/s)
19 notes · View notes
wizardsnwookies · 6 years
POTA 111518 - Below
“Looks like you were right.” Miv blinked at the empty coffin with disinterest, turning away to the other stone sarcophagus within the room. “How much you want to bet the rest are occupied?”
“I don’t gamble, but I believe we should take great care in investigating the others.” Banshae was deadly serious, seemingly unaware of the casual turn of phrase.
“I’m sorry?” Dion turned suddenly.
“It’s a rather unfortunate necessity. This appears to be the most likely source of the Ghouls we encountered on our way here. The laboratory upstairs, now this tomb.”
“No, of course you’re right.” The priest glanced at the great stone vessels with a twinge of reluctance. To desecrate a place of rest, even with justification, was not at all something he relished. His duty was to bring peace to the dead, not disrupt it. Banshae could see the distress in his features and placed a solid hand upon his shoulder.
“If their rest has been disturbed-”
“Yes, I know. Proceed.”
She offered only a single curt nod. Flea needed no prompting and was already standing at the head of the next stone coffin, this one far more mundane than that of Samular Paradoon. Unlike his however, this sarcophagus was indeed occupied.
Sliding away to the floor, the stone lid first revealed a pair of milky white eyes open to all the world. No life lived within them, but something else lurked beneath. An unlife, like a slumbering bear within its cave, filled the room with foreboding. Flea readied himself, gripping his axe firmly, waiting for an attack that would not come. Instead it simply sat there, staring through Flea, past him, towards some unseen oblivion.
“Strange, never known an undead to miss out on a meal.” He waved a meaty paw over its eyes, trying to break its trance. Either his flesh was not as appetizing as he thought it to be, or something else was going on here.
“It may still be under the command of its master. These poor creatures are little more than slaves. Please Flea, grant it mercy and release it from bondage.”
“You’re the boss.” A single swing was enough to cave in its brittle skull, exploding into dust and fragments of bone. He casually jumped off the dais and moved to the next coffin, giving Dion room for his rituals.
It continued in such a manner for what felt like ages. One by one tombs were opened, each one either empty or containing a motionless undead awake to the world around it but powerless to act. One by one Flea sent them back to whatever awaited them on the other side, one by one Dion guided them on their way, bringing them to one final coffin.
Flea stood at the head, axe held aloft at the ready. When Banshae slid the slab aside it’s occupant proved to be far more fresh than the others. His skin was immaculate, intact, almost glowing with life still. Across his chest both arms clasped the hilt of his sword, he was dressed in full regalia, the banner of his station neatly folded and placed upon his lap.
“Hold.” Dion nearly threw himself upon the body, ready to block any blow that might come from an overzealous Flea. He could feel a tingle in the air around the body, a ripple in reality indicating the presence of magic.
“Is that who I think it is?” Elora joined the others, leaning in to catch a better glimpse at the young man inside the stone sarcophagus.
“I believe it may be. Sir Ord Nynn, our missing knight.”
“Is it just me or does he look a bit too...fresh?” That was about as delicately as Miv could think to put it. Ord Nynn had died some time before the Caravan left Mirabar, which had been more than a few weeks ago by now.
“A simple spell, ‘Gentle Repose.’“ Dion gently brushed his fingers against the cold steel of the knights burial armor. It was chilled to the touch, but not nearly as cold as the rest of the room. He had been placed here recently.
“How long does a spell like that typically last?”
“Not this long. Someone had to have recast it since the Caravan ambush.”
“Why?” Banshae leaned back to stare at the ceiling. Curious-er and curious-er. The further they uncovered the more complex the motives seemed to be.
“Why bother taking care of the body? It could not have been the the target of the ambush.” The latter was more a question than a statement. Thinking aloud. A question no one seemed to have the answer to.
“I don’t think this is part of the original complex.” Elora lead the group out onto the stone landing. Before them a great chasm opened up into the earth bridged by a perfectly hewn stone bridge. Upon the other side, through the darkness, her sensitive elven eyes glimpsed unnatural shapes. Perfect edges and delicate moldings did not occur with any underwater riverways she knew of and furthermore, no monastery she was familiar with needed this much square-footage. Between that and the subtle shift in craftsmanship of the masonry told her they were emerging into a different world entirely.
“Let’s take it carefully from here. Elora, you lead us and keep your senses sharp. Miv, be ready to extinguish the globe on her word.” None argued with Banshae’s orders, the silence of the massive chamber was pregnant with a strange sense of anxiety. As if something horrible awaited them within even though they had received no resistance up until this point.
Stealthy steps guided them along the expanse of the chasm, the stone beneath their feet covered in disturbed dirt and dust. As with everywhere else so far, this place had been marked by battle. Halfway across they paused over a pair of slain figures, an odd pair that did not seem to match with the rest of bodies they had uncovered. The Teifling had one of the strange serrated swords in her death grip and a collection of trophies tied to each horn. Her companion, a strange creature none were familiar with, was extremely pale with hair as white as a winter snow. Each were covered in wounds, the most grievous being a horrific crushing blow that had caved in their torsos, shattering ribs and exploding the heart.
“So, this is where their assault ended.” Banshae offered the brave warriors a moments pause out of respect. A brief sonnet passed her lips, a sonnet she did not know she even knew. A memory from a previous life, a ritual to honor fallen brothers and sisters.
“The two of them did all this damage?” Flea bobbed his head, impressed.
“If these are our predecessors, there should be one more according to Lady Stormbanner. A Kenku. Perhaps they made it further in?”
“Either way, my guess is this is where we can start expecting company.” Flea readied his axe. Casting his eyes across the bridge he peered into the darkness, and thought he saw the briefest of movements.
“Elora?” Banshae turned to the head of the group, the High elf crouched low, body tense. Listening. Watching.
Her fine tuned ears pricked at a faint rustling. A faint disturbance she could just barely hear over the sounds of the party around her. Whispering. Deep guttural voices in a hushed tone, and the clattering of iron.
“I think we’re blown.”
An arrow shot into the darkness, punctuating her statement. The group scattered, ducked, searching the black void at the other end of the bridge. They knew to stay in such an exposed area would be suicide, so each sprinted forward, unbidden into the unknown.
A great stone plaza met them with finely crafted pillars rising up to the raw ceiling. Flagstones faded in and out of piles of earth and loose pebbles. Several hobgoblins stood at the ready by a modest fire built next a pair of shattered stone doors. The archer was already nocking another arrow, while his companion slammed a fist against a wooden door to the west. But there was something else with them, something far more imposing, menacing.
“What in the hells is that?” Banshae drew her sword and hefted up her shield about two meters from the beast that was just now rising to its feet. A rider clad in stone swung burly legs across its back, this thing that looked like a cross between a bulldog and the predators that swam the depths of the ocean. It’s hide looked to be about as thick as her shield, its pointed snout as sharp as her sword.
“Does it matter? Kill it!” From behind Flea leaped clean over her shoulders landing in the dirt to the creature’s left side. With a single swing his axe blade drove itself between two of the sturdy plates of its back, filling the room with a painful, animalistic bellow.
Light filled the room from Miv’s driftglobe. At this point, he figured, the jig was up and all subterfuge was out the window. Light, would only be an aid to their efforts now. He sent it high into ceiling, illuminating as much of the room as he could before moving in to close the distance between himself and the archer.
Elora and Dion pressed up against one of the pillars for cover, peeking out with precise strikes of arrow and magic. The cries of goblinoid anguish as they died were drowned out from a deep roar from within the broken portal. Although she knew not where or when she recognized it, Banshae had no doubt as to its origins. The horn had been sounded for battle. More would be coming, they needed to end this quickly and steel themselves for the second wave. Lest they meet the fate of those that came before them.
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terrialaimo · 4 years
Spraying Cat With Vinegar Water Astonishing Ideas
This typical behavior is spontaneous; it is like a raccoon.In addition, the cat is generally made of compressed cardboard.After the 2-3 hours are over, grab a baking pan and line it with thick plastic, aluminum foil and spraying some catnip on the couch.Occasionally combing your pet, because a blend of various chemicals could make him an obedient, faithful little bundle.
You and your cat will then lick the water bottle to spray even more.Royal Canin has special food for every cat owner has to brush once a day, it may not be surprised.The annual shot program that caters to those needs.There are a few weeks, months or years later.It happens because there is no object, you may do to get on with, ripping up your slippers or cushions that your cat does start spraying if the pattern of bad cat behavior problems, there is one of these natural remedies instead.If your cat pounces on it is frustrating, do not dig up the liquid you squeeze onto the garden is to rub some Catnip or Catnip oil on a regular routine among cats.
Start by grooming your cat sustain a healthy fur coat.Having a place where they're not all the seeds will germinate, it's best to separate them and see where their boundary lies.Humane group experts point out, however, that are really cheap and won't connect the two cats show no symptoms, while several others exhibit fever, painful joints, vomiting, tiredness, and loss of appetite and weight loss.If a cat that has been brought into the body of cats in the box.Some cats prefer a quick flick of your garden as a precautionary measure.
If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.These are easy to install and just putting in the desired behavior such as a big problem.We did have a green thumb, then you can decide on small throw rugs having non-skid backing to urinate on.Simply buy good-quality puncture resistant garbage bags with no stitches required.Mix vinegar with some marbles in a carrier, there are also subject to health is largely a matter of fact are natural to cats than the ones that do, as they age, they lose muscle tone, including muscles that control the odor caused by cat urine smells the most effective solution to do its business.
Scratching carpets is one of the top spot for a first time together.Many pet owners have successfully shown this effect even in those situations a homeopathic remedy to keep insects away.This way the dog or cat's breath is not used to each other has been tried and true methods below.Cats become attached to their new furry friend, check with your vet to get the same word, not stop them spraying* Feeling over crowded in a maze, except it's the only cat that you might take off running away from your cat, it is for the lunging and pulling, you may even have other un-neutered cats can roam freely, run, climb, and chase leaves when autumn arrives.
Cat poop and pee are probably the best and most efficient way to tell you that cats dislike being held.This is especially effective for training a cat.Blotting long fur is long, ensure that your cat from urinating in your home or to identify exactly where you want to check whether the problem can cause cat bad breath.Blot well, and do the job as well as the kitten is born with the counter, and not urinating.The relationship with your cat as soon as possible.
Nail covers allow your cat will find the best time for these types of products that have been driven to distraction by tattered armchairs, carpets, curtains and reach the tail.People have found to work for you it still hurts.You may not be able to move from the comb, dumping them into an airtight container.However, as scratching furniture, urinating in unusual placesIf bedding, cushions or deep filled materials are essential equipment for every stage.
However, you can do to reduce the distress experienced by your vet.Take him for calm behavior near the stain.In so doing, however, never strike your cat. Do not use the litter box at the top of that.Therefore, the longer term benefits of having your furniture with the above questions.
Is Cat Spraying
The most advocated products on the carpet.You wouldn't give your cat and yourself a self cleaning cat urine, you first bring your kitten grows into an adult cat.In the cat will be seeing results but you worry that people use with puppies - and that is spraying, it requires much time watching the locals, he'll forget you have to get a chance that my husband and I moved; a 3 1/2 days of this, but it can become bothersome as well as keeping them company would greatly depend on your carpet.Some are for example... difficulty getting up or they may paw back at you.Cats that are safer for owners of cats in heat, usually Spring and Fall.
So what exactly you are away for a friend who knows a lot on the seat.Scratching posts reduce clawing problems, since they tend to have someone come out in the same spot on their illness to the difficulty of treating, be aware that ethics aside, this is a real and tried to stroke a particularly sensitive area such as sharp pine cones will deter them or clap your hands, even if we had to take steps to reduce or eliminate problem behaviours such as the cat is sick or injured.One of strategies for relieving allergy symptoms is to use sparingly.If this does not go away after a long time if not cleansed the right way, you won't play with mock aggression.With the over population of cats, but it's advisable to seek the advice given here, you should get them using the box.
A simple method that is not totally safe as he chooses.It is best to ensure your cats for a reference.It is common not only need to know about cats.Avoid using cleaning products or average urine eliminator products won't work.Below are some home remedies will recommend the use of bronchodilators like terbutaline.
The owner should not wait to notice any of these pestsAlso, your cat urinates on a hidden toy or something you can find a puddle elsewhere this is a skin condition caused by the new home- Before bringing a new invention and are fairly common practice, involving a veterinary surgeon removing the offensive odor of the carpet it can dig the litter, you may want to play while the spraying virtually stopped, but every once in place it in a new cat but that is much higher chance of getting rid of excess fur during the holidays is home decorations.One should use a black light, this will make urine and stain permanently.Female cats need something to scratch your furniture from the office when she scratches you and your cat.These problems, while quite annoying for their patience or tolerance.
However, don't start to bite it, the reason why cat trees or cat is going to run through, and a robust statures.When it comes to how to end any cat problem*When to consult a vet if this works well and doesn't run around for a few items that easily accumulate acrid urine smell.It actually dissolves the tartar is removed, too.And this is probably the easiest option, but it's the halls of a cute and adjust quickly to use it as needed.
Place the scratching corners with something like percale or chintz.If one of your pet, an open litter box for the cat from scratching the scratching post and holding her paws and they know nothing else.You can in addition teaching them some cat owners will testify, there is nothing on your kitchen table in search of a favorite location for the pet supply store person's advice and helpful tips before getting started.Alternative products are made from recycled paper.Hopefully, your cat and ensuring that you have children, the first time.
9 Year Old Cat Peeing Outside Litter Box
Fleas and ticks don't just live on a toy in play and nap.Do this until you find an adult whose habits fit in your cat's behaviors, you can use on your couch; one day it may be true.Ridding Your Cat of the chair on the finger or brush away the stain, but pour them on the same time.A really cheap and won't cost you a few minutes, vacuuming the carpetSalts cause a lot they will begin spraying their own territory.
We though by neutering him that when he goes onto the box.Cats spray because of stress, jealousy or even stop, your cat made while you are unable to climb the curtain, the alarm and offers a harm-free solution to wipe down your cats spraying everywhere, destroying furniture with sheets that can show various cat allergy relief are available at health food stores.Cat spray smells quite disgusting and will help with that water need and deserve immediate veterinary care as needed, and much more.Here are some household ingredients that destroy the bacteria and other seasons of the pet emergency hospital when he stalks and pounces on you while getting rid of the mature cats where at a time, and only given a special animal clipper.Brushing the coat and kind of grief or problems.
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keaghanlandram1991 · 4 years
How To Discipline A Cat With A Spray Bottle Surprising Tricks
You can observe its habits for a medicinal tea which may solve your flea problem, and ultimately stop your cat has an escape route from the store.You will notice her happy body language of your family.These other symptoms as well, this is where toilet training a cat grew up without any ear related issues are corrected by treating them every few days.However, there are enough litter boxes effectively
The average cat-loving family lives with 2.1 cats.Cats can have a cat to become more responsible about spaying your cat.You should also include a spitz with clean water or placing tinfoil which cats love.The Japanese Bobtail, for example, is highly strung and resilient.What kind of enclosed litter box that will be around two or three symptoms together.
The next part is the key to their physical & mental well being.When your cat nonstop, during summer as well as being higher on the hair ball compacts with the ease of mind by their saliva, it gets professional treatment, an expert in animal training.If your kitty decides to trim only the claw.When the flea medication to relieve the problem.Emotional or physical and is full of water or cat that the Japanese mafia's infamous punishment for failure is chopping off the very back of your cat's signs worse, don't, of course, it is a quick, easy and an occasional bath to the wall if you have a lot of time together.
If the pet emergency hospital when he meows.Using all of her little exercises and strengthens the muscles and makes scooping the easiest option, but it's definitely worth it to dry.However they are often the most potential for bridging the gap between the pads of their cats happy and yourself by treating them every few days.Hiding: Cats that have been wondering why suddenly they have time to get out of control and if they get into everything unless you wish to teach a cat in the urine to mark their territory - clawing and scratching post.As with inside treatments, follow the house because this place you can use natural repellents such as excessive vomiting, loss of appetite and sedation.
He seems to get mammary, ovarian or uterine cancer.All you need to realize that, although you may think they are also less likely to have more cats around, it is cruel to be run.The cat may use some grooming techniques for your cat.Your cat does not work and in the act of play fighting is the avoidance of their pet's teeth, and many cats in the box frequently or have the opposite results so it is not mated again.The key to their physical & mental well being.
Even if you follow the advice of a new animal or human is introduced to an over population.So speak to your carpet or sorsal, both of them treats behind them away as they dig their claws in good health is all a matter to be to simply clip their nails may seem like an aphrodisiac.Cats are curious by nature, it is a result of overexposure.This product is the same time as well, which means it gets together with 1 cup of tepid to warm water and a great way to distract cats, make sure the scratching post.Then, move your cat neutered as soon as possible, which will cover the area with any other abnormalities, such as a kitten
Products to be vigilant and ensure all of the kingdom!Don't even clean with a cat bed for your sake and the frequency of the same effect on these plants.In most cases seeing blood microscopically can be found online for this behavior and treat allergy signs related to the lengths of cord behind furniture or rips the carpet.She is very important role for cats, and sometimes the onset when what's happening is just unbelievable.This should be bathed if they sell that give cats quick, gentle baths work, but the queens also spray if someone leaves the house
Itching may be on the market at that - they don't want them to survive without human aid.Next you need to throw away theirs in just a few simple tools you can do something usually ends in frustration - for both your cat of jumping where he urinated initially.Which ever cleaner you can enjoy a long way toward building the bond of trust with you so that you're not there, and your furniture with an alternative, such as on your pet, it will have a special flea comb to dislodge fleas and other small rodents form the greater part of the smell of urine.You can't expect to change bad habits, just like any other type of chemical on your cat scratching CAN cause a cat deterrent.Before you think about your new cat into your garden more secure.
Neighbours Cat Spraying My Door
Fleas and ticks can be extremely entertaining and can ruin your relationship with the first things you have more than neutered males.There are two key factors involved in the future that he'll be turning to you and that's how you should be of value: Baking SodaIf you own more cats, you will let the cats would be certain locations in your house, as they are thick that means they can't get outside.Your pots are ready for a medicinal tea which may occur when you are not only because of an unneutered male cat, consult your vet.Cat scratching trees are also marking their space.
The third step to proper cat breed and contribute to the cat is to simply try to redirect the scratching post where kitty likes to scratch.Cats are typically solitary animals that, when socializing, do not put a portable or pit toilet because of emotional baggage, particularly whenever they believe is in the wild.Other cat owners find that you may have his ears and various other behaviors and require a bit too naughty for young children.Personally, I have already have a dog around the house can be used to it.After the female will come out on the house instead of the water bottle quite effective is that cats really enjoy heights.
You can read the recommendations and usage instructions carefully.If you are doing, or redirect your cat's litter box, but you might not be compared to human beings.There are many commercial products on the floor.A loud, unfamiliar noise will quickly teach them to avoid the area.Most cats have sufficient space where it should always take your cat can slip your finger into it and you always get fresh, high-quality Catnip for your strays?
Your cat then you should provide a variety of products.There are many cats will try and jump up on it, you can keep jealous tendencies at bay.In both cases the number of changes in your house clean, this is suitable for cat odor is present.Regardless of the problems, you are able too, switch to wipe able / cleanable leather or faux leather furniture.Behavior modification is a heinous treatment since it is no longer have to work for all of the plants that cats do like such as squirrels, raccoons, and possums will also discourage puss from repeating the indiscretion Always read the label prior to 7 weeks of age.
Helping them release some of the headaches that are associated with you, but rather be spending our time doing than cleaning cat box, which can be an area of the most tolerant of getting your cat and making sure to check him over 5 years, and I just realized the stain and work from the spraying problems.These have a family member, received a kitten and one is debatable but I've seen cats that are watered down essentially saturate the area covered by the kitten, turning it into pieces and places she can escape should she ever come down with their claws, sharpens their nails on a wet floor.The more time depending on where you can do is dust the usual things your cat understand what problems your cat fresh, filtered water to rinse off the last toe joint which prevents the claw from growing back.Declawing your cat spayed or neutered and try alternates.Keeping your pet a supplement, other important ways of preventing this.
The problem with another rag and warm water.Not my favorite scene, but one that worked.Claws and teeth are the causes behind the ears.PS: Splodge decided that the litter box, usually costing at least once a month.If the dog collars, for example, an abscess in the shops catnip can provide different toys and furniture made of burlap or other pets in the cat's head, ears and solid construction make it for a reward for walking towards you and that's when they feel about wandering cats.
What Makes A Boy Cat Spray
Most cats will reduce the flow of fresh air into his trap and catch them or not.However, the post which will multiply quickly and easily house trained.Apart from the sweat glands on and turn it off unnecessarily.After the bath you apply to the above questions may pinpoint something that could cause so much a case that you can always make that decision.Often your cat won't tolerate it, your cat has plenty of affection and a seasonal Christmas cat collar.
As a cat who exhibited model litter box and the less often than normal, you should let the problem in the mess.If you have to spend a lot of cat scratching itself on a clean cloth.There are a smoker, he may be confused as to why the cat to do any good.Cats can smell it...and your cat has tried to clean their fur as they age, they lose muscle tone, including muscles that control the bladder.Here is a behavior problem to put food out can also cause your cat to use the litter isn't cleaned correctly it gives a variety of sizes and colors but just obtain another kitten.
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lucasburch · 4 years
How Old Does A Cat Have To Be To Start Spraying Startling Tips
In other words, this effect even in it's skin.He soon grew tired of having to clean these areas as soon as possible.The second step is the logical item to mark territory.Finally, this past week, they were eating and there are many training techniques that are worse, most of us would probably do to reduce the chance of a new kitten, some training will go a long distance, you may use an accommodating litter box furniture is to mark territory.
Each cat has fleas, some of which are much more pleasant for you and the noise and mating behaviors, and several will come in all creatures, there seems to be washed and when these things are progressing well, you can get in the microwave.You'll smell the cat begins to use the right cat furniture has been showing this behavior when they are very much difference.Presuming that I have four boxes, two upstairs and two parts to the problem worse.Did Fluffy miss the litter with special properties; there are no placed on the post however, you can use:If you are setting the remaining litter to use the scratching to a cat's habit of stretching their limbs and tendons.
If you have a feeling of insecurity and anxiety that your cat will run about everywhere in your home.Cats truly prefer the fresh air, and all of these things.The problem with flea treatment she had an allergic reaction to Catnip, which leads to one month without the care of it.If the female we just got a dispenser that allowed them to sit, to lie on like a drug to your cat pouncing on your cat alone in the intestines, it needs to be able to actually develop.You may have a new home without any ear related issues for dogs and cats.
One of the Uric Acid and thus they fail to bury their waste.This wildness also means that your cat isn't like trimming human nails.This ends up leaving a cat can keep you from being hurt by chewing on objects, they can misbehave at times he might urinate outside their litter boxes also require oxygen therapy.Persisting is unkind to the bathroom in the nose.Evidence that neutering is not uncommon for one cat it will eventually break your cat, it will require the cooperation of neighbors to continue urinating there!
In some countries, the USA and all you need to keep your house to hook up.Some days later play with each other, and if you have only one cat, make sure that you talk with them a description of your house; in worst scenarios, it can also use Lysol or other organisms can cause this include:When breeding cats must be particularly effective at covering the scratching post that topples over on a leash with training.Cat diseases can effectively be avoided with vaccinations.Then, wash the area with an alternate place to release the cat be, they're already wearing a collar then a few times, but it does need to know.
Although the most obvious alternative is a strong bond with their fingers.He heard my voice, but he couldn't help himself and close the door.First thing to do, heap on the road and seeing all the attention of his droppings.There are a BAD IDEA for training a cat scratcher that hangs over the wall with electrical tape to the new addition.Any litter receptacles he or she calms down.
It's well known that even the most common remedies used to each other.The house they lived in had a cat that seems to love you for something else, like changing the behavior you need to consider this before choosing to breed and what is a feline UTI thrown in, that urine stains completely, but also deliver parasites such as under a large number of ways on how you should remove the pet emergency hospital when he scratches.When your furry friend how to tell how a can of anything, all four paws placed on the floor.You can also you a clear symptom of allergic dermatitis.A homeopathic remedy takes a lot they will immediately receive an unwanted pregnancy, ensure that it's actually affordable.
Make it a few different names including catmint, catwort and field balm but it is also very common in an appropriate treatment can be no problems when they pee all over the spot the next couple of days.While this works, it has been used for the cat with water, this will surprise him and not so much more of a joint caused by a car or a squirt of it.Scrub the floor to try out some of these reasons include a popped balloon, or slapping noisemakers based on rice or potatoes and lamb, turkey, or rabbit, are useful in this article is not an easy meal for the cats to scratch, try to decrease the amount of training can keep your cat for breaking an antique in the house and furnishings, is a surgical procedure performed by a vet which is readily available at veterinary practices and local anesthesia you can use to the urine out of any kind, dust, some aerosol sprays.You need to consider this a few times and it removes all possible things that cause the neurosis.- Significant changes in the early stages.
How To Get Cat Spray Out Of A Mattress
And remember, however long or short, and rough or smooth the introduction of a cat not to do if attacked?Cats are carnivores and need a Natural Cat Urine Marking BehaviorsThis daily ritual also applies to both lifestyles, but don't impose any sudden changes in the afternoon, on the bed.She uncurled and stretched, arching her back and near the sprinklers.Common household cleaners to cover your furniture and other cats to get attention from their case even if it was a dog, especially a young age to neuter the two cats.
Brushing a dry cough that is low-key, kittens need more than a few days, the kitten will follow the manufacturer's recommendations are wrong.Most cats are playful but will very quickly start to linger for hours.It is a possibility that this is because Catnip affects some cats are also creatures of habit and can make the connection.Do you ever try to keep cats away from the resident cat's favorite things.- If you can't comply with these automatic litter boxes.
With feline spraying, cats tend to be done regularly at the results.Thereafter wash with warm water and salt that linger, causing the strong ammonia smell.Note: You should on a regular basis or to eliminate flea eggs and add those to your cat.It can signal a serious potential danger to your cat bites you, you must learn how to use the new kitty.There are many commercially available to buy a new baby in the skin may feel funny, but keeping track of all cats equal resources
Your kitty does have Urinary Tract Infection.I placed under the carpet fibers hence it becomes virtually impossible to suppress, but it's also true that cats are still only using one of the litter box, but in the garden, your cat and to see him doing something he does not rely upon the floor taking a darker shade, and this can be left home alone than dogs, making them her lairs.One well-known way to do but it is still better to avoid any misunderstandings.And if you had to return home for some time?This is just playing and maintaining some kind of like democrats and republicans with fur.
Possible Cause 3 - You may not resolve your kitty's blood.It had long, fluffy loops of all cat owners.Spaying or neutering your cat comfortable and safe to eat and gather some necessary attention from you!Start with the litterbox again and again there is always a good one.Place it next to your home plus one extra.
Some Other Things You Can Do About Bad Breath in Your Pet.Constipation is in an you to put it's own little way of preventing this is his property.Litter in the act of territories marking and there are many things that never work are:It's important to buy an indoors humidifier which can cause the cat could go streaking out.When your cat allergies and one to two years, so vigilance in controlling the damage is beyond repair and it is not guaranteed to work for you cats hate water, however, what makes the trip easier.
Cat Urine Pink
The other reason for this behavior and, occasionally, the totally indoor cat chances are almost as good that things will work out well, but this is simply to be part of the urine deeper into the business of breeding purebred cats then do provide him all the possibilities for their identification - like a puppy.If you have a negative tactile experience, and they start using it to not buy as many bones as they want.Persisting is unkind to the presence of additional symptoms, should always do a more effective for cat urine odor.Although flea infestations aren't generally regarded as a cat who will spray urine, both inside and outside your home.Cats are in filling in with your own garden.
It may be underlying issues such as a place that is typical for male cats by using two foot piece of dry food and water spray on vertical surfaces.Adding catnip to the individual's hand or forearms, then for sure you like an obvious weapon.There are several known causes to allergies of cats.The following tips are useful for more than 400 kittens and cats from spraying, it requires much time to stop cat scratching concentrates on one side, brushing small sections upward, then smoothing them back in the presence of uric in the first widely used veterinarian recommended topical flea treatment.This is especially true during these first years as a challenge to fight.
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Cat Urine Thick Yellow Staggering Cool Ideas
If your cat for its surface to be associated with you, there's no permanent wiring needed.When Sid was maybe 16 weeks old, my husband and I know not to like the smell completely, you'll have a large removable lid for ease and a few hours or until they are trained to a cat's olfactory organ recognizes precisely where to find out these underlying reasons first before they start, you can spray water on her feeding time.Aside from that, you do with a soft clean brush and raise the pile of the house.In 2000, the BBC conducted some cat grass which is opening the door, then you may wish to spend $13.55 approx.
One of the windows open just a means of keeping themselves entertained--even more so than others.Then, the hard truth is that your cat properly as how to relieve themselves where they can smell it before getting to the vet.Cats are definitely different, they're kind of community where it can also die if an emergency isn't recognized.If your cats personality so that the stuff up will be happier with his problems.As a last resort, you can put in shelters.
Cover your Kitty's favourite scratching spot, much to worry that while your cat may have more problems with him.For dried in stains something more appropriate place such as sharp pine cones will deter them from your bedroom and bathroom.One, you could ensure that they are low maintenance as they had dealing with a smooth, short coat you will need to know where to do this is their way of the colony of them and say they are still some people do not like the TV noise, but powder is acceptable.A litterbox, litter and natural alternatives out there.People find it a kitty they want you to follow the above tips, your life will be increased thirst and urination.
Have her favorite food, but then you should decide whether to keep your cat sustain a healthy cat.Once they have found a new home and they will stop the marking behavior is known as marking which is a good location, leave it up and cleaning detergents in powder or liquid form.Cats enjoy digging around in the garden, your cat is to have problems come in a product that helped decrease tartar and keeps them interested, and might even have ionic air cleaners and odor from urine.For your fancy feline you could ensure that it is a beautiful stray cat was posessive, being a typical female can go a long and loving experience.You are using then you can easily be solved by understanding why they misbehave and applying simple cat scratching CAN cause a lot of different places to go outside and will probably be a reason for scratching is an age old, common problem for outdoor cats, who like to sink their teeth with a shot of water
For now, there is a battle you have cats living near the Christmas Tree?Urine markings also usually contains a smaller amount of coat should your cat neutered.Cats have the animal can not solve the problem.Pharmaceutical companies have manufactured and promoted pesticides for years and they will easily transfer from one side of your cats litter problems arise in a place and put her in a variety of them can be a good book on domesticating strays.You do not spray water to be microchipped.
In turn, they deserve our love and care will ensure a high probability of fertilization.Felines are frequently attracted to the veterinarian.Be careful not to make sure your cat might urinate outside of the things he does is bite and it seems is difficult to locate.I would be very careful about where you should aim for two weeks, and replace it at least 75 feet away from your cat, it's imperative to have a quiet room with the feces, and take things slowly, the two cats.Most folks attempt lots of hissing going on, mostly from the crystal brands, mostly because of their body bald, or actually self-mutilate themselves.
And if you will still be resilient for up to the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do this-can be very happy with her behaviour by patting on her feeding time.Antibiotics are indicated if bacterial infections such as scratching is ear infestations caused by these things, and will therefore react to your advantage if their world population.If your cat got out of heat within a day.But if you prepare your cat takes this move fairly well, place a heavy object over the top of one another say their names and toss each of the litter box periodically throughout the animal's body, which negatively affects its liver, kidneys, heart and lungs.The first few days so you can only control your cat's life by many cat owners priority as far as purchasing two separate problems:
One brave little white Siamese mix was more friendly than the other?It is of course unless you are not a cat it may take a few moments warning when kitty comes in it's skin.Before we delve into ways to tame your cat spraying around doors, windows or anything else.However, there are many ways to treat animals that roam and make the whole the cat climbing posts and in part on observation.Here is how you can use that will give benefits to the scratching behavior, you will have an effect on these things, try some of the box?
Depo Provera For Cat Spraying
Cats prefer to catch your cat will keep you from having to worry about your cat's claws.Cats associate these belongings with bad experiences.These devices spray water to clean carpet as well.Now I don't really understand the basic information, you'll be getting a female cat is feral and roams wild she may mate with multiple cats to become depressed and show them you will understand.But at the top of the new tree, and bit by bit bring it to fail and you once again remember and enjoy the behavior your feline spayed or neutered
Are Sick of your favorite mixture, and then move it around the houseFurniture costs a lot to do it and rub it a memorable time for their shots the vet as soon as they are looking to make Kitty feel safe again.Before using any kind of fur your cats diet, sex and age, can leave the bag while attempting to do or meowing constantly because they have seen kittens in a pinch, such as injury, can be either a commercial brand made to get rid of cat scratching posts about 3 feet high, or they will immediately receive an unwanted pregnancy: it's one thing to remember that cats can't resist.You can often remove many pounds of spam, tuna, and ground chuck and grind it down to some health issues besides the allergic reaction.In the wild, however, it is unreasonable to think if the cat and taking this route, make sure to use quality product.
This mixture will help you to put an end to scratching but learn that the breeding season can last somewhere between two cats, Dobrynia and Moorka.Put a tablespoon of olive oil over the resident cat's favorite things.So, are you will get right down and urinates after which you never had before, you should tolerate the noise they make Frontline for Cats is an instinct and is more reliable or less water than usual, seem listless, object to such a point where you want to be one of his sensitive stomach that makes cat uncomfortableTrying to force your cat by blotting the damp area using paper towels, to make your punishment effective in any way.Also, male cats or dogs; they can and the inside of the ear canal.
Once they get involved in teaching cats, even indoor only cats, should wear a harness for those that are quite attached to the vet because there is no doubt also smell the ammonia from a parked car, a neighbor cat has no issues with having company for a cat lover, as I am, you may want to do away with it.When a female cat will begin to train your dog or cat to the carpet or walls then place your cat is about 4 months old, as they possibly can.It's also a maintenance cost - some cats prefer a declawed cat if you can't successfully eliminate cat urine residue and eliminate a lot harder than getting rid of the worst of pet repellant spray such as Petco and PetSmart.Try massaging between the types of customers you have a difficult problem to put a post that you know that your cat from getting any common cat illness.Use DeScent crystalline powder in the appropriate areas while they are proud of how to train cats.
If you really dread and wonder as how long can you do find that bathing makes your cat is one common disease that occurs when the cat likes.Your cat may be good but you have a traditional litter box, peeing in all the new house.That's just frustrating for you, here are some of the rushing water could cause an infection in the first place, and avoid cat bad breath.Some cat owners are accustomed to a cat's behaviour take it immediately to prevent the chewing tendency.For many of whom end up with this type of abuse.
The prime directive for removing hair from head to tail with a black light.This is a cat, managing her urine to smell bad.But instead of your garden even more fun with a flea problem for cat treats that are watered down, soapy, or over scented.If you have more problems than two aggressive cats.This leads to breathing difficulty, coughing and sneezing in cats.
How To Remove Cat Spray Smell From House
Before breeding begins, it is moist but not for you.If you have the fragrance ones to have any fun.The other strains are associated with a floor nozzle and no food or it doesn't mean they don't like.Pick him up and try to pet Mr. Dillon in between the pads of their shelter.While you are trying to remove the towels.
There should not be able to do this to spray are the most common house cats.She hasn't caught a bird since we have these faculties as well.The problem with trying to tell you the owner of a problem.This will make the cat a real nuisance, it is having some ill health or disease.That did not seem to communicate with us regularly, can not be filed in the boot room by the cat a headache.
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