#if they make more storylines out of wanting to leave the company it’s gonna be sooooo boring
topflights · 2 years
the mjf wants to leave aew storyline is the only fun one and im right
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amber-laughs · 3 months
I’d love to know ur opinion on Jon’s ships (Jon&Ygritte, Jon&Satin, Jon&Sansa, Jon&Daenerys, Jon&val and so on). I personally like Jonerys but I also find a lot of Jon ships a bit ridiculous lmao
i like Jon and Dany in a very abstract way but it’s hard for me to really get behind them because they haven’t interacted yet if that makes sense. they’re obviously gonna have the largest part to play together in coming books where i think they’ll end up being one of my favorite ships of the series tho
Jon/Satin 10/10 i personally prefer to think of it as Jon being so fucking lonely in his command that he can’t help but take advantage of satin’s position. like when Jon said in adwd he craves company not food hmm i’m lonely and horny and here’s this handsome guy devoted enough to change religions for me and (in amber-laugh’s eyes) is attracted to me so yeah let’s give this a go and then feelings of affection develop from there but it starts out as just a means to an end
Jon/Val my personal favorite of canon possible endings i agree with people who say this is more idealized in Jon’s eyes than it should be but i think that’s part of the fun. she represents something to him that he’ll not only never have but may not even want when it comes down to it. i think that fantasy is part of the fun. if she survives and he does end up going beyond the wall in the end than they’re ending up together in my eyes. she brings out a boyish side of him we haven’t seen in a long time and it comes from a different place than what Ygritte brought out in him that seems to sit easier on his soul. also i could’ve sworn the first time i looked them up on tumblr someone was calling them JonValJon as a Les Mis reference but ive never seen it since so can we start that?
Jon/Ygritte loved it for the storyline it brought and the character development we got to see through it. i’m glad she died so they couldn’t end up together because like i said even tho he loved her she obviously never sat right with his spirit and on a personal level her “fuck me or die” stance never sat right with my spirit either. and she kicked ghost out “find somewhere else for ghost to sleep tonight” NOT ON MY WATCH! ghost’s evil stepmother ik he smiled when she got shot. on a serious note tho he seems to love her far more after she died than he ever did when she was alive and i wonder if that’s something we’ll get in to if he falls in love again in the series
i like Jon/Sansa in a non canon fictional sense. some of the AUs are cute and fun. i don’t see any plot where they actually end up together but i do think there’s a lot of familial angst and self esteem issues that could be worked in to their fanon that’s a lot of fun and their fans have some really talented authors that do it well
and you didn’t ask for this but Jon/Alys Karstark is one of my favorites and i really hope we see her again when he travels back to winterfell. Alys resents the Starks for getting her family killed while Jon resents the Karstarks for leaving Robb to die surrounded by enemies but they’ve found childhood comfort together at the edge of the world. she trusts him in a way she clearly couldn’t trust anyone else in westeros and i think she’ll easily follow him when it’s time for him to lead. and them flirting at her wedding to another man? i mean COME ON!
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guentzel · 29 days
q & a for fic writers
tagged by @cuprun ! tysm lovely!!
How many wips do you have currently?
this. is a dangerous question aksjdfh i am an au and wip disaster. and theres the fact theres hrpf+brpf to consider.
brpf: 24
hrpf: 20🫠
i am desperately trying to finish them but every time i start something i get distracted by another fic and just. can never finish anything (ntm theres the melancholy and self-doubt but thats beside the point!!)
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
hrpf: there's two: gilded blackbird and dirty, dirty boy. gb is taking forever because i have to rewrite it (thanks) bc the original plot/storyline did not work (why me thinking figure skating geno being injured in the usa and being abandoned by his company in the states would work narratively is beyond me) and then. ddb is smutty abo kyle dubas/tanger/geno with voyeur sid and i just. i get so close to finishing it but then feel terrible about my smut skills, and i think where i stopped writing last time is just. atrocious. and im too distracted by baseball rn to actually go through and fix it.
brpf: im not gonna be a loser and say the smut prompts (even though i am. in agony) so right now i would say rebury me. writing a fic where someone (or multiple someones) were forcibly outed bc a pornographic video they filmed with their bf got leaked is very compelling, but realizing that its going to be a long(er) fic (around 10k) makes me pause. because i want to actually do this right and good, and i kindve. seize up at the thought.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
lots of fics published in a short amount of time! or even me mentioning a fic idea i like and then said fic being published shortly after, but mainly the former. when im inspired it produces a lot of short fics in a short amount of time. in july i published six fics which was a very good time for me personally. i also started a lot of fics in that time, so thats another indicator, but thats also more like... an internal indicator
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
no playlists for specific fics! i do have playlists that are purely for "daydreaming" said fics and trying to figure out what i want and how to get it to work. it means a lot of the same songs are used over and over again for different scenarios, but i like molding the "amv" to what i want it to be.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
the only time im organized when it comes to writing in any aspect is when im writing original work. mainly because i have rewritten the same novel 5x now and im sick of looking at it and im sick of having to do this, and being organized like this keeps it from happening in the future. with fics i go balls to the wall, basically just write what i want and leave it for a week after its done then proofread. the idea of working it like an original novel makes me nauseous, bc i wanna write what makes me happy, and just hope that it makes others happy, too.
tagging: @theflirtmeister @barkovsasha @hischiersjohnston @hughesquinn and anyone else who'd like to participate
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captainchewtoybaby · 2 years
Heart of Gold
Kurt Angle x reader
Summary : Kurt and reader were highschool sweethearts but years later after a bad break up they meet again. When they get put together in a story line, old memories start to come up. Will this storyline bring them back together or is their relationship doomed to fail?
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Y/n Pov: 
Summer, 1996 
It was the summer of 1996. I had just enlisted myself into a wrestling school. I was excited of course since I've always found the spirit very interesting. I had found a job in a boutique that actually paid me pretty well. Everything was going great. But that was just the beginning for me. 
My boyfriend, Kurt, had done bigger things than me that summer. He was going to participate in the Olympics. It was a big deal for him, since he had been training  months for this.
Kurt and I had met in highschool. He was this shy, nice kid. The kind you would definitely bring home to your parents. We met during a school dance we both attended, well actually we were dragged to it by our friends. He saw me sitting alone at my table, came over and we started talking. I know it sounds like your typical teen movie moment but who cares, here we were six years later and still together.
Kurt had come by to visit me and my family, before he was off to Atlanta. It was after dinner when we decided to sit on the porch. 
"Are you just gonna stand or are you gonna join me." I said, sitting on the porch swing, looking at Kurt, standing there as if he was a statue.
"What about your dad?" Kurt asked. You see Kurt always was afraid that my dad would rip him apart if he saw me and Kurt touching or even sitting next to each other. I always told him my dad was just overreacting and sitting next to each other wouldn't make me pregnant. 
"For the love of god, Kurt, it's not like we're gonna have sex on this porch swing." I said. He looked at me and plopped down beside me.
 "On second thought, that would be hot." Kurt said and I slapped his arm. 
"So-" I said. "Tomorrow is the big day." 
Kurt sighed. "I'm having second thoughts about this." 
I looked at him. "You? Kurt Angle, the man who trained his whole life for this, the man who ran up a hill with someone on his back, the man who was too busy training to call me-" 
"Alright, no need to be an ass kisser here." 
"I'm not kissing your ass, I'm just saying what I saw." I said. "Kurt, you can't give up, you were too invested in this." I garabed his face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I believe in you." 
"Ew cooties." He said in fake disgust. 
"Oh shut u-" before I could finish his lips were on mine.
"Thanks for believing in me." Kurt said and gave me a small kiss on my neck. 
"You know just a minute ago you were afraid to sit next to me and now here we are making out on this thing." I said. 
"Shhh, you're ruining the moment." He said as he kept kissing my neck. He worked his way up to my chin and then my cheek until he reached my lips. He then suddenly stopped.
"Oh shit, I have to go." He said and stood up. I walked with him to the stairs. As he was about to leave  he turned around and gave me one last kiss. 
"Make me proud." I said. 
"I will." Kurt said and kissed me one more time. He then walked to his car. And that would be the last time I saw Kurt Angle.
March, 2000
The WWF. Listen, This was the number one company I wanted to work for, since I started wrestling. Sure the other two companies were interesting too but wwf was the game in town. So when a great friend of mine said that i should try it out, i went and now here i was sitting backstage of Smackdown. I've only been with this company for a year, so I was still trying to work my way to the top. 
I was currently in a storyline in this sort of friendship storyline with Molly Holly. The whole thing was centered around Crash Holly thinking I would betray Molly someday and that she trusted me too much. The story itself was fun but I felt that I could do much better than this one.
"Man it's hotter than a bitch."  I heard a voice behind me. It was Lita, who sat down next to me with a plate full of cookies. 
"The weather man said we could expect hotter than this."  I said. 
"You watch the weather, lame." She said and took a bite out of a cookie.
"No, it's not lame, it's educational." 
"Oh really? How?" 
"You learn about the weather." 
"Listen, the sun shines everyday, even I can tell you what the weather is gonna be like." Lita said and stuffed another cookie in her mouth. Just then Trish Stratus sat down in front of us, holding two ropes. 
"What do I wear tonight, this or this?" Trish said, holding up a red and yellow rope. Besides Molly, Trish and Lita were the two girls I became very close with. One my first day they were the first two people to talk to me and show me around. Ever since then we just clicked.
"They both look terrible." Lita said.
I hit Lita on her arm. "What happened to the black one?" I asked. 
"It's in my bag but I wanted to try something different, ya know, a lighter color." 
"Just stick to the black one." Lita said. I rolled my eyes.
"Listen, these ropes are pretty, okay the yellow one looks uhm- 
"Like shit." Lita said.
"No, it looks fine and the red one looks-" 
Okay I had to admit they were terrible looking ropes but I just didn't want to tell Trish that since she was a bit too happy to show them to us. 
"Admit it, they look horrible." Trish said
"Alright you got me." 
"Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have trusted the new tailor Matt sent me too ." Trish said.
"Matt Hardy?" I asked.
Lita almost choked on her cookie. "Matt? Trish, there are reasons why he and Jeff wrestle in jeans." She said. "And never take advice from Matt or Jeff, you'll end up in an even shittier situation." 
I snickered. "Listen guys, I gotta go and get ready before Molly kills me." I said. The girls waved goodbye to me and I walked out of catering. On my way to.the dressing room I noticed someone walking the opposite direction. I said someone because I knew who it was. It was the one person I was trying to avoid since the first year I came here. The one and only, Mr. Gold medalist himself, Kurt Angle. 
It had been four years since we drifted apart. Why? Heck i didn't even know why either because right after he won that medal things went downhill for us and one day he just disappeared out of my life.I was hurt. Deeply too. But I kept my chin up and worked on myself a bit more. 
As we passed each other I looked in his direction and he looked in mine. And for a split second it felt as if we were strangers. No hello. No waves. Nothing, we just passed each other like it was nothing. 
Part of me wanted to walk over to him and slap him but I always said to myself: "y/n, just let it go." 
Besides, I was here to make my career, not get back with the man who dumped me. As I passed him, I let out a sigh. I just hoped to never ever pass him again. 
@aritamargarita @diesels-jacknife @rainchyna
A/n: enjoy yall
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gummyhoe · 1 year
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Description: You and some friends play around and get in trouble with the cops. You run and hide trying to take cover so you wouldn’t have to get caught and be put and jail! When you finally come out of hiding though…everyone’s gone…nobody’s around…is what you guys believe.
Warning: Language, nudity, sexual violence, smoking, suicide, violence, fiction, death
Rated: MDI! Mature audiences!
 A/N: I don’t own MHA/BNHA characters! I’m just using them and the storyline! There are no quirks! No superpowers! Everything else in mine! If you wanna see the full picture above which isn’t anything important then I’ll post it when I see interactions with my story.
Word count: 1220 (read the bottom when your done.
Not finished! Read the bottom…
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Chapter 1..
Izuku sat in his room playing video games, gun noises echoed in the small room he was in. It smells of stale chips and it was filled with a variety of games placed neatly on shelves. Izuku’s thumbs jammed onto the controllers buttons, shooting at the targets. His eyes steady and focused, unable to hear his friend call his name from the living as his feet pressed into the ground. His back hunched over in his chair, he focused.
“You know you're a shitty friend Izuku!” A female voice broke through to him, making him lose his focus and in the process making his character die. The TV not helping his now furious state by flashing him in bold words ‘YOU ARE DEAD’.
“CRAP!” Izuku shouted, throwing himself back into his chair and bringing his arms up to rest on his face. He sighed leaning forward, his arms now on his knees as he looked at the ground. The game went back to the main menu as he brought his free hand up to run through his curly green hair.
“You didn't go to the interview I set up for you, again!?” The girl exclaimed, from behind him she leaned her side against the doors entrance, waiting for him to turn and look at her.
Once she realized he wasn't going to she sighed and walked in. Izuku brought his knees to rest in the chair, crossing them as he began to rub his temple with wrist. She walked closer to his chair, but leaned against his gaming stand next to him.
“I practically begged the company for it! You should really show up…for my sake at least.” She stated. Fixing her dress shirt and staring him down in his chair.
He still didn't look at her but he huffed and leaned up to look at the wall in front of him. “Did I ask you to set up an interview for me?” He retorted, making the girl sigh. “Izuku, this is the last time I'm going to try and help you. Everybody’s telling me to stop.” She took a deep breath before continuing, “So I'm letting you know that I'm not gonna help you look for a job anymore.” She crossed her arms, leaning more into the table making it rattle a bit.
Izuku turned in his chair to face his TV again, rolling his neck from side to side, “I didn't ask for your help.” He gripped onto his controller, the girl scoffed, “But you need it! All you do is sit in your house all day. Youre a fucking parisite in here zuzu…” Izuku groaned irritatedly, quickly getting up from his spot and cutting the TV off, he opened his mouth to speak again. “Fine, okay! I’ll leave then!” The girl blinked at how fast he was moving. She smiled teasingly,
“If only we could reboot reality…”
Izuku finally turned to look at her, sweat running down his face from the intensity of him playing his game. He knew who he was talking to but to see her now he confirmed it was sumi. He shook his head a little not wanting to entertain her as he walked to his bedroom door.
“You were better when your mother was still here.” Sumi added, not being able to look at him. Her own comment made herself flinch with hurt. Izuku stopped walking, hearing her talk about his dead mother made his heart hurt. He slowly turned around to look through his room door and at her with a wounded heart now, his eyes trailed to his picture that was hung on his wall. Him and his mom, his moms arm wrapped around him and both him and his mother with big smiles.
Izuku swallowed his spit and turned away, he walked down the stairs with a little force in his step. When he reached the bottom floor he heard a deep voice speak out to him. “Izuku.” The voice says sternly, making him come to a halt, “I don't need you causing trouble for Sumi.” Izuku squinted and turned only his head to face his father. His dad looked back at him, fixing his glasses and giving Izuku the look.
Izuku turned away from him and walked out of the house and down the stairs. He walked down the sidewalk and took his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it going to his messages. He clicked on the group chat between him, FN/LN, and kacchan (Bakugo Katsuki). He clicked the bar and started typing.
Izuku Midoriya
‘Hey, guys, do you wanna meet at the bar?’ 11:32am
He watched as y/n’s bubble popped up indicating that you were typing.
F/n L/n
‘Sure! Why not?’ 11:33am
‘Fuck off, losers!’ 11:33am
F/n L/n
‘Shut up! You're gonna be there anyways.’ 11:34am
Izuku smiled at the messages, placing his phone back in his pocket. He jogged down the sidewalk, now having a destination.
“You're such a dick!” A girl smiled as you walked into the bar seeing Bakugo behind the counter cleaning cups. He looks up and places the cup on the counter. The girl smiled and walked around to meet him, he placed a hand on the counter in front of him and turned his body to face her with a small smirk. They both reach out to each other and lock your lips with one another. His hands trail down to her hips pulling her closer to his body. Both him and her smile into the kiss. He opens his eyes as they kiss and turns to look over to you. “You're late..” He groans, breaking the kiss, “shut up, you don't even work here” you reply, shaking your head in disapproval.
Suddenly the back down is whipped open with a mean force making both of them push each other away, turning to face the door behind them. A man in a suit walks out, eyeing them both. The girl squeaks a little and removes herself from behind the counter, you taking her place and picking up the cups Bakugo had cleaned to put them away.
“Oh!” Bakugo let out a breath. “It's the boss, how are ya?” You said, dryly. The man in the suit sucks his teeth at both you and Bakugos clearly uninterested remarks. “What are you doing here?” You ask standing on your toes to place the puts on the shelves. The man huffs and walks to the mini fridge under the counter to grab a bottle of water. “I just decided to come in a bit earlier.” He answered, clearing his throat. “Oh,” Bakugo shakes his head. “Why are you here at this hour?” You ask this time to clarify what you meant earlier. The man sat his water down on the counter, “I got some business to take care of,” he started, cutting himself off to make a quick turn, raising his fist to punch Bakugo right in the nose.
Bakugo stepped back a bit, caught off guard. He held his nose as blood started to drip from it. You screamed in shock, your eyes widening.
Izuku paced through a neighborhood scrolling on his phone, typing in the group chat again.
Izuku Midoriya
‘Kacchan? Are you there yet?’ 11:59am
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A/N- This is obviously not finished! I just wanted to give a sample of it…If you want the full chapter let me know?🤷🏽‍♀️
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Welcome home: to be or to not be tickled (tk/fluff story line) pt.6
Non storyline requests can be made! With any characters, just canon characters, y/n and canon, y/n and violet, violet and canon, any character requests can be made, these not storyline drabbles can affect the story though (if characters get closer somthing is learned about another character, maybe even relationships)
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“Sally,… it’s 10am” I say after being dragged to what looks like a mini theater “I know I’ve brought you and violet here since no one else would help me with my play!” She said as she posed dramatically, I hear violet giggle a little, she normally puts effort into stifling those. though she woke up ten minutes ago I think it may be the sleep hysterics. “Me nor violet can act, I’m not good at “playing the part” and violet is still waking up” violet must have taken that as a sign and shook her self awake putting that happy go lucky dork grin back on her face. “Oh come on I really want to do this part of this really cool act and-“ “is there gonna be any play or show live for this?” I interrupted sally “no?” “Then why are we doing this? I have packages to open and violet has some kind of project I bet you!” I say trying to reason with sally but my arguments land on deaf ears. “Sounds like some ones just scared” sally said trying to pressure me into doing the play “😒��� the more this argument goes on I hear y/n trying to stifle her laughter, now I know she’s woken up. Sally continues “sounds like some ones a bit chicken!” “😐” violet starts blushing a tad bit stifling her laughter using her hands to cover the bottom half of her face. “Bawk bawk!” Sally continues to make teasing joke so I walk over to her and decide I’ve had enough. So I grab her sides and start tickling her. “Bawhahahaahaak! Waihahait a mohohohmemt!” She tumbles to the floor and i follow still tickling her. She try’s to bat my hands away. “Violet some help please!” Violet looks at me nods and holds Sally’s arms above her head “HAHAHA THIHIHIHS IHIHIS NOHO FAIR!” “Neither was you dragging violet practically out of her bed!” “Thahahats dihihiFRENT!!” She suddenly yelps when my hands spider to her armpits! Violet looks at me and gently sits on her knees to keep Sally’s hands above her head without using her hands. I slow down my tickling and violet starts lightly scraping her nails against Sally’s rays “Cochis Cochie coo~ you have such a cute laugh!” Violet says in a baby voice “*uncontrollable giggling*” does being a daycare attendant leave this much of an affect on people? Cause it’s amusing! “APPLES!” Sally yells which violet instantly stopped so I did as-well, it must be the neighborhood safe word. Violet takes a water bottle out of her bag and hands it to the giddy star while hugging her so she’s not still on the floor. “That was fun!” Violet says enthusiastically “it hehe was.” Sally says tiredly. “I’m to tired to do the part so you guys can go, thanks for the laugh by the way!” I say my goodbyes and leave to go home, needing coffee after that. Violet stayed with sally to keep her company. But time to focus now! I need to open my packages!
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I’d like to think because of sallys bold personality she's kind of a tickle monster in the neighborhood and not many people have heard her "tickle laugh before"
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lunarsun12 · 11 months
Niki Revenge
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Nightfalls and Niki planted the bombs in the SunSun house. He decided to wait until 5am as it doubles the fun. To wake his cousin up, also he forgot that his uncles was sleeping on that day. Jay ended up there as an accident.
Upon hearing the boom and furious Jay asked who did this. Upon discussing who did what, SunSun and Niki discovered it was a misunderstanding as well Heesung and Jake had been dead quiet within the chaos.
How will Jay react now?
This does not represent the idols real persona and is exaggerated for entertainment purpose. They are non idols in this storyline
Jay😡: This is my favourite house, it near the sea
Sunghoon❄️: We didn’t do anything Appa. I was busy picking Sunoo outfit until we heard boom
Sunoo☀️: Yeah, why would we blow up the house. It’s like have the best lighting for selfie
Jay😡: It gotta be one of you two and oh no-
Sunghoon❄️: What’s the ‘Oh No’
Jay😡: You two and dog boy are in big trouble big time. You guys are on the news for bullying now!?
Back at the main chat
Heeseung🦌: What have you kids done to my sweet boy Jake?
Jay😡: Who cares about the kids! My business
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Hyungs is it true your sons bully my little Niki?
Heeseung🦌: I am trying to figure it out right now. Jungwon don’t be upset
Jay😡: Brats come here and explain yourself. Sunoo stop vlogging it! It’s nothing to be proud of and also Sunghoon don’t you think of leaving the house, if you don’t wanna go hungry
Sunoo☀️: We never bullied Niki in the first place
Sunghoon❄️: Yeah, he started all of this
Niki😭: That is a lie, they called me beggar every single time. Especially Sunoo he always laugh at my clothes
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Why didn’t you tell me before?
Niki😭: They threatened me and say they expose how we went bankrupt
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: But we didn’t go bankrupt-
Jay😡: Yeah Jungwon donated all his money to charity
Sunoo☀️: Yeah right! How come appa likes Niki more then us. We are fabulous
Sunghoon❄️: I am more fabulous
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Jay hyung don’t say it, it will make them upset
Jay😡: Fine I won’t, Niki is cute plus I was never gonna give the business to Niki
Sunghoon❄️: But uncle Heesung said you were planning on doing that
Heesung🦌: No never, don’t listen to kids
Jake🐶: Appa don’t lie!
Jake🐶: You forced me to agree to bully Niki so I can get a dog
Heesung🦌: Don’t be ridiculous Jake! I don’t know where you got this from
Jake🐶: But app-
Heesung🦌: Sorry Jake needs to sleep
Sunoo☀️: So you never wanted to give the company to Niki?
Sunoo☀️: SUNGHOON HYUNG WE HAVE A CHANCE. Oh my goodness we should asked appa earlier like I said duh
Sunghoon❄️: I have being trying to tell you all this time. Man I feel bad for beefing with Niki now-
Sunoo☀️: I don’t! Niki turned me into a mop and ruined my designer shirt. These ain’t cheap!
Niki😭: Wait you two were being mean to me all this time becuase one time I was playing with Sunoo
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: We need to work on your playing skill Niki. It can cause a huge misunderstanding
Sunghoon❄️: Bro yes, Sunoo has being crying for a month. Which I think is sooo unnecessary he can be so dramatic. Plus I think you are really cool
Sunoo☀️: Don’t side with him! He is the fashion destroyer
Niki😭: Well then this is sure awkward heh heh
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: You blew up their house right? And sent the news article to the media
Niki😭: The house yes, I just want to prove a point that I am not to be messed with
Niki😭: The media thing, I don’t know who did it I swear
Sunoo☀️: Erm I don’t want to be like rude but uncle heeseung has been dead quiet
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Yeah and little Jakey comments about being forced is concerning
Jay😡: You guys will never believe this
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skzsushi · 2 years
Stress Reliever
(changbin x reader)
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you had a tough week, and you want to relax, but your brother will make sure you're in good company.
you let out a content sigh as you lay stomach down on the soft carpet of your living room. this past week has been one of the most hectic ones in terms of your work and personal life, and you're overjoyed to finally get a well earned break.
propping yourself up with your elbows, you scroll through netflix until you find a kdrama that catches your attention, quickly tapping on the title and playing the first episode. before long, you're already sucked into the storyline, tuning the world around you out completely to focus on the show.
well.. that is until a certain someone came to pay a visit.
you let out a grunt as your older brother lays down on top of you, making sure to press as much of his weight on you as he can.
"changbiiiiiiin!" you whine.
"whaaaaat!?" he teases, copying your tone.
"go awaaaaayy!"
"but i just got heee- ooh! what are we watching?"
you groan, turning your phone off and sliding it away while slumping down, chin now pressed against your folded arms.
he gasps, "hey! i was into that! whatever it was.. what's your problem?"
"i had a long week and i just wanted to relax, but apparently i'm not allowed to do that." you snap, a bit harsher than intended.
"heeey, i'm not liking this attitude from you." he replies, receiving another groan in response.
"so now you're gonna lecture me? my god, i can't catch a break."
"alright, that's it."
"what? are you gonna send me to my room?" you taunt.
he scoffs, "you need to be taught a lesson. and i think i know the best teaching method."
"eh? what do you-"
you're cut off by your own squeals as he jabs his fingers into your sides. your arms instinctively fly back to protect yourself, but he simply chuckles at the attempt.
"aww. not so tough now, huh?" he teases, hands working rapidly to scribble up and down your sides.
"changbin!" you screech through your laughter, trying desperately to stop his quick fingers.
"what? can't handle the consequences? that's too bad."
"please! stop!" you beg.
"stop? stop what? i'm not doing anything." he answers, a smirk on his face.
"yes you are! stop tickling me!" you blurt out, brain foggy from all the laughter and his unceasing torment.
"and you're laughing hysterically, how am i supposed to take you seriously like this?"
you simply let your head fall into the crook of your elbow in response, letting yourself laugh your head off as your brother goes between spots.
after a while, he lets up, rolling off of you and on to his back. he turns to look at you and grins when he sees your head still buried in your arm while giggles pour out.
"was that too much?" he asks after a few moments, worried that he went too far.
after taking a deep breath (and letting a few more giggles out), you lift your head up, letting it rest on your arm.
"no, you didn't do too much. i would've let you know right then and there if you did." you reassure him, "and i'm sorry for being snippy with you earlier, that wasn't right."
he looks up at the ceiling, "it's ok. i know you had a rough week, i just wanted to be able to hang out and cheer you up."
"softie." you tease with a slight smirk, looking over at him.
he looks at you with a grin before lightly punching your shoulder, both of you chuckling before looking away.
you sit in comfortable silence for a while, before you speak up.
"you know.. i think that was actually just what i needed."
"yeah?" he replies, looking over at you.
"mhm, i feel a lot better."
he hums in response, pausing before saying, "ready for round 2?"
his boisterous laugh echos throughout the room as you squeal and scramble to leave the room as fast as possible.
thank you for reading & i hope you enjoyed! requests are open <3
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novantinuum · 2 years
I don’t see your anons turned on but….do tell me about Aryll and Link’s relationship. Is she and annoying little sister? Does she look up to him?
(Oh yes, I forgot to turn anon back on! I had someone be rude to me a few weeks ago so I turned them off temporarily as a cool-down. Good reminder.)
Ahhh, these siblings... there's a few different time periods I could cover with this, since the dynamic changes pretty sharply due to a good few years spent apart, but I'm gonna chat about the status quo at the beginning of my fic-
I started to plan this story as a means of processing my feelings in the wake of a personal incident involving a family member disowning the rest of us, so their dynamic at the very beginning is underscored by estrangement. Aryll has not seen her brother for about two years- for reasons unknown to her. One day her family was intact and they shared a bedroom, and the next her father was dead and Link chose to cut contact with the rest of his family and live full time on castle grounds with the other guards instead. There's a whole storyline I aim to write eventually showing Link's side of this, because he does have his complicated and trauma-driven reasons- but those reasons are never something Aryll gets to learn about or understand, because when she finally does see her brother again, all his memory about the past is gone.
So their vibe in early days is like... that awkward tiptoeing around someone you know, but don't know well now, that feeling where you desperately want to reach out for comfort from a familiar face, but it's also a face you don't know you implicitly trust. Aryll has to rely on Link because he's now the only adult she knows in this world, but can she count on him to truly be reliable after he- with no warning- entirely walked away from her and Mother in the past? Even if he doesn't remember making that decision, Aryll often worries he'll make the same choice again.
But since she's young, there's a certain desperation there, too- the sense that she's acting in an affable, helpful way to try and endear herself to him so that he doesn't chose to leave her behind once more, so that maybe one day they WILL be close as siblings. It's what she's always wanted... and while the events that led them here are bleak and tragic, on a meta scale, perhaps ultimately it took losing everything for this bond to really flourish.
On Link's end, the only piece of information about Aryll he awakens with is the inkling that she is family. Everything else is learned over their travels, even her name. On his end, he is literally meeting a stranger and getting to know them from scratch. There's that deep protective instinct born from the phantom memory that she is family, but he really doesn't know what he's doing half the time beyond that. Having to suddenly be the sole caretaker for a child is daunting! It takes time for him to understand how to best look after her, especially when it comes to paying attention to her emotional needs. He's very glad to have her company on their travels, though- and in fact, later on in their journeys, his reluctance to leave her behind and travel entirely alone (a somewhat selfish priority) sometimes puts her in harm's way. He often has to balance the issue of... does he risk leaving her in the protection of others he doesn't fully know or trust, or does he risk taking her along on his travels and having her in full sight 24/7 but then being 100% responsible for her safety himself?
On a lighter note, there's of course that older-younger sibling back-and-forth with them... Link giving one instruction, Aryll brashly choosing the opposite, Link having to run off after her before she does something too foolish... plenty of stupid puns... Aryll begging Link to teach her how to fight with a sword, and Link at first being reluctant to do so as her caretaker, not wanting to encourage her to get into close encounters with monsters anyways...
And then that dynamic is slightly subverted by the fact that Aryll essentially is Link's memory, the one who instructs him on who their mother is, their father, their childhood history, certain elements of world history, etc. etc. Link may be Aryll's caretaker in matters of finding food and shelter, but Aryll is arguably his caretaker when it comes to helping him navigate the reality of the world they left behind.
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So here’s the thing and I’m probably going to lose friends I might have over this by inviting controversy, but everyone is supposed to have their opinion right? Whether anyone agrees with it or not, that is up to the individual. But shy of purposely being ignorant or offense on purpose we all need our freedom to follow our hearts.
I’m a Disney fanatic. Particularly the older animated 2 D films. Always have loved them, and dearly wanted to be an animator as a child. I grew up watching Walt Disney and idolized him. I get now that know things I didn’t and he had his issues. But he brought joy to millions of people and very much to me through his creations.
Snow White was his first film and it’s probably the closest to the original story. Recently when it was put up as a possible project for Live Film adaptation I figured it was coming. Then a certain actor, who you may alll know from Game of Thrones said his piece on the film, speaking behalf of the community with skeletal dysplasia and Disney company, wanting to seem modern and placate any malcontents, tucked their tails between their legs and scrambled to radically alter the film that is the only reason they even exist with little or no thought to representation or the fandom.
I have a relative who grew up up with achondroplasia which is the most common form of dwarfism. He loved the seven dwarves. They are the heroes of Snow White, the ones who protect her, and shelter her, and provide for her. They are not shameful or weak characters, they are stars of the film and successful diamond minors and quite frankly wealthy and humble and courageous and many other admirable qualities besides adding humor to the film. For many people growing up they were some of the only representatives that people with achondroplasia had in well recognized main stream media.
I recently stated I had lost respect for Peter Dinklage after his comments almost got the seven dwarves taken out of the film and I stand by that. He used his influence to try and alter a classic film and very possibly cost multiple actors who would have loved to have those parts the chance to play iconic characters, and as far as I can tell he’s never even seen the film because he said the dwarves live in the mine instead of knowing they live in the cottage with Snow White, which is literally a main point in the storyline. He is also rather hypocritical in my humble opinion as he has gotten famous from his game of thrones part where he allowed himself to be referred to as a dwarf because of historical timeframe accuracy and in previous films he played a mythological dwarf himself with heavy prosthetics to make himself look more fantastical. Also, he did not denounce The Hobbit franchise or the. Witcher franchise for using the terminology of dwarves or actors to play them, so why exactly is Snow White a target for retelling a classic story?
Anyway I’m probably no one to speak of this but it bothers me a lot and I was told I was wrong for supporting a retelling of the original story that was faithful to the animated version so I’m just gonna leave this opinion here and hopefully I don’t get ripped apart for it.
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Biweekly Media Roundup
- Trigun (Anime) - Ah yes a new hyper fixation for the month, I’ve been watching both the OG series and Stampede after being enticed by spoilers of some alien activity, something I had completely forgotten about from when I originally watched it back in middle school. I like both for different reasons, and desperately want to do a comparison of what aspects do and don’t work for each adaptation given the themes each is trying to convey. For a quick thought I would say that OG does a great job of fleshing out it’s world and central cast as interesting/likable concepts while Stampede is doing a good job expanding upon the stories philosophical arguments and humanizing (haha) the main villain. At  the moment I do prefer the original, both for it’s more likeable world and how that lends itself to the “All people deserve a chance as people will improve when offered kindness” message, but to be fair to Stampede it’s far from a finished product and it’s most recent episode has been it’s most solid yet, so we’ll see where it goes. Really hope the theory that Roberto is Milly’s father comes true, I miss her.
- Sense 8 (TV) - Finally finished Sense 8, debating on whether I’ll write up a full review ranking each characters storyline from best to worst. It definitely had it’s issues but I’m glad I watched it, the sci-fi concept was pretty unique, the various international locations and fun framing made it quite nice to look at, I appreciated the focus on the wide spectrum of sexualities, races, and identity, and in general it just had a fun cast of characters with various interesting plotlines. That being said, the main thing I’ll remember about it for awhile is how in the finale, my sister commented how surprising it was that the 2.5 hour special hadn’t featured a single sex scene in a series notorious for them, only for it to end with a 10-minute-long sex scene featuring every major character in the show intercut to look like one giant orgy, with the final shot of the entire series being a pan over to a used dildo. Wow. No notes, what a fitting end.
- Next In Fashion (TV) - “Watching” is strong word for what I’m doing with this, which is fast forwarding through to see the completed outfits at the end. Still, I do enjoy seeing what kinds of fashion people create when given specific prompts, it’s fun. I basically never agree with the judges though.
- Ranking of Kings (Anime) - Hey boy it’s me the haunted mirror from your childhood. Drink this potion made from your liquified dead father boy, It will grant you magical powers, believe me boy I would never lie to you. 
- Gintama (Anime) - Yup.
- Welcome to Demon School! (Anime) - Weekly dose of wholesome fun, does a great job at making me love every single character.
- Last Week Tonight (TV) - We’re back! The story on AI awareness about killed me, I think more company's should employ robots that try to convince customers to leave their wives for them. 
- The S Classes That I Raised (Webcomic) - Yup.
- Persona 5 Royal (Video Game) - Very funny to me that no less than 5 of the ladies confident storylines revolve around rekindling their connection with a close female friend. It’s like the writers were like hmm, so what is something women love in which they’ll base their entire lives around? I got it. Other women. Like based my dude but there are other women-centric stories out there. Also, if you’re gonna feed me all these wlw you gotta stop cockblocking me in my attempts to date Yusuke.
As usual I’m also keeping up with The Greatest Estate Developer, Land of the Lustrous, The Vampire Dies In No Time, and Buddy Daddies.
Listening to: I Really Want To Stay At Your House cover by Lunity, Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo, TOMBI by Kvi Baba, My Kind by Hilary Duff, This Is Not a Party by The Wombats, Odds Are by Barenaked Ladies, Nothing is Going Right by Meiyo, Snakes by PVRIS, The Sound by The 1975, Rule #4 by Fish in a Birdcage, They’re Only Human cover by Annapantsu, Kiss Me, Son of God by They Might Be Giants, Still Feel by Half-Alive, My Eyes by Neil Patrick Harris
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starlightfantasy · 2 years
Hey! I hope you're feeling better!
Wonho leaving has had me a bit down lately, too - that plus trying to get ready for the holidays, it's honestly crazy!
I'm really hoping this proves to be a nice break for him, he's done so much in the past few years! I'm sure Wonho will come back better than ever.
Libido is what got me to stan OOO, too! The acting & the storyline really got me - but also musically they're so talented? The song itself blew my mind the first time I heard it! Also the choreo!?!?!? OOO really is a one of a kind group IMO.
I've never heard of k-ville, I'll have to check it out! Keeping track of new releases can be hard, so I'll have to look into it.
Those are all great groups you listed!! I've been following the Omega X situation and it's honestly so sad - as much as I love their music I'd rather them get out and be safe than stay stuck in that awful company.
Also TAN is soooo good! Du du du is one of my favorite debuts this year - and Walking on the Moon is probably one of my favorite comebacks! I really hope they have a long career. Honestly all those groups you listed are great!
Ooooh MX in a supernatural concept.... I'd love to see them tackle that. Werewolves would be great! Did you see they're having a comeback in January!? I'm thrilled - no clue what it'll be like but honestly I'd love to see something darker from them.
Also these are some good questions!!
Favorite Monsta X era: I feel like my answer to this will change every other week because it's so hard to pick! Right now I'm gonna say Shootout. Shootout has some of my fave MX choreo, and I loooooooooove Wonho with black hair.
Fave photoshoot: I think their photoshoot for Fatal Love might be my favorite! The suit looks... Monsta X can really pull of a suit.
Hobbies: Reading & video games are probably my two big ones! I also like journaling, but I'm not super consistent with it lol
Favorite movie: Halloween! I really like horror films
Favorite Food: Lasagna
Favorite season: This one's hard! I want to say Winter, but there's something about Fall that I really love. Can't really pick between fresh snow and leaves changing
Tea or coffee: Coffee - I need coffee to survive lol I probably drink way too much of it but oh well!
What about you??
Plus an additional question: If you could plan a week long vacation to anywhere in the world, where would you go & why?
Also: if MX could collab with any artist, who would you want to see them collab with?
Also that meme omg thank you 🤣❤️
- MBB Secret Santa 🎅
Hey!!I am feeling better! But I will feel better once I hear from him, lol.
In all honesty real life has distracted me enough, with the holidays approaching and all. Do you celebrate? Or do you have any plans in general? It is a busy season anyways, lots of gatherings and parties and stuff…
From ooo i have also really liked all the solos that they have been releasing lately. My favourites are Begin and Be Free, but they all are very good! As you said, they do a lot of work, from producing, to the choreo, they are very unique and that’s what attracted me immediately.
I know we’re he for the monstas, but it makes me really happy to have more in common musically speaking. Music is very important for me and it has been years since I have felt like this. I do like rock from the 80s and indie and grunge from the 90’, even some more recent emo bands, but most of the new western music (or even music in my language, i despise reggaeton, and that’s all people seem to listen to nowadays) so when i discovered kpop I was blown away by everything, the concept, the songs, the voices, the clothes, the choreos and I am perfectly aware of the terrible things that the kpop industry hides behind the glamour ad I hate that there’s no way to support your idols without supporting these problems, but still I love the music and I’m happy with that.
I loooove dark and sexy concepts and that’s something the Monstas do very well. I mean the darkest I have seen was Voodoo doll by VIXX and that was just a cultural reset. I would love to see some more of that.
Favorite Monsta X era: I will say Love killa, cause that is the era that got ge to stan them HARD, and from the eras with Wonho, definitely Alligator! I love how he looks all the time, and that bubblegum pink hair drives me insane
Fave photoshoot: the third photobook from the FOLLOW albums, it’s just my jam, i love all the pictures, all of them.
Hobbies: Reading & handcrafts. Tho I haven’t touched a book in so long I mostly read fanfics, lol
Favorite movie: portrait of a lady on fire. I love that movie, it makes me feel so many things, also Bram stoker’s dracula. I do love horror movies too!!! Now with age i have become i bit squeamish, but I do love gothic and supernatural horror (I am more of a Freddy kinda gal.)
Favorite Food: possibly sushi
Favorite season: Fall, all the way. The crisp air, the leaves the wind…
Tea or coffee: tea! Coffee upsets ,y stomach and I don’t like bitter flavours…
Ooof, the week long vacation….i’d go to a place I’ve never been. Probably Iceland, there’s something about that country that calls to me and I would love to see the landscapes, and feel the (probably shit weather), also I love countries where they believe in elves and fairies (tho they'd never admit that)
I have never thought about MX collabs…. I mean I do not think they’d particularly fit with a western artist (tho so far my fav collab is the one they made with Sebastian Yatra) but also in Korea… they are so unique that I have trouble imagining something that would be epic.
How about you??
Also have I asked you if you got a bias? My memory is shit. 
In any case, if you had one of the monstas for yourself for a day. What would you do? Where would you take him? Adventure? Sightseeing? Cosy time at home?
And yes, definitely check k-ville entertainment, the new video is out and that’s how I found out that sub unit from shinwa has new music and that made my day
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"Never mention bald Wonho. Your great-grandmother has been waiting for a photo for years"
"Has he uploaded it yet?" "Calm down, mama, they said that they'd do it soon"
have a great day!!!!
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intothegrove · 2 years
Was ist Das? - What Is This?
WHAT is this? - I’ve started this blog as an alternative to flashcards while I’m studying the German language.
It is a Role-Play based storyline where the reader has to interact with the script to test their language knowledge.  As you progress through the story you will be presented with situations, scenarios, and questions that you have to respond to in German.
It is NOT - a German-teaching Blog. There will be NO German lessons here. It is a supplementary tool to use alongside the German you’re learning from another source.  The content for each piece of the story will be based on the subjects presented in textbook German Demystified by Ed Swick
WHY  - I hate flashcards. Not only do I hate making them, but I don’t think they’re particularly useful in the format they are often presented in (with single-word direct translations). Flashcards are tedious to make, tedious to use, and only good if you want to do direct translations forever (not good for actually speaking a foreign language.)
So, I wanted to create something that was a bit more interesting (even though a bit silly)  - more interesting to make, more interesting to use, and hopefully better linguistic results in the end. 
HOW can I use this? - If you’re studying German and like fantasy stories, feel free to use the story exactly as is written here. You’ll read along with the story and when you get to a portion where either you have to ask a question, answer a question, or make a comment - write down your answer somewhere, like a piece of paper - then, with your mouse pointer highlight the blank portion of the blog that follows the script (I’m going to try to insert the answers in a font color that matches the background of the text so it’s rendered “invisible” until it’s highlighted.)
Apparently Tumblr doesn’t like font color options, so I was unable to make the answers invisible. (From what I can see). I’ll leave it as is for now, but I’m pretty disappointed. I might move the entire project to a different website. How unfortunate.
 If you aren’t studying German or don’t like fantasy stories, you can take this idea apply it to whatever language you’re learning. (I plan on doing this for my Japanese studies as well) and write your own blog-story!
Um, Index please? -  The content for each piece of the story will be based on the subjects presented in German Demystified by Ed Swick. I will try to note the chapters and subjects that each part of the story contains so if there’s something you haven’t studied yet, you can look in that chapter of the textbook.. So, if you’re using the same book - you can learn alongside me! If you want a copy of the book go here... no it’s not an Amazon link. Because I don’t want to support a company with such terrible employee treatment nor a company that ultimately runs other companies out of business.
SIDE NOTES - You may feel some of the scenarios and dialogue are repetitive. That’s because I’m going to try to drill learning topics at least seven times to help with long term memory. I don’t think only drilling it once will help you remember it days later.
You might think the story is not novel-worthy : that’s because I’m not a novelist. I’m some rando on a computer typing whatever nonsense hops into my head... there’s probably gonna be typos and ridiculousness. So you better drop your expectations of a New York Times Best-Selling script... not gonna happen.
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andreafmn · 2 years
Speak - Chapter 3
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Word Count: 3K
Story Description: Bella Swan was a disaster when Edward had left. Deciding she needed a little help, Charlie Swan receives with open arms his younger daughter (Y/N) Swan. She helps Bella during her depression and becomes inseparable from her long-lost friend Jacob. What she didn’t expect was falling for a hotheaded short-tempered silver wolf.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Twilight, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Stephanie Meyer and Summit Entertainment. The only thing I own is Swan Reader insert, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ storyline.
Chapter: 3/?
A/N: oh oh, Paul seems to be sneaking into (Y/N)'s thoughts... Also changed up the story to third person POV, cause I couldn't continue in first. 😅
If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories. You can request at any time any story or one-shot you desire. Hope you enjoy, and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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If you’d like to be tagged in this or any other story: click here
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Chapter 3
For the past couple of days, a smile had been plastered on (Y/N)’s face. The nightly phone calls with Jake had started growing longer, even though they didn’t have much more to talk about. But his voice was a comforting embrace during Bella’s tortured screams. As time passed, the girl just seemed to get worse.
As Christmas day finally approached, Charlie and (Y/N) thought she’d be happier. At least just a bit better. It had always been a cheery holiday regardless of their familial situation. Renée made sure that the girls woke up to presents under the tree and spare cookies “Santa” had left behind. Even if Bella never said she liked the theatrics of it all, (Y/N) could tell she enjoyed the thought that went into it. Those were moments the younger Swan was sure would overshadow whatever black cloud that was hanging over her.
Granted, she had no way of knowing how deeply in love Bella was with this Edward character. In less than a year, he was able to cause more damage than their parent’s separation had ever been able to, and she had been devastated – for a bit.
“Hey, Bells,” (Y/N) tiptoed into her room. Much like every other day, she sat on her office chair staring into the endlessness of the woods behind our house. “I was gonna wrap up some presents for tomorrow. Mind if I do it in here for a bit of company?”
A grunt of agreement.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes as she placed everything on the bed, unloading the unnecessary amount of presents in her arms. “You know, Uncle Billy invited us over to spend Christmas with him and Jake. Dad is gonna try to put on a barbecue in this snow,” she chuckled, and she could have sworn she had heard the skin on her cheeks creak up into a smile. “I still remember when we were little, and he tried so hard to light the barbecue during a blizzard. And the wind just kept blowing the flame off. He was so pissed and packed the steaks away.
But, yeah, I’ve never understood why they like meat so much. I mean we’re in freezing weather and he still wants to do a cookout.”
“Just be thankful there’s something he can cook,” she croaked out. (Y/N) almost leaped off the bed when she heard the sound. But treating her like a wild animal was the best route – no sudden sounds or movements. “And that you eat meat.”
“Right, the vegetarian thing. I mean, I can make you anything, so you don’t feel left out.” (Y/N) softly prodded around the situation, maybe she could catch her sister in a moment where she’d finally agree to leave her bedroom. “I’m sure everyone would be more than delighted if you were there.”
“I’m not going, (Y/N),” Bella whispered. Her shoulders slumped once more and all the liveliness that (Y/N) could have sworn had returned to her body, dissipated in a breath.
“Come on, Bella,” she complained. “You need to leave the house for another place other than school and the Newton’s store. You were broken up with, you’re not dead.”
Bella’s body morphed back into the statue-like position she rested in most of her days. Her sights were once again frozen on the window, searching for something – someone – that simply was not there. (Y/N) had joked to their dad that they should throw the chair away while she was at school, but as each day passed it seemed like more of a possibility.
“Fine, Bells,” she sighed and gathered all her things. “You know, this guy must have been heaven on earth, cause no one’s worth this much pain.”
It’s difficult to pull someone from a hole they created for themselves. Bella was stuck deep in this hole, but she was making no effort to get out of it, regardless of how many people were trying to help her. (Y/N) found it almost baffling how many people cared for her sister, but she only cared for the one guy that left her to rot.
The girl finished wrapping the rest of the presents in her room before starting a quick dinner for her father and herself, knowing Bella would most likely not eat anything, like every other night. (Y/N) knew her irritation was visible. She loved her sister, but her behavior was starting to become unbearable. A couple of more months of this and she was sure she’d go insane. It had been four months and, as time passed, she seemed to be getting worse rather than better. It was exhausting.
After finishing up a pot of spaghetti and meat sauce, (Y/N) left a plate served inside the microwave and a note on the fridge for her dad. She was far too exhausted to clean up and left all the dirty dishes in the sink. Dad could clean it, she thought. Instead, she went up the stairs and plopped onto her bed, allowing the warm comforter and the pillow to pull her into a deep sleep.
But before she could truly succumb to slumber, her phone rang. Jacob’s name lit up the screen, and under the words, “come outside” were displayed. Instantly, a smile spread across the girl’s face. If there was anyone that could put her out of my sour mood, it would be him.
Running out the door, she put on her boots and wrapped a jacket around her body. She was met with the visual of Jacob in his truck wearing a devilish grin on his face. He reached over and opened the passenger door for (Y/N) and beaconed her inside. Trying to avoid spending more time in the cold she jumped into the truck, sighing contentedly as warmth engulfed her.
“Hey,” he smiled. Jacob leaned over the center console, placing one hand on her cheek and pulling her toward him before placing a kiss on her lips. “Couldn’t wait until tomorrow to see you.” 
“I noticed,” she chuckled shyly. There was no reason for her to still be nervous around him, but she simply couldn’t help the butterflies in her stomach. What she didn’t know at the time was that the butterflies were a warning. “I’m glad you couldn’t wait.”
“Were you able to convince Bella to come?” 
“I tried,” she sighed. “There’s just no getting through to her right now.”
“Man, that Cullen bastard really did a number on her.” She could see the anger coming from Jacob. It was like a burning aura that surrounded him. His teeth were gritted, and his hands had closed into a tight fist. “Where does he get off abandoning her like that? If I were him, I would have never let her go. She doesn’t deserve that.”
That had stung. (Y/N) knew he was probably not over his silly crush on Bella, but to mention being with her while being with (Y/N), hurt. But she knew she couldn’t bring that up without causing a fight. “Can we please not talk about that,” the girl said instead. “I feel like my life has become Bella Swan’s Days of our Lives.”
“Yeah, sorry,” he laughed awkwardly. “You know, something weird happened the other day.” 
“What happened?” 
“You remember that guy that was staring at you at the bonfire a couple of days ago?” 
“Paul something?”
“Lahote, yeah,” he corrected. “He came over and told me I should stay away from you. Did something happen there?” 
He was... jealous? The question came out of nowhere. (Y/N) thought she had been clear that she had never met him before seeing him that night, and that she wanted nothing to do with him. Although ever since that night she could not get his addictive stare out of her head. When she closed her eyes at night, even if she started by thinking of Jake, her brain couldn’t help but dissolve into his piercing brown gaze. Her head would not shake the image of the boy from it.
“Jake, I already told you that you have nothing to worry about there,” she smiled at him in an attempt to subdue his anger. “I don’t know who this Paul guy thinks he is, but I am not interested in him in the slightest.” 
“It’s just, the gall this guy has to think he has some kind of claim over you. As if he doesn’t know who you are to me.” 
“What am I to you exactly?” she teased. They had yet to have any conversation about where this relationship was headed. It had been such a short amount of time, but they had known each other for a lifetime. "I would like to know." 
“Well, I’m hoping you’d like to be my girlfriend,” he grinned, any sign of anger disappearing. “What do you say?” 
 “I don’t know,” (Y/N) giggled coyly. “Maybe I should keep my options open just in case Paul decides to ask me out. Wouldn’t want to close out the market.” 
“You’re funny.” 
He leaned in once more for a kiss, but this one was different. Jake scooched closer to (Y/N), doing his best to deepen it. She ran her fingers through his long hair as his hands rested on the sides of her face. This was desperate and passionate, just the thing to push Paul Lahote out of her mind.
As the windows started fogging and their hands started traveling south, a knock on the window startled the teenagers apart.
“I really hope that’s not you, Jacob Black, with my daughter,”  Charlie spoke through the fogged-up window, flashlight in hand.
Jake flashed her an apologetic smile before rolling down the window on his side. "Hey, sheriff. How’s your night been?” 
“Well, it was a very uneventful one at first,” he grumbled. “Until I came home, and I saw your truck with misty windows and my daughter in the passenger seat. Hi, (Y/N).”
“He~ey, dad.” She gave him a small wave and covered her reddened face with her hands. “We were just talking.”
“Last time I checked talking doesn’t fog up windows, honey,” her father countered. “Let’s go, (Y/N). Jacob, get home.”
She jumped out of the truck after squeezing Jake’s hand as reassurance and joined her father’s side. Promptly, he pushed her behind him, acting as a barrier between Jacob and the girl.
“We’ll see you tomorrow, Jacob.”
“Alright, Mr. Swan,” he responded. She could tell he was swallowing the laughter that had bubbled in his throat and was threatening to spill. “Bye, (Y/N).”
“See you, Jake.”
“Get in the house, (Y/N).”
Her father’s reaction was perplexing. He’d always liked Jake. He even joked when they were little that they would make a cute couple. Now, he was acting as if he’d caught her with a dangerous stranger. She wondered if he’d reacted this way when Bella first brought Edward around.
“What was that spectacle outside, (Y/N)?” Charlie finally broke the silence, fuming. “What exactly did you think you were doing?”
“Um, I was kissing my boyfriend,” she responded matter-of-factly. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.”
“Boyfriend? Since when is Jacob Black your boyfriend?”
“As of five minutes ago, roughly?” She was trying to liven the mood adding a tone of comedy, but she could tell her father was having none of it. “I don’t get why you’re so upset, dad. You’ve always loved Jake.”
“I’ve already got one heartbroken daughter,” he sighed. Charlie rubbed his temples, hiding the fear in his face. “I don’t know what I would do if both of you were. Jake’s a good kid but I could never forgive him if he hurt you, honey.”
“Let’s not get ahead of this, dad,” she chuckled dryly. (Y/N) had faith in her relationship, but she couldn’t help the doubt that crept into her head when her dad mentioned Jake breaking her heart. “We literally just became official. You’re ending us before we’ve even started. One thing I can tell you is that I won’t be like Bella.”
“Sweetheart, you don’t know that. I just don’t want to see you in the same pain your sister is going through.”
“Dad, I understand you’re worried,” she smiled at her father. To calm him, (Y/N) grabbed his calloused hands and gave them a squeeze. “But I am not Bella, and Jacob is not Edward. Have a little faith in me, yeah?”
“I can’t help it, (Y/N),” Charlie said. “It kills me to see Bella like this. I don’t want you to go through that.”
“I know, and I promise you that you will never have to go through this again with me,” she said. “Now, why don’t you go eat and go to bed? We have a long day tomorrow.”
“Alright, darling,” he responded defeated. “Good night.”
“Good night, dad.”
(Y/N) disappeared up the stairs, passing by her sister’s room. She mumbled a good night to her stoic sister before finally getting into her bed to hopefully sleep this time. She wanted to rest. Yet, when she closed her eyes the same ones that had been haunting her dreams stared back.
Something about him called to her. She only knew his name and still, he took possession of her thoughts. Deep inside her, something begged her to get closer to him. There was no reason for him to be in her head, much less in her dreams.
She was standing in a clearing, looking over a still river. Her body was clothed in a white flowing dress and her feet were bare. (Y/N) turned, taking in the scenery and breathing the fresh air. The sun felt warm against her skin, beckoning a smile to her face.
“You look beautiful, darling,” a voice spoke. “Absolutely radiant.”
“Thank you, Paul. And you look as handsome as ever,” she giggled. “Come here.”
He walked slowly to her, a playful grin propped on his face. His arms circled her waist and wrapped her in a tight hug, lifting her from the ground and spinning her around. As he slid her back to the ground, he placed a hand on her cheek, his thumb running through her cheek. (Y/N) closed her eyes and enjoyed the touch, his warmth feeling better than the one the sun provided.  
She felt different with him. Unlike with Jake, Paul didn’t make her feel butterflies. He made her feel calm, at peace. There was a homely feeling to being in his arms. Like she had found the right place to be in. She fit perfectly between them like she was made to be there.
(Y/N) allowed him to pull her toward the water, sinking into the comfortable river. She gave him a smile and shrieked happily as the coldness seeped through her bones. Her white dress quickly soaked and his denim shorts darkened.
“This water is freezing, Paul,” she whispered to him. He kept her close, his arms wrapped around her. “Don’t you dare let go.”
“I would never, beautiful,” he grinned. (Y/N) could feel his breath tickling her face, cooling the droplets of water that had splashed on it “I’ve got you now, and I’m never planning on letting you go.”
“Is that a threat?” she joked, copying the smile on his face.
“It’s a promise, darling,” Paul said. “It’s a promise.”
He closed the space between them and pressed their lips together. (Y/N) felt sparks running through her body, the feeling of belonging washing over her. This is where she was meant to be. He was who she was meant to be with.
“I love you, (Y/N).”
“I love you more, Paul.”
(Y/N) woke up with a startle, her breathing uneven and heavy. Her whole body was overheated. Her blanket felt too warm. She didn’t understand what that dream meant. More importantly, why it felt so real. She knew she loved Jake, and she didn’t even know Paul. What pull did he have on her that she kept dreaming of him? 
She got up from her bed, going downstairs to get a cup of water. She was startled when she found her sister staring at the sink, the faucet running, and an overfilled glass under it. (Y/N) ran to the sink, turning off the water and putting a rag on her sister’s hand to soak up the water that had run down her arm.
“What’re you doing, Bells?” (Y/N) muttered.
“S-sorry,” Bella stammered finally realizing what she had done. “I didn’t realize.”
“It’s okay,” she sighed. “Why don’t you sit and drink that water? Have you had anything to eat? I can make you a quick sandwich.”
“Uh, sure,” the girl breathed out. “I, uh, overheard you and Charlie.”
“You two are together?” Bella questioned. (Y/N) was surprised that her sister seemed interested in her life. Rarely was the time she inquired in (Y/N)’s life. “I didn’t know you liked him.”
“You’ve never asked,” she chuckled dryly. “But we’ve just been talking these past few days. Most we’ve done is kiss a few times. Tonight, he asked me to be his girlfriend.”
“Well, that’s nice.” (Y/N) placed a cheese sandwich before her, and Bella started picking at it and placing small bites into her mouth. “I always thought… never mind.”
“What, Bells? What did you always think?” She knew what her sister was thinking. Bella had always known Jake liked him. If she didn’t, she at least had to have an inkling. “That he liked you?”
“I thought so…”
“Well, maybe he did,” she sighed. “But that’s neither here nor there. He’s with me now, and that’s that.”
(Y/N) got up from the dinner table, leaving Bella by herself. She had no idea where that conversation was going, and she didn’t want to see where it would go. Her whole life she’d been second to Bella. To their parents, their friends – though, they wouldn’t notice – to Jake. This was the first time she felt she was being put first, and Bella wasn’t going to take it from her. Not this time. As much as she loved her sister, it was time to put herself first.  
Taglist: @winter-soldier-101@zheezs14 @a-sifu-hotman @sunflowerleii @DyslexicCatterpillar @Blackbluerose666 @slutforsainz @kortniec696 @xcastawayherosx @minhaimaginação @bluebirbnamedJay @sirenheadenby@andreiaafaria@bluetreecloud20 @valejewel @nogitsune-the @user0ur0mom @skyesthebomb @swidkid
1K notes · View notes
soft4gguk · 3 years
to build a home | chapter one
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pairing: Jungkook x reader. ceo!jk + dilf!jk x nanny!oc
genre: strangers to lovers. angst. loads of plot. eventual smut
word count: 6.8k (y’all need context okay)
warnings: oof. oof. buckle up. angst, loads of angst! (im sorry), touches on subjects such as: depression (hints), postpartum depression, abandonment, mild prescription medication talk, loads of jk crying :(, loads of crying baby :(, swearing
author’s note: hi! this is a very self-indulgent storyline that sort of came to me and I just had to put thought into paper. well, I ended up really liking the plot and my mind started going places and now it’s all I can think about. i do have to say it’s going to be a bit of a slow burn but! not like this chapter though – this chapter had to be informative to set the context. my mans jk did not suffer for nothing! i hope cute baby / loving dad jk made up for all the angst in this! also! It’s gonna get sexy, ~sexy so just u wait! also! I don’t have a set schedule but this story is coming to me in heavy bursts of inspiration so I might be whipping chapters left and right (cross ur fingers). also! (the last one, promise) I hate Ira too :)
This is a work of fiction. Please respect the members and their privacy. x
Chapter One
The digital clock on the console of his car marks six thirty pm on the dot. It makes Jungkook’s gaze shift to the sky – a synchronicity so perfect the sun begins to set right upon his eyes. Spring is easing into Summer and he can’t wait for the longer days and shorter nights the hot season bestows.
“We need one last look-over the contracts to finalize. I think the visit this weekend will finally see us wrapping this up. And then inauguration one month from now.” Seokjin’s voice fills the enclosed space of Jungkook’s car, a slight echo to his voice coming from the speakers.
“Sounds good, hyung. Good work.” He tells his cousin, right hand and the COO of his company.
“Hey, is Ira coming this weekend?” He asks. His question leaves Jungkook wondering. He assumes she will.
“Haven’t discussed it yet, could be good for her though. We can make a getaway of it.” He replies, head already swimming with ideas of how refreshing a family trip could be for the three of them.
“Alright, kid. Send my love.” Seokjin says, making him let out a light chuckle, before the line goes silent.
In the road ahead, the sun resumes its steady descend. His home comes to view at the very end of the street, the colours of the sky dancing against the sleek white walls. It’s been a long day and he’s tired. Now more than ever, with the inauguration of the new addition to his chain of hotels nearing, he craves the grounding feeling of being home – two familiar faces awaiting. One full of unconditional love.
He parks his cls next to hers, the sleek white shade contrasting against his black one. Grabbing his phone and keys from the cup holder, he exits the car, climbing the steps to his front door and inserting the code that unlocks it.
Home. He takes pride in the need he holds for it, how much he craves it, how much he wants to be the backbone of the one he built. The idea of family gets morphed when you’re brought into an immeasurable amount of wealth. His parents, although good intentioned, lacked the warmth he so badly wants to install in his own roots.
He wants his daughter to grow up in a house that doesn’t look like a showroom, a distinctive smell swarming its spaces, one she’ll hold in the back of her memory until she has kids of her own. Home, never lacking the coziness a touch of love can bring a space, no matter how vast. He wants her mother to be half of that love, more than anything. Because he wants that love for her, more than anything.
He heads upstairs, the house eerily quiet. It’s two hours to bed time and he assumes Ira is winding Soori down for the night.
He reaches the top of the stairs and begins walking down the long corridor, passing a room, then two, until he finally reaches Soori’s nursery. The door is wide open and as he steps in, he sees Ira standing in front of her crib, back to him, almost hovering. He sees Soori fast asleep, blanket covering her tiny body, pacifier moving gently to the in and out of her suckling, a tight grip on her favorite giraffe plushie on her chubby baby fist.
“Hey, beautiful.” He says to Ira, though she doesn’t move from the place he found her in. “Why is she asleep so early? Fun day?” He asks, voice filled with hope. He pictures the two of them by the warm sun, basking in the easiness of the season. They’ve been introducing Soori to the water – the idea of the two of them splashing in the big pool pulling his lips upwards in a soft smile.
It doesn’t linger, the smile. Ira turns around, a sombre look to her face, unable to hold his gaze for more than a second as she redirects her eyes to the floor.
“Jungkook…,” She begins, voice barely a whisper, but ever so stern.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks, approaching her, instinctively resting his hands on her arms before they come up as she holds herself, bracing her front.
“I booked a job. In New York.” She says, eyes finally meeting his.
“Ahh! That’s great! That’s amazing, Ira.” Jungkook says, pulling her into a hug she doesn’t return. He knows how badly she’s been craving this. A breakthrough, a taste of independence – the power of knowing she could hold all titles whilst still being mom. “We can make a trip of it! We could all go.” He muses, excitement lacing his voice as he pulls away, eyes scanning for hers.
“It’s this weekend-” She begins, but his words bring hers to a halt.
“Ah, I have that business trip but hey, you take the plane, alright?” Jungkook knows how much Ira hates flying. Long haul flights doing a thing to her nerves that require a dose or two of her therapist’s strongest prescription drug. This all comes ironically, considering her title – It girl, world-renowned model, Ira Sommersmith.
“No, Jungkook. No.” She says, arms coming to rest at her sides, pushing his hold on them away as she takes one step back, creating distance between them. The action is loud to Jungkook, the emotional space between them being too much to bear for his heart and her actions breaking it all over again.
“Bab-” He stops himself, the pet name fresh on his tongue, remembering how she’s come to despise it as Jungkook began adapting it to Soori, too. “Ira.” He says, his voice a plead, a prayer. He doesn’t know what the prayer entails but he’ll start mentally chanting it, bracing himself for impact.
“I’m leaving, Jungkook. I need to- I need to go. For good.” Her voice lacks hesitation, no pause. He simply stares at her, dumbfounded, numb to the effect his body is taking, cold sweats breaking through him. “I’m sorry. This is- you play this role too well, Jungkook. I just can’t seem to follow the script.”
“It’s not a role.” Jungkook says, voice a whisper that makes his words hard to grasp to Ira, but she knows what he said. She knows he would say that. She takes him in, takes one last long look at his face before it breaks her. She’s not scared of backing down from her plan, she’s scared of seeing his eyes full of heart look into hers, a lack thereof.
And she can accept it. She can wholeheartedly confess she doesn’t have the heart it takes to become selfless, to give into the three that makes the whole – Jungkook’s line that he’s adapted to bring hope into the immense cloud of blue that fell upon her when it all became too real. When the idea of three became a reality one morning after he’d gone to work and she stared at the mirror, a bump bulging at the center of her otherwise lean physique. Her first thought wasn’t that of excitement but of confusion. It felt foreign and it took her aback so frantically she found herself calling her OB/GYN, voice shaky as she repeated, “it came out of nowhere, I just- I wasn’t showing yesterday…” Her panic was received by a faint laugh on the other line, reassuring her pregnancy had no fixed agenda and that her “little one” had decided to make him or herself known. She waited for the doctor’s words to hit, for the excitement to follow, but it didn’t. What truly broke her came next as the doctor took her silence for something else and ended her discourse with a, “surprise, mama!”
Ira brought her phone down, staring at the screen before abruptly hanging up. She’d hope the doctor would blame it on poor connection.
She went about her day in autopilot, waiting. Waiting for the new curvature her body was taking on to simply be an add on in the sea of hopes that her pregnancy had brought until that very morning. But it never came. It never came, and the tears that would stream down her face late at night when the world slept and the darkness accepted her thoughts as they came, weren’t due to the impatience of her heart longing to love the life she was forming inside of her. They came out of fear it would.
Ira’s heart wasn’t fragile. Quite the opposite – it lacked the fragility it requires to love unconditionally.
When Soori came into the world, she made her entrance kicking and screaming. Ira understood; the overwhelm of the space was getting to her, too. At least on that they could agree. Her wails filled the room and muffled her hearing, everything in slow motion as shock set upon her. The pain between her legs from delivering her minutes prior subsided as numbness took over. She could hear her cries nearing and she finally came out of her trance the moment the nurse placed Soori on top of her chest. She looked down at her, arms coming up to hold her tiny frame in place. And when she did, dense silence filled the room as she found comfort in her mother’s arms and her cries came to a rest, opening her eyes for the first time. Ira looked down once again and understood the meaning of unconditional love. Soori was warm against her and that’s when she knew she’d never be able to reciprocate said love. Cold shivers ran down every corner of her body, settling into her heart. She understood it, but she couldn’t feel it.
“I’m sorry,” she says again, “I tried.” The last words fade away as she turns around, taking one last look at her daughter, a part of her tries again, focusing on the heartstrings of her soul, waiting for the pull. Nothing comes and she closes her eyes, breathing in, knowing that'd be the last time she'd take in her daughter. She turns around, looking at Jungkook for a split second. He’s frozen in place, gaze lost, fixated on the pastel pink wall in front of him, unable to look at her. “Goodbye, Jungkook. You-,” she can’t tell if he’s listening but she finishes anyway, “you were good to me. Okay? You-,” she needs to get out of there, now. “Goodbye.” And with that, she leaves. Past the door of the nursery, not a beat behind, without second guessing. She leaves and doesn’t turn back to witness Jungkook’s world coming to a slow, quiet shatter. The sort of silence that settles into your bones uncomfortably.
His world stops and, in the numbness, he becomes hyperaware of his senses. He doesn’t miss her steps down the corridor and back, the sound of wheels against the floor distinct this time, down the stairs and finally, he hears the front door close.
Soori stirs behind him, a faint whine leaving her mouth as she begins to wake up.
Jungkook’s legs feel heavy, glued to the floor, and his eyes haven’t left that spot on the wall they fixated in when he realized that watching Ira leave would make it all that more painful. And so, he stands there, mind empty yet hazy with incoherent thoughts he can’t puzzle together. An ominous cloud fills the space as the sun finally sets and the room goes dark around him. For a minute, Jungkook basks in a thought surprisingly comforting: the worst thing has already happened. It takes him in and cradles him as he goes with that narrative.
It doesn’t last long. Soori’s cries from behind him sound distant, faint, for the briefest of seconds before they fully snap Jungkook out of his trance. His baby. He turns around and sees her little figure propped up against the bars of her crib, looking up at him, pacifier hanging from the string that attaches it to her sleeping gown. Her eyes are red and glassy with tears and he wonders for how long she’s been crying.
“Hey, hey…,” his voice is gentle, a soft coo as he reaches for Soori, flushing his chest to hers once he has her in his arms. His free hand coming up to cradle her head as he softly sways back and forth, “it’s okay, baby. I’m here… I’m here.”
Her crying comes to a halt but she fusses in his arms, little whines escaping her mouth as Jungkook settles into the rhythm he knows she finds soothing. It’s then that it dawns upon him – his brief encounter with comfort was a lie his brain told his heart. Delusion a form of survival. His hold on Soori’s head tightens a bit, almost as if to ease the impact his thoughts might have on her. The worst is yet to come. His tears fall freely now, fear and uncertainty tugging at his chest in a way that takes him aback with how physically painful it is. His hands shake and his legs feel weak, like they won’t be able to hold him, or the burden that settles through him for much longer.
He gives in before they give out, slowly lowering his legs as they cross until he can finally feel the soft fabric of the carpet underneath him. Soori’s tears release yet again the moment the swaying stops, the new position on the floor in her father’s arms making her even more restless. He holds her, whispering a string of sorry, sorry, sorry against her ear as he brings her soft cheek flush to his until their tears form an even stream of droplets falling down their faces, settling uncomfortably on their necks.
He loses track of time and he can feel, ever so distinctively, as his spirit weakens by the minute. Mind still in that haze that makes it hard to distinguish between an empty mind and a racing one. He can’t find the words and as soon as his worries fixate on one thing in particular, he swerves around it. Not really letting his brain linger on just one to nit-pick, instead preferring the overwhelm of them all combined, thrown at him together. He rather not know what exactly scares him the most about this situation.
Usually enticed by challenge, this one finds him unwilling. He wants nothing more than to lower his whole body to the floor, hold his baby and close his heavy lids until he falls into a deep slumber. But he knows he can’t. Soori can’t stay still. Soori crawls. Soori is small but mighty and it would take her a matter of minutes to find her way to the stairs. Soori’s cries bounce on the walls, getting louder and louder. He wonders if she had her night bottle. Soori nibbles on her hand the way she’s come to do as she teethes, face scrunched up in discomfort. Soori needs him.
Soori came into the world kicking and screaming and with a healthy shade of pink adorning her tiny body that finally made Jungkook release the breath he’d been holding from the moment he could see her head from his position next to Ira as he held her hand. His first thought was how small she was, he couldn’t shake the fear of having her in his arms, wondering if she’d fit just right. Her cries restored something inside of him he’d long lost when he was very young and the harshness of the world tumbled down upon him, stripping him of an innocence he knew he’d want his daughter to carry for as long as she could. The overwhelm in his heart when he cut her umbilical chord was the sweetest he’d experience; and when she was finally placed in her mother’s chest and he could allow the world to slow down around him to take in his daughter for the first time, he made an unspoken vow. Love would always be stronger. Hope would always prevail. As long as she needed him, those two would be the root of his every action. Strength found its way to a corner of his heart that was growing by the second the more he stared at Soori. He’d take on the bravery of the world so as to make hers softer. And he’d love her in all of his lives.
He gets up, body feeling lethargic but adjusting his grip on his daughter’s body, putting his whole consciousness there. He doesn’t trust his limbs.
“Are you hungry, baby?” He asks her. It’s rhetoric, for various reasons. “Yeah, you are.” He says, even though he’s not sure. He begins the trip towards the kitchen, forcing a mental strain to go about his every step. To wrap around his every thought. To figure out where to go from here.
He reaches the bottom of the stairs, stopping by the living room first to lay her gently on the couch before removing her sleeping gown, setting her free from the restraints and letting her legs kick at him. Her demeanour changed and when he stares into her eyes, slightly envious of how her tears have seemed to dry, she smiles at him. It’s a wide grin that flashes him her two little bottom teeth that are beginning to come through and his heart melts at the sight. His heart hurts but she nurses the wound slowly and he can’t help but smile back at her. It takes him aback at times – how in nine short months he’s come to grow so enamoured with this fun-sized version of a human that demands so much time, attention and energy from him. But it’s moments like these, when she shines light into his dark corners with just a smile, that he understands. She holds more power in her two peeking bottom teeth than half of the things Jungkook thought gave him purpose nine months ago when she made her entrance into the world. Kicking and screaming and pink.
He cradles her in his arms once again as he stands up and positions her to rest at his waist. She instinctively grabs his ear – another one of the habits she’d picked up recently. Jungkook likes knowing he’s able to soothe her, almost mindlessly. Something catches his eye and he recognizes it immediately. Ira’s phone, resting on top of the coffee table. He leans, tapping the screen until it flashes back at him. Her wallpaper is a picture of her and Jungkook, taken three years prior, at the beginning of their relationship. Their happy faces stare back at him – mocking him. He scoffs. Nothing’s funny but he’s laughing because he can’t allow himself a fit of anger right now. And crying sounds too exhausting, his eyes too tired.
It hits him again, not that he needed much confirmation. It hits him that she’s not looking back. It hits him that she left with every intention to not spare them a second glance. It hit him that wherever she is, their realities are so different now. The moment she walked out that door she left nothing and everything that mattered behind. She freed herself from her role and walked steadily into the direction of whatever she deems as freedom. Ira was never one to ease into things. It used to be something that excited him. He looked at her and at times his brain painted flames of fiery orange seeping through her. Bold, confident – fearless.
He stands in front of the kitchen counter, one handing the process of making Soori’s bottle. Eyes lost, not really following the formula as it goes inside the bottle, the water – its temperature. Too hot? No, too cold. He puts it inside the bottle warmer, pushes the button and waits. He asks himself if he’s surprised or just heart broken. Mentally, he shakes the Jungkook from two hours ago and asks him, “did you not see it coming? Were you trying or were you lying to yourself?” The conclusion he draws feels like not enough. He saw it coming, yes. For over a year now he’s felt like the path he’s been walking went from eggshells to shattered glass – unavoidable, painful, way too fucking loud. So, he knew. He knew his feet would give out. He knew she was going to cut through all of him one day. Yet as much knowledge as he held when it came to his situation, he could’ve never seen this coming. He’d imagine their impending doom hitting him in the face eventually. They weren’t married, she could just leave at any moment. She could leave him at any moment. He’d set her free and he’d still give Soori a home, doubled in love to make up for her parent’s distance and the back and forth she’d have to endure. He would’ve tried. More couple’s therapy, individual counselling, all the help he could muster to get from friends and family. Trips to bond, trips to escape. He did all that and he would’ve done more. Because he loved her. He loves her.
He’s not sure when their love became mechanical, a form of habit. Disappointment tends to do that to people, he reckons. But he still did love her and he tried. Not just because of Soori but because of Ira, too. And because of them. Not the three, but the two they used to be. The same two that rest on top of his coffee table, trapped inside a memory forever, unaware of the future ahead but so hopeful. He loved the love they had and so for that reason, he loved her.
The bottle warmer beeps and he takes it out of the sleek looking machine. Soori bounces in his hold, excited. “Come on, missy. Let’s have dinner.” He tells her and she throws some unintelligible baby noises at him.
He heads back to the living room and sits them down on the couch. He props Soori against a pillow and feeds her the bottle. What are we going to do, he thinks, but brushes the thought away. This weight falls on his shoulders and he makes yet another unspoken vow as he stares down at her. He promises her a soft impact, painless whenever it can. He promises to hold her and coax her through it, to ease the burden and to explain with lullabies when the time is right. He stares at her until her eyes flutter, beginning a sleepy dance as she fights to stay awake, holding her feet in her small hands. A silent tear falls down his eyes and that’s the last sight, slightly blurry because of her long eyelashes, between her heavy lids before she falls into a peaceful slumber.
He paces around the living room. He paces the way he does when ideas are brewing inside his head at work – new locations, new investors, new partnerships. Ideas, ideas, ideas. He’s good at coming up with them. He’s good at quick solutions to whatever problem might arise – it’s what made his father ease so effortlessly into an early retirement after teaching Jungkook the ins and outs of the so-called empire he now calls his.
Soori sleeps on the couch. The pillow she’d been propped up in now besides her, building a barrier between her body and the soft cushions. He knows she’d be off better in her crib but the idea terrified him, made him feel alone.
Ideas, ideas, ideas yet he can’t come up with a single one. A part of him tells him there’s not much left to do. It tells him that it’s been done. That it’s time to move on with his life, with their lives. But the mere idea of taking the leap – of moving on, finds him scared, confused and shatters him more and more. It also reminds him of the way she so casually walked out, like it didn’t matter. She set flame to the fire and didn’t even linger around long enough to watch it burn. It angers him, her carelessness. He’s not like that, never has been, and he’s not going to start now. He knows forcing himself to move on will only repercuss in him breaking even further in the long run. So, his first idea is to face the reality. But he can’t right now, he feels too alone, too small. He has to push his heroic persona aside and admit defeat. And so he does.
His second idea finds him seeking comfort. He can’t be comfort to Soori if he’s just breaking. He knows he’s going to break; he knows this is just the beginning, but he needs there to be more to it. He retrieves his phone from his back pocket, inhaling loudly as he unlocks it. He needs a friend. He has a couple, another thing he takes pride in, but he knows this situation is way too sensitive. He thinks of Seokjin, his contact the most recent call on his phone, but he quickly diverts. Suelgi, his wife, had grown rather fond of Ira and in a way, she’d become her confidant amidst the whirlwind that was motherhood. He doesn’t feel like delivering news that will require him comforting someone else to that extent – he can barely comfort himself, let alone his friend.
His eyes find Taehyung’s name on the screen, also a recent contact on his call history. Yes, good – this is good. Taehyung is good. Him and Mai have been a constant in Jungkook’s life for as long as he can remember. He’s seen them go from high school sweethearts to a painful college breakup that luckily ended up in them finding their way back to each other. It took Taehyung approximately 37 days to ask her to marry him. He’d never seen two people sport a last name with more pride – The Kims. Nowadays they also go by mom and dad. They’re Soori’s godparents and Jungkook’s best friends. He taps on his contact and the first ring against his ear sounds obnoxiously loud. His head pounds against his skull.
“Yo, you’re on speaker phone!” Taehyung’s voice, enthusiastic as always, fills the speakers. Jungkook stays quiet.
“Ggukie, we were just about to call you!” It’s Mai’s voice on the phone now. “Dae is down for the night and we just popped open that bottle of Don Julio 1942 Tae got after the inauguration of the gallery. He had an early mid-life crisis after Monsters Inc had him shedding tears before bedtime.” Jungkook can hear Taehyung’s gasp of offense at his wife’s confession somewhere in the background. He’s unable to make a sound as Mai continues. “He’s insisting we do something crazy to ‘feel young again’ so shots on a Wednesday it is!” she mocks.
“I…,” Jungkook begins – but where does he even start?
Taehyung grabs the phone from Mai, “come on, tell Irie. Soo can sleep in Dae’s old bassinet.”
“Ira’s gone.” He blurts out. It’s abrupt and probably not the best way to break the news but the pet name breaks him and he doesn’t think he can stay in their bliss for a second longer.
“Gone where?” Taehyung asks innocently and even though his question makes Jungkook’s temple throb in pain he doesn’t pin it against him.
But silence is all he can offer.
“Oh…,” Mai starts – intuitive as ever. Her voice is soft, and already Jungkook releases a bit of tension in his shoulders, knowing she understood. “Oh, Gguk…”
“I just-”
“Come over, Gguk. Or we can go – as you wish. Just say the words.” Mai comforts.
“No, I’ll go. I need to get out of here.” And those are the surest words that leave his mouth that night.
He’s gentle with Soori as he straps her into her car seat. She’s a heavy sleeper, just like him, but he still holds his breath as he settles her down and gets her ready for the road. He double checks the diaper bag and when everything ticks off his mental list he heads for the driver’s seat.
Soori sleeps and he tries to focus on the road and just the road. No music on the stereo. Just full focus on what he can see from his windshield as he takes turns on the wide streets of his neighbourhood and mental turns in his head, swerving all the painful thoughts away.
The quiet lasts maybe a total of three minutes before Soori’s wide awake and back to inconsolable crying. She’s not a whiny baby – her demeanour often praised for being so peaceful, big eyes taking in the world around her as she graces it with her softness. But she’s been in and out of sleep, out of schedule, and Jungkook knows she misses Ira.
Because when Ira said she tried, she wasn’t lying. She tried, she did. She breastfed until it was physically painful. She did the exhausting night feeds right alongside Jungkook and then what felt like ten years with no rest as Soori was sleep training. She gave her baths, took her to Thursday brunch with her friends, read her books before bedtime. When they took weekend trips to get away from routine, Ira got this aura about her – something bordering on happiness that she carried so effortlessly. It would leave Jungkook hopeful – but his hopes would crash the moment they settled back home. Her therapists’ suggestions for bonding with Soori all made sense to Ira. In fact, they were so good she almost believed them. Sometimes they would have long days in the sun, fun family gatherings where the affection Jungkook’s parents would give Soori would fill her with something that almost felt like pride. They would sit in the grass of their big garden and watch her play with his family dog and a glimpse of hope would knock on the closed doors of her heart. Those days felt so good, but the sun eventually set and the air would feel sombre again as they drove back to their house. Totheir lives. Deep within, Ira wished she could enjoy the day without having to take it back home with her.
The love Ira gave Soori was also mechanical. But Soori didn’t know better – all she saw was love. And warmth. And the smell of her mom’s clothes as she rocked her to sleep. The sound of her voice as she begged her to, ‘please be good. Please don’t cry. I can’t take it anymore,’ when Jungkook would leave and she’d have a whole day ahead of a life that felt like a chore. All Soori heard was lullabies because she doesn’t know better.
“We’re almost there, baby. Shh, Soo. You’re alright, pretty girl.” He says, but he doesn’t think she can hear him with how loudly she’s crying.
Soori misses her mom.
Jungkook cries, too. And, taking advantage of her high-pitched mewls that fill the confined space, he sobs too.
Jungkook parks behind Taehyung’s car in their driveway. He grips the steering wheel, afraid the moment his friends take them in it will all become too real. He sits there – Soori’s cries less sporadic this time, almost like she gave up on getting her father’s attention. He opens his door, welcoming the soft breeze inside his car for a brief moment before he’s closing it and heading towards the backseat.
Mai had been standing next to her window for the past fifteen minutes. Heir brain had been running around in circles, wondering how exactly things escalated, how they got to this point. She fears for her friend’s sanity, knowing Jungkook had been walking a thin line for as long as her memory remembers her very own excitement over Soori’s prompt arrival.
She sees his car drive in front of her house, taking a swift turn until he’s finally parked in her driveway. She can’t see much but she can paint a mental picture of Jungkook just sitting there, lost – an expression she’s seen him adapt more and more lately. She perks up at the sight of him but her face falls into a frown the minute she sees him walk back to the backseat.
“What-?” she whispers to herself. “Tae, Gguk is here. With… Soori,” she says, watching her little head come out of the backseat of his car.
“Soori?” Taehyung asks, confusion lacing his voice, a frown adorning his face.
Mai walks quickly to the front door, opening it before Jungkook reaches it. His eyes meet hers and he sighs. He notices her eyes fixated on Soori, who’s own are red and swollen from crying, whimpers still leaving her lips. Her breath is erratic and Jungkook feels her little body jolt as she begins to let out another cry. Mai’s confused expression lets Jungkook know that of course, his friends were expecting Ira to leave him. They were expecting Soori to leave him, too, by pure default. That’s just how the narrative usually unfolds, doesn’t it?
But the narrative isn’t catering to Jungkook’s best interests. Their narrative is far from what you would consider normal.
“Come in, Gguk. What-,” she begins, but opts not to bombard him with the hard questions right away. “Come in.”
Taehyung immediately reaches for Soori who falls into his arms seamlessly. “Hey, princess. Hey, you’re alright Soori girl. Come here.” He coos and she begins to soften at his voice, “that’s a big girl. Stop growing up.” He tells her, his last request a whisper, as he brings her cheek to his, holding her in embrace – comforting her.
Jungkook steps inside their home, its warmth embracing him immediately and he’s glad he came here.
Taehyung and Mai got an unexpected influx of money before Dae was born. The gallery they’d been running attracting a different sort of crowd all of a sudden. The curiosity and modernity of the curation they’d put their hearts and souls (and savings) into attracting a crowd of curious yet wealthy collectors, investors and sole lovers of the craft. One turned into two galleries, then three and now recently, four. They amount their success to the faith of the people, the artists and the consumers and the ones that were simply driven by the passion for it. Mai was seven months pregnant when they upgraded from their small one-bedroom apartment to their four-bedroom, white picket fenced home. The very first materialization of that first taste of big-time money.
The first words she let out when she stepped inside were, “I can’t wait for toys to litter these shiny floors.” And litter them they did, giving it a feel of family Jungkook admired and promised himself his own wouldn’t lack. Ira hated clutter though.
“Let’s sit down, okay?” Mai says calmly, holding onto his arm. His steps are a bit hesitant and wobbly – if she didn’t know better, she’d think he was drunk.
“Okay.” He returns.
Taehyung follows behind him, a quiet Soori nuzzled against his shoulder, breath fanning the crook of his neck that grows steadier within the second. Now more than ever, Jungkook is grateful for the soothing effect he has on her.
He sits down, Mai occupying the spot besides him. Taehyung stays positioned on his feet before them, gently swaying Soori from side to side as her body grows limp, temping sleep.
His head comes forward, gaze fixated on his shoes. He breaks. “She left us. She just… left. Said she’d booked a job in New York. I thought she’d be gone for a week at most. But then she said she’d be gone for good. She,” his words get stuck in his throat, pain unleashing inside of him all over again at the fresh memories, “said she tried. Took one last look at Soori and then just… left.”
As soon as his recollection of the story comes to an end, he realizes just how short it was. His life came to an abrupt stop and then took a 180 degree turn in the span of what Jungkook deems to have been five minutes.
He never wants to utter the words she said again.
He’s crying and Taehyung wants nothing more than to hold him, let him know that it will all be okay. But he’s finding it hard to believe it himself, so he leaves the words of comfort to Mai. His arms instinctively wrap tighter around Soori – heart breaking at the realization she’d been abandoned, too.
“Come here,” Mai says, wrapping her arm around him and letting him cry, head against her shoulder, his own shaking as silent tears spill from his eyes.
“Do you think she’ll come back, Gguk?” Taehyung asks, even though he knows the answer. He’s always found it easier to console after knowing the facts, not believing in the whole ignorance is bliss bullshit.
He shakes his head. His voice is quiet when he says, “No. She left her phone behind, her half of the closet was empty. I’m not even sure it’s New York where she was headed.”
Mai shakes her head in disbelief. Her motherly instincts take on flight or fight mode as she tries to grasp just how someone could do something like that.
“Okay…,” Taehyung begins, sitting down next to him. “Listen to me,” but Jungkook’s gaze is still transfixed to the floor. “Jungkook-ah.”
“Huh?” He says, voice distant, eyes still lost.
“We’ll figure it out. Okay? You and Soori- you’re not alone. We’re here and we’ll figure it out. You’ve got us, the both of you.” Jungkook nods at his friends’ words. Taehyung rests his head on top of his shoulder. He’s grateful for his reassurance, even if he doesn’t fully believe it.
They don’t press on any further, well aware this is not the time to dissect the situation. He lets Mai pull him to his feet. She asks him a couple of questions that he can’t fully follow so he shakes his head at every single one of them. With Soori asleep in Taehyung’s arms, he lets himself disassociate.
He follows Mai up the stairs, Taehyung right behind them. He doesn’t complain when the darkness of their guest bedroom impairs his sight slightly, finding comfort in its density. The feel of the bed against his aching body lulls him into something that almost feels like peace – senses calming down slightly, as if telling him the day has finally come to an end.
Taehyung is detaching Soori from his body, lowering her down towards the bassinet besides the bed. Jungkook jumps from his resting position in the bed, startling Mai who tries holding him back instinctively.
“No. Put her here. She- she needs to sleep with me, she-” His voice is frantic.
“It’s okay, Gguk. Look, she’s here.” Taehyung places her in the bed next to her father who follows the baby’s movement as his own head hits the mattress.
Mai builds a makeshift fort of pillows that surround Soori’s tiny frame, stacking one on top of the other for good measure. She makes a mental note to check up on her throughout the night.
“Baby monitor. Just in case he doesn’t wake up.” Taehyung says, placing one of the devices in the bedside table.
“Tae,” Mai starts but she doesn’t really know where the sentence was going. Shock settles upon her.
“I know.” He says.
“Fuck, Tae. What is he-,” Mai makes sure to hear for Jungkook’s soft snores before she finishes, “Soori’s only nine months old. How could she just leave?”
Taehyung wraps his arm around Mai, bringing her close to his chest as the same fear she’s feeling begins taking over him, too. He shakes his head. “I don’t know, baby. I- we’ll figure something out. It’ll be alright.”
Soori twitches in place, letting out a loud sigh that has Mai sure will be followed by another restless string of sobs. But Jungkook places his hand on her tummy, eyes still closed, gently rocking her as he lets out a soft coo, something so faint they can’t quite make up his words. But his daughter relaxes against his touch, falling back into a peaceful sleep.
Fear plagues him but Taehyung is sure of the words that fall past his lips next.
“They’ll be alright.”
i hope you enjoyed! stream butter to mend those hearts if you’re hurting as much as me over this mess! if you liked this I would love to know and to chat all about it – or about whatever u want, i want army friends :) lots of kisses!!!! xxxxxx
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gummyhoe · 1 year
Sorry it’s been a while! I’m back though and I won’t make any promises but the next chapter might be our next week between Friday-Sunday! MAYBE! I’m hoping I can do that but, we’ll see.
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Description: You and some friends play around and get in trouble with the cops. You run and hide trying to take cover so you wouldn’t have to get caught and be put and jail! When you finally come out of hiding though…everyone’s gone…nobody’s around…is what you guys believe.
Warning: Language, nudity, sexual violence, smoking, suicide, violence, fiction, death
Rated: MDI! Mature audiences!
A/N: I don’t own MHA/BNHA characters! I’m just using them and the storyline! There are no quirks! No superpowers! This isn’t my plot either I just add slightly different things to it. If you’ve since ‘Alice in Borderland’ then you know what this is, it’s on Netflix for anyone who’s curious. Everything else in mine! If you wanna see the full picture above which isn’t anything important then I’ll post it when I see interactions with my story.
Word count:4,176
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Izuku sat in his room playing video games, gun noises echoed in the small room he was in. It smells of stale chips and it was filled with a variety of games placed neatly on shelves. Izuku's thumbs jammed onto the controllers buttons, shooting at the targets. His eyes steady and focused, unable to hear his friend call his name from the living as his feet pressed into the ground. His back hunched over in his chair, he focused.
"You know you're a shitty friend Izuku!" A female voice broke through to him, making him lose his focus and in the process making his character die. The TV not helping his now furious state by flashing him in bold words 'YOU ARE DEAD'.
"CRAP!" Izuku shouted, throwing himself back into his chair and bringing his arms up to rest on his face. He sighed leaning forward, his arms now on his knees as he looked at the ground. The game went back to the main menu as he brought his free hand up to run through his curly green hair.
"You didn't go to the interview I set up for you, again!?" The girl exclaimed, from behind him she leaned her side against the doors entrance, waiting for him to turn and look at her.
Once she realized he wasn't going to she sighed and walked in. Izuku brought his knees to rest in the chair, crossing them as he began to rub his temple with wrist. She walked closer to his chair, but leaned against his gaming stand next to him.
"I practically begged the company for it! You should really show up...for my sake at least." She stated. Fixing her dress shirt and staring him down in his chair.
He still didn't look at her but he huffed and leaned up to look at the wall in front of him. "Did I ask you to set up an interview for me?" He retorted, making the girl sigh. "Izuku, this is the last time I'm going to try and help you. Everybody's telling me to stop." She took a deep breath before continuing, "So I'm letting you know that I'm not gonna help you look for a job anymore." She crossed her arms, leaning more into the table making it rattle a bit.
Izuku turned in his chair to face his TV again, rolling his neck from side to side, "I didn't ask for your help." He gripped onto his controller, the girl scoffed, "But you need it! All you do is sit in your house all day. Youre a fucking parisite in here zuzu..." Izuku groaned irritatedly, quickly getting up from his spot and cutting the TV off, he opened his mouth to speak again. "Fine, okay! I'll leave then!" The girl blinked at how fast he was moving. She smiled teasingly,
"If only we could reboot reality..."
Izuku finally turned to look at her, sweat running down his face from the intensity of him playing his game. He knew who he was talking to but to see her now he confirmed it was sumi. He shook his head a little not wanting to entertain her as he walked to his bedroom door.
"You were better when your mother was still here." Sumi added, not being able to look at him. Her own comment made herself flinch with hurt. Izuku stopped walking, hearing her talk about his dead mother made his heart hurt. He slowly turned around to look through his room door and at her with a wounded heart now, his eyes trailed to his picture that was hung on his wall. Him and his mom, his moms arm wrapped around him and both him and his mother with big smiles.
Izuku swallowed his spit and turned away, he walked down the stairs with a little force in his step. When he reached the bottom floor he heard a deep voice speak out to him. "Izuku." The voice says sternly, making him come to a halt, "I don't need you causing trouble for Sumi." Izuku squinted and turned only his head to face his father. His dad looked back at him, fixing his glasses and giving Izuku the look.
Izuku turned away from him and walked out of the house and down the stairs. He walked down the sidewalk and took his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it going to his messages. He clicked on the group chat between him, FN/LN, and kacchan (Bakugo Katsuki). He clicked the bar and started typing.
Izuku Midoriya
'Hey, guys, do you wanna meet at the bar?' 11:32am
He watched as y/n's bubble popped up indicating that you were typing.
F/n L/n
'Sure! Why not?' 11:33am
'Fuck off, losers!' 11:33am
F/n L/n
'Shut up! You're gonna be there anyways.' 11:34am
Izuku smiled at the messages, placing his phone back in his pocket. He jogged down the sidewalk, now having a destination.
"You're such a dick!" A girl smiled as you walked into the bar seeing Bakugo behind the counter cleaning cups. He looks up and places the cup on the counter. The girl smiled and walked around to meet him, he placed a hand on the counter in front of him and turned his body to face her with a small smirk. They both reach out to each other and lock your lips with one another.
His hands trail down to her hips pulling her closer to his body. Both him and her smile into the kiss. He opens his eyes as they kiss and turns to look over to you. "You're late.." He groans, breaking the kiss, "shut up, you don't even work here" you reply, shaking your head in disapproval.
Suddenly the back down is whipped open with a mean force making both of them push each other away, turning to face the door behind them. A man in a suit walks out, eyeing them both. The girl squeaks a little and removes herself from behind the counter, you taking her place and picking up the cups Bakugo had cleaned to put them away.
"Oh!" Bakugo let out a breath. "It's the boss, how are ya?" You said, dryly. The man in the suit sucks his teeth at both you and Bakugos clearly uninterested remarks. "What are you doing here?" You ask standing on your toes to place the puts on the shelves. The man huffs and walks to the mini fridge under the counter to grab a bottle of water.
"I just decided to come in a bit earlier." He answered, clearing his throat. "Oh," Bakugo shakes his head. "Why are you here at this hour?" You ask this time to clarify what you meant earlier. The man sat his water down on the counter, "I got some business to take care of," he started, cutting himself off to make a quick turn, raising his fist to punch Bakugo right in the nose.
Bakugo stepped back a bit, caught off guard. He held his nose as blood started to drip from it. You screamed in shock, your eyes widening.
Izuku paced through a neighborhood scrolling on his phone, typing in the group chat again.
Izuku Midoriya
'Kacchan? Are you there yet?' 11:59am
The suited man repeatedly punched Bakugo. You screamed, "Stop! Oh my god stop!" You screamed in a panic watching this all unfold in front of you. "Shut up, bitch!" The man retorted, looking back at Bakugo he sucked his teeth "you think its cool to touch another man's woman? Huh?" He asked, thinking he had done some damage he backed off fixing his suit jacket as Bakugo held his nose.
Bakugo stood up straight with an enraged face and glared at the man ready to fight. The suited man looked at Bakugo and huffed confidently. The guy dragged his fisted hand back and was ready to aim for Bakugo again, his eyes widened though as Bakugo caught his fist giving the man a nice uppercut to the jaw.
The man collapsed to the ground letting out a rough breath for air to enter his lungs again. "Now I feel better," Bakugo groaned, swaying a little but managing to get together and correct his balance.
He glanced at you and let out a breath, "what?" He breathed, scanning your surprised face, "Huh, you didn't actually think this idiot would beat me did you?" He smirked cockly leaning against the table, you rolled your eyes and through your head back. "Great, now I'm gonna get fired!" You moaned out, walking away from the scene and into the back rooms with bakugo hot on your trail. "OI!" He shouted.
Izuku checked his phone again and unsurprisingly he saw no new messages from the group chat. He sighed and decided to text Shoto Todoroki, one of his other friends. He opened the chat bar and typed.
Izuku Midoriya
'Hey, Todoroki! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out if you aren't working?' 12:13pm
Todoroki's phone pung in his hand, he sighed and placed it in his pocket before going back to what he was doing. He sorted money from the machine counting it to make sure it was the correct amount. He nodded to himself and walked out of the building to the older women waiting outside. He handed her an envelope of cash and placed his hands in his pockets.
"Thank you! You don't know how much I appreciate what you do for me! I'm sorry you have to do this when you're so busy though, Todoroki. This money would really help us out." She made a small smile, squeezing the cash in her hand.
"Let's make this the last time." He said blankly, making the lady slightly panic.
"What do you mean the last time?" She demanded, not raising her voice but stern enough to let him know she was confused and wanted an answer.
Izuku stopped his jog out of breath and looked at his phone again, this time letting out a frustrated groan.
Izuku Midoriya
'Hey, why are you guys ignoring me?' 12:26pm
He thrusted his phone back into his pocket and still out of breath he picked up his pace again.
"Don't you understand! The air here in Musutafu is being polluted everyday by the powers of industry?" She explained, looking at him confused and worriedly, "We need to make it clean again here, here, there, everything has to be cleaned."
"Yeah, yeah I get it already! I have to go or I'll be late for work!" He scoffed, walking around her and down the street.
Izuku looked around as he walked, for the last time he checked his messages and nothing, no replies. He breathed in and out, opening the chat box again.
Izuku Midoriya
'Fine.' 12:30pm
Izuku moved to his other open tab, a rubik's cube game. With one hand he moved and switched his around trying to match all the sides to one color, as you would do with an actual rubik's cube.
You and Bakugo walked down the street, him with a cigar in his mouth, you with your phone in your hand. You typed in the group chat to Midoriya.
F/n L/n
'Sorry, Midoriya. I was just fired from my job!' 12:33pm
As you sent the message you glared at Bakugo making him raise an eyebrow your way. "What?" He said, sucking his teeth as he threw the cigar to the ground and stomped on you. You rolled your eyes and continued to walk down the sidewalk.
Midoriya almost beat the game but lost once a notification that you texted in the groupchat came through on his screen. "Agh.." He huffed, quietly.
"Everybody's timing really sucks.." he opened the messages and began typing.
His message popped up on both you and Bakugos phones, him ignoring it already knowing how it was and you looking down at it.
'Seriously, When?' 12:33pm
You opened your chat box and began typing back to Midoriya with Bakugo looking over your shoulder and down to your phone screen.
F/n L/n
'Right now, I'm jobless now!' 12:33pm
Todoroki looked down at the messages before he decided to join in and text everyone back.
Todoroki Shoto
'Good job getting fired. I'm skipping work right now.' 12:34pm
Bakugo laughed and snatched your phone as Todoroki's message popped up. He opened the chat box ignoring your complaints and whins for your phone back.
F/n L/n (bakugo)
'You should work. Half in half. You're poor.' 12:34pm
Bakugo laughed as the message went through, "Give me back my phone asshole!" You yelled, snatching your phone from his hand to see what he typed in the chat.
"Damn it Bakugo, you have your own phone, use it!." You whined, typing in the chat to let them know that it wasn't you who said that. 
"Oh hush your whining, dumbass!" Bakugo rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into his pockets with a scroll now present on his face. Still though he watched the chat from your phone.
F/n L/n
'Sorry guys! It wasn't me that was bakugo..' 12:36pm
Izuku shrugged knowingly and typed back in the chat voicing his boredom.
Izuku Midoriya
'I left home.' 12:36pm
Shoto stared blankly at the message typing what he was thinking out.
Todoroki Shoto
'Good work.' 12:36pm
Izuku ignored his blunt sarcastic response and continued on.
Izuku Midoriya
'I need a drink..'12:37pm
This made Todoroki smile a little as he typed in the chat.
Todoroki Shoto
'Me too!' 12:27pm
You smiled at the boy's conversation and agreed as well.
F/n L/n
'Lets go, then!' 12:38pm
Bakugo groaned in irritation next to you. "Oh, shut up. You're gonna go anyway." You smiled rolling your eyes.
"Huh, don't tell me what I'm gonna do, dumbass!" Bakugo pouted, making you laugh in return.
"Oh so you don't wanna go? You can go home if you want?" You teased, holding back your laughter as you saw the slight panic in his eyes at the thought of being left out. You waited to see if he'd say something but when he did you nodded your head
"That's what I though," You smiled holding onto his arm and laughed at his flushed face.
Izuku smiled, his friends finally replied to him and now they were gonna hang out.
Izuku Midoriya
'Go find a job, L/n,' 12:40pm
Izuku laughed as he sent the text, waiting for your response.
Shoto smiled and replied to Izukus text telling him that he should do the same.
Todoroki Shoto
'You too, Midoriya.' 12:41pm
Midoyia laughed a little at the bite back he wasn't expecting from todoroki.
You looked down at your phone holding back your laughter, you opened the chat box to decide where you'd meet the others.
F/n L/n
'Let's meet in front of Tamatoa Station.' 12:42pm
"Tch, Why there of all places?" Bakugo interjected as always.
"Do you know how to connect your top lip to your bottom because if you do it would just cure all the evil in the world." You fake smiled at him, making him scowl and cross his arms over his chest like a pouty child.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed his short sleeve gray shirt dragging him along behind you, "Come on," You said, crossing the street with him.
"Stop telling me what to do, dumbass!" He complained, letting himself be dragged along behind you.
'Okay!' 12:44pm
Sho sho
'Okay,' 12:44pm
Izuku was just about to place his phone back into the safety of his pocket when he abruptly tripped forward a bit. He looked down to see what caused his life to almost flash before his eyes. His face scrunched up once he saw it.
'I just step in somebody's vomit!!!' 12:46pm
You laughed as the message popped up on your phone. Of course he stepped in vomit you though rolling your eyes.
Sho sho
'Good job stepping on vomit.' 12:46pm
Shoto's remark made you laugh even harder of course he'd say that and to be honest if he didnt you would so a win's a win.
"Of course that damn nerd stepped in vomit!" Bakugo roared, his laughter real and loud, yet genuine. You just smiled, shaking your head.
You and bakugo continued to walk down the street to the now confirmed meeting destination.
Izuku made it there before everybody, leaning up against a wall he grabbed the tip of his shirt with his fingers and fanned his body with it, cooling himself off. He sighed and opened the group chat again, ready to rant his thoughts still he could say them face to face.
Izuku Midoriya
'I'm having the worst day!' 12:58pm
Todoroki Shoto
'Me too.' 12:58pm
F/n L/n
'Same.' 12:59pm
Izuku Midoriya
'I just don't feel like I've been doing the best since this morning..' 12:59pm
F/n L/n
'Are you talking about your game, Izuku?' 12:59pm
Izuku decided not to answer and instead looked around, he turned to look to the side and saw Bakugo's head over the crowd. Since he knew you were with Bakugo that meant you guys were almost here.
Izuku Midoriya
'I see you, L/n. Well, more like I see the top of Kacchans head..' 1:01pm
F/n L/n
'Hello!' 1:01pm
Izuku smiled and typed Hey with a bunch of y's attached to it, as you, Bakugo, and Todoroki made your way next to him. You all stopped and everyone besides Bakugo laughed.
"You can stop now, we're right here!" You giggled, making Bakugo look down at you.
"So you still wanna get a drink?" Todoroki asked, getting straight to the point. Midoriya sighed and squinted his eyes as the sun shines down on us.
"There aren't many places open, so?" Izuku stated, gripping his phone as he started thinking about what we could do now.
"Well that sums tha-" Bakugo started but you cut him off, "Guess that means we're going to the mall again." You simi shouted, side eyeing bakugo as he leaned up against the wall by Izuku.
They've grown closer over the years. Bakugo wasn't much of an asshole to Izuku and stopped the fake dislike for him as well, well Midoriya grew a backbone and didn't back down as easily anymore. I guess you could probably say being around a shit talker like Katsuki for years could affect the way you handle some situations.
Izuku groaned, frustrated, "Huuu, I would be good with going to a deserted Island!" He threw his head back against the wall.
"I'd be down with zombies showing up in this place. Everyone gets bitten," you looked around at the mindless people that trailed the streets and sidewalks. "And they all turn into zombies!" You finished, making an explosion sound effect and moving your hand to match.
"Stop it with the zombie talk will ya," Bakugo voice came through calmly.
"If zombies did show up here, only L/n would survive." Izuku added, having to just say what was on his mind at the moment despite Bakugo's fake attempt to change the subject.
"You know it!" You laugh a little getting into a fighting stance. "I'd knock em out with one punch!" You punched your fist back and forth in the air acting as if a person was taking hits to the face.
"I doubt it for real though! You’d probably be the one too!" You point at Midoriya, which caused him and Bakugo to raise a brow.
"Me? Why's that?" He asked, pushing to know why you'd think he'd be the one to survive out of the four of you guys.
"Because I know you'd out smart em.." Bakugo added before you could get another word out. Izuku and you made a small gasping noise.
You, Izuku, and Todoroki just stared at Bakugo, shocked as he continued.
"Deku, if you want advice...you should stop hanging out with us." Bakugo finished, staring ahead of him looking at the people that passed by, "go live your life.You should do it."
Izuku was the first to snap out of his shocked trance and cracked a smile, pushing himself off the wall. "Huh?" He laughed, "What's up with him?" He nodded to you for an answer.
All you could do was stand there still shocked. He turned to look at Todoroki and both of them laughed. You just stood there, you turned to lean against the wall in between Izuku and Katsuki. As the boys to your right laughter calmed down you all looked forward and took in everything ahead of you.
After what seemed like forever Bakugo spoke first, "Fuck it!" He said ducking down and gripping my legs, placing me up on his shoulders.
"Woah! Hey! Hey! What are you doing!" You shouted out of surprise. Since Katsuki was already taller than you, being on his shoulder was a game changer. I mean you could see above all the people.
Midoriya and Todoroki chuckled as they followed behind Bakugo who walked himself to the middle of the plaza.
"Half in half take a picture!" Bakugo yelled over the loud people and cars honking.
"Okay." He said dryly, but with a small smile of his usually emotionless face.
"Move it extras! Coming through!" He screamed at the people in his way, Meanwhile you held onto Bakugo scared for your life and you swore if he dropped you, you'd kill him!"
Shoto pulled his phone from his pocket as you guys stood in the middle. Bakugo started to spin around with you on his shoulders making you scream in fear.
"Stop it!" you yelled, the wind blew widely in your face, smacking you around like you were some kind of rag doll.
"FUCK!" You shouted as you started to become dizzy trying to watch everything as you went in circles. Soon though you got used to it and started feeling it.
"WOO!" You screamed, this time feeling free and above the world as you were still being spun around. The buys cheered as you did, soon though their was a loud honking noise and the sound of police sirens going off.
"HEY!" An officer shouted, leaning his head out of his window.
Bakugo quickly stopped spinning but got dizzy and fell down with you. He caught himself on his hands and knees. You just used your hands, still sitting of his shoulder.
"HEY, YOU!" The officer yelled again. You and Bakugo hurried to your feet, still dizzy but still able to run away with Todoroki and Izuku running along behind us.
As you guys ran through the streets trying to get away, cars honked and street on their breaks making others crash into their cars. More policemen came rushing out of the building from the side of you guys. Once they spot you they pouted you out to the other police officers. You all panicked and kept running trying to put as much distance as possible and not get caught.
"Go! Gogogogogo! We gotta get out of here!" You yelled.
All of you guys ran to the nearest less crowded building, running down the staris you saw the cops come in from the other side. You all laughed at the excitement and ran into a room. Bakugo opened the door to what seemed to be a big enough locker for all of us to fit in.
You all ran inside and Bakugo quickly shut the door behind you all.
Fln L/n
'Who farted?' 1:57pm
You typed in the group chat. Everyone looked at their phones then squinched their faces as the smell started to hit their noses.
Izuku Midoriya
'Who was it? Own up and sniff up your own fart!' 1:57pm
Izuku burst into laughter making everyone look away from their phones and diverting their eyes to him.
"It was you wasn't it!" Bakugo scowled, fanning the fart air more towards Midoriya.
Soon there was a bang on the door, everyone went silent and you reached to turn the light off. Then the banging stopped and everyone was left in silence.
"Alright, I'll go check it out!" Midoryia said, moving towards the locker door slowly.
"Be careful.." you whispered, hiding yourself behind Bakugo just in case anything happened.
Izuku lended his face up against the door to see if he could hear anything. When he didn't he opened the door and walked out. To everyone's surprise nobody was here and now the building's lights were all off. You all wall back to the entrance and slightly panic as you see no people outside. How could this be? It was just crowded with people and cars, but now nothing.
You all walked back outside and you wanted to scream. Completely empty, the plaza was completely empty!
No people…
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