#if they'd just met in passing at some base
nellielsss · 3 months
+†+🪦 A Pɾσρҽɾ Bʅαƈƙ Bυʅʅ Wҽʅƈσɱҽ!
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Summary: when you date a Magic Knight Captain, it's only a matter of time until you meet their Knights! A/N: just some fluff for Yami! I tried to include as many characters as I could but I'm still getting used to writing multiple chars in one scene. Pairing: Yami Sukehiro x fem!reader CW: swearing, suggestive jokes
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╰┈➤ "Is this really where Suke lives?" you asked nobody as you approached his base. "He's always told me not to visit, but this place is just... creepy. Still, I feel bad for making him visit me all the time. Why not pay him a surprise visit?"
You had been dating the famed Captain of the Black Bulls, Yami Sukehiro, for a few months--4 to be exact--and things were starting to get serious with him.
But they were never serious enough for you to meet his squad.
Sure, you had seen them in passing, tagging along with him on missions, but you've never met the Black Bulls in person. It was like they were his kids that he never wanted you to meet for whatever reason. Whenever you tried to ask him if you could meet them, he'd always say: "Nah, not happening. I don't need you meeting those knuckleheads; they'd probably blabber some stupid story and scare you off, and I don't need that."
For the better part, he actually made the effort to go and see you wherever you were. He'd venture as many miles as needed in order to do so. He also just never introduced you to the public in general because he was scared of someone going after you for a vendetta or revenge against Yami (he was a man with many enemies, after all). So, he was content with just going on private dates in secluded bars or spending the night at your place. Any chance he could take to spend time with you, he'd snatch it right up.
Why did you venture to the secretive Black Bulls hideout in the first place? Well, Yami had been busy with training for a while. The missions were swamping him, and his efforts to keep the devils at bay were, inadvertently, keeping your relationship at bay as well. He never had any time to leave the hideout unless it was to go on a mission or to an official summons, and because you were basically forbidden from going to HQ, it meant all you could do was communicate via letters.
And you were sick and tired of it.
You were an impatient girl. You didn't like being basically banned from seeing your boyfriend, no matter how legitimate his causes or concerns were.
You haven't had dick in ages--you were starting to lose feeling down there!! And lord knows his dick was good, so good it left you unable to walk on several occasions.
But you weren't there just to fuck him (although it was a big bonus of dating him); you were there to mend your little broken heart.
So, that's how you wound up on their doorstep. You went at a time which you knew it'd be empty, so you were sure you wouldn't have to meet those bulls. Even if he, himself, was out, you could just wait in his room as a little welcome home surprise.
"I don't suppose I have to knock before entering," you muttered, grabbing the latch of the door and opening the giant wooden slab. Just as you'd expected: the place was empty. Not a peep to be heard throughout the entire tower of oddly shaped rooms and windows that were jutting out of the wrong places.
"Well, this sure ain't too bad. I thought it'd be in ruins by the way Suke described it," you thought to yourself. As you stepped on the cobblestone floors and ventured inside the place, you took note of it. It had a certain charm to it, like a cozy tavern you'd seek refuge from a storm in. There were torches lit up by mana, different flags hanging from the walls, and a big bar in the left side of the room. "If he wasn't so protective of me, I could imagine myself living here with him..."
"Hello... who are... you?" a ghostly voice suddenly said from the hallway.
"Gah! Wait- is it seriously haunted? Was Sukehiro telling me the truth this whole time?!" You immediately hid behind a couch when you saw the mint-haired man standing there.
"I'm... not... a... ghost! I... keep... this... place... running," the ghost said.
"Are you sure? Because you certainly don't look too- gah!" this time, you were surprised to feel that all your mana was being drained from you, simply by being close to the man.
"I'm.. sorry... I... drain... people's... mana... on... accident. Don't... stand... too... close."
"Figured as much," you muttered, somehow able to break free from the man's mana pull. "I knew I shouldn't have come here... I thought all of you would be out for the day."
"You... didn't... answer... my... question. Who... are... you?"
"Oh, right... sorry about that," you said, rubbing the back of your neck, "I'm, uh... I'm Captain Yami's girlfriend. I came here hoping that none of you would be around, but it seems as though I made a mistake. I thought all of you would be on missions for sure!"
The man's ghostly face lit up in surprise when he realized who you were. "Oh! I... know... you... or, at least... I've... heard... of you... Captain Yami's... always... talking... about... some girl... who... he's... been... dating. We all... just... thought... that he... was... lying."
"You seriously thought that he was lying?" you asked in disbelief. "Then again, he is an acquired taste... Anyway, what's your name?"
"My... name's... Henry. I... don't... go on... missions... because... I'm... too... weak, and I'm... bound... to... this... house."
"Too weak?" you asked, feeling a bit sorry for the guy. "Jeez, that must suck. Anyway, Henry, nice to meet you- ahhh!!" he started draining your mana on accident again and you pulled away.
"It's fine, Henry; I forgot about your little quirk," you reassured him with a wave of the hand.
"You're... really... pretty. Too... pretty... to... be... dating the... Captain," Henry remarked, making you snicker.
"Well, thank you, Henry! Yeah, you probably couldn't picture him and I together, if I'm being honest. I guess I just have a thing for oblivious brutes," you giggled, making him smile in return. "Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell Captain Yami about my impromptu appearance; he doesn't want me hanging around you guys. Somethin' about 'putting me in danger'? As if I could be put in danger," you remarked rather confidently. "I'm not really the type to submit to his wishes all that easily, but he seemed pretty serious about keeping our relationship under wraps. If you don't mind me, I'll be on my merry way-"
"Wait...! The... others... are... supposed to be... back... soon! You'll... get... caught... if you... don't... hide!" Henry warned you suddenly.
"H-Huh? Really?!" you asked him, already freaking out.
As if on cue, you could hear several voices chattering from the other side of the door, and you looked around in panic, trying to find a hiding spot. Henry was blocking the hallway, and if you got too close to him, you'd probably faint on the spot. You tried to hide behind the bar, only for the door to literally break down as the rowdy Black Bulls made their way home. You knew they were loud, but you didn't know that they were the type to break down doors! At the sight of the bunch, you instinctively froze up in fear, akin to a deer in headlights. You ducked for the nearest couch, hoping that they'd choose to go in the opposite direction.
"Did you guys see the way I took that guy down?! It was awesome! I totally surpassed my limits out there!!" A rather enthusiastic, short boy said to the others. That must've been Asta: the anti-magic user.
"You were pretty good out there--not that I'm complimenting you or anything! I'm still royalty compared to you," a similarly short girl with silver hair said. Based on how she was jabbing the boy with her words, that was probably Noelle.
"Just you wait, Asta--I'm gonna get stronger than you!" another guy with a mohawk and glasses said. Magna, if you weren't mistaken.
"I'd like to see you try to get stronger than him! If you do, then I'll spar with you until I get even stronger!" a blonde boy with a psychopathic smile quipped. Luck.
"Just don't go around breaking shit, okay, you numbskulls?" your oh-so handsome boyfriend Yami Sukehiro sighed. "We don't have the money to keep repairing the damage you guys cause."
"I'm going to go worship my sister, Marie," a guy with an apparent sister complex said: Gauche, to be precise.
"What a weirdo," you said to yourself. A few of their heads turned in the direction of your voice, and you hid your entire body behind the couch.
"What was that?"
"Whatever it was, it was telling the truth."
"If you boys don't mind, I'm gonna go have a drink at the bar!" a female voice said, her words already slurred.
"Aren't you already drunk, Vanessa?" another guy asked the witch.
"What's one more drink, Finral? You should come join me!" she replied. You quickly realized you were in deep shit when you remembered that the couch you were hiding behind was right next to the bar.
Well, this is the end, you thought. There was no way you could hide from these guys now. Even if you tried to make a run for it, your boyfriend was right there, and he'd probably teach you a lesson!!
You braced yourself for when the witch, Vanessa, would see you... which was right at that moment. "Umm, guys? Why is there a stranger hiding behind our couch?"
Your eyes shot open in fear, and you looked up at the girl, your face red with embarrassment. "Vanessa, what are you talking about? Are you seriously seeing things?- Oh, hubba, hubba!" the guy named Finral said once he saw you. "If I knew that cute girls would be sneaking into our hideout, I'd leave the door unlocked more often!"
One by one, all the Black Bulls clamored around the couch, wondering who, exactly, the two were talking about. They were all in wonder until Yami came over. Oh, how you dreaded this from the moment you walked in...
"(Y/N)--what the hell are you doing in my base?!" said boyfriend asked, making you flinch with how loudly he asked that question.
"Heh... hi, Suke," you said quietly, only for the man to pick you up by the scruff of your collar and make you stand up.
"Wait, do you actually know that girl, Captain Yami?" Finral asked the man.
"He sure does..." you said meekly.
"Yeah, I do," he sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. "Great, this is just what I needed: my Bulls slobbering all over my girlfriend..."
"Did you just say GIRLFRIEND?!" all of them asked in unison.
"I guess there's no time like the present," the man finally relented. Yami stopped pinching his nose and instead wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you next to him. "Everyone, this is my girlfriend of four months."
"I didn't even know a woman could stand to be in your presence, let alone for that amount of time!" Noelle exclaimed.
"So, you mean to tell me that you bagged a babe like her?! Captain, you need to give me your secrets!!!" Finral said, practically on the verge of losing it at this revelation.
"Don't call my girlfriend a babe, pipsqueak!"
"Stop yelling in my girlfriend's ear, are you trying to make her go deaf?!" Yami asked Asta before grabbing his lips and shutting him up forcefully.
"Would you like to spar with me?!" Luck asked, way too enthusiastically for his own good.
"How about a drink?" Vanessa asked.
"A nice, warm meal would be a great welcome for her!" Charmy proposed.
"I don't care if you're Yami's girlfriend: if you touch my sister Marie, I'll kick your ass," Gauche threatened you directly.
"Creep..." Yami muttered. "For the love of the Wizard King, all of you get off of her and stop harassing her with all your questions!!" he barked, now pissed off at the situation.
"Yes, Captain Yami, sir," all of them said, piping down finally.
"This is exactly why I didn't introduce her to all of you; none of you know how to act properly!" Yami yelled again, this time gritting his teeth in anger. You could tell he was getting riled up, so you put your hand on his chest and silently told him to calm down. His frustrated expression settled down to a simple frown, and he offered you a tiny smile. "Sorry, princess."
"I've never seen someone rein him in so easily," one of the bulls remarked in wonder.
"It's clear that Yami appreciates this woman and that we should treat her with the same respect with which we'd treat one of our own," Gordon whispered. Everyone still side-eyed him for how quiet he was being.
Yami took a deep breath and faced his subordinates again. "Anyway, this is my girlfriend of 4 months: (Y/N) (L/N). I expect all of you to treat her with the same respect you'd treat me, just as Gordon said." Everyone nodded, and for once he didn't feel like bashing their heads in.
"Captain Yami, if you don't mind me asking: how come we haven't met her before if she's so important to you?" one of them asked this time.
"Because, if I introduced her to all of you, one of you would blabber your mouths, and then word would get out that I had a girlfriend. That would put her in some serious danger, considering how many foes we face and enemies we have," Yami explained--and quite calmly at that. "And I like keeping my personal life separate from my life as Captain. I don't want the two to intermingle, even if both lives are equally important to me."
"I guess that makes sense..."
You decided that it was your turn to speak: "truth be told, Suke's always been so overprotective of me. He thinks I'm some delicate little flower who needs to be guarded at all costs, even if I'm a stage 0 mage. It's honestly ironic, considering how his type is strong women," you added with a giggle.
"Well, I can't let you get hurt because of me, princess," he said to you quietly. "Even if you are strong, there's always the chance that someone might go looking for you."
"Look at him, he's so protective of her! It's honestly kinda cute," Vanessa remarked, taking another sip of her drink. Yami merely glared at her before looking at all of them again.
"How come she found out about the base if you're so protective of her? Isn't its location supposed to be private?"
This was a question meant for you, it seemed, even if it was directed at Yami. "Well... your horse and buggy's a little quick to give up information if you're pretty enough," you giggled mischievously, playing with your hair as if you were innocent.
"Finral!" Yami said through gritted teeth.
"I-I just figured she was curious!" the boy said, trembling at the possibility of being punished by their Captain.
"I guess I just have my ways," you giggled again. "I couldn't stay away from my boyfriend for too long, not when I have needs!" you shot a wink at Yami, and all he could do was blush in place.
"I don't even wanna know what those needs are..."
"Don't speak of such things around my sister, Marie," Gauche quipped, making you furrow your brow.
"She's not even here--that's a picture you're holding!!"
"She's here in spirit."
"Stop starting fights when we have guests," Noelle interjected, being the voice of reason for once. She then decided to ask you a question. "So, I simply have to know: what possessed you to date the man for four months? From what I've seen, he's not the most perceptive man out there!"
"Noelle, you can't just say that about our captain in front of his girlfriend!" Asta said to Noelle.
She huffed in response. "As if you'd be any better!!"
"Slander my name to her like that and I'll kill both of you," Yami threatened them, making them both jump.
"But I didn't even do anything wrong!" Asta whined defensively.
"To be honest," you started, making everyone look at you again. "I was the one who initially had a crush on him. I know he's not everyone's type, but he sure is mine. Anyway, it was kinda hard getting him to notice my feelings for him. In the end, all it took was for me to simply confess my feelings for him and hope that he'd reciprocate them! And Suke may not look like the boyfriend type, but he's actually the most caring and considerate man I've ever met; he just doesn't show any of you that side... At least, not as forwardly as he does to to me."
Noelle thought about your words, and she couldn't exactly do anything but take your word for it. "If you say so... But, I still just don't get it! You're so... pink, and he's so... whatever he is!"
"Well, everyone has their type," you shrugged.
"But, how do you deal with his bowel issues?"
You couldn't help but giggle at her question. "By buying extra toilet paper, of course!"
"(Y/N)..." Yami trailed off, embarrassed by the topic. "All of you: bowel issues are no laughing matter! I go through battles every single day in that room."
"Yeah, we know."
After the Black Bulls laughed at your little statements, he decided to move on to the next part: "alright, enough of a Q&A session. Since you came all this way, I'd imagine you'd be staying over for dinner?"
Your stomach growled in response to his question. "Oh, yes, please. I'm starving--this place is so far from the nearest town!"
"Not to worry, my fair lady!" Charmy suddenly said, standing up on the table. "Chef Charmy here will cook up an amazing feast to welcome you to our humble abode!"
You looked at Charmy and then at Yami. "Can the half-dwarf really do that--cook well?"
"Oh, you'd be surprised. Her food is rich with mana."
"Fear not," Charmy repeated, "for you deserve a proper Black Bull welcome!"
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Just as Yami promised you: Charmy cooked up a feast fit for several kings from far away lands and then some. Her cotton magic combined with her food magic made for plenty of meals and dishes to go around, and, although simplistic in their nature, each meal left you wanting more.
You were, of course, seated beside your boyfriend Yami (you were almost touching him), and the pink-haired witch, Vanessa, decided to sit on the other side. "You simply must try this drink, (Y/N)!"
"Oh, I don't drink much, but thanks for the offer," you said. Your efforts were in vain, seeing as she had already filled your cup.
"Don't overdo it, princess. I don't want you stumbling about the place. Y'know, since you can't really handle your liquor," Yami warned you.
"I'll try not to, Suke."
After filling up your cup, Vanessa decided to ask you a boatload of questions, as did all the other Black Bulls. Asta asked you about your family back at home; Vanessa asked you about your relationship; Luck asked you about your fighting skills; Gordon asked if he could be your friend (and make a doll that resembled you?); etc. All the other Bulls asked you unique questions that were different according to their personalities and interests, and you were happily to answer all of them. It wasn't everyday that you got to talk about your wonderful relationship!
As the night settled down, though, a certain personal question was asked by a certain witch who was to your right. "So, (Y/N), I hope you don't mind me asking you this, but... are you happy in your relationship?" It was on brand for the witch, considering that she liked to talk about relationships and was also quite drunk.
"Vanessa, don't ask those kinds of questions," Yami warned the witch. "You've just met her-"
You answered it, though, regardless of how personal it was. Maybe it was the alcohol that opened you up more, but you gave her a smile and said: "more than you could imagine, Vanessa. Suke makes me happy in ways I cannot imagine. Brash as he might be, he still cares for me, and I can see that he also cares about the lot of you in his own special way. You're his family, after all; I'm just the lucky girl who he chose to open up to." It was more than you intended to say, but it got the point across pretty well. You took another sip of your drink, unaware of the way that they looked at you.
"Wow, that's... I sure am glad that you're happy!" Vanessa exclaimed, throwing her arm around your shoulder (and almost falling out of her chair).
"We all are, (Y/N)," Noelle also said with a slight smile.
"We might've just met you, but if you're a friend of Captain Yami's, then you're a friend of ours!" Asta exclaimed.
"I hope we can be great friends," Gordon whispered.
With each praise, each remark of approval, you couldn't help but smile at them. Truth be told, you'd been longing for a group of people who you could call home. Much like Noelle, you, too, had been shunned by your family for reasons you couldn't explain. Yami had been your lighthouse, your guiding rock all this time, but the idea that there was a whole other group out there who you could lean on for support kept your spirits up.
You might've just met them, but you already felt at home.
"Welcome to the fold, kid," Yami muttered into your ear before kissing the skin behind it.
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Now that dinner was all cleaned up and over with, the two of you retired to Yami's bedroom. He shut the door behind him quietly, breathing a sigh of relief. "(Y/N), you have no idea the heart attack you almost gave me back there." Although he let the stoic mask drop and be replaced by the softness that he showed you, he still couldn't help but scold you. "Seriously--I wasn't prepared to introduce you to all of them."
"I didn't mean to surprise you like that, I just... look, I planned on sneaking in and going to your room and surprising you there. I wanted to see you--you've been so busy these past few weeks! I really didn't mean to meet them so early," you said, taking your earrings off and putting them on the nightstand.
Yami took the opportunity to sneak behind you and wrap his arms around your body. "I know I've been busy, princess; I would've snuck you in if you asked me to, though."
"I was impatient, Suke. You know how long those letters take to deliver; I wanted to see you today."
He didn't scold you; rather, he chuckled deeply and pressed his lips to the top of your head. "Well, aren't you an impatient princess?"
"You gave me that title, Sukehiro," you quipped, making him chuckle again.
"I guess I did."
After a few moments of silence, and after you'd taken your jewelry off, he took the opportunity to hug you tighter and let his lips travel down your neck. "Well, since you're here... I might as well get that loving in, hmm?"
"You might as well," you quipped. You stopped talking, instead letting him kiss your neck and your shoulder. You were so small in his arms--like a goddamn kitten! Even though you were strong, confident & fierce in your daily life, when you were with your beloved, you were like putty in his big hands, reduced to mush in a matter of moments.
"Good god, woman, I've missed you," he growled, letting his big hand trail up your shirt. "You have no idea how hard it was to resist the urge to just drop everything and come running to you."
"That's no way for a Magic Knight Captain to behave," you teased him, making him spank your ass out of annoyance.
"I know, princess." He went back to kissing your exposed shoulder and decided to take it a step further. "Turn around for me, baby," he rasped into your ear. You obliged happily, turning around to face your boyfriend. "That's more like it," he said, cracking a smile before attacking your lips. His chapped, rough lips kissed your much softer & sweeter ones, his tongue intermingling with yours and tasting the sweetness of your mouth. "Missed this... the way your lips taste," he whispered, angling your head so he could kiss you deeper.
"Missed yours, too," you murmured to which he raised an eyebrow.
"Didn't you say I smelled like cigarettes and beer?"
"That was before I made you quit all that shit. Now, shut up and kiss me," you said before diving in again.
"As you wish." He spun you guys around so that he was sitting on the bed and you were in between his legs. "What're you standing there for? Sit on my lap, sweetheart." You happily obliged and straddled his hips, letting the man pull you in for another deep, passionate kiss. His wandering hands trailed up and down your sides until he finally decided to peel off your shirt.
"Suke, it's cold," you whined.
"Then lemme heat you up," he rasped, continuing to let his hands run amok. Every time he got his hands on your soft, supple skin, he felt his heart skip a beat. You were just so goddamn perfect for him--you were like an angel, sent to keep him tamed. He trailed kisses down your neck and to your chest, kissing and biting at the soft fat of your breasts. "Mind if I take this thing off?" he asked, sticking a finger underneath the clasp of your bra.
"Only if you take this off," you quipped, peeling your boyfriend's tank top off, giving you access to those sweet muscles that you were so incredibly attracted to.
"Like what you see?" he rumbled with a cocky grin on his face.
"More than you could imagine," you giggled, pushing him back onto the bed and earning a spank from the brute's big hand.
"Come here and give your man some loving, hmm? He's missed having you in his bed."
You promptly requested a change of squad the next day. The Crimson Lion Kings would understand.
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Bσɳυʂ ʂƈҽɳҽ: Nαƈԋƚ Fαυʂƚ! ⋆♱✮♱⋆
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"So, this is the girlfriend I've been hearing so much about, Captain Yami?" the man, who was his vice-captain, asked him. It was a rare occurrence for him to leave the shadow realm and go back to HQ, but when he heard that his old friend of so many years had gotten himself a girlfriend, he couldn't resist the urge to meet you. His eyes flickered from Yami to you, and you felt like they were staring into your soul.
"Yeah, this is her: (Y/N), (L/N). Try not to scare her off and say anything bad about me, 'kay?" Yami asked of the young man.
Nacht offered you a smile and even outstretched his hand from his coat. "Pleased to meet you, my name is Nacht Faust. I was wondering when Captain Yami would find someone who'd put up with his antics," he said, surprisingly friendly for how reserved he seemed.
"Do I really have that kinda reputation?!"
"Yes, you do."
"Um... nice to meet you as well," you replied, unsure if you should be scared of him or be glad he was so friendly.
"Anyway, I should get going. I can't exactly stand to be around your boyfriend for so long," he said in that eerily calm voice before slinking back into a shadow. "It was nice to meet you again!"
"Yeah, it was..." you trailed off as the man disappeared into the shadowy side of that wall. "Is he always like that?"
"He's usually worse," Yami sighed. "Anyway, let's go back to bed. I'm tired."
"But it's 3 pm!" you protested. He merely scoffed and threw you over his shoulder. "Hey, put me down!!"
"Does it look like I care? I'll cuddle my girlfriend anytime of the day I want."
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© ʙʀᴜɴᴇᴛᴛᴇ-ʙɪᴛᴄʜ77 on tumblr - get your own shit bitches | ca. 7/1/2024
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xxchaosjojoxx · 3 months
Hi :)
I have always loved law since his first appearance in the anime.
May I ask for a law x Reader but reader is an absolute GREAT at lying. Like they lie all the time and no one would know it was a lie due to specific things that aren't exactly related to the lie but was somehow a "proof" that it was believable. It even fooled Law himself.
Reader is always so happy, like always smiling and cheerful and everything. But with a really constructed lie, a smile isn't always real.
You get what I mean?
Most lies I was talking about was:
"I ate dinner" for example.
Reader didn't actually eat but can be proven to because 1, reader could have planned to "eat" later due to "work" when in reality, they just planned to go inside the lunch room for a few moments and made sure someone saw so they'd have an alibi.
So basically, it's based on alibis and statements that make said lie true.
A/N: Thanks so much for your request. I had an idea in my mind and suddenly it went dark/angst. I hope it is still to your liking and I’m not sure if I should do a second part to add some fluff like I had originally planned.
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You were the sunshine on and inside the Polar Tang. With your bright smile, you could earn a lot of happy smiles and joyful words whenever you enter a room. No one would ever think that this was a facade. That all of this would be a lie. Even your captain would call anyone crazy who would think not of a bunch of sunshine whenever you are around.
Your skills as a thief back in the day are kinda handsy. You are quick and precise when it comes to battle. With your radiant presence and this bright smile paired with those big soft eyes it was easy to gain a lot of free supplies and goodies, whenever your duty was to go shopping. You joined the Heart pirates after stealing some things from Penguin and Shachi nearly 4 months ago. Sadly you couldn’t escape the blue orb nor the teleportation as this man, now your captain, Trafalgar Law was grabbing you with a smirk on his face. You had skill, this might come in handy for sure. That was his reason to let you join his crew. The fact that you would probably lose your head was not an option back there. He was intimidating but handsome. You would be a fool to not follow an attractive man.
The life you had back there was a life you wished to erase forever.
As a foster kid some adults used you for stealing. Kids are small, they can hide better, right?
Over the years you could perfect your stealing skills and one more skill. To lie. Whenever you trembled, whenever you where crying or doing not exactly what they told you, they would hurt you, torture you. You had to learn to lie, because you needed to survive. You had to lie to yourself, that all of this wouldn’t be your whole life. That you would find something better for sure someday. Then you met the heart pirates, they all welcomed you like a family. And even though you showed them your brightest smile, your happiest face, the loudest laugh, you were still aware of them. This is not real. They will use you when they get a chance. Don’t trust them. All of this was repeating in your head every now and then. No one knew what you were hiding because no one suspected anything.
The first time Law suspected something was not too long ago. He worked a lot today and went to the kitchen, to get a snack as he passed you. “You ok, y/n-ya? You look pale? Did you eat anything?”
You were looking at him, giving him a bright smile. “Hey Captain. Of course. I ate dinner already. I just ate too much, maybe that’s why.”
He looked at you with a stern look. “Ok don’t overwork yourself.”
“Aye aye Captain.” and with that you left him. Only after he entered the kitchen and saw the dish, he knew something was off.
Law saw Shachi and Penguin sitting at the table, talking and laughing. “Was Y/N in here?”
They looked at him. “Yeah, she just left with a plate in her hand. She has too much work to do, so she wanted to eat in her room.” The red haired said and Law tilted his head in confusion. “I just saw her, and she didn’t even have a plate in her hand.”
Bepo entered the kitchen from behind. “Oh she gave me the plate earlier. Said I should eat it. She had too much earlier and put way more on the plate for her to finish.”
“I see.” With this Law grabbed a snack and returned to his office with a bad feeling.
He was reading some paperwork as he took a bite from his snack. His mind was wandering back to you. It felt off. Did you really have dinner? The fact that you filled your plate with food and the fact why you didn’t have it when he met you earlier, it all was reasonable. But something was still weird. Would you lie to him? You had no reason for it. But remembering the food, he knew that Shachi was in charge of cooking today and he also knew that Shachi used some spices especially one you didn’t even like. There was no way you wouldn’t notice it and there was also no way that you would eat it to the point you would grab another plate. He hid his face in his hands and was remembering every situation with you in it since you joined. There was never an occasion that he would feel like this. Without even realizing he went towards the storage room, knowing you were on duty today, to write down what else you would need when you dock on the next island.
You stand there with a pencil and a little book in your hands, taking notes. As you felt his presence you turned around to see your captain and smiled at him. “Hey Captain. Can I help you with something?”
“Yeah, can you give me your hand for a second please? I need to confirm something.”
With a confused look you reached your right hand towards him, his warm hands were cupping your own and you could feel a light blush on your face.
“What exactly do you confirm?” You gulped and were looking at him.
“I thought I saw something earlier.” He had not enough time to think of anything clever.
“Do you feel better now? You know because of your second plate of food today.”
He had to concentrate on your heartbeat, on your pulse.
You were looking at him even more confused. “Yes, thank you.”
He squeezed your hand a little tighter. If people lie, their heartbeat, pulse and the breath would give them away, but everything was normal. Not even a slight change. But he knew that you didn’t have another plate. You gave it to Bepo. “Didn’t you give it to Bepo?”
He was staring at you. You felt a little shiver as he was staring at you with this cold look.
"Yeah, I did. I thought I could eat more, but then I felt sick so I gave it to Bepo instead.” Again you were smiling. You didn’t even have to think long enough or even stutter. Your answer was way too perfect. Even if you were telling him the truth, you wouldn’t answer as fast as possible.
“Did you ever lie to us?”
You shook your head and your eyes were wide. “What? No, why should I?”
“Tell me the truth.”
“I do. I never lied to you or anyone else on this ship.”
You were looking at him in determination and in this moment knew, he wouldn’t get the answer out of you.
He knew something was off but he couldn’t prove it. Just his gut feeling wouldn’t be enough.
He let go of your hand. “I’m sorry. I'll let you finish your work.” Law was about to leave the room as he turned his head towards you.
“You can trust us, you know? I know that your past was hard, but you are safe now. If you wanna talk with anyone about anything, do it please.”
Law could see a small nod coming from you. “Of course I do, captain. I already trust you. Thanks for checking on me.” You showed him a big grin and Law couldn’t help but feel this bad feeling inside him to blossom. Now that he felt off he couldn’t help but wonder, if those smiles of yours and your shining personalities are fake. What about you is real? What is a lie? He was determined to find the truth from this day on.
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wintertime-in-june · 5 months
Colonel's Punishment
Colonel!König x NewRecruit!Reader
MDNI 18+
You stand to attention, waiting, as the two Lieutenants go about their uniform checks.
One stands before you, hands on her hips, looking you up and down.
"Regulation bra?"
"No bra."
She notes to herself, brow furrowed, clearly displeased. Despite this, a wicked glint was clear in her eyes as she proceeded with the check.
She leant forward pulling your waist band and looking down.
She tuts seeing the deep red panties you wore... clearly not to code.
She let the waist band snap back, noting down this further violation.
You let out a little huff knowing you were going to get scolded... or worse.
The Lieutenants seemed to have it out for you since day one... and it was only day two. Making snide remarks about your gender, your looks, just waiting for your to slip up... so much for girls supporting girls.
They were practically begging for any reason to...
"Send her to the Colonel."
The other woman replied to the one checking your uniform as they discussed with great fervour how you would be punished.
What a couple of sadists, you thought to yourself, biting the inside of your cheek and huffing. One tapped away on her device, clearly notifying the Colonel that a mischievous recruit was being sent over, the other stood with her arms folded, a look of triumph on her face.
From their experience the Colonel had no time for young recruits, he didn't like to be disturbed and hence, gave the most brutal of punishments. In their own formative training, they both had suffered the agonisingly long workouts the Colonel doled out... Time to repay the favour they thought, sending you, the only female recruit in the cohort to face his wrath.
You were going to be put in your place.
As you walked through the empty corridors, your combat boots squeaking beneath you, you couldn't help but feel a little scared.
You'd heard stories of the Colonel... none of them good, they all involved the words killing machine or ended with a recruit crying so hard they threw up, what a lovely sentiment.
Your brow furrowed slightly as you glowered, looked at the ground as you trudged along. What a couple of bitches you thought to yourself, these Lieutenants definitely had some sort of made up problem with you if they'd sent you here on your second day at base, literally your first day of training.
You stood in front of the Colonel's office, your arm noticeably shaking as you held it up and knocked on the door.
A few seconds passed, no reply, a few more, nothing, then...
You heard his voice, you jumped a little, startled despite it being natural that he was in fact in his own office.
Does this mean you should come in? You didn't know, so you turned the nob slowly, tentatively pushing the door open and peeking you head in.
You saw him, sat at his desk, he didn't look up, he merely lifted his hand beckoning you in.
Your heart was beating even quicker now, perhaps you should have just sucked it up and worn the uncomfortable undergarments.
Realising you had been frozen for quite some seconds you scurried in, carefully closing the door behind you.
You stood in front of his desk as he finished writing his sentence, putting his pen down and looking up.
He picked up his phone, re-checking the message that had been sent to him as he stood up and walked to the front of his desk.
He leant back on the desk before placing the phone down and crossing his arms.
Your eyes travelled up and up, slowly until they met his piercing blue ones, peaking through his hood.
You gulped. He's tall, taller than you knew. You had seen him on the first day, up on the staging with the other commanding officers but nothing could have prepared you for the sheer towering presence this man truly gave off.
He smirked under his mask, unbeknownst to you. When the Lieutenants had said they were sending over a rule breaking recruit he certainly hadn't expected you to walk into his office.
To put it frankly you looked like you wouldn't hurt a fly, like you couldn't hurt a fly, like the fly would hurt you.
He had re-read the text just to check. You hadn't punched someone, you hadn't stolen a weapon, you hadn't even disrespected a higher up, you had simply broken the dress code. How amusing that they would bother the Colonel with something so insignificant.
Perhaps it was the Lieutenants he should be having a word with over wasting Colonel's time but alas you were here.
He scanned you body, it was small but then again anything is to him, it was frail, the way you stood there was just... delicious. Practically quaking as you waited, so unsure of yourself, eyes shinning, fucking adorable.
"So Kleiner, do you know why you have been sent to my office?"
He wanted to play with you a little, make you scared.
"I violated the dress code, sir." You reply in a quiet voice.
He smiles a little under his mask, heart clenching, your voice, so fucking cute he thought to himself.
"Ja, I see, no bra?"
He leaned forward a little with his question, his immense stature still looming over you forebodingly. You couldn't help but look down, shying away.
You have a small nod of your head.
"And your panties?"
He leaned forward a little uncrossing his arms and beckoning you with his finger.
"You show me."
You pout a little as you pull down your waist band slightly, showing him the red from your underwear. Clearly not the regulation white ones.
"Ah, yes, I see, ze red ones, very cute."
He teases, leaning back against the desk and re crossing his arms.
You can't help but blush a bit.
He felt his dick twitch in his pants at the sight of your underwear, you are just so precious.
"They're comfier." You reply in a whisper.
He chuckles at your response, muttering an "I'm sure they are" as he headed back to the other side of his desk.
"Now your Lieutenants have recommended that I send you on the 'twenty, thirty, fifty'."
You tilt your head questioningly, he sees your lack of understanding.
"It is twenty pull ups, thirty push ups and fifty laps followed by an afternoon of hard labour."
You bite your lip in nervousness, you couldn't do that, even if you wanted to... Your mind began to wander as worry consumed your thoughts.
That was until you heard a low chuckle.
"...but, look at you!"
You look up to the Colonel, surprised by his laughter, before looking down at yourself.
What did he mean? What was wrong with you? Your brow furrowed.
"Süß." He mused. You didn't know what he was saying, but you could only assume the worst.
"So ein schwaches, kleines, unschuldiges ding, damit ich zerbreche."
You gulp as you stand and wait. Your knees are shaking, does he notice? You hope he doesn't notice.
He lifted up his hand, beckoning you over with two fingers. You oblige, stepping towards him and meeting him on his side of the desk.
"Now Kleiner Rekrut, I will not make you do that punishment."
You can't help but let out a breath of relief, premature given what was to come next.
"Take down your pants. You will be punished the old fashioned way."
Your eyes widen, oh no, this is so embarrassing you thought to yourself as you stood there like a rabbit in headlights.
You didn't move, you didn't even speak, you just stood.
He let out a sigh, turning his chair to you before latching his large hands onto the waist band of your pants, tugging them down in a few large pulls, your underwear remaining up.
You let out a little gasp as his hands landed on your waist before hoisting you up and onto his lap in one swift motion as if you weighed nothing.
Your front was now lying on his legs, ass poking up. You moved your hands to cover your face. Fuck, this was so embarrassing. Day two and you were going to be spanked by your Colonel...
Your legs dangled helplessly as he held you in place.
He pulled your panties up slightly, exposing more of your soft, supple, flesh. So delicate, so tangible, right in front of König for him to touch.
He couldn't help but lick his lips. He loved this, he was relishing in the moment, he thought it could not get any better...
You let out a gasp of shock as he spanked you, his large calloused hand brought down onto your soft ass.
He felt his dick harden fully, immediately. Why did you have to be so adorable little mouse?
The jiggle when he lifted his hand made him suck in a sharp breath.
He brought his hand down again, another smack reverberating off the walls of his office and eliciting a whimper from you.
This time he kept his hand on your ass, massaging it a little after the smack, a pink hue forming along with his large handprints.
Again and again he spanked you, soon your whimpers turned to small moans that you tried to muffle with your hands out of embarrassment.
You heard a tut followed by a low chuckle as König massaged your ass after another harsh smack.
That's why you felt his fingers wander from your ass to the small wet patch that had begun to form on your underwear.
"Oh, little Maus... do you like your punishment?"
He pushed his finger against the wet spot, smiling sadistically under his hood. You whimper as he did so, trying to wiggle away but only making his contact more intense.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Colonel." You cry out in a little whimper.
Without warning he lifted your hips slightly with one hand before pulling down the red panties you adorned, revealing your sopping wet cunt.
You felt him rut his hips upwards, hardly able to control himself. Having a little recruit sprawled over his lap, their sticky, little pussy on display, it was too much for a man like him to bear. He'd never seen one before... well, not in person, he'd seen plenty in porn, that was for sure, but never one as perfect as this.
Without thinking he pushes one of his thick digits into your tight hole, you let out a little moan, his cock twitching in his pants.
"Scheiße." He practically growls, feeling your tight, gummy walls gripping him.
He began to pump his finger in and out, watching carefully as you sucked him back in, clenching down when he hit that sweet spot deep inside of you.
You couldn't help the moans that spilled from your lips, his finger are thick, thicker than your own pathetic little ones that couldn't even hit the spot, he did it with ease.
His eyes glazed over as he thought, if this is how you squeeze just one finger, imagine you taking his thick cock. He wanted to put another finger in, just to see something closer to the size of his cock but he knew you could not handle it, not yet anyway.
He curled his finger slightly causing you to squeal, arching your back into him shamefully.
"C-Colonel." You stuttered out breathlessly, scared of what was to come.
His pace only increased as he plunged his large finger in and out of you, lewd squelching noises sounding like music to his ears as they mingled with your mewls.
His thigh grinded against your clit, unintentionally, adding to the building knot in your abdomen.
He let out a groan as his own hips rutted against you slightly, his pace on your poor pussy unrelenting.
With a string of high pitched moans, your little hole clenched around his digit, slick spilling out onto his already soaked hand.
As you rode out your high, grinding down a little on his thigh, he groaned, thick white ropes staining the inside of his boxers.
"I-I'm so sorry Colonel, so sorry." You cried a little as the realisation of what had just happened set in.
You had just cummed on your Colonel's hand, during your supposed punishment.
He gently pumped his finger in and out of your hole, despite your orgasm passing, wanting to feel the sweet pulsations. Easily gliding in and out with your slippy arousal, man how he wished this was his cock, although he knew there would be more push back with something so significantly larger.
He inserts his finger one last time curling into that gummy spot that made your back arch, causing you to wiggle.
"Would you say, you've learnt your lesson little maus?"
"Y-yes sir." You stuttered out through shaking breaths.
"Gut." He removed his fingers, allowing you to wiggle from his lap, helping you down and to stand up straight with his other hand.
As you began to pull up your pants he stopped you.
"A- a- a, give me those. They are confiscated." He said sternly, putting his hand out for your wet, little red panties.
You pursed your lips, taking off your trousers and removing your underwear, balling them up and placing them in his outstretched hand.
As you pulled your uniform back on, he wiped your juices from his hand onto the soft material. He was definitely going to have some fun with these later...
You blushed a deeper red at the thought of the Colonel keeping your underwear.
You turned to face him, waiting for his orders, should you go back to training? You should probably stop by your dorm first and get some new underwear...
"Come here." He beckoned you over once more.
You took the step towards him and he spun you round by your hips. He then pulled your cargo pants down to just below your plush ass, red and pink from his hand prints.
"You're going to be a good girl now." He said squeezing your butt with his two hands, leaning forward and placing kisses over the sore flesh.
You wanted to hide from embarrassment, but you couldn't deny the wetness dripping from your hole as he played with your ass.
"Yes Colonel."
"Gut, gut. I kiss you better, now you may go back to training." He said pulling your pants back up and placing a final smack on your ass.
You brought your hands to your face in embarrassment, trying to cover the blush unsuccessfully.
"Yes sir." You managed barely above a whisper.
As you went to turn the nob to his office door he spoke once more.
"Maus, I think it's best we keep your little punishment between you and me." He smiled under his mask. "Wouldn't want the other recruits to know I was going easy on you, ja?"
You nod, giving him a small coy smile as you exit the room.
...maybe you should get in trouble more often.
Rough Translations:
Kleiner: Little one
Süß: Cute
So ein schwaches, kleines, unschuldiges ding, damit ich zerbreche: Such a weak, little innocent thing for me to break.
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ashwhowrites · 10 months
Eddie Munson x cheerleader! Reader, what if Eddie starts receiving some secret admirer letters that don't have any signature on them, only some red lipstick kiss on it and he's curious about who can that be, only when he's on a deal with Cheerleader! Reader, that she's starts to apply some red lipstick on that he connects the dots and he just jumps in excitement saying IT'S YOU! and reader is like Idk what are you talking about (just pretending not to know) but then when Eddie sits again she just starts to talk again and she gest closer to him and then kisses him?
Thank you for requesting! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it <3
Red lipstick
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Eddie Munson wasn't a guy that girls fawned over. He wasn't a guy girls chase around and try to win over. More like, they ran from him. If he ever had a crush, it was nearly impossible it would be responded to nicely.
He also wasn't friends with girls. He barely talked to any, unless it was on a deal. So imagine the confusion he had when he randomly started to receive little notes. Almost like a secret admirer note. The notes didn't say much, a few words that complimented him in some way. Some talked about his clothes, hair, rings, smile, or his laugh. Which meant this person constantly saw him and was close enough to notice small details.
He had a good feeling it was his friends playing a joke, but he wasn't sure if they'd be that mean. He had a feeling it was a girl based on the neat handwriting, oh! And the fact that every note had a lipstick kiss on it. A deep red, a red that would stain lips. He had to admit, he weirdly stared at his friend's lips lately, trying to see if any smudge of red was still there.
He always received them at the end of each day, in his locker. Well, he assumed, when the notes first started he never went to his locker. One day he needed a random book and tons of notes scattered on the floor by his boots. The excitement of reading the notes brought him back to check his locker every single day. And whenever he checked, there it was. Folded neatly, his name was written on the top with the red kiss mark.
He had no idea who it could be. He didn't talk to any girl one on one unless it was during a deal. And the girls he met with were cheerleaders....no way in hell would a cheerleader be into him.
Eddie kept the collection of notes in his backpack, not like anything else was in there.
His friends teased him about it all the time. To a point, he believes they aren't part of it.
"Miss lover girl write another one? "
"I bet you kiss the notes at night."
"does it smell like perfume?"
"Are we sure it's not Jason in drag?"
But right now he had to put the mystery aside and work on a deal.
He hummed a song as he sat on the bench, waiting patiently for his next customer. With the extra time, he dug into a few of the notes, his head pounding as he tried to figure out who the hell it was. It's been weeks and weeks. And he still came up with nothing.
"Whatcha got there?" A voice came from behind him. He jumped and quickly hid the notes. He zipped up his backpack as Y/N walked around the table and sat down.
"Nothing!" He squeaked out. She eyed him carefully but moved on. Her movements seemed a little nervous.
He did the deal as usual, but with Y/N they tend to talk about random shit to pass the time. The weed was placed in her backpack, but yet they talked for over an hour.
Her lips were over her water bottle as she sipped the rest of it. She groaned as she noticed there wasn't a lipstick mark, knowing her lips must have been uncoated for a while.
She dug into her backpack, scratching for the small black tube. She smiled once she grabbed it. She grabbed her small compact mirror and opened it.
Eddie watched mindlessly, letting her do her thing as he took in her features. He knew she was beautiful and he knew that she knew it too. The way her lips puckered out as she applied the red stick to her lips. WAIT! RED!
Eddie snatched the lipstick from her hand.
"Eddie what the fuck!"
He ignored her, he smeared the stick against his wrist, the red soaking his skin. The color was familiar and the texture of it was the same.
He smiled excitedly, he figured it out.
He couldn't handle his outburst. He jumped from his seat, disbelief on his face.
"ITS YOU!" He couldn't believe it. A cheerleader, no! Y/N! was writing him love notes.
Y/N felt her face heat up, but denied.
"I have no idea what you're talking about!" She snatched back her lipstick. She quickly threw it in her backpack but Eddie already had the stain on his skin.
He dug out the notes, flipping one over. The blank side faced him as he slid it over to her.
"Kiss it." He said he didn't care how crazy he sounded. This has been driving him crazy for weeks.
"I'm not kissing a piece of paper." She argued
"Just DO IT!"
She slouched and grabbed the paper. Embarrassed she pressed her lips against the paper. Something she's done countless times, but now in front of him feels so stupid. Why did she think this was a good idea?
Eddie sat down, more calm as he grabbed the paper and matched it with the others.
"It's you."
"Yeah! You've said that!" Y/N snapped. She was panicking. He hasn't said anything but "it's you!" Over and over. Was he happy it was her? Mad? Disappointed? She couldn't tell and it was making her nervous.
"But why?" He asked. The confusion was clear on his face.
"What do you mean why? Why do people send love notes, Munson." She said in a duh tone. She didn't like being played with.
"Well if you like someone! But that's not the case here, so why?" Now that he knew who it was, he couldn't help but feel stung. It was a cheerleader, and he stands by no cheerleader liking him. It must have been a joke with the team or a joke with Jason.
He was hurt by it. He thought they had a small friendship. He liked talking to her and it seemed like she enjoyed being around him too. She didn't run away after the deal, she didn't look over her shoulder in a panic if anyone saw.
Y/N sighed and decided to make another move. She got up and moved to sit next to him. She was nervous, but he probably was even worse.
"I do like you." She admitted quietly, she wasn't sure if he heard it. She barely heard it herself.
"We talk every week...why did you never say anything?" He asked
"I was scared!" She laughed, "I didn't want you to laugh in my face. I know you hate the popular kids and you hate my friends. I was scared you hated me too."
He moved his hand down to his lap, her hand inches away on the bench. He took a deep breath and slowly slid his hand over. His pinky hits hers.
"I like you too. I mean it's hard for me to believe you do like me and this isn't a prank. But I also feel like that's not something you'd do." He explained. "I'm really happy it was you."
He could feel her body perch up, a big smile on her face as she turned her head to look at him.
"Really? Happy?" She asked, he turned his head to match her.
"Mhhm! I always thought you were beautiful. But I don't recall you ever wearing red lipstick on our deals so I didn't exactly expect it to be you."
"I didn't. I barely wear it, only when I usually do the notes. But I guess I was hoping if I slipped up, you'd notice." She admitted
They sat in silence for a moment, just looking at each other. That's when she noticed how close they were. His pinky was still against hers, their shoulders practically touching.
"Can I kiss you, Eddie Munson?" She asked, her heart pounding.
Eddie has never heard those words in his life. He had a first kiss, but it was on a dare and the girl ran away after. He still remembers how sad he was. But now he had a gorgeous girl wanting to kiss him.
"Yes" he breathed, his heart raced as she leaned in. His cheek burned as her hand held it softly. He's never had someone touch him so delicately. Like he was something special you'd be careful with.
Time froze when her lips touched his. He wasn't sure what to do at first, his hand slowly moved to her thigh, resting his palm against her bare skin as he tried to kiss back. He's seen it in movies, and he's heard his friends talk about it. But he's never heard anyone talk about how amazing he felt. He'd never heard anyone talk about the way his body tingled, the way he felt like he wanted to giggle and scream. He's never heard anyone talk about the pure feeling of happiness and desire running through their body.
But maybe that's because no one kissed her
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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euovennia · 2 years
short and sweet | ghost/soap/könig
sorry to the anon that it took me so long to get out, i've been dealing with some stuff but here it is! thank you for requesting, and as always, i hope you enjoy <3
pairings: ghost x reader, soap x reader, könig x reader
warnings: bigotry, misogyny, people just being jerks, canon typical violence
summary: in which three buff military men become all too aware of your struggles. (based on this request)
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simon 'ghost' riley
when the idea of simon having a crush comes to mind, i feel like he's one of those people who prefers to observe them from afar rather than have direct interactions with them
so that paired with the fact you're not in the 141 and you're mute, it's gonna take a very long while until you two start interacting, at least a few months after he realizes he's taken a liking to you
they'll usually be pretty short and sweet, but not in the typical sense you may be thinking of
i'm thinking something more along the lines of giving each other a small nod of acknowledgement when you pass each other in the shooting range; him having already practiced and you just barely walking in to start practicing
and honestly? he's completely fine with this arrangement
in fact he prefers it
he still gets a chance to give you a once over without getting distracted from the things he wants/needs to do throughout the day, he considers it a win
but when your target practice slowly begins to overlap with his, he's a bit surprised to find that he doesn't really mind it all that much
there's something oddly comforting about knowing you're just a few stalls down from him
and of course there's the added benefit of him getting to see you and your signature sniper rifle in action
for those of you wondering, yes, he's become quite aware of your talents
how could he not when soap made himself comfortable at his table during meal time and went on about, "a real cute girl and her impeccable aim."
soap's words, not his
and it continues on like this for a while, you two continuing on with your unofficially official meeting times
it becomes comfortable and familiar, two things simon isn't quite used to, but two things that he's quite content with
so he can't help but feel a little empty when you stop attending your unofficial meetings at the shooting range
he's more frustrated with himself than anything cause, let's face it, he's not the type to let himself get comfortable/familiar with just anyone so he's honestly more annoyed that he let himself get attached when he hasn't even made a move to properly talk to you (what a silly goose)
anyway, in true simon fashion he decides to deal with it by not dealing with it
in other words, he just kinda continues on with his routine because he's become so numb to the idea of people leaving his life (no matter how big or small of a role they played) that he doesn't bother acting out on any emotion he has if it does happen
and i think after a while he'll just kinda end up pushing you out of his mind (despite the fact his eyes are fully glued onto you whenever he sees you around base)
so when you walk into the range and make yourself cozy at your usual stall, he's a bit frazzled
so much so he ends up packing up his equipment and making a beeline for the exit
but it's at this moment he bumps into a particularly bratty group of recruits they'd gotten not too long ago
he has to practically hold himself back from snapping the poor kid's neck when he asks simon if he'd seen you enter the range
call it extreme, but the mocking smile that stretched across the recruit's lips as he said your name just ticked him off
simon is a man of intuition and so he can already tell something's not quite right so, curious, he just gives off a gruff, "yes," before waving them off
he's surprised that he manages to bite his tongue when he can hear of the recruits whisper a small, "what a fuckin' arsehole," as they walk away from him
cue him silently stalking after the group and being met with the sight of them crowded around you as you lay flat on your stomach, hands still steady on the rifle
he watches as you line yourself up to take the shot before eventually resting your hand on the trigger and pulling it, only to miss when one of the recruits purposefully kicks at your shin
another recruit makes herself comfortable beside you with a grin spread across her lips as her voice rings out in a mocking tone, "aw, poor thing missed her shot again. it's a wonder she's made it this far."
while his eyes narrow in confusion at your lack of response, it only eggs the girl on as she nudges your shoulder
"still can't talk, i see," she lets out a wistful sigh, "that's a shame. i think you'd sound really pretty screaming out for help on the field."
another recruit takes this as their chance to jump in, "guess we'll just have to leave her stranded. better for us anyway, no dead weight."
the girl by your side rolls her eyes, "we probably won't even get the chance to abandon her, she's so tiny. she'd probably get squashed like an ant before we could even try anything."
her remark elicits a laugh from the small group of recruits, but ghost certainly isn't smiling when he approaches the group and stares down at them with his trademark glare
they can definitely feel their souls leave their bodies when they look up and see him standing over them menacingly
it gets even worse when he opens his mouth, "that any way to talk to a fellow soldier?"
they all just kinda stumble onto their feet at his words, not bothering to say anything as their eyes remain pretty much glued to the floor
he's not having it though so he'll repeat his question, tone louder and meaner than before which causes one of the recruits to just let out a meek, "no sir."
too bad it was the one who insulted him earlier cause he immediately steps in front of them and just kinda, "what? arsehole not good enough an insult for ya?"
you, still lying on the ground and watching everything unfold, can't help the small smile that tugs at the edge of your lips as you witness the way the man's face visibly pales
upon receiving no response from him, simon straightens out his posture before point over to you and speaking once more, "you better pray that girl is more forgiving than i am, because if it were me, you'd all be covering your own asses out on the field."
he watches with great joy as they each begin to shift on their feet uncomfortably before dismissing them in a gruff voice
after making sure they left, simon makes his way back over to you who is still lying on the ground with your rifle as you line up your shots once more
he feels a small wave of pride overcome him when you hit your target perfectly
so much to the point where he walks over to you and spills out a quick, "good aim," to which you'll look up at him with those gorgeous eyes of yours and give him a small nod of acknowledgement
his eyes narrow, "you don't talk much, do you?"
you simply shake your head
he'll give you a quick once over before looking down at his watch and realizing the dining hall will be closing soon
tempted as he is to just walk away, he can't help but wonder if you'd already ate
so he speaks again, "dining hall is closing in a bit. you're free to join me if you haven't eaten yet, was just on my way."
you pause for a bit and give it a bit of thought before nodding and packing up your stuff before eventually walking out of the range with simon by your side
you don't have the heart to tell him you already ate
but when you look up and see him quickly avert his eyes from you and onto the pavement beneath your feet, you don't see why you even would
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john 'soap' mactavish
when i tell you this man was gone the moment he saw you, i mean he was GONE
he genuinely couldn't believe someone as sweet and lovely as you could exist in the same space as him
but the moment he sees you shoot that gorgeous little rifle of yours with a precision that could only be described as pure, raw perfection? it's over. he's all in.
i'm talking, 'fuck me up and send me straight to heaven. this is how i die.'
he's so down bad for you it's insane
and i imagine soap can be quite confident and charming when he wants to be so best believe he'll have no problem in walking straight up to you and trying to strike up a conversation
i'd like to put emphasis on the 'trying' part of that last bit because it becomes quite clear quite quick that you're don't talk
maybe the 'quite quick' part isn't so accurate because it probably takes him a minute or two before he finally catches onto the fact you don't talk
in other words, it takes you pulling out your phone and looking up a volume muted symbol and pointing at it before motioning to yourself for him to catch on
he just kinda makes an 'oh' face before letting out a small chuckle and saying something like, "i see now, why didn't ya just tell me that before?"
and you're just looking at him like ???
but he's looking at you like :)))
yeah he's being a little ridiculous right now, but he just got back from a long mission and he's quite sleep deprived so don't mind him he's just being a silly goose, ok?
but truth be told, that dumb little first interaction doesn't even really matter in the long run because it's the bold initiative on his part that makes it so easy for the two of you to become friends
you spend a lot of time hanging around one another and your once carefully planned, scheduled days turn into unpredictable blurs that are jam packed with soap getting the two of you into trouble
i imagine you've become quite familiar with the stoic face of captain john price
but really, how could you not?
especially when soap catches onto the fact that price is more inclined to let soap off with a warning for whatever trouble he's got himself mixed up in whenever you're around
he may be older than the rest of his team, but he knows that dopey grin soap's got plastered on his face whenever he's around you means he's extra sweet on you
and who is he to stand in the way of his boy's happiness with some extra chores?
he's a total dad <3
because you spend a lot of time around soap, i think it's fair to say that you sometimes end up pushing off work in favor of hanging around the scotsman
and really who could blame you?
he's got a dazzling smile, a charming accent, and a sparkling personality. you'd be a fool not to soak up all the time you can get with him
but that just means whenever he does end up leaving for missions, that's when you really buckle down and start getting all your piled up work done
it can be frustrating and a bit of a bother, but knowing your schedule will be completely free (at least for a little bit) as soon as he gets back is more than enough to get you through the tedious work load you've allowed yourself to accumulate
only this time it's a bit harder to remember that
and it's all because of your newly assigned CO
he's a bit of an older man, which isn't a bad thing
at least until you find out that his mindset lines up with the ideology of a 1950's working husband
you know, the kind of guy who believes it's a man's job to go out and work a job to provide for his family while his wife stays home and takes care of the children, house, and meal prepping
in other words
a complete and utter bigot
so between trying to complete all the work you'd so foolishly neglected in your time hanging out with soap and trying to stop yourself from snapping your superior's neck every time he grabbed your rifle from your hands with a condescending, "careful! wouldn't a small thing like you hurting yourself with this," it's no wonder you couldn't remember that today was the day soap was returning from another one of his top secret missions
in fact, the thought doesn't occur to you at all until soap pulls up a chair beside your desk and makes himself comfortable while you're looking over some paperwork your darling CO had left you because he, "works too hard and needs a break."
more like a break in his skull, but to each their own
anyway i can definitely imagine soap carrying around a small notebook that you use to communicate with him when you can't be bothered to watch him try and fail to decipher your hand movements
and yes, he totally brings it on missions with him just so he can open it up and trace over your handwriting with a gentle touch and a soft smile and oh my god imagine confessing to him like that (i'm kinda dying to write an imagine based on that now (mute or non-mute reader, i'm down for either tbh) so lmk if you're interested!)
when the two of you break apart from your usual 'welcome back' hug, he'll slide the notebook over to you as a simple question falls from his lips, "since when do you do paperwork?"
and this just prompts you to let out a huff and roll your eyes before snatching up the notebook/pen combo and writing out all your frustrations on the pages
it's safe to say this man is absolutely floored when he reads through it all
frustrated and angry as he is, he doesn't outwardly express it
he simply grabs the heap of paperwork sitting on your desk and promptly tosses it into the nearest recycling bin before grabbing your hand and leading you off to something completely unproductive and time wasting
it's exactly what you need
the night will eventually end off with him walking you to your room and offering you a sweet hug with a small lil kiss to your head
it's adorable, really <3
what's not so adorable is the way he barges into price's office with the notebook in hand before tossing the pages where you'd detailed your CO's behavior onto his desk
price reads through them and best believe all this man can see is red
as someone who takes pride in becoming a role model for those who work under him, he can barely believe of the things he's reading
he's so ready to throw hands
but he can't sadly
so he settles for the next best thing
with how ruthless price is in his mission to humiliate this man, it's really no surprise when you eventually find out he's been fired
the moment you and the rest of your unit get the news, you practically run all over base to find soap
and the moment you do, you've pretty much tackled him to the ground in a hug
and he simply wraps his arms around you, that same dopey grin price teases him for stretched onto his lips because he knows and he couldn't be happier
he's just happy you're happy <3
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so because of his affiliation with KorTac, i like to imagine that you're part of another PMC group that tends to help each other out on missions whether it be due to mission overlap, or just needing some extra support
but despite this, i imagine it would take quite some time before you and könig even meet simply due to the fact that you're almost never assigned to be sent out on the field
and if i'm being honest, i can definitely see not a single member of KorTac having even the slightest clue that you exist until you're randomly brought onto the field one day during a particularly tricky mission
long story short, könig and a few other of his team members got ambushed and they needed all the help they could get which is where you come in
granted they don't actually see you until you all meet back at base, safe and sound as can be
while könig and his team are surprised by the new face, they're even more surprised to learn that you've been part of the team for nearly eight whole months
when asked about why they've never seen you on the field before, the answer is simple; "she's been doing other missions," which you've come to learn essentially means, "she's still in training because we don't trust her to be on her own yet."
and while the other members of KorTac seem to just take that simple explanation at face value, könig can't help but notice the way your face falls and shoulders slump upon hearing it
and it's at this moment he realizes he hadn't seen you anywhere on the field at the time, so where the hell were you?
he decides he needs to be more attentive
so the next time KorTac calls on your group for some extra assistance, he's keeping a sharp eye out there in hopes that he'd see you
but he doesn't
even so, he still holds out hope for next time
and the next
and the next
and the next
okay this is ridiculous
where the hell were you?
he knows you're going on the missions with the rest of the team because you're always there when everyone gets back to base, still dressed in your tactical gear and wiping off the dirt that seemed to cling onto your uniform
so why did he never actually see you?
he's a tall guy so surely, he, out of anyone, should be able to pinpoint your location on the field with a few simple turns of his head, right?
well apparently not
you're practically a ghost (hehe see what i did there)
his frustration with not knowing where you're at on the field has him going mad
he so desperately wants to just come out and ask you directly, but he's convinced himself that you'll somehow take offense to such a question so he decides against it
so he decides to settle on the next best thing
which is pretty much just endlessly staring you down on the field before you eventually disappear off to god knows where
it's not the smartest idea he's ever had if the way you seem to squirm under his piercing gaze is anything to go by, but he just can't seem to help it
especially not when he comes to notice just how pretty you really are
the soft slope of your nose, the curve of your jaw, the way your cheeks puff out so cutely when you're finally able to get your hands on a much needed snack after a particularly long mission
you're stunning, how could he not stare?
yeah he's definitely got a little crush
but he'll never admit it
especially not with the amount of teasing horangi throws his way whenever you enter the room
anyways i think i'm getting ahead of myself here, let's get back on track lol
i imagine it all comes to a head on the battlefield
one moment könig is going at it with no more than three enemy soliders, but it seems within the blink of an eye those numbers have nearly tripled as he sees a sizeable group of enemy soldiers heading this way
he knows he's more than capable of holding his own in close combat, but with this many people? he can't help but feel a little uneasy as he sees the group grow closer and closer
that is, of course, until the unmistakable sound of a rifle fires through the air and the group of soldiers who were previously approaching him steadily begin to fall to the ground, a pool of crimson blood flowing from their heads
könig's eyes catch onto a bright red laser making small patterns on the ground in front of him so, curious, he looks up to find the source of the light coming from under a pile of rubble located on the roof of a building
upon making eye contact with the small area, the red laser pointer goes dead and you quickly poke your head out from your self appointed hiding spot and offer him a small 'ok' motion with your hand before concealing yourself back into your spot once more
he swears his heart soars at the sight
satisfied with himself and your stellar aim, his mind becomes preoccupied with the mission once more, a newly placed sense of vigor in his attacks
but when everyone is cozying up in the common area after the mission's been completed (with the exception of you bc you're taking a shower), könig decides he can't hold himself back from asking a certain question that's been on his mind for a long time
so he simply decides to go for it and ask, "why hasn't she been assigned to our missions before?"
your teammates all look at each other for a few moments before one of them pipes up, "didn't think she was ready."
another one decides to offer their input, "there are times we still don't think she is, but our captain told us to bring her in anyway."
könig and the rest of those present from KorTac's confusion must be apparent because one of the other members of your team decides to speak out, "she was still a bit rocky when she first came to us. we just wanted her to polish up on her skills before we sent her out on an official mission. it's more out of worry than anything."
the explanation calms the small bout of worry that had infested his mind when they first offered their reasoning for not including you on missions, but he can't help but feel a little pit grow in his stomach
so he decides to speak up once more, "well i think they're capable. perhaps it's time you trust them more."
one of your teammates brows raise, "you think so?"
he nods, "took out a whole group of soldiers that were coming at me, i'd probably be done for if it weren't for them."
he finds the look of shock on their faces amusing as they ask, "how?"
könig leans back, "they were hiding in some rubble on one of the buildings. took them out with a sniper."
he watches a look of realization come over their faces as one of them exclaims, "i thought they were running around the field, not hiding!"
horangi decides to pipe in, "you didn't know? she's always running around the rooftops. i see her all the time."
your teammates practically implode on themselves at his revelation before they start hounding him for questions, ones he graciously answers
könig watches with a small smile hidden under his hood before he can see a small movement of the corner of his eye
he turns his head and sees you peering over at him with a small smile and he watches as you sign out a quick, "thank you," with your hands
he sucks in a sharp breath before bringing up his hands and signing back a shaky, "you're welcome"
his hidden smile widens as he watches your eyes glisten with delight, "you know sign?"
he's quick to respond, "since i was little."
horangi is the one to give his arm a harsh nudge when könig all but freezes upon seeing what you sign to him next
"would you like to join me for dinner?"
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la-petite-lapin · 3 months
Unlikely Friendships | Part Two
Unlikely Friendships masterlist
Simon "Ghost" Riley x single mum!reader Word Count: 3.4k Series warnings (may update between chapters): 18+, Minors DNI, single mother reader, mentions of violence, cannon-typical violence, injury description, shitty parenting (not by reader), swearing
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He knew that it was pathetic. That the one and only thought on his mind as the field medics battled to patch up the gunshot wound in his shoulder was of you and Sunnie.
The 141 had been deployed to some far-flung corner of the globe, scouting for information on their upcoming, larger mission. Easy, they'd said. In and out, quiet - light work, really. But, that had gone down quicker than a lead balloon when one of the back-up guys had been discovered rooting around in the mainframes.
Thanks to Simon's quick thinking, the bullet had found a home in his shoulder as opposed to the middle of Gaz's forehead.
It was minor damage - by Simon's standards, anyway - and he begrudged the fact that they were all fussing over him. That he was likely going to have to take it easy for the next couple of weeks, at least. Then there was the fact that their op was definitely going to have to be postponed, especially now their targets had their hackles up.
So that was why he was still holed up in his quarters at the late hour of 10am, laid up under the sheets of his double bed with his good arm tucked under his head. Glancing across at his barren desk, devoid of any personal effects - much like the rest of his room - a glint of sunshine-yellow fur snagged his attention. He gazed at Mr Rabbit with a kind of reverence, a calm film passing in front of his thoughts, shutting out all of the usual, violent background noise.
He missed that kid; bold and chatty in the face of a monster such as himself.
He also missed you.
He wasn't too proud to admit it either; that he'd thoughts about Sunnie's cute mum almost every day since you'd met in the hallway. It wasn't even anything purely physical that had stood out to him at first. He'd been drawn to you like a man in the desert to water; lured in by the fiery passion in your eyes when you thought that your precious baby had gone missing - lost by her careless twat of a father,
He turned your name over again and again in his head. Thought about your perfect, plush lips moving as you said it. The way that you'd held yourself, tall and proud, hand on your hip - full of fire and...
It was that thought that finally dragged Simon out of bed, into the shower, and into some clean clothes. Once he was decent, he hauled himself into the rec room, greeted by post-workout Johnny and Gaz lounging on the overstuffed sofas.
It was no secret around the barracks that Gaz felt like shit for what had happened. He'd never been the lucky recipient of Simon's suicidal heroics before but, apparently, it was "fucking dreadful". All of the guilt and terror, and none of the actual, physical damage to boot.
Simon offered them a cheery wave but ducked straight past them before they could stop him, making a beeline for the second, much rowdier group occupying what was meant to be the 141's private room.
The secondary taskforce they'd thrown together to support on their upcoming op was gathered around the pool table at the back. That included Daniel Harper; just the man that Simon happened to be looking for.
As if sensing Simon's approach, the sergeant looked up from the game he was spectating on. "Oh hey, Ghost. How's the arm holding up, buddy?"
Simon stood, deathly still and stone-faced under the thick cotton fabric of his mask. He knew that he was intimidating - could see that familiar flash of fear in Sgt Harper's eyes. It was widely known by then that the guy who'd screwed up the op - a personal friend of Harper's - had been given the finest, public dressing down of his career by Price after they'd returned to base. Fortunately, he'd been removed from base by the time Ghost was up and prowling again. Though, the fear that he or another of the 141 might retaliate for the royal fuck-up still seemed to hang heavy amongst the secondary squad.
Sgt Harper gulped.
"Would be better if I hadn't been shot," Simon said emotionlessly.
The men playing at the pool table slowly lowered their ques. It was as if they were all holding their breath; waiting for him to do something.
Waiting to see a glimpse of the notorious Ghost come out to play.
"When's that daughter and ex of yours coming back to base?" Simon asked, tone giving away nothing of his intentions or mood.
The sergeant's expression switched to a confused one. One eyebrow raised, he cocked his head to the side. "I'm not too sure. Missus isn't too happy that I let the kid wander off."
He said it like it was an annoyance - like you were daft for not trusting him alone with your child. If anything, Simon thought you were damn right.
"Why'd you want to know anyway, Lt?" he continued, casting a glance back to his buddies with a smirk like he was about to say something tremendously funny. The look of a man who needed validation from others to feel secure in himself. "No offence, but you don't seem like the wife and kids type."
Simon damn-near snarled.
There the sergeant stood - some second-rate, low-rank tool - with no idea whatsoever about Simon's personal life or background. None of them did. He could be a family man for all they knew. He wasn't, but he could be. And - quite frankly - the dig at you, however subtle, was something he found disgusting. You were the mother of that idiot's child, separated or not, and that afforded you a certain level of respect, regardless.
The look of complete and utter calm in Simon's dead eyes shut off any murmurings before they could truly begin. "I have something of theirs. Need to return it."
Sgt Harper frowned, eyes still glittering with amusement at his own shitty attempt at humour. "Like what?"
"Mr Rabbit."
The sergeant's expression turned sour, not escaping Simon's notice. "Oh, that tatty old rag. She won't miss it." The gleam in his eyes turned to an irritated one as he added, "I keep telling the missus to stop buying her all that crap, but she never listens."
What a charmer you are, Simon thought with a sneer.
"I'd rather return it to the little one, if that's all the same to you," Simon replied coolly, letting just a hint of a threat creep into his voice.
Sgt Harper's face paled slightly and a deeply buried alpha-male part of Simon's brain purred with satisfaction. He couldn't stop the train of thought that followed; that if he were Sunnie's father, he'd buy her all the stuffed animals she could ever want. Not a helpful thought to have.
Growing impatient, Simon tapped his foot against the floor and grumbled, "So when are they back on base, Sergeant?"
He gulped, the column of his throat working with the effort. Gingerly, he said, "I could call the missus and ask her to swing by this weekend. Does that work for you?"
Simon nodded, satisfied. "That's fine by me."
Without a thank you or goodbye, Simon sauntered away from the pool table. Instead of heading back to the comfortable isolation of his quarters, however, he dropped down onto the sofa beside Johnny. Both lads were leaning forward, grinning like a pair of Cheshire cats. They'd both quite clearly been listening in on Simon's conversation.
"So... wha' was all tha' about?"
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It had been weeks since Daniel lost Sunnie on base when he finally decided to man up and call you.
You'd made it clear to him that he wasn't going to see her without supervision for a while, especially not on the army base. Not that he'd seemed at all bothered by that; he didn't seem fussed at all. In fact, he'd made no effort to reach out and apologise, nor to check up on Sunnie and see if there'd been any lasting effects on her.
"Hey, sweetheart," he said as soon as the call connected. It was the same soothing, placating tone that he used to use when he wanted something from you. Recognising it set you on edge.
"What do you want, Daniel?" you replied coolly, immediately cutting through the bullshit. The sooner he got to the point, the sooner you could get on with your night.
"I was wondering... could you come to base with Sunnie this weekend?"
You glanced across to your right. Sunnie was curled up into your side on the sofa, a rerun of old Friends episodes playing on the TV as background noise. You'd been reading a book, now left forgotten, pages-down on the arm of the sofa in favour of scrolling through Tiktok on your phone.
Thankfully, your daughter had been okay since her adventure in the army barracks. In fact, she seemed to have almost forgotten about it, apart from talking incessantly about her new friend - Simon. She'd even started telling the other kids in her reception class about how Mr Rabbit was on holiday with the "big army man", as she called him.
But, most importantly, she didn't even seem aware that she'd gone missing for any period of time that day.
You exhaled a deep sigh. "Yes. But she's not staying there overnight."
"Okay, that's fine." There was a pause, and you could hear Daniel tapping his foot against something on the other end of the line. "Did you, uh... did you know that Ghost has been asking after you?"
Your brow furrowed. Who the fuck was Ghost?
"The 141 guy who found Sunnie," he grumbled, getting audibly pissy. "He kept asking me when you'd be back on base. Wants to give some stupid stuffed toy back to my daughter."
Anger seethed in your chest. The hand that wasn't holding your phone clenched into a fist at your side. Burning hot rage lanced through you, soothed only by running your fingers through Sunnie's hair. She stirred softly, reaching out a tiny hand to grab your leg - as though she were making sure that you were still there.
In her other hand, she clutched a rose-pink stuffed dragon - the ears, wings, and spines along its back glittering softly in the light of the living room lamp. Her chosen replacement in Mr Rabbit's absence.
Your heart ached as you watched her. That was another reason why you dreaded Sunnie having overnights with her father; his attitude towards childhood in general.
His parents had never let him have a proper one of his own - that much had been evident from the day you'd met them. Despite all of the reassurances that he'd given you when you'd gotten pregnant - placations of being better, of reading up on soft-parenting techniques and the like - he'd done nothing but mirror his parents' shitty attitudes since the day Sunnie was born.
He didn't believe in giving her toys that weren't educational ones, or letting her babble; constantly snapping at her to speak properly, even though she rarely babbled unless she was excited or tired. It had been one of the many reasons why you'd split up. Though there hadn't been a shortage of those.
"Daniel, I will say this one last time: our four-year-old daughter's toys aren't stupid," you said through gritted teeth.
He muttered something under his breath, clearly in the mood to argue. Before you could ask him to repeat himself, he said, "Oh, I see how it is. Any excuse to get back at me, huh? Think you'll get there by fucking the Lt? Go ahead - he won't go for it."
You blinked, stunned. Where the fuck did that come from?
"The guy's a fucking sadist," Daniel spat, saying your name to emphasise his point before jumping straight back into his unsolicited rant. "Don't want your or my daughter anywhere near him. I mean it. I won't stand for it."
Instead of dignifying any of what he'd just said with a response, you hung up. That was one bonus of being separated - you didn't have to listen to his rambling bullshit anymore. By the time you'd carried Sunnie to her room down the hallway, changed her into her favourite PJs and settled her into bed, you'd missed five calls from Daniel.
Padding back into the living room, you sat back down in your spot and closed your book. Not in the mood to fight with him, you opened up your messaging app.
You: Daniel, leave me alone. You: I don't want to talk to you right now.
Not even a minute later, your phone pinged with a reply.
Your fingers itched to open the app and have a look but, instead, you rolled your eyes and slid it across to the far side of the sofa. Whatever he had to say could wait for the weekend.
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"Sunnie, come on!" you yelled, standing at the foot of the stairs with your hands braced on your hips.
Several loud thuds on the ceiling marked Sunnie's path upstairs as she bolted across her playroom.
"Sunnie! Hurry up or I'll leave without you!"
And that kicked her into action.
Within a matter of moments, Sunnie was bounding down the stairs - wearing her favourite dress with little bees stitched into the fabric, and a pair of bright pink trainers. She looked adorable, dead-set on looking good for what she deemed to be a playdate with her newest friend.
It had been all she'd talked about since you told her the other morning.
It had been Simon this, Simon that ever since.
Before long, she was strapped up into her car seat, ready for the journey to the base. Her chosen stuffed toy of the day - Mr Rabbit's mint green twin - was clutched in one little fist as she sat in the back, babbling away to herself. You couldn't help but smile; egged on by her excitement.
You weren't too proud to admit to yourself that you'd been more than a little excited to go to base too.
You'd been thinking about the tall, muscular giant of a man who'd found your daughter more and more recently - especially when you were alone at night. You found yourself drawn to the memory of that deep, baritone voice, those bright hazel eyes, and his odd choice to hide behind a balaclava; something that you could only assume was a safety or privacy thing. The taskforce was meant to be top-secret - perhaps that was how he maintained his anonymity.
Or maybe it was something else entirely.
"Mummyyyyyy," Sunnie's drawn-out whine came about fifteen minutes from the entrance gate.
You rolled your shoulders back, glancing up at the rearview mirror to check that she was okay. Content that she was fine, you flashed her a smile. "You okay, baby?"
She nodded and you quickly turned your focus back to the road. "Mummy, Simon said he looks funny."
You hummed softly under your breath.
"Did he, princess?" you asked absentmindedly.
A frown formed on your lips. Sunnie always had very big emotions. She felt everything; hid nothing. All of her emotions were worn on her face as and when she felt them and - while it made her an open book - it also meant that sometimes things ate at her. Like watching you and her dad argue, or when another child in her class felt upset about something.
She was the most caring, sweetest soul you'd ever known, and you were proud to call her your daughter.
"Maybe... maybe he just needs to be reminded that he'd beautiful," you suggested softly, not wanting to upset her any further. That maybe he'd never been made to feel pretty before, as a gruff, giant soldier.
You glanced in the mirror to watch Sunnie's face light up, her smile luminous. "Okay, mummy."
And that made you smile too.
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"Ghost, you've got someone here to see you!" Price's gruff voice announced from the other side of his locked door.
Simon startled.
He was standing shirtless in front of his bathroom mirror, mask chucked on the side of the sink as he examined the healing bullet wound in his shoulder. He'd started going to the gym for morning training sessions with the boys again, and he'd managed to strain it a little. Nothing serious - the stitches had held - but the skin around the entry wound was a little red and tender to touch.
"Uh... coming!" he yelled back.
As quickly as he could with his injured arm, he tugged his black t-shirt back on and pulled his balaclava down over his head. Leaving the bathroom, he made a beeline for the door, stopping only to grab Mr Rabbit from his perch on the desk.
Simon undid the lock, swinging the door open to be greeted by...
A small, compact weight hurled itself at his knees, almost taking his legs out from under him.
"Sunnie!" a soft, feminine voice said admonishingly. He didn't even have to look to know that it belonged to you.
With a deep, throaty chuckle, Simon lowered himself down to his knees and pulled Sunnie in for a slightly awkward, one-armed hug on his good side. To his delight, she wrapped her arms around his waist and tightened her grip as much as her little body could manage.
"Mister Simon!" she squeaked.
"Hello again, princess," he said, running a fingernail along the seam of the stuffed rabbit's ear with his free hand. When she finally pulled away, he handed the toy back to the little girl. "I think this belongs to you."
Sunnie squealed with glee, pulling the sunshine-yellow rabbit into her arms for another bone-crushing hug.
"Hey, darling," Price said, his voice reminding Simon that there were, in fact, other people in the hallway around them. A gaggle of new recruits were staring at them, wide-eyed and awestruck, watching the feared Ghost interact so wholesomely with a small child. Price's eyes were focused on said child as he held out a scar-flecked hand. "How about we go and find you some ice cream?"
John looked to you for approval and you nodded, smiling kindly.
Dropping down to press a kiss to Sunnie's forehead, you told her to behave herself for the captain then watched as he led her off in the direction of the rec room. Only when they'd left your sight, did you finally turn your attention to Simon.
He could've sworn that his heart stopped beating in his chest as you fixed him with your warm gaze, lips curving up into the most beautiful, genuine smile he'd ever seen. The feeling didn't ease as your rose back up to your full height - still comically small beside him - and extended a hand for him to shake. He took it, wincing slightly at the feeling of his callouses scraping against your baby-soft skin.
"Hey, Simon," you said, still having yet to break eye contact. "It's nice to see you again."
He released your hand, easing back a half-step. He didn't know what to do; what to say now that you were right in front of him. He just stood awkwardly, trying not to stare at your mouth as he grumbled, "Nice to see you too. I, uh... I didn't know you'd be coming to see me."
His throat worked as he swallowed, the scent of your perfume lingering pleasantly in the air. It was nerves - honest to God nerves - that he was feeling.
Pitiful. Weak. Pathetic...
"I wanted to properly thank you for what you did last month," you explained.
Everything in your expression was open. He wondered if you knew just how similar you were to your daughter in that regard.
"We didn't get much chance to talk last time, and Sunnie talks very highly of you," you continued, a mischievous sparkle in your eyes. "You might be on your way to becoming her favourite person."
Simon could feel himself blushing under the mask. "Well... that's a first."
You chuckled. "Befriending a lost little girl who's wise beyond her years?"
He shook his head. "Being someone's favourite."
He'd meant it in a self-depreciating jokey kind of way, but the look on your face made him regret it. You looked fucking horrified.
"I- sorry. Didn't mean to make it depressing," he said with a grimace.
A long moment passed before you shook your head, that beautiful smile gracing your lips once again. Looping an arm through his uninjured one, you nudged him in the ribs.
"I think we should go and find somewhere in this place that does some decent coffee," you said cheerfully. "Something tells me we've both got a lot of stories to tell before Price brings Sunnie back for her playdate."
Preening at the sight of you so close to him, Simon grinned under the mask - the mention of this playdate completely sailing past his comprehension. "Sounds like a plan, sweetheart."
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a/n: I'm a simple woman with simple tastes: I just want to see Simon in a tiara, playing tea parties with Sunnie :) Maybe I might make that happen in part 3... - lapetitelapin :)
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tragedybunny · 8 months
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Astarion and Serafina have an argument and Astarion does what he thinks is necessary to keep her with him. Set before his Act 2 confession.
༺Pairing༻ Astarion x Serafina (Female Tav/OC)
༺Warnings༻ PiV sex, oral sex, all occurring while Astarion disassociates.
༺Word Count༻ 2441
༺A/N༻ Although most of my reader fics are based my Tav, Serafina, and my experience playing the game as her, this is the first fic I've written featuring her as a named character. And it's my first BG3 fic in 3rd person. I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks to @satanicspinosaurus for the wonderful beta.
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The scene from earlier plays over and over in his mind. 
“You don't know anything about me, Astarion! So just leave it be.” Sera, sweet, kind, gentle, patient Serafina, had yelled at him. Not once since they'd met on that beach had their erstwhile leader even raised her voice slightly at him. And today she shouted at him. All because she couldn't read Elvish and he'd reacted with the same humor she’d claimed to enjoy. Turning it on him as though he’d been the one in the wrong. 
They'd been seated around the fire while Wyll took his turn “cooking”, going through some papers and books they'd found in the wake of a goblin attack. They were looking for any clues into the cult's movements or plans. Sera had plucked a small, neatly bound journal from the pile and turned it over in her hands. It was a thing clearly well-made and cared for. She'd opened it gently, respectful of the fine binding holding it all together. 
Her brilliant blue eyes had scanned a few pages before she gave out a frustrated sigh. “Elvish,” she muttered, snapping it shut violently and thrusting it at Astarion. “You'll probably have better luck with that.”
He wasn't sure why he did it. The half-elf’s reaction was disproportionate to simply encountering a foreign language, that was obvious. Maybe it was because he’d become too used to teasing her since they’d started their “relationship.” Their easy back and forth banter giving him the foreign feeling of acceptance. 
 Or maybe it was his own way of trying to deny those irritatingly tender feelings that had started to creep in whenever he caught her glancing his way or their hands touched, or she laughed at one of his jokes. The need to push back against them, sharpening his tongue and drawing out ancient bias. 
Whatever caused it, he should’ve thought before opening his mouth. “Can’t read Espruar? Someone got forgotten by one parent. Is that why you threw a tantrum and ran-”
“Shut up!” Sera leapt up from the log she’d been seated on and glared at him. “You don’t know anything about me, Astarion! So just leave it be.” 
With that, she’d stormed off and left him silently stunned, as though awaiting a reprisal that didn’t come. Around him, their companions pretended to look away and he caught a few whispers on the air. “What are you all looking at? It’s not my fault she suddenly can’t take a joke.” He’d sulked off to his own tent, waiting until her tantrum had passed and everyone forgot his misstep. He’d assumed Sera would cool down and come out for dinner, but instead she’d remained stubbornly locked away. Karlach had brought her a bowl of what they were generously calling stew. 
Everyone had eaten and retired for the evening and she was still pouting. Which brought him to now, slinking his way across camp toward her tent. He had to do something, he couldn't watch his hard won protection slip away. It absolutely had nothing to do with the fact that Sera gave him a little kiss and wished him goodnight every other night lately and it had been noticeably withheld tonight. 
The way the moonlight filtered through the trees, one solid beam pointing down on her tent, a poet might say that Selune was guiding him. Poets were idiots. Parting the flap just the smallest amount, he starts to slip inside, intent on waking her to settle things if he needed to, when a sound stopped him. A strangled cry, was it directed at him? He froze, half inside, the errant moonbeam that slipped around him haloing her with soft illumination. 
Another wordless cry. Only a nightmare, nothing to be concerned with. Stepping in, he lets the tent shut, plunging them both back into darkness. With a predator’s stealth, he approaches her bedroll, kneeling down, eyes subconsciously glancing at the healing puncture wounds on her neck. 
“Let me out.” Her sudden words startle him. 
Stumbling backwards, he nearly loses his balance to go sprawling across the floor. His skin suddenly heated, as though the breath that carried those words could burn him. 
Another sob comes as she thrashes around a bit. “Please, I won't run,” unintelligible sounds follow the small plea. “Let me out.” 
Locked up. She'd been locked up too. Regaining himself, he crept toward her again, as she shook and cried. Someone had hurt her. But who would want to do that?
She was Sera, unfailingly kind; who aided refugees, saved children, fought monsters, and foolishly fed manipulative vampires.  
The sobbing becomes frantic and without thinking he reaches out to gently grasp her shoulder. “Sera,” she struggles against his touch with a whimper. Growling in frustration, he shakes her a little more roughly. “Serafina!” 
Eyes snap open to behold him with wide pupils as her chest heaves. “A-Astarion?” Sitting quickly, she pulls away from him, and he feels a sudden sting in his chest. “What are you doing here?” She hisses, apparently still angry with him. 
“You were having a nightmare.” He replies, trying to soften his voice, to be the lover she had come to expect. 
“Hmm,” her eyes focus across the tent to an empty lantern, “fiat lux.” Small little motes of light appear in the lantern, swirling gently in their prison, as Sera draws her knees up to her chest. “Well, I'm awake now, you can go.”
The forlorn gaze and empty voice were nothing like the Serafina he'd come to know and the unsettled sensation in the back of his mind grows. He cleares his throat, trying to get the words moving. “I didn’t come just to wake you up, I wanted to…apologize. For earlier. I’m sorry, the joke was in poor taste.” 
Turning her head, she glances his way from where it rested on her knees. She looks so small like this, so far from the fierce woman who’d led them from the moment of the crash. “Apology accepted, I probably took it too personally.” 
It didn’t quite ring true, but he plows on anyway, hoping maybe those blue eyes would light back up for him. “The truth is, I’m actually a bit rusty with Espruar myself. But maybe I could teach you and it would be good practice for me.” He affects the warmest smile he could, sure the gesture would win her over.
Instead, she shrugs. “Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t actually matter all that much. Thanks for the thought though. You can go, I’m not still mad at you. I’ll see you in the morning.”
That was not his Serafina. He has to do something, to fix this. To keep her on his side. Reaching out, he wraps his arms around her and pulls her into his lap, lips closing over hers. “What’s this about?” She huffs as her skin began to flush a pretty pink. 
“Pleading my apology some more,” his voice drops to the low sultry tone that made her pulse jump in a way he could hear. 
“I said you were forgiven.” Despite her protest, her arms encircle his neck, pulling him closer. 
“Your words said that, but your eyes spoke differently.” His lips trace a line of kisses from her lips to the lobe of her ear, making her sigh. 
This was what he could do for her, what he did best. It was a skill honed by two hundred years of unwilling practice, and like so many before, a skill she was willing to make use of. At least it was easy enough with Sera, she was sweet and gentle, and he knew she'd never harm him. And it wasn't as though a part of him didn't want her, she was a pretty little thing. That part was just bound up with all the other parts that hated what his body had been used for. If he had to open his pants for anyone, he supposes he was glad it was her. 
“I meant it, but- gods Astarion!” He runs his tongue along the point of her ear, less sensitive than his, but still enough to start driving her mad. 
“In that case, we'll call it making up for my behavior earlier.” Guiding her to face him, legs straddling his, her warm core settles against his hips. He kisses his way back down to her throat, already feeling his mind growing distant from his actions. 
Lips linger near the marks on her neck, and she squirms in his lap. “Do you want to?” 
He could never say no to that offer. Without hesitation, his fangs sink into her flesh, and succulent liquid pours into his throat. It adds to what little pleasure he’s able to wring from what he was about to do. Sera whimpers and writhes in his lap, grinding down on his growing erection. She hadn’t started out allowing him to feed on her as some form of pleasure, but she had given him her neck as often as the rest of her body, and the two had become inextricably tied together. 
Just a sip for tonight, after everything that had happened, he couldn’t ask too much. Too soon he pulls his fangs away to lap at the remainders and kiss the wounds. Blood and a distant mind, this was good as it would be for him. “Let's get this out of the way.” Fingers grip the hem of her shirt and guide it over her head. 
She shivers as the night air caresses her skin and leans into him. It was almost enough to make him laugh, there was nothing about him that could provide any warmth. Instead he continues kissing his way down her chest, nipping lightly until her back arches into him and she makes a needy noise. 
“Patience,” he chides her, releasing his grip on her to remove his own shirt. 
Hands encircle her waist in an iron grip, holding her firmly in place while tongue and teeth tease her rosebud nipples. Fingers trace his back as she pants, trying to contain all the noises that could wake the camp. Her nails ghost along his flesh, and he senses she longs to dig them in.. She hadn’t even attempted to ask about it. Why did she afford him such gentleness, was she wary that it would be too much on his scarred flesh?
Lips leave off her hardened peaks to capture hers again, and she grinds against him even harder. No doubt her small clothes were soaked. “You drive me mad,” she whispers, lost in desire. 
Just as he’d wanted, Serafina, hurt feelings and nightmares forgotten. “You enjoy it.” He captured her lip between his teeth for a second and nibbles. “Stand up, take your pants off for me.” He awaits her on his knees, as a penitent seeking their absolution. 
She’s so occupied, she doesn’t notice as his gaze finds the dancing lights in the lantern, and watches them swirl aimlessly until she’s naked before him. Gripping her thighs, he pulls her in, holding them apart so his tongue can swipe along her sex, as soaked as he predicted. Sera’s not a bard, but she sings for him anyway. Fingers grip into his curls, not too tightly. Sometimes he wishes she wouldn’t be so damn gentle, that she'd be like everyone else, someone easy to use, instead of, whatever all this was. 
“Astarion,” she keens as he slips two fingers inside her, tongue running over her clit. 
He laps and suckles at it almost as fiercely as he does the wounds he leaves in her neck. The fingers inside her find the spot that causes her knees to buckle and another cry to leave her. She’s close, just a little more, and he could leave it for the night.  
“I want you inside me.” He stiffens, inhaling deeply. 
“Do you now, my sweet?” He nips her thigh playfully with his fangs while his stomach drops. “Then come down here.” 
As soon she hits her knees, he's positioning her on all fours, he can’t look her in the eyes right now. He tears his pants open, eyes finding the lights again, concentrating on them as he pushes inside her. She’s warm and wet as she pushes back against him, eager to have all of him. Because she chooses him. No matter how many of his rough edges and dark corners she finds, she wants him. Would she still want him if she saw it all?
Forget it, he tells himself, pushing that thought away. He clears his mind until there’s only the moment, the sensation left, hips slapping against hers, the way her body clenches around his cock, how she eagerly sucks the fingers he puts in her mouth so she has something to absorb the moans. 
It’s almost enough to completely lose himself, his cock twitches. It’s spectacular, the way she meets every thrust and takes everything he has to give. “Touch yourself,” he urges, eager for her to come undone. 
Her own fingers slide between her folds, working feverishly. It’s not long before the noises muffled by his fingers become frantic and she tightens around him. 
“That’s it, my darling, let go.” With another deep thrust, he allows himself a release. “Sera,” he gasps, knowing it will please her to hear her name on his lips. 
They collapse next to one another on the bedroll, Sera quick to snuggle up in his arms. It takes longer than it should to embrace her, his body wanting to run. “Is everything alright?” She asks, innocently, from where she lays, head on his chest. Maybe there are merciful gods, she can’t see his face. 
“Of course, love. I think I may have worn myself out after all the walking today.” Softly, he kisses her head, he can’t let her suspect. 
“Well don’t complain tomorrow, Lae’zel will blame me for sure. I don’t think I was very discreet.” She laughs, sounding like sleep is already returning to her. 
“But you are to blame. If you weren’t so irresistible.” He tries to laugh as well. This stupid, sweet girl, why does she lay in a monster’s arms and giggle? 
With a yawn, she gives him an out. “You should probably go, I’m going to fall asleep soon and don’t want to trap you here.” 
One more kiss, even as his mind insists on fleeing. “Goodnight my love, rest well, and I’m sorry again.”
“For what?”
“For earlier.” For everything. 
Tag list:
@micropoe10  @writingmysanity @mxxny-lupin @azu21
 @tallymonster  @dependsonthedream @sunfire-ancunin
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pendarling · 5 days
Sleeping Beauty
Thank u everybody for 2k!!
Like in the fairytales, Villain had fallen victim to a strange type of curse that was quickly nicknamed "The Sleeping Beauty Spell," which put anyone to sleep unless otherwise awoken by a special person. If anyone knew this spell, they knew it truly did not come off. Chariot Wind was plenty of evidence for that; her Sleeping Beauty spell lasted a whopping eight months before an old flame had taken it upon themselves to save her.
As soon as Hero heard about Villain's dilemma, their focus totally shifted to the ongoing dispute concerning who Villain's true love was. They would be lying if they said they weren't confident it had to be them, not some long lost ex or a close friend Villain had often come into contact with.
The situation had allowed for several selected persons to take part in the race to save Villain. Suitors from everywhere Villain's friends could find had come to visit them over the past two weeks, and as the 30th person or so failed, people began becoming desperate. Even Hero, who now found themselves sneaking right into Villain's base and curving the halls leading up to Villain's room, their breath held in their own throat as two passing guards just barely missed them hiding within the shadows.
At the far side of the hall was a tall door, clearly marked as Villain's quarters, where they would be held until the next prospected suitor. Hero's stomach did a flip as they quickly approached it and turned the handle. They took a deep breath and walked inside the spacious room where a large bed sat centred.
It was very formally dressed for a simple resting place, but Hero didn't have time to wonder. Their shoes clicked lightly around the bed frame and grazed their fingers across the pale thin veil encircling the bed. They pulled it back slightly to reveal Villain's sleeping figure, completely relaxed under their gaze like they'd never seen before. Usually, Villain were so rigid and tough that it had instinctively given Hero the impression that they would never be left vulnerable, yet here they were.
"I should make this quick." They mumbled and pressed a knee onto the mattress, letting it sink under their weight as small wrinkles formed around the smooth bedsheet; Hero's hands rested on either side of Villain's shoulders as their heart beat quicker. It felt so unexpected and wrong to be there without their permission, and they shouldn't be here, but they couldn't stay away, they had to know if it was them.
Hero's head came closer until their lips met Villain's own. It wasn't a spark or even a flicker when Hero kissed them; it was a mess of nerves and crawling anxiety from the pits of their stomach as they worriedly waited if it had worked.
Within a few seconds, they heard Villain stir awake as a flutter came through their chest, and their heart leapt out in both fear and fascination when Villain's eyelids opened slowly.
"Hero…" They groggily whispered as they began to awaken. With tears brimming in their eyes, Hero had leaned down and wrapped their arms around them with relief.
"You're okay." The sniffled into Villain's shirt. "I thought it wouldn't work."
Villain lay there, too stunned and confused, as they carefully analyzed their surroundings; it was their quarters. It looked slightly off, maybe a bit fancier, but the place was familiar nonetheless. "I don't understand," The mumbled, still dazed.
Hero pulled back, with a satisfied smile still. "You were hit with the Sleeping Beauty spell," Hero laughed slightly, "You really did sleep like a princess."
They nodded, "And then everyone kept trying to wake you up, you were asleep for two whole weeks, Villain."
With the realization, Villain sat up and brushed a finger to their lips, the gesture made Hero shift in their spot as their face glowed bright red, "Hope you don't mind, I just wanted to help." They looked down to their lap while blinking awkwardly at the situation.
"I see." They nodded slowly. The room held onto the moment for longer than either of them could manage, They were okay, and Hero did exactly what they wanted. "Well, I guess I owe you now." Villain said, "I always thought that you and I--"
The door handle jittered, and they both froze. Hero didn't expect anyone to come in today.
"Oh, shit!" They desperately looked around the room for a place to hide.
"Over there!" Hero managed to stumble out of bed and jump onto the bedside table, opening the vent above the bed and jumping inside. There would be an exit a little further down to aid in their escape.
The door opened as soon as Villain swung their legs over the bed.
"In here?" A voice carried out into the room. Two people entered a guard and yet another potential candidate for the day. It was a young woman with blonde hair and a white skirt.
The two of them stopped in their tracks as they saw Villain sitting calmly at the edge of the bed. "Good morning."
"You're awake!" She yelled and looked behind her to the guard, "How?!"
The guard shrugged, "I… I've never seen. I need to tell the others." They quickly dashed out of the room as the young woman moved in front of Villain.
"Villain! Who did this? Who woke you up?"
Their eyes traced the lines of the walls behind her as they hummed in thought, "It's a world full of surprises."
TAG LIST: @books-are-everything, @kurai-hono-blog, @iykyunho, @marvellousdaisy, @m3rakii, @crow-with-a-typewriter, @sceirlose, @90scliche, @wondergoddess475, @miaowmelodie, @jeremy-no, @smallville1x10, @artsandstoriesandstuff, @whatwhump, @0eggdealer, @yuki-0710, @silky-worm, @theforeverdyingperson, @rainbow-nesquix, @m4iloblu3,@prophecies-bestowed-upon-ye, @jeahreading, @urmum-11, @eldritchdragonfly, @shakespeare-official-account, @menmakyu, @m4iloblu3,
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
i was sitting next to this guy while hanging out with some friends, and he was always a little flirty, and i never responded to it but i've stayed friendly ya know? this time he put his hand on my thigh, and i just kind of brushed him off and moved away and everything was fine. Now tho, everyone around me is acting like this is a huge deal and he shouldn't have done it and like,,, i get it, but also he wasn't aggressive and he backed off right away so i don't think it was a big deal at all 1/3
now tho my friends want me or themselves to confront him about it and i'm just so ??? because genuinely it was such a small thing to me and it feels like people around me want me to make it into a big deal for themselves more than to stand up for me since i don't think this needs to become A Thing at all, especially for a dude i've met twice and will probably rarely ever see in my life. idk how to get them to back off because it feels like they're not listening to me or don't believe me 2/3 but to put it in perspective i've been more uncomfortable in the past with men putting their hands on my shoulder/arm when trying to pass by in a crowded space than this guy trying to flirt and backing off the second i moved away. any advice on getting my friends to chill? 3/3
hi anon,
this is an interesting one. do you think your friends would recognize the irony if you pointed out that it sounds like they're being far more pushy and dismissive of your boundaries than the man who they want you to stage a confrontation with?
it's noble of your friends to want to look out for you, of course, but supporting people who we perceive as the recipients of inappropriate behavior means listening to them when they express what they actually need to feel supported. in your case, it's letting the entire thing go because this barely even registers as an issue.
I have to say that I'm incredibly inclined to agree with you here; while this lad may have been a bit forward in putting his hand on you, it sounds like his reaction - dropping it and backing off - was exactly what you were hoping for. human interactions are always going to have messy little edges where we bump up against each other and the signals don't quite line up; that's not a crime. what matters is how people react when they're given a No. by your account, this lad took it like a champ, understanding your no and backing off accordingly.
if that's good enough for you then I think it's really overbearing and, as you alluded to, a little self-serving of your friends to keep trying to pursue this and lambast a guy for a completely reasonable interaction. what exactly are they hoping to accomplish? do they want him to make an elaborate written apology to you, a thing that you've made very clear you don't want? do they want him to promise never to touch someone without explicit verbal permission again, a fairly ludicrous amount of control to demand over someone else's behavior? like. what is the end goal, gamers? what are we actually trying to accomplish? are some of your friends perhaps reacting to this based on their own past experiences? that's understandable, of course, but inappropriate when they're ignoring your own expressed desires in favor of their ideas about what they think you should want.
listen: you can't control your friends' thoughts, but you can ask them to shut the fuck up. if you haven't already, I would recommend sending out some kind of mass statement (there's a groupchat, right? this feels like a groupchat situation, which I say as a terminal group chatter) telling everyone that you, personally, are done talking about this and don't want to hear any more about it, and if anyone wants to confront thigh guy about it then they're at liberty to do that but they'd better make very clear that they're not doing so at your request or with your permission.
if you're feeling extra cunty you can top that off with a little "please respect that, since you all say you're so worried about my boundaries" but that may be a little much.
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Howdy! May I please request a Chisaki x Reader? Making it a headcanon or a drabble is your choice.
I wanted to know how a sleepy or tired Chisaki would be like with his significant other. I kind of headcanon that if Chisaki were to ever have a partner, they'd sleep in separate beds and would have their own respective bedrooms. So what if he didn't really care about that anymore and just wanted some rest? Perhaps falling asleep on the couch with them?
I uh just want fluff please
oh anon im so so so in love with this and i 1000% agree w/ your headcanon as someone who also doesnt like sharing a bed but craves physical intimacy from a partner
────── ・ 。゚: .☽ . : 。゚・ ──────
Testing the Waters
Kai Chisaki x GN!Reader/Significant other [drabble]
[Content warnings: Tiny, brief mention of MC having friends/family in the past that are “no longer around” - can be interpreted in any way.] 
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────── ・ 。゚: .☽ . : 。゚・ ──────
“I’ll just sleep in your bed tonight,” Kai mumbled as he and his partner entered their shared home above the Hassaikai base. 
That made [Name] stop in their tracks, exhaustion seemingly forgotten about in favor of turning to their lover with widened eyes. Surely they misheard him? Or maybe he just wants the bed that’s closest, that must be it. His room was further into the home, anyway.
“Oh - yeah, go ahead. I’ll change the sheets for you first, then I’ll just use your bed-”
“Why?” Kai’s low, vocally fried voice cuts them off, sounding genuinely confused. “It’s your bed, you can sleep in it too.”
Well, now things we’re even more confusing. [Name] gives him a look to reflect that exact sentiment, though most of it was hidden behind their half-plague mask that they had yet to remove. “But… what about your hives? I don’t wanna risk irritating you.”
Kai simply shrugs, removing his infamous jacket and plague mask to hang on some hooks near the base’s secret entrance, his simple cloth mask still on. “I’ll take some meds beforehand. I’m just too tired to care about my stupid health issues right now.”
[Name] was going to retort, tell him that it’s not stupid, it’s serious and they respected his need for space, but Kai was already waving off their concerns as he spoke. Despite saying that he was too tired to simply walk to his room, he sure didn’t mind going through the tedious steps of taking allergy meds, taking his sweet time with pouring himself water and tearing open the pill packaging.
“Besides, we’ve been together for a couple years now. I think it’s time we started acting like it when at home,” he mutters, acting as if this wasn’t a huge step in their relationship, seeing as the two slept in separate rooms since [Name] had moved in with him. 
[Name] was finally brought out of their stupor at the sound of Kai setting the now empty glass of water down. “Well, fine, but don’t complain if I forget you’re there and end up rolling around too much.”
With a warm smile that [Name] could only notice through the crinkling of his eyes, Kai lets out a quiet chuckle as the two of them head to bed. “I’ll try my best not too,” he replies, giving their shoulder a gentle squeeze as they enter [Name]’s room.
A room similar to his own, except decorated with items and knicknacks that just screamed [Name], as well as plenty of photos along the walls of them and the other Hassaikai members. Some photos even seemed to be from years ago, with friends and family that Kai has never met. Likely never will, either. 
After a quick change of clothes, Kai opting to use some old clothes [Name] had stolen for themselves while [Name] wore their own pajamas to minimize any skin contact that would irritate his hives, the two removed their masks and collapsed into bed. The day had been exhausting and the two of them were all too happy to just pass out the second their heads touched the pillow.
It must have been [Name]’s imagination, or perhaps they were having those “between sleep” hallucinations - but they could have sworn sometime during the night, Kai had held them close and kissed the back of their head, spooning them as they drifted right back to sleep. 
In the morning, Kai was already out of bed and preparing the day by the time [Name] woke up. They passed it off as some dream created by their desire for more affection.
They’ll just have to test it again. And again. And again.
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manicplank · 6 months
hi what do you headcanon PT cast's parents being like + names
Parental headcanons!
I'm bad with names pls bare with me.
(slight tw I guess, nothing bad, but some of them don't have great parents)
For Peppino: Mama Spaghetti was a sweet, loving lady. She's very patient and kind. Her name is Isabella. She raised him and Maurice but had trouble as Maurice was always such a bully to him. His dad was named Lorenzo. He was okay, but he was emotionally unavailable. He was very stoic. Maurice takes a lot after their father, and Peppino takes after their mother.
For Gustavo: His mom was a wonderful woman. She was sweet and caring. Her name was Gianna. Gustavo's dad was named Stanley. He was patient and had a good temper. They both loved him to death. They made sure he was happy but not spoiled.
Mr. Stick: His mom's name was Bianca. She spoiled the ever loving shit out of him and bought him everything he wanted. His dad was named Stanley. Unfortunately, his dad worked a lot, so he wasn't very present. His family was good to him, though. Despite not spending much time together, he and his dad had a decent relationship.
Pepperman: His mom was named Cayenne. She was very supportive of him and loved him very well. His dad was named Poblano and was pretty mild but assertive when needed. They both supported his art his whole life and sent him to art classes. "Pepperman" is his nickname for himself. His actual name is Phil Bell Pepper.
The Vigilante: His mother's name was Brie. She was an old-fashioned but very loving and nurturing mother. She loved her Vigert very much. His dad's name was Stilton. He was a hard-working farmer who loved his family. They were all very close. Vigi was raised to be a hard-working gentleman. Even his grandpa, John E. Cheese, had a very important role in his childhood.
The Noise: Since his father was absent, he only had his mother. Her name was Perla Noise, but he just calls her mamas. Being a single mother of an autistic child, she was very stressed out and could be very snippy at times. Despite this, she loved her "Teedo" very much and spoiled him. She had a very hard time with him as a toddler and teenager as they fought a lot. (Teedo is her nickname for him. He couldn't pronounce his name as a baby and would say Teedo. Only his mom can call him that.)
Noisette: She had very good parents who seeked behavioral therapy for her autism. Her mom's name was Anais. Her mom was very loving. She was a mellow and patient parent. She was sort of like a trad wife. Her dad's name was Pierre. He was a happy, kind man. He worked a lot but still made time for his family. Noisette's real name is Hazel. She gained the nickname "Noisette" after the paparazzi and media found out she was dating The Noise as well as using the name for her cafe.
Fake Peppino: Technically doesn't have parents. If they were to be anybody, they'd be Peppino (they share DNA) and Pizzahead (who created him).
Pizzahead: Now, this is just my theory. Based off of the pictures in the lobby and the first floor of the tower, as well as granny pizza, Pizzaface was actually Pizzahead's father. Pizzaface and his wife "PizzaMama" adopted Pizzahead as pizza people can't really produce naturally. Pizzahead was less likely to be adopted due to his head being a slice as opposed to a whole pizza, so they chose him. He was only like 6 or 7 when they adopted him. They loved him unconditionally. After PizzaMama passed away, Pizzaface fell into a depression and grew apart from Pizzahead. Granny stepped up as a parental figure. PH blamed himself for PizzaMama's passing, despite having nothing to do with it. Years later, Pizzaface passed as well, leaving Granny to raise Pizzahead once again. Many many MANY years later, Pizzahead discovered a way to recreate his father as a robot with the similar sentience. However, Pizzaface doesn't remember his previous life.
Pillar John: John and Gerome shared a mother named Esmeralda, or Esme for short. She was a wonderful woman. She met John's father, Flint, and the two fell in love instantly. Voila! Out popped John. Esme loved her "John Boy" and Gerome very much. She was patient and kind.
Gerome: John and Gerome shared a mother. However, Gerome's father... wasn't a great guy. His name was Bruce. They called him Bruce the Brute. He was pretty mean to Esme. They got divorced shortly after Gerome was born. Gerome felt very sad about it. When John's dad, Flint, came into his life, it changed. Gerome didn't like Flint until he saw how kind he was to Esme and John. Eventually, he let Flint into his life and they became quite close.
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radioactivepeasant · 30 days
Snippets: Free Day Thursday
(Goes in the series where Jak got to Spargus via trespassing 😆 takes place after Jak sneaks into the Arena)
Despite the threats of being "grounded until you're thirty-six" (per the advisor in the foundlings' dormitory), no one had taken Jak's gate pass or war amulet. He'd won them on his own, whether or not he met some arbitrary threshold based on bone growth. A lot of Wastelanders on the street talked down to them still, like they were children -- one weird guy with neither hair nor pants kept calling them "anklebiters" and scornfully laughing that the king would never let them leave the city again. But after crashing Sam's second Arena trial, Jak had started hearing approval here and there.
What he couldn't fathom was how often their approval centered around his dark eco form!
That abomination? The walking demonstration of how dark eco was an affront to life?
Easy there, that's Samos talking. If it was wholly evil, the Oracle wouldn't have taught me to make the Dark Form my own, beyond anything Praxis could dream of.
"Useful", they called the horned menace.
Useful, like he'd demonstrated the skills of an electrician or architect or something!
And no one had tried to make him use it, not even once! The most anyone had said so far was "I bet it takes a lot of nerve to learn those moves!", or questions about how much food he had to eat to keep up with the calorie expenditure.
He and Daxter had been tasked with hunting down a local pest called a kangarat that had a bad habit of eating the city's stored grains -- and that had devolved into s tense moment on the beach with some kind of dark eco-probe thing.
Honestly, it was one of the few times when Jak's inability to read modern glyphs came in handy. The script scrolling across the screens had been ancient, even by Sandover standards. But it was close enough to the texts Uncle used to teach him to read that Jak had been able to reroute the power and drain its battery core.
That hadn't done much to make the monk like them.
Seem had a real problem with dark eco, apparently. And oddly, that had felt jarring after everyone else in Spargus.
Seem reminded Jak of Haven.
He didn't want to think about Haven right now.
Eventually someone would probably make him go back. But the war was over, right? It was just skirmishes now, something they'd handled before Jak and could handle without Jak. They'd gotten too used to taking him for granted anyway.
They'd probably be fine.
Jak shook the darkening thoughts away and made his way out of the Arena complex, shoving a roll into the small pouch that hung from his belt. Meals were scheduled here, and food was readily available, albeit not abundant. But two years and some change of regularly going hungry meant he and Daxter were almost always thinking about food in some way.
Daxter teased that Jak thought about food more than romance. Jak didn't think he was wrong, exactly.
"What do you think, can we make it to the gate without being stopped today?" Jak asked Daxter as he stepped down into the street.
"Only if the Mustachioed Menace isn't there."
Daxter shuddered.
"Jak, promise me if he goes for the fork and knife, you'll skewer him."
"Yeah no, he won't even get that far," Jak promised.
The heat was already in full swing, even at four bells after sunrise. Jak was surprised he'd adapted to it as quickly as he had. The dust? Not so much. He coughed and spat out grit from an errant breeze.
"Told you to pull the scarf up."
"I'd look like Jinx."
"Your vanity or sand in the mouth, up to you, pal."
The general plan had been to make their meandering way back to the beach -- they hadn't seen a clean beach or unpolluted water in years -- but about three minutes into the West Quarter, Jak stopped. A familiar staff was leaned up against a small structure made of stone and conductive metals, but when they glanced around, Damas was nowhere to be seen.
"Well, that's a little weird," Daxter commented.
Jak stepped closer and hunched down to look into the almost hutch-like building. A large, squat, generator sat there on five-inch stilts to keep it out of the sand. A box of tools lay beside it, and a man's lower half stuck out from underneath on a small rolling palette. It almost looked like-
Jak wasn't sure the guy liked Jak going around calling him by his first name, but Jak had never been one to allow formalities.
There was a soft clang and a muffled curse. Then the palette rolled out and Damas was there, stained with grease and looking decidedly impatient.
"If it's not urgent, make Kleiver deal with it. I'm busy."
"Yeah, I see that."
Jak crouched to awkwardly waddle into the hut.
"What are you doing?"
Damas raised a brow and gestured silently to the generator as if asking isn't it obvious?
A touch chagrined, Jak waved a hand.
"No, I mean like- what's wrong with it?"
"And how come you're fixin' it?" Daxter added, "Are folks that shorthanded?"
The king simply rolled his eyes and slid back underneath the generator.
"I already told you," he grumbled, "Out here, you're either doing something useful with your life or you're just deadweight. A king sitting sedentary and barking out orders is the epitome of deadweight."
Daxter made an approving sound -- a rarity Damas would later learn to appreciate.
"I can respect it. Not how I'd run things, but not bad! You even got shade in here!"
Jak shrugged Daxter off his shoulder and tapped at the generator casing in interest.
"So what's busted? How big of a problem is it?"
"Well either the blue eco tube is blocked, or the conductors are bad," Damas grunted. "If the eco grid in the Northwest districts goes down, our defenses will be completely out on this side."
"...can I help?"
Damas wheeled back out, looking as though he wasn't sure what he'd heard.
"You what?"
Jak pushed the toolbox closer, making room to lay down and look at the inner workings of the generator.
"I want to help!" he said, "I'm good with eco!"
"Yeah, noticed that."
Damas took a pair of something that looked like forceps and crimped the line in question. He wanted the uncanny boy to just leave. Everything about him felt like he was on the cusp of learning something that could not be un-learned, and would shake the foundations of everything he knew. It made working very distracting. But the offer of aid freely given was never turned down in Spargus. Even if the boy did lead his mind in uncomfortable circles, he was here, and he was eager to help.
With a sigh, Damas gestured vaguely to the tool box.
"Give me the electrical current meter and the wire stripper."
"Got it. Wait, which one's the wire stripper?"
"The pliers that look like they have teeth."
"Oh, there they are."
Jak picked up the wire stripper and handed it over to Damas.
"I don't know a lot about tools yet, sorry. Everyone always makes me destroy things. They think it's all I'm good for. The Oracles are kind of the only ones who don't get mad if I want to fix things instead."
"Geez, kid."
"Yeah, I know. It's not great."
Jak leaned over. "Why do you want the wire stripper?"
Damas pulled down two colorful wires where Jak could see.
"Because," he muttered, "this colorful stuff is insulation. And I need it off if I'm going to test the conductor with this other wire- hey, is the mouthy cacomistle mutant still out there?"
Daxter made an offended gasp, and Damas nodded.
"Good. Tell me if the lights come on."
Damas pulled a black wire and a red wires together and touched the bare ends together.
"Eehhhhh...." Daxter flopped a hand back and forth. "Lights are on, nobody's home."
"Well, it's not the conductors then. Rot, that means the eco crystallized."
"Crap, really?" Jak scooted closer. "Man, that's a pain to break down."
"Tell me about it."
Damas adjusted the cart and shoved an arm up into the inner workings.
Jak watched, wondering about what he'd said. Was Damas implying that he could channel, too? Well it was about time he met some other channelers! Kor and Praxis couldn't have wiped them all out!
Maybe that's why people here were more open-minded about dark eco. Maybe there were enough channelers around here to use the light eco in the temple that they didn't even worry about getting unbalanced.
"Jak, I need your hand here."
Damas smacked his shoulder with the back of his hand and pointed.
"Hold that, and don't let it fall on me."
"Got it!"
Damas began to unbolt the resevoir frame to get to the eco. "We," he grumbled, "are going to be here a while."
"I'd offer to dissolve it with some dark eco, but I have no idea what that would do to your generator."
"Yeah let's avoid potentially possessed hardware," Damas said, "I'd just as soon skip a repeat of your little adventure on the beach with that...thing."
Jak winced and readjusted his grip on the frame. "...ah. You know about that, huh?"
"I'm the king, kid. I know everything."
It didn't cross his mind until much later that -- in spite of his misgivings -- he'd started treating Jak like any other Spargan. Nor had he considered at the time that he might have been setting a precedent. But when what should have been a simple repair job turned into an impromptu lesson on basic tool function, it seemed that Jak had lost any of the few reservations he had about Damas.
The next two weeks were filled with "what are you doing?" and "where are you going?", "can I come?" "Can I help?"
It was like Mar all over again, but as a skinny teenager!
There would come a day in the near future when Damas would look back on his choice of description with some very colorful swearing about the clarity of hindsight.
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myoddessy · 2 years
evermore. cl16
summary—you had fallen in love with charles to the sound of squeaking tricycles and high-pitched laughter. You'd loved him through every race, just as he'd loved you through every audition. Loving him had become as natural as breathing, so when he walks out the door for the last time, your left choked and alone.
what to expect—actress!reader, angst (lots of angst), based on a load of songs from taylor swift's evermore, mostly focused around charles' pov, slightly rushed/kinda open ending. for the sake of drama let's pretend that Monaco and Spa gps were in the same month in 2022.
word count—3.8k
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He's a nice guy. You know it, he knows it, everyone who's ever heard of the name Charles Leclerc would know he's a nice guy. He was a gentleman. He followed the sidewalk rule, opened doors for you, practically threw his jacket at you the second you so much as shivered around him.
But more than that, more than the kindness that you could find anywhere if you looked hard enough, Charles understood you. He saw you, really saw you. He knew you as more than record breaker, more than a star, more than a lover, more than a friend. In mornings of intimacy and nights of passion, Charles had built you a home in his heart and swore you would always be safe there.
But now, as you stood in your kitchen, staring blankly at the empty chairs, you knew you could call Charles one more thing.
A liar.
You cursed yourself for feeling bitter, knowing he hadn't left your apartment that night unscathed either. You almost wished he had. Maybe if there was an actual villain in your story, it would be easier to admit that it's over.
If he wasn't such a nice guy. If he had screamed at you, demeaned you, equated your self to nothing, you could convince yourself you were better off without him. But you weren't. You know it, he knows it, anyone who met you before him knows it too.
You sigh and roll your eyes because you know as much as you try to hate him, you never will. He will never be your villain, so you'll just have to settle with him being nothing.
You'd faced heartbreak before, but those guys had all worked in your fairytale favour. Much needed antagonists, if you will. With every snide remark towards your success, they'd pushed you towards Charles' open arms. You'd learned how to cope with that pain, but this one was different. Nobody teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you, after all.
Some nights, when you woke up because of a window you forgot to close, you swear you can still feel him. Still hear the light hum of his sleeping breaths. Still smell the homely scent of his cologne. But then, when you turn to the other side of the bed, hoping all of this had just been a bad dream, your met with cold pillows and empty space, and remember that this is your life now, not what once was.
You had to break all your habits, forge new routines, because everything had been reliant on Charles. Instead of calling him as soon as you got back from set, you started running baths and catching up on episodes of shows you used to love that never suited his taste. Instead of carving days out of your limited free time to fly to who-knows-where for races, you explored the cities you were in and rekindled lost bonds with old friends.
Ever since Charles had left, on a surface level, you'd been thriving. Your friends admired it, saying you were strong and powerful for how you'd taken your heartbreak and turned it to success.
They didn't need to know about the slipping of your hand when you make enough dinner for two, or how you found yourself reverting back to the playlist of French classics he'd made for you whenever you felt particularly lonely.
It had been two months. Days ticked by and with every one that passed, you found yourself selfishly hoping that Charles Leclerc would disappear. From your memory, from your heart, from your world. Because every time you felt you were having a breakthrough, every time you made just enough breakfast, you'd leave the house and see magazine cover celebrating his success, every time you found a new song to listen to, you overhear a rumour that he took a model back to his hotel last weekend.
There was a time when you'd happily let Charles occupy your mind, but that time was long passed, and you needed it to stay that way.
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No matter how well—or unwell—you handled it on your own, Charles couldn't say he fared much better. He still pulled out two wine glasses, still reached out to nothing in the dead of night, still heard the sound of your laughter ringing in his ears when the shrieks of fans should drown it out.
He swore he was going insane, but what a beautiful torment you were, and if seeing your shadow around every city street was his downfall, then hysteria was welcomed with open arms.
He wished he could say he didn't regret it. That ending things was what was best. He could say that at the time, but as days came and went, he found himself doubting. He had insisted that both of your schedules would be the death of you. With him flying around the world to race and to train, and you being flown out to anywhere and everywhere to film, and pose, and answer questions that he knew you hated, you had to fight tooth and nail to spend any time with each other.
Charles hated to admit it, but most of the sacrifice had come from you. You never complained, of course you didn't, you were nice like that. Loving, understanding. Of course you wouldn't tell him about the offers you declined and the covershoots you'd missed to visit him at a race. You never wanted him to know, but he found out anyway.
He was in the en suite, you were in the bedroom. Charles remembered that you'd gotten a call before he got in the shower, he had made note to ask why you looked so stressed when you answered. You'd kept your voice quiet, Charles only later understanding why.
So engrossed in the conversation, you hadn't noticed Charles shut the water off, nor had you heard him open the bathroom door. Your back was facing him.
"Viv, I'm sorry. You know I'm sorry, but I can't take it on right now. I'm booked to go to Spa that week, then I have to come back to Monaco, you know how important it is that I'm there." Your voice was soft, Charles couldn't tell if you were fighting tears or consoling someone. He could vaguely hear the person on the other line.
"Y/n, this is huge! I mean, come on, you've talked about wanting to work with Wes Anderson how many times? Can't you miss two races?"
"I know." Your agent was a tough woman to bargain with, but you knew she only ever wanted the best for you. "But I can't miss these, he needs the support. He deserves it."
Charles didn't hear the rest of what was said, moving into the bathroom again to look at his reflection with a wave of guilt hitting him suddenly. He splashed cold water on his face, preparing himself to face you and tell you that you needed to take the job. That, even if the luck that came with your presence pulled through, any victories would pale in comparison to how selfish he'd feel knowing what you gave up to be there.
But when he finally reopened the door, and he saw the happy smile you gave him with a small hum of good shower? the words died on his tongue. He would regret it for forever, but he didn't dare ruin the domesticity of the night with tears and arguments.
Now, three months after the split, Charles sees a tweet announcing a new film. Normally he ignored those notices, you always told him the important stuff anyway, but when he saw your picture posed proudly, he stalled. A leading role in the new Wes Anderson feature, set to start filming a month from then. He didn't feel sadness or jealousy at your ability to succeed, he smiled and carried on with his day.
The next time Charles was reminded of memories of you was a mere week after he saw the tweet, when he decided to take a run through the streets of Monaco. He passed a park on his way, slowing to a walk to admire the scenery. It wasn't anything abnormal, people walking their dogs, couples strolling with linked arms, kids screeching with joy as they ran around the playground.
But the one thing that made him stop was two children sitting on a bench near the gates. Their legs hung over the edges, swinging back and forth while they talked. The shorter one, the girl with twin plaits and a frilly pink dress had her head tilted to the sky, giggling at the clouds passing by, murmuring something about how they looked like bunnies. The taller one, the boy with a shaggy haircut and baggy clothes, however, had his eyes trained on her, nodding mindlessly while she babbled on excitedly, a noticeable blush on his face. And, suddenly, he's five years old again, playing with his toy car in the same playground with a bright-eyed girl in a pink frilly dress running up to him to tell him his hair is funny.
He remembers being offended at first, then falling into a fit of laughter to match hers. He didn't learn her name that day, nor the day after when they bumped into each other in the same way, in fact, it wasn't until a week after when he finally learned her name, and it was through pure chance.
It happened in a bakery, one he hasn't stepped foot in in three months. He'd been dragged along on errands by his mother, coaxed by the promise of pastries at the end. He waited impatiently on a highstool facing the window while she ordered, his head resting on folded arms. Then, after what felt like a century, he heard his mother come up behind him, a large bag of sweets in on hand, the other thrown around the shoulder of another woman.
"Oh my, he's grown so much!" The woman exclaimed. All Charles did was look at her funny, the only thing he wanted to do was go home and eat. The overhead bell rang as the door opened.
"Mama!" A small, high-pitched voice called. "Papa says we need to go or we'll be late to the shoot." A young girl walked up to the woman Charles didn't quite know. She wore a pink dress that Charles recognized in an instant—quite impressive for a five year old, he'd later brag. Oh, so you were always down bad, Lando would then chime in, and chaos would ensue.
She gasped happily. "Funny Hair!" She exclaimed, pointing at Charles. Their mothers exchanged confused looks. "Mama, this is the boy from the park. The one who let me play with the cars!"
Pascale saw the bashful face on her boy and smiled warmly, placing a hand on his back to help him off the chair. She nudged her head towards you, silently urging Charles to properly introduce himself. "I'm Charles." He mumbled, nervous under three pairs of eyes.
Dimples carved into your cheeks at your gap-toothed grin. "I'm Y/n." You reached forward and shook his hand, turning to your mother once more to politely remind her that you had somewhere very important to be.
With goodbyes and promises of coffee and lunch while you and your parents were still in Monaco, you left, leaving Charles with nothing more than a red face, a fast-beating heart, and a name to put to the girl who insulted his hair. You saw each other here and there after, your mothers dragging you both along when they met up until it eventually became you dragging them out the door in sheer eagerness to see each other again.
Many things changed since those fateful days in Monaco. You grew from TV ads to Hollywood leads, he grew from toy cars to formula tracks. You both stopped hating adults who kissed in your presence, and ended up being the bane of his cousins' existence. One thing that didn't change, however, was Charles forcing you to sit down and watch the, now old, Sky TV ad you were rushing off to film when he first learned your name.
Charles smiled at the sky as he carried on with his run.
Nobody could truly understand why you broke up, other than you and Charles. Beneath the adoration and pride, there was a hidden torment. A nagging feeling tugged at your heart every time you sat in Ferrari hospitality instead of curled up in a trailer, working on a project. A similar feeling washed over Charles every time he saw your shining eyes, knowing what should've been was forgotten so you could be here.
He hated what he was making you. He knew your career was your truest love and your dearest pride. He knew the blood, sweat, and tears you'd put into earing a name and a platform for yourself so you could support your family and help those who couldn't help themselves. He knew that your greatest joys would always come from performing, how you had a special smile reserved for when you saw the results of your work and dedication. He knew that, despite loving him wholly, you were changing who you were at your core to fit him.
He loved the sight of you cheering his name in a sea of red, but whenever he closed his eyes, he saw the way you looked when you turned down a job to support him, and feared that if it went on, you'd grow to resent him.
Above anything, his greatest fear was you seeing him as your downfall as opposed to your lover and, in the end, the only fate worse than being left in your past, was being someone you hated.
yourusername just posted !
Shit. Through everything, Charles had forgotten to turn off your post notifications. His thumb hovered over the screen, fighting temptation to see what you were up to. But, like he always was around you, Charles found himself helpless, clicking the banner and swallowing hard.
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liked by zendaya, finnwolfhard, jennaortega, and 650,901 others
yourusername stumbled down pretend alleyways, cheap wine, make-believe it's champagne 🥂
zendaya babe you're glowing 🥺🥺
tchalamet 🔥🔥🔥
lecl3rcszn crying bcs y/n posts about being in Paris THE DAY AFTER I FLY BACK FROM THERE
On instinct, Charles liked the post, scrambling to unlike it with a sharp gasp moments later. He cursed himself for the slip of his thumb, praying nobody had caught it. But he knew yours and his fans well, and knew that at least one person had taken a screenshot in the time it took for him to realise his mistake. "Fuck." He groaned, tossing his phone across the bed and running his hands over his face, preparing for the media shitstorm that would come over the next few days.
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You screamed into your pillow when you saw the notification. 
“Who does he think he is?” You asked the empty room. Standing up from your bed to pace around, your dog looking at you with a quirked head. “Don’t judge me.” You pointed at her. “I mean, seriously, who the fuck likes their exes post not even a minute after it was uploaded?” You chewed on the side of your thumb. “It was probably a coincidence, right? I happened to post just when he refreshed his feed. He definitely doesn’t have my notifications on, does he?” Again, you were met with silence. 
“Ugh!” You groaned out, falling onto your bed once again and covering your face with your hands. You thought you were over this shit, you thought you were over him. It had been months, you’d been on Vogue, you’d been on SNL, you’d done the interviews, and the ads, and the photoshoots, and you’d booked the role of your dreams, and with one stupid fucking like, Charles Leclerc had ruined it. 
All of your work, all of the hours you’d poured into TheWizardLiz and whatever ‘New Mindset, New Me’ creators you’d found, was now worth nothing because you were back where you were three months ago. Lying in your unmade bed with a heavy heart and a mind full of Charles. 
You wanted to cry. You’d tried so hard to put yourself and your progress in the forefront of your mind, but now all you could think about was the night he left.
He’d flown out to you in NYC, handful of roses and a pocketful of sunshine. You hoped he hadn’t come over with the intention of ending it. You didn’t know if you could handle him being that happy, all to break things off. 
It was on the last day of his week-long stay. He’d made you a fancy dinner, lit candles, set flowers. A foolish part of you thought he was going to propose, but when his hands found yours on the couch later that night, what he said was anything but romantic. 
The Dom Perignon on the table was long forgotten, the only sound between his words was the cracking of your glass heart. “It’s for the best.” You heard him say through the ringing in your ears. “We’ll grow to hate each other.” “I’ll always love you.” “Say something, please?” 
“So we’re over? Just like that?” For the first time since he’d met you, the loud, vivacious girl he’d grown to love was nowhere to be seen. Your voice was hushed and small, your shoulders were hunched. You were making yourself small and it was his fault, the fact made him sick. 
“I’m sorry.” His voice was gentle, their was a crack in his words and tears in my eyes. You sniffled and wiped your eyes with the back of your hand. 
“I- um- I think you should go.” Your voice was thick with tears shed and more welling up. Charles sighed and nodded in understanding. “I’m out tomorrow for lunch with Timothee and Saoirse at 1 so you can get your stuff then, if you want.” You mumbled out, barely audible as he stood by the door. 
He halted halfway through the threshold, and the young girl in you with a pink dress and pigtails hoped he was going to turn back and kiss you and say it was all a dream. But he didn’t. He did something much worse. 
“I really do love you, you know that, right?” A beat of silence. “And I really am sorry.” 
That was when you knew you couldn’t hate him. Because you did know it, you knew he loved you. You knew this wasn’t what he wanted, but it was what you both needed. You could hear him crying on the other side of the door, him resting against it for a minute or two before finally leaving. 
He repeated a mantra in his head as he went down the elevator, It's for the best. Sometimes giving up is the right thing, he told himself as his footsteps echoed through the parking lot. Sometimes to run is the strong thing.
As he turned on the car and drove far away from his true home, he prayed that was true.
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It had been 9 months since the break-up. Your feet ached from the heels you’d been wearing all night, and the comfort of your apartment had never been more appreciated. You really did it. The premiere was everything you could have wanted. The afterparty had stretched into the AM, and praise had been thrown at you for hours, much like the drinks. 
But as early morning moonlight still lingered through the windows, you didn’t want the champagne, or the glitz and glamour, all you wanted was a nice, home-cooked meal. You sat up from the couch, stretching like a cat, designer gown still hugging your figure as you shuffled to the kitchen, rummaging through your cupboards to grab some pasta. You pressed shuffle on a playlist of your current favourite songs.
New York had never really been strange to Charles, whenever he visited, he always had an A-class tour guide in you. But as he wandered through the streets in their 4am glory, alone after Pierre abandoned him for some reason he couldn’t quite remember, he knew he couldn’t feel like more of a tourist if he tried. His eyes were hazy with sleep and a mild buzz from the club he’d just left, but his mind cleared when he looked up to the gleaming billboards and saw your face. 
He smiled, continued walking, and thought about the times you’d practically pulled his arm off to show him around whenever he visited. He didn’t really know where he was going, but with the certainty in his heart, he knew his hotel must be somewhere near. 
“Shit!” You cursed, your hand slipping for the first time in months. Enough pasta for two. At least I’ll have some left over for tomorrow. You thought with a huff. You swayed along to the music gently, humming the lyrics to invisible string with a content smile. 
25C. That seemed right. Charles felt around his pockets for his keycard, grumbling indistinct complaints when he remembered he left it in the hotel room with the intent of using Pierre’s after the club. He raised his hand to knock, hoping his friend wasn’t too tired, or too occupied elsewhere. 
A knock made you jump in your skin. “Who the fuck makes house calls at 4:30?” You asked yourself. You wiped your hands down with a cloth and walked to the door, too hungry to bother checking the peephole.
"Oh." Your jaw slacked and your hands grew clammy. You hid them behind the lavish ruffles of your dress.
Charles was knocked back to sobriety, wide awake, and heart thumping out of his chest.
"What are you doing here?"
"Would you believe me if I said I was just in the area?"
You huffed out a laugh, Charles joined, and it soon transcended to a small fit of giggles.
"I think I'm a bit lost." He admitted sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.
"You think?" You teased, and a small part of you was screaming at you to stop joking and slam the door, but the rest was elated in the comfort of the ease in which you talked.
He wasn't a stranger to you. He never would be.
You wondered if you'd regret what you were about to do when morning came.
"It's late, if you need a place to stay, I still have that extra room." You but the inside of your cheeks when his eyes widened. "And I accidentally made enough food for two people, so the choice is yours. We can catch up."
Charles looked to the apartment behind you, then back you, then back to the apartment, a silent game of tennis to see if you were really serious.
When you smiled at him and stepped aside, showing him the opportunity was his, all he had to do was grab it, he nearly jumped for joy. But instead of screaming and kissing you then and there, he just smiled with his usual boyish charm.
"I'd like that."
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whereserpentswalk · 20 days
There's a plane that exists just for people passing through to other dimensions. It's this sort of liminal zone. Most people don't stay there for long, but almost every planner traveler has, for some amount of time, stayed there.
It's shaped like places that people only stay for a short amount of time. Most of it looks like a giant hotel, pale walled and well cleaned, with rooms and pools and the like. Though other places look more like a massive airport of train station, with all those little shops and news stands. It's nice, a place where you can spend time for a little while, but only for a little while. The entire dimension is mabye at best the size of a small city, and entirely indoors. Beyond its walls there's only Astral Choas, the doom between all planes.
The host is something ancient and powerful, older than most planes even are. Few mortals have seen him. He's mostly known by his staff, these androgynous humanoids that don't eat or sleep, sown into their uniforms. The staff are alive and sentient, but they aren't born, just created. Those who project their spirits beyond planes but not their bodies are often given similar forms to the staff when they come here. Those who attempt to harm the staff will end up seeing security, beings who are far less freindly, and far less humanoid.
There's something strange to having so many dimensional travelers in one place. Especially with no base culture to speak of amoung them. You'll see an advanced group of human scientists, walking by an adventuring party containing elves and orcs. A mysterious gentlemen from the fae in a suit and top hat, may be making conversation with a lost starship captain who just escaped a warp storm, as a horror beyond mortal comprehension plays a game of chess with a group of sentient mice. Everyone sees it differently, it's technologically advanced to some, primitive to others, familiar to some, and inhuman to others.
And you only ever pass through. Even the exiles and refugees can't stay forever. It's nice, perhaps nicer than your world, and comfortable, a place to rest without war and horrors around you. But it can never be forever. You have a plane to go to, and it isn't this one. Nomatter how comfortable the bed is you must someday awaken from it.
And not to mention the way people interact with those who they'll never meet again. The paladin who befriended an astronaut who was lost there, and who wept when he found out she didn't know if she had a soul or not. The brass armed steampunk professor, considered young for his mission at forty, who became horrified to talk to a team of superheros whose oldest member was sixteen. The cloned soldier, born to die, too afraid to take off it's gas mask, who met an elven warroir, and let her tell it there was more to life then war and pain, and tell it of beautiful things throughout the multiverse, and let her touch it's breasts, and see it's naked body and face, and both of them knew they'd both be gone when the morning came, but they'd remember eachother, and the soldier for the first time yearned for something beyond death.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hii Petri, I want to request for headcanons please, it's maze runner boys x fem!reader and she was one of the first to go up in the box, she's been in the glade for enough time to pass for the transition of 'cute little girl who's happend to be there with a lot of boys' to 'really hot girl in the middle of tons os guys', and I want to see the moment that clicked for each one of them that "oh, she's a girl". I think it would be fun cause they're a bunch of virgin dudes stuck in a place with only one girl that they know since "forever" and then suddenly she's not that little kid anymore and it clicks that they'd could be the one to date her.
I am completely doing my requests out of order, but I really like this idea and headcanons are so much easier lol.
Also no Newt here, the boy likes men.
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SUMMARY: See above. Movie based fic.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, awkward teenage boys, you're the boss, everyone is useless, mild suggestive themes, the Thomas one is really bad 'cause I had no way of actually writing that based on this prompt.
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You were the first person in the Glade, a young girl with no memories or idea what you were doing. Yet, somehow, you managed to survive for a whole month on your own. Then, one after another, the boys started joining you. And you went from soft girl to a leader they could rely on - though, it takes them a bit to notice this.
Being one of the later arrivals to the Glade, Thomas doesn't have the same reaction the others do.
You're just a badass from day one to him.
He thinks you're cool and calculated and you seem to know what you're doing.
He respects you from day one.
He doesn't get to have the whole realising you're cool moment that everyone else does.
He just thinks you're sick.
And he's like, stressed as shit, so he doesn't really have the time to think otherwise.
Now, this is where it gets interesting.
Minho was one of the first boys to follow you into the Maze, just after Alby and Newt.
So he's witnessed your whole transformation.
From the early days of exploring the Maze together, to you making him Keeper, to the drunken nights where he'd had a rough day and you had to drag him to bed.
You've been together through thick and thin.
And some of Minho's confidence has definitely rubbed off on you.
The moment where Minho realised you were in face a girl, and not the one he first met was actually quite simple.
You'd had a long night, and with one of your Runners out of commission, you realised you hadn't told Minho to cover another route that day as you'd made arrangements for a new Runner to do a more simpler route- which meant switching up everyone's routines.
Fresh out of bed, wearing a sports bra and baggy trousers that hung off your hips, you went to the Map Room.
It wasn't uncommon for you to dress like this. The Glade is warm, and you basically mothered all these boys.
You whistled as you entered, gaining their attention.
"Oi, boys, listen up - I'm switching routes around today. With Sam off on sick and Darren being new, he's taking the easiest route. Minho, I need you to deal with covering the outer sections more. And Ben I need you to stick to your path for a change instead of going awol - your maps make no sense."
"Aw, what? But that's boring."
"I ain't shuckin' askin', Ben - do as you're told."
Oh God.
Minho doesn't know why this is what made it click.
His eyes fell on your body, your words becoming static as he drunk in your figure.
Had you always been this attractive?
Had you always been this assertive?
Was Minho into dominant women?
Should he be concerned?
After this point onwards, Minho started looking at you differently.
In fact, you became the only thing he couldn't take his eyes off.
Minho would go from your confident and reliant friend to slightly awkward, but also occasionally flirty.
Like he can't actually decide what to do with you now.
It'd take a while, but after some near death experiences, he'd become more outwardly flirtatious.
Though, he still wouldn't be able to get over the admiration and awe for you.
Gally would be your number one problem child in the Glade.
He always has been.
But, you normally left Alby or Newt to deal with him.
Especially at the start since he's a big dude with a big temper.
Gally always saw you unfit as a leader.
Too timid, quiet, anxious.
You name it, he thought it.
That was until the day him and Minho got in a particularly nasty fight.
You don't know why or what it was, but Gally had gone for the Runner. Alby was busy sorting out the Maps, and in light of Newt's recent injury - it was left up to you.
Jeff came running into your hut, panicking about the fight, leading you to running out after him.
"That's enough!"
You grabbed the boys, yanking Gally away by his collar.
"The shuck do you slintheads think you're doing?"
"He started it!"
"I did not!"
You'd had a hard day.
You didn't need this.
"I don't give two klunks who started it! We ain't got much choice to act like adults 'round here - and you two are actin' like diaper-klunkin' sissy babies! Get a shuckin' grip! I expect better."
Minho apologised quickly.
Gally did not.
"What? Why should I apologise when this shank can't shut his mouth?"
Well, you weren't having that.
"Because I shucking told you to. You're under my care and my order- what I say goes. You may be a Keeper, but that's up to me. Suck it up and do as you're told."
"Better. Get back to work."
The way that Gally watched you walk away made it obvious to everyone who witnessed the scene that something had changed.
He'd always seen you as weak and a pointless leader, but now?
You'd put him in his place.
Initially, he was embarrassed.
But then he started seeing everything around the Glade, the power you actually held.
He also started to notice how attractive you actually had become.
Safe to say, he started to feel things after you basically called him a bitch.
He'd start showing you more respect after that.
Maybe a bit more than respect.
Frypan has always liked you.
He's always respected you and been a good friend.
And he used to make sure that you were okay when things got too much.
But as you got older and more confident, you started to not need that comfort as much.
Unlike the others, there wouldn't be a specific moment where he realised.
He'd just be proud as he watched you grow as a person.
And you'd take charge.
It'd be a slow burn of feelings from friendship to genuinely having a crush on you.
You'd make sure his kitchen is always stocked and the Track-hoes do their job and the vegetables are up to scratch.
Though, his feelings came more with the physical transformation side of things.
You hit puberty, and went from being awkward to confident along with it.
Now, Frypan is probably one of the more respectful guys around.
But he can't help but stare when you bend over, or stretch or even just look at him with a smirk.
He's a teenage boy and you're the only girl around.
He's trying his best.
Though he did go from:
"Hey, everything okay? You look stressed."
"H-hey uh, you uh, you need help, or...?"
Man's is down bad.
Alby would probably be the person you're closest to.
He's the mouth and the power to your brain
You basically work side by side.
But, he'd always see you as someone he needed to look after and protect.
Then, as you grew up, came into yourself, that would change.
Especially when you started actually being in charge.
For the most part, he really doesn't care.
He noticed the others starting to act differently, but he didn't change much.
Apart from that one time you'd just come out of the shower.
And he just couldn't take his eyes off you.
And he kinda realised you're a woman.
But apart from that.
He's just... there.
Helping you lead.
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Sorry for disappearing, this is not my best work but I am currently in full corpse mode.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed :))
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I saw the words zolu marraige fic and i would love to more if ur willing
Ohhhh boy I have thought about this a lot. Like so much. Because there is absolutely no way they have a traditional wedding, right? That whole dressing up in suits and reciting vows and slow dance stuff just isn't them. I can't see it happening.
So. The Strawhat Pirates make it around the world and are back by the East Blue. Nami goes to visit her family, Usopp is dying to tell Kaya and his crew about all of his adventures, Sanji missed the Baratie people and Zeff so much, Brook finally gets to reunite with Laboon, Franky sails a bit further to Water 7 to see his family, dropping Chopper off at Drum with his mum along the way. Robin might come along with them since she doesn't really have a home to go back to and Jimbe I can see searching for the remains of the fishmen in the East Blue that came there with Arlong.
To Luffy and Zoro it was already clear that they'd get married once they reached their goals, but they wouldn't keep their friends from their families (they may have forgotten to mention to anyone that they are planning to get married *cough*). So at Dawn Island Luffy introduces Zoro to Dadan and Makino and co and, since he is captain and pirate king, marries them.
A day later they realize that marriages usually are more than an exchange of promises late at night. And like, there's usually a feast! They can't pass up on a feast! (<Luffy) Go big or go home, and they already are home. Time to go big.
Now, dancing still isn't really their thing ('What do you mean? I love dancing!' 'On weddings you're supposed to slow dance.' 'Oh') but isn't fighting supposed to be somewhat like dancing? At least some of Robin's novels say stuff like that. And fighting side by side? Hell yeah, they can do that.
The next morning Sanji walks into the kitchen of the Baratie to literally everyone gathered around a newspaper. Someone asks why he wasn't invited. When he snatches the paper from Patty he is met with a picture of his captain kissing the moss head in the remains of might've once been a marine base. (they thought it'd be romantic since they met in one too. like full circle kind of moment) the article explains how the pirate king and his first mate destroyed a large marine base and are 'apparently?' now married. Declaring that they are on their honeymoon.
I could go on but i do want to eventually make it a proper fic lol. Thank you for asking!
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