#if you cant tell i was joking with the 'unlike any other'
aliensaresupergay · 2 years
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What would you do if I told you I wrote a ryukita fic unlike any other where it takes an extremely oblivious Ryuji basically over 5k words to realize his feelings for Yusuke? read it here!
God damn is it fun to write these two, I never get tired of their dynamic!! I’m so happy for my first ever ryukita fic to be done and to have had @red-hot-kick draw summary art! If you’re a fic writer you should consider commissioning them >:)
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zurka-durka · 2 months
not sure if ive ever sent an ask abt this but would u happen to have any kingsai hcs to spare? 👉👈
I DO THANK YOU FOR ASKING though none of these r uncommon or particularly shocking but still
-King calls Saitama 'Tama-shi. Im not a big fan of Saitama being nicknamed. Like "Sai" makes me squint every time but 'Tama-shi???🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️speak your truth King.
-I believe King's been searching for Saitama after their first encounter. Watching news and reading articles about more "niche" heroes etc. To say he felt sick after realizing that throughout all those years it really was just Saitama on his own defeating monsters around him s like saying nothing lmao.
-20 words or less doesn't really work between them. King never talks over/at Saitama rather he tries to have a real conversation. Saitama spaces out around him only when there's something on his mind.
-Genos is chill around King. He trusts Saitama's judgment (like when he immediately dropped the chase after saitama told him that amai's cool in the webcomic) but he does not know about the "stolen achievements". i cant sugarcoat this-there's no way in hell Genos would take that information lightly and even Saitama knows that. some lies they have to live with.
even if Genos separates in the future or grows cold and distant, the respect he has for Saiatama won't ever wither entirely anyway and King would rather bite his tongue than get on Genos' bad side.
-King has insane daydreams about Saitama in his suit and stuff im sorry. He jokes about how cartoonish his costume looks but he's all eyes.
-Saitama's gonna be around if King ever tries to get physically stronger. "Just lift dude" just to end up as his personal trainer lmao. Saitama'd try to teach King how to breathe properly, hand on his chest and everything, telling him "you're okay" when he gets hurt or if it's too much on King and that just makes King fall deeper.
-Saitama is the type to say im not in the mood and when being hit with "that's okay! next time i guess" he switches immediately because he values that respect just so much. There's no one but King in Saitama's life who considers his comfort in such a way. The only thing he holds to Saitama's face are his morals and actions, which is good cause Saitama can be easily very ignorant at times.
Not a headcanon but the main factor to me and why i love them sm: Saitama is very kind in a way that is just natural, not something that comes with effort, it's just how he is and King cries several times because of that alone. It's the "are you okay?" that brings such comfort to him that he bawled his eyes out, or when they are alone together King can actually let it go and spill things out and sob without feeling uncomfortable. And trust! The absolute trust that King has in Saitama, especially during the MA arc or the elder centipede. Because, unlike Genos for example, King is very much familiar and aware of Saitama flaws yet he never doubts him. So he puts himself in dangerous position, consciously choosing to sacrifice himself because a person like Saitama would do that. And he'd rather be scared but do it scared anyway than betray that concept is soooo to me
They bring out the best in each other fr
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taes-kookie-blog · 3 months
IMAGINES - If Enhypen was Sexist
Enjoy~ just an imagine darlings!
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he'd keep quiet around women, not speaking to them
if a woman spoke to him, he'd turn away
if someone confronted him, he'd just say something like 'aish, i'm busy' and leave
nonconfrontational sexist
mostly express his thoughts to the members, not directly
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similar to sunghoon, but more vocal about it
when female staffs make a mistake, he'd scold them, while when male staffs make a mistake he'd laugh it off and comfort them
he'd constantly make sexist jokes, but if confronted call people out for being sensitive
sees women as below him but makes it all out as a joke, telling female staffs they should make them lunch instead of filming etc, things like 'do u even know how to record? it's this button here'
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gets away with it by being cute
makes fun of female idols aegyo with the members, saying he can do it better
rolls his eyes whenever a woman speaks to him
if confronted, plays it off by saying things like 'what, me? i could never say/do that!'
only allows male staffs to assist him, do his makeup/hair, etc
doesnt let females touch any of his things
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holds back laughter everytime a woman speaks to him
passive sexist, hides it
when he buys gifts for women, it's always something like perfume, skincare, etc; trying to imply they smell bad etc (like when he bought perfume for two fans)
before doing something he always asks a woman what he should do, then makes sure to do the opposite
stares at womens foreheads while they speak to him to make them feel insecure
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sees women as objects
picks out female idols and/or staffs and plays smash or pass with the members
likes to compliment women, but always adds a snarky comment, eg 'your dress is beautiful, but it's not fitting for your body type'
mansplains everything
sees to it that all female stylists are fired, 'you have no idea what men wear'
sees virgins as prudes, but others as sluts
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gets annoyed and impatient quickly when a woman speaks to him and cant hide it
makes them second guess themselves, always saying things like 'that's not right' 'are you sure' etc
uses his leader card often when he's called out, saying things like 'our schedule is tight, we need to be more efficient'
when women are talking to him, he goes on his phone
always has to have the last word
purposely knocks things over (etc) around female staffs, but if a male staff tries to pick it up he does it himself
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unlike jake, he outright laughs when women are talking to him
doesnt hide his opinions, he'll always tell women they look bad etc
says things like 'your breath stinks' etc when it doesnt because he finds it funny
gaslighting master
tells women they need to lose weight, then gives fake dieting tips like 'you need to eat 3000 calories for 2 weeks to restore your metabolism' 'drink a shot of olive oil before and after every meal'
like he did to sunoo, tells women that they look like wild boars or resemble baymax
rates every women he sees
Hope u enjoyed~
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silkythewriter · 2 years
hi this is devil/dice anon again!! I was wondering if I could get hcs for a reader who just smothers the two with affection totally out of the blue one day, just for fun :] again can be seperate/poly/both!! no stress if you don’t feel like it, I hope you’re havin a good day <3
🍡Devil and dice getting smothered with affection by the reader!🍡
Summary: Devil and dice getting smothered with affection by the reader!
Small warning!: sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes and if their OOC!
Small note!: Hello anon! Thank you for requesting again! <3 i hope you like this one as much as the other one!
Daily song suggestion:
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✨🎲King dice💜✨
I feel like he would freeze up before slowly getting used to it, once he does he absolutely adores it!
Sometimes on hard days he absolutely loves when you do this it makes his day a bit more barely and to be honest if he had a choice I feel like he would love to spend hours cuddling you!. But sadly being the devils help man is a very busy job but trust me when he gets back he’ll make up for it <3.
As I said he loves playing around and flustering you in public but In situations like this I feel like he’s the flustered one
If you guys are alone and have no where to be he would gladly allow you to kiss his face as much as you want! Sometimes though he does have to wipe it off due to having to go off in public. But when that happens he usually just sneaks back to you and gets another one 💀
The only reason he doesn’t like showing physical affection in public is because it can be easily disturbed also he doesn’t like when others he doesn’t know get into his personal life and start asking to many questions so please don’t take it personally! ):
He would shower you with affection back just a little bit more tame, like holding hands and kissing! But when it come to cuddling you have to take a bit of charge cause he doesn’t wanna accidentally make you uncomfortable
Sometimes when you do give him affection out of the blue he would tease you for it but in a joking manner, sometimes you cant tell if he’s flustered depending on what you did like say you held his hand he is most definitely flustered but can hide it quickly and easily. But on the other hand if you were to kiss him on the face or hug him out of no where he has trouble hiding his blushing mess of a face
He definitely doesn’t let you do it near the devil or cup brothers because he for sure knows he won’t hear the end of it from either one of them. As much as he loves you he hates when people ( other then you) tease him. But sometimes he does hold your hand or kiss you when no one’s looking <3
He’s a gentleman so he would definitely kiss the back of your hand as a thanks or just give a lot of his attention to you!
❤️‍🔥The devil❤️‍🔥
I feel like he does the same to you so he doesn’t mind much!
He actually really loves it when you do but he would definitely brag to his henchmen and any other demon near him!
Like I said previously he would definitely wrap his tail around you and probably pull you closer to him so he can give back some affection as well!
He’s very affectionate so I feel like he would do this often and unlike king dice he doesn’t really care where cause no one would dare tease him about it! I mean who would? He’s the devil
Whatever demon or person that interrupts you and him cuddling or really anything else is instantly getting burned or scared off, sometimes you have to calm him down or else they might end up in hell even though they aren’t supposed to- ( ̄ー ̄ 💧)
You definitely have to give him random affection when he’s in rage cause the only thing keeping the city and forest safe from the raging fires of hell is you which mug man and cuphead is very thankful for having you around when they piss him off💀
Is OBSESSED with you petting his fur or untangling it while cuddling like he’ll just sit there for hours as you do so purring. And the only thing that can probably make him move is you asking or the two cup brothers being annoying but other then that it’s basically impossible-
Sometimes king dice or the devils henchmen get confused when he’s going ballistic and immediately calms down when you inter the room like dude can be setting fires and shouting but when he sees you in the room he’s just like “ oh hello dear!” It’s honestly a bit scary-
He’s a big drama queen when you guys have to stop and have to do something especially when you tell him you got to go to meet up with a friend or something he gets really whiny and dramatic 💀
💜King dice + the devil❤️‍🔥
Oh boy good luck if one of them isn’t enough imagine both of them-
They both would do it together and everything they even map out when your about to give the affection randomly- its like a 6th sense- they usually do this so they can do it before you and absolutely fluster the hell out of you
I feel like you and the devil do the same but king dice is in your potion like not knowing you two are going to. But sometimes he can tells somethings up and try’s figuring out but the devil is very good at lying ( I feel ) so he’ll hide both of your tracks with ease
They both like sandwiching you between them while you guys cuddle! They love it especially sense they find it adorable
Sense dice doesn’t really show PDA the devil would make up for the lack of it! ( if you like it of course!) he doesn’t shy away from flirting with you or out right kissing you in front of anyone, sense no one would say anything nor intrude. But sense people know King dice is also apart of the relationship I feel like King dice would start showing more of it sense people would be less likely to bother him and you
I feel like their competitive ( as said in my last HC I did about them!) so who ever wins more of your affection wins, but of course this all ends up in a tie due to you mostly giving them the same amount of affection, also you mostly give affection to both of them at the same time so they didn’t really plan that out 💀
Sometimes cuphead and mugman accidentally interrupt you guys spending time with eachother like E.X: you, king dice, and the devil are just minding your business going shopping, Eating, etc. Until cuphead bumps into the devil and they both start to argue ( about anything really 💀) while mug man looks a dice with a nervous smile. King dice starts arguing with him too and it all turns into a small fight honestly, you have to pull both of them away while they spit small insults at the cup brothers while glaring at them. Honestly after that they both just drag you to bed to relax after the heated argument
Sometimes when you give both of them kisses,hugs, and other things out of the blue they both have mixed reactions, like the devil will go full head on flirting with you and doing the same thing while king dice is just a blushing mess as he gives you a quick kiss back 💀
Overall these two are absolute idiots in love for you ( and each other ofc) but they can be a handful but somehow you manage ( to others surprise 💀)
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whoareyoueventhough · 3 months
hey y'all are we ready for me to be normal about Nerdy Prudes Must Die? Are we ready?
(oh and before you tell me I'm over analyzing, that's the point. I have no clue if these are all intentional or "reading to much into it," but I enjoy reading into it a LOT so if that's too much for you, you don't have to read this)
Hahaha I tricked you!!! I'm not normal actually
so the opening number, high school is killing me, is one of my top songs in the whole show. It opens with a riff very similar to Richie's "I'm not a loser," his last sung words. This whole thing has an emphasis on last words so get ready for that. Anyway, we hear a nod to his last words and then we see his corpse/ghost, and we know he's dead because he tells us: "I'm dead. The blood is all but draining from my head. The nightmare started there, but now has spread. My pulse is certainly droppin', and my life is hangin' on by a thread." So we're gonna take this line by line!
"the blood is all but draining from my head" interesting line, as neither of the police officers spoke about a head injury (other than drowning.)
"the nightmare started there, but now has spread" partnered with the previous line, this foreshadows Max pretty well. The nightmare started with his death (blood draining, there was a lot more blood in his death than Richie's) before spreading (Max comes back, killing people. (spreading death? Like it started with his death and spreads.))
"My pulse is certainly dropping, and my life is hanging on my a thread." I'm dead/my life is hanging on? Sounds like you were dead but now you aren't quite. That's familiar.
Ruth enters! Overlapping with "thread" her first line is "I'm scared," which very obviously ties in with her anxiety and stage fright, however, it also contrasts with Richie's first line "I'm dead," saying she's not dead yet, but she's scared she will be, letting the audience know that the students are aware and terrified of the killer. It also adds a false sense of security for the Ruth fans.
"someone comes for me, I'm unprepared" someone comes for HER specifically, implying she's a target for a reason. She's unprepared, she didn't expect to be a target.
"the wait has got me sweatin', cant cut through all the tension" this line goes up with no resolution, unlike the other lines thus far, emphasizing the feeling of terrifying wait, the inevitable (heh) end to her life.
*"it's hell on earth you know" any line said by the ensemble has a double meaning. There are a few exceptions but this is a good rule of thumb. Here it's "waiting for the killer to find me is hell/high school is hell," a fun little joke that twists your expectations the first time through.
"I'm tweetin all about it" the first hint to the audience that the song is about to get a lot less dark.
"I take it blow by blow, but I'd never scream or shout it-" blow by blow, death by death, missing person by missing person. The hatchetfield high students have to take it all, because there isn't anything they can do about it. They just gotta keep going. I think screaming and shouting may be a reference to Grace telling everyone to remain quiet about the incident instead of telling the cops it was an accident, but that one is definitely a stretch.
"passing period is over, find your seats" the easy part of life (pre Maxs death) is over, find your place in the world.
ok that was the first chunk of lyrics, how are we feeling? Good? Good! This is the intermission of this wall of text, go drink some water
"high school is killing me, got me all out of rhythm and my melody" the obvious double meaning here, I fuckin hate high school/ someone is literally killing me in this high school. Also fourth wall break, it's a musical!
"it's not cool, it's a fallacy. It's a cruel and unusual brutality" 'not cool' is referencing that only nerds get killed, but it's a fallacy because everyone is a nerd in his eyes. It's a cruel and unusual way of killing, swirlies and wedgies and a fuck ton of puns.
*"and I can survive it for only so long" I just really like this line, the harmonies are so cool. Anyway, I can only survive so long before I drop out/ I can only survive so long before he gets me. A good callback to Ruth's wait and tension.
"High school is killing me" we aren't going to talk about repeat lines like this one unless they're in a new context.
"I'm so fuckin dead" figuratively/literally. This is also a great callback to Richie's first line, faking out so we might reconsider if he's actually dead.
I have literally nothing to say about Stephanie's verse/ dialogue. It moves the plot and establishes her personality.
"There's nowhere to turn, for the class of twenty twenty one" they can't turn to the cops without confessing to manslaughter. Also it was originally 2026 but got changed, but I don't know why.
"got me all out of rhythm and my melody (my melody, my melody)" despite the addition of lines, the melody stays the same. However, you could say the rhythm has changed because there are more beats.
"A cesspool, faux democracy. It's one hell of a normal abnormality" faux democracy is acting like you actually like Max Jägerman. Hell is foreshadowing his destruction, and a normal (Max bullying nerds) abnormality (he's dead and they're dead)
"I'm so fuckin dead" repeated in the background, emphasizing this line more than Richie saying it at the start of the show
ok here's my favourite part to scream about here we go. This is all speculation I don't know if there's any meat to it but I like to think
"8 o'clock bell ring place my head on my desk" eight: Grace, Peter, Steph, Richie, Ruth, Max, Officer Shapiro, and Mr Lauter. The people involved, who know about the ghost.
"12 o'clock Girl Scout, can't I just get my rest?" Our lovely Girl Scout Grace, the one who came up with the plan and the one who got them in to the Waylon place to begin with. And because she got into the Waylon place, Maxs soul cannot be at rest.
*"3 o'clock countdown, everyday lockdown, classroom arrest! Is god the one giving the test?" My school day ended at three o'clock when I was at school, so I found myself counting down until three pretty often. I feel like a lot of people interpret the "countdown" in this line as a three two one, starting with three, but I think it's a five four three. Three numbers, ending with three. Five nerds, three survivors.
"CHEATERS!!" I just wanted to say that Grace is my favourite and I love her thats all :)
"It's got me all out of rhythm and my melody (my melody, my melody)" this time the melody changes! Wow!
"It's not cool it's a tragedy, I've been thrown to the wolves of this community (*howling*)" Max, people don't think you're cool because you kill people. It's a tragedy. Anyway the fact that the students are howling means they ARE the wolves, everyone thinks that everyone else is out to get them, and the closer they are to Jägerman the truer that sentiment is.
"and I'll still despise it, when I am gone" gone as in graduated/ gone as in dead
"Fuck you biology" the biology that lets you feel pain? The biology that mean you will inevitably die?
*"grace just be cool" "never!" Are your beans not cool, Ms Chastity? Also did I mention I love her
"high school will murder me" getting heavier on the darker implications (you better have been thinking about the implications)...
"Yeah!" ...but lightening it up with a classic "everybody pose" ending! This musical definitely won't take any turns towards horror, look at it! Everybody is posing and saying yeah in unison!
If you read this whole thing please please please reblog it and put something in the tags, I'm obsessed with this musical and would be so happy to know someone read my analysis.
oh and any line with an (*) before it just means I really like that line :)
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pinkrifle · 1 year
If you're still taking requests, could I please get headcanons for the main 4 boys, Butters, and Wendy reacting to finding out reader is aro/ace? If that's too many characters then just Kenny, Butters, and Wendy would be fine.
— Kenny, Butters and Wendy finding out reader is AroAce! —
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cws/tw’s: sex jokes/questions made by kenny
a/n: heyyy! thank you for the option of just the 3, i was kind of having trouble with writing cartman and kyle 😭 <3 i hope u enjoy this!! i loterally love writing for tyese 3 ty for requesting them ☹️☹️🫶🫶🫶
misc. notes: characters can be interpreted as any age, this is not supposed to be a sexual post at all!! gender is not specified, post will be platonic since not specified ^^ :3
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— Kenny !!
doesn’t really care what you identify as as long as your not cartman (/j) but he’s still kinda clueless on what aro/ace is.
when you explain it to him he specifically listens to the asexual part of it, surprised when he finds out it means you have no sexual drive.
“YOU CANT HAVE SEX?? ☹️” “i mean your kind of on the right track?.. i just, dont want to”
definitely does not get it at all since he’s a big F-boy, but respects your nonchalant life. at least you won’t have to put up with annoying wives or nagging husbands forever.
gets more low-key with the dirty jokes, acts like it’s a deathly offense to you and says sorry when he says something dirty (or just whispers it to his friends), even if you don’t mind it he’s still cautious.
doesn’t know if he should talk about relationships that much with you, but you really don’t care since it doesn’t, and won’t involve you.
when someone flirts with you he sweeps in infront of you and acts all super man 😭 “VERY FINE CHOICE OF ATTRACTION BUT THEY ARE OFF LIMITS FOREVER 🙅‍♂️😙” it makes u giggle a little, then you tell the person your super not interested and kenny’s happy and pats himself on the back for his “hard work”
if you make a dirty joke around him he’ll laugh 100x more than before you came out to him, it’s just funny watching you make those jokes when he 100% knows you mean none of it (unlike him)
a little dumb on the subject but he’s got the spirit, hates when people flirt with you as much as you do!!! if your shy and get hit on he’ll drag you away and blow a muffled raspberry to the person
ACTS LIKE MYSTERION WHEN SOMEONE FLIRTS WITH YOU OR TRIES TO GET WITH U 😭 and if he is mysterion and he see’s someone doing that he’ll stand next to you and put his hands on his hips, motioning for the person to go away (even if you can perfectly do it by yourself)
kind of just goes on with his life after you tell him, he doesn’t really care but he does think your neat!! even tho he’s prone to crushing on everyone he probably loses his (romantic) love for you after a while.
— Butters !!
gets the hang of it super fast and is kind of protective of you when hanging around clyde and stuff, is okay with you “not being able to like someone”
kind of gets it mixed up with you not wanting to date FOREVER instead of just feeling very slow/little attraction, but the more you remind him he more he tries to screw it in his head.
he doesn’t focus much on sex and stuff like kenny does, so the asexual part is mostly just extra info from you. but he is a little bit of a lover boy (to other girls/boys) so he does get confused on that little to no romantic attraction part, (he’s still respectful <3 MY BELOVED)
if someone flirts with you he’s all like “woah fella !! they are off limits today!! move along please!!” and hates when people do dirty pick up lines on you, he just tugs on your sleeve and makes an angry face at the person
sympathizes with you more than anyone else, but he still has no idea what it is. he’s just happy his friend wanted to share a piece of sacred information with them, and just because of that he feels much better revealing his marjorine side to u. (are u lgb cuz ur gun pink… /ref)
accidentally outs you to a few people, thinking it’s a good thing but it kinda makes you upset since you don’t want it to be shared with EVERYONE. definitely apologizes 100000 times <\3 butters just wants to give the world to his bestie, but sometimes he does weigh you down
looks it up on his computer every once in a while, just to learn more about it. googles how to make a lgbt friend feel comfortable and he does some of the steps pretty wonky 😭
asks you about your identity a lot, like when you figured it out and what are the pro’s and con’s? this man is such a talker, he loves his friends and would do anything to make them feel okay (even tho nobody does it to him ☹️)
when his parent’s think you guys are dating he almost explains it to them without asking, but he encourages you to tell them you have no attraction to anyone at all. and if your uncomfortable saying it then he does it for you!!
educates himself on more things in the lgbtq community rather than aroace, it kind of bores him but anything to keep his little brain going!!
tries to not talk about it when your upset, or jus not to much in general since he doesn’t wanna look like he’s just getting gay bff points. he doesn’t care about your sexuality!! he just wants to have someone to play hello kitty adventure with, and being aroace doesn’t stop you from doing much 🫶
— Wendy !!
UNDERSTNDS IT SM since she is super educated on a lot of things and is an expert at comforting her friends, she has no problems figuring out what it means and trying to help you in the best ways possible.
doesn’t know if she should talk about her relationship with stan/bebe (depending on if u like either ship LAWL) and isn’t afraid to ask if your comfy with her talking about her struggles and non struggles.
if your comfortable with it then she’ll talk about it but tries to not be so bold about it, just small problems and if you give her advice on how to deal with them she’s forever grateful.
if your uncomfortable with it she reassures you it’s no problem and she’ll try her best to sympathize with you and your identity as much as she can.
if someone flirts with you she politely tells them your off limits, and if they keep doing it she goes mama bear mode and tells them to stop. she won’t hesitate to kick someone’s ass to make you comfy!!
never dares to even think about outing you, makes sure your comfortable and feel welcome whenever your coming out to more people with her. doesn’t push you to do anything regarding coming out!!!!
she feels like she doesn’t know more about it and always takes time out of her day to research more on the topic, what’s offensive and what’s not so she won’t fuck up and make you upset one day.
makes sure all her friends know not to flirt with you, trying her best not to out you. let’s you come out to her friends yourself and always corrects someone if they try to make a move on you.
always takes care of people if their making you upset, nobody fucks with her besties >:(
supports u during pride month and buys you all this pride stuff, she’s the typa girl to see something rainbow and text it/ show it to you saying “it’s rainbow i thought of you :)”
buys you all pride flags you want, if you have homophobic parents that don’t like the fact your being accepted for your identity she offers to keep the pride stuff at her house and jus gives it to you when you want it.
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THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE !!! I HAD LIKE LITTLE TO NO TROUBLE FOR THESE 3 <3 sorry this was like 8 hours late omfg ☹️ i try to get everything done within one day ^^
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voltrixz · 3 months
Favorite blorbo and why ? You must tell me your lore
I cant narrow it down to just one so you'll be hearing about my current top 4 (putting the rambles under a read more because erm. THIS SHIT IS LONG AS FUCK, I RAMBLED SO MUCH...)
Auditor (Madness combat): LOVE LOVE SHADOWY CHARACTERS WITH GLOWING EYES. AND EXTRA BONUS POINTS IF THEY HAVE ELEMENTAL RELATED POWERS. And well Auditor is very funny to me. Essentially a major antag but he like rarely shows up, hes just in his dinky office drinking soda (canonically has a sweet tooth and HEHE). Also said to be canonically not the brightest which like this mf has a whole agency dedicated to kill ONE guy and still fails. Also struggles with hand to hand combat, like what is is their problem. This guy is basically a god and this whole thing is their one job yet HE SUCKS AT IT!!!!!!!! And they're such a show-off and so dramatic about it and AGRHRHRHRHR strange guy. I like him a lot.
Phobos (Madness Combat): What is his problem. Like geniuely. This guy is so ?????? LIke he was the leader of the biggest cities in Nevada, had people full under his control. And he was willing to drive the whole city and Nevada into pure destruction to achieve his selfish goals born out of his MASSIVE EGO and self entitlement and his belief of him being a god. Yet he failed. But HE HAD A BACK UP PLAN, HE WAS PREPARED AND HE STILL GETS HIS ASS KICKED. Like this guy. He'd be as pathehic as Auditor but like. his influence over Nexus City and the narrative is SO GAHRHRHJ, rlly interesting guy. He is very often played off as a joke but like. gneiuly such an interesting guy that forever changed the course of the narrative.
Electro (TSSM): i mean. I mentioned liking characters with elemental related powers and well. "Volt" is literally in my name so you can take a guess on which elemental power I rlly like. (ELECTRICITY!!!!! I LOVE ELECTRICITY RELATED CHARACTERS/THINGS!!!!) And also AGRHRHR what a guy. WHAT A GUY I TELL YOU!!!!!! Gets his life completely turned upside down by a workplace accident. Freaks out and lashes out (understandable I would have killed a man) and its only downhill from there because this guy cannot make a good decision for the life of him and he is TERRIBLE at managing his frustrations. He is also terrible at handling any kind of relationships, the ultimate fumbler. The fact we first see him as just a your average typical guy but as he descents further and further into villiany it kinda makes you question about who he was before. BECAUSE THE SUPER INTERESTING THING IS OUT OF ALL THE VILLAINS IN TSSM, HE IS THE ONE WHO WE SEE THE LEAST BEFORE HIS TRANSFORMATION. super interesting to me. Also his design fuckin rocks. And hes trans coded as hell, so double win (hes just like me fr...) Also i both need him and need TO BE HIM. but yeah.
Shocker (TSSM): I need him so bad. WHO SAID THAT. WHO SAID THAT. ok but like. He's a cowboy and hes a hired merc. And he's given a dumb looking suit when doing so at some point. He literally comes up with his villain name by using A FUCKIN PUN/QUIP WHEN HE FIRST MEETS SPIDERMAN. I hope he gets hit by a truck. LIE. Idk hes a very ??? guy to me. Because unlike the other villain he has a no personal vendetta against Spiderman, he was just hired to take him down and well thats his job and hes dedicated to it so thats what he does. Also hes wayy more comfortable with quips and such, and AGRHRH despite appearing the more rational and level headed of the villains, he has RLLYYYY bad temper and hates hits at his ego (which spiderman and his boss's right hand man do ) Also hes the one who's way more involved in the criminal underground and AGRHRHHR its so interesting to piece together his relationships within that underground. Also he has a bar and he plays pool, very cool. Also he hates working with the other villains (the rest of the s6) and would rather work with the enforcers (his orignal team) since he sees all of them as amateurs and only sticks around because his boss told him too like AGRHR he hates their asses... LIKE AGHRHR idk hes such a guy. Hes so different from the rest of the villains and yet. agrhrhrhr agrhrh. A lot of story and dynamic potiental there. AGRHRH
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
im somewhere on the aromantic and asexual spectrum(s) & all my friends know and are cool with it. im not solely fictosexual/romantic but i do often like to indulge in those kinds of fantasies with my fav characters and whatnot, admittedly. i think im greyromantic/sexual or demi personally in addition to the fictional characters thing and one of my friends understand where im coming from but another one doesn't get it and tbh made me feel like i was kinda being judged by him a lil bit. we were on a call with one other friend and he said "for being the only asexual in our group you sure seem fine making a lot of sexual jokes" and how im not uncomfortable with the topic of sex and things like that. i started explaining how im sex averse and wouldn't be likely to engage in sex unless i really felt connected to a person AND on top of that felt sexual attraction to them but its just never happened and i think its unlikely to happen. im fine with sex jokes and stuff too, sometimes i think they're funny. but when i explained that to my personal knowledge, i can only feel sexual attraction to certain people under certain conditions and can't see myself engaging in sexual activity, he responded with "and are those conditions being a fictional character?" and it just kinda ???
it set me off, a lot. and it hurt. and i said no and he said he doesn't believe me and i cant tell if he's joking or not but it made me super feel like shit and start questioning my ace identity and also made me feel highly invalidated. im not even questioning it out of doubt because i KNOW im acespec AND arospec. i dont like to label it any further than that and the whole fictional character thing has nothing to do with how i identify personally bc i feel like i could want to have sex or be in a romantic relationship with someone but i haven't met anyone who has made me feel that way at all. i dont wanna sound like a "if i met the right person" case but i wouldn't doubt it for me personally as just myself even though thats not really my point.
i just felt invalidated and then i kinda went nonverbal after he said that and it made me deeply upset. I've been so confident in being aroacespec and this felt like i was being shamed and it tore me down and i cant even tell if he was genuinely serious or kidding but either way i didnt appreciate it.
sorry this got ranty
Submitted April 13, 2023
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
I feel nrs shits on raiden because ed has a problem with the character personally.
Why? I honestly have no fucking clue.
Raiden isn't that hard to understand so im not understanding the big deal.
We can have him go dark but not liu? Oh yes because he's the special one. I forgot. 🙄😒😑
Everyone else can get at least something that makes them feel believable,even likable and flawed.
Oh but heaven forbid liu kang fucks up.
See this is why hc liu is better. Non god liu kang is better.
But back to raiden.
Why is it. Why is it. Whenever raiden makes a reasonable mistake,that anyone can make.You guys take it so hard?
And villainize him.
But if liu makes a mistake its the end of the world but never do the same. Like all is forgiven and forgotten. Emphasis on the forgotten part. 🙄
If any other characters do reasonably fucked up shit. And have decent character flaws. You guys dont bat an eye.
But raidne does it. Suddenly you shit on him.
He cant win no matter what he does,how you write him. Im starting to think you guys hate raiden because you have unresolved daddy issues,authority issues,or you hate to admit that a godly powerful being cant wipe you ass all the time and you *sarcastic shock!* might actually have to solve the problems yourselves?! Wow what a concept.
Like srsly tho. Raiden isn't infallible. But he isn't a fucking chump loser can't get shit done.
He could get shit done but he has a code of honor,rules he has to follow by(that he hates),he has so much on his plate. And honestly you guys never appreciated his character.
Like out of pure spite. Im gonna do raiden self indulgent stuff today. Just to spite people.
Legit half the crap we got in 12. We could have gotten with raiden if you guys at nrs bothered to fucking write him properly. Instead of being lazy selfish pricks with a bias and favoritism towards other characters. *couch liu kang cough* (like i love liu but not written like that,never like that. God liu? Gross. Humble monk warrior liu? Yes)
Because liu kang playing "savior and creator of everything" is disturbing,disgusting,and disrespectful.
Like srsly they are legit telling THE SAME FUCKING STORY AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN. SAME AS 11. SAME SHIT. oh but because its uwu brand liu kang. And not the real liu kang. Suddenly its ok?! No!
Legit mk12....os the same fucking thing. Just liu kang brand.
It's no exciting. Its not new. You guys are lying to yourselves.
We could have had any fucking god charactera in mk do the same shit. And get the same result.
You guys could have had this with raiden. But noooooooo. You wanna shit on a character for shock value and no reason. Gtfoh.
You could have actually done something worth a damn but nope. You only care about gimmicks and whatever carries your attention spans for five secs for a quick fix of serotonin because you can't fucking get thru your heads you are being manipulated by a fucking company that lost passion years ago.
But that's besides the point.
So yeah. Raiden.
I'm so sorry they never gave you the love they should have.
Tobias should sue for your trauma. (Half joking here people. Tobias was the one who created and came up with the idea for raiden in the first place. And layed many foundations for this game but is half heartedly given credit while boon steals (no pun intended) his thunder)
Raiden i am so sorry for your mistreatment.
Tumblr media
*hugs him*
Srsly if you call yourself a mortal kombat fan. And you genuinely hate raiden Do us all a favor and throw yourself in the dumpster fire. Plz. Also block tf outta me.
Look as a shang tsung tsimp. I love many many other characters too. But raiden is a comfort character,tho i self ship with him too he is comfort character. So i won't tolerate slander and disrespect.
Anyways. Raiden....my thunderdilf.....you deserve sm better.
I hope real raiden fans understand this. And make more PROPER kontent for you. Unlike nrs. We will treat you right.
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papakhan · 1 year
Also, like, even for the raiders that are portrayed as 100% evil and that it's right to kill, in fallout 4, they still like have things you can sympathize with, there's characters who hate having to raid in order to survive, ones who love each other as family and are willing to sacrifice anything to keep each other alive,
The games, seems pretty clear, raiders are people whose lives matter as much as anyone else's, they're just hostile and hurt people to survive, so you have to fight them when you encounter each other.
I wish there were more raiders portrayed the way the khans are, the nuka world raiders are surprisingly unsympathetic compared to other raiders in the series despite you being encouraged to side with them.
Actually I know this is getting long but that's, like a note I hadn't thought about before, the only "raider" groups the players can side with outside New Vegas, are significantly more evil in their actions than the ones you're forced to kill, the slavers in the original fallout, the pit raiders, and the nuka world group all do horribly cruel things yet you're able to support them, unlike those who have fallen on desperate times and are fighting for survival.
I cant find where I was talking about it but yeah it does feel like base game Fallout 4 does make a bigger effort than the other bethesda games to make raiders sympathetic. After all, they have a lot of voicelines were they just talk to each other and sound very humanised, the one raider grieving a fallen friend for example. However, they are still immediately hostile, which says to me that Bethesda didn't Actually want to humanise the raiders. Actually, I suspect that these were supposed to be jokes on Bethesda's behalf, that you were supposed to laugh at the silly raiders being normal people and/or grieving at the graves of their friends.
I don't really have any evidence for that but that's just the humour the rest of the game carries. The funny way bodies are positioned etc
And you're absolutely right about the nuka-world raiders, as much as I did have fun with the DLC and enjoy Gage, it was pretty obvious that he was bethesda's first Reall attempt of explaining how a "normal person" could end up a raider, not including the mess that was The Pitt. But nuka-worlds set up in itself is just total nonsense. No one would be travelling there to trade because they made no effort to make it make sense like with how traders like the Legion because its less taxes and safer roads, ect
I'd even be willing to say that the og Khans from fo1 make more sense then the nukaworld raiders, they're not exactly sympathetic but you can at least understand why they act that way. The world ended less than a hundred years ago and things haven't recovered at all, the world is desolate and dangerous and nothing grows and there's no hope for the future, Garl tells you that and that's the reason why he and the Khans take things and do whatever the hell they want. Like. You can put yourself in that perspective I feel like a lot better than like........... the Disciples are soooo sick and twisted and love BLOOD and they only have ONE rule DONT GET CAUGHT!! idk I can just imagine which toxic mindset is realistically easier to fall into and its not the one that sounds like its from a video game
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redacted-dear · 1 year
For this im using Dear as the name for laskos listener because I cant just use ‘laskos listener’ in the middle of the story.
Sorry the formatting honestly mite be really fucked
Anyway Dear and freelancer
“relax freelancer your going to-“Dear winced as the ground burst cracked and rippled. “Break
Freelancer shot Dear a glare flipping him off. Which didn’t fail in getting a chuckled from Gavin
who was sat closely watching.
“Freelancer- “Dear began.
” I’m fucking trying! - “freelancer spits their voice sharp and sudden. “Get the threw your flooded
skull your impatient invasive prick! -“
Dear takes a step back backing off. Gavin is already up on his feet as freelancer covers their mouth,
eyes realizing what they just said.
“I’m so sorry, i-“freelancer starts before being cut off by a wave of dears hand.
“you really think that’s the worst ive heard, try harder next time.” Dear jokes before slowly
approaching freelancer.
Freelancer still seemed quiet, embarrassed and incredibly guilty despite dears easy demeanor and
simple brushing off of the subject.
Gavin had sat back down now watching carefully.
“can I put my hand on your shoulder?” dear asks.
Freelancer nods shifting as dear places a hand on dears shoulder gently.
“I’m goanna help channel magic for you. Give you a feeling of what it feels like properly.” Dear says
magic brimming along freelancers shoulder threw dears finger tips.
Freelancer immediately moves and shifts uncomfortably at the thought. Remembering the last time
someone said something similar to that to them.
“its ok…” dear whispers “Gavin’s right there and you can tell me to back off at any point ok?”
Freelancer nods and settles still closing their eyes focusing on the magic entering their body slowly
threw their shoulder. They focus on the difference of how the magic feels in their body compared to
Kody’s. Unlike Kody’s, Dears is soft, gentle, and felt like a stream of water from a tap gently flowing into
their body. They felt in control on if that tap was off or on and it relaxed them.
“ready?” dear asked.
Freelancer nods.
“alright, take my magic, shape it into a stream, imagine the water flowing right along the ground right
in front of you feet.” Dear speaks slowly and calmly.
Small droplets condense by freelancers feet.
“now gently weave that water from the stream, pull it like a loose thread from your clothes. Once you
feel like you’ve collected it open your eyes, ill keep my hand on your shoulder to make sure it stays
stable enough for you to see.”
Freelancer weaved the droplets into a spiral lifting them into a line from the ground into the sky just
taller then them. They opened their eyes amazed watching the water swirl in patterns to their will.
Dear lifted their hand from freelancers shoulder and the water retracted into freelancers hands
leaving them completely dry.
“what the fuck-“ freelancer stood in awe.
Dear laughed and Gavin had already made his way over congratulating freelancer with one to many
kisses to make dear feel comfortable looking in their direction.
Gavin only responded with a laughing breaking from one of their multiple kisses before promising to
let the lesson continue.
It lasted a few more hours. The two of them so focused on each other and breaking freelancer from
their protective shell they hadn’t even noticed the small crowd of theirs friends (and I few of dears
special admirers because we all know their the ‘hot’ teacher) watching.
Didn’t even realize the adorable and proud smiles plastered on both of their partners faces.
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Tell us about Shinaya’s breakup :D
HEHDJEIDNEKFJEKDKEK ive had this ask since i posted i was thinking abt it MAN i cannot express to u i just. I WANNA WRITE A FIC SO BAD but AUGH im so bad at it it makes me cringe i cant do that but its basically like all my damn posts together u know. i keep thinking of shintaro's disastrous relationships post str going from ayano to kano to takane etcetc sorry im playing with him like a stress toy making him go thru hell but its so fun
srry i dont wanna have to rewrite a lot of stuff so erm im liking this answer 🫡🫡🫡 and i could link a bunch more just so u SEE MY VISION... but i think linking that is enough. ON AND OFF SHINAYA MY BELOVED
shintaro and ayano sort of having this ridiculous relationship because both are hurting and jumped in a relationship too quick but fighting/being sad about stupid shit is so much easier than dealing with their actual issues that they've got with themselves. like focusing on each other and what they don't like about each other and their relationship is so much easier than crying about how suicidal they are. lollllll SO LIKE this insanity sort of saves them at the same time??
i mean the most ideal would be that instead of getting together they got therapy and the normal kind not the relationship kind. you know. but also theyre traumatized and ugh. its so much easier to resent each other than themselves. its so much easier to be petty. its such a relief to cry over relationship problems than over timeline resets or dead parents and etc. YOU GET ME?????
they keep breaking up and getting back together ridiculously like it is 1000% so dramatic each and everytime. ayano crying her eyes out like its the end of the world and shintaro making 100 sad playlists. and it happens at least monthly. the first time everyone's like WHOA THEY BROKE UP!?!? SHIT!! the second time its like heyyy maybe they'll work it out like last time!! third time its like are you joking. fourth time they're already begging them to stop. by they i mean the dan but especially takane by the way. who do you think is picking up the pieces.
and by the way the one breaking up all the time and being dramatic as hell is shintaro. he gets angry and annoyed and weaponizes the LETS BREAK UP thing because he DOESNT MEAN IT. like he knows he and ayano will work it out later. he gets comfortable again. not to get on the ayano surviving thing, but i think ayano (and hiyori but especially ayano) making it out alive undoes a big part of the message abt moving on. like i love her so im not complaining thats i love having her alive :3 but i like to translate this into shintaro like. he's intensely trying to repress/process all the memories of the other timelines to cope and have a normal life and ends up being this way because he's sort of self sabotaging himself. like ayano's alive and she likes me??? lol. ok?? ill wake up any moment now!! and he feels guilty and undeserving and is sort of a dickhead to her in an unconscious attempt of keeping her away because that's what he deserves according to him. also why he's accepting of takane's intense obsession with him lol bc she's familiar and she is comfortable, unlike ayano who is so rare and one in its kind in all the timelines. he is sort of terrified of her in a way.
the lets break up isnt rly a breakup. its just a leave me alone see u later. LOL i think we talk too much abt kanoshin bringing the worst in each other but what about shinaya. they do that too. yeah we CAN have fluffy shinaya. but like i said it is so easy to focus all this bitterness and sadness into each other and it's so relieving to be sad and angry about this rather than everything else. because this is sort of in their control while everything else isn't, wasn't. and its so unfair. of course its unfair!! but they cant do anything abt it. so they just go crazy on each other. ayano is DESPERATE to be needed. i could link more replies but i will hold myself back. basically her siblings are used to being alone/know she has her own problems and ayano is dealing with this emptiness and feeling of failure bc no one needs her, from her perspective her sacrifice still failed to save everyone, her parents are gone so she needs to step up. like she puts herself under all this pressure and feels Not Good Enough for ANYTHING. and she is dating shintaro.
it's EASY to bother him and try to get him to open up and etc so she ridiculously focuses on that. but it gets on shintaro's nerves to say the least LOL plus all his other issues i mentioned 🫡plus she keeps being like we have to be normal. lets kiss and hold hands and cuddle. but she's too embarrassed to say it/do it and shintaro is even more pathetic about it. so theyre both frustrated about everything and can barely even sit next to each other without acting insane.
AND SORRY BUT I WILL TALK ABT TAKANE🫡💞💗💖💝💕💘ofc. codependent shintaka. of course. it drives ayano CRAZY because on top of all their problems takane is able to talk sense into shintaro each and every single time. and she is soooo jealous like she knows its stupid but she cant help ittt i ALSO TALKED ABT THIS SORRY I KEEP REPEATING MYSELF IM JUST SO CRzy abt it. hehe......the whole mess bringing drama to harutaka too bc shintaro and ayano are so messy theyre contagious is so fun to me. when it comes to shintaro and takane's horrible relationship both their romantic relationships suffer for it but deal with it completely differently. while both haruka and ayano deal with jealousy somewhat, ayano is so hurt and already at the verge of a mental breakdown so she's focusing so many negative emotions on it and AGAIN it just serves as another point of argument between shintaro and ayano while haruka is like. his mental state isnt as convoluted as ayanos, he's rather freaking out and terrified of being left alone. THIS IS ABT SHINAYA so i wont get into harutaka side but lol. heh. Looks at it. zooms in it. like what i mean is that haruka and takane talk and work through it and are like sighs yeah...this is messed up while shintaro and ayano are using it against each other instead of working on it LMAO
ANYWAYS. ayano breaks up with shintaro. vine boom. total breakdown moment like everyone out of the room i wanna talk to you alone. and this time its for REAL. like ayano isnt confrontational at all, all their arguments are always her being pushy abt idk mental health and shintaro's like godddd STOPPPPP and ayano crying and shintaro being like I CANNOT DEAL WITH THAT. IM SORRY I GUESS. CAN U GET OUT OF THE ROOM. WE'LL TALK LATER. but he also sucks so bad at letting the other person know they can count on him so he kind of assumes ayano will do it when she's ready because he KNOWS she's in pain. like. ofc it could go well. ofc shintaro and ayano could work through everything with kindness and comprehension for each other but they're both so sad and suddenly find themselves annoyed at each other one time and it felt so freeing to do that that they just keep doing it. especially shintaro. having ayano be mad at him is sort of relieving because he feels undeserving of her and its like yeah. Yeah!! i know its ooc but shinaya screaming match.god. sorry but all their bottled up emotions abt everything and they take it out on each other for no reason other than theyre giving each other the space and it plays out that way. theyre acting crazy about something so stupid like shintaro not wanting ayano to wear his clothes or whatever. like they scream about that but its not about that. it just feels so good to scream. it feels so good to scream and let it out even if they haven't given themselves the time to process that theyre not... actually screaming abt that at all. theyre screaming about everything else. not even about each other. its about themselves. its always been.its never been about each other. when it is, its stupid. thats why they do it. its just easier. God. they were just not ready for a relationship, especially not one with each other out of all people.
ayano breaks first, therefore dumps shintaro lol. he goes thru his own fucked up arc afterwards while ayano gets help. my man spirals DOWN. whether they get back together or not depends on my mood 🤨 but if they do, its by the time theyre in their mid twenties or something so a few years later LOL i picture them dating like for over a year maybe?? when theyre 18/19. hehe.
like. do you get it.
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henriiiii-1001old · 1 year
if you still want any asks about aus, I'm super intrigued about tiffany from unholy gift, anything non spoilery you can tell me about her :D she seems neat!
so tiffany is my oc!!! she is a tulpa who mostly likes to occupy mirrors! she used to be a human until her conversion and knew a few certain other tmc characters >:3c
she hangs around sarah a lot because she just thinks its fun to torment her. kind of a parallel to thatcher and puppet's relationship! however, sarah kinda treats tiffany like a joke despite her very real threats. she is also fully sober when these encounters happen unlike thatcher, who usually sees puppet when he's under some sort of influence to trick his brain into thinking it was all in his head.
her name actually wasnt tiffany before her conversion though. she chose it just because it was funny. puppet probably makes fun of her for it ngl
speaking of, they HATE each other. they only hang out bc they actually make a cool tag team. plus heehoo blondies unite against raven cesar and brunet mark. and they can tolerate each other sometimes anyway, so yeah.
she actually gets super upset when puppet starts literally abusing ruth. especially since tiffany can still feel her previous human emotions in full. their relationship quickly goes from not-liking-each-other-but-can-tolerate-each-other to literally wanting to rip each other's throats out. tiffany tries to help ruth whenever she can, but she knows she cant do much, especially when ruth herself has denied help (which i want to ofc disclose that just because she denied help does NOT mean she asked for the abuse she endured. no one asks for that shit, and victims usually deny help in the hope that things will get better with their abuser, that they can change. but again that is NOT THEIR FAULT).
sarah and tiffany also end up being more acquainted with each other near the end because they realize they both have a common enemy and kinda have to work together. they also realize that them being around each other for so long made them realize they could maybe be friends! but whether or not that happens is up to them to decide.
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agrossofworms · 2 years
“best friends?”: an observational.
what did i do this time? what went wrong in the last 24 hours that caused this? why are you treating me like this?
“you’re my best friend!”
you cant call me your best friend and expect me to just take the way im treated in stride.
openly bashing me for my interests. “i won’t take opinions from anyone who enjoys that game.”
giving me a double standard that only i have to meet. “oh you two can say that all you want— not you. i’d beat the breaks off you for that.”
refusing to communicate. (the silence takes the place of any words she could possibly spin for me.)
talking over me in every single group setting we enter. making jokes at my expense, obviously ignoring me at any chance that you’re able to grab.
i found your airpods that you lost in my house. i saw that you opened that message immediately. you know how much it hurts me to be so blatantly ignored. message sent : 18:59. message read : 18:59.
i see it. you didn’t even bother with a thank you.
ive cried myself dry in your lap, someone who says she loves me. i cried, telling you how undesireable and unwanted i feel in my life. that my very existence is a chore for others. that i think my friends don’t truly like me because of some unknown thing. some looming, daunting unlikableness that follows me like a warning sign.
i beg to find out what it is. i never will. i will never know what about me makes it so that i can be walked over, talked over, and shoved out.
i got up in the middle of a conversation that i wasn’t even part of. i’d given up trying to comment or contribute some thirty minutes prior, hiding away in our friend’s room under her blankets.
you had no idea i even got up and left. i was that unimportant in that moment, i was that unnecessary, unneeded, unwanted.
please just tell me what it is that you hate so much about me. i can’t keep tearing away my layers to dissect each one for the problem.
i don’t know why you’re being this way.
are we really “best friends”?
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Opinions on each of the Kuragins?
i have many opinuons... ill say the first thing that comes to my mind
umm helene i really really adore her and she deserved so much better i thnk tolstoy missed out on letting her have like a comically bad marriage disaster with those two men she was trying to choose between. that would have been misogunustic too ofc but it would have been better than What Happened. i lobe her manipultive shit with natasha (i dont APPROVE but those types of shenegains are fun!!!) and i wish she got to say more things bc the things she said never missed.
anatole 8throws hands in air* my most awufl girl i think i will just say its SAD that he doesnt appear to have any genuine relationships going on like he sucks and fucked up big time but he has no one to knock sense into him bc he is just let loose into the world without anyone who cares enough to jave a real big boy talk with him. thats kind of a thing with mayratole for me bc she would be so so real with him ! he isnot a lost cause sort of dissaster hes just a fucking idiot who hurts people and needs someone to intervene. pierre had the right idea with a little shakey shakey
ippolette :-) my dearest. he has a rich inner life beesides being the funny guy who tells bad jokes and i love it. whats he doing with the ladies? we'll never know. thats his business. quiet fool. i like how unlike the other two cunts he is Real like his funny story he told? thats real ippolit right there. baring his SOUL. hes just not giving a shit but in a different way from anatole so instead of causing destructiona dn debris to fall from the sky hes just flirting with lise and going on about his life bc he doesnt give a shit
vasily worst father of the year award but i appreciate his dedication to maryatole. one of the architects of my dreams. sorry he doesnt desver ehtta nevermind hes fucked up for usuing hsi two useful kids for money and cant even do it rigt he failed big time
aline well who knows maybe shes a great person and you know what as a FEMINUST im going to beleieve this we dont know whats going on there but she should stop engaging in vasilys marrying children off addiction and do hot girl shit idk. i could fix her (give her a personality) but i havent yet. give me time
vasily and opbs bastard child: we will see
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claggorstuff · 2 years
The most unbreakable of spells... part one. ★
Arcane x reader
As i walked around the train looking for a spot to sit, i noticed him.. his burly frame and brown fluffy hair, his encapturing brown eyes and defined cheekbones, it was only a glance but it was breathtaking... so much so i literally choked on a piece of my lolly and fell over
"Woah! You okay cutie?" I turned to see his disastrous companion.. spikey haired and green eyed with a much more skeleton-like frame... i scowled, "I'm fine. Thanks for asking.. nice halloween costume what are you a muggle?" Thats when i heard the bigger boys chuckle
"No, hes an idiot is what he is." I giggled and the skinny boy grunted backing off, it was my first year and seemed to be theirs too, there was a quieter short haired tom-boy looking girl... who seemed distracted with what was out the window... "oh uh... my names y/n...! Its my first year what about you guys?" I said sitting down right next to the burly boy, holding a irregularly small owl on his arm
"vi. Mylo. Claggor." The girl gestured to herself and the other two boys in order "in other words moody, AWESOME, and tank." Mylo exclaimed cocking his head to the side and smirking, claggor scoffed "nice to meet ya y/n." he gripped my hand firmly and shook it, I couldnt help but admire his features up close as he awkwardly smiled, breaking the eye contact... wait I was staring like a creep wasnt I.
"So y/n, where ya from?" I paused to think.. "where are you from is the question." He looked at me confused, "uhm.. the undercity."
"The fancy british place?"
"Thats.. thats england."
"I meant the.. town.."
"London isnt a town."
"What is london?"
"A city."
"With fancy british peo-"
"MYLO!" Claggor had cut him off annoyed, he quickly shut up.. unlike me they didnt seem to have any sort of accent.. most likely north american, but one seemed to have darker tan skin, mylo, so i cant quite assume with him.. and claggor resembled something like a viking.. are they scottish maybe? "You guys aren't from around here.." vi scowled "no. We arent. But thats none of your damn buisness."
"Sorry.. Sorry.." I got my toad out of his little terrarium and smiled patting his head, pulling a cricket from a little jar of potion ingredients, claggor leaned over my shoulder smiling at peter, my toads name, I saw his gentle smile and my heart pounded in my chest.. I yelped when he set his hand on mine trying to pet the toad and he yelped back
"O-Oh uh.. I-I'm sorry was that weird orrr-?"
"No No you just spooked me! Its all good claggor, all good."
"Cool.. Cool.."
"AGGHH!! I SEE IT I SEE THE SCHOOL!" mylo piped up pointing out the window howling, I smiled and half crawled onto claggors leg to see it better, until the train hit a bump knocking me down, mylo laughed like a hyena and claggor helped me up chuckling.. the train soon stopped and we ventured out, I stayed with my newfound friends sitting down at the dining hall as mylo ate like he hadnt seen food in years, claggor picked carefully, he may have been big but he seems to have a very healthy diet.
"ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! I WELCOME YOU TO HOGWARTS! THE BEST SCHOOL FOR WITCHES AND WIZARDS AROUND!" The old man stood at the front and laughed "Oh im just joking with you all.. soon each of you will be called to be sorted into houses hufflepuff, ravenclaw, gryffindor, or slytherin!" I scowled "sweet mother mary of christ ALL of us?! Thats so impractical cant it be like.. we get sent to our dormatorys right after being called or somethint theres over a hundred students in this school!"
"Tell me about it, vander, our dad said it took him hours to get to the gryffindor dorms.." vi chirped opening up a bit, she didnt seem so bad when she was.. well.. not spitting venom at me.
"Alright everyone pipe down.. first up, Claggor Benant!" I stared as he stood up and walked over sitting down and having the hat placed on his head, Benant.. huh, cute name for a cute- wait what... well hes cute yes but- "hufflepuff!" He smiled and walked back to the table highfiving us all, I looked dazed from my previous thought and he ruffled my hair, soon after his siblings were called vi and mylo, despite mylos bothersome attitude he was placed into gryffindor with his sister, I guess its what he really really wanted, I'd wanna stick to my siblings too if i had any that go here.. I soon got called up
"Hm.. stop with yer racing mind im trying to read you.. eh, ravenclaw."
"RAVENCLAWW!!" The elderly man announced, I sat with the others of my house quite disappointed I couldnt sit with claggor, he waved goodbye as did the rest as we were lead to our dorms, I slumped into bed tired when a boy knocked at my window.. IS HE ON THE LEDGE OF THE FUCKING BUILDING?!
He knocked again, I opened it whisper-shouting in shock
"What are you doing here?!"
"Came to see ya y/n, not too unfarmiliar with scaling buildings."
"...cuz. stuff."
"...youre fucking insane."
He finally climbed in laying down on my bed with a light chuckle "insane in the membrane, insane in the brain." I scoffed "how did you even know-?!" He shrugged "I dunno, windows are pretty see-through to me." I held back a giggle "w-well thats verry verrrry funny."
"I know, its actually hilarious."
"Oh shut your mouth!" I whacked him with my pillow giggling, what is up with this guy? He picked me up with ease as i squealed and thrashed "damn woman what are you a horse?!"
"No but im about to buck your teeth out!"
"No damn way!" He tossed me up and I landed next to him, turning to my side.. I whispered "you're cute... CRAZY! YOU'RE CRAZY!" ...silence... "how long did it take u to process that, seriously."
"A bajillion years, dont take that in a romantic way you..hmph, I wont waste my breathe."
"You already wasted it choking on a Lollipop on a train."
"Oh shut it!" I snorted and he gave me a funky look, dammit! Why do I laugh like that.. I laid on my other side facing opposite to him, "staying the night benant?"
"Nobody calls me claggor benant, not anymore."
"What, you got an emo backstory benant?"
"Cut it out."
"...noted.." dammit I screwed up! He sighed and put an arm around me, making my heart skip several beats "I've never slept alone and the ravenclaw dorms are the closest ones. Hope you dont mind y/n.."
"Not at all. Its all good.." he nuzzled the pillow and I shut my eyes, setting my hand on his embracing his warmth, as my blood bolted to my face with each sleeping movement he made.. I eventually fell asleep nuzzled close to him.
End of part one ★
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