#if you sing but cant play an instrument that says a lot about you as a person and none of it is good
bandsandwristbands · 5 days
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AU where everything is exactly the same but the sand sibs have a punk band together. Now accepting band name suggestions. My partner said Tanuki! (TNK!)
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lmao the two things i hate the most are men who think theyre funny, and men who pick up a mic and think they can call themselves musicians.
somehow i managed to snag not only those two things but also 'so fucking boring but thinks he could keep up with me enough to fuck me' all in one dumbass guy!! i fucking hate tinder, man.
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nso-csi · 1 month
240816 'Eternal' listening session fan acc
Q. about the word sexy in the title Taemin prefers subtlety over directness so would call it In the Air but decided on Sexy In the Air considering the global appeal
when taemin was recording The Unknown Sea it touched people in the site and made them choke up and the op says it's understandable
about Horizon performance: Taemin says it's the fastest ever seems like very splendid and fast choreography there is a video filmed with great dancers Taemin says taemates will wonder if Taemin could communicate with them well…so the op guesses they are foreigners
about G.O.A.T: Taemin inserted the goat sound for fun it's a real goat sound n he'd like to insert cat sound next time after asking kkoongdaeng to do it for him
op says Sexy in the Air sounds like there are three songs in it the unveiled parts are amazing too Taemin struggled over Deja Vu or Sexy in the Air for the title track but decided on Sexy in the Air considering it's summer now
Taemin practiced singing at the practice room then realized his house is good with soundproofing so he practices a lot at home sometimes with MR from youtube or sometimes playing piano
Taemin says he filmed The Unknown Sea part using a beam projector when recording The Unknown Sea he sang it like chanting in low voice to deliver the lyrics well
Taemin planned to make Crush performance cheerful but it turned out more splendid than he thought it seems the performance is made to the sounds of musical instruments Crush was originally Crushes
there is choreography for Deja Vu too Taemin says fans will be like why didn't you make it the title if they see it!!! Deja Vu is Taemin's favorite and he talked a lot about it the op says it became hers too after listening
Taemin says the way for him to express inner feelings more clearly is rather through dance than through words he was introverted and used to hold back rather than speak out when young but relieved it through dancing. Taemin says he tries to give meaning to moves and to deliver it when dancing since he regards it as important.
the unfinished MV was shown and taemin was topless with only a jacket op says 'be ready to die' cr.sevenoneights/trans
sexy in the air mv spoiler: cant share too much but wet taemin in a crop top with back cut outs Taemin sat in line with me when we watched he watched with care yet every time taemates and shawols screamed he hid a bright smile behind his hand cr.
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ccaramel-llow · 11 months
I present to you: A request featuring Jax, Zooble, Gangle, and Caine with a musician s/o because DAMMIT it sounds adorable
Reader’s a goofy fella, real silly, they can play a BUNCH of instruments, sing well, dancing, they love it
but they can be a shut in sometimes 👉👈
seeing as Zooble does the theme song (and has to rework it when someone new shows up-) and I just get the vibes you can’t convince me that Zooble isn’t at least a little bit of music nerd /lh /j
(i am also a music nerd tbh, Thats why me and zooble are marri WOAH WHO SAID THAT)
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. Honestly he'd ask you to to play an instrument over someone while their speaking because hes a little evil shit you know?
. Makes fun of you and says your music sucks when he secretly loves it when you play.
, He finds you attractive and hot if you play the guitar while screaming angst-y shit if your emo like that/j , but he bullies you for doing that as well.
, He'd ask you to teach him how to play the drums while your speaking to someone. not because hes jealous or anything, Nope. He is.
, He sucks ASS and DOG SHIT at dancing. Expect him to step on your feet if you try to dance together.
, Since you're a "shut in" He tries to get you out more but then later gives up and just comes into you're room or personal business without warning to smother you with his so called " Love language " (Which is just bothering you until you yell at him to shut the fuck up)
, Hides in your room to listen to you play, Or sits outside your room just so he can hear you play.
, Loves it when you sing, He has to fight his demons and intrusive thoughts (he wants to sing along with you to rizz you up COU-)
, Beats up and bullies anyone who says you aren't great at playing, Dancing, Etc.
" My lover IS the best musician here. Wanna repeat that you little s(*&$! ?"
, They pretend like they don't care. Like at all.
, Although, In reality they care and love your music a lot! They even ask you to teach them how to play an instrument
, Zooble would always listen and be there for you when you played, Enjoying the soft/Rough melody of a song that you were presenting for them in a private space.
, Tell's everyone to shut up when your about to play, And mask's their excitement with anger.
, Their eye's shine when you pull out an instrument and their eyes go dull whenever you weren't gonna play.
, Ask's you to play a song sometimes when their in a bad mood.
, Zooble also cannot dance for jack SHIT. Do not try to teach them how to dance. They'll go insane i swear.
, Since you're a shut in, She always asks if you're busy or not, Or if your comfortable or stressed before asking to play a song because they dont want you to get overwhelmed.
, Adores your voice, And always secretly makes sure you dont over stress your voice out.
, Compliments you when you're finished singing.
" You did great out there. Uh, Hope you dont mind teaching me how to play soon?... "
, She LOVES It when you play calming melodies using your preferred instrument.
, Probably asks you to play the violin as she stares at you with heart shaped eyes.
, Would go feral on Jax if he breaks your instrument on purpose and cry with you in your room trying to comfort you.
, Smothers you with a lot of compliments when you are finished playing.
, Rants about you often to show you off and because you cant get off her mind.
, She smiles brightly when you play an instrument.
, I feel like she'd be an okay dancer!! She'd ask you to dance every now and then, But if you dipped her during dancing she'd be extremely flustered and her eyes would turn into the shape of a heart.
, Likes to hum along with you while you sing. Gangle really is inlove with your voice and starts to just doze off while admiring you.
" (Name) Is the very best person i had ever met... I hope xey play more melodies soon!! I love it when they sing.... BUT YOU DIDNT HEAR THAT FROM M-"
, He would honestly go ' AWOOGA HOT DAMN ' all over you.
, Can play piano, Please let him duet with you.
, Stares at you with lovey dove-y goo goo eyes while playing, Admiring you as you both play, Definitely not imagining you guys making out.
, Like Gangle, He too smothers you with compliments but extreme. Like, He's peppering your face with teeth kisses if given consent.
, Since he's short, He'd love to dance with you!! He has to float if your too tall, But if your the same height, He attempts to pull the spin and dip move on you to rizz you up.
, He always records you singing and listens to you singing in his free time while thinking about you.
, Would always try to get you to open up since your a shut in. If your always in your room, He always tries to get you out because he's afraid you would reach your breaking point and abstract. He cant lose you.
" My dearest is the absolute best at playing instruments, Dancing, And all that stuff... Oh how much i love xem.... What do you mean they aren't?"
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willsolace-loml · 11 days
hello do you perchance have any xeno, evan or barty hc to yap about 🤠
ill do barty now and tag u in a xeno one later
-personally i LOVE ravenclaw barty and slytherin barty, so if we're talking raven barty then i think he would get kicked out of his dorm by his roommates for being batshit insane, and evan and reg had an extra bed so he dorms with them
-he knows the password to the kitchen, and surprisingly to literally everyone, hes an ANGEL to the elves, the first time he goes down there with reg, regulus hugs him afterwards because of how amazing he is to the elves
-hes in advanced classes (supergenius barty supremacy) and thats how he met dorcas, shes a year older and had class with barty who introduced her to the others
-speaking of advanced classes, my guy has to stufy ALL THE FUCKING TIME and he'll sit in his bed in the dorm, clear reading glasses on, monster in his left hand, writing in the other (or in a modern au, a laptop, cuz regardless of if he was a pureblood or halfblood, hed find a way to get one) and hes writing complex spells down n shit (evan is absolutely insane abt it and there have been multiple times where barty didnt finish studying)
-and i mean complex spells, like u think snivilus made spells, barty found ways to make nonverbal spells or made new spels without a wand
-he actually really likef being in class, not that he would admit, sp i honestly think he wpukd want to become a teacher, like he was an amazing teacher as moody, i think thats what he always wanted to do
-and think of how defying that would be. like bartys father wants him to be a ministry man, and he ends up working at a school, js saying
-he has naturally blondish hair, but dyes it black, with streaks of ither colors
-he absolutely LIVES for ghe book frankenstein, and he watches the movie every halloween (and all year round, he also wayches gremlins)
-the only thing he seems not to be good at is singing, he can play a couple instruments, but he cant sing for the life of him
-pandora was his second friend, they were both in ravenclaw (thats the hc we're goungb wigh rn) and sat beside each other at the feast, earlier on the train (where he had met reg) he had been drawing on his arm and a coping mechanism for his anxiety, pandora commented on it, he asked her if she wanted to draw something, handed her a sharpy, and she drew the coolest fucking plant barty had ever seen so he took a photo of it and got it tattooed when he was 15
-we moved past this topic BUT, when he made spells, he made a spell that can remove or add body parts, so like an underground ring of trans stufents come to him saying like "hey can u do my surgery" and it does no harm (he made it that way) and if they change their mind he can js reverse rhe spell
-reg was the first to test it out
-he collected as many punk records as he could
-he has bipolar disorder and struggled a lot with that until he started surrounding himself with people who actually tried to help him feel more comfortable abt it
this is SUPER long, but i absolutely love barty and think abt him every second, bro is my roman empire
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k4ijynxx · 2 months
[pt: chica caregiver headcanons]
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- she can be very anxious at times
- she is the one who enforces fun the most! She loves to see you happy
- she gives the energy of the nana who winks at you after giving you one more cookie when ur caregiver says no ;3
- she loves to cook with you!
- she always serves you first!
- she loves to color coloring books! She isn’t the best at drawing, but she will try if you ask her to!
- she is the BEST at piggyback rides! She gives them to you all the time!
- she loves caregiver names! She is neutral about anything family related, but she wont mind it most of the time :3 she loves the name Chichi, though!
- she calla you baby girl / baby boy / baby, little one, sunshine, pumpkin, buttercup, cutie, sweetie, stinker, silly, button, babydear, angel, sweetheart, flower, sleepyhead, munchkin, sugar, and baby chick!
- the younger the age, the better she is at caregiving /nsx
- i headcanon that she actually plays the drums, so she helps you out with her at times!
- she loves reading kids books to you! She loves listening to them as well :3
- she can make ANYTHING for you! She doesn’t really have a preference, but when she is really hungry she hopes you ask for a pizza hehehe :3
- shes actually a really heavy sleeper, even after you leave the pizzeria for the night she might sleep in late!
- she loves to play dress up with you!
- she comfortable with most characters caregiving you, but especially bonnie and sometimes freddy! Foxy is neutral, but she has some beef with him cuz he’s a trouble maker, mainly cuz he keeps raiding the kitchen and stealing chica’s pizza. She doesn’t really have an opinion on golden freddy
- shes not the best with singing, as she mainly plays instruments more than singing, but she can hum lullabies!
- she feels really sad when you have to leave, she has so much fun with you and hates to see you go :(
- she isn’t the biggest with rules, but the obvious stuff still applies!
- sometimes the other animatronics help cook with you and her too! Mainly freddy, since he is actually a pretty good cook (when its coming to baking a basic cake with a precise recipe, that is) bonnie helps sometimes, but he has trouble with the instructions. Foxy, however, is banned for life from the kitchen. He cant even cook noodles because he will forget to take the lid off, he is NOT ready for the kitchen
- she is the best with kids out of all the animatronics, mainly because she is so fun!
- she loves to dance with you!
- whenever you make something on paper, she hangs it on the fridge! She sometimes stares at it to admire it as well!
- she loves being a caregiver! She HATES william afton, mainly because he used her dead dog against her, so she tries to make sure you have the best childhood!
- she lets you visit whenever you want! She really loves seeing you!!
- she cant leave the pizzeria, but she does make plans to go to restaurants nearby, even if she cant go there :3
- she doesn’t allow you near the office or the closet, and you need her supervision when you are in the kitchen, especially when you are around knifes or the freezer!
- she loves doing the activity sheets with you! She even sometimes plays the arcade games with you!
- she isn’t the best with independent regressors, she can stress that you get hurt so if you are she has to check up on you a lot
- she loves to style your hair! Even if you have short hair, she still puts hair clips and other things in it! If you have no hair, she gives you head scratches all the time! Well, she gives you head scratches no matter how long your hair is, but whatever!
- she is really good with injuries! She has a med bag that she always has in the same spot so she knows where it is when you are hurt, and knows exactly what to do when you are hurt!
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hypnoneghoul · 1 year
Gear talk/headcanon ask.
The ghouls have several guitars and instruments, sure, but do you headcanon that they have specific instruments that are special to them and that they treasure more than others?
Which ghoul do you think is a collector who wants one of everything or collects just versions of one specific model? Who sees their instruments as just that, instruments to be used for a specific purpose?
okay i thought more than i should've about this ahvahsbha
Dewdrop - He is sentimental and does collect, for emotional reasons. He has a few different types of strats because "everyone does something different, it sound different" and tbh it mostly does, lmao. He likes the variety and freedom of choice in case of playing live. His collection at home, though, is a bit different. There's Ifrit's first Fantomen, the first Fantomen that was customized for Dew specifically, the first customised strat, the strat with one sticker, another one with another sticker, etc. There's a story to each one.
Rain - I think they're not exactly emotional about his basses in the typical way, but i think its... uhm, their autism lets say, lmao. I think he just has to have separate basses for specific songs and everything has to be perfectly planned and taken care of and nothing can mix up, if that makes sense. If you'd find Rain crying over a bass it would be only because something ruined some specific practices, routines. I think he'd be the "collector" one but not in the usual meaning? With them it would be like "I have to have so many basses because I cant use this one for this song and I don't wanna ever change this one's tuning and this and that bla bla bla."
Aether - He is sentimental but it doesn't extend to guitars. He went through too many to really care about them. Doesn't really collect them, he doesn't see any sense in doing so. He's got a random one in his room that he can pick up and play when he's bored.
Phantom - Is very proud of and deeply cherishes one specific guitar, the one that Aether put into his hands, the one he was first taught everything by him on. The other Fantomens are just... tools, yeah, for him, but that one he got from Aether himself? IMPORTANT!
Swiss - Swiss has a few guitars, both acoustic and his baritone but there are two that are special. One of his baritones is his babygirl. its the one he humps on stage. He loves it so much because it was basically the first thing ever that he truly felt was his and his alone. There was no ghoul before him to play baritone, all his guitars were fresh out of the factory. BUT, the first one, specifically, that he got even before the decision it was going to be brought up on stage was made, the one he got to just test out, it was his. There's also one acoustic, it's always in his room next to his babygirl if they're not touring, that's also his. Not as symbolic as the baritone but also very important. He always brings it to play and sing to other ghouls, etc, there's a lot of memories with it. Most importantly, it's the one Rain was borrowing from him for their little acoustic sets, and anything Rain touches immediately becomes 10000 times more valuable for Swiss.
Mountain - My boy most certainly is a collector. He goes for the looks and functionality, always begging Papa to let him add something more because "I can make that song sound so much better with this drum/cymbal". He likes the freedom, that he can have control over something like that. He is a bit... possessive of his kit but he won't rip your head off unless you actually fuck something up.
Cirrus - Similar to Phantom, all the keys and everything are just tools except for one. The keytar, because it's Zephyrs. Only one person apart from he can touch it and it's... Dewdrop. Not even her fellow ghoulettes and Satan forbid some tech or Swiss. Only Cirrus and Dew.
Cumulus - Kinda likes to collect but isn't really emotionally tied to anything. She just likes the variety and she likes to switch gear out with Cirrus.
Sunshine and Aurora - they don't really have what to collect if we're talking about everyone's stage instruments, but Sunshine's adhd really loved the rainshakers, to her pack's misery...
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lunarifie · 8 months
Infinight Interns Modern Band Au:
(Because I cant stop thinking about it / send me asks!!!)
Bart the Guitarist
- Main vocalist/guitarist. (Need I say why?)
- Prefers acoustic over electric because he has fidgety hands and acoustic requires more strumming and energy.
- Has a wide vocal range.
- Can play multiple instruments but mostly plays guitar.
- Switches between acoustic and electric depending on shows, songs, or how much energy he has.
- Basically the person who formed the band. Thought of the idea and convinced everyone else.
- Gives tips and tricks to his band members for performing on stage. (He’s the most used to stage performing and would often sign up at music venues soloing)
- He tries to motivate them to try new things, like singing or flashy tricks.
- Organizes and schedules all their shows. “Guys we got a gig!”
- He’s the main song writer, though he makes sure that everyone contributes and gives input. Everyone has their own individual songs that Bart’s helped with too.
- Bart and Gum Gum have pages and pages of made up/half assed songs they’ve written together.
Gum Gum and his Drum Drums
- The bands drummer. (He has drums in his inventory in tftsd)
- It wasn’t hard for Bart to convince Gum Gum to start a band with him. (He immediately agreed)
- Puts so much hype into his drumming that everyone else has to pump up their volume a bit.
- Mostly did drumming for fun, not really caring for how it sounded until Bart taught him some techniques.
- Likes to do stick spins (spinning his drumstick in his hand), at one practice/rehearsal it flew out of his hand and knocked Mudd in the back of the head.
- If you ask him how he drums so well he’d just say “I just play when it sounds good.”
- Gets sad whenever his bandmates argue or get frustrated. He tries to mediate. “Cmon guys, don’t fight…”
- He’s the youngest in the band and still in high school. He stayed back a grade and also looks older than his actual age. He gets bullied and teased for it. (Bart is often the one who comes running when this happens)
Kyborg the Keytarist
- Doesn’t let ANYONE touch his Keytar.
- Named it Chrystaliana after his mother (privately, his friends don’t know of its name.)
- His mother taught him piano at a young age, after she died he practiced relentlessly.
- His mother was a well-known pianist and he dreams to be as good as her someday.
- Was thrown into the foster care system but continuously ran away from each and every foster family.
- He has an ever-lasting Cool Kid act so whenever he mentions he plays the piano/keytar proudly and people slightly chuckle in disbelief “really?” he’s EXTREMELY defensive “Yeah? And what of it?!”
- Bart introduces Kyborg to the Keytar and he instantly thinks its the coolest thing ever.
- Tries to do Keytar solo riffs whenever he can.
Mudd the Bassist
- Mudd was the very last person to join the band, which required much persuading from Bart. “Cmon Mudd! You’re the only guy I know who plays that good!”
- Mudd isn’t much in it for the showmanship (Kyborg), or the money (Bart), or the fame (Kyborg/Bart) He’s more like Gum Gum, simply there for the fun of it.
- Mudd likes the low strumming of the bass, he finds it soothing.
- He has sensitive ears and often wears earplugs to their own shows. Kyborg also has sensitive ears but refuses to wear earplugs. “Just wear the earplugs, you’ll regret it later.” Eventually he gifts him a nice expensive pair that Kyborg can’t refuse (or else he’ll feel bad)
- Has the loudest laugh, this man CRIES, everyone was shocked the first time they heard it.
- Lots of deadpan jokes, gets goofier and sillier the closer he gets with his bandmates.
- Mudd hates the piano. His parents forced him to learn with a private tutor a few years back and he’s despised it since.
- This is kinda how him and Kyborgs first conversation went:
“and IM this bands beloved keytarist, formerly known pianist.”
“I hate the piano.”
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autisticaboutart · 1 month
i wish people would give disabled artists more attention.
or disabled ppl who like art, i mean.
dancers with ehler danlos, who get easily dislocated or bruised, chronic fatigue dancers, those whose body hurts even more than your typical abled person, those in wheelchairs, those with full body motor tics, tremors, huntington disease, dystonia or rigidity, dyspraxia, balance & coordination problems. to those dancers that cannot do acro to save their life, who cant do amazing tricks. i promise it's okay for you to move your body however you can, it's fine, people have different limits, you should respect your own. you dance, you dance like you are going to die dancing, who cares if its not fluid, if its not expressive enough if you fall, if you lost your balance, seriously, its fun to dance, it shouldnt be stressful, take care and take time, if you need a break, take it, theres no shame in that.
traditional & digital artists, painters who are amputees and draw with their mouth or feet, those with parkinson, or hand/arms motor tics. blind artists, you draw and paint a masterpiece, yes, even with your trembling hands and messy canvas.
actors and actresses, those who dealt or still deal with agoraphobia, stage fright, panic attacks & social anxiety, the autistics ones with a special interest in theatre or musical teather, yet they cannot, or wont participate because thier voice is too monotone, too robotic, you don't get social cues, or sarcasm, or jokes, or you are way less expressive than your peers. i promise it's okay to feel scared, were human, were scared of judgement and critiques, but, if you like it, do it, dont even think about it, if it will make you happy, then who cares about other people's opinions?
writers. my schizospec & psychotic people who write poems, stories, writings that ''dont make sense'' to other people, i understand you, i do. those who are in art block because of depression, those with mania who write and write too much in their manic/hypomaniac episodes, until they are in burnout, people with dysgraphia, those with hand tics. write, write even if it doesnt make sense to others, art is for yourself, if you understand, and you know what you were trying to say, then, go for it, your words come out so easily, even if they're ''nonsense'' to people, and that's amazing.
to readers too! to those who need more time to read texts, to comprehend them, those who are slow readers. to those with intellectual disabilities who struggle with comprehending certain books or texts, with too much info and concepts they don't really understand, to those who have to read one, two, three times, over and over again the same text, because they keep getting distracted/they cannot understand. to the ones with dyslexia, those who used to read books a lot, and now cannot due to alexia or can't read their favorite books anymore, because they are blind, it's fine, really, take your time, the time you need, take it, it's fine to be slower, it's fine to go at your own pace.
sculptors, who no longer can create, who grieve their talent, their passion, who are messy and clumsy, and can never seem to be satisfied with their own works because of motor issues, tremors, etc. your creations are still beautiful, i promise.
singers! those who have selective mutism, or people who have problems with their vocal cords, those who can no longer sing because they lost their voice, those who stutter, have a lisp, or have vocal tics, people who would love to sing, but they are mute/non-speaking, i know how it is to lose an interest, a passion because your body doesnt not cooperate, i get you, and i see you.
photographers with shaky hands, with blurry images, they cannot take a ''good picture'' because of their struggles with moving your own body, doesn't matter if its blurry, i see what you're trying to capture, and i love it, photographers with photosensitive epilepsy, who have to be careful with images and references.
people who play instruments, who deal with coordination problems and weak fine & gross motor skills, you still play so beautiful.
to anyone, disabled, mentally ill, neurodivergent, who has lost their passion, who cannot do what they used to do, those whose body won't collaborate with you, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i know it's dificult believe me.
but hang in there
i see you, i really do, i hear, see, watch, read you, no matter how different you do these things, you are still creating, you are still making art i promise.
thank you
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hiii zia
so the other day u was talking with my sister and you told hwr you werw trying to quit listening to music because of ur religion and like i thought u were mualim and i’ve seen a lot of muslim people singing and listening to music so i was just curious to like why you cant listen to music same thing with dancing about how you can’t dance only when you’re alone
im just curious btw
heyyyy, okayy so this is kinda ish (not really) complicated but bear with meeee
so I am muslim and the thing is, we aren't allowed to listen to music for a few reasons being:
1) instruments are haram (meaning forbidden, so singing with just ur voice is okay or listening to vocals only is okay too)
2) idk if you’ve noticed but music tends to make people want to move aka dance so another reason why is that if played in a public place or smth like that it can lead to men and women dancing together (which isn't allowed) and that can progress further to them doing things together if yk wut I mean (I dont rlly know how to explain this better)
3) this is the most important thing, so we have our holy scripture right, the Holy Quran, and while we may desire to listen to music, our soul desires the Holy Quran, so we cannot deprive it of that. There cannot be two things in our heart at once, music and Quran cannot co-exist, because if you try to keep both things in your heart together, it won't work because as a Muslim, you'll notice that you won't be focused in your worship because all you will be able to think of is music instead of paying attention. You truly cannot taste the sweetness and completely digest words of the Quran with another thing occupying your heart (music), you have to eliminate it first and cleanse your heart of it to truly be able to taste the sweetness of not only the Quran but of life aswell, theres no other way of saying this. You have to fill your heart with good things, and you'll notice nowadays that lyrics of music tends to be talking about dirty things and such so that's not good too.
sorry that got too long, anyways something called nasheeds exist, they aren't really songs because it's just vocals and the lyrics are talking about Allah and like about our Prophet (peace be upon him) and stuff about our religion. But some nasheeds tend to have instruments so you gotta be careful😭. Anyways so Muslims can listen to those instead of music and also listen to podcasts (especially Islamic ones since ur just gaining more knowledge about your religion and becoming closer to God) to help with listening to music less.
the dancing thing kinda ties in with my first point (and also the second one), because dancing can be provocative and can lead to dirty things happening between men and women which is a major sin called Zina (sex between unmarried people).
anyways so music is definitely haram (forbidden) but many Muslims nowadays, since music is so normalized and is everywhere, refuse to accept that (not every Muslim obviously but many yk). They still put music in their videos (which isn't good because for every time someone watches that video and hears the music, you get a bad deed) and listen to it themselves, and since music has completely embedded itself into society, its harder to quit it and many people struggle doing so (including me). Singing if it's just with your voice is fine though.
Sorry again for this becoming so long, I hope my rambling was comprehensive enough, especially for someone who is non-muslim😭😭.
Theres lots of videos on yt about people quitting music, it's mostly Muslims but I saw one of this girl quitting it for 3 months and she did a really nice video about it too explaining what she learnt from it and all. They really go in depth about how music has completely embedded itself into our lives and how much of a struggle it is to free yourself from it so if you wanna do more research about this you can js watch those.
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th3-0bjectivist · 1 year
The Salvation Day Interviews (1 of 2) with musician Anthony Tadlock
     Dear listener, as a special treat and for the edification of music lovers all over Tumblr this is part 1 of 2 of my Salvation Day Interviews with Anthony Tadlock, A.K.A. t-underneaththeradardancing on Tumblr. Mr Tadlock, I recently spent several hours listening to Salvation Day. Thanks for agreeing to answer some questions about your band’s music. 
    When I dive headlong into music that I’m not too familiar with there’s always this sense of discomfort, but when I started with Mercy from your EP, The Backdoor Sessions, I felt distinctly like I was sitting in a new bar and listening to an exceedingly talented local band perform live. I know we’ve discussed this one-on-one before, but for the peeps on Tumblr, what was the actual genesis of SD, and how did you and Ms Vita Rhie Quintanilla meet? What was the spark that brought you two together to record in the first place?
     to set the stage - so to speak - i had been performing with and jamming and hanging with a young musician - very loose no muss fuss - 3 weeks before meeting vita i had a mild heart attack - mild but the hospital experience was literally a nightmare and nearly killed me - a couple weeks after getting out i was invited over to play/ jam/hang out - wuz expecting at most a couple other ppl to b there - btw to digress - t is very much an introvert - to digress further - t is a stage name but the only name ppl in the music aspect of my life know me by or call me - anywaves - i had just set up my guitar and amp when i could feel a presence coming down the stairs - a young woman - at 1st i guessed 25- ish which would make her the 2nd oldest in the room - she looked at a painting of crows and i said something to her about my love of corvids - i was improvising on guitar - some blues - i think a bass player was playing along and maybe another guitar - she started singing improvising lyrics and we started riffing off each other - her voice blew me away - then she started playing her original songs - omfg ! - anyway - i hoped that we would play together again
     a couple weeks later she walked into Madrone Art Bar where i frequently played open mics -she was with my friend - both joined me on stage and we did what i call "deep space nine " which is what i called any unplanned unrehearsed collaboration onstage - i of course could not remember her name - she handed me a business card lol - she told me she had a weekly gig at a cafe i had performed at and would i like to join her - by this time i knew she was diagnosed w schizoaffective disorder - that she was 17 still in high school and a witch - we started performing together playing her gigs - open mics - on the street ...there is of course more to the story which may be covered as we go on
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    I went through every song on Salvation Day’s YouTube page, the instrumentals and the voice go very well together, and I must admit, there is great synergy on display. You two had me mesmerized a few times, particularly with tunes like Para Ti and Reincarnation. Tell me, do the instrumentals come first, or do the lyrics/vocals come first, or somehow both at the same time? What goes into the process before you record?
     virtually all of salvation day songs are mostly vita - the lyrics in particular - some have come out of improvising at gigs - or as vita would say - we are just gonna pull something out of our ass now - some she has already "arranged " before i hear them others she asks me to figure out some chords and key - it should be noted that after graduating high school she moved to davis ca about 100 long miles away with no good way of getting there and back on public transit - required bus ride - a subway ride and finally a train and took 3 hours - neither of us drive though she recently learned - t cant see for shit so - and there was lots of drama in the summer preceding - however we rarely felt the need to rehearse - at early gigs i would ask whats the 1st chord and what key - sometimes the answer was - idk - jimi hendrix chords lol - sometimes they were jazz chords i didnt know - i still play a lot of chords im not quite sure the name of and double stops that suggest a chord - on a good night i play by ear and improvise mostly - when we decided we were gonna make an album - we formalized the arrangements and figured out keys etc ...
     sometimes - like last week when we got together after not playing together in a couple months - tho exchanging some snippets thru email text etc - vita thought of some lyrics on the spot - i started playing some chords - we fucked around w it a bit - made a rough recording on fones and will see if something comes of it - Reincarnation was written just before we met - vita says the songs morphed and become different thru my influence - Para Ti she had come up with a couple months after we started playing together - we were at the friends house - and he had become totally indisposed - we were supposed to start the recording process that day - we waited around to see if he would improve and she started playing it - i came up w the lead guitar lines - btw to digress to q 1 - vita was often in and out of hallucinations and delusions at the time - she has no memory of the 1st time we met and hazy about the beginning period - one last example Mercy - written entirely by vita - tho my guitar was central - she sent me an audio file - it has chords i dont know - i just followed her voice and elaborated - tbh i still dont know what key it is in lol - like jack sparrow eluding capture we just make it up as we go
    Do you have any advice for aspiring musicians out there based on your experiences with SD so far? Have you had any creative blocks or serious problems when generating new music? If so, how do you get through them, and what do you think the most important thing is for a musician to do when they feel discouraged or dejected by their own bad experiences with music making?
     whew - thats a tough one - i have been playing guitar for almost 60 years - been in a number of bands and playing situations - have been discouraged countless times - most recent was the whole experience of recording a studio album with a producer - it was hugely stressful for myriad reasons and ego deflating and not in a good way - we coped w that by recording the Backdoor Sessions ep - the bulk of was recorded in a couple hours in vita's tiny dorm room using garageband - it was done without rehearsal - and we played 2 gigs in january that we were happy with also w no rehearsal - we also released vita's book The Schizophrenic Dialogues - all while covid was rearing its ugly head - no gigs to promote anything - no spoken word opportunities - vita was in terror of infecting me - between age COPD and heart i was a likely candidate to die - so we saw each other rarely
     i had invested a huge amount of $ in the studio album - to cope vita started a collective based on Sacred Arts Productions - a jewelry biz and an art biz - i worked w our web designer / friend / collaborator maggie umber to get our web site up - and started recording daily snippets for instagram and spammed the fuck out of tumblr - vita and i met mostly outdoors - playing mostly acoustic where the chances of infecting me were minimized (she got covid twice during this period ) so i guess my advice is 1) forget the ego and bullshit that goes w doing - anything - but particularly the creative 2) forget about "success" and numbers - sales/listens/hearts...3) just keep on keepin on - that said it aint easy sometimes - i been playing as i said almost 60 years - theres still so much i dont know - i try to learn new things and ways almost daily - just showing up is sometimes a victory
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     Listen to Salvation Day on Youtube. Back at the end of the next week with part 2 of my Q&A with Mr Tadlock. If you liked this post, please spread the word about SD and consider reblogging this set of interviews. And if you haven’t done it yet, scroll to the top of this post and smash play!
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xamaxenta · 1 year
Ok in the thread of metal bands/edgy music au; allow me to suggest..
Ace and Sabo met as kids on Moloka’i (hawaii). Sabo moved from South Africa with his parents and Ace lived there with his dad (and his mom but she was at surfing competitions a lot). Being the only kids within age range they quickly befriended eachother and proceeded to run barefoot around the island, climb canyons etc etc
Now in this au Sabos parents are slightly less dickish, so their response is more “hey can we get some indoor activities for our posh child” than “I disown you” anyway that’s where Roger comes in and introduces them to a retired singer also living on the island. Ms Di’ Angelo is a former opera singer who joined a rock band and happy to teach them how to shred a bass guitar. (Sabo’s parents only slightly regret this)
Anyway Both boys take to it like fish to water, Ace in particular possibly destroying his eardrums listening to death metal and Norwegian bands. They also like spending time with Ms Di’Angelo she mentions that she has a kid a little older than them but doesn’t have any pictures or say anything more (the boys assume they passed)
At 21-23 both are doing little gigs or partnering with other bands (they don’t have a singer so it’s just acoustics). They just happen to bump into Ms Di’Angelo and tall blonde man who has very familiar blue eyes. Enter in Marco Di’Angelo Newgate, child of famous retired rockstar Edward Newgate or Whitebeard. Currently attending med school, with a singing voice worth of angels.
Immediately Sabo and Ace are like “ahh yes our third” (for the band, they aren’t actually dating right now, the fools). Anyway they basically hatch a plan to get Marco to join them which simply is “seduce him into the music industry” so the two go about trying to seduce Marco, possibly discovering some overlooked feelings along the way? I’m not saying jealously but someone feels left out
They Almost Fail; cause Marco has some issues and thinks they just doing it for his talent and then will dump him, (he also sees them kiss and wonders if he’s being used) Big confession time and all three end up fucking (duh) and that begins the start of the band; Flame Emperor, Phoenix Fire. Or something idk I put way too much thought into this..
Holy shit this is so rich and fulfilling already whoa
I love this 🙏🏽 please tell me you have more thougts!!! Im a big fan of Flame Emperor being their band name its just a sick fufkcing title
Oda was cooking hardcore when he assigned that title to Sabo frfrfrfrrrrrr cant stop thinking abt it
Also im a slut for Ace with a bass but hes probably talented enough he could play mostly any instrument he puts his mind to, a prodigy who cant read sheet music
Sabo writes music bc thats the posh activity his parents wanted for him and hes got great vocal control
Also like the manic energy of involving pipe organs and harpsichord into metal music is always bangin and Sabo smashing ivory keys in like the craziest outfit ever speaks to me on so many levels like the aesthetic fucks
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hello!! I would like to have a mystery date matchup!! I was kinda shy abt requesting it, but my friend gave me the courage to do it!!
Also, sorry if there's any mistakes in my English. English is not my first language
also also, I would not like to be paired with a villain.
fandom : jjba
Gender: Cis female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
My hobbies: I love listening to music, singing, drawing, playing guitar and the keyboard (even though I don't play it that well) and watching movies! I also like doing makeup, doing my hair, playing video-games and baking cookies and cakes for my friends and family. I also like playing with my dog.
My Appearence: I'm a brown latina with long dark brown curly hair and really dark brown eyes. I'm 5'2 (1,60m) so, I consider myself to be a bit short. I'm a bit chubby (idk if I can say that I'm thick or something like that, but I consider myself to be chubby) . I also have glasses, bc I'm practically blind without them.
What I want out of a relationship: I want my boyfriend to make me laugh and make me feel like a princess. Someone who I can trust and who would support me on my projects and everything that I do, just like I would love and support him. I would also want him to give me space when I need it and respect me. I would also love someone who's loving and caring 🥺
Dream First Date: I would love to go to an amusement park! Going on the rollercoasters and other scary attractions (I'm a bit scared of heights), then going on the ferris wheel, very romantic! Other date I would imagine is going at his house, or my house. We would watch lots of movies, cuddle and eat lots of sweets ❤️
Personality: I consider myself to be kind and caring with everyone I love. I'm also creative, smart, nerdy, funny, a bit shy with people that I don't know. Once they know me, I'm a bit loud. I'm also a bit of a hot-head. I get annoyed very easily, but chocolate and hugs are just enough to calm me down.
idk if that's enough or if it's too much lol, but I think this sums me up very well ☺️
thank you so much!! I love your stories and hcs ❤️❤️❤️
notes 💌: oh my goodness hello love!! i am so glad your friend gave you the courage to ask for a matchup because i am honored to do so :) with no hesitation, i know the PERFECT character for you!! thank you for requesting anon and i hope you have an amazing valentine's day :)
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like come on
how perfect is this matchup?!?!
look at me go
tonberry gets a pat on the back for this one lmfaoooo
okay, now onto you, anon :)
he loves that you're so passionate about music
i feel like he could pick up an instrument pretty well and learn how to play pretty dang fast, so teach him a little
he would love that
and then you two play music all the time together
he thinks you are so talented, so it's just him smiling and playing bass/guitar the whole time while goo goo eyeing you
he would LOVE watching movies with you
he would just be obsessed with a cuddle sesh while the two of you just enjoy some movies
please bake him sweets, he will love you forever
he loves that you do your hair and makeup
that doesnt mean he needs you to do it to love you, but he loves that you have fun
plus, he loves dressing up to, so to be a couple that is cool as hell all dressed up together means the world to him
he loves your dog
and your dog loves him <3
like he will always be staring at you with heart eyes im not even lying
he loves your figure and just everything about you omg
he will 100% be that boyfriend that you need and love
he does treat you like a princess, calling you gorgeous and taking you out and making sure everyone knows that you two are in love
he is your #1 hype man
no one supports you as much as he does
he cheers you on, even when he cant be there at the moment
and I think him knowing that he has a supporter helps him a lot and really means the world
you two dont argue often because you are so great with communication, but when it does happen, he gives you space, and even when you're not angry at each other and you just need space, he will respect that
he is just overall a very respectful young man and you love him for that
he doesnt care that you're loud because he will be just as loud with you
and if other people judge you for that, he will give them evil eyes lmaooo
he thinks you're a very caring person, and even if you're a bit hot headed (so is he, so he understands you) he will know how to deal with it without annoying you further
he is the perfect boyfriend who loves and respects you forever and you'll never find anyone else like him <333
he would get you chocolates, a rose, and a plush blanket with your favorite anime characters on it. after a couple of kisses from him after you thanked him for the present, he asks, "will you be my valentine??"
You put on a comfortable, but still cute outfit, that you thought would fit the day perfectly well with lots of reds, pinks, and whites. You even had makeup to match. You were so excited to go to the amusement park with Josuke. Speaking of, he walked in the room and smiled at you. "Dang, you look so cute, y/n." You blushed and ran over to him, hugging him around the back of his neck. "You look so cute." You insisted, placing a kiss onto his plush lips, and tucking a stray piece of hair behind his ear. You don't even remember how you got to the amusement park, you just remember smiling at the neon lights and the sound of delighted screams coming from rollercoaster rides. "Which one do you want to go on first, y/n?" Josuke asked, trying to process all of the rides in front of him. "Let's go for something scary." You said, very excited. "Already?! Babe, we just got here." Josuke giggled, but admired your bravery. "Yes, already! Let's go!" You grabbed his hand and led him to the biggest looking rollercoaster. The line wasn't too long, but it was enough to get you to thinking about your life choices. "You look fidgety," Josuke said, squeezing your hand. "You sure you're up for this?" You smiled at him, shaking a bit. "I have you with me. If anything goes wrong, I know we can fix it together." "That's what I like to hear!" Josuke gave you a huge kiss on the cheek and squeezed you close. "We're next! Let's do this!" Once the seats came by, you could feel yourself getting a little nervous, but when Josuke hugged you close as you got into your seat, you knew you were going to be just fine. Plus, it looked like a lot of fun. So you took a breath and saw the coaster go up. And up. And up. God, this was terrifying, was all you could think. You were so high up, you felt like you could just slip out of your seat. But when the coaster fell and Josuke grabbed your hand, all you could think about was how fun the ride was. The twists and turns had you giggling. The loops and hills had your hands in the air. You wanted to do this ten more times. When you got off of the ride, you were hyped to do more and your smiling boyfriend tried every ride with you. Dizzy and full of adrenaline, you two decided to end off the night with a calm ride on the ferris wheel. No one else was on it as everyone was leaving the park. It was close to closing and as you two sat down, you could swear you were the only ones in the park. The woman operating the ride smiled at the two of you and promised you a surprise at the top. Once you reached the top, you could see the city around you all lit up and realized that the woman was letting you two stay at the top for a little bit longer than usual so you could just enjoy the end of this Valentine's day adventure. "Thanks for an amazing day, Josuke." You kissed him and cupped his cute little face. "Of course, love. Happy Valentine's Day." You two enjoyed one last kiss and held each other as the wheel went back down for the night. <3
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officerdougeiffel · 1 year
Hei, for the musical thing: 11,18,27,39
11. song that youre embarrased about liking
any of the rap songs pewdiepie released in like. 2018-2020. i dont like him as a person but bitch lasagna, congratulations, coco and mine all day stick in my brain like gum. maybe it is the nostalgia for those minecraft parodies from the 2010s
18. song that reminds you of winter
dream sweet in sea major by miracle musical, the entire carrie and lowel album by sufjan stevens, your ex lover is dead by stars, redundant by green day. couldnt pick just one haha
27. favourite pop song
i love a lot of pop music, but out of more generic pop music ill have to say government hooker by lady gaga and judas by lady gaga. i just love gaga so much
39. song that is musically technical
oh god i could talk about this for hours ill try to keep this short. bohemian rhapsody is one of the greatest songs in the universe thats a pretty well agreed statement, but not only is it beautiful to listen to it is absolutely beautiful when you analyse it. the harmonies, the instrument play, freddies vocal control it is all INSANE when you look at it in a technical level, but one of my favourite things about queen in general is their word play in the lyrics. "little high little low" playing only high vocals in the left ear and only low vocals in the right giving that echoing choir effect that is used again in the part for galileos. "send shivers down my spine" with the soft ringing on bells in the background that sound like shivers. there is way more beautiful word play moments that i cant remember in the moment but just. theres so much thought in every little detail. not even mentioning how beautifully freddie paints with his voice through the strenght that he sings in and with the loudness of it. every slight rise or fall of his tone indicates emotion that again feeds into the lyrics and it is so noticable and rapidly changing that AUGH it just genuinely feels like he is painting with his voice not even singing anymore
in conclusion, i dont know how to coherently write my thoughts but i am in love with queen and all of their music is so deeply complicated in music technicality
ask game
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goldensstateofgrace · 2 years
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I posted 2,660 times in 2022
373 posts created (14%)
2,287 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 755 of my posts in 2022
#fav mutuals - 247 posts
#graceanswers - 209 posts
#stylessupremacy - 156 posts
#grace.txt - 106 posts
#harry styles - 74 posts
#gracereads - 69 posts
#gracewrites - 41 posts
#b🧜‍♀️ - 31 posts
#to read later - 30 posts
#lovie❣️ - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#please i’ll cry rn just imagine harry’s doing the music video and you’re behind the scenes watching him get felt up by so many people you
My Top Posts in 2022:
Grace, I need a one-shot/blurb ab this post 🥺
Going on vacations can be hard when dating a celebrity of Niall’s status, but sometimes you just gotta say ‘fuck it.’
You were laying out sun tanning, Niall laying next to you when a buzz started around you, people whispering and talking, pointing in your direction and out near the parking lot.
The parking lot where there were very clearly paparazzi taking photos of you and Niall to eventually sell off to the highest paying magazine.
You groan, rolling over towards Niall, “I hate that we cant just have a bit of piece.”
“I know, petal,” he whispers pulling you into him so your head lays against his bicep and he’s leaning over you, his fingers pushing a stray hair off your forehead.
“But who cares? All that matter is that I’m herewith you, so fuck it, let’s give them something to take pictures of,” he finishes, leaning down and capturing your lips in a searing kiss.
You chuckle against his mouth before giving in and cupping his face, responding to his kiss with passion.
138 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
At Last...
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Main Masterlist | Request / tell me what you think &lt;3
Summary: Y/n doesn’t singing In front of people, but for harry she does.
Warnings: PURE TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF, mentions of a mothers death (not in detail), lmk If I missed anything!
Word count: 1345
I hope you enjoy! Happy reading! -G <3
You never sing in front of Harry. 
It’s not because you think you sound horrible, you’ve just always been shy when singing in front of people, and to have your boyfriend, Harry Styles, listening to you is too nerve wracking. 
 From a young age you knew you loved to sing, always singing along in the car or mumbling lyrics to yourself while doing a task. But never in front of friends, the only person you ever trusted to hear you was your mother. And when she passed away, you never sang in front of anyone again. 
It always felt like a you and her thing, and you didn’t want to take that memory and feeling away by giving it to someone else. 
But one night Harry sweetly talked you into singing a bit for him, which was very nerve wracking and you were terribly anxious. 
You both had been laying on the couch in his house, having been watching ‘The Notebook’ one of Harry’s favorite rom coms. 
“Alright,” you sit up, untangling yourself from his arms, “I’ll let you pick one song and I'm not singing it all, just a little part and then that’s all you get.” you tell him, looking at him expectantly. 
He takes a minute, brows furrowed and his fingers tugging at his pink plump lips, “Ok,” he sits up too, grabbing his phone from his pocket and typing away before a piano and guitar instrumental starts to play through the phone speaker and you instantly recognize it. 
You shoot him a small glare, which he just smirks back at, both of you knowing you’d have to use almost your full range to do this song. 
“I hate you” you mumble, sitting up straighter and taking a deep calming breath. 
“At Last..”  you belt out, nothing like Etta James but that's the thing about music, different people interpret songs in different ways, it’s the beauty of it. 
“My Love has come along, 
My lonely days are over, 
And life is like a song, 
Oh yeah, oh yeah” 
Harry’s face morphed in awe and shock, his mouth slightly open as his eyes,full of wonder, stare at you, a slow, breathless smile etching it’s way to the corners of his mouth. 
“At last, 
The skies are blue, 
My heart was wrapped in clover, 
The night I looked at you.” 
You stare right back at him, conveying through your eyes how much you loved him. You gave one small smile before sighing, rubbing your sweaty hands on your thighs, “alright, that’s all you get. “ 
“Y-Y/n,” he stutters, his face still full of shock, “why didn’t you tell me you could sing like that? Holy shit, babe, you’re amazing.” Harry lets out a chuckle pulling you to him, kisses you sweetly, pulling back to laugh again in amazement. 
You blush, shaking your head, “uh thanks, oh look you’re favorite parts coming up,” you bring both of your attentions back to the tv.
“Thank you for singing for me baby, I know you don’t like it but i’m thankful you trusted me enough to do it, I love you,” he whispers, pulling you into him and kissing your forehead. 
See the full post
250 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
What about asking H to fuck you in front of a mirror?? It's so hot
Sex club
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I got a few older!H requests so here you go!!
Summary: y/n’s trying out a new place tbat happens to be a sex club where she meet and older harry.
Warnings: Older!harry, Dom!harry, chocking, spanking, oral (female and male receiving) mirror fucking (p in v) unprotected sex, ‘sir’ ‘sweetheart’ ‘darling’ ‘slut’ ‘good girl’ , I think that it?? Lmk if not !
Word count: 5K
I hope you enjoy! Happy reading! -G <33
 It is typical for you. Whenever you went out, it wasn’t guys or even girls your age that you looked for. No, it was older men and women. More experienced and more pleasurable experiences were what you looked for. 
It had been like that your whole life, you don’t really know when it started, but when you got to dating age, it was people older than you that attracted you. You didn’t mind, hell you quite frankly enjoyed it way more than when you were with people your own age. 
Currently you were out, sitting at the bar of a sex club. This wasn’t your normal way or place to meet someone, but you’ve always wanted to try something new, and this has been on your list for quite some time now. 
Sitting at the bar, your back leaned against the bar as your legs crossed and you spun the small black straw in your long island iced tea. You wore your tightest black dress, your boobs pushed up so high you thought they’d touch your chin. You didn’t know if you’d be joining anything this time around, maybe you’d just watch this time and come back if you felt comfortable, but you still shaved every crevice of your body in case you did. 
Your eyes roam the bar areas, watching a few women walk around topless, some on stages dancing to the sensual music. Women and men watching them, couples kissing and feeling each other up, most likely getting ready to head upstairs to the main area. You were already wet, at the sight,  it didn’t take much now that you have been sitting here awhile, just watching, trying to work up the nerve to head up the stairs. 
Taking a deep breath, your eyes keep scanning the bar area landing on different couples or people that might have just met tonight, making out, whispering what they’re going to do to each other and feeling each other up. Just as you go to take a sip your eyes land on a dark haired man, and he’s staring right back at you. 
His green eyes focused on your mouth, or more your tongue as it swirls around the straw before finally getting put in your mouth. His thighs wide as he sits in a manspread, his hands fisted on his thighs, one wrapped around a glass of whiskey. God his hands are hot. You don’t take your eyes off him as you take a sip of your drink, your thighs clenching as you watch his jaw tick. 
This man is fine, the hottest man here by far. His dark hair having a few gray streaked through it, but mostly all dark, his stubbled jaw that you would like to know how it feels between your thighs. You can tell he’s older than your twenty three years, just what you like. 
Your eyes lock with his from across the room, his eyebrow quirked in challenge. You let a small smirk grace your lips, finishing off the last of your drink before setting it on the counter behind you and standing. You don’t look back as you make your way towards the stairs, hips swaying and your dress riding higher to just under your ass cheeks, you don’t care though, half the people here are in a state of undress. What’s a little pantie action? 
As you make it to the landing you can hear footsteps on the stairs behind you, a spike of excitement runs through you making you feel electrified . You're so ready to see where this night leads. 
Walking down the dark, red lit hall, you turn right into a room where you can see two women - one with dark hair and the other with blonde, are making out on a bed, a man watching them from the corner as he sits in an armchair, his shirt unbuttoned and his hand stroking his cock - just beyond the glass.  The women are groping each other, hands roaming everywhere, the one with dark hair putting their hand between the blonde’s thighs, stroking her clit at the order of the man. They moan, the blonde woman moving kisses down the neck of the dark haired one before sucking her nippile into her mouth. 
Your thighs clench, but as hot as it may be it is not as exciting as you’d figure you’d find here, so you turn and walk back down the hall. Passing a few doors, moans falling into the hall before you take a left, coming into a well lit room with two men and a red haired woman. One is fucking her from behind as the other lays on his back while the women sucks him off. It was hot, the man fucking her slapping her ass cheek making her whimper and pull off the other man. “I didn’t say stop, slut,” He snaps, his hand pulling her head back to him, she lets out a moan as she takes him back in her mouth. Her hand works his base and she swirls her tongue around his tip. 
You cross your legs, clenching your thighs, your panties soaking as you watch them fuck her. Her moans filling your ears, biting your lip to try and keep in a moan. You knew this would excite you coming here, you just didn’t know how much. 
“Does this excite you, sweetheart?” His rough, British voice rasps in your ear. His body heat encases your back in a warmth. A shiver runs down your spine, standing straighter, your hands find the hem of your dress fisting it in your hands. 
You're nervous, you never imagined to catch someone's attention tonight, you were just going to watch. His front grazes your back, not quite touching you, but you can feel his hard on brush against the curve of your ass cheeks. 
“I asked a question, love,” he rasps. His hand coming up, his fingers running along your arm causing goosebumps appear as you let out a shuttered breath. 
“Y- yes,” you whisper, unconsciously leaning back into him. His fingers brush your hip, pulling you back into him more, his hard on nuzzled between your ass cheeks, only your dress and his pants separating you. Groaning, you push your ass into him. 
You love this feeling, having a man hard for you. It excites you, your panties grow wetter as you eyes watch the two men and red haired woman fuck. The man she was sucking off now under her, fucking up into her pussy as the man behind fucking her ass. Her moans can’t be contained, she lets them fall out freely as she  kisses the man’s under her chest. 
“Fuck-” you whimper. You’ve had your fair share of threesomes, men and women, just men, just women. But never like this, never both men at once. You ache, needing to be touched, you just want to stick your hand in your panties and get yourself off but a strong ring clad hand catches you before you can. 
“No touching yourself, sweetheart,” he orders into your ear. Your back is fully leaned on his chest now, a whimper escaping you as he tugs your hand back, laying your palm flat on his thigh. The hard ridges of his abdomen pressed into you. 
“What’s your name, love?” he asks you, keeping you against him with a hand on your hip and the other on your upper arm. His breath right next to your ear, his lips skimming your ear lobe. 
“Y/N,” you whisper out, turning your head on his shoulder so you can catch his eyes. You meet lust filled emeralds, and all you can think is you want this man to fuck you. “What’s yours?” 
“M’Harry,” he mutters. His eyes flick between yours, moving across the expanse of your face, down to your lips, lingering there. He licks his lips, his face moving an inch closer, noses brushing and breath fanning over each other's lips as you wait for his next move. Your chest rises and falls with each breath, your ass pushing back into him, needing to feel him. 
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285 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
could you maybe do the "just lay back down, and I'll take care of you" first time prompt with harry?
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Main Masterlist | Requests |
Ok so I combined these two asks and made a fluff / self Indulgent little fic lol Also just a forewarning this is not my best work i literally wrote this in less than 30 mins dsjansdjfh;odjf;dsjk
Summary: y/n’s sick and older!H takes care of her
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, chest pains, being sick, lmk if I missed anything (nothing sexual purely a fluff / comfort fic)
Word count: 944
Hope you enjoy! Happy reading - G <3
When you first met Harry you never could have imagined he would be seeing you like this so soon. You didn’t want him seeing you like this but he's a stubborn asshole most of the time anyways, not giving up until he got his way, much like you.
He insisted on taking care of you when you came down with a fever of 100.7 and a raw wet cough, he wouldn’t take no for an answer when he stated more than asked if he could stay with you to make sure you were ok. After putting up more of a fight than the little energy you had allowed, you finally gave up and let him make his famous chicken noodle soup he told you his mum used to make him when he was sick. 
The thing about being sick was, you absolutely hated it, ever since you were a child you couldn’t stand being sick. You hated when your throat hurt and you had to cough, you hated throwing up and the hot and cold flashes that came with having a fever, the chest and body aches where you can’t get comfortable when you’re trying to rest.
But what you hated the most was that your anxiety got worse. It happens every time you get sick, the thought of just a head or chest cold turning into bronchitis or pneumonia. It scared the absolute shit out of you.
Of course your mother would try and comfort you, rubbing your back and hugging you real tight, whispering that ‘everything will be okay’. Anything to soothe you, but sometimes it just wouldn’t work. 
You could be resting, trying to sleep but your mind would go to places where you’d wonder if your chest was hurting because it was more than a small chest cold. That you weren’t going to be okay and you needed to go to the hospital. 
You didn’t want Harry to be around when you had your anxiety attack, you normally can calm yourself down now that you're older and can somewhat take care of yourself. You didn’t want him to see you like that, especially when he’s older and you haven’t been dating that long. 
It was day two of being sick and waking up with a really raw cough and your nose running that you noticed that your chest was hurting more than the day before. You didn’t say anything when Harry woke up and offered to make you some tea with honey and lemon to soothe your aching throat. 
You didn’t say anything when he cuddled up behind you that afternoon after you told him you were tired and wanted to take a nap. Your head on his chest as he rubbed up and down your back softly, soothing the body aches you feel. You didn’t say anything as you both layed there, him falling asleep as your mind ran wild with possibilities that the chest pains you were feeling were more that to do with your cold. 
You only said something when he found you crying on the bathroom floor, having gently slipped from his arms and the bed when your anxiety got to be too much and the tears started to fall. 
“M-my chests h-hurts,” you almost sob, fear leaking into your hoarse voice. 
He nods, brows furrowed in concern, “Ok baby, it’s okay. Let’s get you back in bed.” He softly picks you up bridal style, your arms tightening around his shoulders and you hide your tear stained face in his neck. 
“Shh, darling, everything’s going to be alright.” he coos. 
Harry walks back into your bedroom and over to the side of the bed where all your pillows are propped up because it’s easier to breath sitting up than laying down. He gently places you on the soft mattress, pulling the comforter out from under your sock covered feet and pulling it up under your chin. 
“Just lay back, I’ll take care of you, okay baby?” he whispers, pushing a stray piece of hair off your forehead before he leans down and places a kiss there. You nod, letting out a cough and a weak smile. 
Harry walks into the kitchen and is back a minute later with some medicine, sitting on the edge of the bed next to you as he pours it in the little medicine up and hands it to you, “This is supposed to help ease the pain in your chest and throat, it’s a nighttime medicine which will probably make you sleepy but you need some sleep, i felt you tossing and turning all night last night.” he speaks softly, smiling over at you when you shoot him a small glare. “I also got you some more tea and crackers, because I know you don’t like the taste of the medicine.” Harry laughs softly as the soft smile you shoot him, an immediate mood change from glaring at him just a second ago. 
You quickly take the medicine and immediately reach for the tea harry’s holding, taking a long sip of the warm liquid helping soothe your throat. 
After laying back and Harry climbing in bed next to you, you cuddle up to him, your anxiety slowly floating away as Harry puts on your favorite marvel movies and you eat some crackers. You can feel yourself start falling asleep while the pain you were feeling in your chest eases. 
You fall asleep to Harry softly rubbing your back and placing a kiss to the top of your head while Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier plays in the background.
Taglist: @randomwriter1021 @marlananicole17 @whoreforthecullens @hc-geralt-23 @afuckenslutforharrybro @wiiildflowerrr @lonelyheart5 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @myfavfanficsever @onlyangel-k @cuddleluvr @Sophiawithanph @lovegiven. @theshyspy @watchyourbluesturngolden @thesadstoryofme
327 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What about y/n asking BSF!Harry to teach her how to give a blow job?
Bsf!harry teaches how to give a blowjob.
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Ok so I’ve completely lost my laptop charger lmao 😅🤦‍♀️ so I sucked it up and wrote this on my phone so if it sucks that what we’re going to blame it on! 😂BUT I’m back ??!?! MAYBE lol i really missed writing! 
Warnings: blowjob, throat grabbing ( NOT VIOLENT ( Not choking bc its loose and not meant in that way) nothing else?? Lmk if not!!
Word Count: 2247
I hope you enjoy!! Happy reading -G <3
Also this was not proof read or edited so sorry for any mistakes!! 
You and Harry have been best friends since before he auditioned for The X Factor - you and his mothers doing.
He was never a shy person, always singing or humming a tune, playing birthday parties with his band. That’s how you met actually, he and his band played at your now ex best friends birthday party.
You met through a friend of a friend and hit it off right from the start, talking about the same interests you both had in songwriting and music. You ended up talking the whole night, sharing a dance or two before exchanging numbers.
You guys texted each other everyday and pretty much every minute, always bringing up new interests and the most bizarre things. Eventually, you started to hangout with friends, until it was just the two of you watching movies, singing lyrics at the top of your lungs in the car, just having become each other’s best friends.
And that leads to today, watching your best friend up on stage living his dream of being a musician. Harry was on tour for his second album, his fans not knowing that just yesterday he finished recording the last song for his third solo album. He’s let you hear snippets, but nothing fully and it’s driving you crazy.
He uses to do that when he was in the band, sending you voice memos of lyrics in the middle of the night when he was halfway across the world from you. And each and every time you would wake up and listen to it over and over, just to feel a smidge closer to him.
Sometimes you’d even call him, just to hear his voice. He couldn’t talk long most times, but just hearing his voice made you feel butterflies.
That should’ve been the first thing you noticed when you finally realized you liked him, well as more than a friend. You were always yearning to be near him, to hear his voice or just any form of attention from him.
He was your best friend, and you’d never had a boyfriend before. You never had anytime for one, you were always with harry. Hanging out, texting, ect.
So later that night when the show was over and you all had finally gotten back to the hotel, showered and in bed, you realized how inexperienced you were.
You’ve had sex, not the best albeit, but you weren’t a virgin. But you hadn’t really done anything else, your intimate life was pretty vanilla compared to everything harry had told you he’s experienced.
You’ve never even given a blow job.
You haven’t really wanted to with any of the guys you’ve been with, but still.
Your mind took to a deep place where all you could think about was that Harry had probably gotten a lot of blowjobs from different women around the world. That made you jealous. But a hot too.
The wetness between your thighs could be felt through your thin sleep shorts, you were picturing harry naked, that beautiful butterfly tattoo on full display with his legs parted and someone bobbing their head up and down on his cock.
You didn’t even realize what you were doing until your fingers connected with your swollen clit and started circling, the pleasure you were giving yourself completely clouded your imagination, until it wasn’t just ‘someone’ bobbing their head up and down on Harry’s dick, it was you.
Pleasure shot through you, a moan slipping out just as a knock sound at the door and it was pushed open. You’ve never sat up and covered yourself faster.
Harry’s surprised green eyes stare back at you, the extra key card to your room grasped between his lean strong fingers.
You had forgotten that he had a key card to your room, just like you do to his. It was what you always did when you were on tour with him, that way you both could just go right in without have to have someone open the door.
“I-“ you start to say before realizing he was walking closer, the heavy door now closed behind him.
“What we’re you doing?” He Asks you, is voice deep and his eyes bright and filled with heat. His eyes trail down you, to your tank top that’s not hiding the fact that you’re not wearing a bra, to your hard nipples and down to your blanket covered lap. Lingering on your hand that was just down your shorts not even a minute ago.
“Not” you clear your throat, placing a small hesitant smile across your lips, “nothing.” And you leave it at that, the blush heating your cheeks making it apparent that it wasn’t just ‘nothing’.
He stays quiet, just looking between you and your reddened cheeks, you take a moment to take him in. White shirt tightly hugging his toned chest, you could see his tattoos faintly through it and a pair of black gym shorts. The tiger tattoo peaks out just a tad and you imagine yourself riding it.
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366 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sonsband · 2 years
Hanya is such a beautiful name <3 Does it have an specific meaning?
And "collect boy groups" ahha I love that.. I'm still pretty new to the whole kpop universe, and so far only SVT, ATZ and a little bit of SKZ really got me to keep up with them... For some reason I never really got involved with girl groups and I don't know why that is, tho I certainly appreciate them and as a bi person... I just feel attacked from all sides hahahaha Maybe the pressure on them to be 'perfect' is even worse than with the boys so they don't feel as genuine... idk... I know you said you collect bg but if you have gg recommendations I'm all ears
I love that you are also close with your family, my cousins all live far away but I love them soo much
AND YES QUEEN KRAKEN; I'm literally Bobby screaming "Kraken-ya" every time I rewatch the Wonderland stage haha... and no... atz definitely don't sleep I... I don't even try to HOPe they rest anymore (great meme btw heheh)
"to kill a monster with a skateboard in my crop top and boy shorts"... like, coolest sentence I've read in a while hahah I used to sing in a choir from 8 until I was 18 years old, I was a soprano and really good at it, but without practice I've lost some of my mojo... But it doesn't stop me to sing along to every single song I can hahaha My dream would be to sing with Dokyeom... (my ult of ults <3). And I studied graphic design tho it was a very basic course and I never really used professionally, it became more of a hobby and I have some creations on my blog, but now I make more gifs (yes, I'm a gif maker haha) Is faster and a little less creatively demanding so is good to pass the time and relax... recoloring stuff is definitely my favorite part of the process (your gift will be a gifset btw haha I'm still deciding on what exactly)
I would LOVE to have acting classes and learn to dance and play an instrument too (piano would be my choice) and I feel like the group of people I would meet in these environments would be incredible, but right now I just moved on my own to a new country so money is kinda short hahaha But I keep an eye out for that and I learned that is never too late to start anything
I love that you say YunGi are normal height cause I'm 1,55m so... shorter than the shorties hahahahah I guess that's why I tend to stan giants (from my pov), must be compensating hahahaha
Do you mind sharing what you do for work? And where will you be traveling, that's exciting!! There was not much celebration per se on my birthday haha I knew my friends would all be working, so I booked a little solo trip and got to meet a new town nearby a had heard lots about... And people were definitely right, I loved the place and had an Amazing time!! One day before my birthday I managed to secure tickets to see Ateez in Madrid which I still cant believe!!! It will be my first big scale concert ever and I also gave myself a ticket to watch the ballet "Giselle" next week, so yeah, a pretty great birthday week/month hahah I'm an ambivert with great people skills and I love my friends, but I LOVE my time alone as well, you know? 😅
Hoping for your excellent week to be realized 🤞🤞🤞
-Atiny Secret Santa <3
Aww thank youuuuu and no it doesn’t have a meaning it’s just the short, familiar, gender neutral version of my name lmao
I do collect them! I pick them up, inspect them, and put them in my bag. You’ve got good taste, “Hot” grabbed me by the throat and did not let me go for a second, the vocals on that are insane. When DK comes out fucking SWINGING?!?!?! I’m manifesting you getting to sing with him, he’s an S-tier fave, we love boys with big ass voices. I used to adore girl groups, but now they’re all so young that I can’t get into them. I remember being on stage as a teenager and 😬 So I still listen to all my 2nd gen nostalgia songs and follow the women in their 30s and 40s instead – when Kara sang “Step” at MAMA I might have teared up just a little. But none of these new girlies could do Hyolyn’s “Laying Low” so I’m fine. Anyway, if you like older girl groups (both have been performing longer and the members aren’t 17), check out EXID, they’re my favorite girl group – “Fire” wasn’t great, but they are, and I missed Solji so much.
Queen Kraken dominated that stage, I cannot beLIEVE she was robbed like that. smh even let Seonghwa ~kill~ her. We need them to sleep, they’re going loopy, I’m always excited for a comeback but I’m even more excited for a NAP.
It was SUCH a good film pitch. It’s about a bunch of skateboarders terrorized by a monster but they’ve all smoked too much and are too paranoid to figure out what’s going on, which is such a funny concept. I can’t skateboard but that’s fine cause the skateboarders can’t act.
Ooh another singer! Sorry you’re a soprano tho :/ (I’m an alto, I gotta get that in). But YES, it doesn’t matter if we sing seriously or nah, it’s so much fun to just belt along with the radio and music is all about enjoyment.
Oh nice! I admire gif makers, I can’t do it, I much prefer gfx (although I haven’t done one for Tumblr in a while orz), and I’m unsearchable on both of my blogs so I’m just like if I can make something annoying enough for one of my friends to chuckle sensibly that’s my goal. Recoloring is so fun but it’s still work, and then on top of all the other stuff to make a good gif set? You’re clearly so much more patient than me, even if it is meditative for you haha
Dude, it’s been so great taking classes again. I’m not any good at Meisner technique (my teacher yelled at me frequently, all of which was very deserved, and I respond better in the arts to brutal honesty and tough love, so my monologues are peak now) but it was amazing to get back into that space with such interesting people. There were some who were so annoying, but that’s the risk and it’s worth it imo. And you’re so right that it’s never too late to try, the secret is that there are fewer interesting roles for younger actors than older actors, and so you’re always growing into something better, even just good scripts to read in a class.
They’re, what, 185-ish? I’m 180, we’re sooooo normal. My fatal flaw is that I immediately assume the tallest male idol on stage is my dad’s height (196) and then when I find out they’re 180-185-ish I’m like oh so they’re normal! Normal height! It’s not our fault these other boys decided to stop growing! (Actually tho – my cousin was so mad when she moved to America for college and all her classmates weren’t at least 190. She scolded her dad for being 195 and skewing her expectations for American men, since he was the only American in their small town. If we point out that Japanese men also aren’t known for being 190, she says at least she wasn’t lied to.)
I work for the food and beverage department of a museum. I do the boring back-end invoice tracking, but when I’m on-site during the parties it’s wild. When parties are booked at the museum there’s a specific vibe – expensive and extravagant and ridiculous and a little bit tastefully tacky – and so it’s always just fun. The last one had a whole crew of dancers dressed as Lichtenstein paintings, in big dresses, bigger wigs, and stylized halftone makeup. A couple months ago was a sneaker ball, where people wore eveningwear and (WayV voice) thousand dollar shoes
I’m going to the Vatican! My dad’s there like yeah lmao you don’t have to come but his partner (deeply Catholic) is spiritually twisting my ear like “you witnessed a miracle, your father got out of a wheelchair, you are GOING.” I’m not meeting the Pope, but I get to watch my dad meet him, which I’m relieved about since I’m not Christian lmao.
Hey, sometimes you get your own little private celebration, and then a second celebration with friends! That’s totally cool! What town, if you don’t mind me asking? And congratulations~ Have so much fun (at both of them) and I want to hear everythinggggggg I’m not kidding I want a full rundown of your favorite parts.
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