#like buddy not only are you stupid and have already told me all i need to know about your lack of political alignment youre boring as fuck!
lmao the two things i hate the most are men who think theyre funny, and men who pick up a mic and think they can call themselves musicians.
somehow i managed to snag not only those two things but also 'so fucking boring but thinks he could keep up with me enough to fuck me' all in one dumbass guy!! i fucking hate tinder, man.
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juanarc-thethird · 4 months
Let's be friends!
Jaune and Sun are enjoying a coffee at the local coffee shop while observing Neptune hit on a girl.
Jaune: This is the seventh time he has tried to pick up a girl.
Sun: And yet, they have all rejected him.
Jaune: Oh, he's coming back.
Sun: And by his expression, it didn't go well.
Neptune comes to the table, sits down, and lays his head on the table.
Neptune: She said no.
Jaune puts his hand on Neptune's shoulder.
Jaune: Sorry buddy, maybe next time.
Sun: Yeah, there's always a new day.
Neptune: That's what you guys told me yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before…..
Sun: OKay, Buddy! I think you need to distract your mind a bit. So how about we go see a movie? Jaune?
Jaune doesn't respond, his gaze is focused on the table while he is thinking on something.
Sun: Um, Jaune, are you listening?
Jaune: Oh sorry, I was thinking about something else.
Sun: What were you thinking about?
Jaune: How Neptune asks for a date. I mean, he's tried several phrases, different sentence structures, but he's still been rejected for every single one of them.
Neptune whimpers at Jaune's comment.
Sun: Dude...
Jaune: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I was just thinking what would happen if he try the opposite?
Sun: What do you mean?
Jaune: What if, instead of asking a girl out. He ask them to be only friends.
Neptune raises his head and turns to look at Jaune.
Neptune: That sounds stupid.
Sun: I agree with Neptune. He is trying to get a girlfriend, not a friend.
Neptune: Besides, I already have enough friends.
Jaune: Ok, but what if it works? Hmm? Don't knock it until you try it
Neptune: I'm not going to make a fool out of myself by trying your stupid idea.
Jaune: Sun?
Sun: Don't look at me. Is your idea, you try it.
Jaune: Ok I will. Just watch.
He begins to look around.
Jaune: I'm going to ask… her. The red-haired girl in the corner.
The other two turn to see this girl. She is sitting on one of the booths next to the window having a coffee while she looks out outside. She is tall, light-skinned and has an aura of maturity. She wears somewhat torn jeans, with her red shirt, a black leather jacket and fashionable black boots. Too Cool for a geek like Jaune.
Neptune: What?! That girl is out of your league. She would never go out with you.
Jaune: Well, it's a good thing I'm just asking to be my friend.
Sun: Oh, nice comeback.
Jaune: Ok, *he takes a big breath* here I come.
He gets up from the table and walks towards the girl.
Jaune: Um... *ahem* Hello...
The girl looks at him.
Jaune: Hey I was wondering if you would like to-
Girl: I'm not interested.
Jaune: I'm sorry?
Girl: I said I'm not interested. I won't go out with you.
Jaune: Oh! I'm sorry for the confusing. I didn't come for that. I wanted to ask you if we can be friends.
Girl: Huh?
Jaune: I mean, you look so cool and I thought it would be cool to have you as a friend.
Girl: Wait, you're not trying to go out with me?
Jaune: Yep, and to be honest, and please don't take it the wrong way, you are not my type.
Girl: *Upset* Excuse me?!
Jaune: I mean it respectfully! You seem like a nice girl, it's just-
Girl: *Mad* "It's just" what?
Jaune: It's just that I'm a bit of a geek, and since you're super cool, we wouldn't be a good pair.
Girl: Well, but that's not just your decision. Because If I wanted you, I could have you.
Jaune: Umm... I'm sorry but you are not my type. Maybe I should go and leave you alone. Sorry for bothering you.
Jaune turns around but the girl stops him. She pulls him by his shirt and sits him on the other side of the booth. Before he can react, she corners him by sitting next to him. Leaving it between the window and her.
Girl: We are not done. What's your name?
Jaune: *Nervous* J-Jaune...
Eve: Well Jaune, I'm Eve. Are you free tonight?
Jaune: I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. You are not my type.
Eve: Oh but you're my type. So I'm going to make you mine.
She says while smiling somewhat menacingly.
Jaune: *Worry* I-I'm serious, I'm not interested. You're not what I'm looking for.
Eve: Well guess what, you are everything that I look in a man.
Jaune: *Panic* B-But...!
Eve puts her finger on Jaune's lips.
Eve: Shhh~ You know what, let's go on a date right now. Maybe that will change your mind about us.
Eve takes Jaune by the arm and guides him to who knows where. Jaune turns to look at his friends to get their attention but they only look at him in amazement at the great feat he has just achieved.
Neptune: Wow, he did it!
Sun: Yeah, but did he look a little scared? Should we worry? To be honest she acted somewhat… "intense" back there.
Neptune: Nah, Jaune will be fine. He is a big boy, he can take care of himself.
Sun: Huh? Jaune sent me a message.
Neptune: I bet it's a text to brag about his victory.
Sun: He says: "Help!" "She is crazy!" "Please get me out of here!"
The two stare at each other and say.
Neptune: Maybe we should go help him.
Sun: Agree.
They both jump out of their seats and run to rescue their friend.
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peotego · 6 months
Unconditionally | James' POV
Pairing: James Potter x fem!Black!reader
Summary: Unconditionally but from James' POV.
Warnings: some swear words, Sirius being an ass in the beginning, my English? (since it’s not my first language)
Words: 3,5k+
In James Potter’s life, there was only one girl.
The only girl he ever had eyes on.
Oh, how he loved to look at her smile or laugh with her friends. How he adored the way she would throw her head back when he told a really funny joke. How absolutely and utterly in love with her he was.
He sometimes looked at her as if she was the one who hung the stars and the moon herself. As if she was the ruler of an old kingdom and he was supposed to serve her night and day. She was the first person he thought about in the morning and the last one in his mind before going to sleep.
But she was also his best friend’s sister.
She was untouchable.
And James Potter was seriously fucked.
He remembered when he first thought about her in a non-friendly way. It was quite soon when she stopped being just a buddy he would hang out with and started being the girl.
It was shortly after the Christmas break in their first year. (Y/N) and Sirius were already on a train and he came in late. (Y/N) was wearing a black dress and that was the first time when James noticed she was actually a girl. Of course, the girls in Hogwarts were wearing skirts as the uniform required it but James never paid a mind to it. However on that very train at the beginning of January, he noticed that one of his mates was a beautiful girl.
He didn’t know what to do with those feelings so he tried talking to his best friend about it.
A bad idea, right? Since his best friend was also a brother of the girl he was developing feelings for.
”Sirius, we need to talk”
”What’s up, mate?” Sirius was lying on his bed mindlessly playing with some spells he read about. Remus was in the common room trying to read a book and Peter was nowhere to be found.
”I think I have a crush on this girl” confessed James. That caught Sirius’ attention as he smiled wickedly.
”Really? Who is she?”
”It’s (Y/N)”
”(Y/N)? As in my sister (Y/N)?”
”Well, yeah”
James looked at his best friend expectantly. He did expect a piece of advice on what to do with those feelings or how to act on them. What he did not expect was the outburst.
Sirius was angry, furious even.
”James, she is my sister, you can’t have a crush on her!” Sirius stood from the bed and looked at James in shock ”She is my sister!” He repeated ”She is off limits for you. If you ever try to pursue her, it will ruin our friendship! Imagine what would happen if things didn’t work out between you two. How am I supposed to pick sides? What would you expect me to do? Side with you? Because I couldn’t do that! She is my family and I would have to pick her over you! Do you really want to ruin our friendship like that? Does it really mean that little to you?”
”Sirius, calm down” James panicked ”It’s just a stupid crush, it will pass”
”It better do, James, because we’re gonna have a big problem”
For a few days, James avoided (Y/N) like a plague. He was only eleven years old and he really thought that by acting on his weird feelings he would completely ruin his friendship with Sirius. It didn't help that by saying "we're gonna have a big problem" James thought Sirius implied he would beat him up.
James would not only lose (Y/N) but also Sirius. So he tried to get over it.
But in their third year, he still had those feelings. He was still crushing on his best friend’s sister. And he was truly terrified.
He started to hate those butterflies that appeared whenever (Y/N) was in the same room, whenever she talked to him, laughed with him, or touched his shoulder.
It was so obvious that Sirius picked on it and started a very serious talk with his friends one night.
”Guys, gather up, we need to talk about something very important” Remus looked at James and raised his eyebrows as if James knew what it was all about. Potter only shrugged his shoulders. When all three boys gathered close to Sirius’ bed, Black started talking.
”You’re probably wondering what is this all about. So let me explain. Birds told me that one of you has unconventional feelings for my sister. Look, I get it. (Y/N) is amazing. She’s smart, funny, kind, and she’s got this incredible smile that can light up a room. Believe me, I know, I live with her. Guys, respect the boundaries. Falling in love with my sister can complicate our friendship and put my sister in a tough spot, and I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable or pressured in any way. I want you all to know that I appreciate you guys. We’ve got each other’s backs, we’re like a family. I want to trust you and I want to know that you won’t hurt my sister. Let’s keep the love we have for (Y/N) as sisterly as possible and keep our romantic interests directed somewhere else.”
”What?” Asked Peter when Sirius ended his little TED talk ”Who has a crush on (Y/N)? Is it you Remus?”
”Doesn’t matter” said Sirius quickly ”Just promise me, all of you, that you will never ever fall in love with my sister”
James stared at his best friend in disbelief. He felt betrayed, slapped in the face. What was he supposed to do other than agree to Sirius’ madness?
”Well, I can promise you that,” Remus said as the first one of the group.
”Me too” added Peter.
Sirius looked expectantly at James as the other two of their friends also looked his way. So as not to look suspicious, James shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.
”Yeah, sure, I have my eyes on a different girl, I think she’ll be the future Mrs Potter” James lied. It was so easy to do so that he was surprised himself.
”Oh, yeah? Who is she?” Sirius didn’t believe him at all, he still remembered the conversation they had in their first year, and he still remembered the way James looked at his sister with lovey-dovey eyes.
”It’s… Lily Evans!” James himself was surprised when he heard what he had said. Lily Evans was one of (Y/N)’s friends, they were inseparable, always sitting together, laughing together, or whispering about some secrets during dinner. It was an obvious choice. Simple.
”My, my, James” Sirius smirked ”Then we have to ensure you go on a date with Evans soon!”
From that day forward James Potter pursued Lily Evans, even though he never liked her as more than a friend. But he wanted Sirius to stop being suspicious of him.
So he declared his love for the redhead girl the next morning to the whole school.
As years went by James’ feelings for (Y/N) only grew stronger. Each encounter with Sirius’ sister became an exquisite torture, a stolen sip from a well of emotions. He observed her, like a creepy stalker.
In the deepest parts of him, James harbored an affection, silent and concealed, a love he knew was not his to claim. He was a prisoner of this affection, torn between loyalty to his best friend and the magnetic pull of his heart towards his best friend’s sister.
When during one party in their 6th year Marlene suggested a game of Spin the Bottle, James was excited. That was his way to steal a kiss from the girl of his dreams without Sirius growing suspicious of him. It was only a game after all, right?
But when Remus mentioned that he shared his first real kiss with (Y/N) Black, James saw green. He sulked in his seat sending daggers into his friend’s back. If looks could kill, Remus would be long dead by now. And when he got to be the first one to kiss her in the game, years later, James’ angry fist hit the floor a little too much which made Mary look at him with a smirk.
As the game progressed James became more desperate so without his friends knowing he enchanted the bottle when (Y/N) spun it so it would definitely land on him.
He watched as her eyes went wide with the realisation of who she was supposed to kiss and James was scared for a minute that she would choose to tell the truth and drink instead of kissing him. But she didn’t. And he couldn’t be happier.
Her demeanor quickly changed and she smirked wickedly while saying ”Two out of three. Better get ready Peter”
Sirius shouted something about this whole situation being disgusting but James paid no mind to him. He was definitely too drunk to care. Slowly he got up from the place where he sat on the floor and made his way to (Y/N). When he positioned himself before her, he looked deep into her eyes and, oh Merlin, how he loved those eyes. Those eyes held the power over him. He marveled at the way they sparkled like stars in a night sky. He loved the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she laughed, how he could read her like an open book only by one look.
James put his hand on (Y/N)’s cheek and leaned into her. When his lips crushed on hers James could swear he saw fireworks. And when she kissed him back with just as much force he could only smile into the kiss. He pushed his tongue inside her mouth while she grasped his shirt trying to bring him closer. Oh, sweet Merlin, James could only dream about a moment like that. When (Y/N) bit his lower lip he couldn’t help but moan.
James tried bringing her closer to him if that was even possible, but his drunk self had too much strength and they fell to the ground, (Y/N)’s body under his.
”That’s enough, Prongs, it’s my sister” Sirius’ strong arms pulled James from (Y/N). Potter couldn’t help himself and grimaced but luckily Sirius didn’t see anything because he helped his sister get up. The only person who saw his face was Lily as she smiled at him knowingly.
That same night when the girls went to their dorm, Sirius started a conversation.
”How is it, Prongs, that you’re supposedly in love with Evans but couldn’t get enough of my sister while kissing her, hm? I thought you two were gonna have sex right in front of us”
”Padfoot, please, stop it already. We talked about it in our third year”
”Yeah, I remember, but I can’t shake the feeling that you lied to me”
”He’s not wrong, James,” said Peter getting ready for bed ”You two looked very… comfortable”
”Horny, Wormtail, the word you were looking for is horny” added Sirius. ”See? I’m not the only one seeing this!”
”You’re all delusional. I’m going to bed”
So the next day during breakfast James shouted how much he loved Lily Evans even though it wasn’t true. And Evans kinda looked disappointed.
When the summer break between their 6th and 7th year at Hogwarts came, Sirius and (Y/N) spent it at the Potters. And while James couldn’t be more happy about it he was also angry that his best friend tried to be everywhere with them. Sirius wouldn’t leave (Y/N) and James alone even for one minute.
So when Sirius felt sick, James tried to twist the situation to his advantage and asked (Y/N) if she wanted to stargaze with him.
”Jamie, your father wants me to marry you,” she said unexpectedly and James felt shivers run down his spine. He would kill Fleamont Potter for his big mouth later.
”Yeah, crazy, right? He thinks I’m your mystery girl”
Because you are and he knows it, thought James to himself.
”Oh, and what did you tell him?”
”That it’s definitely not me. That I know the girl you have a crush on and he said that we’ll see”
”I have no idea why he said that, I’m very sorry” After what she said James thought that she wasn’t interested in him in any way. He needed to protect his own heart. So he distanced himself.
”No big deal, Potter”
While James was sulking and drowning in his own unrequited feelings, (Y/N) suddenly spoke again.
”I’ve been thinking about you and Lily for a while”
”Yeah. I think she doesn’t deserve you”
That’s interesting, thought James.
”How so?”
”You see, Jamie, you’ve been trying to get the girl since we were thirteen years old and she’s still not even slightly interested in going on a date with you. She’s always laughing at you, turning you down. I don’t think that’s very good for you. I get that you’re in love with her but maybe you should start thinking about yourself a little bit?”
A stupid, stupid heart that started to beat faster. A glimmer of hope appeared inside of James.
”What do you mean?”
”You deserve the world, James Potter. You deserve a girl who will be madly in love with you. You deserve a girl who will love you unconditionally. You are a good guy. Sure, you have your faults. We all have them. But you should be loved the way you love other people - wholeheartedly. I don’t think Lily is the right girl for you. I'm also not saying you should do whatever I’m telling you right now. I just believe you should think about it a little bit and decide if it’s even worth it. Because you, James Potter, are definitely worth it and it’s her loss if she cannot see that”
If James Potter was confused before, imagine him in that moment. (Y/N) Black made no sense to him. She said that he should look for a girl that would give him all the love he deserved but she didn’t see that she was the girl he already loved.
So James did what he always did when he was confused. He joked.
”Wow, Black, do you have a crush on me or something?”
”You’re also an idiot” She slapped his shoulder and just like that they got back to where they started - to being just friends, which James hated by the way. "I’m your friend, I just hate to see you struggling so much."
”You are a good mate, (Y/N) Thank you for always looking out for me”
Idiot, idiot, idiot.
He didn’t mean to say it.
But what are you supposed to say to the girl you love when you’re not sure if she harbors the same feelings for you?
He gently took her hand In his and interceded their fingers. How he longed for that to mean more.
After that conversation, when their 7th year began, James Potter promised himself that he would do absolutely everything in his power to convince (Y/N) Black that they were meant to be. So he stopped pursuing Lily Evans and after a long talk with her, when she advised him to just stop listening to Sirius and finally get the girl of his dreams, he began thinking about his master plan.
James Potter did everything a boy romantically interested in a girl would do, at least that's what he thought. He always sat next to her in classes, and he partnered up with her which made Sirius angry, he sat with her in the library and just watched as she was doing her homework, he walked her to her classes even when they had different ones and it meant he would be late to his.
So when the time came in October, when the Marauders’ prank was planned to happen, James was excited. He was the one who told the Ravenclaw prefect to be in that specific corridor at that time, he even paid him to be there. So when he started to chase the group and Remus suggested scattering, James paid no mind to anybody else while he grabbed (Y/N)’s hand and dragged her to the broom closet nearby.
And in that broom closet, he was finally able to confess his feelings. When (Y/N) said she reciprocated his feeling he couldn’t help himself.
But then the realisation came and James was mortified.
If he thought that the conversation with Sirius Black wasn’t going to be a big problem, he must have been an idiot. He had the girl of his dreams but he was scared to death with the thought of losing his best friend. In all of his master plan, James Potter didn’t think beyond the moment of saying ”I love you” in the broom closet. He wouldn’t dare to dream about (Y/N) reciprocating his feelings.
So now he had a problem.
(Y/N) and James dated in secret for a month while James thought about how to break the news to his best friend. (Y/N) only laughed at his imaginary scenarios because she thought her brother wouldn’t have that big of a problem.
She was right, Sirius Black grew up since they were all thirteen years old.
But James Potter was still scared.
”Padfoot,” said James looking in the direction of his best friend. Sirius was lying on the bed just like he was six years ago when they first talked about it. Remus was reading a book nearby while Peter was looking franticly for his Transfiguration essay. ”I need to talk to you”
”What’s up, Prongs? You have an idea for our next prank? Because I think (Y/N) mentioned something about invading Slytherin common room and painting it red and gold and I would love to do that”
”No, but it does concern (Y/N)”
”I'm all ears ten”
”Remember when we first talked about me having a crush on your sister when we were eleven?”
”It was you?” Shouted Peter surprised ”I literally thought it was Remus who fancied (Y/N)”
”Shut up, Wormtail. James is going to say something important. I remember. Go on, mate” Sirius tried not to smile. He knew already. (Y/N) told him but he patiently waited for his best friend to finally confess.
”And remember when you came up with that stupid rule when we were thirteen?”
”And remember when I said I fancy Lily Evans then?”
”I think we all remember”
”I lied”
”I know”
”I’m madly in love with your sister, Padfoot. And I’m sorry, I really tried to get over her so as not to ruin our friendship. Merlin, I tried so hard but it’s impossible. I believe she’s the love of my life, mate. I want to make her happy, I want to be the one she smiles at, I want to tell her all the jokes just to hear her laugh, I want to marry her one day. That’s why I’m sorry, Padfoot. Because you are my best friend and I didn’t listen to you, I went behind your back, and lied to you for a month. But I'm not sorry for loving your sister. I believe (Y/N) is the one”
There was silence between the four of them for a while.
James looked as if he was about to die, Peter looked at his best friend with wide eyes, Remus tried to cover up his laugh behind a book, and Sirius… Sirius was staring at his friend without showing any emotion.
”What time is it, Wormtail?” Asked the Black heir instead.
”Um, it’s almost midnight, why?”
”And what day is it?”
”November 29th?”
”Moony, my dear, pay up”
”What?” James was surprised. He expected screaming, maybe a hex or two directed at him. But Sirius was completely calm when he grabbed a few galleons from Remus.
”You see, Prongs, I already knew. You weren’t very subtle over the years. I suspected something but you always insisted you loved Evans so I waited, patiently may I add. And finally, you broke down. I expected you would do so in our 7th year somewhere close to the end of November, Moony said that’s impossible and opted for the end of our 7th year. Prongs, I just won a bet thanks to you.”
”You’re not mad?”
”Well, you see, I would be mad if we were children. But we grew up since that time, mate. I feel weird knowing that you’re snogging my sister but as long as you’re both happy, it’s fine with me. Just don’t hurt her cause then I would be obliged to hurt you too. You know, because I’m the older brother and so on”
”I don’t intend on hurting her, Padfoot. I want to marry her”
Just like James Potter said, he actually did marry (Y/N) Black two years later. And Sirius gave the most hilarious best man’s speech everyone has ever heard mentioning that he always knew these two would end up together (to which Remus screamed ”NOT TRUE” so loud that Peter fell from his chair).
A year later, they all attended Sirius and Remus' wedding.
And only a few days later (Y/N) found out she was pregnant. James couldn't have been happier, and Sirius shouted something about being the best godfather on the whole planet.
When they all decorated the nursery, James could only smile. With his best friends by his side, the love of his life sleeping soundly in their shared bedroom, and the baby soon to be born, he had everything he ever dreamed of.
And all was well.
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Sweet Home Indiana Part 9
Only one more chapter to go and that's the happily ever after.
Lot of talking in this chapter. Steve and Eddie, Eddie and Chrissy, Steve and Chrissy, back to Eddie and Steve. But we get to the most brilliant idea Eddie has had since choosing to marry Steve.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
The drive back to the hotel wasn’t a long one, but it still felt like it had passed by in a single instant.
When he pulled into the parking lot he was surprised to see Steve leaning against one of the pillars to the covered valet parking, smoking a cigarette. His feet were crossed at the ankle and his free hand was holding tightly to the arm that held his cigarette. His head was down, but Eddie could his hair wasn’t styled and his clothes were rumpled.
He got out his rental in a hurry and tried not to run up to Steve so it was this weird loping walk/jog thing.
“Baby?” Eddie called, leaning his head down to try and look him in the eyes.
His already broken heart shattered into dust when Steve raised his head. His eyes were red and swollen, his face blotchy with tears, and his expression was shuttered.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he cooed, cupping Steve’s cheek. “What are you doing here?” If Eddie was the cause of another shop closing, he was going to start crying, right there in the parking lot, dignity be damned. “What about the bakery?”
“Robin is taking care of it,” he murmured, “she called in Claudia to help out, the shop’s fine.”
Eddie heart sank further. “But you aren’t. Why don’t we go up to my room and we’ll talk about it, okay?” When Steve didn’t say anything, Eddie backtracked. “Or we can go somewhere else if you prefer.”
Steve shook his head. “No, no. You’re hotel room is fine.”
Eddie wrapped his arms around him and led him to his room. He sat Steve down on the one armchair in the room and poured a glass of water. He got out two capsules of ibuprofen and handed both to Steve.
“Drink up, Stevie,” he gently implored. “Don’t want you getting a migraine because you’re dehydrated.”
Steve nodded and did as he was told. Once he was done, he handed the cup back to Eddie who set it on the table.
“I was making snickerdoodles and started crying and couldn’t stop,” Steve murmured. “I know I’ve been awful to you all week and I’m starting to feel like that stupid Einstein quote or whatever about being crazy.”
Eddie chuckled and ran his fingers through Steve’s hair. “Crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?”
Steve nodded and then leaned into Eddie’s touch. “I’ve missed you so much, Eds.”
Eddie knelt in front of him and kissed his forehead. Steve let out a shuddering breath as the sobs threatened to choke him.
“What did you do to me that I didn’t deserve, Stevie?” Eddie whispered. “I left you, kept running when I could have come home, demanded a divorce, came to town and shook up your life and was just going to blow out of it again, never to be seen again? After all that, what did you do to me that wasn’t in self-defense?”
Steve let out another shuddering breath. “Kevin is just a pool buddy. We aren’t dating. I haven’t dated since before you. I couldn’t. You’re everything to me and I don’t know what I did to make you hate me.”
Eddie frowned at the name before he realized it was the guy he saw flirting with Steve his first night in town.
“I don’t hate you, baby,” he murmured. “I never hated you. I was so scared that I would be stuck in this hick town my whole life. I wanted to see the world. I wanted to meet new people, but I never stopped loving you.”
“But Chrissy?” Steve asked, tears slipping down his cheeks. Eddie right there with him with his own tears.
“She needs a visa to stay in America,” Eddie said his voice shaking with each word he forced past his lips, “and if we don’t get married by a certain date, they’ll ship her off back to Barbados. She’s my Robin, Stevie. She’s my Robin.”
Steve’s eyes went wide as he gasped. There wasn’t anything in the world that he wouldn’t do for Robin, even a lavender marriage if that’s what it would take to keep her safe.
Steve threw himself at Eddie and pulled him in for a big hug. “Oh, sunshine,” he breathed. “That’s horrible. Of course you need to marry her, to keep her safe. I’m sorry you’ve been carrying this around like a millstone around your neck.”
“I’m sorry, Stevie,” Eddie wailed. “I am so sorry.”
They slunk to the floor in a crumpled heap as they cried together.
Later they would get on the bed and just hold each other. But for now, they cried in each other’s arms and held on for dear life.
Eddie woke up for the first time in years feeling well rested and comfortable. His phone was also blasting “Hot Blooded Woman” as loud as possible.
He rolled over to grab his phone but was met with a warm body and face full of honey colored hair.
Eddie smiled and stretched over Steve to grab his phone.
“‘Ello?” he muttered, trying to keep his voice down.
“Eddie!” Chrissy shrieked. “I’ve been calling for the last ten minutes! Why didn’t you pick up?”
Eddie pulled his phone from his ear and stuck a finger in it to clear it out. “Chrissy, not so loud.”
“Well, I’m sorry if I’m freaking out that you weren’t answering your phone, Edward,” she huffed.
Eddie slid out of the bed and grabbed the room key on his way out of the hotel room. “I was sleeping, Christine. I’ve had a very emotionally wrought day and was exhausted.”
There was silence on the line for a moment or two before he got a very chastised, “Oh.”
“I’m sorry, Ed,” she murmured. “I was having my own freak out and completely forgot about yours. That was fucked up, I’m really, really sorry.”
Eddie sighed and leaned against the door. “It is what it is. Why were you calling?”
“Um...” she hedged. “It doesn’t sound so dire in weight of your shit, so...”
He chuckled and shook his head. “Now you’ve got to tell me.”
“So, um...” she hedged a little more, “I called the bakery to see if I could talk to Steve and see if we could work out custody of you or whatever, but he was busy.”
“Yes!” Chrissy hissed. “Wait! How did you know?”
“Steve came to the hotel to see me,” Eddie explained, “and told me he had been making snickerdoodles when it just came over him that he just had to see me.”
“Cute,” she said and Eddie could see her tilt her head to the side in his mind, something she’d picked up from him. “Anyway! I’ll talk more about that in a minute. I need to freak out.”
Eddie shook his head fondly. “Continue.”
“So this really cute sounding girl picked up and wouldn’t let me talk to him because apparently their giant stand mixer eats phones!” Chrissy explained.
“Let me guess, you’re freaking out about the cute sounding girl?” he murmured.
“Is–is she Steve’s girlfriend?” she asked shyly.
Eddie burst out laughing. He laughed so hard that Steve opened the door and looked down at him. “You okay there, Eds?”
He nodded, pursing his lips together. “Would please explain to Chrissy that Robin isn’t your girlfriend, please? Please?”
Steve rolled his eyes but took the phone from Eddie’s grasp.
“Hi, Chrissy?” he greeted.
“You must be Steve!” she chirped happily. “Nice to meet you at long last!”
“Likewise,” he said fondly. “Robin Buckley is my partner in a lot of things, but as a staunch lesbian, she isn’t anything but my platonic soulmate.”
He pulled the phone from his ear as she shrieked. Eddie looked up at him with the biggest grin and made grabby hands for his phone. Steve handed it back.
“Oh my god!” Chrissy cried. “If I wasn’t set to marry you, I propose in a heart beat!”
“I never took you for a U-haul lesbian,” he teased her.
Suddenly everyone stopped stock still.
“Oh shit,” Eddie said scrambling to his feet. “That’s it!”
“I’m calling Robin!” Steve cried, diving back into the hotel room.
“Get on a plane, darlin’,” Eddie told Chrissy. “I think we just solved all our problems.”
“Eddie...” Chrissy breathed. “Do you think this will work? What if she says no?”
“She won’t,” he reassured her. “And even if she doesn’t agree today, she will once she meets you face to face.”
“This is insane, Ed,” she muttered. “I don’t know.”
“Babe,” Eddie breathed. “Jeff is already out here for his parents’ wedding anniversary. Brian lives in Indy, and I bet I could convince Gare to be on a flight faster than you can book your own flight. You’ve already told the immigration lady that you were coming down here to the wedding anyway.”
She sighed and took a deep breath. “Okay, but now I’m freaking out for a different reason.”
Eddie laughed. “Because now you’ve got meet the pretty girl on the phone?”
“And is she?” Chrissy asked. “Is she pretty?”
Eddie went searching through his phone for the pictures he took during his week here and found a good one of Robin and Steve at the bar. He sent it to her.
“Stevie is hottie on the right,” he told her, “and Robin is cutie on the left.”
There was silence on the line for a few moments before Chrissy breathed. “Right, two things. One, I think you’re an even bigger asshole for leaving that behind, by the way.”
Eddie bobbed his head side to side. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
“And two holy fuck,” she hissed. “I would go down on my knees begging her to marry me even if my immigration status wasn’t the fucking sword of Damocles hanging over my head, right now.”
“Someone packing her bags yet?” he teased her.
“Look, babe,” Chrissy said seriously. “I was already packing my bags to meet your scaly white ass out there in Bumfuck, Indiana, it’s just going to be a more enjoyable experience is all.”
“See you soon, Chris.”
“I’ll message you my flight details as soon as I get them.”
“Right-o,” he said and hung up.
The door to the hotel room opened up again and Steve leaned against the doorframe.
“Robin thinks it’s a great idea,” he said softly. “One of her schools was already out there in Washington, so this makes the choice easier. Plus, this means she won’t be alone in the city like she thought she would be.”
Eddie got to his feet and put his arms around Steve’s waist. “This only clears up seventy percent of the problem.”
Steve frowned and tilted his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
Eddie cupped his jaw tenderly. “I still have a life out in Seattle. I want to be here with you, but there is so much to do before that could happen.”
Steve draped his arms around Eddie’s neck loosely. “I know that, Eds. I wasn’t expecting a miracle cure. So the only thing I need to hear from you is that no matter how far apart we are, that you’ll still love me.”
Eddie pulled him in for a hug and they stood there, half in the hotel room and half in the hall, just taking comfort in each other.
“I promise you this, Stevie,” he whispered in his ear, “that I will move heaven and earth to find my back to you. Something I should have done a long time ago.”
Steve shook his head. “No, I think we both needed to grow up before we could properly be together.”
Eddie let out a contented sigh. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
Steve pulled him back inside the hotel room and Eddie closed the door behind him.
Part 10
1- @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @ravenfrog @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi
3- @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @mac-attack19
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1
5- @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
6- @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95
7- @blackpanzy @amazing-spiderkeys @oldpinghai @raisedbylibrarians @kultiras
8- @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steddie-as-they-go @captain--low @micheledawn1975 @thespaceantwhowrites
9- @blondie1006 @stripey82 @w1ll0wtr33 @mcenziehughes
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panpanghost · 1 month
_"Happy birthday Wukong!" Macaque said smiling, waking his old buddy from his sleep.
_"Wha-" Wukong couldn't believe his eyes, how could he? He hasn't heard these words in decades. And that smell, oh that sweet gorgeous smell; the peach cake Macaque used to make him every year for his birthday. When was the last time he took a bite? He can't remember.
_"What? Did you think just because I lost my memory I'll forget your birthday?" Said Macaque jokingly.
Macaque can't remember anything that happened to him, the last thing he remembers is helping Wukong go to sleep after he came back from the celestial realm. He told Wukong red is his favorite color then Wukong started crying and he managed to get him to bed somehow... even that memory is a bit hazy.
But now, Macaque opened his eyes in a new bed with his body all sore and a blind eye. The weird black crown on his head was also stuck there, as if he doesn't have enough of things to worry about. But just because he's having a hard time doesn't mean he can't make new good times, like celebrating with Wukong.
_"How stupid of me to think that." Wukong answered with a smile trying to hold his tears back.
_"Are you ok?" Macaque asked softly with eyes filled with worry. He knows Wukong would jump at him and try to shove the entire cake in his mouth, but right now, Wukong is trying not to cry, that's nothing like him. Did something happen?
_"Of course I am! I'm better than ok! I'm great! Let's eat this baby already!"
_"Wukong." Macaque became serious, "Talk to me."
_"I-" Wukong took a second to look into Macaque's eyes. These beautiful eyes, the only ones that stare at him with so much love and adoration, he can feel them hugging him and sheltering him from the outside word.
He needed to talk but something in him was knitting his mouth shut every time he tried to speak. The same thing was begging him to lie and keep these wonderful feelings close.
_"It's ok," Macaque said and placed the cake on the counter then sat next to Wukong, "I'm right here." He held his hand and smiled, like he used to when Wukong would hurt himself and Macaque would stay by his side confronting him and tending to his wounds.
_"I-" Wukong needed to come up with a lie fast, what if he tells the truth and Macaque remembers everything, how would he look at him then? What if he disappears out of his life and never returns?
_"Yes?" Macaque asked,
_"There was a bad demon that hurt you last year, we weren't able to celebrate my birthday because you couldn't wake up. I'm sorry. I didn't want to bring it up."
_"It's alright." Macaque got closer and hugged Wukong, for some reason Wukong's hug was tighter than he remembers and it also lasted longer. Poor Wukong, he must've been really worried, Macaque will make it up to him this year. But... did Wukong just apologize? Also, was it the same demon that took his eye?
(I am bored, don't ask where this is going, idk either.)
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ddollfface · 9 months
𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗔𝘁𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝘅 𝗮𝗳𝗮𝗯!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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"Don't bite your lips, you're so selfish. Lemme do it for you ;)"
Trigger Warnings; jealousy, Cocky!Yandere, manipulation, possessiveness, yandere behaviors, bad writing, hinting at nsfw but doesn't show anything, I had afab!reader in mind but I think it can be gn!reader too If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Just some jealousy thoughts about LoveSick!Athlete... As usually, if ya' got any requests/suggestions, then let me know!!! (I'm definitely not running out of steam lol)
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Well, you see, LoveSick!Athlete doesn't really get jealous, so to speak. I mean, of course, he does get jealous, everyone does, seeing as it's a normal human emotion. And he's not a complete robot or anything. The thing is, he's just too cocky, too confident in himself to feel it often.
It's a mixture of confidence for you and himself. He's attractive, and he knows it. He's a twenty-one, lean, athlete who can kick anyone's ass if they dared to flirt with you. Though, he never does, seeing as he doesn't see any of these men as threats. Actually, he sees it as comedy, something that makes him laugh. He really pities these guys who think they can get with you, the hottest chick on uni campus. Like, really, what does this guy think he's doing, doll? Does he really believe that a babe like you would fork up your number to anyone? Especially, a guy who's already got a bald spot?
Honestly, he's really mean about it, and sometimes you can't help but feel bad for the guys who approach you. But, come on now, they must be stupid or something to completely brush off the arm that's wrapped around you shoulder. They likely just ignored it, hoping to save their ego, somewhat. They should've just seen it coming, at least, that's how you rationalize it.
He knows you wouldn't fuck another guy for two reasons:
1. First of all, why would you? Especially, when you have the hottest guy around the block. LoveSick!Athlete loves you to death. He makes sure your needs are met. That you're never hungry, thirsty, or needy. Nope, his baby's never left hanging. He's never left you high and dry, the bedroom set aside.
2. Who would hook up with? No, really, I'm serious. LoveSick!Athlete has practically chased off all competition, all you got is him. There's not a second that you're away from him, besides the bathroom. If you got a different class than him, welp he's waiting right out the door for you, ignoring all the whispers from your classmates who gawk at the hockey player.
3. He knows you're busy, he makes sure you are, with all that classwork, trying to get through college in one piece. What a hard worker you are; he's so proud of you. You're far too caught up in your grades and semester hours to be bothered with other men, though he's made sure that he's the only one that stuck around. Don't worry, he doesn't mind your tight schedule. You can't go to a cafe, date, 'cause you have to study? That's okay, what do you want? He'll bring it to your dorm! 'Cause, y'know, he's sweet like that ;)
4. And finally, though this isn't really a separate reason, he made sure that everyone knew ya'll were together. Well, not that you know that. He told all his buddies about you, how sweet you are, and how you're such a good girlfriend. I mean, he knows you guys never made it official, but what's the problem with that? You're practically dating, in his mind. You guys text/call all the time, you go out to eat together, go to amusement parks, and so, so much more. How is that not dating? Why *wouldn't* you want to date him? You guys would be such a power couple, don't 'cha think, babe? Our babies would be so cute; I hope they have your eyes <;3?"
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13as07 · 6 months
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Weekend #1
(Neji Hyuga & Shikamaru Nara)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to BM (?). Sorry, I couldn't find the original source but I really liked it so meh]
Requested by: xxziggy
Word Count: 3,462
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
First half is a lot a bit smut so be warned; not a full smut cause I wasn't feelin it for whatever reason
Love triangle (obvs)
Fingering (female receiving)
Temperature Play (Lighter/Ice Cubs)
Getting called "pet"
Not me accidentally making this a nature (growing up with Shika) vs nurture (Neji taking care of you) situation
     "This is such a drag," Shikamaru says as soon as I open my front door.
"If you don't want to help me pick out a swimsuit, I'm sure Ino will," I grumble, leaving the door open as I walk away.
"You always say that she 'likes anything you try on' and that 'Ino is no help' so, no. This is less of a drag than listening to you bitch for the whole weekend," he grumbles back, closing the front door before trailing after me.
Shikamaru and I are friends... a little more than friends. Fuck buddies, we're fuck buddies. We hook up from time to time but that's what friends are for, right? Hookups and opinions. And late-night snack runs.
"I think you should just stick to the yellow one you wore on last year's weekend trip."
"And I think you're stupid. I can't wear the same one I wore last year."
"Why not? I've worn the same swim trucks for the past three years," Shika groans, feet dragging as he follows me into my room, closing my door behind himself.
"Because I wore it last year! All the other girls are going to have new ones so I need a new one. I can't be the only one without a new swimsuit," I tell him, ushering him toward the bed.
"You girls have the weirdest rules about clothes," he grumbles, flopping on his back with his feet rested on the floor, and knees bent at the edge of the mattress. "Just wear the yellow one. Your titties look good in it."
"Thanks, Shik. That's what every girl wants to hear," I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes as I dig through my closet for the four or five suits I bought. He throws up a thumbs up, the promise of his eyes being closed and him being half asleep paired with it. What a lazy sass of a friend I have.
"Okay, there's four of them."
"Great," he mumbles, drawing out the word.
I ignore his sarcasm, stripping my clothes off as I decide which one to try on first. "Alright, this one is a black one-piece," I narrate, wiggling myself into the material.
"Hey, here's some crazy shit," Shika says, sitting up right now. "When I look at you, I'll be able to see the style and color of it."
"Hey Shik?" He lets out a hum, the feeling of his eyes coating my back as I check myself out in the mirror. "Stop being a douche."
He rolls my eyes at me, resting his arm on his knee, and his head on his hand. "Do a little spin," he grumbles, a finger on his free hand making a circle in the air. I do as I'm told, slowly spilling so Shikamaru can check the swimsuit out. "One-pieces are for grandmas and women without body confidence. No."
"That's a little harsh."
"Do you want me to sugarcoat it like Ino?"
I grumble out a no, tugging the suit off myself. Shika's eyes stay locked on my nudity, sights ping-ponging alongside my movements until I turn back around. "The next one is also a one-piece - "
"Shik - "
"I already told you no. You are a hot chick with a hot body. Show it off or else my weekend will be a waste."
"No, it won't be a waste. You can googly eye Ino or Tenten or Hinata or Sakura," I point out, flipping between which of the remaining two to try on next.
"Ino would pretty much be incest, Tenten scares me, Sakura has too much attitude, and Hinata doesn't have enough attitude," he explains, rolling his eyes at me again. I swear, one of these days I'm going to poke his eyes out.
"Alright, the third is a string bikini, it's powder blue and I think it makes my ass look good," I ramble, tying the strings the best I can alone. "What do you think?" I ask, doing another slow turn.
"No," he pushes out, shifting his position as he adjusts his pants. "You look..."
"Easy?!" I yelp, crossing my arms across my chest as I glare at Shikamaru. "I'm not easy!"
"I didn't say you were! I just said that... you look easy," he mumbles the last three words, eyes locked on my chest as he adjusts himself again. "Are you easy?"
"No! What the hell, Shik?"
"You should be... easy. Like... right now. For me."
"I asked you over to pick a swimsuit, not for a fuck," I grumble, slowly walking towards him. "This isn't picking a swimsuit," I continue, using my knee to push his open before sliding between his legs.
"The... the fourth one," he mumbles, fingers curling around the thin material, sliding back and forth as his eyes drink me up.
"You haven't even seen it yet," I complain, crossing my arms over my chest again, trying to hold onto my anger that's being drained by arousal. "How do you know it'll look good?"
"You look good in everything. You look better in nothing, though," Shika tells me, eyes still jumping around as he tugs the flimsy material to the side, leaving me exposed for him to enjoy. "Though, you also look really good in this swimsuit."
"Then I'll wear this one."
"No!" He races out, eyes snapping up to my face, his face scrunched up. "I mean... no, you still look easy."
"Do I look easy or is someone getting a little jealous?" I tease, cupping his chin and forcing him to shake his head yes. "Aw, is Shika worried he's going to lose the 'fuck' benefit of being m buddy?"
"I'm not that shallow," he mumbles, rolling his eyes at me again. "We're friends cause I like being friends. Not because you let me hit it on occasion."
     "Then I'm going to wear the swimsuit."
     "Pack the goddamn swimsuit and I'll set it on fire."
     "Set it on fire and I'll go skinny dipping all weekend."
     "Or," he starts, a single finger slowly cruising through my folds, landing on my clit to rub light circles into it. "I can make you cum and in turn, you wear the fourth swimsuit."
     "Ya alright," I give in, decking down to press a kiss against his lips. Shika's finger pushes into me, lightly curling against my walls as our lips dance against each other. "I have a question." He hums in acknowledgment, sliding kisses up and down my stomach as he curls another finger in me. "Did you only agree to my fashion show so we could fuck?"
     "Oh, ya. I'm not going to get any this weekend so might as well empty out now so I have a little more control while you girls walk around half naked," he admits, a third finger added before he starts thrusting them in and out of me. Shikamaru's tongue slides out, slowly trailing from the string of my bottoms and stopping at the connection string of my top. "Take your top off."
     "Demanding, aren't we?" I mock, tugging on the skippy strings and letting the material tumble to the floor. "You're such a tit guy."
     "I'm an ass guy too," he says, squeezing my butt with his free hand before it jumps up to my breast. He toys with my nipple, rolling it between his fingers as his mouth sucks on the other one. After some time he switches his places, eyes flicker up for a moment. "You take forever," he groans, pulling his touches away from me.
"My bad, two-pump-chump," I grumble, a yelp spilling from me when Shikamaru grabs me. His arms wrap around my legs, tugging me onto the bed. "Shika!" I giggle, back landing against my mattress as he settles between my knees.
"Yes, Pet?" He murmurs, tongue sliding across my inner thigh. I toy with his hair, rubbing my nails gently across his skull, pulling a soft whimper from him. "I hate how well you know me," he groans, undoing the strings of my bikini bottoms, and dropping them on the top left on the floor.
"No, you don't," I tease, dropping my hands down to his shirt, and tugging him up my body before I start pulling it up. Once he's free from his shirt, his necklace hangs between us, dangling in my face. God I swear, I don't know what it is but it's so hot.
"You're not paying attention to me. What a drag, you're not even into it."
"I am," I hum, lifting my hand, and using a finger to toy with our clan pendent. "I'm just getting a little bored with our routine."
"The fuck am I supposed to do with that?" He grumbles, shifting his weight back and forth between the hands pressed next to my head.
"I don't know, you're the genus here, not me."
Shikamaru lets out a long, deep sigh of annoyance, his eyes falling into their 'I look pissed but I'm thinking' look. His brows are pressed together, eyes set forward and slit. "Are your parents home?"
Silence falls between us again, Shika's eyebrows shifting as the gears in his head turn. "If I blindfold you are you going to lose your shit?"
"We're known as the Shadow Clan. I think I'll be okay with a little bit of darkness."
With that, Shika climbs off of me, his focus shifting through my dresser drawers. He stays silent when he finds my Shinobi band, carefully tying it around my eyes before whispering in my ear. "I'll be right back. Just chill."
I do as I'm told, relaxing in bed as I wait for him to return. It doesn't take long for his aura to fill my room again, my curiosity sparked by what he'll do. "What do you have planned, Mr Genus?"
"If I told you," he starts, the feeling of his breath sliding over my pussy startling me a bit. "It would ruin the plan, Miss I'm Getting Bored." My thighs are gripped, being tugged further apart. "Make sure you tell me if you're not good."
"I know, Shik."
"Just making sure," he mutters, brushing kisses against my thighs again. As the kisses roll around my skin, I'm slowly lulled, the gentleness of Shikamaru threatening to put me to sleep.
The sound of a click fills my senses with the feeling of heat licking at my thighs. "What the fuck, Shikamaru!" I yelp shoving his hand away.
"Is that a 'surprised' fuck or a 'I don't like that' fuck?" His voice is followed by soft clinking. The sound is followed by something chilled pressed to the spot previously accompanied by some kind of flame.
"Surprised fuck," I murmur, shivers running up my spine as the chilliness melts, dripping down my skin. It's an ice cube, isn't it? And the click and flame combo was Shika's lighter. What a smart but bored man.
"Mmm, good," he mutters, dropping the ice cub, making them clink against each other again. His tongue slides across my leg, lapping up the water left behind. "Is this exciting enough, Miss Bored?"
"Yes, Sir."
He hums again, climbing up my body. "Alright, you needy girl. I'm going to rest in you until you're worked up enough cause you're too much work."
"Lair, you just want to feel me pulse around you," I tease, my hands crawling down his body. Shikamaru has stripped since I've been blinded, sparking my excitement even more.
His necklace taps against my skin as he moves, the feeling of his lips mapping out his slow climb. "So what if I do? We're doing this because - "
"Hey, Sweetie? Are you home?" My mother's voice rings out, pulling a disappointed sigh from the both of us.
"You need to move out," he grumbles, tugging the headband off my eyes as he crawls off of me. "For now," he starts, mouth clinging to my throat, sucking on my skin as hard as he can. "We're going to greet your mom, excuse ourselves for lunch, and then we're going to continue our new game at my place," he finishes before sucking on the same spot, promising to leave a dark bruise on my neck.
     "Shik," I whine, knotting my hands around his ponytail before I try to pull his lips off me. "You're going to leave a bruise."
     "Ya, that's the point," he grumbles, his tone not matching the smile being pressed against my skin.
     "So much for not being jealous," I tease, managing to pull Shikamaru off me, a loud pop following the loss of his suction.
     "Nara-Chan!" Neji calls, waving at me as his squad and him walk towards our squad. "You look... good," he mutters, eyes jumping over me before he gives me a closed-eyed smile, a soft pink dusting his cheeks.
It's an open secret among our generation that Neji has started forming a bit of a crush on me. With the aftermath of the war, neither one of us has had the time to move the relationship past playful flirting. Though, hopefully, after this weekend that won't be the case anymore. The soft rumor of Neji asking me out filtering around helping that.
Every year, the twelve of us have taken a weekend away from the village to go do something other than work. It usually ends up being all of us camping near a river or lake and just spending the weekend relaxing. We're doing that again this year, hence picking out a swimsuit yesterday with Shika.
"Hey, Nej," I greet, returning his wave as he settles in front of me. "Are you excited for the trip?" He hums a yes, eyes not-so-secretly climbing my form again. His eyebrows scrunch when he gets further up my body, making me a bit concerned. Is there food or something on my shirt?
"Hello," Shikamaru's voice rings out as my eyes jump down, checking for a stain or leftover crumbs from the chips Choji and I shared. "What's up, Neji?" He asks, stopping next to me as he greets our friend. Shika's hand jumps up, tapping against my neck before his focus shifts back to the pleasantries Neji and him are sharing.
My eyes flutter towards a smug Shik, cockiness waving off of him. Why the hell was Neji looking at me so weird? Why did Shikamaru tap my neck?... oh.
Heat blooms across my face as I remember the dark hickey present on my neck. The very dark and very big bruise Shikamaru left behind yesterday.
"Anyway," Neji says, tugging me out of my thoughts and embarrassment. "Do you want to walk with me, Nara-Chan?"
"Yes," I rush out quickly, the heat on my face now from being flustered instead of embarrassed. "I... um... yes, I would like to walk with you," I correct, keeping my tone soft and even this time.
"Great," Neji says, sending me another smile. "I'm going to go greet the others. I'll come find you when we're ready to go, alright?"
"Alright," I murmur, smiling back at him. My eyes trail after Neji, watching him walk away to greet the rest of my squad and his cousin's squad that just showed up.
When my eyes shift back to Shikamaru, who's gloomy, arms crossed over his chest, and a glare shot toward Neji. I swear if he was any moodier a storm cloud would form over his head. "You're walking with Neji instead of me?" He groans, the heat of his glare still stuck on the other man.
"Ya. You're walking with Choji anyway. Why do you care?"
"I don't!" He snaps out, his anger pointed toward me instead of Neji. "Okay, maybe I do," he grumbles, eyes softening as he rolls them at me. "You're pretty blind, do you know that?"
"Why? Because I have more friends than just you?" I tease, laughing at his shocked face as I walk away to greet Shino's squad.
     I nod along to the story Tenten is telling me, half paying attention as I look at the scenery. Most of the girls have switched to being carried, not because we're tired but because we're lazy and the guys all have a complex of wanting to be better than the others. So, Lee is carrying Tenten, Kiba is carrying Hinata, Shika is carrying Ino, and Neji is carrying me. Naruto offered to carry Sakura but that ended with him getting a bruise or two.
     "So ya, I packed two swimsuits cause the guys are no help," Tenten grumbles, rolling her eyes before she playfully glares at Neji.
     "If it makes you feel any better, Shikamaru wasn't much help picking out my swimsuit either," I tell her, the both of us giggling at the guys' incompetence. "I think you should go with the red one though. You always look good in red."
     "Alright! Break time!" Shino's voice rings out, paired with a hand clap. The bug shinobi - like always - has declared himself in charge because he's 'older and wiser' than the rest of us. The real reason he's in charge is because Neji doesn't want to put up with Naruto and Shikamaru is too lazy to do it, but none of us are going to tell him that.
     We all settle to the side of the path, a few of the guys decking into the forest for a pee break. "Are you ready to get down?" Neji asks, his head tilting backward to look at me.
     "Ya, I should probably stretch my legs and give you a break," I answer, wiggling around on his back. He bends down a bit, shorting my jump off him. "Alright, Nej-man," I chirp, stretching myself out. "How much longer until we're to the spot?"
     "I would say an hour. Maybe two depending on if we stop again or how many... issues Naruto has," He says, stressing the word 'issues' as his eyes bounce toward the blonde boy.
     "That's not too bad," I mumble, sinking to the ground to sit under one of the trees. I rest my head against the bark of it, my eyes falling closed to give them a break from the sun.
     "Neji?" I hum, slowly opening my eyes again.
     Since I've closed my eyes, Neji has pulled out a water bottle. The top off and wrapped up in his hand. "When was the last time you drank water?"
     "Uh..." I murmur, having to take a second to figure out the answer. "I don't know. Before we left I think."
     Neji lets out a disapproving hum, paired with an equally disapproving look. "We have been out in the sun and the heat all day. You need to be drinking water."
"It's fine. When I'm thirty I will. It's not that big of a deal."
"Yes, it is. Dehydration is a big deal and not something I want you to suffer with," he lectures, sinking to kneel in front of me. "Now, open your mouth Nara-Chan," Neji says, his hand resting under my chin, tipping my head up. Reluctantly I snap my mouth open, eyeing the barely older man. He tips his water bottle, water-falling the liquid into my mouth.
"See? Isn't that better?" He mutters, his eyes locked on my neck again as he sets the bottle down. Neji's eyes shift, locking in mine. When I try to break the staring contest, he uses his hold on my face to put it back in place. "I'm waiting for an answer."
"Oh... um, ya. That's better," I finally answer, my breathing suddenly feeling more labored. Thoughts that would turn Neji red flicker through my mind for a moment. I guess Lee wasn't lying when he said his friend was planning to focus on forming our relationship this weekend.
"Good, now please excuse me," Nej says, squeezing my face gently before dropping his hold on me. "I will be back," he mutters, packing his water bottle back in his bag before disappearing into the trees.
"What the hell was that?" Ino shrieks, her sudden presence next to startling me.
"I don't know," I answer, my voice pitched and mind running wild.
"I don't either. What I do know is that Shikamaru is pissed off again," she tells me, shrugging towards the small circle of Shika, Shino, and Kiba a couple of paces away.
Ino is right. Shikamaru's eyes are locked on me, sight intense as he stares at me, occasionally glances at the spot Neji disappeared from. His arms are crossed too, jaw locked, and the gears in his head turning again. I was kidding when I was poking fun at him for being jealous. I'm starting to think it's not a joke anymore.
Dear Lord, this weekend isn't going to play out smoothly, is it?
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anangelinthepit · 1 month
Bruise My Bones, But Leave My Heart Alone
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Hello everyone, please enjoy. There are no trigger warnings for this one. As always, I love you all
Part 10
Jolly’s POV
One way to kill the fucking mood is wondering whether or not your gonna be a dad.
“It was a gag joke, Jolly. You know a simple prank.”
“Shawnah I'm not stupid. Please don't fucking lie to me again. What is this doing in our bathroom?” I asked starting to get pissed.
We tell each other everything, why all of a sudden are we keeping secrets now?
“Shawnah?” I said sternly
“Jolly I know what you're thinking, but please just listen. This was some-.
“Baby whatever it is, I'm here, I’m not angry at you just upset that you felt like lying to me was the only way out. You know you can always tell me the truth.”
Shawnah let out a heavy sigh and finally told me the secret. As my jaw hit the floor and my heart made its way to the bottom of my stomach I realized this isn't something that can stay hidden for long.
“Jesus fucking Christ Y/Ns pregnant? Fuck, does Noah?” I said jumping up and putting my hands behind my head
“No, and you're not going to fucking tell him. I promised Y/N we would keep it a secret.”
“My love, this isn't something you and I can keep. I'm sorry, but we are both telling Noah. Right now. It wasn't fair that Y/N put this on your shoulder.”
“Jolly if you love me, then you’ll keep this secret. Please, baby, she is so scared.” Shawnah was practically begging, Noah is my best friend, but I couldn't say no to her.
“Alright my love, but please encourage Y/N to tell him soon. Noah deserves to know. I wouldn't want something like this kept from me”
Shawnah hugged me and thanked me for not telling Noah. I want to be loyal to my soon-to-be wife, but I couldn't help but feel that siding with her on this is gonna come back to bite me in the ass. We went back downstairs and were met with jokes and laughter
“What's a matter Jolly, didn't have it in ya.” Matt joked
“Fuck off Matt,” I said smiling.
I wanted to try and enjoy the cookout and have a good time with my
buddies but every time I looked at Noah, all I could think about was how this man is about to be a dad and he is so oblivious. It got to the point where I stopped making eye contact with him, and he noticed. Being asked the occasional “dude are you okay?” “what's bothering you” was starting to fuel my urge to shout it at him, but I couldn't. I made a promise, and that was final. The night slowly ended, and everyone started to go home, I was so exhausted mentally and was gonna hit the sack early, but my clean freak trait couldn't leave the kitchen a mess. I started doing the dishes when Y/N walked in, asking if I needed a hand
“Oh no, I'm okay, thank you for asking, though. Did you enjoy tonight?”
“Oh, of course, Matt might be a jackass but he knows how to cook.” Y/N laughed and began helping me clean up. I wanted to just grab her and beg for her to tell Noah the truth before I let it slip out. Holding this secret within me is like holding a hot rock in your hand. I'm gonna have to let go soon before I get burned.
“Jolly? Are you alright?” Y/N
“Of course, why wouldn't I be?”
“You've just been very quiet most of the night. It's not like you. You're usually very social.”
Y/N walked over to me, trying to look me in the eyes. “Everything okay with you and Shawnah?”
“What kind of silly question is that? Of course, everything is okay, between us. I'm just super tired. Didn't get much sleep the night before, ya know?”
I tried facing away from her so she couldn't read my face. Y/N shrugged her shoulders and left me with an “if you say so.”
By the time we were done, it was almost midnight, and everyone had already gone to bed. I wanted to put this night behind me and try my hardest to get some sleep. I turned to make my way to the bathroom when Y/N said something that gave me a slight chill.
“Jason’s gangs found us, didn’t they?”
How the hell does she know that? I haven’t told Shawnah and I know for a fact Noah hasn’t said anything. Was she listening in on our meetings? I need to play this off, Noah will kill me if I let this slip out.
“Oh Y/N we put an end to them a while ago. You know you’re safe here with all of us.”
“It’s not my safety I’m concerned about,” Y/N said while walking away.
You’re right, you should be worried about you and your baby
After helping Jolly in the kitchen I made my way back up to the room I shared with Noah. Taking everything in for the last time, I gently slid my hand across the photos we took together. The sweet memories we shared after the pure hell we endured. So many memories in such little time. I looked up and saw Noah was passed out on the bed. Too many shots knocked him out cold, which I knew was gonna happen. I walked over to bed and got on my side for the last time. It’s strange, I thought him being asleep would make this easier but here I am staring at his beautiful features not wanting to move from this spot that is his and mine. The nights where we lay here just watching movies, the laughs, and the tears I would shed on him after everything I had gone through. I loved my life with this man even after everything he put me through. I love it so much I’m willing to do anything to save it. Tears started to weld up in my eyes, I held him one last time in my arms and prayed he could feel the love I bore him. Kissing him on the cheek, I whispered into his ear asking for his forgiveness and to not be mad at me. “I love you, baby.”
I slowly got up and grabbed my bag from underneath the bed, I didn’t want to make too much noise that would cause him to move the slightest amount. I grabbed my phone and texted Shawnah
Text messages
Me: are you ready?
Bestie: I’m awake let’s go before Jolly wakes back up
Me: coming
I got up and looked around the room one last time.
“This is the only option”
I said to myself. Closing the door gently, I officially said goodbye to the life I know I deserve. Shawnah and I made out to the front and got to the cars without making a sound.
“Here goes nothing.”
Shawnah turned on the car and sped out of the driveway like a bat out of hell. The car ride was silent to the bus station. I turned on my burner phone and started setting it up, gidbinky knows how many bugs my old phone has.
“What’s this?”
“It’s my new phone number to my phone.”
“Y/N you’re not taking your actual phone? Are you crazy? Noah is seriously going to fucking kill you.”
“He’ll have to find me first. Here, this is where I’m staying. Call me when you aren’t around Noah and Jolly.”
I handed Shawnah a piece of paper that had my new apartment on it. Shawnah started to question where I got the money for something like this, little did she and everyone else know some of Jason’s money he made was always in a secret savings I had put to the side. He was always too drunk or too doped up to know how much was missing.
We finally got to the bus stop and exchanged and long and tearful goodbye, I didn’t want to do this to my best friend but she and I both knew it was the only way. Knowing my secrets are safe with her will always be a blessing. I'm so thankful to have her. Probably one of the hardest goodbyes I have ever done. I had to keep telling myself it was for the best, making up every excuse in the book so I wouldn’t get off and go back home to lie in bed with Noah. Laying my head on the bus seat I rubbed my stomach and realized it was now just me and my baby now. “Well be okay pumpkin, I promise.”
Noah Y/N
I woke up with the biggest fucking headache known to mankind, God why did I drink so much last night? I was about to roll over and cuddle Y/N when I realized her side of the bed was empty. Cold and empty
“Maybe she’s in the bathroom.”
I got out of bed and went to check the bathroom we shared. Nothing her perfume and toothbrush are gone.
“What the fuck?” I said to myself
My breath started to get shorter as I ran back into our room noticing that some of her clothes were missing. I grabbed my phone and frantically dialed Y/N contact
“Where the fuck are you?”
Hello beautiful people You reached Y/N you know what to do! Bye
I chucked my phone against the wall and ran downstairs to the kitchen. I was met with everyone sitting at the island eating breakfast. Part of me hopped that Y/N would be down here and all this was just a bad dream. She would be there serving everyone and giving us all that beautiful smile that could light up the Earth. When I scanned the group, there was no Y/N. I tried rubbing my eyes and making sure that I just didn't overlook her. The idea itself sounded stupid, but I was so desperate. When my vision came back, it confirmed my worst fear. She gone
“You guys Y/N is missing. All her fucking clothes are gone and so is her toothbrush.” I said pacing back and forth
Matt and Nick tried to get me to calm down but I couldn’t. My fucking heart was in my stomach and my world was collapsing around me.
“Did anyone see anything last night? At all?” I asked, begging and hoping someone would say this is a prank.
“I didn’t see anything but I remember hearing a car pull out of the driveway like a crazy race car. Come to think of it, it sounded like Jolly’s Mustang.” Nick said looking over at Jolly and Shawnah.
I charged over to Jolly and grabbed him by the scruff of the shirt, slamming him against the wall I clenched my teeth and demanded he tell me where shes at.
“Noah I would never do that to you, man. Fucking relax.” Jolly said struggling
Shawnah pulled me and Jolly off of each other waited and admitted that it was her and Y/N in the car.
“Where is she?” I said slowly walking towards her
“Y/N made me take her to the bus station last night
“And you listened to her? Why the fuck would you do that Shawnah!”
“Noah it was either take her or she would’ve have walked on her own. That would have been dangerous because she’s….”
Shawnah got quiet and was hesitant to finish her sentence.
“She’s what?”
“Shawnah tell him,” Jolly said
“What the fuck do you two know that I don’t know? Somebody better tell me right fucking now.”
“Jesus fucking Christ Y/N is fucking pregnant Noah,” Jolly said surrendering the information
I felt like the floor around me was about to cave in beneath me. I had to hold on to the island after hearing all that, she was dropped off at a bus stop pregnant. A bus stop in Los Angeles California. Pregnant. My stomach began to turn and I started to fall to my knees. I could no longer hold myself up. The tears filled my eyes and the anger started to rush through my veins. I shot up and put my entire first through the fucking wall and screamed out
I love you all 🩵
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @chey-h @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @thisbicc @fadingintothegrey @hurricanesfollowyou
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krasytoonz · 1 year
Speech Examples!
King Wally
“What’s a Peasant like YOU doing here! Goodness, you STINK!”
“No, I don’t like this. I don’t like this one either. You are supposed to READ my MIND! Can’t you already figure out what I like and don’t like?”
“I was a bit rude. I know that. But I will not apologize for it. Because I am King.”
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Jester Barnaby
“What do you call Tea that doesn’t have (T)ea?… Just Ea.”
“Hey, don’t go about and hang your head down like that! You did great, buddy. What matters is the effort you put in!”
“I know a place where we can go and relax. Maybe daydream or take a nap! Doesn’t that sound nice?”
“I actually got some tricks up my sleeves!… Well, I don’t got any sleeves. But you get it!”
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Castle’s Greatest Knight
“Do you think that maybe he might like me back?”
“Being a Knight doesn’t mean you have to just ‘be’. You’ve got to act and look like one too!”
“Stand STRAIGHT! What are you even worthy of if you can’t even do one simple thing!!”
“I may be merciful, but do not take me for a Fool. So do not treat me like one.”
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The Advisor
“That is so funny, because the last time I remember you was… Never. I don’t think you are even good enough to be in the storage of my memories.”
“You see, because ‘pie’ is a consumable good, but ‘pi’ is a maths symbolism that equals to 3.14, it is the reason why you are DUMB. Those are NOT THE SAME THINGS.”
“This is NOT how ECONOMY WORKS, Your Majesty. The people are starving and YOU KNOW THAT!”
“For the love of God I will literally burn you ALIVE if you say one more thing out of that stupid mouth of yours!”
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Castle’s Maid
“GAWK!! THE voices.. The noises.. Oh, they’re SPEAKING to me again!”
“No, no no, it isn’t the Castle this time, I know it! Please, believe me! There are things wrong with this Kingdom — HORRIBLY WRONG!”
“It’s a CURSE!! I knew that because I went to this Fortune-Teller and she told me that THIS WILL HAPPEN! GAWK!!”
“Breathe in.. Breathe out.. No, this wouldn’t work! This is silly! Let’s get out of here and run away elsewhere while we still can!”
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The Anarchist
“Boasting will do you no good. I don’t like ‘mysteries’ or ‘surprises’ either. Show it to me and I’ll believe you.”
“Somebody who only talks big, but not ‘walk the talk’, is not to be respected. I hope you understand what that means.”
“Don’t you know it’s dangerous to walk alone in the Alleyway?! Are you out of your mind?!! Stick beside me, I know a shortcut.”
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Julie Joyful (in Disguise Name: King-Queen-Royal Julien the III)
“AAHHHH!! I AM SO SO SO EXCITED! Let’s go and look for more Mushrooms. Did you KNOW that Sally can cook really good Mushroom soup?”
“Uhhh… Uhhhhheeeerrrrmmmm… I forgot. I’m sorry, but, I’ll try my best to remember. I promise! PINKIE PROMISE!”
“If you want a hug, just know that I am always here. Don’t you waste your tears, my Friend!”
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Bounty Hunter Sally
“So we got Buggy and Pinkie on the team. You in or you out?”
“HA! No one can EVER come between ME and Pinkie! You can try all you want but you CAN’T ever separate the two of us!”
“Determination is my greatest Skill! Test me if you like but I WON’T back down from a good ramble! Bring it on! Wahhahaa!!”
“These monsters aren’t actually monsters, but they are just sensitive to Fire and Light and all that stuff. Best you put it away.”
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Royal Courtier Sunny
“Yes, very very informative…! Uh, so, when is the festival again?”
“Oooh! That looks DASHING on you! Totally cute and fashionable! Wear it!”
“Morals are very important! You see, without them, people will become violent!”
“Do not fear! I will sacrifice myself if needed! You can rely on me!”
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Castle (speaks in onomatopoeia)
“CREEK! THUMP! CRRRRAAAACKKK!” (Fuck u and ur dad and ur mom and ur siblings)
“Thump. Thump. THUMP.” (Thump thump thump.)
“Creek!” (Flowers! I love flowers!)
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broooo what if... mike taking you and jesse out on a run and jesse fingerfucking u in the backseat thinking mike is oblivious until he pulls over and rails both of u in the middle of the desert
me going insane trying not to title this “kid named finger” 💀
anatomical terms: (t-)dick
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“Are we-“
“You didn’t even let me finish!”
“I didn’t need to.”
Jesse slumped back in his seat and groaned in frustration. The two of you had been in the back of Mike’s car doing god knows what, heading god knows where, for god knows how long. He hadn’t told either of you shit. As far as you both knew, you were just there to keep him company. That didn’t make much sense, though, unless his idea of good road trip buddies were two brats constantly asking “Are we there yet?” and “Can we get McDonald’s?”
You leaned into Jesse and rested your head against his shoulder. At the very least, the backseat was a good spot to cuddle. The tight space, comfortable upholstery, and just barely adequate air conditioning made it the perfect location to get nasty. Or at least, it would be without your babysitter behind the wheel.
That didn’t seem to bother Jesse, though.
He wrapped his arm around you and shifted his body weight to lean against you. He used his newfound leverage to dot your neck with soft kisses. His slender fingers dragged down your body until they reached the drawstrings of your shorts. From there, he started to pull at them.
You gasped, your voice anxious, breathy, and soft, “Jess, what are you-?”
A tattooed hand clamped your mouth shut, and its owner whispered in your ear. “Be quiet, yo. He’s gonna hear you.”
You got the message, even though you couldn't believe what it was trying to say, let alone do. Regardless, you let him work.
Jesse slipped his somehow cold and clammy hand past the waistbands of your shorts and underwear, until he found what he was looking for. Sure enough, your t-dick was already standing at attention. That made him smirk, his breath hot against your ear as he spoke, "Heh... Someone's excited..."
He was right. The confined space, the thrill of getting caught, Jesse himself, it was all very exciting. He took your dick between his fingers and jerked you, making sure his other hand was soundproofing your lips. He could only do so much, though. He couldn't stop the rapid breaths escaping through your nose. Oh, well. Maybe the old man's hearing wasn't what it used to be. Knowing how sensitive you were, this was probably the quietest you could be.
But it wasn't enough.
Mike rolled his eyes and pulled the car off the road, weaving in between bushes as he found a place to stop. You two hadn't even noticed he'd changed course, that is, until he turned over his shoulder and said,
“Do you two think I’m stupid?”
The two of you jumped, and Jesse ripped his hand off your mouth, trying his best to act natural. "What..? Wh... What do you mean, man?"
Mike was not in the mood for bullshit. "What I mean is you still have your hand down his pants. Now, since you two think I'm dumb enough to not know what's going on back there, perhaps you'd like to explain yourselves."
You both stared at him absolutely dumbfounded, mouths agape, stuttering and stammering as you tried to craft a convincing excuse.
"Well, uh... I was just, uh..."
"Jesse, uh... He was, well..."
Teamwork. An absolutely impenetrable defense.
Mike killed the ignition and opened his door before barking orders at you. "Out of the car. Both of you."
You and Jesse gulped, exchanging a look of guilt and terror. "Welp. It was nice knowing you," seemed to be the thought on both of your minds as you nodded to each other and scooted over to your respective sides. When you exited the vehicle, Mike was standing at the front of the car facing you both, the captain of the ship about to make his two dumbest crewmates walk the plank. That was the nice way of putting it. In reality, he was probably just going to shoot you both in the head and leave your bodies for the vultures. Jesse walked over to you and took your hand in his, waiting for the shot, but instead of a bullet, he fired another command.
"Bend over the hood. Now."
Now, the look you shared with each other was one of confusion. You were honestly just surprised you weren't facing the death penalty for risking cum stains on the leather interior. Neither of you got to say anything before Mike did.
"I'm not gonna ask you again."
You held hands and trudged around to where he was standing, arms folded over his chest, waiting for you to surrender yourselves to him. You and Jesse bent over the hood, your fingers intertwined, and stared at the windshield while Mike prepared to do whatever the hell he was planning.
Mike crept up behind Jesse and tugged his shorts down below his ass. Then, he went behind you and did the same. He spoke with terrifying indifference, "If you brats needed attention so bad, you could've just asked."
He didn't even give you a second to parse the meaning of that before a firm palm came down on your ass. Then Jesse's. Then yours again. In between yelps and moans, Jesse squeezed your hand to get your attention. You turned your face to meet his. He winked at you and muttered under his breath,
"You're welcome, yo."
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
"I just want some f**ing wine"
Sanji x fem!reader modern day AU
for the stressed millenial who just wants to be pampered and loved unconditionally
-> find part 2 here
-> and part 3 here
Check out my other stuff:
My Masterlist - Short and Multichapter stories
Headcanon Masterlist
A warm thanks to @zoros-sheath ,who showed me that AU stories can be hot and fun. Check out her stories!
You have a typical bad date at a good restaurant - which gets crashed (or saved) by the handsome chef that has a thing for you.
This is with a fem!reader in mind. Who is very exhausted and unnerved.
involves fun things like swearing, smoking and alcohol. But no smut. We are not having so much fun 🤨
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For additional flavour, check the corresponding moodboard
Your evening was horrible, it even beat your day of totally unnecessary meetings. Sitting opposite Thomas, your blind date for the evening, was a test for your mental health. He went on and about his ex-girlfriend, who, as he told you, was absolutely crazy, stupid, hysterical and he was so over her after almost a year. Yeah buddy, tell yourself that.
And that after he had been so extremely nice on the dating app where you met him. Shame. He was actually good looking and had a stable job, he was funny and smart. And still hung up on his ex for some reason. By now, you knew everything about her. You sipped at your wine, bored out of your mind by the next story about how horrible she was on their last vacation together. At least the wine and food were excellent. Thomas picked the location. Bet he was here with his ex, too. You see a waiter running around and wave with your glass to indicate that you need a refill. He swiftly came by and asked: “The pinot grigio again?”. You just nodded, that wine was tasty. “Or might I recommend the wine our chef has picked to be paired with the main course?”
“No thank you, I'll have more of the pinot.” you insisted. Better stay with what you know.
The waiter, however, came back with another glass as you listened to Thomas now talking bad about other dates he had found on the app. Oh boy, do you think I now feel better than the others? Knowing how you talk about women you dated? You think, only noticing in the last moment that the wine you were brought was red instead of white. “Excuse me”, you call the waiter back. “This isn’t the pinot?”
“Chef’s recommendation, he said it’s on the house”, the waiter informs you with an apologetic smile.
Free booze! “Tell him my thanks”, you say as politely as possible. This evening just got better.
“You know, you shouldn’t drink so much”, Thomas commented on your second glass of wine with a well intended, but ultimately unnerving wink. Yeah, just destroy my happiness, you think as you already feel a bit guilty. You knew you shouldn’t indulge. Just like you should work out regularly, stop smoking and eat more veggies than instant ramen. Since this was your first date in ages with no other currently in sight, you set the glass down and ate something of the incredibly tasty pasta you were served. The sauce was just the right consistency and tasted of fresh herbs, tomatoes and childhood summer evenings. So delicious you actually had to sigh. And it went so perfectly with the wine. Another sip.
“Y/n, what do you think?” Thomas asked, it was all of his monologue you could hear.
“I asked what do you think about the elections?” he repeated his question, talking very loud and clearly.
Fuck, politics. It would be wise to know about that before this got serious, but you where exhausted. “Uhm” you eloquently started, “I think elections are important for democracy.”
Thomas turned into the blank face emoji. It looked funny enough. Needing a pick-you-up, you excused yourself and pretended to go to the bathroom. Instead you headed to the small garden of the restaurant to have a secret smoke. The cold wind was refreshing and you took out your zippo. Looking at the childish motif you had to smile– a cute comic reindeer eating ice cream. It was it a moose? Tanuki? Never mind.
Zip, zip
only a few sparks, no flame.
Ok, trusty zippo, don’t leave me hanging.
Zip, zip,zip...nothing.
The clicking of your futile attempts goes on and on – until finally, the sound of an igniting flame. You shield your cigarette from the wind when you realize it wasn’t yours that actually worked. A flame is held against the tip of your cigarette, you breathe in, igniting it and inhaling the first draft of sweet smoke.
“Oh thank yooouuuuu” you started your sentence well but screwed up at the end, sounding like a screeching car instead of a human. Unprepared to stare into the clearest and most fascinating blue eyes you have ever seen, your cigarette almost fell out of your gaping mouth. The eyes were embedded in a perfect, male face. He was tall, blonde, with a perfectly groomed goatee and creamy-white skin. His blonde hair was expertly styled and fell over one of his eyes. You noticed that the eyebrow that was not covered with a golden lock was bent into an elegant curl. His perfect mouth gave you a warm smile as he said: “You’re welcome, my lady.” He took a draw from his own cigarette. It looked like in ads. If you wouldn’t have been smoking since you were 14, that would have been the time to start.
Unable to resist you looked him up and down. Tall, slender, long legs. He was wearing a fine taylored suit, complete with a west and tie, an ensemble that accentuated his narrow waist and broad shoulders. Trying to act like a normal person you pried your gaze away and politely ignored him. Besides, it was ridiculous to drool over a guy of that calibre. While on a date with another. You tried to stay realistic, your blonde gentleman surely already had a girlfriend. Or two. Probably just as pretty.
Watching your last puff of smoke curl in the night sky, you decided to get back and give this date your sincerest efforts, like a real adult would. You turned to throw the gleaming bud in the trash.
“Whoa” the blonde model man stood far too near to you. When did he move closer? Unable to stop the momentum of your turn, you bumped into his chest.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you there” you blurted out and smiled out of pure embarrassment.
“No worries” he said confidently. “OH MY GOSH YOU’RE SO CUTE” he squeaked, a total contrast to his previous demeanor, staring at your face, visibly blushing.
“Uhm, thank you…?” you said with a clear question mark at the end of your sentence.
“I hope you like the wine I picked for you, my lady” he continued like nothing happened, still smoking.
“Uhm what?” you asked.
“The red wine. Goes with the pasta. A perfect combination. From the look on your face, you enjoyed it” he explained matter of factly, looking all cool and business again. “After my shift, we can drink some more together.”
Was he hitting on you? He must have seen that you were with someone.
“I am actually on a date…” you voice trailed off.
“That’s a date? Looks like a piece of work” he says and chuckles. “I can show you a really good time. I'm Sanji, what's your name?” he said with a bow, clearly courting you now. And getting a bit creepy.
“You know, I gotta go now” you excused yourself and quickly returned inside.
“Wait till you taste my dessert!” he shouted behind you.
What a strange guy, looking like an actor while acting like a total creep. You didn’t get it, a handsome man like that wouldn’t need to be so pushy. A bit of charm and every woman in sight would eat out of his hand. You sat down at the table again, Thomas was scrolling on his phone, barely acknowledging your presence. He wasn’t much but at least you knew what kind of man he was: after a bad breakup he got a little bitter, and judgy. But other than that, he was better than most. Wasn’t that the best you could hope for? Everyone told you that your standards were too high.
Just as your thoughts took a gloomy turn, the waiter sat down a beautifully decorated plate in front of you with a crème brulée and strawberry sauce.
Thomas looked up from his phone to inform the waiter that they didn’t order that. The waiter looked uncomfortable as he answered: “A gift from the kitchen. On the house. For the lady.”
Perplexed, you twisted and turned in your chair until you caught a glimpse of the kitchen entrance, and, unsurprisingly, there stood a tall, handsome man, now with an apron over his fine suit, and winked lewdly at you.
You already drank the wine. Free dessert couldn’t hurt. Besides, shifts in the kitchen ended really late, you would be gone until he was free. You dug in. The crust on the sweet treat was crispy caramel with a vanilla cream underneath. You couldn’t help it, a pronounced “mhmm” escaped your mouth as you savoured every bite. It felt like the most comforting thing in the world, it tasted like coming home after a long day. To a real, cozy home. A feeling you were barely able to enjoy anymore, being too stressed and exhausted to even properly relax. This was your treat after a long week and you ate with your eyes closed.
“You like it?” you heard Sanji's voice in your ear, much to close. Startled, you wanted to jump up but instead just pushed the chair back, falling backwards. The chef caught you casually with one hand and sat the chair back in the floor.
“You’re so beautiful when you enjoy something” he praised you with a husky, soft voice. The dreamy expression on his face was almost too much.
“Excuse me, who are you? Can you believe this guy...?" Thomas spat the words out angrily, looking at the scene with disbelief.
"I cannot believe you can be sitting in front of the cutest Lady in the world and you stare at your phone? Your loss” you heard Sanji say in a taunting voice, suddenly sounding like a street thug.
"I want to talk to the manager" Thomas demanded, standing up.
"Let's everyone just calm down, because there is no problem and nothing" You tried to save the evening while the two men attacked each other with hostile glares. "Thank you for the dessert, it was delicious" you say to Sanji, whose eyes have turned into hearts the moment you adressed him. And turning to Thomas you say "let's just get the cheque and call it a night. It was a nice date, let's do that again some time!" You may not have sounded entirely convincing, but it was enought that both of them backed off, muttering curses.
While splitting the cheque and getting ready ti go, you heard loud noises coming from the kitchen - and lots of cursing.
Zeff beat him up really good that night, stupid waiter snitched on him hitting on guests yet again. The restaurant couldn't take one more bad review about him.
But he just couldn't help himself. Watching her face light up as she ate his food was unresistable to him, having a quiet smoke together and watching her suck on the cigarette, blowing out the steam from her perfect lips...he couln't resist.
As Jeff kicked his ass out of the restaurant, ending Sanji's shift early, he decided to call it a day and get home. His feet hurt from standing in the kitchen all day and he was tired from the long hours he worked. Lighting a cigarette, he decided to walk the rest of the way home, he could use a little exercise.
The night air was fresh and the streets empty and quiet. He often walked home alone after work. The loneliness was both soothing after a stressful day, but it also made him painfully aware that no one was beside him, no hand he could hold, no one that would need his jacket to keep warm.
He imagined the girl from the restaurant walking beside him. She looked tired, unnerved when she came in. Nothing special. But when she got the chance to relax, her whole being seemed to change. She enjoyed life's pleasures intensely, fully. And to his eyes, she became a princess. He imagined her with him, grumpy and tired - until Sanji gave her his jacket, put his arm around her and kissed her hair. His head spun a fantasy of her beautiful smile that was just for him - causing him smile in reality. Alone. He swore that if he ever found her again, he would do anything to make her enjoy herself again.
His little fantasy improved his mood and he hummed french chansons all the way back home. His apartment building was old, but charming. It was usually pretty quiet and empty when he left around noon, and dark and deserted when he got back in the middle of the night. He hardly ever met the other inhabitants. That night, one of the flats still had some light in it. He looked up - his cigarette escaped his mouth and fell on the cobblestone of the street.
It was her, no mistake. She leaned out of a window and had one last smoke before bed, he figured. He watched, mesmerized, as her little mouth puffed out tiny clouds.
She lived just next to him, all this time. Fate has brought her to his restaurant tonight, it was meant to be! He stared a few more minutes until she was finished and retreated back inside, switching of the lights.
A tiny flame illuminated Sanji's face as he lit another cigarette. "I'll win your heart, my princess. Just you wait."
Now that you've read the whole thing, let me know in the comments if you liked this slow burn! 👇
I am planning more parts where Sanji tries to win your heart and you get to know him better as a person, there will be hot moments and endearing situations. Please let me know what you would love to read! I srly absolutely need your people's written feedback on this because it's a niche and I am no good writing into the void. Dm, comment, reblog kath cryptic tags....anything.
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outerbankies · 2 years
did rafes roomies ever know about his crush on yn before they started going out?
wrote this up super quick!!! y/n’s besties get a lot of love but we can’t forget rafe’s disaster trio 🫶
new light: girl at home — rafe cameron
new light masterlist
warnings: alcohol and swearing
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“Why are you leaving again?”
Rafe grunts in disapproval from where he’s sifting through his tiny dorm closet, slipping a few more button-up shirts off of their hangers to pack carefully into his carry-on bag. “My dad has this thing he wanted me home for.”
“You drivin’?” Sawyer asks, surveying the mess of Rafe’s clothes on his bed.
His dad and Rose had been very specific about what he needed to wear this weekend, and the nerves convinced him it might be a good idea to just pack everything he owned, apparently. Cody lays somewhere under the pile downing a beer and scrolling on his phone, feet kicked up on the wall beside Rafe’s bed. Graham isn’t even here currently, yet his side of the room remains completely unoccupied.
“No, way too long. Flight’s tomorrow. Hey, can one of you drive me?” Rafe remembers.
“What time you gotta be there?” Cody asks dutifully.
Rafe rolls his eyes when they both start laughing, already dressed to go out and probably shut down the bars tonight, as is usual for a Thursday evening. Rafe wishes he could let himself be convinced to tag along, the whole reason his friends had even shown up at his dorm tonight, but he can’t even dare to risk missing that flight tomorrow.
“Rafe, I wish you a very safe Uber,” Sawyer says by way of answer, from where he’s rummaging through Rafe and Graham’s shared mini fridge.
“What’s so important? Thanksgiving’s like two weeks from now anyway,” Cody wonders. He crushes his beer can and immediately throws it across the room, where it misses the trash can.
“Dude,” Rafe sighs, folding everything as neatly as possible. “I’m trying to pack and you’re making a fucking mess in here.”
“Cheer up Cameron, have a beer,” Sawyer says, handing Rafe one of his own beers. “Oh, and come out with us.”
“Guys I can’t,” Rafe reiterates, wishing it weren’t so as he moves his laptop into his backpack, away from Cody’s line of fire. “It’s this stupid club thing in my hometown. There’s this society—I don’t even know, but they’re honoring my dad so he wants me home.”
“Every time you talk about your hometown it seems faker,” Sawyer says. Rafe doesn’t disagree, opening the beer he’d been passed against his better judgement. He just has to remind himself he really can’t let himself get dragged out tonight.
“You have a girl at home, right?” Cody suddenly asks. Rafe shakes his head after taking a gulp.
“No. I mean—my ex from high school, but that’s ancient history,” Rafe says, falling back onto Graham’s bed with his own occupied. He closed his eyes for a second; packing his clothes and making sure nothing had even a loose thread, the feel of his fresh haircut on his neck—it was all swirling him like a dark cloud.
He really couldn’t wait to see his sisters, even if the fact that Sarah could legally pick him up and drive him home from the airport made him feel old as shit. But it was a random weekend, so none of his friends would even be home from their college towns. And it was a weekend where he couldn’t even promise himself to stay out of the house and away from Ward as much as possible, because it was literally the only reason he was going to the Outer Banks—to stand there and praise his father as a pillar of the community.
“Sorry,” he answers Cody, scrubbing a hand over his face, still staring at the ceiling. “What’d you ask?”
“I was asking about the other chick. The one your buddy talked about when he was here?” Cody says.
“Oh, yeah,” Sawyer says. “Kelce told us. What about her?”
Rafe furrows his eyebrows, his interest piqued. Kelce had been there just a couple of weeks ago to visit, and Rafe would be lying if he said he wasn’t missing half the weekend. Kelce was always his partner in crime during Figure 8 antics, and the two of them unleashed on a college town had left Rafe the most hungover he’d been in his short life. “What was Kelce talking about?”
“He asked you about that girl—god, what was her name?” Cody says, rolling over onto his side, his eyebrows pinched together in concentration. “It’s on the tip of my tongue.”
“No it isn’t, dumbass,” Sawyer says.
“You’re both dumbasses,” Rafe quips, reaching for his beer again. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Across the room, Sawyer had at some point found a couple of shot glasses and dragged whatever was left of the Burnett’s out of the mini fridge. He places the bottle down suddenly, looking lost in thought.
“You really don’t remember?”
“No,” Rafe says. “What did he say?”
“Kelce asked you about her, and you—drunk as shit at McGee’s—were like ‘I don’t know,’” Cody whines in imitation. “‘I miss her, she never talks to me anymore, her dog is so cute—’”
Rafe sits up immediately, feeling his entire complexion flush red. “Oh, that’s nobody.”
He clears his throat as a silence falls over the room, standing up again to pretend to keep packing, even though he’d already zippered his bag closed.
“Okay,” Cody says. “So she’s not nobody.”
Sawyer laughs loudly. “Yeah, no shit.”
“Both of you shut the fuck up.”
Through the ignored jabs, Rafe doesn’t hear the door swing open, or his roommate make an appearance, until Graham voices his own arrival. “What are we teasing Cameron about?”
“Dude,” Cody says, scrambling up from the bed. Rafe nearly lunges for him, knowing it’s his last resort. He throws a shoe instead, which Cody ducks expertly. “Graham. Dude. What was the name of that girl from Rafe’s hometown?”
“Y/n?” Graham answers immediately.
Rafe shuts his eyes as noise fills the room, cursing the day he ever met any of these idiots due to random roommate assignments. “Thanks a lot.”
“No problem, buddy,” Graham pats his back with a grin. “So that’s why you got a haircut? You seein’ your girl this weekend?”
“No, and she’s not my girl,” Rafe says. “Kelce was just fucking around. He’s an idiot, like all of you.”
“She’s hot though, right?” Sawyer asks.
“Yeah, she’s hot,” Rafe admits easily, even if talking about you like this stirs something uncomfortable up in his chest. “But we’re just friends.”
“Never even hooked up?”
“Alright,” Rafe says, threshold reached. “Cut it out.”
“Found her.”
Rafe looks up in confusion as Graham and Sawyer are pushing each other out of the way to peer over Cody’s shoulder at his phone.
“Ah, dude,” Sawyer groans. “She’s private?”
“Go to Rafe’s page,” Graham says.
“Suck my dick, Graham,” Rafe says, going ignored save for a middle finger.
“There she is. That one.”
“You took her to prom and didn’t hook up with her?” Cody asks.
“I didn’t take her to prom,” Rafe sighs, knowing exactly what picture they’re all looking at. It makes him look like a simp and probably isn’t the best thing to have on his page the next time he’s trying to talk to a girl, but he doesn’t really care. It’s a great photo of you, and he’ll probably never take it down. “Kelce did, actually.”
“So he’s hooking up with your girl?” Sawyer presumes.
“Alright, easy,” Graham says, which is rich seeing as he started this entire episode, but Rafe is grateful either way. But it’s short lived. “Don’t talk about Rafe’s girl like that.”
“She’s not—”
“Is it weird if I request to follow her?” Cody asks.
“Yes but do it,” Sawyer goads. “I wanna see.”
“Dude, don’t follow her,” Graham says. Rafe doesn’t let the sincerity fool him this time, raising his eyebrows in expectation as he waits for the punchline, which his roommate delivers readily with another grin. “Rafe’ll get jealous.”
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(no this is not going to be done soon because it's never ending shut up - but if you finish...give me zombie in place of this *muah*)
132 for 🩸! I don't think this'll finish it quite yet haha:
Eddie hears the sharp inhale of breath that leaves Buck’s mouth. Sees the watery look in his eyes. Christopher’s words clearly make an impact. Eddie feels frustrated that it even needed to be said. He thought Buck was long past this, but apparently not. 
“I’m sorry, Chris.” Buck bends to kiss the top of his head. “You’re right.”
“Can I draw on your cast?” Chris asks. 
“Of course you can.”
“Then I forgive you,” Chris says. 
“Thank you, buddy,” Buck exhales. “I appreciate it.”
As much as Eddie appreciates the feel-good moment, he’s still tense. He still needs desperately to get all his thoughts about what happened off his chest. 
“Do you want me to help you get set up in bed or on the couch?” He asks Buck. He realizes his tone is a little short. 
Buck steps away from Chris and looks at Eddie. He looks tired and pale. Weary. Eddie wants nothing more than to comfort him. Hold him. Take care of him. But he needs to get everything off his chest first. 
“Uh, the bedroom, please,” Buck mumbles. “I’m pretty tired still.”
Eddie nods. “Come on, then.”
Eddie leads him to the bedroom, turns down the covers, and grabs a pair of flannel pajama pants of Buck’s from the drawer. 
“Eddie,” Buck says as Eddie hands him the pajamas. 
“I’ll help you with it, one sec,” Eddie says. 
“No, just… Wait?”
Eddie pauses. 
Buck sits on the edge of the bed, slumping a little like he can’t bear to hold himself up any longer. 
“What is it?” Eddie asks. 
“Just do it already,” Buck says.
“What do you mean?” Eddie asks. 
“Yell at me. Break up with me. Whatever it is I deserve.”
Eddie sighs. He pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“I don’t want to do either of those things,” he says. “And you definitely only deserve the first one.”
Relief flickers through Buck’s eyes. Had he really thought Eddie might end things between them? After everything Eddie did?
“But you’re mad,” Buck says.
“Furious,” Eddie confirms. 
“So then just let me hear it, Eddie. Only my body is fragile right now.”
Well, Eddie was going to make sure his physical needs were met and he was comfortable first, but fine. If he wants the fucking lecture, Eddie can deliver. It’s been running through his head for days. 
“Fine,” he says. “Fine. You know what?”
Buck nods, looking far too eager. Like he wants Eddie to be vitriolic. Eddie knows he doesn’t, though. Not really. Buck spent far too much of his life accepting anger in the place of attention. He doesn’t need it from Eddie, too. But Eddie is angry. God, this is difficult.
“I know all the reasons you’re going to give for why you did it,” he starts. He keeps his voice steady. “You have always been noble and self-sacrificing and I love it about you, I do. But I don’t understand how you could so blatantly disregard my wishes.”
Buck blinks. He wasn’t expecting this direction. He was expecting Eddie to finally call him reckless and stupid like everyone else. 
“Your wishes?” He asks. 
“Yes, Buck. I think I made it perfectly clear I wanted to move forward and live my life and not hope for some magical cure. That I felt hopeful about our life together, regardless.”
Buck frowns. “I didn’t… At first I thought you were saying that because you just didn’t know. And then I learned you almost certainly lied to me.”
Right. That’s true. Eddie did lie. Or omitted an important truth. To everyone, not just Buck. But he knows it’s worse that he lied to Buck, because they’re partners. Romantically now, but even before then. They’re partners. Eddie’s lie led to Buck’s lie. 
“I should have told you about Kim,” Eddie admits. “I’m sorry I didn’t. I was very, very ashamed. But I don’t think that changes what I’m saying. I didn’t want anyone killing or getting themselves killed on my account, especially not you.” 
Buck’s lip twitches. “Well, it’s not just about what you want, Eddie.”
Sorry, what? 
Eddie’s temper flares.
“My life? My vampirism? Please, Buck, tell me how it’s not about what I want!”
“You have no idea what I’ve seen!” Buck snaps. “Just last week it was a kid staked in his apartment and a bar torched because that’s where vampires hang out. You think that’s all? We used to search for you on the photo wall at a church where the congregants killed people like you to cleanse them! I used to search for you in the garages of trophy hunters who pulled out teeth!” 
Eddie stiffens. 
“If that happens to you, I will die,” Buck replies sharply.
Buck starts to cry. He wipes his eyes, wincing at the movement to his injured shoulder. 
Eddie steps in towards him and puts a hand on his knee. One of the few places he doesn’t have an injury is his legs. 
“Buck, I didn’t think about that. I’m sorry.”
Buck shakes his head. “I would rather her have killed me the other night, as long as I succeeded, then have you die that way. Eddie, it-it would destroy me.”
“Don’t say that,” Eddie begs. “You can’t say that. I need you to be safe. We need to keep each other safe, as a team.”
“I was trying!” Buck protests. 
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the poor Unpopular dudes-Belphegor
yeah I can kinda guess why but he´s only second most unpopular but you guys just really have something against my poor wife Asmo T-T I´m still not over him being the least popular
this has 551 words
because the RAD Newspaper held a popularity contest that was rigged you tried to do one of your own, it was just you using Magic to get a piece of paper with the name of all the important people you know on it which would return on it´s own after somebody answered it and you don´t know what you anticipated but it was not this that is for sure
I mean you know some people don´t like Belphegor but still seeing him last in a popularity poll was kinda surprising, even better unlike some people you know he won´t care about it so there is no reason for you to worry about anything
“hey Belphie! do you want to see something!?” did you have to scream? no because he´s once again using you as a nap buddy but you don´t think he would have woken up, I mean he might not wake up anyway but it was still worth a try
you saw him move around a bit but it doesn´t seem like he´s fully awake, you tried to wake him again but he managed to cover his ears with his pillow and now he leaves you no choice and forced you to the worst thing of all taking the blanket away from him, this would wake him up enough for you to talk with him and hate you for like a day but it would be worth it
when you managed to get the blankets out of his grasp he slowly began to wake up and was conscious enough for you to have a conversation with him, he was glaring at you and looked like he would have loved nothing more than to murder you, to bad he doesn´t get a second chance for it
“how many times do I have to tell you to stop waking me up” he´s pouting, grumpy and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes all in all he looks really adorable right now, not like you would tell him because he would take advantage of the fact and you have no idea what he could be planning
“a lot more if you want it to work” he just yawned and made himself comfortable again almost like he forgot you woke him up and would do so again, you shook him so he would stay awake and told him you wanted to show him something
“I already saw your stupid popularity poll and I don´t care that nobody likes me I don´t like them either” you grinned “and what if I told you I voted you as the least like person to”
he covered himself with the blanket again and tried to force you to lay down too “I know your lying you would have voted Lucifer as the least liked person just like me and Satan did”
“awww how did you know?”
he just snuggled closer to you and made sure you wouldn´t be allowed to move again “your part of the Anti Lucifer League that´s all the proof I need” aaand he´s asleep again and your stuck in a comfy and fluffy prison, eh isn´t the worst sleepover with Belphie you ever had so it sin´t that bad, you made yourself comfortable, gave Belphie a kiss on his forehead and fell asleep yourself
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garciaasfluffypen · 1 year
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word count: 1.3k pairing: spencer reid x reader warnings: drug use (not explicitly written/described) 
a/n: sorry not sorry. this is also on my wattpad so if you feel like you’ve read it you probably have
spencer wasn't himself.
he was more jittery, sneaking off every now and then and it was getting on your nerves mainly because he wouldn't talk about it. so of course, in secret, you texted his boss to see if he had noticed anything different. hotch had told you that yes, he was acting different, and he feared that he was on drugs. after talking to hotch for a while, you decided to search his drawers.
was that a good idea? not in the slightest. were you doing it anyway? yes.
five minutes later you found the bottles of dilaudid in his drawer. you grabbed them and set them down on the kitchen table, opening your laptop and typing the name into google to read up on it. maybe this wasn't the reason he was off. maybe it was because he wasn't getting enough sleep or something mundane like that. you didn't want to think that spencer was taking drugs, but from what you had heard, tobias sent spencer down a dark path. it pained you to think about what spencer had gone through during those few days, and you didn't want to relive the pain you had gone through when garcia texted you that spencer was missing.
there was a click at the front door and you shut your computer, crossing and uncrossing your legs under the table as you tried to figure out how to start the conversation.
"y/n, i- what the fuck?!"
well, you thought, that's one way to start it.
"spencer, we need to talk."
"you went through my stuff!"
"i'm fucking concerned about you, of course i did!" you spat back, standing up and sending the chair flying across the wooden floor.
"you have no reason to be concerned about me."
your hands slammed down on the table. "yes i do! you're fucking on drugs, spencer."
it had been forever since you called him by his first name and only his first name. it sounded foreign coming from your lips.
"for the past four months you've been edgy, moody and all around not fun to be with. it's been a blessing when you're gone because i don't walk on eggshells when you're not here. but hotch sees it too. and so does the rest of the team, i'm presuming. you're fucking stupid, spencer. DRUGS? what on earth made you think doing an equivalent to morphine was okay?"
"you have no reason to be in my business-"
"yes i fucking do! i'm your girlfriend, spencer. i can be in your business all i want."
spencer ran a hand through his hair. "you could have at least asked me!"
"what, and have you dodge the question? tell me 'oh, i'm fine, i'm not on drugs!'  yeah, think again buddy."
spencer went to grab the vials off the table, but you were faster. you scooped them up from where they were sitting, turning around and throwing them against the wall and watching them break, the clear liquid sliding down the wallpaper as the glass shattered and fell to the floor. spencer ran over to where it had dropped, falling to his knees and slamming the floor with his fist.
"you have no idea what kind of damage you just did."
"hasn't this addiction done enough damage already?"
your voice turned quiet, your hands falling down just in front of your stomach as you played with them nervously. tears pricked at your eyes but you willed them back, telling yourself you were too strong to cry. you couldn't cry in front of him. not right now. not ever. and to be honest, you had gotten scared of him. scared of how his mood was going to be when he came home from a case, or how he was going to be when he woke up in the morning. it was always a game of "will he won't he", and you were fucking tired of it. and this was going to be the end of it.
"i almost left, while you were gone."
you swore you heard spencer choke back a sob.
"i uh- i was gonna go couch hop on my friend's couch for a while. i'm scared of you, spence. i am. before i found the-" you cut yourself off, not bearing to say the word out loud because that would make it real.
"let me finish." you took in a breath. "i don't know which spencer i'm going to get anymore. and half the time, it's the mean spencer that scares me half to death. i don't sleep when you're here. i lay in bed, awake, waiting for you to do something you'd regret to me. i'm constantly on edge and i hate it. i hate this, i hate this apartment and fuck! i hate you so much!"
you fell to the floor, the tears you were trying to hide finally escaping. defeated, you curled in on yourself, almost mimicking the position spencer was in as his head poked up, staring at you with the first hint of concern you had seen in months.
"you need help, spencer. real help. i'm working with hotch to find a rehab group for you. but i need to know how much more of that is in the apartment."
"i'm being serious."
"i'm not- i don't have any more."
"how much more is there, spencer?"
the silence in the room was tense, your voice cutting through the air like a knife in bread. it was at this moment, spencer knew he had fucked up. and it showed. his face fell, as if he were defeated, and he slumped down into a ball like shape as he fought with himself about telling you or not. you'd find it either way, you had quite a talent at finding things that were hidden. just like you found those three little bottles in his bedside table.
the three bottles that had almost broken your relationship.
"in my satchel."
his voice was high pitched, almost as if he were fighting back tears, much like you were moments ago. he slid the satchel to you, both of you staring at it as it sat on the floor.
"front left pocket, just under the flap."
"is that it?"
you took the bottles from the pocket, counting another four. before you could even tell him to move, spencer rolled out of the way so you could throw them at the wall, destroying the vials for good. the two of you sat there, in the silence, contemplating what to do next.
"we should get that cleaned up."
spencer could only nod as he made his way to the bathroom, coming out moments later with a dustpan and broom. you went to the kitchen to get some paper towels, pausing with your back facing him. another moment of silence passed, the two of you standing on practically other sides of the apartment. the two of you cleaned in silence, both of you trying to find the right words to say but failing each time.
"i'm gonna go sleep at molly's for a while, just until you're okay enough. hotch is getting you set up with a rehab program, and he'll watch you while you're in it."
that was when spencer finally noticed the suitcase by the door, packed and ready to go.
"i'm doing this out of love, you know."
"i know." spencer's voice turned quiet this time. "'m sorry."
"its okay. i know you went through a lot."
"i shouldn't have put you through that-"
"you didn't know you were."
you shot him a sad smile, slipping on your shoes and grabbing the handle of your suitcase.
"i love you."
you could only stare at spencer's grief stricken face as he watched you leave, not even saying goodbye.
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alstroemerian-dragon · 6 months
theres something that really bothers me about the way a lot of people talk about and write peko re: her place as fuyuhiko’s “tool,” especially when it comes to like. despair. and i feel like it stems from a few different places and one of those is definitely uh. distance from the source material. because. w. did we play the same game
like. the second trial is a lot of things. annoying. about the death of a character i dont really care about. kind of confusing. Very Sad At The End. but the one thing it shows beyond any shadow of a doubt is that peko Does Not Want To Be Fuyuhiko’s Tool. she leans into it a lot in that trial, past the stupid. serial killer shit. which is literally just desperation and quick thinking on her part (and non diagetically meant to parallel the first game but whatever). but she does that because it is the only option she thinks she has if she wants to keep fuyuhiko alive. because thats her ultimate goal, right? sure, she’s his tool. sure, theyre Badly and Unhealthily codependent. sure, she was basically groomed to stay at his side no matter what. but…
she also cares about him. genuinely. she loves him. for all that teenagers can properly conceive of love in all its forms, but she at least think she does. but she does truly care about him.
did anybody do her free time events other than me? genuine question. because i dont think someone who wants to ask the guy shes sworn to protect on a date would be content being just his tool. that sure sounds like someone who wants to be on equal footing with him.
like. look. say what you want about the anime. take it with a grain of salt. cherry pick what you like and toss the rest of it out. that sure is what i do!! but even if you do that, youve got to take the text of the game itself into account if you want to have any semblance of regular characterization, and the game makes it clear that she hates this!!! she doesnt want to be his tool! she will fight him on things if she has to! she will disobey him if she has to!!! thats the whole point of the trial!!!!! he told her to run and that he would take the fall and she told him no!!!!!!!!!
and you cant ignore the fact that the time between them starting at hope’s peak and the tragedy hitting the ground running was two whole years. people can change a lot in two years, especially teenagers, and especially high schoolers. idk how long its been since you were in high school (unless you currently are in which case. dear gd im so sorry. good luck) but your mental state in high school is so fucked. you have no idea who you are and neither does anybody else and can you even imagine the kinds of pressure the ultimates would have been under?? again, taking the anime with a grain of salt, but even if you go along with it and think the school was barely a school at all, the pressure from society, from family, from peers still has an impact. everyone was telling them who they were and that thats who they were going to be for the rest of their lives and i doubt ANY of them felt like it.
and even if you subscribe to the idea, like me, that their second year was a downward spiral because of junko’s presence and influence, they still needed somewhere to fall from. the idea that peko was uniquely comfortable being quiet and violent and doing whatever fuyuhiko wanted so she didnt need despair to be his tool is ridiculous. i see the argument of “well watching her friends fall into despair and spiral made her spiral in turn and grow numb to it and retreat into herself until she needed to become fuyuhiko’s tool again as a coping mechanism” but. buddy. That Is Despair.
sometimes i feel like the only person who thinks about despair complexly and maybe thats its own post because this ones too long already but. despair isnt just Being Brainwashed Into A Monster. ignore what the writers told you. okay? look at me. Look Into My Eyes. The Writers Are Fucking Idiots And Dont Know How To Write Good Drama With Genuine Stakes. despair as a nuanced concept is so much more horrifying. different post. sorry. peko.
if peko had not been pulled down by despair just like the rest of them she would have fought tooth and nail to keep fuyuhiko above it. she would have demanded he explain to her why he was doing what he was doing. and she would have told him no.
and of course heres where i get into the accusatory part because the other place a lot of this comes from is, and im sorry, an unwillingness to write complex or nuanced women. not pointing fingers, but reducing peko down into “fuyuhiko’s tool” and “she does whatever he says without question” completely destroys any minuscule amount of agency she has. shes a fucking person. yes, shes pixels on a screen. yes, shes a representation of tropes. but diagetically, within the fiction of the game, she is a human being, and if you want to write her, and not be puppeting around a gddamn cardboard cutout, you have to think of her as a person with agency who makes her own fucking choices. sometimes those choices are taken away from her. but they shouldnt be taken away by you.
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