#if you're car shopping definitely come to me first i know so many things
lostandbackagain · 2 years
instead of saying "you look sour/pissed/unhappy" my coworkers and I are now saying "you look like you drive a jeep"
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kitsuvil · 4 months
— stay w me; genshin date hcs [gn! reader] part 1
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characters; tartaglia, neuvillette, zhongli, itto, heizou, scaramouche
warnings/notes; modern au, tooth rotting fluff, pre-established relationship, gn! reader, ajax & heizou's part have a kiss, murder/dead body joke in ittos
summary; your genshin boy invites you on a date, sorta ghibli and city pop style. part 1!
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AJAX ! — windy summer by anri
☆ ajax acts like he's just casually asking you out for a date but you can tell just from his tone while texting that he expects you to be there & would be really butthurt if you're not available
☆ “lyubov. it's my one free day, we're going smh”
☆ i imagine he's pretty busy with work and it's definitely a tasking job where he's in a higher position so he doesn't actually get this chance often, so when he asks you out on a date you're immediately up for it. how could you say no when his puppy dog eyes are visible even through text?
☆ he probably doesn't tell you what the date is but tells you when to be ready. since his full day is free, he's picking you up early in the morning. definitely takes you out for coffee or tea & if you didn't have breakfast, that too!
☆ which connects to the fact that i really think half the day would just be him confirming that gift giving is his love language. clothes here, jewelry there, something for your hobbies over yonder
☆ the car (which mind you is incredibly nice. if he has money, why would he not use it for himself and those around him?) is just stuffed with gifts. especially bc i think most of the date day would be him taking you around town? all the shops and everything, but it's all preparation for the real date
☆ somewhere in between all the places you visit in the city, ajax gets a phone call from work. but without a second's hesitation, he turns his phone off and ignores the call.
☆ “aren't you going to pick that up? i'm sure it's important.”
☆ “they know what today is. my attention is only on you, dear. my coworkers can handle it on their own. it's not like they're incapable, they're just lazy and they'll be fine.”
☆ and suddenly you're blushing because the way he looked at you when he said his attention is only on you? it makes you fully believe his words.
☆ when the time for sunset grows closer, both of you grow quieter. both for different reasons. he's about to take you to the final spot and you're probably getting a little sleepy after a long day tbh.
☆ “you can sleep in my arms tonight, just hold on a bit, lyubov.”
☆ both of you yawning as you pull into a parking lot, but it only hits you where you are after you get out of the car.
☆ “You took us to the beach?” Your mouth drops open a little in pleasant shock. It's not like the beach was something you could never go to, but it was rare to be there with Ajax. Something that felt extra sentimental. It had you reminiscing about the first time you two met, underneath a setting sun and with crashing waves in the backdrop. Looking out over the horizon now as the red sun reflected on the ocean wasn't so unlike that first meeting.
“I thought it would be a nice break from the usual rush of things if I took us here,” Ajax sheepishly shrugged his shoulders, a little bit taken aback by how obviously enthralled you were. While he often got to see joy sparkling on your face, it was almost never this meaningful. It made his own heart melt a little, knowing that he made the right choice coming here.
"It is. I can't believe there's so few people here to see this beautiful sunset."
"I think if there were many people here, the sunset would be long forgotten about. They'd all be distracted by your beauty instead," Ajax paused for a moment. "Just like I am right now."
Looking back at him, it was clear he was saying the truth. His eyes were a reflection of your heart, all your inner workings, and the deep emotions you felt for him. That you both felt for each other. So much to the point that when you grew closer to each other and your lips touching made imaginary fireworks go off, neither of you had a single thought running through your heads.
NEUVILLETTE! — i'm in love by tomoko aran
♡ neuvi would probably be a little hesitant at first asking you out on a date? it's like. you've already been together for so much time and this isn't a first, but every time he wants to make the date perfect so he's a little over-cautious. he refuses to miss the details.
♡ probably asks you in person. he wouldn't want to ask in text for multiple reasons. one, he can't see your reaction immediately if it's in text, two, it wouldn't feel real enough? to him. if anything, he might even hesitate more. it's in this aspect that he's a bit of a perfectionist.
♡ plans the date like weeks in advance. when you realize what it is, it makes a lot more sense why he felt that he needed so much time.
♡ "i managed to acquire some tickets to an opera show happening soon. since we're both free on that day, i was wondering if you'd do me the honor of joining me?"
♡ definitely an opera that he knows you'd like. he's often willing to sacrifice his own tastes for you and it goes to show his devotion. not to mention, sometimes your tastes in these things align anyway! so it's probably a show he knows both of you would like. best of both worlds because he knows most people wouldn't go to an opera out of the blue anyway, but he knows from experience that you're willing to do anything with him. (me too)
♡ MATCHING OUTFITS. his heart would melt. it doesn't have to be something super obvious, and i don't think he'd like it if it drew too much attention to you both anyway, but something really cute. he probably wears an accessory that reminds him of you in his day to day already and this is only the step up from that in formal outfits lolol
♡ before the show starts (ehem, you two obviously got the best seats in the house) i think he'd geek out to you for a little about the place itself and the show/cast you're about to see and you just listen with stars in your eyes. it's nice to see him talk about hobbies and interests when he's rarely focused on you instead of himself or worried about his other priorities.
♡ midway through the show, your wrist slowly moves towards the seat beside you until your arm is fully snaked together with neuvi's. if you look over, there's a slight flush over his cheeks. it's not at all obvious with the darkened lightning of the building, but the lights coming from the stage illuminate his face and his beautiful eyes instead.
♡ after the show ends and everyone is clapping and leaving, your hands are connected to each other's again. they don't separate until long after you both leave the building. even if neuvillette isn't always fond of pda, this time it fills his heart with warmth, and he can't help but enjoy it.
♡ he stops by a café for evening tea after, paying for both of your drinks.
♡ "Here's your green tea and (tea of choice)! Let us know if you need anything else!" The staff left just as quickly as they had arrived. You and Neuvillette were silent for a while, but it wasn't that awkward kind of silence that made you want to run away from a situation. It was comfortable. It was a silence that spoke both a million words but also none.
"Thank you for inviting me to the opera show and doing all this for me. It's been such a fun date, Neuvi!" You broke it first. "Even more fun for me than you. Getting to take you somewhere is far more than enough to make me happy," the corners of Neuvillette's mouth turned up into a smile. He took a sip of his tea before speaking again. "I thought it would be nice to bond over a form of entertainment, and what better option than this show. I know you were talking about it recently, too."
"You're so kind to not forget my blabberings, even when I forget them myself. It was a really enjoyable show, but a thousand times better just because you were there. Thank you."
Up until now, you never realized how easy it was to get a slight blush from the white-haired man. But there he was again, his cheeks a different tone from the rest of his skin. You wouldn't trade this for anything.
ZHONGLI! — sweet love by junko ohashi
◆ zhongli is straightforward about asking you out on a date. he acts a little bit 'sneaky' about it at first, but it doesn't take long until he's asking if you're available soon to visit a park. he won't give the location, but gives you all the other details you'd need instead. warns you that it's a bit of a drive to get there, but that the views are worth it.
◆ he wanted to leave earlier in the morning but when he sees you sleeping so soundly, he can't help to extend it to a bit later. the park can wait. atleast until he finishes preparing breakfast for you and packing everything for the trip, so that when you wake up you only need to focus on getting yourself ready (but he acts so casual about it like he didn't just do everything at once)
◆ "your tea is going to get cold by the time you finish staring at me. yes, everything is already prepared for us to leave." he's definitely proud of himself and so subtly flaunting it. he loves making you smile the most.
◆ there's already a pillow waiting in the passenger seat for you so you can rest easy during the ride. even if you offer to take the wheel instead, he'll just raise an eyebrow and say, "but you don't know where we're going, do you?" and just leaves you huffing in response
◆ eventually, you're both silent. probably with some music playing in the background but you're stuck staring outside. the surroundings had already turned from town to fields a bit ago & it makes you smile at the calm atmosphere
◆ "you're smiling to yourself over there but not telling me why?"
◆ "is loving you not reason enough to make me smile?" you tease.
◆ his eyes return to the road, and his hands on the wheel stiffen up a bit. it's such a subtle change that most people wouldn't pick up on it, but you know exactly how he reacts when you catch him off guard. zhongli is flustered.
◆ you wake up from a nap you didn't even realize you fell into, zhongli slowly tapping you awake. there's a bag you unhaul from the car with what you assume to be trailing necessities and then follow zhongli to the path
◆ he probably explains what route he chose because it's not the main one, he's the type to go for a "lesser known" path. it's paved in dirt and there's some fallen branches or leaning trees. some bushes that taunt you with spikes if you get too close
◆ and it's obvious that if you're not careful enough, you'll end up trip- and would you look at that, you're falling.
◆ but before you can make contact with the grass, zhongli's arms are wrapped around you tightly. of course he'd catch you, you sighed in relief.
◆ "i'm not sure if you're trying to get injured, or if this is your way at hinting that you want a piggyback ride for the rest of the walk."
◆ you pout in response, knowing that neither is the truth and zhongli knows that too. you continue on the trail (which fortunately doesn't seem to be taking too long. zhongli knows your limits and the fact that not everyone is a hiking fanatic... sometimes, him included) that's pleasantly unpopulated save for the animals. like birds chirping in the treetops that fill the silence whenever zhongli isn't talking about this plant and that plant.
◆ a clearing in the trees comes up in front of you, but you don't realize what it actually is until you make it out of the dense forest.
◆ With a deep breath in and out, you take in your surroundings. "I didn't realize this trail was on a mountain. When did we drive up a mountain?" There is no longer stretch after stretch of trees but instead, a large open view of what's below the cliffside. It looks out over nearby towns, forests, and fields. Flowers dot the fields like little specks of glitter, and the sun shines down light for them.
"You were asleep for quite a while, weren't you? Come, there's a picnic table nearby."
Upon sitting down, you realize what exactly was in that bag Zhongli had you bring. He unpacked multiple containers holding food inside of them, setting them onto the picnic table. "When did you have the time to make all this?" You questioned, a little shocked.
"I'm afraid that if I tell you, you'll scold me," he spoke as he opened the containers.
"I get the feeling you're telling me the truth." It wasn't the first time Zhongli spent all his free time on you. Part of him found that what fufilled him the most was making you happy, so he was alright with giving up time that could be spent alone. For so much of his years, he still felt alone even with people around him. You filled that loneliness.
"Isn't it lovely?" Zhongli's voice brought you out of your thoughts. "The view?" You gazed at him longingly.
"It's like a breath of fresh air or a change of pace. Seeing the world around us makes things slow down, and so does your presence."
He wasn't wrong. In a world that runs faster than an hourglass or a clock, Zhongli was the only one who made things feel normal.
ITTO! — slow motion by akina nakamori
★ “love!! are you free this weekend? i maybe have a surprise for you :P” text from him out of the blue bc why would he ever not be spontaneous
★ when the day comes he's ushering you into the car, and honestly looks more excited than you yourself for the date
★ the drive takes a bit as you guys exit the city and head for a more rural area, but quickly the surroundings grow from unfamiliar back to familiar again
★ he can't hold on any longer so even when you're not there yet, “surprise!! we're visiting my home town!” and you have to pretend to not have realized it multiple roads ago. “we haven't been in so long, i'm glad you chose this for our date”
★ last time you two went, you ended up returning home with the fullest bellies but also hearts. so your expectations were comfortably high
★ pulling up into the town is just a bunch of “hey itto! how's it been?” from each person that recognizes him (a lot)
★ before you reach your actual destination, the two of you get stopped in the town by an older lady. she invites you for lunch and how could you say no? even though she runs a restaurant, the meal is on the house. the lady doesn't even hide the grin on her face as she ‘whines’ about the many times itto got in trouble with her when he was younger.
★ “but granny, that kitty was really going to steal all the food, i was just trying to catch it! i didn't mean to break your dishes…”
★ “maybe that's why you were always told to tell an adult, weren't you?”
★ itto finds it hard to pull away when you're finally finished with your food and ready to leave, so you have to tug him a little back to the driver's seat
★ but you don't realize the goal for this date was different than the previous times you visited. he parks at a place you don't fully recognize but urges you to get out anyway. if it was anyone other than itto, you'd question if he was taking you down to do something suspicious. like have you help him hide a dead body.
★ running down the hill and through the trees though, you both quickly came across a river next to a large tree.
★ and so, itto introduces this as his secret hiding spot that he spent so much of his childhood in. surprisingly, most of it is left in great condition, and it's like the timeline of memories had just paused here. it felt like if you blinked, suddenly at you'd spot a tiny itto running around. not that this itto had changed from the young itto that was equally rambunctious.
★ You ran your fingers along the bark of the tree that covered the hiding place. It seemed really tiny to someone your size, but to a young child, it would've been the perfect spot. “Look, I can still stick in half of my body!!” Itto laughs while maneuvering his way through the hideout. “Before you get stuck, maybe. You've grown so much since being young, more than the normal person, silly.”
“Just because I'm tall and strong shouldn't mean I'm not allowed to have any childlike wonder,” he pouted as he removed himself from the hideout and crossed his arms. “When did anyone say that ever? You wouldn't be Itto if you were missing any traits that made me like you as much as I do.”
Your words had him dumbfounded for a moment, so much that a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, and anything he wanted to say before fell off his tongue.
“You're not allowed to say things like that,” he murmured. “How come?” There was a mischievous glint in your eyes. “It makes my stomach feel funky,” Itto admitted.
You found that now it was your turn to blush. “Come, let me show you the rock collection I gathered,” he quickly changed the topic even though the romantic tension in the air still lingered. “When you were young or just now? I can't predict you,” you let out a chuckle. “Hey!! I mean, making a rock collection now doesn't sound too bad but‐”
“Then let's do it. There's a really pretty rock over there to start with.”
HEIZOU! — shyness boy by anri
● sends you a photo of tickets to karaoke with no other context. “are you coming 🥹”
● how could you say no?? you're more than ready. and clearly heizou is too because when you both get to see each other, you're flabbergasted. maybe both dressed too nicely for karaoke, but for each other, maybe it's ok.
● he's probably wearing not exactly formal clothes but something that makes him extremely attractive (not that he wasn't already to begin with and you know it). dressed to impress(you)!!
● heizou probably messing around with some part of his clothes because he didn't realize he's actually kinda nervous to sing in front of you til now. but considering how talented he is at hiding his real feelings, it's not something you pick up on
● at least not until you're in the karaoke booth he rented out and one of you has to go and pick a song already. neither of you want to stand up and actually go sing
● “woooo” he howls into the mic awkwardly bc at least if you guys don't sing, he can make up for it by acting funny
● “do you want to pick a song?” you strike while the iron is hot. successfully forcing him to get up and pick a song because why would he put the pressure on you instead? he decides he has to man up
● probably sings a meme song to start off. it lightens the mood, so much that you join in too
● so it's not long before both of you are messing around, snacking on some treats you ordered for the room
● justin bieber. duh “and i was like baby baby baby oooo, baby baby baby nooo”
● until you get serious and pick a song you actually really like. totally not a love song that you'd like to direct to heizou, wdym?
● heizou is the type to blush really aggressively. there's one thing he's incredibly weak to and it's the knowledge that his people actually care for him and his crush actually likes him back
● of course, you guys have been together longer than you being just a “crush” but it solidifies the fact that no matter what stage of the relationship you're in, heizou will always consider you like a first love. the amount of butterflies in his tummy has never receded and it never will.
● which is why as you serenade him, he looks completely lulled by your voice. you could be a siren and he'd ask you to take him down with you. it's so clear in his body language and expression that he'd to anything at all for you
● “And when were you going to tell me you could sing like that, darling?” Heizou pretends to wipe a tear from his face as he applauds you. The timing of it is comedic because half of his actions are just him trying to cover up the fact that you had him fully under your spell.
“Whenever I discovered it, which happens to be now,” you giggled at his reaction. His flushed face didn't go unnoticed even one bit and you were prepared to tease him about it like your life depended on it. “Clearly, it gave you a bit of a shock too.”
Heizou's eyes looked almost glazed over and you knew that you had touched where it affected him the most. “Don't read me like a book, I know no such thing as shock.” He pouted and yet it only made you fall harder.
“I know something I can do that'll make you admit to being shocked.”
“And what would that be?”
You stepped closer towards Heizou. There was less than a second in between that and now, with your lips up against his and karaoke entirely forgotten. It was a rare occurrence that you guys shared a kiss for it never felt right—but as Heizou’s soft lips moved against yours, both of you knew that there was no better time than now.
SCARAMOUCHE! — 4:00am by taeko ohnuki
♥︎ scara calls you in the middle of the night knowing neither of you are asleep yet. his voice is all raspy and tired but you can tell he has something important to say
♥︎ “have you been outside tonight?”
♥︎ you curiously say no. what reason could he have for this specific of a question?
♥︎ “be ready in 10. i'm taking you to the park”
♥︎ this doesn't surprise you too much. scara was never one to make elaborate plans for going out, rather tiny things like this. so you hopped out of bed to get ready
♥︎ he was at your place in record time and upon getting into the car you spotted a few blankets and snacks in the back seat.
♥︎ “i know you're going to ask what they're for. we're going stargazing.”
♥︎ now this catches you off guard. “stargazing? at 2 am?”
♥︎ “did you want to wait until the sun has risen and the stars are all gone?”
♥︎ “fair.” but you couldn't hide the smile that crept up your face when you pictured scara doing something as romantic as stargazing. he'd glare at you if you actually said it to his face, but sometimes his heart feels so soft it makes you want to hug him out of adoration
♥︎ “What's so special about the stars tonight that makes you want to bring us both out here?” You ask while both of you work together to lay down a blanket and the snacks. “Other than the fact the moon isn't shining like someone who turned on their brights in the middle of the night? Nothing, really. I just felt like it,” Scaramouche shrugs before settling down on the blanket beside you.
“The sky is really pretty so I think that's fair. Is this your technique for making us feel sleepy, though?”
“If it works, then it works. Look at the constellation over there,” he points towards the sky.
“It's Ursa Minor, the little dipper, right?”
“Yeah. That one star is-” He pauses as his eyebrows furrow, “Hold on.” Scaramouche sits up from the ground, squinting his eyes.
“If you're seeing what I’m seeing… That's a falling star, right?”
“It was only there for a second, but it was definitely a falling star.”
“Did you take a moment to wish on it?” You questioned.
“Why would I wish on a falling star when I have everything I need already? That being you, of course.”
— this was a nightmare to format and write (lost half of zhongli's part at one point and had to rewrite it, tumblr refused to work w me and had to remove my line dividers, accidentally posted it before it was ready... a nightmare, truly) so i hope everyone enjoys it!! listen to the songs for each character for immersion if you'd like <3 and most important of all, ENJOY THE NEW GENSHIN UPDATE!! ILY
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apomaro-mellow · 7 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy 12
Part 11
@spectrum-spectre before you say anything, there's no smut in this one so go to sleep and read it at a more reasonable hour
In Eddie's fantasy world, he took off in a plane with Steve, escorted him back to Indiana, dropped him off at the door of the home he'd be staying at, giving him a very thorough scenting before letting him go.
But Eddie had work to take care of and Steve said he would be fine. And Eddie had gotten the hang of figuring out when Steve meant what he said. It wasn't hard. Whenever he wanted to be spoiled, he put that bratty lilt to his voice. They parted ways, Eddie having rubbed himself all over Steve before they exited the car, then again before getting to the check out counter.
Eddie was avoiding notice by wearing his hair in a braided bun and big sunglasses. He insisted on getting Steve a first class ticket. It was the only way to keep too many people from rubbing against him and thus making his scent fade sooner.
"Don't miss me too much", Eddie teased, looking over the rim of his shades.
Steve wrapped his arms around his neck. "I already do, Daddy", he whispered. He kissed him and then murmured against his lips. "Can't stop thinking about it. In less than ten days..."
Eddie put his hands to Steve's waist. He couldn't wait either. They'd be reuniting for Steve's heat. But they weren't coming back together just for that. While Steve was pretty regular and was 99% it would come when he said it did, Eddie would have Steve on the first jet to Texas on January 1st.
Steve thoroughly enjoyed the luxury of first class and landed back home with less than half the stress of a normal plane flight. Eddie had been a little zealous in spending on him sometimes, and it reflected in how much money he sent to Steve so that he could get a ride at the airport. Steve had specifically told him that Lucas could have picked him up and then he'd be with family for the rest of the time.
Eddie must've heard something different because when Steve checked his venmo, he was several hundred dollars richer. When Lucas picked him up, he decided that money could be well spent doing some last minute shopping.
"You know, I'm actually kind of relieved", Lucas said as they packed the last of the stuff into his trunk.
"Why?", Steve asked.
"I thought when you started being a sugar baby and junk you'd turn into a different person. But you're still Steve."
Steve smiled. "Didn't go through a name change last I checked."
"You know what I mean. You were still cursing out the ref at the game back in DC. And you got Robin a mug with a weird picture, not like a diamond encrusted dog bowl or something."
"She's gonna love the mug more than that. And the ref had his blinders on for the whole first half."
Steve didn't realize how relieved he was to hear that though, that he had retained the real parts of himself even though he felt completely changed by Eddie. Would he start to change in time? How long would it take? His reverie was broken when Lucas pulled into the driveway of his home.
"Okay, so Dustin told my parents you were seeing someone and Mike told them it was someone famous but they don't know it's Eddie Munson."
Steve felt his stomach drop. "Do they know that I'm?"
Lucas shook his head. "You get to tell them that."
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me", Steve groaned.
The last thing he wanted to tell the people who helped him through the final years of high school and the first couple of college was that he was getting dicked down by a celebrity and was falling for him too. The Sinclairs were more like his parents than his actual mom and dad.
They didn't hold back either, bringing it up the moment he entered and they got their hugs.
"Dustin told us you're seeing someone?", Mrs. Sinclair said.
Steve snuck an ear twist as Dustin walked by with a grin, one that the Sinclairs definitely noticed but let him get away with. He had to be honest not just because of how important they were, but because they'd find out everything sooner or later. New traveled fast online and he was honestly surprised they didn't know more already.
"I met him one night at a bar. He covered my dinner when I was a little short", Steve said as his hands were kept busy helping with the food preparation.
"Sounds like a gentleman", Mr. Sinclair said.
Lucas and his friends were sitting in the living room, which Steve was thankful for. He knew they'd want to spill every last bean. He got away with giving them minimal info: Eddie's first name, the fact he was a musician, an alpha, and that they'd been on a few dates.
That night, he cornered Dustin and Mike and made them swear to keep their mouths shut about anything else.
"Lucas got basketball tickets. We should get something to", Mike said.
"How's about you don't get a tanned hide?", Steve offered, eyes hard.
Christmas went as usual, Steve spent the day of and day after in the Sinclair home, then returned to his own apartment where Robin was already waiting to celebrate New Years. He didn't get two feet into the door before she was feeling his stomach.
He rolled his eyes. "I'm not-"
"But you could be. I know you and your cumslut tendencies. So I know you're not making him wrap it up."
"But I'm still taking my birth control", Steve said.
"You just know that if you get knocked up I'll have no choice but to move back in with you and help you raise this pup", Robin said.
"There is no pup. And I wouldn't make you do that."
"I would though. For you", she promised.
"I know Robs. That's why I'm not gonna let it happen. If I wanna have his baby, you'll get a six month notice before we conceive."
"Thank you for that."
They spent December 31st ordering take out from three different places and binging Empire. When it got to the time for real festivities to begin, they turned the tv to where Eddie said he was going to be performing.
"So that's your beau. He's not bad", Robin complimented. "How's the rest of the band?"
"They're great. I think you and Jeff would really get along. He's actually really into brass instruments too. And Gareth knows a bunch of nerd languages."
"You mean like Klingon and Elvish?"
"And apparently he's learning Atlantean."
Midnight came and Steve kissed her forehead and Robin kissed his cheek.
The next day, he was packed and ready to hop on his flight. Robin dropped him off and hugged him tight enough to hold him over until the next time they met. His ticket was first class again and when he landed in Austin, he was already feeling a tingling under his skin. He missed his alpha. Need his scent, his touch, the rumble of his voice.
Because of this, while he loved the other CC boys, he was a little disappointed to see them awaiting his arrival and not Eddie.
"The Ed-man had to finish something in the studio last minute", Gareth explained as they led Steve to the car.
"Thanks for picking me up, guys", Steve certainly preferred them over a stranger from Uber.
Grant drove the way back, taking them to a mansion that had Steve's jaw dropping. He was no stranger to big houses, but he was used to them being simply for status. They'd been grand but sterile, devoid of any personality. The moment Steve stepped in, he could see that wasn't true for this place. He could pick out each of the resident's scents, could see each of their quirks as he was given a tour of the place.
They saved Eddie's room for last and he found out when Eddie barreled down the hallway to meet them at his door.
"They're really good pack", Steve said as Jeff, Grant, and Gareth left the two of them alone.
"I knew I could trust them with you." Then Eddie kissed him about six times. "For all the missed mistletoe." Then again. "For New Year's."
Steve laughed against his lips. "You gonna show me the bedroom anytime soon? I'd love to lie down, Daddy."
Eddie bit his lip, looking nervous all of a sudden as he slowly opened the door. Steve wanted to take in everything. After all, a bedroom could tell you a lot about a person. But his attention was immediately grabbed by the bed situation and what was sitting on the bench in front of it. There was a thin quilt turning it into a canopy bed, much like the den Eddie had made in their hotel room back in New York.
Steve recognized the pattern from what he'd heard before. Jeff's handiwork. And by the foot of the bed was a small bench where a collection of clothes sat. Steve went right to them and took a whiff of the first shirt. It was so undeniably Eddie, he would have thought his neck was pressed to his nose were he not still by the door.
Then he picked up a tank top and caught notes of lemon and ginger. "Are these...?"
"I tried to scent a lot of stuff before you got here, the boys helped out too. I hope that was okay?" His hands were stuck in his pockets and his back was tensed like he might run.
"It's more than okay", Steve reassured him.
"And the den? You like it? I can always change it if you don't. We've got tons of linens here, all that can be scented in a moment's notice and-"
"Eddie", Steve put a hand to his arm. "It's great. Now...", he held up one of the garments. "Help me nest?"
Eddie swallowed and nodded. He followed Steve's lead as they arranged everything on the bed for maximum comfort. Once Steve was satisfied, he sank down into it, smirking when he saw the way Eddie gingerly lied down next to him.
"Your first time doing a heat?", Steve asked.
"I've been around omegas in heat before. Just not as the uh, let's say star alpha", Eddie admitted.
Steve turned so his back was against Eddie's chest and pulled his arm over him. It took Eddie a moment, but he got comfortable and melted against his body. The exhaustion from the flight and being up for hours finally got to him and Steve closed his eyes.
When he opened them hours later, his body was warm and he felt a wetness between his legs.
Part 13
@awkotaco24 @lingeringmirth @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @tartarusknight @velocitytimes2 @mrsjellymunson @trashcanniballecter @paintsplatteredandimperfect @a-little-unsteddie  @sllooney  @starman-jpg  @oxidantdreamboat  @xxbottlecapx   @newtstabber @tiny-enthusiast  @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper @y4r3luv @hello-fellow-nerds  @anonymousbandgirl @alyelf @potato-of-the-lord  @beckkthewreck  @croatoan-like-its-hot @pluto-pepsi @abstractnaturaldisaster @ellietheasexylibrarian @eyesofshinigami @dragonmama76 @greatwerewolfbeliever @chaosgremlinmunson @blackpanzy @millseyes-world @batxsignalsx @lilpomelito @goosesister @libraryofgage @aresthelostboy @royjaimie4eva @silenzioperso @she-collects-smut @lost-wondering-souls @eddielives1986 @marklee-blackmore
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scarlet-empresss · 8 months
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Simon Riley x reader relationship headcanons Sooo after nearly seven years of being a mostly inactive member of the fandom, writing countless fics that nobody ever got to see - I can say I’ve developed a fairly clear picture of how I envision some of these characters. Therefore, here are some of the things I think would characterize Simon as a partner (and a few of just him as a person). English is not my first language so please bear with me :)
Friends first. I feel like he's not one to rush into a serious relationship without having strong foundations laid out first. You're a trustworthy, longtime teammate he's been working with for years, who has seen his darkest side and inner demons resurface, and still be accepting of him as a person? Or perhaps you're a civilian working at the coffee shop he frequents; the same civilian who spilled his usual at him one time, leading to an unexpected, but most certainly intruguing friendship? Let's fucking roll with either.
Following the first point—he's not a 'love at first glance' type of guy. He needs a connection, a spark; that spark that comes from knowledge and insight, both gained through meaningful interactions and a genuine bond. This is what Simon seeks. (Bonus points if you're a medic/nurse, because, you know, I fucking love medic x soldier trope)
Now let's get to the love language—definitely acts of service. You're tired after a long day at work? Boom, you've got a nice and hot bath waiting for you, together with your favorite snacks and a glass of wine/book to read (could be both). Running low on essentials, be it your favorite type of coffee, a preferred perfume, tampons, the likes? Well, expect it to be restocked as soon as possible. He'll change the oil in your car, scrape the frost from the windows, anything you as much as mention. If you're sick, he'll do whatever makes you feel better, whether that's a warm compress or something as simple as a bowl of soup and a couple of ice packs. He wants to take care of you. He might not be an expert at expressin his feelings through words, but he'll damn sure cook you a three-course meal and a dessert to show you how much he appreciates you.
That being said, he's an exceptional cook. He doesn't have many opportunities to experiment in the kitchen during deployments or safe houses, but you can be sure that Simon is behind the pots and pans preparing mouthwatering meals whenever he's back home. It's relaxing, and he simply enjoys spending time cooking for you and himself.
Not into excessive PDA - hand holding is okay, but when you two are in a crowd (which he hates), there's a hand on the small of your back or lingering on the back of your neck. Behind closed doors, he's more openly affectionate. Whether you're simply making a sandwich in the kitchen or he breezes past you, he's likely to stand behind you and simply rest his chin on the top of your head, rough hands on your hips, or when you two are sitting on the couch, his arm is either around you or resting on your thigh.
Non sexual intimacy is a big yes; head scratches, hand holding, shoulder rubs, baths together, or anything of the sort. But there's one thing that melts him completely and that's when you kiss his eyelids. If you're his teammate and you're in a relationship, he will appreciate you helping him out of his gear, washing the dirt and grime off his hands or helping him apply the camouflage paint on his face.
He may call you "love" or "sweetheart," but he attempts to restrict these terms of endearment primarily behind closed doors. He's not exactly fond of overtly cutesy pet names either, so he appreciates the occasional "Love" or "Si," but he draws the line at anything more ostentatiously affectionate. "Don't ya ever call me pookie again, got it, sweetheart?"
Wanna wake up before that man? Yeah, good luck with that. He's a proper, bona fide early riser, an early bird, prepared for the day well before the rays reach the horizon. It's like clockwork, a routine that's been ingrained into his circadian rhythm, something that governs his inner system. If he's not out on a morning jog, he'll lie on his side of the bed, staring at you, silently admiring. Oh, and he'll know if you wake up and pretend to be still asleep.
Simon values the power of silence. Quiet as he may be at certain times, this man is not indifferent; he's an observer. He considers observation as a means of learning and appreciates the sheer volume of knowledge that can be gleaned from the study of behaviors, facial expressions, and other body language cues. Furthermore, a comfortable silence may be the strongest indicator of the powerful connection between two people. That's how he knew there was truly something special between you and him.
HOWEVER. The previous point doesn't right away mean that he despises talking. Sure, he's not one for an idle chit-chat, but I feel like it’s a very frequent idea that he’s the brooding and sullen type who prefers grunting over speaking, kinda like Daryl Dixon (that's a huge compliment to Simon). I’d say, Simon is somewhere in between—more of a ‘I speak only when I want to/have something really meaningful to say’. If he's got something on his mind, he'll let you know. And, surprisingly, he has a way with words like the smoothest motherfucker ever.
Not surprisingly, he's a bit of a softie when it comes to animals, especially dogs. Not one to baby-talk when he sees a dog, he merely offers gentle pats on its head or side (if he's more familiar with the dog, I see him petting it like dads do lol). He’s also very careful about the animals and makes sure not to touch one without asking the owner first. As for service dogs, he's especially careful, keeping a safe distance and showing due respect for their role.
You know you're gonna have a K9 at your home when you get with this man.
He's not a fan of surprises or gifts, because he wasn't raised in a family full of hugs and "I love you's" or selfless acts of affection. He struggles to convey his gratitude in the conventional manner, so it's often expressed, albeit indirectly, through acts of service. No matter what it is that you've gifted him, he's grateful for the thought and consideration all the same.
But you better believe he will surprise you in turn. He goes out of his way to procure anything and everything you so much as mention wanting, be it a trivial trinket or something more significant. He's always listening, always paying attention.
Not very into verbal compliments, but his eyes speak an entire novel about how he feels about you. Gentle glances, lingering stares, and silent admiration. He might not be overtly forthcoming with his praise, but one look is worth more than a thousand words.
Big spoon. He's a tad bit paranoid about having his back vulnerable—much like a cat and its exposed belly. It has nothing to do with trust—as he does trust you. It's merely a product of his inner paranoia, though there's a touch of protectiveness in there, too. Beacuse he'd much rather have you enveloped in his arms, ensuring him the sensation of protecting you with his whole body. Perhaps with time he would let you spoon him, but I wouldn't count on it early on in the relationship.
He's territorial, not in a jealous, envious, or controlling sense but rather in a protective and defensive manner. He doesn't like men or women making advances on you, especially unsolicited physical contact or overt flirting. While he won't try to be overbearing or overly assertive, he will make it abundantly clear that such behavior is uncalled for and unacceptable.
civilian!reader - get ready for some self-defense lessons. He'll ensure that you know basic moves that can give you the time to escape a dangerous situation. Simon is well-versed in the brutality of the world, and he won't sugarcoat anything. If you're in danger, you run; if you feel something's wrong, you run. He can't always be there to protect you. So he's drilled this mantra into your brain: no matter how strong, tough, skilled you think you are, you simply can't trust that your enemy won't wield a knife or gun.
But one of the very first things he's given you even before you two became a couple was a can of pepper spray.
He's a direct, straight to the point man, which is why he has no time for beating around the bush. There's no awkward tip-toeing with hints that may go unexplored, no subtle suggestions that may fall flat—he's all in. Whether it's on a mission, in bed, or an argument, Simon lays it all on the line because you're worth it. He will commit to you wholeheartedly, leaving nothing on the table, giving you everything he has to offer because you deserve nothing less.
You fell first, but he fell harder—this man adores you. Although he's not mushy, he won't shower you with affection and cute nicknames all the time, he loves you. And when Simon Riley loves someone, you can be damn sure he means it. His loyalty knows no limits and once he's attached to you, he'll never let go. He'll go through and beyond any lengths to make sure you're happy and safe.
Though he might not openly admit it, he likes it when you take the initiative, whether it's in bed, in your relationship, or just life in general. He values your opinions and respects and acknowledges your boundaries, and makes sure to let his own boundaries and needs be known as well. So, step up and make yourself heard, cause he will listen.
He values honesty highly and has a razor-sharp bullshit detector. Can smell bullshit from miles away, actually. Therefore, never, ever lie to him. Because he will uncover the truth, one way or another. Lies are the one thing that can shatter his trust beyond repair, making it a cardinal sin in his eyes. So, don't shy away from telling him the truth—no matter how difficult or inconvenient or painful it may be.
Now it gets a bit complicated here, because while he expects honesty from his s/o, Simon himself holds back some things. These are largely related to his past or the missions he has been on, the things he has seen. He doesn't want to lie to you, but he does it to protect himself and you. You just have to accept the fact that there are certain things he won't ever tell you.
Is capable of being absolutely terrifying without even trying, let alone when he wants to be. His height, muscles, and scars are a force to be reckoned with. So you don't have to be worried about going on a walk with him in the middle of the night or wearing something a bit more revealing, cause he will beat the living shit out of anyone who dares to touch you.
Absolutely no one can defeat him in arm wrestling or even come close to his grip strength.
Very awkward around babies, and I mean extremely awkward. Like Jane Smith holding a baby in Mr&Mrs Smith. He doesn't know a flying shit about caring for children, especially since he didn't have a positive parental influence growing up or any good role models. The subject of starting a family is still a bit sore; though he would likely grow more open to discussing it as time goes on. Still, a major aspect of his psyche seems terrified of becoming like his father.
Would die a thousand deaths for you.
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An Americano, Please? Part 3
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Word count: 1.3K A/N: Just an FYI, I don't usually upload twice a day, I just felt particularly inspired today. As always, italics in quotation marks signify the speaking is using romanian dialect.
Y/N's POV:
I gotta admit. It hurt when Jenna didn't send me a text immediately. It's been two days, and still nothing.
Maybe it was a meaningless banter. Oh well. I guess I just really thought something could come out of it.
"What are you sulking about?" Nessa asks me one day after our shift. 
"I'm not sulking, I'm just a little sad because I didn't get a text from someone," I explain, "It's not like she owed me a text or anything, but I don't have to be ecstatic over the fact that she hasn't done so."
"Oh my god, you're into the American one," Nessa exclaims, "I knew it! I mean, she's gorgeous. Like if I were into girls I would definitely be into her." I take a sip of my cortado (half espresso, half milk) as I listen.
"Well in any case, she's probably not interested."
"Stop sulking, Y/N," Nessa scolds me, "Let's do something fun. Gotta get your mind off of this girl."
Since our shift just ended, and we have a whole afternoon ahead of us, Nessa and I take her car to Predeal, the closest thing to a modern city we have around here.
It's about seven miles, so about twenty minute drive. The town's mostly filled with ski resorts, but there's a few fun places to shop.
A great deal of the afternoon is spent sitting outside a store judging the tourists. 
"Oh my god she's probably saying something stupid like, 'I know it's winter but my husband will love this hawaiian T-shirt I bought in Romania,'" Nessa mimics the normal thought process of the typical tourist.
"This guy's even worse though,"  I stifle a laugh, mocking his actions.
After a thorough mockery of all of the Predeal tourists, we head back to our town, content with our afternoon.
I still haven't stopped thinking about Jenna, though. I wish I could have gotten to know her better. It's so nice to finally have someone I can talk to in English.
All I can do is hope that she comes back to the shop. Even then though, she probably won't want much to do with me.
Nessa drops me off at my apartment, waving goodbye. Almost instantly, I shed my winter coat, relieved by the warmth of the building.
The first thing I do is turn on the TV and open Netflix. A new baking show just dropped, and I'm not the type to turn down new entertainment.
The show turns out to be a combination of baking and engineering. It seems cool, but it's hard to tell from the first episode.
My phone lights up with a bright reminder Remember to feed Cupid!
Sighing, I get up from the couch and grab my fish flakes.
Cupid is my purple betta fish. She's about a year old and as of yet hasn't had too many health issues, which is super lucky for both of us. She's at the point where she recognizes my face. So when I go up to the tank, fish feed in hand, she eagerly swims up to the glass.
"Hey Cupid," I laugh, sprinkling some food into the tank.
After feeding her, I head back to the couch, where I continue watching my cooking show. Before I know it, I'm five episodes in and the sun is starting to set. I look out of the window, trying to gauge the temperature and weather condition.
It's a fairly clear twilight right now. There's a good chance I'll get to see stars tonight. Actually, I've decided I will see stars tonight.
I don my winter coat and make my way down the apartment complex stairs. One of the perks of not living in a huge city is that I can see the night sky beautifully.
One of my favorite places in town is on the outer edges of it. At this point, all of the buildings are housing, be it apartments or actual houses. The long stretches of pavement are perfect for strolling down while admiring the night. 
Not a lot of people choose to come out here late at night, which is honestly their loss. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm super into nature and the great outdoors, but when I am outside, I can find an appreciation for my surroundings.
So that's how I found myself strolling the streets of Bușteni Romania, not looking at the cement in front of me.
BAM! I find myself crashing into another person, almost knocking both of us over.
"Fuck, I am so sorry," I find myself defaulting to english, "I- I mean, I'm so sorry, are you okay?"
"Y/N?" A familiar voice asks.
"Jenna?" It may be dark, but I can just barely see the details of her face. God I hope she's not mad.
"Yep, it's me," I hear her faintly laugh.
"Are you okay? I almost knocked you over."
"I'm okay, just a little rattled."
"Sorry for that again," I apologize, "I should have been watching where I was going." 
"You could make it up to me by walking me to my apartment?" she offers.
"I'd like nothing more," I laugh, linking my arm with hers and we start to walk.
"So, Y/N, tell me about yourself," she starts the conversation.
"Well, my name's Y/N L/N, I work at a coffee shop. I speak English and Romanian, which is useful for when people like you come to the shop."
"I know that stuff," she interrupts me, "what do you like to do outside of work?"
"You know, the normal things, be around the people I care about, watch shows, I read sometimes, listen to music, that kind of stuff. What about you?"
"Well for starters, I'm Jenna Ortega, I also love to read and listen to music," she tells me, "I also like to write though, I have like, twenty scripts and stories sitting in my FinalDraft™ folder."
"Damn, you must really like writing," I respond, "that's pretty awesome."
"I guess so," she shrugs.
"Have you ever considered publishing your work?" I ask.
"Yeah, I actually published a book called It's All Love," she answers proudly.
"That's like, the coolest thing anyone's said to me all day," I tell her.
"I guess I'm just a cool person," she jokes, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, only an arrogant person would say that."
"No, you have reason to say, it. You're a published author, the lead in a TV show, and fun to talk to. Don't discredit your own awesome-ness." 
She laughs, "thanks for saying that."
"Sure thing." 
"So, does your offer to take me around town sometime still stand?" she changes the subject.
"I'm a woman of my word, Jenna, if you still want a tour, you have my number," I remind her, trying to sound kind and cool at the same time. Which is kind of challenging.
"Oh my god, I forgot to text you, didn't I," she gasps, "I'm so so sorry, Y/N. I've just had so much going on." She starts to talk herself into a panic, "I have work for like, eight hours a day, plus cello lessons, plus german and fencing, it's just so much." If I had known how busy she was I never would have felt so hurt. That must be so overwhelming.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm not mad about it." Which is true. 
"That's such a relief," she exhales, "again, I'm so sorry."
"Hey, Jenna, it's okay. How about the next time you have a day off, we get in touch and I take you around town."
"Well, conveniently enough, my next day off is tomorrow, so how about I see you then?" she offers.
"I wouldn't be opposed to that," I smile, doing my best to hide how excited I am for this.
"Well this is my place," she announces, "thank you for walking me home." 
"Anytime," I reply, sad to know the night is ending. She heads through the door to her apartment, leaving me to walk the short five minutes to my apartment alone.
As soon as I get home, I dash to my bedroom, putting on pyjamas and getting ready for bed. I'm tired from the day. At at the same time, I'm so happy I got to see Jenna. I'm so excited that she wants to see me again, maybe tomorrow! I can't wait to get to know her better.
My phone lights up with a text from a new number
                       +1 ***-***-****
Does 11 AM tomorrow work for you?
I smile, quickly texting back 
                               Sure thing, see ya then :)
I can hardly wait.
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lilith-little-world · 2 years
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When I was younger, I had a thing for that trope. Maybe it was due to having something very similar happened to me. Dreams are weird things, so I never questioned it until 6 (?) dreams later he kept invading my dreams. I always wanted to write them down and make a story about them but eh, I never got to it.
Anyways I got fanfics to write. Better to write those than that whole mess.
This one is a short one, but I'm planning to add parts to it. Just so I got something to do when I can't come up with the concept oneshots. Also bad grammar and sentence structure, I was like half asleep when I wrote this.
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I Saw You Once In A Dream, Maybe|| Oneshot Pt. 1
It was the new year and you were spending time with your family. Last night was spent with a small feast and fireworks but now here you were washing the plates and pans. It was the least you can do since your parents made the feast for yesterday. Doesn't hurt to help clean up a bit.
“Sweetheart, tell me, are you seeing anybody?” Your mother asks while putting away the dishes.
“Sadly and fortunately, nope. Taking a break from all that.”
“I told you that person was no good for you, but you didn't want to listen to your mother.”
“You made it sound like we had ended things terribly, in reality, I just didn't have feelings for them.”
“It's always the same thing. I know, you didn't have any feelings but why did you give them a chance?”
You hand your mother the last plate, shrugging. Honestly, you didn't know why. Maybe the personality or looks that reminded you of someone? Possibly.
“Maybe, I was meant to be single forever.”
“Don’t say things like that, there's always a person for someone. Romantically or platonically. It just takes a while, that's all.”
“Then that person sure is taking their sweet time.”
You sigh tiredly, this wasn't your first time having this conversation with her. Even though her intentions were in a good place, after the first 10, it becomes tiring.
“Here, let me give you some leftovers to take home.”
There she went to get a big tupperware and fill it to the brim with food.
‘At least she tries.’
You smile and help your mother. It wasn't long until you left. Saying your goodbyes to your parents. Driving around the city, filled with life. Many people start off the new year with an exciting day. Going out, shopping, eating at a restaurant, spending it with family or friends, a significant other…
Okay, maybe your mother’s worries were definitely in a good and reasonable place to worry. You try to appear that you're doing fine, but in truth, you were lonely and craving for someone.
‘That's enough, thinking for one day. Time to turn off my mind.’
You get out of your car and walk around the busy streets. A crowd doing the same thing as you. Looking at the shops and cafe, wondering where to go next.
‘Remember kids, if you're feeling depressed or lonely buy some clothes and make-up and hope it fills the void.’
You notice a shop’s window, looking at the merchandise. It was all Monkey King theme. Journals, pens, keychains, stuffed toys, and so on.
“Or buy some merch…” You told yourself softly, lost in thought. It was a small stuffed toy of the famous monkey. Something in you demanded the toy. You obeyed and bought it, feeling a lot happier. It was a cute toy to own and is no bigger than your hands, it won't take much space. You bought a few more things, a few fine-tip pens and a journal. In other words, the day wasn't so bad.
The sun had set and you finally got home, exhausted. The house was empty and dark, with nothing but silence. A sigh escapes from your lips. The loneliness slowly swallows you up. Head to your room, not even trying to turn on the lights. You throw the bag at some random corner and collapse onto your bed. Just wanting the night to end.
You didn't know when you fell asleep, but your buzzing mind went silent. Like the room, you are sleeping in. Maybe your lonely mind was getting tired of your sulking and gave you a strange dream. I mean, what else can you it
It was bright, too bright. Things were fuzzy as your mind blocked out the voices talking to you. However, what you noticed was that you were looking in a mirror. You couldn't get a good look from being fuzzy so looking down, you noticed a red dress. There was golden embroidery of… Well, you couldn't make out what it was. It was blurry.
“Today is the big day! Are you excited?”
Turning to face the young woman with a blurry face. You couldn't help but look at her confused.
‘Excited for what?’, you wanted to say, but your mouth couldn't move.
Next thing you knew, the scenery changed and you were outside. The scene reminds you of a wedding.
‘Is this my wedding?!’
You wanted to look around and see if anything cleared up, but it was still fuzzy and blurry as you walked down the aisle. The Wedding March, clearly playing as you came closer to the groom. Who was oddly more blurred than the others?
Okay, now that was rude. As much as this dream was crazy, your mind could have at least come up with a groom and then given you a blurry mess. You never had a greater urge to wake up than right at this moment.
You let the dream play out, as the ceremony went on. The groom held your hand, his hands were rough yet soft. Holding yours gently as if afraid to hurt you. His eyes were on you and a warm feeling filled your chest. You couldn't help but stare at him, trying to get a good look at his face. Slowly it unblurred as you saw a strange mark on his face and the unusual golden glow of his eyes.
“I promise nothing will tear us apart. I will fight the whole celestial army again if it means I can stay by your side.” He said, grinning at you.
“You're going to jinx yourself and when I'm around I'll keep you out of trouble so you won't have to fight the celestial army again.”
The words left your mouth. As much as you were confused, you found this cute. So you stopped questioning this dream and enjoyed this moment.
He leans into you, just inches away from your lips.
Beep, beep, beep, beep-
You grab your phone that was still in your pocket. Turning off the alarm, groaning.
“When the dream was starting to get good.”
You smothered your face into your pillow and let out a small scream.
“Why do I have to wake up?”
Begrudgingly, you got out of bed. The sunlight peeking through your curtains showers the room with light.
‘Right, I got work to do. That dream was nice while it lasted.’
Better to move on when the harsh reality demands more attention. Anyways it was just a simple dream that your lonely mind came up with.
Remember you can always request and ask questions!
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
you’re such an angel from heaven😭 definitely my favorite series after ucla im addicted and if you ever write a real book i would be first to read it, it could be 600 pages and i would read every single sentence 💗 my first time ever giving little notes on your series, so i am so sorry for my rant!
ok some of my favorite things from this chapter
-stephie always mentioning miss buecks
-stephie telling azzi about her interaction with miss buecks and being so hopeful that miss buecks will join her mamas team😭
-valks being a quick pit stop💔
-nothing will ever replace the special place in my heart that is made for stephie and azzi💗
-them being at the gym and miss buecks still being brought up
-paige’s and stephie reunion again after working out with her mama, when azzi realized the luminescent smile paige broke out in when she realized it was stephie ahhhh😭
-the tension in the car ride, azzi alwaystalking about paige to stephie and stephie letting paige know- kids man☺️
-paige being scared to say her fav ice cream and azzi already knowing it, their little inside secret of ice cream being the best
-paige already recruiting stephie to uconn IKTR
ok some things i would like to see if it’s possible for the plot💗
-paiges reaction to first ever finding out azzi was pregnant-bonus if we get how stephie was made and w who
-katie and tim reunion with paige seeing her interact w stephie especially bc ik they have stephie wrapped around their finger
-a part where theyre still very platonic but paige is at azzis house and stephie asks miss buecks to put her to sleep
-maybe a part where something happens (not too bad because stephie is my baby) and paige steps in and protects stephie at all cost making azzi realize how much stephie means to her
-azzi and paige having many more sweet moments as they realize they shouldn’t but all they want it to be together
im not thinking to much about the ending right now but i know you love us and will give us a happy ending😇😇 and when you do JUST SAYING a scene with granpa geno, azzi, paige and stephie where geno tells them shes going to be a star at uconn will cure all my depression 💙
ok i love you so freaking much and seriously thank you for being such an angel and writing so amazingly and giving us this master piece💗💗💗💗
Oh my god babes never ever apologize for giving me notes, no matter how long they are like y'all don't get it, the longer the ask, the bigger my smile. Also if you're gonna do this after every chapter (you don't have to but I'm a whore for reviews so I would love it if you did but no pressure of course), do you wanna claim an emoji, that way I know it's you?
-I love how everyone's favorite moments are rooted in Stephie like she really is the star of the show
-The Paige and Stephie reunion was so fun to write cause you had Paige and Stephie being all adorable, meanwhile Azzi's dying and that's just a fun dynamic to write
-Protective!P is one of my favorite tropes and when it comes to Stephie, it's enhanced by a million
-I really ruined y'all with that last part huh? I'm sorryyyyy
Babe you might be in my head cause a lot of the scene you wanna see are already blooming in my head!
-There will definitely be a flashback of Paige learning about Azzi's pregnancy and I will at some point tell y'all how Stephie came to be (after I figure it out myself that is...)
-Lots of Fudd Family scenes coming up I promise (mayhaps one of Azzi's brother is getting married right before the W season?)
-I had a really evil Stephie thought at some point but idk if y'all will be able to handle that so maybe I'll do something a little milder
-And of course lots more Paige and Azzi fluff and angst and everything in between!
I love YOU so much and I'm so thankful you wrote out such a detailed review and it truly did make my day <3
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✨️ writer questionnaire ✨️
Thank you @agirlandherquill tagging me!
✨️My ao3 is tagged in the pinned post on my blog!✨️
About Me:
When did you first start writing?
I've been writing stories since I could string sentences together, and we always had to write creative stories in school, but I didn't seriously start to write until I was in about the 6th or 7th grade. I started out writing kpop rpf lollllll.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I write mostly romance in different forms, which I do love to read, but I also read a wide variety of genres. I enjoy reading classics that expand into things like tragedies and adventure, and I also love reading horror and murder mysteries, which I haven't written before. I might one day, though...
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
Not that I can think of. I probably pick up different styles of writing as I read, but I don't have specific names in mind when I write. Though, it really depends on what I'm writing. All of my novels have different styles of writing depending on who the narrator is. And if I'm writing a fanfic based off of a book, I'll try to emulate their style to the best of my ability. I think it's really fun!
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
My writing spaces is wherever I can strike up the motivation to write. In class, when riding in a car, when chilling at home. Though, most of my writing happens when I'm laying in bed, trying to sleep or just waking up.
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
I get ideas when I listen to music, read others' writing, and watch TV. Songs often give me ideas for stories, especially by artists who make great pining songs like Conan Gray and Taylor Swift. But I can get inspiration for stories from literally anything. Too many ideas and not enough motivation to write them.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I would say a little. Most of my ideas take place in cities, unlike the rural town I live in. Though, my characters often have upbringings like that: homophobic parents in a small town. And most of my characters also live in suburbs, so.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Yes, pining. All of my characters pine after someone at some point, whether in my original stories or my fanfics. And no, it doesn't surprise me because I'm someone who pines a lot. I have a gf, and I still pine after her, so I'm pretty much a lost cause at this point.
My Characters:
Would you please tell me about your current favourite character? (Current WIP, Past WIP, Never Used, etc)
It would have to be Christian Laine, the main character from my current WIP Soup of the Day. He's a single dad struggling to get his life back together a few years after his divorce. He's awkward and terribly repressed and possibly autistic. He just wants to get out of his house and make friends who aren't his four year old daughter, but he was always bad at that, and he definitely does not know how to do that now as a 34 year old. He'll figure it out. Eventually.
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
I'd love to be Christian's friend! But probably Marquis from my last WIP Neighbors Can Be So Hostile, Right? He's friendly and a little snarky and very gay. I'd make him cook for me, but I'd sit and let him tell me all about his plants. I think that's a fair trade.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Uhhhh, probably Evan in Soup of the Day. He's kinda rude and probably wouldn't like me anyways.
Tell me about the process of coming up with one, all, or any of your characters.
I usually start stories in my head, and the characters evolve depending on what personality fits the plot the best. I always treat my characters as real people and try to come up with the most realistic person I can—someone who could be encountered anywhere and is relatable. I try to give my main characters traits that are interesting and distinctive, and my love interests are usually complements to them (but are able to stand as their own characters). I love instilling my characters with things that will make them lovable, and I think they're all somewhat an extension of myself.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
Almost all of my main characters are men, which needs to be changed. Oh, and most of them have at least one parent who don't support them/a difficult childhood. Other than that, not really. Oh, well, they're all queer.
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc)
I picture them all as real people. I struggle a little imagining their faces (but I can describe them), but the rest of them I can see clearly. They have their own characteristics and styles.
My Writing:
What's your reason for writing?
I write because I love it. I love bringing ideas and people to life, and I love sharing them with others. Even if I never write anything down, I'll always create stories in my mind. I might as well capture them.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Anything, really! All of it means so much to me.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented world builder, as a role model, etc)
I just want my readers to think I write stuff for their enjoyment because that's a part of why I share my work.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Coming up with ideas is by far my greatest. I have docs and docs of ideas. My inspiration comes from anything and everything.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Writing feelings and injecting them into my stories. I'm glad they come across correctly!
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question)
I enjoy my writing! I tend to write what I like to read, so you can find me rereading over my own stories often. Sometimes I wish I had a more elegant style, but most of my stories don't call for that, I don't worry about it.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Absolutely. Otherwise, the ideas would plague me, and I would never get anything done. I'd probably get more writing done, to be honest. I have to keep myself fed, after all.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? if it's a mix of the two, which holds most influence?
It's a mix; I write what I like and hope others enjoy it, too. But ultimately, I write what I enjoy. I tell myself stories to past time and entertain myself, and then I might write them down. That's usually my process. But I always think about how there's probably at least one other person that would enjoy this, too, so I share it.
Thank you for tagging me, again! This was super fun :)
Tag list: @floweryprosegarden, @charlesjosephwrites, @riveriafalll, @willtheweaver, @chayscribbles, @willowseed, @zackprincebooks, @dyoniawrites +Open Tag
(Sorry if I've tagged you and you've already done this. I'm kind of late to the party.)
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ghoulangerlee · 12 days
coming from someone whose dad has worked in cars his whole life, sometimes you gotta take a step back and think about is it worth putting the money into a car that keeps breaking down? Currently in that situation myself and I’m trying my damndest to just get a different car. Definitely easier said than done, but that’s advice my dad has engrained into my brain since I was a kid. I hope things get better for you soon <3
Hey anon! I'm so sorry you're going through this situation as well! It really sucks, car troubles that is! I do hope things get better for you and you're able to get a different car!
I do want to be very clear about my car, this is the first time something beyond what I have capabilities to repair has happened. Anything else? I've been able to fix myself. I just don't have the know how or tools to install a new steering gear, hence, having to take it to a shop for diagnosis + having to shop around for a cheaper options. Hell until recently, I didn't even know what an EPS was or that my car didn't have a power steering pump.
Now, re the advice: yes, this is definitely very good advice and advice I used to help me make a decision to actually purchase the car I'm having issues with now! My last car: I paid $600 for it and the repair costs to fix it so it wouldn't leave me stranded far exceeded that amount. So, new car.
Unfortunately, this situation is a little bit different on the current car. I'm still paying it off. I have about $1200 left on it before I even get the title to it. My final car payment should be sometime at the end of January according to math.
Now, this was something I thought about when I got the total from Ford for the repair. All said and done, I've only paid about $6000 for the car and a repair cost of half that seems excessive when I could just get a new car. But again, I haven't paid it off and there's not many options for me with the lien on my title.
I briefly talked about it with the Ford guy, he mentioned that I could possibly sell it to them, and they would just add that $1200 onto the total of a new car. Read: New car.
I bought this one used, because I don't have money to make a "New Car" payment. The Ford here, doesn't do used cars in their car lot, so everything is straight from the factory and costs about $18000 to $23000.
And none of the used car lots here will do a "trade in" on a car with a lien. I've already called a few places.
Now, let's get to the numbers of everything here. So, to repair the car it's gonna cost me $2466. This comes with a warranty and a guarantee that if my power steering goes out again, they'll fix it for free.
If I were able to get a new car, I would have to make two car payments, plus two insurance payments, because the state I live in, requires you to have insurance on your car, even if it's disabled, and especially so if the car has a lien on the title, you have to pay for full coverage until the lien is satisfied.
A peek behind the curtain, every 6 months, my insurance premium is $1900. So, just having this car sitting in my complex's parking lot until it's paid off would cost me about $2800 on top of the cost for a new car payment, which may or may not be more than what I'm already paying a week. Plus the cost of new insurance which is about the same on most 4-door cars for me specifically.
So, at the end of the day, its a lot of money, but $2466 is the cheaper option of my options right now, just because it's more doable than having to pay for two cars, one of which I can't actually drive anywhere beyond pulling in and pulling out of a parking spot.
None of this is meant in a mean way towards you anon, I just wanna lay out my thought process for this, because you're not to first person to ask me have I considered if it's worth fixing my car when the repair costs so much.
But I digress. I hope your car troubles are able to be resolved! I hope that you're able to get something dependable to drive! <3
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superman--yoosung · 1 year
こんにちは!元気ですか?⬇️ I saw your taking matchups! so….I would like a Romantic Matchup for Mystic Messenger please? 어쨌든, 시작하자!
Hi @averagetoyakinnie, nice to meet you! Yours is one of the most vibrant and vividly-formatted asks I have ever seen (in a very positive way!) From one creative to another, I wish you all the best in your artistic endeavors!!
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Your Mystic Messenger matchup is...................
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707 !!
"Oh, Joey, I saw you were duo-ing with Seven in LOLOL the other day! You two have taken the top spots, that's impressive, hehe. But wait, why haven't either of you joined the Shooting Star guild with me?!"
To outsiders of the RFA, you and Luciel Choi seemed like a rather flashy couple. Bold fashion, Luciel's startlingly bright hair, and energetic personalities when combined - the two of you were impossible to miss whenever you cruised by in one of Seven's sports cars. To those in your circles, you were - well, you were still all those things. But you were also known to be considerate, knowledgeable, and highly creative. Out of all the members, it was often the two of you who were able to most consistently produce innovative solutions to problems that came up.
The love between the two of you already proved itself once - and Luciel couldn't wait to see what would come next in your shared story.
Fun details:
707 loves dressing up, so when he realizes your varied tastes in clothes, he'll start buying outfits that cater to those tastes. He'll send pictures of his cosplays (and crossplays) your way for you to critique the outfits and give your fashion input. Once you're an established couple, he will definitely go on a shopping splurge to buy matching outfits (and cosplays) in all the styles and brands you prefer. (And yes, that goes for Saeran, too - he's not going to be left out of this!) Honestly, this is a great way for Seven to bond with you; he thinks your taste in fashion is top tier.
Any time something you've had a hand in producing goes live, there will be an influx of posts about it on social media. Suspicious timing, you say? Seven has no idea what you're talking about. Nope. He definitely didn't make bots to promote your works the instant they're out. Why on earth would he do that? (Spoiler: he definitely did do all that.) If you take issue with the publicity, he'll stop, but only because he'll start spamming his own many socials with the information instead. His words and over-the-top lovey-dovey comments are still always sincere - he resonates with your works, and if you ever steal the headphones off his shoulders, don't be surprised to hear your music echoing back at you.
What with your humor and Seven's memeing, there is never a dull moment in the RFA chat. Even after Luciel tones it down later on, you two will always be a source of lively energy, especially when you're both together. You're able to bounce off one another's quips almost instantly, like it's second nature. You're also both very intelligent and knowledgeable. Yoosung will always come to you first, though, for help with subjects you know well; it's up to you whether you decide to help him, or do a little trolling.
Seven is delighted to find someone with as many varied interests as him; he will always take you up on an offer to join you in an activity you enjoy. He may be good at it, or he may absolutely suck at it - but he'll always give it a try and have fun with the process! Sometimes he'll pretend he's bad at something, too, like when he pretended not to know how to skateboard - but you see right through the act, because of how he handles himself in the small details. Either way, expect things to always be fun and full of laughter if he's tagging along.
Later on, your more artistic pursuits will be intriguing for Saeran to hear about and see in action. If you decide to share those interests with him, he will eventually come around to them, and if you ever put up a small gallery in your home of digital art or give a private concert for Luciel and he cries like a baby by the end of it - well, that's between the three of you.
You and Seven will sometimes switch to different languages while speaking or messaging. Sometimes it's to troll the rest of the RFA a bit, or annoy them, but sometimes it's just because one of you is bored or the thought you'd like to convey is better said in another language. Anyways, Luciel's door passwords are no match for you, so he's just going to have to learn Tagalog faster than you can if he wants to keep you out, isn't he?
Any and all of your date ideas are fine by Luciel. In fact, why not do multiple in a day? (He's a bit hesitant to leave Saeran alone, but as long as your most trusted maid is at home to babysit, he's down for anything and everything.) Expect many handmade gimmicks and knick-knacks from Saeyoung. Like the robo-cat, his gifts have dual purposes beyond just appearance, though sometimes while on a date, he'll sneak something simple home, like a flower you stared at for too long (yes, plucked straight from the neighbor's garden as is, he's a menace like that) or a keychain from your favorite anime. Enjoy these gifts - they are all given sincerely and with love!
When you give him a drawing for the first time, Seven is just... floored. What did he do to deserve something so precious and intimate? It will be his most treasured item, even long after you've settled into life together. He will take in every little detail, every sketched line or color, and his heart will never fail to skip a little faster than normal. This is, after all, the fruit of conscious effort and labor by you made with him in mind. It's proof that you think about him. It's proof you care. That's more than enough for him, yet you choose to share even more - and my, how it makes him realize how impossibly lucky he is.
It was love at first sight for Seven. The moment he saw you on that camera, he was gone. Your fashion, your looks, the way you carry yourself... He wasn't lying about the 2.35 seconds - he couldn't look away. And of course, over the time you spent on the messenger app and in person, he only fell deeper for you as he got to know your personality and soul. With you and Saeran by his side, Saeyoung thinks that - maybe, finally - he can finally learn what a true, happy family is meant to be. You are his source of hope.
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~~I also thought of Yoosung for you, but I wasn't sure if you'd prefer that since he was in your kins. (And more importantly, he does the "You're just like XXXX" thing, which you mentioned you dislike.) Anyways, I hope this is to your liking!
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An idea for a Gwynriel college/fake-dating au
Azriel's mother is visiting him at college for the first time, and he wants her to think he's a responsible adult who knows how to cook real, healthy food. Not just ordering pizza and reheating takeout. So he goes to the library to check out some cookbooks, and Gwyn, who works there, helps him out.
Azriel, carrying a stack of at least 15 different cookbooks to the checkout station: I'll take all of these, please.
Gwyn: Ummm....wow. Alright then, if you don't mind me asking, why so many cookbooks? Are you majoring in culinary arts?
Azriel: Not even close, I'm just cooking dinner for my Mom tonight.
Gwyn: Are you making her a 15-course meal with one recipe from each book?
Azriel:... It's too much, huh?
Gwyn: Definitely. Maybe I can help you. What kinds of food does your mom like?
Azriel: She's not very picky, but we tended to eat more simple stuff when I was growing up.
Gwyn: Ok. Well, if you're going for simple, I think we can take out the fancy French cookbooks...
Eventually, they narrow it down to three, and as he's walking away, looking through the recipes, Azriel realizes he has almost none of the ingredients for any of them at home, and he has to go grocery shopping.
Gwyn materializes at his side and hands him a paper and pen.
Gwyn: My shift ends in twenty minutes. Why don't you write out everything you need for tonight, and I'll help you grab it at the store. That way, you'll have plenty of time to get home and cook.
25 minutes later, Azriel is in his car, following Gwyn's little teal blue car with a pegasus decal on the back to the grocery store in town. Azriel had been there before, during the first week of classes, but as time went on, he just found it easier to order takeout, grab stuff from the campus cafeteria, or stop by the small convenience store by his apartment for food instead of going 30 minutes into town.
He parks next to Gwyn, and she's already out of her car, leaning against the hood, waiting for him.
Gwyn: By the way, we never really introduced ourselves. I'm Gwyn.
Azriel introduces himself, and they go into the store and start hunting through the aisles.
Azriel notices Gwyn grab some tea and a few packs of cookies.
Azriel: Those aren't on the list.
Gwyn: Oh, these are for me. You're not the only one who needed to come here today. But you should probably grab some extra stuff, too. After all, don't you want your mom to think you regularly shop? You gotta make it look realistic.
Gwyn tosses a few large bags of chips and a case of beer into the cart to make her point, and Azriel follows through, adding some of his favorite protein shakes and a pack of pudding cups to the cart.
Gwyn: So, I've seen you around campus a few times, but ever really in the library. What's your major?
Azriel: (I can't think of anything), yours?
Gwyn: Norse Mythology. I'm fascinated by the Valkyries.
They talk a little more as they load their bags into their cars, and Azriel gets a text from his mom saying that her flight is actually landing sooner than expected, and she'll be there in a few hours. Azriel panics because he won't have time to finish cooking everything, and again, Gwyn offers to help so things go faster.
They get back to his apartment and start cooking. Azriel prepares a salad while Gwyn makes a quick batch of dinner rolls from scratch. They put the chicken, covered in lemon and herbs, in the oven to roast. And then make some brownies for dessert.
Azriel profusely thanks Gwyn for her help, saying he owes her big time and she shrugs it off, saying she'll gladly accept some leftover brownies as payment, and Azriel promises to bring her some tomorrow. Then, when he opens the door of his apartment to walk her out, they run directly into his mother.
Azriel's mother sees Gwyn and assumes she is her son's girlfriend and immediately invites her to stay and eat with them. Gwyn awkwardly accepts, and an even more awkward dinner ensues.
Azriel's mother: So, how did you meet?
Gwyn: Well, I'd seen him around campus a bit, but we didn't officially meet until he came into the library where I work.
Azriel: I needed some books but didn't really know what I was looking for. She was a big help.
Azriel can't help smiling at Gwyn appreciatively, and she blushes a little while smiling back. Azriel's mother sees and makes a comment about how Azriel never mentioned a girlfriend before, and Gwyn covers for him by explaining that they only made things official recently and she wasn't expecting to meet his mother so soon.
Azriel's mother ends up visiting for, like, a month and the entire time, Azriel and Gwyn fully commit to a fake-dating trope, and of course, real feelings develop.
Bonus idea: This happens freshman year, and the next year, when his mother gets ready to visit again, she says she can't wait to see Gwyn again.
After their month of fake dating last year, Azriel and Gwyn do still talk and hang out sometimes. They even have a class together this semester. So one day, he asks her if she's willing to pretend again. She agrees, she really liked his mom and she knows he'll pay her in brownies.
And so, at least once a year, they fully commit to pretending to be a couple, and during her visit during senior year, she pulls Azriel aside and asks when he's planning to propose.
It's at this point that Azriel realizes just how badly he's fallen for Gwyn over the years, but he thinks she sees him as just a friend (she doesn't). So, one day, he's talking to Gwyn and suggests they "break up," and to his surprise, Gwyn seems very upset by this. He tries to smooth things over by making a joke about how he'll still make her brownies, and that just makes things worse. Gwyn stalks off and ignores Azriel's attempts to talk to her. A few days go by, and Nesta and Emerie, Gwyn's best friends, show up at Azriel's doorstep and scold him for toying with Gwyn's heart for years because he was too much of a coward to tell his mother the truth.
What neither woman realizes is that Azriel's mother is in the next room and can hear every word. She comes out and asks Azriel what they're talking about, and after the girls leave, he sits down and tells his mom the truth. That Gwyn was never his girlfriend. He met her the same day she did, and he just wanted her to think that he was doing fine on his own, so he got Gwyn to pretend for him. But he actually has feelings for her now, but she doesn't feel the same.
Azriel's mom tells him, affectionately, that he's an idiot. Gwyn clearly has feelings for him and encourages him to go fix things with her.
As always, I don't have the talent to write an actual fic, so this prompt is up for grabs.
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lovebillyhargrove · 9 months
Wake me up when July is around
Ch. 23/? April downpour
You take the midnight subway train
You're callin' all the shots
You're struck by lightning
You're in love
It's not worth fighting
You're in love
You betcha, Billy got the new Ratt's album as soon as it appeared in the stores. Well, in Hawkins there's just one music store in the whole town, but it's better than nothing. Billy is not a complete nutcase to miss out on something like that.
He's listening to it right now, the tape inserted in his Panasonic and volume set to maximum. Neil and Susan are fuck knows where, gone shopping most likely, so Billy can do the fuck he wants. In his room. The red haired leprechaun is having her friend over, the weird girl, it's not total freedom like when he's home alone.
The Panasonic's deck lid is still broken after Neil shattered it in February, but the boom box works just fine without one. Fuck you, dad.
Billy stretches out on the bed, with his arms thrown under the head.
The afternoon is pleasant enough.
You take the evening one on one
You're only livin' to have fun
You want to use me, take me home tonight
I'll make you wish that you were mine
You're struck by lightning
You're in love
It's not worth fighting
You're in love
That's the first song on the track list. The music is excellent, and the lyrics are good, but it .. sounds like an affirmation or some shit, recording the message deep in Hargrove's brain.
You're struck by lightning
You're in love
It's not worth fighting
You're in love
Through the rough chords and raspy vocals he hears distant thuds on the wall.
Heheehe that must be the shitbird. You can choke on your long damn hair, Max, I'm not turning the volume down. Get used to good music, stepsister. While I'm still around. Very, very soon it's gonna be adiós, farewell, never-planning-on-seeing-you-again.
The girls are sitting on Max's bed, all nice and cozy, with books spread out in front of them. They are trying to study for tomorrow's history test, but the dick who's in the next room, is making it simply impossible.
Max has had enough. She moves closer to the wall and bangs on it with her angry little fist
"Billy !! Turn it down! We can't do homework! We can't even talk! Turn it down!"
Glaring at the wall and addressing El
"He is SUCH an asshole. I wish he just .. disappeared!"
"But .. he drives you to school?" El is trying to stay on the bright side
"Yeah, well, I don't care. I can always take the school bus."
El is frowning slightly, taking her friend's words with a grain of salt. She is of the opinion, that it's actually cool to have a big brother who has such a badass car ready to drive you anywhere, at the snap of your fingers.
Max pounds on the wall some more.
No effect whatsoever.
Nope, no effect. The booming sounds are still too loud and too irritating.
Hargrove's lying on his back, leg on leg, shaking his foot which is on top, to the beat of the music. He's already through side One, and flipped the tape to side Two
Another blistering rock song comes on
I don't like your cheatin' misfit ways
I don't stand for givin' it away
Can't you see the world turn and hear the cries?
Can't you see you're burnin' me between the eyes?
You hardly notice
You're burning me between the eyes
Why are so many songs in this album about love? What the hell? Like there aren't other things to sing about
This one isn't bad
My blood is thicker than water
I'm livin' out my life
I'll have my friends forever
We'll walk the sands of time
You should know by now
I never take no chances
Don't stand for compromise
I'll find the hidden treasure
I'm only passin' by
Hargrove is definitely only passing by. In two and a half months he'll forget Hawkins fucking exists.
While Billy is innocently enjoying the new Ratt album in peace, the two girls have plotted to take some action. History still needs to be learnt. Loud music doesn't seem to be close to finishing.
Max and El creep to Billy's door. It's unlocked, and there's even a little crack left.
Maxine's stepbrother is lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, a dumb smile on his lips. What an embarrassing idiot.
The girls don't know it - they shouldn't, no-one must know - but Billy is thinking about Harrington, of course.
Various moments flash through his mind, nothing in particular really. He's just picturing Steve's beautiful face. Harrington started wearing this dark gray jacket which looks so fucking good on him. He's also trying something different with his hair, giving it more volume, and it's captivating to watch it bounce.
Hargrove's been lying on his bed like that for almost an hour already.
Max pushes the door a little.
Billy is still ceiling-gazing, hands comfortably tucked under the head, a dreamy dopey expression on his face.
The album's first track is playing again.
What? It's a nice song. He wants to listen to it one more time.
The new album is alright. Too many lyrics are about stupid feelings, but the sound is good.
You're struck by lightning
You're in love
It's not worth fighting
You're in love
Max carefully opens the door wider, and Billy sees the little rat peeping
Two rats, not just one. A fucking rodent invasion, no less.
He reaches out for the volume control to turn it down, so that he can bark out
"Hey! How long have you two been standing there ??"
Max scrunches her nose
"What are you doing? What are you even listening to?"
El is curiously taking a peek from behind her.
"Not your damn business, Maxine!"
"We just want you to make it down! We can't do homework!"
Billy's rolling his eyes.
"Tough luck, pea-brain. Like studying is gonna make you smarter, uh-huh."
"You're a moron yourself!"
"Close the door! Frigging spy!"
Max is feeling braver with El by her side and opts for getting on her stepbrother's nerves a bit more
"What's with the song? Are you in love or something?"
"Shut the damn door, you stupid gremlin! Stop sticking your nose in my life!"
"Nobody cares about your life! Just turn the music down, asshole!"
El is whispering in Max's ear from behind her back
"He is so mean."
Max gives a careless shrug
"He is always mean."
Billy picks up a book and throws it at the door, aiming at the obnoxious redhead who's making his existence so much worse
El shrieks and Max closes the door quickly, dodging the bullet. The volume is immediately turned back up again
"He's so stupid. I hate him so much." Max hisses and takes El by the hand
"Let's go find something to eat."
"Okay. Who is gremlin?"
"Oh you haven't seen "Gremlins"? We should totally have a movie night!"
The girls go to the kitchen where the sounds of Billy's annoying music are not so ear-splitting.
On ao3
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sio-writes · 1 year
Into the Woods - Chapter 3
Another request to continue a previous piece, requested by an anon, so I hope they see it!
Summary: After saving a wolf in the woods from a bear trap, our reader finds an injured boy in the woods and brings him to their cabin to heal his wounds. Little do they know, they're bringing in much more than they could imagine.
<< Chapter 2
After dinner, Cole slinks into the spare room the first chance he can. It's understandable, given all he's been through, so neither you nor your uncle mention it, only exchanging mirrored expressions of concern as the door shuts quietly in its frame.
You set to loading the dishwasher as your uncle gathers the last of the silverware and plates. The silence between you is heavy, setting you on edge. You have so many questions, so many thoughts. You're part of a pack now, both of you, whatever that means. Can a hunter of werewolves even become a part of a pack? Your uncle has a whole new shroud of mystery hanging off his shoulders, and you can't help but feel a little betrayed by it. Sure, he kept quiet about the scar on his leg, but that's a whole other deal compared to the mystery that today has brought.
"I can see smoke comin' from your ears, kid," he calls from the living room. "When you're done over there, come watch a movie with me."
When he asks for a movie, it usually means he wants to talk, and for the first time, the thought doesn't fill you with anxiety. You slide the dish rack into the dishwasher and click it to the quietest setting possible, hoping Cole doesn't hear it-- do werewolves have good hearing, or does it change when he's human? So many questions.
Your uncle sighs heavily as he falls backwards into the couch. His bushy red eyebrows are drawn in, so low they nearly cover his eyes entirely. "I'm sorry for lyin'," he says. "But I didn't think your folks would let you back if they thought I was crazy, or if you thought I was."
"You're definitely not crazy," you offer with a half-hearted laugh as you rest on the couch, trying to lighten the mood.
He holds up a hand. "No, I am. Now you just know why."
Arguments bubble up in your throat, but your uncle looks like he's not done talking.
"These woods are old," he says, fiddling with his hands. A movement you've never seen him do. "And some of the things living here are even older. You learned about manifest destiny, Oregon Trail, all that nonsense?" 
You nod, recalling the lessons from high school, and he continues, "The wolf clans have been here for ages, they came over with the first white settlers and set up shop in places no one else would go. They found oil and got rich real quick, and then they found copper a few decades back and got richer. Things were in balance, more or less, until Cole's bastard father took over. William Ackerman."
The name sounds familiar, and you realize it's the brand of your father's car. "Ackerman Auto?"
He nods. "That's the one."
Woah. Ackerman isn't an old brand, but it's everywhere. They sell a lot of cars, appliances, even electronics. Your dad's sedan, the fridge in your house, you think even the sink has the Ackerman logo on it.
Your uncle continues, "The wolves had a treaty with the loggers and woodsmen that lived in the area: everyone keeps to themselves, and no one gets hurt. But then William took over, and he started strip-mining, pushing into places he wasn't supposed to." He pauses, looking down the hallway towards Cole's room. "And I guess they started leavin'."
You follow your uncle's gaze down the hall and to the closed door, thinking about the injuries Cole had sustained, the scars on his face, what may be unseen beneath his clothing. Cole looked absolutely miserable when you found each other in the woods, and granted he'd been bleeding and starving to death, but there was a distinct resignation to his eyes that spoke of years of being pushed down.
This all feels too heavy for a summer in the woods, and part of you wishes everything could go back to before you released Cole from that trap. But Cole doesn't deserve to be left there to die, or worse. 
You chew on your lip. "So what about you?"
"William took over in the early 80's. When the clan decided they didn't wanna play by the rules, I got hired to handle the problem."
You blanch. "You killed people."
Your uncle's brow furrows. "Don't be fooled by the pup in the guest room. They're predators, kid. Whadda ya think they eat once the construction pushes all the wildlife out?"
You look back down the hallway again, heart stuttering. Cole wouldn’t…would he? You did just meet him a few hours ago, and he was grumpy the whole time, and even said that you smell. But he held still while your uncle sewed him shut, and hasn't complained about anything with the cabin or the food.
Maybe he just needs some time to adjust to living here, that's all. 
Tiredness hits you like a wall, and you stretch your arms, yawning. Your uncle nods sympathetically.
"I think it's time for bed."
Sleeping on the cabin's feather mattress is like sleeping on a cloud. You have to work up the energy to roll out of bed, and when you're standing you already miss the plush embrace. But your brain screams for coffee, so you slink into the kitchen and go through the motions of making it.
You're the first one up-- the living room is empty and you can hear your uncle snoring down the hall, but you're okay with flying solo for a bit. The energy of yesterday has worn off, but instead of being exhausted like last night, you're fizzling with unshed potential. You had thought of even more questions for Cole-- How does he change? Did he have to learn it? What's it like being a dog? And you had a few tests taking shape in the back of your mind, to see his abilities and compare them to an actual dog's.
And the thought of him hanging out for a while made you happy too. Cole seems like a cool guy-- if a little grumpy, but he's had a good night's rest, so maybe he'll be nicer this time around.
Cole emerges from the hallway room, hair partially pulled out of the elastic and sticking up in several spots. He looks a little more…alive compared to last night. Still limping, but he’s not as pale, and he’s lost those shifty eyes that darted towards loud noises.
You offer him a smile over the kitchen peninsula. “Sleep okay?”
The one thing he wears like a winter coat is that suspicious glare, like he’s assessing the easiest way to take you out, and when he’s all well-slept and fed, the glare has become even more intimidating. So much for that grumpy demeanor being slept off. He takes a seat at one of the barstools, and then he shrugs. “S’fine.’
He doesn’t offer anything else, and the two of you sit there for a painfully long time until the coffee machine beeps and pulls you away.
“Cream? Sugar?” You offer, and Cole nods for both.
“Huh,” you remark. “I figured you to be a black coffee kind of guy.”
“I’m not an animal,” he says over the rim of his cup. “Well, I am, but I’m not a caveman.”
The sarcasm in his voice makes you chuckle, and when Cole is finished mixing his coffee, you help yourself to a huge spoonful of sugar and a cup of mostly cream. It's the perfect combination to combat your uncle's bitter coffee, and with that first test sip, it's perfect.
Mornings have always been quiet at the cabin. It's so far removed from any major city, even the main road is a good three miles away, and the trees act as a natural barrier so all you hear in the morning is the wildlife. The crunch of branches underfoot as deer make their way through the backyard, the coo of Morning Doves, the rattle of a woodpecker, it's like the ambient sound app you listen to when you're trying to sleep. You drink it in along with your coffee, ignoring the pull to fill the silence with more talking.
Just as the quiet moment is stretching to a point where you're uncomfortable, your uncle opens the front door, ax in hand. He chopped plenty of firewood yesterday, so he shouldn't already need more. He does sometimes go outside to burn energy, maybe he needed the stress relief.
"Mornin' kids!" he says with a smile.
"Morning!" you reply, and out of the corner of your eye, you see Cole offer a short wave. Your uncle steps past you and into the kitchen to pour his own coffee before he steps back out and makes his way to the deck on the other side of the living room. He doesn't say anything as he does this, only hums to himself, and the kitchen is small enough that any conversation would be like nails on a chalkboard. It leaves you with the equally-horrible situation of staring directly at Cole with nothing between the two of you, like a conversation, to take up space. 
But eventually, your uncle steps outside, closing the sliding glass door behind him, and you and Cole are drenched in silence once more. It doesn't seem to bother Cole, though, as he just sip his coffee and looks around the kitchen. But you're anxious. Your fingers drum on the countertop, your eyes can't land on anything for longer than a second, and your leg bounces of its own accord.
And after another agonizing minute of this, you finally burst. “So is it one form over the other?”
Cole looks at you, surprised at the outburst, and confused at the question. “What?”
“Your dog form!”
His brows pull in, and he purses his lips. “It’s a wolf.”
You wave him off. “Same thing. Is it all wolf or nothing? Or can you make yourself have, say, ears and a tail?"
“...You’re making fun of me.”
“Am not! I’m just curious.”
He shifts on his seat. “It’s all wolf or nothing.”
“That's awesome!"
Cole sighs, running his thumbs along the edge of his coffee mug. “Dad said the wolf never really goes away. Stays dormant, waiting for its next meal.” Cole rolls his eyes, and he seems annoyed. 
Oh, you've upset him. You have to fix this, you have to make it better, but your curiosity gets the better of you. “Can you do it at will?”
He slams his cup down. “It’s not a party trick! It’s a curse from my father, I can't control it, and it fucking hurts! Imagine what it feels like to have your skin peeled off, your bones rearranged, and your face stretched out! And then--and then you barely have a chance to limp away from the pain when suddenly, you’re being hunted for fucking sport! Does it sound like something I’d want to do just anytime?”
Cole stands, and in three steps he’s in the hallway, and the door to the guest room slams shut.
Your uncle walks in. “What was that?”
“I think I ticked him off,” you mumble, trying to pull your shoulders up to your ears.
Your uncle rests a hand across your shoulder. “Don’t take it too personally, kid. He’s been through a lot.”
Guilt overcomes the other emotions in your body, heavy like a rock sinking low into your gut. Of course Cole wouldn’t want to joke about it, and he was right to get angry. "They hunted him for sport? His own son?"
Your uncle sighs. "I don't doubt it. William's always been…" He shudders, and doesn't finish the sentence. "I've only spoken with him once when he started strip mining, and it was like talking to the devil himself."
“Oh,” is all you can say.
“I can’t imagine livin’ with the bastard.”
It’s not meant to be a jab at you, but you feel it all the same, and you rub your arm self-consciously. "I should go apologize."
"I reckon he'd appreciate that. I'll give you some space." Your uncle unwinds his arm from around you, and you watch as he opens the sliding glass door, steps onto the deck, and leaves an inch of space in the door before plopping into a chair by the grill.
As you step out of the kitchen and towards the hall, you run through several sentences in your head, tasting possible sentences on your tongue searching for one that you like. You toss them aside one by one until you’re left with two options, the first being you kick in the door and force him to accept your apology, and the second, likely much better option.
You gently knock on the door. "Cole?"
No answer. You try again. "Cole, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I just--" you turn so your back is against the door, your scripted practice statement dissolving in the waters of your mind. "I don't get out much, and it's hard for me to…" You make a vague hand gesture, realize he can't see it, and blow a raspberry and hope your frustration comes across. You walk your feet out, sliding down the door until you’re sitting on the floor. "It’s hard to connect to people. I can't read a room to save my life."
You pause, giving him space to respond, but you're met with silence. You walk through the chess game that is your problem-solving method, once again running through several scenarios and tossing them out, until a message from your teacher pops in your mind, about empathy and compassion. "You know, I can burp on cue. But it makes me throw up if I do it too much. My friends dared me to do it during class once, but I mismeasured the, uh, force of it? Yakked all over third period."
You laugh to yourself at the memory. At the time it was embarrassing as hell, but now that you're older, you can look back on it with the perspective of kids having a bit of fun. You did get out of third and fourth period for the day.
The doorknob clicks as Cole turns it, and you sit upright, twisting your head to see him in the cracked door. He’s standing, looking down at you, and from the sliver of his face you see his brow pulled down, mouth pursed. “You can burp on cue?” You nod, and he snorts. "I don't believe you."
Your face burns. You know what he's asking, and you haven't tried it in at least a year. Still, this may be your only chance to get him back on your side.
You sit up straight, focusing on a point by Cole's knee because looking at him directly would be too much, and suck in the air, closing it in your throat and expelling it again. You took in more than you're used to, and the belch you release is loud and unwieldy.
The silence that follows make your eyes flick up to Cole's face, and you take in his widened eyes and slightly ajar mouth, and the heat in your face intensifies. Then, Cole bursts into laughter. He's in fits, crouched on the floor so he's at your level, tears collecting in the corners of his eyes.
"It wasn't that funny," you mumble, mostly to yourself because Cole doesn't seem to be listening to you. A part of you can understand his frustration from earlier, now. Asking him to do something he doesn't enjoy is a bit rude after all, and maybe that's what he wanted you to know. 
You offer him a hand to shake. "Truce?"
He smiles, wider than that first, and takes your hand. His palm is warm and there's strength behind his grip. "Truce."
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tkachunk · 2 years
My Favourite Fics from 2022
i was inspired by kit horkey's post of their favourite hrpf fics of the year to share a few of mine. i definitely recommend each and every one of them. huge thanks to all the writers out there who make being a fan of hockey online so incredible.
help me calm my head (like you want me dead) by vokdas (Nathan Bastian/Michael McLeod, 11k)
Here’s the thing: Mikey trusts Nate. Even before Nate was Mikey’s boyfriend, he was his best friend for, like, four years. And Nate has never let him down, never lied to him, so it’s not like Mikey has any reason not to trust him. All that is to say that when the first sign comes, innocuous as it is, Mikey actively dismisses it.
you've lasted longer than I thought you would by puckthisshift (Tim Stützle/Brady Tkachuk, 3k)
In which Brady has some conflicting and confusing feelings about Jimmy’s goon era. And Jimmy in general.
call it what you want by fannyann (Leon Draisaitl/Matthew Tkachuk, 13k)
When Matthew sees the photos, he laughs about the timing until he cries. It’s the morning the Oilers are set to play the Blues and he should probably be angry or panicked or appalled that someone would violate their privacy like this. But mostly, Matthew’s just disappointed he couldn’t even be outed with a guy who kept his word.
forever too much to take by ferryboatpeak (Matty Beniers/Brendan Brisson, 50k)
“I’ll get married.” Brendan sweeps an arm down his body like he’s an expensive car on the showroom floor. “Who wants to wife this shit up?”
Bet the House by canary (Jamie Drysdale/Trevor Zegras, 10k)
Trevor couldn’t wake up married to Jack Hughes if Jamie flew down and Vegas-married him first.
pulsebeat by leavethebes (Kent Johnson/Owen Power, 14k)
When Owen thought about it, Kent was sort of like his dream girl.
my right to be hellish by puckthisshift (Tim Stützle/Brady Tkachuk, 6k)
In which Brady Tkachuk totally isn't jealous. It's not Jimmy's fault he's too sexy, beautiful. But if Mo Seider wants a taste, Brady's going to be very upset.
nothing else shaking so you might just as well by iceguy  (Tim Stützle/Brady Tkachuk, 1.4k)
“Knuckles. Lets see ‘em.”
The Magic of His Touch by VelvetPaw (Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin, 32k)
Geno suffers a knee injury at the end of the 2020-2021 season that refuses to heal. A visit to a local witch's shop brings healing and an unexpected touch of magic into Geno's life. “I want to reduce a little of the heat and swelling so I can get a clearer picture of what’s going on. Do you mind if I cast a small spell?” Sid looked to Geno for permission. Geno bit his lip but nodded hesitantly. Sid closed his eyes and chanted the familiar words softly under his breath. He personally thought of this as his “ice pack” spell since he’d perfected it on himself and his teammates in minors when they got bruised up during games.
Blooming by canary (Kent Johnson/Owen Power, 42k)
They’d slept together, and stayed normal afterward. Owen had breakfast delivered; Kent hugged him on his way out the door and then texted him a Trevor Zegras highlight that they’d missed the night before since they’d been pretty, um, busy.
And now Kent was never going to talk to him again.
because i want it all by bropunzeling (Tim Stützle/Brady Tkachuk, 5k)
The thing is, Timmy doesn’t know how much of what Brady does for him is for him, and how much of it is just Brady being Brady.
put it in my pocket by vokdas (Kent Johnson/Owen Power, 16k)
“You on the market?” Bords asks Owen. “Like, for an orgy?” “Uh…” “Please stop propositioning my roommate,” Matty says pleadingly.
Bonus non-hrpf fic that made me insane this year: To Trust Love by Laughsalot3412 (Roswell New Mexico, Michael Guerin/Alex Manes, 47k)
My bookmarks are here if you're looking for more recs. There are so many absolutely incredible hprf fics out there.
Happy New Year!
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akwardlyuncool · 7 months
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Akward Class Favorites The Playlist 2023
I thank y'all for being here. I thank myself for being here. Somehow you and I made it through another year and another Akward Class Favorites and that is a win in my book. I do this thing, whatever this is, because it brings me joy. Regardless of all the missing pieces or the things that will show up later cause I lost them in the couch, I'm still trying my best to show up for that joy. Before I officially close us out though, we gotta phat playlist to listen to. I'm also gonna add in some life-notes, cause I like to talk and I overshare and what better way to do that, than through an annotated playlist. Once again, thank you for sticking around and if you're new here thank you for showing up. As always conversation are encouraged on this blog. Let's see what comes next.
This is not a strictly 2023 playlist, but the 2023 songs will be clearly marked.
There is a story or flow that I tried to create once again, but you do not need to know any of that to follow along with the playlist. You can listen in order, shuffle, pick and choose, do whatever you want.
That being said if you’re following along from the beginning and reading along, the anecdotes that follow many of the songs aren’t really apart of that story, they’re just extra pieces of sometimes “personal” information that I include because it’s fun for me.
When I’m collecting YouTube links for these songs, I’ll often find a live or alternate version that I really like and will share that instead, or in addition to, the original/studio version. I will note when I do this, however the full Spotify playlist will have the “correct” version.
And to make sure I included the YouTube links in general, the formatting for the whole post might be a little off, sorry.
Side note: I wrote all the songs how they show up in Spotify, which is why some are capitalized and some are not. (Just in case anyone was wondering.)
⭐️ = Songs that came out specifically in 2023 🕚 = Songs that came out in November/December of 2022. (You know the late babies.) ✊🏾 = Songs by/featuring Black Artists.
There is something here for literally EVERYONE, so if you don't find something you like, you didn't listen hard enough. Enjoy!
1. ⭐️ Gans Media Retro Games - Hot Mulligan
Why do I keep trying to spell Hot Mulligan as "Hott Mulligan?"
2. ⭐️ CHRONICALLY CAUTIOUS - Braden Baless
I relate to this song on a core level.
3. ✊🏾 Anxiety - Meg Thee Stallion
I know less than nothing about this current beef, but it's always gonna be team Meg!
It was a rough summer. People who know me in real life, I promise I'm fine.
5. ⭐️ Lost - Linkin Park
Happy 20th Anniversary to Meteora! These unearthed tracks fit that era so well.
6. ⭐️ Rational - Matt Maeson
Stop describing me lol.
7. ⭐️ No Shoes In The Coffee Shop “Or Socks” - Hot Mulligan
8. ⭐️ 20 Missed Calls - Braden Bales
The video is of a live session, but Spotify will have the recorded version.
9. How Do You Know It's Not Armadillo Shells? - Hot Mulligan
10. I Like to Hide in the Bathroom at Parties ft. The Knocks - Winnetka Bowling League
11. ✊🏾 Stupidfreak (Audiotree Live Version) - Juice
12. ⭐️ Nevermind - Between You & Me
13. Fake It - State Champs
14. ⭐️ It Won’t Be Like This Forever - Neck Deep
16. First Date (Acoustic Cover) - Taylor Acorn
17. PERRIER - Braden Bales
It's just so cute and it makes me want to find a crush and be in giddy kind love.
18. Sundress ft. Four Years Strong - State Champs
This song also makes me want to be in love.
19. Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray
Second first kisses or first second kisses? I definitely wanted to be there and wanted to do it again. Also it wouldn't hurt if you thought things would have gotten better the next time. This is filler a version cause the actual song that played was a heavy punk cover of this song and I don't know who sang it.
20. ⭐️ ✊🏾 Buckle Bunny - Tanner Adell
Be a little thot-y. Have a little fun. PS: This post has been written for quite some time now, but with the new conversations being had, I just want to add that Yoncé didn't invent Black Woman in Country music and she is not the revival of such things.
21. Nonsense - Sabrina Carpenter
Dress a little thot-y. Have a little fun. Flirt a little. Fall in love or hard core like.
22. ⭐️ Breakfast For Dinner - Winnetka Bowling League
This song is hella cute. Y'all don't understand how much I want to be in love.
23. ⭐️ The Places We’ll Go ft. Dashboard Confessional - Yellowcard
24. 🇵🇸 sun and moon - anees
My best friend had baby, but more relevant to this list, a baby-shower that was themed after the moon and the stars. She asked me to make the playlist and I understood the assignment. Free Palestine!
25. Spaceship - Andy Grammer
More baby shower playlist gems. Also this song is hella cute and I recommend it to all the parents.
26. Act Like That ft. Mitchell Tempenny - State Champs
27. An Irish Party in Third Class (Includes "John Ryan's Polka" and "Blarney Pilgrim") - Gaelic Storm
25th Titanic Anniversary in Imax 3D. Let's just say I finally got my "Dinner and A Movie," you know the one that Harriet The Spy was talking about.
28. ⭐️ ✊🏾 What’s The Move ft T-Pain - Watsky
29. ⭐️ FIGURE IT OUT ft. YNG Martyr and Stafford Beats - Chandler
I only really like Chandler's parts and if you heard this from this from TikTok, yes the Chandler Shimmy has a hold on me too.
30. ⭐️ THE OUTSIDE (Outsiders Version) ft. 30H!3, State Champs, The Summer Set and The Ready Set - Boys Like Girls
This collab is top tier and I'm still geeked about seeing most of them in one lineup. Also not to be rude, but what part does The Ready set do? I've been trying to figure out what he does and the answer doesn't seem to exist for me.
31. 31 - Mike Edel
32. Miles Apart - Yellowcard
This was my summer anthem for 2023. It's just such a perfect fit.
33. ⭐️ ONE MORE TIME - blink-182
PERFECT! No notes. It gives the same energy as Back Together by The Summer Set, both of them make me want to cry.
34. ⭐️ 2005 - Story Of The Year
I'm not mad at it. Let all the boys come back and reminisce, especially if it involves anniversary tours.
I am celebrating. I am not crying. I promise you.
36. ⭐️ Don't - Wild Rivers
This song is so good, but I ran away from it because feelings are complicated and I thought I didn't know until I realized I did and then it was over. PS: You can always ask me how I feel or felt, conversations haven't expired yet.
37. 🕚 Forget Me (Piano Acoustic Version) - Lewis Capaldi
38. are you okay? - Winnetka Bowling League
This song is everything, moody, sad, caring…. all the feelings.
39. Untitled - Rex Orange County
40. ⭐️ That’s Not How This Works ft. Dan + Shay - Charlie Puth
41. ⭐️ That's Not How This Works (Sabrina's Version) ft. Dan + Shay and Sabrina Carpenter - Charlie Puth
You can skip this one if you want, I just listened to both versions back to back every time, so it was hard to not include both.
42. fiimiy (fuck it, i miss you - Live Version) ft. Demi Lovato - Winnetka Bowling League
Sometimes you just need to let yourself say the words, even if you don't act on them.
43. ⭐️ Heartbreak Of The Century - Neck Deep
I feel like I'm finally getting back into Neck Deep, not that I really stopped I just didn't listen to their last album and it feels so good to be back.
I love this song so much, it's hella groovy, but I'm sorry I can't ignore the fact that it's essentially "why doesn't she like me?" or "why won't she go out with me, we're all just human?" Or hey to be more forgiving, "why does she make me feel this strongly if we're only 'blood and sugar?'"
45. ⭐️ Daddy Issues… - Bury Mia
46. MakeDamnSure (Cover) - Hot Mulligan
47. 31 - Soul Glo
This was the first song that popped up when I was looking for songs the day I turned 31 and I will say it's not for the white faint of hearts. It goes hella hard though.
48. Fuck You - The Used
49. *Equip Sunglasses* - Hot Mulligan
50. ⭐️ ✊🏾 Roll The Dice - Fluorescents
I walked around singing that 30 second bit from TikTok for a good minute there. I was probably annoying. Although I do enjoy the song, I wonder if TikTok is just feeding me pizza. Do I really like these songs or do I only like the 30 seconds I've heard 100 times. (I'm gonna make a playlist of my music folder on TikTok and get back to you on that one.)
51. Forward - Linkin Park
Songs 51-54 are what I considered to be my safe music for a period this summer cause I was just so sad and nothing was making me happy for the longest time, so thank you Linkin Park and Disperser CA for being the "good guys."
52. Breaking The Habit - Linkin Park
Again happy 20th Anniversary to Meteora, thanks for being there when I needed you.
53. ✊🏾 Snake Eyes - Disperser CA
54. ⭐️ Easier To Run (Lofi Version) - Less Gravity/Linkin Park
55. ⭐️ They Don't Make Pills For A Heartbreak - HONESTAV
I heard it late one night and wanted to cry.
56. Monsters - James Blunt
57. ⭐️ Cut Deep (Live Version) - Matt Maeson
I think this was from my date of the Never Had To Leave Tour, which makes it extra special.
58. I Need You - Relient K
TMI, I thought I was breaking up with my sister (will not provide any further details) and through this song, among others and prayer, we're comforting me. I'm okay, but still working on healing wounds.
59. Brown Skin Girl - Blue Ivy, SAINt JHN, Beyoncé & Wizkid
It's here in the name of my self love journey.
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santalsaburablog · 1 year
The adventures of Santal. Chapter 16. Ilum
By revealing a secret, you strengthen trust.
A terrible accident! Master Yang Dooku, after the death of his disciple Qui-Gon Jinn, decided to leave the Order, thereby breaking his promise to take Santal as a student. Wanting to get to the truth, the girl finds him, but in the end she is driven away. But she meets the hunter Jango Fett, who made a deal with her failed teacher and gave her a strange warning…
— Are you an Angel too?
Santal was surprised. She would never have thought that someone would get to know her, starting with such an unusual phrase.
— You're An Angel. Starship pilots talked about them. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They live on the moons of Iego, it seems.
— Have you read about it?
- no. I listened to the traders and pilots who flew to Tatooine. You know, I'm a pilot myself.
— You 're just…
— And I can already, even though I'm only ten.
— Wow! — Santal sincerely did not understand how a child could be so smart at just ten years old!
The newcomer was clearly different from the others. Like her in her time, he also knows life outside the walls of the Temple. But this is different. He knows more. And he also knows the same things that adults can do.
— I thought you could become a pilot only when you grow up, — the girl honestly admitted.
— No, you can do it earlier, — the boy replied with a smile. — It's not that difficult there. I used to drive racing cars, and recently I got on a fighter for the first time. Do you want me to tell you?
— Come on.
The boy began to talk about his life on Tatooine with his mother (hearing this word, Santal felt a pang of envy) and working in the shop of Toydarian Watto. Santal was surprised again. She thought the children were playing, studying, but not working. When she told the boy about it, he replied:
— When I was little, three years old, probably, Gardulla the Hutt bought me and my mother. But she lost us in the race.
Santal shuddered. For the first time in a long time, a mechanical voice spoke in my head: "We are already approaching Tatooine. Someone will definitely buy you. I'll sell it to the highest bidder."
— What happened? the boy asked.
The girl wondered if she should tell him something. Shaking her head, she answered, trying to smile wider:
— Nothing, everything is fine, — if only the boy would believe. "You'd better tell me something else," she didn't want to pull unpleasant memories. Both your own and others'.
The boy began to talk about his hobby of making all sorts of mechanical things. He especially boasted about the construction of a robot secretary, who knows many languages, for mom. And at the end he told me how he got to the Temple.
"That's a boy! Santal thought. — He's ten, and already a mechanic, a racer, a pilot. Against his background, it's like we're all going to go into the shadows." And, frankly, she didn't like it.
— But I'm a complete zero in mechanics, — said the girl.
— I can teach you.
— No, thanks. I like the other one better.
— What exactly? — the newcomer persisted.
"Anything but that.
Indeed, Santal did not like mechanics, physics, mathematics and other exact sciences at all. Therefore, she decided that having learned the simplest things, she would not take on the more complex ones. Not for any awards.
— By the way, we haven't met yet. I am Santal, — usually the girl did not take the initiative in such cases, but this time she wanted to make an exception.
— I'm Anakin.
After that, the children sometimes saw each other in between classes. The difference was that Anakin was already a padawan, and Santal was still a youngling. And it made her a little uncomfortable. Because he passed the step. Quite important, according to the older and younger generation. Someone thinks that being a jungling is shameful. But there are also advantages. Surprisingly, you manage to enjoy your childhood. Your life, despite the difficulties, was easy and carefree. And Santal was convinced the hard way. She studied, played with fellow clansmen, communicated. But that was before that fateful mission, after which everything went awry.
A month has passed since Dooku's departure, but the girl still hasn't recovered. After meeting Anakin, she returned to her apartment. She picked up the crystal left by the master, reread the note and burst into tears again.
—I thought we'd always be together," Santal said into the void, sobbing.
She had so many plans! I thought he would take her as an apprentice, they would go on missions together, and then remember with a laugh. I thought they would find her parents together. And they will be one big family. I thought, then together this Django will be piled up, then this Cade Bane will be piled up, whoever he is. What kind of name is Cad Bane? The surname is just like a Sith. And the name? How could you call your son that? I wonder what his childhood name was? Caddy?
Santal laughed at her own joke, which at least distracted her a little from her grief. The girl crawled under the blanket, not wanting to hear or see anyone.
From now on, everyday life for Santal has become gray, dull and routine. Studying no longer brought joy. As well as the end of the school day. It's over. There will be no more after-school classes. No communication. Nothing.
At first, the girl did not want to tell her friends anything, but they themselves learned from the masters. And, considering it their duty, they expressed sympathy. Santal, of course, was grateful, but that didn't make it any easier for her. What's the use of saying "I'm sorry" if it doesn't bring it back?
The masters also saw the condition of the girl, and therefore did not bother much. And Master Yoda came up and said:
"The ordeal has been too much for you, Santal Sabura. But we need to move on. Life is changeable. Like Force, it has two sides. Dark and Light. And one replaces the other forever. Mourn the past, but try to let go and move forward. You should handle it.
For some reason, these words did not make Santal feel any better. Rather the opposite. "You should handle it." Well of course. He thinks it's so easy. Forget and go ahead. To forget that you were, so to speak, betrayed. That the one you trusted broke his word.
— You said you would always help me! That you'll take me under your wing! — the girl screamed, jumping out of bed, looking at the wall.
And then she fell to her knees, dropping her head. He promised that if… Or maybe... it's all her fault? Maybe she wasn't good enough for him? Maybe I should have tried even harder? Maybe he was just tired of her, and he decided to get rid of her in this way, instead of telling her to her face?
The girl read the note again.
"It's not your fault." Or maybe it's a lie? For my peace of mind? Well, he's wrong. "You'll find a new teacher." Well, yes, of course. It's so easy to find a replacement," she thought sarcastically.
The next day, in the library, Santal again went to the alley of busts of the Lost Twenty. Straight to the bust of Master Dooku. In order to perform an almost daily ritual — to stand and look at him. Once she watched for so long until she was told that two hours had passed.
Santal's favorite librarian, Madame Jocasta, was passing by. The old woman stopped, looked at the girl with sympathy, and at the bronze bust with regret. Santal knew that the woman was also worried about the departure of Master Dooku and found it necessary to nod in response. She sighed, stood for a few more minutes and left. Today, the visit to the bust turned out to be very short.
"I think we should do something about it," said Master Sesi Tiin, after the Council had discussed all the pressing issues.
— What are you talking about? Adi Gallia asked.
— About yunling. Santal Saburu. She still hasn't recovered from Master Dooku's departure.
— His departure became a heavy loss for all of us, — Yoda stated the fact.
— But we are adult masters, and she is a child. She's only seven years old! Billaba reminded him.
— Any ideas? Tiin asked.
— We can try to give her a new teacher, — suggested Eet the Cat.
— No way! Mace Windu replied sharply. — First of all, she hasn't grown up yet. And secondly, I am sure that this will not solve the problem. The girl was seriously injured. And if we give her a teacher, she will constantly compare him with Dooku. And thirdly, yunling simply will not be able to withstand such tension. The new title will put pressure on her.
— So, what should we do? Gallia asked.
— Definitely should not be ignored. I propose to temporarily put the girl under the care of healers. They will help her. She will also be under more vigilant control than other younglings.
— I completely agree. Mundi nodded. — Especially since Santal has a habit of running away. And it needs to be weaned from it in time.
"Time heals, my friends," Master Yoda summed up, as it were.
The head of the Order was partially right. At first Santal did not want to miss classes, but she was assured that it would only benefit her. The girl spent two weeks under the care of healers. After psychotherapy, she got better, but the final "recovery" did not work out. However, Santal decided not to talk about it, hoping that it would pass over time. Gradually, thoughts of Dooku's departure stopped completely filling her mind. The girl began to be distracted by more pleasant things.
During the treatment, she could not help but pay attention to the work of healers. These fearless Jedi work tirelessly every day, refusing to help anyone. Even in small things. And what can we say about serious injuries.
Santal sincerely admired them. So much so that after the end of the course of treatment, she asked for "a couple of lessons". Neither she nor the healers suspected that this would turn into additional classes after school. From the very first lessons, the girl realized that she had a predisposition to healing. So, you can move on. Vocara Che explained to her that there are races and just individuals who are organically incapable of healing. In this case, you should not work too hard and you need to accept it.
So the void formed after Dooku was filled. Santal began to live according to her schedule again. Everything seemed to be fine again. However, sometimes the girl would sit somewhere, watching the adult Jedi, and think: "No, this is not Master Dooku." Each of the Jedi lacks something, some quality, to get the one who is needed.
Master Yoda said that there are no identical people. Well, he was right. However, as always.
A year after Dooku's departure, Santal's group, and all the Younglings, were given an excursion. In the Senate building. Or rather, on one of the floors. The organizers of this event wanted the children to learn a little about one of the most important buildings in the galaxy. We made a schedule, who will go when.
The curator of the group Santal Tera Saynube acted as a guide.
Even after seeing the building in the distance, the children choked with impatience to see everything. This is one of the oldest buildings, which is many thousands of years old! And how many rooms there are! I want to climb everything. But it was forbidden to do so. The Senate building is a huge maze. To get lost there is nothing to spit on. Therefore, after going inside, the curator strictly forbade lagging behind and going out of order. They split into pairs.
— Well, well, guys, let's start our tour. In front of us is the building of the Galactic Senate of the Republic. The massive building was more than two kilometers in diameter and several hundred meters high, with a shield-shaped dome mounted on a narrower cylindrical base.
The master talked with breaks to show something interesting. The Younglings were constantly looking around, casting admiring glances in different directions. Max walked with his mouth open most of the time. He was so amazed by what he saw. But the cherry on the cake was still ahead.
— Now we will go to the Grand Chamber of Convocation. It occupies most of the building, a huge funnel-shaped room over a hundred meters high, filled at the edges with repulsor platforms (Senatorial Boxes). In the center stands a podium, on which is the Supreme Chancellor, Vice-Chairman and Chief Administrative Adviser. All Senate repulsor platforms can be controlled from it. There are 1024 repulsor platforms in the Great Chamber. When a senator speaks, his box is separated from a special attachment against the wall and moves to the middle of the room so that all senators can see the speaker. It is here that the most important issues are solved.
"It takes too long for them to decide everything," Max replied.
"It takes a lot of time for the Senate to make many decisions, but the galaxy needs it. Our Order obeys him," said Saynube.
Santal didn't like this news. Why should the Order obey anyone? It should be independent.
— And why does he obey? — she decided to ask.
Saynube was about to answer when something made him turn his head to the left.
— Dear Chancellor.
Palpatine was walking sedately towards them with a smile on the street. The children immediately stood up straight and said hello:
— Hello, Your Excellency.
— Hello, guys, — the chancellor smiled sweetly.
The Younglings smiled back. It's not every day you can meet with the Head of the Republic. Moreover, he was extremely friendly with them.
Santal alone was uneasy at heart.
"He looks like that guy. After all, the Evil Hat also spoke sweetly to me, and he himself ... maybe this is also a bad person. Especially not a Jedi. The strange thing is that the Force does not warn of any danger. And I myself can't believe that this dear grandfather is capable of something bad. But I look into his eyes, and there's something in them that I can't explain."
At this moment, the girl interrupted her thoughts and raised her head. The Chancellor looked at her and, apparently, thought about the same thing. At least, she thought so, judging by the gaze on her.
— Santal Sabura. That's the meeting.
- yes. We've met before. You came to see us all then. Which I'm surprised about.
— Nothing surprising. I've always been interested in watching the training of a new generation of Jedi. I am sure that the chancellors did the same before me. Besides, I heard rumors that a little girl unwittingly became a participant in the Tournament. You may disagree, but for me you are the winner.
— I disagree.
The girl did not like that the chancellor unwittingly caused her unpleasant memories. After all, she was attacked that day, she was scared, but also ashamed. I still couldn't forget the face of the guy I accidentally ruined the performance for. She didn't blame him at all for snapping. She understood him. How terrible it is when something doesn't work out for you. Fortunately, in the end, the guy still got a teacher. This is good, but the name of the mentor, if it can be called a name at all, put the girl in a stupor. A dark woman. It's all very strange.
When the children entered the Convocation Chamber, they took their breath away. No one has ever seen such a huge room. Santal was even scared. The room was like a huge funnel. It seemed to the girl that she was going to fall down, so she moved away from the edge.
But Max, for example, ran to one side of the platform, then to the other.
In general, everyone liked the tour. Everyone was satisfied. Then everyone plunged back into the atmosphere of study and training.
A year later, when the guys from the Santal clan were already about nine years old, their first serious test awaited them. Out of fifteen guys, six of the best will be selected, and they will go to Ilum.
— Do you understand what this means? Max shouted. — We will collect real lightsabers!
— We know. And don't yell," Landa snapped at him.
The next day it became known who would fly. Tera Saynube began to announce:
- so. Ready for the challenge of Collecting... Max Navarre!
— Hurrah! Max exclaimed.
— Trilla Suduri!
The girl smiled.
— Daria Ossaki.
Togruta stretched her smile to her ears and even jumped up.
— Green Pine!
Mikkianka refrained from reacting.
— Landa Selmura!
Twilekka nodded.
— And... Santal Sabura!
The girl was surprised, not expecting this. She was chosen one of the best! She will fly to Ilum, the most sacred planet for the Jedi! On the most honorable and important mission — Gathering!
The departure was scheduled for tomorrow, which means we need to prepare. The guys were instructed in advance about what to take. Plus, moral preparation is required, since the task is not easy.
After collecting her things, Santal decided to study the information about Ilum, about swords and the Kayber crystal. In the book "The Way of the Jedi", the structure of the sword was described in clear and accessible language.
That night the girl could not sleep for a long time. She kept tossing from side to side. I kept thinking about tomorrow. And about unfulfilled dreams. She had thought that Master Dooku would be the escort. How many times had she imagined herself sitting on the floor, collecting a sword, and he was standing next to her and watching the process closely. Or the two of them sit and think about the details.
Then, finally, imperceptibly passed out and fell asleep. Santal found herself in a dark forest in the rain. Looking around in fright, the girl saw a dark figure in the distance, which turned out to be approaching…
—Master Dooku?" Is that you?
The mysterious figure turned around, and Santal realized that she was not mistaken.
— MA-A-GI-I-ISTR! — a loud child's cry spread like a huge wave through the forest.
The girl ran forward.
— Master… Please… Wait!
And woke up. Just in time. Looking at the clock, it became clear: a little more, and she would have been late. And they wouldn't have waited for her.
Their curator was already waiting for the six Younglings near the special ship. Five minutes later we sailed. The flight lasted four hours. To save energy, the guys plunged into meditation.
There was a blizzard on Ilum that day. Upon arrival, the younglings dressed in fur coats, put on their backpacks and went out.
"It's not a very hospitable place," Daria said.
—That's probably the whole point," Landa said.
When she reached a huge wall several kilometers long, Santal noticed that there was a circle in front of her, inside which, as it seemed to her, a flower with four petals. However, because of the snow it was difficult to see the picture completely.
"So, Younglings, stretch out your arms and focus on the Force. Only together can we enter.
The seven Jedi stretched out their arms. Someone on the right, someone on the left. Rectangular blocks began to descend, and a door with patterns and paintings appeared.
— Hurry up. The sun has risen. It's time to start.
Inside the Temple it was slightly warmer due to the lack of wind.
"This Temple is even more beautiful inside," Santal admired, looking at the columns and ornaments, monuments and statues.
Master Yoda was already sitting on the stone, waiting for them. The Younglings approached him and bowed slightly. Master Saynube stood to the right of the Grand Master.
— The force forms a Jedi physically, imposing great responsibility, right?
Everyone nodded.
— Protecting others is the task of a Jedi, — Yoda Forcibly removed his sword from his belt, put it in the air in an upright position and activated it by twisting it like a wheel. — You have to make your own sword. But first, everyone must find their crystal. The heart of a lightsaber is a crystal. He is called to focus the Power of the Jedi.
The Magister Forcibly opened a round window, from which a stream of light burst out, reaching an unusual chandelier. That, in turn, spun like a top, and then rays of light burst out from there. It turned out the sun. Two ice icicles or crystals, one large, the other small, stood up one after the other. By refraction of light, the beam passed through the icicles and shot into the top of the high ice door. The ice melted, turning into water, opening the entrance to the caves.
— To become a Jedi, you must enter the cave of crystals. Trust yourself, trust each other, and success will be yours.
— As soon as you find your crystal, don't linger there. When the light of day goes out, the door will freeze again and you will be trapped," Saynube warned.
—And for how long?" Green asked.
— One turn. And no one can help you out.
— How do we know which crystal to take? Max asked.
— Only you will know yours. Forward.
From all that was said, Santal began to get nervous. But she tried not to show it.
The guys were walking through a room with columns, the same flowers with four petals were visible on the floor. And then the tunnels began.
— What are we going to do? Trilla asked.
"It's better to stick together for now," Max said. — Just in case.
Santal was once again surprised how her friend manages to combine a noisy joker and an unofficial group leader who thinks sensibly and gives reasonable ideas. Moreover, each "mode" was turned on when it was necessary.
"If Justin were here, he'd be staring at the datapad all the way," Green quipped.
The group, passing by stalactites and stalagmites, came to a room where there were three passages.
— What's next, Guide? Landa asked.
Then, unexpectedly for herself, Santal raised her voice:
— They said that everyone recognizes his own crystal. Maybe we should try to turn to the Force? She will tell you where to go.
"Or just pair up, genius," Green crossed her arms over her chest.
— What's the matter? Max intervened.
— Why is she being clever here? I couldn't turn somersaults myself once. And now he's just an acrobat.
— She was afraid. Aren't you ashamed? — the boy angrily besieged mikkianka.
"I think she was just pretending to be afraid." And I don't like liars," Green snapped angrily. — You would have thought. It is impossible that it did not work out, and then suddenly abruptly…
— That's enough! Landa interrupted sternly. — We're wasting time!
—I agree," Green replied, looking around the room, and chose a passage in the middle. She took a couple of steps in his direction and turned around. — Who's with me?
Trilla came up to her. The rest decided to trust their intuition. Max and Daria went to the left aisle, and Landa and Santal got the right one. Dark, unlit. However, this did not frighten the girls.
After a couple of minutes, Santal decided to speak.
— Listen… Thanks.
"I just didn't want to waste precious time fighting," Landa replied coldly.
"Are you still angry?" — the girl was surprised.
Twilekka sighed.
— I'm not mad. I just... I don't know how to explain it.
— And you try. Tell me, what's eating you?
— It doesn't matter. Don't bother your head," Landa turned away and focused on finding the crystal. — Better get busy.
— good.
Santal plunged into the Force, but to no avail.
"We need to calm down. I am one with the Force. Gather my thoughts. Focus on the crystal. There are no emotions, there is peace," the girl said to herself.
Suddenly she felt as if something was calling her. Santal headed deeper while Landa examined the wall. It was getting darker. The girl was scared. How can you find something here? I can't see a thing.
Suddenly, smoke began to fall.
— Coward.
Santal jumped up and down. To her right, that uncle was sitting on a rock, crossing his legs.
— Somebody help me! Grab him! Santal shouted.
— Green, why do you treat Santal like that? She didn't do anything to you," Trilla asked.
— Because… I didn't like her right away. I don't know why. She initially stood out. There is some special attitude towards her. But for what? At first she was afraid of simple flips, and now she's almost the best! — mikkianka broke into a scream.
And then I realized that I had done it in vain. Icicles fell from the ceiling. Thank the Force, both managed to bounce back, but these icicles separated them. We'll have to clear the passage. Green almost cried. And all because of her! Maybe they'll never get out now.
— Green, can you hear me? Are you okay?
— Fortunately, yes.
— Are you crying?
- no.
— Don't lie. Don't be afraid. It's all good. We're alive.
Green breathed, trying to calm down. To distract her, Trilla asked.
— So what if Santal is the best? I don't care about that. I'm learning for myself.
— And I care. I wanted to be the best. Moreover, I have been in the Temple since infancy. And she knows life from the outside.
"You're jealous,— Trilla guessed.
— You're talkative today. But you're right," Green admitted, taking a deep breath. — You usually don't say anything. Why?
— I don't like to talk. I like to watch. Notice the details. Moreover, we are alone now, outsiders do not hear.
After clearing the blockage, Green noticed something glowing. It must have fallen together with the icicles.
— Look! Max shouted, pointing up at the stalagmite.
"I don't see anything,— Daria said.
"Of course you don't. Because the crystal is mine.
Max ran up to the cliff.
— Max, stop! It's high up there. You're going to fall! Daria panicked.
But the boy was determined not to back down. His crystal is at the end of an icicle, and he needs to figure out how to get it. Precisely! We must try by Force.
At first Santal shrank into a ball and covered her face with her hands, and then she remembered. Wait a minute, she's on Ilum. Which Dooku? What uncle? It looks like she was just imagining things.
— Listen, you, leave me alone! I'm not a little girl you can pat on the cheek anymore!
— What can you do? You don't even have a sword! the "vision" laughed.
— And here it will be! — Santal rushed forward and got into a bright space. Apparently, there is a frozen lake here. Looking around, the girl saw something glowing on top of the stalagmite.
- "Maybe this is what I'm looking for?" — the girl thought.
But there was a problem. To get there, it was necessary to walk on the ice. And Santal was afraid to walk on it. Dangerous. But there was no choice. And there's no time to linger, either.
— So. Quietly. Neat.
Carefully and sideways, the girl reached the stalagmite and took the crystal.
—Wow," she admired. — How beautiful. Blue. Okay, now we need to go back and find Landa.
With joy, the girl forgot about caution. I remembered only when it crunched under my feet. Without having time to react, the girl fell through the ice.
— It's a crystal! Green was delighted.
— Great ... — before she could finish, Trilla fell down.
— Trilla! Green was scared.
— It's all right. I'm safe. Look at that!
Mikkianka went downstairs.
— Wow. It's so beautiful here.
The place where the Younglings got to resembled the starry sky. Everything is dark, but there are a lot of glowing stars around.
— Maybe my crystal is here. — smiled Trilla. — Only how to distinguish him from others?
— I didn't think I'd say this, but... remember what Santal said? We must use Force.
Trilla stretched out her hand, closed her eyes and concentrated. Green stood aside and watched.
The advice turned out to be very useful. After a couple of minutes, one of the "stars" lit up especially brightly, flew out of the stone and jumped into the palm of a black-haired girl.
— Hurrah! We are great! — the children jumped for joy.
It's time to go back.
Max successfully pulled the crystal out of the stone by Force, but was exhausted. As a result, the find fell down, rolling down the slope.
— We'll have to climb anyway.
Max, like a real climber, began to climb up nimbly. Although it was hard because one arm was tired.
— Great. I have it! But how do I get down now?
Going down is always harder than going up. In the end, the boy fell off and flew down. Fortunately, Daria managed to catch him.
— Now it's your turn.
Togruta, who had been worried about her friend before, lost her nerves.
— There's nothing there! While you were looking for yours, I was looking for mine, but it's nowhere to be found! I've searched everything! — Daria burst into tears and fell to her knees.
Max was amazed. Da Ossaki, who was known for her optimism, empathy, is ready to give up.
— Daria, — the boy put his hands on her shoulders. — Pull yourself together. What's wrong with you? You're a brave and sensitive girl. You've always been an optimist. I could always cheer you up. Even now you were worried because you felt my fear. You're an empath. And I am absolutely sure that there was no case that the Jedi did not find. EVERYONE always found EVERYTHING! Let's look together.
- no. Only I can find my crystal," Daria sighed, trying to put her thoughts in order. Got up. — We need to concentrate.
Meanwhile, Santal was desperately fighting for her life and the crystal. In no case should he be let out of his hands! But she swam badly.
— Mom, Dad, help! — she screamed in her mind.
No! She can't die. She's just a kid. She has to come out! To spite the uncle! To spite Dooku for daring to refuse her! Although... what if it was a clone? Gathering all her strength, Santal swam to the surface and broke the thin ice by Force. Hurray! Air!
Getting ashore was also problematic. Because of the water, the ice was slippery. Santal thought she was going to fall again, but suddenly Landa appeared and helped her out.
- thanks.
— Please.
The girls walked back, hugging each other.
— Let's go back.
"Did you find the crystal?"
- yes. When you left, I hit the ice wall out of anger. It split, and there was my crystal. Then I went to look for you. And you decided to swim, it turns out.
Despite the cold, Santal laughed, her teeth chattering. But then I remembered about the anger of tvilekka.
— What were you angry about?
—At myself," Landa bowed her head guiltily. — You see, I lied to you then. In fact, I haven't changed five owners. But my parents really wanted to sell me. And sold. But it so happened that the ship I was on was spotted by the Jedi. They took me away.
— Why did you lie?
— I just wanted to make an impression. You know, I was glad when I found out we were from the same planet. I thought we'd be friends. And as for Daria, I told her then that I was just an orphan. I don't like being discussed. And I didn't want them to worry about me.
— I see.
— I'm sorry.
— It's all right.
The girls went out to Yoda. Green and Trilla were already there.
— Where are Max and Daria?
— They haven't come yet.
"It's too early to despair," said the head of the Order.
And indeed, when the door was almost frozen, the remaining guys slipped under it. Everyone is finally here. The children began to hug.
— Santal, why are you wet? Daria was frightened.
— She fell into the water.
— Horror! We need to warm you up urgently!
— And you? Literally at the last second…
— This door is made of frozen water. It's easy to break if you want," Yoda smiled.
Everyone's eyes popped out. It turns out…
"You were talking about a trap," Green reminded him.
— The trap is not in the cave. It's in my head. We've learned our lesson. You have gained courage, trust, self-confidence, mutual assistance, learned more about yourself and each other. Smoothed out the sharp corners, right? Take your crystals to the Temple and take care of them, young Jedi.
On the ship, Santal was wrapped up, blue and clanking with teeth, and they began to give her warm tea.
"You're lucky,— Max said. — It's better not to do that anymore.
"Nothing would have happened to me. I am unsinkable," the girl tried to calm her friend.
The guys burst out laughing. But if Max is because of a joke, then Santal is also because of the Wisest. How could they be so stupid? She also wondered why the masters were so calm? How could she think that they, the children, could be subjected to such a dangerous test?
Everyone on the ship took off their fur coats. Santal was wrapped in a blanket. The girl did not stop coughing, the blue on the skin was gone, but still she felt bad. Max decided to practice with a stick, a shooting ball and a helmet covering his eyes.
— I'll call this technique "Lightning", — the boy boasted.
"Come here, everyone," said Tera Saynube, who had come. — You all successfully passed the Training Camp. And they got crystals.
— When will we start collecting swords? Max asked.
— Put the crystals on the table. The lesson begins. Let me introduce the developer and designer of the lightsaber Hugh Yang.
What was Santal's surprise that it turned out to be a multi-armed droid, remembering the sword of every Jedi! He even remembered how Yoda himself collected the sword! The droid promised to tell a story about it if the children were obedient.
— What do you choose? A simple handle? Curved? Since ancient times, the lightsaber has been the only reliable ally of a Jedi. And how do they work? You brought the crystals, but they are useless until you breathe life into them. Do you know how to awaken the Power inside the crystal? No? Then listen and learn. In front of me are Togruta, Mikkianka, tvilekka and three people. I can handle you.
First, close your eyes and imagine your swords. How do you feel them in your hands?
While everyone was thinking, the professor brought several boxes with details.
— My task is that you leave the ship with all the necessary parts to create lightsabers. And most importantly, they knew how to do it. Let's get started. We have a lot of work to do.
As they say, the matter has boiled over. Each youngling chose a corner for himself and sat down there with the details and began to assemble the so-called constructor. But first the guys started telling each other how they were looking for crystals.
"I was desperate at the end," Daria was saying. — I couldn't find it for a long time, but in the end I found it in the snow. Can you imagine?
Santal listened and was grateful to Master Yoda for helping her feel better, and to herself for falling into the water in a fur coat. Otherwise it would be worse. But then she still needs to see a doctor. The girl opened a book with instructions. There was a picture of a standard handle on the page, all the elements were signed. Types of handles were also drawn.
At first Santal wanted to make a curved handle, and then she thought about it and settled on the standard one. Firstly, it will be easier this way. And secondly, she also has a donated kayber crystal. Let it be in a curved shape.
Now the details. The blade emitter matrix, the body of the emitter segment, the activation button, the blade power regulator, the charging connector, an optical lens, a powerful energy cell, and you also need to leave room for the handle girth.
— Remember, guys, calm your thoughts and focus. Then the design will become clearer," Master Saynube said. — The crystal is the heart of the sword. The heart is a Jedi crystal. The Jedi is a crystal of Power. Power is the sword of the heart. Everything is connected: crystal, sword, Jedi. We are all one.
When the complete set of parts was ready, Santal decided to see how others were doing. Surprisingly, Max has already collected.
"With this sword, I will fight the Sith and challenge Master Yoda," he said.
Professor Hugh Young came up to him, examined the internal structure of the sword and said:
— With this, my friend, you can only kill yourself. You turned over the emitter, which will cause a system outage. Turn it on and everything will explode. One crystal will remain.
The children laughed. But Max was not discouraged:
— Nothing. I'll redo it.
— Redo it, but this time follow the pattern.
— It turns out that all the details are needed? Landa asked.
— That's right. Although there is one detail that you can still do without. Activation button. There were times when the Jedi created swords without her. There is a plus in this. Such a sword cannot be used by someone who is not sensitive to the Force. Although it is better to follow the instructions.
But Santal decided without a button. She immersed herself in the Force and began to imagine the assembly. It's like in medicine to represent internal organs.
Unexpectedly for herself, the girl lost consciousness. And when she woke up, she found out that she had not finished the assembly, but had fallen asleep, weakened by illness. In order not to get worse, she was sent to the custody of Vocara. Fortunately, the members of the same clan brought her her details.
While Santal was working, she didn't notice how she dozed off. This time she didn't realize right away that she was asleep. She's in the hospital wing. Suddenly Dooku comes in.
- hello. How are you doing?
— Better.
— Ready to assemble the sword? All your comrades have already gathered. Do not lag behind them.
And so Santal sits on his knees, looks at everything, picks it up, and the master sits next to him and prompts, gives advice.
— Well, are you ready? Master Dooku asks with a smile.
— Santal! — a sharp voice from outside pulls the girl out of the shackles of sleep.
Vocara Che came with medicine and a glass of water.
— What happened? — after looking at Santal, tvilekka saw that she was crying.
Having failed to get an answer, however, the healer considered it her duty to calm the child.
An hour later, Santal decided to finish the job. It was an incredible, unique feeling of the movement of all the details, as they become one. And here's the final touch. The finished handle falls into the girl's hands.
But for safety reasons, Santal Forcibly carries the handle a little further away. Raises the air and activates it by force. A second and... the turquoise blade breaks free!
Santal Sabura jumped with happiness! She could! She did it! And quickly pulled the sword into her left hand.
Thus, the chamber became a mute witness of how the girl, raising her head, looking at the ceiling, with her legs spread shoulder-width apart, raised her hand up, holding an activated real, self-created lightsaber.
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