#ignorant comments
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People like this user are one of the reasons I left Christianity. My neurons went nuts from the sheer amount of ignorance this comment exudes.
According to this moron's reasoning then his beloved God is also a superstition, right?
Christianity has been trampling on human rights for CENTURIES and these people even have the audacity to say that Christianity is a religion that "professes love".
Unfortunately I realized it late, but as soon as I realized it I ran away without looking back.
I know not all Christians are like this, but I refuse to be part of a cult that tramples human rights.
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foolsocracy · 4 months
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this is actually so funny. imagining garth quipping and contributing to the conversation in his head cause he forgot the rest of the teen titans can't pick up on his telepathy
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writingatdusk · 8 months
I’m not one to leave mean comments or replies on posts, videos, or pins (on Pinterest)- but this time, I couldn’t stop myself.
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nessieartss · 9 months
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Another sibling au featuring megumi (they finally met and sukuna already made yuuji cringed)
Also happy new year!
Part 1 | Part 3
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akanemnon · 2 months
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New Dark World. Who this?
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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bowtiepastabitch · 2 months
So because I'm normal and well adjusted I was scrolling Michael's media tab on twitter just enjoying how pretty he is and....
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....no nightingales
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I am distraught. The omens. They were not fucking good.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 months
"JC should have defended WWX and the Wen remnants-" babe he has no political capital right now. He's rebuilding his sect from the ground up after a war. He's been locked out of the Venerated Triad. He's the youngest sect leader. How could he have defended them and not doomed himself and his sect all over again.
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If there was an award for the most ignorant comment this user would win it without any effort.
This comment is below a video from the SciShow Psych youtube channel that talks about why so many people love villains.
The video talks about the fact that in some cases certain people are attracted to a certain villain because they possess dark traits similar to that character, but obviously it doesn't apply to everyone.
Research has shown that NON-MORAL factors can drive viewers to like a certain character, even if it's a villain:
This is possible precisely because it's FICTION, so the example this guy gave with candy doesn't make sense at all.
As for facial expressions, such as a mischievous smile, audiences may find them attractive because they are intimidating and denote confidence and intelligence, regardless of context. Moreover, even heroes can instill fear through facial expressions.
As for clothing, according to this guy's reasoning then all the people who like to wear black or dress in a goth style are criminals?
You can be a shitty person even if you dress in bright colors.
Two prime examples of this? The Joker and Dolores Umbridge.
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As you can see they wear elegant and colorful clothes. Does that make them good people? Spoilers: No.
Now you are probably wondering "Why is this so important to you?".
When I was 14 me, my best friend and a friend of ours were for months the target of a Christian boy who called us Satanists, wished us several times that we would get cancer and called me and my best friend whores only because at the time we mostly listened to metal music. In particular we were fans of Marilyn Manson.
This user's behavior reminds me a lot of that Christian boy's behavior, because they are on the same level of ignorance.
Educate yourself instead of pointing fingers and judging someone just because they like a certain fictional character.
Anyway here is the SciShow video. It's done very well and the author of the video has raised some very interesting points:
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stressedjester · 4 months
"How come disabled people are always complaining about their disabilities even if their blog isn't about being disabled" I dunno it's almost like. It's something that effects us every day and some of us just need to vent to feel better about the mass amounts of pain we're in because not everyone can just grin and bear it
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upslapmeal · 3 months
"but Pyramids of Mars established that Sut-" my friend this is the three-separate-explanations-for-Atlantis show, as far as I'm concerned they can have a free-for-all when it comes to real-world mythology
"but they're ruining the canon!!" buddy I got good news for you, Doctor Who canon is a buffet and you don't have to eat anything you don't want to
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haveihitanerve · 3 months
Somebody: Jasons so angry and aggressive and kills people- hes the most violent batfamily member Bruce-I-would-have-killed-joker-had-fucking-superman-not-stopped-me-and-I-would-do-it-again-if-any-harm-befalls-my-family-also-i-beat-up-people-daily-as-therapy-wayne: what? Dick-i-was-planning-a-mans-murder-at-age-eight-and-would-have-done-it-also-i-didn't-have-superman-so-i-did-kill-joker-Grayson-Wayne: huh? Tim-My-body-count-is-probably-six-digits-by-now-but-it-doesn't-count-if-bruce-doesn't-know-stalker-Drake-Wayne: repeat that? Damian-i-came-with-the-katana-and-a-body-count-at-age-eight-wayne: what did you say about Ahki? Stephanie-i-will-crack-mad-funny-jokes-while-beating-your-face-in-with-a-brick-Brown-Wayne: waht? Barbara-i-wouldn't-but-like-i-could-and-i-know-you-and-your-entire-family-extending-to-your-great-uncle-thirteen-times-removed-Gordon-Wayne: *typing on keyboard* what was that? Duke-I-created-a-cult-about-robin-and-also-i-was-raised-in-gotham: sorry?
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prussianbluevelvet · 10 months
Still seeing feminists in 2023 claiming that ‘emasculation isn’t real’ and it’s still baffling me.
How can you look at the lived realities of Asian and Jewish men and think “yeah these men totally aren’t emasculated and viewed as lesser males or less masculine than white men and it’s totally not dehumanising or racist or anything 😌” like. Racism against MOC doesn’t always look like portraying them as aggressive or dangerous, it can also look like viewing certain types of minority men as ‘failed’ men and ‘lacking real manhood’ as a dehumanising tactic. Myths about Jewish men previously portrayed them as having periods and being ‘basically women’. Asian men are fetishised and stripped of their manhood frequently by K-pop stans and people online who don’t realise that masculinity and gender roles look slightly different in non-western cultures.
Also… trans men. Who are FORCEFULLY emasculated and feminised against their will, by genocidal bigoted conservatives, and sometimes even somewhat by other queer people telling them to ‘tone down’ their non-toxic masculinity to avoid making others uncomfortable, making themselves dysphoric and detached from their gender identities to remain palatable.
What about disabled men? Are they not also viewed as failing to achieve proper manhood? Are they not also emasculated and viewed as ‘un-male’ or ‘less male’?
Minority men absolutely can and do experience emasculation. And it’s not ‘toxic’ or misogynistic to bring it up. Feminists who care about POC in particular should not be pretending otherwise.
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yuwuta · 5 months
cw mentioned/talks about death but not like… in a serious way 😭 this whole thing is very unserious and stupid it’s just a thought i couldn’t get out of my head, megumi being… megumi, f2l but what’s new, also inspired by some clip from a tv show i’ve seen on tt but idk the name of it, if you do pls let me know
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you ask megumi you make one of those marriage pacts with you—that if neither of you are married by thirty-five, you two will get married to each other—and he just hums for a moment before asking, “do you think i’ll be better suited for marriage at thirty-five?”
“what? n—i don’t know? maybe? it just seems like an appropriate age to get married if you’re not already, that’s all,” you explain.
more humming. he blinks, “i don’t think i’ll be all that different at thirty-five.”
“well, that’s concerning,” you joke, “you’re supposed to change—grow a little bit as a person and all that, megumi. even you are capable of it.”
“i won’t want anything different out of a marriage at thirty-five than i would right now,” he corrects you, then turns to you, and with all seriousness demands, “so, state your stipulations. what do you want from me, let’s figure out of this is gonna work now.” 
you scoff, and cross your arms. “what do i want from you? that’s not how a marriage works.” 
“that’s how this friendship already works.” 
you say, megumi does; he pushes it than he should have, you say to stop, and eventually he does, and the cycle continues. he’s always stubborn, and sacrificing himself beyond necessity, and you’re always pulling his ear for it. 
“okay. fine,” you settle, straightening your posture, “i want a house. three bedrooms, so nobara and yuuji don’t have to bicker about sharing when they stay over.” 
megumi considers it, then counters with, “four. gojo needs a bedroom, too. one floor, i don’t like stairs.” 
“where the fuck are we going to find a one-level four-bedroom house? i don’t want to live in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere.” 
“we’ll find one,” he shrugs, doesn’t flinch when he promises: “or i’ll have one made for us. next: vacations.” 
“twice per year. somewhere tropical, and somewhere metropolitan.” 
“i don’t like the beach.” 
“then you don’t have to go on the beach.” 
“you’re responsible for me if i burn.” 
“i’m responsible for you either way, i’m your wife,” you taunt, “pets, next. i want dogs. two. maybe three. and a bunny.” 
“no bunnies, they’re too much work.”
“but i want a bunny, megumi.” 
“you won’t have time for a bunny,” he rolls his eyes, “and you’re gonna get pissed when it chews up the expensive couch you’re gonna make me buy, and takes a shit in the expensive fruit bowl you’re gonna con gojo out of. no bunnies.” 
you pout and frown, but megumi doesn’t budge: “no bunnies.” 
you sigh, “no bunnies, but i want the dogs.” 
“i didn’t say no to the dogs. unless you want a golden, then i’m not raising that.” 
“why not? we already have yuuji.” 
“exactly, we already have yuuji.” 
“fine. i want a king sized bed. the really big, oversized ones you get in america.” 
“done. children?” 
“you want children?”
megumi shrugs, but you swear there’s a dust of pink on his cheeks, “maybe. maybe not. if i did, no more than two.” 
and suddenly you can’t help but feel heat in your own face, hot with the image of two tiny megumis running around. 
“that’s fine with me. maybe kids, but no more than two,” you cough, “i want one of those heated driveways for the house.”
“i’ll have it built. i’ll clean and do laundry and take out the trash if you cook.”
“what about days i don’t cook?”
“then i’ll do that, too,” megumi nods, “anything else?”
“yes. if i die first, you can remarry, but you visit my grave at least twice a year, and bring peonies. and that picture of me from prom where i look really good.” 
you stop. you blink. “what do you mean ‘no?’ you wouldn’t visit my grave?—kinda cruel considering i birthed your up-to-two future children and raised your dogs.” 
“i won’t remarry. and i don’t want you to if i die first,” he corrects you, again, “and there’s no dying first and leaving me behind, i’m going with you.”
he doesn’t leave room for debate in his declarations: won’t, don’t; not wouldn’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t—you have to pinch yourself to stop chasing the rabbit of temptation running through your mind. 
“i don’t… think you get to decide that,” you chuckle. 
“of course i do,” megumi grins, uncrosses his legs and leans over. he reaches a hand to the back of your head and pushes it forward until your foreheads meet gently; and as if the affection wasn’t shocking enough, he continues, “where you go, i go. that’s marriage, right?” 
he widens his smile a bit, before letting you go, leaning back into his seat again with crossed arms like nothing happened, and you’re left staring, blinking, breathing shallowly like prey that narrowly escaped being caught.
you don’t speak, so megumi does, “i have one more thing.” 
and slowly, you unthaw enough to let out a questioning hum. megumi tilts his head before telling you, “i want your last name.” 
“what? you—you would change your name?” you stutter, “but fushiguro is so pretty! and it’s your mom’s name, so few people get their mother’s names.” 
“yeah. this way, our up-to-two children get their mother’s names, too.” 
“i—okay… yeah, i guess they do,” you gape, then pout, “wait, what if i wanted to be mrs. fushiguro?” 
“tough luck,” he grins, “you get everything else.” 
you get me, instead, is what’s left unsaid. 
“okay, fine. sounds like a deal to me.” 
“great. we can’t have a spring wedding because gojo and toji will sneeze obnoxiously loudly, and we can’t have a summer wedding because the anniversary will conflict with our tropical vacation, and nobara will kill us if it’s too close to her birthday,” he says, standing up from the couch to head to the kitchen, “so i’ll see you at the courthouse in september.” 
you nod reflexively, sinking back into the couch with a satisfied smile. it’s a while before your brain processes his words, and when it finally does, you spring up in a fluster, “september? megumi, i said when when we’re thirty-five and if neither of us are already married! megumi? megumi fushiguro, come back here!” 
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lotus-pear · 9 months
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my bestie came over for a sleepover so we did some whiteboard skk doodles to compare styles (he's on the left i'm on the right if u guys couldnt tell)
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bingqiv · 4 months
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catboybiologist · 15 days
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Still catching tgirl tummy Tuesday on Pacific time!!!
Sorry this isn't more elaborate today, I've been working on a secret project today. Post to follow once it's done, but here's a preview (human foot for scale):
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Oooo spooky and scary and devious evil project
@lilithtransrights @xenasaur
@whalesharkcat @godless-of-the-hunt
@anarqueeen @shakukon-to @eruditegeek
@havingsecondthots @quinns-sinns
@puzzlecatt @sagasolejma
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