#im going denial -> bargaining -> depression
hershelwidget · 1 year
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I’m realizing that so many details are lost when in this format, so perhaps one day I’ll do individuals so you can see all their colours and such better! Choo Choo got especially hidden here and there’s this thing on his waist that’s SO GOOD that I’m VERY PROUD OF and Duck hides the whole thing so haha-
Late’s scene is the four of them at varying stages of grief over realizing they’re not going to be able to get home within one day. Red is trying to calculate how long it will take, Yellow is upset with Duck due to part of this being Duck’s fault, Duck himself is not hearing it, and Choo Choo is two seconds away from turning into a catapult as one of MANY “last resort” options that were discussed.
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gibbearish · 4 months
donate to palestinian gofundmes! remember your clicks! watch out for scam gofundmes! gofundme is refusing to release the funds to palestinian gofundmes! remember your clicks! theres a ceasefire! israel is breaking the ceasefire! palestinians directed to safezone! israel is bombing the safezone! theres a ceasefire! israel is breaking the ceasefire! donate to verified gofundmes! dont donate to gofundmes, donate to organizations who can use the money where it's needed most! remember your clicks! don't donate to orgs, theyre inefficient and individuals know how to use the funds better for themselves! here's a list of verified gofundmes! remember your clicks! israel accused of war crimes! remember your clicks! if we all work together we can stop this! eyes on the protests! eyes off the protests, theyre drawing attention away! eyes on the protests, the government is trying to shut it down! boycott eurovision, eyes on eurovision protests! eyes off eurovision, it's drawing attention away! never look away for even a second! remember your clicks! here's a graphic description of the torture theyre going through! pay attention, paying attention is how we stop this! remember your clicks! buy esims! think about the children dying horrifically right this second in real time! eyes on the next safezone, surely this time itll work and israel wont turn around and bomb it! remember your clicks!
compassion fatigue? how fucking selfish can you be? are you actually going to make this about you and how upset it makes you feel to think about? you should be thanking god it isnt happening to you. you know every country in the world hates yours and its only a matter of time before someone finds an excuse to start bombing you back, better pipe down! listen to the planes flying overhead and imagine they were raining death down on you, maybe thatll give you some perspective. remember your clicks!
#origibberish#this isnt at anyone in particular and i hope it doesnt come across as like. 'theres no use supporting palestine' or anything like that#its just. depressing. watching everyone go round and round arguing that no one is doing activism right and we just have#to do it harder and thatll magically end this#and then every time the 'right' thing to do turns out to be a scam or turns out to not matter or turns out to have something#else going on at the same time because the scale of this is something i think none of us can comprehend#i think the internet bringing these events closer to us has been helpful in terms of getting information to us but i feel like#it also has set up a kind of. parasocial relationship between us watching online and palestine#we feel personally responsible for saving them but realistically theres very little an individual can do but watch and talk about it#so when thats all you can do you channel All of that energy into doing it As Hard And As Perfect As Possible#which can be good but can just as easily turn into. yknow. well intentioned groups eating themselves alive over anything#perceived as not contributing hard enough#and when the thing your contributing is something as ephemeral as Looking and Talking. its very easy to find things#to read as failures to live up to your standards#idk im just. tired of watching ppl who want the same thing yell at each other because they want it the wrong way#i think part of it too is just. grieving#we're all grieving everything thats already happened to them and. like. denial‚ anger‚ and bargaining are the#first three stages of grief#we're all just lashing out at each other because theres no one in power we can actually reach
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lilacargent · 7 months
As im currently dealing with the loss of a loved one, this is my way of coping.
Grief is an interstellar concept. Almost every species in the galaxy has its own traditions and practices. Humans are no exception, like with most of their emotions their grief is all encompassing. Traditions vary from one culture to another, even people deal with it in different ways.
Kilare as part of a flocking species wonders about the human crewmates when one is lost in a battle. She knew the passed human Ellie very well. Turns out they grieve like a flock, huddled together weeping, almost giving into the urge to join she turns away, expecting this to last for a long time she leaves them be. When she checks next the little unit is drinking and laughing, she can hardly believe it, carefully stepping into the room “i am sorry, may i ask something?” The humans look up some still blotchy from crying, the human she knows as liz nods “you were all weeping just now, but you seem happy? Im confused…” fluffing her feathers Kilare backpedals “not to be insensitive, im just trying to understand your process.” Evan gets up and walks to her “that is okay, you knew Ellie well right? We are talking about her and how we miss her, laughing comes with the tears.” Motioning for the taller feathered woman to join the little group Moira makes eye contact and starts explaining “i know you are from a species that grieves as a group, if i remember correctly mostly weeping and spread ashes on the wind to join in every flight” impressed by the womans knowledge she nods Moira goes on “humans have many different traditions, but every one grieves their own way and time. Mostly in five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. No two people go through it the same or even through all of them. There is times we grieve as a collective, sometimes you need time and process as an individual. We are now reminiscing Ellie, but i already know im gonna have a cry later and ill never forget her.” Kamare could understand and respect that so she joined in. It soothed her soul.
It was years before she saw human grief again so up close.
When the Ri’ktil attacked they committed what humans called warcrimes without batting any of their eighteen eyes. The horror of the people quickly turned to fear. It was when they blew up a human colony Kimare saw the unified grief. Human governments trying to bargain with the Ri’ktil, families travelling to the floating remnants of the colony trying to find survivors, denying that what had happened killed everyone man, woman and child. A month passed and humanity had grown silent and passive, the Ri’ktal took this as victory and broad cast it to the rest of the species in the galactic counsel. A warning that they would stop at nothing and break them like they broke the humans. Kimare remembered her conversation all those years ago and realised that anger was still coming, she could almost seeing it brewing under the surface.
A month was what it took. A month for humans to start walking upright again. Not only humans on their planets but everyone, on every world and every ship seemed to have shared in the depression. So when the fog cleared the whispering began, then came the talking, when it turned to yelling the Ri’ktil took notice. It was too late for them though. Because humanity started screaming, unified rage became a spearhead of humans all over the galaxy, noone even considered not helping. The tsunami of humans that could not wait to tear their enemy apart surprised them, no matter their way too many eyes, this they did not see coming.
The counsel joined the humans in their fight, and quick as the Ri’ktil had invaded were they beat back aswell. The defeat of their enemies did not dismiss their grief. But instead of on a specie scale individuals began their own process. Four years later Kimare noticed a change, they had made a monument out of the destroyed colony, it seemed to signify an end point. Humans went there to process and make peace, they had accepted what had happened moved past it. But never forgotten.
Humans didn’t forget when they grieved, they remember and accept.
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ohgodimafraud · 7 months
ur fave getting a cold and going thru the stages of grief and their loved ones observing
denial (no im not sick the sun was in my eyes or it's dusty in here and my throat is dry bc im dehydrated)
anger (i said im FINDE)
bargaining (if i can go two midutes without sdeezi'gg will you let it go)
depression (=I )
acceptance (...tea would be nice actually)
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mayxo-hxh · 5 months
As autistic coded as Illumi is, he is also EXTREMELY Bpd coded. Here's a thread abt why that would be, from a person with bpd. 🧵
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Everything about his character screams a person that feels so so much but forcefully tones his feelings down so hard to the point where they seem nonexistent.
On the exterior he seems like he couldn't care less about most things and is a very calm and controlled person. However, his emotions shine the brightest when the topic of interest is a person he cares about.
This is ESPECIALLY shown in the election arc where he reveals much of his emotions to the audience. He gets two whole bloodlust scenes this arc.
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One with extreme anger
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and one with extreme joy.
When Hisoka provoked him, it took absolutely zero transition for him to immediately spike his bloodlust and aura to GREAT amounts to the point of engulfing the entire MOUNTAIN and reaching Killua from SO far away.
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And in the same exact second it happened, it ended just as quickly the moment he noticed Killua running away. That is a CLASSIC negative mood swing example if I've ever seen one. One extreme emotion in one second, gone in the other.
On the other hand, his second bloodlust had a small transition, one that still did not give you the expectation of what truly came after.
He is seen watching Killua on his phone and the moment Nanika healed gon, showing Killua can use her on command with no consequences and also showing her immense power, he was absolutely overjoyed. So much in fact that he exploded in maniac laughter and aura a second after merely giving it a small laugh.
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We get a hint at his bloodlust incoming in that moment, but NEVER predict just how MUCH would actually come out. Classic euphoric mood swing number two.
When he encountera Killua with Hisoka in the background at the end, he is pretty much shown going through the five stages of grief in mere minutes the moment his own butlers turn on him and allow Nanika to come out.
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denial, anger, depression...
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and finally, acceptance. acceptance that he was going to be traded by killua not only for a friend, but for the rest of the family's lives.
He was so very clearly unhappy about it at the beginning, yet came to acceptance in mere seconds the moment nanika came out. He bargained with himself, Killua shouldnt be able to wish twice, then accepted. even if he could, thats okay. go ahead, kill me!
and then theres also the way he just switches from a very :DDD to >:| mood in like one panel short hello he is so coded
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Even more; Usually bpd is either caused through trauma or inherited. and you can definitely argue that illumi went through enough "training" for the former but. is his behavior not. familiar to yall. not at all???? im just saying......... I know someone else in the zoldyck family that has intense mood swings!
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if there is one person in the family that shows their unfiltered emotions and switches from being calm to screaming in distress in a single second, its going to be this woman. she gave birth to a son thats a literal copy of her. she ctrl c'd and ctrl v'd.
and i dont exactly know what this next one has to do with the thread but why was bro normal for one second then turned into this i mean im not complaining hes still hot and ill claim him as my bpd son regardless
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anyways yes this was the thread have fun with this interpretation slash analysis however u like 👍
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newkatzkafe2023 · 9 months
Okay, but have you thought about what would happen if there was a Wukong who lost his partner? Going crazy.
So, somehow, he travels to other universes looking to stay with the partner of the alternate versions of him.
Can you imagine the chaos that means?
How do you think each Wukong reacts?
Would they try to talk?
or do they fight to the death?
OK that is an Amazing Question
Well each would be like the 5 stages of grief Except nobody will ever get to acceptance
Like Lmk sun wukong and And the Nezha reborn sun wukong would be the denial stage which is Going to cost them both their sanity.😵😵‍💫
The Anger is gonna be from Monkey king reborn because He'll want vengeance and the blood Of the person or demon who even thinks about hurting you.😠😡🤬😈
Bargaining would be the hero is back sun wukong because he would try to find a way to get you back even if it Gonna cost him his life or someone else's😢
And depression is gonna be poor Monkey king netflix Sun wukong because the sweet baby would not understand why the world continues to be so cruel as to take you the only person Who's ever showed him kindness and love away from him😭
If they were to find you again in a different universe they, of course would have a mental breakdown of relief and disbelief because they found you alive and well when they clearly have the traumatizing memory of your demise. And because you're so empathetic to them, You decide to have them all Because your don't have the heart to take one and turn the rest away when they're all clearly in tears.
And Finally I have a feeling that if it wasn't for their immortality they would Have done something very drastic by now if you know what im Implying😨😰😰😰🔪🔪🔪☠️☠️☠️
Also, I'm gonna get this out of the way the fight to the death thing is completely pointless. They're all equally overpowered😒😮‍💨😑
Just billions of dollars worth of property damage💰🐒
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Midnight Rain Ch. 3
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Rich Mans World Series | Man After Midnight Series | Chapter 2 | Donations | Thoughts & Feelings
“It’s nice to meet you Steve,” you shook his hand before furrowing your brows. “Steve Rogers….I know that name….did you grow up around here?” you asked before smiling. “Im Y/N Y/L/N ...oh well Y/N Evans now…um, well….” you held a confused face before smiling. “It's complicated…” he grinned and nodded. “I did, I know your father, we actually grew up together, well kinda, I mean when we were younger we played together.” he smiled. You laughed a little, “Yeah, that's right you were scrawny,” he chuckled and nodded, a tint of red covering his cheeks, “sounds like I made an impression on you then.” You smiled and nodded, “You were pretty nice, how's life been treating you?” you asked as he shrugged, “alright, I uh, broke up with my girlfriend about a year ago, moved back here to start over in a more comfortable setting.” you nodded as he reached into his pocket. “You should call me sometime, we could go get coffee together, catch up,” he handed you a card. 
You gently took it, before you could even realize what you were doing or saying you nodded, “Yeah, that sounds great actually.” you smiled softly as he grinned. “Great! Hey, I gotta head out but I’ll talk to you soon yeah?” you nodded “yeah, it was great seeing you,” you smiled as he leant down and pecked your cheek before winking at you and walking away. You watched him go, staring over every inch of him. “What the fuck was that?” Brooke asked, causing you to jump and look at her. “Brooke, Jesus you scared me…” you said, taking a breath before she started in. “So this morning, you’re cuddled up in bed with your husband and now this afternoon you’re getting kissed by men in a store?!” You glared at her. “I grew up with Steve, he’s an old friend.” you walked up tossing your basket into her cart, “and lets not forget what my “husband” did to me. Had he not been out screwing anything with two legs and a pussy, maybe my baby wouldn’t have died because my husband would have been there to protect me and her.” you glared at Brooke, something in you this morning had just...clicked back in place. Maybe it was Chris, maybe it was seeing him treating you so delicately, you didn’t know, but that mourning and grieving stage was over, you’d officially moved on to the anger stage of your grief. 
See, that’s the thing about grief…there's 5 stages to it. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Everyone plays it off as if these 5 stages happen to you in some certain order. Like “oh! I’ve moved on from depression! Now I'm in acceptance.” But for you, that wasn’t the case. Your first stage was acceptance. When you woke up in the hospital you accepted what had happened to you and your baby. You knew it was some evil son of a bitch who was probably after Chris and wanted to hurt him. Your first stop would be the Irish, seeing how they wanted to ensure Chris felt some kind of pain for how Tristan was done. Your second stage was depression, you remained depressed for months and even now, you knew you were officially in the anger stage. 
You turned, walking away from her and heading out of the store toward the car, Brooke watched after you, concern filling her features. What was going on with you? This sudden change in you had her nervous, were you diving off the official deep end? 
You stood out by the car, pulling your phone out and dialing the number off Steve's card, “Hey! It’s Y/N, I was going to see if you wanted to get coffee tomorrow? If so, just either text or call me and we can set up a time.” you smiled and ended the call leaving him a voicemail. You looked around, watching people walk around the parking lot, coming and going to the store, you sighed. All you had wanted was a normal, simple life. You knew being with a mobster would never, ever, be a normal life, but you had hoped with Chris everything would be different. 
Brooke came out a few minutes later and began to load the bags into the car. You held your hand out after helping her. She looked at you, raising an eyebrow. “What?” She asked with a slight attitude. “Keys.” you said, staring at her. “What? No, this is my car!” she looked shocked you’d even asked. You however, raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, whose car is this?” you asked, narrowing your eyes. Brooke cleared her throat, “Sorry it's technically your car, but I’ve been driving it for so long now it just feels like my car, but I think you shouldn’t drive yet.” she said as you shook your head. “Sorry Brooke, I’m back, now give me my keys so we can get our asses back to work.” she stared at you nervously as she handed you the keys. 
Chris sat at the kitchen island, drinking a cup of coffee and wondering what switched in you, suddenly you were ready to get up and go to the store? Bucky had explained that since you’d come back to their apartment you hadn’t done anything regarding leaving the house. He wondered if you were feeling more like yourself since the two of you had reconnected on some level. He smiled softly, hoping to hear from you today. Maybe he’d invite you out for dinner one night this week. He’d have to see when he had a free night, he had several new clubs opening and needed to make an appearance at them. 
Chris was beginning to have some hope that, maybe one day you’d be back in his arms, living here at home with him again. You’d be allowed to properly mourn the loss of your child and he’d be there to comfort you, while also mourning himself. He didn’t understand who would have done such a horrid thing. He called Anthony and Sebastian, telling them he wanted to meet with them whenever they were free that day. He began planning a security detail to watch over you. He then wanted to start looking into each and every person that had come into contact with the two of you since you’d married him.
Chris smiled to himself, so maybe you didn’t want to get divorced after all, maybe now you two would be a family again. He would find who had hurt you, who had hurt your baby, his sweet little girl, and he would make them pay. He would remind the world of who he was, what he was capable of. He would burn the entire world to the ground if that meant you would come back to him. All he wanted was for you to come back home.
You drove around, taking calls, making stops. Brooke was texting Sebastian, telling him every move you were making. “That’s fine, I can work with that. Tell him I want to meet face to face. I dont give a shit if he’s busy! I’m trying to find out who murdered my child!” you yelled. “Now text me with the god damn details or your head is next on my fucking platter!” you hung up the phone throwing it in the backseat with anger. “Maybe we should head home now Y/N, Sebastian wants to start on dinner and plus, it was a big day! You got back to your old self, maybe a nice hot bubble bath and a glass of wine? Sounds pretty good huh? And, we can even get into work mode for tomorrow.” Brooke said as you huffed. “Relax Brooke, I’m not crazy, I’ve just realized it's time to get back to work and get this shit figured out.” you said, glancing at her. Your phone buzzed in the back seat as you headed back toward Brooke and Sebastian's place. 
Steve had texted you, telling you he was absolutely free to meet for coffee, and he wanted to meet up with you at 11am, which worked out perfect for you because you could get your life back on track. You stood in your bedroom staring at the sight before you. You began packing up boxes, labeling them as donations or keep before moving down the hallway to the door that hadn’t been opened in months. 
You opened the door, revealing the stuffy and slightly dusty light pink nursery; boxes sat unmade against the wall with packing tape and bubble wrap sitting in front of them. You looked at the dresser, the small pink urn sat in the middle. You purse your lips looking around before taking a deep breath and stepping inside, closing the door gently behind you. It was time you started healing, and this was the first step.
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jinprint · 1 month
im honestly so pissed that they cancelled the acolyte. im so heartbroken as well. idk what to do. its been 24 hrs of me being in my feelings
so true the past two days have consisted of me flipflopping between the first four stages of grief.
denial (maybe it's just a rumor and a WRONG one! ...no, it's definitely not. but what if it was! no. it's probably not. but it would be so great if it was. agh fucking hell.)
anger (i must go to war. i find myself developing a deep hatred for star wars purists. i need the bitter racist shitty parts of this fandom to burn.)
bargaining (discussing the absurdity and brainlessness of this decision w/ others as though we are at all capable of changing anything about it)
depression (the cast did not deserve this; nor did i. i must wallow in this misery. i must watch this edit of oshamir 482 times and think about what could have been.)
still waiting on getting to the last stage but it's pretty difficult when one must jump from 4 to 1 to 3 to 2 to 1 to 3 again and 5 is... nowhere in sight.
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falling-star-cygnus · 6 months
i just binged inside job in two days and i am having feelings™️  -> the execution of this show's main gang is so beautifully done, im like- constantly impressed
because they're all misfits
-> Gigi, Brett, Myc, Andre, Glenn, and Reagan were all pretty much socially isolated until they came to the deep state {even though glenn and gigi's backstories are still pretty much up in the air sans a few glimpses}
but that's why their group works so well, that's why they can intrinsically understand each other without even fully realizing it
i'm realizing they all sort of represent the five stages of grief too; of learning to let go and finally healing in the comfort of their own little fucked up found family
Brett is denial -> He's constantly chasing after any form of affection people will give him, telling himself that it's genuine and that- no, these people don't dislike him! this is just friendly banter! he just needs to prove himself a little more, push just a little farther and then Brett will for sure be worth their approval!
Glenn is anger -> With the limited knowledge we have of Glenn, no finite backstory outside his wife and veteran status, it's pretty easy to realize that he has a lot of anger towards... everything. He's mad about his face, about his divorce and he constantly lashes out about it
Andre is bargaining -> What's beautiful about Andre's writing is the almost intrusive depiction of what he's like sober and why he can't kick the addiction. He's such a terrified and self-conscious person that he'll do or trade anything for the crutch that finally gives him peace of mind.
Reagan is depression -> Like Brett, Reagan is constantly trying to prove herself. However, unlike her best friend, her desire to do so doesn't manifest as optimistic denial. She's strung out and exhausted but she can't stop because what is she without her work? And she can't be bothered to take care of herself because she doesn't see the point in it
Gigi and Myc are acceptance, albeit because -> 1. We see Gigi turning down her literal dream job twice because she realizes that Cognito is her family, and that she doesn't have to fight to prove herself to them -> 2. The entirety of the hivemind episode was Myc just- finally vocalizing that, yeah he's a jerk, but he's the gang's jerk and he's always going to have a place among these people
man, if only this show could get a third season TToTT
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coeluvr · 10 months
Honestly cannot fucking wait for heliosmancer mc to go through all the stages of grief when they realize they have fallen for Helios.
Denial - "I'm just doing this for revenge, nothing else."
Anger - "How dare he make me feel like this! He's the son of my enemy, I hate him!"
Bargaining - "It's just until I earn his trust. Then I can ruin him and his bastard father and wipe my hands clean of this."
Depression - "It's pointless anyways. He acts nice but he probably hates me. Or worse pities me. And even if he didn't his father would never allow it. This plan was foolish to begin with. I'm just going to end up hurt again."
Acceptance - "Fuck it. At least Loseris is gonna be pissed that im dating his son."
MC with that mindset is in for a ride because who knows how this guy feels, he probably doesn't know either!
Poor MC "doing it for revenge" then ending up falling for the enemy's child who just happens to be the thing the enemy holds dear and now they do too. 🤭🤭🤭🤭
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Denial - I'm not trans
Bargaining - I'm pretty sure I'm not trans
Depression - no, this can't be
Acceptance - IM TRANS
if this is going the way you’re implying, i am probably at depression
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intriq · 9 months
batfam grief fic that i've been working on for far too long! is finally here! im back with the angst bois. i'd also like to apologize if this is insanely inaccurate/ooc of them bc lol its me
characters: Bruce, Dick, some of Tim
dividers thanks to cafe kitsune as always
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There are five stages of grief. Bruce knows this. He’s dealt with them before.
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Acceptance isn’t a stage Bruce has really gotten to yet. He doesn’t think so, at least. Not sure he ever will. He’s faced the anger and depression before, when his parents died. How he’d taken his anger out on the criminal underbelly of Gotham, using his anger to cleanse her streets of crime. Then spend hours in front of his parents grave, unable to think nor speak.
Now he has another grave to sit in front of, too. Jason’s grave. His second Robin, the one who he wants to make the last. He doesn’t want to doom another boy to death, not when he’d failed Jason.
Some days, Bruce can’t help but wander Crime Alley. Like he was hoping that someway, somehow, he’d run into that scrawny kid Jason had been back then. He’d give anything to see him trying to steal a tire off the Batmobile again. Anything. Hell, he wouldn’t even mind being hit with the tire-iron again.
He also sometimes wonder if Dick blames him just as much as he blames himself. If only he’d been a little faster. If only he could have been quicker, then he could’ve saved him. Saved his son.
Sometimes, when he closes his eyes, he can still see the explosion before him. The bright glowing hues, vibrant enough to leave specks of color behind his eyes for days to come. The sudden wash of heat, the ringing in his ears. Some days he can still hear and see the explosion that took his son from him, left him as a failure of a father and mentor.
He makes himself remember his failure by putting up a memorial of Jason in the Batcave. Curse him if he ever dared to forget his greatest failure; the failure to save his son.
The failure of not being able to protect him.
Dick could never blame Bruce. Bruce hadn’t been the one to set that bomb. Bruce hadn’t been the one to beat Jason senseless. But that didn’t mean he had the courage to go over and visit.
Not when Jason’s memorial, even his own grave would be there to taunt him. To give him a bitter reminder that his little wing was gone. He wishes he’d visited Gotham more often before Jason died, spent a little more time there. His way of grieving Jason’s death is quiet, with his emotions doing all the talking behind the doors of his apartment.
Dick is broken by the loss, but he is nowhere near as shattered as Bruce. Dick is used to working alone now. Bruce has to grow used to the quiet. How he can’t turn to ask his Robin a question to keep him on his toes and alert.
He also has to see how Alfred sometimes forgets to not set out an extra plate where Jason would sit to eat. Pot roast doesn’t taste quite as good as it used to; no matter how good of a cook Alfred is. It just makes him nauseated by the smell of it; and now it had been Jason’s favorite.
Criminals whisper and talk about how Joker seems to have broken Batman, with the way he wanders. The Gotham Gazette talks about how distanced and quiet billionaire Bruce Wayne seems. Citing testimonies from Wayne Enterprises employees of how he seems to look out the windows if his office; as if he were in a different place. In a trance.
Of course, Bruce doesn’t try to let this impact his work. He works more than he used to. Makes a record of locking up criminals and going through dizzying stacks of documents in mere hours.
Bruce busies himself. Drowns himself in work he knows that can be easily delegated to Lucius. Works himself until he’s dead tired, unable to keep his eyes open a moment longer. Even with the aide of caffeine, he still manages to fall asleep. Most nights his efforts are fruitful, and he doesn’t dream. That’s what he wants, to dream of nothing but a void. But that’s only most nights.
Other nights, Bruce dreams. He dreams vivid memories of that night. It’s an endless loop, though. Each time he thinks he gets close enough to save Jason, the warehouse explodes before him and he’s right back to where he started. Running, failing. Running and failing. Running, failing, repeat.
Over and over again. It’s the same ending each time; plays out the same each time. All until he finally wakes up and is freed by the waking world from the relentless cycle.
Bruce once dreamt that he succeeded; saved his son in time. Cradled his son’s broken body in his arms and told him he was sorry, holding him as gentle as he can so he doesn’t hurt him further. That time he’d even told his son, in that dream, that it’s okay to fail sometimes. He didn’t have to be the perfect Robin. That he didn’t need to be as great of a Robin as Dick was. That he was good enough in his own right, in his own way. Even apologizing for never saying it when he should’ve, promising to say it more often.
And then he woke up.
He woke up and remembered that he hadn’t saved his son. That he didn’t get to him in time. He’d been too late, just like his apologies were coming far too late.
When Tim first comes into the picture, taking the mantle as Robin via means of blackmail, he wasn’t expecting the void it had left for him to fill. Bruce always seemed careful around him, sometimes nearly calling him by a name that wasn’t his. Jason. It happened quite a bit the first few weeks, and Alfred had almost mistakenly had him sit where Jason used to.
Tim does his best to learn about Jason. Trying to find scraps of information throughout the manor, trying to piece together what he needed to figure out just how big the void he was filling was. And it’s hard to find much of anything, besides pictures. But he did learn more from the library, which had been neglected since his death. Alfred came in to clean it, of course. But it otherwise was devoid of people.
Tim learned about Jason through the books he’d read, reading his annotations. Noting how some books seemed more loved than the others. And what he deduced was simple.
He could be Robin, but he could never be the same Robin neither Dick or Jason were. He could never completely fill the shattered void left by Jason’s violent death. And he hoped he never would.
Sometimes Tim can’t help but feel like he doesn’t belong. The way the memorial for Jason stands in the Batcave, almost like a hovering promise to tell Tim that he had no right to be here. What good had he done, forcing a man to take him on in the same role his dead son once held? What right did Tim have to sit in the mantle of Robin? What audacity?
Perhaps even now, Tim will wonder what right he had. What right to demand to be Bruce’s next Robin. Because he’ll never know, truly. He may think of himself as better than Jason, but is he truly?
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tags: @brucewaynesspouse @fallingwaynes @mysticalemmi @slutforjasontodd @sylvemooniet @ceyla016 [<---hi there!]
i feel like im forgetting some people to tag lmao
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dreamybasil · 2 months
Can you tell me the plot of the game of Omori?
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lplot... omor.....
[huge HHUUUUGGGEEEEE essay below the "keep reading"] (i'll try keeping it short..........not) (i cant help myself)
Basically it starts off with WHITE SPACE, a blank world where a boy OMORI lives!! You have MEWO, a tissue box, a laptop and a sketchbook in there!! and wont forget the black bulb :D
There's also a door, that leads you into NEIGHBOURS ROOM where all your friends are! Not really all of them, but the ones that will follow right with you! Aubrey, Kel and Hero!!!
Aubrey is a really cheery girl who's pretty much inlove with Omori
Kel is an energetic baller who's athletic and silly and stupid /aff
Hero is Kel's older brother! Also the one who stops all the fights between Kel and Aubrey, because those two fight a LOT
When you get outside the room, you can go to the forest playground where you see a lot more of your friends, and especially MARI on her picnic blanket! Mari is Omori's older sister!!
She's loving and perfect, a pianist who takes care of the whole group and is like the glue that keeps them all together.
And lets not forget BASIL!!!! He's Omori's best friend!
He's really shy and caring but cherishes all his friends <3
There's a ton more places to go to in headspace, where you can all explore!! And each one in the order of the game...
Vast Forest, Train station (with additional bonus Orange Oasis and Rain Town), Otherworld, Junkyard, Pyrefly forest, Lost forest, Sprout mole village, Sweetheart's castle, Deep well, Last resort, Deeper well, Humphrey...
But the game also has psychological horror genre in it, and that concludes into even more places
specifically: BLACK SPACE. A total opposite to WHITE SPACE, and there's a bunch of doors, each one leading to one nightmare and a mess of a world.
But without a conclusion, all of those are just dreams, made by a teenage boy named SUNNY!
If taking plot by using the SUNNY ROUTE.... He can come out outside after KEL knocks on his door, and explore the outside!
A small city with just 15 houses and a church!
Faraway Town, Faraway Park, Faraway Plaza and a supermarket mall-like building OTHERMART, that also connects with HOBBEEZ, GINO's and FIX-IT!!
gah im yapping so much and getting into tons of little details..
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If a little shorter, through the story you acknowledge that Mari is actually dead, and Basil helped Sunny with the murder, in a way.
There was an argument between Sunny and Mari, since they had a recital to attend at autumn and Sunny threw his violin down the stairs in their house, and Mari started yelling at him, and out of pure rage Sunny pushes Mari down, causing her death.
Sunny tried bringing her body upstairs and put her into her bed, thinking she just needed a rest, but then realizing she's dead.
Basil saw it all, and he tried to help out Sunny, by carrying her body into the yard and framing her death as if she hanged herself with a jumprope, but once they tried to go back inside, Sunny looked back at her and saw something horrifying, which traumatized him for the whole time until he finally came back outside to see his friends, who changed a lot, because it was 4 years since the accident happened
each one of them also show one stage of grief
kel shows acceptance, basil shows bargaining if i remember right aubrey - anger hero - depression and sunny is denial
in the end, taking the good "true" ending, Basil and Sunny had a fight during a sleepover at Basil's house, ending in both of them being in a hospital due to severe injuries and Basil stabbing Sunny's right eye out
and at the hospital, after Sunny wakes up and beats OMORI in a fight, he goes into Basil's room where everyone else were, and tells them the truth.
Once the truth is out, their immense guilt is not following them anymore, both of their SOMETHINGS (hallucinations, in a way) disappear!!
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mangk0 · 1 year
remembering faye - depression (SELF EXPLANATORY)
letting go - acceptance (LETTING ATREUS GO. LETTING FAYE GO.)
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zeleneagle · 9 months
95 theses (meowers version), grief, Pt2
As promised, here is some continuation on the previous post which you can find here.
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Upon rereading the previous conversations and actually being awake longer than 30 minutes I'll redo my previous assignments a bit.
Denial: Alcina, we see this best in how she handles cult related matters I think. She knows her daughters have been cursed yet denies the problem and does nothing. She most likely knows what she's doing isn't right yet she denies this to even herself and just keeps going. And in her bad end, when MC rejects her, she denies this too, and turns her into a statue so that she'll be with her forever anyway.
Anger: Cassandra, I think anger shines through most in her cult ending, the way cassandra deals with grief at first is to simply pull back completely. She hides away in the manor for weeks until her mother presents an opportunity to wipe away what happened and get a clean slate. It doesn't feel like she actually processes the grief and strikes out in anger. Killing the person she loves to wipe it all away.
Bargaining: Donna, I think we can see this best in how she deals with Angie dying. Instead of moving on she bargains with Miranda, she won't accept death and so turns her own niece into a doll. Also as a followup from @h-doodles: She knows that her relationship with mc in any route is a bargain. good end donna is possessive bc she know miranda lets her have mc in her clutches, and she knows the price of her actions on the next game. neutral end & cult end donna (from what i gleaned i STILL cannot be mean to her im so sorry) is that she is stuck between angie and mc. she is never free from being able to choose between them and that is why donna is bargaining. she will always have something to lose and she is stuck in that stage!!!!!!
Depression: Bela, her curse reminds me the most of depression, emotions numbed, going through the motions, still trying to feel despite all of it and frustrated with yourself for being trapped like this.
Acceptance: Angie, this little ball of sunshine feels like the very embodiment of acceptance. From the way she makes friends to accepting the flaws in people, the way she deals with grief, as we can see with Claudia, also seems to be one of the most well developed. While she still grieves her, she's also accepted that it's happened and moved on with her life.
Hope: Daniela, while I initially assigned Dani to Anger in my rambles I think she represents hope pretty well. Even after losing the relationships she has again and again she doesn't give up, she keeps hoping that eventually she'll find someone she can be with. I don't think Dani would be the same without that hope.
In conclusion
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You can find the next post here and the previous one here
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wazzuuuuup. welcome back to the griffith's tumblr page. (unless you are new here, then welcome for the first time!) i have a few updates here with me, but first...
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that's right, people, kel's birthday (from OMORI) is today! on this day! at THIS TIME!! he's one of the BEST characters of all time and his birthday is RIGHT NOW. (can you believe it?!?!!?!)
anyways, enough rambling. let's get to the part that everyone cares about (except for the certain few that like kel)
overall info first:
im changing the order in which things will be finished. it'll go as follows now; #1- design all main characters. #2- plot the first half of the story. #3- make the ost of the first half and new/side characters' designs. #4- plot second half. #5- same thing as step #3 but for the second half. #6- create the game.
second of all, the main characters (minus griffith) are based off the five stages of grief. you know, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. so far, i have denial and bargaining designed. anger felt like an oddly hard one to design, so i took a break on it. i will definitely go back to it soon though.
new stuff created recently:
alrighty, i've got two characters to share! starting with "denial"...
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well, "Archur Willow", that is. he's based off of denial, so he's obviously gotta be a denialist. he denies that anything is bad in the world to protect himself, he says he's happy despite feeling like he's constantly in mental torment, and he denies constantly that he's feeling bad, no matter what. he's also quite paranoid on top of all that.
(a side note (or a side doodle. whatever you wanna say.))
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alright, the next one (bargaining) might not be what you're expecting, but...
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welcome Mickey Green to the roster! he's bargaining, which you would think would be begging for something to be given/given back with something else, but that's not what's going on here. this is the shop kind of bargaining. i chose to make him the traditional items merchant of the game. he's cocky, he gets into fights, and he will definitely beg you to buy his crap. (and yes, he does look like guy fieri, and yes, his design was based off of guy fieri. so what?)
as i said, i'm holding off on anger because it just felt too hard for the moment.
other crap i've made i felt like sharing:
today, while trying to decide on designs for characters, i decided to doodle some cats while thinking. this is how it turned out.
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and, looking at this, i thought "hey... you know what'd be funny?"
then this thing was birthed.
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so, uh... tell me in the comments how you're feeling today if you'd like!
well, as far as i know, that's all! i'll get the main roster of characters out soon, and i'll be able to get to typing up that plot in no time! i'll see you soon again, hopefully. peace.
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