#im hereby naming this the
auroura101 · 2 years
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Just let it happen
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fowle-beaste · 6 months
Anyone who had East Coast Earthquake on your 2024 bingo, please mark accordingly
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welldrawnfish · 11 months
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First official Art for Succubus Contract! Welcome to Bastion! The last city of Magic. Here we honor the mages who were so viciously slaughtered by the invading demon army by preserving any and all magic we can find. Succubus Contract will premier on Webtoons on December 1st. This Hereby cements the city, aesthetic and look so therefor i have to stop stressin' about it! ITS OFFICIAL
.. tho im not crazy about the line thickness of the bg lmao What is Succubus Contract? - Succubus contract is a gender bend story of a succubus named Oliver who does not believe in love, afterall its just synapses and chemical reactions telling people how to act right?. Oliver must perform and personally play a hand in these acts of love now in order to turn back, And not sexual or just romantic. Any love will do Oli! Love of Family, Love of career, and Love of community to name a few. For now you can follow #succubuscontract or #succubus contract for news. Also you can theorize or talk in the comments all you want about the story and what you think its about, i really enjoy reading them!
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kruinka · 1 year
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i hereby name this piece "kruinka gave up on rendering and is drowning in deadlines and college apps"
im gonna be dead for a few more weeks lol💀
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strictpunishedhubby · 6 months
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Auf Veranlassung meiner Frau habe ich hier mein Bild mit meinem nackten versohlten Po für Dich zu präsentieren. Ich musste dazu mein rosa Mädchennachthemd hochheben und mein bunten Mädchenschlüpfer herunterziehen. Du sollst die Folgen sehen, die wegen meiner flegelhaften verbalen mir nichtzustehende Bemerkungen widerfahren sind. Sie hat mich ihrer Auffassung nach aus gutem Grund, nämlich wegen abfälliger, unpassender Kritik an einer ihrer Freundinnen bestraft. Mir stehe es nicht zu, respektlos überhaupt über eine Frau, insbesondere über eine ihrer Freundinnen zu sprechen, es war einfach ungezogen von mir. Ich sei nur ihr frecher Rotzlöffel, der von ihr deshalb mehrmals die Woche seinen nackten Po versohlt bekomme, um mir Gefügigkeit, Unterordnung und gute Umgangsformen beizubringen. Sie werde zukünftig noch besser darauf achten, dass ich mich jederzeit Frauen gegenüber höflich und ehrfürchtig und untertänig verhalte, damit sie um einen guterzogenen und höflichen Ehemann beneidet wird.
Ich entschuldige mich hiermit bei meiner und allen Frauen, mich in so unflätiger und unangemessener Art und Weise geäußert zu haben, bitte auch diese um Vergebung! Meine Bestrafung war angemessen, hätte sogar noch strenger ausfallen müssen! Ich bin meiner Frau zu tiefstem Dank verpflichtet, mich so wohlwollend und nicht noch härter bestraft zu haben.
Für Männer ist meine Beichte eine Ermahnung, sich jederzeit Frauen gegenüber respektvoll und demütig zu verhalten. Keine negativen Meinungen über sie zu kundzutun, es steht ihnen nicht zu!
Frauen soll dieser Erziehungsbericht dazu anregen ihre Männer in der gleichen Art und Weise zu erziehen und zu bestrafen. Wenn sie hier das bestätigen, fördern sie den gesellschaftlichen Konsens das Recht der Frauen ungehorsame, respektlose Männer zu züchtigen.
Für einige Betrachter ist dieses Bild meines versohlten, nackten Po nur Unterhaltung. Wahrscheinlich spotten und lachen sie über mich, und begrüßen es, wie meinen nackter Hintern von meiner strengen Frau wie so oft bearbeitet wurde. Für mich ist es die Erziehung, die ich nach Ansicht meiner Frau verdient habe, die ständig angebracht ist und konsequent durchgeführt werden muss. Sie freut sich deshalb über jede unterstützende Reaktion, die von Dir und anderen abgegeben werden, wie likes, Kommentare und jeden Reblogs, um mich so zusätzlich durch die hier dargebotene Präsentation ihrer durchgeführten Strafen in diesem Sinn zu formen, indem ich meine Schuld öffentlich kundtue. Im Interesse aller Frauen dankt sie Dir dafür!
Es lebe das Matriarchat!
At the request of my wife, I have to present my picture with my naked, spanked bottom for you here. To do this I had to lift up my pink girls' nightgown and my colorful girls' panties. You should see the consequences that have happened because of my boorish verbal comments that were unbecoming of me. In her opinion, she punished me for a good reason, namely because of derogatory, inappropriate criticism of one of her friends. It's not my place to speak disrespectfully at all about a woman, especially one of her friends, it was just naughty of me. I'm just her cheeky snotlout who gets his bare bottom spanked by her several times a week in order to teach me subordination, submissiveness and good manners. In the future, she will pay even more attention to ensuring that I behave politely and respectfully and submissively, towards women at all times, so that she will be the envy of having a well-bred and polite husband.
I hereby apologize to my wife and all women for having expressed myself in such a rude and inappropriate manner, and ask them for forgiveness too! My punishment was appropriate and should have been even more severe. I am deeply indebted to my wife for punishing me so benevolently and not even harsher.
For men, my confession is an admonition to behave respectfully and humbly towards women at all times. Also don't express negative opinions about them, they have no right to do that!
This educational report is intended to encourage women to educate and punish their husbands in the same way. If they confirm this here, they are promoting the social consensus of women's right to chastise disobedient, disrespectful men. 
For some viewers, this picture of my spanked, naked bottom is just entertainment. They probably mock and laugh at me, and appreciate how my bare bottom was being worked on by my strict wife, as she so often does. For me, it is the upbringing that my wife believes I deserve, which is constantly appropriate and must be carried out consistently. She is therefore happy about every supportive reaction given by you and others, such as likes, comments and every reblog, in order to further shape me in this sense through the presentation of the punishments I have carried out here, by publicly announcing my guilt. In the interest of all women, she thanks you for that!
  Long live matriarchy!
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erythriina · 5 months
i hereby ask u about your fic. tell me about cannibalism and its implications with these sad old men
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Y’all are too nice to me 😭🥰🥰🥹
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The basic conceit is that Irving survives Hickey’s attempt on his life, and during Tuunbaq attaq at the failed trial, he and Tozer end up witnessing Collins’ death together. I was thinking of doing this for the Big Bang coming up, but I’ve decided I can’t make myself write this much on a deadline lol, this is just for fun
This gives Irving a chance to actually react to his entire worldview being shaken by experiencing this moment of true human kindness followed by an attempted murder — and crucially, now the most religious character gets to see a man’s soul sucked out of his body, yipee!
I’m very intrigued by Irving/Tozer because Tozer strikes me as a character with a whole lot of guilt, and Irving, as someone who is having to rebuild his understanding of the world through the lens of his faith, is in the perfect position to give Tozer the forgiveness he needs. I’m also fascinated by how easily Tozer is led when he is really and truly scared, and I think putting Irving there instead of Hickey—especially if Irving is the only other person who saw what he saw—makes some really interesting emotional ties. On the other side of the coin, Tozer is in a position to have a really profound effect on Irving while he grapples with everything that he’s seen and experienced.
Also post the events of the fic they adopt a puppy named Penguin, because it’s MY fic and IM driving (see below the cut😭💖)
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All I have are snippets but I love them so much
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frootloopscos · 5 months
4) Avoid Responsibility
Tag list: @naompspsps @bagofburntcreampuffs @lemon-koii @bluerosegardens @lost-woods-rabbit @friskybee @amebaby @transriddlerosehearts
Want to be added to the Taglist?
Chapter 4) This Son of a Boltund
"As punishment for today's infractions, Yuu, Ace, and Grim are all hereby ordered to wash a hundred windows!" Crowley declared with a glare, "you will all meet in the cafeteria after your classes. Are we clear?" "Yes sir."
NOW. . .
Yuu, Grim, and Agent stood in the cafeteria waiting for Ace to arrive so they could get this punishment over with. "I'm already exhausted from a full day of cleanin'. I can't believe we still gotta wash a hundred windows!" Grim complained while laying on of of the tables. "Well, it is yours and Ace's fault that we're in this mess, so suck it up and try to learn from the experience." They said to him while searching through their back before their eyes widened, "it is in here!" They yelled taking out a box that Agent recognized.
"Mmmm, what's bugging me is that Ace ain't even here yet!" His attention was then grabbed by the object in the trainer's hand. "What is that?" He asked standing up to get a better look at the box. "It's my pokebox, it lets me switch out what Pokémon are on my team, usually I can access it through my rotom phone but I guess it got disconnected when we were brought into this world." They said with a grin, "Agent you wanna see Cinder?" They asked teasingly to their starter. The Inteleon nodded "Teleon!"
Yuu grins and takes out Snom's pokeball from their belt as they set the box onto the table allowing the little stand to come out. They placed Snom's pokeball on the stand and took out their Rotom Phone to scroll through their boxes before choosing Cinder. The box sucked Snom's pokeball inside and released Cinder's, Yuu grins putting the box back in their bag, "Alright Cinder, come on out!" They said throwing the ball into the air, a bipedal, white, rabbit-looking pokemon materialized from the white light. "Cinderace!" It yelled with a smile.
"Cinder, welcome back girl!" Yuu said giving their Cinderace a hug which she happily returned before looking around and spotting her mate "race!" She yelled letting go of her trainer before hugging Agent.
Yuu let the two Pokemon catch up to eachother and looked around realizing that Ace still wasn't there yet. "Alright, where is that dumb ginger? It's been at least half an hour since their classes released." They said annoyed, Grim nodded in agreement "he's super late! I bet he up and bailed on us!" Yuu sighed, "it's possible," they mumbled pinching the bridge of their nose before exhaling. "Let's go look for him Grim."
"Ain't no way am I doin' his punishment!" Grim agreed "I don't care if we gotta drag him kickin' and screamin', he's washin' those windows!" He yelled before the two of them went off, Agent and Cinder following behind them. When they got to Ace's classroom Grim ran in yelling, "hey Ace! get over here! Try to hide from me, will ya!" Only to pause seeing the room empty aside from a painting. "Huh...Maybe there's really no one here?" He asked looking behind the desks.
"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I'm here." The painting spoke up causing Grim to freak out, "bwaaah! That painting just talked!" He said looking to Yuu to make sure he wasn't crazy. Yuu nods "yes, and? Is a talking painting really such an oddity at this school? The lady in the portrait on the that wall talks too. As does the gentleman in the portrait on this one. As long as a painting has a mouth, why shouldn't it be able it talk! Is that really so strange?" The painting asked, Yuu shook their head, "compared to other things I've seen in my world, it's not odd." They mumbled "do you know where a student named Ace Trappola is?"
"Ah, I know the one. A new student I believe? Today was his first day at school. I think he went back to his dorm a while ago." The painting explained making Yuu scowl, "that son of a Boltund." They said beffore thanking the painting and leaving to the dorms with Grim and their pokemon. "Agent, Cinder, go make sure he doesn't get out of this." Yuu commanded their pokemon, the two nodded and ran ahead to the Hall of Mirrors.
When the two pokemon arrived Ace was complaining, "yeah right, like I'm gonna wash a hundred windows. I'm just gonna go back and—" he was hit on the back of  his head with a rock kicked by Cinder. "Cinderace!" She yelled pointing at him angrily. "Great job girl," Yuu said after catching up with Grim in toe. "Crap they saw me!" Ace said before Growled, "stop right there pal! No fair gettin' a head start! Wait!" He yelled, "who in their right mind would ever wait?! See ya!" Ace yelled as he ran towards Heartslabyul's mirror.
"No way are you gettin' out of this! You think I wanna wash windows?! Yuu get your pokemon to do something!" Grim yelled at the trainer, all this alerted a blue haired boy standing by the Heartslabyul mirror "hm?" He asked turning to see Ace running at him, "outta my way!" He yelled, "hey what gives?!" The boy yelled in response. "Please stop him, he's shirking his cleaning responsibilities!" Yuu yelled for help, the boy looked shocked.
"What? That's not right! But how do I stop him? Like, freeze his legs? Or bind them with a rope? Or maybe I could. . .hmm. . .no. . ." He mumbled before Grim yelled, "I don't care how! Just do something! Anything!" "Anything?! Anything, huh. . . All right! Here goes anything! I summon thee. . . Something heavy!" He yelled pointing his magic pen at Ace. A cauldron appeared out of thin air and fell right on top of Ace.
Ace and the boy, who Yuu now knew as Deuce began to argue with one another causing them to become distracted before Agent noticed something, "Inteleon." He said to his trainer making their eyes widen, "he ran away?!" They yelled and left the mirror hall to see Grim running down Main Street "haha I'll let you two handle the rest! Bye bye!" He yelled as he ran.
"You caught me so you could run away yourself?!" Ace yelled at the cat, "hey you there! Uh...Juice?" "My name isn't "Juice." It's Deuce! With a D!" Deuce replylied with a glare, "this is partially your responsibility you know! So help me catch that little furball!" "How is this my responsibility?!" "Grim's useless janitor friend can't use magic, that means this is up to you and me!" And with that the two boys began to chase after the fire cat.
Woo boy we're almost caught up with my Demon Slayer fic!
Word Count: 1121
Published: April 29th, 2024
Edited: n/a
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Hi my names Peter.B Parker
https://archiveofourown.org/works/55909315 by Imrunningoncaffine On a mission with the Avengers, taking down a HYDRA base something goes badly wrong. A weapon made with energy from the space stone exploded and when all the Avengers come to Spider-Man is gone. Peter just wants to get home and maybe for that weird guy with metal claws to stop following him around. Basically, Peter does dimension hopping and is drowned in whump while IronDad freaks out on my universe I have hereby dubbed: Earth 199170 Words: 472, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU, Batman - All Media Types, X-Men - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Doctor Steven (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Relationships: Avengers Team & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Wade Wilson, Batfamily Members & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker Whump, Hurt Peter Parker, Multiverse, Dimension Travel, No Smut, Irondad Spiderson - Freeform, No Beta We Die Like Aunt May, How Do I Tag, first fic im sorry read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/55909315
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I really like the name idea that @celticwolfie suggested: "red light au" but i think i want it to be a fun name maby even a pun so i hereby dub the new au
red light green light au Or "rlgl au" when im lazy
Thats a fun name and i think it kinda also encapsulates the actual content of the au with the will they wont they kind of situation and not only the "red light" setting
The tag will be rlgl au i think
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candiid-caniine · 7 months
Bug, I need advice
I want to ask my master to start using it pronouns for me (not for gender reasons- I'm staunchly they/them- but BC I'm pathetic and don't deserve anything else). I want to show him that I'm nothing more than his pathetic toy.
...but I don't want to just ask him. That would be too easy- to put it into conversation like I'm a person. I don't deserve that.
So what can I do to ask him? What show should I put on to make him stop respecting me? I want to be degraded and sobbing and a desperate leaky mess for him when I ask but I can't think of anything 😭
Assume nothing is off the table. Edging covered in drool, licking the toilet, anything.
Thank you bug. Us leaky cunts gotta stick together.
arf this is a tough one!! obviously you know your master, but just in case it hasn't come to mind, remember that for some people this may feel like misgendering or orientation play, so it's always best to gauge your partner's limits first. (this warning isn't necessarily for you, bc i trust that this is a committed relationship w good communication, but for anyone else interested in something like this!)
here's what i would do. think of the thing that makes you cry. humiliation? pain? edging? whatever it is, think about that. for me, it's easier if i'm put into subspace slowly before whatever makes me cry is starting; i'm more open and emotional that way.
ask your master to plan a scene for you. you're basically asking him to break you, possibly in a way he never has before, so please please take advantage of his care for you--make sure you'll have ample time and supplies for any aftercare you might need; this is gonna be a tough scene, a show of devotion and ownership that is going to be intense. tell him that at some point during this scene, you're going to give him a gift somehow.
what i would do if i was doing this (pls bear in mind im a dumb fuck): i'd write it down. maybe on a piece of paper. maybe on a dog tag to attach to my collar. or go fucking crazy and have a plaque made, or a custom paddle, or cross-stitch some shit...make it unique, but tangible. here are some ideas for how i would say it:
pathetic toys don't deserve pronouns (and on the back it says "it/its")
congrats! it's an it! (im trying to riff on cringey cishet 'gender reveals' but idk if its working lmaooo)
fleshlights don't have pronouns (this prob only works if ur a bottom and he's a top so disregard if needed lmao)
dildos don't have pronouns (if ur the top and he's the bottom)
certified object (TM) (and on the back it says "it/its")
sex toy (and on the back it says "it/its")
if i was a toy 👀and u were a real person 👀would u respect me 👀or nah? (check yes or nah) and if u checked nah 👀would u maybe 👉🏽👈🏽 call me it/its? 👀 haha jk,, unless....?
omg or,, one of those like fake certificates? or a deed of property?
Here on this 14th of February, 2024, by Notarized Declaration, has been bequeathed to You, the Undersigned, a certification: that [sub's name] has been deemed a Material Object, pursuant to Code 98.706 of the Consensual Dehumanization Act, and shall hereby be referred to by "it/its" pronouns throughout any Proceedings of Consensual Power Exchange (PCPA). (Initial)___ I, the Undersigned, hereby agree to this Declaration and the Conditions elaborated herein...
did yall think i was joking about being a clownpuppy
anyway. whenever you've figured that shit out, be it a plaque, a fake contract, a dog tag, whatever the fuck, hide that shit. whatever your master has planned for the evening, incorporate it.
is he gonna tie you up and put you in a suspension rig and pretend he's livestreaming you? hide that shit in his ropes.
is he gonna make you hump his shoe and bark? hide it in ur mouth and drool it out onto his thigh.
is he gonna edge you and call you names until you cry? fam, put that shit in your holes. that is the ultimate objectification (to me): be the vase you hide your v-day roses in.
so that's my advice, basically. if you don't want to ask outright like a person, then symbolize it in your play. it's still communication, which is vital for a scene that's gonna be as intense as you want it to be, but it also fits the theme of what you're trying to tell him. come up with a basic plan for the night, then place your declaration somewhere accessible either by you or him when you hit the point in the night that you want to reveal it.
i'm so excited for you. idk if i really helped, this is just *my* style of play (read: stupidtown to the max), but regardless i'd love to hear how it goes, whatever you end up deciding!
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syqamorsun · 1 month
Revisiting “How to Be an Exile” and throwing it away. (Old friends will remember that problem child of a WIP)
But I found an outline for a new version of that story and it’s really truly beautiful.
It’s about a kid who just wants a life outside of mere survival. The parts of the book are separated by colors. Like, Part One: Maroon, Part Two: Cerulean, etc.
It’s also a gay romance. But it’s extremely tender and gentle. There’s one piece of dialogue in the outline and it’s so precious to me. The super quiet reclusive main character Sivan begins taking care of this injured boy he found in the woods, named Kieran.
And after a few days of this care, Kieran says, “You’ve done everything short of bathing me and I don’t even know your name.”
And I’m hereby calling this story “A Boat Ride Away” (It’ll make sense once I actually explain the synopsis, im just thinking out loud right now)
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qsmpcensusbureau · 1 year
So for a reminder: Here is the warrior code. We're gonna do this the long and hard way. I know for a fact im going to miss some so it will appreciated if people add them in the comments!
Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.
Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.
Elders, queens, sick or injured cats and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors. Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders.
Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.
A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.
Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.
A cat cannot be made deputy without having mentored at least one apprentice.
The deputy will become Clan leader when the leader dies, retires, or is exiled.
After the death, retirement, promotion (to a leader status), or exile of the deputy, the new deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.
A Gathering of all [five] Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.
Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.
No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.
The word of the Clan leader is the warrior code.
An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.
A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
A hard rule to be broken when there is no concept of clans. I can apply this to working for the federation so... CODEBREAKERS: Cellbit, Jaiden (sorry girl), Quackity, and ElQuackity
There is no territories on quesadilla island.
People throw food at eachother on this server, a hard rule to follow.
EVERYONE. I have not heard a SINGLE person give thanks to Starclan ONCE. CODEBREAKERS: EVERYONE
Everyone. Pomme just technically turned two moons old. (A moon is a month)
New warriors are technically the people added to the island. Neither the Brazilians nor the French had a silent vigil.
ElQuackity is attempting to become president, which is like being deputy, and he has not touched a single egg, which are the apprentices. CODEBREAKERS: ELQUACKITY
I think one of the debates happened at midnight minecraft time which is definetly during or after moonhigh.
ElQuackity broke this rule when he blew everyone up after the debate. Seeing a trend here. CODEBREAKERS: ELQUACKITY
A rule nobody has broken! They challenge the code monsters, which are the closest things to tresspassers!
They are pretty good about this. Kits are eggs! CODEBREAKERS: Slimecicle, Quackity for attempted murder.
They are also pretty good at listening to people. There is no clan leader though.
They have killed eachother a lot
CODEBREAKERS: Slimecicle (became egg, which is like being a kittypet), Jaiden (Cucurucho is a kittypet), and Cellbit (Temporarily), Elquackity
Like I said there are TOTALLY some i missed. I don't watch every stream so im counting on you guys to pick up my slack! i'll add it if i see it :). this post needs to be LONGER.
(@biblically-accurate-cat thanks for the addition :) hereby reminding us that Elquackity has broken almost every rule in the warrior code)
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sleep-nurse · 2 months
Make no mistakes Sunntaniix, im gona assume that is your real name, I am only speaking of utmost seriusness. I would not jest about dueling with anyone lest the commoners think I play around like a fool.
If you do not turn up at the place and time we have hereby agreed upon I will announce myself as winner in this confrontation.
As I think you are planning on weaselong out of your word I say we place not just our honor but our very worth as humans on this skirmish.
May the best tourist win.
see? no jokes here
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axel-the-goat-guy · 3 months
hey what's " the shadow " sound like
if it's not an issue currently
Fuck it, im gonna name it.
"The Shadow" shall hereby be called......... Krash.
And I think it would sound something like the hc voice for "Hector" in this video:
(This is a really cool comic/project that I've been kind of following that I think is underated af lol)
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newscarsting · 6 months
im hereby claiming the tippy harl and daisy trio name as ftrio and if yuo ask me why it is Totallw Not a reference to my friend trio🤫🤫🤫
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exiled-tommy-rp · 2 years
someone gets to go to tommys past thru a portal ig
As your muse was doing whatever, a portal lined with red opened. On the other side stood a younger and non-raccoon hybrid Tommy, a boy with brown hair, ram ears and a large facial scar in a presidential outfit, a fox, a man in a blue jumpsuit and beanie, and Dream in full netherite.
Tubbo and Dream spoke as Tommy looked around. As Dream talked about Tubbo being the best leader and how he was confident that Tubbo would make the right decision for L’Manberg, Tommy stared at them.
Tubbo laughed dryly. “You know, this is funny actually. It is! I’m sorry, Tommy. I’m sorry.”
Tommy chuckled as well, the stress leaving his face. “It is funny.”
“Tommy I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Dream, I’ve come to a decision. The best thing for the nation would be for Tommy to be exiled.”
Tommy stared as the fox and blue jumpsuit man shouted and argued with Tubbo. Tubbo explained the logicality of his choice as Tommy sputtered. The other two continued to argue, saying that they had discussed this. “Tubbo, what the- Tubbo, why?”
“That’s enough! That’s enough, okay?!” Tubbo shouted, “Be quiet! You’ve undermined my authority from the get-go! From the beginning, no one here has respected me!” Tubbo ranted, continuing on.
Tommy shouted, “We agreed on this! What the hell!”
“I’m doing what’s best for this nation. Your presence is not best for this nation.” Tubbo responded.
“Dream, please escort and detain Tommy out of my country.” Tubbo said plainly. The three shared similar disappointment and upset remarks as Dream shoved Tommy off the wall they were standing on.
“Let’s go.”
“Tommy, you are hereby exiled.” Tubbo looked down at him. Tommy stared back up and scoffed, saying Tubbo’s name.
Dream led Tommy away, to Tommy’s protest. Dream pushed him off the path.
“Well im only exiled from L’Manberg.” Tommy looked at the walls as rain began to fall.
“No, you’re exiled from everywhere that’s been touched.” Dream almost chuckled. The two walked, with occasional bouts of conversation. Ghostbur joined them, clearly not understanding the gravity of the situation. The three boarded a boat. They boated until they reached an island. The three continued on land, Tommy complaining about his primes and Ghostbur agreeing that Dream wasn’t very nice.
Tommy yelled at Dream when Dream said he couldn’t go back. They boarded another boat and continued to sail. The permanence of the situation set in for Tommy.
They arrived to an island and walked through the plains. Dream dug a small hole.
“Put them in the hole.”
“No, they’re my things!” Tommy shouted.
“Put them in or I kill you.”
Dream hit him with his axe, and Tommy quickly threw all of his stuff in the hole.
“Fuck you. Leave. I don’t want your pity steak.” Tommy shouted at Dream, “I don’t want your pity things!”
“Okay, well, I’ll see you never.” Dream said and left.
“We’re gonna have a great time!” Ghostbur lowered his voice, “Tommy I think we just got robbed. A rocky start to our vacation but it’s gonna be fine.”
//anyone, of course. This will be a neat character study. @boba-bae-cafe-su-au @grian-rp @ghostinnit-rp idk uh anyone yeah yeah (also tags are ooc I didn’t mention that)
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