#im vibin to all of these again!!
mooralltach · 2 years
🎸 jazz for the ask game? 👀
1.Autumn in Ganymede - Seatbelts ((chanting) COWBOY BEBOP OST COWBOY BEBOP OST)
2. Giselle - Paolo Fresu, Richard Galliano, Jan Lundgren (Paolo Fresu's music bro... bro. Giving me lots of French café vibes and I am extremely Weak for that.. catch me sippin some grand café au lait listening to this)
3. In Origine - SaffronKeira, Paolo Fresu
4. Rush - Seatbelts (This is such a car chase song to me)
5. Mother of Thousand - Artvark Saxophone Quartet (I actually saw this live a few months ago in a special concert in a hay barn(!) organised by people my parents know, which was INSANE. They're Dutch and so fucking good)
6. Chat Pitre - Paolo Fresu, Richard Galliano, Jan Lundgren (added this to my silly panther thief OC playlist bc it sounds like something for him AND it means 'silly/clown cat')
7. Jazz Along Alone - John Barry (Yes that's the same guy that made all the James Bond music! also I still really need to see The Ipcress File)
8. Treasures of Time - Yuji Ohno & Lupintic five (A specific slow jazz version! I was waiting for there to be a Lupin song in here, god knows I listen to that OST an ungodly amount)
( for every 🎸 i receive, i’ll make a playlist of 5+ songs from my music on shuffle! )
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pinky-in-blankets · 18 days
Thinking about tadc sidequests lore again.
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midnighticee · 9 months
just got so fucking jumpscared by my coworker
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jack-owo-valentine · 10 months
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> Interceptions; through signs/houses <
interceptions are an overcharged, under-appreciated facet within a natives chart. its something you are acutely aware of and are usually extremely distasteful/uncomfortable of. Its something that was neglected in previous lifetimes so you are forced to fix it now...
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1st/7th house or Aries/Libra - these people are very noticeable but in a uncomfortable way for themselves and others... they come off extremely strong (they are very imposing accidentally but also not in a good way) and they are always switching between being extremely self conscious of this or very idgaf. This creates a dynamic where they come off very wat da fuq > and are projected onto a lot and have a habit of projecting onto others a lot. 2nd/8th house or Taurus/Scorpio - These people are very insecure, but others are usually extremely unaware of this, which only accelerates the natives insecurity. To others they come off very valuable(2)/powerful(8) but usually they do not relate to this feeling within themselves at all. They however may overcompensate these feelings of inferiority by appearing stronger than they feel inside, and they are very good at convincing others this. Until it does inevitably crumble and everyone is shocked because their facade is relatively strong. 3rd/9th house or Gemini/Sagitarrius - These people are very talkative or the opposite; they are mindful of their answers and those of others, but because of their overthinking tendencies it makes them very fidgety and always need to have a great deal of input into the conversation. This makes others not sure if they smart, because they low key annoying to talk to (ya'll just sayin too much) but they dont appreciate their own cleverness because they mentioned every dot point in existence and this makes them feel stupid; don't know what a summary means or you made 5 summaries which defeats the purpose of one in the first place. 4th/10th house or cancer/capricorn - These guys had a rough childhood and you've never seen a more self protective person of their image. So they never reveal much and this statue-esque vibe they give off is very unesettling and many people talk about this lack of care they display because everyone knows ya'll just give a shit way too much. They avoid responsibility and emotional vulnerability often, and it creates conflicts within their personal life and that of their reputation. 5th/11th house or leo/aquarius - They doin a lot of vibin and not in a viby way. Its too much and they know it too and this creates conflict within their personality of not feeling like they shine in the way they wish they could, so they try even harder to shine the way they envisioned. But too others its the same song / dance we are so used to seeing this with them. This creates conflict in their presence within the community, and it can make them have a poor self image/ identity. 6th/12th house or virgo/pisces - they work a lot but they never satisfied with what they did, so they again work even harder. You can find these guys up at 4 am still tinkering their assignment/ project and even if theirs so many details implanted into it, its never enough and so they still doing more. They also neglect things that are necessary such as eating, or cleaning, because they are so focused on what they wanted to accomplish. This hurts their spirit because they never feel satisfied with what they have done with their life, despite working so damn hard.
> Im going to talk about double signs in my next post; and your double signs are what makes your interceptions far more bearable/ useful. But I want to encourage everyone to work on their interceptions, because it is a weakness, but it really can become a strength if you just put some practical work into it. < How to find interception? easy check yo house cusp; E.g. >
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intercepted aries/libra in 12th/6th ;p > BEcause the Aries / Libra symbols is absent ^^^^ also after pisces and before taurus is 'Aries' which is swallowed up within the 12th house****** <That should make it obvious how to read now**** Oh and we always getting 2 gifs do not worry and these gifs *special* they encapsulate intercepted energy perfectly.... actually intercepted energy initself is encapsulation!!!
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socksandbuttons · 7 months
i love ur bloodmoon thoughts sm and i agree with all of them ‼️‼️
they squandered his character sm and theres barely been any development since he got brought back to life… especially on the KC side. id love to see how youd rewrite it tbh- or if you want feel free to just use this ask as a bloodmoon thoughts dump
ALRIGHT SO We can run along with bm2 But also them going 'no their NOT the original thus we dont need to think about their charascter' as they seemingly established a bit with that but also not? Like that kinda furthers BM's whole arc of being treated like a murder machine (he was LITERALLY rebuilt for that, nothing more than tool!), and yet instead of USING THAT (which like.... we kinda got a bit of that with Eclipse, no i wont get into that.) they go 'HMNNN no, we dont wanna develop this further hes just villain' LIKE. SURE. ALRIGHT. BUT... YOU LITERALLY HAD SO MANY SET UPS WITH LIKE... His weird attachment to monty that one TIME yknow the 'hes my dad!' even tho hes not and its very debatable with Eclipse and KC depending how you wanna go about it (In terms of WHO made bloodmoon its Eclipse whos derived from KC and Moon and SUN.) Where was I YEAH HIS THEME OF NO ONE IS FAMILY BUT BLOODMOON. Only THEY understand that theyre not a tool or worthless! (Yknow just completely missing a way to use their codependence to help further their own coping of SEVERAL THINGS.) Yet he still STILL seeked out and called KC father, he still somewhat has thoughts on family. He's going after EARTH who's just vibin' trying to be accepting, even jealous of LUNAR for 1) being brought back and two) survived Eclipse and lives happily (sorta) and while begrudgingly i must say forgot bloodmoon. (WHICH LIKE. THATS THEIR OWN FAULT FOR NOT DRAGGING LUNAR INTO THAT PLOT EVEN THO HE HAD ALL THIS BLOODMOON INFO DURING THAT WHOLE THING. not used it ONCE. they purposely left lunar out of that and thats annoying. chaos sibligns 4 lyfe) Anyway you COULD so still use that in regards to Sun trying to reach out to them ('I wouldve loved another brother' will forever be brought up. also literally in the same convo sun does admit hed kill em again but WE'RE FOCUSING ON THE FAMILY PART GUYS) I'd have to scrap some like... lets see here.... UmMM i CAN use the attacking lunar thing still. Cause whole jealous thing they didnt understnad their own thoughtS (THEY THOUGHT MONTY WAS THEIR PARENT WHICH LIKE??? a stretch honestly. cmon we know this. theyre definitely making their own excuses) iDK ABOUT attacking earth, cause by that point everyone is kinda dead set on murdering them its actually pretty bad by that point unless KC comes back jesus style and goes 'NO. I'll handle this' proceeds to drag bloodmoon off into the desert for family bonding time (and rehabilitation.) Which he wont but we also gotta remember Bloodmoon is deliberately being used a scapegoat (despite yknow... he did DO all that by his volition still like he WOULD NOT have gone after kc like that if not for ruin going 'hey u wanna see ur dad who totoally didnt care for ur ass' or 'you should totally go kill a bunch of people. and then threaten lunar and earth BUT WAIT no killing ill shock u!' im losing focus but THEY WERE... sort of going somewhere with Bloodmoon not wanting to be a tool. AND having solar interfere (I still hate that whole 'he reminds me of my moon thus he must die'. Retcons... everywhere. Remember when he wanted to save his moon?? yeah? cool cause ill never forget that actually.) KC dying actually WOULDNT have been so bad (aside the... suddenly being an ass about it. But he was direct to bloodmoon about 'BRUH UR BEING USED.' and them never actually... bringing that up too much) angering BM enough to kill KC is actually pretty solid way to use the whole 'Bm not satisfied with Killing' as a very direct way KC's words last on BM especially BM's whole unstable emotions of NOT understanding the feelings theyre going through because of that other than anger (denial, grief, confusion and conflict of how Hurt that mustve been they wanted more family) oh this is getting long and im losing focus.
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morgandoesstuffsig · 1 year
can I get a twst Dorm leaders headcanon with a student that wears their headphones a lot bc they're sensitive to loud noises?
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Have this image too
this is so me wtf (both the req and the image lmfaooo)
didnt do anyone esle because im lazy and tired and its nearly midnight AAAAAAAAAAA
anyways as always, start under cut
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he is old
im not a hater i swear
but when he sees you with things hanging out of your ears, he's slightly concerned.
whether it's normal headphones or earphones or earbuds, it just doesn't seem normal
so of course, he informs you of this
you stare at him for a second before you take an earbud out and stare at him again, with a following "what'd you say?"
he thinks it's harming your ears for a moment because you couldn't hear him
please reassure baby that it's not an infection or something
he'll be confused for a moment but he gets the hang of it rather quickly
he jus luvs any classical tunes but..
i actually honestly think he's also like hard metal... don't ask me why
overall 10/10 good boy
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he KNOWS what it's like to have sensitive ears
so believe it or not, he totally understands u wearing earbuds an (probably) won't rip on u for it
he might start talking to you w/o u knowing because you have your eyes closed and youre just vibin w ur music
and he knows that so he takes that chance to say some sappy shit w/o anyone hearing him at all
he could never say it to your face
so he opts for this instead
fuckin big ass ego mf /affectionate
he'll probably never ask to listen to the music w u no matter how much he wants too
so if you wanna have a silly lil romantic moment w him, you'll have to ask him first
he'll probably scoff an roll his eyes before he sees you pout and he just turns away as one of his ears flicker
that's your sign to put the earbud in
imo i think he'd really like MSI, POPPY, and for some reason Mac DeMarco
mindless self indulgence because their music jus slaps
POPPY because i think he'd like the guitar in the background and the solos and her voice
Mac DeMarco because he's nice to listen to when you wanna pass out fr
overall 8/10 good boy
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okay dont come at me but at first i have a feeling he might try to use it to rope u into some kind of contract...
but later on he just accepts it
he's sometimes annoyed when he's talking to you an u havent heard a thing he said
but one confused look from you makes his annoyed frown turn into a small, hard-to-keep pout
has to remind himself that your hearing is different from his
he tries his best to keep monstro lounge quiet at times and lets you stay after hours when it's all quiet and empty
it has a certain comforting charm
i swear the first time you asked him to listen to music with him
he turned into stew i swear his face was extremely red and he was just like
he accepted ofc, tried to play it off, (failed)
i have a feeling he'd like Ricky Montgomery, Steve Lacy, and girl in red
Ricky Montgomery because he's got a nice voice and his lyrics are really relateable,
Steve Lacy because the instrumentals are just so!!!
and girl in red because he finds it romantic listening to her w you
lean against him as you two listen to music i promise he'll explode
overall 9.5/10 good boy
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oh boy
this boy is super loud (/affectionate)
but once he learns about you and your sensitive hearing, he tries his best to keep it down
from lowering his voice a bit to trying to make "quiet times" at his dorm,
he tries his best to make sure you're as comfortable as possible and it's not too loud for you
he likes to talk to you even if you're not listening to him, he could ramble for hours
as long as you're next to him, he could talk until his voices dries out and withers away
he'll probably be the one to ask you to listen to music first
i think he'd also like Mac DeMarco, Alec Benjamin, and Conan Gray
all of them because of the instrumentals and vocals!
but he doesn't mind listening to anything as long as he's with you
he might fall asleep while listening though
he's smiling all the way through though :)
overall 15/10 good boy
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theres probably some bs rule about music n shit but like
lets pretend there isn't
he'll probably be trying to reprimand you for doing some stupid shit
and then you'll just take out an earbud and be like "huh??"
he'll just stare up at you, face slowly getting redder from slight anger but mostly embarrassment
like?? how dare you ignore him???
but either way, you're his favorite so you get a pass
he just sighs and shakes his head
but then you tell him why you wear your earbuds so often and he immediately gets it
he himself used to really sensitive to loud noises before he just got used to them (thanks to his mom)
so he does his best to go easy on you about it
hand him an earbud, he'll be confused for a moment or two
but he puts it in w a red face and vibes w u
i think he'd like Mitski, Tally Hall, and Pastel Ghost
they all are just so... soothing yet relatable
fall asleep listening to Liquid Smooth with him, hug him as you listen to Hidden In the Sand, just hold his hand as you two sit in the garden while listening to Silhouette...
he loves it sm
overall 9.3/10 good boy
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abiiors · 1 year
okay but imagine passing cigs between you and matty after a show one night and its you two outside leaning on a wall vibin and he is just admiring you and realizing he loves you and all the fluffy things in between. like a fic where its just his inner monologue and going through their whole future together idk
inspired by:
“on this night and in this light, i think im falling, falling for you” & “when the smoke is in your eyes, you look so alive”
And imagine the butterflies he gets when you ask to share a cigarette with him. 
It burns brighter with every drag you take. He’s careful not to smoke it deeply, for he wants it to last forever. He gets to be in your presence for as long as it burns, and then some if he’s lucky. 
You close your eyes and tilt your face up at the night sky each time you blow the smoke out. It’s these moments he treasures the most—moments when he can just stare and stare, moments when the glitter on your eyes sparkles like a whole galaxy, moments when his heart beats so fast, he thinks it’s going to leap out of his chest. 
So he just lingers on the cigarette dangling between your slender fingers.
When you pass it back to him, he admires the way your lipstick leaves a mark; on his cigarette, on his mind. Because he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about soft pink lips for weeks now. The way they curve into a smile at the sight of him, the way they part in ecstasy at his touch, the way they feel against his own; all these images that fill his dreams—the waking and the sleeping. 
A gentle breeze blows through your hair and washes him with the scent of your perfume. He inhales deeply, holds his breath like a stubborn child and wishes he could store the scent of you in his lungs forever. 
He’s so acutely aware of every reaction your body goes through in his presence that it’s ridiculous really. He craves the sound of your breath hitching every time he places a soft kiss on you. He craves the feeling of your fingers on his back, in his hair, tracing his jaw and landing on his lips. His fingers feel warmer the more the cigarette burns but he’s not afraid of the tiny embers. What are they compared to the molten lava that runs through his veins? 
The sky rumbles low overhead and darkens still. The impending storm looms closer. The gentle breeze turns into a strong gust. A drop of rain falls on your face and then another on his hand that rests on the railing. He knows you only have seconds before the skies open up and drench you both. The moment has come to an end after all. 
But you don’t move, you don’t run toward shelter. Instead, you open your arms wide and look up at the sky. And once again he’s left wondering if there will ever come a day when you won’t leave him breathless and speechless. 
The rain falls harder, the cigarette has long since fizzled out. But he has the whole night ahead of him. And the day after that. And the day after that. He has a whole lifetime ahead of him, a lifetime he’s determined to spend with you. 
For a man who holds such command of words, for a man who lives and breathes words, it’s the three simple ones that bring him to his knees at last.  
genuinely had butterflies writing this so thank you for the idea anon
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lazulian-devil · 10 months
The Villains of Skulduggery Pleasant 2
Now before I start, I want to point out that Book 2 has an absolute myriad of Bad Guys™.
The book introduces not only Dusk (who is great at making everyones day just a whole lot worse. Just fun to be around. Only bit Valkyrie, killed the Lord Vampire of Dublin™ Moloch and is generally just... So much fun!), but also the whole Diablerie Subplot (oh look, China is getting a backstory upgrade), Billy-Ray motherfucking Sanguine (who is in one way or another responsible for a third of my favourite quotes from the books), the Torment and Roarhaven (and all that bullshit), the reflection quite literally cracking (this could never possibly become important later on), the whole Faceless One dimension and whatever was going on with Thurid Guild.
So uh, yeah. Book 2, for being actually quite short in comparison to the absolute Grimoires Derek would later be known to write, is a dense friggin book. You might ask yourself "Wow, this sure is a whole lot more dense than the first one" and thats because Landy had at this point already won and be nominated for enough awards that his writing adventures would be a solid thing for him.
The first book was a leap of faith, the second was the beginning of a saga.
(Tangent: I personally think Landy plans and writes books in pairs of threes, as even Phase 2 was originally supposed to be nine but then turned into six books by force of publisher. Because I read them on a Kindle, I am very much aware of how much longer they have gotten with each installment and I think that he, like many an author, would absolutely benefit from cutting down some of the sizes of his books. But book 2 is still very much on the shorter end, if not the second shortest book of the series).
So, after all these absolute bangers of villains, who will I focus on? The one that dies (which is honestly how I think I should do these. Just slowly talk about everyone who actually dies and leave the "I will appear in a trillion books" villains for last, in favor of my sanity).
Baron Vengous.
In a world filled with sarcastic, silly villains, Vengous is the stern military guy that doesnt talk a lot.
And I mean that literally. Besides like... One or two speeches the guy just doesnt talk much.
Ive managed to complete Book 7 in my reading insanity and have read up to 13 before that (reading them as they come out) and I can say with a solid 78% conviction that he is the most "normal" villain and antagonist the series has ever had.
Hes straightforward. Hes methodical. His status as a General of Mevolent is based not only in honestly insane levels of power, but in his pure military might brain and body.
Baron Vengous is the absolute most opposite anyone could have written to Serpine. He almost seems specifically written to oppose him in as many ways as possible. If Serpine was the Vibe, Vengous is the Antivibe.
You get my point.
We actually get an in depth look into him later (where? Leibniz. In terms of trouble, always assume Leibniz) and even among those people, he is somewhat normal. Apart from his wife.
Oh and the other character trait he has. What was that again? I can barely remember.
Ah. Right. Faceless One fanaticism to the point of self destruction.
It makes you wonder what he did after the Amnesty, as he is broken out of prison by Sanguine at the beginning of the book and its never quite explained why. Serpine was just vibin' in his castle. Maybe he did some human sacrifices to his beloved gods and got caught for it. Who knows. (Afaik, its never explained what he did after the Amnesty to end up in prison in the first place and at this point, Im convinced it doesnt really matter and was just a neat way to introduce Sanguine).
But Vengous just isnt a very... Interesting character. He only works so well because Sanguine is a delight anywhere he shows up and Dusk is just utterly terrifying. The Baron is almost too normal among them.
You need proof? Fine. Let me grab my Kindle real quick.
Insert transition music.
Alright, so. Vengous first appearance (Chapter 3: Vengous) paints him as the man in control, the guy who has been in prison for eighty years (Im sure cellphones blew his mind) is out and looking for revenge. He doesnt say a lot. His first actual words are "You're late." to Dusk (who he later points out in his internal dialogue isnt even a man to him). This gives us two insights into his character: First, his stoic mentality. He just murdered someone. Hes entirely calm. Lifes are a casualty to him. And second, he holds enough power or reputation that a very skilled vampire is not only working for him, but accepts being talked down to by this man.
Later in Chapter Ten: The Armour, Sanguines inner dialogue says "The Baron was not a man to be trifled with, especially at a time like this". Once again, we have a whole chapter that shows of several things (passively) about the Baron. He is a planner (shown by his knowledge of the armor and its requirements, the supposed knowledge of where Vile died and his general tactical demeanour being described), he is someone who seems to be in control at all times (shown by him casually watching a bunch of infected under Dusks command dig away) and he is incredibly patient (shown in previous chapters by him being able to wait 80 years and then just "get on with it. Sure, hes mad at Sanguine, but his plans are more important).
And then we add something a little spicy in the mixture: Hes not only a fanatic, hes also an asshole. Ooooohoho.
Its Chapter 18 in which our Protagonists finally meet him and he simply despises Skulduggery. But thats not whats actually interesting. The Chapter reveals him to be self important. Sure, hes a leader, stoic, goal oriented. But hes also cocksure of himself. (A trait he shares with about 84% of all characters in the SP universe).
Skulduggerys taunts go right over him.
"Skulduggery nodded. "So, you married or something? Do I hear the pitter patter of tiny evil feet?"
"I will destroy you."
Normal reaction, ey? The scene goes on quite a while longer than that, but only hammers home this point even more.
The Baron believes himself superior. Righteous. Blessed, probably.
What kills him in the end? His self importance. And how does he react to his death?
"But... But this isnt how Im supposed to die", He said weakly. "Not... Not like this. Not by your hand. You're... You're an abomination."
And then he crawls towards the actual abomination he summoned, pleads it to tell them (the Faceless Ones) that hes sorry for failing them.
The Grotesquery moved its hand so that it touches Vengous' face. It looked almost tender, until the hand gripped and wrenched and the Barons head snapped to one side.
Vengous is a fascinating villain, because he stands calmly among the flashy and vibrant. In a long line of batshit insane people, his insanity is the one that hits closest to home. Many, many villains in the future would be obsessed with religion (the Necromaner Temple, the whole Diablerie plot, later on Darquesse). But all of them are so overpainted, so saturated, that many are just that: A mockery of real life fanaticism.
And the Baron still feels like someone who is rootes in reality. He truly believes that he and the Faceless Ones are superior. His last act is - and I cannot stress this enough - apologising to his gods.
This man. This stoic, straightforward man. This absolute unit. Former General of Mevolent. Words like a scalpel, tactician, wit and gumption combined.
Hes just as insane as all of them. But his insanity is so much quieter. So much more refined.
And that makes him scary.
While I would like to end here, lets summarise real quick:
Vengous has mostly two traits that make him stand out: Straightforwardness and Fanaticism.
Hes a pretty boring villain in comparison to his counterparts.
He is - at least in my opinion - one of the most realistic villains in the series. His insanity is believable and while its not as flashy as those of others, its a kind of insane that makes your skin crawl as soon as you think about it.
He stole Skulduggerys Armor. If you know that Skulduggery is Vile, there are some really interesting scenes that allude to it.
His Leibniz counterpart, for once, seems to actually improve on the OG one. He talks more and he even shows a certain twisted kindness to Valkyrie in explaining her everything. I would almost argue that the Baron of Leibniz is more interesting than the OG Baron. Also, silly wife Eliza. Such a stupid joke.
If he had been succesful, he would have actually ruined the world. Legitimately. The stakes were so high and the man remained so calm. Imagine trying to resurrect your gods. Imagine resurrecting Jesus, all the while having the vibes of a Military Dad with PTSD.
Im afraid that I never found Vengous that compelling. The writing in Book 2 is immaculate though and Dusk and Sanguine are amazing.
I give him a... 7? 8 out of 10?
Also: remember to stay hydrated. Eat a snack. Stretch. You deserve it.
Wanna read more of my mad ramblings? Heres Part 1 with Nefarian Serpine and Part 3 with Batu!
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lyss-butterscotch · 10 months
omg the askbox is back open HELLO LYSS!! Unfortunately i dissapeared from the RW community for a bit, but im back now!! Awesome to see you around again! i can finally submit something ive been wanting to for a while >:)
Yknow your City of Stars animatic? Well, ive been thinking about different songs for other possible animatic ideas in the future and wanted to give you them even though they probably wont be animated as i know animating is a NIGHTMARE
Eleanor Rigby, Cody Fry: Would work pretty well for some sort of dramatic animatic of Pebbles, working himself quite hard as per usual until the rot appears. Maybe a Pebbles and Suns animatic, as it involves two characters and i think it'd work pretty well for them!
I also really really wanna see Kiltro songs used more, so rain world animatics would be extra awesome to see! I think "Lovers" or "If I Lead" would work so well for a Taking Life As Is animatic!
Welcome back woof glad to see you vibin uwu
Ive never heard of either songs but oooh i love the vibe from eleanor rigby but holy fack its 5 minutes long and i dont have enough juice or obsessive tunnel visioning to do it jfjfnfn
Also i havent been into TLAI at all sobs so it might be difficult to really get the vibe. Also lovers is 6 MINUTES LONG DIES JFJDNND
I really do want to do another animatic maybe but i really cant do it unless im super into it ya know
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floenz · 6 months
dfk 2023 thoughts in more orderly and english under the cut
- the whole thing feels sörta soulless and empty
- and in my amateur opinion the screenplay is nor very tight and even clumsy at points
- which im turn hindered the actors (Mrs Kreuzkamm falls victim to a bad script and Justus too at a slighlty lesser rate) and especially the kids actors
- regarding the kids: Jos characterisation is.....wrong
- like literally doesnt have anything to do with johnny
- nothing
- Matz and Uli were also just not it i cant explain it it just didnt hit
- but i actually enjoyed the martina storyline and execution
- but in general it did not feel like they were trying to tell the same story as the book
- like this doesn't feel like an adaption this feels like it wants to be something completely different
justraucher et al.
- justus is a math teacher and it bothered me at the beginning
- but thing is it fits this Justus vibes perfectly
- because he is kinda idk cold?? he doesn't feel kind so all the interactions with the kids fall flat
- "[...] you're not allowed to greet me for 14 days"~justus "thats all 🤨"~jo <- dragging two characters into the mud in one single exchange
- the nichtraucher tho holy
- ive read jinx say most bisexual nichtraucher yet and
- yes
- he sure has the vibes
- my only criticism for him is that he also doesn't really radiate kindness but ill allow it because he is kinds cunty and serves that so
- but yea his outfits, his ring, his nail polish
- king shit
- while we're on the topic: justraucher
- they are still very much dads but divorced dads which is actually an interesting interpretation
- when the kids reunify them the nichtraucher is sexy woodchopping in a sleeveless shirt and glowering at justus and im not saying the scene radistes sexual energy but slso it kinda did like at one point he is glaring at justus and ripping apart wood with his bare hands
- and then they meet again after uli fell down the wall and its like to exes meeing suddendly like fanfiction level of miscommunication but 👉👈 i enjoyed that
- justus gets angry and the nichtraucher goes like 🥺
- they make up over long and intense eye contacts during the play
- ok im done talking about justraucher
- the other ships:
- sorry cnka uli und matz is...not it in this movie none of them feel like fully realised characters and it's just very...distant
- matz just kinda stands there when they put uli in the rubbish on the cupboard
- martina and jo starts rough but they have some nice cute scenes in the end
- jo kinda mellows out in the end and then they start to get along
- matz really does get one hit K.O.ed after saying its not fair to fight cos he's a professional.......
- "when i was five my mum abandoned me in a disco😔"~jo killed me i had to stop the movie to laugh
- uli climbs a wall to prove he's not a angsthase and everyone's like nobody managed that before but the wall is like 7 m high 🤡
- justus always goes like ⌚️👀 its so late i have get some work done ⌚️👀 when the writers didnt know how to end a scene hkkcgkkbgjjvvk
- the train cart looks really cozy and cottagecorey here and i like it so much
- the nichtraucher is honestly just living his live vibin and being bi its wonderful
- he plays chess with himself
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nancbyers · 2 years
Hii :) could you do some hcs for Ryan from life is strange true colours with an s/o who he meets bc they're like a hiker and they manage to get lost in the forest around Haven Springs and they get into the mines and when he finds them they're just super shook etc.
If that's too specific then no worries!!
a/n: hello! thank u for the request, i love ryan with all my heart 🥺💖 idk anything about actual hiking so please forgive the inaccuracies :3
pairing: ryan lucan x gn!reader
warnings: none, its all fluff
word count: 500+
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ryan with a hiker s/o - headcanons
alright, so you aren’t from haven springs but you decide to hike out there one day because you’ve heard how beautiful it is
you’re relatively experienced so you feel comfortable out there alone - and for most of the hike you are
but then you discover an entrance to the mines
and you know its a bad idea to enter, what with all the ‘no trespassing’ and ‘danger: keep out’ signs everywhere (not to mention your own common sense)
but you think hey, what’s the worst that could happen?
you’re lost
like, lost lost
and you’re kind of freaking out a little because you swear you remember where you came in but you just can’t find the exit
but mostly you’re mad at yourself for letting your curiosity get you into this mess and now you have to radio the local parks station for rescue and god you are embarrassed
you reluctantly radio in and are met with perhaps the most delightful-seeming human you have ever spoken to:
‘haven springs ranger station, this is ryan!’
‘hi ryan, i um, this is a little embarrassing but, im kind of lost?’
‘oh don’t be embarrassed! happens quite a lot out here. can you see any distinct landmarks around you, like a weird boulder or fancy tree?’
‘well, uh- i was hiking a trail heading north, but i sort of stumbled across this old mine and um…’
ryan seems a little freaked out but he explains he will be up there asap to come get you
when he finds you, you’re more than a little tongue-tied because he’s really cute
he guides you out of the mines in a bit of a rush because bad memories and once you’re finally out he takes a proper look at you and is like,,
whoa,, this person is really cute
so now he’s all flustered as well
it takes a hot second for conversation to start flowing but as you both trek down to Haven Springs (‘i need a drink after that,’ you say), you talk about absolutely everything
by the time you rock up to the bar you’re both absolutely smitten
alex is working the bar and notices IMMEDIATELY that y’all are ~vibin~ so she slips you two beers on the house and absolutely eavesdrops on your conversation whenever she’s not busy
you talk and talk until you realise you’re the only two left in the bar (apart from alex and steph who are not-so-subtly watching you both from the other end of the bar: ‘who is that??’ ‘i’ve never seen them before’ ‘are they on a DATE??’) and ryan realises that its way past closing
he leads you out the door (shooting a glare at the girls who giggle and wave as you leave) and nearly misses it when you ask for his number
‘in case i get lost again’
‘o-oh! yeah, yeah of course’ he’s blushing
‘or maybe a drink?’ you’re blushing
‘yes! i mean- yeah yeah that’d be nice’ you’re both blushing so hard
when you finally part ways neither of you can wipe the lovesick grins from your faces
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celestie0 · 2 months
HI ELLIE OKAY I JUST FINISHED TTPD AND I AHVE OPINIONS 😭 first half of the album was ehh idk how to feel abt fortnight considering it’s the single for this album I think it was good not that good though it wasn’t amazing like lavender haze I really loved ttpd (the song) I think my boy only breaks his favorite toys were good but so long London was a HUGE disappointed I think we all hyped it up so much and we all ended up getting disappointed because it wasn’t what we wanted or expected but daddy I love him WAS SO GOOD especially the lyric Where it goes “I’m having his baby no I’m not,but you should see your faces” GAGEDDD I WAS GAGED I also really liked fresh out of the slammer especially the kind banging sounds ik it wasn’t banging but bear w me 😭😭 guys English isn’t my language you can’t blame me fr 😂😂 who’s afraid of little old me WAS SO GOOOD and I can do it with a broken heart especially when she goes “I’m so depressed I act like it’s my birthday everyday Im so obsessed with him but he avoids me like plague” and the upbeat music makes it so much better the anothology was so much better then the normal version definitely really loved the black dog that song really stood out to me imgonnagetyouback WAS SO GOOD I saved that one I hate it here was also really good 😭 thanK you aIMee THE SHADE THROWN AT KIM ?? Taylor mother fucking swift did it AGAINNN 😭😭🤞🏻 she ate her up so bad if I was Kim I would be so embarrassed rn 😭☠️ Cassandra also stood out to me I think this was abt the kimye situation Robin was ehh I think it’s a grower for me honestly but the Bolter and the manuscript were pretty good as if noe I think I’ll probably enjoy the album way more if I just listen to it more a little disappointing but that’s fine cuz there were amazing tracks on here and tbh I am not mad at it now I just need to watch the fortnight music video but I’m too overwhelmed rn so I need a break a little 🥲 now I’m just probably gonna wait for Somone to break down the tracks and point out the hidden clues in the mv 😭😭☠️
hiii bb omg your opinions are pretty much exactly mine LOL <333
yeahh i agree w you, w midnights lavendar haze was likee....it set the TONE for the album yknow hahaha. i remember first listen for it n i was like aight im locking in after hearing that. but i heard fortnight n was like...ehhh i hope it gets better. i liked ttpd too i thought it was lyrically p good song plus the line ab the ring omg i was gagged. yea SLL was disappointtinggg i was rlly looking forward to that one ripping my heart out LOL but it...didn't
"but daddy I love him WAS SO GOOD especially the lyric Where it goes “I’m having his baby no I’m not,but you should see your faces” GAGEDDD I WAS GAGED"
HELP SAME HAHAHA I WAS WATCHING A BUNCH OF TIKTOKS YESTERYDAY OF PPL REACTING TO THAT LYRIC AND IT'S SO FUNNY xD tbh when i first heard it it didn't really sink in for me so i was just vibin w it but then i was like damn. imagine if she announced to the world she was pregnant through a song like that ahhah i was shocked when i heard it again in second chorus. she was so insane for that
agghh idk 'who's afraid of little old me' and 'i can do it w a broken heart' were big time misses for me lol i haven't listened to them again since first listen but it's just cuz i don't really like those kinds of songs from her (specifically referring to the lyricism on these ones) but idkkk i could just be a hater LOL cuz my friends rly liked icdiwabh but it might grow on me, we'll see,, it's def catchy!! kinda silly but she kept it so real
YESSS i think the black dog is in my top three from album :'') i had it on repeat driving to work yesterday and i cried ??? w every listen ??? idk something ab the end of the bridge where she holds the note on "old habits die screaming" omg i sob. and i'mgonnagetyouback was also SO GOOD i think that song is the type of edgy ts lyricism i enjoy (as opposed to icdiwabh & who's afraid of lil old me)
THENK YOU AIMEE WAS WILDDD i think that's the song that had me the MOST GAGGED BC GAT DAYUM. the part where she alludes that kim's kids will be coming home from school singing songs that SHE WROTE that only the two of them know are throwing shade at kim plsss. that's wild n i'm so glad she had the balls to release that song hahah good for her
i also really liked clara bow, the part where she said "you look like taylor swift" alluding to how someday she too will be gone n only remembered for her legacy was wilddd n made me emotional ngl. also i lovedd peter too def in my top three too. also loml is probs my fave
sameee i haven't watched the new mv yet haha i think i might stream it on tv later tonight. sorryyy bb that' you're overwhelemd hope you're taking care of yurself n that your exams szn is going okay!! <33 ty for sharing your thoughts w me
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limetimo · 2 months
Ceremonious Nerves by tenrousei_kuroi psychological horror, Harry just arrived to Grimmauld Place and is finding out just how messed up his godfather is... and it's not just baout Azkaban
Confusions and Complications by whos_creativity third year. boggart lesson. On Harry's turn the boggart turns into a soaking wet bleeding boy... who is no-one else than Remus' old friend, Regulus Black!
old men and their pajamas by rsbarelle Fleamont and REgulus have the same pyjamas.
constant vigilance by maladaptivewriting jegulus smut, noncon roleplay
Regulus's (very professional) Guide to Forming a Family - a series -a feshly free (but still deeply traumatised) trans regulus starts working at a cafe, is befriended against his will by Remus, bumps into his estranged brother, meets said brother's friends, starts dating James, and overall finds himself with more family than he ever thought he'd have or need.
and though i burn, how could i fall? by theicarusconstellation icarus Regulus and Apollo James
lost and found by rxgulus James adopts a stray cat, doesn't know the stray cat is regulus actually
is this the end of all the endings? (his broken bones are mending) by rsbarelle sirius is raising regulus, also bartylus ♥
Gathering Home by Quietlemonhush Sirius is rasiing both Regulus and Harry, and Remus is the kindergarden teacher
Black's Anatomy by Scorpsblack sirius is a doctor and also raising regulus, who is 3 and has a brain tumor. Thankfully the hospital is full of friends! Regulus and Barty traumatise the entire play room.
Little Lion by TracingPatterns undersage incest also James/Regulus/Sirius
we're not worried, we're just having fun by grimjobs remus is a virgin and regulus is a slut, james has a brilliant idea.
How we all fall by georgia_sk harry is trying to get draco to date him and is very dramatic about it, much to jegulus' amusement.
Naughty, Knotty, Naughty by Anonymous Regulus/Harry/Sirius animagus smut
i can go anywhere i want (just not home) by rsbarelle regulus is Not having a good time and decides to follow in Sirius' footsteps and run away to the Potters.
the love of a brother by rxgulus - regulus is tasked with writing an essay about the people who raised him. backgroud estabilished jegulus
alcohol free by rxgulus when james gets drunk he starts waxing poetics about his husband to whoever is nearest; this time it's Regulus' coworkers Lily and friends.
the soldier by woobyo soon after Regulus' death, Sirius finds himself being 11 again. This time around he's not going to let nobody get n the way of their happily ever afters. (Even if it takes a liberal amount of murder.)
Mortal Once More by SheOfTheBookAndSong reg takes snape's place in narattive
Eighty-Twenty by FrankieQuinn13 back at school, james dumped severus because the boy didn't fit his idea of two children and a picket fence. He marries Lily instead and... it's fine, the marriage is fine. It feels a little less fine when they find out Severus is dating Sirius... and it's pretty serious
anti-hero by rweoutofthewoods regulus dies... or does he? :D past and endgame jegulus, lily lives. good writing!
Meet on Telegraph Avenue by ani_wahstan Regulus gets kicked out and goes to love with his brother and his sexy, slutty best friend.
Toujours-effin-pur, baby! by kwiewi Bartylus cruisin' and vibin' and lovin' on the roads of USA
make me stay by vick Regulus can't believe he's got crush on his brother's best riend. humiliating. pathetic. jegulily
Slipping through the mirror's cracks by Careless_Mirel walburga stuffed sickly regulus' soul in his healthy out-of-wedlock sister's body and it's overall a mess but Regulus and i forgot her name right now are going to figure it out
best friend behaviour by Anonymous barty/evan/regulus smut
Fuck The Monarchy! (Literally) by Bartemius_Crouch sirius and regulus are princes. what the title says, by james (and remus)
you're too sweet for me by fullonbicrisis regulus does sex work on the phone on side. his newest customer james is so sweet! there's no way things could get crazy!
though I try to resist, I still want it all by deanconti sirius/regulus/remus/james smut, sweet
Sirius rides his brother's Tickle Me Elmo by thebestmaraudersslythetinskittlefaneva_8 sirius does some self-discovery
A potion a day from The Black Apothecary by ani_wahstan james is looking for a long term solution to his anxiety, falls in love with a handsome potioneer along the way. sweet
Begin Again by slutforJamesPotter98 regulus dies, time travels, jegulus ensues
all I see is you by morgana_moonlight regulus wants his ears pierced, somehow he gets a date with james out of the whole mess?
god bless america by rweoutofthewoods sirius left. regulus stayed. knocked up a girl. called remus for help. and things stay the same in the sleepy rualr american town. will things change now that sirius and james are back in town? (beautifully written, the atmosphere is somehting else)
How to Raise the Chosen One series, past Jegulily, Regulus raises Harry, Dumbledore's a blackmailing DICK
More than Magic by Hometown_Nerd ♥♥♥♥♥ squibified Reg kidnaps harry, ect ect love it
Best Part of Waking Up by starling011, TemieTem remus/sirius/regulus smut with a surprising amount of plot-oriented chapters.
Curse Breaker (or how to find answers) by vianexa regulus is trying to break a curse, james helps, you can connect the dots
pearl necklace by indecest for PsychiatristGirl orion/regulus incest
A Man On The Horizon by vianexa cowboys!!! after regulus kills a man he can no longer stay in his hometown. in search of his brother he finds James ♥ and a new home ♥♥♥
A star for a summer's day by her_smile_forges_galaxies bartylus fake dates to get james and evan's attention
Drifting by indiantaylor regulus dies and goes back to 13. jegulus
Baby Black by miss_little_kitten regulus is accidentally de-aged and given to sirius to care for
Porn Delivery Service what it says on the tin ft james sirius regulus barty evan uuum remus too i think in various pairings/groups
Faith in Fear | A Regulus Black Story by chilloutkid regulus survives cave, v good
i will touch you with my mind by jaywalkers kinky jegulus
evocatio by justwhatialwayswanted regulus fake-dates evan into real dating
the tips of your teeth (fit perfect in me) by damagecontrol demon regulus priest james fuck nasty
Past Zero Hour by anonymsly ♥♥♥♥♥ :D:D:D:D:D
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
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please be polite when requesting. any rude or hateful comments will be deleted and ignored.
only send requests when open. messages, thoughts, or random thirsts/simping is fine.
default gender for readers is gender-neutral/fluid unless requested otherwise. any gender is fine to request.
by default all characters are portrayed as college-aged. if theyre gonna name night raven college a college, then im writing it like a college.
if you want to request something that requires a character to be a child (ex: childhood friends to lovers; flashbacks; etc) then the request must be kept sfw. no execptions.
all requests will default to headcanons or short stories unless requested otherwise.
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any gender
all nrc students and staff (pls use common sense i will not be writing ortho or grim romantically but ill still write them)
character x reader
character x character
No restrictions regarding fluff, angst, crack, yandere etc.
nsfw (minors who request or interact with said context will be blocked). no restrictions for nsfw requests at this time, will be updated if i see fit. that said, ill write most kinks. if you're not sure, ask and ill clarify, no problems here!
poly ships
queer ships (hell yeah)
romance with ortho or grim
s/uicide or s/elf harm
nsfw underage content (see above)
hate speech
r/ape (dubious consent is case-by-case basis)
more to be added
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based on my rules, content on this blog may contain dark content. tags will be added and warnings on posts for your convience, as well as all longer and nsfw posts being under a read more. once again, i emphasis that all characters are in a college and thus over 18 years old when writing.
i dont have a dni, cause i dont have any restrictions right now (unless your a terf then fuck off to hell). if you are a minor and interact with a post of mine labeled as nsfw, then i will obliterate you into the fucking sun.
you will also be obliterated if you are:
queerphobic or a terf
if you can remotely fit into the above, just dont interact pls. otherwise, we vibin.
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aeriedwelling · 1 month
:0 ohh is this the funny little guy that snuck onto the space pirate ship??
i am trying to think of words to give you and there are none. yes it is!!! it's vibin!!!! it is so scared all of the time!!!
i am so tempted to make oli fat cause of the shorthand: here's someone who has every need met and doesn't ever have to think of where they're going to get their next meal etc etc vs xander's barely scraping by, eating whatever's left at the bottom of the barrel, tall and lean and way too thin for someone his age, sunken cheeks etc etc but i have Plans and don't want to feed the "fat people = evil/bad/undesirable" stereotype so i am. thinking.
i may also give oli short hair again cause i don't think i'm a huge fan of hys long hair tbh. we'll see.
i gotta redo their skins. im going to make oli full prince and xander full pirate. xander's pirate fit was mostly stolen from captain luminous (the previous captain) so it's all way too big on him and fairly blue and green themed. Oli's gonna get a cool prince fit. i think i am going to shift more towards blue/black/gold color schemes for them rather than the current red/black/gold color schemes i have. might be cool.
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