#im wearing boots not part of the set
weskin-time · 1 year
I don’t t go here but how about sharing body heat with John price headcanons? Like if it’s cold outside and the both of you are stranded. Alone. 👀 (feel free to ignore just giving ideas haha)
i’m sorry this took. months. i love when i write and hit the save button only for it to not save. >:/ BUT I HOPE I DID YOUR ASK JUSTICE!
Captain John Price x GN!Reader
not beta read
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Cold air curled into your lungs and made its home on your skin, burning the back of your throat and searing your flesh as if it was hot out, but it was freezing.
There was no snow, just dry cold air that made your sinus’s cry out in pain, no moisture in the air just a winter haze in a forest. Frozen dew drops clung to blades of grass, to the leaves shed on the forest floor like blankets, the dwindling light of the day promised an even colder night.
The twilight would have been peaceful if it had been a voluntary camping trip, if you weren’t stuck with your captain in the middle of the woods out in bumfuck-nowhere Russia.
It should have been easy, should have been an easy drive to a small town where the contact had been, but it was an ambush, a trap set up by Makarov to get you lot off his ass. Your small team was outnumbered and forced to retreat, but an explosion caused Price and you to be separated from Gaz and the rest of the small amount of men. A mine caught the captain and you off guard, causing the Humvee you were in to wreck, separating you from everyone, somehow Makarov’s men didn’t see you two slip into the woods that bordered the town.
“Damnit. You two are going to have to sit tight for the night.” Laswell spoke over the coms.
Good thing the army backpack your we’re wearing had supplies inside it, standard military issued foldable tent, a shitty sleeping bag, and then some. Price seemed to have lost his bag (or didn’t even bring it) in the explosion, meaning there was only one tent and sleeping bag to share between you two. Fun.
You barley paid any attention to the conversation going on behind you as you began to set up the tent, unzipping it from its little bag and trying to figure out how to set it up. It kind of reminded you like those folding frisbees you sometimes get at fairs or small events.
“Laswell-“ Price began to argue but was cut off.
“John it’s too hot right now to rescue the two of you, Makarovs men are still in the town, Im not going to argue with you. I’m sending a team your way before dawn tomorrow, you’ll be out of there in no time.” Her tone was final.
“Fuckin hell.”
The kept talking as you focused on the tent, tuning them out as you fed some tubes into the fabric of the green camo. Your nose felt numb, your fingers moved with a slowness of paralyzed flesh, the cold in the air seeped into your being freezing your blood. Your heavy fingers fumbled over the rough fabric as you sniffed your now running nose.
By the time Price was done complaining you had gotten the tent up. It was large enough for about 2 people, and thankfully the backpack you carried had a thin scratchy blanket to go along with it. Looks like you wouldn’t be camping warmly tonight.
“The tents up captain.” you called over your shoulder to where the man was just a few moments ago, jaw chattering slightly.
“Alright. Fuckin hell.” the last part was muttered under his breath.
It had been an hour since you set up the tent.
Twilight had come to cloak the forest in darkness, the birds who were chirping and singing earlier had went to bed, it was too cold in the night air for them.
The temperature had to have dropped a few more degrees by sundown because your toes ached in the combat boots you wore, you could barely feel them let alone move them in the confines of the shoes. Your fingers felt like rocks, slow to move and what could best describe it as ‘clunky’.
It’s weird how the cold burns. Your skin felt like it was on fire minus the heat, your thighs didn’t help warm up your hands as you pressed your legs harder around your fingers to provide any warmth at all, instead it just make your skin ache. What’s worse is you couldn’t make a fire.
Makarov’s men were still in the area Price had confirmed, while y’all were deeper in the woods to where it would take them a while to find you even if they tried to look in the forest, it would still be too risky to attract them from the smoke of a fire, and everything was too cold and frozen to have a smokeless fire, you needed dry wood with no bark for that.
You and your captain had huddled up in the tent for the night. Price was currently on watch, which left you alone in the tent to rest.
But it was too cold to sleep. It was too cold to even think. You sat in the fetal position with your arms around your thighs instead of your knees, pressing your fingers into the crevasse of your thighs to provide some warmth, but none coming to you. A blanket from the sleeping bag was wrapped around you, it was too cold to even lay flat in the sleeping bag, you had to huddle to stay somewhat warm, and even then you felt the buzzing, burning, numb feeling of the cold. You were able to handle torture if needed, but this? this was hell. The blanket did nothing.
“Shift change.” He announced before unzipping the flap and sitting fully in the tent ready to switch positions with you but he stopped when he saw your shivering state.
Your head was on your knees and you honestly couldn’t tell if you were shivering worse than he was. Your skin looked dull from what he could see and that instantly worried him.
He shifted over to you on his knees, shutting the tent flap behind him, “You alright?”
You weakly looked up at him only to be met with his sudden expression of shock and worry all mixed into one. You could barely see in the moonlight but you’d be able to sniff out the expression sense you haven’t seen him ever express it before.
Your lips were turning blue.
“Fuckin hell,” he groaned out a string of curses as he put down his gun and took off his vest and placed it with yours in the corner of the tent. You could barely understand what he was muttering, something about muppets? Fuck if you knew.
“Imma move you, right?” He asked full knowing he was going to do it regardless if you said yes or no, so you have a weak grunt in approval.
You didn’t want to move, moving meant you’d loose all the warmth you’ve built up be it not much. John sat down close to you and took the blanket off you, which you barely even noticed, and wrapped his large warm hands around your midsection and hooked his other under your knees, lifting you up to sit in between his legs. You were facing sideways against him with your shoes under his thigh as both of his legs wrapped around your frame. He pushed your head to rest against his chest and instantly your hands found their place resting against his ribs.
His arms wrapped around you with the blanket, draping it around the two of you as he held you against him.
If you were in your right mind you would protest against your captains actions, but survival was more important in this moment. Plus you honestly didn’t mind being this close to him, feeling his breath on the top of your head as he huddled into you, his strong heartbeat hammering in your ears in a calming manner, and slowly the warmth of the two of you beginning to grow under the trap of the blanket, making your skin feel as if it was thawing. You felt safe in his arms like this.
“That better?” Price asked resting his head on your own.
A whine of ‘mmhmm’ escaped your throat at the question.
“Get some rest ey? Gaz’ll be here by dawn.” Reassuring words from your captain almost put a spell on you as you instantly felt your eyelids grow heavy. You absentmindedly snuggled closer into his chest and shifted your weight to rest fully against him. A hum of contentment released like a balloons air escaping. You really should be embarrassed a little about this situation but you were too cold and tired to care, you were just glad you could feel your fingers again.
Right at the cusp of sleep where your brain was swimming in the ideas of a dream a soft pressure surrounded by what felt like fuzzy grass tickled your forehead.
John had given you a kiss on the head, “Sleep love.”
You’d worry about everything later in the morning when you’re rescued and after you’ve been seen by a doctor.
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kechiwrites · 1 year
decided to break it
toxic baby daddy!ghost x reader
part 4/?
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synopsis: babies change everything, and neither you, nor simon handle change very well at all.
wc: 2.2k
cw: afab!reader, angst, hurt with no comfort, language, break up fic, abandonment issues, no gendered language, discussions and depictions of pregnancy. no use of y/n ever.
author’s note: im back <3, more tomorrow, or perhaps later tonight if i feel up to formatting on this hell site. for kitten, shia, nori, 👩🏿‍🍼 anon, and everyone else who cheered me up when i felt super down post-holidays
new to baby blue? start here.
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"Fuck." You murmur, maybe for the fourth time since the 15 minute timer had gone off on your phone. The word doesn’t seem heavy enough to sum up how you’re feeling, but you give it a few more tries anyway, “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” The word 'pregnant', however, is the heaviest you’ve ever seen, latching onto your limbs and skin and dragging you to the floor beneath you. ‘Pregnant’ stares you in the face from the stick in your shaking hands, punctuated with a little smiley face you can barely see through tears. In the back of your mind you kind of wished you'd gotten the kind with the little ambiguous pink lines, just so you could pretend you didn't understand what two lines instead of one meant. Just for a little bit. Alas, the pharmacist recommended the slightly more expensive test, the kind that gives you a week estimate. The kind that tells you you've been fucked for 3-4 weeks now.
Every emotion you'd been feeling up until then cedes to white hot panic. It's hard to breathe in your little blue bathroom.
You wonder what he'll say. 
You dread what he’ll say. 
It’s nothing you two have ever talked about, not in the cold blackness of night, when he’d sat in your arms with his face bare to you and murmured every gory detail of his upbringing to you and not a goddamn therapist. Not the following morning when you’d sobbed your terror of the future, and losing everything you had into his lap. And certainly not when you had mutually decided you were “getting serious”.
And now you have to. You have to tell Simon you’re pregnant.
There's a pit in your stomach when he comes by that night, mask off and eyes warm, considering like they always are. You get swept up in how it feels to be near him, to have him crowd into your space, soaking your senses in his scent, his warmth. He kisses you gently, so soft it makes you want to cry. He used to say he wasn't capable of being like that. Not with you. Not with anyone. 
Instead of sobbing into his chest like you’re desperate to, you chide him about wearing his boots in the house. You take the time he needs to unlace them to memorize what being with him feels like in this moment, the last time things will be easy. 
He levers up and nudges his boots over to yours, where they sit side by side. Tears choke your voice again, and you’re praying it’s just a pregnancy thing rather than a ‘you being an unstable wreck’ thing.
“Sit.” You turn to the kitchen, setting your kettle on the stove and turning the knob to high. He hunkers down on the worn cream leather of your couch. You linger in front of your stovetop as long as you can, fussing with the mug Simon uses almost always, an ugly misshapen pink thing you’d made at a beginner ceramics class four years ago. It’s chipped at the lip, rose coloured glaze cracked, exposing the beige clay underneath it. Your hand glances over boxes of tea, back and forth over colourful labels that may as well be written in gibberish for all the luck you're having reading them. 
It feels like there's no air in the room, like the secret under your t-shirt is taking it all, vacuum sealing your room until your chest burns and your head feels like it's going to pop. You tear open a brand new box of earl grey, stuffing it back onto your shelf when the tea bag is sat securely in the cup. 
"What's wrong?” He grouses from the couch, and it’s only then that you realize your shoulders are hunched up around your ears. 
“I..” your stomach rolls and sweat begins to bead on your forehead. You can hear him stir in his seat behind you, shifting forward so he can peer at you from your living room. Saliva gathers in your mouth, and oh god, maybe you actually will throw up, it’s too early for morning sickness right? Unless the stupid tests were wrong and now you’re going to cover your countertops in the stew you had for lun-
“Hey.” Simon is standing behind you now, his hands gripping your shoulders, shaking you lightly until you whip around to face him. The kettle is screaming now, filling your home with that shrill, high shriek of steam from the boiling water whistling through the appliance's tiny spout. 
Somehow it’s still quieter than your pulse pounding in your ear.
“I’m pregnant.” You choke out, if only to stop yourself from retching over Simon’s socked feet. God, it’s like time stops, then it splits and cracks in clean halves. Into before and after he knew. Before and after his concerned expression crumbled into disbelief, before and after he schooled that disbelief into placid nothingness. And it’s not like you’d entertained the delusion that he’d be happy about it. But the silent hang time before he reacts is this terrible, hollow, unknown that tears up your insides and relishes in the shiny, red viscera. 
A gruff, quiet "Are you sure?" is what you get from him, when he finally recovers, and you try so hard not to let it bother you. It's a shock. A surprise. A loud bang in the middle of a serene night, a cannon going off in your face, a gunshot into the sky when you thought the race was an hour from starting. 
You try to give him a bit of grace. Still, the pit in your stomach grows.
Now it's a bit of a sinkhole.
"Baby, I wouldn't be telling you if I wasn't sure." You move to snag your fingers into the fabric of his shirt, to tug him close so you can hold each other, support each other, but he take a small step backwards, letting his palms slip from your shoulders. 
The sinkhole is a cavern, yawning wide, open and empty. 
You toss your hope and love inside.
“I need…some time.” He mutters, slinking out of your space, out of the kitchen and back into your entryway. 
'Time to fucking what?' you think, but hold back. You know Simon. You love Simon. And you remember where he's come from. What he's come from. You realize a second too late you should be following him, and when you stumble over the kitchen threshold, he’s tying up his boots, his broad back facing you. You try to peer around him, try to get a look at his face, desperate to gauge where he’s at. But when you notice he’s knocked your shoes over in his scramble to get away, to be anywhere but here, you stop moving..
“Y-yeah. Okay. Just..uh, get back to me soon okay?” you stutter, and wrap your arms around yourself, like you know Simon won't. Not with the way his hands are shaking. 
He doesn’t even respond this time. 
The soldier just stands. He opens your front door. And walks out. Leaving you in your entryway. Water past its boiling point in the kettle.
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You don’t see him again until you’re four, nearly five months along, the bump under your clothes now impossible to hide. When you stumble into your home, exhausted from working, he’s in your living room. Sitting there in his mask at your tiny dining room table. Like no time has passed at all. Like he should be there. You realize you never did get your spare house key back.
“Get out.” you spit, blood boiling under your skin. 
"I know you're upset-" He begins, like he’s about to deliver a practiced speech.
"Get the fuck out!" Your tone is caustic, and you hope it burns him, hope it strips off all the facade on the rotting structure he is underneath.
"I never meant to leave it so long. This." He won't even say it. Can't even refer to you, let alone your baby. He stands up and becomes this big, dark mass in the bright space of your living room, black mask, black shirt, black boots, just a huge black hole that sucks up every good feeling you’d had in his absence, every ray of light that’d shone through the dark gloom he’d left behind. Nothing escapes his pull. 
He peers at you from the gap in his mask. The stark white skull stretched over his face mocks you, maliciously whispers in your ear; ‘Did you think you knew him? That he was honest with you? Open to you?’
And you had. You did. You thought you were making progress, building some semblance of a future, falling in love.
It makes you sick to your stomach to think of it.
"You want to apologize, take the fucking mask off Simon." Your voice breaks, and part of you hopes he hears it for the plea it is. Hopes he understands what you’re asking of him. Hopes he feels how bad you missed him, under the hurt and pain and bitter, bitter loneliness. If he would just take it off, just pull the stupid fabric over his face and show you he was still yours under there, that he’d make a mistake and he’s ready now, then maybe the two of you could fix it. This.
Instead, his silence, his stillness cracks open your ribcage and pours black ink over your heart.
Humiliation and anger simmer on your tongue. What comes next is shockingly easy. "Oh you can't do it, huh? Can't be a fucking person with me, huh?" You shove at his chest, and he takes it, staring at you with pain in his eyes. Like this is hurting him.
"I shouldn't have waited so long, but I-" he steps towards you and it feels so good to rip away from his touch. To step back from his advance.
"No!” You shout, and your face is so hot, skin ablaze with righteous anger. “Shut up! Three months? Are you out of your fucking mind?"
And yes, one month of that was deployment, you’d known that, you’d talked about it, together. One month of no contact. One month of sand and heat and blood. But the other two months had been that white hot panic you'd felt on your own, in that tiny bathroom with the peeling blue wallpaper he'd promised he'd help you strip and replace. The other months had been missed calls, and ignored texts and you getting bigger under your sweaters because unlike him, you couldn't just take a break from the situation.
“Get the fuck out of my house!” You shove past him, deeper into your home, spinning around so he’s closer to your entryway than you are. “Don’t you ever show your face here again, do you hear me?” You’re screaming now, much to Ghost’s visible discomfort. Good. You hope your nosy ass neighbours call the cops. You hope they physically remove his pathetic ass. You hope they embarrass him. (It isn’t very likely, of course. But God, could you dream).
“You can't just keep it from me.” He steps closer and you lament that he has you on the backfoot. It’s your space, your home and yet it feels as though you’re the one who’s out of place, off kilter and uncomfortable. You glare at him. 
“It’s mine too.”
‘It’ he says, and that bothers you. Irks you. Him calling your baby an ‘it’. 
“Give me a fucking break, it wasn’t yours when you left me, you couldn’t wait to get your sorry ass out of here when I told you. Now you wanna play daddy? I don’t fucking think so.” You dig your fingernails into the meat of your palms, leaving aching crescents in their wake. 
“And you know what? Maybe it’s my fault for wanting to be with someone who is so fundamentally fucking broken that he couldn’t fucking bear to show me his goddamn face until I’d begged him. Maybe I’m the idiot for thinking you could ever be capable of love, of decency. I needed you. And you abandoned me, Simon. You are a fucking monster.” 
The word hangs in the air, hovering between the two of you where it can’t be taken back, and it sure as hell can’t be forgotten.
“You are good at distancing yourself, you are good at killing your feelings. Keep doing that. Stay the fuck away from me and my kid.” You’re panting when you finish, and everything hurts, one of your hands is bleeding, your eyelids prickle with the pain of unshed tears, your throat feels strained and tight. He nods once, jerky and quick, before he takes an unbalanced step back. Then another and another, his eyes never leaving yours, like he’s looking for something, anything other than hurt and hatred.
But there’s nothing else to find.
He turns, opening your front door and trudging out, heavy footfalls bracketing short moments of gut wrenching silence. It feels final. But it doesn’t feel good. Not like you thought it might.
He’s halfway into his SUV when you scramble out your front door, shouting over your porch railing to him in your driveway. “And get rid of my fucking keys!” He stares at you, standing stockstill, before he gets in the driver’s seat and pulls away.
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whew, nice to post ghosty-poo again
series masterlist here
support city girls, reblog what u like
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edenalieth · 7 months
Tricked pt.2
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Pairing: pixy!hyunjin x afab! reader — read part.1
Genre: faery!au, based on « the cruel prince » universe, smut, slight angst
Warnings: he’s still short tempered his dad is too, unprotected sex (they're fairies, they struggle to have kids and are immortals, you're not), oral m!receiving, fingering f!receiving, orgasm denial, bit rough/jealousy, y'all are a bit tipsy
Summary: At first, he thought he was hallucinating but he could recognize your delicate gestures, the plump of your lips, your hand engulfed by the stranger’s one and the way his free hand was sneakily brushing over your butt. Who was this asshole ? Rage setting his blood on fire, he couldn’t stop staring at you, making him stumble over his partner's feet. He apologized to the lady he was dancing with and headed towards you. Little did he know that you were waiting for this reaction. 
Words: 4.7K 
A.N: hi, it's cami! im back with the second part of this faery au. it's actually a first for me to write a sequel, i recently read the stolen heir so it helped going back into this universe haha. sorry for the eventual mistakes, i hope you will like it ♡ — 231206
His shirt was barely buttoned up, his hair untied and soaked after swimming with you on the lake and he unconsciously hummed a song on his way back to the manor. He felt delighted by the time you had spent together. Of course, he wasn’t forgiving you for the way you had played with his feelings, the way you made a fool out of him but he would let you go with it, for now. And, after all, it was your secret. Just like the place where you had sealed your passion to. He shivered thinking about how your hands touched him, how your soft lips crashed on his. He let his fingers brush against his lips, his steps guiding him towards the white rocky structure he called his dwelling. 
When the heavy wooden door opened at his arrival he heard his name being announced by the guards and some servants rushing towards him. 
« My lord, what happened to your clothes ? Please, you should wear some shoes and get dressed properly. » urged an old woman called Mona. She used to be his nanny and was always making sure things were perfect for him. Since he grew up, he was seeing her less and less as she was busy directing other attendants. However, she always showed up during important times. Today was no exception. 
Hyunjin raised a brow looking at the fae. He checked his white shirt. There was some green stains here and there because of your little fight. His feet were dirty after walking in the woods. Fine but what now ? Were the guests still here ? Even so, he didn’t care. The high society had seen him in a far worst shape than just being underdressed. And, after all, even a cruel and perverted man like Cardan had been able to access the throne. People would not be shocked for so little. 
The woman clapped twice and domestic servants swarmed over him, dusting his shoulders and feet, handing him a clean doublet and boots. He rejected them, annoyed by all this fuss. « Could you at least tell me why I should do this ? I would like to retire to my apartments. » the black haired pixy grumbled, his tone iron cold, looking at them with no mercy. The old fae sighed, not impressed by his temper. « Your father is waiting for you in his office. » 
His shoulders got tensed and he clenched his fists, the muscle of his jaw suddenly prominent. He pulled the clothes off the hands of a brownie, while an other one was helping him to put his boots on. Once ready, he headed towards the office. 
As usual, his steps were echoing on the empty corridors. In the fading daylight, the last rays of sunshine were illuminating the walls of different shades of blue, making the shadows dance. He stopped at the doorframe, took a deep breath and knocked.
« Come. » his father’s low voice seemed calm, too calm. 
Hyunjin entered the room. He bowed and said « Father. Mona told me you wanted to see me. » 
The place wasn’t really big and quite off-centered from the crowded rooms of the manor. Mountains of books were surrounding the huge oak desk, skillfully engraved with pixies and ivy. The young man was about to sit on one of the armchair facing it but his father stopped him, raising his hand as a gesture for him to wait. « No need, I won’t be too long. »
Hyunjin had difficulties to stay focused and he was trying with all his might to not let his wings buzz. His father was writing on some papers, not even bothering to look at his son. When he finished, he sealed it with blue wax, stamping the coat of arms of their family using his signet ring. Hyunjin had a similar one on his left index. « Today was your last tantrum. » his parent stated. 
The boy scoffed, tapping his feet on the floor. « A tantrum ? Maybe it would not have happened if this incompetent » and he insisted on that word, gritting his teeth « was doing his job properly. He humiliated me in front of the guests. » 
His dad stood up, overlooking his son. « No! You did that yourself and a multiple times! » he seethed. Hyunjin could feel his body getting hot from all the rage he was holding back. Controlling his wings was now a wasted effort and it didn’t go unnoticed. The older man looked at him with disdain. « Look at you. You’re dressed like a peasant and can’t even discipline your emotions. You almost hurt a domestic today, you put on a show during our dinner with the duke and your reputation is well known in Insmire. » he paused, analyzing Hyunjin’s reaction to the statement. He continued. « Get ahold of yourself or I will have to interfere myself. » he threatened. The pixy was fulminating. « I dare you to try. » he spit, his body few inches from his father’s. Not getting the time to react, he felt a loud pain on his cheekbone. His mind went blank, something warm dripping along his face. 
His dad pulled out a tissue from his pocket and cleaned his ring. « A ball is going to be held in four days. This is your chance to show the true values of the Hwang family. Understood ? » Hyunjin didn’t answer. « I said, understood ? ». 
« Yes, father. » 
When Hyunjin came back to his room, he had the urge to break everything around him. He checked himself on the full length mirror, his cheek was red, with some hints of purple and dry blood on the cut. Despite his anger, he could tell this argument made him come back to his senses. He deserved to be respected and feared but he also needed to behave a bit more to reach that goal. Not to be the capricious heir and to be able to surpass his dad. First, he would try to control his emotions. Second, he would avoid people making it harder for him to reach his first goal and having a bad influence on him, such as you. He could tell his heart had soften the second he took interest in you. It started when you arrived at the court and exploded after your afternoon together. He would not meet you the next day, breaking his promise. Nor the other. He didn’t need a weakness. He didn’t need to like you. 
Servants were helping him to get ready. He was wearing an all white outfit. The tip of his boots was covered of dark silver and Mona attached a brooch made of sapphires as dark as the night sky. His cloak, also white, was covered of tiny diamonds looking like the morning dew. His former nanny handed him a mask made of tulle. It wasn’t totally covering his face, just enough to hide his bruise and eyes. He was playing with the ring on his index, adorned with his coat of arms. It represented several pair of pixy wings, intertwined with ivy forming a H. Hyunjin often played with it to relax or, at least, try to. He perfectly knew that you would be here tonight. It would probably be difficult to ignore you, he was scared of your reaction. However, it was a masked ball and maybe you would not recognize him in the crowd. He hoped so. 
Once ready, a knight came to escort him and his family to the castle where the ball was taking place. The great hall was beautifully decorated. Fresh flowers were dripping from the ceiling expertly mixing with the high chandeliers where small fireflies were trapped, diffusing a dim light. The tables were covered with food and drinks going from grilled fish accompanied with a lemony sauce, fae fruits and exotic ones, some mortal dishes and different types of wine. 
A small orchestra was playing and a lot of people were dancing dressed with their prettiest gowns or totally naked. Spotting some acquaintances, he followed his family, greetings several people. Trolls, mermaids, elves. He had to go through this if he wanted to get some freedom from his father’s constant monitoring. Which, after what felt like hours, he got. His mother was busy gossiping with court ladies and his father needed to discuss some serious topic with a duke. Hyunjin wasted no time and decided to join some of his friends he had noticed earlier and took a glass of green wine. The alcohol going down his throat burnt him but the taste of it was incredible. 
« Look who is joining us! What have you been up to ? You didn’t come to Xylia’s party this week. » immediately questioned a young sidhe named Jisung. Him and Hyunjin used to hate each other until the pixy helped him out of a really bad situation. Said situation implying his friend having an affair with a married woman. 
« I’ve been on thin ice with my father’s patience lately… Staying at the manor was my best option. » 
Jisung pouted not truly convinced and took a bite on a fae fruit, some of its golden dust slightly covering his mouth. « Better make up for last time then » he mischievously replied with a smirk, pouring another glass of wine to Hyunjin. The latest smiled and let himself go a little while said Xylia, a nymph who had been interested on the black haired man, came up to sit on his lap. 
« Hwang Hyunjin is finally honoring us of his presence! » she purred, sliding her arms around his shoulders. « Missed me ? » he arrogantly said. « Of course ». She chuckled, revealing pointy teeth, then proceeded to come closer to sensually bite his neck. Jisung laughed and looked at them avidly. It wasn’t the first time he was seeing them acting like this but it surely aroused him. Hyunjin used to love it, playing with Xylia, flirting with indecency, teasing his friend. He thought that giving in to his old demons would help him get you out of his mind but everything seemed bland. The nymph strong flowery scent was overwhelming, his mouth felt furred because of the wine and the sidhe’s reaction annoyed him. 
« Stop… » his voice was barely audible. The girl kept on going, sliding her hands along his torso. « I said stop. » he growled firmly, trapping the nymph’s wrist in his hand. His gaze was icy, giving cold sweat to Xylia. « What’s wrong with you ? » she was visibly offended. The pixy man rolled his eyes « I’m bored staying in your company ». He stood up and went towards the dancing crowd. He heard Jisung trying to convince him to stay and could feel the nymph’s angry eyes boring holes into his back. He didn’t care, now that the alcohol was doing its job he could only think about one thing: finding you. 
How came you didn’t cross his path yet ? Yes, all those masks and textile fluttering all around him were making him dizzy and harder for him to notice you. However, it couldn’t be impossible, right ? Unless you weren’t invited… Unthinkable. Your family was freshly part of the high society, they needed to shine among it to get the recognition from their pairs. Hyunjin let himself be drawn into a waltz, changing partners and spiraling according to his thoughts. Until his eyes finally landed on you. At first, he thought he was hallucinating but he could recognize your delicate gestures, the plump of your lips, your hand engulfed by the stranger’s one and the way his free hand was sneakily brushing over your butt. Who was this asshole ? 
Rage setting his blood on fire, he couldn’t stop staring at you, making him stumble over his partner's feet. He apologized to the lady he was dancing with and headed towards you. Little did he know that you were waiting for this reaction. 
You had noticed him rather quickly. How could you do otherwise, anyway ? He was shining like the purest gem among the nobles and courtiers. The tulle mask was doing nothing, you could tell right away that it was him by the way he elegantly walked, his dark blue wings, his pearl earring he seemed to never take off from his pointy ears. The second you saw him in the crowd, you almost ran to him, desperate to know why he never came back to the lake. However, you needed to find the right time for it because you weren’t going to be nice and you couldn’t tarnish your family's reputation. He seemed like a different person when it was only the both of you. You thought he had a soft spot for you. What an idiot you had been. You felt betrayed. Maybe it was his revenge for the little play you had pulled on him and it felt like getting a taste of your own medicine. Bitter. 
He had probably used you and would laugh about it with his friends. This feeling increased the moment you saw that beautiful creature devouring his neck and touching him lustfully. You clenched your fists at the sight of it and regretted not cutting his throat when you had the occasion. In the end, he was like any other fae, directed by his impulses. You went to the closest table and grabbed a drink. You coughed a little because of the high amount of alcohol. And this is how you joined the dancers, well decided not to cry over that mouth-of-nectar. He wanted to play that game ? Oh, you wouldn’t loose and seeing him almost crawling in your direction gave you some smugness. 
« Y/N. » he called out, trying to get your attention as you ignored him thoroughly. People were on his way and he started to push them away brutally — getting death glares — as you danced away from him, still in your lure’s arms. Even if his gaze was blurred by the light fabric covering it, you could tell the same anger was burning inside his eyes, the same one you had witnessed when he discovered the trickery you had played on him. Finally reaching the both of you, the pixy stopped, trying to keep his composure. « May I ? » he asked the man, showing his palm. « Can’t you see I’m… » your partner was about to protest until he saw who he was talking to. Hyunjin was giving him a beautiful grin but not a single cell of his body seemed welcoming. « Lord Hwang I… My apologies, the lady is yours. » he sheepishly said. The pixy looked at him leaving and his smile instantly faded once the man was out of sight. You rolled your eyes and tried to escape but he strongly grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him. 
« You suddenly remember me, Hwang Hyunjin ? » you scoffed, annoyed to not be able to detach your eyes from his. He intertwined his fingers with yours, making you twirl. You were stunning in that dress. It was visibly made of a pearly shaded silk where actual pearls delicately dangled on your chest and arms, like rain drops. A similar mask was adorning your face. It gave you a strong aura and suited the hint of purple in your eyes. « Why are you doing this to me, half-blood ? » he whispered in your ear. Feeling his breath against your face gave you goosebumps. 
« D-doing what ? » 
Damn it! You couldn’t help but stuttered and he smirked. 
« Playing with my feelings all the time. » he replied. Oh wow! So, it was your fault. 
« I’m the one playing ? You seemed to have a good time with that freshwater slut earlier. » you spat, unable to restrain your venom. He recoiled, surprised. 
« Are you talking about Xylia ? I actually pushed her away because I wanted her to be you. » he grumbled. You felt his nails digging into the tenderness of your waist, giving you a small ache. « And you think I’m going to believe you after you broke your promise. I bet you told all your friends how you made a fool out of me, letting me think I had won. »
Your words annoyed him and he frowned. This is what you thought and why you were doing all of this, trying to make him jealous and it worked. His wings started to tickle and his mouth was reduced to a thin line. 
« You truly think I’m a monster when you’re the one who started all of this. » he stated calmly. Surprised, you looked at him but you couldn’t say he was wrong… 
« What do you want from me Y/N ? » 
His intense gaze made you look away and you were glad the mask was hiding your cheekbones which were probably red. You weren’t going to say how much his loss hurt you, how addicted you had become after only one day together. You had too much ego for that. Gulping, you came closer to his ear and murmured, « Prove me I’m wrong, prove that you sincerely desire me. »
He put a halt to your dance, weighing the pros and cons of your demand. Accepting would go against his resolutions, yet, it couldn’t let you insult him without giving you a lesson. « Your wish is my command. » he replied with a sly smile. 
Cutting through the crowd, he guided you upstairs. You weren’t surprised to see some wasted people laying on the floor or hearing laughs coming from other rooms. What surprised you is how easily he found the entry of a boudoir room. Must not have been his first time coming here which made your body get tensed. 
It was small and pretty. The furnitures were scanty. An alcove full of fluffy pillows and beautifully crafted blankets overhung by a large window offering a night view of the garden. A meridian couch and a coffee table, few decorations. You removed your mask, wanting to face him correctly. You looked even more gorgeous and he could feel his body warming up. He carefully locked the door and walked towards you, trapping you against the edge of the alcove and himself. The sudden proximity made your core ache. You wanted to touch him badly but he was the one who had to prove something. After all, he accepted the challenge. 
« Well. Tell me Hyunjin, are we going to stay like that or are you actually going to do something ? » you teased. He scoffed, letting his hand run along your thigh and going up your breast to grasp the dangling pearls. He played with it, looking at the light reflecting on it. Your breathe was faint, anticipating. Not bothering to lift his head up, he spoke 
« I will make you mine, Y/N. You will be my thing, my doll and you will never dare to flirt with some idiots ever again. » You frowned. His thing ? You would never let that happen. 
« You’re all blabbering but you dont act much and, most importantly, you don’t own me. » 
What you thought would be a nice time was turning into an upsetting one. This was ridiculous and, despite your aroused state, you needed to leave. Obviously, the young pixy didn’t let you go, pulling hard on the pearls and making the threads holding them break as they fell on the ground. 
« Really ? » 
You couldn’t really tell what he was thinking because of the tulle and you wanted him to get rid of it. Before you could complain about it, he grabbed your butt and made you sit on the alcove. Adroitly, he left your dress up so that your bottom was fully exposed. « I’m sure of… » you couldn’t finish your sentence, feeling his thin fingers sliding down your folds. You gripped his shoulders and moaned on his neck. He removed his hand, looking at your glimmering arousal and said with a husky voice « Seems like your pussy is telling me otherwise. »
You felt tears forming in your eyes. Why your body had to betray you like this ? You bit your lip, sulking. However, Hyunjin didn’t plan to give you any rest. 
« You wanted to know how much I desire you, uh ? » he growled, leaving incandescent kisses on your jaw and neck. You hummed, too concentrated on his touch. 
« Speak. » he ordered. 
« Yes. » 
A smirk appeared on his face as he closed the gap between the two of you. You sighed in relief, finally feeling his lips on yours, it tasted like green wine. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your core meeting the fabric of his pants where you could feel is hard-on. He grabbed the back of your hair, making your head fall backward. He missed your scent, the softness of your skin and he absolutely wanted to ruin you. 
You tried to find some friction but he was holding you back strongly. The tip of his nose brushed against the crook of your neck when you felt his warm and wet tongue tracing lines on it. « Hyunjin, please… »
As an answer, he harshly sucked on your skin. The pain made a small cry escape your mouth. Fuck. He was bolder than the first time, getting comfortable around you. You heard a pop when he let your sensitive take some rest. 
« Satisfied ? » he asked. Oh, he had to be joking right now. 
« Not at all. » you answered, sulking. His laugh revealed his teeth, making him low-key predatory. 
« Always greedy. » he sighed. His fingers caressed the pulsing point of your neck, travelling down to the valley of your breast to finally reach where you needed him the most. He cupped your sex, making you mewl. « This belongs to me. » 
You wanted to protest but the pressure he was applying on your clit was driving you crazy, his thumb forming small eight figures on it. 
« Say it. » You resisted, shutting your eyes and digging your nails into his shoulders. Loosing his patience, he inserted a first digit inside you. You moaned his name loudly and Hyunjin had to take deep breaths not to fuck you raw.
« I-it’s yours. » you panted. 
He dipped another finger inside your dripping pussy. « Again. » 
« It’s yours, I’m yours. » you chocked when you felt his digits curling. 
« See. It wasn’t that difficult to admit it. » he mocked, his lips crashing against yours. You bit on his lower lip, making him grunt, soon met by an iron taste. The black haired man lightly jumped, his wings quivering. 
« Behave. » he whispered. « I’m sorry… I got carried away. » you immediately apologized, afraid that he would stop. Unfortunately, what you feared inevitably happened. After few more pumps, he could notice how lightheaded you were, how your walls were getting tighter. However, he didn’t want you to come around his fingers. You whined. 
« Keep going, please. I was so close. »
« I know. » he sighed. « But it’s my turn now. » He stepped back a little, putting you back on your feet as he was taking your place and unzipping his pants. He looked sinfully handsome. Totally absorbed by the view, you didn’t notice how he made you kneel down before him. His length was right in front of your eyes, precum glittering on its top. You licked your lips. « Suck on it. » 
Another order you gladly complied to. Him towering you like this, in all his glory, was another type of turn on. You delicately seized his dick before giving him some kitten licks. He let out a loud moan, his hands gripping the edge of the alcove, his knuckles turning white. 
« Stop playing. » he huffed. Searching for his gaze, you seductively put his member into your mouth, your lips perfectly fitting around it. Damn it. He would never be able to avoid you after seeing you like that. The sensation of your tongue twirling around his shaft, the delicious pressure every time you sucked on him. Gripping your hair he gave you light thrusts, until he couldn't stop his increasing pace, the tip of dick repeatedly hitting the back of your throat, making you gag. Tears formed on the corner of your eyes and your jaw started to ache so you had to make him stop. Both out-of-breath, he helped you to stand up, your legs being sore from the kneeling position.
« You did amazing, sugar. But don't you think it would be too bad for me not to come inside you ? » he mused, cupping your chin.
« I want you all. » you whined, already lifting your gown up. It made him chuckle, his eyes turning into crescent moons. Wanting to be more comfortable, he finally removed his cloak and mask. You never thought it would make such a big difference but everything seemed more intense now. You could perfectly admire his features, his dark eyes, the mole under his left one. Something was new, though. You carefully approached your hand from the bruise on his face. You frowned and asked « What happened ? ».
He had totally forgotten about it. He put your hand down and made you turn around. « Nothing much, now bend over. » You started to ask more questions but got easily distracted when he unlaced your dress, letting it slip on your naked body. You felt the palm of his left hand applying pressure on your bare back so that your torso was totally flat against the pillows and blankets of the alcove. He cupped your butt cheeks, slightly spreading them to look at your dripping core. You couldn't see what he was doing, only hearing some wet sounds. Hyunjin pumped himself hastily and, without any warning, penetrated you. You being soaking wet helped him a little but you were so tight that it was difficult for him to put his whole length inside. Gripping your waist firmly, he started with light thrusts, growling with any frictions.
The stretch was a bit painful at first, still, you quickly got accustomed to it, your butt trying to meet his hips and loving how he manhandled you. Seeing you so desperate to feel his dick made him salivate. He could see the side of your face as you bit on your lips, trying to muffle your noisy whimpers. You looked so fucked up and gorgeous at the same time. Inch by inch, he finally buried the totality of his shaft inside you, immediately hitting your sweet spot. « Fuck... Y/N... » one thrust, « I told you... » two... « You are meant to be mine. » His pace was increasing as you nodded, unable to create a proper sentence, your hips continuously hitting against the wooden edge of the alcove. The mixed pain and pleasure made you press your legs together, which didn't go unnoticed. Growling louder, Hyunjin bent over you to get a new angle, his thrusts becoming sloppy and slower. You felt one of his hand sliding down your heat to work on your clit.
« Hyunjin... » you mewl on his touch.
Surrounded by your scent and moans, he wasn't sure if he would be able to handle it much longer, going feral as he fed your eager cunt.
« You feel so good. Even better than last time » he praised, probably because this time he was the one dominating. This statement sent electricity down your spine, your walls clenching dangerously.
« Hyunie, I'm really close... » you cried, your voice barely above a whisper. « Hold on for me, half-blood. » the pixy commanded. You simply nodded and grabbed the blankets under you. You couldn't think straight anymore. You were fighting against the threatening wave of pleasure increasing with each powerful thrust, each change of pace. He was doing you good, too good for your own sanity. You could feel his weight on top of you, his arms caging your torso, leaving faint bruises. Wet sounds were echoing in the small room, sounds of your sweaty bodies rubbing against each other, sounds of sinful sex. His breath was becoming hectic and heavier, your walls so warm and narrow that he felt sucked in.
« Fuck ! » shaking over you, he relieved his seeds inside you, coating your core white. The euphoric wave wouldn't stop as he kept feeding his high, throbbing inside you and spiraling into delicious bliss. Unable to hold back anymore, you were on the very edge of your climax when you felt him pulling out. Stunned, you were left clenching around nothing, your core aching.
« W-what ? » you asked, confused. You fell on the floor, too weak to stand up properly. Hyunjin was already dressing himself up, styling his hair and tying his cloak. Once ready, he took his mask and crouched down to meet your eyes. A smirk was adorning his face.
« Consider this a payback for last time. » he said with his husky voice, preparing to get up « Oh! Before I leave, don't forget that I better not catch you in the arms of someone else than me. » he was towering you, looking down on you and your submissive position. He caressed your cheeks as anger was suddenly knocking your brain, your brows furrowed and eyes darkening. Without a word he turned around and left the room. He put his mask back on, satisfied as he heard his steps and your raging scream echoing on the corridor.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | ms47 | part 02
Pairing: hamilton!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, twitter environment, mention of food, not proofread etc etc. Minors DNI!
summary: Y/n and Mick interactions are now being noticed by everyone and some people are ready to share all the details with the internet.
a/n: none of the pictures used are mine, they are all from Pinterest and other apps. everything else is made up by me and I do not give permission for it to be published on a different platform. I would appreciate it if those things could be taken into consideration 💛
part. 01 | series masterlist | part 03
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liked by mickschumacher, lewishamilton and others
theofficialyn We worked day and night to create the confiest and safest boots without losing its fashion sense. I am really proud to announce that we are launching one more colletion 🤎 I am still testing all the possibilities and designs to deliver only the best, but soon enought these babies and the rest of our collection will be at the stores ready to create good memories along with you guys 🤍 ynthebrand is really grateful for all the love! Check our website and account for more infos.
view all 5430 comments
lewishamilton I keep waiting for you to design man shoes, would most def wear them all the time
disneyf1mick I see a certain golden retriever pilot lurking around the likes 👄
user00 I just find really funny how she’s outed as Lewis sister and suddently theres a new collection being launched…
⤷ carloscars omg yall like to theorize everything, get a grip!
⤷ ynpoptart she’s been talking about this launch for months now, the date was already set, the Lewis incident have nothing to do with it. That’s why she did not want people to know he is her brother, because there are some shitty people like you that will try to dimish her hard work. Honestly, I feel sorry for your fan base, must be a toxic environment.
ynfantastic what about the heels she was wearing last pic? 😫
⤷ sunshine198 I think she’s launching it next, or maybe it was just a test?
⤷ theofficialyn they are on this collection, love! will launch it soon 🤍
user10 would never use them, they look kinda ugly and unsafe as well.
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liked by georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1 and others
mickschumacher Good that everyone got the “crossed arms” memo @mercedesamgf1
view all 928 comments
schumachereign He looks waaaay too handsome ugh
⤷ f1racing2 toto, mick or the other guy?
⤷ schumachereign honestly, all of them lol
theofficialyn the energy is immaculate
⤷ ynnyc mother???? what are you doing here?
⤷ charlessainz2 god forbid but I already pictured her and mick dating, where are my fic writes at ✍🏾✍🏾✍🏾
georgerussell63 you guys rock! 🖤
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theofficialyn stories
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liked by zendaya, mercedesamgf1 and others
theofficialyn Going through a list of vegan places 💚😋
view all 3,230 comments
mickschumacher 🐟🐟🐟
⤷ theofficialyn HAHAHAHA I HATE YOU!
⤷ f1fantastic your honor, they're in love.
⤷ potteryn they have their inside jokes already. It's their world, we’re just living in it
fan2 You look stunning 😭😭😭
lewishamilton The only reason I forgive you for not going with me is because you’re bringing it home as well 🤨
⤷ theofficialyn You’re the one who told me you did not wanna come!!!
⤷ abcdyn I wonder who she could be going with 😗
charles_leclerc I am counting on a bag of vegan donuts at my desk again this weekend to give me luck…just saying 🚶🏻
⤷ pierregasly he’s actually begging, yn
ynautumn how does it feel to be this pretty?
estebanocon 😍😍
⤷ charleslechair OMG WHAT IS THAT?? *nicki minaj voices*
⤷ norrisfav I thought Pierre was into this steal-your-girl thing not you, Esteban
ynandf1 the whole grid loves her and it shows
swiftieyln Im so happy seeing yn after she was outed as lewis sister, she looks less afraid to be herself, and she’s been feeding us sm I can only say thank you to the holy trinity
sainzsaint charles, pierre and esteban are here too, now y'all gonna say they're dating her as well?
⤷ estiebestie98 yes.
make sure you like and reblog <3 feel free to talk to me as well, my inbox is always open!
wanna be tagged on my stories? click here
575 notes · View notes
specialagentlokitty · 5 months
Daryl x reader - out my sight
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hello!! i just read out my sight and it was AMAZING!!! would you consider a part two, whatever you want, im just curious to see more esp with the fighting and the group probably like “y’all actually love each other?” till they see a small moment that makes them get it. if not, that’s a okay! im definitely looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future!!! ❤️ - Anon💜
Part two:
Daryl did everything to keep you out of harms way, even at the farm, nobody was allowed near you on their own, especially not Shane.
You were sat down on top of the RV, sniper in your hands as you scanned the area again.
Lowering the gun, you turned around and looked down at your boyfriend.
“I want my jacket.”
You huffed, crossing your arms and shook your head.
“Mine now, been wearing it long enough.”
“You ass that ain’t how this works, it’s mine, give it.”
You turned around, going back to your spot to keep watch and he walked around the RV, standing just below it with his arms crossed.
“Come on, give it back I want it.”
“Don’t be so fuckin’ stubborn, you never liked it anyways.”
You grinned down at him, setting your gun down.
“Yeah but it’s mine now, plus it’s warm.”
“I know it’s damn warm, it’s why I want it.”
“Not happening asshat.”
“I swear to god I will come up there and take it from you.”
You mocked his words knowing full well that he wouldn’t actually come take the jacket away from you.
He knew that he wouldn’t either, he just wanted to wear it since you had been wearing it for so long.
He took the one he was wearing off and tossed it up, and you glanced at it.
“Swap me.”
“It smells like ass.”
“You smell like ass, gimme a jacket.”
You snickered, taking the one you were wearing off and you laid on your stomach, reaching down to pass it to him.
Daryl looked around and he dragged something over, standing on it he placed his hand on the back of your head, quickly kissing you before he took the jacket down and jumped on the floor.
He tossed it on and you smiled softly at him.
“You’re a bitch!” He called.
“Fuck you!”
You sat up there for a few more hours in the sun before you swapped with Dale, and you walked over to the tent your boyfriend was living in.
Looking inside, you shrugged and made your way up to the house, sitting on the steps next Lori who was watching Carl kick some stones about.
“Any idea where the dickhead went?”
“Which one?” She laughed softly.
You grinned a little at her, pulling Daryl’s jacket a little closer around you.
It did smell bad, but it still smelled like him, and it was comforting, especially after so long without being with him, knowing he was alive.
“The one that follows me likes freakin’ shadow.”
“Ah, Daryl, he went hunting.”
“He’s a dick.”
“Aren’t you dating him?” Andrea asked confused.
You shrugged a little, titling your head back to look at her and you took the cup she offered you, drinking some of the water before setting it aside.
“Yeah, but he’s still a dick.”
“Yeah, he’s not exactly the friendliest of people.” She laughed softly.
You nodded, and looked at the small group you had learned was taking care of him.
They seemed like good people, and you were glad he had that, because you knew he needed good people in his life even if he didn’t want to admit it.
You spent the day up at the house with them, helping with a few tasks that they needed help with before making your way back to the tent, sitting inside.
You laid on the blankets, closing your eyes in hope for a few hours of sleep, but it didn’t come because someone tapped the fabric.
“Hey, we’re all getting ready to eat, are you coming?” Rick asked.
You waved your hand dismissively.
He chuckled a little.
“Come on, just a bit of food then you can come back for some sleep.”
“I’m gonna throw my boot at you…”
“Alright, alright. I’ll get someone to set some aside for you.”
You nodded your head and he closed the tent again, letting you go back to sleep.
You heard shouting outside, and you furrowed your brows, sitting up and unzipping the tent to peak outside, hand on a gun Daryl had left for you.
“Daryl… shut the fuck up…” you mumbled.
He whipped around, walking over he unzipped the tent.
“Get your fuckin’ ass out here.”
You crawled back inside and laid down to go back to sleep, wanting to make the most of it.
“Hey! Don’t you dare go back to sleep you lazy fucker! Get the hell out here now!”
You refused and he walked into the tent, hooking his arms under yours he dragged you outside and dropped you by the fire.
Snatching a plate from Shane who protested and tried to take it back he walked over and put it next to you.
“Fuckin’ shithead, skippin’ out of meals the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Don’t be such a prick.” You said.
You pushed yourself up, sitting so you could eat the food you were given and Daryl smacked the back of your head.
“Hit me again I’m gonna break your damn fingers.”
“Try it fucker.”
Everybody shared a look.
Daryl sat behind you, resting his back on yours as he began to clean the bolts for his crossbow.
“You guys seriously love each other?” Shane scoffed.
Rick punched his friend in the shoulder.
“Mind your own fuckin’ business.” Daryl grumbled.
You leant forward then fell back, hitting your back against his.
“Be nice shithead.”
He scoffed and grumbled something you couldn’t quite hear.
When you were finished eating you made your way back inside the tent to go back to sleep, and it wasn’t long until Daryl came through a few minutes later.
He laid next to you, resting his head on your chest and you placed hand on his head, gently messaging his scalp.
He hummed a little bit, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Don’t see why I gotta play nice with ‘em. Don’t like ‘em, I like you.”
“You bitch, you hardly play nice with me as it it.”
“Yeah, but you love me.” He smirked.
He leant up, pressing a soft kiss to your jaw, then your shoulder.
“Don’t you try sucking up now.”
“Come on, say it.”
“Say you love me darl.” He whispered.
You hummed a little, placing your hand on the side of his face, running your fingers along his cheek, tilting his head up towards you.
“Say it first…”
“Course I love you stupid.”
You grinned from ear to ear.
“Daryl Dixon loves me.” You beamed.
“Shut the fuck up.”
Laughing, you leant down, and he leant up, connecting your lips together.
You pulled away and he rested his head on you again, closing his eyes.
“Go to sleep..” you whispered.
He nodded, and fell asleep before you, but you knew he was still half awake.
He woke up before you, and he brushed his knuckles along your face, then leant down, kissing your forehead.
He looked between the two jackets and he picked up the one you had recently been wearing.
He was off back out today, and he knew you knew, but he wanted to go before you woke up so you wouldn’t attempt to go with him.
You decided to stick near the RV to wait for him to come back, so when Andrea announced a Walker and you looked through the scope of your gun.
You couldn’t get a good view, so you climbed on the fence, standing on it to try and get a better view.
“Don’t shoot!” You called up.
“Come on it’s just one, I can take it!”
“Yeah and draw others! I’ll go out!”
You jumped the fence, putting the gun on your bag you caught the stick that was thrown to you by Dale and you slowly crept closer.
The closer you got the better you could see.
“Daryl?” You called.
He looked up, and you ran over.
You heard the others shouting and you wrapped your arm around him, placing a hand on the wound in his ribs.
“Don’t shoot!” You yelled.
Daryl coughed a little, leaning against you, his head on yours.
“You’re alright sweetheart, we’re gonna get you some help yeah? You’ll be just as new..”
“Ain’t a few war wounds sexy on a man?” He smirked.
You laughed a little, taking hold of his hand.
“Ya damn right.”
The others ran over, and you placed a hand on your boyfriend’s chest.
“Don’t hurt him! He’s still human!”
“Come on, let’s get him back to Hershel.”
There was a bang, you and Daryl were thrown back.
Quickly rolling over you looked at the wound on his head.
“No.. no… no… Daryl…?”
“Get him! T-Dog get (Y/N)!”
You were hauled away from Daryl and you yelled, trying to break free so you could get back to him.
“Fighting me isn’t gonna help him!”
You stopped, tears running down your face and T-Dog let you go so you could run after them back to the farm house.
You fell jumping the fence, scraping your arm.
You tried to run into the house but they wouldn’t let you in.
“(Y/N)! Calm down!” Lori pleaded.
You stood there, and you turned your gaze to Andrea.
“You fucking shot my boyfriend….”
“I.. I’m sorry.. I.. I thought…”
“You shot him!”
You charged forward and you were pulled back, thrown aside by Shane, and Carol knelt next to you placing a hand on your shoulder.
“I swear to fuckin’ god if he dies Andrea I’m gonna kill you…” you sneered.
“You’re bleeding..” Carol whispered.
“I ain’t getting it looked at ‘till I know he’s alive.”
“You think that’s what he would want? You know he’d want you to get looked at.”
You looked up at her, tears burning your eyes.
“Not until I know he’s alive…”
She slowly nodded her head.
So, you sat there, staring at the house, waiting.
You could see them all talking at the front, and it was Rick and Lori who walked over.
The crouched in front of you.
“He ain’t dead… tell me he ain’t dead.. Rick I swear to god…”
“He’s alive. He’s alive, but he needs to rest before you can see him, alright? That all Hershel asks.”
You nodded your head, knowing it was for the best if he were left to rest alone, but you knew that Rick wouldn’t lie to you.
“Come on, let’s get your arm looked at.”
You let them pull you up and you followed Lori inside to get your arm cleaned and bandaged.
The whole night you stayed on the porch, just waiting and nobody dared to move you, even as the sun rose and they began to come and go.
Lori came over.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I know you want to wait for him, but you think you could help me with some stuff?”
You nodded, needing the distraction and to keep yourself away so you helped her with some cleaning and things by the RV.
“You know she didn’t mean it.”
“I don’t give a fuck, I did Lori. If Daryl dies. If he turns. Amma put a bullet straight through her eyes.”
“You really gonna do that for me?”
You spun around, dropping what you were holding, and Daryl grinned a little bit at you.
“Ain’t that sweet.”
You walked over, placing your hand on his ribs, able to feel bandage from under his shirt, then you raised your hand, brushing your fingers against the one on his head.
He brought his hand up, taking yours and he held it to his chest, leaning down to put his forehead against yours.
“Am alright, ain’t no need to go killin’ people now is there?”
“She shot you…”
“Everybody wanted to shoot me at least once, takes more than a bullet to bring me down darl, you know this.”
You shook your head, closing your eyes as you brushed your nose against his.
You sniffled a little and he pulled away, bringing a hand to your face so he could wipe away the tears.
“Hey, come on now, don’t cry. I’m alright.”
Everybody kept their distance, but it all made sense to them now.
You guys argued a lot, but that moment made them all realise how much you really did love each other.
The way he wiped your tears away, resting your head on his chest, an arm wrapped tightly around your waist with the other on the back of your head.
The way you clung to him tightly as if he were the one thing keeping you together.
Daryl kissed the top of your head repeatedly.
“Come on, come on darl… stop cryin’ am starting to feel bad and I was the one who was shot…”
You laughed weakly and you pulled away.
Taking your jacket off, you wrapped it around his shoulders, and he smiled a little at you, leaning down to kiss the corner of your mouth.
“Come on, let’s get you some sleep moron, I heard you been awake all night.”
You nodded and he took your hand, leading you to his tent so you could get some sleep.
He sat down with a grunt of pain, and you looked at him worried, but he just guided your head to his chest, letting you rest on it.
He ran his fingers through your hair, just like you did for him, and he held you tightly and close, making sure you were safe.
When he woke up after being shot he was terrified it was you that was hurt, and they wouldn’t let him go see you until he slept and was rested enough.
You held his hand close to you, and he smiled down at you, shuffling down so he was laid down with you curled up next to him
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murdrdocs · 1 year
idk if you have already written this since im a new follower but i was wondering if you can write where bimbo!reader puts on the ghostface mask with like sexy lingerie and ethan EATS IT UP.
i love your writing sm! and i understand if you dont wanna write this :) i literally cant get enough of your stories lol
a) thank you for following me and appreciating my work !! b) i would love to write this for you *rubs hands together* no smut i'm lazy
When Ethan walks into his room to see you holding a white mask in your hands, his heart rate immediately increases. He pauses in the doorway, his hand still wrapped around the knob, one foot inside of the room and the other out.
He's about to speak, maybe play it off and pretend the mask doesn't hold any significance to him, or tell you that it's not what it looks like. You speak before him.
Your head lifts, your lips in a pout, when you say, "You had one this whole time? And you didn't tell me?"
Ethan, completely confused, steps into the bedroom and lets the door swing closed behind him. He looks over you, noticing how you're only wearing his hoodie and a pair of boots. You both were supposed to be getting ready for the frat party that Chad was insisting Ethan go to tonight, something about getting the true freshmen in college experience. Of course, Ethan couldn't go without his girlfriend, which made Chad even happier as he not so subtly insinuated that Ethan should get laid tonight.
But you didn't look party ready, save for from your neck up.
He licks his lips and approaches you. "What're you talking about?"
You hold the Ghostface mask up directly beside you, your free hand singling out a pointer finger to point at the mask. "The mask, Ethan!" you say like it's completely obvious. Ethan's starting to think that it is obvious, and he's just not picking up on it. His throat gets a little dry, and his eyes get shifty.
He's thinking of something to say but again, you beat him to it. "You knew I was looking for one for Halloween. For tonight!"
Oh yeah. That.
Ethan did know that, but he was so enamored by your nails clacking along your keyboard and the way your new perfume smelled and the way your glossed lips parted as your perfect teeth smacked on your minty gum. You were overwhelming his senses, so he could barely focus on your smooth voice detailing your Halloween costume options.
"Shit, 'm sorry. I didn't know about that." Lie. He reaches out to splay his hands over your waist to cover up how horrible he is at lying. "Maybe next year?"
You lean into his touch, but your head tilts as if you're not understanding him. "I can wear it this year, too."
Ethan watches as your hands reach down to the hoodie, pulling it over your head carefully as to not drop the mask. His brain short circuits as he sees what you're wearing.
It's barely anything. Mostly because you're not wearing actual clothes, just a set of lingerie that Ethan hasn't seen before, most likely a new purchase.
"See this is what I was gonna wear, E," you say it through a pout but the words barely meet Ethan's ears. He's too busy staring at your soft skin, the way your tits sit in the bra, the way your thighs look, the way the panties hug your hips.
You're still talking, but Ethan's hands are already back on your waist and trailing down to your hips.
"Well I wasn't going to wear just this. I didn't wanna look like a total slut. So I have a little skirt I was gonna wear. You know the tiny one that almost shows my ass? Ethan?"
He hums, letting you repeat the last of your sentence. "Mhm," he says when you finish, the noise acting enough as affirmation for you to continue.
"Would that look cute with this? What'd you think?" He doesn't answer. "Ethan."
"Baby, I'm sorry. But I'm not listening to anything you're saying right now."
The admission makes you heat up, not from anger but from the opposite. Knowing that Ethan is always listening to you, and the only reason why he's not right now is because you're distracting him with your figure, makes you feel a little giddy inside.
"Do you like it?" Your voice is soft, your eyes the same. He nods, licking his lips and pulling you close enough that you can feel the bulge forming in his pants.
"Yeah?" you ask.
"Sure it's not too much?"
Ethan's leaning down now, his hands circling around your back, obviously itching to grip your ass. You push yourself against him, free hand resting on his forearm, giving it a little push as a go-ahead.
"Not too much at all." His hand finally inches down and he takes one of your almost-bare asscheeks in his palm, squeezing it before smacking it.
You giggle, your head knocking against his chest. Ethan lifts one hand to encourage your head to leave his chest only so he can kiss you once, twice, thrice, then one more that's longer, a little more heated, but he wills himself away.
"Can you put the mask on for me?"
Your eyes are staring up at him, so big and wide, you're clearly eager to please, hence why you don't question it and instead nod, leaning up to kiss him one more time before you're pulling the mask over your head, prepared for whatever Ethan has planned.
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octuscle · 8 months
Hey im really confused and need some help from suport.
So im a male actor/ model and things have been really tough in the industry lately with the strikes and all so i was over the moon when a clothing brand reached out to me. But the wierd thing is this brand does not really catter to ny estetic. I usualy get jobs from high end luxury brands, but this company is a street wear blue collar clothing brand. I went to a meeting and gave me a out fit of a thick t-shirt, carpenters jeans, a flannle shirt, work boots, and a jock strap. All of them a size or more to bog for me. They also gave me a dinged up old cell phone. Then then told me to get comferable in thecloths and show up to the abandand site the next morning at the crack of dawn for the shoot. Im feeling realky weird and hungeryer then i ever been in my life. Please help.
The bag with the clothes for the photo shoot is in the trunk of your VW Beetle overnight. Cute little car. It's already got a few years under its belt. But still drives well. And that's all you can afford at the moment. You also need the money from this job. Otherwise you'll have to part with this car too. That's why you're so excited about the job. You're not sleeping very well. And normally you would go for an hour's run after getting up. But today you're hungry after a restless night. A huge appetite. You make yourself a large portion of scrambled eggs and bacon. You didn't even know you had so many eggs in the house. Yeah, that was good. Now the day can begin. You put on a white button-down shirt, plain Calvin Klein jeans and white sneakers and walk to your car at 05:00 in the morning. Yes, the Mustang is a bit rusty. But it's a classic. It suits you. It makes you feel a bit like James Dean.
Shit, you've left your iPhone in the apartment. But there's still the old Cat phone in the bag with the clothes. You type in the address and turn on the speaker. Looking at your hands, you're annoyed that you haven't had a manicure. You have hands like a construction worker.
One disadvantage of your Mustang is that it consumes an incredible amount of gas. You have to refuel halfway to the photo shoot. And take a shit. Hehehe, if you eat a lot in the morning, you have to shit a lot. And you're hungry again. It's almost 07:00 already. So you fill up at the next service station and then eat a burger with a large portion of fries. Your white T-shirt has a few ketchup stains and slips out of your old 501 over your belly, but now you feel good again. Your cell phone says there are only 50 miles to go. A stone's throw for your mighty pickup. The only thing you need before you arrive on the set of the shoot are cigars. Fuck, you left yours at home too. Luckily, you pass a tobacconist's just before you leave for the abandoned industrial site. The photo shoot is scheduled for two days, so ten cigars should be enough.
Tumblr media
You are a star model in the workwear scene. You're actually a crane operator, but you can always use a little extra money. Besides, there's usually a lot to fuck on the set of the shoots. Photographers, marketing hipsters and the effeminate professional models love your huge cock. Your cigar is tiny in comparison.
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redactahoe · 5 months
pretty darlin appreciation listener addition
this is a compellation of everyone finding darlin hot and darlin not getting it this is part 1 with all the relevent listeners and part 2 will include the boys this is inspired by @whorefordarlin btw
this might be long af
the only physical trait i give to trait is a beefy build and short hair tw: alot of simping shenanigans, mention of shitty foster care parents/neglectful parents, i cant spell so be warned
angel:(set durring darlins first meeting back)
angel had no idea what to expect from this 'mysterious pack member'. but it definitely wasn't this. i mean give angel some credit with the way the pack described the pack member it made them out to be some sort biker gang delinquent with and eye patch or something! but no the person Infront of the angel was most definitely not what they expected.
they were about 6 inches taller than them and and had a very pretty face with all kinds of pretty piercings on it. they were wearing a patched up leather jacket with a tank top under neath, tattered but tight jeans, and some beat up combat boots. all of this layered on top of they're very broad frame.
"Hi, i'm angel! nice to meet you!" angel greets with a nervous but excited glint in their eyes.
"oh! davids mate right?, nice to meet you too." tanker greeted back and GOOODD!! their voice was so fucking sexy. their voice was deep with a slight rasp to it that made angels face go red and burst into a fit of flustered giggles.
thus began the slightly awkward conversation between angel and tanker before the pack meeting started. with a red faced angel barely being able to keep together and a very concerned tank trying to decipher what all the giggling means
"hey by the way i think i scared your mate...". the pack meeting finally ended. tank ad david were going some final things when tank brought up angels strange behavior's.
david let out an amused huff "pft- i don't think you have to worry about tanker." he had this amused all knowing smile spread across his face recalling the 5 minute rant angel went on about just how hot tanker was.
"i- what does that mean???"
"don't worry about"
babe:(set in a library near asher and babes apartment)
"baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe im bored.." asher was starting to remember why he disliked libraries so much. they were everything he wasn't, quiet.
"asher i told you that you didn't have to come in with me today" asher's fiancé thick accent rang out quietly through the room. today babe had been called in the fill the last few minutes of someone's shift at the library because they had to go home early.
but before asher could reply the bell at the front door rings out as a very familiar head of white hair is spotted
"well hey there tanker, what you doin' here?" asher genuinely forgot that tank actually loved reading but he loved teasing (lovingly) them about it. "i could ask you the same thing, aren't you the one who constantly complains about libraries being boring or something?" tanker sarcastically shot back.
babes head wiped around breaking out of their concentration at the new voice. so this was the elusive 'super hot biker that comes in every Saturday', as their coworkers described them.
and that description was pretty accurate. they had sharp, half lidded eye that had this twinkle to them that made babe feel like they were in a ya novel when the made eye contact with the very attractive wolf. they some how have both a baby face and a nice sharp jawline and the same time. their hair was cut short and was slightly messy that made them some how even hotter. they were dressed in a lazy zip up hoodie and a band t-shirt along with the forbidden grey sweat pants.
they were hypnotic, alluring, fucking enchanting they wer-
"hey you good?" a deep rasping voice snaped them out of their own spiral. making them realize that A. they had been starring at poor confused wolf and B. asher had this all knowing, shit eating grin spread across his stupidly handsome face.
"o-oh right, um h-how can i help you?" shit their all flustered now and probably made tanker uncomfortable as well
"ive just come to return these." they answered noticeably not making eye contact with them, and thankfully. babe didn't now if the could keep together any longer if they had to keep looking at those bewitching eyes of theirs.
tanker heaves the stack of books they were holding onto the counter. "um o-oh y-yeah okay, let me just...." babe trailed off as they focused back to their work.
the transaction went by pretty fast with tank and Asher playfully bantering back and forth all the while babe processed the book returns. eventually all books were processed and tank was off on their way. Asher turns to them with the same shit eating grin on his face and states "aren't i glad you met me before tanker huh?"
sweetheart:(first day at high school, they're childhood besties)
"its okay, im sure this new family and school will really click with you!" sweethearts social worker had always been an optimistic women even though both of them knew the women was partially lying.
rita had been sweethearts social worker since they 6. so she most likely knew the whole song and dance of sh being forgotten and then eventfully returned. but she didn't know was that a new family meant new neglectful parents but it also meant new asshole kids and new neglectful teachers.
"sure..." to be entirly honest with you they weren't exactly excited, with the old bullies it was easy to predict and avoid. but with new bullies there was always a learning period and those always hurt the worst.
but eventually and much to sweethearts dismay they arrived to their final destination, met their new family and unpack their things into their "bedroom'. though you couldnt really call it a bedroom, it was more like mattress and night stand in an unfinished basement but they've had worse.
it took awhile but sleep came and went. they were up and out of the door by 5 am sharp, theyve made it a habit to not stick around and 'be a bother'. they sat down at the bus stop and got emersed into a book, the wait would be long after all.
they were so emersed they didn't notice the warm body that sat next to them. that was until of course that person fell asleep and start to let a soft snore. turning to look at them had sweetheart slightly fluster but also worry.
they had remarkably clear skin for a 15 year old and had short but shaggy hair that fell over and framed their face almost perfectly. but on the other hand they dressed and had the general demeaner of a typical bully. the cool and Grundy punk style they had to them though didn't come of as forced like alot of the others, it looked so natural and so good on them, well good enough to make sweethearts teenage heart flutter.
......okay that may have been a bit of a stretch since the person was asleep, but this was a good opportunity to scope out a possible danger that didn't with sweetheart getting pummeled... hopefully.
a sharp and admittedly cute snort interrupted sh's thoughts as that person woke up. there was a bleary almost adorably clueless look in their eyes as they but two and two together on where they were.
they looked around and made eye contact with sweetheart, then looked down at the book they had. and smiled...... but then quickly looked straight ahead
why did they have to be so. god. damn. gorgeous????
and what makes it worse (read as: better) was that they didnt even know any one knew about this book!!!
"u- um do you like this series?"
why did the say?!?!?! what compelled sweetheart to blurt that out in the most awkward way possibl-
"oh um, yeah its actually my favorite..." there was a slight nervous chuckle at the end of that sentence that made sh's heart sore in ways they never felt before.
the question and reply started an unlikely friendship between the two that no one, not even sweetheart saw coming. all because sh' thought the were pretty and liked the same book
lovely:(lovely was getting repairs done on their guitar when tank walks in)
this was the worst.....
lovely couldn't believe they had to sit here in this ironically quit music store. it was days like these they wish Vincent could go out into sunlight. it would mean at the very least they would have him there to bored along with them. but alas that wasn't the case.
they heard that this store in particular was good at repairs with instruments and had decent prices though. it was a small music shop that was decorated with history music, old expensive instruments lined the walls with a few poster of famous rock a metal idols along with them.
the only other person in the store with them was this older Hispanic man that looked like a much older Gómez Addams
suddenly the man shot up from his seat as soon as the shop bell ringed.
" aye!!! i havent seen in awhile where have you been lobo?!" the older Hispanic man that was working on their guitar asked with excitement towards the person
"ive been busy old man, i cant just hang around the shop all day like i did when i was kid." the deep raspy voiced stranger responded with amusement.
and when they came just a little close..... they just were so pretty???
lovely didnt even know if it was just the lighting or something but they were prettier than Vincent! and Vincent was stage 10 pretty boy but this random person in this small little music shop was prettier!?!? now dont get them wrong they love Vincent very much but for a brief moment they considered snapping a picture and asking Vincent for a polycule with this random but very attractive stranger. all the while the stranger was conversation with the old clerk while he works on lovely's guitar they were able to get a good look at them.
they well built but like in that really hot muscular with a layer of softness over the muscles that made them look both very strong but very huggable, the had soft short hair that lovely would've broken bones to run their had through. in their eyes there was this mysterious almost teasing look to them that had lovely hooked and all types of hot and bothered. everything about them was just so tantalizing.
the stranger or lobo as the store clerk called them had this aura around them that could only be described as playful but mysterious and those scars looked so good. lovely didn't know many people in real live make having scars so sexy-
" how did you fuck up this thing so bad??" the older clerk cries throwing his hands on his head in distress snapped them out of their small simping spiral. when looking at what the old man was talking about they saw a well used and loved bass sitting on the counter, guitar was already finished and set off to the side.
the body of the bass was slightly cracked and the strings looked like they were a tap away from snapping.
"I told you've i've been busy...." lobo trailed off almost ashamed of the state of their bass"
the older man only mumbled something in spanish about bullshit excuses and turned of to call out to lovely, telling them he's done with the repairs and told them the price. they paid and excited the building only catching the beginning of a likely very hefty scolding about the importants of bass care.
they immediately whipped out their phone once out of ear shot and called Vincent.
"vinney you will not believe i just saw someone prettier that you!!!"
okay thats it for now thxs for reading, srry for any spelling mistakes
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mykneeshurt · 1 year
I love your writings! Can I request the COD boys with a s/o who is covered in tattoos from the top of their neck to their ankles. Preferably where they usually where clothes that cover them fully, then for whatever reason they are wearing something like a tank top and shorts and they see their tattoos for the first time <3 thanks
I don’t see a lot of fics where the person is heavily tattooed, if any tattoos at all
My OC in Don’t fear the Reaper is heavily tattooed 😏 I’m poor so can’t afford any more tattoos at the moment, so im living vicariously through her. If you wanted Rudy and Alejandro let me know and I can add them in! Female reader!
You and Price had been seeing each other secretly for a few months, ever the gentleman he kept the pace slow. Allowing yourselves to get to know each other before any hanky panky.
You usually wore a long sleeved layer with long trousers and your boots around base. Never really showing any skin, which Price didn’t mind, it was essentially a tease. Leaving your body and skin to his imagination.
That was until one night when you were in the gym, you couldn’t sleep so decided to release some endorphins instead. You were on the resistance bike, sweat dripped from your brow onto the floor. Music was blasting from your headphones, you were in your own world.
Price had just finished his paperwork which had kept him up past midnight. As he trudged to his room he walked past the gym and noticed the light on. As he peered around the door he saw you figure on the bike.
He couldn’t quite believe his eyes. There you were, sat in all your sweaty glory. You wore shorts and a sports bra revealing a multitude of tattoos all over your body. From your neck to your ankles. An array of art decorated every part of skin he could see. Black and grey, colour, black out ink, all of it. He wanted to trace his fingers all over your body to feel how the ink felt on your skin, to feel the art beneath his finger tips.
Feeling someone watching you, you spun around to see your Captain staring at you. Your gaze softened and beckoned him to come to you.
Soap 🧼
It was a rare sunny day outside so you decided to swap your usual long sleeved attire to a tank top. The jeeps needed attending to so you decided to take advantage of the hot weather.
You were elbow deep in an engine trying to find out why the engine light kept coming on, when you heard a whistle behind you. Turning round to give one of the troops a piece of your mind your eyes met Johnny stood open mouthed. ‘Yes?’ You asked somewhat confused.
‘Just never seen your tats before, steamin Jesus … they’re incredible.’ He stood and took in your neo traditional tattoos, a mixture of Japanese and Art deco ink littered over your skin. ‘They’re just tattoos Johnny. Christ’ you laughed.
‘Yeah but I ain’t ever seen you this … uncovered. Fuckin incredible.’ You felt a blush creep up on your skin as you rubbed your arms.
Johnny came over and started to map out each of your tattoos, telling you which ones were his favourites. You pointed out which one was your first and which one was your most recent. Which one had a story, which one didn’t, he took in every word as he stroked your skin.
Ghost 💀
You were in the changing rooms after a sparring session and you were getting ready to get in the shower. As you pulled your top of you suddenly felt a set of eyes bore into you. Looking up you saw Ghost, his eyes raked up and down your body. ‘Fuckin hell love, didn’t realise you had tatts.’
You smirked showing off your body, ‘what these?’ You winked at him. Your body was covered in a mixture of realistic and black work geometric tattoos. Looking at his half forearm sleeve you smirked ‘puts yours to shame don’t it.’ He let out a breathy chuckle ‘cheeky minx.’
You spun around so he could have a look at the tattoos on your back, realistic skulls, flowers, portraits all adorned you. He pulled you in close, ‘I suggest you get in the shower, get cleaned up and come to my room. I wanna take a closer look at some of these’ he winked.
Gaz 🇬🇧
You were sat in the canteen with Gaz one morning when a load of new recruits came barging in. As they pushed their way past your table one spilt their drink all over you. ‘Fuck sake!’ You yelled throwing your hands in the air. Gaz grabbed some napkins for you as you removed your top, luckily it hadn’t gone through to your vest.
As Gaz turned to give you the napkins he was met with your tattooed body. He felt his breath hitch in his throat, he didn’t think he could fancy you anymore than he did. ‘Where you been hiding them?!’ He gestured to your body ‘we’ve been seeing each other a month and you kept these beauties to yourself!’
Giggling you took the napkins from him ‘you never asked!’ You were covered in traditional old school tattoos, a death moth covered your chest which was surrounded by roses and hearts. He couldn’t take his eyes off his new found treasure in front of him.
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kingofthe-egirls · 11 months
Hello hello!
Ok, I have a thought, hear me out!
Silly is the New sexy was amazing and we could need a Part 2~
Like, luffy can't help but think about your body and wants to do it again but she turns him down because you know people are literally being everywhere.
So! New Island, she stayed behind because of the short staw she draw, letting everyone go. She was totally fine and made stuff around the sunny. Imagine, she being in the kitchen as Lu burst in with a happy grin and be like >were alone! We can Do it again!< she just laughs and >give me a few after I wash the dishes<.
Lu pouts but sit down between her legs and be like prompt 8!
ok im not gonna write the preamble bc u already did lmao let's skip straight to the smut, shall we?
part 1
(cw: silly = sexy, est relationship, misuse of devil fruit, nipple play, face sitting, also this is my kitsune oc so kill the part of you that cringes, blowjob)
(a/n: i'll never stop playing dress up)
Songs: "Hard Feelings/Loveless" by Lorde, "The Bomb" by Florence + the Machine, "Morning Elvis" by Florence + the Machine
words: 1.5k
Luffy sits between your legs, head bumping back against the counter. His legs are splayed out in front of him, rolling back and forth like a little kid's. "Come onnnn," he whines, tugging at the cuffs of your denim shorts. He drags his fingertips up and down your fishnets, ribbing them in a satisfying, slow rumble.
You reach over him to finish scrubbing the dirty dish in your hands. Pizza sauce is crusted on from last night's dinner (sometimes even Sanji sets dirty plates to soak in the sink overnight).
"Okay, okay," you say, swiftly drying the plate with a soft towel. You set it in the dishrack, sparkling and clean, before turning back to your boyfriend. He's grinning up at you like a fucking capuchin.
You snort, rolling your eyes before crouching down to his eye level. He reaches forward to grab a strand of your hair, rubbing the damaged, bleached ends between his finger and thumb. It scratches against his skin. "Wanna play?"
"Obviously, Luffy. Now take your clothes off." You pull your own sweater off over your head--a baby blue cropped thing that you paired over a black bralette. You're wearing dark denim shorts with silver buttons down the side. Luffy tugs at the laces of your black boots. Steel-toed, a gift from Robin last time you docked portside.
Luffy giggles, and pulls his red t-shirt off over his shoulders. He slides down so he's lying on his back, stretching his rubber arms out to grab your hips. He slams you down onto his own face, cunt first.
"Fuck--!" You squeal, squirming in his arms so as not to crush his sweet little face. He's grinning at you like the devil.
"Sit," he commands, and you do. He bites at the denim of your shorts, not even bothering to take them off before he's running his thick hands all over you. You shrug off your bralette, letting your tits hang down, soft and bouncy above your ribcage. Luffy eagerly reaches up to grab them. He rolls his thumbs around your nipples in wide, slow circles. "So fuckin' pretty f'me," he murmurs, before stretching his neck up to suck on them. It's kinda alien, seeing his neck stretched out like a rubber band, but his tongue is magic so you don't fucking mind. You tilt your head back in pleasure, softly moaning.
"So good," you praise him, running your fingers over his hair. It's soft, and you pet him for a bit as he sucks on your sensitive nipples. You ride his abdomen, sitting on his stomach while he plays with you.
Your tails flick in pleasure.
"S'pretty, kitty," he says again, bucking his hips up behind you. He pops off your tits with a smack. His hands reach up to scritch at the base of your foxy ears. You hum, eyes closed in comfort.
"So are you," you say, reaching down to unbutton your shorts. You stand up, over him, to slide them down your legs. You leave the fishnets on. You're straddling him, looking down at your sweet captain with your legs on either side of his waist. Your boots stay on, too. The rose-gold bellybutton piercing sparkles at your abdomen: something you and Nami did on a whim last island, too.
"Spread your legs f'me," he says, staring up at your fishnet heat, so you lift a leg to place your boot on the counter. He's staring open mouthed at your cunt, left bare and dripping without any panties.
He licks his lips.
Suddenly, he's grabbing you by the waist again and slamming you down hard onto his waiting face. He slurps at your sensitivity, swiftly turning his hair white as he activates Gear 5. His tongue expands, shoving inside your slippery cunt as his eyes swirl rosy. Somewhere, a train whistle sounds in an honest to god awooga.
"Luffy!!" You complain, as he rips your tights to give himself more room. Steam is pouring out of his ears, his eyes rolled back and crossed as he sloppily licks at your cunt. You're already dripping.
It's so cartoony, with him.
The sea laps at the side of the sunny, sparkling and sapphire in the afternoon sun. Seagulls call overhead. You watch them circle in the pastel sky through the window over the sink. Sparks soar into view as Luffy warps the energy of reality around him. You feel it pulling into you like gravity, bringing you ever and always closer to your captain.
He sucks on your clit.
You scream, surprised at the sudden suction. He slaps your ass cheek, the sound reverberating with several boi-oings throughout the empty room. You groan, sending your head back to just enjoy the sensations. You roll your hips over his tongue, sending shivers down your spine. He grips your hips, bringing you down harder.
You squeal, letting your full weight sink down onto your captain's face. Supporting yourself on the sink, your hands grip around the cool porcelain as Luffy sends stars into your eyes. Sparkles alight overhead as his own pleasure creeps up. He's bucking his hips up behind you, and you turn to stretch yourself enough to reach his hard cock through his jeans. He lets you lean over, supporting your hips in his searing grasp. Your tails frizz out, shivering and shaking as he sends you over the edge.
You gasp, coming to with sore thighs and an aching belly.
"Sweet girl," Luffy croons, letting you slide off him to the side. You collapse onto the tile, letting the coolness seep into your heated skin.
He sits up, wiping off your slick from his soaking chin.
"My turn?"
You smile, nodding eagerly as Luffy rips off his shorts. You settle onto your own back this time, letting him straddle your head. His sticky cockhead is shimmering with precum, and you reach out for an experimental lick. He shivers, letting out a hiss through his teeth.
"That's it," he says, rocking his hips forward. The tip hits your lips, and you let him in. You start sucking hard on his head, and he lets out a strangled moan. You run sweet, kitten licks up and down his aching shaft. The veins are bulging and sensitive, and every slide or dart of your tongue elicits sharp inhales and gasps from your lover above you. He shallowly thrusts his cock deeper into your mouth.
Stretching, you take him down your throat.
Luffy groans, softening your skin with ripples of elastic energy. His hair is fluffy and white, with matching clouds floating above his head. Your tails are squished behind you, but they flutter in soft, shivering arcs. He reaches down to grab one, wrapping it around his wrist.
He tugs.
"Ouch!" You yelp, trying to pull your seventh tail out of his grasp. He giggles, and doesn't let go. Instead, he pulls harder. An airhorn sounds. "Luffy!!!" You complain, face heating up. His cock muffles your words, but you glare up at him anyway.
"Shishi, sorry," he giggles, slowing his pace slightly. You relax, slowly sucking on his shaft as his thrusts grow erratic and sloppy.
His balls smack harsh against your chin.
Sizzles and pops sound overhead, and you open your eyes to watch star shapes dance around Luffy's face. His cheeks are flushed, and his head is tilted back. His adams apple bobs with his raspy pants.
The stars float down over both of you, sparkling and bursting in silvery rainbow shimmers. Luffy speeds up, his hips now a blur as you do your best to take it. A star slips down to bounce off your cheek and onto the floor. It sizzles out of existence.
A slight halo glows around your lover's face.
You wrap your hands around his thighs, and suck harder. He gasps, and spills his seed into your mouth. It spurts out from the corners of your lips, filling your senses with musky bitterness.
"Shit, shit shit," he groans, arching his back as he shudders and gasps. You moan, vibrations sending through his pulsing cock.
"Sweetheart," he moans, pulling out of your mouth. He sits back on his heels, giving you room to sit up. You rub at your sore jaw, before wiping his spend off the sides of your face. It smears into the soft hairs on your forearm, sticky and sweet. He grins, and reaches forward to pull you up into a kiss. He tastes like sugar.
"Sweet," you tease him, pulling on a lock of his downy hair. He snickers, swatting your hand away. "Snackies?"
He laughs outright, slapping his belly. He giggles, hiding his face in one hand. "Shishishi, hahahahaa!" He slips backward, bouncing on the now-rubbery floor. It buoys him, snickering and rolling on the elastic tile. It rocks you, too, as you stand on shaky legs.
"Luffy," you grin, tripping over your own feet onto his smiling frame. He catches you with an oof! as two arms come to snake around you. He brings you down to nuzzle against his face, skin soft and sweaty. He breathes into your hair, inhaling deeply. His fingers scritch at your scalp, and you peak up to see his hair swirling black.
The floor steadies beneath you.
"Snackies," he agrees, before he stands up with his arms still wrapped around you.
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signoraviolettavalery · 7 months
Everything I can remember about the Den Haag and Amsterdam gigs, before I forget, but also I got about as little sleep as they did because I was a)worrying about their travel b)too hyped up to sleep
Den Haag
they were so hella energetic for people who had gone through All That to get here, Bojan was hella alive, but he didn't banter much with the crowd
It was Sinterklaas so they got soooooo many gifts. Hats, lofts of candy (traditional sinterklaas gift), bracelets, flags, letters...
Someone threw stroopwaffels because those are Kris' favorite
the Dutch crowd was so polite??? There was no barricade but nobody was grabbing them or their guitars, the only things that were being thrown at the stage were soft things like hats, nobody was chucking presents directly at them, any bracelets that got thrown were thrown gently onto the stage rather than at them
(fyi afterwards when the crew cleans up they go through and pick up all the gifts so as long as it gets onto the stage they'll get it)
they confirmed several times that they'll be back to the Netherlands
In Ne Bi Smel he changed "sem bil slep" to "sem kreten" again
when singing ASTP Bojan had the various parts of the venue cheer first, and the balcony that cheered the least loud got ASTP sung to them specifically; and at the end he changed the lyrics so they went "kako lepo disite me" aka "how nice you (plural) smell to me" idk was he saying the sweaty crowd filling this venue smelled nice to him (I have QUESTIONS)
there were balloons onstage, at some point, Jan decided he had a vendetta against the balloons, starting popping them with his boots by jumping around while playing the guitar and, being a clutz, got tangled in a flag/coat/something? by the drums and nearly fell over a;slkfjwe Jan why are you like this I love you
Kris got a pope hat that he put on right before NGVOT so he sang NGVOT as the pope I guess
Kris was drinking tea during the gig; every time Bojan was introducing the song he was just chilling by the drum set and sipping his tea while wearing sunglasses, iconic, gives zero fucks, I love him
holy shit this gig was wild and magical. We gave them such a warm welcome and we screamed so loud I think even Bojan was impressed
the music as we were waiting for the gig was ABBA followed by Lady Gaga and Barbie Girl, and after the gig it was Avril Lavigne. We got most of those songs yesterday so Im' guessing Bojan picked that soundtrack :P
after they did Gola he asked "ok, so you know the words. How many of you hear aren't slovenian?" the entire fucking venue raises their hands. "we should get y'all on duolingo" Bojan Slovenian isn't on Duolingo!!
Bojan really, truly makes everyone feel seen. It's astounding. The opening act, Mia Nicolai, she was good, but she mostly just started in front of her, at the people in front of the stage. Bojan looks around and makes eye contact with everyone. The people on the balconies (I swear he looked straight at me, I died), the people in the front rows, the people on the sides, the people in the back. Every time, you feel seen. He's just got that something, not just stage presence, but that knack for being up there and making it a party that includes everyone
at some point, it got really hot and their crew started passing out water bottles. I think Bojan even went backstage during the Ne Bi Smel intro to ask them to give out more. He was really attentive and when one girl fainted or almost fainted during Ne Bi Smel he noticed, cut the music off immediately, the lights go up, and he made sure she was escorted by security and that she was okay before they restarted the song. Total pros.
introducing NGVOT: "I have to call a very special singer up to the stay. Kris. This song came about because of his broken heart. That heart is now healed" (important information to share I guess) and then Kris of course did NGVOT
Bojan: asks the crowd how to say umazane misli in Dutch. They tell him and he repeats it. Bojan then turns to Kris if he said it right, kris says no. "Well how would you say it then?" Bojan asks. "I don't know but what you said sounds wrong" as;lkfjwe Kris you're iconic
There were some Slovenians in the crowd! Including a girl whom Bojan went to high school with with. He dedicated Omamljeno Telo to her because "you heard it when I played it in high school"
He gave a really long intro to Plastika about how we're supposed to hate our analog minds and our analog bodies and how this is all terrible and basically just love yourself and don't judge others
Nace spent a lot of time playing across from Kris and didn't spend all that much time with his husband onstage :( :(
At the end Kris took off the Stozice outfit sleeves and threw them into the crowd so now there's two people who own that little piece of history
Anyway did I mention Amsterdam was magical, they were on fire, they were delighted to be there, the crowed was delighted to have them, and so enthusiastic, and there was just so much energy and hearing them live is truly something else. The recordings are amazing but being there, in that space with them, when they're at their best, hearing them actually perform those songs? Indescribable. Live CD when?
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jobesbabe · 7 days
fashionista / Dominik Szoboszlai x reader
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summary- You’re offered your first modeling gig, and it’s with a super hot hungarian football player named Dominik.
warnings- fluff, reader is modeling for the first time
a/n- hey guys! i’ve been inactive for a while and still deciding if im gonna continue the domi series (summer baby) or just do imagines/ one shots. anyways heres something for ya!
You could have sworn Bailee was crazy when she signed you up for that modeling audition. She took your headshots herself, priding herself on getting all of the right angles. Those pictures had took at least five hours, but they must have paid off because here you were, getting a call back from Nike.
Though it wasn’t the most glamorous brand, it was a huge brand. You knew people would see whatever you wore and you were excited to do it.
Nike had called you asking if you had ever played or watched football, and your response was perfect for them. You loved football ever since you were a kid and still watch it as an adult.
Satisfied with your answer they told you to come in at 6 am Saturday for the shoot and they would get things started.
Jittery and somewhat tired, you showed up to the job ready to see your outfit.
A nice security guard named Lewis escorted you to your dressing room where a woman was waiting for you with a rack of clothes and a carrier case of makeup and hair tools.
Her name was Milly and she was to prepare you for the shoot.
“I heard the guy you’re shooting with is a football player himself. I think it’s someone who wears those Nike boots on the pitch?” She told you while brushing the roots of your hair out and applying some product to it.
“Really? I wonder if I’ve heard of him.” You told her.
She nodded. “He’s hot anyway, I saw him walking in. He was like a greek god mixed with an angel,” You laughed at Milly.
She put your hair up into a slick back ponytail and then braided the ponytail.
Thanking her, you looked at the outfit laid out for you.
You were to start the shoot in Nike pros, a white sports bra and Nike Blazers, with some nike socks under them. Emerging from your dressing room in your outfit, you spoke with someone who you assumed was directing the shoot because of what he was wearing, and his very evident supremacy in the room.
He told you not to worry about the shoot, and you were all just there to have fun.
You began your solo part of the shoot, in this outfit taking probably about a hundred photos
While you were shooting, you saw a man come out of his dressing room, in a black nike compression shirt and shorts with air force 1 shoes on. He was tattooed, with a chiseled jawline and gelled hair.
You knew who he was.
Anyone with half of a brain in the football world knew who he was, but you had been crushing on him since he transferred from Leipzig to Liverpool.
That was Dominik Szoboszlai.
Trying to avoid his eyes, you kept focusing, eyes locked on the camera.
When your eyes met his, even for just the split second that they did, he bit his lip and raised his eyebrows.
“Y/n, can you pick up the football and rest it under your arm?” The directior asked you.
You did as you were told, “ah yes! perfect.” The photographer took probably a hundred photos of you like that before calling Dominik over.
You went to move and the director put his hands out to stop you.
“no, no hold that pose, we’re just adding Dominik into the picture,”
He directed Dominik to join you and put his arm around you for a duo picture.
You looked pretty short next to him, and your heart was racing.
You two held the pose for a while and took some various other photos.
“I need to grab a water, but stay there, You two can move about but stay on set,” The director told you and Dominik.
You nodded, dropping the nike football to the floor and doing kick ups as a challenge to yourself.
“Pass it over, let’s play together,” Dominik said in an accent that somehow made your heart melt.
You passed around for a few minutes like this, bantering with each other, unaware of the photographer taking hundreds of candid photos of you and Dominik.
He was laughing, you were laughing, and it was the most fun you’d had in a while.
There was chemistry between the two of you, and you couldn’t tell if you were imagining it or not, but everything just came natural for you.
Soon, it was time for his individual shoot, but you stood where he had stood watching.
He made eye contact with you a dozen times and winked when the photographer’s back had been turned.
You had definitely not imagined that.
When the day was done, you returned to your dressing room and changed into a square neck black top and some light jeans.
You noticed a bag of goodies like clothes and PR from Nike to you, including the 23/24 third liverpool kit, with the name Szoboszlai on the back. You smiled, thinking back on how you thought the purple had looked best on him.
Someone knocked on your dressing room door, and you made your way there and opened it.
“hi,” Dominik said, wearing a white eyelet style button up,
“Hey Dominik, whats up?” you asked him releasing a deep breath that you didn’t know you were holding in.
“Domi,” he said. “You can call me Domi,”
He smiled and you met his eyes. Suddenly, as if remembering what he had came here for, he began to speak again.
“I came here to ask you if you’d like to go to dinner with me after this?” He smirked.
“Are you asking me on a date Domi?” You asked.
His head tilted. “You are quite beautiful,” He said.
“and you are quite handsome,” you told him.
“So it’s a date?” He asked.
“Yes, it is.” You told him.
“Shall we?” He asked reaching for your hand.
You nodded and interlocked your fingers in his.
That just so happened to become your first of many modeling jobs and dates with your now-boyfriend Dominik.
A/n - ugh i’ve had this written for a month im so sorry!! Its also kinda cringey so idk.
comment & repost if u enjoyed this!
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manicplank · 4 months
i went through your blog and realized not only you already had sleep headcanons but also i LIKED it im sorry i have an awful memory ouauayghh
you dont have to do it if you dont wanna kwhekej
That's okay! I also have memory issues and had to look up whether or not I did one already. BUT, for you, I'll do
Peppino: Heavy sleeper. Can sleep anywhere. Often falls asleep in his chair at home while he's watching TV. Has fallen asleep at the counter of the pizzeria. He's the kind of person to start sleeping in a neatly made bed just to end up with pillows and blankets on the floor.
Gustavo: Normal sleeper. Dreams a lot. Had a full-size bed that he was comfortable in... until he got Brick. Had to upgrade to a queen. Sleeps better now that he has Brick. Sleeps like a normal person blanket and pillow wise. Occasionally gets knocked out of bed by Brick.
Brick: BEDHOG. Warm. Sleeps in loaf position or all curled up. Loves to snuggle up to Gustavo. Occasionally squeaks in his sleep.
Mr. Stick: Sleeps like a dead ant. Light sleeper. Might grumble in his sleep every now and again. Doesn't have to set alarms because he's on a decent schedule.
Pepperman: Deep sleeper. Surrounds himself with pillows so he doesn't roll off the bed. Tries to paint his dreams but usually forgets them by the time he wakes up.
The Vigilante: Deep sleeper. Can fall asleep I'm neutral position. Sometimes falls asleep at the saloon with his boots kicked up on the counter and his hat over his eyes. Often takes old man naps. Melts when he sleeps long.
The Noise: Either sleeps super deep or super light. You know that meme about men being twitchy in their sleep? That's him. Occasionally groans in his sleep, very rarely talks. Denies it, but he almost always snuggles up to Noisette or sleeps on her shoulder. Sleeps with several pillows despite mainly using Noisette as one. Curls up in fetal position, covers himself with the blanket all the way up to his ears. That's what he calls his "cocoon." (Blanket hog.)
Noisette: DEEP SLEEPER. Could sleep through a tornado. Sometimes talks in her sleep. Sleeps with plushies around her. Drools if she dreams about food. Has absolutely drooled on Noise's head before. Has to push Noise off her shoulder because it gets sore. Starts sleeping under the blanket but wakes up to Noise hogging it.
Fake Peppino: Sleeps really weirdly. Sleeps deep, but in weird positions. Might sleep like a dead cockroach. Might sleep like a cat. Might sleep sprawled out like a starfish. Might just melt into a puddle. Can sleep anywhere at any time. Can also manage to stick to the wall or roof and sleep there.
Skipping Pizzaface bc he's robotic
Pizzahead: Sleeps lightly. Very neat sleeper, too. Hardly ever has to make his bed in the morning. Has plushes that he thinks are "secret" even though everybody has seen them. Probably wears a little hat and nightgown to bed. Sleeps like a princess.
Pillar John: DEEP SLEEPER, can sleep anywhere, any time. Always oversleeps. Does a lot of sleeping when he's bound in the tower. What else is he gonna do, go for a walk?? When he wasn't in the tower, he likes to sleep with lots of pillows. Doesn't sleep with a blanket because it always gets stuck under him.
Gerome: Light sleeper. Loses a lot of sleep because of it. Wishes he could sleep deeper. However, he can fall asleep anywhere. He can be seen sleeping sitting up in the tower canonically. I feel like he has chronic fatigue.
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skullvgirl · 19 days
isagi at the met gala : garden of time
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incl. my favorite omg, when is season 2 coming out i wonder 💔
warnings. none
an's. i saw this from somewhere and also just wanted to post. its fluff, hopenu enjoy. might make a part two somewhere soon
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MAY 30th, Thursday : Arrival
SPEAKER : and now, coming to you live from Newports Canada, the new and impressionable team members for BLLK have just arrived !
as you can hear in the background there are a multitude of screams going off from the many fans of this new group has, thankfully i was lucky enough to book a registered speaking time with the players as well as their manager and head coach.
[ the camera pans to Anri and Ego next to her. Anri smiles and waves, Ego stares blankly ]
SPEAKER : Oh my gosh its so great too meet you both, Anri and Ego right?
[ they both nod ]
SPEAKER : Great, so tell me about what you two have on today, I'll start with Anri if that's okay.
ANRI : yeah, yeah—excuse me if i stutter, this our first time being here ever—
SPEAKER : oh no, no, you're totally okay
[ Anri giggles nervously, Ego continues too stare quietly ]
ANRI : so today I have on customs from V-KULL and Marc,—my shoes are from Marc, dress is from V-KULL, I'm obviously not the star of the show so I don't do anything too crazy, don't @ me, but I still think the garden look represents, kinda what the boys will bring to the table yeah?
[ what she's wearing ]
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SPEAKER : wow! yeah no, you look amazing, and don't worry i think its a very chique and straightforward look that you went with, you look great !
ANRI : [ flushed ], oh really? thank you !
SPEAKER : no problem! and moving on too you Ego, describe your look for us will you?
[ Ego yawns into the camera with unfiltered apathy ]
EGO : Suit is from TOGS, boots are from Marc, Tie is from V-KULL,—watch is from Versacé. [ he lifts his watch to the camera approvingly ] Anri picked it all out. She also forced me here so.
[ what he's wearing ]
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SPEAKER : hahaha, okaayy, well thats great It looks like Anri did a great job. I see you have a more the more emphasised look on the sunflowers, could you tell me about that?
EGO : What? Oh yeah, sun flowers grow in gardens right? That's the inspiration, pretty much. [ deadpan ]
ANRI : his mom—also, [ she glances over to Ego for a moment ] used to love sunflowers, so there's that too. [ nervous laugh ]
SPEAKER : oh, we'll thats beautiful! thank you for sharing—oh and would you look at that ! the BLLK team players have just arrived, I'll pass it onto you Y/N.
[ Ad. Coming back from break with Y/N in her interviewer dress next too an all smiles Isagi ◡̈ ]
YN : thank you, SPEAKER—and to pick up right from where you started I'm here with Isagi Yoichi, our D1 forward and first interviewee of today, so Isagi—how are you?
ISAGI : well thank you for asking, I'm doing pretty good. [ thumbs up, glance at camera ] I'm just so greatful me and my boys had the privilege to be invited out here and uh, yeah my great manager and coach have really been helping me with that also so yeah. [ slightly awkward smile ]
YN : well thats great ! Im glad to hear you're feeling good, while the rest of your teammates arrive can you tell me about the look you have on today?
ISAGI : yeah no problem I uh, so I'm actually in a set with two of my buddies from the team, when they get here I guess you'll see that, but uhm suit is from TOGS, all the little embroidery was done by V-KULL apparently, shoes are from MARC and gloves are from MARC as well [ smiles ]
[ what he's wearing ]
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YN : wow, yeah no thats beautiful!—
ISAGI : like yourself. [ straight face, not making eye contact ]
YN : [ eyes buldge, professional voice, suddenly nervous ] PFFT—why thank you, this is only my interveiw dress, but in case anybody was wondering, dress is custom from V-KULL, everything else is from ALL SAINTS haha. [ nervous laughter ]
[ what you're wearing ]
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ISAGI : [ glances at your shoes, is now locked in on your shoes ] Thoes are cute too, matches your skin really well. [ the camera zooms in on his face, his skin is a pretty tinted red ]
YN : [ you look at your shoes ] Thank you! Like I said their from ALL SAINTS so. Ya' know, it's all facy smancy and stuff. [ laughs obnoxiously ]
[ a moment of silence passes as you and ISAGI both stare at each other. then the two of you suddenly burst out laughing ]
ISAGI : TAHAHHAA—ahem, well I think my teamates have just arrived—sorry guess my time it up. Why don't you take it from here YN?
YN : AKKAKAK— [ fake cough ] yeah, that'd be great—I'll see you around probably [ =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) ] ! Love you, bye !
[ ISAGI had already began to turn around but turns his head and smiles [ ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) ]
ISAGI : Bye, Love you too !
[ camera pans back towards YN, struggling to keep it together ]
MAY 31st, Friday : The Day After
many, many, many people people were already estatic when it waa revealed that some of the BLLK players were or had been invited too the MET GALA as guests of honor so imagine their faces when everyone across the world waa telling them that one of these said players was flirting with the very beautiful YN. no really go on, imagine. thats right, they went ballistic. edits left and right, requesting interveiws from both sides, and lord the buckets of fanfics poured and dumped onto the already growing fanbase the BLLK players had. isagi specifically, alot comments were made about his attempt too be smooth.
"he was so adorable looking at her like that, wish someone would look at me that way..."
"and don't even get me started on YN and the way she was acting, all shy and cute like it wasn't her job to be talking to him. it was funny really."
"isagi is such a simp it's crazy, although it makes sense why someone would act that way–i'd be the same if i got a chnace to stand so close too YN"
that is only a snippet of what this oh so daring interview had to offer. interviews with the whe team ( coming soon ) revealed that not just ISAGI had eyes for our precious interviewee. but enough about that, back too YAGI or ISAN ( ship name, deal with it ) something we couldn't forget, and I quote.
YN : AKKAKAK— [ fake cough ] yeah, that'd be great—I'll see you around probably [ =͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪‧̣̥̇) ] ! Love you, bye !
ISAGI : Bye, Love you too !
how crazy is that? like I said, the edits go crazyyyyy.
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an's. shhhh, noooo, shuuush I don't have bigger responsibilities than finishing this....events?? whats tht???
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official-darkforest · 2 months
i am SOOO unbelievably thrilled by your anthro au omg. do you have fashion ideas for the characters? like their favorite outfits, fabrics, etc? imo one of the best parts of anthro characters is deciding how they'd express themselves through their clothing :]
I HAVE A FEW ALREADY!!!! i dont have many specifics because theres so many characters ahd i havent drawn them all yet LOL but i'll share the ones i do have at least SOMETHING for
im also trying to keep these reasonable for the time period and location, as in my au the clan cats are mostly rural and in small towns set (mostly) before the 2000s so most may dress more modest and conservative (especially if theyre older and very religious)
squirrelflight - the best i can describe her sense of fashion is that it ranged from tomboy as a younger girl and is currently closer to a working class butch. im not sure if masc would be a more appropriate term since i dont hc her as a lesbian (shes bi) but she dresses "like a man" and owns a lot of jeans, slacks, and button-up shirts of all kinds of fabrics and patterns. she also enjoys bright colors as well, but as she got older her fashuon sense got a little more sensible and less "loud" like it was in the 60s and 70s. she also has glasses like her daddy once shes like 35 or so. she and firestar dressed very similarly, and a lot of her shirts and neckties are things she stole from his closet
feathertail - very feminine. hippie adjacent, lots of loose and flowing garments and jingly pieces. breatheable clothes and open toed shoes. her favorite swimsuit had some little frilly bits on it i think. often combines neutral earthy tones with blues and whites
crowfeather - lots of handmedowns from his father. clothes you can do farmwork in like jeans, overalls, hardy flannel/denim shirts and boots. never grew out of this and still dresses this way and he likes it
jayfeather - he looks like a modernized (as far as the 80s goes) version of his father - same hairstyle snd way of dress. he isnt too formal but does have some more preppiness to his clothing style (polo shirts and sweaters). he avoids full button downs since buttoning them himself jjust gets frustrating since he cant match them up every time. new wave band shirts. he also wears orange tinted glasses to protect his eyes (in this au i wrote that hes able to perceive shadows and light pretty okay, but not much else beyond that) And Kinda As A Fashion Statement cuz it goes well with his facial structure and hairstyle i think
lionblaze - hes like if the stereotypical jock and stereotypical 80s rock+metal enthusiast had a baby. muscle tees and bandanas, ripped jeans, those absurdly short shorts, crop tops, etc. he's a drummer i think if that matters LOL
ivypool - punk, also sorta like joan jett to an extent. very homemade, tho sometimes she gets lazy and doesnt really commit to the outfits all the way (but definitely has the mindset, dint get me wrong). one of those girls with a chest small enough to go braless 99% of the time; wears a lot of tank tops and sleeveless shirts LOL
bone/brick/scourge - just google "the outsiders movie" or "greaser" and you'll get the idea. tho i imagine these three in particular also have some kind of bare minimum formalwear scraped together from their escapades. theyre kinda like the jetts/sharks from west side story if that helps at all
daisy - she combines flowing, pretty dresses with a sunhat and work boots. she also teaches horseback riding and owns a few (its a business she runs w smokey and floss. i think its be funny if they were polyam ITS MY AU I CAN CHANGE WHAT I WANT) and she has horseback-appropriate clothing as well
poppyfrost - THEE preppy girl of the 80s. big hair, perm and all. dresses with pastel colors. her sisters cinderheart and honeyfern are pretty similar, tho i imagine honeyfern is a little more sporty and cinderheart takes inspiration from madonna once shes trying to court lionblaze
hazeltail - long haired country girl butch. enough said
spottedleaf snd cinderpelt are nuns lol
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lore-o-hoe · 3 months
My All Time Favorite Outfits in LO (Part One):
(In no particular order)
1. Episode 88: Persephone Dream Space Outfit:
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Since this outfit has lived rent-free in my head it’s going first. Like since I saw it in Episode 88 my life has known no peace.
Like I can’t begin to explain the chokehold this outfit has on me.
2. Episode 100: Persephone Frilly White Outfit:
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I promise this list won’t be all Persephone filled, it’s just my bias for her sense of style 🥺✨. But I love the look here, it’s simple but cute, especially the heels and frilly socks.
3. Episode 1: Minthe’s Lace Trimmed Bodysuit and Sheer Shawl:
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Now I know we’ve all got our feelings about Minthe…
But I can definitely say that I think about this get up every once in a while.
Like the lacy bodysuit, thigh highs, and sheer shawl???? I’ll take 20 💰
4. Episode 64: Aphrodite Fluffy White Robe and Frilled Heels:
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Now you KNOW the goddess of love and beauty is going to be constantly put together and this outfit is a reminder of that. Even being home with her adorable kids isn’t going to stop the drip.
I’ll admit I’ve always wanted a robe like this
This is the official ‘Killed my husband and now I’m a wealthy widow’ get up and I can’t do anything but love it and envy ✨✨✨.
5. Episode 119: Hera’s White Double Breasted Blazer (?) Thigh High Black Boot Combo:
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Now we already know Hera is always out her with the best royal fits imaginable. So of course she’s gonna be on this list. And while she has outfit after outfit I could list, this one is one I love and would probably wear.
6. Episode 127: Thetis’ Blue Dress/Thigh High Boots combo:
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So yeah I’m not the biggest fan of Thetis but still the woman can dress! So this simple dress/boot combo is a favorite of mine.
7. Episode 66: Hera’s Scorned Wife Dynasty Adjacent Look
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Even when she’s scorned and unhappy she’s slaying this rich angry wife look. The hat, the shoulder pads, the runny mascara 👏
8. Episode 224: Brown Overcoat/ Tan Two Piece Set from Aphrodite:
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Im not sure why I’m so drawn to this one, maybe it’s the simplicity? the browns? Who knows! But to me it’s a good casual look.
9. Episode 1: Artemis’ Black(purple?) Party Dress:
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Artemis seems to fluctuate between casual, sporty, and Greek god formal, so there’s not many outfits I personally vibe with. But this dress is an absolute exception. It’s cute, it’s sparkly, what’s not to love?
10. Episode 72: Hecate’s Full Length Black Nightgown:
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A lot of Hecates attire is a high class business suits that I can always appreciate but THIS. Look I’m not sure why this works so well but it absolutely does it. The sleeves, the length. It’s just so dramatic, dark, and elegant and suits a character like Hecate.
Well that’s the list for now! Stay tuned for pt. 2!
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