#in my defense several of these are books that i have already read and really quite enjoyed or books from a series that i've been enjoying
apocalypticdemon · 1 year
for all i bang on about consumerism being bad i sure do like to purchase books, huh.
#i have bought. several. lately.#in my defense several of these are books that i have already read and really quite enjoyed or books from a series that i've been enjoying#like i got all the books from the wayward children series even though i've only read 3 or 4 of the 6 or so that are out#and part of me feels guilty about that bc i have also bought several books that i have not read#i'm trying to buy them at a discount so i'm not wasting a ton of money#some of the other ones i've got are long nonfiction or political texts that i know i'll never get through#in the span of a library loan#or that i want to annotate/mark as i read so i ensure that i grasp important sections#but like i do now have A Lot of books and i just got more today bc my self control is waning#and bc i'm going to school again soon and will be living on a dramtically reduced budget#but on the other hand i really feel like i should be buying stuff i need for living at school now#like not getting stuff i want but instead investing in like. stuff i can use for at-home workouts while at school#or a new pair of tennis or climbing shoes. etc etc.#so there's this weird guilt on top of the Wanting Of Things that i'm not really enjoying#idk i do feel like i'm leaning into some weird consumerist thing that i've def criticized online book people for doing#whether or not that's rational i'm not sure#bc what rubs me the wrong way is people who buy stuff and literally have no idea what it's about#and that seems a lil irresponsible and i have things to say about it#i'm sorry this is getting so rambly and off topic i'm just having a lot of thoughts about guilt and spending#and getting things i want vs rationing myself to only things i truly need#bc i lived for a while on the latter and only got stuff i Needed#instead of ever indulging myself with things that i wanted aside from like sweet snacks
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rageserenity · 6 months
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It's 2024. Are you still thinking about movieverse!Cherik? Because I am.
For the past several months, there's only been a very slow trickle of posts/fics in the xmcu cherik tag. Let's try to breathe some life back into this incredible pairing!
With one clear winner of my poll, here's thirty prompts for the thirty days of April. (This is a super chill, laid-back event---do these in any order, interpret them as loosely as you like! Create in any medium! Fic, art, gifs, meta, incoherent screaming about the otp…all winners in my book.)
The only rule here is to cherik too close to the sun. Alright. Here are the prompts.
Mutual Pining
Doesn't really even need elaboration! Write that horrifically slow slow-burn. Gif every time McAvoy made insane fuck me eyes on screen. Make a playlist of songs about impossible love.
2. Alternate Meetings
There are endless quotes about how these two complete each other in a way no one they'd met before or after ever did. How else could they have met?
3. Erik Has A Telepathy Kink
This is basically canon. Let my boy get freaky!
4. Canon Fix-It
All the times Fox fucked it up. There are endless options.
5. Hurt/Comfort
Put them in that Situation. Put them in that Blender. Break them apart and put them back together ❤️‍🩹
6. Canon Compliant
Draw that missing scene! Gif your favourite cherik moment!
7. Beach Divorce
Make it worse. Make it better. Show it to us exactly how it was. Break it down in a 3,000 word meta. Go wild!
8. Domestics
Sometimes you just want to see them doing normal couple things. Erik put the gun down.
9. Found Family
The real heart of x-men!
10. Time Travel
There are SO many possibilities here. Stick them in a time loop. Give them a chance to change their past.
11. AU
Love a good AU!
12. There Is Only One Bed
Had to get this one in here. What better way to amp up the tension?
13. Genosha
By some miracle, cherik actually did end up together at the end of 2019s trash bag disaster Dark Phoenix. We aren’t making a big enough deal about this.
14. Declaration(s) of Love
Who says it first? How do they say it and when? Have they said it…without saying it?
15. Jealousy
Need I say more.
16. Reunion
These two have absolutely no chill.
17. Soulmates
Classic prompt, had to get this in here too.
18. The DOFP Aircraft
The TENSION here. Break it down for me. How does Charles feel about his injury? How does Erik feel about his injury?
19. Gay Mutant Road Trip
You already know.
20. Body Swap
SO fun when people have superpowers.
21. First Kiss
When? How? Who initiated it?
22. The Mansion
Mansion!content is a genre of its own.
23. Conflicting Ideology
Give me your theses. Who’s right? Can they ever reconcile completely? Write a fic where it drives them apart.
24. Sebastian Shaw
A trope unto himself.
25. Team As Matchmaker
They had to have known something was going on, didn’t they?
26. Cooking
Charles deserves a good meal. Also, imagine Erik using his powers in the kitchen. The sheer domesticity…
27. Hurt No Comfort
Plenty of scope with these two 🥲
28. Growing Old Together
Giving Sirs Ian Mckellan and Patrick Stewart their props as well!
29. Making Up
*pushes chess board across the table* sorry babe
30. Charles Xavier Did More For Mutants Than You'll Ever Know
Rising to each other’s defense. Only I can insult this man.
I will be tracking #revivecherik to reblog stuff! Here’s a fic collection for the same. Let’s get this ball rolling! Please feel free to send me an ask if you’ve got anything to say! And most importantly, let’s all have fun 😁
*I know a few of you preferred something like a gift exchange because of the commitment factor—I’m super down to organise a tiny one for the handful of us! If this promptathon doesn’t flop horribly, we can hopefully do a whole bunch of stuff :)
If you read this post all the way through, please reblog for reach! Thank you! Hoping you participate come April.
Shoutout to @inmymagnetoera for reaching out and helping with this!
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Tell us about sjm. Spill the tea.
oh man there really is SOOO very much of it that idk how i'll fit all into one response, but i'll do my best 🫡
so sjm or sarah j maas is a very popular fantasy writer (she is the origin of 'feminist' romantasy as a genre because her writing has just been THAT influential (in some good ways, but mostly in bad ones for reasons i'll get to in a minute). she's jewish and has white skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes (this also is relevant i promise).
anyway, despite her writing being so influential it...is really not that good (it has the potential to be tho which is one of the (many) reasons why reading her stuff is so frustrating) and she has a HUUUGE problem with putting her biases in her writing, in particular her racism, misogyny, and ableism.
her racism is at a level that i truly find unbelievable. in every book of hers, every character that is seen as good/smart/beautiful/brave, is a main character, or, at the very least, starts out that way in the story and doesn't have a redemption arc later after the narrative has already taught you to hate her (because it's always female characters this is done with too), has fair hair and light colored eyes (and almost always light skin too); on the opposite end of the spectrum, every single (female) character that either is in the story for not very long, isn't a main character, starts out a bad or undesirable person in some manner, or isn't considered good/smart/beautiful/brave has dark hair, eyes, and/or skin.
this is a tame tho in comparison to the fact that in the first two throne of glass books (one the series she's written), the only black character is considered a manipulative liar (she's even described as such on the wiki lmao) despite being the main character's best friend before she's summarily killed off in an extremely violent manner all for the development of that main character. she also has an asian character in the acotar series that is considered rude and emotionless, despite, again, being a best friend of the main characters. oh and of COURSE the asian character doesn't have dark eyes lol. because...can't have that in a sjm book!!!! no one can look like an irl person of color AT ALL!!!! g-d. and then, ofc, there's the illyrians, which are 100% coded as people of color and are a violent and misogynistic group of people lmao. as if htat weren't bad enough, she also tried to trademark illyria/illyiran even tho (and this is what made me make the post this morning) that's a REAL PLACE with REAL PEOPLE LIVING THERE.
and even THAT is tame to the fact she posted a promotion for her own book on the same day breonna taylor was killed and, not only that, but used her death to promote said book because she mentioned the murder in one (1) line of the post. to this day she has STILL NOT taken down that post.
compared to that, her misogyny in her novels (the main character constantly competing with other girls and always thinking she's better than they are and 'not like other girls teehee') and her glaring plagiarism (she uses terminology not only directly pulled from asoiaf (wolf in the north; the queen who was promised; oathbreaker; breaker of chains) but is used in exactly the same context as asoiaf too as well as some pretty significant plotlines of dany's (in particular her freeing the slaves of several cities and gathering up everyone on her continent to support her claim to the throne and unite in defense against a common foe that will turn all of them into walking zombies basically....SOUND FAMILIAR??????)) is a pretty tame offense, but imo it all adds up to just one disgusting whole of a person to me.
oh and, to top it all off, she's a zionist. there's a video essay about her i watched on youtube that explains the proof for this, but i do Not remember what it was she said now, so i'll link it here.
she's also ableist too, which expresses itself in how nesta archeron is treated throughout a court of silver flames (g-d forbid a traumatized woman be hypersexual and an addict and get sick of being treated like shit by the peope around her or she deserves to get thrown out of her home to a place her 'loved ones' know is going to be openly hostile to her lol). i don't think sjm even realizes how ableist she is throughout this book bc she claimed it's a healing journey and like...lol. lmao even.
also (i'm 100% being petty here) i hate how fake she comes across. in every time i see a picture of her, and the one interview of her i saw, she reminds me so much of my mother to the point it makes me physically ill.
i'm almost certainly forgetting something because there's just SOOO much about this woman to dislike, but this is everything that immediately came to mind.
anyway her fans are also rancid and believe she's some sort of goddess of writing when she's not even that good and is 100% a fake and shitty person that doesn't truly care about them at all whatsoever.
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Nerve Pains - Lucifer
My Masterlist.
Word count: 2.2k Warnings:  Fibromyalgia flare-up. Symptoms can vary from person to person, this was just a little comfort fic for myself since i’ve been feeling really shitty lately lol
Summary:  Reader suffers from a bad Fibromyalgia flare-up. Usually, Castiel is there to help relieve their pain, but this time there's only one other angel in the bunker.
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I sat at the library table in the bunker, letting out a strained sigh while flexing my hands and straightening my back. It did little, if anything, to ease the constant pain I had. My back and shoulders ached horribly, no matter what I did or what I took. Especially on days when it decided to flare up.
I shifted in my seat as a particularly sharp pain ran into my shoulder, holding back a groan.
I hated being forced to stay back on hunts like this. Sam and Dean knew that, but they also knew me well enough by now that I wouldn't admit it. They could tell when I was experiencing a flare up, and they usually told me that they needed someone to do research and report back to them while they went on the scene. I knew they were just making excuses, but it made me feel a little less guilty about it and I appreciated them for it.
Oftentimes though, it was frustrating more than anything else. Especially simple cases like the salt and burn they were on right now. They didn't need someone to 'stay back and do research' on something as common as a ghost, and I just had to admit defeat. Even they couldn't come up with an excuse this time.
With Sam and Dean gone, and Chuck off doing only Chuck knows what, Lucifer was the only other one in the bunker, but he was off sulking in another part of the bunker. No one had heard from Cas for over a week now, so we figured he was wrapped up in something heaven related; which was unfortunate for me because he was usually around to help relieve the pain on especially bad days like this.
Nobody knew why, not even Cas, but my chronic pain was something he couldn't heal. He could relieve the pain almost completely for an hour, sometimes several if it wasn't really bad, but never get rid of it completely. It even seemed sometimes that it was working less and less every time.
Even with a literal angel helping me, it was still just something I had to deal with.
All I wanted to do was curl up in my bed under a heated blanket and not come out until it was all over. This was one of my worst flare ups in months. Since Sam and Dean had left a day ago, I had already tried praying to Castiel several times. I usually didn't want to bother him, but I was desperate.
I slumped over the table with my head on my tingling arms. My entire body tensed up as another pain ran through me. I eyed the bottle of painkillers next to the lamp, but I knew I had probably already taken way more than I should have. Instead, I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my breathing.
I managed to relax until I heard undisguised footsteps enter the library. I raised my head to glare at the archangel in the doorway. "What do you want?"
"Just passing through, no need to be so hostile." He made a face and held his hands up in defense. He beelined for a certain shelf, and so I allowed myself to let my guard down partially. I returned my eyes back to the pages of the book I was reading, but had a hard time focusing on anything other than the pain.
The thought of asking Lucifer to heal me flitted into my mind but I immediately dismissed it. Maybe he would or maybe he wouldn't, but my pride wouldn't allow me that, even on my worst day.
I glanced up at him when he sat across from me, arching a brow. "What?"
"What?" Lucifer responded defensively. He flipped the book open and crossed his legs. I pinched the bridge of my nose briefly before returning back to my book. My leg bounced to distract me from the numb yet burning sensation that intensified in my feet and calves. I had found that keeping my limbs moving helped either distract me from the pain, or maybe it kept the blood flowing through them. I didn't know.
I sighed after I finished a chapter, releasing some tension from my muscles I didn't even know I had. I flexed my hand again before turning the page, watching Lucifer do the same out of the corner of my eye. Glancing at him curiously, I wondered why he seemed to want to just be in the room with someone else. Usually, it was him that left whenever one of the Winchesters or Chuck came into the room. On the other hand, now that I thought about it, that never seemed to apply to me. But he had never actively seeked my presence before. I averted my gaze back to the book.
Now that I knew he wasn't here just to cause trouble, I finally let myself relax. Unclenching my jaw, I took a deep breath that turned into a hiss when a feeling akin to being stabbed burned through my arm. I jerked, instinctively pulling my arm to my chest and cradling it. I tried to focus on my breathing as the after effects still burned through my nerves.
"What's wrong?" Lucifer asked, looking up from his book. I had completely forgotten about the angel's presence.
"Nothing." I replied through gritted teeth. I let go of my arm and tried my best to shake it off, but my hand still gripped the edge of my sleeve so hard that I could feel my fingernails through the fabric.
He straightened up in his chair, suddenly not so interested in his book anymore; which I realized was written in Enochian. Where did he even find that?
"You've been clenching and unclenching your hands for the past half hour." He began to count on his fingers.
"Bouncing your legs, flinching randomly, now this." He swept his hand towards me, making me self-consciously loosen my grip on my sleeve. "I could sense your misery as soon as I entered the room."
"I'm sure you've noticed me doing that before." I shrugged it off but frowned. I felt exposed. I didn't like feeling like that ever, let alone to the devil.
"Not constantly." He argued. "What's up with you?"
"Nothing." I growled. "Why do you care so much anyway?"
"I don't. I'm just tired of this whole," He made a disgusted face. "Aura around you. It's a real downer, y'know?"
"Then leave." I muttered. He pursed his lips, staring at me silently before he picked his book back up. I let out a sigh of relief and reached for mine. I stopped dead in my tracks when another sharp pain was triggered by the movement, this one even worse than the last. I uttered a low groan, practically panting as it traveled all the way from my fingertips to my shoulder. Everything seemed to ramp it up a notch at that moment.
"Tell me what's wrong." Lucifer demanded.
"It's nothing you can fix." I grunted, beginning to squeeze and massage my forearm with my other hand. It only helped a little.
"Let me." He reached for my arm and before I could pull away, his cool hands began to massage my arm. Against my will, my whole body almost instantly relaxed. Cold usually made the pain worse, but I had a feeling he was using his grace as well. For the first time ever, my pain was entirely gone .
When he released my arm, I was greeted back with open arms by the deep ache in my back and shoulders, a migraine, and the painfully familiar tingling sensation in my limbs. My body immediately tensed up again. I saw something flicker across his face when I cringed.
"Just a taste of what I can do. Though…" He trailed off, frowning. "You're right. I can't heal it."
"Yeah, that's what I thought. Cas already tried that."
"What is wrong with you?" His question wasn't meant to sound accusing; it was genuine.
"Fibromyalgia." I answered, massaging my own arm. He leaned across the table now, crossing his arms. He hummed in acknowledgement, looking down at the table and drumming his fingers.
His eyes darted back up to me when I unconsciously clenched my fist at another jab.
"May I?" He asked. I nodded wordlessly, holding my hand out to him. Instead, he stood from his chair and rounded the table to sit in a chair beside me. I unconsciously leaned away from him and his closeness. He placed his palm on my forehead and immediately the pain lessened.
"Thank you."
He hummed before asking, "How long does this usually last?"
I frowned and looked away. "A while." I didn't want to tell him that it only lasted a few hours at most, and that was on much better days. On days as painful as today it might last a couple of hours, if I was lucky.
"You've got to tell me so I know how long before we have to do this again."
"Don't worry about it." I mumbled. "The pills will kick in by the time this wears off."
He snatched the bottle before I could get to it. "I think you've had enough of those."
"Give it back."
"They're obviously not working. You're going to overdose."
"What do you care?"
"I helped you, didn't I?"
"So? I care ." He pursed his lips after that, crossing his arms in front of his chest defensively and looking away.
"...A couple hours." I said in defeat. He glanced back at me. "On a good day it would probably last four, maybe five. On a bad day it would last a couple, if I'm lucky."
"And today's a bad day." It wasn't a question.
I shook my head. "Yes- No..I don't know. It's the worst I've had in a long time, if ever." I admitted.
"You're still bouncing your leg." He pointed out.
"It still kind of hurts."
Before I could react, he pressed his palm to my forehead again. This time, he kept it there until I began to pull away in confusion. "Wait."
Suddenly, the pain was completely gone again. When he pulled his hand away after several moments, his piercing eyes studied my face. I immediately felt it return, but it wasn't nearly as bad as before he had helped at all.
"As long as I'm touching you…" He muttered.
"Yeah, it was gone completely." I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in. "I think I'm going to try and get some sleep before this wears off."
Lucifer nodded, standing up and mirroring my actions. I stumbled a little bit, the room spinning. Probably from all the painkillers I had taken. "I'll check back in a couple hours."
"I'll come find you if I need to."
He frowned. "I promise?" I offered.
"Don't wait too long." He turned away. He sat back at the table in the same position as before, with his legs crossed and his thumb and index finger holding the book open. I gave him a final glance before I left the room and ventured down the hallway to my bedroom.
I was lucky I had another bottle of painkillers in my bedside drawer, and I downed a couple of them before collapsing onto the bed. I didn't plan on asking him for help again, no matter how bad it got. I had toughed it out before, and I could do it again.
Curling up under my heated blanket, I let out a small sigh of relief. What little bit of discomfort that remained was just about bearable.
I was woken up by a sharp pain between my shoulder blades and the middle of my back. I curled up on my side with a low whine. Even the light pressure of my sheets began to feel painful against my skin, and I started to kick them off. Every nerve ending in my body was nearly on fire.
"Lucifer." I groaned in a daze. I hoped it resembled a prayer enough for him to hear. My breath hitched in my throat at another agonizing jab. "Luci-"
I felt a cool hand on my forehead and the pain immediately stopped. I forced my eyes open and the archangel was sitting on the edge of my bed with unmasked concern on his face. "It hasn't even been two hours."
"Sorry." I mumbled.
"That's not what I meant." He said. "You shouldn't be alone."
"'m fine." Lucifer pulled his hand away. Even though he had used his grace to relieve my pain, without his constant touch it immediately came back, though it wasn't nearly as bad. He quickly made contact again, this time holding my hand gently in both of his, as if I would break.
"I think this is the worst it's ever been."
I felt the bed dip next to me, and then I felt him up against my side. I opened my eyes. "What are you-"
"You know what happens if I let go." He muttered. I did.
I leaned against him with a sigh. When I began to drift off, I felt Lucifer drape his arm across my middle.
"You don't have to stay if you don't want to." I told him tiredly.
"I want to."
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gifti3 · 5 months
i wrote a really small thing related to this post! I've been getting back into OIs so i came up with this arranged marriage scenario in a Victorian setting for Asmo and MC and have been chewing on it for the past several days lol I think I'm gonna come up with more stuff for this later but I just wanted to post this for now φ(゜▽゜*)♪
The weather was nice out today so you decided to go for a walk around the estate garden and rest in a somewhat secluded spot. Unfortunately, someone had managed to find you. How did the two of you keep running into each other in place so vast?
"Sooo….." Asmodeus leans into your space to look at the pages of you book. "What are you reading?"
"…A book."
"…Well yea, but what is the book about?"
You hold back your sigh and answer instead. "It's just about something I took interest in recently…"
Asmo stares at you for a moment. "You know, I'm starting to realize something about you."
"You are?"
"Uh huh," he nods. "At first, I thought you were a cagey person, but you're just really socially awkward you know? You kind of remind me of one of my brothers."
You close your book without making note of the page you were on. "I'm going back inside. Goodbye."
"Wait, I didn't mean it in a bad way!"
You sigh. "Are you sure? Cause you've been pretty rude to me several times before. So I'm having a hard time believing that."
Asmodeus makes a face. "It was an observation?"
"Okay. Can you just…let me read please?" The request came out harsher than you intended but maybe you were feeling a little defensive.
So what if you were "awkward". You weren't expecting to talk to anyone when you came out here.
Asmodeus huffs and leans back on his hands. But he doesn't leave…. for some reason. Maybe he was bored?
You flip through your book trying to find what page you were on.
"Page seventy six."
You look over at Asmo who has already busied himself with inspecting his nails.
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explodingsilver · 10 months
Book review: Nightbane by Alex Aster
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I’ve already made my thoughts on the first book quite clear (read that review first if you haven’t already; I don’t feel like rehashing all the context), and were I a bit more sensible, I would have stayed away from its sequel. I am, however, somewhat of a literary masochist, so of course I borrowed this from Hoopla the day it was released (November 7th, not too long ago). Very pleased that I was able to write this review much faster than the first one, though this review is shorter, at only 2,100 words long. Was the experience worth it? I don’t know, you tell me.
(There are spoilers ahead, on the off chance that you care)
The plot and style
After the events of the first book, Isla is trying to learn her several powers as well as get a hold of this “leading two different realms” thing while trying to move on from getting betrayed by four different people she used to love. At a celebration for a Wildling holiday (in which no Wildlings other than herself are in attendance), Grim magically crashes the party from afar and announces that the Nightshade army will destroy Lightlark in thirty days. The other realms start preparing for the invasion, and Isla tries to recover all her lost memories of being with Grim in hope that they will reveal what his goal is and how to stop him, especially after receiving a prophetic vision of him standing in the ruins of a village he destroyed with his powers.
Put simply, if the plot of the first book is split between “Isla and Celeste search for a MacGuffin” and “Isla and Oro search for a different MacGuffin”, this book is split between “Isla and Oro do basic defense building stuff” and “Isla remembers the time she and Grim searched for a third MacGuffin”. There’s also a subplot about a rebel group trying to capture Isla, but this is inconsequential and could’ve been dropped entirely.
It feels like there was an attempt to address some of the criticism of the first book, but not nearly enough of an attempt. On the one hand, metaphor usage has improved to the point where it actually feels like it was written by a human being and not a neural network (no throbbing and raw glaciers this time around), the book acknowledges that no longer having a power no one else had in the first place is less bad than having a maximum lifespan of 25, and Isla realizes that Grim let her win the duel in the first book and that she did not win against a 500+ year old army general on the strength of her own skill. On the other hand, it does not address questions like “how does Starling society even function if none of them ever live to 26?” or “if Oro always knows when someone is lying, why didn’t he call bullshit the moment Celeste said ‘Hi, my name is Celeste’?”
Speaking of that last thing: I didn’t mention it in my review of the first book because it didn’t really feel relevant to anything, but each ruler has a ‘flair’, a special power that is unique to them. Oro’s is that he can always tell when someone is lying. Grim’s is that he can teleport. This book reveals that Isla’s is that she is immune to curses. Glad to finally have an answer to one of my biggest questions of the first book (checks notes) 75% of the way through the second one, when this explanation should’ve been given the moment we learned the original stated reason does not apply.
Wildling elixir and its (lack of) consequences
Much of this book centers around the presence of the Wildling elixir from the first book, a potion that is super effective at healing wounds. As you might imagine, this kills a lot of the tension. Used in conjunction with Isla’s magical teleportation device, “teleport away, use Wildling elixir, teleport back” becomes an easy way to recover when the characters get their flesh ripped apart. And indeed, they do this all the time! The book tries to nerf this strategy by stating that the elixir is rare due to the flower used to make it being rare, but 1) this is at odds with Isla’s very liberal use of it, and 2) aren’t the Wildlings the “make flowers grow instantly” people? Why can’t they just use those powers on it like they do for every other plant?
There was a bit of potential for an interesting theme with these flowers: Isla eventually learns that while the Wildlings use them to make the healing elixir, the Nightshades use those exact same flowers to make the titular nightbane, which is basically fantasy heroin. I was intrigued by this motif (I like it when things have a dual nature like that), but unfortunately this doesn’t really go anywhere, other than some vague gesturing at “wow, just like Isla”. Speaking of Isla…
This time around, Isla is clearly traumatized by the events of the last book, trusts very few people, and is aware that she is in over her head with leading two realms full of subjects she barely knows while also being the king’s unofficial consort. Not a bad start for a character arc, but in effect, she has gone from naive and impulsive to naive, impulsive, and guilty about those things while making little effort to amend them. It feels like her attitude towards leadership is basically “I’m allowed to call myself a bad leader but nobody is allowed to agree with me on that.”
Much of Isla’s internal conflict in this book is based around her Nightshade heritage on her father's side. She is convinced that there is an inherently evil part of her because her father was from the Inherently Evil Realm. This may not come as a surprise, but I do not like when stories have such a thing as an Inherently Evil Realm. Not only does Nightshade fill this role, but the book never even gestures at pushing back against Isla’s conviction that her heritage taints her, and in fact ends up affirming it.
This book really told me to my face that Isla is the first person in millennia to have both Wildling and Nightshade powers. I do not buy that even for a moment. Maybe my disbelief is because the series discarded the “only one realm’s power set per person, even if their parents are from different realms” thing in the same book it was introduced, and I would expect there to be Wildling/Nightshade couples way more often than once per few millennia. But no, that highly plausible thing can’t happen because then Isla won’t be the most special person currently alive!
The other characters
Sadly, the rest of the cast did not improve, and in some instances, got worse.
Oro going from "world weary, distant king" to "official love interest" has unfortunately sanded down all his interesting aspects, and everything I liked about his character in the first book now takes a backseat to being overly protective of Isla and making stock Love Interests threats to kill anyone who hurts her. I swear, he turned so generic that some of his lines were indistinguishable from something Grim would say. But hey, if nothing else, he at least didn’t get character assassinated like I was sure he would!
While Grim actually does stuff in this book, he still has no personality traits other than what's included in the Sexy Villain Starter Pack. Like, it actually upsets me that he's such an absolute nothing of a character. Everything about him begins and ends with “what if the villain…was sexy?”, and there are about a morbillion stories out there that provide more interesting answers to this question. You’d think focusing on him this much would be the perfect opportunity to give him any unique traits at all, but Aster certainly did not take that opportunity, nor did she ever answer the question of why he likes Isla, despite the sheer number of pages dedicated to their relationship.
As for everyone else? Azul, our beloved token gay black man who runs his realm like a democracy, still receives woefully little page time. Cleo, the bitchy ruler who hates Isla for no reason, receives even less, but at least we get to hear about her dead son, I guess. Ella, Isla's Starling assistant, is mentioned so rarely I wonder if Aster forgot she exists. There are also several new average citizen characters introduced, but none of them are remotely interesting. They're all defined solely by whether or not they're on Isla's side. It says something when the best new character is Isla's new animal companion (a panther named Lynx, who rules because he does not give a shit about Isla).
The chili pepper emoji, as the TikTokers call it
Because I must do as the book did and address the topic of sex before I get to the final important bits.
This book is much hornier than the first one, but in a way that makes large parts of it feel like one of those dreams where you're trying to have sex with someone but your attempts keep getting interrupted. I regret that I did not count the number of times Isla was about to fuck someone and then got denied for some reason or another.
There are three times she actually succeeds, and luckily these scenes do not read like they were written by Sarah J. Maas, despite her obvious influence on everything else. This doesn't seem like much of a compliment, but this series needs all the W’s it can get. That's not to say everything is fine, though. There's one scene that's obviously using all the "first time" stuff for characterization, and I can't help but feel this would be more effective had they not already slept together a few short chapters beforehand? Like c’mon, all you had to do was switch the order of those two scenes.
The ending
Shortly before the Nightshade army is set to storm the island and destroy it, Isla learns Grim’s (and Cleo’s) real motivation for doing so: there’s a portal on the island leading to another world, one in which the original founders of Lightlark came from before making Lightlark in the image of the world they left. Grim and Cleo want to open that portal and reach the other world, which will just so happen to destroy the island. They’re not actually trying to kill everyone for the evulz. Isla, in her naivety, accidentally opens it for them before they even arrive.
During the final battle, while trying to steal Grim's powers so she can kill him and save Lightlark, Isla finally remembers the last two important memories: 1) she and Grim actually got married right before he memory-wiped her, and 2) what she thought was a prophetic vision of him killing an entire village was actually a memory of her doing so. Convinced that she'll accidentally kill Oro if she stays with him, she agrees to go with Grim, whom she just realized she is still in love with, in exchange for a promise that he'll withdraw the attack.
I cannot remember the last time I had this strong of an "are you fucking kidding me" reaction to the end of a book. But after some thinking, I decided that it actually makes for some great tragedy material. “Traumatized woman with a supportive partner becomes convinced that she’s too horrible to be with him and goes back to her terrible husband” would make for a good story if this was a more grounded book written by anyone else. Alas, this concept just had to be tackled here.
I also naively thought that because the deal was for two books, that means this would be a duology. But it feels like there will be a third book, and I'm hoping there is, not out of any desire for more (unsure how much more I can take), but because it would be straight-up authorial malpractice to end the series on that note.
This honestly wasn’t quite as bad as the first book, but the problems that persisted outweighed the ones that got fixed, and the severe case of Middle Book Syndrome certainly did not help its case. It’s a very small improvement stylistically, but when the nicest things I can say about it are “there were some concepts that could’ve made for an interesting story in the hands of a better author” and “the sex scenes aren’t atrocious” and “the cat is kinda cool”, then I feel justified in calling it terrible overall. It’s a good thing that Lightlark…3! is presumably a long ways away, because I will need all that time to recover from having read this.
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Bad First Impressions
Sebastian has never heard the new 5th year student say a word. After the failed duel, everyone can see she clearly doesn't belong there (including Sebastian). Their fight with the troll shows him there is much more to her than meets the eye. (rated T, 2570 words, pre-Sebastian x MC)
It was already several days into the school year and Sebastian had not heard the new 5th year speak a single word. He was starting to seriously consider if she was mute. She was quite the conundrum though. Despite not speaking, she certainly came off quite snobbish and condescending. Each time she caught someone’s eyes meeting hers, she would scowl and then look away. As though she were too good to be around the likes of us. Quite the superiority complex given that she could barely cast a spell.
The first day of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Hecat had put the two of them against each other for a friendly duel. He had teased her as he walked by. She didn’t respond but rolled her eyes. As they faced off, he decided to be a gentleman and allowed her a moment to try to get in the first spell. Her basic cast was so poorly aimed, she was more likely to hit Prewett than himself. When he in turn cast his basic spell, she barely dodged and, instead of casting Protego, just dropped herself to the ground. Hecat quickly put an end to the practice duel, realizing that the new 5th year was in over her head.
“How can someone so stupid think she’s better than us?” Imelda complained loudly at dinner one night.
Ominis snorted lightly next to Sebastian. All of his opinions of the new girl came entirely from hearing others speak about her – given that he had heard nothing from her himself.
“She sounds about as pleasant as my family,” he mused. “Glad she’s not in Slytherin. Let the Ravenclaw’s be punished. She must fit in there– they’re a rather snobby bunch themselves.”
Sebastian glanced over at the Ravenclaw table, checking to see whether the Ravenclaw’s had warmed up to her abrasive behavior. As he expected – she was sitting alone, several seats away from the nearest person, and reading a book.
“Looks like they don’t want her either,” Sebastian responded. Ominis hmphed and went back to eating.
“I don’t even know how she ended up in Ravenclaw. She can’t do anything right! Then again, I guess no house would really want her,” Imelda continued her rant.
Meanwhile, Sebastian kept watching the new girl. And for the first time, he saw a different sort of look come across her face. It was one he recognized immediately, for he also felt it with more and more frequency since Anne was cursed. She looked down forlornly, as though she had no hope left in this world.
Perplexed, he wondered if maybe she was simply reading a sad book. It was nice to see she had an empathic side to her – not that anyone around her had the benefit of experiencing it.
“Mr. Sallow, its your lucky day!” Professor Weasley said after telling me to stay after class. “Our new student Eleanor Porter is in need of supplies from Hogsmeade. I know you have a detention you need to serve, and I thought you would be a good option to take her.”
Sebastian was staggered. He knew he had a way with professors, but he had never imagined being offered a trade-off like this. Imagine – Hogsmeade instead of polishing all the trophies in the Trophy Room!
“Absolutely. I’ll be glad to take Porter for her supplies.” Sure, she was unpleasant, but she also didn’t talk so how bad could it really be? He would much prefer wandering the village than inhaling the smell of polish for a 2nd night in a row.
Just a few hours later found Sebastian waiting by the door at the entranceway. The new girl finally deigned herself to show up after 30 minutes of him standing around. She stood in front of him, arms crossed.
“Well then, shall we?” He offered her, knowing full well she wouldn’t be responding, and led the way through the doors.
Thankfully the weather was pleasant – bright blue sky, just enough clouds, and nice and warm. A great day for making it out to the village. He tried to pretend that the new girl wasn’t just a couple of steps behind him, but there was a tenseness in the air that didn’t allow him to forget.
It was with great relief that they split up once reaching the village. It was like a breath of fresh air to finally be free of her and get some time to enjoy himself. He hoped she wouldn’t get too lost, but honestly couldn’t really be bothered to care.
It was with building dread as the declared meet up time approached and he wandered to the center of town. She actually made it back punctually and stood there, awaiting his next direction. He was just about to open his mouth to tell her they needed to head back to the castle, when an earthquake started. Wait an earthquake? In Hogsmeade?
Quickly, he saw, to his extreme horror, the source of said earthquake. A massive troll was making its way through the village. He heard the new girl gasp beside him and grasp his arm. Thankfully the local Auror and some townspeople managed to lead it away.
The girl had just dropped her hand from his arm when the vibration started up again.
“Another troll?” he gasped. What was even going on?!
Unfortunately, this troll was heading (with great determination) straight to him and Porter.
“Oh fu-“ he had just managed to begin, before he found himself being pushed hard. He landed on the ground in shock and looked up just in time to see the new girl flying several feet away into a stack of boxes.
Did…did she push him out of the way? To save him?
Realizing they didn’t have the benefit of time to delay, he jumped to his feet and began casting as many offensive spells as he could think of. The troll, obviously, was not appreciating being set on fire repeatedly, and made to swing his giant bat at him.
“Sebastian!” he heard a voice cry out in alarm and fear.
Before he even had a chance to work out who had yelled his name, a lightning bolt came down from the sky and turned the troll into ash.
Stunned, Sebastian stood there just staring at the pile of ash. Part of him wondered if he had been hit by the bat, and was now dreaming. He had never seen or heard of a spell do something like that. Looking around dazed, his eyes found new girl standing among the pile of now broken boxes. She was also staring at the ash in complete shock and horror, her wand out as if in the middle of casting a spell.
“Did – did you do that?” Sebastian asked aghast at this turn of events.
She met his eyes and slowly nodded, seemingly trying to process what had just happened.
“Wait… it was you that called out my name!” Sebastian suddenly realized. “You can talk then!”
Porter’s mouth curved up a bit. It was the friendliest he had ever seen her look. “I can talk, yes.”
Sebastian took his head in his hands. This was the weirdest day he had experienced in a long time. Maybe he really had gotten knocked out by that bat.
“I think I need a butterbeer,” he groaned. “Come on. Let’s get you to the Three Broomsticks and you can tell me about this crazy spell of yours.”
Porter bit her lip and wrapped her arms around herself as they walked.
Openly watching her, Sebastian had a sudden epiphany. She was crossing her arms in a defensive manner. Like she was protecting herself from his potential ire. Thinking back to earlier when she greeted him with the same stance, he could now see it was the same. As though she expected his ridicule, and wanted to protect herself from it.
“So, why is this the first time I’ve heard you talk then?” He wanted answers to her rather odd behaviors now that he realized that perhaps she was not quite as rude as he believed.
Porter glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes, before looking away again. “I…don’t always feel comfortable talking.”
That was hardly a satisfactory answer, but then he figured he hadn’t done anything to make her want to be open with him. He certainly hadn’t made an effort to talk to her, and instead he led them in silence for the entire walk from the castle.
Figuring the best way to learn about her was to finally talk to her like a proper friend, he decided to just open his mouth and ramble. He talked about the school, his sister, his friends, his favorite spells, and more. He was talking so much that he hadn’t even realized they had been sitting outside of the bar on a bench for at least 2 hours now.
Porter, to her credit, didn’t seem annoyed in the least bit. She listened and asked questions, eager to learn more about the magical world that she was now a part of.
Hoping that perhaps he had managed to make her more comfortable with him, he tried again to ask her a question about herself. “Where are you from?”
Porter grimaced and looked at the ground. “I was in an all-girls boarding school in London. I didn’t know anything about magic until Professor Fig came and brought me the letter from Hogwarts. I still don’t understand it... my father doesn’t have any magic. I don’t know much about my mum though. I guess maybe she had some magic?” she shrugged.
Well that did certainly explain her lack of experience with casting spells. Imagine not knowing anything about magic and then being forced to skip four years of magical education!
“Did you like the school?” he asked, wondering if she fit in better with muggles. Maybe that was the reason she was having a hard time talking with her magical peers?
She shook her head. “No, not at all.”
Intrigued despite himself, he pushed. “Why not?”
Porter looked hesitantly at him before letting out a deep sigh. “I guess I have nothing left to lose by admitting this. Everyone at Hogwarts thinks poorly of me already….” She looked sadly in the distance. Sebastian couldn’t even deny the truth of her words.
“I’ve always been the misfit my whole life. My family hated me and sent me away as soon as they could. It was a relief for awhile to be away from them. They always told me I was stupid… that I couldn’t do anything right. I thought they were wrong. After all, I knew how to read and do maths. I can play a piano. Surely I couldn’t be that stupid? But then at school it was the same… I would get so anxious when called on to read in class or come up to the board. I couldn’t remember anything. Id stutter when trying to read. I couldn’t even tell you the time when looking at a clock. Soon, I realized that my family was right. And the teachers and other classmates were right. I am stupid and pathetic. I don’t know how to talk to people. And if someone was nice to me, it always turned out to be a joke. Like they thought the idea of being my friend was funny.” She paused, staring at the passing clouds overhead.
“I had hoped for Hogwarts to be different. That maybe I finally could fit in somewhere. But as soon as I walked into the castle, I realized how wrong I was. I was surrounded by people who knew magic for years and years. I knew I was unworthy to even be there, to take up space among you all. I figured it was best to just… let myself blend in with the surroundings. Try not to draw attention to myself. Yet, it seems all I do now is get the attention of everyone. It makes me nervous…and I hoped that by seeming angry that people would want to avoid me. That they could somehow see that I knew I wasn’t good enough, and I just wanted to be left alone. But that backfired…” her voice quieted.
Sensing that she was done talking, he took a minute to process her confession. By how much she shared, it was clear she had needed to get her thoughts and feelings off her chest for a long time now.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said. Though he knew she had put up strong shields, he wished he had somehow known to look through them. Clearly the girl needed a real friend.
“I know what you mean about your family not liking you. I live with my uncle and he reminds me constantly what a disappointment I am. I think he must have something against my father. He loves to compare me to him as though it’s an insult.” Sebastian huffed in aggravation at the very thought.
Eleanor looked at him with empathy. It was nice, Sebastian realized, to have someone to talk to who understood.
“I’m sorry,” she offered back.
Sebastian, to both of their surprise, grabbed her hand. “I know it must be intimidating to come in so late. But this isn’t like your last school. Sure, there are some bullies around here. But there are a lot of nice people as well. I’m sure if you give everyone a chance, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. I can start by introducing you to some of our classmates. I’m certain Natty Onai would love to meet you. She came here just a year ago.”
He watched hope come into Eleanor’s eyes. “You don’t think its too late?” she bit her lip.
Sebastian shrugged. “Only one way to find out. And no matter what they think, you’ll still have me.”
Eleanor threw her arms around Sebastian in an enthusiastic hug. “Thank you,” she murmured against him.
Blushing furiously and having no idea what to do, Sebastian patted her back awkwardly.
Coughing (or choking), Sebastian slowly pulled away from her. “Now then, I think its time we introduce you to the world of butterbeer.”
He led her into the bar where Sirona enthusiastically greeted the new student. He watched Eleanor as she smiled shyly at the woman, and began small talk with her. Sebastian jumped into the conversation and soon the three of them were talking as though they had known one another for years.
Its funny, he mused to himself, as he and Eleanor were walking back to the castle that evening, chattering on and on about the most random of topics. He dreaded her presence and now he was actively reveling in it. Their incident with the troll and then their fun evening at the Three Broomsticks forged a connection between them. And he was glad for it. His new friend felt like the companion he had been missing, a missing piece of his puzzle that was now reunited.
Perhaps he should show her the Undercroft? Then they could spend more time together and he could help tutor her in order to catch up. And perhaps in turn, she would show him how she demolished that troll…
He turned back to Eleanor, and they exchanged a bashful smile with one another, clasped hands swinging in the air between them.
Yes, perhaps this school year wouldn’t be as boring as he thought.
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bloofinntoona · 2 years
Sebastian werewolf x reader? This is something I can see happening because he always trying to find a cure for Anne and he just goes too far before realisation sinks, which results in a frantic Seb seeking MC help that he doesn’t have time to be wolfing out and with little knowledge of the subject they both just scrambling before MC has to take care of a panic Sebastian throughout the night
oh god sorry for the super late reply. i literally had the idea and story in my head for WEEKS before i finally got the chance to write it.
basically self-indulgent, werewolf!sebastian sallow x f!reader, angst, hurt/comfort
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"Lycanthropy was the state in which a werewolf found him or herself: that of turning into a fearsome and deadly near-wolf. Muggles were far less likely to be infected by lycanthropy than wizardkind, as the wounds had a higher fatality rate. To date, there was no cure for lycanthropy. Lycanthropy was a deeply feared and despised condition, as tragic tales were told that victims begged to be allowed to die rather than becoming werewolves."
Professor Hecat walked around the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, explaining the Lycanthropy illness, or what you had learned in the muggle world; werewolves. Drawings and photos of human-like wolves filled the chalkboard and walls. You couldn't deny that some of the pictures were terrifying, their teeth were significantly sharper than regular wolves, and you could imagine how painful it would be to get scratched by their long nails. You were too busy scribbling in your notebook to notice an agitated boy sitting next to you. A deep sigh escaped his lips, breaking you from your focus. You looked at Sebastian, his brows furrowed, fingers busy twiddling his quill, yet his paper was untouched.
"Not taking any notes, are we?" You teased.
Sebastian shrugged, flashing you a quick smile that transformed you into a blushing mess. Ever since you met Sebastian at your fifth year, you had already thought that the brunette was severely attractive and charming. At first, you assumed that he was like that with everyone, but you started to notice the lingering touches and gazes that both exclusively shared. It did leave you confused, but you were not the type to rush into a relationship anyways. You were happy enough to see Sebastian healed after the incident with Solomon and Anne - finding comfort to know that Anne was taken care of by their distant relative, and Sebastian stopped using the Dark Arts altogether.
His behavior in class worried you, but you decided to think nothing of it. Sebastian draped his arms around your shoulder, walking with you and Ominis to the library. You found your favorite table on the second floor, setting your papers and quill on the table. Professor Hecat assigned the class to finish a 4,000 words essay on Lycanthropy by next week, and you figured you'd start as soon as possible.
"Are werewolves common in the Wizarding World?" you broke the silence, stretching your arms as you leaned back on your chair.
"Not really," Ominis shook his head, "I've only heard stories from my family. But I have yet to see one in person."
Sebastian scoffed, "Nasty creatures. I would be content with my life not meeting one."
"Well, I wouldn't say they are terrible..."
"Says the person who thinks Thestrals are beautiful." Sebastian lightheartedly chuckled, "By the way, may I borrow the book once you are done with it? I plan on continuing my essay tonight."
You and Ominis shared a look, it was uncommon for Sebastian to not finish his assignment together with the group. You lent him the book anyways, bidding the two boys goodbye as you excused yourself for the night.
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After that particular DADA class, Sebastian was acting a bit differently than usual. You noticed him frequently tucked on the sofa, reading any Lycanthropy books that he could find in the library - including the restricted section. You teased him about it, earning a shrug or dry laughs from the Slytherin boy.
The evening breeze caressed your hair, and the cold sent chills down your spine. Yet your left hand was burning hot as Sebastian held it and shoved it in his pocket, making a comment about how you always forgot to bring your gloves. It was incredibly difficult to listen to what Professor Sharma was spewing about, maybe it was something along the lines of constellations but your head was filled with thoughts about Sebastian. It didn't help that the stars shone brightly that night, mimicking the freckles on Sebastian's face.
Unfortunately, you had to let him go when Professor Sharma assigned the class to draw the constellation seen from your personal telescope. You settled on a spot next to the pillar, setting your telescope to point at a bright area in the sky, finding a constellation to focus on.
"You might need to move the lenses a tad bit to the right." Amit, the brightest student in the class, approached you.
"Ah, right! Thank you, Amit." You did so, thankfully showing a clearer view of the stars so you could move on with the assignment. You thought Amit was a bit odd at first, but you eventually found him pleasant to talk to, especially since he was very knowledgeable.
"If I could add, that is what is known as Serpens Caput, due to its similarity as the shape of a snake-"
Before Amit could finish his sentence, you could feel a hand dragging your arms back. You were surprised to find Sebastian with his brows furrowed, if his gaze could kill, Amit would probably be on the ground already. "She can do it herself, thank you."
"Sebastian!" you lightly hit his arms. Your face was red, a mix of embarrassment and anger filled your body.
The full moon shone brightly that night, illuminating Sebastian's irritated face. He groaned, immediately retreating to the Astronomy tower.
"Merlin- I'm so sorry, Amit. Thank you again for helping me." You frantically followed Sebastian, leaving a confused Amit on the balcony.
Sebastian paced the empty classroom, biting his thumb, eyes still full of resentment and annoyance. "Sebastian?" you called out, "He was just helping me... I don't see the harm in that."
"Ugh, I can't believe you're so naive!" Sebastian walked towards you, he slammed his hand on the wall, trapping you in between, "It was so obvious that he was flirting with you! I saw how he was eyeing you throughout the year. I bet he would shove his hand under your skirt if he has the chance."
Your mouth hung in shock, "That was a terrible thing to say, Sebastian! and I am perfectly capable of defending myself."
"Really?" You swore you saw a glint of red on Sebastian's pupil before he leaned down to crash his lips against yours, forcing his tongue inside as your teeth clashed with his. "How come I was able to do that then?"
Your vision blurred when Sebastian pulled away, your trembling hands pushed him back. It was not supposed to be like this. You were waiting, mentally begging for this boy to kiss you after years of pining, but you didn't expect to have your first kiss taken forcefully. When you braved yourself to look up at Sebastian, you were taken aback to see his shocked expression. He took a couple steps back, voice trembling, "I am so, so sorry, Y/N... I'm not myself right now..."
You were about to chase after him again before feeling a stinging pain on your upper arm. You decided to take off your robes, and to your horror, you found small cuts at the area where Sebastian held you tightly earlier.
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You ended up going on a sneaky trip to the hospital wing, using a disillusionment charm to steal some bandages to cover your wounds - better to fix this on your own than having to explain yourself to the nurse. To be quite honest, the pain you felt in your chest hurt more than the scratches. You had seen Sebastian in his worst moments, but nothing had prepared you for what just happened.
"Y/N!" Just when you were about to head back to the dorm, Ominis ran towards you. His hair was disheveled, totally opposite of his usual proper style. Sweat trickling from his chin, you reckoned he had been running around for a while.
"I've been looking everywhere for you," he huffed, "I heard what happened in your Astrology class. I'm sorry."
You shook your head, "I don't know what happened, Ominis. For the first time in a while, I was scared of him... As if he was going to hurt me."
"Look, there's something I need to tell you," Ominis bit his lower lip, before lowering his voice, "Remember how I told you that Sebastian's parents were professors and they passed away after a research incident?"
You nodded, intently listening.
"You see, I remembered that Sebastian and Anne had briefly mentioned that their parents were keen on learning about Lycanthropy. My suspicion grew when Sebastian has been acting weird after Defense Against the Dark Arts class... So, I secretly sent an owl to Anne." Ominis took out a crumpled letter from his pocket, showing an envelope signed "A.S."
"In the letter, Anne confirmed my thoughts. Mrs. Sallow was a werewolf, and the condition was passed down only to Sebastian. Apparently, even Sebastian didn't know about this until his parents died while looking for a Lycanthrope cure..."
"... And remember the lesson? A person will experience their first transformation when they came of age and during the full moon." Ominis gestured to the window, which was showing a bright full moon.
"Bloody hell!" You cursed, panic surging through your body. Everything made sense now, the anger that you felt earlier now turned into worry and regret. You should have chased after Sebastian earlier, doubts filled your head, imagining if something bad happened to the boy you cared for the most.
"I'll try to find him around the castle. Do you know anywhere he might go?"
You nodded, "I think I might. I shall go straight away."
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"Sebastian?" your voice echoed through the dark hallways. He was not in the Undercroft, and you thought he couldn't go far enough outside of the school. The only other place that nobody knew except you, Sebastian, and Ominis was Salazar Slytherin Scriptorium. You managed to convince Ominis to stand guard outside, to make sure that no other students or teacher found out.
Your deduction was correct, a tattered and torn green Slytherin tie laid on the entrance floor. Ripped cloths from Sebastian's robe and shirt lead him to the Slytherin's room. After you heard a blood-curling scream, you ran past the Cruciatus Curse door and barged into the room.
Your eyes were met with red orbs, glowing in the midst of the dark room. Emerging from the shadow, Sebastian's body was about twice his normal height. Yet his shoulder was hunched, his skin was exchanged to dark-brown fur, and you could see faint light bouncing off his sharp teeth as he growled. His legs were shaped like canine's, ready to pounce you.
You couldn't help but tremble at the sight of the werewolf. You took out your wand and placed it down next to your feet, "I'm not going to hurt you, Sebastian."
As you were about to move, Sebastian darted and leaped towards you, trapping you underneath him. You instinctively held out your arms, using all your strength to hold his shoulder back. His snout was inches away from your face, snarling, ready to attack. "Sebastian!" you screamed, "It's me, Y/N!"
The werewolf hesitated for a bit, and you took the chance to grab your wand. "Depulso!" you casted, pushing Sebastian off you, slamming his body against the stone wall. Sebastian let out a whine, his body slumped down. You quickly ran close to him, cupping his face in your hands, "Sebastian, I'm here. I'm not going to leave you."
Your emotions overwhelmed you as tears started to stream, "Gods, Sebastian, I'm scared I'm going to lose you. Please, listen to me!"
As you were sobbing into his chest, you felt his figure start to move, shifting back to his human form, revealing the handsome face you so much adored. "Y/N?" Sebastian croaked, his weak hands found their way around your waist.
You leaned down to hug him, closing the gap between your bodies, "I thought I lost you..." you sniffled, "You should've told me."
"I'm scared you're going to run away from me if I told you that I'm a werewolf," Sebastian sighed, stroking your hair gently, "I was anxious because I came of age this year, and I had never experienced this before. I tried to control myself, but to be frank, seeing you earlier set me off and I couldn't remember what happened after."
You felt his chest heave, "I'm so sorry, Y/N, I'm sorry for hurting you." Sebastian looked away, but you could see tears dropping down from his eyes, "Look, I understand if you don't want to see me again-"
You pressed your lips against his forehead, down to his nose, and finally landed on his lips. "I love you too much to avoid you, Sebastian," you whispered, rubbing his tears away.
Blush crept on Sebastian freckled cheeks, his hazel eyes finally met yours. "I love you too, Y/N."
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ryuichirou · 2 months
Some replies; more about the Prison Warden comic, a follow-up about snz hcs, one about Lilia’s fucked up experiences and some other stuff~
Anonymous asked:
Yeah, I can tell Riddle will be uncomfortable. I wonder if fellow wardens noticed his disappearance.
Oh imagine them not noticing. After three days or so they’d go “hm, I wonder why it’s so chill around here these days” LOL
Jokes aside, I think Heartslabyul boys would notice pretty quickly. It’s easy to notice Riddle’s absence because he is never late and never skips work. But unfortunately, even if they notice his disappearance at the end of the shift during which the escape/kidnapping happened, it’d be too late...
Anonymous asked:
Will you have plans for more in the prison Warden au?
Not necessarily any plans, but I do want to come back to it again! It’s like things always are with our AUs: sometimes we randomly remember them and add more stuff to them.
Anonymous asked:
i know you don’t play genshin, but i think idia would and…
(spoilers for inazuma and raiden shogun’s story quests!!!!)
there’s an electric samurai goddess named raiden shogun (or ei) and in her story you find out she’s trying to “freeze” her nation in eternity. you find out it’s bc she’s so traumatized by the death of her twin sister in a great war that she built herself a doll to possess and locked herself in an alternate dimension, and is now trying to prevent time from moving or the world from changing to never have to feel that level of grief and loss ever again. it’s very clear losing her sister severely traumatized her. and in her story quests, she actually talks to a ghost/vestige of her sister’s soul, where she finally gets closure, a lot like the end of book 6. she’s not fully healed but has begun to realize that grief is not the end of the world, and that there is still many things to love and enjoy in its changing nature.
all this to say…. i think this particular character would have idia sobbing on the floor before he gets up and pulls out his wallet to whale on her LOL
The themes really are similar huh 🤔 I wonder how Idia reacts to the theme of loss and grief in media in general. Does it hit too close to home and makes it uncomfortable for him to watch/play or would he get so defensive that he would shit on such stories for being cliché (despite being so similar to his actual life experience)?
In any case, I love imagining Idia sobbing because something felt eerily close to what he experienced. Whale on her, Idia, you deserved it... It won’t make you feel better, but you’ll have a cute anime lady to look at!
Anonymous asked:
Rook every kink ever is the most beautiful thing in the world. Thank you so much for being sweet about the snz ask, not anon but thats my kink and it's one that has a lot of shame around it. Your hcs are really good (the non snz ones too ^_^), i especially enjoy Silvers, Lilias and Riddles, I feel myself like Idia or Azul would have allergies they hate having ( being less accustomed to plant life / flowers ). < It is also a kink that can function much the same as inflicting humiliation or exerting control, finding it hot to see someone struggle against their own body and reactions. I like to hc Vil and as having this facet of a snz kink as he likes to maintain control when others can't, using to play with ( read: affectionate torture ) Rook. If you ever elaborate on any snz concepts you definitely have fans >_<
No problem, Anon! We honestly had no idea about this kink and the stigma around it, so I am very happy you enjoyed the hcs and our approach in general. I learned a lot while writing it and while reading your ask too! Totally agree about Idia or Azul having annoying allergies, it sounds like something that would suit them a lot. Rook and Vil do have their private little games, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they did this thing too... Even though this isn’t my cup of tea.
Unfortunately I don’t know if I can elaborate further than what I’ve already written in the post; I pretty much shared all of our thoughts lol But it’s good to hear that this kind of topic is also welcomed!
Anonymous asked:
i’m thinking about how you said in your noncon ask lilia did a lot of fucked up shit when he was younger. do you think he’d try anything like he did before again? maybe to see if modern youngsters could handle it? i want to see him experiment his various darker kinks with the bottoms >:3c
Good question, Anon~
I think, in general, Lilia doesn’t want to do the majority of stuff he used to do before anymore because it would either injure the boys in a way that isn’t fixable (he didn’t care about it when he was fucking his enemies left and right oop-) or would even require them to be seriously injured in the first place (or dead...). So a lot of stuff that General Vanrouge used to do is a “no-no” for him now, BUT.
1. He’ll still talk about it and describe everything with juicy details for his little bottom to think that he is either making a sick joke or is the worst human being imaginable.
2. There is a lot of stuff he’d still do~ >:3c
I think the trajectory would be to start having sex with a boy, and then if the boy reacts well to Lilia being rough, dangerous or straight-up cursed, he’ll get even worse. Lilia is only good at self-control when he doesn’t hear sexy whimpers and doesn’t see teary eyes under him.
Like you said, Lilia really does think that boys these days are much more tender than they used to be, and he had to tone himself down a lot. But the old man gets nostalgic, and if tickled right, he can get carried away very easily~
He’d absolutely try knifeplay, bloodplay, hanging/choking (this one is hard to do without it being lethal...), intoxication and some other things. Let’s just say thank god Idia is a masochist (he is?).
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annbourbon · 10 days
Flowers inside the Cheritzverse
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For the sake of this I'm gonna derail the post a bit because otherwise this is not gonna work lol we need to talk about fairies first~ fairies and flowers. Yes, the two of them are closely linked and I do not dare to make a different post for it. If we are to talk about the Wizard of Dandelion and The Cheritzverse, we need to talk about the fairy concept in general. I already talked about the magic contracts and karmic laws which in theory are not linked together irl but write do use it together, because it's kinda cool (?) but whatever~ so let's begin with the fae world. I'm not gonna delve a lot into it, just gonna touch the basics.
So 101 here~
They are not called fairies but fae. They are divided by Seelie and Unseelie Courts. And please, do not let your human thoughts think that ones are "good" and the others are "bad" or something like that. Actually, representations like that are more harmful than anything. They're not supposed to be similar or have affinity to human standards. So whatever you consider beautiful, ugly or inappropriate, it's different for them. I believe the same concept it's applied to good and bad for them. And that they have particular affinity to change if they see you want to "like them". It's fun to consider that the books of YA can't be more inaccurate sometimes *sighs* I won't try to fight those cause it's difficult to change an idea once established but, At least that's what I have gathered from the fairytales~~~~~
* Some devas are associated with fairies.
* Random fact that doesn't come on the fairy bible but~ did you know the earth has chakras too? And when connecting chakras with some powerful places (where several ley lines touch) it can create weird events.
* Water is a conductor. Always. And not only electricity but also ley lines can drift because of that.
* Seriously read about ley lines because these can be used as a method of transportation. If you want to read how would that work, you should read Kim Harrison's series, The Hollows. Which could tie my theory on how witches and fae folk and demons too btw~ can work all along the Cheritzverse. This is not exclusive on her works but it's where I have seen the idea explained in a better way. Which makes me think of several myths and stuff that has been going around for ages (big fan of supernatural and so weird series here so lol i've been studying mythology a lot.)
* Fae folk are diverse. So even if someone, yes even me, says one thing, another can say whatever and we're all free to enjoy them as we please.
So how does this ties to the Cheritzverse will you ask? Well~ that's why flowers and trees have a long and ancient culture around and even their own meanings.
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Although there are versions in Greece where the Hesperides Garden contains several "sacred trees" (among those apparently it's the pomegranate. Which ties to Jaehee~ and others like The Monkey King legend in China where you can see the Garden of Immortal Peaches. it's all about paying attention to the detail to see the patterns.)
BTW I found the Fairy Bible so useful to help me in my defense and to build up how the Cheritzverse would work. Really, I wanted to create more on this but I had to cut it cause the post is so long already. For now let's delve into the language of flowers~
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From now on~ I grabbed the links, I copied/pasted and added everything I know so here till the end I'm gonna be quoting A Guide for the Flower Language and adding a lot of insights from A victorian flower dictionary, Le Langage des fleurs by de Latour (1819) and Floriography, among other notes I have. Check bibliography at the end of the post for more notes.
To make it clearer, I'm gonna quote it in bold. I'm also gonna go a bit more deeper than what the Mint Eye package and Cheritz said because I have some books and knowledge on mythology, and some knowledge (although not extensive or this post it's gonna become giantic) I have on medicine to add onto this, so be warned; this is gonna be a long post, but here we go~
Disclaimer: I'm not a medical professional. My family however has been dedicated to this for ages so I do have some knowledge on this, HOWEVER please do not take my word for this and attempt to self medicate. Thank you.
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For people who need to know only the flowers that are displayed here, in case they find another different~~
♡ Anemone ♡ Almond
♡ Bluebell ♡ Baby breath
♡ Clivias* ♡ Cactus
♡ Chrysantemum ♡ Clover
♡ Daisy ♡ Dandelion
♡ Daffodil ♡ Delphinium
♡ Daylily
♡ Eustoma/Lisianthus
♡ Fritillaria Thunbergii ♡ Forget-me-not
♡ Geranium ♡ Gooseberry*
♡ Hyacinth ♡ Hydrangea
♡ Hypoxis Aurea ♡ Lily of the Valley
♡ Lily ♡ Lilac
♡ Mistletoe ♡ Myrtle
♡ Michaelmas Daisy* ♡ Narcissus
♡ Rhondanthe (Paper Daisy)
♡ Rose ♡ Orchid
♡ Peony ♡ Pineapple
♡ Pomegranate ♡ Palm Tree*
♡ Serbian Bellflower*
♡ Primrose (Cowslip) ♡ Tulip
♡ Weigela ♡ Willow
** Honorable mentions: Jonquil and Adonis.
* Working on this because they were late additions.
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Anemone - Forsaken, abandonation(?) Mentioned by Ray during a call. Also: Truth. Transitory. Endangered Love. Anticipation.
* Adonis is another flower related to this myth. The flower means sad memories.
Because the anemone's blossoms were thought to open on windy days and they're also short-lived, they have become a symbol of a transitory love that moves like a breath of breath wind. The original bloodred wildflowers were associated with Aphrodite upon the passing of Adonis from the earthly scene.
Then another paragraph comes like this:
These beautiful, fragile flowers come from the near East and the Mediterranean, and were first brought to Britain at the end of the 16th century [....] Their name comes from the Greek anemos, meaning 'the wind', because their delicate flowers appear to open in a gentle breeze, but are so short-lived, like a breath of wind.
Then it proceeds to describe the how the goddess was besotted with Adonis and he was fatally wounded by a wild boar and died in her arms.
She sprinkled nectar on his blood and fron that comes the anemone. Love is fleeting and doesn't last. That is what the flower represents. There's a representation in The Awakening Conscience from William Holman Hunt's 1853, where a small vase of anemones appears. Hinting that the affair will not last. Although it's not the only thing that hints that. The room is full of objects that talk of her predicament.
Although today they have more resilience, they still have the meaning of fading youth behind.
Almond blossom - Hope. (see birthday flowers down below for reference.)
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Baby breath - Pureness. Freedom. Innocence. Undying Love. (Usually seen and mentioned during Dandelion & Mystic Messenger) Also: Love Everlasting.
Bluebell - Humility. Also: Grief. Either the loss of a loved one or the end of an affair. Constancy. This flower is also known campanula, which depending on the location can be or not the same flower and mean Gratitude.Thankfulness.
*there's another 'bell' called harebell. This is why I prefer their scientific names. No way you can confuse them. At least ut hasn't happened to me just yet. anyways~ bellflower is gratitude, or an indiscretion, and bluebell (ironically i think they're not blue lol) mean grief. Do with this what you want lol
Bouquet of withered flowers - rejected love mentioned by Unknown in Another Story Also: Constancy. Dead leaves means sadness.
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Cactus - endurance (V's favorite) Also: Warmth
Clivias - Happiness, passion, kindness (Saeyoung Choi)
Chrysantemum - you're a wonderful friend, cheerfulness and rest. Condolences.
Used in funerals and placed on graves. This ritual may derive from the practice of decorating graves on All Souls’s Day, a christian holiday occurring in early November, when many blooms are difficult to find.
Red: I love. Love at first sight. Yellow: slighted love. White: Truth
The Japanese, who have made it the emblem of their emperor consider the orderly unfolding of its petals to ve symbolic of perfection. [...]
The essence of the flower is unravelled just as the truth is so often revealed: at first hidden, then brought into the light.
The flower didn't arrive Britain until 18th century. And in the 1800s the French had a craze for these flowers and a bestselling novel of the time was Madame Chrysanthème by Pierre Loti, who drew upon a lifetime of travel for the plots of his exotic romances.
Pair with: Willow for a friend grief, gladiolus for a broken heart.
Clover - Life to come. Be mine. Think of me (if it's white)
Credits to: @cheritzheadcanonz
Where? Jiyeon gives it to us in Dandelion.
Symbolizes: luck (green). Fortune. Yellow: hope and divinity, success, romance, red: love, white: purity. Purple: royalty. pink: admiration.
Also: marriage, faithfulness and protection.
A four leaf clover is considered as a sign of extraordinary luck. In irish culture, the shamrock variant is tied to St. Patrick Day and the Holy Trinity. The clover is also a way to enhance the connection to nature.
The ancient Druids in Ireland believed that carryng a clover allowed one to detect evil spirits approaching, while carrying one in Middle Ages led people to believe they could see fairies.
Clover" has roots in Old Germanic, evolving from "Klaibron" to "clæfre" in Old English, and eventually to "clover" by the 18th century.
Trefoil" derives from Latin, with "tri" and "folium" meaning three and plant, respectively, leading to "Trifolium." It was shortened to "tri-foil" in Middle Ages Anglo-Norman French and settled as "trefoil" in Middle English.~ HelloFearless
If paired with apple blossom and dandelion, shows hope that the recipient’s wishes will come true.
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Daisy - not really appearing but the closest flower to V's Rhondante aka Paper Daisy.
However and just for the sake of it let's do daisies. White: innocence. A love that conquers all. Wild: I will think of it. Oxeye: Disappointment. Patience. Also: Perseverance. Childhood
Back in the day, and sometimes today too~ people used to play adivination with daisies, by picking petals one by one ~ 'he loves me, he loves me not' was and is still known. Tied to Freya in Norse mythology. Goddess of fertility, motherhood and childbirth. In Celtic tradition, daisies grew for the spirits of children who died in birth.
Paired with baby’s breath as a gift for a newborn baby.
Paired with peony and violet for an expression of childhood bliss.
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Dandelion - Smiling on all. Or as Cheritz would say~ Wishes brought to you. Divination and fortune telling.
The myth behind the «Dandelion»
Okay~ so I wanted to recollect everything I could before starting on the legend:
♡ Symbol of the Sun
♡ "The Teeth of the Lion"
♡ Enjoyed by Ancient Geeks, egyptians and Romans. Even used by traditional chinese medicine for overa thousand years.
♡ One of the most nutritional vegetables you'll ever find btw!
♡ Masters of survival
♡ The roots clone when divided
♡ It can cure the liver
♡ It's diuretic
This is one of my favorite flowers, now, the mystery is that no one really knows where the myth of wishing upon dandelions comes from, sone say it can be traced back to the Celts and other to the French. Some myths say that if you blow all the seeds off a dandelion with a single breath your wish will come true but if seeds remain, then it may depend~
Others think the dandelion tells the time or the weather. From food to medicine to dye, to carry dreams and wishes, every part of the dandelion has found some utility.
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Daffodil - admiration. new beginnings. regard (Rika's favorite)
The lovely golden daffodil is a welcome, heart-lifting sight, as it marks the end of winter and the beginning of a new season. It comes into full flower around Easter time, when thoughts turn towards the renewal of life and the Resurrection. It is also known as the Lent lily or the Easter lily.
* Kind reminder that Rika is Catholic and also, this is another way of hinting she's not dead.
A more sombre note might prevail in rural areas, where it was said to be unlucky to bring the flowers into the house of anyone who kept poultry because this would prevent the eggs from hatching. (...)
(...) In some places, Wales in particular, the daffodil was used in traditional practice of "flowering the graves" (...)
It is said that the connection with mournful and unlucky matters comes from the old story that the name daffodil is said to derivr from the medieval Latin affodilus abs asphodelos in Greek ~ The asphodel, the plant that grew in the meadows of the underworld.
The Greek legend of Narcissus tells of a handsome and proud hunter who upon seeing his reflection in the waters of a spring, falls in love with himself and drowns. Daffodils were born to mark his grave.
If you pair a camellia with a daffodil, it means unrequited love.
Paired with clove, for hope and change.
Paired with sweet pea to indicate giving up on an ill-suited romance.
Delphiniums - big hearted person, dignity and grace (V) Also: Happiness. Levity.
Daylily - romantic love, forget painful events from the past. It's called the flower that helps to forget sorrows. Green: harmony, growth, rebirth. (Yoosung) White: fleeting beauty. Blue: Coquetry.
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Eustoma - mentioned with the latin name Lisianthus when you get to ask Ray for flower meanings. Everlasting Love.
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Fritillaria - Persecution.
Forget Me Not - True love, love at first sight, , memories, don't forget me. Also: I will never forget you. Remembrance.
The name of this pretty and delicate flower, which enamels riverbanks and garden borders with its miniature sky-blue petals, speaks of human longing for loyalty and lastingness. Its name comes from German folk tale about a couple who, on the eve of their marriage, take a walk by the banks of the Danube. The young bride admires a cluster on the flowers, and her fiancé goes forward to pick them for her, but falls into the river. Before he is carried away by the turbulent waters, he throws the flowers at the feet of his betrothed, crying, 'Vergiss mein nicht!'
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Geranium - I'm happy because of you. Also: (oak leaf): friendship. Pink: preference. Scarlet: Comfort. Consolation and melancholy. White: gracefulness.
When its flowers drop, the exposed fruit is revealed to be pointed in shape, like a crane’s bill. The Greeks noticed this resemblance to the bird and called the flower geranion, from geranos, meaning “crane”.
Scarlet geranium is a very popular bedding plant that was originally sent to Europe from South Africa back in 1609. The sailors for the Dutch East India Company would pick them cause they would last through the voyage without perishing.
Gooseberry -
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Hyacinth - Games and sports. Rashness. Blue: Constancy. Usually seen in MC room in Magenta. Purple: forgiveness. sorrow. White: beauty, unobtrusive loveliness. Yellow: jealousy
The hyacinth takes its name and meaning from the Greek mythology. Hyacinthus, a beautiful young man, beloved by Apollo, died during a game of discus throwing, Apollo’s discus was knocked from its course by a jealous Zephyrus, striking Hyacinthus and thus, killing him. It’s said the flowers were grown from the blood that fell from his head wound as Apollo begged his forgiveness.
Paired with olive for peace and forgiveness.
Paired with pansies to indicate you betrayal haunts you.
Hydrangea - Truth, thank you for understanding, frigidity, heartlessness, (here's my own interpretation of this flower), seen in Ray's garden.
Also: Calm, dispassion.
Hypoxis Aurea - Symbolizes health. Very appropriate for a doctor (Henri)
Belongs to the Orchid-Lily Family. From Greek, words “hypo”, meaning “below” and “oxy”, which means “sharp” or “pointed”, referring to the ovary which is pointed at the base. Also called Golden Star Grass. Native from Indo-China, Malaysia. Asia.
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Lily - feminity, innocence and purity. Majesty. (Jaehee) Purity of heart. Fertility. White: Purity and rebirth. Sweetness. Usually for both funerals and weddings. (Yoosung's Christmas) Pink: Love, feminity and admiration. Red: Passion. Orange: Confidence and energy. Yellow: Friendship, thankfulness and joy Purple: Royalty, elegance spirituality.
Also: False and gay (outdated: gay meaning happy)
The lily name meaning comes from the Old English lilie, from Latin lilium and from Greek leirion. Originally, we took lily from the Hebrew word “Shoshannah” (שׁוֹשַׁנָּה), which was borrowed from the Egyptians. This name became popular in almost every culture across the world. It's Italy's national flower.
Please take note that daylilies are not considered true lilies. But then again there are at least 100 species of lilies so~
**Some parts of lilies and only some variants of lilies have been used in traditional medici e and culinary dishes to treat digestive issues and skin conditions. But most of them are not, and it can be dangerous if you don't know~ so please avoid intake if you're in doubt.
Lily of the Valley - Return of Happiness. Healing heartbreak. Unconscious sweetness.
This is one of my big peeves, you'll see, daffodils and lillies unlike dandelions, are actually poisonous. Or at least, this one, it's poisonous. And here they are in Cheritz saying to us that we need to believe in MC? Do we? Is the lily of the valley true happiness, or shadows of something else lurk around?
Also called sometimes Lady’s tears. There’s a short story where it is said that the Queen of the fairies asked a group of gnomes for a drink, so they had to gather nectar from blossoms in little porcelain cups. But it was late in tha day and the gnomes were worn out, so they tried, but fell asleep. Next morningm the gnomes awoke to find fast-growing grasses had lifted the little cups out of their reach, luckily the Queen saw their plight and cast a spell so that each cup became a white flower bell and any blossom they reached for became the correct cup to choose.
Lilac - For more of my rant here~ but the meaning of this flower it's first emotions of love. Love at first sight.
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Mistletoe - I surmount difficulties.
On a winter’s day, when the sun is long and the shadows long, the mistletoe is revealed in all its unearthly beauty, hoisted high in the leafless trees. It appears to have no roots, no means by which it can obtain nutrients and water, and yet remains fres and green when everything around is lifeless. Surely it cannot live? And yet, against all odds, the mistletoe flourishes. Hope. (appears during Christmas DLC ofc, 😉) there's a little story on my book of fairies that talks about the fairy of the mistletoe.
Myrtle - Love. Frequently associated with Venus, the myrtle bush offered her protection while she bathed. Since ancient times it has symbolized the chief of passions, love and according to classical tradition, it has the ability to both inspire and retain that emotion.
Michaelmas Daisy - A farewell, a departure.
Michaelmas Daisies are also frequently known by their Botanical Latin name of Aster. The name ‘aster’ is from the Greek for star, and refers to the shape of the flower heads.
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Narcissus - Self love. Narcissism. Egotism. Overconfidence. So, people tend (me included) to confuse jonquils, daffodils and narcissus. While I already talked about this, I'll talk about it again~ here you go:
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BTW~ if we talk about jonquils as korean birthday flower, it would mean answer to love. While narcissisus would mean mystery lol (see birthday flowers)
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Rose - The meaning it's quite simple. Love. Red: Passionate love. White: happy love. A heart unacquainted with love. Worthiness. My heart is free. Loyalty, pure love, commitment (Zen/Hyun Ryu) Pink: Grace. Modesty. Infatuation, beauty. Mildness, persuasion. (Zen's Christmas.) Orange: fascination. Yellow: jealousy, infidelity. Pale peach: Modesty. Burgundy: Unconscious beauty. Purple: Enchantment.
So for example if you gift someone a yellow rose, it's supposed to be jealous love. However the meaning might change if you put other flowers around.
In the Greek myth, Chloris, the goddess of flowers is said to have turned a beautiful, dead nymph into a rose, she invited Apollo to warm the bloom, Aphodite to lend it her beauty, Dionysus to add sweet nectar and the 3 Graces to supply charm, joy and magnificence. Chloris called her the Queen of flowers.
On a high note: I never liked roses because I thought of them to be too common. However, way before they were produced in mass, roses were so rare and difficult to find, so people would hold onto the petals even as they fell and dried. So it's interesting to know that, roses were once a symbol of fragility and rare.
Rhondanthe - Romance. Rose flower. According to Wikipedia, is supposed to be the name of a Corinthians Queen in Greek mythology who attracted a great name of suitors due to her beauty. Such beauty was a blessing and a burden so she sought protection in a friend and a goddess (different mythology here~ romans) Diana. The flower comes in pink and white. But there are little to no information that I could find for now~
BTW it seems this is another flower heavily associated with Adonis and Aphrodite myth. Also called paper daisy.
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Orchid - Refined Beauty. Love, beauty, refinement, beautiful lady, chinese symbol for many children.
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Peony - Happy life, happy marriage. Bravery. Bashfulness.
Also: Anger. Shame and ostentation.
The chinese call the peony "sho yu" meaning most beautiful. The ancient Chinese believed peonies were created by the goddess of the moon to reflect her beams at night. It was also viewed as a major healing plant. And in ancient Greece it was said that nymphs could turn themselves into peonies to avoid being seen by humans.
Paired with hyacinth and violet to apologize and ask for forgiveness.
Pair with: Foxglove as a gift for a secret admirer.
Pineapple - Cheerful welcome and warm reception. Symbol of hospitality. Good luck. I'm having a blast looking at Harry's flower cause he is definitely~ lolol
Apparently back in the day, it was really hard for European farmers to cultivate pineapples and it took them 200 years to make it work. So it became a symbol of royalty and privilege. You can read the whole story on the links, I'm not posting it because the post is getting so long~ but it's quite fascinating.
Primrose - The meaning is unconscious beauty. Winning grace. Also named as cowslip. (It seems Ray mentioned it's his favorite flower in a call.)
Pomegranate blossom - Elegance. Sanctity. Abundance. life, fertility. Eternal life. Good luck. Strength. Does anyone here remembers the myth of Persephone? I think these days it's one of our internet favorite couples lol so I won't really delve into it but~
I do want to point out the similarities between the games in the Cheritzverse and the myth. This however will be delved in another post and dropped into my References of pop culture~ masterlist I'm creating on the Cheritzverse.
Palm Tree -
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Serbian Bellflower - Everlasting love, gratitude, constancy. (Jumin Han)
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Tulip - Declaration of love. Arrogance. Perfect lover. Smile of sunshine. Joy in love and life. Yellow: Friendship, beautiful eyes (Jaehee's Christmas. Found other tulips on Harry's route but they were orange.)
A Turkish legend tells us of two lovers who longed to be together, Ferhad and Shirin, but their love is forbidden. So when Ferhad hears rumors that Shirin has taken her own life, he kills himself in order to be with her for eternity. Tulips~ symbols of his devotion, spring up where his blood is spilled.
Tulips are iconic flowers from the Netherlands, although they originally came from Persia. It became really expensive after being introduced from Turkey.
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Weigelas - faithfulness, grace and charm (Saeran Choi) Also: Riches. Maiden beauty.
Willow - (branches) bravery. Mourning, melancholy. Brought to Britain in the 18th century, originally from eastern Asia, usually lives by water, a trabquil slow-running river its favoured spot. Its branches are pendulous and low, and when the wind catches its leaves~ seems to be whispering sad and sorrowful things. The willow usually represents grief and sadness at the death of the lovers, remaining the same, trembling in the wind, watching the tragedy unfold. (See birthday flowers down below)
⋆゚☽ *₊⋆ Birthday Flowers ⋆ ₊゚☽ *⋆
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There's another thing, in Korea your b-day has a flower that corresponds to the day you were born and not just to the month.
In this case:
⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆For Mystic Messenger⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆
♡ Zen [Apr 1st] ~ Almond (Faithful Love) Also: hope
♡ Yoosung [March 12] ~ Weeping Willow (The Sadness of Love) Also: Mourning. Bravery.
♡ Saeyoung & Saeran [June 11] ~ Fritillaria Thunbergii (Charm) Also: Persecution
♡ V [Sept 9] ~ Michaelmas Daisy (Memories)
Rika [Nov 3] ~ Bryony (Rejection) Also: Be my support
♡ Jumin [Oct 5] ~ Palm Tree (Victory)
♡ Jaehee [Dec 28] ~ Pomegranate (Mature Beauty)
⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆For The Ssum⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆
♡ June [Feb 9] ~ Myrtle (Whisper of Love)
♡ Harry [Dec 20] ~ Pineapple (Absolute perfection)
♡ Teo [July 7] ~ Gooseberry (Expectations)
♡ Henri [Aug 26] ~ Hypoxis Aurea (Looking for the light)
*LMAO they definitely knew of this which means I'm on the right track! Because Harry has a pineapple tattoo e.e which also means, V is the Wizard. I mean~ at least is heavily implied since he is the one who keeps all the memories. I remember what the V told to Jumin one night during Another Story common route~ and he really went for misdirection I'll misquote but it's about the same: "Jumin is my memories/ He remembers better than me~"
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Sure~ whatever you say V 🙄
**In case you're curious about your own flower go to the links~
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Final Notes:
It took me at least three weeks and I had some help to finish this post and it's not even fully finished 😭 while I don't like to post things like this, sometimes people around me have much more knowledge and can help me better. At this point it's kind of traumatic to publish it like this but please be aware I'm burned. I will keep updating. I just need to take a huge week or something because I also spent 3 days straight without sleeping because of stress so I'm posting this one and I'll edit it later on to add the stuff I didn't add yet like the mistletoe fairy and more on fairies.
I have yet to add some more from Dandelion, Nameless and The Ssum. If anyone wants to collaborate, do tag or rt with the flowers and dates of the guys of the Cheritzverse for me so I can update it with the new info. I'm already working on Harry's but it's taking me forever so any help it's welcomed and appreciated. You'll be added and credited ofc.
Tagging: @smol-grey-tea and @cherrychipheart who have been waiting for me all this time~ thank you so much♡
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♡ Part of the credit here goes to:
Megami605Sama on X
♡ Ray's Guide of the Flower Language on Amino
♡ Reddit - The flowers and their meanings from the latest CG
♡ Your Birthday Flower
♡ Pineapple hospitality
♡ Pineapple story
♡ More on Clover
♡ Hypoxis Aurea
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊* ੈ✩‧₊˚*
Bibliography: *i'm updating this
♡ Teresa Moorey - The Fairy Bible (2008) [Pages: 15, 24, 25, 38, 46, 47, 56 - 60, 78 - 87, 90, 91.... ]
♡ A Guide for the Flower Language
♡ A victorian flower dictionary by Mandy Kirby (found it on archive.org)
♡ Le Langage des fleurs by de Latour (1819)
♡ Floriography by Jessica Roux (2020)
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septembriseur · 4 months
For the few very patient Transpo-heads, since the next update is going to be several chapters and will still take a bit: here is an outtake snippet that should now be considered alternate universe, from a scene that I ended up reconceptualizing:
She doesn’t want to die, even though being in this room gives her that same sensation, a sensation like someone’s rapped her firmly against the edge of a bowl and cracked her open to expose all her gross runny yolky insides. She doesn’t know if prison cells are just like that, or if it’s something about Telford himself, something about the way he occupies the cell: sitting perfectly composed in the aura of a spotlight, dressed in a black SGC uniform with no name-tape or markings on it, and it feels like all the dark energies in the room flow towards him. Dark as in— not dark as in sinister, except maybe dark as in sinister as in the Latin sense where it means left-handed. Not the obvious energies in the room, but the covert ones; not the matter but the antimatter, invisible to scientific detection but carrying information to where Telford reads and discards it, the way that Chloe was read and discarded before as soon as she entered the room. Like a waiting-room magazine or a flipped-through book. It makes her feel really used-up and helpless, which, she thinks, is the point, but knowing that it’s the point doesn’t help her.
She almost turns around and walks right back out. She’s half-started to when Telford says suddenly: “You were in Bethesda.”
Chloe freezes. “Um— yeah, I was,” she says.
“You’re not military. Who are you?”
“I’m Chloe,” she says. “Chloe Armstrong.”
“I thought they were sending Young to interrogate me.”
“I’m not an interrogator,” Chloe says.
He tilts his head, considering this information. “Why are you here?”
The way he says it, a pyrrhic followed by a spondee— why/ are/ you/, pause, here/— makes her feel like a Rubik’s cube that he’s thinking about solving. That feeling makes her rebellious. She’s tired of people treating her like a toy. She says, “Maybe everybody else had better things to do.”
Telford huffs out an amused breath. “Maybe they did.”
“You’re kind of yesterday’s news around here.”
“Is that right?” He leans back in his chair. He has that tendency to let his knees splay open that really confident men often have, a kind of sitting-still swagger that basically reads as, Hey, look, here’s my dick. But it’s not so much sex, Chloe thinks, as it is about carelessness, a total lack of attention to how one takes up space. She remembers sitting in front at a school assembly when she was about thirteen and being reminded to keep her legs together. It doesn’t look nice to sit there with your legs open, the teacher said. Chloe had learned already that it was important to look nice, that it was necessary for her to always be aware of how she looked.
She thinks that Telford, too, might have reasons to always be aware of what he looks like. That he might be doing this on purpose, sitting there with his legs splayed out. She might not have thought of it if Wray hadn’t given her that file folder. It had never occurred to her before to wonder who Telford was, where he came from, why— with his brushstroke eyes and heavy black hair— he looks the way he does. Maybe if his name hadn’t been… but the name David Telford was just so normal. Is that racist? It’s probably racist, which is so shaming that she feels a flush start at the bottom of her neck and creep up.
It must show. Telford studies her with a knowing expression. “What did they do, give you my file to read? Bet that was a blast. You look like you’re about twelve years old; do you seriously have Icarus clearance?”
Chloe feels her shoulders hunch defensively. “Yes. And— yes.”
“Jesus, they’re just handing it out to anybody, aren’t they? So much for infosec.”
Chloe dips her head. She’s not sure if she’s fighting back a smile or a hard swallow. “You sound like Rush.”
“I think that’s the most insulting thing anyone’s ever said to me,” Telford says, deadpan.
They look at each other. A current of… something runs between them, just for a moment, like some small part of that dark energy in the room has changed hands. Then Telford looks away and it’s gone.
“My— um, my mom’s running for Senate,” Chloe says, by way of an explanation. “If she wins, she’ll be in charge of the appropriations package for the SGC.”
Telford’s lip curls. “Ah. Politics.”
“The seat she’s running for— it used to be my dad’s. You killed him in September.”
She searches for some reaction in Telford’s face, but there isn’t any. “I don’t seem to recall killing any dads in September,” he says.
“You, like,” Chloe says. “You, the Lucian Alliance.”
“Well, I’m not a member of the Lucian Alliance. And I’d like to see anyone try to prove otherwise.”
“You were working for them,” Chloe says.
“I guess it depends on your definition.”
“I guess it does,” Chloe says. “I mean, I guess I can see the argument that maybe you don’t work for anybody. Only against people. Against everybody.”
Telford laughs pretty humorlessly. “So, what— in the storm of progress, I’m the wind that bitchslaps the angel of history? I mean, as a cheap and dirty piece of characterization, I’ll take it.”
Chloe frowns at him. “What angel of… are you talking about Walter Benjamin?”
“I’m talking about Rush; obviously the angel is Rush. He would like to stay, awaken the dead, and make whole what has been smashed— come on, of course it’s Rush.” Telford rolls his eyes. “Just fucking letting himself get steamrolled into the future, never actually figuring out how to fix shit.”
Chloe remembers, vaguely, reading about the Angel of History. Mostly she remembers the Paul Klee painting that was connected to it: a weird and tortured-looking assembly of lines, with a mouth like a skull and eyes that never faced forwards. It had wings, but they didn’t look like wings; they looked like two misshapen hands holding a length of string between them. She had thought he was measuring something, but she hadn’t known what or why. When she pictures the painting in her head, she thinks the angel looked like Young. It’s not a very helpful observation. She’s angry with herself that she hadn’t paid more attention in college, angry that she can’t think of anything intelligent to say.
She finds herself staring down at her ballet flats in lieu of any response. Maybe because she’s thinking of Rush: always barefoot as he sulked around her house. She might not know enough about the Angel of History to have an opinion about whether or not Rush is the angel, but she can’t imagine any angel sulking around a Georgetown townhouse while barefoot. Or breaking her coffee machine. Does Telford know that about Rush, that he can’t work a coffee machine and always seems to end up barefoot? Does Telford know the real Rush, the now Rush? The thought emboldens her a little.
“To answer your original question,” she says, “the reason they gave me Icarus clearance is because I already knew everything.” She shrugs with one shoulder. “Pretty much.”
Telford looks interested. “Ah,” he says. “So you’re the babysitter.”
“The babysitter?”
“An object heretofore not known empirically, as Rush might say, but whose existence was hypothesized on the basis of the facts. I.e., Rush and the redhead wouldn’t have lasted twenty-four hours back on Earth without one. Ergo, babysitter.”
Chloe says, “I’m not the babysitter.”
“—No?” Telford says. He ponders this. “By your tone of disgust, I take it you must be fucking one of them, instead. But not Rush. Surely. But does the redhead fuck? That’s the question.”
“I don’t think that’s a serious question.”
“It’s so hard to tell with Lucians. Then again, maybe you are fucking Rush. But I assume he’s fucking Young now. Well, to get into the nitty-gritty of it, I assume that Young’s fucking him.”
Chloe finds herself thinking that a month spent in Ginn and Rush’s company was probably not bad training for having this conversation. “I haven’t been briefed on Dr. Rush and Colonel Young’s domestic arrangements,” she says. “Sorry. If I’d known it was so important to you, I would’ve asked.”
Telford hmms. “But they do have domestic arrangements. A little honeymoon nest at Cheyenne Mountain? —No. No way. It’d fuck Young’s career too much. Which means they’re off-base. Which is, I got to hand it to you, pretty gutsy.”
“I didn’t say that,” Chloe says. Of course, it’s true. Wray had finally managed to get Rush and Young relocated to a civilian location outside the mountain. It’d been on very short notice, and Chloe didn’t know all the details of how it had happened; she only know that Wray had had to announce it only after Rush and Young were already gone, and Ginn had, predictably, flipped her shit. Not that Chloe had been exactly thrilled about getting separated from Rush either, mostly because of what it signaled about how badly she and Ginn were getting steamrolled. When she remembered her speech in the Bethesda Metro Station, she could’ve cried. Back then— oh, all of two and a half weeks ago— she’d thought she had finally gotten to naïvete’s limits. Now it seemed endless. You could never underestimate the ruthlessness of power. It was always going to be ahead of you, at least by one step.
Telford waves a dismissive hand. “Like I give a shit who Rush is fucking. Or Young. Or even the redhead, for that matter… Are you going to sit down at some point, or just stand there like an awkward teenager on prom night?” He doesn’t wait for Chloe’s reply. “She does have a certain appealing streak of ruthlessness, the redhead. But she seems like she’d be a lot to handle in the sack.”
Chloe folds her arms obstinately across her chest. “I’m not going to sit down just because you told me to.”
“Is that right? Now which one of us sounds like Rush?”
“I think—“ Chloe says, and stops. Her throat aches, for some reason. “I think he tends to be contagious.”
Telford looks uncomfortable. “Yeah, well,” he says, his voice hardening. “Lots of things are contagious. The bubonic plague. Syphilis.”
“You broke him out of prison,” Chloe points out. “You’ve got to at least rate him higher than syphilis.”
For a moment, he doesn’t say anything. Then, in a smoother tone of voice, he says, “So tell me, how is Little Red Riding Hood in bed? I never hit it. I did get balls deep in Kiva once. Hot, but not worth it. Total dominatrix vibe, as you might expect.”
“Um, I can’t tell you how much I don’t want to know where your balls have been,” Chloe says. She doesn’t know what her face looks like— probably contorted in horror. She knows that Telford wants her to react exactly like this; he’s only saying it because he thinks that it’ll distract her from that emotional splinter. But it’s still like hearing sex talk from your weird uncle or your college English professor. “When you said you could give the SGC strategically useful information, I don’t think what they had in mind was a list of your sexual conquests.”
“Are you kidding? My sexual conquests are strategically useful information. I could practically submit them as my CV for the role of head the goddamn Icarus Project. I mean, I assume the job’s been relisted on LinkedIn.”
Chloe pushes back a strand of hair that’s come loose from a barrette. She feels harassed. “Well, it hasn’t been. And I’m not going to tell you who the current head is, so don’t even bother asking.”
Telford rolls his eyes. “Uh, okay— I won’t ask, then. Gee, I wonder if they brought in Nelson Mandela to do the job? Oh, wait: no, they definitely just gave it back to fucking Young. I swear to God, that man is the living embodiment of a backup candidate. He’s second-rate, but he’s always just there, you know? No matter what he does, somebody else always takes the blame. He never gets knocked out of the running.”
Chloe says steadily, “I mean, I think you brainwashing and torturing him so he wouldn’t know you were a Lucian agent is a pretty good reason for him not to take the blame for that.”
Something in Telford’s expression flinches. An emotion surfaces, or more like a little bitty section of an emotion, the way a prism lets you see the spectral colors of light. Just for a second, a single wavelength of feeling shivers across his face. Then it’s banished, and his face is as smooth and flat and unaffected as the moon’s reflection in water. “You’re mad at me because I killed your dad,” he says, his tone faintly mocking.
“You didn’t, though, really. Did you?” Chloe says. “Some Lucian teenager with a gun did. That’s just a guess. They tend to be pretty young. Not a long life expectancy in the Lucian Alliance.”
“Better than under the Goa’uld,” Telford says.
“Maybe I’m mad at you because of what you did to Rush. You haven’t even asked how much he remembers, you know.”
Telford folds his arms. “I know how much he fucking remembers.”
“I’ve read the interrogation transcripts,” Chloe says witheringly. “You don’t know.” She doesn’t mention that if Telford had known, at any point, he’d be hard-pressed to after the chaos that had surrounded Rush and Young’s departure from the mountain, most of which Chloe didn’t fully understand. “You just— used him till he broke, or till you got bored of him, of till— I don’t know— you couldn’t stomach having him around any longer, and then you dropped him off, literally on my doorstep, for someone else to fix, and took off to go have outer space adventures—“
“Hey, talk to your fucking girlfriend,” Telford snaps. “I was all for Rush coming with me. She’s the one who insisted on hauling him back to Earth, whereupon she does the one fucking thing I said not to do, which is Let the SGC get ahold of him.”
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doll-elvis · 1 year
Oh, I would love to delve into discourse about the Stanley family. I'm not really a fan of them either, but I have empathy for their side of things. And from everything I gathered, I think both they and Elvis would've been better off not knowing each other, lol.
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warning: talk of addiction, abuse of prescription medication, and use of illegal recreational drugs
thank you so much for sending this in and oh my gosh I completely agree with you: “I think both they and Elvis would’ve been better off not knowing each other” truer words have never been spoken !!!
to be honest I didn’t have much empathy for the Stanleys boys until I read this quote below for the first time ⬇️
LAMAR FIKE: “In defense of the Stanley boys, it’s well to remember that they didn’t ask to be there. And Elvis was stuck with having stepbrothers, so he made the best of it. I’m very partial toward David because I raised him from the time he was three years old. Or I feel like I did. Those boys have had it hard. What you have to remember is that they were corrupted by Elvis Presley. All of them were. Absolutely. No doubt about it”
excerpt from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
It by no means cancels out some of the things that they have said about Elvis, like David and his accusations about Elvis’ death, however it did make me realize that they truly had no choice in being stepbrothers to someone as famous as Elvis, they were quite literally the only people on Earth who could say they had that kind of relationship with him, and I imagine it was one that was difficult to manage
However… I hold absolutely no empathy for Dee 🤧
Dee has always been predatory in her actions imo, and I’m not surprised he never liked/trusted her. She first tried to hit on Elvis, who was of course not interested, and when that failed, she chose to go after his father, who was likely vulnerable and starved for female attention after Gladys' passing. Dee Stanley was still married while she and Vernon were dating in Germany, which was just a terrible situation to subject her three young sons too
LAMAR FIKE: “Vernon and I were having breakfast in the restaurant, and this blonde came up in a white coat. Vernon introduced himself and said Elvis had been called away. So she made her moves on Vernon. Boy, she stalked him like prize game”
MARTY LACKER: “Elvis didn’t like Dee from the start. He questioned her sincerity, you might say”
BILLY SMITH: “The “Dee thing” turned Elvis away from his daddy. Vernon had been seeing younger women, and it was too damn quick after Gladys’s death. Elvis resented the hell out of it”
excerpts from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
And then, years after Elvis’ passing, Dee came forward with a new book about Elvis (one of several that she wrote for $$) that made accusations such as Gladys and Elvis were in a inc*stual relationship. What is possibly more disgusting than the baseless accusation itself is that Dee only used persons who had already passed away to corroborate her claim like Vernon Presley, Minnie Mae Presley, and Alberta who worked for the Presleys and was very close with Gladys and Elvis
So not only did she disrespect the memory of Gladys and Elvis, but she used people who were no longer alive as her sources because she knew they weren’t here to say otherwise…Whew that woman was unbelievably nasty and the fact that even her own sons wanted nothing to do with that book speaks volumes ⬇️
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And like you mentioned, I truly believe that both Elvis and the Stanley boys would have been better off if their relationship ended in the 60s. It is so sad to see what their relationship devolved too (being dependent on one another for drugs) and how all four of them became victim to addiction ⬇️
Billy smith: “Later on, Elvis kept them around for one reason and one reason only. And I hate to say this, but it’s true. To get drugs for him. Ricky and David were on the street. And Elvis, in essence, put them there”
Marty Lacker: “Towards the end the Stanley boys were there for three reasons: One, to procure drugs for him. Two, they would listen to him. And three, Elvis would preach to them and think he was teaching them stuff”
excerpts from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
It’s hard to accept but I don’t disagree with Lamar Fike saying that Elvis and his lifestyle more or less “corrupted” the Stanley boys. I can’t say that Elvis was fully to blame for everything they did but he was asking them to procure drugs, both prescription and illegal, and that in turn led to them having to take the fall for Elvis, even going as far as getting arrested in some cases ⬇️
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excerpts from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
And since they were procuring drugs for Elvis, they often indulged in the same kinds that Elvis was using and because of their shared addiction, they became very dependent on one another as almost everyone else in the group was against using “street drugs” like cocaine ⬇️
JOE ESPOSITO: “For a brief time, Elvis even dabbled in illegal hard drugs. One day, I discovered that despite his professed concern for his stepbrother’s drug habit, Elvis had sent Ricky to Nashville to buy cocaine. “I want to see you,” I told Ricky when he returned. I hustled him into a private corner of Graceland, “Give me that bottle,” I said. “I can’t,” he whined, “Elvis will be mad”
excerpt from “Good Rockin’ Tonight” by Joe Esposito
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excerpt from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
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excerpt from “My brother Elvis” by David Stanley
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excerpt from “Elvis: my brother” by Billy Stanley
Them being around each other was just a recipe for disaster in terms of their drug use, Elvis simply couldn’t keep up with them and his health suffered as a result. And so long as the Stanley boys worked for him, Elvis would have access to more prescriptions than what was actually prescribed to him, and I don’t believe that they would have ever told him no or tried to stop him as they suffered from addiction as well. So how could have Elvis gotten better when they were always there to get him what he wanted? Infact it was Ricky Stanley who gave Elvis his final pill packet the early morning of his passing
One of the biggest disasters Elvis’ dependency on them caused was the incident where Dave Hebler and Red West threatened to assault Ricky Stanley for supplying cocaine to Elvis. Dave and Red saw how Elvis was becoming more and more erratic because of it, and decided they had to go to the source to stop it
This incident ended up being one of the reasons that they got fired alongside Sonny West as they were trying to stop Elvis, who was in active addiction, from doing what he wanted which of course didn’t bode well ⬇️
MARTY LACKER: “When Ricky started bringing cocaine to Elvis in Vegas, the sparks started flying. He got it from some of the guys in the vocal group. I think they got it from some pusher in Nashville. And Red and Sonny found out about it, and they told Dave Hebler. Dave went to Ricky and said, “If you bring it to Elvis one more time, I’m going to break both your fuckin’ legs.” And Red went in and said the same thing to the guys in the vocal group. So what did Ricky do? He went back and told Elvis. The next day, Red tried to talk to Elvis about trying to get off pills. This was up in the suite. Red was sitting up at the bar. Elvis was at the bar, too, and somehow the conversation got on that. Red said, “Elvis, this stuff is really bad for you. I wish you’d stop doing it and go get cured. I can tell it’s really getting to you.” Elvis sat there, and he said, “Yeah, yeah. I know what you’re saying. But don’t worry about it.” He was real calm. Well, a few minutes later, Elvis went to bed. And “he said, “Yeah, yeah. I know what you’re saying. But don’t worry about it.” He was real calm. Well, a few minutes later, Elvis went to bed. And brooded about it all night long. When he got up the next afternoon, Elvis came out of that room screaming. He just went nuts. If I’m not mistaken, he pulled an AK–47 [automatic weapon] on Red and threatened to shoot him. Sonny was there, too, standing right next to him. Elvis screamed, “Goddamn, Red, mind your own fuckin’ business! Telling me how to run my life!”Everybody always says, “If you guys really cared about him, you could have done something about him.” These people have no idea what went on. They have no idea of how Elvis was”
excerpt from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia” by Alanna Nash
This quote from Marty is why I try to have sympathy for everybody in Elvis’ group, they were put into an impossible situation as they either had to watch their friend suffer or try to put it a stop to it, which often led to Elvis having an outburst and threatening to fire them. Essentially they were damned if they did, and damned if they didn’t ⬇️
JOE ESPOSITO: “Even the the Memphis Mafia occasionally tried to intercept drug shipments from various doctors. One night Red West accidentally broke a delivery boy’s toe, he threatened to break the kid’s entire body if he didn’t quit delivering to Elvis, but Elvis heard about it. He called me, Red, and Sonny into his bedroom, “I need it,” Elvis finally said with a piteous look. If anyone pushed to hard Elvis’ stock response was “If you don’t like it, there’s the door! Get the hell out of here! I don’t need you!”. He was manipulating us and we let him. “God, I’m going to straighten out my life but I need this right now,” he would intone fervently, his blue eyes wide and sincere, and we believed him”
excerpt from “Good Rockin Tonight” by Joe Esposito
Addiction takes no prisoners and I think it’s important to remember that those who suffer from it are victims themselves. My heart breaks for Elvis, for the Stanley boys, and everyone who loved them during this time, it’s an impossibly difficult situation to deal with
To finish this I want to include a quote that really shows how addiction can destroy a person, and make them become someone they aren’t. I think Dave Hebler, who was fired alongside Red and Sonny West, captures it perfectly ⬇️
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excerpt from “The Elvis Experience” by Dave Hebler
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coffee-at-daybreak · 2 years
dozy | marcurio x reader
Someone nudges your shoulder. "Hey."
You jolt awake, and lift your head. After a few blinks, the blurriness in your eyes fades, and the familiar sight of the Arcaneum comes into focus. You look from the towering bookshelves, to the empty tables, then to the source of the voice in front of you.
Marcurio is frowning down at you, but there's a twinkle in his eyes. "Did you really fall asleep reading again?" He asks.
You merely blink at him once more, then look down. Sure enough, there are several books sprawled across the table you'd been slumped over on. Looks like you were in the middle of the 3rd volume of The Real Barenziah when you’d nodded off.
"Um..." Your voice is still tinged with grogginess. "N-No. I was... imagining the story."
Marcurio snickers. "And you snore while doing that?"
Your eyes widen. "... I was snoring?"
He doesn't answer, instead he pulls out the chair across from you and plops down in it. He begins to skim through the books on your table. "Let me get a good look at these. They must be terribly boring to knock you out like that."
You glance up at him. He doesn’t look tired like you. His eyes are warm and alert, and aside from a few stray strands, his hair is still neatly gathered at the base of his neck.
You ponder telling him the truth. The books aren't at fault - the previous sleepless nights are. Days upon days of tossing and turning were finally getting to you and you came down to the Arcaneum to lose yourself in some stories in hopes it would relax you a little. Perhaps it did , enough to finally get you to doze off, at least.
You swallow down the words and look around once more at the empty, quiet library. "What.. time is it?" It was a little after mid-day when you came down here earlier.
"Late. Very late." Marcurio sets down the last book and pulls them into a neat pile. "I overheard Urag complaining to Phinis about you and thought I should come check on you before he summons those atronachs he's always threatening us with."
You wince. "That would have been bad." When he chuckles, you look up at him and your eyes lock onto his. The nearby candlelight makes his brown eyes seem almost golden. "If it's as late as you say, why were you up?"
You can see him struggling to hide his smile as he holds your gaze defensively. "Studying, actually. Colette lent me some interesting Restoration tomes. Thought I'd read up on them before I start practicing tomorrow."
You don't hide your smile like he does. It warms your heart to hear that Marcurio is fitting in well here. He was your companion long before you stumbled across the College, and with all the things that have happened since you arrived, a part of you is surprised he hasn't left your service already. But his love for magic - and a little love for you, you hope - keeps him around, thankfully.
"Restoration, hm?" You fold your arms onto the table and rest your chin on them, looking up at him. "What spells, exactly?”
He opens his mouth, but then shuts it quickly and scowls at you. If there wasn’t a slight hint of amusement in those narrowed eyes, he would look almost menacing. "When I said late, I meant late. I'm not going to talk magic with you when you should be sleeping."
"I was sleeping."
"In your own bed, you idiot."
You stifle a snort. Your eyes drift close and you let out a dramatic sigh. "My bed is too far."
"It's... It's just up the stairs..."
"Exactly. Stairs. Ugh." You slouch further down onto the table. "I'm rather comfortable here."
Marcurio scoffs. "You won't be so comfortable when Urag's atronachs do come for you." You hear the scrape of his chair moving as he stands, then his voice is drifting to your side. "Come on, get up."
You merely grunt in disagreement. Your eyes are still closed. You can already feel the sleepiness coming back to you, making your brain fuzzy.
Marcurio gives your shoulder another nudge. "Hey, seriously. Am I going to have to carry you?"
"Yes." You say without any hesitation.
"Wha - no. I was joking."
"I am not."
Even though your eyes are closed, you can practically picture his brow furrowing. That adorable pout he does when he disapproves of something you ask - which is a lot of the time, actually.
"And here I thought my days as your pack mule were over!" He huffs.
You smile. He sounds further away than he actually is - the drowsiness continues to creep its way in.
"You're seriously going to stay here and let those atronachs get you?" Marcurio asks.
He sighs. A long, heavy, exasperated sigh. "You are insufferable at times, Dragonborn."
Then, you feel his hand at your back. He grabs the material of your robes and gently pulls you back until you're no longer slouching forward. You open your heavy eyes and prepare to groan out another complaint to him.
His other hand moves down, until it's sliding beneath your knees."Come on, then," he mutters, with surprising tenderness to it.
The brief shock only lasts a second before you lift your legs so his arm can properly hook under them. With a grunt of effort, he hoists you up and off the chair. He pulls you close against his chest as he starts to walk across the library. The jostling movement prompts you to sling your arms around his neck for better support.
Warmth is the first thing you notice. Not just the warmth coming off of him as he holds you, but the warm, buzzing feeling that blossoms deep within your chest. You smile to yourself, eyes still closed.
Marcurio carries you out of the library and heads for the stairs. He's mumbling something breathlessly during the ascent - it sounds like "don't make this a habit".
Eventually, the stairs end, and he's pushing the large wooden doors open with his shoulder. He carries you into the Arch-Mage's quarters - your quarters, you remind yourself. You crack open your eyes just enough to watch the surroundings of the room move past as he carries you to the back, where your bed resides.
"Okay," he pants as he reaches the bed. He lowers you down, and the mattress sinks beneath you as you're set down upon it. "Here we are. Wooh - you're almost as heavy as dragon bones."
He says it lightly, an attempt at a joke. But you hardly hear it. You're too caught up realizing how cold it suddenly feels again now that he's let you go. You feel your heart constricting within your chest.
"Alright. I'm going to go and get some sleep. I highly suggest you do the same," he says as he starts to step away from your bed.
Your hand flies out and catches on the sleeve of his robe. "Wait."
Marcurio stops, turning back around. His eyes dart from your hand to your face. His puzzled expression meets your wide-eyed, nervous one.
You want to tell him the truth, that you can't sleep in this bed or this room because even though it's been days, Savos Aren's presence still lingers, and with it, the responsibilities of your new title. You can't get comfortable enough to sleep with all these unfamiliar items and tasks hovering around, knowing they belonged to the previous Arch Mage only days prior. You can't seem to settle in - not yet, not now.
But once again, the words catch in your throat. All you can muster out is a hushed, "Will you stay?"
You watch as Marcurio's brow knits from confusion to concern. His face softens, his eyes washing over with understanding as he looks back at you. He nods, a small but sincere gesture.
Relief floods in. You hadn't even noticed your heart had picked up speed until just now when it finally started to slow back down.
You scoot back as Marcurio settles down onto the other side of the bed. He's in more of a sitting position than a laying down one, with his back propped up against the headboard. He doesn't get under the covers, and neither do you. You don't want the warmth of them, anyway, but of him.
You scoot back forward until you're leaning into him. Almost immediately, his arms come around you, and just like before, they envelope you in his warmth. You cling to him, head resting on his chest, and close your eyes. You hear his heartbeat beneath your ear, steady and calming.
It only takes a few moments for the exhaustion to seep back into your body. But now, instead of feeling the haunting presence of the previous Arch Mage, you feel a cozy heat, and instead of the eerie silence, you hear rhythmic heart thrums and breathing. For the first night in days, you feel content - content enough to drift off.
Marcurio's hand sweeps gently up and down your back, and his grumble is close along your ear. "Of course I'll stay. But you have to carry me back down in the morning."
You're much too tired to laugh, but you do crack one last smile before you finally slip into sleep.
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tadpolesonalgae · 4 months
CBMTHY gang, unite.
In all honesty, regarding your question about reader and mor forgiving each other i think it'd be complicated.
Reader is passive enough to let mor walk over her (for now), as seen by her just walking away rather than defend herself. Mor however? I think for her to completely forgive reader, part of her would also have to acknowledge that Eris isn't the monster that she believes he is.
For example, when i imagine Mor TRULY regretting what shes said to reader it couldn't be an argument or a disagreement of any kind. Mor is too stubborn for that imo, i think she would personally have to see how eris and reader speak with one another. And i have a feeling even then, with how shes been spoken about in acowar (amren mentioning theres truths even THE truth teller is avoiding as well as eris implying theres more to the story several times to several different characters) i don't know if she would be able to *ACCEPT* that about him. (the IC's blind rage when something bad happens to one of their own is sweet from their POVs? but theyre DEFINITELY biased so i cant trust any of their takes atp 😭)
Part of me admittedly wants to see eris get defensive over reader in an older sibling way against specifically mor. i think that would be a real stone to the head for ALL of them. To know that she found family in someone that they found so horrible, and to know in the back of their heads that eris was better to her than she was? and for that to torment them all for a long while.
Now, I've had a theory for a while that eris KNEW that if he laid a hand on mor at the border that she would be chained to him permanently and that not helping her 💫directly💫 wouldve been best. Think about beron, if eris had taken mor home and HE found out what mor did? i think beron would've killed them both for the disgrace. We already know eris isnt what he seems, so this seems plausible to me 👀Especially because eris said "how do you think lucien got to the border" to feyre when she implies in acowar that he helped kill jesminda. I think he may have done something similar here and sent an anonymous tip of sorts to the night court, that fuckery was happening on autumn's borders... where mor happened to have been left by her family.
As for CC and TOG 👀 cc starts really 💫dense💫 a lot of information all at once and it made it very difficult to begin, (similar to priory of the orange tree imo). But its easily SJMs best written series that is currently published, acotar and tog both were started very early in her career and it shows. While not perfect, CC shows that that sadistic woman has improved 😭 (she pulled off the ending to CC2, which at the time of reading i can say i debated whether buying CC3 would even be worth it)
and id LOVE to chat about TOG however, last time i did i accidentally info dumped to my ex for six hours (he was a great sport 😭) so uhhh brace urself 😂
Warnings: big spoilers for the Crescent City series, some pretty heavy CC slander on my part so please look away if you don’t want to read!!!, also spoilers for the Throne of Glass series 🧡💛
Small note: I feel I should also mention that I haven’t finished CC3—I got about halfway through and had to put the book down so if some massive stuff happens at the end, I have no idea about it 🫣🫢
I think I agree with you about Mor being kind of stubborn in her forgiveness but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad trait of hers? I think for the most part Mor’s able to stand her ground perfectly fine and reader did kind of mess up to be fair? So yeah, if reader were to just amble up to Mor, even if it was done in private, entirely sincerely and reader explained her side of things with perfect clarity (explained her side as in, reader saying she didn’t do it to hurt or betray Mor, but reader would leave out all the personal/emotional stuff because it’s reader 🤨) Mor just wouldn’t be able to do it? I think it would have to be a candid/genuine moment? Especially if because of Mor’s past she feels reader is being kind of manipulative (even if she might not mean to be) it would take Mor witnessing reader either interacting with Eris on her own or seeing reader do something genuine that isn’t just apologising and trying to sweep it under the rug for her to understand fully/see reader’s side?
‘(amren mentioning theres truths even THE truth teller is avoiding as well as eris implying theres more to the story several times to several different characters)’
While I’m kind of interested to see what Miss Maas will do with this plot line, I’m 100% not even going to attempt to touch on it in cbmthy because I think my head would explode trying weave that into the stuff I’m already trying to remember to do 😭
‘Part of me admittedly wants to see eris get defensive over reader in an older sibling way against specifically mor.’
I would so love to write a scene like this too, and I’ve thought about putting it in, but I feel it would ultimately undermine reader further and make her more doubtful? And also just wrongly portraying the IC? To make them only forgive/understand reader when Eris/a male character steps in? That’s one of the reasons I want reader to handle it herself because while it would be super satisfying in theory to get a scene of Eris ripping into them, it would be too unrealistic for me :/
‘But its easily SJMs best written series that is currently published, acotar and tog both were started very early in her career and it shows.’
Okay this is absolutely WILD to me since Crescent City is easily the series of hers that I despise most? In fairness I do struggle a lot when fantasy is set in a modern word because in my opinion it defeats the point of fantasy—I read it to escape from the real world so making it contemporary immediately puts me off.
When you say ‘it shows’ I’d genuinely love to hear what parts in particular you mean since for me there’s no competition between ToG and acotar, and CC? Particularly the slightly eldritch-y feeling we get in Throne of Glass when Aelin’s first discovering the Wyrd marks, the portals, the strange creature hunting in the dark, gothic halls of the palace? I love that stuff so much, having the sense of something so vastly larger than yourself?
‘While not perfect, CC shows that that sadistic woman has improved 😭 (she pulled off the ending to CC2, which at the time of reading i can say i debated whether buying CC3 would even be worth it)’
The ending for CC2 I agree was mind blowing (for me at least) and I spent ages in a absolute awe over the connections, however it wasn’t enough to compensate for the intense boredom and disinterest I experienced through the rest of the first two books? I feel I should also mention that I genuinely can’t stand Bryce, and struggle a lot with Hunt, so I’m sure not clicking with the two main characters impacts my perception of the story a lot.
For me, while I can see how making Danika such a mystery could be really cool for the plot, it got way too repetitive? Everything being related back to Danika after Bryce was so insistent they shared everything with one another got old so quickly? I can see how miss Maas might have been trying to make it sad, with Bryce caring so much for Danika then finding out how little she really knew about her would eat at Bryce, but it did not work for me and felt cheap and repetitive.
(Also Bryce having the fourth item of the dread trove? Nesta said it looked like a skull, I think in the vision she got from Lanthys, so turning it into a trumpet felt like Miss Maas hadn’t planned it properly? A trumpet and a skull look nothing alike?)
What I most dislike about Bryce is how inelegant and uncompromising she is, which might very well be the reason other people like her (I suppose it could be interpreted as strong-willed or being brave/courageous? Having a strong fighting spirit?)
She comes off as narcissistic and narrow minded to me, particularly when being put in the acotar world how she immediately assumed the worst of the fae and her prejudices come out? I can understand with how humans are treated in the CC world why she would have those views, but they were hardly mentioned in the CC books? If we’d had a section dedicated to actually showing the imbalance between vanir and non-vanir, the violence that’s probably inflicted and maybe Bryce personally experiencing that inequality it would feel so much more justified, but none of that was shown so to me it just came off as hateful and baseless? That and also since I easily adore acotar and intensely dislike CC it was difficult to see Bryce treat the acotar characters as such untrustworthy people? I understand that from Bryce’s pov she doesn’t know the IC, but I kind of feel like Miss Maas should have taken that into account?
Then also I kind of have a problem with how Bryce is described physically? It feels like she was made plus-size to try and be more inclusive but she feels so over-sexualised, both through how much sex Bryce and Hunt have (that’s a whole other point though) and how the words ‘luscious curves’ were used for a couple of female characters? I felt Miss Maas included plus-size characters but then made them all fit into conventionally attractive shapes that would appeal to a male-gaze? Feyre and Aelin are both described as beautiful in my memory, as well as being given traits of strong-will and having overcome numerous difficulties, whereas for Bryce so many of her character’s descriptions are about how sexy she is or how good her body looks? It feels disingenuous and like she isn’t a real character and it’s such a missed opportunity (in my opinion)? I would have loved a Bryce who was a little more human (ironically) and experienced the thoughts and doubts that I think are pretty common in women regardless of their size or shape, so to dismiss that side of things entirely, particularly in a book series that’s set in a modern world? It frustrates me a lot :/
(That and also the moment in CC3 where Hunt is in the Asteri’s dungeons, being tortured, not knowing where his mate is or what state she’s in and all he wants is to have sex with her? I think the line is something like ‘and all he wanted was to slide into her sweet heat’ like are you kidding Hunt? Your mate could be in awful danger and that’s what you’re thinking about? You’re in awful danger and that’s what you’re thinking about? It felt so shallow and lust-fuelled?)
‘and id LOVE to chat about TOG however, last time i did i accidentally info dumped to my ex for six hours (he was a great sport 😭) so uhhh brace urself 😂’
Genuinely if you’re up for it I would love to hear your reply because I haven’t come across someone who’s been so enthusiastic about Crescent City and I would genuinely adore the chance to hear why you love it so much? We read the same books so I’d love to find out why we had such different reactions to it? And with Throne of Glass too, give me all of your thoughts!! Please!! I love getting to have discussions like this (as long as you don’t mind me possibly arguing against you with CC things? I don’t know if I was too harsh or unfair in my expression of what I think about CC/Bryce but I am sorry if it sounded mean) 🧡💛
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kittensartswriting · 11 months
From the October-themes Writeblr Ask... 🧥 warm coat: share a happy or fuzzy scene from your wip!
Thank you for the ask!! :)
🧥 warm coat: share a happy or fuzzy scene from your wip!
I don't have yet any exactly happy scenes in this draft of BCC, but since I do like write disconnected scenes beforehand I did write a happy scene that from the second book :D It'll be under the cut, since it's fairly long. There was no better places to cut it :'D
Agrippa was already waiting for him in the grove. She sat against a tree in tall grass, reading. There was something very serene about her being surrounded by bright red poppies and sunlight pouring over her. The sight made him smile. She didn’t notice him approaching despite the rustle of the drying grass, being so absorbed into her reading. He paused next to her and was about to say something, but when he noticed her almost possessed expression, he didn’t have the heart to disturb her. Her face was glued to the book and her eyes flickered quickly from row to row while her fingers absentmindedly spun the jewels in her necklace. How long would it take for her to notice him? Knowing her, quite long. He suppressed a chuckle as he sat down next to her.
The sun was warm on his skin, making a gentle gusts of wind very welcome. Even still, discomfort easily took root in the silence he sat in. He didn't dare to move, barely dared to breathe. Unwelcome thoughts bred and grew in the fertile soil. He should have turned back and not disturb her. Was he sitting too close? Maybe she had changed her mind after his breakdown. Perhaps it was why she had asked to meet him here, to tell him she didn't want him, certainly never to marry him, if it was ever possible.
He closed his eyes and ran both hands through his hair. He was being irrational again. She had smiled when she had whispered to meet her here. Her fingers had brushed against his. Surely she would have said it differently, if she was about to break off their relationship. He needed to think of something else. He turned to look at her from the corner of his eye. Soaked in sunlight she was divine beauty. Her brightness weeded his doubts. In that moment he could understand why some would believe she was the avatar. He chuckled. What blasphemous thoughts she inspired. But blasphemy was nothing compared to her soft round face or the constellation of freckles covering it.
She bit her lips, her book clearly getting suspenseful. She gasped. Silent tears poured on her face.
Of course she was enjoying the book, but tears in her eyes still made him desperately want to hold her.
"Everything okay?" he asked.
She winced, startled, and turned to him quickly.
"Light! I didn't notice you." She turned away laughing awkwardly and wiped her face. "It's just the dramatic moment in the book... The main character found out the man she had fell in love with was really a crossdressing woman and not a noble - but he is really a man - I'm not making sense - I mean like sir Faelcí - Anyway, she thought he was just trying to steal her inheritance, which he was at first planning, but then he fell in love with her. So he left to the war and now she received a message that he died and -" She paused and glanced at him embarrassed. "It's silly… I know how this story ends, I know he survived, I've read it several times, but… it still gets me."
Valeri could listen to her talk about anything that got her that animated. There was something very charming about her passion.
Agrippa seemingly expected for an answer and blushed. "Why are you smiling like that?"
He laughed. "Like what?"
"Are you making fun of my silly romance book?" She feigned a defensive glare but her dimples kept smiling.
He couldn't wipe off the smile from his face.
"No. I like listening to you talk about your books." He glanced at the book. "Do you want to read till the end now? You don't seem to have much left."
She paused, clearly tempted, but shook her head. "No, it's okay. Like I said, I have read it before, and it would take me twenty minutes or so…"
"But you want to, right? I can wait. This is a nice spot to sit."
Her smile rivaled the sun. Anything was worth that smile. Especially sitting next to her on a fine day like that.
"If you insist." She paused. "Thank you."
She turned back to her book, which her eyes devoured hungrily. Valeri was content watching her. There was no more unwelcome thoughts lurking in the silence. The tension was gone from his body, leaving serene heaviness in his limbs. The sleepless night finally caught up with him. He closed his heavy eyelids for a moment.
His mind had drifted somewhere. As it returned to his body, the sun warmed his face and shone through his eyelids. Wind rustled the grass gently. The ground under him was soft and warm. Gentle fingers combed through his hair.
He had fallen asleep. It couldn't have been long. His hand rested next to his head and felt what was under. The soft and warm ground was definitely Agrippa. He opened his eyes. His head was resting on her lap.
He stirred upward quickly, head bouncing to a book.
"Oh sorry!" Agrippa said. "What is it?"
Valeri leaned on his hand and rubbed his face with the other hand. "Sorry, I didn't mean to… I fell asleep…"
"It's okay. You fell on my shoulder and I was afraid to wake you up if I changed pages, so I moved you on my lap." Her cheeks reddened. "You just mumbled something I couldn't make out so I hope that was okay…"
"Right… Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep. I didn't… sleep much." Blood rushed into his face.
She giggled. "I wouldn't have guessed that."
They exchanged knowing looks. Valeri quickly turned his eyes away, embarrassed with the rush of emotion.
"I still have fifteen pages. If you want you can continue sleeping on me." Her voice was uncertain. He could hear the blushing.
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omegaprotocol · 7 months
Jason Falls for Hailey Again
In Jason’s apartment, Jason, Omega and Hailey are sitting down relaxing with each other. Jason and Omega are playing a game of chess, per Omega’s request. Jason is losing horribly and has his head in his hands. Omega looks very relaxed and is just happy to be spending time with her friends. Hailey is on her phone reading emails. She sees that she has been rejected for eight more jobs. Defeated, she switches on an online form for robotics. Many of the comments are about her losing the national defense contract with the government. She reads several of the comments ridiculing her for not being able to stack up to the government's standards before she puts her phone down and lets out a heavy sigh.
“Everything ok Dr. Hailey?” Omega chimes.
“Yeah everything is fine.” she gives a small pause before continuing. “Hey Jason, I think we should go to the store and pick up something to eat, your fridge is looking kinda empty.”
“Yeah yeah whatever I just need a second.” Jason is not paying any attention, his full focus is on the chess game and how to salvage the totally lost position.
“That is ok Jason, you can go with Dr. Hailey to the store.” Omega moves one piece forward delivering a checkmate. “There. Now the game is over!” Devastated, Jason stands up and gets his keys.
“Ok, let's go.”
At the grocery store, Jason and Hailey are standing in the frozen aisle. Hailey is not really paying attention to what is going on around her and Jason is looking at frozen pizzas.
“Hey, do you like pepperoni or do you want a supreme.”
“Jason, I think my life is starting to fall apart.”
“I’m picking pepperoni.”
“I’m being serious.”
“You're a prodigy and leader in your field. You have written multiple books, made a ton of money, and have a phd. You also created a fully sentient life form so I don’t know what more you want.”
“I just… I don’t know. Things are different now that I lost the defense grant from the government.”
“What do you mean? You're like this generation's Einstein.”
“They didn’t like what I made. They asked for defense systems from an unknown threat we don’t know how to fight, and when I built defense systems they hated it. After they sent me a letter of correction I fixed all the original issues and even made Omega, a robot designed to solve complex problems and save the world, and it still wasn’t good enough. They wanted me to make a weapon that could destroy whatever they pointed it at and I couldn’t build it. So they took the grant away and when my peers found out, they started criticizing me. They all think I can’t do it.” Hailey pulls her phone out and sees she got rejected from another job. “Maybe they’re right.”
“No, they aren’t. You are easily the smartest person I’ve ever met. And fuck the government for asking for a weapon. As if they need another giant gun that they can wave around and threaten people with.” Jason looks at Hailey and sees that she genuinely feels hurt.
“But that’s the issue, I couldn’t solve it. I tried for months trying to figure out how to stop this threat and I couldn’t do it. So instead I built Omega, thinking that she would be able to figure it out.”
“No one else would’ve been able to do that. Half the people that are criticizing you would’ve just built a weapon for the money, and they would’ve made the world a worse place. Tell me this, do you genuinely think that anything anyone could have built would stop this alien thing?” Hailey leaves a long pause to fiddle with the charm on the phone even though she already knows the answer.
“No… I don’t.”
“Right. And even if anyone else had the idea for Omega, no one would actually have the know-how to build her. What you made was a true AI. One with thoughts and feelings, one with dreams and wishes, and most importantly a desire to want to save the world from something. That has literally never been done before.”
“Yeah, it’s true.”
“See? The government has no idea what it’s doing, and you do. Your colleagues have no idea what you’ve made, and you do.” Jason picks up a frozen dinner from the shelf and stops to think. He hesitates for a moment before talking again. “And I also think it’s rude of you to make me go to the store in order to have this talk away from Omega, she would agree with me and tell you how awesome you are.”
“I just don't want Omega to learn anything that isn’t helpful to her. She is going to carry the literal  weight of the world on her shoulders and I want her to reach her full potential.”
“She will, after all she’s got you as a teacher.” Hailey puts her phone back in her pocket and smiles at the complement.
“Thanks for helping me Jason, I know you didn’t have to do that.”
“Of course I did. After seeing Omega’s ‘disguise’, I knew you didn’t have what it takes to hide a super robot from the government.” Hailey chuckles to herself. A second goes by with them just walking to another aisle.
“Could we get the supreme pizza instead?”
“Not a chance, I want pepperoni and I have a job.” They both laugh at the joke and leave the store.
Back at the apartment, Jason and Hailey walk in and see Omega sitting on the couch. Omega is almost surprised that they are home already.
“Oh! Welcome home! How was your trip to the store?” Jason goes to the kitchen to unload the food and Hailey sits down on the couch and turns on the tv.
“It was fine. Were you ok by yourself?”
“Yes, I was fine.” There is a tone of sadness in Omega’s voice, Jason hears this and yells from behind the kitchen counter.
“Hey! Let's watch a movie tonight, we can let Omega pick it out.” Omega’s face lights up and she quickly grabs the remote and begins surfing through movies. Omega picks a nature documentary, and all three of them sit on the couch and watch it together. Hailey falls asleep first and rests on Jason’s shoulder. Jason smiles at how peaceful she looks before falling asleep himself. Omega stays up and finishes the whole documentary interested in every word. After realizing that Hailey and Jason have both fallen asleep, Omega slowly gets up.
“Have sweet dreams of good things.” She whispers. She walks over to the window, opens it, and sits on the fire escape watching the world below her. She enjoys looking at the beautiful city that people have built, and wonders who would ever want to destroy it.
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