#incorrect idots
incorrect-hs-quotes · 3 months
DIRK, getting fucking decapitated: Not again, dude.
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g12-3 · 3 months
wings of fire Incorrect quote 4
this completely wouod not happen but i wanted to do this sooo. Hers a scene.
Clay: If…that's your answer, then I will…be forced to stop you!
Peril: (laughs) That's cute. (kisses Clay on the cheek) You're cute. Have fun living to not fight another day.
Sky: The hell was that? You got a thing for Mudwingd now?
Peril: What if I do? Societal definitions of beauty are BS anyway. (the skywings fly off)
Skywing: Look, if this is about pissing off Mom and Dad, you could just date a nightwing.
Peril Oh, my God.
Sky: Oh, right--they're dead.
Peril: OH, MY GOD.
Clsy: Wow… (thinking) Oh, man, I gotta tell everybody! But first, Dr. Senzu Bean. (reaches inside a bag and takes out a few Senzu Beans) (out loud) Huh? The hell happened? I had like fifteen of these. Eh, should be enough… Man, they are not gonna believe this!
(cut to everyone back on their feet)
tsunami: I don't believe you.
Glory: I can't believe you.
Starflight: I don't care.
Clay: Dang it. What about you, Deathbringer ?
(Deathberinger not paying attention to clay and being infuriated at losing screams and flies off)
Clay: See? He believes me… And he's jealous.
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sora-a-888 · 2 years
23: Welcome, fellow idiots
Prime: Hello, 23
23: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Prime: You underestimate me
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Vurb, after spamming the gc with Skephalo: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something?
Bad: Nope, absolutely not.
Ant: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through.
Skeppy: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life.
Spifey: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you.
F1NN: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
Velvet: *Sends Skephalo fanart* I would
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bitrashteddy · 3 years
Matt, walking into the office: ah, I see now
Karen: Matt, no
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After they married Jack x Miko
Jack Darby: ¿Can you explain why there are six dogs in the house?
Miko Nakadai: They’re golden retrievers, they retrieve the gold ¡I did this for us!
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gothamcitycentral · 3 years
Scarecrow, standing outside Ivy and Harley’s apartment, shouting at Harley through the window: Can you pass me my fear toxin container?
Harley: Sure! *throws out a printer out, landing inches away from breaking John’s skull*
Scarecrow: Harley-?!
Harley: I thought you said printer!
Scarecrow: Why the fuck would I say printer? *sigh* Just pass me my-
*Harley drops fear gas container into the sidewalk, breaking it and making fear gas flood the street*
Scarecrow: That can’t be good.
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casspen-starlight · 4 years
Bad: Geppy, can we go to a haunted house this year?
Skeppy: What's wrong with the one we're living in?
Bad: WHAT?!
Skeppy: goodnight, Bad.   
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g-a-y-b-a-c-o-n · 4 years
Book Eskel: Where’s Netflix Eskel?
Game Eskel: I thought you were watching him...?
Alzur’s Legacy Eskel, bursting into the room with his sword drawn: NETFLIX ESKEL HAS ESCAPED!!
[thumping noises above them]
Book Eskel, drawing his sword: Dear god, he’s in the vents...
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incorrect-mcytblr · 4 years
Dteamblr, on a trampoline: trying to do backflips and jsut do everything and failing miserably
Sleepyblr: calmly jumping until someone says "I can jump higher than you!"
Hermitblr: the only actual calm one until someone bumps into some else
Idotsblr: screaming. Legit just screaming.
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Rosalina: Fun fact! Blueberries are the only fruit named after a color.
Ken: What about starfruit?
Rosalina: So close! That is a shape <3
Tony: Guys… You forgot about blueberries.
Naomi: What about blackberries?
Rosalina: Black isn’t a color.
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incorrectsonamoo · 7 years
Sumin: Whats your preferred study method?
D.ana: Coffee and tears
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g12-3 · 3 months
wings of fire Incorrect Quote 2
probably wouldnt happen but still. Glory: Don't you call me stupid!
Deathbeinger: Okay, then how about BITCH?!!
Glory: Arrogant DICK!
Deathbringer: Spoiled SOW!
Glory: FUCK YOU!
Deathbringer : FUCK YOU!
Glory: FUCK YOU!
Deathbringer: FUCK YOU!!!
(pause… Glory suddenly gets an idea…)
Glory: My room, ten minutes…
The Next Morning
Glory: (from inside the house) You are such an unbelievable asshole and Idot!
Deathbringer : (from inside the house) You know, you're being bitchier than usual today; and not in a hot way.
Glory: You got me pregnant, you idiot!
Deathbejnger: How is that my fault?
Glory: sighs You're a moron.
Deathbringer: Well, what do you expect me to do about it?
Glory: What you're going to do is go out, tell Grandure your marring me, and help me raise our child!
Deathbringer: Alright fine… How should i tell her so she dosen’t kill me
Glory: Your an idot
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honeyxmonkey · 3 years
Douxie: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Carter: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Douxie: Absolutely not.
Carter: You often use humor to deflect trauma Douxie: Thank you Carter: I didn't say that was a good thing Douxie: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny
He's bad at flirting, your honor.
Carter: This is such a bad idea. Douxie: Then why are you coming along? Carter: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
Douxie: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve. Person: I think you mean cards.
Carter, 1000% used to it: No, he does not.
Douxie, pulling knives out of his sleeves: No, I do not.
Carter, bad at flirting: I really like your name.
Douxie, equally bad at flirting: Thanks, I got it for my birthday.
Carter, extremely concerned: Go to the hospital, please.
Douxie: I'm sorry, is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
Carter: This is a mistake.
Douxie, enthusiastically: One we're going to laugh about some day.
Carter: But not today.
Douxie, still enthusiastically: Oh, no, today's gonna be a mess.
Honestly this one works for them both.
Carter, fixing up THE GODDAMN IDOT'S wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Douxie: 0 stars. Would not recommend.
Carter, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium.
Douxie, slamming open the door covered in ink: WELL MAYBE THE SQUID WAS BEING A B*TCH!
Douxie: You kill people for money?
Douxie: And all this time I've been doing it for free like a chump!
This also works for both of them.
Carter: So, me and Douxie are dating.
Claire, Steve, Jim, Merlin, and Douxie: *gasp*
Ask, and you shall receive your incorrect quotes and DouxiexCarter content.
I also have a few 😊💜
Carter sitting in Douxie's lap: Pay attention to me
Douxie: we... darling we were just making out two seconds ago???
Carter: I don't see your point
Carter: [pouts] where are my hugs and kissies? Where are my cuddles and affection? You are a cruel and unjust boyfriend and I am going to scream
Douxie: darling I just woke up-
Douxie: Im sad
Claire: Why are you sad?
Douxie: Carter isn't here.
Claire: hE's BeEn GoNe fOr FiVe MiNuTeS-
Douxie, flopping onto Carter's lap: Tell me I'm pretty
Carter, lovingly stroking his hair: You're pretty fucking annoying, that's what you are
Jim, five seconds after meeting Carter: God help the person who ends up dating Carter.
Douxie: im... I'm dating Carter
Jim: My condolences
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Bad: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?
Vurb: Bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Ant: I personally was created in a lab.
Zelk: I just straight up spawned lol.
MegaPVP: I'm straight from hell
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higsonistheenemy · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Hello and welcome to the Buckingham Bitches, a boyband dedicated to reviving the (dead) fandom of The Enemy! Starring idot_sandwich(the cool peep currently writing this) and Diagonallie16, with the mascots- Paul, Jester, and David, aka the Buckingham Bitches. Meet the gang here, drawn by Diagonallie. Info about the admins will be shared soon. Expect shitposts, fanart, incorrect quotes, asks, headcanons, and obviously, spoilers. Have fun!
Meet Idot: (will update)
Meet Allie: (will update)
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