#internalized cop
shotofstress · 4 months
Some ppl making post about how they feel but don't wanting really to tell you nor u to know so make the whole sentence with asterisks. Someone just said that is basically ppl wanting to speak about themselves and share how they feel but don't want other to know or not know everything, which is not sharing and not speaking and dont knowing how to write about your feelings bc can be hard. U can just say "i feel bad bc things are though" if u don't want them to know all while you find spaces that are safe and not an ocean of stranger in social media. Bought a diary or speak with real ppl. We can't keep behaving like is OK to not having human interactions and that is OK to be unable to see the link between all this. Is not ok all of this and is sickening that people don't get what's the problem
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
Ppl have latched onto the "oh so you just believe what a terrorist group says" so quickly abt Hamas as if that's the result of any kind of international consensus
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In contrast to like Al Qaeda
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Or Da'esh
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lucifers-simp · 7 months
I know we usually do this kinda post during pride month but every month is pride month when you're gay so...
Reminder that if you're queer and you enjoy any of the rights you have, you must be grateful for trans and gnc people of color that were in the frontlines of the fighting
Love to all genderqueer people
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chaos0pikachu · 1 month
the chekhov's gun of this show is actually when is Tonkla gonna get fucked raw like he's been asking who's willing to step up to give the dick he deserves
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bluastro-yellow · 1 year
if you paint "FUCK THE POLICE" on the wall Kim is dismayed but you don't lose good cop points. is that an oversight or
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nando161mando · 1 month
how to know you've internalized capitalism
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First, police announced plans to build a $90 million "Cop City" police training megaplex on environmentally-sensitive grounds near Atlanta. Then, people understandably started protesting this bullshit. Then, police responded to those protests in a draconian manner, assaulting protestors, charging 42 of them (including a legal observer from the National Lawyers' Guild) with "terrorism," and murdering one of the protestors. Then, people running the Atlanta Solidarity Fund were bailing out the arrested protestors and hooking them up with lawyers. Then, the police sent a SWAT team to arrest the admins of the Solidarity Fund, charging them with "charity fraud" and "money laundering!" The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund, which operates in much the same way as the Atlanta Solidarty Fund, has kicked in to help defend the admins of that fund, who are presently out on bail and putting together their defense case. Helping them fight the charges they're facing for helping other activists fight their charges = helping the helpers!
You can join us in defending the Atlanta Solidarity Fund admins here. You can help us to defend anti-fascists around the world facing heavy-handed tactics like what we've just described by making a contribution to the Defence Fund here.
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the-trans-advice-blog · 6 months
Is it bad to like gendered products? I know that most people hate them and a lot of the time they are kinda sexist, but I feel so much joy when buying men's shower gel or a book that is labelled 'for boys,' etc. I'm a binary trans man btw.
This is similar to another ask I recently answered! I’m really urging you guys to not worry so much about stuff like this. Like what you like, enjoy what makes you happy! No sane person is gonna come up to you and ridicule you for liking a gendered product as a man, plenty of cis men are the same. I’m agender but I still use exclusively “men’s” products bc I enjoy them and they don’t give me dysphoria.
Kill the cop in your head!!
More and more people are trying to sanitize the queer community for god knows what reason. Worry less about what others think of you, worry more about loving those around you because it’s what you’d want them to do for you.
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joeynewgarden · 2 years
verstappen has to be an experiment on bribery and blackmail in motorsport bc there is truly no way this happened twice. from him saying he doesn’t like racing to multiple people saying multiple times that he will have a short f1 career (including his own team) to both of his trophies being shams, someone put him in that seat and chose him to win x number of championships and dip. literally the only way this is possible
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lulladae · 1 year
fun fact! if you use the term "narcissistic abuser" or use "narcissist" in a bad way at all around me, you instantly die.
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1o1percentmilk · 1 year
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odd jobs
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Der schöne Uniformierte (The Handsome Uniformed Man), 1994 by J.G.Wind
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chemicalarospec · 10 months
my favourite part of Death Note is that it's an excellent critique of how ridiculous and horrible police/policing ideology/punitive justice is when taken to its natural conclusion/extreme, but the old man writing it absolutely did not have that in mind -- as evidenced by the fact that he had the Good Normal Police take down This Unhinged Freak Who Thinks We Should Kill Criminals (tho tbf I do think it's a pointed critique of the death penalty - "it's still murder even if they're death row criminals" like it's not spelled out but it's pretty obvious the death penalty is murder too then. But the author kinda gives up on acknowledging the normal "justice" system isn't 100% prefect by the end). like I'm not 100% certain but I do think Light's dad was just made a policeman for plot convenience & possibly to explain why criminals take up so much space in Light's head, not because the Kira's ideology could only be developed by the child of a cop. (L would have used that as evidence it was the case.) Also the author said Mr. Cop Father is good.
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Ok so let me get this straight. Dr James Evan Wilson, Oncologist extraordinaire and secret idiot, had an outstanding warrant for his arrest, issued by the state of Louisiana, from around 1991-95 to 2008.
Americans, help me out. This means that Jimmy-boy never renewed his passport in these 13-17 years, right? Mr Best-friends-with-local-curmudgeon-army-brat (who has lived all over the world) hasn’t left the US of A since maybe studying in Montréal or during med school (I’m assuming that if he crossed the border or renewed his passport that then the warrant would come up).
This also means that Wilson is such a good boy when driving that he’s never been stopped by a cop who decided to run his license through the system, right? And come to think of it, how was he even renewing his license?? Or wouldn’t the DMV look into warrants and such when renewing a driver’s license? (Is this the point where I should just stop thinking about this?)
Also, this man had been flying domestically and had unknowingly been playing Russian roulette with the TSA ever since the TSA was created??
I am amazed by the ramifications of this plot point. The man who went to study in Québec at 18 never left the country again after med school. Right. Continue being a secret weirdo, Wilson.
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mothmans-cumrag · 5 months
As I got dragged away by the cops:
"Do you have ID?"
"You are female?"
"Male, then?"
"What are you? Female or male?"
"What does your ID say?"
*gets out my ID. Under gender, it says "no."
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acmeofficial · 7 months
How do the agents feel about your objectives changing on a whim about every couple of days?
Like we're trying to stop vile, nope we're chasing carmen sandiego, oh well now we're after vile again great
our main goal is always vile. carmens just a stepping stone 😌but we all get paid hella good so like who the fuck cares what chief wants us to do we do it
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