#iraqi kurds
tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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greencarnation · 8 months
lesser evil for who? because i don't think it's the lesser evil for the gazan children being massacred or for the millions world wide who have been ravaged by us imperialism regardless of who was in the white house. the system is rotten to its core and simply voting blue once every 4 years will never save us
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nesyanast · 9 months
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Refugee Kurdish Jews in Tehran, Iran 1950
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dougielombax · 7 months
Today marks 33 years since the 1991 Iraqi Uprisings where Iraqi Shia Muslims, leftists, Kurds and Assyrians rose up against Saddam Hussein’s authoritarian regime.
They were carried out in response to the Gulf War and the atrocities Saddam oversaw during the Iran-Iraq war (such as the Anfal genocide which I posted about the other week).
The uprising would last for a month during which thousands of Saddam’s cronies would be killed and thousands of civilians opposed to his regime would be brutally murdered.
The Iraqi government responded by cracking down and slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. WITH help from the MEK (People’s Mujahedin of Iran, an exiled Iranian opposition group which has since become a reactionary death cult).
In addition, Saddam Hussein’s regime would enact its putrid revenge against the uprising by trying to drain and destroy the Mesopotamian Marshes in an act of despicable ecological destruction.
Mainly to displace the marsh Arabs living there, displacing 200,000 people in the process.
Feel free to reblog.
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
Jews of Iraqi descent fight on two fronts
Two Israeli  Jews of Iraqi descent have been hitting the headlines: Idan Amedi, who is of Kurdish origin, made his name in Israel as a singer and actor in the Netflix series ‘Fauda’.  He fought on the front line in Gaza until he was severely injured . Eylon Levy, who was brought up in England by Israeli parents with roots in Iraq, has been an Israel government spokesman fighting a different war on the diplomatic front. He was recently the star speaker at a 25,000-strong rally in Trafalgar Square in London.
CNN reports:
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Idan Amedi, 35, is in critical condition in the ICU at Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center near Tel Aviv, a spokesperson for the hospital said.
However, the star’s father told Israeli website Walla!: “There is no danger to his life.”
Amedi, who is of Kurdish descent, shot to fame in the 2010s as a singer-songwriter before joining the cast of “Fauda” in 2017. He plays a member of an Israeli special forces unit in the series, which follows an Israeli agent who comes out of retirement to hunt for a Palestinian fighter he thought he’d killed, according to the show’s official Netflix page.
Amedi had volunteered to fight for the Israeli military in Gaza following Hamas’ October 7 attacks on Israel, according to “Fauda” co-creators Lior Raz and Avi Issacharaoff.
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The Jerusalem Post reports:
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The star draw was British-Israeli Eylon Levy, the government’s English language spokesman. The 33-year-old former television anchor, who was educated at both Oxford and Cambridge, has become a popular character – and has even attained heart-throb status – for his articulate defense of Israel on television. Even his eyebrows – which appear to take on a life of their own during hostile questioning – have attained cult status and have their own social media accounts. He won a rock star welcome.
“One-hundred days after October 7, one day after another hate parade in London we stand here outnumbered and out-manned yet unafraid and united,” he said. “We are holding our heads up high and are determined to climb out of our darkest hour with our love for each other and Israel.”
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melikemordemjaponi · 6 months
✹Kürt gerillaların hikayesi, Japonya'da bir numaralı manga olarak yayınlanan ve Guinness Rekorlar Kitabı'nda yer alan dünyaca ünlü "Golgo 13" mangasında yer almaktadır.
Eserin adı "Yaşlı Bir Aslan" ve hikaye Kürt gerillaların süper A sınıfı bir keskin nişancı olan Golgo'dan Iraklı bir askeri komutanı vurmasını istemesiyle başlıyor.
Bu manga ilk olarak Mayıs 1996'da yayınlanmıştı, bu nedenle neredeyse 30 yıl önce Kürt gerillalarının manga'da tasvir edilmesi ve diyaloglarda Kürdistan'ın tarihi geçmişinin anlatılması şaşırtıcıdır.
Golgo'dan Iraklı bir komutanı vurmasını isteyen bir Kürt gerilla liderinin Golgo'ya Kürtlerin durumunu ateşli bir tonda anlattığı bir sahne de var.
"...biz, Kürt halkı, her zaman birileri tarafından kullanıldık... ve hepimizi kullandıktan sonra... her şeyimizi elimizden aldılar!"
Başka bir yerde, Baas rejiminin Irak'taki Kürt yerleşimi Halepçe'ye düzenlediği kimyasal silah saldırısı üzerine,
"Binlerce insanımızı zehirli gazla öldürdüler."
Her bir ülkenin o dönemdeki siyasi durumunu araştırıp hikayenizi kurgulama şeklinize hayran kaldım.
Kürdistan'ın doğası ve Kürtlerin yüzleri ve kıyafetleri de ezici bir güçle tasvir ediliyor ve Kürdistan halkının ve Kürtlerin ifadelerini gerçek hayatta gördüğümüz gibi hayata döndürüyor.
Bu manga'yu içeren kitap hala satın alınabilir durumda, bu nedenle ilgilenen herkesin alıp bir göz atması tavsiye edilir.
✹The story of a Kurdish guerrilla appears in the world-famous manga "Golgo 13," which is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records and is the number one published manga in Japan.
The title of the story is "The Old Lion," and it begins with a Kurdish guerrilla asking Golgo, a grade-A sniper, to shoot an Iraqi military commander.
It is surprising that almost 30 years ago, the Kurdish guerrillas were depicted in the manga and the historical background of Kurdistan was explained in the dialogue.
There is also a scene in which a Kurdish guerrilla leader, who asks Golgo to shoot an Iraqi military commander, explains the situation of the Kurds to Golgo in an impassioned speech.
"...we, the Kurdish people, have always been used by someone...and after they had used us all...they took everything from us!"
Another about the chemical weapons attack by the Ba'ath regime on the Kurdish settlement of Halabja in Iraq,
"They killed thousands of our people with poison gas."
I admire the way you have researched the political situation of each country at that time and built up your story.
The nature of Kurdistan and the faces and clothes of the Kurds are also depicted with overwhelming power, bringing back to life the expressions of the people of Kurdistan and the Kurds as we saw them in real life.
The book containing this work is still available for purchase, so if you are interested, please pick up a copy and take a look.
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leefi · 8 months
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my grandma: Kurdistan vs Kurdistan…
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lephenixkurde · 1 year
Merci à Kurdistan Au féminin pour le relais.
Effectivement, le génocide kurde a frappé au Sud, mais aussi au nord, à l'ouest et à l'est du Kurdistan divisé en en quatre le 24 juillet 1923 par les vainqueurs de la Première Guerre mondiale, lors du Traité de Lausanne.
Impossible pour une personne seule aidée de quelques amis d'enquêter sur un génocide à aussi grande échelle, raison pour laquelle j'ai circonscrit le périmètre de mes investigations à Bashur.
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J'ai fait ma part. D'autres travaillent sur d'autres terrains. C'est à nous tous de nous battre collectivement, livres et stylos à la main, pour qu'un jour le monde accepte l'évidence et reconnaisse enfin officiellement le génocide kurde.
Pour cela, il faut lire ce livre et d'autres, il faut partager nos travaux. Et faire connaître le témoignage des victimes qui ont aussi besoin de cette reconnaissance pour se reconstruire et honorer la mémoire des disparus.
Merci pour elles, merci pour eux.
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noshnibrahim · 2 years
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rodeodeparis · 2 months
sorry if this isn't that deep but could you clarify what you meant on your last post? i'm just not sure if you're saying these people would've fallen for zionism or if i'm misunderstanding you really badly
that is exactly what i'm saying
#israeli propaganda about how antisemitic the world is wouldn't work if it had zero truth to it. fascist propaganda takes people's#feelings about real problems they have and maneuvers it to the direction of an easy ''solution''#i think it's easier for said jewish antizionists to imagine themselves solely as a Corrupted Colonizer#(at least in the us where i'm living. compounded w/ the fact that like 90% of jews here are ashkenazim#i know the race/ethnicity-relation-to-judaism dynamic is similar in occupied palestine. tbh this is a White People Thing to some degree)#bc to them acknowledging that yes oppressed people can do apartheid will somehow erase the fact that they're oppressed#(ultimately the same main issue jewish zionists have)#may i remind you shafiq ades was executed by the iraqi government for allegedly spying for israel despite being a dedicated antizionist#who worked to improve things for jews in iraq and syria. let alone that he did not spy for israel#i'm sure the iraqi govt did that because he was corrupted by zionism and not#because he was a prominent jewish political figure and they took out their postcolonial wrath on jews after getting a convenient excuse#and continue to persecute assyrians kurds turkmen and yazidi today in much the same manner not dissimilar to the way other countries#have treated their minorities let alone jews#since Oppressed People Cant Do Bad Things that has to be it right 👍😃👍#moral: if you want to be an effective antizionist you need to call out antisemitism where you see it let alone recognize it#even if this is inconvenient#and yes this means even if you're afraid you'll get called a zionist for it. bc if you're not a zionist they're being antisemitic#the antizionists i am talking about are not comfortable doing that just like zionists are not#in both cases the ''real'' antisemite is just whoever they feel ruins their image of jews (collective)#and they're both seeing antisemitism in the problem and have different Ways they think it'll be solved#and the antizionists are more on track than the zionists are but by not addressing antisemitism at its face they run into the same trap
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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creativitytoexplore · 2 years
From protester to fighter: Fleeing Iran's brutal crackdown to take up arms over the border | CNN
From protester to fighter: Fleeing Iran’s brutal crackdown to take up arms over the border | CNN
Iraqi Kurdistan CNN  —  A teenage dissident trailed behind a group of smugglers in the borderlands of western Iran. For three days, Rezan trekked a rocky mountain range and walked through minefields along a winding path forged by seasoned smugglers to circumnavigate the country’s heavily armed Revolutionary Guards. It was a trip too dangerous for respite of much more than a few stolen moments at…
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ed-recoverry · 2 months
Shoutout to all Middle Eastern LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Arab LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Egyptian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Iranian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Turk LGBTQ+ folks (if you consider yourself so).
Shoutout to all Persian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Iraqi LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to Kurd LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Assyrian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Maronite LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Yemeni LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Aramean LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Qatari LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Bedouin LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Jordanian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Shabak LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Saudi LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Chaldean LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Kuwaiti LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Palestinian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Bahraini LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Druze LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Cypriot LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Omani LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Lebanese LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Syrian LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Copt LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Emirati LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Turkoman LGBTQ+ folks.
Shoutout to all Pakistani LGBTQ+ folks.
Take pride in it all. Your culture, your identity, it’s all so beautiful. Celebrate where you are from and who you are. It makes you you, and that is something to be proud of.
I’m aware some of those of these ethnicities don’t consider themselves Middle Eastern, so take this with a grain of salt and just an opportunity to celebrate who you are :)
post for Asians, post for Pacific Islanders, post for Oceanic people, post for Hispanics, post for Africans, post for Native Americans, post for Caribbeans
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dougielombax · 7 months
Today marks 36 years since the beginning of the Anfal Genocide in Iraq where Saddam Hussein’s regime slaughtered hundreds and thousands of Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, Mandaeans and Shabaks.
Around 100,000 people at the least would be killed.
It would last from February to September of 1988. During the late stages of the Iran-Iraq war.
Largely consisting of mass killings, chemical attacks and forced displacement.
Many in Iraq sadly continue to deny it to this day. Predictably. As do Saddam Hussein’s many idiot apologists on the internet.
I’ll leave some sources from this year and the last few years here for additional information.
Some sources also focus on the Assyrian victims too.
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Above: A monument dedicated to the memory of the Assyrian victims of the Anfal genocide in the village of Gonda Kosa.
Just to remind any idiots who think Saddam and his cronies were kind to the Assyrians. They were certainly not!
Feel free to reblog.
Reblog the shit out of this!
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melikemordemjaponi · 1 year
✻Amberin Zaman'ın özel haberi: Erbil ile Bağdat arasında gerilim artarken ABD Başkanı’na mektup gönderen Irak Kürdistanı Başbakanı Mesrur Barzani, Washington’u sarsıp harekete geçirmeyi umuyor
Al-Monitor Türkçe aracılığıyla (+foto 2)
✻Iraq: A leaked letter allegedly sent by Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Masrour Barzani to US President Joe Biden has sent shockwaves through the political landscape of the Kurdistan Region, further escalating tensions with Baghdad.
A leaked letter allegedly sent by Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masrour Barzani to US President Joe Biden warns of a looming crisis between the KRG and the central government in Baghdad, and expresses grave concerns about the possible collapse of the Kurdistan Region.
The letter, revealed by Al-Monitor’s Amberin Zaman, is dated 3 September and was reportedly delivered to the White House last Sunday.
In his letter to Biden, Barzani stated, “I write to you now at another critical juncture in our history, one that I fear we may have difficulty overcoming. …[W]e are bleeding economically and hemorrhaging politically”. He went on to stress that this situation could lead to the collapse of the federal Iraqi model that the United States has supported since 2003.
via Medya News (photo 1)
メディアニュースより(画像①とも)+画像②/アル・モニター トルコ語
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Zhiar Ali
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 2 September 1999
Ethnicity: Iraqi - Kurdish
Occupation: Activist, singer, songwriter, journalist
Note: On 16 June 2023, Ali published a redesign of the Kurdistan Pride Flag on Twitter. The design combined elements of the Kurdish flag with the LGBT flag, aiming to celebrate the intersectionality of identities and provide visibility to LGBTQ+ Kurds.
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