#is it cliche for the female lead to get with one of the boys? Yes but it would’ve made her more significant
no1ryomafan · 4 months
Every time I’m with my irls the subject comes up a lot more cause they’re into more female oriented series but man while it’s given better female rep is just okay-not astounding but not feeding into the more worse tropes of women in anime-I feel really bad for Michiru.
It’s like she’s the more prominent female in getter as she’s probably had the most appearances out of any of the others but I feel she’s never been used to her fullest potential. The manga really felt like Ken didn’t know what to do with her as she just kinda existed and then was killed off, arma just uses her as a plot device, toei I can’t speak fully but I know she’s a support character however given it’s that role and the 70s it only goes so far and in other canons she’s flat out hardly acknowledged. (SVN literally just has her as a cameo)
New is probably her best version but I feel there was some missed opportunities with her as the Hein arc could’ve shown more what was going on in the present and with her but it didn’t have enough time for that, and even if she does have dynamics with the boys hers and Ryomas are very undeveloped as they hardly interacted which is both a shock and a shame as they seemed to be fun in the one ep-ep 2-where they really talked.
And also as much as I like News approach to her characterization it is a shame we hardly ever seen the more traditional version of Michiru be fleshed out, when even if “uwu nice girl” is more basic it can still work and be a good character. Like it made me more sad watching Android Kikaider and seeing Mitsuko who’s basically the same trope as Michiru-down to even LOOKING like her-being a older sister with a dead brother, absent mother and a sus scientist father and be so fleshed out, but Michiru never got that chance.
You can always say “oh maybe in another getter project” but fuck knows when that’ll happen ever man💀
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cameronspecial · 8 months
Let Us Cheer You Up, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
Summary: Y/N is feeling a little down because of her period and the boys can only think of one way to cheer her up.
A/N: This is inspired by this post.
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Sometimes her period has Y/N feeling a little more emotional than normal. She knows it is a cliche, but why should she feel ashamed by the overrunning of her hormones? The poor frat brothers of Alpha Epsilon Pi don’t exactly know what to do with the new crying Y/N that is always around the house. They truly like having her around. The house is cleaner because Rafe picks up after them so she doesn’t get grossed out. They actually have real food to eat because Y/N doesn’t love eating takeout all the time and Rafe wants to provide her with more nutritious meals. And she always gives the best life advice. So it’s safe to say that they are all upset at the habitually of her teary eyes. Rafe was surprised when the boys came to her with an idea on what may make her feel better and he was quick to jump in on the idea. They spent the afternoon practicing while she was away at class.
Rafe hears Y/N return and she plops down on the couch immediately to watch TV. She turns it on to see it is playing the dog commercial that always brings her to tears. He finds her with globs of water pooling at the corner of her eyes and takes her into his hold. “Come on, let us cheer you up, Angel,” he whispers into her ear. She lets him lead her into the sitting room across from the living room to find the boys all standing with their backs to her. “Dance the Night Away” by Dua Lipa starts playing and Rafe is quick to join them in the lineup. As the music plays on, the boys start dancing the dance from Barbie. Y/N’s sobs can’t help but turn into giggles at the recreation in front of her.
Rafe is obviously trying to lead the group through the group, except it is very clear that none of them has any dancing skills or the ability to keep a beat. Topper is ahead of everyone else. Kelce is always looking at everyone else to try to figure out what he is supposed to be doing. And Dylan is just doing the cha-cha slide. Nonetheless, she loves that they are doing this to make her feel better and she feels an immense love for them. Sure, some of the rumours about these boys are true, but this shows that they can care about a female and try to change for her. She believes that they can all become a gentleman in the future and this is proof. The music comes to an end and she claps with glassy eyes, which Rafe notices. He frowns, thinking their plan didn’t work and rushes to her side. “Oh, no. We just made you cry more, Angel. I’m so sorry,” he apologizes, pulling her into a hug. She shakes her head against his chest., “I’m not crying because I’m sad. I’m crying because I’m happy. This is so amazing guys. Thank you. I love you all.” The boys all shout back their love for her and squeeze her into a group hug. This leaves Rafe to tighten his hold against her to protect her from the chaos of his brothers. His mouth finds the shell of her ear, “But you love me the most, right?” She giggles and looks up at him. “Yes, I love you the most.” 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @victory-in-the-llama @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover
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no-where-new-hero · 10 months
✣ Blake Wrapped: KDrama Edition 📹
Almost exactly a year ago, I watched Goblin for the first time and loved it, as I knew I would (I am so very much the target audience for that show it’s not even funny). And when I started retagging the gifs and stuff I had reposted from that time, I saw that I tagged something with “I’m not in a kdrama phase per se, but…” Reader, I lied. The kdrama phase was just waiting dormant for its moment to overtake my life. Here’s my rough ranking of what I saw this year.
#1: Coffee Prince (2007)
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It’s a little dated, but it also has worn tremendously well considering its contemporaries, and the bones are flawless: great writing with well-rounded characters, a gorgeously evocative soundtrack, a lovable cast. It has recognizable tropes (rich boy/poor girl, second leads, deceptions, etc) but never feels cliche. Also, it’s incredibly queer. Yes, the endgame of the main pair is happily heterosexual but the male lead works through a gay awakening and the female lead is basically non-binary. Even the second couple challenge gender roles in a refreshing way. I’ve only seen it twice because of platform difficulties, but it has compelling rewatch value.
#1’ : Goblin/Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (2016)
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This show is a masterpiece. It has its weak moments here and there (one dreepy song in the OST, the female leads could be fleshed out more, some of the mythology is spit and string), but it’s such a stunning production in the whole that you don’t really get stuck on that. The cinematography is some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen in any piece of film ever, the instrumental music is unmatched, it engages with deep themes, and the interpersonal dynamics are gorgeous (I love the three-of-us-in-this-marriage feel among the mains). It’s also incredibly moving, especially in parts that you don’t expect. I’ve seen this five times and I’m still not bored of it.
#1.5: Tale of the Nine Tailed (2020)
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Considering how much I’ve yelled about this, you’d think it would be higher, and I think my overall complaint about it is that, on a craft level, it’s telling two stories: the overt story is an immortal romance, but the underneath story is about family and redemption, and that’s the story that’s the compelling one. Unfortunately, unlike the first two I listed, the theme and plot don’t always cohere as well as they could. That being said, the characters are top-notch, the cinematography and effects are great, and the atmosphere always feels just a little bit off to be properly otherworldly. It gave me my OTP and set off an obsession. I need to rewatch it and suffer all over again.
#2: Hidden Identity (2015)
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Of course, this drama is flawed, as viewers always seem to like pointing out, but I also did watch all sixteen episodes in less than 48 hours during a school week, which tells you something about its gripping pacing and structure. The episodes are, well, episodic, but the cliffhangers are fantastic, the various threads build well to the final boss, and It was also just a really well-produced show? The cinematography and fight choreography were masterfully executed, the cast really made the most of their roles, and the theme music was addictive. I was also, of course, watching it for the Plot (Kim Beom).
#2.5: Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 (2023)
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It’s hard for me to evaluate this objectively because so much of it was fan-service, but since I was the fan being serviced, how could I not like it? It lacked the chic sexiness of the first season, but it was full of sincerity and incredible characters making heart-breaking and meaningful connections with each other—the writing improved, thank goodness—and the mix of fantasy, historical drama, and western made for a really fun setting. I enjoyed the shortened structure of having only 12 episodes instead of the standard 16 since it seemed to hold the pacing to a tighter rhythm.
#3: Special Labor Inspector Mr. Jo (2019)
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Would I rewatch this? Probably not. Did I enjoy the heck out of it the first time? Absolutely. It’s a sharp, smart satire whose virtue lies in its breezy ability to entertain as a tall tale while keeping the themes and social commentary incredibly grounded. It’s amazing how a show with such cynicism could also be such fun. The cast was excellent and the plot deliberately uses familiar tropes of rich families, hired gangs, and love struggles to push through its message: Power destroys. Heroism is kindness. Sometimes all you need is one very angry and very tired gym teacher turned bureaucrat to make life better.
#4: Boys Over Flowers (2008)
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This should not be as high as it is, but there were moments I still haven’t stopped thinking about and want to see again, which means it must have had something going on, even though I’m not sure what it was. I could never tell whether it was being ridiculous and outlandish on purpose or the show runners really thought they were making serious television. Exactly two songs in the soundtrack were good, and you also had that theme song as proper paratextual warning, and the outfits were what conservative people probably thing Queer Eye is. I do see why people like it. It’s just the kind of liking you have to do while mildly intoxicated.
#5: That Winter, the Wind Blows (2013)
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This one was melodramatic to the hilt, but somehow weirdly compelling, both through the elaborate ruse that sets up the plot and through the outrageous beauty of the two leads. This is the kind of overdramatic and indulgent nonsense you sometimes want in fiction, especially when its gorgeous to look at. The male lead goes around in suspenders and nice pants looking like a 1930s gangster. His sidekick’s hair and outfit anticipates David Tennant’s Crowley by six years. The female lead’s disability was pretty sensitively portrayed. Sometimes that’s all you can ask for.
Bonus (movies): You all know my thoughts about Flight. Also going to mention Hellcats, which was absurd but also deserves full points for having a main character come out as gay for her best friend).
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lailosh · 8 months
Hope ur taking care and life's isnt to heavy on ya
So i was wondering...........u like....if u don't sharing with us
Bit of oc lore👀?
Specialy that story of urs where the gal gets reicarnated and falls in love with the prince, not sure if it has a title yet skksksk
Wanna learn more about it <3333
Hope u have a good one 💕
You want to know about...  my oc lore? Oh boy, never had anyone ask about them before ngl I'm a little nervous now (also, I'm doing great thanks for asking 💕)
Okay, alright! Let's start with some little facts about the two main characters shall we? 
Iola (it's an "i" btw), our beautiful female lead, was once your average 19 yo girl who worked at a small bakery on the outskirts of the city to support herself back when she was still on earth. She was an orphan, had a few good friends, and absolutely loved reading romance in her free time! 
One of her favorite romance novels/ webcomic actually was one about a poor noble lady who her mother insisted that she goes to the royal hall to have some fun since she never went before and and also because it was the crown prince's birthday! a big event really. And after the prince saw her at the ball, he fell in love with her and now is doing everything to be with her. A cliche story I know but Iola kept reading it because, well, the art style nice! and um... She may or may not had little crush on one of the supporting characters (that would be our guy Leonhard!).
She's not sure how it started... I mean he was handsome yes, but so was everybody else really. He also didn't have that big of a role in the story aside from protection the young lady like he prince has ordered him, but she thought it was cute how attentive and caring he was when taking care of her.
Fast-forward after a few more chapters, Iola was devastated to find out that her favorite character got killed trying protect the prince and his soon-to-be bride. So much so that she didn't notice when she accidentally turned on the kitchen stove which led to her dying in her sleep due the the leaking gas.
... Or did she? Because next thing she knows she's waking up in a completely different place surrounded by all these strange people who were sobbing and cheering about how happy they were to have her back after she's been in a coma so long.
Confused (rightfully so), she tries to ask them who are they and what's going on. But her current body is so week that she can't move a muscle or speak. Fortunately, and after some time, she slowly regained her health as well the memories of the body that she now possess.
At first, she didn't realize that she got transferred into the novel that she was reading. So she spent most of her time trying to get used her new home and the fact that she has someone to call family now (it felt so weird to her to call a strange man 'father' the first couple of times, but she got used to it... eventually).
She actually realized she was inside the novel after her father introduced her to the captain of the royal knights one day when they went out to see the horses (apparently, and her new dad was a very important nobleman who owns most of the animal farms and stables in the country).
After realizing that,  she made it her main mission to get closer to him but to also try and prevent him from dying like he did in the original novel.
Now for Leonhard! As I previously mentioned he is the captain of the royal knights, he's 23 years old, and even though he's a person of a higher rank, most people avoid interacting with him because they find him to be intimidating and scary looking because of his scars. That's why he doesn't have any real friends or any other kind of relationship with anyone (aside from the queen and the crown prince)
He used to have a family before, but his poor mother died of the plague when he was little and his father sold him to a slave master for like 3 silver coins because he didn't want to take care of him anymore.
After that Leonhard was forced to become an underground ring fighter at a very young age to survive, that went on for almost 7 years until the queen and her knights came to arrest the slave master and everyone that was involved in that incident. Recognizing his strength (and feeling sorry for the pitiful boy), the queen took him in under her care and encouraged him to become a knight to work for her.
Feeling forever in debit for the queen, he accepted her offer and did just that. training day after day none stop until he became an official knight at 15, as well as the youngest royal captain the country has ever seen at 18, and also receiving the title of fearless hero at 22 after winning a war in only 3 years.
So you could imagine his surprise and confusion when the famous ill daughter of a well known noble man suddenly appears in his life demanding to be his friend, because why would she want that? He can't understand her reasoning at all. Not to mention all the bizarre things that she does and say all the time, and yet... He can't help but feel drawn to everything about her...
Hcjskxjslkk okay I should stop now or else I'll never shut up about them hehe
But yeah! This is roughly the lore of these two! I hope that it was a little interesting and that I didn't bore you too much talking about them XD oh also! The original title for my story was going to be "let me love him!" But idk I might change it later on.
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
'It's interesting to think, maybe that was an awakening for some young gay boy who didn't quite know themselves yet, like they like the show and they like that character a lot and didn't get why. But they see him in his underwear and it's just...'
oh wow yes! re; the first underwear post. i love the idea of young gay people watching the show and having their own awakenings. that's so lovely!
it was definitely a comedic scene with mike, and it was so quick as well. but i always wonder because it was spring, not high summer. so why no pjs or even shorts? it was costume design working very very hard to tell us something about mike in as short as time as possible, showing his mindset about prioritising el's letter (for whatever reason 👀) instead of school - everything heightened to the point of sitcom almost, to the point of theatre. it shocked me, which i loved, so subconsciously by the time the byler hints started rolling in thick and fast during s4, this little scene of mike had already been planted to let us know that hey, things are gonna be bolder than you expect in all ways from now on. its almost like theyre making the viewing of the show itself, for the audience, into a coming of age experience.
i also agree with what you said about standard bras being goofy (lmao such a good word), they are, and it's linked to what i said about women being nonplussed by their own bodies and finding male attraction amusing. we also find boobs hilarious and fun to play with (as well as a pain in the ass haha), and i cant tell you the amount of guys at high school who couldnt believe that girls play with their boobs for comfort rather than to get horny. do guys ever just touch their dicks because it's comforting and feels nice rather than to actually jerk off lol?
also totally agree that underwear is hot because it's about the mystery of what's hidden. a pair of briefs IS hot on a man! but it depends on the man. for example, a body type i wouldnt look twice at when unidentified becomes so attractive when it's attached to someone i am already emotionally attracted to. likewise, my first exposure to the male body as a young teen through underwear stores/porno mags was intimidating because all i saw was this detached body part, purely sexual, no identity, and that was scary af lol
thanks for your answer! :)
I think it was definitely a scene, while primarily comedic, framed to set up in the audience's mind - Mike is growing up? He's a high schooler now, he's not a little kid. I genuinely think the underwear scene was meant to kick start his identity arc. He's older, he's reading a love letter from this girlfriend - one full of lies. He is living a lie. Even if we aren't learning that just yet. If you believe in the one-way sign/closet set decor, it was all such an interesting staging. He's exposed and it's a little bit of a shock, like the scene wasn't exactly necessary to dress him like that. Everything is a choice. We didn't have to see Mike in that state of undress, but we got it. Maybe it's because it's coming from a gay male perspective, but the scene did seem framed more towards that gaze rather than the typical female viewer (compare to Max staring at Steve shirtless through the binoculars. Stereotyping a little here, but Stranger Things does fall into cliches at times. I could be wrong! I only know what I know!). I just know for me now, these are observations I made looking back, and I didn't watch that scene and really feel any sort of way, I wasn't into Finn/Mike in that scene. BUT. Throw me back into my awkward early awakening years? Might have paused and rewound and been mad I did it, knowing why. But all in all - very very coming of age coded. Signaled a shift. Mike is our leader after all, and his growing up arc of course would also lead us.
And hahahahaha to your boobs vs. dicks point - yeahhh. Functionally dissimilar in so many ways, and both with comedic potential, but interestingly similar in solidarity with what you said. So. You bet 🤣 Bodies are goofy, humans are so weird. Thanks for a laugh haha
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rakumel · 1 year
Raku Plays Her Faves, Ys VIII: Chapter 1, Part 1
In which a totally unexpected and not-at-all foreseen or hinted at event deposited Adol on...
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Speaking of Cleanup on Isle Seven, we’re coming up pretty quickly on one of those unfortunate bumps in the story I referred to earlier. Although to be fair, it is a small one. More of an eyeroller than a dealbreaker.
“Shit, man...what did I DO last night?”
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Oh, right. Thanks, game.
There’s a rusty sword stuck in the sand nearby. Since our boy’s apparently not much in combat without a sword - even a shitty one - he picks it up. The game then suggests we get a move on.
On the next screen, Adol finds a clear stream of nice potable water, drinks some, and restores his health. The game then points out that you can restore your health just by standing still outdoors (but not in areas considered dungeons), just like in other Ys games before. This is a nice feature to have, honestly, because then you can save your limited healing items for when you really need them.
Anyway, Adol explores a little further upstream, and finds...
*weary sigh*
...an old stupid trope. Sorry, I mean he accidentally sees a lady bathing in the river. With a miraculously pristine white towel that she, uh....recovered from the shipwreck? Somehow?
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This lady is actually a pretty cool character, but you wouldn’t know it just by the introduction she gets. I originally had a kind of rant here about why this particular scene bothers me, even though it’s relatively minor and admittedly gets buried under the sheer scope of the game’s story. (As it should - the only thing better would be to not have it at all, but...) It got super long, so I copied the text, set it aside, and likely what I’ll do is make it its own post at a later time. Unless I stupidly forget.
But in short: This scene irritates me because a) this joke has been done to fucking death, b) it doesn’t do this character justice, and c) it sends the message, inadvertent or otherwise, that her most important trait isn’t that she’s smart (she is) or a good fighter (also true), but that she’s hot. It’s also disappointing because later on, there will be another character who proves that at least someone on the dev team knows how to write a strong female lead, because they absolutely get it right. Once we meet her, that’s when I’d like to do that later post.
So yes, discussion tabled. For now. Anyway, lady spies Adol, thinks he’s leering at her, she screams, slaps him offscreen, blah blah blah yadda yadda yeah we know the god damn drill so let’s move on.
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After some grumbling and getting dressed, she introduces herself as Laxia von Roswell, one of the people you may have spoken to earlier on the Lombardia. She’ll soon become the second playable character in the game, and she uses a rapier for her weapon. It’s not obvious at this point, but her combat focus will be on accuracy. (Adol’s will be on slicing, naturally, since he’s got the sword for it.) Later on the game will introduce enemies that are more susceptible to specific kinds of damage, and you’ll be needing her specialty in certain areas.
Anyhow, despite getting off to a rocky start, Laxia decides that the most sensible course of action is for the two of them to stick together for now, even though she hasn’t forgiven him for the river incident. Also she makes it abundantly clear that she doesn’t need “the likes of him” to defend her. *sigh*
Same deal as the captain, I promise you she gets better. I like to picture some doofus writing her as a cliche, then at some point a more skillful writer looks at what doofus wrote and said, “Well, that’s fucking boring. Let me show you how it’s done, junior.” Or maybe they had to placate some higher-up (”Put in a bathing scene! It’s a classic! It’ll be hilarious!” “...yeah, okay. Sure thing, boss.”) and once that was done, they could write Laxia how they wanted. Probably not the case, but...
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They find an area that’s easy to defend and beast-free, and decide it would make a good base of operations.  But while they’re scoping the place out, Laxia thinks she sees a person disappear into a nearby cave.
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This cave will become part of the home base later on, but right now the only interesting thing here is the entrance to the first dungeon, Waterdrop Cave. And like many dungeons in this game, it’s got lovely background music.
Adol and Laxia explore the small cave, and come across some old boxes, rags, and even a few treasure chests to loot. There’s a few healing items, a better sword for Adol, and some armor for both of them to equip, which they’ll be needing soon. Laxia notes that this is evidence that they’re not the first people to crash on this island, although whoever lived here probably died a long time ago. In fact...
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They find a pirate skeleton propped up against a rock, which is holding a bottle of Revive Medicine, haha. There are other pirate skeletons like this hidden in other locations in the game that are holding notes, as part of a neat little sidequest.
At this point, Laxia also explains about the Extra Gauge, which is basically a yellow circle that fills up in the lower right corner of the screen as you do damage to enemies (or after you rest). Once it’s full, any playable character can unleash a unique super move that deals a great deal of damage - it takes a while to charge, so it’s best to leave it in reserve for boss monsters, at least at first. Speaking of which....
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Just as they catch a glimpse of a person leaving the cave, this big bat monster drops down from the ceiling and attacks. That name, though. It sounds more like a medicine in a TV commercial. (”Ask your doctor today about Byfteriza. Do not take Byfteriza with alcohol, or in combination with anti-constipation medications such as Laxia.”)
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I tried to get some action-y shots of battling the creature, but this was the only one that turned out anywhere near ok. It’s in the middle of Laxia’s super attack. Every playable character has one, and each has a different name, but they all do essentially the same thing: immobilize the enemy and allows you to wail on it for several seconds without having to worry about getting hurt.
Bat Boss here can hurt a lot simply because the area in which you fight it isn’t very big, and its body slam attack might reach you even if you dodge. But otherwise there’s not really much to it. Just keep beating on it and rolling away as best you can, and eventually you’ll defeat it.
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Next time, on Ys VIII: Just who did we follow in here, anyway? Another castaway, or maybe even someone who lives here? Wherever here is? (Even though you can probably take a wild guess about that last one.)
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knyplotrewrite · 2 years
my thoughts on canon Tanjirou/Kanao (as in the ship)
(Disclaimer: Almost, if not all, of this is a scathing criticism of this ship. If you do not wish to see such or simply don’t want to see manga spoilers, press “J” on desktop of just scroll really fast to avoid it. Thanks!)
Ah, yes, one of our most favorite “she is a girl, he is a boy, can I make it more obvious” m/f couples in this series. Typical heteronormative side effects include making the female character’s development solely because the “man” spurred on her motivation to change while said man, in a romantic sense, could literally give less of a shit about her. And it sucks that until Infinity Fortress, Kanao is essentially reduced to the role of a typical cute, a little airheaded female love interest for our beloved main character and nothing else.
It is safe to say I Do Not Like this pairing.
I don’t know, maybe I’m just tired of seeing so many shounens fall into this cliche, but it is especially confusing when Tanjirou does not even meet the bare minimum requirements. He never shows any special attraction towards her. Doesn’t call her pretty, or cute, or literally anything. The closest you get is him looking at her in wonder in the Rehabilitation Training Arc and the coin tossing scene (ugh). He basically treats her like any other of his friends, which is not good if you want to write a blooming romance between two specific characters.
I will say, this has lead me to thinking Tanjirou is aroace. The way he expresses his attraction is that he doesn’t really express it at all, but I seriously doubt Gotouge wrote him this way on purpose considering the events of both the initial Chapter 205 and the reworked (fuller) ending for the manga (it also could be that they’re not good at writing slowburn romances, which is a valid point).
Not only does Tanjirou has strong aromantic coding, these two specifically have no reason to even interact. They don’t share many (or any) interests. They don’t inspire deep conversations. They don’t click. If we were to take the poorly-written romance out of this, they would literally only see each other as acquaintances, the friend of their friends. Their personalities and how they interact with people directly conflict with each other and would realistically leave them awkwardly sitting six feet apart not knowing what the hell to talk about if they were to ever have to wait for their other friends to show up to bridge the gap. And if they were to pursue a romantic relationship, it would be shallow, unfulfilling, an obligation for both of them to keep up rather than something they genuinely enjoy.
If Gotouge actually added something to make their dynamic work, maybe I would have liked it a little bit, but we’re given nothing. They haven’t convinced us that these two would ever be good friends, much less a couple. It’s just... so bad.
@gothyyy since you were curious
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the only one for me ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1493
request?: yes!
“MGK Fluff ??”
description: the endless dating rumors regarding her boyfriend start to get to her
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, insecurities
masterlist (one, two)
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Logging onto Twitter and seeing yet another dating rumor regarding my boyfriend and some famous, beautiful female was basically a daily routine at this point. It seemed to be nothing new, but that didn’t make it hurt any less every time I saw a new post about it.
The latest rumored lady to have “stolen Colson’s heart” was Megan Fox, who had starred in Colson’s latest music video. The article I was reading stated how much chemistry Colson and Megan had on set and how it was “so obvious” that they had a secret romance happening behind the scenes.
I wasn’t hurt because I believed the rumors. I trusted Colson. I knew he’d never cheat on me, but seeing all these beautiful women and seeing his fans and media outlets commenting on how cute he would look with someone else so much prettier than me really did nothing for my confidence.
I wasn’t famous, I was just your average girl who worked an average hob and went to school on the side. Due to this, Colson and I decided to keep our relationship a secret so I wouldn’t be harassed by paparazzi and fans. I appreciated the privacy I had been getting, but it did make it hard to see all these dating rumors.
This rumor got to me in a way the others hadn’t before and I had an overwhelming urge to call Colson. He was probably asleep or preparing for the show that night, but I needed to hear his voice.
I was shocked when he answered on the third ring. “Hey babe!”
I could hear a crowd on his end of the call. “Hey! What’s all the noise?”
“We’re celebrating before I go on stage.”
“Before?” I asked, teasingly. “What are you guys celebrating?”
“The Bloody Valentine video hit a million views in less than 24 hours! None of my videos have ever done that before, so we’re celebrating.”
“Oh my God, Colson that’s amazing! Congratulations!”
Someone called out to Colson on his end. I could hear him responding, but his response was muffled as I realized the voice was a female voice.
“Is that...is that Megan?” I asked.
“Yeah! We invited her since she’s the leading lady of the video.” Another comment was made by Megan, to which Colson said to me, “She says hi!”
I couldn’t respond. I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes and I was afraid Colson would hear my voice breaking if I spoke. Instead, I managed to squeak out a “gotta go” before hanging up.
As I expected, there were articles published about the video celebration, specifically about Colson and Megan. A handful of pictures were taken outside wherever the celebration was taking place of Colson and Megan laughing as he puffed on a joint. The captions posted under this picture from numerous sites and fan pages were all the same: “look how cute Megan and Colson are!”
I had to go offline for a while because I was getting more upset than I had before.
It seemed like Colson didn’t notice as much as I did, so I never really brought the issue up. I didn’t want him to think he couldn’t be friends with women, or think of me as a jealous girlfriend or anything.
But I knew he could tell something was off. He kept trying to coax it out of me, but I wouldn’t budge. I figured he would grow tired of my refusal and would let it go. The last thing I expected was to come home from work one day and find Colson waiting for me in my apartment.
“Hey!” I said when I found him sat in my living room. “What are you doing here?”
“We have a few days before the next show, so I asked to come home before then,” he said. “I wanted to talk to you.”
The six worst words to ever hear. I felt my worry rise as I approached him and sat next to him on the couch.
“What’s on your mind lately?” he asked. “I know you keep saying it’s nothing, but I can tell it’s not nothing. I’m worried about you, babe. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
I looked down at my lap as I shrugged. “It’s nothing. Just work and school, I guess.”
“Is this about Megan?”
For some reason, hearing him say her name felt like I was being stabbed through the heart. I had to bite my lip to try and hold back my tears.
“When you hung up so suddenly during the video celebration, I realized something was up,” he said. “And then you started deleting your social media accounts, or making them private, and you were acting different. It all started that night. If it’s because we invited Megan to the party, I’m sorry if that upset you. There was no underlying meanings behind inviting her, it was just because she was in the video and we decided she should be at the celebration.”
“It’s not because she was there!” I finally snapped, unable to hold myself back. “I don’t care if you’re friends with Megan, or with any woman, but I do care that everyone thinks you’re dating every female who so much as breathes in your direction. And it really doesn’t help my self-esteem to see people saying how happy you look or how cute you’d look with someone who is, like, a million times prettier than me.”
“Babe, that’s not true,” he said. “I mean, I’ve seen the rumors about me and Megan, but it’s not all the women I’m friends with - ”
I laughed, humorlessly. “No, not all of them. Just Chantal and Noah and Ash and Sommer and now Megan. So no, not all of them, just most of them.”
I could see the gears turning in Colson’s head as he thought about it. Maybe he didn’t see the same stuff I did, maybe I just saw more because of how insecure it made me. But those rumors were there, and they had been nearly our entire relationship.
“I’m sorry,” he said again. “I never realized...I don’t attention to shit like that. I never thought much about the way I acted around my female friends.”
“You treat them the way you treat the boys,” I said. “I’ve seen how you are with Ash, the two of you are just friends. But people don’t believe that men and women can just be friends so when they see men and women acting as friends, they assume that means they’re dating. There’s nothing you can really do about it.”
Colson put a hand on mine and gave it a squeeze. “You don’t believe any of that shit though, right? You know it’s all media bullshit.”
I nodded. “Yeah, of course I do. I know you’d never cheat on me. I trust you so much.”
“And you can’t possibly believe that they’re any more beautiful than you are.”
I chuckled. “Okay, that one I can’t agree to considering the person you’re currently in a dating rumor with is Megan fucking Fox. I mean, have you seen her? She’s the most beautiful woman in the world!”
“Not to me she’s not.”
I looked away from him again, feeling my cheeks heat up and a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. “You don’t mean that.”
“Of course I do.” I felt his finger gently touch my chin, lifting my head so I would look at him. “(Y/N), I hope you know you mean the world to me. You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever known, and you own my heart. You’re the only one for me and I love you more than words could ever say. I’m sorry you’ve had to witness all these stupid rumors, and I’m sorry I never noticed them so I could assure you of all of this sooner. But I mean it, you’re everything to me. I love you so much.”
The tears I had been holding back for so long finally started to fall down my cheeks. I awkwardly laughed as I tried to wipe them away, but they just kept coming. “That was so cliche.”
“You loved it, though.”
“I love you, that’s a whole different thing.”
Colson smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. Warmth filled me as my lips touched his, and it was just another reminder that he was mine. I ran my hand through his hair and leaned into him until we were both laying back on the couch.
When we finally managed to pull away from one another, Colson rested his forehead on mine. “Did you have any other plans today?”
I shook my head.
“Good, because I don’t intend on letting you leave this apartment any time soon.”
He wrapped me into a tight cuddle, and I gladly accepted these plans he had made for us.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Thanks for your show/book analysis. Just a question? Do you think they portrayed the female characters well in s2? I see that said but personally I disagree. I think all the female characters were simplified and fell into the trope territory in s2 compared to the complex characters in the books (with few exceptions). For instance Tissaia, she was made into a blind by love/manipulated by a man woman, not a strong leader. She made wrong choices in the books too, but she was multilayered. Same with Yen, she's my fave and in s1 her past was the best part but in s2 they also simplified her arc. No progress, nothing. Yes, she had the loose of power, wanted power, realizing power is not everything but didn't she realized that in s1? Wasn't her story a bit of a Hollywood cliche compared to the books which her character was very original? Philippa was following orders by Dijkstra? Why? So she can have the enpowered arc later? Another tired trope which I hate. Why can't we have women in power? And so on.
Hi Nonny!
So, the female characters in S2. I'll break down my thoughts in a list form.
Yennefer. So, I will not deny that it is very tropey to have the powerful female lose her powers. Having someone lose their powers is a popular trope, because when people are very powerful, it makes it more difficult to write obstacles. And it seems especially popular to do this to women. Women's power is always seen as dangerous, uncontrollable, and leading to nothing but evil.
And actually, as I was watching with my older sister, she was like NOOOOOOOOOO I HATE THIS (at first) because she said 'they do these things to take the powerful woman down a peg. They're gonna have her be sexually assaulted or something." And they did have Stregobor violate her mind.
And yet we were both ultimately won over by the 'losing power' story line. The thing about tropes is, even the over used ones can be good if you write it well.
And for me, what the story line did was show that Yen's specialness, her strength, her resilience, all of it resided in HER. Not her power. We saw her again, and again, and again, get out of scrapes, survive, and even save OTHER people's lives, all without her power.
When we first see Yen walking with Fringilla, she just INSTANTLY starts working the angle. Starts poking Fringilla to find out her doubts and vulnerabilities. When she is talking to Filavandrel, she's INSTANTLY just instinctively working him for their advantage.
She is a goddamn survivor and I loved to watch her go.
I love the choice she makes to flee instead of kill Cahir. That plot point is pretty thin and wobbly. Definitely don't shake that tree, it'll fall down. But the choice she makes is very Yen. And that is, if you give me two choices, I'll pick a third one and flip you off on the way out. She does not play the game. She goes outside of the game.
Then she saves Jaskier's life. (I was so fucking glad they kept her burning Rience and saving his life even though she didn't have her powers. I know it isn't as cool for a lot of people as the magical rescue, and I get that, but I was so happy they kept it.) She was resourceful and brave.
She saved Cahir's ass in the alley. (and then when that cute boy elf helps them because of his crush on her, Cahir fucking tells her...you do have use after all. I wanted to kick his shins. She just walloped those guards for you, asshole).
I didn't think it was repetitive to season one, because in season one, I really saw her as searching for who she was. Where she would find meaning. Was it Geralt? (no, he basically told her 'you're a raging ego maniac who would be a terrible mom. also, yes, I hid my wish from you. I understood why she left.) Was it Istredd (no, we knew that wasn't gonna happen. Yen ain't following you around to be a science nerd) and was it a baby? (that didn't work either.) To me, when she stood up at Sodden, she realized who she was meant to be. She was meant to be a hero.
But when we see her in S2, we see that she associated that act of heroism with her magic. But it wasn't her magic! It was her willingness to be there. To take a stand! That was her true power. And I think that's what she learns this season.
Now, all that being said, I absolutely despise what they had her do to Geralt and Ciri with my whole entire heart. They had her betraying them and playing Voleth Meir's game. What? No! Yen is a fucking rebel. She doesn't get pushed into a) and b) choices. Come on now. Even the symbolism and full circle of her bleeding for Ciri could not make up for or undo that for me. But if I start with that, I'll breathe fire and write a novel about it. It hate it. We'll just leave it at that.
Also, yeah, I hated what Stregobor did to her. And though I was happy Tissaia helped her, I wanted her to HURT him way more than throwing him against a wall. But again, to me, the vast majority of that plot was letting her shine as a person, to show how extraordinary and brave and strong she is without her magic. So I was good with that. Just don't get me started on what she did to Ciri.
Tissaia. Ok, so Tissaia is my baby. And I thought Myanna Buring KNOCKED it out of the fucking park. I love that she got to be the face of grief for Yen. I think it's interesting (and though not in book character necessarily) that she basically tortured Cahir. Because watching her grief and having her deliver that line make the hair on my neck stand up.
Fun fact (sorry if you already know) those menacing lines that she delivers to Cahir? Those are actually said by Philippa, to someone else, in the books. Fucking with someone's mind is a whole lot more Philippa than Tissaia. But I have let go of expecting book Tissaia in favor of just being in love with Myanna Buring's performance. Her unhinged grief was such a highlight of this season for me.
I loved that her relationship with Yen is very very intense but still, complicated. Not exactly healthy. I just like watching the dynamic. Again, defo not book Tissaia, but their chemistry is electric for me. I think you can leave behind the book if you create something compelling on it's own. And I think Tissaia is. I think they do something really interesting with her.
Now, the big caveat here is that I agree with you about Vilgefortz, but we'll see how it plays out on Thanned. Tissaia makes the choices she makes in Time of Contempt because she BELIEVES IN THE BROTHERHOOD. She TRUSTS them. She is a true believer. And the fact that this is her undoing is poetic and very powerful to the themes of the witcher.
If they are doing that romance so that her choices are motivated or influenced by romantic feelings for a man, and being gullible about him, oh god, that is WAY WAY WAY less fucking interesting and thematic. It is sooooooo reductive and cringey to me. So, I don't know if that is the way they are headed, but it looks like it. And I will be severely, severely disappointed if that's how it plays out on Thanned.
Fringilla. So again, yes, we have a big trope that could be seen as sexist. I will not deny that. We learn Fringilla's motivation for going to Emhyr. And it is the fact that she was sexually assaulted repeatedly, and he saved her.
Lots and lots and lots of people hate this. Want to explain a woman's choices? Want a shortcut to seeing that she is strong? Need an insta backstory? Rape. Want her to be loyal to a man? Have him save her from rape.
But like all tropes, it isn't bad to write it in and of itself. Many people appreciate characters who have been through abuse and persevere, in whatever way that is. When she was sleeping poorly, I called it instantly. Because I recognized it. So. I think it is completely legitimate to either go oH GOD REALLY? I'M SO TIRED OF THIS? and it's EQUALLY completely legitimate to say, I saw myself in her and I like and deserve to feel seen.
So, I don't know. That is very personal, and I wouldn't tell anyone how to feel about it.
But I was compelled by her challenge managing the city. I was compelled by her relationship with Francesca. Her face when the baby is born warmed my heart. Her conversation with her Uncle, I thought this was all interesting and not stereotypical at all.
There were some things I didn't understand at all. I won't say the plot was airtight. I don't expect prestige television from Netflix at this point. But, I thought they created a compelling, strong, (meaning written strongly) female character.
Francesca. Ok, I'm doing this in descending order of how interesting their character arc is. I thought Francesca was excessively naive. She was a leader, which is great. But for me personally, her arc of losing her baby then killing babies is part of a pretty underwhelming trend lately of 'grieving mother = murderer'.
It was in The Umbrella Academy this season. It was in the Multiverse of Madness in Marvel. I am a mother. I get what they're going for. The love of a mother is so strong and the grief of separation from your child or loss of your child is so unthinkable, people can do unhinged things.
However, it doesn't work for me at all.
The power of a mother's love is the greatest force on earth. (Please, no one tell me there are exceptions and some mothers are abusive and unloving. I'm well aware. I have one of those for a mother. I am speaking in generalities and as my own experience as mother.) So. Mother's love. Strongest force in the universe. Can result in violence from the gentlest people.
It's like writers forget that a mother's grief is the result of LOVE. IT EXISTS BECAUSE OF LOVE IT IS BIRTHED BY LOVE. And a mother's love turns deadly when it is in DEFENSE OF THE CHILD. It isn't just a short trip to murder-innocent-people-ville in ways that are not gonna help your child in any way.
I am not compelled. It does not compel me. I think it's a really reductive model of motherhood and a low effort character arc.
But I loved the casting, and it wasn't all bad.
Philippa. I'll admit I do not know what the fuck they are doing. Who is that dude? It ain't Djikstra. And we saw her for a flash of a heartbeat. Again, obsessed with the casting. Primo casting. But I guess we'll wait to see if they do better by her next season. Philippa is supposed to be a morally gray, deeply ambitious, gutsy, conniving leader with biting wit and lots of jokes about being lesbian. I hope we still get that.
I just realized I haven't mentioned Triss. I'm afraid Miss Merigold would take me another fifty pages to put my thoughts down so I'll stop here.
But I think the way they wrote the women was good and bad. But it was mostly good. I loved that they gave them a genuine friendship. I get tired of the constant cattiness in the books. Like. I get it. Sorceresses. Politics. But I find it exhausting after awhile. And I find a more complex relationship inclusive of friendship is more interesting.
So. My opinion, the tl:dr is, while the dated or cliche gender tropes were there, they were written well enough that they did the characters justice for the most part.
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You’re the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I’m singing (l.h)
Pairing: Luke Hemmings X Fem!Reader
Summary: Luke needs help writing a song, luckily you’re there to help him. You just hope your feelings for him won’t interfere in the writing process.
Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst if you blink. The reader uses she/her pronouns. Language, invasion of privacy, unprotected sex (don’t do it guys) oral female reciving. Maybe some grammatical errors (English it’s not my first language, sorry)
Word count: 4.5k
Author’s Note: Hello ✨ I’ve been working with this Luke piece since August and I finally stop procrastinating in order to finish it 🎉 Reblogs, comments, feedbacks and likes are always welcome and encouraged! I love to hear from you guys ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻
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He did it.
After almost two weeks of not getting anything good out of his head Luke finally beat the writer’s block.
He jumped out of his seat in the island kitchen and ran towards his music room with a very excited Petunia walking behind him with her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Luke grabbed his notebook and started writing as soon as his ass hit the cushions of the little sofa he had there, getting already lost in the sound.
His eyes filled with joy as he wrote down the melody, muttering some words to go along with it and bobbing his head as the rhythm got better and better. He couldn’t feel prouder.
It wasn’t like him to have such a strong writer‘s block, whenever it happened his band mates were there to help him get through it. However, this time they weren’t here, they were still at the studio where he was supposed to be.
It was an unanimous decision, they all new Luke wasn’t at his best, always getting frustrated and closing himself up to others, refusing any help until he could come up with something on his own, so they recommended him to rest at home for a couple days before he totally burns out and, reluctantly, he agreed.
But all of that self pity ended now that he got a melody going on and a few lyrics written down. To say that he was in cloud nine was an understatement.
A few moments later his phone started ringing. He was doing so well that he didn’t think to answer it until he saw your name pop up.
“Leech!” He said with a smile once he picked up.
You scrunch your nose at the old nickname. You have known the man for at least 19 years and he still refuses to let go of the fact that you didn’t want to be his friend at the beginning because someone told you boys had leeches hidden in their pockets.
But, alas, you knew the nickname was not going anywhere so you decided to ignore it just this time “Hello, Hems!”
“I’m so glad you called! Just in time, actually” He said cheerfully.
“Well someone sounds happy for a change” You chuckled “What’s gotten you so amicable today, love?”
“I can’t tell you over the phone, you need to come in order to know what it is” Luke teased, not needing to see your face to know that you were rolling your eyes at him.
You chuckled again “Good thing I’m on my way then with some pizza. I’ll be there in approximately one Jonas Brothers’ song”
He laughed “You’re too good to me”
You sighed when he ended the call just a few seconds later “Only if you knew…”
You hated the cliche of falling for your best friend, but in your defense: your best friend was Luke Hemings, how could you not?
Once “Lovebug” ended you found yourself parking in his driveway. You shook your head at the irony of it all as you grabbed the pizza box and headed to the door. You were about to knock when suddenly he opened the door, flashing you one of his signature smiles that made your tummy feel weird.
“Were you waiting by the door?” You asked as you extended your arm to give him a side hug, which he gladly took and hugged you back, bringing you even closer to him. You just hoped he couldn’t feel the loud beatings of your heart.
“By the window, actually” Luke laughed as he took the pizza box from you and walked to the kitchen, placing it on top of the counter “I just can’t wait to show you what I got!”
You could see how excited he was, the gleam in his eyes was everlasting as he talked and his smile reached his eyes with ease, making little wrinkles appear by the sides of them. You smiled back at him and nodded, letting him lead the way.
He quickly took your hand, almost running as he guided you to his mini studio. You sat on his sofa, petting Petunia as he accommodated himself and his guitar.
“I figured it out!” Luke said with pride in his eyes “I conquered the block!”
“Luke that’s amazing!” You knew he was struggling a lot lately, that was one of the main reasons you checked up on him more often this past few weeks “Omg, I can’t wait to hear it!”
Luke nodded and wasted no time in starting playing his new song.
“I thought I had it all, thought I let you go. But truth be told, I’m just a fool in a one man show”
You listened carefully to what he was saying, loving the lyrics already before you started noticing something weird in the melody… there was something familiar in it, but you couldn’t pinpoint what.
“The secrets I held. The lies I told myself. All were worth it cause it meant I get to see your face”
Once the chorus started, you knew where you’ve heard this before.
Luke was staring at you the whole time since he started singing, wanting nothing more than his best friend’s approval, but was met with your concerned face as he continued.
“I never give you away, cause I’ve already made that mistake. If-“ He stopped completely when he saw the way you were looking at him “You hate it.”
“What?” You asked, taken by surprise by his hurt face.
“You can tell me if it’s bad, you know? I won’t get mad or anything but-“
You cut him off, shaking your head as you place your hand on his thigh “No, Luke. It’s not that at all”
“Then what, Y/N?” He said, putting his guitar away from him “Cause you don’t give me that look unless you’re feeling somewhat uncomfortable. I know the lyrics need arrangements and-“
“Luke!” You interrupted his rambling one again, knowing how he gets when he’s flustered “The lyrics are fine! Everything is fine! I really liked that last line you sang. But…”
You sighed “Let me show you something”
You took your phone out of your bag and started searching through your songs until you found what you were looking for “Please, don’t be mad” You begged with a sigh as you pressed play on one of Taylor Swift’s songs.
Luke didn’t understand what you were talking about until he heard the first few chords of the song. His eyes winded as plates as he listened to the melody he swore he just invented out of the blue, a deep disappointment came across him at the realization he just repeated a melody that someone else already created.
You paused the song when you noticed his expression change all of the sudden. The gleam in his eyes completely disappeared as a dark gloom clouded his blue irises “Luke?” You asked, but the tall blonde was already getting up and started walking out of the studio “Luke!”
You followed him into the hall, where you could catch a glimpse of him tugging on his curls and cursing to himself. You called his name again with no avail, he wasn’t listening as he drowned in self pity and embarrassment.
“I should’ve known!” He said loudly this time “Fuck! It was too good to be true”
“It’s okay, Lu-“ You tried, but he quickly turned around and cut you off.
“It’s not okay, Y/N!” He yelled, making you take a step back. It wasn’t like him to get so angry to the point of yelling, but you can’t say that you don’t understand his frustration “When is plagiarism ever okay?! I’m such a fucking idiot”
“Hey, no, no, no, no, no” You interrupted, standing on your tiptoes to grab him by his shoulders and make him look at you “You won’t talk about my best friend like that”
Luke looked away, not wanting to meet your eyes at this moment. So you took matters into your own hands, literally, and placed your palms on his cheeks, softly squeezing them together and forcing him to look at you “The song is great” You said “Yes, the melodies are similar but you can work on that. You’re Luke Hemmings for crying out loud!”
He placed his hands over yours and pushed them away in a soft movement, not letting go of you as he did “Well, Luke Hemmings can’t write a song even if his life depended on it” He sighed, more calmed now “I don’t know what to do! I don’t even know if there is something I could do”
You thought for a second “Maybe not,” You said “But there might be something we could do”
Luke furrowed his eyebrows “Huh?”
“Yeah,” You nodded “I know I basically know nothing about melodies and composing a song. But I know a lot about poems and writings!” You said with a smile “I also know that you’ve been having a rough time lately and I just want to help in every way I can. I hate to see you like this, Luke. Let me help you?”
He stared at you and immediately knew that he couldn’t say no to your pleasing eyes. The fact that you wanted to help him took him by surprise, but he should’ve known, you have the biggest heart on earth and he knew he could count on you, always. Hell, you even moved to another continent to support him and his friends. You were always there for him, always taking care of him while also making fun of him and just being the best friend there is. And now you wanted to help him get over his writer's block? He could kiss you right now!
“Woah, slow down tiger” You laughed “We need to make a song first”
Did he say that out loud? Oh shit.
“I- just. Um-“ He rambled, trying to hide the pink that colored his cheeks “Thank you”
You just nodded and walked towards the kitchen, part of it because you were still hungry, but in reality it was to hide the way you couldn’t stop smiling.
“C’mon, Hems! Time to write a song”
You have seriously underestimated the whole writing and composing process of a song. How could Taylor Swift make it look so easy?!
It’s been almost a week and you have been staying with Luke 24/7 locked inside his little studio as you revise song idea after song idea, going back and towards without really going anywhere and only getting out to walk Petunia, eat and go to the bathroom. Once one of you gets too tired you decide to take a nap in Luke's bedroom like you always do since you were kids. None of this served as much help to calm down your feelings towards the tall Australian. In fact, you are almost sure they grew stronger than before.
You couldn’t help but get lost in him. Every subtle movement he makes; how he licks his lips and bites them every time he is concentrating on something; how his fingers move so smoothly on the guitar or the piano; how he hums to himself in that melodic voice that gives you chills everytime you listen to it… But there is also the way his eyes linger on you for more than a second; how he lays his head on your shoulder and starts playing with your hand; how he cuddles with you at night and always gives you one kiss on the cheek every morning and every night. He’s got you hooked and he doesn’t even know it.
“What do you think of this, little leech?” The oblivious man called, making you break away from your thoughts as he played some notes on the piano.
It was a sweet melody, melancholic but comforting.
“So we are settled that it’s going to be a balad?” You ask once he's done.
He pressed his lips together in a fine line “Not sure, feels like it’s missing something”
“Almost like a breakdown of other instruments, right?” You ask and he smiles.
“It’s almost like you can read my mind, love”
You smiled, hiding your blushed cheeks from his sight as your gaze drifted back to your little notebook of poems. And, almost without noticing, you start humming.
“Mmmh, Hope and I pray, darling that you will stay… butterfly lies..”
“Take them away” Luke finishes for you. He slowly gets up and sits right next to you, placing his head on your shoulders as you close your book “You’re really good with this,” He said, interlocking his fingers with yours “Why won’t you let me see more of your writings?”
He lifted his other hand to try to snatch the book out of your hands, but you were faster and put it out of his reach “Cause! It’s private” You laughed “Don’t want you to laugh at me or something”
“I could never laugh at you,” He said softly.
You turn your head to the side and almost choke on air as you notice his proximity, making you hyper aware of his breath on your lips and the way he was looking into your eyes, almost like if he wanted to say something but didn’t have the words to do it.
“Luke, I-“ You said in a whisper, his eyes fixed on your lips as he hummed “I- I think I’m a little bit hungry…” You lied, not knowing exactly what to do.
Luke just looked at you and nodded, not hiding his disappointment as he separated himself a little bit so you could both head out to the kitchen. Once there, he went to the stereo and connected his phone so you could have a more relaxing atmosphere.
You started making dinner, nothing too elaborate but complicated enough so you could focus on that rather than what just happened between you two. You knew you were just friends to him, so this new change in his demeanor was surprising and confusing to say the least.
Suddenly, your favorite song started playing. It was an old jazz song that reminded you of home and soon enough you found yourself humming along.
Luke stared at you as you prepared the meal, completely awestruck as he heard you sing softly along the lyrics. He smiled to himself and walked up to you, offering you his hand before asking: “Dance with me?”
You chuckled as you took his hand and let him guide you to the living room. He placed his hand on your lower back as he held your palm with the other one. You placed your free hand on his shoulder and let him guide you through the melody, already feeling the beating of your heart go ten times faster than it should.
You softly placed your head on his chest, relaxing as you felt the vibrations of his soft voice singing along as you slowly danced together.
“I like this” He murmured while his hand caressed your back and his chin rested on your head, placing a little kiss to it.
“Me too”
You got out of the shower and put on one of Luke’s shirts, ready to get on the bed and let all your thoughts rest for the day as you drift to sleep. You sighed as you looked in the mirror and tried to calm your feelings down, hoping that this time your heart will listen.
You headed to Luke’s room, wanting nothing more than to lay down and relax. But you never expected to see what you saw.
When Luke noticed that you had came into the room he quickly closed your notebook and placed it on your side of the bed, hoping that you didn’t realize what he was doing.
“Luke, what the fuck!?” You asked in an angry tone as you walked to the bed and grabbed your notebook in your hands “I told you this was private! How could you betray my trust like that?!”
Luke looked terrified, he never liked you angry, especially if you were angry at him. He tried to speak, but you quickly turned around and started grabbing all your things and put it in the bag you brought to stay over.
“Wha-What are you doing?” He asked confused.
“I’m going home” You said in a huff, turning around to put on your leggings and shoes.
“What?!” Luke jumped from his side of the bed and almost ran to you “Y/N, please. I’m sorry! I didn’t know it meant that much to you!” You ignored him “Please don’t go! It was a mistake, I’m sorry!”
You glared at him “I asked you not to do it! God, Luke! This is a total invasion of my privacy. Best friends don’t do that to each other!”
You tried to walk past him, but he quickly grabbed your arm and made you stop “Well best friends tell each other everything, don’t you think?!” Now he seemed angry as well.
“What haven’t I told you?!”
Luke rolled his eyes, letting go of your arm “Uh, I don’t know! Maybe the fact that you are in love with someone and you didn’t tell me?!”
You were taken aback by his words, furrowing your brows in confusion. He took your silence as a sign to continue.
“The poems, the writings you have there… They are beautiful and heartbreaking, Y/N” He explained, much more calmed “All those words are impossible to write unless you feel what you are writing. The message is right there, clear as water and you didn’t want me to read it. Why?”
His blue eyes seemed like a storm when he looked at you. You could tell he was hurting from all of this, couldn’t he tell who those writings are for?
“Why do you think? You blabbering idiot?” You asked softly, eyes meeting the floor, hoping he got the message.
Luke’s whole demeanor softened and he took in your words. His heart was beating fast as he took two steps to be completely in front of you.
He cupped your cheeks into his hands and made you look at him, telling you everything you need to know with just one look.
“Luke-“ He didn’t have you time to respond as he captured your lips with his, making you drop your stuff to the ground as you started kissing him back.
You placed your hands on the back of his head, softly caressing his curls as he deepened the kiss, parting your lips so he could explore your mouth as he wished for so many years now and making you let out a soft moan as he did so.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this” He said, kissing you once again “I thought I was being too obvious”
You chuckled “Well, not obvious enough, Hemmings” You pecked his lips one more time.
He smiled into the kiss as he let his hands wander down your back, softly squeezing your ass as he started walking you towards the bed, letting you fall delicately as he hovered over you.
You whimpered as you felt his lips trailing down your jaw and neck, sucking lightly and leaving marks wherever he went.
“Luke, what-?” You moaned, tangling your fingers around his curls and pulling him up to meet your gaze “What does this mean for us? What does this make us?”
Without wasting a breath he said confidently “I want to make you mine, love. If you let me, would you be mine? And I’ll be yours”
You looked at him in the eyes and you swore you’d never fallen harder than this.
You nodded “I was always yours, my love”
Luke smiled as he cupped your cheek with one of his hands, bringing your lips together in a kiss filled with love, passion and need. All that you guys ever wanted from each other.
You could feel his other hand wandering around under your/his shirt, softly caressing your breast and making you moan.
“Can I take this off, love?” He asked, playing with the hem of your shirt.
You nodded and wasted no time in getting rid of the fabric, throwing it somewhere around the room before his lips started marking his way down your neck again, this time with hunger as he trailed down from your throat to your breast, kissing one of them as his hand massaged the other, switching from time to time so none of them gets neglected for long.
Your soft moans and whimpers were music to his ears as he felt his erection growing harder with every little breath that came over your mouth. You could feel his erection through his pants, making you groan as you moved your hips to get some kind of friction where you needed it the most.
Luke noticed your little desperate movements and smirked as he let his hand travel down your stomach, ghosting over your sensitive bund over your clothes.
“Is this okay?” He asked when his fingers started pulling down the waistband of your leggings and panties.
“Yes,” You whimpered “Yes, Luke. Please”
You lifted your hips to help him take off your clothes completely, leaving you naked under him.
Luke sucked on a breath and moaned once he got a glimpse of your naked body “So perfect” He whispered, kissing your forehead “So beautiful” He kissed your lips, only to continue kissing down on your body till he reached your aching pussy “So wet for me, my love” He moaned before placing a kiss on your clit, making you thrust your hips at the sudden touch.
He grabbed your hips and pin them down as he started fucking into you with his tongue. Sucking and licking at all the right spots in a rhythm that made you see stars.
You grabbed onto his curls and brought him closer to you. Moaning his name over and over again “Luke,” You pant “I need more, Luke. Please”
Luke got the message as he added a finger to his ministrations, pumping in and out of your entrance “Is this good, Y/N?” But his question was answered by a sinful moan of yours “Talk to me, love” He said, adding another finger.
“Fuck! So good, Luke” You moaned, letting your head fall on the soft pillow “So. Fucking. Good”
He continued to pump his fingers into you at a fast pace while his mouth was locked on your clit, sucking and licking it with delight like it was his favorite meal. Groaning as he felt you clench around his digits when he hit one special spot inside you “Are you close, beautiful?”
You whimpered and nodded in return, not being able to form a coherent sentence at this moment of pure ecstasy.
“Cum for me, my love” He said, kissing the inside of your thigh and speeding his pace “Cum all over my fingers” And so you did.
Luke groaned as he felt your juices drip past his fingers and onto the mattress, swearing that he’s never seen such a prettier sight than your face right now.
You whined as he pulled his digits out of you, but the tight knot in your belly grew as you heard him pulling out his pants and sliding back between your legs.
His face was mere inches from yours once he settled back on the bed and on top of you. You smiled.
“Hi” You said, trying to catch your breath after your first orgasm.
“Hey” He smiled, kissing your forehead and pressing his against yours “Are you sure you want this?” He asked “Its okay if you don’t and we can stop whenever you-“
You shut him off with a kiss “I want this” You said in a whisper “I want you”
That was all the confirmation he needed. Slowly he started sliding into you, making you both moan because of the stretch.
“Are you okay?” He asked, stopping when he saw your face wincing in pain.
You nodded “So big, need a minute” You said. Luke understood and started pepper kissing your face, not leaving any space untouched until you gave him the go-to to keep going.
Luke groaned as he bottom down, giving you a minute to get used to his length. You were moaning his name as you felt him deep inside you, quickly replacing the pain with pleasure.
“Move. Please, Luke” You begged.
He started moving his hips at a slow pace, not wanting to hurt you if he went too hard too fast. It was only when you wrapped your legs around his waist and brought him closer to you that he got the message.
“Faster, fuck. Please, go faster!” You moaned into his ear. Every little sound you made going straight to his cock, quickening the pace as he started fucking you fast and rough.
Your moans became higher pitch as you got closer and closer to your climax. Your nails ran down his back, leaving red trails for you to trace later.
“Fuck, Y/N” Luke groaned “I’m so close, love”
His hips started thrusting relentlessly, chasing his climax as well as yours, making the bed hit the wall with every thrust of his hips.
“I’m gonna cum” You moaned with every move of his hip “I’m gonna cum, Luke. Oh god”
You let out a pornographic moan as you felt your walls clench around his cock, letting go all over him as you tried to catch your breath in all your euphoria.
Soon enough you felt Luke’s thrusts become sloppy and harder, twitching inside you as he painted your walls with his release as he moaned your name over and over again.
He grabbed your cheek and pulled your face closer to him so you could kiss as you ride down your highs, whispering sweet praises to each other as he pulled out of you and cuddled you close.
“That was…”
“I know”
You both laughed softly as Luke kissed your cheek and got up to bring a warm cloth to clean you up and also grabbing a shirt so you could sleep more comfortably. He laid down beside you and pulled you closer to him, kissing the shell of your ear until you both drifted to sleep.
You woke up a couple of hours later, feeling the other side of the bed cold as ice. You looked for Luke around the room but were unable to find him. The wheels in your head started turning as you looked around the room, that’s when you heard the soft sound of the piano playing in the background.
With a shake of your head you got up and started making your way to the grand piano he had in his living room and, sure enough, Luke was sitting there writing the song.
“Inspiration struck?” You asked, making him jump at the sound of your voice.
He visibly relaxed as he saw you walk up to him in nothing but his shirt “Needed to write it down” He said, kissing your lips as you sat next to him.
You looked at the music sheets he got scattered around “You almost finished? How?”
“Turns out I just needed my muse by my side. Admitting my love for her was the only thing I needed to finally get everything right again”
You blushed at his words and pulled him closer for another kiss “Will you sing it to me?” He nodded.
“Lover of mine..”
Tag: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof
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dollfaced-erin · 4 years
Not So New Afterall (Sdv Sebastian x F!Reader)
A/n: Hi! Hi!! Rin here again! It’s been quite a while since I’ve written, and this may be one of my last chapters before I got on a hiatus. School’s opening up soon, and I’m a hostel student. Currently, this is my last year, so by the end of this year, I’ll be updating lots more! (And playing alot more Stardew valley hehe)
This chapter may be more Abigail centered, since the friendship between the two is really necessary for the plot.
Ah, one more thing, the clothing choices will be based on a mod in Stardew Valley, cute seasonal clothing for NPC’s
Oh plus, Sebastian’s gonna be that emo jerk, ya hear me? Don’t go coming at me for that please :’)
It’s been a few weeks since (Y/n) had moved in, and apparently, had been settling in just nicely. Not only was she doing well with the farm, she was starting to get along with the all the villagers of Pelican Town. Especially the bachelors and bachelorettes around her age. 
Namely, Abigail and Sam.
Speaking of the duo, they had been hanging out with (Y/n) whenever she was free. But she seldom was, since she had to maintain her income by doing other work such as fishing, mining for mineral goods and doing odd-jobs for those around the town and they respected her.
Sebastian too hasn’t seen her recently, except during the moments she come to his house to talk to Robin about the farm buildings when he comes out to get lunch (or breakfast, for his case), or when she passes by on her way to the mines when he was taking a smoke. She would always slip in a brief hello and the two would exchange a few words before she was well on her way.
(Y/n) wasn’t always one to take a breather, not when she has so many things to take care of. Harvey apparently told Maru who told Robin, who told Sebastian, who told Sam, who told Abigail that (Y/n) had passed out numerous times from exerting herself too much. So the two put their heads together to get her to relax a little. 
Abigail was staring out into the clear blue stream that flowed beneath the stone bridge she stood on. The fish were swimming happily beneath her and she smiled in delight. Oh how she wished she could be as carefree as the fish. 
“Ah! I got it!” a familiar voice exclaimed from behind her. 
Abigail whipped her head around, her purple locks swaying as she did, as she turned around to see her (h/c) friend with a bamboo pole clutched in her hands. 
“Oh, wow! It’s a big one!” Abigail shrieked in excitement, her green eyes shining with pure joy. “Come on, (Y/n)! You got this!” she cheered, her hands in determined fists as she watched her friend reel in the marine life. 
“Ah!” (Y/n) exclaimed, as she successfully reeled in a silver-grade Shad. 
“You did it!” Abigail cheered childishly. Then, she stopped as her face beamed red. It was quite rare of her to have an outburst like this, she was usually so reserved to people she didn’t really know. 
She glanced at the (s/c) girl next to her, who was quite pleased with her catch. But ever since this girl moved in, she, without a doubt had shared her interests with the said girl, leading to many long and exciting conversations. 
Abigail admits that (Y/n) is a worthy as a cool enough gal to hang out with the gang.
“Yo, (Y/n). Me and the gang are hanging out at the Saloon tonight. You down?” Abigail asked with occasional her city-girl slang. (Y/n)’s head whipped around to face her, her (e/c) eyes gleaming. “You and the gang? You mean Sebastian and Sam?”
Abigail nodded as she let out a slight chuckle. “You bet. It’s some kind of tradition for us, and I thought maybe you should join us sometime,” Abigail invited as she flashed a quirky smile with her pearl white teeth.
She was hoping so bad in her heart that the girl would say yes, she really wanted some girl time with another female after so long with only boys. Agh, that must have sounded so bad, she scolded herself. She was literally gonna die if (Y/n) said no after she had put up that ‘macho’ front.
“If the boys don’t mind me around, sure why not? I could use some sweet free time, with my bestie,” said (Y/n) as she nudged her elbow with the purple-haired lady, a similar teasing smile on her lips. 
“Great! Meetup starts at 5, game starts 30 minutes after,” Abigail said. (Y/n) nods her head, “Thanks, I’ll head on right over after settling my shipments for the day! Can’t go on without making progress on the farm, huh?” 
The two parted, leaving Abigail to look at her reflection one last time in the crystal clear river, before heading off to the game room of the Stardrop Saloon. Her smile was so wide, she got lots of odd stares from her parents, since she was such a cold and shut-out girl, and to see her like this really shocked her parents. 
“Honey, what’s got you in such a mood?” Caroline asked, as she passed her daughter as she lent Evelyn a hand whilst tending the community gardens. “Ah, it’s...it’s nothing, Mom!” Abigail said, her smile immediately morphing into one of shock.
“Is it Sebastian, Robin’s son?” Caroline teased, making Abigail shake her head furiously. “No, Mom! It’s not him!” she protested, her face getting slightly redder. 
“Hmm, then I don’t suppose it’s that charming farmer that hung out with you a moment ago?” the green-haired lady teased once more.
 “Uh-(Y/n)?! No! It’s really not!” Abigail protested more, more aggressively once more, realizing her mom was spot on. The woman laughed lightly at her daughter whilst the young woman stormed off in frustration. 
“I know it’s both of them,” Caroline smiled delightfully. Maybe the farmer’s presence really would bring a good change to the community, and most importantly, to her daughter.
“You said (Y/n) was joining us?” Sam said ecstatically as he plopped down on the red sofa in the corner of the arcade room. Abigail nodded triumphantly, since Sam had been trying to really hard to strike up an interesting conversation between the two before it fades down to awkward silence.
“I’m telling you, she’s this really cool girl type. She won’t let your conversation die down!” Sebastian heard the female tell, as soon as he stepped into the Saloon. 
“Yo, Seb!” Sam greeted, raising a hand, as the male responded similarly, before tucking his hands into his pockets of his hoodie once more. “So, who’s one to not let your story die, huh, Abby?” Sebastian teased, indirectly telling her just how loud she was.
“It’s not that frequent I hear you praising someone so generously,” he said, plopping himself right next to Sam. Abigail huffed and crossed her arms, “Oh, come on, Seb! You know she’s an out-going person,” she said before her expression morphed into one of teasing. 
“Oh, right. You don’t spend much time out of your room to know about the outside,” she teased, making an irk mark appear on Sebastian’s forehead. “Excuse me? I’m working my butt off from programming, mind you,” he said.
“Hey, (Y/n)!” Gus greeted, and a loud hello from Emily.
“It’s rare to see you here, but how’re you doing?” Pierre asked, as the said girl entered their vision. It seems that she had groomed and cleaned herself thoroughly before coming, her (h/c) hair slightly shiny from water, and her bright skin that was earlier much redder from heavy-duty. Her clothes also seemed to have changed from her dirt marred blue pants and black shirt to a white shirt with a light blue jacket and light blue skirt.
“I’m doing great! The seeds I got are sprouting just nicely!” the girl praised, earning a hefty laugh from Pierre.
After greeting those that have called out to her, she made her way over to the trio that had invited her over. “Wow, didn’t know she was this well-known since she’s new and all,” Sebastian muttered.
“Haven’t you heard? Mayor Lewis put (Y/n) in charge of mending the old community center, and everyone’s buzzing about it!” Sam said, quite surprised at his friend’s reaction. “She’s starting to get on great terms with my mom, and Vincent totally likes her,”
Abigail nodded in agreement, “Yeah, Dad has been boasting that (Y/n)’s been preferring our goods over Joja’s,” she said making Sebastian scoff lightly. 
“New and already a people-pleaser?” Sebastian said, quite sour with how easy (Y/n) managed to round everyone’s attention within a small time span.
Sam slapped his back in a friendly way, “Hey, sooner or later you’re gonna have fun with her too,” Sam said. Typical Sam, a cliche optimistic guy.
“I’ll see if she’s a good enough lass to hang around,” he said as he stood up and picked up his personal favourite cue stick. “Let’s see how well she plays pool,” he said, a slight smirk on his face making colour drain from Abigail and Sam’s faces. 
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late! I picked up a few things I wanted to hand out,” the girl said as she racked a hand into a small pouch. (Y/n) then approached Abigail and gestured a hand.
Abigail was legit scared that (Y/n) would put something she hated like...like spiders. But (Y/n) laughed it off and said she wouldn’t stoop that low. The said girl placed a fistful of cold small...things on the pale girl’s hand.
When she released her hand, turns out (Y/n) had placed a fistful of Amethysts in her hand. “I saw this in the mines and thought about your purple hair, do you like it?” she asked.
“Like it? I love it! You’re the absolute best, (Y/n)!” Abigail gushed before the multi-job farmer turned to Sam. 
“I heard from your mom you love this, and I got plenty,” (Y/n) said as she produced a tin of Joja cola and handed it to Sam. “Yo, thanks! I really like this! Thanks a whole bunch, (Y/n)!” 
“And, Sebastian!” she said, as she held her fist behind her back, her other hand fiddling with her pouch. “Don’t think you can be friends with me that easi--” he was cut off by a forceful pull taking his arm and stretching it out, the palm open. 
“Ah, you were already waiting for something?” the girl teased, making the other two snicker as the ravenette’s face turned red and looked away. “N-no,” he stuttered as he felt something warm then cold press into his palm.
He looked back into the open hand, a lovely crystal blue item resting on it, other than the slender body part that held his hand. A frozen tear. Sebastian looked at (Y/n) in disbelief. But the latter just smiled cheekily.
“I reached level 53 in the mines yesterday, and saw this little beauty. Looks like you, don’t you think?” she asked, a playful smirk on her lips as her gaze lingered to her feet. 
Sebastian’s eyebrow lifted, as he expected the girl to continue what she was saying. “Small, and cold, don’t you agree?” she teased as Abigail and Sam burst out laughing. 
Sebastian’s eyebrows furrowed in slight anger but more to amusement and his expression turned into his sour one (y’know, like one of his sprite design). “Sorry, sorry,” (Y/n) laughed. “But no, actually, it just reminded me of you, no lie.”
“Thanks,” Sebastian said, his face reddening as he realized he hadn’t pulled his hand from hers. “I...I really like this. How did you know..?” he trailed off. “Instinct, truthfully. You look like someone who loves things from the mines, am I wrong?”
“Right,” Sebastian said, before picking up another cue stick, handing it to her. “(Y/n). Wanna play a game of pool?” he asked, or more like challenged, as the two cheered slightly in the back. Abigail clutching onto Sam’s sleeve and he clutched her hand in slight panic to (Y/n) answer.
A small smile graced her plump pink lips, as the maiden accepted the stick the male held out for her to take. “I’m not too good at this, but I’ll give it a shot.”
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cherdream · 3 years
nct dream as shoujo anime
a/n: i said blue bird would get a sequel but as i was writing it i felt it was better left without one. so i apologize for not keeping my promise. i also have no idea why i thought of this but romance animes have a funny amount of tropes so why the heck not. also please take this with a grain of salt. it was purely made for entertainment. also if you didn’t watch any romance animes then there’s a lot of spoilers. yes, i am still on hiatus. i’ll probably be back after all my college decisions come out :)
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mark: he reminds me of tohru just a tiny bit. since tohru always looks out for others and keeps her problems to herself. like when she silently cries over her mother’s death without relying on others. mark in dream was a leader to the members and he always tried to look out for them not only because he has to but because he wants to. mark is the glue of nct dream as tohru is the glue to the sohmas.
renjun: the tsundere trope. there’s so many tsundere main characters in anime and i thought it was befitting of our boy, renjun. often times trying to fight his members is his way of showing “love”. a prince tsundere in the making. like a mild kyo in my opinion, mild because kyo’s character is more violent than renjun but they’re both very sensitive with certain topics.  the kyo to mark’s tohru. tsunderes aren’t just people with unjustified anger (some are tho). they’re people who don’t fully understand how to channel their feelings in a better way and tend to protect themselves by being strong and sometimes distant.
jeno: is very patient and calm almost like those black haired male leads minus the rudeness that some of them have. kind of gives me sakura vibes from horimiya. how she’s kind and calm amongst most of the characters and doesn’t really show her feelings much at the beginning. he also reminds me of miyamura because like jeno miyamura is seen as quiet and gloomy but once he befriends hori he starts showing his feelings and becomes a more dynamic character, being aggressive with my friends. the members represents hori and her friends because jeno at first seems quiet, but once you watch more nct content jeno is much more than just a quiet person. he can be aggressive and funny at times as well because people don’t have flat personalities. (oh lord this got so long, my bad)
donghyuck: that funny guy in the group of friends. you know what i mean? there's the stoic main character and the kind heroine and then there's that one brightly colored hair guy that’s making fun of people and is the extroverted friend of the stoic male lead. i don’t know how to explain this. been ages since i’ve watched a good romance anime. chenle and him kind of remind me of the twins from ouran highschool host club.
jaemin: reminds me of shouta kazehaya, the nice guy in romance animes, who most of the time never gets the girl. jaemin is extremely popular even before debut and was always nice to people. jaemin is also seen to be very caring of the members and not partaking in donghyuck’s bets and games. like that time renjun lost and had to clean the table, but jaemin kindly tried to help him. similar to how kazehaya defends and helps sawako. kazehaya is also popular and outgoing. he’s the male lead to our heroine, jisung. 
chenle: his personality is similar to donghyuck, being the bright haired and cheeky character. the one saying the wrong thing that leads to the female lead misunderstanding the male lead, but of course unintentionally. reminds me of those boisterous female characters; the one’s that are always smiling and befriending everyone like a deredere. of course, chenle isn’t a 2D character and has his bad days or quieter days.
jisung: he feels like kuronuma sawako from kimi ni todoke. the whole shy and bad at communications that sawako struggles with is similar to jisung. since he isn’t good with strangers and is pretty shy with them. minus the whole creepy vibe sawako would be portrayed to have. however, instead of a male lead helping her, jisung has the members. i also feel like he’d have that cliche falling scene. the one where the girl falls and lands on the male lead. jisung just has the innocent trait that most heroines have.
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seungsilog · 4 years
Dear Someone, I’ll Be Better Off Without You.
Pairing: Female!OC x Lee Minho
Genre: Angst, College!AU
Word Count: 1.16k words
Warnings: mentions of someone in a slump(?), insecurities, breakup
Series Masterlist
Taglist: @puffyjisung​ (send me an ask or dm me if you want to be added!)
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Good morning, afternoon, evening, whatever time you’re listening to this! Welcome to the podcast, where I, Han Jisung, your host — speaking of, should I find a DJ name for myself too? Like, that one podcast has DJ Joohoney right? I should think of something for myself. 
Anyways, continuing on! This episode, a letter has been written by our Music Director, Ina! I won't make this too long, as this episode might get too long. I asked for a letter, not a novel. If only you guys can see this, holy crap. It's like 3 pages back to back, oh my gosh. I would read this all on air but it would take ages, so we just shortened the letter and might just publish this letter on our website! I doubt you would be able to read Ina's chicken scrawl, though— ok geez, I'll start! Stop looking at me like that!
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Dear Someone,
I'm better off I’ll be better off without you.
Do you remember when we first met? It was freshman year, during the university's festival. You weren't as confident back then, sticking to your group of friends most of the time. The only time you left their side was when they convinced you to talk to me after they saw you sneaking a peek at me. Looking back now, I cringe thinking about our origin story, but freshman Ina thought it was cute. So cute, in fact, that I let you take me out on a date the day after. And even though you spilt soda on me five minutes into the date, the giant stuffed cat and the shy peck on the cheek made it all better.
Fast forward two years, and you managed to weasel your way into my life. You became my best friend, my lover, my anchor all in one. College life was hard, but the assurance that you would be sitting in our spot in the coffee shop on campus, waiting with my favorite drink fueled me to get through my day.
But as many positives there were with you, the negatives were also there.
I became too comfortable. I stood only within the confines of my little bubble consisting of schoolwork and my relationship with you. Everything was just the same, repeating day after day, and it took a toll on me. I made my whole life revolve around you, and somewhere along the line, I forgot that there is more to life besides those two things.
I never really improved from who I was when I entered college, but you certainly have. No longer were you the timid, puffy-faced boy I met back then. You’ve come so far, becoming one of the most confident, talented people this school has ever produced, and I can’t help but feel proud every time I realize that.
Sadly, I can’t say the same for myself.
I love you. I love you so much, Lee Minho. Thank you for always being there, for the past two years. I’ll always be proud of you, but I need to take some time to improve myself so that hopefully, i can be someone you can be proud of too. This self-improvement journey of mine might take some time, but as my mother used to say, if we are truly meant to be together, destiny will find its way to bring us together once again. See you around, I guess.
Forever grateful, 
P.S. I think I used the wrong phrase on my keyword, so I erased it aha. I started this letter in spite... so yeah. I’m not sure if I really will be better off without you, but I guess only time will tell.
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Han Jisung’s voice floated through the earbuds and into Lee Minho’s ears as he sat in an armchair, eyes filled with unshed tears. He hadn't known she felt that way towards herself, and if only he had communicated with her better-
He cuts off his inner monologue after seeing a familiar face approach his table. 
“I take it you’ve listened to Jisung’s new podcast episode, hyung?” Hwang Hyunjin, with his freshly dyed black hair, takes a seat in front of Minho, ignoring the older’s protests and settling down with his croissant and iced americano. “Come on, hyung. You can talk to me about this. We’ve known each other for ages!”
“And by ages, you mean half a year?”
“Tomato tomato. It feels way longer. I think being coped up in a studio with each other has that effect.”
“... Touche.”
“ So? How do you feel?” the younger boy inquires, taking a sip from his americano.
Minho took a while to respond, thinking of words to properly describe how he felt at that moment. 
“If I’m being honest? I don’t have a clue either. It’ll take a lot for me to get over Ina.” After taking a sip of his own drink, he continued. “Two years, almost three isn’t a short time. It was through her that I became who I am today. It was because of her, that I strived to become a better person. It was because of her that I was able to grow, but..” A soft sigh escaped his lips. 
“But at the cost of my growth came her dullness.” Hyunjin made a noise of confusion, muffled by the bread stuffed in his mouth. “Woft dwoh yu mean, hyunf?” 
“The thing that really drew me to her that day was just how… vibrant she was. Well, she was standing below a streetlight, but really. It sounds cliche, but if only you could’ve seen her. Wearing a bright yellow shirt, talking excitedly about how fun this experience was going to be. She was truly the light of the party back then, well, college happened. We’re all busy, but they were especially. Even Channie disappears for days at a time coped up in his room to finish a project. He only got a significant other this year! Ina barely had any time to do anything else aside from meeting me and doing schoolwork. I guess she realized that, and uh, yeah. That brings us here.” Minho looked up at Hyunjin, only to see him invested in something on his phone.
 “ Yah, why did I even bother telling you.” 
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You see, dear listeners. Sometimes, relationships don’t turn out the way we want it to go. We think entering a new thing will all be sunshine and rainbows, and it might lead to an ultimatum; having to choose between self-gratification and self-improvement. In Ina’s case, she chose to leave not because she lost feelings, because that’s definitely not the case- ouch! When will you stop throwing things at me? But yes, she chose to leave because she wanted to grow, wanted to get herself out there for a bit, just as hyung had done. That does not mean that all hope is lost for them, though. Maybe someday, when the both of them are ready, their romance will continue again.
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-`, leri’s litol notes
here is the second installment! ;-; i hope you guys like it hehe
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Culture Clash (Bakugou x Reader)
Pairing: Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Anon asked: "OH MY GOODNESS I FREAKING LOVE YOUR WRITING.💜🧡❤️💚 I have a request!! Would it be possible if you did a scenario with Bakugou x Female Reader where the Reader is a transfer student and comes from a country where is normal to kiss people in the cheek to say hello and kisses Bakugou but then she is told of the culture difference in Japan, then she is embarrassed but Bakugou is even more. HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!!"
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,565
Tags:  @yuki-osaki @liviitehe @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog @bunnythepipsqueak
a/n: Thanks for the request anon dear! I hope I did it justice and it makes you feel good inside. 😊
Very quick and breezy Bakugou fluff.  Honestly, my Bakugou list seems to be catching up to Todoroki (meanwhile poor Shinsou’s list is abysmal T.T But my next post will be an angst post for him, which is still a win), you guys just really love requesting for Boom Boom Boy, don’t you?
As I said on my last ask, after the Shinsou post, I’ll take a break before answering the next 2 requests I got, because I have a few of my own original ideas that I’d like to write, so look forward to them~
"You must be nervous to start school so far away from home," Yaoyorozu touches my hand gently.  "I do hope you find yourself at home here at our school and here in Japan."
"Oh, it shouldn't be a problem at all!" I beam at her.  "I'd say I'm a friendly person, I can talk to people easily."
Transferring schools in the middle of high school is daunting for most people, but I have no problem with it.  One of the admins from UA were attending a conference in my country and put a recommendation for me to transfer schools at the start of the second year.  Yaoyorozu, as second in charge in class, was assigned to be my buddy to ease me into the rest of the class.  We've been talking since I was overseas and I was overjoyed to meet her in person.
"Are you nervous about staying in the dorms?" she asks me.
"Not at all!  I've always wanted to try going to school and staying away from home.  Do you guys get along well together?"
"We all have our own friend groups, but we spent time with each other as a class a fair amount of time as well."  She eyes my suitcase rolling behind me.  "Did you already receive your uniform?"
"Yup, they sent it over!  The rest of my stuff for the year should be coming in another shipment from my parents."
Finally, the dorm building I will call home for the next two years looms in front of me and I can't keep the dumb smile off my face.  While Yaoyorozu's talking about my sleeping arrangements, a boy swagger towards us from the opposite direction wearing just a black tank top and dark joggers.  My eyes glance over his toned physique before studying his face, a slight scowl even at rest, crimson eyes staring at the ground in thought.
"Oh, (Y/n)-san," Yaoyorozu calls him out of his thoughts.  "This is Bakugou-san, one of our classmates."
The boy looks down at me and I smile, leaning up to place a kiss on both of his cheeks instinctively.  "Pleasure to meet you, Bakugou!"
His resting bitch face freezes and he stiffens.  "Y-Yeah, same.  See you in class."  With that, he walks off quicker than his former pace.
I cock an eyebrow.  "He seems like a tough guy, but quite strange.  Is he nice?" I turn back to face Yaoyorozu.
Her face has turned a rosy tint of pink.  "I-I wouldn't say that.  He's a bit rough at the edges, but he's gotten a lot better since last year, I admit."
She seems a little uncomfortable, did I do something?  I roll my luggage up the stairs.  "I can't wait to meet the rest of the class!"  The door opens with a flourish, and I meet the eyes of about half the class.  Some of the girls were reading magazines on the couch and the boys were playing cards or games at the table.
The blond boy with a black streak in his hair and a small, purple haired boy immediately stand up.  "Who're you?" they boy ask a little too eagarly.
I wave at the group, excitement bubbling in me at the site of my new classmates.  "Hi everyone!  I'm (Full Name), the transfer student!  Please take care of me!"
"Oh, yes, we heard you were arriving today," another boy walks up to me, adjusting his glasses and extending his hand to me rigidly.  "Welcome to Class 2-A!"
I shake his hand, leaning forward to greet him, "Nice to meet-"
"Um, (Y/n)-san," Yaoyorozu's hand pulls my shoulder slightly.  "I hope I'm not rude in asking, but is there a particular reason you do that?"
She still a bit perturbed since we met Bakugou outside.  "Do what?"  I don't think she means to be impolite, but I'm still confused.
The girl hesitates as if she can't bring herself to say it.  "Kiss people on the cheek.  Is it a custom of some sort?"
My body relaxes. I thought there was something terribly wrong.  "Oh, that's how we greet people in my country.  It's something I appreciate about my culture, it shows how friendly we are!"
"Yes, I see that."  She rubs her hands up her arms.  "It might seem to be a problem here though, I'm sorry to say."
I blink.  "I did it when I greeted you and there was no problem though?"  The fog of perplexity returns to me.  I know there are rules in other countries different to my own, but surely I haven't done something unforgivable?
"Yes, but," her eyes dart around and her face flushes more, "It's not exactly custom for members of the opposite sex to interact with each other like that even if they're friends, let alone if you've just met them.  That's more reserved for um...public displays of affection."
It suddenly dawns on me the weight of what I've just done, especially to Bakugou.  "Oh.  I...see."
"Your face is all red now, (Y/n)-chan, ribbit," one of the girls with long, dark green hair chirps from the couch.
The bright blond haired boy's eyebrows furrow in concentration.  "Hey, you guys didn't happen to run into Bakugou, did you?"
"We did," Yaoyorozu answers while I'm frozen in place, heat still blooming across my cheeks.
The two boys and another one with short, black hair and large elbows burst into uncontrollable laughter.  "We were wondering why his face was so red when he got back from practice!  You must've kissed him, right?"
Oh no, I did.  The panic continues spreading up my body.
"She totally did!" the black-haired boy guffaws and the other two follow suit.
"Bakugou was that flustered by a little cheek kiss!"
The first exposure to his screaming makes me jolt before I feel a debilitating mix of embarrassment and guilt, I don't even have the courage to look him in the eyes.  "Hey, you wanna lead me to my room?  I'll go unpack and settle in," I reach for Yaoyorozu, trying to compose myself back to normal.
"Of course, let's go up this way."
I'm grateful for her judgement of avoiding the chaos about to ensue.  The laughter from the boys and the teasing coupled with Bakugou's defensive screams still follow us while we're in the elevator.  What have I done.
On the first day of classes the next day, I try to avoid Bakugou as much as possible.  I know his angry, violent type well.  He dislikes me for embarrassing him in front of his friends and giving them fodder to make fun of him for.  If he decides to confront me, I know I'll crumble into a mess of apologies.
Which is exactly what happens when we both happen to see each other in the halls during lunch.  There's no avoiding him as we were the only two people there; I turn around and suddenly he's there, staring down at me with those piercing eyes.  I don't have it in me to fake my bubbly small talk and slip my way out, I have to own up to it.
"I'm sorry I made you embarrassed like that, it wasn't my intention, it was all out of instinct.  Please forgive me, don't be mad!"  The words fly out of my mouth and I scrunch my eyes shut for fear of what he might say next, steeling myself for his angry yells.
They never come, instead there's just an exhale in the form of a thoughtful "Hm."  I slowly wrench open my eyes, only to see him quirking an eyebrow down at me curiously.
"You don't need to be sorry about it, it's fine."  Evaluating my still-cautious figure, he leans back a little to relax.  "Yeah, I was taken off guard by the kiss, I admit, but my friends are also idiots, I can easily just bust them up a bit and they'll leave me alone."
I breathe a sigh of relief.  "I see."  The last thing I want is to be that cliched transfer student who gets bullied and becomes the outsider.
Bakugou swipes his tongue over his lip quickly.  "That was...pretty ballsy of you to do, actually.  I think it's cute.  It's a shame our cultures clash like that."
I'm taken off guard by his sudden change in aura, the cockiness that twitches the corner of his lip up compliments his rugged, boyish charm, especially with his unbuttoned and untucked uniform.  His eyes glance over me teasingly before he walks past me.  "Y-Yeah, it's a shame," I finally conjure up words to say, even if they're a lame response.
His body turns back halfway.  "In a way, I'm glad I was the only guy who you got to do it to," he smirks at me.
That kind of sign is interpreted the same way regardless of the culture, so I decide to return it, gathering up the same energy.  "I wouldn't mind doing it again, just for you since you're okay with it."
"Doesn't sound like a bad idea," he chuckles low before facing forward and leaving.  "See you in class."
I watch his receding back, leaning against the wall behind me to steady myself as the excitement grows weightlessly within me.  The smile on my face refuses to be brought down.  I guess there are some things that are just universal.
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Tom being in love with your baby niece
Tom Holland x Female!Reader
Prompt: You meet Tom at a hospital and he’s immediately infatuated with the little girl in your lap (inspired by this video I found on tiktok)
Warnings: F L U F F, Tom being amazing with kids, mentions of alcoholic/drug addict mother, mentions of child abandonment, but overall fluff and feel good story
Word Count: 2379 words (this was supposed to be short but oh well)
Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes
A/N: me, sweating profusely: calm down, just finish writing this, you are stronger than your baby fever, you are too young to have a child CALM TF DOWN
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So, funny story, you met at the hospital
Tom had dislocated his shoulder while doing a backflip *dejected sigh*
And you were just trying to keep your baby niece calm while waiting for the nurse to come get you
You were sitting on the bed, Tom was right next to you, only a curtain separating you
But there was a tiny crack near the end from where it was pulled too far
And when you pressed Olivia closer to your chest, her head resting on your shoulder, she made eye contact with him
He saw her tear-filled eyes
(broke his heart)
So he started to make funny faces at her
Which made her start to giggle and coo and make grabby hands towards him
You turned around, visibly confused because hellooo she was just crying a second ago and now she’s???laughing???
And then you saw him
oh shit he’s hot
He smiled at you
You smiled back, cause what else are you supposed to do?
He got up and pushed the curtains back 
And sat on the chair instead
Still on his side of the curtain
But looking at you straight in the eye now
“So... what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a nasty place like this?”
Poor boy thought he was smooth
But he rested his weight on his injured arm
(that idiot) 
And it lead to him hissing in pain and cradling his shoulder with a pout while you laughed
“Fell down the stairs and twisted my ankle. You?”
“Dislocated my shoulder while doing a backflip.”
Meanwhile Liv was now resting on your lap
Looking at him with a smile on her face
And clapping while he smiled at made funny faces at her again
But then he noticed you were watching
And he was kinda making a fool of himself in front of you
(cue the blushing)
(so cute)
So you decided to help him out a little
"Thanks for putting her in a good mood again."
"No problem... is she yours?"
He didn't want to seem rude so he kept the judgment out of his voice, but you seemed a bit young to have a kid already.
"Nah, she's my niece"
"Oh, okay... Why'd you bring her to the hospital with you? It must be hard having to take care of a kid and get your ankle checked."
You looked a bit sad for a while.
"My sister left her with me as soon as I turned eighteen. My parents were never in the picture so it's been me and her for almost a year now."
"I'm sorry..."
"'S okay. Besides, at least I'm not alone all the time you now? I mean, it's hard to take care of a 13 month-old, but at least I know she won't grow up like I did... afraid... wondering if her mom was gonna come home drunk or half-dressed with another guy on her tail, wishing her sister would let her sleep on the bed instead of locking herself up with her boyfriend there."
He watched you smile as you looked down at the little girl in your arms that seemed to be a perfect reflection of you.
That was the moment he fell in love with you
Dark circles under your eyes and all
He got your number (yay!!) and had to work (read: pester you) for two weeks before you agreed to go out on a date with him.
Liv stayed with Harrison (after you checked that he was a good babysitter)
He took you to a nice little restaurant near the beach
They served giant burgers
Which you liked at lot
Conversation was easy 
He asked you what you were currently doing
"I'm working as a waitress in a little diner downtown."
He also found out you were doing online college to get your creative writing degree.
You told him about your family life. 
How your dad died in a car accident when you were three. 
How your mom was an alcoholic junkie and OD'd when you were fifteen.
How your nineteen-year-old sister had to take care of you for there on out. 
How she left soon after you graduated high school and left you with a three-month-old baby to take care of.
In turn, he told you all about his life
How he became an actor and got his big break as Spider-Man
He told you about his family and how much he misses them
How thankful he is to have Haz with him
You excused yourself to the bathroom just before dessert
And that bastard took advantage of that tiny window to pay the bill
You scolded him for that obviously
And tried to pay him back
He laughed and said no
Then he bought you a giant cotton candy
"Tom, seriously I can pay for my own stuff."
"I know but I like spoiling you."
You finished the cotton candy together while strolling down the beach
Then once it was done he threw out the cone and took your hand
The sun was just setting so it was like a picture-perfect moment
So he took advantage of that and kissed you
(so cliche)
You tasted like strawberry from your chapstick
The cotton candy you just had
You tasted like sweetness
And comfort
And home
You started dating officially not long after that
And that's when it all really started
You knew he was good with kids
That first day at the hospital told you as much
But you didn't expect him to be this good
Olivia was very much in love with him
They were practically glued at the hip
She constantly wanted hugs from him
He took her to the park and threw her up in the air while she squealed in delight
He picked her up and carried her while you were making dinner so she didn't feel left out
She sat on his back while he did push-ups
He'd kiss her nose every time he did a sit-up
They would have kissing contests
He kissed her cheek
She kissed his back 
Then he kissed hers again
And so on
Her first word was Tommy
You'd never seen him so happy
You, on the other hand, were not
"I raised you on my own ever since you were three months old and this is the thanks I get?"
They'd often fall asleep together on the couch
Your camera roll was full of photos of them sleeping
Her favorite thing to do was grab him by the sides of his head and kiss his curls
(a d o r a b l e)
He helped you plan the perfect birthday party for her
"Only the best for my best girl"
"I thought I was your best girl"
"Only the best for either of my best girls but in this case the youngest one"
She loved it
You're pretty sure he loved it more
But who can say for sure?
On your six month anniversary, he told you he loved you and that he had no plans on ever leaving you two.
He forced you to quit your job at the diner
"You're overworking yourself. I have more than enough money to take care of all of us and that way you'll be able to focus on your studies and travel with me since you do online college. Everybody wins."
So you went wherever he went
Including filming for Infinity War/Endgame
He took you to set one day
Everybody loved you
But as always, Olivia stole the show
They passed her around like a little doll
She loved the attention
It was quite funny seeing such a tiny baby being held by the mountain of a man that is Chris Hemsworth
She only referred to Chris Evans as 'Cap'
And Robert would forever be 'Tony'
But they didn't mind one single bit
"She just looks so cute when she says it, I can't be mad at her."
You met his family when the filming ended and he went back to London
Dom was ecstatic to finally have a little girl to take care of
"At least she laughs at my jokes, not like those idiots"
"You can leave her with us whenever you want"
Nikki was very happy to have one more girl in her corner
"I swear, if I hear one more second of golf talk, I'll go nuts"
Harry loved taking pictures of Liv
"She's just so photogenic, it's so easy"
You learned a lot of recipes from Sam
"Finally someone that won't wreck my kitchen and taint my food's good name"
Paddy liked playing with Liv and Tessa in the backyard
"It's nice to take care of someone for a change, I'm always the one being babied"
You made your relationship public while you were in London, a year and a half after you started dating
The public loved you
Because he just couldn't help but brag
And Tom with kids is the content the fans live for
tomhotland: omgggg they're so cuteee
spideysbae: the heart eyes thoooo
peterpprotectionsquad: i hereby declare that Olivia is the cutest baby to have ever existed and she must be protected at all costs
He took you to the Far From Home premiere
Your dress matched his suit
The fans went crazy
Olivia was living her best life in her little red and black dress
She'd gotten used to the flashes after Harry's numerous photoshoots
So she was just smiling and clapping a lot
The paparazzi loved her
The interviewers kept asking about you two
"(Y/N)'s the love of my life and Olivia's the sweetest baby I've ever known, I couldn't love her more if she was my own"
"So, do I hear wedding bells ringing?"
"Well, you never know"
That caught your attention for a second but you let it go in favor of posing with Liv after the paps all but begged you to
"Livvy say bye-bye"
She sent a kiss a said bye-bye in all her baby glory
They awed so much
His Instagram was filled with pictures of the three of you
Zendaya took a bunch of selfies with her as well
"Our dresses match, I have no choice"
She kept pretty quiet during the movie
But hugged Tom especially hard when she saw him cry on the big screen
The next morning, you were all over the headlines
"The sweetest little family in Hollywood"
On your third anniversary, he took you on a week-long trip to Bora Bora
Liv stayed with his parents
He took you on a walk to the beach
(déjà vu much?)
And proposed
Clumsily, but he proposed
How can a proposal be clumsy, you ask?
Well, he kneeled on a rock at first
"Ow! Fuck my knee, hold on a second"
Then he kept stuttering because he was so nervous
And in the end (after you said yes and he checked about five times cause "Wait seriously?") he started freaking out cause the ring didn't fit
But she wears the ring I used as a reference all the time!
"Um, Tom?"
"Yeah, babe?"
"The ring's supposed to go on my other hand..."
Ah, that explains it
The wedding was simple but beautiful
Livvy was the flower girl cause she wanted to throw petals in the air
Tessa brought the rings
His heart almost stopped when he saw you walk down the aisle
He was convinced you'd never looked more beautiful than that day at the premiere when your clothes matched 
But right now, looking at your smile and how gorgeous you looked in that dress, he realized he was wrong
He sniffled, trying to hold his tears, but Haz just handed him a tissue
"I came prepared"
You two adopted Liv
She was your daughter anyway, you just made it official
She started calling you 'mommy' and 'daddy'
"She called me 'daddy'."
Oh, the tears
To Tom's great delight, she started picking up a British accent, as she grew
It didn't help that she stayed at Nikki and Dom's all the time when you started teaching at a university in London
So they dialed they're British-ness up to eleven so she'd pick up on the accent
"Mummy, what's for pudding?"
Good Lord
After two years of trying, you found out Tom was unable to have kids
He cried a lot, and felt like he failed
You shut him up with a kiss and immediately mentioned adoption
"There are hundreds of children begging for a home and parents to love them."
You adopted an eight-year-old boy named Lucas and his five-year-old sister Cleo
Olivia loved having another girl her age
They had tea parties
And played dress-up
And forced Lucas to play the prince
You taught them to bake so they could have cookies for their tea party
And Tom found himself often ambushed in one of their games
"No, daddy, you gotta pretend that the big bad dragon took you so we can save you."
They rolled around on the floor and made 'pew pew' noises to imitate guns
Lucas was always quieter
He was your little angel
You two were very close
He shared your love for writing and literature
As well as cooking, to Uncle Sam's greatest delight
You often sat down on the couch, the five of you (and Tessa, obviously) and someone read a book out loud, while the others just laid back and listened
Cleo became very interested in Uncle Harry's camera and took a bunch of photos of her sister and her dad with the polaroid camera she got for her seventh birthday
Olivia still loved the attention and remained the bright and photogenic child she'd always been
She became a model, to no one's surprise
Cleo became a freelance photographer, which allowed her to fulfill her dream of traveling the world while taking pictures and earning good money
Lucas became one of Hollywood's best and brightest screenwriters
But everyone still made time for each other
Attending every single one of Liv's fashion shows
Every time Cleo showcased her pictures in a gallery, they were the first ones there
All of Lucas' films
Going to all of Tom's premieres and wearing matching clothes, per Liv and Cleo's request
"It's for the aesthetic"
Everyone was happy
And life was good
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i’m pretty happy now, ngl
i need a Tom in my life
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al3x1ss · 4 years
Bring them to your home for the holidays {HCs}
Includes: Oikawa, Akaashi, Noya, Terushima, Kiyoko
Author’s note: In my family, thanksgiving means the Christmas stuff is put up after breakfast, so I got this idea ab the holidays and I got v happy. Enjoy!
Warnings: None, fluffy holidays for y’all!
okay mans HATES the cold confirmed
like snow comes he’ll probably hiss
(Not me seeing a few feet of snow with my sisters and going “wow look at all that cocaine”)
so y’all met when both of you happened to be in Brazil and he thought you were cute
long story short you had a few dinner dates, even hung out with Hinata!!
you guys hit it off very well :)
so you guys have been together for about 2 years and you’re like ya know what
“Come to my house for the holidays :)”
not only is this man a simp but he loves the warmth so ofc he says yes!!
so while you’ve lived here all your life, only really moving out of Tampa to Miami, you did have to take this tourist him to a basic spot
but you did want to take him to some of your favorite places
after him seeing your family again, you took him to one of your favorite carnivals!
then classic gotta go to the beach I mean
why not go to the ocean!!
issue with December weather in Florida is it changes every second so today was a bit C H I L L E D
(You did have to force him to eat something other than rice tho)
Picky eater kawa confirmed
what better way to spend December 25th than Disney
I mean
Mans whole went “wow 😍” when you told him
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you were an exchange student during her whole high school career, turning into best friends and deciding to go to college together
college came along, and with the help of a few friends, parties, and a little too much twister, you realized
you were actually lesbian.
which you know what, we support!
it’s not like you’ve never liked a boy, it just happened to be that women were more your type
oh yeah another thing
Kiyoko is the prettiest thing in your eyes.
so what you DONT know is that Kiyoko has realized she actually feels the same
during your third year in college, she had broken up with her boyfriend of a year, Tanaka, but never told you why
i wONdEr whY
But, after living in Japan for 7 years, Christmas time is rolling around once again
And you are going home for the holidays!
usually you would go home during summer break, but this time you really wanted to spend Christmas since your older brother had your niece!
and since Kiyo didn’t have any plans you were like
“hey, do you want to come home with me?”
home girl choked on her water 😳
“Yeah! I’m going back to New Orleans for the holidays.”
cue brain calming down and like sLIGHT disappointment
it’s you
and she loves you.
so you guys did presents and stuff
your niece LOVES Kiyoko btw
your dad was like “👀”
been knew you were 💅AND HE SUPPORTS
so around 4 you’re like let’s go do something!!
and she says okay!!
so one movie Kiyoko really loved was “Princess and the Frog”
Funny enough there’s actually a bakery you’ve gone too growing up
so you get New Orleans’ best beignets!
Ahh, fun times
next, you’ll always hear some type of caroling anywhere you are in the city
which means?
you see random groups of people smiling around 7pm, the sun already down
and you’re thinking to yourself
I want to ask her to dance.
and you do :)
Finally at around 10pm you take her to this one street where each place has a bunch of Christmas wonderlands lit up
hile it doesn’t really snow in New Orleans, people used fake snow!!
gotta get that spirit somehow 😗
when I say Kiyoko is a goddess I mean it
the lights bouncing off her face while she’s smiling?
*chefs kiss*
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ah yes the city that everyone thinks is a state
Chicago!! ✨
Terushima HAS visited Illinois before
However, surprisingly has never been to Chicago
So you were like
I’m born here!! 🥰
Come come!!🥺
And he said
Si si!! 🤪
so y’all flew out on the 20th
while your parents don’t live here, some old friends do
and why not have them meet your amazing boyfriend!
literally all of them were shocked I mean
(Y/N) likes a boy with a tongue piercing?
the amount of BONKERS
but yes you love him very much
and he loves you!!
honestly your friends already fell in love with you two being in love it’s canon
afterwards you guys went too ZooLights
you threw one at his face
Not y’all fighting like little kids-
n e wayz
best way to end the 24th?
ice skating-
It’s actually buying late presents because you two actually forgot to get some people presents and Christmas is literally in like 4 hours!!
It was mega fun tho
surprisingly y’all didn’t get kicked out
you almost did when Terushima thought it would be a good idea to ride a skateboard into the electronics section at target 🤡
but we will ignore that for tonight ❤️
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this one will be the longest one with the most detail for certain reasons! also, for akaashi’s you do have a given birthday because Dec 30th is actually my birthday and I wanted to sprinkle in some of that ❤️
best for last :)
So you got to be in an exchange program during college
and that’s when you met akaashi since you guys were in the same classes!
he also showed you around and was very sweet
so you offered to get him coffee
and after a while he confessed by giving you a copy of a book you both really loved
you semester was ending
which means home for the holidays
luckily, you guys would only have one more semester away from eachother before you guys graduated
but you did want to spend the holidays together
so you offered for him to come to New York with you
boy got excited so fast my heart-
But like Christmas in New York with your loving boyfriend of 4 years?
Sign me up
So you know that during winter it’s a hit or miss with snow
is it still freezing cold?
But can we guarantee 3 feet of snow every December?
But we can guarantee it in like March JEJHRTJ
one thing you told him immediately was that you guys will be watching the ball drop from the roof
“Because I don’t want to get mugged, shoved, or vomit on my shoes, Keiji.”
Yes ma’am indeed
so you guys had a pretty (quiet?) Christmas
your family?
Regarding to going places
You guys chilled all day in pajamas
Like the most y’all did was go to dunkin for hot chocolate
but the days leading to New Years?
Classic tree photo yes ma’am
bro side note their kabobs in that one corner
best thing I’ve ever had I stg
I haven’t been to the city since last Christmas wow now I miss it
you wanted to show Keiji so many things
You were used to walking like 10 blocks in any shoes as fast as you can
Akaashi was not 😂
So y’all had to take breaks sometimes
get him warmed and fed ya know
give the man smoochies 🥺
id be giving him smoochies 24/7 if I could
so you better for me 😠
His favorite place was the big Macy’s no lie
the perfumes and cologne section on the 2nd floor looked SO WELL PUT TOGETHER
okay nvm scratch that
FAO Schwartz was his favorite place
he loved the trains
you bought him a train as a late present SHH NO ONE SAY NOTHIN
So the 29th you decided to take him to where you were born
it was super fun showing him where you lived before you went to college
and before your siblings moved to different parts of the city
It was lovely
But the final thing you wanted to do was December 30th
your birthday :)
and one thing you absolutely love to do is ice skating
now usually you go ice skating at the public rink like a few minutes away from Rockefeller rink
not only was it cheaper, but there was a Panera like 2 blocks away so quick food!
you also wanted to give Keiji the experience
so you sucked it up and paid
you guys went at around 8 and had a blast
one of the best birthdays with him honestly
but, you realized people were starting to exit the rink at around 10
“Doesn’t the rink close at midnight?”
“Huh, weird.”
but Keiji kind of starts looking around while you realize you two are the only ones on the ice
So you’re like
I guess we have to get off 😔
But this sly fox
Pulls you to the center of the rink
Now, you were never one for the cliché act
Especially since so many proposals have happened on this rink that you’ve seen
But when you saw Keiji get to one knee
It didn’t even matter that this happened to so many other people
It was happening to you.
I guess you can just suck it up, cuz at least you have a ring on your finger :)
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- Lex 🖤🤍
End note: Let me know if you guys would like a part 2! Also if you have any ideas for a certain character or place, put it in asks!
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