#it feels like everything that's suggested to me is stuff that i explored before and that turned out not to work
bloggingboutburgers · 10 months
My main fandom is actually mainly aroace characters, sex or romance are never even brought up. Unfortunately that comes from them all being robots and, according to the lore guy, "robots cannot reproduce therefore they have no need for romantic attraction". So yea, not the most optimal circumstance. In addition it's also a toy theme so it's not for everyone's taste. Of course the fandom still ships and there are people creating overtly horny character designs, so there's really no winning there. I used to be more on board with shipping but have recently realised that I don't actually like it much anymore.
...God I could make a bingo out of this
Characters are only "aroace" by circumstance and are not humans because it truly takes being a machine or an alien to not feel romantic or sexual attractions, no way a human can be that way? Check.
There being a possibility that the author themselves don't know the concept of aro people and ace people and just made things that way by accident and definitely not for rep? Check.
People not caring and lewding/romanticizing them anyway? Dingdingdingdingding
Every time
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lvnleah · 18 days
011. | Beach days
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word count: 1.6k
find the masterlist here!
March 9th 2024 | 36 + 2 days pregnant.
“Jesus Christ, how much stuff did you pack!” Leah playfully groaned as she rolled your suitcase in, Keira following closely behind her.
You shrugged and laughed as you poured yourself a glass of water, “Just enough to last me while we’re here!”
Leah shook her head, Keira laughing behind her, “Babe, we’re here two days, not two weeks!”
“Oh c’mon, Le!” Keira said to her best friend, “Y/N’s never been a light packer and now she’s pregnant she’s obviously going to need more stuff!”
“Keira‘s right, babe.” You smiled, “I do need more stuff now I’m pregnant because you know I can’t decide anything!”
“These are going to be two days of hell with you two ganging up on me,” Leah muttered under her breath.
Leah had the rare weekend off as she didn’t have a game so you and her decided to fly out to Spain to watch Keira play. She was playing away against Sociedad and you’d booked a little beach house for a few days so you could all spend time together.
Leah rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide the small smile tugging at her lips. Despite her complaints, you knew she was happy to be here as it would probably be the last time in a while you’d get to go away together before your baby boy arrived.
The beach house was perfect, nestled just a stone’s throw away from the ocean. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore could be heard from the kitchen.
“Alright, let's get settled in before we head out to explore,” Leah suggested, eyeing the towering stack of luggage. “I’ll take the big one to the bedroom.”
“I’ll help!” Keira chirped, grabbing a smaller bag and following Leah down the narrow hallway.
It wasn’t often you all got to be together like this, with Leah and Keira’s demanding schedule it was hard to arrange trips together like you used to. This trip was a rare gem, and you were determined to make the most of it.
A few minutes later, Leah and Keira returned, slightly flushed from the exertion. “Okay, rooms are sorted. Who’s up for a walk on the beach?” Leah asked, already slipping off her shoes.
You grinned, “I’m in! Let me just grab my things and we can go.”
Suddenly, a sharp tightening sensation gripped your abdomen. You winced, placing a hand on your belly as your other one gripped the counter.
"Y/N, you okay?" Leah asked, noticing the change in your expression.
You took a deep breath, trying to relax. "I think it's just Braxton Hicks," you said, trying to sound reassuring but feeling the discomfort all the same.
It soon passed and you were able to carry on. You’d been having practice contractions for the past couple of weeks, they felt like mild period cramps but your midwife reassured you it was normal.
As the three of you strolled down to the beach, the sand warmed beneath your feet. Leah and Keira were chatting about their upcoming matches. You knew these two days would pass in a blink, but for now, you were perfectly happy right where you were.
The beach was almost deserted, with a few scattered tourists soaking up the late afternoon sun. You found three spare sun beds and laid out a blanket, sitting down with a sigh of relief.
“Would you be alright if I went in the sea with Kei?” Leah asked, her voice soft.
You nodded. “I’m good, Le. I'm a little tired, so I’ll just read my book.”
She kissed the top of your head. “Sounds good, shout for me if you need me okay?”
“I will,” you agreed, watching Keira as she waved for Leah to join her. “Go be big kids like you both are!”
Not even thirty minutes later, you find yourself being smothered by a dripping wet Leah. “Leah!” You screeched, “Jesus Christ!”
Leah laughed, her wet hair clinging to her face. “Just wanted to cool you off a bit,” she teased, giving you a cheeky grin.
You playfully swatted at her, trying to shield yourself from the cold droplets. “Well, mission accomplished! Now get off me before you soak everything!”
Keira joined in the laughter, drenching water from her hair as she approached. “You know she won’t stop until you’re completely drenched, right?”
“I’m starting to realise that,” you said, struggling to keep a straight face as Leah continued to hover over you.
“Alright, alright, I’ll behave,” Leah conceded, stepping back but not before planting a quick kiss on your cheek. “But only because I love you.”
“You better!” you replied, still grinning. “Now, go dry off and let me enjoy my book in peace.”
“Sure you don’t want to come in?” Leah asked you.
You shook your head, patting your belly. "I'm good here, thanks. I'll stick to the sand for now."
Leah kissed your forehead and smiled, running back to the water as she raced Keira. You settled back into your sunbed, opening your book and trying to distract yourself in the story. However, the discomfort in your lower back kept pulling you out of it. Shifting positions didn't seem to help, and after a while, you gave up on reading.
You watched Leah and Keira splashing around in the water, their laughter carrying over the waves. It was heartwarming to see them so carefree, but you couldn't ignore the growing ache in your body. Being this far along in your pregnancy, every little thing seemed to take more effort and cause more discomfort.
Finally, you let out a frustrated sigh and sat up, rubbing your belly. The thought of another few weeks feeling like this was almost unbearable. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you quickly wiped them away, not wanting to ruin the moment for Leah and Keira.
But Leah had already noticed. She jogged out of the water, concern etched on her face. "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked, kneeling beside you.
"I'm just... I'm so tired of being pregnant, Leah," you admitted, your voice cracking. "I feel huge, uncomfortable, and everything hurts. I just want our baby to be here already."
Leah pulled you into a gentle hug. "I know, babe," she whispered. "It's almost over. You've been so strong, and you're doing an amazing job."
Keira, sensing the shift in mood, joined you both. "Hey, it's okay," she said softly. "It's hard, but you're almost there. And you're going to be an incredible mum."
You sniffled, leaning into Leah's embrace. "I just feel so... helpless sometimes. Like I can't do anything without getting exhausted."
Leah kissed your temple. "You're not helpless. You're growing a whole new life inside you.”
“How about we head back to the house and make some dinner?” Keira suggested, “A good meal and some rest might help."
You nodded and Leah helped you to your feet, and the three of you made your way back up the beach. As you walked, Leah kept an arm around you, steadying you with every step. Once back at the house, Leah ordered a pizza whilst you settled on the sofa and Keira cut you some fruit up.
“Here,” Keira said, handing you a plate of fruit, “Le’s just ordering a pizza.”
You accepted the plate with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Kei. This looks great."
Leah came back into the room, holding her phone. "Pizza's on its way. Should be here in about twenty minutes."
You nodded and leaned back into the cushions, trying to make yourself comfortable. "Perfect.”
Leah sat down beside you and Keira laid down on the long bit of the l-shaped sofa. The pair bickered over choosing which movie to watch before finally settling on Notting Hill.
When the doorbell rang, Leah jumped up to answer it. The smell of pizza filled the house as she returned with a couple of boxes. She set them down on the coffee table and began to dish out slices for everyone.
As you took a bite, the comfort of the warm pizza was a distraction from your earlier discomfort. The three of you chatted and laughed, enjoying each other’s company. Leah and Keira’s laughter made you forget about the aches for a while.
After dinner, you all settled in for another movie, with Leah curling up beside you and Keira picking out pitch perfect this time. You felt a bit better just being with the people you loved, sharing a quiet evening.
Leah noticed you yawning, “Want to head to bed soon, babe?”
You nodded, feeling a little embarrassed about how exhausted you were. “Yeah, I think I’ll go to bed early tonight.”
As the movie came to an end, Leah helped you up from the couch and guided you to the bedroom. She made sure you were comfortable before heading to have a shower.
When Leah came out of the shower, her hair damp and her face freshly washed, she found you struggling to pull your hair up into a ponytail. Your movements were slow and your face reflected the frustration of the day's discomforts.
"Hey, let me help," Leah offered, moving behind you and taking the hair tie from your fingers. Her touch was gentle as she gathered your hair, smoothing it back with ease. "There we go, all set."
You sighed in relief, "Thanks, Le. My arms are just aching so much! I don’t know what I’d do with you.”
She kissed the top of your head, her lips lingering for a moment. "You'd do just fine.”
You slipped into bed, pulling the covers up and settling into the soft pillows. Leah joined you a moment later, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close.
"You okay?" Leah asked softly, pressing a kiss to your bare shoulder.
"Yeah," you murmured, closing your eyes. "Just tired and ready for Finley to be here."
Leah rubbed soft circles on your hips. "Soon, babe. Really soon.”
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flickering-nightfall · 6 months
Happy rain day! And congrats to Nightcat/the Watcher for finally becoming a Real Slug™️
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I wonder what their campaign will be like. Seems like there's some rot and nature stuff going on in their title text.
I wonder if it'll be connected to, or independent of Downpour? Since Watcher's grouped up with the other three vanilla slugs (or referred to as the fourth) it's possible it'll have nothing to do with DP. It is another DLC with modders involved, but I hear Videocult will be more involved this time.
I wonder where in the timeline they'll sit. Maybe post-Saint, if DP is relevant? Or even if not (post-Monk in that case). It could also be a different timeline.
"Unknown creatures stalk and climb and dive and hunt. New breeds rip and pluck and burrow and hide. Predator and prey redefined." So there's definitely new creatures... the phrasing makes me think it could take place after Surv+Monk, but I'm not sure.
"Journey beyond to something, somewhere only ever glimpsed." Are all the regions new? It would be really neat if this didn't take place on Pebbles' and Moon's territory, though I'm not sure how feasible that is. I'd love to see more of the world outside of their grounds, and I'm not sure what else can be done with their stories other than AUs. They could also be dead, like completely dead, in this campaign. Ice age passed, growth overtaking everything. Perhaps the void sea would have risen. That would be bittersweet...
If it does take place in an entirely new setting, then the timeline wouldn't matter as much, I think. But the suggestion of rot makes it seem like it'll still be in the same area to me. Rot is a very "Pebbles thing" at this point, even though other iterators may have gotten it before too. I feel they'd need to come up with a new twist on it if they wanted to explore it with another iterator.
Quotes are from the Steam DLC page description by the way: [link to page]
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laurashapiro-noreally · 6 months
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Looking for something to read?
Oh look, it's another recs post! This time I'm featuring two stories per author. These are writers I always make time for, whose work stands out as unusually hot, clever, funny, or smart -- sometimes all of the above.
I'm gonna start you out strong with two by @werpiper: After Hours takes Aziraphale and Crowley to the baths after their oyster supper, and all sorts of interesting pleasures are there for our angel to sample. Piper's Crowley is one of my favorites: always evaluating the situation, not quite aware of what his own heart is doing but feeling it anyway.
Fitting In is a new story, still a WIP, but I am utterly tantalized by Muriel's first taste of love -- and tea. This is already rich in detail, soft and fragrant, and I can hardly wait for the action to get going in earnest. The pairing seems surprising but when you think about it for ten seconds of course it makes sense. Sex workers help the curious, the awkward, and the inexperienced every day, bless them.
If you enjoy these, check out @werpiper's back catalog -- they have done a ton of ineffables-through-the-ages, and their series Miracles and Heresy is worth many delightful hours of your time.
I love what @copperplatebeech has been doing lately:
He's Not My Friend is a T-rated story that explores Aziraphale's constant refusal to acknowledge his relationship with Crowley, and Crowley's mirror of that, and how things glacially shift over time. It is subtle and yet specific, it will make you ache and smile.
All Of The Above, also T-rated, is a warm and fuzzy alternative to that, a hilarious celebration of true friendship that made me laugh out loud and still got me right in the feels.
@copperplatebeech can do everything, from quiet, gentle, and romantic to devastating plotty AUs to extraordinarily horny established relationship to absolutely ridiculous humor. Do dive in if you haven't already.
Next up, @cumaeansibyl, master of kink:
better living through technology manages to shove everything I want in a dirty story into less than three thousand words: uptight Aziraphale reduced to sodden wreck, Crowley gleefully showing him what he's been missing, character-driven erotics, and exceptionally funny dialogue.
indulgentiam peccatorum nostrorum is somehow all that and more, turning the "I was wrong" dance into a kink (something I can't get enough of, recs welcome). This one is post-Bastille so it is extra-juicy. Mind the tags!
@cumaeansibyl has a gift for established relationship one-shots, which readers of mine will know are my entire jam. They also have a mind-meltingly hot inverse!omens AU that features different variations of angelic/demonic Crowleys and Aziraphales for our ineffables to play with.
A new-to-me author, Calico, has me hanging by a thread with their Ineffable Romans series. If you want to remember that your ineffables aren't human, that they are inordinately clever but very stupid, that the feelings they have for each other are truly beyond what anyone alive has ever felt, Calico may be the writer for you. This stuff is deep. Also hot af.
Sub Rosa reads like a nasty shag at Petronius', but there's so much more going on here. It is Extremely Queer, driven by power dynamics, and Crowley is fully demonic here and absolutely in control...or is he?
The Intemperance of Liber Pater continues on this theme, with dialogue-driven smut that reads less like a seduction than an inevitability. There's another story in this series, unfinished, and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Last but not least: two short pieces by @ineffabildaddy. I stumbled on their stories just this week and I absolutely love their approach, which I've not seen done quite this way before.
take me as your wife has a tight first-person perspective as Crowley meets Aziraphale for a meal and imagines (or is it his imagination?) that Aziraphale is suggesting Certain Things about how they might occupy themselves later. Indeed, is he suggesting even more? Something about their relationship? Or is it all in Crowley's head?
Only in Dreams is kind of a companion piece, from Aziraphale's point of view -- though hundreds of years later. This one's set after the events of S2 and although just as romantic as take me as your wife, it also offers an ineffable take on the ol' glory hole concept. Just in case you thought I was getting soft. 😏
@ineffabildaddy has a whole series of poems and ficlets like these and I can't wait to explore them all.
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tlonista · 9 months
I love Wyllstarion but I feel like we could use more fic about why Wyll falls for Astarion alongside Wyll being Astarion's fairy-tale prince. Because look, Astarion is obviously gorgeous, and Wyll drops comments suggesting he finds him attractive, but early-game Astarion is also casually cruel and kinda goddamn irritating if you're a good-aligned character. There's a lot of free real estate around exploring what an idealistic romantic like Wyll gets from a relationship where yes, the vampire is hot and suave and funny, but he's also constantly mocking everything the Blade of Frontiers stands for, including specifically everything he thinks about sex and relationships. Contrary to romcom logic this would in fact put a lot of people off!
The most obvious dynamic for me is probably that Wyll would be fascinated by Astarion, both from the perspective of a professional monster hunter traveling with a monster (which adds its own taboo charge to everything) and a young Baldurian exile traveling with an older lifelong city-dweller. Astarion knows all the bars Wyll barely got a chance to visit before getting exiled! He remembers all the balls and festivals Wyll grew up with, even if he's a little vague about what he was doing there! Sure he can be callous and mean, but it's outweighed by him being a genuinely interesting travel companion.
And in general the game could've done more with the fact that Wyll's whole life is spent trying to be a folk hero with a literal devil at his shoulder trying to pervert his good intentions. It feels like he should be a little more shaken up about the Karlach thing - he almost killed a desperate woman by Just Following Orders! And most companions have some level of "forced to be evil to survive" going on, but especially in Act 1, Astarion is the most up-front about it. He's a natural choice for Wyll to commiserate with about Mizora, and if anything the fact that Astarion is vocally anti-heroics means Wyll's less worried about him being judgmental.
I mean look I'm very into Astarion hurt/comfort and whump and to some extent that means I'm just going to gravitate to more Astarion-focused stuff, but I read a fair amount of Wyllstarion and it seems like there's room for relationships that build out their foil-ness a bit more, from either character's POV.
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changetyre · 1 year
Experimenting || CL16 & MV33
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SUMMARY: You’ve always thought Charles wasn’t fully straight, you could tell by the way he looked at certain men and maybe some things he liked in bed but he always seemed too shy to say anything. You decide to call for a helping hand. Charles Leclerc x Reader x Max Verstappen
WARNINGS: 18+ Terribly written Smut, Male oral, Fingering, Fruity behavior, A*s play, mentions of pinning Frotting, and some more stuff probably.
A/N: in honor of Pride month ig 😪 also want to make it super clear that this is not me imposing a sexuality on anyone, this is obviously a work of FICTION and nothing should be taken as real!
“Fuck yeah right there” Charles whimpered as you stuck a finger in his whole while blowing him.
Ever since you first suggested trying ass play on his part to him a few weeks ago he quickly grew obsessed and you swore you’d never seen Charles cum so har before or emit the noises he did until now.
You knew having a man comfortable enough in bed to try anything didn’t have to mean anything other then them being comfortable in their own sexuality.
Except for you in your years of relationship with Charles you’d grown to notice more and more the way he behaved towards certain men, attractive in both your eyes. The way he got flustered or shy around them and how sometimes you noticed him get turned on by some.
Your suspicious only grew stronger when Charles asked you to try pinning. You could tell he was both exited and nervous watching you put on a strap on starting at a moderate size for him.
He was nervous you could tell but he fell in love with the feeling of having a cock inside of him and as much as he tried to convince himself it was simply the fact that you were doing this to him he couldn’t help but imagine what a real one would feel like.
No, he wasn’t growing bored of you or loosing attraction to you in the slightest it was only that as he grew more comfortable in your relationship, in bed, he had allowed himself to explore himself more in ways he hadn’t found the space too.
Little did he know how much you noticed this and how much it turned you on to see Charles become nothing but mush with all these things you were trying and how much you wished to continue and increase his pleasures as much as you could.
Which is why a few days ago you’d taken the liberty to invite a friend on an adventure with you hoping to get Charles to open up (quite literally).
“Fuck cherie don’t stop! Don’t stop! I’m gonna cum” Charles breath grew erratic as he came into your mouth, your fingers slowing down their pace in his whole.
“Did you enjoy that baby.” You swallowed before you left small kisses on Charles dick making him twitch and gasp from the sensitivity.
“Beaucoup trop” he chuckled as he wrapped his arm around your neck pulling you up to his lips for a kiss. It was hot, he could still partially taste himself on your tongue making his cock twitch slightly.
“I love you.” You whispered after pulling away from the kiss, both your lips swollen and sore from the hours you’d been going at it previous to Charles final release.
“Je t’aime amour.” Charles whispered placing a soft kiss to your temple.
“Charles I need to ask you something.” You propped yourself up on your elbows looking at Charles directly. Your tone was soft trying not to make him nervous.
“What’s up bebe?” Charles smiled, it comforted you.
“I want to try bringing someone else to bed…and I invited Max to come tomorrow.” You revealed.
Out of everything you could’ve said this was the last thing Charles could’ve imagined to come out of your mouth. His mouth opened in surprise trying to wrap his head around what you said also half expecting you to reveal it was a joke.
He felt like he should get angry or at least annoyed for you taking on such a big decision on your own but he couldn’t quite bring himself to feel that way because as much as it scared him to admit it the thought excited him, it aroused him more than he’d liked to admit.
You sensed his hesitation. “I can always cancel baby I don’t want you to feel pressured or do anything you’re -“
“No!” Charles sounded a little more desperate than he intended and you had to fight back the smirk that wanted to appear on your lips. “No…it’s fine I’m okay with it…let’s try it.”
This time you allowed yourself to smile. You also took note of the fact that Charles had no protests on Max being your invitee and instead you could see the twinkle in his eye at the mention of his name.
Maybe the lestappen fan base aren’t as delusional as they seem, you thought to yourself.
“Are you sure you wanna do this baby?” You asked Charles one last time. Max should be arriving at any minute but you wanted to make sure Charles was 100% sure and comfortable with what was about to happen.
“Yes amour I’m sure. I promise.” Charles answered just as there was a knock at the door. His stomach fluttered but he couldn’t tell if it was nerves, excitement or both.
You rushed to answer the door, Charles taking a deep breath before following after you. It wasn’t until you opened the door and his eyes connected with Max’s did he realize he had no idea what you told Max.
Did Max know you wanted to have a threesome with him? Or were you both going to try to seduce him? Was Charles meant to play with Max or would that only be you?
He began to get caught up in his thoughts until he felt your hand on his arm. Your touch easing him significantly.
“Charles is a little nervous but I’m sure we can help with that right?” Your eyes remained on Charles even though you directed your question at Max.
“Of course, you know what Dani says this isn’t my first rodeo we can get him to loosen up in no time.” Max patted Charles's chest before letting his hand drop to Charles's waist as he walked past the doorway into your home.
Charles couldn’t ignore the way Max’s words and touch made blood travel right down to his center.
Charles stood in awe watching Max's hand tightly around your bare waist as he made out with you passionately in front of him. He watched as Max's hand traveled down to your ass which was covered by nothing but your red lace before he gave it a squeeze making you let out a soft moan.
Charles wasn't jealous of Max, he was seriously turned on by the sight in front of him. In fact, he was slightly jealous of the fact that your hands were all over Max's abs and the way your hand rubbed up and down his bulge over his underwear.
He started doing the same to himself. Except his heart skipped a beat when he saw Max make eye contact with him while he kept making out with you.
He pulled away from you. "Come here, Charlie," Max called out to him nonchalantly as he carefully pushed you back towards the bed making you sit on it.
"Why don't you help him relax," Max spoke to you this time as he brought Charles in front of you, you got on your knees smirking at Max's proposition before you released Charles from his boxers.
Charles's head fell back as your mouth covered him and you bobbed your head up and down his shaft. His feelings intensified by the fact that Max was rubbing his shoulders, and chest and even letting his fingers flicker his nipples.
"Ah, I won't last long like this." Charles sighed as he grabbed your head softly pulling you off him.
"What do you want us to do then?" You asked as Charles helped you off your knees and you placed a short but deep kiss on Charles's lips.
Max walked around him joining your side as you both faced Charles. It was only then Charles realized Max had stripped completely and now all three of you stood in your full naked glory.
Max was big there was no denying it but he wasn't bigger than Charles which is something he took notice of, although Charles couldn't deny the girth Max carried which made him nervous.
"I don't think I'm ready for..." Charles stumbled on his words as his gaze remained on Max's length.
"That's okay...we can do something else for now," Max reassured him unable to contain the proud smirk on his lips at the way Charles admired him.
"I have just the thing." You couldn't hide your excitement and what you had planned, something you really had been wanting to try, and just the thought got you wet. "Baby lay down on your back for us." you instructed Charles.
He did as you told, trusted you enough not to question it.
"Max can you straddle his thighs please" you then asked Max as you climbed onto the bed kneeling beside Charles.
Max smiled quickly figuring out what you had in mind.
Charles felt tingling in his entire body as he watched Max climb on top of him and jumped slightly when he felt Max's length graze against his skin.
"Relax baby, you'll enjoy this." you leaned down whispering in his ear before leaving kisses down his neck, and chest.
"What now?" Charles breathed getting slightly impatient and frustrated at the urgent need for something to happen.
"Ready baby?" you asked as you kept trailing kisses down his body reaching his dick.
"Yes, please do something." Charles's dick twitched involuntarily as your lips neared it.
He let out a long sigh as you licked a stripe down his length before doing the same to Max. You repeated the step, blowing them a couple of times getting them slick enough for the next step.
Once you felt they were slick enough you finally did it. You had to use both your hands as you joined their dicks together rubbing them against each other slowly while you moved your hands up and down.
Charles let out a guttural moan at the new feeling, his head immediately falling back and pressing into the pillow behind him. His eyes shut tightly, he didn't have to see what you were doing the feeling was overwhelmingly pleasurable enough and he also thought that if he looked he would cum immediately.
It was embarrassing how wet you were from the pleasure you were causing both these men, watching Charles trying to hold back his release and Max's ragged breath as he watched and thrust into your hand.
You jumped when you felt two fingers inside of you not realizing Charles had reached around, of course, he was worried about your pleasure too. He moved his fingers in and out at a rapid pace curling them exactly where he knew.
You almost orgasmed when Charles pulled his fingers out of you and used your juices to coat over his and Max's dick making sure everything remained slick enough, repeating the process of wriggling his fingers inside of you and collecting your wetness multiple times.
"I'm gonna cum." Max announced after a few minutes.
"Me too." Charles and you sighed in unison.
You released first around Charles's fingers and only a fraction of a second later did Charles cum quickly followed by Max whose cum mixed with Charles on his stomach.
Charles finally allowed himself to see the mess he and Max created on him although the scene didn't last long before he watched you lick his stomach clean swallowing all the contents.
"Fuck that was so hot." Max chuckled.
As usual, Charles grabbed your neck pulling you into him and kissing you deeply tasting now not only himself but also Max in your mouth.
"That was...incredible." Charles sighed after you pulled away, he watched Max climb off him and begin to put his boxers on.
"Call me anytime, and whenever you're ready we can try more." Max winked getting dressed in such a relaxed manner like he hadn't just aided in giving Charles the most incredible orgasm of his life.
"Thank you." You sat up thanking Max, he leaned over pecking your lips quickly before doing the same to Charles and walking out the door.
You looked down at Charles watching the confusion on his face at Max's action before a small smile appeared on his lips.
Maybe next time would come sooner than you thought and you couldn't be more excited.
Part 2
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justporo · 10 months
A comment and a comment reblog inspired a thought (thank you!) - @kruczecycki and @notabot2.
Let me try and paint a picture for you that I feel like might represent Astarion as well as his aesthetic:
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Astarion always had had a thing for, well - things. But of course they weren't just things. They were works of art, they were memories, they were opportunities, they were collectibles.
And one of his favourite kinds of things had always been: books. So once he'd had the opportunity, he'd gotten bookcases - up to the ceiling, filling a whole wall. And maybe even a whole room sometime. Because they filled up so quickly.
It wasn't a single genre dominating but rather an eclectic collection of everything that peaked the vanpire's interest. Poetry, history, novels of all kinds (and of course every Drizzt book he could find), journals, collections of letters, even encyclopaedias.
To the untrained eye, it might have been nothing but chaos because it followed no definite order. But it wasn't a mess at all. Astarion always knew where everything was. For every book, he could tell you where and when he'd gotten it and give you at least an outline of what it was about.
Every single volume was always handled with care, no matter if it looked (and probably was) centuries old or was brand new. But still every book was meant to be taken out, to be read and experienced, not only to be looked at in its neat place high up on the shelf.
Between and in front of the books, where the space would allow, there were more things. Little things, pretty things. Things that were aesthetic to look at or things that reminded him of pleasant memories. A small bronze statue, a mechanical clock under a glass cover ticking away, a small portrait painting of no one really, a framed old map of Baldur’s Gate, pressed exotic flowers. In some places you had added little somethings for him as well: a plant maybe and a small painting you had gotten painted of the two of you, a neatly lettered version of his favourite poem in a frame.
Whenever you looked at Astarion's bookcases you were immediately ensnared, very much similar to how it felt with the man himself: you didn't even know where to look first. It felt like you could never posssibly take in all the beauty at once.
There was just so much interesting and beautiful stuff, so many intricate details, so many various titles. You could've easily gotten lost in every single one of them. And that was what added so much to the beauty: on the surface, it was incredible to look at, but it was so much more! There was also so much depth and such a caleidoscope of different aspects, each asking to be explored and admired. Every single one of them worthy of your undivided, loving attention.
You liked watching Astarion add more things to his bookcases, as much as to himself: new treasures, different pages, fresh ideas. And then you also loved to listen to him talk about his latest additions and why they were so interesting to him.
Another thing you enjoyed to do was to just look at the huge collection. Tilting your head to read all the titles and softly letting your fingertips wander over the spines: old and new, cracked and broken, smooth and flat. Then sometimes you would slide one of the huge tomes or several smaller books out of their designated places - you knew you were always welcome to go explore. You liked to snuggle up with them on a nearby seat, getting lost in them for a while with your legs swung over the side of the chair. Maybe find your way into a new world or looking at a new perspective of your own.
But it was even better when you did that together with Astarion. Let him suggest several different possible books to possibly pick. Watch his face light up when he started to talk about them.
And then snuggling up together on the couch, getting cosy and letting Astarion read something to you. Maybe learning something new, find about something you hadn't known before or just enjoying an absolutely made up story - and always learning about and starting to love a new aspect of your vampire.
Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess
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stedefxckingbonnet · 11 months
Moonlight Meetings | Izzy Hands x Reader
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Summary: You knew Stede Bonnet from his days of being married to your dearest friend, Mary. Although Mary was your best friend, you were still there for Stede during his conflicting feelings about his marriage and wanting to sail the seas and explore the world and, well, become a pirate, and without judgment, too. You wished you had gone with him when he had left, but you stayed loyal to Mary. But upon Stede's return and him and Mary giving and getting the closure they mutually needed, as well as her assisting him in faking his death so he could truly go and live the life he's wanted to pursue without guilt, you do end up going with him this time. You actually reveal yourself to be a skilled navigator and trader, but even before this knowledge, the crew accepted you with open arms. Even a certain first mate who was weary at first (you are Stede's friend, after all) comes around, although you tried to take over his late night thinking spot as your own. You end up sharing said spot and looking forward to your encounters and conversations every night, even throughout the days.
Warnings: slight inconsistency with plot of OFMD (just the stuff with when Stede returns after leaving again, it's really not too evident or bothersome i don't think), some strong language, briefest mention of blood ever, some light angst, brief mentions of troubling past, brief explorations of anxiety, kissing
This honestly took me a few days to write, and Tumblr didn't save some of it, so that was frustrating, anyhow—I truly hope you all enjoy this! I enjoyed writing it. I have a few requests that I will be fulfilling hopefully tomorrow as well, or at least in the next couple of days especially after recent events if you know what I mean...I love you all so dearly and I cannot thank you enough for all the love you've shown me so far. I've enjoyed talking with you all whether it's through the comments or my inbox or even messages :) Keep the requests coming, and have a wonderful day (or night!)
Word Count: 5461
You had never fathomed that the sun could even shine this brightly. For once in your life, its beams didn't berate you but rather seemed to engulf you in a warm embrace as a sort of sendoff on your new endeavors, encouraging you, almost—reassuring you that this was in fact the right choice.
Ever since Stede had taken off to start his new life as a pirate amongst the ocean, you couldn't help but feel envious. You would have given anything to be able to do the same, to leave everything behind and start fresh, especially upon the saltwater seas. Barbados was all you had ever known and it never truly felt like your home. But even just the thought, the daydream of sailing the seas and discovering places you never imagined existed, felt like absolute bliss and paradise. You were sad to see Stede go, too, but you knew it would be good for him. You knew he would be happier than he was living here with Mary and his children, living the life his parents designed for him. You were undeniably happy for him. But you couldn't help but also be extremely jealous, too. Though of course, you would never express these feelings harshly—you really were over the moon for Stede. You just wished for something beyond the life that was handed to you, too. You knew he understood that, too.
Whenever you and Stede would whisper about his plans in corners at all of those socialite gatherings in the rare moments when no one was watching, he would always suggest for you to go with him, but you felt like you had no choice but to stay, especially with Mary. She was your dearest friend, and you felt strongly about your loyalty towards her. You'd never admit you were also terrified of your name being slandered and that your new reputation would follow you out there forever if you had left with him, at least at that time, in those circumstances.
But, Stede returned briefly, and all had been rekindled with Mary. They sincerely wished each other well, and she even helped him pull off a grandiose stunt—faking his death, and you knew that now, he was finally able to live the life he yearned for in peace and free of guilt. He killed off the Stede Bonnet of Barbados, and truly began to grow into the person he wanted to be—Stede Bonnet of the sea, The Gentleman Pirate.
Once he pulled it off, you walked over with him to the sand to send him off once again. There was a lingering moment between the two of you, both knowing that this would not be farewell.
"I'm going to ask you again," Stede started. "Do you want to come with me? Please, come with me, it's amazing out there. And the crew, oh!—you'd just love the crew! Please?"
How could you resist this time? Even before he had formally asked again, you were already on board, ready for whatever awaited you on this journey.
The first few weeks aboard The Revenge had been nothing short of wonderful. You already felt well acquainted with your crew, and there were even a particular few you felt yourself getting closer to already, and hoped you all would continue to. But there were parts of it that were terrifying, too—it would hit you in the most out of nowhere moments that you just up and left your last life. It's not like anything, let alone anyone was waiting for you back there, but nonetheless it shocked you from time to time that you had even left. You felt like an entirely new person—you knew that in your core you were still you, but your identity felt a bit lost in this new environment somewhere. You hardly mourned this, as you were excited to explore a new you, but that didn't erase the fact that it was frightening. There were nights where you found yourself confiding in Stede about this for hours, but you eventually stopped as you noticed Ed would already be in his quarters when you arrived and you wanted to give them privacy. Still, you couldn't stand to be alone in your own quarters, but you weren't sure which of your crew mates' doors you could knock on just yet. The only place left was to check out the main deck, see if there were any nooks and crannies you may have missed.
After a few minutes of searching, you found the perfect spot—you couldn't really be seen by anyone else on the deck, if anyone decided to walk onto it, but you could still stare out at the water and the moonlight. The moon's reflection rippling across the ocean was one of your favorite sights—it brought you such peace, so you were honestly glad that you strayed from being holed up in Stede's room and wound up here instead. You were about to sit when you felt someone else's presence beside you. You jumped, immediately turning around to see who it was, your hand instinctively reaching for your sword.
"It's just me," Izzy sighed. "You can put your fucking sword away. Just me.
You let out a sigh of relief upon the sight of the first mate. You knew that his presence unsettled, or really just annoyed the others, but not you. His presence made you feel safe and looked after, even if he was a bit harsh a lot of the time.
"This is my spot, you know," he sighed once again.
"Your spot?"
"It's where I come to think every single night, even when I'm not on watch," he explained to you surprisingly patiently.
"Do you want me to leave?" you pondered, almost frantically. You didn't want to feel like you had invaded yet another space. You knew you would start spiraling, start thinking that maybe there wasn't a place for you aboard The Revenge. And honestly, Izzy wanted to be alone, but the look on your face almost pierced through his heart. He didn't have the heart to tell you off.
"You don't have to," he shrugged, sitting down beside you. "It's fine."
You both stared out at the sea. You were beyond grateful to have some company, honestly—company beyond the moon itself. Not long after, a sigh escaped your own lips. Izzy tried to fight off the urge to talk to you, but he couldn't deny that he felt so drawn to you, even when you first arrived on the ship.
"Something wrong?" he finally asked, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. He intended to keep you in his periphery.
"I guess I've just been feeling kind of like an outsider," you shrugged, continuing. "Being here is all I've ever wanted and more, but I just feel like such a burden to everyone all the time. I don't really have anyone to talk to, and even when Stede left our village, I only had one friend. Now I just feel even more alone...It's silly, I know."
"It's not," Izzy protested. "I get it. I do."
"You do?"
Izzy nodded. "You don't ever see me talking to anyone, do you?"
You paused to ponder. "Not unless they need something."
"Do you ever get lonely, Izzy?"
Such an innocent inquiry was enough to almost make Izzy's heart stop. Looking at you from the corner of his eye wasn't enough anymore. He turned his head to face you, witnessing the genuine expression on your face. You truly cared, and you truly wanted to know. No one had ever looked at Izzy this way before, and he wasn't sure of how it was supposed to make him feel—frustrated? Sad? Sorry? Joyous, even? He subtly put his gloved hand upon his chest, thinking somehow it would slow his quickly-paced heartbeat. He wasn't used to this, he couldn't even believe this was happening. He even felt he was reading too much into this—but, you cared, and he knew it right away. He didn't know what to do with that. But it was a pleasant feeling, teetering on bittersweet. Upon realizing your question was still hanging in the air, he quickly spoke again, his mind not exactly in sync with his mouth.
"I suppose."
Izzy's response hung in the air just as your query had. It felt relieving to put such a thing out into the universe, but it also felt dreadful facing this reality. Was this the reason behind the occasionally random sharp pains in his chest, almost reminiscent of someone stabbing him right through his heart with a sword? These physical sensations never came without a looming feeling of gloominess, after all. He almost exhaled at the thought. He wasn't sure whether or not he was ready to explore any of this, let alone if he even wanted to do so. His gaze was still fixated on you, as if he were awaiting to hear something from you as well. For once in his life, hope could be seen in his eyes, though he didn't know it.
Finally, you spoke. "I'll be the moon."
A laugh almost boomed from Izzy's chest. "What?"
"I'll be here every night, if you'll have me. If there's ever a particularly hard day, just remember that the moon will rise at the end of the day and be there for you to lament all your sorrows to," you stood up by this point, speaking sort of dramatically, but it was apparent that you meant it sincerely. "And even during the day, did you know you can still see the moon? So, I'll be there during the day, too."
Izzy was in complete and utter disbelief in the best way possible. He was truly at a loss for words, and he swore his head was going to hurt from how much he was nodding. You smiled at this sight, and held your hand out to help Izzy up. He looked at you, confusing written all over his expression, but you kept your hand there. Finally, he allowed himself to put his hand in yours and before he knew it, he was back on his feet again, in more ways than one.
"Goodnight, Izzy."
"Right. Yes. Goodnight."
The thought of Izzy didn't leave your mind even as you retreated to your quarters, nor when you succumbed to sleep for the remainder of the night's reign. Little did you know that Izzy thought of you, too. That you weren't just going to be his moonlight, but also, his sunshine. But he didn't know that just yet.
You rose right as the sun did the next day, never having been more ready to take on a day until now. Something was even more enchanting about watching the transition of grey hues into orange into light blue, but this process in reverse would always have your heart. The rest of the crew woke up shortly after you, some still yawning, some stumbling upon the main deck from exhaustion. You couldn't help but giggle at such sights. None other than Izzy Hands followed behind them and your heart almost skipped a beat. Usually when this happened it was because you were overcome with worry, but, not this time and you knew that deep down. When you swore no one else was looking, you glanced over and sent a grin his way, to which he slightly returned—blinked, and you would have missed it. Your smile grew even larger, and you had to turn away to conceal it. Before you knew it, you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders, causing you to gasp.
"Someone's chipper this morning."
"Stede!" you exclaimed, laughing so hard that your stomach would probably hurt later. You swiveled around to face him. "Scared the ever living shit out of me."
"Sorry about that," Stede couldn't help but chuckle. "I just wanted to check in with you...are you feeling happy here? You settling in okay? I know it's a lot to just up and leave your life."
"Honestly, I've never been better," you admitted, your smile still existing upon you. And your smile was radiant—it had almost everyone's head turns toward you, their hearts feeling warm. Even Izzy. Especially Izzy. "I am so glad I did this. I regret not joining you sooner, but I—"
"I know," Stede jumped in to assure you, which you were endlessly grateful for. He knew of your tendency to spiral, and he wanted to cultivate a space where you didn't feel like you had to do so. "And I admire your loyalty. It's been an asset on this ship so far."
You sent a glance of gratitude his way before he walked off upon the sight of Ed emerging from his quarters, finally. You laughed as they made their ways over to one another. You were beyond happy to see your dear friend so happy, so in love. So in his element, where he truly belonged.
"Everyone, get to work!" Izzy suddenly shouted, to which the crew immediately scurried off to their designated areas. This didn't startle you, though. You made your way over to the kitchen to assist Roach in organizing the rations, accidentally brushing hands with Izzy as you did. You stopped in your tracks and looked at him from over your shoulder. He was looking at you, too, the smallest smile on his face. He couldn't look away, even though he wanted to just in case his face flushed or he smiled any further or, gods forbid, anyone else saw. You weren't afraid to keep smiling, and after what felt like forever of engaging in this staring match with the first mate, you finally ducked into the kitchen, so as not to keep Roach waiting. If you had, he would know something happened and he would pester you about it for the rest of your life.
Night fell sooner than you could realize it and for that, you were entirely grateful. You had been distracted the entirety of the day; the thought of whatever you and Izzy may have to share later dancing around in your mind, causing your heart to do pirouettes whenever you daydreamed about it. You almost couldn't even wait until everyone was asleep—but you knew this would run the risk of revealing your and Izzy's secret spot, and that would be less than ideal for the both of you. The last thing you wanted was to ruin a good thing that was only just beginning to blossom.
But tonight, Izzy was early. He found himself inhabited in the very same spot as the previous night, just as he had promised. Without a word, you plopped down right beside him, sending one of your signature smiles his way.
"I've never wished a day away like I had today," you laughed breathlessly.
"Nor have I. Yet, here we are." You could tell that there wasn't resentment behind Izzy's statement, but rather, a sort of joy. You discreetly moved a bit closer to him, your knees almost brushing against one another. Izzy also moved toward you at the same time, causing said collision. You were grateful for the dark concealing the rose tint creeping upon your cheeks. Izzy was grateful for the dark concealing the smile creeping upon his lips.
Izzy exhaled almost sharply, preparing to speak again, really speak. "I don't mean to scare off the crew, you know."
"I don't think you scare them one bit," you were quick to reassure him. "It's just how times were in the time where you sailed with Blackbeard, right?"
Izzy nodded almost rapidly, in utter shock that you already had such a good read on him. "Times were different, that's for sure."
"I can tell you care," you told him sincerely. "You just have a way of showing it that the crew isn't used to. I mean, they have Stede fucking Bonnet as one of their captains."
Izzy didn't hesitate to laugh at that. "Yeah. Stupid fucking Stede Bonnet...but what was it like?"
"What was what like?"
"Being a part of...that world. His world."
You rolled your eyes somewhat playfully. "It was...a lot, all at once. Lots of uncomfortable clothes, powder on my face that made me look sickly but everyone would swear I was beautiful. But I never felt like a real fucking person. Ever. It was honestly exhausting."
Izzy listened intently, leaning in a bit to further demonstrate this. He nodded as you spoke, nods that spoke: I understand. That does sound like a lot. That does sound exhausting. It's amazing that you left that life behind. You're destined for so much more than what you were given. But all Izzy could manage to say, was, "No wonder you left. That sounded awful." He was mentally punching himself for not thinking of anything better to say. You deserved words in which were beautifully and artfully strung together. He knew that.
But, you laughed, knowing he empathized just by the way he looked at you. You were no stranger to these sorts of glances—sure, no one had ever looked at you that way before, but it was all you read about in your favorite romance novels, described so vividly that once you did encounter a moment like this, you would immediately recognize it, and, you did. "I'm better now. Much better. Where I need to be."
Once again, Izzy nodded. "You've been a great addition to this crew."
"Really?" you asked, almost in disbelief, but you were flattered to say the very least.
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it." To anyone else, this would have sounded harsh. To you, these were the most reassuring words you had ever heard. He looked over at you, insecurity rushing through his bloodstream and you could see this. Even in the light of the moon, you could see the paleness of Izzy's face.
"Thank you, Izzy." You spoke sincerely, and suddenly all pigment re-entered Izzy's once ghostly features. Such words felt so foreign and out of reach for him, until you had confidently brought them into existence. From you, this declaration wasn't a whisper—he could tell that you meant it with your entire heart. He couldn't even recall the last time someone had shown him a shred of gratitude, or if anyone ever had at all before this. Just those three words were enough to send warmth all throughout his body even as the breeze threatened to send shivers down both of your spines and force you underneath the warmth of your blankets in your respective quarters. This would be a warmth that would carry on every time he saw you from this point on—you would be the start to the fireplace in his heart, and part of him knew this was going to begin to happen from this moment forward. As long as you were going to be around, he knew he would at least never be entirely freezing again.
All Israel Hands could manage to do now was look at you. There were stars in his eyes paired tears hat threatened to cascade down his cheeks like waterfalls and he hoped so much that you weren't able to see, that the moon would spare him at least a bit. But you so badly wanted to reach out and wipe away the water from the corners of his eyes, though you wanted his complete trust even more, and that seemed like the last way to get it, at least this early on.
"My eyes just get dry," Izzy quickly defended in case you had seen anything.
You stifled a quiet laugh. "It is pretty windy out here."
"So, see you tomorrow, then?"
"Tomorrow," you confirmed, not even trying to conceal the corners of your lips rising to form a smile.
Tomorrow's would unfold every single night, not one ever missed. There were even a few nights that you happened to be in the midst of a cold but you insisted to be in your spot with Izzy, to which he would protest and you would compromise by allowing your meetings to happen in your quarters as he got Roach to make you soup, and you were better within the next few days. And even on the days where Izzy felt like absolutely screaming and cursing at the world, perhaps directing this to Blackbeard and Stede, he would still eagerly await your time together—it would be beyond enough to get him through those days.
It had now been quite some time since these meetings began. You were really beginning to solve the riddle that was Izzy Hands, and you quite liked what you were finding, and it only made you yearn to uncover even more. But, there were many nights and even days spent where you worried—worried that perhaps Izzy was ashamed of the connection that you two had formed, and that was why your encounters took place at night. Or, perhaps he was just lonely, or he had nothing better to do. You did your best to push these thoughts to the back of your mind but you usually had no luck. And, it was even harder to deny the blossoming feelings you had for the man.
Even before the first time you two had really conversed, you knew there was something about the first mate that you were drawn to, and these nights with Izzy had only confirmed that.
Little did you know that the same fears, and probably even more, existed within Izzy. Of all the people in the crew, why had you taken interest in him? He knew that even Stede Bonnet was probably of more interest, with his fancy wears and his everlasting bookshelves. Or Frenchie perhaps, with his instrument and his voice that the crew never got sick of hearing. Or Lucius with his sketches and his wit. Or hell, even Blackbeard himself, with all of the anecdotes he had up his sleeve—but why him? Why Israel Hands? This thought often plagued him to the point where his head would begin to hurt just a bit, and whenever it did (and, you knew when it did—he wasn't the best at hiding the wincing at all), he would just cake it to the changes in weather, or something that had happened that day, or even not drinking enough water. You always knew these excuses were, well, excuses, but you also knew it wasn't best to press.
Sometimes, part of Izzy wished that you would press. It was you, so he wouldn't mind as much. It wasn't likely that he would pour out his concerns, but he would appreciate yours.
As soon as you arose, you already spotted Black Pete and Lucius, who absolutely qualified for the cutest couple award, if there were such a thing—you wouldn't be surprised if Stede had established that just for them. But, your heart sank just a bit, knowing you couldn't express your growing love for Izzy like that. You weren't even sure you would know if he returned your feelings, and the last thing you wanted to do was ruin such a beautiful thing between the both of you with such knowledge, especially if he truly didn't feel the same. But every morning, your heart would ache, and it became harder and harder to keep all of this love to yourself. You wanted more than anything for it to pour out of you like a fountain that never stopped flowing. You reserved such ardor for Izzy and Izzy alone. Never had you carried such affection, such fondness for another, and not only did that excite you, but it also scared the hell out of you.
The crew noticed this after the first few weeks—oh, you were far from subtle. You practically glowed whenever Izzy entered a room, even if you appeared completely composed.
Finally, Izzy rose from his quarters and your heart leapt in your chest. You couldn't hold it in anymore, and there was no way you were waiting for the moon to rise tonight. You waltzed right over to Izzy, gently pulling him aside. He didn't resist your touch at all—it felt almost familiar, and peaceful.
"Do you have a moment?" you suddenly asked.
"For you? Always. For anything else? Probably not," he chuckled.
Before you were about to speak once again, Stede had announced that the ship had docked. You sighed, slumping against the railing that you and Izzy were propped up against.
"Can it wait?" Izzy asked you sheepishly, his eyes apologizing.
"Oh. Yes. Yes, it can," you sighed.
"Not for long," Izzy assured you as he rushed off in order to ensure the ship's safe docking. It only took a few moments before he gestured for you to follow him off of the ship. You perked up at this, grabbing your satchel and running over to him.
"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" he asked as you walked along the pathway of the Republic of Pirates.
"I...It's nothing. Not here, at least."
"Then where?" Izzy sent a playful smile your way.
"Could we actually head back to the ship? Just for a moment?"
Izzy pondered this—for just a moment. "I suppose no one would really notice, and if they did, they wouldn't care all that much."
This time, Izzy followed you. You were already beginning to regret this quite a bit, and beads of sweat were forming upon your temple. You wiped them away carefully, fanning yourself with your hand. You led Izzy to your shared spot, barely being able to breathe. Nor was Izzy with the way you were practically running back, and he had to do his best to keep up the pace. But the thought that something could be wrong was beginning to plague him.
"I couldn't wait until tonight," you finally admit, nervous laughter bubbling out of you.
"Most days, I can't either," Izzy sent a reassuring, but equally as nervous smile your way. "All of the time, actually."
All you could manage to do was sit there and just glow. You glowed underneath the sun's beams and the sight of it made Izzy absolutely melt, and not from the heat.
"Is everything alright? Just wanted to talk?"
Your eyes stayed fixated upon the man before you, the person whom you carried so much love for that it almost overflowed out of you. And, it was no secret that you had never felt this way about anyone before, and Stede Bonnet himself could and would be overjoyed to confirm it. You were often urged to find some sort of attachment toward a plethora of potential "worthy" suitors, but none of them ever caught your eye, nor had much to offer you despite all of their pleas. You always had this feeling deep down that none of them were truly suitable, and so you bore no hesitation saving yourself and your heart for someone that was. And Israel Hands was beyond anything you had ever dreamed of. He suited you so perfectly. He was worthy of all of the love in the world and so much more—you just hoped yours was enough for him. You hoped he would want any of it—it was his if he did.
And oh, did he want it. He yearned for you. Izzy's heart ached when the two of you were forced to retreat to your quarters after hours of conversation. He could spend forever just sitting there with you, his arm wrapped around you as you witnessed the sky's change every day, together. To him, that would be absolute paradise. Every second he spent with you, and even when you were apart, he knew in his heart that he held this special sort of feeling for you. Dare he call it love, as he didn't want his heart to shatter into a million pieces that he wouldn't be able to pick up. But, you were it for him, and he knew that deep down. He could see it in your eyes, or at least, he hoped that was what he was seeing. You did look at him with stars in your eyes, and you knew that.
"Please, don't hate me," you started, biting your lip so harshly that it almost drew blood.
"Hate you?" Izzy repeated, absolutely puzzled. "I couldn't hate you even if I tried."
You inhaled so sharply that you almost choked on air. You laughed it off, though Izzy instinctively placed his arm on the small of your back, tracing small patterns into it. With this, you collapsed into his arms and he was already set up to catch you. Sobs escaped your lips as he moved one of his hands to the back of your head, running his fingers through your hair in an attempt to hopefully soothe you. These weren't instincts he was familiar with, yet, he felt as if he was meant to do these things. "You can tell me. Take your time, of course," he assured you as you continued to cry. After a moment, you managed to compose yourself a bit and you felt okay enough to pull away, but Izzy kept his hands on your upper arms gently, just in case. He was really starting to grow concerned, his stomach churning.
"You won't hate me?"
Izzy laughed, to which you managed the smallest of smiles. "I could never."
"I...I feel very connected to you, Izzy," you began. "And our conversations have really confirmed that for me. I don't just think about you at night before we talk—do you know that? You are the first thing that enters my mind each morning and then I can't wait to see you, really see you and talk to you and be close to you. And some days on this ship are hard, Izzy, but you make things so much easier. You take so much weight off of my shoulders."
"The thought of getting to talk to you gets me out of bed every day," Izzy admitted. "I've been doing this a long time and sometimes I don't know what it's all for anymore, why I even bother. But if I get to see your smile, it's all worth it."
You swore you were about to become a blubbering mess if you opened your mouth to speak at all. As you took a step forward towards him, your fingers intertwining as you approached. His other hand gently landed upon your waist, and your eyes met at the same second. The gap between you both was too much, too much, and neither of you could take its existence anymore—he gently reeled you in and you pressed your lips against his. He quietly gasped in surprise, though it was quickly followed by a sort of sigh of relief as he returned your kiss, returned your sentiments. You smiled against his lips and he couldn't help but do the same, there was no denying that your smile was contagious. He felt as if he were meant to do this, meant to show you such tenderness and care and love. And you would do anything in your power to show him that he was worthy of all of yours.
"I..." Izzy whispered against your lips. "I love you." The words almost got stuck in his throat—they felt unfamiliar, and unfamiliar was rarely not terrifying or dreadful. Right now, unfamiliar was exhilarating. Those three words were the truest he had ever spoken. You lit up more than the sun, the stars, and the moon combined.
"I love you, Israel." You had saved those three words for someone special, someone whom you truly adored without any question, and Izzy happened to be that someone. Anyone else would never, ever compare. He engulfed you in another embrace, your shirt becoming slightly stained by his tears. "I was meant to."
"Meant to what?"
"I was meant to love you. Made for it, probably," you laughed.
Izzy took hold of your hand once again, disentangling himself from your embrace to face you. With his free hand, he cupped your cheek and his thumb caressed it softly. "I think perhaps the moon knew to bring us together. But I loved...I loved you even before then. Or at least, I had a strong feeling I was going to. That, I'm certain about."
"Think we still have some time before everyone notices we're gone?" you asked, hope wavering in your voice.
"Oh, we've got ample long as they're at Spanish Jackie's," he couldn't help but chuckle. "We've got all the time in the world, my love."
"All of the time in the world," you repeated. "I love the sound of that."
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jamdoughnutmagician · 3 months
Ultimate Fantasy (Eddie Munson x Reader 18+)
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Ever since @raccoonboywrites said about Eddie getting fucked, I could not stop thinking about it. I had other stuff I was working on, but my brain would not rest until I churned out this Eddie pegging fic. So here it is! Enjoy this little bit of filth :)
Word Count:837
Masterlist // Eddie Munson Masterlist
Eddie braced himself on his elbows as he arched his back, raising his hips and presenting his ass up to you. The pale skin of his perfectly peachy cheeks tinted pink from where your hands had squeezed into the plump flesh as you worked him open on your fingers. 
Soft whimpers tumbled from his lips as you teased his hole, stretching him on one finger, then two, even three, even going as far to lean close enough to let your tongue drag across the puckered skin, gliding upwards until your tongue meets the seam of his swollen balls.
You had been talking about this for a few days after, Eddie had gotten a little too high one night, and let slip that this was something that was on his ‘ultimate fantasy’ list. Talking through everything that might be a concern or worry, setting a safe word, creating a safe space to explore this new side of your relationship with your boyfriend. 
Whilst this had been a suggestion that Eddie had brought to your attention, you can’t lie, the thought of having your boyfriend completely at the mercy of your control sent a chill of excitement down your spine.
And all of that brings you to where you are now. Pressed up behind Eddie, perched on your knees, with the material of the staps biting into the soft skin of your thighs. A generous amount of lube spread over his ass and the fake cock strapped to the harness. 
Your hand skims across the flat of his back, a gentle reminder of how much you love him.
“You ready, Eds?”
“I think so?”
With your hand wrapped around the base of the dildo, you slowly push your hips forward, guiding the length towards his hole. The head pops in and you still your movements for a moment to check in with him when you hear the little breathy gasp that he lets out.
“Are you okay?”
“Want you to keep going, please. I promise I can take it, I just wanna feel it.” 
Your hips keep slowly moving forward, sliding into him inch by inch until you’re fully seated deep inside him. The groan that rumbles in the back of his throat is enough to make your cunt throb with arousal. Not yet, this wasn’t about you, this was about Eddie.
“How’s that feel baby?” you coo.
““Feels like I can feel you all the way in my fuckin’ guts.” he shudders 
“I’ll take that as a good thing?” 
“Yeah, fuck, yeah definitely a good thing.” his low breathy laugh comes.
“I’m going to start moving now, okay baby?” you tell him, your voice as sweet as syrup.
That’s all you need to hear from him before you’re drawing your hips back until just the tip remains, and thrusting forward. Fucking into him with gentle, controlled thrusts. Eddie’s soft whines turn into fully unabashed moans as your movements pick up, pounding into his tight hole with heavy thrusts.
His poor needy cock hangs heavy between his thighs, flushed with need and steadily dripping with pearlescent arousal.
Your hands grip his hips for more leverage as you continue to bury yourself in him. Squeezing the soft flesh under your fingertips in an almost bruising grip.
 The drag of your cock inside him was unlike anything Eddie could have ever anticipated, but now he’d had just a taste of the pleasure, he knew this was something that he would never be able to be without.
“Touch me please..” he whines, even surprising himself at the needy tone of his voice.
“But, I am touching you, baby” you tease, punctuating your point with a particularly pounding thrust.
“M-my cock..please..ah..it hurts..” he grits through his teeth. 
Good boy, remembering his manners. Your hand reaches around his slim hips, down to where his poor neglected cock hung hot and heavy between his thighs. Veins throbbing under your touch as you coast your fist up and down his length. With every thrust of your cock pushing into him, he was jerking forward into your fist, desperately in search of his release.
You could tell he was getting close, his skin was blooming scarlet, intricate inky tattoos sitting on flushed, sweat-drenched skin. He was arching into your every move. Despite not being able to see him from this angle, you were almost willing to bet that those pretty chocolate brown eyes were rolling back as he shuddered with need. 
It didn’t take very much more than a few well-angled thrusts, the head of your cock pounding against his prostate, and your slick fist working over him before he was coming with a deep growling moan spilling from his lips. Rope after rope of dripping white spurting from his tip, glazing your knuckles and the sheets below. 
As the pretty moans died on his tongue, you could only hope that this was the first of many times where Eddie would only too happily bend to your will in the name of pleasure.
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@penguinsandpotterheads @paybacksawitch @aphrogeneias @mrsjellymunson @eddiesxangel @onegirlmanytales
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umeji-writes · 11 months
I would like to talk about the Music Festival arc - aka my favorite Mairuma arc until now. I love them all tbh, this is just very close to my heart for several reasons. [cw: non-suggestive discussion of s*x; if you are a s*x-repulsed asexual person you are very much welcome to interact, but this may not be the post for you, take care and proceed with caution ♡ edit: I'm uncensoring the words from here onwards thanks to a kind anon's suggestion] To make it short, I love that the main theme of this arc is pleasure, and the desire for it. Honestly, it's very horny - but not in a slimy or creepy way, which is sadly quite rare in my experience. The appreciation for pleasure coming from love (also platonic love) is there in several layers. First, the plot itself, as Lilith cries out her desire to find "a love that burns like fire". She is not satisfied by most pretenders, and especially this frame spoke to me:
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Because... Well... It's so true. I am an adult, and I had my share of sexual partners. The expressions people make irl are not always aesthetically pleasing, but who cares! We are told to strive to be always attractive, but in those moments of intimacy it's really not important, not as much as being fully present and enjoying the moment! Then, can we talk about Kalego please?
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I mean, Nishi here went all out and didn't even try to hide her fascination for ...discipline:
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(and to be fully clear: I am NOT implying there is sexual tension between Kalego and his students, I am only referring to him!!!) When I saw the whip I couldn't believe my eyes. Of course in that context it's not used that way, but it's very much recognizable as an adult tool... But more on this later. Finally, I really like that the Misfits are growing up and finding out new things about themselves. They are characterized as high school students (even if we don't know how old they actually are), which is when humans tend to have their first experiences and explore their sexualities. They are building together this beautiful show full of emotions and desire, and honestly performing with other people is really an amazing feeling (I am a former musician and theater actor - let me tell you, every performance was fire). Look at their faces: from here...
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...to here.
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They are shocked, but happy! And definitely feeling ...feelings. And here is my main takeaway: I am really, really sad that sex is a taboo topic in our society, and when there's something about sex, it's mostly treated in a very bad way. This includes sex scenes in generic-audience movies, which I tend to dislike... I hate that sex is handled like a dirty and secret thing. I hate that sex is mostly treated as something that has to do with power imbalance and taking advantage of someone else, usually men that "want to do stuff TO" women (nonbinary individuals like myself not found) - and too often not in a hot and consensual way. I hate that social media are becoming more and more sex-hostile, because investors fear these topics, and use children as a shield to justify limiting contents for adults as well. I hate that sexual education is mainly reserved for talking about pregnancies and, if the students are lucky, prevention of STDs. Solo or reciprocal pleasure? Consent? Treating it as a normal part of life for many people (and not ALL, again, asexual people exist)??? Naaaah, why do that, when you can make people feel shame and embarassment and perpetuate trauma. Again, I am a grown-up now, and while this is legal and everything, I was conditioned to feel some level of shame nonetheless when talking about it irl (which I am working on). The whip I was writing about before (and the kneeling scene afterward)? It was a revolution in my brain. "So... That's a thing we can do...?"
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(like that) I plan on doing some adult drawings in the future, but there's a part of me that resists the idea, because adult entertainment usually involves some level of dehumanization... But you know what? I want to take it back and make it about pleasure and enjoyment as it should be. Tbh, I could write a whole essay on the causes for all of the above and how they interact (patriarchy, capitalism, religions as power institutions, etc.), but this is not the place. So I'll just say that I am really, really grateful to Nishi for including this arc in a manga for a young audience, as those are important years to build a healthy relationship with pleasure and one's own body. And as Sullivan said...
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I'm very much convinced that Nishi is doing a great job at sending messages for inclusion and social equality in M!IK, taking the role of educator herself. (Other reasons why I love the Music Festival arc are: Soi's story, Clara and Azz becoming closer, Iruma learning the piano, the appreciation of music itself, the immaculate art and more, but that's for another post!!!)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months
ugh this is horrible news tommy is still around, hope to god he's gone in the finale. v
Maybe in your world Nonnie, but not in mine and I'm not entirely sure why you felt the need to come and complain about it on my blog, but here we are!
It makes perfect Narrative sense for Tommy to still be around in the back end of the season, and even possibly into the start of season 8. The show is telling a story of Bucks bisexuality, so why woould they get rid of Tommy so quickly? To do so would do a disservice to that story - a massive disservice. I'm guessing you're hating on this relationship becasue you see it getting in the way of Buddie, rather than viewing it as a vital step on the route to Buddie.
Lets put it into simple terms - Buck figures out he's bi and then begins to explore that newly discovered aspect of himself. The show has also taken the time to move Buck from someone who didn't really do relationships (of the long term variety), into someone who is looking for love and looking for forever. But in amongst all of that, he hasn't really had a healthy long term relationship, the closest he had to that was with Ali and that one didn't last especially long and she wasn't around for most of it
Buck isn't ready for an endgame queer relationship right now - he is still to immature from a relationship perspective - especially a queer relationship perspective. If Eddie was available and he and Buck got together - as they are as characters right now, they wouldn't last - they're not in a position to do so successfully. And this isn't me suggesting that they need to have figured everything out before they get together - to have fully healed etc, because thats neither realistic or something I would want to see - what it means is that they both need to get to a point where they are in a healthy enough place to put in the work together, understand each others flaws, and their own flaws and proactively work towards overcoming those things together and as of right now, neither of them are - they are getting their and moving rapidly in the right direction, but Buck needs to learn a bit more, and in many ways learn how to be with a man, before he will be ready to start anything with Eddie.
The growth we're getting to watch Buck go through right now - in the aftermath of the lightening strike, his reckoning with his mortality etc and the fact he's now off the hamster wheel and moving forward - in a healthy and faster way than we've ever seen from him, speaks volumes.
Tommy is also a far better developed love interest than any other love interest we've seen Buck (or indeed Eddie) with (Abby excepted but she was a main, so had her own purpose on the show)- I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling like I know Tommy more after 3 episodes plus what we got from the begins episodes he was in, than I managed to ascertain about Taylor or Ana or Nataila etc!
Not to mention, him figuring out he's in Love with Eddie as part of this process is going to be fun to watch. The show has made no bones about re-enforcing at every. Single. Opportunity how close, how entwined and how important Buck and Eddie are to one another - the show has quite literally been prioritising that over anything else Buck and Eddie related - Buck was there front and centre - placed very much on an equal footing with Shannon and even Eddie himself in 7x01, and then Eddie was the centre of Bucks bi arc in 7x04 and in his coming out in 7x05. They are literally moving chess pieces into place to tell an amazing story of queer love in later life and creating an epic slow burn for the ages.
And finally, Eddie is, as far as we know at this point in time, still in a relationship with Marisol - why shouldn't Buck get to explore who he is and what he want's within a relationship rather than sitting pining on the sidelines - that isn't healthy in any way shape or form. Eddie still has stuff to figure out about himself.
Even Tim and Oliver have stated in interviews that this is about a happy and joyful queer experience of figuring out bisexuality and therefore within that is giving the narrative a romcom vibe. But they have also stated that Tommy isn't going to be around for that long - that he is very much a narrative device.
It is worth pointing out that timelines on various aspects of the narrative may have been shifted because of the season 8 renewal - but that is only going to help tell the story because now it doesn't have to be rushed. I'm still fully expecting some form of feeling realisation from one of them by the end of the season (my money is on Buck), setting up for season 8 and Buddie going canon either 8a finale or early into 8b.
You have every right to dislike Tommy if thats you jam - have at it, but don't come to my blog and expect me to agree with you. I'm not a multi shipper by any means - I'm a one ship kind of gal and I will be a Buddie shipper until the end of time, but within that, I am here for amazing storytelling and amazing queer storytelling - the like of which I've not had the privilege to watch on my screen before - especially one that hits so close to home. Its a really important story to tell and I'd rather it not be rushed.
And if you had to pick - I'm pretty sure you'd rather have Tommy around for a bit longer that Marisol!!!!
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ineffable-endearments · 9 months
I always felt like Good Omens was about free will not only as an individual thing, but as a systemic issue. Since it was first published, there was always an aspect of the story that explored systems and how they exert pressure on people. This flowed into an exploration of ways people can take responsibility even when everything is too big to handle alone. A lot of it seemed, to me, to be about just showing up and doing your sincere best even when you weren't quite sure how it could all work out.
All this to say that I don't feel that the...pressure? coercion? Aziraphale may have been feeling about going to Heaven can be handwaved away entirely. There is a System and the pressure it is putting on him is real, not just fluffy nonsense in his head. He knows what Heaven does to dissenters. He knows what they were ready to do to him. Seventy-five percent of the time, he chooses to ignore it, but he knows. In fact, I think it's a bit of a feedback loop in which the fear of consequences leads Aziraphale to believe Heaven has to be right after all because the alternative is intolerable.
I've never seen any satisfactory explanation for what Heaven would do if Aziraphale insisted on saying "no" to the Supreme Archangel thing. As we see from Crowley's trip up there in disguise, the very best Aziraphale and Crowley could hope for would be to be left alone for a little while until Heaven destroys the world, except in that scenario, they wouldn't know anything about it until it started happening because they'd be off being clueless. This is Good Omens, so humans would almost certainly save the world again, but with all his anxiety around control this season, I don't think Aziraphale is in the headspace to be placing that bet right now.
And where did that anxiety around control come from? Heaven, of course.
I don't love the idea of dismissing the coercion of a system as massive as Heaven because Heaven feels like an analogy to real-world structures. Like, are we going to suggest that people can just magically break free of their religious/cult/authoritarian influences and face no serious repercussions from the people around them? That is usually not the case, and in many situations, those repercussions are so bad that people don't actually have a choice but to stay silent.
I can definitely embrace the idea that Aziraphale has actively decided to put on a happy face and believe the best of Heaven because of the sunk cost, the need to feel good and useful, and the fear of punishment, but I can't embrace the notion that he has a real, free choice.
I'm working on a long, long post about this, about the real central issues I believe Aziraphale is facing and how I think the primary mistake the narrative wants him to address is the manner in which he talked to Crowley during the Final Fifteen, and the complicated stuff he's going to have to disentangle before he can figure that out. This post didn't exactly fit there, but I wanted to post it separately because of the amount of chatter I've seen lately about Aziraphale.
Anyway, getting in that elevator most likely wasn't the mistake. How is it a mistake if you probably don't have a choice in the first place?
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autisticgaypirates · 25 days
hello dubai!
if i had to choose one song to play on repeat for the rest of my life, it'd be bambi by clairo. if you don't know this song, please for the love of ellie and mason go listen to it
it makes me feel.. a lot. it's very much a bittersweet song, mostly about clairo's relationship with the music industry and management. however, a lot of the lyrics can be interpreted to refer to a romantic relationship... y'all already see what's going on
the lyric i always scream while crying is "rushing so i can beat the line, but what if all i want is conversation and time?" GOD it's just oh my god
so! here's a short thing i wrote about ace regarding that line. uhhh no warnings i don't think. there's like suggestive stuff implied but no actual freaky deaky type shit. not sad enough to angst but y'know. yeah that's about it tbh. i also don't know the word count since i wrote this in my notes app :3 please ENJOY 💜
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"rushing so i can beat the line..."
was he a heartthrob? no. did he have women begging at his feet to be with him? no. however, was always able to get what he wanted? with his crooked smile and dark eyes, absolutely.
you've had your eyes on ace ever since you stepped onto the deck of the moby dick. it felt kind of wrong, considering whitebeard saw you all as his children, but there was no actual blood relation so it's fine... right?
your biggest fear is him viewing you as a sister. you would rather him hate your guts and fight the urge to kill you every time he sees you than have him see you as a sister. all you wanted was one chance with him, no intimacy required.
your fear heightens as you approach the new island. he always brings some random drunk broad onto the ship and fucks her senseless. she always leaves before he wakes up, and he can't even attempt to find her. he didn't even learn her name. he copes by finding another drunk broad, acting as if monogamy would kill him.
if he's always this horny and desperate, then it's obvious that there was no hope for you. you were the only girl on the ship, why wouldn't he take advantage of that?
you rest your arms across the railing of the ship, feeling sick to your stomach as you see an island in the distance. you groan as your forehead falls onto the railing as well, hiding your face from everyone and everything surrounding you.
a rough, calloused, and incredibly warm hand touches your shoulder, completely exposed from the [f/c] tank top you wore. you jerk your head up at the unexpected feeling as a gasp of shock leaves your lips. you hear a familiar laugh attached to the hand.
"didn't mean to scare ya there, [y/n], my bad." it was ace. you turn and see his bright smile, face slightly flushed from the guilt of startling you.
you smile and shake your head. "it's okay, you didn't mean it." you turn to face him as his hand leaves your shoulder. "so..." you say awkwardly, leaning back against the ship's railing. "you need anything from me?"
what kind of stupid fucking question is that?
"yeah, i do actually," ace says optimistically. "come explore the island with me today. i heard there's some cool shops to check out, like jewelers and stuff. you're into that, right?" he points to the necklace you were wearing. you look down, forgetting you even had it on. you look back up at him, giggling a bit.
"yeah, yeah that'd be fun," you say as calmly as possible. there's no way he wants to take you to a jewelry store... maybe you're overthinking this but that's a bit much for the first real time you two are alone, no?
the ship suddenly stops, reaching the dock that leads to the island's entrance. ace still stands in front of you, but his eyes are now on what he can see of the island instead of you. he begins to grin as he gets excited.
"ah yeah, let's go!" he says excitedly, grabbing your hand and dragging you along.
he held your hand until the end of the dock. you'll count that as a win.
hours pass, and after a day of meeting new people and seeing new places, it was time to unwind. it was getting dark, and you weren't familiar with what went on on this island, so you stayed close to ace. he didn't seem to mind, though.
you watch as he navigates the area, looking for a bar of some sort. his eyes stop on a bar with a large crowd of people in it, drunkenly dancing to the live music that played from the small stage inside.
"i forced you to be my friend all day, so the least i can do is get you a drink," he tells you, turning his heels to walk into the bar.
as long as it's not sister.
the crowd of people was bigger than you anticipated, making you slightly anxious. there were a lot of women there, and all of them were wearing just enough clothes to not get arrested for nudity. all of them looked at be at least 10 years older than him, but neither the women nor ace seemed to care. you were right around his age. it was just unfortunate at this point.
you studied the room deeply, the insecurity building up. you got so lost in your own anxiety that you didn't even notice ace walk away to buy you a drink and bring it to you. the glass in front of your face snapped you out of your trance; you needed this shot badly.
"bottoms up, buttercup," he tells you. he gives you a wink before downing it in one swig. you do the same. "alright [y/n]," ace says, staring into the crowd. "let's go find people for us to bring back to the ship tonight."
he walks away.
you stand and watch him.
you stand and watch him and become enraged with yourself for being so pathetic. you go to the bar top and leave your empty glass there, tipping the bartender a couple of berri (and a hair tie) that you found in your pocket.
you don't take your eyes off of him in that crowd. you march into it before he gets swallowed by the sea of people. you know that once he's in that crowd, he'll find a pretty pair of cougar tits and bring them onto the moby dick.
you manage to grab a hold of his hand just before you lost him entirely. you pull him out of the crowd, not caring if he accidentally hits someone. he wasn't even fully in the crowd yet and were already able to sense the eyes of women on him.
you had to rush to beat the line that you knew was already forming.
"woah, [y/n]," he says, stumbling towards you. "what's going on? you okay? do you w-"
you kissed him. you shut him up. your hand migrated from his palm to his face, cupping it softly as you leaned into it. you felt his fingertips on your leg, right at the bottom of your overly short shorts.
you released the kiss, looking at him while the realization of what you had done hit you. you felt panic rise within you, your breathing beginning to stagger. you backed away from him, your eyes glossy. you wanted to run.
so you did.
"... but what if all i want is conversation and time?"
you sat on the edge of the dock by the moby dick. your whole crew, with the exception of you and ace, were done for the night. you had no idea what time it was. you didn't care. nothing felt real, but it also felt too real.
hugging your knees, you watched the ocean's horizon as tears stained your face. the moon gave the ocean such a melancholic glow, the stars peppering it with their subtle shine.
"[y/n]!" a voice behind you yells. you don't even look. you recognize ace's voice immediately. you hug your legs tighter into you, as if this position would somehow make you smaller and harder to see. beside you appears two heavy boots. wearing those boots is the last person you want to see right now. he taunts that thought by bending down beside you.
"y'know i actually started chasing after you right away," ace says, looking into the horizon like you do. "there was just this one crazy lady who, i swear, she had to be at least 50, she just wouldn't get her paws off of me, i could've sworn she had a husband based on-"
"why should i fucking care about this?" you whisper to him. although it was a whisper, it was said in a sharp enough tone to slice through wood. ace looked surprised, he's never heard such a tone from you. he lets out a nervous laugh in response.
"oh my god," he says, laying down on the dock with his legs dangling off the edge. he smacks his forehead with his palm. "oh my god, you're so right." his hand moves down his face and over his mouth. "ughhhhhhh." his hands rests on his chest now. you look to see him gently scratching below his adam's apple. he was nervous.
you felt guilty. ace never feels nervous. he's always so confident and prideful. you fucked up, to put it lightly.
"i'm..." you start, looking at him. "i'm sorry for, y'know, kissing you. especially out of nowhere in front of all those women. i just... ace, i've always had a thing for you and my biggest fear was that you saw me as a sister. i still don't know if you do, so that kiss could've possibly felt like kissing your sister. fuck, that's disgusting." you look away, weeping softly. "i'm sorry ace. i'm sorry for the kiss and for this over-honesty."
"what?" ace says, sitting up. "why are you apologizing?" he has an amused smile on his face. "i thought it was great! i mean, a kiss from a pretty girl who i literally travel the world with?"
"yeah, but there were still so many women in there that i'm sure you'd rather-"
"are you kidding?! first of all, based on the one interaction i had with someone at that bar, i probably would've come back with nothing and no one. and second... just, no. no, i wouldn't prefer a one-night stand with some thirty-something year old. i actually..." he began to blush. he looked down and let out a small laugh. "i actually wanted to get more, y'know, intimate with the kiss, but i didn't want to push any boundaries."
you sat there, a blushing mess. you idiot, why do you automatically assume the worst?! you even felt his hand on your hip as you kissed him!
"oh... yeah..." you say with a nervous smile. "i did feel your hand. it was nice." your blush faded as you began to think again. "so, if you'd rather me than some one-night stand, what took you so long? and, like, what do i have that they don't?"
"honestly, i had the same fear as you- being seen as a brother." he made a disgusted face at the thought of that. it made you giggle. "and the difference is that you actually know me. i know we were never that close until today, but you have so much offer and i can't believe i always threw that away."
"so," you say with a sly grin. "what exactly is it that i have to offer?" you didn't even have to know. you just wanted to.
"all i ever wanted was conversation and time."
"... that's it?"
"well yeah!" he says, a little too excited. "i mean, i can't even tell you those ladies' names, and i managed to spend an entire day with you without getting bored once. i don't care about a killer body or a doll face, those are just plus sides that you happen to have."
you smile at the fact that he thinks your face and your body are pretty.
a moment of awkward yet positive silence passes.
"so..." you ask shyly. ace raises his eyebrows at you. "you wanna kiss again?"
ace smirks, standing up quicker than you've ever seen him. he reaches his hand out for you to grab, and he pulls you up to stand face to face with him. he bites his lip as he smiles. both of his warm hands give your ass a hard smack.
"i have a better idea," he says with lust in his eyes. he throws you over his shoulder and hops onto the moby dick with ease. you've both been anticipating this night forever, and it was finally here.
who knew that this could all start with just conversation and time.
bambi = onika
by clairo = burgers
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youhavelessproof · 1 month
More Info ↓
2025, for sure. I, myself, am far too busy in the later months of the year to even try and organize it for this year. plus, I think trying to do it this year would be too soon for people to actually get stuff together and participate. as for when in 2025, I'm thinking February. the Teen Titans series started in February and Roy also joined the team in February. (publishing wise.) (also yes Garth quit the issue where Roy officially joined but shhhh.) the specific week in Febuary is not locked in yet, but I'm looking at the 3rd-8th right now. (again only 6 days.) the process of the event being public with an account would probably be in November/December which would give me a couple months to work behind the scenes to set stuff up before stuff like voting starts.
Why 6 Days?
I explain more in the prompts section, but basically the way I have envisioned setting up the prompts of this event up fit better with 6 days rather than 7. rest assured, there will still be a free day.
What Kind Content Would be Allowed?
any and all. as long as the Fab 5 are the central theme. as long as everything is tagged responsibly, any content would be allowed. fics and art would be welcome of any variety. I might had a word minimum for fics, but it would be reasonable.
more clarifications on content ↓
What Would be the Theme Specifically?
the Fab 5's bond in general! it wouldn't be platonic or romantic specific. it might be a little romantic skewed, depending on how things go, but platonic content would be welcome. it would be more comics oriented since the Fab Five is mostly a thing in the comics, but it wouldn't be a rule that it had to be comicsverse.
Would All 5 Characters Need to be Included for Every Work?
realistically, no. I'm not gonna force everyone to draw or write 5 characters for every fic of artwork. I think that would just be unrealistic. the way it would probably be done is that you could write about/draw whatever members of the Fab 5 you wanted for the specific prompt you choose. the core theme is their bond, so whatever aspect of that bond you want to explore you can. I would encourage fics about all 5, but that doesn't mean that's required or that all 5 would have to physically be there.
Would Other Characters be Allowed?
of course. as long as it's Fab 5-centric, I see no reason not to allow other characters.
Would NSFW Content be Allowed?
yes absolutely. I have no plans of making the event NSFW or SFW specific just as I won't make it platonic or romantic specific.
Would the Event be Era Specific? (Teen Titans, Titans, etc.)
nope. I'm planning on making it Fab 5 in general, not just specifically Teen Titans Fab 5. there will probably be prompts that are era specific, but you won't have to pick those if you don't want. AUs would also be allowed!
yes there are gonna be prompts as most week events do.
more clarifications on prompts ↓
How Would the Prompts be Determined?
there would likely be two forms. one where people could suggest prompts and the second where you could vote for the ones you want. again, I think I'll probably wait until November/December to start the process of getting prompts so that it's not too long waiting once the prompts are chosen.
Would Any Prompts be Character Specific?
yes! at least, probably. I have been thinking of having a section on the prompt suggestion form to submit character specific prompts. there would be one per day minus the 6th free day. the set up would basically look like this if I go through with it:
prompt 1 | prompt 2 | prompt 3 | character specific prompt
Day 1 would be Dick, Day 2 would be Wally, Day 3 would be Garth, Day 4 would be Donna, and Day 5 would be Roy. (in order of when they joined the team. Dick, Wally, and Garth were the first to team up so they're in order of when they were introduced into the comics.) you would not be required to use the character prompt or even make that day's work character specific, (you could have every day be Wally-centric for example if you wanted,) but I think it would be cool to offer an opportunity to focus on each member of the Fab 5. this is still in the brainstorming phase, so the specific set up might change, but this is my idea right now!
Would There be a Catch-Up Week?
yes absolutely. there wouldn't be strict cut off for submissions. things might not be reblogged timely or at all after a certain point, but the ao3 collection would stay open. there might also be bonus prompts for the catch-up week inspired by Omega Dick Week 2024. we'll see.
Do I, Moon, Have Literally Any Experience Running Events?
nope! :D however, I do have a plan in mind and have plans to ask for help when I need it. (which I probably will.) I still have experience in fandom and have participated multiple events myself. I'm not too worried about my ability to make this happen as long as people want it to happen. I'm also planning on getting someone to help me run the event if this gets enough of a positive response. if you interested in helping, feel free to DM me on here or on Discord (youhavelessproof)
I think that's all the info that I think would be helpful in the decision of being interested in the event. if you have any more questions or concerns though, or just have thoughts you want to share, feel free to ask or reach out! 🩵
I did also do a quick search on Tumblr and it doesn't seem like anyone has plans to do this, but if I'm stepping on anyone's toes feel free to tell me hfsdjkhfjksh
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that-basic-simp · 9 months
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Junker Queen X Fem! Reader CW: None WC: 1.4k+
Looking at the metal flowers that were on Odessa's bedside table, I smiled to myself, remembering the time I took to make them to tell her thank you for everything she did in the Wastelands for me. I was glad I could give her something she'd always cherish. While I cherished the necklace she gave me, unfortunately, the chain broke and I wasn't able to find another one. Odessa knew it made me upset and tried to find a new chain, but I told her I'd just keep the pendant on my bedside table. She didn't like that idea at first, but it took her a lot of convincing that it was going to be just fine.
While looking at the flowers, I remembered the time I had seen actual flowers and that was when she bought some roses to propose to me. That was one of the only times I had seen real flowers and actually remembered them. Since I was banished, I vaguely remember seeing real flowers and that was when my father gave them to my mother. So while the metal flowers can defy life and death, it still brings back some painful memories from the Wastelands. Getting an idea, I opened the drawer from my bedside table and grabbed the phone, texting Kiriko. We talked here and there for a bit before we agreed on something. Now I just needed to get Odessa in on this without telling her what we were going to do.
Kiriko suggested that we get Ana's sleep dart and knock her out to drag her onto the plane. Which I thought was a fine idea, but what would happen if people saw us dragging her sleeping body out of Junkertown. Everyone would lose their minds. I told Kiriko I'd think of an idea, I just needed Kiriko to relay the message to Tracer that we need the hovercraft.
"Hey, princess," the door opened up and Odessa walked through it, startling me to where I dropped the phone. "Scare ya?"
"N-No," I said, quickly picking up the phone.
"Who ya messagin'? Ya really don't bring the phone out unless somethin' is wrong. D-Does Overwatch need me again?" she walked towards me.
"Actually, Tracer needs help with something. Call it a bit of a scouting mission."
"I see. When are we headin' out?"
I looked down at the phone to see Tracer messaged me. I typed back to her and got a quick response.
"In about a few hours."
"Let me get some things we might need," she said.
"I-I think we'll be fine without the usual stuff."
"Are ya sure, princess? If we're scoutin', we might need it later."
"I know, but Tracer said it's a different kind of scouting mission."
"I see," she said. "Well, I am bringin' Gracie just in case."
"Ya never go anywhere with your knife."
"Like how I never go anywhere without ya," she said and wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling me close to her.
After I got the message that Tracer was inbound, we headed out of the house and headed to the gates. We waved to the guards and they opened up the gates. We walked towards the hovercraft as it was landing. The side door opened up and Odessa helped me get in before she jumped in.
"Hello!" Tracer called from the pilot's seat.
"G'day, Tracer," Odessa smiled and waved to her comrade. "What's this scoutin' mission we're gonna go on?"
"Oh I think you'll love it! I looked at it from the maps back at base. It's a bit isolated and it's so serene and peaceful."
"Sounds interestin'," she said. "Never really had a peaceful day in my life."
"I'm sure both of you will love it!" Tracer said. "Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride."
We sat down next to one another and I snuggled up to Odessa as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders.
"Get some rest, princess. Might be a bit," she said.
We both closed our eyes as we slept against one another. What woke us up was feeling the hovercraft land. I opened my eyes to see that we were here. Tracer zipped out from the pilot's seat and towards us.
"Before you head out there, I just want to let you know that you have as much time to explore the place. I'll be here whenever you're ready to head back home."
"Alright," I said.
Odessa slowly sat up and stretched, yawning as her eyes blinked open.
"'ere already?" she asked.
"Yeah. Come on, Dez," I stood up and grabbed her hand.
"E-Easy, princess. I'm still a bit groggy."
Tracer headed to where the button for the door was and pressed it. The sun's warm glow started to come in and when the doors finally opened, Odessa's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly at just the sight alone. I turned and saw a whole field of flowers. There was a mountain in the horizon and there was a small lake to admire. Turning her head, Odessa looked down at me.
"D-Did ya think of this, Y/N?"
I nodded my head, "I did."
She smiled at me, some tears filling her eyes as she reached down and pulled me into the biggest hug she has ever given me.
"Thank you, princess," she said, her voice breaking just a tad. She turned her head and placed a soft kiss against my cheek. "I couldn't have asked a better person to be my wife."
I giggled and nuzzled my cheek against hers, "I can say the same."
She set me down and wiped some of her tears away before she reached down and grabbed my hand, walking out of the hovercraft.
"We'll be back, Tracer!"
"Take your time out there, guys!"
Walking through the field was surreal since we haven't seen anything like this before. All we knew for most of our lives was the Wastelands. I knew Odessa got to see more of the world, but I don't think there was time for her to sit down and relax or even go to places like this. Now, I could give her that chance. We walked towards the lake shore and we sat down, admiring the water. I was sitting beside her and her arm was wrapped around my waist, her thumb rubbing little circles against my shirt.
"I can't thank ya enough for doin' this, princess. Where did ya get the idea for this?"
"Well, I was lookin' at the metal flowers and thought how neither of us saw real flowers other than the time you proposed to me. So I figured, why not bring ya out to a place like this so we can both experience it."
She smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead, "Thank you, princess."
I looked down at the different flowers that were growing and picked up one. Turning to look at Odessa's braids, I turned my body to face hers. I reached up and grabbed the braids that were facing me.
"What are ya doin', princess?"
I put the small stem in between the strands that were braided and weaved it through her hair so it would stay in place. I did that with a few other flowers until her entire braid had flowers going up and down. I stood up and did the other side.
"There," I said and walked towards the water. "Come take a look."
She stood up and walked over to the edge and looked at what I did. Smiling, she turned towards me and placed her hand on my cheek.
"It looks lovely, princess," she said and placed a quick peck to my lips.
We went back to where we were sitting down, but instead of sitting beside her, I sat in front of her. Opening her legs a bit, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her embrace, resting her head on top of mine. She placed a kiss to the back of my head before she placed her head back on top of mine.
"Thank you for bringin' me out 'ere, princess," she whispered.
"You're welcome, Dez."
"Now c'mere here," she said and fell back, dragging me with her, and landing in the flowers.
I turned and crawled onto her, placing my arms on her chest and resting my head on my arms. We both smiled at one another as she reached up towards my face. Using the back of her fingers, she moved some strands of my hair away from my face before her hand fell onto my cheek, caressing it with her thumb. With her other hand, she reached down and picked a flower. Placing it behind my ear, she put her other hand on my cheek, holding my face in her hands.
"I love you, princess," she whispered before pulling me towards her, placing her lips against mine.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck. Once we pulled away from one another, I placed my forehead against hers and smiled.
"I love you, too, Dez."
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zoeykallus · 11 months
Hello there! My request is the reader (gender neutral) is offered to dog sit Grizzer. But the reader loses him, chaos happens but the reader manages to find Grizzer before Hound comes back.
BTW I love all of your writings :)
Sorry for being so late, I'm slowly catching up with old requests 😬
I'm not good at harmless, fluffy stuff like this, but I'm trying 😅
Hound x GN!Reader – One-Shot – Grizzer On The Loose
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Warnings: Slightly Angsty/Fluffy/SFW
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
>Master List<
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'Of course, I can keep an eye on Grizzer' you assured him, 'no problem at all'. Now it turns out that it is a problem after all. Somehow, the dog made off on your walk. You just had a quick chat, didn't look for a second, and Grizzer's gone. His leash is chewed off, the dog obviously had no patience with you. You call and whistle, but the animal doesn't show itself and doesn't let you hear anything from it. Normally, Grizzer responds very well, even to you. Hound has taught you how to handle him, what commands are important. But it doesn't matter what you do, Grizzer just doesn't show himself. Slowly, panic rises in you and your heart pounds up to your throat. Your steps quicken, you look around every corner, down every alley, calling out for the animal again and again. You curse softly to yourself, run down the alley and along the park, several times, ask passers-by if they have seen anything, but to no avail. At a street corner you stop, take a deep breath and look around. "This just can't be happening," you mutter quietly to yourself, "Hound is going to be so angry and disappointed in me."
You curse and clench your hands into fists. "This just can't be true"
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Meanwhile, with Hound: The sun is shining, warm but not too obtrusive, a gentle breeze is blowing across the shore and the river. Hound has a day off for the first time in a long time. He's with a couple of his brothers on a little fishing trip that's been planned for a long time. Perfect peace and quiet, no pressure, no work. Actually he had wanted to take Grizzer with him, he loves the animal, but you had suggested taking care of the dog, so that Hound can really enjoy a day of complete rest. "Where is your four-legged friend? You don't usually leave home without him," asks one of his brothers. Hound answers with pride in his voice, "I have someone. Grizzer is in the best hands." But then he looks thoughtful. He misses the dog and you. Actually he's never fished before, that was the idea of one of his brothers who got it from that Hunter guy from CF99. Now that he's sitting here thinking about it like this, he'd rather be with you and Grizzer. "I don't think this is for me," he says as he starts to pack up his stuff. His brothers look at him questioningly.
"I'm going back" His brothers roll their eyes, but don't try to stop him. In fact, they have bets on how long it will take Hound to want to go back. He's never away from his dog for long, and he always cancels most trips because of it. So they are not really surprised.
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Grizzers view: So many smells! Must explore everything! Nostrils quivering. So exciting! Wait a minute, where did my guardian go? Grizzer looks around, sniffs. He smells you, picks up your scent, runs. Then he sees you. Found them! Are we going home now? But before he reaches you, another smell distracts him. A food truck passes between you. Again, nostrils quiver. FOOD! Grizzer knows very well that he is only allowed to eat what he is given, but his master is not there, maybe he can make an exception. FOOD WAIT FOR ME!
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You turn around, out of a feeling, your eyes darting back and forth, but you see nothing. You sigh wistfully. When your com beeps, you flinch, startled. It's Hound. For a moment, you think about not answering it, but that seems wrong. "Hi. How's it going?" asks Hound cheerfully. "Great!" you blurt out, "Everything's fine." "Really? Grizzer didn't give you any trouble?" You get hot and cold, you want to tell him the truth, but automatically you say instead, "Grizzer is behaving very decently, we're having a lot of fun." Hound laughs softly, "I'm glad to hear that, in a few hours we can have dinner together, I'll be back a little early." You get hot and cold. "Earlier? Oh, really? Trip's not as good as expected?" you ask innocently as sweat breaks out. Hound says, cautiously, "Well, it's not bad, but I miss you and Grizzer". That was incredibly sweet, but right now, unfortunately, you can't really appreciate it.
"Oh, wow, that's.... really sweet. When will you be back?"
"In about three hours, my shuttle lands," Hound says excitedly, "Will you two pick me up at the landing site?" "Sure!" you say, almost choking your voice. "Great, I'm looking forward to seeing you both".
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Grizzer: The food truck is too fast, the four-legged friend has to give up the chase. He pants, a little out of breath. A disappointed snort is heard, then Grizzer turns around and walks a little more leisurely back the way he came. He's hungry, but he's sure the guardian will feed him when he gets home. Even if it doesn't smell as good as the food truck. Hunger finally quickens his steps. His paws tap across the ground in quick time. It takes a little while, but he picks up your scent again and follows it, all the way back to the park. Grizzer finds you in the park, sitting on a park bench. Somehow you smell different than usual, strangely bitter. He knows that smell, you're sad. Maybe he should bring you a present.
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You have only a few minutes left before you have to run to the landing platform and confess to Hound that you have lost Grizzer. You feel heavy, a knot in your stomach, pressure on your chest. You feel so sorry. You worry about the animal and of course what Hound will say and feel, he loves Grizzer. He loves you too, but maybe soon he won't anymore, you think bitterly. Suddenly, something nudges you from the side. Your eyes grow huge, your heart leaps. It's Grizzer, who has fished an empty fast-food package out of the trash and is holding it out to you, wiggling happily. "Grizzer!" Hastily, you tie the torn leash back onto his collar, with a double knot. You pet the dog, actually wanting to scold, but you are far too relieved to do so. Your eyes wander along the dog's body, and you are relieved to see that he has no injuries. "Okay, let's go, we're going to be late!" Grizzer has no idea what you're saying, but you're obviously happy about the gift, because you smell very different now.
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You get to the platform just in time as the shuttle lands. As Hound runs down the ramp, you beam at him and Grizzer fidgets excitedly. You see the wide smile on Hound's face and feel a wave of relief wash over you. He immediately embraces you, kissing your cheek. You are so happy and relieved that your knees almost buckle. "I missed you," Hound says softly, kissing the corner of your mouth. "You've barely been gone ten hours," you say, laughing softly. "Still," Hound says with a grin, finally crouching down to greet Grizzer. "Hey boy, have you been good? Have you been a good dog?" Grizzer wiggles excitedly and nuzzles into Hound's petting. But then his hands wander to the collar and Hound sees the knot and that the leash has been broken. "Sure nothing special happened?" he asks, looking up at you from his crouch. You smile, nervous but as composed as possible.
"Well, he got loose once, but that wasn't too tragic," you explain hastily. Hound looks at the animal and asks, "Grizzer, weren't you such a good boy after all?" The dog tilts his head to the side and looks at his master, uncomprehending. "That wasn't so bad," you say, waving it off, "He was actually quite well-behaved." Hound laughs softly. "All right, if you say so" He takes the leash from you, grabs your hand and says, "Let's go shopping for groceries, we'll cook something together at your house" You breathe a sigh of relief and nod. So happy this panic is over. "That's a great idea"
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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