#it interests me as much as a kilogram of shit
doctorslippery · 4 months
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Your Wildest Dreams [Soap x Fem!Reader]
Summary: In a mission gone wrong, you and Soap have to hole up in a safehouse, trying to stay warm during the cold Russian winter
Author’s Note: Not me thirsting after Soap for 5.1K words instead of finishing the companion piece I started for Maybe… also, my first ever shot at writing reader-insert! Anyway, here’s a really plot-lacking, self-serving piece for anyone interested
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or events from Modern Warfare
Warnings: Language, canon-typical violence, extremely suggestive, borderline smutty? No actual explicit smut, but let’s call it NSFW to be safe
Shrike /SHrīk/ noun
a songbird with a strong sharply hooked bill, often impaling its prey of small birds, lizards, and insects on thorns
a 10-foot (3-meter), 400-pound (180-kilogram) U.S. air-to-ground missile designed to destroy missile batteries by homing in on their radar emissions
Icy water enveloped you. Pinpricks instantly broke out under your skin, dancing through your blood and your bones. For a blessed moment, your mind went blank. Then, survival instinct kicked in. You kicked your already numbing legs as hard as you could, launching yourself back toward the night sky. Just as you thought your lungs might burst, you broke the surface, gulping in the crisp mountain air. It burned the back of your throat as you bobbed in the current, trying to get your bearings.
What should have been an hour-long intel collection mission had gone to shit in less than a minute. 
You and Soap had been dispatched to a safehouse of Makarov’s in the Russian countryside to gather intel. You were anxious- excited to be out with Soap, nervous about the actual infiltration. Soap’s signature flirting melted that anxiety quickly. It was one of the reasons you enjoyed missions with him so much… and one of the reasons you got so flustered around him.
Tensions with Russia were high, so rather than sending a full team, the pair of you had been dropped off by helo three clicks from the site. You’d go in, get the intel, get to the safehouse, and wait for evac. Barring any immediate danger, you’d be holed up there overnight, hiking out early the next morning to be picked up. Price was unhappy about sending you in without comms or backup, but Laswell was concerned with radio traffic and her sources had told her it would be empty.
Laswell’s sources had been wrong.
You’d taken a long, cold hike up the frozen mountainside to a deteriorating stone building that might at one time have been a castle, but was now little more than half-crumbled walls and hastily built wooden shacks. There had been no indicators that anything was amiss- no footprints in the snow, no pings on Soap’s heartbeat sensor, no noise. Laswell’s intel had seemed good.
Then you’d opened the door to one of the shacks and been met with a full squad of soldiers. They clearly hadn’t been expecting you, and you had the distinct advantage. Before they could react, you’d grabbed the nearest soldier, using him as a human shield while you put him in a headlock. Soap had sprung past you, shooting two others before ducking behind a desk. An overeager and overconfident soldier had fired several shots at you, nearly grazing your arm, but killing his teammate in the process. Soap had lunged at him, baring him to the ground and stabbing a combat knife deep into his throat.
The three remaining soldiers raised their weapons, shouting to each other. You’d killed one with a well-placed throwing knife as you threw yourself behind a table and watched in horror as another launched himself at Soap. You raised your gun, but there was no clean shot with them grappling as they were. Then, you were blindsided by the last soldier. He leapt at you as you tried to line up a shot on his teammate, knocking your gun to the ground and grabbing one of your wrists.
Instinct took over as you wrestled, and before you knew what was happening, you and your attacker were flying through the nearby window. You both rolled down a steep, snowy hill toward a frothing river, each trying to get the upper hand. Before either of you could, you went straight into the icy river, sinking instantly. Luckily, you recovered first.
After taking a moment to breathe, you dove back underwater, looking around for your attacker. He was close enough to reach out and touch, back to you as he tried to get to the surface for a breath of air. You swam toward him, wrapped an arm around his shoulders to hoist yourself up, and stabbed him. Once in the neck, once in the ribs, and then once in the chest for good measure. His body had gone limp at the first thrust, but you couldn’t be too safe.
As soon as his body floated out of your arms, you realized the bigger issue- the current, and the cold. You were already being dragged downstream, the tide splashing over your head and threatening to pull you back under. You swam for the bank, but your progress was minimal. Your muscles were already starting to freeze up. You looked around frantically, desperate for something to hold onto. Just as your fingers met with a sharp rock, you heard Soap’s voice calling your name.
You looked up to see him scrambling down the hill, sliding on snow and loose bits of shale. Blood dripped from his temple and he seemed to be cradling his arm to his chest. You tried to pull yourself out of the water to meet him on the banks, but your muscles refused to work. The icy water was doing its work and you could feel your body beginning to shut down.
“Soap,” you called weakly. He had almost reached you. “I can’t move.”
He waded waist deep into the water, reaching out for you with the arm that wasn’t held carefully to his side. “‘S alright, hen, I’ve got you. Take my hand.” You shakily, slowly, tried to reach for him, barely managing to brush the tips of your fingers against his, and he managed to lean just a bit further out to wrap his hand around yours. He tugged you toward him, and after a moment, was pulling you into his side. “You’re freezing, Shrike,” he murmured, rubbing your arm for a moment. You were shivering violently, barely able to move.
“I am,” you said, teeth chattering. “Your head.” Soap waved you off as he looked around, gaze settling in the direction of the town where you were supposed to wait for evac.
“The intel-”
Soap cut you off, shaking his head. “Forget the intel. Price said if anything went wrong, we get to the safehouse.” His eyes scanned your body, looking for any injuries, as his hand rubbed over your arms. “Are you okay? Can you make it back to town?” You nodded, your violent shaking making it nearly impossible to tell. You reached for his wrist, pressing on it gently. You were no medic, but it didn’t feel broken to you. 
You held his wrist with one hand as the other reached up to wipe the blood from his temple. “You okay?” you asked. He winced as you wiped at the blood, but nodded. You breathed a sigh of relief when only a shallow cut was visible.
“Just a sprain,” he said. He pulled his wrist carefully from your grip and unzipped his jacket, pulling it off.
“W-what are you-”
“You need it more than me,” he said. He walked around behind you, tucking you into the jacket before zipping you up in it.
“You’ll freeze,” you protested. Soap only shook his head, offering a lopsided smile.
“I’ll be fine. Let’s go.”
You were afraid your legs would refuse to move, but were so grateful when they didn’t. The warmth that bloomed in your chest at Soap’s sacrifice warmed you more than the jacket itself, although it did keep out the worst of the biting wind. You both trudged through the snow toward the village, teeth chattering and bone-cold. You walked in relative quiet, broken only by Soap’s soft inquiries.
“How’re you holding up, hen?”
“I can’t feel my toes, Soap.” “Hang in there, Shrike. We’re almost to the safehouse.”
As the town came into view, your vision began to swim. You’d been given the safehouse address. Now you just had to find it so you could lie down and bundle up until Price could send someone to get you.
You breathed a sigh of relief as Soap found the house, prying off one of the address numbers to reveal a key. He opened the door, revealing a tiny studio. It took less than a minute to clear- the only room with a door was the bathroom. While Soap dug out the radio system hidden under the sink, you turned the heater on full blast and looked for blankets. You found a pile in a cupboard, dropped them onto the foot of the bed, and headed toward the kitchen in search of a kettle to heat some water.
You only vaguely heard Soap talking to Price through the fog in your mind, something about getting some rest and pickup in the morning. Then, very suddenly, you found yourself looking up at the ceiling, wondering when you’d stopped shivering.
“Shrike? Shite!” You only realized you’d fallen when Soap pulled you upright. “Shrike?” He raised one hand to your neck, feeling for your pulse. He cursed under his breath, muttering in an unintelligibly thick Scottish accent as he hauled you up against his chest. You were vaguely aware of being carried into the small bathroom and deposited on the countertop there. You squeezed your eyes shut, fighting to stay awake. You were suddenly so sleepy.
You opened your eyes when you heard a squelching sound, freezing as you watched Soap strip off his clothes. You’d seen him without a shirt, but only in passing in the halls on base. Never this close, and never with no one around to check your gaze. Nevertheless, you’d memorized his scars the last time you saw his bare chest. He had some new ones since then. You stared at his rippling muscles as he unbuttoned his pants, peeling the wet material off his toned legs, leaving him standing in front of you in nothing but his dog tags and boxers. You tried not to stare at the outline you could see in the fabric as he took one step toward you to stand between your legs. Then his hands were on his jacket, the one you were wearing, pulling the zipper down and your arms out of it.
“Stay with me, Shrike,” he murmured. His hands shook as he unbuckled your tac vest and pulled it off. You raised your arms as he pulled up your hoodie, then your shirt, leaving you i n just a sports bra. You let your own hands rest on his chest as you lowered them.
You giggled, tracing patterns across his pecs and down his ribs. His muscles jumped under your fingertips. “What are you doing, Johnny?”
His cheeks reddened as he glanced up, dutifully keeping his eyes on the task at hand as he hastily pulled off your boots and pants.
“I’m trying to get you warm,” he said. “What are you doing?”
“Checking you out,” you said boldly, arching an eyebrow at him and smiling. You weren’t sure where the confidence had come from, but you’d had a crush on him since day one and you’d be damned if you didn’t make the most of this opportunity. He had just reached up to grip your hips and he faltered for a moment before pulling you down off the counter. He turned you around, walking you toward the bed with his hands on your waist until pulling back the covers. Soap sat, pulling you down between his legs and back against his chest. He pulled up the extra blankets, wrapping them around both of your shoulders. You giggled again, wiggling back against him as his arms wound around you. You couldn’t tell whether he shuddered or whether it was just his shivering. You’d started to shiver again, yourself.
“Stay with me,” he repeated. His body trembled around you, proof that he probably should have kept his jacket after all. His hands rubbed your shoulders, occasionally tracing the straps of your sports bra, and he curled his legs up, bringing yours with them. His knees held yours together and he shifted one arm down to circle your waist, keeping your back pressed to his chest and your hips connected. One hand brushed your hip and he tilted his head so that his chin rested in the crook of your shoulder. His hold on you was tight, but reassuring. You savored the way you fit perfectly in his embrace.
Your bare skin felt numb, even under the pile of blankets.
Everywhere Soap’s skin touched felt scalded. 
“You’re so hot,” you murmured. 
You felt as much as heard when Soap chuckled low in his chest. “I’m actually freezing.” His voice shook when he spoke.
You leaned your head back on his shoulder, turning so that your cheek touched his. “You know that’s not what I meant,” you whispered.
“I know,” he smiled, eyes fixed on some point across the room. “I’m just trying to save you from saying things you don’t mean, so you don’t regret them later.”
When you cocked your head at him, shifting in his arms to better face him, his smile dropped. “C’mon, Shrike, don’t make this any harder than it already is.” Hope flared in your chest like a bonfire. Your mind ran through all the possibilities of that statement, and every one of them suggested attraction to your lovesick mind. You stared blankly at him and he tipped his head back against the headboard, heaving a sigh. “I’m sure Gaz would be none too pleased if I made a move on you when you were only flirting because of hypothermia.”
“Gaz..?” You didn’t understand what Gaz had to do with Soap making a move on you, and you were too confused to focus on either the fact that he said that he might, or that he had just admitted he knew you were flirting with him. Your heart beat wildly in your chest. You barely dared to breathe. 
Soap’s face flamed as he looked away. He had stopped shivering so badly, but his voice still shook a bit when he spoke. “You and Gaz. I know you’re… well, something. I’d never-”
You hadn’t imagined it. Your snort cut him off. “Gaz and I are friends, that’s it.” Now it was Soap’s turn to stare blankly. You fought to speak normally, not with the giddy optimism you felt. “Remember the day Price introduced me to you all? Gaz was the first one to shake my hand, and then he showed me around base? I knew right off the bat that Ghost didn’t trust me and I thought you wouldn’t either, since you two were clearly so close.”
That brought a smile out of Soap. As much as Ghost tried to play it off, the two had definitely become good friends over their time working together. Soap loved to flaunt his position as the resident boogeyman’s right hand, to anyone who would listen. But mostly to the boogeyman himself.
You turned again, snuggling closer into his hold. His arms tightened around you, almost imperceptibly. “Anyway, yeah- Gaz was my first friend. But he’s just my friend. Nothing more than that. You and Ghost are Batman and Robin, Gaz and I are Mario and Luigi.” Soap barked a laugh, and you grinned.
When his cold nose nudged behind your ear, you couldn’t even pretend your shudder was from the cold. You gathered the last of your courage, waning with the arctic chill in your bones, but bolstered by his near-confession. “So tell me, Sergeant.” You’d lowered your voice, turning up all the charm you possessed. “What am I making ‘harder than it needs to be’?” Soap froze, and panic washed over you like water as cold as the river you’d come out of. He hadn’t been confessing anything. It had been nothing more than his usual firefight flirting, harmless and silly and just a little cocky and oh-so-hot and why would you ever think he could actually be interested in you and-
Soap flipped you, one arm around your waist as he lay between your legs, propped up by the elbow next to your shoulder. Before your mind could catch up with what was happening, he leaned down, lips a hairs’ breadth from yours, and hesitated. It was the longest and shortest second of your life. You could feel his warm breath on your parted lips as his eyes scanned your face, looking for any sign of hesitation. You half expected him to lean back up, all mischievous smile and twinkling eyes, and tease you. He knew. He knew how you felt and he was going to mock you for it. Then he leaned down, eyes fluttering shut. His lips brushed yours softly, barely touching, and your mind went blessedly quiet. Your body responded of its own accord; your knees came up, framing his waist and squeezing lightly; one hand went to his bicep, lightly grasping there; the other slid to the back of his neck.
You pulled him closer.
The kiss turned feral in a heartbeat.
The arm around your waist tightened, pulling you half up off the bed, as he let more of his body weight rest against you. His tongue traced the seam of your lips, begging for entrance. You happily gave it. Your tongues slid together, fighting for dominance as you each tried to deepen the kiss even more. You raised a leg, wrapping it around his waist, and he groaned your name into your mouth. When you pulled on his mohawk, his head fell to your neck as he sucked softly on your collarbone.
“Johnny,” you breathed. He swore, lifting his head to kiss you again. He pulled his arm out from under you, running a warm hand across your bare skin from your hip to the back of your knee where it wrapped around him, before wrenching you up against him. You gasped at what you felt. If you’d had any doubt before, there was none now- Johnny was packing. You could feel the heat of him through both your underwear and his boxers. Time seemed to slow as he rocked gently against you, pressing his forehead to yours as your hands cradled the back of his head. He was panting, pressing light kisses against your face. He dropped his head to your shoulder, tucking his face into your neck. He seemed to be steeling himself, trying desperately not to move.
“Not kissing you,” he whispered. It took you a moment to think through the haze of lust and realize he was answering your earlier question. “What am I making harder than it needs to be?” “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
Some of your earlier boldness had returned, shored up by his clear physical response. “Only that?” you whispered back.
The groan of your name on his lips was the single most beautiful thing you’d ever heard.
“What?” you teased. “That’s all you want?”
He tugged at the back of your knee again, pressing you against himself. You both stifled moans. “You know damn well that’s not all I want. I want you. All of you.” He turned his head, ghosting his lips against your cheek. “I’ve wanted all of you from the moment you asked me why a ghost would need soap.”
You started, turning his head with your hands so you could look into his eyes. “That’s the first thing I ever said to you.” He nodded, gaze unflinching. His eyes smoldered, but there was a softness in them you’d only seen a handful of times over the years. When your brother joined the military, following in your footsteps. When your best friend’s husband cheated on her. When your mother died. Any time you’d cried in his arms.
“T-that was the day we first met,” you stuttered out. Again, he nodded solemnly. He turned his head in your hands, kissing your palm. 
“I knew right away,” he whispered. Soap had laughed, a fully belly laugh, and clapped you on the back. Ghost had rolled his eyes, and you’d hoped his reservations about you would fade. Not only so you could get closer to the devilishly handsome, charming Sargeant who followed his every step. When you didn’t say anything, he released your leg, mumbling apologies and sitting back on his heels. The loss of his body weight and heat, along with the blankets, made you shiver all over again. Johnny didn’t see it- he was running his hands over his face, head hanging. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… I had no right, please forgive me-”
You reached out a hand, grasping his wrist to stop him from retreating any further. “Forgive you for what?” you asked softly. His face was pained as he struggled to hold your stare.
“For taking advantage,” he began. But you shook your head, reaching out your other hand to touch his cheek. You didn’t think he even realized that he leaned into your touch.
“You didn’t take advantage of anything.” You scooted forward on your knees, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. You leaned up, kissing along his jaw, before licking a stripe of skin just behind his ear. He trembled under your touch as you ran a hand down his arm and pressed yourself against him. “I want you, too. So you should take me.”
“Steamin’-,” Soap groaned your name. “You can’t just say that to me,” he whined, breathless. His fists were clenched, eyes squeezed shut as your fingertips skimmed his skin.
“And why’s that?” you teased. You were sure that nothing could ever match the rush you were getting from his reactions to you.
“Because,” he ground out. He’d lost the fight to keep his hands off and they now rested on your hips, intermittently squeezing the flesh and hovering. His pupils were blown, nearly eclipsing his irises. You’d never seen hunger like that in your life and it set you on fire. “If I start with you, I won’t be able to stop.” His voice was lower, hoarse. Desperate.
You scooted forward until your knees touched his, pressing as much of your body against his as you could. His entire body quivered in his struggle not to devour you whole. You dragged your lips up the column of his throat, pausing when they brushed the shell of his ear. “Then I suggest, Sergeant, that you don’t stop.”
Johnny didn’t need to be told twice.
You woke up to a soft thudding sound in your ear. You were so comfortable that you didn’t want to move, but then you remembered you were on the field. Your head snapped up, looking around the tiny room. The thudding had stopped, and when you looked down, you realized why. 
You’d been sleeping with your head on Johnny’s chest, his heartbeat in your ear. His arms were still wrapped tightly around you, face turned toward yours. He looked younger asleep. No worry lines creased his handsome face, and his brows were relaxed instead of their usual serious, lowered state. His lips were just slightly parted, breath softly fanning across your shoulder.
The night came back to you in one big wave. Kissing Johnny, straddling him, holding him close between your legs, his mouth on your neck, your mouth on his shoulder, your name on his tongue, being pressed to the wall, the stretch of him, and both of your hands seemingly everywhere at once. You ached everywhere in the most delicious way. Even your throat was sore from moaning his name over and over and over again as he made good on his promise that his mouth was good for more than just talk.
Your cheeks flushed remembering.
As if sensing your racing heart and thoughts, Johnny stirred. His arms tightened around you, pulling you nearly on top of him as his eyes fluttered open. He smiled when his eyes settled on you, slow and lazy.
“I thought I dreamed all of that,” he said softly. His voice was husky with sleep, accent thicker than normal, eyes soft as he stroked your cheek with the back of his hand.
You quickly weighed whether or not you were prepared to deal with the cockiness that would come with your next statement. “Certainly good enough to be a dream,” you whispered. The grin that split Johnny’s face was instant and radiant.
“Oh, aye?” he asked. “Would you say it’s everything you’d dreamed of?”
“I love you,” he’d gasped, holding the back of your head to his shoulder as you fell apart for what must have been the tenth or hundredth time. “I love you,” he’d repeated as he lost control, trembling violently in you and in your arms. “Oh, God, I love you,” he’d whispered as you cried out his name and carried him in a vice grip right over the edge with you. You’d never dared to confront your feelings for him too deeply, refusing to dig beneath the surface of the crush you’d harbored for him. In all your wildest dreams, you’d never begun to imagine him putting to words what you felt- and never in the most intimate moment of your life.
“Better than my dreams,” you mumbled, turning your head away from his and pressing your cheek to his chest. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see a purple bruise you’d sucked into his shoulder. You winced, raising your head to apologize, but before you could even open your mouth, Johnny turned your head and kissed you softly. You kissed him back, and then smirked as a thought crossed your mind. “Dream of me often, then?” you asked.
Johnny’s eyes darkened as he pulled you down for a searing kiss. “Every night,” he whispered. You shuddered. You could already feel his body responding beneath you as you kissed him again, smiling to yourself when he groaned. He reached for the tiny bedside table, muttering about a clock, and found the alarm there.
He turned a wicked grin toward you. “We’ve got time for round two.”
“Round two?” you shrieked. Johnny snickered as he lifted you up, your legs automatically wrapping around his waist. Round five was no less impressive than the first four, in no small part due to the added feat of Johnny holding you up against the cold shower wall while the hot water beat down on you both. 
“I can’t believe,” he’d panted “That we could have been doing this all this time.”
“You should scold Gaz for getting in your way,” you’d panted back. Johnny had practically growled at that, picking up his pace.
“I’m about to scold you for saying another man’s name while I’m inside you.”
He came undone the moment you moaned his name in his ear, pulling you off the ledge with him.
By the time you’d actually managed to get clean, your clothes had miraculously dried despite laying crumpled on the tile floor all night. You were thankful as you both stepped out into the flurry of wind and snow to trudge up the hillside toward the evac point. You hiked in companionable silence, only breaking it once you could see the ridge where you’d be picked up.
“How’s your wrist?” you asked. You’d been worried about it all night, but Johnny either hadn’t been in pain or hadn’t been in enough pain to pay it any mind.
“It’ll be fine,” he answered, smiling at you over his shoulder. “How’s your… you?” You both snickered at that.
“It’ll be fine,” you parroted. Your Scottish accent was horrible, but Johnny beamed at it all the same. You were about to pull yourself up by a rock when he grabbed your wrist, nudging you until your back touched a tree. He tilted your chin up with his knuckles, lowering his head slowly to kiss you tenderly. You sighed into the kiss, reaching up to wrap your arms around his shoulders, and he held you close by your waist. His lips tugged at yours softly, lightly dragging your bottom lip between his teeth before pulling back to look at you intensely. He seemed to be trying to memorize every inch of your face.
“We can’t tell anyone, can we?” you whispered.
For a long moment, Johnny was silent. When he finally answered, his voice was low. Sorrowful. “I don’t know,” he said.
You nodded, pasting a smile on your face even as your heart throbbed. “That’s okay. We’ll figure something out.”
He smiled back. “Yeah, we will.” Your smile felt a little more genuine after that. You trekked the last bit up the hill, and by the time you reached the top, you could hear the whir of the chopper. You shared one last longing look at each other from a respectable distance before the bird touched down. When the door opened, Ghost’s skull plate greeted you.
“You guys injured?” he shouted. You both shook your heads, clambering in and strapping yourselves into harnesses on opposite sides of the chopper. Ghost slammed the door, strapping himself in again on your side.
He stared at Soap, some look you couldn’t quite read. When you glanced to Johnny, his eyebrow was raised at his partner.
“You look like you haven’t slept in a week,” Ghost rumbled.
Soap looked to you, then back to his friend. He lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “We didn’t get much rest- too cold,” he said evenly. If you didn’t know it was a lie, you’d have believed him. But something in the way Ghost held his stare told you that he didn’t. He could read everyone like a book, but especially Johnny. You needn’t have worried, though. Soap started right in on recapping the mission for his friend, chattering away as he always did, and you watched as Ghost’s shoulders relaxed the tiniest bit while he listened. His gaze flicked to you every so often, and you added to the tale where you saw fit. Ghost took your words as truth- he trusted you now, years later, after you’d proven yourself to him and the rest of the team.
You smiled to yourself. It would be good to see the rest of the team, to be back on base, in the comfort of your own bed… and you were sure Soap would find his way there, too.
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ok wait now i wanna talk abt weird/interesting things from my experience getting top surgery. ive seen other ppl talk abt some of these things b4 but not all of em
i thought my surgeon was gonna do the incision, like, underneath the curve of my tiddies?? he ended up kinda slicing thru the middle of them, so my scars run over the middle of my pecs, not underneath them
speaking of; ig my pecs are more developed than i thought since my chest isnt like perfectly flat but rather both my pecs have a layer of fat/flesh on them and i can feel the muscle underneath
also the dip/space inbetween from when i had tiddies looks p much exactly the same, my surgeon said sometimes it ends up buldging out and a revision is needed but thankfully that didnt happen to me
the discharge nurse let me know afterwards that my tits were 11 kilograms (right 6kg and left 5kg) like no fucking wonder i have back pain at the tender age of 19
so yknow how pain raises ur body temp and makes u sweat?? immediately upon waking up i was so warm and damp i told a nurse id soiled myself and needed a change of underwear, i hadnt! i was just really fucking sweaty lol
i also threw up twice after waking up (fortunately into containers both times), turns out anesthetic doesnt agree w/ me, also it was like a dark bottle green?? since id been fasting from the night b4 ig i was bringing up nothing but bile
pre-surgery they cldnt get the IV in my left hand and had to switch to my right and ig that made my heart rate pick up bc one of the asistants immediately came by my head and talked to me to calm me down, he was rlly nice :)
im p sure i conked out within seconds of them getting the IV in and starting up the anesthetic too, none of that 'count back from 10' shit, i took like 2 and a half deep breathes and was OUT
from a combination of the iodine and natural swelling/bruising my chest looked REALLY yellow for like 3 weeks after surgery
i got sent home the same day i got my surgery, they keep some ppl over night if theres complications but apparantly i was all good to go after resting in the post-op ward for few hours
speaking of, i woke up, puked, got some water, dicked around on tumblr, called my mum, took an 'i lived bitch' selfie, slept for a few hours, woke up, went on tumblr again, got dressed w/ some help from a nurse, pissed (by myself, woo!), and then got discharged
my scars are uneven! my left incision goes further under my armpit than my right one, and my scars vary in thickness, it actually looks kinda like ive got two scars on my left side bc it thins out so much in the middle for a few milimeters
my nipples are also a lil uneven and they ended up puckering up as they healed so i kinda looks like ive always got stiff nips oops, also theyre more brown than pink
apparantly that might be bc they took the nipple graft from my areaola bc they werent able to graft the actual nipple, idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯, obvi it doesnt look perfectly like a cis guy's nipples but i knew the chances of achieving that were relatively small + p dependent on how i healed so like im not too bothered by it
my surgeon used dissolvable stitches and one of em ended up poking out thru my scar a lil b4 it disolved, which was weird
showering w/ a plastic sandwich bag duct taped to ur chest so u dont get ur scars and nips wet is An Experience TM i'll tell u that
my scars stretched!! it happens!! esp if u raise ur arms, which u will inevitably have to do eventually, idk if they'll ever fade on their own or if i'll need scar revision treatment in the future but fortunately they didnt go keloid
my surgeon used what he called crosshatched stitching rather than drains so that saved me a lot of discomfort, i DID get a slight build up of like, i think around 40ish mls of fluid in my left side a few weeks after surgery, but my surgeon dealt w/ it by p much just poking it w/ a syringe and draining it out lol
which i didnt even feel him do at the time bc of the nerve damage lmao, which was weird asf since i could very much SEE him sticking the needle in but couldnt feel it at all
i regained my mobility like, straight away?? my surgeon said bc im young + relatively healthy it was likely that id bounce back from surgery quick but like,, i had none of the exhaustion, pain, or immobility ive seen ppl describe??
i couldnt lift my arms very high for a while obvi but like i was fine dressing myself and even washing my own hair if i just leaned over
having to sleep upright for a few weeks after surgery was v annoying since i usually rotate like a shawarma trying to find a comfy sleeping position
the post-op chest binder was sensory hell bc it was scratchy and it kept slipping down my back since it had no shoulder straps, also i accidentally bruised my ribs a lil bit by wearing it too tight oops, the fuckin relief i felt when they told me i cld stop wearing it
the post-op 'please wear these at all times so u dont get thrombosis' socks were p comfy tho, idk why they didnt cover my toes tho
regaining the sensation around ur scars is weird! my right side's been completely fine but ig bc my left scar is thicker + longer ive been getting some pain n tightness, its not a persistent issue or anything but its just kind weird bc ive never had any surgeries or major injuries to heal from before this one
u will have to get ur boobs felt up and examined probaby multiple times b4 surgery, this will feel very different from touching ur own boobs and, in my case, was ticklish??
my posture has improved somewhat since getting top surgey, what not having 11kg of weight hanging off ur chest and compressing it in towards ur ribs/spine for roughly 9 hours a day will do to a mf ig
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blackhearted1 · 10 months
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~~~~ Grit ~~~~
A MHA OG FanFic that is a female reader insert.
This fic will touch on incredibly sensitive subjects and I will put warnings beforehand, as such this is 18+ and Minors DNI.
Grit is ongoing and I originally posted this on AO3, I don't post much online so bear with me this is honestly the first big thing I'm doing on Tumblr.... I do hope you enjoy amd comments are always welcome. I have many other fics with other characters as well so if interested please let me know. But now.... here is the first Chapter.
This series will involve multiple mentions of PTSD, rape/sexual assault, graphic depictions of violence, blood, gore, language, smut, self harm/ mutilation and multiple other sensitive topics, Reader Discretion is always advised.
Ch 1: A Rough Introduction
Its the third year for Midoriya and his classmates at UA, he heard rumors from All Might that there will be a special exchange student from America to join them this year. The news has spread like wildfire because this is rare that this happens. Uraraka runs to Midoriya with Kaminari, Kirishima and Mina, waving they run to Deku who has Todoroki approaching as well as Bakugo.
" Hey Midoriya did you hear the news?" Kaminari asks.
" About the new exchange sudent? Yah I don't know why but I'm excited." Midoriya nods.
" I wonder what kind of Quirk they will have, I have never met an American yet I wonder what they are like?" Mina ponders.
Ojiro and Hagakure approach and wave at their friends, Hagakure runs to them and is shouting with excitement.
" Guys I saw some official looking cars turn back where Ojiro and I were walking, they had American flags on them!" Hagakure tells them.
" Really cool! Also multiple?" Kirishima asks.
" Great its some governor's pampered kid or some shit like that." Bakugo groans.
" Well how do you know?" Ojiro asks.
" Multiple cars means that the ones they aren't in are full of security." Bakugo sighs.
" I guess you're right but we don't know that yet." Kirishima shrugs.
" Hey there they are, look they are out of the car." Kaminari points out.
They look and see a girl, she has her uniform on and is standing in front of large men in uniform.
" Those patches, they are definitely from the Military, they look to be Navy." Midoriya comments.
" Woah her family is military then?" Uraraka asks.
" It's a safe bet to make until we know more about her." Todoroki nods.
The man in the front salutes her, the girl returns the salute and the men get in the car and leave. She returns to normal and turns heel to walk inside, they look and see she has on super compressed weights on her wrists and ankles along with a belt around her hips.
" Man those things are heavy, she has on at least 220 kilograms." Ojiro points out.
" Man she is training already?" Mina looks in shock.
" We should go say hi." Hagakure suggests.
" Uh she looks pretty pissed off maybe we should wait." Kirishima suggests.
As they say that they see other third years approach her, they start to harass the new girl but she doesn't even pay attention to them.
" Heh typical American, thinking they are too good for us." One of the kids sneer.
The girl doesn't even respond even when they are attacking her verbally, she just walks inside and the group just take a sigh of relief.
" Man I thought for sure there would be a fight." Kaminari takes a breath.
" Heh, she is well trained." Bakugo smirks.
" Well let's head to class and get ready for the day." Midoriya nods.
The class head inside and in the class they see the girl with Iida, they are having a conversation that seems to be going well. The girl walks away and they go up to Iida who smiles at his friends presence.
" Hello everyone! I can't wait to get back into the dorms with everyone this year. Have you met our new exchange student?" Iida asks.
" Not yet no, she seemed pretty cold when we saw her earlier." Uraraka shakes her head.
" She is a little aloof but I believe she is actually nice." Iida comments.
" Well we can speak to her during lunch then, that way it's a more relaxed setting." Mina smiles.
" Yah that is a great idea." Kaminari agrees.
" But for now everyone take your seats it is time for class!" Iida commands.
Everyone takes their seat while Present Mic and Mr. Aizawa walk in, they see the class is ready and begin.
" Good morning, as you all can see we have a new student with us, they are an exchange student from the United States." Mr. Aizawa starts the class.
" Yah please welcome ---- Drakos!" Present Mic introduces.
Everyone looks at ---- who is just silent and glares up at the teachers, she doesn't seem to want to speak.
" Well come up here and say a few things about yourself." Present Mic tells her.
" I would rather not...." ---- shakes her head.
" Aw come on we would love to get to know you, you are the first American we have met!" Kirishima smiles.
---- sighs and stands up, in a militaristic way she walks to the front and stays silent for a moment. Looking at Present Mic and glaring at him, she looks back at the class and takes a breath.
" I am Lieutenant Commander Drakos, I was enlisted very early into the United States Navy because of my quirks. I became the rising star of the Navy and was part of the Seals. I have a kill count that would make All for One even blush and I am here because I was forced to...." ---- simply states.
The entire class looks green around the gills when they hear all this, they look in shock at the teachers.
" She is joking right?" Kaminari nervously laughs.
" No she is quite serious, ---- is considered one of the deadliest assets the military has." Mr. Aizawa replies.
" Then why have her here?!" Mineta flips out.
" It is a matter of national security not only on the side of the United States but for us here in Japan. We have been trusted with her care and education, while she is here she will stay in the dorms with you all." Mr. Aizawa calms.
---- sits back in her seat and just stays silent, the class goes on like normal and they continue on until lunch. The class heads to lunch and they notice ---- seated already, she has her own bento and starts to eat, Uraraka, Kirishima, Midoriya and a bunch of her class come to her table and sit with her. She just peacefully eats and enjoys her food quietly.
" Hey ---- after this you wanna hang out after school in the Dorms?" Uraraka asks.
" I have a strict workout schedule I need to abide by." ---- replies.
" Cool we can work out together!" Kirishima grins.
" You wont be able to keep up, I have my Commander coming after and I will be going through the usual training I went through when I first went into boot camp." ---- tells him.
" Well we can give it a shot." Iida nods.
" Fine just don't be rude to Commander Stark." ---- sighs out.
The same kids from earlier walk by and sneer at ----, she ignores them and just continues to eat.
" Heh well if it isn't the American Trash, what were the schools not good enough for you there?" A girl teases.
---- continues to keep her cool, she just eats her hardboiled egg and ignores the noise. The girl and her friends are irritated she isn't doing anything, the girl smacks her chopsticks out of her hand. The lunch room is silent as they look at ---- just staying still.
" Back off now!" Todoroki yells at the group.
---- gets up and stands in front of the group, she just calmly looks at the group and glares at them all.
" I don't even need to use my Quirks to beat you." ---- smirks.
" You will eat those words!" The girl yells at her.
The group barrage ---- with their strong Quirks but she simply dodges each one with ease. All this and she still has her weights on her limbs, she is quick to use her head and she skull smashes each attacker. Each one falls to the ground in pain, they groan and whimper as ---- cracks her neck.
" I will eat later...." ---- comments as she puts her food away and grabs her chopsticks.
Walking out while the lunch room is in silence, they all go back to their seats and the room just eats.
" Man.... she took them out with only her head, she had her hands behind her back the entire time." Kaminari murmurs.
" Heh, idiots got what they deserved." Bakugo laughs.
" Man being with her is going to be difficult, she comes from such a structured world." Mina sighs.
" Well soon we will learn more about her through the Quirk assessments tomorrow." Todoroki comments as he eats.
" Yah she is in a new environment let's give her space." Midoriya nods.
The classes finish the day out and the class begins to leave, they don't see Brooke anywhere and head back to the dorm work out center after school. There they hear yelling of multiple people, Todoroki, Kirishima and the others walk into the weight room and see ---- pushes up two guys on her back as she is in a push up position. She is holding halfway and is covered in bruises, a man towers over her and has his arms crossed.
" Were you picking fights?!" The man yells.
" Sir no sir!" ---- replies.
" We got a call saying you were seen picking fights with multiple students!" The man yells.
" I only act in self defense sir!" ---- chokes out.
" Look at you Lieutenant! Giving up already?!" He yells more.
" Never sir!" She growls.
" Now wait just a minute!" Todoroki yells.
" Excuse me who are you?!" The man yells.
" No who are you?! You are here torturing our classmate!" Kirishima yells back.
" Stay out of this!" ---- yells.
" Men get up, Drakos get your ass up, you are doing the pool exercise." The man commands.
" Yes sir Commander Stark." ---- nods.
The men get up and walk away to the pool area, ---- struggles to get up but stumbles upright. Todoroki runs to help but she puts her hand up and stops him, she walks to the pool and her classmates follow and watch on helplessly.
" Final exercise of the day, after all this you arent using your Quirk to heal up, you will keep this pain as a lesson." Commander Stark tells her.
" Yes sir!" ---- stands at attention.
The two other men tie her hands and feet, the Commander throws a knife and a mask with snorkel.
" Get the mask on and get yourself free and you can go." Commander Stark tells ---- before he shoves her in the pool.
" Commander Stark but how can she survive that!? She is wounded!" Iida asks.
" What you don't know about Lieutenant Commander Drakos is she was a full fledged Navy Seal at the age of 10, she was crafted and molded into the ultimate killing machine. Her duel Quirks make her perfectly adapted as one of the deadliest people on this planet. Her kill count is something to behold, but she is here under classified circumstances and that is all you need to know." Commander Stark tells them.
They watch as ---- grabs the knife with her mouth and uses it to cut her wrists free, she grabs the snorkel and mask and finishes cutting the ropes off her ankles. Pain fills her body but she swims up and takes a gasp of air, ---- pulls herself up out of the pool and breathes heavy.
" You have slowed down, do better Drakos." Commander Stark warns.
" Sir.... yes sir...." ---- nods.
The men leave and her classmates rush to her side, ---- is too tired to complain to them and feels someone help her up. She sees its Todoroki and just glares at him, holding her side ---- winces.
" ---- why let them do this to you?!" Uraraka asks.
" You look like hell." Tokoyami tells her.
" It is what I know, I grew up this way.... no one here can understand that...." ---- sighs as she walks away to the unisex locker room.
Heading to the tubs she gets a bunch of ice and starts the water, her bruised body trembles in pain. Stopping the water she lowers her body into the water, she wishes she can heal her body but she is under direct orders not to as punishment.
Todoroki walks in and sees her, he wasn't aware she went in here. He walks over to her and sits next to her, ---- looks at him and just looks away. He can see she is in pain still and wants to help her.
" Can I get you something for the pain?" He asks.
" I'm fine...." ---- breathes out.
He watches her breathing pattern and sees it is off, ---- coughs and blood comes up he looks in horror and holds her up before she slips down into the water.
" Damn it you have a punctured lung, you need help." Todoroki tells her.
He pulls her from the water and holds her in his arms, she stops him and he watches as her ribcage starts to shift. After a few moments it stops and her breathing is normal.
" I fixed it.... just get me to my room...." ---- demands weakly.
Todoroki rushes to her room and opens it up, he sees medals, uniforms and pictures everywhere along with collections of places she has been. He grabs a towel nearby and wraps her in it, she is sat down on a chair and he kneels in front of her. ---- dries off and looks exhausted, she goes over to a dresser and grabs sweat pants and a tank top. Todoroki turns immediately and waits for her to be finished, ---- finds it amusing he is this embarrassed being around a girl changing. ---- finishes and shuffles to her bed, Todoroki turns and helps her in bed. She doesn't protest, she only wants to sleep, her heavy eyes look at him.
" You remind me of my eldest brother Touya.... I'm worried for you." Shoto tells her.
" I am fine...." ---- just shrugs off his concern.
The pair are silent for a while, ---- looks at Shoto standing there with a concerned look. He looks away from her and towards the wall in deep thought, ---- clears her throat.
" What was Touya like?" ---- asks him.
" He was stubborn but never gave up, I miss him so much, so does Natsuo and my sister Fuyumi took it harder. He was told by my father that his quirk was too much for his body to handle, he never listened and wanted to be a Hero so bad.... in his anguish and ceaseless training his quirk spiraled out of control...." Shoto tells her.
" I am so sorry...." ---- sympathizes.
" All that was left of him was a piece of his lower jaw, his quirk burnt him to ash, he was so kind and loving to everyone and he wanted to be the best.... I miss him." Shoto continues.
" I'm sorry for your loss, I know the feeling all too well...." ---- nods.
" Someday I'll show you his shrine, it's very beautiful.... but you need rest, we can talk more later." Shoto tells ----.
" Ok.... I'll see you later." ---- nods and passes out from exhaustion.
Todoroki looks at her for a moment, her dark brown hair and slightly tan skin are rather pretty. Todoroki pulls the covers over her shoulder and tucks her in. He leaves her room and heads down to his friends, they turn and look at him and see his soaked clothing.
" Where have you been man?" Kaminari asks him.
" Making sure ---- got to her room, she is resting now." Todoroki explains.
" Is she ok?" Aoyama asks concerned.
" She is resting peacefully currently, she most likely wont be up for a while." Todoroki nods.
The rest of the class don't pry about her and just go about the rest of their day until the Quirk assessments tomorrow.
Its the end of the next school day and both Class 1A and 1B are brought to the training center, they see a person in a Hero costume standing with Mr. Aizawa, Present Mic and Ectoplasm. The outfit is sleek and looks like something for water combat, it is dark on the back and a little lighter in the front of the costume. The boots of the person are reminiscent of Selkies boots with the fins, they have gloves on with nanotech webbing between the fingers. The faceplate completely obscures who it is, they all stand at attention and wait for the teachers to speak.
" Hello everyone, you are probably wondering what is going on here and why I asked you to wear your outfits. Well next to us is Hydra, or you may know her as ----. This is her outfit she wore on active duty and is perfectly crafted to suit hers Quirks." Mr. Aizawa explains.
" Quirks?!" Tetsutetsu asks loudly.
" Yes similar to Shoto Todoroki ---- has duel Quirks, your jobs are to figure out what they are. One is more obvious then the other, she will be fighting you all." Mr. Aizawa nods.
" You can't be serious, all 41 of us verses her?" Shinso scoffs.
" Let's get this over with...." ---- sighs.
Stepping forward ---- undoes her weight belt around her waist, she removes her wrist weights and her leg weights as well. She tosses them all to the side and they make a large crater to the side, the students look in shock.
" Woah how much weight was that?!" Kirishima asks in shock.
" 454 kilograms, I'm ready to start." ---- sighs.
" The rules are simple, you each have a zip tie set of cuffs, you need to catch her to win, while she has to capture every single one of you. Should be easy right? Once captured you cant break the cuff you are out!" Present Mic explains.
" There is no way she can win, we have 41 unique and powerful Quirks on our side." Midoriya comments.
The teachers go above the training grounds and sit up in the rafters, the students watch ---- for a moment and see how calm she is.
" LET'S GET HER!" Tetsutetsu yells out.
" Wait that's not a good idea!" Kirishima yells to class 1B.
---- puts her arms out and focuses, the pipes in the facility burst and she quickly floods the arena. She manages to make the depth a little over 10 meters, all the other students have taken to high ground and see ---- is nowhere to be found.
" Shoji, Koda, Jiro, find her!" Midoriya tells them.
" Right!" They reply.
Using their Quirks they look for her but look in shock, they can't find her and can't sense her.
" I.... I can't hear her! Her heartbeat should be as clear as day but.... there is no heartbeat!" Jiro tell the others.
In a flash ---- breaches the water and grabs Jiro, the pair disappear in the water and everyone looks in horror.
" Jiro!" Some of them yell.
Jiro resurfaces with her hands bound, Ectoplasm quickly uses a clone to retrieve her. ---- quickly does the same to Shoji and Koda and captures them as well, the students back away from the water and try to think of a plan.
" Well what now Deku?!" Bakugo yells.
" I'm not sure yet, she is taking out our scouts to make sure we cant find her with ease. She can clearly control her heartbeat and pause it so she is not detected, she can obviously control water so that is one of her Quirks, the other we were told isn't obvious which means until she activates it we may not know what it is until we see it up close. But with ---- that is dangerous, she is clearly strong physically on her own. But her Quirks paired with her physical capabilities and her elite combat prowess make her a top tier threat." Midoriya explains.
" We need to get our strongest to attack in close combat." Sato recommends.
" It could work, Tetsutetsu, Kirishima draw her out but stay close so she is forced to confront you both." Midoriya suggests.
" You got it!" They shout in unison.
The pair go to a large plateau that is above water and wait, soon ---- flies out of the water and lands on the other side where they are standing.
" I'll charge first ok?" Tetsutetsu tells his friend.
" Right I'll be right behind you." Kirishima nods.
Tetsutetsu starts the charge, he hardens his body and charges at her, ---- rushes at Tetsutetsu and collides with him. Tetsutetsu is launched into a wall and groans, his metal shell cracked and he holds his head. They look and see ----, they look in shock when they see armor surrounding her arm that punched Tetsutetsu.
" What the hell is that?!" Mineta yells.
Shoto's eyes open wide and he realizes he has seen this already in a way, he remembers when she healed herself from the broken rib and punctured lung. Her ribcage repaired itself and her lung mended.
---- sees Kirishima charge next, ---- guards as Kirishima crashes against her. Kirishima pushes against her but recoils back in pain, they look and see bloody spikes erupt from her chest. Kirishima backs up and they watch as the armor on her arm absorbs back into her body along with the spikes on her chest. Her costume then heals from the damage she inflicted on it and everything is back to normal.
" Kirishima! Tetsutetsu! Get back!" Shoto yells.
" What the hell is that Quirk?!" Tetsutetsu growls.
" Tetsutetsu are you ok?" Kendo asks.
" Yah she hits like a truck." He holds his head.
" I saw this ability up close yesterday, she repaired her broken rib and punctured lung. I didn't think anything of it first but now I know, her other Quirk let's her control her body on a God like scale." Shoto explains.
" Correct Shoto.... my second Quirk is Cell Manipulation, my body can survive the most extreme heat and cold. I can survive sub freezing temperatures naked by modifying my skin cells to be frostbite proof and I can move and create new fat cells so I can put layers under my skin in key areas. I can survive the hottest deserts by extracting the water in the same fat cells and lipids, I can survive with no water for months and even make it so I don't get sunburnt. One of my greatest tricks is what you saw just now, I can create and manipulate my bones with ease." ---- explains.
" She is the ultimate survivalist." Iida gasps.
" What do you mean create bone?!" Midoriya asks.
" The human body has 205 bones, with me that number is much more negotiable. As I was speaking I made a new weapon just now...." ---- sighs out and grabs behind her.
They watch ---- bend forward and they see bone sticking out of her neck, ---- pulls out her spine and it forms spikes. Wielding it around the new weapon straightens and then acts like a whip at whim. Using her new weapon she grabs Tetsutetsu and dives in the water with him, a moment later he is bound and a clone grabs him.
" Todoroki freeze the water and see if you can stop her movements." Kendo suggests.
Todoroki nods and using his ice abilities he freezes the entire pool ---- created, Todoroki stops and they see no movement.
" I think that got her." Mina comments.
The sound of Ice cracking is heard, quickly the arena floods again the current sweeps up everyone and ---- is quick to bind everyone. She misses Todoroki who is above all the water, ---- drains the water from the arena and everyone is ok. She sees Todoroki land and come after her, ---- is quick to counter him and uses her spine blade against him.
" Come quietly Todoroki." ---- tells him.
" And miss out on this little dance we are in? You are a worthy challenge!" He smirks.
Shoto and ---- fight in close proximity and both grab a capture zip tie and capture one wrist from the other. Shoto and ---- stop fighting and breathe heavy, looking at their wrists they look up at the teachers.
" Uh Aizawa is this a tie or?" Present Mic asks.
" They both captured eachother so this will be called a stalemate." Mr. Aizawa tells them.
All the students are released and they walk over to ---- and Shoto, they cut the binds off and ---- stretches out.
" How did you hide from us like that that was incredible." Jiro asks.
" For short periods of time I can stop my pulse and heart while I move around, it's stressful on my body so I only do it for two minutes at most. My bones are the stars of my little trick though...." ---- explains.
Holding her arms out she creates bone blades that come out of the top of her forearm. Sucking them back into her body she takes her left forearm and breaks it over her knee. Everyone looks in horror at the broken limb.
" Relax it doesn't hurt that bad, watch I instantly heal my broken bones.... deep wounds hell I can even reattach my limbs." ---- extends a bone blade out.
---- cuts her right arm off at the elbow, the others look in horror and some retch. Mineta and Aoyama pass out but ---- grabs her arm and puts it back, they watch her Quirk in action as the arm flawlessly reattaches to her body.
" That Quirk is so powerful, having a duel Quirk makes you extremely powerful." Iida comments.
" It's not without it's issues, with my background and what I have seen.... my PTSD weakens me and I fear my Quirk can harm those around me, so I limit myself.... it also causes my PTSD to get worse if I'm not careful. My duel Quirks require me to see everything in front of me, I need to know where every piece is on the board and I need to know what each is capable of. I do not tolerate failure even on my end.... failure leads to death and I will have no more of that." ---- explains.
" Wait so you can go insane?" Kirishima asks sympathetically.
" No need to make it sound like I'll go off my rocker, but yah.... war is hell and I may be the same age as you all roughly but you kids don't have the mental constitution to deal with what I have seen. The world is a putrid place full of evil, you all need to get your ass's in gear and learn how to deal with the horrors you will face out there. Because if you don't you will never hack it as Hero's." ---- coldly tells them.
" Wait but you are going to be a Hero too what makes you act like you are any different from us?" Kendo asks.
" I'm not a Hero, I'm just a person doing the things I need to do, the things I have done don't classify me as a Hero.... I'm far from it in fact. I walk in the darkness so that others may see the light.... I'm going back to the dorms." ---- sighs out.
---- heads the dorms and the others just sigh out after that ordeal. Shoto watches ---- hold her head as she leaves, her shoulders are hunched and she seems troubled.
" Can you believe her?! She acts all high and mighty then leaves like a jerk." Kamakiri scoffs.
" Shut up loser that's our classmate." Bakugo snaps at him.
" She captured your dumbass too." Kamakiri laughs.
" Everyone shut up...." Shoto sighs out and leaves as well.
Shoto leaves and eventually catches up to ---- who is silent, Shoto says nothing and just walks back with her. ---- eyes slide over to him without turning her head, she looks straight forward and just sighs at his presence.
" You are clearly different from the others...." ---- comments.
" What do you mean?" Shoto asks.
" You were able to slip from my grip while I was able to grab the others, can't tell if I'm irritated or impressed." ---- grumbles.
" Are you always this mad?" Shoto asks her.
" Are you and the others always this intrusive?" ---- groans.
" S-sorry.... I saw you leave and you looked like you were having an issue mentally or emotionally.... just wanted to make sure my friend is ok." Shoto apologizes.
---- stops and looks at Shoto for a while, her gaze seems irritated but she is simply thinking about what he said. Her brow relaxes and she takes a deep breath before cracking her neck.
" Know what a bomb body is? Had some unpleasant memories and scents flood my senses earlier.... don't know what caused them though...." ---- comments.
" No what are those?" Shoto asks.
" Good.... trust me forget I said anything Todoroki...." ---- sighs and leaves him standing there.
---- leaves and Shoto goes back to the dorms with the others, he keeps thinking about what she said and it makes him overly curious as he is sitting with the others. Shoto pulls out his phone and searches up what a Bomb Body is, the images flash on his screen and he drops his phone. The others look over and see the horror on his face as he covers his mouth and retches. Kirishima grabs his phone and reacts the same way and looks in horror.
" Dude what the hell why are you looking at this?!" Kirishima asks him.
" I wanted to know what ---- was talking about, I asked her what was wrong and she said she had haunting memories about them come back.... I asked her what she meant but she said forget it and its good I don't know." Shoto explains.
" Jesus.... it says here kids are the better targets for these procedures.... what the hell is this?! Some messed up fucks actually do this to people?!" Bakugo yells.
" It says here that Bomb Bodies or Human Bombs can either be alive or dead, they are used by terrorist groups to harm civilians.... oh my.... ---- said she had flashbacks of these?" Momo asks.
" Yah.... no wonder she has walls up around her emotions." Shoto nods.
" Well we shouldn't say anything to her we don't need to trigger any negative feelings with her." Midoriya suggests.
---- walks into the room and Mineta sees her, she goes to the kitchen and grabs a juice and a glass for herself.
" Hey ---- what's the deal with Bomb Bodies?" Mineta asks.
Everyone looks in horror not knowing she walked in quietly, her eyes go wide and she doesn't blink. The glass drops from her hand and shatters, she begins to retch and bolts after Mineta. Her eyes have the intent to kill which gets Sero to grab her, the tape begins to give way and he quickly tapes more to her. The guys grab on to the tape and hold on for dear life. Shoto goes in front of her and holds her body back, they struggle to hold her still as she continues to go after Mineta.
" Momo can you make something to stop her?!" Midoriya asks.
" Here I got this!" She nods and pulls out a rag and bottle she has made.
Putting the contents of the bottle on the cloth she puts it over ---- nose and mouth. ---- begins to stumble, she begins to grumble and get dizzy.
" I'll kill you.... just like you killed.... Abdullah...." She slurs as she passes out.
" Abdullah? Who is Abdullah?" Kaminari asks.
" Not sure, but we need to get Mr. Aizawa immediately." Midoriya shrugs.
" I'll bring her to her room." Shoto tells them.
Sero removes the tape and Shoto brings her to her room again, Momo walks into her room with a heart monitor she made. They hook it up to ---- and Momo sits on the bed next to her.
" I did this to her so I am responsible for making sure she is ok, I'll be here with her until she wakes up ok?" Momo tells him.
" Of course, message us when she is awake." Shoto nods.
Walking back to the others he helps clean up the mess and things calm down, Sero helps seeing as it was his Quirk that was used to bind her. Everyone goes into their own routine and the dorm is once again quiet.
(Let's see who you end up with 😏)
If you have made it here I really do appreciate it, I'm not the most outgoing person so this was stressful to post. I can do requests aside from this so if interested let me know, I can do inserts/ reader inserts of characters you like. If anything I have a wild imagination lol. Also I have no clue what I'm doing on this site in terms of posting so if you have tips.... I will love you forever ❤️.
Thank you so much and I will post more
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guzsdaily · 10 months
12.023's 4th Quarter Theme
Day 22 - Nov 27th, 12.023
Today will be a somewhat different post, a type of post that I plan to do each quarter/season of the year. Something which I adopted this year is the idea of yearly themes instead of yearly goals, and I have to admit it is a lot better to know you improve regardless of whatever you met a number or touchable objective in one year.
But before, what are "Themes"?
Your Theme
Before everything, this concept is not mine, it was something which I adopted from this CGP Grey video:
In summary, a theme is a word that reflects something you want to improve and/or resonate with you on a period of time. This word is what will guide you on the year, instead of a final objective.
"Why?" because of how year's resolutions always fail. It is really hard to be able to continue with a resolution for an entire year, shits happens, and numbers becomes difficult to achieve. If you want to improve your health losing weight, you probably will end up failing the resolution by some kilograms, if you want to read more books and place a clear goal of reading 100 books that year, you will feel bad about yourself for "just" reading 60.
Themes solve this problem by being abstract. It is not important how many kilograms you lost, if your theme is "year of health" and you were able to lose some amount, it stills "year of health", or maybe you didn't lose any, but created a lot more muscles, it's still "year of health". Maybe it is "year of reading", but you noticed that full-fledged books aren't your type, and you prefer articles and newsletters, it's still "year of reading". The word that you choose is not a clear objective or goal, but a concept to help you guide your daily decisions, to make you instead of scrolling social media while waiting a queue, end up reading a web-book if it is "year of reading".
It is a word that resonates with something you want to improve your life in general.
My 12.023's Theme
I adopted this concept on the start of this year, just to test if it really helped my life. On the end of the previous year I was leaving school, and now, being legally an adult, I need to find what to do with my life and what I actually want to work with. I always jumped between interests and if I wanted to go somewhere I needed to try things and focus on one of them, I needed to concretize what I wanted with my life and myself.
So that was the theme, "concretize", or more specific "concretizar" in Portuguese. I didn't really care if the word has an actual meaning different, for me, it was "placing things into stone", "focusing on one thing", "hardening what I want to do", it resonated with what I wanted to improve. I still had plans, objectives, I hopped to make some money this year at least, I wanted to try being my own boss before trying to find a formal job.
And did I make any money? No. Did I complete the plans of multiple projects that I had? No, unfortunately. But now I know what I want to do in the next years of my life, I want to develop good software and development tools, independent if it is in a formal job or in my own brands, I want to create good code and products. For pretty much the entire year, I never touched things like video editing, drawing, modeling, etc., which to be clear, I still want to do, but they are hobbies, not my job anymore.
The theme was successful for me, it guided me the entire year to be where I am now. But now it is time for another.
Today's theme
This is something which in CGP Gray's video is mentioned, so I also want to try now this and next year. Themes will not be for the year, but the season/quarter of the year, because it is a lot easier to feel time passing when you can easily tell just by the climate.
But because the year is ending, I pretty much have just 1 month of this new theme, which can be good for a reason, because I'm lacking something these past days and it is something which I can improve in one month easily:
What is "productivity" (or "produtividade" in Portuguese) for me? Well, it represents for me the ability of opening every day my daily notes, every week my weekly notes, organizing my tasks, annotating my projects, and automating and streamlining my life in some way or another. I already made and configure the tools for this theme for the most part, but there are still some things to improve, and I still need to test and put this workflow in my routine totally. This end of the year I don't plan to focus totally on making templates, but actually using them, and using them on the projects I want to make, and tweaking them when I need to. Not just templates, but my entire OS, keystrokes, etc.
I want to be more productive and find what works better for me. And every day being more productive, is better than a day just procrastinating.
Today's artists & creative things
Song: Temporary Love - by The Living Tombstone (feat. CG5) I really love the original songs from The Living Tombstone, it just proves how they aren't just a "meme music maker" or something like that. And this collaboration with CG5 just makes this feeling even stronger. I don't know why, but CG5's just fits perfectly with TLT style in this song. I just wanted to be song to be longer, to be honest.
Copyright (c) 2023-present Gustavo "Guz" L. de Mello <[email protected]>
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License
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insaneshane · 2 years
Now! Onto the cool shit! Jk armour is also cool shit. But still.
Regarding my new format, I wanted to do shorter posts, but I'm still on the fences. This would entail one sword or set of armour per post. Let me know if that's something you guys would prefer, or if you like my longer posts.
Furthermore, I'm going to try to include the specs of the swords I review, (length, weight, etc.) I will be doing this to the best of my knowledge/what I can find, so don't come at me if your dude bro who thinks katanas are the greatest sword in history is like "actually, Aragorn's sword is-", I don't care.
Speaking of Aragorn's Sword first up is Andúril, for obvious reasons.
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Length: 52.8 inches, or 134.1 centimeters
Weight: 3.9 pounds, or 1.81 kilograms
These are the only two important measurements (/j).
Firstly, this thing is heavy. Ik, "duhh, it's longsword," but still, it's heavy. I personally wouldn't use this in any fight ever, but that's just me.
Other than the weight, this thing is fucking amazing. I've held a replica before, and damn if it doesn't feel good. My only issue was the ends of the crossguard somewhat get in the way if you use it wrong.
I do like the grip being half leather, I think it's an interesting idea. Normally, I'd say bare metal grip is atrocious, because it normally is, but this is a nice balance.
Realism: 9/10
Appeal: 9/10
Name: 10/10
Overall: 9/10
Next, we have Thorin's sword, Orchist:
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Length: 37 inches, or 93.9 centimeters
Weight: 3.7 pounds, or 1.71 kilograms
Firstly, I think it's so fucking funny how petty Thorin is. He sees a perfectly preserved sword lying in a cave, and (rightfully) goes to take it. Gandalf says it's elven and the look of pure *disgust* that crosses the sons of Thráin's face is golden.
Anyways, onto the actual sword. If I remember correctly, it’s a one-handed sword for elves, but since Thorin is a dwarf its two handed. That's where my biggest problem comes in, as a two-handed sword, I hate it. The fact that it's single edged and shaped like *that* just horrify me. That’s only if I'm looking at it as a great sword. I could just critique it as a one-handed sword, but that's not how it's used in the movies, soooo
Another thing, the grip is a really strange shape imo. Firstly, I don't like that much taper, it looks as though it'd be unwieldy. And again, the shape of the grip and crossguard just encourage a one-handed hold.
Realism: 6/10
Appeal: 8/10
Name: 5/10
Overall: 7/10
Next, The Witch King's sword, unnamed:
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Length: 54.6 inches, or 138.6 centimeters
Weight: 4.4 pounds, or 1.93 kilograms
This sword has a really bare bones design, and I am all for it. These dudes don’t care about flashiness or anything like that, they care about getting the job done. They might benefit from some sword care though, that blade looks a little rough.
Okay now to focus up; I think this design is fabulous. The handle is rather longer than I’d have expected, but I don’t actually mind that much. In fact, I’ve always been rather partial to extended grips. The thing is, I meant it when I said it was bare bones, but there’s not a damn thing wrong with that. 
For fear of being repetitive, I’ll just say that it’s an overall good design, and that I’d love to use it. 
Realism: 8/10
Appeal: 9/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 8/10
Next up, Aragorn's Ranger sword, unnamed:
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Length: 47 inches, or 119.38 centimeters
Weight: 4.4 pounds, or 2 kilograms
I'll be honest, I wasn't going to put this one on here, but then I bought the sword. It feels great in the hand, and the grip is really nice. Again, it's a very simple design, so it's hard to say a lot without being redundant.
I will say that for what its purpose is, it's a great sword. Definitely one of my favorites. Appeal does get a lower rating because it's a little bland comparatively.
Realism: 10/10
Appeal: 7/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 9/10
Next, there's the ringwraith sword, unnamed:
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Length: 53 inches, or 134.62 centimeters
Weight: 12.1 pounds, or 5.49
Okay really quick, I'm a little skeptical about the weight here. My usual method is to look at the swords available for purchase and see how much those weigh, and this seems wildly heavy.
Anyways, as far as the sword itself goes, it's definitely...unique. It's cool looking, no doubt, but it looks really uncomfortable to hold honestly. The crossguard is my main concern, it seems like it could easily hurt the wielder. Other than that, it doesn't seem so bad.
It's clearly meant to be used like a single edged sword, and it very well may be single edged, which is another part that confuses me. Most two-handed swords - because let's be clear this *is* a two-handed sword - are double-edged, and symmetrical, so this particular sword doesn't make much sense to me.
Ignoring those two aspects, I wouldn't mind using it to be honest, if not just because it's cool looking.
Realism: 3/10
Appeal: 8/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 6/10
Next is the Bilbo's Sword, Sting:
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Length: 23 inches, 58.42 centimeters
Weight: 2.3 pounds, or 1.06 kilograms
Okay this thing is insanely small; in my opinion it'd be extremely awkward to wield as a full-size human. I'm aware it was meant to be a dagger, hence Bilbo using it as a sword, but even as a dagger I think the dimensions are wack.
Aside from the weird proportions, it's a nice blade. The shape of the blade is different, but it doesn't necessarily take away from the functionality of it. If given an edge, this blade will hold an edge and work just fine.
The hilt is okay, it just doesn't work well for a sword. And since I judged Orchist as a two-handed sword, I have to judge this as a sword as well. For that reason, I dislike the grip and crossguard. They're disproportional to the blade if it'd being treated like a sword. Honestly, they're disproportional in general.
Realism: 7/10
Appeal: 5/10
Name: 4/10
Overall: 7/10
Next is the Morgul Blade:
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Length: 25 inches, or 63.5 centimeters
Weight: 5.7 pounds, or 2.6 kilograms
Holy hell do I have notes. Firstly, why are all these bad guy weapons so dirty, like guys take care of your weapons please. Frodo was only so messed up because he got tetanus from this thing, I swear.
As far as the actual weapon, the blade is fine. It has a really harsh point, so it'd be more susceptible to chipping and or breaking off entirely. The grip also has a really intense taper, which I've always found to be uncomfortable and unwieldy.
Now for the most obvious problem. The horrible, disgusting, Gods-awful crossguard on this thing. Why, why does it point *towards* the holder!? That's the worst and I hate it. I'd rather fist fight a white warg than use this thing.
Realism: 3/10
Appeal: 0/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 3/10
Last but not least (because the morgul blade was the least), Thorin's Regal Sword, unnamed:
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Length: 37 inches, or 94 centimeters
Weight: 3.9 pounds, or 1.8 kilograms
First of all, there's no way that weight is correct, it's got to be at least five pounds, but alas. I *do not* like this sword at all. It looks more like a wood splitter, there's no way that can hold a good edge. Not to mention how wide it is, good luck wielding it with one hand.
The grip in itself looks uncomfortable, even if it weren't stupidly short. The crossguard wouldn't be very helpful at all, it barely comes out passed the blade. The weird points coming out of the edge, I'll be honest I'm not sure what those are, or what their purpose is.
I've saved the worst bit for last, the massive hole in the ricasso of the sword. That is obviously one of the most important parts of the sword regarding integrity, and they have put a big hole through it. Fools, I hate it.
Realism: 0/10
Appeal: 2/10
Name: N/A
Overall: 4/10
Okay, that wraps up the Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit posts! I left out Gandalf's sword, Glamdring, because it's so similar to Aragorn's Ranger Sword. As always, let me know if there is anything you'd like me to review specifically, let me know! Hope you enjoy!
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ahkaraii · 3 years
tov drabble (1618 words)
“Good fight,” Don Whitehorse compliments. “Not good enough, though.”
Schwann knows when he’s lost. He resorts to a cool, helpless apathy in these moments: a trait characteristic to him since birth.
“Then kill me,” he says without inflection.
“You won’t beg for your life?” Don asks.
“I am already dead,” he says. “There is nothing to beg for.”
“Huh. Interesting.” Don then shrugs his massive shoulders, like saying, ‘what can you do?’. “Aw’right then. Hey! Boys! Give this kid a good Altoskian welcome, and escort him to a cell, will ya?”
Altoskian hospitality is not unlike the Empire’s, Schwann reflects. They knock him around, piss in his water bowl, and don’t give him any toilet paper to wipe his face or his ass during the whole damn stay. Then again, an assassination attempt against his Imperial Majesty would easily warrant a public beheading — here, it seems to equate with seven days of enforced meditation toe-deep in his own shit before being kicked to the curb like nothing ever happened.
“You’re letting me go?” Schwann asks, a faint tone of disbelief in his voice.
“You’re not the first to try to off the Boss, y’know,” the guard explains, “and you won’t be the last. It’s almost a right of passage at this point.”
Schwann must reevaluate the guild’s hierarchy. His intel was clearly missing some rather important information. “Did you also try to kill Don Whitehorse?” he asks, not even meaning it sarcastically.
“Sure,” the guard admits, like it’s nothing. “Though I tried to poison him, myself. Gave the Don a case of the runs and he put a bucket of it in my cell and that was enough to make me not try again.”
Schwann’s just spent a week stewing in his own filth and understands what a powerful motivator the stench of unceasing fecal matter and lack of hygiene can be to a man who once thought himself as dignified. “Huh,” is all he offers. Is that how Don Whitehorse inspires loyalty? By sparing his foes in such a contrived way?
“Now, I’d close my eyes if I were you. Ready? Splash!”
After Schwann’s been waterboarded into smelling a little less like a sewer, the guard escorts him out the door and onto the cobbled street some ways from the headquarter’s main entrance.
“That’s it?” Schwann repeats, still not quite believing it.
“That’s it,” the guard says. “Though if I were you, I’d get a proper wash and new duds. You fucking reek.”
A bed and shower at the inn requires gald he no longer has. And even the filthiest tavern won’t let him in wearing the shit-smelling rags he’s got tattered on by a thread. He’s tired, he’s hungry, and he’s really five seconds away from giving up and taking a nap right there in the street. Where even is he, anyway? Dahngrest is a fucking labyrinth with far too many dead ends.
“You need quick cash, son? I’ll pay you to suck my dick,” a strange man with a caved in nose offers in one such dead-end alley, idly smoking a pipe.
Schwann considers it for all of three seconds before he smoothly says, “I must decline,” and walks off in the opposite direction as fast as his tired calves will take him. It’s barely been a week and he will not fall to prostitution just to get a fucking bath. That guy probably had syphilis, anyway.
“Hey! New guy!”
Schwann would’ve started walking even faster if the pitch of the voice hadn’t distracted him — it belongs to a kid, prepubescently high, gender difficult to tell with the patchwork quilt of nonsense they’ve got on.
“Take this package to Saggitarus,” the kid says, and hurls something at him that Schwann catches out of reflex.
“What?” he asks, but the kid’s already disappeared. Fast little bugger—either that, or great at climbing walls. “What...?” he repeats, staring at the innocuous brown-paper-wrapped box in his hands. It’s about the weight of his pauldron, some two kilograms dense, and rattles like there’s something round inside it. A blastia, perhaps?
“Saggitarus,” he echoes. The tavern?
Is this a test?
Is the Don testing him?
For a moment, Schwann expands his senses, wondering if he’s being followed. He can immediately feel eyes on him, and detect the sounds of muffled laughter in the distance. Then again, that might just be paranoia. He has just spent seven days with no privacy and bored guards idly betting on when he’ll get thirsty enough to drink the piss-bucket. (Shamefully, he only got to two before he succumbed.)
If there’s a blastia in here, maybe he can sell it, or, hell, use it. If Schwann’s already presumed dead and his dignity gone with it, then maybe--
The thought crosses his mind and leaves it without much fanfare. There is a task he has been given, and he shall complete it. “Saggitarus,” he repeats, and twists his ankles in the direction of the last tavern he’d been to. Maybe he can ask for directions there.
“Saggitarus tavern? Heh...y'mean the Sagittarius Tavern? It’s that way, new guy,” says the bouncer stationed outside.
Hm. Does everyone know his task, then?
“Sagittarius, huh? It’s southeast,” another man offers, “follow the music.”
It’s starting to feel like a wild goose chase, and everyone’s in on it. There is no music but distant laughter.
“Naw, new guy, it’s north! Y’know, by the fountain? Surely you passed it already.”
On and on and on, each new direction being interrupted by some new person with eyes on his package and cruelty in their smiles. It’s clear they’re all in on it, and he’s the butt of the joke.
“You’re all fucking with me,” Schwann says monotonously. He’s really quite tired. Honestly, he doesn’t really need a weapon to kill things. If he goes outside the barrier, maybe he could just rip a couple of stray Filifolia monsters into lettuce for a salad and then sell the rest of it for gald enough to pay for hay to rest with the horses…
The thought tantalises him for three seconds before he focuses back to reality. Don Whitehorse has probably already forgotten him. His underlings are the cats playing with the new toy the Don has given them. He’s nothing but fresh meat quickly spoiling.
“You finally give up, new guy?”
It’s the kid who gave him the package. Schwann eyes them more carefully this time. Blond, grey-eyed, and oddly confident in their stance. For being such a pipsqueak, this kid has balls to poke an enemy of the Don while he’s down. Schwann’s dead tired and still quite capable of snapping the kid’s neck like he would a chicken.
“What happens if I say yes?” Schwann asks, lightly.
“I take the package back,” the kid says, and stretches out a small hand riddled with weapon-born calluses. “Hand it over, then.”
“Hm,” Schwann makes as if he’s thinking, and a part of him feels silly but delighted when the brat begins to look visibly impatient. Is this kid the one in charge of his punishment…? “I think not, then.”
“Ugh,” the kid says. “Then hurry up and make it!”
Schwann bows his head like he would to Princess Estellise. “Of course, young Master,” he says, and is rewarded by the kid looking proper startled. Bingo. “I’m afraid I am quite lost, though. Why don’t we both help each other and you get me there, for real this time? That way we can both finally take a break.”
The kid squints at him and then gives an explosive sigh and turns around and starts walking. Schwann follows them leisurely. They walk down faintly familiar streets and end up at the tavern right where Schwann started. The bouncer outside looks just as amused as he did the first time.
“Ah, I see now. Saggitarus is your name, isn’t it?” Schwann says, managing a sardonic smile.
“At your service,” the guy says, and stretches out his hand. “Did you ever find the Sagittarius tavern, then?”
“Your directions were one of a kind, but my sense of direction is quite another.” Schwann plops the brown box unceremoniously into the guy’s outstretched palm. “Here’s your package, Mister Saggitarus.”
“Here’s your payment, Mister New Guy,” Saggitarius says, and flicks him a single gald coin.
“Thanks,” Schwann says without a trace of sarcasm, and turns to the kid. “Y’know where a tired old man could get a bucket of clean water for a single gald?”
“Uh, try the fountain,” the kid says. “Duh.”
“Duh,” Schwann echoes, and can’t help but laugh a little. Duh, indeed. Children above, he’s so tired.
“Hey. New Guy. I’ll throw you enough for a meal if you give Pecan this package,” Saggitarus offers, clearly taking pity on him. “Pecan’s the third waiter on the right at the Sagittarius tavern. You know your way there now, right?”
Schwann’s everything aches, but he’s starting to get the hang of this place now, he thinks. “Sure,” he says. “Throw in an old tunic and I’ll deliver it as fast as these old legs can take me.”
“Do it without causing a ruckus and I’ll give you some new shoes, too,” Saggitarius says.
“You got yourself a deal,” Schwann says, and points his feet towards his goal. He can’t wait to feel a little cleaner and rest enough to regroup and decide his next course of action; if he doesn’t send an encoded message to Zaphias soon, Commandant Alexei’ll probably assume him dead or, worse, a traitor. Till then, it’s nice to have a mission with clear cut instructions.
“Third waiter from the right,” Schwann murmurs to himself, and sets off.
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readyplayerhobi · 4 years
Flower | 22
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, smut
; Word Count: 6.4k
; Warnings: Brief mention of antidepressant side effects, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, sex toy use, insinuated sex
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: I’ve half proofread this but I hate reading through smut again so...I hope you enjoy it all :) please reblog if you did and leave me feedback in the form of comments, reviews or other asks! I’m always happy to read your thoughts on the Flower couple and their evolving relationship <3
; Flower Masterpost
“Okay so...I know it probably doesn’t look like I’ve got you all that much,” You give him a disbelieving stare before eyeing the small pile of books and games he’d already gifted you. “But I got you one more. And I had to hide this because it’s very heavy and I didn’t want you accidentally kicking it and opening it up or anything.”
Watching as he stands up, his cheerfully festive Christmas Simpsons sweats looking very out of place on his tattooed body, he darts off to your bedroom. Frowning, you lean back to try and see what he’s doing, wondering how’d he’d managed to hide something from you in your own room.
He was completely lying because he’d gotten you everything you wanted and more. The new Final Fantasy game, the new Villainous expansion, some of the books you’d been wanting for a while and a few Eeveelution plushies to finish off your set. So what on earth would he have gotten?
It’s even more confusing when he comes back and you see the size of the box in his hands, elegantly wrapped in silver wrapping paper. There’s a pretty fabric bow on top with a tag on it and your brow rises when you see how hard he’s struggling with it.
That brow goes even higher when he sits down with a grunt, the box dropping onto the floor with a heavy thunk. Eyes widening, you stare at it before looking at him in amusement.
“Holy shit Hoseok, what did you do? Kill someone?” He gives you a smirk before cuddling up to you on the floor, gesturing to the wrapped gift with more than a little excitement. You welcome his warmth and idly poke his thigh as you eye the present.
“Nope. You’ll love it though, I promise.” Giving him a suspicious look, you look at the tag first and read it. Much to his amusement. Apparently he wasn’t one of those people who particularly cared about reading the tags, which had horrified you when you found out. Not that you’d written him any sweet notes or anything, but still.
Unsurprisingly, the tag doesn’t have some love filled sonnet on it, just your name and ‘love, Hoseok’. But he’d obviously shown his love through the careful presents he’d bought you, each one something that you loved and adored. 
Smiling, you carefully began to peel away the wrapping paper where it has been folded, tugging at the tape until it came away gently. You feel Hoseok’s laugh vibrate through his body before actually hearing it, causing you to look at him in confusion.
“God, you open presents so neatly. It’s like watching my sister all over again,” His smile stays warm, growing even more affectionate. “She used to open presents like you do, as if afraid that you’ll ruin the wrapping paper or something. I don’t have the patience.”
“Gee...I hadn’t noticed.” Turning your head to stare firmly at the bag of torn wrapping paper next to you both, the remnants of what had remained of what you’d painstakingly wrapped. 
He snorts before poking your side and nodding with his head towards the present that you’d only begun opening. “Okay Miss Sarcastic, please proceed with the present opening before you cut yourself on your wit instead of the paper.”
You do as asked, or instructed rather, and carefully peel back the paper. As soon as you have a glimpse of the box cover though, all care is gone as you gasp loudly and quickly tear the rest off. Staring down at the colourful box, you take in the words ‘Gloomhaven’ along the top before squealing with excitement and bouncing in place.
“Oh my god! Hoseok! Oh my god! What the fuck? This game is so expensive!” You’re beyond happy to get it though, as if your reaction wasn’t obvious and the amusement in Hoseok’s face is more than apparent. But you still feel a little guilty at the fact he’s bought you this alongside everything else so far. The two of you haven’t even been dating a year and you’re already feeling spoilt.
He wraps his arms around your waist before kissing your cheek sweetly, watching as you pull the rest of the paper from beneath the box and toss it to the side. It’s only when you go to lift the box that you let out a deep groan of surprise and effort, turning to look at him with wide eyes.
“Holy shit.”
“Yeah, holy shit. This thing was 10 fucking kilograms. I feel like I almost died bringing it here. And that’s with the freaking elevator. Open it up, I wanna see what’s in this damn thing.” Laughing, you let him turn the box upside down and use the scissors that had been brought over earlier to slice through the clear stickers that were keeping the lid attached. 
Kasumi was currently playing with a ball of scrunched wrapping paper that Hoseok had thrown to her earlier. She had, obviously, been thoroughly enthralled with it and completely ignored the toys she’d been bought by Hoseok and you for her Christmas presents. He’d been thoroughly amused by that but you’d just shrugged and said this was what cats did.
Between the two of you, you manage to get the lid off the box that feels like it’s been vacuum packed in and sit back to admire the interior contents. Carefully, you lift the map board out and open it up, scanning over the intricate map with interest while Hoseok lets out a low whistle.
“Fuck, there’s a lot of shit in this box.” He pulls out a wirebound book along with a rule book, placing them on his lap before flicking through them with interest. Holding up the wire book, he looks at you with wide eyes. “Dude, this is the scenario book...it has 96 scenarios in it.”
Grinning at him, you peer over his shoulder and take them in before carefully taking the book from his hands and placing it on top of the now folded map.
“Yep. It may be expensive but you get your money’s worth at least, right? And you can’t look at it, it’ll spoil the game for you. It’s like an RPG game for a PC or console. You’re only supposed to find out what’s happening as you’re playing, so don’t go spoiling it. And apparently we can only only look at a certain number of characters and stuff. We unlock those through the scenarios.” Reaching in, you pull out one tiny box with what reminds you of a singularity on the top, opening it carefully and pulling out the tiny figure inside.
“This is one of the starter ones, a spellweaver. I want to be this one.” Hoseok takes it from you and looks over it equally as carefully before shrugging, his expression giving away that he was no idea what you’re on about. Giggling, you kiss his cheek and place it back into the box.
“You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?” He glares at you as you begin to place everything carefully inside. It impresses you how well everything fits in, and you already feel some dread at the prospect of trying to fit everything inside after a few scenarios.
“I’ll have you know that I played and loved all the Dark Souls games.” Biting your lip, you try to contain your amusement as you slide the lid back on and simply admire the game with reverence. 
“Oh yeah? Is that because it’s all gothic and hardcore. Did you git gud?” Your teasing of him instantly gets a repercussion as he begins to tickle you furiously, your laughs loud in the apartment and causing Kasumi to pause with her own wide eyes. 
“Yeah, yeah I did git gud. Actually, I got so gud that I finished all of them multiple times. What was it you told me once? That you don’t like those games because they’re too hard for you? So...who’s the one who needs to git gud now?” He says, pausing his fingers from his relentless assault and giving you a smug look. Breathing heavily, you let out a quiet laugh before tracing along one of the tattoos on his arms.
“Me, apparently.” Pausing, you take him in before smiling with happiness, your stomach bubbling with joy. “Thank you. For buying me that, it’s really expensive and I can’t believe you bought me it! I’ve been contemplating it for ages.”
“I know. I’ve seen you look at it online often enough. Got me a little stressed when you almost bought it the other week. But I like playing games with you, I’ve decided. So...I got this one so that we can play it together. It can be our game.” Sitting back up, he reaches out and pulls you up with him as you stare at him with wide eyes.
Logically, you’d known that he’d probably have to play it with you as there was no way that Chungha or Soyeon would be interested in something as in depth and long lasting as Gloomhaven. But hearing him say that he’s spent well over $100 on a board game just to play it with you was something else entirely.
It makes your stomach go funny, just like he always made it, and you feel the fluttering of almost anxiety in your throat, making it a tiny bit harder to breathe. Not because you were upset or anything, but you just didn’t really know how to process the love you’d been blessed with from one Jung Hoseok. It was hard for your head to really comprehend that he genuinely meant every word he said.
“Are you sure? It’s supposed to be intense. And long.” Hoseok smirks at you, moving closer until you’re almost nose to nose. His warm breath, smelling faintly of the mint ice cream he’d eaten for dessert at his parents after Christmas dinner, fanning your face. You should be disgusted, but you’re not.
“I know something that can be intense and long tonight. And I wouldn’t have bought it otherwise.” Rolling your eyes at his obvious innuendo, you try hard to stop the smile that wants to break free at hearing him obviously trying to initiate sex. The two of you had agreed to spend the mornings at your respective parents' houses before meeting up here, opening the presents you’d bought each other and spending Christmas evening together for the first time.
Looking over his elegant features, you can’t help but smile as happiness fills you at the sight of him. He’s not paying attention to you anymore, instead having reached over to take one of the books you’d gifted him earlier. 
Hoseok had begun to read biography and memoir style books lately, enjoying a wide array of topics. As such, you’d gotten him the entire back catalogue of Mick Wall biographies, which meant he had a whole stack of metal and rock n roll band biographies to go through.
At the moment, he was scanning over the back of the Metallica book with his tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration. The other pile included Lemmy, Guns n Roses and more. You’d be lying if you said that you knew half of the bands or whatever that were in the books but you knew that he’d love them all anyway.
And he had, his face lighting up with excitement when he’d unwrapped each one. It had been a worry that he’d find them boring or something, but instead you’d been given many kisses of thanks. Which had been rather delightful, you would admit.
You’d found it particularly stressful buying him presents for Christmas; panicking that he wouldn’t like whatever you bought or having anxiety that he would already have it. He’d given you a few hints to make it easier for you but you’d struggled over it still. As much as you loved him, and as much time as you spent with him, it was hard to figure out what he’d like.
Hoseok loved his music, but he already had everything he wanted in regards to that. There were no concerts coming up that he didn’t already have tickets to, he bought whatever books he wanted to read and he bought whatever films he wanted. Given he spent so much time at yours, you couldn’t even consider something bigger as he wouldn’t get any use out of it as he spent so much time with you and there wasn’t space in your apartment.
Why was buying presents for men always so much harder? And on top of that, you’d had to dissuade him from buying anything that you’d already bought him. Because he was like a cat whose eyes went wide when he saw something he wanted. That had been the case with the James Bond Blu-Ray collection you’d gotten him as well.
It was limited edition, and he’d spotted it online a week after you’d bought it. It had taken some careful persuasion to make sure he didn’t buy it, along with a lot of internal eye rolling.
“Did you like everything?” You don’t realise that there’s a touch of insecurity in your voice, a hint of uncertainty that you hadn’t done it right. This was the first time you’d ever had a boyfriend over the Christmas period, so you weren’t sure if you’d done it right. 
Looking up at you with wide eyes, he makes a small noise of question before looking back at his pile of gifts. It now looks smaller than yours and you get warm with embarrassment but he gives you such a bright smile. 
“Yes, thank you! Got everything I wanted and stuff I didn’t know I wanted until now.” He leans back against the couch, giving you another smile before reaching out to you and pulling you into him. Besides the books and the Bond collection, the only other thing he’d gotten was a bottle of his cologne, which wasn’t cheap. 
So his pile might not look like much, but it was actually a big chunk of money. It made you feel a little ashamed that your gifts were obviously more expensive, but you reasoned it away to yourself. Hoseok earnt more than you, a lot more than you. You had worked within your means for him while also buying for your friends and family.
“Are you happy with what you’ve got?” Hoseok asks, tilting his head to look at you with expectant brows. You give him a sweet smile of your own before nodding and hugging him even tighter.
There’s a moment of pause before you move your head to kiss him, lips gentle against his for a few seconds. He doesn’t hesitate any further though, moving his hand to cup your cheek and you relax into the kiss, almost sighing into his mouth contentedly. 
You’d shyly admitted to him the other week that you really liked kissing him. He’d thought it was amusing that you’d told him that so sweetly, but you’d been particularly awkward about it because you’d never had makeout sessions as a teenager. And it hadn’t been fantastic in college, but you got the urge to just kiss Hoseok for hours on end like an excitable teenager.
It was pretty easy to guess that Hoseok found it endearing, and you’d found he’d been indulging you more often with kisses and just taking the time to let you feel like a loved up teenager once more. You were positive it was no great hardship on his behalf, but you were surprised that he controlled himself well enough that it rarely resulted in sex. 
He was indulging you right now and you hummed contentedly, enjoying the casual and lazy way he was kissing you. The smell of the Christmas cookie candle you’d started earlier and the gentle twinkling of the lights on the tree you’d decorated with Hoseok at the start of December make it all feel more...homey. Which you don’t want to think about too much right now; you’re too concerned with enjoying your Christmas kisses to care too much.
Finally though, he pulls away slowly and the tiny whine you let out has him laughing against you. “Calm down, you can have plenty more later.” 
Shifting away from him slightly, you push out your lower lip in a pout before giving him big puppy eyes. A year ago, the very idea of acting like this around him, or anyone, would have been beyond humiliating. But you felt comfortable with him, and you felt that this was fast becoming part of the language of your relationship with Hoseok.
He did the same to you when he wanted something. And it worked just as well on you as it did on him.
Hoseok smiles, giving you another quick kiss before gently rubbing his nose against yours. The look in his eyes is no longer sweet and soft, but instead a little more intense. Irises darkening ever so slightly while his pupils widen and you narrow your own at him, recognising that look now.
“Someone’s horny.” You mutter, causing him to smirk. He disentangles himself from you and stands, gesturing to you to stay there before disappearing off into the bedroom. Frowning, you try to see around the couch to get an idea of what he’s getting but when he comes back, whatever it is is hidden firmly behind his back.
“What are you doing?” 
“Well, we bought this and never got round to using it. So...I figure that we can see if it’s worth the money. A little...Christmas orgasm? Ever had one of those?” He smirks at you, brows wiggling as he shows you the glass dildo and bottle of lube.
Almost instantly, you go all hot with embarrassment at the sight of him just waving that around so casually. He’d been disappointed a few weeks back to discover you had no sex toys, apparently they were fun for couples too, and so he’d sat with you and ordered some. You say he ordered some, but it seemed most of them were for you.
Which had confused you as to why he was so determined to use them all on you instead of getting something for himself. But he’d just waved off your questions, telling you that he got pleasure out of seeing you pleasured and there was plenty of time to explore stuff for him in the future.
You also got the idea that he still wasn’t entirely happy with the fact that the successful orgasm ratio was leaning very heavily in his favour. He’d given you plenty through oral and with his fingers, eventually figuring out what made you tick while having sex until he could successfully bring you to the brink if you were in the mood.
And then you’d started the antidepressants, and your sexual libido had plummeted. Not only had you shown no interest in intiating sex, though you were fine if he wanted it, it had become almost impossible to orgasm. Even by yourself you’d struggled, unable to fall over that precipice into the pit of pleasure to the point that you’d cried in frustration over it.
As such, he hadn’t pushed the issue too hard because he knew it was a sore point, but you’d slowly discovered that it was possible to orgasm still. It just required...a lot of work. When you’d shyly discussed this with Hoseok, he’d taken it almost as a challenge. Hence the sex toys.
The dildo he’d set on the table was made of clear glass, a pretty centre of pink and blue that swirled around each other and a flared base that allowed it to stand on its own. You eyed it carefully as he sat next to you, a smirk on his face. It was one that you hadn’t used yet and you found yourself squirming with the knowledge he was going to use that on you.
A thin shaft met a bulbous head, the tip reminding you of a closed flower bud. Reaching out, you ran your fingers down the glass slowly, noting how smooth and firm it felt. Along with being a lot cooler than you’d anticipated.
“You up for it? I figure...I can try this on you, see if I can get you to orgasm.” Lips twisting, you take the bottle of lube from him and place it on the table as well, carefully pushing the gifts away to make space. You were positive he’d noticed this too, but you didn’t want to vocalise it.
“What about you?” Hoseok snorted in amusement, giving you a quick kiss before running his hands down your waist.
“Okay, first of all. I love doing things with you sexually. So if that’s all that happened then I’ll just get acquainted with my hand in the shower later. Otherwise...well...it is Christmas so...” Shifting, you bite your lip before looking down at your hands and then reaching for his.
“I think we can work something out.” Despite how bold the words are, they sound a lot shyer with your soft tone. Especially the way you avoid his eyes and he just laughs, kissing your temple affectionately before playfully tugging at your leggings.
You resist for just a moment before relenting, shifting awkwardly and laughing as you both struggle to peel the tight fabric from your legs. There’s a particular moment where Hoseok accidentally bumps his forehead against yours when he leans forward, trying to tug them from underneath the rounds of your ass. 
“Ow.” He mumbles and you coo to him, trying not to laugh as you gently rub at his forehead. Hoseok finally pulls them off you, taking your socks with him before moving groaning at the fact he hadn’t managed to get your underwear off too.
Now you can’t help but laugh at the way his lips automatically pout, leaning forward to peck at them before wiggling your underwear off yourself. Almost instantly he’s distracted, eyes focused between your legs and you bite your lip in amusement at how easy it is to get his attention when it involves sex or you naked.
You’d never thought you’d be someone who drew that kind of distraction in men and it makes you feel simultaneously powerful and shy. But you don’t get a chance to think any further about it when Hoseok lightly tugs on your shirt, raising his brows in silent question. The two of you have been having sex for months now, but he’s still respectful about your lingering insecurities.
Nodding, he pulls off your shirt in one quick movement before kissing you deeply once your head is free, causing you to hum in delight as his hand roams your naked skin. You no longer feel fear or panic at the touch of him against your waist and stomach. Instead, it feels reassuring.
A gasp leaves you when his hands move to cup your breasts, Hoseok smiling into the kiss as he runs his thumb along your soft skin before playing with your nipples. You’d gotten changed as soon as you’d come home from your parents and Hoseok had long gotten used to you going braless. Much to his appreciation.
But he doesn’t waste too long, leaving your lips to kiss down your jaw and suck rosettes of desire into your neck and chest. He deviates from what you presume to be his route momentarily to lavish attention onto your nipples, playing with them for a moment with his tongue and ever so gently his teeth and being careful to give both equal attention.
While he loved your chest, he wasn’t a boob man. No, he was firmly an ass man, which was evident by the way his hands had slipped down your body and were now squeezing and massaging the rounds of your ass in an almost reverent way. It amused you and you lip at your lips, tasting him once more and whining at him.
As much as you enjoyed the foreplay he was willing to give, you preferred it when he spent his time down below. Given your feelings towards your body, you weren’t particularly a fan of foreplay involving the area he was currently enjoying. And he knows this, which is why he presses a kiss to the centre of your chest before shifting backwards.
“Okay, are you okay to lay back? The rug should be okay and I’m gonna put one of these cushions under you.” He grabs the nearest cushion and you almost make a scandalised noise as you realise it’s your Pusheen unicorn cushion, but you don’t get chance to say anything as he’s already trying to move you.
So you relent, letting your back relax onto the soft rug and lifting your hips to let him place the cushion beneath them, lifting your lower body up to a place that was more comfortable for him to reach. Stretching slightly, you let out a slow breath before looking at your boyfriend.
And that breath turns into a low whine when you see the way he’s looking at you hungrily, desire almost a living force in his eyes. Given how ridiculously gorgeous he is, it’s an expression that makes your thighs clench in anticipation and your inner muscles convulse in an ache for him. You’ll never not be surprised that you’re the one to inspire that look in his eyes.
“Fuck,” He whispers, running a hand over his face. “Have I told you today that you’re beautiful? And I love you?” 
You look away from him then, shyness flooding you and you go to hide yourself from his roaming gaze. He loves to make you go shy with his compliments, knowing that you love them despite the way you protest meekly. And he’s not afraid to lavish his words on you, no matter how cheesy they are.
“Anyway, enough of that.” Hoseok mutters and you’re about to query him, but by the time you look back over at him you’re moaning out in pleasure, eyes squeezing shut while your head presses back against the floor. He darted down while you were distracted and all you can feel right now is the heavenly touch of his hot, wet tongue against your pussy.
“Ah fuck.” You gasp, one hand grasping the rug tightly while your other inevitably moves to grasp Hoseok’s hair tightly, the black strands soft between your fingers. The quiet grunt he gives at the pressure of the pull vibrates against your clit as he sucks on it lazily, causing your breath to quiver.
If there was something you’d discovered about yourself during sex with Hoseok, it was that you weren’t a dirty talker. In fact, you weren’t even much of a talker. Instead, you were a babbler. You just mumbled and moaned and whined whatever came to your mind at the time, utterly unaware of the noises you were making.
Hoseok had commented before that he thought it was hot, that the knowledge you couldn’t control your mouth was a turn on. He on the other hand, tended to be either pretty quiet until the end or he’d run his mouth. You’d never thought you’d like dirty talk until you’d heard him whispering utter filth into your ear, his voice strained and hoarse from the effort.
It was surprising, and also not unwanted. 
Now though, he spent the next few minutes with his mouth fully occupied. The tongue piercing that you had grown completely fond of pressed against your clit perfectly when lapped at you slowly, letting every centimetre of his tongue press against as much of you as possible before undulating it against your clit, letting the pressure and friction of the ball rile you up.
Whining, you tug at his hair desperately, feeling the familiar ball of tightened pleasure that is building. And yet it feels just out of reach, as before. Limbs tightening, you begged him to let you orgasm, to bring you over the edge that was so close and yet so far away.
But he doesn’t. Instead, he sits up and licks his lips contentedly, the slickness on them from you and not his own mouth. It’s an attractive sight and you whimper, pussy tightening on nothing at the sight of it. He doesn’t notice though, using his hand to wipe away the rest before looking over to the coffee table and grabbing the lube.
“I’m gonna use this still. You’re pretty wet but I read that you should use plenty, particularly with glass. And I don’t want to hurt you.” You’re almost bemused by the casual way he’s talking now, like he hadn’t just had his tongue buried into your pussy for the last five minutes. In fact, he’s even reading the damn label.
Frustrated, you reach and grasp his hand to attract his attention. “Just fucking put it in me.”
That gets a close lipped smile from him, the expression looking distinctly like he’s trying to stop himself from laughing and you scowl. Yes, you were being abrupt with him. But god dammit, you were lying naked in front of him, desperately horny and needy after being given excellent oral for given minutes and you just wanted to orgasm with your boyfriend once again and not just your own hand.
“Yes ma’am.” Uncapping the bottle, he tilts it up and you jolt slightly at the cool, thick liquid as it hits your swollen clit. He lets a good amount drip onto you before placing it back onto the table, his free hand moving to push the lubrication inside your entrance. For such an intimate motion, Hoseok is showing almost zero interest in having his fingers inside you as his attention is on the glass dildo.
But you moan in relief, tightening around him. He only has the one in you, but your moan attracts his attention back and he grins before adding a second, fingers curling in you and moving easily with the added lube. An almost grateful sigh escapes you and he laughs before pulling his fingers out and grabbing the dildo, wiping the excess onto the head before carefully adding even more.
The head of this dildo is bigger than Hoseok’s dick, and you’re a little nervous as he runs it along your pussy slowly. It’s incredibly cold and firm against you, the temperature causing you to shiver as it presses against the heated bundle of nerves at your centre.
“I’ll go slow, okay? You have to talk to me this time, let me know if it’s hurting or uncomfortable.” Nodding at him, you give him a small smile before your eyes widen as he pushes the tip inside you. It stretches you far more than you’d anticipated and you gasp, fingers grasping the rug tightly as he moves it.
Once it’s past your entrance, the slide is much easier given the shaft’s thinner girth but all you can focus on is how thick the head feels. There’s a brief moment of pause as Hoseok evaluates you before you nod at him and he slowly pulls it out. You grimace as it leaves you, deciding instantly that you do not like the feel of it entering and exiting.
“Don’t pull it out entirely. It...kinda hurts. Like not too bad but, I don’t like it.” You admit, causing him to frown before he nods in acknowledgement. The next few thrusts from him are much gentler as you both experiment with it and you comment on how it feels to him.
The glass is far firmer than anything you’ve had inside you before and you tell him to be careful, knowing that if he moved too hard or rough then it would probably really hurt given the lack of give in it. But you can’t deny that the overly large head is beyond pleasurable as it presses against the squishy patch of nerves on your inner wall, each movement sending sparks of overwhelming feeling through you.
“Move it like...a little down. No, not that way, so the head of it is coming up. Yeah, yeah like tha-ooh my god.” You moan, eyes falling closed as Hoseok does exactly as you suggest. The movement you’ve instructed him to do has the head pressing firmly against those nerves, the pressure intense and you convulse slightly when he moves it again.
“Oh god yes, there. There.” You pant to Hoseok, one hand moving instinctively for something and only stopping when Hoseok grasps it with his free hand, linking your fingers together and giving you something to squeeze. Like the good boyfriend he is, he keeps the dildo in that position as he moves it and you start to beg him to move it faster.
Moaning, you writhe on the floor as pleasure floods through you from the constant pressure and you half recognise the fact that you’re babbling to him to let you cum. But he knows as well as you do that you can’t orgasm from penetration alone, although given how good this feels you’re not entirely sure on that front.
Still, he understands and you almost jump off the floor when you feel the heated pressure of Hoseok’s wet tongue against your clit. A ragged moan leaves you, your free hand grasping his hair once more and tugging tightly as he licks and sucks at your clit almost playfully, enjoying your reactions for him.
You’d curse him out but you can’t quite focus, your entire body and mind centering on your pussy and the tight ball that has once more built up inside you. A small thought wonders whether you’ll not be able to reach it once more but it’s swept away quickly by the feeling of Hoseok’s piercing pressing against your engorged bud, the movement perfected over the months when he could bring you to orgasm.
And then it all combines together and your entire body tightens, loud and ragged moans being ripped from your throat as you shudder almost violently. Your hips move so powerfully that Hoseok can’t even keep movement with you, his mouth leaving you while he still moves the dildo within.
It just adds to the pleasure and you’re struck by the odd sensation of not being able to hear properly for a few seconds, the orgasm so strong that it literally knocks your senses offline. Once the wave has reached its crescendo and begins to soften again, you let out a soft whimper as Hoseok continues to move the dildo, only much slower this time.
It feels good, but almost too good and you push at his hand, telling him silently to stop. You don’t see the look of complete awe on his face when he pulls the dildo out, how he admires the visible signs of your pleasure on the transparent glass as white streaks of your own making coat it.
Instead, you’re just staring at the ceiling as your chest heaves, silent tears slipping from your eyes from just how...overwhelming everything was. The quiet clink lets you know he’s put the dildo on the table and you sniff, feeling particularly pathetic for getting so emotional over an orgasm.
“You came!” Hoseok coos, leaning over and gently resting some of his weight on you. He’s on his elbows, but your raised hips mean that you have the full weight of his own hips against you. Including the very hard erection pressed against you now. “Oh baby, don’t cry. It’s okay.”
“I’m not upset or anything, it’s okay. I just...I don’t know,” Muttering, you wipe at the tears in an almost annoyed fashion and Hoseok smiles. “I’m just feeling emotional. Which is silly. It was just an orgasm but…”
Looking at him, your heart swells with emotion for him and even more tears fall, causing him to smile softly before he wipes them away himself and kisses you. You don’t push him away, instead wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him to you so tightly, fingers pressing into his shoulders.
“It’s okay, you’ve been stressed about it for a while now. Cry if you want, I don’t mind,” He pauses, kissing your nose quickly before smiling. “I said it earlier, but I love you.”
Wiping at your eyes again, you sniff and give him a return smile that’s more than a little shaky. Letting go of him, you watch as he sits up onto his knees, looking down at you while he bites his lip. The tent in his pants is now emphasised by the wet patch that’s been caused by the combination of lube and your own excitement and you feel bad, knowing he’s put off his own pleasure.
Sitting up, you push the cushion away before taking a deep breath. You feel a little sluggish from the strength of the orgasm, but you’ll be damned if you leave him high and dry. And on Christmas no less!
“So...how about some sex for you now?” Hoseok grins immediately at your words and you can’t help but laugh at his eagerness.
“Are you sure? Are you okay? Will you be up for it?” Despite his excitement, you appreciate his words of concern and squeeze his hand in response. Giving him a quick kiss, you take a deep breath to give yourself strength before letting go of him and turning around. There’s a pause, before you get on your hands and knees and look back at him.
This was his favourite position and any playfulness has left his face as he stares at the slick mess between your legs. Licking your lips, you push away the shyness before smiling at him.
“I’ll even let you cum on my back.” His jaw drops immediately. You’d discovered Hoseok liked orgasming onto you. He proclaimed he had no real reason for enjoying it but you thought he got turned on at the physical act of ‘marking’ you in a possessive way. At least...that’s why you enjoyed it anyway.
But you don’t offer it often, so it’s not something he gets to indulge in too much.
“Happy fucking Christmas to me.” He mutters under his breath and you can’t help but laugh as he pulls his clothes off at record speed. Happy Christmas to him indeed.
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badlydrawnmanic · 3 years
you’ve all wanted it, and i’m not ready to go to sleep yet, so here’s the latest installment of the sonic underground rewatch!
episode 6 thoughts under the cut!
• unrelated to the episode but there was some lego ninjago commercial that showed like. non-lego versions of the main characters and it looked nice. don’t know if it was for a show or the website idk i wasn’t paying attention • [GUITAR RIFF] SONIC- • i will literally never get tired of the opening theme and you can’t change my mind, i would die for a remaster of this. it doesn’t even have to be a cover. gimme a live performance and i will cry • “tangled webs”. spider concerns already • ooh, swatbot factory. interesting • manic just slid down a little rocky hill on his ass and that’s gotta hurt • sonia stop shining that laser pointer in manic’s eyes you’re gonna kill him • “switch six, switch six...” reminded me of the fun fact that your brain can only identify numbers up to a maximum of 4 or 5 at a glance, i forget which. but like... notice how if you only look at something very briefly you wouldn’t be able to immediately know “oh there’s 27 objects there” but you can very quickly identify 1-4 • sonia stop hitting manic with the drone what is wrong with you • some of these background characters are passable and some of them are hideous, there’s no in-between
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• oh it’s the lion boy!! his voice is weird but it’s him!! • god dingo’s face is all kinds of fucked up in this close up as he’s talking • why is robotnik’s cape flowing so far behind him when he’s walking at a somewhat slow pace • i find it funny when eggman’s henchmen mock him when he’s not around, but i didn’t expect sleet to do that • “intruder .8 kilograms? what?? • how does it weigh a drone that is hovering in mid-air • somehow dingo identifies the drone as being piloted by sonia despite it being a hunk of metal with cameras on it • dingo being or looking like in the case of my headcanon a grown man and slobbering over sonia is kinda freaky (it’s partially why i made the hc so it’s less yikes but it’s still uncomfortable and i’m definitely gonna tone it down because fuck) • sleet don’t hit him!! • sonia is clearly frustrated during her conversation with manic (he’s being reckless as fuck) but the animators decided to give her a dead eyed smile for the whole scene • i wonder how they made the mechanical sounds? like the electronic shweeshweeshwee of the robots walking or the whoosh of doors opening? foley stuff is fascinating to me and i wanna know if they had to do any weird shit
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• sleet is monologuing about how he hears the pitter patter of manic’s little feet and oh my god his eyes • how is dingo sneaking up behind manic he’s so fucking huge and noisy • sleet says “sylvia” before whacking the drone out of the air with what looks like an entire swatbot he just sort of picked up? i don’t get the reference and since when is he so strong • okay in the next shot it’s just an arm but still • “sometimes you just have to get their attention”? • cool transition between scenes with the camera glitching and shutting down from the perspective of the drone, that’s neat • dingo picks up sonia but wasn’t he just behind manic? once again the pacing is confusing me • “oh, ick” me too sonia • manic and sonia are tied up and were but in gigantic chairs and it looks so funny • “now, sarah” okay i get the “sylvia” thing now, sleet’s just forgetting sonia’s name somehow • sonia says “twit-face” and i feel like she could be more clever than that • “whatever, sophia” • “where’s sonic!?” [NYOOM] • sonic’s voice sounds... really weird, is that what jaleel white sounds like when he isn’t trying to sound all nasally and shit? also he burps and it’s gross • god the movement in this scene is very janky in general • sonia starts lecturing sonic but gets interrupted by a laser blast and manic pipes in like “can we talk about this later?” • sonia strong • is sonic just spilling lava everywhere??? • you’d think there’d be more sounds here • “am i good or what?” feels like it was pulled from satam? • “you’re insufferable” “thank you” • sonia’s voice is so shrill jesus christ • i feel like this is a pretty good confrontation of how sonic not working as a team with the other two can cause pretty significant problems • sonia i don’t think robotnik would throw you in prison, that’s what the roboticizer is for and i don’t think he’d keep y’all separate from that • cyrus does a weird double take and i think it’s an animation error • this cyrus kid is pretty sus- who is this hippie dude- • CYRUS SUS CYRUS SUS • there was deadass just a normal animal bird with some kind of accessory on its neck as a background character • damn it cyrus • SONG TIME??? • apparently no • once again manic and sonia are tied up which lasts 2 seconds • aosth slow-mo beam, purple flavor • what are these background characters they’re so ugly • OH NO I REMEMBER WHAT SANCTUARY IS NOW • children... i’d love to see the tiny babes but they’re undoubtedly ugly as fuck • ROBOTNIK WANTS TO MURDER CHILDREN • one of the kids looks like reptar • SONG TIME NOW • why is this so. idk, whimsical? idk how to describe this but i already don’t like it • they forgot to draw manic’s head quills in a shot • why is cyrus looking so pissed at these children • sounds like a weird off brand christmas song. don’t like it very much but i guess it isn’t bad. maybe a 2/10 • sdnjksg assaulting your siblings with a cloud of flour sounds fun if not wasteful but still, manic seems to be enjoying his little tech demo • sonia says “this place is gross” and manic goes “hey, you’re talking about my childhood home” and i think it’s a good thing that the show didn’t just forget where they all came from and how this can create very minor conflict between them? like manic and sonia seem to slight each other rather frequently when it comes to sonia’s attitude towards dirty places and manic finding it comfortable there due to familiarity even if it wasn’t all that good. i can relate to that • sonic walks off the right side of the screen after refusing some goggles then. pops up and puts on the shades again? i don’t get it • oh my god sonic knocks cyrus (and manic by extension) over and they literally just. rotate the asset in place and leave them planking. there wasn’t a water splash or change of pose or anything • how does sonic zoom past a swat bot looking directly at him without triggering any alarms? why didn’t it notice him • why are there so many regretful traitors on this show • how does sonic not notice the clearly a hologram man in front of him • god the animation in this episode in general is abyssmal • ah jeez manic and sonia have been captured again • “attention sonic hedgehog” • OH NO CYRUS’ DAD but the expression he made in response to seeing him roboticized killed it
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• i know he didn’t snort here but i can feel the little “snrk” sound here. it was at this moment he knew he fucked up • PULL THE LEVER, SLEET • that little drone thing is fucking insane, it melted the entire roboticizer?? • i much prefer when background characters resemble actual animals • aww hug • poor cyrus :( • GOD SONIC AND SONIA SIT DOWN TO COMFORT HIM BUT MANIC LAYS DOWN ALL DRAMATIC JUST SMILING, READ THE ROOM BUD-
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Rachel-eve-puppet here! Changed username! I would die for some fluff with Matt and Spring Jr!
This life was more tiring, boring.
Matt had a 12-kilogram weight named Spring JR strapped to his leg.
An annoying condition, the bear robot, Lefty had that was nonnegotiable; was Matt being present for it. Like he had a choice, Lefty was ready to withdraw everything he had given whenever he wanted.
It was easy to make him happy but also easy to piss him off.
“What are you doing?”
He turned his attention from his laptop, he saw the little bear, Helpy looking at him curiously, he wondered if Lefty had left him here deliberately because he didn’t trust him, he knew Helpy couldn’t force him into things like Lefty but Helpy certainly looked like a tattletale.
“Nothing important to you,” Matt dismissed him, waving his hand in “shoo” gesture, preferring to be left alone.
It appeared Helpy didn’t understand, he just stood still, he watched Matt's hand but stayed still, Matt then repeated the gesture and said “Shoo! Go away!” for good measure.
Helpy didn’t move, but he had seen what Matt was looking at because he stepped forward and closed his laptop screen immediately.
“You're not supposed to be looking at that.”
“Why??” Matt asked him, “You're so worried about your secrets getting out??”
“No, because with the technology you're using, Fazbear Entertainment can track your IP and confirm your identity, and they will make you disappear,” Helpy emphasised the last part with a serious face and a flat tone, something about it was unnerving considering Helpy was like a Care Bear.
“And they will do it quick enough so you can’t talk,” Helpy snapped his finger, “They get suspicious of people who search up that stuff, please reframe from doing so.”
Matt didn’t think about that, Lefty said it would drive him insane and he shouldn’t be looking it up, he didn’t know they could potentially track him to the house.
Helpy clapped his hand together, “Since you aren’t working... how about spending time with your son?”
“I don’t view it as my son.”
“Yes, I think it's weird too, but technically you were the incubator for him, which is technically what a pregnancy is.”
Matt narrowed his eyes.
“Yes, yes I know you hate that term, but the kids only laughed at it for three days then they lost interest... they didn’t laugh at what happened to you, they laughed at the concept of it....” Helpy walked away then turned and said, “So what can you and Springle do?”
“Exist in two different rooms?” Matt suggested sounding hopeful.
“Painting! Ooh, I love painting! Has Spring ever done finger painting?”
“No, that's messy.”
“That's why we have something called outside... I can set it up! You just need to get Spring,” Helpy walked away.
Matt was irritated Helpy didn’t offer to get Spring JR himself, he was capable, he just didn’t want to, or rather Lefty told him he shouldn’t do that.
Spring JR was easy to locate, he was in his toddler bed, half asleep, he immediately perked up when he saw the door open, he looked even more excited to see Matt.
Matt brought him downstairs, Helpy had come out of the kitchen and looked at Matt before walking upstairs, he was probably seeing if Matt was actually holding Spring JR right, Matt once said he'd lift him by his ears and Lefty countered saying if he ever saw him doing that, he'd break his coffee mug and force him to drink coffee out of a bowl.
Helpy came back, pulling a box of things behind him, then lifting it, slowly coming down the stairs, then he stood next to Matt. “Outside,” He said then walked into the kitchen, directly to the door that led outside, he placed down the box, he stood up and pulled the door handle down, opening the door, he shoved it open and turned, pulling the box outside.
It wasn’t much, considering Lefty liked having a peaceful enclosed space outside, it was still nice. They were on the deck that Lefty and Rockstar Foxy built, which was under the shade. The deck had two areas to sit, Helpy walked towards the rounded table with six chairs, bringing the items with him.
Matt followed him, still holding Spring JR, Helpy pulled out one of the chairs, he used it as a step, putting the box on the table, Helpy then turned to Matt, “Come on and sit!”
Matt decided it was less of a pain to just do what he said.
Matt sat down, Spring JR was in his lap, Helpy opened the box and pulled out some items, he then paused, “Probably need to cover the table with something, I'm sure Lefty will hate me if the table gets messy.”
“He'd probably blame me.”
“You know you kind of remind me of a more sour Greg,” Helpy pulled a large grey material square out of the box.
“How exactly?”
“Greg thinks a lot of things are his fault, it isn’t his fault and neither is what happened to you,” Helpy placed down the box so he could put down the material over the table.
“Why did that feel like a lie?” Matt asked him.
“It wasn’t!” Helpy exclaimed shaking his head, “The problem is... I'll be honest Matt, you're kind of unlikeable... but you can improve! Everyone improved...”
“Even Lefty's favourite Alec?”
“Lefty doesn’t have favourites,” Helpy automatically answered pushing the material flat.
“Then why does he spend so much time with him?”
“Alec chooses to.”
“But why?”
Helpy looked up at him, “You haven’t been paying attention?”
Matt was silent.
Helpy sighed and placed down the paint tubes on the table, “Alec was alone, he was scared after what happened to him.”
“He was turned into a teddy bear, right?”
“Not quite, he was body swapped... like in the movie Freaky Friday. Lonely Freddy stole his identity... Alec was too scared to ask for help anyway... but when he was finally discovered, Lefty made a promise to him, that no matter what, he was going to get him back to his body... and well when it was just me, Lefty and Alec, we did everything we could to show him a bad experience doesn’t shape his life,” Helpy looked at the tube of yellow paint like he was checking how much there was before placing it down.
“Lefty never said this,” Helpy continued talking, “But I think he just grew attached to Alec after a while, he was use to seeing him every day, and eventually, Alec was also used to the life he had, I think he was okay as long as Lefty was there.”
“So Alec decided after he got his body back to get up and leave his family?” Matt asked, he knew Alec and Hazel's parents were still alive but they weren’t even mentioned at any point.
“Not quite,” Helpy answered, “It wasn’t easy... his parents never provided him with the emotional care he needed, and Lefty did, Lefty thought just because he was the way he was, it didn’t mean he should be sad... I could tell after everything, Alec was just conflicted, he wanted to stay with Lefty but he didn’t know if he could... it's similar to you, Lefty doesn’t want you to be sad either.”
“I’m not sad.”
“You're angry because you are sad, Lefty doesn't know exactly how to approach you, that was the same for Alec, Greg, Millie, and Devon, Lefty wants to respect distance by not getting in your face but he wants you to remember you can always come to talk to him if you want to, one experience can make or break someone, don’t let this break you.”
“I'm... I’m okay.”
“Doesn’t sound like it, why don’t you express the frustrations with painting?” Helpy suggested, he got up on the table and placed some paper in front of him, he then walked away and took his seat.
“Springy!” Helpy called his attention, “Watch!”
Helpy took a tube of paint and squirted some on the paper, he then placed down his hand, he smeared it over the paper, he then lifted it to show Spring JR, “Fun!”
Spring JR made an “Ooooh” noise, Helpy didn’t seem to care he had gone to the level of a child now.
Helpy nodded, “Yes! Why don’t you paint a lovely picture? What colour do you want? We haven’t got any purple but I can mix it using red and blue!”
“Green! Green!” Spring JR said.
Helpy held up the green tube of paint, “Here! Have fun!”
“He's going to make a mess,” Matt warned him how messy young kids could be.
“Yes, but it'll be a fun mess!” Helpy nodded.
Spring JR seem to test the technique Helpy used, he smeared it almost the same way, he stared for it for a minute then started smacking the paint in the page with his hands, creating an imprint.
Then he moved on, trying his own thing, Matt watched him draw a circle with the green on another piece of paper, he then turned it into a smile by pressing two dots and drawing a curved line.
“Ooh, that's pretty,” Helpy said, “Why don’t you take an interest?”
“Okay then, what are you painting?” Matt asked.
“I'm painting a fox,” Helpy replied.
“Foxes don’t have pink on them,” Matt spoke a matter of fact seeing the fact Helpy was adding pink on.
“They can in painting, reality doesn’t apply!” Helpy replied scratching in some pink over the muzzle of the fox he drew, “Have some fun Matt! Your son enjoys it!”
Matt looked at the colours, he took the pale blue colour, he poured some into the middle of his palm, he spread it over his whole hand, then he pressed it down on a blank page, leaving his handprint, now Helpy couldn’t argue he wasn’t contributing.
Spring looked curious at the handprint.
Then he pressed his own against it.
Matt immediately realised.
The little shit.
“Hey don’t do that! You ruin your own things!”
“No! No! He didn’t! It looks nice!” Helpy immediately said.
Matt's anger immediately burnt out, it was the quickest his anger ever died. Matt looked at the page, seeing his handprint with Spring JR's pressed in the middle, in the end, it was just a little handprint.
Father and Son.
He remembered that day.
Just being uncomfortable.
Now it had come to this day and this lifestyle.
Spring JR turned his head to look up at him, almost like he was waiting for a response.
“Don’t ever change...” Matt said speaking honestly, not looking forward to him being a teenager at some point, at least he was playful at this point and not angry.
Spring JR poked his tongue out, laughed and reached out his hands, Matt forgot about his paint soaked hands until he pressed them against his cheeks.
Well, two can play at that game.
Matt pressed the tip of his nose with one finger, leaving a blue dot on his little black nose.
Helpy watched, intrigued, not making a single sound, he watched the back to back responses, just naturally occurring, it was like Helpy didn’t exist and this was just them, Matt actually having his anger cancelled out by Spring JR existence.
It was a step forward in the right direction.
Helpy took that as a cue to leave and make himself a cup of tea, leaving the father and son alone for a few minutes.
A few minutes of bonding.
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doctorslippery · 3 months
Fandom getting pissed off because someone else's headcanon violates their headcanon, with neither one being continuity is one of the most whiplash brain pain things that you'll ever read.
Yes, your headcanon is valid...to you. But theirs is valid to them too.
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I was looking for a "can't we all just get along" gif... ... ...this one felt more appropriate.
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igirisuhito · 4 years
Title: Your love is a fraction, and it’s not adding up Relationship: Kamukura Izuru/Matsuda Yasuke Rating: Mature Summary: Mundane tasks bore Kamukura Izuru. Incompetent children who don't know how to take care of themselves piss Matsuda Yasuke off, apparently.  Trigger Warnings: Eating Disorders
[Ao3 Link]
"How many days has it been this time?!"
The door slammed against the wall with a bang, and there stood a slightly out of breath Matsuda with a deep scowl on his face. His eyebrows were so furrowed that you could barely see that icy blue glare beneath them. If Kamukura's guess was correct (and it always was) he had just come out of his weekly check in with the steering committee.
"Please specify what it is you're asking." Kamukura spoke, his soft tone contrasting heavily against the booming voice that left the other boy.
Removing his hand from the door, Matsuda crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his chin up to the ceiling, flicking his hair back out of his eyes in the process as he looked down at Kamukura. "Don't act stupid, you know exactly what I'm asking about you fucking greasy troglodyte."
"I don't think the person keeping me here has the right to call me a troglodyte." Kamukura's eyes flickered down to the manga in his hands. "However, if you're inquiring how many days it has been since I refreshed myself, the answer is five, rounded down."
"Five days?” Matsuda snorted, “You’re shitting me, no wonder Kobayashi was so bitter. You know it's me who has to touch your disgusting self, right?"
Kamukura brought his hand to his mouth and quickly licked his thumb before turning the page with a loud flick. "I'm aware."
“You dick.” Unfolding his arms, Matsuda took a few long strides that made his sandals snap against the vinyl floor before snatching the manga from Kamukura’s hands. “Stop licking my manga, you’re disgusting. And stop being such a spoiled brat, it’s an unbecoming trait in troglodytes.”
“Again, I believe it’s--”
The manga was slapped hard against the top of Kamukura’s head, how unfortunate that he was reading an extended edition of Ponpon, because that one actually hurt a little. “I don’t give a shit about what you believe . Go wash up before I take away one of your five senses.”
Kamukura sniffed the air, staring at Matsuda’s crumpled Hope’s Peak shirt. There was a toothpaste stain just below his sternum.
A loud scoff left the older boy. “What? Are you pretending to cry? I already know you’re incapable of that you emotion deficient sack of--”
“How long has it been since you bathed?”
Twack. The book hit Kamukura’s cranium once again. “This isn’t about me, Kobayashi was complaining about you.”
Ah, Kamukura had hit his mark, perfect. “Perhaps I should start complaining to the Steering Committee that my doctor is unprofessional and fetid. Surely they would be willing to give me another who has higher standards for personal hygiene and knows how to wash his shirts.”
“I know how to wash my fucking shirts. I’m so sorry that I don’t have a personal maid waiting on hand and foot to do my laundry every single day.” Matsuda hissed, glancing down at himself and tugging at the hem of his shirt.
“You’ve been wearing the same toothpaste-stained shirt for three days now.” A slow blink passed as Kamukura looked up to meet Matsuda’s eyes. “I’m willing to speculate that you haven’t bathed for longer than that.”
“Yeah? And so fucking what, Sherlock?”
“You know I don’t understand your references to Western media…” Kamukura mumbled. “But my point is that your accusations hold no weight, for I will not bathe for a hypocrite who cannot uphold his own standards of cleanliness.”
A hand reached out, securing a fistful of ebony hair and tugging harshly in a way that forced Kamukura's head to jolt forward. “Actually, yes you will, because I am your supervisor and you will listen to what I tell you to do.”
For a second, Kamukura said nothing, turning over the possibilities in his mind. With an impatient sigh, Matsuda allowed him a second to process and gather his thoughts. Matsuda Yasuke may be an asshole, but he was sympathetic to the poor kid who he gave capabilities much too big for his brain to handle.
Only a little, though.
Once finding his words, Kamukura gave Matsuda another slow blink, seemingly unbothered by the hand in his hair. “I do not have to obey your demands, however, I am willing to yield if you admit to the fact you are a hypocrite.”
“That’s not happening. Come on.” With a sharp tug, Kamukura was yanked up to his feet, no pain showing on his face but it definitely hurt more than he would have liked. “The safest place to take you would probably be the communal baths in the old building, because you are not setting foot in my dorm.”
Kamukura followed obediently as Matsuda began to drag him along. “This is likely due to the fact it is as dirty as you are, am I correct?”
"Shut your filthy mouth."
At some point during their walk to the old building, Matsuda had politely let go of Kamukura's hair, probably out of laziness and a fear of being questioned by any passer-bys. It was dark outside, judging by the angle of the shadows and the height of the moon, Kamukura was able to determine the sun had only set an hour ago. There were few students wandering the campus, those who did notice Matsuda didn't seem to acknowledge Kamukura. As they shouldn't, after all, he was very good at hiding his presence.
Matsuda's face had an unhealthily pale glow in the moonlight. It reminded Kamukura a little of his own sun-deficient complexion. Those cheeks seemed to have thinned out significantly since they had first met, something that caused an unfamiliar sensation to swirl in Kamukura's chest, a sensation that weighed heavy on his jaw and heart.
"Did you eat dinner? It's not healthy to skip meals."
A soft "Huh?" left Matsuda's lips as he turned to the boy to his left, glancing down at him. "That's a stupid question for a troglodyte to ask. Shouldn’t a troglodyte such as yourself be able to at least ask me something interesting?"
Kamukura pursed his lips together, before separating them with a soft pop. "Being a troglodyte is unrelated to the question."
"So you admit that you're a troglodyte then?"
"I admit that you need a better insult."
Matsuda tipped his head back as a loud snort of laughter escaped him. Kamukura merely clenched his teeth more tightly. "You avoided the question."
Huffing, Matsuda pushed open the door to the old building, stepping inside and propping it open with his foot whilst he waited for Kamukura to follow. “Like I said, it’s a stupid question, why would I bother answering it?”.
“When placed in situations that are stressful, some people resort to binge eating, whilst others tend to eat less frequently.” Stepping into the building, Kamukura glanced around at the familiar sight of the lightly coloured halls. “This is because one who is stressed may desire to distract themselves, or be so troubled by their worries they no longer notice the signals their body is sending to the brain.”
“I went to fucking med school, I know this. Who’s dodging the question now huh?” Shoving his hands into his pockets, Matsuda stepped around the small seating area and turned right down the hall, heading in the direction of the old dorms and cafeteria.
“I’m expressing that you may be one of those people, Matsuda. You have lost a significant amount of weight in the last month.”
Matsuda rounded a corner, his pace quickened slightly. “I’m on a diet. I could afford to lose some weight.”
“But you are within the healthy weight range for your age? Even if you are leaning slightly towards the ‘overweight’ category, there’s no need for dieting.”
“See, you just admitted it, I could stand to lose a few kilograms.”
A soft inhale could be heard from Kamukura. “Is this why you haven’t been eating the snacks I give you?”
Finally, Matsuda stopped and glanced back at the other boy. There still was no emotion painted on Kamukura’s ever stoic face. Beautiful and apathetic, like a porcelain doll to be perched upon one’s collection. The thought made Matsuda’s throat tighten in an unpleasant way he refused to acknowledge.
“Yes. I haven’t been eating your snacks because I’m trying to lose weight.” He thread a hand into his hair with a sigh.
“I see. So why have you still been eating your own?”
Shck! Matsuda could hear the sound of Kamukura’s keen argument cutting through his flesh. Those burning scarlet eyes were digging into his soul, slender fingers reaching towards the truth of his lie. It was a nauseating sensation, one that could have been completely avoided by just telling the truth to begin with.
But Matsuda was in too deep, as was the case with most of the lies and secrets he had picked up since beginning his studies at Hope’s Peak Academy. It was a realisation that shook him to his core.
A slow blink, “Matsuda?”
He snapped back to reality. “Let’s just get you cleaned up you gross weirdo. I don’t think I can stand being in the presence of someone so smelly for much longer.
Kamukura opened his mouth to argue, but his hair suddenly being pulled in the direction of the bathrooms distracted him. He knew better than to question Matsuda’s motives, no amount of interrogation seemed to get anything out of him. Besides, he was sure whatever deep rooted issues Matsuda was hiding would bore him anyway.
With Matsuda’s arm parting the curtain, the two of them stepped into the change rooms. Within moments, Matsuda was already pulling off his tie and tossing it into one of the lockers.
“It seems like a worthless choice to leave this building still functioning.” As he shrugged off his jacket, Kamukura watched the other’s movements closely.
“Not really, I’m pretty sure there’s a few people still staying here and using the facilities for convenience sake." Those precise fingers undid a few buttons on his shirt. "Not students, though, teachers, personnel.”
“I see.” In a swift movement, Kamukura pulled off his tie and placed it into the locker beside Matsua’s along with his blazer. “You do realise we won’t have clean clothes to change into after this?”
“There’s a few spare uniforms in one of the lower lockers. I had someone bring some here after our last incident.” The inflection on the last word would have made most people feel somewhat guilty, but Kamukura didn’t care in the slightest.
Matsuda pulled his shirt off, exposing his bare chest to the open air. Kamukura’s eyes immediately darted to the small pouch of baby fat sitting on his stomach, he wasn’t as chubby as Kamukura recalled.
A flick against his forehead brought him back before he could get too deep in his thoughts. “Stop fucking ogling me and get undressed, creep. Or are you such a useless weirdo that you need me to help?”
Before Kamukura had a chance to answer the question, Matsuda had begun undoing the buttons of his shirt, starting from the collar. He went to reject the help, as he was perfectly capable of doing it himself, but something about the other boy being so close in his vicinity just made him close his mouth again.
Once all the buttons had been undone and Kamukura’s mouth was thoroughly dry for a reason he didn’t understand, he shrugged the shirt off his shoulders and placed it with his other clothes. He realised he wasn’t getting any further assistance when Matsuda took a step back and kicked off his sandals, reminding Kamukura to slip off his own socks and shoes as well.
The click of unclasping metal seemed incredibly loud amongst the silence of the room, along with the following shuffle of Matsuda sliding his pants off his legs. As Kamukura began to unbuckle his own belt, he couldn’t help but glance at Matsuda’s underwear. Something deep within him was so curious about what Matsuda’s underwear looked like, and he didn’t quite understand what that was.
The answer was unsurprising. They were rather faded and thin, with an incredibly distracting striped pattern. Kamukura could see the globes of his ass through the fabric, which also meant they were much too thin.
He reverted his attention back to the task at hand, undoing the button and fly of his slacks before pulling them down and stepping out of them. He then hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers before tugging them down at well.
It didn’t feel too strange to be so exposed next to Matsuda, after all, he was frequently stripping down to his underwear for examinations. He would go naked had Matsuda not insisted on him not doing that. Kamukura could recall how he very clearly stated that he does not want to ‘see another man’s junk.’
Unfortunately it is inevitable that such an event will occur, especially if you’re often dragged into one of the science labs and forced to bathe under the cold water of the chemical rinse shower. Such a punishment would have taught most people a lesson about refusing to bathe, but not Kamukura.
“Oi, hurry up, I’m cold.” A harsh voice cut through Kamukura’s moment of recollection.
He turned to Matsuda just as he was closing the locker he shoved his underwear into. Matsuda had a pair of white towels in his hands, one extended towards Kamukura. Taking it with a steady hand, he then watched as Matsuda turned and headed into the men’s bathroom.
He's rather attractive from behind.
But like many other of his worthless observations, Kamukura shoved the thought into the deep recesses of his mind as he followed the boy closely behind.
The bath was rather humid, a thick layer of steam coating the room and leaving everything slightly damp and sheeny. The air was warm, implying that this place was used more recently than he had originally expected. “It appears you were correct.”
Matsuda tossed his towel onto one of the wooden seats near the corner of the room as he entered. Following suit, Kamukura dropped his towel there next to Matsuda's.
“Of course I’m fucking correct, I always am.” As Matsuda hissed, he pointed towards the row of showers and stools along the wall. “Sit down and I’ll wash your hair, it’s going to take too long to do yourself.”
“You understand that--” Before Kamukura could finish his sentence, a pair of hands slapped hard against his shoulders.
Matsuda spun him around and pushed him towards the showers, Kamukura walking along obediently. He didn’t speak a word as Matsuda forced him to sit down. “I understand that it’s difficult, Kamukura. You have a lot of fucking hair.”
He didn’t give Kamukura a chance to ask any more questions, as cold water was suddenly being blasted into his face from the shower head in Matsuda’s hand. He must have flinched, because Matsuda snorted and started cackling. “Oh the look on your face! So betrayed!”
Kamukura was certain his expression didn’t change, but Matsuda was acting strange. Like he was forcing a mood, deflecting, distracting Kamukura from his multitude of questions about the upkeep of his personal health.
Ah, he understood now.
He decided to play along. “To splash me with such cold water, how very cruel of you Matsuda Yasuke.”
Running the water onto his hand for a while, Matsuda allowed it to heat up and adjusted the temperature before bringing the stream of water back to his scalp. The warm water made Kamukura’s muscles feel as if they were turning to jello as a pleasant tingle creeped down his spine.
Lithe fingers threaded into the dark strands, spreading them in a way that allowed the water to completely rinse through. “Too hot?”
“Not at all, I prefer it hot.” Relaxing into the soothing touch, Kamukura allowed a soft sigh to pass his lips.
“Good, at least you’re not a complete freak. Still a little bit of human left in that big brain.” Matsuda tugged at a bit of hair, a small smile barely visible reflected in the mirror in front of him. It was a rare sight, he must be enjoying himself.
Kamukura considered returning the smile, but couldn’t quite bring himself to it, it felt wrong, foreign.
“You’re praising me for preferring hot water, yet I recite hundreds of digits of PI and you are not impressed.” He tilted his head slightly, allowing the warm water to trickle down his neck and onto his chest. “I do not understand, what is it about my intelligence that bothers you?”
“See, you’re asking stupid questions again.” The water was suddenly taken away, the tap switched off as Matsuda stepped forward to hang it back up. “Nothing about your intelligence ‘bothers me’ it’s just easier to fucking- to relate to you when you’re not whipping out a talent.”
He reached for a bottle of shampoo that had been left in a small tray on the floor, jumping when Kamukura spoke up again. “You would prefer if I was normal.”
Matsuda angrily snatched the bottle and uncapped the lid before tipping it upside down over the other boy’s head and squeezing hard.
“If that was the case, I never would have given you those stupid talents, would I?” His words were contradictory to his tone. And within them held a bitter truth Matsuda seemed to not want to be confronted with.
“You don’t understand your actions and resent yourself for it.”
“And you need to stop trying to psychoanalyse people. Nobody wants to talk to a weirdo who makes them uncomfortable.”
Once Matsuda has squeezed out the entirety of the bottle’s contents, he tossed it aside and began to lather up his hair, bringing the ends up and wrapping it in a soapy mess on top of his head. He was rather rough in his technique, but Kamukura didn’t mind.
Deciding to keep his mouth shut, he hummed softly in contentment. Trying to get anything out of Matsuda always proved difficult; he was stubborn. For a guy with such a deep interest in neurology you would think he’d be able to acknowledge his own psychological issues. It was just another one of Matsuda’s many self-destructive personality traits.
A strong tug on his hair perked Kamukura’s attention. “Oi, stop watching me like that. You’re going to get it in your eyes.”
He made a soft noise in response, allowing his eyelids to settle over his eyes. With one less sense active, Kamukura found himself melting into the sensation of blunt nails scraping along his scalp and massaging gently, almost as if they were seeking out something.
Slender fingers rubbed soothingly over the bumpy scars lining Kamukura's scalp, coaxing a soft huff of satisfaction from the boy beneath him. Matsuda made a noise like he was about to comment, but merely sighed instead. “Put your head down so I can get the hair at the back.”
Carefully, Kamukura craned his neck forward, uncovering his nape even further. It was an incredibly vulnerable position; completely naked with his eyes closed and neck exposed, yet he couldn’t find himself feeling worried. If Matsuda did have any intentions of killing him, he probably wouldn't mind dying by his hand anyway.
Matsuda's fingers threaded into the sensitive hair resting at the back of his neck, eliciting a shudder from Kamukura. He worked the shampoo into the knotted hair, grumbling softly as his fingers got caught multiple times.
“You really should try to brush this mess more often you know. If you just took better care I wouldn’t have to deal with it when it gets this bad.” A soft hiss could be heard as he yanked at some more strands, however, the sound hadn’t come from Kamukura. “It’s like you enjoy making my life a living hell.”
“That is not the case. Brushing my hair is a mundane task with little reward, I do not enjoy it.” Kamukura explained.
“Yeah, and neither do I.” A loud groan left Matsuda as he contemplated the best way to clarify things. “Most things involving general upkeep are mundane, but you still have to do them you spoiled brat.”
Those comforting hands left Kamukura’s hair and he found himself instantly missing the sensation. Leaning over his shoulder, Matsuda reached for the shower head once again and turned on the tap.
“Keep your eyes closed.”
A torrent of warm water hit Kamukura’s face, rinsing the shampoo from his bangs. He pursed his lips together and squeezed his eyes closed a little tighter to keep the soap out. Matsuda stroked through the wet strands to ensure they had been thoroughly rinsed, an uncharacteristically soft sigh escaping from him into the tense air.
When Matsuda moved to working on the back of his hair. Kamukura spoke up. “Something is on your mind.”
“Get out of my head freak.” That scathing tone quickly returned. “You just look weird like this, like a drowned rat.”
“Ah, I see. This amuses you?”
Another sharp tug on his hair. “No, brat. It annoys me how much of a child you are, completely incompetent. You know I don’t enjoy cleaning up your fucking mess.”
Grumbling something that sounded an awful lot like, “Dumbass.” Matsuda stood up again and turned the water off. “You can finish washing yourself, learn to be more responsible.”
Kamukura nodded. “Thank you, Matsuda.”
With a final sigh, Matsuda sat down in the stool to his right and reached for another bottle. Kamukura turned back to the dish in front of him, picking up the bottle of liquid soap before uncapping the lid and pouring some into his hand. He lathered it up between his hands to bring it to a light foam before beginning to scrub at his skin, starting with his arms.
Beside him, Matsuda was working shampoo into his roots. It was rather odd to see him with his bangs slicked back, exposing his forehead and thick eyebrows. He couldn’t help but admire how nice of a look it was on Matsuda, to have his face exposed to the light for once instead of hidden beneath dark bangs and poor basement lighting.
He really was as pretty as the reserve course girls rumoured him to be.
Turning back to what he was doing, Kamukura focused on the sensation of soap rubbing away the thin layer of grime that was clinging to his skin. As much as he refused to bathe, he truly did understand why people did it. It’s refreshing, makes one healthier, relieves feelings of fatigue. What he didn’t understand was why it seemed so difficult to motivate himself to engage in a task that rewarded him greatly.
It was strange. If someone desires to do something, they should do it, correct? Yet he had no desires.
They had been surgically removed by Matsuda’s precise hand.
Was his lack of proper hygiene habits only skin deep? Was there truly any point in analysing and fussing over it?
But, there was always that small chance, the chance that it was something more. Perhaps was there even something wrong with his brai--?
“Are you done? Or you can’t even do this?” Leaning his hands onto his knees, Matsuda pushed himself up from the stool and turned to Kamukura.
Ah, he had spaced out yet again.
With a nod, Kamukura reached for the shower head and began to rinse the soap from his body, avoiding Matsuda’s steely gaze all the while.
Once clean, he hung the shower head back up and looked to the other boy, eyes instantly wandering downwards in a moment of distraction. Huh.
“It’s smaller than average.”
Matsuda blinked hard a few times, processing the words. His face twisted into a scowl and his cheeks quickly flushed with a bright red colour as he followed Kamukura’s gaze, “What?!”
“Ah." He pulled his eyes back up. "Nevermind. It’s unimportant.”
With a huff, Matsuda turned on his heel and made his way over to the large bath. The other boy followed at a short distance, careful not to slip on the tiled floor that had been coated with a thin layer of condensation.
Once he reached the bath, Matsuda leaned down and sat on the wooden edge that rimmed it. He dangled his legs into the warm water, a rather gentle smile perking on those thin lips at the sensation.
“Oi, weirdo, get in.” He waved a hand, beckoning the other to join him.
Obeying, Kamukura sat himself down next to Matsuda. He then pressed his palms into the polished wood and shifted his weight, slowly lowering himself into the hot water. The water was a perfect temperature, and he couldn't help but let out a quiet sigh of pleasure as his torso became submerged in a blissful heat.
“It’s good, huh?” A soft chuckle escaped Matsuda, “Why would you ever deprive yourself of this?”
“Hmmmmm, I don’t know.” Closing his eyes, Kamukura sunk further into the water until it rose up past his lips and sat just beneath his nose, nearly impeding his breathing.
Matsuda slipped himself into the water beside Kamukura with a smirk. “Oh? So Mayor Dumbass of 'I Was Wrong To Not Listen To Matsuda' -ville admits he's at fault? You mean to tell me he isn’t a perfect being? Shocking."
Shaking his head, Kamukura pushed himself up out of the water a little. “No, I am a perfect being.”
With an exaggerated eye roll, Matsuda raised his arms over his head. He groaned audibly as he stretched the muscles and tried to work the tension from his shoulders.
Keeping the other in sight, Kamukura sunk back into the heated water, reveling in the feeling of being surrounded by such pleasant warmth. It made his skin tingle and his limbs feel like they were floating, much like his hair beside his face.
Moving through the water, he eventually came up the wall of the bath and leaned his back against it, allowing his eyelids to flutter close before taking a deep and relaxed breath.
With the environment being so calm, it felt as if his brain was finally beginning to slow down. Concerns about Matsuda’s wellbeing, anxieties of the past, confusions of the present; they all melted away into the muggy atmosphere, leaving his head filled with nothing but a pleasant foggy sensation. It reminded him too much of the drug induced haze that was settled over his mind for the first few days after his birth.
“Matsudaaaa.” His weak attempt to whine came out more like a monotone groan. “I think I might fall asleep here.”
“Don't be a moron.” Matsuda splashed a bit of water in Kamukura’s direction, smirking when it hit his cheeks. “I’m not going to save you if you drown in the bath. You're on your own this time."
“Mm…” With a soft nod, Kamukura submerged the lower part of his face again, indicating he was tired of talking. The pleasant warmth kissed at his lips, a sensual feeling that made every bone in his body soften beneath its touch.
He felt as if he were floating endlessly through space.
Logically, he wasn’t, it was merely the buoyancy of the water giving that illusion of sensory deprivation. But that didn’t matter, all that mattered was the enticing pitch black void beginning to swallow him whole.
Kamukura let go.
“Oi, troglodyte…”
“Izuru-! What did I say?!”
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enniewritesathing · 4 years
Part 1
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(A few days ago. San Myshuno, Fashion District, early afternoon)
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John: “This is the place, right, Uncle Eli? It doesn’t look like a conference center to me. It’s too fancy.”
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Eli: “I can assure you, it is. You’ve been here before. They’ve remodeled the whole thing a couple of years ago. I know, it seems a little too upscale for my tastes.”
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(Eli looks down and see John fiddling with his fingers.) “John, are you nervous?”
John: “Hm? Oh. No, I’m not nervous...”
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“Why? What makes you say that?”
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Eli: “You’ve been playing with your hands on the way here. Since this morning, actually. You’re not exactly subtle when things bug you. Speak up.”
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John: “I’m not n... okay, I thought it was because of Aunt Bea’s coffee, but I guess it’s not.”
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(He sighs) “It’s just pre-tournament nerves, that’s all. Not that I’ve haven’t done this before, but a lot of things are riding what I do. Hypothetical things, but I wanna make it possible. You know how it is, right?”
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Eli: “Yeah. You did propose to Brian, right?”
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John: “Of course I did! I did tell him my previous plan... you were right on how that was a jerk move.”
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(He messes with his ring, twisting it.) “Still, I promised him that I’d win the whole thing. No pressure, right?”
Eli: “That’s still a pretty big promise, John.”
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John: “I know. I know... and it has been a while, but it’s not like I’m coming back from any injuries or anything.”
Eli: “Given how you fight sometimes, it’s a goddamn miracle; you do have a point there.”
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(He looks up with a slight smile on his face.) “But, I shouldn’t worry because I have the best coach and uncle in the world!”
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(Eli curls his lip in irritation.) “Oh my god. John, what are you, ten? Cut it out.”
John: (mischievously) “What? I’m not joking!”
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John: “I’m telling the truth! Why, you don’t think so?”
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(Eli sighs.) “Of course I think so!”
John: “Is that a smile? Are you smiling, Uncle Eli?”
Eli: “We’re gonna be late.”
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(John and Eli made their way to the conference room, Room #15. Most of the seats were filled with a mixture of media and contenders, leaving only a few seats at the very front. Of course, John thinks. 
Eli looks around and mutters to himself, “I can’t be the only coach attending. That’s embarassing.” John glances around and before he got a good luck at everyone else, he heard the feedback of the microphone and a throat clearing.)
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“Good afternoon, everybody! I apologize that we’re running a little behind. We had some technical difficulties from the previous meeting, but I assure you that things will run smoothly.”
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Rita: “My name is Rita Yates, and I’m presenting this afternoon on the behalf of the WMTC committee and KBA council. A little bit about myself -- believe it or not -- I competed way back in the day; I am a former two-time Lightweight Double Crown champion, Olympic Boxing Silver and Gold medalist in Chicago and Paris respectively.”
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John: (”Damn, she’s good.”)
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Rita: “Every year, the competition is fierce and it all comes down to a handful of fighters competiting and winning the coveted and prestigious belt and title of World Champion.”
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Rita: “That said, I congratulate each and one of you that have fought and made your way here! Each fighter’s journey is unique and always worthy to be celebrated.”
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Rita: “And each year brings moments and memories that will be remembered for years and years to come!”
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Rita: “Speaking of, this year, it seems we have some interesting company this tournament. At one point in everyone’s career, they have qualified for World Champion tournaments, so no one’s a true newcomer!”
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Rita: “Mr... Zakharchenko? Did I pronounce it right? I love your hair.”
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Adam: (caught off guard) “O-oh, thank you, ma’am. You did pronounce it correctly, but if you’d like, you can just call me Mr. Adam. I know my last name is difficult.”
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Rita: “Very well, Mr. Adam. And I see a very familiar face...”
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“Mr. Boss Ram Raegan. I’m surprised you’re not doing Middleweight this year? Got tired of winning?”
Raegan: (laughs softly) “No, Mrs. Yates. I am simply challenging myself.”
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Rita: “And let’s see... oh! Leo de Koning! I loved the show you put on last year!
Leo: “Thank you, Mrs. Yates. It’s a shame I didn’t win it all, but hopefully I’ll have much better luck.” (He turns his attention to the front. That can’t be him, he thinks.)
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Rita: “And Mr. Davidson, it’s been a while since Juniors. We were wondering if you were gonna come back!”
(John gives a very small wave of his hand. He feels the attention shift towards him.)
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(So it is him!)
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Rita: “Okay! Now here’s the semi-boring part -- things that you all are familiar with or need just a refresher. However, there are changes this year, starting with this particular tournament.”
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“As you know, this is the Super Middleweight division, meaning that you must be between the weights of 160lbs and 168lbs, or in kilograms, between 71.575kg and 76.204kg at your scheduled weigh-in before the match. So, if you’ve been meaning to add or drop weight, now’s the time to do so.”
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“And this tournament is eligible towards the Double and Triple Crown Unification!”
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“As I stated before, there have been changes this year that you may or may not like. One--”
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“No Title Defense for a year and a day. Once you win, you win and gain the title and priviledges that come along with it.” 
(The crowd murmurs, some in surprise, some in dissent. Ryuhei stays silent.)
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“Two-- these changes coincide with our new sponsors. To make the tournament more mainstream and accessible to the public at large, this will be televised all over the globe on all major sports networks.”
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“And for you guys, the sponsors are increasing the prize money. On top of the belt and title, the winner will take home $2 million dollars!”
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John: (a little too loud) “Two million?”
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Dominic: “Holy shit.”
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Henri: “Good gracious!”
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Luis: “Two million dollars? Wonder what I can do with all of that?”
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(Raegan smirks. That’s plenty for him.)
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Rita: “Right? Quadruple the previous prize, and that’s not including the potential bonuses that you may gain!”
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“I am pleased to announce that all fights will take place in the San Myshuno Garden Arena! To sweeten the deal, all accommodations that you may need are all expenses paid. If you need to do so, your or your coach can contact Mx. Lanier and they will set you up.”
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(Rita clasps her hands together.) “And now, the fun part!”
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“I am pleased to announce the tournament bracket for the 71st Annual WMTC Super Middleweight Tournament!”
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“Ladies, Gentlemen, and Esteemed Guests--”
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“Here is your bracket!”
⏪Previous // Next⏭
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parkerpeter24 · 5 years
Quizzes End Up In Kisses ~ Peter Parker💕
Part-7 of the Eight Days Of Valentine series
Part 8
Warnings: fluff, thank you.
Sorry for I'm late. Also, I don't know anything about schooling system in the U.S. so forgive me.
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Middle school was exhausting, not to mention stupid, and you dreaded going to High school. Going everyday to a place for nearly your whole life, a prison called school, was never on your checklist. It was a pretty basic list and all the things you would want to do one day were mentioned in it.
And Peter Parker had managed to get on the top.
Entering Liz's house, you were met with loud noise and kids scattered all around the living area. The snacks and drinks were placed neatly on the kitchen slab. You sighed before moving in and placing your small gift in the pile that was placed near the christmas tree. You were invited to the party by Liz and you had nothing better to do on a Christmas eve and maybe you would find Peter here too. MJ was in the extreme corner of the room which was illuminated by a bright lamp under which she read a book. You smiled at her and her book choice, 'Great Leadership by Kimberly Davis.'
You moved towards the kitchen where you spotted Liz greeting her friends. The party went on, you stuck to MJ in the back until she needed to get back home and you didn't.
Few people were still left, probably close friends of Liz, when you spotted Ned and Peter near the window, whispering something to each other. You moved towards them setting aside the glass of juice.
"Hey Peter, Ned!" You greeted cheerfully. Ned waved, greeting you back while Peter straightened a bit, the soft light hid the mild blush covering his cheeks. It wasn't hard for you, or anyone for that matter, to figure out that he liked you. He wasn't good with secrets.
"Hey, (y/n)." He replied when Ned cleared his throat . You didn't want to seem desperate by asking him out or truth be told, you were shy yourself and didn't want to convert your friendship into awkwardness.
The room was starting to clear and you were now having a proper conversation with both the boys, majorly about school and homework when a loud voice pulled you out of the on-going topic.
"Hey losers!" Flash yelled, indicating the three of you."You need to come here." He called out, you rolled your eyes but nonetheless moved to where everyone left was gathered in a small circle. You sat beside Liz as everyone settled down and Liz started talking, "So, I have a game for everyone." She grinned and then you zoned out, staring at the boy in front of you. Brown eyes squinted slightly in concentration as he tried so hard to steal a glance at you whereas you were, absentmindedly, full on gaping at him. Only, you, Liz, Betty, Flash, Ned and Peter were left in the room.
"(Y/n), you wanna put something in?" Liz asked, popping your Peter bubble.
"What?" You asked, not having listened to a word she said.
"You wanna put something in the bag?" She pointed to the small bag placed in the centre. Where would it even come from, "And since you're the last one, you get to have the first chance." She grinned. By now, it wasn't really hard to guess that the group was playing seven minutes in heaven.
You grabbed the bag and got up, throwing your bracelet in when no one was watching and shaking the bag. You fished the bag and pulled out a small keyring which was way too familiar. A blush covered your cheeks as you realised whose it was. A small Darth Vader keyring that you gave Peter on his birthday. You looked to Peter who looked like a reindeer caught in headlights. You heard Flash laugh, "Do you think these guys are going to hold hands?"
Soon you were pushed into a room, Peter just behind you as Liz locked the door.
You sat on Liz's bed and Peter stood against the wall across you, the tension was undeniable. A few minutes were passed in silence before Peter cleared his throat and sat beside you on the bed. You watched him in anticipation as he ran his fingers through his hair, "(Y/n), you know, we don't have to do anything just because Flash would probably never leave this."
You felt a bit disappointed but you couldn't let Flash tease Peter for this, "Yeah, I know how to shut Flash up." You smiled.
You told Flash that you had made out with Peter and the look on his face was precious. Maybe it would be the other way around and instead of Flash teasing Peter, you would tease Flash for Peter had his first kiss before him. No one has to know that he didn't.
It's been almost a year since then and everybody but you had forgotten that night. And you could never.
You saw Peter leaning against your locker as you made your way through the sea of teenagers.
"Hey!" You greeted your best friend, "Where's Ned?"
"Maths." He answered, shrugging. You smiled at him as you pulled out your Chemistry textbook.
"I'm already bored seeing this textbook." You complained walking beside Peter as you began your trip to the classroom.
"I know, Mr. Smith can be tough on us kids at times." He laughed, watching as you rolled your eyes at no one. "By the way, you prepared for the test?"
"Nope." You replied as soon as the question left his mouth, popping the p in the word.
"Well, you need to. This test makes up 33 percent of our total grades this semester." You sighed at this, nodding your head in understanding as you reached the class.
You were at your desk for the past one hour, staring at your Chemistry textbook. Oh how you hated the subject. You were dozing off when you heard a series of knocks on your window. Although knowing it was the one and only, you were shocked and awakened from your sleep.
You ran to the window, unlocking it and letting your masked friend inside before locking it and pulling the curtains. Peter was always careless, not at all good at hiding his identity considering that you figured out, but you saved his ass.
"I'm so jealous of you." You complained and his eyebrows furrowed.
"Why?" He asked.
"You know, you get to do all cool superhero stuff and you're still gonna face that test tomorrow!" You exclaimed, burying your face in his chest and taking in his warmth as he wrapped his arms while laughing, "My mom is gonna kill me." You sighed.
"Okay, let's practice together then." He stated, moving towards your study.
"Aren't you tired?" You asked.
"Not for you, I'm not." He replied shyly and turned away from you to hide his own blush as a faint pink covered your cheeks.
Studying with Peter was rather distracting, not that you haven't done it before, but with time it seemed to have become difficult to focus on the subject and you were more interested in the pout that formed on his lips when he didn't understand something, or the way he squinted his eyes to focus, or the way his fingers played with the pencil when he was thinking something, or the way his eyebrows creased when he got an answer wrong. You were so busy admiring him.
"Okay, I got a good question for you." Peter said, pulling you out of your own little world.
"And element X is divalent -" He started but you groaned, cutting him off.
"Oh, I hate X and Y questions!" You whined.
"Come on, you don't even know the question yet." Peter replied, "You need to practice if you want to get good grades on that test."
"Okay, I'll study. But, I have one condition." You said, smirking and Peter gulped. He knew that smirk. Something bad was going inside your mind whenever you did this. Before he could ask anything, though, you said, "If I answer ten of your questions correctly then you have to kiss me." You said. Your heartbeat was incredibly fast but your face showed the same smirk as Peter's cheek turned a crimson shade.
"Okay." He said, "I got some questions for you." He smirked, choosing the set of questions that he knew you would be able to answer easily.
"First question." He started, smiling at your nervousness as you tapped your fingers gently against the table. You wanted this as much as he did, "The number of moles of solute present in one kilogram of a solvent is called as…" He trailed off waiting for an answer.
You smiled, "That's easy. It's molality." You answered sweetly, batting your eyelashes at him.
"Correct. Don't get too excited (y/l/n), it's just the first question." He replied, mocking your tone which made you giggle.
"Your impressions are hilarious Parker." You teased, laughing as he smiled proudly.
"Wait till you hear my Thor impression." He beamed, "Anyway, the next question, The metal used to separate copper from a copper sulphate solution is?" He asked.
"Ferrous." You replied.
You didn't expect the questions to get harder but what do you expect from Peter Nerd Parker. You were on the ninth question and you were getting more and more nervous, "What is the chemical name for baking soda?"
"It's, Sodium something… Sodium Carbonate?"
"No. It's-"
"Sodium Bicarbonate!" You yelled, making him laugh at your eagerness.
"Oh, shut it Parker!" You scolded, nonetheless smiling.
"Okay, so are you ready for the last question?" He asked and you just nodded. This was a perfect and probably the only chance you'd get to kiss the boy you'd had a crush on for the longest time. "Now, (y/n). Which radioactive element is used in heat pacemakers?" He asked.
Elements were your weakest part. You stared straight into his eyes, pleading for a hint as you rack your brain for the answer. At this moment, both of you knew that Peter would kiss you no matter what, but you wanted to get it right.
"Plutonium?" You mumbled a question. Peter, having heightened senses, heard that and stood up from his seat, making you stand up and follow him to the centre of the room. He sighed, facing you with furrowed eyebrows, "Was it wrong?"
He just stood there for a moment before suddenly pulling you flush against him. Your hands instantly wrapped around his neck and a yelp escaped your throat before you felt his lips over yours. Moving at a slow pace. It was sweet, it was all you needed. Your hands tugged at the curls behind his head and he pulled you closer, resting his forehead on yours, "Correct."
You smiled so wide, your cheeks started to hurt. Suddenly you couldn't help what you said out aloud, "Kissing you was on my checklist since Middle school." He laughed at this.
"The infamous checklist?" He asked. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"You knew about it?" You asked back for his answer.
"You're not good with secrets either. I heard you and MJ talking about it." He replied sheepishly.
"And you didn't tell me?" You asked, smiling.
"It was an accident." He said in a small voice, parting from you slightly and you shook your head softly as your gaze fell on the wall clock.
"It's nothing." You smiled, "Hey, I think you should go. It's getting late." He nodded, giving you a final peck on the lips as he grabbed his mask, moving towards your window.
"Peter." You called out. He turned back to face you, waiting for you to say something, "Don't forget about the Spanish quiz day after tomorrow." You smirked and he knew that smirk.
@harrysbbby @overly-obsessed @luckyfiction17 @avengersgroupchat @ollieologys @afictionaladventure16 @hollandraul @clqudsparker @spider-manholland @screamholland @angelhaz11 @farfromhaz @drunklili @spideyyeet @fairytaleparker @venusparker @dazzling-rubabe @kitkatd7 @hazmyheart @angelic-holland @littlekidsteve @audreylovespidey706 @ironholland19 @lauras-collection @spideyyeet @cherryredparker @ploont @cucumberfingers @angel-spidey @spideygirl2003 @greatpizzascissorstaco @the-crazy-fanfictionist @lovabletomholland @lovelytholland @parkerdrabbles @parkers-fidelity @tom-holland-is-spiderman @tomsrebeleyebrow @hollandcuddles
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arnold-layne · 3 years
this time it was my turn to have a breakdown, sorry 😔 but i'm getting better now!!
ohhhh baby depends on what trees! there were mostly pines!! so they're green all year long, but yeah, other trees are still bare :) okay willows are growing bazie kotki (i have NO IDEA how to call those in english) but that's all!!
yeah, we got to know each other better, but i feel like i'm too old for them 😅 (difference between us i 6 and 4 years) and too serious. y'know, i'm pretty serious around not my besties- owww that's sad to hear :( when you're going back to see other your relatives? :((
aaaaaa you're cool! but understandable, i'm not pretty sure about myself either, but my supreriority complex won't let me show that...i'm like a peacock ashamed of its tail 😂
awwww great to hear you passed those questions!!! i'll never understand people who study history bsndcjbs i'm looking respectfully <3
i missed chatting with you too!!! well, my week was draining a bit, but i'm getting better :) i started a diet, well, reducting calories and fasting after 7 pm, first day yesterday gave me stomach issues 😂 but today i'm doing good, so i'm on a great way to lose some kilograms (don't worry, it's just because i'm feeling heavy and it affects my health!!!)
i hope you're doing good :) ily, take care <3
Ohhh noooo, baby :((((( are u okay now, is it getting better??? And you don't have to apologize for it, oh my god, I'm here to support you as much as you are here for me <3
OH I LOVE PINE FORESTS there is always an AMAZING smell there, and the air is so fresh 🥰 and haha I understood what you meant, we call them сережки, same meaning as in polish 😄
Oh I see, the generational differences are the bigger the younger people are. There is not much difference between a 40 and a 50 y/o, it's a bit bigger in 25-35 y/os, and everyone under 18 with a difference more than like, two years, are completely different people. So I can imagine it was a bit hard to connect with them, though it's also cool that you have an opportunity to communicate with younger people 😌 one of my cousins is the same age as me, and another is 4 years younger. Oh, I don't even know when I'll get to meet them next.... They are all relatives from my dad's side, and my dad doesn't get along with my mom anymore, and my mom doesn't like them much and doesn't let me and my sister see them the short time we're home (two months a year usually).
Haha the peacock metaphor is very on point 😂 one minute I'm like, I'm the hottest person in this grocery store, the other I'm like, i don't want to be perceived by anyone, pretend that I don't exist 😆
He still dragged me for my answer, because I didn't say everything he wanted to hear, but at least I didn't get a d, a lot of people got bad grades that day because he was in the mood, and I avoided that fate 😅 so I think it's a win. Haha, I don't like history AT ALL, like, it's only interesting until it comes to dates because I have shit memory, but I have to, since my major is international relations and it's not only languages, unfrotunately 😔
Oohh please be careful with diets!! I mean, it's always up to you, and if you feel like it won't hurt you and will make you feel better then you do you 😌
Love u and hope you're doing great 💕💕💕 and I'm sorry that it always takes me so long to answer, I honestly love talking to you, I just have communication issues :(
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whaticannotshowyou · 4 years
1/2 Hey there ^^ Such a pleasure to see you among us again! I have a prompt, if you want it. It has vomiting, but I don't know if you'd like it: what if (modern au I'd say) Jaskier has eating disorders, and makes himself throw up after every meal? He's so sad, so depressed, he hates himself for it, but he can't help doing it, it's like a drug. And Geralt finds out, and for one reason or the other, fixes him with his magic cock.
2/2 very much consensual, but both get off on Geralt degrading him at some point, asking how he can expect to be a good slut if he's too weak to take a good pounding?
Under a cut for once due to ED triggers. Please don’t read if it’s a sensitive issue for you.
Want to preface this with saying that I’m a slut for this kind of angst, but also has enough experience to know that cock doesn’t magically heal shit like this. So don’t @ me this is fiction and also a porn blog so idk what you expect.
Jaskier got into the whole theatre and music scene early on tbh and probably got all kinds of backhanded compliments about his appearance as young, how he was so pretty and skinny! So when puberty hits properly he probably doesn’t even question it as he starts limiting himself from food to keep it all up. Depression amd anxiety being a bitch as he finally becomes an adult, Jaskier has a harder time being good and not overeat. That’s when he turns to purging.
It’s easier that way as well, being able to eat with his friends and family like everything is normal and then just take a quick break in the bathroom to get it back up. Even better yet: it shows reaults sooooo much quicker than diets and exercise, losing all but a fraction of the calories he consumes while still keeping up the apperance of being a regular guy! No one pays him enough attention to wonder why he always has to leave for a few minutes after meals, sometimes even during, nor why he comes back with sweat on his brow and panting like he had just ran a marathon.
He gets into a few relationships over the years but they never stick, Jaskier always distancing himself any of them mention how he should gain just a little more weight or when they start mentioning the way he shakes after leaving the bathroom. It’s more important to keep himself in check, keep himself pretty and in control as he pukes his guts up into the toilet bowl a few times a day. That’s when he meets Geralt.
Hoenstly Jaskier went to university believing he wouldn’t make himself known, far too caught up in his inner turmoil to thinknhe would make much friends, but he gets himself a small group who seems to like him well enough to keep him around. He thought even less about the idea of his roommate being in any way interested in his life. Well, turns out Geralt is, because within a month or so he has already decided to push Jaskier against the wall and bark at him to stop being a neurotic freak and throw up twice a day in their shared bathroom. Which is a whole slap to his ego considering Jaksier thought he was being oretty good at hiding that.
He feels the bruises for days, his back aching from where the man slammed him against the wall and his frail joints blemished from where he gripped him tightly. Still, Jaskier kind of likes the marks and reminders, a testimony to just how good he has been at keeping himself in control despite the turmoil of moving and starting school again. And it’s good fodder for his cock as he jerks off to the idea of Geralt calling him those despicable things again ehile fucking into him hard and leaving more bruises for the world to see.
Eventually Geralt sits him down and says he has had enough, that he will not have the guy collapse and die on him. It’s... weirdly sweet despite his words being snarled out, far better than the way his past friends and lovers had been beating around the bush over and over while trying to confront him. Jaskier decides he likes the honesty. He also decides he really likes the way Geralt snarls at him and lashes out when he says he won’t stop.
Maybe he just decides to fuck the defiance out of the man right there and then, easily beding him over the table like it’s nothing - not too far off considering Jaskier can barely move his own body around at times - and fucking into him as he calls him a stupid brat. Jaskier is far more into the aggressive coupling than he thought he would be, so he makes no attempt to stop him and instead keens at the man’s vuce grip on his hips and mewls at the knowledge that it will leave nasty bruises for weeks. Geralt calls him a whore for enjoying himself so much, a useless little slut for thinking he actually wants to fuck a skeleton of a man like him. He likes his boys feisty, able to fight back. Jaskier decides he can make an attempt for that if it means Geralt will have him.
As time goes on, Jaskier does in fact get healthier with the hlp of Geralt. While he still can’t keep a full meal down for too long, he tries his best and settles for smaller portions for the time being. Soon enough he can in fact fight back, Geralt making up for the way his skin doesn’t bruise as easily by being all the more cruel. Self loathing bitch as he is, Jaskier still moans the loudest when Geralt berates him for being such a useless whore, forcing him to be gentle as to not break the man when they fuck. Surely, Jaskier feels the way he grips his wrists harder and harder for each kilogram he gains back, less afraid of snapping his bones in two the healthier he gets.
Relapses happen, of course. Jaskier maybe sees his reflection as Geralt fucking him against a mirror or the other says just the wrong string of words to force him back into it again, but they are fewer and further in between the more time passes so the two manages it together.
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