#it is SO hard to pick clothes from the kids section off the rack that arent infantilising
gatalentan · 2 years
speaking as a human with odd proportions who is small enough to fit in overhead storage, the unmatched levels of slay being achieved by quinta recently is so inspirational. like yes girl if I had tv money this is exactly what i'd do instead of being stuck wearing shirts from the kids section. you'd find me wearing elaborate soft sculpture to go buy milk. I'd be in full drag at the bus stop. find me in custom couture in the mcdonalds drive thru. i respect it
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darthsydnious · 2 years
Every Girl Needs a Bra
The market seems busier than last time. Omega’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates as she took in the new sights. Maybe it’s just because we’re going to a different part, you thought, straying from the food and general supplies in search of a clothing store. You fought the urge to hold onto Omega like a toddler, afraid she was going to run off to look at something. “Stay focused, Omega. We have a time limit.”
“I am focused,” Omega said as she leaned behind you to look at the jewelry stand as she passed. You rolled your eyes. Affectionately. Maybe you was picking up too much from Crosshair.
Finally, you made it to a clothing store. You looked around to make sure that they would have something appropriate for Omega, since she was the whole reason you went on this shopping trip anyway. Satisfied, you let Omega loose in the store. You shuffled around, looking at the various items the store carried. Crosshair could probably use another pair of pants, you thought to yourself. You picked up a pair of denim pants and held them up. “Ugh. Too short.”
“Hey!” Omega called out from across the store. “I have a question!”
“Be right there!” You folded the pants back up. You hated when people left clothes for the workers to fold. You made your way over to where Omega was standing in front of the underwear section, eyeing a colorful sports bra.
Omega turned to face you, one hand reaching up towards the rack. “Can I get a bra?”
“Uh, yeah, of course. Bras are essential.” You started looking through the rack for one that you thought might be Omega’s size.
“Oh. Cool.” Omega smiled and started looking at the different colors. “Whenever I ask Hunter, he always says no.”
You stopped and stared at Omega. “What do you mean, he says no?”
Omega shrugged. “He says that they’re too expensive and I don’t need it.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. I’m going to fight that man. “Omega, that’s just silly. Every girl needs bras. They’re just like underwear.”
Omega looked up at you and said, “I’m a girl, but I’m not a girl like how you’re a girl.”
You raised an eyebrow.
Omega sighed. “I’m a girl, but I’m also a clone. An unaltered clone.”
Then it clicked. That’s why Hunter thought it wasn’t essential. You blinked a couple times and said, “Well, like I said. Every girl needs bras. Pick out whatever you want.”
Omega slammed into you and hugged you so hard you couldn’t breathe. “Thank you so much!”
“No problem, kid.”
Omega carried her bag with all her new clothes in it, smiling all the way back to the ship. As you got close enough to see the fire pit that the boys had built, Omega skipped ahead to go show everyone what she got.
Hunter met you halfway at the edge of camp. “She seems happy,” he said, a slight smile on his face as he looked back at her.
“She is,” you said. You put your hands on your hips. “I bought her a bra. She said you’ve never let her get one.”
Hunter sighed and crossed his arms. “It’s not like she needs it,” he whispered. “We need that money to buy food and supplies right now.”
“Are you serious right now, Hunter?” You could feel your temper flaring. “If I have to go without a couple of meals to make her feel better about her body, then so be it. Since you’re so worried about money.”
You huffed and attempted to walk around Hunter before he grabbed your arm and pulled you back. “We can’t just go spending money on things that we want when we should be saving for things that we need.”
You yanked your arm out of his grasp. “Do you remember what going through puberty was like for you?”
Hunter seemed taken aback. And confused. “Yeah? Not a super fun time.”
“I bet! All of a sudden you’re growing hair in weird places and your voice cracks because it’s getting deeper.” You crossed her arms and cocked your head. “Now put yourself in Omega’s shoes. If all that wasn’t fun for you, imagine how Omega’s going to feel. And then tell me she doesn’t need a bra.” You rolled your eyes and looked over at the fire pit where Omega was showing Tech her new shirts.
“I didn’t… think about it like that.” Hunter took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize to me,” you huffed. “Apologize to your sister.”
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ihatebnha · 4 years
Aizawa gets baby fever
i cried. 
It took a long time before you learned how to read Aizawa. 
A long time of pining and getting to know him and having the shit fucked out of you before you started noticing the little things, like the small twitches of his brow whenever he thinks, the breathy sighs that symbolize his moods, even the rate at which he tires. 
Still, there are some things you do not know about him, and do not even wish to find out.
You are fine with it. 
Fine with leaving him be when he’s busy and stressed, with dropping off lunch for him and Eri at school whenever he is too tired to remember, waving even though you cannot find his office in all of U.A.’s windows, and definitely with picking up with Eri by yourself and coming home to an empty bed and silence.  
While it does get pretty hard, it is also so worth it, because despite his nonchalance and the rather rational head he keeps on his shoulders, when Aizawa loves, he loves hard; coming home to spoil you both and Eri whenever he can manage, until you’re ready to pop from sweet affection, him always willing to make you dinner, watch cartoons until bedtime, rub your back and wash your hair in the bath, and then fuck you into your mattress to make up for his absence. 
Aizawa has also said he doesn’t want kids. You’re fine with that, too. 
Besides, you have your pets, his students, Eri, who lets you pack her lunch everyday while Aizawa braids her hair... and you are more than content with watching her grow up as Aizawa’s only daughter.
Still… there are moments when your long-accumulated knowledge of him starts to falter, especially when he suddenly starts to cum in you, randomly beginning to press himself into your side at night, his hands dipping into your hips, even staring at you when you go shopping, twisting the pretty engagement ring on your finger when you hand him groceries, his eyes focused on nothing except the way you bend over to help Eri choose which gummy snacks she wants to go with her next school lunch. 
You begin to notice the way Aizawa’s hands linger more on your belly, fingers dipping into your soft stomach whenever he pulls you into his side, arms wrapping around your waist when you cuddle him close. 
Then, you start waking up in the middle of the night to a palm stretched over your navel often, a calloused thumb rubbing circles over the curve of your stomach as his breath slows...
Even when he lays down next to you for a nap, falling asleep to the sight of you reading beside him, you notice how his eyes linger in places they probably shouldn’t, hands reaching out to smooth over your curves and dips as he finally closes his eyes to to the feel of you in his palms. 
You also do not miss the way he wanders into the baby section whenever you take Eri out to buy new clothing, disinterestedly meandering away from you as you hold up sweater after sweater to the little girl’s back, all so he can look at the tiny pastel green and pink jumpers on the colorful racks, running the fabric of periwinkle blue dresses and yellow socks through his fingers, all the little white baby hats small in his large palms. 
He always tosses everything down when you finally catch back up to him with your shopping cart, Eri in tow with her juice box of a reward, but still, it’s hard to miss how he also always seems to pick up packs of pacifiers, bottles, and diapers when he sees them, too, squeezing all the plastics gently as he admires the smiling babies on each of the packagings. 
Aizawa lays on your chest, cheek pressed to your bosom and ear against your heart, the fingers of his hands gently trailing over the soft flesh of your hips. 
You know he is not asleep from his uneven breaths, but he might as well be from the way his eyes are bleary and glazed over, and the fact that he hasn’t changed positions in minutes. 
Holding a magazine in one hand, you card the other through his hair, pushing back the black locks as your nails scratch his scalp and he sighs against your body. 
Breath deep and heavy, he turns his face into your boobs, laying a kiss to the swell of your chest over the plain cotton T-shirt you’re wearing, and you can’t help but smile at his revealing, and now quite regular, behavior. 
“Shota,” you whisper, lips curving upward as he mumbles in response, “is there something you want to discuss?” 
He lets out a short hum of a no, before further snuggling into your chest, one of his arms moving from around your waist to press into your stomach as he shifts his body away from you, grumbling.
Still, you tease, throat bubbling up with joy as you laugh. 
“Does my baby want a baby?” 
Immediately, he makes a face, knitting his eyebrows together as his lips pull into a familiar frown before he turns his face away from your pretty eyes, nose pressing deeper into your side as he turns into you further instead of pulling away. 
His words are brief, succinct, tired as usual, but there is a softness to them that you can’t help but notice, especially when the the hand on your belly does not move an inch. 
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arrowflier · 3 years
I’d love to see you write a fic where they go shopping together for clothes or things for their apartment?
“I still don’t see why we had to come here, man,” Mickey complains as they walk toward the store. “We could have gone literally anywhere else.”
Ian sighs and shoves him through the entry, pausing under the Old Army sign to grab a basket. “You get a discount, Mick,” he reminds him, “and we’re poor.”
Mickey eyes him. “Maybe you’re poor, bitch, some of us actually get to keep our fuckin’ paychecks.”
Ian just rolls his eyes. “Shut up and pick out some damn clothes,” he orders, and thrusts the basket against Mickey’s chest. Mickey fumbles with it as Ian walks away, further into the store, and follows him to a rack of menswear.
Mickey pokes through a few shirts halfheartedly, and grimaces. They’re all plain long-sleeved button-ups. Traditional. Boring.
“I’m doin’ just fine wearing your shit,” he comments, flipping a few more hangers. “Don’t need to buy any of this ugly crap.”
“Fine, pick out something for me, then,” Ian offers. “We’ll trade, you get my old stuff, I get something new.” He pulls a muted yellow flannel from the rack and holds it up to his own chest. “What about this?”
“Fuck no,” Mickey vetoes immediately. “I’ve worn enough yellow for a lifetime, put that thing back.”
Ian sighs. “It’s for me, Mickey,” he points out, but Mickey just shakes his head.
“And I’ll end up wearin’ it, so put it the fuck back, Ian.”
“Wha—” Ian cuts himself off, mouth closing as he shifts his feet before opening again. “That ruins the entire point, Mick!” Mickey almost laughs at the frustrated look on his face, rubbing a hand over his mouth to hide it. It was just too easy to get Ian riled up.
“Are you gentlemen finding everything alright today?” a cheerful voice comes from behind them, and Mickey’s hidden smile turns into a scowl as he turns.
“Don’t you have inventory to do or something, Jeff?” he asks acidicly. His coworker’s eyes widen and throat works as he swallows hard in the face of Mickey’s ire.
“Oh,” the man says, voice considerably higher than before. “Hi Mr. Milkovich. I…didn’t expect to see you here on your day off.”
Mickey snorts. “Yeah, well,” he shrugs. “This idiot here insisted.” He gestures over his shoulder with a thumb to Ian, who has closed the distance between them to stand at Mickey’s side. He’s still holding the ugly yellow shirt, and Mickey glares at him before grabbing it out of his hands an tossing it haphazardly on top the clothes rack.
“Hey,” Ian says casually and with a smile, the complete opposite of Mickey’s greeting in every possible way. “How’s it goin’?”
“Oh, uh, hi,” Jeff mumbles, flustered. He looks back and forth between them, clearly trying to fit them together in his head, before giving up. “Sorry, but how do you two…”
“Know each other?” Ian finishes the question for him. “We live together.”
“Wait, you’re his boyfriend?” Jeff asks, sounding astonished.
“No he fuckin’ isn’t,” Mickey interjects, hating the term. He can feel Ian deflate next to him, and rushes to do damage control. “Only teenagers have boyfriends, you moron.” Ian perks up a little, but Mickey isn’t quite done.
“He’s my partner. Family.”
“Mickey,” Ian says softly, and he refuses to turn and see the embarrassing softness he’s sure is there on his face. He really doesn't want to deal with the implication of Jeff's question that people at work know about them, at least enough to know that Mickey is attached.
“Come on, Gallagher, let’s look over there.” Mickey grabs Ian by the hand and drags him away past Jeff, who’s still standing there looking confused. Mickey wasn’t too surprised—the kid had never seemed real bright.
He’s not looking where he’s going, so when Ian digs in his heels and brings them to a halt, they’re standing in the middle of the women’s section. Mickey takes a deep breath and turns, ready to face his sappy-ass partner, but Ian knows him better than that. Having picked up on Mickey's discomfort, he has something else in mind.
So when Mickey turns around, Ian is holding up a Hawaiian patterned blouse.
“This would look good on you, Mick,” he says with false earnestness, pressing it into Mickey’s chest. Mickey wants to scowl, but he can’t stop from smiling instead. At Ian's silliness, sure, but also at the way he's learned not to push, to meet Mickey where he is. To save the soft shit til later and make a joke instead. To keep Mickey comfortable.
“Yeah?” Mickey asks, taking the shirt from Ian's hands. “Think that’s sexy?” He holds it away from himself and eyes it, head tilted, considering.
“Actually,” he muses, “it’s not half bad. Too bad it’s not in my size.” He throws the shirt back at Ian, nearly hitting him in the head with it, and beelines toward something else that catches his attention.
As Ian hangs the blouse back up, Mickey reaches for a pair of women’s skinny black jeans, with rips at the knee and surprisingly real pockets. He twists them around to look at the back, and whistles.
“Hey, Ian,” he calls back. “Think my ass would look good in these?”
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gojoscloset · 4 years
“Hello, I just read your writing d**k appointment and I like it very much. And suddenly, I saw that you open the request NSFW dialogue prompts. Would you please write prompt 60 “Looks like someone wants to be a dad/mom” with Gojo or Megumi please 🥺”
Bahaha omg I’m so sorry I’m late as hell I’ve been busy with a lot mentally cause I have the attention span of a goldfish.
Please please enjoy, thank you so much for requesting lol. I’m back on my bullshit ✨
60. “Looks like someone wants to be a mom/dad”
Reposted from previous account
Smut obvs.
Breeding kink???? (if you squint)
Cream pie
Mentions of Pregnancy
No proofread??
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“Looks like someone wants to be a mom.”
You didn’t dare look away from what you thought had to be one of the cutest pairs of baby shoes you have ever laid your eyes on.
“Hmm? What do you mean? I just thought they were cute!” you lifted the pair of shoes up and gave your boyfriend a grin.
But Satoru was no idiot.
You see, these past few months have been filled with nothing but waves of emotions and ideas that you would have never thought you would have contemplated this early in life, but a pregnancy scare earlier in the year shook your world and turned it on its axis.
Of course you had imagined a life with Satoru, possibly married in the later years, and a potential family way wayyy down the line. However, you were content with where you two stood. A strong and healthy relationship, 2 consenting adults in love. But you also had to remember you were 2 powerful sorcerers in love. So even with your line of work, kids at the moment seemed really out of the question. Hell, even being in a relationship with someone like Satoru was a blessing with the lives you two lived. So even the idea of bearing his child seemed like you were asking for a lot from the universe.
When your period came late, all your little fantasies and thoughts of having a family took a step closer to becoming reality, you melted at the idea of becoming a mother and all your fears and doubts were thrown out the window.
But alas, the joy left just as fast as it came you were back on your regular schedule the day before your doctor's appointment. Relieved of course, but things weren’t the same.
Day after day you caught yourself indulging more and more in the idea of what your life would be like with a child. Would your first child be a girl or a boy? Whose features would they take on the most? Oh how you prayed to the gods that they would look more like Satoru than anything.
Would you be a good mother? Would Satoru be a good father? There was no doubt in your mind that he would be.
Don’t even get started on the names.
Your gaze would linger when you would pass up children and their parents at a park. Or when you would pass up baby clothes at the shopping strip, you would stop in your tracks and imagine your future child wearing that outfit.
Secretly you would shop for clothes online just to ‘see what they look like’ Or secretly read first time mom forums on breddit just to ‘See how it feels’ but it was so much more than just a passing curiosity.
And of course, You weren’t the only one who noticed the change.
You and Satoru have been in the love game for a respectable amount of time, and have spent the seconds, hours,days,weeks,months,years, in each other's presence. He would absolutely be able to acknowledge when you’d turn your head in the kids section or when your gaze would linger on the little girls in princess dresses at the market, corners of your lips curling just a little.
Or when a toddler at the grocery store handed him a fake phone,in which he pretended to answer with such enthusiasm you would almost believe he was actually on the phone with someone,he could visibly see how your heart melted at the sight. You looked at him like you wanted to marry him on the spot for the rest of the day. A personal favorite memory of his.
Satoru was a dumbass, but he was not stupid.
You didn’t know how much he loved seeing these little things, the little changes in you. Behind his tinted shades and through his long lashes, he would carefully watch your duality go from powerful sorcerer to something maternal.Something you never did in all the time he has known you until after the scare.
It made him want to jump your bones on the spot and put a baby in you every time, but you never brought up the topic despite seeming to be interested in motherhood, and respectfully he left it alone. But you had been caught red handed almost always.
Satoru held himself back when he had various opportunities to talk about it, do you know how hard that is to do as Satoru?
He wanted to press on. He wanted to pry and ask you all kinds of questions regarding the sudden change, but he knew that there was a time and place for everything, and now was definitely not the time nor location.
“Hey, not bad!” He allowed his glasses to slip off the bridge if his nose ever so slightly to get a better view.
“I would wear these if they came in my size”
He joked, you smacked his arm playfully and laughed.
“Cmon lets g-“
You were about to place the shoes back on the rack but he stopped you before you did. He pulled out his phone and snapped a few photos of the shoes and tag.
“I was being serious” he stated plainly, earning another laugh from the both of you.
The rest of the day went on as normal, for the most part. The little interaction at the store replayed not only in your mind but Satoru’s as well.
‘Did I make it too obvious?’
‘Did I overdo it with the shoes?’
‘Is it time to talk about it?’
‘Toru..’ you whined but that didn’t stop him from continuing to bend you like a pretzel while plowing into you.
“Don’t be shy now, you look so good like this. ...And those faces you make....” he licked his lips reaching out to grab your jaw, thumb running across your lip.
Even though you were whining about the embarrassing positions he kept putting you in, your body was on fire and didn’t want this to end.
With every position he managed to go deeper and deeper, hitting places only he knew how to hit. He utilized the curve of his dick just how you liked it, grazing your favorite spots with every thrust.
The way your walls fluttered and clenched against his made them his favorite spots too.
It was crazy to you how Satoru knew your body like nobody else did. He knew every curve, every dip, every corner. He knew what made you weak in the knees and what you disliked with a passion. He knew what made you cream, what made you wet, what made your back arch and your toes curl.
“You like that Hmm?” He bucked his hips, folding your legs up, pushing your knees as close to your chest as possible.
He gazed into your eyes, watching the way your face wrenched in pleasure. He needed that, he loved that. Being able to see your expression contour and twist because of him, god it got him off.
He looked down at you, his usually spiky hair now flattened with sweat, strands sticking to the side of his face. He bit his lip, and gripped your hips with force, bruises were guaranteed.
He brought you closer, you slowed your breathing to control the ride. You two had been fucking long enough to know the Cues, the way your body twitched and the little sounds you would make when you were close triggered the muscle memory and he moved in the way he knew would push you over the edge.
“D..Don't slow down!” You commanded, throwing your head back into the sheets, the familiar tingling sensation starting at your core, his pace picking up, hands trailing down your abdomen, fingers circling around your clit, wet with its own slick.
He couldn’t help but suck on his own bottom lip watching your body rock in rhythm with his, the way your breast bounced, he couldn’t help but grab a handful.
“That’s right baby….” he spoke softly, voice just above the lewd sounds you two we’re making. The squelching, skin slapping skin, the gasping sounds when he would thrust back into you.
He was getting carried away, letting the words just spill from his lips. “Mmmm fuck yeah baby, you feel so fucking good.” He groaned “fuck around and put a baby in you-“
You had been with this man for many many moons, had been through thick and thin, but nothing had prepared you two for that awkward moment.
All movements ceased the second he stopped talking. Both of you pulled away and just looked at each other, embarrassment demonstrated on both of your faces.
Both of you seemed to think about the Barget incident, and then every other incident which made the dirty talk hit different.
“Sorry” Quickly he spoke, in hopes of somehow saving his ass in case things went south.
“W-what for?” You continued to try and mask your feelings about the situation(s), but nothing could get past his eyes.
He was no idiot, you knew that, but you still tried him, because sometimes he lets your shit slide. But not this time.
“Please y/n, I’ve seen the change in you.”
The air was thick, momentarily, but the smile on his face gave you clarity.
“The lingering looks, the shoes at the store… I’ve noticed” his large hands cupped your face, thumb brushing calming shapes against your cheek.
“Is there something we need to talk about?”
He released you from your position and sat up straight.
“Toru…do you really wanna talk about this now?????” Sheepish under the circumstances
“Don’t give me that. We’ve been together too long for you to try and play this game with me.”
His hands found their way to you once again. Pulling you by the wrists, he sat you up and made you look at him as he continued to speak.
“Communication remember?” He was soft, yet stern.
“You haven’t been the same since the missed period incident.” Your jaw dropped, he was on it even with the timing.
There was no sense in hiding anything anymore, this man knows all, this man sees all.
“I’d be lying if I said you were wrong….you see..” you began to pour your heart out, trying your hardest to keep eye contact with him.
“The pregnancy scare heightened the want for a family with you, Satoru. I envision a lot of things, and you being in my future for a long long time is one of them...”
He held your gaze while looking at you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world. He listened intently like you were whispering the secrets of the universe to him.
“But I never brought up the topic of family because we’re-“
“Sorcerers” He finished the sentence for you, the small smile he held earlier now turned into a flat line.
The speed in which he did was almost enough to make you flinch. Bittersweet in a way,at least this confirmed that he too thought about a family with you at one point but considered the circumstances.
A“Exactly..” you continued. “And the scare made me realize what I want in life..with you. But it’s out of reach and it’s not something I wanted to project onto- “
His large hands placed themselves in either side of your face and Satoru showered you with kisses.
“I. Love. You. So. Much.” He spoke in between kisses.
“I love you too, but- AH!!! What are you doing??!”
Satoru pulled you by your ankles, placing himself in between your legs once again.
“Putting a baby in you, that's what.” He gave you such a sweet and loving look, it didn’t match the words that spewed from his lips.
“T-that’s not funny…” Quickly, you covered your entrance before he even thought about it.
“Exactly, because it wasn’t a joke sweetheart.”
“Wait, but what about-”
“We’ll be fine, i’m the strongest, remember?” he gave you a playful wink and grabbed your wrists, playfully prying your hands away, he wasn’t going to do anything though, not without your consent, but seeing how flustered he could make you fed the already enlarged ego he owned.
“Now tell me, do you want a boy or girl? Ooh, what about their names?”
“ Satoru… wait… are you sure? Don’t you wanna think about it a little more?”
He let out a playful laugh and pointed a finger dramatically at you, “Are you sure?”
Without missing a beat you nodded, you wanted this so bad, and by the looks of it, so did he.
“That’s all you had to say, let me take care of you, my pillow princess”
The sultry night was young.How many times have you came already? It didn’t matter.
His arms were wrapped around your entire body, holding you in place as he bounced you up and down his shaft.
“My pretty girl… my sweet sweet princess.” He whispered against your skin, tongue grazing from your collar bone up to your jaw, tasting your sweat. He wanted to breathe you in, and make you his air. The words replayed in his mind as he fucked you senseless.
“and you being in my future for a long long time is one of them...”
“Toru…” Your breathing hitched,, his praise made your walls twitch around him. He got the hint and immediately went to work. In a swift movement you were beneath his form. His skin glistening with a layer of sweat.
“ How do you want it?” he groaned, draping your leg over his shoulder while grabbing the other one, spreading you wider. You were grateful for the change of position, you have been wanting to touch him for a while now but the grip he had you in earlier was not letting it happen.
Your hands hungrily made his way to his chest and arms.
“As long...as I get it…” you managed to mutter through moans. His thrusts became erratic, a sign that he was coming undone as well.
“Look at me..tell me how you want it....tell me how you need it” he licked his lips with desire. You managed to look at him through half lidded eyes, giving him exactly what he wanted, he always did the same for you.
You lifted your hips up some, grinding harder against him, letting more of him fill you up, you could swear you felt his head kiss your cervix. You did a kegel, walls giving his dick a hug.
The actions earned you a breathy moan, he almost lost his cool, it threw off his pace momentarily but when he picked back up, the speed was doubled.
“You like to play dirty, hmm? “
“The only way I like to play…”
“Very well then” he said through grit teeth, finger moving to where you were connected, rubbing your clit in circles without mercy. You were pushed over the edge quickly, mouth Ajar, and body convulsing against him, his movements did not falter.
“That’s my good girl”
He lowered his body down mouth to cage you between his arms, droplets of sweat falling onto the sheets as he tried to avoid sweat falling into your eyes.
“Are you sure?”
He asked once again, not moving an inch until you gave him the go.
You simply stared up at him, goofy grin he always carried on him plastered onto his handsome face.
You gave him the go once again and he bucked his hips.
This particular moment was sweet sweet bliss. Normally Satoru would be careless with his movements when it came to chasing his orgasm, but not this particular one. His touches would linger, fingertips burning themselves into your skin with passion, making their way from your hips to your hands, large fingers filling in the gaps between your own.
His kisses were oh so immaculate. Sweet and soft, but most importantly, abundant.
And the way he spoke your name. Only Satoru could make his words come out like they were coated in honey.
His hips snapped and he gave your hand a squeeze, face in the crook of your neck, the hot breath against your skin forced chills down your spine, with you
“I love you so much…” he groaned into your ear. With a few more bucks of his hips you felt his seed spill into you. You were running on fumes at this point, overkill with the overstim, but that’s how you liked it.
You felt your clit throb, your walls still fluttering against him from your previous climax like they were sucking every last drop of out of him.
He looked down at you silently, but the look on his face, the calm waters in his eyes said everything he needed to say. You couldn’t tear away your gaze, you were already high off the blue dream.
His eyes moved from yours to your lips, they looked needy to him. He bent his head down and planted a kiss, despite the scenario, it was chaste. Innocent. Refreshing.
“I love you.” He repeated, though he had no doubt you felt the same. “I know you do...there is not a single doubt in my mind...and I love you oh so very much, more than I could ever put in words.”
There was another comfortable silence, however, the small smile that was on your face quickly turned into a flustered look when he pulled out of you and spread your legs open, looking at the mess he made inside of you.
“W-what the fuck are you doing?!!”
You laughed nervously and tried closing your legs, but he held them open, too strong for you to try and fight against it.
“I just wanted to see the masterpiece I made. Plus-“ he positioned himself between your legs again
“I’m not done, I want to make sure I get the job done right.”
He gave you a wink, and immediately you knew you were in for a long night.
A very very long night.
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jjungkookislife · 4 years
The Nanny: Happy Halloween
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↬ pairing: single dad!jin x nanny!reader
↬ genre: Halloween au, light smut 18+
↬ summary: Halloween is just around the corner, and Dae is excited to pick out a family costume for the three of you. Jin lets you know how amazing you look in it... all night long.
↬ wc: 2.7k
↬ warnings: light smut (unprotected sex, creampies, dirty talk?), pet names (Jin likes being called baby), some fluff, some angst, matching family costumes, mentions of alcohol, mentions of Jin’s ex (Dae’s mom), one spank
↬ date: October 25, 2020
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Halloween was quickly approaching and Dae couldn’t contain his excitement!  Today, you had shown up to work extremely early, getting into bed with Seokjin before he had to get up and ready for work.  
You were wrapped up in his sheets. Your clothes littered his bedroom floor as his hand caressed your cheek, his lips planting kisses on your neck.  
“I’m taking Dae shopping for his Halloween costume today, so he’ll be ready for Boo at the Zoo this weekend and our Halloween party next weekend.”
“Does he have a costume in mind?” Seokjin asks as he halts the trail of kisses he was directing down your chest.  
“He said it was a surprise.” You shrug, and Jin kisses you again. “He wants us to match for the party though, so we’ll see what he picks out.”
“Please, no face paint. Last year we were Shrek and Donkey. Damn face paint did not come off, and I had to go to the office looking like that. My secretary, Valerie, asked if I was supposed to be Hulk.” Seokjin shuddered at the memory. 
“Got it, baby. No face paint,” you assure him with a kiss on his lips.
“Fuck, I love when you call me baby,” Seokjin murmured against your lips.
“Yeah? I know what else you love.” You grin mischievously with a sparkle in your eyes.
“Oh yeah, and what’s that?” Seokjin asks with a smug smile on his face as you raise the sheets to straddle his hips, not surprised to find him already half-hard.  
You pin his hands over his head, your breasts pressed to his chest as a soft moan escapes him when you roll your hips.
“You love when I ride your cock before work, fucking myself on it until you’re filling me with your cum.” Seokjin licks his lips, nodding in agreement before your lips capture his and you’re doing just that.
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When you arrive at the store, Dae clutches your hand as his eyes widen with wonder as he ooh’s and ah’s at all the possibilities.
You allow Dae to lead you to anything that catches his eye, a smile lighting up his face when he picks up a Spiderman costume.
“Is this what you want to wear to Boo at the Zoo, love?” You ask him as you look for his size on the rack and place the costume in your basket.
“What do you want daddy to wear? You wanna match with him?” you ask as you go down an aisle and spin Dae around when you see the fake blood on some adult costumes.  
“We missed this section.” you fib as you take him to the family costumes instead. On the wall, costumes of pirates, Frozen, and Baby Shark immediately catch your eye. Dae looks at each costume, wondering which he likes the best.
You hover behind him, reaching costumes on the higher shelf so he can get a better look at them.  
Dae is indecisive as he looks at the array of costumes, wondering what he wants to be. The choices overwhelm him and you see his bottom lip tremble. You squat down, turning him to face you as his hand goes to wipe away a stray tear.  
“Hey Dae, it’s okay. You can pick whatever you like and I’m sure your dad and I will love it,” you assure him as you hug him and kiss his cheek. Dae nods as you walk with him further down the aisle. 
Suddenly, Dae begins to wiggle in your arms, so you set him down as he runs to a familiar costume. You giggle when you see it, shaking your head.  
“It’s from the movie we saw yesterday!” He smiles as he shows you the costume and you look to see the matching ones.  
“Is this the one you want, Dae?” You ask to make sure and he nods. Your phone rings in your pocket, making you take it out to see Jin calling you.  
“Daddy’s calling, Dae. Come say hi,” you say as you answer the video call and squat next to Dae-Hyun. He wraps his arms around your neck to squish his cheek against yours and smiles when he sees his father on the screen.  
“Hey, Dae!” Seokjin grins when he sees his son. 
“Daddy!” Dae squeals loudly beside you and you wince, making Jin laugh.  
“Hey babe,” you greet him as you scoot to the side of the aisle to sit on the floor and sit Dae on your lap.  
“I thought you were working through lunch?” You ask as you kiss Dae’s cheek as he reaches out for your phone.  
Jin sighs. “I was going to, but Valerie brought me lunch and forced me to eat. I finished quickly and missed you guys. I can’t wait to get home and see both of you. How about we have a movie night in the living room when I get home?”
“Yes!” Dae exclaims, clapping his hands and smiling.  
“Do you want me to stay over and just go to the z-o-o with you tomorrow?” Jin chuckles when you spell out zoo, knowing that saying the word aloud will make Dae get too excited and then cry when he realizes it’s not until tomorrow night. 
“If you don’t mind, baby. It’s been a rough week and I just want to be with the two of you, honestly. We can get whatever you want for dinner and make a fort in the living room after.”
“Of course I don’t mind. We’re still looking for costumes. He picked out Spiderman for tomorrow, and we’re working on finding a costume for the p-a-r-t-y next week. Although, I think he may have found one for us…” you trail off as you look at the costume right behind you. Seokjin can’t see what it is from his angle, but it piqued his curiosity. 
“What is it? Please, no face paint,” he pouts as he spins around on his desk chair, a hand carding through his hair. 
You chuckle, “no face paint, right Dae?”
“Right!” Dae nods his head as his little hands reach for the bag. 
“I’ll show you at home, but I’ll have him pick out something as a backup in case he changes his mind.”
“Good idea, babe. I gotta go. Lunch is about over,” he sighs, telling Dae he loves him and will see him at home in a few hours.  
“Let me know when you get home, babe. Be safe,” Jin says, and you nod. 
“Will do, Mr. Kim!” You grin, sticking your tongue out at him. 
“Gah!” He winced, eyes wide and tongue sticking out as he gags. “None of that, I’m baby.” 
You giggle at his whisper, “I’ll text you when we’re home, baby.”
Seokjin grins widely and blows you a kiss before ending the call.  
Dae gets out of your lap, immediately pulling the costume off the rack and putting it in your basket. You grab the matching ones and throw them in before asking him to pick out another set.  
He does so, excitedly walking over to the Toy Story section and picking out a Woody costume. You take the matching ones off the shelf in your and Jin’s sizes before heading to the register with Dae on your hip.  
“You think daddy’s gonna love them?” You ask as you tap your card to pay for your items. 
Dae nods excitedly. “Daddy likes whatever I like!”
You smile, kissing his cheek and grabbing your items as you head out of the store.
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When Halloween rolls around the following weekend, Dae and Jin are bouncing off the walls. Both excited to decorate and prepare for the Halloween party that night.  
You’ve yet to show Jin the costume his son has picked out, wanting to surprise him right before the party. He hasn’t even seen the backup one in case Dae decides he no longer wants to be Cousin It from the Addams Family.  
Dae had tried on the costume earlier that morning and laughed at himself. He looked adorable in it, but you cut a bit of the hair to make sure he could see well enough.  
Your costume was hidden in the guest room, waiting to be steamed as you finished the last of the decorations. You were excited but nervous, knowing you would meet Jin’s friends and their families. 
You’d met most of them at Dae’s birthday party, but a few more were stopping by tonight with their own kids. Dae had been excited, talking about all the games he wanted to play and all the candy he would get to eat. 
You had offered to get him ready after laying out Jin’s costume on his bed. He looked perplexed at the pinstripe suit, wondering what it was. 
You helped Dae get ready after you threw your dress on, thankful you had done your hair and makeup earlier in the evening. 
The both of you walk to Seokjin’s bedroom, smiling as you see him staring in the mirror as he tries to figure out who he is. 
“Mon amour,” you greet him with a smile, a dead rose in your hand.  
Seokjin looks up, laughing when he sees Dae and then recognizes your black dress. 
“Cara Mia,” he responds, as he kisses your hand that you’ve extended to him.  
“Don’t we look lovely?”
“We look like the movie!” Dae shouts as he jumps and tries to clap, but the hair of his costume weighs him down. 
“Hey bud, we gotta be careful tonight, okay? Don’t go on the stairs by yourself, baby.” Dae nods at his father's words, screaming when the doorbell rings and Seokjin’s mother calls out to him. 
“Ready?” You ask Seokjin as Dae wobbles on his way to the hallway.  
Seokjin takes your hand in his, kissing your cheek, “ready.”
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“Whoa! You look so hot!” Your best friend greets you when she prances through the front door dressed as Xena, the Warrior Princess.  
You thank her, spinning in a circle to show off your dress, the slit that goes up to your knee showing off your legs. Your friend whistles, complimenting your costume as she follows you to greet the rest of your friends. 
Dae-Hyun is preoccupied, running around the house with his friends, excitedly showing off his costume while trying not to trip.  
Seokjin comes up behind you, his arm wrapping around your waist to hold you close, a kiss pressed to your cheek.  
You melt into his touch, your heart flutters in your chest as you place your hand on his firm chest. Your friend pauses her story, smiling, “you two look fantastic together.”
Seokjin blushes, his ears turning pink as he thanks her and kisses your forehead. You smile bashfully, thanking her as she continues her story.  
Namjoon comes over shortly after, taking Seokjin away for a drink.  
“You look happy,” Namjoon comments as the two men lean against a wall, watching over the party. Seokjin’s eyes find his son, his costume thrown over a chair so he can run after his friends as they go to bob for apples. 
“I am happy, Joon. ___ is amazing,” Seokjin states. Namjoon nods, looking over at you where you’re laughing with your friends. He’s met you a few times, but he’s not too open with new people, so he knows you must think he’s cold or has no interest in you, when in fact, he’s grateful for your presence in his best friend’s life.  
“How’s Dae taking it?” Namjoon asks out of pure curiosity as he sees the little boy run to you. A megawatt smile appears on your face as you see him, immediately scooping him up into your arms and covering his sweet face with kisses that have him laughing and smiling. 
“He loves her so much. I’m thrilled they love each other. I was hesitant to get a new nanny when I hired her. I wasn’t sure how he’d adjust, especially after…” Seokjin trails off, sipping his drink. It’s bitter but not as bitter as the memory of Dae’s mom leaving. 
“You know she isn’t your ex? She won’t walk out like she did.”
Seokjin sighs heavily. “I know, but it’s difficult. Dae already lost his mom. I don’t want him to lose ___ too. I-we love her. What if something goes wrong, and she leaves? Dae’s old enough to know now. He’ll wonder what happened…”
Namjoon shakes his head, “get those thoughts out of your head, man. You can’t talk yourself into disaster when you’re on Cloud Nine with her. She loves you, that’s blatantly obvious, and she loves Dae. Even if things were to go south, which I’m sure won’t happen, she’d still be there for Dae. Anyone can see how much she genuinely loves him.”
Seokjin looks over at you and Dae, the two of you holding hands as you gather up his friends to play with them all.  
“Give yourself a chance,” Namjoon says, finishing his drink. “You deserve happiness too.”
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“I loved his costume!” Mrs. Kim exclaims as she holds a sleepy Dae in her arms.
“He picked it out himself,” you state as you rub his back, not wanting to let him go.  
“I hope it wasn’t the live-action one.” Mrs. Kim gives you a worried look and you shake your head.  
“He’s only watched the animated one. I think the live-action ones are a bit too much for him right now. I’m sure when he’s older he’ll appreciate both movies in full like I do.”
Mrs. Kim nods, telling her husband to get Dae’s overnight bag. You pout, but Jin wraps his arm around your shoulders, kissing your temple.  
Dae had thrown a tantrum when his grandparents were getting ready to leave, wanting to go with them. Seokjin had been reluctant to let him go, wanting to spend Halloween night with his son.  
Dae, however, said he missed his grandparents and his mother reminded the both of you he hadn’t spent the night since the previous month, so Seokjin agreed to let him go, but only for the night.  
“We’ll text you when we’re home,” his mother assured you as they take their leave and you’re left alone in the empty home with a mess. 
Seokjin looks over the living room, smiling, “I’d say the party was a success.”
“A mess,” you giggle as you walk toward the stairs holding his hand.  
“The cleaning crew will be here tomorrow afternoon, babe.”
“So we can sleep in?” You ask as you go up the stairs, Seokjin’s eyes planted firmly on your ass and the mesmerizing way your hips sway, accentuated by your dress. His mouth waters at the sight.  
“Yes, we have a long night ahead of us,” he says with a cheeky grin. You look at him from over your shoulder, catching him staring at your ass before he notices you’re looking at him. 
He grins smugly, winking at you before his hand smacks your ass when you reach the top step.  
“What does our long night entail?” You ask him as you lead him down the hall toward his bedroom.  
“Me appreciating you in that dress. You look phenomenal, baby. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you all night,” he admits as his lips press against yours, his hips pressing you into his bedroom door. Your hand reaches back to turn the knob, fumbling into the bedroom.  
You walk over to his bed, sitting on it and exposing your leg once you move the slit of the dress to the side. Seokjin catches a glimpse of the garter belt you’re wearing underneath, and his cock throbs in the confines of his pants.  
“Well, Mrs. Addams, looks like it’s gonna be a long night indeed,” Seokjin leans down to kiss you, his hand on your thigh as you fall back onto the bed with him on top of you. 
Jin’s lips kiss their way up to your arm exaggeratedly, the wistful look in his eyes making you smile.  
“Cara Mia,” he murmurs against your neck, teeth nipping and sucking at the skin. Your hand wrapping around him to pull him closer, fingers threaded in his hair.  
“Happy Halloween, mon amour.”
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Hello author here to bring a couple of after stories for cute aggression, hope you enjoy them, they will published at any time so enjoy
After story #1
Everything with Katsuki was going well, ever since the news of your quirk and you taking a  bit of time to yourself and casually going on dates with him, it had been going well. The only thing that you didn't like was the fact he was so busy with work, so dates were scarce, and what was even worse was the damm reports that swarmed the two of you when you were enjoying some street food.
Katsuki ended up exploding a camera, and getting in trouble with the Hpsc, you were in the background laughing at the abusrtry of the citation, what you didn't like was when someone shoved a camera in your face, katsuki being well katsuki was still over protective, even with the nullifying bracelet on, so seeing a reporter get thrown across the street by and angry katsuki while you were just trying to enjoy your crape.
Of course the reporters did see the nullifying bracelet and started asking questions, and Katsuki in all his glory told them to shove their damm questions up their ass, shit them out and step in it, always subtle. .
Right now you were reading a magazine, it was getting late you wondered if Katsuki was going to call tonight, he was always so busy it kinda sucked not being in his aprtment now, but this arrangement was the best at the moment, you tossed your magazine on the coffee table and sat back going on your blog feed, maybe being the ‘girlfriend’ of Katsuki bakugou, the second strongest hero in japan, was giving you a lot of attention not all good attention.
“She ain't even that pretty, why is he dating her.” “She looks so dull :/ Bakugo deserves better if you ask me.”
“Isn't she just distracting him from his hero work, how selfish can this woman be.”
“Why is he dating someone who is so weak looking, you think katsuki would be into stronger women.”
“Yall just jealous.” you said sticking your tongue out at the phone before going back to looking at funny bunny videos, when your phone finally rang, seeing  “angry pompom boyfriend” pop up.
“Hello~” you chirped
“Hey, you picked up on the first ring, you've been waiting for a call?” he asked
“Maybeeee.” you said “how was work, make anyone bleed?”
“ONly the ones that deserved it, altho i got scratch on my arm, not important-”
“NUcked how deep is the cut, i know when you say a scratch it usually means you need stitches!” you said
“Okay fine three stitches, it isn't anything stop worrying about me.” he said
“Can't stop me.” you said
“Look im going to be fine stop worrying about me, anyway an old class mate invited me to this dumb event, and did youw ant to be my plus one?”
“Really what class mate, what's the event?”
“THe hero Froppy, she has this water park , and she invited all the classmates, except for one to join.”
“Ohhh frobby, the frog one, yes her, well the thing is i would love to go but i have a problem.”
“I don't have a bathing suit and I'm not a good swimmer.” you said
“I'll take you bathing suit shopping dn keep you in the kid section.” KAtsuki said
“I'm not a kid.” you huffted
“Well you said you swim like one.” Katsuki said “besides it will be fine if you are going to be surrounded by a bunch of heroes no one is going to let you drown.”
“True, but do they know of my quirk?” you asked
“The doctor said your quirk isn't really effective if it's just a couple of hours, you can explain it to them or I can.” KAtsuki said “So you want to go or not?”
“Yes, I wanna go.” you said “where and when should i meet you for bathing suit shopping?” “I'll pick you up tomorrow around 3.” Katsuki said
“I can meet you there, you know.”
“Just let me do this.” Katsuki said
“Okay thanks katsuki, also don't stress your arm out mr stitches.” you said
“It's almost healed anyways.” Katsuki said “i'll be there at 3 so be ready.”
“I will, byeee love you suki.”
“Don't go all soft on me.” KAtsuki said as you could practically feel the heat from his blush through the phone “...bye.” Click
He was so awkwardly cute sometimes, hard to believe that he tried to keep you locked up in a remote cabin in the woods a few months ago, still a waterpark, they were always so expensive so you never want, i mean the beach and bathtub were just as good, it was mostly spending time with Katsuki you were happy about.
So when Katsuki was standing outside your apartment, at 3:10, waiting ten minutes as you were putting your hair up, you opened the door
“Finally took you long enough, when i say 3, i mean 3.” he said
“And you should know by now , I'm probably going to be ten minutes late.” you said “also is that anyway to speak to your partner.”
He flicked your forehead
“Well it's rude to keep your partner waiting, now let's go.” Katsuki said as you walked to his car, and turned on the music, you were mumbling the words under your breath and bopping to the beat with your head. Katsuki was unknowingly tapping the steering wheel with you.
You finally arrived at the swimsuit shop and happily made your way in only to see katsuki take a seat outside the store
“Ahem.” you said
“What?” Katsuki said
“Aren you going to come in with me?” you asked
“I'm pretty sure you can dress yourself.” Katsuki said, you sighed
“Okay fine Guess I have to deal with all the leechers' eyes on me when I try them on.”
“What?” Katsuki said
“Don't you know there are always those men who like to hang around to be able to see women in swimsuits, and there are a few bikinis in there that look cute.” you said knowing how to push his buttons, so he went in glaring at any dude who even glanced your way, you were looking through the racks of swim sits and held up one that looked more like it belong in a lingerie section
“Katsuki, why are they selling a swimsuit that's just a bunch of strings?” you asked and he put it back on the rack and replaced it with a one piece, you kept looking and saw one that made you laugh
“Hey katsuki you never told me you had a swimsuit deal.” you said holding up a Dynamigth brand bikini
“Wasn’t my idea when they said a swimsuit line, I thought they were talking about athletic swimwear.”
“Hmm, maybe I should get this.” you said and he put it back on the rack and put a different one on
“No.” he said bluntly, he was so easy to tease, you found a couple more you liked, but you were torn between a cute pink one, and black and orange one
“What's taking so long in there?” Katsuki asked as he was slumped against the wall
“I can't decide.” you said, “Katsuki 1 or 2?” 
“1” he said
“Okay this one it is then.” you said walking out in the orange and balck one, before he pushed you back in
“Okay looks great now go get dressed and let's check out already.” he said
“Geez you hate it that much.” you said
“It's fine.”
“Oh so just fine.” you said
“I said it looks great, look can we leave now, i hate swimsuit shopping.” Katsuki said
“Never would've guessed.” you said, walking out in your clothes with the orange swimsuit in hand, as you went and checked out, you passed by the mens swim suits and then had a thought
“Hey Katsuki do you need new swim trunks?” you asked
“No.” he said “I buy the same black swim trunks from the same brand every summer.” Katsuki said
“That is so like you.” you said eye a pair of pink swim trunks with white teddy bear faces on them.
“No, I see what you are looking at, and I'm saying no.” Katsuki said, as you tugged his sleeve
“Can you at least try them on?” you said
“No.” Katsuki said
“Pretty please.” you said
“Adding pretty to the front isn't gonna change my mind.” he said, and you stared at him giving him that look”Don't you dare.”
“Suki, can you pretty please with a cherry on top, try them on.” you said, and that's how you got Katsuki To wear a pair of pink swim trunks with white teddy bear faces on them, he looked extremely pissed off like usually, as you were smiling happy to yourself
“Aww you look so cute.” you cooed and took a photo
“I swear i'm never going to forgive you for this.'' Katsuki said as he closed the door and walked out of the store, you wrapped your arm around his and happily strolled around the mall, getting some Boba together, it wasn't a surprise Katsuki got a Mangoada. You were happily sipping on the peach one you got, as katsuki tried to harass you to try some, even though time and time again you made it clean you didn't like the spice.
Still the two of you saw the time and had to get going to enjoy the water park. Katsuki seemed a bit on edge, maybe seeing his old classmates was making him nervous.
“Oh wow is that momo, and Shoto?” you said “They are in the same ranks as you, oh look it's Kaminari and denki.” 
“Hey look who decided to come join us.” Denki said as Katsuki parked his car and mumbled under his breath and walked out “Look, Mr. Antisocial decided to join us.”
“Can it.” KAtsuki said
“Or what you’ll blow my head off.” Denki then shut his mouth as he saw you come out of the car “I mean...heyyyyy (name)!”
“Hi denki.” you said
“Oh so this is Katsuki Girlfriend.” Sero said, popping out from behind Kirishima “gotta ask what does this little lady see in that brute over there.”
“Katsuki is a great boyfriend.” you said “your name is Hanta right?”
“OH please just call me Sero.” He said sticking his hand out and you shook it only to be taped to his hand “Gotta say im stuck to you.”
“Watch yourself.” Katsuki said pulling you hand off, and just great another flirt, so now you had to deal with denki, sero and kirishima to an extent, the red and white one didn't seem too interested “and look here is the thing about my girlfriend, i think she should explain it though.”
“Thanks katsuki, i have a quirk that has a tendency to make people's emotions about me a little, off the charts with how they feel about me, so Katsuki is wearing the bracelet since there was a incident in april, denki and kirishima were there.” You said and Sero nodded his head
“Noted.” He said patting your head And katsuki slapped his hand away “you sure the bracket works though
“You should have seen him before he had that on.” Denki said,as the front door opened and froppy waved them in
“HI everybody, glad to see those who could make it, I'm surprised to see Bakugou here.” she said
“Sweet lets go!” Kirishima said and you walked in and went into the changing room, a little weird to be left alone with another pro hero, still you got in you bathing suit and momo came out.
“Oh hello.” She said “I didn't get to introduce myself earlier, im Momo.” she said “you are (name) right.”
“Yes, that's me.” you said “So you were one of Katsukis classmates?” “Yes I was, he was...interesting back then.” she said  as the female gym locker slammed open
“Heyyyy heyyy.” you heard and saw a head of bright pink hair and skin walk in “MOMO! “Mina you were able to make it.” she said
“Sure was and….wait a second who is this, i don't remember this face being in our class, she looks a little younge.”
“Oh i'm Katsuki girlfriend.” you said, and she let out a loud gasp
“Mina you are a little loud.” Momo interjected
“Ohhh sorry.” she said turning back to you “is that why you choose the orange and balck swimsuit, tell me everything.”
“You will have to excuse Mina, because she loves other people's relationships.” Momo said, and mina looked at her and gave a mischievous smile
“Speaking of relationships, how are you and Todoroki doing?” she asked
“There is nothing of that sort going on between us.”Momo said,as MIna kept pestering her for information, you decided to leave the locker room, only to see Katsuki waiting by the bench right outside of it, making you jump.
“You ready?” he asked solving an inner tube at you
“Yup, A girl named MIna showed up late.” you said, and Katsuki let out a grone, as Momo walked out looking disheveled as MIna followed and looked at katsuki.
“Still why couldnt of Jiro come?” denki said as kirishima have hima reassuring pat on the back
“Hey be lucky this many classmates were able to come
“Still jiro would have known the best music to play over the loudspeakers and holy moly of god look.” Denki said, as Kirishaim inked him on the head “ow.” “Don't go ogling the girls dude.” Kirishaim said “OH WOW MOMO YOUR MUSCLES ARE REALLY IMPRESSIVE.”
“Thank you kirishima.” she said and getting in the water
“Hey hey hey.” Mina said “i don't hear you saying my muscles are impressive.”
“Oh, well they are.” Kirishima said as Mina put him in a headlock and noggied him, at least you know where Kirishima got his sense of greeting from. Shoto was in the wave pool in an innertube with his eyes closed, he almost looked dead. Kirishima was running away from mina and jumped into the pool splashing you and Katsuki on the side, you shrugged and jumped in with the inner tube, katsuki had his feet in the pool
“Aren you coming in?” you asked
“No thanks.”Katsuki said, as you saw a blob of red under the water swimming towards Katsuki and then grabbing his nakel pulling him in, kirishiam popped his head above the water and was laughing and swimming away from his friend who was out for blood, you sighed wishing you could play along with them, when sero jumped in next to you.
“Hello again.” he said, and you gave him a polite smile
“Hello.” you said
“So i'm guessing you can't swim that well?” Sero said, you nodded, so he pulled out a piece of tape from his elbow and attached it to the tube, and started swimming, pulling you alone “Off we go.”
You were laughing as Katsuki finally got his hands on kirishima and threw him over his head and kirishima landed about a good five feet away with a loud splash, katsuki ran a hand through his hair before looking over to where you laughing was coming from, and he nearly blew a gasket. He swam over and grabbed the other side of the tube
“Hey, what do you think you are doing?” Katsuki said as he wasn't really asking
“OH hey bakugou, im hanging out, she can't swim that good so im giving her a free ride.” Sero said acting all innocent as sero pulled the tube towards him, and then katsuki pulled it back, you weren't really into the whole tug of war so you slipped out the bottom, katsuki looked down and let go causing the tube to smack Sero in the face, as he pulled you above water
“Hey what was that , you can't swim well.” Katsuki said, “Look, just get on my back.”
“Okay.” you said as you latched yourself on his back and he started swimming off
“He is so whipped.” Denki said to sero
“Haha definitely.” Sero said rubbing the red mark that was on his face, Momo was int he wave pool talking to Shoto as he just nodded his head, as mina came by with Kirishima to you and katsuki
“Hey wanna chicken fight?” she asked
“What's that?” you asked
“It's when you sit on someone's shoulders and then you try to push the other person off.” she said
“Hmm sounds interesting but I'm at a disadvantage here.” You said, “What do you think katsuk.”
“Eh.” KAtsuki said
“He is just chicken he is going to lose.” Kirishiam said
“Definitely.” MIna said
“OH you are going to regret saying that.” Katsuki said “(name) get on my shoulder now.”
“Uhh okay.” you said getting on and MIna sitting on kirishima
“Ready set...go!” she said pushing on your shoulder, oh so this was you were supposed to do, you grabbed her shoulders as Kirishima dn Katsuki were trying to remain balanced
“You are going down.” Katsuki said
“Haha you think your girlfriend can beat a pro hero.” Kirishima said, and that comment made you upset, now you want victory.
“Katsuki move back...now!” you said as mina lunged forward and Katsuki dogged her and she fell face first into the water taking kirishima face with her, they both emerged looking angry at both of your dirty tactics to win, as both of you were laughing, kirishima grabbed katsuki ankle again and dragged him under, you started splashing as Kirishima caught you.
“Katsuki let off an explosion underwater sending a stream of water smack dab into Kirishima face as he took you back, mina was laughing at Kirishima face of shook, denki was also laughing in the background.
Over all, every eventful day at the water park it was getting rather late so the pool lights came on, and katsuki was pulling you along by your arms as you were kicking your legs.
“YOu can be a perfectly good swimmer, you should practice at my pool.” Katsuki said, as sero and denki were lounging the chairs and mina and kirishima were racing down the water slide, Shotot and momo were in the lazy river.
Tsu came out from under the water and said that the park was closing soon, shoto and momo were the first to leave, maybe mina was right, something could be going on between them, or they were good friends.
Katsuki was drying your hair off as Denki kept commenting on how he wasn't doing it right and he was going to rip your hair out, sero pulled him away and the two of them left. And Kirishima had to drag Mina out since she was suggesting a  sleepover in the water park.
“Later guys, it was nice seeing you again (name).” Kirishima said
“You too.” you said and waved them off
“Byee it was nice meeting you.” Mina said
“Byee you too.” you replied, as katsuki removed the towel  from your hair
“Did you have fun today?” Katsuki asked
“SUre did, and I think I learned to swim a bit better today as well.” you said, “I'm hungry and tired though.”
“Well...i mean, if you want, i can make you something at my house and stay over, like old times...only if you want.”
“Hmmm tempting.” you said “you aren going to lock me up right.”
He flicked your forehead at that comment
“NO dumdum, remember this bracelet I'm wearing.” Katsuki aid holding his wrist up only for you to notice it was gone, then katsuki noticed it was gone as well “...fuck.”
“Uhhh katsuki where is the bracelet?” you asked
“SHit it must of fell off when i was swimming.” Katsuki said “hey frog girl i lost something in the pool!”
“What was it?” she asked
“MY nullifying bracelet.” Katsuki said 
“Oh, yeah you were wearing a bracelet when you came here, i'll go scoop out the pool for you.” she said and jumped in the water, as you are starting to get a little on edge.
“Hey, look don't worry, i've only been around you a couple of hours, I'm sure.” Katsuki said
“...you asked me if you wanted me to come to your apartment, what is that supposed to make me think when the thing is off.” you said
“Hey it wasn't like that okay, look i mean i miss you and all that sure, but i'm not going to try that bullshit again.” Katsuki said as you scooted away from him
“I think i should go in the washroom till you get it back on.” you said getting up and walking into the women washroom and sighing, you scratch the back of your head, how long was the bracelet off.
“Found it.” Tsu said handing it back to him, Katsuki quickly snached it back and put it on and let out a sigh of relief
“...thanks...look can you go in and tell her it's found.” Katsuki said, she just nodded, it was weird to see Katsuki that freaked out, she went in and found you on the bench inside
“Hey, I found that bracelet.” She said “I don't really know the whole story but it seems really important, you both seem a bit freaked out?”
“Oh you found it, thank you.” you said looking up “And yeah it's kind of a long story.”
“You had a quirk you didn't know about that makes people's emotions about you more extreme?” She asked, you nodded her head “Well at least you know that Katsuki likes you, truth be told not a lot of classmates ever thought he would be in a relationship, and when he got into a bad one we were worried, still he seemed more worried to get the thing back on.”
“Really?” you asked, she nodded
“Yup, Bakugo has been extreme his whole life however, but I'm sure even his care for you is the same as in his hero work, Bakugo has always been the type to put his 100% in everything.”
“Yeah he really is great, I'm just worried.” You said
“Well you should talk to him about it, because he had a very worried expression on his face.” She said “I am going to have to close up now, hope you two sort everything out.”
You walked out and saw Katsuki waiting by the car, you walked over
“You all good-” he started but you cut him off with a hug “why what are you doing?”
“Physical affection.” you said your words muffled by his chest “Sorry for getting so freaked out, i know that you would tell me if you were starting to feel that way again.”
“You are really dumb soemtimes.” Katsuki said, patting your head “you still wanna come over for dinner?” he asked and you nodded your head.
One step at a time you supposed 
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jamie-leah · 4 years
War of Wolves (14)
Season 1
Episode 14 - Behind Enemy Lines 
Bucky x Reader
Summary: You have been on the streets for the past two years, ever since your accident that left you with the ability to tell if someone is lying. You work as an informant for the white wolf and his mob but you had never met him…until you overhear a phone call that leads you to saving his life. Now he wants you to work for him. Its an offer you couldn’t refuse…right?
Word Count: 1805
Warnings: Swearing, aggression, violence 
A/N: Another part for you, feeling rough going into the holiday season so this is for anyone not feeling quite like themselves. I hope you do soon. I also welcome nagging for the next parts because I will forget. Enjoy Lovelies. 
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WoW Masterlist.    Series Masterlist    Oneshot Masterlist 
Steve and Peggy come home a few hours later, just as the movie you and Bucky were watching was over. You can hear them giggling about something and you look at Bucky with a smile. 
They walk into the living room, Peggy rubbing her stomach and Steve’s arm around her waist. You give them a bright smile, “did you guys have fun?”. 
Peggy nods, “yes, thank you so much for offering to babysit while we went on a date”. 
You wave her off, “it’s no problem, the kids were great. Just let us know when you want to do it again”. You all say your farewells as you and Bucky leave and get into the car. 
On the drive back you play with Bucky’s fingers as you say, “can I go shopping tomorrow? In the city?”. 
Bucky looks over at you before looking back at the road, “of course Doll, you don’t have to ask me for permission, just tell me you’re going so I know where you are and safe”. 
You nod, “I know. Its just, I don’t know how to get there because I can’t-well I don’t want to drive”. 
Bucky is lost in thought before asking, “you wanna go tomorrow?”, you nod as he carries on, “okay, I’ll sort something out for you baby-doll”. He smiles at you and you kiss his hand in thanks.
You wake up the next day to another note on the pillow next to you: Morning Doll, come to the office when you’re awake and ready to go shopping. I love you, B. 
You smile at the last words as butterflies flutter in your stomach and chest. You get dressed and skip down the stairs and make your way to his office. 
You don’t knock as you walk in to see Sam and Steve at the desk with Bucky and another man you can’t see who it is from behind. 
They stop talking as you get closer and the guy turns around. It takes you a minute but when you realise who it is you smile and hug him. You pull back to him giving you a smile too, “Ray! I can’t believe its you!”. 
Ray used to be your handler when you were a homeless informant. You both got on quite well and you wondered now and then if you would ever see him again. He chuckles, “hi Y/N”. 
You look at Bucky and then back at Ray, “what are you doing here?”. 
Bucky answers for Ray, “I thought that he could drive you into the city and keep an eye on you for me, since I have to stay here and sort out this problem”. 
You smile at him and then at Ray, “thank you Ray. Is it okay if you bring the car around and I’ll join you in a sec?”. 
He nods and heads out of the office. You turn to Bucky, “thank you”. You lean over the desk and give him a kiss. 
He smiles which turns into a smirk as you say, “can I have some money for shopping?”. 
He reaches a hand inside his suit jacket and pulls out a card holding it out for you. You just stare at it for a while before he waves it, “its yours. Keep it, there’s plenty of money in there”. 
You take it slowly, “do I even want to know how much is in there?”. 
He laughs, “just don’t go buying a mansion and I think you’ll be fine”. 
You kiss him again and whisper, “I love you”. 
You see a blush creep into his cheeks slightly as he fights a smile. Before you pull away completely he whispers, “I love you too”.
You catch up with Ray on the drive to the city which distracts you from the anxiety of being in the car. It goes by quickly and before you know it Ray is parking up and you’re getting out of the car. 
You both grab some food first after the long drive and catch up further and then Ray follows you as you pick which shops to go in. You were shopping in the men’s section of a shop which prompted Ray’s next question, “so, you and Bucky huh?”. 
You smile at him, “trust me, I did not plan on it happening”. 
You were searching for his size on the rack for a red Henley shirt when Ray says, “I think you guys suit each other”. 
You laugh, “yeah, a homeless girl and a mob boss”. 
He goes serious for a second, “he was homeless too at some point in his life”. 
You look over to Ray surprised, “I didn’t know that”. 
Ray nods like he understands why he wouldn’t tell you, “he doesn’t like talking about it. I only know because some of the boys who worked under the old boss knew about it and told me”. 
You think about it for a while as you pick up a range of Henley shirts and jeans for him. It does make sense that he makes use of homeless informants. He would know how useful they were for spying and you understand why he didn’t tell you, since you weren’t thrilled telling people you were homeless either.
You and Ray talk as you pick up a few more things. You go into a kid shop thinking about Sarah and Joseph as you ask Ray, “are you married Ray?”. 
He chuckles, “no, I’m not. I have a girlfriend though…we haven’t told anyone yet, but we found out last week that she’s pregnant”. 
You look at him with shock and happiness, “oh wow! Congratulations Ray! That’s wonderful. Well, if you see anything here you want to get-“. 
He waves you off, “oh no, I couldn’t”. 
You shake your head, “honestly Ray, its nothing. If you see something, tell me and I’m getting it”. He gives you a grateful smile as you look at new born clothes with him. 
You were laughing with him about what one t-shirt said until shadows fall across the two of you. You glance behind you and stiffen. It was Isaac Williams being trailed by two rather big looking guys. 
He smiles at you, not even acknowledging Ray, “expecting, are you?”. 
You put the baby shirt back, “no”. 
He keeps his creepy smile, “then why were you looking at baby clothes?”. 
“It’s not really any of your business”, you keep your words clipped. You’re finding it harder to be civil with him after finding out what he did to those men. 
You can feel Ray get slightly closer to you as Isaac loses the fake kindness in his smile, “that was rude Y/N. I was only asking you a question”. 
You narrow your eyes at him, “and what exactly are you doing here?”. 
“I had business to attend to”, he keeps it vague on purpose. 
You don’t let up, “in a kid store?”. 
He chuckles, “elsewhere. But I saw you coming in and couldn’t help myself”. 
You grab Ray’s arm and look at Isaac, “well, as fun as this was, we need to get going”. 
Isaac slides smoothly, blocking your escape, “I would like to invite you to carry on this conversation back at one of my estates”. 
Alarm bells start ringing loudly in your head and you have to fight the urge to reach for your phone and speed dial Bucky, “like I said, me and my friend have somewhere else to be”. 
Isaac laughs, “oh silly me, its my fault. I guess invitation implies that I’m giving you a choice”. 
Your heart races as you stare at him. You feel Ray move and so do Isaac’s guys. They reach behind them like they’re about to pull a weapon, so Ray stops. 
Isaac tuts, “now now, let’s not make this difficult. I just want to get to know you better Y/N, without Bucky around”. 
Anger spikes in you, “well I don’t want to get to know you better. So, I’ll pass”. 
You stare at each other for a few minutes and you barely register the flick of his fingers before one of his guys punches Ray in the face. Ray ends up on the floor from the surprise attack as the same guy kicks him. 
You start to go to Ray when Isaac yanks you back. Another kick lands into Ray and you look around the shop to find it pretty much empty and no one looking. You can’t risk calling for help and others getting hurt.
You turn to him, venom in your eyes, “stop it. Leave Ray and I’ll come with you”. When he lets you go, his guy backs away from Ray. You go over to Ray and check him over. You see he’s bleeding from his lip as he coughs from the kicks. 
He whispers, “don’t go with him for me”. 
You take a tissue out of your pocket and dab at his lip, “its fine Ray, we don’t really have many other choices, do we? Just ring Bucky and tell him it was Isaac Williams”. 
That’s all you get to say to each other as Isaac clears his throat, “let’s go before we make a scene. Nice meeting you Ray”. 
You lay a hand on Ray’s shoulder before getting up and walking with Isaac out the store. You’re silent when you get into the car. Isaac gets in the back with you. 
It wasn’t long into the ride when Isaac turns to you, “give me your phone”. 
You don’t even look at him when you ask, “why?”. 
He sighs, “because I’ve told you to”. 
You laugh before saying, “what’s the point in giving you my phone when you and I both know that Ray is calling Bucky right now”. 
You hear annoyance seeping into his voice, “yes, I’m well aware of that. I just don’t want you getting any ideas of recording our conversations or letting Bucky listen to it”. 
You feel your stomach knot as you carry on defying him. You know you should just do what he asks, but you’re stubborn and it makes you even more sick complying with him. So, you stare straight ahead and ignore him. 
His hand whips out and grabs your arm hard. You feel his fingers dig in as you turn to look at him. His expression is dark as he yanks on your arm pulling your body closer in the car. His voice is low when he speaks again, “give me your phone”. 
You give him a disgusted look as you use your other hand to reach in your pocket and pull out your phone. He snatches it off you and pushes you away from him, “see? That wasn’t so hard was it?”. 
You just scoot into the corner of the car and look out the window, fighting the urge to be sick.
WoW Taglist: @a-really-bi-girl @crazyblonde124 @summerwelsh @scuzmunkie @loving-life-my-way @Pequenaguaxinim @paranoid-borderline-insane @lilsonbucky @somanyfandomsblog @broco8 @inquisitor-selvala @mad-red @k-n-e @rinkashirikitateku @duhh-danielly @boundtomyfate @kalesrebellion @booktease21 @whatinthyworld @flyingbabyunicornnamedangel @asapkyndall @yaszx @amoredashley @aveatquevale @putinovertime @melimelbean @voltage-my2dlove @lokilokilokilokilokiloki
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Il fait un pas à l'extérieur
Existence in Real Time - Chapter 2
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark! Reader
A/N: The title of this chapter is in french because this is my first semester without taking french and I miss it and it sounds pretty, it means ‘he takes a step outside’
Summary: Peter is allowed out into the world for the first time for a shopping trip with (y/n)
Series Masterlist
Regular Masterlist
After two weeks out of the lab Peter truly felt like he was starting to understand how things in the outside world worked. He’d been trying his best to get an understanding of pop culture and how you were supposed to talk to others casually, and there had been some hiccups, but (y/n) kept telling him he was doing great. Peter had quickly decided his initial feelings about (y/n) had been spot on, she was incredibly kind and patient and seemed to have no qualms about spending her free time with him. In fact she seemed to enjoy it as much as he did. She’d come home from school everyday with a list of new things to show him, or a backpack full of different snacks for him to try, and during his first weekend in the penthouse she’d shown him how to order take out so he could try new things while she wasn’t there. Tony was nice too, fun even, but he was usually more interested in Peter’s powers and asking about the lab. He didn’t mind it really, but the rest of the world was much more exciting, and new, and it was a lot more fun than reminiscing about the lab.
For his second weekend at the penthouse (y/n) had promised they’d be doing the thing he’d been looking forward to the most: exploring the city. Tony had given them very strict instructions to let him know exactly where they’d be, and call him if they saw anything even a tiny bit suspicious, but it was still a level of leniency and trust far beyond anything Peter had ever experienced. He had been buzzing all week at the thought, writing up an extensive list of things he wanted to do while they were out. He’d excitedly presented it to (y/n) at 8 a.m sharp on Saturday morning, to which she’d told him to get out of her room and let her sleep in or else, and he’d in turn returned to the living room to try and wait patiently for her to get up. Lucky for him she’d dragged herself into the bathroom at 10 and declared herself ready by 10:30.
“Alright, let’s see that list,” she yawned as they stepped into the elevator.
“Here,” he passed it to her, smiling like it was Christmas morning, “I’m sorry I woke you up so early.”
“It’s okay, just not a morning person,” her eyes scanned over the list with a small hum, “You should knock before you come into people’s rooms though, in case they’re changing or something.”
“Sorry, I won’t do it again,” he promised, “So, uh, do you think we can do all of it?”
“We’ll try, but we can go back out tomorrow if we don’t. What did you want to do first?”
“Well you keep talking about shopping so I thought we could do that first, and then maybe we could eat lunch in central park?”
“Okie dokie, do you wanna get clothes or like try and decorate your room?”
“Can we go to a store with both?”
“Sure, Nordstroms isn’t far and they have everything,” she waved to a man in the lobby as they exited the elevator, “That’s Happy, he’s our driver.”
“His name is Happy?” Peter raised a brow.
She nodded, “Yep.”
“That’s a weird name.”
She rolled her eyes at him before addressing the man, “Hey Happy, this is Peter, dad told him about you right?”
Happy nodded, “Yep, nice to meet you kid.”
“You too. So you drive cars?”
Peter’s introductions could still use a little work.
Happy raised a brow at (y/n), who just pursed her lips, “Yeah, I drive cars.”
“Cool,” Peter glanced to (y/n), not really sure what he should say next.
She smiled and collapsed her hands in front of her, “Happy can you take us to Nordstrom's first?”
He nodded, “Yeah, hop in, I’ll drive the car.”
Peter’s eyes had been glued to the window the entire dive, watching everything they passed in absolute awe. Each block had been packed with more people than he’d met in his entire life, and when they arrived at the store he nearly had a heart attack at the amount of people piling in and out of the doors. Happy had dropped them off right in front of the doors, telling (y/n) to call him when they were ready to leave. She’d grabbed Peter by the arm, weaving them through the crowd with an amount of grace he was certain he would never be able to match.
“Here,” she finally shoved them both onto the escalator, giving Peter a much needed moment to breathe, “The mens and home sections are both upstairs, which do you wanna hit first?”
“Uh, mens.” Truthfully, Peter was getting a little overwhelmed by the crowd, “Is it gonna be this busy up there?”
“I don’t think so. It’s usually not as busy upstairs,” she got on her tiptoes to try and peak at the upper floor, “Why?”
“Nothing, just wondering,” he forced a smile.
She frowned, “You don’t like crowds?”
Peter flushed, “I don’t know, I’ve just never been around this many people.”
“If it’s too much we can go,” she set a hand on his upper arm, squeezing lightly, “I’m sorry Peter, I should have thought about that. We can try going places that are calmer first.”
He shook his head, “I wanna be here, it’s just a little overwhelming. I just need to get used to it.”
She bit her cheek and nodded, “Okay, but if you change your mind just let me know, some people just don’t like crowds, that’s okay.”
“I will, but I’m okay for now,” he followed her off the escalator, letting his eyes wander for a minute, “You’re right, it’s not as bad up here.”
“Yeah, it’s always packed by the entrance,” she walked him to the left half of the floor, where about a million different racks of mens clothes were laid out, “So we just kind of wander around and if you see something you like we can grab it and you can try it on,” she slipped her hand into his, squeezing it firmly, “And if you get overwhelmed you can hold my hand if you want,” she blushed a little when she dropped his hand, “When I got nervous when I was little I used to squeeze my dads hand as hard as I could while we walked around, it always helped me feel better.”
He fought his cheeks when they tried to flush again, “Thanks, that, um, it does help.”
She smiled as she set her hand atop a rack of sweaters, “Just don’t squeeze my hand as hard as you can, you’ll definitely break it.”
“No promises,” he smiled back, “You like those?”
She nodded, “Yeah, they’re soft, do you like them?”
He studied them for a minute, grabbing the sleeve of one before nodding, “Yeah, I like the blue one.”
She smiled ear to ear, taking one from the rack and holding it to his chest, “Definitely a medium,” she concluded, “Alright, one down, anything else catching your eye?”
He shrugged, “Not yet, but that means it's just time to wander around right?”
She nodded, “You lead the way.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Peter had picked out five t-shirts, three sweaters, and four pairs of pants, letting (y/n) add things as they went and give her best guess for his sizes before shoving him into a fitting room.
“You’re really good at guessing sizes,” Peter looked down at himself as he exited the fitting room. He’d opted for one of the sweaters and a pair of jeans, it seemed simple enough.
“Yeah, I go shopping a lot,” she looked over him carefully, “Do you like it?”
He shrugged, “Yeah, I guess, it’s comfortable.”
“Well you should like your clothes, you should feel good wearing them,” she hummed, grabbing his shoulders and spinning him around, “I’ve got an idea for this one, so why don’t you change again and I’ll be right back okay?”
“You’re leaving?”
“I’m just gonna grab something, I’ll be back before you even finish getting dressed,” she assured.
“Okay.” Truthfully he was more worried about her being alone than he was himself. “Just come right back if there’s anything weird.”
She rolled her eyes, “I think you’re spending too much time with my dad. I think I’ll be okay to walk five feet from the fitting room.”
He nodded, watching her leave before returning to the dressing room. Next he settled on a t-shirt he’d chosen, it had a scene from the first movies they’d watched together, Star Wars, and a pair of dark grey sweatpants that she’d told him were joggers every time he said sweatpants. She’d picked them out for him, insisting they’d ‘change his life’ with how comfortable they were. He didn’t really get it still, they were basically the same pants he always wore.
“Hey I think I-” he stopped himself mid sentence when he saw (y/n) was still missing. He was worried instantly, his mind wandering to the worst case scenario as he exited the fitting room, but he quickly relaxed when he spotted her just outside the door, talking to a boy their age.
“Oh hey sorry,” she apologized with a smile, “I got caught up for a second. Peter this is Flash, I go to school with him. Flash, this is Peter.”
“Oh, uh, hi,” Peter gave a tight lipped smile as he looked the boy over, “Nice to meet you.”
 Flash nodded, “You too, so he’s like your cousin or something?”
“No, he, um,” (y/n) looked over at Peter, trying to quickly think of something, “He’s working with my dad, yeah, he’s an intern.”
Peter nodded in agreement, “Yep, I’m Tony’s intern.”
“Oh, cool,” Flash’s eyes hadn’t left (y/n) for more than a second, and he seemed to blush when he addressed her, “Well, I’ll leave you guys to it, I’ll see you Monday?”
She nodded, smiling obliviously back at him, “Yeah, you too,” she began retreating to the fitting room, passing Peter a button up shirt, “You should put that on under the sweater, it’ll look nice.”
“He was into you,” Peter hummed as he took the shirt.
“He was into you, you know, like romantically. “
She hummed, “I don’t think so.”
“He totally is. Are you into him or something.”
She shook her head quickly, “No, Flash definitely isn’t my type, and he’s kind of an ass.”
“Why were you talking to him then?”
“He’s not an ass to me, just to some of my friends and stuff. Plus if I’m an ass to him it just gives him reasons to justify being an ass to everyone else you know?”
“No, if he was being an ass to my friends,” he paused for a minute, “Well, just you I guess, er, maybe your dad too, anyway, point is, I’d punch him. And maybe he’s not an ass to you specifically because he’s into you.”
“Maybe but I think if he was trying to get with me or something he’d want to get in good with my friends too. And you can’t just punch people, you could give him permanent brain damage or something,” she took a seat in the large chair in the waiting area, “Let’s get back to our fashion show.”
“He would deserve it,” he commented before glancing at the mirror again, “I like this.” 
“Me too. Now go put the sweater back on, and try the black jeans.”
“Yes mam,” he retreated behind the curtain once again, “So do you know a lot of people at school.”
“Kind of, I mean I know most of the people in my grade, but I’m only close with a couple people.”
“Do you like school?”
“Yeah, for the most part.”
He tossed the curtain open and stepped out once again, “You were right, this looks good.”
“Love it,” she nodded in agreement, “You know if you wanted to you could probably enroll with me, I mean not right now or anything, but we could talk to my dad about it.”
He liked the idea, even if the thought was a little nerve wracking, “Do you think he’d go for that?”
“Definitely! He’d have to get you legal documents and make sure you were ready and everything, but I’m sure he’d be down. I think you’d like it too, you’d get to be around a lot of other people our age,” she seemed excited at the prospect, which dissolved any nerves he’d been having, “I don’t think the actual work or anything would be a problem for you either, so just if you wanted too…”
He smiled at her, “I do, I think I’d like that.”
Her big, enthusiastic smile assured him it was the right choice, “Awesome, we can talk to him when we get home then.”
“Yeah, he’ll have to say yes after he sees my new drip.”
She burst into laughter, “Did you just say drip?”
He nodded, “And I know for a fact I used it correctly.”
“Um, okay,” she raised her hands in surrender, “Apparently Peter uses slang now.”
“That’s right,” he winked, “Give me like a week and I’ll have my very own Twitter too.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Peter stopped very suddenly on their way to the check out, suddenly entranced by a table full of Legos, “What are these?”
“Legos, they’re little building blocks for kids,” (y/n) explained, her attention staying on the throw blanket she held to her chest.
“Let’s get some.”
She furrowed her brow and looked over at him, “You want Legos?”
He nodded, “This one the Millennium Falcon, it’s cool, we could build it together.”
“Cool is a bit of a strong word,” she mumbled as she picked up the box, examining it carefully, “I don’t know Peter, this one says nine and up, I don’t want you to choke on any of the pieces.”
He rolled his eyes, “Haha, you’re so cute,” he took the box from her with a smile, “We’re gonna get it, and we’re gonna have tons of fun building it together, and then you’re gonna be upset that we only got one box.”
She stuck her tongue out before continuing on her way, “Whatever you say spider-dork.”
“That’s Spiderman to you,” he bit back, “Show a little respect.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
They’d both been surprised to find Tony in the car when Happy came to pick them up, luckily he’d only come to meet them for lunch so Peter’s day on the town could continue. Peter had sat back while Tony and (y/n) argued over where to eat, finally settling on a sushi place right across from central park. He really couldn’t fathom holding such a serious debate over something as small as food.
“So, how was shopping Peter?” Tony questioned as they sat down.
“Uh, it was fun,” he chewed the inside of his cheek, “It’s really cool seeing all this stuff but I’m excited to see all the stuff outside.”
“I would be too,” he sat back in his chair, looking over his menu lazily, “By the way, did I see Legos in one of those bags?”
“Peter wanted Legos,” (y/n) explained.
Tony raised a brow at him, “You wanted Legos?”
Peter nodded, “Yeah, it was the Millennium Falcon, it’s cool.”
“Cool is a strong word,” Tony hummed, “So is that what you two are planning to do for the rest of the day.”
(y/n) shook her head, “No, Peter’s got a whole list, we’re gonna go walk around the park after this.”
“Let me see the list.” (y/n) passed it to him, letting him look over it quietly for a second before shaking his head. “No, this is no good, this is all tourist crap. Kid what were you thinking?”
“That I’m a tourist,” Peter deadpanned.
“Point taken,” Tony nodded, “Well you do this this weekend and next weekend I’ll make you a much better list than this.”
“Yeah and where are you gonna send us? A tour of New York’s greatest retirement homes?” (y/n) rolled her eyes, “If anyone’s making the next list it’s me.”
“Really? And what’s going on your list hmm?” Tony questioned.
“The high school?”
She nodded, “Yeah, Peter and I talked about him maybe going to school eventually so I figure he should check it out first.”
“You wanna go to school?” Tony asked.
Peter blushed before nodding, “I’d like to try, I think it’d be good for me.”
“I think so too, but you have to be sure you’re ready before I get any of that started.”
“I’m sure I’ll be ready soon.”
“I’d be with him too,” (y/n) added, “So if anything happened I’m sure we’d be okay.”
Tony nodded, “Yeah, well I’ll see what I can do about that, in the meantime I think it’d be good for him to get a little more practice being out in public.”
(y/n) smiled ear to ear, squeezing his arm excitedly, “You got it daddio, Peter’s gonna be totally socially adept in no time.”
next chapter
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andawaywego · 4 years
Would you be open to writing a jamie x dani ficlet about them wanting to be parents or talking about having kids?
hi! i apologize for getting to this so late. it got buried in my prompts. i had another request for this prompt as well regarding the two of them having “baby fever” so this goes into that a little, too. i really hope you like it! 
important note: it’s definitely set in a happy AU where they’re not on borrowed time.
It’s subtle when it starts. So subtle, in fact, that it takes Jamie a little while to notice that anything is happening at all.
One day, Dani is helping a woman in the shop who has a baby in her arms, pulled from the stroller tucked to the side so as to stay out of the way of other customers. It’s a cute kid, really—big, blue eyes filled with the innocent wonder of a brand-new human; frothy brown hair fluffed on its head. Jamie thinks it’s a boy, but it’s hard to tell. Eventually, she’s able to get a glimpse of the words on his onesie and then she knows for sure.
Chick Magnet.
Jamie’s eye roll almost gives her a headache.
She’s so annoyed by it that it takes her another minute to look at her girlfriend, who is cooing and fussing over the baby. Jamie’s near the back of the shop and not very close, but she can just make out the questions that Dani is asking the baby’s mother.
“How old is he?”
“What’s his name?”
“Isn’t he just the sweetest thing?”
And then the mother is offering the baby out and Dani is taking him, tucking him into her arms and bobbing him up and down a little. She speaks to him in this soft, high-pitched voice that Jamie’s never heard before, smiling so widely it looks like her cheeks could split from it.
She’s a vision—one that can still steal Jamie’s breath away even after six years together. When she looks up and catches Jamie’s eyes, she picks up the baby’s tiny fist and uses it to wave at her. Jamie’s heart flips. Squeezes.
Dani’s expression is bright and happy. Overjoyed, in fact. And it’s cute, but Jamie doesn’t necessarily think anything of it. Not then.
As if some magic gate has opened after that first one, babies start popping up everywhere. Not just in their shop, but on the street, in their apartment complex, in the bread aisle of the grocery store, at every restaurant they visit.
Burlington isn’t a small city, no, but Jamie can’t help wondering if there’s been something in the water a year or more ago that resulted in the literal baby boom. And they’re cute, sure. Most of them like to catch Jamie’s eyes when she’s near and make strange faces at her, giggling when she mimics them. 
She always finds Dani looking at her in amused wonder whenever she stops, her eyes shimmering with an idea only half-formed. Not ready to be unleashed quite yet.
They’re at Sears when it happens, wandering around the looping store, trying to find the towel section. It’s a Monday morning—one of the days their shop is closed—and the store is fairly empty, but Jamie has seen at least two strollers with squirming, happy babies already.
Dani’s eyes had lingered on them for a beat too long and Jamie is starting to suspect that she should ask about that, but she hasn’t quite gathered the courage yet. Instead, she just holds Dani’s hand, their fingers tangled together with loose familiarity, as she lets herself be led around the store.
She’s so zoned out thinking about it all that she almost doesn’t notice when Dani comes to a stop and lets go of her, drifting away towards a rack of clothes. Once she does notice, Jamie’s saliva thickens in her throat, making her next swallow difficult. 
They’re in the baby section. Dani is fussing with a rack of baby clothes.
“Oh my god, look how cute this is,” she says, and she picks up a hanger to show to Jamie.
It’s a pair of tiny overalls, a little flannel tucked into it. Jamie knows immediately why it’s caught Dani’s eyes and she feels heat blooming up her neck and across her face.
“Pretty cute,” she agrees. 
Dani nods, still grinning down at it and then sets it back on the rack. After another moment of sifting through the clothes, she gasps, jaw dropping open in delight.
“What?” Jamie asks. She’s still standing out in the main aisle like a jerk, so she steps forward to stand beside Dani. 
A green and white striped onesie. A tiny, blue triceratops on the chest. 
Dani is holding it like it’s made of gold.
“I love this,” she says, almost like she’s admitting it to herself rather than to her wife.
And maybe it’s silly to be scared of the possibilities, but Jamie can’t help it. She’s had her own experiences with children too young to take care of themselves, and it hadn’t necessarily gone well. This was all with the added bonus of having never considered the ability to have any sort of family at all. As with most things, though, being with Dani continues to challenge her expectations in the best of ways.
Forcing herself to be brave, Jamie takes a deep breath and then says, “Dani, are you...Have you thought about it?” Dani looks up at her, eyes kind and questioning, waiting for something more specific. “Us,” Jamie says next. “Having a kid, or…”
Or what? 
She’s not certain.
But at least she’s gone and said it. Finally.
For all of her completely unsubtle pining, Dani still looks caught off guard by the question.
 “I—” she starts, but she has to stop to clear her throat. “I mean...Is that...something you’d want?”
And fuck the past. Fuck it to hell because, “Yes. I...Yeah, I think I’d want that. With you.”
Dani is silent for a long moment. She’s still holding the onesie and that look of acute wonderment has yet to fade from her expression. This time, it’s fixed on Jamie’s face, looking her over as if searching for some sign of uncertainty that doesn’t exist.
“I want that with you, too,” she says finally, walking the words gently towards Jamie with a careful tone.
The jittery bump of Jamie’s pulse softens and she feels her cheeks stretch to accommodate her smile. “Really?” she asks.
Dani nods frantically. “Yes,” she says. “Really, really.”
Jamie moves forward, as if to kiss Dani, but stops when she notices an employee up in the toddler section straightening a display. There’s time for a kiss later. For more, too. For now, she just thrusts her hand out and Dani takes it with a lovely, little laugh, so they can shake on it.
“Do you want to…” Jamie begins. “I don’t really know how we’d—”
“We can figure it out,” Dani tells her. Like Jamie, she can’t seem to stop grinning either. 
They can. They have time. 
Jamie imagines the two of them at home, Dani happy and beaming, hands resting on her swollen belly while Jamie talks to it—their child. She imagines Dani in a hospital bed, a sleepy bundle in her arms and Jamie tucked into her side, marveling at the tiny human they’ve made. She imagines a house with a yard and a tiny tot roaming around it with Dani’s nose and Dani’s eyes, stumbling and playing and calling them both, “Mom.”
It’s quite a thought, really. They all are.
Something she never considered having.
They’re still holding hands like they’re concluding a business meeting and the whole thing is so ridiculous, so utopian that Jamie can’t stop laughing.
“I really want to kiss you right now,” she says, still shaking Dani’s hand, and Dani laughs.
“I want that, too.”
Jamie glances over Dani’s shoulder where the employee is still working, his back to them. Coming up the aisle is another young couple pushing a stroller, too fascinated with each other and their child to bother looking at either of them. 
“Fuck it,” Jamie mutters and then she leans in and presses her lips to her wife’s, wrapping her arms around her neck to deepen it.
Dani sighs against her lips, pulling her closer, and kisses her back.
It only lasts a moment or two before they pull away, but they have all the time in the world. For it. For more. 
“I love you,” Jamie says, resting one of her hands on Dani’s stomach through her sweater.
Ever the mind-reader, Dani beams, covering Jamie’s hand with her own. She says, “I love you, too.”
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itzagothamcitysiren · 4 years
There’s Only Us Left Now
Well, well, well, look who decided to come back to the land of the living. Lol, yeah I kinda just dissapeared for a couple of months. Honestly my mental health just wasn’t where it should be and I’m still trying to get better. This whole year has just been really really rough on me, like it has been on so many others. 
A week ago, my work got hit pretty bad with covid and I’m out with it for the time being. I’m feeling a little bit better than I was before and in my isolation I looked back to this story and actually felt the urge to write again.  
I can’t promise constant updates cause I’m just not sure how I’ll be feeling and how busy I’ll be once I’m back at work since we’re going to be short so many people now. But I can promise you that I had so much planned for this character and story and I really don’t want to just leave it where I left it. 
So if there’s still anyone out there who cares or wants to jump in, thanks for being here and taking time to read this <3
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I Had a Dream I Was a Vigilante’s Side Kick pt. 5
           Halley had been tapping her fingers away mindlessly against her knee. It was pulled up to and held to her chest, kept in place by her other arm. Her other leg was stretch out, toes curling as her face scrunched up in discomfort. She bit the outside of her lip, dragging her teeth side to side against it as she tried to keep her mouth shut. She snapped her eyes closed as she felt Sam’s fingers drag through another section of hair. Her friend pulled on it, tugging it back and furthering her progress in the braid she formed on Halley’s head.
           “Ow.” Halley couldn’t hold it anymore. She’d felt far more intense pain before in her life but there was just something about the way Sam’s nail pulled the strands of hair. She repeated herself again as Sam pulled her head back again, “Ow.”
           “Oh please, you big baby.” Sam waved her off, coming to the end of the braid. She reached to the side, bringing Halley’s head with her. She stretched her hand out and grabbed the hair tie that sat on the side table near their bunk beds. Sam moved back in her seat on the bottom bunk and Halley’s place on the floor in front of her. She tied off the braid, patting Halley’s head when she was done. “See, all done.”
           “Do I have any hair left?” Halley joked, reaching up to pat her own head as well.
           “Ha, ha.” Sam faked a laugh as she stood up. Stepping over the brunette, she made her way to their shared closet. She began to rack through the clothes trying to find the best outfit for the night. She pulled out a dress and examined it before turning to look at Halley. “What are you wearing?” She asked, putting the dress back in the closet.
           Halley stood up, giving her foot a shake as it had fallen asleep from sitting on the floor. She shrugged, moving to grab the flannel from the desk chair. She tied it around her waist and then reached for Jason’s leather jacket. She motioned to her body.
           “Really? That’s it?” Sam rolled her eyes. She then pouted, “I just did your hair all nice.”
           “I’m not going to dress up.” Halley chuckled and moved to grab her combat boots.
           “But-,” The girl was cut off by a rapid knock on the door. She perked up, abandoning the closet and moving to the door. “That must be Dylan and the guys.” She said excitedly.
           Halley rolled her own eyes at the girl’s excitement. She was acting as if this was the first college party they were attending. Although Halley shouldn’t be that surprised, Sam got this way before every party they’ve ever attended together. She turned to grab her bag as her friend answered the door, waiting for their room to be barraged by their friends in seconds and her moment without any chaos to be over.
           “Hi gu-, erm, who are you?” Sam’s high pitched voice changed, deflating into a soft and questioning one.
           Halley picked her head up at Sam’s tone, feeling alert on instinct. She craned her head to see the doorway and frowned. Her eyebrows narrowed and her face harshened. She dropped her bag and marched to the door. Being a little harder than intended, Halley pushed Sam out of the way. Halley now stood face to face with someone she thought she’d never see again. There in front of her stood Tim Drake.
           “What the hell are you doing here?” She spat, glaring down at him.
           “I need your help!” He exclaimed, his voice echoing off the hallway walls.
           “I told you no. Now get out of here.” She barked back, gripping the door firmly and prepared to slam it shut.
           Tim stopped her, pushing back on the door with all his might.  He let out a gruff grunt as she fought back, only succeeding thanks to Halley’s friend distracting her by calling out her name in confusion. Tim pushed harder managing to shove the door open and making Halley stumble a few paces back. Once he made his past the threshold he closed the door behind him with both hands, letting out a deep breath as he did. He turned around and took in the appearance of both girls.
           Halley heaved her chest up and down in annoyance and frustration. Her hands were gripped into fists and hung on both sides of her body.  Her shoulders slumped forwards tensely as her big brown eyes narrowed into slits at him. Tim nervously gulped and looked at the other girl. She stared at him in confusion before turning to her friend and giving her the same look. She looked back to Tim, and then back to Halley, looking between them until finally being the knife to cut the tension.
           “So who’s you’re friend?” Sam’s voice sang out breaking the tension between the two. She motioned to Tim with her hand, placing the other behind her neck and rubbed it awkwardly.
           “He’s not a friend!” Halley snapped.
           “Look I just really need your help!” Tim snapped right back, the look on his face causing Halley to look at him seriously. She squinted at him as his face only showed worry. “Oswald Cobblepot has my dad and it’s all my fault.”
           Halley’s eyes widened. She looked back at Sam and wished she wasn’t here. She bit the inside of her cheek as she rushed to think of what to do. She knew this kid was trouble from the moment they met. She had hoped that she’d be done with him the moment she passed the information on to Bruce but now here she was. She swiped her arm out and pointed to the bed, ordering him to sit.
           And Tim did. He told her everything. He told her how he hacked into Cobblepot’s funds. And he told her how when he showed up to his home after school that he found the place trashed and his mother in tears because Cobblepot’s goons took his father. Once he let it all out he found himself needing to catch his breath. He looked up from Halley to Sam, both girls wearing different expressions.
           The dark skinned girl looked utterly lost and it was then when Tim realized that she was completely clueless about who Halley was. That was way she was so desperate to get him out of her hair. And that must’ve been why Halley was shooting him murderous daggers with her eyes. He shifted on the bed, hearing it creak as he moved. Neither he nor Halley made any attempt to speak next, causing Sam to be the only brave on in the room.
           “This is a job for the police. Halley, we need to call them. Or Dick. Sure, he’s not in Gotham but he can help.” She offered, unclear as to why this kid would go to her about this. She was still unclear about how he even knew Halley. He spoke as if he assumed she knew.
           “Were you followed?” Halley ignored Sam. If Tim’s mother was left with instructions to not go to the police then that meant not too. This was Gotham and Cobblepot probably already paid off the police to warn him if they got any calls in from the Drake’s.
           “No.” Tim responded just as a knock was heard from the dorm room’s door.
           “That must be the guys,” Sam noted, almost hesitant and shaky. It was apparent they wouldn’t be going to the party tonight. As she made her way to the door, she was stopped by a firm grip above her elbow. She looked down at the hand and followed it up to the owner’s face. Halley’s had loosened up a lot over the years but she was always quite serious compared to her friend but Sam had never seen her face so fixed before.  Halley tugged her back from the door stepping in front of her. Sam looked at her questioningly and almost fearfully. “Halley?”
           The girl remained silent, softly walking towards the door. The boys didn’t just knock. They would rap against the door with their fists, loudly announcing their arrival. You’d be able to hear them the next hall over with their brash and vulgar chatter. That was just one singular knock. She pressed her cheek to the door, pushing her ear against it to hear what was going on the on the other side.
‘Click’, ‘Click’, ‘Click’,
           “Hide!” She pushed Sam backwards towards the closet. She cursed just as the door was kicked open. She faced it just as quickly as she had turned away, kicking back at the door and slamming it back shut to give herself one more second.
           “Now!” she ordered them.
           As Sam stumbled backwards, the door was kicked open again, this time off its hinges and narrowly missing Halley. Tim’s eyes widened, unable to find a hiding spot in time and took cover underneath the nearby desk. He looked up as two men entered the room, guns in their hands, loaded and cocked. The first man locked eyes on him, aiming the gun.
           He never stood a chance. He was a Cobblepot goon and Halley could easily wipe the floor with them. As the gun was raised, Halley didn’t hesitate, jumping into action, ignoring the sudden sounds of shouts and calls for alarm out in the halls. Halley outstretched an arm, using it to push the gun up to point at the ceiling as it was shot. Using her other hand, she extended her hand, using the hard part of her palm to punch the man in the nose. She smirked at the long heard, yet familiar sound of bone cracking.
           With the hand holding the gun she tightened her grip and twisted, causing the man to cry out and his wrist to snap. She knew she was going to hard and she knew she’d have to think of a way to explain this but she was in hyper mood. She had to protect Sam and she had to protect Tim Drake.
           As the man was unable to grasp the gun, letting it drop to the floor, she maneuvered him around. Locking her left leg in between his and around one, she used the force and angle to drop him to the floor. She quickly dodged, as the second man finally caught up. He took a warning shot, but she was already ducked down. The window shattered as the bullet met the glass. Sam’s scream of shock and fear echoed off the walls alongside with it, causing Halley to reach for the first goon’s gun on the floor. She wasn’t taking anything chances.
           But the girl who wasn’t hesitant ended up hesitating. The cold metal felt heavy and not from the weight. She swore she’d never use one of these things again but here she was. As she took aim she saw her father and then worst of all she saw Jason flicker across her mind. Grunting she quickly shifted up the safety and rolled is across the room towards Tim.
           “Don’t use it! Don’t let anyone touch it!” She barked as she pushed herself up from her crouching position near the man she took down.
           She shifted to the side, avoiding another bullet that now lodged itself into the floor. She did feel one graze her arm but she ignored it. It was as if she pounced on the man, easily disarming him and bashing he head against the doorframe and affectively knocking him out. She huffed, hearing the common of students panicking out in the dormitory halls and then the distant sound of police sirens.  
           Her head whipped around at the sound of the first man getting up and making his way towards Tim and the gun. Sam let out a warning cry, gripping onto clothes hanging up around her for comfort. It was then when Halley noticed she was crying and when she noticed Tim frozen in his place. She rushed over, picking up the chair her flannel had been resting on only minutes ago. She cried out as she brought down the chair onto the goon, mashing it and leaving him in the same state as his companion.
           She was breathing heavily, looking down at the man as she tried to collect herself. She looked up as the sound of sirens got louder. Fuck, she thought. She couldn’t trust the police. And she couldn’t waist time trying to think of a way to explain this. She grabbed Tim forcefully and ripped the gun out of his hand before placing it in her jacket’s pocket, glad that it were big enough to conceal the gun. With Tim standing she pushed him towards the door before making her way to Sam, a tad bit more gently. The girl was clearly in shock but now was the time for Halley to coddle.  
           “I need you to breathe for me okay?” She said, making a gesture mimicking a breathing technique her father once taught her. Sam tried, but failed but it was good enough for Halley at the moment. She guided her out of the closet and towards Tim. She reached for her phone as well as her keys and wallet, shoving them in her free pocket. She turned back to Sam, placing a hand on the small of her back before grabbing her hand. “Don’t ask any questions, don’t speak; we need to get out of here, got it?”
           Sam’s lips trembled as they stepped over the man still resting in between the threshold. Tim kept up pace, nodding along with Halley’s instructions. The former assassin and sidekick led them out into the hallway, noting how it’d been pretty much evacuated already. The cops would most likely take the main stairs and elevators, not knowing what Halley was capable and she knew for a fact that the cops showing up would be bought and payed for by Cobblepot. They got here way to quick, they knew what was going to happen. She headed down the back stairwell, the one used for janitorial staff and emergencies, knowing that that would be the safest bet.
           “Let’s go.”
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bang-to-the-tan · 5 years
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Moth to Flame
Chapter 13
Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot
Warnings: (hoo boy) Oral Sex, Blowjobs, Cunnilingus, Double Penetration, Sloppy Seconds, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Degradation,Somewhat Dubious Consent/Hypnosis, Vaginal Fingering, Anal Fingering, Handjob, Masturbation, Cumplay, Threesome (M/M/F), Foursome (M/M/M/F), Voyeurism, Slight Stockholm Syndrome?, Possessiveness, Vampires (Biting, Blood-Sucking, Reference to Death), Language
Words: 11.1K (jesus tittyfucking CHRIST)
↳ Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry…
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Yoongi’s sweatpants fit well enough to get by in, matched with another of Namjoon’s hoodies—this time in a tan color. (How many hoodies does one man need? You’re reminded again of Jin’s seemingly endless supply of clothing, though you don’t dare mention the similarity) The flip flops he’s lent you are a little on the large side, but you doubt it really matters. You’re just glad to be wearing shoes again. As you wait by the door for Namjoon to get his keys and slide his arms through his jacket, tugging on a bucket hat and hanging a pair of sunglasses onto his shirt, you’re still trying to process your emotions. Outside. With other people. Other humans, even. Are you going to run? Are you going to try to escape? It feels like that’s what you should be planning.
“Oh.” Namjoon catches your attention as you muse, pulling dark, smokey fabric your way and wrapping it around your neck. You pluck distractedly at one of the fringes hanging off it, meeting his gaze after a second.
“Just in case,” he says, shifting the scarf around your shoulders more securely. “For the marks.”
“They look bad?”
He tilts your head to the side, inspecting you with a quirk of his lips. “Mm. No. Not really. Kinda healed. But just in case. Don’t want any awkward questions.”
Awkward questions. Like, ‘blink twice if you’re being held hostage’? That kind of awkward? You allow him to tuck the edges back in, hiding the evidence of where you’ve been. What you’ve been doing. What’s been done to you. You grimace. Your head still hurts, and the world has begun spinning a little when you turn your neck too quickly.
You blink, and you’re in the passenger’s seat of the car, staring out the window while Namjoon talks. Vaguely, you’re aware of what he’s saying. That he thinks it’s awfully important. You beg to differ.
“—find you on any, like, missing persons databases so I think we’re in the clear, but just to be safe, y’know. This is…it’s a risk. You understand?”
You hum, working your jaw. You wish he’d gotten you something a little stronger for the headache. It’s better than it was, but not gone. Swear it gets worse when he talks, and he’s talking a lot.
“I need you to behave yourself. Don’t make a scene. If you act out, then we can’t do this anymore.”
You roll your eyes, even knowing that it’s going to twinge at your migraine.
“I’m not gonna run around screaming about being kidnapped, Joon,” you grumble.
“I know. I know, I just want to make sure we’re on the same page. I promised you we’d let you go when we’ve…sorted something else out.”
“That’s a different phrasing than you used last time.”
“I’m trying. Okay? Just—I’m not trying to keep you prisoner.”
“Hence the handcuffs.”
You flick a glance over at him just in time to catch the tick of his jaw as he narrows his eyes at the road ahead.
“That is…not the same thing.”
“If it’s sexy, then kidnapping is okay.”
The exasperated snort of air that he answers with is partly humored and partly frustrated.
“You are, annoying sometimes, you know that?”
“I get to be, I think.” You turn back to the window. “Considering.”
“…yeah. Alright. Considering.”
 The store has too many fucking people in it, is the thought that occurs to you. At first, pulling into the parking lot, you’re excited to see them. Human beings, running amok, running free. You feel like an animal at a zoo released into the wild. Ordinary people, milling about, going about their ordinary lives. It’s invigorating.
That feeling quickly fades when you actually get into the building. The smells, too-sharp chemicals and body odor hits you immediately; cheaply, quickly cooked food and even cheaper body spray. The noises. Chattering, obnoxious laughing heard from the other side of the store, children shrieking and shouting. A cart down the way has a squeaky wheel and you can track it through the aisles. You ruminate on thoughts of violence perpetrated by the item in question itself, of picking it up and throwing it out the finger-smudged windows with the screeching baby still inside it.
Namjoon’s hand on yours squeezes reassuringly. It’s unclear to you whether he can sense your discomfort but you don’t think you’ll mention it if it’s possible to avoid doing so. You can’t imagine how unbearably smug he’d be to learn that you’d rather be around him than them. Once you’re in the store, he lifts his sunglasses, but leaves the hat on.  
“Not gonna burn to a crisp in the sunlight?” You ask after a moment of watching a child attempt to shove his entire hand up one nostril.
“Nah. Just a little sensitive on the eyes.”
“The super cool, far-seeing, all-knowing vampire eyes.”
“Those ones.”
“I should have brought a flashlight to the club, is what you’re telling me.”
He chuckles, shrugging. “Maybe so.”
He leads you to the clothing section, still holding your hand, and there isn’t an atom in your body that is even vaguely alright with the idea of letting him out of your sight. There’s a feeling like you’d get swept up in this sea of people, lost in a world so entirely foreign to you. You know you used to belong here. This used to be yours.
But flicking numbly through shirts and pants, skirts, jackets, mumbling half-remembered guesses at measurements, listening to the cacophony around you, lost in the harsh overhead lights…you don’t belong here. You aren’t sure whether it’s more upsetting to think that you don’t now, or that once upon a time, you did. Once upon a time, you didn’t question it.
A gaggle of teenaged girls passes by. For a third time. They stare at Namjoon in turns, giggling and speeding up, skittering past, chattering to each other excitedly. Their idea of stealth leaves a lot to be desired.
“You have admirers.”
Namjoon cocks his head, lips pursing, as he pulls a t-shirt off the rack and holds it up to you appraisingly. “I’m ignoring them.”
“Not hungry?”
His eyes flit to yours. “Never teenagers.” He replies, low, firm. He sounds almost upset. “Never kids.”
You hear the click of a phone camera and a high-pitched giggle of embarrassment, the forcibly hushed whispers of ‘turn off the noise turn off the noise, oh my god!’.
“Not even annoying ones?”
“If you really want to discourage them, you could kiss me.” He says instead, lightly, but his eyes flick to yours and you can taste the heat behind them.
“That’ll do it, you think?” you echo sardonically.
He hums, nodding once in affirmation.
Before you can think too hard, you slide a hand over his on the shirt hanger, guiding it back towards the rack so that you can close the gap between you. Like the first time, he doesn’t move at first. Allows you to crane upwards, struggle to brush your lips together, before he finally acquiesces and takes the remaining space, laying a lingering kiss against your mouth. He’s warm, soft. His lips taste like him. Like how he smells. Like Namjoon. The two of you lock gazes as you part, and you willfully ignore the electricity shimmying down your body.
“I don’t like the color of that one,” you break the silence after a pause. He blinks slow, a grin crawling across his face.
“No. But the one behind it is nice.”
“Anything for baby.”
You don’t allow him the warmth that curls inside of you at that.
 The two of you end up standing in line, holding a modest armful of clothing that you’re pretty sure will fit, waiting for your turn at the checkout. It’s not even a matter of what you’re planning to buy at this point—your headache has only gotten worse and it’s all you can do not to lose your fucking mind. You reached the breaking point about ten minutes ago and you’re absolutely going to go batshit if you don’t leave this store immediately. Which is why when Joon starts doing that ‘patting himself down in surprise’ motion, you’re thrown into palpable despair.
“Oh, shit.”
“No. No, Namjoon.” You plead through gritted teeth, throwing him a desperate look.
“My wallet’s in the car.”
“Damn you, goddamn you—“
He grabs your arms with an apologetic smile that dimples his cheeks. “Just stand off to the side. I’ll be back in two minutes.”
“No, Namjoon. No.”
But he’s already skipping away from you, holding up two fingers and mouthing ‘two minutes’ back your way. You hate him. You hope he gets run over while he’s out there.
You trudge over to a nearby empty counter, dumping your armful onto it, resisting the urge to throw yourself on the pile and pull a pair of jeans over your head. Your brain hurts, your teeth are chattering, it’s too bright, it’s too loud, it smells, god, it smells, you had no idea you were so sensitive, you are so ready to go home. And by now you don’t even care that you’re calling it home. You can’t afford to care. What you wouldn’t do for more medication. For that turtle. Oh, how you lament the absence of that heavenly reptile.
You start at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, sounding up and away but too close to the back of your head. You turn, casting your glance up at the tall man standing by the counter. He’s not a worker; instead of their overly bright getup he’s sporting a leather jacket and black jeans. You don’t understand why he’s talking to you, if that’s the case, and you’re not really in sure how to pretend otherwise at the moment. His grin is crooked, raising his eyebrows expectantly, but at your expression his mischievous look fades.
“…Sorry, I thought I knew you!” He says after an awkward moment. Your heart seizes. Knew you?
He gestures with his hands as he explains. “Y’know, from the back, you look—I thought I recognized you.”
“…O-oh.” You aren’t sure what to say to that. Fuck, you sincerely hope he was mistaken. You hadn’t even considered what would happen if someone who used to know you sees you. The person you were before…before this. You don’t think you recognize him.
There’s another pause, where you turn away slightly, willing this moment to be over, but he doesn’t move. The moment instead stretches into forever. You would like to cease existing.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine! I’m—“ God, it’s been a long time since you’ve spoken to real people. You crane back around, forcing a smile that you hope doesn’t look too forced. “I’m fine. Just waiting. My, um.” You stumble over a way to define Namjoon, deciding in the end to abandon it entirely. “He left his wallet in the car.”
“Hm.” He doesn’t look convinced, flashing you a cursory up-and-down glance. Actually, looking at him, he’s pretty handsome himself. Wide lips, strong nose. A jawline to kill for. His neck is thick. You wonder what else of him—no, no. No. No. You like his eyes, you decide weakly. He’s got kind eyes. Good, nice eyes.
“Do you mind if I talk to you?”
You frown, throwing him another glance. Misgiving pools in your stomach warningly. You really, really aren’t in any kind of state to be carrying conversations with strangers. “Uh.”
He casts a look around, casual if not for the serious slant to his strong brows. He leans forward, pulling one edge of his jacket to the side. You see a flash of silver, recognize the badge hooked to the inside, and it clicks in your head, despite the chaos spinning around the edges of the world like a sick carousel. You don’t see much of the ID badge underneath but for his name, and his serious-faced photo, before he tucks it back away. Jackson. His name is Jackson.
“…You’re a cop.”
“Nothing’s the matter,” he reassures, holding out a hand placatingly, eyes watching yours. “Just like to ask you a few questions.” He jerks his head at the entrance.
“Come with me.”
Oh. Relief floods your limbs so intense you almost sigh aloud. That’s okay, then. Yeah, that’s fine. The clothes’ll be alright here for a second longer, you’re sure. You’re already following him as he peels off the counter and starts walking casually, your doubts melting away, making your steps lighter. Local police. Just a few questions, yeah. You can handle that. God, you were so afraid for a minute. The thought makes you chuckle under your breath when his back is turned as he leads you out the door, turning the corner to an alcove by the entrance. You definitely can handle whatever this handsome stranger wants to dole out.
He turns when you get there, stepping to the side so you can tuck yourself by the side of the building, out of view of any nosy people.
“How can I help you, officer?” you ask demurely, a smile curling the edge of your lips. Just being out of that building is helping your headache immensely. It’s fading as you speak, releasing its grip on your jaw, your thoughts.
He cranes over his shoulder to survey the parking lot behind him and you take the brief respite to admire the way his shirt pulls across subtle pecs, across broad shoulders, underneath the jacket that does little to hide his physique. The way he fills those black jeans. You like the obvious power in what you can see. Is it weird to be checking the cop out? No. No, certainly not. You resist the urge to bite your lip when he looks back to you and grins again. He’s cute when he smiles.
“So where are you from?”
“Ah…not too far from here, actually,” you return, playing at shy.
“No?” he chuckles, and the giggle threatening to bubble up past your lips finally wins over. You sway a little with the girlish sound. It’s all part of the act. You’re a normal human girl talking to a normal, albeit strikingly handsome, police officer. Everything is fine. “You sure? You aren’t from a little further up north? Think very carefully.”
You shake your head, grinning. The world around you spins delightfully when you do, fuzzing slightly about the edges. It’s really warm out here. You didn’t notice that before. It’s nice. “No. I don’t think so.”
“Don’t think so?” he echoes, stepping closer. That’s good. You like that. Your heartbeat quickens in your throat. “Weird way to answer…are you having trouble remembering?”
“Maybe.” You giggle again, feeling a thrill wash through your frame when he takes another step forward, threatening to invade your space. You fall back to the wall, leaning your head against it to allow yourself a better view of his smirk. Your head doesn’t want to stay upright properly, but the wall helps. If you can just get him a little closer…maybe you could…he is very handsome. And his lips…You stare at them with hunger pooling in your gut, intently watching the way they pull when he scoffs. Very kissable. Check.
“I’m gonna take a wild guess,” he murmurs in that low growl of his, “About who you really are…”
One hand comes up to brace against the wall, caging you in. You can feel his warmth now. Can smell the mint on his breath. Your stomach twists in anticipation. There’s something familiar in his expression now. A darkness. A hunger. You’re beyond pleased to see it in a face so handsome.
“Going by these…” he hums, and you feel a finger dragging against the column of your neck, slipping underneath the scarf. You huff a pleased breath, craning to press more of your skin towards him, nearly moaning when he presses his hot palm against the bitemarks in a curious fashion. “And…this…” His hand slides down, disentangling from the fabric, fingertips grazing your sternum, too close to the mark at your breast. He’s finding your little secrets very easily, you think with a hushed giggle. You wonder if he’ll get the next one. You hope he gets the next one. Arousal crawls down your spine and you arch at the thought, suddenly desperate for it.
“Hah, fuck, wow, that’s a reaction, huh? They treat you nice?”
You’re nodding, whimpering when his hand starts towards your hip. He nuzzles forward, presses a testing peck against your lips but you surge towards him, clutching at his wide shoulders, pulling him closer. He chuckles breathlessly against your mouth as you kiss him, a free hand going to his wrist and tugging it towards your inner thigh. He tastes like mint gum, warm lips caressing yours firmly, supple and pliant.
“Are you good for them?” he whispers between kisses. “Hmm?”
“So good,” you simper, humming when he nips lightly at your mouth. “I’m so good.”
“What do they call you? Are you their little whore? Little pet? Hm?” he clutches the meat of your thigh suddenly, and your approving squeak is muffled by his tongue, wet, slippery, sloppy.
“Could you be good for me too?” he growls when you part, licking across your swollen lips. The sound of it, already so rough, so low, has you twitching. “Could you add one more to your little collection?”
“Yes,” you’re tugging him closer, writhing when his hand ghosts to cup you between the legs, firm, possessive, demonstrative. “Y-Yes, yes, I can be good.”
“Can you be quiet?” he adds with a hushed laugh, raising his eyebrows at your fevered expression as you continue to scrabble at him, yanking on his jacket, his wrist, begging and twisting. “You have to—shh,” he shushes you when you keen, pressing his fingers closer to your pussy through Yoongi’s sweatpants, feeling for your heat and finding it easily, “You’re too fucking loud. You have to be quiet, or else—“
“She’s very vocal.”
You almost cry out in pleasure when you hear the voice that breaks through the cop’s low mumbling, arching and trembling against the wall. But he told you to hush, so you bite down on your lip, vision swimming with sweet obedience and heady recognition.
“I can see that.” The dark-eyed officer chuckles after a beat, his hand slipping from your apex despite your muffled, disappointed noise and attempts to pull him back. “Shocked nobody’s been called in for domestic disturbance around yours yet.” He pulls his hand from you easily, leaning back and turning to better address the owner of voice behind him.
Arousal skitters up your spine, coiling in your limbs, at the way Namjoon flicks you a momentary, disapproving look, his jaw ticking. Is he thinking of punishing you for this? You hope so. But his plump lips curve into an overly-pleasant smile, eyes crinkling as they cast to the other man.
“By all means, don’t let me interrupt.” He says smoothly. “You seemed to be enjoying yourself.”
“I’d hate to get in any real trouble,” is the reply, just as cool. “Have to set an example for Yugyeom, right?”
Your body itches. Everything is warm, soft, bubbly, and the heat of the man in front of you is like a furnace, the hot center of your universe. You sneak your fingers into his belt loops, scooting him closer to you, and he allows it with a vaguely smug expression.
Namjoon’s smile doesn’t move, frozen on his face. “Your border is a few miles north from here, isn’t it? You’re cutting it a little close, don’t you think? Jackson?”
Jackson blinks, straightening. He grabs your wandering hand by the wrist from where it had travelled around his side to his zipper (how on earth did it get there, you wonder with a snicker), holding it up and away from his body with one wide palm. You whine through your nose. “We’re just passing through.” His tone has turned more serious. Respectful. “Avoiding the main roads. Won’t be spending more than a few hours this close to your territory.”
“Passing through?”
Jackson hesitates.
“We’re leaving, Namjoon.”
Namjoon’s smile falls, curving into a confused frown, his brow creasing. “What do you mean, you’re leaving?”
“It’s too slim here. We’re not having any luck lately. It’s my turn to disappear anyways.”
You press up against Jackson’s side, trying to slide your other hand up under his shirt, but he catches that one, too, holding you prisoner against the tacky feel of leather and his body heat. You mewl pointedly, hands straining, rocking against him. What’s he so busy for? Can’t he see that you need it? Your mouth waters. You need it…Up against this wall, bent over—you imagine Namjoon joining in and the thought has you aching. You can always prove how good you are. Can always show your new friend how good you can be for him.
Namjoon’s frown takes his lips with it, bares his teeth in a grimace. “You can’t be serious. What, already? What are we supposed to do?”
Jackson cocks his head in your direction and returns your sly grin with a raise of his eyebrows, briefly looking you over with an expression that makes you wet. You hum, trying to send him psychic requests for touching, kissing, biting through your locked gaze.  
“Looks like you’re already doing something.”
“She…she was an accident.”
“And here I thought you and Jin had finally made nice.” Jackson looks back to Namjoon, neck lolling with disbelief. He lets go of your hands, spinning and suddenly disentangling you from him in one smooth motion. He pushes your arms to your own chest and looks you dead in the eyes again. Hours pass where you’re lost in his eyes, caught in the endless depths of obsidian, floating in nothing and everything.
“Don’t. Move.”
A shiver wracks your body violently, and you have to throw yourself against the wall just to avoid crumpling to the ground with the pleasure that comes with obeying. You won’t move, you won’t move. You can do that for him. You press yourself to the brick, shuddering and panting quietly, eyes trained on his frame, watching how the world seems to heave with your every breath, lends him and Joon halos, makes heat spark and flare inside of you.
“You’re not actually leaving. We need you up north. Who’s taking your place?”
Jackson shakes his head, craning back to Namjoon. His tongue flits to wet his lips, gaze flicking upwards. You can think of better places his tongue could be. “No one. All of us are headed southwest.”
“Jaebum has better sense.”
“Back when it was an option.”
“You can’t just fucking leave, Jackson, we need cover. Now more than ever.”
“Wasn’t that the point of Jungkook?”
Ohh, Jungkook. You like Jungkook. Jungkook would take you. Press you up against the wall again, like when you met, but this time…you’re threatening to drool. Not moving is really hard.
“Jungkook is a kid. They’ll notice eventually. Jin isn’t thinking about the long term.”
“Then you’ll have to move anyways. You can’t just stubborn your way through everything, Namjoon.”
Namjoon’s smile returns, but it’s tight, dangerous. He looks like a predator. It’s a good look, makes you warm and wet all over, but you know better than anyone how to smooth it off him.
“I appreciate your opinion.”
“Good. I like giving it.”
“Stay out of my territory.” He pulls the phrase through his grin, low and heavy with threat. “If I catch any of you with so much as a toe over the line, I’ll pull you apart.”
“Wasn’t planning on it. Like I said, we’re just passing through. Thought we’d grab one for the road in between territories.” Jackson flashes you another glance and you shiver. “…I won’t say anything about her, though. For you.”
“I told you she was an accident. You know times are tough.”
“I don’t agree with taking them like this. I don’t know anyone who does.”
“It’s temporary.”
Jackson shrugs.
“I’ll leave her with you anyway.” He says finally, with a sniff. “From the smell of her, you’ve got enough to worry about with just the two of you involved.”
He ruffles the back of his hair as he starts to walk. Namjoon doesn’t step aside for him, only watching as he gets close. When he comes within distance, he reaches forward and takes his arm. It’s weirdly gentle, familiar. You wish he’d grab you instead. Less gently would be preferable. Be nice if you could move, also.
“Tell me someone is staying.” Namjoon pleads. His eyes are genuine as he searches the other man’s. “Someone, anyone. Tell me we’ve still got cover. That the riots won’t reach us.”
Jackson slowly, hesitantly, places his hand on top of Namjoon’s.
“…You said it yourself. Times are tough, Joon.” He replies, quiet. “I’m sorry.”
This time, when he moves to walk past, both hands slipping from his arm, Namjoon angles his body to the side to allow him the space to continue.
“By the way,” Jackson adds after a beat, “You might want to check the ‘most wanted’ lists for up north. I could be wrong, but I think you’ve got one more problem.”
Namjoon’s head drops into a defeated nod, worrying his lower lip through his teeth as Jackson turns the corner out of sight, back towards the entrance.
Don’t move, don’t move, don’t move. A particularly violent shudder courses through you and you whine at the feeling of disobedience, but your body is shaking, breath coming in irregular pants. You’ve broken out in a sweat, your entire frame twitching and needy. Namjoon’s form ahead of you has you wanting, knowing he could make it better, he could kiss and lick and bite and touch and fondle and you need him to. But he only stands there, brow furrowed at the concrete beneath his feet, scratching at the back of his neck distractedly.
“N-Namjoon,” you whisper before you can stop yourself, feeling a thrill race through you when he freezes. Jackson said you needed to be quiet, so you don’t dare say much else, but when Namjoon looks up and meets your eye with a steely glare, you bite back a whimper.
“And you,” he says, low. “What do you have to say for yourself, hm?”
You only watch him, shivering.
“Speak,” he commands.
“Please, please, Namjoon,” you’re begging, babbling loosed from your lips in a tidal wave, “Please, I’m so hot, I need, I need you, I’m so warm, Namjoon, I need—“
“Were you going to let him fuck you?”
“Were you. Going to let Jackson fuck you?”
“….I…”  your mouth goes dry. At his scathing look you crumble. “Y-yes, yes, I wanted—“
“You were going to let him bite you?”
Your voice has become small, hesitant, but the surface of your skin still buzzes and every time you answer him, pleasure rushes up your spine. “Yes.”
“After I told you not to.”
“I’m hazed,” you whine, shuffling your feet, squeezing your thighs together.
He shakes his head, casting his glance to the side with an expression that morphs into desperation mirroring your own. “…Fuck.”
Yes. Yes, exactly. You concur.
“Come—” He gestures, but the movement doesn’t even register until you’ve already thrown yourself into his outstretched arm, nuzzling into his shirt, pressing as much of you against you as you can manage.
“—here,” he cuts off with a shocked wheeze when you slide your palm down past the front of his pants, rubbing for his cock through his jeans. A thrill runs through you at the realization that he isn’t soft under there. You growl. He grabs for your wrists, shaking, eyes wide as he tries to meet yours. “Hey, whoah, no—fuck, goddamn it.” “Naaaaaamjooon,” you complain. “I was gonna let you fuck me, too…”
“I can see that.” His voice is strangled. He pauses, grip briefly tightening over your wrists and you purr at the feeling.
“Get in the car,” he says finally.
“You could haze me more to get in the car,” you waggle your eyebrows at him, chuckling under your breath at the bubbliness of the world in the corners of your vision.
“Or I could tell you to get in the fucking car and then you just do it.”
“I’ll do something fucking for you, Namjoon.”
“Get. In the car.” He sounds strained, but you’ll take it. Eventually, he’ll give you what you want. You don’t even have to worry about it! You stumble with him to the car, giggling when he tries to usher you into the passenger’s side and avoid the way you’re trying to pull him on top of you.
By the time he comes around the other side to sit behind the wheel, he’s already chattering to himself under his breath. He does like to talk a lot.  
“Get Hoseok to pull some strings with one of his, get those clothes bought, look up the wanted section—wanted? What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Godammit, Jackson—gotta give this time to wear off. Maybe we can sneak you past Yoongi. Maybe he’s sleeping. God, I hope he’s sleeping.”
Your hands are wandering again. Drifting over the center console as the car jerks roughly under you and starts speeding smoothly into the sunset. It’s way more interesting to you, what’s happening inside the vehicle. Your fingers dance over to Namjoon’s lap, trailing, watching his face for any sign that he’s going to stop you. His jaw clenches again and he throws you a grim glance.
“Don’t think about it.”
“Think about what.”
“You know what.”
“Taking your cock out?” You clarify innocently, watching with interest the shuddering inhale he takes. “Putting your cock in my mouth?”
“Exactly that.” His teeth are gritted.
“Tasting the tip?” you continue, curious, brushing a palm against his crotch, feeling triumphant at the way the fabric stirs, the way he shifts underneath you. “Or deeper?” Your mouth isn’t working exactly the way you’d like, you’re slurring pretty hard, but you’re already drooling at the thought of sucking him off.
“I’m trying to fucking drive,” he whines, and the sound takes you aback slightly, watching his brow crease in frustration. Consent. Namjoon likes consent. He likes it when you ask.
“Can I suck your dick?” You ask with a polite smile, delighted with yourself for figuring him out so quickly. “Namjoon?” His hips rise of their own volition, stuttering. He doesn’t reply beyond a sharp breath and you frown. Not a ‘no’. But not a yes.
Wait a minute. You’re being so silly. You’ve forgotten the most important part!
“Can I suck your dick, sir?...”
He growls.
“No.” he says. You pout. You did so well, and this is what you get for it. You’re a good girl, why is he going to act like this?
“But I—“
“No buts.” He snaps. “Hands to yourself. Don’t move until we get home.”
Gold dust bursts beneath your eyelids, gathers under your skin, slinks up your throat, and you lean back into the car to watch it curl up through the atmosphere. Your hands are by your side. Where they belong. Where they’ve always been. You barely even notice how hard Namjoon is breathing.
By the time you get home, the soft lights and rounded corners of the world have faded some—not enough to be gone, but enough that your attention has returned to the wetness between your legs. You’re so wet. There’s even a patch forming on Yoongi’s sweatpants. You hope he won’t mind. You recall the way he licked you up in the diner and shudder. He definitely won’t mind.
Namjoon leads you quickly out of the car and up the stairs to the apartment, refusing to look at you, eyes wild, brows furrowed, nostrils flaring and jaw working. He looks like he’s thinking about lots of important things. One of them ought to be how good you’ve been, and how much you need him to touch you, but you’ll let him come to that conclusion himself.
He halts violently in the front hall eyes wide.
“…Namjoon?” Yoongi’s voice comes from the living room, sounding surprised, almost…guilty?
Namjoon immediately takes a few steps forward, body angled between you and the room.
 You peer around him to snag a peek anyways. Yoongi stares back at you from his position on the couch, belly down and hunched over something black. The bags under his eyes are almost a weird shade of purple, they’re so dark. He looks like he’s dying, drawn and fixated. When your gazes meet, his tongue slips over his lips, slow, heady. You whimper before you’re even aware you’re doing it.
“Really? Yoongi?” Namjoon sounds exasperated. Worn thin.
“Really yourself,” Yoongi bites back, but his tone is gravelly. “When you said you were going shopping I thought it would be for longer than five minutes.”
“On the couch?”
Yoongi’s upper row of teeth suddenly bare in a lopsided grin with a mild chuckle. “Not the worst thing to happen on the couch. Right?”
His smile drops suddenly, nostrils flaring. A shiver crawls up your spine as you watch his hips rock forwards and his eyes flutter back in his head. “A-ah, fuck. What the fuck have you two been doing?...”
It isn’t until you feel Namjoons arm raising to halt you at your chest that you realize you’ve been scooting forward in a trance, trying to catch a closer look at the fabric that Yoongi presses his face into now with a low groan.
“Yoongi…” Joon swallows, hard, “You should go back in your room.”
“She’s fucking hazed, isn’t she, Joon? Fuck, she’s so wet,” he continues to hiss under his breath, as if to himself. “Fuck, she’s so wet.”
This time you can see his arm shift, can hear a slick noise from underneath him, his breath catching. His jeans are hanging a little low on his hips, baring a black strip of underwear, you realize, and with that realization comes understanding. The fabric is Namjoon’s old hoodie. He’s got it pinned to the couch beneath him. When he nuzzles into it, you recognize the faded pattern from the hem brushing his nose. It’s upside down, so that his face is where…where your pussy was.
“It was a mistake,” Namjoon says while your world spins dizzyingly with arousal.
“Hmm…” Yoongi grunts, impossibly low in his throat. “Lots of those.” He doesn’t sound fully cognizant of what he’s saying. It’s absent, slurred. You see why when he twists his head again, mouth lolling open to lap secretively at the hoodie, his tongue pointed and firm. Arousal slips heat down your back, between your legs when you spot his bared teeth. Long, sharp, glistening with saliva as he exhales shakily. Oh, yes. That’s what you want.
Namjoon’s arm presses against you and he takes a half a step back, taking you with him even though you don’t really want to walk backwards. The way Yoongi tucks his head into the hoodie, his hair splaying against the fabric, inhales loudly, humps forward, hips curling with a sloppy sound that indicates just how wet he is in his own palm—it reminds you of an animal.
“Gonna bite holes in the couch, Joon,” he warns thick, muffled. “Mmm…I’m going to lose my fucking mind. She’s fucking hazed. God, I-I can’t do this.”
“It’s only been a day.” Namjoon’s voice is strained. You cast a curious look at him, but immediately your eye is drawn to the tent growing in his pants. He tries to move it, tries to casually tuck it out of view, but it’s too late, the damage is done, and a huff of desire escapes from your throat, eyes threatening to bulge out of your head. You like very much the way things are shaping up. “It’s only been a day—“
“Fuck. Fuck.”
“—We need to give her time to recover—“
Yoongi makes a noise that’s too close, too close, to a high-pitched whimper, his head still bent, hiding his face.
“Recover nothing, recover is bullshit,” he’s babbling, dark, frustrated, garbled by the pillows underneath him. “I need—“
“It’s not a good idea.”
“I need to be inside of her now, Namjoon.” Yoongi pulls his head back up, laying his cheek ontop of the hoodie. His eyes are blown wide, all traces of brown swallowed by obsidian, hooded and piercing as he meets your gaze, blazing a path straight through you. His delicate lips can barely keep his teeth at bay, bitten, abused pink playing peekaboo with glistening pinpricks of ivory. His jet hair spiders out across his forehead, stuck in places with sweat. “I need to drain her.”
“It isn’t a good—“
“I’ll kill you.” It fights its way past his lips, stuttering and stammering, like an addict denied his high, lent credence by the way he digs his nails into the sofa, ruts into his own hand. “I—I’ll, Joon, I’ll fucking kill you.”
There’s a pause of silence, punctuated only by your breathing and the soft fabric noises as Yoongi humps the couch.
“…No, you won’t.” Namjoon’s voice is soft. Quiet. He sighs through his nose, long and weary.
Yoongi opens his mouth to reply, but he stills at the same time you see movement in the corner of your eye. A hand drifting to the hem of Namjoon’s second hoodie. Its twin, on the other side. Shuffling its grip up, taking the hoodie and the scarf with it, peeling it up and over your head with all the gentleness of a caretaker. You can’t look away from Yoongi. He’s stopped moving entirely, too-bright eyes watching you from over the pillows, a snake in the grass ready to strike. You don’t think he’s breathing. Namjoon’s hands return, slipping long fingers beneath the elastic waistband. He shucks them off you, helping you step out by placing your hand on his shoulder. One leg at a time. You sway a little, completely nude, standing in the living room like a sacrificial offering to the heathen gods. And the intensity with which the creature on the couch watches you, your chest heaving with heady breath, tells you that analogy isn’t far off.
You next feel warmth at your hand, wandering fingers drifting to clutch yours in a show of unexpected softness.
“We aren’t going to hurt her,” Namjoon says, fighting to keep a tremble out of his voice. Is it excitement? Fear? “We’re going to take care of her. Right, Yoongi?”
“Fuck,” Yoongi whispers, eyes wide.
“We aren’t going to hurt her.”
“No.” Yoongi echoes.
“We’re going to take care of her.”
“I will use force if I have to.”
Namjoon nods, once. The hand at yours disappears, reappearing with a sudden grip of your hair, tugging your head back.
“You wanted so badly to suck cock, baby,” Namjoon snarls into your ear, sending hot breath coasting against your neck, making you squeal when he yanks unmercifully, his grip burning against your scalp, “Here’s your fucking chance. You’re going to take Yoongi down your throat like a good slut. I don’t want you coming up for breath. Do you understand?”
“I understand, sir,” you mewl immediately, scrabbling upwards, delicate fingers flying to his with no effect. The switch has left you reeling with whiplash, but it makes you shake all the same. All the same, it makes you ache. He releases you, shoving forward, and you stumble, catching yourself on the arm of the couch, just beside Yoongi’s head.
Yoongi still hasn’t moved. You slide to the front of the sofa, eyes trained on his, unable to keep down the feeling of being a steak in a lion’s den. But he uncurls from his position, turning to reveal his dick to you, head cocked, hands clutching the cushions on either side of his legs like he has half a mind to tear them to shreds.
You almost choke, just looking at him. Flushed a painful red from tip to base, bright veins bulging angrily, twitching in the cold air apart from his hand. Coated in precum, streaks shining in the light down what you can see of his lower belly, wet patches soaked through the bottom of his white shirt, glazing his cock. Under your stare, it oozes another dribble, and suddenly you’re famished.
It doesn’t register as a word until he shifts, legs widening, hands kneading. You look back to his face. He looks half out of his mind, eyes dark.
“Please.” He repeats, hoarse.
You’re already falling to your knees, jaw dropping opening with the sick plop of your tongue leaving the roof of your mouth, reaching for his thighs. His hips flex when you get close, easing his head past your lips and you can taste the heat before you even descend on him, sucking, laving at his fevered skin.
The noise he makes is sin, lust, and velvet. Not far from a purr. His hands don’t move from where they’re digging into the cushions, allowing you to take as much of him as you want, as much as you can. You fill your senses with him greedily; his taste, his smell, every twitch of his thighs and every bob of his cock into your mouth.
You feel wandering fingers trace your spine, curling around your ass, alighting to your dripping pussy with intent. When two push inside, eased tremendously by the seemingly endless slick that drips from your entrance, you arch into him.
“Y-You fuck her first,” Namjoon’s murmuring from behind as he presses his fingers into you, scissoring, stretching, curling seekingly. You hump against his hand, trying to push him deeper even as you suck Yoongi’s cock down your throat with a slavering eagerness. “Or-or maybe I do…M-maybe we…”
“Both,” Yoongi growls, sharp. A moan bubbles up around his member from your throat and his hips rise to meet the sensation, almost lazy if not for the way he shakes. You feel a hand curling into your hair less than gently, by your face, tugging your head a little to the side so that he can look you in the eye while you suckle at his head. He’s grinning, feral and distant. As your gazes lock, he scrunches his nose at you in a playful snarl.
“You have two holes for a reason, don’t you think?” he drawls past a slur. “Let’s see how wide we can stretch them.”
Behind you, Namjoon grunts deep in his throat and his pace stutters. “Sh-shit, that’s—“
“She wants it. You want it, don’t you? You want me in your ass. You want Namjoon in your cunt. Admit it.” He tsks, his tone dropping somehow lower. “Admit it, and we’ll prepare you first.”
He pulls you off his cock with a fierce tug of your locks caught between his knuckles, teeth baring again in a half smirk, half grimace as he watches you take deep gasping breaths with all the tenderness of a hawk surveying its squeaking prey.
“I—I do.”
“Little whore.” The vampire in front of you hisses, murmurs, but the thumb brushing against your swollen lips is akin to fond. “I know you do. You want Namjoon’s fingers in your tight little hole?”
You’re nodding into his palm, trying to shift your weight more comfortably on your knees. Either he doesn’t notice or he’s pretending not to, perfectly fine with allowing you to arch, crane. Twitching when Namjoon’s fingers bump against those perfect places inside of you with slick, overly wet noises.
“You want him to stretch you wide for me. You want to beg us for it.”
“I do. I want it.”
“I don’t know that she can take it,” Namjoon mumbles, hoarse, but his fingers give you one more pump, squelching into your arousal, before they’re sliding slowly out, tracing up back towards your spine.
“She’ll fucking take it.” Yoongi’s leading you back to his cock, pressing your cheek to his strained member. His head throws back with a low groan when you obligingly lick up as much of his skin as you can, tasting salt and feeling the heat under your tongue. “She’ll take it and she’ll love it.”
“I’ll take it so good,” you agree between laves, between sloppy kisses and slurps. “I’ll take it.”
Warmth presses experimentally against the tight ring of muscles at your ass. When you tense thoughtlessly, it immediately disappears, Namjoon exhaling shakily.
“I don’t think—“ he mumbles.
“I think,” Yoongi snaps. “Stop fucking thinking, Namjoon. Just do it.”
There’s a pause, a shuffling from behind you, the sound of a bottlecap popping open. The fingers return, and this time you make sure to roll towards them, humming your approval as you lathe up and down Yoongi’s member sloppily. This time, you recognize a much slicker feeling—he must have found lube. Just for you. How nice of him. One digit presses deeper, sinking into you and you huff a sigh at the strange sensation; even with the lube, it hurts, just a little, just a sting, but it’s warm and smooth, filling you up. Another finger pad rubs comforting circles into your clit as he pumps his finger steadily into your asshole. Yoongi purrs with appreciation at the both of your compliances, hips twitching.
“Mm, yeah, stretch her good. Stretch her so good, so I can slip right inside of that tight little ass.”
Namjoon introduces a second finger and you have to stop sucking Yoongi’s cock to rest your head in his lap, keening at the intrusion. It burns, it burns, but the thought of taking his member inside of you, the thought of taking both of them, has you shaking with anticipation.
“Hoseok’s gonna be so mad,” Yoongi mutters, watching you whimper and carding lithe fingers through your hair. “His loss.”
Namjoon’s abrupt chuckle is humorless and short. “Hoseok is in big trouble for that stunt he pulled last night.”
“Hmm? What stunt?” The corner of Yoongi’s mouth twitches upwards in a knowing grin. A hand explodes against your ass, forcing you to jump, working yourself harder on Namjoon’s fingers, and you moan thickly.
“Tell him.”
“H-Hoseok came in the room while I was being pun-punished,” You stutter as Namjoon slides a third finger into your quivering hole, stretching you further with a deep grunt. “He-he fucked my chest.”
Yoongi chuckles. “Shh,” he hums, mock-comforting, stroking your hair with one hand as his other drifts to his own member, teasing at the purpled, leaking head absently, drifting to lock around his base. “I know. I know. Did you like it? Hm? You did, didn’t you? I bet it made you so fuckin’ wet for Hobi’s cock.”
He makes a thick noise deep in his throat. “Namjoon.”
“Gently,” is the response. Namjoon’s fingers slip out of you, even as your body clamps down on him as if trying to convince him deeper, and the rush of pleasure as they’re removed has you shuddering. “Go slow.”
But Yoongi’s gripping your hair, patting your cheek, is excited and rushed. Feverish.
“Turn around. Turn around,” he urges.
Obediently, you sit up shakily, assisted by an arm slipping beneath yours, and turn to face Namjoon. At some point, he’s taken his shirt off, unbuttoned his pants to better stroke at the bulge growing at his crotch. His eyes are hooded, his lips are red from his own worrying. He flicks his eyebrows at you when Yoongi’s hand comes up with a sharp crack on your asscheek, jolting you forward. You can hear him shuffling out of his pants entirely behind you.
“Ready?” Joon asks.
You nod, leaning up and seeking out his lips again. He kisses you back briefly, hands alighting on your waist to encourage you down. Yoongi’s hands drift over your ass, your thighs, tugging you closer, pulling you to meet the hot skin of his lap. His fingers as they dance over your cheeks, shifting you open so that he can rub the tip of his dick against your opening. The hot, slick feeling of his velvet head finally breaching the tight ring of muscle has you gasping, scrabbling at Namjon’s arms.
Yoongi is definitely bigger than Namjoon’s fingers. As you sink down on him, impaling yourself on his cock, you clutch forward at Namjoon desperately, mouth open to allow for the breathless mewls escaping your throat. Behind you, Yoongi grunts and hums directly into your ear, tsking through his teeth.
“Are you okay, baby?” Namjoon murmurs, almost sweet if not for the feverishly intent way he watches his elder penetrate you. “Is that still good?”
“Big,” you hiccup, unconsciously trying to shift your hips to accommodate the girth as it parts your walls. “It-it’s big.”
“I know,” he soothes. He keeps up petting your cunt, brushing your clit, rubbing your tits. He leans forward, pressing soothing kisses to your collarbone, up your neck, the edge of your mouth. “I know. You tell me if it’s too much.”
“Oh fuck,” Yoongi growls, low, when he finally bottoms out, sheathing himself completely inside you. “Oh fuck. God, you take it so good. You take it so well. Are you sure Jin’s boys didn’t do this for you?”
“N-No.” You’re glowing at the praise, at the attention, as you adjust. The pain quiets to an ache the longer you sit there, but you won’t deny the twitching in your limbs, the leaking of your pussy. It isn’t taking you too long to warm to the idea of taking both of them at the same time.
“No? No, just us, hm? Think they’ll be jealous, Namjoon?” Yoongi catches your earlobe with a bite that’s a little too sharp, humming.
“Jealous that we got to have so much of baby? Oh, yeah.” Namjoon mumbles, kissing you deep. His tongue slides across yours, sweet and gentle. Your lips smack obnoxiously when you part, the sound so loud in this enclosed space between your faces. “Jealous that she’s ours.”
“Is that right?” Yoongi’s hips move experimentally, thrusting shallow, and you moan at the sensation. It’s like he’s reaching through you to your guts, and you love it. “Are you ours? Hmm?”
“Y-yours,” you choke, humping with him.
Eyes caught in yours, Namjoon fishes his cock out of his underwear, giving the thick length a pump, two, before he’s edging closer. He’s kissing you again as he sinks into you, and you melt into the bliss of being held so intimately, so gently. Yoongi at your back, rocky steadily into your ass, Joon at your front, thrusting into your wet pussy, both humming and grunting with the effort as you writhe helplessly between them. You’re so full, so full, disallowed from resting between thrusts with the alternating rhythm they quickly fall into.
“F-fuck,” Namjoon growls. “So good, you’re doing so good for us, baby.”
When he thrusts especially hard, you can feel it criminally deep inside of you and you arch, hips lifting to meet him. The feeling of both of them fucking into you simultaneously, breathing into your ears, moaning, has you roiling in ecstasy, strong, warm arms holding you up, moving you against them, caressing breasts and rolling your clit.
“I-I’m not going to fucking last…” Joon warns.
Yoongi chuckles breathily, licking his lips so sloppily it’s loud.
“Cum in her,” he demands, hoarse, “Give her everything. I want to feel it.”
 There’s the sound of the lock turning at the front door. Namjoon’s pace quickens with a groan. He starts pounding into your cunt, leaning over you with his brow furrowed, lips parted, sweat making his neck, his cheeks, glisten. His cock fucks so smoothly into your cunt, stretching you around his girth, bottoming out and slipping until he finally settles for rocking up deep into you. The sounds his pelvis makes as he fucks you perfectly are loud, stuttering.
“Gonna, gonna,” he mumbles, licking up your lips.
“Hoo!” Hoseok’s voice calls from the front hall, “What is going on in…here…?”
Joon stills inside you with a violent thrust, cock buried deep inside of your guts, pulsing as he paints your walls with wet warmth, exhaling a grunt into the crook of your neck. Yoongi stills completely, moaning low in your ear.
There’s a pause, punctuated only by the heavy breathing of everyone present. Namjoon presses a sweet kiss to your mouth, humping once, twice, sliding his spent cock from your gaping hole with a hiss.
When he moves to look to Hoseok, you get to see him too.
Standing in the hall, a gym bag slung over his shoulder. His hair’s wet at his forehead with sweat. Under your stare, he licks his lips. His eyes are already smoldering, congenial grin faded into a hungry look.
“You guys having fun?” he asks, falsely conversational.
“No, it’s the worst.” Yoongi’s deadpan reply doesn’t earn him more than a flick of the eyes. “You should probably go back to the studio.”
“Sorry, Hope,” Namjoon interjects softly, still panting. “It—we didn’t mean to go this far.”
“I did.” Yoongi interrupts again in a whisper. You jolt at the feeling of his hot, slick tongue suddenly wetting a path up your neck to your ear. You squirm, both of you moaning quietly when you jostle his cock inside you.
Hoseok shrugs, lips curving into a pout. He slips his gym bag off his shoulder, tossing it carelessly to the ground as Joon flops to the side of the couch, far enough to be out of the way but close enough to keep a discerning eye on Yoongi.
“Well. I’m here now…” Hoseok says low, stalking closer. You’re suddenly very aware of how lewd you must look right now. Yoongi buried in your ass, Joon’s cum leaking out of your wrecked pussy.
“Hmmm about that…Hoseok misbehaved, didn’t he?” Yoongi murmurs into your ear, his breath tickling your neck. He shifts, beginning to roll into you again, stealing your breath. “Left you high and dry. What do you say we leave him?”
It’s impossible to concentrate, between his smooth fucking into your asshole, the way Joon’s rapidly cooling cum runs down your cunt, the smoldering glare that Hoseok throws your way.
“We can make him watch.” Yoongi’s next thrust is overly excited, and you jerk back into him with a loud moan, back arching as his cock parts your tight hole and slips up into your depths. It dislodges more of the cum inside you, encouraging it to ooze out in a fresh glob painting your slit. “Hmmm…we can make him watch and he can fucking cream all over himself in his ridiculous fucking pants. Make him clean it up, suck it up out of the fabric, no hands.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” Hoseok’s smile is not friendly. It’s dark, dangerous—not far removed from an animalistic sneer.
“You don’t think I would?” is the glib response, heavy with promise, punctuated by a grunt when you clench around him. Hoseok’s smile disappears.
“Fuck, fuck,” Yoongi pants into your skin, tsking through his teeth. “What a fucking idea. What a fucking idea. You want to see it, too, don’t you?”
“P-promised,” you stammer, mind reeling, toes curling.
“What was that, slut?” Yoongi snarls, a free hand curving around your neck. Namjoon’s eyes dart to his fingers with an expression that betrays how ready he is to save you, even as he continues to recover from his position on the floor, but Yoongi doesn’t tighten his grip more than enough to choke your words and make it difficult to slur through them.
“He, H-Hoseok promised, he promised, t-to fuck me.”
“He promised to fuck you.”
“Mm,” you whimper, nodding, vision swimming with heady pleasure.
“You can’t get enough, is that what you’re telling me?”
“N-no.” You moan when he starts to thrust even harder into you.
“Never enough cock for you. Never stuffed full enough, never satiated. It would take all of us, wouldn’t it, and still you’d beg for more. Tell me I’m wrong.
Come here,” he barks, fevered, without waiting for your reply. “Get over here.”
Automatically, Hoseok moves, the edges of his expression softening as Yoongi’s haze pulls a veil over his eyes. He doesn’t even get a full step forward before Yoongi is commanding him again.
“Down. Knees.”
Hoseok’s legs buckle at the knees, his head flopping forward, eyes fixated on the unbelievably erotic sight of Yoongi’s cock disappearing into you and reappearing covered in juices and lube, the way your pussy weeps clear arousal and thick white seed down your thighs, soaking into the couch beneath you.
“Tell her you’re sorry.”
“I’m sorry.” It escapes his mouth easily enough, but his lips twitch in a faint grimace afterwards, as though the words leave a bad taste on his tongue. Yoongi fucks harder into you, before grunting and suddenly grasping your hips with both hands, one on either side. You can feel him twitching deep inside of you, but he doesn’t cum yet, just rocks upwards, curls absently against your back.
“How sorry?”
“So sorry.”
“Prove it. Show her. How fucking sorry you are.”
Hoseok’s eyes flit upwards, catching you in their endless chocolatey depths. You feel warmth, palms, curling over your thighs, holding you splayed in front of him with long hands. Maintaining eye contact, he leans forward, jaw inching open, tongue presenting itself, before he makes contact with your pussy, licking a long, hot stripe upwards. A low moan claws its way out of your chest, your hips thrusting forwards and halted by their hands, Yoongi’s on your waist, Hoseok’s pinning you to Yoongi, forcing you to take it as he starts to eat you in earnest. He slurps up Namjoon’s cum like he daren’t waste a drop of it, sucking it off your lips, sliding his tongue everywhere but your clit, rubbing through your folds, dipping like a man possessed into your cunt to retrieve as much of it as he can taste. You convulse with every flick, humming and whining, sweating, straining against their grip as Hoseok tilts his head, maneuvering this way and that, as though determined to lick up every trace of Namjoon from you.
“That’s it,” Yoongi growls thickly. “That’s it, just like that. Make her cum and I’ll let you inside her.”
 The response is immediate. Hoseok forces your thighs apart even further, lips finding your clit easily and attaching with a decadent slurp so loud and so obnoxious your ears ring, holding you down as you shake and arch into him, moaning unintelligible pleas for mercy as he sucks you up like his last meal. Your body wracks, shivering, and you hardly even realize how near you are until you’re finally shoved off the precipice. You’re cumming, hard, scrabbling for purchase on Yoongi’s thighs, the couch beneath you, Hoseok’s fingers. The scream that tears itself from your throat is raw, over-extended and cuts out entirely at the end as pleasure races through your entire body, forcing you to convulse and shake.
Yoongi’s steady fountain of curses barely registers until you realize he’s begging just as painfully, as desperately as you are.
“Fuck, Hoseok,” he hiccups, “Fuck, hurry up, get—get in her, fuck, I can—I’m gonna—“
“Was that nice?” Hoseok preens as he pulls away. His mouth and chin are shining, glazed with your arousal. He licks absently at it, slipping the waistband of his sweatpants down teasingly, catching your eyes with a hazy, prideful smirk. “Was that good? You want Hobi to fuck you now, pretty girl? You forgive me yet, hm?”
“Stop fucking around,” Yoongi bites, hands dashing to your thighs from around your back. He opens your folds for you, presenting you even more prettily to the other vampire, who watches you twitch with satisfaction and desire. “Come fuck the communal whore.”
Hoseok’s cock is thinner than Namjoon’s, but it’s longer. When he lines up with your entrance, guided easily by Yoongi’s fingers, and presses in with one smooth motion, you release a deep exhale, head thrown back over Yoongi’s shoulder.
“There you go. There you fucking go.” He encourages in a mumble, hands raising, one to your neck to caress and fondle, the other to your hip, to steady as he and Hoseok start thrusting in tandem.
Hobi’s hips flow into you effortlessly, curling, stroking the inside of your cunt with precision that leaves you breathless. The difference between the fevered way Yoongi now rams unevenly into your ass, drawing thick breaths through clenched teeth, has you clenching around the both of them.
You feel something against your palm, and you turn to look, meeting Namjoon’s eyes. He watches you caught between his brothers, expression heavy. He wraps his fingers around yours, and you realize his other hand is curled around his own dick, stroking himself to the time of Yoongi’s thrusts. He leans his head back, staring at you past hooded eyelids, plush lips parted in quiet huffs as he twitches and releases again, small spurts up his chest, decorating his abdomen. The sight of him, shining with sweat and cum, pleasuring himself as you bounce, filled up and defiled, makes you cry out, wrapping one thigh around Hosoeok’s ass.
“Gonna fill up this pretty ass,” Yoongi hisses, “Gonna fill you up so good, fuck.”
“Good girl,” Hobi soothes through his grin, “Good, just like that, take it, yeah, take it.”
Yoongi’s pace becomes even more erratic, even more uneven, his voice giving way to high pitched mewls and low grunts, burying his cock inside you with a growl.
“N-Nam—“ he pants suddenly, arching, pressing his lower half to your back.
Namjoon sits up with a rush, hand disentangling from yours to reach upwards, just over your shoulder, and you can feel the force as Yoongi’s head is thrown backwards into the cushion of the sofa. His prick twitches and throbs, finally emptying himself into the cavern of your asshole, filling you with wet warmth. Hobi pushes forward one last, long drawn-out time, and cums inside your cunt with a huffed breath almost of surprise.
Behind you, you can hear Yoongi hissing, growling, whimpering. You can feel the struggle as he thrashes against Namjoon’s hold, his fingernails beginning to dig into your hips.
“You fucker,” he spits, seething. “I’m so fucking hungry, you son of a bitch. It’s your fucking fault, you fuck.”
“Shh, Yoongi,” Namjoon soothes, brows knitted together. “Shh, I know. I know.”
“Fuck you, Namjoon, let me drain her fucking dry. You’re such a cunt.”
Hoseok slides out of you, watching your pussy leaking fresh cum with absent satisfaction, brushing a thumb against a flushed lip to collect some of it. He leans up, smearing it across your mouth and you lean forward into him, sucking the digit into your mouth with an exhausted moan.
“Hobi, get her off him.” Namjoon says, sharp.
“Alright, alright. Come on, pretty girl,” Hoseok urges gently, wrapping his palms underneath your ass to help lift you upwards. You try to prop your legs up under yourself, but you’re so sore, so used up, they’re almost completely useless. Yoongi’s member leaves your ass with a plop, his release already beginning to ooze down your thigh. His hands are hesitant to leave your waist, but eventually trail off, obeying hushed encouragement from Namjoon. Hoseok pulls you to stand, into his still-clothed chest, propping you up on your feet and letting you lean against him.
“Can you stand?” he murmurs into your ear. You’re shaky, disoriented, clutching everything you can reach of him. You shake your head ‘no’, burying your face into him, inhaling the comforting scent. “Okay.”
He slowly moves to collect his pants from the ground, keeping your hands on his shoulders as he bends. When he straightens, he pulls the soft material up your legs, wiping at the thick liquid flowing freely from your abused holes. When you flinch away at a slightly rougher tug, he apologizes quietly under his breath, craning to press a weirdly sweet kiss to your cheek.
“I’m gonna take her to get cleaned up,” he says over your shoulder, rubbing comforting circles into your lower back.
“Good,” Namjoon replies, distracted. Briefly, you feel a hand at your calf, stroking upwards in a soothing kind of manner. As Hoseok turns, leading you down to the hall, you catch a glimpse of Namjoon sitting beside Yoongi on the couch. They’re embracing now, both glistening, both panting. Their eyes are closed, Namjoon’s peacefully if not for the worry that creases his brow, Yoongi’s screwed tightly shut.
“Didn’t mean it.” You catch Yoongi’s deep mumble, choked with emotion, as he buries his face in Namjoon’s shoulder.
“I know. I know. It’s okay.” Namjoon’s hand brushes up his back reassuringly, even for how it shakes. “It’s okay. I’m sorry.”
 Hoseok leads you slowly to the bathroom, props you up in the shower. The space is too tight, too small, to comfortably fit both of you, but he gets down to business washing you clean with the kind of care you’d expect from someone who’s done it a million times before. He keeps you upright, sudsing you up, rinsing you down, keeping your hands on his shoulders, occasionally placing a steadying arm around your waist while he cleans the rest of you with lukewarm water. He hums while he works, some absent tune you don’t recognize.
“Namu seems to really like you,” he pipes up. “I saw that handholding jerkoff thing.” He shakes his head, chuckling under his breath. “What a sap.”
You don’t have anything to respond with, so he continues.
“He’s not the type to like people easy, you know.” He sighs through his nose, craning to catch your eye with a nod to indicate how serious he’s being. “None of us are. I don’t know what Yoongi thinks…or if he does right now.”
He straightens to continue rinsing your hair, taking the utmost amount of care to avoid getting soap in your eyes.  It feels nice. Warm.
“But if Namjoon likes you…I guess we’re going to have to take better care of you.”
There’s a pause.
“I am sorry.” He says finally. He sounds sincere. “For the tit job.”
Now you look up at him, too tired to really say or think much, but hoping he gets the expression you mean to send him. He grins, wide, and boops your nose with the loofah with a giggle.  
“It was really hot, though.” He adds, in a mock-defensive pout. “Really hot. I jacked off earlier today just thinking about it, you know. Shit, maybe I’m falling for you.”
That makes him laugh, his signature cackle bouncing off the tiles of the bathroom.
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omniswords · 5 years
whatever a sun will always sing (is this)
@imnin​ drew some really hecking cute lukanette art and instagram has been feeding us so naturally i had to write about it. also:
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Juleka was supposed to be here. Again. And she wasn’t. Again.
Marinette was starting to get the feeling that maybe this was happening on purpose.
To be fair, the first time wasn’t on purpose; that was back when they were fourteen, and Juleka genuinely had forgotten that Marinette was supposed to come over with the leggings she’d mended. That wasn’t so bad; she’d spent the afternoon with Luka instead, and Luka was always fun to be around. He played all kinds of music for her to fill up all the empty spaces. He talked to her about everything from the classes he didn’t miss taking to the question of just how small they were compared to the rest of the universe. He even took selfies with her and let her post them to Instagram. Sometimes, if she was lucky, he’d give her a guitar lesson or two.
He was… he was a really good guy to be around. He was a good guy to be alone with.
Obviously Juleka must have thought so too; this was her brother they were talking about here. But then… Juleka had always been so quietly supportive when it came to everything about Adrien. Had something changed? Had she found out what Luka had said at the TV station just before Kitty Section’s debut? Or had she always known about Luka’s feelings, and started to feel guilty that she was helping to push Marinette in the other direction when they were in middle school?
Whatever the reason was, over the months, Juleka had become really good at “forgetting” to stick around whenever Marinette had something for her. And the first handful of times, it wasn’t so bad. Luka was almost always there to keep her company, with his collection of guitar picks and a pocket full of quiet, meaningful conversation. But then she’d made the stupid, stupid mistake of telling Adrien her feelings outright, like the brave soul she thought she was, and she’d made the stupid, stupid mistake of letting his rejection get to her. And she’d tried to do literally anything else to keep from thinking about it. And she’d channeled all her energy into making some new clothes—and when she came to the Liberty, Juleka wasn’t there to try them on.
And she’d sunk to her knees with the bag in her hands, and she’d cried. Like a baby. Like a crocodile.
And Luka was there. Just the way he always had been. He didn’t ask questions. He didn’t take anything. He just gave. Just the way he always had given.
Well… it wasn’t entirely true that Juleka was never there. It was just that Marinette noticed the times she wasn’t home—the times she spent with Luka—more than the times she was. And that, as time went on, it seemed to happen more often. Juleka was there just enough times—the times that they actually scheduled pick-ups and drop-offs—for it not to bother her. Especially after the crying incident. And, well, Marinette wasn’t particularly upset if she popped over unannounced. It was on her, first of all, and besides that, Luka still made great company. And great music.
Which was exactly how Marinette found him this time when she made her way below deck: guitar in his lap, music notebook spread open beside him, the back of his head pressed against the wall. His eyes were closed, just the way they had been when she’d first met him a couple of years back, except this time, he didn’t look totally at peace. In fact, aside from that one incident with Bob Roth, it was probably the most frustrated she’d ever seen him. Which wasn’t to say he was never frustrated at all. He was just… impossibly good at hiding it.
She cleared her throat, just to let him know that she was there—he’d paid her the courtesy so many times in the past that it was only fair—and when he opened his eyes, she smiled and clambered up beside him on the bed. “Got something on the brain?” she asked by way of greeting, smoothing out the wrinkle in his brow with her thumb. It felt… intimate, doing that, and that was saying something considering the fact that she’d kissed his cheek at least twice.
Luka grinned right back and made room for her. “Everybody’s always got something on the brain,” he said. “We’d probably be dead otherwise.”
“Literally, or philosophically?”
Under his breath, he laughed. “Got something for Jules again?”
“Gee,” Marinette said, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she held up a paper shopping bag. “How’d you guess?”
“You know where to leave it,” he replied with a playful roll of his eyes, but his expression melted into confusion when she set the bag on Juleka’s bed and came back to him. “Need to wait for her to try it on so you can make adjustments?”
“Nah.” Marinette scooted back, resting against the wall as she hugged her knees to her chest. “I just wanted to spend a little extra time with you before I go. If. If that’s okay. Is it okay? ‘Cause if it’s not okay, you know you can tell me—”
“Marinette,” he interrupted; he was always so good at doing that when she was about to spiral downward into yet another ramble. “It’s never not okay.”
The smile he gave her was reassuring enough. All his smiles seemed to do that, relaxed her so much that sometimes she felt like crumpling into tears. “Okay,” she murmured, shifting just a bit closer and resting her head on his shoulder, her eyes fixed on his guitar. “Tell me about your music, then. Are you working on a new song?”
“Sort of.” She couldn’t see his face, but something told her that knot in his brow was back. “D’you ever get that feeling when you’re designing? Where… you can see everything perfectly in your head, and you’ve got the motivation and the energy, but…” He strummed a sad-sounding chord. “There’s just a wall there. Keeping you from getting it out at all. You know what I mean?”
Marinette groaned. “I totally know what you mean.” And then, with a nervous laugh, “Sometimes I just keep at it until I get so frustrated I start crying, but. I’d never tell you to do that.”
“No, no,” he said, letting go of his guitar to gently cradle the back of her head and keep her close, and she relaxed instantly at the touch. It was so easy, being like this with him, and she still had no idea if she was supposed to thank Juleka or not. “Don’t you do that either, that’s not good for you.”
“I know,” she mumbled. “Usually my mom will come up and make me meditate with her, or Papa will call me down to decorate cookies or cakes with him. Just something to get my mind off of it, or get inspired by something else.” She flicked her gaze up. “Maybe that’s what you need?”
“Well, I was already inspired by something else.” If he kept stroking her hair like that—no matter how absentminded—she swore she was going to fall asleep. “Just something I read. That’s what made me want to write the song in the first place.” He let go, picked out a few notes and chords. “It’s supposed to sound unforgettable.”
She smiled, closed her eyes and felt the ripple of muscles in his arm as he played. “But your music’s already unforgettable.”
Luka laughed to himself, probably in thanks at her vote of confidence. “Nah, I mean… I mean like, ‘first kiss’ levels of unforgettable.”
Marinette went quiet, felt a pit open up in her stomach. She tried not to shift too uncomfortably next to him, tried to play it off like she was just letting the words sink in. But with Luka, it was far too hard to hide things. Especially when he could play them out within seconds.
He didn’t. He only looked her way, concerned. “Marinette? Did I say something weird?”
“No, no!” She might have shaken her head a little too fast; it made her feel a little dizzy afterwards. “No, I was just… thinking.”
“About your first kiss?”
She laughed hollowly. “No, that’s… that’s complicated.” What was she supposed to tell him? That she’d only ever kissed someone—really kissed someone—twice, and that was only as a superhero? And that she couldn’t even remember one of them no matter how much she racked her brain for the memory? And that it had been something like two years and she couldn’t even remembeer what they felt like? And that, sometimes, it felt like it really had happened in some other timeline? Some other dimension? “I dunno. Maybe I haven’t really had it. It’s weird. It is weird, right?”
Luka fixed her with the sort of gaze that made her feel like he could dredge that memory right up. The kind that always made her feel like he really knew her. Knew the parts that no one else ever would. “I don’t think it’s weird that you’ve never been kissed before,” he said. “Or, I mean… I also don’t think it’s weird that you have… trouble, figuring out what your experiences are. What you want to claim. It’s hard.” He put his guitar aside. “Being a teenager is hard.”
“You can say that again.”
“Okay.” He grinned. “Being a teenager is hard.”
She gave him a good-natured shove, enough to make him topple over a little; sometimes she forgot her own strength, even out of costume. When he righted himself again, she went back to leaning on him, his arm comfortable around her waist. “Luka?” she said after a moment. “What was your first kiss like? Was it really unforgettable?”
Luka’s pauses were always thoughtful, and this one was no different. Instead of strumming his guitar, he traced idle patterns over her with his thumb, as if he were playing her instead. It tickled the first few times he’d done it, but eventually she’d gotten used to the feeling, and now it felt… safe. Special. Maybe even confusing. Was this a thing friends did? Could do?
Eventually, he said, “I guess so, but not in the way you’d think. It’s more that it’s just… stuck in my mind as a thing that happened to me.” He shrugged. “It was at some party. I figured I might as well be social with some of the kids in my grade, and of course Ma was all right with it. They were playing one of those games. You know the one.”
Marinette felt her face go hot and her stomach turn. She knew a few. “The one with the bottle?” she asked. “Or the one with the closet?”
“Kind of both. You spun the bottle, and then you had to go into a closet with the other person.” There was something in his voice that sounded almost… guilty. “The girl was nice, and I kinda liked her, but…” His fingers twitched. “It felt like everything was going so fast. I couldn’t keep up, even when I wanted to. And besides that, I… I guess, whatever magic you’re supposed to feel… I didn’t feel it. It was just somebody’s mouth on my mouth.” He took a deep breath that she felt more than heard. “I didn’t hate it. It was fine, I just… would do it over if I could.”
Marinette didn’t know what to say except, “Oh.” She didn’t want him to think she felt sorry for him, because she figured he didn’t want pity. It was just something that had happened to him, just something that he unpacked and felt for a while before he quietly put it away and moved on to the next thing. Part of her wished she were as good at reading hearts as he was. As good at calming them down. “Hey… Luka?”
“Do you want a do-over?” She didn’t know what had possessed her to ask. She just wanted to. Because they were comfortable, and here, and right. It was right. And it was probably exactly what Juleka wanted to happen while she was gone.
Luka didn’t answer at first, only slid his arm away enough for her to wonder if she’d said something wrong. When she turned to him, he was giving her that deep stare again. The soul-reading kind. The kind that made her wonder if his heart was pounding in his head the way hers was. “Do you want something to claim?”
Marinette held her breath, looked from his eyes to his lips and back again, and nodded. “If that’s okay.”
His face broke into a smile. “It’s never not okay.”
It wasn’t as though she’d never thought about kissing Luka. It had come up sometimes, little blips in her middle-school brain that sometimes felt like betrayal. And then, as the months passed, it felt less like betrayal, and more like possibility, until one day she caught herself daydreaming about it in her literature class. His hands on her face, his lips moving with hers, his breathy laughs fanning across her cheek before he went in for more on her front doorstep, just out of her father’s sight. Just like the ones she’d seen on TV through the spaces between her fingers. It made her relieved that her teacher had them sitting in reverse alphabetical order, so that she could be completely mortified and flustered and curious all the way in the back of the class.
This wasn’t like that at first. Not the daydream kissing. Not the TV kissing. His lips were trembling as soon as they touched hers, barely-there and delicate, asking over and over for permission. It wasn’t until she granted it with a firmer press of her mouth that he tilted his head, cradled her cheek, sighed all the tension out through his nose. And Marinette supposed, even then, even after they both relaxed into it, that it wasn’t daydream kissing, or TV kissing. It was just kissing. With Luka. Quiet, and soft, and uncertain, and real.
He’d barely pulled back before he whispered, “I know it’s selfish, but I really wanna do that again.”
She didn’t realize she’d curled her fingers into the front of his band shirt until she let go. “Then do it again,” she whispered back.
This time, Luka didn’t hesitate. He trapped her there in the best possible way, pausing just so after each kiss like, for some reason, he couldn’t believe this was happening. She wasn’t sure if this still counted as a first, or if they were tumbling headlong into seconds and thirds and fourths. But it was happening still, and all those knots in her stomach coursed all the way through her blood, and when she moved closer to meet him, she felt his hands at her waist, tugging her along until she was seated in his lap. and her fingers were laced behind his neck. Like he was the trapped one. Like he’d always wanted to be, or, perhaps, like he always had been when it came to her.
This was better than bottles and closets, better than demon butterflies and cataclysmic lipstick, better than things she wished she could forget and remember all at once. This was enough for her to wonder about the exact moment that a daydream became a memory, or if they could ever be one and the same, or if her teacher could read her mind when she thought about it in the back of that old classroom.
Eventually, he slowed them down, took that quiet lead the way he somehow always managed to. One, two, three more delicate kisses, and he pulled back for regrettable good, their noses and forehead pressed together. She wasn’t sure if he was looking at her, or with what kind of love, but she was too comfortable to want to open her eyes and find out.
It was the closest it felt to TV, and Marinette wanted to play it over and over and over.
“How was that?” he finally said to break the silence as she sat back. His voice was just loud enough to be more than a whisper. He held the words between the two of them, like he trusted her to carry them in her heart. To carry him in her heart, too.
Marinette pressed her lips together in a firm line to try and keep from smiling, but she failed anyway. “Pretty unforgettable.”
Yeah. It was the kind of thing he could write songs about.
The first thing she thought, while he was smiling back at her like that, was, I don’t want to forget again.
The second thing she thought was, uh oh.
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
Hide & Seek
Stray Kids AU: 10th member
Tori x Stray Kids
Tori and Jeongin share exactly one braincell.
A/N: Please check out my PATREON (patreon.com/kllamallama) for exclusive posts you can’t get anywhere else, as well as lots of other cool benefits!
Requests are closed, but your feedback is still greatly appreciated!
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“Do you like this coat, Noona?” Jeongin asked, holding up the jacket in question.
Tori wrinkled her nose at the leather jacket. “For a music video, sure.”
He frowned at her. “For real life.”
Tori shook her head with enthusiasm. “You’re too...soft. And that makes you look like you’re in the cast of Grease.”
Jeongin rolled his eyes, but hung up the jacket anyways. “I thought we liked that movie.”
“We do.” Tori agreed. “But you are no Danny Zuko.”
“Ouch.” Jeongin turned to the next rack. “I thought you were supposed to look at pyjamas or something.”
“I am.” She leaned carefully against a display of jeans. “But right now I’m helping you make good life decisions.”
Jeongin sighed. “How about you go find your pyjamas, and I’ll find you once I’ve picked a jacket.”
“Are you trying to get rid of me? I thought I was your favourite.”
“You are. But right now you’re making shopping hard.”
“Urgh fine.” Tori stood sadly. “Shop without me. I guess you’re all grown up now.”
Jeongin just waved her away.
Tori wandered towards the womens section, browsing through the racks of Christmas pyjamas, eventually grabbing a set of blue ones with snowflakes.
Her eyes caught on a display of winter jackets. Seven or eight circular racks, packed full of fluffy jackets.
The devil in Tori’s brain started to jump up and down. Slinking over to the jackets, she strategically picked one near the middle and slipped under the clothes and sat herself down in the middle of the rack.
She couldn’t see anything outside, so she assumed no one outside would be able to see her. The jackets hung right to the floor, creating the effect of being in a fort.
Placing her pyjamas in her lap, she pulled out her phone and stared at the screen, grinning mischievously.
Twenty minutes later, there was no call.
But Tori was stubborn, and she was not going to give in. Eventually Jeongin would finish picking out clothes and come looking for her. His wallet was in her purse, so he needed her.
It had been forty five minutes since Tori had entered her fort. With no contact from the outside world, she was quickly losing her mind. She’d already twisted her hair into six little braids, and tied her shoelace around her forehead in preparation for battle.
Her phone rang.
She lunged for it. “Jeongin?”
“Noona?” His voice came through, speaking clearly, though it sounded like he was whispering. “Where are you?”
Tori giggled evilly. “I’m hiding.”
She heard what sounded like a laugh. “Are you serious?”
“Yes, I’m serious.” She spun one of the wheels of the rack. “I can’t believe you didn’t notice. It’s been like an hour. So just come find me.”
“Um...so here’s the thing.” Jeongin laughed. “I’m hiding too.”
Tori’s mouth fell open. “You’re kidding.”
“Nope.” She could practically hear his smile. “Truce?”
She sighed, rolling her eyes. “Fine. I’ll come out and find you.”
“Same.” He hung up the phone.
Tori shoved her phone in her pocked and clamoured out of the rack on her hands and knees.
She smacked straight into someone.
“I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed, rubbing her forehead. “I didn’t mean-”
She looked up, finding the other person also rubbing their forehead. Tilting her head and wondering briefly why another customer was crawling around on the floor, her eyes adjusted to light.
“Jeongin!” She exclaimed.
Jeongin rubbed at the sore spot on his head. He was still wearing that awful leather jacket, and he’d tied a necktie around his forehead. “Noona? Were you there the whole time?”
“Was I-...Were you?” Tori looked back and forth. “We were hiding right next to each other?”
They blinked.
And then burst into laughter. Tori fell backwards into her coat rack as she clutched at her side, trying to collect herself. “We’re...we’re...we’re so stupid.”
“You were right there!” Jeongin laughed. “How are we literally this dumb?”
“It’s a talent.” Tori wiped tears from her eyes. “Let’s go. We’re going to be late getting back and Chan is going to have stroke.”
Jeongin pulled the shoelace off of her head. “We probably shouldn’t mention this.”
Tori nodded, yanking his tie off. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. And put that jacket back because I won’t be your friend if you wear it.”
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firstdegreefangirl · 4 years
Chris Diaz Week Day One: Chris + Buck (anything)
Pairing: Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1) (could be established relationship, could be pre-relationship, either way, they’re basically co-parenting Chris)
Word Count: 1025
Original Pub Date: 20 April 2020
Read on Ao3 here
Fun fact: Buck and I have the same favorite childhood book
“Buck! Look, they have ALL the Captain Underpants books!” He hears Chris’s excited shout from the next aisle over and rounds the endcap to look at the shelf. 
“They sure do! How many of those you think you can read in a week?” Buck laughs, watching Chris ponder his question. 
“Probably like … five! Dad says I read really fast!”  
Christopher starts pulling books off of the shelf and handing them to Buck, who adds them to the ever-growing stack in his arms.  
“I’ve seen you sitting on the couch with a book, kiddo. He’s right; those pages are lightning-fast.”  
Buck looks over his shoulder, grateful to see that there’s only one shelf left they haven’t gone through. He’s taken Chris off of Eddie’s hands for an entire Saturday of adventures, letting his best friend catch up on housework and bills, and they wound up at the local mall. Where, naturally, the first place Chris dragged him after the food court was the bookstore. He supposes it’s more exciting than an afternoon browsing through racks of clothing, and if Christopher keeps picking hardbacks like he has been, then it’ll count for a good arm workout too.  
By the time he steers Christopher over to a table in the coffee shop, Buck has 37 books in the stack. He knows, because Chris counted them as he carefully slid the tower from his arms to rest on the table.  
“Alright, well how about you start sorting them out while I grab us a couple of cocoas, and we’ll go through the rest together?”  
He nods, already pulling the books down into smaller stacks as Buck walks away. When Buck returns, holding two paper cups, the tabletop is covered in little piles.  
“That’s a lot of progress, man.” Buck laughs, sitting down across from his smaller counterpart. “You really think you can read that much?”  
“Well, maybe not all at once.” Christopher sips his cocoa, looking so serious that he reminds Buck of a haggard businessman, trying to organize the next great corporate merger.  
“Hey, don’t think too hard about it. You read fast, but I don’t think you read this fast. How about you narrow it down to two books today, and I’ll pick one out for you too, as a surprise?” He watches Christopher’s face fall just a little bit. “Besides, if we buy them all today, then we won’t have an excuse to come back another time.”  
“Yeah! That’s right, we can come back!” He perks right back up and starts rummaging through the stacks. “All of these ones have animals in them, but I have lots of animal books already. And I just started reading these books – they're about a boy whose name is Fudge!” Christopher looks up and laughs at the exaggerated confusion on Buck’s face. 
“He’s named Fudge? That’s a strange name.” 
“He’s a strange kid.” Christopher shrugs. “You can read one sometime, Bucky; you’ll see.” 
“I might have to do that.” 
“I for sure want the new Captain Underpants book.” He pulls a book from the middle of a stack and hands it to Buck. “See? This time they have to save the school from Sir Stinks-A-Lot! And … this one!” He waves the softback copy of Lunch Money in the air. “The back says it’s about a boy who writes books. And I like to read books, so I’d probably like him.” 
“Yeah? I’ll bet you would.” Buck smiles and takes the second book. “Now how about we go put the rest of these back, then I’ll pick up your surprise? I’m thinking about one of my favorite books when I was your age. Think it’d be right up your alley; maybe we can read it together when I come over sometimes.” 
“Yeah!” Christopher helps stack the books back into one big pile for Buck to carry back to the children’s section. Together, they’re able to get every extra book reshelved, and Buck grabs one extra on his way to the cash register, carefully hiding it behind his back. 
“Buuuuuuuuck! What book is it?” Christopher tries to lean around him and see, but Buck turns to keep the book concealed. 
“It’s a surprise. Quit trying to peek, you’ll see when we start reading tonight!” He sidesteps Christopher and pays for all three titles.  
 “Dad! Buck bought me three books!” They’ve no more than opened the front door when Christopher starts telling Eddie everything they’ve done today, the bookstore being the clear highlight.  
“Really? Let’s see them!”  
“I can only show you two. I don’t even know what the third one is yet, but Buck said it’s his favorite when he was in the fourth grade, and he’s going to start reading it to me tonight!” He takes the books Buck hands him and holds them out for Eddie. “Do you know his favorite book, Dad?” 
“Can’t say I do, kiddo. But maybe, if you ask him really nicely, Buck will read the first chapter to us both while I get dinner on the table.” 
“Please, Buck? Will you? Can we start reading right now?” Christopher makes his best puppy-dog eyes, which are undercut a little bit by the smile on his face. 
It’s a good thing Buck’s never been able to deny him anything. 
“Sure, we can start now. How about we go sit in the kitchen so your dad can hear too? I think he’ll like this one.” 
“What is it?” Chris clambers into the kitchen, dropping gracelessly into his chair. 
“It’s called From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.” It’s about a brother and sister who run away from home to live in a big art museum. Maddie read it to me when I was about your age, and we would talk about which museums we’d want to go live in.” 
“Dad! Can I live in a museum?” 
Eddie laughs. 
“I don’t think so, but we can go visit one sometime.” 
Christopher cheers as Buck opens the front cover. 
“Ready?” When Chris nods and ‘zips his lips,’ Buck starts reading. 
“Claudia knew that she could never pull off the old-fashioned kind of running away …" 
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galadrieljones · 4 years
As You Were (Chapter 8)
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Fandom: The Last of Us | Pairing: Joel x OC | Content: Fix-it | Rating: Mature
When Joel and Ellie take a wrong turn on their journey from Pittsburgh to Wyoming, they find themselves lost in what feels like a time warp: a beautiful place with a dark and dangerous secret, filled with painful reminders of the past. But they aren’t alone. When they meet Cici and Noah, a mother and son fighting tirelessly for survival, things change. For those with little hope to spare, family is what you make it.
This is an AU, starting after the events of the Summer chapter in the first game, and extending into the timeline of the second.
*cw: canon-typical violence, blood
Chapter 8: La Crosse (Pt. 2) / The Lapp Farm (Pt. 2)
"Jury's still out. But, man. You can't deny that view."
As Joel and Noah worked their way through the city, nothing much changed, at first. The buildings were empty. Many were boarded up, but not all of them. Little streams and creeks seemed to have broken through the bluffs, coming in off the La Crosse River and now flowed in skinny little ribbons in the empty lots and fields. Looking upon them was paradoxical, for the water was enticing in its visual clarity, but both Joel and Noah knew the truth. There was not much wildlife, and this brought into the world a worrisome quiet beyond the sound of the wind in the trees. The sun came down even still and brought color to the parking lots, all of them overgrown with tall grasses and ponds. The cordyceps in the water did not seem to affect the flora. It was a pretty place, Joel thought, despite its indifference toward human life.
As they crossed the city, Joel could tell they were getting closer to pure, raw nature, as the greenery thickened, and the buildings and houses became increasingly sunken by floods and overtaken by trees and their massive root systems. He knew from the map that the campus was more or less nestled within a great many bluffs, which rose up like grassy table tops, and the Mississippi was less than two miles to the west. Little purple flowers grew everywhere, and they started seeing mushrooms, too, growing on some of the blackened moldy walls of fallen structures, and so Joel and Noah did not get too close.
They just kept following the signs for the Circle of the Holy Signal, and headed straight toward Centennial Hall at the central campus. At times, Joel thought that perhaps he was being watched, through the windows in the residential neighborhoods, but this was hard to put his finger on. Even in the natural wreckage, there were so many houses, small and intact, lined up in rows across many blocks, that he consistently found himself wondering what could be inside. They found a German Shepherd recently dead by what appeared to be a gunshot wound, lying by the side of the road near a middle school. While they had been crouched low, trying to determine exactly how long ago it had been killed, another dog came up with its tail wagging. This one was some sort of lab mix, and it looked lost and starving as it sniffed at their hands excitedly. Joel scrubbed it behind the ears once and then reluctantly bid it to flee. They had nothing for it. This was a sad and desolate place.
After they had walked more than two miles, they started to see actual signs of the campus, which was promising as well as foreboding. School flags that had survived, still flapping off the street lights, and crimson banners for the football team. There were take-out restaurants and bars with their windows bashed in, some of them still advertising discounts for students as well as a UW Credit Union. They walked down Main Street for a while, passing many Lutheran churches, sometimes more than one on a single block. Some of the churches had been co-opted and hung with banners that read Worship Circle, another tell of their mystery cult. Those churches in particular were so overgrown with the mushroom, they looked like beautiful death flowers, and Joel bid them to put on their gas masks just for the time being, as he was worried about spore levels, even in the open air.
At some point, they came upon a school store. It still had mannequins in the window and the doors were locked up with a heavy chain. Joel stopped to look around and Noah leaned against a stop sign to drink some water.
“What’s your take on this place?” he said eventually. "Do you have any like, feelings about it?"
Joel was examining the chain around the door handles. “My take is, this might be a fool’s errand.” He had a small screwdriver and lock pick, given to him by Bill back in Lincoln. “But I have been known to make my fair share of foolish decisions over the years. Anyway, this town seems fairly dead.”
“We can go back,” said Noah. He was holding the water bottle, soaked in sweat from his dark hair to his red Converse. “We saw the church. Maybe there’s nothing else to see. Maybe it’s too dangerous.” He had a kicked look about him, like a puppy. Joel saw him for his age then—old enough to know a lot, but still too young to know much better. He had a lot of confidence and sometimes this could make him seem older, but he was still only seventeen.
“What do you wanna do?” said Joel. He popped the lock on the chain with considerable ingenuity. He was a little proud of himself. "I'm here to help you."
“I wanna keep going,” said Noah. “I wanna know what’s going on.”
“All right then,” said Joel. “Let’s get to Centennial Hall and see what we can find.”
“Okay,” said Noah, like he had been reenergized. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going inside,” said Joel, loosening the chain and letting it drop. It made a loud noise and he then used a piece of rebar to pry open the doors.
“Why?” said Noah.
“Because,” said Joel, letting the rebar clank to the concrete sidewalk. He wiped the sweat from his face and his beard. “There might be something in here I want.”
They went inside. It was surprisingly maintained. It even looked defended, as if somebody had taken up shop in there many years before. There were makeshift blockades in the front of the store and what looked to be a sizable nest in the employee’s lounge. From the looks of the posters on the wall, he guessed it had been college kids.
“It’s just paraphernalia, for the college,” said Noah. He was going through the aisles, looking at the clothes on the racks, the mugs and water bottles. “What would you want in here.”
“A souvenir,” said Joel. He went over to the women’s section. A huge piece of particle board had fallen from the ceiling. He hauled it away.
“For yourself?”
“No,” said Joel.
“For Ellie?”
Joel was scouring a rack of hooded sweatshirts. “She asked me to bring her something, as a trade-in for not letting her come along. Hey, does this look like her size?” He held one of them up, a faded crimson with the words UW - LA CROSSE stamped on front, in a sort of vintage font. He thought it seemed like something she'd wear.
“What size is it?” said Noah.
“Uh, a woman’s extra small.”
“Well, she’s pretty extra small. So, I’d say that’s a good bet.”
Joel gave him a look. “Come here,” he said. “Put this in your backpack.”
“What?” said Noah. “No. You put it in yours.”
“I don’t have room in mine. Your mom packed it with one too many bomb parts and radio frequency enhancement mumbo jumbo, and it’s already digging in my spine.”
“Fine,” said Noah, swiping the sweatshirt. He rolled it up tightly and shoved it in the front pocket. “For Ellie.” Then he zipped it shut and they looked around. He saw something funny, one gray tee-shirt folded neatly in a disorderly stack. He held it up and showed it to Joel. “What about this one, for you?”
It said: UW - La Crosse Dad.
Joel said, “Yeah, that’s real funny.”
“I thought so.”
They were alarmed then, by a loud and inhuman screech, some banging on the walls coming from a locked back room.
“Jesus,” said Joel, picking up his shotgun. Whatever it was, it was angry, but it was trapped. He thought it might have been one of the college kids who'd made a nest here, which saddened him.
“That’s the first one,” said Noah. “In the whole town. What does that mean?”
“It means we’re getting closer to the epicenter of whatever the hell is going on here,” said Joel. “We should keep moving.”
They left the store, left the infected to rot. It was blistering now in the high noon sun as they continued their journey. “What was that thing in the store, do you know?" said Noah, earnest. He had his shotgun in his hands, a heavy pistol stuffed in the back of his jeans. He had killed plenty of Infected in his life, but it was mostly runners.
“Sounded like a clicker,” said Joel. "Based on the looks of things around here, that is most likely what we'll be running into. Whatever happened, it’s been years.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” said Noah. It was a common sentiment for him, but now, something had changed in his demeanor. He seemed desperate.
“What now."
“We lived for so long, on our farm,” said Noah. “It felt safe, growing up there, barely encountering any of this insane bullshit, until just this past year or so. But these people here, in the city, it looks like they went through something horrible, for such a long time. How can that be? How can they all be dead?”
“If I remember properly,” said Joel, “it took the cordyceps some months to take root in the midwest. Once they isolated the big cities, it was a slow trickle to the end, and smaller cities like this, once they got it, there wasn’t much support. They got it bad. Local militias rose up in their various…forms. I ain’t surprised you all managed to survive on your land for as long as you did, given how isolated you are, but I suppose that it was only a matter of time before it got to you, too, one way or another.”
“This is so sad,” said Noah as they looked around at their desolate surroundings. He was shaking his head over and over again like he could not believe it. “My mom was born in La Crosse. Her ancestors came here from Norway in like the 1890s. Look at it now.”
“What about your dad?”
“My dad was born in Madison,” he said. “His grandparents were Spanish immigrants.”
“Was his family farmers, too?”
"Yeah,” said Noah. They were walking along, kicking around in the middle of the road, all cracked up with weeds, listening to the wind. “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You’re from Texas,” he said. “What about your parents?”
“My parents were also from Texas,” said Joel. “My grandparents, too.”
“Where in Texas?”
“A town called Odessa.”
“Have you ever been married?” said Noah.
Joel was looking up at the sky now. There were some carrion birds up there, circling. A bad omen. “What?” he said.
“I asked if you’ve ever been married.”
“Why would you wanna know that?”
“I’m just curious,” said Noah.
Joel sighed and gave in. “Yes, I have been married.”
“A long time ago.”
“What happened?” said Noah.
“It didn’t work out.”
“I see,” said Noah, sensing his unease. “What’s your last name?”
“My last name?” said Joel.
“Yeah,” said Noah, innocent. But then he also noticed the birds. Their conversation dropped off a cliff. “Holy shit,” he said. “You see that?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Those are turkey vultures.” He was chewing on a stick, something he’d picked up off the ground. “They nest all over these bluffs.”
“Yeah, well,” said Joel. “Looks like they found something. Come on.”
Meanwhile, at the Lapp farmhouse, Ellie had wandered over to the bottom of the stairs. They were heavy and a dark wood. Everything about the house seemed really sturdy, but it also seemed really old. Things creaked and there were occasional dips in the flooring. “I think she’s upstairs,” she said. She thought she’d heard movement now from the floor above. But she wouldn’t call out Becky’s name, because it seemed like it might not be her place. She was a stranger here.
“Becky?” said Danielle.
"Hang on,” said Cici from the living room. She had redone her pony tail. It was high on her head now and twisted into a bun. “Looks like somebody’s coming to the backdoor.”
“What?” said Danielle. "Who?"
Concerned, Ellie came back into the kitchen space and placed her hand on the loom. Maybe she hadn’t heard anything after all. She glanced toward the stairs and then back to the door. There was a little window in the door, the shape of a semi-circle, and now a girl rushing up the steps, wearing a white dress and a little white kapp. She tried to get in, but it the door locked. She knocked several times, with urgency.
“Danielle?” said the girl. “Danielle, are you here?”
“Hey, is that Becky?” said Ellie.
“Becky,” said Danielle.
She went to the door, opened it quickly. Becky came inside, her small, pink hands on the slope of her pregnant belly. Her hair was very orange, almost striking. When she looked around and Saw Cici, then Ellie, she became alarmed. “Cici?” she said. “What’s going on?”
“Everything’s okay,” said Danielle. “Where’d you go?”
“I woke up, and you were gone. I went outside. I looked everywhere.”
“I found one of the sick in the barn,” said Danielle. She helped Becky to the kitchen table, where the two of them sat down. Becky seemed out of breath. “I went to find Cici and Noah to help.”
“Oh,” she said, relieved. “Goodness. I was so worried.”
“I’m gonna take care of the runner in the barn,” said Cici.
“Runner?” said Becky.
“She means the sick,” said Danielle.
“Oh,” said Becky. “Right. Cici, how is Noah? It has been a long time since I last saw you.”
“Noah’s doing just fine,” said Cici. “Congratulations, by the way. On your blessing.”
“Oh,” said Becky, re-situating in the chair. “Thank you. We are so grateful.”
“This is Ellie,” said Danielle. She came over from the table and held Ellie’s hand. It was unexpected, but Ellie just went with it. Her hand was warm and clammy. The floor creaked where she stood. “What was your last name again, Ellie?”
“My last name?” said Ellie. She hadn’t spoke it in such a long time. She looked down at her hand, inside Danielle's hand. “It’s Williams, I guess. Ellie Williams.”
“Ellie is new to the farm.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” said Becky, fanning herself with her hand. “But you’re so young. Are you one of the ones from town?”
“No,” said Ellie, growing increasingly unsure of what she should say. “No. I’m here with—well, it’s kind of hard to explain.”
“You needn’t worry,” said Becky, so sweet, but strange. Her hair was like a pyre. Her cheeks, nose, and forehead were violently freckled and her eyes were very blue and misty. Like planets.
“What was that?” said Danielle. She had dropped Ellie’s hand and was now staring up at the ceiling. They all heard it then, the sounds upstairs. It was a loud thud, then some skittering like a giant rodent, and then a door slammed shut. Ellie felt a chill in her bones.
“Holy shit,” she said. She rushed back to the stairs, held onto the railing like a baseball bat, got up on her tip-toes to to see. “I knew I heard something.”
“I got it,” said Cici. “Ellie, stay here.”
“You can’t go by yourself. It’s one of them.”
Cici had drawn her pistol. Danielle was backing away, toward Becky, who sat very straight. They both looked pale, almost shocked, as birds. “It’s inside?” said Danielle. “How’d it get inside? I locked it in the barn. I used the chains.”
“I’m guessing it’s not the same one,” Cici said. “Just stay here, be very quiet. And Ellie, if you insist on coming, you keep behind me. Don’t do anything stupid.”
“Lead the way,” said Ellie.
Ellie didn’t have a gun. She’d left it in the truck. Still, she wasn’t scared. She had been through this now, so many times, with Joel. She knew what to do, and each of those fucking things she killed, since Tess, since Henry and Sam—since fucking Riley—she had recently decided: It was going to be vengeance. She wasn’t gonna take it anymore. On their way in from Pittsburg, she and Joel had stopped at a rest stop oasis in Ohio, foraged some food from a huge gas station there on the side of the freeway. She fell asleep, leaning against one of the shelves while Joel gassed up the truck, and she had a nightmare in which she saw Joel just standing in the hotel back in Pittsburg, water up to his knees, a bite mark in his hand. He told her he was going to take his own life and then instructed her calmly upon how to get to Wyoming. Take the I-80, he had said. He said it over and over again. She woke up unnerved. She had been clenching her jaw so that her teeth felt jagged. She never told him about the dream, but it, along with so much else, had changed her.
When she and Cici got upstairs, it was just a simple hallway with three bedrooms. One at the end, and two on each side. Only the door at the end of the hallway was closed. Based on the sounds they were hearing, it was a runner in there, hiding, probably terrified. They went slowly. Ellie could tell that Cici was gonna try to keep things quiet. The walls were painted white and very clean. Ellie gazed upon the quilts which hung there, just like the ones she had seen downstairs. There was something special about them. The colors were plain. Red, white, and blue, and the purity of such reminded her of the American flag. As she stared at the quilt, she got lost as she so often did and failed to realize that, as they were focused on the room at the end of the hall and approaching it in silence, there was another runner, vibrating real quiet in the bedroom to their right.
“Oh my god,” said Ellie.
The thing rushed them. It happened so fast, like a straight line wind, and when it went for Cici, Ellie didn’t think. It was a girl runner and not so big so she whipped it back by the hair and stuck her knife in its throat, five or six times till it died. The blood was everywhere. It was on Ellie’s face, her shirt, her hands. The sound of its death was loud, and as she dropped it to the floor, the other one came through the door, gnashing and alive. Its screams were horrifying. Even as she no longer feared them outright, the Infected were fucking demons. Ellie tripped over the dead one trying to get away, and just as she did, Cici raised her gun and shot the thing in the head, twice, point blank. It went down like a fucking sack of bricks. Ellie was on her ass and out of breath.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” she said, shaking her head out like a dog. “Is that all of them?”
“Are you okay?” said Cici. She saw the blood. She hauled Ellie up and started searching her for marks.
“I’m fine,” said Ellie. “Are you?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” said Cici, though she seemed unsettled. “We need to get the hell out of here.”    
“What about Becky and Danielle?”
“They’re coming with us.”
“Cici?” said Danielle from the bottom of the stairs. “Ellie? Are you guys okay?”
“We’re fine,” Cici shouted down the stairs. “Just—just don’t come up here yet. It’s nothing you wanna see.”
Danielle said a prayer. She said, “Praise god that you came.”
Ellie tried wiping some of the blood off her face. It had gotten on her clothes, and she felt momentarily embarrassed. “What the fuck are we gonna do with these things?” she said. “We can’t just leave them here.” She looked at the quilt on the wall. It was a bloodied. Ellie was pissed off about this. She hoped they could just make another.
“Go downstairs,” said Cici. “I’ll wrap them in sheets and drag them outside.”
“I’m covered in fucking blood,” said Ellie. “I don’t want to freak them out.”
"They’ll understand,” said Cici. “We’ve been through this sort of thing before. Though the fuckers have never gotten in the house like this.”
“What do we do with the bodies?” said Ellie. “Burn them?”
“Yes,” said Cici. “There’s plenty of fuel. It won’t be too much work.”
She dragged the bodies out one by one. She then went over to the barn by herself while Ellie, Danielle, and Becky stood outside, by the truck, and waited. Cici lured the thing out and blew it to shreds with a pipe bomb. They doused the bodies with gasoline from a canister in the shed by the garden and set them on fire in the pit at the back of the property. Then, they all drove back to the scrapyard, and though they didn’t go inside, Ellie did see rows and rows of school busses, exactly like Noah had said. Cici got out, used a rubber hose to syphon several gas cans full of fuel for the generator, and then together they all drove back to the farm on the other side of the hill where they would be safe behind the electric fence.
Back in La Crosse, Noah and Joel had found the detritus that had been drawing the turkey vultures from the bluffs. It was a clicker, facedown with parts of its neck ripped out. Could've been dogs, or maybe its own kind.
"Centennial Hall," said Noah, once they got there.
"There it is," said Joel.
The building was straight ahead of them. It was tall, red brick, stately in its prime with massive pillars and a clocktower. Of late, it had been devoured whole by vines robust as ankle tendons. The clocktower was plagued by black scorch marks, too, and the grass surrounding was probably waist-high. There were no more signs, no banners or flags. The building seemed deeply haunted, with the wind whistling through its veins. The clouds were big on the horizon. Joel feared a storm.
He was getting that feeling again, too, like they were being watched. "Noah," he said.
But Noah was already headed to the clicker, the dead one, splayed out in the middle of the road. He threw a rock at one of the vultures, which had been picking at its clothes unscrupulously, and the thing hissed back to the skies. Noah crouched down to get a better look. He hadn't seen an actual clicker since the last time he was here, since his dad.
"Noah," said Joel, surveying the quaint and rural atmosphere. Something was not right.
"It's okay," said Noah.
But it wasn't okay. Joel had seen it first, the thing that was set to change them. The clicker wasn't dead. It flopped over onto its back, surprising Noah and sending him off-balance. He stumbled as it screeched its terrible song, and its face, up close, was like a demon. Joel was there before he had the space to react. He pulled the trigger on his shotgun, close enough so that its head seemed to explode off its shoulders. It went down. Joel grabbed Noah by the collar and looked him over good. He said, "Noah. Noah. You okay?"
Noah thought about losing his guts, keeling over in the street. It had been some kind of event, and he had never been that close before. "I'm fine," he said, exhilarated. "I'm okay."
"Thank Jesus."
They decided to ascend the clocktower after that. It was the highest point they could see, and it seemed a safe place for to find their respite, for now. They climbed a bunch of narrow, spiral stairs and then a ladder, and a lot of it was rotted or rusted, but they made it okay. When they got to the top, it was a small space with a window and a circuit breaker, an old empty bottle of booze but that was all. They looked out over the burnt-out college campus, how it had gone to seed and lost its innocence. They saw the clouds, too, gathering in the north, looking like a definite storm now, moving south with some speed, straight for them and for Viroqua thereafter. Leaning heavily with their backs against the wall, they caught their breath, and then Joel took the two-way radio out of his back-pack. He hooked up the repeater, something Noah's dad had rigged up a long time ago to help them extend the range of the frequency.
"We should radio your mom," he said, "before we head inside the hall. I don't know if it'll work. But on the off chance it does, we should let her and Ellie know we're okay."
Noah was in agreement, even as he spoke little. Joel found the channel and commenced his talking in the radio. Sylvia Plath, he said, loud and clear. Sylvia Plath, do you copy? This is Ryan Adams. We are okay. Sylvia Plath. Do you copy?  Do you copy?
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