#it is not even the best song in pippin
ustalav · 2 years
ppl who say pippin is a one hit wonder with corners of the sky don't know true existential dread
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shirefantasies · 9 months
Congrats on 100 followers!!
What are some of your lotr headcanons?
Thank you so much 🥳 Ooooooh good question 👀 lessee *cracks knuckles* I’m going to do some regular one & some romantic ones, enjoy 😘
Some of my LoTR Headcanons!
✧ Aragorn may have worn Boromir’s bracers, but he also kept a drawing he found in his pocket. Turns out Faramir had drawn it one day when they were boys and his older brother held onto it until the end of his days.
✧ Legolas is so soft around little ones. He tries to act all like a wise guide but devolves into letting them climb him and carrying them up to rooftops for starlight stories. Doesn’t even care if they grab his hair or his ears, he’s still smiling so gently at them.
✧ Pippin is what would be called in modern days neurodivergent, more specifically with autism and ADHD. His parents and Merry were the most understanding ones, the ones who knew what he needed to hear and how he would process it best when others didn’t always understand.
✧ Legolas and Aragorn had the habit of singing together at fireside, quiet elvish songs, until one evening Gimli decided to put a stop to it with a dwarvish drinking song. In the end, the others find it so funny they learn it and join in, all three of them leaving their troubles for one night of song.
✧ Lord Elrond? Elrond of Rivendell??? Makes the best cup of tea in Middle Earth, fight me.
✧ Faramir teaches Pippin his favorite childhood game, probably something akin to chess, not really expecting the hobbit to enjoy it but Pippin ends up beating him out of sheer luck
✧ Frodo, Aragorn, and Legolas could have totally talked some shit in Elvish to each other and I firmly believe they did
✧ Arwen thinks of Lindir as a friend, but he’s so formal that in his mind such a lady could never see him so casually, leading to comical differences in the way they address each other
✧ Pippin wants a shit ton of kids some day. Sam is happy with around three, Merry wants a boy and a girl, Frodo isn’t sure he even wants children at all, but Pippin? He’s down for five to ten no problem, and he will be best friends with every single one.
✧ Eowyn teaches Faramir a bunch of horse riding tricks and he falls in love with riding as a sport, smiling as he takes in an act he only performed in war during a moment of pure joy and prosperity.
✧ Merry and Pippin are both such passionate kissers. OMG you will be breathless
✧ Elrond is the gentlest lover, handling his partner so carefully as if they were like gorgeous blown-glass in his hands and could break.
✧ Boromir is the type to grab his partner’s booty when they’re kissing in private
✧ Frodo’s ideal partner is not the smartest person or the most well-read, but someone with lighter spirits than his, someone who can never fail to bring a smile to his face and a laugh out of him.
✧ Faramir absolutely adores surprising you with flowers, so get ready to find them everywhere.
✧ Legolas is incredibly shy, inexperienced, and unsure with romance, so he prefers you to lead so that he can respond in kind, learning and studying with each touch, each act. He discovers his favorite thing is tracing a hand up and down your spine as you embrace.
✧ Gimli likes to act so rough and tough for someone who, in modern terms, would be called a massive simp, practically rolling out a red carpet for his partner and worshipping the ground they walk on, kissing them almost reverently unless the mood shifted deeper.
✧ Eomer is so good at giving massages, his partner will feel like royalty whenever he helps them relax
✧ He doesn’t look it, but Sam 100% would be the type to hold you up against a wall as he kisses you
✧ Aragorn enjoys being little spoon quite frequently. Fight me.
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live-laugh-legolas · 2 months
hi!! if you're still taking requests I'd love to requests headcanons of the fellowship with a reader with adhd?
(if you need pointers of specific traits to include plz feel free to message me!)
thanks so much!! love your stuff :)
I tried to include spectrum of traits and just general experiences with adhd, but I definitely do steer towards my own experiences a bit. I actually found this one a little difficult so I don’t consider it my best, so I apologize.
The fellowship (+Faramir) x adhd!reader
-Gives lots of gentle reminders and subtle pushes
-He is very good about showing you while explaining something so it’s easier to understand
-Because sometimes just being told goes in one ear and out the other or just doesn’t even make its way into your brain
-He will listen to you ramble on about a hyper-fixation with no complaint
-Seriously he will always listen and never tone you out to be “background noise” (damn I need an Aragorn in my life lol)
-I don’t think he knows much about it but he learns fast and is very perceptive
-If you are very hyperactive and talk a lot he is super patient; and probably a little entertained
-I think that elves could be prone to sensory overload sometimes if they are really stressed, so he knows how to help if you experience this
-Will take you somewhere quiet and will give you something to hold to fidget with
-He may think your leg bouncing or fidgeting is done because you are stressed; which maybe you are; so he will try and calm you down either way
-Honestly I think he might not really do anything different, like he just is like “welp that’s y/n”
-But not in a dismissive way you know?
-If you drum your fingers a lot he will join in and create a little song
-He also isn’t bothered if you just talk to fill silence, even if you are just kind of narrating the obvious (I do this and am always told it’s because I must like the sound of my own voice, but he would never think this)
-He may be a little concerned if you just zone out randomly
-Will wave his hand in front of your face like “dude, you alright?”
-I think he may not be the most helpful in terms of organization
-But he likes to help you get some energy out so you feel less jittery
-He also isn’t bothered if you interrupt him, because honestly he does the same thing
-He understands that you don’t mean it to be rude, it’s just sometimes your mouth works before your brain can stop you
-He is so patient
-Feels bad when you are stressed and will help you with out standing tasks like cleaning so you can focus on whatever it is you need to
-He’s also really good at explaining things in a way that is easily digestible
-Like either very simplified or using comparisons to things you enjoy or are currently hyper-fixated on
-Very productive himself so he probably doesn’t initially notice if you aren’t
-However he will notice if you are forgetful about self care
-Did you forget to eat? Sam has a biscuit ready for you and he will make you eat it
-He will also help you make and keep a schedule if that is something you struggle with
-I think Pippin could have adhd so Merry has a good understanding about it
-He will make simple tasks into games to keep your focus
-This also helps to make tasks feel less daunting
-He will also be completely honest with you if something is becoming a problem
-“you can’t forget to turn off the stove because you remembered you needed to send a letter”
-I wouldn’t be surprised if he also had adhd
-I imagine he will start a bunch of tasks but never finish any of them
-You two can be dysfunctional together
-So either nothing gets done when you two are together, or you both hyper focus and will clean the entire house in a few hours
-He is really good at telling when you are overwhelmed
-Like if a task feels too daunting or you get choice paralysis
-He will break things down to simplify whatever it is you are struggling with, and will aid you in getting started (because let’s be honest, just starting is the hardest part)
-He will never let you get down on yourself for things you can’t control; “you are not lazy, you are overwhelmed”
-This sweet man would be super supportive and helpful
-He may feel a little overbearing sometimes but it’s just because he is worried and doesn’t want you to feel dejected or insecure
-If you ever feel overwhelmed he is right there
-He also is super smart and patient so he doesn’t mind if he needs to re-explain something or if he has to repeat that same thing multiple times over time
-Won’t judge you if you forget something and need to ask again (I always ask what words mean even if I have been told a million times and have googled it)
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autistook · 5 months
Got inspired to do some headcanons by an ask I got from @kylobith
What would the Hobbits be like on a night out at the club?
I'm basing this on the club I usually go to, which has a dance floor, karaoke room, smoking room etc.
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- Takes a shot immediately and dances his way to the dance floor in an instant.
- He probably tries to only drink a few stronger ones and then beer, but when Merry and Pippin suggest he gets tequila, he fucking gets tequila.
- And that makes him dance even harder.
- After a while Frodo forgets to drink water and Sam has to make sure he drinks that too.
- Is normally quite specific about music, but with the drinks in his system he probably asks the DJ for Sweet Caroline or some shit...
- ... and sings that song whole-heartedly and reaches for Sam's hands and embrace during it.
- Gets a ride home, but before he gets there he gets the munchies so fast food it is.
- Probably makes himself tea when he gets home and then he goes to bed, forgetting the tea in the cup overnight because he got eepy.
- Drinks and is relatably drunk all night, but considering he is the mother of the group and especially wants to take care of Mister Frodo, he is "sober" drunk, so behaves the same as he normally would, but sways on his feet and doesn't hear properly.
- Drinks beer and maybe one cute drink with a swirly straw.
- Keeps bringing water to everyone. Everyone accepts it but Pippin who is too busy running off somewhere again.
- Is on drink watch duty - and takes it so seriously he keeps his hands on top of the drinks at all times when left alone at the table so no one will spike them.
- Goes to have some sort of a deep conversation over a smoke with Merry at some point, which almost snaps him out of his sober-like drunkness because he almost lets go of his caretaker side.
- Pippin convinces him to sing a karaoke song with him so he does that while standing awkwardly...
- ... though he is smiling a bit and is blushing, so secretly he loves it.
- Probably is the designated Hobbit to listen to other drunk people overshare, because he is at the table alone quite a few times because he is watching the drinks.
- When everyone is home safe and he steps inside the house: the drinks fucking hit him.
- Clumsy because of the drunkness. Talks to himself a lot. Tries to cook something on a pan but can't hold anything in his hands...
- ... so he gives up and goes to bed.
- Changes to pajamas though!
- Probably goes to check on Frodo in the morning after and brings him painkillers and water to bed. Frodo of course still in the same clothes from the previous night and if he was to wear eyeliner, it would be all over his face. Sam looks fresh as fuck tho.
- Immediately takes shots with Merry and grabs a pint in both hands.
- Plays beer pong with strangers when Merry goes to smoke some pipe-weed.
- Makes a new best friend for a few hours from one of the dudes who is playing.
- Can't make up his mind if he wants to do karaoke or dance, so he does both all night, which causes everyone to lose him a few times during the night.
- Doesn't drink the water he is offered...
- ...except once when Frodo gave him a shotglass of water and he thought it was vodka.
- Sings along every karaoke song even if he is not the one singing.
- Most of the karaoke songs he sings with Merry or his new bestie of the night.
- Has a very deep conversation with some girl at some point. She's struggling with a chaotic relationship problem and Pippin tries to help, but probably gives her the worst advice.
- Most of his drinks after the few ales and shots are either tequila shots or some colorful cocktails in quirky glasses, with those swirly straws and little umbrellas.
- Eventually is the one person from the group that ends up throwing up. Spends like an hour in the bathroom doing that, but then he springs up on his feet and goes back to dancing.
- At that point absolutely no one has any idea where the fuck he is.
- ... so the DJ plays some bs song (probably their quilty pleasure song, like something by One Direction or Taylor Swift) Merry requested that he knows will drag Pippin out to look for him to dance with.
- It works, so Merry finally drags him home.
- Of course stopping for some heavy junk food, where Pippin cries for like a minute over feeling guilty about throwing up and everyone having to take care of him...
- ...which he soon forgets because his McFlurry arrived or something.
- Throws up at home a few more times before climbs under covers and is immediately knocked out.
- When he wakes up, he realizes he is not even home. He was so drunk Merry just made him sleep on his couch. There's a bucket next to his head just in case.
- Despite his severe hangover: wants to do it again.
- "I'm never drinking again. Although, what are we doing next weekend?"
- Spends most of his night singing with Pippin and having deep conversations with stranger.
- Probably plays beer bong too and wins.
- He spots a very pretty girl and goes flirting: he gets shot down at least the few first times with a few girls.
- Then he hits it off with someone and Pippin drags him away to get more drinks.
- Merry does dance with the girl at least once.
- Makes his way to Frodo often and dances with him while Pippin is talking to that random dude he bonded with.
- Is the one who eventually talks everyone into drinking more than they intended. He worships the chaos of it.
- Is high simultaneously. 100%. Goes smoking 2 or 3 times in an hour. The smoke breaks are supposed to be short, but he always ends up engaging in some deep conversations.
- The smoking room is the place he does get to kiss that one girl after they talked some deep nonsense.
- It seems like she might be interested in leaving with him (he sure is) but Sam announces to him that Pippin is basically dying, so he of course goes to take care of him.
- Gets Pippin up the stairs and they probably do some stupid drunken parkour shit on their way home, because Merry gets the drunk zoomies from the fresh hair and it rubs off on Pippin.
- Keeps giggling at nothing in the fast food place.
- When he gets home with Pippin, he helps Pippin clean off his face and brush his teeth, before making the couch into a bed for him (though sloppily and kind of mumbles while he does it: he is still a bit annoyed by Pippin and from never being able to see the pretty girl again).
- In the morning has the worst headache out of them all somehow, and his hair looks like a birds nest.
- Groans and goes back to sleep.
These are my own headcanons I thought of after I woke up from my own night out lol.
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festivalsofmargot · 1 year
Illicit Affairs {Dad!Garreth Weasley x F!Professor!Reader}
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AGED UP CHARACTERS, 18+ SCENARIOS (Characters are adults, graduated from Hogwarts, and are 18+)
Introduction: Garreth thinks back on his life with you, and it was far from perfect. But he’d relive every second if he had the chance. 
Word Count: ~ 13,100 (I think I’m gonna puke)
Warnings: Smut, Angst without a happy ending, Cheating, Loss
Author’s Note: Want to say right now that cheating is disgusting. This is purely a fantasy scenario. So if you get triggered by cheating I highly recommend you skip out on this fanfic. This romanticizes it and I didn’t really write the person getting cheated on as a realistic human being. More than anything, this is smut with a plot. I watched Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and I’ve never felt so empty inside. So writing this, I just felt like being sad, ya know? Like literally ruining my entire month.😃 Anyways, it’s 10 pm my time so still Wednesday for me. Bone Apple Tea Weasley Wednesday-ers! I’m going to hyperventilate and cry in bed. (Like wtf did I write this...?)
Songs (if interested):
Illicit Affairs - Taylor Swift
Little Stranger - Dawid Podsiadło
I Really Want to Stay at Your House - Rosa Walton, Hallie Coggins
Baby Teeth - Bunny Lowe
It’s My Fault - End Credits -  Roque Baños
Whether the warmth in Garreth Weasley’s cheeks was coming from the multiple glasses of whiskey he had or the fireplace he sat across, he wasn’t sure. But it was welcome all the same. As he looked into the flames and slouched in his chair, lightly rubbing at his chin, he thought back on his life with you.
The two of you had been the best of friends while you attended Hogwarts. The moment he asked you to sneak a fwooper feather out of Professor Sharp’s office, he had felt in his gut that you were going to be someone special. 
He had always been upset he only had three years with you at Hogwarts, and you had been too. Both of you had said “If only we met in first year.” too many times to count, but meant it every single time.
He knew it now that you had felt the same way about him. But during school, it was a constant struggle not to kiss you, especially after every dangerous outing the two of you had gone on. He had fallen hard and fast for you during his fifth year, and that infatuation never seemed to dissipate, even to this day. 
Everything about you was perfect to him, you had fit together just right. But he was afraid if he ever confessed and it turned out you hadn’t seen him in that way, he’d lose you forever. 
Thankfully, you had made the first move a few years after the two of you graduated. Merlin knows his cowardly ass never would have. That following month in Hogsmeade had easily been the best month of his life.
“If you’re sweet, maybe I’ll get you that discount.” Garreth said coolly to the woman with fox eyes before him, restocking some potion ingredients on the shelves.
“Are you sure sweet is what you want, Gar?” The woman flirted back, and Garreth’s body tensed at the shortened version of his name coming off her lips. He was able to keep an easy smile on his face and continue restocking, but he still didn’t like anyone else calling him that except for you.
“Fine, play coy.” She sighed playfully when he kept quiet and she made her way out. She gave him a little wave and as soon as she was out of sight, he let the smile vanish from his face. He didn’t even remember this woman’s name truth be told, thank Merlin she left before he had a chance to let that slip.
Garreth had been a little more reckless than usual these past few months. He hadn’t received a letter back from you in ages. As soon as you graduated from Hogwarts, you pursued the magizoology field while he went to work for Parry Pippin.
Garreth knew your main focus would be going after any poacher you came across rather than studying magical beasts. Try as you might to talk down what you did in your letters, he wasn’t stupid, he knew you. 
Your silence had filled him with so much dread, he was wishing more than anything you had just decided you wanted nothing to do with him anymore. He didn’t care, as long as you weren’t dead. Please Merlin, don’t be dead.
To distract himself, he dove head first into the bachelor lifestyle. Drinking and women were his main hobbies outside of J. Pippin’s Potions. Being young and handsome, living on his own, and having plenty of his own money now, he was making himself enjoy it.
Garreth was manning the store by himself that day, looking over stock and crossing items off his parchment when he heard the doorbell ring. He absently greeted whoever had just entered the shop, not taking his eyes off his list.
“Welcome to J. Pippin’s, let me know if you need help with anything.”
At the sound of your voice, Garreth nearly broke his neck turning to look at you. His eyes were wide, breath hitching in his throat. 
The moment he locked eyes with you, you lost every word you had planned on saying to him. “I um… It’s good to see you again.” 
Garreth dropped everything he was holding, closing the distance between you two in only a few steps, pulling you into a tight embrace. You didn’t hesitate to hold him back, letting his warmth envelope you.
“I was worried you were dead.” He whispered into your hair as the relief washed over him.
“I nearly was.” You admitted.
Keeping his hold on you, he pulled back just enough to look at your face. He noticed then that there was a small bandage on your cheek, and some other areas looked recently healed.
“That’s why I’m here. I needed to see you. Needed to tell you I -”
Garreth looked into your eyes and listened close, silently urging you to continue. 
“I’m in love with you, Gar.” You breathed, as if a huge weight lifted off your shoulders finally telling him. “I always have been. It was close during my last outing and - When I thought I wasn’t going to make it, my biggest regret was never telling you. It’s alright if you don’t feel the same. I - I just needed you to -”
Garreth silenced you by crashing his lips onto yours. Keeping one arm around your waist, he brought up one hand to cup your jaw. He had caught you by surprise, but it didn’t take long to register what was happening and kiss him back. 
This. This right here was exactly what you two always dreamed of doing ever since your fifth year at Hogwarts.
The sound of voices approaching the shop from outside made him tear his lips away from yours. He took a step back and you couldn't help the bashful smile that tugged at your lips.
"Sorry. Parry Pippin will have my head if he caught word of me snogging in the shop while he was away."
"No need to apologize." You chuckled and turned to leave. "I can leave you to it."
Garreth's eyes widened. "Where are you going?" He asked in a panic and took a step towards you. 
"I was going to run a few errands around Hogsmeade. Get a room."
Garreth opened his mouth to protest, but some customers came in. "Welcome." He called, dismissing his usual greeting line and looking back at you. "Don't get a room." Garreth said loud enough for only you to hear.
You gave him a smile and nod, then took your leave. He made his way back behind the counter, watching your form out the window until you were out of sight. How was he supposed to carry on working as normal now that you were back and he had free reign to kiss you?
By the time you finished up what you needed to do and headed back to J. Pippin's Potions, Garreth was hurriedly closing up the shop. 
He looked up with a beaming smile when you walked through the door again. Setting down some empty vials, he strode up and pulled you into another deep kiss. He was learning fast that he wasn't going to be able to help himself around you.
Pulling away, he went straight back to his closing routine, aiming to finish as fast as possible so he could leave with you. "Get everything you need?" 
"I did." You got a bit shifty, wondering if you should tell him what you had done or it would seem like too much too soon. It hadn't seemed that way to you, having known Garreth for so long. But you hoped he would be happy to hear the news.
"You know you’re staying with me, right?" He said as he put away some ingredients.
You smiled. "I was hoping that was what you meant earlier." 
He shot you a smirk over his shoulder. "I think you'll be very proud to see how tidy I keep the place."
"Oh will I?" You quipped, nervously glancing down to your feet and shoving your hands in your pockets.
Garreth took a double take at you, his brows furrowing in concern. “What’s got you so quiet?” A worrying feeling began to set in that he may have been too bold to assume you would be alright with staying with him.
You raised your brows and looked back up at him. “Nothing.” You assured. “Sorry, I uh -” You let out an amused huff at having gotten yourself so worked up. “I got something I want to tell you when we get to your place.”
The ease came back to him as he locked up some cabinets. “You know you already told me you’re madly in love with me, right?” 
“I don’t remember saying ‘madly’.”
“Oh, silly me. ‘Devastatingly’ was the word.”
“That could have been it.” You shrugged, biting back your amused smirk. “Wouldn’t hurt to say it a few more times.”
A cheeky grin pulled at his lips. You love me.
“And you haven’t said it back by the way.” You teased.
Garreth’s movements slowed to a stop and he looked back at you, quirking a brow. “I haven’t? Yes, I have. Haven’t I?” Fuck, I haven’t. He had said it in his head so many times, were you certain he hadn’t even slipped up and said it aloud once? 
“Well, then…” Turning out the lights and grabbing his coat, he shrugged it on and strode up to you. He cupped your face in his hands and planted another kiss on your lips. “I love you too.”
“That was corny.”
“It was.” He took your hand in his and led you out. “I’ll work on it.”
“After you.” Garreth said as he opened the door to his home. 
“Wow.” Your eyes widened as they roamed his place. “You weren’t joking when you said you kept it tidy. I thought you were, or at least had a different definition of tidy.” You turned back towards him and looked him up and down suspiciously. “This isn’t the Gar I knew back at Hogwarts.”
“I’m a changed man.” He said coming up and pulling you against him, capturing your lips. How could you expect him to keep his hands off of you at this point? If you asked him, he’d say the two of you had some lost time to make up for. 
On one hand, it was wonderful knowing you pined for him all these years just as he had for you. But on the other, it was a bit frustrating knowing he could have been with you all this time, could have pulled you off to secret corners and kissed you senseless.
“Wait wait,” You slowed his kisses to a halt and took glances around his home. “Is there a room I can change in? I’ve been traveling all day and want to get out of these clothes.”
“Bedroom’s just there.” He gestured with his head towards it, not taking his eyes off of you. You gave him a grateful nod, slipping from his embrace.
“Won’t be a moment.” You called over your shoulder.
While he waited for you, he decided to grab some glasses from his cupboard. Maybe you’d be up for a stiff drink or two with him to celebrate. But truth be told, he needed something to help with his nerves. He was beyond elated to have you back, he didn’t want to mess this up.
His hands were shaky as he poured, and he cursed under his breath. The nerves were really hitting him. Easy now, Weasley. It’s you. We’ve been friends for years. He tried to inwardly calm himself.
But you weren’t quite friends anymore were you? Your confessions meant you were seeing each other now, right? So he was heading into uncharted territory with you. Merlin, of all the times for him to overthink in his life, why did it have to be then?!
He heard his door open and he turned back towards you with drinks in hand. “How would you feel about -” Garreth’s jaw went slack and he dropped the glasses, shattering them along the floor. You were standing at his bedroom doorway, completely naked.
“Oh fuck.” He croaked.
“Come here, Gar.”
“Yep, coming.” Though his mind was a mess, he was thankful to every higher power he could think of that his body kicked into gear to get to you. 
His hands went for your hips first, gripping the soft skin there as his mouth went for your neck like a starved man, leaving open mouthed kisses and bites everywhere he could. So this is what it’s like to taste every bit of you, I always wondered.
You let out the most delicious sounds as he walked the two of you towards his bed. You fell back and he fell on top of you. You instantly wrapped your arms and legs around him, holding him close. You had dreamed of having him like this for so long, it was hard to keep a loose grip.
“Mmh. Wait. Let me -” He sat up, and with hurried fingers began undoing his vest, you sat up as well and helped him, the both of you smiling like ecstatic idiots. If there was a feeling to describe looking down at you looking back up at him as you went for his clothes, it would be euphoria. 
Shrugging off his vest and then going for his shirt, he couldn’t believe how many layers he had on. Was this really what he dressed himself in every day? How did he ever find the time? 
Slipping off his shirt and unable to keep his lips away a moment more, he bent down to capture yours again. He stayed locked with you as he went for his pants. Thankfully there weren’t as many buttons as the shirt, and he shoved them down with your help. But the pants caught on his legs. He stood to his feet to get them off but tripped over himself, hitting the ground with a loud thunk.
“Ow!” He cackled, finally kicking them off and you went into hysterics. 
Climbing back onto the bed with a groan, he smiled down at you as he crawled over and laid on top of you. The nerves completely gone as you continued to howl with laughter. 
Sighing, he buried his face in the crook of your neck, and you held him lovingly against you as you tried to calm down.
“Satisfied already, are you?” He said with a feigned annoyance, but the grin was still on his face, hidden against your neck.
“Yes, very much so.” Your laughter dissipated into little giggles as you wiped away the amused tears from your eyes.
The two of you laid there like that for a moment, just holding each other. And he thought back to when you had cuddled and napped together in the Room of Requirement frequently during your Hogwarts days. How in Merlin’s name did he think that was just something friends did? He certainly wasn’t cuddling with Leander Prewett.
He didn’t let himself dwell on his missed opportunities anymore. Here was his opportunity now, right under him, holding him close.
He began kissing at your neck, and that seemed to get rid of your amusement entirely, something carnal beginning to take over. His mouth went up from your neck to your jaw, finding his way to your lips again.
He slid his tongue in when he felt your mouth part slightly, and you met him with yours. As your tongues tasted and entwined, he realized it was the closest he had gotten to being inside you, and he wanted more.
Breaking the kiss, he adjusted himself between your legs, teasing his tip at your entrance. He glanced down at you two about to join, then up at your face. Breathless with anticipation, you gave him a nod of your head, and he pushed himself in, ever so slowly.
You kept your eyes on one another as he thrusted into you with a slow rhythm, a rhythm that would help him savor being in you for the first time. 
“I’ve wanted this for so long.” He breathed, relishing the feel of your slick heat enveloping him.
The noises that escaped you were maddening, and he was beginning to lose himself. But he didn’t want to lose himself, he wanted to be attentive to everything you did as you clung to him, naked in his arms. But when you arched your back and your breasts pressed hard against his bare chest, the control was fraying at the seams.
His thrusts into you came harder and faster, and your hold on him tightened, nails digging into his back. It felt as if you two were more alive than you ever had been. Being intimate with someone was one thing, but being intimate with someone you were in love with brought you to a whole other level.
Multiple times that night, you had gone over the edge together. Tasting, touching, gasping, and sighing.
Both of you sweaty, sore, and satisfied, Garreth had you tucked under his arm, looking up at the ceiling, completely serene. “Back at J. Pippin’s,” He began, his voice raspy. “You said you wanted to tell me something.”
You sat up a bit to look at him, he kept a hand on your back. “When I went around Hogsmeade, I stopped at Brood & Peck.” 
You sat up a bit more and Garreth sat up with you, beyond curious at what you were going to tell him. 
“I got a job there.”
Garreth’s eyes widened. “You did?” He had been too swept up in your confession and being with you, he hadn’t even thought about where you two would take things from there. But it seemed you were already a few steps ahead anyway, just like you always had been. 
He shifted closer and pulled you onto his lap so you were straddling him. “But what about your magizoology career? Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled but… are you sure this is what you want?” He asked looking up at you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I don’t want to fight anymore.” You sighed. “I don’t want to live on the road for years to come. I just want to stay in one place and live my life.”
Garreth loved the sound of that. Even if you hadn’t decided to do this to be with him, he would have been ecstatic just to know you were leaving your dangerous lifestyle. He didn’t have to worry constantly about you getting killed anymore.
“Give me a few days and I’ll find my own place. Promise.”
“About that.” His hand went up through your hair and he pulled your head back towards his. “I wasn’t really planning on you leaving.”
Garreth was a nervous wreck. When the third potion that day had slipped through his fingers and shattered on the floor, he knew he needed to step out and take a breath of fresh air. 
He went out back and reached for the ring that was burning a hole in his pocket. When he had bought it, he had been more sure than anything you would say yes. But now that the time was approaching when he would ask you, doubts began to swirl.
Would it be too soon? Sure you had known each other and been close for years, but you had only been seeing each other for a few weeks. Granted, those past few weeks had been some of the best of his life. What if he proposed and you weren’t ready like he was? What if his eagerness to marry you would scare you off and you’d want to leave him and…
Garreth shook his head, taking another deep breath. His overthinking caused him to miss out on so much with you already, he couldn’t let it stop him again.
He took his time closing up the shop that day, he was still fidgety and wanted to get it together at least somewhat for when he went to meet you. Closing had always felt like it dragged on and on, but that night it seemed to speed by.
He went down to Brood & Peck and stepped through the door. You were looking over a map with Ellie Peck and discussing who knows what, probably another home relocation area for the beasts. Garreth couldn’t seem to pay attention, too in his own head still.
You glanced up at him and smiled, mouthing one moment. He smiled back and gave a little nod of his head, praying you would take your time. Merlin knew he needed every second you’d give him.
Finishing up, you grabbed your coat and waved goodnight to Ellie. You met Garreth and took his arm as you walked up the path to your home. You shot each other little smirks as you trekked along.
You sighed in exhaustion and rested your head against his shoulder. “Long day for you too?”
“Hmm? Oh er - yes. Long day.”
“More than anything I want to fall asleep, but I need to bathe first. The stables were a mess today.”
“That’s good to hear.” 
You huffed an amused breath through your nose and looked up at his face. He was staring ahead, seemingly off in his own world. “I think it was so bad I might quit and go back to my old job. Hope you don’t mind, I’ll be sure to write you.”
“Sebastian Sallow showed up today and confessed his love for me again.”
“Mmhm - Wait what?!” He snapped his head to face you with wide eyes, but then relaxed when you started to cackle. “Not funny.” He grumbled.
“It was a little funny.” You gave his arm a loving squeeze. “What’s got you so distracted?”
He swallowed thickly and stopped walking. You stopped walking with him and raised a brow at him. “Should I be worried?” You teased.
He decided he just needed to get this over with or he was going to be a nauseated mess for the time being. He took a step back from you and went down on one knee.
At first, you thought he dropped something on the ground, then it hit you when he reached into his back pocket and took out a ring.
He said your name and looked up at you with tortured eyes, your lips parted slightly in shock. “I - I was going to make a special dinner tonight and ask you then but I think I’d burn the house down cooking I’m so nervous.” He swallowed thickly, glancing down at the ring and then back up at you. “I can’t remember exactly what I planned to say. But it was along the lines of me having been mad for you since we were kids, and how I want to be mad for you the rest of my life.”
Tears pricked at your eyes and your chest was nothing but a fluttery mess. “Yes.” You breathed, getting on your knees with him. 
An elated smile tugged at the corner of Garreth’s lips. “Yes? I - I had more I was going to say though - but… Yes?”
You nodded your head vigorously and the two of you couldn’t help but laugh. He put the ring on your finger and you grabbed for each other, kissing one another wherever you could get your lips on.
It had already been a month now that you and Garreth were together. He couldn’t believe how the days flew by being with you. But he shouldn’t be surprised. Every day consisted of him waking up to you in the morning, getting up and going to a job where he was surrounded by potions, walking down to meet you at Brood & Peck when he was done, then finishing it off by being buried deep inside you throughout the night.
Sure, you two may have lost out on some hours of sleep. But one could argue that you two taking the time to wear yourselves out could get you a deeper, more effective sleep. It was a running joke between the two of you, and neither of you were sure it was true. But you were both happy, and that was all that mattered.
With a smile on his face he couldn’t seem to shake, Garreth took the time to restock shelves at work. The doorbell rang when someone came in, he recited his usual line with the peppiness that had a hold on him this past month.
“Welcome to J. Pippin’s.” He turned towards the customer. “Let me know if -” He stopped cold in his greeting seeing it was Victoria Willowsmith, an ingredients delivery girl he had been seeing off and on before you came back. “Afternoon, Victoria.” He began as casually as he could, inwardly praying she just wanted to drop off ingredients and leave. “Got ingredients for me?” He put on a polite smile.
She looked uneasy as she walked towards him, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread. “Um… not today.”
He absently took out a rag and began polishing a nearby potion vial. “Then what can I do for you?” Something was off, he could feel it. 
“I need to speak with you.”
When Garreth arrived to meet you outside of Brood & Peck, you threw yourself into his arms as you always did. “Mmm, I’m ready to head home.”
He kept quiet as he wrapped his arms back around you, but you noticed his hold wasn’t nearly as tight on you as it normally was. You stepped back slightly, looking over his features and noticing he wasn’t meeting your gaze.
“What’s wrong?” You asked in concern, placing a hand on his cheek.
He took a deep breath and took your hand down from his face, stroking his thumb over your skin as the anxiety built up sickeningly at what he was about to tell you. “Walk with me.”
You remained silent as he guided you away from Hogsmeade, down the stone path to a place more isolated.
Garreth sat the two of you on a nearby bench as the sun began to set. He held your left hand in both of his, looking at the ring on your finger. He couldn’t stand the thought of it ever coming off.
The way he was acting brought on a sense of trouble. But you willed yourself to keep quiet, and let him say what he needed to say. As he held your hand, you looked out into the sunset, hoping the sight would help keep you calm.
“You’re everything to me. I hope you know that.” Garreth began, but it only made all of this more eerie. When you didn’t say anything in response, he knew he had to just tell you, not drag this on any longer. “Before you came back, I was seeing this girl off and on. Nothing serious. But she’s come back and told me that she’s -” He ran a shaky hand through his hair and he felt you tense up. “- told me she’s pregnant with my child.”
Your stomach went into agonizing knots as you continued looking out into the sunset. You wanted to throw up, you wanted to scream, you wanted to cry. But after a moment, all those intense feelings turned into something numb. 
“Please say something.” Garreth pleaded, finally looking at you then, unable to read your expression. “Shout at me. Anything. I just need you to say something.” 
You met his gaze and gave him the smallest of smiles. “You’re going to be a dad.”
Something in him broke. He had wanted you to say those words to him one day, but not under circumstances like this. He sighed your name as you stood up and slipped your hand from his. 
He stood with you and tried to search your eyes, but you gave him nothing.
“I uh -” You cleared your throat, trying to hide the sadness that constricted it. “I need to be alone at the house for a bit if you don’t mind.”
“Of course. Whatever you need.” He took a step towards you, but you took a step back, and he wanted to die. 
Without another word, he watched your form walk away. 
He slumped back down on the bench until the sun had completely set. Then he headed over to Hog’s Head. Three Broomsticks felt a little too upbeat for such a night.
After a few drinks he decided it was time to face you again at home. Taking one last sip of liquid courage, he made his way out. 
The first thing he noticed approaching the house was that none of the lights were on. 
He burst through the door and called your name in a panic, striding through the house and searching every room for you. “No no no.” But you were gone, and so were your things. There wasn’t a trace of you anywhere, not even a note.
Garreth fell to his knees, the pain hitting him all at once. He had never felt such an ache in his chest, as if a piece of him was gone, ripped right from him.
“Let’s see your list, bug.” Garreth said to his little one as he stepped out the door with her. The ecstatic, freckled, redheaded girl handed him the parchment that listed everything she needed for her first year at Hogwarts and he looked it over.
“Merlin’s beard! I don’t think I had this many books when I attended.” He teased, ruffling her hair.
“Dad.” Matilda grumbled, swatting him away and fixing her curly locks before they got into town. He and Victoria had agreed to name her after his aunt after she passed. She may have been tough on him growing up, but she had done so much for him, it only felt right.
The two of them went up and down Hogsmeade, getting everything she needed. Thankfully, they could save a bit on everything related to potions class. Ever since he took over for Parry Pippin, they had more potion equipment and ingredients to last a lifetime, even for him. Too bad Matilda didn’t seem to share the same passion for it as him. Her attention always seemed to lie in magical beasts, of course. Try as he might to shift her interests all these years, it was no use. 
He saved the most exciting part for last, getting Matilda her wand. As they walked on to Ollivanders, he caught sight of that day’s Daily Prophet on the news stand they passed. His jaw tensed when he saw you were on the cover yet again. Seems he saw you there several times a year. 
The first time he ever saw you on the cover, he had to do a double take. His legs turned to jelly and he immediately bought the first copy he laid eyes on. He would sneak off to stare at your portrait on the paper for months, maybe even over the course of a year truth be told. But the more he saw you grace the cover over the years, he’d eventually grown indifferent to it. It did start to get old after more than a decade of it happening.
What could you have accomplished this time? Perhaps you took down another magical beast fighting ring, discovered another abandoned dragon’s nest still full of eggs, or maybe even became the first ever human leader of a mongrel pack! Garreth didn’t care. All he needed was that little reassurance you were still alive and well and he could move on with his day.
He hoped Matilda didn’t catch it. Much to his chagrin, she was one of your biggest fans. He always… always had to buy the paper for her when you were on it. When he heard her gasp, he squeezed his eyes shut briefly in defeat. Of course she caught it.
“Dad! Can I have some galleons for -”
“Here, love.” He was already reaching into his pocket and handing her some money. He had never been one to say no to her. She gratefully (he liked to think) swiped it from him and took off towards the news stand. 
“Come right back to Ollivanders.” He called, waiting back and not wanting to chance reading over the headline.
You stepped out to greet your students for your first beasts class. Who would have thought, even after the career you’ve had, you’d still get nervous? 
As you looked out to all the little first years, you were surprised to see them all silent, attentively waiting to hear what you said next. “Well… Hello, everyone. Today, I say we jump into things and start with basic caretaking for each beast here we have in the stables. All we’ll need is a brush and some feed. But before we begin, any questions?”
Hands shot up, way too many hands. “Oh! Ah - yes you?” 
“Is it true you took down Bartley Barrin’s graphorn fighting ring?!” A curly haired student that reminded you all too well of Lucan Brattleby asked in amazement.
You raised your brows, not sure if it would be appropriate to answer such questions, especially to your first year class. “Ah, right. We can discuss such things later, I suppose. Outside of class hours. Now, any questions on basic caretaking?”
All the hands slowly went down except for one, enthusiastic, redheaded girl’s. She was reaching her hand up in the air so high you were worried she’d pull a muscle if you didn’t call on her. 
“Should we grab extra feed for the nifflers so they can stow it away for later?” 
A smile tugged at your lips. “No need. They’ll get fed multiple times a day just like the other beasts.”
The girl gave a firm nod of her head as if saying got it. Then her eyes widened and she shot her hand up again. 
“Go on.” You were trying to bite back your delighted smile. You’ve only had an enthusiastic student for a few minutes and it was already making you giddy. Please let there be more like her.
“Can we use the same brush on all the beasts? Or do we need to grab different sizes?”
“You can certainly use the same brush on all of them, er - What’s your name, dear?”
“Matilda Weasley.” She answered with a gap toothed smile.
You kept a straight face as your insides constricted a bit and you nodded your head. This wasn’t the first Weasley you had encountered since you arrived back at Hogwarts, it was probably the seventh truth be told. Yet you couldn’t stop your mind from reeling.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Miss Weasley. I hope you keep this enthusiasm even after you see how grumpy kneazles can be.” You clapped your hands together. “All right then! Everyone grab a brush and some feed and we’ll head over to the stables.”
“Dad!” Matilda burst through the door of J. Pippin’s Potions and ran up to Garreth.
He met her with open arms. “There’s my girl. Sporting the Gryffindor robes too, I see.” He looked at her proudly. But then he furrowed his brows and checked his pocket watch. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at dinner?”
“I ate fast.” She said dismissively. “I wanted to ask if I could have some money to go to Brood & Peck to get my own beasts brush!”
Garreth sighed. “Don’t they have brushes you can use for class, bug?” 
“They do, but they lock them away when class isn’t in session. Professor Y/N said I could visit the beasts whenever I wanted in my spare time to -”
“Professor who?” 
“Y/N, the beasts professor. Didn’t you read the paper?! Now, as long as I have my own brush, I can stop by even when no one’s able to take out the class brushes from storage so…”
Garreth let Matilda go on as the room started to spin. Shakily, he reached into his back pocket and grabbed some galleons for her. Probably giving her too much for what she wanted at Brood & Peck. But he couldn’t seem to think straight at the moment, and he didn’t need Matilda around to see her dad possibly faint.
“Thank you!” She sang, sprinting out the door.
Garreth leaned himself back against the counter, trying to stay steady. He rubbed at his chest in hopes it would help his heart rate go down. The last he saw you was 12 years ago, when you walked away from him. Not a letter, not a glimpse of you outside the Daily Prophet since. 
The Daily Prophet.
Garreth grabbed his coat and keys. Switching the open sign to closed, he locked up and made his way home.
He was greeted by Victoria when he stepped through the door. "What are you doing home so early?" She called from the kitchen.
"Matilda needed something from her room." He threw out as he headed there.
Throwing open her door, his eyes roamed the room quickly in search of the Daily Prophet he had gotten her. He spotted it on her dresser and made a beeline for it.
"Famed Magizoologist Takes Up Teaching…"
He looked over the article explaining your move to becoming the next beasts professor for Hogwarts and the bustling nerves within him wouldn’t let him stay still. You’re here… you’re just down the road. 
His body seemed to be moving without thinking. He dropped the paper to the ground and made his way out, headed down the road to Hogwarts.
“All right, that's enough questions for today I think.” You chuckled awkwardly, and the several students that had been asking you endless questions about your poacher hunter days whined.
“I know I know. Now I think it’s best you all be off before curfew anyway. I won’t be so interesting when I have to give you detentions, will I?” You guided the students out of your office. 
Once you shut the door behind them and were finally alone, you let out an exhausted sigh. Sure, you were grateful you didn’t have difficulty getting students to listen to you, but you couldn’t have predicted how exhausting their questions would become. 
Your “career” wasn’t something you looked back on fondly. You had done a lot of things you couldn’t take back, things you lost sleep over. But pursuing it was all you had.
As you turned to get ready for bed, a knock sounded at your door, tensing you up. You took a deep breath to relax and prepped yourself up a bit. No need to get a reputation as a scowling, moody professor quite yet. 
Turning on your heel, you went back to the door. “It’s almost curfew.” You called as you opened the door. “You should -” 
Words seemed to escape you, which probably didn’t matter much since your voice did as well. Locking eyes with the green ones before you seemed to have the same effect as petrificus totalus. 
Garreth was just as frozen in place as you. He didn’t have a plan for when he faced you again, all he had been set on doing was seeing you in person before him. He had walked up and down the road from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade until the sky went dark. Even after all that time, even after 12 years, he still had no idea what he’d say to you.
After a few moments of silence and the both of you trying to regain composure, you swallowed thickly. “Mr. Weasley.” You nodded your head in some sort of greeting, at least that’s what you thought your head did.
“Professor.” He attempted to greet back. “May I… May I come in?”
Nodding your head, you moved to the side to let him through. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he stepped inside. He needed to or else he’d be a fidgety, thumb twiddling mess.
You closed the door and the both of you stood there in silence for a moment, not sure where to begin in starting a conversation with a history such as yours. “Would you like a drink?” You offered. 
“Yes. Thank you.” He answered, looking around your office and living quarters. Any minute now, he’d be able to look your way again. Any minute now…
You went to grab the bottle given to you as a welcome gift when you first arrived to teach at Hogwarts. You were planning on saving it for a special occasion, and you couldn’t think of anything that could top what was happening then.
Pouring for the both of you, you grabbed the glasses and walked over to hand one to him. He gave a polite, if not awkward, smile as he took it from you. Both of you downed it a bit fast. Your frantic nerves helping you push passed the dreadful taste. 
“Another?” You asked.
“Please.” You gladly took the glass from him again and he ran a shaky hand through his hair. 
You returned with your refilled glasses, and he took his from you, just as appreciative as the first time.
“What brings you here?” You managed to begin.
He looked down at his glass, twirling the liquid around in his hand. “I needed to see you.” He decided to confess.
Your breath hitched and your heart rate picked up. The only response you could manage was a nod of your head and an absent sip of your drink. 
He looked up and met your gaze. “Was this stupid of me?” 
You shook your head. “No.”
He gave the smallest smile and looked back down at his glass.
“I think I met about ten different Weasleys today.” You casually began with a chuckle, the warmth in your cheeks putting you a bit at ease. “By chance were any of them yours?”
He let out an amused breath through his nose. “My little Matilda just started.”
“Ah, so it was Matilda. I had a suspicion. She’s delightful to have as a student just so you know.”
Garreth began to feel a bit more at ease now too. “I bet you it’s only because you have her for beasts class. Any other subject, you might have struggled to keep her attention.”
You nodded your head. “I may have gotten the sense she loved magical beasts. Just a little though.” You quipped.
Garreth shook his head. “Already asked me for her own beasts brush. I tried to remind her the school had some she could use, but she’s a silver tongue that one.”
You laughed at him then. The thought of Garreth Weasley being such a sucker for his little girl was too sweet not to smile at.
“What?” He asked, an amused smile of his own plastered on his face.
“Look at you, Gar. A proper dad.”
His chest fluttered at you calling him that again, but he shoved it back. “In all its glory.” He took another sip of his drink when his emotions began to swirl. In a perfect world, he would have had children with you. You would have been Matilda’s mother. But he shouldn’t dwell on impossible things like that, he had done enough of that already.
“What are you up to these days?” You asked.
Garreth gave a shrug. “A lot of the same really. Parry Pippin gave me his shop.”
Your eyes widened. “He did? That’s wonderful, Gar!”
There you went, calling him Gar again so effortlessly, blissfully unaware of what it did to him. He took another sip. “Not too bad, yeah? Never felt the need to change the name, thought it worked fine as is.”
“Outgrew ‘Garreth’s Subterranean Concoctions’, did you?”
He grunted and rolled his eyes in response, taking another sip of his drink. But he had to admit, at least to himself, he was a little impressed you remembered. “I decided it was, in fact, too obtuse. But I’d rather talk about you and your adventures. Think I’ve seen you in the Daily Prophet once or twice.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes. “Merlin, don’t remind me. Those journalists are pests. Won’t leave me alone.”
“Can’t really blame them. You’re probably the most interesting magizoologist they’ve encountered. You’re famous now.”
You rubbed at the back of your neck. “I wasn’t trying to be. I think the only plus side is my students seem to be very keen on what I have to say in class.”
“My Matilda’s going to talk your ear off. I hope you’re prepared.”
You smiled again, a warm feeling coming over you. You always knew Garreth would be a doting father. As much as you wanted him to have been the father of your children once upon a time, you couldn’t be mad with where things ended up. He clearly adored his little girl.
“I think you’re underestimating how much I’ll appreciate her enthusiasm.”
“Oh.” He guffawed with a shake of his head. “I don’t think I am.” Another sip. When he realized he finished the last of his drink, he took out his pocket watch and cursed under his breath. “I apologize, I shouldn’t have come to see you so late.”
You waved him off and chugged the last of your drink, going up and taking his glass from him. “You, Mr. Weasley, are welcome any time.” You said as you went to put away the glasses in your kitchen.
He rubbed a hand down his face as you walked him to the door. “Thank you… for tonight. Really.”
You met his serious stare and smiled at him. “Of course, Garreth.” 
He smiled back, but it had a hint of sadness to it. Call me Gar one more time. Just once more. 
“Goodnight.” He opened the door and went into the night air, giving you a small wave over his shoulder.
“Goodnight.” You called and waved back, then shut the door. You took a deep breath and released it, relieved that your reunion had gone as well as it had. Maybe you could do this. Maybe you could be friends with him again.
Another knock at the door tore you from your hopeful thoughts. You didn’t hesitate to open it back up. “Forget somethi -”
“What’s on your neck?” 
You stilled, you had completely forgotten you had it on. You had worn it for over a decade, it basically felt like a part of you now. If you had known he was coming you would have hidden it for the time being, but it hadn’t even crossed your mind until he asked you about it just then.
You were too flustered to answer, and Garreth walked up until he was toe to toe with you. Not taking his eyes off yours, he reached a delicate finger up to tug at the necklace you were wearing. He pulled it up just enough so that it wasn't covered by your shirt anymore. His eyes dropped to what was on it, and he lost all sense of reason. It was the engagement ring he got you. He thought he was seeing things when he caught the briefest glimpse earlier, but he had to be sure. He had to. And now that he was, he knew he was about to do something really stupid.
He looked back up to your eyes, his hand shifted from holding the necklace to cupping your neck, and he slowly leaned down towards you. “You need to tell me to stop.”
You shook your head, your breathing growing heavy. You didn’t want him to stop. You wanted him to close the distance between you so badly, but not like this, not when he had a wife at home. “Go home, Garreth.” You somehow got yourself to whisper, his lips just a breath away from yours.
He stopped. “Alright.” He whispered back and nodded, forcing himself to come to his senses. He kept his eyes on yours as he released you and walked backwards. Once he was far enough, he turned on his heel and strode up the path back to Hogsmeade.
The next day, Garreth headed down to Hogwarts with a crate of overstocked potion ingredients. He remembered how you always asked him for potions back in your school days, surely giving the excess stock to you would be better than tossing it out. Of course, that was, without question, the only reason he was heading to Hogwarts.
He walked along the path towards the beasts class stables, carrying the crate over one shoulder, and he spotted you talking to a student. He walked a bit slower so he could watch you. 
You knelt down to the young student’s level and explained something to him. The child was cradling a puffskein in his arms, and you were gesturing to different points on the creature while you spoke. Seeing you interact so well with kids did something to Garreth’s insides. 
You glanced in his direction and his throat went dry. You turned back to the student and stood, finishing up your lesson. The student handed you the puffskein and you waved goodbye as he ran off.
You turned towards him, squinting slightly with the sun in your eyes, a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips. “Can I help you, Mr. Weasley?”
He pointed up at the crate on his shoulder. “Was wondering if you wanted some spare ingredients.” He called back.
“I’ll take whatever you can give me. One moment.” You turned to put the puffskein back in the stable.
Garreth shifted on his feet as he waited for you. He tried to keep his gaze on you subtle as you bent over to put down the puffskein and lock up the gate. But once you faced him fully and walked towards him, he eyed you with undivided attention. Merlin, you’re stunning.
“Let me get the door.” You said as you passed him.
He followed close, doing everything he could to not look at your backside in those pants. With a click of your key in the slot, you pushed open the door.
He stepped in and glanced back at you. “Anywhere?”
Garreth went and placed the crate on your desk, taking glances around your hut, getting a scope of the place. Then he went back up to you, bringing himself toe to toe again, just as close as the night before. “I’m off then.”
You took in his freckles for a moment. Surely it was harmless to admire from afar, right? “You’re welcome any time, Mr. Weasley.” You decided to remind him.
He took the briefest glance at your neck, catching you still wearing the necklace with your ring. “Then I’ll be back tomorrow, Professor.” With that, he took his leave.
It had become a daily occurrence for Garreth, walking down to Hogwarts with spare ingredients from the shop. It was the highlight of his day every time. Just getting to be near you and feel that thick as honey tension between you, it was intoxicating. 
It had gone on for weeks, and the excitement hadn’t dissipated in the slightest. If anything, it only grew by the day.
His newfound routine had been thrown off when there was a shortage of wiggenweld potions across the valley. He had been the only shop to have stock and he wasn’t able to leave until every last customer was helped. 
As soon as everyone had cleared out, he rushed to close up. Throwing the crate with ingredients over his shoulder, he picked up the pace to make it down to you before Hogwarts’ curfew.
He didn’t expect to walk down and see you waiting on the steps of your hut.
His footsteps slowed to a stop as you stood and eyed him. “You're late.” You stated as you went to get the door.
“Busy day.” He replied as he came up behind you and stepped inside. Walking past you, he went to your desk as he usually did, but stopped and turned when he heard you close the door and lock it.
He met your gaze as you took determined steps towards him. “Put it down.”
Garreth recognized that look in your eye, even if it had been over a decade since he’d seen it. He dropped the crate to the ground, the wood breaking and the ingredients scattering across the floor. He closed the distance between you two, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling your lips to his.
Your hands reached up and gripped the fabric of his shirt, holding him against you just as you had dreamed to these past 12 years. 
The two of you licked and bit and sucked at each other's lips in an attempt to fill this insatiable need between you, gasps and sighs escaping. Garreth gripped at your thighs, picking you up and hoisting your legs around him. He carried you to your desk, the two of you urgently shoving off everything that covered it as he sat you on top of it. 
With hurried hands, you went for each others’ pants, unbuttoning and pulling down the fabric that separated you both. As soon as he had access, his tip was at your entrance. You shifted so he could enter you, moans coming from both of you as he did.
His thrusts were hard and spaced out as soon as he was in you again. He couldn’t let himself go fast. No, he needed to savor every second of this. The two of you kept your eyes locked on one another as he pounded into you. 
When your head began to fall back, he cupped your face, keeping you upright. “Keep looking at me.”
Your hands shot to the back of his head and held tight to his locks as he thrusted into you. He crashed his lips back onto yours, your tongues battling for dominance, and his release was coming fast. 
He reached up for the top of your shirt, tearing the top few buttons open, breaking them off and sending them flying. He broke your kiss and looked down at your necklace, the ring in full view before him. Grunts escaped him as his thrusts came faster and he plunged into you until completion.   
Both of you breathing hard, you remained holding one another. He rested his head on your shoulder as he caught his breath. You seemed to come out of the blissful haze before he did, but when you shifted to get up he held you in place. 
“No.” He said. “No, please. Can we stay like this a little longer?”
The desperation in his voice matched the desperation you felt. But this was a mistake, you shouldn’t have initiated as you had. You should have let him drop off the ingredients and go. But you shut the door and locked the both of you in, selfishly taking him as if he were still yours. 
“I’m sorry.” You breathed as you shifted away from him and off the desk. “I shouldn’t have… Forgive me, this is all my fault.” Your voice was strained as you went to grab your discarded pants. 
Garreth pulled up his own pants as well, numbly looking at the wall before him. He wanted your warmth against him again, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to get his fill of it. “I’m just as much to blame.”
“I think -” You took a shaky breath and went for the door when you were both clothed again. “I think I’m fine on ingredients. Thank you for everything.”
Garreth’s face went stoic, and he took his leave without looking at you. “You’re welcome.”
You and Garreth kept your distance from each other throughout the following months. But he still kept an eye out for you throughout Hogsmeade. He allowed himself to look, but the temptation to touch never faded.
After a rather taxing day at the shop he decided to pop into Three Broomsticks, he tensed when he saw you at a table in the back talking with Brood & Peck’s new worker. He had seen the fellow around and heard some things about him. He had quite the adventurous background, just like you. 
Garreth tried to keep the scowl off his face as he enjoyed a drink or two… or three.
Throughout the night, Garreth spoke amicably with everyone seated next to him at the bar. He’d sip at his drink as he took casual glances your way. You had been talking with that blockhead all night, smiling at him, acting smitten. He hid it well, but it was sending him up the wall.
He caught that you finally said goodbye to the man and took your leave. He downed the last of his drink and left after you. He could probably blame it on the alcohol in his system, but in truth, it was just how crazy you made him. 
Coming up behind you, he grabbed your arm and pulled you into a dark, nearby alleyway. 
“Hey! Garreth, what in Merlin’s name are you doing?" You took rapid glances around to make sure no one could see you two.
Pinning you between him and the wall, he pressed himself against you. You were taken aback, but immediately compliant. You looked up at him as he put a firm hold on your neck, feeling the chain of your necklace under his fingers. 
A thrilling sensation coursed through you and you were eager to see what he would do next, ignoring all the screaming voices in your head to not let it go any further. 
He leaned down and bit at your bottom lip, then placed his forehead against yours. “Trying to replace me?”
You didn’t respond, only looked into his darkened eyes with yours as your breathing picked up. Keeping his hand on your throat, he slid his free hand down the front of your pants, immediately going for your folds. 
“Go ahead. Just try.” He moved his fingers against your slit and greedily took your lips with his.
You kissed him back with just as much hunger, but you got yourself to turn away and push feebly at his chest. “Garreth… We can’t -” A whimper escaped you at his touch, and he plunged his first finger into you.
“I had to watch you with him all night.” He spoke in a low tone next to your ear. 
You bit your lip and your hands slid up from his chest to grip his shoulders. He took that as his chance to slip another finger in.
“Does he know what’s around your neck?” His fingers moved faster. “Hm?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, wanting to slap him, but also wanting him to continue taking you as he was.
“Fuck, I like the way you’re looking at me.” He breathed. He had never taken control like this before, and it was a power trip he never knew he wanted to experience. 
Your breathing was becoming shallow as he kept up his movements. “Don’t stop.” You panted in his ear as you threw your arms around him, holding him even closer.
“I’ll stop when I want to stop.”
The combination of his rough fingers and the way he was speaking had you delirious, the fire in your abdomen now an inferno. You were a furnace completely at his mercy and it was everything.
When your heavy breathing melted into moans, Garreth shifted back a bit, moving the hand that was on your throat and placing it over your mouth. “Keep fucking quiet.” He commanded in a hushed tone. But his fingers moved faster within you, almost challenging himself to get you to scream out.
He glanced down at his hand in your pants then back up to your face, and caught your half-lidded, pleasure filled eyes. His knees nearly buckled at the sight, but he stood strong. He could tell you were close, and more than anything he wanted to get you there, be the only person who ever did for the rest of your lives.
Your eyes began to roll into the back of your head and he removed his hand from your mouth, capturing your lips with his. He was going to swallow every cry and mewl he got out of you.
When your walls stopped contracting over his fingers, he slowly slid them out of you. His hands went to your hips and he rested his forehead against yours. As you caught your breath, the two of you had left your hate-fuck filled state and somehow shifted to something else.
“Tell me you still love me.” He exhaled, trying to stay steady. “Tell me you still love me like I love you.”
You took in his freckles with him being this close, just like you had always done. “Of course I still love you. You’re all I have left.”
His throat constricted. “Then why did you leave?”
Your arms snaked around his shoulders. “Garreth…”
“You didn’t even leave a note.” He shook his head slightly, the tears began to sting at his eyes. “You left me with nothing. We could have figured something out. We could have -”
You pulled his head down to your shoulder, cradling him there. He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you tight to him.
“Please just… tell me why you left without giving me a chance. I know I didn’t deserve it. I know that. But I have to know what was going through your head.”
You let out a shaky breath, keeping your own tears at bay. “There wasn’t a place for me there.”
He tightened his hold on you and buried his face into the crook of your neck.
“It didn’t feel like my home anymore. That house was for you and your family.”
“You were my family.” He argued against your neck. “We were going to get married.”
“But we weren’t yet. And you had a baby on the way, Garreth.” You sighed. “I thought about coming back so many times. I did once.”
Garreth pulled back slightly, furrowing his brows and meeting your eyes. “When?”
“About a year after I left.” You admitted. “Your aunt had passed and I wanted to visit her grave. Told myself I was going to let you go and give you back the ring while I was at it. Then I saw you sitting outside your house holding little Matilda.” You smiled a bit thinking back on it. “You looked tired, but so happy. I felt like I’d only intrude, so I left.”
Garreth thought about it, and he didn’t know what he’d do if you decided to meet with him. He had come to terms with it all by then, marrying Victoria, having Matilda, losing you. He might have been able to stand tall. But then again, he went mad just seeing your picture in the Daily Prophet for the first time.
“And the ring? After all this time?”
You shook your head. “I can’t seem to let you go.”
You held each other in the alley like lovesick teenagers who snuck out in the night. He kissed you then, but without the aggression or urgency. For the first time since he’d had you in his arms again, his lips were tender on yours.
Just like it had when you were seeing each other over a decade ago, time seemed to fly by. Months had passed since he began sneaking away to see you, taking a quick floo to your hut and locking yourselves away for a few stolen moments. Moments where you two would be entwined. He’d be on top of you, under you, any position he could manage while he was inside you. Sometimes you’d make love, sometimes you’d fuck. It was all perfect to him. 
That potions shop keeper is having an affair with the beasts professor at Hogwarts. Garreth imagined people around Hogsmeade would say. But your meetups were the best kept secret he had ever had. No one ever suspected a thing.
Sure it was a bit thrilling to have secrets, but all that mattered was that he had you again. He couldn’t ask for anything more.
Except for maybe a divorce. He felt awful running around on Victoria as he was. She was a fine wife, a fine mother. But he hadn’t felt that spark of life he always had with you. The moment he saw you standing in person before him again, he knew his marriage was over. He had nothing more to offer her.
It had weighed heavily on Garreth. Separating wouldn’t exactly be easy to do legally, or cheap. But he’d push through, whatever it took to get the life he had been aching for since the moment you left. 
He hadn’t touched Victoria since you came back. She had tried, and he’d been dismissive. Even spending a good amount of his nights sleeping at the shop. She had sensed his distance easily, and eventually gave up on trying. He hoped she found a lover too.
He’d go easy on Matilda and break the news to her when the time came. He reasoned her being away at Hogwarts a majority of the year now would give her enough space from it all. There was never a good time for parents to separate, only the sooner the better at this point.
Matilda hadn’t attended beasts class that day. You would assume she was out sick, but something felt off. Every time she was sick she would still make her way to beasts class, and you’d always have to tell her she could catch up after hours and to go get some rest. But she hadn’t even shown up that day, and it set all your alarm bells off.
“You’re not in trouble, I promise you.” You assured the student you overheard mentioning her name. “Just tell me where she said she’d be.”
“W - Well, she mentioned a place called Henrietta’s Hideout? Hideaway? Said she needed to find a runaway niffler.”
Your blood had gone cold. Henrietta’s Hideaway was beyond dangerous for anyone, let alone a child. It had been riddled with traps and dark wizards when you and Garreth went exploring there, when you were particularly young and stupid. “Are you sure?”
The student nodded his head, clearly nervous. 
You turned on your heel, immediately heading to the nearest floo.
Matilda felt in her gut coming to Henrietta’s Hideaway would be dangerous, but she ignored that feeling and ventured forth anyway. The thought of leaving Agnes Coffey’s pet niffler to roam here and get killed made her sick to her stomach. She couldn’t sit by and let it be. She couldn’t.
She had managed to find the niffler, Rococo, but getting back out alive was starting to feel impossible. There were traps everywhere, and she didn’t know how to cast disillusionment on anything else other than herself. Rococo would give her away to the surrounding dark wizards for certain.
As she stood there, hiding herself and cradling the niffler in her arms, her hope slipped away every time she peeked around the corner. Each time it seemed like the amount of dark wizards lurking around went up. She let herself panic, but she didn’t let herself cry.
She startled when she started to hear spell blasts. Hearing the alarm in the dark wizards’ voices as they started casting spells back, Matilda held tight to the niffler and slid down the wall she was leaning against. She was finally starting to feel like the child she was. 
She needed to get out of there, she needed her father. He could save her, he always had. She squeezed her eyes shut and closed out the world around her, the tears started to come then.
Because her fear had taken over, she didn’t even notice when everything went quiet. She continued to hold tight to the whining niffler and keep her eyes closed when you approached.
“Matilda? Matilda, it’s me. Everything’s alright now. Come with me, dear.” You knelt to her level and spoke in a hushed tone. 
She slowly looked up hearing your voice, her eyes widening. Letting herself sob then, she threw an arm around you while still holding tight to the niffler. 
She threw you off balance slightly but you kept upright and held her back. “I got you.” You soothed and slowly brought both of you to your feet. “Let’s get going.” You pulled back, keeping a hold on her shoulders. You looked into her eyes, trying to get her steady again. “I need that Gryffindor bravery, alright?” You gave her a reassuring smile.
She wiped at her eyes quickly and gave you a firm nod. “A - Alright.”
The two of you moved forward out of Henrietta’s Hideaway. You tried to remember what the trap mechanisms looked like when you were there back in your school days. Dark Wizards you could handle. Nearly invisible traps? Those could sneak up on anyone.
You and Matilda caught sight of the entrance and she was immediately filled with optimism and relief. “There!” She shouted and began sprinting. 
“Matilda, slow down!” You called, keeping up with her as best you could.
You caught it at the last second. The tile Matilda stepped on made a clicking sound, and sank just slightly under the pressure of her foot.
“Matilda!” You shouted and shoved her out of the way. You weren’t sure what the trap being set off would do, but something moved into your abdomen, a strong pressure hitting you immediately. It didn’t hurt at first, but it had a solid hold on you. You couldn’t move. Then whatever was in your abdomen slipped out, the blood and the pain started to come. It was a spike, triggered by the plate Matilda had stepped on.
The realization started to kick in then. You did your best to keep your breathing even and not scare Matilda. This was it. This was the misstep that got you, wasn’t it? You could feel it. You weren’t going to be alive after today.
“Matilda.” You began as calmly as you could. “Go… Go get your father. He can help me, he’ll know what to do.” You sat down on the ground, clutching your stomach, slowing the bleeding to buy yourself time. “Watch your step as you go.”
Matilda was scared seeing your wound bleeding as harshly as it was, but she was able to stand strong at your handling of it. You were her hero after all. Of course you could handle something like this, no problem. She nodded her head vigorously and ran out.
You tried to keep your breathing even, last long enough to see Garreth one last time.
“Dad!” Matilda burst through the shop door. Garreth caught her panic in an instant and didn’t hesitate to run up to her. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he looked her over quickly, ignoring the niffler in her arms. 
“What is it?! What’s wrong?!” He cupped her cheek when he noticed some of the scrapes on her face. “Let me get a wiggenweld.” He turned to get it but she grabbed his wrist.
“No time! It’s Professor Y/N. I - I was at Henrietta’s Hideaway and she helped get me out of there. She saved me from a trap but she’s hurt, dad. She - She said to get you. Said you’d be able to help.”
Garreth’s eyes widened, nostrils flaring. Henrietta’s Hideaway? “What in Merlin’s name were you doing all the way out there?!” Not waiting for her answer, he ran for the door. “Wiggenweld! Now!” He snapped before he was out of sight and at the nearest floo flame. As soon as he returned with you, he’d give Matilda an earful.
Garreth called your name as he carefully stepped into the hideaway. It had been so long since the two of you had explored there. He had no doubt it was still as dangerous as it was back then, the both of you had barely made it out in one piece even with how capable the two of you were.
He heard you cough. He turned your direction and his heart dropped at the sight.
You were sitting on the ground in a pool of blood, back up against a rock, hand clutched over your abdomen attempting to stop the bleeding. Garreth strode up and knelt before you. “We have to get you out of here.” He swallowed thickly once he got a closer look at the wound and noticed the loss of color in your skin. A sickening thought took hold of him. 
Are you dying?
“No, I -” You hissed in pain. “I’m not going to make it out of here, Gar.” 
He had never heard your voice so weak, dread started to set in. No, you’re not dying. You survive everything. You can’t die. “We’ve got to try. I can carry you.”
He wanted to scream when you only shook your head at him. “Be with me.” You reached for his hand.
His nostrils flared, his breathing starting to come out uneven as he tried to shove the panic down. “I’m getting you to St. Mungo’s.” As carefully as he could, he attempted to lift you. But your cries of pain stopped him. He shifted just enough so he was on the ground with you, holding you in his arms, your blood coating his clothes. The helplessness he felt was crippling.
“Tell me what to do.” He pleaded. “You always have a plan. Tell me what I need to do.” Garreth was crumbling, the pieces of him falling too quickly to catch.
You rested your head against his chest and looked up at him as he looked around the cave frantically. “Be with me. Please, Gar.”
He shook his head. “I just got you back.” His voice cracked, his throat constricting. “Please… Please don’t leave me. I can’t do it. I can’t lose you again.”
You weakly reached up and tugged at your necklace. “You never lost me.”
Garreth looked down at the ring he gave you and the tears stung at his eyes, ready to fall. You let go of the necklace and cupped his cheek, looking at him with so much love, he didn’t feel worthy of any of it. 
He reached up and held your hand against his cheek. “You saved my girl.” He whispered, more grateful than you’d ever know.
“You know me. Always have to be the hero.” You quipped, your voice so weak it nearly came out as a wheeze. “I wish we met in first year.”
He squeezed his eyes shut, nodding his head, tears falling.
“It was always you, Gar.”
He shifted you in his arms, holding you tighter. “And it was always you.”
“You and me.” You smiled, your voice getting quieter.
“You and me.”
As you looked up at him and he looked back down at you, you seemed to stop breathing, seemed to go perfectly still. He said your name, but no response. He said it one more time, waiting for something, anything at all. But nothing. 
He pulled you up more against him, resting his cheek against the top of your head, and let the rest of the tears come. 
Come back to me. 
Come back to me. 
Come back to me.
The day of your funeral, he’d barely been able to speak, his voice would betray him each time. Nobody expected him to speak much anyway. After all, who was he to you? He wasn’t blood, he wasn’t your husband. At most he was an old friend, as far as everyone knew. No one would ever know what he truly was to you, would they? If he thought he felt loss when you left him all those years ago, it was nothing compared to what he felt then.
You were gone, for good this time. The permanence of it made his chest ache with an unbearable emptiness. It seemed every breath he took, he needed to guide himself through it. In, out. In, out. In, out.
Even after everyone left, he remained with your grave. As he stood there, looking down at your tombstone, he realized this was all he could have with you for the rest of his life. 
He tried to think about your smile, your laugh, picture you there still with him. But as soon as he’d fall into the memory, a little voice in the back of his head reminded him it wasn’t real. Then your laugh in his head went silent, and he’d be brought back to reality in front of your tombstone.
Someone had walked up and looked down at your grave with him. “Seems I’m late.”
Garreth glanced up briefly and saw Sebastian Sallow beside him, looking down uneasily. “Afraid so.” 
He had never liked Sallow. The lad would be fine in Garreth’s eyes if he hadn’t been so hopelessly in love with you back at Hogwarts. He had been sane before you showed up, but as soon as you arrived, something about you drove the poor fool mad. He had to stop him from following you around and begging you to reconsider your rejection too many times to count.
“Merlin, this can’t be real. She was supposed to outlive us all.” He whispered in disbelief. “When was the last time you spoke to her?”
Garreth blinked away the memory, trying to get the image of your bloody, lifeless form in his arms out of his head. “Not long before she passed. You?”
“I’d say about five years ago. Last I saw her, she was walking out my door, breaking my heart once again.”
Garreth wasn’t sure if he wanted to know the answer, but he asked anyway. “You two…?” 
Sebastian glanced up at him, then looked back down with a shake of his head. “Not really. I mean we tried for a while. But she was never able to love me like I loved her.” Sebastian let out a shaky sigh. “Untameable that one.”
Garreth could only nod his head. That you were.
“I really thought I had a chance after you.” Sebastian huffed humorlessly. “But if it wasn’t going to be you, I don’t think it was going to be anybody.”
Garreth swallowed the lump in his throat and knew it was time to be alone. He gave Sebastian’s shoulder a cordial pat as he passed. “Good seeing you again, Sallow.”
Garreth sat before the fire, and let himself wallow in his own whiskey fueled pity. How many times had he let you down throughout knowing each other? How many times had he failed you when you two were right on track to live happily ever after?
There was nothing he could do now, was there? The only thing left to do was mourn. So he thought back on his life with you again. Maybe, if he was lucky, he could see you again in his dreams tonight.
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wyndowpane · 2 months
What soft love songs the Fellowship dedicate to you (and why) <3
In the mood to make myself cry, plus I’m in my ‘i was i wasn’t lonely’ phase of the night.
Pulled most of these from my notes app lmao, and i listened to each one while writing, I highly recommend giving them a listen!
GN! reader, mostly you/your used :) (Obviously some songs will involve specified gender, please correct as you need, and remember that these characters would absolutely make these changes as well)
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GIF by legolasimagines
Frodo Baggins - Hopelessly Devoted to You - Olivia Newton-John (Grease)
He definitely has the distinct memory of the classic slow burn moment of “Oh. Oh.” happening, where he realises just how much he loves you. He knew he was head over heels, and he looks at you like you hung the moon. And if you sing it to him- UGH😩💙. IN LOVE, HE SHALL BE. He probably hums it a lot when doing work or writing. Of course, the lyrics are quite relatable to him. Frodo has this internal belief that the person/people he love/s can’t love him nearly the amount he adores them. He was willing to sit around and wait on you, in the hopes that you would see him in the same way. His brain knew he should just move on, but he couldn’t let go, and he’s glad he didn’t. He’s so devoted to simply loving you.
“Hold on to the end, and that’s what I intend to do. I’m hopelessly devoted to you~”
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GIF by frodo-sam
(gotta appreciate that me looking up his name resulted in a bunch of po-tay-toes memes. anyway. back to the hcs)
Samwise Gamgee - Hello, Hello - Elton John ft Lady GaGa (Gnomeo & Juliet)
He’s a sucker for meet-cute stories, and would unironically love this movie, even setting aside this banger of a song. The moment he saw you, he felt captivated by your beauty, whether or not the meeting went well or if you fell on your face. The song is just so cheerful and wholesome. He probably told you that the song reminded him of you, and that sparked the romantic relationship. Every time this sequence plays he’ll just look at you (if/when you watch the movie). PLEASE SING THIS AS A DUET WITH HIM AAAA. (He isn’t Elton John, but his voice is lovely 🥰)
“Hello, hello (Hello, hello), my, my, my, what have we here?”
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GIF by tossme
Peregrin Took - I’ll Be - Edwin McCain
Honestly it’s hard to explain this one. It’s just so soft and sweet and really describes how he feels about you. Also as the youngest and a, quoting Gandalf here, “fool of a Took!”, the line “and I’ll be, better when I’m older…” is just- MWAH. This song reminds me of him honestly. He is, as the song states, “your crying shoulder”, the “greatest fan of your life”. Everything about you takes his breath away. We all know he’s the best singer in the fellowship, and its just gorgeous to listen to him sing it, especially because he means every word. He also probably dedicated this to you early on in the relationship, and it was definitely your wedding song (if you got married).
“I’ll be, better when I’m older. I’ll be, the greatest fan of your life~”
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GIF by thorinsbeard
(tumblr needs more Merry gifs istg-)
Meriadoc Brandybuck - Nothing - Bruno Major
Honestly you wouldn’t expect such a lowkey song for such a high energy guy, but he’s a sucker for lazy days and sweet moments. He’s, as he likes to say, ‘work-avoidant’, and just wants to spend all his time on you. He also finds the song easy to sing to you, so thats a plus. The lyrics just resonate with him, similar to my picks for Pippin and Frodo. He’s very competitive, but he honestly doesn’t mind losing to you. He pretends like romantic or soft movies don’t make him cry, even if they do. He gets the appeal of going out and drinking and laughing, but just staying at home with you just sounds so much nicer to him. Its all about the little things in life with him, the small moments, the laughs, and every ‘I love you’ that makes him feel lighter than air.
“Dumb conversations, we lose track of time. Have I told you lately? I’m grateful you’re mine~”
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GIF by thefandomimagine
Aragorn - Dark Red - Steve Lacy
He knows how dangerous his work and life is, and he’s always had this fear of leaving you behind (hence the ‘something bad is ‘bout to happen to me’). He only sees you in his life, no matter who else is wanting for his attention, he’s so devoted to you. He only hopes that you’ll stay by his side and fight with him, and he’s not willing to give up on you. No, he refuses to give up when you are involved, and he fights so hard to keep you safe and protected. The song also is easy to mumble to you when he’s tired, and it’s soothing for him to listen to. It’s just a symbol of how much you mean in his life, and how he trusts you with his heart.
“Only you, babe, only you darlin’, only you~”
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GIF by reactionimages
Legolas - Lover - Taylor Swift
Unabashed Swiftie in general, but this song just hits different. So first off he probably already called you his lover, and when he found the song he thought it was perfect. I can definitely see him learning guitar and playing this song for you as well. Into the actual song analysis, this song frames his want to be close to you, the mysterious way he was drawn to you, the way he felt like time flew by whenever you talked. Also I feel like he’s made jealous relatively easily, and that’s also in the song. His heart has been borrowed before, but he’s glad he’s ended up with you, to hear your jokes, save you seats, and call you his lover. He definitely likes to sing this to you late in the night, and i can see him humming/mumbling it whenever the two of you just stand and hold each other. Its so wholesome, and he loves the way your eyes light up when he sings it with all the love in his heart, all of it for you.
“You’re my, my, my, my… lover~”
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GIF by tlotrgifs
Gimli - If You Love Her - Forrest Blakk
Honestly, he’s not a very observant dwarf, but he does pay attention to you. He knows you, and he cares a lot. Protective of you to a fault, but just wants everyone to know that they shouldn’t take you or your heart for granted. He hates to admit it, but he thinks you are precious (I’M SORRy-) and every small thing about you is worth taking note of. And he does, so he knows exactly how to make you happier. He’s your personal hype-man, and truly believes that you are the best thing he has ever had. He uses the song as a guidebook on how to treat you, and while he won’t say it, or sing it, he does play this song for you and leave in a huff, just hoping you’ll know this song is meant to say that he loves you. (He might even dub it over with your preferred pronouns for the big reveal, and it’s quite funny)
“They’ll love you, if you love them like that~”
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GIF by myrkvidrs
Boromir - Summer Love - The Workday Release
Boromir really thinks this song demonstrates his feelings towards you, and how he wishes you’d stick around with him. You remind him of the summer, warm, bright and hopeful. It was so simple for him to fall in love (it’s like counting 1,2,3). He’s awestruck by your beauty, and doesn’t find it enough to dream about you, he needs to be holding your hand, feeling your presence. He wants to face the world with you there next to him. You always manage to give him a smile, make sense to him, and be honest. He’s not sure how to articulate everything he feels around you, so he just says that he loves you.
“Surely this is love, this is love, this is summer love~”
Ive been writing for the past 2+ hours and it’s late and I’m tired, but I really hope you enjoy. If you want to request a fic, any fandom will do, I’ll get back to you on it, I promise.
Let me know if you want me to do a Part 2 with some other characters <3 Have a great day!!
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estelofrivendell · 1 year
Hello ! Hope you're doing well
Could you please write a Legolas x Reader where the reader is playing piano (i know piano don't exist in LOTR lol so actually it could be any other instruments, I just prefer piano) during the Rohirrim party and Legolas fell even harder for them and thought it was the right time to confess his feelings (if you can also include that they've been distancing lately)
Hope it is not too much and take your time to write it!!
Legolas x Reader (The Pianist)
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A/N: Hope you like this, anon! Legolas is a little tricky to write, trying to get better with him and his characterization.
The Rohirrim were a merry bunch, there was no doubt about that. Despite the heavy losses in Helm’s Deep, the return of Gandalf and Éomer lifted their spirits greatly. 
The celebration began as soon as they returned to Edoras with Merry and Pippin, cheerful and energetic as always. Legolas was unsure if he was dreaming but he swore the two hobbits were not as tall as they are now the last time he saw them.
After Gimli passed out, Legolas checked the great hall to find the remaining ones not yet intoxicated. There was Aragorn, who never took in more than he wanted to, Éowyn, who did not seem to enjoy these kinds of things. And there was you, playing the piano and surrounded by jolly men singing a song about falling in love.
If the theme of the party was to celebrate the recent victory and honor the fallen, then everyone was miserably failing, because they sure are not making any mention of the dead in their song.
As soon as the song came to an end, he approached you, narrowly avoiding the tipsy men about to bump into him and passed by others who lost their balance. You looked up at him and grinned.
“Hello, Legolas,” you greeted cheerfully. “Would you care to join me?”
“I am afraid I am not very skilled at the piano,” said Legolas. “I do, however, take pride in my skill at the harp. You never told me you played the piano.”
“You never asked.”
True enough, Legolas felt he did not know you well. He started off preferring your company over the others, especially Gimli’s, but in a strange twist of fate, he would not hesitate to call Gimli his best friend now. You were what he liked to call thoughtful; always thinking of the future, hoping for the best instead of the worst. He was no cynic even if the odds point to a complete destruction of the world and someone like you and your optimism was a refresher.
Legolas thought this was the right moment to start over. “We speak little to each other lately. Perhaps at dusk you could teach me how to play the piano and get to know each other more.”
“I would love to.”
“It’s not that hard, Legolas. You’re tensing up. Everyone has to start somewhere, and if I can do it, then so can you.”
Legolas could read basic piano sheets and memorised all the keys and what notes they represented,  but couldn’t hit the notes as well as he wished. One second, he’ll be playing fine but his fingers would suddenly tense and make it difficult for him to continue, abruptly ending his practice awkwardly.
“It happens to the best of us,” you insisted. “Besides, you’re lucky enough to have all your life to master the piano.”
Legolas chuckled. “That is true.”
And for the first time in what he guessed was weeks, Legolas felt light heartened, like he always was before you two grew distant from each other. He’s not sure how it happened but he was sorry those weeks were wasted with lack of interaction instead of getting closer to you.
“Are you seeing anyone?” Legolas asked.
“Not at the moment, no,” you said. “Why?”
“If you would let me, I would like to take you out for a ride at dawn. Edoras has a lot of lovely things to offer. We could talk about that and more about each other.”
You smiled. “That they do. I’d love to, Legolas. I think you're wonderful to be around.”
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dumbass-duo-showdown · 11 months
Merry & Pippin (Lord of the rings) vs Min-Gi Park & Ryan Akagi (infinity train)
BTW, i recommend checking out the propaganda
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Merry & Pippin
They caused nearly all of the problems in The Fellowship of the Ring + they’re small and silly
Min-Gi Park & Ryan Akagi
These two were childhood best friends who dreamed of starting a band and traveling together. They went their separate ways after high school for Ryan to try to get Min-Gi to rejoin the band. They ended up on a magic train together bickering like an old married couple and for some reason sticking with a magic service bell named Kez who did nothing but get them into trouble. They also annoy a sentient castle by playing a song they wrote as kids about putting various animals in a toque.
Like they are basically gay and in love except 1. the big guys upstairs wouldnt allow it and 2. They are too much dumbasses to like even confess properly let alone actually communicate. It took a therapy train and a sentient bell named Kez for them to actually realize how much they care and how much they wanna achieve their dream of being in a band together (which gets realized and its so great i love my gays who play music)
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hi, I've just discovered your blog and it's amazing 😍😍 I NEED Pippin falling for an (female/gn) elf OMG 🥺 Pls pls pls pls
(my husbandddddd of course :D I'm gonna do headcanons for this, hope you enjoy!)
(Pippin x gender neutral!elf!reader)
Pippin is absolutely entranced the second he first meets you.
He thinks you're the most perfect being he's ever seen, and is sure that you're the most beautiful person in all of Middle Earth.
He isn't very good at hiding his affections before he confesses to you. There's a lot of teasing from Merry followed by a lot of hushed whispers, and if you ever ask what they were talking about Pippin turns bright red and pretends it was nothing.
He tries to be less troublesome around you (he'd be mortified if he made a fool of himself in front of you, especially since you always seem so graceful).
Though there was one occasion where he fell from a tree branch while he was trying to climb it, and landed flat on his face right in front of you. You quickly helped him up and he brushed himself off, his pride hurt more than anything, but the way you held his face gently to check for injuries made him think that perhaps it was worth the embarrassment.
Once the two of you are in a relationship, he constantly gifts you little trinkets and flowers he finds. Maybe it's a little wooden carving he saw at a market that made him think of you, or a flower that matches your eye color.
(He loves how long and smooth your hair is, and will use wanting to braid the flowers into your hair as an excuse to touch it.)
PLEASE make him a flower crown he will melt.
Pippin is incredibly curious about elven culture, and will want you to teach him everything. In return he'll teach you about hobbit culture, and the two of your share all your favourite traditions.
One of his favourite things to share with you is songs. You often spend your evenings together hearing him sing songs from the Shire, and he has stars in his eyes if you share a song from elven culture.
He was worried that you wouldn't want him because of your height difference, but he actually loves it. He feels safe around you, and hugs with him are actually the best (honestly I'm jealous).
Pippin worships the ground you walk on, and would face Sauron all over again if it would make you happy.
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airyairyaucontraire · 3 months
As I continue with the LOTR audiobooks I’m struck by how different the sense of pace and urgency is from the movies. We know, of course, that a movie is different from a book and can simply and directly show us things that an author may need a few paragraphs to describe, also events in the plot may be brought closer together or be combined or dropped altogether, and dialogue generally needs to be more concise. I think I’m allowing sufficiently for that, but still.
With the abduction of Merry and Pippin, surely every minute counts in terms of the trail growing cold or the orcs reaching their destination, yet still, after caring for Boromir’s body and giving him the best funeral they can under the circumstances* (as they do in the movie, it’s just that it’s elided between scenes while in the book we have the full description, including a touching detail, that they made a pillow for his head from his folded Lothlorien cloak and combed his hair, because it’s such a human**thing that even knowing our friend or relative won’t feel it and doesn’t need it, we need to make sure they would be comfortable and they look nice) after setting his boat loose to go over the falls, because Lord of the Rings is a musical, they’re singing a song they must have improvised just now - not just Boromir’s favourite song if they knew it, or a pre-existing Gondorian folk song that seems fitting, but a new original song about missing Boromir, because not only does it have his name in it, it has pretty specific references to the geography of his journey and so forth.
The only way that makes sense is if you bear in mind that Lord of the Rings is a musical.
Also, I generally don’t harp on differences between the books and movies, but I would like to note that in the book Boromir is still alive, in his last moments, to feel Aragorn hold his hand and kiss his forehead, and I prefer that version.
Oh! Also Andy Serkis did come up with better voices for Elrond and Legolas than the rather irritating wispy fairy ones he did for the earlier elves. They still have a trace of the wispiness and a certain rhythm to their speech that’s distinctively elvish, and I think that was a good way to handle it. I guess Glorfindel and that dude the hobbits met on the way out of the Shire just have stronger accents when they speak the common language? I’ll let it go at that.
I bet he was glad Tolkien wrote that Galadriel had an unusually deep voice for a woman.
* I don’t blame them for the choice they made, they discuss different options but conclude that with no shovels to dig a grave and not enough rocks suitable to make a cairn over his body, the river is their best option. However, I’ve never liked the thought that, after going over the waterfall where the boat would break up at the bottom, what actually became of Boromir’s body was no different from if they’d just thrown him in. He would bloat and float and so forth. Yucky. Therefore I decided today that there was a huge fish (maybe a sturgeon) swimming not far down the Anduin and it ate him up in one go while he was still fresh. I think that’s more dignified.
**Here I’ll use the more expansive Ryoko Kui definition of human because I’m not excluding elves or dwarves (or indeed hobbits) from feeling this way. Also, I warmly recommend the New Zealand TV series The Casketeers.
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fizzyxcustard · 1 year
Okay okay okay I just thought of a really cute prompt for a LotR fic, since you said you were wanting to write for the og trilogy again. Feel free to get to this whenever works for you!
Merry and Reader are in the like early stages of a relationship, maybe they're officially courting, maybe not, but there's an understanding there. Anyway, they're at some party or other, and one is dancing while the other watches with a soft smile on their face. Their eyes meet from across the room and suddenly they both have goofy, lovestruck expressions on their faces.
Idk how much detail you want or if this is enough for a whole one shot but I thought it'd be cute and would love to see your take on it.
(This is such an adorable idea, and thank you for suggesting it!! I won't tag anyone in it because this might be a complete flop and everyone hates it. LOL! But I do indeed want to branch out and get back into Lord of the Rings fics.)
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Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Merry x Fem!Hobbit!Reader
Warnings: Lots of fluff.
Comments/Notes: If you wish to be added to my tag list, please let me know. This is my first Merry fic, and my first fic back in Lord of the Rings, so please be gentle with me. LOL.
The Green Dragon was heaving with patrons. It was Rosie and Sam's wedding day, and everyone in the Shire had been invited to the celebrations. Some hobbits were still congregated up in the main party field, devouring the wedding cake, while a large group of you had retreated back to the Green Dragon for drinks, a smoke and cosiness by the open fire.
A few of your friends had pulled you up to to dance in the centre of the main room. There was laughing and giggling the girl hobbits who were all around you. Your friend, Daisy, grabbed your hands and spun you around, while others sang.
Merry was on the opposite side of the room, sat at a table with Pippin and Frodo. He couldn't help but keep averting his eyes over toward you.
"Are you even listening?" Frodo chuckled, raising his tankard for a sip. Ever since Merry had first kissed you, he was constantly day dreaming and pre-occupied. No one but you seemed to be able to get his attention.
Pippin sighed, trying to hide the sadness of losing his best friend and partner in crime, despite being happy for him and you.
"What?" Merry asked, his head shifting turning to face Frodo.
Your head was spinning and you kept giggling, your cheeks glowing in happiness. And as you slowed down, the song coming to an end, you looked over toward Merry again. He had his gaze on you, and he smiled. Your heart fluttered and you felt the flush on your cheeks burn even hotter.
Daisy rolled her eyes playfully. "You are Merry are making me feel sick."
By the end of the night, as everyone filed out of the small tavern, Merry waited for you by the door. He held his arm out and you curled yours in his, giggling again. Whenever you were with him, or in close proximity, and the contentment washed over you. It rested in your heart.
Merry looked at you as he walked you home, studying your bright eyes as they took in your surroundings. Your curiosity was what he had fallen in love with first. Every little thing around you was special; flowers, animals, the sun, the moon and the stars. He watched the reflection of the stars in your eyes as you looked upwards at the heavens.
You could feel Merry watching you again and suddenly you stopped, grinning. Not able to hold back, you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.
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obsidiancreates · 10 months
Recounting A Long-Expected, Never To Pass party
Part of the There and Back Again (Starting From The End) series
They're not even a day out from Erebor when, after a bit of somber silence at the knowledge of the quest ahead of them, Kili speaks up.
"So, Bilbo," he says. "Uncle tells us you knew two Hobbits who reminded you of us."
Bilbo chuckles merrily, puffing a pipe scrounged from the ruins even as he walks- they're not making much haste yet, still recovering from their journey to the mountain itself- they'd all been terribly pained to leave, but it couldn't be helped. Bilbo isn't sure if he can resist The Ring as Frodo did, and Gandalf agrees it's best to travel with a large band in case they are still yet hunted. Even with Azog gone, dangers roam the wildlands.
Even so, Bilbo drinks in this time with his long-ago companions, family, like a sapling tasting of rain for the first time in many long years among a desolate patch of land. "Going around telling all of my business, Thorin?" he teases.
"They'd asked about what you'd shared with me," Thorin says, a small quick of his lips showing he knew Bilbo's comment was in jest.
"Yes, I did know two hobbits quite like you boys," Bilbo says to Kili, and he hears Kili and Fili murmur to each other in excitement. "Steady now! You won't meet them for some time yet. But I have plenty of stories to share, if you like."
"I think we'd all enjoy a merry tale or two," Balin says, grimmer than the young princes. "We're not likely to see much merry ourselves on this journey."
"Exactly my thinking, Balin. Let's see, where to start... well, one of their grandest muck-abouts was at my own birthday, my hundred-eleventh near sixty years after returning home. Gandalf rode in for the party of course- we always kept a close friendship after the journey- and brought with him his magnificent fireworks."
"You make fireworks?" Bofur said in surprise, looking up at Gandalf.
"Indeed I do. They were the only thing Bilbo recalled about me when I came to his door."
"Yes, well, you brought many for my party, of course. I'd invited half the shire, and the other half had turned up anyway!" He let out a laugh. "And Merry and Pippin- nicknames spoken more often their their full names- they of course got themselves into a spot of trouble. They went and rifled through your cart, so I was told, and pulled out a firework in the visage of a dragon! I imagine you'd intended it as the party-ender show, and a treat for the children who adored my stories."
"You told hobbit children about this quest?" Dwalin looks at Bilbo skeptically.
"Oh, put away that look, Dwalin. I told them uh... approximations, of our journey. Close enough to inspire wonder and teach some valuable lessons, but changed a bit to add some fun. I made up a wonderful song for the incident with the spiders- ha! If only I'd thought of it in the moment and not years later." Bilbo smiles fondly as he talks, his pipe resting in the corner of his mouth and occasionally drawn and puffed from.
"You, singin' a song?" Nori snorts. "Can't imagine it."
"Hobbit sing often! I've come up with a good few myself, even along our quest. I just didn't find it entirely appropriate to sing them. But you're getting me off track! Merry and Pippin stole the dragon firework and lit it- inside one of the tents, Frodo told me they'd later discovered. Burnt and flung into the water by the flight. The dragon swooped down upon us all, and I remember- yes, I remember Frodo grabbing me and telling me there was a dragon, and I told him 'Nonsense! There hadn't been a dragon in these parts in a thousand years!' He pushed me to the ground as it flew overhead, and the whole of Hobbiton watched with baited breath as it flew away before bursting into showers of light! Quite a good show, we all thought, and I later saw the dirty faces of Merry and Pippin washing up the dishes as Gandalf smoked and watched."
Gandalf laughs now. "Perhaps this time around you'll get them to be better behaved."
"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it," Bilbo ways with a glint in his eye. "I was just as bad by then."
"Got stuck with the sticky fingers, eh?" Nori grins approvingly.
"Not quite, Nori. But at the same party, oh I made it a night to truly remember. The memory is a bit soured now, knowing the nature of The Ring, but even so it's a good one."
"How did The Ring play into a party?" Ori is throughly confused between his two older brothers.
"Oh, I used it to get into all sorts of mischief over the years. In particular, I was prompted to go and give a speech as the party was reaching a natural high- and of course I'd planned to give one anyway. I got up on one of the ale barrels, and I remember exactly what I said, as I'd planned it for many weeks."
Bilbo clears his throat, and tries to adjust his voice to match his older tones more- a strange sensation to be sure.
"My dear Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks! Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers! Bracegirdles! And Proudfoots!"
He interrupts his own recreation to shakes his head. "Got that name wrong, but it drew a laugh from the crowd when he corrected me so it hardly ruined the event."
"That's a strange lot of names, laddie," Dwalin says.
"I could say the same about yours. All entirely respectable Hobbit families- well, depending upon who you ask. Now what came next... ah, yes."
"Today is my one-hundreth and eleventith birthday! But alas, eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live among such excellent and admirable hobbits. I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."
It draws some surprised barks of laughter from the company, including Gandalf, and Bilbo thinks it might bite the end right off of the pipe if he smiles any harder hearing the laughs of his dear friends- Thorin, Fili, and Kili most of all.
"The looks on their faces! They didn't grasp onto it very well, and the ones who did didn't appreciate it! But I knew it'd bring amusement somewhere, in some day."
"I'm going to use that whenever we have to start sitting in on Court Meetings," Kili snickers.
"You will do no such thing," Thorin warns.
"Let the boys have a bit of fun, Thorin," Bilbo chides. "Life is too short to not, even when it's longer than an age. Otherwise you may end up like Thranduil did- took many years of tense teatimes to soften him up, I tell you. Don't give me that look you lot, there's few others to talk with in those lands and by the time I awake back here I'd spoken to just about every elf many lifetimes over. Now, I went to say- I feigned a bit of nervousness here to sell it, and don't allow anyone to tell you otherwise, purely for show did I stumble on my words and I include them now to give the most accurate impression of the event-"
"I uh, I ha-have things to do. And here I reached into my pocket, and pulled out The Ring so that no-one saw it, and put my hands behind my back. And I went on to mutter a bit to myself- nasty habit I picked up on this very quest- and put my attention on Frodo."
"I regret, to announce, this, is the end. I'm going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye."
The company are all leaning in, enraptured- including Gandalf, though there's a worry to his expression not unlike when he'd heard the speech the first time around.
"And in front of the whole of Hobbiton, I vanished! There one moment, completely gone in the next! The crowd went into an uproar, of course, or as much of one as a party of well-drunk and fed hobbits can be. I raced back up to Bag End and didn't take The Ring off until I got back inside and shut my door."
Bilbo near giggles at the memory. "Oh, the looks on their faces! I got quite a scolding from Gandalf afterwards, as you can imagine. Magic rings are not to be taken lightly, and of course in the moment I couldn't imagine why that was. And then, ah..."
"Well, then it turned to a moment more befitting of the evil The Ring holds. But even then, the memory of that final great prank kept me smiling and laughing for many years!"
"... Well... if it wasn't such an evil ring, I'd ask you to borrow it and do something similar," Kili admits, smiling. "Can you imagine, Fili?"
"And you'd rally us all up into a search party," the eldest brother says with a small smile. "Imagine Nori with an ability like that. None of us would be able to find anything ever again."
"Perhaps," Balin interrupts, "We shouldn't speak so lightly of the powers it gives. Temptation is easily felt, and not so easily dismissed."
Fili and Kili share a look, and then nod.
"We didn't mean anything by it," Fili says.
"Purely admiring our own Bilbo Baggins becoming a mischief maker," Kili adds.
"And I've got plenty more mischief left, once this whole nasty business is done," Bilbo says, head held high and smile bright with amusement.
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maeofthenoldor · 2 years
I am god and now am giving out sexualities to lotr charachters because no one can stop me. And I have insomnia and sleep deprived.
Frodo: A gay trans man and on the ace spectrum
Samwise: Bisexual and there's a reason I nickname him transwise gamgee. (samfro is t4t)
Pippin: Just a feral nonbinary guy (They/he) and is pansexual. he falls in love easily. Probalbly had a crush on everyone they met throughout the journey. (he even had a crush on tom bombadil because he liked his little gay songs)
Merry: Token straight out of the hobbits and is in love with eowyn, which is now his sexuality.... (I mean i dont blame him)
Boromir: Definitely not straight. I mean have you seen him? gay, absolutely gay
Aragorn: Straight but has questioned his gender many times.
Gandalf: The most aro/ace icon out there. Uses all pronouns. Will trans your gender and turn homophobes, transphobes and general bigots into toads. Move out of her way or you will be crushed by her heels.
Legolas: pretty fluid when it comes to gender, mostly uses he/they pronouns however he really doesn't mind anything else. He identifies as queer.
Gimli: he's a bear bisexual and will kill anyone who purposely misgenders another. He is dating his partner Legolas and has a lot of fun with them when they hunt down bigots.
Eowyn: She is bisexual and also loved merry (except they are both too scared to make the first move)
Faramir: Gandalf helped him transition when he was a child. All he wants is to be accepted by his father. Boromir loves that he has a brother. He is also unlabled.
Denethor: Repressed bisexual.
Arwen: I cant tell if shes straight or bi, but I’m leaning towards the latter
Elrond: The best dad in the world, but otherwise he is also straight.
Bilbo: The gay traumatized fun uncle. Obviously had a dwarf husband, but sadly is widowed. Now he sings his gay little songs and everyone adores him. mood tbh
Eomer: Straight but is extremely supportive of Gimli and Legolas that he cries whenever they do something sweet to one another. It gets worse when he's drunk.
Theodred: Hes not even really in the book but I need to spread my Boromir/Theodred rare pair ship. Hes bisexual obviously. 
Galadriel: Intersex, nonbinary (they/she) and has a hot trophy husband.
Celeborn: the trophy husband, a trans man and is queer. 
Saruman: He is the definition of the queer-coded villain. I mean his name is saurman of all colours and he literally transforms into a gay pride flag.
Tom Bombadil & Goldberry: They deserve to be grouped as one because they are the best representation of a queer platonic couple out there. Goals.
Rosie Cotton: Bi but doe sent really know it, but if she ever met Goldberry, she might then have her awakening.
last and not least we have Sauron himself, and anyone whose read the Silmarillion know exactly what his sexuality is. so go read it.
Anyway tell me your hcs if you have any, I would love to hear them.
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aaaaaa-musical-trash · 5 months
ok so some of my favorite musicals right now are Pippin, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Spring Awakening and Hairspray. Some other things I listen to are Frank Ocean, Tyler, the Creator, and my all time favorite- Melanie Martinez. As far as a general genre that I listen to outside of Broadway, I would say either indie or pop!
a very big thing about me is that I lovelovelove Glee, and it’s been my top artist for multiple years in a row now (very proud/embarrassed about that) my favorite color is yellow!
thank you soso much!! love your account <33
tysm for the kind words <3 seems that i have gained a powerful ally
i’m gonna give you two but they won’t be as in depth as your recs
-moulin rouge!
after a cursory listen to pippin i think you would like the vibe of it! but it’s just occurred to me that you probably already know about it sooo
if you don’t, it’s about a guy called christian who moves to paris and falls in love with a performer called satine who works at the moulin rouge.
the best songs to understand its vibe are el tango de roxanne and the sparkling diamond.
-we are the tigers
this is one of my all time favourites! it’s a pop rock musical and you seem to like rock musicals. it’s about a declining cheerleader team called the tigers. they’re very dysfunctional, but the captain, riley, hopes to make them bond at their yearly sleepover. but then two people are murdered and the team has to find who did it.
i think the best songs to get a vibe of it are don’t even and before the breakdown.
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cantsayidont · 5 months
Something I regret about the Peter Jackson LORD OF THE RINGS movies is that they inevitably flatten and coarsen various aspects of the story: subplots are condensed or excised, plot elements simplified, action blown up, timeframes compacted, and characters sometimes made rather one-note. I don't think the results are bad — I have criticisms in spots, but the movies are faithful to the spirit of the book even in areas that one would expect to be difficult (like all the homoeroticism), and if some of the additions (like the dwarf-tossing jokes) are dumb, they make the movies work the way they need to for theatrical epics of this scale. In some ways, I think the movies improve on the story: The increased role of Arwen is welcome, for instance, and the movies create a sense of tension in character interactions that in the book are fairly cut-and-dried.
Still, there's a lot that's hard not to miss: Frodo's unjustified fear of Farmer Maggot, who turns out to be a brave friend; Bilbo's song of Earendil the Mariner; the way Rivendell and Lothlórien exist subtly outside of the normal flow of time; Gloin's account of Dain turning away the messenger from Mordor; Saruman of many colors; Gimli's courtly manners (the movie's version of him is a bit of a boor, but in the book, he's got the best manners of any of the major characters); Galadriel rejecting Celeborn's anti-dwarf prejudice; the subtler and more insidious treatment of Saruman's voice; Pippin's friendship with Beregon in Gondor; the madness of Denethor and the palantír of Anor (which made a great impression on me as a kid); Éowyn's courage in facing the Lord of the Nazgûl (who in the book threatens to have her dragged away "to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness" to be tortured forever!); Aragorn's argument with Ioreth about the virtues and etymology of athelas (one of the points of the book that seems closest to Tolkien's philologist's heart, TBH); the escape of Saruman from Treebeard; Frodo's compassion for Lotho and Lobelia Sackville-Baggins and pity even for Saruman.
This is an area where Phil Dragash's superb (albeit unauthorized) Soundscape audiobook project, which I've mentioned before, really fills in a needed gap. It's enough like the movies, particularly the music, to evoke a similar vibe, but it's an unabridged performance, so it omits only the introduction and the appendices. As an unabridged version of a very large book, it's a big time commitment (at least three times the combined length all three Extended Editions), but there's much to savor.
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setaripendragon · 3 months
Trying to organize my ask notebook better since I've run out of space under general fandom asks and I would like to know what fandoms you are in so I can ask the correct people about the correct fandoms.
I think my main ones are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ones I don't engage in canon at all are Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal ship, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie ship, The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier things and Ladybug and Cat Noir but only for Adrinette .
Also do you like getting asks that are or include story ideas or snippets?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer within a certain amount of time or at all.
Ooh, I am in so many fandoms XD It wouldn't actually be easier to list the ones I'm not in, but sometimes it feels that way.
Definitely there with you on The Hobbit and Bagginshield and Lord of the Rings and that whole 'verse, and I'm all in on the Good Omens and The Witcher (well, all in on most of the fandom, I've read some of one of the books, played some of one of the games, watched some of one of the shows... XD).
I also enjoy me some Sherlock, but my preferred flavour is Elementary, rather than BBC.
At the moment my main fandoms are One Piece (catching up with the anime atm, it's taking a while XD), Supernatural, and Star Wars (pretty much entirely second hand, except for the Kenobi show and recently being bullied into watching the Mandalorian with a friend =P).
Okay, I'm going to try and be concise now because otherwise we'll be here all day. Here are fandoms that I've written stuff for (published or not): A Song of Ice and Fire, Alice in Wonerland, Assassin's Creed, Avatar the Last Airbender, Black Butler, Bleach, James Bond, Charmed, Criminal Minds, Critical Role, Emperor's Edge, Fairy Tail, Firefly, Frozen, Fruits Basket, FullMetal Alchemist, Girl Genius, Rise of the Guardians, Harry Potter, Kingsman, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Merlin, Chronicles of Narnia, Naruto, Avatar (2009), Once Upon a Time, Peaky Blinders, Percy Jackson, Pride and Prejudice, The Sandman, Shadowhunters, Sinbad (Dreamworks), Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, Teen Wolf, The Untamed, Torchwood, White Collar, X-Men.
I'm not, you know, deep in the fandom of more than usually three or four at a time, but my muse wanders like she's got itchy feet. And I'm probably at least passingly familiar with several other fandoms: I'm enjoying watching Dungeon Meshi at the moment but I haven't yet got the itch to play in that sandbox, I love reading Scum Villain's Self Saving System fanfic but I don't feel I know the characters well enough to write my own, I watched basically all of the Disney animated movies as a kid but I haven't yet had a solid enough idea to write, I have seen some of Stranger Things but I watched most of it while somewhat sleep deprived and that is not the best way to watch horror ^^" I've played FF7, I've read the Hunger Games, I've watched Yuri On Ice, etc, but I don't have a convenient list of those, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I won't make this any longer than it needs to be going into my ships unless you ask specifically, but let it be said that I'm a polyshipper in a big way (nothing gets my brain to go brrrrrrr like complicated relationship dynamics =3), and making it onto my NoTP list takes some seriously rancid vibes and/or overly pushy fans, and it's always safe to ask me about a ship =P
Story ideas are very welcome! The muse needs constant feeding =P I won't make any guarantees about them going anywhere, but I love seeing them all the same. Snippets... are probably the same? I don't know, I've never been sent one. I'm probably even less likely to do anything with them, just because of stupid brain quirks, but who knows?
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