#it was just suddenly happening and they just had to do what they could to escape
Dinner & Diatribes
❝i knew it from the first look of mischief in your eye.❞
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Summary: You both swiped right and suddenly you're standing in a stranger's kitchen while he makes you spaghetti.
Pairing: Modern Aegon Targaryen x Reader
Word Count: 5.2k
Author’s Note: this might be the most self-indulgent fic i've ever written, so fair warning. also, thank you tom, who inspired this by saying that dinner & diatribes would be aegon's hozier song. it's just true. anyways, this was really fun to write.
Warnings: language, recreational drug use, alcohol use, fluff, intense sexual situations (including: oral sex - female receiving, sexual intercourse - p in v), just two single people who are horny, more fluff, aegon being so cute that i couldn't stop smiling the whole time i was writing this.
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It was precisely 9:39 PM on a Tuesday.
You were sitting cross-legged on your couch, nose deep in a fresh murder mystery that you had been working through for the last two days. There was a lit joint between your fingers that you were nursing, taking little hits so that it wouldn’t completely burn out, and on the cushion next to you, your phone softly vibrates and lights up; a familiar icon flashes across the screen and you can easily make out the words, “It’s a Match” from the corner of your eye. 
It’d been a regular occurrence since you had downloaded that accursed app. 
You’d been single for far too long, according to your best friend, though you hadn’t really noticed. The sweet silence of a solitary life was something that you had enjoyed for the most part. It wasn’t even like your online dating life had really taken off, either. You’d get matches but hardly anyone would reach out in any way that made you feel like they were serious. They wanted your Snapchat username, or they were in an ‘open’ relationship or asking for a threesome, and one guy even asked if you would send him pictures of your feet. Even some of the ones you thought were serious about taking you out- or even just hooking up- would end up ghosting you before anything actually happened. 
“It’s not supposed to be serious,” you could hear your friend’s words rattling around in your brain. You shake your head and focus once again on your book; they have a suspect, it’s the best friend! How fitting.
Once again, your phone lights up and vibrates. Not wanting to be distracted from the plot, you ignore your new match and get back to your mystery with anticipation; the best friend is about to confess. You go to take another hit of your joint and frown upon realizing it’s burnt out. As you move to grab your lighter, in comes another message, and another, and another. You stop what you’re doing and pick up your phone, swiping at the screen until you find the culprit. He’s known only as Aegon T, and according to the one sentence he has written on his profile, he has a dog. You swipe through his pictures- the dog is a golden retriever, the man looks like a golden retriever. 
In the message thread, he’s basically talking to himself. 
There’s four new messages waiting for you, while three little dots begin flashing at the bottom of the screen; disappearing and reappearing as you read what he’s already sent. 
“So, I’m high.”
“And I am making spaghetti… and it’s really good.”
“At least I hope it’s really good, it could just be the weed…”
“I could use a taste-tester, if you’re up for it? I can’t pay you or anything, but it’s honest work 😏”
Aegon begins typing again and you watch the screen, a smirk on your lips. You are 99% sure that the spaghetti is truly an innuendo for what he really wants and have half a heart to just block him, but you watch as those little gray dots continue in the bottom left corner of the screen; he’s going back and forth with himself and you can’t help but find it oddly cute. Your fingers hover over the keyboard as you contemplate a witty response, but before you can even begin typing, he sends a fifth message. 
“That was weird as fuck, right?”
Then a sixth.
“You probably don’t want to come over to some random guy’s house on a Tuesday.”
He finishes up with a seventh message.
“Unless you do…”
He almost sends an apology. After all, what's another message? He’s already fucked this whole thing up; not even giving himself a chance before he nose-dived. If he was being honest, he should just go ahead and delete his whole account; save you from secondhand embarrassment and save himself from repeating the same mistake again in the future. He sets the phone down on the kitchen counter and goes back to ripping bong hits to calm his nerves. Though, he’s unable to keep himself from checking his phone for a response; a response that likely wasn’t going to come and he’d spend the rest of his night feeling like a complete idiot. 
Seven back-to-back messages should have screamed ‘red flag’, but you’re glancing at the clock as if you were seriously contemplating taking this stranger up on his offer. After all, you do have needs just as much as the next person. But, you’re wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of pajama shorts, your hair’s a mess, and you were covered in the crumbs of your munchie snacks. Meaning, you were nowhere close to being prepared for what was sure to happen between you and this random stoner offering you dinner. 
Yet, you respond to him, “I could never turn down spaghetti”. 
Aegon’s stirring the sauce when he gets your message. He’s instantly elated, thrusting a celebratory fist into the air. His fingers fly across the keyboard swiftly, sending another quick message, “Atta girl 🙃 My place is on the corner of 9th and 51st, above Jasper’s.”
“Be there soon,” you reply with haste. 
It was apartment #4 and you made sure to text your friend the address, and given name of your potential murderer, and also share your location for her to keep an eye out.  She says all you have to do is text her at any time if you need her to call and bail you out with a fake emergency. All she asks in return is for you to have fun and let her know if you are planning on spending the night- which was an idea that you weren’t opposed to, but it wasn’t something you were planning on. 
You’re nervous as you stand outside of the door to his apartment, fist hovering for a moment. Now’s the time to make a fast exit- you haven’t met him, you could turn around right now and never meet him. You could wake up alive in the morning, safe in your own bed. Or, you can knock on the door and have what might be a really nice spaghetti dinner with a really nice guy. Hell, he could even be the love of your life and in fifty years you’ll both look back on this day and laugh about how you met on Tinder and how you were stupid enough to go to his house and not a public place. 
Finally, you knock. 
Aegon puts the lid back on his spaghetti sauce and shuffles into the living room. Sunfyre is on the couch with his ears perked; his tail’s wagging and he’s panting eagerly, waiting patiently to meet this new visitor. Aegon whispers over to him, “wish me luck,” and thinks to himself, please don’t be a catfish, please don’t be a catfish, please don’t be a catfish. He peers through the peephole when he approaches the door and there you are, a sigh of relief deflates his chest. 
“Oh, thank God,” you can hear him say as the door swings open. His accent is surprisingly British. “You’re real.”
The very first thing that you notice are his eyes. They’re piercing; somehow blue and lavender at the same time– the color of a warm, summer sunrise and they’re crinkling at the edges as he smiles. He’s wearing a pair of dark gray sweats and a pale green hoodie, and the only word that comes to mind when you look at him is warmth. He’s somehow more attractive in person than he is in the pictures on his profile, which you didn’t think was possible, but he’s standing right in front of you and you can’t help but think to yourself, he doesn’t look like a murderer. 
Then again, neither did Ted Bundy.  
Aegon stands there for a moment, just staring at you, unable to do anything else. His words escape him, he can barely even breathe. You look exactly the same as your pictures; even without the makeup and even in the shitty, fluorescent overhead lights of the hallway. Even in a sweatshirt and pajama shorts, you’re stunning. He’s having a hard time believing that you actually showed up and he doesn’t realize that he’s been staring for much too long until you shrug back at him. 
“Did you think I wasn’t?” You ask with creased brows and a lopsided smile.
The corners of his lips pull upwards as he looks at you, “I don’t know. You’re just so beautiful, I’m still not entirely convinced you aren’t some sort of hologram… or a robot.” 
“Wow, you’re pretty smooth,” you say with a playful smirk, desperately trying to keep your composure— trying to play it cool, hoping that he hasn’t caught on to the fact that you’re secretly spiraling, because it took all of one smile and one compliment and you were done for. “But, I’ll have you know that flattery won’t work on me. I’m here for the spaghetti and the spaghetti alone.” 
“My apologies,” Aegon says with a chuckle as he holds his hands up defensively. “Right this way, then.” 
He steps to the side, allowing you to enter his apartment, and shuts the door behind you. It’s nice, clean, smells like fresh baked bread and tomato sauce. There’s niche artwork adorning the walls, he’s got candles burning, and there’s some lowkey, downtempo R&B playing softly in the background. He quickly moves past you and disappears into the kitchen, leaving you to follow him. 
However, before you can take all of two steps into his apartment, a flash of golden fur is suddenly at your hip, pawing for attention. You drop down to a knee and happily accept any and all kisses from the pup. “Oh! Hi, what’s your name?”
Aegon sticks his head around the corner and says, “That is Sunfyre. In case you were wonderin’, he’s a very good judge of character and I will be consultin’ with him later where you’re concerned, fair warning.” 
You roll your eyes and scratch behind Sunfyre’s ears, his tail thumps in approval. 
“Would you like something to drink?” He continues and disappears back into the kitchen. “I’ve got wine and bottled water. Oh, and milk?” There’s a rustling in the kitchen before Aegon adds with a nervous chuckle, “scratch that, there is no milk.” 
You politely excuse yourself from Sunfyre and step into the small dining room off of the kitchen. 
There’s a grin on your lips, which you pursed so that he doesn’t think you’re laughing at him. Sunfyre joins the two of you and circles around his owner’s legs as Aegon empties an almost full half-gallon of milk down the drain. His kitchen is small but looks to be well used, which you appreciate. You know almost nothing about this man, other than his name- if ‘Aegon’ was even his real name- and the name of his dog, and yet here you were, standing in the threshold of his kitchen with a strange sense of comfortability as if you had been lifelong pals. 
“Water is fine,” you tell him. 
He produces a bottle of water from his fridge and tosses it over to you with ease and goes back to the stove. You step further into the kitchen, taking in your surroundings. The kitchen, like the living room, is covered in artwork and vintage decor- things you’d only find in some obscure thrift store or estate sale. On the refrigerator are a collection of magnets from different cities and countries, real touristy type shit. Some of them even had names on them; Alexander, Aaron, Alistair, Alan, Adolf. 
Maybe these are the names of people he’s killed. 
“You travel a lot?” You ask, trying to keep the conversation going.
“I try to,” he says from over his shoulder as he continues to stir the sauce. You can hear him set the lid back on the pot. “Most of those are from my sister, Helaena. She thinks it’s hilarious to give me magnets with random ‘A’ names since you’ll never find the name Aegon on any of those,” he says from behind you. He’s leaning against the counter with a half glass of wine. You quirk an eyebrow at him, not fully convinced. “She has a few from me that say Helen.”
“Is that her?” You ask, finger pointing to a pretty blonde in one of the many photographs he had pinned up.
He nods and takes a step closer to you. He’s so close that you can feel his warmth, smell his aftershave. The proximity causes you to blush and he smirks in response, leaning over your shoulder as he points to the other people in the pictures. “Those two are my little brothers, Aemond and Daeron,” he claims and then points to two women. “That’s my half-sister, Rhae, and next to her is my mother.”
“The redhead?” You ask surprised, given she didn’t look like she could be old enough to have four grown children. He nods and takes a step back, leaning against the counter with half-lidded eyes and a tipsy blush. “She looks like she could be your sister,” you say softly, turning back to glance at all of the faces; he seemed proud of his family, like they were very close. 
You turn away from the fridge and lean against the counter at his side. It’s quiet for a moment, save for the music and the sound of boiling water where the noodles were cooking. You look at him and the corners of your lips can’t help but twist up into a shy smile, but you bite at the inside of your cheek out of nervous habit. He props himself up on his elbows, taking a sip of his wine, clearly comfortable with the silence. 
“So,” you look up at him and his little smirk grows. “About the job…”
“Ah, yes,” he nods. “As I stated earlier, I won’t be able to pay you a monetary wage, but the position does come with a benefits package.”
“And what exactly would this benefits package include?” There’s an innocent flirtatiousness in your voice that only adds to the tension. 
“Outside of the free gourmet meals that I would be providin’ to ya, which is obviously the most important part,” he smiles and steps to the side to grab a spoon from the drawer and holds it out to you. Your fingers softly close around his as you pluck the utensil from his grasp. He clears his throat to distract from the fact that he was visibly flustered from the slight touch. “There’s also unlimited cuddle sessions,” before he can finish, you shoot him a look. “With Sunfyre, of course! He’s the real boss ‘round here, after all.” 
“Cuddling with the boss?” You quirk an eyebrow and look down at the golden retriever, his eyes round and gleaming; clearly waiting for a hand-out. “Sounds like a conflict of interest to me.”
“Well, if it’s a conflict of interest you’re worried about,” he counters quickly with a soft yet playful tone. “I s’pose we could renegotiate the terms of the agreement and you could have me instead.” 
“I’m listening.”
“He might be better at cuddling for obvious reasons and he might be better lookin’,” Aegon continues. “But, I give better backrubs. I mean, I have thumbs and he don’t. You can’t give decent backrubs without thumbs, can you? Plus, he’s a sloppy kisser.” 
“Oh, you’re really trying to sweeten the deal now, huh? Backrubs and kisses? I must admit, that is quite a compelling offer,” you muse. “It seems my decision hinders on whether or not you can actually cook, wouldn’t want to accept the position blindly, now would I?”
“Are ya doubtin’ my skills?” He asked playfully. 
“No offense, but you possess the aura of someone who could fuck up a can of Spaghettios,” you tell him with a sincere smile. “So, forgive me if I don't get my hopes up.”
Aegon laughs and it’s a warm and infectious sound that fills the kitchen. It’s genuine, as is his perfect smile. You can’t seem to keep yourself from staring; eyes softly tracing every detail of his face– from his full, pink pout, to the scar above his right eyebrow, and the dimple of his chin– thinking to yourself that you’ve never seen a man more beautiful. His smile turns back into a smirk as he notices you staring at his lips and you look up to meet his eyes. There’s something about the way he looks at you that leaves you feeling vulnerable. His gaze softens as you look away, turning your attention back to the spaghetti sauce on the stove in front of you to distract yourself from the blush creeping up your neck.
There’s only one way this night ends.
It was obvious before you even left your house and it was certainly obvious now. 
“Go on, then,” he prods, motioning to the pot on the stovetop.
His eyes are wide with anticipation as you dip into the simmering sauce, stirring it a few times before bringing the spoon to your lips. He’s nervous; it’s his mother’s recipe– one he’s spent years perfecting– but with his luck, you will most likely think it’s steaming garbage. Yet, he watches intently; holding his breath as your perfect lips curl to blow softly, cooling the sauce before you finally taste it. 
The moment the spoon touches your tongue, you're determined to remain impartial. After all, you’ve had your fair share of disappointing meals from men who’ve claimed to be great cooks. Aegon certainly could be the very latest and you wouldn’t be at all surprised. So, you keep your expectations low, and try your hardest to remain stoic, but as the flavors begin to unfold, you can feel your resolve wavering. 
It’s good. Better than most. 
Reluctantly, you have to admit that this is the second-best sauce you’ve ever had, right after your grandmother’s. You glance up at Aegon, who’s watching you with a mix of anxiety and hope, and you can’t help but smile. 
“I have to give it to you,” you say, your voice betraying a hint of admiration. “This is incredible. Almost as good as my grandmother’s.”
The relief and pride that spread across his face makes your heart flutter. 
“Yeah?” He asks with a toothy grin. 
“I’m still not completely convinced that you can actually cook, but you can– at the very least– make some top-notch spaghetti sauce,” you tell him as you place your spoon to the side. 
“Top-notch, eh?” He asks playfully as he begins plating your meal. “I’ll take it.” 
“Don’t let it get to your head,” you say to him with a laugh. “It’s just spaghetti sauce.” 
“Just spaghetti sauce? Don’t let my mum hear you say that,” he says with a smirk, setting a full plate in front of you on the counter. “I guess I’ll just have to work extra hard on the next one.”
“Assuming there will be a next one,” you reply, tone dripping with playful sarcasm. “Though, you have set the bar pretty high tonight. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“Well,” he murmurs as he steps closer, his body brushing against yours as he reaches around you to grab a plate. His lips are hovering above the shell of your ear, his voice low and teasing, causing your cheeks to immediately flush as the heat between the two of you intensifies. “I’m nothing if not a perfectionist.”
For a split second you expect for him to lean in for a kiss. Your heart is simultaneously skipping beats and racing at the same time; your breath catching in your throat as he leans in— But then he smirks, grabbing the plate and taking a step backwards. He’s doing it on purpose, you realize; his proximity expertly calculated to keep you on edge. You look up at him with wide, sparkling eyes and he knows he’s got you right where he wants you. The soft blush of your cheeks has his blood pumping and sends a surge of adrenaline through him. He’s trying his absolute best to play it cool but the way you’re biting your lip and looking at him has him unraveling.
“Is that so?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. “What other skills do you have up your sleeve?”
His grin widens as he looks down at you, setting his empty plate to the side. His gaze, once again, drops to your lips. “I have a few tricks,” he says softly, his voice filled with promise. “But I doubt you’d believe me if I told you, so how about I just show you?” 
“What?” You ask with a playful innocence. “Before dinner?”
“I’m not really in the mood for spaghetti anymore.” 
“Oh?” Your smirk is only growing. “What are you in the mood for?”
Aegon says nothing, but a confident grin tugs at the corners of his lips as he rests his hands on your hips. He doesn’t hesitate to pull you in by the waist, until you’re pressed against him and his lips are on yours. The kiss is both gentle and urgent and a little bit awkward, as any first kiss should be. You felt like a teenager again, kissing a boy for the first time– butterflies in your stomach and all.
It takes no time at all for you to find your rhythm with him, and he deepens the kiss, pushing you up onto the kitchen counter to meet his height. Your arms naturally drape across his shoulders, your legs wrap around his middle. He’s completely taken over your mind, filling up every tiny space that he can fit into; the smell of his cologne, the scratch of his stubble against your skin, the feeling of his hands squeezing the flesh of your thighs– his fingertips teasing just underneath the hem of your shorts. 
Breathless, he pulls away from you as he pulls your sweatshirt over your head. He stops for a moment to take in the sight of you; clad only in your bra and shorts, lips red and blotchy, swollen and full. You’re looking up at him from under your lashes, softly biting your bottom lip as you wait for him to continue. He gently lifts his hand up to your cheek and traces the curve of your cupid’s bow with his thumb, providing one last show of tenderness before he leans in to capture your lips in another searing kiss. 
His touch is suddenly rushed; spreading a wildfire across your skin in the wake of his lips as he rips off the remainder of your clothes. It doesn’t take long at all before you’re sitting exposed on his kitchen counter in only a thong, blushing wildly and covering your face with your hands. 
“No– no hiding,” he clicks his tongue and pulls your hands away from your face. “I want to see you.”
He whispers a string of profanities and compliments as his starving eyes roam your figure. Self-doubt creeps into your mind and you momentarily consider making a quick exit, convinced he won’t like what he sees, but the way he’s looking at you makes you feel desired in a way you haven’t felt in a long time. 
Aegon’s gaze is electrifying and intense, drawing you in and silencing your negative thoughts instantly. His hands pull you in by the waist, sliding you to the edge of the counter as his lips work their way down your chin and neck; leaving a trail of red marks down to your chest. He hums, smirking as he takes one of your breasts in his mouth. His hand kneads the other, rolling your hardened nipple between two fingers. Your head falls back, lips parted slightly as you breathe out his name. 
Each sound he elicits from you urges him on even further until he’s on one knee, looking up at you from his position with those pretty eyes. He runs a hand up the back of your calf, softly teasing you with his fingertips before tossing your leg over his shoulder. You knew where he was going, and yet, you were still surprised as he began placing open mouthed kisses on the inside of your thighs; shivering in anticipation as goosebumps formed on your skin. 
“You’re so wet,” he says proudly, praising you. 
His eyes are locked with yours as his fingers delicately smooth over your clothed clit. He hooks a finger around the dampened cotton and pulls your thong to the side, groaning at the sight of your perfect pussy. Without wasting another second, Aegon’s mouth is suddenly on you and your hands immediately find the back of his head; fingers curling into the roots of his silver hair. 
You roll your hips against his tongue, cursing out as your legs begin to shake. He moans, face still buried deep in you and the vibrations have you writhing. Both of his arms are wrapped around your thighs now, holding you tight to him, not letting up for even a second. Then he stands, lifting you up onto his shoulders. You squeal in shock, holding onto him tightly, but he doesn’t stop; he continues to devour you as he blindly carries you towards his bedroom. 
When his knees hit the side of his bed, he tosses you back onto the mattress. 
You prop yourself up on your elbows and watch as he strips out of his clothes. . You can see the outline of his arousal; prominent and pressing firmly against the fabric of his sweats. You bite your lip at the sight and he smirks as he catches your stare. His movements are unhurried, giving you ample time to appreciate the sight before you. His hoodie and shirt come off first, then his sweats, and you can’t help but notice the way that his muscles flex with each motion. He’s not overly built, but there’s a solid strength in his frame that is evident in the way he moves.
Outside, headlights from passing cars cast streaks of light and shadows across the walls of his room. It’s quiet, the music in the other room has stopped playing and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart beating in your ears. You swallow thickly, encompassed by the tension of the moment as he crawls up the length of your body; placing tender kisses along your skin. His lips leave a trail of warmth, each touch igniting a spark that travels through your entire body.
When he reaches your face, he pauses, his breath mingling with yours as he hovers just inches away. The anticipation builds, thick and electric in the air between you. His lips find yours in a kiss that starts slow and tender but quickly deepens; fingers threading through your hair as he pulls you closer, his body pressing yours deeper into the plush mattress. Your hands explore his back, tracing the contours of his muscles, feeling the tension and strength beneath his skin and coming to rest on his shoulders; gripping tightly as he continues to worship your body with his mouth. Each kiss, each touch, is deliberate, heightening your senses and pulling you further into the moment.
You curse at the feeling of his girth against your entrance. Your hand moves up to the back of his neck, pulling him down to meet your lips as he presses slowly into you. 
“Oh fuck,” he whimpers into the crook of your neck as his arms become weak. 
He knows that he won’t last like this; it’s been a while and you feel way too good. He’s slow at first, wanting to steady himself and maintain control, but his rhythm picks up quickly; hips moving with an unrelenting rhythm, each thrust bringing you both closer to the edge. You can feel his muscles tense, his grip on you tightening as he buries his face in your neck. His moans are a mix of pleasure and desperation, and you can tell he’s fighting to hold back.
You tighten your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, feeling the overwhelming need to reach that peak together. His pace quickens, the tension in his body building to a breaking point. You feel the same pressure inside of you mounting before it’s suddenly crashing over you like a wave. He follows seconds later, a low groan escaping his lips as he spills into you. The intensity of the moment leaves you both breathless and clinging to each other, bathing in the afterglow. 
“That was incredible,” he murmurs against your skin, head pressed to your chest as you stroke his hair softly. His eyes flutter shut as he listens to the sounds of your heartbeat. 
You hum in agreement, smiling to yourself as you savor the peacefulness of the moment. 
Suddenly, you’re joined by Sunfyre jumping up on the bed, his tail wagging enthusiastically. You smile at him and pat the empty space next to you, inviting him to join your cuddle session. He eagerly accepts the invitation, circling the bed a few times before snuggling up next to you. Aegon lifts his head and smiles, clearly pleased that you would be so open to having the dog in bed with you. He wraps his arm around both you and Sunfyre, pulling you closer. 
“This is perfect,” he says softly, his voice filled with contentment as he lays his head back on your chest. 
"So, about that job offer," you say playfully, your fingers tracing patterns along his skin. "I think I'll accept the position. When would you like for me to start?"
He lifts his head to look at you, a playful glint in his eyes. “How about tomorrow night at seven?”
Before you can respond, a distinct burning smell reaches your nose. Your brows furrow as you sniff the air. “Do you smell that?”
Aegon’s eyes widen in realization. “The spaghetti!” 
He jumps up from the bed, pulling on his clothes quickly, and scrambles into the kitchen. You follow behind him, tossing one of his t-shirts over your head and meet him in the kitchen. 
“I guess I forgot to turn off the burner,” Aegon looks disappointed but then chuckles, shaking his head. He looks at you with a glint in his eye and smirks. “Occupational hazard, I guess.”
“Oh, that sucks!” You laugh, playfully nudging him. “Is it too late to back out of the job now?”
“Way too late for that,” he says as he pulls you into a soft kiss, silencing any doubts immediately. “You’re mine now.” 
“Mm,” you hum against his lips. “But I came here for the spaghetti.”
He chuckles and pulls back slightly. “Will you settle for pizza?”
“I’ll settle for anything, as long as it’s with you,” you say with a smile as you wrap your arms around his waist. “And as long as there’s extra cheese!”
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zaczenemiji · 3 days
I really wanted to ask if you could do like a GN! It can be fem too it doesn’t really matter—
The Reader where like Ultraman can transform bigger too but they're more inspired by Mothra (like a mothra suit). I think it would've been like so cute to see Emi go all awe and clingy to the reader because how bright and heavenly they look💕
Kenji gets all jealous seeing his kajju daughter prefer the reader over him a lil bit. tall parents raising baby monster
Emi’s Favorite
Kenji Sato x Reader
Word Count: 1,546
Author’s Note: Loved this idea so much, thank you for this first request! Emi with a moth mommy ⋆˚ʚɞ
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Something about your boyfriend changed the night after Gigantron’s “attack” on Tokyo Dome. That night, you were supposed to help him fend the kaiju off but he insisted he’d do it on his own.
For some reason, you were glad you did not join in because (1) their fight became a pursuit in the sky, and (2) you could not zoom in the air the same way Ultraman does. The only reason you’re able to fly is because of your wings—moth wings on your suit, which would put you at a disadvantage in the case of an air chase.
You were supposed to come over to his place that night to check on him because you were sure that the skirmish had caused more damage to his already injured shoulder. However, your calls were left answered by Mina, telling you that Kenji had already fallen asleep.
Deciding not to disturb him, you simply let him be. But in the days that followed, something surely wasn’t right. He couldn’t focus on his games, he looked so fatigued and restless all the time, and oh good gracious, there were now dark circles under his eyes.
He just looks so stressed and you were so upset with the fact that he didn’t want to tell you what’s going on with him. The time he got into a fight with the other players was the end of the line for you.
You barged into his house, finding him by his bathtub, in front of a TV, watching the news about him. The usually peaceful atmosphere in his house was now charged with tension as you made your way towards him. At that moment, Kenji was praying so hard the kaiju in his basement would keep still.
He still wouldn’t tell you what’s wrong. “It’s not about us. It’s about…” he said, “…something bigger. Something I’m not ready to share yet.”
Your eyes softened at his response, though the ache in your chest remained. You made him promise to talk to you when he’s ready and he agreed. You can’t stand seeing the love of your life like that but at the same time, you didn’t want to force him to do anything against his will. Taking up Ultraman was already enough of that.
Almost two months, after the incident, he seemed back to his old shape. Better, even. And thank heavens, finally, he could now tell you about what happened.
“There’s a what below?!” You asked in disbelief. The two of you were standing in front of the elevator and for a moment, you think your ears are playing tricks on you.
“A baby kaiju,” he replied and went on to explain everything. Still in disbelief, you took in everything with a nod. He placed his hand on the small of your back as he guided you into the elevator.
The moment you saw the big pink baby, you gasped. Emi made happy noises as you approached. However, upon noticing you, she suddenly began to cry.
Kenji was tapping on the glass containment in an attempt to shush her. But to no avail, Emi just cried harder.
“I’m sorry, she doesn’t know you yet,” Kenji apologized. “But I assure you, she’s a sweet big baby.”
Remembering how, at first, Emi only recognized Kenji when he was Ultraman, you decided to try something.
“(Y/n), what are you—“ Before Kenji finished, a soft glow enveloped you, and moments later, you emerged in your giant form. Your wings spread wide, shimmering with black patterns and warm tones of yellow and orange.
Emi’s cries slowed, her curiosity piqued by the sudden change. She opened her eyes, sobs turning to soft hiccups as she stared up at you in wonder. Her claws tapped the glass as she reached out, trying to grasp your wings.
Kenji watched in awe as Emi’s distress melted away. “I think it’s working,” he whispered.
“May I?” You asked, gesturing to the lid of the containment unit. Kenji gave a nod of approval. Carefully, you turned it before lifting it off.
You lowered yourself closer to Emi, your wings fluttering softly as she climbed up her containment. The gentle breeze they created seemed to soothe her further.
Emi let out a delighted squeal, her earlier tears forgotten. She toddled closer to you, her claws gently touching the edge of your wing. She let out a happy chirp, eyes sparkling with joy.
Kenji stepped closer, a relieved smile spreading across his face. “Wow, she loves you in this form,” he said.
You smiled down at him. “She’s just like her dad,” you replied. “She knows a good thing when she sees it.”
Kenji chuckled before he himself transformed into Ultraman. He sat beside you with Emi in between the two of you.
Your wings gently enveloped Emi in a comforting embrace. She was now calm and happy as she traced the pattern of your wings with her claw.
“Gentle, baby,” Kenji said as he rubbed her head.
She continued walking around you and playing with your wings until she tired herself out. She walked in front of you and climbed on your lap, nestling her head on your stomach.
“Awww, baby,” you cooed. You gently picked her up into your arms and gently swayed.
Kenji moved close to you, wrapping an arm around you. You nestled into his arm, head resting on the junction of his neck and shoulders. The three of you slept like that for the night.
The next morning when Emi awoke, she immediately looked for you. Realizing that the moth lady was missing, she cried. Mina was quick to assist her, playing videos of cartoons and Kenji to calm her. To Mina’s surprise, none of them worked.
“Who’s making my baby cry?” Kenji asked as he approached. He expected her crying to cease once she saw him. However, that is not the case.
“Huh?” He questioned. Emi always calms when she sees him. “Mina, try showing her pictures of (y/n).”
Mina did as told and as miraculously as yesterday, Emi stopped crying. “It seems like she got herself a new mother,” Mina commented.
With Emi’s growing fondness of you, you found yourself frequenting at Kenji’s house more than ever. She was just so cute; like a live plushie when you’re in your giant form.
“Hi babyyyy,” you cooed as you transformed into your giant form. You scooped her up, her head nuzzling against you. Her earlier play was abandoned in favor of your presence.
You walked in on Kenji and Emi playing baseball together. And you didn’t mean to interrupt but when you saw her walking towards you, you knew you had to transform.
Kenji smiled at the scene. “She really loves you, you know,” he said.
You smiled back, feeling a warm glow inside. “I love her too,” you replied. “She’s such a sweetheart.”
Emi chirped happily as she climbed up your torso and onto your shoulder where she could watch and touch your wings.
Kenji watched the interaction, his smile fading slightly as a twinge of jealousy crept in. His baby kaiju shows a different kind of joy when you’re around.
He loved Emi dearly, but lately, it seemed like she preferred your company over his. He couldn’t help but feel a bit sidelined.
“She really lights up when you’re here,” Kenji said, trying to keep his tone light.
You glanced at him, noticing the slight edge in his voice. “She lights up when you’re here too, Kenji,” you replied. “She loves you.”
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know, but… it feels like she’s more excited to see you than me sometimes.”
You tapped the space on the floor beside you, gesturing for him to switch to Ultraman. Thankfully, he did not resist.
You moved close to him as he sat beside you, his hand finding its way to your thigh. Your head automatically rested on his shoulder.
“You’re her dad, Kenji,” you said. “She loves you so much. Maybe she’s just fascinated by my wings right now.”
You felt Kenji nod, although the jealousy still lingered within him. “Yeah, maybe,” he replied. “I just want to be enough for her.”
You leaned back to look at him. Your other hand which was not holding Emi on your shoulder, moved up to hold his face. “You are enough. You’re everything to her,” you said. “And to me.”
Emi squirmed out of your hand, gently jumping off your shoulder and landing on your lap. She toddled over to Kenji. He looked down at her, his heart melting as she reached up, wanting to be held. He picked her up, and she nuzzled against his chest, purring softly.
“See?” You asked with a smile. “She adores you.”
Kenji hugged Emi close, his jealousy fading into thin air. “Yeah,” he said. “I guess you’re right.”
You spent the rest of the day playing with Emi, taking turns holding her and making her laugh. By the time evening rolled around, she was content and sleepy in Kenji’s arms.
Before reverting to your original form, you kissed Emi’s head and then leaned in to kiss Kenji. “I’ll be back soon,” you said. “Take care of our little one.”
Kenji smiled, his earlier worries forgotten. “We’ll be here, waiting.”
Taglist is open! Comment if u wanna be tagged on future Kenji oneshots
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k-germsworld · 2 days
Blackmailing the model
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Sowon x M!Reader
2.4k words
Sowon is a little-known model. Although she doesn't have many events, she earns a lot from the ones she does. She also has a beautiful face and a curvy figure. It is not an exaggeration to describe her as having an angel's face and a devil's figure. This also makes her a little-known model. 
One day, Sowon participated in a photo shoot for an endorsement. Everything went smoothly until the end. After thanking the staff, she went backstage to change her clothes. She picked up her change of clothes and went to the dressing room, only to find that all the other dressing rooms were locked. Sowon reluctantly went to use that dressing room. But she didn't know that there was a hidden camera in the only dressing room she could use, and her entire changing process was recorded. 
"What the fuck... her body is too hot. “What if.... I can make her be mine ?” He smirked and watched Sowon changing clothes and had a bad thought about her. The next day, Sowon received an email. She thought it was a job offer and opened it. Only then did she realize that the email was actually a video of her changing clothes. She was very panicked, and she saw a message below the video: "If you don't want this video to be leaked, come to this address to find me.” This address was where the endorsement shooting took place yesterday, and she rushed there after she found out. When she arrived, she found no one there. Just as she thought she was being tricked and was about to leave, a voice came from behind.
“Welcome, Sowon ssi.” The owner of that voice is the PD who filmed yesterday. "I'm already here. What do you want to do with that video? Delete it now.” She said to him angrily. "Calm down, Sowon ssi.” He said to Sowon in a joking tone. “ "I'm warning you, you'd better delete that video immediately. Otherwise, I will definitely sue you.” She wanted him to delete the video as soon as possible to avoid any more trouble. "Calm down, don't be nervous. As long as you listen to me, I will delete the video. And I advise you not to call the police, otherwise, I will accidentally post this video online and your reputation will be ruined.” Sowon didn't want this video to be spread on the internet, so she had to listen to what the PD wanted from her. "What do you want? Money? If it's money, how much do you want? I can give you 5 million won.” He smirked and shook his fingers. "Money is not important to me. What I want more is you.” She felt confused after hearing this. “Me ?” "Yes, you! Your body is so good and your beautiful pussy shape makes me think about it all the time.” She felt very sick after hearing this. She knew that the PD wanted to fuck her from what he said, but she would never let that happen. “What do you want other than me?” Sowon calmly asked the PD. "I don't want anything but you!” The PD suddenly took off his pants, revealing his cock, which had been hard for a long time, in front of Sowon. "You see, my cock is already so hard for you, Sowon ssi.” PD is now stroking his cock while looking at Sowon. Sowon feels so disgusting to see PD masturbating in front of her.
Even so, she was so frightened by the PD's sudden action that she stood there dumbfounded. He saw her standing still, so he walked towards Sowon's direction. She backed away slowly but PD still got close to her. PD took her hand and placed it on his cock and guided her hand to start stroking his cock. "Your hands are so good at stroking my cock!" Sowon tried to run away but her hands were held and she couldn't. If she tried to run away, he would pull her back. "Don't even think about running away unless you make me enjoy first." He continued to guide her hand to stroke his cock until he felt Sowon's hand begin to move on its own and then he let go of her hand. ”Ah…. Yes. Do it like this and make me cum!” Sowon stroked his cock unwillingly. But in his eyes, Sowon was so beautiful that even stroking his cock unwillingly made him very horny. Moreover, her clothes were tight, which revealed the shape of her breasts in front of him. He unconsciously reached out to touch her breasts but was stopped by Sowon. "What do you want to do? Didn't we agree that I would just make you cum only? Don’t even think about touching me." PD instantly withdrew his hand and continued to enjoy her hand constantly stroking his cock. Guys can never resist a beautiful woman stroking their dick so is PD. “Ah…. I am about to cum…. Ahh….!” He holds the cock in his hand just before he gets close to cumming and cums all over Sowon's legs. Although Sowon didn't want to have her legs stained with this dirty semen, she had no choice but to endure it in order to delete the video. “It’s so great to cum on this beautiful long leg.” He looked in admiration at his cum all over her legs. "I let you cum, shouldn't you also fulfill your promise and delete the video?" He smirked when he heard it. "Who said I would delete the video after you made me cum?" Sowon suddenly felt cheated. "Didn't we agree that you would delete the video if I let you cum?" Her tone sounded a little angry and aggrieved. PD again shook his finger. "You are still too naive, Sowon Ssi. Just now I said that I would delete it only if you let me enjoy it first, but I haven't fully enjoyed it yet." 
"You're a sick liar." As Sowon thinks of other ways, the PD pushes her against the wall. He collected the semen on her legs and put it into her mouth. Sowon tried to resist but couldn't. "How is it? Does this cum taste good?"  She didn't want to answer him because she was forced to eat it. After she was made to swallow that cum, he kissed her and he tried to put his tongue into her mouth. Although she couldn't stop him from kissing her, she kept her mouth tightly closed to prevent him from putting his tongue in. But it was all in vain as he pressed hard on her cheeks, forcing her mouth to open. He kept pushing his tongue in and kept sucking her tongue. Sowon's mouth was full of PD's saliva, and drool was also flowing out of the corners of her mouth. When he found out, he licked the saliva clean and praised it as delicious. “Your lip is so soft and sweet. Your drool is like a nectar." 
His hands were restlessly groping her breasts. "They're so big and soft!" He took off her shirt, and those breasts were perfectly displayed in front of him. PD couldn't bear the temptation of these breasts and buried his head in them. While enjoying her tits, he also removed her bra to expose her nipples. He stopped enjoying her tits and started playing with her nipples. He kept teasing her nipples with his fingers until they were completely hard. "You are so sensitive, Sowon ssi. Look at your nipples are already fully hard." Although Sowon hated to let the PD touch her body, his teasing skills made her moan non-instinctively. “Uh… Stop… please…” He ignored Sowon's attempts to stop him, which only made him more excited. He buried his head between her breasts again and began to lick her nipples. As he licked, his hand slid slowly down her body to her navel and sneaked into her pants to touch her pussy. PD felt that her pussy was already very wet. He pulled his hand out of her pants and showed her the goo between his fingers. "Look how wet you are now. Your mouth says no, but your body is honest." Sowon kept shaking her head to show her disapproval. But the PD put his finger with goo into Sowon's mouth and let her taste her juices. Sowon unconsciously licked his finger with goo in a very erotic way. PD could feel her tongue licking every inch of his fingers. Seeing this, he became even more aroused. He took out his finger and quickly kissed it. This time Sowon did not resist, but took the initiative to put her tongue into his mouth. After kissing for a while, Sowon finally reacted and pushed PD away. He was still savouring the taste of her lips and looking at her. "I didn't expect you to be so proactive. I didn't expect that the innocent and beautiful model is such a slut inside.“ 
"No, I'm not a slut. You can't slander me like that. I just... just..." Although Sowon wanted to object vehemently, she couldn't think of a good reason to defend herself.  "Just what? Just admit that you are a slut." He removed her pants and panties and began to touch her wet pussy. "Look how wet your pussy is. That's enough to prove you're a slut." Sowon shook her head desperately to deny this statement, but the PD ignored her and instead squatted down and began to lick her pussy. Although she didn't want to be humiliated by him like this, she enjoyed the feeling of her pussy being licked and she inadvertently let out a moan.  Hearing her moan, he became more excited and licked her more attentively. He felt that he could not satisfy Sowon with just his mouth, so he inserted his fingers into her vagina to give her a double stimulation. “Ah… no… please…. Ah!!” Hearing these sounds turned him on even more and he increased his speed until she squirted. Her juices sprayed all over the floor, some even onto PD's face. But he didn't wipe it off right away and instead liked her juices. He stuck to her again to suck her juices again. Those juices were so delicious for him. “Fuck, it’s so salty but it’s tasty because it is from you.” He smirked. He stood up and looked at her. Although Sowon avoided his gaze, PD still kissed her again with his smelly mouth. 
During the kiss, Sowon kept resisting but failed and was pushed onto the table by him. She is now bending over on the table now. Her perfectly shaped ass was perfectly visible to him. His cock was now even harder at the sight. Just as she was about to get up, he had already pushed her down on the table again. He aimed his cock at her wet pussy and inserted it. ”Ah…. Stop please….” The moment it penetrated, Sowon seemed to be about to cry. Her virginity had been destroyed by this disgusting man. “Oh my god, Sowon. Your pussy is so hot and tight. Its so great to fuck you.” Even so, PD didn't think of stopping. He started pumping her pussy. His hands were already on her tits, playing with her breasts as he pumped her. When he got used to her tightness, he slowly increased the speed. Sowon kept begging him to stop in a crying voice, but he seemed to enjoy Sowon's pitiful pleading. "Don't cry, sex is a very pleasant thing. I will make you feel so good that you will want to do it again and again.” Although she tried desperately to stop him, she collapsed on the table due to the pleasure brought by the thrusting and was continuously thrusted by the PD. 
Just looking at Sowon's back while fucking her could no longer satisfy PD's desire to conquer her. So he turned Sowon over and made her lie on the table. Her model-like figure, plump breasts and well-proportioned body make him never get tired of looking at her. He couldn't wait to empty his sperm into her. He continued to fuck her and lay on top of her licking her tits. She was no longer able to put up any resistance, all she could do was moan. She could only feel his disgusting saliva all over her body. After enjoying her tits, he put her legs on his shoulders so that he could reach deeper. “Fuck… Sowon, your inside is so tight.” “AH…… so deep….” She moaned super loudly when she felt him hitting her clitoris. He felt that he was about to cum, so he grabbed her waist and thrust harder.  Her body was already filled with a lot of sweat, and PD's sweat kept dripping onto Sowon's body as he thrusted. "It's time to fill you up!" "Please, don't cum inside '' After saying that, he ignored her and shot all the semen he had saved for a long time into Sowon's body. He took his cock out and saw that it was full of his cum inside her pussy. The cum kept flowing out of her pussy. He watched it all with satisfaction, leaving Sowon lying on the table gasping for air.
"Are you satisfied? Delete those videos quickly." She didn't care about anything else, she just wanted the PD to delete the video of her changing clothes as soon as possible. "I've been fucking you for so long, I almost forgot to delete it." Just as he turned on his computer and watched the video again, he broke the pledge. "I'm sorry, Sowon. I decided not to delete it." She was very angry after hearing what he said because he broke his promise. “You fucking bastard, you break the…..” She didn't even finish her words before the PD stuffed his dick into her mouth again. "Shut up, bitch. Who allowed you to talk to me like that? From today on, you are my sex slave. If you don't let me fuck you, this video of yours will be spread on the internet . Hahaha!!" Sowon listened to this devilish laughter which made her very angry but she couldn't resist. Soon, PD shot another stream of hot semen into her mouth. From then on, every time they had a shoot, Sowon was asked to come to the set early and let the PD fuck as much as he can.
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hiraethwrote · 15 hours
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[ satoru gojo x f!reader]
♬ ₊˚. insp: wallpaper - megan cromwell
✧ summary: witnessing satoru with his new girlfriend, eight months after your breakup ✧ cw: angst, no comfort, attending a party, college au ig, no use of y/n ✧ word count: 2.2k
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“Don’t want to alarm you babe, but you-know-who just walked in.” You turned your head to confirm her warning, and sure enough, there he was. Satoru, handsome as ever.
So many months you had desperately tried to stitch together the heart he obliterated into tiny pieces, but there mere sight of him had the badly sewn stitches tear apart at the seams.
He looked happy — genuinely happy, with his familiar grin spread across his face to expose his adorable dimples and creasing his eyes.
And at his arm was her.
His new girlfriend, absolutely stunning as well. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think she was tailor made for him. Craftily put together into the perfect girl who just fit beside him.
The way things were now, you knew you could never escape him. Not entirely. As long as you attended the same college, and had the same friends, you were destined to cross paths. And when that happened from time to time, you were just reminded of the gaping void he’d left in you.
But at the end of the day, you guess you were just glad you had friends after it all — even though those friends were his, first and foremost. But you were grateful that they had decided to remain at your side to some degree after they all had watched your relationship with their best friend crash and burn eight months ago.
“Hey,” Shoko broke your stare, drawing the attention to her. “Don’t let him ruin your evening, ‘kay? You’ve been doing great lately. Let’s just keep it that way!” She tried to give you a happy smile, but she didn’t manage to conceal how it was filled to the rim with pity.
“Yeah. Sure, it’s whatever.” There was an awkward pull of your tight lips. By letting her gaze flitter across your entire face, she could easily tell that it was in fact not ‘whatever’.
You wanted to shake off that horrible feeling that was sprouting in you, but it seemed like the universe had other plans. Because when Satoru suddenly came walking over, girlfriend right behind him, all the air immediately disappeared from your lungs.
“Hey guys,” he said cheerfully. You hated the fact that you couldn’t stop yourself from letting your eyes travel down his arm before it settled on his hand that was interlocked with her fingers in a tight and caring grip — like he was never planning on letting go.
Everyone’s eyes were on you. Everyone’s but his.
They could all feel the tension, the incredibly uncomfortable atmosphere of having to share the same space as the two of you — made worse by the fact that Satoru was acting as if you were just another acquaintance.
His gaze only grazed you when travelling the crowd, just like it did when he looked at the others. There were no signs of him even recognising that the two of you shared an intimate past, your theory reinforced as his hand let go of hers to move it to a loving grip on her waist.
The suffocating lump in your throat only grew as he kept chatting about all and everything. The conversation went smoothly within the group, watching intently as he talked with his friends with such ease, while you simply stood there. You might as well have disappeared into the wallpaper and he wouldn’t even have noticed.
“I’m just going to get some air,” you whispered to Shoko with a sad smile, not waiting for a response before you turned around completely to step out on the terrace in hopes to clear your head.
The fresh air greeted you like an old friend, serving some comfort while your mind was taking you down a dark path of ‘what if’s.
What if you had put up more of a fight that night eight months ago? If you’d followed him out the door instead of standing in a puddle of your own tears as you just watched him close the door in your face?
What if you could have prevented it? If there were signs along the way that you missed, and if you’d picked up on them in time you could have stopped him from leaving you?
There was, however, one ‘what if’ that was answered tonight.
What if it had nothing to do with you, and Satoru simply didn’t want to be in a relationship — seeing him tonight, with his hand resting reassuringly around her middle like he used to hold you, proved that was not the case.
Watching him shower her with affections of a boyfriend, you felt as if you were being abandoned all over again. It was utterly selfish, but you wanted for those romantic actions to be reserved for you only. For the loving smiles he bore to be directed at you again. You missed having his heavenly blue eyes stare deeply into yours, while you let your fingers brush through his soft, white locks. You wanted all that back, but it seemed like it wasn’t meant to be for you after all.
You turned around to see if he was still hanging around your friends by the kitchen island, if it was safe for you to return without having to feel as if you were only in the way. A sense of relief crept up on you when all you saw was Shoko and Utahime waving for you to come back inside, eagerness smeared on their faces for you to hang with them.
“How you holding up?” Utahime asked, draping a comforting arm across your shoulders before giving you a soft squeeze, pulling a sad chuckle from your lips.
“You know, it’s been eight months. I gotta let it go, right?” You said, looking between the two knowing it was a naive thought that you spoke, but it was at least a step in the right direction. “He’s dating again, which he is obviously allowed to. Maybe I should jump on that trend as well!”
“Aah, love the sound of that,” she gushed before placing a wet kiss on your cheek. “Satoru was never worth it anyways.” You playfully shoved her off you with a small laugh, as you desperately tried to wipe it away.
“Yeah, yeah. So you’ve said-“
The universe had to stop.
You were abruptly interrupted when no other than the man himself, simply breezed right past you. His arm just barely grazing yours as he passed, but it didn’t even faze him that you were standing right there.
Again, you let your eyes follow him as he hurriedly approached his girlfriend before wrapping his arms around her with haste, lifting her up in a tight embrace, her cute squeals finding their ways to your ears even through the music and sounds of the party.
This was just cruel — pure torture. As if you’d been given front row tickets to the show dedicated to your pain. Couldn’t the end credits just start rolling? Couldn’t the curtains close? Why was it fair for this scene to play out just a few feet in front of you?
And oh, how he gazed at her, as if she was the only girl in the world. Looking at them, one couldn’t even begin to think he’d ever had feelings for someone else prior to being with her.
Your hands turned numb, your heart beating so loud it was all you could hear. It even tuned out both Shoko and Utahime’s pleading attempts as drawing your attention elsewhere.
Gently tearing away from their grip, you ignored them calling your name as you ran up the stairs and entered the first door you came across. There was not a single ounce of care for who the bedroom belonged to, but it was empty. Along with the door, you shut the party out, now able to hear your own thoughts.
It came crashing over you, the sadness overwhelming you in an instant. Your hand found its way over your mouth as a loud and sharp sob came flying out of you. Taking a seat on the neatly made bed, you desperately tried to choke them back, drying the tears as soon as they fell from your eyes in order to try and save your makeup. When you eventually walked out that door again, you didn’t want anyone to be able to tell you’d bawled your eyes out seconds before.
For a while now, you had been doing fine, relatively speaking. Did he always manage to pop into your mind one way or another on a daily basis? Yes. But, you were slowly but surely moving on with your life. Even when you heard the news of him and his new girlfriend a month ago, you’d managed to keep it together until you were alone in your dorm that same evening.
But it was something about seeing them together, how his hands caressed her so gently like he worshipped her, was too much for your poor heart. There was only so much a girl could take.
Your sobs were quickly strangled in your throat when the door swung open.
“Oh, sorry thought this was the bathroom- hey, you okay?”
Of course… of course she had to be the one to walk in on you in the midst of your sorrowful breakdown, her name unwillingly parting your lips.
She was even prettier now, without all the distortion and disturbance of the party around her. Someone could have told you she was Aphrodite reincarnated, and you would believe them in a second. But it wasn’t just her physical beauty that radiated. She had something about her, a warmth nearly uncanny, destined to grab the attention in any room she walked into.
Her eyes rested on you, and you could swear you saw a flash of remorse gloss over them — she knew who you were. She knew you were his ex, but god knew what that entailed.
“Yeah!” You sniffled weakly. “Yeah, just tired. It’s been a long week.” You tried to chuckle, finally able to tear your gaze away from her to look down in your lap.
“I can imagine.” Her voice was dripping with true compassion. “If you wanna talk…”
“Thank you, I’m good.” You hated how bitter you sounded. She hadn’t done anything wrong, and from what you’d heard she was just a very sweet person all around.
“I’ll see you around?” You didn’t think she meant for it to sound like a question, but you had just managed to make her uncomfortable enough to the point where she didn’t have anything better to say to you.
Once you heard the door shut, hot, quiet tears started to fall from your eyes again as your mind began to wonder.
It had already been a month since they started dating — how well did she really know Satoru?
Did she know him like you did already? His secrets, like how he had a secret stash of sweets at the top of his wardrobe, because he was the only one who could reach it? Or his flaws, like how he tended to shy away when things turned rough? If you were to sit down with her, would you be able to tell her more about her boyfriend than she could?
As the constant spiralling continued, you knew you couldn’t stay here anymore. There was not a chance you’d enjoy the evening as long as these were the circumstances — watching them stare at each other with nothing but pure adoration in their eyes.
Running back down the stairs, you heard Shoko immediately call your name. “Don’t leave,” she pleaded as she came rushing over, tugging at your arm.
“I can’t stay here,” you said in a low voice, avoiding her gaze in hopes it would allow you to leave faster.
“No, please! You can’t let him do this!”
“I’m not.” A sound that was supposed to be a chuckle, but resembled more like a sob, slipped out of you. “It’s just… I talked to her. I don’t know, I just can’t look at them. Not tonight.”
When you finally found it in you to meet her gaze, you were pleased to tell by the look on her face that she understood. She wasn’t going to force you to stay if you were truly as uncomfortable as you appeared to be, softly giving your hand one last squeeze before letting go.
“I’ll come by tomorrow. We can order some food or something, okay?” You simply nodded weakly, forcing the faintest smile before she turned to join the party again.
One last time, you decided to shoot another look in Satoru’s direction. As expected, he was fawning over her still, the back of his hand grazing her cheek with the lightest touch while the other was intertwined with hers.
Maybe this was for the best.
As much as it pained you to witness it, he looked to be content — as if he was supposed to be with her. And when that breathtaking smile painted his features, you know it was for real. Of course you’d preferred it if it was you who were allowed to make him smile like that, but that wasn’t the case anymore. All you wanted for him, was for him to be happy. So if it was with her, so be it.
And you still love him, so dearly, enough to let him go.
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a/n this is short and sad lol love that... this song came on my discover weekly like two weeks ago and had to write something about it so here you go
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be4chywritez · 2 days
escape | oscar piastri
oscar piastri x fem!reader
You and Oscar get locked in a cell what's the worst that can happen?
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You were going to strangle Lando. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have been in this predicament—sitting here in a "jail cell" with Oscar, who you may or may not have a tiny crush on.
Lando had the smart idea to sign you, himself, and Oscar up for an escape room, saying something about "having two of his mates get along." Maybe that's what you get for befriending the weird kid who liked cars way too much.
The cell was dimly lit, with just enough light filtering in from the barred window to see the puzzling clues scattered around. You fidgeted with your fingers, trying to focus on the task at hand, but your mind kept drifting back to Oscar sitting just a few feet away, looking equally confused. His cologne danced around your nose; you tried to ignore it, but good grief, he smelled good.
A static voice crackled through the speakers, "Tick tock, inmates, gather clues around your cell, or else your little friend gets it."
You rolled your eyes. "Lando should get it," you mumbled, but Oscar heard and let out a chuckle. You looked over, flushed, and he gave you a smile.
"Alright, let's see what we've got here," Oscar said, his eyes scanning the walls and floor for any hidden hints. You watched as he moved, his focused expression making your heart skip a beat.
As you tried to decipher a particularly tricky riddle, you could feel the pressure mounting. Your mind raced, and your eyebrow scrunched up in concentration before you knew it.
"I've never noticed the way your eyebrow scrunches before. It's cute," Oscar said suddenly, his voice breaking the silence.
Your head snapped up, eyes wide with surprise. "What?"
Oscar's cheeks turned a dark shade of pink, but he met your gaze steadily. "When you're thinking hard. Your eyebrow scrunches up. It's… well, it's cute."
You felt your face heat up, a mix of embarrassment and something else you couldn't quite place. "Oh, um, thanks," you mumbled, trying to brush it off, but your stomach was doing somersaults.
He smiled, the kind that made his eyes crinkle at the corners, and for a moment, the tension of the escape room seemed to melt away. "So, let's get out of here," he said, giving you one last smile.
As you worked side by side, the puzzles seemed less daunting. Each time your eyebrow scrunched up, you noticed Oscar glancing your way, a small smile playing on his lips. Maybe, just maybe, being stuck in this "jail cell" with him wasn't the worst thing Lando could have done.
You both reached for the same clue, your hands brushing against each other. You froze, feeling a jolt of electricity from the contact. Oscar didn't pull away immediately, and you looked up to find him already gazing at you, his eyes soft and full of something you couldn't quite name.
"Sorry," he murmured, but he didn't look away. Instead, he let his fingers linger on yours for a moment longer before picking up the clue.
"It's okay," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. The air between you felt charged, every glance and touch seeming to carry more weight than before.
Later, as you both knelt down to examine a riddle, you found yourselves almost shoulder to shoulder. You could feel the warmth radiating from his body, his proximity making your heart race. You turned your head slightly and caught him looking at you again, this time his face just inches from yours.
"You're really good at this," he said softly, his breath warm against your cheek.
"Thanks," you replied, feeling a smile tug at your lips. "Couldn't have done it without you."
Oscar's gaze dropped to your lips for a split second before he quickly looked away, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. You felt a similar heat rising in your own face, the unspoken tension between you growing with each passing second.
As the final puzzle piece clicked into place and the cell door swung open, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. The escape room you weren't quite ready for it to end.
Standing at the exit, Oscar turned to you, his eyes locking onto yours with a look that made your breath hitch. "We make a pretty good team," he said, his voice low and sincere.
"Yeah, we do," you replied, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. "Maybe we should do this again sometime."
"I'd like that," he said, his smile returning, this time with a hint of something deeper. "Maybe next time, we can get locked in a cell on purpose."
You laughed, feeling your heart soar. "I'd like that too."
Your moment was ruined by none other than Lando's voice. "Hey, you muppets, I'm up here still," he yelled out. You and Oscar looked up; Lando was in what looked like a cage. Oscar walked over to the rope, tugging it to make the cage fall. Once Lando got out, he pointed to you. "I want a toast specifically dedicated to me."
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kittyfrisk9 · 2 days
IdeaDpxDc—There are better ways to meet someone.
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't get the idea.
Dead On Main. Soul mates.
"Exactly... what does this ring do?" The shining ring was still attached to his finger. This wouldn't worry him if it weren't for the fact that, with each passing minute, the ring emitted more light, and that can't be good.
The cult leader refused to speak. He wouldn't even look at him, seeming particularly attentive to the material the floor was made of. Very funny that now he was scared of him when, an hour ago, he was giving a very cliché speech about how humanity was doomed because it would summon the evil of evils.
It wasn't very smart of him to perform his summoning precisely in Gotham City, home of the Dark Knight.
Red Hood was getting impatient. He placed the hand without the ring on his weapon; if words didn't work, a real threat to his life would. And this didn't really break Bruce's 'no killing' rule because the gun was only loaded with rubber bullets. However, just as he was about to advance and shoot the guy, he saw Batman grab the leader's tunic collar and lift him up.
The man, of course, screamed in fear. "Speak, what does that ring do?" No jokes. Batman's voice was deeper than usual, showing that he was upset, no, rather angry.
Or worried, but Jason could never consider that possibility. For the moment, he was only surprised, although it didn't show through his helmet.
"I-I don't know," the leader replied. Poor guy, he seemed about to cry. Batman, not content, tightened his grip even more; he wasn't willing to tolerate a lie this time.
Red Robin raised an eyebrow. "You managed to gather a bunch of magical artifacts for your summoning and you don't know what they do?"
The man looked away. "No..." The rest of the cult members also looked away. Very brave and stupid of them to all agree to lie to the bats. Jason himself wanted to mock them, but the ring kept shining. He couldn't mock when the ring kept shining and he didn't know what it meant.
From the communications, Robin could be heard. "Tt, this wouldn't be happening if Hood hadn't put on the ring." Jason suppressed a growl.
"Kid, I didn't put on the ring. This thing stuck to me the moment I touched it." It was true. In the middle of the operation to stop the ritual, Jason had pulled the ring, which at that moment was a kind of necklace by the chain that ran through it, from a member who was wearing it. The ring in his hand began to glow and suddenly teleported to his ring finger, then stopped shining. It was when everything calmed down that the ring began to release a different, but constant light.
Approximately ten minutes have passed since then, he thought as he looked at the ring, ignoring all the magical stuff; it was actually a very simple ring. Suddenly, the ring began to blink.
Oh, no. That couldn't be good.
Batman, fed up with the leader's silence and his followers, threw the man meters ahead. "Oracle, call Zatanna now, we need more information about the ring," he ordered as he approached the man who was in pain from the fall. The guy, terrified by the violent aura of the Dark Knight, tried to retreat.
Finally, Nightwing stepped between the man and the brutal beating he would receive if he didn't speak.
"It's okay, B, calm down." With his hand on his father's shoulder, Dick tried to ease the atmosphere. "I understand your concern. We are all worried about what the ring might do to Hood. But we can't let fear and anger control us. Hood is important to all of us. He is our brother, your son. We can't lose our cool now. Let's call Wonder Woman. If no one wants to talk, she can help us with the lasso of truth."
Total silence. Jason didn't know what to say; he didn't think his family would react like this over a blinking ring. That is... he doesn't know. Suddenly, the ring's light began to blink faster.
Batman, after Nightwing's words and seeing the change in the ring, understood that he couldn't waste time with someone who wouldn't talk. "You're right, thank you Nightwing." Looking at the others, he said: "We need to act quickly, we don't know the effects the ring might have on Hood. We need to take him to the cave for a thorough analysis, no discussions." The last part he said looking at Jason. "Until then, don't try to take it off or use it."
Jason scoffed, as if he would.
"Oracle, you heard, call Diana. Red Robin and I will take care of the rest of the cult. Nightwing, take Red Hood to the cave." Batman began giving orders as he reached the leader and began dragging him towards the rest of his cult. The leader, in a failed attempt, tried to resist. "Agent A, please prepare a stretcher. Understood?"
Everyone nodded.
On the other hand, the touching speech and the strange family moment of the bats seemed to soften the heart of a girl from the cult, who in a whisper said: "The ring, nothing will happen to him." Although she spoke quietly, everyone present heard her.
The leader, panicking that the information would be revealed, exclaimed: "Catrina, shut up!" However, he was struck by Batman, who was already fed up with the guy.
"What do you have to say about the ring?" he asked.
The woman hesitated to speak. "We thought of using the ring to subdue the king of the dead and make him listen to our orders..." She paused, not knowing how to continue. "There is a real legend about the ring. A long time ago, a witch wanted to know who her soulmate was, so she created the ring. This allows one to be guided to their soulmate through the red thread. I think everyone already knows what the red thread is." Nervous, she looked around. Only Nightwing nodded, and that was enough for her to continue telling. "Well, the witch's red thread connected with a prince. Unfortunately for everyone, the prince was not happy that his soulmate was a witch. So he had her killed." The girl looked at her hands; that part of the story was sad. "The witch was angry, but still wanted her soulmate to accept her, so she rewrote the ring's original purpose. It was no longer something that united you with your soulmate, but now it was something that allowed you to subdue your soulmate... uh, this." She pointed to a book that was lying in a corner. "With another spell, in fact, it can be used to subdue anyone, even a king of the dead."
With the whole story already told, Red Robin asked: "So, what is the ring doing to Red Hood?"
"It's tracking his soulmate. I... didn't get to put the other spell on it. I could only activate the ring's primary function. Your brother will be fine."
That definitely changes things. Jason swore he could hear his heart beating. A soulmate, wow. He admits he's read many romance novels and maybe once dreamed of it, but for it to actually happen, wow.
Suddenly, the ring stopped blinking. Five seconds later, everyone saw a red thread shoot out from the ring's gem. It quickly moved in one direction, went through the wall, and kept going. The process was like a fishing rod when it catches a fish.
"Does this mean it already found its soulmate?" Red Robin asked. Astonished by the red thread, he tried to touch it but his hand went through it; apparently, the thread was intangible to anyone else.
"Yes," the cultist also seemed astonished.
Jason felt a look on him, turned, it was his brother. Oh no, not that look, he knew that smile; Dick would tease him so much in the coming days. For his part, Batman sighed in relief. Well, it wasn't such an extreme danger, but it was still dangerous. "Agent A, cancel the stretcher." He never imagined this would mean a soulmate case. "Oracle, don't cancel the call to Zatanna or Wonder Woman, we need to verify the information. We'll stay here until the police arrive."
How nice it would be if everything ended like that, right? With Dick joking with Jason, Tim analyzing the thread, Barbara laughing at the turn of events, Bruce relieved and Damian surprised. However, one must remember the story.
The witch changed the ring's original purpose. Unexpectedly, the thread began to retract, as if it had caught something. It did so so quickly that Jason grabbed his hand in pain. It was then that everyone had a bad feeling. The wall the thread had previously passed through suddenly exploded, the noise and dust alerting everyone, especially when once the chaos disappeared, something horrific could be seen.
An arm. A fucking arm. Apparently freshly torn from its owner. Oh, no. What did it do to his soulmate?
Somewhere else in the world, somewhere in the United States, Danny gasped in pain. What the hell? What was that? Ancients! Where is his arm?
Note: Sorry, I don't know English, so please use a translator. I apologize if you don't get the idea.
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biscuitsandwires · 2 days
In which Danny wakes up in a weird place.... again. (pt. 3)
(pt 1 here) | (pt 2 here)
The first thing that really gets Danny interested, and keeps him from just taking off through the nearest convenient wall, is that the guy's eyes are the same vibrant shade of green as his own.
Which is a halfa thing, right. It only really shows up whenever one halfa is in the presence of another halfa, and it really really only happens when they're more ghost than human.
Right now, in his intangible form, Danny's eyes are bright green. This guy's eyes are also green. But Danny gets the feeling that the tough guy with the red leather jacket doesn't actually know his eyes have turned brighter than a snapped up glo-stick, so he decides to take the easier, more pacifying route.
"I'm Danny!"
Well. Based on the unamused look on the guy's face, that was maybe playing a little too dumb. The guy asked what he was doing here, not his name. Duh, Danny.
"Alright, Danny. Why are you here? How did you even get in here?"
Gingerly floating a little closer to the floor (and taking note of the way the guy's hands twitch at his sides, the uneven bulges of cloth around his top of his belt meaning he could have anything hidden beneath that jacket), Danny shrugged.
"I just kinda... found it. Did you know there's a really really big cavern system underneath Gotham? I sure didn't!"
The guy's eyes squint, that green turning venomous. Danny started looking for potential exits, because while this halfa likely didn't even realize he was a halfa, he felt dangerous. Unpredictable. Danny didn't like unpredictable.
"Alright kid, I'll ask you one more time, okay? Then I'm gonna do something we both ain't gonna like. Why are you here?"
The "kid" ruffled Danny a little. Sure, he'd just turned 18 earlier that year, and sure he was just finishing up high school next month, and sure he didn't feel like as much of a man as he was told he looked, but hey!
"I don't really know how to explain it. I woke up in a mansion, the old guy told me a "Damian" took me there, and I ended up here. Other than that, I got nothing. Nada. Zilch."
The guy's face pinched, eyes closing and hands coming up to rub his temples like he'd suddenly gotten the world's worst headache.
"Damian... what the fuck."
"Well I wasn't going to leave him to die, Todd."
Both Danny and red leather jacket guy whipped around, finding a guy that was about two inches shorter than Danny, but looked about the same age. He stood in a brightly lit doorway that hadn't been there a moment ago, and Danny saw way as the guy walked forward and a sliding piece of wall came down to replace it.
"You're gonna get in so much trouble, you little asshole." 'Todd' snarked. "I'm stayin' out of it, you can deal with Bruce all on your own on this one."
Damian, or at least Danny was assuming this was Damian, just scoffed. "I am not worried about Father. Run along, go back to your Call of Duty or what the fuck ever. I need to speak with Danny."
'Todd' gave a lazy salute that turned into a middle finger, before turning and wandering off. Where to, Danny had no idea.
"You can come down now, Fenton."
His head whipping around, not for the first time today, Danny felt something like an eerie disquiet come over him as Damian stared at him with dark eyes.
"We need to talk."
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boowritess · 23 hours
part 1 hehe
notsobaddasssoldier!reader that is so incredibly under prepared for everything. and the 141 really do forget that you're actually still very green - very new to this life.
especially with things like interrogation.
for once, price is putting you on the sideline BUT you have to interogate the person they have captive for valuable information.
they'll give you whatever things you need in order to pry out any sort of information from the captive. they don't even second guess you asking for a guitar. they get one then they continue on with the mission while you interrogate the person.
their expectation may have been very high. they were betting on all the little fun bloody pain you could potentially do to the captive. seriously,
"knife, they're a knife person" *ghost*
"definitely not. fire. they're definitely using a blowtorch on em as we speak." *soap*
"sod of the both of ya - waterboarding. for sure." *gaz*
"choking." *price shrugs*
obviously, they were excited to come back and see who was right...
it really humbled them to see they were all wrong.
"please make them stop. i'll tell you whatever you want"
*captive yelling that can be barely heard over reader.*
"AHHHHHHHHHH *strum strum* AHHHHHH AHHHHHHH *strum strum* AHHHHHH-"
*reader who is loudly strumming the guitar out of tune, screaming in the captives' face over and over again.*
the guys don't know if they should be impressed or concerned. they were gone for nearly 5 hours.
5 hours you had been screaming in the captives' face 'playing' the guitar.
later on you get a lesson from ghost about what interrogations are supposed to be like - it ends with you vomiting and price patting your back and gaz holding a bucket to your mouth.
"what did you think was gonna happen when ghost showed ye what to do?" *soap*
"i don't know... go boo?" *scarred reader*
yeah... you're not allowed to do interrogations anymore or be involved in interrogations- you are also most definitely not allowed to talk to captives or guard them because -
"why're you doing this?" *captive*
"honest to god, i ain't got much goin' for me and i had hella stu-"
*reader's mouth suddenly gets covered, gaz looking at you like an idiot*
"hm? what is your little task force plan, huh? go on and blow the place?" *captive*
"well actually no. they plan too-" *your mouth gets covered just in time and you're getting dragged out the room by a very frustrated price*
you very much get ANOTHER lesson about what NOT TO DO when in the same room as a captive - it's pointless though because you're still not ever allowed in the same room alone with a captive.
i can't stop thinking of reader who is watching a captive be interrogated for information by getting choked and reader just piping up like
"i don't think they can breathe..."
*ghost, long exhale, continues choking captive*
"that's the point, kid" *price*
*they continue choking the captive, waiting for them to crack-*
"if they can't breathe how are they going to talk-?"
"out." *ghost snaps pointing at the door.*
maybe they do give you a second shot at attempting to interrogate the captive. the 'correct' way this time, though. giving you ALL the necessary tools...
and you are ready, you're pumped. you can do it. you're not going to vomit - you're going to do it right.
you grab the pliers and walk towards the captive who is obviously panicked, very much expecting you to do your worse. which you are.
you grab their mouth and force their mouth open, ready to pull their teeth out - sucking a deep breath in as the captive starts to cry and beg.
but then you start to cry and beg.
"please just tell me the information i don't wanna do this"
"you don't have too!" *captive, crying and begging too*
"i do! i'm sorry..."
"no." *captive*
"no" *captive starts screaming, making you start screaming as you pull on their tooth both of you staring at eachother and screaming your heads off.*
"STOP!" *captive*
"I CAN'T!" *pulls tooth with pliers* "EW EW EW EW-"
you don't even do it right. you're pulling at their tooth with pliers and you're not strong enough so you're awkwardly just tugging the captives head. but the both of you are too busy screaming and begging to notice...
but you actually manage to successfully get the information - you're still not allowed to do interrogations... only being the very last option.
it does mean that you have to go on missions... even if you're useless omg idea?
*gasp* someone claims reader is a traitor - oop?
more parts, perhaps?
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a/n: wrote this while trying to work through an anxiety/panic attack !! xx honestly tho these would be my genuine reaction. btw drink water and try sleep cause i can't xx
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gretavanlace · 2 days
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Softer, Softest
Josh Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: sexual content, language, slight angst, penetration, cockwarming, etc
Okay, the quickest of blurbs (under 1k) because I have neglected my josh lane lovelies so, so terribly. I received a request for bad day/comfort josh but now I can’t find the ask. Did I answer it and forget? Perhaps. Who knows? Anyway, this is just a fast fix, but I promise a full length josh fic is right around the corner ❤️
Josh is lounging across the living room couch, battered paperback in hand, when you push open the front door with a clattering of keys and the thunk of your bag hitting the floor.
”Stay there.” You implore, when he moves to stand in greeting. Just the sight of his face, so beautiful and bright-white love, has tears threatening in your eyes.
He notices right away, and his own eyes turn wide with concern, “What is it, dove? What happened?”
”Nothing.” You shake your head adamantly as you kick off your heels, leaving them where they don’t belong in a way you normally never would, “Nothing I want to talk about, anyway. I just had a shitty day, and I missed you.”
”C’mere, baby…” his voice is soothing, lulling you like a melody as he pats his thigh, “Come sit.”
Hiking your pencil skirt up enough to straddle his lap, you settle in against him with a sigh of content. He is warm, and he is home.
His palm strokes up and down your back, wrinkling the silk of your shirt under its weight, “I’m sorry you had a bad day. How can I help? Are you hungry? I could make you something. Or draw a bath with those salts you like, read to you?”
You shake your head against his shoulder with a heavy sigh, “No. This. I want this.”
”Alright,” you can hear the soft smile in his tone, he is pleased to be what you want in your moment of struggle, no matter how small.
Fingers crawling upward, he squeezes at the clip tucked into your hair and releases it, then scratches lightly at your scalp to give you a shiver.
”That feels nice.” You murmur, nuzzling into his neck until he is all you can smell.
”Here,” he whispers, gently nudging your shoulders, “sit up a little.”
You do as he says and study his lovely face as he concentrates on working the buttons of your shirt before pushing it off of you. Next pop the clasps of your bra, and the bliss of being free of it sends another delicate shiver undulating up your spine.
“There we go, dove.” He pets at your hair again and then pulls you back in, blunt nails lazily tracing your back until you feel like glittering liquid in his embrace.
”Thank you, Josh.” Your lips brush against his soft skin as you speak, “I’m sorry.”
”What are you sorry for?” He asks, matching your quiet as his hands continue to coddle you.
”For being a baby.”
”You are a baby,” he reminds you, words filled right up with love. “You’re my baby.”
Suddenly, your heart feels too big for your chest. How did you ever get so lucky? Do you even deserve him? Certainly not…no one does. “I love you. I love you so much. I just want to disappear inside you and live there forever.”
He laughs at this, that tiny giggle that melts you right down to your toes every time it peeks out, “Isn’t it usually the other way around? Me disappearing inside you?”
You giggle to match him, “Classy, Joshua.”
”I am but a caveman,” his fingers swirl circles into the dimples of your lower back, “a disgusting specimen of the lesser species.”
Another laugh flits off your tongue. You know he is trying to cheer you up, and as always…it’s working. “You are no such thing. You’re so good to me.”
A comfortable silence creeps in, but your mind is working overtime. His comment, me disappearing inside you, playing on an endless loop until you can’t stand it any longer.
”Hey,” your voice is meek, timid and unsure, as you toy nervously with the mala beads looped around his neck.
”Hmm?” He pecks a tender kiss into your hair.
”Am I really your baby?” Why do you feel so shy about this? Normally you’re adventurous and even more outgoing than he is, which is really saying something. But right now you feel…inexplicably bashful.
“Of course you’re my baby,” his lips are pressing kisses against your head again as he audibly breathes in the scent of your hair.
“Can you…” you twist those cool, smooth beads around in your fist idly, “I want…”
”You want what, dove?” He soothes your nerves with that loving lilt laced through his tone, “Tell me. I’ll make it happen. I’ll give it to you.”
”I want to be closer to you,” your words breathe into his ear just before your teeth sink gently into his silken lobe.
He knows. He somehow always knows.
“Lift up, baby bird.” His voice, rasping with subdued lust and stark devotion, needles at your heart until your head swims.
You rise up on your knees and watch on as he tugs your skirt up even higher and then pulls at the waistband of his pants.
You lovingly tease him about these khakis and their elastic waist. You call them his ‘dad pants’ just to watch him become uncharacteristically crass and grab his crotch with a ‘I’ve got your daddy right here, dove’. But right now? Right now you’re more than grateful for the lack of buttons and zippers for him to contend with.
With your gaze fixed on his gorgeous cock, he sweeps your panties to the side and eases you down onto it. Hissing as the heat of your cunt envelopes him.
”Is that better, baby?” He asks shakily, once you’re seated in his lap, filled up tight and snug with him.
You relax fully in his arms and it tugs at his heart-strings, making him even more completely fucking gone for you. He would set this whole world on fire if you felt even a little bit chilly.
A haunting, calming song begins to hum out of him, the vibration of it purring from his chest and straight into your heart.
”You sound so pretty,” you praise, cheek pressed just beneath his throat until the weight of the world seems to lift away and disappear.
”And you feel so pretty, dove.” He’s lightly scratching your back again, coddling you into a haze. “Softer than satin absolutely everywhere. Inside and out. Soft here,” the back of his hand brushes down your arm, “softer here,” his thumb kisses your lips, “softest here.” His hips lift ever so lightly.
Without waiting for a response, he begins humming to you again…guiding you gingerly into sleep while he rests, safely nestled inside you.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @sammiboo162 @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @lvnterninthenight @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @highladyofasgard @calumspretty @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal @starcatcher-jake @gretavangroupie @hugorobinson @jaketlove @josh-iamyour-mama @alwaysonthemend
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woso-soso · 7 hours
Missing Puzzle Piece
Mapi Leon x Reader x Ingrid Engen
Summary: Mapi and you have been together for years, what will happen when a new person makes an appearance in your lives.
Word Count: 3,639
I would love to talk to you all so please shoot a message my way letting me know what you think! This story is pretty much a prequel setting up for a small series following this trio, if you have any ideas for this series please share, all the angst and fluff are welcome!
Any time words are Italicized it indicates another language being spoken, in the case of this story it will indicate Spanish is spoken.
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You’d known María for years, having met when you were barely big enough to ride the fair rides that came into town every year. Meeting at a volleyball camp held at your town's community center, and while María thrived at it you found yourself cowering in the back. Shrinking further into yourself as you struggled to integrate into the game, finding yourself more so on the end of flying balls. Balls you weren't prepared to hit back, leading to more than one frustrated groan from the team you had been forced onto. By the time lunch had come around you were left to sit alone at one of the tables set up, that was until a wild haired girl came bounding over. A smile wide across her face as she sets her lunch down at the seat across from you. You hadn’t caught her name at introductions, having been more focused on not puking on your shoes then learning anyone's names.
“I’m María,” she said, her mouth full of food. “But everyone except my mama calls me Mapi.” 
You stare at the strange girl in front of you, her arms covered in doodles. Many of them being extremely detailed, maybe the two of you would have something to talk about after all. “I’m Y/N,” you whisper hoping the much louder girl will be able to hear you. 
“So why are you here Y/N, I mean not to be rude but like you seem to hate it,” Mapi remarks not looking up from the food in front of her as she continues to shovel it into her mouth at a speed that was honestly impressive. 
“My papa, he got the dates mixed up when registering. I was supposed to be at the art camp next week but now I’m stuck here instead.” You answer somberly. Your papa was doing his best, becoming a single parent suddenly hadn’t been the plan and the two of you took it in stride together. Even when he did mess up, at least he was trying. 
“So you like art,” Mapi’s interest piques as she finally slows down to look up at you. You nod softly as you pick at the simple sandwich in front of you. Something you had thrown together that morning because your papa had forgotten to pack lunch the night before. “What do you like to do?”
“Well, I like drawing. My papa just got me a ton of new pencils to try. But I also really like taking pictures. I have this film camera at home, papa says when it's full we can send it off to get them developed. Apparently it's a long process.” The camera had been something your therapist had suggested, she thought it would benefit your dad to see what piques your interest. Helping get inside your mind since getting you to talk was a challenge. “Do you like drawing,” you inquire hesitantly, looking again at the intricate doodles that covered Mapi’s arms. 
“I love drawing, my mama says I get ink everywhere but I like drawing on my arms. At least then I get to see them all the time.” Mapi’s answer intrigues you. You could see the cap of a ballpoint pen stick out the top of her shirt having been clipped inside to attempt to conceal it. 
“I like that,” you state, a soft smile crossing your face as you look Mapi in the eyes. Her own large smile somehow getting larger. 
“Come here,” Mapi says suddenly, “would you like some drawings of your own.” You nod cautiously, moving around the table to sit next to the taller girl. Wiping her hands on her shorts before grabbing the ballpoint pen. “Here, stretch out your arm,” her hand gently takes your forearm, extending it across the table so it lays flat palm up. The pen tickles, but quickly you grow used to it. Mapi works slowly, making small marks across your arm as you relax into the feeling. 
The rest of the day is less anxiety-inducing as you switch over to the same team as Mapi, her presence not only calming but protective as you were able to hide behind her. Avoiding any more unwanted contact with volleyballs. When your papa comes to get you you can see him eyeing the ink marks across your skin, a relieved smile crossing his face as he watches you wave to Mapi her matching ink marks clear on her skin. 
“So did you make a friend today?” He questions cautiously. 
“I think I did papa,” a bright smile appearing on your face for the first time in a long time. 
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“You got in!,” Mapi shouts gleefully, her arms wrapping around your body. The letter grasped tightly in your hand as happy tears trail down your cheeks. 
After meeting Mapi the two of you quickly became tightly bonded. Spending many evenings camped out in each other's bedrooms exploring different art mediums, a football game usually playing in the background as you talked softly. Mapi had always encouraged your photography, she insisted that while you were one for few words your photos always told a story. It was because of her that you got up the courage to apply to art school, the same art school Mapi had gotten into and while she chose to focus on football and not attend you knew it was still the best place for you. 
“I did it, I can’t believe I did it,” you mumble into her shoulder. Your tears leaving a damp spot on her shoulder. 
“I knew you could do it, your mama would be so proud,” Mapi whispers softly, her hand stroking your hair. A new wave of tears starting at the thought of your mama. She had been gone for so long yet it felt like just yesterday she had been showing you her own camera, a camera locked up safely in the attic. 
You pull away from Mapi’s warm embrace slowly, your arms staying connected around her neck. Your stomach twisting as you stare into her eyes, you knew you had feelings for her. It would almost be weirder if you didn’t, the two of you had been inseparable since you were small. You had been there for her through hundreds of football games where she dominated over the boys and she had been there for you while you displayed your photographs at various school events. She knew you front and back, like a book she had read a million times and you knew her the same. Before you can even think about what you're doing you lean in, Mapi making no move to pull away as your lips connect. 
Mapis lips are slightly chapped, yet taste like strawberry as if she had just applied chapstick. Her arms tighten around you, pulling you in closer as the kiss becomes more frantic. The pent up attraction between the two of you coming out full force. The sound of your front door closing being the only thing to snap the two of you apart. Your face most certainly flushed bright red as you stare at the carpeted floor under your feet. 
“I’m sorry,” you breathe, quickly wiping your face clean of any chapstick. The strawberry scent lingering. 
“Why?” Mapi asks quietly, leaning back on your bed. Watching you as your brain races a mile a minute. 
“I shouldn’t have just jumped you like that, I just… I assumed things and I’m sure they aren’t correct,” your voice cracks as you try to keep from crying. Embarrassment is clear on your face with your blazing red cheeks. 
“How do you know,” Mapi asks. 
“How do I know? Because come on Mapi look at you and look at me, it's silly to think we could be anything more than friends.” You mumble.
“Well firstly, best friends. Secondly, what do you mean look at you? You are the most amazing person I know, I’m honored you like me that way. I’ve liked you for a long time now, I just never had the courage to say anything.” The two of you sit in silence for a moment, Mapi’s words hanging in the air. 
“Really?” You whisper, turning to look at her. 
“Really,” Mapi says, her hand taking yours. 
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The two of you are practically inseparable after that, wherever Mapi goes you are sure to follow. For years you worked at small photography studios, focusing on simple family portraits, weddings, and other parties. But by chance there was a day you got asked at the last minute to photograph Atlético Madrid's game against Real Sociedad. Atlético’s regular photographer had fallen ill and of course Mapi took this as a chance to throw your name out there. Sure some of her teammates were aware of your relationship but that didn’t seem to be a hindrance as you trekked out to the sidelines of the pitch, camera and monopod in hand. The game goes well, except for the occasional stray ball you stay safely tucked away capturing the high emotions of the game. 
“Did you get my good side,” Mapi jokes as she approaches, her cheeks flushed from having just finished a full ninety minute game. 
“Now when did you develop a bad side?” Your eyebrows raise in question as you continue to pack up your gear, preparing for a long night at home editing.
“Just checking, just checking” Mapi smirks, hands raised in surrender as she turns to take off back towards her teammates. 
While that night is long. You curled up on the couch as Mapi’s head rests in your lap, her soft snores reminding you how late it was, your hand gently combing through her hair as you edit the lot of photos you had taken. Only finishing as the sun begins to rise, a nagging headache forming behind your eyes as you close your laptop. 
“Come on love, let's go sleep properly,” you grunt as you nudge Mapi off your lap. 
“What time is it?” Mapi groans as you drag her to her feet. Her eyes barely opening enough to see her surroundings. 
“It's either very late or very early, let's not think about it.” You say as you push her into bed, joining her on the other side. Burying yourself under the covers, hoping for at least some restful sleep. 
What you hadn’t expected to come from the game was a permanent job offer from Atlético. They insisted they needed a photography assistant and that if you wanted it you were more than welcome to have it. It wasn’t something you even need to consider, quickly accepting the offer on the table. In the three years you were with Atlético you learned as much as you could, following the lead photographer like a shadow. Getting to know the coaches and players, learning where to draw boundaries with Mapi, you may be together but you weren’t about to risk either of your jobs because of it. 
That's what made it so hard to leave, when Barcalona came knocking at Mapi’s door it would have been stupid to say no. But the dread of having to start over in a new city made you nervous. You were already away from home most of the time, only seeing your papa a few times a year. You had finally established a career in Madrid, but at the same time you knew you couldn’t be away from Mapi. The two of you moved in tandem for a reason, you were two pieces to the same puzzle. You would rather put your career on hold to be there for her then be in Madrid, alone. 
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Things fall into place easily in Barcelona, a job as an editing assistant for the men's team opens up only a few weeks after you move in with Mapi. Sure it wasn’t where your passion lied but it was something. 
“How are you settling in my love,” Mapi asks one morning as the two of you laid together in bed, the sun leaking in through the slightly open curtains. Her hand tracing shapes along your spine. 
“It’s okay, I wish I was with the women's team but it's okay, it's a start.” You knew deep down your only actual chance to work with the women's team would be if someone leaves, and who would leave working for the most successful team in the league. 
“It will happen one day, they will see just how talented you are and they won't be able to deny you the  job you want.” You appreciated Mapi’s optimism, she had always been your biggest cheerleader. Reassuring you throughout the years as the two of you grew and changed with one another. 
“Thank you my love, we can hope, but let's not get them too high.” You whisper softly, tracing the tattoos that cover Mapis arms only stopping once your alarm interrupts your morning peace. 
The two of you go your separate ways when you hit the gate at work, her slipping off to practice as you make your way down the never ending hallways. Passing offices of people important enough to have actual doors, eventually settling into your small cubical towards the back of the room. A place you can tuck yourself into and hide from the rest of the office. 
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This continues for years, Mapi and you continent in your relationship never really sharing it with others outside of your family and friends. Your social media staying very much private, especially as you start to get more attention from fans of the team for the photographs you take, having been promoted to the men's team head photographer. You were happy, sure you had hopes and dreams you were still working towards but you found yourself fond of the simple everyday routine that you and Mapi had formed. 
That was until you literally ran into a goddess. 
The tall dark haired beauty had exited the main conference room right as you were passing, not a chance for either of you to stop as you collided. The box of hard drives crashing to the ground as she grabs your arm to stabilize you. 
“I’m so sorry,” the brunette says quickly, a thick accent making it challenging for you to understand. Your limited understanding of English not aiding in the matter. 
“It.. is.. okay,” you stammer out, hoping you said something okay. The soft smile on the woman's face giving you some reassurance that you had. 
“I’m Ingrid, I just signed on with the women's team.” The woman you now know as Ingirid declares, her hand extended towards you. Your mind going blank as you gently take her hand. 
“I am Y/N,” you say with less confidence than her. 
“Well, it's very nice to meet you Y/N.” Ingrid declares, dropping your hand to bend down and retrieve the box you had dropped. Thankfully none of the hard drives had fallen out. 
And with that she was gone, your mind racing at warped speed. The tingle on your skin from where she had been holding your arm reminding you of the feelings that had coursed through you. A sudden wave of nausea washing over you as Mapi popped into your mind, your fun, sweet, goofy Mapi. How you could even think of another woman, one you don’t even know, one who will have to work with your LONGTIME partner. This sudden feeling of guilt settling into your stomach. 
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You avoid the topic with Mapi for the next few days, a weird silence falling over your shared apartment any time work is brought into the conversation. You know she can tell something is wrong, you can feel her watching you as you try to keep yourself distracted in the apartment. Being barely able to sit still for more than a few minutes at a time this sudden influx of anxiety being clear as day to anyone who knows you. 
It isn’t until one late night when you get home from traveling with the mens team that you and Mapi finally talk. She had stayed up late, catching you as you snuck in the front door.
“Please, my love, come talk to me. Somethings wrong, I can tell.” Mapi’s words make your heart ache, looking into her eyes you see someone who so desperately wants you to open up. Something that you had never seen before, up until now you and Mapi had never had issues communicating. Communication was actually one of the things the two of you pride yourselves on, something many of your friends were actually stunned by when they first learned how open the two of you are. 
You take your time to drop your bags, sliding your shoes off as you close the door behind you. The pit of anxiety growing more into a black hole. Sitting down next to Mapi on the sofa, not daring to look at her. The two of you sitting in silence for what felt like hours, Mapi’s hand gently grasping yours. 
“What is going on in your mind my love,” Mapi whispers softly as she tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I… I um, I met one of your new teammates last week.” You swallow, tears pricking at your eyes as guilt eats away at you. “She bumped into me in the main offices,” you whisper looking over at Mapi as she watches you intensely. 
“Did she do something to you?” Mapi asks, a hint of urgency in her tone. 
“Nothing bad I promise, she probably doesn’t even remember meeting me. But… when she held my arm to keep me from falling I got this feeling.” You turn away from Mapi again, not wanting to see the look on her face. “And I hate this feeling, it's a feeling I’m only supposed to have with you, yet my skin burned where she held it. I feel like I’m betraying you even though I haven’t done anything.” 
You don’t dare look at Mapi, her hand hasn't left yours and she never shifts further away from you. But this feeling of guilt settles in your stomach, the fear that she will be angry at you for your unwanted thoughts lingers in the back of your mind. 
“Who was it?” Mapi asks after a few long moments. 
“What?” The shock is evident in your voice as you snap your head to look at her. Having expected anger, not curiosity. 
“What is her name? Who is it?” She asks again, meeting your eyes, a soft squeeze of your hand reassuring you. 
“She said her name is Ingrid. I think she just signed on with the team.” Sharing the only information you had. 
Mapi takes a moment to process what you had said, gently wiping the tears from your cheeks as she takes you in. “It’s okay,” she reassures after a moment. “I am guilty of the same,” Mapis' words shocking you. 
“What?” You hiccup. 
“I have had the same feelings you have had for her, I’ve been struggling with them to my love. She is… enticing to put it simply. I don’t blame you for feeling this way about her.” Mapi’s words both alarm you and reassure you. You had felt some security in knowing that while you held these feelings there was no way you were going to interact with Ingrid again. But knowing that Mapi also held those feelings, for someone she is seeing everyday, traveling with, showering with. A sudden wave of fresh tears form in your eyes. 
“You… you like her too. Were you ever going to tell me?” You ask suddenly, pulling your hand away from hers.  
“Of course I was, it's not like I would ever dream of acting on those feelings. I was worried about you. You’ve been acting off.” Mapi defends. 
“I’ve been acting off because I find this person attractive, the same person you apparently find attractive. A person you will be spending time with, alone.” A tone that isn’t anger but more so anxiety present in your voice. 
“I’m not going to ever act on it, I love you, that isn’t changing.” Mapi insist. 
“But what if you eventually find you are loving her? She seems charming, pretty. What do I have to compete.” 
“You aren’t competing my love, there is no competition.” Mapi’s words hang in the air as you process all that has been shared. 
But what if you want to share? The thought of Ingrid making your heart flutter, not in the way Mapi makes it flutter but in a way that feels like she completed the puzzle the two of you were pieces in. Your love for Mapi hadn’t changed, it had only grown over the years, but the thought of Ingrid felt like your heart was whole. 
“What would you think if I thought dating Ingrid would be appealing, if I thought she would fit in well with us?” You ask hesitantly. 
“Are you asking if I would want to open our relationship?” Mapi asks. 
“Not open, it wouldn’t just be anyone. Just Ingrid.” You respond, watching Mapi out of the corner of your eye. 
“I… I wouldn’t be opposed, not if she would be okay with it. She would have to want both of us, I’m not losing you because of someone else.” Mapi whispers. 
“I don’t think you would have to ever worry about losing me.” You say softly as you place a gentle kiss on Mapi's cheek. “Let's think of it this way, if Ingrid shows any interest we consider it. But we will not tarnish us by seeking it out, okay?” 
“I’m okay with that,” Mapi agrees, her arms wrapping around you tightly as the two of you sink back into the couch. A million thoughts racing through your mind as everything that has happened catches up to you.
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kenntolog · 15 hours
Hiya I love love love cool boyfriend Sukuna really your write it’s wonderful it blows my mind soooo I wanted to ask if you could do something where loser gf gets stood up by her friends and doesn’t want to tell sukuna cause it’s embarrassing However, Sukuna notices her distress and takes it upon himself to cheer her up.
hope you’re great <3
𝝑𝝔 an: thank u so much darling!! sorry for any errors!! enjoy <33
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the ringing of the doorbell in the evening was kind of unexpected. jin looks up from his place at the table with a questioning glance, eyes averting back to the papers in front of him when sukuna silently jumps over the couch and walks to the door.
catching the sight of you through the peephole, he opens the door quickly, his typically blunt expression turning into one of confusion.
“what’re you doin’ here, loser?” he questions as he lets you in, eyes careful to observe your nimble figure, seeming even smaller.
you were supposed to go out with your friends, have fun, but seeing you standing on his doorstep with poorly concealed sadness over your features makes him even more suspicious.
“oh i just decided to head out early, wanted to spend time with you too!” you chirp with a small smile, fingers nervously threading through his, an attempt to make him hold your hand, a silent cry for his attention. “‘m really sorry for the inconvenience—”
“no, no, sweetheart, none of that,” jin’s hand suddenly appears on your shoulder from behind as you turn around to see the way he graces you with his warm smile, eyes turned into two pretty crescents. “it’s very good to see you.”
you bow respectfully, “thank you, itadori-san.”
sukuna quickly tugs you away from jin, waving him off with a roll of his eyes and a click of his tongue. something tells him that you aren’t in the best of moods; your shoulders slump no matter how hard you try to walk straight, your smile is dimmed, barely even there, and you seem to be pondering about something very very hard.
yuuji’s appearance seems to get a genuine smile out of you, though, his cheers and joyful giggles about your visit making you chuckle too. the little boy grips your hand tightly and wants you to play with him, but sukuna is quick to scold him, pushing his little head away in a light-hearted manner, because fairly speaking, he doesn’t want to let go of the opportunity to bug you about what’s happened. however, you give him a somewhat displeased look and he softens, promising his nephew that you will play with him a little later.
your unnatural silence brings out his worried side, the frown on his face deepening as he watches you plop onto his bed face first and sigh heavily.
sukuna lays down on his side, watching your back rise and fall rhythmically. but he hates that you’re not talking his ears off so obviously he breaks the silence first, voicing out his suspicions.
“they didn’t come, did they?”
you shake your head from side to side, simultaneously rubbing your face into his sheets before you settle on the side that if facing him. through the strands of hair messily draped over your features, sukuna is able to recognise the redness in your eyes and the glistening wetness of your eyelids. his frown only deepens further.
“they had more important things, it’s okay—”
“it’s not, but fuck them.”
you don’t say anything, one of your hands snaking closer to his chest, fingers toying the neat chain hanging from his neck. your lower lip juts out a little as you continue swimming in your own thoughts, not noticing how sukuna has become even closer, staring at you intensely.
“hey.” he mumbles quietly, hoping to gain your attention, but it fails so he barks instead. “hey!”
you jolt in your place as if electrocuted and he feels bad, scolding himself internally because you’re way too sweet for that, “huh?”
his palm cups your jaw, sharp fingernails digging into the plush of your cheeks slightly, and he pulls you in, lips moulding against yours. you sigh softly, right into the kiss, arm wrapping around his neck while his slithered around your waist to bring your body closer to his.
“d’you wanna watch a movie?” he mutters into your mouth when you gasp from sudden intrusion of his tongue. you kiss his lips separately, corners of your lips finally curling up in that timid smile he loves to see on your pretty face.
“can yuuji join us?”
“itadori-san too?”
“whatever you need to wipe that mopey look off of your face, loser. it doesn’t suit you.”
you giggle at his words, filling his ears with his favourite sounds momentarily. sukuna can’t help his own lips from trembling, an attempt to stop his smile from splitting his face in two. a failed attempt.
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ysrjune · 2 days
scott monroe fucking you in his bathroom during family dinner
He knows that I love him, got him fucking me raw
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I have a huge problem with taking lyrics from songs and making them titles 🙁 socks, ur so scrumptious for this request im gonna explode 😢
summary ✦ scotty getting a little 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 (sorry) during dinner.
You were currently speaking to Sam, your boyfriends twin, about planning something for his girlfriend over the summer because her birthday was around that time. Sam was throwing idea after idea at you, but you kept shutting them down because “you suck at making plans, Sam.” you giggled, and he scoffed. “Okay, so then why do you think im asking for help?” He responds and keeps babbling on. Scott, who was sitting next to you, had one hand on your thigh, and the other was gripping his fork so that he could eat whatever his parents made for dinner.
“Why don’t you just take her out to eat and then go out into the city to buy her stuff?” Scotty chimes in, covering his mouth while he talked and chewed at the same time. “Thats not thoughtful,” The boys’ mom interrupted. “Back when I was your age—”, “Mom, it's not the 1870’s anymore, I'm not gonna take her on like a carriage ride or something.” Sam mumbled a joke. “You're so mean.” Scott tells his brother with a smile. “Yes, you are.” Their father says and glances at his wife. “And wrong, too. Your mother was your age when the dinosaurs still existed.” Everyone laughed. You liked that Scotts family was able to joke around with each other like this.
about 20 minutes go by and you suddenly felt the need to go fix your hair. “I’ll be back.” You announced and stood up from your chair. Your cleavage was exposed right in front of Scotts face since he turned his head to slow after you said what you did. He glanced at your perfect tits and almost immediately felt his pants tighten. Obviously, he looked away quickly because his whole family was right in front of him, and if they saw him looking at you in such a way, he'd be so embarrassed and would want to die right on the spot.
You made your way to the downstairs bathroom to fix yourself up. A minute or two passed before you heard a quiet knock on the door. “What happened?” You asked Scott as soon as you saw it was him when you opened the door. “C'mere.” He turned the light off and led you upstairs to his room. He locked his room door and then led you to his bathroom and locked that doo, too. “Why are we here? And why did you lock the doors?”, “Because I dont need anyone walking in on me fucking you. Shit, baby. when you basically shoved your tits in my face, I got hard. Was so awkward for me cause Sam noticed how pink I got.” He mutters while removing the cute dress he bought you a few weeks ago. “Scotty, they're gonna find out..” you nervously say as he places you on the counter.
“I told them I needed to give you a gift. I said I was gonna tell you while you were in the bathroom and to come upstairs when you're done so I could give it to you.” Scott started to leave hickeys on your boobs and sucked on the soft buds of your nipples. His middle and ring finger traveled down to your soaked panties and pulled them aside to start fingering your puffy clit. “Always so damn wet for me, arent you, pretty girl.” Being with Scott meant you had to learn how to keep quiet when having sex. Or more like he taught you how to keep quiet. Either way, you needed to learn. Sooner or later, you were unbuckling his belt and undid the zipper of his pants and pulled his boxers down to reveal his pierced cock. You had forgotten about that. It's been a few weeks since you've done anything with him. Why? Because hes been so busy with family things. So have you, so there was never a good time to hangout.
Most times, phone sex was the solution, but be never face timed you because he never really thought about it. But here you are now, practically salivating at the sight of his pretty dick. “You gonna keep on staring or are you gonna let me ruin that pussy.” He whispers while looking into your eyes and slowly stroking himself. You look at him and only nod. Without warning, he inserted himself and was already thrusting in and out. “I missed you so God damn bad. I hated having to watch those videos we made instead of actually fucking you.” He talks while his speed picks up.
He let out a couple of moans in your ear since he's picked up the hint that you love when he lets out his pretty noises. he feels the same way about yours, but not when you're doing something so risky. he gets paranoid that everyone can hear, so thats why would had to keep silent. His eyes continued to watch himself slide in and out of your wet cunt. he enjoyed the slight noise of skin slapping against eachother and the way your pussy made the lewdest sounds when he started to pound into you. “scotty, ‘m gonna cum!” you whimper. “yeah? do it, then. show me how much you love me.” he talks you through your orgasm until he finally reached his as well.
he pants and watches the way his cum spilled out of your used hole with a smirk. he took his phone out and snapped a photo. “for later, yknow?” he kissed your soft lips.
It turns out he really did have a gift. A necklace with his name, and he had a matching one with yours. Before you left the room, you made sure you cleaned yourself up and made sure you still looked presentable. Nobody but Sam knew what happened.
“You're fucking nasty.” Sam tells his brother as if he hasnt done the same exact thing.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
@anakinstwinklebunny @anisangeldust @sockiess @erossmutt @rottencandyblood @radiantvader @catnipaddictt @haydensprettyprincess @freezerbride95 @starsfortaylor @maevesversion @emmaloo21 @starwarsbian @anakinsvault @torturedlovergirl @sammonroesslut 🌟
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martinmuhl · 3 days
• rivals? (part 2)
pair: kate martin x reader
warnings: SMUT !! minors DNI!
summary: you and kate had been rivals since high school and kate’s finally had enough
authors note: the long awaited part 2! i’ve never written smut before so i did my best lol don’t be too hard on me!! hope you enjoy :)
a few weeks later, kate martin was standing in front of you during warmups. you couldn’t take your eyes off of her. you knew that no matter how this game turned out, everything would change between the two of you. at first you weren’t sure if she had even remembered or cared about what had happened in the iowa locker room weeks prior. your confusion quickly faded though when in the first quarter, she looked at you and said, “good luck y/n, hope you saved some of that hatred for me tonight.”
the game ran smoothly, you guarding her all night and making quick comments to each other. your team ended up beating iowa by 3 points and you were wondering if kate would even be in the mood to see you now. taking off your shoes and quickly changing out of your jersey, you hear the door to your own locker room open and close. you turned around, seeing that you were the only one in the locker room until kate steps right in front of you.
“good game out there.” was all she said.
“thanks… uh you too.” you stuttered, suddenly feeling really nervous with all of her attention on you. you couldn’t even look at her when suddenly you feel her finger tips on your chin, pushing your head up to look at her.
“don’t think i forgot about what i said. i will handle you tonight… if you still want that of course.” she said, stepping closer to you. all you could do was nod, a vibrant blush spreading through your cheeks.
“don’t get all shy on me now, y/n. meet me at my hotel room in an hour, i’ll kick caitlin out. i’ll text you the address.” she says with a smirk, stepping back and exiting the locker room. you felt a pit of heat in your stomach thinking about what would happen in an hour. one thing you knew for sure though was that you weren’t this shy girl who was going to let kate off easy, you were going to make her handle you as hard as that was.
exactly an hour later, with the address kate texted you, you stood outside of her hotel room. right as you were about to knock, the door swung open revealing caitlin clark. she wore a smug smile as she looked at you. “hey y/n, what a surprise. take it easy on my girl, we still need her for the rest of the season.” she joked as she headed down the hall. laughing, you turned and saw kate in the doorway now, beckoning you to come in.
“i was nervous you wouldn’t show up.” she said, scratching the back of her neck.
“guess i just wanted to see if you could handle me as well as you say you can.” you shrugged, take a seat on the bed.
“you really want to do this with me? because after this everything will change and we both know that.” she asked, walking towards you. she now stood in between your legs, looking down at all.
“i want this more than you know.” you said, resting your hands on the back of her legs. on cue, she leaned down and kissed you. this was everything you had ever wanted, even if you hadn’t always known it. god, was she a good kisser.
standing you up to meet her level, kate pushed you back on the bed, crawling on top of you. “just so you know, i still hate you.” you said, in between kisses. she laughed and started taking off your shirt, then hers. she couldn’t keep her hands off of you, running them up and down your waist. you couldn’t help but arch your back at her touch. as she trailed kisses down your stomach, you moaned knowing what was coming next. she slid your shorts off, then your underwear.
“if hating me gets you this wet, i dont want you to ever stop.” she said, looking up at you before finding your clit and latching on. your back shot off the bed as you whimpered out, “fuck you.” she chuckled at this, continuing to circle her tongue around your clit, before inserting a finger into you. you moaned feverishly and cried out that you were close. her speed becoming faster as she kept on thrusting into you, hitting the right spot over and over again.
“kate i can’t take it anymore,” you whimpered, tugging on her hair.
“yes, you fucking can and you will,” she said, pulling her mouth away from your clit, but continuing to pump her fingers in and out of you. you could feel tears forming as your legs began to shake. finally giving you permission to come, her lips found your clit again as you rode out of your orgasm. you were panting now as she pulled out of you and hovered over you, planting a soft kiss on your mouth.
kate began to gather up your clothes, as you sat up. “are you not going to let me return the favor?” you were hungry for her. she stopped and smirked at you.
“next time.” was all she said.
“so there will be a next time?” you asked, feeling a swell in your heart and stomach.
she climbed back on the bed with you, kissing you slowly with more passion than before. “do you still hate me?” kate asked, cocking her head. you smiled and nodded.
“then there will be as many next times as it takes until i fuck all that out of you.”
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octohearts · 3 days
jace’s first kiss.
jacaerys velaryon x reader 𝜗𝜚
(in a jace era if you couldn’t tell :3)
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he knew he could’ve learnt how to kiss many moons ago but he chose to wait until he found someone he truly cared about. he had seen the sheer amount of people aegon shared company with; he never wished to end up like the drunkard.
however, he was running out of time. the day of his wedding was fast approaching and the more he thought about the embarrassment of not knowing how to kiss, the more it made his head spin. the more he thought about it, the more the stress weighed down on his chest. then his mind went to you… and your cheery smile when he saw you last.
he wondered if you had kissed someone before or possibly done something more? if so, who had you engaged in such acts with? and when did it happen?
however, when confronted with such questions by your betrothed, you couldn’t help but giggle. “my prince, i am loyal only to you. i am lacking experience as much as you are.” you smiled reassuringly, before taking jace’s hand into yours.
jace let out the air he had been holding his chest in anticipation. “that’s a relief…” he smiled slightly before continuing, “i was wondering if i may present a proposition for you, my lady.”
jace’s statement piqued your interest, “what proposition may that be?” you enquired, eyebrow slightly raised. “may i kiss you, y/n?” jace asked hopefully. the usage of your birth name had caused your heart to skip a beat in your chest. “yes.. my prince.” you muttered back shyly, your gaze fixated on his soft lips.
your heart pounded away in your chest as the prince drew nearer, it felt like an eternity of anticipation. jace’s hands slowly came up to cup your cheek, his thumb slowly caressing it. you noticed his flushed cheeks, it was reassuring enough to know that the prince may be just as nervous as you were; but thankfully it was him you were sharing such a precious moment with. you could feel his warm breath on your lips and suddenly he pressed his lips firmly against yours. his lips were indeed as soft as they looked…
unsure of what to do next, you allowed the prince to take the lead. one hand cupped your cheek and the other snaked around your waist to bring you impossibly closer. before you knew it, the prince pulled away and you both let out the air that you had been holding. matching flushed cheeks and your gazes fixed on one another.
“would you mind if we practiced more, my lady?” jace asked, his expression was hopeful. “i’d ask for nothing more.” you responded, a small giggle escaped your lips before you captured his lips in a sweet kiss, catching the prince off guard.
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coloursflyaway · 17 hours
i'm finally going through the comments on heaven to no one else but me (i'm so sorry for the delay, btw, but i was gone over the weekend and you guys were SO sweet that i wanted to take the time to reread everything and make sure i'd respond properly) and i just had A Thought.
i've been putting charles through the ringer lately, which i love doing, because that boy suffers so prettily. but how about a fic in which through magical hijinks charles loses his memory, and edwin is the one left behind?
and charles is like he always is, which is bright and happy and clever and wonderful, and he takes to edwin like he did last time ("so we're best friends? that's pretty cool, i never thought i'd get a best friend this clever! how do you put up with me?") and he's the same, but also, he's not.
because all the time they had together changed charles, just like they changed edwin, and there is something impossibly nostalgic about seeing charles like this, like a snapshot of thirty years ago, but at the same time, it's the most painful experience of edwin's life, because charles has forgotten everything about what made them them.
the synergy isn't there anymore, the ease they usually move with together, the references to older cases and the inside jokes they have.
one time, edwin holds out his hand on instinct; charles asks, "huh? what do you need?" instead of putting their magic screwdriver into it.
edwin doesn't do it a second time.
and there is a beauty, maybe, in watching charles get to know him again, but god, it breaks edwin's heart every second of the way.
and they go through remedy after remedy and nothing works, and edwin has to face the possibility that he might still have a best friend, but he'll never get His Best Friend back, and it's not enough to destroy him, because charles is still there, but god, it is close.
(charles, at the same time, is baffled by everything edwin knows about him and how close they must have been and is this really everything, is edwin keeping something from him? did they - he can hardly think it, because surely it can't be true, this doesn't happen to him, he's not worth of this happening to him - kiss? is this why edwin looks at him so dejectedly when he thinks charles doesn't notice?)
and charles keeps asking questions, like he is trying to figure something out, until one day, he kisses edwin. straight on the lips, a hint of a question in the curve of his mouth, and edwin is both overwhelmed and devastated, because this is what he had been hoping for before charles had lost his memory, and yet he cannot enjoy it now, because it's not His Charles; and yet he cannot pull away, because it is Still Charles and edwin loves him in any way he can.
it feels like cheating somehow, but what if he'll never get charles back, what if this is all that is left of their friendship now?
so he kisses back anyway, and when charles smiles against his lips, edwin thinks maybe, just maybe, it could be okay.
only that a few days, or maybe a few weeks later, something happens and charles suddenly looks at him and he's Back, edwin can see it in his eyes, and -
-and how can he explain this to charles now, that he let himself be kissed by charles when he was not himself, how can he look charles in the eyes when he knows that he has taken advantage of him like this, has he gotten his best friend back now only to lose him again because he couldn't control himself around charles and-
-and charles smiles at him, says, "hi. good to be back. i missed you."
and he takes edwin's hand, who still cannot speak, cannot think, and presses a kiss to the back of it.
"guess i just had to start all over again to realise i could absolutely fall in love with you, huh?" he says, and he looks at edwin like he used to a week ago, like he used to a decade ago, and edwin is crying before he knows it, fingers curling around charles' to hold onto him.
"did you?", he asks, and charles just laughs, sweet and happy and safe.
"oh absolutely. although i think i might have started thirty-odd years ago."
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ichatake · 2 days
Uchihas reacting to “I hate you”s
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Request are open! Request rules here!
Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha
Warning: slight angst, nothing else.
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Obito Uchiha (Villain)
✧ “I hate you,” he stood there, his expression unwavering as your voice seethed with anger. Your voice could cut through thick glass as you shouted at him, but he felt nothing whatsoever. Even as your eyes bore into him, filled with a hatred so intense it could burn a hole through his soul, it wasn’t directed towards him. No, not ever. Yet despite the venom in your words, he didn’t flinch. Instead he listened intently, his expression indifferent. “That’s okay,” he responded, his voice devoid of any apparent emotion. In any other scenario, he would’ve crumpled under the weight of your vitriol, weeping and pleading for an explanation as to why you might hate him. But not now, because he already knew why.
✧ He knew how you mourned him for years, believing him dead and gone, only to find out the hard way the reality. He knew you visited his grave, and wished that you were in his position. He knew that your trust—your perspective of reality had been shattered the very moment his mask fell from his face. With a heavy heart, he continued “I would too,” his gaze never left yours, watching as tears streamed down your reddened cheeks. It had been years since he’d seen you this close, yet you looked young and pretty. The prettiest he’s ever seen you, even with tears glistening on your pretty face.
✧ “I hate you so much,” your voice cracked with pain and resentment as you spoke to him. Your Obito. The revelation that he was still alive, but causing so much pain and suffering shattered your world, leaving you emotionally fractured. “Why? Why do all of this? Why hurt so many?” You ask, searching his face for remorse but finding none, “Because this world is broken,” he answers steadily, his voice awfully gentle to you. “You have nothing in this reality,” his arms open, showing you the distress and chaos that is currently occurring around you. He wanted you to see how your comrades laid lifeless—to make you understand that you lost your friends, your family, your ‘happy ending’. “ Let this happen, and you will be forever happy,” he pauses briefly, searching for the right words to say. He chose his words carefully, locking eyes with you, “With me. With a better version of me. One that will keep you happy for the rest of your life,” Despite your heart-wrenching cries, he did nothing to stop this war. As you wept before him, he knew your pain would be temporary. He knew that once his plan took action—the infinite Tsukuyomi—you would find happiness. Even if you hate him now, he reassured himself, you wouldn’t think the same after his plan was completed.
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Obito Uchiha (Shinobi)
✧ Obito, a strong and beloved jonin from the Leaf village, stood there, his chest tightening at the words that just came out of your mouth. His expression shifted as his mind struggled to comprehend what you had said. Suddenly, without a second thought, his words slipped through his lips as he tried to make sense of what you told him, “What… did you say?” he asked carefully, his eyes frantically darting over your face as if searching for an answer. You met his gaze, repeating your words with unwavering conviction, “I said, I hate you,”
✧ As you repeat yourself, Obito’s heart sank to the bottom of his stomach, his throat constricting as it became harder to breathe. He could handle any other response, any other thing you could have said, but hearing your harsh words was almost too much for him. “Why? What did I do? I don’t understand,” he manages to ask in desperation, trying his best to move closer to you. His heart clenched and turned inside his chest, and he boiled with fear. He loves you! He loves you to the moon and back! Why would you say that you hate him when he eats, sleeps, and breathes for you? You were his everything, so how could you hate him when he loved you so dearly?
✧ “Because you never notice how much I try for you. You’re always looking for Rin’s approval, and what about me? I’m left in the dark with nothing. I’m done with you. I’m done with trying to make you realize I’ve been in love with you for years,” you pour your heart out to him, desperate and hurt, and that’s when he realizes what this was about. Though his heart slightly fluttered at your revelation, he still felt awful for the way you were feeling all this time. The tingling sensation in the back of his mind kept bothering him as he examined every inch of your expression. “That’s… why?” He asks with a drop of his shoulder, sighing in pure relief at your confession, which only fueled the burning anger inside you. “I thought it was for something else I might’ve done… (Y/N), I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but I’m in love with you,” his confession caught you in surprise, his voice revealing his true feelings with no hesitation. What once was nervousness and anxiety had now been replaced with determination as he yearned to seek for a solution. It was true, he was deeply in love with you, but people still thought he had something for Rin when he didn’t. However, he did hide the fact that he liked you out of fear of another rejection. With Rin, he handled it well, but with you? He wouldn’t be able to take it. “I’m sorry if I ever made you feel horrible. I’m sorry I never noticed, and I’m sorry I hid it from you for so long. I love you, over anything there is in this world. The only thing I want is you, always and forever you,”
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Madara Uchiha
✧ “I hate you,” your words felt like a slap to the face, making Madara turn around to face you swiftly. Although his face was deemed expressionless, his body tensed and tightened the more he processed your words. He had obviously been taken aback by your audacity to say such things, but he tried his best to hide his discomfort. With arms crossed over his chest, he scoffed and parted his lips, ready to give you a piece of his mind. “Get over it, woman,” he snarls at you with authority, and slight annoyance. You, his wife, should never say that to him. He’s given you everything; a home, a family, and more importantly, love. “You are acting like a child over something that should have never pestered you in the first place,” although your words had not hit him hard when you first spat them, they started to annoy him the more they set in, “If you hate me, why even decide to say yes when I proposed? If you are going to bother me with such nonsense, I will not bother with you,”
✧ His words were meant to hurt you as much as you hurt him, and when he notices the pain in your eyes, he’s satisfied… until he’s not. Until that annoying tingling feeling lingers under his skin as he watches your eyes brim with tears. The tingling feeling that pulled on the tendons of his heart any time you cried was crawling under every inch of his body. “Oh please, do not start with the tears,” he groaned in annoyance, but the salty tears were already streaming down your puffy cheeks. Despite this, he didn’t move an inch to comfort you, but watched you as you cried for a couple of minutes until he released an exasperated sigh. “Why? Why do you care so much for those people when all they have done is hurt you?” He asks with irritation, referring to your clan members who’ve hurt you in the past. He has said something out of line, and you argued with him about it, which ended you two up here.
✧ “Because we should be better people than them. Violence should never be the answer,” you sniffle with clenched fist, “But that is something you seem to never stop thinking about,” you admit, trying to hold in your tears. You didn’t want to keep crying like this in front of him. You wanted to be strong, “And if you think I am such a burden, then why keep this ring on my finger—,” you were surprised when his fingers wrap around your wrist to stop you from taking off the ring he had gifted you the night he proposed, “Because I know who I married. The same nagging woman I am with now, is the same nagging woman I fell in love with. If I had any regrets of marrying you, you would be back in your clan,” he scoffs and pulls your head to his chest with an annoyed expression “I love you, you stupid woman,” to any other person, your relationship might’ve seemed strange, but to you, this moment showed you just how much he truly loved you. Even if he has weird ways of showing it.
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Shisui Uchiha
✧ Wait, he didn’t quite hear you well. Wait, what did you say? He turned towards you with a raised brow, his mouth slightly parted as he tried to figure out if you had said what he thought you said. Noticing his lost expression, you had no choice but to repeat yourself, much to your annoyance “I hate you,” this time, he did hear you. Loud and clear. To him, it felt like he took hours to respond to you, but in reality, his answer left his mouth almost immediately, “No you don’t,” It wasn’t meant to be cocky, it just sounded like it was. At least, to you it sounded cocky, and it made you even angrier with him. It annoyed you that he never took you seriously, “Oh, so now you think you know how I feel, do you?” you spat at him, hands clenching into tight fists as your eyes locked intensely, “You never care about anything! You come home and sleep and don’t even have time for me. I know you have a hard job, and I don’t expect you to be there at my beck and call, but at least asking me how I am would be enough,” you stressed, waving your arms frantically around you in desperation. You had been like this all week, stressed and unable to talk to anyone, because the only person you could ever rant and banter about things that bothered you in life was barely there for you, and when he was, it was like he wasn’t! He would barely listen to you anymore, and would expect you to listen to him. And you did, you always did. But you wanted something in return, and that was a sliver of his attention.
✧ “You're telling me you hate me over something so little?” he asks with furrowed brows, making you even more annoyed, “Over something so little?” You repeated through gritted teeth. His face, for once, contorted into one of annoyance, something you had never seen on him before, “Yes! Little! Because you know how my line of work is! You know that I barely have time to sleep, let alone waste my time with useless banter!” You were left speechless, standing in front of him with hurt eyes. “Yeah, useless. You’re right. Because my feelings don’t matter,” you scoff, “That’s not what I—” you interrupt him by turning away, tears forming in the corner of your eyes as realization finally hits him. You weren’t trying to waste his time, you just wanted to spend time with him. He had been so lost in his work, so busy caring for himself that he completely neglected you.
✧ “Oh darling,” he takes your hand again, a frown painting his face, “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean any of the things I said. I’m just stressed out. Everything's happening so fast, and the clan isn’t helping at all.” he sighs and pulls you in towards him, engulfing you in his tight embrace, yet you didn’t say anything, “I know I’ve been neglecting you, and you deserve better. Please, let me make it up to you,” he whispers into you hair as he lowers down to kiss your head, “I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t have you by my side,”
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Itachi Uchiha
✧ “I hate you,” you mumble under your breath as you look at your lover. No, he wasn’t your lover anymore. He had left the village years ago, leaving you behind with a broken heart and a broken image of him. He was a monster who murdered his entire clan, and even though he had left years ago, he still looked the same as when he was still in the village, with only one difference. Those eyes. Those red eyes that stared deep into your soul. They terrified you. The eyes that you once loved and cared about so much looked down at you with no emotion. They were empty. They were dark. They were hurt. “I hate you, for everything that you did,” you pushed him, backing away from him with angry eyes. His cloak told you everything you needed to know. He was part of the Akatsuki, he was the enemy now. He was a traitor, and although your words were meant to hurt him, he closed his eyes and nodded, understanding your hatred towards him. “I understand,” he says in such a soft voice. His voice that you missed so much.
✧ You didn’t understand why he came to visit you. Why come in the middle of the night to see you? Why? Why waste his breath coming back to see you when he knew you wanted nothing to do with him? Because this would be his final goodbye. There were only a handful of people Itachi cared for—Two, to be exact. His brother, and the love of his life. He knew that soon he’d perish, and this was the final time he would ever see you again. Not that it mattered. He tried not to think about it, thinking it would make things worse. It would be better if he never came to see you, but his heart got the best of him, and so he sat there at your window, looking at you for one final time.
✧ “You don’t,” you clench your fist, hurt by his mere presence, “I don’t want anything to do with you, and I will report you to the higher ups. Unless you came here to kill me, which I don’t doubt,” you were defenseless, but you wouldn’t go out without a fight. Never. You would fight until the very end, but soon you realized he wasn’t there to kill you. “I have no need for that,” he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, “I came by my own selfishness. I don’t expect you to understand, and I accept your hatred, which I deserve,” he looks at you, red eyes burning into yours, “I simply wanted to see you for a final time,” he smiles and reaches out for you, pushing your hair out of your face, “My love,” and with that, your vision goes black as your consciousness slips away from you. You would wake up the next day tucked into your bed with a necklace tucked tightly in your hand.
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Sasuke Uchiha
✧ Words never hurt this Uchiha, he was used to every awful thing anyone could throw at him. He cared too little about anything and everything, and that's what you hated the most about him. He barely cared about anything you did or said, at all times. He didn’t care how you looked because he never complimented you, he didn’t care how you acted because he barely spoke to you. You felt like you were in a relationship with a ghost, in fact, the comparison was not even close, because dating a ghost would be ten times better than this. And with every passing day of being emotionally neglected by your partner, today was no different. He was back in the village, and instead of coming to you first—to his home—he decided it was better to meet with Naruto and Sakura over seeing his wife who waited patiently everyday for him. You questioned if the ring on your finger meant anything to him at all at that moment. Despite this,
✧ When he got home, you were so happy, yet he showed no sign of interest in anything you did for him. You cooked and he ate, saying nothing about the taste of your new recipe. In fact, he seemed like he didn’t notice that you had learnt to cook a new dish just for him. Even so, you shrugged his annoying attitude off and asked about his day instead. Your question seemed to annoy the tired man as he became uninterested in mid conversation. When you asked him what was wrong, he shrugged you off. You kept questioning him until he snapped at you, telling you how you were annoying him with all your worries. This had been the final straw. You always gave everything in the relationship. You understood he wasn’t the best at showing his emotions, but it didn’t mean he could act like he didn’t care about you. Like you were nothing. The argument got heated and it ended up with you opening your mouth without thinking. “I hate you!” After your words fell out of your mouth, the room fell silent. He who had been looking away from you, had now turned his full attention towards you, “You don’t mean that, stop being dramatic,” the sight of him rolling his eyes hurt you more than it ever did. “You don’t care about anything, Sasuke. I do everything to try and please you. I could even say I live for you, but it’s never enough! You don’t take a sliver of your time to appreciate me. You think I have to be there for you whenever you need me, but can just leave whenever you want!” you yell, hitting the wall in frustration.
✧ “You don’t care about me! You don't love me anymore!” you were in a current state of pure anger, letting out everything you ever wanted to say to him. This makes him stand up and walk towards you, taking your wrist in his hand. You look up at him, tears of frustration prickling in the corner of your eyes. “If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t have married you. You mean a lot more to me than you think. I… I’m sorry if I don’t show it,” he sighs, “I love your cooking, I love your stories—I love hearing about everything that happened throughout your day. You’re the only thing I can think about when I’m away,” he lets go of your wrist and places a hand on your cheek, “Don’t hate me, because you’re the only important thing in my life. You’re my wife, and I…” he stops himself, trying to build the courage to complete his sentence. A small blush decorates his cheeks before he sighs, “I care for you a lot,” your husband wasn’t perfect, but you still loved him a lot, and you knew he loved you too.
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