#it was the middle of the night
dumbtsun · 10 months
oh to kiss a boy in all the places he spent his childhood as he shows you around his hometown
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the curse of summer is buying and eating an inadvisable amount of fruit in single sittings.
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rhinestonesox · 2 months
When Senshi was young in the dungeon the majority of the adults he were with ostracized him. All except Gillin, who died to make sure Senshi had something to eat: unseasoned boiled meat that may or may not have been one of their comrades.
It really puts into perspective why he was so nurturing towards Chilchuck. When Chil reveals he’s 28 to the party, Senshi responds by telling him that he thought he was older. Senshi was in his 30s when he and his comrades got trapped in the dungeon, so it’s safe to assume that he thought Chil was at a similar age.
He met a young boy who was, from his perspective, forced to do dangerous work in the dungeon just like he was, and so, Senshi made an effort to look after Chilchuck in the same way Gillin looked after him.
Mind you, when Senshi was young in the dungeon he had to starve for weeks, eat the horse he loved, and finish it off spending the next i don’t know how many years wondering if he committed cannibalism.
Senshi understands first hand the value of nutrition and proper eating, so when he’s with the party he makes an effort to make sure they’re all eating a full and balanced diet. Not only that, but Senshi INVOLVES them in the process of getting food to eat, always preparing it in front of them and narrating every ingredient in the process so that there’s no doubt about what they’re eating.
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cryinganabell · 4 months
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She looks goofy
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freitag1607 · 5 months
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1.05 / Battle of the Labyrinth
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The moment FNAF movie Vanessa knew she fucked up
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pomegranatevampire · 8 months
FNAF fanart in 2023? more likely than you think. 13 year old me would be very pleased with this development.
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(I need him)
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wu-does-art · 3 months
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coming out as a "Will snores obnoxiously loud" and "Nico breaths so quietly you can barely tell hes alive" truther
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kathaynesart · 3 months
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It is done! I feel both like I spent far too much time on this update yet not nearly enough. Some poses are a bit stiff but hopefully the battle itself still reads. I know not much progress was made plot wise, but trust me, there’s a few things in here that are going to become very important much later on in the story.
Leo’s Ninpo: The keen reader might recognize that a number of Leo’s attacks are ones he picked up from Gram Gram, but with a bit of that added portal flair. I really wanted to push the boundaries of where he takes his skills, but stay true to the belief that rather than becoming a heavy hitting powerhouse like his brothers, his strength lies in his ability to calculate and react on the fly. I also wanted to give some level of limitation to each of their gifts. For Leo, it’s less the number of portals he creates that exhaust him, but rather the size and amount of energy that passes through these portals and his ability to keep them stable during the transaction. He has also become much better at keeping his portals well protected (so that portal pirates can not interfere or rather, so that the pirates aren’t killed by stray laser beams rushing through). As far as the Portal Choppers, we’ll be coming back to those and how they work later on in the story…
As always, thank you for your patience, hopefully the next one won’t take as long to create haha.
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danielcalmdown · 4 months
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a russian meme that appeared in my dream
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littleogreboii · 8 months
i see a lot of people talk about edward being disabled in fma, but it's less often talked about how alphonse is also disabled. i think it's partially because alphonse doesn't experience physical pain like edward so for a majority of the series, he's not having any of those kind of symptoms, but he is still disabled. also because alphonse's experiences are unique. like you don't see ant walking, talking suits of armour in real life (unless they're piloted by a human being physically inside them) and in world, there are about 3 others like alphonse).
alphonse is dependent on edward's survival to function. after fighting scar for the first time, alphonse is literally in pieces. he can't walk or anything until edward is in a position to fix him. similarly his body is dependent on nutrients from edward's body. like there's the point towards the end where edward gets impaled and alphonse collapses. furthermore, these periods where alphonse collapses start to become debilitating towards the end of the series and massively alter his daily living.
also, alphonse constantly talks about how upsetting it is for him to not feel any physical sensations. yeah, he's not feeling physical pain, but he's also not feeling the warmth of a fire, the sun on his face, or the fluffiness of the cats he keeps petting. he talks a lot about not being able to eat or sleep, and how there's a lot of foods he wants to try.
there's another thing that highlighted by edward at one point. alphonse's body doesn't regenerate at all. the parts scar destroys are gone forever; edward stretches out the metal that alphonse has left to repair his body. and obviously human beings don't regrow limbs, but imagine if your skin didn't ever heal over a cut. how long would your body last?
also alphonse gets told several times that his body is great throughout the series, and he literally argues against it every time, because to him it is shit. like he is missing some of his senses just for some supposedly immortal body that isn't even immortal.
even once alphonse gets his own body back, the amount of physical therapy the boy has to go through. his body has essentially been doing nothing and only receiving what nutrients it can get from edward for years. by the end of the series, he's still using a cane as a walking aid. it's unknown whether he requires that cane for the years to come, but for at least a period of time he requires a mobility aid. I don't know enough to say what effect muscle decay from inactivity and severe malnourishment during a major portion of his teenage years would have long term.
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supurrb · 7 months
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he keeps knocking this chair down due to being TOO big to be on it but by god will he keep jumping up anyways
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the-raindeer-king · 3 months
Price is the kind of guy that'll wake up ten minutes before he has to, just so he can cuddle with you. If he doesn't immediately fall back asleep, he'll take the time to memorize your face, maybe whisper sweet nothings to you. Those ten minutes get bumped up to twenty if he's going to be deployed soon.
Simon spends the whole night spooning you, one of his huge hands on your chest. He can't sleep unless he can feel your heartbeat. It helps him relax, a reminder that you're safe, that he's safe. When he has nightmares, it's your heartbeat that he checks for first.
Johnny's always asleep before you are. Maybe you work different schedules, maybe you have insomnia. Whatever it is, it means Johnny's fast asleep by the time you climb into bed. Regardless of this, he's always pulling you closer. He's never awake when he does this, not even conscious of his actions. But he's got to have you close.
Gaz runs hot, and when y'all fall asleep cuddling, someone always ends up sweaty and uncomfortable. So, on the nights where it's just too hot to cuddle, he'll fall asleep with his hand somewhere on your body. Your thigh, your arm, your tummy, wherever he can reach that night. Just a reminder that he's there, and he's got you.
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autistook · 2 months
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Dom Monaghan and Billy Boyd on Merry, Pippin and the Ents, the Two Towers, Cast Commentary
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sangpires · 9 months
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there are some visitors at your campsite...
limited time stickers!
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swimmingclass1978 · 1 month
What if reg was an animagi and he could turn into a duck.
Imagine walking down the hogwarts corridor and you see james and sirius being chased by a duck with a wand in its mouth.
Idk just something about fussy duck reg sitting on top of james' head quacking at everyone
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